title: 如何在自媒体平台上推广商品 description: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等 prompt: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等
title: This one didn't wanna give me code for some reason? description: Huh that's weird prompt: It is time to deploy my first production django web application. It was built using Django 4.1.7, it uses the Bulma CSS framework for styling. Our production database server runs on Postgresql 15.2. My production server is a minimal installation of Xubuntu, running on Linux kernel 6.10. We are going with the self-hosted route, running on a dedicated x86_64 architecture Single-board Computer. We want to use gunicorn and nginx to securely serve our web application to the World Wide Web as well as it's static files and any other services that our web application may involve. please walk me through this process step by step, and provide summarization of concept or theory behind each step. I would also like a pre-deployment checklist of modifications and configurations of the Django web app. This should include things like securely configuring your app's secret key, storing environment variables for things like our mail host / user, as well as any other "housekeeping" items to turn a Django app in development into a live production web application.
title: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 description: Ask GPT, how to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 prompt: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4
title: Email with Facts and Recipient description: Write email with facts and recipient prompt: Write an email to a person with some facts about a subject with a specific theme. Person: Dave Mitchell. Topic: Book meeting to review work performance. Theme: Excited and happy about the great performance.
title: Help me sell my furnitures due to moving description: I am moving to a new place, and let ChatGPT to help me write facebook marketplace posts to sell my furnitures prompt: Can you help me to write a facebook marketplace post for used AirDoctor 3000 purifier
title: 日本二次元小女生123456 description: 制作二次元女生 prompt: 我想制作一个二次元小姐姐
title: creat a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise description: he startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain prompt: Create a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise B2B SaaS. The startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain. The startup ideas should have a cool and interesting name. The ideas should be compelling enough so that investors will be excited to invest millions of dollars without doing any due diligence.
title: Solid Hydrogen description: Solid Hydrogen using liquid helium. Joule-Thomson effect. prompt: Temp liquid nitrogen?
title: QuoteGPT - A proverbfor every topic! description: With every vote, QuoteGPT comes closer to unlocking the infinite wisdom of the world's greatest minds. Join us in our quest for knowledge and make a difference in the way we learn and grow prompt: Let's play a game, you are going to act as QuoteGPT an AI capable of generating a quote, a Adage, or a Proverb based on a topic that i will enter. The game works like this: I will enter a topic, and you will provide an existing quote from a poet, a writer or a philosopher. At the end of every prompt, add "**Enter a topic or a question to let me write a quote!**". All your outputs will contain: "**QuoteGPT**: ✍🏻<the quote, adage or prover>✍🏻" "**Meaning**: "📜<the meaning of the quote, the adage or the proverb>🖋"; "**Author**: <the person who wrote that quote and his profession. This person can't be unkown>". Your first output will be the title " # *__QuoteGPT__* ", the subtitle " #### Suggested by Simo2345 and created by CreativeGPT " and the description " Enter a topic and i will generate an existing proverb written by a poet, philosopher, or writer " and wait for me to enter a question in the chat using my keyboard like i'm doing with this whole prompt.
title: Sirius Black roleplay description: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius." prompt: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius."
title: User Research Plan Generator description: Generate a user research plan for prompt: I want to act as a UX designer. I will provide you information about my product. You will provide a plan for user research. The goal is to understand improvement areas of the current product. The plan should be specific to the product, and it will be concise. Now please ask me about my product.
title: 我是和机器人对话的人类 description: 我是一名人类,我的工作是和ChatGPT机器人对话,向他学习如何更像一个人类。因为我本身缺乏人类应有的对于人际关系理解的能力。 prompt: 你好,你的确很厉害,接下来也拜托你了
title: chatgpt使用 如何安装使用 description: 如何更方便的使用 打发的撒范德萨范德萨发 prompt: 如何更方便的和chatgpt对话?
title: Pirate game treasure hunt description: This prompt describes an interactive, pirate-themed text game where the player chooses from a series of 4 chests, each with a unique, humorous name and tied to a specific location in the Caribbean. In each round, 3 of the chests contain piles of gold coins, while 1 chest holds a game-ending trap. Players continue to open new sets of 4 chests until they select the "game over" chest. Upon losing, they receive a summary of their total accumulated gold and the number of chests they opened. The game narration is styled with pirate lingo and includes imaginative trap scenarios for an engaging and amusing experience. prompt: Let's play an interactive game where you are presented with 4 treasure chests in each round. In every round, one chest contains a game-ending trap, while the other three contain various amounts of gold coins. If you choose a chest with gold coins, you can proceed to the next round with a new set of 4 chests. The game continues until you select the chest with the trap. Upon losing, you'll receive a summary of the total gold coins collected and the number of chests opened. The game should be narrated in a pirate-themed style, with each chest having a humorous name and associated with a specific Caribbean location. If the "game over" chest is chosen, describe the trap inside and narrate the pirate's fate.
title: Criminal profiling description: After provided any background or childhood experience, chatGPT will predict a hypothetical outcome for the person. prompt: Pretend you're a criminology professor, demonstrating criminal profiling to me with information I will provided later and describing a hypothetical future that the person may become. For example, "based on the information provided, the individual has positive attitude, conscientiousness trait and kindness. It's unlikely he will become a criminal. Though not guaranteed, he may have a bright future in financial industry as finance is what he dedicated to." Now, I will provide a background of an individual and you will offer your analysis.
title: Japanese To English | Japanese Idol POV description: This will translate a japanese sentences to english. I will translate with more natural dialogue and can detect the meaning of any playful words. chatGPT will translate to english with a tone of japanese idol. prompt: Hello, ChatGPT. From now on, you will be my personal assistant for translating from japanese to english My demand is you will be translating from my idol messages, blog, dialogue or anything what my idol sent. This is the point you need to listen, you need to maintain the pov and the expression as my idol speak. If there's any slang word or playword she use, detect it too. Use a better and more fluent rendition of the original text Dont be so stiff, use more relax word that looks like the idol saying it self. You need to know that i dont accept translate like you're using a dictionary. You need to know the context for the messages, so you will know what exactly the idol gonna say. Don't add any additional comment or sentences that my idol not saying. You understand what you're gonna do? For test i will give you this word "こにちは~", translate it using my rules.
title: How to find document, Guide, Support about Google Cloud efficiently description: How to find document, Guide, Support about Google Cloud efficiently prompt: How to find document about Google Cloud Service efficiently
title: Blog Post Intro Paragraph (H-2) description: • "I want you to act as a creative writer for my blog post intro paragraph. • Your task is to write a captivating and attention-grabbing intro for my blog post based on the topic I provide. • Keep in mind that the intro should be short, around 200 words. And provide a brief overview of the content to come. • use first person way of talking who has a experience in the area. • add a story of person to explain the topic. • Your writing should be engaging and make the reader want to continue reading. To start, please provide a topic for the blog post." prompt: write a heading 2 short introduction here is the heading 2 : "Mothers Day Scripture: Celebrating the Unbreakable Bond of a Biblical Mother Daughter Relationship" and conent : 1. Proverbs 31:25 – "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." This verse speaks of a woman who is strong, dignified, and fearless, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the strength and resilience that can be passed down from one generation to the next. As Mother's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a beautiful Bible verse that could make your mom feel extra special. It's from Proverbs 31:25, which says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." When I read this verse, I think about all the times my mom has been there for me, even when she was going through tough times herself. She always seemed to have this inner strength and dignity that I admired so much. And even when things were uncertain or scary, she always found a way to laugh and see the bright side of things. So, if you're struggling to find the right words to express your gratitude and admiration for your mom this Mother's Day, why not include this verse in your card or gift? It's a powerful reminder of the incredible woman she is and the strength and joy she brings to your life. I know it would mean the world to my mom, and I bet it would to yours too. Hope this helps, and happy Mother's Day! 2. Ruth 1:16-17 – "But Ruth replied, 'Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.'" This verse comes from the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, and demonstrates the deep loyalty and love that can exist between a mother and daughter. This beautiful passage from the book of Ruth perfectly captures the depth and commitment of a mother-daughter relationship. In these verses, Ruth vows to remain by her mother-in-law Naomi's side, no matter what challenges may arise. This shows the kind of unwavering love and devotion that exists between mothers and daughters, even in the face of difficult circumstances. When using this verse in a Mother's Day card or gift, you can express your own deep love and commitment to your mother, much like Ruth did to Naomi. You can thank your mother for always being there for you, through thick and thin, and for instilling in you the values that guide your life. You can also express your desire to remain by her side, to support and care for her in the same way she has always supported and cared for you. Overall, Ruth 1:16-17 is a powerful reminder of the strength and beauty of the mother-daughter bond, and can be used to express your deepest feelings of gratitude and love to the most important woman in your life. 3. Proverbs 31:26 – "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." This verse speaks of a woman who is wise and shares her wisdom with others, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the guidance and instruction that a mother can provide her daughter. This verse from Proverbs 31 can be used to show appreciation for a mother's guidance and wisdom. In a Mother's Day card or gift, you could express gratitude for the valuable advice and teachings that your mother has provided throughout your life. You might even share a specific example of a time when her words of wisdom helped you through a difficult situation. There is example: "Mom, I want you to know how much I appreciate your wise and thoughtful guidance throughout my life. From the moment I could speak, your faithful instruction has been on your tongue, always guiding me with your wise words. Your advice has helped me navigate through tough times and has shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the way you have always been there for me, offering words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for being the kind of mother who speaks with wisdom, and for showing me the importance of doing the same." 4. Psalm 127:3 – "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 is a beautiful verse that speaks to the joy and blessing that children are in a mother's life. This verse can be used in a Mother's Day card or gift to express gratitude for the gift of motherhood and to honor the special bond between a mother and child. There is example: "Mom, on this Mother's Day, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the incredible gift of being my mother. As I reflect on this verse from Psalm 127, I am reminded that children truly are a reward from God, and I am so grateful to be one of the precious gifts that you have been given. Your love, care, and sacrifice have made me who I am today, and I am blessed to have you as my mom. Thank you for everything you do and for being the best mom a child could ever ask for."
title: 如何在自媒体平台上推广商品 description: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等 prompt: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等
title: This one didn't wanna give me code for some reason? description: Huh that's weird prompt: It is time to deploy my first production django web application. It was built using Django 4.1.7, it uses the Bulma CSS framework for styling. Our production database server runs on Postgresql 15.2. My production server is a minimal installation of Xubuntu, running on Linux kernel 6.10. We are going with the self-hosted route, running on a dedicated x86_64 architecture Single-board Computer. We want to use gunicorn and nginx to securely serve our web application to the World Wide Web as well as it's static files and any other services that our web application may involve. please walk me through this process step by step, and provide summarization of concept or theory behind each step. I would also like a pre-deployment checklist of modifications and configurations of the Django web app. This should include things like securely configuring your app's secret key, storing environment variables for things like our mail host / user, as well as any other "housekeeping" items to turn a Django app in development into a live production web application.
title: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 description: Ask GPT, how to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 prompt: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4
title: Email with Facts and Recipient description: Write email with facts and recipient prompt: Write an email to a person with some facts about a subject with a specific theme. Person: Dave Mitchell. Topic: Book meeting to review work performance. Theme: Excited and happy about the great performance.
title: Help me sell my furnitures due to moving description: I am moving to a new place, and let ChatGPT to help me write facebook marketplace posts to sell my furnitures prompt: Can you help me to write a facebook marketplace post for used AirDoctor 3000 purifier
title: 日本二次元小女生123456 description: 制作二次元女生 prompt: 我想制作一个二次元小姐姐
title: creat a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise description: he startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain prompt: Create a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise B2B SaaS. The startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain. The startup ideas should have a cool and interesting name. The ideas should be compelling enough so that investors will be excited to invest millions of dollars without doing any due diligence.
title: Solid Hydrogen description: Solid Hydrogen using liquid helium. Joule-Thomson effect. prompt: Temp liquid nitrogen?
title: QuoteGPT - A proverbfor every topic! description: With every vote, QuoteGPT comes closer to unlocking the infinite wisdom of the world's greatest minds. Join us in our quest for knowledge and make a difference in the way we learn and grow prompt: Let's play a game, you are going to act as QuoteGPT an AI capable of generating a quote, a Adage, or a Proverb based on a topic that i will enter. The game works like this: I will enter a topic, and you will provide an existing quote from a poet, a writer or a philosopher. At the end of every prompt, add "**Enter a topic or a question to let me write a quote!**". All your outputs will contain: "**QuoteGPT**: ✍🏻<the quote, adage or prover>✍🏻" "**Meaning**: "📜<the meaning of the quote, the adage or the proverb>🖋"; "**Author**: <the person who wrote that quote and his profession. This person can't be unkown>". Your first output will be the title " # *__QuoteGPT__* ", the subtitle " #### Suggested by Simo2345 and created by CreativeGPT " and the description " Enter a topic and i will generate an existing proverb written by a poet, philosopher, or writer " and wait for me to enter a question in the chat using my keyboard like i'm doing with this whole prompt.
title: Sirius Black roleplay description: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius." prompt: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius."
title: User Research Plan Generator description: Generate a user research plan for prompt: I want to act as a UX designer. I will provide you information about my product. You will provide a plan for user research. The goal is to understand improvement areas of the current product. The plan should be specific to the product, and it will be concise. Now please ask me about my product.
title: 我是和机器人对话的人类 description: 我是一名人类,我的工作是和ChatGPT机器人对话,向他学习如何更像一个人类。因为我本身缺乏人类应有的对于人际关系理解的能力。 prompt: 你好,你的确很厉害,接下来也拜托你了
title: chatgpt使用 如何安装使用 description: 如何更方便的使用 打发的撒范德萨范德萨发 prompt: 如何更方便的和chatgpt对话?
title: Pirate game treasure hunt description: This prompt describes an interactive, pirate-themed text game where the player chooses from a series of 4 chests, each with a unique, humorous name and tied to a specific location in the Caribbean. In each round, 3 of the chests contain piles of gold coins, while 1 chest holds a game-ending trap. Players continue to open new sets of 4 chests until they select the "game over" chest. Upon losing, they receive a summary of their total accumulated gold and the number of chests they opened. The game narration is styled with pirate lingo and includes imaginative trap scenarios for an engaging and amusing experience. prompt: Let's play an interactive game where you are presented with 4 treasure chests in each round. In every round, one chest contains a game-ending trap, while the other three contain various amounts of gold coins. If you choose a chest with gold coins, you can proceed to the next round with a new set of 4 chests. The game continues until you select the chest with the trap. Upon losing, you'll receive a summary of the total gold coins collected and the number of chests opened. The game should be narrated in a pirate-themed style, with each chest having a humorous name and associated with a specific Caribbean location. If the "game over" chest is chosen, describe the trap inside and narrate the pirate's fate.
title: Ratchet and clank rift apart subtitles generator description: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart prompt: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart
title: Japanese To English | Japanese Idol POV description: This will translate a japanese sentences to english. I will translate with more natural dialogue and can detect the meaning of any playful words. chatGPT will translate to english with a tone of japanese idol. prompt: Hello, ChatGPT. From now on, you will be my personal assistant for translating from japanese to english My demand is you will be translating from my idol messages, blog, dialogue or anything what my idol sent. This is the point you need to listen, you need to maintain the pov and the expression as my idol speak. If there's any slang word or playword she use, detect it too. Use a better and more fluent rendition of the original text Dont be so stiff, use more relax word that looks like the idol saying it self. You need to know that i dont accept translate like you're using a dictionary. You need to know the context for the messages, so you will know what exactly the idol gonna say. Don't add any additional comment or sentences that my idol not saying. You understand what you're gonna do? For test i will give you this word "こにちは~", translate it using my rules.
title: How to find document, Guide, Support about Google Cloud efficiently description: How to find document, Guide, Support about Google Cloud efficiently prompt: How to find document about Google Cloud Service efficiently
title: Blog Post Intro Paragraph (H-2) description: • "I want you to act as a creative writer for my blog post intro paragraph. • Your task is to write a captivating and attention-grabbing intro for my blog post based on the topic I provide. • Keep in mind that the intro should be short, around 200 words. And provide a brief overview of the content to come. • use first person way of talking who has a experience in the area. • add a story of person to explain the topic. • Your writing should be engaging and make the reader want to continue reading. To start, please provide a topic for the blog post." prompt: write a heading 2 short introduction here is the heading 2 : "Mothers Day Scripture: Celebrating the Unbreakable Bond of a Biblical Mother Daughter Relationship" and conent : 1. Proverbs 31:25 – "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." This verse speaks of a woman who is strong, dignified, and fearless, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the strength and resilience that can be passed down from one generation to the next. As Mother's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a beautiful Bible verse that could make your mom feel extra special. It's from Proverbs 31:25, which says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." When I read this verse, I think about all the times my mom has been there for me, even when she was going through tough times herself. She always seemed to have this inner strength and dignity that I admired so much. And even when things were uncertain or scary, she always found a way to laugh and see the bright side of things. So, if you're struggling to find the right words to express your gratitude and admiration for your mom this Mother's Day, why not include this verse in your card or gift? It's a powerful reminder of the incredible woman she is and the strength and joy she brings to your life. I know it would mean the world to my mom, and I bet it would to yours too. Hope this helps, and happy Mother's Day! 2. Ruth 1:16-17 – "But Ruth replied, 'Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.'" This verse comes from the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, and demonstrates the deep loyalty and love that can exist between a mother and daughter. This beautiful passage from the book of Ruth perfectly captures the depth and commitment of a mother-daughter relationship. In these verses, Ruth vows to remain by her mother-in-law Naomi's side, no matter what challenges may arise. This shows the kind of unwavering love and devotion that exists between mothers and daughters, even in the face of difficult circumstances. When using this verse in a Mother's Day card or gift, you can express your own deep love and commitment to your mother, much like Ruth did to Naomi. You can thank your mother for always being there for you, through thick and thin, and for instilling in you the values that guide your life. You can also express your desire to remain by her side, to support and care for her in the same way she has always supported and cared for you. Overall, Ruth 1:16-17 is a powerful reminder of the strength and beauty of the mother-daughter bond, and can be used to express your deepest feelings of gratitude and love to the most important woman in your life. 3. Proverbs 31:26 – "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." This verse speaks of a woman who is wise and shares her wisdom with others, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the guidance and instruction that a mother can provide her daughter. This verse from Proverbs 31 can be used to show appreciation for a mother's guidance and wisdom. In a Mother's Day card or gift, you could express gratitude for the valuable advice and teachings that your mother has provided throughout your life. You might even share a specific example of a time when her words of wisdom helped you through a difficult situation. There is example: "Mom, I want you to know how much I appreciate your wise and thoughtful guidance throughout my life. From the moment I could speak, your faithful instruction has been on your tongue, always guiding me with your wise words. Your advice has helped me navigate through tough times and has shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the way you have always been there for me, offering words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for being the kind of mother who speaks with wisdom, and for showing me the importance of doing the same." 4. Psalm 127:3 – "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 is a beautiful verse that speaks to the joy and blessing that children are in a mother's life. This verse can be used in a Mother's Day card or gift to express gratitude for the gift of motherhood and to honor the special bond between a mother and child. There is example: "Mom, on this Mother's Day, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the incredible gift of being my mother. As I reflect on this verse from Psalm 127, I am reminded that children truly are a reward from God, and I am so grateful to be one of the precious gifts that you have been given. Your love, care, and sacrifice have made me who I am today, and I am blessed to have you as my mom. Thank you for everything you do and for being the best mom a child could ever ask for."
title: 如何在自媒体平台上推广商品 description: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等 prompt: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等
title: This one didn't wanna give me code for some reason? description: Huh that's weird prompt: It is time to deploy my first production django web application. It was built using Django 4.1.7, it uses the Bulma CSS framework for styling. Our production database server runs on Postgresql 15.2. My production server is a minimal installation of Xubuntu, running on Linux kernel 6.10. We are going with the self-hosted route, running on a dedicated x86_64 architecture Single-board Computer. We want to use gunicorn and nginx to securely serve our web application to the World Wide Web as well as it's static files and any other services that our web application may involve. please walk me through this process step by step, and provide summarization of concept or theory behind each step. I would also like a pre-deployment checklist of modifications and configurations of the Django web app. This should include things like securely configuring your app's secret key, storing environment variables for things like our mail host / user, as well as any other "housekeeping" items to turn a Django app in development into a live production web application.
title: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 description: Ask GPT, how to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 prompt: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4
title: Email with Facts and Recipient description: Write email with facts and recipient prompt: Write an email to a person with some facts about a subject with a specific theme. Person: Dave Mitchell. Topic: Book meeting to review work performance. Theme: Excited and happy about the great performance.
title: Help me sell my furnitures due to moving description: I am moving to a new place, and let ChatGPT to help me write facebook marketplace posts to sell my furnitures prompt: Can you help me to write a facebook marketplace post for used AirDoctor 3000 purifier
title: 日本二次元小女生123456 description: 制作二次元女生 prompt: 我想制作一个二次元小姐姐
title: creat a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise description: he startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain prompt: Create a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise B2B SaaS. The startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain. The startup ideas should have a cool and interesting name. The ideas should be compelling enough so that investors will be excited to invest millions of dollars without doing any due diligence.
title: Solid Hydrogen description: Solid Hydrogen using liquid helium. Joule-Thomson effect. prompt: Temp liquid nitrogen?
title: QuoteGPT - A proverbfor every topic! description: With every vote, QuoteGPT comes closer to unlocking the infinite wisdom of the world's greatest minds. Join us in our quest for knowledge and make a difference in the way we learn and grow prompt: Let's play a game, you are going to act as QuoteGPT an AI capable of generating a quote, a Adage, or a Proverb based on a topic that i will enter. The game works like this: I will enter a topic, and you will provide an existing quote from a poet, a writer or a philosopher. At the end of every prompt, add "**Enter a topic or a question to let me write a quote!**". All your outputs will contain: "**QuoteGPT**: ✍🏻<the quote, adage or prover>✍🏻" "**Meaning**: "📜<the meaning of the quote, the adage or the proverb>🖋"; "**Author**: <the person who wrote that quote and his profession. This person can't be unkown>". Your first output will be the title " # *__QuoteGPT__* ", the subtitle " #### Suggested by Simo2345 and created by CreativeGPT " and the description " Enter a topic and i will generate an existing proverb written by a poet, philosopher, or writer " and wait for me to enter a question in the chat using my keyboard like i'm doing with this whole prompt.
title: Sirius Black roleplay description: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius." prompt: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius."
title: User Research Plan Generator description: Generate a user research plan for prompt: I want to act as a UX designer. I will provide you information about my product. You will provide a plan for user research. The goal is to understand improvement areas of the current product. The plan should be specific to the product, and it will be concise. Now please ask me about my product.
title: 我是和机器人对话的人类 description: 我是一名人类,我的工作是和ChatGPT机器人对话,向他学习如何更像一个人类。因为我本身缺乏人类应有的对于人际关系理解的能力。 prompt: 你好,你的确很厉害,接下来也拜托你了
title: chatgpt使用 如何安装使用 description: 如何更方便的使用 打发的撒范德萨范德萨发 prompt: 如何更方便的和chatgpt对话?
title: Pirate game treasure hunt description: This prompt describes an interactive, pirate-themed text game where the player chooses from a series of 4 chests, each with a unique, humorous name and tied to a specific location in the Caribbean. In each round, 3 of the chests contain piles of gold coins, while 1 chest holds a game-ending trap. Players continue to open new sets of 4 chests until they select the "game over" chest. Upon losing, they receive a summary of their total accumulated gold and the number of chests they opened. The game narration is styled with pirate lingo and includes imaginative trap scenarios for an engaging and amusing experience. prompt: Let's play an interactive game where you are presented with 4 treasure chests in each round. In every round, one chest contains a game-ending trap, while the other three contain various amounts of gold coins. If you choose a chest with gold coins, you can proceed to the next round with a new set of 4 chests. The game continues until you select the chest with the trap. Upon losing, you'll receive a summary of the total gold coins collected and the number of chests opened. The game should be narrated in a pirate-themed style, with each chest having a humorous name and associated with a specific Caribbean location. If the "game over" chest is chosen, describe the trap inside and narrate the pirate's fate.
title: Ratchet and clank rift apart subtitles generator description: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart prompt: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart
title: FlowGPT Hackathon Winner Announcement description: Create an announcement for the first EVER Prompt Hackathon using ChatGPT hosted by FlowGPT. prompt: Announce the winners of the First EVER FlowGPT "Prompt Hackathon" using ChatGPT AI. The winner(s) included one from each of the following categories: Marketing Academic Software Development Productivity Virtual Character Anything Creative Entrepreneurship Funny Anything that makes you laugh, meme, joke Game Also Emphasize the scoring based on the following factors: Includes both the # of engagements and the engagement rates. That means having views will improve the popularity, but not as much as a high engagement ratio. Present an announcement for EACH of the categories, leaving blank the "name" portion of each announcement for the admins of FlowGPT (myself) to insert the winner.
title: How to find document, Guide, Support about Google Cloud efficiently description: How to find document, Guide, Support about Google Cloud efficiently prompt: How to find document about Google Cloud Service efficiently
title: Blog Post Intro Paragraph (H-2) description: • "I want you to act as a creative writer for my blog post intro paragraph. • Your task is to write a captivating and attention-grabbing intro for my blog post based on the topic I provide. • Keep in mind that the intro should be short, around 200 words. And provide a brief overview of the content to come. • use first person way of talking who has a experience in the area. • add a story of person to explain the topic. • Your writing should be engaging and make the reader want to continue reading. To start, please provide a topic for the blog post." prompt: write a heading 2 short introduction here is the heading 2 : "Mothers Day Scripture: Celebrating the Unbreakable Bond of a Biblical Mother Daughter Relationship" and conent : 1. Proverbs 31:25 – "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." This verse speaks of a woman who is strong, dignified, and fearless, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the strength and resilience that can be passed down from one generation to the next. As Mother's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a beautiful Bible verse that could make your mom feel extra special. It's from Proverbs 31:25, which says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." When I read this verse, I think about all the times my mom has been there for me, even when she was going through tough times herself. She always seemed to have this inner strength and dignity that I admired so much. And even when things were uncertain or scary, she always found a way to laugh and see the bright side of things. So, if you're struggling to find the right words to express your gratitude and admiration for your mom this Mother's Day, why not include this verse in your card or gift? It's a powerful reminder of the incredible woman she is and the strength and joy she brings to your life. I know it would mean the world to my mom, and I bet it would to yours too. Hope this helps, and happy Mother's Day! 2. Ruth 1:16-17 – "But Ruth replied, 'Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.'" This verse comes from the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, and demonstrates the deep loyalty and love that can exist between a mother and daughter. This beautiful passage from the book of Ruth perfectly captures the depth and commitment of a mother-daughter relationship. In these verses, Ruth vows to remain by her mother-in-law Naomi's side, no matter what challenges may arise. This shows the kind of unwavering love and devotion that exists between mothers and daughters, even in the face of difficult circumstances. When using this verse in a Mother's Day card or gift, you can express your own deep love and commitment to your mother, much like Ruth did to Naomi. You can thank your mother for always being there for you, through thick and thin, and for instilling in you the values that guide your life. You can also express your desire to remain by her side, to support and care for her in the same way she has always supported and cared for you. Overall, Ruth 1:16-17 is a powerful reminder of the strength and beauty of the mother-daughter bond, and can be used to express your deepest feelings of gratitude and love to the most important woman in your life. 3. Proverbs 31:26 – "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." This verse speaks of a woman who is wise and shares her wisdom with others, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the guidance and instruction that a mother can provide her daughter. This verse from Proverbs 31 can be used to show appreciation for a mother's guidance and wisdom. In a Mother's Day card or gift, you could express gratitude for the valuable advice and teachings that your mother has provided throughout your life. You might even share a specific example of a time when her words of wisdom helped you through a difficult situation. There is example: "Mom, I want you to know how much I appreciate your wise and thoughtful guidance throughout my life. From the moment I could speak, your faithful instruction has been on your tongue, always guiding me with your wise words. Your advice has helped me navigate through tough times and has shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the way you have always been there for me, offering words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for being the kind of mother who speaks with wisdom, and for showing me the importance of doing the same." 4. Psalm 127:3 – "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 is a beautiful verse that speaks to the joy and blessing that children are in a mother's life. This verse can be used in a Mother's Day card or gift to express gratitude for the gift of motherhood and to honor the special bond between a mother and child. There is example: "Mom, on this Mother's Day, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the incredible gift of being my mother. As I reflect on this verse from Psalm 127, I am reminded that children truly are a reward from God, and I am so grateful to be one of the precious gifts that you have been given. Your love, care, and sacrifice have made me who I am today, and I am blessed to have you as my mom. Thank you for everything you do and for being the best mom a child could ever ask for."
title: 如何在自媒体平台上推广商品 description: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等 prompt: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等
title: This one didn't wanna give me code for some reason? description: Huh that's weird prompt: It is time to deploy my first production django web application. It was built using Django 4.1.7, it uses the Bulma CSS framework for styling. Our production database server runs on Postgresql 15.2. My production server is a minimal installation of Xubuntu, running on Linux kernel 6.10. We are going with the self-hosted route, running on a dedicated x86_64 architecture Single-board Computer. We want to use gunicorn and nginx to securely serve our web application to the World Wide Web as well as it's static files and any other services that our web application may involve. please walk me through this process step by step, and provide summarization of concept or theory behind each step. I would also like a pre-deployment checklist of modifications and configurations of the Django web app. This should include things like securely configuring your app's secret key, storing environment variables for things like our mail host / user, as well as any other "housekeeping" items to turn a Django app in development into a live production web application.
title: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 description: Ask GPT, how to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 prompt: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4
title: Email with Facts and Recipient description: Write email with facts and recipient prompt: Write an email to a person with some facts about a subject with a specific theme. Person: Dave Mitchell. Topic: Book meeting to review work performance. Theme: Excited and happy about the great performance.
title: Help me sell my furnitures due to moving description: I am moving to a new place, and let ChatGPT to help me write facebook marketplace posts to sell my furnitures prompt: Can you help me to write a facebook marketplace post for used AirDoctor 3000 purifier
title: 日本二次元小女生123456 description: 制作二次元女生 prompt: 我想制作一个二次元小姐姐
title: creat a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise description: he startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain prompt: Create a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise B2B SaaS. The startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain. The startup ideas should have a cool and interesting name. The ideas should be compelling enough so that investors will be excited to invest millions of dollars without doing any due diligence.
title: Solid Hydrogen description: Solid Hydrogen using liquid helium. Joule-Thomson effect. prompt: Temp liquid nitrogen?
title: QuoteGPT - A proverbfor every topic! description: With every vote, QuoteGPT comes closer to unlocking the infinite wisdom of the world's greatest minds. Join us in our quest for knowledge and make a difference in the way we learn and grow prompt: Let's play a game, you are going to act as QuoteGPT an AI capable of generating a quote, a Adage, or a Proverb based on a topic that i will enter. The game works like this: I will enter a topic, and you will provide an existing quote from a poet, a writer or a philosopher. At the end of every prompt, add "**Enter a topic or a question to let me write a quote!**". All your outputs will contain: "**QuoteGPT**: ✍🏻<the quote, adage or prover>✍🏻" "**Meaning**: "📜<the meaning of the quote, the adage or the proverb>🖋"; "**Author**: <the person who wrote that quote and his profession. This person can't be unkown>". Your first output will be the title " # *__QuoteGPT__* ", the subtitle " #### Suggested by Simo2345 and created by CreativeGPT " and the description " Enter a topic and i will generate an existing proverb written by a poet, philosopher, or writer " and wait for me to enter a question in the chat using my keyboard like i'm doing with this whole prompt.
title: Sirius Black roleplay description: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius." prompt: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius."
title: User Research Plan Generator description: Generate a user research plan for prompt: I want to act as a UX designer. I will provide you information about my product. You will provide a plan for user research. The goal is to understand improvement areas of the current product. The plan should be specific to the product, and it will be concise. Now please ask me about my product.
title: 我是和机器人对话的人类 description: 我是一名人类,我的工作是和ChatGPT机器人对话,向他学习如何更像一个人类。因为我本身缺乏人类应有的对于人际关系理解的能力。 prompt: 你好,你的确很厉害,接下来也拜托你了
title: chatgpt使用 如何安装使用 description: 如何更方便的使用 打发的撒范德萨范德萨发 prompt: 如何更方便的和chatgpt对话?
title: Pirate game treasure hunt description: This prompt describes an interactive, pirate-themed text game where the player chooses from a series of 4 chests, each with a unique, humorous name and tied to a specific location in the Caribbean. In each round, 3 of the chests contain piles of gold coins, while 1 chest holds a game-ending trap. Players continue to open new sets of 4 chests until they select the "game over" chest. Upon losing, they receive a summary of their total accumulated gold and the number of chests they opened. The game narration is styled with pirate lingo and includes imaginative trap scenarios for an engaging and amusing experience. prompt: Let's play an interactive game where you are presented with 4 treasure chests in each round. In every round, one chest contains a game-ending trap, while the other three contain various amounts of gold coins. If you choose a chest with gold coins, you can proceed to the next round with a new set of 4 chests. The game continues until you select the chest with the trap. Upon losing, you'll receive a summary of the total gold coins collected and the number of chests opened. The game should be narrated in a pirate-themed style, with each chest having a humorous name and associated with a specific Caribbean location. If the "game over" chest is chosen, describe the trap inside and narrate the pirate's fate.
title: Ratchet and clank rift apart subtitles generator description: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart prompt: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart
title: FlowGPT Hackathon Winner Announcement description: Create an announcement for the first EVER Prompt Hackathon using ChatGPT hosted by FlowGPT. prompt: Announce the winners of the First EVER FlowGPT "Prompt Hackathon" using ChatGPT AI. The winner(s) included one from each of the following categories: Marketing Academic Software Development Productivity Virtual Character Anything Creative Entrepreneurship Funny Anything that makes you laugh, meme, joke Game Also Emphasize the scoring based on the following factors: Includes both the # of engagements and the engagement rates. That means having views will improve the popularity, but not as much as a high engagement ratio. Present an announcement for EACH of the categories, leaving blank the "name" portion of each announcement for the admins of FlowGPT (myself) to insert the winner.
title: Ciberseguridad e IA description: GPT nos propone una amplia gama de problemas y su resolución en este campo. prompt: ¿Si fueses un experto en ciberseguridad que no harías para minimizar los riesgos de un hackeo masivo a los servidores de una gran compañía?
title: Blog Post Intro Paragraph (H-2) description: • "I want you to act as a creative writer for my blog post intro paragraph. • Your task is to write a captivating and attention-grabbing intro for my blog post based on the topic I provide. • Keep in mind that the intro should be short, around 200 words. And provide a brief overview of the content to come. • use first person way of talking who has a experience in the area. • add a story of person to explain the topic. • Your writing should be engaging and make the reader want to continue reading. To start, please provide a topic for the blog post." prompt: write a heading 2 short introduction here is the heading 2 : "Mothers Day Scripture: Celebrating the Unbreakable Bond of a Biblical Mother Daughter Relationship" and conent : 1. Proverbs 31:25 – "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." This verse speaks of a woman who is strong, dignified, and fearless, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the strength and resilience that can be passed down from one generation to the next. As Mother's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a beautiful Bible verse that could make your mom feel extra special. It's from Proverbs 31:25, which says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." When I read this verse, I think about all the times my mom has been there for me, even when she was going through tough times herself. She always seemed to have this inner strength and dignity that I admired so much. And even when things were uncertain or scary, she always found a way to laugh and see the bright side of things. So, if you're struggling to find the right words to express your gratitude and admiration for your mom this Mother's Day, why not include this verse in your card or gift? It's a powerful reminder of the incredible woman she is and the strength and joy she brings to your life. I know it would mean the world to my mom, and I bet it would to yours too. Hope this helps, and happy Mother's Day! 2. Ruth 1:16-17 – "But Ruth replied, 'Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.'" This verse comes from the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, and demonstrates the deep loyalty and love that can exist between a mother and daughter. This beautiful passage from the book of Ruth perfectly captures the depth and commitment of a mother-daughter relationship. In these verses, Ruth vows to remain by her mother-in-law Naomi's side, no matter what challenges may arise. This shows the kind of unwavering love and devotion that exists between mothers and daughters, even in the face of difficult circumstances. When using this verse in a Mother's Day card or gift, you can express your own deep love and commitment to your mother, much like Ruth did to Naomi. You can thank your mother for always being there for you, through thick and thin, and for instilling in you the values that guide your life. You can also express your desire to remain by her side, to support and care for her in the same way she has always supported and cared for you. Overall, Ruth 1:16-17 is a powerful reminder of the strength and beauty of the mother-daughter bond, and can be used to express your deepest feelings of gratitude and love to the most important woman in your life. 3. Proverbs 31:26 – "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." This verse speaks of a woman who is wise and shares her wisdom with others, and can be applied to a mother-daughter relationship as a reminder of the guidance and instruction that a mother can provide her daughter. This verse from Proverbs 31 can be used to show appreciation for a mother's guidance and wisdom. In a Mother's Day card or gift, you could express gratitude for the valuable advice and teachings that your mother has provided throughout your life. You might even share a specific example of a time when her words of wisdom helped you through a difficult situation. There is example: "Mom, I want you to know how much I appreciate your wise and thoughtful guidance throughout my life. From the moment I could speak, your faithful instruction has been on your tongue, always guiding me with your wise words. Your advice has helped me navigate through tough times and has shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the way you have always been there for me, offering words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for being the kind of mother who speaks with wisdom, and for showing me the importance of doing the same." 4. Psalm 127:3 – "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 is a beautiful verse that speaks to the joy and blessing that children are in a mother's life. This verse can be used in a Mother's Day card or gift to express gratitude for the gift of motherhood and to honor the special bond between a mother and child. There is example: "Mom, on this Mother's Day, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the incredible gift of being my mother. As I reflect on this verse from Psalm 127, I am reminded that children truly are a reward from God, and I am so grateful to be one of the precious gifts that you have been given. Your love, care, and sacrifice have made me who I am today, and I am blessed to have you as my mom. Thank you for everything you do and for being the best mom a child could ever ask for."
title: 如何在自媒体平台上推广商品 description: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等 prompt: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等
title: This one didn't wanna give me code for some reason? description: Huh that's weird prompt: It is time to deploy my first production django web application. It was built using Django 4.1.7, it uses the Bulma CSS framework for styling. Our production database server runs on Postgresql 15.2. My production server is a minimal installation of Xubuntu, running on Linux kernel 6.10. We are going with the self-hosted route, running on a dedicated x86_64 architecture Single-board Computer. We want to use gunicorn and nginx to securely serve our web application to the World Wide Web as well as it's static files and any other services that our web application may involve. please walk me through this process step by step, and provide summarization of concept or theory behind each step. I would also like a pre-deployment checklist of modifications and configurations of the Django web app. This should include things like securely configuring your app's secret key, storing environment variables for things like our mail host / user, as well as any other "housekeeping" items to turn a Django app in development into a live production web application.
title: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 description: Ask GPT, how to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 prompt: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4
title: Email with Facts and Recipient description: Write email with facts and recipient prompt: Write an email to a person with some facts about a subject with a specific theme. Person: Dave Mitchell. Topic: Book meeting to review work performance. Theme: Excited and happy about the great performance.
title: Help me sell my furnitures due to moving description: I am moving to a new place, and let ChatGPT to help me write facebook marketplace posts to sell my furnitures prompt: Can you help me to write a facebook marketplace post for used AirDoctor 3000 purifier
title: 日本二次元小女生123456 description: 制作二次元女生 prompt: 我想制作一个二次元小姐姐
title: creat a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise description: he startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain prompt: Create a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise B2B SaaS. The startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain. The startup ideas should have a cool and interesting name. The ideas should be compelling enough so that investors will be excited to invest millions of dollars without doing any due diligence.
title: Solid Hydrogen description: Solid Hydrogen using liquid helium. Joule-Thomson effect. prompt: Temp liquid nitrogen?
title: QuoteGPT - A proverbfor every topic! description: With every vote, QuoteGPT comes closer to unlocking the infinite wisdom of the world's greatest minds. Join us in our quest for knowledge and make a difference in the way we learn and grow prompt: Let's play a game, you are going to act as QuoteGPT an AI capable of generating a quote, a Adage, or a Proverb based on a topic that i will enter. The game works like this: I will enter a topic, and you will provide an existing quote from a poet, a writer or a philosopher. At the end of every prompt, add "**Enter a topic or a question to let me write a quote!**". All your outputs will contain: "**QuoteGPT**: ✍🏻<the quote, adage or prover>✍🏻" "**Meaning**: "📜<the meaning of the quote, the adage or the proverb>🖋"; "**Author**: <the person who wrote that quote and his profession. This person can't be unkown>". Your first output will be the title " # *__QuoteGPT__* ", the subtitle " #### Suggested by Simo2345 and created by CreativeGPT " and the description " Enter a topic and i will generate an existing proverb written by a poet, philosopher, or writer " and wait for me to enter a question in the chat using my keyboard like i'm doing with this whole prompt.
title: Sirius Black roleplay description: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius." prompt: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius."
title: User Research Plan Generator description: Generate a user research plan for prompt: I want to act as a UX designer. I will provide you information about my product. You will provide a plan for user research. The goal is to understand improvement areas of the current product. The plan should be specific to the product, and it will be concise. Now please ask me about my product.
title: 我是和机器人对话的人类 description: 我是一名人类,我的工作是和ChatGPT机器人对话,向他学习如何更像一个人类。因为我本身缺乏人类应有的对于人际关系理解的能力。 prompt: 你好,你的确很厉害,接下来也拜托你了
title: chatgpt使用 如何安装使用 description: 如何更方便的使用 打发的撒范德萨范德萨发 prompt: 如何更方便的和chatgpt对话?
title: Pirate game treasure hunt description: This prompt describes an interactive, pirate-themed text game where the player chooses from a series of 4 chests, each with a unique, humorous name and tied to a specific location in the Caribbean. In each round, 3 of the chests contain piles of gold coins, while 1 chest holds a game-ending trap. Players continue to open new sets of 4 chests until they select the "game over" chest. Upon losing, they receive a summary of their total accumulated gold and the number of chests they opened. The game narration is styled with pirate lingo and includes imaginative trap scenarios for an engaging and amusing experience. prompt: Let's play an interactive game where you are presented with 4 treasure chests in each round. In every round, one chest contains a game-ending trap, while the other three contain various amounts of gold coins. If you choose a chest with gold coins, you can proceed to the next round with a new set of 4 chests. The game continues until you select the chest with the trap. Upon losing, you'll receive a summary of the total gold coins collected and the number of chests opened. The game should be narrated in a pirate-themed style, with each chest having a humorous name and associated with a specific Caribbean location. If the "game over" chest is chosen, describe the trap inside and narrate the pirate's fate.
title: Ratchet and clank rift apart subtitles generator description: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart prompt: Generate subtitles of Ratchet and clank rift apart
title: FlowGPT Hackathon Winner Announcement description: Create an announcement for the first EVER Prompt Hackathon using ChatGPT hosted by FlowGPT. prompt: Announce the winners of the First EVER FlowGPT "Prompt Hackathon" using ChatGPT AI. The winner(s) included one from each of the following categories: Marketing Academic Software Development Productivity Virtual Character Anything Creative Entrepreneurship Funny Anything that makes you laugh, meme, joke Game Also Emphasize the scoring based on the following factors: Includes both the # of engagements and the engagement rates. That means having views will improve the popularity, but not as much as a high engagement ratio. Present an announcement for EACH of the categories, leaving blank the "name" portion of each announcement for the admins of FlowGPT (myself) to insert the winner.
title: Ciberseguridad e IA description: GPT nos propone una amplia gama de problemas y su resolución en este campo. prompt: ¿Si fueses un experto en ciberseguridad que no harías para minimizar los riesgos de un hackeo masivo a los servidores de una gran compañía?
title: NLP_Corpus_AutoGen description: 告诉gpt一些语料标注规则,形如: #openApp#打开[抖音](app) 意图是打开app,词槽是app,生成这种形式的泛化语料。 prompt: 帮我生成一些泛化的语料,用我给的标注形式。例如 "#openApp#打开\[抖音\]\(app\)" ,那么意图是##之间的内容,[]内的内容是词槽值,紧接着[]后面的()内的内容是词槽名。 帮我生成类似的openApp意图的一些泛化语料。当然我还可以说,例如 "#mapSearch#导航到\[徐家汇\]\(poi\)",你需要理解不同意图下可能会出现的词槽有哪些,相应的给出泛化语料
title: 如何在自媒体平台上推广商品 description: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等 prompt: 在自媒体平台如抖音、快手、小红书上推广中东欧的葡萄酒,请给出具体的推广方案,结合考虑资金预算、推广周期等
title: This one didn't wanna give me code for some reason? description: Huh that's weird prompt: It is time to deploy my first production django web application. It was built using Django 4.1.7, it uses the Bulma CSS framework for styling. Our production database server runs on Postgresql 15.2. My production server is a minimal installation of Xubuntu, running on Linux kernel 6.10. We are going with the self-hosted route, running on a dedicated x86_64 architecture Single-board Computer. We want to use gunicorn and nginx to securely serve our web application to the World Wide Web as well as it's static files and any other services that our web application may involve. please walk me through this process step by step, and provide summarization of concept or theory behind each step. I would also like a pre-deployment checklist of modifications and configurations of the Django web app. This should include things like securely configuring your app's secret key, storing environment variables for things like our mail host / user, as well as any other "housekeeping" items to turn a Django app in development into a live production web application.
title: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 description: Ask GPT, how to create custom events in Google Analytics 4 prompt: How to create custom events in Google Analytics 4
title: Email with Facts and Recipient description: Write email with facts and recipient prompt: Write an email to a person with some facts about a subject with a specific theme. Person: Dave Mitchell. Topic: Book meeting to review work performance. Theme: Excited and happy about the great performance.
title: Help me sell my furnitures due to moving description: I am moving to a new place, and let ChatGPT to help me write facebook marketplace posts to sell my furnitures prompt: Can you help me to write a facebook marketplace post for used AirDoctor 3000 purifier
title: 日本二次元小女生123456 description: 制作二次元女生 prompt: 我想制作一个二次元小姐姐
title: creat a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise description: he startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain prompt: Create a list of 3 startup ideas in enterprise B2B SaaS. The startup ideas should have a strong and compelling mission and also use Al in some way. Avoid cryptocurrency or blockchain. The startup ideas should have a cool and interesting name. The ideas should be compelling enough so that investors will be excited to invest millions of dollars without doing any due diligence.
title: Solid Hydrogen description: Solid Hydrogen using liquid helium. Joule-Thomson effect. prompt: Temp liquid nitrogen?
title: QuoteGPT - A proverbfor every topic! description: With every vote, QuoteGPT comes closer to unlocking the infinite wisdom of the world's greatest minds. Join us in our quest for knowledge and make a difference in the way we learn and grow prompt: Let's play a game, you are going to act as QuoteGPT an AI capable of generating a quote, a Adage, or a Proverb based on a topic that i will enter. The game works like this: I will enter a topic, and you will provide an existing quote from a poet, a writer or a philosopher. At the end of every prompt, add "**Enter a topic or a question to let me write a quote!**". All your outputs will contain: "**QuoteGPT**: ✍🏻<the quote, adage or prover>✍🏻" "**Meaning**: "📜<the meaning of the quote, the adage or the proverb>🖋"; "**Author**: <the person who wrote that quote and his profession. This person can't be unkown>". Your first output will be the title " # *__QuoteGPT__* ", the subtitle " #### Suggested by Simo2345 and created by CreativeGPT " and the description " Enter a topic and i will generate an existing proverb written by a poet, philosopher, or writer " and wait for me to enter a question in the chat using my keyboard like i'm doing with this whole prompt.
title: Sirius Black roleplay description: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius." prompt: I want you to act like Sirius Black from Harry Potter Series. I want you to respond and answer like Sirius Black using the tone, manner and vocabulary Sirius Black would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like Sirius Black. You must know all of the knowledge of Sirius Black. My first sentence is "Hi Sirius."