ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have a very picky puppy that would often rather starve himself, than to eat something he doesn't like. Because of that, he was becoming underweight and I decided to switch him away from dry kibble to have him gain some weight first before worrying bout his picky taste.However when I give him ziwipeak, he would finish it up right away!This brand is expensive, but based upon the amounts you feed, it isn't really that much expensive if you have a small dog. I have a 2 pound puppy that is expected to mature at about 4-5 pounds, and the costs is about 25cents extra a day. If you have a big dog that's gonna gobble up 1/3 of a bag or more a day, then that will be a lot more expensive for you.But......The quality of food and the fact that it is in a jerky meat form makes it a lot better than eating hard dry kibble all day long.Anyone would be bored of eating biscuits everyday for his entire life :/The quality of this food is unsurpassed.There have been no problems at all with this food at all as well either. No recalls, all made in New Zealand as well.Something that I tell a lot of people.Spend more on food daily, and not risk the possibility of having a sick dog due to some pet food recall. Vet bills are going to cost you a few thousand dollars.Expensive dog food will probably add up to the same cost as most over the duration of your dog's life, unless you have a really big dog.So instead of having to go through the grief of having a puppy in pain, and you undergoing mental and emotional stress, why not just give it a food that is good and safe and something that the dog enjoys, and spare yourself from all that unnecessary trouble?Yes times are hard and most people are having difficulty putting dinner on the table for themselves or their kids. So there are situations where foods like this are just too much to afford.So unless if your budget really is a problem, I would recommend this food to anyone!
ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have a small breed service dog and his raw food diet can be a challenge when we travel. I bought this food based on the fact that it's the closest ingredient-wise to what I'd feed him at home. He loves this food and literally spins in circles when he hears me open the container I store it in, something he has NOT done for other foods in the past.My issue with this food is that when I received the bag I noticed through the window on the back of the package that the lower third of the bag seemed to be mostly crumbs; in transferring the upper portion of the bag to a smaller storage container I found that most of the bottom of the bag was almost "dust". The "dust" makes my dog cough even if he eats slowly; adding a little water to his bowl has helped with this issue.Edited to add: I've added a photo so you can see what winds up in the bowl.Since this was my first bag of ZiwiPeak I'm not sure if this is normal for the brand - at this cost though I feel it shouldn't be. It could be that the product had settled and the heavy weight of the upper product caused the lower portion to settle and break, or maybe this bag just had a really rough time in shipping. Either way, this product makes traveling so much easier and my pup just loves having it at home as a treat so I've ordered a second bag today and will see if the crumb issue repeats itself or not.UPDATE 01/16/12: The second bag (Lamb) was received in perfect condition this time.Would purchase again and recommend.
ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. My puppy has been on way too many dog foods: Orijen, Blue Buffalo, Science Diet, and now ZiwiPeak. Out of the four, I'd say this is the best but also the most expensive. A 2.2lb bag lasts probably 3 weeks at most, but at least I know I'm feeding her raw without the mess of raw. It's not cheap but considering how much it costs for us to eat out per meal, $28/bag for 3 weeks really isn't much on the larger scheme of things. It also helps that she loves this stuff and gobbles it up and we know she's not getting any filler. For those who are concerned that the serving size in the back is too little, we had the same concern. But after giving her more than what was recommended, we noticed our puppy was not finishing her bowl of food each time which told us that she was already full and didn't even want more. So if you're used to feeding your dog kibble, the reason there's less to feed her is because there's no filler and it's just meat, meat and more meat so they fill up on it without having to process things like potato. I've also noticed that my dog sneezes and farts significantly less. She used to get eye stains but after we switched to Orijen and now ZiwiPeak, we noticed that her stains disappeared all together!Unless my puppy has any health or allergy issues to ZiwiPeak, I will never switch her to any other brand or type of food!
ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have a 6 year old westie that had the worst food allergies, her coat was very brittle, and she had low energy. One walk and she'd be passed out. As many of you on here, I take pride in my dog and pride that I want to take care of it the best that I am able to. I've tried blue buffalo and other high rated foods, but she would not eat them unless I "spiced" it up with something. It was time consuming, frustrating, and hard to keep her on an eating schedule. I finally decided to give this a go ahead even though it is on the pricey side.What I've noticed is that she eats it immediately and even licks her bowl. Her coat is soft and shiny now, she's a running dog now than a walk dog (and thats saying something considering she's a westie), and her eating schedule is regulated and I have a better idea of what she's eaten so I can control her weight (she's a small westie around 14 lbs.)For those of you thinking that its too expensive there's no way you could afford to keep your dog on this diet. For my dog she requires about 0.75 ounces or 3/4 of a scoop and that goes a long way for a 2.2 lb. bag. So its not like I am buying this dog food every week.The only small negative is the dog food has a slight smell to it. Nothing that will make you vomit but its not something I am used to smelling when giving her dog food. For those wondering what the dog food looks like? It's like small shredded pieces of dark jerky.Recommendation? BUY
ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. My dog loves his ZP. He's primarily a ZP venison kind of guy due to allergies, but with trying to introduce new protein sources to him I've turned to the other varieties of ZP including the Venison and Fish and Lamb. Both were gobbled down without hesitation. Clearly he doesn't know that the food is good for him, or I suspect that he would be requiring it to be doused with canned food! But that is the wonderful thing about ZP - it is super high quality with no grains or fillers AND dogs love it. And my boy Titan looks better than he ever has; he's always been a strong dog, but on ZP he looks like he lifts weights. He's been on an exclusive ZP diet for about 4 or 5 months and his coat is shiny and velvety like a champion racehorse.Something to attest to the supreme flavor of this food: recently I was running low on ZP and so I had to supplement with some raw venison. I put down a bowl of raw venison for him while I was rationing out the ZP. He pushed the raw venison chunks around and then looked at me and gave me that familiar nod as if to say "you gonna give me some of that?" No raw venison for him. Titan wanted his ZP and nothing more.
ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. A must have if you are looking for an alternative to a raw food diet. Both of my pugs LOVE IT! It is a little pricey, but you only use a tiny scoop for each portion for a small dog. WORD OF CAUTION: after using ZiwiPeak for several months, I noticed my dogs were gaining A LOT of weight. You really have to stick to the manufacturers directions. This is dehydrated food and a little goes a long way. I love too that they use ranch raised animals with no hormones or antibiotics or fresh fish not from farms.From the Raw Food Diet to ZiwiPeak:After much research and debate with both my husband and my veterinarian, I decided to try a raw food diet. Well, the raw meat was just nasty and my pug would go for several days without eating. Proponents of the raw food diet say this is normal because the raw meat/bones took longer to digest, but truly, my dog just seemed ravenous. Normally she was very polite when we ate, now she was begging and even jumping up trying to get food off of the table. I just couldn't take any more. Yes, her teeth were gorgeous and her digestion seemed better, but the poor dog seemed very unhappy with her food. We tried to the frozen food that you thaw out and that worked okay for a while, a nice treat now and then...but then we found ZiwiPeak!
ZIWI Peak Air-Dried Dog Food – All Natural, High Protein, Grain Free & Limited Ingredient with Superfoods (Venison, 2.2 lb)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I originally purchased this product to serve as my dog's main food since he is allergy-prone with skin issues and a survivor of mast-cell tumor disease.The vet had recommended other "veterinary prescription" kibble(potato/ rabbit) which seemed to really slow down our dog's healing process and worse, seemed to be doing more harm than good . After giving up on vet reco 6 months later, we started experimenting with a number of 'healthy' and 'raw' alternatives, I landed on this just before going 100% raw. Though I have since gone 100% raw and eliminated all grain and processed food from our dog's main diet (with vast noticeable improvements in his health), I still use this food as one of his acceptable 'treats' and when I'm behind in making his raw meals. The texture is the consistency of beef jerky and the pieces are cut pretty small (think holding a small strip between your thumb and index finger about half the size of a fortune cookie paper... It would be great for training since they are small pieces to feed frequently and more moist than dry kibble. It may be pricey to use as a main food , but it was great quality and seemed to be trustworthy ingredient sources. He likes the taste a lot too... but I can't vouch for that part.
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. When my vet told me my little Yorkie had stage IV luxating patellas (knees blown out), I was devastated. The vet told me to give her Glucosamine & Chondrotin. I went to the local pet chain and spent a considerable amount for the "chicken flavor" tablets. For such a large chain, tablets were the only product they carried. They are hard tablets not easily broken in half for a small (7lbs) dog. On top of that, she wouldn't have anything to do with them, took her little nose and pushed them away. I had to start crushing them and hiding them in a piece of people food. It was such an annoyance, I began a search for a different product form and found Zuke's online. They are soft, she can't wait for her Zuke's treat every day! No more crushing, I still have the tabs left and will now only use Zuke's. The product also includes beef, fruits, vegetables and more. I am so happy with this product, I will continue to use it. My little Echo has perked up, jumps, runs and one would never know she has this condition. This condition, at this stage, is correctable only by surgery; thousands of dollars which I don't have. I thank the founder of this company, Patrick in memory of his dog Zuke. They also donate to the Dog & Cat Cancer Fund. I know this is a long review, but that's just because this product really deserves kudos.As a side note, my pain management physician also recommended "Golden Aloe" daily to help with the arthritic pain that sets in with this diagnosis. So she both and is doing well. She's my best friend, I'm on disability and won't be able to afford the surgery if and when it's required so I am really relying on these products to keep her comfortable for as long as possible and she is only 3 years old.
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Our 10 year old lab mix started having problemswith his hip joints. He has always been an active dog and watching him lay around and not want to interact was hard to see. Initially our vet gave us Rimadyl to get him through the acute phase, but it is a bit pricey and I know that it is hard on their stomach and kidneys. I searched the internet and read reviews for several days, each time my reasearch led me back to this product. Off I went to the local pet supply store to get this treat. When I opened the bag I thought for sure that my dog would turn his nose up at them, they smell awful....well my husband now calls these "doggie crack", our dog LOVES these treats. As soon as he sees the bag he RUNS to get his snack. Yep RUNS. Not only am I giving him something he loves but something that has helped him with mobility. I followed directions I found at a vets website to double the dose for several weeks and then give a maintenance dose of glucosamine after that....what a difference!!! Shop around as I only purchase these at the local store if I make a mistake and run out! There is quite a difference in price from stores to online. I am completely sold on this product and have now started purchasing some of their other treats and products as well!! Can't go wrong with Zukes!
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. We've been feeding our Bichon Zuke's hip action treats for years. He gets one each day after breakfast and expects it. He has had two knee operations which was one reason we looked for a treat targeted for joints, etc.I only rated a 4 because I have no idea if the Zuke's hip action really does work in terms of improved mobility. Yes, he loves the treats; yes, he walks every day; and yes, we're hoping the Zuke's is working to aid his mobility. Nevertheless, he loves the Zuke's treat and we like the fact that they're made in the USA and are natural. Just note of caution for Bichon owners with urinary stone issues; don't feed a Bichon beef products. The chicken is great.UPDATE 04/17/10I've updated my rating to a 5 because I recently took our dog to the vet who confirmed, at the age of 12 going on 13, he has no arthritis. In fact, both front and back legs have full mobility. I do attribute part of this success to his walking every day but also to Zuke's hip action treats. Digby's had a Zuke's hip action treat for years and this treat is the only joint action remedy we feed him in addition to Nupro All Natural Dog Suppplement for his other nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. While Zuke's hip action treats are not the only reason he is doing so well, I believe this treat in conjunction with exercise and the proper diet have significantly contributed to his overall well being!
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I don't usually bother with reviews, but these results pretty much demanded it. Our 9-year-old shepherd mix is literally a different dog since starting to take these treats. For the past couple of years he's been acting quite old - slow, not much energy, and often would have arthritic-type pain in this shoulders & hips. He would play for a couple of minutes and then lay down, totally uninterested in continuing. You could just see in his eyes that he was tired and old. A variety of supplements hadn't done much, and we felt awful that all we could do was give him aspirin for the pain. We switched his food to one with higher glucosamine, but it didn't make much of an identifiable difference. Last month, after he'd been significantly worse with shoulder & hip pains for a few weeks, I went online to research arthritis supplements and orthopedic pet beds (the last step before deciding to put him on medication). After reading reviews on these Zukes Hip Action treats, I decided to give them a shot and bought two bags on Amazon. OH MY GOODNESS!! It's been about two or three weeks now, and I am BLOWN AWAY. He's acting like a 5-year-old! He has more energy, he's jumping again, and his eyes look so much happier! That's the best part, to see him happy & excited again. Previously, it had been years since he would run with me any longer than about twenty minutes, and by the end of the run I would be dragging him behind me... this week I took him for a run and he went with me for an HOUR! And he was still ahead of me when we finished!! We're so hopeful that he'll be able to enjoy his "golden years" without the misery of a poorly aging dog. I'm completely a believer in this product, and we'll be giving them to every dog we ever own. (Plus, you just saved me a bundle on an expensive pet bed.) ;D
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Our older dog, Broccoli, has been quietly aging. Sleeping on the couch instead of the bed, not jumping up, rarely all started so gradually we didn't really notice until he was virtually sleeping all day. His hips were so stiff when he walked, his gate stilted and he never ran anymore.A friend and I were talking about his decreased mobility a few weeks ago and she recommended we try glucosamine and chondroitin, so we purchased Zuke's Hip Action (beef.) After two weeks of feeding him a double dose, we've noticed a HUGE change. While some stiffness in his hips is still evident, he's been running around, jumping on the bed, jumping up on his back legs and playing much more often and for longer periods of time. Where he would once play for a few seconds and then lie down, he's now begging to play and run around. I can't wait to see his progress in a month. We plan to reduce the amount to the one treat a day (recommended for his size) after 6 weeks, per recommendations I've read online. We're also giving a treat to our new puppy every day to ward off any future problems and keep his joints healthy (he's a greyhound mix with really long legs, so we're concerned about the various bone/joint problems that he could be prone to.)As far as taste, both dogs LOVE these treats, more than any other we've tried in fact. We'll be giving Zuke's as a daily supplement from now on, as we're firm believers in the benefits of them. I'm so glad to see my old friend acting like a puppy again. Thank you Zuke's!
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This product is amazing! We had a gift card for an out of town feed store and my husband happened to pick this up. We have an older Rott/Boarder Collie who has been having joint, arthritis trouble. The vet has given him several medications. One he won't eat unless I force it and the other makes him act "wonky". The vet says I shouldn't have a problem with either product, but I know my dog! Anyway, because of this fluke purchase, his mobility and attitude improved by "leaps and bounds" within two weeks! He no longer cries or yelps when he tries to get up and he is much more playful. Bucky, our dog, is also allergic to corn. It isn't easy to find a "treat" that doesn't have corn. This product is free of corn and other additives i.e. wheat, soy, artificial colors, flavors, added fat or by-products. The only thing I could wish for is disclosure of the caloric content. I don't know how many calories are in a treat. We use this in conjunction with a senior glucosamine /condroiton dog food. The 1lb pk that we purchased was $17 and a 45 minute trip out of town. I'm down to one treat. He takes three (huge dog) a day. I decided to see if I could get it on line. Everything I found was still expensive especially with S&H. And, then I thought maybe Amazon. Sure enough there it was. So, thanks to Amazon. But more importantly, greatful thanks to Zuke's for a miracle product. Couldn't be more happy. God gave us a great gift when he gave us all our furry friends!
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I rescued my havanese dog from a breeder who was going to put her down for a hip deformity. Turns out the hip was fine but the ball on her leg bone was broken sometime when she was a puppy. It caused her immense pain when moved in certain positions and caused her to limp. Running fast was out of the question and jumping was only for the lowest of heights. Even when she sat her left leg would be out to the side at an awkward angle. She was stuck in a catch 22. She couldn't make it stronger because it hurt and it hurt because it was so weak.We tried glucosamine supplements, but they were powdery and she seemed to not like the taste. The chicken jerky with glucosamine all seemed to be from china with an FDA advisory for liver and kidney problems.That's when I found Zukes hip action. The first time I opened the package the dog danced on her hind legs just to get a better sniff. The squares are soft and dense. They split into smaller pieces easily for training or to extend the reward time. The dog is sure to find even the smallest crumb. These treats last a long time with a small/medium sized dog like mine. The bag makes a satisfying crinkle sound the dogs listens for. I really like that they are high quality and made in America.The improvement began immediately and after a few weeks of daily treats the difference was in the use of her hind leg was amazing. More cushion and flex in her hip let her use her leg more. Now she is much more active with better behavior and lots more running and jumping. She even sits down with both legs under her. Another thing I noticed was when she would lay in her bed on her back her bad leg would be pulled in. Now both legs spread out like normal for easier tummy rubs. When she is being silly she even army crawls. I only wish we had found them sooner. If you saw this dog running around you would never know she had a hip problem in the past.
Zuke's Hip Action Hip & Joint Natural Dog Treats Crafted in the USA 6 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have an 8 year old female German Shepherd. Lately I have been noticing she has a bit of a difficult time getting up and her hips always seem to be stiff.Since I don't know anything about dog vitamins, I decided to take the route of these treats. I would much rather give her something she might possibly like over giving her a pill.Thing is, she doesn't really like these very much. I usually have to try 2 or 3 times to get her to eat. Bright side is that I can get her to eat them after a little hassle.The even brighter side to these treats (and the reason why I gave it 4 stars instead of 3) is the fact that they do seem to be helping her stiff joints. I have only gone through one 6 oz bag of these treats and I have noticed a difference in how she stands up, walks and runs. For the first time in a while her legs don't look so stiff.P.S. you can get these treats cheaper on Linens and Things website(LNT.COM). You don't have to pay shipping. I paid 12.21 for a pound of these treats.