what can you get when mixing lead (II) acetate solution and sodium chloride solution?it's equation involved? You have two ionic substances it will undergo a double displacement reaction.\nPb(C2H3O2)2 + 2 NaCl --> PbCl2 + 2 NaC2H3O2\n\nNow since Lead(II) acetate Sodium chloride and sodium acetate are soluble they break up in water and the net ionic equation is\nPb2+ + 2 Cl- --> PbCl2\n\nPbCl2 or Lead (II) chloride is the precipitate formed and it's generally yellowish.
I have never seen video of the Confederates firing on Fort Sumter to start the Civil War. Bush's fault? (not so much a stupid left wing question this time as a stupid left wing CONSPIRACY question) haha... I like how you set this up. At first i was thinking they didn't have video in the 1800's. what the hell is he talking about... The Bush's fault? cracked me up.
Sawney? Sorney? Sauney? Anybody can help out with this word please? My 86 year old mother born in Wales used to describe people who were akin to idiots or imbeciles as Sauney although the exact spelling is unknown. Everyone I have asked about this has never heard of the word or any of its possible variations. Is anyone aware if this is a proper word ( regional slang or otherwise )? Thanks It's usually Sawney and is a first name a variant on AlexanderSawney Been was a legendary Scottish bandit and supposed cannibal.He and his tribe/family lived in isolation and were supposedly very in-bred and therefore I guess stupid.
Was Joseph smith a free mason? WOW. Ahhh just so you know most Masons are NOT Mormons. I am a Mason and have been for years. I have met many Masons and none of them are Mormons. I have met Christian Masons Jewish Masons and Muslim Masons.\n\nJoseph Smith WAS a Mason and I believe he borrowed quite a bit of his prophecy from Masonic ritual. We Masons do not adopt any religion as part of the fraternity because each member is to worship in his own faith. We are not a religious organization.\n\nIf you have any more questions about Freemasonry and want the answer from a real Freemason please feel free to contact me.
do you THINK it is POSSIBLE to..........................? be with one person for the rest of your life? never ever wanting anyone else?\n\ndon't we all want something at some time? It's possible to be with one person and never HAVE anyone else. I very much doubt that one would never WANT anyone else. \n\nVariety is the spice of life.
difference between HRD & P&A? department functions HRD covers the whole gamut including P&A (personnel & administration) plus the aspects of staff development training and retention etc.
a met a guy on net.........? he asked me fr my pic bt i refused as it seems quite early to me.\nhe wanna meet me bt i fear meeting him .i fear being cheated. bt even i m curious to see him.\n\n\nhe chatted decently and his talks took my heart away?we jst had one chat only.\nwat shud i do? as the every next chat will develop my feelings fr him strongly?but i cannot even meet so early?\ni dont wanna lose a sweet frend bt i fear being betrayed by him?\nhelp me.plz. You have only talked to this guy once. More importantly he has only talked to you once. There is no way you have feelings for this guy. There is also no way he has any for you. It sounds like an act of desparation to me. If you must continue to talk to this guy take it VERRRRRRRRRY Slowly and for god's sake be careful!!
can i know where to buy nice dinner dress? r u realy supposed to ask this type of question in this category.\n\nanyways may be u shouldf try our next door market place.
have you ever stuffed your bra to make your boobs bigger? Only as part of a Halloween costume. I was Wonder Woman. It was so funny. I used a water balloon WAY before there were water bras.
Have you ever met your dream hottie celebrity? Who was it? I haven't met mine sad sad what about you? no but if i could it would definately be those hottie gottis =)
how can i see my photos in my cell phone? i have yahoo id in that sait i have some photos i want to acctiveat with my cell phone it is passble? how can i do it? The question is: How can I see pictures of YOU in my cell phone! You are absolutely stunning.
ive been drinking every night since my girlfriend left me? everynight i go home and drink cause of the break up of my girl that i love so much but i know i cant go on doing this to myself its hard after 3 years hopefully its not the end but if it is ill have to just man up yeah destroying your liver will bring her back and bring you happiness.... good job. Be happy and healthy because if she is going to come back then you are killing yourself for nothing. And if she is never coming back then you are still killing yourself for nothing.\n\nMaybe it is time to focus on career or other goals? Your liver will thank you for it... and you will probably be less insane for it.
How can I find the picture of the newborn turtle that was on Yahoo most viewed photos yesterday? It was a pic of a newborn endangered turtle sitting on top of someone's finger. I found it 22Jun2006 on My Yahoo under the most emailed or viewed pics. I think it was from a different country and in a zoo. Check out the link below :) Hope that helps!
can Diabetes be reversed ? There is a possibility try following the protocol at the site below.
Who will the Lakers aquire in 2006-2007? A REAL point guard.\n\nSmush Parker was the worst in the league and need an upgrade. Getting Jordan Farmar would be a nice pick up for them in the late first round of the draft. He is from UCLA and is more of a distributor rather than a scorer. He would let Kobe do his thing.
Hi everybody i need a hindi translator in dubai who can do hindi translation can anyone help for this? dude ur ques is incomplete...\nhindi tranlator from and to which lang???
i got a ticket in another state and did not pay all of it will it effect my registration in my new state? i lived in that state and the day i was leaving i got the ticket already have my new license in my state i am in now... also would it effect me getting a passport Depends on the state you got the ticket and the state you moved to. some states communicate with each other and some states don't. for example Louisiana doesn't care but Texas will suspend your license if you don't pay a ticket in California. I drive a truck cross country trust me on this one. also is the ticket for a moving violation (speeding running a red light?) or parking ticket? if not a moving violation then don't worry.
...ok done! I just finished another skyscraper on Mars. Send me $77 billion; I'll make you one on Saturn... Any takers? The price is 77% off. Normally I charge $100B per skyscraper. But you look like a nice person. What the heck I'll throw in a free antenna tower. And don't forget the $10M payroll advance for my Saturnian workers. I don't just pay them with my good looks you know.... =) I bid on it but did you make the one I asked for on Uranus yet?\n\nTheyre getting impatient!
is god of heaven represented as one as h? then he exists in the form of Me and/or the EMPEROR. What? Put the bong down!
I have daily headaches some are extremely bad w/ light sound sensitivity & nausea. OTC pain relief d'snt wk I've tried some migraine stuff but they make me sick or make me not 'me'. Any suggestions? get to see a doctor immediatly this could be nasty
Do you respond only to people with cute avatars? No.
Why does my husband think that I read his mail? And that I spy on him? Because he reads yours! Or maybe it's because you are female(I guess) and that's what we do. I used to check Mr. Evil's emails but he kept changing his password and I haven't worked it out this time! I actually thought after changing it twice he would be too stupid to think of anything else he could remember you know being a man and all.
How can I finance investment property? My wife and I are pretty handy around the house ... so purchasing a fixer upper is natrually the kind of investment property that we would look for. We have found several potentially great properties in our area howerver we haven't made any offers because the traditional mortgage lender is the only kind of financing that we know of and they usually want any where from 15% - 25% down. Does anyone know of creative financing techniqes that we could use? You could try to get the owners of the property to sell to you on a lease option for say 2 years and lets say that you pay 500 a month with 500 down then you would have control of the property and you could do your fix-ups or rent it out and collect the rent.( Be sure and include that in the offer that you can rent the property out) You should be able to get a 2nd mortgage to do your rehabs (most banks would want to be in 1st position and the owner would hold the 2nd mortgage) If you have control of the property it makes thing alot easier check out a mortgage broker they can usually find something. I currently use GMAC mortgage and they found a place that we only need 5% down on investment property. Good luck!
Was the Cole Trickle character from Days of Thunder based on Nascar racer Dick Trickle? absolutely not! Dick Trickle was a short track stock car driver from wisconsin who did not run sprint cars............Cole Trickle was a world of outlaws sprint car driver. Robert Duvalls character was based on crew cheif Harry Hyde. A real life crew chief!
What is the normal fireing rate of the atrium in the heart conduction system?????? Can anyone help with my college homework what is the normal fireing rate for the atrium in the hearts conduction system???? If any medical proffesionals out there can help me I would greatly appreciate it. You can e-mail me at grkra3@yahoo.com I NEED THIS ANSWER SOON!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! It really depends on your age and development cycle....At 21 days after conception the human heart rate begins beating a 75-80 beats per minute and accelerates linearly for the first month of beating.The human embryonic heart (EHR) begins beating at approximately 21 days after conception or five weeks after the last normal menstrual period (LMP) which is the date normally used to date pregnancy. The human heart begins beating at a rate near the mother’s about 75-80 beats per minute (bpm). It then accelerates linearly for the first month of beating peaking at 165-185 bpm during the early 7th week (early 9th week after the LMP). This acceleration is approximately 3.3 bpm per day or about 10 bpm every three days an increase of 100 bpm in the first month. After peaking at about 9.2 weeks after the LMP it decelerates to about 150 bpm (+/-25 bpm) during the 15 week after the LMP. After the 15th week the deceleration slows reaching an average rate of about 145 (+/-25 bpm) bpm at term. The regression formula which describes this acceleration before the embryo reaches 25 mm in crown-rump length or 9.2 LMP weeks is:\n\nAge in days = EHR(0.3)+6
what country has the most drug consumption? Colombia
Back Ground checks? Ok I'm moving to Italy in a year and I was wondering if you can do background checks on people there? I live in Kentucky and aren't for sure if you can do that with people who live so far away because I don't want to end up living with some one who is a convicted drug seller or something. There are companies online that provide this service for employers so I'm sure there are places for regular consumers. \n\nI did a search and came up with a place I've listed below. I have done background checks on men I've gone to meet in other states.
Honor killings in islam? Every 40 seconds a muslim woman is murdered in the name of honor. muslim girls are put through the horror of FGM (female genital mutilation) forced marraiges to old men child marraiges and other forms of torture. and its getting worse for muslim females. wife rape is very common among muslim men and as a result over 75% of married muslim women suffer from vaginal problems such as constant discharge. I know doctors in dubai who tell me this and the world health organisation reports it as well.\nI am glad that some brave muslim women are speaking out even when they are threatened with death.\ncomments? All over the world people have believed through out history in honor killings. But what are these honor crimes. These crimes “are acts of violence usually murder committed by male family members against female family members who are perceived to have brought dishonor upon the family.” A family may feel the need to commit such a crime by “refusing to enter into an arranged marriage being the victim of a sexual assault seeking a divorce even from an abusive husband or committing adultery.” Even the thought of a woman bringing dishonor to a family may cause an attack. \n\nHonor killings as described by Wikipedia online encyclopedia is generally considered a premeditated crime yet crimes of passion. “Crimes of passion often have special status under the law.” \n\nThe West is not immune to this type of violence against women. “Until 1975 the French Penal Code commuted the sentence of a husband who killed his wife after finding her in the act of committing adultery; this law passed into the legal frameworks of the many nations who based their modern legal codes on the Napoleonic Code.” Yet these crimes of passion are small in number “and are different from premeditated crimes against an adulterous spouse.”\n\nAs of 2004 honor killings have occurred not only in the East but also many European countries “including: Bangladesh Brazil Ecuador Egypt Germany India Iran Iraq Italy Jordan Morocco Pakistan Palestine Sweden Turkey Uganda and the United Kingdom.” The United Nations Population Fund believes that annually there are worldwide 5 000 women killed through honor killings. these killings are often made to look like suicide fire or an accident.\n\nIn a traditional view of Islamic law says there should be a “severe punishments for zina' or extramarital sex by both men and women.” Premarital can be punished by 100 lashes and adultery by lethal stoning. To implement such a punishment the act must be seen by “at least four male witnesses of good character. The punishment is to be “reserved to the legal authorities and false accusations are themselves punished severely. In conservative areas many men consider it a slur on the family's honor if women in the family are found to have relationships with other men outside of marriage or when they marry without their families' consent.” \n\nAn honor killing in the Islamic definition refers to “specifically to extra-legal punishment by the family against the woman and as such is forbidden by the sharia.” The “Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran has condemned the practice as ‘un-Islamic’ though punishment under Iranian law remains lenient. In Pakistan when a bill proposing to strengthen the law against ‘Honor Killing’ was defeated in Parliament March 2 2005 the government allied with the Islamist opposition to decide explicitly that the bill was ‘un-Islamic’. In Jordan there is a movement to stop honor killings. Although King Abdullah II has tried to bring new light onto this subject. He has gone to the parliament for change but not received warmly. But after hearing this the people went to the streets in protest. Trying to bring his country into a modernist point of view.\n\nYet there are still areas of modern thought showing this a cultural practice not Islamic. In Indonesia and parts of West Africa honor killings are unknown “as also in with majority-Muslim populations.” These areas are not culturally Arab yet Indonesia is the largest Islamic country. These areas give hope for other Islamic nations to also not allow these actions against women.\n \n\nWith all that have been done in the world to protect the women in the world there is still more to be done. Honor crimes are not based in Islam but in culture. By bringing this fact into the public spectrum it is more likely to stop such a practice. Around the world women are still victims of crimes by family members seeing the family hono
Have you tried to play the lottery with 'the numbers' from LOST? I'm not going to lie I'm a little afraid to.
Why believe in such hopelessness? Why believe in a religion or lack there of that is so hopeless?\n\nI have a few ideas maybe uneducated or even parents who mistreated you.\n\nI can only imagine that a life spent thinking you are going to just die a hopeless death and just stop living could only mean that your life right now is just as hopeless!\n\nI mean what is it? What is the harm in actually hoping? \n\nGod Loves YOU\nHeather :) Right on!! I live a sheltered life honestly... out in the middle of nowhere where everyone you know goes to your church and everyone in the community is one great big family. I was shocked to learn of some of the things that people believe for instance I didnt know that there was an actual religion called Satanism and they go to church at the church of satan! What??! \nAfter asking some of my questions on here I have learned a whole lot. There are soooooo many people who are lost and I never realized that until now! (BTW - I'm 20yrs old)
where can i get a horse's skeletal and muscular systems on a web print-out? mainly for a Breyer horse:Anatomy in Motion Here's everything you can possibly wanna know....\nhttp://www.angelfire.com/tx2/horsecorral/horseanatomy.html
In a quest to promote racial equality does the government/media actually drive ethnic groups further apart? For example by allowing jobs to advertise for ethnic minorities only or by introducing ethnic minority training schemes or by introducing free nursery schools for children from ethnic backgrounds. I was particularly shocked by one book called The Angry Black Woman's Guide To Life due to it containing a list of phrases a white person might say to a black person and what their sneaky underlying messages are (i.e. How many children do you have? is translated as How many of your children am I supporting with my tax money?)\nPlease give other examples of ethnic groups being separated in the name of equality if you can think of them. And do you think the government are right or wrong to separate racial groups in order to create opportunities according to each group's needs? Yes. It also promotes gang culture in minority dominated Ghetto's by feeding the idea that people can't make it because they are part of a minority group. Fortunately this attitude is starting to change. Many members of minority groups (the majority of whom are single mothers) are ignoring the messages that they have been sent all their lives and seeking a better life by going back to school or job training programs and getting jobs that allow them to move to safer neighborhoods. Another change is that people living in many of those neighborhoods are banding together and pushing the gangs out. \n\nMost people want to eliminate affirmative action right now but because of the past rulings of the supreme court and the push by certain liberal organizations it will be difficult to make it go away.
what is the purpose of your pancreas? A quick trip to Yahoo! Reference revealed that the pancreas is a small irregularly shaped organ that resides between your stomach and your spine. The pancreas has two primary purposes: to secrete enzymes into your digestive system that help break down carbohydrates and protein and to produce hormones that help maintain normal blood sugar levels. \nThe pancreas is technically part of the endocrine system though it plays an important role in the digestive system as well. The endocrine system is a collection of glands including your pituitary thyroid and adrenal glands that secrete hormones to monitor your metabolism and cell growth among many other things.
do all these ads on tv of yoko etc regarding height increase are of any use? I increased my height 2 feet afterwards so yes.\n\nOf course I was standing on a chair at the time.
Ways to sell your video games? Like if you want to sell your video games how to sell it. ebay electronic boutique babbages or flea markets
is it normal to have nots in your breast or boobs?? It can be normal as long as they are not cancerous but you should have your breasts examined every 6 months just in case.
Who can speak Hindi?? If you can write it here!! Main hindi bol sakti hoon.kahiye.
where can i find websites were i can have a virtual pet?? ★★ HELP WITH SEARCHING ★★\n\n◙ I used to have so much trouble finding what I wanted. That's because I didn't know the best methods for filtering my searches. Now I rarely have trouble finding what I want. Thanks to a great web site called GoogleGuide. Click on the Novices Click Here button to read about Google's fantastic search syntax. Yahoo has some of these operators too. But not even close to the amount that Google has. Below are a few examples.\n\nsite:briefcase.yahoo.com (mp3)\nintitle:?parent directory? (mpg|avi|wmv|mov) strauss\ninurl:forum intitle:recipes intext:cookies\n\n☞ http://www.googleguide.com/\n\n◙ Some of what you will learn at the GoogleGuide was used to create the following special search tools.\n\n☞ http://www.soople.com/\n\n◙ Compare Yahoo and Google search results in side-by-side frames here.\n\n☞ http://www.gahooyoogle.com/\n\n◙ You'll get pretty much the same tutorial as the GoogleGuide has by reading the first few chapters of this book.\n\n☞ http://tinyurl.com/6zx2\n\n◙ Here are two more great sites to help you.\n\n☞ http://tinyurl.com/qey8v\n☞ http://tinyurl.com/2ywye\n\n◙ You shouldn't rely on just one search engine. There are many really good ones and they don't all have the same things in them. One might have links to HTML sites etc. and another might not. There are currently 800 000 search engines. Most of them are specailty search engines. Here are several hundred generalized search engines. Plus a few specialized search engines I threw in for my own use.\n\n☞ http://dwight.clickthesky.com/search/\n\n◙ Google is the very best full-text search engine. But when you want a much deeper search you should use the number one cluster search engine.\n\n☞ http://www.vivisimo.com/\n\nIf you are in a really big hurry you can search many search engines at once by using meta search engines. These will give you the top-ten most-relative results of each engine they search.\n\n☞ http://www.ask.com/\n☞ http://www.msn.com/\n☞ http://www.dogpile.com/\n☞ http://www.altavista.com/\n☞ http://www.webcrawler.com/\n\n◙ Here is a way to search many different search engines from a single portal. I use this everyday to research your questions before answering them. Select a resource from the dropdown menu type in your keywords and click search.\n\n☞ http://www.searchalot.com/