9GreenBox - Venus Fly Trap w/ Gift Box Packing Large 3" Pot Carnivorous Dionaea
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. When i received my fly trap all of the traps were closed so i called the "help line" and asked the guy if that was normal. the man on the other line spoke such poor english i could hardly understand him, i had to get him to repeat everything he said. he told me that the heads closed were ok that they would open in a few weeks i was like well ok, so about a week passes and the traps still are closed and they begin to get black spots on them so i call the help line again and he says oh thats normal it should go away in about a week . so time goes on and still the traps remain closed and the black has completely covered two of them. so i read online that if they get black spots on them to immediately pop the head off and a new one should grow back, so i did but the rest of the leaf just got really black and began to limp over. ive had my fly trap for about 3 and a half weeks now and they still haven't lost the black on them, one of the heads have opened but it is dead. i did EXACTLY what the instructions said to do but still no luck. dont be fooled by the photo on this item it is NOT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE SIZE IN THE PHOTO. it is maybe a third of the size in the photo. very disappointed!
9Greenbox Best Gift Bonsai Juniper Tree, 4 Pound
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I'm a novice when it comes to Bonsai. I have purchased an elm and juniper and both arrived well packaged and healthy. Actually, the packaging was a little tough because they were tightly wrapped with some kind of plastic wrap. And although I'm not an expert it's hard for me to testify that the juniper is actually 4 years old. To my amateur eyes it looks to be much younger.The elm has lost a few leaves yellowing and falling but after a few Internet searches I learned why this is happening. The pots were as I expected and I believe them to be of nice quality. The box also had a green bottle of fertilizer which I wasn't expecting but it was nice and I appreciate it.I think it would have been better if the seller would have included a complementary brochure for Bonsai related products such as humidity trays. The reason I say this is because I am a novice and upon initially ordering I had no clue that such things were needed to help Bonsai thrive. At least with a complementary brochure I could have looked through it and say "Hmm, what is a humidity tray for?" and would have gotten around to getting a few sooner.I have had both Bonsai for almost two weeks and neither appear to be dying or on the fringes of dying. And considering this is Winter it's supposed to be the dormant season so I don't expect much activity until Spring.I would buy again from this seller.
9Greenbox Best Gift Bonsai Juniper Tree, 4 Pound
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This is my first Bonsai tree. It is obvious it is at least 1 yr old or less and it is a baby bonsai. The seller kind of tricks you with their profile picture. You DON'T GET A TREE LIKE THE ONE IN THE PICTURE. What you get is a small bonsai tree with one main branch and maybe 7 inches in lenght. My tree goes up about 1 and 1/2 inch out the ground then curves at a right angle. I am disappointing but using some wire I should be able to make it look unique I hope.When I arrived home to get the package, it looked like UPS played kickball with the package. There was a big dent in the box like someone stomped on it. Luckily, the tree survived. Since, I have been taking extreme care of it. I water it every Sunday. I give it indirect sunlight and sometimes take it outside on the porch for fresh air. I use a spray mist bottle and mist it once in a while to make sure to clean off dust, bugs and other things.Other than my disappointment in what I got, I am happy to finally have a tree that I can take care of and watch grow.
9GreenBox - 5 Money Tree Plants Braided into 1 Tree - 4" Pot
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Having read the bad reviews, I was hesitant about ordering this plant, but it arrived promptly and was very well packed so as to be protected during shipping.I repotted it immediately because it came in a very small pot, and since both shipping and repotting are shocks to plants, I wasn't sure if it was going to survive. One set of leaves did fall off, and that made me even more concerned, but as things turned out I needn't have worried.These plants enjoy bright indirect sunlight and a lot of humidity, but don't want to be overwatered, so I set it in front of the window but behind another plant to filter the sunlight, and put it in a pan with water and pebbles so that the bottom of the pot doesn't touch the water but the water can evaporate around the plant to provide humidity. It has been less that two weeks now and the plant is growing six new shoots, each one of which has five tiny leaves. That's 30 new leaves, so I know the plant is now adjusted and doing well.If you do an online search for "Breathe Easier: 12 Houseplants to Purify Indoor Air" you'll find a list of some of the best indoor plants to have, which toxins each plant is best at removing from the air (according to NASA studies), and a brief description of how to care for them. More detailed instructions can also be found by searching online for each plant's name.The Money Tree Plant and the Areca Palm are the two plants on the list that require a little more care, but there is also a plant called the Mother-in-Law's Tongue that is extremely hardy and needs very little care at all. If you don't have the ability to care for plants, you should choose those that are easier to care for.The Money Tree Plant is one of the top three on the list of the best indoor air-cleansing plants, and I'm very happy with this one. It looked exactly like the picture when it arrived and looks even better now. When I want new plants I won't hesitate to order from this seller again.
9GreenBox - 5 Money Tree Plants Braided into 1 Tree - 4" Pot
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I ordered this awesome little tree from 9GreenBox on the 25th of Sept. and received it today, just 3 days later, and it was in great shape. It's got a ton of leaves all over it, and is pretty tall, too. Very healthy looking.At first, I was a little doubtful of buying a live plant online, but after reading a bunch of reviews about this seller, I decided to take a chance, and I'm glad I did! I've always wanted a money tree ever since I bought one for my mom years ago for her birthday, I just have never been able to find one in any stores near me, so I was excited when I read about this.I would definitely recommend buying from this seller (again, I ordered from 9Greenbox, I don't know about any of the other sellers that offer this), the tree was packaged securely with packing peanuts, wrapped in plastic, with a paper towel taped over the pot to protect the dirt, I assume, and arrived in a timely manner. Hopefully I don't kill mine now, but from what I remember of the one I got for my mom, they're relatively easy to care for, and apparently do pretty well being shipped across the country, too. :)
9GreenBox - Lucky Bamboo - Frog and Lotus
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have had the plant for three weeks and it is slowly dieing. Stalks are turning yellow, some are white.It was beautiful when I received it. I love the ceramic container with the frog. I have read and re-read the card that came with it to see if I was doing something wrong in my care. It said add water and keep out of direct sunlight. I even purchased the lucky bamboo plant food, but it's dieing. I'm very upset.The plant is in the bathroom where I had my previous lucky bamboo plant, a plant I had for 12 years, I bought it at a Jewell food store. The previous plant I just added water.....never gave it another thought. Our bathroom has a bamboo theme.I'm 63 and I quipped to my wife when we received this plant that it could possibly out-live us. Well, unless I die tomorrow, and yellow and white bamboo stalks can turn green again.....I was wrong about that assumption. I would steer away from products from this seller. The plant came in a USPS "IF IT FITS IT SHIPS" box, not really a professional packing and shipment container, to say the least.
A Taste of Thai Pad Thai for Two, 9-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Just to be clear, this is a starter kit. So you're going to have to add things like an egg, oil, meat, scallions, etc. But it is indeed a pretty good starter kit. I made this with some diced up chicken breast. It was so good that I ate the whole thing. I guess I was hungry. At first, I didn't think it had quite enough flavor, but then I just couldn't stop eating it. So I guess I liked it. I want a bit more flavor though. So next time I might try it with Kung Pao sauce, or something similar. I noticed that you can also buy the noodles by themselves, so you're free to try different recipes.Preparation was easy. You have to put the noodles in hot water to soak for about 25-30 minutes. Then you just take that time to prep the other ingredients and start the cooking process. By the time you get all that done, the noodles are ready to be added to the mix for the final stir-fry process. It smells great while it's cooking so that really gets the appetite worked up. Just remember to use a really big pan or a Wok. By the time you add the noodles, there's a lot of stuff there and it will over-fill a standard large frying pan.
A Taste of Thai
A Taste of Thai Red Curry Paste - 35oz Tub Ready-to-Use Mix | Flavored with Classic Thai Spices | Use as Rub Marinade Dipping Sauce & More | Non-GMO | Gluten-Free | No Preservatives
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have made and perfected to my liking my red curry using this paste. 1 can of coconut milk and 1 heaping and not overly loaded tablespoon of red curry will give a very good kick without being to spicy to taste your food.Using a wok I put 1 can of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon of red curry and bring to boil stering till it thickens a bit. I do not recommend fish sauce since it makes curry taste fishy and not slightly peanuty. I do like seafood and buy smoked salmon often. But this fish sauce doesn't belong in this dish-trust me. Less is better with this curry. So, thicken your sauce add little palm sugar and sea or kosher salt to taste. Taste it to make sure you like it. It should be spicy, sweet and slightly peanuty.Now add shopped carrots, sliced (thick) bell peppers, asparagus or french green beans,sugar snow peas, onion cut thick, garlic cut in halfs and chopped mushrooms(small). Last time I added to my vegetables half cut of small cuts of fresh pineapple and it was wonderful. Give a good stir and cook till vegetables half cooked then add shrimp and cook it all till shrimp is done to your liking. If you put shrimps with vegetables shrimp will get overcooked and will be small and rubbery. I put raw 31-40 raw from Costco shrimp and it is perfect. Chicken thighs from Costco are very juicy as well but you would want to slice them 1/4" and cook with your vegetables at the same time. Thicken sauce just a little at the end and serve over Jasmine rice. Hope you'll like my version of red curry.
A Taste of Thai
A Taste of Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles - 4oz Pack of 6 Heat & Eat Instant Noodles Flavored with Classic Thai Spices | Gluten-Free | Ideal Vegan Meal | Perfect Side for Chicken Fish & Meat Entrees
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 20 to 30 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. We enjoy A Taste of Tai's Peanut Noodles... they rock. That peanutty flavor...mmm... so we decided to try these... um, Ginger, not so much. Nothing really distinguishes these from any other noodle flavor, and the ginger is a bit overpowering. Take this review in stride though, if you're a Ginger lover (and I'm not talking Gilligan's Island here), then these may be right up your alley. Just a bit outside for me, though (if I may mix my metaphors).
A Taste of Thai
A Taste of Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles - 4oz Pack of 6 Heat & Eat Instant Noodles Flavored with Classic Thai Spices | Gluten-Free | Ideal Vegan Meal | Perfect Side for Chicken Fish & Meat Entrees
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 20 to 30 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought these at walmart for less then $2.00 dollars a box.There over $2.80 a box @Amazon for (box of six).Then you need to add another $7.00 dollars to your order to get free shipping ....I would not buy these again could be better if you added chicken or an egg like other reviewers mentioned. My box does say gluten free so maybe there are 2 versions.
A Taste of Thai
A Taste of Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles - 4oz Pack of 6 Heat & Eat Instant Noodles Flavored with Classic Thai Spices | Gluten-Free | Ideal Vegan Meal | Perfect Side for Chicken Fish & Meat Entrees
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 20 to 30 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. A year or so ago, I use to buy these quite often because they were gluten-free. Last month I decided to order some again and this product no longer says "gluten-free" on the packaging and contains wheat. I didn't want them to go to waste, so I ate one anyway. I became very sick. I do enjoy this product but will not be purchasing again because of the wheat. Just a warning for those of you who also have issues with wheat/gluten.
A Taste of Thai
A Taste of Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles - 4oz Pack of 6 Heat & Eat Instant Noodles Flavored with Classic Thai Spices | Gluten-Free | Ideal Vegan Meal | Perfect Side for Chicken Fish & Meat Entrees
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 20 to 30 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. We ordered a pack of these and ate through them very quickly! My husband and I both like taking them to work for lunch. Here's my recipe, so that I get more protein: I slip a fresh unbroken egg into the box before I leave home in the morning, then I add the egg to the water before I cook it at lunchtime.
A Taste of Thai
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I love the idea of this product but I am definitely doing something wrong. I've tried 3 seed kits and I haven't had a terrific amount of luck. If all that you're interested in is basil, you have it made. Not much else seems to grow very well. My chives were a failure as were my purple basil, cilantro, and parsley. I called and complained to the company and they were kind enough to send to me another seed pack. The sweet basil flourished but everything else pretty much floundered.Truth be told, I would recommend growing your own basil, parsley, rosemary, cilantro, and chives during the warmer months. If you're fortunate enough to live in a large city, you can buy herbs from your grocery store for a relatively low price during the off seasons. I live in Houston and our Central Market sells organic herbs for $.99/bunch. I wrap my herbs in paper towels and bag them in plastic bags the day that I purchase them. They last for a few weeks. I definitely get my money's worth without having to spend a bundle on an Aerogarden. One caveat though, buy basil and use it within 3-4 days. It's great in salads too!
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I got my areogarden as a gift a little over a year ago and was ecstatic. I live about 12 hours away from my family so when I go home for Christmas or any other trip that takes over a week of being away from my aerogarden it dies because I cant add the water. My aerogarden came with the general herb kit and I found out the only herb I used from it was basil, so when my first batch starved from a lack of water I decided to get the master gardener kit. Because of my obsession with basil i planted an entire 7 pods of basil. I couldn't trim it back fast enough, I wound up tossing handfulls of basil because it was burning on the lights. Once again I had to starve my poor plants and go home for about a month, this time i planted only 2 basils and 5 flowers about 2 or 3 weeks ago and low and behold the basil is more than big enough to eat. None of the flowers have bloomed yet, but all are growing nicely. Honestly I want to buy another areogarden just to be able to play around with another master gardener kit. Its a very good value as well, $40 for 3 full rounds of plants (obviously you need to buy your own seeds). I've also heard that the dirt refills for the seed starter kit works with the master gardener kit too. 70 pods for $20 plus nutrients will get you 10 full rounds on a 7 pod areogarden. I love it ! !ps.. I kill every plant I put in the garden.. i an the true black thumb.. so if i can do this anyone can
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Purchased prod w/standard seed kit and regular basil was 2nd to sprout, but after 2 weeks it had a clear fungus...fury mold to all of it. Out of remaining seeds in kit (my kit had cilantro which was replaced w/thyme)...thyme so far is producing the least. Thyme was actually the 1st to sprout but is faltering in the long haul. The most aggresive growth is the mint. Next it is neck & neck w/dill & chive. I find myself cutting dill & chives to "clear the shade" in the hopes that the rest can catch up. I will say that I left a hydroponic tomatoe in the light of the machine...and in 2 weeks the fruit still looked fresh & the skin had visual bubbles or pimples in it. When I opened the tomatoe nearly every seed had sprouted...yes SPROUTED within the tomatoe (so cool to see by the way - actual leaves inside a tomatoe!). So I transplanted 4 seedlings into the empty basil "herb pod" and moved it to the back corner of the unit. AeroGarden says the nutrients are different for herbs vs. vegetables...but if I can keep these sprots alive for another 4 weeks...I am in business with 4 REAL tomatoe plants. No matter any results, it has been a blast watching the growth, especially the tomatoes which bursted as a seed inside a tomatoe that I had to cut out and now is an entitiy with leaves (and will soon need to be separated). And in the end I have a LOT of mint frozen for our summer Mojitos!!
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have to agree with previous reviewwers comments about the selection of herbs in this kit. I would have preferred parsley, thyme and rosemary to some of the herbs in the kit. Two types of basil is just overkill when there is a separate basil kit.With that said, the green basil grows really fast. It was ready to harvest within three weeks. The purple basil is the next best, followed by the mint and the oregano.The chives are the most delicate -- they dislodge and curl back into the sponge. After more than a month of growing, I have two thin sporuts, not even enough for one potato. My biggest disappointment was the cilantro --mine never sprouted. I called the company and they shipped me a replacement, which also never sprouted.I can't wait for the new herb varieties to arrive in September. I will be experimenting by mixing herbs from the various kits to get the combination I want.If you've ever tried to grow herbs indoors and not been happy with the results, this is the product for you. It's very easy to take care of and the instructions are detailed and easy to understand. It's unfortunate that some herbs work really well and others don't.Revised 10/13/06: I spoke with someone in cusotmer service last week. Aerogarden determined that the problem with the cilantro was that the water pump was too strong. I was sent a free replacement pump. When my new kits come in, I will try cilantro again. The basil in this kit was wonderful. The dill was fine and the oregano and mint were just okay in terms of growth and yield. The chives were too delicate and the cilantro never worked. Hopefully the new pump will fix the problem.The new kits will arrive next week. The new Gourmet Herb kit replaces the oregano with parsley.Revised 11/21/06:The cilantro in the new kit works beautifully! I now give this kit four stars.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Well, this is the kit I tried first, and the back row of plants & center front are doing the best. Both basils shoot right out of their pods. The Dill and Cilantro are growing tall, and there is lots of mint, but it is tiny. The chives are looped back into the sponge & have yet to try to stand up straight, and the Oregano is sprouting within the sponge, but has yet to come out of hiding. And this is at the beginning of week 2. I believe I could probably harvest a little basil at the end of week 3.The big question is, where is the Parsley? People have suggested they substitute Parsley for Oregano. I'd rather they replace the Red Rubin basil. I have recipes with oregano, but none specifically calling for purple basil. However, I never tasted the stuff, so I may change my mind once I do. Hopefully they included it becase of taste and not for looks.This is an easy, low maintenence kit. You only have to refil the water bowl when the water gets low & add 2 nutrient tablets every 2 weeks. It comes with 2 starter nutrients, 2 sprouting nutrients & 12 regular nutrient tablets They ask you to place the pods in the order they came in the box. Possibly because of slightly variable light levels. The light is on 17 hours and it only waters when the light is on for this setting.Parsley will be part of both the Italian & French herb kits that will be available in September.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have owned my Aerogarden since last Christmas. The first thing I planted were the herbs. The dill grew the best. The others did very well except the chives, which only sprouted about a dozen. Next, I planted the romaine, I had one that didn't sprout, but it grew for well over four months, and every time I pruned it, I extended the life a little longer. Now, I have the chili peppers, and they are huge!I have a very brown thumb, and was dubious as to whether I could make this work. It has far exceeded my expectations. A few things to note from the other reviews...... A good dose of common sense serves well here. Some seeds don't sprout. This is true in EVERY type of garden no matter what you do. While annoying, the yield is still so bountiful, that it is well worth the money. Growing the chili peppers, I now understand why you only get three tomato plants. This probably should have been the case for the peppers as well. The large plants are overshadowing the super hots, and the root systems are incredible. I have found that I need to add water every few days now since the plants have gotten so big they are drinking a lot more.Finally, one of the biggest keys I have found is diligent pruning. Every time I pruned my herbs, they got even fuller. The same is true of the romaine, and one of the most important things to remember with the peppers is shake the plants daily to pollenate them.For those who expect this product to "work perfectly" and require no effort whatsoever, you may be a bit disappointed. With a little effort, and some good old fashioned TLC this system works beyond my greatest expectations. When I think of how much money I have spent on fresh herbs through the years, even a plant that doesn't sprout now and then is tolerable when the yield of all the others is so good.I would recommend this system to anyone. I am very very pleased!
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I am working on my second Cherry Tomato seed kit. After about three months, the first crop provided about eight Cherry tomatoes. Hardly a bumper crop. During the growth I had to clean out the pump which got clogged with roots (more on that latter). So I figured, ok, I had to disturb the root system when I had to clean out the pump, so perhaps that was the problem.I started a second crop of Cherry Tomatoes about three months ago. So far, I have had one marble sized yellow tomato. I also have an additional two, marble sized, yellow tomatoes ripening. I have not even seen any flowers on the two red tomato plants. The red tomato plants grow, but no tomato production.I am running out of plant nutrients. I checked AeroGrows site, and they want a ridiculous price for an additional package of plant nutrients. Corporate greed at its worse.I have read all of the reviews, and I see that about one-third of the Cherry tomato reviews are positive. That leaves two-thirds of Cherry Tomato reviews as negative. Adding my negative Cherry Tomato review drops the positive Cherry tomato reviews to 30% positive, 70% negative.Given that we are all growing these things under pretty well controlled conditions, I suggest that the Cherry tomato seed kits might have a limited shelf life, and AeroGrow could be selling their old kits.My negative review of AeroGrow's cherry Tomato seed kit on their site was NOT PUBLISHED. So I published my review on Amazon.With respect to the AeroGrow garden, in my opinion, the location of the pump is flawed. It should not be located at the bottom of the tank because that is where the roots want to go. The pump should be located higher up on the tank, and it should be located in a position where it can be easily maintained, without damaging your crops. I hope someone else comes out with a competitive product. Frankly, I don't like the way AeroGrow does business.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have followed the instructions religiously, but am having problems with this kit. One of the plants is about a third of the size as the others. It hasn't grown at all in weeks. I am at 10 weeks with my garden and two plants have a ton of tomatos. Customer service suggested trimming back my good plants so the smaller would be closer to the light. I can't see cutting off all my flowers and tomatos to take a chance on a plant that seems defective.Added May 6th, 2007: I woke up this week to discover the two plants that actually grew were tipped over and falling out of the garden. They were fine the night before. They have been cared for exactly as the book suggests. I tried "staking" them, but the only option is to tie them to the grow light arm, and doing so just does not keep the plants upright. The just tip the side instead. On a positive note, I finally harvested my first tomato (yellow variety) after about 95 days. It tasted okay. I am hoping the reds taste more like a real garden tomato.Added May 14th, 2007: So far, all of the tomatos that have been harvested are quite sour. I had such high hopes, but now I am sorry to say I can not recommend this kit to anyone.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Having gone through two herb seed kits, I have had mixed results. For my first kit, the basil really thrived and provided me with far more leaves than I could possibly use, and the dill also did well. Unfortunately, the cilantro never sprouted, the mint provided enough harvest for maybe a few mojitos before it died, and the chives were just barely alive. I had better luck with the second herb kit: both types of basil and dill did very well again, and the mint was at least respectable. The cilantro sprouted this time and provided enough leaves for a bit of salsa, but results were still underwhelming. Once again, the chives again were disappointing and barely did anything beyond surviving. I do enjoy watching the plants grow, but the operating costs alone ($20 that seed kits costs plus a few dollars per month on electricity that the bulbs use) are probably far more than it would have cost me to buy these herbs from the grocery store. Still, I'm just not inclined to go and build my own hydroponics garden, and I do plan on using the aerogarden in one way or another until it falls apart. It only kind of works as advertised, but it is an interesting introduction to hydroponics, and I can't imagine making this product any easier to use.Update: I tried the salad greens kit and would not recommend it. The lettuce plants grow quite well, but I find the leaves to be limp and flavorless.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. So far, I've grown lettuce and gourmet herbs in the Aerogarden. The herbs had one failure (the cilantro) and the lettuce grew like gangbusters but didn't seem worth the trouble. Then I planted the French herb garden, wanting to have chervil and savory, among other herbs not commonly available at the grocery.The kit has chervil, sorrel, savory, parsley, Marseilles basil, sage and chives. All of these are quite useful. I might have substituted thyme for the parsley--parsley grows pretty slowly and I think it is a waste in the Aerogarden as it's commonly available in huge bunches at the market. But it is convenient to have this essential herb at your fingertips. Sad to say, one can't have rosemary or tarragon in the Aerogarden. Both of these are woody herbs and don't really grow from seeds. But one can often find pots in the garden center. Maybe with an additional grow-light, I can add them to the kitchen garden. I wonder if the Aerogarden pods could someday be adapted to grow slips of plants like tarragon (shipped live.)All the pods germinated before the estimated time, including chervil which has the longest (3 week) germination. The herbs are growing healthily and quickly. So far, this looks to be the most versatile of the sets I've grown. My previous herb garden resides in a flower pot and is more or less humming along--the basils and mint and chives are doing quite well in soil rather than hydroponics, though they were sulky when transplanted. I may keep this French garden growing indefinitely unless something more interesting crops up.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have to agree with one of the other reviews that the kit does become "Bushy" and large for an aerogarden. I actually thought this might happen since I have grown String beans in an outdoor garden and have seen how big these plants can get. The size of the "crawl" and the overall size of the plants is much smaller than what you would see in an outdoor garden so don't let the reviews put you off. The plant will hang over and spread, but so does my lettuce garden.As far as output goes my review is somewhat tainted with the fact that my pump gave out 3 months into growing and I did not figure this out until it was too late to recover. I harvested a decent sized bowl not too long into growing and the plant was covered with flowers (which obviously was going to produce more beans, much more actually)I don't know what happened to the other reviewers but I got a decent harvest (and in hindsight I think I would have had much more) until my pump went out and killed the plant. Do I think I was going get $20 worth of beans? Do you really think you get that from any of these kits? I don't. I like the fresh food and the fun of growing them. Then again with food prices, maybe you can get your money's worth out of these kits, the healthy fair is a nice bonus too.I do recommend getting the trellis to help hold the plant up, the little wires that come with the kit are pretty much worthless.I hope my review helps others.
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I tried to post this on the Aerogarden official website, but I doubt it will be approved. It seems they only approve the reviews in which consumers rave on and on about the wonderful qualities of the Aerogarden. My review is meant to reflect my personal experience, which is neither all good or all bad. I just want to be realistic..."Though I do enjoy my Aerogarden, someone needs to come out and say that it's not quite as simple as just sitting back and watching your herbs grow. It requires a lot of careful pruning and there is a certain art to getting everything to grow properly.This is my second Aerogarden, and compared to the first, it was far more successful. In my first garden (the gourmet herbs kit), I was able to keep only the two Basils and Mint alive. This time, I was able to harvest herbs from four out of seven pods. The problem (for me) is that the basil, mint, and parsley grow so much faster than the other herbs that you have to prune them half to death in order to allow slower-growing herbs a chance to get a foothold before there just isn't enough light or room for them to grow. The savory and oregano seedlings got so leggy right away that they just flopped over and never really grew properly. Eventually, it became clear that they'd never grow enough to be worth anything, so I stopped my aggressive pruning and decided to just enjoy the basil, mint, and parsley. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong. I am an avid (outdoor) gardener and I consider myself pretty plant-savvy. I'm going to try again and hope for better results.I'd also like to say that the Aerogarden company does excel in the customer service department. When a couple of my pods failed to sprout, they sent replacements -- no questions asked. They also were willing to impart very good advice and didn't even keep me on hold for very long. I'll keep aero-gardening for some time, even if my yields aren't quite what I feel they should be."
AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Kit (6-7-Pod)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Today is June 29th and I began this adventure on March 1st, 4 months ago and the production expectancy for this set. The sprouting was slow, but the CS Rep from AeroGrow suggested I be patient. He said they would really take off once they sprouted. Well, they did and we were off to the races. So far, 1 mini jalapeno and 1 purple super hot have bit the dust completely. The second mini jalapeno grew huge but never produced a single pepper. Two of the purple super hots are still alive, but have never even produced a flower either. Both of the red fires are lush and have produced a total of 10 peppers so far. Considering the cost of electricity, the kit, the extra nutrients which needed to be purchased because there are not enough included, the replacement light kit, and the hours upon hours of talking to, touching, fertilizing by movement and a tiny hand held fan (CSR's suggestion) These are the most expensive peppers I've ever consumed. I'm thinking of transplanting these into my garden plot to see if they ever produce. I have one more seed kit (herbs) which I'm going to give a try and then I'm going to give up on this, and I'm not going to buy another set of bulbs even though it's advised. If you want alot of leaves which you do not consume, then this is the seed kit for you. I, on the other hand, wanted something to use in the kitchen.
Alvita Tea Bags, Valerian Root, Caffeine Free, 24 tea bags (Pack of 3)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Alvita Tea Bags, Valerian Root, Caffeine Free, 24 tea bags (Pack of 3)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Alvita Tea Bags, Valerian Root, Caffeine Free, 24 tea bags (Pack of 3)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Alvita Tea Bags, Valerian Root, Caffeine Free, 24 tea bags (Pack of 3)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Alvita Tea Bags, Valerian Root, Caffeine Free, 24 tea bags (Pack of 3)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Alvita Tea Bags, Valerian Root, Caffeine Free, 24 tea bags (Pack of 3)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Alvita Caffeine Free Alfalfa Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Alvita Caffeine Free Alfalfa Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Alvita Caffeine Free Alfalfa Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Alvita Caffeine Free Alfalfa Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Alvita Caffeine Free Alfalfa Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Alvita Caffeine Free Alfalfa Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Alvita - Goldenseal Herb, 30 bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Alvita - Goldenseal Herb, 30 bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Alvita - Goldenseal Herb, 30 bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Alvita - Goldenseal Herb, 30 bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Alvita - Goldenseal Herb, 30 bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Alvita - Goldenseal Herb, 30 bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Alvita Organic Senna Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Alvita Organic Senna Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Alvita Organic Senna Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Alvita Organic Senna Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Alvita Organic Senna Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Alvita Organic Senna Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Green Tea Organic Alvita Tea 24 Bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Green Tea Organic Alvita Tea 24 Bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Green Tea Organic Alvita Tea 24 Bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Green Tea Organic Alvita Tea 24 Bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Green Tea Organic Alvita Tea 24 Bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Green Tea Organic Alvita Tea 24 Bag
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Alvita Nettle Leaf Tea Bags, 24 ct
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Alvita Nettle Leaf Tea Bags, 24 ct
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Alvita Nettle Leaf Tea Bags, 24 ct
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Alvita Nettle Leaf Tea Bags, 24 ct
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Alvita Nettle Leaf Tea Bags, 24 ct
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Alvita Nettle Leaf Tea Bags, 24 ct
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Alvita Tea Bags, Dandelion Root (Roasted), Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, Net Weight. 1.69 Ounce
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been having problems with my bladder. Interstital Cystitis is a chronic condition and also effects the colon. I suffer from severe constipation (IBS) also. I take fiber during the day and make sure I get enough in my diet. In the morning I drink a cup of Alvita Senna tea and within 1 to 1/2 hrs. I have elimination. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I have tried many other laxatives which do not work and bother my bladder. This product does not. I have also drank it at night with good results in the morning. Doctors have said not to use this continually because you could develop dependence. However, my condition is unbearable without it. At last my doctor agreeded that if I was going to take something daily then he suggested this tea. I highly recommend it for people with my condition or for individuals who take a lot of medications that tend to slow down the system. I have placed an order for more and will continue to use this great product. By the way, I had purchased another brand before I bought this brand and it was of terrible quality. What a difference. This product has great quality and also I like the tea bags being natural and not bleached with chemicals.
Alvita Tea Bags, Dandelion Root (Roasted), Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, Net Weight. 1.69 Ounce
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. this red clover tea is worth my money, i have shed 8 pounds in 3 weeks, i know its not a diet tea or anything but, i drink this twice a day eat my 3 regular small meals, and a fruit or a rice cake or something lowfat, the tea coupled with bettereating habits and i ride my exercise bike and do a few stretches, lunges, lift a 5 pound weight in sets of 5's twice, forabout 15 minutes total2 times a day, nothing long and drawn out. before 3 weeks ago i honestly weighed 199, that's a lot of weight if you are 5'2, mostly in my butt and thighs. today i weigh 190, today meaning march 20, 2012. i have a long way togo but that is a good start for me i love food it is hard but i find lowfat and sugarfree things to snack on. being overweight makes you tired easily, and the more tired you feel the more you will just sit around and when you sit around,yep you tend to snack. my goal is 170 pounds, yea that is still a lot of weight but i am a realistic person, i will notset myself up for a let down. if a should lose anything beyond 170 i will be very happy, i will update my quest on april 20, 2012. thanks
Alvita Tea Bags, Dandelion Root (Roasted), Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, Net Weight. 1.69 Ounce
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this tea at my health food store because I thought it looked interesting. The name and the description really pulled me in, as well as the picture on the box. At first I was confused as to what the taste reminded me of, but then I realized it reminded me of pink Necco mints. I don't drink sugar in tea, but I think if I did and I had put some in this tea it would've made it overbearing. However, after drinking this tea once every day for a week or so, I'm finding it to be almost like a chore. I love the health benefits and this tea has actually helped me feel pretty good after drinking a cup, but the taste is becoming a bit overbearing. As I mentioned early in my review, the taste is reminiscent of pink Necco mints (minus the mint part, of course) but it can be hard for me to get through a cup of it because after awhile that Necco taste begins to remind me more and more of chalk. Yes, it definitely has a chalky flavor. I will still continue to drink this tea until the box is gone but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it unless it has some sort of miraculous effect on me later on down the box. Still, it was worth a try because it was nice at first.
Alvita Tea Bags, Dandelion Root (Roasted), Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, Net Weight. 1.69 Ounce
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. After reading reviews from baby sites, I was ready to get my red raspberry leaf tea on and strengthen my uterus and I was so excited that I got the first one I saw, which was the Alvita brand. I love the flavor, just LOVE the flavor, but I read more reviews and a lot of women gave the Traditional Medicinals better reviews so I after I ran out of the Alvita I purchased the TM. I have to say, the Alvita has a stronger tea taste and I actually got contractions when I drank it. I'm only 37.7 weeks along, but I have to say that I think this tea will help move my labor along quite well. I'll update this review later with how it went.UPDATE 3/28/2012:I totally forgot to add my update! Well, as I'd previously believed, this tea helped me tremendously through my labor. I had my beautiful baby boy on December 12th. I had a 17 hour labor because my bag of waters prematurely ruptured and I wasn't dilating the way I was supposed to. I had to be put on pitocin (without meds for the first 14 hours) then I got the meds and then got the epidural about 45 minutes before I actually gave birth. Let me tell you, I only pushed for about 20 minutes and I was done. I attribute that 100% to the tea. I had friends who didn't drink the tea and were in labor for very short periods but pushed way longer. Also, my uterus went down very quickly and I stopped bleeding quickly as well, I forgot how soon but the doctors and nurses were amazed. I'd definitely drink it again next time around.
Alvita Tea Bags, Dandelion Root (Roasted), Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, Net Weight. 1.69 Ounce
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. For example, mints like peppermint or spearmint will help. Some folks will use lavender to mask the smell.
Alvita Tea Bags, Dandelion Root (Roasted), Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, Net Weight. 1.69 Ounce
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I read some of the reviews on here and I almost didn't purchase. But I reached a point where due to my erratic work schedule, trying to fit in my studying time and completing assignments, my sleep pattern was disrupted and it was affecting my mood and concentration. So I bit the bullet and purchased this at a local B&M store. When I got home after work, I boiled some water and opened the package. I noticed that this tea was packaged in a plastic bag so I guess it did has a pungent smell. I opened the plastic bag and took a big whiff. I was kind of disappointed. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the other reviewers made it out to me but then again my nose has been wonky for some time so it could be me. Yes I will admit that it does has a funky odor but it is not that strong to me. To me, smells like this health food store I used to frequent in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Very musky but weirdly comforting. I have tried it with peppermint, turmeric (for a different affliction) and I have tried it plain with stevia and it taste okay to me. I wouldn't say I have an iron stomach because I can easily get sick if food is left out in the open not at the proper temperature. For me, this product took about two days for it to kick in and I am now able to sleep for a full eight hours straight instead of sleeping in fits of four hours here, wake up for about two hours, sleep for three, wake up for a hour and sleep for another four hours. For those with sensitive noses and sense of taste, you have been amply warned by other reviewers. For others, I say give it a shot or at least pair it with some other teas to dilute the taste a bit. There are some great suggestions mentioned by other reviewers, like mint for example.
Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood: Organic Greens, Fruits, Veggies, Beet Root Powder & Probiotics for Healthy Kids, Outrageous Chocolate, 30 Servings, 6.35 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I am a college student of health sciences and the mother to a 3 yr old toddler. I personally show very little response to "placebo effect" situations and I am a true skeptic at heart. I originally found the "kid" version of this product for my daughter while searching for something to boost her immune system. I spent hours on the computer researching the ingredients of these products. I decided to try the adult version for myself and I can honestly say that the Amazing Grass Superfood Powders have made a huge improvement in both of our lives. My daughter attends daycare and with that setting comes frequent colds/flus, some serious. She spent the better part of each month with varying degrees of sickness. Since we have using the Superfood Powders (months), neither she nor I have gotten sick. We spent time with my parents who were both very ill while she and I remained in good health. Her time spent at daycare has not been reduced but she is now very rarely sick. I can only recall one time since we started using this product and her sneezing/runny nose only lasted for one day. Since no other variable in our lives has been changed, I can only attribute this to the use of Amazing Grass. It is difficult to make sure that a child is getting all of the necessary nutrients they need in their diet. Amazing Grass takes care of that. I feel better knowing that when my daughter goes through her "picky eating" stages, she is still getting the vitamins and nutrients her body needs to stay healthy. I mix 1 scoop of her powder with approx 8oz of milk and 1 tsp Ovaltine...I have never had any trouble getting her to drink it. She asks for her "choco milk" at least twice per day!Overall, EXCELLENT product! I am getting ready to purchase my 4th jar!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass, Greens Superfood Whole Fruit, Nut & Seed Bar, Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt | USDA Organic, Vegan, Gluten free, Non-GMO | Greens, Superfoods & veggies, 2.0oz
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Love the taste and the nutrition of these.. great product.Regarding the concerns about alfalfa use, I emailed the company, and within a few hours they nicely described how the alfalfa they use is safe:Thanks for taking the time to write in with your questions and feedback. We chose to add alfalfa into our products because of all the amazing benefits from it. We harvest the alfalfa leaves for our greens. Alfalfa is one of the world's deepest roots plants absorbs many trace minerals and nutrients from the soil. It's root structure that can grow up to 20 ft. deep, letting it absorb minerals in the sub-soil that many plants can never reach. It also contains all essential amino acids and is a great source of Vitamins A, D E and K. The alfalfa leaf also contains:. Calcium- bone and tooth formation, muscle contractions, heartbeat.. Phosphorus- needed for normal bone and tooth structure. Interrelatedwith action of calcium and Vitamin D. Improves nourishment of nerve and tissue.. Silicon Magnesium- constipation, steadies the nerves, has protectiveeffect on skin and body, stimulates brain functionTo add to that, we don't produce or incorporate ANY alfalfa seeds or sprouts into our products. The negative info you've likely seen only refers to the seeds or sprouts. Whole Leaf alfalfa has long been revered for it's incredible green leafy vegetable properties and incredible trace minerals. There isn't any controversy about it that I've ever heard of.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This wasn't as bad as expected! It smelled awful and looked like swamp sludge so I expected the worst as I took a sip. Surprisingly, it wasn't bad at all! The more I drank it, the tastier it got. It is reminiscent of Chinese herbal medicine (which is not an appealing taste to most people, but really, you learn to like it).As for the health benefits, I can't just say "Oh I felt energized immediately after drinking it." I'm not sure if I felt anything. But this was my first cup, I'll have to edit in a few weeks or months! As for fullness, it was too thin to make me feel full. I guess if you mixed it with fruits and veggies and maybe some protein powder it would keep you full.All in all, I'm super pleased and will definitely buy again. Furthermore, this is an amazing price!!! It's 30% cheaper than what it would be outside of Amazon.EDIT: After taking this product for a couple of weeks, I can safely say that it is still amazing! It blunts my appetite tremendously, and I always feel lighter and more energized after having a cup or two of this stuff. My bowels have been awesome and my cravings for bad foods have gone away. I drink this every time I get tempted to eat something unhealthy and it works to keep me away! Heh.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This is one of the best products in the array of "greens" out on the market. The taste is most definitely one of the best. Green Superfood is a great addition to a balanced alkaline/acid diet. When my body is overly acidic (which is obvious when my stomach or body is sluggish or feeling like I'm coming down with something), I make a shake and it helps to balance it out. I used to add a few items to the mix to make it even more powerful, i.e. fresh kale, banana, aloe, and flax oil. Nowadays I simply use a frozen half banana, flax oil, and a touch of carob powder. Mix it up with a bit of ice and you have a great shake, especially good during the summer months. And for some crazy ideas, especially during the really hot months, add a bit of Baileys or Kahlua to the mix. Yum, yum! It's like having your vegetables with your junk food. Or maybe try adding some Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and present it to the kids (sans the liquor, of course). There is a kids version of this product, also. Both an adult version and the kids version come in chocolate, but I like making that decision for myself, so I buy the plain. This is a great way to get your vits/minerals in a powdered, raw food product. It's gluten free, vegan, and no soy fillers. Also, 70% organic. You would have to eat a truck load of raw foods to get the same level of nutrients that you receive in one scoop of Amazing Grass Green SuperFood. And no, I do not work for the company.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I was not expecting this to taste like a milk shake by all means, but the taste was pretty tough to take. I purchased this for its nutritional value. Based on others reviews mentioning that it did not taste good, I understood it may not taste the best. I thought - oh I can handle it not a big deal. I was wrong. In order for me to drink it I had to put a scoop of it in very hot water in a cup with a lid, shake it up, then drink it as though it was a tea. It definitely has a strong grassy taste to it and you really have to taste for any hint of berry in it.I am giving this product a 3 for the taste. I will say that I did notice an increase in my energy level from drinking it though in comparison to other green super food supplements I've taken. If you can stand drinking grass, and getting a decent energy booste, I'd say this one is for you. If you are expecting this to taste like berries with a hint of grass in it, this product is not for you.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I probably sound like a late night infomercial, but I've honestly had amazing results with this SuperFood and I love it!I already live a fairly healthy lifestyle to begin with, but found myself dragging physically and mentally and didn't have that second or third gear that I used to. My acupuncturist recommended taking wheat grass powder to increase my alkalinity and I bought this SuperFood by accident. I decided to use it anyway and I'm extremely happy that I did. After the first scoop I could feel an immediate change in my energy levels. It's not like a caffeine rush, but more like a sustained level of energy and alertness. It's most noticeable for me at the gym as I have a lot more strength and stamina when I'm working out. Another plus is that I have a much more consistent appetite than before. That's a good thing for me and I definitely feel the urge to eat more than I used to...maybe the cleansing effect of all of the extra fiber? I also sleep better too even with the extra energy.I do two scoops with 25oz of water in the morning and two scoops with dinner. The packaging recommends 1-3 per day. You can mix it with shakes, juice, etc, but I don't mind the Earthy flavor. The powder doesn't dissolve entirely so I suggest getting a Blender Bottle so you constantly mix it. It's also convenient for when you're on the go...throw in scoop or two, add water and you're out the door.I really can't recommend this product enough, but please don't think that this is some cure-all if you plan to eat junk food, smoke, drink a lot, etc. However, if you're trying to live healthy and want to improve your energy levels then this is definitely worth giving a try.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I wanted to continue taking a superfood green mix however could not continue spending what I was so on another product, so I researched an alternative. My research led me to Amazing Grass Green Superfood. I love that it is organic and love that it has Maca in it as well. I find that it tastes best with OJ. I also had trouble mixing this to the point of zero clumps. I discovered the perfect way to enjoy this delicious addition to my day and I want to share it with all of you. First, put one scoop in your glass. Then, add just enough of your liquid, I suggest OJ, to cover the powder in the glass. Then, with a knife, stir the mixture so it makes somewhat of a "wasabi/soy" consistency. You want a pasty texture and make sure to mix around the edge of the glass with the knife. Then, pour the rest of your desired amount of liquid on top and mix once more. It ends of perfectly mixed with no clumps. I also want to add that I am a breastfeeding mom. This product does not contain parsley. Many of the other products do. While parsley has wonderful health benefits, I have read it is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers. I hope this is helpful and you should definitely buy this product.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I think the berry flavor is far better than the veggie powder as far as taste goes but I don't mind either one. The nutrition seems the same for either the veggie or the fruit so I would experiement with all of them with flavor. I add this to some juice, kefir, some coconut oil whatever, but I always add stevia with it. I think this is a very cheap insurance to staying or getting healthy. I battled with my health my whole life. I try now to stay as natural as I can with my health care now. It leads me to `well' a lot quicker. I was one of those DES babies you may or may not have heard about. Our mothers took DES which was a drug to prevent a miscarriage but what happened was it caused problems with the baby and left a compromised immune system. This is why my whole life it has been one thing after another. Well, THIS powder is fantastic. When I take this consistently I have far more energy and I just seem to stay well. When I get lazy about it and stop taking it I have no energy, I get foggy brained, down in the dumps. Big difference. I figure if I take this in the morning, the rest of the day is covered as far as my fruits and veggies are concerned. What I do eat on top of this is a bonus! If you `really' really can't stand the taste then add the stevia, add fruit, juice whatever, it so worth taking this powder!! Personally I have no problem with the flavor. I have the super foods on auto-ship. That is a great program to save money when you know you will use the product all the time. I like that you can cancel anytime if you want to. Five starts from me!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I love this stuff! The first few times I took it, I noticed that later on in the day I felt that I had more energy. I had forgotten that I had taken it and was wondering why I felt better on those days. The only difference that I recalled is that I took the greens earlier that day. I have been using this product for over 2 months now and I now generally feel better. This was an added bonus to me because my reason for buying this product is that I wanted to do something more for my health for the long term benefits. I think this stuff is truly amazing because it has so many health benefits and it so much easier than eating (or juicing) the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day. And for greens, yes, it tastes excellent especially if you mix it with juice. My favorite juice to mix it with is the V8 splash berry blend -Yummy (with crushed ice and a straw :). I'll normally water it down for me and other members of the family just to cut a few calories but for others that really want to mask the "green flavor", I will serve it to them without watering it down. Hope this helps. Cheers!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. TASTE:Ok, so with just water this stuff straight up tastes like rabbit food (no, I have never tasted it but I have smelled it). I didn't know how I was going to stomach this whole tub, even though the ingredients are incredible. I thought I was going to have to revert back to my 7 year old self and each the veggies not because they taste good, but because they're good for you.Lucky for me, I tried mixing it with orange juice and it's 10x better. After just tasting the rabbit food version it makes the orange juice mix taste like bliss. Granted, I'm sure it still tastes like rabbit food and not like the tastiest thing in the world but it's really not bad at all. I was thinking of trying the chocolate version next time but I'm actually enjoying this original now!RESULTS:I just started on this regimen and I already feel so much more energy! I'm an elementary teacher and usually come home and not want to move until the next morning but now I feel ready to take on the world (think Mother Theresa meets Hope Solo). I didn't even look at the advertised energy benefits until now so I'm pretty sure it's not a placebo. It's hard for me to fit in enough fruits/veggies for the day so this makes it a bit easier. If I see any more benefits as I continue on this journey I will make sure to edit!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I'm a long-time and fairly diligent vegetarian. I probably do not require much if any of the supplements in this mix, but a little extra(and this mix will not overload you with potentially unhealthy non-soluble vitamins like certain pills might), is probably beneficial. I do not normally use much if any acai, goji or seaweed related nutrients in cooking or smoothies, so I appreciate that some of those are in this mix as well.The mix is 100% vegan and organic, and my impression is that the ingredients are ethically sourced which is important to me. . .some are even grown stateside. I believe this company sources its organic wheatgrass, for example, from Kansas.On the downside, the apparent quality and organic nature of the ingredients lead to a somewhat costly mix, and the 60 servings in this particular size will go fairly quickly if you rely on this as a central supplement in your diet. Also, while some vegetarians and healthy eaters might enjoy the taste of this item by itself in water or some other mix - taste is largely learned, and if you are just starting to transition to a healthier diet from a more traditional diet this item is likely going to taste strange and potentially unappealing. I recommend adding it to a pre-existing smoothie recipe (probably the best option for new healthy eaters - but make sure your smoothie is healthy too, or you are defeating the purpose) or sprinkling it on some other foodstuff. Do not cook it into foods though, or you will lose many of the nutrients. Also, refrigeration is recommended. I do not even notice the taste when it is added to something else. By itself, it would no doubt be distinctive. I do not know why this company is advertising this particular blend as great tasting on its own - that is not a good approach for a mix of this kind. On the other hand, this company does carry a berry and chocolate flavored blend (and the flavorings truly appear to be "natural") that may prove more palatable to those with pickier taste buds who just want to mix it in water, soymilk or some other beverage.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been drinking this for over 6 months now and really do love it. I do not like drinking it in plain water, though. Instead, I mix one scoop of this with 6 to 8 ounces of Jumex or Kerns guava nectar and it really tastes good like that! I have tried just about every kind of juice with this stuff and have come to the conclusion that The guava tastes the best with it. I also add a tablespoon of melted coconut oil that I take to help control cholesterol among other benefits, and a tablespoon of ground flaxseed. I drink this two times a day. I also take my vitamins with this concoction and it helps me to not get a sick feeling that I sometimes get when taking pills. It looks really yucky and my kids avoid coming in the kitchen when I am drinking this but I feel so much healthier and have so much more energy. Plus, I feel great that I am able to incorporate so many great things into my diet in less than a few minutes a day! After six months of this ritual I have experienced better health, better weight management, higher energy levels and healthier skin, hair and nails.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought a small container of Barlean's from the health food store about two weeks ago, just to see if I was going to be able to handle the taste and texture. Day three I decided to stop ruining smoothies with it and just started taking it in 4 ounces of plain water (actually tasted better that way).However, $23.00 for 15 servings is more than I want to pay on a regular basis, so I ordered the Amazing Grass on Saturday. It arrived today...4 days later. I am impressed!Having just tried one serving, in 4 ounces of water, I have to say that the Barlean's tastes better and has a better texture. But I don't care. I'm not using powdered greens as a treat. I'm using it for better health. And, while it doesn't taste wonderful, it's not horrible either. It takes less than 30 seconds to drink the four ounces, pour in a little more water to swish around to pick up what stayed in the glass and drink that, too.For 30 seconds, who cares if it doesn't taste like a chocolate malt? Use a straw. I do, and it's tolerable.I'll try to remember to update this after I've used it for a couple of weeks. I do like the fact that it has twice as much fiber as Barlean's. The only thing I don't like is that the nutrition label is so tiny you need a telescope to read it.***Okay, I guess the taste and texture bothered me more than I thought it would. Shortly after I wrote this review I went back to the health food store and bought more Barlean's. And I just got an order for a larger container from Amazon this afternoon. So my plan is to mix the two, half and half, and just keep drinking it that way. The Amazing Grass definitely isn't as bad taken this way, though I can still tell it's in there. It feels kind of scratchy on the way down.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I love Green Superfood! I did a lot of research about a nutritious vegan greens powder and decided on Amazing Grass... I don't regret my decision at all! These are whole food, minimally processed naturally antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies. I love the taste--mild and slightly chocolatey. Their other products are nice to try too, even the "Kids" superfood blend. The best thing is that I'm not only getting my fruit/vegetables and probiotics (1 billion vegan probiotics) in, but it makes me feel so good! Those rare days when I don't have Amazing Grass, I notice my energy levels are lower. I don't get sick either.Every morning, I look forward to smoothies with Green Superfood powder! The greens are best in a smoothie with fruits--it's very mild when blended with berrries and bananas, some non-dairy milk, and some fruit juice. It is high-quality, so expect it to taste grassy on its own, because it is what it is. That's why I find it fantastic in smoothies versus just plain with water.By the way, Amazing Grass offers a great deal if you sign up on their website to be a "Grasshead" and get recurring automatic orders quarterly or every 3 months with 15% discounts each time. Easy way to keep getting in delicious and nutritious greens!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 60 Servings, Boost Energy
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought this because I felt I wasn't getting enough vegetable in my diet at college, and I'm sure that it has done a terrific job stuffing my system full of nutrients, but I am always hesitant to take it because of a few reasons. First of all, as I'm sure must be expected, this powder (when mixed with water, of course) has a god awful taste. Thankfully, the drink doesn't taste all too bad in the moment, but the aftertaste leaves you looking remarkably like a cat wheezing out a hairball. This might be due to the fact that the powder doesn't dissolve fully into the water, and instead all sifts down to the bottom of the glass, such that when you reach the end of the drink you're literally drinking a gritty green sludge (even if you stir vigorously and then drink it immediately). The only other reason that I have any qualms with this product, is because you're forced to use so much water to mix it into, that you overload your stomach with liquid and it sloshes about for a surprisingly long time. This always leaves me feeling nauseated, and I always end up burping excessively and having the fight the urge to vomit.All in all, I'm happy this product exists, but I wish there was some way to make it dissolve more effectively, or simply taste ever so slightly better. I've heard that mixing in a packet of Emergen-C does wonders for the taste, and I've also considered mixing the powder into something like apple juice to help the taste. In any case, I'd still consider it a worthwhile product with just a few understandable drawbacks.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Raw Reserve: Ultra Premium Greens and Probiotics, 2.5 Servings of Greens per Scoop, Original Flavor, 30 Servings, 8.5 oz
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This green drink, (Raw reserve) is the best tasting green drink I have ever tried, and over the years, I have tried several. I add fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper to it and I actually enjoy the taste. But here is the best part: I recently bought Ph strips to test my acidity (or alkalinity) level at various points based on what I ate. So yesterday evening I had two glasses of red wine. I decided to test my ph (via urine)afterward and I was as acidic as you can be, not good. So I made myself a big glass of Raw Reserve (with lemon and cayenne)and then later tested my ph again to see if it got better. I was in the "ideal" range, in fact at the top of the alkaline range. This drink was the only thing that I ate/drank after the wine and it corrected the acidity that the wine had created in my body. I was very happy about that. Moral to the story--I will never be without this green drink. Other moral to the story: when I partake in red wine (which can be both beneficial and detrimental to one's health)I will mitigate the potential damage with Raw Reserve. This approach can apply to eating animal protein or other acidic foods: if you must eat the stuff, wash it down with Raw Reserve!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Raw Reserve: Ultra Premium Greens and Probiotics, 2.5 Servings of Greens per Scoop, Original Flavor, 30 Servings, 8.5 oz
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Taste: I was wary about the taste after reading reviews before buying but as soon as I opened the jar, smelled the tea like smell and tasted it, I don't blend this with anything - I mix it in with water, which makes prep easy -no blenders, no counter full of fruits, or any of that. As soon as I opened the (glass) jar, I automatically thought of matcha powder. It smells and tastes almost like green tea powder: barely bitter and grassy. But of course, I could imagine blending it with other things to cover the taste, but imo it actually tastes pretty good for a hot day when some grassy flavors are ideal for a refreshing cool taste.Results: For a "Green Superfood" it hasn't altered or change my life in a significant super way or anything, but a plus anyway since it's full of great ingredients and that I notice whenever I'm tired, I start craving this and just a sip or two is an automatic energy boost for me. Maybe that affect is just me, but I would still recommend this as a tea or coffee substitute as an energy booster for those who try it and have the same results.For the Vegetable Haters: I also gave this to friends and family who I knew were trying to go on a detox/ incorporate more vegetables into their diet, but who I also knew detested anything green. I mixed it with some honey and diluted with twice the recommended water amount (bottle says 1 spoon/ 6 oz, I put 1 spoon/ 12 oz) and they happily drank it, loved that it was at par with what they were trying to achieve in terms of vegetable consumption, and agreed with the tea-like taste.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Original Mix (I prefer this one because there is no added sugars)Taste:In a green smoothie: Changes the texture of the smoothie just a bit, nothing too noticeable or annoying. Also adds a different flavor to the overall smoothie that helps enhance the taste when combined with the right greens and fruits.With Almond milk: I am not used to eating sugars and processed foods, so this actually tastes pretty great to me. I saw some earlier reviews complaining about taste and I honestly have no problem slowly sipping on this shake as I drive to work in the morning. I have tasted some horrid protein shakes in the past and this one is delicious!Overall Feeling:I feel fantastic after having Amazing Meal in the morning. Completely clear minded and energized for the day. Even without the accompaniment of a multivitamin, this meal powder stands alone in providing a days worth of energy and clear minded thinking.Cons:I found that I needed to get used to the added probiotic that is apart of the meal. I found myself for the first four or five days, starving only 2 hours after drinking one of these shakes. It was like I couldn't get enough food, I had to eat every two to three hours to stop the hunger. I am unsure whether it has to do with the combo of probiotic or the digestive enzyme that is added. Like I said though, after 5 days that feeling of starving all the time went away. It now fulfills me completely.Overall:This is the best meal shake I have come across thus far in my search for the perfect morning/ after workout shake. I have tried many from whole foods and other various health food stores. The fact that I have decided to actually buy another container of Amazing Meal must mean I really like it! I've been taking it for 2 weeks and, this wasn't my initial intention, but have lost 5 pounds. A nice little added bonus :)Highly reccomened if you are looking for a great protein/vitamin/healthy living shake. Oh and did I mention it is Alkaline based? Perfect!x x
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have multiple food allergies, which makes a grab-and-go breakfast...well...not possible. I wanted a meal replacement shake because I tend not to eat during the day (way too complicated) and not eating actually helps me gain weight. I also have some other health issues--like Hashimoto's--directly related to my allergies. Food is an issue for me, and so is energy and feeling well.I'm not vegan, but I prefer vegan foods for their cleanliness. I can't have soy, but many vegan products are soy-free anyway. I also like whole, organic, Non-GMO foods, and while I prefer Raw, I don't mind non-raw foods, either.I tried several vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free shake mixes: Garden of Life, Vega, Inca Meal, RAW, etc. This is, by far, the best tasting, best "feeling" shake I've tried.I've tried all the flavors--Chocolate is my fave, then Pomegranate (sp?) Mango and Vanilla Chai, in that order. I mix mine is a shaker cup with a little mixing ball. I use Vanilla almond milk and a little agave syrup (I hate Stevia, it tastes like saccharine to me) and sometimes I throw a little extra hemp protein in, chia seeds, and flaxseed oil. I haven't bothered with a blender yet. One day, I'll put it into a blender with some fruit.Let's be real: this is a whole food shake with fruits, veggies, grasses, and hemp protein. This is not a mass-market, full-of-stuff-I-can't-pronounce homogenized drink. This is real food, synthesized down to a mixable level. Dunkin Donuts it's not. So?Truthfully, the pure, clean, feel-good energy I get from this, plus the cleansing, tonifying, and gut-health benefits are worth chugging down a slightly earthy drink every morning. Mixed with vanilla almond milk & a little agave, I actually savor the flavor--not too sweet (sweet in the morning makes me gag) chocolatey and, well, nutritious-y.Try a sample packet (you can get them at your local HFS, usually) and see which flavor suits you. I don't ever like this mixed in water--its just too thin. I DO use it on oatmeal, or stirred into yogurt. This is an awesome product. I just saved $12 over what I pay at WF, plus Amazon will deliver it to me every 15 days so I'll never run out...heaven!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I ordered this after comparing other natural brands such as Vega as a morning and or after workout shake. Although I am still curious about VEGA, I am very pleased that I chose this product instead. I chose this product because it seemed more simple and had no artificial sweetener (including stevia in that category) --stevia hasn't been well tested and there are other drawbacks to artificial sweetener such as deceiving the body's metabolism. I also read that Vega has a lot of Inulin which is a form of fiber that I have read is Not effective and is more of a filler to make things appear high in fiber.Amazing meal in original flavor--When I got it in the mail I was surprised by the small size of the plastic can, but liked the packaging; It is visually pleasing and hopefully easily recycled. It is nice to see the ingredients are grown in America. The powder itself looks green and finely ground. I smelled it and could not tell if it would be palatable. I tasted a little in water and was pleased by the mild earthy taste. I then shook some in a blender bottle with ice and unsweetened soy milk. I was very relieved to find this expensive powder was not only palatable but tasted GOOD (to me). I am one of those people who are Used to the taste of natural foods. I could see myself adding a little honey to enrich the flavor. There is some granular-ness (not exactly gritty) to the consistency, it is not all uniform, but this did not bother me. I was expecting a "grassy" taste as cued by other reviewers but I would call it more of a wheat, nutty flavor. I am very happy with this purchase and will purchase this again if it manages to easily incorporate into my lifestyle. I would like it to be cheaper but I am ok with the quality and price. I bought it on the SUPER SAVER discount for a reduced price for regular shipments. Doing this is easy to cancel if you decide you don't like it.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This is a review of the pomegranate/mango infusion version.The product ingredients are much better than what appears in Amazon's product blurb. The blurb makes it sound like it's sugar (cane juice) with pomegranate and mango added.In fact the ingredients are:(1- proteins) Organic rice protein, organic hemp protein: 15,000mg(2- greens) Organic wheat grass, organic kale, organic barley grass, organic alfalfa: 3,100mg(3-antioxidants) Organic acai, organic carrot, organic blueberry, organic goji, Organic rose hips, organic maca, organic banana: 2,800mg(4-other healthy stuff) Organic flax seed powder: 500mg, plus a small amount of probiotics(5-other not-necessarily-healthy stuff) Organic cane juice, organic guar gum, natural flavorsThis is a good product to try if you want to get some of the benefits of wheat grass, kale, barley grass, etc. but tend to gag on the grass powders. You won't gag on this.If you want to work up to the wheat grass, just add a little bit of that to a big scoop of this pomegranate/mango infusion and then work your way up.I add this to my dogs' food as a supplement. They all love this pomegranate/mango taste. This one lingers on their breath and makes them smell really good for a couple of hours after eating.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. Ordered this item as I am trying to eat more healthy. Was very skeptical at first coz of all the reviews on the taste but I thought that I would give it a shot. I ordered the Mango Pomegranate Infusion and was not disappointed. It is green alright and looked like swamp water, but it has a good flavor to it ( I mixed it with water to avoid extra calories ). The consistency is not too thick or grainy either. I prefer this more than the other green stuff I had in the past. I think that I will continue drinking it once a day from now on. Hopefully it will do what it claims or your healthUpdate; so today 1/22/12 is my second day drinking this swamp water looking thing and I have to say that I like it even more. It has a flavor, but just a hint..a note of fruit flavor in it which is why I like. It is not heavily sweetened and not over powering. If you are expecting a strong fruit flavor to cover up the green, then look elsewhere. For me, I really like it.One month later,2/20/12, I can feel that I am in a very healthy stage of my life. Not to mention that it makes me not want to drink alcohol (which is good), but I believe that it was the reason why my root canal healed in less than two days after surgery. I had surgery on my front tooth (#25) treating my root canal @ 1pm Monday afternoon. And by Tuesday night, I was off pain Jed's and munching on popcorn! Not to mention that I had no swelling at all. What else can it be if not all the nutrients I am getting in addition if my food onus motion. I have moved on to the chocolate flavor and mix it with almond milk and one banana. It is it so good
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. So basically I realized about 3 weeks ago that I hadn't eaten anything but sandwiches, burgers, or fast food, for as long as I could actually remember. I'm 22 and absolutely have not been eating my vegetables. I'm not overweight, because I don't really eat very much, maybe 2 meals a day, but I wanted to make sure I was healthy and nutritious. I started taking a Multi-V (GNC Men's Energy) but needed to it with food, and I normally do not eat breakfast, so I found Amazing Meal.This certainly, by no means, tastes like pomegranate or mango. Get that thought out of your head now and you'll be much better off. It tastes like hay/magic mushrooms with an undefinable whiff of fruitiness (not sweet).To get this down easiest, I mix a half scoop of the powder with a small amount of water, maybe 1 cup. I stir it up until it is very dark colored but not sludgy. I chug that down followed by some clean water. Not to bad. Then I take a quarter scoop of the powder and make a smoothie (frozen strawberries, frozen cranberries, frozen raspberries, half a banana, almond milk, Greek yogurt, and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil (I'm working slowly up to 2 tablespoons)).That's my breakfast. I also take 1 Alpha Brain each day and 2 ShroomTech Immune every other day. It is completely night and day from when I ate unhealthy and didn't take any nutrients. Just three weeks ago. Pretty nuts.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have tried several meal replacement products, and make note that Amazing Grass has this Amazing Meal and also a SuperFood drink powder that looks similar and the same flavors, so I am not sure what the difference actually is, but the word "Meal" in the title meant to me that it was more likely what I was looking for than just a supplement powder. Anyway, the whole family got on a health kick after Mom got cancer and we tried to find the healthiest yet easiest to stick with supplements. After learning of the incredible benefits of wheat grass and the other ingredients in this mix (and yes I know you don't get the full benefit of the wheat grass unless it is freshly cut, juiced and immediately ingested), I decided to give this a try. Although it doesn't keep me from being hungry for more than a few hours, that is with any typical meal that is intended for small portions anyway, it is very satisfying both with substance and taste. My suggested blending one full scoop of the powder with either 10 ounces of Almond, rice, flax or soy milk (or combination), and then one packet of stevia (I personally use Sweet Leaf) and blend with 1/2 cup or so of ice. Any more ice and the consistency is not liquid enough to drink without letting melt or watering down with more milk. I have found the small bit of stevia removes a lot of the in your face grass taste some others have mentioned, and I truly enjoy drinking this rather than having to slam down something I don't enjoy just to get the benefits.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Original, 15 Servings, 12.5 Ounces
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I bought the chocolate infusion. I mixed it with organic whole milk, not using the full 10 ounces, and thought it was pretty drink-able. Not amazingly chocolate-y, but enough that I could chug it without feeling too "healthy". Definitely not something I'd savor though.It did mix up pretty smooth, with little of the clumps that just won't die and had a good texture.All the reviews I read said that they felt energized and full for a long time after they drank it. I drank it at about 2pm and didn't feel particularly full afterwards and now at near 4pm I'm feeling positively hungry. Meal replacement? Perhaps not.Also, I'm still feeling really sleepy so that whole energizing thing? Nah.Noting, a lot of the reviews I read were done around 2009 and were done with free samples. I'm wondering how much of their glowing reviews was based off of psychosomatic happy feelings on getting a relatively good tasting drink to experiment with, how much of it was due to them being people who were already pretty healthy to begin with ( also known as the raw/vegan/scary type who CAN easily subsist off of meal replacement shakes) and how much of it was that Amazing Grass had a better product back then and has since declined in quality.Not to be cynical, but I've noticed that the first year or so of a company putting out a product, they tend to have amazing stuff, and then it usually goes downhill after that. And then there are the others that get bought out and just suck after that. Naked Juice, Burt's Bees, I'm looking straight at you.Meh. I guess I'll finish this container since I already paid for it, but I doubt I'll be back for more.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I had never tried other "green drinks," so reading reviews on this product, I was most interested in what results I could expect from drinking it, and internet searches promised me visibly clearer skin, increased and sustained energy, and regular elimination. I enthusiastically ordered both this flavor and the ORAC one, and began drinking this (mixed with mostly water, a touch of unsweetened almond milk, and some matcha tea powder) with breakfast, and the ORAC (mixed with mostly water and a top off of raspberry crystal light) with lunch. After a month, I can say that I honestly don't feel any miraculous boost in energy or well-being, and my skin hasn't taken on an angelic glow. I feel healthy, but then I always did. And I feel good knowing that I'm getting more antioxidants and vitamins from whole sources, not supplements.As for the taste, I completely disagree with the reviewers who say that this tastes just like chocolate milk. These people clearly weren't raised on Nesquik and Hershey's! Mixed with mostly water, it tastes like what it is: greens and cocoa. You can definitely taste the greens, which took some getting used to for me. And you have to keep the spoon in your glass to keep stirring it up before every swallow. However, now that I am used to it, I really love it, and I look forward to drinking it. Also, some reviewers have said that they have been able to replace coffee with this, and that hasn't been the case with me. I tried. I really did. I even began mixing in the matcha tea powder after a week of groggy mornings sans coffee. Finally, I just accepted that I'm an addict, and I finish my Amazing Grass and then make my coffee.The bottom line for me is that adding a green drink (or two)to your diet will probably not dramatically change your life, but it certainly can't hurt. I've come to the conclusion that the real results will likely come in the form of things that I can't see, like disease prevention down the road. And for that reason, I have this stuff on my subscribe and save list, because an ounce of chocolaty prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. This product IS truly amazing. It tastes wonderful, has organic ingredients, and helped to increase my energy levels and cut down my cravings for desserts and sweets. All you need is one scoop a day (although you can have 1-3 servings). I chose to add mine to soy or almond milk (because there is a lot of sugar in milk) and then I throw it in the blender with what ever fruit I feel like enjoying that day. It tastes like a chocolate smoothie! I am not a mother yet, but in the future I would definitely supplement my child's diet with this (they do make it for children as well). It helps the body get the nutrients it requires and tastes fantastic! By far the best I have ever tried. I read some reviewers had difficulty mixing it, but if you put it in the blender for 30 seconds you don't have to worry about any sediment on the bottom of your glass. I just make sure to rinse the blender before it dries on it because then you have to scrub it a little. If you don't have a blender I am sure you could put it in a cup with a lid and shake it vigorously. Try this, you won't be disappointed. It's more like a treat than a supplement.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I have been taking this Amazing Grass greens powder for over a month now and I have so much energy! I used to drink coffee but this is WAY better than coffee. It makes you feel so balanced. I add it to some high quality whey chocolate protein powder (organic only) and I have energy all day and can think so clearly! You don't come crashing down afterward the way coffee and/or sugar makes you feel. My digestion has improved dramatically. I had been having digestion issues but they went away almost completely. I also drink aloe vera juice to help with digestion, with meals. It would be better if this had aloe vera powder in it actually but it is great on it's own. Trust me this stuff really is amazing!I first start out my day with a cup of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. Then I take these greens with the protein powder and make a shake. Then I have a little oatmeal separately with lots of cinnamon (either before or after the shake). I am not hungry for hours. I don't crave sugary things like I used to, and I never get too hungry to ever eat more than I should. I told all my family and friends about it. It's that good! And the price can't be beat. One of the cheapest greens products on the market. Highly recommended.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I am pretty new to superfoods and raw foods. I mainly bought this because I just had a baby and was trying get back into shape by doing more for my body such as exercise and eat better. The baby keeps me so busy throughout the day and I was exhausted all the time, I also knew that not eating as well as I should had a lot to do with it.My first impression upon opening the container is that it smelled a little grassy, but that could be normal for superfoods. I tried mixing it with some milk the first time and did not like the taste at all. Looking back, it may have been because it didn't dissolve well. Thankfully, I didn't give up and throw it out on the first try. I re-read the instructions to see that they recommended dissolving it first in an ounce of water before adding to to your drink of choice and when I tried it this way---SO MUCH BETTER! After trying it a couple of different ways, I now replace breakfast or lunch with a scoop of this mixed in a a vanilla protein shake. Sometimes I add a little peanut butter or peanut butter & banana. The shake optionin my opinion is definitely the most delicious way to drink this. When I don't have time for that I just mix it with some vanilla almond milk (doesn't taste as good-but still pretty good).The most important discovery about this stuff is that it has given me tons of energy throughout the day. It is amazing how good I feel. I was a big coffee person but this stuff works better in the morning than coffee in my opinion. With that said, I HIGHLY recommend those with sleep issues NOT to take this at night. I originally was taking this at night until I figured out this was the reason I couldn't get to sleep. Bottom line...tastes great, gives me great energy throughout the day, and as a result, I am sleeping a lot better at night. I highly recommend this product but do experiment with it a little if you need to find a taste that suits you best.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I've tried both the original unflavored powder and this chocolate one. And also other products.One other reviewer said that this is just the unflavored powder plus a hint of chocolate and doesn't taste that much better. I disagree. These things are never meant to satisfy tastebuds, but the chocolate one is still much easier to drink down than the original. It has just enough chocolateness to distract you from the otherwise very healthy and grass-y flavor (though freshly juiced wheatgrass is still much stronger). I can just mix this with water and it goes down easy enough, unlike the original flavor, where I really have to force myself swallow or mix it with juice/protein shake to ease up the taste.As for the effectiveness, I really don't feel any energy-boost from it. However after two month and 3 cans of this stuff (2 chocolate ones and 1 unflavored), I can tell that my skin has a healthier look, and I in general feel cleansed internally and mentally. One of the most noticeable effect is that I poop a lot better with this. I'm not like constipated or anything, but this stuff takes it to another level. When my first can ran out I didn't restock for a month because I was sprouting alfalfas and thought that that plus some occasional wheatgrass shots would be good enough. However, during that month I could tell what my body missed without this stuff, so I immediate subscribed on amazon again.In general if you don't eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, you will find having this powder in your diet does help a lot. Even if you already do, this is still a nice add-on. The hint of chocolate is very helpful in making this healthy drink more drinkable. I recommend this.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I ordered this with trepidation. I've never been able to swallow green food mixes, other than Green Magma (which is not "mixed", but just barley grass). Wheat grass makes me gag. Literally--cannot swallow it. My body rejects it and I gag and spit it out. So, over the years, trying green foods trying to find something I can swallow has been trying.Well, there ya go. This one works.I ordered it on the basis of numerous positive flavor reviews and I liked the list of nutrients/enzymes.30 calories per serving of 8 grams= 1 g fat, 2 g protein, 4 g carbs (2 g fiber), 65% Vit A, 30% of C and K, 15% of B12 and Riboflavin, 6% of iron and manganese; organic grasses (wheat, barley, alfalfa, spirulina, spinach, broccoli, chlorela); with antioxidant from maca, acai, carrot, rose hips, beet, pineapple, green tea, acerola cherry. Fiber from apple pectin, organic oat powder, organic flax seed powder. Also L acidophilus, peppermint, Siberian eleuthero root, and sea salt.The flavor is pleasant. It's like the taste of bitterish dark chocolate bars with a grassy undertone that isn't offputting. It's not like it's a chocolate malted or anything, but it works fine for me. I can drink this. I do not gag. Yay.I will reorder this. I like the healthful profile and the flavor.UPDATE: Okay, I didn't really expect a noticeable effect from this (I mean, I've had superfoods before and didn't suddenly go change the world or anything), but I have actually noticed an uptick in my energy after adding this to my pre-workout smoothie and my pre-chore protein drink. I've been adding it to BSN sytha-6 chocolate protein mix with an extra teaspoon (heaping) of Raw cacao (organic), and it's a nice flavor combo. I think it would be great with a banana, too, for extra potassium (a chocobanana vibe).Maybe it's placebo. Who knows? But as I wasn't thinking I'd notice a change, maybe not. But wow, I do feel an energy surge in the afternoon when I usually have a slump and I get through my 55 minute personal training session with more oomph.
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. I am a college student of health sciences and the mother to a 3 yr old toddler. I personally show very little response to "placebo effect" situations and I am a true skeptic at heart. I originally found the "kid" version of this product for my daughter while searching for something to boost her immune system. I spent hours on the computer researching the ingredients of these products. I decided to try the adult version for myself and I can honestly say that the Amazing Grass Superfood Powders have made a huge improvement in both of our lives. My daughter attends daycare and with that setting comes frequent colds/flus, some serious. She spent the better part of each month with varying degrees of sickness. Since we have using the Superfood Powders (months), neither she nor I have gotten sick. We spent time with my parents who were both very ill while she and I remained in good health. I have a greater amount of energy since using this product as well. I have chronic fatigue but the effects are greatly reduced since drinking this powder. It is also nice to know that my body is getting the nutrients it needs to perform well. It is difficult to include all the necessary foods in your diet that your body needs to thrive but the Amazing Grass products take care of that.Who cares whether or not it tastes "just like chocolate milk"? It isnt meant to be sold as a dessert drink. It is meant to keep you healthy. I mix one scoop of powder with 8 oz of almond milk and add 1 tsp of Ovaltine. It tastes great. No, it doesnt taste just like chocolate milk but it is definitely palatable and does not need to be consumed "fast". Anyone who has tasted pure Spirulina powder can agree that this is MAJORLY masking the flavor of its healthy ingredients!!Overall, EXCELLENT product! I am getting ready to purchase my 4th jar!
Amazing Grass
Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Chocolate, 30 Servings (Packaging May Vary)
Summarize the following Amazon reviews into 70 to 100 words while maintaining the user experience, and write it in first person perspective Also, find the overall sentiment of the following text, and show me the important aspects of the text. As of this review I'm on day 4 of using this product. Have to admit that I was very surprised by how good this product is. Very good chocolate flavor, no grittiness or "grassy" flavor of the Amazing Grass Green powder, although I love that product as well.One of the things I missed the most in my transition away to a low-refined carbohydrates/sugar diet were chocolate milkshakes, and all the previous substitutes that marketed themselves as that were never satisfying, similar to the feeling of drinking a diet coke instead of a real coke with real sugar. I think I may have found a recipe that is very close alternative that's not only far healthier, but REALLY good as my morning meal replacement when I don't have time to cook breakfast, and it keeps me easily satiated until well after lunchtime. The benefit of that of course, is because I'm not starving for lunch or completely lacking in nutrition, it makes it much easier to make healthy choices during the lunchtime, instead of opting for the junk food my body would normally crave by that point.Here's what I make every morning in my blender if I don't have time for a proper breakfast8 oz Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk1 Scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Drink Powder1 Scoop Nature's Life Low sugar, Green Whey Pro-96 (or your own low sugar whey protein mix, this one tastes great, the packaging is pretty over the top however)1 Scoop Flaxseed powder.1 packet of Stevia powder.Tastes really a lot like a chocolate milkshake, certainly enough to I can't claim that I feel a boost of energy that others are commenting on here, I'd say it's more of an evening out of my energy levels that keeps me going. I definitely don't need several cups of coffee I previously did to get going anymore, which is great. Will update as I finish the jar.
Amazing Grass