1 value
[13:39] <dark-sun> salam [13:50] <dark-sun0> !kill dark-sun [13:51] <dark-sun0> lubotu3`: don't pm me! i hate you bots! [13:51] <lubotu3`> dark-sun0: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:51] * dark-sun0 sighs...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "dark-sun", "dark-sun0", "lubotu3`" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[16:35] * c_smith hands out nukes [16:37] <wxl> c_smith: what we supposed to do with these? :) [16:39] <c_smith> woops, wrong chat. [16:39] <c_smith> yeah, that shows I'm still waking up. XD [16:39] <c_smith> I usually mess around like that in #linuxdistrocommunity [16:39] <c_smith> it's a running joke we have there. [16:40] <c_smith> wxl, it's looking like this release party might not happen (as you can tell from the recent emails) [16:40] <c_smith> kinda ran out of time with the little time I had that I wasn't busy [16:42] <wxl> c_smith: c'est la vie, i guess. i am looking forward to actually being there this time :) [16:44] <c_smith> yeah, the emails are there to read [20:52] <bkerensa> c_smith:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bkerensa", "c_smith", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-or" }
[07:50] <HeMan> Morrn! [07:51] <maxjezy> mORRNi [07:51] <Linda^> hej [07:54] <gkeen_> morgon [09:50] <maxjezy> micropizza till lunch nurå! [10:47] <NeverW8> maxjezy: lyxigt, en annan skippar lunch delvis för att jag inte är hungrig och för att sluta tidigare [10:50] <Barre> jag kom så sent till jobbet idag så jag kompenserar med att gå lite tidigare [10:53] <maxjezy> jag gick hem från jobbet en fredag i september och gick aldrig tillbaka. [10:55] <NeverW8> lol Barre maxjezy [10:55] <maxjezy> men jag har ingen förklaring till varför jag äter micropizza när jag endå är hemma och kan laga något vettigt. [10:55] <maxjezy> dricker 0,5 liter cocacola gör jag med. [10:55] <NeverW8> För man är lat och vill spendera tiden som tar att laga mat på något annat kanske maxjezy :P [10:55] <NeverW8> maxjezy: kexchoklad och monster vid sidan av mig [10:55] <maxjezy> ja, jag har ju diskat igår så [10:56] <NeverW8> Inte jättepoppis bland alla andra gubbar kan jag säga [10:56] <maxjezy> är man fet och äter godis så sticker det i ögonen på folk [10:56] <maxjezy> fattar inte varför [10:57] <NeverW8> lol x) är inte tjock, snarare tvärtom :P mest det att om man är på ett stort företag som har vissa normer så brukar det inte vara så populärt [10:57] <maxjezy> jag är fet :) [10:57] <maxjezy> eller, jag har gått ner 9 kg nu sen i jul så snart är jag inte så fet [10:58] <NeverW8> maxjezy: då är du guldvärd, de tjocka personerna är ju de bästa [10:58] <NeverW8> enda folket som vet hur man lever livet [10:58] <NeverW8> Visst tjockar jag mig en del, dock skulle jag säga att min största anektdot är snus, men men, vissa grejer klarar man sig inte utan [10:59] <maxjezy> jag är inte tjock, har bara sån där ölkagge [10:59] <NeverW8> Nä om man kanske skulle fixa denna dumma server så man kan dra på möte.. [11:01] <maxjezy> kanske är lika bra det [11:01] <maxjezy> här blir det inte mycket gjort framför bokstäverna på plastbrickan framför mig [11:02] <NeverW8> Du kan få fixa klart mitt raid 0 script för två diskar i en lvm uppställning :P [11:02] <maxjezy> är det någon här som hyr ut datorkraft? [11:04] <Barre> NeverW8: antar att du skall skapa en VG med två PD och en LV som är R0? [11:06] <NeverW8> Barre: vg:n är redan skapad, bara ilo som krånglar på maskinen, raid-controller är tydligen förstörd genom någon firmware update.. såg det nyss -.- [11:06] <NeverW8> Barre: det är faktiskt 18 PD, varav 2 ska vara R0 och 16 under LV'n [11:07] <Barre> NeverW8: ok, hänger inte riktigt med men det blir säkert bra :) [11:07] <NeverW8> System på två raidade diskar och data-pass på de 16 återstående diskarna :P [11:08] <NeverW8> fuck it, gör det genom bios istället [11:08] <Barre> ahhh.. I see. [11:15] <maxjezy> [14:25] <Guest40823> Hej, finns det några Linux träffar i Malmö trakten? [14:25] <Guest40823> Hittade gamla trådar angående Linux träffar, men vet ej om de e aktiva... [15:23] <Barre> "shutdown -h now" samt avstängning i unity-meny resulterar i reboot. Har satt acpi=noirq i grub, stängt av allt som har med "WoL, wake on X, etc i BIOS".. någon som har nått tips på nästa steg? [15:35] <Amoz> Barre, hw fel? :P [17:07] <bamsefar> Barre: [21:38] <einand> maxjezy: beror på hur den är gjord.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Barre", "Guest40823", "HeMan", "Linda^", "NeverW8", "bamsefar", "einand", "gkeen_", "maxjezy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[09:57] <froover> Пользуюсь Evolution для почты, обратил внимание, что конвертик на верхней панели (ubuntu c unity) отображает кнопки соответсвующим почтовым ящика рядом с кнопками "Написать письмо" "Контакты", только в том случае, если это почта не от гугла, гугловская почта в спи [09:57] <froover> ске отсутсвует, и мне кажется из за этого конвертик не возвращает свой активный вид в нормальный после того как я прочитал новое письмо. [09:57] <froover> Кто ещё сталкивался с этим? [09:58] <froover> разумеется, я пробовал очищать все конфиги в хоме от evolution, и тестировал пару гугловских ящиков, наравне с яндексом и маил ру
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "froover" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[06:15] <akis24> giorno [06:44] <bilottoroberto> salve a chi posso chiedere assistenza tecnica? grazie [06:45] <Luciph3r> bilottoroberto: scrivi il problema [06:46] <bilottoroberto> salve...all'improvviso non si collega più a internet non vede le schede di rete....dice <<il servizi di rete di sistema non sono compatibili con questa versione" [06:46] <bilottoroberto> ora sto utilizzando un secondo pc [08:05] <jester-> 'ngiorno [11:00] <bipp> Ciao a tutti :) [11:00] <jester-> !ciao | bipp [11:00] <ubot-it> bipp: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [11:01] <bipp> ehy man jester- [11:55] <saluliv> lol a tutti buon giorno e buon pranzo a tutti [11:55] <saluliv> qui date una mano anche a ubuntu gnome o solo unity [11:58] <saluliv> ho installato ubuntu gnome 64 bit su un toshiba l655 i5 4 giga di ram M 450 2,40 GHZ [11:58] <saluliv> il primo problema e che no mi legge 4 ma solo 3 giga di ram [11:59] <saluliv> e quando lo accendo già 1,60 giga di ram se ne vanno senza aprire nulla [12:02] <saluliv> che dite meglio tornare a unity ?? [12:02] <saluliv> grazie della risposta [12:05] <saluliv> ragazzi ma krabador che fine ha fatto [14:40] <alessandroalb> salve a tutti [14:41] <alessandroalb> Qualcuno sta testando le versioni 15.04 beta 2 ? [14:45] <cybernova> alessandroalb, se hai bisogno per problemi relativi alla 15.04 devi andare nel relativo canale di supporto #ubuntu-it+1 [14:53] <alen> salve ragazzi problemi con ubuntu gnome [14:56] <alessandroalb> cybernova, grazie [14:57] <alessandroalb> e scusate [14:57] <krabador> alen: al momento sono in conferenza [14:57] <krabador> alen:chiedi direttamente qui in canale [14:59] <alen> allora ragazzi e ragazze io uso ubuntu gnome, e tutt'un tratto dopo un aggiornamento no mi ci fa entrare piu nel sistema e in nessun modo neanche per salvare i dati delle cartelle ma e possibile che ogni volta con ubuntu facendo aggiornamenti succedono problemi spero di essere un caso a parte [15:00] <bip> alen, puoi dettagliare --> no mi ci fa entrare piu nel sistema [15:00] <cybernova> alen, non ti ci fa entrare più nel senso che non riesci a loggarti oppure non ti carica ubuntu? [15:03] <alen> bip e cybernova al termine dell'aggiornamento di cui no ne so il motivo, riavviandosi no si è più avviato e neanche dal bios con usb o dvd con un altro sistema live riesco ad entrare no mi da nessun codice di errore o altro [15:04] <cybernova> !ripristino | prova a seguire qua alen [15:04] <ubot-it> prova a seguire qua alen: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: [15:05] <cybernova> alen, segui in particolare questa guida qui: [15:10] <alen> si ragazzi grazie ma come già vi ho spiegato no mi fa entrare ne da usb ne da dvd o cd avviabile ce solo una schermata nera con la luce dello schermo retroilluminata [15:10] <alen> credo che sia l'ora di migrare ad un altro sistema e mi dispiace tanto [15:10] <alen> :( [15:11] <cybernova> alen, non leggi quello che ti consiglio, la guida dice di premere shift per entrare nel menu del grub per poi poter fare il recovery [15:11] <alen> perchè raga no e la prima volta che ubuntu mi gioca questi scherzi e che prima c'erano meno aggiornamenti per la sicurezza ora invece sono giornalmente [15:11] <alen> gia provato cybernova niente da fare [15:11] <cybernova> alen, balle, il grub parte prima che lanci ubuntu [15:12] <alen> ma se no parte neanche il bios scusa [15:13] <cybernova> alen, e se non parte il bios non centra neanche ubuntu [15:13] <alen> come faccio ad andare nel sistema operativo se no parte il bios dove e montato cybernova mi dispiace per te ma il caso purtroppo e questo [15:13] <alen> ma la luce dello schermo e retro illuminata l'harddisk lo sento girare [15:16] <cybernova> alen, fisso o portatile? [15:17] <alen> portatile cybernova ho tolto anche la batteria e fatto partire da corrente diretta niente da fare e ubuntu che fa sti casini ribbadisco dopo aggiornamento [15:17] <alen> questa e la mia email raga ora vado a lavoro vi ringrazio se so altro ritorno [16:06] <pinglix> salve devo copiare 230 Gb di documenti da NTFS a EXT4. Su NTFS occupa 230 GB su EXT4 mi chiede 450 GB e mi dice che non ho spazio sufficente [16:13] <widecurio64> salve a tutti, ho reinstallato kubuntu 14.10 dopo aver avuto dei problemi ma ora non ho più la selezione del sistema operativo, che faccio? [16:13] <widecurio64> P.S.prima avevo dual boot con windows 8 e kubuntu [16:14] <krabador> !grub | widecurio64 [16:14] <ubot-it> widecurio64: | Per ripristinare Grub: [16:16] <widecurio64> ok grazie, ma avrei un altro quesito, come installo wine? [16:17] <pinglix> qualcuno mi può aiutare ? perchè EXT4 mi chiede il doppio di spazio ? dipende dal block size ? [16:36] <GIULIA> ciao. ho un hp 255 G1 notebook -pc non riesco a usare la stampante canon pixma ip 2700 [16:46] <GIULY> ciao non riesco a stampare con la canon pixma ip 27000 su hp 255 notebook pc [16:46] <jester-> GIULY: non è questione di marca pc [16:47] <jester-> GIULY: tipo ubuntu? [16:47] <GIULY> era per dare piu dettagli possibili [16:47] <GIULY> 12 04 lts [16:47] <jester-> installandola risulta in nota? [16:48] <GIULY> scusa 14 04 lts [16:49] <GIULY> al momento e staccata perchè èun po di mesi che non la uso.. [16:49] <jester-> GIULY: qualsiasi stampante va installata e se supportata dovrebbe essere nella lista installazione [16:51] <GIULY> mi puoi assistere nel reistallamento? [16:51] <jester-> GIULY: impostazioni sistema stampanti e scanner [17:36] <GIULY> non e cosi semplice installare la stampante [17:37] <GIULY> mi guidate su qualcosa di affidabile e recente? [17:54] <dadexix86> GIULY, marca e modello? versione di Ubuntu? [19:05] <akis24> sera [19:43] <Christian79> Buona sera a Tutti [19:44] <akis24> sera Christian79 [19:44] <Christian79> posso chiedere il vs aiuto su una "stupidata"? [19:45] <akis24> Christian79: esponi pure se qualcuno sa ti risponde [19:46] <Christian79> nn so cosa sia successo a mozilla ma da questa sera non riesci piu' a fare la spesa sul sito esselunga [19:46] <Christian79> eseguo l'accesso ma non mi apre piu' le sottopagine [19:47] <Carlin0> Christian79, non credo sia cambiato qualcosa in firefox ma piuttosto nel sito esselunga [19:47] <akis24> Christian79: sicuro non siaun problema del sito? [19:49] <Christian79> con il tabet mi si collega senza problemi, con il pc mi a problemi quando clicco su "frutta" piuttosto che "carne" in basso sull dx mi veine fuori una finestrella con scritto javascript;: [19:49] <krabador> Christian79, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [19:50] <krabador> dpkg -l | grep firefox > file [19:50] <krabador> cat file | pastebinit [19:50] <Carlin0> Christian79, cmq ti confermo che il sito va [19:50] <Christian79> Ciao Krabador sono un neofita... mi ricordi come aprire la schermata per dare i comandi? [19:51] <krabador> ctrl alt t [19:53] <Christian79> Krabador ho fatto install pastebinit [19:54] <krabador> manda gli altri 2 [19:55] <Christian79> con il secondo dpkg... non fa nulla [19:55] <krabador> il terzo ti restituirà un link [19:55] <krabador> incollalo qui [19:57] <Christian79> [20:01] <Christian79> che devo fare ora? [20:04] <Carlin0> Christian79, anche io faccio (ogni tanto ) la spesa da esselunga , con google chrome il sito va a meraviglia [20:05] <Christian79> provo scaircare google chrome? [20:06] <Carlin0> vieni in chat Christian79 ... [20:06] <Carlin0> !chat [20:06] <ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [20:07] <Christian79> se provo a cliccare su [20:07] <Christian79> non mi fa nulla [20:10] <Christian79> Carlin0 se clicco su #ubuntu-it-chat non si apre nulla, che faccio? [20:10] <Carlin0> Christian79, guarda bene che sei gia entrato di la [20:47] <calimero_82> buonasera [20:48] <calimero_82> non so se è un problema relativo alla cpu o alla gpu, ma s'è bloccato il pc e sono apparse delle scritte, potrei postare la foto fatta dal cell? [20:49] <Carlin0> posta che vediamo dai [20:49] <krabador> !image | calimero_82 [20:49] <ubot-it> calimero_82: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [20:55] <calimero_82> [20:56] <krabador> calimero_82, sarebbe stato il caso facesso vedere anche la parte inferiore [20:58] <calimero_82> quello so riuscito a fotografare bene [20:58] <calimero_82> purtroppo [20:58] <calimero_82> scusatemi [21:00] <krabador> calimero_82, cerca di fare una foto della parte inferiore [21:01] <calimero_82> krabador: il problema è che l ho spento già [21:01] <calimero_82> è successo verso le 19 [21:01] <krabador> !veggenti | calimero_82 [21:01] <ubot-it> calimero_82: Gli utenti di questo canale non sono in possesso di poteri magici, non possiedono sfere di cristallo e non sono nemmeno veggenti. Canonical non può permettersi un corso di stregoneria per i suoi collaboratori. Si chiede quindi, gentilmente, di esprimersi in maniera chiara e molto dettagliata. [21:02] <calimero_82> pensavo si potesse capire dalle prime scritture, scusate [21:03] <krabador> calimero_82, al di la della documentazione da redarre, è meglio avere il pc che si intente ripristinare , sottomano [21:03] <calimero_82> m'è stato difficile fare sta foto decente con questo telefonino [21:06] <krabador> calimero_82, quando hai 'sto pc sottomano, torna qui
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Carlin0", "Christian79", "GIULIA", "GIULY", "Luciph3r", "akis24", "alen", "alessandroalb", "bilottoroberto", "bip", "bipp", "calimero_82", "cybernova", "dadexix86", "jester-", "krabador", "pinglix", "saluliv", "ubot-it", "widecurio64" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[16:00] <dansanger> buen dia, tengo una pregunta de usuario basico en ubuntu, alguien me puede ayudar? [16:14] <dansanger> Tengo una Openvpn configurada, puedo ver desde el server a los dos clientes que estan conectados y desde cada cliente puedo ver al otro. Cada cliente tiene una LAN que necesito ver desde cada cliente. He aplicado el routeo que indica el howto de openVPN y puedo ver esas LAN desde el Server pero no desde los clientes, es posible hacer un routing desde el server de manera tal que pueda pasar el traico de la LAN de uno de los clientes al otro [16:14] <dansanger> ? [17:30] <yeroyestark> alguin sabe como crear un canal privado ?? [17:32] <Delltra> nas o/ [17:32] <Delltra> kurama10, o/ [18:51] <successus> salud [19:35] <lorever> -k [19:39] <nahuelon> hola buenas tardes , alguien puede ayudarme con un problema de particiones ? [19:40] <mimecar> pregunta directamente [19:41] <nahuelon> ok mime [19:42] <nahuelon> el tema es que reinstale ubuntu y me quedaron 2 particiones. una es el volumen mas grande y la segunda es donde esta instalado ubuntu. al intentar migrar los archivos para la particion pequeña no puedo dado que no tengo capacidad de almacenamiento. [19:45] <mimecar> redimensiona la partición grande y hazla más pequeña [19:45] <mimecar> o usa un disco externo [19:45] <nahuelon> como hago lo primero mime ? [19:46] <mimecar> supongo que no tienes un backup de los datos importantes verdad? [20:18] <Delltra> nas o/ [20:18] <Delltra> tengo una duda como puedo hacer para que la funcion phpmail() pueda correr y enviar desde un formulario datos a un correo. sin tener que montar un servidor de correo [20:19] <mimecar> o configuras un correo por SMTP o tendrás que poner un servidor de correo [20:19] <Delltra> :( [20:19] <Delltra> correo por smtp ? [20:20] <mimecar> usas una cuenta de correo que ya exista [20:20] <mimecar> aunque corres el riesgo que no lleguen los mensajes [20:20] <Delltra> probare [20:20] <Delltra> :( [20:21] <Delltra> configuro el servidor de correo entrante y de salida ? [20:21] <Delltra> pop y smtp ? [20:21] <mimecar> no, sólo SMTP [20:21] <Delltra> claro solo de salida smtp [20:28] <Delltra> no llega :( [20:29] <Delltra> levantar un servidor de correo cuanto de recurso consume en el servidor. ? [20:30] <mimecar> no muchos [20:33] <Delltra> ?? [20:33] <Delltra> un ejemplo ? [20:33] <Delltra> aproximado ? [20:33] <mimecar> ¿qué recursos tiene tu servidor? [20:34] <Delltra> es una maquina antogua pero aun le queda un par e años de vida hp server tc2120 [20:34] <Delltra> antigua* [20:36] <Delltra> 2gb de RAM [20:36] <mimecar> postfix no necesita muchos recursos [20:36] <mimecar> en su Web te dirán los requisitos mínimos [20:36] <Delltra> postfix es para entrada o salida ? [20:36] <mimecar> salida [20:37] <Delltra> uhm .. :( [20:38] <Delltra> mimecar, ya montaste postfix ? [20:38] <mimecar> desde cero no [20:39] <Delltra> vale voy a verlo gracias.. [20:52] <Delltra> mimecar, necesaria mente tenog que instalar dovecot ? [20:52] <mimecar> ¿te aparece como dependencia al instalar postfix? [21:00] <Delltra> no solo que ando viendo algunos manuales y ponen a dovecot para instalar. [21:00] <Delltra> nose si es necesario instalaro ya que solo quiero que tenga salida para apache [21:01] <mimecar> instala Postfix y sabrás si es necesario [21:03] <Delltra> vale vale [21:03] <Delltra> ya voy [21:07] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Delltra", "dansanger", "lorever", "mimecar", "nahuelon", "successus", "yeroyestark" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[00:49] <jose> jcastro: I have classes, we need to coordinate so I can help you out [03:00] <beisner> ping ctlaugh_ [06:09] <xenon_> hi there! [08:39] <gnuoy> jamespage, have you got a sec for ? [09:09] <cmars> hi cory_fu [09:09] <cory_fu> Hey [09:09] <cmars> cory_fu, i think you're looking for [09:09] <cory_fu> Thanks [10:09] <jamespage> gnuoy, +1 [10:09] <gnuoy> Thanks [10:33] <jamespage> gnuoy, just re-testing the freyes revised pxc HA improvements [10:33] <gnuoy> kk [11:01] <gnuoy> I've just upgraded from 1.22.1 to 1.23.0 (from proposed ppa) and after the upgrade I seem to have the same symptoms as Bug #1438489 which is fix committed. [11:01] <mup> Bug #1438489: juju stop responding after juju-upgrade <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Committed by johnweldon4> <> [11:11] <gnuoy> jw4, am I missing something or could that bug still be present? [11:12] <jw4> gnuoy: I'm concerned that 1.23.0 doesn't have the latest 1.23 fixes [11:12] <gnuoy> ah, that would be not be ideal [11:13] <jw4> gnuoy: that change is in the 1.23 branch, but if you're seeing that error then the version of juju you upgraded to can't have that revision .... [11:13] <jw4> I overheard an issue this morning where the deployed tarball was the wrong version [11:14] <jw4> so it may be an issue that will be fixed soon [11:16] <jw4> gnuoy: hmm; If I'm reading the milestones and releases right it might be fixed in 1.23.1 instead of 1.23.0 [11:16] <gnuoy> jw4, Does that mean that the tools juju plucked from when I did the upgrade might not have had the fix [11:16] <gnuoy> oh [11:19] <jw4> gnuoy: no... the 1.23.0 tag DOES include my fix, so a recent install of 1.23.0 should work (if the tarball was right) [11:20] <gnuoy> jw4, the tar ball you're referring to is the tools downloaded by juju from streams.c.c ? [11:21] <jw4> gnuoy: I think so.. whichever mechanism delivers the actual jujud that is upgraded to. One thing I noticed in your bug report... did you see that error message only once? or many times? [11:21] <gnuoy> let me check, then env is still there [11:21] <jw4> The 'fix' that I put in converted the hard error into just an error being logged once in the logfile but then continuing normally [11:21] <gnuoy> s/then/the/ [11:22] <jw4> (so any other symptoms you're seeing may be unrelated to that specific bug) [11:25] <gnuoy> jw4, I see that message once on each unit, and that appears to be the last message each unit reports [11:25] <jw4> gnuoy: ok.. so it looks like my fix is in. [11:25] <jw4> gnuoy: otherwise the message would just keep repeating infinitely. [11:25] <jw4> gnuoy: what are the follow on symptoms you're seeing? Hooks not firing at all? [11:26] <gnuoy> jw4, but that message appears to be terminal, nothing happens after [11:26] <gnuoy> jw4, right, silence in logs and no hook execution [11:26] <jw4> gnuoy: I'll see if I can reproduce that. [11:26] <gnuoy> jw4, thank you for all your help [11:27] <jw4> gnuoy: thanks for reporting :) [11:50] <jw4> gnuoy: I've reproduced the symptoms [11:50] <jw4> gnuoy: I'll re-open that bug [11:51] <gnuoy> jw4, that was quick, thanks! [11:51] <jw4> gnuoy: thank the team when it's fixed ! :) [17:51] <francokaerntna> hey, anybody of you know what I need to change in my juju config, so that I get 'public' ips in my maas environment? [17:52] <francokaerntna> I entered both networks in maas 'network' tab, added 2 interfaces (one of each network) to the cluster, and even 'juju status' is showing me both networks. any clue?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "beisner", "cmars", "cory_fu", "francokaerntna", "gnuoy", "jamespage", "jose", "jw4", "mup", "xenon_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[01:00] <Mneumonic> Is there a Release Candidate or daily image for Xubuntu 15.04 today? [01:03] <ObrienDave> yes, find you a link in a sec [01:04] <Mneumonic> I treid the daily link but the page doesn't load [01:04] <Mneumonic> i found it! [01:04] <ObrienDave> [01:05] <Mneumonic> Thanks! [01:05] <ObrienDave> welcome [01:05] <Mneumonic> test out the ubuntu mate daily and i liked it, but still prefer xfce [01:05] <Mneumonic> tested* [01:05] <ObrienDave> so do i [01:05] <Mneumonic> Mate has Compiz which I can't stand [01:39] <puff> Hi, for some reason my printer won't print. xubuntu 14.04 LTS, HP Photosmart 6025. I printed the doc, I go to http://localhost:631, look at the printer, it shows the job as held. I click release and it says "job 170 released for printing", go back to th eprinter page and it says "Processing page 1..." And then, after 10-15 seconds, it's back to held. [05:28] <liquidsnake> anyone awake [05:28] <liquidsnake> i'm new to this distro. Just dl'd it and going to give it a test drive [11:29] <oiu> Running a fresh installation of 14.04.2. It's fine now, but after initially installing I was required to enter my password to (un)mount CDs/reboot. Anyone else encounter this? [11:29] <oiu> Seems to have fixed itself after upgrades and a few reboots but I was curious if it was specific to my machine. [13:08] <xubuntu481> Hello, i've got problems with my system [13:10] <xubuntu481> kernel panic not syncing [13:10] <xubuntu481> Can anybody help me please? [13:11] <_1_Karatecitizen> with what? [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> hi all [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> Who uses X2go ? [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> I've got some troubles at using my num pad [14:59] <resetxx> can someone help me with the PLaces panel app? [14:59] <Luyin> !meta resetxx [15:00] <resetxx> when i open a doc with leafpad it is not shown in recent documents [15:27] <resetxx> OUT! [17:11] <chrislp> What's the best filesystem to take advantage of ECC ram on Xubuntu? [17:52] <martinrame> hi, I'm using XUbuntu 14.04 and found a hard to solve issue. After I disconnect to a PPTP VPN, I still can ping to an IP of that network, even if I do "ifconfig" I cannot see anymore the ppp interface. How can I completely detach from the VPN? [17:59] <martinrame> I must add the IP is not on my network. [18:19] <xubuntu22w> hello everyone watching. need help with 9.04 Xubuntu [18:20] <knome> xubuntu22w, xubuntu 9.04 is EOL and not supported [18:21] <xubuntu22w> am taking a laptop (Dell Latitude 6xx) and placing Xubuntu on it. doesn't matter if 9.04 is supported or not. it is the only release i can fit on a 700mb cd [18:22] <knome> xubuntu22w, [18:23] <xubuntu22w> am currently has we speak downloading a 617mb iso of 9.04. will this be all that is needed to burn to a cd? [18:23] <knome> xubuntu22w, yes but it is not supported and i would strongly advise against installing it. [18:24] <xubuntu22w> have no choice. only have internet access on that laptop. and it only has a cd player on it. no usb port [18:24] <knome> xubuntu22w, if you follow the link i pasted, you can read the instructions on installing later versions with a CD. [18:25] <xubuntu22w> if the later versions go pas 700mb i can't use them to burn to a cd [18:25] <knome> xubuntu22w, 12.04 fits on a 700MB cd, and you can actually upgrade it to 14.04. [18:26] <xubuntu22w> thanks, i will look into 12.04. i do believe you are mistaken. [18:29] <xubuntu22w> yea, i went to the website you pasted. it requires the computer to have usb [18:29] <knome> then use 12.04 [18:29] <knome> or the minimal ISO [18:29] <knome> !mini [18:29] <knome> that you can use even for 14.04 [18:31] <xubuntu22w> ok, will go to the next paste you put up. thanks [18:35] <liquidsnake> do i have to run xubuntu as a live disc sesh every time or can i actually install it on my virtual hdd that i created in virtual box? [18:36] <knome> liquidsnake, you can absolutely install it. [18:36] <liquidsnake> ok cool thats what i was thinking but just wanted to make sure [18:36] <liquidsnake> thanx [18:39] <xubuntu22w> knome, thankyou. i see i can just get Xubuntu 14.04 on a mini. now i just need to burn it to a cd ... thanks [18:39] <knome> xubuntu22w, note that you need to select the "xubuntu desktop" task from the minimal ISO [18:39] <knome> xubuntu22w, it is not done automatically for you [18:40] <xubuntu22w> understood Knome [18:40] <knome> xubuntu22w, good luck [18:40] <knome> and enjoy [18:40] <xubuntu22w> thanks goodbye [19:06] <xubuntu42w> hello. I need help please. After installing Xubuntu when loading screen appear it get this error: The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present. Continue to wait or Press S to stop mounting or M for manual recovery. After this screen freezes and cant do anything ... I use encrypted home folder and i choose my swap in installation. [19:23] <xubuntu42w> help pls [19:24] <kys_freenode> Hi, I am using xfce and when pluggin in my external harddrive it is mounted without any rights (drwx------). How can I change this? [19:24] <kys_freenode> its ntfs partition [19:24] <brainwash> xubuntu42w: no one seems to know an answer, try to ask in #ubuntu then [19:26] <brainwash> kys_freenode: without any rights? the owner can read, write and execute [19:26] <kys_freenode> yes ok [19:26] <kys_freenode> but I want to have it 666 or sth so I can access it through nfs [19:28] <kys_freenode> just tried a ntfs stick which worked as desired.. [19:29] <brainwash> kys_freenode: not sure, looks like a nice question for the ##linux channel [19:37] <bekks> You have to mount it like this: [21:55] <peanuts> hi all, anyone good at sound config? [21:55] <peanuts> I want to force sound to always come out of the headphones, never the speakers [21:56] <peanuts> I'm happy to do it hacky - config? write a script that fires a command to revert to headphones every second? [21:56] <peanuts> does anyone know what underlying audio setup xubuntu is using [21:57] <peanuts> i remember alsa from back int he day but it's probably not that anymore [22:00] <knome> pulseaudio [22:00] <peanuts> thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Luyin", "Mneumonic", "ObrienDave", "Saucisse_Cocktai", "_1_Karatecitizen", "bekks", "brainwash", "chrislp", "knome", "kys_freenode", "liquidsnake", "martinrame", "oiu", "peanuts", "puff", "resetxx", "xubuntu22w", "xubuntu42w", "xubuntu481" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[00:01] <ball> I'm using Ubuntu for the first time in quite a long while. [00:04] <ball> For the most part I like it. [00:05] <ball> It seems to work well on my daughter's computer. [00:10] <ball> brb [00:11] <diddledan> hmm, phpmyadmin just surprised me - I created a database and a database_dev and it grouped them in the interface [00:18] <m0nkey_> it does that [00:18] <m0nkey_> has done for a while [00:18] <diddledan> I've not used it in forever [00:19] <ball> Wht does a database_dev do? [00:20] * m0nkey_ thorws ball the extra I and L to attach to the word. [00:23] <ball> I /knew/ there was something dodgy about database people! ;-) [00:24] <diddledan> ball: I meant database as a generic term for a named database - the point was the _dev was appended to the name of another database [00:24] <diddledan> so I created <databasename> and <databasename>_dev [00:25] <ball> Oh, does _dev just signify the development version of a database? [00:26] <diddledan> it's purely semantic - I just chose _dev arbitrarily to mean just that [00:26] <m0nkey_> diddledan, [00:26] * ball nods [00:26] <ball> I get it now. Thanks for explaining. [00:26] <m0nkey_> Weird cpu cooler [00:26] <m0nkey_> I ordered [00:26] <diddledan> o_O [00:27] <diddledan> double decker! [00:27] <m0nkey_> 120mm & 92mm fans [00:27] <diddledan> that really is weird [00:27] <m0nkey_> they say it's comptable with my board, hopefully it is [00:28] <m0nkey_> In fact, I ordered two different ones. This is the second. [00:28] <m0nkey_> Turned out the first I ordered wasn't suitable for my TDP [00:28] <diddledan> :-( [00:28] <m0nkey_> I got to return the first one. Which would have been perfect. [00:31] <m0nkey_> My case is already full of Noctua fans [00:31] <m0nkey_> I'm kinda a fan (heh, get it?) of Noctua [00:33] <m0nkey_> I found the stock Intel cooler not to be up to snuff [00:34] <m0nkey_> Especially for gaming [00:34] <m0nkey_> However, I have the same Intel cooler in my NAS which has a E3 Xeon. That one seems to be just fine. [00:44] <ball> Oh that's weird. I quite Rhythmbox but it's still playing music. [00:44] <m0nkey_> It does that [00:44] <ball> I HUPped it. [00:45] <ball> That put it out of its misery. [00:45] <m0nkey_> Why? Go to the volume control and stop it [00:45] <m0nkey_> HUP is more reload, TERM is to shutdown gracefully [00:45] <m0nkey_> -9 is BURN IT WITH FIRE! [00:45] <diddledan> -9 == -KILL? [00:46] <m0nkey_> kill -9 [00:46] <m0nkey_> Basically pull the rug from under it's feet. [00:46] <diddledan> no, I mean `kill -9` == `kill -KILL`? [00:46] <m0nkey_> -TERM is happier [00:46] <m0nkey_> -9 or -KILL... -9 is shorter :D [01:57] <ball> m0nkey_: HUP did the job. [01:57] <ball> HUP is a hang-up, which is what I wanted. [01:58] <ball> Does ubuntu ship with a GUI-based text editor? [01:58] <ball> (with search and replace)? [01:59] <ball> Oh, found it. [01:59] <diddledan> gedit [02:00] <zmoylan-pi> and about 50,000 more are available... [02:07] <m0nkey_> vim-gtk [02:07] <ball> gedit worked. [06:10] <knightwise> morning peeps [07:53] <MooDoo> morning all [07:53] <directhex_> yes, it is! [07:53] <directhex_> new car day :D [07:53] <MooDoo> yay [08:25] <davmor2> Morning all [09:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Bat Appreciation Day! :-D [09:06] <directhex_> more importantly, happy directhex's new car day [09:07] <JamesTait> And happy JamesTait's new MTB drivetrain day. :) [09:10] <davmor2> JamesTait: close enough right ← popey you'll like this one :) [09:10] <popey> catman [09:11] <davmor2> popey: that has to be it's name and do you think they go in the garden and shout "Dinner, Dinner, Dinner, Dinner Catman" to call hime in? [09:12] <davmor2> -e [09:15] <foobarry> [09:15] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [09:17] <JamesTait> davmor2, nice! :) [09:17] <foobarry> well, i liked all of the origami except the winner which was lame! [09:21] <davmor2> JamesTait: sneaky see nearly caterday so drop in cat on bat appreciation day :D [09:22] <popey> the winner had more 'likes' [09:22] <foobarry> ah that old chestnut [09:23] <foobarry> i think thats why people often do "the 5 with most likes will be entered into a final where the judges choose" [09:23] <popey> yeah, that would have been better [09:24] <foobarry> but hey, its a free comp [09:24] <foobarry> they can do what they like [09:25] <foobarry> i was gonna do a unicorn and airbrush the completed thing it in rainbow colours but i got sick :( [10:20] <diddledan> morning [10:21] <popey> Yes. [10:21] <shauno> :( [10:22] <shauno> this morning seems to be filled with nonsensical tickets from strange countries. I was in no way prepared for this when I crawled out of bed. [10:22] <diddledan> lol [10:22] <shauno> Subject: objects fled far away [10:22] <shauno> "Dear Colleagues, recently I faced with the problem that some of our customers moved in Afghanistan, but they were in Russia. When I try to return object in the desired Russia it disappeared. Have someone of you have this problem and is it a possibility to return the object back." [10:23] <shauno> (I wouldn't bother reading it twice, it doesn't seem to help) [10:23] <diddledan> err [10:26] <zmoylan-pi> send them a cardboard box and a few stamps? :-) [10:28] <shauno> well, I think there's a very obvious answer. I'm just struggling to put it into polite terms. [10:28] <zmoylan-pi> ah well, if you're polite the message has no chance to penetrate that skull... [10:41] <foobarry> write an asnwer and then google translate it into another language and then back again [10:42] <zmoylan-pi> or run it through 3 different languages to maximise the distortion [11:39] <MooDoo> yay [11:40] <zmoylan-pi> realised it's friday or discovered a fiver in pocket you didn't know you had... [11:44] <davmor2> popey, JamesTait : a suggestion for the name of the release :D [11:58] <TwistedLucidity> davmor2: Wibbling Walrus? [12:01] <foobarry> woolly woofter? [12:01] <foobarry> (1980s schoolboy insult) [12:02] <TwistedLucidity> Wacky Wombat [12:10] <TwistedLucidity> So I tried some ramdisk network transfers and got ~71MB/s. About 50% of network capacity. A wee bitty better, still suspect I have some config issues. [12:21] <knightwise> Elementary Freya = prrrretty ! [12:21] <knightwise> have the vm running on a 29 inch widescreen monitor (fullscreen) and its gorgeous [12:22] <knightwise> and pretty snappy too! [12:24] <foobarry> yeah its lovely [12:24] <foobarry> one feature i like is.. [12:25] <foobarry> you get notifications on actions that you ran in the terminal if you susequently switch windows [12:26] <foobarry> e.g. apt-get dist-upgrade, start using chrome in full screen, get a little notification to say the upgrade finished [12:26] <foobarry> also ctrl-c and ctrl-v work in terminal as copy paste in context aware manner [12:34] <knightwise> that is SOO pretty [12:36] <foobarry> maybe compiz conditioned me into expecting poor performance, but its super fast too innit? [12:36] <foobarry> try it on bare metal... [12:39] <ali1234> ctrl-c copies in the terminal?? [12:40] <ali1234> have we found a desktop even more stupid than GNOME? [12:40] <zmoylan-pi> that would be nice [12:40] <davmor2> foobarry: unity8 is much faster than unity7 too :) [12:41] <ali1234> everything is faster than compiz [12:46] <TwistedLucidity> I remember checking it out a while back (pre-Freya). It did look good. [12:46] <TwistedLucidity> CTRL-C/V in the terminal catches me out all the time [12:46] <zmoylan-pi> it should *just* work :-) [12:47] <foobarry> ali1234: its context aware [12:47] <foobarry> << for you windows users [12:48] <ali1234> i don't really see how it can be context aware in a meaningful way [12:48] <foobarry> . If there is some text selected and you press Ctrl+C it will copy the selected text to clipboard. If no text is selected the default behavior will be applied (end process signal will be sent). [12:48] <TwistedLucidity> That's pretty neat. In a dangerous sort of way [12:48] <foobarry> you can disable it if you wish, [12:49] <foobarry> ctrl-c only kills a running command that isn't in background, which is usually poor practice [12:49] <ali1234> i can see it going badly [12:49] <foobarry> thats the kneejerks reaction [12:49] <ali1234> if you want to copy something from the output of a running process [12:50] <ali1234> and it scrolls when you are trying to select, clearing the selection [12:50] <ali1234> and then you accidentally kill it [12:50] <foobarry> measure twice , cut once, or use middle button :D [12:50] <ali1234> i always use middle button [12:50] <ali1234> hat's one reason why i don't like GNOME [12:51] <foobarry> me too, mianly from habit, although when i have to use a windows VDI session i get annoyed [12:51] <knightwise> I think gnome3 is pretty slick [12:51] <foobarry> i tried gnome3 for 6 months and couldn't hack it [12:51] <foobarry> no looking back from elementary after it released [12:52] * zmoylan-pi sticks with xfce for now [12:54] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Did you pay or did you cheat the system by stealing the F/OSS OS? :-P [12:55] <knightwise> I had elementary running on my macbook air .. [12:55] <knightwise> (bare metal) [12:55] <knightwise> it wuzzz perfect ! [12:56] <zmoylan-pi> past tense? [12:56] <foobarry> funny about the elementary pay comments when i'm prety sure ubuntu tried that pay suggestion page for a while [12:57] <popey> not quite the same [12:57] <popey> they're similar, sure. [12:57] <MooDoo> foobarry: wasn't there an uproar about it years ago? they still going on about it now? [12:57] <popey> the comments about elementary were because they posted a blog entry telling people that they're "cheating" by downloading for zero [12:57] <popey> the ubuntu one is still there, and we still get donations from it [12:57] <TwistedLucidity> I don't think Canoncial insulted folks.... [12:58] <popey> which we use to fund lots of things [12:58] <popey> (including community developers going to conferences, hardware, event packages etc) [12:58] <foobarry> popey: didn't they reword the blog almost immediately [12:59] <popey> no, it took a lot of flak before they re-worded it [12:59] <foobarry> they mainly encourage adding $$ to bountysource [12:59] <foobarry> the same day though [12:59] <popey> They also are a little creative with the truth about where the money goes [12:59] <foobarry> i didn't even get to read the original as it happened and changed in a night i think [12:59] <foobarry> [12:59] <popey> yeah, i think cassidy posted it and then went to bed [13:00] <foobarry> as long as its not abused, then bountysource is a good idea [13:00] <popey> It's a very pretty desktop, and they've got some nice touches. [13:00] <foobarry> although i hope it doesn't mean that other bugs don't get fixed [13:01] <foobarry> shame they fell out with joey omg as omg got a lot more boring since then [13:01] <foobarry> (about 3 years ago now) [13:01] <popey> they did? [13:01] <popey> didn't know that. [13:01] <foobarry> yeah [13:01] <foobarry> got a bit frosty [13:01] <foobarry> they are on talking terms again now [13:01] <foobarry> but at one point it was a bit awkward [13:02] <foobarry> joey used to promote them all the time , most days [13:02] <popey> i think joey gets flak from readers for talking about !ubuntu [13:03] <popey> mind you he gets flak from everyone [13:03] <foobarry> i think the disagreement was related to people (inc joey) who suggested they do a ppa for easy access to elementary but the e guys had their goal of making distinct OS [13:07] <foobarry> i gues elemetnary just started as a cool theme back in the day [13:08] <popey> yeah [13:08] <popey> having a ppa would dilute their brand [13:08] <shauno> it still feels like it pretty much is a ppa? it still uses the ubuntu repos, just adds theirs too [13:08] <foobarry> lots of dinstrict things now though [13:08] <foobarry> everything is different [13:08] <popey> if you install freya, you get ubuntu packages and their ppa [13:08] <foobarry> even the greeter, terminal, window manager, etc [13:08] <popey> although I dont see any doc on how they made the iso [13:09] <popey> so no way of knowing what else is in there [13:09] <foobarry> you can build yourself, [13:09] <popey> ubuntu + ppa ? [13:09] <foobarry> since thats what teh kiddies were doing pre release [13:09] <shauno> I had a poke around with it, fairly superficially, but noticed they're still using the normal repo, that's all [13:09] <foobarry> all the desktop env is not common to ubuntu though [13:09] <popey> this is one reason why I think cinnamon got rid of their stable ppa. [13:10] <popey> because if you make it too easy to install your special sauce on ubuntu, what's the point of you existing? [13:10] <popey> someone could do as we did with ubuntu mate, and create a derivative which bypasses them [13:10] <popey> I think that would worry them. [13:10] <foobarry> make it easy = more users [13:10] <foobarry> separate iso = different brand different ideologoy [13:11] <shauno> stop telling your uses they're pirates = more users [13:11] <ali1234> what prevents anyone from just downloading all the src debs and putting them in a ppa? [13:11] <popey> do we know for sure every package on the iso came from the ppa or archive? [13:11] <popey> if so, yeah, anyone could do that [13:11] <ali1234> if we don't know that, why don't we know that? [13:12] <foobarry> i think u guys are looking for issues where there aren't any [13:12] <ali1234> i think the issue is more with ubuntu [13:12] <foobarry> i ran ubuntu+ppa= elementary for ages [13:12] <popey> I'm not looking for any issues. [13:12] <ali1234> it should be reproducable and self-hosting [13:12] <foobarry> and realised some stuff didn't work right (notifications , screen lock etc) [13:12] <foobarry> make ur own iso and be different, [13:13] <foobarry> not just another ubuntu [13:13] <ali1234> i should be able to apt-get install launchpad and have it ready to squeeze out ISOs in under a day [13:13] <ali1234> and those ISOs should be binary identical to the official ones [13:13] <popey> launchpad doesn't build ISOs [13:13] <ali1234> it does however build all the packages in those ISOs [13:13] <popey> indeed. [13:13] <popey> but the isos are built elsewhere [13:13] <popey> !info germinate [13:13] <popey> bah [13:14] <lubotu3`> germinate (source: germinate): expand dependencies in a list of seed packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18 (utopic), package size 19 kB, installed size 89 kB [13:14] <popey> and other stuff :) [13:16] <ali1234> it's good that debian is starting to adopt the reproducible build stuff [13:17] <ali1234> [13:22] <directhex_> mono 4 is reproducible by default, that's a couple of hundred more packages once it goes into the archive [13:25] <directhex_> ali1234: did you see my proof-of-concept for inserting a backdoor into debian, and why reproducible builds would help? [13:25] <ali1234> no [13:26] <directhex_> [13:29] <MooDoo> directhex_: why would you want a back door? [13:29] <popey> proof of concept [13:29] <MooDoo> ah [13:30] <directhex_> MooDoo: i wouldn't personally. but an "evil" debian developer could inject whatever they liked into packages used by thousands or millions of people [13:30] <MooDoo> directhex_: i was speed reading and missed the important part lol [13:30] <directhex_> an apache patch which accepts a special handshake to give local access, fr'example [13:30] <foobarry> directhex_: you are proposing test rebuilds of all binaries and checking hashes? [13:30] <davmor2> MooDoo: to get into the garden normally :P [13:30] <ali1234> foobarry: he's not proposing it, debian is [13:30] <directhex_> foobarry: the reproducible builds project proposes this [13:31] <directhex_> foobarry: we altered mono's compiler to support it [13:31] <foobarry> oh, i read your comment but not the link :D [13:31] <MooDoo> directhex_: just wated a video about debian LTS was quite interesting shame they don't have the money or the amount of developers [13:31] <foobarry> "Debian is working on a new project named “reproducible builds” with the stated goal – It should be possible to reproduce, byte for byte, every build of every package in Debian. " [13:31] <MooDoo> davmor2: shush you lol [13:31] <foobarry> i assumed/thought that was already in place... [13:31] <ali1234> foobarry: not even close unfortunately [13:31] <directhex_> foobarry: nope [13:32] <directhex_> foobarry: for the mono example (which i'm most familiar with), .net binaries contain a timestamp, and a GUID, when compiled [13:32] <ali1234> far too many things embed the hostname of the build machine too [13:33] <foobarry> surprised debian accepts binaries - the binaries that get put on an iso are surely builds from source though? [13:33] <directhex_> foobarry: nope! [13:33] <foobarry> oh [13:33] <foobarry> launchpad does though? [13:33] <directhex_> yes! [13:33] <foobarry> which is probably where my assumption came from, and redhat/centos [13:33] <directhex_> all launchpad builds are from source... assuming you trust the launchpad sysadmin ^_^ [13:35] <foobarry> i couldn foresee a situation where something bad happens and everyone says "how could this have been allowed to happen!" [13:35] <foobarry> could* [13:35] <foobarry> in debian [13:35] <popey> there was a debian talk at fosdem this year where this was discussed (among other things) [13:35] <popey> and the "dirty secret" that some packages in the debian archive were built on developer machines [13:35] <popey> not on buildds [13:35] <foobarry> yay my grass seed and fork arrived. [13:36] <popey> [13:36] <directhex_> almsot every package, in fact [13:37] <directhex_> the debian archive *requires* that devs submit binary packages. the buildd network will compile on other arches as needed [13:37] <directhex_> e.g. for mono, i compile on my amd64 laptop, which generates amd64 and arch-independent packages. the debian buildd network does the arm, mips, etc, builds [13:38] <directhex_> so for every package, one arch (usually amd64 or i386) was done on the developer's pc [13:38] <popey> blimey, didn't realise it was as "bad" as that [13:38] <directhex_> this status quo hasn't been fixed, for 2 reasons: 1) there are 3 packages that cannot be built on amd64 or i386, but are arch:all once compiled. and we have no way to represent this state in a build-everything-on-debian-infra way [13:39] <directhex_> 2) it's felt that without requiring binaries, devs might upload buggy source packages that don't in fact compile [13:40] <foobarry> today i learned what a hoe is for [13:43] <bashrc_> nice [13:43] <popey> for growing pumpkins in minecraft [13:43] <foobarry> apparently its the ideal tool for removing small weeds in your shrub beds [13:44] <foobarry> my life will never be the same [13:47] <MooDoo> foobarry: i'm with popey ;) [13:48] <foobarry> one day i'll actually play MC [13:48] <foobarry> when its free on android [13:48] * bashrc_ has never played MC [13:50] <davmor2> foobarry: it's also useful for quickly chopping in fertiliser to help plant grow too [13:50] <foobarry> ah, nice [13:50] <foobarry> or grass seed perhaps? [13:51] <davmor2> foobarry: no you don't plant grass you lay it on top [13:51] * diddledan restrains comments about hoes [13:51] <foobarry> dutch hoes no less [13:51] <diddledan> oh myy [13:52] <diddledan> reminds me of the story of the lad with his finger [13:52] <davmor2> foobarry: then you spend an age trying to stop the bird eating it all [13:52] <diddledan> lol [13:52] <foobarry> i bought a net [14:03] <shauno> oooh, just got home to find new phone waiting for me [14:03] <diddledan> what'd ya get? [14:03] <shauno> this ubuntu one. I was nosey [14:03] <diddledan> heh [14:06] <shauno> oh. I need a new simcard though. oops [14:07] <diddledan> heh [14:07] <diddledan> there's too many different sizes these days [14:11] <foobarry> i use scissors [14:11] <knightwise> i'll be moving over to my ubuntu phone fulltime [14:11] <shauno> scissors won't make my card bigger [14:14] <foobarry> been locked out of my account 5 times in 2 days :( [14:14] <foobarry> my work account [14:17] <shauno> hm. reboot loop. oops [14:21] <popey> shauno: feel free to join #ubuntu-touch if you want to shout at ubuntu phone devs :) [14:22] <shauno> lol, not yet. I want to play with it enough that I'm not just whining because it's different [14:22] <popey> well, a boot loop is an issue :) [14:22] <shauno> (although yes, first boot, into the indicators, it told me I had to upgrade, so I did. it never came back) [14:23] <shauno> well, not 'had to', but I figure it's usually a good idea because your platforms itterate fast [14:23] <popey> never came back? [14:25] <shauno> it gets to the bq screen, then just flashes on and off like a belisha beacon [14:25] <shauno> so I did up&power until it gave me a little text menu, tried 'normal boot', it did it again. so this time I'm trying 'recovery', which I'm assuming is the sadface [14:27] <shauno> hm, nope, recovery goes back to the belisha beacon, just takes longer to get there [14:28] <popey> would be helpful to raise this in #ubuntu-touch [14:28] <popey> so we can a) debug and b) fix [14:28] <shauno> fair enough. gonna go for coffee first though. let it sit and think [14:28] <shauno> with so few buttons, it seems your options are "press things" or "leave it alone". and I've already tried the first [14:39] <diddledan> push all the things! [14:49] <foobarry> get on a webcam and stream it to the phone chan [14:50] <shauno> heh, it's back [14:50] <shauno> I think perhaps the upgrade/reboot process is just quite noisy .. it just doesn't look convincing [14:51] <shauno> getting there :) trying to put an imap client on now (it comes with gmail but not email :( [14:54] <diddledan> wait, gmail isn't email? [14:54] <diddledan> :-p  [14:54] <shauno> don't get me started :p [14:58] <diddledan> popey: the audio on that fosdem video you posted is terrible - it's silent and then suddenly REALLY LOUD BREATHING and then silent again [14:59] <diddledan> popey: the ubuntu podcast does way better than that :-D [15:01] <shauno> lol, I just found popey in the store [15:01] <diddledan> yey? [15:01] <diddledan> what's he doing in the store? [15:01] <diddledan> can you watch him browsing through the shelveS? [15:01] <shauno> telling me the weather, it seems [15:01] <shauno> I assume it's the same pope, it has that little confused smiley face [15:02] <diddledan> is it inappropriate to call popey the holy papa? [15:02] <shauno> yes. you're creepy enough when you're trying not to be [15:03] <diddledan> lol [15:03] <diddledan> .. since when have I ever tried not to be creepy? [15:12] <knightwise> diddledan: you couldn't if you tried [15:31] <shauno> pft, I need ubuntu to use the ubuntu-sdk? people yell at apple for that :p [15:34] <popey> you can use vim and adb [15:35] <shauno> adb is in the android sdk? I think it'll be easier to stick ubuntu in a VM lol [15:39] <popey> its in the repo [15:39] <popey> and the sdk ppa [15:41] <shauno> ah ok. I found the instructions, but still installing ubuntu so hadn't go that far [15:55] <Myrtti> could someone remind me again how I can find the old kernel packages I can remove to free up space from /boot+ [15:56] * bashrc_ wonders why /boot isn't bigger by default [15:56] <Myrtti> because I made it that way, probably [15:56] <zmoylan-pi> sudo apt-get autoremove? [15:56] <daftykins> apt-get autoremove will remove some older ones, but if you've really got some old cruft on there you should use... [15:56] <bashrc_> I've also had the same issue in the past. There is a way of clearing out old kernels [15:56] <daftykins> "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" [15:57] <daftykins> or just look in /boot and and remove linux-image-3.x.0-##-generic for example [15:57] <zmoylan-pi> i got 1/4 gb back when i ran it :-) [15:57] <bashrc_> but these days it's not as if we're pushed for HDD/SDD space, so I don't know why that partition isn't made bigger by default [15:57] <daftykins> /boot hasn't been a partition for years [15:57] <Myrtti> it is if you've got encryption [15:58] <daftykins> in fact i'm not even sure if the installer ever made it one [15:58] <bashrc_> yes [15:58] <daftykins> well yeah but you have only to look at the number of tears falling down peoples faces in #ubuntu to have feelings about encryption there :D [15:58] <bashrc_> I always use full disk encryption these days [15:58] <daftykins> plus its' major bugs such as yeah - making a tiny /boot [15:59] <Myrtti> The upgrade needs a total of 99,0 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 20,5 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. [15:59] <Myrtti> bah [16:00] <daftykins> Myrtti: yeah, so list the kernels? :) [16:00] <bashrc_> I suggest that this kind of stuff should be automatic these days [16:00] <daftykins> or you might have root 5% reserved on which'd take some [16:01] <daftykins> a quick tune2fs to disable that might help a tiny bit [16:01] <daftykins> well it is with autoremove - but you can't go stealing someones older kernels automatically :) you need a fallback sometimes [16:02] <bashrc_> true, but the average user probably doesn't need to keep five kernels and when this problem occurs it breaks system updates [16:03] <daftykins> only for those with nuts partitioning :> so as long as the encrypted /boot size has been fixed in the installer, it should be good [16:04] <Myrtti> I swear to god I already uninstalled these once [16:04] <daftykins> use purge perhaps [16:05] <daftykins> i did have someone the other day who i told to remove them, then they were still there in /boot - was a bit weird [16:05] <Myrtti> yeah, purge is a given [16:06] <daftykins> i don't think so, not normally necessary [16:42] <davmor2> m/me listening to Stairway to Heaven LOUD why cause it's still sounds great :D [16:42] <davmor2> -m at front don't know where that came from [16:44] <zmoylan-pi> that's the keyboard vibrating under your hands... [16:51] <daftykins> :> [16:51] * daftykins does a Waynes World and points at the "No Stairway" sign in the music shop [16:57] <zmoylan-pi> denied... [17:02] <davmor2> 404: Stairway not found [17:02] <daftykins> hahaha [17:02] <daftykins> i finally reinstalled my web server VM to trusty last night \o/ [17:03] <daftykins> very smooth just scp'ing over the document root, setting up a clean install with the same passwords then a quick mysql dump of the database and restore [17:03] <daftykins> but my word how the apache2 configs have changed since 10.04 :P [17:04] <zmoylan-pi> ok i want to see this film :-D [17:04] <daftykins> can you say what it is so i don't have to click? ;) [17:05] <intrbiz> daftykins: is 10.04 Apache 2.0 ? [17:06] <zmoylan-pi> and miss out the supreme 80ness and cliche ridden wonderfull ness of kung fury?? :-) [17:06] <shauno> reminds me of one I heard re: traffic volumes. a highway to hell vs a stairway to heaven [17:06] <daftykins> intrbiz: yip [17:28] <shauno> curious, does android have a swipe-action on every edge like this too? [17:28] <brobostigon> like this? ubuntu touch? [17:29] <shauno> yeah [17:29] <brobostigon> not on its own, but there is certain sw to add similer, yes. [17:30] <brobostigon> like gmd gesturecontrol. [17:33] <shauno> hm, okay. just curious where they got that idea from. most of it's pretty logical, bar that [17:33] <Myrtti> where did I see someone giving a tip on Chrome on HiDPI? [17:34] <Myrtti> was it popey [17:34] <popey> no [17:34] <Myrtti> it was yesterday or today... gah [18:09] <shauno> well, I'm curious to see what I can build on it. but I'm not sure I'll actually use it as a phone. the UI is just way too combersome [18:14] <davmor2> MooDoo, popey: you guys should be owld enough to know the lyrics "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and style" [18:19] <ali1234> shauno: the android camera app has edge swiping [18:20] <ali1234> most apps don't have an action on every single edge [18:20] <ali1234> most of the standard ones use the left edge for opening the sidebar [18:20] <shauno> I think I'm just frustrated because the most common thing I find myself doing is repeatedly trying to hit the little < to go back a page [18:21] <shauno> eg, read an email, go to read the next email .. you're stabbing tiny targets to get back to the mailbox [18:21] <shauno> there's probably a lot of ios bias there where that's what I assume the left side is for [18:22] <shauno> but I'm not sure it helps that while you can swipe left/right on the header bar in scopes, you can't do the same for the header bar anywhere else [18:22] <ali1234> ingmail the left and right edges move to the previous/next email thread when in message view [18:22] <ali1234> in mailbox view it opens the sidebar [18:22] <ali1234> oh and you don't need to swipe from the edge [18:23] <ali1234> also theres two back buttons, the OS one at the bottom and one in the top left [18:23] <shauno> right, I'm on the ubuntu one .. no hardware back [18:23] <ali1234> my phone can't reliably tell the difference between a swipe and a tap anyway [18:23] <ali1234> oh yeah the ubuntu UI is a bit strange [18:23] <ali1234> it used to be you had to swipe up from the bottom to open a menu before you could even see the back button [18:24] <ali1234> i don't know what it's like these days but i heard they got rid of that bottom menu entirely [18:25] <shauno> (I'd also love to know how to stop the 'vibrate any time I tap anything' thing. I thought I turned it off in the settings, but a couple of apps still do it regardless) [18:25] <ali1234> report bugs [18:25] <ali1234> then go to irc and complain loudly [18:26] <ali1234> then when they sarcastically ask if you reported a bug, whip out the URL [18:41] <daftykins> ali1234: not very funny to enable #ubuntu-ees to act even more atrociously :( [18:41] <daftykins> unless this is another thing :D [18:42] <ali1234> what is ubuntu-ees? [19:14] <diddledan> is it time to stop working yet? [21:17] <diddledan> ooh, I got a reply from canonical legal :-) [21:18] <diddledan> "we're looking into your request and will get back to you shortly" [21:22] <intrbiz> diddledan: request for what? [21:23] <diddledan> trademark usage [21:27] <shauno> o_O [21:30] <popey> for what? [23:02] <ali1234> Azelphur: do you know of a self-hosted video streaming platform like [23:02] <ali1234> (or anyone else)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JamesTait", "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "TwistedLucidity", "ali1234", "ball", "bashrc_", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "directhex_", "foobarry", "intrbiz", "knightwise", "lubotu3`", "m0nkey_", "popey", "shauno", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[07:25] <luzifer9999> Guten Morgen, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Usern das einbinden von USB-Sticks zu verbieten? Wir verwenden derzeit unter /etc/modprobe.d/nousb.conf 'balcklist usb_storage'. Leider müssen wir dann als root das Modul wieder Laden um USB-Sticks zu verwenden. Gibt es eine andere Lösung? [07:33] <LetoThe2nd> luzifer9999: theoretisch sollte es reichen, die benutzer aus der gruppe plugdev rauszunehmen [07:38] <luzifer9999> LetoThe2nd, wir nutzen LDAP für unsere Benutzer und diese sind alle nicht in der Gruppe plugdev. [07:43] <LetoThe2nd> luzifer9999: dann weiss ichs nicht, sorry. [08:01] <aschildbach> Hallo zusammen! Hat schon wer auf den vivid RC upgedated und auch das problem dass die deutsche tastaturbelegung nicht mehr funktioniert? [08:04] <nggrb> moin [08:04] <aschildbach> hi [08:50] <yogg> Hi [08:51] <yogg> Ich versuche gerade auf einem ubuntu 14.04 ein windows share ohne passwort zu mounten (gvfs mount über die GUI) aber ich werde immer wieder um das passwort gefragt (das leer ist) [08:52] <yogg> Wenn ich am Windows Server ein Passwort setze, dann funktioniert es :( [08:52] <yogg> Gibts da nen workarround? [08:57] <yogg> ist egal geworden ich bau das auf was anders um [12:03] <dAnjou> hi, wisst ihr wie ich zu einer "hidden" byobu session connecte? gestartet mit byobu -S .max [12:04] <dAnjou> [12:23] <sdx32> dAnjou: nimm doch screen ohne den Murks aussenrum. Das sollte mit "screen -list" die auch anzeigen und mit "screen -r .max" attachen. [12:36] <dAnjou> sdx32: ich will genau diesen murks drumrum [12:37] <dAnjou> bessere keybindings, bessere übersicht [12:37] <dAnjou> aber es geht jetzt, wenn ich's mit byobu new -s max starte [12:37] <dAnjou> is zwar nur tmux und nix hidden oder so, aber egel [12:37] <dAnjou> *egal [12:38] <dAnjou> in screen immer ctrl-a-c|n|p is mir zu anstrengend [17:39] <gillsu> neuHier [17:40] <jokrebel> seiWillkommen [18:31] <trohn_javolta> hallo leute [18:31] <trohn_javolta> habe ein boot problem, kann nicht mehr ins windows booten [18:32] <trohn_javolta> ist jemand da der zuhört? und gegebenenfalls helfen möchte? [18:46] <trohn_javolta> ? [18:46] <sdx32> ja und nein. [18:47] <sdx32> bzw.: beschreib doch mal genauer, was nicht geht [18:47] <sdx32> wird ein Eintrag für Windows angezeigt? [18:47] <DerProfessor_> Hallo Leute, trohn_javolta wenn Dir hier einer helfen kann dann meldet Er/Sie sich hier bei Dir. Und wenn sich keiner Meldet dann kann Dir auch keiner helfen [18:48] <DerProfessor_> Wie Du siehst hab ich Recht ;) [18:52] <trohn_javolta> okay hab mal gewartet auf irgendeine rückmeldung [18:53] <trohn_javolta> gut, ich versuche mal mein setup und das bisherige vorgehen so gut wie möglich zu beschreiben [18:53] <trohn_javolta> also, ich habe windows 7 und ubuntu auf einer ssd laufen [18:54] <trohn_javolta> die ssd habe ich damals mit einer gpt partitionstabelle versehen [18:54] <trohn_javolta> achso und uefi bios [18:54] <trohn_javolta> als erste partition habe ich eine efi boot partition erstellt [18:55] <trohn_javolta> nun ist mir leider die root partition von ubuntu zu klein geworden [18:55] <trohn_javolta> also hab ich diese in gparted vergrößert [18:56] <trohn_javolta> nun kann ich zwar noch ins ubuntu booten aber nicht mehr in windows 7 [18:57] <trohn_javolta> windows eintrag gibt es [18:57] <trohn_javolta> bei windows startbildschirm gehts nicht mehr weiter [18:57] <sdx32> hoom. hom. [18:57] <trohn_javolta> bei erneutem start kann ich die starthilfe aufrufen [18:57] <sdx32> Du hast deinen Windows Bootloader zerschossen. [18:57] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, , Abschnitt: EFI-Installation .. ich würde den GRUB2 einfach nochmal installieren und schauen was das ergab [18:58] <sdx32> Kann man versuchen, hat imo Erfolgschancen von quasi Null. [18:58] <trohn_javolta> windows starthilfe sagt zwar es repariert etwas doch danach gehts immer noch nicht [18:58] <nagetier> sdx32, falls du recht hast mit deiner Annahme stimme ich da zu [18:58] <trohn_javolta> das programm boot-repair habe ich bereits in vielen versch. optionen durchlaufen lassen [18:58] <nagetier> aber ist schon etwas verfrüht, finde ich [18:58] <trohn_javolta> brachte keinen erfolg [18:59] <nagetier> ok [18:59] <trohn_javolta> grub2 auch schon manuell neu installiert...(macht boot-repair unter anderem auch) [18:59] <sdx32> nagetier: möglich. Ich hab mit den Dingern nach ntldr von xp nichts mehr zu tun gehabt - haben müssen, zum Glück. [19:00] <trohn_javolta> boot-repair verfasst dann noch so eine info datei und läd sie auf pastebin [19:00] <trohn_javolta> kann euch mal den link posten... [19:00] <trohn_javolta> [19:01] <trohn_javolta> bzw. ubuntu paste [19:04] <trohn_javolta> ..okay möglicherweise hats mit der secure boot option zu tun [19:04] <trohn_javolta> glaub ich hab bis jetzt nicht aus grub2 ins windows gebootet [19:05] <trohn_javolta> sondern windows aus dem efi menü gestartet [19:06] <trohn_javolta> lese das gerade: [19:06] <trohn_javolta> bei booten aus dem grub menü [19:07] <trohn_javolta> vllt ist der windows eintrag im efi menü nicht mehr aktuell, aber noch da.. [19:07] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, bisher bin ich bei solchen Konstellationen besser gefahren, wenn Windows vor Linux liegt.. dann wäre jedenfalls das Vergrößern von / problemlos verlaufen.. so wurde die Boot-Partition von Windows verschoben, IMHO mag das Windows nicht (habe hier noch keine UEFI Maschinen, kann auch alles anders sein) [19:08] <trohn_javolta> okay lest sich logisch [19:08] <nagetier> aber ok, das sollte auch so klappen.. war aber in der Vergangehit mit mehr Aufwand belastet [19:08] <trohn_javolta> damals hab ichs nicht gewusst [19:09] <trohn_javolta> hab extra so gut wie möglich beim verkleinern, vergrößern "aufgepasst" [19:09] <trohn_javolta> hatte die reihenfolge an partitionen: [19:10] <trohn_javolta> root | swap | home [19:10] <trohn_javolta> in home war noch platz [19:10] <trohn_javolta> also home verkleinert [19:10] <trohn_javolta> freien platz als neuen swap genommen [19:10] <trohn_javolta> alten swap gelöscht [19:10] <trohn_javolta> und root damit vergrößert [19:11] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, ah. ok.. die Windows Boot-Partiton wurde also gar nicht angefasst? [19:11] <trohn_javolta> kann ich nicht 100 %ig sagen [19:11] <trohn_javolta> denke nicht [19:11] <trohn_javolta> naja... [19:12] <trohn_javolta> wie ich fertig war hat gparted noch iwo dazwischen 1 mb nicht vergebenen speicher angezeigt [19:12] <trohn_javolta> glaub zwischen root und swap... [19:13] <trohn_javolta> hab dann nochmals vergrößert und da hat mir gparted die "standardwarnung" geschrieben, dass ein verschieben dazu führen kann dass das betriebssystem nicht mehr bootet [19:14] <trohn_javolta> ...hätt ich den einen scheiß mb vllt. in ruhe und frei lassen sollen [19:14] <trohn_javolta> egal [19:14] <trohn_javolta> ich werde jetzt mal testweise im bios die secure boot option deaktivieren und schauen ob windows dann aus grub2 bootet [19:15] <trohn_javolta> meld mich wieder, vllt. fällt noch jemandem was ein [19:45] <trohn_javolta> hi [19:46] <trohn_javolta> ..okay, hatte im bios das secure boot gar nicht aktiviert [19:46] <trohn_javolta> =( [19:46] <DerProfessor_> wb trohn_javolta, klappt es den jetzt? [19:47] <trohn_javolta> nein [19:47] <trohn_javolta> wie gesagt secure boot war nie aktiviert [19:47] <trohn_javolta> im wiki steht nur, dass es probs geben kann, wenn man aus grub2 ins windows booten will, aber die bios option secure boot aktiviert ist [19:47] <trohn_javolta> =/ [19:48] <trohn_javolta> ...dabei wollt ich heut noch this war of mine zockn.. [19:48] <trohn_javolta> jz ist es dreiviertl 10 und ich bin scheißdrauf [19:49] <trohn_javolta> hier vllt. nochmal das info script von boot-repair [19:49] <trohn_javolta> [19:53] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, schon versucht Windows direkt zu booten.. also per F8 oder ähnlich GRUB zu überspringen und Windows anwählen? [19:54] <trohn_javolta> jep [19:54] <trohn_javolta> dies ist mittlerweile auch wieder eingestellt [19:55] <trohn_javolta> also beim start drück ich f12 und komme ins uefi boot menü [19:55] <trohn_javolta> dort gibts unter anderem windows boot loader [19:55] <trohn_javolta> und ubuntu [19:55] <trohn_javolta> mit auswahl windows boot loader komme ich bis zum startbildschirm [19:55] <trohn_javolta> windows wird gestartet... [19:56] <trohn_javolta> und aus [19:56] <trohn_javolta> über ubuntu komme ich in grub2 [19:56] <trohn_javolta> dort gibts mehrere "windows" einträge [19:56] <trohn_javolta> bootmgr64 oder so [19:57] <trohn_javolta> und UEFI widows...etc. [19:57] <trohn_javolta> alle wege führen nicht nach rom [19:57] <trohn_javolta> also windows =) [19:57] <trohn_javolta> aber es wird bemerkt, dass windows nicht ordnungsgemäß startet [19:57] <trohn_javolta> und die starthilfe wird vorgeschlagen [19:58] <trohn_javolta> dort schreibt windows es repariert etwas.. [19:58] <trohn_javolta> aber bringt nix [19:58] <trohn_javolta> mittlerweile kommt es kann nichts mehr repariern [19:58] <trohn_javolta> und ich kann weiter optionen auswählen [19:58] <trohn_javolta> zb wiederherstellung [19:59] <trohn_javolta> systemwiederherstellung beendet sich mit einem fehler [19:59] <jokrebel> !enter trohn_javolta [19:59] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, bin mir fast sicher dass sich das über die Windows-DVD lösen lässt.. sich dort ein äqivalent zu fixmbr befindet [19:59] <trohn_javolta> irgendeine datei kann icht auf ursprung gesetzt werden [19:59] <jokrebel> !enter > trohn_javolta [20:00] <nagetier> jokrebel, ich glaube Kubine ist aus [20:00] <jokrebel> scheint so [20:00] <trohn_javolta> c:/windows/system32/wbem/performance/WmiApRpl.h [20:01] <trohn_javolta> wegen dieser datei beendet sich die systemwiederherstellung mit unbekanntem fehler [20:01] <trohn_javolta> dachte mir nämlich, ok bevor nix mehr geht, eben systemwiederherstellung [20:01] <trohn_javolta> leider gehts auch nicht [20:02] <trohn_javolta> welche windows dvd meinst du? [20:02] <trohn_javolta> achso, ich kann auch noch in ein terminal [20:02] <trohn_javolta> eingabeaufforderung schlägt windows auch vor, unter systemwiederherstellung als option [20:03] <jokrebel> trohn_javolta: Wärst Du bitte so nett, eher längere Posts zu schreiben und erst wenn Du wirklich meinst fertig mit tippen zu sein die Enter-Taste drückst. [20:03] <trohn_javolta> okay mach ich [20:05] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, na die Installations-DVD .. schau mal ob das hier weiter hilft, allerdings fehlen mir da die Befehle auf der Konsole wie ich es vom Reparieren des MBR kenne.. [20:05] <jokrebel> Ich würd auch meinen, dass Du das (wenn dann) mit der Windows-CD reparieren kannst. Aber nur weil Du es mit Ubuntu und gparted kaputt gemacht hast ist Windows eher kein Thema für den ubuntu-supportkanal. [20:05] <nagetier> aber evtl ist das ja bei UEFI alles anders :/ [20:06] <nagetier> würde da auch schon eher einen Windows-Channel aufsuchen [20:06] <jokrebel> /s/eher/dennoch [20:06] <trohn_javolta> achso, denkt du dass da ein programm drauf is, um noch was zu reparieren? [20:06] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, definitiv [20:08] <trohn_javolta> ja okay, ich dachte ich fang mal im ubuntu support an. werd weiter in der windows ecke fragen. vielen dank für die vorschläge soweit. [20:08] <nagetier> Viel Erfolg. [20:09] <jokrebel> trohn_javolta: Wenn Du dann Windows repariert hast wird vermutlich Ubuntu nicht mehr hoch kommen, dann muss Grub nochmal repariert werden. [20:10] <jokrebel> trohn_javolta: Und! Backup nicht vergessen! [20:10] <trohn_javolta> okay, dann muss ich über live media alle relevanten verzeichnisse mouten und grub neu installieren und aktualisieren, richtig? [20:11] <trohn_javolta> betonung liegt auf wenn..=) [20:12] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, ist auf der vom mir anfänglich verlinkten Seite beschrieben [20:12] <nagetier> aber passt schon, was du sagst :) [20:12] <trohn_javolta> ..hatte das schon mal =) [20:12] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, chroot nennt sich das [20:13] <trohn_javolta> also dann machts gut [20:13] <trohn_javolta> tschau [20:13] <nagetier> cu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DerProfessor_", "LetoThe2nd", "aschildbach", "dAnjou", "gillsu", "jokrebel", "luzifer9999", "nagetier", "nggrb", "sdx32", "trohn_javolta", "yogg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[19:30] <mbruzek> rick_h_: ping [19:31] <mbruzek> Does quickstart deploy local charms? [19:32] <lazyPower> short answer is no [19:32] <lazyPower> better answer is: it could [19:33] <lazyPower>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "lazyPower", "mbruzek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[19:51] <Letozaf_> balloons, hey [19:52] <balloons> Letozaf_, hello hello! [19:52] <Letozaf_> balloons, :) I fixed this as you asked: [19:52] <Letozaf_> balloons, if you got time :) [19:55] <balloons> oO, yes I was hoping I'd see something! [19:55] <balloons> really nice! [19:56] <Letozaf_> balloons, :D [19:56] <balloons> I like it.. If jenkins is happy, so am I [19:56] <Letozaf_> balloons, ok, so let's see what jenkins says :) [20:23] <Letozaf_> balloons, :D Jenkins approved :P [20:26] <balloons> approved :-) [20:26] <Letozaf_> balloons, \o/ [20:27] <balloons> Letozaf_, so the doc viewer guys were hoping to get some help next.. interested? [20:27] <Letozaf_> balloons, sure :) [20:28] <balloons> Letozaf_, and they said were priority [20:28] <Letozaf_> balloons, ok [20:29] <balloons> do you have there contact info? [20:29] <Letozaf_> balloons, nope, are the contact info in launchpad ? [20:30] <balloons> [20:30] <balloons> he's italian as well :-) [20:30] <Letozaf_> balloons, yeah looks like :P [20:31] <Letozaf_> lol [20:37] <Letozaf_> balloons, cool looks like he is from northern Itlay too :D [20:45] <balloons> nice
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Letozaf_", "balloons" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot" }
[03:31] <zlmao> shang: I'm do demo at user side. My Maas shows that depolying is failed. [03:32] <zlmao> shang: It is "failed deployment". The same for the physical node too. [03:33] <zlmao> Sorry. I should switch to other channel for it. [17:34] <cprofitt> hello -- have a strange issue on my 15.04 and not sure how to report the bug [17:34] <cprofitt> when I empty trash I got another file window opening... [17:34] <wxl> cprofitt: i'd report it against the file manager. [17:35] <cprofitt> wxl: thanks. [17:35] <wxl> np cprofitt [17:36] <cprofitt> wxl that is just called files now; correct? [17:36] <wxl> cprofitt: yikes i'm not sure being a mostly lubuntu user [17:38] <cprofitt> eh, looking like the package is still nautilus [17:58] <cprofitt> [17:58] <cprofitt> if anyone would like to triage
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cprofitt", "wxl", "zlmao" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[13:22] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: When do/should cloud-init bugs get marked as Fix Released in the cloud-init LP project? [13:23] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, i do it with release of the bug in a version. [13:23] <smoser> ie, when 0.7.6 releases all those go to fix-released. [13:23] <smoser> and ubuntu fix-released when ubuntu gets fixed. [13:24] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Cool, so I don't need to pay attention and do the marking myself when appropriate? [13:24] <smoser> well, it wouldn't hurt :) [13:24] <smoser> its a pain [15:17] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: What are your thoughts on ? [15:18] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: My comment lays out the decision we need to make. [15:21] <smoser> how do we not match with roject level keys now ? [15:22] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, ie "we already don't match the GCE docs in the way we handle project-level keys so this may be a foolish consistency." [15:23] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: I _think_ that we put all of the keys on the ubuntu user, even when they're defined against different users. [15:23] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: But I may not be recalling that correctly. [15:25] <smoser> how do they get defined for different users ? [15:25] <smoser> we do put them on the ubuntu user for user. [15:25] <smoser> sure [15:28] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Keys come from GCE as a list of "<user>:<key>" strings. [15:28] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Which GCE infers from the comment (e.g. "... dwatkins" will come as "dwatkins:...") in the user interface. [15:29] <Odd_Bloke> But you just pass in a mapping to the instance creation API. [15:30] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: We then trim the first half off before setting 'public-keys' in self.metadata (using the _trim_key function). [15:30] <smoser> ah. i see. [15:31] <smoser> i think you should override the per-project keys with per-instance if available. [15:31] <Odd_Bloke> So if I defined {'dwatkins': 'ssh-rsa foo', 'smoser': 'ssh-rsa bar'}, we'd get both 'ssh-rsa foo' and 'ssh-rsa bar' on the ubuntu user. [15:31] <Odd_Bloke> (And the Google scripts would create dwatkins and smoser users with the appropriate keys) [15:31] <smoser> can we know the difference between "no instance keys given" and "instance keys given as empty string" [15:31] <smoser> with the latter implying intent to have no ssh access [15:32] <Odd_Bloke> I'll have a look; I _suspect_ not, but I'll confirm. [15:35] <Odd_Bloke> Ah, we can; sshKeys is passed as a normal metadata attribute, and so if none are specified then the key isn't present. [15:35] <Odd_Bloke> Let me confirm that the web UI behaves the same as the CLI client. [15:37] <smoser> i'd just like to support that behavior [15:38] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, so my general feeling here is that it makes sense to try to do what the cloud vendor wants. [15:38] <smoser> however, i'm *more* interested in consistency of ubuntu across vendors [15:38] <smoser> than i am in ubuntu's consistency with other vms on a given vendor [15:38] <smoser> make sense? [15:39] <smoser> i care more about ubuntu than i do GCE [15:39] <Odd_Bloke> Yep, on the same page. [15:40] <Odd_Bloke> So you're saying you think that 'empty instance keys' is approximately equal to (e.g.) no key given when starting an EC2 instance? [15:42] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, yeah. [15:42] <smoser> i think so. right ? [15:43] <smoser> that could be achieved easily ehought though, by creating a key named "NOONE@NOWHERE" [15:44] <smoser> and promptly shredding the private key [15:46] <Odd_Bloke> Yeah. [15:46] <Odd_Bloke> Let me see what GCE does if I manually set an empty string through the API.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[01:28] <hads> I'd kind of suck that Android can't just work with a ICS file directly for a read only calendar. [01:28] <hads> s/I'd/It's/ [01:30] <hads> I'm incorporating the MBIE NZ Public Holidays calendar as I had before through Google Calendar. I can just put it on the server and grab it through Radicale but it's silly that you can't just import it directly.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hads" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[12:58] <Ridley5> on parle avec des talkie-walkie sur ce channel [19:01] <elacheche_anis> hello r001 [19:32] <r001> hello elacheche [19:42] <elacheche_anis> How are you doing? [21:31] <ubuntiste-msakni> hich-em, seul 3 personnes ont voté.. le quorum c'est 7! J'ai planifier un appel à une réunion du moi de MAI, je prépare encore le planning de la réunion, je recommande qu'on ajoute ta demande à la liste des choses à discuter..
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ridley5", "elacheche_anis", "r001", "ubuntiste-msakni" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tn" }
[21:31] <tuchkata> anyone tried [21:31] <tuchkata> 15.04 with Gnome 3.16? [21:39] <Noskcaj> darkxst, Do we want the packaged extra gnome shell extensions in the staging PPA? most need upstream patches for 3.16
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Noskcaj", "tuchkata" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[13:01] <bennabiy> Did a recent update drop driver support for Intel Mobile 4 Series chipsets? [13:03] <tjaalton> no [13:27] <bennabiy> I am only able to pull up video, either through a liveCD or LTSP booting, when using VESA driver, otherwise the screen flickers and goes blank about 10 seconds post grub menu [13:27] <bennabiy> but the system is up and running, just no display [13:29] <tjaalton> and only one kernel installed to choose from? [13:32] <tjaalton> if you say it's a regression then try the previous kernels [14:32] <bennabiy> only one kernel installed [14:33] <bennabiy> I am trying to remote into the system to see if there are any errors. [14:33] <tjaalton> so what do you mean "recent update"? [14:33] <tjaalton> what version is this? and the kernel? [14:34] <tjaalton> if vivid, make sure you have at least 3.19.0-13 [14:34] <bennabiy> trusty [14:34] <tjaalton> installed when? [14:35] <bennabiy> just now [14:35] <bennabiy> 3.13.0-49-generic [14:36] <bennabiy> using 1.15.1 [14:36] <tjaalton> the image doesn't have that kernel, did you manually remove the install kernel? [14:36] <tjaalton> use a release image [14:37] <bennabiy> This is an LTSP installed chroot, but it also happens from a linuxmint 17.1 liveCD [14:38] <tjaalton> so nomodeset works? get the relevant bits of a non-working boot from /var/log/kern.log and put it somewhere [14:39] <bennabiy> nomodeset works, just 640x480 [14:39] <tjaalton> yes [14:43] <bennabiy> [14:43] <bennabiy> from a machine which lost video, but I can remote in [14:43] <tjaalton> what hw is it? [14:44] <bennabiy> this is a hp st5742 [14:44] <bennabiy> thin client [14:44] <bennabiy> it was just working on a previous install, and when I did a fresh install of 14.04 / mint 17.1 the video on the server is fine, but not on the clients generated from the repositories [14:45] <bennabiy> nor from the live CD [14:45] <bennabiy> which is strange, but once again, nomodeset works there [14:46] <bennabiy> When 14.04 first came out, these had no problems with the graphics, but something changed with the latest 14.04 [14:46] <tjaalton> then you need to install earlier kernels and bisect which broke it [14:46] <bennabiy> I have 3 other labs all running fine with the same hardware, and this one was running 13.04 just fine [14:47] <bennabiy> do you have a suggestion as to which one to go back to? [14:47] <tjaalton> 14.04 installer comes with -24 [14:47] <tjaalton> no [14:47] <tjaalton> file a bug [14:47] <tjaalton> test these [14:48] <bennabiy> So try -24, if it works,... ? [14:48] <tjaalton> [14:48] <tjaalton> you get the earlier ones there [14:48] <tjaalton> remember to install -extra too [14:49] <bennabiy> ok [14:49] <tjaalton> if you say stock 14.04 worked [14:49] <tjaalton> best to try -24 to rule out it's not something else messing things [14:50] <tjaalton> use the latest of -XX.YY, so for -24 test -24.47 [14:50] <bennabiy> ok [14:50] <bennabiy> let me try that. [14:57] <bennabiy> ok, so installed linux-image-extra-3.13.0-24-generic as well as same without extra [14:58] <bennabiy> any other packages that I would need to install? [15:00] <tjaalton> not at this point [15:01] <bennabiy> trying it now [15:01] <bennabiy> hrm. -24 did not work [15:02] <tjaalton> so your setup is busted [15:02] <bennabiy> same thing happened at the same point [15:05] <bennabiy> what should I do about it? [15:06] <bennabiy> nomodeset works, which means that the basic functionality of the system works [15:06] <bennabiy> How can I pinpoint what is "busted"? [15:07] <tjaalton> I don't know how you build your ltsp setup, and don't care to know either. but something in it is not ok if stock trusty doesn't work either [15:13] <bennabiy> This is not just happening with LTSP, but also with a liveCD it does the same thing [15:16] <tjaalton> and doesn't work on any machines of the same kind? [15:16] <tjaalton> the hw could be broken too [15:19] <bennabiy> Even though it was just working on a 13.04 system? [15:19] <bennabiy> and works when I boot back into that system? [15:20] <bennabiy> 3.8 kernel [15:21] <tjaalton> you said trusty worked [15:22] <tjaalton> anyway, same applies.. find out where it broke [15:22] <bennabiy> I know it worked at a different location with the same hardware [15:23] <bennabiy> I have 2 other labs running the same hardware clients, with 14.04 installed (with linuxmint 17) which I think were installed before 14.04.2 [15:24] <bennabiy> I appreciate your input, I want to track this down. [15:24] <bennabiy> I am downloading a fresh copy of the ISO to make a live USB, will test to see if stock 14.04.2 works [15:26] <bennabiy> here is a copy from dmesg. [15:27] <tjaalton> rule out hw issues first [15:28] <tjaalton> cabling etc [15:28] <tjaalton> [ 14.279246] [drm] GMBUS [i915 gmbus panel] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 3 [15:28] <bennabiy> Would cabling be the issue if it is displaying just fine up to that point? [15:28] <tjaalton> fair point :) [15:28] <tjaalton> still [15:29] <tjaalton> dunno [15:29] <bennabiy> I am not saying you are wrong... just wondering ;) [15:29] <tjaalton> easy to verify [15:29] <tjaalton> I'm off -> [15:30] <bennabiy> Thanks for your help [15:47] <bennabiy> If I needed to test an older image of 14.04 (pre .2) where would I go? [15:51] <bennabiy> I am getting this error in [drm] GMBUS [i915 gmbus panel] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 3 and am unable to see anything on the screen after a brief flicker [15:52] <bennabiy> Does the same thing with an Ubuntu 14.04.2 liveCD as well as a linuxmint 17.1 (based on 14.04.2) liveCD. 14.04 stock worked, as well as mint 17 stock [16:23] <tjaalton> [17:13] <bennabiy> thank you again tjaalton [17:13] <bennabiy> I have searched there, but still not finding the stock 14.04 [17:14] <bennabiy> bah, found it :) [17:15] <bennabiy> actually, I did not find it... [17:15] <bennabiy> I am looking for 1386 14.04 image [17:55] <tjaalton> old-releases.u.c [17:57] <bennabiy> tjaalton: thanks. that did it [19:39] <bennabiy> tjaalton: This is strange, would there be something which would cause the displayport to not work once it hits a certain point? [19:39] <bennabiy> I hooked up a VGA monitor and it worked fine [19:39] <bennabiy> but I hook up to the display port and it does not [19:39] <bennabiy> but if I boot to a different install, the display port works fine [20:50] <bandit-led> any idea how to get dkms to build and install nvidia properly? I like to run it after a kernel update but it is not working since nvidia-uvm was added to nvidia [20:50] <bandit-led> sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia works but i have to install the kernel then reboot and rebuild the module and restart again [20:53] <bandit-led> running NVIDIA binary driver - version 346.59 [20:55] <bandit-led> sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v 346-346.59 -k 4.0.0-rc1-02232015 is what i usually run [20:55] <bandit-led> just changing the kernel and nvidia versions [20:57] <bandit-led> hmm nap time maybe i will get a response by the time i get up from my nap :) [22:31] <furkan> interesting, i tried compiling mesa from git on Ubuntu 15.04, following the instructions on, and it works perfectly fine [22:31] <furkan> i dunno why 14.04 was so problematic [22:33] <furkan> when i add the file in /etc/ to point to /opt/xorg/lib, Xorg just segfaults [22:59] <bandit-awake> hmmm this channell seems sleepy
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bandit-awake", "bandit-led", "bennabiy", "furkan", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }
[00:10] <andre_pl> this live disk doesn't have smartctl, how can I get the serial number of a drive? I'm not sure which one I just wiped :) [00:11] <sarnold> try lshw? [00:12] <andre_pl> there we go, thanks :) [00:19] <andre_pl> so, I booted my machine back into its original os (the same hardware that just had a working array) and on startup I get: mdadm: superblock on /dev/sdd doesn't match others - assembly aborted. then a bit further down [....] Cleaning up temporary files... [00:19] <andre_pl> but it seems hung there [00:31] <andre_pl> it eventually booted but theres no sign of the array here... :\ [00:31] <andre_pl> nothing in /proc/mdstat or mdadm --detail [00:37] <ebonics> having an issue with dovecot.. it's not sending AUTH LOGIN. if anyone can check if my configs are wrong thatd be great: [00:40] <sarnold> ebonics: is there anything inthe logs? [00:42] <ebonics> sarnold, not in mail.log or mail.err, but i have a feeling it's just configured wrong [00:42] <sarnold> ebonics: does dovecot have its own log file? [00:43] <ebonics> sarnold, afaik it just logs to those two [00:43] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: it often does. rsyslogd has a config file that routes some syslog traffic to different files [00:43] <andre_pl> anyone have any thoughts as to why the live CD auto assembled my array, but an older debian install won't due to the non-matching superblock? [00:44] <andre_pl> or how I can safely correct it? [00:44] <ebonics> hmm ok ill investigate zerowaitstate thanks [00:46] <ebonics> ok sarnold zerowaitstate it's just using method=PLAIN [00:47] <ebonics> is there some reason why it would default to that? [00:48] <zerowaitstate> as opposed to what? [00:48] <ebonics> auth_mechanisms = plain login [00:48] <ebonics> isn't login a method? [00:49] <zerowaitstate> what type of login mechanism do you want? [00:49] <ebonics> i thought that "LOGIN" was a mechanism, which explains the AUTH LOGIN smtp packet header [00:49] <ebonics> i had it working before but i guess i broke something [00:51] <zerowaitstate> are we talking about SMTP or dovecot? [00:51] <ebonics> dovecot [00:51] <zerowaitstate> SMTP is Postfix, not dovecot [00:51] <ebonics> so when i telnet to port 587 what protocol is that ? [00:52] <zerowaitstate> ESMTP [00:52] <ebonics> which is dovecot right? [00:52] <zerowaitstate> which is being handled by Postfix, as shown in your dpaste [00:52] <ebonics> oh.. [00:52] <ebonics> i thought that it just meant that dovecot was delegating to postfix [00:53] <ebonics> shouldn't it be going through dovecat? [00:53] <zerowaitstate> there is some interaction yes, because dovecot needs to know where postfix is storing messages for that domain [00:53] <zerowaitstate> postfix handles SMTP, dovecot handles POP3/IMAP [00:53] <zerowaitstate> I realize it's confusing [00:54] <ebonics> like for a mail client i have it configured to port 587 and under imap [00:54] <ebonics> and yet when i telnet to port 587 it's using ESMTP [00:54] <ebonics> so i don't really understand [00:54] <zerowaitstate> SMTP is what your mail client is using to SEND MAIL. IMAP is what your client is using to CHECK MAIL. [00:54] <ebonics> oh wow my mail client is using port 143.. what the [00:55] <zerowaitstate> they are two totally different protocols. for historical reasons, mostly, they are handled by two different software packages [00:55] <ebonics> okay i understand now zerowaitstate thanks [00:56] <ebonics> so really postfix is my problem zerowaitstate? [00:56] <zerowaitstate> are you having problems sending mail, or checking mail? [00:57] <ebonics> i'm hitting spambox in my tests when i send mail. so i tried telnetting and realised it wasnt sending the AUTH LOGIN packet so i assume that has to do with it [00:57] <zerowaitstate> hitting spambox...i don't follow [00:57] <ebonics> my mail is being sent to spam [00:58] <ebonics> because of some auth or validation related reason [00:58] <ebonics> ie. it wasn't hitting spam earlier and it was using AUTH LOGIN [00:58] <zerowaitstate> mail you are sending is being sent to the spam folder when someone else receives it? [00:58] <ebonics> when i receive it [00:58] <ebonics> yes [00:58] <ebonics> my server -> my gmail account [00:58] <zerowaitstate> ah, so you are testing by sending to yourself? [00:58] <ebonics> gmail spamboxes it [00:59] <ebonics> yes [00:59] <zerowaitstate> okay. unfortunately, the answer is "it's complicated" [00:59] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: your smtp server is functioning, however, Google does not fully trust it [00:59] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: there are a number of reasons that can happen. [01:00] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: lack of DKIM / SPF records for the domain can be one reason [01:00] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: the lack of SSL support server-to-server can be another [01:01] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, shouldn't it be using SSL [01:01] <ebonics> i implemented a cert [01:01] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: also, if you are sending from an IP block that is a previous known abuser, it may be blacklisted [01:02] <ebonics> and zerowaitstate thanks for the info, however i wasn't hitting spambox earlier and i noticed in my telnet adventures that it was sending AUTH LOGIN, while now it's not [01:02] <ebonics> so i feel like that's likely the problem at hand at this moment [01:03] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, are you saying the AUTH LOGIN is handled by postfix? [01:03] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: AUTH LOGIN is what the client sends, not the server [01:03] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, how :| i swear it was sending AUTH LOGIN earlier.. [01:04] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: and yes, SMTP is handled by postfix, so the config you're interesting in is there [01:04] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: ah, yeah, you definitely have a postfix problem [01:04] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: it looks like you are operating an open SMTP without authentication [01:04] <ebonics> lol [01:04] <ebonics> :| [01:07] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: however there is a little caveat. It may be that postfix is set up to support pop-before-smtp which allows you to use smtp from an ip address without authentication if you used pop/imap from that same address recently [01:08] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, i haven't enabled pop3 as far as i know [01:08] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, shall i post my postfix conf? [01:08] <zerowaitstate> yeah, but the same is true for imap I believe [01:09] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, [01:09] <zerowaitstate> I actually have to go in a sec. However, I would recommend you check smtp from a different IP address that has not checked mail via POP/IMAP to that server recently. [01:09] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, okay, thanks for the help. [01:10] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: based on my prior experience with dovecot, my guess is you checked mail from your computer, then ran your smtp test and it didn't attempt to authenticate you due to dovecot telling postfix via SASL that you were already legit. [01:11] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: the reason imap-before-smtp is used is so people putting in their email stuff on their phones, etc, don't have to enter a username/password twice for both imap and smtp [01:11] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, that's possible. i'm using thunderbird so it will be using my ip [01:12] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: i think it's poor security personally [01:12] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: but it's a very popular default configuration [01:12] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, it seems good for large scale systems for performance [01:12] <zerowaitstate> [01:13] <zerowaitstate> [01:13] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, do you know how i can flush the session or whatever it is so i can do proper testing [01:13] <zerowaitstate> no idea, but it's probably in the dovecot docs [01:13] <zerowaitstate> since dovecot is handling the user database [01:14] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: performance has nothing to do with it. there is very little performance hit in checking a password, especially compared to doing things like TLS [01:15] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, there could be if the database isn't threadsafe [01:15] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: also, NAT screws up POP before SMTP [01:15] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: username/password databases are key value stores. it's very easy to make a key-value store threadsafe [01:15] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: anyway, I got to eat. take it easy [01:16] <ebonics> seeya zerowaitstate thanks for the help [01:37] <andre_pl> patdk-lap: as I suspected, mdadm says the 2TB is too small to replace the 3, so i'm going commando [01:37] <cyclob|work> hi guys, trying to set up munin cgi using this guide: but all i get is 403 forbidden :S any help on what to do [01:37] <patdk-lap> hmm [01:37] <andre_pl> is it basically fail & remove /dev/sdX1, then add /dev/sdX [01:38] <andre_pl> no format in between? [01:38] <patdk-lap> you can [01:39] <andre_pl> from your reply i gather there is a better way? [01:39] <patdk-lap> not really [01:39] <patdk-lap> have two options [01:39] <patdk-lap> get a larger disk to rotate with [01:39] <patdk-lap> or make your raid array with your 2tb, and copy it all over [01:39] <patdk-lap> and copy it all back [01:40] <patdk-lap> would be the only 100% safe way [01:40] <andre_pl> i'll take my chances with the swaps [01:40] <patdk-lap> doing a drop and add is ok [01:40] <patdk-lap> but there can be risk during the time [01:40] <andre_pl> by doing that as I said above, it will use the full disk instead of a partition, and I'll get the full 3tb each once it's all done? [01:41] <patdk-lap> it will see the full 3tb [01:41] <patdk-lap> but it won't use it till you tell it to grow [01:41] <patdk-lap> and it won't grow till your done [01:42] <andre_pl> ok I just saw something frightening [01:43] <andre_pl> resync claims to be WAY faster than last time, and if I'm reading it right, mdadm says there's only 2tb of data instead of 5ish [01:44] <andre_pl> Used Dev Size: is that per disk? or total occupied space? [01:44] <patdk-lap> per disk I think [01:44] <andre_pl> I guess I can mount it and see if anything is missing? [01:44] <andre_pl> it seem wierd that a ton of data would just disappear like that [01:44] <andre_pl> but i'm also worried about how the previous OS wouldn't reassemble the array [01:45] <patdk-lap> ya, per disk [01:45] <andre_pl> phew [01:45] <patdk-lap> Array size is total [01:46] <andre_pl> the resync is gonna take 350 mins.. last time it was 1200 [01:46] <andre_pl> i dont think these disks are that much faster [01:46] <patdk-lap> newer faster disks [01:47] <andre_pl> possible I guess... [01:47] <andre_pl> scary.. I should have looked closer at the files to make sure they were all there [05:20] <ruben23> hi guys [05:20] <ruben23> i have an existing ubuntu server with apps - when i do apt-get update does it effect the other apps installed or update them also..? [05:20] <ruben23> any idea guys [05:21] <sarnold> ruben23: how did you install those other apps? [05:21] <ruben23> i worry my server might get broken when i run - apt-get update [05:21] <ruben23> they are install by package, some are by source [05:22] <sarnold> when you built packages by source, did you install them into /opt/ or /usr/local or did you install them into /usr? [05:22] <ruben23> /usr/local some are /usr/src [05:23] <sarnold> okay, those should be left alone, packages should leave /usr/local alone, some packages od install into /usr/src but that's mostly kernel headers, I think... [05:24] <sarnold> now, the packages, how did you install those packages? did you download .deb files and use dpkg -i on them? or did you add new repositories to your /etc/apt/sources* files? [08:55] <arcsky> i did chmod -R 700 /home/user and now all files are green [08:55] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:08] <jrwren> arcsky: dont' do that. :) [09:08] <ebonics> anyone know if its common for GNU mailman with default settings to be hitting gmail spambox on postfix (DKIM + SPF enabled) setup? i don't hit spambox when just sending through postfix [09:31] <arcsky> jrwren: how should i make it then? if i dont want other users to list my home dir? [09:53] <jrwren> arcsky: without the -R [09:54] <jrwren> arcsky: -R means recurse. It sets mode on all files and dirs in that dir recursiverly [10:04] <arcsky> jrwren: danke [10:06] <arcsky> jrwren: how can i switch back fist to default mode? [10:12] <jrwren> arcsky: you cannot. [11:06] <spyridonas> Hello guys i tried to setup postfix/dovecot with virtual emails but i recieve the following error "status=bounced (cannot update mailbox /home/admin//var/vmail for user admin unable to create lock file /home/username//var/vmail.lock: No such file or directory)" [11:06] <spyridonas> The mailbox path is wrong but i can't find it to change it , where is it located? [11:16] <spyridonas> Any ideas? [11:34] <spyridonas> Hello guys i tried to setup postfix/dovecot with virtual emails but i recieve the following error "status=bounced (cannot update mailbox /home/admin//var/vmail for user admin unable to create lock file /home/username//var/vmail.lock: No such file or directory)" [11:34] <spyridonas> The mailbox path is wrong but i can't find it to change it , where is it located? [11:49] <strikov> spyridonas: [11:49] <strikov> 'Optional pathname of a mailbox file relative to a local(8) user's home directory.' [11:50] <spyridonas> Oh , how i see the user home directory? [12:00] <spyridonas> strikov : cat /etc/passwd says vmail:x:2000:2000:Virtual Mailboxes,,,:/var/vmail:/usr/sbin/nologin [12:03] <spyridonas> strikov: can i modify it so its /var/vmail? [12:05] <strikov> spyridonas: it depends on what you want to achieve; 'If set, mail_spool_directory specifies an absolute path where mail gets delivered. Alternatively, if set, home_mailbox specifies a mailbox relative to the user's home directory where mail gets delivered.' [12:08] <strikov> spyridonas: you seems to have home_mailbox=/var/vmail which is probably wrong [12:08] <spyridonas> strikov: thanks this seems to fix it but no i don't recieve the email at all, and no errors to be found [12:08] <strikov> spyridonas: what did you do exactly? [12:09] <spyridonas> strikov: the logs says everything is ok [12:09] <spyridonas> strikov: i commented out the home_mailbox and set mail_spool_directory to be /var/vmail [12:09] <strikov> spyridonas: i think you receive mail w/o any issues now but it gets placed to some unexpected folder [12:09] <strikov> spyridonas: it should be placed into /var/vmail then [12:10] <spyridonas> strikov: but i have virtual mailboxes that defined like that mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir/indexes [12:11] <spyridonas> strikov: but that's inside dovecot [12:12] <spyridonas> strikov: i also have "virtual_mailbox_base = /var/vmail" [12:12] <spyridonas> strikov: on postfix [12:12] <strikov> spyridonas: i'm not an expert but i assume that you have two options [12:12] <strikov> spyridonas: you either store mail for user X inside /home/X/<something> [12:13] <strikov> spyridonas: or you store all the mail inside /var/vmail/ and do sorting there [12:13] <strikov> spyridonas: which way you want? [12:13] <strikov> If you want 1st way (which is simpler) you do home_mailbox = Maildir/ [12:13] <spyridonas> strikov: the 1st because virtual emails are stored like so "/var/vmail/domain/user/" [12:14] <strikov> and then (when you receive mail) mutt -f ~/Maildir [12:14] <strikov> this dir should exist i think [12:15] <spyridonas> strikov: that means i have to delete everything postfixadmin created and redo the whole virtual mail boxes setup.... [12:15] <strikov> spyridonas: you want 2nd way then (I think) not 1st [12:16] <spyridonas> strikov: the problem is that the directories are variables [12:17] <spyridonas> strikov: i don't want all emails to /var/vmail , i want the email from to be on /var/example/admin/ and the email from to be on /var/example2/admin. [12:18] <strikov> spyridonas: try to comment out both mail_spool_directory and home_mailbox [12:19] <strikov> spyridonas: it seems to me that you have a working config but this home_mailbox thing simply broke everything [12:20] <spyridonas> strikov: hmm... still nothing [12:21] <strikov> spyridonas: define 'nothing' [12:21] <spyridonas> strikov: i wonder why virtual_mailbox_base doesn't simple override everything [12:21] <strikov> spyridonas: check /var/vmail/* [12:21] <strikov> spyridonas: i assume that you should get mail to /var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir as you defined in the config [12:21] <spyridonas> strikov: /var/vmail has nothing delivered to it and the domain folders i cant understard if something was just added [12:22] <spyridonas> strikov: the Maildir has .Archive, .Drafts etc... [12:22] <spyridonas> strikov: but nothing delivered to it [12:23] <strikov> spyridonas: Maildir is used only when home_mailbox is set [12:23] <strikov> spyridonas: you either use it or not [12:23] <strikov> spyridonas: we came to conclusion that you don't want to have it [12:24] <spyridonas> strikov: ok i dont want it then [12:24] <spyridonas> strikov: sure [12:24] <strikov> spyridonas: so, you don't have home_mailbox in the config? [12:24] <strikov> spyridonas: you don't forget to restart the thing, right? [12:25] <spyridonas> strikov: i do have it commented out because its relative the user [12:25] <spyridonas> strikov: home_mailbox [12:27] <spyridonas> strikov: relative to user means /home/vmail but i have it on /var/vmail. Should i just delete the Maildir part of "mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir/indexes" [12:27] <spyridonas> strikov: but then indexes doesn't exist... [12:29] <spyridonas> strikov: should i simply copy the folder to /home/vmail instead ? [12:30] <strikov> spyridonas: /var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir means that mail will be stored at /var/vmail/<domain>/<user>/Maildir [12:30] <strikov> spyridonas: you either want this or not [12:30] <strikov> will be store at /var/vmail/ [12:31] <spyridonas> strikov: i don't mind if i copy it to the parrent folder, the problem is the parrent folder doesn't have indexes folder which its used latter [12:31] <strikov> spyridonas: i don't understand you problem [12:31] <spyridonas> strikov: "mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir/indexes" [12:31] <spyridonas> strikov: says on dovecot [12:32] <spyridonas> strikov: i can simple made it "mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n" [12:32] <spyridonas> strikov: but i wont have the indexes part [12:32] <strikov> spyridonas: for what reason? [12:32] <spyridonas> strikov: because i dont want to user Maildir [12:33] <strikov> spyridonas: you want to 'convert' existing mail database into a new hierarchy of folders? [12:33] <spyridonas> strikov: no i don't care the existing mail database is empty [12:34] <strikov> spyridonas: i don't know if Maildir name is required or not by some other components [12:34] <strikov> spyridonas: i'd stick with a regular way and don't invent the wheel [12:34] <spyridonas> strikov: i will delete i then [12:35] <spyridonas> strikov: if that doesn't work i will re-do it [12:39] <spyridonas> strikov: it doesn't work.. i will re-do it again, thanks for helping me out [12:39] <strikov> spyridonas: yw [13:42] <spyridonas> Hello guys is there any way to track a directory when new files are created? [13:46] <dasjoe> inotify? [13:47] <purplehorace> Hi looking for some help on a strange problem with ubuntu server and apache2 [13:48] <purplehorace> I have the system set up and there is an index.html being served in /var/www/ [13:48] <Sling> spyridonas: yeah, inotify could be used for this, you can let it 'monitor' a specific location [13:48] <Sling> use the google power to find out how exactly [13:49] <purplehorace> I have tried to remove the index.html to try and use an index.php but no matter what I do it always returns the content of the index.php even if I move it out of the way ??? [13:49] <Sling> purplehorace: most likely due to browser caching [13:49] <spyridonas> Sling: Thanks, i can't recieve emails but i can't understand where the files end up. [13:49] <Sling> purplehorace: or do you mean it returns the contents of index.html instead of index.php ? [13:49] <teward> purplehorace: purge your browser cache and retry [13:54] <purplehorace> The browser is rendering the index.html and the server isn't serving the index.php even though its there. I thought it should use the php if the html isn't there [13:55] <dasjoe> purplehorace: check /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for enabled sites and their docroot [13:56] <purplehorace> OK I'll have a check of settings, thanks [13:59] <Sling> purplehorace: make sure DirectoryIndex lists index.php before index.html [13:59] <Sling> but still, if index.html doesn't exist and your browser still 'gets' the index.html contents, its definitely caching [14:07] <Error404NotFound> How do I know which screen session i am connected to from within a screen session, assuming have multiple screen sessions running and I am connected to others too from same machine. [14:15] <Sling> Error404NotFound: screen -list will show the PID's [14:15] <Sling> so from within one of the screens do echo $PPID [14:15] <Sling> and that should correspond to one of them [14:15] <Error404NotFound> hmmm, let me try [14:15] <Sling> assuming your shell is a child process of the screen process [14:17] <Error404NotFound> Sling: awesome [14:17] <Error404NotFound> thanks [14:20] <spyridonas> Hey guys how can i change postfix default email save location? [14:21] <Sling> spyridonas: postfix is usually not the daemon 'saving' email [14:21] <Sling> its an MTA [14:21] <spyridonas> if i change home_mailbox = it only appends whatever i type to /home/username/whatever/i/typed/ [14:22] <Sling> ah [14:22] <Sling> spyridonas: the most flexible would be letting postfix deliver it to procmail [14:22] <Sling> and then each user can have its own procmail rules [14:23] <spyridonas> Sling: i have already setup dovecot/postfix, currently it doesn't work because emails end up on wrong directories [14:23] <spyridonas> Sling: i have them setup with virtual domains and emails [14:24] <Sling> spyridonas: so what does your look like? [14:24] <Sling> you would normally have something like "virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp" for a postfix+dovecot stack [14:25] <Sling> and then have lmpt listed in the 'protocols' section in dovecot.conf [14:25] <spyridonas> Sling: like this [14:27] <spyridonas> Sling: i dont have what you said [14:27] <Sling> I see that [14:28] <Sling> is this a new setup you're building or/ [14:28] <spyridonas> Sling: it's new i dont care if i loose emails, i followed this guide [14:28] <spyridonas> Sling: i need postfixadmin [14:28] <Sling> why? [14:30] <spyridonas> Sling: map files are exactly the same with this guide [14:30] <spyridonas> Sling: i need to have multiple hosts with accounts end up in the same server [14:31] <Sling> what I use is mysql for storing the domains/maps/aliases [14:31] <Sling> like, virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/ [14:31] <Sling> which then contains something like [14:32] <Sling> then you can use SQL to manage your postfix stuff, or phpmyadmin, etc [14:32] <Sling> but maybe this is a topic for #postfix :) [14:33] <spyridonas> Sling: well i only need to change the directory , everything else works [14:33] <spyridonas> Sling: i can send emails , all emails have ssl, dmarc,dkim, and a bunch of stuff [14:33] <Sling> dovecot should be storing your incoming mails [14:33] <Sling> not postfix [14:34] <spyridonas> Sling: i can't recieve them because that config doens't work... :S [14:34] <Sling> .. [16:25] <tash> anyone know if you can configure unattended upgrades to notify only, but not actually upgrade? [16:26] <tash> i can't seem to find it in docs [16:29] <rbasak> tash: maybe --dry-run? [16:30] <rbasak> tash: you might have to modify /etc/cron.daily/apt though [16:30] <rbasak> tash: also note that you can run /usr/lib/update-manager/apt-check from a script [16:31] <rbasak> (I'm not sure that's "official" API though) [16:48] <ebonics> is it normal for mailman to be getting spam filtered by gmail with default settings (im using postfix with DKIM and SFP setup)? note: i dont get the same results with just postfix alone. [19:17] <lhorace> Hello [19:17] <lhorace> I have a KVM with 238MB.... Webmin fits nicely but when it runs apt-show-versions... OOM get's excuted [19:18] <lhorace> I am just curious, apt-show-versions needs a lot memory to run? I assume it loading stuff into MEM? [19:21] <ebonics> lhorace, [19:22] <lhorace> ebonics: I know how... The KVM came with template but since you mention that [19:22] <lhorace> I am going to see if I can add swap [19:29] <lordievader> lhorace: Is apache running on the same box? [19:30] <lhorace> Nope, just mail box [19:30] <lhorace> just Postfix, webmin [19:31] <lhorace> sshd [19:31] <lhorace> There extra process that I am not using and I am going to kill [19:32] <lhorace> dbus,init, and kernel pids [19:33] <lhorace> I don't recall how to resize EXT4 so I am looking up that information [19:33] <lordievader> resize2fs [19:33] <lordievader> Anyhow 238Mb is really tiny... [19:33] <lhorace> The assigned size is... 9.9GB total with 1.1Gb in use [19:34] <lordievader> Assigned size of what? [19:34] <lhorace> For the plan that I have [19:34] <lordievader> What? [19:34] <lhorace> It's 238MB with 9,9GB [19:34] <lhorace> I am renting a KVM from a hoster and they assigned me 238MB with 9.9GB [19:35] <bekks> Can you pastebin "free -m" please? [19:36] <lhorace> I am also renting another KVM, which is 512MB, a bit bigger but I am using for something else [19:37] <lhorace> They are Cloud Service [19:37] <lhorace> [19:37] <lhorace> Both have Ubuntu 14.04 [19:38] <bekks> !webmin [19:38] <lhorace> bekks: I don't have issues with Webmin on Ubuntu [19:38] <bekks> For a small mailserver, the 154M free would be ok. For nothing else. [19:39] <bekks> Well, it isnt supported anymore on Ubuntu. [19:39] <lhorace> Okay, thanks [19:39] <lhorace> Umm, where you get 154M? [19:39] <lhorace> You adding the cache and free? [19:39] <lhorace> BTW, This box relays mail to another box [19:39] <bekks> Yes. Because thats the RAM available to applications. [19:40] <bekks> [19:40] <lhorace> That does the actual deveilvery [19:40] <lhorace> bekks: Thanks, I read up Linux memory management actually [19:41] <lhorace> If I sound dumb, not trying to be [19:44] <lhorace> I think swap of size 300MB should be good enough [19:48] <lhorace> I can't resize2fs, it's online [19:50] <lhorace> "resize2fs: On-line shrinking not supported", I am going to have to ask the admins to do it for me [19:55] <lordievader> What kind of filesystem is it? [19:56] <lhorace> Ext4, I am going to look into a swap file [19:58] <lordievader> Ah, shrinking... live extending is supported. Read that wrong... [19:58] <lhorace> yeah [19:59] <lhorace> I was going to make room for a swap partition since that's most recommended [19:59] <lhorace> swapfile is the most easiest fixed and the admins are not in the mood [20:06] <lhorace> bekks: lordievader [20:07] <bekks> And? [20:07] <lhorace> Thanks for the suggestion, that really helped me a lot, wasn't sure how to solve the problem... I was thinking of disabling Webmin from running apt-show-version... When it runs, it jumps, then processes based on score start to be killed [20:07] <lhorace> bekks: Just show you I resolve the problem [20:07] <lhorace> bekks: Better? [20:09] <bekks> So you added a swap file then? [20:09] <lhorace> yup [20:10] <bekks> Did you change swappiness too, as well as changing the default behaviour of the OOM killer? [20:10] <lhorace> Uh, I was thinking about swappiness but as for OOM killer behavior.. I still have more to read [20:11] <lhorace> I think, with 60, that should be good enough, I am not sure I really want to go for agressive swappiness [20:11] <lhorace> KVM is on SSD [20:11] <bekks> Well, you actually dontwant to swap at all, if it can be avoided. So set vm.swappiness=5 or 10 in /etc/sysctl.conf [20:12] <lhorace> Hmmm, good point [20:13] <lhorace> I will see [20:13] <bekks> And set vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1 too [20:13] <lhorace> What does that do? [20:14] <bekks> When you are running out of memory, the OOM killer starts to randomly kill processes until the situation is resolved. You actually never want that. You want the process which causes the situation to be killed. [20:15] <lhorace> bekks: Okay, my observation, apt-show-versions get's killed [20:15] <lhorace> Then, I have tmux [20:15] <lhorace> So, I don't see ramdoniess, thus far [20:16] <lhorace> webmin which is the parent, get's killed but the time span [20:16] <lhorace> The parent of 'apt-show-versions' [20:16] <bekks> So if tmux causes the OOM situation, and webmin gets killed, thats random death. [20:16] <lhorace> lol [20:17] <lhorace> Okay [20:17] <lhorace> I so a lot of tmux inovked OOM [20:17] <lhorace> s/so/saw/ [20:17] <lhorace> For now, my critical serices keep running [20:18] <lhorace> services* [20:19] <lhorace> bekks: Actually, the template, so swapiness to 0 [20:19] <lhorace> s/so/set/ I don't have great spelling skills [20:20] <bekks> So if tmux is causing the OOM, set vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1 to make sure tmux gets killed then. [20:20] <lhorace> okay, set [22:45] <Peiniger> I’m logged in to a server that is rejecting all new connections. In /var/log/auth.log I’m seeing the following message: Connection closed by myipaddress [preauth] [22:46] <Peiniger> I’ve restarted ssh and verified authorized_keys hasnt been changed. [22:51] <lhorace> Peiniger: not enough information [22:51] <lhorace> SSHD might be closing the connection just becaust [22:51] <Peiniger> What other info would you like? [22:52] <lhorace> You can put SSHD in DEBUG mode [22:53] <Peiniger> Can I put it in debug mode without losing my current connection? [22:54] <lhorace> Peiniger: openSSH spawns SSH clients [22:54] <lhorace> so, you can restart SSHD witout affecting your current session [22:54] <pmatulis> Peiniger: pastebin what you get with the client in verbose mode (ssh -v). could be a number of things. like permissions of .ssh directory or key files [22:54] <Peiniger> no problem. 1 minute please [22:55] <pmatulis> more v's are possible but one is usually good (ssh -vvv) [22:56] <Peiniger> [22:57] <pmatulis> Peiniger: so could be a few things. but i would first check auth.log on the server. pastebin the last few lines [22:57] <lhorace> Umm pmatulis you explain or can I? [22:57] <lhorace> Uhhh [22:57] <pmatulis> lhorace: go ahead [22:57] <lhorace> Well, the authentication mentods is publickey [22:58] <lhorace> That's why it faied [22:58] <lhorace> oops, failed* [22:58] <lhorace> There is not other method to try [22:59] <pmatulis> lhorace: ? [22:59] <lhorace> Well, with my SSHD, I might keep it to just publickey [23:00] <lhorace> But if you lose it, you need to find another way [23:00] <pmatulis> Peiniger: anyway, provide auth.log. otherwise, this error can occur if you're connecting to the wrong user account or the public key is not installed in the remote ubuntu user's home directory [23:00] <Peiniger> pmatulis: the only sshd error im getting in /var/log/auth.log is Connection closed by myipaddress [preauth] [23:01] <lhorace> What SSHD tells me now is enough to know what is the problem [23:01] <lhorace> Some of you need to read the openSSH docs [23:01] <lhorace> It's clear as day in the pastebin [23:02] <lhorace> debug1: identity file /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-east.pem type -1 ? [23:03] <lhorace> that might be the problem [23:04] <Peiniger> lhorace: can you elaborate? [23:04] <sarnold> lhorace: but the command line asked for -i ~/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-server1.pem and it appears it was tried.. debug1: Trying private key: /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-server1.pem [23:05] <lhorace> I keep my private key safe [23:07] <lhorace> On, I have Arch Linux, Ubuntu, etc severs... I usally disable the password or any other mechnasim of auth on SSH [23:07] <sarnold> Peiniger: are you confident the public portion of /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-server1.pem is in the authorized_keys of the user account on the remote server you're tryingt ouse? [23:07] <Peiniger> I will double check [23:07] <lhorace> Except for publickey [23:09] <lhorace> sarnold: All the AUTH methods failed [23:09] <Peiniger> the output of my .pem file is a private key. [23:09] <Peiniger> what do you mean the public section? [23:10] <lhorace> I didn't know that you keep private keys in PEM format [23:10] <sarnold> Peiniger: most ssh clients store the privkey ina file named e.g. id_rsa and the public portion in afile named [23:10] <lhorace> Must be a new SSH feature [23:10] <sarnold> lhorace: I think the .pem format was a feature of the ancient commercial ssh [23:10] <bekks> The .pem file contains a SSL certificate, which is not a SSH key. [23:11] <bekks> Isnt it? [23:11] <Peiniger> “The private key file is automatically downloaded by your browser. The base file name is the name you specified as the name of your key pair, and the file name extension is .pem. Save the private key file in a safe place.” [23:11] <sarnold> Peiniger: _browser_? [23:11] <Peiniger> from the amazon docs [23:11] <lhorace> As long of SSH that I have, I never seen SSH encode it in PEM format [23:11] <sarnold> lhorace: be thankful :) [23:12] <Peiniger> sarnold: i would ignore the browser piece [23:12] <Peiniger> must download instructions [23:12] <sarnold> lhorace: the old commercial ssh was verybadterrible [23:12] <lhorace> I want to help Peiniger [23:12] <Peiniger> Its for Amazon EC2 key pairs [23:12] <lhorace> make sure he solved his issue [23:12] <sarnold> lhorace: .. but this sounds like some funky amazonery rather than the old commercial ssh [23:13] <lhorace> sarnold: Don't care about the backround [23:13] <Peiniger> [23:13] <pmatulis> Peiniger: i can connect to Amazon instances with such a .pem key [23:13] <pmatulis> Peiniger: the problem is probably you didn't choose the proper key when you created your instance [23:13] <lhorace> It might end with .pem [23:14] <Peiniger> pmatulis: the instance has been around for a while now [23:14] <lhorace> the contents is different [23:14] <Peiniger> ssh suddenly stopped working [23:14] <Peiniger> i just happened to be logged in to it [23:14] <pmatulis> interesting, "suddenly stopped working" [23:15] <pmatulis> Peiniger: you have console access right? [23:15] <lhorace> SSH will spawn a process [23:15] <Peiniger> yes…i should have said stopped receiving new connections [23:15] <lhorace> It stop working doesn't mean the deamon stopped [23:16] <lhorace> I said, before, but SSHD in debug mode [23:16] <Peiniger> lhorace: can i put it in debug mode without disconnecting my current session? [23:17] <lhorace> Peiniger: It could be your SHELL that disconnect you [23:17] <Peiniger> others are experiencing this problem too [23:17] <lhorace> Peiniger: If you currently logged and ROOT authority .. yes [23:18] <lhorace> SSHD spawns new process for clients under their priviledge [23:19] <lhorace> Peiniger: When you say others, I need to know what Ubuntu Version? [23:20] <Peiniger> lhorace: server is 14.04.1 [23:21] <lhorace> Okay, I have 4 14.04.1 [23:21] <lhorace> and Arch Linux.. etc [23:22] <lhorace> You asked me a few times if making changes will destro your current session [23:23] <lhorace> SSHD spawns Processes [23:24] <lhorace> It means depends on how the program is program that one process shouldn't effect another [23:26] <Peiniger> im with you. thanks for the explination [23:29] <lhorace> I wanted to make sure everthing was goign alright with you Peiniger [23:32] <lhorace> I just finish reading up on SSH and PEM [23:32] <Peiniger> I need to get a port opened to run in debug mode [23:32] <lhorace> That debug1: identity file /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-east.pem type -1 [23:32] <lhorace> that was your problem [23:33] <lhorace> I took at my key, it's in PEM format [23:33] <lhorace> It's not* [23:34] <Peiniger> what is the problem? [23:35] <lhorace> PEM and SSH key are both base64 but when you decode it.. it means something else [23:36] <sarnold> I really don't think that's it; the command line asked for a specific (different) key, and that other key was tested later [23:37] <sarnold> here's a successful login to my isp with half-dozen of those "type -1" lines: [23:37] <sarnold> I think you're better off putting that sshd into debug mode and hoping for more verbose messages that way [23:38] <lhorace> RIGHT [23:38] <Peiniger> Ill give that a shot once I can open another port [23:38] <Peiniger> thanks for your help [23:41] <sarnold> unforuntately I don't see much in the way of debugging messages when I search for "Connection reset by", they all show up on len==0 results from socket reads, e.g. [23:42] <sarnold> so debug mode may not help much, but it's worth trying [23:50] <pmatulis> Peiniger: i asked before, did you confirm the public key is installed in the remote ubuntu user's home directory? even though it "suddenly stopped working", it is good to check [23:51] <Peiniger> yes i did [23:54] <sarnold> Peiniger: check ls -ld output for ~ ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote server; if owners, groups, or permissions are the least bit wrong, sshd will refuse to use it; I'd expect it to log something about it on the server, but the client often has no visibility about why the public key didn't work
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Error404NotFound", "Peiniger", "Sling", "andre_pl", "arcsky", "bekks", "cyclob|work", "dasjoe", "ebonics", "jrwren", "lhorace", "lordievader", "patdk-lap", "pmatulis", "purplehorace", "rbasak", "ruben23", "sarnold", "spyridonas", "strikov", "tash", "teward", "zerowaitstate" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[19:12] <pazuzu> sal all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "pazuzu" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ro" }
[02:10] <imgbot> [04:15] <imgbot> [04:15] <imgbot> [09:34] <dbarth> Laney: ping? i'm requesting a silo to land the fix for MSN/FB xmpp services going away [09:34] <dbarth> [09:34] <Laney> dbarth: oh, wait, mardy pinged me and I forgot to reply [09:34] <dbarth> Laney: but to land, this would need a priority bump to make it [09:34] <Laney> sorry mardy! [09:34] <dbarth> Laney: do you think that's still open ? [09:35] <Laney> dbarth: I don't know, since we're in final freeze now [09:35] <mardy> Laney: np :-) I'll keep the packages alive, since they appear in empathy's Recommends [09:35] <Laney> mardy: we can just fix that [09:36] <mardy> Laney: you mean, "we can just fix that" = "we can remove the broken plugins from the Recommends line"? [09:37] <Laney> nod [09:37] <Laney> you might want a Conflicts to get it removed too [09:38] <mardy> Laney: and this change (about the Recommends) could go in despite the freeze? [09:38] <Laney> mardy: It's not up to me, but I would be okay with uploading it to see [09:39] <Laney> worst case it could become a SRU [09:39] <dbarth> Laney: let us know; we have the fix there, and can update the merge prop. in the way you prefer to release [09:40] <Laney> mardy: what about removing the packages & Recommends from empathy, and putting a Conflicts on libaccount-plugin-generic-oauth? [09:42] <Laney> hmm, they have an |ed depends on u-s-s-o-a so you may want to add one there too [09:43] <mardy> Laney: just to clarify: the removal of the package is only for the windows-live plugin; the facebook one can't be removed, because it has other uses [09:43] <Laney> yes [09:43] <Laney> s/packages/package/ sorry [09:45] <mardy> Laney: OK for the conflicts [09:46] <mardy> Laney: maybe we should split the silo, to separate the branches that are for touch from those from the desktop, so that we can land them independently [09:46] <mardy> dbarth: ^ [09:47] <Laney> I think for vivid we'd want to consider it all together [09:55] <mardy> Laney: ok [09:56] <Laney> but all we can do it put it in the queue and see if it's judged okay for release at this point [10:03] <rvr> Mirv: ping [10:08] <Mirv> rvr: pong [10:09] <rvr> Mirv: I have tested the browser tabs, youtube, soundcloud, google maps, anything else worth checking? [10:09] <Mirv> rvr: not that I can think of. it's a quite low-level change that prevents using (on arale chipset only) an OpenGL feature that arale doesn't really support at the moment [10:10] <rvr> Mirv: Hmm... I'll check a webapp game. [10:12] <rvr> Seems WebGL is disabled [10:30] <Mirv> rvr: hmm, maybe a generic vivid thing? I've a vague memory of some bug. [10:30] <rvr> Mirv: I'll check now in krillin, but I too guess it's a generic thing [10:32] <Mirv> rvr: [10:32] <rvr> Mirv: Interesting, thanks [11:39] <rvr> Mirv: Bad news [11:39] <rvr> Mirv: krillin is doing weird things with the silo packages [11:42] <Mirv> rvr: hmm? the if clause is done so that there should be no code change if the gfx chipset isn't Arale's PowerVR G6200 [11:46] <bzoltan_> Mirv: is there a free silo for the UITK? [11:47] <Mirv> bzoltan_: sure there is since you already have it [11:53] <rvr> Mirv: [11:53] <Mirv> rvr: add read rights [11:54] <rvr> Mirv: Done [11:55] <popey> alesage: could you please file bugs for your calendar issues? (without logs we can't identify what's going on) [11:56] <Mirv> rvr: the flickering? wow. I don't see anything like that on mako. have you tried purging the PPA ie with/without comparison? [11:56] <Mirv> kgunn: any reasonable explanation for rvr's video ^ on krillin with your patch? [11:59] * Mirv hangouts + dentist [12:18] <mardy> Laney: [12:18] <mardy> Laney: should I put that in our silo, or how do we proceed? [12:18] <rvr> Mirv: I didn't see any flickering when I flashed the phone, before installing the silos [12:19] <kgunn> Mirv: i would doubt that patch would effect the greeter/keyboard.... [12:19] <kgunn> and yeah it should only effect arale [12:19] <kgunn> ....actually that bug looks just like one that alf is working on [12:20] <kgunn> we just found it 2 days ago on krillin [12:20] <kgunn> rvr: is that the packages from silo 2 ? [12:20] <rvr> kgunn: Yes [12:20] <kgunn> rvr: do you know what other changes Mirv has in those ? [12:21] <rvr> kgunn: [12:21] <rvr> "Sync with qtbase-opensource-src - 5.4.1+dfsg-1ubuntu5" [12:22] <kgunn> rvr: did that problem survive reboot ? [12:23] <rvr> kgunn: After silo packages are installed, the phone is rebooted [12:23] <Mirv> rvr: -gles is not in use on the device. in the main package, the only change is this patch. [12:23] <rvr> Rebooting again [12:24] <kgunn> rvr: Mirv yeah...that is the same exact bug that alf's working [12:24] <kgunn> [12:25] <rvr> kgunn: Interesting. On second reboot, problem is gone [12:25] <kgunn>'s sporadic [12:27] <Mirv> the patch in 002 is visible at - ie same code path if gpu != PowerVR Rogue G6200 [12:30] <kgunn> yeah, it's not related to the patch [12:30] <rvr> Ack [12:34] <dbarth> rvr, Mirv: webgl is supported only on krillin right now; it will be re-enabled in the next release of oxide (1.7) for mako and other devices as well [12:34] <rvr> dbarth: Ack [12:39] <rvr> dbarth: But in I don't see any spinning cube, as it says it should [12:42] <dbarth> rvr: on krillin ? [13:09] <rvr> dbarth: Yes, in RTM and in Vivid [13:10] <Laney> mardy: you need to provide a changelog and then dput it to the silo [13:10] <Laney> I can do that if you can't [13:24] <mardy> Laney: yes, please do :-) I updated the changelog [13:25] <Laney> okay, which silo is it? [13:35] <dbarth> Laney: 006 [13:35] <Laney> thx, give me 10 minutes or so [14:03] <boiko> jibel: hi, just curious: why is ubuntu-rtm/landing-003 marked as blocked in the QA board? [14:03] <jibel> boiko, I have no idea [14:04] <jibel> rvr, ^ do you know? [14:09] <jibel> boiko, maybe because it is marked 'dirty' [14:09] <jibel> ah rtm [14:09] <boiko> jibel: yep, rtm [14:11] <jibel> boiko, it looks good to me, so I don't know [14:12] <boiko> jibel: ok, thanks :/ [14:17] <rvr> jibel: Yes, RTM [14:19] <rvr> boiko: Is an app update intended for the Store? [14:19] <boiko> rvr: dialer-app is not on store, it is part of the images [14:20] <rvr> boiko: Right, and we are not getting new RTM updates [14:21] <rvr> OTA3 is likely the last one [14:21] <boiko> rvr: oh, ok, didn't know [14:21] <boiko> bfiller: ^ [14:23] <jibel> boiko,rvr we'll maybe have a hotfix [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: hey! [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: you testing silo 002? [14:26] <rvr> sil2100: Yes [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: we would need a voulenteer to do the first landing to the overlay PPA [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: so this is our first candidate then [14:26] <sil2100> ;) [14:27] <rvr> sil2100: What do I have to do? [14:28] <sil2100> rvr: just sign it off normally [14:28] <sil2100> rvr: I'll reconfigure it to target the PPA, but everything else stays exactly the same [14:28] <sil2100> (no rebuilds happening, just some config changes) [14:32] <rvr> sil2100: Do I need to recheck the packages? [14:32] <sil2100> rvr: no no, no rebuilds will happen, just silo config changes [14:32] <sil2100> Please continue ;) [14:32] <rvr> sil2100: Ack :) [14:40] <Laney> dbarth, mardy: uploaded [14:41] <mardy> Laney: thanks! [14:42] <mardy> dbarth: can you please build silo #6? [14:51] <mardy> Laney: should I drop then? [14:54] <Laney> mardy: nein, I'll push it when the package is accepted [14:54] <Laney> actually I can push to 375 now [14:54] <Laney> done [14:55] <dbarth> mardy: sure [15:00] <robru> mandel: tvoss: no qa for silos 9 and 30? [15:00] <tvoss> mandel, there should be for 30 at least [15:00] <mandel> same for 9 [15:00] <tvoss> robru, there shouldbe for 30 at least, mybad [15:00] <mandel> tvoss, I think we forgot to set it in the spreadsheet, is not longer by default, or so it looks [15:01] <robru> mandel: tvoss: yeah it needs to be set, sorry, and thanks [15:01] <mandel> tvoss, I took care of 30 already [15:25] <rvr> Mirv: Finally could test in mako, seems good [15:25] <rvr> sil2100: So, silo is ready from my part. Tell me when I can click to sign off. [15:31] <sil2100> rvr: ok, thanks, one moment still - robru will handle it :) [15:33] <pmcgowan> kgunn, Mirv whats the status on silo2, its back to ready to build [15:33] <sil2100> pmcgowan: no worries, it's CI Train reconfig [15:33] <sil2100> Don't worry, it's built and tested [15:34] <sil2100> Will land soon [15:34] <pmcgowan> ok ty [15:51] <bzoltan_> sil2100: May i ask for a silo4 reconf? [15:52] <sil2100> bzoltan_: ok, let me do it quickly, but I'm almost in transit now [15:52] <bzoltan_> sil2100: have a good flight dude :) and a safe one [15:53] <rvr> mandel: ping [15:53] <mandel> rvr, hello [15:53] <rvr> mandel: Hey [15:55] <sil2100> bzoltan_: thanks and done :) [15:58] <dbarth> Laney: silo 6 is ready; any news on landing clearance ? [15:59] <Laney> ready as in you've tested it? [16:02] <robru> rvr: hey. I have a branch ready that fixes a bug in the train. I'll push it to production shortly. then we can get this show on the road [16:02] <Laney> dbarth: Check with infinity if you can upload it or if we should SRU after release [16:03] <rvr> robru: Ack [16:09] <robru> rvr: alright, can you throw your qa ack on silo 2? thanks! [16:09] <rvr> robru: Let's go! [16:10] <alesage> popey bugs in process, stepping over a crash en route to [16:10] <popey> alesage: thanks! [16:12] <dbarth> Laney: ok [16:13] <dbarth> infinity: this is about landing a silo fixing [16:13] * Laney releases that bug title is overly alarming [16:13] <dbarth> infinity: i think that's an sru, but wave if you want us to land that for the release [16:13] <Laney> realises* [16:13] <dbarth> yeah, that's FB & MSN *messaging* services shutting down [16:26] <bzoltan_> does anybody know if the phablet-click-test-setup suppose to work these days? [16:29] <infinity> dbarth: If it's auditable and testable, I don't mind getting it in before release. [16:35] <bzoltan_> brendand: do you know why the phablet-click-test-setup with ubuntu/15.04 ? [16:38] <brendand> bzoltan_, question seems incomplete. is it failing? [16:38] <bzoltan_> brendand: yes it does .. in a spectacular way ... each time on different app [16:39] <bzoltan_> brendand: [16:40] <brendand> bzoltan_, hmmm. unfortunately i can't look at it now. remind us on monday and someone will have a look [16:40] <bzoltan_> brendand: Monday??? Uhh.. is anybody around who could help? I wish to test the UITK release candidate during the weekend [16:41] <bzoltan_> brendand: you know :) it is a full day process ... 18 hours at least ... given that these super quality tools work [16:42] <bzoltan_> brendand: and the gates close next week for RTM [16:44] <brendand> bzoltan_, not many. elopio is finishing the sprint in austin [16:44] <bzoltan_> brendand: shame ... but such as life [16:45] <brendand> bzoltan_, i'll come back in a little while and either help fix it or find someone who can [16:45] <brendand> bzoltan_, let me assume you try this on a freshly installed vivid image? [16:45] <bzoltan_> brendand: Thank you [16:45] <bzoltan_> brendand: Yes [16:47] <bzoltan_> brendand: I constantly do wonder how it is possible that these very important tools ar so unstable [16:54] <bzoltan_> brendand: it seems that most of the times it is the calculator app what makes the p-c-t fail... so I simple unregister that app... screw it :) [17:07] <charles> trainguards, i need to make a change to ubuntu/landing-027, to change which indicator-location branch is included in the silo [17:09] <charles> trainguards, this is on line 43 of the spreadsheet, basically I want to swap the current MP with a replacement [17:10] <robru> charles: yep, you should have the power to do that yourself & reconfigure [17:11] <charles> robru, cool, how do I do that wrt changing the MP? [17:12] <robru> charles: just literally edit the spreadsheet cell to remove the MP you don't want then add the one you do want. once the spreadsheet looks right, find "Landing tools > Reconfigure" menu and follow the prompts. [17:12] <charles> robru, thanks [17:21] <robru> charles: just confirm you got the right URL in your silo there, otherwise looks good, ready to build [17:22] <robru> brb, lunch [17:24] <brendand> bzoltan_, they are not well tested [17:25] <bzoltan_> brendand: That one I figured out myself :) too [17:25] <bzoltan_> brendand: at least now that I have unregistered the terminal and the calculator app the tool works [17:26] <brendand> bzoltan_, ok [17:26] <brendand> bzoltan_, can you paste the version you're using? [17:28] <bzoltan_> brendand: the stock one from vivid [17:28] <charles> renatu, what's the status of the eds branch in our shared silo 8? are you ready to land? [17:28] <brendand> bzoltan_, mine is 1.1+15.04.20150330-0ubuntu1 [17:29] <bzoltan_> brendand: same here [17:29] <renatu> charles, yes [17:29] <bzoltan_> 1.1+15.04.20150330-0ubuntu1 [17:30] <brendand> bzoltan_, interesting, the error i get now is about uitk ;p [17:31] <brendand> package ubuntu-ui-toolkit, version 1.2.1458+15.04.20150327bzr1485pkg0vivid407-0ubuntu1 not found in [17:31] <bzoltan_> brendand: :D nice try [17:31] <bzoltan_> brendand: for me the failing point was changing ... but calculator was the most typical [17:32] <brendand> oh i know - i installed uitk from staging on this... [17:32] * brendand reflashes [17:53] <brendand> bzoltan_, btw you might think about starting to convert to using adt-run for click tests rather than phablet-click-test [17:53] <brendand> bzoltan_, *that's* well tested [17:54] <brendand> bzoltan_, as simple as e.g. adt-run --click com.ubuntu.calculator --- ssh -s adb [18:10] <brendand> bzoltan_, i see what happened [18:11] <brendand> bzoltan_, calculator changed their layout and violated the expected layout of tests [18:19] <brendand> bzoltan_, i would really switch to using adt-run, if you have any concerns or need help doing it then let me know [18:19] <bzoltan_> brendand: I suspected that... after sil2100 talked about that expectd layout [18:20] <imgbot> [18:20] <bzoltan_> brendand: I will evaluate adt-run, but to be hyper honest, I trust nothing else but my very own tool, what made possible dozens of regression free landings :) [18:21] <bzoltan_> brendand: all the non tested, non reliable, "works for me" tools wasted lots of my time. Since I use my own test plan executor I am more relaxed :) [18:22] <brendand> bzoltan_, well adt-run is very much tested, so don't need to worry about that [18:22] <bzoltan_> brendand: I will check next week, but I do not risk this landing with anything. Thursday is the deadline to push out several critical fixes. [18:22] <brendand> bzoltan_, and in fact phablet-test-run is semi-deprecated so unless you're using your own tool also to deploy/execute the tests (which would be crazy) then you should [18:23] <bzoltan_> brendand: :D I never considered the phablet-test-run as non deprecated .. it was born to be deprecated :) [18:24] <bzoltan_> brendand: I will check this tool next week. I am happy to hear that finally we have something more stable and reliable [18:27] <bzoltan_> brendand: one question :) has anybody ever used (in documented way) these adt tool to run 8 (4 RTM and 4 Ubuntu) times all the available tests where eac tests are executed three times with reboots between them and flashing + setting up PPAs? [18:29] <bzoltan_> brendand: for example the browser tests just made the krilling hang ... nice [18:30] <brendand> bzoltan_, well no - you're the only person doing that [18:30] <brendand> bzoltan_, and it's not magic, so you will probably still have some of the same problems you do now, but i wouldn't say it would be worse than with phablet-test-run [18:54] <bzoltan_> brendand: I am not doing that massive tests for fun :) I do it because many of the tools in the chain are unpredictable and single run of one test do not provide valuable result. But to be fair, most of the problems are not caused or rooted to p-t-r ... [18:57] <bzoltan_> brendand: the problem is the combination of many small problems what do not come out if you run simple tests... like you never experience that not sleeping fior 2 minutes could be a problem if you run 20-30 tests in a row... or that you better wait 10 minutes after flashing :) because once out of fifty runs you might see problems. That is why I trust my process... I have polished these details a lot... so I can leave my devices to run automatic tests [18:57] <bzoltan_> for the night. [19:32] <jhodapp> robru, can you please reconfigure silo 28? [19:34] <jhodapp> or rsalveti^ [19:35] <imgbot> [19:35] <imgbot> [19:39] <robru> jhodapp: one sec [19:40] <jhodapp> thanks [19:42] <robru> jhodapp: did you click build? I think you hit it too soon [19:43] <robru> yeah [19:43] <jhodapp> robru, I did, I think rsalveti reconfigured it in time though [19:43] <jhodapp> but maybe not [19:43] <jhodapp> can you kill the build and restart it then, rebuild everything [19:43] <robru> jhodapp: I don't think so, check the dashboard, does it have the right merges? [19:44] <jhodapp> let's just start over just in case [19:44] <robru> jhodapp: k, needs to be reconfigured again, the premature build effectively undid the reconfigure. [19:44] <rsalveti> yeah, ricmm_ asked me to reconfigure in parallel [19:44] <rsalveti> so ended up doing that [19:45] <jhodapp> robru, ok thanks [19:46] <robru> rsalveti: heh, you did the wrong reconfigure, the unpriveleged one, it didn't work [19:47] <robru> jhodapp: ok, this should be working: [19:48] <jhodapp> thanks robru [19:48] <robru> jhodapp: you're welcome! [20:24] <kenvandine> alesage, about silo 24, so when you turned wifi on, it turned itself back off again? [20:25] <kenvandine> alesage, meaning the wifi switch is in the off position? [20:26] <alesage> kenvandine, yes that's what I observed [20:26] <kenvandine> alesage, your steps in your test case confuse me [20:27] <kenvandine> you select "forget" for your AP [20:27] <alesage> kenvandine, right [20:27] <kenvandine> then step 3 says "WiFi switches to 'off'" [20:27] <kenvandine> so you turned off wifi there? [20:27] <kenvandine> or you mean it disconnected [20:27] <alesage> kenvandine, disconnected [20:28] <kenvandine> ok, when do you turn wifi off there? [20:28] <alesage> kenvandine, I'll prep the silo to reproduce [20:28] <kenvandine> the only change in the wifi plugin would be related to the actual wifi on/off switch [20:29] <alesage> kenvandine, right that was the surprise IMO [20:29] <kenvandine> not forget/connect.. etc [20:29] <kenvandine> so i would expect to test this, you wouldn't forget, you would turn it off [20:29] * alesage needs a dashcam for this kind of thing [20:29] <kenvandine> then switch it on again, it should connect [20:30] <alesage> kenvandine, will attempt in trunk to begin, assuming I'm not going to see the weird 'forget' behavior [20:30] <kenvandine> i would worry that the switch might have a race turning off/on [20:30] <kenvandine> but i tested that a bunch of time [20:31] <kenvandine> alesage, so to confirm, you moved the switch to "off" then moved it back to "on" then it changed itself to "off"? [20:32] <alesage> kenvandine, switching WiFi to on, my home AP appeared, upon selecting it, the WiFi switch turned to 'off' [20:32] <kenvandine> alesage, also confirm the switch stays the same between indicator-network and system-settings [20:32] <kenvandine> ok, thanks for clarifying [20:32] <kenvandine> wanted to make sure you weren't just talking about it not connecting [20:32] <alesage> kenvandine, I'll be superverbose next round :) [20:32] * kenvandine follows same steps again [20:33] <kenvandine> not about verbosity :) [20:33] <kenvandine> just making sure using the same terms :) [20:33] <alesage> makes me wish for BDD/cucumber adoption [20:36] <kenvandine> alesage, i just reproduced that same problem on vivid-proposed without the silo [20:36] <kenvandine> so not a regression in this silo [20:36] <kenvandine> wtf though! [20:37] <alesage> kenvandine, I lol [20:37] <alesage> so Friday afternoon [20:37] <kenvandine> ok, can't reproduce on rtm [20:38] <kenvandine> so that's good :) [20:38] <kenvandine> for now [20:38] <alesage> kenvandine, feels like a settings bug no? [20:38] <kenvandine> i'm betting the indicator [20:38] <kenvandine> that menu is coming from indicator-network [20:40] <alesage> kenvandine, I'll file and affect both [20:40] <kenvandine> thx [20:40] <alesage> kenvandine, if you want to re-propose I'll review again [20:40] <kenvandine> alesage, can you double check that it isn't a new regression too? [20:40] <alesage> kenvandine, back to last image, e.g.? [20:41] <kenvandine> if you don't mind :) [20:41] <alesage> kenvandine, with sprinkles pls [20:41] <kenvandine> pretty please :) [20:41] <alesage> ha [20:43] <kenvandine> Installed: 0.3+15.04.20150413-0ubuntu1 [20:43] <kenvandine> so i'm pretty sure my device isn't tainted [20:43] <kenvandine> oh... that indicator-network port to qtdbus just landed the other day didn't it [20:44] <kenvandine> i wonder if that broke something [20:44] <alesage> good theory [20:44] <alesage> although I thought that went to rtm too [20:45] <kenvandine> oh it did [20:45] <kenvandine> ok, rules that out :) [20:45] <alesage> not certain, would need to verify [20:45] <kenvandine> i verified [20:48] <alesage> not seeing the same 'forget' behavior in trunk :/ , might need reinforcements here [20:48] <kenvandine> oh really [20:48] <kenvandine> maybe apt is lying about my version [20:50] <alesage> wouldn't expect this to differ by device? /me is on krillin [20:50] <kenvandine> ok, confirmed [20:51] <kenvandine> i did a reinstall of the package from vivid and couldn't repro it [20:51] * kenvandine hates when apt lies because i updated the image :) [20:51] <kenvandine> alesage, sorry... i guess i need to reject the branch and have dednick fix it :) [20:52] <kenvandine> weird though, because the menumodel stuff wasn't changed [20:52] <kenvandine> just the on/off switch [20:52] <kenvandine> alesage, thanks for being thorough! [20:53] <alesage> I'll just reproduce with silo--I'm realizing now that it's weird that WiFi disappeared upon forgetting network, memory of this foggy though, will get a more precise description [20:53] <alesage> kenvandine, ok [21:04] <alesage> kenvandine, just doin' mah job :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Mirv", "alesage", "boiko", "brendand", "bzoltan_", "charles", "dbarth", "imgbot", "infinity", "jhodapp", "jibel", "kenvandine", "kgunn", "mandel", "mardy", "pmcgowan", "popey", "renatu", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "tvoss" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[02:17] <jabuk> M 1.8 > SZ od KARLOVCA (HRVAŠKA) @17/04/2015 04:08:47,+15.43+E [02:21] <jabuk> M 1.5 > JV od KOČEVSKE REKE @17/04/2015 04:08:52,+14.84+E [06:21] <napsy> jutro [06:41] <dz0ny> dan [06:41] <dz0ny> [06:42] <yang> .vreme lj [06:42] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 14°C @17.04.2015 6:00 UTC. [06:42] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 59% jugozahodnik 1.8 m/s pretežno oblačno [06:42] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:13:55, Kulminacija: 11:02:34, Sončni zahod: 17:51:12 [06:42] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 37min 17s, Luna je v ščipu [06:44] <yang> jutro dz0ny [06:46] <idioterna> sasa84: js spilam bas ja [06:48] <sasa84> jaz nek gruntam, d bi se začela bas učit [06:48] <idioterna> [06:48] <idioterna> to je blo ko sm dobil prvega maca posnet [06:50] <sasa84> kul! [06:50] <sasa84> jaz špilam kitaro in računam na to, d bo mogoče mal lažji prehod [06:50] <sasa84> :D [06:59] <zdobersek> sasa84: take it away! [06:59] <sasa84> wiiii zdobersek! [06:59] <zdobersek> Knights of Cydonia riff? [07:03] <sasa84> lol zdobersek :D [07:04] <dz0ny> .yt medusa gems [07:04] <jabuk> GEMS - Medusa (4 minute) ♥244 ▶26,702 [07:05] <zdobersek> COME RIDE WITH ME [07:33] <zdobersek> .vreme Celje [07:33] <jabuk> ARSO: Celje (244m): 16°C @17.04.2015 7:00 UTC. [07:33] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 56% jugozahodnik 5.8 m/s [07:33] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:10:40, Kulminacija: 10:59:40, Sončni zahod: 17:48:40 [07:33] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 38min 01s, Luna je v ščipu [07:42] <sasa84> .vreme rakek [07:42] <jabuk> ARSO: Postojna (533m): 12.1°C @17.04.2015 7:30 UTC. [07:42] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 78% jugozahodnik 2.3 m/s [07:42] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:15:10, Kulminacija: 11:03:28, Sončni zahod: 17:51:47 [07:42] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 36min 37s, Luna je v ščipu [07:58] <anny__> [07:58] <jabuk> when does’t contain images [07:58] <Seniorita> Leskovec, profesor na Stanfordu: Računalnik je lahko boljši od sodnika :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija [07:58] <Seniorita> »Količine podatkov z vseh področij življenja se naglo povečujejo, s čimer dajejo računalnikom podlago za vse večjo učinkovitost. Takšno, da je lahko program v določenih pogledih že boljši od sodnika.« [07:58] <jabuk> when I allow the client to test the application for the first time [08:13] <CrazyLemon> [08:13] <Seniorita> SpaceX CRS6 BARGE LANDING (view from gopro) - YouTube [08:13] <Seniorita> »View from deck of the barge!« [08:13] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny ^ [08:13] <dz0ny> mhm [08:13] <dz0ny> vidu [08:14] <zdobersek> close [08:14] <zdobersek> no cigar [08:14] <CrazyLemon> in nisi delil?!? nesramnost pa taka! [08:14] <zdobersek> but some op [08:15] <CrazyLemon> :) [08:15] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: share your +o first [08:15] * CrazyLemon sets mode: +o zdobersek [08:17] <zdobersek> for real, please [08:17] <CrazyLemon> for real real? [08:18] <zdobersek> more real [08:19] <CrazyLemon> what did i do now [08:19] <zdobersek> you fucked up everything [08:20] <CrazyLemon> lol [08:20] <dz0ny> [08:20] <Seniorita> NASA: A Year In The Life Of Earth's CO2 [08:20] <dz0ny> .radar [08:20] <jabuk> Radarska slika padavin: [08:20] <zdobersek> :'/ [08:20] <zdobersek> ne jocem, tist je kapljica [08:21] <CrazyLemon> hm..pri nas tudi kapljice [08:25] <zdobbie> mhm [09:19] <sasa84> mhm zdobbie [09:20] <sasa84> .vreme rakek [09:20] <jabuk> ARSO: Postojna (533m): 12.9°C @17.04.2015 9:00 UTC. [09:20] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 74% zahodnik 2.7 m/s [09:20] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:15:10, Kulminacija: 11:03:28, Sončni zahod: 17:51:47 [09:20] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 36min 37s, Luna je v ščipu [09:20] <sasa84> mhm [09:33] <zdobbie> Dan je dolg. [09:37] <anny_> dež bo [09:56] <CrazyLemon> dež je [10:00] <napsy_> aha [10:05] <idioterna> ja [10:06] <idioterna> en me je kr dobr zjebu zdele [10:06] <napsy_> pr cem? [10:06] <idioterna> med dvema kolonama avtomobilov sm letel prot semaforju k je bil about to turn green [10:06] <idioterna> pa je en passat hitr stisnu v sosedn avto [10:06] <idioterna> da mi je zaprl pot [10:06] <idioterna> sam pac ni racunal da js vem da vse avtomobile vozjo izkljucno kreteni [10:07] <idioterna> in sm cist lepo odvozu naokol [10:07] <napsy_> kwa si mu pokazu :) [10:07] <idioterna> zabremzu, pelu okol njega po drug stran, pa nazaj [10:07] <idioterna> nc [10:18] <zdobbie> wat en idiot met het passat [10:21] <CrazyLemon> idioterna in zakaj sem pol js kreten če te je pa passat stisnu v kot?!? [10:21] <CrazyLemon> "kot" [10:21] <zdobbie> sej to ni pogojno [10:23] <sasa84_> :D [10:24] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie od tebe itak ne pričakujem več kot in samo ljubezen <3 [10:26] <CrazyLemon> .rt [10:26] <jabuk> Trenutno se predvaja: San Fermin - Emily. [10:34] <anny_> brco rabim [10:34] <slax0r> jutro [10:34] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: ^ [10:34] * CrazyLemon brcne anny_ [10:34] <anny_> zdobbi naj [10:35] <CrazyLemon> pfft [10:35] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ^ [10:35] <anny_> ti si kul, samo premočen [10:35] <slax0r> a ni ze prepozno zdaj? [10:35] <CrazyLemon> anny_ ja to je res.. zdobbie je res malo bl girly [10:36] <anny_> jap [10:36] <slax0r> [10:36] <slax0r> takole? [10:37] <CrazyLemon> without the muscles ja.. [10:37] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: I need the powers [10:37] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie talk to chanserv [10:38] * slax0r hides [10:38] <slax0r> *phew* [10:38] <zdobbie> opa! [10:39] <slax0r> run puta, runa! [10:39] <slax0r> run* [10:42] * anny__ se zahvali vsem [10:42] <CrazyLemon> now kick him [10:42] <anny__> kako? [10:43] <CrazyLemon> /kick zdobbie poljubno sporočilo [10:43] <zdobersek> /kick CrazyLemon traitor [10:43] <anny__> :) [10:43] * slax0r se pocuti zapostavljenega [10:43] <anny__> nah [10:43] <CrazyLemon> slax0r lol :)O [10:43] <CrazyLemon> -O [10:44] <slax0r> pa ravno sm pisu da me nihce noce kickat :) [10:44] <anny__> :* [10:44] <slax0r> \o/ [10:45] <zdobbie> DO IT AGAIN [10:46] <anny__> :** [10:46] <slax0r> btw, a je kdo ze mogoce parsal CSV iz google docs spreadsheeta? [10:46] <slax0r> saj use stima, sam rabi 30-60s da se posodobi ko naredim spremembo v sheetu :/ [10:47] <dz0ny> slax0r: why not json? [10:48] <slax0r> dz0ny: to mislis prek API? [10:48] <dz0ny> jaz sem glih neki probaval [10:48] <dz0ny> [10:48] <dz0ny> da [10:48] <slax0r> mora prek public linka laufat [10:48] <dz0ny> alt=json recmo [10:48] <dz0ny> ne lahko je tud private [10:48] <Seniorita> 14.3.2015 [10:48] <dz0ny> sam pravi authorization header moraš data [10:48] <dz0ny> doati .) [10:48] <slax0r> a saj gre to tut public [10:49] <dz0ny> lahko pa tud public ja [10:49] <slax0r> pa dobro, nima veze, ne posodablja mi takoj [10:49] <slax0r> ne eno, ne drugo [10:51] <dz0ny> hm pa res [10:52] <CrazyLemon> :o [10:52] <CrazyLemon> how did you do that?? [10:52] <anny__> i made it¨ [10:52] <anny__> :) [10:52] * CrazyLemon claps [10:53] * anny__ bows [10:56] <anny__> zdaj pa res moram iti, brca zalegla [10:56] <anny__> lp [11:28] <napsy_> [11:28] <Seniorita> David Hasselhoff - True Survivor - YouTube [11:28] <Seniorita> »Kickstarter Sensation Kung Fury ready to #TakeHoff as 80’s icon David Hasselhoff performs the lead track ’TRUE SURVIVOR’. Download:« [11:36] <yang> .imdb borgman [11:36] <jabuk> Borgman (2013) 113 min Drama Thriller [11:36] <jabuk> Ocena: 6.8/10 (8,695 glasov) MT: 66/100 [11:36] <jabuk> A vagrant enters the lives of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the process. [11:36] <jabuk> Trailer: [11:36] <jabuk> Povezava: [12:13] <napsy_> [12:13] <Seniorita> Of Course Japan Has a Game Show Where Guys Try to Sing Karaoke While Getting an HJ | Playboy [12:13] <Seniorita> »Anything coming out of Japan Germany or Florida should not surprise you... ever. So the fact that Japan has a gameshow called Sing What Happens Next where women give handjobs to...« [12:32] <lynxlynxlynx> mild on japanese scale [13:44] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: Open Way konferenca v Novem mestu [13:46] <sasa84_> yang: borgman zgleda scary :D [15:41] <zdobbie> [15:41] <Seniorita> Matthew Mcconaughey's reaction to Star Wars teaser #2 - Celebrity reactions - YouTube [15:41] <Seniorita> »Matthew Mcconaughey reacts to the Star Wars teaser. No copyright infringement intended. Twitter: oskararnarson« [16:24] <CrazyLemon> lol zdobersek [17:57] <CrazyLemon> [17:58] <Seniorita> Ustavimo rekreativne bicikliste - Splošno - forum [17:58] <Seniorita> »Stran 1 od 11 - Ustavimo rekreativne bicikliste - objavljeno v Splošno: Mislim, kar je preveč, je pa preveč.Zakon jasno piše kakšna je dovoljena vožnja teh JEBENIH ZBLOJENIH MED SAMO BLEBETAJOČIH NA KUP SE GUZVAJOČIH BREZOBZIRNIH KRETENOV, kateri se brezplačno REKREIRAJO po površinah za katere mi vsi ostali registrirani uporabniki vozil plačujemo registracijo, zavarovanja, cestnine, davke preko nakupa goriva in se MORAMO MI PRILAGAJATI [17:58] <CrazyLemon> idioterna ^ [17:59] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: [17:59] <Seniorita> 1.4 What is the full cost of your commute? | Moving Forward [18:06] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: ce mas acc kr napis [18:06] <idioterna> "če je eden, ok. ma če sta dva, obvezno zasest cel pas." [18:06] <idioterna> odgovoris lahko z [18:06] <idioterna> "vi zasedete cel pas tudi ko se peljete solo - kar je itak vedno" [18:20] <CrazyLemon> idioterna nimam acc [18:20] <CrazyLemon> pa meni se zdi da je pravilen odgovor - ni važno koliko jih je v enem pasu ker itak po cestoprometnih pravilih moraš prehitet po nasprotnem [18:50] <zdobbie> za voznjo po dva moras met licenco + spremljevalno vozilo [18:50] <zdobbie> ce gres po zakonu [18:50] <zdobbie> ce gres po kmecki pameti, je grupo po dva lazje prehitet [18:55] <upd> ah na naših koncih nikamor ne prideš z avtom ko je sonce [18:56] <zdobbie> kje pa so vasi konci? [18:57] <upd> od brezovice - dobrova - polhov gradec - horjul [18:57] <zdobbie> ohjej [19:01] <zdobbie> [19:01] <Seniorita> Twitch [19:09] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie za trening ne potrebuješ spremljevalnega vozila.. (i think) [19:50] <anny_> čer [19:50] <idioterna> o [19:51] <anny_> si se prebil čez solato?:) [19:51] <idioterna> sem [19:52] <idioterna> sej sm zanc enkrat napisu ze [19:52] <idioterna> sam si pol zginla [19:52] <idioterna> da so vsi skp ful razlicnih perspektiv nanizal [19:52] <anny_> aha [19:52] <anny_> prvič berem [19:52] <idioterna> sam da zgleda noben ni ze dolg programer :) [19:52] <anny_> to je začetni tečaj pythona [19:53] <anny_> seveda ni nihče dolgo programer! [19:54] <anny_> mojih prispevkov ni vmes [19:56] <idioterna> skoda [19:56] <idioterna> sm se mal sprasvou ce si ti tista k filozofira o ucenju tujega jezika [19:57] <anny_> mislim, da sem nekaj podobnega napisala [19:57] <anny_> v tem smislu [19:57] <idioterna> ja sej je cist legit [19:57] <idioterna> mislm ni da bi hotu kritizirat ta line of thought [19:57] <anny_> računalniški koncepti so prenešeni iz realnega sveta [19:58] <idioterna> no ja [19:58] <anny_> ja [19:58] <idioterna> odvisn kok globok v rabbit hole gres [19:58] <idioterna> eventuelno stvari ratajo same sebi namen [19:58] <idioterna> tko k se za matematiko spodobi [19:58] <anny_> internet je gotovo [19:58] <anny_> jeziki tudi [19:59] <anny_> ravno delam course o lingvistiki...upam, da bodo tudi omenili [19:59] <idioterna> jah internet je v resnici precej beyond "real life" [20:00] <idioterna> nastal je itak cist na inzenirski nacin [20:00] <idioterna> "kako nardit omrezje ki prezivi jedrsko vojno" [20:00] <anny_> struktura človeških stikov je povsem enaka [20:00] <jabuk> When my manager asks if I was the one that put that easter egg in our newly released product [20:00] <idioterna> ja to ja [20:01] <anny_> oziroma socialnih mrež [20:01] <idioterna> sam internet od zacetka ni mel lih velik ljudi gor :) [20:01] <idioterna> mislm to je potem nastalo [20:01] <anny_> ne govorim o ljudeh, ampak o konceptu [20:02] <yang> anny_: v racunalnistvu manjka zenskih programerk [20:02] <yang> vecina kode je spisana "po mosko" [20:03] <anny_> opažam, ja [20:03] <yang> sicer obstaja kanal #debian-women recimo [20:03] <idioterna> eh [20:03] <anny_> iščem kakšen sociogram, pa mi ven vrže samo socialna omrežja:( [20:03] <idioterna> v 80s je bila vecina programerjev zensk [20:04] <anny_> v 60 in 70 [20:05] <anny_> [20:05] <yang> metode se scasoma spreminjajo, vendar vecina zensk se ne poglablja kaj dosti v tehniko [20:05] <anny_> osebe v centru lahko primerjaš s strežniki [20:05] <anny_> tehničarke imajo velike težave pri iskanju tipov :/ [20:06] <yang> jah tisto da hekerke izgledajo kot Sandra Bullock je bolj mit :) [20:06] <CrazyLemon> is it? [20:06] <yang> yep [20:06] <CrazyLemon> kaj pa vem.. je bilo kar nekaj lušnih na fri :) [20:06] <yang> no jaz sem bil na parih konferencah po tujini [20:07] <CrazyLemon> zaradi takih kot si ti pol to rata 'mit' :) [20:07] <yang> pa je blo neki zensk [20:07] <idioterna> anny_: kasnih tipov [20:07] <anny_> [20:07] <Seniorita> 10 Notorious Female Hackers [20:07] <Seniorita> »Image Source Hacking, the art of writing computer code, and manipulating computer hardware has traditionally kept men at the top of the field, and that is (...)« [20:07] <anny_> ful so tipom podobne, ja! [20:08] <anny_> idioterna - življenjskih sopotnikov [20:08] <idioterna> hm [20:08] <idioterna> really? [20:08] <anny_> resno [20:08] <yang> 9. je kot Sandra Bullock [20:08] <anny_> bom razložila po kmečko [20:08] <idioterna> dunno, vse sodelovke majo to ze spedenan [20:09] <idioterna> razn una k ni tehnicarka [20:09] <anny_> v fazi dvorjenja nastopi faza postavljanja [20:09] <idioterna> ma to je krneki [20:09] <yang> dobr fizicni izgled resda nima kaj dosti veze s tem kar te v zivljenju zanima [20:09] <anny_> in večina tipov misli, da ženske nimamo pojma o compih in the zadevah [20:10] <idioterna> ja sam sej ta vecina jih ne zanima [20:10] <anny_> in seveda privlečejo ven kako ful obvladajo pa to [20:11] <anny_> potem jih vprašam eno čisto preprosto vprašanje s področja, ki ga v nulo zmrznejo [20:11] <yang> anny_: moski so lahko vse dobri kuharji, modni kreatorji, racunalnicarji pa tut kamion lahk vozjo [20:11] <anny_> ja [20:11] <anny_> moj je presrečen, da jaz obvladujem vso tehniko pri bajti [20:11] <yang> anny_: to ti je verjetno znano da so vrhunski kuharji samo moski, zenskam se okus prevec spreminja zaradi menstrualnega ciklusa [20:12] <idioterna> nonsense [20:12] <yang> ni nonsense [20:12] <anny_> no to o menzi prvič slišim, prvi del pa je znan [20:12] <yang> zenska je pac velik hormon [20:12] <anny_> prej bi rekla, da se razpoloženje spreminja kot okus [20:13] <yang> menstrualni ciklus uravnava razpolozenje, zato je naravno da ste zenske pred menstruacijo bolj razdrazljive [20:13] <anny_> ne vse [20:13] <yang> in tudi znanstveno je dokazano da vam okus takrat bolj niha [20:13] <yang> seveda ne vse, ampak vecina [20:13] <anny_> jaz nimam težav, ker sem v dobri fizični kondiciji [20:14] <yang> mas tut zenske ki so programerkse in avtomehanicarke [20:14] <idioterna> seveda je nonsense no [20:14] <anny_> idioterna, razloži [20:14] <yang> idioterna: pa daj poggoglaj malo [20:14] <yang> verjetno je kje spisek chef-ov v kuhinjah [20:15] <yang> vedno so moski [20:15] <idioterna> zguglam lahko tut da crnci smrdijo pa da majo azijci mejhne. [20:15] <idioterna> pa ni nc bl res [20:15] <idioterna> ja seveda so vedno moski [20:15] <idioterna> sej tut generalni sekretarji zdruzenih narodov so vedno moski [20:15] <idioterna> pa predsedniki zda [20:15] <anny_> jaz sem žleht samo, če me kaj črviči...ampak to je redko [20:15] <yang> ja ampak naslednji predsednik/ca bo hillary [20:15] <idioterna> ja [20:15] <anny_> upam, da s punco! [20:16] <idioterna> in naslednji best chef in the world bo brunhilda [20:16] <anny_> kot prvo damo, Bill naj pa zaliva rožice [20:16] <idioterna> ampak bojo vsi rekl "ona ne more bit, k ma menstro pa se ji okus pokvar" [20:16] <yang> crnega ze imajo, naslednja poteza je zenska, potem pa morda kaksen kitajc po poreklu [20:16] <idioterna> tko k vonnovi niso pustil tekmovat s tipi [20:16] <idioterna> ceprov je mela najhitrejsi cas od vseh [20:17] <idioterna> pac ce si white male ti je najbl z rozcami postlan [20:17] <idioterna> ce nisi se mors pa velik bl jebat da karkoli pametnga dosezes [20:17] <anny_> yang - prej bo papež azijec [20:18] <idioterna> and it sucks [20:18] <anny_> ne mi reč, da se ti ne <jebeš> [20:18] <yang> tole berem [20:18] <Seniorita> During menstruation, why are women not allowed to touch anything related to God or be involved in any religious activity? Does Vedic Hinduism offer any rational reason for this norm? - Quora [20:19] <anny_> verjameš quori? [20:19] <yang> [20:19] <Seniorita> Culture and menstruation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [20:20] <yang> >> Jainism does not permit women to cook or attend temples while menstruating. [20:21] <yang> bi blo potrebno bolje razumeti religijo, da bi vedel pravi razlog [20:21] <yang> ampak mislim da je to v zvezi s tem menstrualnim ciklusom, kadar se zenski tudi naravno zaznave malenkost spremenijo [20:21] <yang> tudi okus [20:22] <yang> ali pa recimo ob nosecnosti, ko zenskam zapase cisto drugacna hrana, tut to sem ze slisal [20:22] <yang> ena prijateljica je jedla samo kumarice [20:22] <yang> mislim , ne samo, ampak ogromno kumaric [20:24] <idioterna> anny_: manj kot bi se moral, ce bi bil zenska [20:24] <anny_> bili smo pri ženskih programerkah! [20:25] <anny_> kako so zdaj kisle kumarice na sporedu? :) [20:25] <idioterna> ja yang hoce povedat da ce religija prav da zenske ne smejo kuhat med menstro [20:25] <idioterna> pol pa zihr more bit razlog za to [20:25] <yang> idioterna: zakaj bi vonnova s tipi tekmovala, ona je bla pac najboljsa med zenskami, discipline v sportu so locene na zenski in moski del [20:25] <anny_> idioterna, imaš prav, a to ni slaba stvar....spodbudi te, da [20:25] <idioterna> podobn kokr ce religija prav da homoti ne smejo vzgajat otrok, recimo :) [20:26] <anny_> aktiviraš še tisto voljo in resurse, za katere si prepričan, da jih nimaš [20:26] <idioterna> jah [20:26] <anny_> idioterna, pravkar sem gledala relacijo med budizmom in sexom [20:26] <anny_> oni so tudi proti [20:26] <idioterna> js bi rajs vidu da bi bil level playing field kar se tega tice [20:26] <idioterna> ja naj bojo proti [20:26] <idioterna> science is clear on the subject [20:26] <idioterna> za vzgojo otrok ne potrebujes spola. [20:27] <anny_> level playing field ni nikjer [20:27] <yang> anny_: ti si velik knjig prebrala pa bi morda lahko v kaksni zasledila kaj religije mislijo o sexu, in cem unaj bi bil sex primarno namenjen.... [20:27] <anny_> razmnoževanju [20:27] <anny_> sploh krščanstvo je tu naredilo štalo [20:28] <yang> zasciteni spolni odnosi so iznajdba zahodnjakov [20:28] <anny_> aja...v egiptu so to že poznali [20:28] <idioterna> ja nc hudga ce ni [20:28] <yang> ce gledas krscanstvo temelji na tem da se mosk in zenska porocita predno imata spolne stike, ampak tega se skorajda nihce vec ne drzi [20:28] <idioterna> to ne pomen da ni treba delat na tem [20:29] <anny_> moški ste prikrajšani zaradi zavrtosti žensk [20:29] <yang> zato tudi ne dovoljujejo konteracepcije ker izhajajo se vedno iz tega prepricanja, in zdaj bodo v spaniji ponovno prepovedali splav [20:29] <anny_> prvi, ženske pa tudi [20:30] <yang> mislim da je vedno manj zavrtih, prej obratno [20:30] <anny_> to je samo površinko, dejansko se pa bolj malo dogaja [20:31] <yang> ampak clovek z leti malo drugace lahko gleda tudi na te zadeve [20:31] <jabuk> when the client points out that a feature he didn’t ask doesn’t work [20:32] <yang> [20:32] <anny_> :D [20:33] <anny_> dobri so [20:33] <yang> moja je vedno rekla da marlena je kakrsna je ampak da bi ji vsaka zenska zavidala dobre noge :) [20:33] <idioterna> js mam sreco da smo sami komunisti tle [20:33] <idioterna> tko da ne sam da ni nc zavrta [20:33] <idioterna> se emancipirana je [20:34] <anny_> imo nima ravno dobrih nog [20:34] <anny_> Bratuškova ma boljše [20:34] <idioterna> kdo? [20:34] <anny_> AB [20:34] <idioterna> ne, kdo nima dobrih [20:35] <idioterna> alenka pojma nimam kaksne ma [20:35] <yang> a ves da je marlenc hodil kake 2 leti v naso trgovino ampak kot moski in je bil nikakav tip [20:35] <yang> jaz ga nisem prepoznal [20:35] <idioterna> nimam pojma kaj je marlenc [20:35] <yang> moska verzija marlene [20:35] <yang> original [20:35] <idioterna> tut kaj je marlene ne vem [20:35] <anny_> [20:35] <jabuk> when the client is asking you about IE6 warranty [20:36] <idioterna> dunno men nc kej dost ne pomen to [20:36] <anny_> ja, kot marlena je precej boljši [20:36] <yang> ta bratuskova je baje precej visoka zenska [20:36] <yang> jst sem jo enkrat videl na bledu [20:36] <anny_> s čevlji še višja [20:36] <yang> smo se soncili na plazi uni pa so mimo paradirali [20:36] <anny_> ni slabo za političarko [20:37] <yang> kaj pa katarinca ? [20:37] <idioterna> kaj ma pa visina zveze s kariero [20:38] <anny_> idioterna, v politiki je večina moških, ki so po naravi višjih od žensk [20:38] <idioterna> ja sam povprecen moski je visok 175 [20:38] <yang> katarinca je tudi visoka [20:38] <anny_> visoka ženska lahko precej izenači igro moči [20:38] <idioterna> dvomim [20:38] <idioterna> merklova ni lih neki visoka [20:38] <anny_> katarino videla v CD [20:38] <idioterna> pa zna kr uredu fakica pokazat [20:38] <anny_> huda mačka [20:39] <idioterna> a merklova [20:39] <anny_> katarina [20:39] <idioterna> katarina je kr pametna [20:39] <idioterna> sam pac [20:39] <anny_> merklova ima druge kvalitete [20:39] <anny_> ne nazadnje je doktorica jedrske fizike [20:39] <idioterna> ful je annoying [20:39] <idioterna> ma [20:39] <idioterna> to je loh vsak [20:39] <idioterna> tut una romana jordan je [20:39] <anny_> kaj te žuli? [20:39] <yang> visina ma bolj malo skupnega s tem kok je kdo mocen, frajerji imajo itak visje zenske od sebe [20:39] <idioterna> pa ji to ne pomaga da ne bi bla v SDS [20:39] <anny_> ti si doktor jedrske fizike? [20:39] <idioterna> nism [20:40] <anny_> kaj je narobe, če je v SDS? [20:40] <idioterna> sam je cel kup doktorjev jedrske fizike in podobnih doktorjev [20:40] <idioterna> nacelen znanstvenik ne more bit v SDS [20:40] <yang> a ni jordanova pr NSI [20:40] <idioterna> se slabs [20:40] <idioterna> ampak mislm da ni nsi [20:40] <anny_> v komunistični partiji tudi ne [20:40] <idioterna> mogoce je kej presedlala [20:40] <idioterna> v komunisticni partiji je komot [20:41] <idioterna> komunisticna partija se nic ne krega z znanostjo [20:41] <idioterna> ravno nasprotno [20:41] <anny_> moja prfoksa z faksa je bila na seznamu podpornikov kučana [20:41] <idioterna> ja to je ze loh znak demence [20:41] <idioterna> mislm [20:41] <anny_> ženska je relativno mlada [20:41] <idioterna> ja sej nism mislu v klinicnem smislu [20:41] <yang> jah [20:41] <idioterna> v intelektualnem bolj [20:42] <idioterna> ampak sej v sloveniji je bil cas [20:42] <jabuk> when I have to modify a legacy code [20:42] <idioterna> ko je blo pametno podpirat kucana [20:42] <anny_> hja, preračunala je , da se ji splača [20:42] <yang> ambiciozna je :) ve na kateri politicni opciji se da prosperirat [20:42] <yang> sej si lahko tud clan/ica piratske stranke, pa ne bos nikol poslanka :) [20:42] <anny_> raje bi bila v vrtičkarski ali gasilski stranki [20:42] <yang> alpa clanica kake bedaste politicne opcije [20:43] <yang> ja [20:43] <yang> stranka arturja sterna [20:43] <yang> vsaj divje zabave majoi [20:43] <idioterna> on je kreten [20:43] <yang> je kr buksl ja [20:43] <anny_> sem za stranko mlatenja prazne slame" [20:43] <idioterna> prblizn tko kot jelincic [20:43] <anny_> o ne [20:43] <anny_> jelinko je pameten [20:43] <idioterna> to nc ne spremeni tega da je kreten [20:43] <yang> [20:43] <Seniorita> Adi Smolar - Slovenska porno stranka - YouTube [20:43] <jabuk> when a pretty girl walks in the corridor during a meeting [20:43] <Seniorita> »Legendarni Adi Smolar... še en komad od njega« [20:43] <anny_> razen enkrat se je uštel, koje kradel kelihe iz cerkve in se je zataknil med križi v oknu [20:44] <idioterna> ma smotan je [20:44] <idioterna> k rugelj [20:44] <yang> jelinko ne samo da je pameten, je tudi uglajen, mene je ze veckrat pozdravil [20:44] <idioterna> sovnisticni ljudje vedno najdejo razloge za svoja prepricanja [20:44] <anny_> rugelj je dolgo mrtu [20:44] <idioterna> ja, ampak se vedno sovinist [20:44] <idioterna> pa slab psihiater. [20:44] <anny_> kaj mu ne pustiš v miru propast [20:45] <idioterna> ker tisti ki zgodovino pozabijo, jo ponovijo [20:45] <anny_> vodeb je rugljev učenec [20:45] <idioterna> ja, sej se od dalec vid [20:45] <idioterna> same neumnosti mu grejo po glavi [20:45] <anny_> saj je bil partizan in bentu je čezu domobrance [20:45] <yang> jaz mislim da sta rugelj in jelincic imata svoj prav [20:45] <idioterna> to nic ne vpliva na karkoli drugega [20:45] <idioterna> ja, seveda imata "svoj" prav [20:45] <idioterna> "svoj" moras rect zato, ker je narobe. [20:45] <anny_> seveda, zasedata svoj pol [20:45] <idioterna> ja, motita se [20:46] <yang> bolje je pa mlatit prazno slamo in nic pametnega povedat in potem te ljudje volijo ker znas konja zajahat [20:46] <idioterna> trivialno ju je postavit na hladno z dejstvi [20:46] <idioterna> ampak ker se dejstva ne ujemajo s politicnimi in verskimi prepricanji ljudi, ki so od rojstva indoktrinirani vanje [20:46] <anny_> to je bistvo politike [20:46] <idioterna> se potem zlahka nabere kriticna masa [20:46] <idioterna> ki podpira take norce [20:46] <anny_> in rugelj je znal poskrbet za publiciteto [20:47] <idioterna> v nasem casu verski fundamentalizem nadomesca nacizem in fasizem [20:47] <idioterna> in taki kot so rugelj in vodeb in jelincic in stern [20:47] <anny_> če ne njih, pa združeno listo [20:47] <idioterna> samo pomagajo. [20:47] <idioterna> zdruzena lista so tut kreteni [20:47] <idioterna> oz. karkoli so ze zdej [20:47] <anny_> kam bi pa ti speljal desne ekstremiste? [20:47] <idioterna> sej se vsak let preimenujejo [20:47] <idioterna> se mi zdi [20:47] <yang> idioterna: fora je to, da ce si kot politik proti necemu ti ze naprtijo da si nestrpen in potem te kmalu izlocijo ven, razen ce te ljudstvo na podlagi tega voli, to se je zgodil jelincicu in tudi jansi [20:47] <idioterna> kako kam bi jih speljal [20:47] <idioterna> v solo. [20:48] <idioterna> to je logicna napaka [20:48] <anny_> ne bi pomagalo [20:48] <yang> kar pa ne pomeni da ce si proti necemu da nimas prav [20:48] <anny_> tako kot levim ekstremistom [20:48] <idioterna> rect da je nekdo nestrpen, ce ne prenasa nasilja [20:48] <idioterna> anny_: seveda bi [20:48] <anny_> kakšen tip šole? [20:48] <idioterna> anny_: levim ekstremistom je zelo pomagala sola [20:48] <idioterna> cist navaden pouk dialektike [20:49] <idioterna> to kar je filozofski temelj sodobnih socialnih znanosti [20:49] <yang> idioterna: pr nas sploh ni librealne leve stranke btw. [20:49] <anny_> haha [20:49] <idioterna> in bi bil tut naravoslovnih, ce ne bi vmes iznasli znanstvene metode [20:49] <idioterna> ki je se nizje [20:49] <yang> vse leve stranke s opovecini neoliberalne [20:49] <anny_> pri platonu smo imeli dialektike na tone [20:49] <idioterna> to je dobro [20:49] <idioterna> neoliberalizem je v resnici super [20:50] <idioterna> ker je njegova osnova anarhizem [20:50] <yang> nemski liberalci majo cisto drugacna stalisca kot nasi [20:50] <idioterna> skratka, vsak je svoje srece kovac [20:50] <anny_> a ne vidim, da bi to spremenilo moj nazor...pravzaprav smo morali v eseju dialoško predstaviti svoj nazor [20:50] <yang> ti si mal narobe to razlagas [20:50] <idioterna> motis se [20:51] <idioterna> politicni spekter nima samo parih dimenzij [20:51] <idioterna> in liberalci so vseh mogocih vrst [20:51] <yang> joj kaj bi te moj sosed nakuril ce bi te videl s tem tvojim prepricanjem, mors pridt enkrat na obisk [20:51] <idioterna> skupno jim je pa to, da ne odstopajo od clovekovih pravic [20:51] <jabuk> when a bug is stronger than me [20:51] <idioterna> nej pridejo na irc [20:51] <idioterna> kva bom js hodu k njim [20:52] <idioterna> ce pocas tipkajo ko so vznemirjeni so pa sami krivi. [20:53] <idioterna> evo take noge morjo bit [20:53] <idioterna> [20:55] <anny_> [20:55] <Seniorita> View image: Zaslonska slika 2015 04 17 22 54 05 [20:56] <anny_> [20:56] <idioterna> ja, no, to je osnova [20:56] <idioterna> ti sicer rada trdis, da otrok potrebuje mamo in oceta, razlogov za to pa nisi se podala, na primer [20:57] <anny_> sem [20:57] <idioterna> res? [20:57] <idioterna> katerega? [20:57] <anny_> ti dam link [20:57] <idioterna> mnogi trdijo, da je to naravno, pa v resnici ni. [20:57] <anny_> za razvoj morale sta potrebna starša nasprotnega spola [20:57] <idioterna> nikoli v zgodovini cloveske vrste, z izjemo zadnjih par stoletij, nista otrok vzgajala oce in mama [20:57] <jabuk> when a pretty girl walks in the corridor during a meeting [20:57] <idioterna> anny_: nonsense. [20:57] <anny_> ja, večinoma je vzgajala večja skupnost [20:58] <yang_> idioterna: [20:58] <Seniorita> Studio Montaigne - Shemale Obsession - YouTube [20:58] <Seniorita> »Studio M - Shemale Obsession Music Video ©2012 Directed by Eric Schockmel Produced by Watergun Executive Producers: Ruben Pariente & Martin Helleu Director o...« [20:58] <idioterna> anny_: za razvoj morale je potrebno otroka nauciti izkljucno empatije in logicnega razmisljanja [20:58] <idioterna> ampak otrok se to nauci sam, ce je prepuscen sam sebi [20:58] <anny_> a danes ste moški postali taki pezdetki, da morajo ženske prevzeti obe vlogi - vlogo preganjalca in vlogo tolažnika [20:59] <anny_> to povzroča precejšnjo zmedo [20:59] <idioterna> to nima nobene zveze s spolom [20:59] <anny_> ima [20:59] <idioterna> ne, nima je [20:59] <idioterna> ker otrok ne vzgajas s spolovili. [20:59] <anny_> genetika naredi svoje [20:59] <idioterna> ampak z dialogom, usta in glasilke imamo pa oboji [20:59] <idioterna> ne, genetika ne naredi nicesar [20:59] <idioterna> vzgoja _ni_ stvar spolovil [20:59] <yang_> anny_: zate mam pa tale komad [20:59] <Seniorita> Boštjan Narat - Ženske, ki ljubijo pse - YouTube [20:59] <Seniorita> »I don't own anything, simple sharing for you to enjoy.« [20:59] <jabuk> when i’m asked to fix a bug on friday night [20:59] <idioterna> ce je, potem vzgajas narobe. [20:59] <anny_> menda ne boš trdil, da imata spola enake gene [21:00] <idioterna> kaj pomeni enake? [21:00] <idioterna> enakih genov nima nihce [21:00] <idioterna> niti celice v tvojem telesu nimajo enakih genov [21:00] <idioterna> zgolj dovolj podobne. [21:00] <anny_> xx ni enako xy [21:00] <idioterna> je pa dejstvo, da si midva deliva vec genov, kot si jih jaz delim z albancem [21:01] <anny_> celo znanstveniki so ugotovili, da obstajajo razlike med ženskimi in moškimi možgani [21:01] <idioterna> no, vsaj ce si iz teh krajev [21:01] <idioterna> ja, seveda obstajajo [21:01] <anny_> ampak ti pa veš bolje...brez raziskav [21:01] <idioterna> ampak moski mozgani niso eni. [21:01] <yang_> anny_: zenske ste po naravi bolj nagnjene k empatiji, vecina moskih se pa tega mora nauciti, nekateri tega nikoli ne osvojijo, oz. so empaticno samo do lastne druzine do ostalih pa ne [21:01] <idioterna> anny_: ne, to ni res, da jaz vem bolje [21:01] <anny_> no, veliko jih je empatičnih samo do sebe [21:01] <idioterna> anny_: ti nisi pravilno interpretirala raziskave [21:01] <idioterna> ja, sociopati so taki [21:01] <anny_> se ti zdim dober material za gnetenje nazorov? [21:02] <idioterna> ampak vecina sociopatov ima starse. [21:02] <idioterna> ki so jih vzgajali [21:02] <anny_> izjavil, si da se z idioti ne pogovarjaš, kaj torej delaš? [21:02] <idioterna> narobe si vejico postavla [21:02] <anny_> s tem si si zaprl pot za kakršen koli argument [21:02] <anny_> ki bi imel težo [21:03] <yang_> anny_: ampak empatija je nekako visja stopnja oz. antipol primitivizmu ce lahko tako reces, nek zelo primitiven tip ne bo nikoli zmozen empatije [21:03] <idioterna> izjemno pomembno je razumet to, da so zenski in moski mozgani manj razlicni med sabo [21:03] <idioterna> kot so med sabo razlicni mozgani dveh nakljucnih moskih [21:03] <idioterna> al pa dveh nakljucnih zensk [21:03] <idioterna> tega ogromno ljudi ne razume [21:03] <idioterna> ja, doloceni funkcionalni sklopi se drugace razvijejo [21:04] <idioterna> ampak razvoj in okolje ze pred rojstvom oblikuje otrokove mozgane in to neodvisno od spola [21:04] <anny_> [21:04] <Seniorita> Tabletka spreminja možgane - zurnal24 [21:04] <Seniorita> »Pri ženskah, ki so jemale kontracepcijske tabletke, so opazili spremembe v možganski skorji.« [21:04] <idioterna> ja [21:04] <anny_> razloži tole [21:04] <idioterna> sej prakticno _vsaka_ stvar spreminja mozgane [21:04] <idioterna> ce kadis imas drugacne kot ce ne [21:04] <yang_> mah nekaj je dedne zasnove, ampak tudi posvojeni otroci se lahko marsicesa naucijo, tudi ce so posvojeni iz cisto nehumanih razmer v neko funkcionalno okolje... [21:04] <idioterna> ce kolesaris imas drugacne kot ce ne [21:05] <idioterna> genov, ki vplivajo na delovanje mozganov, je ogromno [21:05] <idioterna> aktivirajo se pa na podlagi blazno razlicnih sprozilcev iz okolja [21:05] <idioterna> ce recimo veliko jokas kot otrok, imas bistveno drugacne mozgane ko odrastes [21:05] <idioterna> kot nekdo, ki ni veliko jokal [21:05] <yang_> ja, vse vpliva, vecja fizicna aktivnost zvisuje dobro pocutje, pravtako boljsa dieta in manj psihoaktivnih substanc [21:05] <idioterna> ker so ga recimo hitro potolazili [21:06] <idioterna> ja, ker gre za malce kompleksnejso obliko kemijskega ravnovesja [21:06] <yang_> ja [21:06] <idioterna> sport dejansko proti depresiji pomaga vsaj toliko kot tablete, ce se ga pravilno izvaja [21:07] <idioterna> ker povzroca podobne hormonske spremembe [21:07] <yang_> sigurno [21:07] <idioterna> ki na podoben nacin vplivajo na mozgane [21:07] <yang_> ce si depresiven bi moral vec it na luft ven, pa tudi vec se ukvarjati s sportom da cimbolj iznicis stranske ucinke zdravil [21:07] <idioterna> sport je komot namesto zdravil [21:07] <idioterna> problem je samo v tem da rabis varusko [21:07] <idioterna> ki te prisili, da gres ven [21:07] <idioterna> te so pa drazje od tablet [21:07] <idioterna> in jih ne dobis na recept [21:08] <yang_> sej rugelj je alkoholike ozdravil do te mere da so tekli maraton in bili celo brez zdravil, torej ni bil cisto zanic psihiater [21:08] <idioterna> seveda ne [21:08] <yang_> je mel pa svoje metode [21:08] <idioterna> njemu ni mogoce zameriti zdravstvene metode [21:08] <idioterna> ampak to, da je izbiral samo tiste paciente, s katerimi je lahko delal [21:08] <idioterna> ostale je pa potem dejansko zamolcal v statistiki [21:08] <idioterna> kar je izjemno huda napaka [21:09] <yang_> on je videl 10.000 alkoholikov in lahko je postavil stereotipe ki so veljali za njih v 95% [21:09] <yang_> tako kot jih lahko vsak psihiater [21:09] <yang_> ce je dober [21:09] <idioterna> ja, ce zanemaris vse tiste, ki jih ni niti poskusal zdravit [21:09] <yang_> izkusen [21:09] <idioterna> problem je, da je psihiatrova naloga, da pomaga _vsem_ [21:09] <idioterna> ne da enim rece "vi ste pa brezupni" [21:09] <idioterna> in pol "next!" [21:09] <yang_> ampak vecina ljudi se zdravi najvec z zdravili, delovna terapija in terapija z ljudmi kot s irekel veliko vec stane [21:10] <idioterna> ce lahko zdravnik rece "ne bom zdravu tega crnca" [21:10] <idioterna> potem to ni zdravnik [21:10] <yang_> ja mislim, glej [21:10] <idioterna> hipokratova prisega ni za zabavo [21:10] <yang_> en zdravnik psihiater al pa srcni ima na teden za oporavit 100 pregledov [21:10] <yang_> ne more se vsakemu posvetiti 4 ure [21:10] <yang_> primankuje kadra [21:10] <yang_> v zdravstvu [21:11] <idioterna> jasno [21:11] <yang_> ce bi ti bil studirani prihiater imas sluzbo zagtovljeno naslednih 20 let [21:11] <yang_> al pa ce bi bil kardiolog [21:11] <yang_> oz srcni kirurg [21:11] <idioterna> jaz ze mam sluzbo za naslednjih 20 let [21:11] <yang_> ja ok [21:11] <yang_> sam pravim za zdravstveni sektor [21:12] <yang_> da manjka kvalificiranega kadra [21:12] <idioterna> pa povprasevanje za statisticno pismenim kadrom strmo narasca [21:12] <idioterna> zdravniki so danes brez racunalnicarjev mrzli [21:12] <yang_> sploh pa pri zelo dobrih zdravnikih najbolj stejejo izkusnje, verjetno si ne bi zelel da te na odprtem srcu operira nek zacetnik [21:12] <idioterna> ful enih invazivnih postopkov se danes ne opravlja vec [21:12] <idioterna> ker obstajajo boljse metode [21:12] <idioterna> ki temeljijo na informacijski tehnologiji [21:12] <idioterna> in dobri zdravniki so s temi recmi seznanjeni in jih itak zanima [21:12] <yang_> ja, mislim zdaj majo ze ekrane pa remote-vodene operacije [21:13] <yang_> recimo zelo priznan je ta nevrokirurg slovenski [21:13] <jabuk> when my manager spots me on Facebook [21:13] <yang_> in je imel zeno [21:13] <yang_> ki je imela tumor [21:13] <yang_> in jo je on operiral [21:14] <yang_> ker je ona najbolj zaupala njemu [21:14] <yang_> verjetno se je maksimalno potrudil [21:14] <yang_> operacija je bila zelo rizicna zato ni prezivela [21:14] <idioterna> zato se ponavadi tega ne dovoli [21:15] <yang_> ja mislim, potem so bile spekulacije [21:15] <yang_> ampak dejansko je on tisti cas veljal za najboljsega nevrokirurga pri nas [21:15] <idioterna> spekulacije so pa lahko vedno [21:15] <idioterna> ce operiras svojce, potem se tezje custveno odklopis [21:15] <yang_> ce je pa zarezal 1/10 mm pregloboko pa je lahko to zue pomenilo smrt pacienta [21:15] <idioterna> od tega, da sraufas po cloveku [21:15] <jabuk> when a colleague disturbs me for a stupid issue [21:16] <yang_> ja sigurno imas neko tremo ce operiras svojca, tudi ce je sicer bolj rutinska operacija [21:17] <yang_> anny_ nama je pobegnila med rjuhe [21:17] <idioterna> pravilno [21:17] <idioterna> cas je za spat jit [21:18] <idioterna> jsm zmontiral optiko do brata od suni na tej strani [21:18] <idioterna> on mora pa se potegnit elektriko do omarce [21:18] <idioterna> vselil se bo [21:18] <yang_> jst pa lobiram tule za T-2 spelat v blok [21:18] <yang_> baje je potrebno 51% soglasje [21:18] <yang_> in ne 100% kot mi je rekla upravnica v bloku [21:18] <idioterna> eh, kr sfejki [21:19] <idioterna> podpise [21:19] <idioterna> sej to vsi delajo zdej [21:19] <idioterna> al pa na vrata nabij "za otroke gre" [21:19] <yang_> ja, samo to ni posteno in lahko si kaznovan ce pride do sodisca [21:19] <idioterna> pol pa sam zameni header [21:19] <idioterna> "za optiko gre" [21:19] <yang_> hehe [21:20] <idioterna> anny gre na jetra k ji zdej skos pod nos mecem te otroke [21:20] <idioterna> sam js res mislm da ljudje ne zmorejo racionalno gledat na te reci [21:20] <idioterna> se strinjam, da je tezko [21:20] <yang_> isti si kot jelincic vztrajas pri svojem in ne popuscas :) [21:20] <idioterna> ampak je treba [21:21] <idioterna> ja noben mi se ni dal nobenega dobrega razloga, da bi glede tega popustil [21:21] <idioterna> zdaj ze mamo par tisoc otrok, ki so odrascali v gejevskih druzinah [21:21] <idioterna> in seveda vse studije, ki so se z njimi ukvarjale, niso nasle nic posebnega [21:21] <idioterna> razen tega da so mal manj obsedeni s tradicionalizmom kar se tice spolnih orientacij [21:21] <yang_> mah generacija sedanja se razlikuje od nase tje dejstvo [21:22] <yang_> in naslednja se bo se bolj [21:22] <idioterna> ja in? [21:22] <yang_> to je naravno [21:22] <idioterna> ja [21:22] <idioterna> to se dogaja ne glede na to kaj zakon prav o tem kdo se lahko poroca in posvaja otroke [21:22] <yang_> ni pa naravno da imajo gejevski pari otroke [21:22] <idioterna> seveda je [21:22] <idioterna> zakaj ne bi blo [21:22] <yang_> lahko jih "kupijo" , posvojijo al whatever [21:22] <yang_> samo ni pa to naravno [21:22] <idioterna> kako pa gejevski pingvini loh jajca valijo? [21:22] <yang_> dandanes lahko prakticno ze karkoli kupis ce imas denar [21:23] <yang_> kar seveda ni prav [21:23] <idioterna> zakaj ni prav? [21:23] <yang_> zato ker ni eticno v velik oprimerihj [21:23] <idioterna> to delajo heteroseksualni pari, pa zakon jim to omogoca [21:23] <idioterna> ja samo ce je al pa ce ni eticno [21:23] <idioterna> moras presojat v vsakem primeru posebej [21:23] <idioterna> ne mors rect "noben ne sme posvojit otroka" [21:23] <idioterna> ker potem bo ogromno otrok ostalo brez starsev [21:23] <idioterna> to pa zdaj ze zelo dobro vemo, da je slabo za otroka. [21:24] <idioterna> otrok ima pravico, da zanj odrasli poskrbijo vsaj tolk kvalitetno, kot je mogoce zagotovit [21:24] <idioterna> js bi recimo reku da verni starsi ne bi smel vzgajat otrok [21:24] <yang_> mislim diskriminirati se ne sme nikogar, lahko so seveda gejevski pari tudi recimo ok za posvojitev, kaksni alkoholicni ali pa narkoticni gejevski pari pa seveda niso v redu in heteroseksualni pravtako ne [21:25] <idioterna> ker jim ne morjo dat kvalitetne vzgoje, ce njihova morala temelji na pravljicah, kjer ocetje koljejo sinove, ker jim je namisljeni prijatelj v halucinaciji tko reku [21:25] <yang_> ampak otroka je treba dati v najboljse okolje to pa je okolje moskega in zenske, ker se karakterno razlikujeta ze zaradi spola, otrok se mora od obe uciti [21:25] <idioterna> od kod ti ta ideja? [21:25] <idioterna> "to pa je okolje moskega in zenske" ? [21:25] <idioterna> kdo to pravi? [21:25] <idioterna> jaz nisem _nobene_ raziskave nasel, ki bi to ugotovila [21:25] <idioterna> da je okolje moskega in zenske najboljse [21:25] <yang_> ti mas cudn opredstavo o religiji idioterna [21:26] <idioterna> poleg tega se moski in zenska karakterno _manj_ razlikujeta od moskega in moskega [21:26] <idioterna> ali pa od zenske in zenske [21:26] <yang_> vecina religioznih ljudi zivi bolj eticno kot tisti ki so neverni [21:26] <idioterna> to ni res. [21:26] <idioterna> spoved ni tam zato ker bi bili verniki eticni [21:26] <idioterna> ampak zato ker praviloma niso [21:27] <yang_> to je samo ena od religij [21:27] <yang_> imas se nogo drugih [21:27] <yang_> nogo [21:27] <yang_> m [21:27] <idioterna> vse religije imajo instrumente, s katerimi se samemu sebi opravicis za bolecine, ki si jih povzrocil drugim [21:27] <idioterna> tudi budizem [21:27] <yang_> naravno je da clovek gresi kot radi pravijo [21:27] <jabuk> "hey! you’re the IT guy, right?" [21:27] <yang_> ker ni popoln [21:27] <idioterna> ne [21:27] <idioterna> bodisi nic v zvezi s clovekom ni naravno [21:27] <idioterna> bodisi je vse [21:27] <jabuk> trying to hide a bug before the final delivery [21:27] <yang_> budizem in hinduizem imata karmo [21:28] <idioterna> nobene druge moznosti ni [21:28] <idioterna> kramo :) [21:28] <yang_> karma pa pomeni da si sam gradis to good or bad [21:28] <yang_> pr krscanstvu je pa spoved, lahko se spoves in potem gresis dalje [21:28] <idioterna> ja, ampak to pomeni da lahko enega ubijes pa drugemu resis zivljenje, pa si na nuli [21:28] <idioterna> to dejansko ucita obe religiji, mimogrede [21:28] <yang_> ker ne verjamejo v karmo ampak samo v raj in pekel [21:29] <idioterna> in hinduizem, in budizem [21:29] <idioterna> no, vecina budizma [21:29] <idioterna> ene veje so mal zakomplicirale to [21:29] <idioterna> dalai lama recimo ma to mal bl razdelan [21:29] <yang_> mislim ne vem ce je ravno tako [21:29] <idioterna> pa pol ne sme bit bad guy [21:29] <yang_> da enega ubijes [21:29] <yang_> drugega pa resis hjee [21:29] <idioterna> ja kar se tice osnovnih postulatov budizma to tko deluje [21:29] <yang_> saj so neke smernice kako naj bi ravilno zivel, da bi dobival boljso karmo [21:29] <idioterna> v hinduizmu je se mal bl neumn [21:30] <idioterna> ker mors pazit koga ubijes [21:30] <idioterna> enih ne smes [21:30] <idioterna> ene pa lahko. [21:30] <yang_> karma se itak prenasa v naslednja zivljenja, tako ucijo in verjamejo [21:30] <idioterna> ja [21:30] <idioterna> tko da loh na kredit pobijas [21:30] <idioterna> pa pol v drugem zivljenju vracas [21:30] <yang_> na tebi je al bos delal slabo v tem zivljenju ali pa bos delal dobro, pa tudi ce ne verjames v lahko odlocis za eno ali drugo pot [21:30] <idioterna> ja [21:30] <idioterna> sam to vedno velja [21:30] <idioterna> ne glede na religije [21:31] <yang_> vcasih so nas stari starsi (kakor katerega) ucili da ne naredi drugemu to kar ne zelis da se zgodi je prakticno isto kot karma... [21:31] <yang_> pa je krscanska logika [21:31] <idioterna> ja [21:31] <idioterna> sej to je kar se mene tice edini kvaliteten postulat krscanstva [21:31] <idioterna> sam pac ni krscanski [21:31] <idioterna> je velik starejsi [21:31] <yang_> vsak pa mora pri sebi videt oz pogruntat, al zaradi tega kar je delal prej se mu kaj vraca ali ne.... [21:32] <idioterna> in ja, vse religije majo to v taki al drugacni obliki [21:32] <idioterna> tut islam [21:32] <idioterna> ja mislm [21:32] <idioterna> eden temeljnih postulatov racionalne morale je pa [21:32] <idioterna> da vesolje ni posteno [21:32] <idioterna> in da nima smisla [21:32] <idioterna> niti vesolje, niti karkoli v njem [21:32] <yang_> nevem jst vse kasiram zdej od prej nekak [21:32] <idioterna> smisel lahko ustvaris, ampak ostaja znotraj memetike [21:33] <idioterna> temu kar ti obcutis se rece confirmation bias [21:33] <idioterna> [21:33] <Seniorita> Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [21:33] <idioterna> tut men se zdi da ce mi celo leto guma ne poc na biciklu [21:33] <idioterna> pol mi pa petkrat v enem dnevu [21:33] <idioterna> da sm za nazaj placu [21:34] <yang_> mislim, saj ce drugace gledas, vcasih kak mafijozo k jih je 100 pospravil zivi 90 let... [21:34] <idioterna> ampak v resnici je to stvar tega da sm zapelu cez glazune [21:34] <yang_> ampak [21:34] <idioterna> ce ne bi, bi pa se naprej [21:34] <yang_> vmes mu umre sin [21:34] <yang_> alpa zena [21:34] <idioterna> ja sej je vseen [21:34] <idioterna> mislm [21:34] <yang_> in se mnogo drugih zadev se zgodi, k ti dajo lahk omislit [21:34] <idioterna> ne umreta mu zato ker on pobija druge ljudi [21:34] <idioterna> ja ampak niso povezane med sabo [21:34] <yang_> jah vprasanje [21:34] <idioterna> ja ne vem ce je vprasanje [21:34] <idioterna> stalin ni umru [21:35] <idioterna> pa zena pa sin mu nista [21:35] <idioterna> mislm [21:35] <idioterna> ne nasilne smrti [21:35] <yang_> a nis gledal filma o stalinu [21:35] <idioterna> tko k vsi rusi je mal premal pazu na hrano [21:35] <yang_> hcer je naredila samomor [21:35] <yang_> in ful je bil navezan na hcer [21:35] <idioterna> ja, sej ni mela kej dost izbire [21:35] <yang_> v tistem mesecu k je umrla, je pospravil se kakih 100 najblizjih podanikov ker jih je okrivil za smrt hcere [21:35] <idioterna> ja [21:36] <yang_> on je bil fuknen [21:36] <idioterna> ocitno ane [21:36] <yang_> se bolj kot hitler [21:36] <idioterna> sam fora je da to niso zmesani ljudje [21:36] <yang_> ce je dal svoje ljudi posrpavit [21:36] <idioterna> velik politikov je takih [21:36] <yang_> poglej si film robert duvall igra [21:36] <yang_> dober film je [21:36] <yang_> stalin [21:36] <idioterna> sam pac sodobne druzbe so mogoce mejckn boljse v tem da jih pospravjo [21:36] <idioterna> ker se pac norca iz njih delajo [21:36] <idioterna> joj nimam cajta [21:36] <idioterna> no ceprov [21:36] <yang_> no ko bos mel kej cajta [21:37] <idioterna> zdej v turciji ne smes vec zalt erdogana [21:37] <idioterna> je k tito ratu [21:37] <yang_> mah stalno se odstanjujejo politicni nasprotniki, ravno danes sem bral neka jo ruskem predsedniku [21:37] <yang_> tam v rusiji ne smes nic cez njega rect [21:37] <yang_> te hitro pospravijo [21:38] <yang_> sej drugje pa ni nic drugace [21:38] <idioterna> seveda je [21:38] <yang_> te pa obsodijo za neko izmisljeno zgodbico [21:38] <idioterna> merklova je prtegnena! [21:38] <idioterna> see? [21:38] <idioterna> nc se mi ni zgodil [21:38] <idioterna> zahodna civilizacija ni tok butasta kokr zgleda na prvi pogled [21:38] <idioterna> to so kr pomembni koncepti [21:38] <idioterna> svoboda izrazanja pa enakopravnost pa te reci [21:38] <yang_> v vsakemu rezimu se odstranjujejo politicni nasprotniki, to je pac tako [21:39] <idioterna> ne to ni res [21:39] <idioterna> mislm [21:39] <idioterna> niti prblizno ne mors primerjat teh reci [21:39] <yang_> mogoce jih ne ravno likvidiras, samo skusas jim naprtiti nekaj in jih ocrniti da ne dobijo vec glasov [21:39] <yang_> in potem niso izvoljeni in gredo na smetisce zgodovine [21:40] <yang_> glej tega taljana [21:40] <yang_> berlusconija [21:40] <yang_> on je najbolj tozeni clovek v italiji [21:40] <jabuk> when I’m allowed to refactor legacy code [21:40] <yang_> preko 3000 obtoznic je imel [21:40] <yang_> in iz vsega se je zmazal [21:40] <idioterna> ma ni se iz vsega [21:40] <yang_> vse zivo so mu probali naprtiti [21:41] <idioterna> haha [21:41] <idioterna> teb se pa zdi da ni bil kriv al kaj [21:41] <yang_> tega da je utajil nevem koiko denarja mu niso mogli dokazati, potem so ga probali diskvalifircirati s tem da je imel z tisto mladoletnico spolne odnose, mislim.... [21:41] <idioterna> ja, ampak on je vse to dejansko naredu [21:42] <yang_> no ampak to lahk onaprtijo komerkoli [21:42] <idioterna> sam ker je bil na poziciji moci je loh izigral sistem [21:42] <idioterna> al pa ga mal spremenu [21:42] <idioterna> ja ne morjo ane [21:42] <idioterna> morjo dokazat [21:42] <idioterna> sej zato se je pa lahko izmazu [21:42] <idioterna> vsak se loh, ce mu ne mors dokazat [21:42] <idioterna> pa ni tok lahko [21:42] <idioterna> for a reason [21:42] <yang_> a ves kako so al kaponta strpali v zapor [21:43] <yang_> narocil je uboj ogromno ljudi pa mu niso mogli tega dokazat [21:43] <yang_> pol so ga zaradi utaje davka zuaprli [21:43] <yang_> tisto so mu uspeli dokazati [21:44] <idioterna> ja [21:45] <idioterna> sam sej to je pravilno [21:45] <idioterna> nixon se je su res hude protizakonite stvari [21:45] <idioterna> pa je mel vse pod kontrolo [21:46] <idioterna> pa so ga novinarji zjebal [21:46] <yang_> ja no vidis [21:46] <yang_> kje je pol pravica [21:46] <idioterna> kako kje je pravica [21:46] <yang_> tudi sodnike lahko podkupis oz svoje nastavis [21:46] <idioterna> sej mu je bla dokazana krivda [21:47] <idioterna> ja sej zato pa majo freedom of press v ZDA [21:47] <yang_> bom jst pocas zakljucil za danes [21:48] <yang_> lahko noc in lep vikend [21:48] <yang_> dez bo [21:48] <idioterna> srecno [21:56] <yang_> ne grem se spat, zobe sm si umil [22:00] <idioterna> ok [22:04] <anny_> lp
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Seniorita", "anny_", "anny__", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "napsy", "napsy_", "sasa84", "sasa84_", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "yang_", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[06:04] <Kilos> hi lin [06:04] <Kilos> i forgot where you are [06:43] <Kilos> hello africa [07:56] <Kilos> lin can you join here too please and you Tribaal [07:56] <Kilos> and all you other guys that havent joined yet [07:58] <Kilos> stickyboy that includes you [08:03] <stickyboy> Kilos: :D [08:03] <Kilos> hehe [08:03] <stickyboy> Kilos: How do you feel about typography? [08:04] <Kilos> i know nothing about it so no feelings [08:04] <Kilos> too much other stuff trying to find peeps missing in action [08:15] <stickyboy> Kilos: Signing up. :) [08:16] <Kilos> yay good man [08:16] <stickyboy> Actually, not sure how to join. [08:17] <Kilos> hmm... [08:18] <Kilos> dont you see a join this team button [08:18] <stickyboy> I mean, after logging into Launchpad, there's nothing saying "join". [08:19] <Kilos> ai! [08:27] <Kilos> hi d4rk-5c0rp [08:28] <Kilos> inetpro stickyboy doesnt see how to join [08:30] <d4rk-5c0rp> hi Kilos [08:30] <Kilos> d4rk-5c0rp when you guys joined [08:31] <Kilos> wasnt there a join this team button [08:31] <Kilos> stickyboy cant find it [08:32] <pieter2627> Kilos: try the link [08:32] <pieter2627> without the `+members` part [08:32] <d4rk-5c0rp> +1 pieter2627 [08:33] <d4rk-5c0rp> the join button should be there [08:33] <Kilos> aha ty pieter2627 [08:33] <Kilos> stickyboy ^^ [08:34] <pieter2627> np [08:45] <stickyboy> Kilos: pieter2627 done. :D [08:53] <Kilos> good man [09:01] <stickyboy> This new Islamic State video is epic. [09:01] <stickyboy> It makes me want to believe in God. [09:06] <Kilos> stickyboy hit your lug with that link too hey [09:07] <stickyboy> Kilos: Was just about to do that. [09:09] <Kilos> good man [09:10] <Kilos> hi ongolaBoy [15:03] <Kilos> hi arnaudmez_ [15:25] <arnaudmez_> hi Kilos [15:26] <arnaudmez_> sorry was a bit busy [15:26] <Kilos> np man [15:26] <Kilos> busy is good
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "arnaudmez_", "d4rk-5c0rp", "pieter2627", "stickyboy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[20:39] <Delltra> nas o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Delltra" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pe" }
[01:02] <OvenWerks> [01:03] <OvenWerks> Wonder how long before it makes it to our repos... [07:54] <zequence> I'm getting both ISOs now for testing now [08:19] <astraljava> I'll be doing that late this evening. [08:59] <zequence> OvenWerks: The meta installer won't include our latest meta package, but that's fine I guess, since it'll come with -audio [08:59] <zequence> OvenWerks: The installer has it automatically though, as it looks for packages in a different way [09:00] <zequence> The ubiquity plugin, I mean, has it [09:16] <zequence> I guess ardour4 should appear in the debian git repo sometime not too far from the future, but since they are only just releasing jessie, there is probably no hurry [09:16] <zequence> We should get it with our next release anyhow, and hopefully it'll be mature by the time for our next LTS :) [09:41] <astraljava> zequence: Next LTS is... 16.04? [09:41] <zequence> astraljava: YEp [09:42] <astraljava> Super, so I'll have one practise release before that, then. :D [09:44] <zequence> We could even consider 15.10 a beta for the LTS if we like [09:51] <astraljava> That might be wise. [09:52] <elfy> weren't 14.10,15.04,15.10 the alpha's and beta's for everyone :D [09:52] <astraljava> I guess technically that is true, too. :D [09:52] <zequence> Pretty much, but since we do so little changes we haven't even got to our Alpha yet [09:52] <elfy> heh [09:53] <astraljava> So we're practically just doing subsequent point releases for... 14.04? :p [09:55] <zequence> I suppose the "interim" releases are a sort of a rolling release thing [09:55] <zequence> You can upgrade to them, if you choose to [09:57] <zequence> You more or less need to, even [09:58] <zequence> Debian is releasing about every two years, and they have testing. Wouldn't be too much of a change for us if we went the same way [09:59] <zequence> Less release practice though :) [10:22] <zequence> I'm satisfied with the ISOs. There's the restart bug, and I didn't much test more than installation and jack [13:12] <zequence> I'm probably going to get the bq phone with Ubuntu within the month. Would be interesting to see how some audio applications might work on it. [13:13] <zequence> Also, how responsive is the kernel for RT audio [15:07] <zequence> We should really look at making some videos for our next LTS [15:07] <zequence> cub ^ [15:07] <zequence> At least some basic ones for audio
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "OvenWerks", "astraljava", "elfy", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[06:26] <mattyw> davecheney, lesson learned - never eat [06:27] <mup> Bug #1445338 was opened: Win builds fail: cloudconfig/userdatacfg.go:65: undefined: unixConfigure <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [06:33] <mup> Bug #1445338 changed: Win builds fail: cloudconfig/userdatacfg.go:65: undefined: unixConfigure <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [06:39] <mup> Bug #1445338 was opened: Win builds fail: cloudconfig/userdatacfg.go:65: undefined: unixConfigure <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [07:51] <mup> Bug #1445369 was opened: Juju core freaks if /etc/os-release is not present <juju-core:New> <> [07:57] <mup> Bug #1445369 changed: Juju core freaks if /etc/os-release is not present <juju-core:New> <> [08:03] <mup> Bug #1445369 was opened: Juju core freaks if /etc/os-release is not present <juju-core:New> <> [09:45] <mup> Bug #1445146 changed: juju run fails after upgrade to 1.23-beta4.1 <juju-core:Invalid> <> [10:12] <wallyworld_> jam: looks like irc dropped out - the maas guys are in another meeting, did you want to chat about the error stuff? [10:13] <jam> wallyworld_: I'm happy to chat if you'd like [10:13] <jam> I'm in the hangout [10:13] <wallyworld_> jam: ok, give me a sec and i'll change rooms [13:01] <mup> Bug #1445369 changed: Juju core freaks if /etc/os-release is not present <juju-core:Invalid> <> [13:13] <mup> Bug #1444537 was opened: Log files from units deployed in lxc containers are shared on the physical node <logging> <lxc> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [13:22] <mup> Bug #1444537 changed: Log files from units deployed in lxc containers are shared on the physical node <logging> <lxc> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [13:31] <mgz> menn0: I still need to ammend that branch so one sec on review [13:31] <menn0> mgz: kk [13:31] <mup> Bug #1444537 was opened: Log files from units deployed in lxc containers are shared on the physical node <logging> <lxc> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [13:35] <mgz> menn0: it's okay, just wanted to run the unit test on vivid, they're good [13:35] <jam> mgz: menn0: would it be reasonable to add a logger.Debugf to that code you landed ? [13:36] <mgz> jam: yup, totally. [13:36] <jam> (generally if you are suppressing an error it would be good to log it at least) [13:36] <menn0> mgz: ship it [13:37] <menn0> jam: you mean regarding upstart detection? [13:37] <jam> menn0: when you get the error that /sbin/initctl isn't there, just log at Debugf level [13:37] <jam> then if we get it for weird reasons [13:37] <jam> we can enable debug logging [13:37] <mgz> he means a bit like we added when trying to debug, dump the actual error back from exec.Command [13:37] <jam> and see what the error we're getting is [13:37] <menn0> jam: yep, that's a good idea [13:37] <mgz> I shall add now [13:38] <menn0> as long as it's just at debug [13:38] <jam> mgz: menn0: absolutely. But anytime you "add reporting to figure out what's going on", that's a good sign we may want a logger.Debugf for future use [13:38] <menn0> for sure [13:40] <mgz> logger.Debugf("exec %q failed: %v", initctlPath, err) [13:40] <mgz> maybe? [13:40] <mgz> anything else? [13:40] <jam> mgz: looks good to me [13:41] <menn0> maybe %#v so we see the field names for the error [13:41] <mgz> okay, done [13:41] <jam> mgz: can you test the output to confirm? [13:42] <menn0> mgz: sorry that should be %+v [13:42] <jam> (hard code a different /sbin/init, or make a test fail) [13:42] <menn0> talk about backseat coding... :) [13:42] <jam> menn0: well, %+v is just the field names for auto format, #v isthe go syntax which often includes field names [13:43] <menn0> jam, mgz: whatever works [13:52] <mgz> I pushed the log statement, will land shortly [15:16] <mup> Bug #1445338 changed: Win builds fail: cloudconfig/userdatacfg.go:65: undefined: unixConfigure <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by gabriel-samfira> <> [15:45] <mgz> going to need re-check review [15:45] <mgz> for test junk I missed [15:49] <mgz> okay, have pushed new test-fixing revision [20:56] <mup> Bug #1445658 was opened: juju fills logs with attempts to do work on implicitly removed containers <juju-core:New> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "jam", "mattyw", "menn0", "mgz", "mup", "wallyworld_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[04:29] <lotuspsychje> [04:41] <lotuspsychje> To our fledgling phone developer community, for all your votive contributions and vocal participation, thank you! Let’s not be vaunty: we have a lot to do yet, but my oh my what we’ve made together feels fantastic. You are the vigorous vanguard, the verecund visionaries and our venerable mates in this adventure. Thank you again. [04:41] <lotuspsychje> [04:41] <lotuspsychje> thats for you devs :p [05:23] <PhilippeP> Morning, New day, New image [07:47] <robin-hero> Hi All! If somebody interested: If you copy the ~.local/share/history-service/history.sqlite file to an other device, your call log and your SMS messages work well with the new device :) [07:47] <Tm_T> hi, anyone know any working method on getting openvpn connection to ubuntu phone? [07:49] <Tm_T> or where to begin digging to possibly find something that could be worked on to make it happen [08:02] <PhilippeP> robin-hero: nice tip ! [08:03] <robin-hero> PhilippeP: Thanks, so now we can make backup from this things :) [08:35] <mardy> Laney: hi! About bug 1432613, the account-plugin-windows-live was providing only that chat service [08:35] <mardy> Laney: can I remove the package from debian/control altogether, or should I keep it (users will be able to create a useless account)? [08:59] <Se7> morning [09:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Bat Appreciation Day! :-D [09:39] * Se7 still waiting for update :( [09:41] <PhilippeP> update was waiting when I woke up this morning ... [09:45] <nothingspecial> My bq is stuck in a bootloop, selecting fastboot starts the bootloop, a couple of days a go I did get it into fastboot mode but the recovery failed. Is there another way? [09:45] <ogra_> Se7, i guess because you didnt sacrifice enough chicken to the god of random() :) [09:46] <ogra_> nothingspecial, do you know what you did before that started ? [09:47] <ogra_> (i.e. how did you trigger it) [09:47] <nothingspecial> ogra_: Had it charging over night, woke up and the screen was unresponsive so held down power and volume up [09:47] <nothingspecial> been looping ever since [09:47] <ogra_> hmm, so you didnt nothin active that caused a reboot, like switching the language or so ? [09:48] <nothingspecial> The only thing I've done which I shouldn't have is edit /etc/timezone but that was 3 or 4 weeks ago when I first got it [09:48] <ogra_> aha [09:48] <ogra_> so the device was writable ? [09:48] <nothingspecial> no I think I switched it back [09:48] <nothingspecial> but I can't say 100% [09:48] <ogra_> any other manual modifications ? [09:49] <nothingspecial> only bash_aliases for ssh [09:49] <nothingspecial> nothing outside of ~ [09:49] <ogra_> well, thats in your homedir ... i meant the system :) [09:50] <nothingspecial> yeah nothing else outside of home [09:50] <ogra_> so we have heard of people havoin this issue after switching language .... i wonder if it is effectively the possible timezone switch that this might bring along [09:51] <ogra_> nothingspecial, [09:51] <nothingspecial> maybe [09:51] <ogra_> bug 1439864 [09:52] <brunch875> ogra_ does that factory reset work even if it was set to writable mode and fiddled with? [09:52] <ogra_> brunch875, no guarantees [09:52] <ogra_> factory reset will only reset the writable parts of the system [09:53] <ogra_> if oyu modify the normally readonly parts it wont have any effect on that ... (that gets reverted with the next OTA though) [09:53] <Se7> sorry ogra_ i was afk what it s random() [09:53] <brunch875> so if it's properly broken, it would need a re-flash? [09:53] <nothingspecial> ogra I can't get into that mode possibly because the phone will not switch off [09:53] <ogra_> Se7, the algorithm that decides who gets the pahsed updates ;) [09:53] <brunch875> nothingspecial: try holding all buttons down [09:54] <brunch875> that worked for me when I couldn't remove the battery [09:54] <Se7> ok thans [09:54] <Se7> i am not good in maths :P [09:54] <ogra_> nothingspecial, there is definitely a hardwired way to get out of that ... i think holding the power button for very lon [09:54] <brunch875> even in fastboot mode [09:54] <ogra_> g [09:55] <nothingspecial> brunch875: ogra_ oh hang on it went into fastboot mode..... [09:55] <ogra_> cool [09:55] <brunch875> cheerio [09:56] <ogra_> if the factory reset doesnt work, you should always be able to re-flash from a PC [09:56] <nothingspecial> I'm doing that now [09:56] <nothingspecial> Failed to Enter Recovery :| [09:56] <ogra_> one sec [09:57] <nothingspecial> trying again [09:58] <ogra_> [09:58] <ogra_> you need the recovery.img linked from that article [09:58] <nothingspecial> yeah, I'm doing that [09:58] <ogra_> and you need to use --bootatrap [09:58] <ogra_> *bootstrap [09:58] <nothingspecial> I'ts downloading something but the bq is going into bootloop before it finishes [09:59] <nothingspecial> yeah I'm using --bootstrap ad the recovery image [09:59] <ogra_> well, it should be in fastboot mode when you do that ... [10:00] <ogra_> then it will first load the supplied recovery.img and boot this [10:00] <nothingspecial> it is and it says USB Transfering.... o the phone but then the bootloop starts again and the pc says Failed to enter recovery [10:01] <ogra_> hmm, how empty/fuull is your battery ? [10:01] <ogra_> sounds like a power issue ... it should definitely transfer all the files and reboot into the same recovery afterwards [10:01] <nothingspecial> I have no idea lol [10:01] <brunch875> haha [10:01] <ogra_> if it dies before the copying happened that sounds like it dies from power loss [10:02] <nothingspecial> it's been like this for 3 days now, but it has been plugged ito the pc for an hour while I try and sort this [10:02] <ogra_> try charging it for a while ... on the actual charger, not on a PC [10:02] <nothingspecial> ok [10:02] <nothingspecial> that sounds reasonable. I'll give it a go. Thanks [10:02] <ogra_> PC USB ports only give 500mA ... [10:02] <ogra_> iirc the power supply has 2A [10:03] <ogra_> give it half an hour and then try again [10:03] <brunch875> ogra_: Out of curiosity... I've heard that android 5 drivers stomp ubuntu. Does this reflash work after that, or should you install android 4 beforehand? [10:03] <nothingspecial> will do thanks [10:03] <ogra_> (and try to get it out of the reboot when it charges ;) ) [10:04] <nothingspecial> I'll leave it in fastboot mode [10:04] <ogra_> good [10:04] <ogra_> brunch875, on the ubuntu phone ? [10:04] <brunch875> yeah [10:04] <nothingspecial> thaks, I'll let you know how it goes [10:04] <ogra_> not sure what happens if you install android on it ... we never tested that usecase :) [10:05] <brunch875> I'm sure some people will eventually try and install android on it [10:05] <ogra_> but since our default firmware comes from android 4.x you could indeed get probs if something writes the 5.0 driver firmware into some HW [10:06] <ogra_> well, then they have to keep the pieces :) [10:06] <brunch875> I don't suppose flashing ubuntu would refresh the drivers, would it? [10:06] <ogra_> it will refresh the drivers ... but if something in android replaced the actual firmware in the HW you could be screwed [10:07] <ogra_> we dont flash bootloader or modem firmware by default from ubuntu-device-flash [10:07] <brunch875> scary! [10:07] <ogra_> well, flashing android 4.x before going back to ubuntu would likely get you out of this [10:07] <ogra_> but its a lot of extra work :) [10:07] <brunch875> So it is possible to flash the bootloader? [10:08] <ogra_> android does that [10:08] <brunch875> I always wondered since I got my first android... [10:08] <brunch875> since it's not as easy to break a desktop computer [10:08] <ogra_> (only on open devices thouh ... ) [10:08] <brunch875> that would be like flashing the BIOS, wouldn't it be? [10:08] <ogra_> devices with locked down bootloader will indeed not allow you to do that [10:08] <ogra_> right [10:09] <ogra_> well,fopr most phones a BIOS with a password set ... one that only the manufacturer knows [10:09] <brunch875> It's the most sane choice, really. Some stuff should remain ROM [10:10] <ogra_> and while the bq is completely open, you cant count on that fact for all ubuntu phones of the future ... [10:10] <ogra_> it is always up to the manufacturer to decide how open he wants his system [10:11] <brunch875> I would personally make the most basic stuff like the bootloader hardwired [10:11] <brunch875> so there would be no possible way to break it [10:12] <ogra_> (i.e. meizu does not have a single open device on the market ... will be very interesting to see what their MX4 ubuntu offers ) [10:12] <brunch875> I can't count the amount of times I killed my computers to then resurrect them [10:24] <nalum> hello all, can anyone tell me what the default password is to use the terminal and if it can be changed? [10:24] <brunch875> the password is the same as the lock screen one [10:25] <brunch875> if there's no lock screen, the password is the same as the LAST lock screen [10:25] <brunch875> if there was never a lock screen... I have no idea :) [10:27] <brunch875> Word of advice: change your password by changing the lock screen. If you have a numeric lock screen and use 'passwd' in a terminal to change it to contain something with not only numbers, you won't be able to get past the lock screen (since you can only input numbers and the new password contains letters too!) [10:28] <brunch875> better yet, never use 'passwd' from the terminal to change the password. Use the lock screen settings! [10:30] <nalum> Ah, cool thanks brunch875 [10:32] <rbasak> After the new OTA I'm not seeing any images in scopes. Just empty spaces. Anyone else seeing that? [10:32] <brunch875> rbasak: No issues on mine! [10:43] <ogra_> rbasak, is your netwrok working ? [10:45] <rbasak> ogra_: yes [10:46] <ogra_> rbasak, bug 1430828 [10:48] <rbasak> Thanks [10:55] <tekojo> bzoltan_: ping [10:58] <nalum> brunch875: seems like it doesn't have a password if you don't set an unlock code or passphrase [10:59] <brunch875> Yes, that makes sense [11:04] <nalum> Is it possible to get apt-get or aptitude working? I guess even if I did, it's not supposed to be used [11:09] <nothingspecial> ogra_: I can't get it into fastboot mode again, now. Selectig it triggers the boot loop again [11:10] <ogra_> are you sure you select it right ? that menu is strangelky wired up to the buttons (iirc vol down is "enter" or some such, there is description on the screen) [11:10] <nothingspecial> yeah, tried it about 20 times now [11:11] <brunch875> nalum, check this out: [11:11] <ogra_> nalum, yes, but not recommended ... you would need to make the system writable and OTA updates would revert what you installed ... [11:12] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, any idea how to help nothingspecial ? [11:12] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, he is in a boot loop and cant get out of it even via fastboot or recovery [11:12] <john-mcaleely> ogra_, that's a new one [11:12] <ogra_> yes [11:13] <nothingspecial> choosing fastboot just starts the bootloop again [11:13] <john-mcaleely> that might be a back to BQ problem [11:13] <john-mcaleely> it is new [11:14] <nothingspecial> yeah, that's going to take a while then [11:35] <rbasak> ogra_: I think I figured out what's going on - [11:47] <ogra_> rbasak, ah, could be a messed up default route ... awe is currently looking into that (there are cases where your default route points to the wrong thing when switching networks) [11:49] <rbasak> ogra_: my default route must have been fine, because everything else that needed connectivity worked - for example getting text in scopes. [11:49] <ogra_> ah, right, you said so [11:49] <rbasak> ogra_: I suspect the issue is that if connectivity is broken at boot, something in the image-loading pipeline gets wedged forever. [11:50] <ogra_> yeah [12:43] <nik90> ogra_: is the phasing update for ota-3 complete? [12:44] <ogra_> nik90, not sure, you have to wait for sil2100 [12:45] <nik90> ok [12:47] <popey> 24 hours iirc [12:47] <popey> 19 hours ago, so probably not. [12:47] <nik90> popey: I asked since my BQ that I got today, received its last update in jan 2015 before it was packaged I guess [12:48] <nik90> and doesnt have any other OTAs except for app updates [12:48] <popey> what version is it running? [12:48] <popey> oh, also, yay, you got a bq ! :D [12:48] <nik90> popey: thnx :) .. it is running r16 [12:48] <popey> that doesn't sound right [12:49] <juzzlin_> mine had also r16 when I got it and it updated to r20 [12:50] <nik90> hmm .. not sure why mine is stuck at r16..I restarted it just in case. [12:50] <juzzlin_> it didn't go smoothly in my device either...the updater was buggy [12:50] <popey> oh [12:50] <popey> well you won't get the update because of phased updates [12:50] <popey> thats a flaw [12:50] <popey> it should take you to r20 if r21 is phased. [12:50] <ogra_> juzzlin_, buggy in what way ? [12:50] <popey> dunno how that bit of it works, maybe now everyone is phased now. [12:51] <nik90> [12:51] <popey> seems flawed if it is [12:51] <nik90> popey: should this be reported against ubuntu-system-settings ? [12:51] <ogra_> well, it is some magic done by slangasek and sil2100 ... not sure how it exactly works [12:51] <juzzlin_> ogra_, the updater seemed to be stuck when donwloading the image, but it still apparently downloaded it in the background etc [12:51] <ogra_> juzzlin_, did you file a bug ? [12:53] <juzzlin_> ogra_, no because wasn't sure what happened and I got the device updated after a reboot [12:53] <juzzlin_> the updater has worked correctly in the r20 [12:53] <ogra_> ok [12:54] <popey> nik90: what does "system-image-cli -n" say? [12:54] <nik90> popey: it gives no output [12:55] <john-mcaleely> popey, if the phone is fresh from the factory, 16 is right [12:55] <john-mcaleely> nik90, ^ [12:55] <nik90> john-mcaleely: I agree..but just wondering why it didnt update to r20 (OTA-2) while I wait for OTA-3 through phased updates. [12:55] <john-mcaleely> interesting. yes, good question [12:56] <popey> yeah :) [12:56] <ogra_> because it perhaps phases all aupdates now [12:56] <ogra_> *all updates [12:56] <popey> [12:56] <popey> file there IMO [12:56] <popey> according to (wot I just edited) [12:56] * nik90 bookmarks that link [13:00] <slangasek> ogra_: no, the phased percentage is applied to a specific image version on the channel (and by policy, should only be applied to the most recent version on the channel) [13:00] <popey> so nik90 likely is experiencing a bug then. [13:01] <ogra_> slangasek, ack, thanks ! [13:01] <ogra_> yeah, sounds like a bug [13:01] <ogra_> nik90, do you see any system-image process in your processlist ? [13:01] <slangasek> my recollection is that if the top image is phased, the user should still get the update to the previous version; but I'm not completely sure of that, would need to check this with barry [13:01] * ogra_ remembers cases where a hanging s-i prevented the update [13:02] <popey> he's rebooted... [13:02] <ogra_> oh [13:03] <nik90> ogra_: nope I dont see any [13:03] <ogra_> slangasek, do you know what our word on changelogs for OTAs is ? "weill come in future OTAs" ? (i know lukasz had issues assembling one for this one, but someone asked on the ML) [13:03] <slangasek> no, I don't know [13:04] <nik90> so do I wait for this phased update period to be over to get the update? I am just hoping I am stuck at r16 [13:04] <nik90> s/am/am not [13:04] <ogra_> nik90, we do too ! [13:05] <Elleo> nik90: if you use ubuntu-device-flash you shouldn't be hampered by the phasing [13:05] <nik90> ogra_, slangasek: Alrite I will wait another 6-7 hours and keep you updated [13:05] <popey> Elleo: we shouldn't have to use that method/ [13:05] <nik90> Elleo: true, but I just want to make sure another new user doesn't face this situation [13:05] <Elleo> nik90: are you not even able to upgrade to r20? [13:05] <nik90> Elleo: yes [13:05] <popey> nik90: can you wait for the 24 hours to be up, and let us know what happens? [13:05] <Danny_D> hi [13:06] <nik90> popey: definitely [13:06] <popey> ~3 hours from now [13:06] <popey> thanks [13:06] <Danny_D> where is the changelog for the update that rolled out to bq devices? [13:06] <Elleo> Danny_D: there's this: and the commitlog: [13:06] <popey> there's also this which has a list of debian package changes :) [13:06] <popey> (and clicks) [13:07] <popey> for those who don't have access to etherpad [13:11] <nik90> bug 1445483 for now [13:11] <popey> thanks nik90 [13:12] <Danny_D> Elleo: thanks [13:12] <Elleo> Danny_D: no problem :) [13:12] <popey> nik90: can you paste system-image-cli --info, ? [13:12] * ogra_ grins noticing that Elleo and him just wrote nearly the same mail [13:12] <Elleo> heh [13:14] <nik90> popey: sure, 1 sec [13:14] <nik90> done [13:15] <popey> ta [13:15] * popey flashes 16 to his krillin [13:16] * cwayne needs to find the best way to get the custom changelog included in the commitlog [13:18] <studio_> hi [13:19] <popey> hello [13:19] <ogra_> bah [13:19] <kenvandine> Elleo, not ready for a full review yet, but can you look at my API changes in my serialized_content_transfers branch? [13:19] <kenvandine> [13:19] <ogra_> the "volume popup shows when audio starts playing" bug is back for me in vivd [13:19] <kenvandine> Elleo, and if you have time, mind chatting about it after the standup? [13:20] <kenvandine> i want to run some thoughts by you for opinions [13:20] <studio_> i was reading offline the problem from nothingspecial. i had same prob to days ago. Power and VOL "-" fixed the loop on my phone [13:22] <Danny_D> btw, the stallboard app is pure genius [13:22] <Danny_D> "It's spyware." [13:22] <ogra_> popey should make it paid ... he could get rich ;) [13:22] <popey> haha [13:22] <Elleo> kenvandine: okay, will take a look [13:23] <Danny_D> you could update it to have even more sounds, tabs maybe [13:23] <ogra_> he could merge it with the hodor app :) [13:24] <Danny_D> or make a high score list, which quotes are the best [13:24] <ogra_> (or is that gone ?) [13:24] <Danny_D> by uploading click counts [13:25] <popey> haha [13:25] <popey> all great ideas :) [13:26] <Danny_D> "Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait u said COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE." [13:26] <seb128> kenvandine, jgdx, do you know what's going on with those u-s-s tz tests failing something? [13:26] <kenvandine> seb128, we have flaky tests again [13:27] <jgdx> seb128, no, it's flaky [13:27] <kenvandine> if you rebuild enough, it passes :/ [13:27] <kenvandine> we need to figure that out [13:27] <seb128> kenvandine, jgdx, do we know why/what changed? [13:27] <kenvandine> it's driving me nuts [13:28] <Danny_D> having more quotes in stallboard would be great for doing prank calls at microsoft [13:28] <popey> nik90: tried reproducing your issue... got offered #21 immediately, sorry :) [13:29] <davmor2> I know that one doctor doctor I have a steering wheel on my........wait kenvandine you were saying it was confusing right ;) [13:30] <seb128> kenvandine, jgdx, of course it's working on my device, several tries, all good [13:30] <Danny_D> btw am i the only one constantly making screenshots since the volume buttons are used for this? :P [13:30] <kenvandine> seb128, no idea, i tried on my device [13:30] <kenvandine> and can't reproduce it [13:30] <seb128> same here :-/ [13:30] <kenvandine> only happens in CI [13:31] <seb128> of course [13:31] <kenvandine> i spent hours trying yesterday :/ [13:31] <seb128> wouldn't be fun otherwise [13:31] <kenvandine> it's time to ask cihelp i guess [13:31] <nik90> popey: damn :P [13:31] <jgdx> the instructions to recreate what happens during a ci run is daunting [13:33] <nik90> popey: you are always at the extremes: thing either work very well or you find bugs that are impossible to reproduce normal for once :D [13:33] <popey> hah [13:34] <popey> well, i dunno how system-image works, maybe my card is marked, and I will automagically get that update because I had it before [13:34] <nik90> I guess you are in the good books of someone high up who controls this randomness [13:35] <nik90> anyways I will wait another few hours [13:35] <EdwardMorbius> after todays update I noticed after a while that unity8 is eating cpu like crazy, 150% usage and battery goes down fast, I will let it turn off and plug it into a charger, I hope its a temporary glitch [13:35] <dobey> EdwardMorbius: what channel? [13:36] <EdwardMorbius> dobey regular BQ update OTA-3 the latest [13:36] <EdwardMorbius> I will see if it returns to normal after I turn it on again [13:41] <sturmflut_> nik90, popey: I didn't get the first part of your conversation, but if it's about not getting the update, system-image-cli has a "--percentage" parameter [13:41] <popey> we don't want to override it [13:42] <popey> sturmflut_: is the context [13:42] <sturmflut_> popey: Oooh! [13:43] <sturmflut_> popey: I never even thought about this case [13:43] <EdwardMorbius> turned the phone on again, cpu usage seems normal at the moment, I will monitor it for a while. [13:46] <nik90> sturmflut_: did you implement the phasing updates stuff? [13:46] <seb128> kenvandine, jgdx, I got the test to fail 3 times on my n7 vivid device now [13:46] <sturmflut_> nik90: No, I'm not even with Canonical ;) [13:47] <jgdx> seb128, cool, what happens? [13:47] <seb128> kenvandine, jgdx, it looks like it's tapping on the result, the bg color changes but the text doesn't turn red and it doesn't go back to pop the page [13:47] <seb128> I can type manually and that works [13:47] <nik90> sturmflut_: .. just wondering who is responsible for me not getting the cool battery fixes and stuff ;P [13:49] <sturmflut_> Today some guy at work who I haven't talked to for half a year sent me an e-mail with a screenshot of all my apps in the Click store, and the comment "Laudable." [13:49] <sturmflut_> So this is what stardom feels like [13:49] <jgdx> seb128, kenvandine, sounds like [13:50] <seb128> jgdx, you mean? [13:50] <seb128> the result is not offscreen [13:50] <jgdx> seb128, what's the tests name? [13:50] <seb128> jgdx, ubuntu_system_settings.tests.test_datetime.TimeDateTestCase.test_manual_tz_selection [13:51] <jgdx> seb128, then it's not that [13:52] <jgdx> that was a scroll_to_and_click which did not click properly for some reason [13:52] <jgdx> it became a drag instead, and the test just stopped there [13:54] <seb128> if it was a drag you would see it in the autopilot log? [13:55] <jgdx> not sure, sorry [13:57] <sturmflut_> Anybody using/working on WebGL in Oxide? I just checked if also applies to the E4.5 and it seems like WebGL support is even more broken than before [14:04] <studio_> ehm, is the menu with power and vol - new on the bq? [14:05] <ogra_> no, all ubuntu phones should have it [14:07] <studio_> i flashed my phone from ubuntu-touch/rc/ubuntu-developer to and have again a boot-loop. last time, when i got this error, power and vol. - fixed that, but now i have this menu? [14:07] <kenvandine> seb128, doing the same thing on your n7 manually, does it seem slow? [14:08] <studio_> to "ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed" [14:08] <kenvandine> the test failure seems to be timeout waiting for the header title to change [14:08] <seb128> kenvandine, it's not a speed issue [14:08] <seb128> no [14:08] <seb128> it types "london ..." in the tz entry [14:08] <seb128> results are listed [14:08] <seb128> it "taps" on the second one [14:08] <seb128> the bg of the listitem gets selected [14:08] <seb128> but the text doesn't color in red [14:08] <seb128> and the time/page pop doesn't happen [14:08] <seb128> I can manually tap then and it works [14:09] <seb128> in the 10s timeframe [14:09] <seb128> so it's like the tap was a failed tap [14:09] <seb128> like it was a dnd or something [14:09] <kenvandine> test_same_tz_selection fails sometimes too [14:09] <kenvandine> [14:09] <seb128> the onClicked: doesn't trigger [14:09] <kenvandine> different test [14:09] <seb128> kenvandine, same issue I guess [14:09] <seb128> tap not generating an onClicked for some reason [14:10] <kenvandine> great that you reproduced it locally [14:10] <seb128> they both use self.main_view.pointing_device.click_object() [14:10] <kenvandine> i ran it several times yesterday and no failure [14:10] <kenvandine> on my krillin [14:11] <seb128> yeah, I had to run it 15 times to get a failure there [14:11] <kenvandine> my mako was busy testing something else :) [14:11] <kenvandine> ugh [14:11] <kenvandine> in CI it fails much more often than that [14:14] <nik90> popey, slangasek, ogra_ : I got the update :) Blue led notification [14:14] <ogra_> \o/ [14:14] <popey> interesting [14:14] <nik90> holy cow 414.5 mb [14:14] <ogra_> sil2100, ignore me in the other channel then :) [14:14] <popey> still a bug :) [14:15] <nik90> I guess the phased-updates does delay it then [14:15] <ogra_> nik90, because you skipped OTA2 for whatever reason ... else it would only be half of that :) [14:15] <ogra_> yeah, but you should have gotten -2 [14:15] <nik90> so shall i update? Any other logs you guys might need? [14:15] <sil2100> I checked and it's 100% finished now, might have taken a bit longer than expected ;) [14:16] <ogra_> nik90, probably tar up /var/log at least [14:16] <nik90> sure [14:17] <studio_> is someone here using "KRILIN01A-S15A_BQ_L100EN_1187_150417" without a boot-loop? [14:18] * ogra_ doubts many people use the zips from teh bq site at all [14:19] <studio_> ? [14:20] <studio_> that is from "touch/devel-proposed" [14:20] <ogra_> studio_, most people using the bq in here bought it with ubuntu [14:21] * ogra_ has no clue where that cryptic thn up there comes from ... not a version we typically use [14:22] <ogra_> *thing [14:25] <Elleo> kenvandine: heya you wanted to chat about the serialisation stuff? shall we open a new hangout or just do it over IRC? [14:26] <kenvandine> lets do a hangout... but give me 5m [14:26] <kenvandine> Elleo, ok? [14:26] <Elleo> okay, sure thing :) [14:28] <studio_> ogra_, my phone was working half an our ago with the version from "ubuntu-touch/rc/ubuntu-developer" but after the "update" i got the loop. i'll go to re-flash now the complete phone ... [14:29] <popey> someone in -uk is reporting boot loop on update [14:29] <popey> [14:31] <Se7> no update in uk yet [14:32] <jgdx> abeato, ping [14:32] <abeato> jgdx, pong [14:32] <jgdx> abeato, hey, are you using phonesim? [14:32] <abeato> jgdx, not really, I've never used it [14:32] <jgdx> abeato, okay, nm then :) [14:32] <abeato> maybe Wellark^^ [14:33] <ogra_> popey, lol, i wonder how he thinks more buttons would help though :) [14:33] <popey> heh [14:33] <ogra_> its not like you then dont make the decision "press" or "dont press" [14:33] <jgdx> abeato, just out of curiosity, how do you test calls and smses? :) [14:33] <abeato> jgdx, with a real SIM :p [14:34] <abeato> note that phonesim is useless anyway when testing rilmodem drivers [14:34] <abeato> because it is actually a driver [14:34] <jgdx> abeato, that makes sense [14:36] <Wellark> jgdx, abeato ? [14:36] <jgdx> Wellark, hey, I'm using phonesim and I'm missing interfaces. [14:36] <abeato> Wellark, jgdx was interested in phonesim [14:37] <jgdx> Wellark, if you have moment, could you sim a sim and check if you're missing them as well? E.g. connectionmanager. [14:38] <Wellark> jgdx: I'm now on mtg [14:38] <Wellark> jgdx: will ping you soon [14:38] <jgdx> Wellark, thanks [14:40] <BOHverkill> How can I add my own music/sounds as ringtone? [14:40] <juzzlin_> I just got the r21 and everything went smoothly :) [14:42] <ogra_> yippie [14:43] <ogra_> BOHverkill, currently only via a hack by making the system temporary wirtable,putting your audio file into the right dir and making it readonly again [14:43] <jgdx> abeato, segfault in ofono seems to be a part of it :) [14:43] <studio_> ok, after flashing 1.5gb by phone is working again :) [14:44] <abeato> jgdx, lol [14:45] <BOHverkill> ogra_: mhhh k, but if I do that is there a risk that I do not get OTAs anymore? [14:46] <ogra_> BOHverkill, nah, you will always get OTAs [14:47] <jgdx> abeato, any idea what this is? [14:48] <BOHverkill> ogra_: k who do I do that and which formats are supported? [14:48] <ogra_> BOHverkill, adding a single file that isnt inside an OTA wont do any harm [14:48] <ogra_> i thinnk mp3 and ogg ... [14:48] <BOHverkill> ogra_: and what harm? [14:48] <ogra_> no harm, as i said :) [14:48] <abeato> jgdx, hm, probably rild is not present. are you running it on a phone? [14:49] <jgdx> abeato, desktop [14:49] <abeato> jgdx, you need to exlude the rildev plugin in that case [14:49] <BOHverkill> ogra_: no what harms an ota? [14:49] <BOHverkill> *and [14:49] <abeato> with ofono -P rildev [14:50] <ogra_> BOHverkill, its rather the other way round ... an OTA harms your changes ... if you changed any existing file in the rootfs it would be reverted ... [14:51] <richi__> Wow, how many times does the phone boot during an OTA? I almost thought it was in a boot loop. [14:51] <ogra_> 2 x [14:52] <ogra_> it boots to recovery after downloading, unpacks the diff in the rootfs and reboots to normal [14:52] <richi__> It looked more like something between 5 and 10. [14:53] <studio_> :) [14:53] <ogra_> that doesnt sound right [14:53] <studio_> as i said ... [14:54] <ogra_> and is definitely not anything we have seen in testing [14:54] <BOHverkill> ogra_: k changing or deleting an existing file on the ro mounted partition, i am right? [14:54] <ogra_> BOHverkill, right ... or switching to writable and installing something etc etc [14:54] <BOHverkill> harms the ota [14:54] <ogra_> no [14:54] <ogra_> the OTA would just revert your changes [14:55] <BOHverkill> oh k [14:56] <richi__> It switched between black and white screen a couple of times, until I gew worried. But as soon as I saw the ubuntu logo again, everything was well. [14:57] <jgdx> abeato, that was it! Thank you. /cc Wellark [14:57] <ogra_> ah, so you had the screen flashing, not a reboot ? [14:57] <abeato> np [14:57] <BOHverkill> ogra_: and how do i install the ringtones? [14:57] <richi__> It looked just like rebooting every time. [14:58] <ogra_> richi__, well, rebooting means that you see the bq logo for a while [14:59] <richi__> ogra_ Yes, white means white with the bq logo, then black again. [14:59] <ogra_> BOHverkill, sudo mount -o remount,rw / [15:00] <ogra_> BOHverkill, sudo cp /path/to/your/ringtone/ringtone.ogg /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/ringtones/ [15:00] <ogra_> BOHverkill, sudo mount -o remount,ro / [15:00] <ogra_> if the latter command says it is busy, call "sudo sync" and then reboot the device ... so it is readonly again ... you dont want to keep it rw [15:04] <matv1> would it be possible to show to which phone nbr an incomming call was made (in case of dual sim). Both in notifications as wel as in recent calls within the phone app? [15:05] <ogra_> sure, it is just software :) [15:05] <matv1> or does a feature request/bug exist? [15:05] <matv1> if not should it need to be filed against phone app or notifications? [15:06] <matv1> or both? [15:06] <ogra_> bfiller, ^^^ do we have a wishlist bug for that ? [15:06] <matv1> especially in case of missed calls its usefull [15:07] <bfiller> ogra_: should already be there in the recents view, left swipe to reveal more actions and press info button [15:07] <ogra_> matv1, ^^ [15:08] <bfiller> oh wait [15:08] <bfiller> maybe that doesn't show which number it was receieved on [15:08] <BOHverkill> ogra_: thx :) [15:08] <matv1> yes it is there bfiller [15:09] <bfiller> matv1: ok cool, I only have one sim atm so can't test [15:09] <matv1> at least in the phone app [15:10] <matv1> bfiller ok not in notifications yet [15:11] <matv1> but I can live with just the one place I guess [15:12] <bfiller> matv1: would make sense for it to show up in notification as well, please file a bug at and we'll take a look [15:12] <matv1> bfiller ok will do that. thanks! [15:15] <matv1> bfiller you would need to think about a way to implement that in terms of ui because you can't do it the same way you did in the phone app [15:15] <matv1> bcause you cant open a new page from there [15:15] <matv1> i think [15:16] <bfiller> matv1: I would think the notification would say "Missed call from <number> on <simId>" or something like that [15:16] <matv1> if you can squeeze that in :) [15:17] <bfiller> yup [15:17] <bfiller> can do multi line [15:18] <matv1> ok in that case agreed. might want to consider the same way in the phone app. the current way is not optimal in terms of discoverability :) [15:18] <matv1> or else i am bad at discovering [15:20] <bfiller> matv1: agreed, we're working on a way to make the swipe actions more discoverable [15:20] <bfiller> matv1: its' very hidden currently [15:21] <bfiller> renatu: that reminds me, where are those branches for the first time hints of the swipe actions on dialer and messaging? [15:22] <bfiller> don't think we ever finished [15:22] <renatu> bfiller, let me find it [15:22] <renatu> bfiller, [15:23] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, i was able to fix that dim-timeout bug in settings :) [15:23] <bfiller> renatu: thanks, will add a story for this [15:23] <matv1> ah you are thinking of incorperating it into the first-run demo? [15:24] <pmcgowan> kenvandine, hah thought so [15:24] <bfiller> renatu: maybe we can look at in sprint with olga [15:24] <pmcgowan> cool [15:24] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, there isn't a milestone set on bug 1437510 [15:24] <bfiller> matv1: more like first time you go to the recents page it's an demo that shows you the tips for that view [15:24] <studio_> maybe you should users give a hint that that the update is about 37 times flashing the screen on the bq and it could take while ... "i" thought it is a boot-loop! [15:25] <kenvandine> please set as appropriate, and we'll land it based on that [15:25] <ogra_> studio_, it doesnt do that and it isnt normal ... [15:25] <pmcgowan> kenvandine, we are not gating with milestones now, they are more for tracking [15:25] <pmcgowan> but I will set it [15:25] <renatu> bfiller, this is a good idea, but I think olga has some different ideas for it, and SDK has his own implementation of the listem items that should be used by the apps [15:25] <kenvandine> oh... i thought we were still :) [15:26] <renatu> bfiller, but yeah we can use it as temporary solution :( [15:26] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, but it does help me prioritize branches in the approved queue for landing [15:26] <studio_> ogra_, i never had that before, so for me this is new [15:26] <bfiller> renatu: yeah [15:26] <pmcgowan> very good marked for ww17 [15:26] <renatu> bfiller, I do not like temporary solutions anymore, they give me a lot of work to maintain it later :( [15:26] <ogra_> studio_, but you are neither using the official channel nor the official hardware [15:27] <matv1> bfiller ok I understand. i will look out fr it in future proposed images :) thnks again [15:27] <ogra_> could well be that vivid images have an issue amt [15:27] <ogra_> *atm [15:27] <bfiller> matv1: np [15:27] <studio_> ogra_, i am on "channel: ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en" / "alias: ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09" is that not official? [15:28] <studio_> and what means official hardware? [15:28] <ogra_> you just gave me a diferent channel in PM [15:28] <studio_> no, i told you, a am back on the original [15:28] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, thx [15:29] <studio_> r19 is my lates original [15:29] <ogra_> studio_, still, your partitioning and your bootloader are different from the ubuntu phone [15:29] <ogra_> (beyond having the buttons on the glass) [15:30] <studio_> ogra_, scatter is the same as in the git for the ubuntu-kernel [15:30] <ogra_> ? [15:31] <studio_> "MT6582_Android_scatter.txt" [15:31] <ogra_> no idea what that is [15:31] <studio_> it is the partition [15:32] <ogra_> no, the partitioning is created at produiction of the phone in the factory [15:32] <ogra_> no matter what that file there says [15:33] <Wellark> jgdx: ping [15:33] <ogra_> and the bootloader is flashed during the factory process too ... nothing in ubuntu ever touches the bootloader later [15:35] <jgdx> Wellark, pong [15:37] <studio_> ogra_, you never used the mtk-flash-tools? [15:38] <ogra_> studio_, nope, only a few elite people like john-mcaleely use the mtk tools in canonical :) [15:38] <ogra_> the rest of us uses ubuntu-device-flash [15:38] <john-mcaleely> :-) [15:38] <cwayne> john-mcaleely is 1337 [15:38] <ogra_> +1 [15:38] <studio_> so, try them, they are easy :) [15:38] <ogra_> ! [15:39] <ogra_> studio_, but dont help me to find issues with the tools i work on or maintain [15:39] <ogra_> they are for android users :) [15:39] <ogra_> i use the ubuntu tools :) [15:40] <studio_> or users who want to try other things ... [15:42] <studio_> ogra_, bq made an easy way for their customers, they can flash all versions for their device. [15:43] <brunch875> studio_: can you hand me a link? [15:43] <fgimenez> hi renatu, can you take a look at this mp when possible ? [15:43] <studio_> ? [15:43] <brunch875> I mean to that easy link [15:43] <brunch875> that "easy way" [15:43] <studio_> flash-tools? [15:43] <studio_> wait [15:44] <ogra_> studio_, yes, because windows users can not install ubuntu-device-flash [15:45] <Wellark> jgdx: other server [15:45] <studio_> here are the flash-tools: [15:45] <ogra_> its not like bq made them btw, they are just the standard android flash tools using an android like version of our image that is differently packed than the one from the server [15:45] <brunch875> thanks! [15:46] <renatu> fgimenez, sure [15:46] <brunch875> ubuntu-device-flash seems a lot more comfortable [15:47] <ogra_> well, it has its own issues :) but yeah [15:47] <mariogrip> don't know if this is a bug or not implemented, but live swap sim card does not work. [15:47] <studio_> "its not like bq made them btw,..." sorry, this is nosens. bq said, they wanted to publish the firmware in march ... [15:47] <studio_> it is not official released, but it is "public" [15:50] <ogra_> studio_, hmm ? [15:50] <studio_> it is not a "android-flash-tool" [15:50] <ogra_> studio_, bq didnt write these tools ... they are the standard android flash tools for mtk devices ... and use a re-packaged image [15:50] <studio_> it is not android depending! [15:51] <ogra_> which is why the image you can download at is a .zip [15:51] <studio_> it is a flash-tool [15:51] <ogra_> a zip that comes in the same format as an android image [15:51] <ogra_> so the mtk flash tool can use it [15:51] <studio_> no, it comes in a mt6582-format [15:52] <brunch875> yikes! I must control myself not to flash devel [15:52] <studio_> read about the scatter.txt [15:54] <ogra_> studio_, really, i dont care about these tools ... if they work for you thats good though [15:54] <ogra_> i told you what i know about them ... [15:54] <studio_> bq self told me, the E4.5 will be the ubuntu-phone. i prefer the E5 HD with 16gb flash [15:54] <studio_> it is also krillin [15:55] <ogra_> not sure what you mean with that [15:56] <studio_> with krillin? [15:57] <ogra_> yes, there is only one device with that name [15:57] <studio_> [15:57] <ogra_> (wouldnt make much sense to have more than one with a name thats supposed to be unique :) ) [15:57] <studio_> :) [15:57] <studio_> same cpu [15:58] <studio_> as the E4 [15:59] <ogra_> most likely even the same board [16:03] <fgimenez> renatu, thx! [16:03] <dobey> probably the same phone, with a different screen and flash? [16:03] <studio_> E4 and E5? [16:04] <studio_> sure [16:04] <studio_> the old E5 was with 8gb, the E4 is using a mt6582m [16:09] <studio_> dobey, all kernels (E4, E4.5 and E5 HD) are built with nfc, and that is what i do not understand :( [16:10] <dobey> studio_: i don't understand why you care if the kernels were built with nfc enabled [16:10] <ogra_> or why you care about android kernels :) [16:10] <studio_> so it can handle nfc? [16:11] <studio_> not android-kernels. also ubuntu-kernel! [16:11] <ogra_> well, same thing i explained you about cifs and nfs [16:11] <ogra_> nothing in the system can make use of NFC yet [16:11] <ogra_> once the API has support for it, it will also be enabled in the kernel [16:13] <ogra_> until then you have to enable it on your own [16:13] <studio_> ogra_, cifs and nfs/nfsd are not in the ubuntu-kernel. but nfc is enabled "CONFIG_NFC_MT6605=y" [16:15] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, thinking about the dim-timeout setting, if it is expected to always be activity-time - 10, why even have a separate setting in gsettings [16:15] <kenvandine> we can't ever set it independent of activity-timeout [16:15] <ogra_> kenvandine, no, that is why we have the bug for it :) [16:15] <kenvandine> so USC should dim the screen on activity-timeout - 10 [16:16] <kenvandine> the USC task was set invalid, so in settings i always set dim-timeout to activity-timeout - 10 when activity-timeout changes [16:16] <dobey> studio_: if nfc is enabled and there's no hardware for it, then it won't be used [16:17] <kenvandine> which seems wrong, we should drop the setting and just dim based on activity-timeout [16:17] <ogra_> kenvandine, +1 [16:17] <dobey> studio_: just like how cirrus video drivers are enabled by default, but i'm not in 1995 any more [16:17] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, ^^ [16:17] <ogra_> kenvandine, so if you do this already in settings, are we sure there is anything in poweroff_timeout at all ? [16:17] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, my fix works around that issue, but i really think eventually USC should handle that automatically and drop the setting completely [16:18] <kenvandine> in setting we only set activity-timeout in gsettings [16:18] <ogra_> looks like you subtract from 0 or some such, if you actually use the corrent setting [16:18] <ogra_> ah [16:18] <ogra_> you dont use the dbus call thats described in the bug ? [16:18] <kenvandine> so i have a branch that sets dim-timeout when activity-timeout changes [16:18] <kenvandine> no [16:18] <kenvandine> it's just gsettings [16:19] <kenvandine> my branch works fine, but it's silly to have a separate setting that is expected to always be relative to another setting [16:20] * kenvandine reopens USC task and comments [16:21] <studio_> dobey, i am confused right now, who made the kernel? [16:21] <ogra_> studio_, mtk [16:21] <studio_> i thought you? [16:22] <dobey> omfg [16:22] <dobey> studio_: what do you mean "made"? [16:22] <dobey> linux kernel developers "made" the kernel [16:22] <ogra_> well, effectively linus torvalds made it [16:22] <dobey> mtk made drivers that are added to the kernel [16:22] <studio_> dobey, some days ago popey said "we" make the kernel ... [16:22] <ogra_> well, google changed it first [16:22] <dobey> bq published a git repo with the mtk stuff and the kernel [16:22] <ogra_> then mtk added drivers [16:23] <dobey> canonical/ubuntu compiled the kernel [16:23] <ogra_> right, we build the binary [16:23] <ogra_> (and we added other bits like apparmor and a ton of fixes that bq sent to mtk) [16:23] <dobey> right [16:23] <davmor2> studio_: you know the whole conversation that you had with ogra and dobey where you went round and round in circles about the kernel and the drivers and we said then we didn't own the kernel or drivers, guess what it looks like you are having that self same conversation again :D [16:24] <dobey> we don't add arbitrary module configuration to the build though [16:24] <ogra_> so linus, google, mtk and canonical *made* the kernel :) [16:24] <ogra_> davmor2, yeah, we like to go in loops :) [16:24] <dobey> ogra_: and microsoft too! [16:24] <dobey> i prefer to be going 200+ MPH if i'm going in loops [16:25] <davmor2> dobey: you need to type faster then :P [16:25] <ogra_> you need good shoes doing that [16:25] <dobey> davmor2: or take a tryp to Indianapolis next month and get my Indy/CART license :) [16:25] <dobey> trip even [16:25] <ogra_> whee [16:26] <ogra_> do you ? [16:26] <dobey> i don't have that license now, no. but the Indy 500 week has a bunch of events, and training thing where you can pay to drive a car round the track and get a license :) [16:27] <studio_> davmor2, could you please give me a hint how to patch the kernel? [16:27] <ogra_> yeah, in germany we perfer to drive straight ... we got the autobahn ;) [16:27] <davmor2> studio_: no idea I don't patch kernels [16:27] <studio_> so [16:28] <mariogrip> .... the is still down!! [16:28] <ogra_> (though my car doesnt go above 170mph ... ) [16:28] <Myself5> ogra_, unless there is a LKW in front of you or the speedlimit is there :P [16:28] <davmor2> ogra_: dobey: so I just need a private road :) [16:28] <ogra_> Myself5, indeed :) [16:29] <davmor2> studio_: why are trying to patch the kernel anyway [16:29] <dobey> studio_: patch -p0 < kernel-fix.patch [16:29] <dobey> though you don't need a patch [16:29] <dobey> you need logic and reason [16:29] <studio_> because i need cifs and nfs [16:30] <dobey> you don't need a patch for that [16:30] <ogra_> just a config change [16:30] <dobey> you need a kernel built with support [16:31] <studio_> dobey, have you ever read the patch for the aquaris 5, without "E" ? [16:31] <ogra_> "the patch" ? [16:31] <dobey> you need to go configure the upstream kernel of the same version, to have those features enabled, find what CONFIG_ options were enabled in that config after you do the "make menuconfig" to enable them, and then apply those CONFIG_ options to the bq kernel and build it with those [16:31] <dobey> it's not hard [16:31] <ogra_> dobey, did you still have that line in your history from last time ? [16:31] <ogra_> or did you actually type it again [16:32] <dobey> you can do that, or you can just stop trying to get nfs/cifs on your phone, because it's not enabled by default [16:32] <dobey> ogra_: lol, i typed that again [16:32] <mariogrip> popey, any news on [16:32] <davmor2> dobey: you need more coding to do then surely ;) [16:32] <popey> mariogrip: lemme ask [16:32] <dobey> just like it looks like i'm going to have to type the "please stop asking the same f'n questions over and over again after you've been given answers" again [16:33] <ogra_> ogasawara, is anyone working on gettin gitweb back up ? [16:33] <dobey> davmor2: i need more codeine maybe [16:33] <popey> mariogrip: yeah, known problem, sorry [16:33] <ogra_> ogasawara, its off since a while now :/ [16:33] <ogasawara> ogra_: believe me, we know, we've been the one's shouting the loudest. IS is getting it sorted. [16:34] <studio_> dobey, please gimme an example in the same way as the patch for the aquaris 5 [16:34] * ogra_ hugs ogasawara [16:34] <davmor2> dobey: that I can help you with, /me hands dobey some of his co-dydramol [16:34] * brunch875 splits ogra_ [16:34] <davmor2> :D [16:34] <brunch875> damn damn get a hotel you two [16:34] <dobey> studio_: wtf are you talking about with aquaris 5? [16:34] <ogra_> brunch875, i doubt her husband would be happy about that :) [16:34] <dobey> davmor2: heh :) [16:35] <studio_> dobey, "you" do not like, when i post things twice ... [16:36] <dobey> studio_: nobody likes it [16:36] <studio_> so, read the history [16:36] <dobey> studio_: but nobody has any idea what you mean about aquaris 5 either [16:36] <dobey> *sigh* [16:37] <dobey> no, i'm going to go finish work on in-app purchases, so i can write an app specifically for you, which will have one consumable item for purchase, which i will require you to buy every time you want to ask me a question. [16:38] <ogra_> did you just invent paid IRC ? [16:38] <dobey> because at this rate, i could have retired already on those earnings [16:38] <ogra_> ted, !!! [16:39] <dobey> ogra_: sadly i am not the first to come up with the concept of paid support requests :) [16:39] <ogra_> ted, since when is that volume popup bug back ? every time i start some audio on my phone in vivid i get the popup ... that was gone for a while already ... [16:40] <popey> ooh, i get volume popup whenever i get a notification :( [16:40] <kenvandine> oh no, not that bug! [16:40] <ogra_> dobey, no, but with phone driven tokens for IRC support :) [16:40] <ted> ogra_, Hmm, that would be odd. [16:40] <ogra_> popey, but i'm not crazy, am i ? that was gone inbetween ... [16:40] <ted> ogra_, Which image? [16:40] <popey> latest vivid for me [16:40] <ogra_> ted, yesterdays vivid [16:40] <ted> Hmm, let me update, it was fixed. [16:41] <ted> I'd be surprised if any of the recent changes brought it back, they were just tiny fixes. [16:41] <dobey> ogra_: it reminds me a bit of the crazy custom irc client for getting support we did, way back in ximian days [16:41] <ogra_> hah [16:41] * ogra_ pets his rupert on the shelf [16:41] <dobey> heh [16:42] <dobey> i have a bunch of monkeys in my office [16:44] <davmor2> I have pengiuns tigers bear and lynx in the office [16:44] <ogra_> a zoo [16:44] <ted> "This software was developed in front of a stuffed audience" [16:45] <ogra_> lol [16:45] <davmor2> ted: nice [16:45] <brunch875> Talking about sound notifications... there's something which has been bugging me lately A LOT. [16:45] <brunch875> Media ignores silent mode. Volume rockers only change media volume when media is playing. [16:45] <brunch875> And thus I can't play a video inside a library if the media sound is set to average+! [16:45] <ogra_> mpt, ^^^ [16:46] <ogra_> brunch875, silent mode is supposed to only silence notifications ... anything you interactively start on the phone will still have sound [16:46] <brunch875> I know :( That's the problem [16:46] <ogra_> mpt, i think we need a better naming ... [16:47] <ogra_> "do not distrurb" [16:47] <davmor2> ogra_: NO RINGER MODE is too long though [16:47] <ted> Probably just having the menu item being "Alert Sounds" [16:47] <brunch875> there should be a "mute everything" like on the computer [16:47] <ogra_> just use pathwind [16:48] * ogra_ ducks from things kenvandine could throw [16:48] <brunch875> hahaha [16:48] <davmor2> brunch875: no there shouldn't if you get a call you want to be able to talk on it even in silent mode [16:49] <brunch875> then... a "mute speaker" option? [16:49] <brunch875> the bottom one, I mean [16:50] <dobey> davmor2: you need a liger [16:50] <dobey> ogra_: "GTFO mode" [16:50] <ted> Ah, I bet I know what happened. (still waiting on update) [16:50] <davmor2> dobey: but the tion's are cuter [16:51] <ted> rsalveti, I think that your change to remove duplicate volumes needs to be adjusted to still record the reason. [16:51] <ted> rsalveti, Otherwise the reason stays as user input so it shows the notifications. [16:51] <ogra_> dobey, and an acronyms of the world handbook in the box ... [16:52] <brunch875> Imagine the following scenario: Me in a very boring class. Pull out phone and launch pathwind. Music blasts across the room. Haste to close the program to silence it. [16:52] <dobey> ogra_: or hungarian phrase books [16:53] <brunch875> At that point there was no way I could play my geyums :( [16:53] <dobey> "my hovercraft is full of eels" [16:53] <ogra_> my hovercraft is full of eels ! [16:53] <ogra_> LOL [16:53] <ogra_> *snap* [16:53] <dobey> haha [16:53] <brunch875> since I couldn't mute media / lower it from blasting high [16:53] <ted> brunch875, So I think the bug is "no way to adjust multimedia volume when multimedia isn't playing" [16:54] <ted> brunch875, File that on ubuntu-ux [16:55] <brunch875> will do, will do! For now I'm using the dead-audio-jack trick [16:55] * dobey drinks his lunch in his ximian pint glass [17:00] <Wellark> jgdx: sorry, I need to run, but. [17:00] <Wellark> jgdx: make sure that in the Modem interface [17:00] <Wellark> you set Powered to true [17:01] <Wellark> jgdx: and also Online() [17:01] <Wellark> * Online-property [17:02] <ted> ogra_, I can't get them to come up with 174 [17:02] <ted> ogra_, Do you have steps? [17:03] <ogra_> ted, i use my lautfm player from the store [17:03] <ogra_> once i start a radio stream the thing pops up [17:03] <Wellark> jgdx: oh, you got it resolved already [17:03] <Wellark> goo [17:03] <Wellark> d [17:03] <Wellark> everybody, have a great weekend! [17:05] * ted installs [17:05] <ogra_> but popey seems to see it for standard notifications [17:05] <ogra_> (i didnt have any) [17:06] <ted> Hmm, no, that doesn't pop notifications for me. [17:06] <ted> I'm now listening to Celtic Rock, something I didn't know existed yesterday. [17:07] <ogra_> LOL [17:07] <ogra_> yeah, there are some really weird stations in there [17:07] <cwayne> celtic rock is awesome [17:07] <Sleep_Walker> hi [17:07] <ted> Hah, Southern Rock Radio [17:08] <Sleep_Walker> I'm happy owner of new Aquaris E4.5 [17:08] <ogra_> yay ! [17:08] <brunch875> Wohoo! [17:09] <Sleep_Walker> I'm trying to set up sync with google, but it seems that virtual keyboard doesn't appear even when I have focus on edit object (now verification code) [17:09] <Sleep_Walker> is that known problem? is there known workaround? [17:09] <popey> i have seen that before [17:10] <brunch875> keep tappity tap tap [17:10] <brunch875> or close and reopen [17:10] <popey> if you swipe away to another app and back again it sometimes works [17:10] <Sleep_Walker> my guess (but not confirmed) is that it is related to suspend [17:10] <brunch875> it happened the same with my last android :| [17:10] <brunch875> I think it's a website issue [17:10] <dobey> switching away and back almost always works to fix it for me, with the messaging app [17:10] <Sleep_Walker> virtual keyboard is not part of website - it doesn't sound correct [17:10] <dobey> brunch875: i think it's a toolkit issue actually [17:11] <brunch875> it's bizzare, since it happened the same in my android [17:11] <brunch875> so I assumed it was a website issue [17:12] <dobey> the keyboard is probably also a separate process on android, and it's just a hard to debug/fix issue, which may be common across systems when the implementation is such that the keyboard is a separate process :) [17:12] <bzoltan_> dobey: tell me more about that hungarian phrase book please :) [17:13] <dobey> bzoltan_: lol [17:13] <ted> popey, ogra_, so my suspicion is that this is the issue, but since I can't recreate it's going to be hard to prove. Can one of you try the deb when Jenkins builds it? [17:13] <dobey> bzoltan_: [17:13] <ogra_> ted, if i'm still active when jenkins does that :) [17:14] <ogra_> ted, but yeah, latest on the weekend at some point [17:14] <Myself5> dobey, as you look like you can help me [17:15] <dobey> i probably can't :) [17:15] <ogra_> Myself5, i think thats an old photo though [17:15] <Myself5> is patching the defconfig with "check-config <defconfig file> -w" enough? [17:15] <Myself5> or do I need to apply some other patches to the kernel defconfig too [17:16] <dobey> i have no idea if that will work in the context of the mtk build system, as 'make menuconfig' doesn't work there [17:16] <Myself5> I'm doing a initial bringup for the Xperia Z2 and Z3 based off the Sony AOSP device trees [17:16] <dobey> and i've not built a kernel for a phone, nor done a port, myself [17:16] <Myself5> both Snapdragon 801 Devices ;) [17:16] <ogra_> well, AOSP is definitely a bit more sane then an mtk tree :) [17:17] <Myself5> why do I think I use a mtk device :D [17:17] <ogra_> Myself5, the check-config script is from janimo, he is on vacation this week though ... [17:18] <ogra_> probably one of the other porters in here can help you [17:18] <dobey> Myself5: i didn't know if you were asking about the bq kernel or not, until you stated you were doing a port 3 comments later :) [17:18] <Myself5> hehe sorry for that :D [17:18] <bzoltan_> dobey: ohh man, you just saved the week of an innocent Hungarian enginer :D [17:18] <Myself5> ogra_, any names of the other porters :P ? So I can tag them :D ? [17:19] <ogra_> Myself5, well, mariogrip is one for example ... but i think he only started with the kernel side of things [17:20] <Myself5> Made 246 fixes. [17:20] <Myself5> lol [17:20] <dobey> bzoltan_: haha [17:26] <rsalveti> ted: but the volume set call wasn't storing the reason [17:28] <rsalveti> ted: oh, it was saving everything [17:28] <rsalveti> ted: indeed, my bad, will fix it [17:29] <ted> rsalveti, I have a patch above that i think will work, but I'm not able to recreate the bug. [17:29] <rsalveti> ted: who reproduced it, davmor2? [17:30] <rsalveti> ted: guess that would happen if the multimedia volume is different than the alert one [17:30] <ted> rsalveti, Hopefully Jenkins will have a deb soon: [17:30] <ted> rsalveti, ogra and popey [17:30] <ted> rsalveti, Yeah, I tried that, that was my guess too. [17:30] <ted> rsalveti, Trying to reproduced forced me to listen to German radio, I recommend being careful the questions you ask :-) [17:32] <rsalveti> change looks good, guess we can just ask them to test the deb [17:32] <Se7> /me exited updating now :)) [17:32] <Se7> lol [17:35] <popey> ted: can you pm me on telegram as a test? [17:37] <brunch875> Is it possible to launch a program from the terminal? [17:37] <brunch875> I mean... something like the file explorer [17:43] <Se7> still no data source available in the circle :( [17:43] <Sleep_Walker> external keyboard works - neat [17:44] <brunch875> external keyboard? [17:44] <brunch875> you mean a bluetooth keyboard? [17:44] <Sleep_Walker> nope, USB one [17:44] <brunch875> :o ! [17:44] <Sleep_Walker> it is the cheap chinese for tablets [17:45] <brunch875> I had no idea such things existed [17:46] <Se7> can t share a pics on bluethoot? [17:47] <dobey> Se7: obex is not yet supported really [17:48] <rsalveti> obex itself is supported (that's how we chance contacts on a car), we just don't have client support yet in order to send files [17:48] <rsalveti> *change [17:48] <rsalveti> which will happen at some point [17:53] <dobey> hmm, nobody makes a decent usb mini keyboard for the nexus 5 it seems :-/ [17:53] <popey> ted: can't reproduce that bug now! [18:00] <Myself5> popey ! :D [18:01] <Myself5> havnt seen you in a long time :D [18:01] <popey> helo [18:02] <Myself5> do you have an Idea why Ubuntu refuses to read a in a subdirectory while the same setup works perfectly fine in OmniROM? [18:03] * Myself5 still tries to port Ubuntu to the Z2 and Z3 : [18:03] <Myself5> D [18:03] <Sleep_Walker> Xperias? [18:09] <Myself5> yes Sleep_Walker [18:11] <davmor2> rsalveti, popey: I reporduced it \o/ [18:12] <rsalveti> ted: do you have the new deb in hands? [18:12] <davmor2> rsalveti: I just set music to full volume and hit play [18:19] <davmor2> rsalveti: easily reproduced on mvsm too [18:19] <studio_> ehm, someone here is using the bq 4.5 with the latest update? [18:20] <dobey> i'm sure many people are [18:20] <studio_> if yes, how long does a reboot take? [18:21] * popey times it [18:21] <studio_> i am sure, it was shorter before the update [18:21] <popey> 3.2.1.. pressed restart now [18:22] <popey> booted [18:22] <popey> so just over a minute [18:23] <Sleep_Walker> ~52 seconds [18:23] <studio_> popey, do you have a "flashing screen" on reboot? [18:23] <popey> no [18:23] <studio_> hmm ... [18:24] <popey> i have lost zero % battery in 8 hours. [18:24] <dobey> popey: lies [18:24] <studio_> "bq screen" is flashing on my device [18:25] <davmor2> popey: it's possibly a tiny % but I doubt it is 0 [18:25] <popey> [18:25] <popey> # [18:25] <popey> mmmmm mmm # mm [18:25] <popey> # # # #" # #" # [18:25] <popey> # # # #"""" # # [18:25] <popey> # # # "#mm" # # [18:25] <Sleep_Walker> popey: isn't it more probable that you stopped reading real values? ;b [18:25] <popey> [18:25] <popey> [18:25] <popey> rounding error [18:26] <grubproblems> could anyone help with grub issues? sorry i know it's not touch but i tried asking in the main channel and it's way too busy [18:26] <grubproblems> also recently got to use touch, props to the team, lost the phone i had it on unfortunately but it was awesome [18:27] <studio_> popey, what channel are you using on your bq? [18:28] <davmor2> studio_: he was one of the first on 21 [18:28] <popey> the one it ships from the factory with [18:28] <studio_> 21 is rtm right? [18:29] <studio_> i am on vivid right now [18:29] <popey> i have one phone on factory shipped channel and one on vivid [18:30] <studio_> is your vivid phone "blinking" on restart? [18:30] * popey tries [18:30] <studio_> maybe 37 times [18:31] <grubproblems> i wish i still had my bq -_- [18:31] <popey> no, no blinking [18:31] <davmor2> studio_: no blinking here either [18:31] <studio_> yes 37 times. tht is not normal ! [18:33] <dobey> maybe you broke your phone [18:34] * ted is back [18:34] <studio_> no, i fashed from r21 to ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed [18:34] <ted> Not sure why that deb isn't building... Jenkins... [18:34] <studio_> maybe i should switch back? [18:35] <popey> 21? [18:35] <popey> why 21? [18:35] <popey> that seems wrong. [18:35] <dobey> becasue it's blackjack [18:35] <popey> I'm on ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed 187 [18:35] <studio_> 21 was latest on ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en [18:35] <popey> so 21 seems very old [18:35] <popey> wait [18:35] <davmor2> dobey: man now I want to eat black jacks [18:35] <popey> you're not on ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en [18:35] <popey> you're on ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed you said [18:35] <davmor2> popey: rtm 21 [18:36] <popey> no... [18:36] <popey> thats not what he said [18:36] <davmor2> popey: that's what he meant not what he said [18:36] <popey> lets see [18:36] <studio_> is is same as ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09 [18:36] <popey> system-image-cli --info [18:36] <popey> run that [18:36] <popey> what does it say? [18:36] <studio_> i am on the wrong channel? [18:36] <dobey> popey: he was on rtm 21, then switch to devel-proposed [18:36] <studio_> was [18:37] <popey> is what I'm on [18:38] <popey> studio_: what does yours say? [18:38] <elopio> ping mvo: are you the maintainer of click? I'm getting this weird error, not sure what to do about it [18:38] <elopio> [18:39] <studio_> it is ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed, but i am now on ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed [18:39] <studio_> should i change? [18:39] <dobey> devel-proposed is just an alias [18:40] <popey> studio_: can you just please paste the output? [18:40] <popey> channel: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed [18:40] <popey> alias: ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed [18:40] <popey> same things [18:40] <studio_> output from "system-image-cli -i"? [18:40] <popey> yes [18:40] <studio_> here? [18:41] <popey> a pastebin [18:41] <studio_> wait [18:42] <studio_> [18:42] <popey> so we're on the same thing then [18:43] <studio_> but a reboot is "flashing" the bq screen [18:44] <popey> I wonder what firmware you have [18:45] <davmor2> popey: remember that studio_ is on an android version not an ubuntu phone [18:45] <popey> what does this command return... [18:45] <popey> yes, I know [18:45] <popey> cat /sys/devices/platform/mtk-tpd/chipinfo [18:45] <studio_> i made "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed" [18:46] <studio_> ID:0x0 VER:0x40 IC:ft5336 VENDOR:ckt (dc) [18:48] <dobey> well, the bq screen is the bootloader right? and that's entirely outside the scope of ubuntu itself no? ubuntu-device-flash doesn't replace the bootloader too [18:48] <studio_> davmor2, please do not make users confused, bq E4.5 is allways the same [18:48] <dobey> studio_: no, they aren't the same. you're the only one causing any confusion here. [18:49] <studio_> dobey, E4.5 is e4.5 [18:49] <studio_> if you feel free, you can flash android on your dvice [18:50] <dobey> no. e4.5 android and e4.5 ubuntu are not the same. they are close, but not the same [18:50] <studio_> feel free [18:51] <studio_> if you do not trust i'll pay you the 170 euro [18:52] <davmor2> studio_: we work at canonical we are telling you they are different! just because you can install software from canonical or google on it doesn't make the hardware the same [18:52] <dobey> ubuntu on the e4.5 ubuntu edition is supported by bq. installing ubuntu on the e4.5 android is an "at your own risk" regarding bq's support (as you've said so yourself several times) [18:54] <studio_> davmor2, have you ever made an "real" backup from your flash? [18:54] <dobey> if you do not trust, then go ask bq for support :) [18:55] <davmor2> studio_: yes thanks [18:55] <studio_> no, not thanks, have you? [18:55] <davmor2> studio_: yes thanks [18:56] <studio_> so, you know how to use the mtk-tools. [18:56] <dobey> if you want to buy me a bq phone though, feel free. just have it shipped to the canonical office in UK [18:56] <dobey> lol [18:57] <davmor2> studio_: I do for what I need, but that's not how I backup [18:59] <studio_> davmor2, for normal users it is very important how to make a complete backup. maybe for you it is just a joke, but "i" think it is important. [19:00] * popey backs up his phone every 6 hours [19:00] <davmor2> studio_: and when there is a proper backup solution it will be made public, but an unstable hack is not what you give out to people [19:01] <studio_> to make a backup via mtk-tools is not an "unstable hack" [19:01] <davmor2> studio_: did you not read but that's not how I backup [19:02] <davmor2> studio_: mtk-tools is designed for the board and flashing images mostly it is not how you would backup android you would use some backup tool [19:04] <studio_> davmor2, why you talk about backup "android"? it is to backup your whole flash. [19:05] <dobey> why are you talking about mtk-tools at all? [19:05] <studio_> dobey, because it is easy [19:05] <dobey> it is irrelevant [19:06] <dobey> nobody who purchased an e4.5 ubuntu edition needs to use them [19:06] <davmor2> studio_: mtk-tools is not a backup tool. it is a factory tool for flashing and reflashing. You use a tool similar to platinum backup on android to backup you ubuntu data but that doesn't exist yet [19:06] <dobey> the only reason you needed to use them is because you bought the android version of the phone early, to install ubuntu on, instead of waiting for the phone to be released [19:08] <mvo> elopio: this looks like your working directory is somehow not accessible from schroot, is there is anything special about it? [19:09] <elopio> mvo: not that I know of. But after doing this, my home directory is umounted. [19:09] <elopio> something in the middle makes it not accessible. [19:09] <mvo> elopio: oh, your entire homedir? is it on a ecryptfs? [19:10] <elopio> mvo: it is not. [19:10] <mvo> elopio: so its just a seperate mount point? [19:11] <dobey> wow, that is crazy [19:12] <elopio> mvo: yes. [19:15] <studio_> dobey, you still do not or want to understand, i am on the latest ubuntu-touch channel for the bq e4.5, but there are still missing things to use ubuntu-touch for a normal, daily use ... if you show me your scatter.txt, that i can comfirm i am on a different version would be nice.ö [19:17] <davmor2> studio_: we don't have scatter.txt we just flash the phone using the ubuntu-device-flash tool [19:17] <dobey> well your phone is definitely different from mine. i have a nexus 5. and a nexus 4. but even if i had an e4.5 ubuntu edition, and the contents of some files were exactly the same, it does not mean there are not subtle differences in the hardware [19:17] <studio_> dobey, and you re wrong, check youtube for backup mtk-tools [19:18] <dobey> studio_: the one refusing to understand anything here, is you. [19:20] <studio_> dobey, i am not your enemy, why you do not try to understand how mtk-tools are working? [19:20] <dobey> i know how mtk-tools work. i wasn't arguing how they work. i was telling you to get to a bloody point already. [19:22] <davmor2> studio_: mtk-tools is an image manipulation tool not a backup tool. Yes it can back up the entire image but that is not a backup tool, it's effectively dd. A backup tool only snapshot the data you care about not the base image. [19:25] <studio_> davmor2, it is not a "manipulation tool" it made a backup or copy a new image direct to the flash and its partitions [19:27] <dobey> oh ffs [19:27] <davmor2> studio_: So it manipulate images like dd. I repeat it is not a backup tool! It it an imaging tool [19:27] <dobey> studio_: stop arguing about the bloody mtk-tools [19:28] <dobey> davmor2: you're not helping :) [19:28] <studio_> dd is dump [19:28] <davmor2> dobey: hahaha [19:28] <brunch875> haha omg you guy [19:28] <brunch875> +s [19:28] <studio_> dd do not need a scatter-file [19:28] <dobey> it doesn't bloody matter what mtk-tools is [19:28] * brunch875 grabs some popcorn [19:29] <dobey> the only thing it is in this channel, is irrelevant [19:29] <dobey> it is not how you flash ubuntu onto a device [19:29] <dobey> this isn't #mediatek [19:31] <studio_> dobey, maybe it is not #mediatek, but it helps users on #ubuntu-touch [19:31] <dobey> no, it does not [19:31] <studio_> why not? [19:31] <dobey> because it is a completley unnecessary tool for using ubuntu [19:32] <studio_> this is your mind [19:32] <brunch875> studio_ don't you like ubuntu-device-flash? [19:32] <dobey> the only reason it would be relevant is if someone else was asking about how to go about flashing an android e4.5 with ubuntu [19:32] <dobey> nobody is asking about that [19:32] <dobey> you are going on and on about "backing up" your device with it. [19:33] <dobey> just stop [19:33] <studio_> brunch875, have you tried to flash other firmware with the mtk-tools on your device? [19:33] <dobey> k1l: ^^ please? this is just getting silly [19:33] <brunch875> Most I've ever "flashed" was dragging a .zip to an android and hitting "update" on clockworkmod [19:34] <brunch875> not even ubuntu :p [19:34] <dobey> studio_: no, nobody wants to flash other firmware on their ubuntu devices [19:34] <studio_> dobey, come on ... [19:34] <studio_> sure? [19:34] <dobey> studio_: no, stop. if you have something to talk about, then talk about something on topic, and stop going on and on about mtk-tools [19:35] <dobey> i'm sure if anybody cares to do so, they will ask a relevant question about how to do it [19:35] <dobey> and that question should probably be asked in a relevant android forum or to bq support perhaps, because it is not a necessary thing to use mtk-tools with ubuntu [19:35] <studio_> it is this channel, when other users asked, what happend, when they flash back to android? [19:36] <dobey> nobody flashed back to android because the ubuntu phone doesn't come with android, so you can't flash back to android [19:37] <dobey> how to install android on a phone is not the topic of this channel [19:38] <studio_> dobey, open your mind: [19:39] <brunch875> studio_ , you should try seeking help around the android channels [19:40] <brunch875> you can pretty much treat the e4.5 ubuntu edition as the e4.5 android edition, right? [19:40] <dobey> studio_: if you want help with android, find an android channel. this isn't an android channel. [19:40] <studio_> brunch875, i am allways changing between UT and Android! [19:42] <dobey> oh; popey and ogra have chanop permissions, and mhall119 too. can one of you do something about this please? [19:42] <popey> feel free not to engage [19:44] <studio_> dobey, i try to help with UT, maybe you do not see :( [19:46] <mhall119> studio_: we are not Android experts in here, we can help you install Ubuntu or use Ubuntu on your device, but we can't do the same for Android [19:46] <mhall119> If you need help installing or running Android, then as dobey says you will be able to find that on an Android related channel or forum [19:49] <studio_> mhall119, i have the feeling i am talking to a wall :( Sure i can flash back to android but missing things here in the forum are pure ignored ... [19:50] <brunch875> studio_: don't be too hard on yourself... it's not as hostile as it seems [19:51] <studio_> "hostile" is a nice keyword ... [19:51] <mhall119> studio_: you're just asking the wrong people, we're Ubuntu folks, not Android folks, Ubuntu is what we know and what we support. [19:52] <dobey> brunch875: he's the hostile one [19:52] <mhall119> alright, let's not escalate things [19:52] <studio_> dobey, you are wrong ! [19:52] <mhall119> this is simply not the best place to get the answers you're looking for, that's all [19:52] <brunch875> I'm sure this is all just friction [19:53] <mhall119> studio_: I'm sorry we can't help you with this task [19:54] <dobey> brunch875: brake pads get hot and wear down after having the same friction constantly repeated over and over again [19:54] <studio_> dobey, i do not know how to translate " Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall", but you are nearby ... [19:55] <mhall119> ok, no more friction, what's done is done, let's leave it at that [19:56] <mhall119> studio_: if you have questions or need help with Ubuntu, you're welcome to come back here to ask them, otherwise I wish you the best of luck with Android [19:57] <studio_> mhall119, my questions are always about ut and not android. [19:58] <mhall119> studio_: what was the question then? [19:59] <studio_> mhall119, repetitions are not liked here ... [20:00] <brunch875> it's cool, ask away [20:00] <brunch875> I missed the question anyway [20:00] <mhall119> studio_: PM me then [20:01] * brunch875 is off to dinner! [20:03] <dobey> repeating a question after a meaningful amount of time, which has not actually been answered, is fine. what is not appreciated is asking the same thing over and over, particularly after it's been answered multiple times already. [20:08] <studio_> dobey, i understood, you do not have a solution ... [20:11] <Sleep_Walker> what is the root password on aquaris e4.5? [20:11] <Sleep_Walker> is there some ssh server available? [20:11] <Sleep_Walker> is there some synergy-like application? [20:11] <Dragonkeeper> pin code [20:12] <cwayne> Sleep_Walker, it's whatever you set as your pincode [20:12] <cwayne> or passphrase [20:12] <Sleep_Walker> hm, I don't use pincode :( [20:12] <Dragonkeeper> make 1 [20:12] <cwayne> then you cant get adb access anyway [20:13] <Sleep_Walker> you have some special PAM module for that? :) [20:16] <Dragonkeeper> adb is debug console over usb [20:16] <Sleep_Walker> I know adb from android [20:16] <Dragonkeeper> its the same thing [20:17] * Dragonkeeper has his gps finally working xD [20:17] <Sleep_Walker> ah [20:18] <Sleep_Walker> I have no SIM plugged yet [20:18] <Sleep_Walker> I can't have PIN anyway [20:18] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: we have to still use adb for developer mode [20:18] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: not a SIM PIN. you need the unlock screen PIN/pasword [20:18] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: that is the password you use for sudo [20:18] <Sleep_Walker> I see! [20:18] <dobey> though, why do you need root anyway? [20:19] <Sleep_Walker> to explore internals of course! >:) [20:19] <dobey> you shouldn't make the system writable and install packages, as it can break things pretty fast if you do. [20:19] <Sleep_Walker> I'd like to install static dropbear [20:20] <dobey> if you enable developer mode, you can connect to the phone using ssh over usb with "phablet-shell" command on ubuntu [20:20] <Sleep_Walker> is there some recovery mode? [20:20] <genii> Hm [20:20] <Dragonkeeper> sudo make me-a-sandwich [20:21] * Dragonkeeper cant get his sandwich out of the dvd drive [20:21] <brunch875> Ooooh so THAT was the use for dvd drives [20:23] <Dragonkeeper> brunch875: yes , that and symlinking "cupholder" to the "eject" command [20:25] <brunch875> by the way, cheers on OTA3. By now my phone would have no battery left but it stays at 63% [20:26] * Dragonkeeper didnt wipe, just changed over channel to devel on bq phone, now he has a duplicate icon of here maps ;/ [20:29] <Dragonkeeper> is there a project ongoing for actual navigation , not just the directions ? [20:30] <Sleep_Walker> >:D [20:31] <Sleep_Walker> (IOW thanks :) [20:33] <Sleep_Walker> omg, it's using systemd [20:33] <dobey> Dragonkeeper: it requires background processing, or i'm sure it would have been done already. [20:33] <Dragonkeeper> dobey: how so ? [20:34] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: the phone isn't really yet, there are just a few systemd things installed, but upstart is still used there. [20:34] <dobey> Dragonkeeper: well, apps can't process while they are in the background or the screen is off, so it wouldn't be possible for them to give you turn by turn announcements currently [20:35] <dobey> well, unless you changed the settings to never turn the screen off, and ensured that app was in the foreground [20:36] <Dragonkeeper> dobey: yeah i understand that , i assumed people kept the screen always on anyway as turn by turn is abit longwinded with useless information [20:38] <dobey> the tbt in my truck isn't that bad usually. the maps in it are a bit dated though, and i don't generally use tbt unless i really need to [20:38] <Sleep_Walker> ah, too bad, terminal application doesn't seem to take USB keyboard input :( [20:38] <Dragonkeeper> Sleep_Walker: yes it does [20:39] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: it should, but otg is not really fully supported yet, so some keyboards might just not work i guess [20:39] <Sleep_Walker> strange [20:39] <Dragonkeeper> there should be extra information on the updates list so i know what the update is for , instead of it just saying ubuntu [20:40] <Dragonkeeper> Sleep_Walker: also some might require extra power added [20:41] <Sleep_Walker> either I have bad contact or it is working randomly, sorry for the noise [20:41] <Sleep_Walker> I'm just too excited with new toy :) [20:42] <Dragonkeeper> Sleep_Walker: ikr, i love the bq phone :P [20:43] <Sleep_Walker> hm, ssh is running, but I need to upload my pubkey first... [20:43] <Sleep_Walker> it's really ready for use [20:45] <Dragonkeeper> Sleep_Walker: u can use the ubuntu sdk to set that up automaticly [20:47] <dobey> Dragonkeeper: there's no ssh over network by default, only over usb [20:48] <Sleep_Walker> dobey: but editing sshd_config should be sufficient to change it, right? [20:49] <Dragonkeeper> dobey: ah right , didnt know that , i just use adb or the terminal on device [20:50] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: i guess, if you really want to open a hole on your phone for people to attack :) [20:51] <Sleep_Walker> dobey: I have opened hole in every my device clever enough to run secure shell server [20:51] <Sleep_Walker> it doesn't seem to be different case from that, does it? [20:51] <dobey> different code from what? [20:52] <dobey> oh, case [20:52] <dobey> man i guess i am getting tired already [20:52] <dobey> well, are all those devices publicly exposed on a 3g network? [20:54] <Dragonkeeper> dobey: well they will all have ips but dont think you can scan the network like your can with a wireless lan [20:54] <dobey> sure you can [20:55] <Sleep_Walker> I think the answer doesn't matter - they are attached to Internet (mostly with public IP addresses) [20:57] <Dragonkeeper> sure but in that case its same as having router with open ssh port to your ubuntu machine [20:57] <Sleep_Walker> yes [20:57] <Dragonkeeper> so use a decent passphrase instead of a pin [20:59] <Sleep_Walker> I'm using pubkey authetication [20:59] <dobey> why would you een enable password auth for ssh? [21:01] <Dragonkeeper> i use password auth on some machines, as i access them alot from random spots/devices dobey but i wouldnt use ssh server on a phone [21:45] <Robin_> - der deutsche Ubuntu Blog [22:10] <nothingspecial> studio_: how did you fix the issue ? [22:10] <nothingspecial> studio_: Power and VOL down? [22:16] <brunch875> which issue? [22:17] <nothingspecial> that I can't get out of a boot loop on my bq brunch875 [22:17] <brunch875> oooh yeah... [22:17] <brunch875> I read you earlier this morning [22:17] <nothingspecial> yeah [22:18] <nothingspecial> brunch875: studio_ said something 9 hours ago, I'm hoping s/he has a highlight log [22:19] <Robin_> Der deutsche Ubuntu Blog. Alles zu deinem Ubuntu Desktop & Ubuntu Phone - [22:27] <studio__> nothingspecial, sorry. i re-flashed my device with the mtk-tools [22:29] <studio__> nothingspecial, how many times did you get the "flashing screen"? [22:39] <studio__> how do i "erase" on the app-scope missing apps from the version in installed before? [22:41] <studio__> app-scope try to show apps which are not installed anymore ... [22:41] <cwayne> studio__, pull down to refresh [22:41] <studio__> not working, tried that [22:42] <studio__> cwayne, another solution? [22:43] <cwayne> studio__, i don't know of any, sorry [22:43] <studio__> ok [22:56] <studio__> hmm, that makes no fun. after installing ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed my bq is flasing 37 times to boot into normal mode :( [23:11] <studio__> last chance "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en" [23:12] <studio__> if that is also not working i am going back to android [23:24] <studio__> ok, r22 is working after a reboot on the bq e4.5, so the problem is the ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed !!!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BOHverkill", "Danny_D", "Dragonkeeper", "EdwardMorbius", "Elleo", "JamesTait", "Myself5", "PhilippeP", "Robin_", "Se7", "Sleep_Walker", "Tm_T", "Wellark", "abeato", "bfiller", "brunch875", "bzoltan_", "cwayne", "davmor2", "dobey", "elopio", "fgimenez", "genii", "grubproblems", "jgdx", "john-mcaleely", "juzzlin_", "kenvandine", "lotuspsychje", "mardy", "mariogrip", "matv1", "mhall119", "mvo", "nalum", "nik90", "nothingspecial", "ogasawara", "ogra_", "pmcgowan", "popey", "rbasak", "renatu", "richi__", "robin-hero", "rsalveti", "seb128", "sil2100", "slangasek", "studio_", "studio__", "sturmflut_", "ted", "tekojo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[13:53] <alan_g> alf__: bug 1445473 is worrying. Are you working on it? [13:57] <alf__> alan_g: Not yet. I just tried removing the transitive dependencies, but got various errors. [14:23] <duflu> alf__: You might want to change pm-fail to pm (which is what I've already used in Mir bugs) [14:25] <alf__> duflu: tvoss asked for this tag to mark bugs that with a proper architecture shouldn't be filed against USC but rather powerd or similar [14:25] <alf__> duflu: (there was a discussion about reworking the power management architecture) [14:30] <alf__> duflu: (repeating in case you missed them) [14:30] <alf__> duflu: tvoss asked for this tag to mark bugs that with a proper architecture shouldn't be filed against USC but rather powerd or similar [14:30] <duflu> alf__: Yep OK. I added "pm" for general power management bugs
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alan_g", "alf__", "duflu" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:02] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [00:29] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [00:29] <HolyKnight> 서니찡 ㅎㅇㅇ [00:30] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [00:30] <jun__> 안녕하세요~~~ [00:31] <jun__> 큭... irc를 종료하지 않고 퇴근했었네요;;; [00:31] <Work^Seony> 저는 사무실 컴퓨터 안끄는데요 ㅋ [00:31] <jun__> 사무실컴을 끄진 않는데요.. [00:32] <jun__> irc는 꺼두고 다니거든요 ㅎㅎㅎ [00:32] <Work^Seony> 아... ㅎㅎ [00:32] <jun__> 아 어제 이브온라인 30분정도 해봤어요~ [00:32] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ 어떠세요? [00:32] <jun__> 처음에는 진짜 우와~ 그랬어요 [00:32] <jun__> 용량도 적고 저 사양으로 되게 부드럽게 돌아가더라구요 [00:33] <Work^Seony> 네. 배경에 사양탈 부분이 없어서 오히려 저사양이죠 [00:33] <jun__> 근데 영어의 압박이...많이 심하더라구요 [00:33] <Work^Seony> 초반엔 그런데요, 어차피 스토리가 없는 게임이라서 용어 몇개만 숙지하면 나머진 다 똑같아요 [00:33] <Work^Seony> 사실 이 게임의 진짜 압박이 뭐냐면, [00:33] <Work^Seony> 너무 공부할 게 많아요 ㅎㅎ [00:34] <jun__> ㅡㅡㅎㅎㅎ [00:34] <jun__> 안그래도 공부할게 많은데 ㅎㅎㅎ... [00:34] <Work^Seony> 일단, 이브 내에서 할 수 있는 일이 너무 많고, [00:34] <Work^Seony> 그 각각의 일들도 너무 세분화 되어있거든요.. [00:34] <jun__> 전 언제쯤 이 챗방의 고수님들을 따라갈수 있을지... [00:34] <Work^Seony> 얼마 전에, 팬무비 공모전에서 한국팀이 만든게 1등한거 아세요? ㅎㅎ [00:35] <jun__> 이브온라인 이야기 하실때 [00:35] <jun__> 검색해봤어요 [00:35] <jun__> 진짜 영화같더라구요 [00:35] <Work^Seony> 근데 그거 실제 게임화면으로만 만든거에요 [00:35] <jun__> 그니까요~ [00:35] <jun__> 대단하더라구요 [00:35] <jun__> 근데 왜 제 우주선은 손톱만한건지 ㅎㅎㅎ [00:36] <Work^Seony> 지금은 우주에 있는 행성들이 그냥 배경화면일 뿐이지만, 현재 제작사에서 진행 중인 Dust 514라는 게임이 완성되면 더 이상 배경이 아니게 되요 [00:36] <Work^Seony> 그 행성들에서, FPS 점령전 하는게 개발 중이거든요 [00:36] <jun__> 점령전까지... [00:36] <Work^Seony> 그러면 이브 유저들은 우주에서 궤도폭격을... [00:36] <jun__> 그냥 광부나 할가 했는데;; [00:36] <Work^Seony> 행성에서는 지상전, 우주에서는 궤도폭격 [00:36] <Work^Seony> 여기에, 이브 발키리까지 완성되면 이제 드론 타고 도그파이팅까지 구현되게되죠.. [00:37] <Work^Seony> 광부가 사실 제일 쉽게 시작할 수 있긴 해요 [00:37] <Work^Seony> 그냥 소행성대 가서 광물만 캐면 되니까... [00:38] <Work^Seony> 일단, 무료기간 3주 되니까 한 번 계속 해보세요 ㅎㅎ [00:50] <jun__> 무튼 열심히 해보겠습니다~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ [02:48] <bluedusk> 엌 [02:48] <bluedusk> 이브의 세계로 한분이 또 떠나신건가요? [03:08] <jason_kr_> g [03:08] <jason_kr_> ㅎ [03:11] <HolyKnight> 제이슨찡 [03:11] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [03:20] <samahui_WS> 한명한명 Eve패인이 되어가는군요. [03:20] <samahui_WS> 점심 맛나게들 드시고 즐거운 불금 만끽하세요~ [03:45] <jason_kr_> ㅎㅇㅇ~ ㄷㅁㄴ ㅁㅇㄴ [03:47] <HolyKnight> [04:16] <bluedusk> 오오 [04:16] <bluedusk> 제이슨찡 하잉 [05:28] <HolyKnight> @goodhyun: 요즈음 대학이 신입입학생 "학부모"를 위한 오리엔테이션 및 과정 설명회를 열어야 한다는 이야기를 들었다. 자립하지 않아도 되는 사회의 새로운 국면을 엿본듯 했다. [05:51] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ [05:52] <jason_kr_> ㅋㅋㅋ +1 [05:52] <razGon_MINILA> 학부모를 위한 오리엔테이션. [05:52] <razGon_MINILA> 이거 무슨 ... 문제는 다들하니 우리애도 해야지 하는 그런 바보같은 경우가 일어나는 거죠 [05:52] <jason_kr_> '자립하지 않아도 되는 사회의~' ㅎ [05:53] <PotatoGim> jason_kr: 안녕하세요~ 오랜만에 뵙습니다~ [06:03] <Seony> 안녕하세요 [06:03] <razGon_MINILA> 트위터를 원래 안하는데, 페북과 다른점이라면요? [06:03] <razGon_MINILA> 페북은 단순화 시킨 싸이월드인데... [06:04] <Seony> 많이 다른거 같은데요 [06:04] <razGon_MINILA> 트위터는 미2데이랑 비슷한거 같은데 뭔가 필요할거 같기도 하고요. [06:04] <razGon_MINILA> 완전히 실시간이라는거죠.\ [06:06] <Seony> 뭐 따지고보면 페북도 실시간이긴 하죠.... [06:06] <Seony> 둘 다 시간 많이 투자해야하는건 공통... ㅎㅎ [06:08] <ujuc> ㅇㅇㅇ 그렇죠 많이 투자해야되느다는.. [07:21] <Seony> CD가 반영구적인 미디어가 아니라는걸 오늘 처음 알게됐네요 [07:21] <Seony> 아 이런건줄 알았으면 음악씨디를 괜히 모은다고 했나... [07:52] <bluedusk> Seony, =__= [07:56] <jason_kr_> 인사가 늦었습니다. PotatoGim ^^ [07:57] <bluedusk> jason_kr_, 제이슨찡 하이이이이잉 [07:57] <jason_kr_> Seony: 무슨 말씀여요? ㅎ 반영구적이쟎아요? [07:57] <Seony> jason_kr_, 안녕하세요 [07:57] <Seony> 안그렇다네요 [07:57] <Seony> 심하면 3년도 안간다는 사람도 있어요 [07:57] <bluedusk> jason_kr_, 반영구적이 아니에요 [07:57] <jason_kr_> 오~ 천만 뜻밖이네요. 헐~ 입니다. 자기테이프는 무척 오래간다'던데.... [07:57] <bluedusk> 시디 밑판에 돌리는 코딩이 오래되면 떨어져요 [07:58] <bluedusk> 뭐 물론 싸구려 시디에 한해서지만.. [07:58] <Seony> 가장 좋은 미디어는 하드디스크래요 ㅎㅎ [07:58] <jason_kr_> 가성비로 따지면 자기 테이프'고요... [07:58] <jason_kr_> 가격/용량...대비 [08:28] <PotatoGim> 아직까지 종이가 최고라고 생각하는 저는 구시대에 살아야 했나봐요... [18:54] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [18:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [18:57] <Work^Seony> 역시나 계시네요 ㅎㅎ [18:57] <Work^Seony> 집에 계시는 거에요? [18:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 좀전에 돌아왔어요 ㅎㅎ 출장갔다 사무실이에요 [18:58] <Work^Seony> 헛... 그렇군요.. 피곤하실텐데 어서 들어가셔야하는거 아니에요 [18:59] <AutoWiZ_znc> 출장간곳에 상주인원들 숙소 있어서 몇시간 자다가 왔어요. 차막힐거 같아서 [19:02] <Work^Seony> 그렇군요... [19:08] <AutoWiZ_znc> 서니님은 출근하신건가요? [19:08] <Work^Seony> 네. 출근해서 커피 한 잔 들고와서 자리에 앉았어요 ㅎㅎ [19:08] <Work^Seony> 하지만, 오자마자 한 것은 이브온라인 구동.... ㅎㅎ [19:09] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅋㅋㅋ [19:54] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아이고 블더님 이시간에 어인일이신지요? [19:59] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ 안녕하세요 [22:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> [22:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> 많이 땡기네요 ... 질러버릴까요? ㅎㅎ [22:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> 화이트 적출으로 다가 ㅋㅋ [22:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> 적축 [22:32] <Work^Seony> 걍 평범해보이네요 [22:32] <Work^Seony> 뭔가 다른게 있는건가요? [22:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> m-type 이라고 하는데 키가 조금 얇고 가볍다는거 같네요. [22:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그리고 오래쓰면 위쪽이 반진반질해지는데 각인이 앞쪽 면에 있어서 [22:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 좀 특이해 보이네요 [22:57] <Work^Seony> 그런거군요.. [23:15] <razGon_MINILA> 저는 저런 텐키리스 좋아해요. 하지만, 들어갈 자리가 없다는게 함정 [23:16] <Work^Seony> 저는 예전엔 텐키리스는 싫어했었어요. 무조건 숫자키패드가 있어야했었는데, 손목에 무리가 오면서 이젠 텐키리스나 그거보다 더 작은게 좋을거 같더라구요... [23:17] <razGon_MINILA> 서니님은 그러시겟죠. 출신이 키패드 많이 쓰시는 쪽이라. [23:18] <AutoWiZ_znc> 라즈곤님 안녕하세요 [23:29] <Work^Seony> 네 숫자를 입력할 때는 무의식적으로 키패드에 손이 갔을 정도에요 ㅎㅎ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "bluedusk", "jason_kr_", "jun__", "razGon_MINILA", "samahui_WS", "ujuc" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[01:50] <mdeslaur> infinity: ok, new mysql, no big changes this time [05:03] <tjaalton> RAOF: if you're available I've got another -intel patch to get in pronto.. :) [05:04] <RAOF> tjaalton: Shoot. [05:04] <tjaalton> oh good, I'll build it first just in case, but it's bug 1445221 [05:06] <tjaalton> there's also xtrans and libdrm for trusty in the queue, needed for the lts-vivid stack [05:06] <tjaalton> those are backports as before [05:06] <tjaalton> yeah -intel is fine, uploading [05:17] <tjaalton> RAOF: ^ in case you missed all that [05:17] <RAOF> tjaalton: I got it. [05:18] <RAOF> tjaalton: Would you kindly reupload with the previous SRU's changlog in the source? [05:18] <tjaalton> ok :) [05:18] <tjaalton> in 1.6 [05:18] <tjaalton> ? [05:18] <tjaalton> or changes [05:18] <RAOF> Bah, I meant changes of course. [05:18] <RAOF> :) [05:18] <tjaalton> sure thing [05:19] <RAOF> Because we need all the bugs to appear on pending-sru :) [05:19] <tjaalton> right, was wondering about that [05:19] <tjaalton> so this was the usecase [05:20] <tjaalton> uploaded [05:20] <RAOF> And now waiting for LP to catch up. [05:21] <RAOF> Yeah, you need all the changes in -proposed to be in the .changes file, for two reasons: (1) So that we display an appropriate changelog in the software updater, and (2) so that all the SRU bugs get tracked [05:22] <tjaalton> makes sense [05:28] <RAOF> It occurs to me that I've been lax in reviewing your bug descriptions :) [05:29] <RAOF> tjaalton: Also, that seems to disable vsync on VallyView, too? [05:31] <RAOF> Although now that I look at the code more a bit more, it's replacing a return false with an extra stack frame, a couple of variable assignments, and a return false. So OK I guess. [05:53] <tjaalton> RAOF: yeah, thanks again [10:52] <Odd_Bloke> ianorlin: Further to what I mentioned yesterday, is the version that we use to produce the diffs on [11:13] <jamespage> -queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: neutron-fwaas (vivid-proposed/main) [2015.1~b3-0ubuntu1 => 2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1] (no packageset) [11:14] <jamespage> that makes no sense - its in main [11:15] <Laney> which bit? [11:24] <jamespage> Laney, its in main, but is in no packageset [11:24] <jamespage> that went through on auto right? [16:06] <Laney> jamespage: It's not automated; I just ran the script and now it's in ubuntu-server [16:06] <Laney> sorry for the delay - embarked on an epic yak shave before I actually ran it... :) [16:08] <Laney> (I do want to get this automated in the near future) [16:13] <jamespage> Laney, ah - ok - thankis! [18:57] <smoser> anyone able to take a look at my cloud-init upload ? [18:58] <smoser> wow, thank you queuebot [19:11] <infinity> smoser: It was me, not queuebot. :P [19:11] <smoser> well, i'm not thanking you, infinity [19:11] <smoser> :-)~ [19:12] <infinity> smoser: </3 [19:12] * smoser is impressed with infinities emoticon knowledge. [19:43] <stgraber> hmm, why do we have langpacks in NEW? previously removed ones? [19:51] <infinity> stgraber: langpacks get new bits all the time. [19:52] <stgraber> infinity: well, those are new sources with a diff, so that's what seemed a bit odd
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Odd_Bloke", "RAOF", "infinity", "jamespage", "mdeslaur", "smoser", "stgraber", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[17:51] <Rhonda> No codename for w release yet? [20:31] <Logan> Rhonda: nope, it'll be announced at [20:34] <Rhonda> Anyone around who could help me with what's needed for SRU + backport uploads for wesnoth, what version schema is state-of-the-art, whom I need to bother about them getting accepted? It's about a CVE/security issue. [20:37] <micahg> Rhonda: for security, provide debdiffs and mark as security (public or private as appropriate), for backports, just request a new backport from whichever release it gets accepted from, #ubuntu-hardened can help with the security uploads [20:38] <Rhonda> version schema suggestion? :) [20:39] <sbeattie> what micahg said, though once you've provided debdiffs, also subscribe the ubuntu-security-sponsors team. [20:39] <micahg> Rhonda: [20:39] <micahg> sbeattie: thanks, forgot that we had that :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Logan", "Rhonda", "micahg", "sbeattie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[09:45] <Azlux> hi all, i have a problem. lxde don't want to start. so i'm on openbox since i have delete pcmanfm. I've trying to reinstall it, but still not working [09:46] <Azlux> i suppose some setting are broken but i don't know with one [09:47] <Azlux> idea ? [09:48] <Azlux> i think some problem with the default program manager but i don't know what to do [09:49] <leszek> Try to look for an error mesage in .xsession-errors [09:50] <leszek> and yes pcmanfm is needed for lxde for drawing the desktop background [09:50] <leszek> + icons [09:51] <Azlux> this kind of error ? [09:51] <Azlux> (openbox:1511): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 11 was not found when attempting to remove it [09:52] <leszek> but openbox is working fine ? [09:53] <Azlux> openbox yes [09:53] <Azlux> but no lxde anymore [09:53] <Azlux> (openbox:1511): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 11 was not found when attempting to remove it [09:53] <leszek> yeah then this is just a warning I guess [09:53] <leszek> pcmanfm installed ? [09:53] <leszek> lxpanel installed ? [09:53] <Azlux> yes and yes [09:53] <leszek> lubuntu-desktop or lxde metapackages installed ? Maybe reinstalling them is a viable option if you removed some of lxdes components [09:54] <Azlux> may be [09:55] <Azlux> some dependences missing for lubuntu-desktop [09:55] <Azlux> weird [09:56] <Azlux> i reboot [09:59] <Azlux> so i suppose it was that. depencies missing [10:00] <Azlux> not it's working even if "Desktop setting" don't want to open itself [10:00] <Azlux> than you leszek [10:01] <Azlux> because desktop manager is not active ... O.O [10:12] <Azlux> so with "pcmanfm --desktop-pref" --> Desktop manager is not running [10:13] <leszek> pcmanfm --desktop ? [10:14] <Azlux> yes to run the preference window [10:15] <Azlux> but i have the same with pcmanfm --set-wallpaper [10:16] <leszek> so no desktop basically ? [10:17] <leszek> can you try to remove the config file of pcmanfm in ~/.config to see if it helps [10:17] <Azlux> i have a desktop [10:17] <Azlux> it's the desktop manager [10:18] <Azlux> what do you have for the desktop_manager/command in the file .config/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf ? [10:19] <Azlux> but yes i think it's the config [10:23] <Azlux> yes it's that : the parameter of Desktop manager is linked to nautilus and not pcmanfm [10:23] <leszek> ah [10:23] <leszek> remove nautilus or set the mimetype to use pcmanfm that should work [10:24] <Azlux> yes [10:24] <Azlux> i will do that [10:24] <Azlux> thank you [10:24] <Azlux> need to lunch [10:25] <Azlux> and thank you again [12:18] <whytrytofly1> doesanyone know how to set the default browser for opening hyperlinks [12:19] <whytrytofly1> sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser didnt set it! [12:20] <kj4> hello, I have an issue where whatever workspace contains a terminal window 'steals' any ctrl-alt-arrow request to switch workspace, is there a fix for this? [12:22] <whytrytofly1> change one of the binds? [12:22] <whytrytofly1> terminal or windowmanager [12:22] <kj4> well, it might be the window manager, because it doesn't seem to matter which terminal app I'm using [12:27] <kj4> whytrytofly1: obkey did it, thanks!! [12:27] <whytrytofly1> kj4: nice...thanks though i didnt do a lot [12:27] <whytrytofly1> welcomne [12:28] <kj4> sometimes a steering in the right direction is all it takes [12:28] <kj4> it was driving me nuts, I use that all the time, and just switched to this distro [12:30] <whytrytofly1> kj4: nice so!!! [13:07] <nonyab> Well Kamilion i am back made no progress with trying to get all my settings to a Flash dive to use as a portable system [13:09] <nonyab> kamilion are you here today [15:24] <nonyab> Hello if I install say a linux distro to a flash drive and cat /dev/sdb >/dev/sdc from same distro that is on hard drive with all my settings will the one on flash drive work like my desktop [15:25] <nonyab> so i can use on any computer [15:26] <genii> The short answer is No [15:32] <nonyab> i do not feel like taking the time to reinstall every thing i have already been using the desk top so long and am comfortable with it But i want take it where every i go. [15:33] <nonyab> oh well case serua serua [17:11] <saabi> Hello, I need help with an issue I'm having during installation. [17:11] <saabi> Can anybody help_ [17:11] <saabi> ? [17:11] <wxl> !ask | saabi [17:12] <saabi> Alright... The problem is I simply can't launch the installer. [17:12] <saabi> I ran it from the command line and it dumps the core [17:12] <wxl> saabi: did you check the md5 of the iso? [17:12] <saabi> The system boots up fine from usb [17:13] <saabi> it's the actual install command that fails: [17:13] <saabi> lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ sh -c 'ubiquity gtk_ui' Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 52, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2237, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2226, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1200, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen [17:13] <wxl> saabi: check the md5. [17:13] <saabi> alright [17:19] <saabi> wxl: thanks, md5 failed... [17:19] <wxl> saabi: always first thing to check :) [17:20] <saabi> I'll download again. I used the torrent for download however with uTorrent, which I believe has some error checking [17:20] <saabi> Perhaps the Windows install has a virus... [17:20] <wxl> !zsync | saabi, a better alternative to torrenting is [17:20] <wxl> windows? virus? naaaaaw [17:21] <saabi> heh :) [17:21] <saabi> zsync looks nice! [17:22] <wxl> saabi: that's what the QA team uses [17:26] <saabi> perhaps somebody knows the url to lubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync ? [17:26] <wxl> saabi: you can just navigate [17:26] <saabi> alright, sounds good [17:27] <wxl> saabi: [17:27] <wxl> saabi: they always follow the same format, so keep that in mind [17:27] <wxl> saabi: also fun trick: if you change the name of your downloaded iso to the name of the iso you want to download (say, 15.04 when it comes out next week), and then zsync the new url, it will save you major time [17:27] <saabi> While we're at it, right now I'm installing lubuntu on my laptop, but I'm thinking of replacing ubuntu on my desktop as well since the performance on the laptop is so much better. Is there a conventional upgrade path? [17:28] <saabi> nice... [17:28] <wxl> saabi: kind of, yeah. install the lubuntu-desktop package and then remove all the extra cruft [17:28] <saabi> cool [17:28] <wxl> !purelxde | saabi [17:29] <saabi> wxl: Thanks again! [17:29] <wxl> saabi: np. let us know if you need anything else and if you want to help contribute to the project, there's always room for more XD [17:29] <saabi> ubottu: You're a very helpful bot. [17:29] <wxl> hahah it's so modest [17:29] <saabi> It shows :) [17:31] <saabi> wxl: If I have a chance I'd love to help out. Let's see how time allows me too.. [17:31] <wxl> saabi: ping me if you want to discuss different ways you can help out. one way that's super easy is hang out here and try to answer questions for people. just listening you learn a lot! [17:32] <saabi> wxl: I probably will hang out here just because it's so responsive :) [17:32] <wxl> saabi: we usually are. we've got good coverage across different time zones. [17:34] <wxl> saabi: do you already have a launchpad account? [17:35] <saabi> wxl: I believe I set one up, though I haven't used it so far. [17:36] <saabi> wxl: Alright, I blundered. I compared the md5 of the ubuntu 14.10 iso image to my lubuntu 14.10 iso image [17:36] <wxl> saabi: it's good for reporting bugs *hint* *hint* :) it's also good for signing into the wiki if you have additions/changes [17:36] <wxl> oooooooooops :) [17:36] <saabi> wxl: After zsync I noticed it didn't download anything because the checksums mathced [17:36] <wxl> ah interesting [17:37] <saabi> So the md5 is not the problem [17:37] <wxl> now i'm baffled [17:37] <wxl> oh [17:37] <wxl> well [17:37] <wxl> the md5 of the media itself may not match [17:37] <wxl> there can be a problem in both the download and the image creation [17:38] <saabi> Could be, I transferred the iso using Universal USB Installer in windows, I'll do it again from lubuntu [17:39] <saabi> Ah, silly me I can't, the USB stick is being used :) [17:40] <saabi> Alright, I'll do it from my desktop ubuntu [17:40] <saabi> Just gotta get up from the couch and head over to my office next door... :P [18:08] <saabi-desktop> wxl: Preparing the USB stick with reserved extra space shouldn't be a problem I'm guessing. Right? [18:29] <saabi> wxl: Using Startup Disk Creator worked. Apparently Universal USB Installer running on Windows screws something up. [18:29] <wxl> saabi: yeah i've noticed different result from different tools, even within ubuntu [18:37] <ianorlin> /usr/share/icons/Lubuntu/devices/16 might work from those existing [18:37] <ianorlin> oops meant for -offtopic [18:44] <saabi2> Alright, finally running from my laptop installation :) [21:39] <mr_rm> i'm running lubuntu 14.10 on virtualbox 4.3.26 r98988. i have "auto resize" and the latest guest additions installed. the panel bar seems to not redraw very well after resizing the vm window. sometimes when i make it smaller, the panel doesn't come back at all unless something repaints on the desktop. is this a known bug? [21:41] <ianorlin> mr_rm: maybe try to save the xrandr output you want for the vm when you login in autoresize [22:33] <position> hi, when I try to install from lubuntu-software-center it says that I have no priviledges to install [22:33] <position> because I am not su [22:34] <ianorlin> position: which version? [22:34] <position> 15.04 [22:35] <ianorlin> known serious bug but there is a workaround if you see on the testing tracker [22:36] <position> what else should I install together with docky to configure docky? [22:38] <position> I think it needs something else
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Azlux", "genii", "ianorlin", "kj4", "leszek", "mr_rm", "nonyab", "position", "saabi", "saabi-desktop", "saabi2", "whytrytofly1", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[08:11] <Ashiren> 1st [08:12] <TheNumb> ej nie [08:12] <TheNumb> 1st [08:52] <gjm> ej nie [08:52] <gjm> 1st [16:06] <haruto> Cześć mam mały problem z aktualizacją ubuntu do 15.04 [16:07] <haruto> [16:07] <TheNumb> haruto: 15.04 jeszcze nie zostało wydane [16:07] <TheNumb> haruto: z tym problemem zapraszam do #ubuntu+1 [16:07] <TheNumb> ;] [16:07] <haruto> Wiem ale to kwestia dni, a potem nie będę mieć czasu na update heh [16:07] <TheNumb> heh [16:07] <TheNumb> to radź sobie [16:07] <TheNumb> bo jak widać jeszcze nie wszystko przetestowali [16:08] <TheNumb> albo lepiej zainstaluj archa [16:08] <TheNumb> tam nie ma takich jaj [16:09] <haruto> Archa heh nie dzięki [16:11] <haruto> Dobra więc dam apt-get -f install i się zobaczy co się zrobi [16:12] <TheNumb> pewnie się zesra [16:12] <TheNumb> ale to typowe w ubuntu [16:12] <TheNumb> "premiera" jest dopiero 23 kwietnia [16:12] <TheNumb> ostatnie bugi poprawią do 30 ;p [16:12] <haruto> Bardziej się zjebać niż 8 raczej nie da [16:25] <haruto> Jakoś wstało [16:25] <TheNumb> szkoda [16:26] <haruto> Trochę sypie błędami ale wstało [16:26] <haruto> Widzę, że shell 3 średnio zgrany z ubuntu [16:28] <haruto> A właśnie lukam w alsamixer i mam wszystko na full, nic mm nie świeci i na jednym koncie usera nie ma dżwięku, stąd pytanie skoro na innych kontach dżwięk jest to co to jest ? A i w dżwięki w ustawieniach pisze głuche wyjście [16:29] <TheNumb> /j #ubuntu+1 [16:30] <jacekn> no i 15.04 ma migracje to systemd tez [16:30] <haruto> Myślisz że po eng pomogą szybciej niż po pl heh [16:30] <TheNumb> haruto: tutaj mało kto używa ubuntu [16:30] <haruto> To było już na 14.10, [16:30] <TheNumb> a 15.04 tym bardziej [16:31] <haruto> Irc ubuntu bez userów ubuntu, w sumie to polski kanał więc ma to sens [16:31] <jacekn> haruto: w 14.10 nadal jest upstart [16:31] <jacekn> sa userzy tylko niektorzy troche troluja ;) [16:32] <haruto> Czyli problem może być w pluse audio
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ashiren", "TheNumb", "gjm", "haruto", "jacekn" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[04:45] <noob_rpi> Hi, I am trying to cross compile a kernel for raspberry pi 2. The deb-pkg build generates an armel.deb instead of armhf.deb. How do I generate the armhf deb? [05:22] <RAOF> noob_rpi: Build with the armhf cross compiler, rather than the armel one? [05:36] <noob_rpi> RAOF, using that... still generating the el deb
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "RAOF", "noob_rpi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[09:55] <fnoyanisi> selam [09:55] <fnoyanisi> libreoffice ikonlarını nasıl değiştirecem bilen var mı [09:55] <fnoyanisi> yada yeni ikon nasıl yükleyecem diyim [09:56] <Kartagis> var [09:57] <fnoyanisi> nasıl olur [09:57] <Kartagis> bilmem [09:57] <Kartagis> ben sana var dedim, ben biliyorum demedim [09:57] <fnoyanisi> :P [09:57] <Kartagis> :P [09:58] <Kartagis> aferin bana, içeceğin kapağını içeri tıktım
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kartagis", "fnoyanisi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tr" }
[08:31] <aschildbach> Hi everyone! [08:32] <aschildbach> I just upgraded from Utopic to Vivid RC and I cannot change my keyboard layout anymore. [08:32] <aschildbach> The setting dialog has an empty Input Sources list and just ignores everything I try to do. [08:33] <aschildbach> Is that perhaps a known issue? [08:38] <aschildbach> FWIW, there also is no language indicator any more in the notification tray in the upper right corner of the screen, dispite the "Show current input source in the menu bar" being checked. [08:55] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:54] <aschildbach> Anyone out here? [10:01] <aschildbach> dpkg-reconfigure --all is gone, whats the replacement? [10:01] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach i have 15.04 in vmware, moment, i'll try [10:01] <aschildbach> ah you are (-: [10:02] <lordievader> dpkg-reconfigure is gone?? [10:02] <aschildbach> lordievader: the --all option [10:03] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach keep in mind, 15.04 isnt ready yet [10:03] <lordievader> Are you referring to dpgk --configure -a? [10:03] <lordievader> dpkg* [10:03] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: sure. But too late for me, I assumed the RC might be stable enough )-: [10:04] <aschildbach> lordievader: no, the command is called dpkg-reconfigure [10:04] <MonkeyDust> lordievader to this [10:04] <lordievader> Yes, I know. But dpkg --configure -a configures all installed packages. [10:04] <aschildbach> lordievader: True, but it does not REconfigure them [10:04] <aschildbach> That used to work only with dpkg-REconfigure [10:05] <MonkeyDust> slow vmware [10:05] <lordievader> Hmm, I suppose you're right. [10:07] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach yes, you're right, it's no longer there [10:07] <aschildbach> Does anyone know how to best report issues with release-upgrades? I upgraded today from a well working Utopic to Vivid and now have all sorts of problems with configuration. [10:08] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach on a production machine? [10:08] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: Well its my Notebook, yes. [10:08] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach that wasnt wise, 15.04 not stable [10:08] <MonkeyDust> is* [10:09] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: are there known issues? Or is it just because it is not released? [10:09] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach not sure, or even if you can report it as a bug [10:10] <aschildbach> I mean Im not blaming anyone, I just want to help fixing those issues. [10:11] <aschildbach> But apparently vivid has changed lots of things, judging by the amount of stuff thats broken for me now )-: [10:11] <MonkeyDust> that's why I stick to LTS releases [10:12] <aschildbach> If everyone sticks to LTS then no progress will happen ever (-: [10:12] <lordievader> Upstart -> systemd ;) [10:13] <aschildbach> But sure for my really important machines I stick to LTS as well. [10:16] <MonkeyDust> apt-upgrade'ing 15.04 now [11:13] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: does it work for you? [11:25] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach doew what work? [11:25] <aschildbach> 15.04 [11:26] <MonkeyDust> it's runnig yes, what do you mean by "work"? [11:28] <aschildbach> You said you were upgrading to 15.04, I just wanted to know if the upgrade works for you. [11:29] <aschildbach> ...If there are any problems... [11:30] <k1l> aschildbach: that depends on the hardware and packages used. but the base system gets automatic testing so in general: it works [11:30] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach no problems here, all ok [11:31] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: thanks, good to hear [11:32] <aschildbach> k1l: Indeed I have some problems after upgrading to vivid. Do you know how to report best? [11:32] <k1l> give details [11:33] <k1l> and see if there is already a bug report for it. if so: mark yourself affected and try to contribute if you know a solution or the cause of the issue or can provide logs etc. if there is no bug, make open one :) [11:35] <aschildbach> k1l: My German keyboard layout was replaced by US. And now I cannot switch back using Control Center. [11:35] <aschildbach> I go to Text Entry and the list of Input Sources is empty. [11:35] <aschildbach> I cannot add any entries (it lets me select but the list stays empty). [11:36] <aschildbach> I cannot switch any other setting. It very briefly acks my click but immediately switches back. [11:37] <aschildbach> I have a very similar problem with the left menu. My previous config was erased, for example all the OpenOffice icons appeared although I had them removed for years. [11:37] <aschildbach> When I try to unlock such an item the item disappears as expected, but re-appears shortly after. [11:37] <aschildbach> I cannot lock new items. [11:38] <aschildbach> The upgrade itself went cleanly. [11:54] <k1l> aschildbach: i dont have the same issues on unity [12:04] <MonkeyDust> i'm using mate in 15.04, really neat... [12:46] <BluesKaj> Hey folks [12:54] <elfy> hi BluesKaj [12:55] <BluesKaj> hi elfy [12:58] <MoonUnit`> afternoon [12:59] <MoonUnit`> might reinstall today so i get logout/shutdown working right. [13:01] <BluesKaj> MoonUnit`, I have it working here now, after the upgrades yesterday [13:02] <MoonUnit`> still broken for me, reintalled on a spare drive and it works fine. [13:02] <MoonUnit`> these weeks of upgrades may have broken something. [13:14] <BluesKaj> which beta is your install ? [13:20] <MoonUnit`> beta1 i think [13:57] <BluesKaj> MoonUnit`, upgrade to the beta2, then with the upgrades your shutdown problem should be fixed [16:39] <haruto> hi [16:40] <haruto> How install gnome 3.16 theme in ubuntu 15.04 beta [17:01] <MoonUnit`> BluesKaj: must be something i'm installling/doing, logout, shutdown and reboot broken again. [17:02] <MoonUnit`> might try commenting out the samba share in fstab and see what happens [17:11] <BluesKaj> MoonUnit`, I use the "Network Folder " in dolphin networking rather than samba, even for windows shares [17:13] <BluesKaj> thus no reuirement for a fstab entry [17:16] <MoonUnit`> my problem with that i don't seem to able to stream media that way [17:19] <BluesKaj> MoonUnit`, how do you stream media with samba ? [17:20] <MoonUnit`> perhaps stream is the wrong word, i mean open the same way as any local file. [17:21] <MoonUnit`> clicking the a mkv via smb: in dolphin the file wont play [17:21] <MoonUnit`> it will if i mount the share in fstab [19:32] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 only virtual output !!! help i want to keep this installation if possible [19:33] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 only virtual output !!! help i want to keep this installation if possible [19:36] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 only virtual output !!! help i want to keep this installation if possible [19:36] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 only virtual output !!! help i want to keep this installation if possible [19:38] <wxl> !patience | chrisfromgreece [19:39] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 only virtual output !!! help i want to keep this installation if possible [19:39] <BluesKaj> chrisfromgreece, which audio chip? [19:40] <BluesKaj> chrisfromgreece, and are you using a VM? [19:41] <chrisfromgreece> hda intel [19:41] <chrisfromgreece> no vm [19:43] <BluesKaj> chrisfromgreece, ok , try sudo modprobe.d snd-hda-intel, if the driver loads properly there will be not output from that command , then you need to reboot [19:43] <chrisfromgreece> im currently doing the soundtroubleshooting from helpubuntu and hope it works [19:45] <chrisfromgreece> sudo: modprobe.d: command not found [19:46] <furkan> it should be just modprobe, not modprobe.d [19:47] <BluesKaj> yes, sorry plain modprobe [19:47] <chrisfromgreece> no output [19:48] <BluesKaj> good, so no error, try a reboot [19:48] <chrisfromgreece> ok [19:48] <chrisfromgreece> i will [19:48] <chrisfromgreece> thank you [19:48] <chrisfromgreece> wait to test [19:50] <BluesKaj> chrisfromgreece, we'll be here [19:52] <BluesKaj> that intel driver not loading bug has been around since 12.04 iirc , can't figure why it hasn't been fixed [19:53] <chrisfromgreece_> nothing [19:53] <chrisfromgreece_> no sound [19:53] <chrisfromgreece_> only virtual output [19:53] <BluesKaj> virtual output ? [19:53] <furkan> chrisfromgreece_: you mean that's the only output that shows up in your sound settings? [19:53] <chrisfromgreece_> yes [19:53] <furkan> what else do you have plugged in? [19:53] <furkan> and which jacks [19:54] <chrisfromgreece_> only output [19:54] <furkan> so you just have speakers plugged into the rear jack? [19:54] <chrisfromgreece_> yes [19:55] <furkan> no headphones? just checking, because i encountered a weird bug with headphone detection [19:55] <BluesKaj> make sure automute is disabled in alsamixer [19:56] <chrisfromgreece_> no headphone [19:56] <chrisfromgreece_> and no output only virtual output [19:57] <BluesKaj> what virtual output? [19:57] <chrisfromgreece_> dummy [19:57] <chrisfromgreece_> virtual ouput !no soundcards nothing [19:57] <BluesKaj> don't use dummy [19:58] <chrisfromgreece_> theres nothing else [19:58] <chrisfromgreece_> its the only choice [19:58] <BluesKaj> which chip does alsamixer show in the uppper left? [19:58] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: What is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 Audio'? [19:58] <lordievader> !pastebin [19:59] <chrisfromgreece_> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04) Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device 7270 Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel [20:00] <chrisfromgreece_> [20:00] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Okay what is the output of 'aplay -l' again via paste.ubu ;) [20:02] <chrisfromgreece_> [20:04] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Okay, that looks allright. Do you hear sound when you run 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav'? [20:05] <BluesKaj> I think you have automute enabled in alsmixer [20:05] <chrisfromgreece_> no [20:07] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Does alsamixer show your soundcard? [20:08] <chrisfromgreece_> tes [20:08] <chrisfromgreece_> yes [20:10] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: The line to your speakers isn't muted anywhere? [20:11] <chrisfromgreece_> no [20:12] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Is it analog or digital? [20:12] <chrisfromgreece_> analog ? [20:12] <lordievader> Meh, nevermind. What is the output of 'paplay -l"? [20:13] <chrisfromgreece_> what happened [20:13] <lordievader> ? [20:13] <chrisfromgreece_> [20:15] <lordievader> Ah I ment 'pactl list'... [20:16] <chrisfromgreece_> [20:19] <lordievader> As I figured, Pulseaudio doesn't like your sound card. [20:19] <lordievader> Have you been messing with PA settings? [20:20] <BluesKaj> odd, intel soundcards are usually very easy to setup with PA [20:20] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Not if you remove the alsa module from pa's config ;) [20:22] <chrisfromgreece_> i have enabled the backport repository [20:22] <chrisfromgreece_> and just update and distupgrade [20:22] <chrisfromgreece_> then no sound [20:22] <chrisfromgreece_> and i liked the ubuntu 15.04 [20:23] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Is pavucontrol installed? [20:23] <chrisfromgreece_> yes [20:23] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Do you get your sound card back when you run 'pulseaudio -k' [20:23] <lordievader> ? [20:24] <chrisfromgreece_> no [20:24] <Etriaph> plasmate has no debugging symbols, how would I report a bug with a raw backtrace? [20:24] <chrisfromgreece_> im so ungry right now [20:24] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Is auto spawn on? [20:25] <chrisfromgreece_> what where [20:26] <BluesKaj> lordievader, my laptop doesn't have PA installed with intel hda driver, it's not needed, unless one wants simultaneous sound sources [20:26] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Pulseaudio's reswpawn feature. [20:26] <lordievader> BluesKaj: I know, we talked about it... [20:27] <BluesKaj> I wonder if PA is the causae here [20:27] <BluesKaj> err cause [20:27] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Yes, alsa sees his cards. Pulse doesnt. [20:28] <chrisfromgreece_> anyway thanks for your help. I have tried betas so many times for every single ubuntu version and had no problems [20:28] <BluesKaj> that is strange tho, lordievader unles he mucked about the PA settings [20:28] <chrisfromgreece_> its the first time im having problems [20:29] <BluesKaj> chrisfromgreece_, try removing puls audio [20:29] <chrisfromgreece_> it will remove ubuntu too ? [20:29] <BluesKaj> err pulseaudio that is [20:29] <BluesKaj> no [20:30] <lordievader> That is way too blunt. [20:30] <chrisfromgreece_> yes i'm doing this right now [20:30] <lordievader> Rather try to figure out why PA is doing what it is doing. [20:31] <BluesKaj> he can always reinstall PA , perhaps he doesn't need simultaneous sound sources [20:31] <chrisfromgreece_> am i the only one ? [20:31] <chrisfromgreece_> i dont get it [20:31] <BluesKaj> chrisfromgreece_, I don't have PA on my intel audio laptop [20:32] <chrisfromgreece_> now what ? [20:32] <lordievader> I use it extensively for it's network support. [20:32] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Disable the respawn and run it in a shell. [20:33] <lordievader> Preferably with some debug logging. [20:33] <chrisfromgreece_> respawn ? [20:33] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: Yes, respawn, autospawn. However they called it. [20:34] <chrisfromgreece_> from where [20:35] <chrisfromgreece_> where i find this configuration dont know it [20:35] <lordievader> chrisfromgreece_: /etc/pulseaudio/* [20:36] * lordievader time for me to break my laptop [20:36] <chrisfromgreece_> ? no directory [20:37] <chrisfromgreece_> no hope [20:37] <chrisfromgreece_> thank you anyway [20:38] <lordievader> Did you remove PA? [20:40] <chrisfromgreece_> yes [20:43] <lordievader> ... [22:26] <psusi> anyone know why a youtube says that firefox doesn't support h264? [22:42] <genii> Probably because you don't have that codec installed.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Etriaph", "MonkeyDust", "MoonUnit`", "aschildbach", "chrisfromgreece", "chrisfromgreece_", "elfy", "furkan", "genii", "haruto", "k1l", "lordievader", "psusi", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[19:40] <dobey> hi, can someone please remove/ban studio_ from #ubuntu-touch ? he's back and being an extreme pest with repetitive nonsense yet again, and k1l doesn't seem to be around there (not sure who else in there has perms to do it) [19:40] <Fuchs> dobey: everybody with +o on /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-touch list [19:56] <Pici> dobey: You can also call for ! ops there (no space) [20:03] <dobey> thanks anyway
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fuchs", "Pici", "dobey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-irc" }
[10:46] <mup> Bug #1445430 was opened: 1.8b3 Incorrect padding on MAAS logo <ui> <MAAS:New> <> [10:55] <mup> Bug #1445430 changed: 1.8b3 Incorrect padding on MAAS logo <ui> <MAAS:New> <> [10:58] <mup> Bug #1445430 was opened: 1.8b3 Incorrect padding on MAAS logo <ui> <MAAS:New> <> [13:13] <mup> Bug #1445482 was opened: Nodes in "New" state cannot be powered off <MAAS:Triaged> <> [13:22] <mup> Bug #1445482 changed: Nodes in "New" state cannot be powered off <MAAS:Triaged> <> [13:31] <mup> Bug #1445482 was opened: Nodes in "New" state cannot be powered off <MAAS:Triaged> <> [15:52] <mup> Bug #1445563 was opened: 1.8beta3: Selecting a new filter doesn't bring my view to the top of the node list <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [17:05] <mup> Bug #1445574 was opened: MAAS doesn't provide node utilization over time information <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [21:34] <nodtkn> howdy does anyone have a link to supported power controllers?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "mup", "nodtkn" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[19:24] <uugeepilvi> Terve. Osaisko joku auttaa: Yritän tässä asentaa ubuntua uudelle pclle usbilta. Usb boottaa ihan normaalisti, ikkuna - josta voi valita asentaako ubuntun vai koittaako ilman asennusta - aukeaa, mutta valitessani jomman kumman vaihtoehdon ruutu vaan muuttuu pimeeks... [19:29] <uugeepilvi> eikö kukaan? [19:43] <Mikaela> kun käynnistät tikulta, siinä tulee aluksi näppäimistön ja mikäköhän se toinen oli kuva. Paina mitä tahansa näppäintä ja valitse sitten "tarkista levyn virheettömyys" ja katso mitä se sanoo. [19:43] <Mikaela> Minusta kuulostaa, että jokin on mennyt pieleen tikulle laitettaessa [19:44] <Mikaela> Miten muuten laitoit levyn tikulle? unetbootinia ei suositella ja suositeltu tapa on win32image writer tai jokin sellainen [19:44] <Mikaela> olettaen, että olet Windowsilla, mutten dd
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mikaela", "uugeepilvi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-fi" }
[07:42] <tsdgeos> Mirv: are at we at the state of caring about new patches that fix the "desktop" use case for the dbus patchset? [07:42] <tsdgeos> in case we are, there's updated and that is new and should be applied before [07:44] <Mirv> tsdgeos: well sure, since it'd be a bit unfortunate to land something to rtm that can't be landed to w, so if we have something that would be acceptable to both that'd be great. [07:44] <tsdgeos> Mirv: so try applying those too please :) [07:44] <Mirv> trying [07:46] <Mirv> tsdgeos: 110325 has a new title but it's the one that replaces the older WIP-Deliver-events-in-threads-regardless-of-QCoreApp.patch, right? [07:47] <tsdgeos> Mirv: i think so yes, that's probably why the new one is there, i think it was kind of spawned into two [07:51] <Mirv> tsdgeos: 110325 now depends on adding something to qevdevtouchhandler_p.h that doesn't exist on 5.4 [07:52] <tsdgeos> Mirv: it's fine, don't add it then [07:52] <tsdgeos> that particular patch to the file i mean [07:53] <tsdgeos> it's not a dependency, it's "fixing" the file, since we don't have it, nothing to fix [07:53] <Mirv> ok [07:59] <Mirv> tsdgeos: hmm. notifyInternal2 function in,unified also doesn't exist in 5.4 (hunks 3 and 4). also regarding notify_helper it's quite different in 5.4 so I'm not sure if it needs changing (hunk 6) [08:00] <tsdgeos> Mirv: that's why i said that goes before [08:01] <Mirv> tsdgeos: oh, right, I did that, then I had a previous error and tried switching it back. thanks :) [08:01] <Mirv> ok, seems it's rebased again [08:04] <Mirv> cleaned 018 from the old builds and pushing a new one [08:18] <tsdgeos> :) [08:24] <tsdgeos> Saviq: do you think we could do "a small landing" with what we have at the moment? to get 5.5 build out there and those small things? [08:24] <Saviq> tsdgeos, we could, usre [08:24] <Saviq> sure, even [08:25] <Saviq> I *think* [08:25] <tsdgeos> :D [08:25] <Saviq> we're in Final Freeze since yesterday [08:25] <tsdgeos> or well there's this release thing [08:25] <tsdgeos> right [08:25] <tsdgeos> i wonder when w is going to open [08:25] <tsdgeos> we need a name! [08:26] <Saviq> Mirv, what's the archive state atm, can we land anything? and will vivid accept anything before the release next week? [08:26] <davmor2> tsdgeos: as I understand it there will be like a standby ppa till w is open and the initial imports done [08:27] <davmor2> but I think that is just for phone [08:38] <tsdgeos> dednick: are you adding the deletes to ? [08:38] <dednick> tsdgeos: i am. but i'm adding unit tests for the async calls. [08:38] <tsdgeos> dednick: cool [08:45] <Mirv> Saviq: archive is closed regarding us, we'll start landings to today [08:47] <Mirv> devel-proposed will be built using that PPA too [08:48] <dpm> could someone help a scope developer? -> [08:49] <Saviq> Mirv, okies [08:49] <Saviq> pstolowski, ↑ askubuntu for you guys [09:15] <Mirv> tsdgeos: error: type 'QThread' is not a direct base of 'QEvdevTabletHandlerThread' [09:16] <tsdgeos> hmmm [09:16] <tsdgeos> let me check [09:18] <pstolowski> dpm, Saviq, replied. btw that reminded me of cause he is likely to hit it; do you recall if we concluded anything about that bug? [09:18] <pstolowski> also tsdgeos ^ [09:19] <tsdgeos> Mirv: can you replace the QThread(parent) in there by QDaemonThread(parent) ? [09:19] <tsdgeos> src/platformsupport/input/evdevtablet/qevdevtablet.cpp line 295 [09:19] <tsdgeos> and i'll comment in the MR [09:20] <dpm> thanks pstolowski! [09:20] <Mirv> tsdgeos: ok [09:23] <Mirv> adding to the patch [09:24] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: have you tried this lately? maybe it was fixed when we made temp scopes open temp scopes? [09:24] <tsdgeos> or has nothing to do? [09:28] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, maybe, i'm not sure. no idea what what;s the best scope right now to exhibit this problem, the steps for youtube from the bug report don't seem to be applicable any,ore [09:29] <pstolowski> pete-woods, hey, has 'Search' button been removed from youtube previews for channels? this is re ? [09:31] <pete-woods> pstolowski: hmm. I haven't changed youtube in quite some time [09:33] <pstolowski> pete-woods, i cannot follow the steps from this report, because there is no search button in previews.. [09:34] <pete-woods> pstolowski: I think you had to preview a channel, or something like that [09:34] <pete-woods> but I ended up taking all that out [09:34] <pete-woods> obviously my bug description has now become junk [09:37] <pete-woods> pstolowski: actually, it looks like it works now! [09:37] <pstolowski> pete-woods, also some time ago we change the semantics of handling of scope:// uris in the shell; the are not preview-able, they just start a new search [09:37] <pete-woods> yes [09:37] <pete-woods> this is what I wanted! [09:37] <pete-woods> so you can click through playlists [09:37] <pete-woods> and it shows the contents [09:37] <pstolowski> pete-woods, i suppose before you had an intermediate step of displaying a preview of a channel, now you don't have that [09:37] <pete-woods> pstolowski: yeah, but you could't expand the playlist [09:38] <pete-woods> as the search button URI didn't work [09:38] <pstolowski> oh right [09:38] <pete-woods> pstolowski: the navigation is a bit broken now, thouygh [09:38] <pete-woods> when you hit back from inside in item in a playlist, you get dumped all the way out [09:38] <pete-woods> but I guess that's the same in a lot of places in the dash [09:38] <pstolowski> you get out of the youtube scope? [09:39] <pete-woods> pstolowski: yeah [09:39] <pete-woods> or if it's favourited, you get taken back to home [09:39] <pstolowski> yeah i see it [09:39] <pete-woods> pstolowski: I think we would really benefit from a history stack in the dash [09:40] <pstolowski> yes [09:41] <pstolowski> ok, to sum up, i'm not sure a Search button from the preview would work. what many scopes including youtube use is canned queries in search results, which always worked fine [10:10] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, unfortunately changes to temp scopes didn't fix the issue; i've just commented on the bug report [10:10] <tsdgeos> k [10:13] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: what happens in that case signal wise? [10:13] <tsdgeos> are we just getting a "search changed"? [10:14] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, i havent' debugged it this time, but i think my comment #4 is still valid [10:15] <tsdgeos> ok [10:15] <tsdgeos> well i guess until noone really wants to do this [10:15] <tsdgeos> it's no high prio :D [10:18] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: [10:18] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, uh oh. thanks a lot for catching this [10:19] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: honestly i think we should block clicks so you can't open an app while you're dragging an icon [10:19] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, well, people do this, as the above ubuntuask question & comments to this bug show ;) [10:19] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: then tell the powers that be to make it higher prio D: [10:20] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: but still the cancellation should work fine in case it happens [10:20] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, i think it's pretty useful for scopes to display a preview button that re-does the search with speicifc params [10:20] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: agreed [10:21] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, yeah, definitely... the canellation might happen for different reasons. also tapping outside with another finger to close the launcher [10:21] <mzanetti> I guess notifications, exiting apps and whatnot can cause it too [10:22] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, I can't launch another app while draggin one [10:23] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: be in the app cscope [10:23] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: you can click icons in the background [10:23] <tsdgeos> it's kind of confusing [10:23] <mzanetti> uh oh [10:23] * mzanetti tries [10:24] <mzanetti> indeed... that should not work [10:24] <mzanetti> otoh... the fact that we both notice it now for the first time :D [10:25] <tsdgeos> yaeh [10:25] <tsdgeos> well it's not too often that you use two fingers [10:26] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: i mean that's actually the other way i have to cancel the drag, hwo do you do it otherwise? [10:26] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, when on the greeter, swipe the launcher away to the left [10:27] <tsdgeos> ah it's on the greeter [10:27] <mzanetti> well... doesn't matter... that's one way I found to repro a cancel [10:27] <tsdgeos> right [10:27] <tsdgeos> the other way i found was opnenig an app :D [10:27] <mzanetti> right :) [10:55] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, fixed [10:55] <tsdgeos> k [11:15] <MacSlow> mzanetti: Did you do any launcher-parity work already in a branch I should be picking up? [11:15] <mzanetti> MacSlow, nope, don't have a branch. what would you start with? [11:16] <MacSlow> mzanetti: I think the app-launching animation [11:16] <mzanetti> ack [11:17] <MacSlow> mzanetti: trello-card is also filled with the most current info from Design now [11:18] <MacSlow> mzanetti: still need to pull all animation-spec info from Design [11:19] <mzanetti> MacSlow, looking at that design picture I see conflicting specs with what they requested for the phone [11:19] <mzanetti> MacSlow, for instance the quicklist was explicitly requested to not be next to the panel, but above/below the pressed icon [11:19] <mzanetti> now in this one it's the old style again [11:20] <MacSlow> mzanetti, I've seen the "above" version too [11:20] <MacSlow> mzanetti: I'm expecting to do more details-info hunting in the coming days [11:21] <mzanetti> MacSlow, so for things that are just not there yet, I guess whatever design comes up with is fine. but before changing existing things, please talk to me first [11:21] <MacSlow> mzanetti: I want to keep asking question on a case-by-case/feature-by-feature basis [11:21] <MacSlow> mzanetti: ack [12:04] <MacSlow> mzanetti, do you know what "lockout capability" means wrt to launcher-feature-parity? Lockout as in "log out of session"?! [12:32] <Saviq> MacSlow|lunch, no, always-show [12:47] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: that's the other bug we found [12:51] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: i'm on bug finding mode today [12:54] <dandrader> Saviq, will change to Super_L only after the change has landed. Otherwise people won't be able to test it: [12:56] <mzanetti> MacSlow|lunch, lockout: make the launcher stay on screen [12:56] <mzanetti> instead of auto-hiding [12:58] <Saviq> dandrader, sure [12:59] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, can't repro [12:59] <tsdgeos> it is a bit tricky [12:59] <tsdgeos> i agree [12:59] <mzanetti> ah, got it... but not sure what I did [12:59] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: let me repeat what needs to be done [13:00] <tsdgeos> basically you need to be moving the drag finger and the "cancel" finger at the same time [13:00] <tsdgeos> and get lucky the drag finger would put it in the "next spot" i guess [13:00] <mzanetti> yeah, that's how I understand the comment [13:00] <mzanetti> right. the "lucky" part is a bit odd :D [13:01] <tsdgeos> :D [13:02] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, I think I found a way.... seems to happen if you get the cancel during a progressive autoscroll [13:05] <MacSlow> Saviq, mzanetti: hm... ok, odd feature-name then :) [13:15] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, can you give it another try? [13:16] * mzanetti goes friday labbing [13:16] <tsdgeos> mzanetti: sure, just after flashing stable finishes [13:16] <mzanetti> tsdgeos, thanks [13:30] <tsdgeos> uh oh [13:30] <tsdgeos> my BQ is in an infinite reboot loop [13:30] <tsdgeos> after flashing stable [13:37] <tsdgeos> and disconnecting the usb cable fixed it [13:37] <tsdgeos> :S [13:38] <MacSlow> :) [13:50] <Cimi> Saviq, design is ok if we just use art header horizontal for the configuration cards [14:04] <MacSlow> mzanetti, we do already have badge-counters in the unity8-lauchner as far as I can tell. Only top-right or bottom-right corner is unclear. Right?! [14:05] <mzanetti> MacSlow, I hear bottom-right for the first time right now [14:06] <mzanetti> MacSlow, where does it say bottom-right? [14:07] <MacSlow> mzanetti, we do have badge-counters for all I know... at least I see them in the settings-icon when updates arrive on the device... in mockups I've seen contradicting top-right and bottom-right variations... email to design regarding this (among other things) is on its way to them . [14:07] <mzanetti> MacSlow, pretty sure the bottom-right is a mistake [14:07] <mzanetti> MacSlow, on the bottom there is a progress bar [14:07] <mzanetti> we already have that, just not used anywhere yet [14:08] <MacSlow> mzanetti, hm... the progress-bar is meant to e i nthe middle o fthe icon... [14:08] <MacSlow> mzanetti, the "available updates" counter on the settings-icon... is that not a badge-counter?! [14:08] <mzanetti> MacSlow, do a "make tryShell" [14:09] <mzanetti> there you'll see all the things [14:09] <MacSlow> mzanetti, ok [14:10] <mzanetti> MacSlow, yes, the settings thing is the badge-counter [14:13] <MacSlow> mzanetti, general question... the spreadsheet "N/A" means "none available" or "not applicable" [14:13] <mzanetti> yes [14:14] <MacSlow> mzanetti, that was a this-or-that question... not yes-or-no :) [14:15] <mzanetti> dunno... means it's not there [14:15] <mzanetti> :D [14:15] <MacSlow> mzanetti, ok :) [14:15] <MacSlow> mzanetti, "blocked on design" this means to me then [14:15] <mzanetti> MacSlow, if you refer to the ones in the "Visual Design" column, feel free to question that if you think there is a visual design needed [14:16] <mzanetti> MacSlow, for example in row 17 I would disagree that a visual design is not applicable. becuase I already had one when I implemented that [14:17] <mzanetti> anhow, as it's already implemented we probably don't *really* need it any more now [14:17] <mzanetti> although it should be archived in that design website... [14:18] <MacSlow> mzanetti, I'll focus first on really non-implemented pieces first, before I start polishing things... since I know that's far more design-feedback-intense [14:18] <Saviq> Cimi, so no work for us yet, then? [14:18] <Cimi> Saviq, I would say so [14:18] <Saviq> Cimi, cool, DONE [14:18] <Cimi> :D [14:19] <Saviq> Cimi, ok, so to fix the visual effect, jump on the shape card then [14:19] <Saviq> Cimi, or let's size it after standup [19:30] <dandrader> is it just me or does it really take forever to download an image to flash [19:31] <dandrader> ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Cimi", "MacSlow", "Mirv", "Saviq", "dandrader", "davmor2", "dednick", "dpm", "mzanetti", "pete-woods", "pstolowski", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[14:57] <nazareno> Hello, I installed ubuntu studio, and I want to connect my guitar through the usb adapter. what program (s) have to use? [15:03] <zequence> nazareno: Are you looking for a virtual amplifier? [15:03] <zequence> nazareno: You'll need to run jack. Use qjackctl [15:03] <zequence> !proaudio [15:04] <zequence> After starting jack, try either quitarix or rakkarack [15:04] <zequence> Both virtual amps [15:04] <zequence> jack is a pro audio server. You'll need to choose your audio device, then start jack. [15:04] <zequence> (in qjackctl) [15:06] <nazareno> zequence: Thanks [15:06] <zequence> nazareno: Many applications that need jack won't start until jack is running [15:06] <nazareno> zequence: ok [15:07] <nazareno> zequence: it recognizes th usb? [15:07] <zequence> If your card is supported, yes [15:08] <nazareno> zequence: ok, I'll try it, thanks! [15:09] <zequence> nazareno: Once you have jack running, and the application that you like to use, you may need to connect your audio device with the application. In qjackctl you do this under "Connect" [21:54] <florian_> hello [22:55] <ubuntu> hola [22:55] <ubuntu> Hi [22:56] <Guest35203> need driver wifi pleace help [22:56] <Guest35203> somebody can help me? [22:57] <Guest35203> i dont have driver wifi install [22:58] <Guest35203> Hello?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest35203", "florian_", "nazareno", "ubuntu", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[12:40] <romber> 請問kubuntu 的connection editor可以直接連上ipse [12:40] <romber> 還是得另外安裝package?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "romber" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tw" }
[09:21] <rmg51> Morning [09:29] <JonathanD> Hello rmg51 [09:34] <rmg51> o/ [12:07] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples and whatever else is around [13:10] <WorkingTurkey> morning people? that's not me [13:33] <teddy-dbear> your a whatever else ;-) [22:30] <lazyPower> If you're not currently familiar with Squeezebox - i cannot recommend it enough [22:30] <lazyPower> DIY setup with mostly stuff on hand. Server software was free
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JonathanD", "WorkingTurkey", "lazyPower", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[23:13] * pleia2 adds a few articles and sends off to summary writers
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
[12:15] <harispc> Hi [12:21] <fanious> hii [12:23] <Anoniem4l> hello [12:35] <harispc> hello [12:35] <harispc> What's up?\ [12:40] <Anoniem4l> gud [12:40] <Anoniem4l> u? [19:30] <chrisfromgreece> γειά σας ! [19:30] <chrisfromgreece> Έχω ένα πρόβλημα μπορεί να βοηθήσει κάποιος; [21:05] <pc_magas> Kalispera [21:06] <xeirwn> kalostone kalispera... [21:06] <pc_magas> Vre paidia exw mia aporia. [21:06] <pc_magas> Mporei na min einai peri ubuntu alla 8elw ta fwta sas [21:07] <xeirwn> gia pes thn , mipws kai kserei kapoios [21:07] <pc_magas> Gia na ginw ypotrofow me tin Ypotrofia tis Iapwnikis Kyvernisis prepei pera apo eksetaseis kai synenteuksi kai ola ta loipa xartia pou 8a dwsw na kanw kai mia protasi ereunas [21:08] <pc_magas> To 8ema einai oti kai alla atoma 8a kanoyn mia protasi ereunas kai oi 8eseis gia metaprtyxiako einai 4 edw ta 3 teleutaia xronia. [21:08] <pc_magas> Ara simainei arketa ipsilos antagwnismos [21:09] <pc_magas> Ti prepei na proseksw etsi wste na kanw mia kala antagwnisimi ereunitiki protasi? [21:10] <xeirwn> to 8ema einai gnwsto 'h agnwsto ? [21:11] <pc_magas> Oi ereunitikew protaseis tou antagwnismou einai poikilwn pediwn [21:11] <pc_magas> px. 8a antagwnistw enan poy mporei na 8elei na kanei ereuna panw stin psyxologia. [21:12] <xeirwn> mporeis na dialekseis apo kapoia lista twn projects mipws ?....den sou edwsan kapoia lista gia na dialekseis ? [21:12] <pc_magas> Kai na exei toulaxiston 1 master se auto [21:12] <pc_magas> xeirwn, oxi. [21:12] <pc_magas> Akoma eimai se fasi ereunas. [21:12] <pc_magas> Alla to 8ema tyo exw epileksei. [21:12] <xeirwn> eee kai pws 8a kaneis protash?...etsi sta koutourou ? [21:12] <pc_magas> Tis protasi mou. [21:12] <xeirwn> nai [21:13] <pc_magas> Katanemimenes Vaseis dedomenwn aksiopoiontaw replication me tin xrisi Public Blockchain. [21:13] <pc_magas> To 8ema einai pws 8a kanw kati pou 8a metraei dynata. [21:13] <pc_magas> Etsi na mporwse na antagwnis8w epaksia. [21:14] <pc_magas> Vasika me apasxolei 2 pragmata h synenteuksi kai h ereuna. [21:14] <xeirwn> ok , an gnwrizeis idi to 8ema ths protashs sou, tote mporeis na to upostirikseis , kai na dwseis ston allon na katalabei oti to enoeis oti 8eleis na kaneis ereuna epanw se auto sobarh [21:14] <xeirwn> xmmmmmmm...arxise na fainetai ....ok akou [21:15] <xeirwn> gia na se boh8isw , 8a prepei na kseka8ariseis mesa sou prwta , oti allo pragma einai na 8eleis na kaneis ereuna , kai allo pragma einai na kaneis antagwnismo....mhn ta mperdeueis auta ta duo [21:17] <xeirwn> an 8a rikseis to kentro barous ths prosoxhs sou sthn enoia antagwnismos, na eisai sugouros , oti den 8a thn pareis thn upotrofia, kai eidika stous iapones , pou fhmizonte , gia tis filosofikes tous arxes , kai domes [21:18] <xeirwn> gi auto epikentrosou sto 8ema ereunas , asxeta , me to posoi polloi eisaste. [21:18] <xeirwn> kai kati akoma , oso perissotero koitazeis ton antagwnismo, toso perissotero xaneis ton stoxo ths ereunas, kai anti8eta. [21:19] <xeirwn> katalabes ti enow mipws ? [21:19] <pc_magas> Dld koitaw ti kanei o allos kai oxi tin ereuna? [21:20] <pc_magas> Autou ka8' autou. [21:20] <xeirwn> akribws to anti8eto...koitas ti kaneis esu , kai oxi ti kanei o allos. [21:20] <pc_magas> O skopos einai na epilegw san 1 apo tous 4 [21:21] <xeirwn> 8a epilegeis an to axizeis....dwse tous loipon stoixeia gia na bebaio8oun oti pragmati to axizeis [21:22] <xeirwn> boi8hse tous na mhn exoun dileimata mesa tous gia thn epilogh sou.....toso apla [21:22] <xeirwn> afhse tous na akoumpisoun to daxtulo epi twn ulwn...... [21:22] <pc_magas> xeirwn, se apla ellinika? [21:23] <pc_magas> na akoumpisoun ta daktula toue sta karfia, mallon vivliko akougetai auto pou o 8wmas aggikse tiw pliges tou Jesus. [21:25] <xeirwn> akribws enow [21:26] <pc_magas> An paromoiasoume ta karfia me ton pono tis ereunas didadi na niwsoun oti ksodepsa xrono kai kopo gia na parw tin ypotrofia; [21:26] <pc_magas> giati to an 8a epilegw eksartate apo polla factors. [21:26] <pc_magas> A) Apo to poso swsta symplirwsa ta eggrafa [21:26] <xeirwn> opws gia paradeigma ? [21:26] <pc_magas> B) Apo tis Eksetaseis [21:26] <pc_magas> C) Apo tin Synenteuksi [21:27] <Black_Horseman> hey pc_magas [21:27] <Black_Horseman> ti kaneis man? [21:27] <xeirwn> h dikh mou empeiria einai oti to pio shmantiko einai h sunenteuksi [21:27] <pc_magas> KAi sto C 8a ginei synnenoisi metaksy Presveias kai Ypourgeio Paieias tis Iapwnias [21:27] <pc_magas> Black_Horseman, kala [21:28] <xeirwn> ean 8a upopsiastoun oti mporoun na ependusoun epanw sou, tote na eisai sugouros oti 8a se paproun me ta tsarouxia [21:28] <xeirwn> alla sugoura 8a se dokimasoun . [21:28] <pc_magas> sizitaw gia to pws 8a peisw tin Iapwniki presveia kai tin Iapwniki Kyvernisi na mou dwsei ypotrofia. [21:29] <pc_magas> xeirwn, to 8ema einai poia einain ta key points. [21:29] <pc_magas> Diladi den kserw tin zitane na poun "Shut up and take our money!!!" [21:30] <pc_magas> Diladi den kserw tin zitane gia na poun "Shut up and take our money!!!". [21:30] <pc_magas> * [21:32] <xeirwn> key points : eilikrinia/ oxi uperboles/tous les kseka8ara oti 8eleis na pareis thn upotrofia auth/ oti 8eleis na douklepseis sto project ereuna/.........kai oti sou aresei h iaponikh filosofia [21:32] <xeirwn> auta einai arketa [21:33] <pc_magas> filosofia h koultoura? [21:33] <pc_magas> Auto omws mporei na to exoun kai alloi 5. [21:34] <xeirwn> auto 8a to krineis esu...kai exartatai apo to ti eisai enhmeromenos kala ...sthn filosofia , 'h sthn koultoura [21:34] <xeirwn> ma sou eipa pio panw , xese tous upoloipous pente...esu pas na dwsei interview gia sena , kai oxi gia tous upoloipous pente nomizw [21:35] <xeirwn> ara gia esena 8a milhseis , esena 8a uperaspiseis , kai esena 8a probaleis.... [21:36] <xeirwn> kapote eixa parei mia megalh douleia, kai sto interview eixa apenanti mou tria atoma, kai me rwthsan: giati nomizeis oti eisai kaluteros apo tous upoloipous 20 pou perimenoun apeksw? [21:38] <pc_magas> KAi ti eipes. [21:38] <xeirwn> kai apanthsa : den kserw an eimai kaluteros apo tous allous, alla kserw oti eimai kalos apo monos mou, dioti eimai ergatikos, epimenwn, mou aresei na douleuw , kai panw apo ola oi gnwseis mou einai uperarketes gia to antikeimeno pou zhtate, kai eimai polu akribhs sthn douleia mou.......kai phra thn douleia [21:39] <xeirwn> h plaka einai oti meta mou apokalipsan oti oi alloi 20 eixan pio polla ptuxia apo emena [21:39] <xeirwn> tous epiase o tropos telika [21:40] <xeirwn> kai den to metanoiosan .... [21:41] <pc_magas> Diladi na tous dwso tis pro8eseis mou oma kai anoikta; [21:41] <pc_magas> Kai se apla Ellinika (h kai Agglika) na tous pw Aksizw thn ypotrofia gia tous x/y logous swsta; [21:42] <xeirwn> oi epiloges ginonte me duo gnwmones panta 1. thn logikh , kai 2. to mporeis na tous dwseis eilikrinh trofh kai sta duo, tote exeis parei thn upotrofia [21:42] <xeirwn> akribws [21:42] <xeirwn> oma kai anoikta , kai xwris polu blabla [21:42] <xeirwn> agapane ta starata logia , kai ta mestomena suni8ws [21:43] <xeirwn> aparaitith proupo8esh einai na eisai prwta apola eilikrinhs esu me to eauto sou.....dld mhn probaleis kati pou den eisai [21:45] <xeirwn> pisteuw omws oti 8a se rwthsoun kai autoi thn sugkekrimenh erwthsi dld ....giati nomizete kurie pc_magas oti prepei na parete thn sugkekrimenh upotrofia ???????? [21:46] <xeirwn> elpizw na sou edwsa mia idea......... [21:47] <pc_magas> xeirwn, kali idea gia to pws prepei na to xeiristw [21:47] <pc_magas> Alla to 8ema einai otw otan milaw exw dynati fwni. [21:47] <pc_magas> Etsi mallon 8a aggiksw to synais8ima tou neuriasmou. [21:48] <xeirwn> na thn kanw thn erwthsi ? [21:49] <xeirwn> perimenw........ [21:49] <pc_magas> Ristin [21:50] <pc_magas> Rixtin* [21:50] <xeirwn> exeis dunath fwnh?...'h fwnazeis dunata ? [21:50] <xeirwn> mhn biasteis na apanthseis.......... [21:50] <pc_magas> xeirwn, sini8ws milaw dynata kai vgainei ek tou fysikou mou dynata h fwni. [21:51] <pc_magas> Dimadi ama milisw kanonika asynais8ita mylaw dynata. [21:51] <pc_magas> milaw* [21:52] <xeirwn> xmmmmm...dld otan milas dunata , tote exeis thn eu8unh ths katastashs esu, enw otan bgainei h fwnh sou asunais8ita dunata, tote thn eu8unh thn exei h fwnh....gia ksanaskespou ta ola auta , kai eimai sugouros oti 8a breis thn apanthsi monos sou [21:55] <xeirwn> 8a se boh8ouse isws perissotero , an ksemperdeues mesa sou thn enoia ths dunamhs , me thn enoia ths euligisias....lew twra egw :-P [21:57] <xeirwn> autaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-) [21:58] <pc_magas> xeirwn, e; [21:58] <pc_magas> Me mperdepses perissotero. [21:58] <xeirwn> giati vre se mperdepsa? [21:59] <xeirwn> se mperdepsa 'h mperdeutikes ???????? [21:59] <pc_magas> Mperdeutika [21:59] <xeirwn> ok , eisai se kalo dromo ;) [21:59] <pc_magas> anoia dynamis enoia eylygisias? [21:59] <xeirwn> pes to mperdema twra... [22:00] <pc_magas> Dyladi eulygistos einai kapoios pou sini8ws einai leptos dld ena kyparisi logo tou leptou kormou einai euligisto. [22:00] <xeirwn> nai suni8ws megalonoume se ena susthma , pou mas galouxoun sthn enoia ths dunamhs, tou adunatou, kai kata sunepeia tou antagwnismou. [22:00] <pc_magas> Dynatos einai kapoios pou mporei na yperaspistie kakei. [22:01] <pc_magas> Alyfgistos akamptos san ena toixos apo aspida h san enas vgaxos [22:01] <xeirwn> mono pou o braxos spaei, enw to kuparissi sunexizei na steketai or8io ;) [22:02] <pc_magas> Dynatos den einai autos pou katasparazei ton allon kat' eme alla autos pou mporei oti kai na ginei na menei aklwnitos. [22:02] <xeirwn> dialegeis kai perneis...kai gia na sou kanw pio realistiko, anti kuparissi bale kalami, kai anti braxo bale belanidia [22:03] <pc_magas> Mallon prepei na eisai san plastelini kai na allazeis tin morfi analoga me tis syn8ikes kai na min exeis enan static core. [22:04] <pc_magas> Alla auto to montelo mporei na se kanei ani8iko. [22:04] <pc_magas> Diladi den yparxei ena solid paradeigma. [22:04] <xeirwn> to kalami se 8uelles antexei lugizei men, alla meta thn 8uella 8a steketai pali or8io....gia thn belanidia meta thn 8uella , oute gia kausoksila den exei minei [22:04] <pc_magas> Giati h koinwnia allazei san plastelini enw h h8iki prepei na einai sta8eri ws ena va8mo [22:05] <xeirwn> to kalami einai solid...einai sthn idia 8esh , kai sunexizei [22:05] <xeirwn> h belanidia einai pou allakse upostash , kai 8esh [22:06] <xeirwn> re su pc_magas , kalh h filosofia , alla sto dipla pc kanw recovery, kai me xreiazetai.... [22:07] <pc_magas> xeirwn, ok [22:07] <xeirwn> gia pote einai h sunenteuksi ? [22:07] <pc_magas> xeirwn, akoma de ekana ta xartia eimai se fasi 3 etwn proetoimasias [22:08] <xeirwn> ouuuuu...exeis kairo [22:08] <pc_magas> Na mazepsw lefta kai na dw ti xreiazetai [22:08] <pc_magas> px. Toefl klp klp [22:08] <pc_magas> Na ma8w kai kapoia Iapwnika. [22:08] <xeirwn> einai eukolh glwssa lene [22:09] <pc_magas> se 3 xronia lowe [22:09] <pc_magas> lower [22:09] <pc_magas> syn oti to paketo tis ypotrofias perilamvanei kai 6 mines ekman8isi tis glwssas [22:09] <xeirwn> makari na thn pareis [22:09] <xeirwn> sou to euxomai [22:10] <xeirwn> ftou re gmtoooo....uparxei kanena recovery tool gia karta SHDC giomath me fotos ? [22:11] <xeirwn> SDHC* [22:11] <pc_magas> Dunno [22:11] <pc_magas> Cu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anoniem4l", "Black_Horseman", "chrisfromgreece", "fanious", "harispc", "pc_magas", "xeirwn" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[07:39] <dpm> good morning all [15:40] <dholbach> mhall119, if you look at - do you think they'd be suitable for [15:50] <mhall119> dholbach: not really, it's not an API, it would be better suited in a normal docs page IMO [15:50] <mhall119> jono: did you get my email reply from yesterday? [15:50] <jono> mhall119, I didn't - to which email address? [15:51] <mhall119> [15:51] <jono> let me check [15:51] <jono> thanks, pal! [15:51] <jono> got 'em :-) [15:52] <mhall119> np [15:53] <mhall119> jono: still having fun over at x-prize? [15:53] <mhall119> things should start getting exciting after next week [15:53] <jono> mhall119, good times [15:53] <jono> definitely a challenge [15:53] <jono> lots of learning though :-) [15:53] <jono> mhall119, we should catch up :-) [15:54] <mhall119> we should, but not today [15:54] <jono> next week? [15:54] <mhall119> I've been awake since 3am with a sick child [15:55] <mhall119> next week I'm in London, how about the week after? [15:55] <belkinsa> o/ jono, long time no see. [15:55] <jono> he belkinsa ! [15:55] <jono> week after sounds good - that works best for me [15:55] <jono> London, eh? [15:55] <jono> nice! [15:55] <mhall119> yeah, I'm excited, I've only stopped in Gatwick on my way to somewhere else before [15:55] <mhall119> looking forward to actually getting that UK stamp on my passport [16:05] <popey> mhall119: you've never been to the UK before? [16:05] <mhall119> not outside of the airport, no [16:05] <popey> golly [16:05] <mhall119> I know [17:16] <dpm> ok, calling it a day, have a great weekend everyone!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "belkinsa", "dholbach", "dpm", "jono", "mhall119", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[05:56] <markosejic> d jutro [06:21] <SilverSpace> jutro [07:06] <BotaniCar> - Oprostite, sestro.. gde se daju injekcije nedjeljom? [07:06] <BotaniCar> - U guz'cu, isto k'o ponedeljkom. [07:15] <Mmike> BotaniCar: hihihi :) [07:16] <BotaniCar> O, dobrosisi moj dobri sruze, kao je ? Nesto smo svi zaposleni ovih dana, malo teksta :) [07:16] <BotaniCar> Eto, cim sam to rekao, telefon .. [07:34] <Mmike> a na [07:34] <Mmike> sprintu [07:34] <Mmike> idem doma sutra [07:34] <Mmike> pit losu pivu i ne zderat [07:34] <Mmike> ak sam u USA dobio 4 kile, tu sam dobio bar 2 [07:46] <vileni> Mmike: i biciklirati! [07:51] <Mmike> aber naturlich! [07:51] <Mmike> vileni: u cetvrtak idemo na rucak biciklima! [07:52] <vileni> Mmike: ako bude lijepo vrijeme :) [07:53] <vileni> cijeli tjedan sam biciklom na posao, danas autom jer poslije posla idem u ri [07:53] <Mmike> fino [07:53] <Mmike> zakaj brijes da nece bit lijepo vrijeme [07:53] <Mmike> nadaj se dobrom! [07:53] <vileni> Mmike: cura gleda prognozu, zajedno idemo biciklima na posao :) [07:53] <vileni> kaze ona da ce biti losije vrijeme [08:00] <vileni> dobar je nfsen+nfdump [08:00] <Mmike> vidim da ce sutra kisa bit [08:00] <vileni> malo je rudimentarno sucelje, ali s obzirom da je free [08:31] <SilverSpace> ak se po jutru dan poznaje onda bu dobar [08:31] <SilverSpace> ozivio sony xpiriu miro [08:55] <Mmike> oooo :) [08:57] <SilverSpace> ali opet nece u fastboot [08:57] <SilverSpace> hm [08:58] <SilverSpace> a bez toga nema otkljucavanja uredaja [09:26] * infy- je uspio dobit telnet access na zte 931vii ! :D [09:34] <weshmashian> mornin' [10:09] <BotaniCar> telnet ? :D [10:09] <BotaniCar> smrdi na wrt [10:36] <obruT> infy-: kak to mislis ? [11:19] <BotaniCar> I came here looking for logic. I leave with an urge to poop. [11:19] <BotaniCar> Ups, krivi prozor [11:20] <jelly> poopyCar [12:29] <Mmike> PPPP [12:30] <SilverSpace> smrdi smrdi ... [12:30] <SilverSpace> Mmike: dubai [12:30] <Mmike> mislis bahrein? [12:30] <SilverSpace> :) [12:31] <SilverSpace> ista kita pjesak [12:31] <SilverSpace> i sunce [12:31] <SilverSpace> mercedesi uopce ne voze [12:32] <Mmike> kaj ce [12:32] <Mmike> znaju da su gazde [12:33] <SilverSpace> a je [12:34] <SilverSpace> jebo telefon sony ni u recovery mod ne mogu uci [12:35] <SilverSpace> daju kod za otkljucavanje a ne mozes u mod uci [12:35] <SilverSpace> da bi otkljucao [12:35] <SilverSpace> oooo jadnici prokleti [12:38] <SilverSpace> legend radi super sa CM [12:40] <SilverSpace> [12:40] <SilverSpace> sve dobijes [13:05] <BotaniCar> # Bara, kuda ?! [13:05] <datase> YouTube: Barracuda- Heart - 0:04:25 - 6,548,415 views - 30601 likes / 617 dislikes [13:49] <jelly> [13:49] <datase> YouTube: Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (1977) - 0:04:03 - 67,451,375 views - 263620 likes / 6651 dislikes [15:32] <infy-> obruT: BotaniCar nije wrt vec sam unlockao telnet :) [15:32] <infy-> busybox je na njemu [15:32] <infy-> linux 2.6 [15:32] <infy-> nisam se igrao posto nemam vremena sad, kolokviji su a tek sam jutros to otkrio, zabavna stvar [15:36] <Vlado9A3CY> dobar dan :) [15:53] <markosejic> d dan [21:06] <nixhr> hplinux:~# uptime 22:51:15 up 2313 days, 3:32, 1 user, load average: 0.23, 0.09, 0.02 [21:06] <nixhr> to se zove uptime :D [21:08] <Mmike> bogme [21:08] <Mmike> taj valjda ima exploite jos iz dana VTjaca sa srca :) [21:09] <nixhr> da upravo zato ga i gledam :D [21:09] <nixhr> etch je gore [21:10] <nixhr> pa se ti misli :D [21:10] <nixhr> za to vise nema ni exploita :D :D :D [21:11] <Mmike> nixhr: kaj uname veli :) [21:11] <nixhr> 2.6.18 :D [21:12] <nixhr> to sam ja daaaaaavno bio slozio [21:12] <nixhr> jos mi se vrti skrin iz 2008. :D [21:12] <Mmike> seres :)))))))))) [21:13] <nixhr> hplinux:/home/html# ps axuw|grep SCRE [21:13] <nixhr> root 12636 0.0 0.0 4948 1080 ? Ss 2008 0:00 SCREEN [21:13] <Mmike> hahahaha :) [21:13] <nixhr> :)))))))))))) [21:13] <nixhr> skoro pa nevjerojatno [21:16] <nixhr> pa sad reci kolko su ustedili na (ne)odrzavanju :) [21:18] <Mmike> mozda je botnet neki gore :) [21:19] <Mmike> idem lec [21:19] <Mmike> sutra se putuje nazad [21:19] <obruT> pih [21:19] <obruT> $ uptime [21:19] <obruT> 11:14PM up 2674 days, 7:26, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 [21:23] <obruT> hmm, malo mu sat ne ide tocno :P a ntp bi trebo radit :P [21:26] <infy-> :| [21:26] <infy-> ovaj 931vii je pun exploita ;( [21:26] <infy-> strašno [21:27] <obruT> neke pizdarije su barem pokrpali [21:27] <nixhr> obruT: :D [21:28] <nixhr> da to nije onaj u HZPSS-u? :D [21:28] <obruT> recimo, kad sam ga dobio nije mu interni firewall blokirao izvana pristup preko ipv6 :P iako, ajd, scannerima nije bas trivijalno poscanirati ipv6 range, malo je prevelik :) ali ako je netko isao pipkat po mojoj adresi, mogo se zabavit :P [21:29] <obruT> nixhr: ijao :) bas se sinoc sjetih tog hzpss-a :) [21:30] <obruT> al nije, neka moja freebsd kanta u firmi, bila nam je glavna pbx-ica za neke stvari [21:30] <obruT> i ugasit ce uskoro server :( [21:32] <ipozgaj> nixhr: koji kernel [21:33] <nixhr> ipozgaj: 2.6.18 [21:36] <ipozgaj> uf, staro :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "Vlado9A3CY", "datase", "infy-", "ipozgaj", "jelly", "markosejic", "nixhr", "obruT", "vileni", "weshmashian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[13:50] <najmi> mypapit: [13:50] <najmi> salam [16:43] <najmi> mypapit: whatsapp [16:44] <najmi> mypapit: tido ke bro
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "najmi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-my" }
[04:25] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [04:26] <ablest1980> gm [04:26] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: hello mate [04:26] <ablest1980> hello [04:27] <lotuspsychje> [04:29] <ablest1980> website loading [04:29] <ablest1980> im updating [04:30] <lotuspsychje> oh okay :p [04:30] <ablest1980> looks good [04:31] <lotuspsychje> yeah alot of ubuntu devices rise up these days [04:31] <lotuspsychje> thats promising [04:31] <ablest1980> :) [04:32] <ablest1980> we got different a/c plugs in us [04:32] <ablest1980> ---(}= [04:34] <lotuspsychje> ah [04:34] <lotuspsychje> [04:34] <lotuspsychje> vivid almost there [04:36] <ablest1980> 15.04 lts is comming? [04:36] <ablest1980> next week? [04:36] <lotuspsychje> not lts [04:37] <lotuspsychje> !15.04 [04:40] <ablest1980> beta? [04:40] <lotuspsychje> final [04:40] <lotuspsychje> and next week official release yes [04:40] <ablest1980> ok [04:41] <ablest1980> softpedia link stil loading [04:41] <ablest1980> software updater install java 8 [04:41] <lotuspsychje> kk [04:58] <ablest1980> join #ubuntu-offtopic lotuspsychje [04:59] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: why? [04:59] <ablest1980> people talking there [05:13] <ablest1980> lotuspsychje bbl [05:53] <ki7mt> Evening / Morning / Afternoon All :-) [08:55] <lordievader> Good morning. [12:46] <BluesKaj> Hey folks [12:54] <OerHeks> Hey BluesKaj :-D [12:54] <OerHeks> How is life? [12:55] <BluesKaj> Hi OerHeks, just fine here thanks , and you? [12:55] <OerHeks> Just finished hanging laundry in the sun, walking the dogs, making diner for mom in the hospital, and life is looking great, weekend is comming. [12:55] <OerHeks> Lack of funding for an ubuntu-phone is just a detail. [13:03] <BluesKaj> funny I have no desire to buy an iubuntu phone , even if it was available [13:04] <OerHeks> Just for fun. [13:04] <OerHeks> I love to read people working on it in #ubuntu-touch [13:19] * popey tickles OerHeks [13:21] <OerHeks> hi popey :-D [13:22] <OerHeks> and yes, i tried to fold a origami thing, not that handy with paper i am afraid [16:08] <daftykins> oh dear Tux, not the 'when is it out?' talk again :( [16:09] <BluesKaj> yeah , it's already starting...are we there yet ? :) [16:37] <daftykins> ;) [16:45] <OerHeks> I answer that question with '27th' :-) [17:09] <BluesKaj> OerHeks, it's 23rd [17:09] <OerHeks> I know, now. [17:13] <daftykins> it might get delayed like whichever last time ;) [17:21] <OerHeks> oke ATA = 23th around sometime before midnight [17:21] <OerHeks> because that would be q nr 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "OerHeks", "ablest1980", "daftykins", "ki7mt", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:00] <MichaelTiebesl> Lui_:yw [00:01] <godd> zerowaitstate: [00:01] <Mr-Potter> godd: Thanks for confirming that, can't argue with you sorry [00:01] <Mr-Potter> anyway I think you have to mount it [00:01] <zerowaitstate> godd: okay, it is partitioned, but evidently not formatted [00:01] <Mr-Potter> oh nvm [00:02] <zerowaitstate> godd: therefore, you must format it [00:02] <godd> zerowaitstate: how do i format? And thank you for helping. [00:02] <zerowaitstate> godd: which filesystem do you want to use? [00:03] <Lui_> Ty, Michael. :) [00:03] <godd> zerowaitstate: ntfs I think is the most common, am i correct? i will be using the drive to store mp3 files. [00:04] <ObrienDave> if you want to access files under windows, ntfs or fat32 [00:04] <zerowaitstate> godd: an easy way, if you are using ubuntu desktop, is to go to the "disks" utility from the unity menu. hit your windows key then type "disks" and click the application that pops up [00:04] <godd> zerowaitstate: I did that but my drive doesn't show up there [00:05] <zerowaitstate> godd: try "gksudo gnome-disks" from the command line and tell me if it shows up [00:07] <zerowaitstate> godd: if that doesn't work, you can use "sudo mke2fs /dev/sdb1" from the command line to create the filesystem [00:07] <godd> zerowaitstate: it isn't there, I'm trying the second command now. [00:08] <godd> zerowaitstate: it's "writing inode tables" [00:08] <zerowaitstate> godd: yup [00:09] <zerowaitstate> godd: oh wait, you wanted ntfs didn't you [00:10] <godd> zerowaitstate: whatever will be compatible with ubuntu and windows both will work [00:10] <zerowaitstate> godd: you would do the same thing, only it would be "sudo mkntfs /dev/sdb1" instead [00:10] <godd> zerowaitstate: thanks! [00:11] <zerowaitstate> godd: after the filesystem is created you'll need to mount it to access it. I would expect ubuntu to automount a usb volume once it's formatted, but if it doesn't you can mount it manually by creating a directory such as /mnt/externaldrive and then doing "mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/externaldrive" [00:13] <zerowaitstate> godd: remember, though, that with external drives, just like on windows, you have to "safely remove" them. you do this in ubuntu either via the umount command on mounted directory, or by clicking the eject icon to the right of the drive in the file manager [00:13] <zerowaitstate> godd: unmounting flushes changes to the disk and ensures no processes have open files on the disk [00:14] <godd> zerowaitstate: I'll remember that! Thanks for the help and information!! [00:29] <mike> hey does anyone ever deal with video lag on full screen? [00:30] <Guest39785> hey does anyone ever deal with video lag on full screen? [00:31] <voidwalker> hello. i need some help upgrading from wine1.7.38 to wine1.7.40, i have enabled the relevant ppa but i am stuck in .38 version [00:32] <hkrrsx> voidwalker: /join #winehq [00:32] <voidwalker> hkrrsx, i did, i have no idea why the dev version doesnt appear in ppa [00:33] <hkrrsx> voidwalker: Have you run ' sudo apt-get update ' since you've added the PPA ? [00:33] <voidwalker> hkrrsx, yes of course. wine1.7.38 isnt in ubuntu repos i got it from that ppa in the first place [00:34] <hkrrsx> Perhaps apt-get purge wine1.7.38 and then install 1.7.40 ? [00:35] <voidwalker> hkrrsx, i installed wine yesterday and got .38, .40 simply isnt there [00:35] <mekhami> This is an off-topic question but I have no idea where else to ask it: what would cause two machines on the same network to resolve a URL completely differently? I'm running Ubuntu/Chrome, she's using Windows 7/Chrome, we're on the same network, but we both navigate to and I get the website, she gets one of those domain camped websites [00:35] <hkrrsx> Sorry, hopefully the #winehq have a better answewr [00:37] <ObrienDave> mekhami, check to see if you're both using the same DNS address [00:38] <kevin_007> join #python [00:50] <voidwalker> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable [00:50] <voidwalker> you need to add that to get last wine [00:50] <voidwalker> not in wine team ppa [00:52] <lingyue> 大家好 [00:52] <lingyue> chinese [00:53] <soulisson> Hi, i'm trying to set up an iptable rule for NAT, my rule is the following "iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -p ip -s -j SNAT --to-source" [00:54] <soulisson> however the translation is not working [00:56] <rexuss> Hi lingyue [00:56] <hkrrsx> soulisson: Found this "step-by-step" guide on NAT using iptables: [00:57] <soulisson> hkrrsx: thanks [00:59] <hkrrsx> 8-) [01:04] <psyrus_> um [01:06] <gzcwnk> #clusterlabs [01:06] <gzcwnk> oopsie [01:13] <rexuss> 你们好 [01:13] <scuba323> hey all [01:17] <Myll_> hi, i'm calling a python script from PHP on my website. the python script is next to the index.html, and it creates a new file in that directory when ran. i'm fairly sure it's failing due to permission issues. i've tested it on localhost and it runs fine, and i made sure python3 is installed on the server. how would i go about changing permissions on the server so that the python script can write to the directory? [01:27] <gzcwnk> anybody used corsync for clustering? [01:32] <gzcwnk> what runs a firewall on ubuntu 14.o4 lts and how can i turn it off? [01:33] <compdoc> gzcwnk, there is none [01:33] <xangua> it's off by default [01:36] <hiexpo> xangua, you have to install one [01:36] <coffee-> !themes [01:37] <struhevol> how can i make an admin see changes in bashrc [01:37] <struhevol> i logged in as root made some changes [01:37] <struhevol> and now when i logged in as admin i see no changes [01:37] <struhevol> is there a way for the admin to be able to see the changes made in bashrc [01:38] <hiexpo> xangua, [01:38] <gzcwnk> comdoc there is a firewall on my system and I want to turn it off [01:39] <struhevol> is there a ubuntu help channel [01:40] <somsip> struhevol: you are in it [01:40] <hiexpo> struhevol, what did you change in bash? [01:41] <struhevol> hiexpo i did a figlet logged in as root and when i logged in as an admin i dont see the changes [01:42] <zykotick9> struhevol: fyi, .bashrc is usually user specific... [01:42] <struhevol> i am still new to this [01:42] <struhevol> thank you [01:42] <struhevol> this is my 3rd using linux [01:42] <struhevol> 3rd day [01:42] <struhevol> learning basic commands [01:43] <struhevol> i just wanted to know if i make changes to bashrc logged in as root why the admin does not see the changes [01:44] <Blue1> struhevol: you have to logout/back in again (well just end bash) to have the changes re-read [01:44] <struhevol> its user specific how can i add a user to be able to changes to the bashrc [01:44] <netlar> Copy Paste is not working on my computer. It is happening in several applications. Is there a fix for this? [01:44] <Blue1> netlar: how are you copying / pasting? [01:44] <netlar> Just to add, it sometimes works, this problem is happening randomly [01:45] <xangua> netlar: after you copy a text, do you close the application wich you copied it¿ [01:45] <netlar> Blue1: with the menu or shortcuts [01:45] <netlar> xangua: nope [01:45] <struhevol> ?? i am sorry i have to what logout of the adim log into root and then make bash to re-read ?? i am lost so confused [01:45] <netlar> I will reboot and it will be fixed for awhile [01:45] <Blue1> netlar: if you close the app after copying, it flushes the buffer [01:46] <hiexpo> sounds like ram [01:46] <netlar> Blue1: nope [01:46] <xangua> netlar: if yes, try to install a clipboard manager, like: diodon [01:46] <Blue1> struhevol: just end the terminal session, and restart it. no need to be root for that. [01:46] <netlar> xangua: I do have diodon installed [01:46] <Kapowza> i have a question. i followed the steps here: to install my wifi. At the end of the steps, it says that after a kernel upgrade, it must be recompiled and it lists 5 commands to be entered into the terminal. is there any way to put these into a single file that i can put on the desktop and just double click instead of having to enter tho [01:46] <struhevol> i did [01:46] <Bashing-om> netlar: Is not the file in question a dot file .bashrc ? .. to see that file one has to unhide it .. as the (.) makes it a hidden file . [01:47] <struhevol> i exit out of the terminal [01:47] <Kapowza> i feel like this is a pretty simple thing to do, but im slightly ubuntu-illiterate [01:47] <struhevol> and opened a new terminal still no changes [01:47] <netlar> Bashing-om: this affects any copy pasting I do [01:47] <struhevol> i know i am doing something wrong i just dont understand for some reason sorry i am trying to figure this out its complicated atm guys [01:47] <netlar> Plus when I highlight a word, it will unhighlight it [01:47] <Bashing-om> struhevol: ^^ sorry netlar .. meant that for other . [01:48] <ObrienDave> Kapowza, yes you can, or make an alias with all the commands in a string [01:48] <netlar> This problem appears to be system wide [01:48] <Blue1> netlar if you are tying to copy or paste into a terminal window you need to do ctrl+shft [01:48] <netlar> I was not having this issue with Ubuntu 14.04 until very recently [01:49] <netlar> Blue1: I know, was not even trying copy paste in terminal, just in the applications [01:49] <struhevol> what the google quire for that bashrc for admin to be able to see the changes [01:50] <Blue1> netlar: let's try something easy -- copy and paste this text. ctrl+a highlight's all the text -- ctrl+c to copy, then ctrl+v to paste [01:50] <Kapowza> ObrienDave - thanks. is there a site that might guide me through the steps? or is there a term i should be Googling to find out how? [01:50] <netlar> Blue1: it will not even let me highligth the text [01:51] <netlar> Blue1: I highlight the text than it blinks off the text [01:52] <ObrienDave> Kapowza, for an alias, edit .bash_aliases with any txt editor, reopen terminal and run the command [01:52] <netlar> Something appears to be corrupted, but I have no idea how to fix it [01:52] <ObrienDave> Kapowza, separate commands with && so it stops on errors [01:53] <Blue1> struhevol: if you are trying to make chanages to admins .bashrc then you need to login as root the cd /root then make changes as appropriate [01:53] <Elimin8er> anyone good at using toolchains, Please take a look at this and tell me what I did wrong: its the paste from a failed compile: ?? I might be in wrong channel but I have tried everywhere else.. I just thought I would try here too. [01:53] <Kapowza> where do i find the .bash_aliases file [01:53] <ObrienDave> Kapowza, your home directory, you might have to enable "show hidden files" [01:54] <Bashing-om> struhevol: .bashrc is just a text file. If you made changes, - and saved that file - then it is changed ... note the (.) makes the file a hidden file . [01:54] <ObrienDave> Kapowza, ^^^ [01:54] <struhevol> i know its a text file [01:54] <Blue1> Kapowza: ~/home/.bashrc_aliases [01:54] <struhevol> in the text file i did figlet anything [01:55] <Blue1> Kapowza: [01:57] <netlar> Think I found the issue [01:58] <Blue1> netlar: what did you find? [01:58] <netlar> Only appears to happen when I open good chrome [01:58] <netlar> Google chrome that is [01:59] <Blue1> yeah not menu shortcuts there must use ctrl+c and ctrl+v [01:59] <netlar> When I close Chrome , the problem does not exist [01:59] <netlar> Blue1: huh? [01:59] <struhevol_> so there is no way for the admin to see the changes in bashrc unless i am logged in as root is that correct [01:59] <Blue1> netlar: tht is weird [01:59] <netlar> Blue1: must be some kind of conflict , not sure [02:00] <Bashing-om> struhevol: You edited the .bachrc file as 'root'; who owns the file now ? -> ls -al .bashrc >> -rw-r--r-- 1 sysop sysop 3749 Aug 4 2014 .bashrc // Where my user name is sysop. [02:00] <Blue1> struhevol_: partily correct -- you have to be logged in as root, but the changes must be made to .bashrc in /root too [02:00] <xangua> netlar: maybe an addon, like pushbullet¿ that syncs with your android clipboard [02:01] <netlar> xangua: Yes I do have pushbullet on chrome [02:01] <Blue1> struhevol_: so su - then cd /root -- make your changes [02:02] <Blue1> struhevol_: note the changes you make to root, do NOT carry over to any other user. [02:03] <struhevol_> bash: -rw-r--r--: Permission denied [02:03] <netlar> xangua: Yep, that was it, I took it off of Chrome , no more problem [02:03] <struhevol_> thats what i got [02:03] <Blue1> struhevol_: private message ok? [02:04] <struhevol_> i did this as root ls -al .bashrc >> -rw-r--r-- 1 [02:04] <hiexpo> struhevol_, why are you asking same ? in kali what distro are you useing? [02:04] <struhevol_> and got this [02:04] <struhevol_> bash: -rw-r--r--: Permission denied [02:05] <hiexpo> struhevol_, use su he said [02:07] <struhevol_> does the distro matters hiexpo [02:07] <Blue1> struhevol_: [02:07] <hiexpo> stackfault, yes [02:07] <struhevol_> i figure the kali channel might know more [02:07] <struhevol_> i am using ubuntu [02:07] <Blue1> struhevol_: well then -- off you go [02:08] <struhevol_> thank you so much for the path [02:10] <struhevol_> omg what did i get my self into [02:10] <struhevol_> why is it so bad to run as root any ?? [02:11] <technickul> If I have an application that I didn't install via software center how to get it to show up when I hit the command button and then search? [02:12] <struhevol_> this is so cool i did the su - and now i see the changes [02:12] <struhevol_> how can i make the admin see the changes without doing su - [02:13] <xangua> technickul: [02:14] <CODE> please i am not able to use aircrack on my terminal [02:14] <CODE> dont know what may be the cause [02:15] <hiexpo> struhevol_, [02:16] <Bashing-om> struhevol_: There is no such thing as an admin account, The 1st user created may gain administrative authority with the 'sudo' mechanisin(s) . // /root belongs to 'root' and no others have access - unless you with the elevated privileges make it where you can access.. [02:16] <ObrienDave> !root | struhevol_ [02:17] <bulka> hi [02:17] <technickul> xangua: thank you for pointing me in the right direction! :) [02:17] <bulka> I have got an ubuntu server, I am running a web application on 8069 port but can't access that on my browser, any help? [02:18] <struhevol_> thanks for the class on su and su - [02:18] <struhevol_> it still does not solve the problem i have [02:18] <struhevol_> how do i make the admin see the changes to the bashrc without typing su - [02:18] <struhevol_> and logging in as root [02:18] <struhevol_> i just dont get what i did wrong [02:19] <deadmund> bulka: What happens when you point your browser at localhost:8069 on that machine? [02:19] <xangua> (21:18:45) struhevol_: and logging in as root - there is a clue [02:19] <bulka> deadmund: This webpage is not available [02:20] <struhevol_> i know the root password [02:20] <struhevol_> i know the admin password [02:20] <struhevol_> i am the owner [02:20] <Bashing-om> struhevol_: No one has access to /root , except 'root' . [02:20] <deadmund> bulka: what browser are you using and _exactly_ what message is it giving you. It may not seem like it but "webpage is not available" is ambiguous. [02:22] <Bashing-om> struhevol_: -> sudo ls -al /root/.bashrc >> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3106 Oct 27 2012 /root/.bashrc . As you can see, 'root' is the owner . [02:22] <linuxlue> Can i update from Ubuntu 15.04 beta to stable, or will I have to do a reinstall when the stable image comes out? [02:22] <bulka> deadmund: I am not using application on localhost but on a_public_ip:8069, Chrome says "webpage is not available", firefox says "Unable to connect" [02:22] <xangua> linuxlue: yes, keep updates; also for 15.04 please use #ubuntu+1 [02:23] <Bashing-om> struhevol_: Who can access what : . [02:23] <linuxlue> xangua: My bad, but thank you [02:23] <deadmund> bulka: In firefox "unable to connect" means it cannot access a web server at that ip:port Either there isn't a web server listening there, or there is a firewall / network config problem. bulka can you test with a browser on the server directly? [02:24] <deadmund> bulka: Can you see your web server process running on the server using ps -e ?? [02:24] <struhevol_> bashing what is date for do i need to include that [02:26] <bulka> deadmund: yes it is running , 2015-04-17 02:25:47,739 10094 INFO ? openerp.service.server: HTTP service (werkzeug) running on [02:26] <Bashing-om> struhevol_: Thedate is the last ime the file was modified/accessed . The point here is permissions .. no one but 'root' has access to any thing in the /root directory . [02:26] <bulka> checked with ps -e also [02:26] <deadmund> bulka: mmm, are you running a firewall? What is your network like? [02:27] <bulka> deadmund: didn't get, the internet connection I am using? [02:27] <deadmund> bulka: Do you have a router? (like a typical home setup) [02:29] <bulka> deadmund: yes I do have [02:30] <bulka> deadmund: but I can access same application running on different ubuntu server on my browser, so I believe there is something wrong with my ubuntu server [02:30] <bulka> something in server is blocking me to access application [02:31] <deadmund> bulka: You're going to have to explain your setup in more detail. But I'm guessing you need to do port forwarding on your router (you need to forward port 8069 to the ip address of your server & port 8069 [02:31] <deadmund> bulka: I don't know what you mean by "application" It seems to me there is the browser (firefox / chrome) and the server (the web server). There is no applicaiton. [02:35] <bulka> deadmund: yes you are right, I mean there is another web server which I can access on my browser ( so it doesn't seem issue with port forwarding or with my router). if result of iptables -L can tell something? [02:36] <bulka> deadmund: I mean I am missing some configuration on webserver [02:36] <bulka> it may be firewall in ubuntu server [02:36] <deadmund> bulka: Webserver number 1 (is working) attached to ip1:8069 Webserver number 2 (is not working) attached to ?:? [02:38] <bulka> deadmund: there are two webservers? :O [02:38] <bulka> deadmund: may be I also installed nginx [02:39] <deadmund> bulka: What ip and port is each webserver listening on (they're on the same machine?) [02:40] <bulka> deadmund: well the thing is webserver number 1 is running on 8069 but not accessible from outside (no idea why ? may be port is closed?) webserver 2 is nginx that I have setup for reverse proxy , following this post [02:41] <bulka> deadmund: yes they are on same machine 1st is listening on [02:41] <bulka> 2nd may be on port 80? (nginx) [02:42] <deadmund> bulka: I'm not sure what the problem is if it isn't a network config issue. [02:42] <deadmund> bulka: Maybe your ISP is blocking non standard ports (8069 is def non-standard) [02:42] <deadmund> but 80 is very standard [02:43] <TiK> bulka: did you forward a a port oin your router? [02:43] <bulka> deadmund: I am sure about ISP , it is not blocking as I have already accessed on many other ports including 8069 [02:43] <deadmund> bulka: Then I have no idea. [02:43] <TiK> bulka: did you forward the port on your router? [02:43] <bulka> Tik I think no, but I Am checking, just 1 min pls [02:44] <bulka> deadmund: thanks for your time [02:44] <bulka> :) [02:45] <TiK> bulka: its usually [02:45] <TiK> gnight [02:47] <bulka> Tik, can't access :s [02:48] <TiK> bulka: try [02:49] <bulka> Tik, deosn't work, ifconfig gives me inet addr: [02:49] <bulka> on trying that, I get nginx is running [02:49] <TiK> thts your computers ip not your routers ip [02:50] <TiK> bulka: just forward the port on your router... done. [02:53] <sillyplus> \help [02:54] <bulka> Tik: no port forwarding is done [02:55] <bulka> Tik: why should I forward port on my router? I want to access it from any internet connection [02:56] <TiK> forward port 8064 or whatever to your local ip [02:56] <TiK> anyway im out bed4me [02:57] <ronkrt> In ubuntu. How do i take a directory and add all its sub dirs and files into a zip but leave then there? [02:57] <ronkrt> Then = them [03:12] <ronkrt> Got it [03:20] <Guest26774> hey [03:20] <Guest26774> im here [03:20] <Guest26774> im queere [03:21] <Guest26774> how do i change my nick [03:22] <Dr_Dan> try /nick (new nick) [03:23] <JayThomas> F yeah thx mang [03:25] <JayThomas> i just installed my nvidia graphics drivers and was getting a 32bit open gl message and just solved it playing CS GO now i just had to tell someone how excited i was to figure out that problem [03:25] <JayThomas> common problem but it was hard solution for me at least [03:45] <SomeDuude> hey guys [03:45] <SomeDuude> anyone would mine helping me ? [03:45] <SomeDuude> mind [03:46] <Ben64> you need to ask your question to find out [03:47] <SomeDuude> all right well.... ive installed ubuntu once.. i removed it... and now my USB drive that im using to boot from.... doesnt seems to be bootable anymore.... [03:48] <SomeDuude> well [03:49] <SomeDuude> i guess nobody can help lol.. [03:50] <lasers> SomeDuude: Maybe you accidentally installed grub to the USB instead of the hard drive. It happens. [03:50] <Ben64> lasers: he left, i guess he didn't want to wait more than 2 minutes to solve his problem [03:51] <JayThomas> pew pew im a laser [03:56] <sheer> Is there something I should do after installing Ubuntu to ensure system is clean? [03:56] <cfhowlett> sheer, you just installed it. it's clean. [03:56] <sheer> I meant, to ensure it remains clean. [03:57] <cfhowlett> sheer, add another account with normal, i.e. non-admin privileges. that should be your daily driver. use the admin account for admin stuff. Only my suggestion, YMMV [03:59] <asarch> Is this bad? [03:59] <asarch> # 2 Extended offline Completed: read failure 70% 9183 70285723 [03:59] <asarch> From smartctl -t short /dev/sda [04:00] <cfhowlett> asarch, as I read it, it seems to suggest some failures. consider your replacement options ... and back up your backups immediately. [04:00] <asarch> Thank you [04:01] <asarch> Thank you very much [04:05] <Nothing_Much> My USB drive is located under the devices in Nautilus, but it then opens up a 4.0 GB Volume after I click on it, why can't I just use the USB drive on its own? [04:06] <Nothing_Much> My USB drive is located under the devices in Nautilus, but it then opens up a 4.0 GB Volume after I click on it, why can't I just use the USB drive on its own? [04:15] <sheer> does anyone know of a text editor with an automatic date/time stamp for entries [04:19] <Nothing_Much> Why does this happen and how do I fix it? [04:25] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [04:26] <boa> morning? [04:36] <rockstar_> any suggestion for free sports game in ubuntu platform? [04:36] <cfhowlett> rockstar_, suggest you look in the software center for games [04:36] <Jman85> or i suggest you apply for a credit card [04:37] <lotuspsychje> !behelpfull | Jman85 [04:38] <cfhowlett> rockstar_, also: steam has many "free to play" games [05:00] <asarch> After doing a sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda, how can I check the results? [05:01] <boa> wouldnt it outpuit it your terminal [05:06] <boa> you could also just echo it to a file [05:07] <boa> 'sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc' [05:07] <boa> [05:08] <asarch> It's about to die, isn't it? [05:09] <boa> seems likely [05:09] <boa> i mean it's a seagate [05:09] <boa> i avoid them like the plague [05:09] <asarch> Oh :-( [05:09] <boa> ive had 4 die int he last 1.5 years [05:09] * asarch whispers "Damn it!" [05:09] <asarch> :'-( [05:10] <boa> wd > * [05:10] <asarch> My pr0n... [05:10] <boa> [05:11] <asarch> Holy...! [05:11] <boa> hitach is owned by wd [05:12] <ianorlin> actually isn't it just the hard drive technology [05:12] <boa> read the study for more info [05:14] <jason__> yeah, keep in mind that chart is not under typical usage conditions [05:14] <boa> [05:15] <boa> ive just had terrible luck with seagate drive, every one ive owned has been rma'd at least once [05:15] <Ben64> damn [05:17] <asarch> Thank you boa [05:18] <jason__> I've never had any kind of hard drive fail [05:18] <asarch> Thank you very much :-) [05:18] <asarch> Let's start the exodus [05:18] <boa> damn gta dl's slow [05:19] <TheTofu> How do I uninstall the default browser so I can put Internet Explorer on here? [05:19] <boa> um, this is linux [05:20] <TheTofu> Yeah, but I want to use a good browser. Not this Chroma thingy. [05:20] <boa> you do realie ie is a windows program right [05:20] <boa> that isnt even being worked on anymore, ms abandoned it [05:20] <Ben64> !browser | TheTofu pick one [05:20] <jason__> if you really need to use internet explorer you can run a virtual machine or maybe wine. [05:20] <boa> i dont see the obsession with ie [05:22] <jason__> You could potentially need to develop something that needs to support internet explorer I guess. I have never met anyone who prefers IE. [05:23] <boa> if you're developing for windows/ms you're prob not using linux [05:25] <TheTofu> I see. I'll try and make do. I'm already struggling to carry on with my aspirations to be a graphic designer without paint. [05:25] <ianorlin> you can run ie in a vm [05:25] <boa> why are you using linux if you're doing graphic design [05:25] <jason__> ah okay TheTofu is just a troll [05:25] <boa> just go back to osx [05:27] <Us3r_Unfriendly> Why doesn't Ubuntu additionally have an rolling release? [05:28] <somsip> Us3r_Unfriendly: a bit out of date, but I understand the response is stil valid [05:49] <ki7mt> What' [05:50] <ki7mt> whoops .. sorry, what's the url for image-bin stuff ? [05:55] <ki7mt> NVM, I found it .. can't believe I didn't have that one bookmarked. [05:57] <pc-moon__> hello , i have my pc is hp pavilion 500 series have intel hd 4000 graphics drive how can i make it multi display like in windows , thank you [05:57] <Blue1> I have never done multi display sorry. [05:58] <pc-moon__> ok [05:58] <pc-moon__> i have windows and working well in windows [05:58] <pc-moon__> may can i found someway [06:07] <Gallomimia> greetings. i seem to be having some trouble running the installer. i’m using ubuntu 14.04 server installer, and i’ve had some moderate success in getting that to run. tripped on a few things and going to run it again. but now, every time i boot into the installer, the keyboard quits working right at the part where it asks you what type of keyboard you have. (just past grub) what in the world is going wrong for me? perhaps i’ve messed [06:07] <Gallomimia> something in the bios? [06:17] <wafflejock> pc-moon, same chipset and it works fine here for multi-display for two externals, if I try hooking up two externals plus using the built in monitor then things go haywire [06:18] <wafflejock> pc-moon, seems to be true with KDE, Unity or Gnome they always get a CRTC-65 error if I try to run all three displays, typically just have to go the display settings and turn on/enable the external though [06:19] <wafflejock> currently using 1 VGA and 1 HDMI out of my laptop though and all is well with this setup [06:19] <wafflejock> no idea what that CRTC error is all about but don't care enough about also having the laptop monitor at the same time to do anything about it [06:21] <wafflejock> Gallomimia, you can try ctrl+alt+f1 to see if you can get to a terminal and if the GUI just froze, alternatively try an external keyboard if it's a laptop [06:22] <shiggitay> hello all... I managed to install a Ubuntu-based OS, but my BayTrail tablet only has 32bit uEFI firmware, and I think the installer installed 64 bit grub... and it's not booting... I say Ubuntu-based because it's "Elementary OS: Freya" that's based on 14.04. I did ask in their channel but no one is responding. [06:22] <shiggitay> All I'm asking for help with is Grub [06:22] <shiggitay> so it can boot [06:24] <shiggitay> Could someone tell me what pkg to install once I'm chrooted into my install? [06:25] <shiggitay> Anyone? [06:27] <wafflejock> shiggitay, This is a problem if 32-bit UEFI is the only way your computer can boot, e.g. if you have a modern Intel Atom based laptop. In this case, you will need a complicated work-around. [06:27] <wafflejock> shiggitay, found that here [06:27] <shiggitay> THanks [06:27] <wafflejock> shiggitay, not familiar with the intricacies of 32-bit vs 64-bit grub so can't help much aside from pointing you at that or other basic grub re-install stuff [06:28] <shiggitay> thanks :) [06:28] <shiggitay> would I need to be chrooted ? [06:29] <shiggitay> wafflejock, [06:29] <wafflejock> np with regard to the grub-install instructions I've seen they typical start with boot from live cd setup some chroot but yeah really not good for the uefi stuff I know an Eric in here knows it well but don't think he's around now [06:29] <wafflejock> shiggitay, ^ [06:30] <shiggitay> Eric__, [06:30] <shiggitay> *slap* lol [06:30] <wafflejock> yeah think he typically goes by ^Eric^ or some such but have seen him guide some people through all the UEFI debugging [06:31] <shiggitay> heh [06:40] <Gallomimia> wafflejock: the solution was to plug keyboard into usb3 [06:40] <Gallomimia> now i’m having trouble where the installer doesn’t have the files to make a crytpo fs. it had them the first time i ran thru the installer. what happened? did the installer delete files off itself? [06:41] <Gallomimia> i guess i need to reflash the usb-key. wtf… [06:45] <k2gremlin> Anyone here have experiance with Plex through Squid with outside access? [06:45] <k2gremlin> I have a Ubuntu plex server on a VM that is connected on the vSwitch to another Ubuntu VM running Squid transparent. Squid Server is using 2 connections. WAN and LAN obviously. Plex works great on my LAN, but I am unable to access my server from the outside. Plex server has no problem reaching the internet to pull data for media. Can ping out the whole nine yards. I just cant access from outside. [06:45] <k2gremlin> I have the following rules in my iptables. Still not able to reach the plex server from outside my LAN. Thoughts anyone? [06:46] <k2gremlin> Those rules I have tried on both servers at the same time. Still not working [06:50] <k2gremlin> anyone? lol [06:54] <vonsyd0w> im not too familiar with squid, but anything in its (and iptables) logs that would provide some input? [06:54] <JamesBong> hi there [06:55] <GLB> ELO [06:55] <JamesBong> quick qustion, which file in etc tells you the ubuntu release installed? [06:55] <GLB> WHat [06:56] <vonsyd0w> "/etc/issue/" [06:56] <JamesBong> vonsyd0w: thx [07:01] <geirha> JamesBong: LSB-compliant distros will have an lsb_release command. Try ''lsb_release -a''. I wouldn't rely on /etc/issue [07:09] <vonsyd0w> curious to why you cant rely on it? all of the major distros use it [07:10] <vonsyd0w> and he specifically said ubuntu, which it'll be there [07:16] <foofoobar> Hi. I’m building a docker image based on ubuntu:trusty. Doing an apt-get update and then installing python and some libs. I get: E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [07:16] <foofoobar> How to solve this? [07:17] <foofoobar> cmd is apt-get install -y python python-dev python-distribute python-pip libjpeg-dev libjpeg8-dev libpng3 libfreetype6-dev libmysqlclient-dev [07:32] <wafflejock> Gallomimia, glad you got that first part sorted, not sure about the crypto stuff though never encrypt my drives just have encrypted password storage [07:32] <Gallomimia> im reading another page that mentions problems with my mobo’s bios [07:32] <Gallomimia> and workarounds involving the mounting of the usb stick itself [07:35] <wafflejock> foofoobar, looks like that file is no longer there, apparently something out of date in the package listings maybe can install the appropriate .deb here manually [07:36] <foofoobar> wafflejock: How can this happen in the public repository? It’s bad because I’m doing this in a docker image to automate this process. [07:36] <foofoobar> I wonder how this fails now and worked yesterday. [07:36] <wafflejock> foofoobar, yeah honestly no idea, I've never seen that from the main repos [07:36] <wafflejock> foofoobar, it makes some sense when things are deprecated and fall from archive or some PPA but not the main repos [07:37] <foofoobar> wafflejock: I have an idea. Docker uses caching for commands, maybe the apt-get update is cached [07:37] <wafflejock> foofoobar, don't really do python myself though it's one of the few big languages I've never dabbled in [07:39] <foofoobar> wafflejock: I think it was a docker related problem, sorry for taking your time. [07:39] <wafflejock> ah no worries [07:39] <foofoobar> the „apt-get update“ was cached while the „apt-get install“ was not. [07:55] <Woodrag> somehow postgresql is running as the postfix user.... How can i correct this and make postgres running as the postgres user like it should be.,..? [07:58] <nashant> Hey, I'm trying to use xrandr to add a mode of 2560x1440 but I keep getting failed to get gamma errors. Anyone got an idea how to fix this/ [08:05] <aschildbach> Hi everyone! [08:21] <arcsky> i have some class mates on my server. how can i disable so they cant do ls /home/arcsky ? [08:25] <TheNumb> arcsky: [08:25] <snkcld> when i have a full screen app in a workspace, but then move to another space, the full screen app minimizes [08:25] <snkcld> any way i can prevent that from happening? [08:25] <TheNumb> arcsky: "User Profile Security" [08:25] <TheNumb> arcsky: you're welcome. [08:25] <Woodrag> how can i decide to run postgresql as another user under ubuntu [08:25] <TheNumb> Woodrag: probably need to modify the init script. [08:25] <TheNumb> If you want to start is using upstart. [08:26] <Woodrag> TheNumb: /etc/init.d/postgresql ? [08:29] <danfruehauf> So, one of our servers got compromised [08:29] <danfruehauf> And I decided to come here and try and brainstorm with people what might have happened [08:29] <Ben64> impossible to tell really, format, reinstall, pay more attention to security [08:29] <danfruehauf> I got the image of the VM and I've found an admin112 account with uid 0 and gid 0 in /etc/passwd [08:29] <danfruehauf> Na na, hold on mate [08:29] <danfruehauf> The server is gone [08:29] <danfruehauf> I'm trying to understand the attack vector [08:30] <aschildbach> I wonder has anyone upgraded to Vivid RC and like me cannot switch to the correct keyboard layout any more? [08:30] <Flannel> aschildbach: You'd want to ask in #ubuntu+1 [08:30] <Ben64> danfruehauf: yeah, and i'm telling you its not worth it and you can't trust anything on it [08:30] <danfruehauf> Interestingly I've found this in auth.log: [08:30] <aschildbach> Ah thanks, Ill switch to that channel [08:31] <danfruehauf> Ben64, I think the attacked is a bit slack, and I'm not trusting much on that image [08:31] <Snak3> hi [08:31] <danfruehauf> The thing is that I do not believe he managed to login via SSH as it's only key logins and probably didn't manage to get in via HTTP [08:31] <TheNumb> danfruehauf: which services was it running btw? [08:32] <Ben64> danfruehauf: so format... reinstall... pay more attention to security... [08:32] <Snak3> is it possible to have light in mousepad [08:32] <Snak3> (text editor) [08:32] <TheNumb> light? [08:32] <TheNumb> what do you mean? [08:32] <danfruehauf> TheNumb, Strictly only SSH and apache, it's running ubuntu 12.04 [08:32] <danfruehauf> Anything else - closed [08:32] <Snak3> yeah in css if i forget a "}" i want an alert visual with red color [08:33] <anon_> hey guys im really excited! [08:33] <nashant> Hey, I'm getting xrandr errors of failed to get gamma when trying to addmode 2560x1440 [08:33] <danfruehauf> Ben64, I understand what you're saying, but if I don't understand the attack vector, chances are more of my servers will be compromised shortly [08:33] <Ben64> danfruehauf: if that log can be trusted, they logged in at console, so physically [08:33] <TheNumb> yeah [08:33] <danfruehauf> Ben64, Because they are running exactly the same and they are fully patched [08:33] <TheNumb> Snak3: I'm not sure if it support syntax highlighting. [08:34] <Ben64> but the logs can't be trusted, so the whole thing is worthless [08:34] <danfruehauf> Now I'm not going to trust that log, but I'm fully patched (usually) and I suspect the cloud provider is more slack than me [08:34] <TheNumb> danfruehauf: maybe the host is compromised [08:34] <TheNumb> Have you checked that? [08:34] <danfruehauf> TheNumb, The hypervisor you mean? [08:34] <Snak3> TheNumb,:/ [08:34] <TheNumb> yes [08:34] <danfruehauf> Yeah, I have no control of the hypervisor [08:34] <danfruehauf> It's running in a different university by different people [08:35] <danfruehauf> They just told me "your host is compromised", here is the VM dump [08:35] <danfruehauf> I suspected it's a bit bigger than that [08:35] <Ben64> get a better host [08:35] <TheNumb> Snak3: maybe it only supports *some* languages. [08:35] <danfruehauf> And I think I can alert them about it, no? [08:35] <danfruehauf> Ben64, I'm working also on that, we're .edu :) [08:35] <Ben64> i don't really see how speculation is on topic here though [08:35] <TheNumb> danfruehauf: which host btw? [08:35] <TheNumb> Ben64: yeah, that too :< [08:35] <danfruehauf> TheNumb, They are running some openstack and crap. It's complete bullcrap, but I have to put up with that [08:36] <danfruehauf> Put it this way, I wouldn't be surprised if the hypervisor is compromised [08:36] <TheNumb> well, openstack is really great if you know how to manage that. [08:37] <danfruehauf> These guys there, are... meh [08:37] <TheNumb> danfruehauf: I think this discussion fits #ubuntu-offtopic better. [08:37] <danfruehauf> Anyway, I think that's good enough [08:38] <danfruehauf> Thanks for listening [08:41] <Woodrag> how do i run postgresql as another user ? [08:44] <BriskBard_usuari> hi [08:51] <mircx1> Hello i need please help about error i get from ubuntu 10.04 [08:52] <mircx1> i try install something and i get error this my error [08:52] <mircx1> if someone can please tell to me what i need to install [08:54] <xrfang> how to inform a program run through ssh to quit when the ssh connection break? [08:54] <ebonics> xrfang, is the program a daemon [08:54] <mircx1> someone? [08:55] <arcsky> i did chmod -R 700 /home/user and now all files are green [08:56] <xrfang> ebonics: the program I want to run is php -S, i.e. PHP internal web server [08:57] <xrfang> if you run it on command line it will not return and prompt you to press Ctrl-C to quit [08:58] <ebonics> xrfang, since it's not a daemon it will close by itself when you exit your ssh client [08:58] <xrfang> ebonics: no it does not [08:58] <geoaxis> hello, any one running snappy on raspberry pi [08:58] <MonkeyDust> xrfang if you work with ssh alot, consider using 'screen' ... it's a terminale layer you can interrupt, with interrupting the running command, e.g. ssh [08:59] <xrfang> the command line I run is like: ssh -p 39101 -L 8080:localhost:2651 xrfang@ /usr/local/bin/ [08:59] <xrfang> is a shell script runs the php db management interface [09:00] <xrfang> MonkeyDust, will screen help to kill remote process when ssh quit? [09:02] <MonkeyDust> xrfang not sure, but you could try to add a line in, so it quits, when the ssh connection quits [09:05] <MonkeyDust> xrfang or write a small script, that makes quits, when the ssh connection quits [09:05] <ebonics> xrfang, it would probably help if you show the code [09:06] <MonkeyDust> (i'm not a coder myself, i can make simple bash scripts, that's all) [09:13] <xrfang> ebonics, the script is very simple: [09:13] <xrfang> 1 #!/bin/bash [09:13] <xrfang> 2 php -S localhost:2651 /usr/local/bin/adminer-4.2.1-en.php [09:13] <xrfang> ~ [09:17] <mircx1> Hello there? [09:17] <mircx1> please help [09:17] <MonkeyDust> xrfang is this useful [09:17] <mircx1> i try install something and i get error this my error [09:18] <aagaard> I get this error when upgrading postgres-9.4: Can't locate @INC... I'm not a Perl expert, so how to I add PgCommon to my includes? [09:20] <LordFoobar> hi, I have installed postgresql-9.4 and pgadmin3 (v1.18), both from the official repositories, on Ubuntu 14.10... unfortunately, pgadmin3 is not compatible with the latest pgSQL!! How do I install pgadmin 1.20... which is released, but not available in the repositories?? [09:20] <MonkeyDust> xrfang or this, but better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel, i guess [09:22] <mircx1> why someone no help to me? [09:23] <MonkeyDust> !patience | mircx1 [09:23] <mijkoo> hello all, I am trying to create gnupg keys via seahorse, but nothing happens after I complete everything and press OK [09:23] <mircx1> what ignore [09:23] <mircx1> i ask some times [09:23] <mircx1> about error [09:23] <mircx1> MonkeyDust [09:24] <Ben64> mircx1: calm down [09:24] <MonkeyDust> mircx1 it's possible that nobody knows the answer... that happens [09:24] <mijkoo> a window used to appear showing the process that the key was being created. has it been removed? [09:25] <mircx1> i need install in ubuntu 10.04 apt-get install libre2-dev and i no have this how i can install that? [09:25] <MonkeyDust> mircx1 10.04 is dead, as in: not breathing anymore [09:26] <ZadYree> Hey there :) [09:28] <mijkoo> hello all, I cannot create gnupg keys via seahorse, can you help me please? [09:29] <LordFoobar> found my solution : [09:30] <geirha> ah they have their own official apt repo. Good. [09:30] <ZadYree> I've got a problem with any usb mouse I am trying to use on my laptop: it doesn't work at all and produces some kind of core dump: [09:30] <ZadYree> (in the dmesg) [09:33] <N0Lif3> does the official Ubuntu installer work like a live cd or is it just an installer? I know Linux Mint's installation disc is a live cd [09:33] <ZadYree> Is it common? [09:33] <DJones> N0Lif3: Its a live dvd/usb [09:34] <N0Lif3> DJones, does Ubuntu's sidebar behave like Windows 7 taskbar? Can it be modified to act that way? In Win7, you launch programs by clicking the program icon and the icon becomes a tab for that program. [09:35] <N0Lif3> I played around with that in Linux Mint and there is a plugin for the toolbar that makes it like Win7's taskbar, but it doesn't have all the features and polish that Win7's taskbar has for it [09:35] <N0Lif3> and thanks, I will try it out. [09:36] <N0Lif3> Linux Mint with Cinnamon, specifically [09:38] <aschildbach> I noticed the --all option is gone from dpkg-reconfigure. Whats the replacement? I want to reconfigure all packages because I suspect my configuration is broken after an update. [09:38] <mijkoo> hello all, I cannot create gnupg keys via seahorse, can you help me please? also there are other strange things with keyfiles [09:40] * rasul slap sahar [09:41] <N0Lif3> I'm really curious to know if I can make Ubuntu or another distro more like Windows 7 than in Mint. I just really like how Win7's taskbar operates. [09:41] <N0Lif3> [09:42] <N0Lif3> a little video showing how I modified linux mint to look like win7, pretty close [09:43] <SomeT> so my college is asking me to use Ubuntu with NAT setup on the network, I already have the internet running on it via my network by setting the proxy as automatic (as I do with other devices in my house) am I right to think that NAT as already been setup? [09:52] <explodes> Alright i'll chat from this comp [09:53] <SomeT> if I have ubuntu on virtual box, I type ifconfig on internal network, it only shows external IP address not internal ip address e.g. 192.168.0 etc... [09:53] <aschildbach> How can I reconfigure all packages? [09:55] <explodes> SomeT: I think if you're using a bridge, that is correct IIRC [09:55] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach try dpkg -a --configure [09:56] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: it doesnt REconfigure [09:56] <aschildbach> it just configures packages that are not configured yet [09:57] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach scroll down [09:57] <aschildbach> yeah but --all was removed from dpkg-reconfigure [09:59] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: dpkg-reconfigure -? doesnt show the --all option any more [09:59] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach works fine here, just tried (but interrupted) [09:59] <mijkoo> hello all, I cannot create gnupg keys via seahorse, can you help me please? also there are other strange things with keyfiles [10:00] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: What OS version are you on? [10:00] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach 14.04.2 [10:00] <explodes> If I boot up into FreesDOS, can I "run" an .img under the boot> prompt somehow? [10:00] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: ok so it was removed in later versions [10:00] <aschildbach> Ill try to get an answer from ubuntuplus1 [10:00] <MonkeyDust> aschildbach yes, it's #ubuntu+1 [10:01] <aschildbach> MonkeyDust: problem is nobody is there [10:04] <explodes> ok, someone said "if the .iso is not a hybrid, you cannot boot it off of USB" where do i read/what do i search to find out more about "hybrid" [10:04] <xrfang> thanks MonkeyDust [10:04] <SomeT> nobody here? [10:04] <SomeT> you do know people generally take a while to respond on irc [10:04] <SomeT> have some patience :) [10:05] <Notwang> Hi [10:05] <Notwang> I can't bring up vlan and get following error [10:05] <Notwang> Cannot find device "bts0.305" [10:05] <Notwang> Failed to bring up bts0.305. [10:06] <Notwang> bts0 is lacp of eth2 and eth3 [10:07] <Notwang> or how to debug it? [10:35] <mijkoo> hello all, I cannot create gnupg keys via seahorse, can you help me please? also there are other strange things with keyfiles [10:37] <cast> could always just gpg --gen-key [10:37] <OerHeks> [10:50] <Guest91494> xvdf [10:51] <ybl> Hi, I am using Ubuntu 14.04 on a xen Hypervisor AWS instance. I have a django REST server, serving at port 80, which I can access from 54.x.x.x:80 from the outside world. But my ejabberd server on port 5280 I can't access it from another machine. How do I expose it to the outside world. ( it works fine as I can access it from localhost:5280 using w3m) [10:52] <somsip> ybl: have you opened it on your security group? This is offtopic for here by the way [10:54] <ybl> Sorry, but I am really in a fix, and the guys on #xen are not active. Can you explain me a bit elaboratly ? Or maybe help me with pm ? [10:54] <ybl> somsip: ^ [10:54] <somsip> ybl: you need to research more. Official docs [10:55] <streulma> hello, if I'm on battery, the time of clock is to fast ! [10:56] <ybl> somsip: thanks. appreciated. [11:01] <OerHeks> streulma, odd problem, check for biosupdates, check cmos battery [11:04] <nerium> I’m trying to use gdb to debug an application which has the +s flag set, but gdb seams to ignore the flag, why is that? [11:05] <nerium> This results in a ”permission denied” error  mircx1 10.04 is dead, as in: not breathing anymore [11:12] <Billias> hi guys [11:12] <Billias> anybody experienced with preseed (partitioning) [11:13] <mircx1> i have good news for you my friend this ok now [11:13] <Billias> and girls* [11:13] <mircx1> :) [11:14] <Billias> I want to create a Volumegroup in multiple disks [11:14] <Jeroen1> Hi, does anyone know how to restart my mysql? If I try to start it it says Job failed [11:14] <Billias> using preseed [11:15] <somsip> Jeroen1: check /etc/mysql/error.log to see what the problem is [11:15] <somsip> /va/log/mysql/error.log - brain burp... [11:16] <Jeroen1> cat /etc/mysql/error.log gives: No Suck file or directory [11:17] <somsip> Jeroen1: see my correction. /var/log/mysql/error.log [11:18] <Jeroen1> [11:19] <Thesaurus> Is there a way to force a resolution (say 640x480 or 800x600) on unbutu gnome during a live CD boot? I have an Nvidia NVS 4200M which locks up with nouveau drivers. It's hard to install the distro and get to installing the proprietary drivers before my GPU locks up. [11:19] <somsip> Jeroen1: did you read it? [11:19] <Jeroen1> Yes, but says nothing to me. [11:19] <Farioko> Can I force Ubuntu to install on a MBR partition table? [11:19] <somsip> Jeroen1: InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool [11:19] <cfhowlett> Farioko, you can ... but should you? [11:20] <cfhowlett> Thesaurus, nomodeset [11:20] <Farioko> cfhowlett: the bios didn't find any parition to boot from after installation [11:20] <Jeroen1> Yeah somsip, I was Googling that. ;) [11:20] <cfhowlett> Farioko, are you saying there IS a partition that bios doesn't see? [11:21] <Farioko> chezzo_: yes [11:21] <Jeroen1> I should change innodb_buffer_pool_size to a higher number? [11:21] <Farioko> cfhowlett: yes [11:22] <mijkoo> why has seahorse changed with 14.04.? strange things happening. keyfiles appear with older names, gnupg key creation is done invisibly (no window pops up).. [11:22] <somsip> Jeroen1: it can't allocate the memory, so the buffer is likely too big. And that' smy last word on this as it really belogs in #mysql and I'm AFK now [11:22] <cfhowlett> Farioko, force MBR is you must [11:23] <Thesaurus> is there a way to get nomodeset into the grub boot line before a gnome LiveCD starts? [11:23] <Farioko> cfhowlett: how? [11:23] <k1l> mijkoo: changed from 12.04 version 3.2 to 14.04 version 3.10 [11:23] <cfhowlett> Thesaurus, you can invoke grub during the gnome boot up and pass the nomodeset options [11:24] <Thesaurus> pageup pagedown? I just see the keyboard=human icon and then I'm booting into the live CD [11:24] <Thesaurus> not sure when my window of chance is [11:25] <OerHeks> Thesaurus, when you are at the poit: try or install, hit F6 [11:25] <mijkoo> k1l, yes, I say the same. it wasnt like this in 12.04. I see a different keyfile name on gui than the one in folder. [11:25] <OerHeks> *point [11:25] <cfhowlett> Thesaurus, f6 for special options [11:25] <mijkoo> and I cannot change it [11:25] <Thesaurus> ok thank you very much will give that a try [11:25] <kDycu> I'm having a persistent issue with the sound not working on my 14.04 ubuntu desktop on boot. It appears to be system wide, and it [11:26] <kDycu> *it'll usually fix itself if reboot a couple of times [11:26] <kDycu> any ideas where to start? [11:28] <MonkeyDust> kDycu in a terminal, type alsamixer do you see something disturbing? MM means mute [11:28] <kDycu> currently the sound is working, so I don't know if that'd produce any interesting results [11:29] <kDycu> not sure how to deliberately break it, unfortunately. [11:31] <kDycu> was mostly wondering if anyone had any insight/prior knowledge of an ongoing problem similar to this [11:32] <kDycu> if it were just for me, I'd work around the sound issue by restarting until it worked, but it's in service to a bunch of non-tech people [11:32] <mulga> would anyone care to suggest a good introductory lvl book ok Linux Admin / Networking - O'Reilly publishing comes to mind?? [11:32] <MonkeyDust> mulga aks in #ubuntu-offtopic [11:33] <mulga> *ok=on [11:33] <MonkeyDust> ask* [11:33] <mulga> MonkeyDust, thnx, just did. np [11:33] <kam270> can someone please devlop a GUI LVM app. It is driving us nuts trying to use LVM in an easy manner [11:34] <kam270> now 14.04 desktop has the option during install to set up LVM . However there are not decent GUI tools [11:35] <kam270> i think this is urgent as desktop users will come from windows knowing of "previous versions " [11:35] <MonkeyDust> kam270 scroll down [11:35] <OerHeks> !info system-config-lvm [11:36] <MonkeyDust> kam270 asketh and thou shalt be answered [11:36] <kam270> MonkeyDust, that tool doesnt work in 14.04 anymore [11:38] <k1l> !away > zz_Thelks-at-wor [11:40] <OerHeks> kam270, tool works fine. [11:40] <MonkeyDust> kam270 true, the comment here states, that it doenst work anymore in "ubuntu 14", testing now myself [11:41] <OerHeks> .. [11:42] <MonkeyDust> kam270 on the other hand, lvm is usually used for servers, without gui [11:44] <kam270> MonkeyDust, yeah but im on a laptop and want to be able to get back to a working system . [11:44] <MonkeyDust> kam270 i have to follow OerHeks , works fine here [11:45] <kam270> there are several reviews in the software center saying it doesnt work in 14.04 [11:46] <MonkeyDust> kam270 maybe patches heve been applied, since those remarks [11:47] <kam270> Ok I will try again [11:47] <kam270> need to log out . thanks [11:47] <OerHeks> kam270, those bad reviews mention 13.10 or 14.04 beta. really ... [11:48] <sabados> dsa [11:48] <sabados> hello [11:48] <Ajacobsson> does anyone know how to set up openssh to allow a connection to localhost without password authentication in as few lines as possible? [11:50] <MonkeyDust> Ajacobsson add a RSA key [11:50] <OerHeks> Ajacobsson, sure, and see the part 'Disable Password Authentication'which requires shh keys [11:50] <OerHeks> *ssh keys [11:53] <Ajacobsson> well, I've managed to screw that up somehow. "permission denied (pubkey)" is what I get when I try to ssh to the localhost after putting the pub key in authorized_keys. the private key can just stay in the .ssh-directory, right? [11:54] <Ajacobsson> gonna start over from scratch and see if I cant get it to work this time [11:54] <OerHeks> Ajacobsson, did you make ssh keys on the target machine? [11:54] <Ajacobsson> yeah there's only one machine [11:55] <kDycu> ooh okay got the sound to break [11:55] <OerHeks> [11:56] <dreuge> Hi all, I'm running ubuntu server 12.04, trying to add gcc-4.9 from ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository. I've added the repository via add-apt-repository, but when trying to install, I get the error that it depends on libgcc-4.9-dev but it is not going to be installed [11:56] <kDycu> when open alsamixer I get a "This sound device does not have any controls." [11:56] <kDycu> ideas? [11:56] <dreuge> anyone know what might be going on? [11:56] <Ajacobsson> OerHeks: Im experimenting with a software called ansible in which I am to generate config templates for cisco switches/routers, but in order to do that ansible must be allowed to ssh to localhost without a password prompt [11:58] <kam270> MonkeyDust, Im getting an error. It crashes on start up : [11:58] <MonkeyDust> Ajacobsson consider using vagrant, it's a command that helps you ssh to pre-configured virtualbox machines, so your own machine is safe and [11:59] <Ajacobsson> MonkeyDust: thank you [12:00] <MonkeyDust> kam270 i'm not familiar enough with it, to give useful advice on that error [12:01] <MonkeyDust> Ajacobsson and find plenty introducing vagrant clips on youtube [12:02] <kam270> MonkeyDust, ok I have website that suggest a solution , will try and let you know [12:03] <MonkeyDust> kam270 ok, hope you can solve the issue [12:06] <sam[cOe]> Hi [12:06] <sam[cOe]> I'm looking for a solution to launch personnal command in tab terminator [12:08] <sam[cOe]> ok with "command" in config [12:08] <Ajacobsson> so, this is what I've done after installing the openssh-server package via apt-get: [12:09] <nalum> hello all, I'm trying to install libsdl1.2-dev on ubuntu 14.04 but it's saying I have unmet dependencies and won't install [12:11] <nalum> it has also marked libgbm1 to be kept back [12:16] <ioria> nalum "source" in repositories is selected ? [12:16] <kam270_> MonkeyDust, yes this patch works : [12:17] <nalum> ioria: it's partially checked, has the - rather than the checkmark [12:18] <Jeroen1> Hi there, I can start my mysql database because of too low memory. How can I fix this? It has worked for months but something has changed that is giving problems now. How could I fix that. Does anyone have a clue? [12:19] <svetlana> check your logs [12:20] <ioria> nalum try to check it... (you can revert it) [12:20] <nalum> ioria: just tried that and it keeps going from checked to partially checked [12:21] <nalum> I'm assuming the Source Code checkbox in Software & Updates is what you are referring to [12:21] <ioria> nalum no Synaptic [12:22] <nalum> ah okay, will look at that now [12:22] <svetlana> Jeroen1: if you check your logs and share the text of the error message yo get, someone might be able to give you more detailed help. there is a optimize table command in mysql which makes the database more compact. [12:23] <Jeroen1> which log svetlana ? [12:24] <svetlana> Jeroen1: mysql's log. [12:24] <Jeroen1> [12:24] <Jeroen1> Posted this one earlier :) [12:25] <svetlana> ( is the same but without ads) [12:25] <loa> Jeroen1, what version of mysql you have? [12:25] * svetlana looks [12:25] <nalum> ioria: where is the sources checkbox? [12:25] <Jeroen1> I don't know loa :p [12:26] <ioria> nalum Settings - Repositories [12:26] <Jeroen1> can't check it too as I cannot get into the database. [12:26] <svetlana> Jeroen1, "[ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB" is not the same as it running out of memory. I would say you have to speak with loa and I personally would do a web search for this error. [12:26] <nalum> that's the software & updates app I was in [12:27] <Jeroen1> mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.40, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3 [12:27] <loa> Jeroen1, maybe it is not mysql? [12:27] <loa> and you have another memory monster on your server? [12:28] <Jeroen1> I don't know loa. Someone just told me to check the mysql. [12:28] <ioria> nalum Synaptic Package Manager ? and you can't check "source code" ? [12:28] <Jeroen1> Look [12:28] <loa> try investigate you memory usage. [12:28] <somsip> svetlana: previous line in error log is about being unable to allocate memory for innodb buffer. It's a my.cnf or memory issue and he's been told to go to #m,ysql already [12:28] <svetlana> oh! missed that one. sorry. [12:28] <Jeroen1> [12:28] <Jeroen1> Top returns: [12:29] <nalum> using synaptic package manager and opening settings -> repositories opens the Software & Updates app. I can uncheck Source Code and then check it again but it has the - rather than the checkmark [12:31] <nalum> It looks like I'm able to install the keptback package using synaptic though, so I'm doing that. Will see if it fixes the issue [12:32] <Jeroen1> loa, any Idea what I could od? [12:33] <ioria> nalum i just installed it without issue [12:35] <somsip> Jeroen1: your innodb_buffers are set too high for the memory you have. That is outside the scope of the support provided here. You need to research more yourself, or ask in #mysql. [12:39] <kde_newbie> hi guys! how can i know from the command line if bluetooth is enabled? [12:39] <cfhowlett> !bluetooth | kde_newbie [12:42] <nalum> ioria: hmmm, once that kept back package installed libsdl installed fine thanks for the help [12:42] <ioria> nalum np -^_^- [12:43] <nalum> ioria: now for Dwarf Fortress :D [12:43] <ioria> yep [12:43] <nalum> or not :'( [12:46] <ioria> nalum [12:46] <BluesKaj> Hey folks [12:46] <nalum> oh yeah, it needs the 32bit stuff. Thanks again ioria [12:47] <ioria> np [12:47] <nalum> ll [12:47] <nalum> sorry wrong terminal [12:49] <hkrrsx> morning [13:10] <authorized> hey [13:11] <john_doe_jr> how do I create a system user in ubuntu…is there any difference between a system user and a normal user? [13:11] <authorized> hey is Ubuntu a good start for Windows switchers? [13:12] <Pici> john_doe_jr: iirc, the only difference is that system users have a uid below 1000. [13:13] <sipior> john_doe_jr: system users are generally intended for daemons and the like, and default to no login shell. do you mean instead users with administrative privileges? [13:13] <john_doe_jr> sipior: yes [13:13] <authorized> hey is Ubuntu a good start for Windows switchers? [13:14] <MonkeyDust> authorized yes, create a live usb or dvd and try it [13:14] <sipior> john_doe_jr: you can simply add the user to the sudo group [13:15] <john_doe_jr> sipior: almost thanks [13:16] <sipior> john_doe_jr: you're...uh...almost welcome? [13:18] <MonkeyDust> be almost nice to each other [13:20] <Kartagis> play almost nice [13:21] <hkrrsx> I thought the expression was "Be excellent to each other" (Bill and Ted reference) [13:21] <kj4> hello my name is Mike. I am a recovering Arachaholic [13:21] <hkrrsx> <end of off-topic> [13:21] <runda> good morning everyone [13:21] <hkrrsx> morning, runda [13:22] <runda> So I just made the switch from windows to ubuntu MATE anyone have any tips [13:22] <MonkeyDust> runda learn it like you learned windows: by using it [13:22] <hkrrsx> runda: Explore and enjoy [13:23] <kj4> runda: never look back. One day you will feel more 'at home' with linux than windows, and not regret that move [13:24] <runda> I've just been messing around with everything [13:24] <MonkeyDust> runda and learning new stuff *can* be frustrating, but it'll pass [13:24] <runda> hell this is my first foray into IRC [13:29] <kj4> runda: welcome! linux is a completely different experience, takes some effort, but pays off tenfold. [13:35] <Nandhu> how to upgrade a 14.04 to 15.04 in ubuntu [13:36] <xangua> Nandhu: upgrade to 14.10 and when 15.04 is out upgrade again [13:36] <compdoc> Nandhu, have you tried: sudo do-release-upgrade -d [13:36] <compdoc> 15.04 wont be around as long as 14.04 [13:37] <Nandhu> thanks friends [13:38] <rakeshGunderi> what is the release date of ubuntu 15.04 ? [13:39] <csyogi> 23rd april [13:39] <Deepu> 23 April [13:39] <rakeshGunderi> Thank you so much friends [13:39] <Zerkalerka> rakeshGunderi: love you too [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> hi [13:40] <Zerkalerka> Saucisse_Cocktai: how are you [13:40] <Saucisse_Cocktai> fine [13:40] <Saucisse_Cocktai> you? [13:40] <Zerkalerka> I am drinking a Saucisse Cocktail [13:40] <Saucisse_Cocktai> LOL [13:40] <rakeshGunderi> thank u <Zerkalerka> [13:41] <xangua> !ot [13:41] <Saucisse_Cocktai> Saucisse is the french for Sausage [13:41] <Zerkalerka> :) [13:41] <Zerkalerka> ;)~ [13:41] <ilithium> Hey guys. I'm having some trouble with Ubuntu server locking up during boot; is there a way (from grub) I can tell it to skip loading networking so I can get in and fix stuff? Booting into single user doesn't work and stops at the same point [13:42] <cn28h> you could possibly boot a live cd or a rescue cd and mount the system to fix it [13:44] <ilithium> cn28h: thanks; I'll give that a go with a USB key - neither machine has a CD drive in it [13:44] <dawnson> btw i finally got it to work, somewhat. using the desktop image worked. So i can install ubuntu desktop but not ubuntu server... thats a bit stupid. Why do i need 2 images anyways, is there a netinstall image that has all the drivers and hardware support of the desktop image but allows me to install ubuntu server? [13:44] <cn28h> sure, yeah same idea [13:44] <hkrrsx> ilithium: If you're familiar with single user mode, replace the word "single" with "init=/bin/bash" and boot ..... the machine won't attempt to start any services [13:44] <cn28h> if you can bring the system up and mount it, then you can chroot into it [13:45] <ilithium> Yes of course [13:45] <ilithium> No idea what's making it spaz out: iLO now says it's got as far as:" Waiting for state" w/ "wait-for-state stop/waiting" which makes no sense to me [13:48] <hkrrsx> ilithium: Have a read over this -- [13:51] <chele> Hi guys, I have some trouble with my buntu server 12.04. I configure a tail file under /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ to add an additional nameserver as bind9 is running locally. Then I tried to ping the domain from the bind server and doesn't respond. I check the dns trace and only the first nameserver configured in etc/resolv.conf is checked. Hence not answer for my ping request. How do I handle this case? I would like to setup mul [13:51] <chele> tiple nameservers in my resolv.conf? [13:52] <chele> Hi guys, I have some trouble with my buntu server 12.04. I configure a tail file under /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ to add an additional nameserver as bind9 is running locally. Then I tried to ping the domain from the bind server and doesn't respond. Only the first nameserver configured in etc/resolv.conf is checked. How do I handle this case? [13:53] <hkrrsx> chele: /join #bind and/or /join #dns [13:53] <teward> chele: put your nameserver that is local ahead of the other nameservers - potentially in the head file [13:53] <teward> hkrrsx: that's a resolvconf question, not a bind question [13:53] <teward> it's still valid here [13:53] * hkrrsx digresses [13:54] <sam[cOe]> Hi [13:54] <sam[cOe]> I need help on terminator terminal [13:55] <sam[cOe]> I try to work with : zsh, alias, terminator, custom panel [13:56] <sam[cOe]> all it's ok .. but .. when I play with custom command with alias terminator says "zsh:1: command not found:" [13:56] <chele> teward, after doing this resolves what I expect from the local dns but not from the upper dns which is received from dhcp. [13:57] <teward> chele: ping requests aren't dns requests, based on your initial question, what exactly are you expecting to happen? [13:58] <chele> I expect the ping request to work based on domain names where dns requests are involved. [13:58] <teward> chele: so you provide `ping some.domain.tld` and you are not getting DNS requests that you're expecting? [14:00] <chele> teward, I am not getting dns requests to the correct server. Therefore not correct dns answer. [14:00] <teward> chele: are you trying to get information that your bind9 server is authoritative for and that also another domain is authoritative for? [14:02] <chele> teward, I am trying to get information for which bind9 is not authoritative for. The second nameserver configured is authoritative for this information I am trying to get. When I ask for info for which bind9 is authoritative for then I get correct info. [14:03] <chele> So I cannot have to dns name servers in my resolv.conf as only works the first one on the file. [14:03] <chele> two* [14:03] <grishzakyan> hello erevybody [14:04] <grishzakyan> everybody! [14:06] <Pumpkin-_> chele: you can have two nameservers, but if you ask the first one and it comes back with NXDOMAIN or similar, your machine is going to believe it and assume that name doesn't exist. If you want to use nameserver A for some queiries, and nameserver B for some others, I suggest running a local DNS server and using some policy (like bind forwarders directives). [14:07] <chele> Pumpkin-_, bind9 is what I am using but now as you said and as it seemed to me, I have to configure bind to forward. [14:13] <sam[cOe]> nobody ? [14:18] <Pici> sam[cOe]: Its hard to troubleshoot when you haven't told us what commands you are actually typing. [14:26] <traverse> I think I found a problem with how dash handles something, that other shells seem to get right. Would anyone mind verifying? [14:26] <m1xm4ster> clear [14:28] <m1xm4ster> Hello, is there a way to access an already mounted filesystem (e.g. /media/data) on the host system from an ubuntu lxc container? [14:30] <traverse> I think dash mishandles the following case: "tail -f $somefile | $some_nonexistant_program" [14:30] <traverse> Other shells will correctly report: "$some_nonexistant_program: command not found" [14:30] <traverse> Dash will leave 'tail' hanging in an unkillable (from that shell) state. [14:31] <traverse> ^C, ^Z, ^\, etc will not kill tail, you have to do it from another shell [14:31] <traverse> Thus far the other shells I've tested (real bash, zsh, /bin/sh, etc.) handle that case correctly. [14:36] <mijkoo> hello, what is the disadvantage ( or lost advantage) of running 32-bit OS on an 64-bit machine with sufficient ram? [14:37] <k1l> dont run 32bit OS if that hardware can use 64bit [14:37] <sam[cOe]> Pici, terminator sucks .. ^^^ [14:38] <dawnson> k1l: why? :p [14:38] <mijkoo> k1l, yes [14:38] <mijkoo> that is my query, too [14:38] <dawnson> mijkoo: 64bit software would perform a bit better and in most cases there is nothing against using 64 bit [14:38] <dawnson> the question should rather be: why use 32 bit software? [14:39] <mijkoo> dawnson, so it makes the machine underperform? [14:39] <k1l> mijkoo: yes [14:40] <dawnson> mijkoo: it might. you probably wont notice. I am not sure how linux handles RAM under 32 bit but i guess there should be no limitation [14:40] <dawnson> im just curious why you would want to use 32 bit software [14:41] <mijkoo> oh, ok, so no detectable not faster, more things to do together.. [14:41] <loa> sse3 and ssse3 are 64bit insructions? [14:42] <loa> or can be used in 32bit code too? [14:42] <dawnson> i think linux does support PAE as well, so 4+GB RAM should not be a problem there. But still the question is why you want to use 32bit software on 64 bit hardware [14:42] <dawnson> loa: both are 32bit afaik [14:43] <dawnson> ssse3 is from 2006 anyways :D [14:43] <k1l> mijkoo: its not gaining that much speed because we still have not 64bit only code. so everything is still made working on 32bit too. but 64bit can adress more registers and has more bandwith on the connection to the ram. [14:44] <loa> dawnson, it was introduced in xeons and intel core 2 [14:44] <dawnson> and atoms [14:44] <k1l> and uefi is going to be a huge 64bit OS boost since its really problematic on some hardware to start 32bit OS with that [14:44] <loa> dunno. [14:44] <dawnson> and there are 32 bit atoms and core 2 CPUs [14:44] <loa> ok. [14:44] <dawnson> but i dont know if they support ssse3 [14:44] <dawnson> k1l: yes, but efi is not 64 bit only :D [14:44] <k1l> some small (old) atoms are the reason why ubuntu still gives out 32bit isos for desktop. [14:45] <k1l> dawnson: its not, but manufacturers handle it like that since windows prefers 64bit too [14:45] <k1l> so as conclusion: dont install 32bit OS. [14:45] <dawnson> yes, thats why i keep asking why he _wants_ to run a 32 bit OS [14:46] <dawnson> i am all for 64 bit when it makes sense but maybe he has a valid reason [14:48] <mijkoo> no, I was just trying to know..thank you for all your hints. [14:49] <ntz> hello [14:49] <ntz> one my customer have this (weird) os and he's reporting, that he has a problems with connecting to the vlan ... I've found [14:50] <ntz> ^^ but there's no NM mentioned .... is NM/wicd (whatever is in ubuntu) VLANs compliant ? [15:07] <Kully3xf> looking for ideas guys - need to get ubuntu 14 onto my desktop, only have a 1gb flash drive a 1tb external hd, and large dual layer dvd's [15:08] <Kully3xf> I have ubuntu 8.04 on the DT now, and it's not updated so I can't update the iso burner [15:08] <Kully3xf> as it's out of date [15:08] <Kully3xf> best way to update to 14? [15:08] <k1l> Kully3xf: reinstall. is fastest. [15:08] <Kully3xf> that's what I'm trying to do, but I have no media for 140 [15:08] <Kully3xf> 14* [15:09] <Kully3xf> I can't burn the ISO to disc, I don't have a thumb drive big enough [15:09] <k1l> Kully3xf: you could use the server iso that fits on 1gb usb pendrive and install "ubuntu-desktop" afterwards [15:09] <k1l> Kully3xf: or use the netinstall method [15:09] <Kully3xf> BAm [15:09] <Kully3xf> good idea [15:09] <k1l> !netinstall [15:09] <Kully3xf> thanks [15:09] <somsip> !minimal | k1l [15:09] <somsip> k1l: sorry - meant for Kully3xf [15:10] <Kully3xf> somsip: thanks! got it [15:10] <psyrus> hai! [15:10] <somsip> Kully3xf: cool - just another possible solution for you [15:10] <Kully3xf> yep. doing minimal right now - exactly what I needed. Big ups [15:10] <somsip> Kully3xf: my personal preference too :) [15:10] <ZadYree> I've got a problem with any usb mouse I am trying to use on my laptop: it doesn't work at all and produces some kind of core dump: [15:20] <OerHeks> ZadYree, does that laptop have a FN key + touchpad/external mouse [15:20] <ZadYree> OerHeks, yes sir [15:22] <OerHeks> ZadYree, if that does not solve it, plug it in a non-USB3 port [15:25] <ZadYree> OerHeks, now I am getting this: [15:25] <ZadYree> So it seems to work a bit better ^^ [15:25] <ZadYree> still lsusb doesn't show it [15:26] <ioria> ZadYree did you connect the mouse after boot or before ? [15:27] <ZadYree> after [15:27] <ioria> ZadYree try before [15:27] <ZadYree> should I try a reboot with it? [15:27] <ZadYree> ok [15:31] <anton02> ill just leave this here [15:31] <TheNumb> anton02: it's not a chitchat channel. [15:32] <TheNumb> anton02: /j #ubuntu-offtopic [15:32] <OerHeks> anton02, take it with you, please [15:32] <OerHeks> !ot [15:32] <anton02> good, it's nice to see this channel tidied up a bit [15:33] <z2user> Hello, this a zipit z2 wireless messenger running debian sid LOL [15:33] <z2user> using 6mb ram [15:45] <TheSov> can someone help me understand why tsql refuses to connect? [15:49] <MonkeyDust> !find tsql [15:51] <Pici> MonkeyDust: Likely in the freetds-bin package [15:51] <gH05t> i've update ruby from 1.9 to 2.1, how can i change it in terminal path? [15:53] <SaucisseCocktail> hi [15:53] <cabel> Question about VLAN trunking on an interface. I managed to set it up, but the subinterface is only pingable to devices on it's vlan. I need devices outside it's vlan to be able to connect to it. Anyone have any idea what is going on? [16:03] <bobbobbins> hey, I just released a ubuntu web server out into the wild and I’m getting around 500 concurrent users at a time, which is causing the server to grind to a halt(the message I’m getting says possible SYN attact on port 80)…does someone have a good list of tweaks to resolve this and make the server more capable of handling this traffic? [16:03] <ceed^> I'm wiping Windows and installing Ubuntu on a Thinkpad X1 Carbon. Should I use legacy boot or should I do UEFI? [16:03] <dansanger> Hello I have a basic question about routing in ubuntu 12.04 [16:03] <daftykins> ceed^: doesn't matter either way really [16:04] <CJKay> ceed^: UEFI is stable now, there's little reason not to use it [16:05] <ceed^> CJKay, if I choose UEFI I still wipe everything off the disk and do not have to add any partition other than the ones I need for Ubuntu? [16:06] <adef> install with grub key nomodeset [16:06] <daftykins> ceed^: to remove the remnants of Windows 8 i'd recommend you "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2M count=50" from the liveUSB prior to installing [16:07] <CJKay> ceed^: Sorry, I don't understand your question... or statement [16:07] <Bl4ckD34Th> hi, when will be released ubuntu 15.04? [16:07] <Bl4ckD34Th> what date, who know...please answer [16:08] <BluesKaj> Bl4ckD34Th, next thursday [16:08] <Bl4ckD34Th> OMG...thank you [16:08] <Bl4ckD34Th> i love ubuntu, i use ubuntu for some years now , 23 april [16:08] <Bl4ckD34Th> best gnu/linux distro ever made [16:10] <sipior> ceed^: if you go for UEFI, you'll need to ensure that your partition table is GPT. you'll also need to make a new EFI boot partition. [16:11] <dansanger> Hello, I have a server in openvpn and two clients. In the server I can see the clients an its LAN but in each other clients I can see the LANs. Can I to route the IP LAN in the server such way I can see the LAN in each other clients? [16:16] <sipior> ceed^: actually, looks like you can still use an msdos label, if you have to. see here: [16:21] <Islam> hi there [16:21] <kepler> hi [16:21] <Islam> would any body plz help [16:21] <Islam> I got a problem installing wine [16:21] <MasterGberry> Hi. I am having some issues installing/starting mysql-server onto my new ubuntu machine. I have this from the terminal and I have this from the error.log [16:21] <MasterGberry> Did I do something wrong in the installation? [16:22] <Islam> anybody can help with installing wine? [16:23] <Islam> hello? [16:23] <TheNumb> !patience | Islam [16:23] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: could you try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a please? [16:24] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: probably somehow the initial configuration of the mysql server (user, password etc.) got skipped [16:24] <sipior> Islam: it would probably be useful if you gave us a specific description of the problem. [16:24] <Fuchs> (or, probably better, sudo dpkg-reconfigure NameOfThePackageHere) [16:25] <Islam> wine1.4: PreDepends: dpkg (>= but is to be installed [16:25] <Islam> Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14) but 2.15-0ubuntu10.12 is to be installed [16:25] <Islam> Depends: wine1.4-amd64 (= 1.4-0ubuntu4.1) but 1.4-0ubuntu4.1 is to be installed [16:25] <Islam> Depends: wine1.4-i386 (= 1.4-0ubuntu4.1) but it is a virtual package [16:25] <Islam> here it is [16:25] <TheNumb> !pastebin | Islam [16:26] <Islam> ok sorry I'll use that past now [16:26] <damex> hello, is there python3 + pip available for ubuntu 14.04 from official repos? [16:26] <sipior> fls [16:26] <sipior> apologies. [16:26] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: thus either sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5 or, no ubuntu at paw to test, sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server [16:26] <somsip> damex: python3 is installed by default. [16:26] <Islam> [16:26] <damex> somsip, what about pip? [16:27] <Frumpzula> Can anyone help me with using date function inside a linux cron from crontab? I can use file name database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y'`.sql.gz when running a mysqldump from the command line, but when I put that into the cron, it does not run. [16:27] <Frumpzula> tu [16:27] <Islam> here is my problem installing wine "" [16:27] <somsip> !info pip | damex [16:27] <somsip> !info python-pip | damex [16:27] <damex> okay. thx. [16:27] <somsip> !info python-pip trusty | damex [16:28] <damex> i will do next install using ubuntu 14.04. instead of other distros. [16:28] <damex> thx. [16:28] <damex> (not for myself, for other people) [16:28] <somsip> damex: look for /usr/bin/python3 and set up your shebang to use that. Leave python linking to python2.7 as that runs system stuff [16:28] <MasterGberry> Fuchs: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mysql-server is broken or not fully installed [16:29] <Islam> did anybody see my msg? [16:29] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: sudo apt-get -f install and then sudo dpgk-reconfigure -a [16:29] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: both should complain if there is something broken, with hints on what to do now. You didn't use PPAs by chance, did you? [16:30] <Islam> here is my problem installing wine "" [16:30] <Islam> can I get help with that? [16:30] <somsip> !info wine [16:30] <Frumpzula> - Ubuntu cron question I posted on stack.. Any help would be amazing!!! [16:30] <somsip> Islam: so where are you getting version 1.4 form? [16:31] <Islam> I dont know I tried to install it on sw center [16:31] <somsip> Frumpzula: pull path to date required? [16:31] <MasterGberry> Fuchs: i'm new to ubuntu, what is a PPA? [16:31] <somsip> Islam: what version of ubuntu? [16:31] <SchrodingersScat> !ppa | MasterGberry [16:31] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: third party repository, unofficial [16:32] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: but in this case probably you didn't, unless you followed some shady tutorials [16:32] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: did you try the two commands I gave you? [16:32] <MasterGberry> Possible that my work has something setup...but I just ran "sudo apt-get install mysql-server" [16:32] <MasterGberry> yeah both still spitting out the same errors about something being misconfig'd [16:33] <Islam> somsip: do you know what my problem is? [16:34] <Islam> somsip: ubuntu 12.4 [16:34] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: could you paste these errors in a pastebin, please? [16:34] <MasterGberry> sure, sec [16:35] <Islam> somsip: I have ubuntu 12.04 lts [16:35] <somsip> Islam: no, sorry [16:36] <Islam> somsip: so I just can't install wine? [16:36] <Islam> is there any other tools to run exe files ? [16:36] <MasterGberry> Fuchs: [16:37] <somsip> Islam: have patience and wait for a wine expert. I'm not one and I'm done for the night. Good luck [16:37] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: okay, can you please give me an apt-cache policy mysql-server in a pastebin please? [16:38] <Islam> somsip; thanx alot, and I'm so sorry I'm kinda new to this [16:38] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: and a sudo grep mysql /etc/passwd (you can leave out the password hash, I am not interested in that, only whether it exists) [16:39] <TheNumb> Islam: are you trying to install "wine" or "wine1.4"? [16:40] <Islam> TheNumb: any thing that I can install exe apps on :) [16:40] <TheNumb> Islam: how do you install the package then? What command? [16:40] <TheNumb> sudo apt-get install wine? [16:40] <SchrodingersScat> Islam: I'm not sure what's going on either, but you could try removing it with apt-get then try to install with apt-get and see if you get any further. [16:40] <Islam> TheNumb: I'm trying to install it on ubuntu sw center [16:40] <MasterGberry> Fuchs: [16:40] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: if the user doesn't exist, one just has to create it (sudo adduser mysql) and maybe adapt some permissions (sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql) and then re-run sudo apt-get -f install [16:41] <ekh> Hello. I am trying to do a fresh installation of ubuntu (virtual box) however I am getting this .. I would google it if I knew what that stupid random color is called :P [16:41] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: yeah, that is not the official mysql package you are using there [16:41] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: I assume it could be fixed with the above: creating said user, adapting permissions and re-running -f install, but with an unofficial package chances are that people won't be able to give you decent support [16:42] <loa> ekh, cool. [16:43] <ekh> loa: Any idea what caused that? or at least what that is so I can google it? [16:43] <uugeepilvi> Hey [16:43] <MasterGberry> guess I will have to contact IT and ask whats going on with their unofficial packages [16:43] <MasterGberry> is there some way for me to force use the real packages? [16:43] <loa> ekh, no idea sorry, you can try different ubuntu isos [16:44] <ekh> cool thanks [16:44] <uugeepilvi> Just got new pc and now Im trying to install ubuntu 14.04.2 on it from usb. Usb boots as it should and window where I can choose to install ubuntu or try ubuntu without installation opens but when I choose “install ubuntu” nothing happens after that except screen goes black. Where the problem might be? [16:46] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: there is, but I wouldn't recommend it [16:46] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: really, check if the mysql user exists (with that grep command I gave you. If it outputs matches, the user exists. If not: create it) [16:46] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: then your packages should work as well. Maybe these unofficial packages forgot to do that for you (check if user exists, if not: create it) [16:47] <Fuchs> MasterGberry: as soon as you have that user, the apt-get -f install should run the initial configuration for you, and then you should be able to use mysql [16:49] <Islam> SchrodingersScat: is there any other options than wine to install a game? [16:49] <uugeepilvi> any1? [16:50] <Frumpzula> Can `date '+%m-%d-%Y'` be used inside a cron? From the command line if I tell mysqldump to use file name database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y'`.sql.gz, it works great.. But that same filename inside the cron breaks what was working prior to adding the date... Any insight? [16:50] <Islam> TheNumb: I tried the command you suggested but it still dont work [16:51] <SchrodingersScat> Islam: pick native games, preferably freedom respecting games. [16:54] <SchrodingersScat> Islam: have you tried apt-get? the software center could just be doing something odd, but it's better to leave behind software that doesn't respect you [16:54] <dust> Islam, also and is in the repo [16:56] <Islam> dust: I need to install counter strike source is there an easy way to do it? [16:56] <SchrodingersScat> Islam: that's steam native now [16:57] <Islam> SchrodingersScat: ok what should I do then? [16:57] <dust> Islam, with the steam client which is in the repo... that way u get cs:source in native linux version installed [16:57] <Guest20446> Hi! [16:57] <SchrodingersScat> !info steam | Islam, sudo apt-get install steam #steam may want to update after this, or you can also get the .deb from steampowered. [16:58] <Islam> dust: OMG thank you so much, I'm going to do that now ! [16:58] <Islam> dust: I'll try downloading it from the website first [16:58] <Islam> dust: I guess this should work then [16:59] <dust> Islam, well better try software center or synaptics and install steam from there [16:59] <acz32> Islam: i would prefer ubuntu repos over website downloads [16:59] <acz32> you will get updates through your package manager that way [16:59] <OerHeks> * enable 3th party Canonical partner repo first [16:59] <dust> the reason is because then u get sure automatic updates from the repo [17:00] <Islam> dust: thanx alot for your help I do appreciate it [17:00] <uugeepilvi> I just got new pc and I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04.2 on it from live-usb. Usb boots as it should, window where you can choose to install Ubuntu or try it without installation opens but after I choose “Install Ubuntu” nothing happens except screen goes blank. Any suggestions what to do? [17:00] <dust> urw :) [17:00] <Islam> acz32: thanx alot for your help I do appreciate it [17:01] <TheNumb> uugeepilvi: how new is it? [17:01] <Islam> SchrodingersScat: thanx alot for your help I do appreciate it [17:01] <SchrodingersScat> Islam: yep, have fun [17:01] <TheNumb> uugeepilvi: also, try selecting "try without installing" [17:01] <uugeepilvi> same thing happens [17:01] <EriC^^> !nomodeset | uugeepilvi [17:01] <TheNumb> uugeepilvi: try ubuntu 14.10 [17:02] <uugeepilvi> Motherboard is Z97X-Gaming 3, if this matters? [17:02] <daftykins> uugeepilvi: not even vaguely :) [17:16] <ksnya> quit [17:17] <alu> ey [17:18] <alu_> hi, me no gud england [17:20] <TheNumb> !ubuntu-es | alu__ [17:20] <TheNumb> hmm [17:22] <alu__> iiiiiii [17:22] <alu_> fffff [17:22] <alu_> aa [17:22] <uugeepilvi> Ubottu: stupid question: where I have to write this !nomodeset parameter? There is no menu which can be opened by pressing f6 (as article you linkd says). [17:22] <alu__> sadadasdasdas [17:22] <alu> adasdasdasd [17:22] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: hold shift while the pc boots and you should get a menu [17:23] <alu_> alu wins [17:23] <OerHeks> alu_, alu__ hi, do you have an ubuntu support question ? [17:23] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: you might need to press e over the menu entry and add it to the line that says linux vmlinuz.... at the end of it [17:23] <alu> yes [17:24] <alu> y have a question [17:24] <alu_> lorino out [17:24] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: then press ctrl+x [17:24] <uugeepilvi> ok, I will try that [17:24] <alu> how create a channel private? [17:24] <alu__> hola [17:25] <OerHeks> alu better ask in #freenode [17:25] <yeroyestark> hola [17:26] <yeroyestark> hola [17:26] <OerHeks> hi yeroyestark [17:27] <yeroyestark> ;) [17:27] <Runda> Hello everyone [17:27] <yeroyestark> aprendiendo a manejar ubuntu que tal tu [17:28] <OerHeks> !es | yeroyestark [17:28] <uugeepilvi> Eric^^: It didn't work.. [17:29] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: what do you mean? [17:30] <uugeepilvi> Opened that "menu" by pressing e and then added !nomodeset to the end of the line which starts with words linux vmlinuz [17:30] <OerHeks> nomodeset, no !nomodeset :-) [17:31] <OerHeks> that !nomodeset opens the factoid from ubottu [17:31] <uugeepilvi> ohh ok :D [17:31] <OerHeks> !ubottu [17:33] <uugeepilvi> It worked! [17:33] <uugeepilvi> ty for help [17:34] <Runda> join ##crypto [17:35] <OerHeks> uugeepilvi, have fun. now check if there is a videodriver available, in the additional driver menu [17:35] <uugeepilvi> will do [17:36] <raimex> hello all, I have an OS on a 26gb disk, of which 11gb is used. but disk utility shows that only 6gb is free. and in home folder it is shown even less, under 5gb. how could this be? [17:36] <EriC^^> raimex: type df -h and paste it in [17:38] <pc-moon__> hello , i have my pc is hp pavilion 500 series have intel hd 4000 graphics drive how can i make it multi display like in windows , thank you [17:38] <raimex> EriC^^ it is here: [17:40] <sjmikem> When using Logtiech wireless keyboard, I sporadically get a bunch of escape chars or 1's output. Seems to only happen in Terminal. Any ideas on what is causing that? [17:40] <EriC^^> raimex: type du -shx /* 2> /dev/null and paste it please [17:42] <gizmo> anyone using virtualbox? [17:42] <phoenixz> Has support for ubunut 13.04 been discontinued? I wanted to install a package but all sources give me a 404 for some reason.... [17:42] <Guest55608> i am using [17:42] <EriC^^> phoenixz: yes [17:43] <gizmo> how do you make it fullscreen [17:43] <EriC^^> right ctrl+f [17:43] <gizmo> on osx [17:45] <OerHeks> gizmo, guest additions, read the osx manual of virtualbox [17:45] <gizmo> wheres that to Oerheks? [17:46] <OerHeks> gizmo, dunno, not on the ubuntu wiki. [17:46] <Runda> anyone have any tips or advice for an ubuntu MATE noob? [17:46] <gizmo> ok ta [17:46] <OerHeks> gizmo, [17:47] <gizmo> Oerheks: cheers [17:50] <phoenixz> EriC^^: Argh.. So what are my options from this point on? [17:51] <EriC^^> you could upgrade to 14.04 if you want, that would be the best [17:52] <EriC^^> phoenixz: you could still use the old repository, but it's not recommended and you wouldn't have fixes and stuff [17:58] <raimex> EriC^^ sorry it took a is the output: [18:01] <EriC^^> raimex: ok, most of the space is in /home (12g) [18:02] <EriC^^> raimex: type du /home | sort -n [18:05] <wrouesnel1> is there an accepted way to build a derivative package that only differs by the .debian files? [18:05] <wrouesnel1> but might have a different name to the original [18:06] <raimex> EriC^^ it poured out tons of file locations in my folders [18:07] <neldogz> Is booting off the live CD a good indicator of how well hardware would work under a distribution? For example, I have an older system and tried both Ubuntu and Xubunu but the touchpad stutters and sometimes looses tracking. If it doesn't work well off the live CD can I assume it won't work if its installed to disk? [18:07] <genii> neldogz: That's pretty much the idea, yes. [18:07] <neldogz> genii, thank you! [18:08] <EriC^^> raimex: ok, they should be sorted by size [18:08] <genii> neldogz: You can try to find the issue is when running the lived, and if a solution is possible, then install to system and apply the solution there after. [18:10] <dampil> всем хой! [18:10] <genii> !ru | dampil [18:10] <raimex> EriC^^ how am I going to get an answer from them? [18:11] <EriC^^> raimex: if you see any file that's huge and you dont need etc. [18:11] <oralho> hii [18:11] <ifancho> hi guys [18:12] <ifancho> i need some help [18:12] <oralho> i am new at linuz [18:12] <oralho> linux [18:12] <oralho> is possibel any program to crack wifi networks? [18:12] <pbx> ifancho, dive right in and ask your question, with lots of detail and context [18:12] <ifancho> :) [18:12] <pbx> oralho, no such thing exists sorry [18:13] <oralho> ok [18:13] <oralho> thanks [18:13] <raimex> EriC^^ the problem is not that I'd like to delete big files. I see different amounts of free space displayed at different parts of the system. [18:13] <oralho> just because a friend told me, i was just to confirme [18:14] <EriC^^> raimex: that could be due to disk usage vs file size [18:14] <EriC^^> oralho: you can crack anything [18:14] <oralho> really? yes but how [18:14] <ifancho> ok. so i was updating my ubunto i left the pc. when i comeback the pc was of. i tried to boot and i got "udevadm trigger is not permited .... " [18:15] <oralho> is possible to update to ubuntu with lubuntu? [18:15] <EriC^^> oralho: not the scope of this channel, and not cool [18:15] <raimex> EriC^^ yes, nautilus says 11gb used, ~5gb free (and I have a 26gb disk, as I mentioned) disk utility says 6gb of 26gb free [18:15] <OerHeks> lubuntu=ubuntu [18:15] <ifancho> i`m on live usb now i got some solution but i have dual boot and i was thinking if i do it not to mess up the dual boot [18:16] <raimex> the nautilus data is for my home folder. I wonder why the two differ. [18:16] <neldogz> genii, thanks again! [18:16] <raimex> when the difference is like 10gb [18:16] <mikael_> oralho by a wifi usb card [18:16] <genii> neldogz: You're welcome [18:17] <EriC^^> raimex: do you have lots of small files? [18:17] <oralho> so i can install no pen than upgrade? [18:17] <oralho> on pen [18:18] <neldogz> oralho, you can simply install lxde desktop environment [18:19] <oralho> so i can use unetbootin to make the iso file on the pen [18:19] <raimex> EriC^^ no, on the contrary, there are a handful [18:19] <neldogz> oralho, [18:20] <Killfaster> hola [18:20] <Killfaster> alguien que quieera ahablar [18:20] <ifugotgrubproble> hello, i got some issues with grub i need quick help with, anyone can help? [18:20] <raimex> EriC^^ I wonder if I might have downloaded things I havent seen while downloading some files. is it a possibility in this case? [18:21] <ifugotgrubproble> pretty much i have ubuntu on a partition alongside windos 7, i can boot into windows 7 if i use gparted off the live cd to set the boot flag to the system partition, but it won't show grub at all or the possibility of going into the ubuntu installation [18:22] <hawa> i have a query... if i was to write a script to put in /usr/bin and that script stores its temporary variable in another file, where should i put another file, the one that stores the variable value? [18:22] <ifugotgrubproble> if i don't set a boot flag, it won't boot at all [18:22] <ifugotgrubproble> into either system [18:22] <neldogz> hawa, /tmp [18:22] <ifugotgrubproble> i tried setting the boot flag on both the extended partition housing the linux system and the root logical partition but neither works [18:22] <ifugotgrubproble> i tried loading without a boot flag hoping grub would take over [18:23] <ifugotgrubproble> anyone got any suggestions? [18:23] <vagrant_> exit [18:23] <ifugotgrubproble> or a suggestion as to what channel i should ask in? [18:24] <oralho> is possible to explain how ca i install to ubuntu? [18:24] <uugeepilvi> Eric^^ I installed ubuntu but now after restart it wont work, only purple screen appears. I tried to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS as said here: but didnt work. [18:25] <raimex> EriC^^ in other words, could it be any sort of malware that inflates used disk space? [18:25] <neldogz> oralho, please check the page i sent you [18:25] <hawa> neldogz, thanks... [18:25] <neldogz> oralho, [18:25] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: try getting a tty with ctrl+alt+f1 [18:25] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: did you try booting with nomodeset? [18:26] <uugeepilvi> I tried yes [18:26] <EriC^^> raimex: no idea, check the du list for anything that's taking space up [18:27] <neldogz> uugeepilvi, did you install anything else besides Ubuntu? For example Nvidia drivers after the installation? [18:27] <uugeepilvi> There were no drives to install [18:28] <neldogz> uugeepilvi, it gets stuck always at the purple screen?  EriC^^ the problem is not that I'd like to delete big files. I see different amounts of free space displayed at different parts of the system. [18:29] <uugeepilvi> After I wrote nomodeset and boot it gets stuck on screen where reads following: "Booting a command list, Loading Linux 3.16.0-34-generic..., Loading initial ramdisk... [18:30] <EriC^^> raimex: type du -s /home && du -sb /home [18:31] <EriC^^> i doubt the difference is that big though [18:33] <raimex> EriC^^ this one: [18:34] <mjollnerd1> If I have a /dev/md10 instead of something like /dev/sda does that mean that the hard drive is a SSD/ [18:34] <mjollnerd1> ?* [18:34] <EriC^^> raimex: ok so you're saying if you right click properties in nautilus it says free space something different than what df says? [18:34] <faust> mjollnerd1: /dev/md* is for raid [18:35] <mjollnerd1> so it's raid 10? [18:35] <uugeepilvi> neldogz, any ideas? [18:35] <faust> mjollnerd1: it could be anything: cat /proc/mdstat [18:36] <raimex> yes, I right click on home folder tab, and get 11gb used, ~5gb free. when I select the matching disk partition in disk utility, it shows 6gb of 26gb free. and the partition is 26gb. [18:38] <faust> raimex: how did you formatted that partition? [18:39] <raimex> EriC^^ I right clicked on the computer tab now, and it shows almost the same as the partition; ~20gb used, ~5gb free. and total capacity also ~26gb. not exactly the same, but close by 1gb [18:39] <raimex> the free space, I mean [18:40] <OerHeks> raimex, if it could show the exact sizes in bytes, you would see. [18:41] <Yatekii> hi! anyone using ubuntu on a mac? I just installed an ubuntu un my mac and it worked like a charm, no troubles and now my efi doesn't recognize it at boot :S any ideas? [18:41] <OerHeks> raimex try "df -B1 " [18:41] <raimex> OerHeks, ok, the 'computer' folder and partition show close values. but why would home folder and computer folder have 10gb difference in used space? [18:42] <raimex> the programs? [18:44] <raimex> OerHeks, I see 1gb space used by 'tmpfs'..I guess temporary files? [18:44] <EriC^^> raimex: du /home | sort -n should show you the files and sizes [18:44] <EriC^^> check the last 10 to see if it makes sense [18:44] <OerHeks> raimex, the computer folder contains a lot, /boot/ and /var/log/ and such [18:45] <ifancho> OerHeks , can you help me [18:45] <raimex> OerHeks, ok [18:47] <oralho> neldogz says to install by terminal [18:47] <OerHeks> ifancho, just ask your question, if someone knows the anser he/she will respond [18:47] <OerHeks> *answer [18:47] <ifancho> i did nobody answer [18:48] <ifancho> i was updating my ubunto i left the pc. when i comeback the pc was of. i tried to boot and i got "udevadm trigger is not permited .... " [18:48] <ifancho> i`m on live usb now i got some solution but i have dual boot and i was thinking if i do it not to mess up the dual boot [18:48] <OerHeks> !recovery [18:48] <OerHeks> hold shift @ boot etc [18:48] <ifancho> cant load id [18:49] <ifancho> dont know why [18:49] <raimex> EriC^^ the last ten are all home folder files..but it seems at least clear that computer folder is the one to refer to when checking total used/free space. and it is about close to the one that the partition it should be ok.. [18:50] <oralho> to creat a usb image on a pen is better unetbootin? or anothers better? [18:50] <ifancho> i`m booting , can chose recovery but its not loading [18:50] <ifancho> i can boot in windows too [18:52] <EriC^^> raimex: ok, great [18:53] <raimex> EriC^^ thank you for your help! [18:54] <raimex> OerHeks, thank you! [18:54] <EriC^^> raimex: no problem [18:55] <darko> hi to all [18:56] <OerHeks> ifancho, not loading .. you should get the commandprompt [18:56] <darko> can someone tell me how to remove unused ppa from the system. I dont know what ppa I use but uninstaled programs and I want to clean the system [18:56] <OerHeks> !ppapurge [18:57] <genii> !ppapurge [18:57] * genii slides OerHeks helper snacks [18:57] <EriC^^> !ppa-purge [18:57] * OerHeks shares with EriC^^ [18:57] <darko> but I have programs like latest inkscape and dont want to delete ppa for it [18:57] <EriC^^> :D [18:58] <tgm4883> darko: read the page [18:58] <OerHeks> darko, then go into softwarecenter > edit > sources, and disable it there [18:58] <genii> darko: You use the ppa pruging command with repository name of the ppa you want gone. the ones you want to leave, don't run the ppa purge on those [18:58] <OerHeks> but that could be a start of an issue in the future. [18:59] <Thelks> i'm going to install there ubuntu [18:59] <Thelks> :D [18:59] <darko> ok. Thank you very much [19:00] <pazuzu> hello [19:00] <Thelks> hi guys! [19:00] <Thelks> :D [19:00] <pazuzu> tud vki magyarul? [19:01] <pazuzu> oke [19:01] <pazuzu> andrex [19:02] <OerHeks> Thelks, please don't spam, thanks. This is ubuntu support only [19:03] <chris_> chris [19:03] <pazuzu> tud vki magyarul? [19:05] <Thelks> ok OerHeks, sorry [19:05] <pazuzu> tud vki magyarul? [19:05] <pazuzu> tud vki magyarul? [19:05] <pazuzu> tud vki magyarul? [19:05] <tirengarfio> I want to run everyday "gimp" at 21 hours, so I have created a file here "/etc/cron.daily" with this line inside: "02 21 * * * /usr/bin/gimp", but gimp is not launched at 21 hours.. [19:06] <OerHeks> pazuzu, likely not. [19:06] <tirengarfio> the can be executed (+x) [19:06] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: use crontab -e , and use DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/gimp [19:06] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, what is crontab -e ? [19:06] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: it's your user's crontab [19:07] <OerHeks> crontab -edit [19:07] <uugeepilvi> Eric^^ I found this At the start he says "in terminal write..." Where can I open terminal if I cant get back to desktop after installation restart? [19:08] <pazuzu> stie cineva romaneste? [19:08] <faLUCE> hello, is it possible to pipe the skype voice output to some speech recognizer for linux? [19:08] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: press ctrl+alt+f1 [19:09] <EriC^^> !romania | pazuzu [19:09] <faLUCE> hello, is it possible to pipe the skype voice output to some speech recognizer for linux? [19:09] <uugeepilvi> Nothing happens [19:09] <ebonics> faLUCE, anything is possible if you put your mind to it! [19:09] <pazuzu> ms [19:10] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: did yuo try booting with nomodeset? [19:10] <EriC^^> *you [19:10] <faLUCE> ebonics: I'm searching for a how-to [19:10] <ebonics> faLUCE, [19:11] <raimex> just one more question...what is the differencew [19:11] <raimex> sorry [19:11] <raimex> what is the difference of selecting primary or logical when creating a partition? [19:11] <faust> faLUCE: :D [19:11] <uugeepilvi> Yes I did and after I boot it gets stuck on screen where reads: Booting command list, Loading linux 3.16.0-34-generic..., Loading initial ramdisk... [19:11] <faLUCE> ebonics: ? [19:12] <EriC^^> raimex: you can't have more than 4 primary partitions with msdos partition tables, so you can use an extended partition and create way more logical partitions, they're basically the same thing [19:12] <ebonics> faLUCE, your problem is pretty obscure. i doubt you're going to find [19:12] <faust> raimex: for linux it doesn't matter, but windows won't start if it is not on a primary partition [19:12] <ebonics> faLUCE, you will probably need to create your own system with available tools for this [19:13] <raimex> EriC^^ thank you. dr. faust, thank you, too! :) [19:13] <raimex> so it doesnt matter which one to select? [19:13] <faLUCE> ebonics: I see [19:14] <uugeepilvi> When I start pc and keep pressing shift grub menu (or whatever it is) appears. Should I press ctrl + alt + f1 there to get terminal open? [19:14] <uugeepilvi> It didnt work [19:15] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: no, try booting with nomodeset, if it doesn't work and you can't get a terminal too, then you can boot the live usb again with nomodeset and you can chroot into your installation and install graphics drivers [19:15] <raimex> I just noticed that I dont have the option to create extended partition during ubuntu install [19:15] <raimex> there is either primary or logicla [19:15] <raimex> logical* [19:15] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, after "crontab -e" and editor is opened, but when I try to save the file I get "/etc/cron.daily/first_crontab E212: Can't open file for writing" [19:15] <tirengarfio> Im trying to save the crontab at /etc/cron.daily [19:15] <tirengarfio> is that correct? [19:16] <EriC^^> raimex: same thing, extended is just the initial partition that gets divided into logical ones [19:16] <uugeepilvi> Eric^^, what chroot means? >.> [19:16] <faust> raimex: logical partitions resides inside an extended partition that take the slot of one primary partition [19:17] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: no you shouldn't be saving to there [19:17] <kys_freenode> Hi, I am using xfce and when pluggin in my external harddrive it is mounted without any rights (drwx------). How can I change this? [19:17] <kys_freenode> I think thunar is responsible for mounting [19:17] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: type crontab -e , and edit that file then save [19:17] <EriC^^> !chroot | uugeepilvi [19:17] <kys_freenode> and its a ntfs partition [19:17] <faLUCE> well, let's divide the problem. is there any good speech recognizer for linux? I can use google's recoginzer too, but I would need a gui [19:17] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, so where exactly? by default it seems it is saved at "crontab.CIigMF/crontab" [19:18] <tirengarfio> but what path is that exactly? [19:18] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: it's in /var/spool/something... [19:18] <raimex> ah, I see..thank you again! :) [19:21] <tirengarfio> So my steps are: 1. crontab -e 2. add this line 00 21 * * * /usr/bin/gimp but gimp is not launched.. [19:21] <tirengarfio> 3. save (:w at vim) [19:21] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/gimp [19:21] <zerowaitstate> faLUCE: Sphinx, HTK, and Kaldi are a few [19:22] <faLUCE> zerowaitstate: thanks [19:22] <genii> tirengarfio: cronjobs which are GUI need to be told where to display the program [19:24] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, it is not launched yet..:( here it is my file: [19:25] <tirengarfio> it says it is saved at "/tmp/crontab.7GIP4i/crontab", when I save it (:w) [19:25] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: did you add it to the crontab of the user you're logged on to? [19:26] <EriC^^> i just tried it, it works here *shrug* [19:26] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, I just run "crontab -e" and write it and save it, what else should I check? [19:26] <EriC^^> type id [19:27] <EriC^^> before typing crontab -e [19:27] <tirengarfio> uid=1000(tirengarfio) gid=1000(tirengarfio) groups=1000(tirengarfio),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare) [19:27] <EriC^^> ok, type crontab -l [19:27] <tirengarfio> tirenarfio is my user [19:28] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, this is the output: [19:29] <EriC^^> ok type echo $DISPLAY [19:29] <uugeepilvi> Eric^^ what kind of chroot should I do and how? Im too newbie for this >.< [19:29] <tirengarfio> it outputs :0 [19:30] <EriC^^> type tail /var/log/syslog [19:30] <EriC^^> does it say CRON DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/gimp ? [19:30] <tirengarfio> no [19:31] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: type crontab -e and add * * * * * DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/gimp [19:31] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, don't worry about it, it is working for a non display command [19:31] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: type grep "DISPLAY.*gimp" /var/log/syslog [19:31] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 [19:32] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, nothing is outputted [19:32] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: it should mention it in syslog if it runs [19:32] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: ok, so it's not running [19:32] <xangua> !15.04 | chrisfromgreece [19:32] <chrisfromgreece> help !! No sound on ubuntu 15.04 only virtual output !!! help i want to keep this installation if possible [19:32] <x41> hello people [19:32] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, don't worry really, than you very much!! [19:32] <EriC^^> ? [19:34] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: did it work? [19:34] <faLUCE> zerowaitstate: I can't find a GUI speech recognizer with a proper deb packagte.+ [19:34] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: follow the guide from step 6 [19:34] <faLUCE> zerowaitstate: sphinx needs an installation [19:35] <EriC^^> uugeepilvi: sudo chroot /mnt will make the chroot.. then type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA and paste in [19:37] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, no, it is not working, even with a nont graphical application, actually my command is /usr/bin/mytravel. Here it is the cron file: Actually it has worked the first time, but not anymore.. [19:38] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: is it in syslog? [19:38] <tirengarfio> no [19:38] <tirengarfio> [19:39] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: that's odd [19:43] <tirengarfio> wait, it seems the time at my taskbar is not the same of the system.. [19:43] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: try * * * * * it's way easier to troubleshoot stuff [19:44] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: it'll run every minute [19:44] <faLUCE> hello, is there any GUI based speech recognizer for ubuntu available on deb packages? [19:46] <tirengarfio> EriC^^, it is working now, the problem was the time at my taskbar [19:46] <tirengarfio> it is not showing the time of the system exactly [19:47] <sheap> what is going on during "select and install software" on install? (retrieving file 5 of 32) [19:47] <azizLIGHT> is there a way to query what is playing sound wise? [19:47] <EriC^^> sheap: press the arrow in the installer and it'll open a terminal below [19:48] <EriC^^> sheap: i think it's updating the packages cache, or installing stuff if you chose to update during the installation [19:48] <sheap> EriC^^: which arrow? it's a preseed but it's stuck retrieving files [19:49] <krunkpirate> anybody have any insight why ubuntu-latest (e.g.) has stopped defaulting to using tmpfs for /tmp? [19:49] <EriC^^> sheap: arrow to the left, anywhere really i think at the bottom area [19:51] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: i see [19:51] <EriC^^> tirengarfio: try right clicking on it and selecting to get the time from the internet i guess [19:52] <Peanut> Hi, is systemd enabled on Ubuntu 14.10? I seem to have a 'systemd' package installed, but systemctl can't seem to connect to dbus. Is it only a shim version? [19:52] <ianorlin> Peanut: no it is not installed as init for 14.10 [19:54] <acz32> is it possible to install a DE without bundled software like its file manager, etc [19:54] <Peanut> ianorlin: ok, thanks. [19:54] <k2gremlin> if I have an isc-dhcp server running with a pool of .100-.200, can I still use DHCP to statically assign a device with an IP outside of the DHCP pool range. [19:58] <OerHeks> acz32, --without-recommends , but a filemanager would be part of it i guess. [20:00] <OerHeks> k2gremlin, sometimes yes, depends on the router. [20:00] <zerowaitstate> ianorlin: systemd will become an option most likely in 15.04 [20:01] <zerowaitstate> [20:02] <Crimlo> HI all [20:03] * ianorlin knows zerowaitstate [20:04] <zerowaitstate> sorry, wrong dest. I meant to send to Peanut [20:05] * zerowaitstate looks at the clock and notices that beer-thirty is approaching [20:05] <Pici> 70 [20:05] <wldcordeiro> Is notify-osd any use to Kubuntu or is it an Ubuntu package? [20:05] <darko> hi everyone [20:06] <Peanut> It's ok, I did see it, zerowaitstate [20:06] <jayjo> How can I inspect my cronjobs? [20:06] <wldcordeiro> I've been having problems with it and want to know if it's okay to remove. [20:06] <EriC^^> jayjo: crontab -l for your user ones [20:06] <zerowaitstate> jayjo: crontab -l [20:06] <Peanut> Just got some curious systemd login errors, despite not running systemd. [20:06] <jayjo> I put one in under crontab -e but I don't think it's executing [20:06] <EriC^^> jayjo: less /var/log/syslog [20:06] <darko> can someone tell me how to open opt folder with root privileges? [20:07] <EriC^^> jayjo: press G and they should show up at the bottom [20:07] <zerowaitstate> jayjo: check /var/log/syslog; cron should notify in syslog when a job runs [20:07] <phelix> Would anyone know why this doesn't run when in cron? But if i copy and paste this it works?? [20:07] <phelix> "/usr/bin/mysqldump -uUSER -pTHEPASS --opt motdmedia | gzip -c > /var/www/backups/databases/motdmedia/motdmedia.$(date +%m-%d-%Y).sql.gz >/dev/null 2>&1" [20:07] <phelix> without the "" [20:08] <zerowaitstate> phelix: you have two output redirects [20:08] <zerowaitstate> phelix: for stdout [20:09] <phelix> well i tried without the >/dev/null and it doesn't work in cron either. [20:09] <zerowaitstate> instead of >/dev/null 2>&1, do 2>/dev/null [20:09] <phelix> k let me try that thanks [20:12] <phelix> zerobyte: /usr/bin/mysqldump -uUSER -pPASS --opt motdmedia | gzip -c > /var/www/backups/databases/motdmedia/motdmedia.$(date +%m-%d-%Y).sql.gz 2>/dev/null [20:13] <phelix> this one doesn't seem to be working either. I can see in syslog that its running. but the file is not created [20:13] <zerowaitstate> my guess is the bash date expansion isn't working. usually when i do this i put the command in a bash script and tell cron to execute the script, rather than trying to do it inline [20:13] <bekks> phelix: Does "/usr/bin/mysqldump -uUSER -pPASS --opt motdmedia" work as expected? [20:13] <phelix> ahh hmm [20:14] <zerobyte> :o [20:14] <phelix> bekks yeah even with the dats if I run the command from the terminal it creates the output with dates just fine [20:14] <phelix> just not in cron [20:15] <bekks> Try using full paths, like /usr/bin/gzip instead of gzip. [20:15] <zerowaitstate> bekks: good eye [20:15] <phelix> k [20:15] <zerowaitstate> phelix: yeah, cron does not pick up your environment; you have to specify a lot of stuff [20:16] <Frumpzula> When doing a mysqldump from the command line, can you include ftp instructions for off server transfer? Dont find much on google for this question. [20:16] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: no, but if you are scripting it you can send the output via curl [20:16] <Frumpzula> Ah! [20:16] <Frumpzula> Thank you [20:17] <Frumpzula> Zerowaitstate - Do you know why data function works when doing a mysqldump via command line, but when I add to crontab, it does not? [20:17] <Frumpzula> date [20:17] <Frumpzula> I mean [20:17] <Frumpzula> not data [20:18] <rethem> hellow [20:18] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: you may need to specify the shell to be used in your crontab [20:19] <zerowaitstate> i.e., SHELL=/bin/bash [20:19] <zerowaitstate> man 5 crontab for details [20:19] <phelix> "/usr/bin/mysqldump -uUSER -pPASS --opt motdmedia | /bin/gzip -c > /var/www/backups/databases/motdmedia/motdmedia.$(date +%m-%d-%Y).sql.gz 2>/dev/null" does not work either. [20:19] <Frumpzula> Thank you, I will explore that now [20:19] <zerowaitstate> /bin/sh isn't bash on ubuntu [20:19] <Frumpzula> IM using ubuntu 12.04 [20:20] <bekks> Frumpzula: You can script that. [20:20] <zerowaitstate> bekks: yeah, I recommended that [20:20] <k2gremlin> OerHeks, the DHCP server is the Ubuntu server. I want a device to be statically assigned. However, the device does not have a static setting. I don't want it to be part of the pool of .100 to .200. I want it to have say .90 using the host config in the dhcps.conf file. [20:21] <Frumpzula> Where in this syntax would I add the shell specifiaction? 15 2 * * * root mysqldump -h -u user -pPassword intravet sites | gzip > /mnt/disk2/database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y'`.sql.gz [20:21] <zerowaitstate> you add it on a different line, usually near the top of the crontab file [20:21] <phelix> hah me and Frumpzula seem to be working on the same problem [20:22] <zerowaitstate> run the man page from crontab(5) [20:22] <Frumpzula> Funny stuff phelix... When I do the dump without the date in a cron, it works fine.. Also, from command line, the date function works like a charm also [20:22] <Frumpzula> Just not in the cron [20:22] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: that's because cron does not use bash by default [20:22] <Frumpzula> ok [20:22] <Frumpzula> Thats my answer I think [20:22] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: for evaluating the command [20:22] <Frumpzula> Really appricate it zero [20:23] <Frumpzula> I love this place! [20:24] <kibMaf> Hello guys, i got this issue on my ubuntu 14.04 box. Software center is not available for unknown reason. How do I restore it? [20:24] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: what you guys are asking for is done by nearly every dba there is [20:24] <phelix> Frumpzula: Yes exact same problem here [20:24] <zerowaitstate> so, I've done a couple of scripts like that :) [20:24] <Frumpzula> I now understand.. Makes total sense. [20:25] <phelix> is it possible to have cron run as basj instead of sh ? [20:25] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: I typically create an whole script file for the backup job; that way if some part fails I can add logic to email or notify me of a problem [20:25] <Frumpzula> How do you best eludicate the correct path for that? [20:25] <zerowaitstate> the correct path for bash? [20:25] <Frumpzula> I was thinking of going down that road Zero [20:25] <Frumpzula> yes [20:25] <ihio> hello all, how can I wipe a file via command line? I mean completely erase [20:25] <zerowaitstate> which bash [20:26] <zerowaitstate> type "which bash" from command line [20:26] <Frumpzula> idio, I use rm [20:26] <zerowaitstate> Fuchs: rm unlinks only; it does not do "secure erase" [20:26] <kibMaf> Has anybuddy heard me guys? [20:26] <Frumpzula> Got it zero.. Thank you! [20:26] <kibMaf> I got this issue on my ubuntu 14.04 box. Software center is not available for unknown reason. How do I restore it? [20:26] <ihio> which one would be secure erase? [20:26] <Fuchs> wat? [20:27] <Frumpzula> you can shred it? [20:27] <Frumpzula> shred -vzn 3 /path/file [20:27] <Frumpzula> I think [20:28] <ihio> thank you Frumpzula [20:28] <zerowaitstate> that's the easiest way for a particular file. alternatively there are tools to zero out unallocated file blocks [20:28] <ihio> what is 3 there? [20:29] <Frumpzula> SHELL=/bin/sh [20:29] <Frumpzula> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin [20:29] <zerowaitstate> ihio: how many times to overwrite the data with junk [20:29] <Frumpzula> Last question Zero - The command: which bash displays /bin/bash - My cron tab says [20:29] <Frumpzula> SHELL=/bin/sh [20:29] <Frumpzula> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin [20:29] <Frumpzula> will changing whats there have any negitive effecgts? [20:29] <Frumpzula> or can I just add a path [20:30] <ihio> I applied it, but the file is still there [20:30] <Frumpzula> secure wipe tries to erase all sectors with junk so its gone for good [20:30] <zerowaitstate> Frumpzula: always specify the full qualified path to your shell; never rely on PATH environment to find it [20:30] <jayjo> I can see where my cron jobs are running - is there a way to see the errors the job throws? [20:30] <ihio> even though the runs are shown in terminal, the file is there [20:30] <Frumpzula> so all I need is Shell=/bin/bash ? [20:31] <Frumpzula> leave path alone? [20:31] <zerowaitstate> ihio: add the -u option to delete it after overwrite [20:31] <ihio> oh no sorry, the file is there, but, yeah, filled with junk [20:31] <Frumpzula> you have to add delete command [20:31] <Frumpzula> nm, zero got ya [20:31] <ihio> -u option to the end= [20:31] <ihio> ? [20:31] <Frumpzula> doesnt have to be at end [20:31] <Frumpzula> as far as I know [20:32] <ihio> oh yes [20:32] <ihio> it did [20:32] <dhcp_help> Hello all, I have a isc-dhcp-server question (ubuntu 12lts) question. [20:32] <ihio> thank you all for your assistance! :) [20:32] <zerowaitstate> ihio: be aware that this will not necessarily securely erase from flash media that supports TRIM [20:33] <zerowaitstate> ihio: due to the fact that TRIM redirects writes to fresh disk sectors [20:33] <ihio> zerowaitstate, which one would be secure erase for flash media (like usb) ? nautilus wipe tool? [20:34] <zerowaitstate> ihio: in that case you are better off zeroing unallocated blocks with something like zerofree [20:35] <zerowaitstate> ihio: but the attacker has to be very savvy to get at the data on a flash trim volume [20:35] <zerowaitstate> ihio: whereas just accessing unlinked files is easy [20:37] <dhcp_help> is isc-dhcp-server the correct install for server 12? dhcp3 is the older server right? [20:37] <Guest28088> hy !! i have a problem with my keyboard !! when i'm in a root terminal some keys do not work !! can you help me ? [20:37] <ihio> zerowaitstate, trim relates to ssd only, right? [20:38] <woodsbw> Anyone have issues using GSSAPI/Kerbros auth for SSH via PBIS? I have identical configs on two boxes, and one correctly allows the ticket to be passed, and one doesn't. I found that, when I run sshd on the server with "/usr/sbin/sshd -Dddd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config", the authentication fails with "Wrong principal in request." [20:41] <zerowaitstate> ihio: correct, or possible usb flash media [20:42] <ihio> zerowaitstate, so usb sticks are also trim volumes? [20:42] <zerowaitstate> ihio: I _think_ they can be, but not 100% sure. [20:43] <zerowaitstate> ihio: the purpose of TRIM is dealing with low write cycle endurance for early models of flash memory [20:44] <zerowaitstate> ihio: recent flash drives have higher number of write cycles before failure, so it is gradually becoming less of a problem [20:44] <ihio> zerowaitstate, so it is more likely to be relevant for early models like usb 1.0 and maybe 2.0 ? [20:44] <ihio> relevant or existent [20:45] <zerowaitstate> ihio: some models don't support TRIM at all. They just fail when you hit the write cycle limit [20:46] <zerowaitstate> ihio: google it if you want the gory details [20:46] <zerowaitstate> ihio: buckshot is the best secure delete [20:46] <ihio> zerowaitstate, how about wipe or dd? [20:48] <nogoodnamesleft> ihio, What are you trying to do? `shred` will securely erase a volume [20:49] <ihio> nogoodnamesleft, I was more referring to files [20:50] <zerowaitstate> ihio: if you're doing stuff that is super-double-top-secret-probation, then you need to use encrypted file systems like LUKS instead of trying to monkey with secure delete [20:50] <nogoodnamesleft> ihio, shred does that as well: `man shred`. [20:50] <nogoodnamesleft> ihio, He's right, too. You want an encrypted disk as well. [20:51] <faLUCE> hello, is there any GOOD speech-to-text application for ubuntu? I tried lot of messed/outdated/hard-to-install programs... can you suggest me a good one? I don't need to activate programs with vocal commands, I just need to write a dictation... something like google voice recognizer [20:52] <zerowaitstate> doing good speech-to-text is hard, so most of that is going to be proprietary [20:52] <faLUCE> zerowaitstate: also a proprietary program is good for me, but it has to run on linux [20:52] <ihio> sure. thank you, just wanted to know which would be the best in case of a secure file deletion [20:52] <ihio> thank you so much for your detailed help! [20:53] <nogoodnamesleft> ihio, Shred will nuke it for sure, you can even do 7 pass overwrites. [20:53] <zerowaitstate> nogoodnamesleft: I merely mentioned that shred and its kin do not work in log-structured filesystems or where the firmware is doing the same [20:54] <decwrl> I [20:54] <nogoodnamesleft> zerowaitstate, Yes you are correct there. I use it for disks. [20:54] <ihio> yes, we talked about flash media.. [20:55] <decwrl> I'm trying to install packages from an unsigned repo via preseed. Does anyone know of the preseed d-i command needed to implement the "--force-yes" option for apt-get install? [20:55] <zerowaitstate> which is why I recommend if you are fairly paranoid about it to not store sensitive data unencrypted in the first place [20:55] <zerowaitstate> if the volume is encrypted then it's less important to securely wipe [20:55] <nogoodnamesleft> To be honest i think physical disk destruction is the best way [20:55] <zerowaitstate> nogoodnamesleft: I also mentioned buckshot [20:56] <zerowaitstate> nogoodnamesleft: but I didn't think anyone got it [20:56] <nogoodnamesleft> zerowaitstate, What is buckshot? [20:56] <zerowaitstate> 12 gauge [20:56] <nogoodnamesleft> ? [20:56] <zerowaitstate> ammunition for a shotgun? [20:56] <nogoodnamesleft> oh guns [20:56] <nogoodnamesleft> Yea well. None of those here I don't think. :-) [20:56] <zerowaitstate> see, you don't get it either [20:57] <zerowaitstate> I'm showing my roots [20:57] <nogoodnamesleft> I would take it to a shredder, or use thermite. [20:57] <sammy> why is there a confirmed bug for do-release-upgrade from 3+ ubuntu versions ago where dropping to a shell to examine the diffs for a config upgrade kills your entire ugprade process! [20:57] <ihio> I have another question if I may. I am trying to import keys, by selecting 'import', but nothing happens [20:57] <zerowaitstate> nogoodnamesleft: most of our stuff in my old job we sent to an industrial shredder [20:58] <sammy> now I'm left with a half-configured upgrade [20:58] <zerowaitstate> ihio: import keys for what [20:59] <ihio> gnupg [20:59] <sammy> the python upgrade script in /tmp is still running but I don't know how to (if I can) re-attach to it [21:01] <nogoodnamesleft> Is there some reason Ubuntu defaults to OpenJDK 7 and not 8? Even vivid does. I see 7 in the main repo and 8 in universe. [21:03] <sammy> anyone have any experience restarting/reattaching to a running release upgrade? [21:05] <ihio> I am trying to import remote keys, but it doesnt work. am I missing something? [21:06] <sammy> this seems like a good excuse to ditch ubuntu. [21:07] <SonikkuAmerica> !details | sammy [21:09] <sammy> SonikkuAmerica: eh, I just meant on this machine. I'm not going to reinstall it after this. do-release-upgrade dropped me to a shell to investigate a simple config file diff, and when I exited the shell, it closed the terminal the upgrade was in [21:09] <mbainrot> quick question, I am using gitextensions-mono and for some reason for TAGMESSAGES it's using \ instead of /, anyone know off the top of their head how to fix? quick googling yields nothing so I suspect its a chronic case of mbainrot brainrot [21:09] <jayjo> Is there any way to get my cron job reports without having an MTA installed? [21:09] <SonikkuAmerica> sammy: Then [ sudo killall do-release-upgrade ] and re-run it [21:10] <jayjo> Can I store them somewhere and access them manually periodically? [21:10] <sammy> jayjo: you can get an MTA to deliver them locally; it's not terribly hard to get postfix or a very very simple MTA setup with no internet mailing [21:11] <sammy> SonikkuAmerica: no, no thanks. there's nothing to re-run, my source lists have already been changed. it's too late to run it again, it had already downloaded and installed/upgraded most packages [21:12] <sammy> dpkg is still running, waiting for me to return from checkign out the diff [21:12] <SonikkuAmerica> sammy: You should be able to reattach screen [21:12] <sammy> SonikkuAmerica: it closed it. [21:12] <SonikkuAmerica> screen died? [21:12] <sammy> SonikkuAmerica: this is what I'm tryiing to say, i typed exit, and I got the 'x to remove or r to reattach' message [21:13] <sammy> like it does when the entire upgrade is over [21:13] <SonikkuAmerica> Did you hit X? [21:13] <SonikkuAmerica> If not, it should be listed in [ screen -r ] [21:14] <sammy> you're not listening :( it closed. hitting r would only re-run do-release-upgrade which wont help me now that my sources are changed and lsb_relase says I'm on the version I was trying to upgrade to [21:14] <sammy> but yes, I finally hit x after hitting r and seeing it was trying to re-run the ugprade (which is still halted int he background) to no avail [21:14] <sammy> and even if I hadn't hit X and re-attached to it, I already got the 'x or r' mesasge, which meant the terminal the upgrade was in had closed [21:15] <EriC^^_> sammy: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if it failed on an upgrade, maybe [21:15] <sammy> and I think you may have meant `screen -ls` for a listing [21:15] <sammy> EriC^^_: dpkg is still running. the upgrade is still running :P [21:15] <meisth0th> hi [21:15] <SonikkuAmerica> sammy: For a listing, yes... but do you have more than 1 screen session going? [21:15] <sammy> at this point I'm too wary to go and kill it off until I'm sure there's no way to resume it [21:16] <yeats> sammy: 'tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log' would show you if it's still running [21:16] <sammy> that will definitely get me to a point that I may not be able to recover from [21:16] <meisth0th> i'll install ubuntu, would you recommend to wait until 15.04 is released? [21:16] <sammy> yeats: I can see the processes :P [21:16] <sammy> they're all there, including the python process running the /tmp/upgrade-whatever-script-thingy-randomgarbage [21:16] <sammy> it's like it paused to let me check the diff, then kicked me out. it's all still there [21:17] <sammy> meisth0th: you can always install 14.04 and then upgrade. I'd suggest that, and wait until 15.04 has been out for about a month or so, so they can work out the kinks [21:17] <sammy> that way you can install now and you wont have to wait! [21:17] <sammy> despite what you see here, the upgrade process is pretty painless. [21:18] <meisth0th> sammy, if i install 15.04 beta 2 now, will i get a unstable system? [21:18] <Bashing-om> meisth0th: !st time user ? I would suggest installing the Long-Term-Support release, 14.04 . [21:18] <meisth0th> Bashing-om, coming from arch linux, don't think i'll have issues. [21:19] <sammy> meisth0th: not necessarily. in fact, most likely not. if you don't mind tracking down bugs and the like, run 15.04 [21:19] <Bashing-om> meisth0th: Great ,,, have at it .. but be aware 15.04 is only supported for 9 months, then upgrade time . [21:19] <sammy> it's like any other rolling release software; the longer each version has been out, the more time people have had to work out the bugs [21:20] <trfsrfr> what is the command to load my internet bookmarks (json file)into firefox? [21:21] <meisth0th> sammy, ok thanks, loading 15.04 beta 2 to usb now :) [21:22] <irnfoot495> Hello I have a problem with my php scripts can't seem to get them to work. They are about 6 yrs. old and just wont work. I really need help to find out what to do. [21:28] <phelix> I was working on a bash script and accidently messed something up.. I don't have like rm or ls or a ton of different commands. Any idea how I can get these back?? I tried to apt-get install coreutils but it says its already installed and a reinstall seems to not work =/ [21:29] <jayjo> can I just log the errors from cron somewhere on the machine? [21:30] <xjkx> I run ubuntu 14.04, libreoffice, my templates for Impress don't work, they seem good from normal view, but once I press F5 to slide-show, the image of the background of the template turns half white, even though it looks fine before I press F5, I'm using Vintage template, I don't remember if I downloaded or it came with it, but all I downloaded were from official page anyway [21:30] <Bashing-om> phelix: Which script ? Might be lucky and have a backup file -> ls -l /var/backups <- . [21:31] <phelix> not sure cat doesn't work either =/ some bash script I was working on myself. Kinda new to bash scripts and was trying to rm some specific files and something bad happend. it like nuked all my important commands [21:31] <phelix> I am not sure what to do [21:33] <tadzik> hello ubunters. In 14.10 I disable intel_powerclamp so it wouldn't throttle my CPU to 600 MHz when I need to do stuff on it, now I updated to 15.04 for newer mesa but even though intel_powerclamp is blacklisted my CPU is still at 400 MHz when under load, is there a good way to prevent it from doing that? [21:33] <tadzik> I'm on "performance" governor [21:33] <tadzik> nothing interesting in dmesg [21:33] <Wedge_> Anyone here good with gtk themes? [21:34] <Bashing-om> phelix: IF you know which file is messed up, might be able to boot to "recovery" from grub boot menu , remount read/write and fix the file ?? [21:34] <treelzebub> i remain good at gtk themes by avoiding them altogether, personally :P [21:37] <phelix> I Can't reinstall anything. I keep getting dpkg: warning: 'sh' not found in PATH or not executable [21:37] <phelix> same with rm and tar [21:37] <phelix> those files seemed to have been removed [21:38] <genii> phelix: Do you have a livecd around? [21:39] <phelix> I dont. this is a rackspace server [21:39] <tadzik> current policy: frequency should be within 1.20 GHz and 1.32 GHz. The governor "performance" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 405 MHz. [21:39] <tadzik> what is this bullshit >:( [21:39] <genii> tadzik: Please watch the profanity in here [21:39] <tadzik> I'm sorry [21:40] <phelix> is there anyway to get these files back on the server? [21:40] <genii> phelix: Not without some way to externally boot and then debootstrap the affected partition [21:41] <genii> phelix: ... does the command: ar work? [21:41] <phelix> yes [21:43] <genii> phelix: Hm, was thinking you could grab deb files and ar -x them it, but then you still have to untar. Need to find a tar binary someplace first [21:44] <phelix> k have another ubuntu machine. Gonna try and grab those missing binary files and copy them to the right spot [21:44] <genii> phelix: Probably want to grab at a minimum the binutils and tar packages [21:45] <phelix> ya [21:45] <phelix> not sure how in gods name this bash script did this [21:47] <genii> phelix: After you get a functional minimal back up should make a list of installed packages and then apt-get install --reinstall them [21:47] <phelix> ok I'll try that.. thank you [21:51] <pankid> I have an Ubuntu 14.04 web server I want to patch some security vulnerabilities on, but dont want to reboot for the kernel update yet. Is it a terrible idea to echo kernel_package hold | dpkg --set-selections until I have a lull in traffic for a reboot? [21:53] <yeats> pankid: you can go ahead and do the full 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get dist-upgrade' then reboot when it's convenient [21:53] <genii> phelix: echo $(dpkg --get-selections | grep install | cut -f1) | sudo apt-get install --reinstall ...should work for that. Then go make a large pot of coffee [21:53] <pankid> yeats, wont cause an issue? [21:53] <yeats> pankid: nah [21:54] <Guest24671> hi all, um, I have a 'I dropped my laptop, please help me workaround what I did' sort of issue. Basically, headphone in/out detection is no longer reliable. I never use the speakers. I want to force output to always come out through the headphones, whether they are plugged in or not [21:54] <ihio> hello, I am trying to import remote gnupg keys, but it doesnt work when I find them and click on 'import'. am I missing something? [21:54] <yeats> pankid: of course, things like apache restarts happen during APT updates, so you might see an interruption [21:54] <peanuts> (am Guest24671) any idea how to do that? [21:54] <peanuts> I can do it manually from the sound settings dialogue but, it reverts [21:54] <yeats> pankid: (but it would be momentary) [21:55] <ihio> ok, I am asking it in gnupg channel. thank you [21:55] <pankid> yeats: I can't see that being a problem. Not a ton of traffic, I will just be in a world of hurt if the site goes down for more than an apache reload [21:55] <yeats> pankid: it would probably be fine - I administer many high-availability ubuntu servers [21:56] <pankid> yeats: thanks a ton [21:56] <yeats> pankid: best of luck ;-) [21:58] <Gallomimia> hello. i seem to be having rather a plethora of problems with this fresh install i’ve just made. i did several rather unusual things: i installed 14.04 LTS server, then installed ubuntu-desktop package. i also installed proprietary nvidia drivers from the xorg-edgers ppa. i can’t seem to get network to run properly, and booting without recovery mode makes the X crash upon entering password (or clicking guest login) booting in recovery [21:58] <Gallomimia> seems to work but leaves no networking. any suggestions are welcome! [22:02] <yeats> Gallomimia: I would check the logs for clues on the X issue - also, you're probably in limbo between NetworkManager and the server-style /etc/network/interfaces-style management [22:02] <yeats> !networkmanager [22:02] <Gallomimia> with text? i’ve done that before on remote vps’s. i can’t seem to meet up with the proper interface name [22:03] <Gallomimia> the X issue is probably more pressing :/ [22:03] <yeats> Gallomimia: 'ifconfig' should show you the names of interfaces [22:03] <Shaba1> Hello folks is there a tutorial on putting ubuntu on a usb key with PERSISTANT storage with WINDOWS [22:03] <Gallomimia> yeats: that lists loopback only i’m afraid [22:03] <Shaba1> All the ones I have found on the 'net assume you already have ubuntu on you machine. [22:04] <yeats> Gallomimia: look in /etc/network/interfaces too - for the X issue, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and friends [22:04] <Shaba1> or they reccomend an installation that takes up the whold usb key [22:04] <yeats> !liveusb [22:04] <yeats> Shaba1: ^^ [22:06] <taxomoney> Hello! Does anyone know how I can add a keyboard layout to the list you normally choose from? I installed Japanese language support and IBus Anthy, yet Jap. Anthy still dosent show up in the list. [22:06] <Shaba1> Mot install FROM a usb stick [22:06] <Shaba1> install TO a USB stick so you can boot the laptop to ubuntu [22:06] <Gallomimia> yeats i should also mention that in building my install, i had grub-probe freak the heck out and spew all sorts of errors and dump core. it still does this when asking it to repair grub [22:06] <yeats> Shaba1: read the second link :-/ [22:07] <yeats> Gallomimia: if you can collect and pastebin the errors, someone may be able to assist [22:07] <mandaxFan> Wassup guys? How's it going? [22:08] <mandaxFan> Guys, share your favorite Ubuntu package [22:08] <yeats> !poll | mandaxFan [22:08] <Shaba1> thanks reading [22:08] <Gallomimia> yeats: i’ll try, but most of them are in places i can’t c&p. i’ve managed to google some of them and there’s open bug reports [22:09] <phelix> genii I added those files and now I am getting a permission denied.. Do you know if i have to set a specific permission to them now? [22:09] <yeats> mandaxFan: better to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic - this channel is for support [22:09] <mandaxFan> oops, sorry I will leave :) [22:11] <genii> phelix: 755 should be their permissions, root their user and group [22:12] <phelix> is it safe to just run chmod -R 755 /bin ? [22:12] <yeats> Gallomimia: you can try something like '<command> | tee errors.log' then install pastebinit and do 'pastebinit errors.log' (of course, that requires networking) [22:12] <yeats> phelix: don't do that [22:12] <phelix> ugh, I don't even have chmod working right. Getting permission error on chmod [22:13] <genii> phelix: There are some like mount that have setuid, so no [22:13] <Gallomimia> yes that’s a bit of a problem. i’m considering a scheme to transfer pastebin docs on a usb. [22:13] <phelix> chmod must of been one of the files the script removed [22:13] <phelix> i have chown but not chmod [22:13] <phelix> well those commands are there now but no permission to run them [22:14] <Gallomimia> or maybe you lost access to chmod? perhaps the permission is removed for +x ? [22:14] <Gallomimia> maybe your group got changed and you’re not in the group that can run it? [22:14] <coffee-> !compatibility [22:14] <Gallomimia> i think you need to learn about sudo [22:14] <coffee-> !hardware [22:14] <phelix> no I ran a bash script I was working on and messed something up and it deleted a ton of my files in /bin [22:14] <phelix> so i found another ubuntu machine and coppied the missing files from there to this machine [22:14] <Gallomimia> oh. [22:15] <phelix> not sure what to do.... [22:15] <Gallomimia> maybe you should use a repair script? usb stick... [22:15] <phelix> well the machine is at rackspace [22:15] <Gallomimia> backup all your files [22:15] <Gallomimia> oh [22:15] <genii> phelix: Is it possible to pastebin the script you originally used which messed it up? [22:15] <phelix> yea [22:15] <Gallomimia> yeah that’d help! [22:15] <Gallomimia> let’s read it. [22:15] <phelix> ftp i think will let me download it [22:15] <pc-moon__> synaptic give me message is Could not apply changes! [22:15] <pc-moon__> Fix broken packages first [22:15] <genii> ( so we can see what exactly it did) [22:16] <pc-moon__> can some one tell me how fix that [22:16] <Gallomimia> uh… dpkg -f install ? [22:16] <pankid> are updates to ubuntu 14.04 stable pretty conservative? Will updates to php, mysql, apache break my web server if I am using an older version of zencart? [22:17] <Gallomimia> uh… pankid i want to say probably [22:17] <pankid> probably will break, or probably wont break? [22:18] <l4l13n> pc-moon__, you have to tell us what u r trying to install with synaptic and if it does that with eveything. [22:19] <phelix> [22:19] <pc-moon__> im trying to install NVIDIA legacy binary driver - [22:20] <pc-moon__> i have VESA: GM107 Board - 20120050 and i wanna run two display [22:21] <pc-moon__> i have two error in update first is VESA: GM107 Board - 20120050 and second is VESA: GM107 Board - 20120050 [22:22] <pc-moon__> sorry first is E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? and second is E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [22:23] <genii> pc-moon__: use sudo in front [22:23] <phelix> genii: [22:23] <pc-moon__> you mean like : sudo apt-get update [22:24] <l4l13n> pc-moon__, close everything then sudo synaptic [22:24] <genii> phelix: Unfortunately my mind is mooshy right now, I've been looking at it but not registering anything. I think the problemmatic part might have been using /* because /.. is recurse a directory [22:24] <pc-moon__> ok [22:24] <l4l13n> unless irc >> [22:25] <genii> pc-moon__: Yes, sudo apt-get update [22:25] <phelix> Yes, well any idea how to help me get these files back? I mean I put the binaries back on from my other ubuntu machine. But now I can't run them and chmod is one of the commands I don't have permission to run [22:26] <genii> phelix: When you "boot" the server do you get a grub menu? [22:26] <pc-moon__> ok im trying [22:26] <phelix> I am not sure. Scared to try and reboot it. And again its at rackspace I can't watch the bootup screen [22:27] <pc-moon__> oh good synaptic working now [22:27] <phelix> I mean I could look at the log file [22:27] <phelix> I have some very important websites running on it. And those are still working just fine. It seems like it really just nuked a bunch of important files in /bin [22:27] <genii> pc-moon__: By the way, do not run that other command which l4l13n said. If you run synaptic with sudo and not gksu/gksudo it will mess up files in your home folder [22:28] <pc-moon__> ah ok its good to know thats [22:29] <genii> phelix: I ask because normally a grub menu comes and you choose which kernel, or memtest, or in this case what we would want is the recovery boot which lands you as root user [22:29] <pc-moon__> do thats hard to make my ubuntu run to minters by my nvidia card [22:29] <l4l13n> genii, oh really? [22:29] <genii> l4l13n: Yes [22:29] <phelix> I don't think that i have access to do this.. =/ [22:29] <genii> !gksu [22:29] <l4l13n> ok sry guys [22:29] <phelix> there anyway to get a chmod file on this machine that will run? [22:30] <genii> l4l13n: See the bot's link for a more detailed explanation [22:31] <genii> phelix: It's the chicken-egg problem, unfortunately [22:31] <phelix> yea ... ugh. [22:31] <phelix> not sure what to do! [22:32] <genii> phelix: The only way to escape the chicken-egg type situation is go outside of it by one level somehow. so in this case an external boot independent of the messed up files would be the normal method [22:33] <l4l13n> genii, damn i use sudo for months. I'll use gksudo about now thx [22:33] <genii> phelix: Is it letting you scp files to it right now? [22:33] <phelix> yea I can do that [22:33] <phelix> will that copy file permissions etc? [22:34] <genii> phelix: So conceivably you could scp the other Ubuntu's files directly to the /bin ( assuming it lets you use sudo ) [22:34] <pankid> huzzaaah, was scared due to how many updates I had to do. yeats: I ended up just doing apt-get upgrade rather than dist-upgrade, so the kernel wont be updated until I run dist-upgrade and reboot [22:34] <genii> phelix: Yep, will preserve whatever ownership and perms [22:34] <phelix> k let me try that [22:36] <phelix> wtf.. just ran it and it copied everything and I still get bash: /bin/ls: Permission denied [22:36] <nogoodnamesleft> Is there some reason Ubuntu defaults to OpenJDK 7 and not 8? Even vivid does. I see 7 in the main repo and 8 in universe. 8 is much faster for the apps I am using. [22:40] <dtscode> how would i install opengl on ubuntu [22:40] <alex141284> test [22:41] <genii> phelix: Oh, forgot... use -p switch. Like I said, brain is mooshy right now [22:41] <genii> alex141284: Yes, we see what you type [22:44] <Peiniger> I’m logged in to a server that is rejecting all new connections. In /var/log/auth.log I’m seeing the following message: Connection closed by myipaddress [preauth] [22:44] <Peiniger> I’ve restarted ssh and verified authorized_keys hasnt been changed. [22:45] <genii> Peiniger: Probably a better question for #ubuntu-server [22:45] <Peiniger> Thanks genii [22:45] <genii> Peiniger: It's pretty quiet in there right now, but have patience :) [22:45] <Peiniger> Thanks [22:48] <lzkill> hi everyone... I have an issue regarding a usb pen drive... whenever I plug it on my network breaks... does anybody know where to start debugging? [22:48] <genii> phelix: Any luck using scp with the -p switch to copy the files over? [22:49] <nogoodnamesleft> lzkill, What breaks? Network drive connection breaks, or network connection breaks? [22:49] <phelix> no it still changed file permissions. I just talked to a guy at rackspace. I guess I can boot into recovery mode. He said and then get to the machine and then mount my current hard drive and copy the core /bin files from the rescue mode to the my current servers mount and then reboot [22:49] <phelix> if that makes sense. [22:49] <phelix> he says that shouldn't mess with any permissions [22:50] <genii> phelix: Yes, good [22:51] <phpcoder> hello everybody [22:51] <phpcoder> in my laptop i have a graphic card NVIDIA® GeForce® 840M con DDR3 da 2 GB [22:52] <phpcoder> the problem is that ubuntu found Intel® HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) [22:52] <phpcoder> how can i resolve this? [23:19] <mjollnerd1> what's the term for " and ' in linux? Trying to google the difference between the two, but google is trying to actually use them instead of search for them [23:21] <bekks> The first one is called "double quotes", the second one is called "single quote". Inside the first one, e.g. shell expansion is done, inside the latter one shell expansion does not work. [23:21] <mjollnerd1> thank you [23:21] <bekks> yw :) [23:28] <phpcoder> ubuntu-drivers devices returns nothign :( [23:29] <Loshki> pankid: get a spare disk (or better yet, a spare machine) and stage it. Then you can cut back at a moment's notice if necessary. [23:37] <phelix> is it possible to take permissions from /bin and duplicate them on same file names on like /mnt/bin ? [23:39] <Jordan_U> phelix: Yes. It probably requires some scripting though. What is your end goal? [23:40] <phelix> i have 2 folders with duplicate files.. I messed up all the permissions in my /bin folder. So I rebooted int orecovery mode. So I mounted my hd that has the bad permissions in /mnt/bin and I am trying to take perms from recovery /bin and duplicate them to the files in /mnt/bin [23:40] <phelix> would like chmod --reference /bin /mnt/bin/* work ? [23:41] <phelix> hmm doesn't seem like it does [23:42] <hiexpo> mv chown [23:46] <Jordan_U> phelix: Are the files otherwise identical? [23:56] <Ullarah> Quick question, is vivid still on track for release on the 23rd? :) [23:57] <xangua> when it's ready Ullarah [23:57] <Guest19103> hello [23:57] <Guest19103> hi every body [23:58] <lzkill> hi folks. I have an issue with my new sandisk extreme pen drive... every time I plug it on my network access goes down... does anybody know how to solve this? [23:58] <Jordan_U> lzkill: Do other USB devices cause the same problem? Please pastebin the output of "dmesg" after plugging in the USB drive.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ajacobsson", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "Billias", "Bl4ckD34Th", "Blue1", "BluesKaj", "BriskBard_usuari", "CJKay", "CODE", "Crimlo", "DJones", "Deepu", "Dr_Dan", "Elimin8er", "EriC^^", "EriC^^_", "Farioko", "Flannel", "Frumpzula", "Fuchs", "GLB", "Gallomimia", "Guest19103", "Guest20446", "Guest24671", "Guest26774", "Guest28088", "Guest39785", "Guest55608", "Guest91494", "Islam", "JamesBong", "JayThomas", "Jeroen1", "Jman85", "Jordan_U", "Kapowza", "Kartagis", "Killfaster", "Kully3xf", "LordFoobar", "Loshki", "Lui_", "MasterGberry", "MichaelTiebesl", "MonkeyDust", "Mr-Potter", "Myll_", "N0Lif3", "Nandhu", "Nothing_Much", "Notwang", "ObrienDave", "OerHeks", "Peanut", "Peiniger", "Pici", "Pumpkin-_", "Runda", "SaucisseCocktail", "Saucisse_Cocktai", "SchrodingersScat", "Shaba1", "Snak3", "SomeDuude", "SomeT", "SonikkuAmerica", "TheNumb", "TheSov", "TheTofu", "Thelks", "Thesaurus", "TiK", "Ullarah", "Us3r_Unfriendly", "Wedge_", "Woodrag", "Yatekii", "ZadYree", "Zerkalerka", "aagaard", "acz32", "adef", "alex141284", "alu", "alu_", "alu__", "anon_", "anton02", "arcsky", "asarch", "aschildbach", "authorized", "azizLIGHT", "bekks", "boa", "bobbobbins", "bulka", "cabel", "cast", "ceed^", "cfhowlett", "chele", "chris_", "chrisfromgreece", "cn28h", "coffee-", "compdoc", "csyogi", "daftykins", "damex", "dampil", "danfruehauf", "dansanger", "darko", "dawnson", "deadmund", "decwrl", "dhcp_help", "dreuge", "dtscode", "dust", "ebonics", "ekh", "explodes", "faLUCE", "faust", "foofoobar", "gH05t", "geirha", "genii", "geoaxis", "gizmo", "godd", "grishzakyan", "gzcwnk", "hawa", "hiexpo", "hkrrsx", "ianorlin", "ifancho", "ifugotgrubproble", "ihio", "ilithium", "ioria", "irnfoot495", "jason__", "jayjo", "john_doe_jr", "k1l", "k2gremlin", "kDycu", "kam270", "kam270_", "kde_newbie", "kepler", "kevin_007", "ki7mt", "kibMaf", "kj4", "krunkpirate", "ksnya", "kys_freenode", "l4l13n", "lasers", "lingyue", "linuxlue", "loa", "lotuspsychje", "lzkill", "m1xm4ster", "mandaxFan", "mbainrot", "meisth0th", "mekhami", "mijkoo", "mikael_", "mike", "mircx1", "mjollnerd1", "mulga", "nalum", "nashant", "neldogz", "nerium", "netlar", "nogoodnamesleft", "ntz", "oralho", "pankid", "pazuzu", "pbx", "pc-moon__", "peanuts", "phelix", "phoenixz", "phpcoder", "psyrus", "psyrus_", "raimex", "rakeshGunderi", "rasul", "rethem", "rexuss", "rockstar_", "ronkrt", "runda", "sabados", "sam[cOe]", "sammy", "scuba323", "sheap", "sheer", "shiggitay", "sillyplus", "sipior", "sjmikem", "snkcld", "somsip", "soulisson", "streulma", "struhevol", "struhevol_", "svetlana", "tadzik", "taxomoney", "technickul", "teward", "tgm4883", "tirengarfio", "traverse", "treelzebub", "trfsrfr", "uugeepilvi", "vagrant_", "voidwalker", "vonsyd0w", "wafflejock", "wldcordeiro", "woodsbw", "wrouesnel1", "x41", "xangua", "xjkx", "xrfang", "ybl", "yeats", "yeroyestark", "z2user", "zerobyte", "zerowaitstate", "zykotick9" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[00:01] <ianorlin> wxl bug 1434774 is annoying though [00:01] <wxl> let's head over to #lubuntu-offtopic :) [00:03] <Captonjamason> friends wanna play minecraft with me [00:03] <Captonjamason> maybe in a bit [12:46] <elfy> balloons infinity cyphermox - just so you are aware, testing today's dailies for us and Ubuntu - the fail to reboot after the remove media prompt is back [12:48] <davmor2> infinity, cyphermox, jibel: there are huge issues on oem mode in latest dvd [12:48] <davmor2> I'm going to start filing bugs [13:07] <davmor2> , , , [13:52] <elopio> good morning. [13:56] <infinity> cyphermox: Did you see all of davmor2's bugs up there? [13:58] <davmor2> infinity: I need to run a non oem install but I don't want to blow away the broken wifi till cyphermox has logs :) [14:03] <jibel> pitti, running upgrade from utopic to vivid, I'll create other jobs once it passes [14:03] <pitti> jibel: yay, merci beaucoup ! [14:04] <pitti> jibel: et comment on dit "yay" par français ? :-) [14:04] <jibel> pitti, Youpi! [14:04] <jibel> but it's a bit childish :) [14:07] <balloons> jibel, interesting to know! :-) [14:21] <cyphermox> infinity: I did [14:21] <davmor2> jibel: oem fails hard [14:23] <seb128> hey there [14:23] <seb128> ubuntu-system-settings has some flacky tests, which I'm trying to look at [14:24] <seb128> we use self.main_view.pointing_device.click_object() calls on listitems [14:24] <seb128> but sometime it seems that the tap doesn't work properly [14:24] <seb128> like onClicked: is not called for the item and the text/selection color in the UI is not changed [14:24] <seb128> is that a known issue/any hint on how to debug? [14:24] <seb128> kenvandine, ^ [14:25] <kenvandine> seb128, thx! [14:25] <seb128> kenvandine, yw! [14:25] <kenvandine> i'm wondering if missing that is causing other our general flakyness we've been experiencing lately [14:31] <cyphermox> davmor2: I do get sound in the installer... [14:32] <cyphermox> in qemu [14:32] <cyphermox> I can try hardware as well [14:32] <davmor2> cyphermox: I'm testing on hardware here [14:32] <davmor2> cyphermox: HP g62 normally it works [14:32] <cyphermox> ok, let me write this to a USB key and try again [14:33] <cyphermox> sounds like it might not be the installer though [14:41] <Captonjamason> hell [14:41] <Captonjamason> hello [14:43] <Captonjamason> can i get some help with LFS [14:43] <Captonjamason> or would i move to a offtopic [15:00] <fgimenez> elopio, didn't know about that flake8 bug, thanks :) [15:04] <cyphermox> davmor2: and you had a pointer in OEM install? [15:06] <cyphermox> AH! think I just noticed a pattern here [15:07] <elopio> fgimenez: it's new. [15:07] <davmor2> cyphermox: I have left the last run in the oem desktop incase you need logs and stuff for the bugs [15:07] <elopio> but I have opened many. Now I will try to stick with this one, reopening projects if they regress. [15:08] <cyphermox> davmor2: not sure what you mean there [15:08] <elopio> fgimenez: that qakit project's trunk is still under thomi's profile. [15:08] <elopio> not sure how to change that. [15:08] <elopio> fgimenez: oh cool, you took the address book :) Thanks. [15:09] <fgimenez> elopio, i feel in the flake8 mood this friday :) [15:09] <elopio> fgimenez: the hard part with this is to get all the reviews, like cat herding. [15:09] <elopio> fgimenez: when you are done with that, you can ask renatu in #ubuntu-touch for the review. [15:09] <davmor2> cyphermox: I have a cursor [15:10] <cyphermox> on real hardware? [15:10] <davmor2> cyphermox: yes [15:10] <cyphermox> I did not [15:10] <davmor2> I'm moving it around the screen now [15:10] <fgimenez> elopio, ok thx, about qakit, i see that in code -> configure code hosting it mentions thomi's branch [15:10] <davmor2> cyphermox: tis another breakage then [15:10] <cyphermox> also, reboot works in a live image, but fails in install-only [15:10] <cyphermox> that's the pattern [15:10] <elopio> fgimenez: yes, but if I move it, will I break your MP? [15:10] <davmor2> cyphermox: it's getting worse not better dude stop touching it :) [15:11] <cyphermox> also, I loathe systemd [15:11] <fgimenez> elopio, don't know, there are other mps too [15:12] <davmor2> cyphermox: no really did you every think it might hate you too? [15:12] <cyphermox> I'm starting to [15:12] <davmor2> cyphermox: hate it back it works for me [15:13] <cyphermox> I wish it a fiery death [15:13] <cyphermox> in the heat of a thousand suns [15:14] <davmor2> cyphermox: don't forget the and it's ashes drop into the blackhole of oblivion [15:14] <cyphermox> well, there wouldn't be any ashes. [15:15] <cyphermox> stars tend to destroy most atoms :) [15:15] <cyphermox> so, now on to the actual oem install [15:20] <cyphermox> davmor2: I have sound and I have the oem icon [15:20] <cyphermox> are you sure you were on 20150417? [15:20] <cyphermox> 20150416 would have been very broken [15:25] <elopio> oh crap, I missed the standup. [15:25] <davmor2> cyphermox: [15:28] <cyphermox> what is this supposed to show? [15:45] <davmor2> cyphermox: lack of oem icon, the fact I'm in oem desktop mode and that my davmor2 wifi connection isn't shown [15:45] <cyphermox> ok [15:46] <cyphermox> well, I don't know like this why it might have happened, things are looking fine here in a VM and I can't do an OEM install for now, for lack of hardware to do it on [15:47] <davmor2> cyphermox: yes so this is after the install [15:47] <cyphermox> right [15:47] <davmor2> cyphermox: this isn't live session [15:47] <cyphermox> but then what about the sound and reboot? [15:47] <cyphermox> tbh those would be my priority for now [15:48] <davmor2> cyphermox: reboot was an Issue still I had to hard power down the system [15:48] <cyphermox> can you make sure you're running on vivid-desktop 2015-04-17 [15:48] <cyphermox> or let me know exactly which image you used [15:48] <cyphermox> I can reproduce the reboot issue, it looks like it's only happening if you don't choose a live session [15:48] <cyphermox> I need to dig in why, trying to convince systemd to log to a serial console right now [15:50] <davmor2> cyphermox: woooo okay that is weird [15:51] <davmor2> cyphermox: from the site 20e8bb0dac1df4506309bad377260d18 *vivid-desktop-amd64.iso on my server 8d57a7f4bb63531935f90b457b7f208d iso/daily-live/current/vivid-desktop-amd64.iso however it says there is nothing to update [15:55] <davmor2> cyphermox: let me delete this image and update again and see what is happening [16:02] <davmor2> cyphermox: okay now I got the right image so no idea what the hell went on with that [16:03] <davmor2> cyphermox: I'll see what I can confirm [16:03] <davmor2> elfy: check your md5sums it seems like zsync might of been playing up [16:05] <elfy> the xubuntu images are right [16:14] <cyphermox> rebooting again to try to convince plymouth and systemd to give me useful data. [16:33] <elopio> dobey: ping. I'm following your hacking file in pay-ui, failing to create the chroot. [16:33] <elopio> [16:33] <elopio> have you seen that? [16:35] <kenvandine> ubuntu-qa, please see seb128's question from 2 hours ago, he forgot to include the vanguard ping [16:35] <kenvandine> or i can repeat it if needed [16:35] <dobey> elopio: i have not seen that, no [16:41] <elopio> kenvandine: looking... [16:41] <kenvandine> elopio, thx [16:41] <elopio> kenvandine: do you have the trace of an error? [16:41] <kenvandine> not the one he had specifically [16:42] <kenvandine> but we've had lots of tests failing lately [16:42] <kenvandine> flaky [16:42] <kenvandine> and he did some debugging and managed to reproduce it locally on his n7 [16:42] <kenvandine> which i've never been able to do on my mako [16:42] <elopio> I will look at the code to see if I find something obvious [16:43] <elopio> kenvandine: any progress with the QML tests? [16:43] <kenvandine> he made the header title change to "clicked" when it got onClicked in that test [16:43] <kenvandine> and when it failed, that had never been changed [16:43] <kenvandine> so it never got onClicked [16:43] <kenvandine> elopio, no... [16:44] <kenvandine> we need to get that on our backlog [16:45] <kenvandine> elopio, so seb128's debugging pointed to sometimes click_object() never actually triggers the onClicked signal [16:45] <elopio> kenvandine: yes, we need to clean up the autopilot tests in order to make them reliable. For that it's essential to turn many of them into lower level tests. [16:45] <kenvandine> agreed [16:45] <jibel> pitti, upgrade test passed with forcing upstart [16:45] <elopio> kenvandine: click_object simulates an evdev event, which hasn't failed so far. [16:45] <kenvandine> elopio, it had been reliable for quite a while [16:45] <elopio> there could be a bug there, but I doubt it. It's more likely that the object we are trying to click is not ready [16:46] <kenvandine> but in the past 2 weeks or so, we've been getting bit by this [16:46] <elopio> like not enabled, not listening for the event, or moving. [16:46] <kenvandine> could be [16:46] <elopio> kenvandine: generally, that means a missing wait. [16:46] <kenvandine> but... those tests haven't changed in months [16:47] <kenvandine> [16:47] <kenvandine> elopio, ^^ that's one of them [16:47] <kenvandine> but not the same as the run seb128 did verifying it never got the onClicked [16:47] <elopio> kenvandine: thanks, that helps. [16:48] <kenvandine> it's 2 of the tz_selection tests that seem the most common culprits [16:48] <kenvandine> but, we've had random failures in others too [16:48] <kenvandine> like in your branch yesterday [16:48] <elopio> kenvandine: that's expected with these tests, something in the lower layers gets slower and then we find out that we were assuming things to be fast in some of the helpers. [16:49] <elopio> the way to survive that is not to duplicate any code at all. [16:49] <kenvandine> yeah, and hard to debug :/ [16:49] <elopio> then any breakage will require at most one change. Also adding log messages, to make it clear what the test was doing. [16:50] <elopio> kenvandine: I can help you refactoring the test to make it clearer where it's failing. Probably I won't have more time today to debug it, but we can continue from there on monday. [16:50] <pitti> jibel: \o/ [16:50] <kenvandine> elopio, thx, ping me or seb128 [16:50] <kenvandine> elopio, seb128 has a device he can repro it on, i don't [16:51] <kenvandine> it never seems to fail on my device [16:51] <kenvandine> just in CI [16:51] <kenvandine> i think seb128 could only repro it on his n7, not mako [16:51] <kenvandine> all frustrating :/ [16:51] <davmor2> cyphermox: 1 bug down I have volume [16:52] <wxl> davmor2: elfy: were you guys talking about a bug where the system wouldn't reboot at the end of install? [16:53] <elfy> wxl: yea [16:53] <wxl> elfy: we've noticed that too. bug reports? [16:54] <wxl> ianorlin: did you file a new bug for the system not rebooting at end of install? [16:54] <elfy> bug 1436715 I guess [16:54] <wxl> well yeah the fixed one :/ [16:55] <wxl> shouldn't be the exact same bug so much as a regression [16:55] <ianorlin> wxl I haven't yet I realized it might be an sd card and havn't tested since then [16:55] <wxl> ianorlin: yeah doesn't sound like it [16:56] <elopio> kenvandine: ok, firt obvious thing that is wrong, you are calling one test from another test. [16:57] <elopio> that's asking for trouble. The tests should be independent, and they should have only one action and one assertion. That goes against both :) [16:58] <kenvandine> ugh... which test is that? [16:58] <kenvandine> i've never really looked at the tz tests [16:58] <elopio> test_same_tz_selection [16:58] <elopio> kenvandine: second thing, checking that when you select the same tz doesn't show you a different page is something you should do on QML. [16:59] * kenvandine looks [16:59] <elopio> that's a feature of your widgets, it's not a user goal. I make the distinction with a question like this: would a user open my app just to set the time zone twice? [17:00] <kenvandine> yeah [17:00] <elfy> wxl: not worried too much about it - people are aware of the issue [17:00] <elopio> if yes, that's a user story and should be automated at a high level, with autopilot. [17:00] <elopio> if no, that's something you should test at a lower level, maybe in cpp, qml or javascript, depending on the feature. [17:01] <wxl> elfy: cyphermox: meaning we expect the fail to reboot to be fixed by release? [17:01] <kenvandine> i wonder how many tests we have calling tests [17:01] <cyphermox> wxl: we'll do everything possible to get it fixed before release [17:02] <kenvandine> elopio, i know we have tons of tests that have more than one assertion [17:02] <cyphermox> otherwise it will be in the release notes [17:02] <elopio> kenvandine: no, only that one. [17:02] <kenvandine> excellent :) [17:02] <wxl> cyphermox: well then maybe i should make a bug report for it just for the sake of being completist [17:02] <elopio> kenvandine: I have like an hour I can spend on this. Let me see what I can get done in that time, and I'll ping you back. [17:03] <kenvandine> elopio, i think the other 1 we see lots of failures in is test_tz_list_initially_empty [17:03] <elopio> kenvandine: another clear candidate to be downgraded to QML tests. [17:03] <kenvandine> elopio, oh, not that one [17:03] <kenvandine> test_manual_tz_selection [17:04] <kenvandine> that's the other one [17:04] <kenvandine> so interesting that's the one called from the other [17:04] <elopio> kenvandine: yes, I imagined as the error you showed me comes from that test. [17:04] <cyphermox> wxl: sure [17:05] <elopio> kenvandine: that test is interesting, because it would be good to keep it as a high level test, in autopilot. [17:05] <kenvandine> test_manual_tz_selection is the test seb128 reproduced failing this morning [17:05] <elopio> kenvandine: could be many things. Where do you get the list of timezones from? [17:06] <elfy> wxl: if you do report - I'll edit my QA results then [17:06] <wxl> elfy: we'll make sure to post here when we got a report [17:07] <wxl> i'm trying to track down something more lubuntu specific [17:07] <kenvandine> elopio, i really don't know, i know next to nothing about this whole plugin [17:07] <kenvandine> Laney and seb128 did this one [17:08] <kenvandine> - self.assertThat(header.title, Eventually(Equals(_('Time & Date')))) [17:08] <kenvandine> - self.assertThat(self.tz_page.text, Equals('Europe/London')) [17:08] <kenvandine> + self.assertThat(self.tz_page.text, Eventually(Equals('Europe/London'))) [17:08] <kenvandine> elopio, how do you feel about that? [17:08] <kenvandine> seems silly to check the page title there [17:08] <kenvandine> and maybe using Eventually will make it wait for it to change [17:08] <davmor2> cyphermox: pressing enter does nothing [17:09] <davmor2> so that bug is still valid [17:09] <wxl> davmor2: the symptoms are similar, but it's a regression, so it really should be a new bug [17:09] <kenvandine> maybe they put the check for the title there as a way to make it wait [17:10] <kenvandine> but perhaps that's racy [17:10] <davmor2> cyphermox: on arriving at the oem desktop I see the icon I am not however connected to the wifi as expected, this time at least it is showing my ap \o/ [17:11] <cyphermox> oh, pressing enter is doing something alright [17:11] <cyphermox> it's making me insane. :) [17:11] <elfy> lol [17:12] * davmor2 presses enter again to see if turn cyphermox into a flying rage monkey [17:12] <cyphermox> wxl: in your bug mention it's only happening for the non-live session [17:12] <jibel> pitti, bug 1358203 is the bug that makes python import test fail [17:12] <wxl> good point. we'll double check, cyphermox [17:12] <cyphermox> davmor2: more like flying-animal guano-crazy ;D [17:13] <cyphermox> wxl: that has been my discovery so far [17:13] <cyphermox> fortunately pitti is right here [17:13] <elfy> wxl: I would have looked at Lubuntu when I was checking others if the image was new [17:13] <cyphermox> I'll need his help to figure this out, it's more systemd deep magic [17:13] <pitti> jibel: ah, thanks [17:14] <elfy> cyphermox: ohhh - so we blame pitti :p [17:15] * wxl throws cyphermox's monkeys at pitti [17:15] <davmor2> cyphermox: that brings us full circle to JamesTait's morning greeting of Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Bat Appreciation Day! :-D and my reply JamesTait: close enough right [17:18] <davmor2> damn it I'm still in OEM Configuration (temporary user) mode it's not been removed only the app [17:19] <davmor2> I see the new user setup though [17:19] <elfy> davmor2: oh - I tried that oem thing - new one on me - I saw that happen, you're not going mad [17:21] <cyphermox> so, I'm not reproducingthe right bug here in a VM [17:21] <cyphermox> it just complains that there is no splash to show [17:21] <cyphermox> will need to reboot yet again [17:23] <davmor2> elfy No I'm going flying-mammal guano-crazy along with cyphermox [17:23] <elopio> kenvandine: I would prefer to understand the cause before putting a patch. [17:23] <kenvandine> sure [17:24] <elopio> and the screenshot of the failure shows me that the item was not clicked, so it would fail anyway. [17:24] <elfy> davmor2: I'm grabbing some popcorn and a comfy seat to watch you both :p [17:24] <elopio> probably, the wait needs to be while the query is being made. [17:24] <elopio> kenvandine: if you are getting the list from a web service, it makes sense for it to fail sometimes, when the service is slow. [17:25] <elopio> I'm digging a little in the code... [17:26] <kenvandine> elopio, oh, i'm sure the data is local somewhere [17:27] <elopio> we need a new idea then :) [17:28] <kenvandine> i think it comes via dbus [17:28] <kenvandine> org.freedesktop.timedate1 [17:29] <kenvandine> or maybe that's just for setting it [17:30] <elopio> kenvandine: when I build the project, where is the SystemSettings qml module? [17:30] <kenvandine> you mean in the builddir? [17:30] <elopio> kenvandine: yes, which folder in there? [17:31] <kenvandine> lib/SystemSettings/ [17:35] <elopio> kenvandine: [17:36] <elopio> what am I doing wrong there? I always have a hard time with the qml imports. [17:36] <kenvandine> i've never tried running it that way :) [17:36] <kenvandine> one sec [17:37] <kenvandine> oh [17:38] <kenvandine> the timedate plugin is in builddir/plugins/time-date [17:40] <kenvandine> but it's not going to be able to load it like that [17:41] <kenvandine> elopio, we have some magic in the plugin interface to load the private libs, not sure how [17:41] <elopio> kenvandine: hum, we need that to test each qml in isolation. [17:42] <kenvandine> they aren't public qml components, they are private [17:42] <kenvandine> so the settings container does some magic to load them [17:43] <cprofitt> hey all... trying to report this bug so it can get looked at before release. [17:44] <cprofitt> when I empty trash I got the confirmation dialog and file window popping up. [17:44] <elopio> kenvandine: I'm going for lunch. bbs. [17:44] <cprofitt> wxl: suggested reporting against the file manager... anyone else want to weigh in? [17:46] <elfy> cprofitt: can confirm at least, probably nautilus would be the right package [17:47] <cprofitt> yeah, but only happens when I use the launcher [17:50] <wxl> cprofitt: i'd just file against the file manager. we can always re-file if needed after we dig deeper [17:50] <cprofitt> ok [17:50] <wxl> well, not re-file; re-attribute? [17:53] <elfy> wandering off now, wxl I'll check your tracker results later to see if you've filed [17:53] <elfy> that new bug [17:53] <cprofitt> ok [17:53] <cprofitt> filing now [17:53] <wxl> elfy: okie dokie [17:53] <wxl> thx cprofitt :) [17:54] <cprofitt> wxl elfy [17:55] <wxl> cprofitt: elfy and i are probably two of the worst people to help push this forward as we are flavor leads. cyphermox or balloons might be of more help. you might want to see if anyone at #ubuntu+1 can help [17:56] <elfy> thanks cprofitt - confirming that [17:56] <elfy> bbl [18:01] <ianorlin> although could that be with gvfs it might also effect lubuntu [18:02] <kenvandine> elopio, i refactored out the call to the other test and made it more "wait" friendly, waiting for a CI run now to see if we're barking up the right tree [18:02] <ianorlin> but doesn't effect pcmanfm [18:02] <kenvandine> elopio, for seb128's case, it couldn't be waiting for the model, he was able to see the result filtered [18:03] <kenvandine> but it listview item never go the onClicked [18:03] <kenvandine> elopio, so could even be something in wait_select_listview_first [18:06] <kenvandine> elopio, or wait_select_listview_first before the listview has a populated model [18:06] <balloons> cprofitt, I'm not seeing empty trash in the launcher :-( [18:07] <kenvandine> elopio, but i'm not seeing the exception raised from wait_select_listview_first [18:07] <cprofitt> balloons: what do you mean - you are not seeing the behavior or you do not see the trash icon in the launcher? [18:07] <balloons> cprofitt, ohh.. lol the trash icon, got it [18:07] <balloons> I thought you meant on nautilus icon [18:10] <cprofitt> I am trying to find the file that creates the action menu... I am guessing that is what is borked [18:12] <cprofitt> balloons: any idea where that file is located? [18:15] <ianorlin> bug 1445592 is the new one I filed for no restart at that final splash screen [18:20] <balloons> cprofitt, I'm afraid not [18:23] <cprofitt> wxl: I appreciate the help none the less [18:23] <dobey> elopio: that error doesn't even make any sense to me, fwiw. why would "click chroot create" even care about the pay-ui trunk directory? [18:23] <cprofitt> balloons: any chance you can triage that bug so it can get upstream to the deves? [18:25] <elopio> dobey: I don't understand. It's like it umounts my /home/elopio. [18:25] <wxl> elfy: cyphermox: balloons: see above for that restart now bug [18:25] <wxl> cprofitt: balloons: interesting that elfy could confirm it [18:25] <dobey> elopio: yeah, no idea [18:25] <balloons> cprofitt, bdmurray tagged it and set importance already looks like [18:34] <elopio> kenvandine: ok. I don't think I can get much done on the QML side without being able to launch the qml from qmlscene. [18:35] <elopio> dobey: do you know who maintains click? is it mvo? [18:36] <dobey> i think it might be now, yes [18:39] <cprofitt> bdmurray: thanks for adding the tag. [20:39] <elopio> dobey: do you still have the problem of qemu dying during the adt-run? [20:39] <elopio> I've just gotten this: [20:40] <dobey> elopio: i always get qemu being killed at the end, when the tests are successful. i think that's just adt-run killing it [20:41] <dobey> elopio: i don't get the weird python backtrace about unicode in testtools any more, when using my ppa with the new testtools, though [20:41] <elopio> dobey: ah, maybe I'm not getting my results because I'm not collecting them :) [20:42] <dobey> that could be :) [20:43] <dobey> elopio: use --setup-commands "add-apt-repository ppa:dobey/testtools" immediately before the -U argument, and it'll install the new testtools to run the tests under, so you get all the proper attachments and no crazy crashes when the tests fail [20:43] <elopio> dobey: cool. [20:43] <elopio> I love that this now exports the xvfb display.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Captonjamason", "balloons", "cprofitt", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "dobey", "elfy", "elopio", "fgimenez", "ianorlin", "infinity", "jibel", "kenvandine", "pitti", "seb128", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
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[01:57] <onlylove> 上联:世界那么大,我想去看看;下联:钱包那么小,你们走不了;横批:好好上班 [02:10] <jiero> roylez: 我怎么觉得任何确定的事情都让我觉得人生空虚。 [02:15] <jiero> cherrot: 有什么事情么 [02:32] <^k^> 新 GTK+和QT • ubuntu 播放音乐等的提示信息的方块是怎么实现的? 见图 这个由办法通过程序控制吗 zz: loujiaye — 2015-04-17 10:31 [03:03] <sillyplus> hello guys [03:25] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • [求助]Ubuntu14.04双显示器,主显示器鼠标闪烁 我的电脑是nVidia 310M和Intel双显卡,并且连接了两个显示器共同工作,无论哪个显示器作为主显示器,都会出现鼠标闪烁的情况,请问如何解决呢? 设置中并没有出现未知显示器,禁用未知显 [03:25] <^k^> ─> 示的做法不可行呢. 求大神解决,谢谢! zz: jecopeng — 2015-04-17 11:24 [03:27] <BuMangHuo> 早 [03:27] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: momo [03:36] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 拜千人斩 [03:37] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 《Ubuntu下使用Shadowsocks + GFWlist实现全局pac代理》疑问 Quote: 原本Windows下面有Shadowsocks-gui客户端,能自动下载gfwlist并生成pac文件非常的方便 在Ubuntu下面其实搞成全局的PAC也不是特别复杂,这里记录一下。 [03:37] <jusss> test [03:37] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 11:36 [03:38] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 《Ubuntu下使用Shadowsocks + GFWlist实现全局pac代理》疑问 Quote: 原本Windows下面有Shadowsocks-gui客户端,能自动下载gfwlist并生成pac文件非常的方便 在Ubuntu下面其实搞成全局的PAC也不是特别复杂,这里记录一下。 [03:38] <onlylove> BuMangHuo:拜万人斩 [03:41] <jusss> onlylove: 今天好安静 [03:42] <onlylove> jusss: 安静就安静吧,忙 [03:42] <onlylove> jusss: 今天真的忙 [03:44] <jusss> onlylove: 你有啥忙的?忙着斗地主? [03:44] <onlylove> jusss: 边玩去,客户项目过来了忙着测试 [03:44] <jusss> hoxily: 来写个斗地主的程序,我们玩斗地主 :) [03:45] <hoxily> jusss: 我从网上download了一个 五子棋终结者,执黑必胜。 [03:46] <hoxily> jusss: 你要跟我战战看吗? [03:46] <jusss> hoxily: 把客户端发我下,我现在换系统了 [03:46] <onlylove> 刚听一妹子说,不是HP的扫描仪不会用…… [03:46] <jusss> hoxily: 我得进vbox开win7 [03:47] <onlylove> jusss: 你换win98了? [03:47] <^k^> 新 C/C++/Java • gnome-menus库的使用 我正在实现一个获取系统软件的功能,使用的是gnome-menus这个库,运行环境是LinuxMint17.1,我用库中的测试代码test-menu-spec.c测试时,发现打印的结果和Menu显示的所有应用不匹配,而且当我以root权限运行程序,发现和以 [03:47] <^k^> ─> 普通权限运行的结果也不匹配,请大家指教。 zz: wpp — 2015-04-17 11:46 [03:47] <jusss> onlylove: arch呀,然后虚拟机装了好几个系统 [03:47] <hoxily> jusss: 装 mono 呀 [03:47] <hoxily> jusss: 微软的.net framework 都开源了 [03:48] <jusss> hoxily: 我有虚拟机不搞那个,我的/都已经快20G了,不敢装软件了 [03:51] <hoxily_> jusss: [03:51] <^k^> hoxily_: ⇪ wuziqi-client.7z_免费高速下载|百度云 网盘-分享无限制 [03:56] <tryit> jusss, 工作定了吗 [03:57] <jusss> tryit: 嗯,下周周一入职 [03:57] <jusss> 下下 [03:57] <tryit> jusss, 待遇如何 [04:00] <jussss> tryit: 还行 :) [04:03] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 有没有什么好的备份工具? 有没有什么比较好的备份工具,在系统升级失败或出问题的时候可以恢复到原来的状态?求教 zz: wisner — 2015-04-17 12:02 [04:37] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 你不要学坏啊 [04:37] <BuMangHuo> 色象呢 [04:38] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 绿色的偏光镜跟黑色的有啥区别不, cc cherrot [04:39] <BuMangHuo> 买了个黑灰夹片,店家给我弄来一个墨绿色的 [05:02] <Sn0rt> how to backup a installed rpm package in redhat? [05:33] <^k^> 新 其它类Unix OS发行版 • 我需要在uefi 32bit的设备上引导Kali linux(基于debian) 我找了一个bootia32.efi放到efi目录下 嗯.... 他启动了 但是进了grub2 命令行模式里 于是我linux (hd1,msdos)/live/initrd.img boot=live noconfig=sudo username=root hostname=kali noswap 然后报错了er [05:33] <^k^> ─> ror:invalid magic number. 这是什么鬼呢? zz: 大茶几 — 2015-04-17 13:32 [05:36] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 不懂 [05:36] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 不过颜色不正戴着恐怕会难受 [05:48] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 也对啊,不过貌似偏光的确实有点作用,出门眼睛不晃了 [05:58] <hoxily> jussss: PING 234d70df3522cb289a7f0d862841e696 [05:58] <hoxily> jusss: PING 234d70df3522cb289a7f0d862841e696 [05:59] <jussss> hoxily: 福利? [06:00] <hoxily> jussss: 不是。md5sum值而已 [06:00] <jussss> hoxily: 那发我也没用呀,我又看不懂 [06:01] <hoxily> jussss: 我以为你会PONG回来 [06:02] <jussss> hoxily: it's fucking weird当向老板提出离职后还要在公司再待半天等下班 [06:02] <hoxily> jussss: 正常得一个月交接嘞 [06:02] <hoxily> jussss: 试用期就不用了。 [06:03] <jussss> hoxily: 嗯 [06:03] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • 【4月21日,北京】Qt/QML专场培训 - Ubuntu手机创新大赛 Ubuntu开发者大赛开启几个多月来, 我们已经在线上线下举行多次培训活动。 这次刘老师再次约你线上交流使用Qt为Ubuntu手机做开发的方方面面。 了解Qt,QML或者熟悉JavaScript的童 [06:03] <^k^> ─> 鞋们都非常时候。是你的菜,就赶快报名参加吧。 【时间】2015年4月21日 19:30-21:00 -地 … [06:05] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 早啊 [06:12] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 早啊 [06:21] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 有 GTAGS 就不需要 tags 文件了吧,但是我用 gtags 的时候,用 C-] 跳到函数定义的地方,然后用 C-t 或者 :po 都回不去了就,E73: tags stack empty 是什么原因呐 [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不是c-o么 [06:22] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我去,赞 [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: set cscopetag [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 堪忧啊... [06:22] <BuMangHuo> 设置了的,我以为还是跟 tags 一样的 C-t 呢 [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: tags就是c] co ci嘛 [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 没听说过c-t [06:23] <BuMangHuo> 用 tags 的时候我一直 C-t 的啊 [06:26] <root> 大家下午好啊! [06:27] <jackness> 天天没人管理了吗? [06:27] <jackness> 见不到管理员了 [06:29] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, BuMangHuo 你们俩真早…… [06:29] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你不是emacs用户么? [06:30] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我是双修用户啊 [06:30] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: ... [06:30] <tryit> BuMangHuo, 赞 [06:31] <jackness> 双修? [06:31] <jackness> emacs是什么意思啊? [06:33] <^k^> jackness: define:emacs not defined. [06:34] <QiongMangHuo> ^k^: 太弱了吧 [06:36] <^k^> QiongMangHuo, [06:37] <BuMangHuo> 我还没设置对? 我目录结构是 dir/1.c dir/a/a.c dir/b/b.c 我用 C-] 在 1.c 里面可以跳到 a.c 里面,然后在 a.c 里面继续跳就打开的空文件 [06:37] <BuMangHuo> 好像是 autochdir 之类的问题? [06:38] <BuMangHuo> 它在 a.c 里面跳同一个文件里面的内容的时候,还是找 a/a.c [06:38] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 好像是autochdir的问题 [06:39] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我看你也设置了啊 [06:39] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我偶尔也遇到... [06:39] <BuMangHuo> 额 [06:41] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 考虑关掉, 先让我想想当初为啥开它 [06:41] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: [06:41] <^k^> ⇪ ti: vim - autochdir and NERDTree - Stack Overflow [06:42] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: [06:43] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 试试vimwiki说的那个呢? [06:43] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • 邮件alpine的使用教程哪里有? 终端下的邮件alpine的教程哪里有? zz: wisner — 2015-04-17 14:43 [06:44] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 缩话 [06:45] <jusss> alpine 难用的一货,win下的都不支持多编码字符集 [06:46] <jusss> gnus除了会一卡一卡的,其它挺好的, [06:46] <jusss> 就是不支持imap idle,如果gnus支持imap idle那简直就是很棒的邮件客户端了 [06:46] <jusss> onlylove_: 还在忙? [06:47] <onlylove_> jusss: 啥事情 [06:47] <jusss> onlylove_: 没事 [06:47] <jusss> onlylove_: 出来聊会 [06:58] <jiero> 谁告诉我一个靠谱的支持4K的电视盒子啊。 [06:58] <jiero> 天猫魔盒1s+ 不支持4K,好奇怪。 [06:59] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: git本地删文件后push下远端会删除吗? [06:59] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 历史记录里有 [07:00] <jusss> 用git一年了,还是只会基本操作...push pull [07:01] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 一个文件最多能回滚多少次? 比如我从github上pull一个仓库,那个仓库里的文件有多次修改,我拉下来后也能回滚吗? [07:02] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 改了之后很开心 [07:02] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你帮我double check下 [07:03] <^k^> 新 线下活动专版 • 免费报名:Ubuntu开发者创新大赛线下培训 【4月25日,武汉大学站】 中国移动&Ubuntu开发者大赛活动火热进行中, 如果你还没有报名的话,现在就到中国移动参赛页面报名参加了。 目前作品上传已经正式开启, 所 [07:05] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 说话! [07:06] <BuMangHuo> 来了来了 [07:07] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 稍等啊 [07:07] <yunfan> jiero: 要4k干嘛 [07:07] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h [07:07] <jiero> yunfan: 有4k电视。 [07:07] <yunfan> 这个鸟ubuntu开发大赛 真机都没有 就要开发大赛 [07:08] <jiero> yunfan: 只要软件商举办的不都是这样么 [07:08] <jiero> yunfan: 反正都是网络应用。在中国卖不出去 [07:08] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 妥了 [07:08] <^k^> 新 线下活动专版 • 优麒麟Ubuntu Kylin助力开发者为Ubuntu手机开发创新 近日,Canonical与中国移动联合发起的“Ubuntu开发者创新大赛”正在各大高校如火如荼的展开,公开征集优秀适配Ubuntu操作系统的Scope、应用等作品。其中,优麒麟作为本次大赛的开 [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: momoda [07:08] <yunfan> jiero: 还不如搞火狐手机开发者大赛呢 [07:08] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 这个高级哎 [07:09] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 那 autochdir 可以留着了 [07:09] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 唉你等等 [07:09] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: autochdir在我这儿不是第一次惹事儿了 [07:09] <jiero> yunfan: 更卖不出去,连正经商业公司都不是,都不卖钱,中国谁理 [07:09] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你不是两个一起开吧? [07:09] <jiero> yunfan: 连短信扣钱法都用不了 [07:10] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 不是,我刚才为了测试,又用 tags 去了,现在用 gtags 还是不对啊 [07:11] <jiero> QiongMangHuo: 发现我4月1日投澳币,今天卖出的年化利润率竟然是 30%。 [07:11] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 重新打开? [07:11] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 需要删了 autochdir 么 [07:11] <BuMangHuo> 当然重新打开的 [07:11] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 对啊 关掉autochdir [07:11] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 为毛一起开? [07:13] <BuMangHuo> 关了autochdir 还是打开的空文件啊 [07:13] <yunfan> jiero: 你懂个p 移动喜欢这种的 [07:13] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 怎么会啊 [07:13] <jiero> yunfan: 移动喜欢毛那样的。移动喜欢收费走短信的,不要走网络的。 [07:13] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 哦 还真是 [07:14] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我先前没用tags的那一套 [07:14] <yunfan> jiero: 你根本不懂 [07:15] <jiero> yunfan: 是不是只有山东移动有无限升级套餐?你解释一下怎么赚钱? [07:15] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: imadper或者ooxx呢? [07:15] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 难道都去米帝了? [07:16] <cherrot> jiero, 天气不错 无事 [07:16] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我也没看到 [07:16] <yunfan> jiero: 现在哪里有什么无限套餐 何况你要考虑个问题 移动的老总的利益跟移动公司的利益并不一致 [07:16] <cherrot> tmux 能否在当前窗口右侧创建新窗口? cc BuMangHuo [07:16] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 乃用 gtags 不 [07:16] <yunfan> 所以你不要考虑什么移动公司赚钱的问题 [07:16] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 可以啊 [07:16] <cherrot> what if gtags [07:16] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: C- | [07:16] <yunfan> 如果你要从这个角度出发 他们根本就不该做tds-cdma [07:16] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 乃去年去德国就是申请的德签? [07:16] <cherrot> what is gtags [07:17] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 好申请么? [07:17] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 对啊 我这么老实的 [07:17] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 没啥难度 [07:17] <jiero> cherrot 天气不错, pm2.5 200,可视距离4公里。 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: unbind '"' [07:17] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, Ctrl + | ? [07:17] <BuMangHuo> bind - splitw -v # 分割成上下两个窗口 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> unbind % [07:17] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 壕 你要去欧洲? [07:17] <BuMangHuo> bind | splitw -h # 分割成左右两个窗口 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 这个意思? [07:17] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 要去欧洲啊? [07:17] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 旅游签么? 收入证明用啥? 流水还是存款? [07:17] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 不 我想创建新的window 但默认是创建到最后 我想创建一个邻居窗口 [07:17] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 商务签, 我多老实的 [07:18] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: BuMangHuo 去东欧。C社貌似开始节约开支了,开会都去便宜的地儿。 [07:18] * QiongMangHuo 从来说啥是啥 [07:18] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 没太明白唉 [07:18] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 牛牛 [07:18] <BuMangHuo> 哦,window [07:18] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 那你哪来的邀请函? [07:18] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 比如 现在又 12345 5个 window, 我当前在2,创建window后 想要一个新的3 而不是一个新的6.。。 [07:18] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 可以做么 [07:18] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 明白了 [07:18] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: Linux Foundation [07:18] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 擦,有大腿抱果然牛 [07:19] <^k^> cherrot: define:gtags not defined. [07:19] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, gtags 是什么鬼 [07:19] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 不知道唉 [07:19] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 代码里面跳来跳去的 [07:19] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 比ctags高级? [07:20] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 换dir的一个也不要, 然后世界就清净了 [07:20] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我用ctags+cscope+jedi-vim(for python) [07:23] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 被你召唤来了 [07:24] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 老司机, 提前买电视吧. [07:24] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 可以交换 [07:24] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 【海尔U42H7030】海尔模卡(MOOKA)U42H7030 42英寸安卓3D智能8核网络4K超薄窄边框UHD超高清LED液晶电视【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 2399.00 [07:24] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 42寸4k屏幕的 海尔.... [07:24] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 着啥急, 明年更便宜 [07:24] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 比如你现在在 4 里面,想换到 0 里面, swap-window -t 0 [07:24] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 十年后更便宜. [07:25] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 可是我计划明年买房 [07:25] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不开心啊, 最近没人咨询我买东西的事了 [07:25] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我家附近有个小区, 叫做碟全花园, 很赞. [07:25] <iMadper> 蝶泉花园 [07:25] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你绑定个快捷键就好了 [07:25] <iMadper> happyaron: 破输入法! [07:26] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: bind-key -n C-S-Left swap-window -t -1 [07:27] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 你现在用啥wm? [07:27] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: awesome [07:27] * iMadper 有啥wm对hidpi到lowdpi能自动无缝切换同时显示吗? [07:27] * onlylove 终于明白二代为啥就200块还能过的很好了,人炒外汇呢 [07:27] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 这种事有的 [07:28] <onlylove> iMadper: 现在能支持hdpi的wm就不多吧? [07:28] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 但好麻烦 [07:28] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 那不就得了 [07:28] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 哪里麻烦 [07:28] <iMadper> onlylove: 其实我真不知道... 因为我只用一个wm, 别的都不了解 [07:29] <onlylove> iMadper: 你会那么多编程语言,却只用一个wm [07:29] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 首先得一直移动。。。 [07:29] <iMadper> onlylove: 编程语言其实我也只会perl... [07:29] <onlylove> iMadper: 你骗谁呢? [07:29] <iMadper> onlylove: 还好久都不用了 [07:29] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 那我教你一个办法 [07:29] <iMadper> onlylove: 剩下的都是hello world级别的 [07:30] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 比如你要在 2 的右边新建一个, 先得把 3 C-d 掉 [07:30] <iMadper> onlylove: 主要是别的都太难学了... 只有perl掩盖了编程细节 [07:30] <BuMangHuo> 然后新建,就会在 3 了... [07:30] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 算了 总之没有简单直接的办法 [07:30] <iMadper> onlylove: 现在在学java, 觉得java真不错 [07:30] * iMadper 力推java入门书 the joy of java第二版 [07:30] <cherrot> iMadper, 真棒 [07:30] <iMadper> cherrot: 么么哒 [07:31] <cherrot> iMadper, 你要用java干嘛? [07:31] <iMadper> cherrot: 我发现国内论坛里面推荐的java书, 看起来都特别傻逼, 就这本最好 [07:31] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 学王垠, 尝百草 [07:31] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 弄个脚本啊,新建,移动一条龙 [07:31] <iMadper> cherrot: 暂时还没想法 就是学学. [07:31] <onlylove_> QiongMangHuo: 学王垠,当喷子,٩(๑`^´๑)۶ [07:31] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 王银尝百草了? [07:32] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 尝了各种语言嘛 [07:32] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 没吧? [07:32] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 他会的还没邵成多吧 [07:32] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 还算是正常范畴, 考虑到他本身就是做语言设计相关的 [07:33] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 嗯, 而且他蛮推崇Java [07:33] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: autodir 的配置还有哪句? [07:33] <BuMangHuo> 看起来没有了啊 [07:33] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我也很推崇java... [07:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 刚刚那句我都不用了 [07:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不切dir了现在 [07:33] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: <- 我觉得还不错诶 [07:34] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 还真是 [07:34] <BuMangHuo> 不过话说 autochdir 到底干嘛用的啊? cc cherrot [07:34] <jiero_> iMadper: 竟然竟然你赞了苹果笔记本 [07:34] <iMadper> jiero_: 昂. 是啊. [07:35] <iMadper> jiero_: 好的东西我都赞. 不过那个本确实有设计缺陷, 比如只有一个type c接口. [07:35] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 其实最困扰我的是这句啊 nnoremap <C-w>\ :scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> [07:35] <iMadper> jiero_: 但是看上去真的很好看 [07:35] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我必须按很多次 C-w \ [07:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 为啥子呢? [07:35] <BuMangHuo> 才能起作用 [07:35] <BuMangHuo> 很多次 = 3-6 [07:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不会啊 [07:35] * jiero_ iMadper这个时代缺乏领导者,一个无限的usb多好。 [07:35] <jiero_> iMadper: lol [07:35] <BuMangHuo> 有时候两次,有时候三次,最多六次 [07:35] <BuMangHuo> ... [07:36] <BuMangHuo> 直接执行 :scs find c 没问题 [07:36] <jusss> 就一个口,就不能边看小电影边充电了,不好 [07:36] <iMadper> jiero_: 设想都是好的, 一个比内存还快的廉价硬盘多好, 一块儿一年充电一次的硬盘多好. [07:36] <jiero_> jusss: 怎么会 看电影您能看10小时 [07:36] <iMadper> jiero_: 但是, 又有什么用呢, 大家做不出来 [07:36] <onlylove_> jusss: 无线充电才是未来,少年,你OUT了 [07:36] <BuMangHuo> 绑定到类似 C-b 之类的,也没问题 [07:37] <jiero_> iMadper: 哪个做不出来 [07:37] <jiero_> iMadper: 磁带不耗电 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我这里很好... [07:37] <iMadper> jiero_: 磁带慢的很. [07:37] <iMadper> jiero_: 日常用, 用磁带??? [07:37] <jiero_> iMadper: 固定的不慢 [07:37] <jusss> onlylove_: 我在看git这种只可意会不可言传的东东 [07:37] <iMadper> jiero_: 慢. [07:37] <jiero_> iMadper: 用网络 [07:37] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我得抽空把配置捋一下了 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> 我再试试 [07:38] * QiongMangHuo 好的不得了 [07:38] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: +1 [07:38] <BuMangHuo> .... [07:38] <onlylove> [07:38] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 在我这里就是没问题系列 [07:38] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Solidot | 苹果是中国第一科技品牌 [07:38] * iMadper 怒赞李老板 [07:38] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我关了 不然和好多插件不兼容 就是自动切换 CWD的 [07:38] <jusss> onlylove 土豪们都全球各种飞,我这么大了还没做过一次国内的飞机,擦 [07:39] <iMadper> jiero_: 别说别的, 如果有可能, 大家当然希望能有个电池支撑笔记本跑一年了, 但是怎么做出来? [07:39] <cherrot> iMadper, 别忘了有人问学javascript看什么书好 国内一堆傻逼推荐犀牛书呢 [07:39] <jiero_> iMadper: 每个地方都有特斯拉一样的充电线圈 [07:39] <jiero_> lol [07:39] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 我记得当初是跟 leadf 有啥冲突来着 [07:39] <iMadper> cherrot: lol~ [07:39] <jiero_> iMadper: 大家都在线圈上给自己充电,然后自己给笔记本电脑充电。 [07:40] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 对 而且和 cscope ctags也不好合作 既然有了LeaderF 就完全不需要autochdir 了 [07:40] <cherrot> iMadper, 最烦国内这些不学无术就会瞎比比的人 [07:40] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你的terminal捕获了C-w吧? [07:40] <cherrot> 所谓毁人不倦 [07:40] <iMadper> cherrot: 我也是国内不学无术就会瞎逼逼的... [07:41] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 忘了我为啥单单多了一个<C-w>\的绑定了... [07:41] <cherrot> iMadper, 你是逼逼 不是瞎逼逼 [07:41] <iMadper> cherrot: lol~ [07:41] <cherrot> iMadper, 逼逼你好,我叫棒棒 [07:41] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 好像他 wiki 里面这么推荐写的? [07:41] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: iMadper 这周末又是P&E展了 [07:41] * HowIsItGoing 想去 [07:41] <iMadper> cherrot: ... [07:41] * cherrot .... [07:41] <jiero_> cherrot: 瞎逼逼的是我。 [07:41] <jiero_> lol [07:41] * cherrot 遁逃 [07:41] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: PE是啥? [07:41] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 好像是为了和tags对应 忘了 [07:41] * jiero_ 拍拍 cherrot [07:41] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 应该不是,刚才我把 vim 的配置都删了,就留下 gtags 这类的,就没问题,可能是我后来配置的什么东西冲突了 cc QiongMangHuo [07:41] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 摄影与电子器材展 [07:41] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 哦, 我不想去. [07:42] <cherrot> jiero_, 对 你是瞎比比~ [07:42] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 赞 [07:42] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 里面都是有钱人. [07:42] <iMadper> 瞎哔哔 [07:42] <jiero_> cherrot: 我很自豪 [07:42] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 各种玩儿器材的好机会 [07:42] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不过我好像只用c\c c\s, 别的都不咋用 [07:42] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 其实这两句就够了 [07:42] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 哪里得展 [07:43] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 我对器材不感冒, 买相机摄影是为了接触妹子们, 现在已经有妹子玩了就不需要玩器材了. [07:43] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 查了一下 别人没推荐, 那句是我主管主动加的 [07:43] <QiongMangHuo> 主观 [07:43] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 帝都,国家会议中心好像 [07:43] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 一会儿删掉... [07:43] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 擦,太实际了 [07:43] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 有啊,我查到的配置好像都有 C-w \ 来着? [07:43] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 昂. [07:43] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 不服? [07:43] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不服? [07:43] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: [07:43] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 长度=7.16 KiB ; type=text/plain [07:44] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我最服你了 [07:44] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 乖 [07:45] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我现在都忘了我从哪里抄来的了,我现在改回来了,只信仰你 [07:45] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 乖 [07:45] <BuMangHuo> 不过还是要用 molokai 代替你用的 desert QiongMangHuo [07:45] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我写的都很清楚 注释也全 log也好 [07:45] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 从来不直接拿来搞得乱七八糟 [07:46] <E022> 等我有时间了, 我要重构我的配置文档然后公开出来. [07:47] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这个问题,是在我说的豆腐之前吧? [07:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你的豆腐? [07:47] <HowIsItGoing> E022: 最服你了 [07:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我可没吃你的豆腐, 你不要乱说 [07:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你需要啥功能, 我告诉你就是了啊~ [07:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: 推荐你的生产力插件你又不用. fasd之类的 [07:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: 还有percol [07:48] <onlylove> 喵咪咪的热死了! [07:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: percol让git用起来得心应手 [07:50] <BuMangHuo> E022: 麻婆的豆腐 [07:50] <jiero_> onlylove: 你竟然也是八卦大师。。。 [07:50] <BuMangHuo> E022: fasd 当然用啊 [07:50] <E022> BuMangHuo: 来, 给你公开我现在用的最多的一个功能: function gs {git show $(gl | percol | cut -d' ' -f1)} [07:50] <jiero_> onlylove: 还超过了 roylez [07:50] <BuMangHuo> E022: 只不过不在 emacs 里面用 [07:50] <onlylove> jiero_: 我什么时候是八卦大师了 [07:50] <BuMangHuo> percol 和 fasd 都用啊 E022 [07:51] <E022> BuMangHuo: 哥写的插件这么完美你都不用.. [07:51] <E022> BuMangHuo: 拉黑 [07:51] <onlylove> jiero_: 没证据乱泼脏水 [07:51] <jiero_> onlylove: [07:51] <onlylove> 只会perl的居然会写插件,还不是perl的 [07:51] <E022> BuMangHuo: 还有keysnail, 跟percol是同一个作者. [07:51] <E022> onlylove: 这个插件水平也就是hello world水平的, 我给你看代码 [07:52] <onlylove> jiero_: 不是可信任的连接、 [07:52] <onlylove> jiero_: 你搞的啥 [07:52] <jiero_> onlylove: 不是我。 [07:52] <E022> onlylove: [07:52] <^k^> ⇪ ti: helm-fasd/helm-fasd.el at master · madper/helm-fasd · GitHub [07:52] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 今天疯了 [07:52] <freeflying> 4300 [07:52] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 哦 [07:53] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 昨天买了点别的东西, 小T了5%就闪了 [07:54] <onlylove_> 擦,jiero跑了 [07:54] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 你量大,值得 [07:55] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我的vimrc 拆成了3份 唉 不够简洁了 [07:55] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 所以啊,改 [07:55] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 摄影展? 在哪? 想买二手镜头。。 [07:56] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 但很舒服啊 [07:56] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 如果想修改一个东西就不舒服了 [07:57] <onlylove_> cherrot: 拜镜头壕 [07:57] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 整个配置都是我写的 就不会有这种烦恼了 [07:57] <E022> cherrot: 拜自写vim script的牛牛 [07:57] <cherrot> E022, 不都是么 [07:58] <E022> cherrot: 我不行 我就会最最简单的语法, 真要配置得抄别人的.... [07:58] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 股神,这几天怎么样啊 [07:58] <E022> cherrot: 目测 BuMangHuo 主要也是抄的? [07:58] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 不说不讨论不推荐 [07:58] <E022> happyaron: 你们这什么破词库啊 [07:58] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 求带装逼求带飞 [07:58] <happyaron> E022: 又咋了 [07:58] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 你是不是告诉他了, 他总叫我股神 [07:58] <cherrot> E022, 就是加插件加配置呗 少数的if else function 都只是很简单的 [07:58] <E022> happyaron: 石猴问题傻石猴解决? [07:59] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 赚翻了? [07:59] <BuMangHuo> E022: 最大的问题不是因为是抄的 [07:59] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 告诉谁? [07:59] <BuMangHuo> E022: 是因为抄袭了太多人的。。。。 [07:59] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: happyaron [07:59] <E022> BuMangHuo: lol~ [07:59] <happyaron> E022: 石猴问题我昨天跟负责词库的人说了以后就复现不了了 [07:59] <BuMangHuo> E022: adam 的, 主席的,来有论坛里面好几个人的 [07:59] <happyaron> E022: 除了这个还有啥问题? [07:59] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 显然没,你告诉我的,我从来不跟人说 [07:59] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: 复现不了?让来这个平到谈谈什么石猴复现? [08:00] <E022> happyaron: 一堆啊, 想不起来了, 想起来了告诉你 [08:00] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: momo [08:00] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: 他不会来这里啊 [08:00] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: 那大侠请不动, [08:00] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我完全clone 你的配置了,你代码默认全部折叠起来的? [08:00] <happyaron> E022: oki [08:00] <E022> happyaron: 我那天连续打了很多次时候, 想要手动纠正词频, 没成功 [08:00] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我马上更新 [08:01] <happyaron> E022: 我这里手工就纠正了 [08:01] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 昂,我等着 pull [08:01] <E022> happyaron: 可能我的次数不够吧 [08:01] <happyaron> E022: 估计shihou次数太多了哈哈 [08:01] <E022> happyaron: 是啊, 之前打错好久, 后来忍不了了想纠正发现没成功 [08:02] <BuMangHuo> 乃居然用 vim-airline 不用 powerline [08:02] <happyaron> E022: 要不你就清空个人词库,然后打错再纠正试试 [08:02] <E022> powerline我也在用... [08:02] <E022> happyaron: 那样死更惨吧... 石猴又不是我一个人的问题, 应该不是个人词库的问题吧? [08:02] <happyaron> E022: 进程全杀死,然后删除~/.config/SogouPY [08:03] <E022> happyaron: 一会儿试试看, fcitx删了再开的话, 还得重启emacs. [08:03] <happyaron> E022: 我也觉得有问题,但得有办法复现才能跟人家说清楚啊 [08:03] <happyaron> ... [08:03] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: push了 [08:03] <E022> happyaron: 昂. [08:03] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 所以 tmux 只能两两交换,而不能插入一个window 对吧? 所以我说的问题解决不了 只能一步步两两交换换到我想要的位置 [08:03] <E022> BuMangHuo: push了 [08:03] <happyaron> cherrot: gaoji用法啊 [08:04] <cherrot> happyaron, 搞几个蛋 我就想把新创建的window移动到第一个而已 [08:04] <E022> cherrot: 只要多步能完成的操作, 都可以写个函数一次成功吧...  happyaron, 搞几个蛋 我就想把新创建的window移动到第一个而已 <- 那么问题来了, 究竟 cherrot 有几个蛋? [08:04] <happyaron> E022: 他说要交换那么多次,估计数量不少啊 [08:05] <happyaron> E022: 难怪要不停地换妹纸 [08:05] <E022> happyaron: lol~ [08:05] <happyaron> E022: 不是人啊 [08:05] <cherrot> E022, 太复杂 本质就是tmux不支持 [08:05] <E022> happyaron: 怒赞! [08:05] * cherrot 。。。。 [08:05] <E022> cherrot: 还好我屏幕小 [08:05] <cherrot> happyaron, 于是你的妹纸会把你的蛋吃掉是么 [08:05] <freeflying> happyaron: 车子到了啊 [08:05] <E022> cherrot: 不需要分frame [08:05] <happyaron> cherrot: 不会啊~我是正常滴 [08:06] <happyaron> freeflying: 没买啊,被 gfrog 忽悠瘸了结果哪个都没买 [08:06] <happyaron> HowIsItGoing: ^^ [08:06] * E022 怒赞 HowIsItGoing [08:06] <cherrot> E022, 很经常啊 用于diff 之类的一个window,用于开发的,再开一个控制台,一个日志。 mysql redis之类的倒是可以统一放到控制台里 [08:06] <yunfan> cherrot: 整体搬迁可以 插入好像没见过他支持 不过理论上能够搬迁就可以插入 [08:07] <E022> cherrot: 我都是... 用多个buffer, 但是只有一个frame... [08:07] <^k^> 新 线下活动专版 • 免费报名:Ubuntu开发者创新大赛线下培训 【4月26日,武汉理工大学站】 中国移动&Ubuntu开发者大赛活动火热进行中, 如果你还没有报名的话,现在就到中国移动参赛页面报名参加了。 目前作品上传已经正式开启, [08:07] <cherrot> yunfan, 是吧 感觉好麻烦 只能一步步两两交换换过来。。 [08:07] <E022> cherrot: 当然, 最大的问题是我的屏幕太小. [08:07] <yunfan> cherrot: 你可以考虑起个 dvtm 多个pane 平时用 C-g m布局 他会最大化焦点所在的pane [08:07] <cherrot> E022, 我说的tmux啊 不是vim啊 [08:07] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你的 [08:07] <E022> cherrot: 我说的也是tmux啊 [08:07] <yunfan> cherrot: 想要切回总览布局可以C-g b [08:07] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 啥? [08:07] <cherrot> E022, tmux 哪里来的buffer? [08:08] <yunfan> cherrot: 你一定要听我的 因为我已经是在用nested tmux了 等我抓个图给你看 [08:08] <cherrot> yunfan, nested tmux ... 曾经试了一下 然后就傻逼了 [08:08] <cherrot> yunfan, 好 我瞅瞅 [08:09] <happyaron> cherrot: 我一直nested用着呢 [08:09] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: airline 里面用的啥字体? [08:09] <BuMangHuo> 那个箭头 [08:09] <cherrot> happyaron, 我是觉得nested 我自己都会混乱掉。。 [08:10] <happyaron> cherrot: 习惯就好了 [08:10] <cherrot> happyaron, 那我还是别习惯了。。 [08:10] <yunfan> cherrot: 其实很简单 外层用 C-a 里层用C-b [08:10] <yunfan> cherrot 注意看 我这个就是nested tmux 然后还在里面开了个dvtm [08:10] <happyaron> 两层都用C-a的路过 [08:11] <happyaron> 大脑锻炼得很好。。。 [08:11] <yunfan> happyaron: 那你在里层的bash用的vi绑定? [08:11] <happyaron> yunfan: 里面zsh [08:11] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: 啥? [08:12] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 没管它, 不喜欢替换成乱七八糟的字体 [08:12] <yunfan> happyaron: 那你如何跑到行首? 难道是 C-a C-a C-a? [08:12] <happyaron> yunfan: C-a C-a 0 [08:12] <yunfan> happyaron: 可见是vi like [08:12] <happyaron> yunfan: 额,不是, C-a a 0 [08:12] <happyaron> 恩呢 [08:13] <yunfan> 我这个需要 C-a C-a [08:13] <happyaron> o [08:13] <yunfan> 也挺烧脑的 尤其是C-g m以后 dvtm的一个pane全屏了 [08:14] <happyaron> 我是KDE环境,里面没有高级货了 [08:15] <yunfan> dvtm不是 wm [08:15] <yunfan> 是个tmux lite [08:15] <happyaron> yunfan: 额,套那么多层就有点变态了 [08:15] <yunfan> 人家是崇尚unix philosophy的 所以只能玩分屏 而没有window了 要管理window另外有个工具 [08:15] <yunfan> happyaron: 也就三层而已 [08:15] <cherrot> yunfan, 是啊 只能用不同的prefix 但我的大脑会混乱。。 [08:16] <happyaron> yunfan: 三层我还无法觉得舒适 [08:16] <yunfan> cherrot: 你要多用用脑子 才能得到锻炼 [08:16] <yunfan> happyaron: 那你要五层? [08:17] <happyaron> yunfan: 两层。。。 [08:17] <yunfan> 不知道怎么调整tty的背景色 [08:17] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 教教我 [08:17] <yunfan> 我要把屏幕切许多小方块 每个都用不同背景色 [08:17] <happyaron> yunfan: gaoji [08:18] <E022> cherrot: 你习惯叫window... 我习惯叫frame.... [08:18] <yunfan> happyaron: 这样装逼啊 这就叫 hollywood movie hacker [08:18] <yunfan> E022: 官方术语就是window [08:18] <E022> yunfan: 那又如何? [08:19] <yunfan> E022: 我很欣赏你的态度 不过要跟别人交流 那还是要用官方术语 或者你有钱到大家都来巴结你 [08:20] <E022> yunfan: 没事, 继续交流就可以, 不用非得别人巴结我才能继续交流. [08:20] <yunfan> E022: o [08:22] <happyaron> E022: 赶紧的除了shihou之外还有啥 [08:22] <E022> happyaron: 不晓得啊 [08:23] <E022> happyaron: 遇到!!! [08:23] <E022> happyaron: 遇到这个词!!! 玉道排在遇到前面, 不合适吧. [08:23] <E022> 我勒个去也有问题啊, 第一个是我乐个趣.... [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 啥输入法哦 [08:25] <E022> QiongMangHuo: sogou-pinyin [08:25] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我发现mendeley很好用诶. [08:25] <E022> happyaron: 找到了, 睢冉!!!! 虽然!!! [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 让 happyaron 负责 [08:25] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 那个箭头太难看 [08:26] <BuMangHuo> ... [08:26] <BuMangHuo> 这词组 [08:26] <E022> happyaron: 我都没听说过睢冉这个词 [08:26] <happyaron> E022: 再找几个 [08:26] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你的有问题嘛? [08:26] <E022> happyaron: 已经很多了... [08:26] <E022> happyaron: 那个睢冉比石猴还恐怖 [08:26] <happyaron> E022: 多列几个 [08:26] <BuMangHuo> 我还是用的 fictx 的 google-pinyin [08:26] <happyaron> E022: 现在才俩 [08:26] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: googlepinyin已经不维护了 [08:27] <E022> happyaron: ... ... [08:27] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: wengxt 成功忽悠他老婆放弃googlepinyin以后就彻底不维护了 [08:27] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: 曾经还维护的原因就是他老婆坚持用那个 lol [08:27] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: 什么时候能打时候了,我看看 sougou 在不在维护 [08:27] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 这个月来帝都? [08:27] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: 那怎么办,想办法嫁给他? [08:28] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: 好啊你去问他娶不娶,娶你的话说不定你还有机会移民美利坚 [08:28] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 哎? 话说不需要装 gtags.vim? [08:29] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 为啥要装? [08:29] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 那个干啥用的? [08:29] <BuMangHuo> 谁知道,我以为要用 gtags 必须用它呢 [08:30] <yunfan> 找到那个工具了 用这个 [08:30] <^k^> yunfan: ⇪ dEIC Homepage [08:30] <yunfan> 现在我的pane是红色背景了 [08:31] <freeflying> [08:31] <^k^> freeflying: ⇪ 新硬件 • 新生活—硬件自由日_活动行-全球最大中文活动平台! [08:31] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 哇 有你诶 [08:32] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 牛牛 [08:35] <E022> freeflying: 哇 有你诶 [08:35] <E022> freeflying: 牛牛 [08:35] * cherrot 无线真不稳定 [08:36] <BuMangHuo> /quit/ [08:37] <BuMangHuo> test [08:37] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 16:36 [08:37] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 哇 [08:37] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 有你 [08:39] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 你们使用git时会创建除master分支之外的分支吗? [08:39] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 必须的啊 [08:39] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 分支就是为了大量文件的回滚? [08:39] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 必须不是啊 [08:40] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 那作用是啥 [08:41] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 不是留个备份,然后创个分支,随便改,出毛病了就用master分支,没出毛病就合并? [08:41] <E022> jusss: 分支是为了一切改动. [08:41] <cherrot> jusss, 你自己开发就不一定有必要了 [08:41] <cherrot> jusss, 协作开发 或者 有线上生产环境 和测试环境 之类的 分支就有必要了 [08:42] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 我觉得phone qa比我的岗位还轻松?? [08:42] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 有点儿想转过去 [08:42] <cherrot> jusss, 然后就是各种 git rebase, git merge [08:42] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 赞啊, 成天玩手机就好了 [08:42] <jusss> cherrot: 所以分支还是备份的作用? [08:42] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 是啊. [08:42] <cherrot> jusss, 不是 [08:42] <E022> happyaron: 去啊 会 打成全 [08:42] <cherrot> jusss, 你要只是备份作用 看 commit 不就行了 [08:43] <QiongMangHuo> 去啊 去啊 去啊 [08:43] <QiongMangHuo> 没事儿啊 [08:43] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你是默认开 fold 还是关? [08:43] <jusss> cherrot: 那怎么理解 [08:43] <cherrot> jusss, 这没法解释 等你痛了就会去用了而已 [08:43] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 开 因为文件都很大 [08:43] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: E022 怎么理解分支/ [08:43] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 然后有快捷键一键关掉 再用tagList做跳转 [08:43] <E022> jusss: 就是个分支咯 [08:43] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 一键关? [08:43] <cherrot> jusss, 等你痛了就理解了 就这么简单 [08:43] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 来,你的配置分享来啊 [08:44] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 是啊 一键取消折叠 [08:44] <jusss> cherrot: ... [08:44] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 很长的 [08:44] <^k^> ⇪ ti: cherrot/vimrc · GitHub [08:45] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 映射一个 Leader-3 就是切换是否折叠 [08:45] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你咋又回vim了? [08:46] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: emacs 里面遇到了几个解决不了的问题 [08:46] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 拜脚踏两只船侠 [08:46] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 暂时回来躲两天 [08:48] <E022> happyaron: 也之有!!! [08:48] <E022> happyaron: 难道不应该是 也只有 [08:49] <happyaron> E022: qua 出全是对的 [08:49] <jusss> 创建分支,就是在当前这个时间点做个记号,然后从这个时间点之后的文件操作, [08:49] <jusss> 随便改,出毛病了,就不合并到上个时间点,没出问题就合并到上个时间点,然后 [08:49] <jusss> 接着创建分支, 理解有错吗 [08:49] <E022> happyaron: 也之有呢? [08:50] <happyaron> E022: 是有问题的 [08:50] <E022> happyaron: 因为之乎者也一起用? [08:50] <E022> happyaron: 仪器用... 一起用.. [08:50] <E022> happyaron: 范征 -> 反正 [08:50] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你这个思路不错,组合键可以用 leader 啊 [08:51] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 因为我用hhkb啊 lol [08:51] * cherrot 抓住机会炫富 [08:51] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 原先映射的 F1~F12 [08:51] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 对啊 [08:51] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 我就是因为 F1-F12 的问题头疼,所以说你用 leader 的思路赞啊 [08:52] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 因为我用 pokerII [08:52] <happyaron> E022: 恩 [08:52] <happyaron> E022: 继续,发现一例告诉我一例 [08:52] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 所以我禁用了一个对齐插件,因为我发现他几乎把所有能映射的键全映射了。。。这种插件就该就地拍死 [08:52] <E022> happyaron: 你输入范征出来的是啥? [08:52] <happyaron> 范征 [08:52] <happyaron> E022: 我得让那人复现 [08:52] <happyaron> E022: 在他的机器上 [08:52] <E022> happyaron: 赞. [08:54] <E022> happyaron: 网易竟然比王译还靠后... [08:55] <happyaron> E022: 正在纠集QA lead来围殴那人 [08:56] <E022> happyaron: 围殴致死 [08:56] <E022> happyaron: 不用留情 [08:56] <happyaron> E022: 那就没人修了 [08:56] <happyaron> E022: 先修了再说 [08:56] <E022> happyaron: 你啊 [08:56] <E022> happyaron: 那就先阉了他再说 [08:57] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 其实你可以把之前的留着啊 [08:57] <happyaron> E022: 我没有那部分代码 [08:57] <E022> happyaron: ... .... [08:57] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 比如我这种 pokerII || filco 双修的 [08:57] * BuMangHuo 也来炫 [08:57] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: 的壕 [08:57] <happyaron> 恩 [08:58] <happyaron> E022: 那是人家的核心知识产权,怎么可能给我们呢 [08:58] <happyaron> E022: 其他的啥都可以有 [08:58] <E022> happyaron: 昂... 好吧... [08:58] <happyaron> E022: 对了,孔叔叔过段时间回去讲 qimpanel,可以去围观 + 围殴 [08:58] <E022> cherrot: 比如我这种两把MSErgo4K的. [08:58] <happyaron> FJKong: ^^ [08:59] <E022> happyaron: 磨刀霍霍 [08:59] * E022 磨刀霍霍ing [08:59] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: exec 'nnoremap <silent>' g:Lf_ShortcutF ':<C-U>Leaderf '.$PWD.'<CR>' [08:59] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 最后一句为什么注掉了 [08:59] * QiongMangHuo 卧槽, 今天一整天全局全走代理, 竟然没发现... 上午还看了个电影, 刚才还下载了一个........... [09:00] <BuMangHuo> ... [09:00] <BuMangHuo> ... 的链接是啥 [09:00] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 看来是股神最近大利好,所以根本没在意这些小事 [09:00] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 别调侃我哈 [09:00] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 乖 [09:00] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 调侃下能咋的 [09:01] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 不开心呗 [09:01] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 哦,关了 autochdir 就没有那个错误了对吧 [09:01] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 你看今天 cherrot 都被黑出翔了 [09:01] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 妹子的话我就忍了, 你个满脸毛的抠脚大汉还调侃我, 感觉人生好失败~ [09:01] <jusss> 看成了 <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 你看今天 cherrot 都被黑出刘翔了 [09:01] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 。。。 [09:01] <happyaron> jusss: 哈哈哈 [09:02] <jusss> emacs让我的手指疼 [09:02] <happyaron> jusss: 从了vim吧 [09:03] <jusss> happyaron: 然后不停的按jj,多不文明 [09:03] <happyaron> jusss: 可以按ii [09:04] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: BuMangHuo 起哄 [09:04] <freeflying> E022: 你咋又换名字了呢 [09:04] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: pastetoggle 这个做啥的 [09:04] <xrosnight> 每天在恐慌中度过 [09:04] <xrosnight> no money [09:04] <E022> freeflying: 心情不好, 换个名字冷静一下 [09:04] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: E022 是 nick 壕啊 [09:05] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: F4 我之前绑定到 :noh 的 [09:05] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 我看你们都绑到 pastetoggle [09:05] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 切换paste状态的 [09:06] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 没有明白 [09:07] <freeflying> E022: 失恋了啊 [09:07] <E022> freeflying: 没啊 [09:08] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: paste状态粘贴东西不会被格式化, 行长度什么的, 总之paste状态下粘贴会保持原样 [09:08] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 那 "+p 不就是这个结果? [09:09] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 那只是粘贴 [09:11] <majormeng1989> 今天用w3m上baidu.com的时候一直在抖,好像在刷新似的,你们有这种情况吗?大家 [09:12] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 估计没机会过去吧…… 有事情? [09:12] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 没啊,你要来请你吃饭 [09:12] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 还以为你每个月要来一回呢 [09:12] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 老板没召唤我,哈哈 [09:14] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 粘贴代码用的 [09:15] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 因为去掉 autochdir了 所以就不用改插件源码了 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 这回来配置都看不懂了.. 得重新学了 [09:15] <grass> 请问eclipse的aptana插件中的代码提示前景色和背景色一个颜色 [09:16] <cherrot> happyaron: 妹子的话我就忍了, 你个满脸毛的抠脚大汉还调侃我, 感觉人生好失败~ [09:16] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你 easymontion leader 键是啥? [09:16] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我把autocomplete那一坨移出去了 剩下的应该很简明了吧 [09:16] <BuMangHuo> 配置里面没看到 [09:16] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, leader leader w/b [09:16] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 默认的 [09:17] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 额,想起来了,要两个 leader [09:17] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 要是刨根问底 可以看所有的map 哈哈 [09:17] <QiongMangHuo> easymontion赛高 [09:17] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 谢 QiongMangHuo 的推荐啊 [09:17] <BuMangHuo> 恩 [09:17] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: momo [09:18] <BuMangHuo> 不过没有 emacs 里面的那个啥插件来着好用 [09:18] <BuMangHuo> E022: 也是那个写 percol 的大神写的好像? [09:18] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙规则:ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL? ... 7%E5%8D%97 Code:  ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL  命令[--试运行]日志 开启|关闭|“级别”     “级别”分为low、medium、high、full     low 记录与 [09:18] <^k^> ─> 默认策略冲突的封装数据包(记录速度被限制)。记录与规则符合的数据包(没有要求关 … [09:19] <BuMangHuo> 哦 ace jump [09:20] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙规则:ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL? ... 7%E5%8D%97 Code:  ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL  命令[--试运行]日志 开启|关闭|“级别”     “级别”分为low、medium、high、full     low 记录与 [09:20] <^k^> ─> 默认策略冲突的封装数据包(记录速度被限制)。记录与规则符合的数据包(没有要求关 … [09:20] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 主动跟老板沟通啊 [09:21] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 跟老板沟通去帝都玩耍么? lol [09:22] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙规则:ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL? zz: Naopas — 2015-04-17 17:21 [09:23] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙规则:ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL? ... 7%E5%8D%97 Code:  ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL  命令[--试运行]日志 开启|关闭|“级别”     “级别”分为low、medium、high、full     low 记录与 [09:23] <^k^> ─> 默认策略冲突的封装数据包(记录速度被限制)。记录与规则符合的数据包(没有要求关 … [09:25] <gfxmode> majormeng1989: w3m上百度,是在下载图片么? [09:25] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙规则:ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL? ... 7%E5%8D%97 Code:  ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL  命令[--试运行]日志 开启|关闭|“级别”     “级别”分为low、medium、high、full     low 记录与 [09:25] <^k^> ─> 默认策略冲突的封装数据包(记录速度被限制)。记录与规则符合的数据包(没有要求关 … [09:25] <gfxmode> majormeng1989: 我这边没这种情况 [09:27] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙规则:ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL? ... 7%E5%8D%97 Code:  ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL  命令[--试运行]日志 开启|关闭|“级别”     “级别”分为low、medium、high、full     low 记录与 [09:27] <^k^> ─> 默认策略冲突的封装数据包(记录速度被限制)。记录与规则符合的数据包(没有要求关 … [09:28] <E022> bu [09:28] <E022> BuMangHuo: 啥emacs插件? [09:28] <E022> BuMangHuo: 对, 也是percol写的. [09:28] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 没有 tags 了还留着这个 nnoremap <silent> <F2> :TagbarToggle<CR>? [09:28] <BuMangHuo> E022: ace jump 嘛,好用到没朋友 [09:28] <E022> BuMangHuo: ace jump好用??? [09:28] <HowIsItGoing> E022: 有木有sharp电视的科普文章? 型号分类之类的 [09:28] <E022> BuMangHuo: 比easy motion还难用吧... [09:29] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 我有个简单的分类方法, 你要不要听? [09:29] <BuMangHuo> E022: 太太太太太好用了啊 [09:29] <BuMangHuo> E022: 哪里难用 [09:29] <HowIsItGoing> E022: 按价钱分? [09:29] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 5000以下的 [09:29] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 5k - 7k的 [09:29] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 7k - 10k的 [09:29] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 10k以上的 [09:29] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 服? [09:29] <E022> BuMangHuo: 其实有点儿类似hint了是吧? [09:30] <BuMangHuo> 恩 [09:31] <nyfair> 诸君,希捷5t 130刀你们觉得值么 [09:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: tagbar 还是很好用的 [09:36] <yunfan> 刚想问阿蛋个问题 [09:39] <gfxmode> 现在显示器技术国内厂家已经掌握了,感觉不是很有必要买外国货了 [09:45] <nyfair> gfxmode: 但是国外已经开始新花样了,三星电视已经硬解h265了 [09:46] <nyfair> gfxmode: 农企都没这功能 [09:48] <nyfair> 我记得迅雷看看是国内最早尝鲜去搞h265的,还找了个北大的团队做解码器,结果被腾讯整了 [09:51] <nyfair> 别人都在弄新技术,hevc x265,连自由软件基金会的daala都搞得有模有样的,只有技术落后的g婊还在折腾那个只有他自己才用的vp9 [09:52] <nyfair> g婊的vp9有评测的,只能跟mainconcept的h264比 [09:52] <nyfair> 稍微占优一点 [09:52] <nyfair> 还不如x264 [09:53] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) 發行 Ubuntu 15.04 正式版 預定 2015/04/23 發行 以下先貼出目前已能夠看到的資料 ReleaseNotes zz: poloshiao — 2015-04-17 17:52 [09:56] <nyfair> 时间总是能证明很多东西,自由软件基金会那个vorbis几年来一直被诟病音质不行,只能跟mp3比,现在它的新花样opus已经碾压aac了 [09:57] <nyfair> g婊自己都是后来者却还在折腾过时的技术fdk [10:40] <jusss> onlylove_: 明天有空没 出来玩会 [10:40] <onlylove_> jusss: 睡觉 [10:55] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • 求助:Thunderbird在ubuntu下收取邮件出现的奇葩问题 本人最新重新安装了ubuntu,配置完Thunderbird后,使用的是outlook.com的imap,然后,收件箱始终只能收取5封邮件,日期大概在2015.4月份,既不是最新的,也不是未读的邮件,其它文 [11:12] <happyaron> BuMangHuo: 下次见到madper跟他说已经给相关开发了 [11:32] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ufw防火墙日志,怎分析? Code: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /var/log/ufw.log | nl | grep SRC      1   Apr 17 19:28:51 ubuntu kernel: [ 3263.201136] [UFW LIMIT BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=57 ID=26757 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1141 DPT= [11:32] <^k^> ─> 23 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0      2   Apr 17 19:36:28 ubuntu kernel: [ 3719.789684] [UFW LIMIT BLOCK] IN= … [11:53] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 15.04 • 大家开始用版本4的内核了吗 我今天刚体验了一把4.0的内核,挺不错的,我就是感觉不出来哪里好 顺便来张桌面截图,已经很长时间没有来论坛,孩儿们你们好吗。 zz: maoyaotang — 2015-04-17 19:52 [11:55] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • xubuntu 一运行 steam xorg就崩溃 xubuntu 14.04 显卡是 9800GT 使用的闭源驱动 340.76, 内核版本 3.18.6-031806-generic. 没办法我只能贴出日志了 = =!! zz: TimePower — 2015-04-17 19:53 [11:57] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 请教下WIN8.1预装的系统,然后双系统elementaryos后,无法看到eos的引导,怎么修复 请教下WIN8.1预装的系统,然后双系统elementaryos后,无法看到eos的引导,怎么修复 我的笔记本是Y430P win8.1是预装的系统,然后我U盘安装了eos,但是 [11:57] <^k^> ─> 系统还是一样启动进入到win8了。。 已经关闭win8的快速启动,关闭uefi 请教下怎么修复, … [12:25] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 15.04 • 希望15.04解决几个问题 第一,从14.04开始,即使安装的时英文版的,输入中文也很简单了,但是同时也出现了一个问题,中文输入法我找不到设置入口了; 第二,14.10在我这里有个毛病:Nvidia显卡,在14.04甚至13.10下使用SMplayer播放电 [12:32] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 更新显卡驱动到最新的私有驱动,仍然不能玩steam下的linux游戏 各种更新后,进游戏闪退!更新了驱动一样没解决,我的系统是64位的!版本14.04 不知道还要提供其他什么信息,请老师指教下。。。。。 zz: loveofmaria — 2015-04- [12:32] <^k^> ─> 17 20:31 [13:46] <wyb> ^k^: hi [13:46] <^k^> wyb:点点点. 21:46 [13:47] <wyb> ^k^: > joke [13:47] <wyb> > joke [13:47] <^k^> wyb: 竟然是图片 蔬菜侠睡着了 [13:47] <^k^> wyb: 宿舍MM霸气的眼线笔 [13:49] <wyb> > joke [13:49] <^k^> wyb: 竟然是图片 回帖的都是人才 [14:13] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 巧言护桂树 : 有个读书人见邻居正要挥斧砍掉庭院中的一棵大树,忙上前问道:"这株桂花树长得甚好,老伯何故砍掉它?"邻居叹曰:"我这庭院四四方方,有了此树,便成了个'困'字,老夫怕不吉利,故忍心……"该读书人听后拱手笑道:"依老伯 [14:13] <^k^> ─> 说法,除去树后住人,不又成了个囚犯的'囚'字吗,岂非更不吉利?" [14:22] <eexpss> 有网速快的没。帮忙下一个 最新的。放网盘。 [14:22] <^k^> ⇪ ti: CyanogenMod Downloads [21:57] <jackness> 大家早上好啊,早森
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "E022", "HowIsItGoing", "O0XX|Qiong", "QiongMangHuo", "Sn0rt", "^k^", "cherrot", "eexpss", "freeflying", "gfxmode", "grass", "happyaron", "hoxily", "hoxily_", "iMadper", "jackness", "jiero", "jiero_", "jusss", "jussss", "kandu", "majormeng1989", "nyfair", "onlylove", "onlylove_", "root", "sillyplus", "tryit", "wyb", "xrosnight", "yunfan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[06:00] <DanChapman> morning all [09:33] <pack_code> How do you publish a .deb app on the software center if license is GPL3? [10:20] <popey> pack_code: same way you publish with an app of any license [10:27] <pack_code> popey: I tried that [10:27] <popey> tried what? [10:28] <pack_code> to publish that way [10:28] <pack_code> I go t a message [10:29] <pack_code> popey: Thank you for submitting a gratis Free Software application through MyApps. At this time we are unable to process this request, as we are working on the implementation of a new app upload process. [10:29] <pack_code> My app is FOSS [10:29] <popey> Ah okay. It's a free app? [10:29] <pack_code> popey: FOSS [10:29] <popey> It can be FOSS and not free :) [10:29] <popey> But anyway.. [10:29] <pack_code> yes.. [10:29] <popey> I would recommend you upload your application to Debian. [10:29] <popey> Well, find a debian developer to assist you with that. [10:29] <pack_code> but will I see it in ubuntu software center [10:30] <popey> Not immediately. [10:30] <pack_code> without having to add ppas [10:30] <pack_code> how long is the review? [10:30] <popey> But putting it in Debian means it will come to a future Ubuntu release, and other Debian derivatives benefit too. [10:30] <popey> I don't know. You'd need to speak to a Debian developer [10:30] <pack_code> retroactive as well? [10:30] <pack_code> for trusty? [10:31] <ogra_> trusty is in final freeze [10:31] <pack_code> damn! [10:31] <pack_code> I am on utopic [10:31] <pack_code> do you have a link to the edbian option you mentioned [10:31] <pack_code> "edbian" meant debian [10:32] <popey> [10:32] <popey> that might be useful [10:33] <popey> The documentation is comprehensive. [10:33] <pack_code> it is [10:33] <pack_code> so there's really no way then, is there? [10:34] <popey> no way for what? [10:34] <pack_code> for an app to appear in Ubuntu Software Center [10:34] <popey> Yes, but not immediately, if it's FOSS [10:34] <pack_code> I have a launchpad ppa and a bzr recipe [10:34] <popey> (and free) [10:34] <pack_code> why is that? [10:34] <pack_code> I thout Ubuntu was based on free/donations [10:34] <popey> Long story. [10:34] <pack_code> 1 sentence [10:35] <pack_code> any outlook at least? [10:35] <popey> If you want to appear in the Software Centre, get your package in the Ubuntu archive. [10:35] <pack_code> how? [10:35] <popey> to get in the archive, you're better getting in Debian (then everyone benefits) [10:36] <popey> if you dont want to send to debian, you can submit to Ubuntu, but it won't go to Trusty archive, as that's already shipped. [10:36] <pack_code> sure [10:36] <popey> you could get it in W (15.10) when that releases, then request a backport [10:36] <pack_code> I could live w/o trusty [10:36] <popey> but honestly, going to debian is better. [10:36] <pack_code> could work [10:36] <pack_code> just what is the procedure [10:36] <popey> s/releases/opens/ [10:36] <pack_code> huh? [10:36] <popey> Well, the archive for W isn't open yet. [10:36] <popey> 15.10 hasn't even begun yet. [10:37] <ahoneybun> soon [10:37] <pack_code> I see its not that time of April yet [10:37] <popey> Close to when 15.04 releases, the archive for 15.10 will open. [10:37] <pack_code> so does the software center automatically pick up debian archives or does one have to configure something like "multiverse" [10:37] <popey> [10:38] <popey> No. [10:38] <popey> USC shows what's in the archive, main, restricted, universe, multiverse [10:38] <pack_code> That is very useful.... [10:38] <pack_code> popey: thanks man! [10:39] <popey> However, I would still urge you to submit to debian, unless it's an Ubuntu specific app. [10:39] <pack_code> it's actually gnome-shell [10:39] <pack_code> game [10:39] <pack_code> wanna see? [10:39] <popey> sure. [10:40] <pack_code> main site [10:41] <pack_code> popey: [10:43] <pack_code> popey: there was a debian import freeze on feb19 [10:44] <popey> but it could go into the next release [10:44] <pack_code> popey: that's the boat I missed [10:44] <popey> bummer [10:44] <pack_code> I know, maybe on the next time the Titanic makes a stop somewhere [10:46] <popey> heh [10:46] <pack_code> popey: thanks for the brainstom [10:47] <popey> np [10:47] <pack_code> have a nice day! [10:47] <popey> you too [11:15] <zsombi_> nik90: ping [11:15] <zsombi_> nik90: I'm back on alarm ID [11:16] <zsombi_> nik90: I managed to launch teh clock app on my vivid :) [11:18] <nik90> zsombi_: hey [11:18] <nik90> zsombi_: ooh nice [11:19] <zsombi_> nik90: so, I managed to crash teh app only ince, and I cannot reprodice it anymore... [11:19] <zsombi_> once [11:20] <nik90> zsombi_: I just got a email notification about the alarm-id MP and realized that I mentioned my test results to you on IRC that day but failed to comment on the MP. [11:21] <nik90> zsombi_: From what I remember, even after switching to the memory backend, I did observe some strange behavior with respect to the bottom edge tab not being aware of the alarm if a signal wasn't fired [11:21] <nik90> zsombi_: I couldn't reproduce this on every try, but it happened more or less 6 out of 10 times. [11:23] <zsombi_> nik90: so th ebottom edge connects to some model signal? [11:24] <nik90> zsombi_: well the bottom edge periodically (every minute) goes through the alarm model and calculates the time to the next closest active alarm. [11:24] <nik90> zsombi_: but it seems that the alarm model variable doesn't seem to be updated (I think( [11:25] <zsombi_> nik90: I cannot repro that... :( [11:26] <nik90> zsombi_: I will test it once more with the same test conditions as before [11:26] <zsombi_> nik90: this si weird... the bottom edge label fetches the alarm model every time o move the window... [11:27] <zsombi_> nik90: good. I've updated the MR, synced with staging now [11:27] <nik90> zsombi_: on the phone probably that equates to the app getting focus again [11:28] <zsombi_> nik90: perhaps... [11:28] <nik90> zsombi_: the reason we do that is quite important...if an alarm goes off, the indicator-datetime disables it (for one-time alarm cases). However the clock app ui did not update to reflect that. So I had to add the code where when the clock app gets focus, we recheck the alarm model [11:28] <zsombi_> nik90: but we shoudl do sthing about that [11:29] <nik90> zsombi_: that was the best solution we could come up with at the time..I remember discussing this UI not updating issue when I implemented the solution. [11:33] <zsombi_> nik90: right... and that can stay as is [11:33] <zsombi_> nik90: what we could do is to have some LiveTime{} component which woudl also trigger a signal to give you the next upcomming alarm [11:35] <nik90> zsombi_: yeah that would be handy..would save the clock app from polling the alarm model unnecessarily [11:38] <nik90> zsombi_: if this LiveTime{} component lands in 1.3, would that be in vivid or vivid+1 ? [11:38] <zsombi_> nik90: 1.2 is vivid, 1.3 is v+1 :) [11:40] <zsombi_> nik90: but I'm affraid we cannot get this alarm ID to 1.2 :( [11:40] <zsombi_> so it has to go to 1.3 [11:41] <zsombi_> but I'll discuss this today with pmcgowan [11:42] <nik90> zsombi_: its not critical to land this in 1.2 but the fact that i-dt and EDS landed their required fixes in vivid makes their effort go wasted [11:42] <nik90> sure, let me know what comes out of it [11:42] <zsombi_> nik90: exactly... [11:42] <zsombi_> The MR was ready and I could not find anything, so it should have landed :/ [11:49] <vitimiti> I have followed this guide: to set up the translation options for my project. Now I would like to translate the Spanish part myself, is there a way I can do this or should I just let the Ubuntu team do it? [12:04] <sverzegnassi> hi all! is it safe to add some custom extension to the manifest.json file (i'm talking about UITK app)? i've seen a few core apps have some. [12:10] <popey> sverzegnassi: yeah, the core apps have them for autopilot under x-test, and I believe they are just ignored [12:10] <popey> you might want to run click-reviewer-tools over them though, and you'll probably just get warnings [12:10] <popey> (also, sverzegnassi you have mail) :D [12:11] * nik90 is ecstatic..he just got his insider's BQ Device! [12:12] <sverzegnassi> popey: yes, i'd like to add some info in the manifest for one of my app just because i'm lazy and i've built an AboutPage that grab the info from there [12:12] <sverzegnassi> popey: yes, I've seen the mail. at the moment i'm not at home, and I don't remember all the details [12:13] <Elleo> nik90: awesome :) [12:13] <DanChapman> nik90: \o/ [12:17] <nik90> :) [12:30] <popey> sverzegnassi: ok [14:29] <zsombi_> nik90: [14:29] <zsombi_> nik90: sometimes I am getting a crash at the point when I launch the app on desktop [14:29] <zsombi_> nik90: I have a comment about that so there's some GLib call you have there... [14:32] <zsombi_> nik90: but still, seems if I do not cache the alarms, then I don't get crashes... though the first crash I got when the cache was taken away... I have to check how to get this more stable [14:32] <zsombi_> but next week [14:32] <nik90> zsombi_: hmm strange..I will look through AlarmPage.qml; [14:33] <nik90> zsombi_: I don't even load anything in alarmpage.qml..just normal qtquick and ubuntu component imports [14:33] <zsombi_> nik90: there's something after onCompleted... [14:33] <zsombi_> nik90: do you have anything else which would cause some GLib calls? [14:34] <nik90> zsombi_: clock app has a c++ plugin which uses Qtdbus to communicate to indicator-datetime..that's about it [14:34] <zsombi_> aham... well, I'll go off now, I'll check it next week [14:35] <nik90> zsombi_: ok..I will take the weekend to do some investigation [14:37] <zsombi_> nik90: ouh! If I run the app with ALARM_BACKEND=memory, it crashes every time!!! [14:38] <zsombi_> nik90: !!!!! QOrganizerManager::availableManagers().contains(envManager) crashes!!! [14:38] <zsombi_> renatu: ^ [14:40] <renatu> zsombi_, probably you have a broken qorganizer plugin installed [14:40] <zsombi_> renatu: hmmm! only me? It used to crash for nik90 as well... [14:41] <nik90> zsombi_: true but it crashes only once or twice for me and it was a week or two ago? [14:41] <renatu> zsombi_, I got this when I have a a memory or a eds plugin installed but built with a different qt version [14:42] <zsombi_> nik90: renatu: if I remove that line of code, I do no longer get any crashes... [14:42] <zsombi_> renatu: oh, f*k! [14:44] <zsombi_> WTF??! qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin: [14:44] <zsombi_> Installed: 5.0~git20140515~29475884-0ubuntu9 [14:44] <zsombi_> Candidate: 5.0~git20140515~29475884-0ubuntu9 [14:44] <zsombi_> Version table: [14:44] <zsombi_> *** 5.0~git20140515~29475884-0ubuntu9 0 [14:44] <zsombi_> 500 vivid/universe amd64 Packages [14:44] <zsombi_> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [14:44] <zsombi_> renatu: ^ look at that? is it really [14:45] <zsombi_> renatu: is the plugin still qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin? [14:45] <renatu> yes [14:46] <zsombi_> renatu: and is it true that has not been built with 5.4.1? [14:46] <zsombi_> renatu: what's yours? [14:47] <renatu> zsombi_, I build it from source [14:47] <zsombi_> ok, that's not a ref point then... [14:53] <renatu> zsombi_, check the files on your: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/organizer/ [14:53] <renatu> zsombi_, try remove one by one, to see which one is broken [16:07] <nik90> charles: ping [16:07] <charles> nik90: pong [16:08] <nik90> charles: hey, can you get a MP to change the default alarm silence after duration to 10 minutes as specified by mpt? [16:09] <nik90> charles: I was suppose to change the wording in the clock app side, and I will get a MP for that in my end [16:09] <charles> nik90, alarm-duration-minutes is already 10 minutes in trunk? [16:09] <nik90> s/suppose/supposed [16:10] <nik90> charles: oh..I haven't tested clock app on vivid for sometime ...that's why I may have missed that [17:00] <charles> nik90, ping me if it's not working for you, but the default should be 10 now [17:04] <nik90> charles: just flashed latest vivid, and I see the default as 10 mins [17:04] <charles> nik90, \o/ [17:05] <nik90> :) [17:28] <TestDeveloper> hello [17:29] <TestDeveloper> I want to create a new provider for owncloud. Is there a tutorial to do this? [19:03] <popey> renatu: seen bug 1445586 from alesage ? "error" : "error code from SyncEvolution remote, status 400: REPORT 'meta data': bad HTTP status: <status 1.1, code 400, class 4, Bad Request>" [19:03] <popey> :( [19:15] <renatu> popey, are you using the version from silo? [19:15] <popey> renatu: it wasn't me [19:16] <renatu> yes the fix did not land yet [19:16] <alesage> renatu, from a fresh vivid flash, using calendar from the store [19:17] <renatu> alesage, if you want that working you need to get syncevolution from the silo [19:17] <popey> ahh [19:36] <alesage> popey, not sure what the process is here, may need a new silo and/or your advice [22:53] <DF__> HI [22:53] <DF__> can some one help me out?? [22:54] <beuno> DF__, what's up? [22:54] <DF__> i have some problems with a mysql conection [22:55] <beuno> DF__, on the ubuntu phone? [22:55] <DF__> yep [22:55] <DF__> and the development [22:56] <DF__> bueno, i can't install the lib on my nexus 4 [23:03] <DF__> ...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DF__", "DanChapman", "Elleo", "TestDeveloper", "ahoneybun", "alesage", "beuno", "charles", "nik90", "ogra_", "pack_code", "popey", "renatu", "sverzegnassi", "vitimiti", "zsombi_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[04:40] <nagromlt> I want to develope something for Ubuntu [05:59] <Noskcaj> nagromlt, Then do that ;) [05:59] <Noskcaj> I don't have time to help you right now, but the info is out there [08:10] <aschildbach> Hi everyone! [09:49] <flexiondotorg> Could a sponsor please take a look at - [12:34] <aeoril> infinity were you still going to have me do some writing? [12:34] <aeoril> infinity ^ [13:38] <pitti> Good morning [13:49] <infinity> aeoril: Quite possibly, if you poke me next week. [14:27] <tjaalton> doko: the binutils trusty sru seems to have a weird version (-5u13 vs -5u3.1 in -security)? [14:56] <tjaalton> pitti: hm might have rejected the ubuntu-drivers-common upload too hastily :/ [14:56] <pitti> tjaalton: you can always grab it from the rejected queue again [14:56] <tjaalton> ah [14:56] <tjaalton> ok [14:56] <pitti> tjaalton: but I can also reupload, and add a -v, I didn't look at this yet [15:00] <tjaalton> pitti: oh I was right afterall, so yeah reupload :) [15:06] <pitti> tjaalton: wow, 1: hasn't been verified since Dec 10?? [15:06] <tjaalton> yeah I just updated it.. [15:06] <tjaalton> oh since dec 10, so over four months then [15:06] <pitti> tjaalton: reuploaded [15:07] <tjaalton> thx, I'll ack it and hope the other bug is verified soon [15:07] <pitti> tjaalton: cheers [15:21] <pitti> infinity: FYI, langpacks built and tested, looking good; uploading/self-accepting now [15:32] <infinity> pitti: Ta. [15:33] <doko> tjaalton, yes, it had a few iterations in the ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa PPA [16:19] * Laney wonders why apt just forgot how to verify signatures [16:45] <pitti> mvo: [17:25] <aeoril> infinity ok, will do. Thanks. [20:09] <cyphermox> pitti: so, casper/plymouth are still acting up on the CD; looks like it's because in the only-ubiquity case (ie. not a live session), it's trying to set it up to run just before display-manager rather than replacing it properly [20:10] <pitti> cyphermox: yes, that's on purpose (direct translation of the upstart unit) [20:10] <cyphermox> that's broken [20:10] <pitti> cyphermox: or maybe I'm mixing that up with oem-setup [20:10] <cyphermox> then display-manager will try to start at the same time as things are trying to shutdown [20:10] <pitti> that at least should run, then lightdm should start [20:10] <cyphermox> lightdm should never start after ubiquity's install [20:11] <cyphermox> would you have a chance to take a look? [20:11] <pitti> cyphermox: ah, ok; so Conflicts=display-manager.service? [20:11] <cyphermox> specifically, ubiquity.service [20:11] <cyphermox> no [20:11] <cyphermox> I think it needs to outright replace display-manager as the display-manager, since that's what it's doing anyway [20:11] <pitti> or that [20:12] <pitti> Alias=display-manager.service ? [20:12] <cyphermox> possibly [20:13] <pitti> (sorry, talking here)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Noskcaj", "aeoril", "aschildbach", "cyphermox", "doko", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "nagromlt", "pitti", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[09:53] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, infinity - The reboot after install issue is not fixed as far as I can tell. [09:53] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, infinity - [09:53] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, infinity I have done test installs in VirtualBox and real hardware. [09:54] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, infinity - VirtualBox guest locks up, does not present an Eject media option. [09:54] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, infinity - Real hardware does present Eject media but locks up once ENTER is pressed. [11:08] <davmor2> cyphermox: when you are about I'm running some tests on iso's today. In oem mode ubiquity installer mode the volume looks to be permanently muted, I will try with a standard in mode and let you know if it is permanent muted on the oem desktop and end user desktop too [11:18] <davmor2> cyphermox: next the machine is still not rebooting on when you hit enter [11:19] <davmor2> cyphermox: next issue there seems to be no End User Setup icon on the oem desktop [11:21] <davmor2> cyphermox: network manager is not seeing my Wifi AP even though it did in setup session [14:20] <cyphermox> davmor2: I'll run tests again here, but I thought I tried oem yesterday; it got broken because reasons [14:21] <davmor2> cyphermox: I got bugs in u-quality [14:21] <cyphermox> aye [14:42] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, I'm going to test oem-config again now. [14:43] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, You saw my earlier comment about reboot at end of install now working? [14:43] <cyphermox> there are conflicting reports to that effect [14:43] <cyphermox> it's not working every time, it seems [14:44] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, Are you referring to the reboot issues? ^^^ [14:45] <cyphermox> yes [14:45] <flexiondotorg> I've tested of several machines (real and virtual) and it has not worked :( [14:53] <cyphermox> rebooting, going to run some testing on hardware, and all I have is my laptop
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cyphermox", "davmor2", "flexiondotorg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-installer" }
[05:40] <mappps> Hello [05:40] <mappps> My names mappps i would like to be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic [05:40] <mappps> it makes me sad being banned;/  one my customer have this (weird) os and he's reporting,..... [14:52] <k1l> last time it was "his friend" and after that he made a lot of drama even on the mailinglist [14:52] <genii> Hm [16:32] <genii> @comment 67335 Connectivity issue, forwarded to ##fix_your_connection [17:21] <mappps> Hello [17:21] <mappps> My names mappps i would like to be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic [17:21] <IdleOne> why were you banned? [17:24] <mappps> phunyguy got annoyed [17:24] <IdleOne> yeah blaming others for your actions is not going to get you unbanned. Want to try again? [17:25] <IdleOne> and it wasn't phunyguy who banned you anyway [17:25] <phunyguy> I was just going to say.... I quited, Flannel kicked, and I removed quiet [17:25] <phunyguy> quieted* [17:25] <phunyguy> good grief. [17:26] * phunyguy bashes keyboard [17:26] <IdleOne> So mappps, why were you banned? [17:30] <mappps> oh [17:30] <mappps> i dont know [17:30] <mappps> mouse said phunyguy banned me [17:30] <mappps> said because of my moaning [17:32] <phunyguy> o.O [17:33] <phunyguy> yeah that's not accurate. I quieted because of the lengthy paste directly in the channel. [17:33] <phunyguy> then removed it shirtly after. [17:33] <phunyguy> shortly too. [17:33] <IdleOne> Alright so the problem we have with you is that you like to get drunk and then come on irc and act like a fool. We can't have that in Ubuntu channels. I will remove the ban this time but if this happens again I can assure you that the ban will last a lot longer. [17:34] <IdleOne> mappps: Do you understand? [17:34] <mappps> yes [17:34] <mappps> dont come on irc when ive been out [17:35] <IdleOne> ban is removed, rejoin -offtopic and part this channel. Thank you for flying AirOne. [17:35] <mappps> k [17:36] <IdleOne> @comment #ubuntu-ops mappps warned about his drunken irc'ing and that we will not tolerate his silliness. [17:37] <IdleOne> @comment #ubuntu-ooftopic mappps warned about his drunken irc'ing and that we will not tolerate his silliness. [17:37] <IdleOne> @comment #ubuntu-offtopic mappps warned about his drunken irc'ing and that we will not tolerate his silliness. [17:37] <IdleOne> lol -ooftopic [17:37] <Pici> oof [18:00] <genii> Now I want an #ubuntu-ooftopic
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IdleOne", "Pici", "genii", "k1l", "mappps", "phunyguy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[04:28] <noob_rpi> Hi, I am trying to cross compile a kernel for raspberry pi 2. The deb-pkg build generates an armel.deb instead of armhf.deb. How do I generate the armhf deb?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "noob_rpi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[16:35] <qwebirc20659> hi tgm4883. mythbuntu-control-centre works great now on linux mint. thanks again [16:36] <tgm4883> qwebirc20659: your welcome. Thanks for letting me know of the issue [16:36] <qwebirc20659> thats ok. if i find anything else i will let you know [16:38] <Shadow__X> tgm is a wizard at fixing things [16:39] <qwebirc20659> it seems that way :) [16:40] <qwebirc20659> good bye and keep up the excellent work. thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Shadow__X", "qwebirc20659", "tgm4883" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv" }
[00:31] <sillymoosee> Hi, Kubuntu 15.04 question, I can't seem to get my panel clock to 24hr time. Seems system settings Region page changes have made this difficult. Is there a file I can manually edit? [00:35] <tuv0k> sillymoosee: I want military time as weill [00:36] <sillymoosee> tuv0k: No luck eh? Guess it wasn't a priority so far to expose custom date via gui... [00:37] <tuv0k> no, we can only at present change the zone :( [00:37] <tuv0k> seems silly [00:37] <tuv0k> it is always the first thing I change [00:38] <voidwalker> hey i cant find wine 1.7.40 in wine team ppa. what can i do? [00:45] <mparillo> sillymoosee: This is the bug I raised: [00:46] <mparillo> tuv0k: You can vote for it also ^^^ [00:49] <tuv0k> nice [00:50] <sillymoosee> mparillo: Thanks for link, that is amazingly LAME. If there's on regression area bound to make users mad, its regional customizations. [00:50] <sillymoosee> I forsee a lot of user complaints and questions on release hitting forums and IRC... [00:51] <GunnDawg> When does 15.04 release? [01:02] <tuv0k> GunnDawg: [01:54] <sillymoosee> tuv0k: don't forget to vote on bug, I gave my 2 cents. Off to restore my 14.04 image, I think KDE 5 may need some more work. [01:54] <darthanubis> i did [01:54] <darthanubis> you gave more than .02 [01:55] <darthanubis> yeah, can't logout, babloo_file is a monster [03:43] <GunnDawg> How can I go about changing the "Favorites" and "Recently Used" icons under the K Menu? [06:56] <Aristide> Hellow :) [06:57] <Aristide> I have a problem : [06:57] <Aristide> I have disable WiFi from Plasma5 but I can't enable it [06:58] <Aristide> When I check "WiFi" checkbox, the list is empty [06:58] <GunnDawg> I had network issues with 14.04 but have resolved them. Scared to switch to 15.04 now :( [06:59] <Aristide> I'm on 15.04 ^^ [06:59] <Aristide> Hello GunnDawg :) [07:00] <GunnDawg> I know you are, you said Plasma5, I assumed you were using 15.04 [07:00] <Aristide> Wut N [07:00] <Aristide> Wut ? * WiFi work oO' [07:00] <GunnDawg> I'm quite happy with my 14.04 setup :) [07:01] <Aristide> GunnDawg: But I love Plasma5 / KDE Frameworks 5 [07:02] <GunnDawg> Aristide: I'd wait until its more stable if you're not willing to put up with possible bugs and the process in which to report those and fix them [07:04] <Aristide> Yes but I like KDE Frameworks 5 [07:04] <GunnDawg> I havent used it [07:04] <GunnDawg> I'm happy with what I've got :) [07:05] <soee> good morning [07:05] <GunnDawg> morning [07:08] <Aristide> GunnDawg: ^^ KDE 4 ? [07:08] <GunnDawg> Aristide: yes [07:09] <GunnDawg> Aristide: 4.13.3 [07:09] <Aristide> Oh :) [07:09] <Aristide> 5.9 for Frameworks :D [07:10] <GunnDawg> I prefer a more stable environment [07:10] <Aristide> Ow [07:10] <Aristide> Open a LDLC's computer don't break warranty [07:10] <Aristide> YEAH ! [07:11] <GunnDawg> I alsu use this for my gaming machine. I need it to be stable and smooth [07:13] <Aristide> GunnDawg: I use for work, play, write, create music ... :3 [07:14] <GunnDawg> cool [07:38] <xennex81> Aristide: you can use nmcli to troubleshoot a bit [07:38] <xennex81> nmcli d wifi rescan [07:38] <xennex81> nmcli d wifi list [07:39] <Aristide> Ok thank' [07:39] <valorie> I've heard another report of wifi problems [07:39] <Aristide> xennex81: But its work now :) [07:39] <Aristide> xennex81: Reboot computer has been enought ^ ' [07:39] <xennex81> :) nice [07:40] <xennex81> Even in 14.10 I've had to sometimes shut off network manager and do manual wpa_supplicant because I could not get it to work [07:40] <xennex81> NM is buggy [07:40] <xennex81> has nothing to do with 15.04.... [07:41] <xennex81> I have two root partitions now on my system :). One runs Ubuntu Gnome still (14 GB) the other is 20GB and has Kubuntu 15.04 on it [07:42] <xennex81> I'm thinking to put 14.10 back on the first [07:42] <xennex81> I think I even dreamt of Kubuntu tonight [07:53] <sizziff> hello all [08:30] <xennex81> hi sizziff [08:51] <gear> hey [08:55] <lordievader> Good morning. [11:07] <xennex81> morning (afternoon by now) (time goes fast) (or we do) [12:08] <Ryoma721> ciao [12:21] <Ryoma721> hi [12:24] <hateball> Hello Ryoma721, do you have a question? [12:39] <kde_newbie> hi guys! how can i know from the command line if bluetooth is enabled? [12:39] <manolo_> ciao [12:40] <manolo_> scusate ma per avere la lista e scarica come si fa? [12:44] <romber> Hi guys, do I need to install additional package on kubuntu 14.04 [12:44] <romber> to connect ipsec vpn? [12:46] <BluesKaj> Hey folks [12:47] <lordievader> romber: From what I remember, yes. [12:48] <romber> well, it's a bad question. My question is.. May I connect ipsec with IKE from Connection editor? [12:49] <lordievader> If you install the apropiate packages yes. [12:58] <romber> lordievader, Is there a tutorial? I saw there is a option "OpenSwan" in Connection editor, but I only know the phase1/2 algo and domain [12:59] <lordievader> Err, what kind of ipsec do you use? [13:05] <romber> Oh..sorry if I ask a stupid question, I have only very few about vpn. I have a tutorial to connect ipsec VPN for iOS, server/passwd/username/group name and key [13:06] <lordievader> romber: Server implementations matter, IPSec is implemented differently by different daemons. [13:07] <romber> s/few/few knowledge [13:07] <lordievader> While it is a standard, and so things should interoperate, it is easier to use one 'brand' of IPsec. For example Strongswan. [13:10] <romber> may I connect it if I have those information? [13:11] <lordievader> romber: What kind of ipsec do you use? [13:13] <romber> lordievader, Umm, sorry but I don't know.. how to know it ? [13:15] <lordievader> romber: Do you administer the ipsec server? [13:16] <romber> No [13:17] <lordievader> Hmm. I guess that you then need to use the good old method of trial and error. [13:17] <BluesKaj> romber, is this a free vpn server? [13:17] <lordievader> Start with OpenSwan or StrongSwan I suppose. [13:18] <romber> BluesKaj, I'm not sure but I think no. [13:20] <romber> lordievader, kubuntu 14.04 have build in openswan? because I saw a openswan option in connection editor [13:21] <lordievader> It's in the strongswan-nm package. [13:25] <BluesKaj> romber, do yuou have ipsec-utilities installed? [13:25] <romber> lordievader, OK, I will try it first :) thanks [13:26] <romber> BluesKaj. yes I have [13:29] <BluesKaj> does the server use l2tp-ipsec protocol? [13:31] <romber> umm not sure, if I can connect it via iPad does it means yes? [13:33] <lordievader> Not necessarily, IOS (7/8) support IKEv2, IKEv1, l2tp for VPN. [13:36] <BluesKaj> ok , nevermind the tunneling depends on the server protocol [13:41] <romber> how ipad could got those information automatically? [13:43] <lordievader> romber: What information? Most you have to specify yourself. [13:43] <BluesKaj> this isn't ipad support , so I don't know [14:01] <MichaelTiebesl> hey hello [14:02] <BluesKaj> hi MichaelTiebesl [14:03] <MichaelTiebesl> i see to enjoy this channel it also can be with freenode [14:03] <MichaelTiebesl> i just installed kubuntu 15.04 and saw this channel was first connected with kubuntu irc [14:03] <BluesKaj> MichaelTiebesl, it's on the freenode server [14:04] <MichaelTiebesl> BluesKaj: great then i will stay here [14:04] <MichaelTiebesl> BluesKaj: kubuntu 15.04 is nice [14:05] <BluesKaj> yes, kubuntu 15.04 support is at #ubuntu+1 chat [14:05] <BluesKaj> if you need it , MichaelTiebesl [14:06] <MichaelTiebesl> im also connected to ubuntu [14:07] <MichaelTiebesl> BluesKaj: cheers [14:23] <romber> BluesKaj and lordievader, thanks I can connect the VPN server now :). It's a cisco server and seams that only need to install network-manager-vpnc and vpnc [14:23] <lordievader> romber: Nice, nice. [16:08] <Ryoma721> hi [16:08] <BluesKaj> hi Ryoma721 [16:09] <Ryoma721> my problem i think ahci.... [16:12] <Ryoma721> after dist-upgrade, restart black screen [16:12] <Ryoma721> o freeze desktop (15.04) [16:13] <Ryoma721> ahci to ide [16:13] <Ryoma721> now works [16:30] <Ryoma721> thakns for kubuntu [17:13] <bob420> cannot ecrypt my home after kubuntu won't start no more. got y [17:13] <bob420> although i know the mount-pw.. i only see fnek files. (none of the inet tutorial worked out).. help? [17:17] <bob420> when i use ecryptfs-recover-private only fnek files/directories are shown. [17:19] <bob420> when i use ecryptfs-mount-private... i can activate use filename encryption.. and it shows me a signature.. that also never works.. [17:20] <bob420> join#ecrptfs [17:35] <jcjordyn120> hey [17:36] <drw> jcjordyn120: hi [17:41] <jcjordyn120> hello [20:05] <wldcordeiro> Is notify-osd of any use to KDE? [20:05] <wldcordeiro> It's got some problems for me and I'm wondering if it's okay to remove it. [20:06] <Etriaph> It seems that a lot of software depends upon it. [20:06] <Etriaph> [20:06] <wldcordeiro> Etriaph: It keeps getting stuck for me. [20:06] <wldcordeiro> I don't know why but it'll just stay indefinitely [20:06] <wldcordeiro> and it's been driving me insane because then I need to go and kill it. [20:07] <Etriaph> Which version of Kubuntu? [20:07] <wldcordeiro> I'm on the 15.04 beta [20:07] <Etriaph> Log a bug. [20:07] <wldcordeiro> Link? [20:08] <wldcordeiro> Is it just on launchpad? [20:08] <Etriaph> On Launchpad. [20:09] <Etriaph> I'm on a fully up to date 15.04 Beta 2 and I don't get that issue, FYI. [20:10] <wldcordeiro> I'm on a fully up to date one as well but I installed from Ubuntu with `apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` and then ran `do-release-update -d` [20:10] <wldcordeiro> So it might be an issue with some configurations. [20:10] <Etriaph> Potentially. [20:11] <Etriaph> Oh... [20:11] <Etriaph> So you're running Ubuntu. [20:11] <Etriaph> I don't know how base packaging of both together might affect your user experience. [20:11] <Etriaph> I'm KDE only myself. [20:12] <wldcordeiro> I ran apt-get remove for ubuntu-desktop [20:12] <wldcordeiro> to try and remove ubuntu itself. [20:12] <wldcordeiro> I like KDE a lot more now than I've tried it. [20:12] <wldcordeiro> I don't know if I want to try a clean install I have a lot of development stuff on the computer that I don't want to set up again. :/ [20:14] <wldcordeiro> s/than/that [20:15] <Etriaph> What kind of environment do you work in? [20:15] <Etriaph> Languages and such. [20:15] <wldcordeiro> Python, JS, Java, Ruby, Rust [20:16] <Etriaph> I work with Rails, I use Kate for everything pretty much. If I'm doing any Java work I use Netbeans. [20:16] <Guest33574> Hello all.....i have an old SmartMedia card reader Lexar Media model GS-UFD-20SA-TP and lsusb reads it as Bus 002 Device 003: ID 07cc:0004 Carry Computer Eng., Co., Ltd SM/CF/PCMCIA Card Reader it is not automounting and its FAT16 im pretty sure USB 1.0 or 1.1 or something how do i mount this? [20:17] <wldcordeiro> Etriaph: What's Kate? [20:17] <wldcordeiro> I do Java in the sense that I work with Android in Android Studio. [20:17] <willwork4foo> Hi all - anyone know of a workaround / fix for sddm going black on boot? Kubuntu 14.10 here with KDE Plasma 5.2 installed [20:18] <Etriaph> Kate = KDE Advanced Text Editor [20:18] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: I use vi ;-) [20:18] <Etriaph> willwork4foo: On 15.04 here, never tried plasma in 14.10 [20:18] * willwork4foo is not much of a coder - more of an ugly script mess hack [20:19] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: I couldn't get 15.04 to install [20:19] <Etriaph> I use vi from time to time. [20:19] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: it wouldn't boot post-install [20:19] <willwork4foo> that's the beta 2 [20:19] <Etriaph> willwork4foo: Working fine for me atm. [20:19] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: lucky you.... [20:19] <Etriaph> It's actually really stable now. [20:19] <wldcordeiro> I use Sublime Text primarily with a plugin called Vimperator to give me Vim-like control. [20:19] <willwork4foo> It didn't seem to want to work at all with encrypted LUKS [20:19] <Etriaph> willwork4foo: Did you elect to install updates during the install? [20:20] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: ye [20:20] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: yes [20:20] <Etriaph> willwork4foo: I've had a few glitches here and there, yet on my fairly modern hardware it booted up easy. [20:21] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: I'm running an Asus Vivobook S400CA [20:21] <willwork4foo> with an SSD hard disk and 8GB of RAM - loving KDE 5 on it [20:21] <willwork4foo> it's gorgeous [20:21] <willwork4foo> Sadly, I want SDDM to work and it won't. [20:22] <willwork4foo> Is it fairly easy to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 beta 2? [20:24] <willwork4foo> [20:24] <Etriaph> I installed but didn't format. [20:24] <Etriaph> Fresh install. [20:25] <Etriaph> Your ~/.kde/ folder from your previous install may not migrate well if you upgrade. [20:25] <willwork4foo> I'll delete it [20:25] <Etriaph> Some stuff lives in ~/.local too [20:25] <willwork4foo> I'm removing all my .files - this is a "test" system [20:26] <Etriaph> *nods* [20:26] <willwork4foo> it has no actual work or stuff I need [20:27] <willwork4foo> sudo kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade - seems to be doing the trick so far. [20:27] <willwork4foo> we shall see. [20:27] <Etriaph> The only thing Plasma 5 is lacking so far is themes. [20:28] <willwork4foo> I like the default look [20:28] <willwork4foo> to be honest [20:28] <darthanubis> this won't end well [20:28] <Etriaph> Other than that it seems very reliable, much smoother integration with the login manager. [20:28] <willwork4foo> it's refreshing and quite clean [20:28] <willwork4foo> that's sddm [20:28] <Etriaph> Ya, Breeze is alright. I changed the default colours. [20:28] <willwork4foo> very nice - and doesn't work on 14.10 [20:28] <willwork4foo> plasma 5 design language reminds me a lot of Android 5 design language [20:29] <willwork4foo> very similar - pastels, smooth blends and clean lines [20:29] <Etriaph> willwork4foo: It's flat. [20:29] <Etriaph> That's the design ideology. :D [20:29] <willwork4foo> Etriaph: I like that. I was never a fan of skeumorphism and fake-3D [20:29] <Etriaph> willwork4foo: It's nice, but I'm eager for a QtCurve port to Qt5 [20:30] <willwork4foo> that would be good. [20:30] <Etriaph> The plasmoid crowd hasn't caught up to it yet either though. [20:30] <Etriaph> I miss my pastebin plasmoid [20:31] <willwork4foo> I'm a relative newcomer to KDE - so I've not played with the plasmoids much [20:31] <willwork4foo> never really needed to [20:32] <Etriaph> It lets you drag and drop text selections/images onto the drop target and uploads them to a public HTTP server. [20:32] <willwork4foo> that's quite handy [20:32] <Etriaph> Very handy. I kinda want to create one for gist [20:33] <willwork4foo> has to be said though, Plasma 5 is a damn sight smoother and more fluid in the animations than earlier releases [20:33] <willwork4foo> feels very slick to use. [20:34] <Etriaph> I would imagine that once we hit full Wayland support it'll be a beautiful thing. [20:34] <willwork4foo> not far off that now. [20:34] <Etriaph> I've been running KDE since 0.92 [20:34] <willwork4foo> first time I used KDE was 1.5 [20:35] <willwork4foo> then I left it and ran screaming [20:35] <Etriaph> LOL [20:35] <willwork4foo> and used olwm / fluxbox for years [20:35] <Etriaph> KDE 2.0 was the first version that demonstrated a move towards tight-integration. [20:35] <Etriaph> I used E for a while. [20:35] <Etriaph> And Windowmaker. [20:36] <willwork4foo> I had a look at that [20:36] <willwork4foo> always preferred fluxbox - I liked the incredible lightweight [20:36] <Etriaph> On modern workstations those standalone window managers don't shine anymore. [20:36] <willwork4foo> however, KDE 4.0 looked good enough to play with so I switched back a while ago and moved to Kubuntu - not changing again I think [20:36] <Etriaph> Sure they're fast, but lacking in features. [20:36] <willwork4foo> yep. [20:37] <willwork4foo> I got bored with writing scripts to do things myself [20:37] <Etriaph> haha [20:38] <willwork4foo> ok - so it's just told me that it's going to take an hour to install all the packages it's just downloaded [20:38] <willwork4foo> I'm going to go do something else for a bit - ttfn [20:38] <Etriaph> Take it easy. [22:43] <MichaelTiebesl> is there somebody who know where the cantata.conf is based in home in kubuntu? [22:47] <cup`ocoffee> MichaelTiebesl: did you try locate? [22:47] <cup`ocoffee> 'locate cantana.conf' ? [22:48] <MichaelTiebesl> when i use the search in dolphin it said not allowed protocol [22:48] <MichaelTiebesl> maybe krunner i can try [22:49] <cup`ocoffee> locate is a great tool [22:49] <cup`ocoffee> try it on the terminal [22:49] <cup`ocoffee> like konsole or yakuake [22:49] <valorie> locate cantata.conf even.... [22:49] <MichaelTiebesl> not found in konsole [22:50] <MichaelTiebesl> normally it should be in .conf/cantata [22:50] <cup`ocoffee> actually I don't know what canatana.conf is for… [22:50] <MichaelTiebesl> these are the settings from cantata [22:50] <lordievader> cup`ocoffee: Probably for cantata, an mpd client. [22:51] <MichaelTiebesl> so when i make a new install i only have to replace the previous .conf to have the same settings as before [22:51] <genii> mmmm coffee [22:52] <cup`ocoffee> ^^ [22:52] <valorie> MichaelTiebesl: before Plasma 5, most configs are stored in ~/.kde/share/config [22:52] <valorie> or share/apps [22:52] <cup`ocoffee> my bad! - I could not find the program in my sources :O - I found it via google now :) [22:53] <MichaelTiebesl> valorie: correct [22:53] <valorie> now in ~/.config or ~/.local [22:53] <valorie> with some kde4 era apps still in .kde [22:54] <MichaelTiebesl> its not there in plasma5, i tried a few desktops with kde but in kubuntu 15.04 its not there [22:55] <lordievader> MichaelTiebesl: You could allways use strace... [22:56] <MichaelTiebesl> lordievader: sorry but what is strace? [22:57] <lordievader> Program to see in great detail what a program does. [22:57] <cup`ocoffee> MichaelTiebesl: it is possible that the conf-file has to be made by you [22:58] <MichaelTiebesl> cup`ocoffee: i made a folder with the cantata.conf but no luck with that [22:58] <cup`ocoffee> it will be a text-file - and you can copy&paste what the install-file says [22:58] <cup`ocoffee> did you put text into the file? [22:59] <cup`ocoffee> i currently opened the README [22:59] <MichaelTiebesl> no what i do with the conf is replace it with the previous one so i have the same settings as before. [22:59] <lordievader> It doesn't access any conf file here. [23:00] <MichaelTiebesl> otherwise i have to configure cantata everytime when i do a fresh install [23:00] <cup`ocoffee> i have no ubuntu-package for it - I just have the source here… [23:00] <MichaelTiebesl> so you can see the cantata.conf is more a backup file for the settings. [23:00] <cup`ocoffee> from [23:01] <MichaelTiebesl> cup`ocoffee: right [23:01] <cup`ocoffee> how did you install cantana? [23:01] <cup`ocoffee> from as well? [23:01] <MichaelTiebesl> and maybe also on github it is [23:01] <Etriaph> Google Code I think. [23:01] <MichaelTiebesl> install by muon [23:01] <cup`ocoffee> ah, ok [23:01] <Etriaph> The music player? [23:01] <MichaelTiebesl> Etriaph: yep [23:02] <Etriaph> Yup, Google Code project. [23:02] <lordievader> MichaelTiebesl: is what cantata accesses here. [23:04] <cup`ocoffee> lordievader: no conf [23:04] <MichaelTiebesl> lordievader: but there must be a folder in home also, like in cache there is for cantata for the cache of artist and album.png [23:04] <MichaelTiebesl> cup`ocoffee: conf should be in home [23:04] <MichaelTiebesl> i already found the mpd.conf on a weird place in home [23:07] <cup`ocoffee> 7. Advanced Config Items KDE builds: ~/.kde/share/config/cantatarc ( Current User ) /etc/kde4/cantatarc ( All Users ) [23:07] <cup`ocoffee> that's from the README [23:07] <MichaelTiebesl> thats kde4 i think [23:07] <MichaelTiebesl> i use now kubuntu 15.04 [23:08] <cup`ocoffee> sadly my knowledge ends here :D - Good luck! :) [23:08] <Etriaph> KDE4 apps still run though [23:09] <valorie> sure, and the configs will be in the same place [23:09] <valorie> until the app is ported to frameworks [23:09] <Etriaph> KDE-PIM is still KDE4 I think. [23:09] <valorie> yes [23:09] <valorie> one step at a time [23:10] <Etriaph> They're hard to get a hold of as it turns out. :D [23:10] <valorie> who? [23:10] <Etriaph> #kontact is usually dead quiet. [23:10] <valorie> yes, they are usually in #kde-devel though [23:10] <Etriaph> Ah, good to know. [23:10] <valorie> or on the mail list [23:10] <valorie> also, mostly if not all europeans [23:10] <Etriaph> Ya, I'm EST. [23:10] <valorie> so for instance, off for the weekend by now.... [23:14] <cup`ocoffee> ^^
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Aristide", "BluesKaj", "Etriaph", "Guest33574", "GunnDawg", "MichaelTiebesl", "Ryoma721", "bob420", "cup`ocoffee", "darthanubis", "drw", "gear", "genii", "hateball", "jcjordyn120", "kde_newbie", "lordievader", "manolo_", "mparillo", "romber", "sillymoosee", "sizziff", "soee", "tuv0k", "valorie", "voidwalker", "willwork4foo", "wldcordeiro", "xennex81" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[06:18] <lin> I'm here [06:18] <lin> kilos [06:18] <Kilos> hi lin [06:19] <Kilos> tribaal is in switserland but still hangs here just in case you guys revive [06:24] <Kilos> lin will you add ubuntu-ke here please [06:49] <lin> ok [06:49] <lin> wait.. [06:50] <lin> I think I have a launchpad account.. [06:51] <Kilos> i think add you and Tribaal there as contact [08:13] <Tribaal> Kilos: you need to change that launchpad icon for Ubuntu Africa :) [08:14] <Kilos> to what Tribaal [08:14] <Tribaal> Kilos: also, I would advise making the mailing likst public [08:14] <Tribaal> Kilos: be creative :) An outline of Africa would be a good start :) [08:14] <Kilos> will do didnt know it wasnt [08:14] <Kilos> all of that is in the site we are building [08:15] <Kilos> you will see the bestest site ever [08:15] <Tribaal> right, but the launchpad page should/could have a bit more... personality :) [08:15] <Tribaal> any reason why the team requires approval? It's likely not going to scale very well if you really intend to target a whole continent [08:15] <Tribaal> :) [08:15] <Kilos> Tribaal i dont do any of the clever work, the guys at #ubuntu-za are doing it all [08:16] <Tribaal> hmu [08:16] <Kilos> hmu? [08:16] <Kilos> oh [08:17] <Kilos> i am here all day to approve guys as they join [08:17] <Kilos> there was a reason for the decision [08:18] <Tribaal> I'm not convinced it serves any purpose - but ok, not my call :) [08:20] <Kilos> our guy that did it gave some reasons why its better this way but we can look into it again [08:20] <Kilos> we should have this chat on #ubuntu-africa then inetcan see as well [08:21] <Kilos> inetpro [08:21] <Kilos> he did the work [08:24] <Kilos> im a bit old and started everything late in life so the guys do things for me [08:26] <Kilos> i have a wiki page i used for getting ubuntu membership [08:26] <Kilos> without the #preview i think [08:26] <Kilos> sorry [08:28] <Tribaal> Nice, that's quite a few testimonials [08:29] <Tribaal> Kilos: when do you plan to submit for membership? [08:29] <Kilos> all of them have carried me since i started on pcs [08:29] <Kilos> i am a member [08:29] <Tribaal> oh, alright [08:30] <Kilos> the testimonials carried it [08:30] <Kilos> im mainly an irc person [08:39] <Kilos> im just waiting for the ubuntu council to approve us of the trademark or something [08:39] <Kilos> then the site will go live [08:39] <Kilos> static site built with bzr and nikola
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "Tribaal", "lin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ke" }
[01:07] <siderati> hello everyone, looking for some help booting up snappy on OVM [01:09] <siderati> anyone here who might be able to gimme a hand? [08:43] <geoaxis> hello people, any one running snappy on rasberry pi here? [09:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Bat Appreciation Day! :-D [12:36] <plorenz> hi, i'm trying to build my own snappy image for the raspberry pi 2 and found a tutorial where the tool ubuntu-device-flash is used with the parameter "--oem". I can't find a version of that program which has this parameter implemented, does anybody know where to find such a version? (the tutorial is: ) [12:37] <lool> plorenz: yup; you want ppa:snappy-dev/tools [12:38] <lool> plorenz: also, might only work with Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 (trusty and vivid) [12:40] <plorenz> i've got trusty installed :) thanks, let me try that... [12:44] <plorenz> thank you, it's working :) [14:20] <dholbach_> mvo, sergiusens, jdstrand, cprov, asac and others: [14:23] <dholbach> please help out by adding notes :) [14:28] <dholbach> beuno, Chipaca: too^ :-P [14:29] <beuno> I feel less special [14:33] <elopio> newbie question, fighting with the sd card that I can't always flash... [14:33] <elopio> any idea why I get this? [14:33] <elopio> $ sudo dd if=/tmp/snappy.img of=/dev/sdb bs=32M [14:33] <elopio> dd: failed to open ‘/dev/sdb’: No medium found [14:33] <beuno> sudo fdisk -l shows /dev/sdb? [14:34] <elopio> beuno: it does not. [14:35] <beuno> elopio, so it's likely not properly inserted, maybe? [14:35] <beuno> or the sdcard ready isn't working? [14:35] <elopio> beuno: I have just umounted it. I can read the contents without problems. [14:36] <beuno> elopio, unmount or eject? [14:36] <elopio> eject. [14:36] <beuno> try the former [14:36] <elopio> ack [14:37] <dholbach> elopio, /dev/mmcblk0 or someting maybe? [14:38] <elopio> beuno: dholbach: umounting the four partitions seems to have worked. [14:38] <dholbach> ok cool [14:38] <elopio> thanks [15:24] <elopio> another q, what am I doing wrong here? [15:24] <elopio> [15:24] <elopio> I get "snappy package not found" [16:24] <jdstrand> dholbach: updated with some notes I took [16:25] <dholbach> thanks a lot jdstrand [16:25] <jdstrand> np [16:25] <dholbach> I'll review them and write something up we can discuss at UOS ... or some other time [19:49] * Chipaca rages against functions not having unit tests
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Chipaca", "JamesTait", "beuno", "dholbach", "dholbach_", "elopio", "geoaxis", "jdstrand", "lool", "plorenz", "siderati" ], "url": "", "channel": "#snappy" }
[04:28] <barrydk> More almal [04:30] <Symmetria> ek kan nie a woord van afrikaans praat of verstaan nie ;p [04:30] <Symmetria> so wat se jy? [04:30] <Symmetria> ;p [04:51] <barrydk> I said good morning to every one Symmetria [05:10] <pieter2627> morning barrydk [05:16] <pieter2627> morning Kilos [05:17] <Kilos> morning pieter2627 hows you today? [05:17] <pieter2627> fantastic ty, and you? [05:17] <Kilos> im good ty, just wondering if im gonna be loadshed at 8 again [05:18] <pieter2627> haha, did the 4pm one hit you yesterday? [05:18] <Kilos> no only the 8 am one [05:20] <pieter2627> i was kind of disappointed to also miss it [05:21] <Kilos> i just worry the sheeding is going to mess up my only 100%good drive as well [05:21] <Kilos> shedding [05:22] <Kilos> oh i wanted to ask you as well about ram [05:22] <Kilos> hmm... [05:23] <Kilos> is the samsung notebook memory the same [05:24] <pieter2627> depends... [05:25] <pieter2627> older ones will be ddr2, and i think even older mem types for the more older one [05:26] <Kilos> i see my supplier has the ddr3 for R269 for 2g [05:26] <Kilos> what make is your lappy [05:26] <pieter2627> that's not too bad... msi (ddr3) [05:27] <Kilos> SAMSUNG 2GB DRR3 PC3- 10600 1333MHZ SODIMM [05:27] <pieter2627> last i checked takealot had for around R230 [05:27] <pieter2627> so am constantly eyeing them [05:29] <pieter2627> it is weird how most sell the 1333MHZ's [05:30] <Kilos> what is yours [05:31] <pieter2627> 1600MHZ [05:31] <Kilos> ai! [05:32] <pieter2627> or so says `dmidecode` (it lists the wrong number of slots) [05:33] <Kilos> SAMSUNG 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ SODIMM, 1.35V LOW POWERED [05:34] <pieter2627> i'm brasing myself [05:34] <Kilos> thats a lot of money for ram [05:34] <Kilos> but 8g is lekker [05:35] <pieter2627> hey it is (you forgot the price) [05:35] <Kilos> R899 [05:35] <pieter2627> s/hey/yea/ [05:36] <pieter2627> ouch, takealot still seems the best (for R833) [05:36] <Kilos> the pricelist opens here on libreoffice calc and copy paste not easy [05:37] <Kilos> and your cpu speed? [05:37] <pieter2627> or maybe they aren't with this one (theirs is actually R932) [05:38] <pieter2627> 1800Mhz (Dual ivery) [05:38] <Kilos> ai! [05:39] <Kilos> im running 12.04 on my old pc with 2g ram but its at least a 3g cpu [05:39] <Kilos> ddr ram too [05:40] <Kilos> its slow but doesnt hang [05:40] <pieter2627> this cpu outperforms my old 2.8Mhz [05:41] <Kilos> sjoe [05:41] <Kilos> so just ram needed then [05:42] <pieter2627> yes, (i can't actually remember seeing the cpu at 100% lately) [05:43] <Jacques_Stry> Morning all [05:43] <Kilos> hi Jacques_Stry [05:43] <pieter2627> morning Jacques_Stry [05:44] <Symmetria> mmm [05:44] <Symmetria> morning [05:44] <Symmetria> isn't there an ubuntu release today? [05:44] <Kilos> hi Symmetria [05:44] <Jacques_Stry> 15.04 RC was yesterday [05:44] <Kilos> yesterday wasnt it [05:44] <Symmetria> aahh when is the final? [05:44] <Symmetria> RC is always pretty small [05:44] <Jacques_Stry> Next week friday [05:44] <Jacques_Stry> Thursday* [05:45] <Jacques_Stry> If you want to install the current RC: [05:46] <Symmetria> heh, nah, not wanting to install it, just watcing traffic on the mirror servers [05:46] <Jacques_Stry> lol [05:46] <Jacques_Stry> forgot you manage that :) [05:48] <mealso> hi Symmetria [05:50] * Kilos better shutdown old machine before im shed [05:50] <mealso> bye now [05:50] <Jacques_Stry> B [05:51] <Symmetria> holy crap [05:51] <Symmetria> the ubuntu mirror server [05:51] <Symmetria> is doing between 250 and 300 hits a second [05:51] <Kilos> whew [05:52] <Symmetria> and on occcasion hitting up to 370 hits a second [05:52] <Jacques_Stry> :) [05:53] <Kilos> ubuntu is actually going stronger than ever [05:53] <Kilos> only peeps have forgotten irc [05:53] <pieter2627> is that sa only? [05:53] <Symmetria> pieter2627 east africa [05:53] <Symmetria> aalston@mirror:~$ tail -f /var/log/apache2/ubuntu-archive.log |pv -l -i3 -r -a -t >/dev/null [05:53] <Symmetria> 0:00:36 [ 279/s] [ 290/s] [05:54] <Kilos> Symmetria you clever [05:54] <Symmetria> heh, refreshing every 3 seconds, time counter is time I've been looking, second column is average hits per second and third is the rate in the last 3 seconds [05:54] <Kilos> how can you remind them all about irc [05:54] <Kilos> #ubuntu-africa is the channel to point to [05:55] <pieter2627> wow, what was the past figures? [05:55] <Symmetria> pieter2627 thats current figures as we speak [05:55] <pieter2627> and previous (rc) releases? [05:56] <Symmetria> hard to say, even on a normal day we're running at 200+ hits a second though [05:56] <Symmetria> heh, on full release days that can easily cross a thousand [05:57] * pieter2627 is amazed O_O [05:58] <Kilos> Symmetria answer me man [05:58] <Symmetria> Kilos heh, I have no idea how to get people back onto irc [05:58] <Symmetria> facebook/twitter killed the irc star :( [05:58] <Kilos> well think [05:58] <Kilos> ya [05:59] <Kilos> and i dont like either of them [05:59] <Kilos> i think im about to be shed [05:59] <Kilos> Maaz watch them [05:59] <Maaz> oh Kilos I will watch them no problem, but you better be back soon! [06:00] <Jacques_Stry> I'm shedding at 11 [06:00] <Kilos> i can never find my area to check [06:00] <pieter2627> Kilos: it is not cold enough yet to start shedding leaves :P [06:01] <Kilos> 6ks west of mahem [06:01] <Kilos> haha [06:02] <Symmetria> lol at least you can tell kinda when you gonan get loadshed [06:02] <Symmetria> in Kenya they just randomly fucking turn it off [06:02] <Symmetria> ;p [06:03] <Symmetria> heh my power at home went out this morning at 5:17am and still isnt back ;( [06:03] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [06:03] <Kilos> ai! [06:04] <Kilos> hi lin [06:04] <lin> hehe [06:04] <lin> kilos [06:04] <lin> hi [06:06] <Kilos> i forget where you are located lin [06:07] * Kilos needs a young sectretary with a good memory [06:07] <Kilos> secretary [06:07] <Kilos> daai mooi meisies [06:08] <pieter2627> ... and good spellign [06:08] <pieter2627> ;P [06:08] <Kilos> haha [06:08] <Kilos> my spelling is fine, its my fingers that forget where to go [06:09] <pieter2627> oh yea forgot... she need smooth fingers? [06:09] <Kilos> lol [06:10] <Kilos> wow looks like they forgot to shed me [06:10] <Kilos> so it will be this avy then [06:10] <lin> I'm in Kenya, Kilos [06:11] <Kilos> ty lin im gonna add you in my list for there now [06:11] <pieter2627> or they stopped since yesterday since there was none yesterday afternoon either [06:12] <Kilos> hold thumbs [06:13] <SilverCode> anyone here know how to configure Network Up Tools to force a shutdown when it goes on battery, instead of when it gets low battery? [06:13] <inetpro> good mornings [06:13] <inetpro> oh and hi to oom Kilos [06:14] <Kilos> lol hi there inetpro [06:14] <Kilos> and plustwo [06:15] <plustwo> mornin all [06:15] <Kilos> lin you should visit #ubuntu-ke now and again too, poor tribaal is lonesome there [06:15] <pieter2627> hi plustwo [06:15] <plustwo> hi pieter2627oom Kilos [06:18] <Kilos> bad news when the main topic of the day is loadshedding [06:28] <Kilos> hi ThatGraemeGuy [06:31] <Kilos> Symmetria maybe you can get this link out further than i can [06:54] <Squirm> morning [06:54] * Jacques_Stry waves [06:54] <Kilos> hi Squirm [06:59] * Kilos wonders who else would make a good bugsquad canditate [07:06] * Jacques_Stry was looking to join the bug squad but still struggling a bit to fix the problems that are on the bugs list [07:11] <Kilos> there are so many [07:12] <Kilos> day before yesterday there were still over 1000 on 15.10 [07:12] <Kilos> pieter2627 have you tried using a light weight browser [07:13] <pieter2627> firefox is lightweight for what i'm doing :P [07:14] <Kilos> sjoe [07:14] <Kilos> i dont use the fox at all [07:14] <pieter2627> i don't really issues when doing normal stuff, just when working hard [07:15] <Kilos> ok so then dont work hard [07:15] <pieter2627> i currently rely heavily on its 'tabs group' feature [07:15] <Kilos> hehe [07:15] <pieter2627> haha [07:16] <Kilos> easy does it everytime [07:17] <pieter2627> am currently downloading kubuntu rc to try it for the next few days [07:17] <Kilos> kde takes some getting used to but once you are used to it then you dont want to change [07:24] <Kilos> i think thunderbird is tied into the fox somewhere isnt it [07:33] <pieter2627> hmm, i think they only share a few things (although i have noticed that fox will stay open after being closed until the bird is closed too) [07:33] <Kilos> ai! [07:35] <Kilos> and the stupid bird keeps wanting to compress stuff here but there are like 10 emails only and on a 1TB drive [07:35] <Kilos> sigh [07:35] <pieter2627> haha [07:50] <Kilos> aw he killed it [08:01] <Kilos> wb pieter2627 [08:01] <Kilos> and R0ok_ [08:05] <Squirm> The joys [08:05] <Squirm> Stage 2 load shedding [08:05] <Kilos> ai! [08:13] <Kilos> hmm... someone was learning python [08:15] <charl> good morning [08:15] <charl> Maaz: coffee on [08:15] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [08:18] <stickyboy> Great success [08:18] <Kilos> what now stickyboy [08:19] <stickyboy> Kilos: Maaz grinding coffee. [08:19] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for charl! [08:19] <Kilos> hi charl [08:19] <charl> Maaz: danke [08:19] <Maaz> Bitteschön [08:19] <charl> hi Kilos [08:19] <charl> how are you doing [08:19] <Kilos> good ty and you [08:19] <charl> good [08:20] <charl> what's been happening around here, i haven't been around for a while [08:21] <charl> i took a month hiatus from freenode [08:21] <Kilos> eish [08:21] <Kilos> we been working [08:21] <charl> sounds good [08:29] <MaNI> death to eskom :/ [08:36] <Kilos> then we will never have power [08:37] <Kilos> just a good sjambokking could help though [08:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> heh [08:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> it isn't the 80s anymore :-o [08:43] <Kilos> lol [08:49] <MaNI> anyone know a solar panel place that sells at reasonable prices? :P [09:01] <charl> [09:01] <charl> snow in south africa lol [09:01] <charl> is this common? [09:01] <Kilos> in winter ya [09:01] <Kilos> but a bit early now [09:01] <charl> indeed [09:03] <MaNI> its been a bit more common the last 5 years or so [09:04] <Kilos> blame it on global warming [09:04] <Kilos> we get the global freezing [09:04] <charl> yeah i can't remember much snow when i used to live in south africa [09:04] <charl> it was rare [09:16] <Kilos> some areas like natal never see snow except on the drakensburg [09:16] <Kilos> but its moving down lately [09:26] <MaNI> yeah, cape as well, its usually just the peaks if that, but last 5 years theres been a bit more in lower areas [09:27] <MaNI> but also these snow report people have been doing a good job of making people aware of it when it does happen I guess, so maybe it's just the media effect at play [09:28] <magespawn> good morning [09:28] <Jacques_Stry> MaNI: Try for the solar panels [09:29] <Jacques_Stry> Their prices pretty good I think [09:30] <MaNI> like R10/watt - thats the best I've found so far R7/watt [09:30] <Jacques_Stry> Nice [09:31] <MaNI> but min order of 25 panels :( [09:31] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [09:32] <Kilos> hi magespawn [09:42] <Kilos> then to work out what inverter you will need too [09:42] <Kilos> [09:44] <MaNI2> yeah [09:46] <MaNI2> huge price fluctuation between brands on inverters [09:50] <Kilos> [09:50] <Kilos> he says under 175 watts but i dont know if that includes the screen [09:51] <MaNI> I doubt my desktop pc resembles the average one at all :P [09:51] <Kilos> ah youve built up your own [09:51] <Jacques_Stry> lol my home pc uses allot more [09:52] <Jacques_Stry> when playing games it consumes 400-450w [09:52] <Kilos> i thinks the 175 watts in box only [09:52] <Kilos> is [09:52] <Kilos> havent found what screens use [09:53] <MaNI> well I have 10 hard drives in it for starters :P [09:53] <Jacques_Stry> No a standard office pc with 18.5 inch screen uses about 175-200w [09:53] <MaNI> and yeah I'm sure if your graphics card is in full draw it will pull a much larger load [09:53] <Kilos> no man the screen runs off ac [09:53] <Jacques_Stry> thats a pentium duel core with on-board graphics and 4gb ram [09:53] <Jacques_Stry> We tested is when we got quotes for generators [09:54] <Kilos> but take it as max of 500w for box then find whats screens use [09:54] <MaNI> theres a site somewhere where you can put actual components for more realsitic estimate [09:54] <Jacques_Stry> screen and case used 175-200 in office use [09:54] <MaNI> its like 30w per harddrive or something [09:54] <MaNI> but you can use your power supply as an upper limit [09:55] <MaNI> if its a 400w power supply you can't possibly be using more than 400w etc. [09:55] <Jacques_Stry> Hard drives are usually about 10-15w per hdd [09:55] <MaNI> screens are about 170w I think [09:55] <Kilos> wow so min [09:56] <Jacques_Stry> Where you guys getting these figures from >.< [09:56] <MaNI> less [09:57] <MaNI> 45w [09:57] <MaNI> [09:57] <Kilos> [09:57] <Jacques_Stry> 18.5 uses about 20w if a modern led [09:57] <Kilos> hehe [09:57] <MaNI> had 170w in my head but thats probably from old CRTs [09:57] <Jacques_Stry> [09:58] <Jacques_Stry> Active power consumption `13w [09:58] <Kilos> i would have thought the screen uses more [09:58] <MaNI> its just a fancy light :P [09:59] <Kilos> hi nlsthzn [09:59] <nlsthzn> hey uncle Kilos ... [10:00] <Kilos> what does the ... mean [10:00] * Jacques_Stry waves [10:01] <MaNI> < can use something like that to get a reasonable estimate for a specific pc [10:02] <nlsthzn> ... it means ... that I ... pressed the . three times ... [10:02] * nlsthzn also waves and also ... [10:03] * Jacques_Stry ... [10:07] <Kilos> hehe [10:10] <Kilos> sjoe too much rtfs [10:11] <Kilos> hahaha nlsthzn i meant does the ... have anything to add to the greeting man [10:13] <Kilos> like maybe hello and now stop nagging me [10:13] <Kilos> ek sukkel met my volk partykeer [10:19] <charl> have a good weekend all [11:19] <Kilos> i go eat [12:28] <Kilos> hi spinza why you been so quiet [12:28] <Kilos> busy is a feeble excuse [12:31] <Kilos> unless expanded upon [12:53] <MaNI> does anyone know any south african companies that sell DC-DC ATX power supplies? like e.g. [13:18] <magespawn> W=V*I [13:19] <magespawn> Kilos: ^ [13:20] <magespawn> Watts (W) = Volts (V) * Amps (I) [13:20] <Kilos> ya [13:21] <magespawn> so on this small screen i have here W = 240V * 1Amp [13:21] <magespawn> so 240W [13:21] <Kilos> thats about all i remember from before [13:21] <magespawn> but that is an old screen [13:22] <Kilos> where did you get the info [13:22] <Kilos> and your voltage is 22o [13:22] <Kilos> ptown is the only place with 240 i think [13:23] <Kilos> and it is normally 230 and odd bits [13:23] <Kilos> v=i/r [13:23] <Squirm> Stick with 220v [13:24] <magespawn> the screen is rated for 110-240V so in this case the lower your supply the less you will use, ironic [13:25] <Kilos> lol [13:26] <magespawn> and i would thing the same applies to most appliances that convert the ac to dc [13:26] <Kilos> ya [13:26] <Kilos> ohms law [13:27] <Kilos> i dont think anyone has found a way to corrupt that yet [13:37] <Kilos> only energy saving bulbs have some magic in them [13:39] <Kilos> 15w is as bright as 60w incandescent [13:39] <Kilos> i think thats the right word [13:41] <Kilos> oh and microwaves also have magic in them [13:41] <Kilos> you can shout at an egg all day and nothing happens [13:42] <Kilos> put the egg in a microwave and see what happens [14:22] <ThatGraemeGuy> lol [14:23] <ThatGraemeGuy> Kilos: I'm going to spend my weekend shouting at eggs now [14:23] <Kilos> lol [14:28] <ThatGraemeGuy> i didn't know you can microwave an egg [14:28] <ThatGraemeGuy> true story [14:28] <ThatGraemeGuy> doesn't it explode? [14:28] <Kilos> it explodes [14:28] <Kilos> hehe [14:28] <ThatGraemeGuy> at thought it might [15:03] <Kilos> hmm... whats broken now [15:03] <Kilos> hehe [15:35] <arnaudmez_> Nothing [15:35] <arnaudmez_> Kilos: [15:36] <arnaudmez_> have managed to save my evolution mail to mbox format [15:36] <arnaudmez_> now left, to import them to outlook [15:37] <Kilos> whew [15:37] <Kilos> ive just gone to thunderbird mail and its quite good [15:38] <Kilos> very much lighter than evo [15:51] <Kilos> wow nlsthzn you still here, well done [15:52] <Kilos> nuvolari maak bietjie tyd die naweek om hier te kuier ook hoor [16:00] <Kilos> [16:00] <Kilos> it's a mentoring service for all Linux users. [16:06] <Kilos> wbb [16:26] <arnaudmez_> Kilos: yeah you right but I personally don't like THB [16:26] <Kilos> wb arnaudmez_ whats news [16:26] <arnaudmez_> The UI doesn't inspire [16:27] <Kilos> i dont either but i found it is easier to get working with an adderss than evo [16:27] <Kilos> oh you must talk to inetpro he has it all figured out. one can change lots [16:28] <arnaudmez_> Yeah [16:51] <georgelappies> hi Kilos [16:51] <Kilos> hi georgelappies [16:54] <Kilos> all good by you? [16:55] <georgelappies> good thanks [16:55] <Kilos> where are you again? [16:55] <georgelappies> traffic was crazy tonight [16:55] <Kilos> secunda [16:56] <georgelappies> no, in Sunninghill [16:56] <georgelappies> traffic never gets bad in Secunda ;p [16:56] <Kilos> jozi [16:56] <Kilos> lol [16:56] <georgelappies> yeah Jozi [16:56] <georgelappies> here for a project [16:56] <Kilos> jozi traffic is always bad [16:57] <georgelappies> yeah, with load shedding even worse [16:58] <georgelappies> with no traffic it is a 10 min drive, took me more than an hour tonight [16:58] <Kilos> but if you are in jozi for a project where did you come from [16:58] <georgelappies> the worst thing is the aggravation of the fellow motorists [16:58] <georgelappies> I am based in Secunda [16:58] <Kilos> ah [16:59] <georgelappies> working in Sunninghill from Monday to Thursday, but had to work today and tomorrow as well [16:59] <Kilos> aha [16:59] <Kilos> well enjoy it [16:59] <Kilos> i dont like jozi at all [16:59] <georgelappies> jozi sucks yeah [17:00] <Kilos> i go eat [17:00] <Kilos> wbb [17:27] <Kilos> hmm... [17:30] <Kilos> hi barrydk [17:31] <Kilos> see mazal hy moenie sy games werk vergeet nie asb [17:52] <Kilos> hi SilverCode [17:53] <Kilos> so inetpro are you away for the weekend again [18:58] <Kilos> evening superfly [18:58] <superfly> hi Kilos [19:07] <Kilos> theblazehen ping [19:12] <Kilos> oh my, these young peeps even busy on friday nights [20:34] <inetpro> good evening [20:34] <inetpro> oh and hi oom Kilos [20:34] <Kilos> hi inetpro [20:34] <inetpro> why up so late? [20:34] <Kilos> i was caught again today [20:34] <inetpro> caught? [20:35] <Kilos> ya man gevang [21:27] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight [22:12] <Squirm> 'lo [22:16] <Squirm> fp [22:16] <Squirm> sp [22:16] <Squirm> gnight
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jacques_Stry", "Kilos", "MaNI", "MaNI2", "Maaz", "SilverCode", "Squirm", "Symmetria", "ThatGraemeGuy", "arnaudmez_", "barrydk", "charl", "georgelappies", "inetpro", "lin", "magespawn", "mealso", "nlsthzn", "pieter2627", "plustwo", "stickyboy", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[05:43] <ovidiu-florin__> hello, anyone here? [05:44] <ovidiu-florin__> Last night's update on vivid, broke quassel [05:45] <darthanubis> Broke? I'm using it now [05:46] <darthanubis> Core, client, and droid [06:06] <ovidiu-florin__> client, doesn't start anymore [06:06] <ovidiu-florin__> it starts and there's no content to the window [06:06] <ovidiu-florin__> and it stays like that [06:08] <ovidiu-florin__> $ quasselclient [06:08] <ovidiu-florin__> QCoreApplication::arguments: Please instantiate the QApplication object first [06:08] <ovidiu-florin__> "Theme tree: (Breeze)" [06:08] <ovidiu-florin__> No DockManager available [06:09] <ovidiu-florin__> and that's it [07:05] <soee> good morning [08:23] <soee> hhm [08:24] <soee> The problem cannot be reported:The problem happened with the program /usr/bin/kdeinit5 which changed since the crash occurred. [08:26] <vipw> soee: that bot seems very silent [08:26] <vipw> soee: does he leave private messages? [08:27] <soee> vipw: kubotu ? [08:27] <vipw> yup [08:27] <soee> i dont think so [08:27] <soee> but devs use bouncers so the can read teh logs and have access to messages send to them [08:27] <vipw> did he say something? :) [08:28] <soee> who ? [08:28] <vipw> maybe, he just didn't [08:28] <vipw> kubotu: [08:28] <soee> kubotu: hi [08:28] <kubotu> re soee :) [08:28] <soee> it has some commands [08:28] <vipw> i mean, did he say something about isos to test ;-) [08:29] <sitter> queuebot talks about isos [08:29] <soee> well someone has to call teh testers via kubotu [08:29] <sitter> ah [08:30] <sitter> isn't that ubottu [08:36] <soee> vipw: usualy when isos are ready to test, Riddell uses this bot to call testers to grb the images and o testcases [08:37] <vipw> ok, sooner or later, i'll know [08:55] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:18] <Riddell> soee: there's images up onw [09:18] <Riddell> now [09:18] * Riddell away today [12:24] <sitter> anyone around who has a recent daily ISO and can test something real quick? [12:24] <sitter> need a screenshot of the first ubiquity screen [12:46] <BluesKaj> Hey folks [12:57] <mparillo> sitter: Does ksnapshot load on the first ubiquity screen? [13:09] <sitter> no [13:09] <sitter> you'd have to run the ISO in a vbox [13:09] <sitter> or some other virtual machine [13:09] <sitter> and then snapshot that [13:10] <sitter> actually [13:10] <sitter> mparillo: you could just tell me if you can minimize the window [13:13] <mparillo> The first window where you get the choice between try and install? [13:16] <mparillo> I have created the VM, and am starting it [13:19] <mparillo> sitter: Yes, I can minimize the Try /Install window. I do not see it go to a panel ... it just seems to disappear, but that could be because the size of my virtual screen is small. I can restore the Try / Install window by <alt> <tab> [13:26] <sitter> mparillo: thanks [13:27] <sitter> Riddell: ^ I don't think that was the case with kwin4 [13:27] <sitter> seems a bit meh [14:12] <BluesKaj> is dolphin going remain on plasma 4 on the 15.04 official release like it is now ? [14:12] <yofel> qt4, yes [14:14] <BluesKaj> bummer , so i'm goingto have different colours on my apps because systemsettings4 has no way of being setup to the same as systemsetttings5 [14:35] <rdieter> BluesKaj: fyi, systemsettings5 relevant theme changes should propogate to kde4's kdeglobals (that's the theory anyway), do colors not work then? [14:36] <claydoh> odd, BluesKaj my dolphin's colors match when I change thingsw [14:36] * rdieter tested, works for me. used systemsettings5 to change colors to 'breeze dark', run dolphin... and it's dark [14:51] <kfunk> yep. that should work just fine [14:51] <BluesKaj> claydoh, no such luck here, dolphin is using the default systemseting4 colour which is an off brown whereas everything under the plasma 5 control is a marble blue [15:05] <BluesKaj> even the titlbar and the toolbar fonts are still small on this large screen (as root in systemsettings5) set the font as ubuntu 9 or some such and i need dejavu sans 15 to make the them readable , the text inside the files are dejavu sans 15 [15:14] <BluesKaj> ts I gues [15:15] <BluesKaj> so there's some kind of mess here between the Qts [15:21] <rdieter> BluesKaj: there was a prior release of plasma5 (early 5.2.0?) that had a bug that kdeglobals could get corrupted, which prevented subsequent config changes from taking effect. your symptoms sound like ^^ may be happening. [15:24] <BluesKaj> rdieter, well this is a beta 2 totally clean install , no conf files left over in /home etc from previous installs [15:24] <BluesKaj> only one partition on this one , just / [15:25] <BluesKaj> bbl [15:34] <claydoh> BluesKaj: "even the titlbar and the toolbar fonts are still small on this large screen (as root in systemsettings5) " [15:35] <claydoh> running system settings as root might be the cause, here perhaps? [15:39] <sitter> thy shalt not run gui apps as root [15:51] <BluesKaj> sitter otherwise when I edit a file as roo then the fonts aren't readable [15:51] <BluesKaj> root [15:51] <BluesKaj> like the sours.list for example [15:52] <BluesKaj> sources.list.. [15:57] <BluesKaj> odd that kate runs under plasma5 as user , but as root it's plasma4 [15:57] <BluesKaj> diffrent permissions , different colour settings seems to be the problem here [15:58] <BluesKaj> same goes for the titlebar and toolbar fonts [16:01] <BluesKaj> anyway we'll see what happens next thurs [16:03] <BluesKaj> BBL [19:16] <Riddell> bug 1445383 [19:16] <Riddell> yofel: ^^ [19:21] <KDDA> not again! [19:34] <vip> :) [19:34] <yofel> Riddell: I know, didn't have time to follow up on that [19:35] <yofel> KDDA: not again, it's the damn same innodb crash hitting different people [19:36] <KDDA> I spent ages getting akonadi up and running again [19:36] * yofel switched to mariadb -.- [19:37] <KDDA> cheat! [20:59] <ahoneybun> 14.04 is running amazing on my dad's computer now :) [20:59] <ahoneybun> *amazingly [21:02] <soee_> -.- [21:36] * genii makes more coffee [21:52] <ovidiu-florin> so something in the last update broke my quassel [21:52] <ovidiu-florin> I had to purge it and start over [21:52] <ovidiu-florin> it works now :D [21:56] <valorie> so perhaps something in old configs? [21:57] <valorie> all ok with konvi.... [22:35] <lordievader> My Vivid netboot just keeps working :) [22:35] <lordievader> Must say I don't use it for much. Just a bit of browsing and konsole'ing. [22:35] <valorie> by netboot, you mean mini-iso + Kubuntu-desktop? [22:36] <lordievader> No, by netboot I mean PXE + NFS root. [22:36] <valorie> I don't know what that is [22:37] <lordievader> valorie: [22:38] <lordievader> It comes down to having no harddrive in the computer and having the rootfs on some server. [22:39] <valorie> ahhhh, the law and freedom folks have talked about a setup like tat [22:39] <valorie> that' [22:39] <valorie> so if laptops are confiscated, you still have your data [22:41] <valorie> and I guess that is unfortunately common for human rights/social justice workers [22:41] <valorie> American citizens do not have constitutional rights at the borders, our courts now say [22:42] <valorie> :( [22:43] <lordievader> I wouldn't do nfs booting over the internet. But for a local lan it is a nice way of giving live to a machine in which there is no hard drive. [22:44] <valorie> these folks advocated a "virtual hard drive" [22:44] <valorie> a few years ago [22:44] <valorie> I'm not sure what the thinking is these days [22:44] <lordievader> This is not a virtual hard drive thing. [22:45] <lordievader> Wonder what they ment with virtual hard drive... [22:46] <valorie> here is one description: [22:46] <valorie> sounds like just a container, which I guess could reside anywhere [22:47] <valorie> amazon servers etc. [22:47] <lordievader> Hmm, if network storage counts as 'virtual hard drive'... [22:48] <valorie> it's almost back to the dumb terminal days [22:48] <lordievader> Ah, those vhd's Windows answer to using Logical Volumes for VM's. [22:51] <valorie> it would be scary unless you really trusted the cloud provider [22:51] <valorie> which is where kolab and companies like that come in, I guess [22:51] <valorie> spideroak is another
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "KDDA", "Riddell", "ahoneybun", "claydoh", "darthanubis", "genii", "kfunk", "kubotu", "lordievader", "mparillo", "ovidiu-florin", "ovidiu-florin__", "rdieter", "sitter", "soee", "soee_", "valorie", "vip", "vipw", "yofel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[00:21] <Allan__> resouvi o problema [00:21] <Allan__> aumentei a memoria na configuraçao da placa mae [00:21] <Allan__> pra video [00:49] <Rudolf> boa junim [00:49] <Rudolf> pensou, resolveu [01:12] <Guest56111> UBUNTU 15.10 EM 23 ABRIL CONFIRMA ? [01:24] <xGrind> outubro [01:24] <xGrind> mes.ano => 2015.outubro [01:25] <xGrind> ano.mes [02:12] <Rudolf> kkkkk [03:02] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [03:30] <Alexandre__> boa noite queria ajuda pois sou novo usuario do ubuntu não está conectando a net meu provedor pede que faça uma rede pppoe com senha e nome de usuario para logar a net alem de roconhecer o id da placa de red [03:44] <Alexandre__> boa noite queria ajuda pois sou novo usuario do ubuntu não está conectando a net meu provedor pede que faça uma rede pppoe com senha e nome de usuario para logar a net alem de roconhecer o id da placa de red [12:08] <CyberWorld> BOM DIA PESSOARL [13:43] <mirqui> bom dia :) [13:53] <carom> BOM DIa ! Pessoal POR FAVOR, alguma dica de como formatar um CARTAO DE MEMORIA no 14.04 ? Na opcao "Discos" ele so formata pendrive, a opcao sempre fica apagada quando é um cartao de memoria... Por favor ALGUMA DICA ? MUITO OBRIGADO! [13:54] <Elfon> Bom dia...Como mudo a fonte padrão o LibreOffice Calc? [13:54] <Elfon> carom: verifica se não precisa montar ou desmontar o cartão no gerenciador de arquivos [13:57] <mirqui> elfon , olha só [13:57] <mirqui> [13:57] <Elfon> mirqui: já li vários e nada... no writer é bem fácil [13:57] <Elfon> mas no calc não achei nada ainda [13:59] <mirqui> mas a fonte é que nem no writer elfon , é só escolher [13:59] <mirqui> preciso ir daqui a pouco estou de volta [14:00] <Elfon> se fosse tão simples taria feito [14:13] <carom> elf [14:13] <carom> Elfon: ja tentei isso 1000 vezes :( [14:13] <Elfon> carom: faz o seguinte...usa o gparted [14:14] <Elfon> só vai precisar da senha do root...mas é bem tranquilo [14:15] <carom> vou tentar, muito obrigado [14:18] <Elfon> carom: depois posta ae o resultado [14:25] <carom> Elfon: oi... acho que fiz besteira rs rs Nao tava formatando ai cliquei em "delete" e apagou tudo. Agora preciso "criá-lo" de novo... Esse cartao vai pra um Celular SIMPLES, sem sistema operacional (e vai ser presente, nao tenho como estar se vai funcionar...) POR FAVOR, saberia dizer qual o formato indicado ? EXT 1,2,3,4 ou FAT 16,32 ou Ntfs ? [14:25] <carom> muito obrigado [14:27] <Elfon> carom: geralmente o celular que aceita cartão de memória tem uma opção de formatar [14:28] <Elfon> carom: em relação a celulares não sei o formato mais modo geral em outros aparelhos é FAT32 [14:29] <carom> Elfon: muito obrigado! acho que tenho um celular velho aqui pra testar... ja mando mais noticias! obrigad D+ [14:38] <carom> Elfon: olha, ate nesse programa nao ta indo... Unable to open /dev/sdb read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sdb has been opened read-only. [14:39] <carom> aparentemente formtata, ai eu tiro e bota de tudo continua la, nada é alterado [14:39] <carom> OBS: o botaozinho do cartao está "aberto" [14:40] <Elfon> carom: tem q formatar como root [14:41] <carom> mas como ? [14:41] <Elfon> se não der certo muda a posição da chave [14:41] <carom> entrar no root no terminal antes? [14:41] <Elfon> sim [14:41] <Elfon> ou executa o gparted...ele vai pedir a senha de root [14:41] <carom> até esqueci de tanto tempo ... [14:41] <carom> pra entra no root é " su " ? [14:42] <Elfon> sudo su [14:42] <carom> por favor, e depois pra voltar ao normal como eh mesmo ? [14:44] <Elfon> exit [14:44] <Elfon> ou somente fecha a janela do terminal :) [14:46] <carom> ue, que eu me lembre com o sudo su ele fica direto ativado, pra sempre, ate que botemos o comando oposto... [14:46] <carom> pelo menos nas outras versoes era assim [14:47] <Elfon> bom...não deveria ser assim não [15:21] <mirqui> e ai elfon , conseguiu acertar a fonte ? [15:22] <Elfon> sim...depois de muita ralação [15:22] <mirqui> como vc fez? [15:22] <mirqui> no meu está no menu [15:24] <Elfon> basicamente....vai em Formatar ==> Estilo e Foramatação ==> Modifica o Padrão para os valores desejados...depois vai em Arquivo ==> Modelo==> Salvar como Modelo ....depois de salvo tem q definir este novo modelo como padrão [15:25] <Elfon> mirqui: o calc é diferente do writer [15:26] <mirqui> no meu está como no writer [15:26] <mirqui> fica no menu de baixo [15:39] <Elfon> mirqui: já tentou alterar e depois criar um novo documento? [15:40] <mirqui> espera , vou ver [15:42] <mirqui> voltou a fonte padrão [15:42] <mirqui> tentei 4 fontes para escrever no calc , quando salvei e fui para o outro documento , voltou a padrão [15:43] <mirqui> era este o seu problema? [15:45] <mirqui> vc pode fazer seu estilo tbm , botar a fonte que quizer , depois copiar toda a tabela e salvar as duas [15:45] <mirqui> ai vai ter sempre um modelo que vc programou sem mexer em formatação [15:46] <Elfon> sim [15:47] <mirqui> é meio trabalhoso ter que formatar cada estilo de planilha [15:48] <mirqui> então da para fazer um padrão para cada planilha só copiando a matriz ( planilha original) [16:40] <darlin> sou novo no ubuntu, porque a tela fica cinza e trava as vezes? [16:42] <Alex_____> Qual a Última versão do Ubuntu o 14.04.2 TLS ou o 14.10 ? [16:44] <darlin> 14.10 [16:45] <Alex_____> Porque na pagina em official aprece em cima de todos o 14.04.2 TLS? [16:46] <Alex_____> Aparece a versao 14.04.02 TLS em destaque e n'ao o 14.110 porque? [16:47] <Alex_____> Ainda n'ao respondeu a minha pergunta [16:48] <darlin> qual site? [16:48] <darlin> porque a onde eu entrei ta em destaque [16:59] <Alex_____> Darlin eu entrei no site official [16:59] <Alex_____> Neste link est[a o 14.04.2 TLS em destaque por isso a duvida em saber qual e a versao final ate agora [17:08] <Alex______> Neste link esta o 14.04.2 TLS em destaque por isso a duvida em saber qual e a versao final ate agora [19:39] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [19:45] <nino> qual o melhor programa windows para criar um pen drive bootavel com a iso do ubuntu utopic unicor? [19:47] <mirqui> o melhor é difícil , depende de cada um [19:47] <mirqui> [19:47] <mirqui> da uma olhada [19:47] <mirqui> esse já usei , é bom , o lili [19:48] <mirqui> [19:50] <nino> ok vou da uma testada em uns, qndo o notebook vem com drive de cd/dvd é uma mão na roda, mas esses nets q só tem usb e memory card são um saco pra formatar [19:50] <mirqui> então boa sorte :) [19:51] <nino> valeu aí :) [20:46] <astroo-> ola pessoal [23:59] <lzkill> olá pessoal... estou tendo um problema com meu novo pen drive (sandisk extreme)... sempre que eu o conecto à máquina a rede cai... [23:59] <lzkill> alguém tem idéia do que pode estar acontecendo?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Alex_____", "Alex______", "Alexandre__", "Allan__", "CyberWorld", "Elfon", "Guest56111", "Rudolf", "astroo-", "carom", "darlin", "lzkill", "mirqui", "nino", "xGrind" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[05:45] * Kilos waves to the locoteam [05:47] * PaulW2U waves back and goes off to work [05:47] <Kilos> hehe [05:47] <Kilos> hi nhaines [07:38] <Kilos> hi dpm [07:39] <dpm> hey Kilos [10:36] <TaeheeJang> Have a nice Friday people! [10:37] <ahoneybun> whoo [10:37] <Kilos> haha TaeheeJang you too [10:39] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: Thankyou haha [10:45] <MooDoo> yay friday [10:46] <Kilos> hi MooDoo [10:46] <MooDoo> howdy Kilos [10:47] <MooDoo> are you well? [10:48] <Kilos> yes ty and you? [10:48] <MooDoo> yeah always good on a friday home servers updated smoothly so i'm happy lol [10:48] <Kilos> hard work this timezone thing though [10:48] <Kilos> nice [10:49] <MooDoo> yeah it can be a pain, what's it there now? [10:49] <Kilos> 12.50 [10:50] <MooDoo> ah not that bad then you're only +2 from me [10:50] <MooDoo> well +1 at this time of year lol [10:50] <Kilos> if there are any australians here then i have 9 hours back to the usa west coast and 9 ahead to the ausies [10:51] <MooDoo> it can be a pain if you needed to speak to someone in the us lol [10:52] <Kilos> exciting though [10:52] <MooDoo> oh definately, that's ubuntu/community for you :) [10:53] <Kilos> :D [11:34] <MooDoo> :) [13:47] <belkinsa> Kilos, can I PM you> [13:51] <Kilos> yessir belkinsa [15:32] <Kilos> hi genii dholbach [15:36] <dholbach> hi Kilos [15:39] * genii slides Kilos a fresh beverage [15:39] <Kilos> ty genii [15:39] <genii> :D
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "MooDoo", "PaulW2U", "TaeheeJang", "ahoneybun", "belkinsa", "dholbach", "dpm", "genii" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[05:49] <didrocks> good morning [06:53] <willcooke> o/ [06:53] <seb128> hey willcooke [06:55] <didrocks> good morning willcooke [08:05] <Laney> OHO [08:07] <didrocks> santa claus! [08:07] <seb128> hey Laney, how are you? [08:07] <seb128> oh, he got presents for us?! [08:07] * didrocks hopes so [08:08] <Laney> coal for didrocks [08:08] * Laney switch back to upstart last night ;-) [08:08] <didrocks> but I've been so kind! [08:08] <didrocks> life is unfair [08:28] <larsu> morning! [08:40] <seb128> hey larsu [09:10] <willcooke> is anyone using plain X chat 2.8.8? [09:11] <seb128> willcooke, no, xchat-gnome here [09:11] <seb128> why? [09:11] <willcooke> There's a really weird thing going on with the topic field [09:11] <willcooke> If I drag a window over the top of it [09:11] <willcooke> I can see through the window's title bar and read the text underneath [09:12] <willcooke> but only on the topic field [09:12] <willcooke> ?!?!?! [09:12] <willcooke> oh, and the channel list [09:12] <willcooke> doesn't matter, just strange is all [09:13] <seb128> weird indeed [09:13] <willcooke> errr [09:13] <willcooke> it gets more strange... [09:13] <willcooke> it only happens on my laptop screen, not on my external monitor [09:13] <larsu> use xchat-gnome? :P [09:13] <willcooke> :) [09:13] <davmor2> use irssi [09:14] <larsu> weechat! [09:15] <willcooke> You guys and your crackpot IRC clients [09:15] <davmor2> smuxi [09:15] <davmor2> willcooke: I'm using xchat [09:15] <davmor2> I just don't have multimonitors [09:15] <willcooke> ba [09:16] <Laney> ba black sheep [09:16] <davmor2> have you any wool [09:16] <Laney> lots actually [09:18] <darkxst> willcooke, nope, fine here, but GNOME, so different compositor [09:20] <willcooke> thx darkxst, I'll show bregma next week if I can reproduce it [09:22] <davmor2> willcooke: what are you testing xchat on? If it is unity 7 on vivid then I might be able to get an hdmi lead and chuck it into this monitor from my laptop [09:22] <willcooke> davmor2, don't worry about it - it's not worth spending time on [10:02] * Laney has added some topics to 'Agenda' on the sprint spreadsheet [10:07] <willcooke> thx Laney [10:20] <Laney> I wonder if I have one of those apple vga dongle thingies [10:20] <Laney> would be useful to project ting [10:28] <Laney> actually found one, still in its packet [10:51] * willcooke -> haircut [10:52] <darkxst> Laney, if you need apples, have a big tree of them ;) [10:53] <darkxst> well atleast the ones that are left after the european wasp invasion [10:54] <Laney> those mean wasps [10:55] <darkxst> yeh! I was quite surpised they can eat an entire apple (Except the skin) in 1 day [10:56] <darkxst> multi-threaded of course as well, so many apples per day [11:21] * willcooke <- haircut [11:23] <davmor2> willcooke and a haircut doesn't sound right......No I'm sure it's Shave and a Haircut 2 bits :D [11:23] <willcooke> Nooooooo [11:23] * didrocks will be in no haircut mode for once [11:23] <didrocks> brace yourself! [11:25] <davmor2> didrocks: if your hair isn't cut surely the hair will brace people against the wall and they won't need to brace themselves ;) [11:25] <willcooke> [11:25] <didrocks> davmor2: ahah [11:26] <didrocks> willcooke: I should have bet as I was 90% sure it was this kind of dog before opening the image… [11:26] <willcooke> :D:D [11:26] <willcooke> excellent [11:26] <didrocks> it's not *that* bad [12:46] <davmor2> hey desktop guys there seems to be some real issue in oem mode on desktop. There is no prepare for end user script that I can find, after cd eject enter key does nothing, there is no sound in the ubiquity installer part, there is no listing for my AP in nm but it was discovered no issues in the installer, volume is on in desktop for oem [12:46] <davmor2> the list goes on [12:51] <didrocks> davmor2: are you sure most of them are specific to oem mode? [12:51] <didrocks> davmor2: the cd eject enter key is something that cyphermox was looking at (related to systemd) [12:52] <davmor2> didrocks: the missing prepare for end user is definitely oem [12:52] <didrocks> I guess the ubiquity/nm issues should be directed to the foundation team [12:52] <didrocks> only the user prepare one seems oemish [12:53] <didrocks> (and that's foundation team as well) [12:53] <davmor2> didrocks: I don't want to restart till I get some feedback for logs and stuff though I'm assuming most of the issues priory to oem desktop are general issues [12:53] <didrocks> davmor2: basically all installer issues is for cyphermox (lucky him) :p [12:53] <davmor2> didrocks: I know right :) He gets all the bestest things [12:54] <didrocks> heh [12:54] <didrocks> but yeah, I guess the other are impacting normal images as well (some are known and being worked on) [13:29] <didrocks> ogra_: stupid question, but by reading the snappy ML, I found your message on [13:29] <didrocks> ogra_: seems your sudo question is now fixed, right? (as there is a needs-root or whatever yaml content) [13:29] <didrocks> however, I was wondering what is the node-snapper? [13:30] <ogra_> didrocks, might be, i had to move back to phone stuff and havent touched snappy in a while ... [13:30] <ogra_> i know there is a bug for the sudo case though [13:31] <didrocks> ogra_: and this node-snapper? was it just a package you started to look at and transform it for vim? or another magical tools I didn't find doc on yet? :p [13:31] <ogra_> node-snapper is a tool to provide you an arch specific tarball (or two) with a nodejs interpreter and all needed nodejs modules to put in a snap package [13:31] <didrocks> interesting (not sure why you needed that for vim though?) [13:31] <ogra_> [13:32] <ogra_> well, you can easily hack it to pull any other binary package into such a tarball :) [13:32] <didrocks> ah ok, you just switch nodejs to vim [13:32] <ogra_> and drop the npm logic ... [13:33] <ogra_> (since vim doesnt need nodejs modules most of the time :) ) [13:33] <didrocks> ogra_: you always need npm though! :p [13:33] <didrocks> ogra_: thanks for the answers ;) [13:33] <ogra_> happy to help ... [13:34] <ogra_> btw, i think mterrys new tool is better for general deb conversion to snap ... node-snapper is pretty specific for the nodejs case [13:35] <didrocks> ogra_: yeah, I'm reading that as well to get a sense of state of the art and see how we can help (but without participating to initial conversations, hard to cachup) [13:35] <didrocks> catchup* [13:35] <ogra_> there is no "initial conversation" [13:36] <ogra_> there is just "we all scratch our itches" currently [13:36] <didrocks> ogra_: well, quite a lot of tools and messages on the ML, so interesting to see where this is going and how we can see the bigger picture [13:36] <didrocks> aka "avoid having to run xorg in a priviledge snap" [13:36] <ogra_> right, i just mean we will probably see ten more such implementations until something official comes around [13:37] <didrocks> yep [13:37] <ogra_> we neeed some generic way though ... everyone knows that i think [13:37] <didrocks> interesting thing about the LD_PRELOAD story btw… [13:37] <didrocks> I was really against before the issues with LD_LIBRARY_PATH [13:38] <ogra_> LD_LIBRARY_PATH works fine for less complex stuff (like node snapper) [13:38] <ogra_> i wouldnt want to roll a unity8 snap with Mir inside using that though :) [13:38] <didrocks> everything that doesn't use RPATH… [13:38] <didrocks> heh [13:38] <didrocks> yeah [13:39] <ogra_> (which is essentially what mterry tires to do there) [13:39] <didrocks> yep, for a couple of months already [13:41] <didrocks> ogra_: ok, I just saw libsnappypreload's code [13:41] <didrocks> it's… interesting :p [14:19] <seb128> kenvandine, touch channel is a bit crazy, moving here [14:19] <kenvandine> seb128, :) [14:19] <seb128> kenvandine, yeah, I confirmed that the ListItem onClicked: doesn't trigger when we hit the issue [14:20] <kenvandine> seb128, you mean confirmed outside of autopilot? [14:20] <seb128> I added a code snippet the change the page title to "clicked" in the onClicked handler, doesn't change when I hit the bug [14:20] <seb128> with autopilot [14:20] <kenvandine> ok [14:20] <seb128> I can't reproduce the issue with a manual tap [14:20] <seb128> I do tap correctly :p [14:20] <seb128> seems like autopilot sometime doesn't [14:21] <kenvandine> grrr [14:21] <seb128> indeed :-/ [14:21] <seb128> is there a way to dump events log? [14:21] <seb128> to see if it triggers a dnd or something [14:21] <kenvandine> seb128, can you ping the qa guys with what you've figured out? [14:21] <kenvandine> not sure [14:21] <seb128> kenvandine, who are the qa guys? [14:21] <kenvandine> see if they have ideas why we don't always get onClicked [14:21] <kenvandine> they have a vanguard in #ubuntu-quality [14:22] <kenvandine> i think [14:22] <kenvandine> someone that should be able to help with autopilot issues [14:23] <kenvandine> seb128, so i bet missing that onClicked happens elsewhere too, which causes these flaky problems [14:24] <seb128> kenvandine, ok, moving to the next channel :p [14:26] <kenvandine> seb128, it was awesome that you figured that out! [14:26] <seb128> kenvandine, :-) [14:27] <kenvandine> i'm a bit distracted by another meeting right now though, but i'll try to follow along :) [14:27] <seb128> kenvandine, do we have a bug about those issues? [14:28] <kenvandine> not sure, we have in the past ;) [14:28] <kenvandine> but flakyness comes and goes :/ [14:28] <kenvandine> and likely not the same issue [14:28] <seb128> right [14:28] <seb128> let's see, waiting for a reply but I'm going to open one in a bit [15:10] <pitti> oh, I forgot to say good morning earlier, so: [15:10] <pitti> good morning! [15:16] <didrocks> good morning pitti :) [15:20] <pitti> bonjour didrocks :) [15:20] <larsu> hi pitti! [15:20] <pitti> didrocks: c'est presque le fin de la semaine pour toi, non ? :-) [15:20] * pitti tips hat towards larsu [15:21] <didrocks> pitti: presque, en effet ! et toi, tu as le temps pour une glace avant de venir à Londres ? :) [15:22] <pitti> didrocks: je ne crois pas ça, je m'en vais à 15:30 [15:22] <didrocks> ah en effet, ce sera à l'arrivée alors :) [15:23] <Laney> bonjour petit chat [15:23] <pitti> didrocks: mais je peux manger de la glace à Londres ! [15:24] <didrocks> pitti: il fera beau en plus ! [15:24] <didrocks> Laney: a wise man said one day "nage, nage petit poisson" [15:25] <Laney> the small animal zoo [15:25] <seb128> hey pitti [15:29] <cyphermox> hey pitti, how are you on this fine morning? [16:59] <willcooke> quittin' time - see you guys next week \o/ [20:08] <willcooke> I'll just leave this here from mterry: [20:08] <willcooke> seb128, when you're back ^^^^ [20:09] <willcooke> tata
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "cyphermox", "darkxst", "davmor2", "didrocks", "kenvandine", "larsu", "ogra_", "pitti", "seb128", "willcooke" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[00:34] <micahg> are the images good now? [00:35] <elfy> not completely checked micahg [00:35] <micahg> ok, I'll be around tomorrow and sunday [00:35] <elfy> hardware works [00:35] <micahg> I meant the bug from earlier :) [00:36] <elfy> if someone can look in virtual over the next few hours I can catch up [00:36] <elfy> micahg: so do I - it's almost 2am here ... [00:39] <elfy> micahg: if you get time a boot to 'try' and a boot to 'install' - super helpful for me [00:39] <micahg> I have to go clear some disk space first [00:42] <elfy> even more super helpful then :) [00:42] <jjfrv8> elfy, I just did installs of 32 and 64 in vbox. Reported results on tracker. They both hang after pressing restart. [00:42] <jjfrv8> Haven't done 'try' yet. [00:43] <elfy> jjfrv8: resynced? we are on .1 already :) [00:43] <jjfrv8> Yes [00:44] <elfy> [00:40] <elfy> bluesabre cyphermox - ok, so with the 2150416.1image on hardware, boots and reboots with an image created with gnome-disks as UEFI and standard [00:44] <elfy> [00:41] <elfy> vbox appears to give problems still [00:44] <elfy> [00:41] <elfy> not sure about kvm [00:44] <knome> elfy, ok with topic change [00:45] <elfy> really hating on vbox again, but it really is time for bed [00:45] <elfy> knome: ack - so who' got topic change access? [00:45] <knome> i have [00:45] <elfy> you, Unit193 ? [00:46] <knome> he too [00:46] <elfy> mmm [00:47] <elfy> so possibly hours and hours [00:48] <micahg> do we still have that iso tester software in the repo? [00:48] <knome> elfy, you should be able to do that now as well.. [00:48] <elfy> micahg testdrive? [00:48] <knome> elfy, (just topic stuff) [00:49] <micahg> yeah :) [00:49] <knome> i guess we could have a brief discussion whether all in team should have that access.. [00:49] <elfy> micahg: if so - just grab vbox and image - same thing [00:50] <elfy> knome: in hexchat other channels, I grab ops then edit topic and enter, assume same [00:51] <elfy> micahg: I am not sure what testdrive even does tbh [00:51] <micahg> downloads ISO and starts testing env [00:51] <knome> elfy, /msg topic #xubuntu-devel New topic here [00:51] <knome> ehh [00:51] <knome> elfy, /msg Chanserv topic #xubuntu-devel New topic here [00:52] <micahg> elfy: uses kvm [00:52] <elfy> wouldbe good to see where we are, I think not quoite right [00:52] * elfy uses that if it proves issue is not just vbox and Xubuntu :) [00:53] <elfy> also goes to sleep [00:53] <elfy> knome: ty [00:53] <knome> np [00:54] <knome> nighty! [00:54] <bluesabre> night elfy [00:54] <bluesabre> I'll give the iso a spin once it finishes downloading [00:54] <elfy> bluesabre: tomorrow .... [00:55] <elfy> I knew I should have waited to shout lol [00:55] <elfy> though do that - then work out with micahg what's up :D [00:57] <bluesabre> :) [04:32] <bluesabre> elfy: 64bit in vbox, install complete, hit restart and freeze [04:33] <bluesabre> force reboot after and it comes up to good install [04:35] <bluesabre> and that's a known and reported bug, so yeah :) [04:37] <bluesabre> hm, but that was marked as fix released in vivid, maybe it didn't land in .1? [04:39] <bluesabre> [04:39] <bluesabre> might need to poke around to see if that's supposed to be fixed [05:57] <dkessel> slickyma1ter: i don't know if you noticed, but i see the german translation is somehow currently not included in the desktop-guide docs for vivid... :( [06:08] <ochosi> morning everyone [06:19] <dkessel> morning ochosi [09:53] <elfy> morning all [09:54] <ochosi> morning elfy [09:55] <elfy> hi ochosi :) [10:22] <astraljava> o/ [10:22] <elfy> hi astraljava [10:22] <astraljava> I'll be doing the testing this evening, around 1900 UTC onwards. [10:23] <elfy> awesome [10:24] <elfy> I'm waiting for the new daily to show up - then I need to do some quick smoketests to be happy it works :) [10:26] <astraljava> Is that the release candidate, or will it be marked differently? [10:29] <elfy> until infinity does the tracker this evening - I don't know, can't remember what happened last cycle :D [10:29] <elfy> it might possibly get marked differently on the tracker [10:30] <astraljava> Alright, I'll check that out, and here as well, before starting the tests, so I won't perform them on wrong images. [10:31] <elfy> once I know what's going on I'll post to the m/l [10:31] <astraljava> Ok great! [10:32] <ochosi> elfy: yeah, before 19utc i might be able to run some tests too, would be great to know when today's images are out so feel free to ping [10:33] <elfy> something is stirring in the deep dark woods of the tracker it seems :) [10:33] <elfy> vivid final is getting populated as we speak [11:06] <elfy> ochosi: that'll be a ping for you now, today's image is there - Daily still [11:06] <ochosi> elfy: thanks! [11:06] <ochosi> anything to look out for specifically? [11:07] <elfy> not that I know of new - not looked yet today [11:07] <elfy> but - I'm expecting it to fail in vbox on reboot again [11:08] <ochosi> k, zsyncing... [11:32] <ochosi> man, i really need a new laptop, those installs area taking ages... [11:32] <elfy> ... [11:32] <elfy> I've done 64/32 in vbox - fails to reboot properly [11:34] <elfy> just doing both kvm [11:36] <zequence> elfy: How is kvm these days? [11:37] <ochosi> yeah, seems to hang here too at reboot [11:37] <elfy> zequence: I don't use it much to be honest [12:17] <elfy> ochosi: ok, so I've done 32 and 64 bit on vbox, kvm and hardware - all fail to reboot from install [12:18] <elfy> kvm and hardware reboot properly from livesession - so that's odd but I suspect explainable [12:20] <knome> bbl [12:20] <brainwash> does xubuntu have to fix this or does it affect all ubuntu variants? [12:20] <elfy> brainwash: I've just synced ubuntu - going to run the 3 [12:20] <elfy> I think that lubuntu is seeing the same [12:21] <elfy> cyphermox has been looking at this [12:21] <brainwash> :/ [12:22] <brainwash> bug #? [12:24] <elfy> bug 1436715 [12:24] <elfy> again [12:30] <elfy> brainwash: yesterday at some point *we* booted and the wallpaper behind the try/install dialogue was the xfce one [12:32] <brainwash> more bad news right before final release =S [12:33] <brainwash> who manages to break these things? :) [12:33] <elfy> :) [12:34] <elfy> this has been an issue on and off for a couple of months [12:35] <brainwash> will be probably fixed in 15.10 then [12:35] <elfy> :) [12:35] <elfy> Ubuntu is having issues as well - luckily for us [12:36] <elfy> I'll get my head together and go visit the people in -release in a bit [12:38] <brainwash> good luck [12:38] <elfy> lol [12:39] <brainwash> mmh, you can talk to cyphermox in this channel too :D [12:39] <elfy> yea - he's everywhere :) [12:41] <davmor2> elfy: I just tried an oem install on Ubuntu I'm upto issue 6 [12:41] <davmor2> that was issue 2 [12:41] <elfy> having some fun then ... [12:42] <davmor2> elfy: oh yeah, I mean who wouldn't want an oem install that had no way to prep for end user [12:42] <elfy> ;) [12:42] <davmor2> ooops [12:43] <elfy> very ooops :D [12:44] <elfy> for *us* it is just so much easier when Ubuntu breaks as well [12:47] <davmor2> elfy: hahaha [12:47] <_1_Karatecitizen> nice to meet you [12:48] <elfy> hi _1_Karatecitizen [12:48] <_1_Karatecitizen> what's your name plz [12:48] <elfy> ummm - elfy ... [12:48] <_1_Karatecitizen> ok u a guy [12:49] <elfy> could be - could be not - could even be a myth [12:49] <_1_Karatecitizen> I'm just trying to figure out this complicated app [12:49] <elfy> not that it matters at all [12:50] <_1_Karatecitizen> are there others here in the room? [12:53] <elfy> yes [12:55] <_1_Karatecitizen> ok [12:57] <_1_Karatecitizen> how can my phone only search girl contacts?? [12:58] <elfy> this is the wrong channel, this is xubuntu devel channel [12:58] <brainwash> elfy: it's most likely a chat bot [12:58] <elfy> mmm [13:00] <elfy> someone like knome or Unit193 will get rid I guess [13:01] <_1_Karatecitizen> it's silly if u not sure the person u adding isguy or girl [13:02] <_1_Karatecitizen> is that a room [13:36] <slickymasterWork> krytarik, what do you mean by "proper attribution for the changes"? [13:36] <slickymasterWork> didn't quite understood [13:37] <krytarik> The changelog of the last changes doesn't include many of the changes I did. [13:37] <slickymasterWork> well, those ^^^ were plenty and I opt for a sort of a summary on the changelog [13:38] <krytarik> Incl. the one pertaining to that. [13:40] <slickymasterWork> I'll make a deal you with, you do a MP to fix the bug in the Make file and I'll assure you that the changelog will show that exactly [13:40] <slickymasterWork> deal? [13:40] <krytarik> The 'fix' change? No, no deal. [13:42] <krytarik> I'd be willing to throw up a diff for you though. [13:42] <ochosi> please, no throwing up in this channel [13:42] <krytarik> lol [13:42] <ochosi> we just cleaned it [13:45] <slickymasterWork> you drive a hard bargain krytarik [13:45] <slickymasterWork> ;P [13:45] <slickymasterWork> will your diff solve the issue? [13:45] <krytarik> lol [13:48] <krytarik> slickymasterWork: Working on it already, btw - incl. the "Xubuntu Team <>" one you guys wanted. [13:48] <slickymasterWork> wasn't that already included ?! [13:49] <krytarik> I didn't. Did you? [13:50] <krytarik> Nope, you didn't. [13:50] <slickymasterWork> well, I could swear that I did, but I won't go as far as testify for it in a court of law [13:50] * slickymasterWork is going cuckoo [13:50] * slickymasterWork bows and thanks krytarik for doing it now for him [13:53] <slickymasterWork> dkessel, thanks for pointing it out for us [21:03] <astraljava> I suppose we're not to expect the RC images come out before the dawn, right? [21:06] <knome> astraljava, go to sleep :) [21:08] <astraljava> Aye, see about it in the morning, then. G'night! [21:09] <knome> nighty :) [21:53] <bluesabre> hi all [21:53] <bluesabre> for a teensy bit at least [21:55] <Luyin> hi bluesabre [21:56] <bluesabre> hey Luyin [21:59] <knome> seanety sean [22:03] <bluesabre> :D [22:03] <bluesabre> and bye again, bbl [23:54] <krytarik> slickymaster: There you go - for when you come back later:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Luyin", "_1_Karatecitizen", "astraljava", "bluesabre", "brainwash", "davmor2", "dkessel", "elfy", "jjfrv8", "knome", "krytarik", "micahg", "ochosi", "slickymasterWork", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[08:55] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [20:33] <Crucidal> Ik heb mijn /home folder verplaatst en een symlink er naartoe gemaakt. Dit bleek een grote fout. Nu kan ik niet meer inloggen. Heb de folder wel al terug gezet [20:34] <lordievader> Rechten verprutst? [20:35] <Crucidal> weet je van wie de username folder moet zijn? [20:36] <lordievader> Ik? Nee, dat zou jij moeten weten :P [20:36] <Crucidal> haha [20:36] <Crucidal> nvm :P [20:38] <Crucidal> misschien had je het in een keer goed [20:38] <Crucidal> ik ga het proberen :-) [20:42] <Crucidal_> lordie, in 1 keer goed. de home folder was van root geworden wat niet de bedoeling was. dankjewel! [20:44] <lordievader> ;)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Crucidal", "Crucidal_", "lordievader" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[18:28] <ofprieto> hola andresmujica [18:36] <andresmujica> o/ [18:36] <ofprieto> como va todo andresmujica [18:41] <andresmujica> bien bien gracias, como va todo ofprieto? [18:44] <ofprieto> bien preocupado que andamos organizando el flisol y han existido problemas de locación [18:45] <ofprieto> andresmujica: ud conoce sitios que puedan brindar espacio por que actualmente el que hay es el idrd y esta hasta junio 27 y las otras fechas son hasta agosto [18:46] <ofprieto> y los demas lugares andan cobrando :S jejeje que problema
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "andresmujica", "ofprieto" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-co" }
[01:33] <cmaloney> Om things will be fine om [02:07] <greg-g> :) [02:08] <greg-g> _stink_: you're not far from the truth, that's what I've been telling my team all week, which is true, I'm just stressed from the process, not the outcome [02:28] <_stink_> process determines at least half of daily satisfaction in my opinion. [02:28] <_stink_> REVOLT! [02:58] <greg-g> _stink_: oh so true. which is why I had a stress headache each day this week, it'll all be "over" on Tuesday (when we announce the reorg for realz) [02:58] <greg-g> not that everyone doesn't already know [02:59] <_stink_> so when are you hiring? :) [04:42] <greg-g> _stink_: next quarter, aka June-ish [04:46] <_stink_> cool! [09:54] <jrwren> "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best.” apparently isn’t an appropriate response to breaking production. [10:41] <rick_h_> jrwren: wtf did you do? [11:50] <brousch> rick_h_ with a pony tail [11:57] <jrwren> rick_h_: lol :) [13:44] <cmaloney> Good morning [14:32] <ColonelPanic001> 'morning [14:58] <greg-g> yo yo
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ColonelPanic001", "_stink_", "brousch", "cmaloney", "greg-g", "jrwren", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[03:09] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [20:46] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[13:26] <xTEMPLARx> t3lco's got the crazy connection
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "xTEMPLARx" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn" }
[05:29] <mojtaba> hello [05:29] <mojtaba> ? [05:29] <mojtaba> salam dostan ? [05:30] <mojtaba> ka30 hast betone komakam kone? [05:30] <mojtaba> lotfan [05:57] <mojtaba> salaaaam [05:57] <mojtaba> ????? [05:57] <mojtaba> ka30 hast lotfan? [05:58] <haq> سلام [05:58] <haq> سوالی داشتم [05:59] <mojtaba> سلام کسی هست؟ [10:49] <ChikOo> how u use the iptable firewall to restrict ssh,telnet,ftp? [10:54] <ChikOo> what are RPM? [11:11] <ChikoO> I answer for your question? [20:04] <bakhtyar> سلام دوستان [20:05] <bakhtyar> اينجا كسي هست [20:13] <bakhtyar> سلام [20:14] <bakhtyar> ميشه يكي جواب بده [20:14] <bakhtyar> hi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChikOo", "ChikoO", "bakhtyar", "haq", "mojtaba" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[07:02] <Barre> bamsefar: hhaha.. wtf! [07:02] <Barre> Amoz: nope, HW är helt ok, kanske en bios-bug och/eller i linux.. me don't knwo [07:04] <bamsefar> Gör den inte som du vill är det bara att krossa skiten. [07:08] <screedo> haha, jag diggar it-Rolf :) [07:11] <bamsefar> Gött :) [07:11] <bamsefar> Köp VPSer! [07:11] <bamsefar> ;) [07:13] <andol> Jupp, att låta någon annan stångas med hårdvaran is the shit :) [07:14] <bamsefar> :) [07:15] <bamsefar> Andol är skitnöjd! (eller?) ;) [07:15] <andol> Jupp, jupp. [07:38] <Barre> finns ju inget som luktar så gott som nyuppackad hårdvara.. virtualisering. pffft.. [07:50] <andol> Barre: Inte så att lukten finns att köpa på sprayflaska då? :) [07:50] <andol> Alternativt i form utav en wunderbaum. [08:00] <Barre> andol: om inte så är det en fantastisk affärsidé [08:00] <Barre> :wq [08:12] <andol> C-x C-s, C-x C-c [08:19] <Barre> A:) [08:20] <bamsefar> Haha [09:40] <blippe> Godmorgon! [09:40] <maxjezy> morrn! [09:40] <blippe> händer det nåt? [09:40] <blippe> nya ubuntu-versioner eller liknande? [09:41] <maxjezy> trampa precis 15 km på träningscykeln precis [09:41] <maxjezy> ungefär 15 km [09:41] <maxjezy> inte precis [09:41] <blippe> jag åt just en hög med amerikanska pannkakor, det slår lite högre än dina fjuttiga 15km. [09:41] <blippe> :D [09:41] <maxjezy> ah, jag är fattig och har inte råd med mat [09:42] <blippe> Men ärligt talat: Någon som testat elementary os? [09:42] <maxjezy> ja, förr. [09:42] <blippe> Eller ännu bättre, är det någon som med säkerhet kan säga att det egentligen bara är en ppa på ubuntu? [09:46] <maxjezy> det bygger väl på ubuntu men med lite eget [09:46] <maxjezy> som egen ppa antagligen [09:47] <maxjezy> eller samma som ubuntu men med egen wallpaper osv [09:48] <maxjezy> alla linux distar ser ju lite ut som om en fjärdeklassare designat [09:48] <maxjezy> det är det jag tycker de har gemensamt [09:48] <blippe> :D [09:49] <blippe> av någon konstig anledning så funkar inte virt-viewer något vidare för mig, det är lodräta "stripes" över hela bilden, vad kan jag ha gjort för fel? [09:51] <maxjezy> maskar den vita linjer eller hur ser det ut? [09:52] <blippe> nja, det är som om apparna liksom kläms ihop, [09:53] <blippe> svårt att beskriva [09:53] <maxjezy> den målar inte ut hela bilden? i horisontala linjer? [09:53] <blippe> var kan man posta bilder enkelt på internet? [09:53] <maxjezy> [09:54] <maxjezy> titta längst till höger på sidan så ser du tre ikoner [09:54] <maxjezy> välj den som säger image [09:54] <maxjezy> [09:54] <maxjezy> där [09:55] <blippe> här oxå: [09:56] <maxjezy> ah det där ser inte trevligt ut [09:57] <blippe> ser du att appen tar upp ca 80% av vidden av "skärmen"? [09:57] <maxjezy> jo [09:57] <blippe> Den är maximerad, så ska jag interagera med musen så ska man föra musen ca 120% till höger om där bilden av knappen är för att trycka på knappen. [09:58] <blippe> Jag undrar om virt-viewer använder vnc eller spice. [09:58] <blippe> Antagligen spice. [09:58] <maxjezy> ja det låter som om den skippar linjer i renderingen av bilden [09:58] <maxjezy> men musen ligger på ett separat lager [09:58] <blippe> eller smudgar ihop den, titta på färgerna vid "Applications" [09:59] <maxjezy> ja, näe jag skulle nog undvika att stirra på det där. [10:04] <blippe> Det är vnc... vilket gör det svårare för mig att förstå vad som gått så här fel. [10:09] <blippe> samma problem med spice. [10:16] <blippe> Enligt sources.list är det trusty med{os-patches,stable}/ubuntu [10:18] <blippe> den har inte ens ubuntu-standard installerad iofs, utan en elementary-standard, och en elementary-minimal [10:23] <blippe> crap, skulle köra `sudo apt-get auto $(apt-get showmanual)` och sedan markera paket som manuellt installerade som dyker upp i `apt-get autoremove`, för att se vilka paket beroenden. Men lyckades efter autoremove dubbeltrycka på enter, så den började rensa bort paket. [10:23] <blippe> Lärt mig att köra `apt-get -S autoremove` [10:23] <blippe> :P [18:02] <maxjezy> Barre, bamsefar och andol [18:03] <maxjezy> jag skriver ut loggarna nu med min laserskrivare bara så ni vet. [18:52] <bamsefar> Ehh [19:07] <madbear_> inte så dum idé faktiskt [19:09] <Barre> maxjezy: så tjusigt... vilken tur att kanalen inte är så aktiv längre ;) [19:23] <Philip5> maxjezy: är det de där loggarna som arkeologerna om 1000 år kommer hitta när alla digitala loggar är borta och de kommer undra vad det där irc var ;) [19:24] <maxjezy> :) [19:24] <maxjezy> jag ska klistra upp loggarna i gångtunnlar och andra ställen, affärers anslagstavlor osv. [19:45] <Barre> maxjezy: gört! (I will be remembered for ever!!!) [19:45] <Philip5> så blir Barre och andol kändisar hos polisen.... igen.... [20:00] <Barre> Philip5: oh now [20:02] <Barre> \o/ 1.5 timmar rensandes i avlopp, en sån härlig lördagskväll. \o/ #It'sGoodToBeMe [20:16] <Philip5> Barre: spännande... själv sitter jag och meckar med en gammal kamera som får sig en omgång rengöring [20:50] <einand> lol
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Barre", "Philip5", "andol", "bamsefar", "blippe", "einand", "madbear_", "maxjezy", "screedo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[02:07] <elky> nhaines: hi? [02:45] <ianorlin> [#ubuntu-us-ca] [02:45] <ianorlin> oops [02:48] <ianorlin> hmm gah this open source bridge confrence has such good talks on youtube can't stop watching [04:34] <nhaines> elky: hi! [04:36] <elky> nhaines: hi, so it's meeting week :) [04:37] <nhaines> elky: so it is! Oh, it's Friday which means emails. [04:37] <elky> :) [04:37] <elky> i haven't done wiki so i'm hardly one to talk [04:37] <elky> i'm about to do it now [04:38] <elky> (wiki that is) [04:38] <nhaines> I need to change my Google Calendar reminder. It alerts me on Wednesday and Friday beforehand, but I'm just like "cool, keep Sunday night free." [04:38] <nhaines> Yeah, I'll do the email. Thanks for reminding me. [04:38] <elky> np [04:38] <ianorlin> and vivid release is Thursday [04:50] <elky> weekees done [04:58] <elky> and also on the slowco directory [05:01] <nhaines> I'm very pleased because the $4 USB-OTG cable I got makes my tablet (and presumably also my phone) a very nice terminal emulator in Ubuntu. Also Android. [20:16] <philipballew> pleia2, Is getting a visa for Ghana a difficult process? [20:16] <philipballew> I am gonna help a friend out who has never left the country fill one out and apply today.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "elky", "ianorlin", "nhaines", "philipballew" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
[08:14] <tagezi> утра всем [10:08] <tak_> Доброго времени суток. [10:08] <tak_> Версия kdenlive 0.9.6. [10:08] <tak_> Нужно сделать PIP (картинка в картинке). Для этого нужен переход Composite. [10:08] <tak_> В меню Переход его нет. [10:08] <tak_> Заранее благодарен за помощь. [10:43] <tak_> здесь есть кто живой? [13:10] <oleg_> fank you [13:10] <oleg_> Кто откуда здесь? [13:12] <oleg_> ... [18:25] <aleksei`> вечера [19:11] <Quest2010> . [22:40] <red_shuhardt1> Привет всем! Кто нибудь сталкивался с таким видеоконтроллером на нетбуке: [22:40] <red_shuhardt1> Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe [22:40] <red_shuhardt1> Intel Corporation Atom Processor D2xxx/N2xxx Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) [22:40] <red_shuhardt1> ? [22:42] <red_shuhardt1> Проблема в том, что драйвера проприоретарного нет в настройках. А по-умолчанию тормозит всё жутко - начиная от интерфейса заканчивая воспроизведением видео. [22:44] <red_shuhardt1> Говорят, что производитель заточил железо это исключительно под вин7. Грусно как то. Неужели нельзя никак линукс поставить? [23:02] <andrex> фз ваще что это такое) я недобуками не пользовался [23:08] <Sergey_IT> а что за нетбук?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Quest2010", "Sergey_IT", "aleksei`", "andrex", "oleg_", "red_shuhardt1", "tagezi", "tak_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[05:51] <akis24> giorno [08:38] <toshiba_> salve, posso essporre il mio problema, ho smartphone acquarius 4.5 ubuntu ontouh vorrei sincronizarlo con nautilus, come devo fare? grazie [08:41] <cristian_c> dadexix86, ciao [09:11] <bip> Buongiorno [09:12] <dadexix86> cristian_c, ciao :) [09:15] <tux98> salve a tutto il server [09:15] <tux98> avrei bisogno di un aiuto urgente che non posso farne a meno chi mi aiuterebbe? [09:18] <cristian_c> !aiuto | tux98 [09:18] <ubot-it> tux98: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-) [09:20] <Ernesto_F> Buongiorno a tutti voi...sono nuovo ad approcciarmi con ubuntu e sto avendo problemi con l'installazione di un software qualcuno di voi potrebbe darmi una mano a capirci qualcosa??Grazie a tutti [09:21] <tux98> devo installare alien su lubuntu da terminale ma mi dice che non c'e' connessione ai server . premetto che il pc è correttamente connesso a internet [09:21] <dadexix86> !aiuto | Ernesto_F [09:21] <ubot-it> Ernesto_F: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-) [09:22] <dadexix86> tux98, sei dietro a un proxy, tipo su una connessione di un'università o che ti chiede di inserire le credenziali in un browser? [09:23] <Ernesto_F> ok!!!problemi dipendenze nell'installare su ubuntu 14.04 lts un software di cartografia digitale dal nome QGIS [09:23] <cristian_c> tux98, domanda in pubblico, non in privato [09:23] <tux98> no non uso proxy [09:23] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, esattamente quali problemi? [09:24] <tux98> cristian_c,dove posso postare un immagine per farti capire meglio? [09:24] <cristian_c> !image | tux98 [09:24] <ubot-it> tux98: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [09:24] <bip> tux98: probabilmente il pacchetto che stai installando si connette ad un server per scaricare delle dipendenze. Il server in questione risulta offline. Qual è il pacchetto in questione? [09:24] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, nel senso quali dipendenze non trova? [09:25] <Ernesto_F> dadexix86 non riuscirei a spiegartelo in una riga purtroppo!!! ho il terminale aperto posso riportare qui gli errori che mi trova??? [09:25] <bip> Ciao cristian_c scusami, non ti avevo visto :) [09:25] <bip> !pastebin | Ernesto_F [09:25] <ubot-it> Ernesto_F: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [09:26] <cristian_c> toshiba_, forse può aiutarti: [09:26] <toshiba_> speriamo grazie, ora vedo. [09:26] <dadexix86> toshiba_, esattamente cosa vuoi sincronizzare? [09:28] <toshiba_> Come facevo con android collegavo il cavo usb al notebook, e mi consentiva di scaricare o caricare le foto i video e i documenti. [09:29] <dadexix86> toshiba_, allora basta che colleghi il cavo e tieni il display non bloccato, nautilus ti permetterà di navigare nelle cartelle accessibili del telefono senza problemi [09:29] <toshiba_> non succede nulla [09:29] <Ernesto_F> ok ho messo il nome utente ed il testo dell'errore sul sito adesso mi è uscita la pagina con il testo inserito cos'altro devo fare? [09:30] <dadexix86> toshiba_, quale versione hai di ubuntu? [09:30] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, posta il link di quella pagina :) [09:30] <toshiba_> 14.04 [09:30] <cristian_c> !info qgis [09:30] <ubot-it> qgis (source: qgis): Geographic Information System (GIS). In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.1-2build2 (trusty), package size 3857 kB, installed size 14129 kB [09:31] <Ernesto_F> ecco il link: [09:31] <Ernesto_F> ditemi se riuscite a vederlo!!!!io ho messo solo gli errori che mi da alla fine [09:34] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, si vede ma hai abilitato dei repository esterni? perché la versione su Utopic è la 2.2.0-1, mentre tu stai cercando di installare una versione più nuova su un sistema più vecchio [09:34] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, digita: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [09:36] <Ernesto_F> dadexix86 premettendo che sono un dilettante allo sbaraglio comunque si...ho seguito due procedure diverse nella prima ho aggiunto delle repository da sorgenti software e poi sulla riga apt ho messo i link poi sul terminale ho fatto solo apt-get update e apt-get install invece nella seconda procedura ho seguito i passi che mi spiegava nel sito: htt [09:36] <Ernesto_F> p:// purtroppo il risultato finale è sempre lo stesso :( [09:37] <tux98> cristian-c, ecco l'immagine: [09:37] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, non dovevi aggiungere alcun repository esterno, la prossima volta non seguire guide prese a caso dalla rete :) [09:38] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, posta quanto ti ha chiesto cristian_c [09:38] <cristian_c> tux98, perché hai applicazioni aperte che bloccano apt [09:38] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, anche perché ti hanno fatto installare una versione non stabile del programma (il repository è "unstable", come si vede dal nome) [09:38] <Ernesto_F> hai ragione dadexix86 ma solo ieri ho scoperto di questo forum [09:39] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c ho lanciato il comando che mi hai detto ecco cosa mi è uscito fuori: [09:39] <tux98> cristian_c, scusami ma sono un dilettante quali sono queste applicazioni che bloccano apt e come faccio a sbloccarle? [09:39] <Ernesto_F> root@ernesto-Satellite-L500:/home/ernesto# ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [09:39] <Ernesto_F> google-chrome.list ubuntugis-ubuntugis-unstable-trusty.list [09:39] <Ernesto_F> [09:39] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, perché sei utente root? [09:40] <cristian_c> può creare problemi [09:40] <dadexix86> cristian_c, perché nella guida che ha seguito lo fanno diventare root ma mai uscire [09:40] <cristian_c> tux98, controlla quali applicazioni sono aperte sul desktop? [09:40] <Ernesto_F> esatto [09:40] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, dai nel terminale (sempre lo stesso) i seguenti comandi [09:40] <dadexix86> exit [09:40] <Ernesto_F> ragazzi ma ho possibilità di risolvere??? [09:41] <caveat-> tux98: sul terminale dai: ps aux | grep -i apt [09:41] <dadexix86> sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntugis-ubuntugis-unstable-trusty.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [09:41] <dadexix86> sudo apt-get update [09:41] <tux98> cristian_c,nessuna solo chromium [09:41] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, e posta gli output su pastebin. ti sto guidando passo-passo verso una soluzione, non temere ;) [09:42] <Ernesto_F> ma devo uscire da amministratore dadexix86??? [09:42] <dadexix86> no! devi uscire da root. [09:42] <dadexix86> dai i tre comandi che ti ho dato e posta l'output su pastebin [09:43] <Ernesto_F> ok basta premere ctrl + d se non sbaglio?!?!? [09:43] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, segui i comandi che ti ho dato :) [09:43] <dadexix86> il primo (exit) ti fa tornare utente normale [09:43] <Ernesto_F> si si ho visto capito adesso :) [09:43] <dadexix86> amminstratore (puoi usare sudo) ma non root ;) [09:46] <tux98> qualcun'altro mi saprebbe risolvere il mio problema che ho descitto a cristian_c? [09:46] <caveat-> tux98: sul terminale dai: ps aux | grep -i apt [09:46] <Ernesto_F> ecco l'output dadexix86 : [09:47] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, ora dai (e posta l'output) il seguente comando [09:47] <dadexix86> sudo apt-get install qgis [09:49] <Ernesto_F> mi dice che qgis è gia alla versione più recente comunque ecco il link dell'output: [09:49] <dadexix86> se gli dici di sì che fa? [09:49] <Ernesto_F> stessi errori di prima [09:50] <Ernesto_F> identici [09:50] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, ok, allora posta ancora l'output di [09:50] <cristian_c> caveat-, anche con il software center aperto, non compare nel risultato [09:51] <dadexix86> sudo apt-get clean && ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ [09:51] <Ernesto_F> ecco il link dadexix86 [09:51] <Ernesto_F> ah ok [09:52] <caveat-> tux98: quindi non ti da' alcun output quel comando? Allora non lo hai installato da linea di comando? [09:53] <Ernesto_F> ecco l'output dell'ultimo comando che mi hai detto dadexix86 [09:53] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, perfetto! dai [09:53] <dadexix86> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install qgis [09:54] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, e posta l'output ovviamente ;) [09:55] <Ernesto_F> niente da fare dadexix 86 :( ecco il solito verdetto [09:59] <toshiba_> seguita la guida, ora funziona tutto ora si che si raggiona, grazie a per l'attenzione. [10:00] <Ernesto_F> dadexix86 comunque ho provato a scaricare qgis anche da ubuntu software center semplicemnte facendo installa...mi parte l'installazione poi ad un certo punto si blocca l'installazione e mi esce una finestra in cui mi dice che ho un errore nei requisiti di sistema [10:01] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, aspetta a toccare altro coi pacchetti prima di fare altri danni. postami [10:01] <dadexix86> ls /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ [10:02] <Ernesto_F> dadexix86 ho lanciato il comando ma non mi fa niente [10:03] <dadexix86> ok, questo è un bene... posta l'output di [10:03] <dadexix86> cat /etc/apt/sources.list [10:04] <Ernesto_F> ecco cosa mi esce : deb trusty main [10:04] <antoo> ho installato virtual box e come faccio a condividere file ora con ubuntu? [10:05] <caveat-> antoo: quale il sistema host e quale il guest? [10:05] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, solo quello? [10:05] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, se sì, mi sa che hai dei casini ben più grandi che quelli generati dal seguire quella guida per qgis :S [10:06] <Ernesto_F> si solo quello [10:06] <cristian_c> antoo, su quale os hai installato virtualbox? [10:07] <Ernesto_F> quindi che faccio dadexix86 ??? [10:07] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: che ti dice sudo dpkg -l | grep -i qgis ? [10:07] <cristian_c> !sources [10:07] <ubot-it> [10:08] <Ernesto_F> caveat- devo lanciare tutto ciò che mi hai scritto?? [10:08] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: si' [10:08] <cristian_c> tux98, posta una foto del desktop [10:08] <dadexix86> Ernesto_F, segui le istruzioni di caveat- :) io purtroppo devo assentarmi dal pc per un po' [10:08] <Ernesto_F> mi dice grep: ?: file o directory non esistente [10:09] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo apt-get install grep [10:09] <Ernesto_F> ok dadexix86 grazie mille x tutto [10:09] <Ernesto_F> se ci sei dopo pranzo ci sentiamo dopo io sarò qua [10:09] <cristian_c> !paste | Ernesto_F [10:09] <ubot-it> Ernesto_F: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [10:10] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, posta i risultati di tutti i comandi su pastebin [10:10] <Ernesto_F> caveat- mi dice che grep è gia alla versione più recente [10:10] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: il comando da digitare e': sudo dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:11] <Ernesto_F> poi faccio continuare si e mi riporta sempre gli stessi errori [10:11] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: quali errori? [10:11] <caveat-> quali "stessi" errori? [10:11] <Ernesto_F> allora caveat- ti posto il link di tutto l'output così riusciamo a capirci ok? [10:11] <cristian_c> caveat-, che senso ha sudo in quel comando? [10:12] <caveat-> cristian_c: non ne ha [10:13] <Ernesto_F> ecco il link ragazzi [10:13] <Ernesto_F> questo è l'output degli ultimi comandi che ho lanciato [10:13] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c scusami mi avevi detto di lanciare qualche comando?? [10:14] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, cat /etc/apt/sources.list [10:14] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: pare che il software sia installato [10:14] <cristian_c> incolla su pastebin l'output [10:15] <cristian_c> caveat-, ci sono dei paccetti mezzi installati [10:15] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: hai mai provato ad eseguirlo [10:15] <cristian_c> *pacchetti [10:15] <caveat-> ? [10:15] <cristian_c> iU qgis 1:2.8.1-0+20trusty i386 Geographic Information System (GIS) [10:15] <cristian_c> iU qgis-plugin-globe 1:2.8.1-0+20trusty i386 OSG globe plugin for QGIS [10:15] <cristian_c> iU qgis-plugin-grass 1:2.8.1-0+20trusty i386 GRASS plugin for QGIS [10:15] <cristian_c> iF qgis-providers 1:2.8.1-0+20trusty i386 collection of data providers to QGIS [10:16] <Ernesto_F> ecco il link [10:16] <Ernesto_F> ragazzi devo dirmi un altra cosa che mi ero dimenticato [10:16] <Ernesto_F> aspettate prima di scrivermi se no non riesco a seguirvi [10:16] <cristian_c> beh [10:16] <antoo> caveat windows7 e ubuntu  cat /etc/apt/sources.list  Ernesto_F, solo quello?  si solo quello  ecco cosa mi esce : deb trusty main [10:17] <cristian_c> antoo, quindi hai installato la versione di virtualbox per ubuntu su ubuntu? [10:17] <caveat-> antoo: e qual e' quello da virtualizzare? [10:18] <Ernesto_F> ieri ho trovato su una guida che avrei dovuto togliere delle spunte e l'ho fatto cioè su sorgenti software-altro software ed ho spuntato la voce deb cdrom:[Xubuntu 14.04.2 LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Release i386 (20150218.1)]/ trusty main [10:18] <antoo> vorrei scambiare file da ubuntu a wind( che è su macchina virtuale) [10:18] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, i repository ufficiali sono a posto [10:19] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, cd rom è disabilitata [10:19] <cristian_c> (il che va bene) [10:19] <antoo> ho letto che bisogna creare cartelle condivisa ma dove [10:19] <cristian_c> !virtualbox | antoo [10:19] <ubot-it> antoo: [10:19] <caveat-> antoo: installa le guest additions su windows e poi abilita il drag $ drop bidirezionale [10:19] <cristian_c> antoo, nelle impostazioni della macchina virtuale [10:19] <caveat-> drag & drop* [10:20] <cristian_c> antoo, hai installato l'extension pack scaricato dal sito virtualbox? [10:20] <cristian_c> anche le guest addition [10:20] <antoo> sì installata [10:20] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: si deve capire quelle flags dell'output di dpkg -l cosa significhino [10:20] <antoo> sì [10:20] <cristian_c> caveat-, anche se il drag & drop riguarda il copia incolla negli appunti, che è un'altra cosa ancora [10:21] <caveat-> cristian_c: no, quella e' la clipboard [10:21] <Ernesto_F> ditemi voi io non so cos altro fare [10:21] <caveat-> per il copy/paste [10:21] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dobbiamo ricercare il significato delle flags iU e iF [10:21] <cristian_c> caveat-, ah, vero [10:22] <caveat-> la seconda in particolare U e F [10:22] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, a dadexix hai detto che c'era solo quella riga nel file sources.list [10:22] <cristian_c> caveat-, U sta per Unpacked [10:23] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, rimuovi quei pacchetti manualmente [10:23] <antoo> oracle vm...forse è questa versione che non và? [10:23] <caveat-> e F per half-configured [10:24] <Ernesto_F> aspè che lo rifaccio e ti dico caveat- [10:24] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: no, non devi rifare [10:24] <Ernesto_F> non me lo fa fare [10:24] <Ernesto_F> ahscusa [10:25] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, ormai hai rimosso i ppa, quindi non puoi far altro che rimuovere i pacchetti dei ppa installati in precedenza [10:25] <Ernesto_F> e come dovrei fare?!?!? [10:25] <cristian_c> antoo, hai letto il wiki? [10:26] <cristian_c> antoo, entra nelle impostazioni della macchina virtuale [10:26] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: prova a dare: sudo apt-get -f install qgis [10:26] <cristian_c> per tutto il resto c'è la documentazione di virtualbox [10:26] <antoo> non c'è dispositivi [10:26] <Ernesto_F> io ieri ho fatto purge poi autoremove e autoclean ed ho rimosso tutto poi ho rifatto l installazione ma sempre uguale [10:27] <antoo> nuova -impostazioni e avvio [10:27] <Ernesto_F> ecco l'output caveat- [10:28] <Ernesto_F> ma il numero di errore 127 potrebbe dirci qualcosa????????????? [10:28] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo dpkg --configure -a [10:28] <cristian_c> antoo, c'è Cartelle condivise [10:29] <Ernesto_F> caveat ma faccio continuare si o no? [10:29] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: in che senso? [10:29] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, non devi utilizzare i ppa per installare qgis [10:29] <cristian_c> sopratutto quelli instabili [10:30] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c quindi che devo fare? non riesco più a seguirvi [10:30] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, il programma si trova nei repository ufficiali di ubuntu  io ieri ho fatto purge poi autoremove e autoclean ed ho rimosso tutto poi ho rifatto l installazione ma sempre uguale [10:30] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dai sudo dpkg --configure -a [10:30] <cristian_c> i ppa non ti servono [10:31] <Ernesto_F> caveat- mi da questo errore 127 quando lancio il apt get install [10:32] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: non hai eseguito: sudo dpkg --configure -a ? [10:32] <Ernesto_F> si caveat- ecco l'output [10:34] <Ernesto_F> caveat- ecco di cosa ti parlavo dpkg: errore nell'elaborare il pacchetto qgis-providers (--configure): [10:34] <Ernesto_F> il sottoprocesso installato script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 127 [10:35] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, sudo apt-get remove --purge qgis-providers qgis qgis-plugin-grass qgis-plugin-globe [10:35] <caveat-> cristian_c: non bastava forse solo qgis? [10:35] <Ernesto_F> ok cristian_c [10:35] <caveat-> forse rimuove tutti [10:35] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: prova prima solo con qgis [10:35] <Ernesto_F> quindi lancio il comando di cristian_c??datemi conferma [10:36] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo apt-get remove --purge qgis [10:36] <cristian_c> caveat-, potrebbe non rimuovere del tutto anche i pacchetti collegati [10:36] <Ernesto_F> ragazzi datemi un comando non so a chi stare a sentire [10:36] <caveat-> se non li rimuove, allora li rimuove dopo [10:36] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo apt-get remove --purge qgis [10:37] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dopo: dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:38] <cristian_c> [10:38] <cristian_c> qui la lista [10:38] <Ernesto_F> raga io però ieri avevo trovato questi 3 comandi per rimuovere tutto:sudo apt-get purge qgis* [10:38] <Ernesto_F> sudo apt-get autoremove [10:38] <Ernesto_F> sudo apt-get autoclean [10:39] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: hai fatto? Posta output dell'ultimo comando [10:40] <Ernesto_F> caveat- ho lanciato il primo comando ed ecco l'output [10:40] <Ernesto_F> lancio adesso gli altri due che mi hai detto? [10:41] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo apt-get autoremove [10:41] <caveat-> sudo apt-get autoclean [10:41] <Ernesto_F> ecco l'output invece dell altro [10:42] <caveat-> dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:42] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, sudo apt-get remove --purge qgis-providers [10:42] <Ernesto_F> ok allora devo rifare tutto caveat-????? [10:42] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c e caveat- scusatemi ma non riesco a seguire due diverse procedure non riesco più a capirci nulla [10:43] <Ernesto_F> ditemi una unica procedura che la faccio [10:43] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: ora dai: sudo apt-geremove libqgis* [10:43] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, se guardi il messaggio di errore, dice: [10:43] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: ora dai: sudo apt-get remove libqgis* [10:43] <cristian_c> dpkg: errore nell'elaborare il pacchetto qgis-providers (--configure): [10:43] <cristian_c> il sottoprocesso installato script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 127 [10:44] <cristian_c> Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione: [10:44] <cristian_c> qgis-providers [10:44] <Ernesto_F> esatto cristian_c credo che il fulcro di tutto stia in queste parole [10:44] <Ernesto_F> caveat- ho lanciato questo comando [10:44] <cristian_c> su pastebin [10:46] <Ernesto_F> ecco l'output caveat- [10:46] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dai sudo dpkg -P qgis [10:46] <cristian_c> ha fatto [10:46] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: di nuovo dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:47] <Ernesto_F> caveat- ho lanciato sudo dpkg -P qgis [10:47] <caveat-> e ti ha dato output? [10:47] <Ernesto_F> mi dice dpkg: attenzione: viene ignorata la richiesta di rimuovere qgis poiché non è installato [10:47] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: di nuovo dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:48] <Ernesto_F> ok fatto caveat- [10:48] <caveat-> posta [10:48] <Ernesto_F> [10:48] <Ernesto_F> considera che le voci sono tutte rosse in questo ultimo output!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [10:49] <Ernesto_F> mi sono dimenticato di dirvelo prima [10:49] <Ernesto_F> tutte le parole QGIS sono scritte in rosso [10:49] <cristian_c> !pulireubuntu [10:49] <ubot-it> pulire ubuntu is [10:50] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | egrep "^rc" | cut -d ' ' -f3 [10:51] <Ernesto_F> ecco l'output cristian_c [10:52] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, sudo dpkg --purge `dpkg -l | egrep "^rc" | cut -d ' ' -f3` [10:53] <Ernesto_F> [10:54] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dopdiche' dovrebbero rimanere solo 4 pacchetti ancora riguardanti qgis, li vedi da dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:54] <Ernesto_F> caveat- tu che dici??? [10:54] <caveat-> vero?  Ernesto_F: di nuovo dpkg -l | grep -i qgis [10:55] <Ernesto_F> [10:55] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: quindi darai: sudo apt-get purge qgis-common qgis-plugin-globe-common qgis-plugin-grass-common qgis-providers-common [10:56] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c e caveat- ma concordate entrambi ????non capisco perchè ogni tanto scrive uno ed ogni tanto un altro [10:56] <Ernesto_F> scusate ma non vorrei mischiare due diversi modi di fare [10:56] <Ernesto_F> quindi che devo fare???????? [10:56] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: quindi darai: sudo apt-get purge qgis-common qgis-plugin-globe-common qgis-plugin-grass-common qgis-providers-common [10:57] <Ernesto_F> ok!!!! [10:58] <Ernesto_F> output caveat- e cristian_c [10:58] <caveat-> cristian_c: ma in /etc/apt/sources.list si possono mettere anche repo Debian? [10:59] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, apt-cache policy osgearth-data [10:59] <Ernesto_F> [11:00] <cristian_c> eh, ci sono altri pacchetti di quel ppa [11:01] <cristian_c> non rimossi [11:01] <cristian_c> ergo, non è finita [11:02] <Ernesto_F> datemi istruzioni [11:02] <Ernesto_F> :) [11:04] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep gdal [11:04] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grass [11:04] <Ernesto_F> [11:05] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | osgearth [11:05] <Ernesto_F> [11:05] <Ernesto_F> l'ultimo mi dice comando non trovato cristian_c [11:06] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dpkg -l | grep grass [11:06] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dpkg -l | grep osgearth [11:07] <Ernesto_F> [11:07] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo aptitude why osgearth [11:08] <Ernesto_F> mi dice sudo: aptitude: command not found [11:08] <cristian_c> tutti pacchetti presenti in quel ppa [11:08] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo apt-get install aptitude [11:09] <Ernesto_F> [11:09] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo aptitude why osgearth [11:10] <Ernesto_F> mi dice Impossibile trovare un motivo per installare osgearth. [11:10] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo aptitude why gdal [11:11] <Ernesto_F> mi dice E: Il pacchetto di nome «gdal» non esiste. [11:11] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: sudo aptitude why gdal* [11:11] <Ernesto_F> ancora E: Il pacchetto di nome «gdal*» non esiste. [11:12] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, sudo apt-ger remove --purge gdal-bin libgdal1h python-gdal osgearth-data libosgearth* [11:12] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c ecco cosa mi dice sudo: apt-ger: command not found [11:12] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, sudo apt-get remove --purge gdal-bin libgdal1h python-gdal osgearth-data libosgearth* [11:14] <Ernesto_F> [11:14] <cristian_c> ok [11:15] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | egrep 'qgis|gdal|osgearth|open' [11:16] <Ernesto_F> [11:16] <Ernesto_F> il termine open è scritto in rosso [11:17] <cristian_c> ok [11:18] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: che ti dice: dpkg -l | grep education-geography ? [11:18] <caveat-> dpkg -l | grep education-geography [11:19] <Ernesto_F> caveat- [11:19] <Ernesto_F> non fa niente [11:19] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: dpkg -l | grep science-geography [11:20] <Ernesto_F> niente uguale a prima [11:20] <Ernesto_F> caveat- niente come prima [11:20] <cristian_c> ii libopenthreads14 3.2.0~rc1-5~trusty1 i386 Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, shared libs [11:20] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c è un comando che devo lanciare?!?!?!? [11:20] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, apt--cache policy libopenthreads14 [11:20] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, apt-cache policy libopenthreads14 [11:21] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, l'ultimo [11:21] <Ernesto_F> [11:22] <caveat-> con un solo - [11:22] <caveat-> e poi dai: dpkg -l | egrep 'gis|gdal|osgearth|open' [11:22] <Ernesto_F> che significa caveat- ? [11:23] <Ernesto_F> che significa con un solo - ? [11:23] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: apt-cache policy libopenthreads14 [11:23] <cristian_c> caveat-, quel comando non serve più  e poi dai: dpkg -l | egrep 'gis|gdal|osgearth|open' [11:23] <cristian_c> caveat-, ha rimosso quasi tutto della roba precedente [11:23] <caveat-> cristian_c: ma ho messo gis anziche' qgis [11:23] <cristian_c> tranne quel pacchetto [11:23] <cristian_c> caveat-, ah, ok [11:24] <Ernesto_F> ecco output del primo comando caveat- [11:25] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, sudo apt-get remove --purge libopenthreads14 [11:26] <cristian_c> poi, Ernesto_F : dpkg -l | grep map [11:27] <Ernesto_F> ecco ultimi due comandi cristian_c [11:28] <cristian_c> ok [11:29] <Ernesto_F> ma poi il secondo pacchetto che mi diceva caveat- non l'ho lanciato devo farlo???????? [11:29] <Ernesto_F> cioè questo: dpkg -l | egrep 'gis|gdal|osgearth|open' devo mandarlo????? [11:29] <caveat-> Ernesto_F: giusto per sfizio: dpkg -l | egrep 'gis' [11:30] <Ernesto_F> [11:31] <caveat-> niente [11:32] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep gis [11:32] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep cgi [11:33] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep cython [11:33] <Ernesto_F> [11:33] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep saga [11:34] <Ernesto_F> [11:35] <Ernesto_F> [11:36] <cristian_c> ok [11:38] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep ossim [11:38] <Ernesto_F> niente cristian_c [11:39] <Ernesto_F> [11:39] <cristian_c> ok [11:40] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | grep 'tinyows|libotb|monteverdi' [11:40] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | egrep 'tinyows|libotb|monteverdi' [11:40] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, l'ultimo [11:41] <Ernesto_F> niente non mi fa fare niente [11:41] <cristian_c> ? [11:41] <cristian_c> su pastebin [11:41] <belgarath_> mi è sparito l'audio :( i volumi ci sono non è in mute. che è successo ? cosa posso vedere per farlo tornare ? [11:41] <Ernesto_F> cos'è pastebin??? [11:41] <cristian_c> !paste | Ernesto_F [11:41] <ubot-it> Ernesto_F: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [11:41] <cristian_c> non l'hai utilizzato fino ad ora? [11:42] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, tra l'altro ti basta premere paste [11:42] <Ernesto_F> no non so cosa sia [11:42] <cristian_c> non so perché ti compare quel plain nell'indirizzo [11:42] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, ah, sì? <Ernesto_F> [11:43] <Ernesto_F> non capisco cristina_c [11:43] <Ernesto_F> cristian_c [11:44] <cristian_c> Ernesto_F, utilizza il servizio pastebin più o meno come hai fatto fino ad ora [11:44] <cristian_c> ah, altro comando: dpkg -l | grep spatialite [11:46] <cristian_c> lol [11:55] <Carlin0> belgarath_, posta la videata di alsamixer [11:56] <ErnestoF> rieccomi caveat- e cristian_c [11:56] <ErnestoF> ditemi se arrivano i messaggi per favore [11:56] <cristian_c> ah, altro comando: dpkg -l | grep spatialite [11:56] <ErnestoF> mi si era disconnessa la chat [11:56] <cristian_c> e: dpkg -l | grep otb  Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | egrep 'tinyows|libotb|monteverdi' [11:57] <ErnestoF> cristian_c vi arrivano i miei messaggi?? [11:58] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sì, ma posta i risultati su pastepin [11:58] <ErnestoF> quali risultati??? [11:58] <belgarath_> !image [11:58] <ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [11:58] <ErnestoF> io sono rimasto al comando dpkg -l | egrep 'tinyows|libotb|monteverdi' [11:59] <cristian_c> posta il contenuto del terminale su pastebin [11:59] <ErnestoF> mi puoi spiegare come devo fare cristian_c? [11:59] <cristian_c> lo stesso per gli altri due comandi qui sopra [12:00] <belgarath_> Carlin0: [12:00] <cristian_c> !paste | ErnestoF [12:00] <ubot-it> ErnestoF: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [12:00] <ErnestoF> ed è quello che ho fatto fino ad ora allora [12:01] <Carlin0> belgarath_, togli il mute dove c'è [12:01] <belgarath_> Carlin0: nel frattempo ho trovato questo e sto provando a seguire cosa c'è scritto qui ma con 0 risultati [12:01] <Carlin0> ad esempio in line front etc etc [12:01] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, per favore, posta il contenuto del terminale su pastebin [12:01] <belgarath_> Carlin0: fatto non sento sempre na mazza :( [12:01] <ErnestoF> ma tutto ciò che ho fatto finora cristian_c ??????? [12:02] <Carlin0> belgarath_, ma per ora sono ancora in mute [12:02] <belgarath_> Carlin0: ho tolto il mute [12:02] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, per i tre comandi appena citati [12:02] <Carlin0> alzato un po il volume ? [12:02] <ErnestoF> scusami ma da quando sono rientrato non ne ho letto comandi me li potresti riscrivere cristian_c ???? [12:03] <belgarath_> Carlin0: sì [12:03] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, li ho ripostati più volte, comunque, basterebbe leggere il log  Ernesto_F, dpkg -l | egrep 'tinyows|libotb|monteverdi' [12:03] <belgarath_> Carlin0: ho tutto a palla ora  ah, altro comando: dpkg -l | grep spatialite  e: dpkg -l | grep otb [12:04] <Carlin0> posta alsamixer belgarath_ [12:05] <belgarath_> Carlin0: [12:05] <ErnestoF> ecco l'output cristian_c [12:06] <cristian_c> ok  mi è sparito l'audio ← cosa hai fatto prima ? [12:09] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | egrep 'pycsw|toolkit' [12:09] <belgarath_> ho aperto un mp3 che mi ha aperto rhythmbox ma non è riuscito ad importare il file ed è schiantato [12:10] <belgarath_> ora sto cercando di ascoltarli tramite mplayer [12:10] <ErnestoF> output cristian_c [12:10] <belgarath_> mplayer gira ma audio 0 [12:10] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ah, finalmente hai aggiustato i link dei paste :D [12:11] <cristian_c> così non devo modificarli [12:12] <ErnestoF> è una buona notizia???? [12:12] <cristian_c> sì [12:12] <ErnestoF> io vedo l'obiettivo sempre più lontano.... [12:12] <cristian_c> perché così risparmio tempo per vedere i tuoi paste, ma tanto è quasi finita [12:13] <ErnestoF> spero di riuscire ad installare qgis e soprattutto a farlo funzionare [12:13] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep liblwgeom [12:13] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, eh, te l'ho detto di non usare ppa [12:14] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python3-click [12:14] <krabador> belgarath_, versione di ubuntu? [12:14] <belgarath_> 14.04 [12:14] <krabador> ubuntu o derivata? [12:14] <belgarath_> ubuntu [12:14] <krabador> hai già riavviato dopo il problema? [12:15] <belgarath_> no se riuscivo a capire e risolvere prima del riavvio ero più contento :) [12:15] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python-fiona [12:15] <ErnestoF> ecco output cristian_c [12:15] <belgarath_> ora riavvio devo solo chiudere un po'di shell aperte [12:17] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ma perché quel plain nel link? [12:17] <belgarath_> a dopo [12:18] <ErnestoF> [12:18] <ErnestoF> non lo so cristian_c [12:19] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ma basta premere Paste eh, come ti ho già detto [12:19] <ErnestoF> l'ho notato pure io [12:20] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep zoo [12:20] <ErnestoF> ed io premo paste [12:20] <ErnestoF> non mi fa fare niente l'ultimo comando [12:21] <ErnestoF> [12:22] <belgarath_> uff peggiorata situazione :( riavviato ma non si sente una mazza [12:22] <Carlin0> peggiorata ... è uguale semmai [12:22] <belgarath_> prima però andava.. non capisco cosa ho combinato per romperlo [12:23] <Carlin0> belgarath_, dpkg -l | grep jack [12:23] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ok [12:23] <cristian_c> quasi finito [12:24] <belgarath_> Carlin0: [12:24] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python-affine [12:25] <ErnestoF> niente cristian_c [12:25] <ErnestoF> non mi dice niente come prima [12:26] <Carlin0> belgarath_, hai provato a reinstallare pulseaudio ? [12:26] <belgarath_> Carlin0: no lo faccio [12:26] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python3-affine [12:26] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, su pastebin [12:26] <Carlin0> belgarath_, sudo apt-get install --reinstall pulseaudio [12:27] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python-click [12:27] <belgarath_> Carlin0: fatto [12:27] <krabador> belgarath_, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [12:27] <belgarath_> krabador: già installato [12:27] <ErnestoF> [12:27] <krabador> belgarath_, aplay -l | pastebinit [12:27] <krabador> belgarath_, incolla il risultante [12:27] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep fiona [12:28] <belgarath_> krabador: della reinstall di pulseaudio ? [12:28] <krabador> belgarath_, leggi bene [12:28] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, non solo il secondo, ma anche il primo e il terzo [12:28] <belgarath_> non avevo visto la riga ;) [12:28] <ErnestoF> [12:28] <ErnestoF> sto mandando tutti quelli che mi scrivi [12:28] <cristian_c> ok [12:29] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, non hai letto bene, allora [12:29] <krabador> belgarath_, hai già dato install --reinstall pulseaudio? [12:29] <belgarath_> sì  ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python-affine  ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep python-click [12:30] <krabador> belgarath_, pulseaudio --check | pastebinit [12:30] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep cligj [12:30] <belgarath_> krabador: pulseaudio --check non da output [12:31] <ErnestoF> cristian_c ti mando l'output degli ultimi che mi hai scritto [12:32] <cristian_c> finito [12:32] <ErnestoF> finito cosa? [12:32] <krabador> belgarath_, ok , pulseaudio -k [12:33] <ErnestoF> e il software che mi serve??? [12:34] <belgarath_> krabador: non produce output ma in corrispondenza del lancio ho questo nel syslog [12:34] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ok, ora siamo più o meno sicuri [12:34] <krabador> belgarath_, lancia un player [12:34] <krabador> belgarath_, e vedi se va [12:34] <cristian_c> che non ci sono più pacchetti di quel ppa installati nel tuo sistema [12:35] <belgarath_> krabador: no [12:35] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ora puoi installare tranquillamente installare gis tramite il comando: sudo apt-get install qgis [12:35] <krabador> belgarath_, pulseaudio -D [12:35] <krabador> belgarath_, e riprova [12:35] <ErnestoF> sudo apt-get update e poi sudo apt-get install qgis ????? cristian_c [12:35] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, su pastebin [12:35] <belgarath_> krabador: E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed. [12:36] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, non credo serva update, comunque [12:36] <cristian_c> dallo lo stesso [12:36] <krabador> belgarath_, allora pulseaudio [12:36] <krabador> liscio [12:36] <caveat-> cristian_c: non dovrebbe eliminare quanto aveva aggiunto in /etc/apt/sources.list? [12:37] <cristian_c> caveat-, non ha aggiunto nulla in quel file [12:37] <caveat-> riguardante quel ppa [12:37] <belgarath_> krabador: E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. [12:37] <cristian_c> i ppa non stanno in quel file [12:37] <krabador> belgarath_, sudo service pulseaudio restart [12:37] <krabador> belgarath_, controlla poi dalle opzioni audio che le periferiche siano settate a doveere [12:38] <belgarath_> krabador: restartato ma non va. non ho capito dove guardare i settaggi delle periferiche [12:39] <krabador> impostazioni --- audio [12:39] <belgarath_> krabador: a me pare tutto ok [12:39] <belgarath_> solo che se faccio il test audio non sento una mazza [12:39] <krabador> belgarath_, posta screenshot [12:39] <krabador> !image | belgarath_ [12:39] <ubot-it> belgarath_: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [12:41] <belgarath_> [12:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, fatto? [12:42] <ErnestoF> no cristian_c non ha ancora finito [12:43] <cristian_c> ok [12:43] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, posta i risultati su pastebin [12:43] <ErnestoF> cristian_c e caveat- ha appena finito ma purtroppo non abbiamo risolto vi posto comunque l'output :( :( :( : ( [12:45] <ErnestoF> ecco l'output completo [12:46] <cristian_c> ok [12:47] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [12:47] <cristian_c> su pastebin [12:48] <ErnestoF> [12:48] <cristian_c> ok [12:48] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, dpkg -l | grep gis [12:49] <ErnestoF> [12:49] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, un secondo solo [12:50] <ErnestoF> ok cristian_c [12:50] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sudo apt-get install qgis-providers [12:51] <ErnestoF> [12:52] <cristian_c> ok, trovato [12:53] <cristian_c> sudo dpkg-reconfigure qgis [12:53] <GIULIA> ciao. ho difficolta a usare la stampante canon ip 2700 su ubuntu 14 04 lts [12:53] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, prova questo comando [12:53] <cristian_c> !stampanti [12:53] <ubot-it> stampanti is [12:53] <ErnestoF> [12:54] <cristian_c> /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: qgis è rovinato o non completamente installato [12:56] <ErnestoF> si ho letto pure io cristian_c [12:56] <ErnestoF> ma non sarebbe possibile rimuoverlo completamente con tutte le componenti e riprovare ad installarlo con altra procedura? [12:56] <GIULIA> si ma sulla lista dellle stampanti non c'è la canon ip 2700 [12:57] <cristian_c> [12:57] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, è quello che abbiamo fatto prima [12:57] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sudo dpkg --configure -a [12:57] <cristian_c> sudo apt-get install -f [12:58] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, o meglio i sei comandi contenuti nella pagina che ho linkato, che male non fanno [12:58] <caveat-> anche se glieli facemmo gia' eseguire prima, non penso se ne esca cristian_c [12:59] <caveat-> in ogni caso ErnestoF dalli in sequenza ora [12:59] <caveat-> credo che debba provare questa via: [12:59] <cristian_c> caveat-, aspetta, prima aveva un sacco di pacchetti ppa [12:59] <cristian_c> che ora non ci sono più [13:00] <cristian_c> ora esclusivamente quelli dei repository ufficiali [13:00] <caveat-> si', ma dopo la reinstallazione via repo ufficiale gli si presentano ancora i flags iU iF agli stessi pacchetti [13:00] <cristian_c> caveat-, se tu gli fai aggiungere repo debian o ppa ubuntu [13:00] <cristian_c> siamo punto e a capo [13:01] <cristian_c> caveat-, e qui tra l'altra sta roba non si supporta [13:01] <cristian_c> *o [13:01] <GIULIA> per favore anche se per voi risulta una banalità per me non abilissima nel il risolvere problemi tecnici . [13:02] <GIULIA> vorrei usare stampante canon ip 2700 su ubuntu 14 04 lts [13:02] <ErnestoF> ecco l'output dei sei comandi che ho lanciato cristian_c [13:02] <cristian_c> GIULIA, hai provato semplicemente ad aggiungerla dalla finestra delle stampanti? [13:03] <cristian_c> ernesto@ernesto-Satellite-L500:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove [13:03] <cristian_c> 4 non completamente installati o rimossi. [13:04] <ErnestoF> non capisco cristian_c [13:04] <GIULIA> prima la vedevo adesso non c'è manco più l'icona... [13:04] <ErnestoF> rifaccio tutto e quando mi dice di fare autoremove lo mando in esecuzione? [13:04] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, no no, basta così [13:05] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, in ogni caso esce sempre l'errore: [13:05] <cristian_c> /usr/lib/qgis/crssync: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: pj_ctx_alloc [13:05] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, forse c'è un bug [13:05] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, provo a installarlo io [13:06] <caveat-> ErnestoF: tu accetteresti di installarlo dai sorgenti? [13:07] <ErnestoF> cristian_c e caveat- ma perchè su questo sito mi riporta quest altra procedura??? [13:07] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, come hai potuto appurare prima, il ppa non ti ha risolto i problemi [13:08] <ErnestoF> caveat- non mi importa la procedura l'importante che riesca ad installarlo e a farlo funzionare porca TROIA [13:08] <cristian_c> sono a metà download, un po' di pazienza [13:09] <ErnestoF> ok cristian_c [13:09] <cristian_c> sta installando [13:10] <caveat-> ErnestoF: visto che installandolo dal repo si va incontro a problemi di linking di librerie, tanto vale affrontare il building dai sorgenti [13:11] <cristian_c> qgis ha veramente tanti pacchetti come dipendenze [13:11] <ErnestoF> cristian_c e caveat- ma la soluzione potrebbe essere quella di formattare e reinstallare ubuntu [13:12] <caveat-> ErnestoF: no [13:12] <GIULIA> nella finestra la stampante si vede ma non stampa [13:12] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sto provando appositamente su trusty [13:12] <ErnestoF> e allora ditemi come CAZZO devo risolvere per favore se no sto impazzendo sono giorni che provo ormai e niente [13:13] <cristian_c> finita l'installazione [13:13] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, nessun messaggio di errore [13:13] <ErnestoF> non avevo dubbi cristian_c [13:13] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, evidentemente hai fatto qualcosa di non standard [13:13] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, se vuoi ti posto anche l'output del terminale [13:13] <cristian_c> nel caso non ti fidassi [13:13] <ErnestoF> sono consapevole che sia un problema di conflitto tra qualche pacchetto installato [13:14] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, beh, prima ti ho fatto controllare tutti i pacchetti del ppa [13:14] <cristian_c> ma evidentemente non era tutto [13:14] <cristian_c> oppure era ancora meglio se lo rimuovevi con ppa-purge [13:14] <ErnestoF> no no perchè non dovrei fidarmi [13:14] <cristian_c> invece di rm sui files .list [13:14] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, in ogni caso, vai tranquillo con il ripristino [13:15] <cristian_c> !ripristino | ErnestoF [13:15] <ubot-it> ErnestoF: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: [13:15] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, una volta ripristinato (oppure anche reinstallato), per installare qgis, digita: sudo apt-get install qgis [13:16] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, però tieni presente che io uso una 14.04.0 nativa aggiornata a 14.04.2 [13:16] <GIULIA> plese [13:16] <caveat-> ErnestoF: aspetta, prima dai: apt-cache rdepends qgis per curiosita' [13:16] <cristian_c> probabilmente tu avrai scaricato direttamente la 14.04.2, che ha kernel e alcuni altri componenti diversi [13:16] <cristian_c> ma non so se influisce [13:17] <ErnestoF> cristian_c dimmi passo passo cosa devo fare e lo faccio [13:17] <ErnestoF> non ho problemi  prima la vedevo adesso non c'è manco più l'icona... [13:17] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ti ho dato il link al ripristino [13:17] <cristian_c> !ripristino | ErnestoF [13:17] <ubot-it> ErnestoF: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: [13:17] <ErnestoF> però cristian_c e caveat- mettetevi daccordo su cosa devo fare [13:17] <cristian_c> GIULIA, in che senso? [13:17] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, se installi da sorgenti, qui non avrai supporto [13:18] <caveat-> ErnestoF: aspetta, prima dai: apt-cache rdepends qgis per curiosita' [13:18] <cristian_c> sempre se riesci a installare [13:18] <GIULIA> non no adesso c'è nella finestra stampanti ma non stampa [13:18] <ErnestoF> non capisco più a chi seguire [13:19] <caveat-> ErnestoF: tranquillamente, dai: apt-cache rdepends qgis [13:19] <cristian_c> GIULIA, quindi l'hai aggiunta? [13:20] <ErnestoF> ecco l'output di quello che mi hai fatto fare caveat- [13:20] <ErnestoF> cristian_c io ho la partizione sul disco [13:20] <cristian_c> uhm, ho appena aperto il programma [13:20] <ErnestoF> per installare ubuntu ho fatto la partizione [13:20] <cristian_c> qgis browser [13:21] <cristian_c> ho aperto anche qgis desktop (o dufour) [13:21] <GIULIA> no qualche mese fa andava e dopo un periodo ferma non stampa piu [13:21] <caveat-> ErnestoF: quindi apt-cache policy gis-workstation ti dice? [13:22] <cristian_c> GIULIA, ah, allora il problema è diverso [13:22] <ErnestoF> poi ho scelto la versione xubuntu essendo più leggero per il mio notebook un pò datato [13:22] <cristian_c> GIULIA, è un problema di cartucce [13:22] <cristian_c> non di software [13:22] <GIULIA> si sono seccate? [13:22] <cristian_c> GIULIA, hai eseguito le operazioni di manutenzione, descritte anche nel tuo manuale? [13:22] <ErnestoF> mi dice questo caveat- [13:23] <GIULIA> non penso anche perchè non vivo qua sono di passaggio.. [13:23] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ti confermo comunque che qui su trusty, qgis funziona [13:23] <cristian_c> provato adesso [13:23] <ErnestoF> cristian_c ma hai deciso di non rispondermi più perchè sto seguendo la procedura di caveat- ???? [13:23] <caveat-> ErnestoF: e sudo apt-get install gis-workstation [13:23] <cristian_c> si è creata l'apposita voce di menù [13:23] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sì, anche per non accavallarmi [13:24] <cristian_c> in ogni caso, il suggerimento te l'ho dato [13:24] <ErnestoF> io non capisco sinceramente se riuscite a mettervi nei panni di un principiante alle prese con questi problemi [13:26] <ErnestoF> cristian_c io ho la partizione del disco quindi la procedura non la riesco a capire [13:28] <caveat-> ErnestoF: hai dato sudo apt-get install gis-workstation ? [13:28] <cristian_c> GIULIA, se puoi , esegui le operazioni di manutenzione della stampante [13:28] <ErnestoF> si e sta ancora installando  cristian_c io ho la partizione del disco quindi la procedura non la riesco a capire [13:28] <cristian_c> che cosa intendi dire? [13:28] <GIULIA> ok [13:30] <ErnestoF> cristian_c che mi dice che devo scaricare ubuntu su una usb ma io non so come farlo visto che non è la stessa procedura di installazione della volta precedente [13:31] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, come l'hai installato sul disco? [13:31] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, il mezzo non è importante [13:31] <ErnestoF> ho seguito un video su youtube [13:31] <cristian_c> lol [13:31] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, tramite quale supporto? [13:32] <cristian_c> !documentazione [13:32] <ubot-it> Documentazione ufficiale - Documentazione della comunità - Gruppo documentazione: pagina principale [13:32] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, non hai il supporto d'installazione? [13:32] <ErnestoF> no cristian [13:32] <ErnestoF> cristian_c [13:33] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, nel senso che lo hai gettato? [13:35] <ErnestoF> ecco output in cui mi da solo questo ultimo come errore caveat- [13:36] <GIULIA> non trovo le isruzioni per la manutentione delle testine in breve non sai dirmi cosa dovrei fare? [13:36] <cristian_c> GIULIA, nel tuo manuale è sicuramente scritta [13:36] <cristian_c> *o [13:36] <cristian_c> GIULIA, quale sistema operativo è installato su quel pc , a parte ubuntu? [13:37] <caveat-> ErnestoF: direi che hai proprio necessita' di fare il ripristino dell'installazione. Non dovrebbe essere una cosa di cui temere [13:37] <GIULIA> nessuno gia preso con ubuntu.. [13:38] <ErnestoF> ok cristian_c pen drive usb supporto di installazione ero andato in confusione [13:38] <cristian_c> GIULIA, allora controlla nelle proprietà della stampante [13:38] <ErnestoF> ok caveat- grazie lo stesso per il tentativo [13:38] <cristian_c> GIULIA, ci dovrebbero essere opzioni di manutenzione, anche minime [13:39] <caveat-> ErnestoF: se non hai il cd-live, lo crei [13:39] <caveat-> ErnestoF: prova a dare sudo fdisk -l [13:40] <ErnestoF> si ma io non riesco proprio a capire come effettuare il ripristino mi potreste aiutare con parole povere cosa fare???? [13:40] <caveat-> ErnestoF: dai: sudo fdisk -l [13:41] <caveat-> ErnestoF: tu presumi che lo si sappia, io non lo so, pero' non credo sia complicato [13:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, nel senso, se hai installato tramite dvd, puoi riutlizzare lo stesso disco per eseguire il ripristino [13:41] <ErnestoF> ecco output [13:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ma non si capisce che fine ha fatto il disco [13:41] <ErnestoF> guardate questo ultimo paste caveat- e cristian_c [13:42] <GIULIA> non ho trovato nessuna opzione di manutenzione [13:43] <cristian_c> GIULIA, ok, trovato [13:44] <cristian_c> !info cngpijmonip2700 [13:44] <ubot-it> Package cngpijmonip2700 does not exist in trusty [13:44] <caveat-> ErnestoF: quindi non hai ne' dvd ne' chiavetta USB con sopra masterizzata la iso di Ubuntu? [13:44] <ErnestoF> si ho chiavetta usb!!!!! [13:44] <cristian_c> !info cngpijmon [13:44] <ubot-it> Package cngpijmon does not exist in trusty [13:44] <GIULIA> cosa si fa' [13:45] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, allora, puoi riutilizzare quella, per il ripristino [13:45] <caveat-> ErnestoF: allora assicurati che nel BIOS la chiavetta sia il media da cui effettuare il boot [13:45] <cristian_c> il programma esiste, ma serve per monitorare gli inchiostri [13:45] <ErnestoF> caveat- non ho capito una parola di quello che hai scritto nell'ultimo messaggio :) [13:46] <caveat-> devi seguire [13:46] <caveat-> quindi stampala [13:46] <ErnestoF> quindi metto la chiavetta riavvio il pc ed entro nel boot e faccio partire la chiavetta è così??????? [13:46] <cristian_c> GIULIA, altrimenti, soluzione più veloce, utilizzi windows con il suo disco [13:46] <cristian_c> GIULIA, il disco della stampante, intendo [13:47] <caveat-> poi riavvii, accedi al bios, vedi se la chiavetta e' il supporto scelto da cui bootare, e poi booti ubuntu da essa e segui la procedura sulla stampa che hai fatto [13:47] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, meglio se fai una pausa prima di procedere [13:47] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, così magari riesci a seguire attentamente la guida linkata [13:48] <GIULIA> con il suo disco di installazionme? [13:48] <caveat-> ErnestoF: [13:49] <ErnestoF> ma almeno su questo che dovrebbe essere una procedura oggettiva potete darmi una procedura unica caveat- e cristian_c ?????????????? [13:49] <ErnestoF> :) [13:49] <ErnestoF> ci vediamo dopo se vi trovo e soprattutto se riuscirò a rifare tutto [13:49] <cristian_c> GIULIA, [13:50] <cristian_c> GIULIA, ma se cambi le cartucce, ancora meglio [13:50] <ErnestoF> grazie comunque per il tempo dedicatomi [13:50] <caveat-> ErnestoF: e se non ce la farai, cosa che purtroppo reputo abbastanza probabile [13:50] <cristian_c> GIULIA, visto che le testine sono contenute nelle cartucce [13:50] <caveat-> (dico che ancora ci saranno problemi nell'installazione di qgis) [13:51] <cristian_c> caveat-, ho provato personalmente, nessun problema con qgis [13:51] <cristian_c> su trusty [13:51] <ErnestoF> ma cos'è trusty??? [13:51] <ErnestoF> cristian_c ??? [13:51] <cristian_c> !trusty [13:51] <ubot-it> Trusty Tahr: | Kubuntu 14.04 | È preferibile usare i torrent | Problemi noti: [13:52] <caveat-> si', E' che non so il ripristino installazione quanto sia capace di risolvere quei conflitti e problemi [13:52] <GIULIA> ma cosa dovrei fare con questa pagina che è pure in inglese... [13:52] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, magari , prima di installare ubuntu, era meglio se ti informavi tramite il sito ufficiale [13:53] <cristian_c> GIULIA, ci sono alcune possibilità , tra cui la migliore è cambiare le cartucce [13:53] <cristian_c> più semplice e veloce [13:53] <ErnestoF> ma io sulla chiavetta usb ho la versione xubuntu e se faccio il ripristino mi reinstalla quella quindi alla fine cosa risolvo cristian_c ?????? [13:53] <ErnestoF> a sto punto dimmi la tua versione che scarico direttamente quella almeno so che poi non avrò problemi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! [13:54] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sulla usb, hai la live [13:54] <cristian_c> xubuntu è ubuntu con un vestito diverso [13:54] <cristian_c> ma sotto il vestito è sempre ubuntu [13:54] <ErnestoF> quindi va bene pure xubuntu???? [13:55] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, forse non è chiaro [13:55] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, nella guida è scritto [13:55] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, utilizzi la live non per reinstallare, ma per ripristinare [13:55] <cristian_c> se poi vuoi reinstallare xubuntu, puoi anche farlo, nessuno te lo impedisce [13:56] <ErnestoF> no voglio solo ripristinare forse non mi sono spiegato io [13:56] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, allora , prendi la usb con xubuntu che hai già a disposizione [13:56] <cristian_c> apri la guida [13:56] <cristian_c> e ripristini, come da guida [13:58] <GIULIA> ma non si possono avere i comandi per ripristyinare la stampante tramite terminale.. [13:58] <ErnestoF> ok a dopo ciao ragazzi [13:59] <cristian_c> GIULIA, forse non è chiaro [13:59] <GIULIA> questa stampante ha lavorato pochissimo possibile che siano le cartucce [13:59] <cristian_c> il problema sono le cartucce, probabilmenre seccate [13:59] <cristian_c> e se canon non ha rilasciato un software per effettuare la manutenzione [13:59] <cristian_c> e se la stampante non ha un display integrato da cui effettuare la manutenzione [14:00] <cristian_c> ti rimangono soltanto due possibilità [14:00] <cristian_c> GIULIA, se sta molto ferma, le cartucce si seccano [14:00] <GIULIA> ok molto piu chiaro adesso . grazie [14:02] <cristian_c> GIULIA, per windows questo software esiste per la tua stampante [14:02] <cristian_c> se non vuoi/puoi usare windows, allora cambia le cartucce [14:34] <ErnestoF> rieccomi caveat- e cristian_c [14:36] <ErnestoF> ho reinstallato non sono riuscito a ripristinare [14:36] <ErnestoF> vi arrivano i messaggi?? [14:37] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ok, hai reinstallato , e poi? [14:37] <ErnestoF> e poi niente adesso ho aperto ubuntu software center ho cercato qgis però non mi esce nemmeno la casella per installarlo [14:38] <ErnestoF> non capisco il motivo [14:38] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, prova: sudo apt-get install qgis [14:38] <cristian_c> come ti dissi [14:38] <cristian_c> poi pastebinna [14:38] <ErnestoF> update no? [14:38] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, prova il comando [14:39] <ErnestoF> quale comando??? [14:39] <ErnestoF> update o install?  ErnestoF, prova: sudo apt-get install qgis [14:40] <ErnestoF> ahahah impossibile trovare il pacchetto qgis mi dice [14:41] <ErnestoF> mi sa che devo installare prima altre librerie che installi a suo tempo [14:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sicuro di aver reinstallato? [14:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, non c'entra [14:41] <cristian_c> apt gestisce automaticamente le dipendenze [14:41] <ErnestoF> si si ho reinstallato e riavviato [14:41] <cristian_c> e le installa all'occorrenza [14:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, lsb_release -a [14:41] <ErnestoF> non ho più nulla sulla scrivania !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [14:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, history [14:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, whoami [14:41] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, pastebinna tutti e tre i comandi [14:43] <ErnestoF> ridammi il link per fare paste [14:43] <ErnestoF> per favore [14:43] <cristian_c> !paste [14:43] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [14:44] <ErnestoF> [14:45] <cristian_c> ok [14:45] <cristian_c> !info qgis [14:45] <ubot-it> qgis (source: qgis): Geographic Information System (GIS). In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.1-2build2 (trusty), package size 3857 kB, installed size 14129 kB [14:45] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, cat /etc/apt/sources.list [14:45] <cristian_c> pure questo su pastebin [14:46] <cristian_c> mmmm, non sono sicuro che serva l'update appena installato da zero il sistema [14:46] <ErnestoF> [14:47] <cristian_c> è a posto [14:47] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [14:47] <ErnestoF> quindi? [14:50] <ErnestoF> ecco l'output dimmi se devo fare continuare oppure no !!!!!!!!!! [14:50] <ErnestoF> [14:51] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sì [14:51] <ErnestoF> ok [15:01] <ErnestoF> sta scaricando l'impossibile [15:02] <ErnestoF> non ha ancora finito cristian_c è normale? [15:02] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, sono gli aggiornamenti di sistema [15:02] <cristian_c> e al primo avvio del sistema, è normale [15:04] <ErnestoF> ok [15:04] <ErnestoF> devo postare tutto quando finisce?? [15:05] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, perché no? [15:05] <cristian_c> !info pastebinit [15:05] <ubot-it> pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-3 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 164 kB [15:06] <ErnestoF> mi chiede la password e mi sono usciti tutti messaggi in inglese aspetta che posto fino a qua [15:06] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, anche a fine va bene [15:13] <ErnestoF> ecco l'output [15:14] <ErnestoF> riga 677 da un errore o sbaglio? [15:16] <ErnestoF> comunque adesso mi è tornata la casella con scritto install su ubuntu softw center alla voce qgis [15:16] <cristian_c> WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate UbuntuOne-Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem [15:16] <cristian_c> ni [15:16] <cristian_c> *no [15:16] <cristian_c> è un warning [15:17] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, ok, installalo [15:17] <ErnestoF> da terminale o da u.s.c. [15:17] <ErnestoF> ? [15:17] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, fa lo stesso [15:17] <ErnestoF> ok [15:22] <dayyan> buon pomeriggio ragazzi, ho un problema con il wifi, qualcuno può aiutarmi? [15:23] <cristian_c> !qualcuno | dayyan [15:23] <ubot-it> dayyan: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera' [15:24] <dayyan> ok, dunque: ho appena installato ubuntu 14.04 sul laptop asus x54h e finchè scaricavo gli aggiornamenti dal live cd durante l'installazione aveo una banda di oltre 4ookb, [15:24] <dayyan> adesso che ho l'ho installato ed avviato il segnale è debolissimo e devo stare collegato via ethernet per connettermi...non capisco cosa è andato storto [15:28] <ErnestoF> FINALMENTE INSTALLAZIONE EFFETTUATA SENZA CHE MI SIA USCITO ALCUN MESSAGGIO DI ERRORE..... [15:28] <ErnestoF> ma ho installato solo qgis browser devo installare qgis desktop [15:29] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, io mi sono ritrovato con tutti e tre [15:29] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, forse installandolo da terminale [15:29] <cristian_c> o da gestore pacchetti [15:30] <cristian_c> dayyan, dmesg | tail [15:30] <cristian_c> !paste [15:30] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [15:31] <dayyan> [15:32] <ErnestoF> ho provato e me lo apre adesso [15:33] <ErnestoF> ma c'è anche un modo per aggiornare la versione di qgis? visto che questa che mi ha fatto scaricare è un bel pò vecchiotta? cristian_c [15:35] <ErnestoF> upgrade dovrebbe permettermelo di farlo vero? cristian_c [15:36] <ErnestoF> da terminale [15:36] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, aggiornamenti solo di sicurezza [15:36] <cristian_c> e bugfix importanti [15:36] <cristian_c> ma la versione resta quella su trusty [15:36] <ErnestoF> ah ok capito [15:36] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, il fatto è che hai un sistema operativo del 2014 [15:36] <cristian_c> ErnestoF, fra pochi giorni esce la 15.04 [15:36] <cristian_c> di ubuntu [15:37] <cristian_c> con i pacchetti eventualmente aggiornati [15:37] <ErnestoF> vabbe non importa l'importante che sono riuscito a scaricare qgis ed e funzionante finalmente!!!!! [15:37] <cristian_c> ok [15:37] <ErnestoF> grazie di tutto [15:37] <cristian_c> di niente [15:38] <ErnestoF> buona serata ciaooo [15:38] <dayyan> scusa cristian_c hai scoperto qualcosa dal log? [15:38] <cristian_c> dayyan, va in timeout [15:39] <cristian_c> dopo 3 tentativi [15:39] <cristian_c> di autenticazione [15:40] <dayyan> come lo risolviamo? [15:40] <cristian_c> dayyan, quale scheda wifi? [15:41] <dayyan> 03:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) [15:44] <cristian_c> dayyan, digita: rfkill list [15:45] <dayyan> [15:47] <dayyan> considera che dallo smartphone alla stessa distanza mi da segnale eccellente....qui dal portatile mi da due tacche, segnale debole e non riesce manco a connettersi [15:47] <cristian_c> dayyan, hai dato un'occhiata al canale del router? [15:48] <cristian_c> dayyan, tutti i dispositivi si connettono bene al router? [15:48] <dayyan> yes [15:48] <dayyan> ma lo stesso laptop durante installazione da live cd scaricava a manetta...ora, dopo una serie di aggiornamenti e al primo avvio ha perso [15:49] <dayyan> potenza segnale [15:56] <cristian_c> dayyan, a me risulta che non si connette proprio [15:56] <cristian_c> in fase di autenticazione [15:56] <dayyan> si infatti adesso non va proprio più [15:56] <cristian_c> pensi? [15:56] <dayyan> sarà che ho provato a installare wicd [15:56] <cristian_c> lol [15:57] <dayyan> XD [15:57] <cristian_c> eh, ma non l'hai detto questo [15:57] <dayyan> hai è stato uno dei tentativi nella disperazione...però ora l'ho rimosso [15:57] <dayyan> tanto non andava manco lui [15:59] <reranocchio> ciao a tutti, mi sapete dire come mai lubuntu mi va sempre più lento nelle ultime settimane, soprattutto la navigazione? non ho installato niente di particolare e non è un problema di connessione perchè con gli altri pc vado okay. che posso fare? [16:05] <cristian_c> dayyan, cerca di ripristinare la situazione [16:06] <bip> reranocchio: hai visto se hai un particolare consumo di RAM? [16:06] <cristian_c> non è detto che la semplice disinstallazione di wicd faccia ritornare le cose come prima [16:07] <dayyan> ok ti ringrazio [16:07] <dayyan> ora devo andare...torno domani e ti aggiorno [16:07] <dayyan> ciaone [16:11] <reranocchio> bip, nel gestore dei processi mi dice 50% memoria in utilizzo [16:12] <reranocchio> di cui 340 di solo firefox, ho 1g di ram [16:12] <bip> reranocchio: è possibile quindi che il rallentamento sia causato da questo, ad esempio: utilizzo eccessivo di RAM. [16:13] <bip> reranocchio: tieni presente inoltre che l'utilizzo Aumenta e diminuisce nel caso della navigazione in virtù anche di dove vai, cosa guardi, se scarichi se apri file. [16:13] <bip> reranocchio: per la connessione, invece, dovresti fare qualche tipologia di test. Hai provato speedtest ? [16:14] <reranocchio> guarda va lento anche quando ho solo 2 schede aperte, senza applicazioni installate e senza video [16:17] <reranocchio> il test con speed lho fatto, 6.12down, 0.21up e 103ms. mi pare che segua la media di un adsl telecom [16:18] <bip> reranocchio: la lentezza a mio parere è da imputare alla poca RAM. [16:18] <bip> reranocchio: apri un terminale è dai il comando htop [16:22] <reranocchio> dice non è installato [16:24] <itmint> salve, ho acquistato una canon pixma mx395 [16:24] <bip> reranocchio: segui l'indicazione :) [16:24] <itmint> vorrei installare i drivers ufficiali della Canon (sono due pacchetti .deb) ma, anche se installati, Ubuntu 14.04 utilizza i drivers open [16:24] <reranocchio> installo htop? [16:25] <itmint> cosa sarebbe? [16:25] <cristian_c> itmint, quali migliorie ti servono? [16:25] <itmint> i drivers open mi permettono di scegliere solo l'inchiostro standard [16:25] <itmint> io vorrei tutti i vari tipi d'inchiostro [16:25] <itmint> (quindi Bozza, Testo, Testo e Immagine, Foto ecc.) [16:25] <itmint> non so se mi sono spiegato [16:27] <itmint> comunque adesso ho installato htop, ma come si usa? [16:30] <itmint> C'È qualcuno? [16:31] <reranocchio> bip, mi hai suggerito di installare htop? [16:32] <cristian_c> itmint, beh, di solito le opzioni Bozza, Testo, ecc.. si possono scegliere anche con i driver open [16:32] <bip> reranocchio: il terminale ti ha suggerito di installarlo. In ogni caso, è la "forma" evoluta di top, che puoi usare sempre da linea di comando. [16:33] <cristian_c> !qualcuno | itmint [16:33] <ubot-it> itmint: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera' [16:33] <bip> reranocchio: l'utilizzo è per avere a terminale l'utilizzo della ram (e altre cose), in modo che ti è più chiaro quando fai movimenti sul tuo computer, gestendo al meglio le risorse. [16:34] <itmint> cristian c'è solo Standard [16:35] <itmint> e oltretutto la stampa non è delle ottimali [16:35] <itmint> si vede la differenza tra un foglio stampato con windows e uno stampato con ubuntu [16:36] <reranocchio> ma queste applicazioni che installo ogni volta su lubuntu dal terminale, poi dove le trovo? (c'è una lista di tutto quello che ho installato o aggiunto a lubuntu? [16:38] <bip> reranocchio: dai da linea di comando: aptitude [16:38] <itmint> ho finalmente risolto, dovevo aprire il file .sh presente nell'archivio ed eseguirlo in un terminale [16:38] <itmint> grazie lo stesso XD [16:38] <itmint> buona serata [16:41] <reranocchio> e questo htop dove lo trovo ora? [16:42] <bip> reranocchio: sudo aptitude search htop [16:42] <bip> reranocchio: se sei interessato lo installi. [16:42] <reranocchio> lho già installato con il comando di prima htop no? [16:44] <bip> reranocchio: se dai il comando da linea di comando puoi saperlo. Apri il terminale: htop [16:45] <reranocchio> ok grazie, cos'è che mi dice in più questo htop rispetto al gestore processi normale? [16:46] <cristian_c> !info htop [16:46] <ubot-it> htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-3 (trusty), package size 65 kB, installed size 185 kB [16:47] <reranocchio> ok quindi lo apro solo con il comando [18:01] <argo_> !list [18:01] <ubot-it> questo non è un canale per scaricare o di condivisione di contenuti [19:00] <akis24> sera [19:54] <widecurio64> ho un problema, devo installare unity per chromium, come si fa? [20:39] <kripsty> ciao a tutti [20:39] <kripsty> avrei bisogno di una brevissima consulenza [21:02] <kripsty> eccomi [21:02] <Carlin0> vieni in chat [21:02] <Carlin0> !chat [21:02] <ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [21:30] <Mario__> sera
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Carlin0", "ErnestoF", "Ernesto_F", "GIULIA", "Mario__", "akis24", "antoo", "argo_", "belgarath_", "bip", "caveat-", "cristian_c", "dadexix86", "dayyan", "itmint", "krabador", "kripsty", "reranocchio", "toshiba_", "tux98", "ubot-it", "widecurio64" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[05:18] <miubuntu> hola a todos [05:18] <miubuntu> resulta que encendi mi pc [05:18] <miubuntu> y dice que el directorio raiz tiene 0 bytes de espacio. [05:19] <miubuntu> pero que yo recuerde que tengo 100 gb y solo tenia usado 30 gigas [05:19] <miubuntu> pero ahora me dice que no hay espacio. [08:24] * merrick saluda [12:27] <successus> salud [13:19] <Lopulus> hola gente! tengo un pendrive. Cuando le borro archivos para que genere espacio sigue teniendo el mismo espacio libre. Como puedo solucionarlo [13:19] <Lopulus> dir [13:20] <mimecar> vacías la papelera? [13:23] * cousteau usa el Analizador de uso de discos (baobab) para ver qué carpetas ocupan más [13:23] <Lopulus> no [13:24] <Lopulus> mimecar, [13:24] <mimecar> hazlo [13:24] <Lopulus> ok [13:25] <Lopulus> Aja, listo, soy un salame [13:25] <mimecar> ahora aparece el espacio :p ? [13:28] <Lopulus> si, pero si "corto" y "pego" en otro disco no libera espacio [13:29] <Lopulus> si, perdon, lo genera al espacio [16:47] <successus> salud o/ [18:23] <andy__> Hola [18:24] <andy__> Hola [18:24] <roger_35> hola [18:24] <andy__> Una pregunta [18:24] <andy__> Tengo Xubuntu 14.04 [18:24] <GridCube> que bien [18:25] <andy__> y a la hora de poner fondos de escritorio tengo un problema [18:25] <GridCube> aha? [18:25] <andy__> entonces como hago para añadir mis imagenes a la carpeta por defecto de xfce [18:25] <andy__> se puede ? [18:26] <andy__> lo que hago es sudo thuner y accedo a /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/ y copio mis imagenes [18:27] <andy__> pero no me las reconoce [18:28] <andy__> alguien sabe porque?? ya que en la distribucion anterior de xubuntu si que se podia en el apartado de añadir imagen...pero en la 14.04 no esta esa opcion [18:29] <andy__> A ver alguno q haya realizado esto tan sencillo, pero no logro comprender xq no funciona [18:31] <MrTulias> En la configuración del escritorio, ¿no puedes escoger el fondo? [18:32] <andy__> puedo escoger las q trae x defecto xfce [18:32] <andy__> pero no puedo añadir las q kiero... [18:32] <andy__> se añade, pero no sale luego en la config. [18:33] <andy__> me aparece la imagen con una X [18:34] <andy__> haciendo la copia como root [18:34] <GridCube> andy__: esa carpeta es read-only [18:35] <andy__> y le puedo cambiar los permisos?? [18:36] <MrTulias> No sabría decirte, yo lo hice en configuración , escritorio, fondos, escogiendo una carpeta con las imágenes [18:36] <GridCube> podes ponerlas en tu home [18:36] <andy__> ya, pero creia q paandolas al principal se podia [18:37] <GridCube> pone las imagens en ~/.local/share/xfce4/backdrops [18:37] <GridCube> tenes que crear esos directorios, xfce4 y backdrops [18:38] <andy__> a la carpeta que esta creada x defecto no puedo añadirle entonces, aun cambiando permisos?? [18:38] <GridCube> no tenes porque tocar la carpeta backdrops del sistema no [18:39] <GridCube> es local [18:39] <andy__> oks [18:39] <andy__> probare eso... [18:39] <GridCube> y va a aparecer en la lista de imagenes [18:39] <andy__> sino desde el home paso las imagenes y ale... [18:44] <andy__> Vale gracias a tod@s ... !! [18:48] <GridCube> andy__: igual podes elegir que carpeta mira xfce para sacar los wallpapers [18:48] <andy__> en q onfiguracion? [18:48] <andy__> configuracion, perdon [18:50] <GridCube> cuando abris las opciones de escritorio, tenes tres solapas, en la primer solapa, abajo de las imagenes, dice "directorio" [18:50] <andy__> si, redirecciono la carpeta q kiero, si, asi lo tengo... [18:50] <andy__> Gracias. [18:51] <andy__> Creia q habia q redireccionar desde configuracion del sistema... [18:51] <GridCube> nah [18:51] <GridCube> es mas facil :) [18:51] <andy__> ;) [18:52] <andy__> si asi lo tenia, lo q yo queria era incluir nen la carpeta mis imagenes, pero claro solo era de lectura, pero bueno, muchas compliccines par a algo tan simple no vale la pena marearse [18:53] <andy__> Mas bien gracias x su tiempo en comentar... [18:57] <andy__> Bueno gente nos vemos, seguire cambiando el aspecto de mi xubu.. [18:57] <andy__> buenas noxes.. [18:57] <JeDa> Buenas noches? Son las 2:28 PM! :P [19:02] <MrTulias> Existen más zonas horarias [19:11] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "GridCube", "JeDa", "Lopulus", "MrTulias", "andy__", "cousteau", "merrick", "mimecar", "miubuntu", "roger_35", "successus" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[20:15] <francokaerntna> hey, anybody of you know what I need to change in my juju config, so that I get 'public' ips in my maas environment? I entered both networks in maas 'network' tab, added 2 interfaces (one of each network) to the cluster, and even 'juju status' is showing me both networks. any clue? [21:53] <wurde> juju and maas seems promising, wish there were more tutorials of the two used side by side [21:59] <francokaerntna> wurde: it is indeed! Works nearly out of the box (still needed 3 days to make it work) [22:00] <wurde> hey franco [22:01] <wurde> I feel that way, but it's off my surface level impressions and I'm reading the maas docs. [22:01] <jackweirdy> Lets say I have a service that I deploy to production with Juju, and I do my development locally. Is it feasible to do development inside a local juju deployment, then commit the code, and have my CI server deploy to production via Juju? Or is that crazy talk. I ask because we have a complicated mesh of dependencies, whose configuration and deployment Juju solves quite nicely. Seems weird to have that benefit for [22:01] <jackweirdy> production but not development [22:02] <jackweirdy> Hello everyone, btw :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "francokaerntna", "jackweirdy", "wurde" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[01:15] <lzkill> my brand new sandisk extreme pen drive makes the network freezes whenever it's inserted... it's NTFS formatted and contains a folder encrypted with EFS... what could be the relationship here? [01:16] <lzkill> i'm on 14.04 LTS, by the way [02:06] <holstein> lzkill: could be anything hardware related.. do other "pen drives" do the same? does the same stick do the same thing formatted differently? or unencrypted? [02:12] <lzkill> holstein: other sticks don't do it. this sandisk comes FAT32 from factory and at first it was just fine, what makes me think it's sth with the NTFS... [02:13] <holstein> sure.. since, i would want/need the data backed up to a different location, regardless, i would backup, make sure i have the data in a few locations, and, try isolating the variables, and testing [02:14] <holstein> format another "known good" stick with the same format you have, and format the "bad" stick with something else.. and, mount that stick on a live iso, and as another user.. and with other live iso's as well.. to isolate my installed system, my user config, and my current system's kernel, etc [02:15] <holstein> you can also ask in #ubuntu for a larger audience, and better chance of support, since, its not related to xfce or xubuntu directly [02:19] <lzkill> holstein: I'll try that and return to let you know what I've found... thanks! [08:28] <xubuntu398> Hi? [08:29] <cfhowlett> ho? [08:29] <xubuntu398> I need to ask a question about xubuntu [08:29] <cfhowlett> !ask [08:30] <xubuntu398> ok, are there software simulator of electronic circuit for xubuntu? [08:30] <cfhowlett> xubuntu398, there is ... don't remember the name. let me look [08:31] <xubuntu398> I'd like to use "LTspice" or something like this [08:32] <cfhowlett> xubuntu398, no idea what that is but see tkgate [08:35] <xubuntu398> if I have a 64bit processor, may I use xubuntu? [08:35] <cfhowlett> xubuntu398, of course [08:37] <xubuntu398> which are advantage and problems to use xubuntu endeed of ubuntu [08:38] <cfhowlett> !flavors | ubuntu398, xubuntu is optimized for low spec and legacy hardware [08:40] <xubuntu398> Thanks, but I mean, what is better? May I prefer xubuntu for a 64bit, and why? [08:40] <bekks> There is no reason for not choosing 64bit when the hardware is 64bit capable. [08:41] <cfhowlett> xubuntu398, "better" is up to the user. Choose the one you like best = "better" "best" [08:42] <xubuntu398> sorry, I mean. If xubuntu is optimized for low spec pc; there are good reasons to use xubuntu on pc with high spec? [08:43] <cfhowlett> xubuntu398, see no reason to. no reason not to. Decide for yourself. [08:44] <bekks> If something runs good on a low spec hardware, it runs good on a high spec hardware, too. I second cfhowlett,it is your decision. [08:45] <xubuntu398> xubuntu use low space of RAMs, so I image to have more RAMs for my applications. Is it correct? [08:49] <knome> xubuntu398, xubuntu isn't specifically designed for low spec computers, but sure, if the system uses less RAM, then your applications will have more in use [08:59] <gnumbknuts> xubuntu396: Unfortunately LTspice only works in Linux under WINE. Many years ago I used it exclusively, it worked almost as good as it did under MS-Windows. That was with a AMD-K7 CPU, around 2004 vintage. [09:21] <xubuntu667> hello [09:22] <cfhowlett> xubuntu667, ask your ubuntu questions [09:22] <xubuntu667> im just installing xubuntu on my old pc, 2.4GHz, 1GB ram, will it run smoothly? [09:23] <xubuntu667> i tried ubuntu before but it lagged really hard [09:23] <cfhowlett> xubuntu667, yeah, xubuntu would have no problem with that. [09:23] <cfhowlett> download the .iso and do a live boot test. [09:23] <xubuntu667> ok thanks a lot [10:38] <giandi> c'è qualche italiano che mi può aiutare? [10:41] <giandi> Io scrivo lo stesso il mio problema: Fino a due giorni fa riuscivo a collegare il mio iPad con il mio pc xubuntu,solo che ieri ho aggiornato l'iPad e stamattina ogni volta che attacco l'iPad al computer mi da errore dicendo che è impossibile montare l'iPad,dove sta il problema secondo voi? [10:42] <bekks> !it | giandi [10:43] <giandi> Until two days ago I could connect my iPad with my pc xubuntu , just yesterday I updated the iPad this morning and whenever you attack the iPad to the computer gives me error saying that it is impossible to mount the iPad , where is the problem in your opinion? [10:44] <bekks> So it doesnt work after updating the ipad - so the ipad update is the problem. [10:46] <giandi> so I have to wait for the next update of Ubuntu or downgrade iPad? [10:47] <Luyin> or check whether you can enable some debugging option or so to connect to ubuntu agai [10:47] <Luyin> n [10:49] <giandi> How can i check? [10:52] <Luyin> you'd have to google for that [11:14] <lzkill> !patience [11:55] <htqp> Xubuntu 14.04. After a chromium update, after switching workspaces it fails to display the browser. it will reappear element by element by hovering with the mouse. The browser reappears if I minimize then maximize another window in the same target workspace. [11:55] <htqp> any idea? [12:19] <htqp> for those interested, here's the bug report [12:24] <meultaine> Hello, I got some issues with my Lenovo x240 under Xubuntu 14.10. My touchpad sometimes detected (but stops working after using the physical clic) and most fo the time, it's not detected by xubuntu (not present in pointing devices). Is there any driver I can use to fix this problem ? [12:24] <cfhowlett> meultaine, ask #ubuntu [12:49] <cq-aux> `heya [12:49] <cq-aux> I'd like to remove tumbler [without] removing xubuntu-desktop, could you pls tell me how to? [12:51] <cfhowlett> cq-aux, terminal: sudo apt-get purge tumbler && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [12:53] <littlebit> hi people, I changed the skin of my midnight-commander and when i start mc I get the message that it cannot change to a 256 color skin on a non-256 colors terminal. How do I make the change to the xfce terminal systemwide permanent? [12:53] <cq-aux> cfhowlett: ahh... tumbler is a dependency of xubuntu-desktop and will then be installed again [12:54] <cfhowlett> cq-aux, correctomundo [12:54] <cq-aux> ok lol [12:55] <cq-aux> that really fuxed my problemundo [12:55] <cfhowlett> cq-aux, why remove tumbler?? [12:55] <cq-aux> it's getting fatter and fatter [12:56] <cfhowlett> cq-aux, thumbnails don't take THAT much space, do they?? [12:56] <cq-aux> and my computer is quite slow so I don't need thumbnails [12:56] <cq-aux> it's actually a fat tumblerD [12:57] <cq-aux> my daemons won't quit hogging the limelight you see [13:13] <cq-aux> [13:14] <cq-aux> solved [13:14] <cq-aux> ty [13:14] <cq-aux> I love ubuntu! [13:55] <xubuntu90w> I am trying to fit a linux distro to an old 486 box. There are many Live distros, but I need install. 20 Mb HDD, 512 Mb memory. [13:55] <cfhowlett> xubuntu90w, lubuntu [13:55] <xubuntu90w> Should I be using xubuntu or something else? [13:55] <xubuntu90w> lubuntu is better for this? [13:55] <cfhowlett> !lubuntu | xubuntu90w [13:57] <mrkramps> i do not think ubuntu kernel will work on 486 [13:58] <cfhowlett> lubuntu is optimized for low spec and legacy hardware. [13:58] <mrkramps> but a 486 is antique [13:58] <Luyin> xubuntu90w: I don't know enough about architectures, but you might want to try a really small distro, like DSL or puppy [14:00] <mrkramps> ubuntu somewhen dropped support for i486 afaik [14:00] <mrkramps> debian should still work [14:00] <mrkramps> maybe also slitaz and tinycore [14:00] <mrkramps> damn small linux (DSL) is not recommended anymore [14:01] <Luyin> you could also try gentoo, but I'm not sure if that's not too much computing for such old hardware [14:13] <xubuntu90w> The problem with DSL and puppy is that they seem hard to install. They run easily as live [14:15] <Luyin> xubuntu90w: puppy is quite easy to install on hard drive [14:15] <Luyin> but yes, you can (and perhaps even should) run them live [14:16] <xubuntu90w> I want to create a box for somebody who is non-technical. [14:16] <xubuntu90w> The idea of running a Live is scary for them [14:16] <cfhowlett> xubuntu90w, virtualbox [14:17] <mrkramps> 486 is a bad choice then … the system should at least provide some basic performance to deal with everyday tasks like internet [14:18] <xubuntu90w> What's wrong with DSL? [14:18] <mrkramps> DSL is outdated, last stable 2008 and last beta 2012 [14:18] <xubuntu90w> So is the hardware I'm using [14:19] <Luyin> but it's never good to use unsupported software, xubuntu90w [14:19] <Luyin> you could setup an XFCE in kiosk mode for these guests [14:19] <mrkramps> i admit, DSL should still be ok on a system not connected to the internet [14:19] <Luyin> or simply use guest accounts [14:20] <xubuntu90w> There are a lot of old boxes out there. Many use things like XP. Surely Linux can improve on that? [14:20] <Luyin> anything is better than using XP :) [14:20] <Luyin> still, I'd suggest Lubuntu [14:20] <xubuntu90w> Agreed! So pls suggest some anythings! [14:21] <cfhowlett> xubuntu90w, LOTS of us have already suggested lubuntu. [14:21] <xubuntu90w> I can give it a try. Just hope I am not wasting a CD :) [14:22] <mrkramps> lubuntu will not work on a 486 [14:22] <cfhowlett> mrkramps, false. I'm in China and I've booted many with lubuntu/485. [14:23] <cfhowlett> *486* [14:23] <Luyin> cfhowlett: how does your being in China relate to that? :D [14:24] <cfhowlett> Luyin, no shortage of legacy equipment to test things on ... [14:24] <Luyin> ah okay, didn't think of that [14:24] <xubuntu90w> Why not on a 486? Shall I move to china for this attempt :-P [14:34] <xubuntu44w> Xubutnu can't see my wireless card. ASUS laptop. noob here what do I do? [14:35] <cfhowlett> xubuntu44w, has it ever seen it? new install? [14:35] <Luyin> what do you mean, can't see? you can't connect to a wireless network? [14:35] <xubuntu44w> yes it cant connect [14:36] <xubuntu44w> i think i need a driver [14:38] <mrkramps> chipset? [14:40] <xubuntu44w> i'm new, what commands do i need to run [14:41] <mrkramps> xubuntu44w, pastebin the output of terminal command :$ lspci [14:41] <xubuntu90w> bye-bye [14:41] <mrkramps> xubuntu90w, or just:$ lscpi | grep Network [14:41] <mrkramps> bargh [14:46] <xubuntu44w> [14:48] <mrkramps> xubuntu44w, there is a tool in the menu/settings called "additional drivers" [14:49] <mrkramps> you'll most prolly need the madwifi drivers [14:49] <xubuntu44w> no additional drivers available [14:52] <mrkramps> xubuntu44w, can you pastebin the following output as well:$ lsmod [14:54] <xubuntu44w> [14:57] <mrkramps> xubuntu44w, and now please a:$ rfkill list [14:58] <xubuntu44w> [15:00] <mrkramps> xubuntu44w, you wifi device is hard blocked … is there any hardware switch or Fn - combination on your laptop? [15:04] <stuart4558> mrkramps i'm back. I'm the guy wtith the asus wireless problem. [15:04] <stuart4558> no physical switch [15:04] <stuart4558> FN key doesnt do anyting when I press it [15:06] <mrkramps> stuart4558, linked with solution [15:06] <mrkramps> you'll need to check is option wapf=4 or wapf=1 works for you [15:06] <mrkramps> *if [15:11] <stuart4558> thanks so much for the help. rebooting now to verify [15:19] <stuart4558> thanks for the help. asus wireless problem is fixed [15:19] <mrkramps> stuart4558, i guess Fn + F2 still not working? [15:20] <stuart4558> mrkamps, thanks for all the help [15:20] <stuart4558> no fn-f2 does nothing [15:20] <mrkramps> if you want to disable wifi you may still use the rfkill command [15:20] <stuart4558> ok [15:20] <mrkramps> i guess you know what a manpage is ;) [15:21] <stuart4558> ??? [15:21] <mrkramps> stuart4558, [15:22] <mrkramps> in short terminal manuals for a specific command … just in case you want to know how rfkill works in detail [15:22] <stuart4558> thanks [15:22] <mrkramps> you're welcome [15:38] <stuart4558> happy saturday everyone [16:09] <Cizelia> How do I install themes on xubuntu? [18:45] <shp> hi there... pls help if u pc wakes up from suspend at 05:55am every morning ...what to do to stop it happen again ? Thanks in advance [18:46] <shp> last night I shut it down butagain this morning.. [18:46] <shp> 14.04 here [18:46] <mrkramps> wakeonlan? [18:46] <shp> i use wifi [18:47] <mrkramps> and you tried with poweroff last night? [18:47] <shp> yes [18:47] <shp> and again dtarted [18:47] <shp> the wifi adapter was disconnected [18:48] <mrkramps> interesting [18:48] <shp> i use 3m usb cable with an wifi adapter on the end to get better reception outside my room [18:49] <shp> beffore i use an app to wake me up at 05:55 but its removed [18:49] <shp> i removed it [18:49] <shp> it doesnt starts i think...cuz it was with mp3 play to wake me up [18:49] <shp> now just my pc starts... [18:50] <shp> at 05:55 [18:50] <mrkramps> which app? [18:50] <shp> some kinda alarm clock [18:50] <shp> ..with mp3 playin abil;ities [18:50] <shp> abilities* [18:50] <mrkramps> maybe still an entry in /etc/crontab? [18:51] <shp> i dont know thats whu i am asking...i have terminal open what to do? [18:51] <mrkramps> cat /etc/crontab [18:52] <shp> ..the aPP has been uninstaled from the soft center [18:52] <mrkramps> shp, removed or purged? [18:54] <shp> removed i guess...cuz now my pc login screen xfce...without playin the mp3 i have chosen for @alarm@ [18:54] <shp> what output i should have with cat [18:54] <shp> cat /etc/crontab =? [18:54] <mrkramps> but w/o purge there still may be some configuration files [18:55] <mrkramps> it would be really helpful if you remember the name of this application [18:55] <shp> uhh [18:55] <shp> how can i view the history of inst apps? [18:56] <shp> ubuntu soft centr? [18:57] <drc> History Icon in top menu [18:57] <drc> er...not menu :) [18:58] <drc> whatever the icon bar is called [18:58] <mrkramps> tool bar, i guess [18:58] <shp> wow theres plenty of stuff there [18:58] <drc> look at removals [18:59] <shp> alarm-clock applet [18:59] <shp> thats it [18:59] <shp> !!! [19:00] <shp> ->removals [19:00] <shp> drc thanks man for the help! [19:00] <drc> np [19:00] <shp> what i should do [19:01] <shp> i already googled My-pc-wakes up-by-itself-suspend [19:01] <drc> mrkramps you're up I use synaptic :) [19:02] <drc> And there's a config for complete removal vs leave the configs [19:02] <shp> can u guys give me a hand somehow? [19:03] <mrkramps> does not look as if the package has any files connected with cron [19:03] <shp> last night i shut it down..and again today at 05:55am [19:03] <shp> ....i needed to be up at this time...but not by my pc [19:04] <mrkramps> shp, have you checked your bios settings? [19:04] <shp> i havent touched my bios settings at all [19:04] <xubuntu21w> is it possible to get a wireless adapter to work if you dont have access to the internet on that pc [19:05] <mrkramps> that's weird … if you poweroff the system there should be no way then to physically start your machine [19:05] <shp> ....before installing THAT app all was perfect [19:05] <mrkramps> xubuntu21w, sure [19:05] <drc> and have you checked crontab as mrk suggested (just in case) ? [19:05] <xubuntu21w> how [19:05] <mrkramps> shp, try: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge alarm-clock* [19:05] <shp> drc what output should i have [19:06] <mrkramps> drc, could be possible somewhere in /etc/crond.*/ as well … but the package content does not list anything suspicious [19:06] <mrkramps> xubuntu21w, depends on your wireless device [19:06] <shp> The following packages will be REMOVED [19:06] <shp> alarm-clock-applet* gstreamer0.10-gconf* libappindicator1* libindicator7* [19:06] <shp> linux-headers-3.13.0-24* linux-headers-3.13.0-24-generic* [19:06] <shp> linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic* linux-image-extra-3.13.0-24-generic* [19:06] <shp> 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 8 to remove and 7 not to upgrade. [19:06] <shp> After this operation, 222 MB disk space will be freed. [19:07] <shp> should i YES? [19:07] <drc> mrkramps: I read that, but it's best to eliminate the easy stuff first. :) [19:07] <shp> ..this linux images ...? [19:07] <mrkramps> shp, old kernel-versions which should be save to remove [19:08] <xubuntu21w> . [19:08] <mrkramps> xubuntu21w, one more and you're on my ignore list! [19:08] <mrkramps> told you so [19:09] <shp> right [19:09] <shp> there is no error msgs [19:09] <shp> t 05:55am [19:09] <shp> i will find out [19:10] <shp> mrkramps, what u think was the issue [19:10] <shp> leftover app [19:10] <shp> things? [19:10] <mrkramps> honestly, i have no idea [19:10] <mrkramps> the app was still installed [19:11] <mrkramps> but this should not power on a machine [19:12] <shp> how something can wake the whole system in xubuntu regime ( Ihave windows just in case..) from shutdown [19:12] <mrkramps> and in windows you did not use such an alarm? [19:12] <xubuntu21w> what [19:12] <shp> no [19:12] <shp> i dont use windows [19:12] <shp> just for emergency linux drv [19:13] <shp> i have dual boot [19:13] <shp> *choose ur destiny* type [19:13] <mrkramps> shp, you may still check the entries in /etc/crontab and the files in /etc/cron.daily/ [19:13] <drc> shp: did you check the BIOS as mrkramps also suggested? [19:14] <shp> drc, wakeuponlan is not ON in my exp [19:14] <shp> mrkramps, how to do it? [19:14] <mrkramps> shp, all text files [19:15] <shp> shp@shp:~/Desktop$ /etc/crontab [19:15] <shp> bash: /etc/crontab: Permission denied [19:15] <mrkramps> you may use any file manager and text editor you like [19:15] <drc> sudo [19:15] <mrkramps> and you do NOT need a terminal to do so! [19:16] <debbiecute> . [19:16] <mrkramps> in terminal you can use cat or even better the pager less (close with q) [19:16] <debbiecute> hello!! i need a command on terminal for close my session [19:17] <mrkramps> drc, you're ok? [19:18] <shp> this is the file: [19:18] <shp> # m h dom mon dow user command [19:18] <shp> 17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly [19:18] <shp> 25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) [19:18] <shp> 47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly ) [19:18] <shp> 52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly ) [19:18] <shp> # [19:19] <drc> mrkramps: yeah, just re-installed 15.04 and still config'ing :) Thanks [19:19] <mrkramps> shp, for longer text output pls use [19:19] <mrkramps> but this file is fine … [19:20] <shp> I guess you recommend will work properly [19:20] <shp> your* [19:21] <shp> i think im safe for now..if something happens..ill be back...if not...Thanls for the help! really appreciated [19:21] <mrkramps> shp, you're welcome [21:20] <DReynolds> Hi. hoping someone can help. trying to stick Xubuntu on an old Intel Macbook (make it usefull again :P) .. when I boot from the DVD im just getting "Select CD_ROM Boot Type" with options 1 and 2, both empty and no input being registered. .. tried making a bootable USB install using the iso and "Linux Live USB Creator" but that didn't even show up in the boot menu [21:21] <xangua> DReynolds: that's only for "pc's" [21:21] <DReynolds> xangua hmmm, are you able to poit towards something that'd work for a macbook? [21:22] <xangua> [21:23] <mrkramps> DReynolds, what kind of macbook? [21:23] <DReynolds> okay, so thats formatting th usb from the mac, i see. Ive downloaded the ISO on a windows box so was trying to format it from that [21:24] <DReynolds> mrkramps cant remember exactly the model, a 2006 one i think. got an Intel Core 2 Duo 64-bit [21:44] <DReynolds> xangua: did all that. USB drive is still not showing up in the boot menu :( [21:46] <mrkramps> DReynolds, did you check if your iso downloads is not corrupted? [21:48] <DReynolds> how do i do that again? Xubuntu download page has nothing on it [21:50] <mrkramps> DReynolds, [21:51] <mrkramps> and [21:56] <DReynolds> right. its late. im gonna have another shot tomorrow. thanks guys :) [22:09] <whatever> hi [22:09] <whatever> anybody there ? [22:10] <Guest65514> hi [22:11] <GridCube> hi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Cizelia", "DReynolds", "GridCube", "Guest65514", "Luyin", "bekks", "cfhowlett", "cq-aux", "debbiecute", "drc", "giandi", "gnumbknuts", "holstein", "htqp", "knome", "littlebit", "lzkill", "meultaine", "mrkramps", "shp", "stuart4558", "whatever", "xangua", "xubuntu21w", "xubuntu398", "xubuntu44w", "xubuntu667", "xubuntu90w" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[02:06] <daftykins> something wrong with it itself? :) [02:13] <ali1234> what, twitch? [02:13] <daftykins> yeah [02:13] <daftykins> i use it from my xbox one quite a bit [02:14] <daftykins> though i suspect the main streaming platform OBS doesn't have a Linux client [02:14] <ali1234> no, it does [02:14] <ali1234> works fine [02:15] <ali1234> the problem with twitch is that i don't want to stream games, i don't want it to be public, i don't want it to have ads, and i want to run it on my own server... [02:15] <ali1234> i just want something with identical functionality (reflecting a stream from my computer to multiple web browser viewers) [02:21] <daftykins> ah i see [02:21] <daftykins> hrmm nah sorry no ideas :( [02:21] <daftykins> here's my brothers speed test of Guernsey's recent LTE rollout... [07:38] <knightwise> 02has anyone played with the native calendar app on ubuntu phone yett ? [08:02] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :) [08:04] <elfy> morning bigcalm [08:04] <daftykins> morn o/ [08:20] <knightwise> morning bigcalm elfy [08:21] <elfy> hi knightwise [08:25] <daftykins> aaaaah what a night [08:51] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [08:58] <daftykins> \o [09:04] <brobostigon> morning daftykins [09:05] <daftykins> ah i had the pleasure just now of seeing GTA V running on my ageing PC - with an xbox controller plugged in no less [09:05] <daftykins> quite the jump up even for this old thing, from the xbox 360 version i last played [09:10] <directhex_> i can't get excited for gta5 [09:10] <directhex_> i really didn't like 4 [09:10] <daftykins> totally different, all issues with IV fixed [09:10] <directhex_> except the biker dlc, i liked that [09:10] <daftykins> TLAD :D that was neat [09:11] <daftykins> still clumsy model animations that made it feel like you were controlling a cow in a shopping trolley, mind [09:11] <directhex_> didn't like the gay dlc. seemed to amplify the worst bits of the base game [09:11] <directhex_> yes! i always said nico steered like a cow [09:11] <directhex_> we are unified in our bovine analogies <3 [09:11] <daftykins> XD [09:11] <daftykins> truth be told i'm just ripping off Yahtzee's description of a Tomb Raider adventure, i must admit [09:12] <directhex_> "go here to do a quest!" *drive drive drive* "return between 2:30am and 2:45am to start this quest". THANKS, GAME [09:12] <daftykins> that was a highly foolish mechanic [09:12] <daftykins> may as well implement petrol [09:12] <directhex_> so were the beeeeeg american teeeeeties [09:13] <daftykins> i like to taunt a mate in another channel by highlighting the least fun part of IV, occasionally... [09:13] <daftykins> "Hey <friend> do you want to go bowling!?" [09:14] <directhex_> heh [09:14] <directhex_> i also enjoyed having to stop and queue at toll booths to not get wanted stars ¬_¬ [09:14] <directhex_> basically, saint's row 3 was fun, gta4 was not [09:14] <daftykins> ah in fairness i sped through every time and it was easy to evade [09:14] <directhex_> also, i have a new gadget \o/ [09:14] <daftykins> ooh, do tell? [09:15] <directhex_> car! :D [09:15] <directhex_> it plugs in, that makes it a gadget [09:19] <daftykins> :O electric? [09:21] <daftykins> hrmm simply mail solutions seems to be down for a client 0o [09:21] <daftykins> just called up from sunny Spain [09:26] <directhex_> daftykins: volt! [09:29] <directhex_> i bought an *american* car ._. [09:29] <daftykins> all your visits to the US have confused you! [09:31] <directhex_> i've driven a chevy before - a camaro [09:32] <popey> knightwise: yes, wassup? [09:34] <daftykins> popey: got a known hijack/shifty site spammer in #ubuntu today - wwwBUKOLAYcom (don't visit) [09:34] <daftykins> ah another op has woken up [09:35] <popey> oh? [09:35] <daftykins> chatting to ikonia about 'em [09:36] <popey> k [09:38] <daftykins> done \o/ [09:43] <Myrtti> as a sidenote, if you haven't yet noticed, the Nabee flight socks have a spring sale [09:44] <popey> heh [09:44] <popey> nice one daftykins [09:45] <daftykins> ty :D [18:04] <MooDoo> howdy all [18:11] <zmoylan-pi> "o/ [18:59] <penguin42> my dad is disgusted at the replacement kettle I just got him; it doesn't have a light! [18:59] <shauno> why on earth would you buy a kettle with no light? [19:00] <penguin42> I didn't know it didn't have a light! I bought a kettle that was metal bodied, 3kw and 1.7l and with a full handle; I didn't even think to check for the presence of a light [19:00] <zmoylan-pi> why would a kettle need a light? for deaf folk? [19:01] <shauno> it's tradition. [19:01] <shauno> it irks me enough that they all seem to like blue ones now. it should be red. [19:02] <zmoylan-pi> blue leds are just wrong [19:04] <penguin42> they were cool; 10 years ago [19:05] <shauno> it's not so much that I mind them, but they seem to show up in places you really don't want them [19:06] <shauno> (especially every laptop mffr that puts them between the keyboard and the screen) [19:10] <zmoylan-pi> red leds for bad, green leds for good. blue leds are just redundant. [19:13] <shauno> I prefer red for most things. it doesn't feel like it's boring into your eyeballs from the other side of the room. [19:13] <penguin42> well for a kettle, one that changed colour to let you know how close it was to boiling would be best [19:14] * penguin42 registers a complaint with Russell Hobbs that their form for registering for a 3rd year of guarantee really shouldn't ask for marital status [19:14] <penguin42> and DoB, and email, phone number and mobile number,etc etc [19:15] <shauno> perfect - you can ask them why their kettle doesn't have a light while you're at it :) [19:15] <penguin42> I could [19:16] <zmoylan-pi> i give up on web forms that ask gender or insist on 2 separate name fields [19:18] <shauno> I would, to be honest. I wouldn't contact them *just* to ask, but if you're already sending them something, it's a small chance to o_O someone's day [19:21] <penguin42> sorry, I forgot when I sent them the nasty 'formal data protection query' mail
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "ali1234", "bigcalm", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "directhex_", "elfy", "knightwise", "penguin42", "popey", "shauno", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[11:14] <uni67x> fn key zur regulierung der helligkeit nach installation von UBU14.04.2 LTS außer funktion. maschine: acer aspire 5736 z, intel gma 4500m. erbitte hilfe. danke im voraus. [13:29] <kcalB> hallo Leutz, ich benutze ubuntu im Fallbackmodus, wie kann ich bei einzelnen Fenstern die Fensterdekoration entfernen oder ist das nicht möglich ? Jemand da der sich auskennt ? [13:30] <stevieh1> uni67x: [13:31] <stevieh1> kcalB: was immer der fallbackmodus ist... [13:31] <kcalB> gnome falbackmodus oder sowas [13:31] <stevieh1> und wieso nimmst du den? [13:32] <stevieh1> aber seis drum. evtl. kann devilspie sowas. [13:32] <kcalB> weil ich's einfach haben möchte :) [13:33] <mrkramps> devilspie kann undecorate [13:33] <kcalB> danke ich kuck mal durch :)) [13:34] <stevieh1> [13:37] <uni67x> helligkeit-problem beseitigt. aber die grafische darstellung der Helligkeitsregulierung ist weg. hat jemand eine idee, wieso? [13:38] <uni67x> ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. acer 5736Z. intel gma4500m. [13:39] <mrkramps> kommt drauf an [13:40] <uni67x> mrkramps: nach der Install konnte ich die helligkiet nicht regulieren, alber der grafische Balken/die Anzeige bei betätigung von fn taste war da. [13:41] <uni67x> mrkramps: jetzt ist es umbekehtr. [13:41] <mrkramps> uni67x, hast du das problem nach dem link von stevieh1 behoben? [13:41] <uni67x> mrkramps: ich? [13:42] <uni67x> der link war nicht für mich bestimmt [13:42] <mrkramps> uni67x, woher sollen wir wissen, was du gemacht hast, bevor diese "umgekehrt" bei dir eingetreten ist? [13:43] <uni67x> moment bitte [13:45] <stevieh1> uni67x: und wieso hab ich dann deinen Nick davor geschrieben? [13:47] <uni67x> stevieh1: wo denn? hab nichts bekommen. leider. hätte mich sehr gefreut. [13:47] <uni67x> ich bereite etwas vor [13:48] <uni67x> damit ihr wißt was ich verändert hab [13:48] <uni67x> zunächst GRUB bezogen [13:48] <stevieh1> (15:30:52) stevieh1: uni67x: [13:50] <uni67x> genau. das war meine anweisung, an die ich mich gehalten hab. ohne erfolg. [13:51] <uni67x> [13:52] <mrkramps> warum ohne erfolg?! hintergrundbeleuchtung geht doch bei dir jetzt [13:53] <uni67x> mrkramps: missverständnis. die gings immer. was nach der install nicht ging , das war die regulierung der helligkeit. [13:53] <uni67x> dann hab ich grub modifiziert [13:54] <mrkramps> das meine ich doch [13:55] <uni67x> dann konnte ich die helligkeit mit fn tasten regeln, aber dieser kleine icon, wenn man fn taste betätigt, war plötzlich weg. wieso? [13:55] <uni67x> kann ich das irgendwie reparieren? [13:56] <stevieh1> ging das alles mal? [13:56] <mrkramps> ist nicht ungewöhnlich, wenn man acpi_backlight=vendor setzt [13:56] <stevieh1> das denke ich auch ;-) [13:58] <uni67x> kommisch. dann kehre ich zum asgangspunkt zurück, ok. moment mal. [14:01] <uni67x> [14:02] <uni67x> nach der installation: die helligkeit läßt sich nicht regulieren. aber der grafischer regulator (fn-taste) ist da. [14:03] <kcalB> danke euch stevieh1 mrkramps, hat geklappt :D [14:04] <mrkramps> kcalB, bitte schön [14:04] <kcalB> bin mal weg [14:05] <mrkramps> uni67x, Fn-Tasten sprechen standardmäßig ein generisches acpi-gerät für die helligkeitsregelung an und von diesem gerät nimmt der "grafische regulator" seine informationen [14:06] <mrkramps> dieses generische gerät muss deswegen - sagen wir mal - harmonieren mit dem tatsächlichen gerät für die helligkeitsregelung [14:06] <uni67x> mrkramps: dh dass der regulator bekommt jetzt eine falsche information, weil durch die betätigung nicht anspringt. [14:06] <mrkramps> mit acpi_backlight=vendor wird - afaik - das generische ignoriert [14:07] <mrkramps> deswegen auch keine benachrichtigungen mehr [14:07] <mrkramps> uni67x, hast du mal verschiedene kombinationen durchprobiert mit den bootoptionen, weil du hattest ha auch bspw acpi_osi gesetzt [14:08] <mrkramps> was passiert, wenn du nur acpi_backlight einträgst bzw. nur acpi_osi [14:09] <uni67x> mrkramps: in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=? [14:09] <uni67x> wenn ich mich richtig erinnere passiert nichts. [14:10] <uni67x> aber ich teste das noch mal, ok? [14:11] <uni67x> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" " lasse ich so stehen [14:12] <mrkramps> jau [14:18] <uni67x> mrkramps: :-) [14:19] <uni67x> bei acpi_backlight it works [14:20] <uni67x> mrkramps: und das mach so einen unterschied: acpi_backligt=vendor & acpi_backlight? [14:22] <mrkramps> sollte auf diese weise alle herstellerspezifischen treiber eigentlich überschreiben und diese als fehlerquelle ausklammern [14:25] <uni67x> mrkramps: das einzige was jetzt noch angepasst werden könnte, aber kein MUSS, ist: fn+hell zeig dunkel und fn+dunkel zeigt hell :-)) [14:25] <uni67x> mrkramps: kennst du dafür einen trick? [14:26] <mrkramps> uni67x, dann setz das jetzt noch mal testweise mit der bootoption für invert, die du vorher hattest [14:26] <uni67x> na da bin ich gesprannt [15:52] <aggr0nym> gibts für die ubuntu taskleiste ein temperatur gadged? [15:56] <mrkramps> aggr0nym, ja … sollte ein indicator applet dafür geben [15:57] <aggr0nym> ich meinte eher ein applet o.ä das mir die temp als graph dargestellt wird [15:58] <mrkramps> aggr0nym, [15:58] <mrkramps> psensor sollte sein, was du suchst [15:59] <aggr0nym> ty [16:03] <vitus> aggr0nym: warum nicht mal kurz und knackig die Paketsuche anwerfen? [16:13] <aggr0nym> psensors sieht ganz gut aus [16:14] <aggr0nym> 100 punkte an mrkramps [16:55] <uni67x> mrkramps: ich habe ubu noch mal installiert und die GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight" funktioniert nicht. hast du eine idee wieso? [16:56] <uni67x> dh: der fn regler ist da [16:56] <uni67x> die helligkeit lässt sich nicht regulieren [17:03] <uni67x> vor deiner hilfestellung, habe ich folgendes gemacht: [17:04] <uni67x> ls /sys/class/backlight/ + sudo touch /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf + sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf [17:05] <uni67x> wie in der unterlage: [17:06] <uni67x> mrkramps: soll ich das wiederholen? [17:14] <mrkramps> uni67x, wenn das funktioniert hat, dann macht das wohl sinn [17:14] <mrkramps> hast du vorhin ja nichts von erwähnt [17:15] <uni67x> mrkramps: sorry:-) [17:26] <uni67x> mrkramps: ist das üblich, dass nach der install sowohl /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf als auch /etc/X11/xorg.conf nicht existieren? das verzeichnis xorg.conf.d auch nicht. [17:26] <mrkramps> uni67x, ja [17:27] <mrkramps> uni67x, wer hat dir eigentlich dieses 'sudo gedit' vorgeschlagen?! Das ist riskant, siehe [17:28] <bekks> Das ist nicht nur riskant, das ist Müll. [17:28] <uni67x> mrkramps: niemand. aber damit kann ich gut umgehen. [17:28] <mrkramps> uni67x, s.o. lesen! [17:29] <bekks> Offensichtlich nicht, da du sudo gedit statt gksudo gedit verwendest. [18:08] <uni67x> mrkramps: ist bei nano Ʌ=STRG-Taste? ɅX=Beenden? [18:08] <mrkramps> uni67x, ja [19:41] <uni67x> mrkramps: es funktioniert, aber ich gebe zu, es fehlt der hintergrundverständnis. leider. ps> danke, heute jede menge gelernt. ehrlich. [21:24] <uni67x> jetzt läuft die brightness control einwandfrei auf dem acer mit 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [21:24] <uni67x> aber auf dem sony [21:25] <uni67x> mit intel mobile GM965/GL960 passiert folgendes [21:27] <uni67x> der brightness regler wird 20 stufig und auf der minimalsten stelle bei 0 wird der laptop in eine art schlaf versetzt und nicht auwacht, wenn ich mit fn eine stufe nach oben gehe... [21:28] <uni67x> dann beleuchte ich den bildschirm mit eine lampe [21:28] <uni67x> wähle ich "bereitschaft" [21:29] <uni67x> drücke die leer taste [21:29] <uni67x> und die hintergrundbeleuchtung ist wieder da [21:30] <uni67x> mrkramps: hast du vielleicht eine idee? wieso? warum? was kann ich tun? wo nachlesen? [21:32] <mrkramps> kein ahnung … such doch einfach mal im internet nach dem fehlerbild [21:33] <uni67x> fehlerbild=fehlerbeschreibung? [21:33] <mrkramps> vermutlich hilft auch hier irgendeine bootoption oder eine XServer-Konfiguration [21:33] <uni67x> ok. [21:34] <uni67x> danke. [23:57] <uni67x> mrkramps: ich suche nach geeigneter Quelle bzw. Fehlerbild. ich steche im nebel. bekomme ich einen tipp? bei wem könnte ich nachfragen? [23:59] <mrkramps> uni67x, bei google?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "aggr0nym", "bekks", "kcalB", "mrkramps", "stevieh1", "uni67x", "vitus" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[18:21] <PabloRubianes> Hola [18:21] <rlerureru> hola tengto una pregunta [18:21] <PabloRubianes> Toy del celular [18:22] <rlerureru> PabloRubianes: [18:22] <carlosan> hola [18:22] <PabloRubianes> rlerureru: hola
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "PabloRubianes", "carlosan", "rlerureru" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uy" }
[01:50] <lindol> long time no see [01:50] <lindol> hi all :) [02:01] <lindol> so [02:02] <lindol> if i try to translate package-name, (ex. gnome-map or someting like that) [02:03] <lindol> should i translate package name to Korean? [02:14] <darkxst> lindol those translations are in the desktop file [02:15] <darkxst> i.e /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Maps.desktop [02:16] <darkxst> Noskcaj, probably should yes [02:19] <darkxst> lindol, although that is autogenerated at build time from the po files [03:32] <lindol> darkxst, sorry? T_T. ok, Can i use english to translate wiki page to Korean? [03:33] <lindol> like this, gnome-maps와 gnome-weather는 이제 기본으로 설치되어집니다. gnome-photos, gnome-music 그리고 polari는 Ubuntu archive에 설치를 위해 존재합니다. [03:33] <lindol> package name is keeping in our language [03:36] <lindol> darkxst, ah.. [03:36] <lindol> i am understanding your mean :) [03:36] <lindol> Thank you for your tip and help ;) [03:48] <lindol> I will keep package-name (english) in page. :) [05:38] <darkxst> lindol you mean on the wiki [05:39] <darkxst> I thought you wanted to translate the name as shown in gnome-shell or something [05:43] <darkxst> I don't know if they should be translated on the wiki [05:52] <darkxst> lindol just "Maps" is ambiguous, and strings with gnome, ie gnome-maps probably arent normally translated? [05:54] <darkxst> Noskcaj, also if you have any time, would be good to get some of the new 3.16 apps packaged up, calendar etc [07:27] <Noskcaj> darkxst, i'll see if i can, but ubuntu is less of a priority for me with HSC and work [07:31] <darkxst> Noskcaj, understand, Im pretty flat out at the moment as well [07:44] <Noskcaj> Calendar needs evolution 3.13, which is a lot of work. [08:05] <Noskcaj> darkxst, I'm getting a missing separator error for gnome-characters. [08:06] <Noskcaj> And there's been a bunch of similar errors with other apps [08:06] <darkxst> are there patches that touch the [08:10] <darkxst> gah but thats a new package, cant be that [08:10] <darkxst> builds fine under jhbuild [08:25] <darkxst> Noskcaj, are you getting ok speeds to LP? [08:25] <darkxst> i can't get over 10KB/s atm :( [08:33] <Noskcaj> darkxst, I don't get much off that normally, so i've not seen a difference [08:41] <darkxst> Noskcaj, ok, its painfully slow for me [20:16] <quadrantids__> Hello, I accepted an update yesterday and since then my keyboard has become buggy. [20:16] <tuchkata> is the release of Ubuntu Gnome planned for the same date as ubuntu 15.04 [20:17] <quadrantids__> I thought I installed ubuntu gnome 14.10 but Detail says I'm on 15.04 [20:18] <Noskcaj> tuchkata, yes [20:20] <tuchkata> Nice [20:21] <tuchkata> than on Thursday i will move oficiialy to Ubuntu Gnome [20:21] <Noskcaj> :) [20:23] <tuchkata> I really like Mint [20:23] <tuchkata> but I love Gnome 3.14 and 3.16 [22:55] <darkxst> Noskcaj, gnome-chars fails at @APPSTREAM_XML_RULES@ macro [22:55] <darkxst> you need appstream-glib [22:56] <Noskcaj> ty [23:21] <Noskcaj> [23:22] <Noskcaj> I'm sure it's an easy fix, but i can't look for a few hours. [23:37] <darkxst> [23:37] <darkxst> patch in there [23:45] <darkxst> Noskcaj, ^
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Noskcaj", "darkxst", "lindol", "quadrantids__", "tuchkata" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[00:00] <pmatulis> yeah, the client will mention permissions on its own side only [00:03] <pmatulis> permissions, [00:03] <sarnold> which is as it should be, but the first time you debug one of these things it's pretty annoying :) [00:09] <Peiniger> pmatulis: thanks [00:10] <lhorace> Didn't I say that SSHD should be in debug [03:40] <zzxc> Hey, I have a situation where I have userA and userB both belong to the same group. I have an issue where they are both share a directory that is owned but a group. If userA creates a directory or file then userB can't write in it and viceVersa because the premissions for the new directory are 755. Anyone know a way to fix this? [03:55] <lhorace> zzxc: Try ACL? [03:56] <lhorace> You can set which use irregardless of Permissions [03:56] <lhorace> s/user/ [04:33] <mgooley> Hi everyone! I'm trying to come up with a solution for a DHCP/DNS server. I really like using Ubuntu server, but I only have a 1 GB drive and 1 GB of RAM to work with. [04:33] <mgooley> Any suggestions? I'm using an old Wyse thin client. [06:45] <Seveas> mgooley: get a raspberry pi and run raspbian. The cost of buying the pi will be offset soon enough by the electricity bill :) [09:06] <lordievader> Good morning. [13:03] <pmatulis> Peiniger: did you solve the ssh problem? [19:21] <andre_pl> i'm having some raid issues, I've gone through a week of trying to upgrade my drives and probably caused some problems in doing so. I've got the following output from mdstat: [19:21] <andre_pl> the correct configuration is a single array of sd[abde]1 [19:22] <andre_pl> i can assemble it that way and it seems to work fine, but on boot I always get back to this [19:22] <andre_pl> sometimes its sdd which is by itself, other times sda [19:22] <andre_pl> i feel like may be a side effect of an attempt I made to add the entire /dev/sdd device instead of partitioning it [19:23] <andre_pl> i since corrected that but maybe somethings left on the drive causing it to auto-detect incorrectly? [19:52] <HarryRSole> I'm having issues with Webmin. I just installed Webmin via ssh and set the user <root> and <password> so then when I try to log in I can't. I have copied it straight from terminal and pasted into webmin and get loggin failed. Can someone maybe help me with this? [20:01] <bekks> !webmin [20:02] <HarryRSole> Ok, I guess that I should check when a webpage gets published. [20:02] <bekks> Hmm? [20:02] <HarryRSole> I got my info from a linux home server guide, [20:03] <HarryRSole> Can you point me in a direction where I can find a guide that is current? [20:04] <bekks> That guid is at least 4 years old. [20:04] <bekks> HarryRSole: [20:06] <HarryRSole> thanks, I'll check it out. [20:41] <_1_niku> hi [20:53] <pelle2_> why doesn't find . -name ”*.avi” -type f -exec cp {} ./video \; work? [20:54] <pelle2_> does anyone have any clue what might be wrong with that command? nothing happens, no error message or anything [20:55] <bekks> Because of the weird characters before and after *.avi [20:55] <pelle2_> hm, ok [20:55] <pelle2_> should be " i guess [20:55] <bekks> Correct [20:57] <pelle2_> worked wonders now, thanks alot [20:58] <pelle2_> now i now that there are different " also [21:27] <Siilwyn> Hi people, it's late and I thought I would have it done by now but well... I just setup a new Ubuntu server, disabled root access and login in with a password only. Made a new user, gave it sudo access, also changed the port for ssh. But now when I try to SSH like: ssh newuser@hostIP -p newPort it returns 'Permission denied (publickey).' [21:28] <Siilwyn> So I looked into the authorized_keys file (which I put in the .ssh directory of the new user) through DO's direct access console and compared the key to the one I have on my local machine and they look the same. [21:29] <Siilwyn> What in the world could be wrong here? :/ [21:29] <andre_pl> permissions on tthe authorized_key file? [21:29] <andre_pl> if they're not correct it will refuse to read it [21:29] <andre_pl> not sure what they need to be exactly [21:30] <andre_pl> ah: [21:30] <Siilwyn> If this is it, dis gun be good! ;p [21:31] <andre_pl> make sure the file is owned by yourself as well, not root or something [21:35] <Siilwyn> andre_pl, would: -rw------- 1 earth root ... be good? [21:36] <Siilwyn> Or do I need to change the group as well [21:36] <andre_pl> probably the group as well, i believe users is the default [21:36] <Siilwyn> (Sorry I'm a newb when it comes to chown...) Just got permissions figured out. [21:36] <andre_pl> can anyone help with a lvm question? I've just created a new raid5 array and was able to pvcreate and vgcreate, but lvcreate tells me device or resource busy [21:38] <andre_pl> [21:38] <andre_pl> that's all the info I have on it [21:39] <Siilwyn> Thanks so much andre_pl! [21:39] <Siilwyn> I'm sorry I can't help you with your problem. [21:39] <Siilwyn> Would it be a good idea to remove the root user and the '/root' directory? [21:40] <andre_pl> no [21:40] <andre_pl> leave those [21:40] <Siilwyn> why? (If I may ask ;p [21:41] <andre_pl> the root user most of your non-user files, /usr /etc etc [21:41] <andre_pl> removing him would not be good [21:41] <Siilwyn> oh alright, ofc. [21:41] <Siilwyn> and what about the '/root' directory? [21:41] <andre_pl> that's his home dir [21:41] <andre_pl> theres no reason to remove it, and it might be bad, I dunno [21:42] <Siilwyn> okay, thanks for your answers [21:42] <Siilwyn> Just thinking about it, I got stuff secured now but people could get into my server just by logging into my DO account. Only passwords needed. [21:43] <Siilwyn> I guess there's no way to disable 'direct console access'? If you use Digital Ocean ofc... [23:22] <BZWingZero> I could use a little help. I have samba configured and am able to map the share from my windows computer. [23:23] <BZWingZero> However files created (within windows on the share) are not properly getting their permissions set.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BZWingZero", "HarryRSole", "Peiniger", "Seveas", "Siilwyn", "_1_niku", "andre_pl", "bekks", "lhorace", "lordievader", "mgooley", "pelle2_", "pmatulis", "sarnold", "zzxc" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[16:16] <seth-666> salut [16:16] <seth-666> este careva pe aici ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "seth-666" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ro" }
[05:14] <jabuk> M 1.4 > V od DOLENJSKIH TOPLIC @18/04/2015 07:05:09,+15.14+E [07:01] <zdobbie> GUTEN MORGEN NSA [07:18] <jabuk> M 1.1 > V od RIBNICE @18/04/2015 09:08:01,+14.87+E [07:27] <jabuk> M 1.1 > V od RIBNICE @18/04/2015 09:08:00,+14.87+E [07:52] <zdobbie> sasa84: ! [08:26] <CrazyLemon> .imdb mortdecai [08:26] <jabuk> Mortdecai (2015) 107 min Action Comedy [08:26] <jabuk> Ocena: 5.4/10 (8,579 glasov) MT: 27/100 [08:26] <jabuk> Juggling angry Russians, the British Mi5, and an international terrorist, debonair art dealer and part time rogue Charlie Mortdecai races to recover a stolen painting rumored to contain a code that leads to lost Nazi gold. [08:26] <jabuk> Trailer: [08:26] <jabuk> Povezava: [08:31] <zdobbie> ma dej no [08:32] <CrazyLemon> [08:32] <Seniorita> THE MESSENGERS Season 1 | First Look TRAILER | New The CW Series | HD - YouTube [08:32] <CrazyLemon> kaj pa to?! [08:32] <Seniorita> »The Messengers Season 1 | First Look Trailer | New The CW Series | HD Keinen Serien Trailer verpassen:« [08:36] <zdobbie> bullshit [08:39] <CrazyLemon> you're such a rebel [08:39] <CrazyLemon> very wow [08:40] <zdobbie> am I a rebel? [08:40] <zdobbie> or am I a messenger? [08:40] <zdobbie> I can see the future [08:40] <zdobbie> you're still a lemon [08:43] <CrazyLemon> messengers cant see the future! they're just delivering a message [08:45] <idioterna> speet of light. [08:45] <idioterna> speed [08:51] <yang_> [08:51] <Seniorita> Latest TPP leak shows systemic threat to software freedom — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software [09:12] <Sky[x]> lp [09:15] <zdobbie> lejga [09:46] <yang> .vreme lj [09:46] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 6°C @18.04.2015 9:00 UTC. [09:46] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 90% jugovzhodnik 2.8 m/s oblačno [09:46] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:09, Kulminacija: 11:02:20, Sončni zahod: 17:52:31 [09:46] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 40min 22s, Luna je v ščipu [10:22] <upd> snegg lololol [10:29] <CrazyLemon> lies all lies [10:33] <msev> dz0ny, kok maš followerjev na githubu, ti si prava zvezda :D [10:44] <upd> CrazyLemon, [10:44] <Seniorita> Carousel - 4 photos from Carousel [10:45] <CrazyLemon> upd thats rain in slowmotion [10:45] <CrazyLemon> :> [10:45] <idioterna> tle je tut sneg [10:45] <idioterna> v lj [10:47] <yang> kje ? [10:47] <yang> na smarni [10:47] <idioterna> tut na rudniku vidm da pada [10:47] <idioterna> pa tle v kaslju je tut prej [10:47] <yang> nad nulo je [10:47] <idioterna> in? [10:47] <idioterna> od kdaj zna pa sneg gledat na termometr [10:48] <yang> od kdaj pa zmrzuje kadar je nad nulo ? [10:48] <idioterna> sej ne zmrzuje [10:48] <idioterna> sam snezi [10:48] <yang> kle dezuje [10:52] <yang> pismo dons se mi je sanjal da sem se spet na FB logiral hehe [10:53] <yang> o saska [10:58] <sasa84> o miške ;) [10:58] <sasa84> elow yang:) [11:11] <sasa84> .vreme rakek [11:11] <jabuk> ARSO: Postojna (533m): 1.7°C @18.04.2015 11:00 UTC. [11:11] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 94% severnik 3.3 m/s [11:11] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:13:24, Kulminacija: 11:03:15, Sončni zahod: 17:53:05 [11:11] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 39min 41s, Luna je v ščipu [11:11] <sasa84> dz0ny: mate sneg al ne? pr nas pada :D [11:18] <Sky[x]> nisem verjel da res sneg pada dokler nisem na fb videl slik :> [11:20] <yang> se dobro da imas FB, jaz samo sanjam o njem [11:30] <Sky[x]> :) [11:38] <upd> [11:45] <dz0ny> sasa84: sneguje:) [11:46] <sasa84> a se prjemle dz0ny? [11:48] <yang> Si skor k kralj na Betajnovi [11:49] <dz0ny> sasa84: na strehi [11:49] <dz0ny> pa na deznik [11:49] <dz0ny> po tleh ne [11:49] <sasa84> pr nas se nikjer ne..mogoče mn pada [11:49] <sasa84> tku nek umes pada [11:49] <sasa84> .vreme babno polj [11:49] <dz0ny> .vreme babno polje [11:49] <jabuk> ARSO: Babno Polje (756 m) (756m): 1.4°C @18.04.2015 11:30 UTC. [11:49] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 94% [11:49] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:49, Kulminacija: 11:02:26, Sončni zahod: 17:52:02 [11:50] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 39min 13s, Luna je v ščipu [11:50] <jabuk> ARSO: Babno Polje (756 m) (756m): 1.4°C @18.04.2015 11:30 UTC. [11:50] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 94% [11:50] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:45, Kulminacija: 11:02:19, Sončni zahod: 17:51:53 [11:50] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 39min 07s, Luna je v ščipu [11:50] <dz0ny> .vreme babno polje [11:50] <jabuk> ARSO: Babno Polje (756 m) (756m): 1.4°C @18.04.2015 11:30 UTC. [11:50] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 94% [11:50] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:45, Kulminacija: 11:02:19, Sončni zahod: 17:51:53 [11:50] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 39min 07s, Luna je v ščipu [11:50] <dz0ny> o wow [11:50] <dz0ny> za par km je 4s razlike [12:07] <sasa84> dz0ny: pa sej si dal obakrat babno polje? [12:52] <yang> Sum o Eboli ovržen [12:53] <yang> evo zgleda sem zamudil shod proti TTIP [12:54] <yang> [12:54] <jabuk> When they want to assign me a task on friday afternoon [12:54] <Seniorita> Foto: V dežju 100 ljudi, tudi politiki, protestiralo proti TTIP-ju :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija [12:54] <jabuk> When they want to assign me a task on friday afternoon [12:54] <Seniorita> »V Koaliciji proti tajnim sporazumom so na protestu v Ljubljani izrazili svoje nasprotovanje sporazumom TTIP, Ceta in Tisa ter pozvali k njihovi ustavitvi, saj da gre za kovanje dobičkov na račun ...« [12:55] <yang> zgleda kot spet neka nauemna promocija za levicarje [13:53] <CrazyLemon> much wind [15:04] * sasa84 se stisne k CrazyLemon [16:10] <Seniorita> [] dusang: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [16:17] <Sky[x]> lp [16:19] <anny_> lp :) [16:19] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [16:20] <idioterna> o [16:21] <idioterna> yang: sej levicarji so edini k jim ni vseen [16:24] <anny_> niste še končali? zehh... [16:24] <idioterna> anny_: 14:53< yang> evo zgleda sem zamudil shod proti TTIP [16:24] <idioterna> 14:55< yang> zgleda kot spet neka nauemna promocija za levicarje [16:24] <anny_> moj čas je bil bolj koristno porabljen [16:25] <idioterna> moj tudi [16:25] <anny_> no vidiš [16:25] <idioterna> izbire itak nisem imel [16:26] <idioterna> ziga je dobil vrocino in mu zdej kuham cajcke [16:26] <CrazyLemon> [16:26] <Seniorita> Nizozemski mestni kolo ''SPARTA'' :: [16:26] <Seniorita> »Prodam starejse Nizozemski mestni kolo z 3 predstave Sturmey Archer in bobnasti zavore. Ne gleda lep ampak z vozi dobro.« [16:26] <anny_> yanga ni bilo zaradi mavričnih dežnikov [16:26] <CrazyLemon> Ne gleda lep ampak z vozi dobro! [16:27] <anny_> moj tudi ni lep, a vozi dobro, pa še zastonj je....bicikelj [16:27] <CrazyLemon> !t sl en Ne gleda lep ampak z vozi dobro [16:27] <CrazyLemon> ta Seniorita je useless! [16:27] <CrazyLemon> !t whatever [16:27] <anny_> slabo skrbiš zanjo [16:27] <CrazyLemon> meh [16:28] <anny_> ženske je treba crkljat [16:28] <anny_> no jaz sem reciklirala star tekstil [16:30] <idioterna> kr hud scam je tale sparta [16:30] <idioterna> anyway [16:30] <idioterna> bicikelj je kr grozn [16:30] <idioterna> no, v resnici cist razumem zakaj je tak [16:30] <idioterna> ker normalni ljudje ne norijo 40km/h z njim [16:30] <idioterna> jsm skor noge polomu k sm tok hitr vrtel zadnjic [16:31] <idioterna> moral sem po rojstnodnevno darilo za sodelavko in si nisem upal specjalke pustit zunaj pred trgovino [16:31] <anny_> prav ti je [16:31] <anny_> voziš bicikelj za dva čuka po mestu, kjer se krade kot srake [16:32] <yang> sej jst sem tut cas dobro porabil sem naredil se eno spletno stran danes [16:32] <idioterna> eh ni dva cuka [16:32] <idioterna> pol manj [16:32] <anny_> še vedno preveč :) [16:32] <idioterna> pa itak ga ne pustim nikjer razn v officu [16:32] <idioterna> ja ni prevec [16:32] <anny_> ni panike,če greš na furo vsako soboto in nedeljo [16:32] <anny_> za po mestu pa ni [16:32] <idioterna> za manj ne morm dobit bicikla k je kos vsakemu vremenu pa zdrzi moje potrebe po stresanju kalorij [16:32] <lynxlynxlynx> lih obratno [16:33] <anny_> yang, lahko vidimo? [16:33] <lynxlynxlynx> več rabe, večji smisel [16:33] <anny_> lynx? [16:33] <yang> anny_: se delam...ko bo koncana ti bom pokazal [16:33] <anny_> oko doki [16:34] <yang> bicike-LJ je ze kar zjahan zdej [16:34] <idioterna> eni so mal bogi ja [16:34] <idioterna> k folk ne pazi nanje [16:34] <yang> stari so ze [16:34] <yang> sej sem vidil par takih k kr skocjo z njimi cez robnik [16:35] <yang> malo je bedasto da naletis na pokvarjenega, ce se ti ravno mudi v mesto [16:35] <anny_> v lj moraš skakati čez robnike [16:35] <anny_> jaz sem tudi s svojim [16:35] <yang> meni se je parkrat zgodilo, da so bila pedala zjahana in s ose zatikala [16:35] <lynxlynxlynx> kolkrat je pa samo en na voljo? [16:35] <yang> kle je dostkrat samo eden v BS3 [16:35] <idioterna> ma [16:35] <anny_> ja...faksi so zraven [16:35] <idioterna> jaz sem v zadnjih dveh tednih dvakrat tekel od zemante v center [16:35] <yang> razmisljam da bi letos kupil enega novega poceni, kje se splaca pogledat ? [16:36] <idioterna> ker ni bilo nobenega biciklja [16:36] <yang> ker se mi zdi skoda za zjahanega dajati po 60 eur [16:36] <idioterna> yang: a rabis novega [16:36] <idioterna> aja [16:36] <anny_> nimaš aplikacije na fonu? [16:36] <idioterna> sej 60 eur niso zjahani [16:36] <idioterna> so popravljeni da vse dela [16:36] <idioterna> anny_: mam [16:36] <idioterna> sam mi nc ne pomaga ce ni nobenga :) [16:37] <anny_> no, poglej prej [16:37] <idioterna> ja sej pogledam [16:37] <idioterna> sam pol pac cakam do zadnjega trenutka [16:37] <idioterna> potem pa laufam [16:37] <anny_> to je pa tvoj problem [16:38] <lynxlynxlynx> en skiro si nabavte za v pisarno [16:38] <anny_> al pa tisto čudo na dveh kolesih [16:38] <idioterna> pa sej to ni problem [16:39] <idioterna> a segway :) [16:39] <lynxlynxlynx> nepraktično [16:39] <idioterna> k na dveh kolesih so tut bicikli [16:39] <anny_> karkoli ž vem imena [16:39] <idioterna> misls tist k majo japiji [16:39] <anny_> zgledajo že tako :) [16:40] <idioterna> ja tist ne bi slo skos pr nas [16:40] <idioterna> k mamo hipsterje u officu [16:40] <idioterna> k so zlo nacelni kar se teh reci tice [16:40] <anny_> to je za hipsterje [16:40] <idioterna> more bit fixie [16:40] <idioterna> ne segway pa ne [16:40] <idioterna> segway stane vec kot 4k ojro al kko ze [16:40] <anny_> razvajeni mulci ste [16:41] <idioterna> to je definitivno res [16:41] <idioterna> ful se mamo fino [16:41] <idioterna> ampak js nism zalostn zato ker morm laufat v center [16:41] <idioterna> ker ni bicikljev [16:41] <yang> segway zgleda kr ok, sam se pele [16:42] <idioterna> zalostn sm zato ker bicikelj api ne podpira realtime zajemanja podatkov [16:42] <idioterna> k bi se dal ful dobr uporabit machine learning orodja da bi vnaprej predvidel kje bo zmanjkal in kam je treba peljat [16:42] <yang> se za po centru se da vozit z njim [16:42] <yang> za po datacentru [16:42] <anny_> to gotovo uporabljajo [16:42] <anny_> v mojem koncu zelo redko zmanjka koles [16:43] <idioterna> ja sej kolega k dela na kongrescu pa prav da velikrat pride tja pa je vse polno [16:43] <anny_> pri nami so vrgli parkirišče vzrak [16:43] <anny_> in to je bilo najbolj oblegano [16:44] <yang> Di kiks seagway [16:44] <anny_> sploh ni čudno, če zmanjka parkirišč [16:44] <Seniorita> DE CIX Apollon Inside - YouTube [16:44] <Seniorita> »The DE-CIX Apollon platform was created because DE-CIX experienced a continuous and enormous increase in customers and data traffic. To effectively manage th...« [16:45] <anny_> v trgovino ne vem katero :) [16:45] <yang> pejt v dezurno [16:45] <anny_> 3 so v bližini [16:45] <anny_> če bi bila ena ne bi bilo problema [16:45] <yang> pejt v najcenejso [16:45] <yang> hoger [16:45] <yang> hofer/lidl [16:45] <yang> eurospin [16:46] <anny_> grem kar v hofer [16:46] <yang> jst sem vse ze zadnjic nabavil [16:46] <yang> mi ni blo treba danes ven [16:46] <anny_> pametno [16:46] <yang> ne maram hodit kadar je dez v trgovino [16:46] <anny_> trenutno ne pada [16:47] <yang> mislim, zlozit morem iz trolleya v avto po dezju je zoprnoi [16:47] <idioterna> teb je vse zoprno :) [16:47] <yang> jah, zakaj bi sel v dezju, ce grem lahko kadar je sonce... [16:47] <Gregor3000> yang: to še ni nič probaj dva pol metra velika možica ob tem lovit po parkplacu [16:47] <yang> razen ce ni nujno, ampak to grem kar v tale merkator k je 2 min. stran pes [16:48] <idioterna> men je pa vseen ce dezuje [16:48] <idioterna> ne moti me dez [16:48] <anny_> razvajeni mulci ste - drugič [16:48] <yang> Gregor3000: otrokom je dez v zabavo [16:48] <idioterna> yang: zakaj pa tebe moti? [16:48] <Gregor3000> ja je zabavno. [16:49] <Gregor3000> mene moti ker sem moker pa me potem zebe [16:49] <anny_> uf....grem [16:49] <yang> idioterna: mislim sej ne da me moti, samo premocen sem potem, nerodno je zlagat iz troleja v avto ce dezuje, ce za tako pride zlozim v trgovini v vrece pa samo dam vavto sicer pa zlagam pred avtom ponavad [16:50] <idioterna> eh kasni problemi [16:50] <idioterna> od cankarja mama je sla z vrhnke na vegovo pes u gumijastih skornjih [16:50] <yang> ni problem, samo zakaj bi hodil v dezju ce ni nujno, ce gres lahko kadar ne dezuje... ? [16:50] <idioterna> dunno [16:50] <idioterna> zakaj bi sploh z avtom hodil pa guzvo delal [16:50] <idioterna> ce loh narocis po netu [16:51] <yang> za nujo imam merkator tule, 2 minute stran, hofer je pa 7 minut z avtom [16:51] <yang> nisem se narocal po netu [16:52] <yang> Internet -Mafia [16:52] <Seniorita> In den Fängen der Internet-Mafia (Doku) - YouTube [16:52] <Seniorita> »Ein Film über die trickreichen Machenschaften von Cyber-Gangstern und den Kampf gegen die Internet-Kriminalität.« [16:57] <dz0ny> who is matej ramuta? [17:02] <idioterna> no idea [17:02] <idioterna> a te hoce polinkedinat [17:02] <dz0ny> i am not linked in :) [17:03] <idioterna> aha no js sm pa postaja kr grozn [17:05] <Seniorita> [] R33D3M33R: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [17:13] <idioterna> yang: [17:13] <Seniorita> Rain is Awesome - YouTube [17:23] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [17:24] <yang> idioterna: haha [17:24] <yang> idioterna: ponavad slisim tko k majo otroke "Ne po luži, ne po luži skakat sem rekla !" [17:25] <yang> bols da se enkrat dobr naskacejo, pa jim ni vec zanimiv pol [17:28] <yang> idioterna: pa cigaret jim moras dat tut za probat enkrat, da bodo vidli kok je zanic, da bodo mel to v spominu in se ne bodo lotli kasneje [17:28] <idioterna> men ni nihce dal za probat [17:28] <idioterna> cigaretov [17:28] <yang> men je dal [17:28] <idioterna> pa jih se vedno ne maram [17:28] <yang> ko sem bil star kake 6-7 let k me je firbec matru [17:29] <yang> pa sem videl kok je zanic in nikol nisem mel zelje kasnej zacet [17:29] <yang> pa vin sem tut probal [17:29] <yang> pa mi je bil tut zanic [17:30] <yang> kot otroku [17:30] <idioterna> men so sam pivo dal za probat [17:30] <idioterna> pa nism probu sm sam povohu pa vidu kok smrdi [17:33] <yang> men se zdej cisto pivo ne ugaja [17:33] <yang> radler edin [17:33] <idioterna> js tut radlerja ne pijem [17:34] <yang> rad mam radler z domacim pivom [17:34] <yang> domaca piva so nefiltrirana [17:36] <idioterna> fuj [17:36] <yang> zadnic sem bil v pivnici union [17:36] <yang> kr velik plac [17:36] <yang> en mi je rekel da je mejhen plac, ampak je v bistvu ogromen [17:37] <yang> ms tut hrano noter [17:38] <yang> lahko tudi Solo narocis [17:38] <yang> Multisolo [17:38] <yang> kar pac Union proizvaja [17:38] <idioterna> ja [17:38] <idioterna> enkrat sm bil [17:39] <yang> Sem rekel, en Radler ce mi zmesate z Svepsom, pa prav nimamo svepsa, se mi je najprej cudn zdelo pol pa pravi da imajo samo pijace ki jih union proizvaja pa mi j eblo jasno [17:39] <idioterna> kko nimajo [17:39] <idioterna> jsm sveps pil tm [17:39] <idioterna> bitrlemon [17:39] <yang> nimajo ostalih pijac [17:39] <yang> nevem, men je rekla da nima svepsa [17:39] <idioterna> aja ne nism [17:39] <idioterna> sok sm pil [17:39] <idioterna> k je reku da nimajo [17:39] <idioterna> tocno [17:40] <yang> rekla je lahko vam zmesam z ORO [17:40] <yang> edin nekam dolgo sva cakala na hrano [17:40] <yang> skoraj kake pol ure [17:40] <yang> da je bila ze hladna jed potem [17:40] <yang> verjetno so malo pozabili prnest [17:41] <idioterna> dunno ja js nism navdusen [17:41] <yang> hrana je draga, pa ni bogve kaj [17:41] <yang> pivo pa pijace so pa poceni [17:41] <yang> pol litra piva okol 2.20 eur [17:41] <yang> kar je poceni za center ljubljane [17:42] <yang> mislim napijes se ga lahko fino izpod 10 eur, komur je to namen [17:42] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny mortdecai [17:42] <idioterna> ja sam js ne maram nc od tega tko da [17:42] <yang> idioterna: sploh ne pijes nobenga alkohola ? [17:44] <idioterna> ne [17:44] <idioterna> zakaj bi pil alkohol [17:44] <idioterna> alkohol je za glavo na kasetarju spucat [17:45] <yang> :) [17:45] <yang> niti z sampancom ne nazdravis za novo leto ? [17:45] <CrazyLemon> sampanjec is the worst kind of alcohol [17:46] <yang> hitr se te prime pijanost [17:48] <idioterna> ne [17:48] <idioterna> valda da ne [17:48] <idioterna> zakaj bi nazdravljal za novo leto [17:54] <yang> [17:54] <Seniorita> Odissey - Going back to my Roots (High Quality!) - YouTube [17:54] <Seniorita> »« [18:05] <anny_> mraz ko pes [18:06] <idioterna> mhm [18:06] <idioterna> suni je lih s hribov [18:06] <anny_> naslednji teden pa spet 25 [18:06] <anny_> zelo primerno za viruse [18:06] <idioterna> ja kolesart je treba [18:06] <idioterna> pa gre [18:07] <anny_> kolesarim vsak dan [18:07] <yang> Se malo pa bo [18:07] <Seniorita> Earth Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [18:07] <anny_> ampak lagano sportski :) [18:07] <yang> .vreme lj [18:07] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 5°C @18.04.2015 17:00 UTC. [18:07] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 87% severovzhodnik 1.6 m/s oblačno [18:07] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:09, Kulminacija: 11:02:20, Sončni zahod: 17:52:31 [18:07] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 40min 22s, Luna je v ščipu [18:10] <idioterna> js zajebano sportski probam [18:10] <idioterna> ampak dons nau slo k so otroc bolni [18:11] <idioterna> nc, bbl, palacinke [18:13] <yang> a se na dan zemlje organizira 1-urno sparanje z elektriko ? [18:13] <yang> al kdaj je tist [18:13] <CrazyLemon> je že bilo [18:13] <CrazyLemon> in ja se organizira.. "sparanje" [18:13] <yang> kdaj je bilo ? [18:13] <CrazyLemon> teden ali dva nazaj [18:13] <CrazyLemon> !g earth day [18:13] <Seniorita> Earth Day Network | Earth Day 2015 [18:13] <yang> 22. april aje [18:17] <yang> CrazyLemon: a ti sparas ze dva tedna prej :) ? [18:17] <CrazyLemon> yang čisto nič ne sparas [18:17] <yang> gre se bolj za protest [18:18] <yang> da izklopis porabo za tisto uro [18:18] <CrazyLemon> [18:18] <Seniorita> earth hour [18:18] <CrazyLemon> toliko o tem :) [18:18] <yang> aha [18:18] <yang> ok [18:18] <yang> zmer pozabim na ta event [18:21] <anny__> pametni pišemo [18:27] <idioterna> to se nc ne pozna [18:27] <idioterna> treba je delat nonstop na tem [18:27] <idioterna> energetski ucinkovitosti [18:30] <anny__> začetek je [18:44] <yang> idioterna: 22. april je svetovni dan brez avtomobilov [18:46] <idioterna> ja [18:47] <idioterna> zame ne bo nc drugacn [19:02] <dz0ny> lol [19:02] <Seniorita> Daniels PromPosal - YouTube [19:02] <Seniorita> »Actual Promposal doesn't start till 1:58 The order of the signs went "Alex. Will. You. Marry. LOL Jk. Go To. Prom. With Me." And I had the question mark. To ...« [19:19] <yang> [19:19] <Seniorita> Jamiroquai DJ Mix by JaBig Acid Jazz Funk Music Rock Deep House Lounge Compilation Playlist YouTub - YouTube [19:43] <yang> .vreme lj [19:43] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 5°C @18.04.2015 19:00 UTC. [19:43] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 88% vzhodnik 0.7 m/s zmerno oblačno [19:43] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:09, Kulminacija: 11:02:20, Sončni zahod: 17:52:31 [19:43] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 40min 22s, Luna je v ščipu [20:57] <Seniorita> [] Niber: Kako bi prevedli Scope [21:14] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Kako bi prevedli Scope [21:23] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [21:42] <lynxlynxlynx> sicer pa mogoče kontekst, če gre bolj za variable scope [21:46] <CrazyLemon> kontekst: unity [21:46] <CrazyLemon> :D [21:54] <lynxlynxlynx> ah [21:54] <lynxlynxlynx> tu je uno k ni 3d pogon za igre :) [22:02] <CrazyLemon> taku [22:06] <anny__> gremo spat [22:06] <anny__> ln [22:39] <Seniorita> [] Niber: RE: Kako bi prevedli Scope
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Gregor3000", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "anny_", "anny__", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "msev", "sasa84", "upd", "yang", "yang_", "zdobbie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[16:38] <jp_hranice> Ahoj. Zkoual jse TestCase pro LiveSesion na Testing Trackeru a nějak jsem tam postrádal test persistence? Rušilo se to?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "jp_hranice" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cz" }
[05:49] <Kilos> morning africa [10:51] <Kilos> hi ongolaBoy [10:52] <Kilos> when are there going to be more mameroonians here?? [10:53] <Kilos> cameroonians as well
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[03:23] <vubuntor809> chào các anh [03:24] <vubuntor809> cái phần mềm system daemon em làm xong rồi [03:24] <vubuntor809> giờ muốn cho nó thành mã nguồn mở phải làm sao [03:57] <favadi> upload mã nguồn lên in tẹc nét? [12:41] <vubuntor515> alo các anh cho em hỏi cái mình viết xong phần mềm mình định cho nó thành mã nguồn mở [12:41] <vubuntor515> thì mình phải làm sao [12:41] <vubuntor515> dùng giấy phép gì [12:42] <vubuntor515> và lấy giấy phép đó ở đâu [12:50] <vubuntor515> àk thôi khỏi giờ em muốn lập team trên ppa ubuntu thì phải làm sao [12:50] <vubuntor515> chỗ (Optional) mình điền cái gì vào [12:54] <vubuntor515> cái phần mềm hiển thị daemon của hệ thống [12:54] <vubuntor515> đợt em nói giờ em viết nó xong rồi. ngon hơn thằng bum [12:54] <vubuntor515> giờ đang bế tắc vụ cho nó thành mã nguồn mở [12:55] <vubuntor515> hiện em đang test bên mint với bên elementary [12:56] <vubuntor515> tất cả đều ổn [12:56] <vubuntor515> kể cả mint debian [13:16] <vubuntor515> không ai nói hết àk [13:27] <vubuntor745> lập nhóm ppa sao các bác . [13:28] <CoconutCicada> giấy phép thì tùy bạn [13:28] <CoconutCicada> bạn có thể dùng GPL nếu muốn người khác thay đổi gì cũng phải mở mx [13:28] <CoconutCicada> mã* [13:28] <vubuntor745> gpl 3 đc ko [13:28] <CoconutCicada> hoặc apache/mit/bsd v.v.. nếu như kệ họ muốn làm gì thì làm [13:28] <CoconutCicada> được [13:28] <vubuntor745> ok [13:30] <vubuntor745> vậy giờ mình muốn post nó thì lên đâu post [13:30] <CoconutCicada> post tức là công bố cho mọi người dùng? [13:30] <vubuntor745> em muốn nó thay thế hết bum trong tương lai [13:30] <vubuntor745> có thể [13:30] <vubuntor745> phiên bản 1 em viết nó để chạy trên họ ubuntu [13:31] <CoconutCicada> nếu bạn muốn nó thay thế trong distro nào thì vào cho họ dùng [13:31] <vubuntor745> phiên bản 2 thì mới viết đa distro [13:31] <CoconutCicada> bạn có thể đóng gói rồi đưa vào debian/ubuntu [13:31] <CoconutCicada> nằm trong universe [13:31] <vubuntor745> + bài hướng dẫn để họ tự chỉnh [13:31] <CoconutCicada> rồi sau đó hữu xạ tự nhiên hương [13:31] <CoconutCicada> nếu nhiều người thấy nó hữu dụng sẽ dùng [13:31] <CoconutCicada> và thay đổi thành mặc định [13:32] <vubuntor745> nhưng cũng phải giới thiệu này nọ để họ biết [13:32] <vubuntor745> mà em thì không biêt phải bắt đầu từ đâu [13:32] <CoconutCicada> bạn cứ đóng gói đi đã rồi tham gia vào các mailing list của debian developer hay ubuntu developer [13:33] <vubuntor745> đóng gói thì đơn giản rồi [13:33] <vubuntor745> vì em viết bằng python có 20kB àk [13:35] <CoconutCicada> vậy bạn có thể giới thiệu trên mailing list của debian developer hoặc ubuntu developer [13:35] <vubuntor745> vậy có thể cho em xin cái link đc không [13:36] <vubuntor745> sau này nếu phát triển đc nhiều công cụ như opesuse [13:36] <CoconutCicada> google cái nó ra luôn ấy mà [13:36] <vubuntor745> thì em cũng định làm hẳn một distro mới luôn em nghĩ chắc vậy [13:36] <CoconutCicada> .g ubuntu developer mailing lisst [13:36] <SuperLuserv3> CoconutCicada: [13:37] <CoconutCicada> .g debian developer mailing list [13:37] <SuperLuserv3> CoconutCicada: [13:37] <CoconutCicada> đấy [13:38] <vubuntor745> ok [13:38] <vubuntor745> ủa mà anh việt nam mình [13:38] <CoconutCicada> hoặc vào trực tiếp #ubuntu hỏi cũng được [13:38] <vubuntor745> có trang nào mà tâp hợp nhiều người viết mã nguồn mở không [13:39] <CoconutCicada> có vietlug hanoilug ubuntu-vn [13:40] <CoconutCicada> mấy chỗ kiểu đó [13:40] <CoconutCicada> trên FB cũng có [13:40] <vubuntor745> cho em link luôn. [13:40] <vubuntor139> hnay sp co ah [13:41] <CoconutCicada> google ra ngay ấy mờ [13:41] <vubuntor745> facebook kìa [13:41] <CoconutCicada> facebook cũng rứa ấy mà [13:41] <CoconutCicada> search vietlug [13:41] <CoconutCicada> ubuntu-vn [13:45] <vubuntor745> ok vậy là có vẻ việt lug là còn nhiều người hơn [13:46] <CoconutCicada> uhm [13:46] <vubuntor745> anh cho em hỏi cái cài đặt của ubuntu nó bị gì ấy [13:47] <CoconutCicada> gì ấy là gì thế nào nhỉ [13:47] <vubuntor745> ví dụ như mình cài wine 1.60 [13:47] <vubuntor745> mà mình muốn cài thêm 1.37 [13:47] <vubuntor745> thì nó lại remove cái 1.60 của mình đi [13:47] <CoconutCicada> 2 cái đó vướng nhau [13:47] <CoconutCicada> cùng cung cấp 1 chức năng [13:48] <CoconutCicada> nên chỉ 1 trong 2 phiên bản được giữ lại [13:48] <vubuntor745> mà trong khi việc cài vào rồi còn chạy hay không là việc của mình lựa chọn mà [13:49] <vubuntor745> em thấy không vướng tý nào cả. kể cả thư viện có trùng thì cứ để vào ổ đĩa còn việc load hay không thì tùy phần mềm [13:49] <CoconutCicada> tất nhiên là bạn có thể đóng gói lại [13:49] <CoconutCicada> để cho nó không trùng nhau [13:52] <vubuntor745> em cũng nghĩ về vụ đó nhiều [13:53] <vubuntor745> mà lại thấy vụ load phần mềm của mấy cái fedora hoặc ubuntu [13:53] <CoconutCicada> nó cũng có lý do của nó [13:53] <vubuntor745> cũng chậm [13:53] <CoconutCicada> nếu được thì bạn có thể đề xuất giải pháp khác hay hơn [13:53] <CoconutCicada> cho việc cài đặt chương trình [13:53] <vubuntor745> họ không dùng sql để load list mà cứ để hệ thống liệt kê [13:54] <MrTuxHdb> SQL [13:54] <MrTuxHdb> lolz [13:54] * MrTuxHdb ôm CoconutCicada khóc [13:54] <vubuntor745> mysql hoặc sqlite [13:54] * CoconutCicada trời đang nóng [13:54] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: thôi xin =)) [13:54] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: sao không vác cả Oracle cho xịn? [13:55] <vubuntor745> em đang nói cái load chậm của cái software - ubuntu [13:55] <MrTuxHdb> Ubuntu Software Center? [13:55] <vubuntor745> chuẩn [13:55] <CoconutCicada> nhưng list phần mềm có phải dạng dữ liệu quan hệ đâu [13:55] <CoconutCicada> dùng sql làm gì? [13:56] <vubuntor745> sql bác xem nó như nơi lưu dữ thôi [13:56] <vubuntor745> cần gì quan hệ [13:56] <CoconutCicada> thế sql thì sẽ nhanh hơn list chay? [13:56] <vubuntor745> có cái đó vào nhanh lắm [13:56] <vubuntor745> nhanh hơn [13:56] <CoconutCicada> nhanh hơn do nguyên do nào? [13:56] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: dựa vào đâu bảo nhanh hơn? [13:56] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: bằng chứng? [13:56] <MrTuxHdb> hay cảm tính? [13:56] <CoconutCicada> có thể nó nhanh hơn [13:57] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [13:57] <vubuntor745> dựa vào nguyên lý tải về load list lên [13:57] <CoconutCicada> nhưng mình nghĩ hiểu được tại sao nó nhanh hơn sẽ tốt hơn [13:57] <vubuntor745> còn cái kia cứ bật lên là load về [13:57] <CoconutCicada> rồi patch luôn cái ubuntu software center [13:57] <CoconutCicada> bạn có thể nói rõ hơn? [13:57] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: USC có catalog của riêng nó [13:57] <MrTuxHdb> cái đấy hình như đếu liên quan gì đến APT [13:57] <MrTuxHdb> nó map package name thôi thì phải [13:58] <CoconutCicada> uhm [13:58] <CoconutCicada> USC nó cần lưu thêm các metadata khác [13:58] <CoconutCicada> deb chay không có [13:58] <vubuntor745> nó phải tải list của mấy thằng kia [13:59] <vubuntor745> rồi mới load lên [13:59] <CoconutCicada> thằng kia là thằng nào? [13:59] <vubuntor745> còn sql mình client server thẳng luôn [13:59] <MrTuxHdb> list nào của mấy thằng kia [13:59] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: =)) [13:59] <vubuntor745> của từng server [13:59] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: thế giờ tức là nếu mysql của mình bị hổng [13:59] <MrTuxHdb> thì các chỗ khác hổng luôn? [13:59] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [13:59] <vubuntor745> như vậy thì sida lắm [14:00] <vubuntor745> trong khi mình dùng 1 máy chủ sql [14:00] <MrTuxHdb> =)) [14:00] <CoconutCicada> nếu thế thì có 2 vấn đề [14:00] <CoconutCicada> 1 là load [14:00] <vubuntor745> rồi add thêm nguồn của máy chia sẻ để tải gói [14:00] <MrTuxHdb> :v [14:00] <CoconutCicada> có cả trăm ngàn user [14:00] <vubuntor745> rồi so sánh [14:00] <CoconutCicada> làm sao để đảm bảo server kia chịu nổi tải? [14:00] <vubuntor745> gói nào ở server nào ngon hơn thì lấy về [14:00] <vubuntor745> trời [14:00] <CoconutCicada> rồi các vấn đề về authentication [14:01] <vubuntor745> bác đùa máy chủ mysql mà không chịu nổi [14:01] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: thế nào là ngon hơn? [14:01] <CoconutCicada> :) [14:01] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: có chịu được cứt [14:01] <CoconutCicada> mình nghĩ là khó đấy [14:01] <MrTuxHdb> =)) [14:01] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: bạn test vài trăm thì nó dễ [14:01] <MrTuxHdb> plaintext hosts của adaway [14:01] <MrTuxHdb> một ngày chịu vài chục ngàn lượt tải [14:02] <MrTuxHdb> không phải đùa đâu [14:02] <vubuntor745> trời cái đó chỉ vài trăm MB thôi bác [14:02] <CoconutCicada> MrTuxHdb: ủa có làm gì đó dính đến adaway? [14:02] <MrTuxHdb> Ubuntu còn nhiều hơn [14:02] <MrTuxHdb> CoconutCicada: ví dụ về chuyện plaintext thôi [14:02] <CoconutCicada> vài trăm mb không quan trọng [14:02] <vubuntor745> chỉ cần giá trị link hình ảnh, giải thích tên gói [14:02] <CoconutCicada> nhưng bạn đang over engineering vài vấn đề [14:02] <CoconutCicada> ví dụ như người dùng gõ vào [14:02] <CoconutCicada> a [14:03] <CoconutCicada> search tên gói/description [14:03] <CoconutCicada> dữ liệu tải qua tải lại sẽ như thế nào? [14:03] <CoconutCicada> có bao nhiêu gói tất cả? [14:03] <vubuntor745> còn tải thì nó phải thiết kế lại để nó tự tag server trong list server đã có [14:03] <CoconutCicada> số dữ liệu phải tải là bao nhiêu? [14:03] <vubuntor745> chứ không tải từ server phục vụ sql [14:03] <CoconutCicada> liệu có thể đảm bảo không có user nào abuse [14:03] <quydo> các bác ơi [14:03] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: =thế có phải bạn đang làm phức tạp vấn đề không? [14:03] <CoconutCicada> query liên tục? [14:03] <MrTuxHdb> không có internet thì sao [14:03] <quydo> cho mình hỏi cái làm sao để tìm đc 1 trường chứa \n nhỉ [14:03] <MrTuxHdb> user không search được [14:03] <MrTuxHdb> ? [14:03] <quydo> mysql nhé [14:03] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [14:03] <vubuntor745> 1 lần 20 dòng [14:04] <vubuntor745> lại gặp thánh nữa [14:04] <quydo> chào thánh [14:04] <CoconutCicada> và còn 1 vấn đề này [14:04] <quydo> :D [14:04] <vubuntor745> cái đó phải mở public [14:04] <CoconutCicada> dependency resolving [14:04] <CoconutCicada> gói A dựa trên version b của gói B [14:04] <vubuntor745> không cho sửa [14:04] <CoconutCicada> gói B dựa trên version c của gói C [14:04] <MrTuxHdb> =)) [14:04] * quydo help me [14:05] <CoconutCicada> và gói D đã có sẵn nhưng lại yêu cầu version c1 của gói C chẳng hạn [14:05] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: tự dưng phải đèo thêm một đống phụ thuộc để làm gì :3 [14:05] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: google [14:05] <CoconutCicada> thế thì cái việc lựa chọn ra 1 set các phần mềm để cài so với configuration đã có trên máy mình [14:05] <CoconutCicada> sẽ là ai thực hiện? [14:05] <MrTuxHdb> .g mysql sql like "\n" [14:05] <SuperLuserv3> MrTuxHdb: [14:05] <quydo> google rồi, like '%\n%' [14:05] <quydo> ko đúng [14:05] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: mysql 5.5? [14:05] <CoconutCicada> máy chủ sao biết được trên máy tính mình đã cài phần mềm gì [14:05] <CoconutCicada> phiên bản thế nào [14:05] <CoconutCicada> để mà lựa chọn ra 1 set phần mềm phù hợp? [14:05] <vubuntor745> không [14:06] <quydo> đúng rồi MrTuxHdb [14:06] <CoconutCicada> hay cứ phải query qua lại liên tục/ [14:06] <quydo> :D [14:06] <vubuntor745> mình thiết kế lại cái apt anh àk [14:06] <vubuntor745> để nó tự hiểu [14:06] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: đọc docs kia đi [14:06] <CoconutCicada> thiết kế thế nào? [14:06] <quydo> oki bác MrTuxHdb [14:06] <quydo> ô sao bác biết là 5.5 [14:06] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: %\\n% [14:06] <quydo> thử rồi :D [14:06] <MrTuxHdb> đọc docs chưa :v [14:06] <vubuntor745> em cũng chưa nghĩ kỹ cho lắm [14:06] <CoconutCicada> vubuntor745: cái vụ dependency solving là NP complete đấy [14:07] <CoconutCicada> không phải dễ mà giải ra đâu [14:07] <vubuntor745> nhưng vừa mới nghĩ ra có thể là dựa vào bản chất hiện nay của apt [14:07] <CoconutCicada> và 100000 user nó đòi giải NP complete? [14:07] <CoconutCicada> nghe có vẻ hơi khó [14:07] <CoconutCicada> chưa kể khi query sẽ phải send cấu hình hiện tại của máy mình lên kia [14:07] <CoconutCicada> ví dụ đang dùng 2 repo khác nhau [14:07] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: query bác như nào [14:07] <vubuntor745> không không [14:08] <CoconutCicada> repo 1 không biết user đang chứa phiên bản c2 của gói C từ repo 2 [14:08] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: docs nói là phải chuẩn [14:08] <CoconutCicada> thế thì sao nó sẽ giải ra thế nào? [14:08] <vubuntor745> ai mà send máy chủ sử lý làm gì [14:08] <CoconutCicada> vậy ai sẽ xử lý? [14:08] <vubuntor745> máy chủ chỉ có mục đích là đưa thông tin nhanh thôi anh [14:08] <CoconutCicada> vậy ai sẽ xử lý? [14:08] <vubuntor745> ví dụ như hình ảnh của cái phần mềm tui kiếm [14:08] <CoconutCicada> bạn cứ trả lời câu hỏi của mình đi [14:08] <vubuntor745> rồi tên nó là gì [14:09] <vubuntor745> thông tin của nó ra sao [14:09] <vubuntor745> và cái đó thì đc người quản lý tự import [14:09] <vubuntor745> chứ không phải là nơi giải quyết [14:09] <CoconutCicada> nhưng sao người quản lý có đủ đầu bài để xử lý được? [14:09] <quydo> like '%\n%' hoặc '%\\n%' đều ko có [14:09] <vubuntor745> viết thêm công cụ [14:09] <quydo> dữ liệu nó có đoạn này '<p>\n Một Huyền' MrTuxHdb [14:10] <CoconutCicada> khi toàn bộ "có phần mềm gì" lẫn "phiên bản ra sao" lẫn "dependency thế nào" đều nằm trên server? [14:10] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: like '%\\n%' là chuẩn [14:10] <quydo> không phải \n là ẩn đâu [14:10] <MrTuxHdb> docs viết vậy [14:10] <vubuntor745> giống cái story google đó anh [14:10] <quydo> thử có đc đâu ;( [14:10] <CoconutCicada> vậy rốt cuộc vẫn phải lưu 1 cái replicate trên máy client [14:10] <CoconutCicada> thế thì khác gì đâu? [14:10] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: \n nó phải escape mà [14:10] <vubuntor745> phải dùng máy chủ sql thì mới duyệt phần mềm nhanh đc chứ [14:11] <vubuntor745> còn chuyện tải thì anh thích cái nào thì mới dựa trên link server cung cấp [14:11] <vubuntor745> để tải xuống [14:11] <quydo> thì thử cả 2 rồi đều k đc MrTuxHdb ;( [14:11] <quydo> bác vubuntor745 đang nói chủ đề gì thế [14:11] <CoconutCicada> vấn đề là 'thích cái nào' nó không đơn giản [14:11] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: kiểu đầu tiên là không đúng [14:11] <CoconutCicada> như ví dụ mình nói ở trên [14:11] <MrTuxHdb> kiểu thứ 2 mới đúng syntax [14:11] <quydo> like '%\n%' hoặc '%\\n%' đều ko có [14:11] <CoconutCicada> khi có dependency vào thì bạn phải giải để tìm ra các phần mềm cần cài [14:11] <vubuntor745> chứ load như ubuntu mình hiện nay thì mấy máy đó sida hết [14:11] <CoconutCicada> lẫn các thư viện [14:12] <CoconutCicada> thôi được rồi [14:12] <CoconutCicada> đơn giản nhé [14:12] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: có có \n\r không vậy [14:12] <vubuntor745> em hiểu ý anh nói [14:12] <vubuntor745> để em ví dụ cụ thể [14:12] <quydo> đây MrTuxHdb, trường đó có dòng '<p>\n Một Huyền' [14:12] <quydo> giờ tìm \n ko ra :D [14:12] <CoconutCicada> có 1 user, cần cài phần mềm A, phần mềm A yêu cầu phiên bản b của thư viện B, và trên máy user đã có sẵn phiên bản b2 của B cài từ repo khác [14:12] <quydo> nó toàn ra cái xuống dòng thôi, tức ko escape đc cái \ [14:13] <CoconutCicada> thế thì user cần interact thế nào để giải được? [14:13] <vubuntor745> như là cái driver nivia đi [14:13] <vubuntor745> =]]zzz [14:13] <CoconutCicada> interact cái trên như thế nào? [14:13] <vubuntor745> nvidia [14:13] <CoconutCicada> bạn cứ trả lời cho mình [14:13] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: chưa hiểu [14:13] <MrTuxHdb> thế nó result như nào [14:14] <vubuntor745> chỉ cần load về thôi [14:14] <CoconutCicada> load cái gì? [14:14] <MrTuxHdb> quydo: đếu được thì bác xài REGEXP xem [14:14] <vubuntor745> load thông tin cơ bản của phần mềm đó về [14:14] <quydo> ok thử xem [14:14] <CoconutCicada> user bảo 'tôi cần phần mềm A', server trả lời "A cần b của B" [14:14] <CoconutCicada> lúc đó thì user làm gì tiếp? [14:14] <vubuntor745> ví dụ như lệ thuộc [14:15] <CoconutCicada> sau đó lại phải query dependency của *từng* version của A [14:15] <vubuntor745> nếu cài thì sẽ hỏi tiếp [14:15] <quydo> tức là select 1 trường trên mysql shell, bình thường \n sẽ là xuống dòng [14:15] <CoconutCicada> để lựa chọn ra set phù hợp? [14:15] <quydo> cơ mà cái này thấy đc \n [14:15] <vubuntor745> sever sẽ chỉ ra lệ thuộc [14:15] <CoconutCicada> ừ [14:15] <CoconutCicada> và lệ thuộc không phù hợp với cấu hình máy đang chạy [14:15] <vubuntor745> rồi cung cấp các danh sách link [14:15] <CoconutCicada> như mình bảo, A cần phiên bản b, nhưng máy đang chạy lại có phiên bản b2 cơ [14:15] <CoconutCicada> thì làm tiếp thế nào? [14:16] <CoconutCicada> hay là thông báo user là không thể đáp ứng dependency và lăn ra lỗi? [14:16] <vubuntor745> thì ko cùng phiên bản thì sao mà đc [14:16] <CoconutCicada> thế là lỗi rồi [14:16] <vubuntor745> trên server [14:16] <vubuntor745> phải có [14:16] <CoconutCicada> giả sử A có n phiên bản a1 a2 a3 a4 [14:16] <vubuntor745> thì cái client mới có đc [14:16] <CoconutCicada> trong đó a3 a2 a1 chạy được với b2 của B [14:16] <CoconutCicada> còn a4 là mới nhất nhưng không chạy được b2 [14:17] <CoconutCicada> thì một cái package manager "thông minh" và "đầy đủ thông tin" [14:17] <CoconutCicada> nó sẽ đưa ra 2 lựa chọn [14:17] <CoconutCicada> hoặc là cài a3 của A [14:17] <vubuntor745> không [14:17] <CoconutCicada> hoặc là up từ b2 -> b [14:17] <vubuntor745> người dùng [14:17] <vubuntor745> tự lựa anh àk [14:17] <CoconutCicada> sao mà lựa được? :) [14:17] <CoconutCicada> họ lấy được thông tin từ đâu? [14:17] <vubuntor745> thì mình chỉ liệt kê [14:17] <CoconutCicada> họ sao biết a3 có thể đáp ứng yêu cầu? [14:17] <vubuntor745> lựa chọn là người dùng [14:18] <CoconutCicada> đây là 1 ví dụ cực kỳ đơn giản chỉ có 2 gói lệ thuộc nhau [14:18] <vubuntor745> thì họ muốn dùng thì phải tự tìm hiểu [14:18] <CoconutCicada> thực tế thì nó là hàng chục gói [14:18] <CoconutCicada> thế thì chả ai dùng rồi [14:18] <vubuntor745> sao mà chả ai dùng [14:18] <CoconutCicada> họ chả cần quan tâm tìm hiểu gì, họ muốn có phần mềm đó và nó phải chạy được [14:18] <vubuntor745> tốc độ nhanh hơn hẳn [14:18] <CoconutCicada> bạn đừng chú trọng vào tốc độ [14:18] <CoconutCicada> :) [14:18] <vubuntor745> =]]]zzz [14:18] <CoconutCicada> cái quan trọng của hệ thống là nó phải đáp ứng được yêu cầu của user [14:19] <CoconutCicada> dependency solver là quan trọng nhất trong đó [14:19] <vubuntor745> thì người dùng muốn dùng cái nào [14:19] <vubuntor745> họ tự phải khắc biết [14:19] <vubuntor745> chứ chẵng nhẽ cả việc họ cần gì [14:19] <CoconutCicada> thế là họ bớt được 1s khi load trên USC [14:19] <vubuntor745> mà chúng ta cũng phải đáp ứng cho họ trong khi cả họ còn ko biết [14:19] <CoconutCicada> và mất 3 4 ngày để tìm hiểu tại sao nó lại thế? [14:20] <CoconutCicada> nói chung theo mình hiểu thì bạn đang đẩy 1 vấn đề NP hard từ máy tính sang cho người dùng [14:20] <vubuntor745> họ thích phiên bản a 1 thì chúng ta cung cấp danh sách phụ thuộc của a1 và chính nó [14:20] <CoconutCicada> cũng được [14:20] <vubuntor745> lẫn đường link [14:20] <CoconutCicada> có lẽ bạn rõ NP hard là cái gì? [14:21] <vubuntor745> để người dùng tự tải về [14:21] <CoconutCicada> nhưng ví dụ a1 lại không tương thích với phần mềm đang có trên máy tính [14:21] <vubuntor745> chứ không ép họ phải dùng a 2 hoặc a 3 [14:21] <CoconutCicada> và a2 lại đáp ứng cơ [14:21] <quydo> .g Manchester United vs Chelsea [14:21] <SuperLuserv3> quydo: [14:21] <CoconutCicada> thế thì chỉ đơn giản là báo 'tôi không thể cài'? [14:22] <vubuntor745> cái đó trừ khi là một ditro lạc hậu [14:22] <quydo> .g fap [14:22] <SuperLuserv3> quydo: [14:22] <vubuntor745> dĩ nhiên là khi lên tìm thì cũng phải gởi phiên bản [14:22] <vubuntor745> mình đang dùng chứ bác [14:22] <vubuntor745> chứ đâu ra mà khơi khơi mình lên tìm đc [14:22] <CoconutCicada> thế gửi *toàn bộ* cấu hình đang dùng trên máy lên server? [14:22] <CoconutCicada> :) [14:22] <vubuntor745> không [14:23] <vubuntor745> ví dụ như tui đang dùng ubuntu 12 [14:23] <vubuntor745> thì server gởi 12 xuống [14:23] <vubuntor745> ubuntu 14 thì gởi 14 [14:23] <vubuntor745> chứ load mấy cái kia làm gì [14:23] <CoconutCicada> gửi 12 là gửi những cái gì của 12? [14:23] <vubuntor745> àk nhầm [14:23] <CoconutCicada> toàn bộ gói của 12 đâu có vào chục ngàn gói thôi [14:23] <vubuntor745> gởi mấy thông tin cấu hình cả máy làm gì [14:23] <CoconutCicada> thế gửi cái chi? [14:24] <vubuntor745> chục ngàn gói mà có hình ảnh với ký tự không [14:24] <vubuntor745> thì cũng chỉ vài nốt nhạc với sql server [14:24] <CoconutCicada> tất nhiên [14:24] <CoconutCicada> quan trọng là cái solver thôi [14:24] <CoconutCicada> :) [14:24] <vubuntor745> tại chúng ta chỉ cung cấp cái đó [14:24] <CoconutCicada> server lúc đó phải xử lý xem phiên bản nào cài được [14:24] <CoconutCicada> nhanh ấy mà [14:24] <CoconutCicada> NP hard [14:24] <CoconutCicada> bạn có thể nói cho mình NP hard là cái gì? [14:24] <vubuntor745> chứ không cung cấp gói binary tải về [14:25] <vubuntor745> bác quá phụ thuộc vào kiến thức nền rồi [14:25] <CoconutCicada> à không [14:25] <CoconutCicada> mình chỉ nghĩ đơn giản thế này [14:26] <CoconutCicada> mình biết nhiều người quản lý có vài ngàn server thôi [14:26] <CoconutCicada> ubuntu cũng được wikipedia sử dụng [14:26] <CoconutCicada> cho những hệ thống cực cực lớn [14:26] <CoconutCicada> các cái vấn đề kia mình thấy là họ phải tính chán rồi mới làm vậy [14:26] <CoconutCicada> chứ họ đâu phải dốt đến mức không biết dùng sql cho nhanh chứ phải không? [14:26] <vubuntor745> không phải vậy đâu anh [14:27] <CoconutCicada> mình thì ngu si [14:27] <CoconutCicada> không dám so với các bác ấy [14:27] <CoconutCicada> nên mình thấy họ lựa chọn thế nào mà mình chưa hiểu là tại sao [14:27] <vubuntor745> họ chưa có giải pháp tốt hơn thôi [14:27] <CoconutCicada> thì mình cũng chưa thể phán xét được rằng họ sai được [14:27] <CoconutCicada> tất nhiên [14:27] <CoconutCicada> mình cũng không thể loại bỏ khả năng bạn đúng [14:27] <vubuntor745> người nước ngoài chứ đâu có nghĩa là hòan hảo hết đâu anh [14:28] <CoconutCicada> cho dù tới hiện tại bạn chưa thuyết phục được mình [14:28] <CoconutCicada> bạn hoàn toàn có thể đề xuất ý tưởng của mình lên ubuntu developer [14:28] <CoconutCicada> nếu nó hay và xuất sắc, chắc họ chả tội gì không làm theo [14:29] <vubuntor745> em thích làm một mình sau đó thì đưa lên luôn. [14:30] <CoconutCicada> uhm [14:30] <CoconutCicada> rất ủng hộ [14:30] <CoconutCicada> đóng góp thì tốt cho cả cộng đồng [14:31] <vubuntor745> nhưng hiện tại thì em mới nghĩ đc đến đó thôi [14:31] <CoconutCicada> không sao [14:31] <CoconutCicada> bạn cứ làm tiếp [14:31] <vubuntor745> còn để làm đc chắc cũng phải lâu [14:31] <vubuntor745> giờ em đang nhắm tới mấy cái tiện ích nhỏ nhỏ [14:32] <vubuntor745> cho có kinh nghiệm cái đã [14:32] <vubuntor745> em viết bằng python hết [14:33] <vubuntor745> sau này có thể cho mọi người học dễ hơn [14:33] <CoconutCicada> uhm [14:33] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: đếu mịa cái mysql [14:33] <vubuntor745> hoặc tìm hiểu dễ hơn [14:33] <MrTuxHdb> nó đem đến cái thừa mà một cái package manager cần có [14:33] <vubuntor745> =]]]zzz [14:33] <MrTuxHdb> thế nên có cái quái nào xài như thế không [14:33] <MrTuxHdb> fedora, suse, rhel, centos hay debian/ubuntu [14:33] <vubuntor745> tại bác suy nghĩ nhiều quá thôi [14:33] <MrTuxHdb> chỉ có cái đám KDE mất dạy [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> cài cái amarok2 [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> nó mới cài cả mysql server [14:34] <vubuntor745> mình viết phần mềm thì cần nhanh với giảm tải cpu đỡ chiếm ram [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: nhanh [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> ? [14:34] * CoconutCicada nghĩ viết phần mềm nhanh phụ thuộc vào thuật toán [14:34] <vubuntor745> có phương pháp nào [14:34] <vubuntor745> thì cứ ứng dụng nó vào thôi [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: mysql server chạy thêm trên máy cá nhân [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> thành nhanh? [14:34] <MrTuxHdb> không tốn CPU? [14:35] <vubuntor745> chuẩn thuật toán là điều căn bản nhất [14:35] <MrTuxHdb> thế lúc cài lại máy thì db cũng mất à? [14:35] <vubuntor745> sql server chạy trên server bác ơi [14:35] <MrTuxHdb> config của user không được bảo toàn [14:35] <vubuntor745> chứ ai cho chạy trên client [14:35] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: chưa đọc mình nói gì à [14:35] <CoconutCicada> thôi kệ đi [14:35] <MrTuxHdb> cài amarok2 [14:35] <vubuntor745> bác tux vẫn chưa hiểu nãy giờ chúng ta nói gì [14:35] <MrTuxHdb> nó cài mysql server [14:35] <CoconutCicada> vấn đề đấy nó tương đối là phức tạp đấy [14:36] <CoconutCicada> không đơn giản đâu ;) [14:36] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: định cải tiến USC với APT [14:36] <MrTuxHdb> thành client/server [14:36] <CoconutCicada> đến giờ vẫn chưa có lời giải [14:36] <CoconutCicada> he he [14:36] <MrTuxHdb> dùng DB cho nó *thân thiệt* với bạn [14:36] <MrTuxHdb> chứ gì? [14:36] <MrTuxHdb> right? [14:36] <CoconutCicada> dù toàn những engineer cỡ bự lương vài trăm ngàn đô [14:36] <vubuntor745> không phải như bác tux nghĩ đâu [14:36] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [14:36] <vubuntor745> cái đó có mà chơi lầy :3 [14:36] <vubuntor745> đúng nếu làm đc cái đó [14:37] <vubuntor745> thì mang nó ra làm mã nguồn mở [14:37] <vubuntor745> thì thật phí thật [14:37] <vubuntor745> giá trị cao lắm [14:37] <CoconutCicada> he he [14:37] <CoconutCicada> không sao [14:37] <CoconutCicada> cứ nghiên cứu và phát triển [14:37] <vubuntor745> nói thiệt bán cả nhà dòng họ em đi [14:37] <CoconutCicada> làm được thì tốt, mà không làm được thì cũng học được vài thứ [14:37] <vubuntor745> còn không đc một nửa tiền của cái đó nữa [14:38] <MrTuxHdb> USC thật ra [14:38] <MrTuxHdb> có ma nào xài đâu ta [14:38] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [14:39] * MrTuxHdb xài synaptic + aptitude [14:40] <vubuntor745> hay là mình gộp cái phần mềm mà em vừa làm vào nhóm ubuntu-vn luôn đc ko bác [14:40] <CoconutCicada> mm [14:40] <CoconutCicada> giờ ubuntu-vn toàn ăn chơi chém gió thôi [14:40] <CoconutCicada> chả ai làm gì đâu [14:40] <CoconutCicada> nên tự làm sẽ tốt hơn [14:41] <vubuntor745> có sao đâu bác [14:41] <vubuntor745> mình cũng học hỏi đc nhiều điều [14:41] <vubuntor745> về cái khác [14:42] <CoconutCicada> ý là chả ai làm ấy [14:42] <vubuntor745> àk không sao [14:42] <vubuntor745> em solo riết quen rồi [14:42] <vubuntor745> :3 [14:43] <vubuntor745> solo riết quen nên biến hàm toàn đặt theo thứ tự a b c e f xong rồi lại a1 b1 e1 =]]]zz [14:44] <CoconutCicada> uh huh [14:44] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor745: ví dụ tên bạn là VuTo nha [14:45] <MrTuxHdb> chắc biến là VuTo1 [14:45] <MrTuxHdb> VuTo2 [14:45] <MrTuxHdb> VuTo3 chứ đếu gì [14:45] <MrTuxHdb> =)) [14:45] <MrTuxHdb> code thối [14:45] <vubuntor745> vãi [14:45] <vubuntor745> =]]]zzzz [14:45] <vubuntor745> đọc vào [14:45] <MrTuxHdb> code thế chó nó ngửi được [14:45] <vubuntor745> đếu hiểu đang viết cái gì [14:45] <vubuntor745> mà nó lại chạy đc cũng hay [14:45] <vubuntor745> =]]]zz [14:46] <vubuntor745> người ta gọi là vẽ bùa [14:46] * MrTuxHdb cười đểu [14:46] <vubuntor745> =]]zzzz [14:51] <vubuntor745> đang xin vào nhóm viêtlug [14:52] * MrTuxHdb out khỏi VietLUG, SaiGonLUG, HanoiLUG, VFOSSA và Ubuntu-VN [14:52] <vubuntor745> sốc dữ [14:53] <vubuntor745> đúng là cựu có khác [14:53] <MrTuxHdb> support mấy bạn end user rát tai lắm [14:53] <vubuntor745> chuẩn thật [14:54] <vubuntor745> em viết bài hướng dẫn sửa lỗi mà còn bị hạch lên hạch xuống [14:54] <vubuntor745> mặc dù vẫn đc [14:54] <vubuntor745> _ _!! [14:54] <MrTuxHdb> :v [14:59] <vubuntor745> albiononline có bác nào chơi ko [14:59] <vubuntor745> albion online [14:59] <CoconutCicada> ko [15:00] <vubuntor745> tưởng có em định hỏi sao mà nó ko báo lỗi gì hết nhưng vào màn hình đăng nhập là văng [15:00] <vubuntor745> chán [15:00] <vubuntor745> phiên bản linux đàng hoàng [15:01] <MrTuxHdb> linux đàng hoàng [15:01] <MrTuxHdb> là linux nào [15:01] * MrTuxHdb xài linux không đàng hoàng [15:03] <vubuntor745> =]]zzzz [15:03] <vubuntor745> em dùng mint [15:03] <vubuntor745> hóng google chả thấy chút gió [15:11] <vubuntor745> If I switch to the official NVidia driver the program does not start. [15:11] <vubuntor745> quá nhọ cho mình [15:11] <vubuntor745> =]]]]zzz
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CoconutCicada", "MrTuxHdb", "SuperLuserv3", "favadi", "quydo", "vubuntor139", "vubuntor515", "vubuntor745", "vubuntor809" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[16:33] <ahoneybun> mhall119: ping [20:10] <ahoneybun> mhall119: could you make May 14?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ahoneybun" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl" }
[04:04] <lotuspsychje> [04:04] <lotuspsychje> alot of cool news again :p [04:23] <wayne_> hi everyone. how do I back up my ubuntu phone before attempting re-flash? On desktop I just basically save my home directory but how with mobile? Thanks! [04:23] <wayne_> Like I don't want to lose mjy contacts and what have you. [04:37] <lotuspsychje> wayne_: copy contacts to your sim [04:38] <lotuspsychje> wayne_: or install the phablets tools on your ubuntu pc, and backup your phone [04:38] <lotuspsychje> wayne_: check topic install url for phablet tools [04:47] <wayne_> lotuspsychje: thanks a lot. I have phablet tools. Didn't know I can use that [04:47] <wayne_> lotuspsychje: also didn't know I can copy to sim. I will try to figure that out. [04:49] <lotuspsychje> wayne_: didnt test myself [04:49] <lotuspsychje> but with pahblet tools you can copy stuff for sure [04:49] <wayne_> lotuspsychje: ok. [04:50] <wayne_> lotuspsychje: you would think there would be a simple 'backup phone' button on the main setting screen that prompts you to insert USB.. or perhaps ubuntu one connection or owncloud... [04:53] <wayne_> lotuspsychje: i think this might be best. I remember some dudes talkinga bout sync revolution or evolution or something. this link seems to have something [04:54] <wayne_> lotuspsychje: thanks for your help gotta drop out and have a good night or morning or wherever you are. ;) [05:31] <mtrh> hi [06:37] <bqphone> good morning [06:37] <bqphone> anyone here for quick help? [06:42] <Sleep_Walker> just ask and if anyone (awake) knows he'll answer [06:49] <bqphone> Well first question how to remove a location from the weather app [06:51] <bqphone> 2nd quesion i am failing to install pidgin and whatsapp, most guides are made for yowsup and now there is yowsup 2 << is there an easy way to get whatsapp or better wait till whatsapp make app for ubuntu phone? [06:54] <DanChapman> bqphone: in "Edit locations" swipe the location to the right to delete it. And there is currently no app (that i know of) for whatsapp and I believe they don't like and will block users who use 3rdparty apps so it would be best to wait for whatsapp to make an app for ubuntu [06:55] <bqphone> location thing works, thanks mate [06:55] <DanChapman> np [06:55] <bqphone> any other place where i can see latest apps made for ubuntu phone? [06:55] <DanChapman> bqphone: is a good place you can sort by all different criteria [06:55] <Sleep_Walker> I don't know WhatsApp, but there is some web client - this could be way to go for you [06:58] <bqphone> cheers and have a good day both of you [07:15] <knightwise> morning [07:49] <guideX> does anyone know when I can get ubuntu phone in the us [08:02] <knightwise> morning [08:02] <knightwise> anyone tried the calendar app yet ? [08:02] <dadexix86> good morning to all! bq device, r21 . I noticed a strange behaviour about the battery. It drains really quick in the beginning, going from 100% to around 80% in the first hour and then it drains more slowly. is it a known behaviour? if not, do you think that I should report a bug? [08:02] <knightwise> ive installed it and marked both of my google caendars to sync but .... they dont sync [08:03] <dadexix86> knightwise, I was using it daily, before the sync with google broke [08:03] <knightwise> ah good to hear i'm not the only one [08:04] <knightwise> i hope they fix it quickly [08:04] <knightwise> is there also something like a native mail app that supports google mail ? [08:04] <knightwise> or just the webapps [08:04] <dadexix86> knightwise, it is bug #1442931 [08:04] <dadexix86> knightwise, for the mail app, I think that Dekko is the solution for you ;) [08:04] <knightwise> ok , since i'm not a developer, all i can do is wait for the update :) [08:05] <knightwise> dekke ? [08:05] <knightwise> dekkO :) i'm gonna check that out , thanx dadexix86 [08:05] <dadexix86> knightwise, not really, you can mark the bug as affecting you [08:05] <knightwise> ah dadexix86 that is an idea [08:06] <knightwise> i never thought the "me too" posts were helpfull [08:07] <knightwise> there :) [08:07] <dadexix86> well, it helps raising the "heat" of the bug... (4 pts per user) [08:07] <knightwise> I didn't know that actually. I always thought filing bugs was more for the devs.. i'm just a plain user :) [08:09] <Sleep_Walker> what is the reason user are discouraged to install native packages through apt? [08:09] <dadexix86> knightwise, there is no "plain user", we are all part of the same community ;) and if you can help in any way, then your help surely it is appreciated even if it is just a click ;) [08:09] <knightwise> thats true. [08:09] <knightwise> browsing forums I hated the "me too" posts but when it comes to a bugfix the actually have value [08:10] <Sleep_Walker> well, clever forums separate weight into less disturbing contributions :b [08:11] <knightwise> True. [08:11] <knightwise> ok , so I have my phone, text, messaging (telegram) and mail working [08:12] <dadexix86> knightwise, good! :D [08:12] <knightwise> contacts are ok too. so all I need is a working calendar sync and the phone is good to go for daily use :) [08:12] <knightwise> whatever i don't have i can bridge with the webapps so far [08:12] <knightwise> but when the calendar issue gets fixed the "native" apps can start to carry my daily chores [08:15] <knightwise> I love to experiment with it .. but I also run a company so .. stuff has to work you knw... [08:24] <dadexix86> I ask again, maybe some of the new connected guys know the answer: I noticed a strange behaviour about the battery. It drains really quick in the beginning, going from 100% to around 80% in the first hour and then it drains more slowly. is it a known behaviour? if not, do you think that I should report a bug? [08:35] <Giordano> salve, posso essporre il mio problema, ho smartphone acquarius 4.5 ubuntu ontouh vorrei sincronizarlo con nautilus, come devo fare? grazie [08:37] <Giordano> hi, I can essporre my problem , I would like smartphones acquarius 4.5 ubuntu ontouh sincronizarlo with nautilus , how should I do ? thanks [08:37] <Sleep_Walker> dadexix86: reporting bug won't hurt - but 1] this depends on your device and its drivers 2] you may have HW issue and 3] if your battery is not clever, fix may be just some better function for reporting percent value of capacity (but it really depends on 1] and 2]) [08:39] <Sleep_Walker> but maybe some developers or at least residents of this channel can give you better answer [08:40] <Dragonkeeper> Sleep_Walker: battery can also decell so also depends on the age of the device [08:40] <Sleep_Walker> exactly [08:41] <Giordano> hi, I can essporre my problem , I would like smartphones acquarius 4.5 ubuntu ontouh sincronizarlo with nautilus , how should I do ? thanks [08:45] <bqphone> hello there, i have installed dekko and gmail work greay, i have tried to add my hotmail to option and its not accepting it, is that a bug or it doesnt accept hotmail? [08:47] <DanChapman> bqphone: does hotmail use host address [08:47] <bqphone> no idea to be honest [08:47] <DanChapman> You could try going through the "Other account" option that will run our autodiscovery which should fetch the correct info [08:48] <DanChapman> If it can't be found you will need to enter it manually [08:48] <bqphone> i have tried but it gives same result [08:48] <bqphone> how to add it manually? [08:49] <bqphone> i normaly open my hotmail using on my desktop [08:52] <DanChapman> The "Other account" option if it can't find the correct settings it should expand to allow you to add the required values. Do you just see the red X next to username & password [08:54] <bqphone> yea only x near username and pass nothing else [08:55] <DanChapman> and does it not expand to allow you to input the values manually? [08:56] <mokmeister> Would anyone here know if it is possible to put ubuntu touch onto a nabi 2 tablet? [08:56] <bqphone> nop it doesnt expend [08:56] <DanChapman> Going through the "Outlook" option will not expand as they have preset values [08:57] <bqphone> also other doesn't expand [08:57] <DanChapman> bqphone: hmm that sounds like a bug. Try putting a random character in each field and hit save. That should force it to expand [08:58] <bqphone> not working [08:58] * Dragonkeeper stares at DanChapman, waiting for pop3 support. xD [08:58] <DanChapman> Dragonkeeper: patches welcome :-p [08:59] <bqphone> how to report it as a bug? [08:59] <Dragonkeeper> :) [09:02] <DanChapman> bqphone: what account type option is that using? "Other account"?? It can't not expand, did you try scrolling up after hitting save? [09:03] <DanChapman> bqphone: [09:05] * DanChapman can't wait for all accounts to be handled in online accounts. [09:05] * Dragonkeeper can [09:06] <bqphone> i did restart the telephone, now i got other options so i added, i keep port 143? [09:07] <bqphone> i can only see half port field so the number there is no clear [09:08] <Dragonkeeper> iirc 143 is non encrypted port for imap so id use 993 [09:08] <DanChapman> bqphone: should be the settings [09:10] <bqphone> did add imap and 993 and encryption and still not working, i dont see field for outgoing server and port though [09:11] <DanChapman> Keep scrolling up to get the outgoing server and port, it's all on one page [09:12] <dadexix86> Giordano, if you want localized support it is better to go to a localized channel - se vuoi supporto in italiano vieni su #ubuntu-it [09:13] <DanChapman> bqphone: also do you have 2 step verification setup on your hotmail account? [09:14] <DanChapman> if so you may need to get an app specific password from [09:14] <dadexix86> Dragonkeeper, the device is the bq, so pretty recent ;) Sleep_Walker do you know hot to investigate whether it is an hardware problem? I guess it is actually just the 3rd case of your answer (not clever scaling of the capacity) [09:15] <Dragonkeeper> dadexix86: ah ok ive not noticed that bug [09:16] <ogra_> dadexix86, are you on the latest image already ? (r21 ?) [09:17] <dadexix86> Dragonkeeper, to me it happens only when on wifi. Charge it to 100% with wi-fi on, then remove the plug then in less than one hour your battery goes down and the "stabilizes" around 80% for some time. The graph looks like a descending parabola [09:17] <Sleep_Walker> dadexix86: I have the device since yesterday, but it seems to be quite clever HW [09:17] <dadexix86> ogra_, yes I am, rebooted also a couple of times after the update reboot. [09:18] <Sleep_Walker> dadexix86: how many times have you fully charged the device? [09:18] <ogra_> try checki0ng with top inteh terminal if there is some runaway process that eats your power [09:18] <bqphone> thx DanChapman the link for apppassword fixed the problem [09:20] <dadexix86> ogra_, nothing like that now (but I am already at around 80%, should I charge it and try?) [09:20] <Dragonkeeper> dadexix86: mines almost charged, been charging with wifi on this morning , i got work a bit later so if i notice it ill buzz u let u know i am on r56 though [09:21] <bqphone> i get now socket problem for the remote host closed the connection [09:22] <bqphone> does gmail use 993 also? [09:22] <Sleep_Walker> "Telegram mesages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct" :D [09:23] <DanChapman> bqphone: yeah blame m$ for that one they happily close the connection every 60 seconds. I have a work around in trunk, so it will be in the next update [09:23] <bqphone> thats fine Dan the app looks great for gmail and for sure i can wait for the update :) [09:24] <bqphone> last question but about something else, when i slide from right to left i see all the apps/webapps i opened. My question is how to close an open app/webapp ? [09:25] <dadexix86> bqphone, swipe up/down, it is similar to android, but there you have to swipe right/left [09:34] <ricsipontaz> Hi! Somebody can tell me where can I translate the Today scope? [09:36] <popey> ricsipontaz: file a bug that it's not translatable maybe? [09:38] <ricsipontaz> popey: It is translated (to hungarian), but not complete.And If am right, It didn't translated by the community. [09:38] <popey> hmm [09:39] <ricsipontaz> NearBy scope too. [09:39] <lotuspsychje> ricsipontaz: wich device are you on mate? [09:40] <ricsipontaz> lotuspsychje: the bq [09:41] <popey> ricsipontaz: I would file a bug though, that it's not community translatable [09:41] <ricsipontaz> popey: Okay I'll do it. Thanks [09:41] <popey> thank you [09:42] <lotuspsychje> maybe the #ubuntu-hr community could also help popey ? [09:42] <popey> sure [09:42] <lotuspsychje> maybe someone owns a phone there [09:42] <popey> once it's enabled for translations [09:42] <popey> we have some hungarian people working for us too [09:42] <lotuspsychje> nice [09:42] <Dragonkeeper> just out of curiosity , where is the changelog for bq phone ubuntu updates ? [09:43] <tnozyrox> hi, news about video calling with ubuntu-phone? [09:43] <popey> links to some changed Dragonkeeper [09:43] <lotuspsychje> tnozyrox: there is telegram, they might do video calls in the future, bit not now [09:44] <Dragonkeeper> ty [09:44] <ricsipontaz> popey: I translating Ubuntu and the phone too to hungarian, so it's not a problem. But I can't translate it, because it translated by someon else, and community can't access this translations to help with it. [09:45] <dadexix86> ogra_, I guess that there is indeed some problem with the battery. upower says that energy, energy-full, energy-full-desing, energy-rate are all 0W. but then shows percentage: 74% [09:45] <ogra_> thats fine ... it does that on all devices [09:45] <tnozyrox> video calling and sirius are very important Moda ... and made in Ubuntu :) [09:45] <ricsipontaz> popey: I filled a bug. [09:46] <ogra_> (it tries to read these values from desktop interfaces that dont exist) [09:46] <lotuspsychje> tnozyrox: im sure someone will bring out an app someday [09:46] <dadexix86> ogra_, ok I didn't know :) [09:46] <Dragonkeeper> video calling could be done over wifi if someone ported tox and its qml client ... :D [09:47] <ogra_> or just a simple webrtc server [09:47] <ogra_> but for that the browser needs to get the webrtc support finished [09:47] <popey> thanks ricsipontaz [09:47] <lotuspsychje> did firefox have plans to integrate video calling in browser? [09:48] <ogra_> they already have it [09:48] * Dragonkeeper should have been at work 75 mins ago , so he thinks he should get ready before his boss checks to see where he is [09:50] <lotuspsychje> if we all send a mail to telegram crew, they might do some video calling :p [09:51] <popey> they're well aware [09:51] <popey> also [09:51] <popey> it's a community app - anyone can contribute [09:51] <lotuspsychje> oh, so its waiting until someone makes it hapen then [09:53] <ogra_> send patches ;) [10:00] <Dragonkeeper> o/ [10:02] <tnozyrox> thanks and good day to all :D [10:37] <froyo> Hi [10:37] <froyo> Is there anyone? [10:41] <froyo> Hello :( [10:41] <popey> !ask [10:41] <froyo> !ask [10:42] <popey> froyo: what's your question? [10:44] <Trigo> hi [10:45] <Trigo> hello :(, how can I develop apps for ubuntu touch? [10:45] <Trigo> !patience [10:48] <ahayzen> Trigo, i would start by reading this and for app development #ubuntu-app-devel is a good channel to ask in [10:49] <Trigo> errm...without the physical device? [10:52] <ahayzen> Trigo, you can use an emulator or run the apps in a window on the desktop [10:52] <ahayzen> Trigo, [10:53] <Trigo> I tried that, but can I ran the apps without the emulator? The emulator is so big. [10:53] <ahayzen> yeah most of them will run fine on the desktop [10:53] <ahayzen> just things like confinement aren't currently enforced [10:54] <bqphone> using facebook app, it seems i cant watch videos there, is there a way to do so? [10:55] <Trigo> So ahayzen, I don't need to set up emulator to run apps in the SDK? If yes, that would be great! [10:55] <ahayzen> Trigo, yeah you can just run them from the SDK [10:57] <Trigo> and...about other can package your app with GUI's right? [10:57] <Trigo> because I'm not good with at packaging. [10:58] <ahayzen> yeah you can [10:58] <ahayzen> Trigo, go to the bottom the section "What are the benefits/caveats of each device type?" [10:58] <ahayzen> Trigo, this one for packaging [11:00] <Trigo> Thanks for the links. :D [11:00] <ahayzen> no problem [11:01] <Trigo> Aha, 32 bit computer can be a minimum development device? [11:01] <Trigo> I tried Android SDK last time, but it giving me warning about 32 bit (need to !force run) [11:02] <ahayzen> erm i assume it'll be ok i've used the SDK on a 32bit VM before IIRC [11:05] <Trigo> I hope so [11:29] <Sleep_Walker> are there any other bindings than for QML and HTML5? [11:30] <Sleep_Walker> C++, python, ... [11:31] <vitimiti> Qt(C++), for example? [11:31] <vitimiti> And some JS, too [14:45] <saurabhdare> I see error parsing line -- "import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 [14:46] <saurabhdare> I selected QML app with qmake. [15:07] <bqphone> how can i change the weather channel displaying temp from fehrenhite to celcius [15:39] <popey> bqphone: in the weather app? [16:11] <SturmFlut> Whoever improved battery life on the bq so much, she/he/they deserve(s) some kind of prize. [16:18] <bqphone> yes popey, i went to the website and saved their the weather in C, but on the phone i get only with F [16:18] <popey> there's a settings option in the app [16:18] <popey> SturmFlut: yeah, it's impressive isn't it [16:18] <popey> but then that's what happens when you have a strict policy on background apps :) [16:20] <bqphone> in settings i see only location data [16:21] <SturmFlut> jamesh__: Ping (well, I don't really think you would be here on a sunny saturday, but popey seems to never sleep so you guys from the UK might be very clever bots) [16:23] <SturmFlut> popey: I would say "incredible". And there are *vast* differences in battery life between Android devices with similar hardware, so it might not just be related to background processes. [16:27] <popey> bqphone: let me get a screenshot [16:28] <popey> bqphone: this is settings inside the weather app itself [16:28] <popey> bqphone: [16:29] <popey> [16:31] <bqphone> well this one works perfect, but in the my weather channel which you see when you open your mobile, i see temp in F and its linked to a website [16:32] <popey> [16:32] <popey> that one bqphone ? [16:32] <popey> i think that's linked to your locale. [16:33] <FrameFever> I thought there will be a high end hardware ubuntu smartphone from a chinese company, when will it come? [16:33] <popey> soon [16:34] <FrameFever> it thought it should be released in barcelona [16:34] <bqphone> yes popey [16:34] <bqphone> how to change it ? [16:34] <popey> i don't know. [16:35] <bqphone> how did u get yours in C ? [16:35] <popey> locale based I _think_ [16:35] <DanChapman> Is it not configurable in the weather scope settings? I presume that's where it's getting pulled from [16:35] <popey> no [16:35] <popey> [16:35] <popey> [16:36] <popey> [16:36] <FrameFever> I mostly interested in the desktop feature of the ubuntu phone, when will this be available? [16:36] <popey> we don't have an ETA for that [16:36] <bqphone> popey how do u make those printscreens? [16:36] <popey> i have a script [16:37] <FrameFever> ETA? [16:37] <bqphone> can i have the name if its not private? [16:37] <popey> Estimated Time of Arrival [16:37] <DanChapman> popey: ohright i see. It should be configurable from there imo and not based on locale. [16:37] <popey> ya [16:37] <popey> I agree [16:38] <bqphone> well if u go to you can save in settings there C in place of F, but it keeps fetching them as F [16:38] <popey> bqphone: you can also just press vol+ and vol- [16:42] <bqphone> anyone know if there is a way to watch videos shared on facebook? the webapp doesnt allow you to do so [16:54] <sjakie902> when i connect my phone(bq) with the usb cable to my laptop(kubuntu) i cant see my phone or mount it, any suggestions? [16:54] <bqphone> just made a printscreen, thx popey now how to delete it? [17:02] <dadexix86> sjakie902, kubuntu version? [17:03] <sjakie902> 14.04 [17:04] <popey> sjakie902: is the phone unlocked? [17:05] <sjakie902> yes it is unlocked [17:06] <popey> hmm, does KDE support MTP browsing? [17:07] <Dragonkeeper> a little bit off topic , but im having trouble with ubuntu 14.10 desktop and setting up nvidia cuda [17:07] <popey> very offtopic - that's for #ubuntu [17:07] <Dragonkeeper> +! [17:07] <Dragonkeeper> alright :) [17:11] <sjakie902> i will check the mtp browsing in kubuntu, cant seem to connect my androidphone as wel [17:11] <sjakie902> thnx! [17:16] <bqphone> really how to delete a picture or should i delete it using terminal? [17:18] <popey> gallery, long press on a picture, choose delete from menu in top right [17:19] <bqphone> ah gallery [17:19] <SturmFlut> bqphone: or you can install the "File Manager" app, , seems like it doesn't work with SD cards (yet) but the rest should work [17:19] <bqphone> thx [17:20] <popey> it does work with sd cards [17:20] <popey> you have to "unlock" it once in the app [17:23] <brunch875> Hello! [17:35] <bqphone> thx SturmFlut the filemanager is great [17:36] <bqphone> now is there an uninstaller program to get rid of the apps i dont need or use which are auto installed [17:38] <SturmFlut> bqphone: You can long press on them ini the "Application" scope [17:43] <bqphone> there are some other stuff i cant see in Application scopre for example bbc sports [17:43] <bqphone> how can i remove that? [17:44] <puppylove> hey guys. i'm looking to just install the touch tailored interface on a base chroot installation of ubuntu. which packages should i install? [17:45] <puppylove> i have a lenovo s8 android tablet, so i woul djust be running ubuntu in chroot [17:47] <SturmFlut> puppylove: The unity8 package should pull in all necessary packages, but I highly doubt it will run from a chroot on plain Android [17:47] <puppylove> eh, will find out soon enoughi suppose. i got kde working on it earlier, wiped it though and trying something else [17:48] <puppylove> thx [17:54] <SturmFlut> puppylove: Do you have an X server running? [17:54] <puppylove> not atm, i'm doing a reinstall of a small ubuntu image using the linuxdeploy app [17:55] <puppylove> err, its installing an x server instance, but im not sure which one [17:55] <puppylove> before i was controlling the OS via vnc [17:55] <puppylove> however there is an app out there that functions as an x server i may try this time [17:55] <puppylove> [17:55] <puppylove> that [18:03] <SturmFlut> puppylove: Interesting! [18:03] <puppylove> [18:04] <puppylove> that is what i used to install [18:04] <puppylove> this probably helps. my tablet is an x86 based [18:04] <puppylove> i haven't gotten x working yet, but could do ssh and vnc just fine [18:05] <puppylove> just needed a small touch friendly install to run a few apps on the tablet [18:06] <puppylove> gns3, wireshark, nmap, ham radio stuff [18:06] <puppylove> sdr [18:08] <puppylove> everything else i want to use this tablet for i can do within android itself [18:08] <puppylove> actually come to think of it [18:08] <puppylove> since i am running one of the newer atoms [18:08] <puppylove> i wonder if linux steam and some low end linux steam games will work in it... [18:17] <SturmFlut> puppylove: I tried to do a mostly unmodified installation of Ubuntu 15.04 on a Windows 8.1 tablet, including Unity8, but it was never stable because of the internal MMC flash [18:18] <puppylove> dual boot, or idd you completely over write it?> which tablet? [18:18] <SturmFlut> puppylove: If those geniuses at Google hadn't decided that an Android device can't be like a normal PC you could just install regular Ubuntu over Android, or have dual-boot [18:19] <SturmFlut> puppylove: I removed the Windows installation, it's a Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 8 [18:19] <puppylove> ah, i thought that was more or less a discretion of the device maker, not google itself [18:19] <SturmFlut> puppylove: [18:20] <SturmFlut> puppylove: No, Google defines the startup environment for Android. They could've just specified UEFI and ACPI back then, like Microsoft does with Windows. There was no technical reason to lock everybody else out [18:21] <puppylove> lame [18:23] <puppylove> that makes me a sad panda [18:23] <SturmFlut> puppylove: In the end Android has now produced more locked-down devices than Windows was installed on in the last ten years, so I myself at least will never understand why some people still think of Google as an open and non-evil company [18:24] <puppylove> perhaps less evil is a better descriptor [18:25] <SturmFlut> puppylove: No. You can just deactivate Secure Boot on every current Windows tablet/PC/Desktop and install an unmodified x86 Linux, but you can't put an unmodified Linux distribution on any Android/ChromeOS device. [18:25] <puppylove> oh, none of the windows tablets require a firmware flashing? [18:25] <puppylove> hm [18:26] <SturmFlut> puppylove: the Windows RT devices are ARM-based, they are locked down, but those aren't on sale anymore. All current devices are just Intel x86 chips with UEFI and ACPI. Go to the UEFI menu, turn off Secure Boot, plug in an USB stick and boot from it. [18:27] <puppylove> windows rt was so obviously a boneheaded move [18:27] <puppylove> create brand confusion, that's all [18:28] <SturmFlut> puppylove: The kernel will boot, all CPU cores will come up, you will even get accelerated video. WiFi and Audio may be flaky, depending on the actual chipsets, and my device hat MMC flash problems, but the overall experience is okay. [18:30] <SturmFlut> I wonder why nobody came up with a Monopoly lawsuit against Google and Android device manufacturers. A phone/tablet is just a PC. We cry if our PCs are locked down, why do we allow phones/tablets to be locked down? [18:31] <puppylove> someone has to be motivated to do it. usually that is by money [18:31] <puppylove> perhaps that is what microsoft is reaching for by embracing cyanogenmod [18:32] <puppylove> sort of like how they prop up the rotted corpse of SCO to troll linux companies [18:33] <puppylove> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [18:34] <puppylove> arrrrrgh [18:35] <SturmFlut> Well, I'll go back to my bug reports before I get into rage mode and start boring everyone [18:35] <puppylove> [19:43] <t-ask> HI I have an BQ Aquaris 4.5 (Andriod) and I wanted to install Utouch on it by following I come up to "Unlock the Android device". On command "fastboot oem unlock" the terminal just shows "..." and nothing happens on the device. Any idea? [19:57] <tasty-sandwich> Anyone got a minute to talk? I've got a design decision to make and I need to make it soon. [19:59] <tasty-sandwich> We have a network of payment kiosks that use google nexus 7's as essentially a touch screen interface to a raspberry pi. People keep exiting the app and otherwise tampering with the system despite the fact we've spent thousands on "kiosk mode" software to lock that crap out. [19:59] <tasty-sandwich> We are considering a move to ubuntu touch. Maybe even ditching the raspberry pi all together. [20:00] <tasty-sandwich> But I'm not sure how I would control the bill acceptor. Is there a way to get the USB port from micro usb to like a regular USB hub? [20:01] <tasty-sandwich> Also is there a "lock down" mode available so that the ubuntu touch only loads & runs our app? I just don't want the thing to boot up and present the user with email, internet etc. We just need a single full screen app. [20:02] <labsin> tasty-sandwich, You could buy a OTG adapter. That way you can attach regular usb devices [20:02] <labsin> But not all drivers are build in the kernel. A mouse or keyboard work. Some wifi adapters too [20:03] <tasty-sandwich> Thanks I think the OTG adapter is exactly what I am looking for. Is there a way to know if it will work with ubuntu touch? [20:03] <Inglebard> Hi everybody, someone know how translate QML app with "" ? [20:03] <tasty-sandwich> Well the billacceptor is driverless, there is a javasdk that opens up ttys0 and bitbangs it. [20:04] <labsin> Inglebard, Yes. What do you need to know? [20:04] <labsin> tasty-sandwich, That should work on Android I think [20:04] <labsin> Apps on Ubuntu touch aren't allowed that much [20:05] <labsin> But you could launch an app without these restrictions too [20:05] <Inglebard> labsin, I put to translate my text (label,...) and I create my po files but my app is always in english. Do you have an idea what I do wrong ? [20:05] <labsin> Inglebard, How do you make your po files? [20:06] <Inglebard> labsin, I use the .pot file in "po" folder to generate my po file with poedit program. [20:08] <labsin> [20:08] <labsin> I use that script to generate mo files baste on the po files [20:08] <labsin> I put it in the po folder [20:10] <labsin> then I do ./ (that's how I named the script) in the po folder. It generates locale/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES/$ files needed to load the translations [20:10] <labsin> the locale folder should be in the root of your click package [20:12] <labsin> Anybody tried the Falling Blocks game? I updated it today. [20:12] <t-ask> if I enter "fastboot oem unlock" nothing happens except I see "..." in the terminal. Am I missing something? [20:13] <t-ask> device is connected. I tested with "fastboot devices" ... [20:13] <labsin> t-ask, are you in fastboot mode? [20:13] <tasty-sandwich> Is there something other than an app? I thought I saw some sort of "experience" thing, scene or scope or something like that. Would that do it? [20:14] <t-ask> yes, it's written FASTBOOT mode ... [20:15] <t-ask> labsin: I wonder why my Aquaris 4.5 doesn't popup the unlock text. [20:15] <t-ask> labsin: I tried with sudo, too. no success [20:16] <t-ask> I don't need to insert a SIM first? [20:16] <t-ask> SD card is wiped and inserted, too. [20:17] <labsin> tasty-sandwich, What you ask for is to remove a lot from the image and only add an app. Than would certainly be possible, but the shell is tied up to the core. I don't know what would need to be changed. Maybe ask on the mailing list [20:17] <labsin> t-ask, oem unlock is to unlock the bootloader to be able to flash a new kernel that is not signed by the manufacturer [20:18] <Inglebard> labsin : I try your script, it's still in english... [20:19] <tasty-sandwich> Hmmm, maybe have the app launch at boot (got to be a way to do that right?) Then have it catch any signals so it won't die or exit. [20:19] <t-ask> labsin: do you think it's already unlokced? I tried "adb setprop ..." It didn't change the prop ... therefore, I guess it's locked [20:20] <tasty-sandwich> OTOH, there's this... [20:20] <tasty-sandwich> [20:20] <labsin> tasty-sandwich, The shell is just like an app. Also written in qml with an cpp backend. So yes [20:21] <tasty-sandwich> Guess I'll give that a shot first. Best not to toss the baby out with the bathwater, even if the baby has been acting bad ;) [20:22] <tasty-sandwich> Thanks for the advice guys! [20:22] <labsin> No prob [20:24] <labsin> t-ask, are you in fastboot mode now? [20:25] <labsin> Is there text on the screen? I think it should say something as "Device is UNLOCKED" (or LOCKED [20:25] <labsin> Inglebard, Did you change the DOMAIN in the script to your apps domain name? [20:26] <Inglebard> yeap [20:26] <t-ask> My bootloader doesn't show the green android robot only in recovery mode. It's just written "FASTBOOT mode" at the bottom. [20:27] <t-ask> labsin: oh, I missed your msg, sorry. Not now. Should I chnage to fastboot mode now? [20:27] <labsin> t-ask, nono [20:28] <labsin> t-ask, my android devices shows a line that says unlocked at the screen when in fastboot mode [20:29] <SturmFlut> t-ask: Well, I see two problems. First, AFAIK the Aquaris E4.5 is already unlocked, so no "fastboot oem unlock" needed. And second, the internal flash contains a partition layout, which is different between Android and Ubuntu. [20:29] <Inglebard> labsin : can I send you a link to the repository to check what's happen, if you have time ? ( It's a really simple project ) [20:29] <labsin> ok [20:30] <t-ask> labsin: my Fastboot just shows an ASCII line: "=> FASTBOOT mode..." nothing more. [20:31] <Inglebard> labsin : [20:31] <labsin> t-ask, Did you buy and Ubuntu edition? (see SturmFlut's post) [20:31] <SturmFlut> t-ask: bq offers a tool to set and format partitions, see at the bottom, "Firmware Hard reset Version 1.5.0" and "Drivers+utilities", but AFAICS they haven't uploaded the necessary files for the Ubuntu partition layout, just those for Android. [20:32] <t-ask> labsin: no it's the Android edition. [20:32] <SturmFlut> labsin: I bought both, the Android version back in February for my brother and the Ubuntu version for me. They are different at the core, and bq would have to release the necessary tools and files to change the partition layout. [20:33] <SturmFlut> labsin, t-ask: Which they haven't. [20:33] <SturmFlut> I think one *could* come up with the necessary configuration file if one took the information from the Ubuntu version, but I never tried. [20:34] <labsin> Inglebard, Are you trying the translations on the device with installing a click package or on the desktop? [20:34] <Inglebard> on the device [20:35] <t-ask> SturmFlut: with "core" you mean partitions or hardware?! [20:36] <labsin> and there is a locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ file in the click package? [20:36] <t-ask> I just wonder why I can't even root the Android one [20:36] <labsin> Inglebard, ore something else the nl [20:36] <t-ask> SturmFlut: Did you root the Android phone somehow? And if, how? [20:37] <labsin> I did have troubles with this before and had to "hack" around it. I though it was fixed [20:37] <Inglebard> labsin : I am checking [20:38] <SturmFlut> t-ask: Both. The partition layout is different, and the hardware is slightly different as well. The Ubuntu device seems to currently have seven partitions, while the Android version has 19. The Ubuntu version has no visible touch buttons below the display (they are there, but invisible), the Android version has touch buttons. [20:39] <SturmFlut> t-ask: bq distributes a tool by the chipset manufacturer which can set and create flash partitions. The configuration file for the Android version of the E4.5 e.g. is [20:40] <SturmFlut> t-ask: While the active configuration on the Ubuntu version is , clearly different [20:40] <labsin> Inglebard, I think I used the wrong gettext domain. You could do print(i18n.domain) in the app to check [20:40] <labsin> I think it needs to be just fixel maybe [20:41] <t-ask> SturmFlut: doesn't the flash tool repartition the internal flsh? [20:41] <t-ask> SturmFlut: I mean, I wonder that I can't root it in the first place [20:42] <labsin> I know I had to do: - i18n.domain = "fallingblocks" i18n.bindtextdomain(i18n.domain,"locale") in Component.onCompleted() somewhere to make it work [20:42] <t-ask> SturmFlut: Did you root the Android one? [20:42] <SturmFlut> t-ask: Yes, it does, but bq never released the necessary "scatter file" (the configuration file for the flash tool) for the Ubuntu version. So you can't currently convert the Android version to the Ubuntu version. [20:42] <labsin> Inglebard, But that should no lonker be needed as the bugreport I made was marked soved (never tested tho) [20:43] <labsin> But I need to go. [20:43] <labsin> So by [20:43] <t-ask> SturmFlut: ok, then I have an RMA case now .) [20:43] <Inglebard> Ok thanks [20:43] <SturmFlut> t-ask: You don't need to unlock bq phones, they are all unlocked already. And you don't need to root them if you're going to replace Android anyways. [20:43] <t-ask> SturmFlut: I just send it back and buy the Ubuntu version then. [20:44] <SturmFlut> t-ask: You can restore Android if you've already broken the installation, all the tools and files are on their website. [20:44] <t-ask> SturmFlut: Well, I couldn't change the device_id, so I thought mine is not rooted [20:45] <t-ask> SturmFlut: no nothing is broken. I couldn't flash the device... probably because of different device_id [20:45] <SturmFlut> t-ask: Hm, I don't know about device_id. All I know is that bq markets all their devices with the term "unlocked" [20:45] <SturmFlut> t-ask: If your intention was to get an Ubuntu phone, then open an RMA case and send it back. Should be the fastest way. [20:47] <t-ask> SturmFlut: yes, I just send it back. It's said that they sell the ubuntu version at a higher price. [20:48] <t-ask> /s/said/sad [20:48] <fran2> hey guys hello! I just messed up my ubuntu phone i guess; after system upgrade it is constantly rebooting itself; i cant access my phone anymore; what should i do [20:49] <SturmFlut> fran2: Do you remember which version you upgraded to? r20? r21? [20:49] <fran2> SturmFlut: I got an Aquarius E4.5 and i guess i upgraded to the recommended version ( was on system manager _ update menu) [20:50] <nik90> fran2: did you do anything out the ordinary to the E4.5? Like using apt-get or something? [20:50] <SturmFlut> fran2: Okay, I have not run into this problem myself, but there was a report on the mailing list about this happening sometimes. See [20:50] <fran2> nik90: Yes I installed some python packages for installing whatsapp from terminal :/ [20:51] <SturmFlut> fran2: Okay, that might not have been the best idea. WhatsApp would have probably blocked you anyways. [20:51] <bqphone> i had it also but after i did shutdown the phone and restarted then it worked fine [20:51] <bqphone> was also trying to install whatsapp [20:52] <fran2> but i think the continous reboot was due to ubuntu system upgrade since it happened just after that [20:53] <fran2> is there an easy way to just install a fresh ubuntu to get rid of this loop [20:53] <SturmFlut> fran2: Yes, there is. You should probably follow [20:54] <SturmFlut> It will erase all your data though [20:54] <fran2> I do not have any data at all, my phone is totally new :/ [20:55] <fran2> The problem is i cant even go into recovery mode; it also gets stuck [20:58] <SturmFlut> fran2: Wait a moment, I'll try it on my device [21:00] <sysop2> hi! I just did apt-get install ubuntu-touch on my convertible tablet, when it finishes what do I do next? [21:00] <sysop2> ubuntu 14.10 [21:01] <sysop2> if you guys know of a howto please enlighten me. I have googled around but nothing about running it on x86 tablet/laptops. [21:02] <SturmFlut> sysop2: I think you restart the device, and in the login manager you select "Ubuntu Touch" or something [21:02] <SturmFlut> sysop2: Or "Unity 8" [21:02] <sysop2> sweet I was hoping it was that easy! [21:02] <t-ask> Does anyone know how many days it takes to get the Aquaris Ubuntu Ed. when ordering today? [21:03] <sysop2> cant wait to try it out, I couldnt get kde active to run at all on it. :( [21:04] <fran2> :/ [21:04] <SturmFlut> t-ask: They say it takes a couple of days. But I don't know, I ordered during the second flash sale and bq Germany screwed up the order a little, so it took *very* long. [21:04] <t-ask> SturmFlut: then I hope they don't screw it up for me .) [21:05] <SturmFlut> t-ask: As long as the billing and shipping address are the same, it shouldn't be a problem [21:05] <SturmFlut> t-ask: That's were it got problematic [21:06] <t-ask> SturmFlut: I had to wait for the one I have now almost one week... cause of the DHL ppl on strike .) [21:07] <SturmFlut> fran2: Interesting, I can't get into recovery mode too. I see the menu with the three options, I select "recovery mode", but then the Ubuntu circle appears and never goes away. [21:07] <fran2> SturmFlut: same! [21:07] <SturmFlut> fran2: Ah! You have to press "Power Up"! [21:08] <fran2> SturmFlut: What do you mean? After ubuntu circle? [21:08] <SturmFlut> fran2: Jep! [21:08] <sysop2> what no "computer on" [21:08] <SturmFlut> fran2: Select "Recovery mode", press "Power down" to select it, wait until the Ubuntu circle appears, then press "Power up" [21:09] <SturmFlut> fran2: At least that's how it works on my device here [21:09] <SturmFlut> fran2: If I do it like this, I see the "Wipe data/factory reset" option [21:09] <SturmFlut> sysop2: Did it start Unity8? [21:10] <fran2> SturmFlut: It works! [21:10] <SturmFlut> fran2: Now let's hope that this fixes the problem [21:11] <SturmFlut> fran2: Otherwise you should be able to boot into recovery and execute "ubuntu-device-flash touch --bootstrap" on the desktop [21:11] <SturmFlut> fran2: As long as "fastboot devices" shows the phone [21:13] <fran2> SturmFlut: It is working I guess, thank you man [21:13] <SturmFlut> fran2: no problem [21:14] <fran2> SturmFlut: Do you know also if it is possible to install whatsapp? [21:15] <SturmFlut> fran2: WhatsApp declines to support Ubuntu Touch. There are some alternative clients, but if you use them WhatsApp will block you. That's why we have Telegram. [21:24] <SturmFlut> sysop2: Any luck? [21:25] <fran2> SturmFlut: Thank you again, telegram seems well! I will convince my friends to use it [21:25] <SturmFlut> fran2: Any modern Android phone can usually run more than one Messenger at the same time, so it shouldn't be a problem for them. [21:26] <SturmFlut> fran2: And Telegram has secure, encrypted chats. Maybe your friends like that... [22:20] <nik90> damn the battery life in OTA-3 is too good..finding it really hard to bring the battery percent lower than 20% even after a full day of moderate use [22:33] <popey> \o/ [22:37] <brunch875> yeah, it's great. Normally I'd be all out of battery when back home [22:37] <brunch875> let's hope we see more patches :))) long journey ahead
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DanChapman", "Dragonkeeper", "FrameFever", "Giordano", "Inglebard", "Sleep_Walker", "SturmFlut", "Trigo", "ahayzen", "bqphone", "brunch875", "dadexix86", "fran2", "froyo", "guideX", "knightwise", "labsin", "lotuspsychje", "mokmeister", "mtrh", "nik90", "ogra_", "popey", "puppylove", "ricsipontaz", "saurabhdare", "sjakie902", "sysop2", "t-ask", "tasty-sandwich", "tnozyrox", "vitimiti", "wayne_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[03:04] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [03:10] <razGon_MINILA> AutoWiZ_znc, 인사가 늦었습니다. ^^ [03:11] <razGon_MINILA> 맛점하세요. 저도 곧 퇴근이네요.ㅎ [03:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 맞점 하세요~~ ^^ [04:10] <AutoWiZ_znc> 컴퓨터에서 가장 중요한 부분은 무엇일까요? 가장중요한것을 특정짓거나 정의 할 수 나 있을까요? [04:16] <jason_kr_> "불/양호"한 유져의 상태 ? [04:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅎㅎ 연산을 기준으로 봤을때는 CPU [04:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 데이터 처리의 기준으로는 MEM [04:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 데이터 저장은 DISK & STORAGE [04:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 유저 편의성으로 봐서는 Monitor & Keyboard & Mouse [04:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 컴퓨터 운영상의 기준으로는 쓰는 사람 ㅋㅋ [04:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> S/W 공학 기준으로는 S/W [06:24] <allen-dt> 안녕하세요 [06:25] <allen-dt> 제가 무료 DDNS 사이트에서 도메인을 등록했는데 [06:26] <allen-dt> 외부 네트워크에서 이 도메인을 입력하면, 제 서버의 내부IP로 접속되어 인덱스홈페이지로 이동하는 건 어떻게 설정하나요? [06:26] <allen-dt> 포트포워딩을 해야할 것 같은데, 구글링을 해봐도 적절한 답변을 찾지 못하고 있습니다...ㅠㅠ [06:29] <allen-dt> 예를들어, LAMP를 설치했다면, 브라우저에 루프백 아이피를 입력하면 자동으로 /var/www/html 안에 있는 index.html 페이지를 보여주는데 [06:30] <allen-dt> 외부에서 공인IP를 입력했을때 같은 동작을 하도록 할 수 있는 방법이 없을까요? ㅠㅠ [07:54] <AutoWiZ_znc> dma [07:55] <AutoWiZ_znc> 음 공유기 사용 하시나요? [07:55] <Seony> 안녕하세요 [07:56] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 ... 뭐 늘 하는 고민이지만 오늘도 저녁을 뭘로 먹을지 고민 입니다. ㅋㅋ [07:56] <Seony> 굳이 배고프지 않으면 안드시는게 몸에 좋아요 ㅎㅎ [07:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 점심을 바나나 만 먹었더니 저녁은 먹어야 할거 같습니다 ㅋㅋ [07:57] <Seony> 아 그럼 드셔야죠 ㅋㅋ [07:57] <Seony> 꼬기 드세요 꼬기 [07:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 꼬기 좋지요 ㅎㅎ [07:58] <PotatoGim> 군침 도네요.. [07:58] <PotatoGim> 점심은 자루소바를 먹었는데.. 저녁은 뭘 먹나... [07:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그럼 저녁도 자루소바로 아하하하~~ [07:59] <PotatoGim> 메밀 못 먹어서 죽은 귀신이라면 모를까... 더 이상은..ㅜㅜ [07:59] <Seony> 소바 얘기하셔서 저도 침이 막 나오네요 [07:59] <Seony> 와이프한테 소바 해달라고 했습니다 ㅋ [07:59] <Seony> 지금 무 갈고 있어요 [07:59] <PotatoGim> ㅎㅎ 저녁은 일식으로.. [07:59] <PotatoGim> 크... [07:59] <PotatoGim> 저는 대충 휫자나 치느님으로.. [08:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저는 그냥 햇발 + 3분 카레 아니면 [08:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 편읜점 도시락이 될듯 합니다 ㅋ [08:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 치킨은 시키면 너무 많아서 꼭 배불러진다음에 후회를 하게 되더라구요 [08:01] <AutoWiZ_znc> 여러명 있으면 그나마 괜찮은데 혼자 있다보니 ㅠㅠ [08:01] <AutoWiZ_znc> 돈도 아깝고 [08:01] <PotatoGim> ㅎㅎ 치느님은 킵했다가 다음 날 먹으셔도... [08:01] <AutoWiZ_znc> 예전엔 그게 잘 됐는데 요즘 맨탈이 붕괴되서 그런지 그냥 눈앞에 먹을게 있으면 다 먹어버려요 ㅠㅠ [08:02] <AutoWiZ_znc> 1.5마리까지 먹어봤다는 [08:02] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그냥 한끼에 꿀꺽 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ [08:03] <Seony> 원래 치킨은 한마리로 부족한거 아니었나요? ㅎㅎ [08:03] <PotatoGim> 허.. 믿음이 깊으신 신자이시군요..ㅜ 저는 아직 한마리의 영역을 돌파를 못했는데.. [08:04] <AutoWiZ_znc> 가마솥 치킨 인가 해서 안자르고 통으로 1.5 마리 나오는 가게가 있는데 나름 바싹하게 잘 나와서 정말 오랜만에 치킨 맛있게 먹긴 했어요 [08:04] <AutoWiZ_znc> (잘라달라고하면 잘라 준다고도 하네요) [08:04] <PotatoGim> 혹시 가마로강정? [08:10] <AutoWiZ_znc> [08:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 이런느낌 ? ㅎㅎ 앞부분 치킨만요 ( 배달이었으니까) [08:13] <PotatoGim> 캬.. 매운거에 사족을 못 쓰는데 닭도리탕 장난 아니겠네요.. 통닭은 말마따나 옛날 시장 통닭 느낌? [08:28] <Seony> 소바 한 접시 해치우고 왔어요 ㅎㅎ [08:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 편의점 전자렌지 스파게티 먹고 있어요 ㅎㅎ [08:31] <Seony> 기왕 드시는거 좋은거 드시죠... [08:31] <Seony> 전 또 다시 이브의 세계로... ㅎㅎ [08:32] <Seony> 설계도 몇개 입수해서, 생산라인에서 생산 중입니다 ㅋ [08:39] <PotatoGim> 에고.. 저는 맥날...ㅜㅜ [08:45] <DarkCircle> 한접시면 너무 적게 드시는거 아니냐는 [08:47] <AutoWiZ_znc> 접시의 사이즈가 다르겠지요 ㅎㅎ [08:48] <DarkCircle> 설마 쟁반 스케일은 아니겠죠 /-ㅠ-/ [08:48] <DarkCircle> (ㅇㅇ?) [08:48] <Seony> 쟁반인데요 ㅎㅎ [08:48] <Seony> 대충 라면 한개반 정도 되는 양 같아요 [08:48] <DarkCircle> 그 쟁반이라는게 잔치국수 4인분 끌고 오는 =3 [08:48] <DarkCircle> 음 라면 한개면 적은양이긴 한데 'ㅅ'a [08:48] <DarkCircle> 한개반이면 -ㅅ- ... 1인분 (!) [10:51] <allen-dt> 아까 DDNS관련한 질문글 올린 사람인데, 네 공유기를 사용합니다 ㅎㅎ [12:19] <PotatoGim> DDNS 갱신만 해주시면 됩니다... [12:19] <PotatoGim> 서버의 주소로.. [12:45] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아이고 나가셔 버렸다 [12:53] <PotatoGim> 허허.. 저도 이제 집으로 복귀해야 겠네요.. [12:54] <PotatoGim> 그럼 편안한 밤 보내시길~ [13:20] <AutoWiZ_znc> 좋은 꿈 꾸세요~ [13:40] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕핫에ㅛ [13:40] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "DarkCircle", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "Seony", "allen-dt", "jason_kr_", "razGon_MINILA" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[12:45] <elfy> if anyone with access to the tracker happens to notice this over the weekend - the upgrade tests for Vivid Final are pointing to 20150416 instead of 17.1 [14:19] <cjwatson> elfy: Upgrade tests are usually set to refer to a date rather than an image, since upgrading is about the state of the archive not the state of images. [14:26] <elfy> cjwatson: ok cool - thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cjwatson", "elfy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[00:53] <programmer> Hello! Anyone familiar with packaging software to release it into the ubuntu system? [00:58] <programmer> anyone here? [07:02] <Rhonda> micahg, about that adding "ubuntu1" to the version string, that won't work for SRU to trusty and utopic given that both currently have the same version. Or can a SRU for them both be done with the same version? I don't think so? [08:35] <maxb> Rhonda: "2.0-2 in two releases 2.0-2ubuntu0.11.10.1 and 2.0-2ubuntu0.12.04.1 [08:35] <maxb> looks like the appropriate line from micahg's link [08:57] <Rhonda> maxb: Ah, missed that line, my bad. :) [08:57] * Rhonda . o O ( and now I realized that I versioned wrongly, should have been ubuntu0.1 … ) [08:58] <maxb> You went with ubuntu1. ? So long as there isn't an actual ubuntu1 in the next series, I don't think that would cause any actual issue. [08:59] <maxb> Depends how picky people are feeling :-) [08:59] <Rhonda> Right, but I'm pedantic. :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Rhonda", "maxb", "programmer" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[09:49] <position1> Hi I installed docky in lubuntu and I want to make it transparent however it does not change. Do I need to install another programm with it? [09:51] <position1> Something that configures docky? [11:20] <position1> Hi anyone uses docky in lubuntu? I want to ask something [13:46] <Glorfindel> I'm in the root recovery shell, and I need to mount a usb flash drive. What /dev/ device should it be? [13:47] <Glorfindel> I have tried sdb, sda, and sdf1 [13:50] <Glorfindel> never mind, I did it a different way that didn't need a mount [14:01] <guest55> I am trying to install a linux on an old 486 box. 512 memory, 20Gb HDD. Is lubuntu the right choice for this? Or something else? [14:06] <guest55> hello! [14:06] <guest55> Anybody home? [14:14] <guest55> How to install on old hardware? And what? [14:49] <position1> guest55 [14:49] <position1> hi [14:50] <position1> if you choose an lts version of lubuntu maybe it works but I am not sure [15:49] <ianorlin> guest55 lubuntu would work best of any of the ubuntu flavors [18:38] <penguin1263> im using lubuntu as my server :p [19:09] <chonps> I have a problem with a "always running" Firefox. Can someone help me? [19:11] <penguin1263> [19:11] <penguin1263> cant you kill it in the resource monitor [19:11] <chonps> I watched files like /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu-Netbook/autostart - /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart - /usr/lib/openbox/openbox-autostart - /usr/lib/openbox/openbox-xdg-autostart [19:12] <chonps> Yes, I can, but it comes to life in a while [19:12] <penguin1263> :/ [19:12] <penguin1263> killall firefox? [19:12] <chonps> Resists a reboot and a .mozilla folder erase. [19:13] <penguin1263> oh my god [19:13] <penguin1263> tried askubuntu? [19:14] <chonps> Well, I duckduckgo'ed a lot, but... [19:16] <penguin1263> try askubuntu (it's supposed to help with all things ubuntu and lubuntu is a spin) [19:17] <chonps> ok, thank you, i will [23:06] <bubbletea> hi [23:07] <bubbletea> I'm trying to bootcamp ubuntu or some linux onto my old 2006 mbp, should I be going with Lubuntu latest version or what? any advice? [23:08] <bubbletea> [23:08] <bubbletea> I'm a programming student so I just want to start getting experience with linux while having something to code on
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Glorfindel", "bubbletea", "chonps", "guest55", "ianorlin", "penguin1263", "position1" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[02:18] <Ashiren> happy Caturday [02:18] <Ashiren> :3 [06:02] <m477> nie [06:33] <Ashiren> tak [07:17] <Quintasan> BlessJah: Knopper - 10/10 linuksowiec [07:52] <Ashiren> :3 [08:00] <TheNumb> O, dzisiaj sesja linugzowa. [08:01] <TheNumb> w sumie to nie wiem czy mi się chce [08:01] <TheNumb> hmm, o 11:30 Ansible for SDN deployment: benefits and good practices [08:01] <TheNumb> to może być interesujące [08:03] <Ashiren> a jest cos o systemd [08:04] <TheNumb> jest [08:04] <TheNumb> lennart w niedziele [08:04] <TheNumb> kontenery w systemd [08:04] <TheNumb> Ashiren: [08:05] <TheNumb> 13:00 - 14:00 [08:05] <TheNumb> Containers with systemd [08:05] <TheNumb> Lennart Poettering [08:08] <TheNumb> Ashiren: możesz pojechać i ścisnąć mu fujarkę [08:08] <BlessJah> Quintasan: sup? [08:09] <BlessJah> Quintasan: jestes na sesji? [08:12] <BlessJah> TheNumb: tez wlasnie na ansible'a czekam [08:12] <TheNumb> ja jeszcze siedzę w domu [08:12] <TheNumb> i nie wiem czy chce mi się jechąć [08:12] <BlessJah> stream jest, po co sie ruszac [08:12] <TheNumb> pytania można zadać [08:12] <TheNumb> ;c [08:13] <BlessJah> nie potrzebuje, wiem wszystko [08:13] <BlessJah> a dowodzenie niewiedzy prelegenta juz mnie nie bawi [08:13] <BlessJah> \o/ [08:14] <TheNumb> ;p [08:29] <BlessJah> sigh [08:53] <gjm> piardłem [09:10] <Ashiren> :3 [09:51] <Quintasan> BlessJah: Tak, jestem, w końcu jestem organizatorem xD [09:52] <BlessJah> Quintasan: bedzie nagranie z malej salki? [09:53] <Quintasan> BlessJah: Nie damy rady, raz że nie mamy sprzętu (ta kamera co teraz robi stream to stary, prywatny sprzęt kolegi) a dwa że tam trochę gorzej z oświetleniem [09:54] <BlessJah> szkoda [09:54] <Quintasan> No mamy niestety ograniczone środku [09:54] <BlessJah> wlasnie w malej salce ciekawsze wyklady sa [09:54] <Quintasan> środki* [09:54] <Quintasan> Wat xD [09:55] <Quintasan> Dobrze wiedzieć. [09:55] <BlessJah> Quintasan: elf i ansible [09:55] <BlessJah> nie wiem o czym jest to o projektowaniu [09:55] <Quintasan> Generalnie najgorsze jest to że te prelekcje dostałem na dwa, trzy tygodnie przed [09:56] <Quintasan> Nie chciałem im mówić że nie bo faktycznie brzmiały fajnie ale tyle czasu przed mam mniejsze pole do manweru plus jest jeszcze kupa rzeczy do zrobienia [09:56] <Quintasan> Teraz nawet sprzęt, ustawialiśmy już w czwartek, dzisiaj od 8:00 a i tak jest poślizg. [09:57] <Quintasan> -_- [09:57] <BlessJah> Quintasan: no na razie nic ciekawego sie nie dowiedzialem [09:57] <Quintasan> Dobra, wracam do ogarniania tego co tu się dzieje. [09:57] <BlessJah> fajne filmiki, ale czesc z nich juz widzialem na youtube [09:58] <Quintasan> BlessJah: Problem mam taki że jak mam prelekcję techniczną to często tak że gość klepie kod na ekranie a to nie jest szczerze powiedziawszy zbyt interesujące moim zdaniem. [09:59] <Quintasan> Spróbuję zobaczyć czy da się chociaż jedną kamerę na małą salę dać do nagrywania. [09:59] <Quintasan> Streamu nie ustawimy już raczej ale może się nagrać uda coś. [09:59] <BlessJah> byloby fajnie [09:59] <BlessJah> Quintasan: byles na code::dive? [09:59] <Quintasan> Tak. [10:00] <BlessJah> fajne zrealizowanie prelekcji polegajacej na klepaniu kodu jest trudne, ale nie niemozliwe: [10:00] <Quintasan> Dobra, do roboty. Jeszcze Lennart trzeba odebrać [10:03] <BlessJah> Quintasan: hint co do kamer, jestescie w centrum sztuk audiowizualnych :D [10:40] <BlessJah> Quintasan: nie slychac goscia na streamie [12:34] <Ashiren> :3 [12:37] <TheNumb> BlessJah: pewnie swoich kamer nie użyczą ;p [15:25] <Ashiren> :3 [15:26] <Ashiren> rybka [19:07] <Ashiren> :3 [19:22] <gjm> Ashiren: [20:42] <Ashiren> :3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ashiren", "BlessJah", "Quintasan", "TheNumb", "gjm", "m477" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[07:32] <HiGregS> I have [07:34] <HiGregS> xps13 (new), looks like 15.04 has the updates and patched kernel for mic and sound. will the fixes likely be back ported to 14.04 or 14.10, or should I expect the next LTS (16?) to contain those and NOT 14? [07:35] <HiGregS> I'm not totally familiar with terms like "upstream" and have been substantially away from Linux since 1.0 kernel days... [07:35] <HiGregS> (first I think I recall is 0.98, can that be right??!!) [20:39] <infinity> zequence: Oh, but it would still be nice for your current lowlatency update to not be crufty, expecially if it's going to be the last.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "HiGregS", "infinity" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[00:36] <fnoyanisi> selam [07:43] <fnoyanisi> selam [08:16] <fnoyanisi> ^pardus kanalı bomboş [08:17] <fnoyanisi> neo ldu hala aktif mi proje bilen var mı
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "fnoyanisi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tr" }
[01:29] <psusi> that's the thing... of course it is... I can play h264 videos with totem, and chrome [01:29] <psusi> it's just firefox that has the problem [02:19] <bandit-awake> t [02:41] <Bluefoxicy> I hate column writers [02:42] <Bluefoxicy> the 5 biggest changes in Ubuntu 15.04 [02:42] <Bluefoxicy> 4) Still using Unity 7 for the desktop [02:42] <Bluefoxicy> THAT'S NOT A CHANGE, DUMBASS [02:42] <Bluefoxicy> and Kernel update isn't a big update [02:43] <Bluefoxicy> it's a big update when it's Linux 4.0 with no-reboot patching [02:43] <Bluefoxicy> also one of these is "updated applications" [02:43] <Bluefoxicy> your new software comes with new software, one of the biggest changes you'll notice [02:43] <Bluefoxicy> I should buy a friggin' lwn subscription [02:43] <Daekdroom> There probably aren't 5 big changes in Ubuntu 15.04 [02:47] <Bluefoxicy> Daekdroom: yes but what the hell? [02:48] <Bluefoxicy> ZDNet lists "using the same desktop as the last version" as a change [02:48] <Daekdroom> I'm not excusing lazy journalism. [02:48] <Daekdroom> Besides, that is such a change the exact same thing happened in 14.10 :P [02:51] <Bluefoxicy> heh yeah [02:51] <Bluefoxicy> i found the 14.10 upgrade lackluster: the only thing I really noticed was my graphics driver became shit. [02:51] <Bluefoxicy> it's still shit. [02:52] <Bluefoxicy> It was fantastic and snappy and stable in 14.04. When I moved to 14.10, it would actively crash. It doesn't crash anymore, but Chrome does crash; it sticks and lags when in use, which is why I no longer use Rhythmbox (which causes such lag as to softlock my workstation and require a power cycle) [02:53] <Bluefoxicy> I filed a bug, and they told me my bios obviously needed updating. I did that (it wasn't easy! Somehow you have to boot DOS, without floppy drives; the original bios utility would fail if you used memdisk), and it's still broken; but Atlas shrugged, and nobody gives a shit if Intel HD2000 graphics don't work. [02:53] <Bluefoxicy> I'm hoping the new 15.04 kernel actually works, because otherwise I'll still have a buggy, broken OS to deal with, and I'm sure filing a bug is useless. [02:54] * Bluefoxicy vent. [09:06] <lordievader> Good morning. [10:05] <MoonUnit`> lordievader: did that blokes audio get sorted out last night? [10:29] <lordievader> He removed PA, lost interest after that. [10:31] <elfy> people do that a lot ... I read something from 6 years ago that said PA was bad, so ... [10:32] <elfy> I'm sure that people did have issues with it - must have been lucky here ;) [10:32] <lordievader> PA can be annoying. People's reaction to just remove it is, in my opinion, way too blunt and not a whole lot of fun. [10:33] <lordievader> PA was very annoying in the beginning. But lately I've began to enjoy it. [10:34] <elfy> as I said - must have been lucky here, never had any problems with it [10:41] <MoonUnit`> i remove it for my htpc but had no problem on the desktop. [11:58] <BluesKaj> Howdy all [11:59] <vitimiti> Fine [13:37] <lotuspsychje> MonkeyDust: hello [13:57] <MonkeyDust> lotuspsychje [13:57] <lotuspsychje> MonkeyDust: add discuss to your favs mate :p [14:15] <lotuspsychje> MonkeyDust: #ubuntu-discuss that is [17:12] <MoPac> Hello. I've experienced a reversion sometime during the 15.04 development that has affected how signals from my laptop's hardware sensors are interpreted. Nobody has taken official interest in the bug report (, so I'm hoping that someone here might be able to point me to where to look for sensor / hardware switch config [17:13] <MoPac> (so I might try to make a more detailed diagnosis myself) [17:29] <penguin42> oh that's quite a funny bug [17:32] * penguin42 added a question [18:13] <MoPac> penguin42: That's a good point; I'll try booting with the other kernel [18:14] <MoPac> ##kernel hadn't been interested in the question, so I had been thinking that maybe it wasn't that after all, but I should have tested [18:26] <MoPac> penguin42: Tested 3.16.0-29 . Bug stayed the same. Posted info in Launchpad [18:37] <penguin42> MoPac: Do you have an /etc/urfkill - and if so what is it's contents? [18:38] <MoPac> hardware.conf profile urfkill.conf -- should I make pastes of them? [18:39] <penguin42> MoPac: Well, I don't know much about urfkill, but is there anything in there that looks like it could be relevant to saying what buttons it does etc? [18:45] <MoPac> penguin42: not necessarily to my untrained eye. Here's everything in that folder . It has general information about key control, but it's hard for me to tell (a) whether I need to set something different or (b) why, even given that I don't have a hardware switch and it's looking for one, it would mistake the accelerometer [18:51] <MoPac> I've also noticed that I have an airplane mode key that no longer seems to do anything on this device, whereas I think used to get an "airplane mode" notification when I toggled it [18:56] <penguin42> MoPac: Yeh, I suspect the airplane thing is the same problem - that's the thing that's supposed to trigger the rfkill
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Bluefoxicy", "BluesKaj", "Daekdroom", "MoPac", "MonkeyDust", "MoonUnit`", "bandit-awake", "elfy", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "penguin42", "psusi", "vitimiti" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }