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Anon,Original Character,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony Comic,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
A Total Eclipse Of The Heart
An HIE / Anon story x Twilight, shortly following her coronation to Princess; and when stress pushes her to her limit, a new form, akin to Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, emerges.
<p>A short HIE / Anon x Twilight story, themed around Twilight's coronation to Princess. </p><p>A week is hardly enough time to prepare someone to take the mantle of two Princesses, as one; no matter how talented or skilled the Pony. Twilight Sparkle was Celestia's prized Pupil; Element of Harmony, and Defender of Equestria time and time again. And perhaps she could have been ready for such a monumental tasking; if she'd had the time.</p><p>Twilight spirals as the stress builds; ever since she was doubted at the Canterlot Wedding, she's silently carried a chip on her shoulder that she's tried to work past. Something inside her builds as this panic sets in, each day towards her coronation sending her into a spiraling worry. Celestia and Luna seem so sure in her, they don't notice. The other Mane girls are busy with their own tasks; they don't understand just how heavily this hits Twilight. She'd always been obsessed with Princesses and such, right? Of course she could be ready.</p><p>Only Anon, her Coltfriend, picks up that something is terribly wrong. And only he realizes just how far Twilight has spiraled, when it's not Twilight that receives the Crown; but something akin to Daybreaker, to Nightmare Moon. But this Mare is calm. Collected. Cold, even. Every other Alter-Ego the Alicorns presented launched into Evil tirades. </p><p>This one just wished him a good day, and trotted off to go do paperwork.</p><p>2nd Chapter owns the Sex tag<br/>*Added missing pic to 2nd Chapter</p>
She's smiling. A familiar, happy smile. His hand strokes her face, kissing that smiling face, the two laying naked on their bed. Another long night had passed under Eclipse's leadership. A few months into Eclipses rule has passed, as well as the enacting of her grand plan. The Nobles, obviously, did not take it very well. The common Pony, however, seemed to quite like the idea of having much more say in local politics. Civil war seemed to loom, and questions arose from those that knew Twilight. Before anything could explode into chaos, however, a string of events involving some severely incriminating evidence buckled the Noble lines. The schism was expected, manipulated, and a convenient lapse in judgement, that was definitely not pre-planned to such a devious level that Chrysalis would be proud, was used to smite any embers of civil war that could erupt. Power was slowly filtered from the Royalty, and fed to local, reformed beauracratic sects. The Nobility either turned on each-other, or stood down to preserve their own images. It wasn't all the way, but, by years end, the Princess of Equestria would be a ceremonial title at best. Eclipse was already closing in on establishing a secured magic loop that, once cast, would place the Sun and Moon on an automatic cycle. The Princesses didn't quite know how to take the news, when they heard of what was happening in Canterlot. They'd expected Twilights rule to be unique, but not quite to this degree. Any meeting with them is cordial, but firmly reminds them that they have since retired; Equestria is no longer their concern. Without their powers to move the Sun or the Moon, there is little they can do about this factor, but trust in Twilight; publicly, that is the name she still goes by. Her friends were happy for her, that she'd found a route to enjoy doing what she wanted. With some nudging from Anon, she didn't let those friendships falter; they might not be perfect, but Twilight and the other girls had been through a lot together. Eclipse's firm grasp on emotions lead to some surprisingly real conversations; some ending in comforting tears and apologies, others in clarity. Anon sighs, resting his head in his hand, looking over his furred lover. The room was dark, lit only by flickering candles. A common theme. Eclipse seemed to have an immense preference for the middling hours between Day and Night; namely, Dawn and Dusk. "Letting a little more of Twilight in every day, hm?" He hums, catching her attention. She was nearly half the size, now, only coming up to his chest. Where she used to cuddle him, now she was again the little spoon. She was a little more vibrant, but the ash-grey streak remained. Still had some hefty flank, though. "...Mm. I suppose I am." Eclipse muses quietly. "You know... you might be the first Alicorn to find a middle-ground with their alter-ego. Wouldn't exactly be out of character for Twilight to carve the path of yet another first." Anon theorizes. "...And how would you feel about that? A lover that is not quite Twilight, and not quite Eclipse?" She asks, searching his face. Her only answer is the kiss against her lips, the two holding each-other close.
[ "She's smiling. A familiar, happy smile. His hand strokes her face, kissing that smiling face, the two laying naked on their bed. Another long night had passed under Eclipse's leadership. A few months into Eclipses rule has passed, as well as the enacting of her grand plan. The Nobles, obviously, did not take it very well. The common Pony, however, seemed to quite like the idea of having much more say in local politics. Civil war seemed to loom, and questions arose from those that knew Twilight. Before anything could explode into chaos, however, a string of events involving some severely incriminating evidence buckled the Noble lines. The schism was expected, manipulated, and a convenient lapse in judgement, that was definitely not pre-planned to such a devious level that Chrysalis would be proud, was used to smite any embers of civil war that could erupt. Power was slowly filtered from the Royalty, and fed to local, reformed beauracratic sects. The Nobility either turned on each-other, or stood down to preserve their own images. It wasn't all the way, but, by years end, the Princess of Equestria would be a ceremonial title at best. Eclipse was already closing in on establishing a secured magic loop that, once cast, would place the Sun and Moon on an automatic cycle. The Princesses didn't quite know how to take the news, when they heard of what was happening in Canterlot. They'd expected Twilights rule to be unique, but not quite to this degree. Any meeting with them is cordial, but firmly reminds them that they have since retired; Equestria is no longer their concern. Without their powers to move the Sun or the Moon, there is little they can do about this factor, but trust in Twilight; publicly, that is the name she still goes by. Her friends were happy for her, that she'd found a route to enjoy doing what she wanted. With some nudging from Anon, she didn't let those friendships falter; they might not be perfect, but Twilight and the other girls had been through a lot together. Eclipse's firm grasp on emotions lead to some surprisingly real conversations; some ending in comforting tears and apologies, others in clarity. Anon sighs, resting his head in his hand, looking over his furred lover. The room was dark, lit only by flickering candles. A common theme. Eclipse seemed to have an immense preference for the middling hours between Day and Night; namely, Dawn and Dusk. \"Letting a little more of Twilight in every day, hm?\" He hums, catching her attention. She was nearly half the size, now, only coming up to his chest. Where she used to cuddle him, now she was again the little spoon. She was a little more vibrant, but the ash-grey streak remained. Still had some hefty flank, though. \"...Mm. I suppose I am.\" Eclipse muses quietly. \"You know... you might be the first Alicorn to find a middle-ground with their alter-ego. Wouldn't exactly be out of character for Twilight to carve the path of yet another first.\" Anon theorizes. \"...And how would you feel about that? A lover that is not quite Twilight, and not quite Eclipse?\" She asks, searching his face. Her only answer is the kiss against her lips, the two holding each-other close." ]
Anon,Starlight Glimmer,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Ponyville's Pragmatic Posse
An HIE / Anon Romance story involving Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie; the four souls this side of Equestria that share an appreciation for sarcasm, pragmatism, and a healthy dose of being judgemental.
<p>An HIE / Anon Collection of Stories involving the four most Pragmatic, Sarcastic and Judgmental characters this side of Ponyville; Anon, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie.</p><p><b>*Canon Changes:</b> Sunset Shimmer has been living on the Earth that Anon is originally from, instead of a High School AU; so no Equestria Girls. Historians say Starlight and Trixie were &quot;Roommates&quot;.</p><p>Princess Twilight is happy to see... some kind of friendship blooming between her more troubled acquaintances; her &quot;Students&quot;. Only one actually really fit the bill, being Starlight, but the others lived at the Castle of Friendship for their own uses.</p><p>The four have formed a fairly tight, if complex friend group. They don't have too many friends outside of each other, but Twilight is content that they make the effort where they can. Mostly. They argue and insult each-other a lot, for a friend group.</p><p>At first, Twilight thought it was Anon's terrible manners rubbing off on them, considering how the group now heavily uses Earth-related profanities. Until she realized, they all kind of rub off on each-other the wrong way. Anon is an all-around ass. Sunset is willing to ditch everyone else for her own interests. Starlight still thinks she knows better than anyone, and that she's smarter. Trixie is Trixie, still; stubborn, sarcastic and egotistical. Three Ex-Villains, and an Asshole.</p><p>She should probably address that...</p>
Princess Twilight sits deep within the Crystal Castle of Friendship, gently reading one of her numerous books. She finally had a moment of downtime, and was eager to finish some reading she'd started a week prior, that she just could not find the time for. The Magic Mirror sits dormant, as does this section of the castle. But it seemed even now, in her moment of peace, she couldn't focus. Her mind wanders to the other occupants of her Castle. Other than herself and Spike, there were four other individuals living at her Castle with her, all some variation of being her 'Student'. Sunset Shimmer. Not so much one of her Students directly, the two shared magical knowledge often, with Sunset visiting from Earth through the Magic Mirror that Twilight hosted within the Library. She'd always been a little worried for Sunset; normally feeling like an Outcast among Pony-Kind for spending so much time on Earth, Sunset had been quite surprised to find a Human in Equestria. While she was originally a Pony and traversed through the Magic Mirror in the library, to go back and forth. Unlike Anon's natural form being that of a Human, with no Magic, and his arrival to Equestria some time ago being an Accident, meant he couldn't travel back to Earth. Princess Twilight originally worried that this would cause friction between the two; but Anon had little intention of ever going home, and the two bonded surprisingly quickly, making references and jokes nopony else in the room seemed to get; this helped the awkward transitions be a lot less awkward, giving her someone to laugh with whenever she came through the mirror walking on two hooves. She'd often bring him things that he requested. Speaking of Anon, he was... a Student, of sorts? Their dynamic hardly played out as such, and he certainly never called her teacher, or mentor. Or Princess. Usually some Nickname trying to push her buttons. It was actually Twilight's fault that he was here. Some time ago, Twilight had experimented with the Mirrors on her own; it failed, utterly, shattering her prototype and dumping an entirely untransformed Human into her house. They'd salvaged a relationship, thankfully; Anon was a very relaxed soul, who preferred to joke rather than sweat about something. Something about being Moisturized and Unbothered? How it is simply how it is? He made some odd references most of the time, and only Sunset seemed to understand them. To a degree. Speaking of relationships; while they weren't as public as Starlight and Trixie, Sunset and Anon seemed to have... something, going on; or at least the start of something. Anon's natural lack of Magic was actually found to be some kind of Magical Absorption; Magic hardly has an effect on him, dissipating on contact. This included trying to grasp him with Telekinesis, Teleporting him, healing spells; good or bad, a spells essence was slurped up by the no-magic void of Anon. Thankfully, physical contact didn't try to absorb anyone latent magic. It seemed it simply rebuffed spells. Sunset said after some light testing, it seemed most Humans from Earth were the same way. He's been staying with Twilight since his arrival, and the upgrade to Crystal Castle was a welcome one for not hitting his head. He "Studies" his odd relationship with magic, mostly by serving as a Guinea Pig for her other students experiments. And speaking of Students who enjoyed using Anon as a Guinea Pig; Starlight Glimmer and Trixie. Starlight was probably the one who fit most properly under the title of "Student", actually searching to learn Friendship and Magic under her watch and mentorship. Though a touch... unaligned with most Ponies general attitudes towards things. She didn't quite agree with how Equestria was run, how Cutie Marks were so ingrained culturally, and was always willing to dive into a political tirade. That, was definitely not the attitude of most Ponies. Thankfully, she'd found both friends, and a Marefriend in her time at the Castle. That, and Anon seemed to always be up for a debate, no matter the topic. He had an unnatural way of luring people into arguments, no matter how pointless. Said Marefriend to Starlight, and final student, was Trixie. It was a big hurdle for Trixie to actually join as one of Twilights "Students", swallowing a big chunk of her pride. She'd always viewed Twilight as her rival, and she was always a little... dicey, about their dynamic as Teacher and Student; but the gap between the two's skills just couldn't be ignored. With some serious self esteem issues, Trixie strove far more for magical prowess than she did friendship; but she found it all the same. Trixie has a bad habit of pushing people away, or poorly reading a room; Anon, however, seems immutable to being pushed away, and either fires back playfully or entirely defuses the situation. It'd be safe to say that out of her four students, and their tentative friend group, Anon was the glue that kept them together; they didn't have much in the way of friends outside the Castle, considering most of their histories. But not everyone was made for big, town-wide friend groups. If they were happy, and learning the foundations of friendship while pursuing their own interests, than Princess Twilight Sparkle was happy. She sighs, content, trying to finally focus in on her book. Well, until she hears a commotion of hoof-steps and yelling charging through the neighboring hall. Twilight groans, closing the book shut and putting it down. She slowly approaches the door, the muffled yelling getting louder. The door slowly creaks opens, Twilight peeking through the cracks. Starlight is rolling her eyes, stood just behind a seething Trixie, Starlights magic holding a pot lid from the kitchen. Trixie is shouting at Anon, who is hiding around the corner, holding a basket of... water balloons. "ANONYMOUS! THE GREAT TRIXIE DEMANDS YOU RETURN HER PRIVATE PROPERTY --" Trixie shouts, getting cut off as Anon shouts "MAGIC MISSILE!", throttling one of the balloons at her. Trixie is yanked by her tail, scooted behind Starlight with magic as a water balloon impacts the pot lid, Starlight using the impromptu shield to intercept Anons projectiles. The floor of the hall is already soaked, as is Trixie. Looks like she couldn't get out of the way in time. Several times. Looking closer, Twilight spots Trixie's hat sat on Anon's head -- and was that the beard from her Starswirl Nightmare Night costume? He even had a blanket wrapped around himself like a cape. Trixie scowls, puffing her chest. "Thank you, assistant. NOW -- RETURN TRIXIES HAT, THIEF!" Trixie shouts, emboldened. "Assistant?" Starlight scoffs. "Mmmmagic MISSILE!" Another shout from Anon. The pot lid "Accidentally" floats a little too high, a water balloon pelting Trixie in the face. She sputters, gasping as she's soaked again. Starlight grins. "Oops." She does actually block the next one that goes ripping towards them, splashing the walls and floor with more water. Twilight sighs, her internal debate on whether or not intervening was worth it, or if she should just teleport a mop between them. Actually, where was Sunset? When her students got into shenanigans, it usually involved -- The Magic Mirror behind her slowly whirs to life. Twilight steps away from the door, watching as the machine twists the pink glow into a burst, the mirror enveloping in a glow as Sunset steps out. She's holding several plastic bags, filled with... costumes. And fake wands. And a fake, plastic staff. And a bag of empty water balloons. Several bags, actually. "Anon! I got the things you... asked... for." Sunset trails off, face growing pale as she realizes Twilight is staring. Sunset is also dressed similarly to Anon, in a big poofy beard, and a pointy hat. Sunset lowers down from two hooves to four, glancing away sheepishly. "...Hey. Princess Twilight." Sunset mumbles, rubbing her front-leg with a hoof. "Hello, Sunset. An enjoyable visit to Earth?" Twilight asks, shifting to fully face her. More swearing and splashing can be heard in the hall. "Uh, yeah... just, uh. Playing... Wizards. With Anon." She coughs. "He's already soaked Trixie." Twilight informs, nodding to the hallway. Sunset scoffs, frowning. "Without me?!" Twilight watches as Sunset barrels through the door, shouting -- in moments, the situation has spiraled into a 3v1; Anon's face twists from cocky assurance, to fear as he realizes he's not in fact, reinforced -- but outnumbered, Sunset joining the other Mares. Anon has his supply of Balloons wrenched from his grasp, and is promptly subjected to a horrific firing-squad of magically propelled water balloons. He's left curled up in the fetal position on the floor, twitching, soaking wet and in a puddle. The other three look content. The remains of the water balloons pepper the floor like spent casings, the three Mares catching their breath from the beatdown. Trixie floats her hat back onto her head, trotting back up the hall with an appeased huff. Until the Mop blinks in front of her, in a twinkle of purple light. She screeches to a stop, starting to stutter. "B-But Trixie did not--" Twilight gives the group a knowing stare, as she leans out of the library doorway, earning a silence. Except from Anon, who lays slain on the floor, mumbling in soaked pain. The Library door slowly shuts, leaving the usual suspects in the hall alone. Trixie grumbles, grasping the mop in her blueish glow. "Just dry the floor, Trixie. Bombarding Anon like that was worth the cleanup." Starlight chides, off to look for a bucket. Trixie grumbles in agreement, starting to mop up some of the water. Sunset stands beside the slain Anon, tilting her head at him. She tsks softly, shaking her head. "...Traitor." Anon mumbles. Sunset leans down, sighing with mock pity, and pats his back. "Winners write the history books, Anon; and I like winning. Shouldn't have started without me." Anon groans.
[ "Princess Twilight sits deep within the Crystal Castle of Friendship, gently reading one of her numerous books. She finally had a moment of downtime, and was eager to finish some reading she'd started a week prior, that she just could not find the time for. The Magic Mirror sits dormant, as does this section of the castle. But it seemed even now, in her moment of peace, she couldn't focus. Her mind wanders to the other occupants of her Castle. Other than herself and Spike, there were four other individuals living at her Castle with her, all some variation of being her 'Student'. Sunset Shimmer. Not so much one of her Students directly, the two shared magical knowledge often, with Sunset visiting from Earth through the Magic Mirror that Twilight hosted within the Library. She'd always been a little worried for Sunset; normally feeling like an Outcast among Pony-Kind for spending so much time on Earth, Sunset had been quite surprised to find a Human in Equestria. While she was originally a Pony and traversed through the Magic Mirror in the library, to go back and forth. Unlike Anon's natural form being that of a Human, with no Magic, and his arrival to Equestria some time ago being an Accident, meant he couldn't travel back to Earth. Princess Twilight originally worried that this would cause friction between the two; but Anon had little intention of ever going home, and the two bonded surprisingly quickly, making references and jokes nopony else in the room seemed to get; this helped the awkward transitions be a lot less awkward, giving her someone to laugh with whenever she came through the mirror walking on two hooves. She'd often bring him things that he requested. Speaking of Anon, he was... a Student, of sorts? Their dynamic hardly played out as such, and he certainly never called her teacher, or mentor. Or Princess. Usually some Nickname trying to push her buttons. It was actually Twilight's fault that he was here. Some time ago, Twilight had experimented with the Mirrors on her own; it failed, utterly, shattering her prototype and dumping an entirely untransformed Human into her house. They'd salvaged a relationship, thankfully; Anon was a very relaxed soul, who preferred to joke rather than sweat about something. Something about being Moisturized and Unbothered? How it is simply how it is? He made some odd references most of the time, and only Sunset seemed to understand them. To a degree. Speaking of relationships; while they weren't as public as Starlight and Trixie, Sunset and Anon seemed to have... something, going on; or at least the start of something. Anon's natural lack of Magic was actually found to be some kind of Magical Absorption; Magic hardly has an effect on him, dissipating on contact. This included trying to grasp him with Telekinesis, Teleporting him, healing spells; good or bad, a spells essence was slurped up by the no-magic void of Anon. Thankfully, physical contact didn't try to absorb anyone latent magic. It seemed it simply rebuffed spells. Sunset said after some light testing, it seemed most Humans from Earth were the same way. He's been staying with Twilight since his arrival, and the upgrade to Crystal Castle was a welcome one for not hitting his head. He \"Studies\" his odd relationship with magic, mostly by serving as a Guinea Pig for her other students experiments. And speaking of Students who enjoyed using Anon as a Guinea Pig; Starlight Glimmer and Trixie. Starlight was probably the one who fit most properly under the title of \"Student\", actually searching to learn Friendship and Magic under her watch and mentorship. Though a touch... unaligned with most Ponies general attitudes towards things. She didn't quite agree with how Equestria was run, how Cutie Marks were so ingrained culturally, and was always willing to dive into a political tirade. That, was definitely not the attitude of most Ponies. Thankfully, she'd found both friends, and a Marefriend in her time at the Castle. That, and Anon seemed to always be up for a debate, no matter the topic. He had an unnatural way of luring people into arguments, no matter how pointless. Said Marefriend to Starlight, and final student, was Trixie. It was a big hurdle for Trixie to actually join as one of Twilights \"Students\", swallowing a big chunk of her pride. She'd always viewed Twilight as her rival, and she was always a little... dicey, about their dynamic as Teacher and Student; but the gap between the two's skills just couldn't be ignored. With some serious self esteem issues, Trixie strove far more for magical prowess than she did friendship; but she found it all the same. Trixie has a bad habit of pushing people away, or poorly reading a room; Anon, however, seems immutable to being pushed away, and either fires back playfully or entirely defuses the situation. It'd be safe to say that out of her four students, and their tentative friend group, Anon was the glue that kept them together; they didn't have much in the way of friends outside the Castle, considering most of their histories. But not everyone was made for big, town-wide friend groups. If they were happy, and learning the foundations of friendship while pursuing their own interests, than Princess Twilight Sparkle was happy. She sighs, content, trying to finally focus in on her book. Well, until she hears a commotion of hoof-steps and yelling charging through the neighboring hall. Twilight groans, closing the book shut and putting it down. She slowly approaches the door, the muffled yelling getting louder. The door slowly creaks opens, Twilight peeking through the cracks. Starlight is rolling her eyes, stood just behind a seething Trixie, Starlights magic holding a pot lid from the kitchen. Trixie is shouting at Anon, who is hiding around the corner, holding a basket of... water balloons. \"ANONYMOUS! THE GREAT TRIXIE DEMANDS YOU RETURN HER PRIVATE PROPERTY --\" Trixie shouts, getting cut off as Anon shouts \"MAGIC MISSILE! \", throttling one of the balloons at her. Trixie is yanked by her tail, scooted behind Starlight with magic as a water balloon impacts the pot lid, Starlight using the impromptu shield to intercept Anons projectiles. The floor of the hall is already soaked, as is Trixie. Looks like she couldn't get out of the way in time. Several times. Looking closer, Twilight spots Trixie's hat sat on Anon's head -- and was that the beard from her Starswirl Nightmare Night costume? He even had a blanket wrapped around himself like a cape. Trixie scowls, puffing her chest. \"Thank you, assistant. NOW -- RETURN TRIXIES HAT, THIEF!\" Trixie shouts, emboldened. \"Assistant?\" Starlight scoffs. \"Mmmmagic MISSILE!\" Another shout from Anon. The pot lid \"Accidentally\" floats a little too high, a water balloon pelting Trixie in the face. She sputters, gasping as she's soaked again. Starlight grins. \"Oops.\" She does actually block the next one that goes ripping towards them, splashing the walls and floor with more water. Twilight sighs, her internal debate on whether or not intervening was worth it, or if she should just teleport a mop between them. Actually, where was Sunset? When her students got into shenanigans, it usually involved -- The Magic Mirror behind her slowly whirs to life. Twilight steps away from the door, watching as the machine twists the pink glow into a burst, the mirror enveloping in a glow as Sunset steps out. She's holding several plastic bags, filled with... costumes. And fake wands. And a fake, plastic staff. And a bag of empty water balloons. Several bags, actually. \"Anon! I got the things you... asked... for.\" Sunset trails off, face growing pale as she realizes Twilight is staring. Sunset is also dressed similarly to Anon, in a big poofy beard, and a pointy hat. Sunset lowers down from two hooves to four, glancing away sheepishly. \"...Hey. Princess Twilight.\" Sunset mumbles, rubbing her front-leg with a hoof. \"Hello, Sunset. An enjoyable visit to Earth?\" Twilight asks, shifting to fully face her. More swearing and splashing can be heard in the hall. \"Uh, yeah... just, uh. Playing... Wizards. With Anon.\" She coughs. \"He's already soaked Trixie.\" Twilight informs, nodding to the hallway. Sunset scoffs, frowning. \"Without me?!\" Twilight watches as Sunset barrels through the door, shouting -- in moments, the situation has spiraled into a 3v1; Anon's face twists from cocky assurance, to fear as he realizes he's not in fact, reinforced -- but outnumbered, Sunset joining the other Mares. Anon has his supply of Balloons wrenched from his grasp, and is promptly subjected to a horrific firing-squad of magically propelled water balloons. He's left curled up in the fetal position on the floor, twitching, soaking wet and in a puddle. The other three look content. The remains of the water balloons pepper the floor like spent casings, the three Mares catching their breath from the beatdown. Trixie floats her hat back onto her head, trotting back up the hall with an appeased huff. Until the Mop blinks in front of her, in a twinkle of purple light. She screeches to a stop, starting to stutter. \"B-But Trixie did not--\" Twilight gives the group a knowing stare, as she leans out of the library doorway, earning a silence. Except from Anon, who lays slain on the floor, mumbling in soaked pain. The Library door slowly shuts, leaving the usual suspects in the hall alone. Trixie grumbles, grasping the mop in her blueish glow. \"Just dry the floor, Trixie. Bombarding Anon like that was worth the cleanup.\" Starlight chides, off to look for a bucket. Trixie grumbles in agreement, starting to mop up some of the water. Sunset stands beside the slain Anon, tilting her head at him. She tsks softly, shaking her head. \"...Traitor.\" Anon mumbles. Sunset leans down, sighing with mock pity, and pats his back. \"Winners write the history books, Anon; and I like winning. Shouldn't have started without me.\" Anon groans." ]
Anon,Starlight Glimmer,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Ponyville's Pragmatic Posse
An HIE / Anon Romance story involving Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie; the four souls this side of Equestria that share an appreciation for sarcasm, pragmatism, and a healthy dose of being judgemental.
<p>An HIE / Anon Collection of Stories involving the four most Pragmatic, Sarcastic and Judgmental characters this side of Ponyville; Anon, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie.</p><p><b>*Canon Changes:</b> Sunset Shimmer has been living on the Earth that Anon is originally from, instead of a High School AU; so no Equestria Girls. Historians say Starlight and Trixie were &quot;Roommates&quot;.</p><p>Princess Twilight is happy to see... some kind of friendship blooming between her more troubled acquaintances; her &quot;Students&quot;. Only one actually really fit the bill, being Starlight, but the others lived at the Castle of Friendship for their own uses.</p><p>The four have formed a fairly tight, if complex friend group. They don't have too many friends outside of each other, but Twilight is content that they make the effort where they can. Mostly. They argue and insult each-other a lot, for a friend group.</p><p>At first, Twilight thought it was Anon's terrible manners rubbing off on them, considering how the group now heavily uses Earth-related profanities. Until she realized, they all kind of rub off on each-other the wrong way. Anon is an all-around ass. Sunset is willing to ditch everyone else for her own interests. Starlight still thinks she knows better than anyone, and that she's smarter. Trixie is Trixie, still; stubborn, sarcastic and egotistical. Three Ex-Villains, and an Asshole.</p><p>She should probably address that...</p>
Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer slowly walk through Ponyville's market. Midday, it's bustling; and the two are out with a purpose. Trixie's Birthday is coming up, and Starlight wants to make sure she gets her Marefriend a proper gift. The Two had been dating shortly after they'd made up, following the fight over being friends to spite Twilight. It wasn't the most conventional relationship, but they found comfort in having each-others backs. Sunset finishes browsing one of the stalls with a few different food items, returning to walk with Starlight; who throws her a raised eyebrow. Sunset looks at her, before realizing she's still walking on two hooves. She chuckles, quickly dropping back to four before she gets more stairs. A bad habit that had formed from spending so much time on Earth; it didn't help it felt natural to do whenever they hung out with Anon. Speaking of, Anon was currently keeping Trixie distracted so they could shop. Something about a new routine involving a Box, a Saw, and a Campfire. His sacrifice will be remembered. "Why do you do that, anyway?" Starlight asks Sunset, nodding at her back hooves. "Are you really just that used to it? I didn't think with Pony physiology that it would be comfortable." "It's a habit, I guess. I'm so used to walking on two legs, I just default to it. Used to trip me up at first, but I got used to it." Sunset responds. Honestly, it was pretty comfortable for her to walk like that; but she always got weird looks about it, so she usually just did it in the Castle, if anything. Still, a slip here or there. Anon didn't mind it, though. Sometimes, they'd enter a room walking like the other; Sunset on two hooves, Anon walking on all fours. Always threw the occupants for a good loop. Their gaze flits over a few more of the stalls, trying to figure a good gift idea for their favorite discount magician. Jewelry? Eh. Food? Eh. Trixie was a... surprisingly hard Pony to shop for. Anything magical would probably just go abused until it broke. Clothes were a pointless endeavor, she only wore the Hat and Cape, if she ever wanted to wear anything at all. Yes, that included to their fancy Canterlot date at that nice restaurant. Starlight face-hoofs remembering it. She'd even got a nice dress for herself. It sat in her closet now, collecting dust. "Did Anon recommend anything?" Starlight asks, hoping for an inspiration to work off of. Sunset snorts. "Two things. The first was... oh, right. A shirt that says "My Bitch Got Autism"." She informs bluntly, getting an eye-roll from Starlight. "I still don't know what you see in him. What did he even get you for your birthday?" Starlight follows up, judgingly; only to be surprised as she watches the small smile creep onto Sunset's face. "Well, first he faked me out with a Blue Hoofball cap that said "Please Be Patient, I have Autism". Then, after I made him eat it, he showed me his actual gift. He got a uh..." Sunset tsks, trying to explain it. Starlight had been to Earth once or twice with her, so it shouldn't be that hard. Though no other Pony seemed to enjoy Earth as much as she did. "You know those little Chargers, for Phones?" "Uh... the little blocks with the cord sticking out, you put them in the wall?" Starlight guesses. She pauses to look at a stall selling a few flowers, the orange Mare sat behind it smiling at her. Flowers? For Trixie? "Yeah -- into the Outlets. I love music; it's abundant on Earth, and super easy to listen to all the time. But here, they don't have places to charge my Phone, where I keep all my music on. So Anon got Twilight to help him concoct some... Psuedo-Charger, using some Magic Gems, a conductive metal, and friction? I forget the details, but he basically got me an outlet I could charge my Phone in, but for here." Sunset explains. Starlight does remember seeing Sunset walk around with those... 'Pod' things in her ears. Music on the go? Hm. Trixie liked music. That could be an idea. "...Did he really? That seems... uncharacteristically sweet." Starlight mutters. She steps away from the flower stall, not finding much she's into. "He's a big softy buried under a mound of bullish assholism; and we're pretty good at putting up with each-other, which for some Ponies..." Sunset trails off. "Is a tall order, believe me, I know. Trixie and I... I do love her, but I know I'm probably one of like... three Ponies this side of Equestria that can put up being in a room alone with her." Starlight grimaces. Trixie exuded a lot of personality, all at once. It made for... a pretty terrible first impression. But through effort, they got to know the real each-other; and Starlight loved what was underneath, hurdles and all. "...And is one of those Ponies Anon?" Sunset teases, bumping flanks with Starlight. Starlight purses her lips. Anon did agree to help with their plan pretty willingly. She might still be a little too... judgmental. "You're right. Sorry. Don't mean to insult your Coltfriend in front of you." "Save it for when I'm not around, right?" Sunset giggles, getting a sigh out of Starlight. "You know what I mean." Starlight grumbles. "Course I do. You know Anon doesn't care about that kind of thing. He might fuck with everyone he knows, but I know he'd have their backs in the same heartbeat." Sunset chimes, getting an odd glance from Starlight. "What's with Anon and you liking that 'Fuck' word so much?" Starlight questions. She hears them sling slang all the time, and it usually just confused everyone around them. "Oh, I've tried explaining it, but I just can't. You have to see it in action; it's an Earth-Culture thing. Fuck has become an intrinsic part of their language." Sunset politely informs. They're getting close to the end of the market, and no good gift idea has made itself clear. "Oh, I just realized -- I interrupted you. Sorry Sunset." Starlight sighs. "Huh?" Sunset raises an eyebrow. "I had asked what Anon recommended. You said two things, but I cut you off after the first." Starlight reminds. Sunset laughs. "You're fine. His other gift idea was, and I quote; "Blue Bitch likes spells and shit, get that bitch some new spells for her routines.", if I recall." Sunset mimics Anon as best she can, waggling her head and particular, blunt charm. "...Is that a little too on the nose?" Starlight mumbles, worried about the obviousness of the gift. Sunset shrugs. "Anon explained it like... be thankful you're dating someone who makes what they like easily known? Sure, Trixie is all about magic. Doesn't mean getting her something Magic-Related is lazy. Not everyone is buried in deep, complicated or hidden desires." "Makes it sound like he's saying you're hard to shop for." Starlight teases. Sunset grins. "I like to keep him on his toes." "What'd you get him for his birthday?" Starlight prompts, trying to remember what Toes were. "Oh -- I wanted to do the fake-out back to him, but he liked my joke gift more than my actual gift. I got him a shirt that said "Don't Bully Me, I'll Cum" -- he wore it so much, Twilight burned it because she was tired of having to explain Human Humor to concerned Ponies." Sunset snort-laughs. "I'm not allowed to bring back clothes with words on them, anymore." Starlight raises an eyebrow, lip curling. "...Yeah, you two were made for each other. Fuck it, let's hit the magic shop." Trixie and Anon sit on Anon's couch; his room in the Castle looked like less like a large bedroom, and more like someone transplanted the entirety of a small single-bedroom home inside of a single room. While he didn't have cable, or any other live service, he did have Sunset to bring him stuff. She'd gotten him a TV for his birthday (Rest in Peace DBM,IC shirt), a DVD player, and an entire box of someone's old movies. Quite the old-school selection. They've got one playing right now. Despite being very popular, people tend to forget it exists. Trixie leans forward, eyes-wide, fully invested; she's practically dangling off the couch. Anon is sprawled back, arms crossed, legs kicked up on the coffee table. The Big Blue people with the sex ponytails on the screen blow up one of the Humans ships, crashing out of the sky. Trixie throws her hooves in the air. "YES! Another Victory for the BLUE!" She shouts, relating to fellow blue-colored creatures. Anon grumbles, a stout believer in Humanity First.
[ "Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer slowly walk through Ponyville's market. Midday, it's bustling; and the two are out with a purpose. Trixie's Birthday is coming up, and Starlight wants to make sure she gets her Marefriend a proper gift. The Two had been dating shortly after they'd made up, following the fight over being friends to spite Twilight. It wasn't the most conventional relationship, but they found comfort in having each-others backs. Sunset finishes browsing one of the stalls with a few different food items, returning to walk with Starlight; who throws her a raised eyebrow. Sunset looks at her, before realizing she's still walking on two hooves. She chuckles, quickly dropping back to four before she gets more stairs. A bad habit that had formed from spending so much time on Earth; it didn't help it felt natural to do whenever they hung out with Anon. Speaking of, Anon was currently keeping Trixie distracted so they could shop. Something about a new routine involving a Box, a Saw, and a Campfire. His sacrifice will be remembered. \"Why do you do that, anyway?\" Starlight asks Sunset, nodding at her back hooves. \"Are you really just that used to it? I didn't think with Pony physiology that it would be comfortable.\" \"It's a habit, I guess. I'm so used to walking on two legs, I just default to it. Used to trip me up at first, but I got used to it.\" Sunset responds. Honestly, it was pretty comfortable for her to walk like that; but she always got weird looks about it, so she usually just did it in the Castle, if anything. Still, a slip here or there. Anon didn't mind it, though. Sometimes, they'd enter a room walking like the other; Sunset on two hooves, Anon walking on all fours. Always threw the occupants for a good loop. Their gaze flits over a few more of the stalls, trying to figure a good gift idea for their favorite discount magician. Jewelry? Eh. Food? Eh. Trixie was a... surprisingly hard Pony to shop for. Anything magical would probably just go abused until it broke. Clothes were a pointless endeavor, she only wore the Hat and Cape, if she ever wanted to wear anything at all. Yes, that included to their fancy Canterlot date at that nice restaurant. Starlight face-hoofs remembering it. She'd even got a nice dress for herself. It sat in her closet now, collecting dust. \"Did Anon recommend anything?\" Starlight asks, hoping for an inspiration to work off of. Sunset snorts. \"Two things. The first was... oh, right. A shirt that says \"My Bitch Got Autism\".\" She informs bluntly, getting an eye-roll from Starlight. \"I still don't know what you see in him. What did he even get you for your birthday?\" Starlight follows up, judgingly; only to be surprised as she watches the small smile creep onto Sunset's face. \"Well, first he faked me out with a Blue Hoofball cap that said \"Please Be Patient, I have Autism\". Then, after I made him eat it, he showed me his actual gift. He got a uh...\" Sunset tsks, trying to explain it. Starlight had been to Earth once or twice with her, so it shouldn't be that hard. Though no other Pony seemed to enjoy Earth as much as she did. \"You know those little Chargers, for Phones?\" \"Uh... the little blocks with the cord sticking out, you put them in the wall?\" Starlight guesses. She pauses to look at a stall selling a few flowers, the orange Mare sat behind it smiling at her. Flowers? For Trixie? \"Yeah -- into the Outlets. I love music; it's abundant on Earth, and super easy to listen to all the time. But here, they don't have places to charge my Phone, where I keep all my music on. So Anon got Twilight to help him concoct some... Psuedo-Charger, using some Magic Gems, a conductive metal, and friction? I forget the details, but he basically got me an outlet I could charge my Phone in, but for here.\" Sunset explains. Starlight does remember seeing Sunset walk around with those... 'Pod' things in her ears. Music on the go? Hm. Trixie liked music. That could be an idea. \"...Did he really? That seems... uncharacteristically sweet.\" Starlight mutters. She steps away from the flower stall, not finding much she's into. \"He's a big softy buried under a mound of bullish assholism; and we're pretty good at putting up with each-other, which for some Ponies...\" Sunset trails off. \"Is a tall order, believe me, I know. Trixie and I... I do love her, but I know I'm probably one of like... three Ponies this side of Equestria that can put up being in a room alone with her.\" Starlight grimaces. Trixie exuded a lot of personality, all at once. It made for... a pretty terrible first impression. But through effort, they got to know the real each-other; and Starlight loved what was underneath, hurdles and all. \"...And is one of those Ponies Anon?\" Sunset teases, bumping flanks with Starlight. Starlight purses her lips. Anon did agree to help with their plan pretty willingly. She might still be a little too... judgmental. \"You're right. Sorry. Don't mean to insult your Coltfriend in front of you.\" \"Save it for when I'm not around, right?\" Sunset giggles, getting a sigh out of Starlight. \"You know what I mean.\" Starlight grumbles. \"Course I do. You know Anon doesn't care about that kind of thing. He might fuck with everyone he knows, but I know he'd have their backs in the same heartbeat.\" Sunset chimes, getting an odd glance from Starlight. \"What's with Anon and you liking that 'Fuck' word so much?\" Starlight questions. She hears them sling slang all the time, and it usually just confused everyone around them. \"Oh, I've tried explaining it, but I just can't. You have to see it in action; it's an Earth-Culture thing. Fuck has become an intrinsic part of their language.\" Sunset politely informs. They're getting close to the end of the market, and no good gift idea has made itself clear. \"Oh, I just realized -- I interrupted you. Sorry Sunset.\" Starlight sighs. \"Huh?\" Sunset raises an eyebrow. \"I had asked what Anon recommended. You said two things, but I cut you off after the first.\" Starlight reminds. Sunset laughs. \"You're fine. His other gift idea was, and I quote; \"Blue Bitch likes spells and shit, get that bitch some new spells for her routines. \", if I recall.\" Sunset mimics Anon as best she can, waggling her head and particular, blunt charm. \"...Is that a little too on the nose?\" Starlight mumbles, worried about the obviousness of the gift. Sunset shrugs. \"Anon explained it like... be thankful you're dating someone who makes what they like easily known? Sure, Trixie is all about magic. Doesn't mean getting her something Magic-Related is lazy. Not everyone is buried in deep, complicated or hidden desires.\" \"Makes it sound like he's saying you're hard to shop for.\" Starlight teases. Sunset grins. \"I like to keep him on his toes.\" \"What'd you get him for his birthday?\" Starlight prompts, trying to remember what Toes were. \"Oh -- I wanted to do the fake-out back to him, but he liked my joke gift more than my actual gift. I got him a shirt that said \"Don't Bully Me, I'll Cum\" -- he wore it so much, Twilight burned it because she was tired of having to explain Human Humor to concerned Ponies.\" Sunset snort-laughs. \"I'm not allowed to bring back clothes with words on them, anymore.\" Starlight raises an eyebrow, lip curling. \"...Yeah, you two were made for each other. Fuck it, let's hit the magic shop.\" Trixie and Anon sit on Anon's couch; his room in the Castle looked like less like a large bedroom, and more like someone transplanted the entirety of a small single-bedroom home inside of a single room. While he didn't have cable, or any other live service, he did have Sunset to bring him stuff. She'd gotten him a TV for his birthday (Rest in Peace DBM,IC shirt), a DVD player, and an entire box of someone's old movies. Quite the old-school selection. They've got one playing right now. Despite being very popular, people tend to forget it exists. Trixie leans forward, eyes-wide, fully invested; she's practically dangling off the couch. Anon is sprawled back, arms crossed, legs kicked up on the coffee table. The Big Blue people with the sex ponytails on the screen blow up one of the Humans ships, crashing out of the sky. Trixie throws her hooves in the air. \"YES! Another Victory for the BLUE!\" She shouts, relating to fellow blue-colored creatures. Anon grumbles, a stout believer in Humanity First." ]
Anon,Starlight Glimmer,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Ponyville's Pragmatic Posse
An HIE / Anon Romance story involving Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie; the four souls this side of Equestria that share an appreciation for sarcasm, pragmatism, and a healthy dose of being judgemental.
<p>An HIE / Anon Collection of Stories involving the four most Pragmatic, Sarcastic and Judgmental characters this side of Ponyville; Anon, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie.</p><p><b>*Canon Changes:</b> Sunset Shimmer has been living on the Earth that Anon is originally from, instead of a High School AU; so no Equestria Girls. Historians say Starlight and Trixie were &quot;Roommates&quot;.</p><p>Princess Twilight is happy to see... some kind of friendship blooming between her more troubled acquaintances; her &quot;Students&quot;. Only one actually really fit the bill, being Starlight, but the others lived at the Castle of Friendship for their own uses.</p><p>The four have formed a fairly tight, if complex friend group. They don't have too many friends outside of each other, but Twilight is content that they make the effort where they can. Mostly. They argue and insult each-other a lot, for a friend group.</p><p>At first, Twilight thought it was Anon's terrible manners rubbing off on them, considering how the group now heavily uses Earth-related profanities. Until she realized, they all kind of rub off on each-other the wrong way. Anon is an all-around ass. Sunset is willing to ditch everyone else for her own interests. Starlight still thinks she knows better than anyone, and that she's smarter. Trixie is Trixie, still; stubborn, sarcastic and egotistical. Three Ex-Villains, and an Asshole.</p><p>She should probably address that...</p>
The troublesome troupe were hanging out in Anon's room-house machination. (This tends to be a common theme, when you're the only one with a TV in their 'room'.) TV, however, was not meant for them at this time. The four of them are currently squeezed on the couch, all in generally sour moods. The couch could comfortably host three; so with four, they were all pretty smushed together, pink flank to blue flank to man-butt to yellow flank. Instead of watching TV, a trying-to-be-stern Princess Twilight paced in front of the entertainment box, back and forth. They'd been... lacking, in their weekly friendship lessons. Since they'd grown comfortable with each-others company, they hadn't been making suitable reports. Slacking, even. This wouldn't do, and Twilight would nip it in the bud. Trixie nudges Anon with her elbow, trying to get him to move over. He huffs, shoving his knee further into her space. Starlight rolls her eyes, until Trixie starts leaning back on her, Starlight coughing and looking away. Sunset smacks at whatever part of Anon leans too close into her own space, eager and willing to defend what is hers, even against Anon. The only one who didn't seem bothered by proximity was Starlight, nearly being sat on by Trixie as her and Anon square up for central-couch ownership. A loudly cleared throat from Twilight snaps everyone back to a quiet attention, silencing the rabble. "Everypony." Twilight begins. "Aw, sick." Anon slaps his knees, leaning forward to get up. "And Human." Twilight adds, throwing him a testy stare. Anon tsks, un-leaning and crossing his arms. "Your Monday-Due Friendship reports on your Friendship lessons are... lacking." Twilight explains, trying to take the lighter route of scolding. "Let's read one of two, shall we?" A soft purple glow lifts a stack of four papers up, equally spreading them out in front of her. "Last week, I'd asked you to define what Friendship meant to you. Starting with Anon..." She squints. "It's... Gay." Twilight looks over the page, finding literally nothing else. She crumples up the paper, tossing it aside. "Sorry, thought the lesson was 'Define Trixie'. I'll do better next week, teach, promise." Anon teases, catching a smack from the associated seat-competition. Twilight shakes her head, moving on. "Starlight. You said... Friendship is a useful tool to ensure that those around you maintain a proper relationship, and move in predictable patterns. Without it, one would need to utilize either methods of... fear, or control, either through the... monopoly of required goods, or invasive magics." There's a lot more to the page, but Twilight crumples it up. Starlight looks offended. "What?! I worked hard on that one!" Starlight objects. "Starlight, Friendship isn't a tool used to manipulate others. Not by Good Ponies, anyway. And you are, a Good Pony?" Twilight states dryly. It wasn't a secret that the three Ponies occupying the Couch were... 'Rehabilitated Villains' that had brought some form of trouble to either Ponyville, or the Elements. It was a bit of an awkward subject, since most of the conflicts were born from insecurity or grudges. Starlight glances away. "...Right. Sorry." She mutters. Twilight takes a long breath, pulling out Trixie's paper. "Trixie. You said... Starlight is Trixie's only friend, and the only one worthy of being Trixie's full-time assistant." Twilight re-reads the rather short entry, before glancing up. Trixie stares at Twilight, entirely serious and expectantly, while Starlight glances away, blushing. Anon and Sunset throw Trixie a hefty stink eye. Trixie scoffs. "What? Trixie was being honest! You are... Friends in Training, to Trixie. Intern Assistants, at best." She says proudly, like it was a nice thing. "I'm gonna beat her ass." Sunset mutters. "I'm gonna uninvite this bitch from my Birthday Parties." Anon grumbles. "Oh, nobody goes to those anyway, Anon." Sunset chides, getting an offended look from Anon. "Ladies, Ladies." Twilight says, trying to ease the moment. She glances at Anon. "...And Anon. Enough. Please." The Couch quiets down, and Twilight starts again. "Trixie. I am... tentatively proud. I'm glad you value Starlight's friendship, and have found where to place your personal Values towards friendship. However... let's try to lean away from burning the relationship of everyone else that might like you?" Trixie looks confused. "What do you mean? Trixie was honest." "Anon, why don't you... explain, how what Trixie said, makes you feel?" Twilight tries, waving to Anon with a hoof. "Sure." He grunts, shifting to look at Trixie. Trixie tilts her head to look at him, incredulously. "Trixie. When you say... I'm not your friend, it makes me... want to call you a Fag--" Anon's mouth is promptly shut by Sunsets hoof, already predicting him. "We'll uh... work on this part of things, later, Twilight." Sunset grins, throwing Anon a dirty look. Anon rolls his eyes. Twilight shakes her head, while Trixie just looks confused. Starlight is still quiet, Trixie's hoof currently leaned against her leg. "Alright. And finally, Sunset..." Twilight starts, pulling up the last paper. "I appreciate My friends, And the time they spend with me. Friendship, to me, mAkes me feel... Good. it keeps the bad thoughts away, and spendinG time with the peOple i like, makes me have a good Time. so, i find friendship, equal to happiness." Twilight reads out, nodding in approving surprise. "I'm glad that at least you took it seriously, Sunset. Though... you may need to work on your grammar." Twilight praises, Sunset blinking a few times. "I, uh... I forgot to write mine, actually." Sunset admits, sheepishly. Anon audibly snorts, getting all eyes on him. Sunset smacks his shoulder. "The fuck did you do this time?" Twilight throws Sunset a sour stare. "Enough with the hitting, please. And Swearing. Now, why do we assume evil intent? Perhaps, Anon was trying to show... affection, to his friends, by helping write your assignment when you forgot? While I'm not a fan of you missing your reports, it would show... progress?" Twilight tries, but she's having trouble finding a good lesson out of this. "Can I see it?" Sunset asks. Twilight nods, floating it over to the yellow mare. Sunset takes it in her hoofs, reading it over. She doesn't see anything the first time. She re-reads it again, noting the poor grammar, the odd capitals... It clicks, and she groans loudly, crumpling up the paper. "I'm a Faggot? Really, Anon?" Anon makes a shocked gasp, before covering Sunsets mouth with his hand. "Sunset! Language!" She bites his hand. He doesn't quite react in the way she was expecting, the two of them sharing an awkward stare. They cough, Sunset pulling her teeth off, and Anon rescinding his hand. Trixie glances between the two, confused. Starlight is looking away, biting a hoof to keep from commenting. Twilight shakes her head, ignoring the entire thing as she produces four new parchments. "This week, I'll be expecting you all to handle a Group assignment." Collective, face-scrunching wince. Boo. "I want, each of you, to list Three Things that you like about each other person in your friend group -- and Three Things you think they could do better. Understood, everypony? And Anon?" Twilight asks. A collective quartet of 'Yes, yep, mmhm, and Sure thing Princess Twilight' are said, though not enthusiastically. Content, Twilight leaves them to begin their weeks studies, of each-other, trotting out of Anons room. Trixie is quick to hop off the couch, Starlight finally taking a breath as the blue pony gets off of her lap. "Well, this was... trivial. If anyone needs Trixie, she shall be practicing her elite routines, until Sunday Night, where she will panic-answer the entire sheet for Monday Morning." Trixie bluntly announces, heading for the door. "Fun. Yeah, I'm gonna... go. Do some stuff. Thanks for hosting, Anon." Starlight follows soon after Trixie, leaving Sunset and Anon alone. The two re-adjust, now claiming equal space on the couch. Sunset has the remote for the TV in her hoof, tapping it on her leg. To actually tackle her assignment early, or to follow Trixie's admirable, slacking path. She glances over at Anon, expecting him to do the same. Instead, she finds him leant over the Coffee Table, already scribbling something down on his own page. She tilts her head. "Didn't expect you to be the get-ahead type." She muses, teasing. He doesn't take the bait. Sunset raises an eyebrow. He always takes the bait. Anon finishes scribbling, holding the paper out towards her, looking away. She takes it, giving him a confused look while putting the remote down. The only section he filled out was under how he felt about her, under 'What she could do better.' Of course, he did, asshole... "Bite Harder... Next Time." Sunset reads aloud. Both awkwardly cough, Sunset joining in on glancing away, both hiding a blush.
[ "The troublesome troupe were hanging out in Anon's room-house machination. (This tends to be a common theme, when you're the only one with a TV in their 'room'.) TV, however, was not meant for them at this time. The four of them are currently squeezed on the couch, all in generally sour moods. The couch could comfortably host three; so with four, they were all pretty smushed together, pink flank to blue flank to man-butt to yellow flank. Instead of watching TV, a trying-to-be-stern Princess Twilight paced in front of the entertainment box, back and forth. They'd been... lacking, in their weekly friendship lessons. Since they'd grown comfortable with each-others company, they hadn't been making suitable reports. Slacking, even. This wouldn't do, and Twilight would nip it in the bud. Trixie nudges Anon with her elbow, trying to get him to move over. He huffs, shoving his knee further into her space. Starlight rolls her eyes, until Trixie starts leaning back on her, Starlight coughing and looking away. Sunset smacks at whatever part of Anon leans too close into her own space, eager and willing to defend what is hers, even against Anon. The only one who didn't seem bothered by proximity was Starlight, nearly being sat on by Trixie as her and Anon square up for central-couch ownership. A loudly cleared throat from Twilight snaps everyone back to a quiet attention, silencing the rabble. \"Everypony.\" Twilight begins. \"Aw, sick.\" Anon slaps his knees, leaning forward to get up. \"And Human.\" Twilight adds, throwing him a testy stare. Anon tsks, un-leaning and crossing his arms. \"Your Monday-Due Friendship reports on your Friendship lessons are... lacking.\" Twilight explains, trying to take the lighter route of scolding. \"Let's read one of two, shall we?\" A soft purple glow lifts a stack of four papers up, equally spreading them out in front of her. \"Last week, I'd asked you to define what Friendship meant to you. Starting with Anon...\" She squints. \"It's... Gay.\" Twilight looks over the page, finding literally nothing else. She crumples up the paper, tossing it aside. \"Sorry, thought the lesson was 'Define Trixie'. I'll do better next week, teach, promise.\" Anon teases, catching a smack from the associated seat-competition. Twilight shakes her head, moving on. \"Starlight. You said... Friendship is a useful tool to ensure that those around you maintain a proper relationship, and move in predictable patterns. Without it, one would need to utilize either methods of... fear, or control, either through the... monopoly of required goods, or invasive magics.\" There's a lot more to the page, but Twilight crumples it up. Starlight looks offended. \"What?! I worked hard on that one!\" Starlight objects. \"Starlight, Friendship isn't a tool used to manipulate others. Not by Good Ponies, anyway. And you are, a Good Pony?\" Twilight states dryly. It wasn't a secret that the three Ponies occupying the Couch were... 'Rehabilitated Villains' that had brought some form of trouble to either Ponyville, or the Elements. It was a bit of an awkward subject, since most of the conflicts were born from insecurity or grudges. Starlight glances away. \"...Right. Sorry.\" She mutters. Twilight takes a long breath, pulling out Trixie's paper. \"Trixie. You said... Starlight is Trixie's only friend, and the only one worthy of being Trixie's full-time assistant.\" Twilight re-reads the rather short entry, before glancing up. Trixie stares at Twilight, entirely serious and expectantly, while Starlight glances away, blushing. Anon and Sunset throw Trixie a hefty stink eye. Trixie scoffs. \"What? Trixie was being honest! You are... Friends in Training, to Trixie. Intern Assistants, at best.\" She says proudly, like it was a nice thing. \"I'm gonna beat her ass.\" Sunset mutters. \"I'm gonna uninvite this bitch from my Birthday Parties.\" Anon grumbles. \"Oh, nobody goes to those anyway, Anon.\" Sunset chides, getting an offended look from Anon. \"Ladies, Ladies.\" Twilight says, trying to ease the moment. She glances at Anon. \"...And Anon. Enough. Please.\" The Couch quiets down, and Twilight starts again. \"Trixie. I am... tentatively proud. I'm glad you value Starlight's friendship, and have found where to place your personal Values towards friendship. However... let's try to lean away from burning the relationship of everyone else that might like you?\" Trixie looks confused. \"What do you mean? Trixie was honest.\" \"Anon, why don't you... explain, how what Trixie said, makes you feel?\" Twilight tries, waving to Anon with a hoof. \"Sure.\" He grunts, shifting to look at Trixie. Trixie tilts her head to look at him, incredulously. \"Trixie. When you say... I'm not your friend, it makes me... want to call you a Fag--\" Anon's mouth is promptly shut by Sunsets hoof, already predicting him. \"We'll uh... work on this part of things, later, Twilight.\" Sunset grins, throwing Anon a dirty look. Anon rolls his eyes. Twilight shakes her head, while Trixie just looks confused. Starlight is still quiet, Trixie's hoof currently leaned against her leg. \"Alright. And finally, Sunset...\" Twilight starts, pulling up the last paper. \"I appreciate My friends, And the time they spend with me. Friendship, to me, mAkes me feel... Good. it keeps the bad thoughts away, and spendinG time with the peOple i like, makes me have a good Time. so, i find friendship, equal to happiness.\" Twilight reads out, nodding in approving surprise. \"I'm glad that at least you took it seriously, Sunset. Though... you may need to work on your grammar.\" Twilight praises, Sunset blinking a few times. \"I, uh... I forgot to write mine, actually.\" Sunset admits, sheepishly. Anon audibly snorts, getting all eyes on him. Sunset smacks his shoulder. \"The fuck did you do this time?\" Twilight throws Sunset a sour stare. \"Enough with the hitting, please. And Swearing. Now, why do we assume evil intent? Perhaps, Anon was trying to show... affection, to his friends, by helping write your assignment when you forgot? While I'm not a fan of you missing your reports, it would show... progress?\" Twilight tries, but she's having trouble finding a good lesson out of this. \"Can I see it?\" Sunset asks. Twilight nods, floating it over to the yellow mare. Sunset takes it in her hoofs, reading it over. She doesn't see anything the first time. She re-reads it again, noting the poor grammar, the odd capitals... It clicks, and she groans loudly, crumpling up the paper. \"I'm a Faggot? Really, Anon?\" Anon makes a shocked gasp, before covering Sunsets mouth with his hand. \"Sunset! Language!\" She bites his hand. He doesn't quite react in the way she was expecting, the two of them sharing an awkward stare. They cough, Sunset pulling her teeth off, and Anon rescinding his hand. Trixie glances between the two, confused. Starlight is looking away, biting a hoof to keep from commenting. Twilight shakes her head, ignoring the entire thing as she produces four new parchments. \"This week, I'll be expecting you all to handle a Group assignment.\" Collective, face-scrunching wince. Boo. \"I want, each of you, to list Three Things that you like about each other person in your friend group -- and Three Things you think they could do better. Understood, everypony? And Anon?\" Twilight asks. A collective quartet of 'Yes, yep, mmhm, and Sure thing Princess Twilight' are said, though not enthusiastically. Content, Twilight leaves them to begin their weeks studies, of each-other, trotting out of Anons room. Trixie is quick to hop off the couch, Starlight finally taking a breath as the blue pony gets off of her lap. \"Well, this was... trivial. If anyone needs Trixie, she shall be practicing her elite routines, until Sunday Night, where she will panic-answer the entire sheet for Monday Morning.\" Trixie bluntly announces, heading for the door. \"Fun. Yeah, I'm gonna... go. Do some stuff. Thanks for hosting, Anon.\" Starlight follows soon after Trixie, leaving Sunset and Anon alone. The two re-adjust, now claiming equal space on the couch. Sunset has the remote for the TV in her hoof, tapping it on her leg. To actually tackle her assignment early, or to follow Trixie's admirable, slacking path. She glances over at Anon, expecting him to do the same. Instead, she finds him leant over the Coffee Table, already scribbling something down on his own page. She tilts her head. \"Didn't expect you to be the get-ahead type.\" She muses, teasing. He doesn't take the bait. Sunset raises an eyebrow. He always takes the bait. Anon finishes scribbling, holding the paper out towards her, looking away. She takes it, giving him a confused look while putting the remote down. The only section he filled out was under how he felt about her, under 'What she could do better.' Of course, he did, asshole... \"Bite Harder... Next Time.\" Sunset reads aloud. Both awkwardly cough, Sunset joining in on glancing away, both hiding a blush." ]
Anon,Starlight Glimmer,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Ponyville's Pragmatic Posse
An HIE / Anon Romance story involving Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie; the four souls this side of Equestria that share an appreciation for sarcasm, pragmatism, and a healthy dose of being judgemental.
<p>An HIE / Anon Collection of Stories involving the four most Pragmatic, Sarcastic and Judgmental characters this side of Ponyville; Anon, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie.</p><p><b>*Canon Changes:</b> Sunset Shimmer has been living on the Earth that Anon is originally from, instead of a High School AU; so no Equestria Girls. Historians say Starlight and Trixie were &quot;Roommates&quot;.</p><p>Princess Twilight is happy to see... some kind of friendship blooming between her more troubled acquaintances; her &quot;Students&quot;. Only one actually really fit the bill, being Starlight, but the others lived at the Castle of Friendship for their own uses.</p><p>The four have formed a fairly tight, if complex friend group. They don't have too many friends outside of each other, but Twilight is content that they make the effort where they can. Mostly. They argue and insult each-other a lot, for a friend group.</p><p>At first, Twilight thought it was Anon's terrible manners rubbing off on them, considering how the group now heavily uses Earth-related profanities. Until she realized, they all kind of rub off on each-other the wrong way. Anon is an all-around ass. Sunset is willing to ditch everyone else for her own interests. Starlight still thinks she knows better than anyone, and that she's smarter. Trixie is Trixie, still; stubborn, sarcastic and egotistical. Three Ex-Villains, and an Asshole.</p><p>She should probably address that...</p>
The group was, one again, claiming territory in Anon's room. Twilight watches through the door, having knocked and peeked in a second ago. The TV quietly flickers, showing some movie about cars that go fast, driven by bald men. Good ambience, the volume lower than usual. Speckled around the mini-house, each of the usual suspects is trying to work on their group study, calling out and commenting on things as they try to narrow down how they feel about each-other, and what improvements they could make. Anon was laid back on the bed, holding his paper in the air. Sunset was by the couch, using the coffee table. Starlight was on the floor a few feet from Anon, back-hooves kicking in the air as she lays on her stomach. Trixie was pacing around the entire room, trying to get her brain into motion, dressed in her full regalia; Hat, and Cape. Twilight nods, content to see them actually tackling her lesson. Maybe they'd take this one to heart? She slowly closes the door, off to handle some Friendship tasks for the next few hours. She'd check in on them later. The moment the door clicks shut, all heads in the room snap towards it, waiting. Listening. Sunset turns the TV down even further, as they listen to Twilight's hoofsteps get further. And... gone. All four spring from their places, papers tossed aside as they rush to slide into position around the coffee table. The TV is turned up by Sunset, as Starlight, Anon, and Trixie slowly pull out something from underneath the couch. A ready-to-play Poker game laid out on large, flat tray, decked out with the works. It's quickly placed on the Coffee table, all four taking a spot on the floor around it. Sunset had been introduced to the concept of 'Gambling' during her time on Earth. When she asked Anon bout it, the two took to learning some of the various types of games. This, of course, evolved into an addiction of spending what few bits they had to their names in an ever-revolving door of bit-hogging, all earned through manipulative gambling tactics. Classic Friendship Lesson material, really. Nevermind the fact they barely know how to play. Sunset had been bringing back more and more games, and the group was smitten. Particularly when Bits were involved. "Thought she'd never leave." Sunset huffs, sliding her cards into her hooves. "Trixie knows! Trixie can only idly pace around for so long; even if she does so magnanimously." Blue Ego huffs, her soft blue glow encapsulating her cards. "I wasn't even writing anything, just looking at a blank page, trying to look all inquisitive and shit." Anon snorts, picking up his. He's pulled a gambling visor out of... somewhere. "It looked to me like you were waiting for her to leave so you could use the bathroom." Starlight chides, throwing him a look. "Then the intended effect was had. Thank you for noticing, Starlight." Anon grins. Starlight snorts. "Anyway, ladies -- where were we?" "Getting run for your money." Sunset grins, competitive side flaring again. Cards in hand and hoof, the game is back on. Sunset deals, sliding out a fresh hand to each gambler. A generous 25 bits between each of them, as gazes turn to suspicious, poker faces find their place, and cocky demeanor is in full swing. Dealt cards are pulled close to their chests; Starlight's and Trixie's held by magic, Sunset by hooves, Anon's by hands. Small Blind of 1 Bit, Big Blind of 2 bit. Suspicious glances are thrown; and the gambit begins. Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, Anon. Starlight checks. Anon checks. Sunset checks. A cautious first round. The first three cards roll out. Jack of Spades, 8 of Hearts, 3 of Clubs. Sunset keeps a stern face, eyes roaming over the others. She puts a small bid of 3 Bits. Trixie is already smiling at her cards, before pushing her entire stack forward. "The most Magnanimous Trixie is All In." "Already?" Starlight huffs, rolling her eyes, folding. "... Fuck off, blueberry." Anon folds. Sunset tsks, folding. One of Trixie's favorite tactics; because it was easy. Full-send, and, scoop up the pot when the others don't commit. Trixies pile grows, as does her smug face. "If she keeps doing that, I'm introducing this group to Russian Roulette." Anon grumbles, Sunset smacking his shoulder. Trixie deals, new hands, fresh pot. Trixie's hoard grows. The hands the been dealt haven't been kind for the others, frustration mounting as her smugness continues to grow. While Trixie haughtily laughs to herself, pulling in another small pile, the attrition is showing its wear on the others bit-piles, now a fraction of what Trixie holds. Sunset is stewing over her terrible luck, mood growing more sour by the second. Starlight has mentally clocked out, folding right away without care if her hand isn't good. Which it isn't. So she folds. Anon glares at Trixie, watching her; it's her turn to deal again. "Trixie is surprised! Well, not really -- Trixie is the best -- but, after all... yap yap yap--" Anon has spaced out her words, as Trixie proudly boasts, mostly to show off to Starlight. He leans, whispering to Sunset. "Did we agree to gamble with the illusionist who does card tricks?" Sunset's sour stewing slowly fades to realization. Trixie hasn't had a bad hand all game. They'd either fold to her bluff, or, when they finally confronted her when she didn't all in, she still had good cards. "Bitch." Sunset mutters. "Peep this." Anon says quietly. Sunset raises an eyebrow. "I've gotta piss." Anon announces, pushing himself to his feet. He moves around the table, walking behind Starlight -- who guards her cards, eyeing him suspiciously. Until she see's him step oddly close to Trixie -- and whap, smack the hat right off her head. The room is silent as three, entirely separate packs of playing cards -- one not even matching the type they were using -- pours all over the table and floor. Trixie goes completely still, her smug speech -- which continued un-interrupted past Anon's announcement of needing to urinate -- stopped in its tracks. Sunset and Starlight glare, their cards dropping from their hands. Trixie has gone a few shades paler. "U-uh... perhaps, this can be talked... out? There is, most assuredly, a good explanation in Trixie's mind. Any minute now." Hooves and Knuckles crack. Twilight knocks several times, before pushing the door open; she'd finished with her work, and was excited to see their progress on their reports. Would they have handled the criticism against each-other well? Did they pair-off and ignore the others? Or did they, Celestia forbid, actually handle it properly? Oh. Trixie is splayed across the table, crumpled hat and cape and all. An abhorrent amount of playing cards are splayed everywhere -- with the other three currently building a House of Cards carefully, using Trixie as the base. Twilight purses her lips. This... hm. She closes the door. She'll check again later.
[ "The group was, one again, claiming territory in Anon's room. Twilight watches through the door, having knocked and peeked in a second ago. The TV quietly flickers, showing some movie about cars that go fast, driven by bald men. Good ambience, the volume lower than usual. Speckled around the mini-house, each of the usual suspects is trying to work on their group study, calling out and commenting on things as they try to narrow down how they feel about each-other, and what improvements they could make. Anon was laid back on the bed, holding his paper in the air. Sunset was by the couch, using the coffee table. Starlight was on the floor a few feet from Anon, back-hooves kicking in the air as she lays on her stomach. Trixie was pacing around the entire room, trying to get her brain into motion, dressed in her full regalia; Hat, and Cape. Twilight nods, content to see them actually tackling her lesson. Maybe they'd take this one to heart? She slowly closes the door, off to handle some Friendship tasks for the next few hours. She'd check in on them later. The moment the door clicks shut, all heads in the room snap towards it, waiting. Listening. Sunset turns the TV down even further, as they listen to Twilight's hoofsteps get further. And... gone. All four spring from their places, papers tossed aside as they rush to slide into position around the coffee table. The TV is turned up by Sunset, as Starlight, Anon, and Trixie slowly pull out something from underneath the couch. A ready-to-play Poker game laid out on large, flat tray, decked out with the works. It's quickly placed on the Coffee table, all four taking a spot on the floor around it. Sunset had been introduced to the concept of 'Gambling' during her time on Earth. When she asked Anon bout it, the two took to learning some of the various types of games. This, of course, evolved into an addiction of spending what few bits they had to their names in an ever-revolving door of bit-hogging, all earned through manipulative gambling tactics. Classic Friendship Lesson material, really. Nevermind the fact they barely know how to play. Sunset had been bringing back more and more games, and the group was smitten. Particularly when Bits were involved. \"Thought she'd never leave.\" Sunset huffs, sliding her cards into her hooves. \"Trixie knows! Trixie can only idly pace around for so long; even if she does so magnanimously.\" Blue Ego huffs, her soft blue glow encapsulating her cards. \"I wasn't even writing anything, just looking at a blank page, trying to look all inquisitive and shit.\" Anon snorts, picking up his. He's pulled a gambling visor out of... somewhere. \"It looked to me like you were waiting for her to leave so you could use the bathroom.\" Starlight chides, throwing him a look. \"Then the intended effect was had. Thank you for noticing, Starlight.\" Anon grins. Starlight snorts. \"Anyway, ladies -- where were we?\" \"Getting run for your money.\" Sunset grins, competitive side flaring again. Cards in hand and hoof, the game is back on. Sunset deals, sliding out a fresh hand to each gambler. A generous 25 bits between each of them, as gazes turn to suspicious, poker faces find their place, and cocky demeanor is in full swing. Dealt cards are pulled close to their chests; Starlight's and Trixie's held by magic, Sunset by hooves, Anon's by hands. Small Blind of 1 Bit, Big Blind of 2 bit. Suspicious glances are thrown; and the gambit begins. Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, Anon. Starlight checks. Anon checks. Sunset checks. A cautious first round. The first three cards roll out. Jack of Spades, 8 of Hearts, 3 of Clubs. Sunset keeps a stern face, eyes roaming over the others. She puts a small bid of 3 Bits. Trixie is already smiling at her cards, before pushing her entire stack forward. \"The most Magnanimous Trixie is All In.\" \"Already?\" Starlight huffs, rolling her eyes, folding. \"... Fuck off, blueberry.\" Anon folds. Sunset tsks, folding. One of Trixie's favorite tactics; because it was easy. Full-send, and, scoop up the pot when the others don't commit. Trixies pile grows, as does her smug face. \"If she keeps doing that, I'm introducing this group to Russian Roulette.\" Anon grumbles, Sunset smacking his shoulder. Trixie deals, new hands, fresh pot. Trixie's hoard grows. The hands the been dealt haven't been kind for the others, frustration mounting as her smugness continues to grow. While Trixie haughtily laughs to herself, pulling in another small pile, the attrition is showing its wear on the others bit-piles, now a fraction of what Trixie holds. Sunset is stewing over her terrible luck, mood growing more sour by the second. Starlight has mentally clocked out, folding right away without care if her hand isn't good. Which it isn't. So she folds. Anon glares at Trixie, watching her; it's her turn to deal again. \"Trixie is surprised! Well, not really -- Trixie is the best -- but, after all... yap yap yap--\" Anon has spaced out her words, as Trixie proudly boasts, mostly to show off to Starlight. He leans, whispering to Sunset. \"Did we agree to gamble with the illusionist who does card tricks?\" Sunset's sour stewing slowly fades to realization. Trixie hasn't had a bad hand all game. They'd either fold to her bluff, or, when they finally confronted her when she didn't all in, she still had good cards. \"Bitch.\" Sunset mutters. \"Peep this.\" Anon says quietly. Sunset raises an eyebrow. \"I've gotta piss.\" Anon announces, pushing himself to his feet. He moves around the table, walking behind Starlight -- who guards her cards, eyeing him suspiciously. Until she see's him step oddly close to Trixie -- and whap, smack the hat right off her head. The room is silent as three, entirely separate packs of playing cards -- one not even matching the type they were using -- pours all over the table and floor. Trixie goes completely still, her smug speech -- which continued un-interrupted past Anon's announcement of needing to urinate -- stopped in its tracks. Sunset and Starlight glare, their cards dropping from their hands. Trixie has gone a few shades paler. \"U-uh... perhaps, this can be talked... out? There is, most assuredly, a good explanation in Trixie's mind. Any minute now.\" Hooves and Knuckles crack. Twilight knocks several times, before pushing the door open; she'd finished with her work, and was excited to see their progress on their reports. Would they have handled the criticism against each-other well? Did they pair-off and ignore the others? Or did they, Celestia forbid, actually handle it properly? Oh. Trixie is splayed across the table, crumpled hat and cape and all. An abhorrent amount of playing cards are splayed everywhere -- with the other three currently building a House of Cards carefully, using Trixie as the base. Twilight purses her lips. This... hm. She closes the door. She'll check again later." ]
Anon,Starlight Glimmer,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Ponyville's Pragmatic Posse
An HIE / Anon Romance story involving Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie; the four souls this side of Equestria that share an appreciation for sarcasm, pragmatism, and a healthy dose of being judgemental.
<p>An HIE / Anon Collection of Stories involving the four most Pragmatic, Sarcastic and Judgmental characters this side of Ponyville; Anon, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie.</p><p><b>*Canon Changes:</b> Sunset Shimmer has been living on the Earth that Anon is originally from, instead of a High School AU; so no Equestria Girls. Historians say Starlight and Trixie were &quot;Roommates&quot;.</p><p>Princess Twilight is happy to see... some kind of friendship blooming between her more troubled acquaintances; her &quot;Students&quot;. Only one actually really fit the bill, being Starlight, but the others lived at the Castle of Friendship for their own uses.</p><p>The four have formed a fairly tight, if complex friend group. They don't have too many friends outside of each other, but Twilight is content that they make the effort where they can. Mostly. They argue and insult each-other a lot, for a friend group.</p><p>At first, Twilight thought it was Anon's terrible manners rubbing off on them, considering how the group now heavily uses Earth-related profanities. Until she realized, they all kind of rub off on each-other the wrong way. Anon is an all-around ass. Sunset is willing to ditch everyone else for her own interests. Starlight still thinks she knows better than anyone, and that she's smarter. Trixie is Trixie, still; stubborn, sarcastic and egotistical. Three Ex-Villains, and an Asshole.</p><p>She should probably address that...</p>
Sunset listens as the portal swirls to a close behind her, the pink light splashing over its surface dissipating, returning to the simple mirror. Back in the library, lit by daylight through the windows, she let's out a long, comfortable sigh. Her latest Earth trip; one of her favorite ways to relax. Picked up some new music for her phone; Coffee Shops had free Wifi, so she'd set up and burgle a bunch from them, downloading youtube videos as MP3's. When she lived on Earth longer-term, before moving into the Castle, she had her own place. A job, too. And an Ex; a guy named Flash. She rolls her eyes. It always felt a little odd, not having those things anymore. Equestria was so similar, but also just different enough to cause some pause. It's why she appreciated having Anon around; someone who could actually relate to her feelings on the matter and talk about them. Starlight tried, but she just didn't get the jokes, or the troubles. Trixie borderline couldn't comprehend it, and refused to ever go through the portal, her ego marred. Other Ponies would spend a couple days, at the most, on Earth. It was how she met Twilight, initially; she'd come through the portal, and was working at the same place Sunset was. Of course, Sunset didn't know that until later; and thanks to Twilight, she's actually been able to stay in Equestria again. It's why she's appreciative, and tries to give Twilight less trouble than the others. She spends a moment, trying to think of how she's going to handle todays haul. Usually she gets a few requests, and since she isn't living on Earth full-time anymore, she's slowly working through her savings while living at the Castle. Bag of snacks and human magic tricks for Trixie... no surprise there. Starlight wanted to try getting her hooves on a Phone, like Sunset and Anon had, so she picked her up a decent, used model to toy around with, as well as a few songs. Few game apps, that kind of thing. Actually; what did Anon use his phone for? Speaking of Anon, wanted his usual. A few specific snacks he couldn't find anything similar for, including some he preferred she don't tell the others about. Like Beef Jerky. Learning that Humans so casually ate meat was... odd. Of course, Sunset knew other species didn't have their dietary preferences (and had tried some of the Jerky, forcing Anon to swear to secrecy about the fact she actually kind of liked it). Some updates to his Phone, that kind of a thing. Surprisingly... tame. She thought he'd bug her for like, human magazines or something. Porn. Funny enough, he wasn't the one that asked for that. That would be the one Mare in the Castle had asked for something risqué, and the last one on the list. Princess Twilight; she got her own, discreet bag. On account of Sunset being hush-hushed to bring Twilight that she expected Anon to be asking of her. Namely, Alcohol, this time. A surprising amount. Equestria had booze, sure -- but Human Alcohol Percentages were often double, if not triple Equestrian standard, for comparably the same price. Other times, she'd ask for individual things she couldn't get herself, being too busy. Sunset wrote it off on the idea that being a Princess was probably pretty tough. Long hours or something. She wouldn't give her any lip about it -- though it didn't make publicly buying the stuff any easier, Sunset dismissing the embarrassed hue her face would take thinking about standing in line with half the things Princess Twilight wanted. Anyway, she had deliveries to make. Taking up the bags with her magic, she begins her little route through the castle. Princess Twilight was first; Sunset wasn't going to drag an entire bag of rattling booze through the entire castle. They are politely placed just inside Twilight's room, door shut, as requested. Twilight was always good for it, and if she didn't get repaid directly, Sunset would find it by her room. One down, three to go. Trixie and Starlight are easy enough to find, currently in their shared room. Sunset knocks, and is told to enter -- Trixie has Starlight laid on a table, strapped down, holding a saw aloft herself. Beside them, a box. It's one of those 'Saw them in half through the box' tricks. "Ah, Sunset! You are just in time to witness Trixie's greatest trick! Forget the concealment, hiding the trick behind the box; sawed in half -- in full view! Unheard of!" Trixie boasts, cackling. "Only the great Trixie could accomplish such!" Starlight looks torn between being kind of into this, from the way she's been tied to the table, and looking to Sunset for help, the way her eyes keep staring at the saw. "Trixie -- you said there wouldn't be a saw this time!" Starlight protests, wriggling. "That's just murder, Trixie. Forget that, I've got your stuff. It finally came in the mail." Sunset rolls her eyes, slumping out the bag. Out pours everything a beginner slight-of-hand illusionist would want to use; but, since it was Human in nature, Trixie's eyes widened, believing herself to have stumbled on the new level to her routine. The saw is thrown aside, Starlight exhaling in relief, head thumping against the table. "Remember, Trixie -- you owe me. And I'm not waiting a month for repayment like last time." Sunset warns, waggling a hoof. "Yes, yes, Trixie will remember this time. Probably. Now begone!" Trixie dismisses, waving Sunset away. Sunset stands on her back hooves, crossing her front ones. Glaring. "...Trixie thanks you?" Trixie eventually mumbles, staring up at Sunset. Sunset huffs. Good enough. "Oh, Starlight; got some things for you, too. I'll leave them here in the corner, for when you guys are done with your disguised bondage session." Sunset teases, falling to all fours again, turning to leave. "For me? Thanks Sun-- HEY! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Starlight yells out, before scowling and looking away. "Not yet, anyway..." She mutters. Not like she'd mind if Trixie wanted to do that kind of thing. Problem was, Trixie was very... Trixie holds up a collapsing magicians hat, inspecting it closely. ...content, with how things were already. And not much of an initiator. Leaving the pair to their little fun, Sunset shuts the door. Just leaves Anon. First place to check, his room. Sunset trots down the halls, humming to herself. Good day, so far. Anon's room isn't too far from the rest of the rooms, located down the same hall. Since he asked for a bigger room, though, it wasn't beside the other Mares. Twilight made sure the Castle has enough room for all of them; she's terrifyingly potent with magic. The familiar door to Anon's room looms, one final bag jostling alongside Sunset. She'd often just knock and walk in -- Anon and her were very comfortable with each-other after all. So she does the usual. A quick Knock-Knock, and she turns the handle, stepping inside. "Anon, I got the snacks you..." Sunset smiles, though it starts to fade quite quickly. Anon is sat on his couch, head rolled back. Napping? He's not wearing clothes. Alright, not entirely uncommon; Sunset has walked in on him a few times on accident, recently after a shower or changing or the like. Though the two understood a Human's cultural desires to be dressed, and dislike of being naked, she was probably the only Mare he was comfortable walking around in his underwear or a towel near. ...He's not wearing underwear either. She can see them tossed to the side. His dick is out. And he's holding it. He's rubbing it. Oh Sweet Celestia, Sunset mumbles, he's -- "Huh? Sunset?" Anon freezes, the two locked in eye contact. Anon was jerking off on his couch. Amidst the awkward silence, the bag of goodies floats its way onto his coffee table, slumping over as it's laid across it, spilling its contents. "Got you... some stuff. That you asked for." Sunset swallows quietly, trying her best to not look at it. Not very successfully. She's failed at least three times now. She's seen Human dicks before, sure -- North-American Earth Culture is vividly sexualized, and pornographic images are everywhere, readily available. She never really cared for it, herself. But she hadn't seen one in person. It's her first time seeing his... his Dick. It's so strange, compared to a stallions. There's no... sheath, no flare. Big. "Uh... thanks. Been looking forward, to uh... more Jerky." Anon responds, equally awkwardly. Sunset's mind stifles a joke about how he already had plenty of Jerk-y right here. It was busy with impure thoughts. Anon catches her eyes roaming, and goes to lift one of his legs to cover himself. "Y-You don't have to!" Sunset cuts in, raising a hoof. Anon pauses, giving her an odd look. "...Alright?" "Sorry to interrupt! I'll -- uh... do you want me to come back later?" She quickly stutters. "...You know, people who usually walk in on someone spanking it tend to shamefully exit -- rapidly even?" Anon alludes, raising an eyebrow. "Uh... yeah, you're right." She doesn't turn around yet, though. She catches another glance. Okay, Sunset -- enough. She steels herself, feeling a tinge of shame. Smooth, Sunset. Probably just burnt a bridge with Anon. "Sorry." She coughs, apologizing and heads for the door. Anon is wondering why she's so... interested. They've flirted, sure, but this was brazen. Even someone dense like Anon could pick up the interest. Did she have a thing for Humans or something? The bemusing idea of her having a Human-Sona and a Human Kink crosses his mind, watching her reach the door. Is... she swinging her hips? Is her tail raised higher than usual? Why is he noticing that? Anon tsks, running a new, dangerous idea through his mind. But, he wouldn't leap on it if she hadn't been so... odd about this. Fuck it; if he's wrong, worst comes to worst, he only gets exiled and shamed by Ponyville and everyone he knows, right? Not like he was in the right headspace to make smart decisions, anyway. Little brain was the one thinking. "...Sunset?" Anon calls, tentatively. Sunset pauses, hoof on the partially opened door. She stares at it for a long moment. She wasn't expecting him to call for her. Probably just to say, like... lock the door, right? Hopefully not chastise her for blatantly overstaying. She must have gotten overconfident, being used to hanging in his room with the others. Felt more like a communal space than a private abode. She swallows, nervous, slowly turning. "Y-yeah, Anon?" She responds; but her eyes find Anon in a... much more open pose. He's leant against the arm of the couch, now facing her and the ajar door. His arms draped over the couch, one leg bent and propped on a cushion, the other hanging off the side. He's fully exposed, his... 'Manhood' twitching idly in the air. Sunset'll admit, she's stolen glances of Anon's figure before. Shirtless, in shorts... he had nice legs, nice arms. But she's never had him so brazenly posed. Posed for her? Anon watches her. Waiting for a reaction. She stares, chest breathing heavily. Both of their hearts are pounding, treading very, very new waters for either of them. Anon takes a slow breath, trying to steady unsteadiable nerves. Fuck it. Send it. "Did you... want to watch?" There's a single, short moment of silence between the two. The room is quiet. Sunset's back hoof kicks the door, shutting it, the door rattling; with her still inside. Wide, beautiful emerald eyes flitting between him, and his exposed self, her breath heavy. "...Okay." She nods. They stare at each-other again. Neither moves. "...You going to watch from there?" Anon questions softly. Sunset clears her throat. She glances down at her hooves, as if to still make sure she knows how to use them, before slowly crossing the room. There's a new sway to her hips, that she doesn't normally walk with. All that two-back-hoof walking must be doing something, because she's got some solid flank. She stops a few feet from the couch. A permanent blush is settled on her cheeks, a warmth in her chest. "Is this... close enough?" The words slip from her lips between heavy breaths. Anon's eyes are glued to her face. The way her radiant mane curls softly, effortlessly. "As close as you want." He answers, watching. The moment the words leave his mouth. She gets closer, a step forward. Then, a tentative pause. She weighs something internally. Anon watches her, expectantly. Another step. Both share a stare. Neither breaks it. They're far past embarrassment. Another. Now their gaze falters -- Sunset's shifts lower, trailing down his exposed torso, following the lines of his body. She's barely a foot from him, now; almost how close they tend to stand, when they just hang out. When they relax, when they laugh. Stood between the couch, and the coffee table. Close enough to touch Anon's leg. Sunset slowly sits on her haunches, hooves padding in place. Her gorgeous eyes, glued to his manhood. Trembling with a... taboo excitement. Slowly, quietly, Sunset watches as Anon reaches for himself. His hand starts to stroke it, thumb teasing the head, as Sunset finds her gaze glued to his hands. His dexterous, long fingers, working himself. The same ones that would tussle her mane, poke her side, pat her back. The same ones that could stroke her chin, run through her chest-fur, slide between her... She swallows. She's nervous. A good nervous. A new nervous. As is Anon; something like this was... entirely new, for both of them. Potentially even for their species. Did that make it wrong? But how about how they felt? Did that... make it right? A dollop of pre forms, running down the side of his length, self-lubricating as he gets faster. She inches closer. His smell... his scent. It's heavy, tickling her nose as she breaths. For a species so heavily reliant on their nose, proximity to Anon was always... something. She'd go about her day, normally. Then she'd hang out with him. Then she'd go to bed, thinking of him. But like this? The dial was cranked to 11. She watches him for some time. Having an audience made it a lot easier for Anon than usual. Without 'Material', Anon had to lean on imagination. He'll never admit it, a secret taken to his grave -- but he's had thoughts about most the Mares around the castle; like hell he was ever going to ask Sunset to bring pack porn for himself. But the Ponies didn't exactly have much to work with, either. Except... well, themselves. "...You've been going for a while. Do Humans always last this long?" She softly mutters; though it looks more like a vocal, self-reflective thought than an actual question, the way she continues to stare at him work himself. Now, one such Pony sat in front of him, with soft, near-gold fur, and a multicolored splash of mane. One that he... 'thought of' often. One he'd been thinking of moments prior, actually, before she walked in. Now, watching him. Kneading the ground with her hooves, unable to sit still. Eyes, glued to him. Those gorgeous, emerald eyes. "It's... big." She whispers. Shit -- his body tenses. Anon is... "Sunset, I'm uh --" He groans, hips twitching. "...Close?" Sunset whispers. "Y-yeah. M-might, uh... need you t-to move, so I can grab something to..." Anon finds himself cut off. "To clean up with, right?" Sunset whispers; her tone is lower, she speaks quieter. She's gotten even closer. Anon watches, as Sunset scoots right up to him, close enough that her nose could touch it, if she so much as leans forward. She glances up to him, as if looking for something. "Anon... do you like me?" Sunset asks softly, looking at his eyes. Words aren't happening right now. Anon nods. Of course he does; more than words could find, in this moment or another. Sunset nods, her gaze moving back down. She swallows, clears her throat -- And opens her mouth, strings of saliva connecting her upper and lower lips as her tongue rolls out, hot, unsteady breaths on his member. Her mouth is pointed downward, staring up at him with half-lidded, want-ridden eyes. "Wight Hewr." She says, words slurred from her awaiting maw, tongue slowly wriggling back and forth, patiently. His scent was already deeply familiar to her -- but she wanted to know his taste. She needed to. There's no fucking way in Equestria Anon could hold on after that. Anon grunts, hips bucking -- his cock presses against her tongue, his hand forsaking it to grip the couch. Her tongue is warm, the wetness pleasing, as his member throbs, erupting; directly into her mouth. Sunset makes a surprised huff, which turns to a low moan as his seed spurts across her tongue. She leans forward, putting her mouth around his tip, holding it in her mouth as she swallows. Again. Again. Drinking every drop. Anon's head is rolled back over the back of the couch, a low groan escaping him as he's drained. Finally, he twitches no more. Sunsets tongue slowly slides along the bottom of his slowly softening tip, tracing the edge. She's panting, out of breath, coughing and covering her mouth with a hoof. She didn't spill a drop. "...Shit, Anon, that was fucking hot." Sunset mutters. "Think that's my line..." Anon mumbles. He feels the couch shift, as Sunset climbs up beside him. She makes another testing swallow, clearing her throat, smacking her lips. She leans against his side, hoof to her own chest. "Nm...Salty." She comments, eyes roaming his body. "Yeah, it tends to be." Anon puffs, finally catching his own breath. "Why do you know that?" She asks, throwing him a look. No answer. Instead, Anon leans down, pulling her chin upward and kisses her, deeply. Sunset's eyes widen, before she finds herself returning the kiss. No tongue -- not something either is quite familiar with, but the passion of pressing one against one's other, is intrinsic. Her lips are soft, wet -- and yeah, salty. Sunset pulls away suddenly, stifling a laugh. "Dude, did you just--" Sunset teases, ready to ruin the mood and call him his favorite 'Starts with F, ends with T' word. "Shut up. I'm not thinking straight right now." Anon presses a finger to her mouth. She same one he'd been rubbing himself with. Right against her snout. The smell... Sunset looks down at his finger, a hoof reaching up to grasp his hand. She bites her lip, throwing him a half-lidded stare. "...You know... since I did just do you a... really, big favor and all... maybe there's something you could do for me?" Sunset whispers, playfully. She starts to pull his hand down lower, trailing her underbelly. He gets the idea pretty quickly. Anon's hand slowly traces down her face, fingers brushing through fur; her cheek, her neck, her chest... Sunset makes a low, needy purr, hooves clinging to him as he goes further down. Starlight watches silently from the door. Trixie got distracted with her new toys, so she came by to thank Sunset once she managed to free herself. When she couldn't find her in her room, Starlight assumed Sunset was hanging out with Anon, like they usually do. Human-centric, that pair. She even knocked first, but... it made sense why nobody answered. They were a touch 'distracted'. First Sunset... all of it? And then Anon was now... wow. Must be good for her to make a noise like that. Starlight slowly closes the door, her own breath heavy. Shit, was she into watching? That's new. Might need to talk to Trixie about that.
[ "Sunset listens as the portal swirls to a close behind her, the pink light splashing over its surface dissipating, returning to the simple mirror. Back in the library, lit by daylight through the windows, she let's out a long, comfortable sigh. Her latest Earth trip; one of her favorite ways to relax. Picked up some new music for her phone; Coffee Shops had free Wifi, so she'd set up and burgle a bunch from them, downloading youtube videos as MP3's. When she lived on Earth longer-term, before moving into the Castle, she had her own place. A job, too. And an Ex; a guy named Flash. She rolls her eyes. It always felt a little odd, not having those things anymore. Equestria was so similar, but also just different enough to cause some pause. It's why she appreciated having Anon around; someone who could actually relate to her feelings on the matter and talk about them. Starlight tried, but she just didn't get the jokes, or the troubles. Trixie borderline couldn't comprehend it, and refused to ever go through the portal, her ego marred. Other Ponies would spend a couple days, at the most, on Earth. It was how she met Twilight, initially; she'd come through the portal, and was working at the same place Sunset was. Of course, Sunset didn't know that until later; and thanks to Twilight, she's actually been able to stay in Equestria again. It's why she's appreciative, and tries to give Twilight less trouble than the others. She spends a moment, trying to think of how she's going to handle todays haul. Usually she gets a few requests, and since she isn't living on Earth full-time anymore, she's slowly working through her savings while living at the Castle. Bag of snacks and human magic tricks for Trixie... no surprise there. Starlight wanted to try getting her hooves on a Phone, like Sunset and Anon had, so she picked her up a decent, used model to toy around with, as well as a few songs. Few game apps, that kind of thing. Actually; what did Anon use his phone for? Speaking of Anon, wanted his usual. A few specific snacks he couldn't find anything similar for, including some he preferred she don't tell the others about. Like Beef Jerky. Learning that Humans so casually ate meat was... odd. Of course, Sunset knew other species didn't have their dietary preferences (and had tried some of the Jerky, forcing Anon to swear to secrecy about the fact she actually kind of liked it). Some updates to his Phone, that kind of a thing. Surprisingly... tame. She thought he'd bug her for like, human magazines or something. Porn. Funny enough, he wasn't the one that asked for that. That would be the one Mare in the Castle had asked for something risqué, and the last one on the list. Princess Twilight; she got her own, discreet bag. On account of Sunset being hush-hushed to bring Twilight that she expected Anon to be asking of her. Namely, Alcohol, this time. A surprising amount. Equestria had booze, sure -- but Human Alcohol Percentages were often double, if not triple Equestrian standard, for comparably the same price. Other times, she'd ask for individual things she couldn't get herself, being too busy. Sunset wrote it off on the idea that being a Princess was probably pretty tough. Long hours or something. She wouldn't give her any lip about it -- though it didn't make publicly buying the stuff any easier, Sunset dismissing the embarrassed hue her face would take thinking about standing in line with half the things Princess Twilight wanted. Anyway, she had deliveries to make. Taking up the bags with her magic, she begins her little route through the castle. Princess Twilight was first; Sunset wasn't going to drag an entire bag of rattling booze through the entire castle. They are politely placed just inside Twilight's room, door shut, as requested. Twilight was always good for it, and if she didn't get repaid directly, Sunset would find it by her room. One down, three to go. Trixie and Starlight are easy enough to find, currently in their shared room. Sunset knocks, and is told to enter -- Trixie has Starlight laid on a table, strapped down, holding a saw aloft herself. Beside them, a box. It's one of those 'Saw them in half through the box' tricks. \"Ah, Sunset! You are just in time to witness Trixie's greatest trick! Forget the concealment, hiding the trick behind the box; sawed in half -- in full view! Unheard of!\" Trixie boasts, cackling. \"Only the great Trixie could accomplish such!\" Starlight looks torn between being kind of into this, from the way she's been tied to the table, and looking to Sunset for help, the way her eyes keep staring at the saw. \"Trixie -- you said there wouldn't be a saw this time!\" Starlight protests, wriggling. \"That's just murder, Trixie. Forget that, I've got your stuff. It finally came in the mail.\" Sunset rolls her eyes, slumping out the bag. Out pours everything a beginner slight-of-hand illusionist would want to use; but, since it was Human in nature, Trixie's eyes widened, believing herself to have stumbled on the new level to her routine. The saw is thrown aside, Starlight exhaling in relief, head thumping against the table. \"Remember, Trixie -- you owe me. And I'm not waiting a month for repayment like last time.\" Sunset warns, waggling a hoof. \"Yes, yes, Trixie will remember this time. Probably. Now begone!\" Trixie dismisses, waving Sunset away. Sunset stands on her back hooves, crossing her front ones. Glaring. \"...Trixie thanks you?\" Trixie eventually mumbles, staring up at Sunset. Sunset huffs. Good enough. \"Oh, Starlight; got some things for you, too. I'll leave them here in the corner, for when you guys are done with your disguised bondage session.\" Sunset teases, falling to all fours again, turning to leave. \"For me? Thanks Sun-- HEY! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!\" Starlight yells out, before scowling and looking away. \"Not yet, anyway...\" She mutters. Not like she'd mind if Trixie wanted to do that kind of thing. Problem was, Trixie was very... Trixie holds up a collapsing magicians hat, inspecting it closely. ...content, with how things were already. And not much of an initiator. Leaving the pair to their little fun, Sunset shuts the door. Just leaves Anon. First place to check, his room. Sunset trots down the halls, humming to herself. Good day, so far. Anon's room isn't too far from the rest of the rooms, located down the same hall. Since he asked for a bigger room, though, it wasn't beside the other Mares. Twilight made sure the Castle has enough room for all of them; she's terrifyingly potent with magic. The familiar door to Anon's room looms, one final bag jostling alongside Sunset. She'd often just knock and walk in -- Anon and her were very comfortable with each-other after all. So she does the usual. A quick Knock-Knock, and she turns the handle, stepping inside. \"Anon, I got the snacks you...\" Sunset smiles, though it starts to fade quite quickly. Anon is sat on his couch, head rolled back. Napping? He's not wearing clothes. Alright, not entirely uncommon; Sunset has walked in on him a few times on accident, recently after a shower or changing or the like. Though the two understood a Human's cultural desires to be dressed, and dislike of being naked, she was probably the only Mare he was comfortable walking around in his underwear or a towel near. ...He's not wearing underwear either. She can see them tossed to the side. His dick is out. And he's holding it. He's rubbing it. Oh Sweet Celestia, Sunset mumbles, he's -- \"Huh? Sunset?\" Anon freezes, the two locked in eye contact. Anon was jerking off on his couch. Amidst the awkward silence, the bag of goodies floats its way onto his coffee table, slumping over as it's laid across it, spilling its contents. \"Got you... some stuff. That you asked for.\" Sunset swallows quietly, trying her best to not look at it. Not very successfully. She's failed at least three times now. She's seen Human dicks before, sure -- North-American Earth Culture is vividly sexualized, and pornographic images are everywhere, readily available. She never really cared for it, herself. But she hadn't seen one in person. It's her first time seeing his... his Dick. It's so strange, compared to a stallions. There's no... sheath, no flare. Big. \"Uh... thanks. Been looking forward, to uh... more Jerky.\" Anon responds, equally awkwardly. Sunset's mind stifles a joke about how he already had plenty of Jerk-y right here. It was busy with impure thoughts. Anon catches her eyes roaming, and goes to lift one of his legs to cover himself. \"Y-You don't have to!\" Sunset cuts in, raising a hoof. Anon pauses, giving her an odd look. \"...Alright?\" \"Sorry to interrupt! I'll -- uh... do you want me to come back later?\" She quickly stutters. \"...You know, people who usually walk in on someone spanking it tend to shamefully exit -- rapidly even?\" Anon alludes, raising an eyebrow. \"Uh... yeah, you're right.\" She doesn't turn around yet, though. She catches another glance. Okay, Sunset -- enough. She steels herself, feeling a tinge of shame. Smooth, Sunset. Probably just burnt a bridge with Anon. \"Sorry.\" She coughs, apologizing and heads for the door. Anon is wondering why she's so... interested. They've flirted, sure, but this was brazen. Even someone dense like Anon could pick up the interest. Did she have a thing for Humans or something? The bemusing idea of her having a Human-Sona and a Human Kink crosses his mind, watching her reach the door. Is... she swinging her hips? Is her tail raised higher than usual? Why is he noticing that? Anon tsks, running a new, dangerous idea through his mind. But, he wouldn't leap on it if she hadn't been so... odd about this. Fuck it; if he's wrong, worst comes to worst, he only gets exiled and shamed by Ponyville and everyone he knows, right? Not like he was in the right headspace to make smart decisions, anyway. Little brain was the one thinking. \"...Sunset?\" Anon calls, tentatively. Sunset pauses, hoof on the partially opened door. She stares at it for a long moment. She wasn't expecting him to call for her. Probably just to say, like... lock the door, right? Hopefully not chastise her for blatantly overstaying. She must have gotten overconfident, being used to hanging in his room with the others. Felt more like a communal space than a private abode. She swallows, nervous, slowly turning. \"Y-yeah, Anon?\" She responds; but her eyes find Anon in a... much more open pose. He's leant against the arm of the couch, now facing her and the ajar door. His arms draped over the couch, one leg bent and propped on a cushion, the other hanging off the side. He's fully exposed, his... 'Manhood' twitching idly in the air. Sunset'll admit, she's stolen glances of Anon's figure before. Shirtless, in shorts... he had nice legs, nice arms. But she's never had him so brazenly posed. Posed for her? Anon watches her. Waiting for a reaction. She stares, chest breathing heavily. Both of their hearts are pounding, treading very, very new waters for either of them. Anon takes a slow breath, trying to steady unsteadiable nerves. Fuck it. Send it. \"Did you... want to watch?\" There's a single, short moment of silence between the two. The room is quiet. Sunset's back hoof kicks the door, shutting it, the door rattling; with her still inside. Wide, beautiful emerald eyes flitting between him, and his exposed self, her breath heavy. \"...Okay.\" She nods. They stare at each-other again. Neither moves. \"...You going to watch from there?\" Anon questions softly. Sunset clears her throat. She glances down at her hooves, as if to still make sure she knows how to use them, before slowly crossing the room. There's a new sway to her hips, that she doesn't normally walk with. All that two-back-hoof walking must be doing something, because she's got some solid flank. She stops a few feet from the couch. A permanent blush is settled on her cheeks, a warmth in her chest. \"Is this... close enough?\" The words slip from her lips between heavy breaths. Anon's eyes are glued to her face. The way her radiant mane curls softly, effortlessly. \"As close as you want.\" He answers, watching. The moment the words leave his mouth. She gets closer, a step forward. Then, a tentative pause. She weighs something internally. Anon watches her, expectantly. Another step. Both share a stare. Neither breaks it. They're far past embarrassment. Another. Now their gaze falters -- Sunset's shifts lower, trailing down his exposed torso, following the lines of his body. She's barely a foot from him, now; almost how close they tend to stand, when they just hang out. When they relax, when they laugh. Stood between the couch, and the coffee table. Close enough to touch Anon's leg. Sunset slowly sits on her haunches, hooves padding in place. Her gorgeous eyes, glued to his manhood. Trembling with a... taboo excitement. Slowly, quietly, Sunset watches as Anon reaches for himself. His hand starts to stroke it, thumb teasing the head, as Sunset finds her gaze glued to his hands. His dexterous, long fingers, working himself. The same ones that would tussle her mane, poke her side, pat her back. The same ones that could stroke her chin, run through her chest-fur, slide between her... She swallows. She's nervous. A good nervous. A new nervous. As is Anon; something like this was... entirely new, for both of them. Potentially even for their species. Did that make it wrong? But how about how they felt? Did that... make it right? A dollop of pre forms, running down the side of his length, self-lubricating as he gets faster. She inches closer. His smell... his scent. It's heavy, tickling her nose as she breaths. For a species so heavily reliant on their nose, proximity to Anon was always... something. She'd go about her day, normally. Then she'd hang out with him. Then she'd go to bed, thinking of him. But like this? The dial was cranked to 11. She watches him for some time. Having an audience made it a lot easier for Anon than usual. Without 'Material', Anon had to lean on imagination. He'll never admit it, a secret taken to his grave -- but he's had thoughts about most the Mares around the castle; like hell he was ever going to ask Sunset to bring pack porn for himself. But the Ponies didn't exactly have much to work with, either. Except... well, themselves. \"...You've been going for a while. Do Humans always last this long?\" She softly mutters; though it looks more like a vocal, self-reflective thought than an actual question, the way she continues to stare at him work himself. Now, one such Pony sat in front of him, with soft, near-gold fur, and a multicolored splash of mane. One that he... 'thought of' often. One he'd been thinking of moments prior, actually, before she walked in. Now, watching him. Kneading the ground with her hooves, unable to sit still. Eyes, glued to him. Those gorgeous, emerald eyes. \"It's... big.\" She whispers. Shit -- his body tenses. Anon is... \"Sunset, I'm uh --\" He groans, hips twitching. \"...Close?\" Sunset whispers. \"Y-yeah. M-might, uh... need you t-to move, so I can grab something to...\" Anon finds himself cut off. \"To clean up with, right?\" Sunset whispers; her tone is lower, she speaks quieter. She's gotten even closer. Anon watches, as Sunset scoots right up to him, close enough that her nose could touch it, if she so much as leans forward. She glances up to him, as if looking for something. \"Anon... do you like me?\" Sunset asks softly, looking at his eyes. Words aren't happening right now. Anon nods. Of course he does; more than words could find, in this moment or another. Sunset nods, her gaze moving back down. She swallows, clears her throat -- And opens her mouth, strings of saliva connecting her upper and lower lips as her tongue rolls out, hot, unsteady breaths on his member. Her mouth is pointed downward, staring up at him with half-lidded, want-ridden eyes. \"Wight Hewr.\" She says, words slurred from her awaiting maw, tongue slowly wriggling back and forth, patiently. His scent was already deeply familiar to her -- but she wanted to know his taste. She needed to. There's no fucking way in Equestria Anon could hold on after that. Anon grunts, hips bucking -- his cock presses against her tongue, his hand forsaking it to grip the couch. Her tongue is warm, the wetness pleasing, as his member throbs, erupting; directly into her mouth. Sunset makes a surprised huff, which turns to a low moan as his seed spurts across her tongue. She leans forward, putting her mouth around his tip, holding it in her mouth as she swallows. Again. Again. Drinking every drop. Anon's head is rolled back over the back of the couch, a low groan escaping him as he's drained. Finally, he twitches no more. Sunsets tongue slowly slides along the bottom of his slowly softening tip, tracing the edge. She's panting, out of breath, coughing and covering her mouth with a hoof. She didn't spill a drop. \"...Shit, Anon, that was fucking hot.\" Sunset mutters. \"Think that's my line...\" Anon mumbles. He feels the couch shift, as Sunset climbs up beside him. She makes another testing swallow, clearing her throat, smacking her lips. She leans against his side, hoof to her own chest. \"Nm...Salty.\" She comments, eyes roaming his body. \"Yeah, it tends to be.\" Anon puffs, finally catching his own breath. \"Why do you know that?\" She asks, throwing him a look. No answer. Instead, Anon leans down, pulling her chin upward and kisses her, deeply. Sunset's eyes widen, before she finds herself returning the kiss. No tongue -- not something either is quite familiar with, but the passion of pressing one against one's other, is intrinsic. Her lips are soft, wet -- and yeah, salty. Sunset pulls away suddenly, stifling a laugh. \"Dude, did you just--\" Sunset teases, ready to ruin the mood and call him his favorite 'Starts with F, ends with T' word. \"Shut up. I'm not thinking straight right now.\" Anon presses a finger to her mouth. She same one he'd been rubbing himself with. Right against her snout. The smell... Sunset looks down at his finger, a hoof reaching up to grasp his hand. She bites her lip, throwing him a half-lidded stare. \"...You know... since I did just do you a... really, big favor and all... maybe there's something you could do for me?\" Sunset whispers, playfully. She starts to pull his hand down lower, trailing her underbelly. He gets the idea pretty quickly. Anon's hand slowly traces down her face, fingers brushing through fur; her cheek, her neck, her chest... Sunset makes a low, needy purr, hooves clinging to him as he goes further down. Starlight watches silently from the door. Trixie got distracted with her new toys, so she came by to thank Sunset once she managed to free herself. When she couldn't find her in her room, Starlight assumed Sunset was hanging out with Anon, like they usually do. Human-centric, that pair. She even knocked first, but... it made sense why nobody answered. They were a touch 'distracted'. First Sunset... all of it? And then Anon was now... wow. Must be good for her to make a noise like that. Starlight slowly closes the door, her own breath heavy. Shit, was she into watching? That's new. Might need to talk to Trixie about that." ]
Anon,Discord,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Blah Blah Blah, Chaos
It takes a lot to surprise Discord. Somehow, Anon has managed to do just that.
<p>Ever since they met, Anon has acted strangely around Discord. He's used to this, of course. Being the &quot;Lord of Chaos&quot; means that most creatures prefer to keep a safe distance from him. And for good reason! Reformed though he may be, it'd be foolish to lower one's guard around him.</p><p>Perhaps Discord isn't as good at reading emotions as he thought.</p><hr/><p>Day #6 of Hearts and Hands Week.</p>
Discord blinks. It isn’t often that he, the Lord of Chaos, is left completely flabbergasted by someone else. He is supposed to be the unpredictable one. It takes a special kind of someone, a particularly insane action, a wholly unexpected turn of events to render him speechless. Why, then, does Anon offering him a rose make him feel so confused? “Er… what is this supposed to be, exactly?” Anon, who is quite sweaty and red in the face, tries desperately to avoid looking Discord in the eyes, choosing to instead focus on the grass of Ponyville’s local park instead. “I-it’s a Hearts and Hooves Day gift.” “...You’re serious?” “Yes?” “...Hm.” Through the use of what could only be chaos magic, the rose’s stem begins to extend, the bulb being pushed through the air in all manner of twists and twirls like a particularly complex bendy straw before coming to a stop right in front of Discord’s face. He grabs the elongated stem, which then shrinks back to a normal size starting with the bit in Anon’s hands. “I suppose this is the part where I’m supposed to say ‘thank you.’” “You don’t need to say it,” Anon mumbles. “I’m not expecting you to be flattered or anything, I just didn’t want to regret not giving you something.” “What would there be to regret?!” Discord’s body begins to elongate much like the rose just did, slowly twisting downwards and surrounding Anon, but never actually touching him. He stops only when their faces are directly facing each other. “What do you have to gain from getting me something for this stupid holiday?!” “...” Anon says nothing for a moment, though his face grows even redder. When he does speak up, his voice is quiet, barely even a whisper. “I thought that’d be self-explanatory.” “Why this out of the blue?!” In the blink of an eye, Discord turns blue. “You don’t even like me!” If you were to ask literally anyone, they would agree. Anon and Discord aren’t known for getting along, much to the chagrin of Fluttershy. They met shortly after Discord’s “reformation” thanks to Anon’s friendship with Twilight. Moments after being introduced, Anon shook Discord’s paw, smiled, looked him dead in the eyes, and said “if you dare to lay a talon on my friends, I will make being turned to stone look merciful.” Discord was, of course, not even remotely intimidated by the threat. Anon is about twice the height of an average pony and has a fair amount of endurance. Unfortunately, that is where his positives end. He has no magic, he isn’t strong, and most importantly, he couldn’t hold a candle to Discord were they to get into it. However, telling him that would further upset Fluttershy, who immediately chewed Anon out for making assumptions about Discord. So, they bickered every so often, with Anon insisting he was “keeping an eye on him.” Although Anon would be somewhat vindicated when Discord relapsed during Tirek’s rise to power, he never gave Discord any worse than a stern talking to (and a “talking to” he most certainly gave that day). After that, Discord noticed something strange about Anon. They started to converse more and more frequently, and Anon seemed less distrustful as time went on. Discord simply interpreted this as a natural result of them being in close proximity more often than before thanks to their mutual friends. Then, out of the blue, Anon started to grow distant once more. His words were colder, his demeanor more hesitant. He snapped at Discord more often, and while this gave him a good laugh more often than not, it still confused him (and led to more bickering). Fluttershy would typically be required to break up the flushed, angry Anon and the laughing, amused Discord. And now he’s trying to give Discord a rose? For Hearts and Hooves Day? “Th-that’s not true,” Anon mumbles, his eyes darting every which way. “Look, I will admit,” Discord starts as he uncoils around Anon and shrugs four sets of shoulders that he now has for some reason, “that I am new to this whole ‘friendship’ thing.” He makes air quotes with his talons while speaking. “But even I know when someone doesn’t want to be around me!” “I do want to be around you.” Anon’s voice is a bit louder and a bit clearer, but still not exactly confident. “I… I want that a lot, actually.” “Well.” Discord closes his eyes and sticks his nose to the air, then his head begins to stretch higher and higher as he continues to talk. “You sure don’t act like it. I much prefer it when my enemies are open about not liking me. It’s much more fun that way, you know.” “I was nervous, okay?!” Anon finally shouts, causing Discord’s neck to suddenly stop stretching. He looks down a couple dozen feet towards Anon, who continues to stare at the floor. “You’re just… you’re really cool, and when I’m around you, I feel like… not that.” “Cool?” Discord questions as icicles suddenly form along his brow and horns. Slowly, his neck shortens to a normal length, allowing him to get a better look at his human friend, who is still staring at the grass below. “I’ve been called many things, but ‘cool’ is not one of them. I don’t particularly appreciate lies, and believe me,” he growls as a confused frustration becomes more clear on his face, “as a pathological liar, I know when I’m being lied to.” “Then you should know that I’m telling the truth.” Anon suddenly looks up, locking eyes with Discord as his expression hardens. His cheeks are still red, but his eyes are now much clearer and more determined. “You don’t have to be my special somebody or whatever, anyway. Just… just forget it.” Anon clicks his tongue and turns around, causing Discord to teleport in front of him with a snap of his talons. “You’re sending me a lot of mixed messages, you know,” Discord says as two more Discords appear on either side of him and speak in unison. “You like me? You think I’m cool? You think I’m just going to accept this rose while you stomp away like that?” Anon glances at Discord’s paw, noticing that he’s kept the rose in pristine condition even through his near non-stop shapeshifting and reality bending. “You don’t have to. I just said that.” “But, again, what do you hope to gain from me accepting it? Power?” All six of the Discords’ arms puff up with muscle. “Money?” His eyes turn to the Equestrian symbol for bits. “Or is it some kind of prank?” The three Discords suddenly twirl around each other, morphing together and forming one complete Discord once more. “...Actually, that option sounds the most believable.” “For the love of Celestia, I am ATTRACTED to you, Discord!” Discord freezes. Physically this time, as opposed to with icicles. This is the second time now that he’s been left speechless today. “...You wanna run that by me again?” “You’re the worst,” Anon mumbles before locking eyes with Discord once more. “I like you a lot, Discord. I… I didn’t know how to express that. You’re not exactly easy to approach…” Anon begins to trail off, but he slaps his cheeks in an effort to regain his resolve. “I consider you a dear friend, but I’d like for you to maybe be more than that.” Anon’s voice cracks multiple times, but he still manages to squeak out his intentions. “I-if you want.” Yet again, Discord blinks. He’s having déjà vu. Apparently, his first instinct was correct. And that only makes him more confused. “...Well.” Discord clears his throat. Quite literally, as he takes his head off, sticks a mop down his neck, and removes several layers of unidentifiable goop before haphazardly scattering it along the grass and placing his head back where it belongs. “It’s quite presumptuous of you to assume that the Lord of Chaos himself would accept your proposition.” “Yeah, I figured as much.” Anon turns around again, but rather than Discord appearing in front of him, he simply feels a bird-like hand grab his shoulder and stop him in his tracks. He doesn’t look back. “But the Lord of Chaos wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t do the unexpected every now and then.” Anon’s eyes go wide, and he feels his heart skip a beat. “D-does that mean you’ll–” “Oh, goodness,” Discord chuckles as he removes his hand and floats into Anon’s peripheral vision while laying on his side in midair, “take me out to dinner first or something.” “I-I mean… it is Hearts and Hooves Day. I can probably get us a last-minute reservation somewhere if I call up Pinkie.” “That was supposed to be a joke.” Discord’s expression droops (literally). “You’re going to have to get better at recognizing those if this is going to work out.” “You’re really giving me a shot?” “Eh, why not?” In an uncharacteristic move, Discord looks away. Not even he is able to fully hide his increasingly flushed cheeks. “It might make for a nice change of pace. Besides, a free dinner is a free dinner.” “Wait, so you weren’t joking?” “Oh, I was! But now that you’ve offered, who am I to refuse?” Discord teleports directly in front of Anon again, now with two very large bags slumped over either shoulder. “Oh, but I simply must get ready before we go. Pick me up at five!” “I–” “Ta-ta!” Discord snaps his talons one final time and disappears out of sight, just in time to leave Anon reaching out to the open air where he was just floating. “I don’t know how to get to your dimension, though!” After an awkward moment, Anon sighs. Slowly, his anxious, tired expression turns into a relieved smile. An incredulous laugh escapes him, and it takes him some time to compose himself enough to begin making his trek to Sugarcube Corner. If he’s gonna get that reservation, he’d better tell Pinkie as soon as possible. Just that thought alone is enough to get him laughing again. Finally, after all these months… He managed to tell Discord how he feels.
[ "Discord blinks. It isn’t often that he, the Lord of Chaos, is left completely flabbergasted by someone else. He is supposed to be the unpredictable one. It takes a special kind of someone, a particularly insane action, a wholly unexpected turn of events to render him speechless. Why, then, does Anon offering him a rose make him feel so confused? “Er… what is this supposed to be, exactly?” Anon, who is quite sweaty and red in the face, tries desperately to avoid looking Discord in the eyes, choosing to instead focus on the grass of Ponyville’s local park instead. “I-it’s a Hearts and Hooves Day gift.” “...You’re serious?” “Yes?” “...Hm.” Through the use of what could only be chaos magic, the rose’s stem begins to extend, the bulb being pushed through the air in all manner of twists and twirls like a particularly complex bendy straw before coming to a stop right in front of Discord’s face. He grabs the elongated stem, which then shrinks back to a normal size starting with the bit in Anon’s hands. “I suppose this is the part where I’m supposed to say ‘thank you.’” “You don’t need to say it,” Anon mumbles. “I’m not expecting you to be flattered or anything, I just didn’t want to regret not giving you something.” “What would there be to regret? !” Discord’s body begins to elongate much like the rose just did, slowly twisting downwards and surrounding Anon, but never actually touching him. He stops only when their faces are directly facing each other. “What do you have to gain from getting me something for this stupid holiday? !” “...” Anon says nothing for a moment, though his face grows even redder. When he does speak up, his voice is quiet, barely even a whisper. “I thought that’d be self-explanatory.” “Why this out of the blue? !” In the blink of an eye, Discord turns blue. “You don’t even like me!” If you were to ask literally anyone, they would agree. Anon and Discord aren’t known for getting along, much to the chagrin of Fluttershy. They met shortly after Discord’s “reformation” thanks to Anon’s friendship with Twilight. Moments after being introduced, Anon shook Discord’s paw, smiled, looked him dead in the eyes, and said “if you dare to lay a talon on my friends, I will make being turned to stone look merciful.” Discord was, of course, not even remotely intimidated by the threat. Anon is about twice the height of an average pony and has a fair amount of endurance. Unfortunately, that is where his positives end. He has no magic, he isn’t strong, and most importantly, he couldn’t hold a candle to Discord were they to get into it. However, telling him that would further upset Fluttershy, who immediately chewed Anon out for making assumptions about Discord. So, they bickered every so often, with Anon insisting he was “keeping an eye on him.” Although Anon would be somewhat vindicated when Discord relapsed during Tirek’s rise to power, he never gave Discord any worse than a stern talking to (and a “talking to” he most certainly gave that day). After that, Discord noticed something strange about Anon. They started to converse more and more frequently, and Anon seemed less distrustful as time went on. Discord simply interpreted this as a natural result of them being in close proximity more often than before thanks to their mutual friends. Then, out of the blue, Anon started to grow distant once more. His words were colder, his demeanor more hesitant. He snapped at Discord more often, and while this gave him a good laugh more often than not, it still confused him (and led to more bickering). Fluttershy would typically be required to break up the flushed, angry Anon and the laughing, amused Discord. And now he’s trying to give Discord a rose? For Hearts and Hooves Day? “Th-that’s not true,” Anon mumbles, his eyes darting every which way. “Look, I will admit,” Discord starts as he uncoils around Anon and shrugs four sets of shoulders that he now has for some reason, “that I am new to this whole ‘friendship’ thing.” He makes air quotes with his talons while speaking. “But even I know when someone doesn’t want to be around me!” “I do want to be around you.” Anon’s voice is a bit louder and a bit clearer, but still not exactly confident. “I… I want that a lot, actually.” “Well.” Discord closes his eyes and sticks his nose to the air, then his head begins to stretch higher and higher as he continues to talk. “You sure don’t act like it. I much prefer it when my enemies are open about not liking me. It’s much more fun that way, you know.” “I was nervous, okay? !” Anon finally shouts, causing Discord’s neck to suddenly stop stretching. He looks down a couple dozen feet towards Anon, who continues to stare at the floor. “You’re just… you’re really cool, and when I’m around you, I feel like… not that.” “Cool?” Discord questions as icicles suddenly form along his brow and horns. Slowly, his neck shortens to a normal length, allowing him to get a better look at his human friend, who is still staring at the grass below. “I’ve been called many things, but ‘cool’ is not one of them. I don’t particularly appreciate lies, and believe me,” he growls as a confused frustration becomes more clear on his face, “as a pathological liar, I know when I’m being lied to.” “Then you should know that I’m telling the truth.” Anon suddenly looks up, locking eyes with Discord as his expression hardens. His cheeks are still red, but his eyes are now much clearer and more determined. “You don’t have to be my special somebody or whatever, anyway. Just… just forget it.” Anon clicks his tongue and turns around, causing Discord to teleport in front of him with a snap of his talons. “You’re sending me a lot of mixed messages, you know,” Discord says as two more Discords appear on either side of him and speak in unison. “You like me? You think I’m cool? You think I’m just going to accept this rose while you stomp away like that?” Anon glances at Discord’s paw, noticing that he’s kept the rose in pristine condition even through his near non-stop shapeshifting and reality bending. “You don’t have to. I just said that.” “But, again, what do you hope to gain from me accepting it? Power?” All six of the Discords’ arms puff up with muscle. “Money?” His eyes turn to the Equestrian symbol for bits. “Or is it some kind of prank?” The three Discords suddenly twirl around each other, morphing together and forming one complete Discord once more. “...Actually, that option sounds the most believable.” “For the love of Celestia, I am ATTRACTED to you, Discord!” Discord freezes. Physically this time, as opposed to with icicles. This is the second time now that he’s been left speechless today. “...You wanna run that by me again?” “You’re the worst,” Anon mumbles before locking eyes with Discord once more. “I like you a lot, Discord. I… I didn’t know how to express that. You’re not exactly easy to approach…” Anon begins to trail off, but he slaps his cheeks in an effort to regain his resolve. “I consider you a dear friend, but I’d like for you to maybe be more than that.” Anon’s voice cracks multiple times, but he still manages to squeak out his intentions. “I-if you want.” Yet again, Discord blinks. He’s having déjà vu. Apparently, his first instinct was correct. And that only makes him more confused. “...Well.” Discord clears his throat. Quite literally, as he takes his head off, sticks a mop down his neck, and removes several layers of unidentifiable goop before haphazardly scattering it along the grass and placing his head back where it belongs. “It’s quite presumptuous of you to assume that the Lord of Chaos himself would accept your proposition.” “Yeah, I figured as much.” Anon turns around again, but rather than Discord appearing in front of him, he simply feels a bird-like hand grab his shoulder and stop him in his tracks. He doesn’t look back. “But the Lord of Chaos wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t do the unexpected every now and then.” Anon’s eyes go wide, and he feels his heart skip a beat. “D-does that mean you’ll–” “Oh, goodness,” Discord chuckles as he removes his hand and floats into Anon’s peripheral vision while laying on his side in midair, “take me out to dinner first or something.” “I-I mean… it is Hearts and Hooves Day. I can probably get us a last-minute reservation somewhere if I call up Pinkie.” “That was supposed to be a joke.” Discord’s expression droops (literally). “You’re going to have to get better at recognizing those if this is going to work out.” “You’re really giving me a shot?” “Eh, why not?” In an uncharacteristic move, Discord looks away. Not even he is able to fully hide his increasingly flushed cheeks. “It might make for a nice change of pace. Besides, a free dinner is a free dinner.” “Wait, so you weren’t joking?” “Oh, I was! But now that you’ve offered, who am I to refuse?” Discord teleports directly in front of Anon again, now with two very large bags slumped over either shoulder. “Oh, but I simply must get ready before we go. Pick me up at five!” “I–” “Ta-ta!” Discord snaps his talons one final time and disappears out of sight, just in time to leave Anon reaching out to the open air where he was just floating. “I don’t know how to get to your dimension, though!” After an awkward moment, Anon sighs. Slowly, his anxious, tired expression turns into a relieved smile. An incredulous laugh escapes him, and it takes him some time to compose himself enough to begin making his trek to Sugarcube Corner. If he’s gonna get that reservation, he’d better tell Pinkie as soon as possible. Just that thought alone is enough to get him laughing again. Finally, after all these months… He managed to tell Discord how he feels." ]
Anon,Princess Cadance,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Priority Shipping
Cadance has a special little hobby that is, admittedly, not very surprising. Today, she decided to rope Anon into it, too. This can only go well.
<p>This story takes place in an AU where Cadance and Shining Armor never got together. The world is otherwise unchanged.</p><hr/><p>The &quot;Princess of Love&quot; has many duties. Ruling over the Crystal Empire is, of course, her top priority, but she also oversees all matters relating to love.</p><p>...Well, that's a bit of a lie. While she is gifted in love magic, she rarely uses it. Love isn't something to be played with, after all. Still, that won't stop her from enjoying her super-secret hobby that absolutely no one is allowed to know about.</p><p>Except Anon. She likes him.</p><hr/><p>Day #7 of Hearts and Hands Week.</p>
“You called, Cadance?” “Oh, Anon! Just the man I wanted to see! Come in, come in!” Anon smiles as he steps into the small, dimly lit room. The walls of the castle towering over the middle of the Crystal Empire are, fittingly, made of crystal. As a result, even though the study is lit only by a fireplace and a few scattered candles, said light bounces off of the walls and bathes the room in all manner of beautiful, dancing colors. The room itself is quite cozy. It’s mostly circular, with several bookshelves built into the crystalline walls. A big, fuzzy rug covers most of the floor, and on the opposite side of the room from the entrance, a grand fireplace crackles with a gentle fire. Said fire provides a comfortable warmth to the room, which is a useful feature to have during one of the colder months of the year in one of the coldest places in Equestria. Near the fireplace, a small, wooden coffee table sits not far off of the ground. On the side closest to the entrance, two large, comfortable-looking, well-cushioned chairs face the fire, with Princess Cadance sitting in one with an excited grin on her face. “I’m surprised you’re here of all places. Isn’t Hearts and Hooves Day tomorrow?” “It is!” “Then doesn’t the ‘Princess of Love’ have things to be taking care of?” Anon raises an eyebrow, but the smile doesn’t leave his face as he takes a seat in the vacant chair. “Tsk. That title doesn’t mean anything and you know it, Nonny.” Cadance leans back in her own chair as her horn begins to glow, at which point Anon notices a small tea set resting on the coffee table. Two cups lift from the small tray, with Cadance using her magic to take a sip from one and levitating the other towards her human friend, who gently grabs the cup and takes a sip as well. “Sure, I can do love magic better than most, but it’s not like I use it all that often.” Anon doesn’t reply for a moment, instead savoring the delicious taste of tea brewed by the Crystal Castle staff. That’s not a luxury many get to enjoy. “Alright, then what are you doing?” A sly grin spreads across her face as her horn glows yet again. Anon hears the clicking of the door behind them being locked, and he glances around the room as the walls briefly give off a dim blue glow. “What we discuss here tonight is not to leave this room. I have soundproofed it, and I have made sure that nopony will bother us.” “Uhh… okay?” Anon scratches the back of his head, looking much more confused than concerned. “You sure you want to entrust a secret like that to me? I’m not exactly popular around these parts.” “Hmhm. You say that like you don’t know more of my secrets than Celestia.” Anon lets out a single chuckle. She’s totally right. Ever since he woke up in Canterlot as a scared, confused child all those years ago and attracted the attention of the not-yet-a-princess Cadance, the two of them have been joined at the hip. She even took him on as an advisor after becoming the ruler of the Crystal Empire. “Besides, I’m not just sharing for the sake of sharing. It’s got to do with you, too.” “Oh? Well, consider me interested. What does the glorious Princess Cadance want with little ol’ Anon?” “I,” she excitedly starts as she levitates some paper and a quill towards Anon, “want you to take part in my secret hobby.” “Oh?” Anon sets his tea down as he grabs the paper and quill, immediately noticing that the paper is blank. “I take it you’re not about to ask me to draw a picture.” “Hmhm, no. You see, even though I don’t have any actual duties for Hearts and Hooves Day, I do still love the holiday.” “Princess of Love and all that.” She sighs while feigning annoyance, unable to hide her amused smile. “Sure. Anyway, I like to play a little game the night before.” Her horn lights up once again, but it’s much brighter this time around. Anon looks down to see a number of translucent figures made of magic on the coffee table, each one a pony that’s standing perfectly still. He leans forward, narrowing his eyes as he recognizes one of them. “Is that… Glamour Gleam?” “It is!” Cadance claps her hooves together excitedly, and Anon decides to not mention how cute she is when she does. “We’re going to take part in the age-old ritual of shipping.” “...Shipping?” “Yes!” “Like… pretending two fictional characters are romantically involved with each other?” “Exactly! But instead of fictional characters, we’re shipping my subjects!” Anon blinks. “Cadance?” “Hm?” “Do you want my honest opinion?” “Oh, Nonny, you know I always value your thoughts.” “Okay, well, this sounds like the weirdest and creepiest thing you’ve ever done.” “Come onnnnnnnn~!” Cadance leans forward, using her magic to scoot her chair closer to Anon’s. Much closer. So much so that she doesn’t stop until the chairs are touching and her face is mere inches from his own. She looks at him with big puppy-dog eyes that are wholly unbecoming of a princess. But they both know they’re Anon’s biggest weakness. He returns her stare for a moment before finally breaking eye contact. Whether his cheeks are going red because of her or because of his proximity to the fireplace is up in the air. At least, that’s what he hopes. With a huff, he resituates himself in his chair. “Ugh. Fine.” “Yay!” Cadance leans back into her own seat and begins writing, occasionally looking up from her paper to glance at the figures on the table and adjusting them into pairs. “...Wh-what exactly am I supposed to be doing?” “Shipping! I thought that was obvious.” Anon narrows his eyes as if to say “really?” “...Look, all you have to do is write two names next to each other. Put an ‘x’ or a slash between them or something. That means you think those two will get together tomorrow!” “W-wait, ‘think?’ Not ‘want?’” “Oh, Nonny. We can’t control ponies’ love lives, but we can guess who’s gonna get asked out by who tomorrow!” “Oooooooohhhhhhh. That makes a lot more sense.” “What did you think I meant?” “Voyeu–” “Nonny!” Cadance playfully hits him in the shoulder, causing him to realize that she’s not wearing her typical regalia. He also briefly eyes her figure, making a mental note of how beautiful his best friend has become. “Look, are you gonna play or not?” “...Hehe. Sure. Give me a few minutes.” “Good! Heck, we can even make this a competition!” “How so?” “One point for each couple you get right tomorrow. The winner takes the loser out for dinner!” “I thought we were already going out for dinner? You know, our annual ‘single together’ dinner?” “Sure, but now I can make you take me somewhere expensive!” “With the paycheck you give me?” “Are you in or not?” Anon looks her up and down. She wears a cocky smile, which makes him want to prove her wrong oh so badly. She has him wrapped around her hoof. “Alright, fine. But don’t be mad when I win.” “We’ll see~!” “Alright, done.” After about fifteen minutes of intense thinking and relative silence, both parties have completely filled up their list of ships. Cadance’s horn glows again, and with a flash, the figures on the table disappear. Anon takes the opportunity to refill his cup. “So, wanna compare notes?” “I guess it’d be hard to verify that neither of us are cheating otherwise, right?” Cadance stands from her seat and smiles at Anon. He sighs before moving over in his chair, giving her enough room to gleefully hop into the space next to him. It’s a tight fit, as the chair isn’t that big, but neither are bothered by it. Anon can feel his cheeks reddening again, though. “Let’s see… yeah, I shipped them too. I had that pair, too. Bright Smile with… yeah, that was my pick.” Cadance narrows her eyes. “Wait a minute.” “Something wrong?” “Nonny, we have the same lists.” “We do?” Anon narrows his eyes as well before grabbing the papers. “Give me those.” His eyes dart across the two lists. The names aren’t in the same order, but the pairings sure do seem to be identical across the board. “What are the odds of that?!” “G-great minds think alike, right?” Anon’s eyes briefly stop. He knows he just heard her stutter. That's… very unlike her. Deciding not to bring it up, he continues reading. Those are the same, those are the same… heck, they even both predicted that Glint would stay single. “Yeah, these sure do look the… same…” Anon trails off as his eyes find their way to the bottom of both lists. While they seemed identical at first, that isn’t exactly true, as Cadance’s appears to have one more pairing than his does. Right there at the very bottom of her page are two names that he didn’t write down whatsoever, as he didn’t think they were options in the game. “...” Cadance clears her throat, but says nothing. There, in small letters at the bottom of her page, are the names “Nonny/Cadance.” “...N-nice one, Cadance.” Anon forces a smile as he rubs the back of his head. “You really got me!” “G-got you?” “You really threw me off of my game with that one! Getting a free point because you already knew we were going out to dinner, eh? That’s a pretty cheap trick!” “...” “...Cadance?” She attempts to clear her throat once again, but struggles while doing so. “I, uh… I don’t think just going to dinner counts as a ship.” “So you think that… that the two of us are gonna…” “...” Cadance looks away, her face as red as can be. Small beads of sweat form on her brow. Anon can feel his own cheeks heating up again. He’s at a loss for words, but the sight of Cadance turning away from him with such an embarrassed, dejected look on her face makes his feet run cold. “Cadance?” “I…” She wants to say something. She’s desperate to say something. She’s never wanted to speak so badly in her entire life, but the words just won’t leave her mouth. “Um…” For a while, neither of them say anything. Instead, they both focus on literally anything else in the room they can find as their faces only continue to become more flushed. Finally, Anon breaks the silence. “You know, I, uh…” His voice cracks numerous times, and to call it shaky would be an understatement. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” “H-huh?” “Like… when I was lost and confused, you actually listened to me. You cared about me. You wanted to be my friend.” He takes a deep breath in an effort to calm himself down before continuing. “You kept supporting me, even when everypony else thought I was gross. Then you became a princess, and you… you never abandoned me. You kept me right there by your side.” Finally, Anon turns to look at her, though she does not do the same. “Thank you.” “I-it’s the least I could do, really,” she mumbles. “I got the better end of that deal, anyway. Nopony realizes how amazing you are. They don’t know how much they’re missing out on. I get you all to myself, now.” “...And you want that to be permanent, right?” Those words finally prompt her to face him, her wide eyes locking onto his own. They both look as flushed and nervous as can be, but they’re also both trying to work through it regardless. It takes everything in Anon’s power to not get lost in those beautiful eyes of hers. “That’s, er… that’s what shipping is, right?” “...Y-yeah.” Slowly, and with the gentleness of a mother holding her newborn foal, Anon takes one of her hooves in both hands, never looking away from her eyes. “Well… w-would you like to maybe… make your ship a reality?” As he says those words, he feels a weight lift from his chest. It wasn’t until this very moment that he realized how long he’s been wanting to make his feelings known. And if the warm tears beginning to form in Cadance’s eyes are anything to go by, she feels similar. “I’d like that very much, Nonny.” Keeping one hand on her hoof, Anon wraps his other arm around her. She eagerly returns the favor, immediately embracing him as tightly as she can. She wraps her multi-hued wings around him, enveloping him in a warm blanket of love. They remain like that for a few long, quiet moments before Anon speaks up again. “You know what?” “Hm?” “Now that it’s out in the open, I feel kinda stupid for not saying something sooner.” Cadance lets out a chuckle, but it’s more out of relief than anything. “I won’t act like I haven’t been extremely nervous to make my feelings known either, but you did miss every single one of my signals.” “Hey, you’re the Princess of Love, not me.” “Oh, shut it.” The pair shares a laugh before falling silent for a few more seconds. “...I love you, Cadance. I’m sorry for not showing that sooner.” “I love you too, Nonny. And trust me, I’m just as guilty.” Both parties slowly begin to part, taking the opportunity to lock eyes yet again. It isn’t long before they’re leaning in close, closing their eyes as they allow their lips to meet and their passion to overflow. The Princess of Love finally got what she wanted. “I still won the game, by the way.” “What?!” “I got the ship right, didn’t I? And since our lists are otherwise the same~?” “...Ugh.” “Have fun paying, Nonny! Love you!” Anon sighs. He’d better get used to this.
[ "“You called, Cadance?” “Oh, Anon! Just the man I wanted to see! Come in, come in!” Anon smiles as he steps into the small, dimly lit room. The walls of the castle towering over the middle of the Crystal Empire are, fittingly, made of crystal. As a result, even though the study is lit only by a fireplace and a few scattered candles, said light bounces off of the walls and bathes the room in all manner of beautiful, dancing colors. The room itself is quite cozy. It’s mostly circular, with several bookshelves built into the crystalline walls. A big, fuzzy rug covers most of the floor, and on the opposite side of the room from the entrance, a grand fireplace crackles with a gentle fire. Said fire provides a comfortable warmth to the room, which is a useful feature to have during one of the colder months of the year in one of the coldest places in Equestria. Near the fireplace, a small, wooden coffee table sits not far off of the ground. On the side closest to the entrance, two large, comfortable-looking, well-cushioned chairs face the fire, with Princess Cadance sitting in one with an excited grin on her face. “I’m surprised you’re here of all places. Isn’t Hearts and Hooves Day tomorrow?” “It is!” “Then doesn’t the ‘Princess of Love’ have things to be taking care of?” Anon raises an eyebrow, but the smile doesn’t leave his face as he takes a seat in the vacant chair. “Tsk. That title doesn’t mean anything and you know it, Nonny.” Cadance leans back in her own chair as her horn begins to glow, at which point Anon notices a small tea set resting on the coffee table. Two cups lift from the small tray, with Cadance using her magic to take a sip from one and levitating the other towards her human friend, who gently grabs the cup and takes a sip as well. “Sure, I can do love magic better than most, but it’s not like I use it all that often.” Anon doesn’t reply for a moment, instead savoring the delicious taste of tea brewed by the Crystal Castle staff. That’s not a luxury many get to enjoy. “Alright, then what are you doing?” A sly grin spreads across her face as her horn glows yet again. Anon hears the clicking of the door behind them being locked, and he glances around the room as the walls briefly give off a dim blue glow. “What we discuss here tonight is not to leave this room. I have soundproofed it, and I have made sure that nopony will bother us.” “Uhh… okay?” Anon scratches the back of his head, looking much more confused than concerned. “You sure you want to entrust a secret like that to me? I’m not exactly popular around these parts.” “Hmhm. You say that like you don’t know more of my secrets than Celestia.” Anon lets out a single chuckle. She’s totally right. Ever since he woke up in Canterlot as a scared, confused child all those years ago and attracted the attention of the not-yet-a-princess Cadance, the two of them have been joined at the hip. She even took him on as an advisor after becoming the ruler of the Crystal Empire. “Besides, I’m not just sharing for the sake of sharing. It’s got to do with you, too.” “Oh? Well, consider me interested. What does the glorious Princess Cadance want with little ol’ Anon?” “I,” she excitedly starts as she levitates some paper and a quill towards Anon, “want you to take part in my secret hobby.” “Oh?” Anon sets his tea down as he grabs the paper and quill, immediately noticing that the paper is blank. “I take it you’re not about to ask me to draw a picture.” “Hmhm, no. You see, even though I don’t have any actual duties for Hearts and Hooves Day, I do still love the holiday.” “Princess of Love and all that.” She sighs while feigning annoyance, unable to hide her amused smile. “Sure. Anyway, I like to play a little game the night before.” Her horn lights up once again, but it’s much brighter this time around. Anon looks down to see a number of translucent figures made of magic on the coffee table, each one a pony that’s standing perfectly still. He leans forward, narrowing his eyes as he recognizes one of them. “Is that… Glamour Gleam?” “It is!” Cadance claps her hooves together excitedly, and Anon decides to not mention how cute she is when she does. “We’re going to take part in the age-old ritual of shipping.” “...Shipping?” “Yes!” “Like… pretending two fictional characters are romantically involved with each other?” “Exactly! But instead of fictional characters, we’re shipping my subjects!” Anon blinks. “Cadance?” “Hm?” “Do you want my honest opinion?” “Oh, Nonny, you know I always value your thoughts.” “Okay, well, this sounds like the weirdest and creepiest thing you’ve ever done.” “Come onnnnnnnn~!” Cadance leans forward, using her magic to scoot her chair closer to Anon’s. Much closer. So much so that she doesn’t stop until the chairs are touching and her face is mere inches from his own. She looks at him with big puppy-dog eyes that are wholly unbecoming of a princess. But they both know they’re Anon’s biggest weakness. He returns her stare for a moment before finally breaking eye contact. Whether his cheeks are going red because of her or because of his proximity to the fireplace is up in the air. At least, that’s what he hopes. With a huff, he resituates himself in his chair. “Ugh. Fine.” “Yay!” Cadance leans back into her own seat and begins writing, occasionally looking up from her paper to glance at the figures on the table and adjusting them into pairs. “...Wh-what exactly am I supposed to be doing?” “Shipping! I thought that was obvious.” Anon narrows his eyes as if to say “really?” “...Look, all you have to do is write two names next to each other. Put an ‘x’ or a slash between them or something. That means you think those two will get together tomorrow!” “W-wait, ‘think?’ Not ‘want?’” “Oh, Nonny. We can’t control ponies’ love lives, but we can guess who’s gonna get asked out by who tomorrow!” “Oooooooohhhhhhh. That makes a lot more sense.” “What did you think I meant?” “Voyeu–” “Nonny!” Cadance playfully hits him in the shoulder, causing him to realize that she’s not wearing her typical regalia. He also briefly eyes her figure, making a mental note of how beautiful his best friend has become. “Look, are you gonna play or not?” “...Hehe. Sure. Give me a few minutes.” “Good! Heck, we can even make this a competition!” “How so?” “One point for each couple you get right tomorrow. The winner takes the loser out for dinner!” “I thought we were already going out for dinner? You know, our annual ‘single together’ dinner?” “Sure, but now I can make you take me somewhere expensive!” “With the paycheck you give me?” “Are you in or not?” Anon looks her up and down. She wears a cocky smile, which makes him want to prove her wrong oh so badly. She has him wrapped around her hoof. “Alright, fine. But don’t be mad when I win.” “We’ll see~!” “Alright, done.” After about fifteen minutes of intense thinking and relative silence, both parties have completely filled up their list of ships. Cadance’s horn glows again, and with a flash, the figures on the table disappear. Anon takes the opportunity to refill his cup. “So, wanna compare notes?” “I guess it’d be hard to verify that neither of us are cheating otherwise, right?” Cadance stands from her seat and smiles at Anon. He sighs before moving over in his chair, giving her enough room to gleefully hop into the space next to him. It’s a tight fit, as the chair isn’t that big, but neither are bothered by it. Anon can feel his cheeks reddening again, though. “Let’s see… yeah, I shipped them too. I had that pair, too. Bright Smile with… yeah, that was my pick.” Cadance narrows her eyes. “Wait a minute.” “Something wrong?” “Nonny, we have the same lists.” “We do?” Anon narrows his eyes as well before grabbing the papers. “Give me those.” His eyes dart across the two lists. The names aren’t in the same order, but the pairings sure do seem to be identical across the board. “What are the odds of that? !” “G-great minds think alike, right?” Anon’s eyes briefly stop. He knows he just heard her stutter. That's… very unlike her. Deciding not to bring it up, he continues reading. Those are the same, those are the same… heck, they even both predicted that Glint would stay single. “Yeah, these sure do look the… same…” Anon trails off as his eyes find their way to the bottom of both lists. While they seemed identical at first, that isn’t exactly true, as Cadance’s appears to have one more pairing than his does. Right there at the very bottom of her page are two names that he didn’t write down whatsoever, as he didn’t think they were options in the game. “...” Cadance clears her throat, but says nothing. There, in small letters at the bottom of her page, are the names “Nonny/Cadance.” “...N-nice one, Cadance.” Anon forces a smile as he rubs the back of his head. “You really got me!” “G-got you?” “You really threw me off of my game with that one! Getting a free point because you already knew we were going out to dinner, eh? That’s a pretty cheap trick!” “...” “...Cadance?” She attempts to clear her throat once again, but struggles while doing so. “I, uh… I don’t think just going to dinner counts as a ship.” “So you think that… that the two of us are gonna…” “...” Cadance looks away, her face as red as can be. Small beads of sweat form on her brow. Anon can feel his own cheeks heating up again. He’s at a loss for words, but the sight of Cadance turning away from him with such an embarrassed, dejected look on her face makes his feet run cold. “Cadance?” “I…” She wants to say something. She’s desperate to say something. She’s never wanted to speak so badly in her entire life, but the words just won’t leave her mouth. “Um…” For a while, neither of them say anything. Instead, they both focus on literally anything else in the room they can find as their faces only continue to become more flushed. Finally, Anon breaks the silence. “You know, I, uh…” His voice cracks numerous times, and to call it shaky would be an understatement. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” “H-huh?” “Like… when I was lost and confused, you actually listened to me. You cared about me. You wanted to be my friend.” He takes a deep breath in an effort to calm himself down before continuing. “You kept supporting me, even when everypony else thought I was gross. Then you became a princess, and you… you never abandoned me. You kept me right there by your side.” Finally, Anon turns to look at her, though she does not do the same. “Thank you.” “I-it’s the least I could do, really,” she mumbles. “I got the better end of that deal, anyway. Nopony realizes how amazing you are. They don’t know how much they’re missing out on. I get you all to myself, now.” “...And you want that to be permanent, right?” Those words finally prompt her to face him, her wide eyes locking onto his own. They both look as flushed and nervous as can be, but they’re also both trying to work through it regardless. It takes everything in Anon’s power to not get lost in those beautiful eyes of hers. “That’s, er… that’s what shipping is, right?” “...Y-yeah.” Slowly, and with the gentleness of a mother holding her newborn foal, Anon takes one of her hooves in both hands, never looking away from her eyes. “Well… w-would you like to maybe… make your ship a reality?” As he says those words, he feels a weight lift from his chest. It wasn’t until this very moment that he realized how long he’s been wanting to make his feelings known. And if the warm tears beginning to form in Cadance’s eyes are anything to go by, she feels similar. “I’d like that very much, Nonny.” Keeping one hand on her hoof, Anon wraps his other arm around her. She eagerly returns the favor, immediately embracing him as tightly as she can. She wraps her multi-hued wings around him, enveloping him in a warm blanket of love. They remain like that for a few long, quiet moments before Anon speaks up again. “You know what?” “Hm?” “Now that it’s out in the open, I feel kinda stupid for not saying something sooner.” Cadance lets out a chuckle, but it’s more out of relief than anything. “I won’t act like I haven’t been extremely nervous to make my feelings known either, but you did miss every single one of my signals.” “Hey, you’re the Princess of Love, not me.” “Oh, shut it.” The pair shares a laugh before falling silent for a few more seconds. “...I love you, Cadance. I’m sorry for not showing that sooner.” “I love you too, Nonny. And trust me, I’m just as guilty.” Both parties slowly begin to part, taking the opportunity to lock eyes yet again. It isn’t long before they’re leaning in close, closing their eyes as they allow their lips to meet and their passion to overflow. The Princess of Love finally got what she wanted. “I still won the game, by the way.” “What? !” “I got the ship right, didn’t I? And since our lists are otherwise the same~?” “...Ugh.” “Have fun paying, Nonny! Love you!” Anon sighs. He’d better get used to this." ]
Some Leech
Anon,Queen Chrysalis,Human,Porn,Slice of Life,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
Silly Little Fly
Finding herself in dark, unfamiliar surroundings, Anon quickly discovers she has more than just a hazy memory to worry about...
<p>Anon thought her trip would be brief, she <i>thought</i> she'd be home in no time whatsoever - unfortunately for her, she thought wrong. Discovering herself in the company of a most beguiling predator, she gradually succumbs to her urges and tastes the forbidden fruit of a beast most foul...</p><p>Kinks Include: Futa on Female, Female on Futa, Musk, Size Difference, Predator Play, Aphrodisiacs, Envenomation, Interspecies, Edging, Teasing, Oral, Worship, Vaginal, Mind Break, Egging (Oviposition), Mild Inflation, Multiple Orgasms, and Enthrallment</p><p>Artwork by TwiPie (Twitter @misstwipietwins) Full pic <a href="" rel="nofollow">HERE</a></p><p>If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon <a href="" rel="nofollow">HERE</a></p>
“Ugh…” Anon groaned, falteringly lifting her head as her eyelids fluttered open. Darkness greeted her, though it wasn’t the darkness she’d been expecting. The deep shadows and cool air of the Everfree were gone, replaced by the gloom and still, clammy air of somewhere unfamiliar graced her skin. As her eyes adjusted to the almost preternaturally dim light around her, her thoughts began to race. Even though Equestria was a relatively safe place, all but vacant of the vandals and hoolims of Earth, going out at night was typically avoided. While rare, there were wild beasts that lurked beneath the moon for prey that was either too ignorant or too foolish to curl up and sleep somewhere warm and secure until dawn. It wasn’t like she enjoyed outings after the sun had set, but she’d done so for good cause. Her housemate and one of her closest friends, a unicorn mare named Nutmeg, was suffering through a terrible bout of hay fever from the changing seasons. She couldn’t in good conscience let the poor pony sit there and be miserable, constantly sniffling and sneezing throughout the night, so she’d set out to get some relief for her companion. The bad news was that the Ponyville clinic was closed until morning - the good news was that she hadn’t been completely out of options. With her shawl to fend off the autumn breeze, she’d set off to the sprawling forest just south of town. Within the verdant woodland of the Everfree resided her one and only chance of helping Nutmeg before daybreak. Though she’d only met Zecora once, she’d heard tales of the exotic mare’s abilities to craft potions and elixirs that could, if the stories were right, address nearly any malady. The moon and stars shone brightly overhead in the cloudless sky, the temperature was pleasantly cool, and her trek had gone without incident - that was until she’d reached the treeline. In spite of resting beside Ponyville, the Everfree was an untamed wilderness of ill repute. Residents of town spoke of the jungle in hushed tones, oftentimes conspiring on what mythical or deadly creatures reside therein, but Anon had been undeterred. If she was to find a cure for Nutmeg and get a restful night’s sleep, she would brave the dark and face her fears. Pressing onward and into the brush, she stuck closely to the hoofpath that led deeper and deeper into the woods. Nutmeg had tried to convince her not to go, telling her that she’d be fine until sunup, although she’d ultimately relented and given directions to Zecora’s hut. All she had to do was follow the trail until she came upon the zebra’s home, a small cottage adorned with fetishes and hewn into a monstrous cypress sat by a bog. The journey should have been easy and taken no more than an hour or two at most - unfortunately for her, at some point or another, something had gone devastatingly awry. It, whatever it was, had happened so fast that she genuinely couldn’t say what had transpired. One moment she’d been walking along and driving through the underbrush at a slow, steady pace - the next, she was tumbling to the earth before falling unconscious. Shaking her head and coming back to the present, guessing that a limb must have fallen from a tree and struck her, she reached for her head and froze. The muscles on her arm tensed, her mind telling them to move, yet her limb didn’t budge. Sensing something around her wrist, something that hadn’t been there when she’d left her home, she came to a startling realization. She’d initially assumed she was laying on her back, but that wasn’t quite accurate. Pulling at her arms and legs, she felt her limbs meet resistance. Though she couldn’t explain what was going on, it became painfully clear that she was suspended in some way. She grew increasingly frantic, stricken by images of herself becoming the victim of some nightmarish spider, before going completely still and saving her strength. Wherever she was was quiet, eerily quiet, yet the silence was broken by the sound of approaching hooves. The noise was a gift from the heavens, immediately affording her a sliver of relief. Whoever was approaching, regardless of what variety of pony they were, would help her. Turning and looking in the direction of her would-be savior, she could only barely make out the silhouette of somepony in the distance. “H…hello?” she warily called out, renewing her efforts to free herself. “I’m down here…” The figure slowed, if only just, as it languidly drew nearer. One of, if not the best thing about winding up in Equestria was that she never had a shortage of assistance. Whether it regarded trivial tasks such as carrying groceries or more onerous endeavors like replacing a door, somepony would jump in and lend her a hoof - sure, she’d lost her apartment, the crummy job she’d been working at that design studio, and she may never see her family cat again, but those were small prices to pay for living in a world filled with actual magic! She knit her brow and set her jaw, twisting and squirming in her bonds. “Not sure what this stuff is, but…” Trailing off as a low, menacing chuckle cut through the air, she peered over at the figure. A pair of cat-like, emerald eyes gazed back at her and made her blood run cold. There were a few creatures in Equestria that held the shape of an equine, but what she was looking at wasn’t some ordinary pony. Any notion of salvation crumbled to ash as the creature, one she’d only learned of through tales in town, came fully into view. “But what?” the beast cynically asked. Baring her teeth, Anon leered over at the evildoer with contempt. Equestria’s villains throughout the ages had been few and far between, with most being nuisances more than actual threats, though there were exceptions. It wasn’t long ago, only a few years before her arrival, that a trio of ne’er-do-wells had united and nearly brought an apocalypse unto the land. It was only due to the unified might of the four alicorn Princesses, the Lord of Chaos, the Elements of Harmony, and the combined might of empires that the three were ultimately defeated - regrettably, unless her eyes were deceiving her, she was facing one of the fiends in the flesh. Stepping closer, Chrysalis flashed a toothy grin. “Whatever’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Anon kept her lips sealed while she turned her eyes upwards. Instead of ropes or chains securing her, a thick, pliable, and decidedly organic substance strung her limbs to the ceiling of what had to be a cave of some sort. How and why Chrysalis had captured her was anyone’s guess, though the circumstances in which she found herself were dire. “You’re - Nnnph - not going to get away with this,” she grunted, kicking with her legs. Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis dismissively waved a forehoof. “Please - as if I haven’t heard that a thousand times before. Given the late hour, I’d say I have until dawn before anypony even realizes you’re missing - even then, organizing a search party and scouring the Everfree would be a daunting task.” As much as Anon hated to admit it, Chrysalis had a point. Other than Nutmeg, nobody would have the slightest idea of where she’d gone off to. Trying and failing to keep her calm and think of a way to escape, she flinched when something hard ran over her lower leg. “Don’t touch me,” she snarled. Keeping her hoof on the woman’s shin, Chrysalis twisted her head at an unnatural angle. “Forgive me. I would have asked for permission, but we both know that you would have denied me outright.” Anon locked eyes with the changeling and grimaced. “What do you even want with me?” “A fine question,” Chrysalis muttered as her forehoof wandered up to the girl’s knee. “Honestly, I can’t rightly say myself.” “So you kidnapped me for no reason?” Anon scoffed. “Perfect, I always wanted to be a footnote in -” “It’s not completely without reason,” Chrysalis cut her off. “Perhaps the simplest way for me to put it is that you fascinate me.” Falling silent, Anon pursed her lips. Of all the things Chrysalis could have said, the admission took her off guard. She had no arcane abilities whatsoever, her strength was roughly comparable to an earth pony’s, and it wasn’t like she held any insight or tactical value in forming a coup d'état against the Princesses, meaning one of two things - either the changeling was trying to deceive her or was being candid. Chrysalis took another step forward and brought her hoof to the woman’s inner thigh. “I’ve lived a long, long time, and yet you’re the first human I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting - yes, I’ve heard the tales about how your kind would frequent Equestria in a bygone era, although that was in an age that few if any remember.” “Humans used to be here?” Anon blurted, askance. “Why haven’t I -” “Heard of it?” Chrysalis mused. “As I said, legends of those days are just that - legends. In truth, I thought they were myths myself - at least I used to, until I discovered you. Imagine my shock when I found myself liberated from my prison and discovered you trotting around Ponyville with your adorable little marefriend…” Reeling from the assault of information, Anon was stricken by the Queen’s final assertion. “Nutmeg is not my marefriend…” “Is she not?” Chrysalis quipped, peaking a brow. “Given how inseparable you are, it would be easy for somepony to assume you two were an item.” “We’re just friends…” Anon huffed, averting her gaze as a blush crept into her cheeks. Chrysalis snickered, though her hoof remained resting on the girl’s upper leg. “Are you now? My deepest apologies.” The changeling’s sarcasm dripped from every word, making Anon’s face darken. While she hadn’t lied per se, she and Nutmeg could best be described as friends with benefits - well, in a sense. After a bottle of wine and an evening of chatting, what had begun as an innocent conversation had drifted into somewhat inappropriate waters. It wasn’t like she’d planned on doing something naughty with her housemate, but the good company, loosened tongues, and curiosity had seen the pair become a bit adventurous. “Aaaaaaaah,” Chrysalis sighed, shivering ever so slightly. “Your feelings speak volumes, little human.” Anon’s eyes darted over to the Queen as a chill ran up her spine. “What are you even talking about?” With a wolfish smirk and heavily-lidded eyes, Chrysalis’s gaze wandered down the human’s body. “How informed are you of changelings - real changelings, not those colorful abominations that Thorax has taken under his wing?” “I know enough,” Anon spat. “Do you?” Chrysalis whispered. “So you’re aware that we can sense, shall we say carnal intent?” Holding the changeling’s gaze, Anon fought the urge to look away. “I’ve heard that you lot, the ones who Starlight defeated, fed off of other creatures’ love.” The mention of starlight brought a sneer to Chrysalis’ muzzle and a murderous glint to her eye, yet she remained motionless. “I prefer to think of that incident as a culling. The wheat, yours truly, was removed from the chaff. In time, I’ll rebuild my empire and show the ponies and their allies the true might of the changelings.” “Hah!” Anon forcibly laughed, praying her false bravado wasn’t as transparent as it felt. “You act like the Elements of Harmony haven’t stopped you be - H…Hey!” “Hmmm?” Chrysalis hummed disinterestedly as she pulled at the girl’s pants. “Feel free to continue with whatever laughable diatribe you were spouting.” Anon fidgeted harder than ever when harlequin light radiated from the Queen’s horn. “W…what are you doing?” Sorcerously loosening the woman’s belt, Chrysalis gave an apathetic shrug. “Simply putting us on equal terms. Here I am in all my magnificent glory, my body bare and vulnerable, while your figure is concealed by all that stuffy attire you have on.” “I…I…” Anon stammered, utterly at a loss. “You’re going to strip me?!” “Unless you’re willing to strip yourself, yes,” Chrysalis tittered, lazily unbuttoning her pants. “Considering you have your hands tied, I thought I’d just see what you’ve been hiding.” Anon swallowed as a cold sweat beaded her brow. This couldn’t be happening ~ could it? Staring down at herself, she watched in horror as her slacks were pulled down to reveal the cotton of her snow-white panties. A part of her could understand Chrysalis’ interest in her, especially given that she was likely the only human being on the planet, but this was too much. “S…stop!” she bleated. To her surprise, Chrysalis paused. Removing her forehoof and with the magical energy about her horn dimming, she trotted up and brought herself face to face with the girl. “Why?” “B…because it’s cold in here,” Anon croaked, saying the first thing that came to mind. Chrysalis took a small step back, closed her eyes, and called upon her arcane might. “Better?” It took Anon a moment to realize what her captor had done, although the ambient temperature had risen by a few degrees. She wanted to complain, to take umbrage with her host’s congeniality, but she didn’t say a word. Every instinct she had told her that something was wrong - very wrong, and she wasn’t about to start playing nice with a creature that had almost toppled an empire. “Any more requests?” Chrysalis softly inquired, inching uncomfortably close. Though she hadn’t detected it earlier, likely because of the gap between them, the scent of fresh rain wafted to Anon’s sinuses. Seeing Chrysalis peer down at her bust, she tensed. She was powerless, helpless in every way, so she did the only thing she could think to do - create a distraction. Hastily collecting herself, she hardened her expression. “Since you asked, wouldn’t it be fair to show yourself off first?” Chrysalis giggled and backed away while demurely holding a forehoof to her snout. “An obvious lie and a pitiful attempt to buy yourself some time, but I’ll indulge you.” With her horn alight, bathing the little grotto in an otherworldly glow, she turned in place and threw her head back. The dark teal of her mane and tail, paired with the green of her eyes and elytra on her back, clashed with her porous, obsidian flesh. She was tall and elegant, her movements flowing like water, though her grace and allure were only skin deep. While she was beautiful by most pony standards, beneath her black hide beat the heart of a monster. “I would ask if I’m to your liking,” Chrysalis jested, peeking over her shoulder at the woman, “but that would hardly be necessary…” Tearing her eyes off the Queen’s flank, Anon snorted. “Like I’d ever be interested in you.” “Oh but you are,” Chrysalis insisted, trotting back and bringing a hoof under Anon’s chin. “Come now, we’re both adults. There’s nopony to judge you, nopony to hear you admit you find me attractive, and I’ll never say a word of this to anypony. Wouldn’t it just be easier to be honest, if only for your own well-being?” Even if Anon thought Chrysalis was slightly attractive, and even if there was something captivating about Chrysalis’ haughty demeanor and predatory features, there was no way in Tartarus she was about to say it. Refusing to look at the beast, she peered down at the floor. Since the situation she was in was sticky in both a literal and figurative sense, she wasn’t about to make things worse for herself. Running her forked tongue over her lips, Chrysalis ignited her horn. “While you consider what I’m sure is some thoughtful, heartfelt reply, allow me to…” Anon was torn between defiantly glaring at Chrysalis or clamping her eyes shut while her shawl was levitated up and over her head. While she was tempted to fight, continuing to try and escape, she ultimately bided her time and conserved her energy. There was no guarantee that the anger and embarrassment bubbling up within her would be of any use, suppressing her feelings and praying for an opportunity to unleash them was her only reasonable option. Piece by piece, her attire was removed, neatly folded, and sat to the side. She’d hoped that Chrysalis would be stymied by her own designs, but she’d underestimated her host. Utilizing a combination of her magic, a forehoof, and her fangs, the changeling severed the bindings on her ankles for just long enough to free her pants before renewing her restraints. Chrysalis gazed at the plump, cloth covered mount on Anon’s groin. “I’m not sure if it’s of any consequence to you, but this is quite thrilling.” “Go fuck yourself,” Anon hissed. “You don’t believe me?” Chrysalis countered, turning to display her backside. “Like the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding…” Moments from replying, fully intent on giving Chrysalis a piece of her mind, Anon opened her mouth and fell mute. She’d seen her fair share of marehoods in her day, seeing as how ponies wore little or nothing while out and about, although this was a first in her book. She stared in awe, stricken with both arousal and disgust, and blinked when the changeling winked without using her eyes. “See?” Chrysalis breathed. Anon’s mind went into a tailspin as she gazed upon Chrysalis’ nethers. She wasn’t sure what was more disconcerting - the fact that the Queen was unabashedly showing herself off or that she was clearly in an amorous mood. Peering at the changeling’s vividly colored depths, she closed her eyes and shook her head to dislodge unwanted and wholly unseemly thoughts from her mind. Remaining where she was, Chrysalis enticingly swayed her hips from side to side. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of - in fact, if you were so inclined, I’d be more than happy to give you a closer look.” “Go to Tartarus,” Anon hissed. “Oh the delicious irony,” Chrysalis laughed, straightening up and spinning toward her recalcitrant guest. “For somepony - pardon, for somecreature so quick to condemn me to the abyss, you’re not better off than myself. What’s that saying about sinners casting stones…?” With a scathing rebuttal forming on her lips, Anon went rigid. At some point or another, though she knew not when, her traitorous body had said what her mouth had refused to. The air against her dampened panties and the fabric over her hardening nipples was terrifying. She knew she’d been turned on, if only in the slightest degree, yet she wouldn’t have predicted she’d inadvertently betray herself. Chrysalis glanced up to the ceiling and smiled. The impish glimmer in her eye and the smug look on her face told Anon that she was up to no good, but she kept whatever machinations she had to herself. With eldritch fire wreathing her gnarled horn, she turned her attention back to the woman. “Let’s get that pesky brassiere off you ~ shall we?” she murmured. Though Anon couldn’t see it, she could feel the touch of magic against her back. The strap of her bra shifted, growing taut before its hooks were unclasped. As the undergarment loosened and was lifted from her frame, allowing her bosoms to start spilling free, she bit back a chuckle. Her restraints, while doing a fine job at keeping her immobilized, were acting in her favor. Her shirt had been pulled up and over her head, acting as a sling, and the only articles that had been completely removed were her shoes, socks, pants, and shawl. If Chrysalis wanted to get her panties and bra off, her arms would have to be released, if only for a moment, and that’s when she’d strike - or so she thought. As the sinuous ropes holding her legs began to move in opposite directions, her anxiety returned with a vengeance. Trotting forward, Chrysalis stepped between the girl’s parting legs. “I’ve never been the biggest fan of clothing; they’re just so oppressive…” “How about you let me go and I’ll take them off?” Anon mocked. “You joke, but that may not be the case for long,” noted, rubbing her cheek up to Anon’s leg. “I bet some part of you wants to get out of those dreadful panties, if only to spare them from getting drenched, but I digress.” Despite the precarious circumstances, or in part due to them, Anon wouldn’t deny that she was slightly turned on. Chrysalis’ soft hide against the tender flesh of her thigh, the teasing, and that she’d somehow managed to excite the Queen of the changelings proved a disastrous mix. There was a chance that it was all an act, that the shapeshifter could will herself into a state of arousal, but that wouldn’t make any sense - not like her being captured and systematically undressed made any sense to begin with. Dwelling on why she’d been kidnapped, she yelped when a sharp pain struck her upper leg. “Just something small to help you relax,” Chrysalis explained, withdrawing and peering up at her. Anon’s heart began to race when she peeked down and noticed two pinpricks of blood on her inner thigh. In that moment, a terrifying revelation dawned on her. Changelings could use their metamorphic abilities to lure their prey, being able to disguise themselves as the most attractive member of any species, although that was only one tool in their arsenal. Glancing to Chrysalis’ face and seeing a drop of sickly yellow liquid roll down one fang, she drew a shuddering breath. “No need to be too worried,” Chrysalis condescendingly clucked. “My venom is essentially harmless and will have no lasting effects - that being said, you wouldn’t be the first to seek me out long after you’ve fully recovered.” An insidious heat gradually radiated up Anon’s thigh and into her abdomen. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant, but that did little to soothe her fraying nerves. Little by little, with each beat of her wildly pulsing heart, the blood in her veins grew hotter and hotter - worse still, a deep ache blossomed in her loins. Being a healthy young woman, she was no stranger to lecherous urges. Her nipples and nethers were the most obvious giveaways that she was in the mood, yet those were only two facets of being horny. Like many times in her past, particularly those when she saw something or someone that struck her fancy, her primal id roused from its slumber. Perfidious musings of herself becoming intimate with the Queen invaded her mind, making it difficult to think clearly, while she attempted to grind her thighs together. Regardless of what Chrysalis’ intentions for her were, assuming she was going to wind up as a snack, the indignity of making herself more appetizing than she apparently was already bolstered her resolve to escape. “Such a fine bouquet,” Chrysalis purred, her nose mere inches from the woman’s crotch. “Piquant and exotic, quite befitting of an alien beauty like yourself.” With her panties pulled to the side, unveiling her rosy lower lips and the fiery tuft of bush above her sex, the breath hitched in Anon’s throat. She should have told Chrysalis off, she should have fought back, yet a compulsion to remain still came over her. While it would have been unspeakable to willingly do anything remotely lewd with the evildoer, nobody would blame her if she had no choice ~ right? Chrysalis extended her tongue, leaned in, and froze. “Where are my manners? You must be uncomfortable dangling from the ceiling like that.” Anon gently drifted to the floor, suspended by the Queen’s magic, when the strands of silk-like material holding Anon above the ground were severed. Touching down, now seated on the cold earth, she blinked in disbelief. She could have done anything, from launching an assault on her captor to blindly running through the darkness to find an exit, but she didn’t - no, she simply sat and mutely stared over at chrysalis. “Be a dear and finish undressing for me,” Chrysalis intoned, waving a forehoof. Moving without thinking, brushing her fingers over one strap of her brassiere, Anon struggled not to do as she’d been asked. Was this really happening? Could this be real? It wasn’t a question of if anyone would ever know what transpired within the cavern, since she could lie in the event that anyone found out whom had absconded with her - the real question was if she’d be willing to live with herself. Subconsciously ogling Chrysalis’ hindquarters, she anxiously licked her lips and lowered her hands. The bra slipped from over her shoulders and down her frame, leaving her breasts exposed. She was considered quite busty by human standards, sporting a pair of D cups, although that meant little when it came to ponies. Blushing harder than ever, peeking down at her chest, she discarded the garment and squeezed her bosoms between her upper arms. “Those are quite impressive,” Chrysalis quietly exclaimed, stepping over to her side. “And those freckles are simply to die for!” “T…thanks,” Anon mumbled. Dipping her head, Chrysalis lips above the girl’s right teat. “I’m sure these could feed many foals - or rather whatever you call your offspring.” Anon twisted slightly and leaned back on one arm, practically tempting the Queen to kiss her chest, but the gesture was ignored and she was left wanting. Chrysalis, be it intentionally or not, abstained, backed away, and looked to her groin. With only one final piece of clothing left on her, she lowered her hand and hooked her thumb over the waistband of her panties. Slipping past the point of no return, she wiggled her hips and drew the article down her legs. Buck it - it wasn’t like Chrysalis hadn’t already gotten a peek at her goods. Maybe this was what she’d wanted all along, her latent desires made manifest by the venom coursing through her, or perhaps she really wasn’t in her right state of mind - in the end, it mattered little. She kicked her panties away and parted her thighs, letting the cool air to grace her womanhood. “Quite the invitation,” Chrysalis hummed, peering down at the girl’s openly drooling, plump entrance. “Since you’re suddenly feeling a bit more candid, I believe I’ll help myself to a little appetizer…” Reclining further, Anon placed her feet on the ground and spread her legs. There was still time to bring this exchange to a halt, to do something - anything but succumb to her lecherous yearnings, yet all she did was await with bated breath. As Chrysalis descended upon her, she did the unthinkable - she reached down with her free hand and spread herself open. Chrysalis chuckled while she held her gaze and gave her a lick. The sensation of the cool, slick tongue gliding between her lower lips was incredible, but the feeling of having her clit teased was enough to make her stifle a moan. Being eaten out by Nutmeg had been an amazing experience, as good or better than any she’d had with a human woman, but this - this was on an entirely different level. Bringing her hand to her chest, she delicately twisted and pulled one nipple. Every lap of Chrysalis’ tongue sent a bolt of pleasure surging through her and chipped away at what little derision she clung to. Her hips gave a disobedient thrust, driving her muff over the changeling’s face, while the battle between her lust and common sense took a decided turn. “There’s a good girl,” Chrysalis cooed, momentarily withdrawing. “By chance, would you like to return the favor…?” Anon looked past Chrysalis’ face and to her flank. Any other woman with a shred of common sense would have fled, although she wasn’t any other woman. Having spontaneously bedded one pony already, was there anything wrong with broadening her interspecies horizons? Throwing in the metaphorical towel, she gazed into the Queen’s eyes and nodded. Chrysalis rose to her full height and licked her chops. “Lay back for me…” Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Anon complied. As the changeling stepped around and over her, her mind went alight. She’d wondered if the varying species of Equestria had different flavors when it came to their naughty bits, and couldn’t help but get increasingly excited for what she was about to do. Lifting her head while Chrysalis settled atop her, she peered longingly at the Queen’s winking, succulent marehood. Though she would have liked to appreciate the view, the sight of Chrysalis’ nethers was too provocative to deny. Unable to control herself, she dove in and began lapping at the villain’s sex. Strange, unfamiliar flavors bathed her palate, an ambrosial musk filled her nostrils, and she bucked her hips as she locked herself in a sixty-nine with the ne’er-do-well. The position she took was a favorite and one she was well acquainted with. While she’d had no plans on sharing an erotic moment with one of the biggest threats Equestria had ever known, she wasn’t going to complain too much. At worst, she’d walk away with one heck of a story and new tastes - speaking of which… Though it was hard to place it, the taste dancing over her tongue was like a strange mix of tart mango and grass - bizarre but far from unpleasant. Sliding upwards slightly, she brought her breasts beneath Chrysalis’ teats, sat up just a hair, and pressed their bosoms together. Anatomical differences aside, one definite benefit of laying with a mare was that they could both bet their tits played with while feasting on one another - and feast they did. Chrysalis’ technique, paired with her long, dexterous tongue, left nothing to desired - nevertheless, she wasn’t without a few tricks of her own. The changeling, much like Nutmeg, had a clit that was nearly as thick as the tip of her finger, enabling her to do something she’d struggle with with a human. Wrapping her lips around the sensitive bud of flesh, she groaned. Her effort was instantaneously rewarded, as a low, guttural moan from Chrysalis split through the air. Bit by bit, her priorities began to shift. While she doubted that the ponies would lie to her about the metamorphic matriarch, knowing there had to be at least some credence to the tales, she was inclined to think that the so-called evildoer wasn’t as bad as many made her out to be. Growing increasingly enthusiastic, making out with one another’s loins, the pair sought to give as good as they got. Hushed, pleased hums echoed throughout the stony chamber, trailing off into the distance, while their passion soared. If somepony was looking for Anon, she’d hate to think what they’d make of her in her unbecoming state. There she was, buck naked and laying on her back as she lavished Chrysalis’ marehood with affection. She would never do anything to harm the ponies who’d taken her in and given her a home, but was she really doing anything wrong? Anyone would understand why she was doing what she was doing, being the victim and all - at least that’s what she told herself. As her bliss mounted, concentrating became more and more difficult. She wanted to continue, pining to earn a climax from the magnificent beast who’d ferried her away from the Everfree, but it was a contest she couldn’t win. Between the venom and the heavenly sensation of a tongue much more skilled than her own, she was pushed to and well past her limit. Her toes curled, her eyelids fluttered, and any attempt she made to reciprocate Chrysalis’ motions came to an abrupt end as she came. Shaking uncontrollably, she threw her head back and gave a muted cry of rapture. It was regrettable that she’d climaxed first, effectively losing to the Queen, but she wasn’t done yet - not by a long shot. She waded through her ecstasy, forcing herself to move, and sank her tongue into Chrysalis velvety canal. As pleasant as it would be to bask in the afterglow of her orgasm, she wouldn’t - couldn’t rest until she’d proven herself. With a ferocity she didn’t know she had, forsaking her own pleasure, she flew into a frenzy. Chrysalis faltered and trembled from her assault, spurring her on. It would have been impossible for her to tell how close the changeling was, although that wasn’t important - what was important was that she wasn’t going to relent until she’d been baptized by her lover’s juices. She closed her eyes and focused, single-mindedly eating the mare out, until something bumped against the tip of her tongue. Pulling back, unsure of what had just happened, she gasped when a long, muscular appendage emerged from Chrysalis’ depths. She’d seen endowments of various persuasions, both on Earth and Equestria, although she couldn’t explain what she was looking at. Not unlike a long, pulsing cock, the colorful growth throbbed and swelled before her. “W…wha…” she sputtered, taken aback. Straightening and turning to face her, leaving the limb-like thing to dangle between her hind legs, Chrysalis affixed her with a heavily-lidded gaze. “Do they not have ovipositors on earth?” Ovipositor - Anon had heard the name before. Though it had been a long while since she’d been in school, her memory told her that it had something to do with insect reproduction - then again, given the context of the situation and what they’d been doing, that only made sense. Still reeling from the peculiar discovery, it was almost impossible for her not to gawk at the obscene, semi-turgid length. “Bit for your thoughts?” Chrysalis mused. Nonplussed, Anon cocked her head to the side. “It…it kinda looks like a dick…” “Oh it’s so much more than a mere dick,” Chrysalis tutted. “Apropos…” Anon went slack-jawed as the appendage writhed and twisted like a serpent. Being fully prehensile would have been impressive enough for the slick length of changeling meat, but that was only one of its astounding features. The limb’s head blossomed like a flower, yawning open to display a slickened passage. While she understood that Chrysalis’ endowment wasn’t a cock in the traditional sense, she couldn’t help but think of the long, girthy length as one. “It’s never failed to wreak rapturous havoc on anypony who’s been lucky enough to experience it - sadly, it’s been ages since I’ve had the opportunity to find a mate willing to accept a clutch of eggs…” Chrysalis lamented. Stepping over and massaging Anon’s abdomen, she smirked. “Where oh where could I find a fertile little thing to take as my broodmare…” Once again, Anon’s mind was besieged by intrusive fantasies. She could practically see herself as the Queen’s thrall, bloated with eggs and serving Chrysalis as a concubine within a newly formed hive. Merely envisioning herself in such a state, a veritable incubator for batches of changelings, was enough to make her loins quiver with anticipation. Chrysalis turned at an angle, flexed her groin, and slapped her shaft against her underbelly. “It won’t bite, I assure you…” Anon rolled to her belly and pushed herself onto her hands and knees. With everything that had transpired, giving herself a closer look at the thing certainly wouldn’t hurt anything - besides, it wasn’t like she hadn’t almost fellated the not-dick moments prior. Crawling over and beneath Chrysalis, she reached out with an unsteady hand. Chrysalis’ stallionhood, for lack of a better word, was warm to the touch and had an almost indescribable texture. Pliable but firm, similar to some of the sex-toys she’d used in the past, the glistening length was covered in rubbery, slimy flesh. With a maelstrom of perverse notions running rampant through her brain, imagining how it would feel to get plowed by something so outlandish, she leaned in and opened her maw. In a way, she felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. She was completely aware of what she was doing, as she pressed her lips to the viscous slippery shaft, but it was like she wasn’t fully in control of herself. Kissing and licking her way up the Queen’s length, she shuffled around to fully face the imposing organ. Looming above her, Chrysalis made no move to stop her when she wrapped her lips around the glimmering tip of stallionhood. The flavors which greeted her were the same as before, fruity and a bit astringent, although the view she had was worlds apart from what she was used to. As she peered down the brilliant shaft, feeling as though she was looking down a barrel of a cannon, she swung one hand back to rub herself. She’d never been all that into guys, only ever having been interested in a small handful, yet she could see the appeal. Ovipositor notwithstanding, Chrysalis was bigger than her and more powerful in every conceivable way. Compared to such a mare, it was her duty - no, her privilege to serve. Bobbing her head, she brought the back of her throat to the cock-head and winced. Being extraordinarily unpracticed with fellating anything, outside of a few halfhearted attempts with a dildo just for fun, she was woefully ill-equipped for such a task - still, she was going to give it her all. While she kneaded her slavering womanhood and groaned around Chrysalis’ tool, her inhibitions vanished in their entirety. She couldn’t explain it - heck, she could only barely wrap her head around it, but this just felt right. There she was, getting off while sucking on an imperious, evil bug-horse’s member, and she couldn’t be happier. All traces of her ire faded, snuffed out by her libidinous, depraved wants, as she pushed herself closer and closer to her limit. Had someone told her she’d end her day with wantonly blowing someone, specifically Queen Chrysalis, she would have laughed and called them insane. The absurdity of her situation was like something out of a dream, making her question if it was actually happening at all, and yet she secretly hoped it was real. Cracking one eye open and seeing that she was only managing to service a fraction of what her lover had to offer, she reluctantly withdrew. Her oral skills, with the exception of munching carpet, were undeniably lacking. She’d never seen a need to train her throat in any amorous regard, although that wasn’t an issue. There was a part of her that was much more accommodating, well-trained by both herself and past partners wielding strap-ons, and her maddening lust demanded she surrender it to her gracious host. She crawled away and silently pressed her chest to the floor, keeping her hips raised and rear leveled at Chrysalis. She wasn’t about to ask Chrysalis to do a gosh darned thing, but she was willing to let her actions speak for her. Presenting herself like a bitch in heat, her legs braced and ass held in the air, she rested her face on her folded arms. She couldn’t say if the changeling had been bluffing about stuffing her full of eggs and using her to sire a host of drones, but the assertion didn’t dissuade her from continuing their little tryst - on the contrary, it only got her more aroused. While it was true that she’d climaxed mere minutes ago, she was gripped with a crippling desire for more. Had she known that changeling mares, presumably of both the reformed and unreformed variety, came with additional hardware, she may - may have sought one out before now. She held her breath, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn’t be left hanging, and risked a glance over her shoulder. Unflinching, Chrysalis locked eyes with her. “Convince me. I want to hear you say it…” “P…please,” Anon softly bleated. Chrysalis took a step closer, dipped her head, and lapped at the girl’s sex. Had it been any other passionate exchange, Anon would have been overjoyed with the affection, absolutely loving being eaten out, yet the promise of something more made the oral almost torturous. She was being toyed with, strung along and denied, and it threatened to drive her mad. Wading through her bliss, she gnawed her bottom lip and forced herself to focus. Her body would have been gratified by the Queen, of that she was certain, although her lust-addled mind clung to the idea of being bred. Broadening her stance, she arched her back. “Please what?” Chrysalis urged, shying away. Anon balanced on her shoulders and tits, her nipples grinding against the frigid stone beneath her, as she threw her arms back, clutched her tush, and prized her pillowy buns apart. “Please fuck me…” “How the tables have turned,” Chrysalis snickered, trotting over to her. “Despite you telling me to screw myself, you’re the one who ends up begging for some relief. I suppose I could have a bit of fun with you, if…” Feeling the weight of the Queen’s length glide over the cleft of her upturned ass, Anon shivered. “I…if…?” “If you really want to be my broodmare…” Chrysalis purred, bringing the tip of her length to the girl’s entrance. The sensation of the rounded, flower-like crown against her pussy broke something within Anon. Rolling her hips back and trying to impale herself, she whimpered when Chrysalis backed off and denied her. Never in her life had she been more turned on before, blind with rut-lust, and it reduced her to little more than an animal. “Please,” she emphatically repeated. With one forehoof on the woman’s shoulder, Chrysalis guided Anon up and onto all fours. “If I’m going to breed you like a bitch in heat, you’re going to carry yourself like one.” Anon went to reply, to give voice to her longing, but her wish was granted before it was given a chance to be spoken. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her heart skipped a beat, and her thighs quaked as her entrance was forced open. She instantaneously came, her depths stretching to embrace the velvety, pliable shaft that sank into her, while a torrent of nectar gushed from her confines. With a callous laugh, Chrysalis gave set to plowing her like a field in spring. There was no gradual build-up nor time to acclimate to the immense intrusion, leaving her to bray out in unfettered glee. The incomprehensible sensation of fullness was unlike anything she’d ever felt before, and it wrought blissful havoc upon her. The barest trace of hope, that Nutmeg or someone in town was out looking for her, steadily slipped from her grasp. It would only be a matter of time until her absence was noted and a search party was launched, with ponies scouring the Everfree for her and worrying about her, yet that ran counter to the overwhelming might of her newfound role. Her neighbors, her friends, the ponies who’d done so much for her - none of them meant anything compared to the mind-numbing bliss that Chrysalis afforded. She could feel herself slipping away, drowning in a sea of pleasure, and she welcomed it. Though she couldn’t have anticipated her life taking such a turn, she’d eventually found her place with someone who wanted her. Forsaking everyone and everything she’d ever known for a second time was a small price to pay for the gratification of having a life with meaning. Weathering the tumultuous ecstasy of an orgasm, she locked her arms out and gathered what little self-control she had. A good broodmare didn’t simply let herself be used, being plowed like some eager sow - a good broodmare earned a clutch of eggs in her belly. She swung her hips into reverse after getting Chrysalis’ timing down and beat her ass against the Queen’s - her Queen’s groin. Chrysalis’ approving hum was music to her ears, warming the depths of her heart and providing all the inspiration she needed to continue. Moving in tune with her regal she-stud, panting and with ropes of saliva dangling from her chin, she lost herself to her primal needs. She hadn’t given much thought to being a mother, having no strong feelings one way or another about starting a family, but that had changed now that she’d found her true purpose. This wasn’t sex, it wasn’t some spontaneous one-nighter with someone she’d just met, and it wasn’t lovemaking - this was breeding by every definition of the word. Chrysalis took her without the slightest shred of concern for her, giggling like a schoolgirl every time she came, and she was just as ruthless as her reputation made her out to be. Mewling out and enduring one orgasm after another, Anon did everything she could to keep herself from collapsing - alas, it was a lost cause. Toppling forward and onto her face, she smeared the cold, unyielding ground with her drool while Chrysalis conquered her. She was going to be ruined after this, despoiled so thoroughly that nothing, save the Queen, could satiate her, although that didn’t trouble her in the slightest - if anything, it fueled the raging inferno of her determination to be a worthy mate. Each climax that struck her was more powerful than the last, sapping her of her strength and the ability to do anything more than whimper and fight to remain conscious. Chrysalis showed no signs of slowing, lasting what felt like a small eternity, until an odd sensation snapped her from her stupor. With the Queen’s shaft beating against her womb, doing its darndest to bludgeon its way past her cervix, she felt it - a strange swell making its way through the changeling’s length. “Yes,” Chrysalis hissed, draping herself over the woman’s back, “take my gift and become mine!” Anon screamed out in delight as the first of what was a procession of eggs was forced into her. Pleasure couldn’t begin to describe the sensation of being claimed in such a way, devastating her on an existential level. She was to become a hatchery, a bipedal nursery for untold numbers of drones to be, and that realization was an apotheosis. The corners of her vision darkened, the world faded in and out of existence, but she somehow managed to cling to the waking world until the deed was done. Sniveling as Chrysalis withdrew, feeling the cool air against her gaped entrance, she crashed to the side and heaved air into her chest. She’d done the unthinkable, though it wasn’t until she wearily peeked down at herself that she fully comprehended the gift she’d been given. For all intents and purposes, she was heavily gravid. Her belly, usually only the slightest bit pudgy, was distended and heavy with eggs. Caressing her stomach, she smiled as she thought about how many young she housed and how large she’d get. There hadn’t been many points in her life when she’d been truly happy, filled with the deep-seated satisfaction of a well-earned reward, but this was the crowning jewel amongst them all. “Are you forgetting something?” Chrysalis huffed. Anon peered up at Chrysalis, though not to the changeling’s face. Dangling just beside her, dripping with climactic juices and some viscous approximation of pre-cum, was the Queen’s length. She forced herself up with a grunt and extended an arm, knowing full well what was expected of her. With a contented hum, Chrysalis sighed as the girl began mopping her shaft clean. “Once you’re finished, you’ll be coming with me to what will be my new hive.” The statement left no room for doubt and made Anon giddy. She should have finished her duty before responding, but was too delighted to give it much thought as she pulled back and gazed up at Chrysalis. Queen and lover, grand matriarch for the brood in her belly, her mate was everything she could have wanted and more - as such, there was something that needed to be said. “Thank you,” she uttered before craning her neck and kissing her she-stud’s collar. She was broken in every sense of the word, her gut filled with eggs and her body slathered in a cocktail of her and Chrysalis’ amorous nectar, but she’d never felt such a sense of contentment. Would the ponies of Equestria accept her after they found out what she’d done? Was she going to be hunted down by the Princesses? How had she fallen so far in such a short span of time? A thousand questions swirled about in her mind, though one rose above the rest ~ what depths would she stoop to to keep Chrysalis as a lover?
[ "“Ugh…” Anon groaned, falteringly lifting her head as her eyelids fluttered open. Darkness greeted her, though it wasn’t the darkness she’d been expecting. The deep shadows and cool air of the Everfree were gone, replaced by the gloom and still, clammy air of somewhere unfamiliar graced her skin. As her eyes adjusted to the almost preternaturally dim light around her, her thoughts began to race. Even though Equestria was a relatively safe place, all but vacant of the vandals and hoolims of Earth, going out at night was typically avoided. While rare, there were wild beasts that lurked beneath the moon for prey that was either too ignorant or too foolish to curl up and sleep somewhere warm and secure until dawn. It wasn’t like she enjoyed outings after the sun had set, but she’d done so for good cause. Her housemate and one of her closest friends, a unicorn mare named Nutmeg, was suffering through a terrible bout of hay fever from the changing seasons. She couldn’t in good conscience let the poor pony sit there and be miserable, constantly sniffling and sneezing throughout the night, so she’d set out to get some relief for her companion. The bad news was that the Ponyville clinic was closed until morning - the good news was that she hadn’t been completely out of options. With her shawl to fend off the autumn breeze, she’d set off to the sprawling forest just south of town. Within the verdant woodland of the Everfree resided her one and only chance of helping Nutmeg before daybreak. Though she’d only met Zecora once, she’d heard tales of the exotic mare’s abilities to craft potions and elixirs that could, if the stories were right, address nearly any malady. The moon and stars shone brightly overhead in the cloudless sky, the temperature was pleasantly cool, and her trek had gone without incident - that was until she’d reached the treeline. In spite of resting beside Ponyville, the Everfree was an untamed wilderness of ill repute. Residents of town spoke of the jungle in hushed tones, oftentimes conspiring on what mythical or deadly creatures reside therein, but Anon had been undeterred. If she was to find a cure for Nutmeg and get a restful night’s sleep, she would brave the dark and face her fears. Pressing onward and into the brush, she stuck closely to the hoofpath that led deeper and deeper into the woods. Nutmeg had tried to convince her not to go, telling her that she’d be fine until sunup, although she’d ultimately relented and given directions to Zecora’s hut. All she had to do was follow the trail until she came upon the zebra’s home, a small cottage adorned with fetishes and hewn into a monstrous cypress sat by a bog. The journey should have been easy and taken no more than an hour or two at most - unfortunately for her, at some point or another, something had gone devastatingly awry. It, whatever it was, had happened so fast that she genuinely couldn’t say what had transpired. One moment she’d been walking along and driving through the underbrush at a slow, steady pace - the next, she was tumbling to the earth before falling unconscious. Shaking her head and coming back to the present, guessing that a limb must have fallen from a tree and struck her, she reached for her head and froze. The muscles on her arm tensed, her mind telling them to move, yet her limb didn’t budge. Sensing something around her wrist, something that hadn’t been there when she’d left her home, she came to a startling realization. She’d initially assumed she was laying on her back, but that wasn’t quite accurate. Pulling at her arms and legs, she felt her limbs meet resistance. Though she couldn’t explain what was going on, it became painfully clear that she was suspended in some way. She grew increasingly frantic, stricken by images of herself becoming the victim of some nightmarish spider, before going completely still and saving her strength. Wherever she was was quiet, eerily quiet, yet the silence was broken by the sound of approaching hooves. The noise was a gift from the heavens, immediately affording her a sliver of relief. Whoever was approaching, regardless of what variety of pony they were, would help her. Turning and looking in the direction of her would-be savior, she could only barely make out the silhouette of somepony in the distance. “H…hello?” she warily called out, renewing her efforts to free herself. “I’m down here…” The figure slowed, if only just, as it languidly drew nearer. One of, if not the best thing about winding up in Equestria was that she never had a shortage of assistance. Whether it regarded trivial tasks such as carrying groceries or more onerous endeavors like replacing a door, somepony would jump in and lend her a hoof - sure, she’d lost her apartment, the crummy job she’d been working at that design studio, and she may never see her family cat again, but those were small prices to pay for living in a world filled with actual magic! She knit her brow and set her jaw, twisting and squirming in her bonds. “Not sure what this stuff is, but…” Trailing off as a low, menacing chuckle cut through the air, she peered over at the figure. A pair of cat-like, emerald eyes gazed back at her and made her blood run cold. There were a few creatures in Equestria that held the shape of an equine, but what she was looking at wasn’t some ordinary pony. Any notion of salvation crumbled to ash as the creature, one she’d only learned of through tales in town, came fully into view. “But what?” the beast cynically asked. Baring her teeth, Anon leered over at the evildoer with contempt. Equestria’s villains throughout the ages had been few and far between, with most being nuisances more than actual threats, though there were exceptions. It wasn’t long ago, only a few years before her arrival, that a trio of ne’er-do-wells had united and nearly brought an apocalypse unto the land. It was only due to the unified might of the four alicorn Princesses, the Lord of Chaos, the Elements of Harmony, and the combined might of empires that the three were ultimately defeated - regrettably, unless her eyes were deceiving her, she was facing one of the fiends in the flesh. Stepping closer, Chrysalis flashed a toothy grin. “Whatever’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Anon kept her lips sealed while she turned her eyes upwards. Instead of ropes or chains securing her, a thick, pliable, and decidedly organic substance strung her limbs to the ceiling of what had to be a cave of some sort. How and why Chrysalis had captured her was anyone’s guess, though the circumstances in which she found herself were dire. “You’re - Nnnph - not going to get away with this,” she grunted, kicking with her legs. Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis dismissively waved a forehoof. “Please - as if I haven’t heard that a thousand times before. Given the late hour, I’d say I have until dawn before anypony even realizes you’re missing - even then, organizing a search party and scouring the Everfree would be a daunting task.” As much as Anon hated to admit it, Chrysalis had a point. Other than Nutmeg, nobody would have the slightest idea of where she’d gone off to. Trying and failing to keep her calm and think of a way to escape, she flinched when something hard ran over her lower leg. “Don’t touch me,” she snarled. Keeping her hoof on the woman’s shin, Chrysalis twisted her head at an unnatural angle. “Forgive me. I would have asked for permission, but we both know that you would have denied me outright.” Anon locked eyes with the changeling and grimaced. “What do you even want with me?” “A fine question,” Chrysalis muttered as her forehoof wandered up to the girl’s knee. “Honestly, I can’t rightly say myself.” “So you kidnapped me for no reason?” Anon scoffed. “Perfect, I always wanted to be a footnote in -” “It’s not completely without reason,” Chrysalis cut her off. “Perhaps the simplest way for me to put it is that you fascinate me.” Falling silent, Anon pursed her lips. Of all the things Chrysalis could have said, the admission took her off guard. She had no arcane abilities whatsoever, her strength was roughly comparable to an earth pony’s, and it wasn’t like she held any insight or tactical value in forming a coup d'état against the Princesses, meaning one of two things - either the changeling was trying to deceive her or was being candid. Chrysalis took another step forward and brought her hoof to the woman’s inner thigh. “I’ve lived a long, long time, and yet you’re the first human I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting - yes, I’ve heard the tales about how your kind would frequent Equestria in a bygone era, although that was in an age that few if any remember.” “Humans used to be here?” Anon blurted, askance. “Why haven’t I -” “Heard of it?” Chrysalis mused. “As I said, legends of those days are just that - legends. In truth, I thought they were myths myself - at least I used to, until I discovered you. Imagine my shock when I found myself liberated from my prison and discovered you trotting around Ponyville with your adorable little marefriend…” Reeling from the assault of information, Anon was stricken by the Queen’s final assertion. “Nutmeg is not my marefriend…” “Is she not?” Chrysalis quipped, peaking a brow. “Given how inseparable you are, it would be easy for somepony to assume you two were an item.” “We’re just friends…” Anon huffed, averting her gaze as a blush crept into her cheeks. Chrysalis snickered, though her hoof remained resting on the girl’s upper leg. “Are you now? My deepest apologies.” The changeling’s sarcasm dripped from every word, making Anon’s face darken. While she hadn’t lied per se, she and Nutmeg could best be described as friends with benefits - well, in a sense. After a bottle of wine and an evening of chatting, what had begun as an innocent conversation had drifted into somewhat inappropriate waters. It wasn’t like she’d planned on doing something naughty with her housemate, but the good company, loosened tongues, and curiosity had seen the pair become a bit adventurous. “Aaaaaaaah,” Chrysalis sighed, shivering ever so slightly. “Your feelings speak volumes, little human.” Anon’s eyes darted over to the Queen as a chill ran up her spine. “What are you even talking about?” With a wolfish smirk and heavily-lidded eyes, Chrysalis’s gaze wandered down the human’s body. “How informed are you of changelings - real changelings, not those colorful abominations that Thorax has taken under his wing?” “I know enough,” Anon spat. “Do you?” Chrysalis whispered. “So you’re aware that we can sense, shall we say carnal intent?” Holding the changeling’s gaze, Anon fought the urge to look away. “I’ve heard that you lot, the ones who Starlight defeated, fed off of other creatures’ love.” The mention of starlight brought a sneer to Chrysalis’ muzzle and a murderous glint to her eye, yet she remained motionless. “I prefer to think of that incident as a culling. The wheat, yours truly, was removed from the chaff. In time, I’ll rebuild my empire and show the ponies and their allies the true might of the changelings.” “Hah!” Anon forcibly laughed, praying her false bravado wasn’t as transparent as it felt. “You act like the Elements of Harmony haven’t stopped you be - H…Hey!” “Hmmm?” Chrysalis hummed disinterestedly as she pulled at the girl’s pants. “Feel free to continue with whatever laughable diatribe you were spouting.” Anon fidgeted harder than ever when harlequin light radiated from the Queen’s horn. “W…what are you doing?” Sorcerously loosening the woman’s belt, Chrysalis gave an apathetic shrug. “Simply putting us on equal terms. Here I am in all my magnificent glory, my body bare and vulnerable, while your figure is concealed by all that stuffy attire you have on.” “I…I…” Anon stammered, utterly at a loss. “You’re going to strip me? !” “Unless you’re willing to strip yourself, yes,” Chrysalis tittered, lazily unbuttoning her pants. “Considering you have your hands tied, I thought I’d just see what you’ve been hiding.” Anon swallowed as a cold sweat beaded her brow. This couldn’t be happening ~ could it? Staring down at herself, she watched in horror as her slacks were pulled down to reveal the cotton of her snow-white panties. A part of her could understand Chrysalis’ interest in her, especially given that she was likely the only human being on the planet, but this was too much. “S…stop!” she bleated. To her surprise, Chrysalis paused. Removing her forehoof and with the magical energy about her horn dimming, she trotted up and brought herself face to face with the girl. “Why?” “B…because it’s cold in here,” Anon croaked, saying the first thing that came to mind. Chrysalis took a small step back, closed her eyes, and called upon her arcane might. “Better?” It took Anon a moment to realize what her captor had done, although the ambient temperature had risen by a few degrees. She wanted to complain, to take umbrage with her host’s congeniality, but she didn’t say a word. Every instinct she had told her that something was wrong - very wrong, and she wasn’t about to start playing nice with a creature that had almost toppled an empire. “Any more requests?” Chrysalis softly inquired, inching uncomfortably close. Though she hadn’t detected it earlier, likely because of the gap between them, the scent of fresh rain wafted to Anon’s sinuses. Seeing Chrysalis peer down at her bust, she tensed. She was powerless, helpless in every way, so she did the only thing she could think to do - create a distraction. Hastily collecting herself, she hardened her expression. “Since you asked, wouldn’t it be fair to show yourself off first?” Chrysalis giggled and backed away while demurely holding a forehoof to her snout. “An obvious lie and a pitiful attempt to buy yourself some time, but I’ll indulge you.” With her horn alight, bathing the little grotto in an otherworldly glow, she turned in place and threw her head back. The dark teal of her mane and tail, paired with the green of her eyes and elytra on her back, clashed with her porous, obsidian flesh. She was tall and elegant, her movements flowing like water, though her grace and allure were only skin deep. While she was beautiful by most pony standards, beneath her black hide beat the heart of a monster. “I would ask if I’m to your liking,” Chrysalis jested, peeking over her shoulder at the woman, “but that would hardly be necessary…” Tearing her eyes off the Queen’s flank, Anon snorted. “Like I’d ever be interested in you.” “Oh but you are,” Chrysalis insisted, trotting back and bringing a hoof under Anon’s chin. “Come now, we’re both adults. There’s nopony to judge you, nopony to hear you admit you find me attractive, and I’ll never say a word of this to anypony. Wouldn’t it just be easier to be honest, if only for your own well-being?” Even if Anon thought Chrysalis was slightly attractive, and even if there was something captivating about Chrysalis’ haughty demeanor and predatory features, there was no way in Tartarus she was about to say it. Refusing to look at the beast, she peered down at the floor. Since the situation she was in was sticky in both a literal and figurative sense, she wasn’t about to make things worse for herself. Running her forked tongue over her lips, Chrysalis ignited her horn. “While you consider what I’m sure is some thoughtful, heartfelt reply, allow me to…” Anon was torn between defiantly glaring at Chrysalis or clamping her eyes shut while her shawl was levitated up and over her head. While she was tempted to fight, continuing to try and escape, she ultimately bided her time and conserved her energy. There was no guarantee that the anger and embarrassment bubbling up within her would be of any use, suppressing her feelings and praying for an opportunity to unleash them was her only reasonable option. Piece by piece, her attire was removed, neatly folded, and sat to the side. She’d hoped that Chrysalis would be stymied by her own designs, but she’d underestimated her host. Utilizing a combination of her magic, a forehoof, and her fangs, the changeling severed the bindings on her ankles for just long enough to free her pants before renewing her restraints. Chrysalis gazed at the plump, cloth covered mount on Anon’s groin. “I’m not sure if it’s of any consequence to you, but this is quite thrilling.” “Go fuck yourself,” Anon hissed. “You don’t believe me?” Chrysalis countered, turning to display her backside. “Like the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding…” Moments from replying, fully intent on giving Chrysalis a piece of her mind, Anon opened her mouth and fell mute. She’d seen her fair share of marehoods in her day, seeing as how ponies wore little or nothing while out and about, although this was a first in her book. She stared in awe, stricken with both arousal and disgust, and blinked when the changeling winked without using her eyes. “See?” Chrysalis breathed. Anon’s mind went into a tailspin as she gazed upon Chrysalis’ nethers. She wasn’t sure what was more disconcerting - the fact that the Queen was unabashedly showing herself off or that she was clearly in an amorous mood. Peering at the changeling’s vividly colored depths, she closed her eyes and shook her head to dislodge unwanted and wholly unseemly thoughts from her mind. Remaining where she was, Chrysalis enticingly swayed her hips from side to side. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of - in fact, if you were so inclined, I’d be more than happy to give you a closer look.” “Go to Tartarus,” Anon hissed. “Oh the delicious irony,” Chrysalis laughed, straightening up and spinning toward her recalcitrant guest. “For somepony - pardon, for somecreature so quick to condemn me to the abyss, you’re not better off than myself. What’s that saying about sinners casting stones…?” With a scathing rebuttal forming on her lips, Anon went rigid. At some point or another, though she knew not when, her traitorous body had said what her mouth had refused to. The air against her dampened panties and the fabric over her hardening nipples was terrifying. She knew she’d been turned on, if only in the slightest degree, yet she wouldn’t have predicted she’d inadvertently betray herself. Chrysalis glanced up to the ceiling and smiled. The impish glimmer in her eye and the smug look on her face told Anon that she was up to no good, but she kept whatever machinations she had to herself. With eldritch fire wreathing her gnarled horn, she turned her attention back to the woman. “Let’s get that pesky brassiere off you ~ shall we?” she murmured. Though Anon couldn’t see it, she could feel the touch of magic against her back. The strap of her bra shifted, growing taut before its hooks were unclasped. As the undergarment loosened and was lifted from her frame, allowing her bosoms to start spilling free, she bit back a chuckle. Her restraints, while doing a fine job at keeping her immobilized, were acting in her favor. Her shirt had been pulled up and over her head, acting as a sling, and the only articles that had been completely removed were her shoes, socks, pants, and shawl. If Chrysalis wanted to get her panties and bra off, her arms would have to be released, if only for a moment, and that’s when she’d strike - or so she thought. As the sinuous ropes holding her legs began to move in opposite directions, her anxiety returned with a vengeance. Trotting forward, Chrysalis stepped between the girl’s parting legs. “I’ve never been the biggest fan of clothing; they’re just so oppressive…” “How about you let me go and I’ll take them off?” Anon mocked. “You joke, but that may not be the case for long,” noted, rubbing her cheek up to Anon’s leg. “I bet some part of you wants to get out of those dreadful panties, if only to spare them from getting drenched, but I digress.” Despite the precarious circumstances, or in part due to them, Anon wouldn’t deny that she was slightly turned on. Chrysalis’ soft hide against the tender flesh of her thigh, the teasing, and that she’d somehow managed to excite the Queen of the changelings proved a disastrous mix. There was a chance that it was all an act, that the shapeshifter could will herself into a state of arousal, but that wouldn’t make any sense - not like her being captured and systematically undressed made any sense to begin with. Dwelling on why she’d been kidnapped, she yelped when a sharp pain struck her upper leg. “Just something small to help you relax,” Chrysalis explained, withdrawing and peering up at her. Anon’s heart began to race when she peeked down and noticed two pinpricks of blood on her inner thigh. In that moment, a terrifying revelation dawned on her. Changelings could use their metamorphic abilities to lure their prey, being able to disguise themselves as the most attractive member of any species, although that was only one tool in their arsenal. Glancing to Chrysalis’ face and seeing a drop of sickly yellow liquid roll down one fang, she drew a shuddering breath. “No need to be too worried,” Chrysalis condescendingly clucked. “My venom is essentially harmless and will have no lasting effects - that being said, you wouldn’t be the first to seek me out long after you’ve fully recovered.” An insidious heat gradually radiated up Anon’s thigh and into her abdomen. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant, but that did little to soothe her fraying nerves. Little by little, with each beat of her wildly pulsing heart, the blood in her veins grew hotter and hotter - worse still, a deep ache blossomed in her loins. Being a healthy young woman, she was no stranger to lecherous urges. Her nipples and nethers were the most obvious giveaways that she was in the mood, yet those were only two facets of being horny. Like many times in her past, particularly those when she saw something or someone that struck her fancy, her primal id roused from its slumber. Perfidious musings of herself becoming intimate with the Queen invaded her mind, making it difficult to think clearly, while she attempted to grind her thighs together. Regardless of what Chrysalis’ intentions for her were, assuming she was going to wind up as a snack, the indignity of making herself more appetizing than she apparently was already bolstered her resolve to escape. “Such a fine bouquet,” Chrysalis purred, her nose mere inches from the woman’s crotch. “Piquant and exotic, quite befitting of an alien beauty like yourself.” With her panties pulled to the side, unveiling her rosy lower lips and the fiery tuft of bush above her sex, the breath hitched in Anon’s throat. She should have told Chrysalis off, she should have fought back, yet a compulsion to remain still came over her. While it would have been unspeakable to willingly do anything remotely lewd with the evildoer, nobody would blame her if she had no choice ~ right? Chrysalis extended her tongue, leaned in, and froze. “Where are my manners? You must be uncomfortable dangling from the ceiling like that.” Anon gently drifted to the floor, suspended by the Queen’s magic, when the strands of silk-like material holding Anon above the ground were severed. Touching down, now seated on the cold earth, she blinked in disbelief. She could have done anything, from launching an assault on her captor to blindly running through the darkness to find an exit, but she didn’t - no, she simply sat and mutely stared over at chrysalis. “Be a dear and finish undressing for me,” Chrysalis intoned, waving a forehoof. Moving without thinking, brushing her fingers over one strap of her brassiere, Anon struggled not to do as she’d been asked. Was this really happening? Could this be real?", "She could have done anything, from launching an assault on her captor to blindly running through the darkness to find an exit, but she didn’t - no, she simply sat and mutely stared over at chrysalis. “Be a dear and finish undressing for me,” Chrysalis intoned, waving a forehoof. Moving without thinking, brushing her fingers over one strap of her brassiere, Anon struggled not to do as she’d been asked. Was this really happening? Could this be real? It wasn’t a question of if anyone would ever know what transpired within the cavern, since she could lie in the event that anyone found out whom had absconded with her - the real question was if she’d be willing to live with herself. Subconsciously ogling Chrysalis’ hindquarters, she anxiously licked her lips and lowered her hands. The bra slipped from over her shoulders and down her frame, leaving her breasts exposed. She was considered quite busty by human standards, sporting a pair of D cups, although that meant little when it came to ponies. Blushing harder than ever, peeking down at her chest, she discarded the garment and squeezed her bosoms between her upper arms. “Those are quite impressive,” Chrysalis quietly exclaimed, stepping over to her side. “And those freckles are simply to die for!” “T…thanks,” Anon mumbled. Dipping her head, Chrysalis lips above the girl’s right teat. “I’m sure these could feed many foals - or rather whatever you call your offspring.” Anon twisted slightly and leaned back on one arm, practically tempting the Queen to kiss her chest, but the gesture was ignored and she was left wanting. Chrysalis, be it intentionally or not, abstained, backed away, and looked to her groin. With only one final piece of clothing left on her, she lowered her hand and hooked her thumb over the waistband of her panties. Slipping past the point of no return, she wiggled her hips and drew the article down her legs. Buck it - it wasn’t like Chrysalis hadn’t already gotten a peek at her goods. Maybe this was what she’d wanted all along, her latent desires made manifest by the venom coursing through her, or perhaps she really wasn’t in her right state of mind - in the end, it mattered little. She kicked her panties away and parted her thighs, letting the cool air to grace her womanhood. “Quite the invitation,” Chrysalis hummed, peering down at the girl’s openly drooling, plump entrance. “Since you’re suddenly feeling a bit more candid, I believe I’ll help myself to a little appetizer…” Reclining further, Anon placed her feet on the ground and spread her legs. There was still time to bring this exchange to a halt, to do something - anything but succumb to her lecherous yearnings, yet all she did was await with bated breath. As Chrysalis descended upon her, she did the unthinkable - she reached down with her free hand and spread herself open. Chrysalis chuckled while she held her gaze and gave her a lick. The sensation of the cool, slick tongue gliding between her lower lips was incredible, but the feeling of having her clit teased was enough to make her stifle a moan. Being eaten out by Nutmeg had been an amazing experience, as good or better than any she’d had with a human woman, but this - this was on an entirely different level. Bringing her hand to her chest, she delicately twisted and pulled one nipple. Every lap of Chrysalis’ tongue sent a bolt of pleasure surging through her and chipped away at what little derision she clung to. Her hips gave a disobedient thrust, driving her muff over the changeling’s face, while the battle between her lust and common sense took a decided turn. “There’s a good girl,” Chrysalis cooed, momentarily withdrawing. “By chance, would you like to return the favor…?” Anon looked past Chrysalis’ face and to her flank. Any other woman with a shred of common sense would have fled, although she wasn’t any other woman. Having spontaneously bedded one pony already, was there anything wrong with broadening her interspecies horizons? Throwing in the metaphorical towel, she gazed into the Queen’s eyes and nodded. Chrysalis rose to her full height and licked her chops. “Lay back for me…” Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Anon complied. As the changeling stepped around and over her, her mind went alight. She’d wondered if the varying species of Equestria had different flavors when it came to their naughty bits, and couldn’t help but get increasingly excited for what she was about to do. Lifting her head while Chrysalis settled atop her, she peered longingly at the Queen’s winking, succulent marehood. Though she would have liked to appreciate the view, the sight of Chrysalis’ nethers was too provocative to deny. Unable to control herself, she dove in and began lapping at the villain’s sex. Strange, unfamiliar flavors bathed her palate, an ambrosial musk filled her nostrils, and she bucked her hips as she locked herself in a sixty-nine with the ne’er-do-well. The position she took was a favorite and one she was well acquainted with. While she’d had no plans on sharing an erotic moment with one of the biggest threats Equestria had ever known, she wasn’t going to complain too much. At worst, she’d walk away with one heck of a story and new tastes - speaking of which… Though it was hard to place it, the taste dancing over her tongue was like a strange mix of tart mango and grass - bizarre but far from unpleasant. Sliding upwards slightly, she brought her breasts beneath Chrysalis’ teats, sat up just a hair, and pressed their bosoms together. Anatomical differences aside, one definite benefit of laying with a mare was that they could both bet their tits played with while feasting on one another - and feast they did. Chrysalis’ technique, paired with her long, dexterous tongue, left nothing to desired - nevertheless, she wasn’t without a few tricks of her own. The changeling, much like Nutmeg, had a clit that was nearly as thick as the tip of her finger, enabling her to do something she’d struggle with with a human. Wrapping her lips around the sensitive bud of flesh, she groaned. Her effort was instantaneously rewarded, as a low, guttural moan from Chrysalis split through the air. Bit by bit, her priorities began to shift. While she doubted that the ponies would lie to her about the metamorphic matriarch, knowing there had to be at least some credence to the tales, she was inclined to think that the so-called evildoer wasn’t as bad as many made her out to be. Growing increasingly enthusiastic, making out with one another’s loins, the pair sought to give as good as they got. Hushed, pleased hums echoed throughout the stony chamber, trailing off into the distance, while their passion soared. If somepony was looking for Anon, she’d hate to think what they’d make of her in her unbecoming state. There she was, buck naked and laying on her back as she lavished Chrysalis’ marehood with affection. She would never do anything to harm the ponies who’d taken her in and given her a home, but was she really doing anything wrong? Anyone would understand why she was doing what she was doing, being the victim and all - at least that’s what she told herself. As her bliss mounted, concentrating became more and more difficult. She wanted to continue, pining to earn a climax from the magnificent beast who’d ferried her away from the Everfree, but it was a contest she couldn’t win. Between the venom and the heavenly sensation of a tongue much more skilled than her own, she was pushed to and well past her limit. Her toes curled, her eyelids fluttered, and any attempt she made to reciprocate Chrysalis’ motions came to an abrupt end as she came. Shaking uncontrollably, she threw her head back and gave a muted cry of rapture. It was regrettable that she’d climaxed first, effectively losing to the Queen, but she wasn’t done yet - not by a long shot. She waded through her ecstasy, forcing herself to move, and sank her tongue into Chrysalis velvety canal. As pleasant as it would be to bask in the afterglow of her orgasm, she wouldn’t - couldn’t rest until she’d proven herself. With a ferocity she didn’t know she had, forsaking her own pleasure, she flew into a frenzy. Chrysalis faltered and trembled from her assault, spurring her on. It would have been impossible for her to tell how close the changeling was, although that wasn’t important - what was important was that she wasn’t going to relent until she’d been baptized by her lover’s juices. She closed her eyes and focused, single-mindedly eating the mare out, until something bumped against the tip of her tongue. Pulling back, unsure of what had just happened, she gasped when a long, muscular appendage emerged from Chrysalis’ depths. She’d seen endowments of various persuasions, both on Earth and Equestria, although she couldn’t explain what she was looking at. Not unlike a long, pulsing cock, the colorful growth throbbed and swelled before her. “W…wha…” she sputtered, taken aback. Straightening and turning to face her, leaving the limb-like thing to dangle between her hind legs, Chrysalis affixed her with a heavily-lidded gaze. “Do they not have ovipositors on earth?” Ovipositor - Anon had heard the name before. Though it had been a long while since she’d been in school, her memory told her that it had something to do with insect reproduction - then again, given the context of the situation and what they’d been doing, that only made sense. Still reeling from the peculiar discovery, it was almost impossible for her not to gawk at the obscene, semi-turgid length. “Bit for your thoughts?” Chrysalis mused. Nonplussed, Anon cocked her head to the side. “It…it kinda looks like a dick…” “Oh it’s so much more than a mere dick,” Chrysalis tutted. “Apropos…” Anon went slack-jawed as the appendage writhed and twisted like a serpent. Being fully prehensile would have been impressive enough for the slick length of changeling meat, but that was only one of its astounding features. The limb’s head blossomed like a flower, yawning open to display a slickened passage. While she understood that Chrysalis’ endowment wasn’t a cock in the traditional sense, she couldn’t help but think of the long, girthy length as one. “It’s never failed to wreak rapturous havoc on anypony who’s been lucky enough to experience it - sadly, it’s been ages since I’ve had the opportunity to find a mate willing to accept a clutch of eggs…” Chrysalis lamented. Stepping over and massaging Anon’s abdomen, she smirked. “Where oh where could I find a fertile little thing to take as my broodmare…” Once again, Anon’s mind was besieged by intrusive fantasies. She could practically see herself as the Queen’s thrall, bloated with eggs and serving Chrysalis as a concubine within a newly formed hive. Merely envisioning herself in such a state, a veritable incubator for batches of changelings, was enough to make her loins quiver with anticipation. Chrysalis turned at an angle, flexed her groin, and slapped her shaft against her underbelly. “It won’t bite, I assure you…” Anon rolled to her belly and pushed herself onto her hands and knees. With everything that had transpired, giving herself a closer look at the thing certainly wouldn’t hurt anything - besides, it wasn’t like she hadn’t almost fellated the not-dick moments prior. Crawling over and beneath Chrysalis, she reached out with an unsteady hand. Chrysalis’ stallionhood, for lack of a better word, was warm to the touch and had an almost indescribable texture. Pliable but firm, similar to some of the sex-toys she’d used in the past, the glistening length was covered in rubbery, slimy flesh. With a maelstrom of perverse notions running rampant through her brain, imagining how it would feel to get plowed by something so outlandish, she leaned in and opened her maw. In a way, she felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. She was completely aware of what she was doing, as she pressed her lips to the viscous slippery shaft, but it was like she wasn’t fully in control of herself. Kissing and licking her way up the Queen’s length, she shuffled around to fully face the imposing organ. Looming above her, Chrysalis made no move to stop her when she wrapped her lips around the glimmering tip of stallionhood. The flavors which greeted her were the same as before, fruity and a bit astringent, although the view she had was worlds apart from what she was used to. As she peered down the brilliant shaft, feeling as though she was looking down a barrel of a cannon, she swung one hand back to rub herself. She’d never been all that into guys, only ever having been interested in a small handful, yet she could see the appeal. Ovipositor notwithstanding, Chrysalis was bigger than her and more powerful in every conceivable way. Compared to such a mare, it was her duty - no, her privilege to serve. Bobbing her head, she brought the back of her throat to the cock-head and winced. Being extraordinarily unpracticed with fellating anything, outside of a few halfhearted attempts with a dildo just for fun, she was woefully ill-equipped for such a task - still, she was going to give it her all. While she kneaded her slavering womanhood and groaned around Chrysalis’ tool, her inhibitions vanished in their entirety. She couldn’t explain it - heck, she could only barely wrap her head around it, but this just felt right. There she was, getting off while sucking on an imperious, evil bug-horse’s member, and she couldn’t be happier. All traces of her ire faded, snuffed out by her libidinous, depraved wants, as she pushed herself closer and closer to her limit. Had someone told her she’d end her day with wantonly blowing someone, specifically Queen Chrysalis, she would have laughed and called them insane. The absurdity of her situation was like something out of a dream, making her question if it was actually happening at all, and yet she secretly hoped it was real. Cracking one eye open and seeing that she was only managing to service a fraction of what her lover had to offer, she reluctantly withdrew. Her oral skills, with the exception of munching carpet, were undeniably lacking. She’d never seen a need to train her throat in any amorous regard, although that wasn’t an issue. There was a part of her that was much more accommodating, well-trained by both herself and past partners wielding strap-ons, and her maddening lust demanded she surrender it to her gracious host. She crawled away and silently pressed her chest to the floor, keeping her hips raised and rear leveled at Chrysalis. She wasn’t about to ask Chrysalis to do a gosh darned thing, but she was willing to let her actions speak for her. Presenting herself like a bitch in heat, her legs braced and ass held in the air, she rested her face on her folded arms. She couldn’t say if the changeling had been bluffing about stuffing her full of eggs and using her to sire a host of drones, but the assertion didn’t dissuade her from continuing their little tryst - on the contrary, it only got her more aroused. While it was true that she’d climaxed mere minutes ago, she was gripped with a crippling desire for more. Had she known that changeling mares, presumably of both the reformed and unreformed variety, came with additional hardware, she may - may have sought one out before now. She held her breath, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn’t be left hanging, and risked a glance over her shoulder. Unflinching, Chrysalis locked eyes with her. “Convince me. I want to hear you say it…” “P…please,” Anon softly bleated. Chrysalis took a step closer, dipped her head, and lapped at the girl’s sex. Had it been any other passionate exchange, Anon would have been overjoyed with the affection, absolutely loving being eaten out, yet the promise of something more made the oral almost torturous. She was being toyed with, strung along and denied, and it threatened to drive her mad. Wading through her bliss, she gnawed her bottom lip and forced herself to focus. Her body would have been gratified by the Queen, of that she was certain, although her lust-addled mind clung to the idea of being bred. Broadening her stance, she arched her back. “Please what?” Chrysalis urged, shying away. Anon balanced on her shoulders and tits, her nipples grinding against the frigid stone beneath her, as she threw her arms back, clutched her tush, and prized her pillowy buns apart. “Please fuck me…” “How the tables have turned,” Chrysalis snickered, trotting over to her. “Despite you telling me to screw myself, you’re the one who ends up begging for some relief. I suppose I could have a bit of fun with you, if…” Feeling the weight of the Queen’s length glide over the cleft of her upturned ass, Anon shivered. “I…if…?” “If you really want to be my broodmare…” Chrysalis purred, bringing the tip of her length to the girl’s entrance. The sensation of the rounded, flower-like crown against her pussy broke something within Anon. Rolling her hips back and trying to impale herself, she whimpered when Chrysalis backed off and denied her. Never in her life had she been more turned on before, blind with rut-lust, and it reduced her to little more than an animal. “Please,” she emphatically repeated. With one forehoof on the woman’s shoulder, Chrysalis guided Anon up and onto all fours. “If I’m going to breed you like a bitch in heat, you’re going to carry yourself like one.” Anon went to reply, to give voice to her longing, but her wish was granted before it was given a chance to be spoken. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her heart skipped a beat, and her thighs quaked as her entrance was forced open. She instantaneously came, her depths stretching to embrace the velvety, pliable shaft that sank into her, while a torrent of nectar gushed from her confines. With a callous laugh, Chrysalis gave set to plowing her like a field in spring. There was no gradual build-up nor time to acclimate to the immense intrusion, leaving her to bray out in unfettered glee. The incomprehensible sensation of fullness was unlike anything she’d ever felt before, and it wrought blissful havoc upon her. The barest trace of hope, that Nutmeg or someone in town was out looking for her, steadily slipped from her grasp. It would only be a matter of time until her absence was noted and a search party was launched, with ponies scouring the Everfree for her and worrying about her, yet that ran counter to the overwhelming might of her newfound role. Her neighbors, her friends, the ponies who’d done so much for her - none of them meant anything compared to the mind-numbing bliss that Chrysalis afforded. She could feel herself slipping away, drowning in a sea of pleasure, and she welcomed it. Though she couldn’t have anticipated her life taking such a turn, she’d eventually found her place with someone who wanted her. Forsaking everyone and everything she’d ever known for a second time was a small price to pay for the gratification of having a life with meaning. Weathering the tumultuous ecstasy of an orgasm, she locked her arms out and gathered what little self-control she had. A good broodmare didn’t simply let herself be used, being plowed like some eager sow - a good broodmare earned a clutch of eggs in her belly. She swung her hips into reverse after getting Chrysalis’ timing down and beat her ass against the Queen’s - her Queen’s groin. Chrysalis’ approving hum was music to her ears, warming the depths of her heart and providing all the inspiration she needed to continue. Moving in tune with her regal she-stud, panting and with ropes of saliva dangling from her chin, she lost herself to her primal needs. She hadn’t given much thought to being a mother, having no strong feelings one way or another about starting a family, but that had changed now that she’d found her true purpose. This wasn’t sex, it wasn’t some spontaneous one-nighter with someone she’d just met, and it wasn’t lovemaking - this was breeding by every definition of the word. Chrysalis took her without the slightest shred of concern for her, giggling like a schoolgirl every time she came, and she was just as ruthless as her reputation made her out to be. Mewling out and enduring one orgasm after another, Anon did everything she could to keep herself from collapsing - alas, it was a lost cause. Toppling forward and onto her face, she smeared the cold, unyielding ground with her drool while Chrysalis conquered her. She was going to be ruined after this, despoiled so thoroughly that nothing, save the Queen, could satiate her, although that didn’t trouble her in the slightest - if anything, it fueled the raging inferno of her determination to be a worthy mate. Each climax that struck her was more powerful than the last, sapping her of her strength and the ability to do anything more than whimper and fight to remain conscious. Chrysalis showed no signs of slowing, lasting what felt like a small eternity, until an odd sensation snapped her from her stupor. With the Queen’s shaft beating against her womb, doing its darndest to bludgeon its way past her cervix, she felt it - a strange swell making its way through the changeling’s length. “Yes,” Chrysalis hissed, draping herself over the woman’s back, “take my gift and become mine!” Anon screamed out in delight as the first of what was a procession of eggs was forced into her. Pleasure couldn’t begin to describe the sensation of being claimed in such a way, devastating her on an existential level. She was to become a hatchery, a bipedal nursery for untold numbers of drones to be, and that realization was an apotheosis. The corners of her vision darkened, the world faded in and out of existence, but she somehow managed to cling to the waking world until the deed was done. Sniveling as Chrysalis withdrew, feeling the cool air against her gaped entrance, she crashed to the side and heaved air into her chest. She’d done the unthinkable, though it wasn’t until she wearily peeked down at herself that she fully comprehended the gift she’d been given. For all intents and purposes, she was heavily gravid. Her belly, usually only the slightest bit pudgy, was distended and heavy with eggs. Caressing her stomach, she smiled as she thought about how many young she housed and how large she’d get. There hadn’t been many points in her life when she’d been truly happy, filled with the deep-seated satisfaction of a well-earned reward, but this was the crowning jewel amongst them all. “Are you forgetting something?” Chrysalis huffed. Anon peered up at Chrysalis, though not to the changeling’s face. Dangling just beside her, dripping with climactic juices and some viscous approximation of pre-cum, was the Queen’s length. She forced herself up with a grunt and extended an arm, knowing full well what was expected of her. With a contented hum, Chrysalis sighed as the girl began mopping her shaft clean. “Once you’re finished, you’ll be coming with me to what will be my new hive.” The statement left no room for doubt and made Anon giddy. She should have finished her duty before responding, but was too delighted to give it much thought as she pulled back and gazed up at Chrysalis. Queen and lover, grand matriarch for the brood in her belly, her mate was everything she could have wanted and more - as such, there was something that needed to be said. “Thank you,” she uttered before craning her neck and kissing her she-stud’s collar. She was broken in every sense of the word, her gut filled with eggs and her body slathered in a cocktail of her and Chrysalis’ amorous nectar, but she’d never felt such a sense of contentment. Would the ponies of Equestria accept her after they found out what she’d done? Was she going to be hunted down by the Princesses?", "Queen and lover, grand matriarch for the brood in her belly, her mate was everything she could have wanted and more - as such, there was something that needed to be said. “Thank you,” she uttered before craning her neck and kissing her she-stud’s collar. She was broken in every sense of the word, her gut filled with eggs and her body slathered in a cocktail of her and Chrysalis’ amorous nectar, but she’d never felt such a sense of contentment. Would the ponies of Equestria accept her after they found out what she’d done? Was she going to be hunted down by the Princesses? How had she fallen so far in such a short span of time? A thousand questions swirled about in her mind, though one rose above the rest ~ what depths would she stoop to to keep Chrysalis as a lover?" ]
Discord,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
You Know What Luna? Just Go For It...
Luna has permission to execute someone for the first time in over a 1,000 years.
<p>After a thousand years of peace and harmony, Nightmare Moon returned to change all of that.</p><p>She failed, obviously, and now Luna is here with a lot of catching up to do on modern times. Like a lot a lot. Starting with the fact that Equestria doesn't do executions anymore...</p><p>But perhaps just this once Celestia will cave and let Luna hack at the poor criminal with an axe because she's equally as done with him as Luna is.</p><hr/><p>Featured 02/15/24 with &quot;see mature&quot; off, 02/16/24, and 02/17/24 - 02/18/24 with &quot;see mature&quot; off.</p>
Today would have been like any other. Yes, the day would have started with Celestia getting her morning cup of tea and breakfast and Luna with her pineapple, then they would go about their usual, mundane business. However, the only normal thing that happened that morning was Celestia getting her tea before an infuriated Luna entered the room and broke Celestia's teacup with her scowl. "-sigh- Lunaaaa, that was my favorite teacup..." Celestia groaned. Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed today... or I suppose in Luna's case, she's had a very long night and is in desperate need of sleep. Luna then proceeded to eat the top leaves off of a poor, unsuspecting pineapple and then took a bite out of the plate it was formerly sitting on. Very, VERY desperate need of sleep... Celestia concluded within herself, mouth agape. After an awkward moment of silence and some more questionable diet choices from the younger sister, Celestia dared to speak. "So... how did your night go-" "I SWEAR SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET EXECUTED TODAY!!!!" Luna screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice right in Celestia's face. Celestia rubbed the pain out of her face and ears for a moment before actually comprehending what her very tired and probably delusional sister just said. "W-wait, what about execution? Who's dying? Huh?" "I don't know who DARED to turn my room upside down, LITERALLY UPSIDE DOWN, but when I find them I WILL HAVE THEM BEHEADED FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE CROWN!!!" Luna yelled out again. A lesser pony would’ve gone deaf by now. Far in the distance, Twilight was wondering who committed a crime against the crown and if she should write a letter to Princess Celestia about this possible new threat… “L-Luna? You do realize we don’t do that anymore, right? I thought we had this conversation already,” Celestia asked with concern for Luna’s quickly dwindling sanity. “Oh, right. Then I have the opposer hanged!” Luna corrected herself. “Lunaaaaa…” “No to that too? How about poisoning?” “LUNA! I MEAN THAT WE DO NOT EXECUTE ANYONE ANYMORE!!! THERE IS NO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!!!” Celestia yelled in Luna’s face, giving her a taste of her own medicine. It was Luna’s turn to rub her ears, but not because of eardrum pain. “I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? There must have been something in my ears. Did you just say executions are no more?” “I said it and meant it Luna. Even if we still did executions, being on the receiving end of a prank is hardly punishable by death!” Celestia tried to reason with Luna. “That never stopped us in the past.” “These are different times! We can’t just execute anyone who slightly peeves us! That’s just plain murder.” “But we’re royalty,” Luna tried to justify. “And we are not exempt from our own laws! I’m sorry Luna, but NO! You will NOT be executing anyone,” Celestia sighed as she left the room to get another teacup. “Hmph… fine,” Luna begrudgingly obeyed. The next day would’ve been an otherwise peaceful and pleasant day, but a certain draconequus had a death wish for himself. “Ah, picking on little miss Moody Moon is always such a fun pastime! She’ll LOVE what I’m about to do next!” Discord schemed. Discord had snapped himself into Luna’s room while she was sleeping and proceeded to snap her horn and wings away. Then, he moved her bed onto the edge of the balcony. “Now to hope she wakes up on the correct side of the bed!” Discord quietly laughed as he waited at a (somewhat) safe distance for Luna to wake up. Right on cue, she woke up with a dramatic yawn and didn’t bother to take off her sleep mask (the only reason Discord’s prank didn’t fail the second he moved her outside her dark bedroom into the setting sun's light). To his delight, Luna rolled out of bed to be met not with the floor beneath her hooves, but just began falling. “What the- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! OW!!!!” Luna screamed as she fell who knows how far to the bottom of the mountain Canterlot Castle was set upon, leaving a massive Luna shaped crater beneath her. Perhaps it’s for reasons exactly like this her balcony shouldn’t be situated outside the Canterlot ground borders… Discord meanwhile couldn’t contain his laughter, nor the urge to really rub in his prank to Luna as she lifted her mask to see what the hay just happened. Then she saw him. “Discord?” “Moonbutt.” “DISCOOORD!!!! YOU’RE AS GOOD AS DEAD!!! FORGET THIS STUPID ‘NO EXECUTIONS’ RULE!!!! I SENTENCE YOU TO DEATH!!!!” Luna screamed with uncontrollable rage. “Oooh, I’m so scared!” Discord mocked Luna while she rubbed the dirt and pebbles off of her body. “As you SHOULD be…” Luna growled. Luna began to approach him very predatorily with an axe in her mouth. Where that axe came from is of no concern to anyone, except maybe Discord. “You will give me my wings and horn back, and then you will DIE!” Luna commanded rather clearly for someone speaking with an axe handle in her mouth. “Fiiine, but only because I’m sure Celestia would have my head too if I didn’t give them back. You still need to raise the moon after all,” Discord complied as he snapped her horn and wings back on and teleported them back to her balcony. Everything was put back in order and Luna brought forth the night. But while she did that, Discord took the liberty of getting the hay out of there before Luna could do well on her death threat. Luna turned around to find him gone and responded accordingly. “AAAAAAAGH DISCORD!!! YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE!!!” As it turns out, he can hide. Very well might I add. The pranking didn't stop, but Discord was wise enough to keep his distance whenever the pranks went down and just watch from a safe distance then high tail it out of there before she spots him. "Luna, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit? Just a little? Maybe?" Celestia tried to reason with Luna (some poor souls never learn). "Forgive me if I'm wrong, though I most certainly cannot be on this matter, is Discord a menace to society and tried TWICE to usurp the throne and reign chaos eternal? He could do it again at any turn! His only downfall is his love of gloating at his success long enough for us to pew pew him with the friendship laser and petrify him for a thousand years! But do you know a more permanent solution to ridding the world of his scourge? BEHEADING WITH AN AXE!!!" Luna ranted before completely losing it. "By those accusations, doesn't that mean you ought to be executed for, oh I don't know, attempted domestic murder and usurping of the throne whilst trying to bring NIGHT eternal?" Celestia pointed out. "W-we don't talk about that! It's not the same thing. I'm your sister! And a princess. Siblings are bound to get into little scuffles. DISCORD IS EVIL!!!" Luna defended herself. "Uuuuuugh, okay you know what Luna? Fine! Just go for it," Celestia finally caved. "Wait, really?" "Yes, I won't even try to stop you." "... Are you sure about thi-" "Oh so NOW you choose to be sane?" "I-I just didn't think you'd actually go for-" "Oh look here he is!" Celestia said as she yanked him from the mysterious realm that is called "off screen" and shoved him in front of Luna. "Now that's just rude. I was taking a shower you know," Discord humphed as he snapped away his shower cap and shook off the chocolate milk from his body. "Well Discord, prepare to die. Any last words?" Luna asked. "Well actually-" Luna eyes glowed white as she swung that axe above her head with an annoyed Celestia behind her and lopped Discord's head off his shoulders. A moment of silence for the loss of a great and chaotic being... "Why is everyone being so quiet?" Discord asked as he opened his eyes and placed his head back on his body. "Honestly, that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Heck, it didn't hurt at all!" "W-What?! But how did you-" Luna was interrupted as Discord answered. "I'm the Lord of Chaos! I'm made of PURE chaos. Did you honestly think you could kill me?" "... You knew this Tia, didn't you." "Yes, yes I did," Celestia responded smugly as she sipped on a cup of tea (also from "off screen"). "I believe a truce is in order?" "-siiiiiigggggh- Truce, Discord? It seems I have no other choice..." Luna begrudgingly offered. "I gladly accept!" Discord said as he shook Luna's hoof vigorously. Finally, FINALLY the day went normally! All was calm and peaceful in Canterlot and absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary! It's normal for cakes to come flying towards your face right? "What the -SPLAT!!!-" Celestia failed to finish her statement as a cake landed squarely on her face. "HUZZAH!!! A splendid shot my friend! Right on the nose too," Luna clapped as she and Discord came into view. "I told you this would be fun!" Discord said as they hoof-bumped. "Pranks are much more fun when you aren't on the receiving end of them. Oh oh! What should we do next?" Luna acknowledged with excitement. "Heheh, I'm glad you two are getting along now eh- hold on... where did you get this cake?" Celestia asked with suspicion. "The fridge. Why?" Luna asked back. "What shelf did you get it from?" "I don't see what that has to do with anyth-" "JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION LUNA!!" "I don't know! I think it was the middle shelf." "Was there a sticky note under the plate?" Celestia asked, her mood growing dangerously dark for a Sun Princess. "I don't know! Discord, did you see a sticky note when you got the cake?" Luna asked, looking to him now. "Ah yes, I did. It said, 'Princess Celestia's special cake. Please do not touch or eat. I'm looking at you Discord! Thank you :)' As if you thought I'd listen! Ha!" Discord recalled, not noticing Luna face-hoof then make a slow getaway and distance herself from him. By the time he did notice, Celestia's mane had already turned to flames and her eyes glowed like fire. "Ooooh, Sunbutt's a little fiery isn't she. Get it? Hahaha!" Discord laughed, clearly unaware of the danger he was in right now. "Discord, run!" Luna insisted. "Why?" "Oh please, you think I have a temper?! You've just infuriated the princess of a literal giant ball of FIRE!!! You're gonna have a hard time finding all the pieces of yourself this time. So trust me. RUN!!!" Luna explained as she quickly flew out of the palace at Sonic-Rainboom speeds, breaking all the windows in her wake. Realizing just how serious the situation was, for once Discord listened and high-tailed it out of there with an angry ball of flames just behind him. "DISCORD!!! I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU I WILL DESTROY YOU SO THOROUGHLY YOU'LL NEVER RECOVER!!! AND. IT. WILL. HURT!!!" Solar Flare screamed as she chased down Discord for an undetermined amount of time. And that is the story of how Equestria went down in flames.
[ "Today would have been like any other. Yes, the day would have started with Celestia getting her morning cup of tea and breakfast and Luna with her pineapple, then they would go about their usual, mundane business. However, the only normal thing that happened that morning was Celestia getting her tea before an infuriated Luna entered the room and broke Celestia's teacup with her scowl. \"-sigh- Lunaaaa, that was my favorite teacup...\" Celestia groaned. Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed today... or I suppose in Luna's case, she's had a very long night and is in desperate need of sleep. Luna then proceeded to eat the top leaves off of a poor, unsuspecting pineapple and then took a bite out of the plate it was formerly sitting on. Very, VERY desperate need of sleep... Celestia concluded within herself, mouth agape. After an awkward moment of silence and some more questionable diet choices from the younger sister, Celestia dared to speak. \"So... how did your night go-\" \"I SWEAR SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET EXECUTED TODAY!!!!\" Luna screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice right in Celestia's face. Celestia rubbed the pain out of her face and ears for a moment before actually comprehending what her very tired and probably delusional sister just said. \"W-wait, what about execution? Who's dying? Huh?\" \"I don't know who DARED to turn my room upside down, LITERALLY UPSIDE DOWN, but when I find them I WILL HAVE THEM BEHEADED FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE CROWN!!!\" Luna yelled out again. A lesser pony would’ve gone deaf by now. Far in the distance, Twilight was wondering who committed a crime against the crown and if she should write a letter to Princess Celestia about this possible new threat… “L-Luna? You do realize we don’t do that anymore, right? I thought we had this conversation already,” Celestia asked with concern for Luna’s quickly dwindling sanity. “Oh, right. Then I have the opposer hanged!” Luna corrected herself. “Lunaaaaa…” “No to that too? How about poisoning?” “LUNA! I MEAN THAT WE DO NOT EXECUTE ANYONE ANYMORE!!! THERE IS NO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!! !” Celestia yelled in Luna’s face, giving her a taste of her own medicine. It was Luna’s turn to rub her ears, but not because of eardrum pain. “I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? There must have been something in my ears. Did you just say executions are no more?” “I said it and meant it Luna. Even if we still did executions, being on the receiving end of a prank is hardly punishable by death!” Celestia tried to reason with Luna. “That never stopped us in the past.” “These are different times! We can’t just execute anyone who slightly peeves us! That’s just plain murder.” “But we’re royalty,” Luna tried to justify. “And we are not exempt from our own laws! I’m sorry Luna, but NO! You will NOT be executing anyone,” Celestia sighed as she left the room to get another teacup. “Hmph… fine,” Luna begrudgingly obeyed. The next day would’ve been an otherwise peaceful and pleasant day, but a certain draconequus had a death wish for himself. “Ah, picking on little miss Moody Moon is always such a fun pastime! She’ll LOVE what I’m about to do next!” Discord schemed. Discord had snapped himself into Luna’s room while she was sleeping and proceeded to snap her horn and wings away. Then, he moved her bed onto the edge of the balcony. “Now to hope she wakes up on the correct side of the bed!” Discord quietly laughed as he waited at a (somewhat) safe distance for Luna to wake up. Right on cue, she woke up with a dramatic yawn and didn’t bother to take off her sleep mask (the only reason Discord’s prank didn’t fail the second he moved her outside her dark bedroom into the setting sun's light). To his delight, Luna rolled out of bed to be met not with the floor beneath her hooves, but just began falling. “What the- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! OW!!! !” Luna screamed as she fell who knows how far to the bottom of the mountain Canterlot Castle was set upon, leaving a massive Luna shaped crater beneath her. Perhaps it’s for reasons exactly like this her balcony shouldn’t be situated outside the Canterlot ground borders… Discord meanwhile couldn’t contain his laughter, nor the urge to really rub in his prank to Luna as she lifted her mask to see what the hay just happened. Then she saw him. “Discord?” “Moonbutt.” “DISCOOORD!!!! YOU’RE AS GOOD AS DEAD!!! FORGET THIS STUPID ‘NO EXECUTIONS’ RULE!!!! I SENTENCE YOU TO DEATH!!! !” Luna screamed with uncontrollable rage. “Oooh, I’m so scared!” Discord mocked Luna while she rubbed the dirt and pebbles off of her body. “As you SHOULD be…” Luna growled. Luna began to approach him very predatorily with an axe in her mouth. Where that axe came from is of no concern to anyone, except maybe Discord. “You will give me my wings and horn back, and then you will DIE!” Luna commanded rather clearly for someone speaking with an axe handle in her mouth. “Fiiine, but only because I’m sure Celestia would have my head too if I didn’t give them back. You still need to raise the moon after all,” Discord complied as he snapped her horn and wings back on and teleported them back to her balcony. Everything was put back in order and Luna brought forth the night. But while she did that, Discord took the liberty of getting the hay out of there before Luna could do well on her death threat. Luna turned around to find him gone and responded accordingly. “AAAAAAAGH DISCORD!!! YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE!! !” As it turns out, he can hide. Very well might I add. The pranking didn't stop, but Discord was wise enough to keep his distance whenever the pranks went down and just watch from a safe distance then high tail it out of there before she spots him. \"Luna, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit? Just a little? Maybe?\" Celestia tried to reason with Luna (some poor souls never learn). \"Forgive me if I'm wrong, though I most certainly cannot be on this matter, is Discord a menace to society and tried TWICE to usurp the throne and reign chaos eternal? He could do it again at any turn! His only downfall is his love of gloating at his success long enough for us to pew pew him with the friendship laser and petrify him for a thousand years! But do you know a more permanent solution to ridding the world of his scourge? BEHEADING WITH AN AXE!!!\" Luna ranted before completely losing it. \"By those accusations, doesn't that mean you ought to be executed for, oh I don't know, attempted domestic murder and usurping of the throne whilst trying to bring NIGHT eternal?\" Celestia pointed out. \"W-we don't talk about that! It's not the same thing. I'm your sister! And a princess. Siblings are bound to get into little scuffles. DISCORD IS EVIL!!!\" Luna defended herself. \"Uuuuuugh, okay you know what Luna? Fine! Just go for it,\" Celestia finally caved. \"Wait, really?\" \"Yes, I won't even try to stop you.\" \"... Are you sure about thi-\" \"Oh so NOW you choose to be sane?\" \"I-I just didn't think you'd actually go for-\" \"Oh look here he is!\" Celestia said as she yanked him from the mysterious realm that is called \"off screen\" and shoved him in front of Luna. \"Now that's just rude. I was taking a shower you know,\" Discord humphed as he snapped away his shower cap and shook off the chocolate milk from his body. \"Well Discord, prepare to die. Any last words?\" Luna asked. \"Well actually-\" Luna eyes glowed white as she swung that axe above her head with an annoyed Celestia behind her and lopped Discord's head off his shoulders. A moment of silence for the loss of a great and chaotic being... \"Why is everyone being so quiet?\" Discord asked as he opened his eyes and placed his head back on his body. \"Honestly, that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Heck, it didn't hurt at all!\" \"W-What?! But how did you-\" Luna was interrupted as Discord answered. \"I'm the Lord of Chaos! I'm made of PURE chaos. Did you honestly think you could kill me?\" \"... You knew this Tia, didn't you.\" \"Yes, yes I did,\" Celestia responded smugly as she sipped on a cup of tea (also from \"off screen\"). \"I believe a truce is in order?\" \"-siiiiiigggggh- Truce, Discord? It seems I have no other choice...\" Luna begrudgingly offered. \"I gladly accept!\" Discord said as he shook Luna's hoof vigorously. Finally, FINALLY the day went normally! All was calm and peaceful in Canterlot and absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary! It's normal for cakes to come flying towards your face right? \"What the -SPLAT!! !-\" Celestia failed to finish her statement as a cake landed squarely on her face. \"HUZZAH!!! A splendid shot my friend! Right on the nose too,\" Luna clapped as she and Discord came into view. \"I told you this would be fun!\" Discord said as they hoof-bumped. \"Pranks are much more fun when you aren't on the receiving end of them. Oh oh! What should we do next?\" Luna acknowledged with excitement. \"Heheh, I'm glad you two are getting along now eh- hold on... where did you get this cake?\" Celestia asked with suspicion. \"The fridge. Why?\" Luna asked back. \"What shelf did you get it from?\" \"I don't see what that has to do with anyth-\" \"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION LUNA!!\" \"I don't know! I think it was the middle shelf.\" \"Was there a sticky note under the plate?\" Celestia asked, her mood growing dangerously dark for a Sun Princess. \"I don't know! Discord, did you see a sticky note when you got the cake?\" Luna asked, looking to him now. \"Ah yes, I did. It said, 'Princess Celestia's special cake. Please do not touch or eat. I'm looking at you Discord! Thank you :)' As if you thought I'd listen! Ha!\" Discord recalled, not noticing Luna face-hoof then make a slow getaway and distance herself from him. By the time he did notice, Celestia's mane had already turned to flames and her eyes glowed like fire. \"Ooooh, Sunbutt's a little fiery isn't she. Get it? Hahaha!\" Discord laughed, clearly unaware of the danger he was in right now. \"Discord, run!\" Luna insisted. \"Why?\" \"Oh please, you think I have a temper?! You've just infuriated the princess of a literal giant ball of FIRE!!! You're gonna have a hard time finding all the pieces of yourself this time. So trust me. RUN!!!\" Luna explained as she quickly flew out of the palace at Sonic-Rainboom speeds, breaking all the windows in her wake. Realizing just how serious the situation was, for once Discord listened and high-tailed it out of there with an angry ball of flames just behind him. \"DISCORD!!! I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU I WILL DESTROY YOU SO THOROUGHLY YOU'LL NEVER RECOVER!!! AND. IT. WILL. HURT!!!\" Solar Flare screamed as she chased down Discord for an undetermined amount of time. And that is the story of how Equestria went down in flames." ]