737 values
3 values
[ "i want to move.", "i don't like feeling controlled." ]
[ "I have a neighbor who sits outside all day and it's across from my backyard so I can't sit and relax and watch the birds.", "How come you can sit also?" ]
[ "He is very annoying", "Sorry to hear that, do you have any tips on dealing with it?" ]
[ "I have terrible neighbours too. I have had problems with them for years.", " I try to be civil. Try not to react to their behaviour, its hard sometimes. I did put up a fence" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have loud neighbors too . i hope they move soon", "the neighbor attracts mice with their garbage . and he has cats !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Have you tried to talk to him?", "I have none. But all of my neighbors do and they like to be noisey in the summer lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no! That could be the worst. What is your favorite activity to do with him?", "I just deal with it mostly. It gets worse with certain environmental factors." ] }
[ "", "" ]
[ "i like to pickle eggs.", "i like to play volleyball." ]
[ "i do too . although i'm male", "wow that's creepy . well thanks for chatting . so long !" ]
[ "Do you watch much football?", "I love Alabama. I like pretty much anything someone will make for me. ", "I don't really play any sports. My girlfriend plays volleyball though", "That would be kind of creepy", "I'm not sure about that. Do you like the Alabama football team? Roll tide!", "JJ Watt" ]
[ "yes , love football, my favorite thing to do is make snacks like pickled eggs. Do you like those?", "Thats nice, you aren't picky I like that. Do you like to play any sports? I play volleyball.", "Oh thats cool, maybe you can introduce me to her sometime, i'd like to get to know her.", "I don't think so at all, we both play volleyball, we could be great friends.", "Yeah they are awesome, a lot of their players go on to the NFL. Who is your favorite?", "Oh yeah he is a beast, one of the best players of all time. I'd love to eat some pickled eggs and watch him play." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , love football ! i follow the buds .", "who is your favorite team , samantha from alabama ?", "good for you , do you like sports ? i never miss a alabama u football game .", "um . . sure , what do you want to chat about ?", "i like it because they never play sweet home alabama .", "he is my favorite too ! are we alike ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No, I really dont follow sports much.", "Lol! Ah- you must not be irish at all. Sounds good, give me your genes!", "Do you like her too?", "its not. just kidding", "Boomer Sooner!", "I love Tom Hardy!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "no i don't watch football", "The south eh? We are crazy about football down here too. I am a loyal LSU fan and naturally also hate Alabama Crimson tide.", "Lol. Thats funny because have bowed legs and long arms. Which size do you like to play?", "Or that too, haha. Well what are you into?", "Yep, Alabama Crimson Tide and Auburn Tigers. I'm more of an Auburn fan myself.", "The former quarterback? I don't think I'd even recognize him." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've a george foreman grill at home.", "i hate fast food." ]
[ "I am going to do well at work next week, I have been working on a project", "That's great. So you are confident in the progress of it?" ]
[ "Yes, I've become confident in myself over the past two years after losing my confidence.", "Thanks very much. I think it'll go well. My divorce is in my rearview mirror and I'm looking forward to good things.", "Yes, it broke me up for a while but I'm feeling better now, two years later. I also have my cats!", "Thanks. What's going on in your life? What do you do for a living?", "Yes, that would be great! Any family? Kids? As I said, I've got my cats and that's it now.", "I understand. That's one of the reasons I don't have kids. What type of dog do you have?" ]
[ "I wish you can achieve success in your projects.", "WOW... that's great to hear! Always find the positive!", "woo hoo ! good for you ! i hope you both share a continuously growing happiness .", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "I have a dog but I don't have kids yet, I'm not ready for the full responsibility lol.", "German shepard. they secure my building well" ]
{ "convai2": [ "have more confidence when you talk about it . i am happy for you .", "that's good . i hope that works out for you .", "woo hoo ! good for you ! i hope you both share a continuously growing happiness .", "i am still a student and i am working on something big right now .", "no kids , my husband is always very busy . do you work ?", "a golden retriever and he extremely friendly , worst guard dog ever ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I wish you can achieve success in your projects.", "I wish you all the best.", "Awww.. I love cats.. Sorry.. I was yelling at my boyfriend..", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "No i do not. But i wish someday after getting married i will have my own. Do you like kids?", "I have a little toy poodle. He's a real smart one!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "YOu should improve soon!", "i hope you do great!", "That is awesome! There are so many cat-related videos on the internet! Do you have a favorite?", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "I have a dog but I don't have kids yet, I'm not ready for the full responsibility lol.", "German shepard. they secure my building well" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i don t like the beach.", "i dream of becoming a famous actress." ]
[ "I made a sweet birthday cake for my nephew, and I was ready with all the ingredients laid out for me.", "I bet he was stoked." ]
[ "He was happy. I love to bake. Do you cook?" ]
[ "I can bake a few things, such as cookies and pies. I want to learn hos to bake a cake." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do , but i do not bake . do you run or hike ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "See. I'm not a great cook." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can bake a few things, such as cookies and pies. I want to learn hos to bake a cake." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "my mother is a retired teacher.", "my favorite flower is a rose." ]
[ "Wow, which one do you think is the most beautiful?", "The one and only Guns and Roses , I love the album appetite for destruction" ]
[ "Thats a great album! ", "Where do you live? I am in the valley, love wide, open spaces. ", "That sounds beautiful. We own a home with 5 acres. ", "We like it! Plenty of room in case we decide to get animals!", "I love dogs, I am actually thinking of starting a labrador rescue. Do you have any pets?", "Huskys are beautiful dogs! I am sure the kids love him. Does he shed alot?" ]
[ "It was really a nice album. I saved it to my Itunes on my phone.", "I live on the coast. I love the roses here. They're beautiful.", "That's a lot of acres. It must be a nice home.", "What type of pets are you looking for?", "I have a Husky, and he is my little buddy. My students adore him when I took him to class.", "Yes, he sheds a lot since he is a long coated breed." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love guns and roses they have some pretty good songs", "on the coast . i love roses , and couldn't resist going to the rose bowl every year", "nice . my house is on 5 acres . i love it . so much space to just be free .", "that is reasonable . i need more music on my ipod .", "yes , i've a chocolate lab . i love dogs !", "sometimes but he's getting better every week . must be easier with a chihuahua ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes. I love their music.", "I live in the southeast.", "Wow. That's a lot.", "It sounds like you have a lot of animals!", "I have a Husky and a maltese Shiz Tzu. They are my little babies!", "lol He does, in fact!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It was really a nice album, The peace and the panic by the third studio", "I am from Florida panhandle. But now I live in lower Alabama. I would love to vist LA myself and see holly wood", "What was your favorite album? I really like \"Warning\"", "Getting animals rights or a bill of rights just like people is my dream.", "I have no pets currently no.", "They do shed, since they are a long coated breed." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i take things very literally.", "i m gay but i'ven t told my parents yet." ]
[ "When I woke up this morning there were TWO spiders on my bed.", "That sounds horrible, and scary" ]
[ "Better than being on my face though. ", "It was a little frightening. I took the dogs for a walk at the park and I'm good now. ", "Why is that an issue? Do you get confused?", "That's rough. Words mean things you know? I take things too literally sometimes too. ", "Maybe you can avoid it entirely. You've gotten this far. Theatre has helped me with the taking things too literally. I go and watch plays. ", "If it makes you uncomfortable then maybe it's the way to go. It doesn't sound like you think they'll be very understanding. " ]
[ "That would ruin my day! I hope you have recovered", "Well, I'm glad that things seem under control. I'm having a little issue myself I take things too literally", "Yes, when people text me jokes I take them too literally and it hurts my feelings", " Yeah and talking to my parents is tough too. I haven't been able to tell them i'm gay yet, and i'm 37", "You're right I should avoid telling them, thanks for the great advice.", "Well i'm just afraid of their criticism and that I might take it too literally." ]
{ "convai2": [ "better than the gross spider i had to kill tonight tuck", "that must be scary ! i could not imagine that", "not really its just a past time to clear my head", "well i think its more like just don't know what to say . . about it", "oh that sounds fun ! i used to do theater when i was a teenager !", "i know thank you for the good advice i am a nervous person ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am glad it wasnt", "Well, I'm glad that things seem under control. I'm also glad that you got to spend some time with the dog because it sounds like you had a great time.", "both , when im with my brother and hes typing on his phone and not looking at the road i start hyper ventilating", "I hear you. Jokes are one thing, family is another.", "That's not a bad way to spend your day. That can be just as fun if you get the right kind of movies.", "I think they will. Kids usually never outgrow their parents deep down." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "oh jeez haha that's my worst nightmare", "Good reason for that spiders have fangs that can inject venom. Did you read the book Hatched?", "Yes, most time i am scared of future events", "Yeah, I could see that. I try not to think about it too much", "We did a lot of Browadway theatre plays in my high school drama club", "Yes, I don't think that would be a horrible thing. Just sit back and let my parents take care of it, lol" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am vegan.", "my favorite band is muse." ]
[ "i was too trusting when i let my friend watch my dog", "Did something bad happen?" ]
[ "yes", "they gave it poison", "it really hurts me", "mine is ohangla", "vegan tooo", "no eating slept food" ]
[ "What happend?", "Ohh.. no is your dog ok? How do you feel?", "Oh, its very hard to hear. Do you have a favorite band? Mine is the muse!", "i love that band too ! They have nice tracks:) I think one of them is vegan as me! How about you?", "Cool. Health food rules!!! :) Any plans for next days?", "Can you drink any dairy? Or is that totally off limits" ]
{ "convai2": [ "his", "did your dog eat it ?", "oh . . now . . ? please go ahead . .", "i love that band too ! !", "cool ! ! what do you like to eat ? no animal products for me .", "oh no ! you should drink some claritin !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Was the dog okay", "I hear that stuff is bad for you.", "Well I hope that it isn't serious and your dog makes it through", "Is it short skir't long jacket. I love that song.", "Oh you know, I need to go vegan as well! So much has wheat in it. Most of the vegan stuff here does. I am in the midwest and I can't have too much fruit..I don't like most veggies and I am on keto :/ SIGH! I am getting there though. You can have fries though unless youre a celiac!", "Can you drink any dairy? Or is that totally off limits" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "was it like the The 1993 Jack in the Box \"E. coli\" outbreak ?", "was it like the The 1993 Jack in the Box \"E. coli\" outbreak ?", "Oh, its very hard to hear.", "is that the American rock band from Agoura Hills, California?", "wow that means youre vegan as well? I do not include any animal products in it.", "then its ok, you should avoid going to daycare, not sleeping well, and psychological stress." ] }
[ "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my parents raised me as a buddhist.", "my favorite band is bon over." ]
Bon Iver
[ "I've never heard of them. What sort of music do they play?", "They are an indie folk band. Their guitar melodies are captivating." ]
[ "are they a famous band?", "Where is the band Bon Iver from?", "oh ok, i never knew they were from America. do you like kids?", "yes I do too. I have 2 children of my own.", "Does the band Bon Iver also have alot of fans that support them?", "Yes, they get some fame, but not alot." ]
[ "They were somewhat popular in the indie scene but not huge.", "Bon Iver is actually an American indie folk band.", "Yes, I love kids :) You?", "I have two children also :)", "yes, they have quite a big following. Smaller than huge pop artists, but I like it that way. ", "yes, they kind of feel like mine, if that makes sense." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes they are a rock group . they sing some really inspiring music", "they're a heavy metal band .", "i like the guitar , i know how to play very good . do you have kids ?", "well i do not have any kids but i do play some pretty good guitar", "yes they love music . what do you play ?", "yes , a lot of it is done with them ! what music do you like ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes. I love their music.", "He is a singer, not a band.", "Not very often so they're gonna be really surprised.", "That's nice, I plan on having 10 kids.", "Yes. I love their music.", "Yes, and I know there are still some fans around now too. Of course, they are more popular ones." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They were somewhat popular in the indie scene but not huge.", "Bon Iver is actually an American indie folk band.", "I guess. The name derives from the French phrase bon hiver.", "Wow!I have a child too,I'm hoping i can adopt one also", "I guess. The name derives from the French phrase bon hiver.", "I guess. The name derives from the French phrase bon hiver." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i do not like acting.", "i have 3 ferrari cars in my garage." ]
[ "sweet ! ! that life must be lit ! !", "but hey , i inherited some money , and he was a decent man ." ]
[ "he is very rich", "he must be lucky", "why four times?", "sorry for that", "trust is the baseline for everything", "yes sure" ]
[ "Yup! He is also a businessman and an investor!", "Yes! Also he was married 4 times in his life!", "because i married 3x to the wrong people", "When he cheated on me i kept listening to ", "Darn right it is", "yep" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yep ! he gave all my inheritance to the harvey victims .", "yep ! he gave all my inheritance to the harvey victims .", "because i married 3x to the wrong people", "apparently i deserve it though , did you see all the stuff i said !", "its a good thing to keep a person trust", "yep" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "He sure is.", "He can be ha", "I am not married, so I am not sure.", "How long were you married?", "Darn right it is", ":)))" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yup! He is also a businessman and an investor!", "Yes! Also he was married 4 times in his life!", "I'm unsure, but the reasons vary including lack of independence.", "When he cheated on me i kept listening to \"Cheater, Cheater\" country song and i was crying", "When he cheated on me i kept listening to \"Cheater, Cheater\" country song and i was crying", "good" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "i love ballet.", "my favorite color is purple." ]
[ "I had just arrived to work, got out of my car and spilled coffee all over myself.", "Oh no! That's a terrible way to start your day. Did you still go to work?" ]
[ "I had no choice - I had a presentation to give that morning. Covered in coffee!!", "It was, lol. I can laugh about it now, but it wasn't so funny at the time. I should have had my camera to film myself!", "Me either. Thankfully, everyone was very understanding, if amused. I wanted to just die, but don't like thinking about that subject, lol", "I love golf, and also filming. I carry a camera everywhere with me. You?", "Oh, ballet. My cousin was a ballet dancer. She's too old now, but she was amazing to watch. Do you dance?", "Oh, you're so lucky - I have two left feet! I'll stick with filming beautiful things and golfing, lo." ]
[ "oh man ! that's awful ! sounds messy .", "I've done that before on my way to a ballet class. Not a good look! I didn't have a change of clothes with me. ", "I don't blame you! We can change the subject! What's your favorite hobby?", "i'm into photography . i love taking pictures of everything! But ballet is my number one.", "I do! It's so much fun to dance and do aerobics to the energetic music! You hardly realize you're exercising!", "It's not easy but I love it!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh man ! that's awful ! sounds messy .", "lol ! did you have to pay for it ?", "aww . i'm sure you would have done well !", "i'm into photography . i love taking pictures of everything !", "i was little . she was kind of famous for it , but i do not dance much", "i am sure you'll still look so fantastic !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Ugh, I did the same thing today! I'm going to have to start making fresh cups in the morning and afternoon.", "That's a rough situation. I hope you can look back on it later and laugh as well.", "That's a rough situation. I hope you can look back on it later and laugh as well.", "Oh, I meant to say golf, sorry! That makes more sense now, huh?", "Well yes, my instructor Marissa is so dreamy. But still... I see the way she looks at Mark.", "Oh, I meant to say golf, sorry! That makes more sense now, huh?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no, you got sick? Were you allergic to one of the ingredients, maybe? Lots of smoothies have common allergens like dairy products or nuts.", "Listen, I know you're laughing out loud, but my ADHD is no laughing matter.", "Oh no, nothing like that. I am fine with being a no class reject. Now i am more like Dennis Miller, delivering critical assessments of pop culture and current events in an idiosyncratic verbal style.", "Yes, I use a digital camera or digicam. It is really fun!", "I do! It's so much fun to dance and do aerobics to the energetic music! You hardly realize you're exercising!", "A small wading pool, that's perfect. Have you ever seen \"The Man in the Moon\"?" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i paddle board on my days off.", "i play the piano." ]
[ "What else can you tell me?", "Well A derivative of paddleboarding is stand up paddle surfing. But it is harder in my opinion" ]
[ "Can I listen to music on a paddleboard?", "Anything with a beat I can dance to. I eat a lot of food, so I like to exercise.", "I do. I took some lessons growing up, we had a piano in my childhood home. ", "Yes, I sing and play guitar", "I used to be, but I'm getting a bit old for all that tock and roll haha", "I'd like to get a piano again. They can be nice furniture pieces as well as instrumnets" ]
[ "Well, you could, but I don't think it would help you. What kind of music do you like?", "Do you like the piano? I've been learning how to play it recently. ", "That's great, I'm not that great at it yet, but I've been making progress. Are there any other instruments you play?", "Cool, are you in a band?", "I can empathize, just learning how to play the piano doesn't leave much time to actually just play it.", "Absolutely, too bad they're so expensive. But I think owning one is totally worth the cost." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is a great question . i think you can .", "exercise can help , i paddle board to help keep me grounded .", "exercise can help , i paddle board to help keep me grounded .", "interesting ! i would love to hear you sing sometime .", "well , if you can tackle stage fright in your band , running should be easy .", "true , they can be just as expensive lol ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No, I have no music skills either.", "what kind of music do you like?", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "Do you play any instruments?", "Do you play any instruments?", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, you can! You can even add extra fins to the bottom of the board to improve directional stability!", "In the early 1930s, Thomas Blake was given credit for the paddleboard construction.", "Cool! Many people don't realize but the word \"piano\" is actually short for the word \"pianoforte\".", "That's cool! Do you play acoustic or electric guitar?", "Thomas Edward Blake created the paddleboard in the 1930's", "I might want to as well. They sound so good with their hollow wooden bodies." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like potatoes.", "i've two dogs." ]
[ "hi i am doing great how are you", "i just leased me a new hummer so i am happy" ]
[ "That's so exciting! Congratulations :)", "Yes, I work at a non-profit that helps children. Do you work?", "Oh, that sounds interesting! Do you enjoy it?", "That is great. Do you have any hobbies?", "I like to play video games and read books.", "What kind of books do you like?" ]
[ "congrats to you too ! do you work ?", "I do IT but only part time", "A lot, I love it", "My hobbies is play cricket in ground and you?", "i like to read books but not games", "Literature" ]
{ "convai2": [ "congrats to you too ! do you work ?", "i work at a non profit organization that helps children .", "it does . i love helping my kids too", "my favorite thing to do is help people . it makes me happy", "i like to read books but not games", "tom clancy n some james patterson" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "thanks, I had to save up for ages", "I do IT but only part time", "A lot, I love it", "I do not, how about you?", "I do love to read as well", "Literature" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am doing good and yourself?", "I do not! You must be busy!", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess.", "Ok . What about video games. I like civilization game", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?" ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "lady gaga is my current favorite singer.", "i go to at least 10 concerts a year." ]
[ "my sister used to live in the apartment across the hall from me", "That's great! Did she move recently? Do you miss her?" ]
[ "I miss her so much. She moved last month.", "Yes, it's hard because I'm unemployed and living off a trust fund. I'm going through so much." ]
[ "I can really relate! I remember when my brother moved away years ago. It was really hard for me.", "music helped me when my brother moced. Who is your favorite singer?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "does she live with you ?", "that sounds hard ! i went on welfare last month . are things better for you now ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "At least she's moving for a good reason. I had a similar thing with a childhood friend who moved for school.", "That's really tough. I can imagine how frustrated you are. Just know that going through trials and struggling is always good for your character and you will end up that much better of a person for getting through it. You can't be too concerned with other's lives, you just have to try not to compare." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's so cool! Does she have any kittens? I heard cats have a high breeding rate", "What do you do when you live paycheck to paycheck? How can you save?" ] }
[ "", "" ]
[ "i watch jimmy allons show every night.", "i love to gossip." ]
[ "So I was in a yoga class last week when something happened...", "what happened?" ]
[ "I ran into my favorite football player", "I said Namaste, I was too nervous to say something normal", "Which celebrity did you meet? How exciting", "I love Ric Flair! Did he say hi back>", "I bet! I'm still waiting for Bill Murray to join my next houseparty", "He was...have you seen Groundhog Day?" ]
[ "What did you say to him?", "Oh I understand. I once ran into a celebrity and all I could say was Hi and stare at them.", "Ric Flair. He is wrestling legend and I ran into him at a Mexican restaurant.", "Yeah, he nodded hello. He was with a lady and she said Hi. I got so nervous", "Ha, ha, ha....He was great in the movies Stripes and Ghostbusters. ", "I have but it was not one i liked. Is that one of your favorites movies with him in it?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "his", "what should i say ? will it be weird ?", "yeah , he was really nice and gave us his autograph . then continued shopping .", "yeah , he was really nice and gave us his autograph . then continued shopping .", "nice ! i bet that was great ! are you a big fan of his ?", "did you ? i will have to check that out . i was too busy drooling over the camera ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "He must be a good player!", "That's good. I always like about not understanfing football when I meet a guy. It makes them feel good lol", "Some politicians around the globe", "No, I assume he died.", "Still waiting on that one hahaha", "No I haven't. But now I want to see." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did you play college football? I hear its one step from professional", "oh.same to you.", "Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, that's a long name", "No that was his brother Owen Hart, Bret was his older more famous brother dude.", "The only movie I have seen with Macmurray in it was Double Indemnity", "Yes I have and was the scene for one of my favourite and most funny movies \"Gods Must Be Crazy.\"" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm in high school.", "i sleep a lot." ]
[ "i am in search of a second place of employment could you help me ?", "i'm to young to help you . i enjoy listening to bruno mars" ]
[ "Do you even have a job?", "Oh thats cool, I'm just over here looking for a second job, what kind of work do you want to do when you're older?", "I am a waiter now but i dream about owning my own restaurant ", "I want to serve pizza and ice cream only at my place", "Pizza is the best food really, I would eat that every day forever", "I thought you were too young to drink beer? isn't that illegal?" ]
[ "I don't , I sleep a lot and I'm in high school living the life", "I want to work with computers and IT. what do you do for work", "Wow waiters make a. lot of money. what kind of food do you want to serve at ur restaurant", "wow I am eating pizza right now that is very cool. I love pizza", "Pizza is my lifeblood, along with beer.", "I don't know. i'll just listen to bruno mars instead" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah well school isn't my thing . i like to listen to bruno mars", "listen to bruno mars , i love him", "oh well i love to drive and listen to bruno mars", "oh well i love to drive and listen to bruno mars", "awesome . what kind of music ? bruno mars is my favorite", "i do not want to . i'll just listen to bruno mars instead" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I don't/ Thats the problem lol", "I work in IT, what about you?", "What kind of restaurant?", "oh that sounds good", "Pizza is my lifeblood, along with beer.", "I am 21, so still young" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do not! You must be busy!", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "I see, you have a very important role in a restaurant. I hope you are paid well for it!", "Ice cream is my favored sweetened frozen food! Best desert", "I'm hungry too lol I would get a pizza by the slice from somewhere on the street right now", "Yeah I have a friend with it and its drinking till you have mental or physical health problems" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "my wife is a breast cancer survivor.", "i'm a zookeeper." ]
[ "i'm doing good thanks for asking", "that is good . what do you do for a living ?" ]
[ "I am an artist.", "I actually do both and it still does not pay well!", "Yes it is... and very unpredictable! What kind of animals you take care of?", "Oh wow... that has to be exciting! Which is your favorite?", "Hmmm... don't really have a fovorite. But i love dogs, i have 5", "four are mutts and the other is a catahoula" ]
[ "Are you a freelancer or do you work for a specific company?", "It's a tough field with a lot of competition. My job as a zookeeper has decent pay.", "I work with a variety of animals. I often work with lions and monkeys.", "My favorite is the lion. We call him big Mike. What is your favorite animal?", "I love dogs too! I have one dog named Scout. What breeds are your dogs?", "I have never heard of a catahoula. That's an odd name." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am actually an artist .", "well it is better than most people . hopefully you make good money", "all animals ! i love animals . do you have any hobbies ?", "i do not have a favorite . i cannot pick one . what is your favorite animal ?", "that is a lot of animals ! you must never be lonely .", "are they purebreds or mutts ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time.", "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time.", "Any kind that needs help and happens to fall on my doorstep. I even feed all the wild critters I can :)", "I here they have one of the best zoos in the us.", "I have 2 and I love them to death.", "mutts are the most loveable." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Is it your job or just a mode of creative expression in your free time?", "Too bad! It's a multibillion-dollar industry.", "I can work with all species, but I work with domestic animals like cats and dogs rather than wild animals.", "I like animal kingdom because of the safari ride where you get to see all the animals.", "I love dogs myself. Did your wife ever see the Marvel comic called The Cat People?", "I've never heard of that breed before. Its apparently very old, but records on it weren't kept until 200 years ago." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i sometimes get into fights.", "i do whatever it takes to get what i want." ]
[ "I have some personal acquaintances who suffer from Narcissism. ", "Really? Who in your family, what are they like?" ]
[ "my dad especially has alot of this. he likes to pay attention to himself.", "I know, I think its sad and just rude to be like that.", "I agree but in a positive way. They want alot of fame and to be payed attention too.", "I also have a friend that is like that too. They want everyone to feel sorry for them. ", "I just let it pass and not worry about it.", "doing that is not a good idea. that only starts trouble." ]
[ "A lot are narcissists nowadays too! it's shocking how many people are like this.", "I think they just want others to talk that about them.", "Just ignore him next time, make him suffer that the spot light isn't on him.", "Sounds pretty bad. How do you dell with their egotism and vanity?", "That's the way to do it, unless you want to spice it up and prevoke them.", "Troubles temporary. It makes things interesting occasionally." ]
{ "convai2": [ "his", "i think they just want others to think that about them .", "i think they just want others to think that about them .", "i think they just want others to think that about them .", "i find that the best approach is sitting down and telling them calmly .", "i think they just want others to think that about them ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "A lot are narcissists nowadays too! it's shocking how many people are", "A lot are narcissists nowadays too! it's shocking how many people are", "A lot are narcissists nowadays too! it's shocking how many people are", "A lot are narcissists nowadays too! it's shocking how many people are", "That's the way to do it, clearly.", "Yep. If people were truely happy, they wouldn't have time to troll others." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yep! Exactly. Narcissism comes from Narcissus, and it means that someone is fixated on their own appearance.", "Yep! Exactly. Narcissism comes from Narcissus, and it means that someone is fixated on their own appearance.", "Yeah, it seems that it becomes a problem with they measure their self-worth by setting unobtainable goals.", "Sounds pretty bad. How do you dell with their egotism and vanity?", "Yeah, I am the same way. I admire those that are able to.", "It could be, but even so it could hurt your ability to perform complext actions. Getting help is a good idea!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i work as a teacher and love my job.", "i've two dogs who are like my babies." ]
[ "i teach french", "awesome . my son has autism and is very interested in learning different languages ." ]
[ "it will be a new journey, a rewarding journey! how are you feeling? have you started your journey to know everything about Autism?", "I understand, there is not enough time to know everything about Autism, learning a second language will make a stronger bond", "yes, I have a white Huskey, he loves to howl every morning to wak eme out, my mom works at a bank yours?", "sorry for the misspelled words, that was my dog jumping on me giving his toy, wants to play. I am a stem cell engineer, I just started. ", "it is very tedious, how long have you been teaching? is it as difficult as I imagine", "I can only imagine, I use to tutor biochemistry, I use to get very frustrated when concepts were not understood quickly enough, do you experience the same?" ]
[ "Im still learning about it. Need to do more research.", "I've also got 2 dogs that are like my babies, do you have pets?", "I love my job, I work as a teacher just like my mom did. What do you do for work?", "That is quite interesting. Your family must be proud of you", "I have been teaching for about 10 years, it can be tough but thats only if the kids have terrible parents, some years are better than others.", "Yes that happens as well but i have people that can help if a student is having issues" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , i've an autistic son and that is why i got into teaching . you ?", "it would . in the military we mentored autistic kids .", "no , i have a son that is allergic to dogs so we stay far away from them .", "are there many autistic kids where you are ichabod ?", "the past few years . it was challenging at first but now it is second nature", "not at all , but my son loves it !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, he's having a fun time learning!", "Yes it will and thank you for the encouragement! :)", "Awe how cute! Huskies are some of the funniest dogs! They always have the funniest expressions!", "That is quite interesting. You must be proud of yourself!", "Yes, about 5 years. I've also taught this class before.", "Biology isnt as easy as I thought either." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, we are on level one right now. At this point, I know my son needs practice, development, and of course, the whole point is to refine his reading skills. Time is all he needs.", "Right. Well early speech or behavioral interventions can help your kid with Autism.", "I actually do. He is ten years old and loves to be outside. He's fat and furry.", "Hmmm. Do you know about transistors and semiconductor . I know so much about electronic signals and electrical power.", "About 5 years now. It has caused me significant distress but its worth it in the end!", "I really liked chemistry because it allowed me to really try and understand life at a small level." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i take my emotions out through art.", "i care deeply about animals." ]
[ "i was scared to walk home last night", "Were you alone?" ]
[ "yeah and it was pretty dark and quiet,", "yeah i was walking home from my waitress job. Do you have a job?", "I work as a waitress at fine dining restaurant. What do you like to do in your free time?", "i like to play soccer sometimes with my friends. Do you like to travel?", "Ooh nice. What country are you from?", "I'm from the U.S. I've never been to the UK before." ]
[ "were you walking home?", "I do IT jobs and you?", "I am play cricket in free time. Do you play any games?", "I am like travel to visiting place in our country.", "I am from UK and you?", "I am like U.S country" ]
{ "convai2": [ "what in the world scared you ?", "sure", "i love fine dining mostly", "not as much as i love travelling", "africa and what is yours ?", "it was beautiful i want to go back" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "were you walking home?", "I do not, how about you?", "I do sales work! Not the best but pays the bills!", "Most of us do and the rest aren’t too far out. How about you?", "usa and you?", "What country? If you don't mind sharing...I'm in South Texas and loving it :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, its always quiet past midnight.", "No, I work the night shift, thank goodness!", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Yes, I like to travel to distant geographical locations by train.", "japan", "You are not missing much its just from the United Kingdom." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i used to be a nurse.", "i like to make bagels." ]
[ "Bagels? I figured they were French in origin. Do a lot of bread goods come from Poland?", "I am not sure about other breads, but bagels are dense, chewy, and doughy." ]
[ "I used to skateboard over near a bagel shop. I never went in though because they didn't like me skating around their store. " ]
[ "That's too bad. Perhaps if they'd been nicer you would have become a customer! I like to make my own bagels." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes ! that counts . i'd fall on my rear if i tried to skate" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well were they trying to sell something maybe?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is too bad, Maybe try the Jewish community within your area, because bagels originate from Jewish communities in Poland. You may be able to find some great bagels there!" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i have 2 dogs.", "i enjoy reading and cooking." ]
[ "buying in more cattle", "cattle farm do you like working there" ]
[ "Yeah although I am sure its quite boring compared to a cattle farm", "I enjoy reading and surfing the internet-what are your hobbies?", "I like reading any of the Tom Clancy books", "Yes a dog-How about you-any pets?", "Beagle-what are yours?", "Mia-she's 5" ]
[ "it's not so exciting. it can be real hard work at times. what are your hobbies?", "i like to cook when i have time. i also like to read. what's your favorite book?", "i've never read any of his stuff. i'll have to pick up one of his books and give it a try. do you have any pets?", "oh, nice. i have two dogs. what breed is your pooch?", "i have a husky and a chocolate lab. what's your beagle's name and how old is he?", "i like the name Mia. my dogs are named Cyber and Sophie. are you married?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah i need to get away from all these cows", "i work on my farm and herd the cattle . takes up a lot of time .", "i love him too , although i must say robert denaro is my personal favorite .", "if livestock counts , plenty ! i've got a dog as well . how about you ?", "one is a big labrador . the other is a little yorkshire terrier !", "she's living a long life ! mine is just a year old , his name is truffle ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yea seems very boring", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "I have 3. What about you?", "My favorites are huskies and big slobbery St Bernards. They give the best hugs and cuddles.", "Awe :) I like the name Archer for a boy ^_^. But here is the kicker! My eldest daughter was born September 27 and my youngest was born September 28 xD" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "If you say so,its actually like an ancestral farm", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "The caped crusader is one of my favorites also.", "I have no pets currently no.", "Beagle is a scent hound bred for hunting mine is named Fred", "Oh my that is young, her early puphood behavior has been shaped by millennia of contact with humans." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i play the guitar.", "i am studying software development." ]
Acoustic guitar
[ "They are still pretty old. That's very interesting.", "The classical guitar has 12 frets. The strings are made of nylon instead of metal. " ]
[ "I never knew guitar strings could be made of metal. Is that common?", "I never knew that. Is it painful to play without a pick?", "I was thinking of learning how to play a guitar over the summer, now I'm a little worried, haha.", "Would any kind of exercises help me build forearm strength to help me as a beginner?", "No, I don't, sadly. I still live with my parents, so I don't think they'd appreciate me making a lot of noise.", "I was thinking more of learning how to play on an acoustic guitar. Is playing an electric guitar easier? " ]
[ "Most electric guitar strings are at least wrapped in metal. Classical guitar more commonly has nylon.", "Sometimes! It depends on how you're strumming and if you've built up enough callouses", "Oh I wouldn't be. What you'll notice first in the pain in your forearm as you built strength enough to fret. You should learn!", "The act of playing is really the best way to train muscle while also training muscle memory. Do you have a guitar already?", "Yeah, that can be a problem. Luckily, these days it's not too hard to plug headphones into an electric to manage the noise.", "You could do either. The necks of electric guitars tend to be slimmer and thinner so they're generally easier to fret properly" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is awesome . some have pipes and strings that were used in olden days .", "not at all . unless it was hand crafted by someone learning wire work for the first time .", "take time to experience everything and try out new things . its a unique time .", "practice can always help . but i'm sure competition might be intimidated .", "can you go back and visit them on break ? i can see how that would be upsetting .", "as with any instrument , it depends on your dedication . i can teach to most anyone ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Yes, but not impossible.", "I'm sure you'll do fine if you practice enough!", "That's awesome, I'm with you, I always wished I continued to learn to play the guitar. It's always a nice skill to have.", "I think noise reduction headphones would be perfect for you, try Bose or something.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it's true. They usually have 4 strings that are tuned to perfect 5ths, and you play it with a bow.", "Probably. Classical guitar is very hard to master.", "Well it takes some practice. But you can learn to play by strumming or plucking the strings. You can use your thumb and fingernails. In the beginning your fingers will probably get a little sore.", "Sure. Drums and bass go well. Popular guitars are the steel-string, classical, and the archtop.", "You could always go with a Fender Esquire. It is their budget brand of guitar. Basically it is a cheap version of their flagship stratocaster at one tenth the price.", "I think you're right, at least until you get the hang of it. The tone is produced by the string vibration, amplified by the body of the guitar." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i drink coffee every day.", "i love chocolate." ]
The Hershey Company
[ "Oh wow really? thats insane", "I want to visit the headquarters in Hershey, Pennsylvania, that would be a fun, yummy vacation haha" ]
[ "Yes chocolate is amazing. Did you know it has antioxidants in it?", "Im sure you will get plenty of it at the park! ", "Hershey Pennsylvania is where Hershey's Chocolate comes from.", "My friends are from there, they always loved it.", "Just wait for the roller coasters till after your food digest. ", "I could only imagine the photos." ]
[ "I have heard that before! Dark chocolate is especially good for you.", "I do like to visit the park, but I didn't know there was a chocolate store near there...", "Oh, you meant Hersheypark! That was a total blonde moment. Yes, I can't wait for the tour.", "I think my children will really enjoy it as well. I'll have to keep them from eating too much though!", "Definitely! That would be a mess! NOT fun at all.", "Lol memorable for sure! I don't think I would be purchasing any of us throwing up!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am afraid to go to yellowstone , i love hershey .", "i am afraid to go to yellowstone , i love hershey .", "that must be why i did not know !", "i would love to meet them ! can you tell me how make friends like you ?", "you are so wise ! never thought of that .", "i am sure they would love to have the event captured on film ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, organic one- I shouldn't have sugar but it's low in it- I feel happy and full-", "Yay! I'll bring more for ALL the kids!!", "Well, now I know where I want to visit too. Great idea!", "Cheers from across the pond! It truly is a magical place.", "Sure, That's sounds like a real plan. lol", "U can't imagine!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "very contains less of the stimulants that other chocolates contain! You are like a chocolate expert!", "Yes, Hersheypark has that tour with free samples. It is a great family park to go to, I have been several times", "Ha! Really? That's awesome. It was founded by Milton Hershey in 1894!", "I do too! I went to Hershey, PA and went to the Chocolate World!", "I love roller coasters a lot, but I'll tell ya, I can't do the wild mouse single car style ones. They jerk me around a little too much.", "Oh yeah the amusement ride with the elevated tracks" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i weight 300 pounds.", "i like candy and soda." ]
Fairy tale
[ "Yeah fairy tales take you to a different level of imagination", "Have you ever read the folklore of Joseph Jacobs? Dude was a social sevant. " ]
[ "Do you believe in fairytales", "Thats kool. Ive never heard of Joseph Jacobs, but you sound interesting", "Some Dr. says Fat is good and rice and wheat is bad ", "Thats true its hard to know what to belive, but yes I love Dew and candy bars :)", "Dr. Pepper I miss those days, I used to love it ", "Do you have pets, I have 2 small dogs, love animals" ]
[ "Yes. I do believe in fairy tales. I like Jack Sprat because I weigh 300 ponds. That tells you I like fattening food!", "Thank You! I think I'm interesting. I can tell you all about my love for candy and soda! Sugar seems to be my fairy tale? What about you?", "I can never be sure of all the dietary information that is going around. It is so confusing. I just know that I love sweets!", "My son is a big fan of the Dew. I'm a Dr. Pepper girl myself.", "I tried the diet version, but could never acquire a taste for it. My health would be better if I could have.", "I love all animals!! I have a 15-year old Malti-Poo named Lexi. She is a rescue and the sweetest girl. What breeds do you have?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes . i believe in them and all fairytales .", "yes . i believe in them and all fairytales .", "ah , nutrition is great ! i could learn from them .", "oooooh ! i love fairytales . when you are in the woods they almost seem real !", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "i do not , but i'd love a dog ! are they hard to keep up with ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I believe the do.", "Food is the gateway to the soul.", "It really does. I feel your pain on the no wheat policy. I used to eat fast food all of the time and now I am a no wheat no oil vegan, so No fast food.", "Candy bars.. 25 cents too. Cigarettes.. 75 cents", "I love DR. Pepper. It's just so hard for me to keep the weight down if I continue to drink it.", "I have three. They are my world. I wish we lived in the country and not the city." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm not sure that I believe in them, but I definitely enjoy them! It's nice to get caught up in a short story that features folkloric fantasy characters once in a while!", "Have you ever read the folklore of Joseph Jacobs? Dude was a social sevant.", "My brother is really into avoiding high fructose corn syrup because he's worried about it being bad for people (which it is, I suppose, but I'm not sure about it causing cancer like he thinks)! I suppose it's worth having soda that tastes a little funky to him.", "Do they have Mountain Dew in Central America? They don't have it here in Sweden", "yes I quit it too, but it was created in the 1880's by a pharmacist.", "I have no pets currently no." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i graduated college and immediately went to graduate school.", "i'm a vegetarian but i eat fish , especially sushi." ]
[ "My coworkers all went together and gave me an expensive gift card.\"", "Ohh good for you! You are very lucky" ]
[ "No,it always happen we together collect money will give like this to everybody during their birthday", "Thankyou, List of food are my favorite and I would like to experience even some new", "Not very much, But I will cook to some extend,what about you", "yes,your right and what are your other interests apart from cooking", "I like even arts and crafts and i love listening to music", "It depends on the mood " ]
[ "You have great coworkers! I'm a little jealous. What is your favorite food?", "I like to try different types of food from other places too. Then I try to recreate them myself. Do you like cooking?", "I love cooking. I love the way food brings people together.", "I'm into sports and crafting. I'm also interested in Japanese culture and cuisine. What about you?", "That's cool! I love rock music. What kind of music is your favorite?", "Same here. I used to listen to classical music while I was in graduate school." ]
{ "convai2": [ "nice , my best gift was a large check ! ! we were amazed !", "nice , my best gift was a large check ! ! we were amazed !", "love it ! like cooking as well but i'm no where near a gourmet .", "i'm into sports and crafting so i'm thinking a home made gift shop .", "that's fantastic ! what kind of music ?", "same here . it depends on what i am doing . i have an eclectic ipod library ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "those are some good coworkers!", "I like to try different types of food from other places too. Then try to make them later on.", "I love cooking. Thinking about becoming a chef. I love the way food brings people together.", "I love cooking. Thinking about becoming a chef. I love the way food brings people together.", "That sounds like fun. I like all kinds of music too. What is your favorite?", "what kind of music do you like?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do you purchase the gift cards?", "I really enjoy cuisine from US history. I guess like fries and burgers and stuff :)", "I do like to cook, but prefer great restaurants like Chez Panisse.", "I like preparing food for consumption.", "Thats cool, do you have a favorite musician?", "What kind of music do you like?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my dreams are often bizarre.", "i could never be locked down to one partner." ]
[ "I am so impressed with my son and how well he did in school this year.", "That's good to hear he's doing so well. Did you have a lot of input?" ]
[ "He is being good because his father died suddenly of lung cancer and he wants to feel he's helping the family", "No he's a regular student. He does wear glasses but then so do I so it's inherited. What subjects do you teach?", "Oh lots of people are interested in nutrition. My daughter is a massage therapist and people ask about nutrition often", "You're in the right field. It's so odd how people don't understand the importance of what they eat. Do you have any hobbies?", "My hobby is growing fruit trees. I got too good though, and had 80 mango's this year. TOO many, lol", "Yes, they are very sweet. There is a jamaican man that discovered my tree and so next year I may just hang bags of them for him to grab" ]
[ "I understand, since I am a tutor/teacher at times. Does he have any special accomodations?", "I tutor on nutrition, healthy food choices. I am doing a nutrition certification and there are support groups where people need advice!", "Your daughter will literally save the world one day. It seems there is a strong gap between nutrition and medicine these days.", "Yes, nutrition can be very tricky. My hobbies are music and computer programming, but the latter can be very frustating. How about you?", "That is pretty neat. Magoes are one of my favorites fruits, but I have to cut back on the sugar.", "Very kind of you to share the mangos. We often try to donate food as often as we can to the shelter here." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am glad that you are able to find things to do with your father .", "mainly english , but occasionally math as well .", "that's good to have . i hope to share an interest with my children some day .", "not really , i spend most of my time with my son .", "wow that sounds wonderful ! did you plant them there ?", "it sounds like your son and i have a lot in common !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am a teacher so I understand. You must be working well with him! Do teachers know what accommodations to make or how to differentiate for him to be successful in the classroom?", "all subjects in school", "That's great. My daughter is 3, so I hope I can get her into a program like that!", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "Is it to late to plant more?", "Never had sunflower seeds. I love Pomegranate juice though. Sounds interesting. Do they taste anything like a watermelon, or more like a raspberry?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh, he has a common inflammatory disease of the lungs?", "I don't have kids but I tutor. Many learners don't need the guidance of educators because they are able to educate themselves", "Thank you! She will soon begin seeing a mental health professional, so hopefully that doctor will be able to help her!", "No I don't. I am retired. I used to work in Journalism. I relax on the beach now.", "I see, so you grow fruits for consumption?", "Just thinking about that makes me hungry! Especially the light green skin color." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i play d and d.", "nachos are my favorite food." ]
[ "Oh I love mexico it's amazing!", "Nachos are tortilla chips snack that is covered with lots of cheese, have you tried nachos?" ]
[ "yeah,some times i eat tried nachos.Which is your favourite food?", "Do you cook any food?", "Where are you from?", "I am from UK.", "Which is your hobbies?", "Ok I will be follow your instagram." ]
[ "Nachos are my faaaave and I play d & d :)", "Yes, I love chicken too! Tonight I'm making shepherds pie.", "Philadelphia, PA", "Oh wow, never been there!", "Panting, follow my instagram @lah_face", "What's your instagram?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "nachos are my favorite ! !", "yes extra cheese and thick crust . omg is it dinner time yet ? !", "my birth place is mexico .", "no way , i am from there also . we should go get nachos some time", "watch tv and eat chips with cheese", "you are very welcome , where do you live ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love shrimp nachos, but any nachos are good really", "yeah! i'm just getting into it right now, could you recommend me some stuff to cook?", "Ireland, land of castles.", "Cheers from across the pond! It truly is a magical place.", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "Cheers from across the pond! It truly is a magical place." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Anything that is a fusion of Mexican and American cuisines! Yumyum", "I do like to cook, but prefer great restaurants like Chez Panisse.", "Romeo, Michigan which is also my home town. Have you heard Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast? It's rocks first album and like hearing Jesus speak.", "Yeah? Do you watch the British Broadcasting Corporation a lot?", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love hamburgers.", "i hate winter." ]
[ "Yes, wild beaches are the best. Which do you want to visit?", "I'd love to visit Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan if possible." ]
[ "That sounds wonderful. I absolutely love going to the beach hah", "Yes, they are. So do you like what you do for a living?", "Oh, I love my job. Stay in school ", "Yes well, hard work will pay off in the long run, in more ways than one", "I am an author", "Tell me about it. Fortunately I've almost completed my degree. I just hope to find a way to work for myself and only myself" ]
[ "The sand composing beaches and other shells and rocks are nice too", "i am still in college at michigan state it pays the bills for now .", "Hopefully you do go to college. im having fun but it is stressful.", "it will, what is your current job", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "That's great!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "we usually go to the lakefront quite often .", "i am still in college at michigan state it pays the bills for now .", "i look forward in the fall i get to go to university of michigan", "right . i'm sure college isn'thing compared to a career .", "that's wonderful , writing is also a good hobby", "yes , well start small , and then go big your going to do great !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's a long drive from where I live but I love the beach and water.", "I do IT but only part time", "Hopefully you do go to college. I had fun but was stressful.", "it will", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "That's great. What do you write about?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The sand composing beaches and other shells and rocks are nice too", "i do. i love the sand", "I am taking a year off before i start college", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life.", "I see! Do you work on mainly PC games, console games, or both?", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i'm the youngest of three brothers.", "i live on a small farm in ohio." ]
[ "my main competition is other women , they think they are better than i am .", "that sucks . i'm sorry you are going through that ." ]
[ "sometimes i just want to be alone", "no i am an only child. i mainly just go to the library to read in peace ", "i have a close circle of friends", "Hahahahahahaha yeah i get it", "yeah i am", "agreed laughing is really good" ]
[ "Do you have any siblings you can turn to for advice?", "I am the youngest of three brothers so i can turn to them for help. Do you have anyone close you can turn to?", "I live on a small farm in Ohio so none of my friends are close. Get it? that's a joke", "See now you are feeling a bit better after a laugh", "See you just need to get a little laughter every now and again and it helps with stress", "laughing is totally the best medicine. I'm a fake doctor, you can trust me." ]
{ "convai2": [ "completely agree . if you can't be happy alone , you'll not be with someone else .", "sometimes i like being alone so the library is perfect .", "sometimes i like being alone so the library is perfect .", "are you kidding me ? do you know any jokes ?", "well i truly hope you start feeling better about all this", "laughing is totally the best yeah" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I understand. I have sometimes the same feeling.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "That is great you have friends.", "It's only a joke.", "You are welcome, keep your head up", "Being stressed never helps." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I feel the same way, it is refreshing because it seems like most people i know feel the opposite of how you and I feel, unfortunately.", "i have younger brother, how old are your siblings? i can't imagine living in china where the one child policy was implemented", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "how large is ohio's capital compared to other capitals nearby", "oh.same to you.", "Not a problem I know times are tough but just keep your chin up and you will get through it." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite band is radiolead.", "i'm a woman." ]
[ "Last time I ordered pizza from my local pizza shop for delivery, they forgot my sauces!! So I called and complained and was ensured that it would not happen again. So this time I put in the order and called to MAKE SURE my sauces came. They should be here any minute now.", "I love sauces like that" ]
[ "Oh wow. Calm down. What is your favorite season?", "Me either, I much prefer the summertime", "Totally agree! I love butterflies too lol" ]
[ "Don't really have one, but i do knkow that i do not like winter", "I love the summer time! It's the best time to grill!", "butterflies are a beautiful creation for sure !" ]
{ "convai2": [ "the way i love pizza", "i love pizza , and winter , pizza in the winter is good , warm and good", "butterflies are a beautiful creation for sure !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Mexican", "I prefer it over the winter if I have to make a choice", "Butterflies are great. It means I like her, but I just hope I don't make a doofus of myself." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I really like asado, which is Argentine barbecue.", "I love the summer time! It's the best time to grill!", "I just love when they have the colorful wings, even though not all butterflies have them." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "i like to eat beef.", "i like to ride horses." ]
[ "yeah , it is . i am pretty into knitting though", "what all can you knit ?" ]
[ "I can knit gloves and scarves", "A little bit. Is there anything you can create?", "That's cool. I've never ridden a horse.", "I wanted to find a quiet, creative hobby. Then I realized I liked it.", "Yes exactly. Happiness is the most important thing. I see you enjoy shopping as well. What do you shop for?", "Cool. I love beef. It is very good for you. I'm glad you enjoy it." ]
[ "That is awesome, I bet you are very talented!", "No, well I can create a sore back for myself since I love to ride horses.", "Well that is ok, how did you get into knitting?", "Oh ok , what you choose is great as long as you love or like doing it!", "I like to go to local markets, there I can find the best beef which I love to eat.", "Yes I really enjoy trying all the thousands of recipes that use beef, there are so many different ones!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "no that is too hard , i prefer to knit clothes .", "no that is too hard , i prefer to knit clothes .", "first time makes your skin crawl , at least for me !", "oh okay , what you choose is great as long as you love or like doing it", "hats , scarves , gloves , whatever seems fun", "yeah it certainly is delicious , i really enjoy eating ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's interesting. You must be very talented", "I am sure you can, it just takes dedication and effort is all!", "I'm 50 and haven't rode one since I was 2.", "That's cool! It's always good to have a hobby", "Thrift stores. That's wher you find the real bargains", "Cool, where do you get your venison from?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cool are you learning hand knitting or using a machine?", "You can make pretty much anything. My wife is making hats, sweaters, and socks, mostly.", "I rode one once, and fell off, was told to get back on. I guess eventing and horse racing are not in my blood.", "One of the world's most popular hobbies and you quit! Why?", "I go to retailers or shops sometimes, but I do a lot of online shopping as well.", "It is so interesting to see how beef is used all over the world." ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i love chocolate milk shakes.", "my favorite pass time is gazing at clouds." ]
[ "me too i do not get much done during the day because i'm sleeping .", "do you have any pets ?" ]
[ "yes because im not social at all", "I'm not social at all lol", "I'm unproductive unless it involves income", "Wrok lol", "thinking is a job too you know", "i love milkshakes! " ]
[ "Do you like to go out for meals?", "Then you are nothing like me lol", "It can be hard to earn money, what do you do for money?", "I don't like work much, I like to watch the clouds and think.", "For some people it is, I find that a chocolate milkshake really helps me concentrate.", "Me too!! They are the best!!!!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i tend to not be social because i work nights", "i love going out to eat . whats your favorite kinds of food ?", "money and sleep are hard to come by sometimes", "well i do got to get some sleep money is always nice", "it helps me to stop thinking , thinking makes me uncomfy", "me too ! it feels so good ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What do you do during the day?", "Then you are nothing like me lol", "just get a job , does it even matter grow up and contribute", "Mer to", "Exactly.", "Do you like shakes? Where are they from?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do you have any pets?", "oh.same to you.", "yea finding a good balance between work and living a healthy life, too much of either is unhealthy", "sounds like a good diea", "Yes, it can be a very helpful science for understanding how people think and work and function in their life.", "Milkshake are also called thick shake" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to go to the farmers markets to buy local veggies and fruits.", "i help my neighbor." ]
Farmers' market
[ "I don't know if I have one nearby where I live. Are they a year round thing?", "Hmm I guess in some areas they actually do have them year round, so the farmers have all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and even meats and cheeses." ]
[ "Well I am going on a fishing trip next week, so I would love to get some fresh fruits and vegetables to take with me!", "I try to, I go to Cherokee lake here in Tennessee, its only about an hour from home.", "I have, it's fun! Do you enjoy waterspouts?", "haha, I meant water sports lol", "Me too! Do you prefer the ocean, the lake, or the pool?", "Love the ocean, but don't go in the water. We don't have alligators here so I love the lake!" ]
[ "Fishing is truly fun. We occasionally go with my friends too. Do you go frequently?", "That's kind of far. Have you gone jet skiing on that lake before?", "I enjoy looking at waterspouts in pictures but I don't want to be around them lol", "Ohhh, duh! I should have realized that. I like jet skiing and swimming!", "The ocean. I like the lake but not alligators. What about you?", "nice ! I have encountered a lot of gators here in Florida. Do you catch a lot of fish on the lake?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds exciting ! i might go fishing today after school", "is that a good place for fishing ? my folks are in kentucky .", "i do , especially in the panhandle . the white sand is so beautiful .", "got ya lol what do you do for fun ?", "i don't have a preference , both are pretty . do you have any hobbies ?", "nice ! i have never encountered one , as they're not around here ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Fishing is truly fun. We occasionally go with my friends too. Do you go frequently?", "That's so close. Have you gone jet skiing on that lake before?", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time.", "Ohhh, duh! I should have seen that coming lol", "ha! I don't even want to go to the pool", "What do you like to do on the lake?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well, if you're looking for something exotic see if they have any ill tropical animals. Every once in a while they will!", "I heard the river has a lot of swamps in it? Is that true?", "Yes, I think it's really fun in the summer. I like tubing on the lakes around me.", "Even if we weren't, we seem pretty well suited to play in it at least, which is great considering 75% of the planet is water!", "A small wading pool, that's perfect. Have you ever seen \"The Man in the Moon\"?", "Most lakes are found in mountainous regions. Are you sure they aren't actually lagoons?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i really like to go to school.", "i like to dance with my friends." ]
[ "My dog can now shake hands on command.", "I love when my dog does that. Did it take you long to train him." ]
[ "He's pretty smart, it only took about a week", "I love my dog, we go swimming together", "I have trouble running since I lost my little toe.", "It was but it's getting better. ", "Sounds like it, it's probably hard to buy shoes", "No, I have to pad them a little." ]
[ "Mine took months to train forever. I was so happy when he finally learned.", "That sounds super relaxing. Swimming is nice though becasue its low impact. less impact on your joints compared to running, i bet your dog enjoys it too", "Ouch, I bet that is very painful", "My husband broke his toe one time and it is permanently bent now! It looks pretty goofy.", "Yeah it can, is it hard for you to find shoes?", "Ah, what is it like not having your little toe anyways?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i think so . he's a very nice dog .", "do you swim with your pet ? i love my dog", "wow sorry to hear that , know how that is , good exercise though", "that must be hard , but you'll find your feet soon", "yeah it can be hard to find sports equipment that fits . what else do you like ?", "yeah it can be hard to find sports equipment that fits . what else do you like ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Mine took months to train forever. I was so happy when he finally learned.", "I love swimming!", "Oh no! I hope your toe is feeling better!", "My husband broke his toe one time and it is permanently bent now! It looks pretty goofy.", "My boyfriend had issues with his foot, he's even had a few hospital stays for it.", "So he is okay now> you can get more shoes" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did you train him yourself or have help training to be a hunting dog?", "That sounds super relaxing. Swimming is nice though becasue its low impact. less impact on your joints compared to running", "Ouch, I bet that is very painful", "Within a few days it will start healing", "I would think you would want shoes to support you so you don't roll your ankle.", "I would think you would want shoes to support you so you don't roll your ankle." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "regular life disappoints me.", "i don t get along with my family." ]
[ "So after a year of being here we finally got to rearrange the garage.", "How is it looking? " ]
[ "It's coming along pretty well. Im trying to get it cleaned up to host a BBQ for my family.", "No we will grill out. Im excited to host everyone.", "That'd be nice. Mine is small which is why we need the garage space.", "Only about 1200 sq ft. It's enough for my husband and I though." ]
[ "Do you do that grilling outdoors, or do you have a grill in your kitchen?", "My house has a big garden. Its okay for bbqs.", "How small is small?", "That sound big. I don't get along with my family, so we never BBQ together." ]
{ "convai2": [ "cool ! i am actually firing up my bbq", "my house has a big garden . barbecue party will be wonderful .", "my house has a big garden . barbecue party will be wonderful .", "is a tiny person gonna live in it ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Sounds delicious, get some queso too!", "There you go! Thats awesome.. i really wish we had a garage. lol lucky!", "How small is small?", "What is the square footage?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do you do that grilling outdoors, or do you have a grill in your kitchen?", "Grilling on the weekend is the best. We have been doing it in America since the pre-Colonial times!", "It is similar to grilling out. I grill, but someone next to me had a crock pot that plugged into their car.", "that s sound big" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i've three daughters.", "i grew up on a farm in kansas." ]
[ "is the fishing good in detroit ? great at my cabin lake .", "no sure about fishing but i do scuba diving" ]
[ "I'm too old for scuba diving. Where do you dive at?", "Nice. I live on a lake too. I'm 70 years old now and got tired of people and retired to my cabin. ", "I do. They all live very far away though. I don't see them much. ", "They have their own lives to live. I don't mind it. We see each other a few times a year on holidays.", "It's true. If you do a good job raising them then they leave the nest and stay gone. ", "That's fine. You have your own life to live though right?" ]
[ "A big lake near my house. I live in Kansas so the ocean is too far.", "I'll probably do the same when I'm 70. Do you have any children?", "That's too bad. My daughters are all still young. I can't imagine not having them around anymore", "That's the way life goes I suppose", "Well not always. I still live pretty close to my childhood home.", "Mostly, my dad's been sick lately so I've cut back hours at work to help take care of them" ]
{ "convai2": [ "instead of going to my house , we can go to the lake", "i live outside detroit so it is a lot different than kansas .", "sorry to hear . sure they had a great life ! mine is getting old , too .", "they do miss it . do you get to visit ?", "yea that's true . i mean they do what they can", "definitely . i live in detroit now ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My favorite outdoor one", "What do you like to do on the lake?", "You're lucky. I live too far from mine to see them.", "Holidays are a great time for family. I love that too.", "How old are your daughters", "Yeah but I still miss my kids!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Generally in the ocean as I have a beach nearby, I do a lot of dives just with breath-hold, but also scuba diving.", "It's good I went a bit older. Good for you.", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "Yes, but I would rather my legal guardian be my aunt, uncle, or other family member." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i own two snakes.", "i collect comic books." ]
[ "I will never forget the feeling I felt on September 11th, 2001", "I was a kid then, but I remember my teachers reaction" ]
[ "It was awful. What do you do for a living", "thats cool, I'm a writer myself", "All things under the sun. I dream of becoming an actress one day, writing helps me imagine different situations", "I have a dog. How many times have you been bitten?", "thats sweet lol", "Sneks, hah. I've thought of getting one but I don't want to feed it live stuff" ]
[ "I work at a comic book store since i collect comics it works great", "what kind of things do you write about?", "Wow thats interesting, i'm just a boring guy who owns two snakes.. do you have pets?", "Just once in the throat, no big deal. I put him in time-out and he learned his lesson", "yeah snakes rule, it's a popular meme", "Yeah it's pretty brutal to watch, thats why I always turn on cartoons when it's feeding time" ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "nice i'm a writer", "what do you want to write ? like books ? or screenplays ?", "just 1 , i'm the only 1 that has not ever broken anything ever lol", "we all love to laugh right ? that's why i make comic books", "just think about it , i would never do it , easier to eat fish" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Same thing i'm doing now (IT)", "Yea, I'm self-taught. Got into it because I like reading comics and like the art.", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "I got bite by a dog when I was little.", "Yea, did you know that some people will eat the snakes?", "yea i wouldnt either" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "My experience is mainly as a youth worker", "Wow thats a lot, comic books are essential a multi million dollar industry, very interesting. Always thought comics were cool.", "How about getting a Fantasy Island", "No he loves me, but he would bite a stranger", "Thanks, there were many legal, financial, social etc issues that I have overcome now", "same i need the fish in it" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to read.", "i've epilepsy." ]
[ "Hey there, Got to admit, I'm pretty lonely right now. ", "Aw I'm sorry. Why are you lonely?" ]
[ "My kids are all grown and out of the house and my wife is out of town for a week working", "Reading, Watching TV, and surfing the internet-what do you do for fun?", "Oh, so sorry to hear that-do medications help with it?", "At least you have a pretty good idea of what to avoid", "That is true-just have to keep moving forward and ignore the obstacles", "I will do that for sure-have to figure out what would be a nice night out when she gets home" ]
[ "That's really tough right now. I hope you're doing something fun to keep yourself occupied.", "I read a lot. I have trouble with screens sometimes; my epilepsy can flare up and be a real pain with all the lights and whatnot.", "A little bit, yeah. Mostly it's just knowing what sets them off and being prepared.", "That's true. It was hard after I was first diagnosed, but it's easier now. Everything gets easier with time, even missing your family.", "Exactly. You should let your wife know you missed her while she was away, though. Spend some good time together when she gets back.", "Sometimes a dinner in is just as much fun as a night on the town. You have a good one!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that really sucks man . i bet they are missing out on a great person .", "i just paint and hang out with the wife honestly , watch sports too .", "more than i would like . this new medication seems to be working .", "i guess . i just have to have the acceptance , i guess .", "definitely . life has a way of throwing you curve balls , that is for sure .", "oh , have fun . my wife and i went out last night ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's really tough right now. I hope you're doing something fun to keep yourself occupied.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "Slowly. Therapy and medication have helped a lot.", "You have a way of making me feel a little better, thank you!", "That really does help. I hope you make it through!", "Sounds like it's going to be a good night. Enjoy." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Well, it's the same as taking any SSRIs, they have like profiles.", "Are there certain video games you prefer to play to avoid symptoms of epilepsy?", "Yes, it is definitely hard not too worry about the future!", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a veteran.", "my favorite book is ender s game." ]
Ender's Game
[ "That does ring a bell but I can't remember why. What's it about?", "It is about a war between humans and an alien species. Ender is a child who is being trained to lead the human military forces." ]
[ "That sounds awesome, did the humans eventually win?", "So now I'm confused, what kind of match are you talking about? What was the match about?" ]
[ "I am not win this match.", "it was with connor vs floyd" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not remember . i was too busy watching empire .", "it was with connor vs floyd" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They gave up on us first.", "Dillishaw fight" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Not at the present time. But there have been plenty of enemies in its colorful past.", "It's a combat thing set in a sci-fi theme. There are alternative endings depending on what actions you choose." ] }
[ "", "convai2" ]
[ "i am currently working on a project that involves bitcoins.", "my favorite food is pizza." ]
[ "I have not! I have done some research for sure to learn more about it", "I think it's neat because it's completely peer-to-peer. There is no intermediary involved." ]
[ "that's really interesting. i love peer-to-peer networks. do you have your own channel?", "you should get one. it's a great way to express yourself. do you live with your parents?", "i live with my dad, but i hardly ever see him. he works at a busy ad agency on madison avenue. what does your father do?", "wow, that sounds great. i love pizza, but my favorite food is tacos. in fact, i talk about cooking on my youtube channel. do you cook?", "you should go on they have user-submitted recipes that are top-notch. what have you made so far?", "i actually love trying at least one new recipe every week. i get bored making the same things all the time. are you a student?" ]
[ "I like youtube! I wish I had a channel, but unfortunately I don't.", "I do! I live with my mom and dad . What about you? Where do you live? ", "He owns a pizza parlor, which is my my favorite food is pizza! Do you have a favorite food?", "I do. Well actually I'm just starting to get into it. Can you tell me some good recipes to try? ", "Thanks! I will check it out. I have tried a few different soups and a couple of chicken dishes. Do you have a favorite thing that you gook?", "I'm not. I graduated a few years ago and I'm actually working on a project that involves bitcoins right now. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like youtube , but i don t have a channel . i wish", "yes , i live with my mom and dad . who do you live with ?", "my dad works in an advertising agency . where does your dad work ?", "i do . i am like to consider myself a chef , but i am a beginner .", "thanks ! i will have to check it out !", "nope , just going to school full time right now . gotta finish this degree !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah, we use it all the time. It's annoying to deal with sometimes, though. And it stinks to only be able to talk and not be able to hang out in person.", "of course, that's my wife and children. my parents suck.", "Well, he pays rent but he definitely uses up more resources than he pays for.", "yeah! i'm just getting into it right now, could you recommend me some stuff to cook?", "My grandmother had a great recipe. I think of her every time I have it now.", "I'm self taught actually. An hour everyday for a year now." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I sure do! Though, I often have to be kind of careful when listening to them while not at home. Since they are streamed, they can use a lot of data.", "My mom does. I rarely do. What about you?", "Television and real estate I believe. He is quite the personality on TV.", "I do indeed! I like listening to the JRE Podcast on YouTube.", "I love using Pinterest to find recipes! It's interesting that Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp.", "I actually have just started getting more into it. It involves a science and craft of preparing food." ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i love to work in my garden.", "my favorite band is ween." ]
[ "nice . are you in college ? i attend a local one .", "i have been out of college for a while . i however still listen to the band ween" ]
[ "Which course you are study in college.", "which course you study in college?", "My favorite school subject is Mathematics.", "I am always like all subjects and Where are your college?", "I am royal college in UK." ]
[ "The basics right now; math, language, psych, history. You?", "I want to get an art history degree so I'm working towards that. What is your favorite school subject?", "That's cool. I like math a good deal. Do you like science at all?", "I am at community college in Houton, TX. You?", "I'd like to visit the UK some day. Probably scotland and visit the Islay region" ]
{ "convai2": [ "college .", "i think psychology . what was yours ?", "do you like music ? you should listen to ween ! they're awesome .", "it is a college near the beach which i adore !", "nice . i go to au . do you like to party ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Literature", "Criminology", "Are you a math major?", "University of Memphis", "I love Texas." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Several m-learning courses using my tablet.", "Mostly classes on math using computer-based training.", "Mathematics is my favorite subject in school days. I deals with quantity, structure and space", "I go to NYU which is a private nonprofit research university.", "Nice. Union college originated in 1795, such a long time ago." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to go to the symphony orchestra.", "i sing in the church choir every sunday." ]
[ "do you have any pets ? i only have one cat", "sadly , no , i sing every sunday in the church choir , so no home time" ]
[ "That's all I have is home time. I've got kids. Lots of kids. ", "Truer words were never spoken. I love them but I would like to get a break sometimes. 5 children are a lot to handle. ", "Not right now. We've got a fall break coming up soon though. ", "We're going to go to my parents house for Christmas. I'm looking forward to them getting some grandparent time. ", "They take the kiddos off my hands for me and it allows me to have some me time. It's nice to catch up with old friends. ", "Yeah. A lot of my friends from high school still live in the area. " ]
[ "That's nice and satisfying to get to spend the day with your own children! Definitely needs its breaks though.", "5 children are lot of responsibility, you definitely need a break every now and then. Is it a vacation time ?", "That's good. Summer break is nice, but Christmas will be magical too. Did you planned anything ?", "That's pretty cool! They sound like an awesome grandparents! :)", "It's always nice to catch up with old friends!", "Wow. That's some friends you have there. High school friends are amazing with lot of first timer. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "cats do not have souls so i do not see them at church when i sing in the choir", "cats do not have souls so i do not see them at church when i sing in the choir", "bien ! nada . i plan to sing at church , of course , choir .", "we are traditional , so just at the church . but , i'm excited for my cake .", "that is cool . any hobbies ? i sing , mostly in a choir at church", "that is cool . any hobbies ? i sing , mostly in a choir at church" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Ugh, well good think mine are still at summer camp.", "Yea, you definitely need a break every now and then. Is it vacation time?", "Fall is a wonderful time to have it. Are you going to be the best man?", "That's pretty cool! You sound like an awesome grandparent! :D", "It's always nice to catch up with old friends!", "Wow. That's some friends you have there." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can imagine it is very satisfying to get to spend the day with your own children! Definitely needs its breaks though.", "I can imagine it is very satisfying to get to spend the day with your own children! Definitely needs its breaks though.", "That's good. Summer break is nice, but Christmas will be magical too. Where are you going then?", "That's good. Summer break is nice, but Christmas will be magical too. Where are you going then?", "I can imagine it is very satisfying to get to spend the day with your own children! Definitely needs its breaks though.", "One thing I do miss about high school is those Friday night games." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "dancing is my passion.", "i've a dog named socks." ]
[ "My dog peed on the carpet today. I was so peeved.", "Oh no, is it a young dog or an older one?" ]
[ "it is old one", "My dog's name is drooly and ya he appears to seem okay. But I am kinda worried about his health", "Thanks for saying that. Vet expenses are too much these days. I guess it's because he is getting old. How about your dog?", "drooly is a male dog. he is nice, i hope your dog is not sick", "his favorite toy is a barbie doll. I guess he likes girls so much., haha. what about you?", "That's neat. That's a stressbuster" ]
[ "I hope he is OK! I have a dog named Socks. What is your dog's name?", "Well I'm sure with you taking care of him, he'll be fine!", "He is OK, still young. But I'll take him to the vet tomorrow for a check-up. He's a great dane, what is drooly?", "Thanks! I hope he's OK too. What is drooly's favorite toy?", "Haha, that's funny. Socks loves to dance, weirdly. So do I, it's my passion!", "Hahaha indeed!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "man my boxer just peed on the carpet !", "mine is named socks . he is really smart and cute .", "i've no kids , just a dog named socks .", "yeah i have a lot of dogs . socks is a cute name", "mine is named socks . he is really smart and cute .", "man my boxer just peed on the carpet !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I know how you feel! I don't have carpet in my living room for that reason- Sometimes they have accidents. I hate poo accidents especially!", "Well I'm sure with you taking care of him, he'll be fine!", "I will take him tomorrow. I hope it is nothing serious. I have a Great Dane.", "It isn't too bad, mild cold symptoms usually for a few days, I hope its ok! Do you cut his nails or put nail caps on? Good for bath time.", "LOL.That was funny.The most important thing is that you build the toy.", "Hahaha indeed!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I hope he feels better soon! What kind of dog is it, they vary in size, shape and colors.", "Oh no! That could be the worst. What is your favorite activity to do with him?", "do you have a dog or pet? we have to take ours to the vetinary doctor about once a year for a check up", "Nope. They coexist pretty well. :) He is for sure my best friend", "I like Barbie dolls too. I know the first Barbie was sold in 1959.", "It fits! Bugs Bunny was my favorite." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love adventures like mountain climbing.", "i am a people person." ]
Mount Kilimanjaro
[ "I never have. It sounds like a lot of work! Is it dangerous to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?", "I would imagine so. More recently it has been the subject of scientific studies because of its shrinking glaciers and diminishing ice fields. Have you ever been to Africa?" ]
[ "No i have not. Have you?", "Speaking of exploring, I'm gay and still in the closet so I know what you mean, just in a different way", "As do I my friend. So what are your hobbies?", "I've always wanted to try that. It sounds exhilerating!", "Im a freak for all things anime / manga / comic", "Me too!. I do like to hike also" ]
[ "I have not but I want to one day. The explorer in me wants to visit everywhere, but such little time. ", "Oh yes, I understand completely. I have gay friends. It don't matter to me. I enjoy meeting all kinds of people", "I like to climb mountains. There is a certain thrill to it that can't be captured anywhere else.", "Yes, but there is a certain amount of training required. What do you like to do on your free time?", "Very nice. Any manga or animes on mountains LOL. I like the interpersonal ones", "Hiking is wonderful exercise and time to enjoy nature. I like hiking in groups. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i've not . i've been to south africa , it was amazing .", "nice . do you like to hike ? i find hiking on glaciers to be fun .", "well i love hiking glaciers . i just moved to sweden for ir", "it can be , but nothin is better then going to the mountains .", "nice . do you like to hike ? i find hiking on glaciers to be fun .", "nice . do you like to hike ? i find hiking on glaciers to be fun ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No i have never been but i hope i am able to one day.", "im straight but the way my dad raised me , he said to respect all sexes , and what ever religion i choose was up to me , i have never gone to church", "Passions", "You should. I've been a few times and it's very impressive.", "Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago, maybe I shall return.", "Sounds pretty neat! Where are you going to hike?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have not been to Africa, but if I did go it would be to the Ivory Coast, aka the Cote d'Ivoire.", "Did you feel like your parents or early childhood had any effect on you being gay?", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Yes. The ultimate is to summit the seven summits, the highest mountain on each of the seven continents. That is the ultimate adventure.", "Are \"manga\" and comics the same thing?", "What about California Trail. It covers western half toward Missouri River towns. Seems to be exciting" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my wife use to be a teacher.", "i love meat." ]
[ "I was stopped at a light and when it was my turn to go a car from the other direction ran the light. I wanted to chase them down and give them a piece of my mind.", "Oh thats bad. you should have really given them your piece of mind. Driving skills of people going down" ]
[ "Yeah, but I didn't want to risk getting a ticket myself. I'm not exactly sitting on stacks of cash, lol.", "Maybe if a publisher picks up on of the comics I'm making, then I'll have some money to spend on risking tickets.", "Since I'm trying to get into the business, I do all my own linework, color, lettering, etc. Hoping to work for Marvel.", "Teaching is always difficult. Luckily, nowadays artists can do well by publishing their work on the internet, which is what I've been doing. ", "There's always money in the food industry. Are you looking to start a chain? ", "I wish you luck! Better to be your own boss doing something you genuinely care about." ]
[ "haha i definitely understand that. Tickets can be very expensive! I've only gotten one myself.", "Thats very neat, what sort of comics are you making? Do you do your own illustrations?", "That is a great dream! My wife works in illustrations, she use to be an art teacher but hated the pay.", "That is the beauty of the internet! It definitely has been more lucrative for her. Its also kickstarte my BBQ business, I've always loved cooking meat.", "I am just wanting to get a local restraunt off the ground and if it turns into a chain, even better!", "Yes the office life was just not my calling! Sitting around 8 hours a day was getting to me." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i've flirted with crossing to the other side a few times", "haha well it definitely seems worth it ! what do you do for fun ?", "oh those are fun ! what kinds ? marvel ?", "i've watched how the publishing process on youtube , seems hard .", "absolutely ! i'm thinking of doing a lot of advertising online", "thanks , i'll keep that in mind . . . i just want to apply myself to my fullest ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Moderation in driving is important to avoid dangerous situations", "Wow that's so cool! Which comics were they?", "Oh cool. I like comics, but I'm not really a fan of Batman or Justice League.", "Keep at it. Maybe one day you can start selling those drawings for money.", "Yeah, definitely. I'm always looking for ways to make more money.", "Yeah, no doubt!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What happened? was someone speeding or street racing?", "Well I need all the help can get from Dutch comics.", "That is fun, do you sketch your design first by quickly drawing it?", "There do seem to be more and more jobs though that use it, such as commercial illustration, animation, architecture, engineering and even technical drawings.", "yes i am interested in food industry, I would love to own a restaurant", "I agree completely! I'm not sure if I can apply for any support, but I hope the influence from customer support will make up for it!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a writer.", "i love to barbecue." ]
[ "First time I went to my very first Dungeons and Dragons get-together, I felt really overwhelmed with all the verbiage and rules and stuff like that. Had no idea what I was doing and felt dumb. Did my best to learn what I could this time around, and I plan to not drag everyone else down", "What is your character?" ]
[ "The barbarian", "I play bass guitar.", "I took lessons for three years. Are you self-taught?", "haha! seems like everyone is wired in these days. i became so frustrated with constant notification that ", "i live in bfe so it will probably take a few years before we get it.", "I'm from KC and bleed BBQ. it's my favorite too." ]
[ "I like to write short stories as well. Do you have any hobbies?", "That sounds fun. I play piano. Did you teach yourself or take lessons?", "Yes, I am. I mostly play though, when our power goes out and my brother BBQ's which I love. It is the only time everyone is off of their devices", "Now they're putting up 5G towers in my town and it's freaky. The relay stations are HUGE and the local towers look like light poles", "Probably so. What kind of food do you like? I like BBQ", "When I lived in Texas they had the best BBQ I've ever tasted. Do you have a good BBQ sauce recommendation?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "do you play dungeons and dragons ? you could play with me sometime !", "do you play dungeons and dragons ? you could play with me sometime !", "no , i'm a beginner .", "i can imagine . hopefully new technology can prevent those going forward", "its definitely crazy these days . what else do you do in your free time ?", "cool . i may run up there this kend and go to that restaurant" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "So a dwayne rock.", "Do you play any instruments?", "I'm self taught actually. An hour everyday for a year now.", "Was everything okay? Did it take long for the power to come back?", "How long is the work gonna take? I hope you don't get any weird power outages.", "I love Korean barbeque." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh that's pretty tight, I like to cosplay ad Vilgax from Ben 10, hes the villain of the series.", "That's cool! Do you play acoustic or electric guitar?", "Yes, I started taking lessons when I was 6", "Thats the worst. Or when it goes slow when im trying to watch netflix", "That is a pity. Though im sure it wont be long until you catch up. You can even get electrical vehicles which you plug in to charge. The world is changing so much!!", "I like Kansas City style sauces like KC MAsterpiece or Sweet Baby Rays" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i just bought my first home.", "i live in springfield , mo." ]
Springfield, Missouri
[ "No I haven't - have you?", "No, but a friend. the 2010 census, its population was 159,498." ]
[ "I did not know that.", "Please tell me more about this town Springfield.", "What are some of its attractions", "How is the weather there", "When would be the best time to visit it?", "Is it any good town for a vacation?" ]
[ "hi", "it is a town", "many of them like sport game etc", "not bad", "Probably the summertime.", "Yes. I grew up in the city." ]
{ "convai2": [ "wow , i had no idea !", "smart people like me write stuff in springfield .", "the rock and roll hall of fame , hike , sports , cedar point , etc", "it is not too bad and its very serene", "not sure , guess its near our hour", "it is not too bad and its very serene" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "a lot of people are suprised by the GDP", "I live in a college town in the mdiwest.", "My favorite outdoor one", "not too bad right now but it gets really hot", "Probably the summertime.", "Yes. I grew up in the city." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "AS at the 2010 census, its population was 159,498.", "Springfield's nickname is \"Queen City of the Ozarks\"", "They have lots of museums, churches, and other historical monuments to visit.", "I'ts hot, but always a good day for bluegrass music and Kentucky Fried Chicken.", "Best time to visit is around now!", "A lot of people like to visit the Old Port district." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i have 2 kids.", "i need a wheel chair to get around." ]
Physical disability
[ "Many challenges are faced by the disabled including earning a living, mobility, fitting in with others. being disabled can be isolating and difficult.", "For sure. Intellectual disability is when someone is impaired intellectually." ]
[ "But who knows maybe they have imaginary friends, I do and they keep me company", "Yeah, I live in LA and everyone is fake imaginary is better for me, ", "im sorry i understand i live next to miley cyrus and pnb rock so its hard to find real people" ]
[ "imaginary friends ? that is cool i guess", "i feel extremely isolated . that's the perfect word for it. but is good to try an make some friends.", "Wow, have you ever meet them?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "imaginary friends ? that is cool i guess", "i feel extremely isolated . that's the perfect word for it", "i feel extremely isolated . that's the perfect word for it" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You never know.", "yea thats a lot of places now..", "You can always google the local hot spots. You've got to get out there. It might not be easy" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Some disabilities are due to disease, substance exposure during pregnancy, and develop from accidents.", "Yeah thankfully there are many types of equipment to help disabled people function.", "LOL..well you must be a guy. I just learned that her real name is Destiny Hope Cyrus. I think that is a really pretty name." ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "convai2" ]
[ "i am glad that i work from home.", "i love when my pets visit me in bed." ]
[ "oh no why are u confined ?", "accident . so i just stay in bed . good thing i work from home ! . you ?" ]
[ "I'm alright! Just listened to a new audiobook last night and I really enjoyed it", "Oh! Maybe we can swap recommendations, so you'll have something to do while you're stuck in bed. ", "Do you have any preferences? I really like books about undersea adventures! ", "Hmm might not know anything to recommend, I mainly read fiction. What else do you like to do?", "Oh neat! Do you prefer things like puzzle adventure games or just plotlines that make you think in general?" ]
[ "I love audiobooks too! They make the commute fly by.", "Yes that sounds great.", "I like books about philosophy. ", "I like to play games that require a lot a deep thinking.", "We games like chess or poker I mean." ]
{ "convai2": [ "hello , how is your day ? i just got done listening to an audiobook", "i wish i could . . . confined to my bed and work from here .", "no . i probably should read more though . i do work from home which is nice", "i stay in bed so i've no reason to lie . even my job is at home .", "yes , i love the escape and letting my imagination wander through different scenes ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do love to read as well", "That might be a great idea. I do like listening to Bill Burr's podcast! He cracks me up. Thank you :D", "I've never been much for sea stuff for some reason.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Anything from Mario Party to God of War. It's always fun with friends around for commentary lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love audiobooks too! They make the commute fly by.", "Yes, audiobooks are great. Have you heard about Carrier language?", "I read some but prefer fantasy as I really like a little fantasy in my books.", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?", "I am more into adventure games where the player is in an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle-solving" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am eighteen years old.", "i live with my parents." ]
[ "oh that stinks , you should watch movies at home though , it is a lot of fun .", "i'm trying to save to buy my first car" ]
[ "That's cool, I'm too lazy to work.", "I prefer watching movies to working.", "I like to watch anything. How about you?", "Sweet, I love those movies too.", "I like the Fellowship Of The Ring the most.", "I enjoy watching reality shows like Big Brother. How about you?" ]
[ "I like to be lazy as much as I can but it's hard when you have priorities.", "What kind of movies do you like to watch?", "I really like fantasy movies, like Lord of the Rings", "My favorite Lord of the Rings movie is The Two Towers. Which one do you like the best? ", "That one is good, of course. What kind of tv shows do you like to watch?", "I don't like reality TV unless it's Shark Tank. Otherwise I like Game of Thrones. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm just focused on saving . i want to buy a car . it will be my first !", "i'm just focused on saving . i want to buy a car . it will be my first !", "i like anything fast and action packed", "yeah i even prefer them over movies .", "that's one of my favorites too . anything else i should know about you ?", "i really like reality shows , on youtube ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like to be lazy as much as I can.", "What movies do you enjoy instead?", "What movies do you enjoy instead?", "I want to get a car one day i think.", "OH my god! the ring scaed me half to death when it came out omg. IM scared thinking about it.", "I do not watch a lot of TV." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yea finding a good balance between work and living a healthy life, too much of either is unhealthy", "Same, I've been feeling down in the dumps lately and have been watching humorous or amusing movies.", "I really enjoy certain cult films, such as Wes Anderson movies.", "Ahh yes, I am like that with the Star Wars films", "Do you prefer Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit?", "Big Brother is a Really cool reality show!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a baseball player.", "i m married and have three kids." ]
Good Burger
[ "I liked Good Burger! I thought it was funny!", "It's a classic. It starred Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell." ]
[ "nice to meet you on here, hope you don't mind if i get to know ", "oh, okay ", "oh that's good i love kids ", "nope i don't yet but i hope one day i'll have my own kids lol", "oh good, i like watching haven't tried it ", "yea, i play Tennis " ]
[ "No not at all.", "Well I have 3 kids", "Do you have kids?", "OK, I'm also a baseball player.", "Do have any sports that you play?", "Cool, Tennis is such a difficult sport " ]
{ "convai2": [ "no , i do not mind at all .", "not at all .", "they truly are awesome to have", "i feel like you will some day", "that's cool i like to watch good burger all the time , its my favorite", "oh ok . i like playing tennis myself ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I won't tell anyone.", "np. later.", "Me too! I love them.", "I'm sure you will one day!", "Alrighty then! Maybe I'll give it a shot!", "Tennis? I am terrible at that game" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's one of my favorite movies. It isn't exactly high quality, but it evolved from a sketch they did on the show \"All That\".", "In the movie, Dexter is forced to get a summer job at Good Burger.", "They are actually very good with kids!", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind.", "What is fun to watch?", "Cool, I like to play athletic sports like tennis and soccer." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm very shy.", "i sing in the shower." ]
[ "i agree with that . what is your favorite fruit ?", "i love oranges , it is nice talking to you , i'm usually shy ." ]
[ "Oh that's ok. I like oranges, but I really love the skin off of apples.", "No, I don't like the taste of caramel. I like all kinds of fruit though, there are so many out there.", "Yes, I especially enjoy the color of it. It can be real bright at times.", "A few, but there isn't many I like. What about you?", "I don't care for it much unless it is covered in cheese.", "Cheese is so good. I usually eat fruit before every meal too, but fruit and cheese don't mix lol." ]
[ "I'm not a big fan of apples unless they are paired with caramel. Do you like caramel apples? ", "Do you like pomegranate? ", "Yes, it is a gorgeous, vibrant red! Do you like vegetables? ", "I love vegetables! My favorite is broccoli. ", "Covered in cheese is the best way to eat it. Lots and lots of cheese! ", "Cheese is my favorite food. Brie goes well with some fruits, you should try it some time. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i only like the skin off the apple .", "i only like the skin off the apple .", "i like oranges the best .", "i do not like veggies either . i am very shy , are you an outgoing person ?", "i do not like veggies either . i am very shy , are you an outgoing person ?", "i do not like veggies either . i am very shy , are you an outgoing person ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "nice talking to you for sure", "Everyone has their preference.", "Yes, and the changing of the leaves is wonderful.", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "Me neither. Yuck.", "That's what I get too! I also get vegan cheese...its delish! Hope you have a great time chowing down tonight!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I think what I like about them is the light green skin and a crisp, juicy flesh.", "I used to eat a lot of Caramel but I have bad jibbers now. I love how sweet the candy was.", "It's very pretty, its between green and orange in the color spectrum.", "I like green plants.", "Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family. I do not like either.", "Have you tried cheese from other milk such as buffalo, goats, or sheep?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i don't get along with my family.", "i wish that i could be an animal." ]
[ "I couldnt believe the luck I was having, I was up 100 dollars already", "Good for you. Did you win it in a lottery or what?" ]
[ "I won it at the casino.", "I was playing the slots. This is great because I'm in college and can use the extra money." ]
[ "That is awesome. I love gambling. Was it a scratch off? Pick 3?", "That is awesome! what do you study in college?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well congrats . i'm proud of you . what do you do for fun ?", "that's just super . i'm so very happy for you ! i'm studying ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is awesome. I love gambling. Was it a scratch off? Pick 3?", "I like the slots. Especially video poker." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "did you ever win a prize while gambling?", "Do you usually go to hotels, restaurants, or retail shopping centers to access these slot machines?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my husband just decided to leave me.", "i enjoy ice cream." ]
[ "I agree that it is terrible. It tears families apart. It seems really complicated from a legal standpoint as well.", "It most places divorce requires the sanction of a court or other authority in a legal process" ]
[ "The whole legal process is one of the most devastating parts of the divorce", "I wish there was a better way to address parental custody. The kids suffer quite a bit with the uncertainty", "I agree that something must be done legislatively to make the divorce process better for everyone involved.", "Yeah ice cream for everyone! That could take some of the pain out of a long day in court", "Do you think they should have puppies and kittens too?", "A lot of love is needed in such a tough situation, so anything that can promote some love is good with me" ]
[ "Indeed, my friend. My husband just decided to leave me. It's one of the toughest things to deal with.", "I think it's just the laws. We must write to congress to get them to change it. Everyone suffers.", "If people were committing to changing the system, it would work. Maybe offer incentives. I personally would like it if they offered my favorite food, ice cream!", "And the children would be happy. All sides benefit!", "That's a marvelous idea. Nothing but love in the air.", "Out of all the things in the world, love probably has the greatest healing power. And it's so simple. I wish things worked out better with my husband." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes i totally agree with you .", "yeah , tell me about it . but what to do ? difficult to divorce a lawyer !", "i agree . another thing we can do to fix the world we live in .", "yeah , tell me about it . but what to do ? difficult to divorce a lawyer !", "yes , i really do . we would have to adopt though .", "i agree . another thing we can do to fix the world we live in ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is for sure, you see so many bad stories around the enws and people", "I think they'll be forced to, eventually. They've already had the department of social services involved, but they always end up getting the children back. At some point, reality is really going to set in and they'll lose their children.", "What a great idea! Who do we write letters to to get that to happen?", "Absolutely! That would be amazing.", "Absolutely! That would be amazing.", "Yes! love is an amazingly powerful thing." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it is because issues like alimony and child support and child custody are settled", "It's very hard especially when it comes to custody issues. The kids could get confused about a lot of things.", "you think there would be with all of the legar work required like alimony, child support, division of property etc.", "The best Ice cream I ever had was from a street vendor in Argentina.. Chocolate..", "Yes, I don't think that would be a horrible thing. Just sit back and let my parents take care of it, lol", "I agree, it shows the importance of marrying for love and not just for money." ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "i attend book club every week.", "i enjoy the occasional drink with friends." ]
100 metres
[ "Are you a runner? have you ever witness a 100meter dash race?", "Yeah,especially in the Olympics,its a sprint race in track and field competitions. " ]
[ "Hi, yes I love to watch races and cheer everyone on . I used to run but not lately.", "How long do you usually run?", "I did the 100 yard dash like I said in college, then hurt my knee a few years ago.", "That's good. We do need to be able to walk for sure and knee injuries are very painful.", "I know. I have spent many hours in waiting rooms and hospitals .", "I had the right knee injured from falling then shoulder injury, and broke some toes, lol." ]
[ "I started running again about 3 years ago.", "I usually run several hours a day. I find it relaxing and therapeutic. What do you do to relax?", "I hurt my knee too. It took me over a year to recover from that injury but now I'm better than ever", "It was the worst pain that i've felt in my entire life", "Have you had many injuries?", "Wow, that sounds painful!! Thankfully, I've only had the knee injury" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i didn't , but i have thought about running again", "since i can remember . i enjoy it a lot .", "does the knee problem interfere with your job or other important work you do ?", "fortunately , i got into great shape and that helped . what do you enjoy ?", "fortunately , i got into great shape and that helped . what do you enjoy ?", "wow . that must have been quite an injury ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I started running again about 3 years ago.", "2 years. the longest", "Sorry to hear that. I have same issues with my knees.", "It is one the worst pains. You would think we'd keep our toes more protected", "Medics are life savers, so you must trust them with your life", "Sorry to hear that. I have same issues with my knees." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah I love the Olympics, Winter too. The racing events are won by the athlete with the fastest time.", "I actually haven't checked my time, I just do it for cardiovascular health.", "Did you only run? or Did you do other things too?", "Yes on the joints and muscle and soft tissue. The more I think about it the more I think it is just a young persons sport!!", "A hospital saved my dad's life, as well. He was in a cardiac department of a specialized hospital.", "Ouch, I bet that is very painful" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i play many instruments.", "my favorite music genre is classical." ]
[ "I didn't have enough money to pay my rent last week.", "I bet that was stressful" ]
[ "It sure was. However I know I could always turn to them for any king of help.", "It sure is. I often miss them since I live in different city. But making new friends always helps.", "I usually travel to different places, helping me meet new people and make new friends.", "Sightseeing, local attractions, bars, clubs. I never miss any chance to explore when I get it.", "I work double shifts. My last trip costed me a lot therefore I had to ask my parents for the money.", "What kind of hobbies do you have?" ]
[ "It's a blessing to have caring parents, huh?", "I'm in a similar situation.. Do you have any hobbies that help you forge relationships with other people?", "Awesome! What kind of places do you travel to?", "Sounds like you live quite the exciting life! What do you do to finance all this traveling?", "I see, well I'm glad you got your rent situation figured out. I'm lucky, my hobbies keep me in my apartment most of the time.", "I'm a multi-instrumentalist! I love playing music." ]
{ "convai2": [ "what kind of help are you referring to ?", "i don't need friends when i have money", "where you travel recently . . anything interesting ?", "i would like to travel once i have paid off my mortgage a bit more", "i don't think you owed them !", "photography , i like watching videos of different things , like surgery , pranks , paranormal ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Its nice to have help", "Hopefully you can make new friends and explore new places with them!", "I love meeting new people.", "Where do you go the most?", "Oh wow, you must have a lot of responsibility there!", "Hunting, fishing and computers." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is the best way to be have you ever heard of that comedy television called The Good Place.", "True, though interacting with people and having to be friendly with them seems exhausting sometimes.", "Where are you located? I travel some. Have you ever read Motley's Crew?", "What kind of destinations do you like to travel to?", "I understand. I've done those long shifts before myself.", "I like unusual pieces of clothing and fashion accessories. My most unique one is a purse with a picture of a Skunk! That little mammal." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my mother has 500 pairs of shoes.", "i like having my back scratched." ]
[ "That' interesting. I have never known an extreme hoarder like the ones you see on tv. Have you?", "Yes my mother was actually a compulsive hoarder it was intense." ]
[ "Yikes. I hope she got help. I have a sister who I hope doesn't develop those habits. Just starting out 1st grade.", "I'm glad. We are all hoarders in a sense. In a way, I like hoarding food. Costco lol. Things like ice cream.", "Indeed! But we have 2 freezers, so it's all good. They can last for a while. Isn't technology just great?", "My father uses that! He teaches quite a bit at middle school, so it makes it convenient for him when he goes home. It's all clean!", "But we must get the good kinds. I can't stand overly processed Ice creams. There are good brands out there who use healthy and quality ingredients.", "Yes. Just takes carefull looking at the grocery store. Organic section has good ones." ]
[ "She did, but it was still really frustrating.", "I get ya, hoarding food seems kind of scary since they are perishable goods.", "Technology is amazing, I have a Roomba to vacuum my floors.", "It is so useful!", "True, I like the healthier ones.", "I agree. If I get low quality ice cream it makes my back itch." ]
{ "convai2": [ "well , i hope she's doing better now . would you mind sharing some of your hobbies ?", "i never thought about it like that . i love your perspective !", "i don t know about that , just like the innovation .", "i bet its easy to clean at least ! i need a cleaning genie . hate it lol .", "true , they can be just as expensive lol .", "that's true . maybe i'll try this . can i shop at your store ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "She did, but it was still really frustrating.", "I know right. I buy some. sometimes.", "No joke! So many conveniences.", "I need to get one for myself.", "Organic helps me a lot as well but unfortunately most things that are gluten free are NOT organic and I am so sensitive to pesticides- Trying to find my way around that, I am also on Keto (low carb-...So my diet is hard some days !lol", "Organic helps me a lot as well but unfortunately most things that are gluten free are NOT organic and I am so sensitive to pesticides- Trying to find my way around that, I am also on Keto (low carb-...So my diet is hard some days !lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did she repeat activities like hand washng, counting of things, and checking to see if doors are locked?", "Yea. I can understand. I think I might be a mild hoarder as well. Do you watch the show?", "I agree, things were made to last for a very long time. No wasting resources", "What kind of house training does he need? Sometimes they can just get into the worst things.", "Yes, I prefer the ones that have nutrition in them.", "Sometimes I get organic foods at Costco, but its harder to find one here." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "pop is my favorite music.", "i write in my spare time." ]
[ "I'm nervous about going to work on Monday. I have a meeting with my boss but I don't know what it's about Can you give me any advice?", "I am bad with anxiety too but if you haven't done anything wrong then all you can do is try to have some self confidence and prepare for the worst and HOPE for the best. You never know- you could be getting a raise!" ]
[ "But what if it's something bad", "I actually kinda like listening to Sinatra in situations like this", "Yea his music soothes me in this situation, i hope it all goes smootly. What are you up to ?", "I'm currenly having a snack, i just love cheese", "Yea its lunch time here too on the east coast", "Jamaican ?" ]
[ "Have you ever try to meditate?", "Oh you like him a lot? I think Frank Sinatra is an icon!", "I trying to find something to write about", "i thought about getting something to eat i seem to be hungry all the time", "Ill get some jerk chicken", "Yeah, I live in south Fl" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh no ! i know that feeling , i struggle with anxiety too .", "oh no ! i know that feeling , i struggle with anxiety too .", "just going to do some more work . respond to job leads . etc", "i thought about getting something to eat i seem to be hungry all the time", "i've to pack a lunch what should i take", "i wish ! come talk to my boss for me" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Prepare then and you will feel better- either way it goes you will be prepared- so if it's bad- you will already have known and if it's not- then you will get surprised. Either way it won't rock your world.", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "That's what I get too! I also get vegan cheese...its delish! Hope you have a great time chowing down tonight!", "That's what I get too! I also get vegan cheese...its delish! Hope you have a great time chowing down tonight!", "Mexican" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "To get more acquainted and get rid of nervousness, i would recommend you to watch Nandini, an Indian supernatural television drama. That would help to a certain degree", "Oh you like him a lot? I think Frank Sinatra is an icon!", "I love to listen to Frank Sinatra as one of the best-selling music artists of all time", "I am super hungry but its too late to get mac and cheese, i will get some pancakes i like eating breakfast at night!", "Well it's always right before Friday so that is always good!", "good" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i play for the philadelphia eagles.", "last season i was just getting started." ]
[ "I've never been to Canada - I hear they get a lot of snow!", "Yes lots of snow, The capital of Canada is Ottowa and its three most populated areas are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. " ]
[ "Does it get to be a problem with the snow?", "Which is worse, the rain or the snow?", "Really?! That's awesome. What position do you play?", "That's really cool. I've always wanted to compete professional in something.", "Awww. Thank you for that.", "How hard was it to get started playing professionally?" ]
[ "not as much as people think , but it can get pretty rainy .", "both are equally horrible but i play for the philidelphia eaglesos i get away alot", "I am a runningback just got started last season ", "you should gofor it the world is yours", "you are welcome!!", "i put everything i had into it dedicated my life to my dream" ]
{ "convai2": [ "not as much as people think , but it can get pretty rainy .", "both , i cannot decide which is worse", "forward and some goalie when needed .", "you should ! put your own stamp on a game", "you are welcome and what do you love most about canada ?", "not really hard just boring lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Not really. Unless we are in an RV.", "both I think", "Hockey, I play center.", "We don't get much snow here maybe one good day.", "You are quite welcome", "It wasn't easy. I was working too but I did it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes lots of snow, The capital of Canada is Ottowa and its three most populated areas are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.", "I'm not sure specifically, but cold isn't the only weather issue! Dust storms are common when particles of sand are picked up and thrown around!", "I'm a forward like Abby Wambach.", "WOrk hard, play hard, you should go to Biscayne National park in southern Florida one day, it is beautiful", "you are welcome!", "It took me 10 years of intense dedication." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love dogs.", "i'm single." ]
[ "I'm impressed with how far technology has came in the last 10 years!", "yes technology is great" ]
[ "I remember the first Iphone I bought" ]
[ "Actually I never had an Iphone. I have stuck to Samsung" ]
{ "convai2": [ "we are lucky to live in an age of technology" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I remember buying the first generation iphone. It was cool then. Now its amazing" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cool! Which one? I still use the iPhone 6 but like all the iphones they can connected to WiFi and cellular networks" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i only use apple products because i feel everything else is inferior.", "going snorkeling is my favorite thing to do." ]
[ "I applied for a new job last week.", "Did you get a call back?" ]
[ "yes i did i got the job", "tomorrow", "yes it's 20 a hour", "Folgers", "Cool how great is that i wanna go to google myself", "i broke my nose when i was ten" ]
[ "That's great! how soon until you hear back?", "I am so happy for you, is it good pay ?", "not bad, whats the name of the company", "I am familiar with them ha,i work for apple", "I also use all their products as i feel anything other than apple is bad quality", "owch , i am sorry to hear that , does it hurt still ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i did not get a call back after my addition better luck next time", "next week ? would that be good ?", "oh okay , that is a good salary for a wonderful job", "cool , how long have you worked there ?", "it can be stressful , but it pays well", "owch , i am sorry to hear that , does it hurt still ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's great! how soon until you hear back?", "That's good news. Congratulations in advance!", "good paying job and keeps you active!", "I am familiar with them ha", "Read up about it on glassdoor thats a good one online! good luck :)", "I hope both our ego and your nose heal up quickly!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Hopefully I get the job from my recent interview when they make their employee selection.", "Hopefully I get the job from my recent interview when they make their employee selection.", "The average pay in 2010 was about 10.68 an hour and my mom made about 15 an hour which is good pay for sure.", "Hopefully I get the job from my recent interview when they make their employee selection.", "Hopefully I get the job from my recent interview when they make their employee selection.", "Was that in your leg?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i'm a roofer.", "i drive a lifted chevy truck." ]
[ "good and you ?", "good what are your hobbies" ]
[ "I enjoy playing the guitar and love to sleep!", "It takes a lot of patience but once you get it down, it's a lot of fun", "What games do you play?", "That sounds like fun. What else do you like to do?", "Wow. You must be very fit! I feel lazy because I like to sleep.", "It was really nice talking to you and getting to know you!" ]
[ "I wish I could play the guitar ", "I play games for my hobbies ", "I play poker and chess", "I also train Olympic Weightlifting ", "I'm just very explosive not really fit", "it was nice talking with you too" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love sleeping as well", "i bet once you get the hang of it .", "i only play simple ones lol", "i love to shop and to sleep", "sleep is a good thing to have", "it was nice talking with you too" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Do you play any instruments?", "I'll keep practicing", "Video games.", "I play blackjack. But my favorite all time is Texas Hold Em", "Tell me about it. I got like 3 hours last night", "nice talking to you for sure" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is really cool I think I want to learn how to play the guitar.", "Yeah in really like playing the electric guitar it is my favorite thing in the world .", "I like arcade games. You?", "I m a good houswife", "I don't get that much sleep because I work and go to school but sleep is natral thing it helps the body and mind", "im here to please" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i am a goalie.", "nike cleats are my favorite." ]
Cleat (shoe)
[ "No i dont, wow, so why is it called a cleat?", "They are called cleat because they provide additional traction on a soft or slippery surface." ]
[ "because of reasons uknown , my kids use to wear cleats. I was married so many times i can't keep count", "how old are you ?", "sure he can , is he there ? or we can meet in a bar in downtown chicago ?", "you can meet me at 5 pm today", "Where are you going", "sure about what" ]
[ "12 year sir ", "my father speak with you sir .. ", "ok sir . when i will meet you sir .. ", "have a nice day sir. ", "ok sir. i am sure. ", "i am not enjoy sir. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "i am 10 years old", "not sure , guess its near our hour", "see you then . . . i cannot wait .", "in new york , on sunday .", "you know plenty all ready . what you want to know ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "How old are your kids?", "12", "yes meet to", "Right now after Im done talking to you", "Church", "This was the most fun chat Ive had today. Enjoy yur day!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cleats are so important for sports. In all there forms. Blade-like or plastic or rubber or even metal.", "I am 21. i have just finished studying so I thought it might be a good time to take a break before entry into graduate school.", "Wife is at work, and it's pretty hot out today. Do you think I should invite him in and offer him some lemonade?", "OKay, have a good day!", "OKay, have a good day!", "OKay, have a good day!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to eat meat.", "i'm skilled in computer repair." ]
[ "i'm not close to my father at all , since i love burritos so much", "burritos are great but there'sn'thing like a steak" ]
[ "I know it's not the same as a slab of beef, but you can definitely load a burrito with steak.", "What is fish steak?", "I think I see what you're getting at. So, do you have any hobbies outside of steak appreciation?", "Oh, that's awesome! I've always wanted to try my hand at woodworking. Could you describe your latest project?", "Sounds simple enough. I like hiking around outdoors and hanging around with trees before they become boards.", "Yeah, the colors are starting to get really inspiring, seeing your breath and getting some exercise. It's great!" ]
[ "They are very similar but yeah i defenetly love steak way more than fish steak", "sort of like what a piece of salmon cut into a steak like substance...", "yes I like to work with wood...make arts and crafts", "I took a boards..glued them together and painted on them", "Yes I agree. Hiking is therapy to one's spirit...especially now that fall is here..", "My husband showed me live footage of driving through the I want to be there!!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "you got any good burritos around you ? i love burritos", "its similar to pork when you get the meat nice and right .", "well , i am in love with burritos lol and i love to hike and be outside", "its tradition my father was one so i like it . . what do u do", "yea its a bit technical for me . dads into bonsai", "ca not wait for the leaves to change color ! !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am sure you could", "Venison wellington... Its like beef wellington with Deer backstrap instead of a fillet.", "I'm an outdoorsman. I hunt or fish for half of the meat I eat each year.", "I LOVE steak..just had some steak, brisket and fajitas yesterday", "That's really great. Are the trees really tall where you live?", "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are very similar but yeah i defenetly love steak way more than fish steak", "It is a type of steak that is referred to when people just say steak without a qualification. There are many different types of steak.", "I do, but I would rather eat other stuff now. Steak without qualification is considered beefsteak!", "I am new to the art but so far I have done some jewelry, coasters and am working on a handbag.", "Ya i guess you can make the steak have some tonight save some for tomorrow", "Hiking is good for your soul too. You get to enjoy nature." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am 32.", "i still live at home with my parents." ]
[ "thank you . laziness is okay sometimes lol .", "i'm lazy all day lol . my mom wants me to get a job and move out" ]
[ "how come you're lazy ", "do you even have cash leftover after paying bills", "lol why do you buy alcohol", "oh, do you drink a lot", "oh interesting, why are you going to change this attitude at any point", "lol, i wish you goodluck" ]
[ "I am tired of paying bills lol", "I use it to buy alcohol lol", "To get a buzz and kill time until my dad gets home ", "Yea i do , but that's because i don't have a job at 32 and i spend most of my money on cam girls site", "Yea maybe when i turn 50", "Thanks lol" ]
{ "convai2": [ "because she thinks i am going to move with my dad , i miss him", "yes i do but got lots of bills", "because my dad worried about income . i just want to move out .", "on occasion . when there's whiskey involved lol", "because she thinks i am going to move with my dad , i miss him", "thank you , do the same" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am tired of paying bills lol", "I don't/ Thats the problem lol", "I usually just buy bottles of water, lol", "Naw. Drink and play Xbox mostly", "bring ignorant to responsibility lol", "Thanks lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "Yes, I enjoy handling the money and the fact I am not in high school anymore.", "Dependent on alcohol like addicted alcohol strongly craved", "I do I like dancing and drinking alcohol", "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i have 5 grandchildren.", "i'm a 70 year old man." ]
[ "i need 2 being a registered nurse .", "i understand that . i am just an old man so i like simple things" ]
[ "Give me an example.", "There are very few things so simple, yet so satisfying.", "I really couldn't start my morning without it, so it's a good thing I do." ]
[ "Drinking coffee and watching the sunrise", "True. Do you like coffee?", "I know what you're saying. What do you do for fun?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "its nice to have simple pleasures , i love the simple things in life", "its nice to have simple pleasures , i love the simple things in life" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's cool. I have worked in a hospital as a nurse before.", "Seems simple, but nobody does it that way it seems like.", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'd have to become certified which means i earn credentials from an authoritative source.", "My favourite is morning fresh and coffee", "Can i ask you why you stopped drinking coffee? Is it because it has stimulating effect because of caffeine" ] }
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite color is red.", "i have 2 turtles." ]
Foster care
[ "Was she a foster? What topic?", "yes she was, a distant relative from my mum side" ]
[ "That must be very hard", "The foster care system Is parallel to hell ", "No pets, but I do want a Beagle ", "What Kind of turtles?", "I like turtles they live for so long", "They don't do much though. how do you play with it?" ]
[ "thank you , yes i loved her dearly", "it is ... i guess this is a change of topic, but do you have any pets (just to talk about something positie)", "I want a dog, too! now i have two turtles. not as much fun but i find them oddly cute.", "regular box turtles", "yea they do its awesome", "well i don't really play with them i guess. sometimes i set out treats and a little obstacle course in my living room and watch them go. LOL" ]
{ "convai2": [ "thank you , yes i loved her dearly", "here is this one close friend i still keep in touch with", "she sounds very cute ! i would like a dog one day .", "all sizes ! right now i've a few large box turtles and a baby snapper .", "yea , they're very soft . what is your favorite pet", "i really have no idea" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yea. She actually bounce from foster family to foster family. Didn't have the greatest support growing up.", "That is for sure, you see so many bad stories around the enws and people", "Why don't you get one then, so cute.", "Human ones. I feel quite lonely now. But they had to die.", "Me too! I love them.", "I take it up to my cabin in Michigan and hunt a bunch of small woodland critters! I like to think of myself as the hunter from Bambi." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The thing about her is that she was abused and was a recluse for most of her life, it was a sad existence", "The thing about her is that she was abused and was a recluse for most of her life, it was a sad existence", "Aww thats a cute name. The beagle was developed primarily for hunting hare, and they have a great sense of smell.", "Turtle Rabbit. Not rabbi. Sorry. You know, there are different species of it. There is even a pink fairy variety.", "yea they do its awesome", "O let them sit in a tree most of the time and they love it. I just learned that they have a third eye and it senses light" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i like to go to the lake.", "i've 3 dogs." ]
[ "you are going to hurt me . however , redheads have no soul !", "i like the lake i go to where my next kill is a redhead girl ." ]
[ "What?", "A redhead kill?", "Oh, that makes sense now.", "I had a cat when I was a kid, the dog next dog killed him though.", "I was like 6 or 7", "oh like 2" ]
[ "I have three dogs and a redhead kill", "Correct, like that redhead in wendy's logo", "You have dogs or cats ?", "that must have been horrible, how old was the", "no how old was the cat i mean, ", "young baby" ]
{ "convai2": [ "his", "? ?", "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "oh ok . that makes more sense now ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I will never be able to ride on the lake again.", "Woman lol", "i am a wendy's guy, i find their food much more satisfying", "I see. lol. I hate cats, sorry", "3 15 even worse.", "At least the cat lived a good life by your side" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Usually it means undead! Those don't grow naturally and are a result of hybrid breeding. There are hundreds of species.", "An A-person. It seems like an interesting thought process in Scandanavia", "Wendy's is delicious! it was founded by Dave Thomas in Coumbus, Ohio!", "That reminds me of the video game called Zombies Ate My Neighbors. do you know the game?", "good", "good" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i eat mainly chinese food.", "i'm a night owl." ]
[ "i'm doing just fine , do you like watching movies ?", "i do when i have time . i build robots for people who compete ." ]
[ "what do the people compete at?", "why did you always want to work with fighter jets?", "i enjoy watching fighter jets in movies", "i don't have much energy to watch HBO anymore", "i would rather use that time watching movies", "i mainly just watch a lot of movies on netflix" ]
[ "They build airplanes and missiles i always wanted to work with fighter jets", "fighter jets are just so fascinating, mostly because of the velocity", "Me too - there was an episode that was on HBO. It was interesting.", "You could always watch it online!", "what channels do you use instead", "what kinds of shows do you like to stream ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i cannot say . it is a privacy thing . awesome about your competitions .", "i love robots as a kid so i decided to do it for a living", "my robot is pretty fond of them as well", "what about a laptop , do you have one ? maybe you can watch it on that .", "what do you do for a living . i assemble things like robots .", "what kinds of shows do you like to stream ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They build airplanes and missiles i always wanted to work with fighter jets", "Because, plane crashes are awful!", "Me too - this one was on BBC. It was interesting.", "You could always watch it online!", "What movies do you enjoy instead?", "I just watch on TV." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They try to make the most money to void elmination and win the $50,000.", "It seems it was because of World War 1 and 2", "Yeah, I mean the amount of training needed to control the flight and operating its directional fight is ridiculous", "I don't usually pay for subscriptions either. It is handy though, because new episodes will automatically download if you are subscribed.", "Same, I've been feeling down in the dumps lately and have been watching humorous or amusing movies.", "ok good. Netflix is good . Now they expanded to film" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i hate to drive.", "i need to take 4 pills a day to live." ]
Bruno Mars
[ "Oh yes. I love his music! He can really do it all. I wonder where he is from. ", "He was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii." ]
[ "oh okay. what kind of music do you like? ", "i hardly get time to be honest. I like pop and r&B", "Work mostly! you ever been to Hawaii? ", "Yeah. I have traveled a lot. My work requires me to travel. I was in Hawaii for a month. ", "on weekends only ", "I'm an IT Manager " ]
[ "I know the most generic answer is \"a little bit of everything,\" but it's true. Lately, i've been listening to a lot of ambient/drone. You?", "Oh, cool. What keeps you so busy?", "No, I haven't. My health situation and aversion toward driving keeps me from traveling much. Have you?", "Did you get to see any sights? Or, was it strictly business?", "Ah, so what kind of work are you in?", "Oh, awesome! I work in IT too. How long have you been in the business?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like uptown funk . . . whats yours ?", "oh alright ! well what do you like to do in your free time ?", "no ! i want to visit someday !", "nice ! i hope your trip to the city was smooth . it can be tough traveling .", "dang that stinks . i went at on weekends all my life", "i see i see . office work can be very boring ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "No, I've never been there either.", "Wow! Hawaii sounds like a great place to vacay. I have never been there, have you?", "The weekends are for the boys!", "sounds like a sweet gig." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like all sorts of music. I love jazz and classical music. How about you?", "Pop and popular music are used interchangeably, but I don't mind it. I listen to a lot of different music.", "Yes, I have been to the Big Island, Oahu. Kauai is my favorite though.", "Do you go for a long time. I usually have relatively short stays because of my work.", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?", "Really? That's interesting. What is your job?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy all things my little pony.", "i like to watch anime." ]
[ "are you a seventh day adventist too ?", "what no . . no way . i'm not religious at all ." ]
[ "it's not bad, i'm not highly religious at all just neutral", "everyone has their opinion really and that is toally fine", "What do you like to do then ?", "On netflix or cable ?", "What's your fav ?", "i am not a big fan" ]
[ "I think it more bad than good, religion ", "Yea religion just isnt my cup of tea.", "I watch tv shows", "Both.", "I like anime.", "I cool, I like the art" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i used to be adventist and learnt a lot with the ,", "i just converted to a seventh day adventist . its really welcoming", "i just converted to a seventh day adventist . its really welcoming", "i watch whatever is on", "i watch whatever is on", "what about anime ? how do you feel about that ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I've never been a person of faith. My parents weren't either.", "I'm glad you agree", "I use to go to church when I was little.", "I just watch on TV.", "I just watch on TV.", "Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago, maybe I shall return." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can respect that. Do you watch Nickelodeon at all? Do you know Jessica Alba?", "Yea religion just isnt my cup of tea.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Hulu, it includes shows from major networks.", "I really like Gail Sidonie Sobat.", "same" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've a marketing job.", "i also meditate a lot." ]
[ "i love it . what do you do to pay the bills ?", "i meditate and that channels money to me . how about you ?" ]
[ "That sounds interesting. I'm an office drone, but I love to surf!", "At the beach, of course! Do you have any hobbies?", "Really? I like to ball up on occasion. What position do you normally play?", "So, all positions huh? I think it's fun to join a pickup game sometimes.", "Well, that's fine too. I find that anonymously participating helps with my social anxiety. Do you like music?", "Who is on your playlist right now?" ]
[ "surf online or at the beach ?", "I don't have much time i work a lot , i'm in marketing . Wheni do have time i like to play basketball", "I play with myself", "I'm too anti social to be playing with a group", "Yea i like Rap", "some east coast rapper that i love lol" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh , i did not notice you . i was meditating .", "all sorts of things . do you meditate ?", "i play point guard generally but i'm flexible , do you like music ?", "not really . i only play with myself", "i like peaceful music . for meditating", "some east coast rapper that i love lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's very relaxing but might not be for everyone of course.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "I do play basketball sometimes", "Yeah. Do you play?", "I do actually quite a few mainly old country songs like daddys hands is a big one super oldie! :)", "coldplay" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That sounds like a nice balance. Do you enjoy your own work?", "No I don't. I am retired. I used to work in Journalism. I relax on the beach now.", "I'm a forward like Abby Wambach.", "Yes becasue players work together to it can maybe help with team work skills.", "Oddly enough; I like a lot of video game music.", "Brittneyandbaby," ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite band is pearl jam.", "i am a night owl." ]
[ "i cant wait for next week!", "What are you doing next week?" ]
[ "playing videogames mostly", "retro games mostly", "i think i need to buy new shirts too so ill probably go to the store", "whats it called?", "how are the prices?", "i usually go for sales as well" ]
[ "What kind of video games are you into?", "oh cool , retro gaming ! i am more of a console gamer myself .", "there's a store down the road from where i live . they have great shirts !", "Mina's market. It's local.", "The prices can get high on certain things, but I usually go for sale items.", "Sales are the best. Some people shop for leisure others for economics. Some both." ]
{ "convai2": [ "awesome", "oh cool , retro gaming ! i am more of a console gamer myself .", "there's a store down the road from where i live . they have great shirts !", "i'm not sure . what is it called ?", "they are pretty high , but so far i've been lucky to be able to pay them .", "what do you usually shop for ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love video games.", "I like those games too!", "I am going to get some shirts. I'd love to buy even more but I really need shirts. I can find super nice brands for so cheap and new. It's better than buying the cheap new stuff on other websites that is bad quality. I love finding the deals! I am spoiled by 90% or more off.", "Mina's market. It's local.", "i pay 34 but they are pros", "I am a sucker for some good deals!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What kind of video games are you into?", "nice! i like the old arcade games from the 1980s like pacman.", "If you are interested.", "It's Dan Reynolds", "The price really depends on the locale based on the population culture and geographic conditions.", "Sales are the best. Some people shop for leisure others for economics. Some both." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i ride my red bike to work everyday.", "my favorite pass time is gazing at clouds." ]
[ "i enjoy crocheting , how about you ?", "truth be told , i love just looking up at the clouds ." ]
[ "That sounds so relaxing. Do you have any pets?", "I also adore cats, have two of my own.", "One is grumpy all of the time and the other always gets into trouble. They are my babies. How about yours?", "I can't wait to get my hair done today.", "I'm getting bangs, kind of nervous about it.", "Yeah, I just need to change things up. Do you work?" ]
[ "Yes, I have a cat! She loves to play with yarn while I crochet.", "Oh yeah? What are their personalities like?", "Mine is a little Calico who likes to act more shy around strangers than he really is. He's a kneader.", "What kind of style are you going for?", "I get it. They are always a gamble for me too. I usually find myself impatient with them after a while.", "Yep, I work in IT as a supervisor for a non-profit. You?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not have time for pets with my job and crocheting hobby .", "being outside and staring at the sky while the clouds go by is my favorite .", "oh well maybe you can do some cloud gazing with them . it is so funn", "its a rainy day , rough day to watch the clouds .", "i am sure you'll still look so fantastic !", "no . i do like going outside and looking at the clouds ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have none. But all of my neighbors do and they like to be noisey in the summer lol", "I have 2 and I love them to death.", "I have three. They are my world. I wish we lived in the country and not the city.", "Your hair must grow really quick!", "I need a haircut soon myself. I hope you do really well", "I do! I start at 4AM. I'm a cobbler in a Nike sweatshop. I signed up because they have some really awesome health benefits once you reach the age of 90!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do, a cat! Over the last few decades in Japan, we've started to adopt pets as more than utilitarian and more into our family system.", "I love dogs myself. Did your wife ever see the Marvel comic called The Cat People?", "I like them ok, but unfortunately they are not my favorite pet, even though there are more than 70 different breeds.", "Does he have to go to the groomer? I only have cats and they hate being brushed.", "Either way, your long hair will live on in your soul, brother. Hairstyles can be lifestyles.", "I do not! You must be busy!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've been cheated on by every ex girlfriend except for one.", "my biggest fear in life is heights." ]
[ "interesting . i don't know why you don't do something productive like going for a run .", "eh . i'm not popular with the ladies either . every ex has cheated on me ." ]
[ "i like playing games", "so next " ]
[ "I love video games.", "What kind of video games are you into?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not play video games but i like to run .", "i am still so angry about what my ex said . the nerve ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love video games.", "Video games is my plan lol." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I don't enjoy playing video games either. My kids enjoy them, but my husband and I monitor to always ensure they are nonviolent.", "What kind of video games are you into?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i've one sister and a niece and nephew.", "i really like cake and don t prefer vegetables." ]
Certified Public Accountant
[ "Oh, how does one become a CPA?", "The laws are different for each state, but candidates must pass the CPA exam, have 150 semester units of college education, and a year of work experience" ]
[ "That sounds like a lot of work", "how much did it cost", "was it worth it ?", "Are you beautiful ? I think i am because my parents always told me that since i am the only child. I feel hot", "No i'm a man", "Men can be beaitufil as well, don't you agree ?" ]
[ "yes , but it is worth it , i promise", "I don't recall the exact amount", "Its worth the payment! For beauty sake", "i'm sure you are beautiful , all women are beautiful", "oh sorry", "No us men are disgusting " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , but it is worth it , i promise", "i paid about 3 . 50 the dealer was almost pay me to take it away", "oh it is definitely worth it if you know what to do", "i'm sure you are beautiful , all women are beautiful", "well then i'm sure men adore you", "sure of course all men do" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What is the CPA exam?", "4500, it was not worth the extra for me", "It cost enough, almost 75 dollars", "I am sure you are beautiful too!", "Woman lol", "you know, man and woman thing but I am a woman and I prefer women" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah and once they have the license, they need to do continuing education to maintain their license", "it can cost about about $50,000 on the low end", "Its worth the payment! For beauty sake", "yes very much so", "Well, take good care of yourself, try to enjoy it like vin diesel also know that it happens to half of males and a quarter of females around the world", "yea i agree" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i'm a ballet dancer.", "my parents passed away in a car accident." ]
[ "do you have any pets i bring my pug everywhere with me !", "we have a pembroke welsh corgi" ]
[ "how old is it", "did you get him in a shelter", "where did you get the dog", "nice, is he friendly", "does he have name yet", "oh ok, i guess you dont want to discuss your dog anymore" ]
[ "its a golden retriever hew 3 years old", "no", "we took him 6 months ago", "Yeah, he's super sweet and playful.", "Battu, I am a ballet dancer and wanted to give homage to that.", "No. Thanks" ]
{ "convai2": [ "its a golden retriever hew 3 years old", "we took him 6 months ago", "we took him 6 months ago", "yeah he's super sweet and playful", "i got him when he was a puppy .", "he's a standard poodle ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "its about a year old", "no", "from me", "He is. And he is nice to look at too lol", "Oh yes, that is his nickname though! We call him \"white dog\".", "No. Thanks" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "He is 3 years old. This breed is very popular because they are a good size, have good temperament, and they dpn", "No its a rescue I got it for companionship and to hunt vermin", "It first breed in Great Britain", "No, actually they are kinda friendly, I had a Yorkshire Terrier and he was nice", "no he just sleeps next to us all day", "No i cant play." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i own 9 guitars.", "i learned piano at age 6." ]
[ "Me and my cousin got into a fight. He broke my piano, which grandfather gifted me.", "I'm sorry to hear that." ]
[ "I will find him and make him pay", "I don't want yours i want that specific one", "Are you good ? i would learn but i am anti social and i would not want to go take piano lessons with anyone, i even work from home", "I'm too shy", "I'm also too shy to look at myself in the mirror, ", "I am trying hard to fix it" ]
[ "I could lend you a piano in the meantime.", "Okay, I was just offering. I have a few, I've been playing since I was 6.", "I like to think so. You could take online lessons.", "Shy? Yeah, I get that. I was too, until I started getting out more. The ability to socialize is a muscle you have to work at.", "I completely understand. A lot of people struggle with having confidence in one's self.", "you can do it . keep working hard ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "his", "okay , you can come over and pick it up tomorrow .", "you might be , i play to win . do you have somewhere better to be ?", "what is the cause of your shyness ?", "oh gosh . if i were you i'd think everyone is staring at me !", "you can do it . keep working hard ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "He should be there for you.", "Sorry to hear that. What was the dispute about?", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "Shy? Yeah, I get that. I was too, until I started getting out more. The ability to socialize is a muscle you have to work at.", "You should work on that.Be a better version of yourself.", "You should work on that.Be a better version of yourself." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No problem, remember, he completed his musical education so you should also try to learn from him if you like music.", "Start saving your change. You can get one from the 80s Chevy Corvette cheap.", "Definitely. I do have some people I am close to, but it takes me a while to get there.", "But having good relationships can help with that.", "I completely understand. A lot of people struggle with having confidence in one's self.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "i love dogs.", "i leave the dogs home when i visit my parents." ]
[ "On my way to work I say a guy doing a trick on his bicycle. It was pretty rad", "that must be cool to see, something to break up the monotony of the day" ]
[ "i felt bad for the guy, he looked a bit sad", "he just didnt seem happy doing his tricks, as if he did not care", "nope, I dont really use it that often", "I do! do you own any?", "absolutely, how old are they?", "thats awesome, go take them out!" ]
[ "Why do you think he was sad? He should ride a bike with a dog.", "Wow thats strange. Have you ever done tricks on a bike?", "Oh well that's cool too. It's better to just walk the dog anyway. Do you like dogs?", "I have a couple. They rock my world. Great for easing the nerves.", "They're brothers so they're both 5.", "I think I will do that. It's a beautiful day!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah it is very sad so many people were just trying to enjoy themselves", "he had to stay outside for rest of the day . where do you live ?", "i see , i ride my bike to work most days .", "nope , would love one eventually . what kind of dog do you have ?", "2 , age 1 an 1 month i'm nuts lol", "maybe i will find a ride to their town . that could be interesting ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I get that, he was a very funny fellow, sad story", "What kind of tricks can you do?", "What kind of tricks can you do?", "I have 3. What about you?", "four and five. that's not that old but still lol", "I better!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yes, that was a sad moment, being that he was only on set eight days before this incident", "He just lost interest after awhile.", "Well a lot of places in the world use bikes as the primary form of transportation. I guess they save a lot on gas", "Not at the moment. I live near a road , so it's too dangerous to have one right now.", "1 year old! I also have an American Bulldog.", "Yeah he definiltly should!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a happy person.", "i especially enjoy listening to the band the mutineers." ]
[ "I recently quit a really bad job, but I didn't have another job lined up", "I lost my job, so I know how you feel. It is tough not have a source of income. " ]
[ "I felt out of place because I have a few tattoos on my face.", "Yeah, I'm not crazy but I made a few mistakes when I was younger.", "It was a good office job, perhaps I should use some kind of makeup to cover it up for a future job. Do you work?", "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better.", "Do you have any hobbies?", "That sounds like fun. I mostly listen to podcasts." ]
[ "Oh, that is bold lol. Tattoos have been regarded as uncivilized in the Wet. People tend to associate them with criminals or people with mental issues", "Mistakes happen but it's good you are learning from it. We all make mistakes", "i do but do to this only job for source of income it has been tough", "Thanks, yea things always get better", "Yes a little, like fishing and hiking ", "i do too , i like podcasts . i listen to historical ones" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh no , its too bad . i have tattoos", "i hear you . but you can turn it around ! its all in your mentality !", "i do but do to this only job for source of income it has been tough", "yeah i got fired from work now i am looking for something new", "not really just chatting an catching up on money", "i do too , i love podcasts . i listen to historical ones" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I understand. I hope you will find a better job.", "Mistakes happen but it's good you are learning from it. We all make mistakes", "I do IT but only part time", "Me too, thank you, things always get better", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "It is worth getting into, they can be very relaxing" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh, that is bold lol. Tattoos have been regarded as uncivilized in the Wet. People tend to associate them with criminals or people with mental issues", "What about criminal tattoos that identify people as part of gangs or their accomplishments within the criminal world?", "No I do not. But I don work in the environment of the comfort of my home. Sorry bad joke.", "Thanks, there were many legal, financial, social etc issues that I have overcome now", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess.", "podcasts are a great option to listen to shows on the go!" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "i can only see 200 feet in front of me.", "i had to call 911 when i had a terrible headache." ]
[ "I saw someone using a trashcan as a drum set on the street yesterday. I was inspired because they were so efficient with what they had!", "thats cool.. take any pics?" ]
[ "no i'm a plumber not a photographer! ", "My memory is good enough and I was in a hurry.", "You should get your eyes check out", "You could put them around your neck like one of my 4h members does.", "Were you the guy with the trashcan?", "I would have you come play for my members if you were!" ]
[ "You could still figure out how to take decent pictures.", "I probably wouldn't even have noticed the guy, I can't see very far in front of me.", "I have. I have glasses but I forget them all the time.", "maybe , perhaps while i beat my drum ?", "Wouldn't that be a funny story if I were?", "Sure, That's sounds like a real plan. lol" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm a plumber such a dirty job but somebody gotta do it", "you could learn to take great pictures . keep trying", "i tried putting on contact lenses when i was at the eye doctor . so annoying !", "maybe , perhaps while i beat my drum ?", "i was actually . how about you ?", "that would be very nice . i will bring my camera ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "oh wow .. talented", "Did you get professional photos taken?", "haha, Or maybe just better eyes, Thats not the only time ive done something like that.", "haha, Or maybe just better eyes, Thats not the only time ive done something like that.", "Yea lol. How'd you know?", "Sure, That's sounds like a real plan. lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Funny ! The San Francisco Chronicle headline read \"Slacker is Doused in Barrel of Paint\" this was in 1918. Would you ever paint your kid ? Ha", "What type of pictures do you like to take?", "Have you ever worn any type of eye safety while playing a sport?", "Yes, at least you can cover that up easier. Ha ha..", "I guess you could say that, it was my own. What music do you like?", "That would be sweet. People say I look a lot like Zayn Malik." ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am a gentle giant.", "i have survived near death experiences." ]
[ "Really?", "The color can be from very pale blond to strawberry blond, depending on how much eumelanin a person has." ]
[ "Yep, I reallyhave blond hair", "Why? I prefer to keep my hair natural.", "yeah it can", "Unless you get the cheap do it yourself kits at the store", "yep", "Nope, as I said before I like to keep my hair natural" ]
[ "You should dye it. So many blonde colors to choose from, reddish strawberry blonde to golden-brownish sandy blonde color.", "I don't blame you, dye can destroy your hair.", "It is also expensive.", "yes just buy the hair color and the instruction is all there .", "Would you ever do it?", "Your hair must grow really quick!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "mine is too , when i am not dying it blond .", "mine is too , when i am not dying it blond .", "you could go blonde and put some red chunks in it .", "yes just buy the hair color and the instruction is all there .", "mine is too , when i am not dying it blond .", "mine is too , when i am not dying it blond ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You know what, i have always secretly wanted to date red hair as a partner and I hope I will one day", "You know what, i have always secretly wanted to date red hair as a partner and I hope I will one day", "My friends hair always look better when we go out. I do my own hair.", "Do you know a place with free ones?", "My friends hair always look better when we go out. I do my own hair.", "Your hair must grow really quick!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You should dye it. So many blonde colors to choose from, reddish strawberry blonde to golden-brownish sandy blonde color.", "There is a blonde vs brunette rivalry in many countries.", "Yeah the color can be anywhere from pale blonde to reddish \"strawberry blonde\" all the way to dirty blonde.", "Unfortunately, they are also higher price-wise.", "What color of blonde do you have?", "What color of blonde do you have?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i work for a magazine.", "i love to workout." ]
[ "reading is fun but i would rather lay with my pets in bed and watch tv", "i also enjoying playing halo ." ]
[ "Oh I like playing computer games every now and then when I have time.", "If I had to pick I'd probably choose Minecraft. I'm always playing it at my computer and in bed.", "The other day I was playing and my dogs got surprised when they heard barking coming from my game. That was pretty entertaining.", "I tend to be a homebody too. I'm always in bed with my dogs listening to music or playing games.", "I can relate to that. Mine are my best friends.", "They definitely are. Dogs love you unconditionally. I'm not surprised they help keep you stable." ]
[ "That's cool. I'm not good at those games. My favorite game is Halo. What's yours?", "Good choice.", "haha . i'd rather stay home and watch tv .", "My dogs keep me sane.", "And that is good too. They are ", "they sure do, always" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have been into the game halo lately .", "that's awesome . i spend most of the day with my pets with me in bed .", "haha . i'd rather stay home and watch tv .", "that sounds relaxing . i like to read .", "beats sitting on the couch at home watching tv .", "yes they love company of others ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What is your favorite game?", "Good choice.", "Dogs are a good source of entertainment.", "My dogs keep me sane.", "I don't know what I would do without mine!", "they sure do, always" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's cool. I'm not good at those games. My favorite game is Halo. What's yours?", "I have heard of minecraft b/c my neices love it! It is a video game created by swedish designer Markus Persson correct?", "That reminds me of the video game called Zombies Ate My Neighbors. do you know the game?", "Television sounds like a good way to unwind. The majority of homes have more than one TV. Do you?", "And that is good too. They are \"man's best friend.\"", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i'm currently unemployed.", "my birthday is in june." ]
[ "i wish i could help . what is your qualification ?", "being born in june does not count so i've none" ]
[ "ok", "good", "colourful day", "nice to meet you", "god bless you dear", "thank you dear bye see you" ]
[ "Do you have anything to add?", "OKay, have a good day!", "This was the most fun chat Ive had today. Enjoy yur day!", "thanks , nice chatting with you", "god bless you too sir", "ok thank you bye" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "i was born in june", "my name is june i'm here to cheer you up !", "my name is june i'm here to cheer you up !", "god bless you too sir", "i was born in june" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "ok thank you bye", "Good.", "This was the most fun chat Ive had today. Enjoy yur day!", "thanks , nice chatting with you", "You are quite welcome", "ok thank you bye" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "ok i click the relevant", "OKay, have a good day!", "Same! Have a good night!", "Same! Have a good night!", "You too! Thanks!", "oh.same to you." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i dropped out of college a month ago.", "i wear my heart on my sleeve." ]
[ "hi . doing great . i work in a coffee shop and live in an shared apartment .", "i wish i had a place to live ." ]
[ "I'm sorry to hear that. Are you okay?", "I totally understand where you are coming from, my parents are educators.", "My dad teaches history and my mom teaches English. What do you plan on doing?", "That sounds like a noble deed. Sometimes my roommates make me want to find a new place.", "They smoke and play loud music. It gets annoying at times.", "I just work at the coffee shop. High school was more than enough for me." ]
[ "I think I'll survive. I just dropped out of school and my parents aren't being very sympathetic.", "Oh yeah? What do they teach?", "Right now I just plan on figuring out a way to survive. Eventually, I would like to work with non-profits to help solve the homeless crisis.", "Why is that? Do they have bad habits?", "I can definitely relate to that. Do you work or are you in school?", "I can definitely relate to that. Do you enjoy your job?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am . just fixed a bowl of ice cream . so what do you do for fun ?", "that's really cool . i work at a coffee shop but i hate it .", "i am going to school for teaching . its what my parents do .", "i work at starbucks as a manger there , and it helps to get by .", "i have loud neighbors too . i hope they move soon", "did you finish high school ? i ended up dropping out ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Pretty crappy at the moment.", "Teachers? Well it's not always the case. I never let school interfere with my education", "Awesome! History is HARD! I always had a hard time remembering the dates and times especially.", "do you have roomates?", "You must be worried sick. The roommates sound suspicious.", "Ew interesting. I think high school and earlier is so important and college too." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am fine. What would you like to chat about?", "So you are a professional teacher and get paid to teach.", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "I know that not everyone wants to get roommates, but I think that the lowest wage should probably mean compromises need made. Roommates are a great money saver.", "Yes, it is really bad if they don't have the spaces to cook, clean, or sleep. It can become debilitating.", "oh.same to you." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i spend an hour getting ready in the morning.", "i can t stand clutter or dust." ]
[ "hi i'm sniffles . morning people like me shouldn't be up this late .", "thi should be sleep because it takes me awhile to get ready" ]
[ "I usually get ready pretty quickly. What are you usually getting ready for?", "Oh, you have kids. How old are they?", "I'm sure, kids are always a handful. Does having children leave you any time for hobbies?", "And it's a noble one at that. Do you have any pets?", "I don't like animals either, their hair gets into everything.", "Nope, I'm out here all alone, but I love the peace and quiet." ]
[ "kids start school", "12 and 5 ... and they both take forever to get ready", "Not really ... my hobby is taking care of the kids", "no ... no pets. I hate clutter or dust or any kind of mess around the house", "True dat ... :-) How about kids? Do you have any?", "So are you a morning person?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "just getting started really . i am not much of a morning person so coffee coffee coffee", "2 , age 1 an 1 month i'm nuts lol", "well yea but the littlest things interest me", "nope no pets , do you ?", "yes they can be smelly ! i don't like cleaning them !", "oh i love the quiet . nothing better than quiet alone time for me" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "kids start school", "4 and 5 and I have a teenager", "Naw. Drink and play Xbox mostly", "I do not just a cat", "Neither do I. Imagine if it came into your house!", "yes! Yin and yang, it's hard to appreciate the quiet without the loud :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yea midday breakfasts arent my ideal picnic", "Close to 30! I just always have to put in a ton of work when mother's day comes around haha", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess.", "I do have a pet and also have working dogs that are not pets", "Sounds like a good mix even though they are a small and furry pet i dont have one", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy watching tennis and golf on tv.", "i love to read and relax by the lake on the weekends." ]
[ "I was walking to a restaurant to meet with some friends, and on my way there I tripped over a tree branch in front of a bunch of people and looked like a total idiot.", "When you tripped over the branch, did you get hurt?" ]
[ "Yes, i instantly started singing a song about how bad it hurt..", "I can't quite remember.. I was listening to music while I was singing!", "Anything with a nice beat to it really.. What do you like?", "That sounds amazing.. Music makes everything better to me..", "I mainly just enjoy sining songs.", "No I don't.. I mainly just listen.. I wish I did!" ]
[ "That's funny, how did the song go?", "What kind of music do you like?", "I like listening to rock music when I'm laying by the lake.", "Do you have any hobbies? I like to watch sports on tv.", "Do you happen to play any instruments?", "I think reading is a fun hobby." ]
{ "convai2": [ "and what song was that ?", "and what song was that ?", "i like a lot of things , but can not think of much else right now", "music does help us right ? what else do you do to feel beter ?", "i love singing songs too . . . if your school needs a music teacher !", "trumpet was my speciality . . and i was doing vocal aswell" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Luckily not too many people saw you fall!", "Luckily not too many people saw you fall!", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "What do you like to do on the lake?", "Do you play any instruments?", "Do you play any instruments?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ouch, I bet that is very painful", "Oh ok cool, I think if you did it now a cool song to use would be, \"One More Night\" loved that song too.", "I like all sorts of music. I love jazz and classical music. How about you?", "I love that you can find all kinds of influences and elements from other music styles in a rock song.", "Me too. Sometimes I'll sing shanties when I do my housework. Do you like to sing when you work?", "Yeah, same here. I wanted to play sports instead. Musical instruments dates back to the beginning of human culture." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i spend time signing a lot of petitions and donate to animal rights groups.", "i love animals." ]
[ "do you have any special recipes you like to prepare ?", "scobby treats ! what are your hobbies ?" ]
[ "Well I work in finance so I love doing anything that helps me with saving some money or helping others do the same.", "Well for starters, you should move closer to your job so you can walk there to save money, like me!" ]
[ "What do you do when you live paycheck to paycheck? How can you save?", "i've a job in finance . if you need help budgeting while you shop , let me know ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm in finance . love numbers so !", "i've a job in finance . if you need help budgeting while you shop , let me know ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Not just working for yourself, but helping others too. Good on you!", "That's inspirational at least. I'm sure we can all do better at saving." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What do you do when you live paycheck to paycheck? How can you save?", "Yeah thats true. Maybe I'll move down there when i stop my employment immediately." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "i adopted all my dogs.", "i ve never been on a date." ]
[ "i do that is what i told the team i played this morning at the basketball game .", "do you have any hobbies ?" ]
[ "Yes, I like to sit around and drink beer. What about you?", "Wow that sounds fun.. I play basketball while waiting for my wife to finish cutting clients hair somedays.", "I work at a distrubition center, but for their finance department. I love Coors light the best!" ]
[ "playing basketball is my favorite .", "where do you work ? i always pound back a beer when i finish .", "I was not aware that Coors beer sold its malted milk to Mars candy company. Did you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "playing basketball is my favorite .", "where do you work ? i always pound back a beer when i finish .", "same here ! coors is my favorite . what is yours ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "you can do whatever you want!! You like beer?", "I do play basketball sometimes", "Always been a fan of Corona though lately I've been chugging Hurricanes and Keystones" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like to brew beer. I can't say I'm much of a liquor type of guy.", "What aspect about basketball do you like the most?", "I was not aware that Coors beer sold its malted milk to Mars candy company. Did you?" ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i enjoy cooking.", "my favorite writer is nicholas sparks." ]
Nicholas Sparks
[ "Wow that is a lot, not as many as Stephen King but still quite a bit.", "Yeah, and he's not that old either. He was born in '65. Surprising he writes romance novels. " ]
[ "I wonder what is best novel is.", "Can you recommend your favorite Stephen King book?", "I will read one and let you know what I think of it.", "Dan Brown has written some interesting mystery novels.", "The Da Vinci Code is excellent.", "I couldn't put it down once I started, so not long I imagine!" ]
[ "I love Stphen King.. I think you should deifnitely read something from him!", "I like them all I wouldn't say anything specific.. Read any of them!", "Awesome.. Do you have anything to recommend for me to read?", "That sounds amazing.. What is your favorite by him?", "I will definitely give that a read then, how long will it take me to read you think?", "Yes, I am definitely someone who likes to read for hours and hours on end myself." ]
{ "convai2": [ "stephen king is very notorious author .", "anything by ray bradbury is good imo . i also like philip k dick", "or you should try reading it by stephen king if you haven't already read it .", "lol . . really . . its interesting . . tell me something more . .", "lol . . really . . its interesting . . tell me something more . .", "lol . . really . . its interesting . . tell me something more . ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Dang! I should start watching it. I love Stephen King.", "I read \"The Cat and the Hat\"! It is a very intellectual and soothing book.", "i am excited to hear back!", "I remember Martin Mystery! I loved that show.", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm not sure completely, but probably something by Stephen King. Of his 54 published novels, there's probably at least 5 that fit into my favorite books.", "I would say maybe Under the Dome? It was pretty creepy. He sold more than 350 million copies and many of his books were adapted into films. It's hard to pick!", "I highly recommend them as well. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, many of them adapted to films, tv series, mini series and comic books", "I have the 2003 mystery by Dan Brown as well.", "I have the 2003 mystery by Dan Brown as well.", "I might have to try both series as well!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm great with babies.", "i have 5 kids." ]
[ "I live in a hurricane zone. Every year it seems like hurricanes make my life miserable.", "that terrifying, i am scared to death of hurricanes" ]
[ "I misssed playing poll when there is an emergency", "I am a teacher and I also fear for my students", "What I means is I fear for them because of the hurricanes", "I teach art. It is my lifelong passion", "Not true! There is no such thing like thta.Art is art,regardless what type it is " ]
[ "yes i cant stand being scared", "Why do you fear your sudents.. I hate school because of how I am trated.", "Oh yes.. I have some children.. Which is why I also fear them.. They can be so scary,.", "Its good career. I love sclpture art. They have more talents", "I do agree, art can be appreciated on so many differnt levels. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes i cant stand being scared", "i hate school life and the way i'm being treated", "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "interesting . . that's kind of creative . .", "i misspelled the word art , sorry" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I need to do the same", "my cousin and my aunt are both teachers and they love it", "i grew up with hurricanes and those are terrifying i can imagine tornados", "i love art if thats what you mean , i started taking painting classes recently", "i love art if thats what you mean , i started taking painting classes recently" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Neat! I was referring to more of disaster relief for events such as Hurricane Katrina", "The events are becoming widespread", "Do you hear about the The Miami Hurricanes?", "Its good career. I love sclpture art. They have more talents", "Yea but anything an be art if you think about it" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i love to sing.", "my favorite past time is cooking." ]
[ "I find it very healing. Even if someone isn't very good, they should sing just for the benefits.", "Trust me I'm really bad but I consider myself a singer or vocalist, at least in the shower haha." ]
[ "That is great though! Still really good for the soul.", "I love to write actually!", "Creative writing actually. I teach it too! How do you feel about writing?", "that is awesome! What do you write about?", "It really is another great thing for you. What other hobbies do you have?", "I love it too! All kinds!" ]
[ "You bet! What do you do that is good for your soul?", "That's awesome! What kind of writer are you?", "I enjoy reading/writing poetry, actually.", "Poetry is an emotional outlet for me, so it's really just variations on that theme usually.", "I love to cook! How do you feel about cooking?", "Wow! We certainly have a lot in common! I'm making bacon/cheddar croquettes and sauteed brussels sprouts for dinner. How about you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i think my soul is young but my knees say otherwise !", "i like to sing , but only in the shower . scared of what others would think lol", "i haven't really tried . . . do you write ?", "well i am passionate about a lot , i love to write !", "so much i have passion for . soul has been around for ever ! you ?", "me too ! i love cooking for lots of people ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I could never ever sing.", "good job! maybe you should pursue a singing career :)", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "Creative writing for nwo", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "yeah! i'm just getting into it right now, could you recommend me some stuff to cook?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes and it's important for mental health as well, it contributes to the person's happiness.", "That's great! I sing and have done some songwriting myself. Have you explored many musical styles?", "I think I don't like it as much because it requires creativity and critical analysis!", "I write historical western romance books, do you read that kind of literature? I just love thinking about places and times in the past.", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?", "archaeological evidence shows people were cooking one million years ago!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my son plays on the local football team.", "i'm trying to create my own startup company in the gaming industry." ]
High school football
[ "My son plays high school football.", "That's great! Football is one of ht emost popular sports in Canada and the US at the high school level." ]
[ "Yes, he loves the sport more than anything.. It keeps him out of trouble for sure!", "Wow that is so awesome! Sometimes I am working late as a yoga instuctor so it is good to have him there where I know he is safe.", "It is something that you should always make time for, it makes your body so much stronger and healthier!", "Well something crazy like that is always going to be worth it in the end.. I hope it works out for you like my Yoga has for me!", "Wow! I would love to come to one of those to blow off some stress myself!", "For sure, I would love to come and spend some time and watch how you work!" ]
[ "I agree with you. My son currently plays quarterback position for his high school team", "Really? I love yoga but haven't had time to sign up for class recently.", "I totally agree. The fact is that I'm trying to start a new business and it's eating up all of my time.", "I appreciate it. I'm putting my effort into a gaming startup company. I'll definitely consider adding yoga to my schedule", "Yeah, the gaming industry itself is really entertaining but there's so much stress behind the scenes.", "Thank you. I'd love to send you an invite for our \"gaming premiere\"" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i agree . he goes everywhere . he even tries to play football with me .", "canada is great for winter sports too .", "you are absolutely right ! anything else i should know about you ?", "i agree ! and thanks very much . i hope it works out .", "i am sure . i might even move to canada . i can do my work anywhere .", "thank you so much ! i would love to . staying home more to practice would be nice !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I agree. Kids can get a lot more out of sticking to those types of sports other than just physical exercise. It teaches them great personality traits like dedication and hard work.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "He plays high school football haha. Still, he's good. Hoping he gets a scholarship.", "fingers crossed. It is good exercise and they learn great teamwork with the scrimmage, passes and techniques.", "It teaches great discipline, too.", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it.", "I would suggest he also buy No Mans Sky. Its an action-adventure survival video game which will help him relax.", "Haha that sounds like curious time. My favorite part is most likely being able to sit in my home office and help people with the marketing side of things." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i was a navy brat and have attended 16 schools in 12 years.", "i chew my nails." ]
[ "I had to cancel lunch this morning with a relative. I still feel bad about it", "Aw, I hate it when that happens, but I bet the relative understands. Sometimes things come up." ]
[ "Yes.. It still makes me upset.. I am hoping they will go see the sunset with me tonight. Those are my favorite.", "Yes, some nights I will just sit there for hours and think as it goes down.", "Yes, something I also enjoy just as much is watching the sun rise.. Some months I don't miss a single day!", "Yes! I have before on a cruise, it felt way more beautiful.. I would do anything to get to see it agaun!", "Yes, it is by far one of my best memories", "I went to Hawaii! It was 10 days long and it was awesome, I woudl love to go back! " ]
[ "I enjoy watching the sunset when I can as well.", "I enjoy watching the sunset over the ocean. ", "Have you ever seen a sunrise or a sunset from another country? ", "Yes, that is the best. I love watching sunsets or sunrises from a cruise ship.", "Where did you go on your cruise?", "I would love to go to Hawaii as well. Maybe one day I will get there. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds beautiful . i have always been a sunset fan .", "i wish lunch would get here . we ordered chinese food .", "yes , i love the mountains and the ocean contrast .", "agree . beautiful . seeing it in person there's no replacement for that .", "agree . beautiful . seeing it in person there's no replacement for that .", "i have never been to hawaii , but i'd love to go" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I bet they will. That's the way to look at things. With some optimism!", "Think of positive thinks instead, you have control over that.", "What is your favorite part about each day?", "ive always wanted to go on a cruise", "I sure hope you have a wonderful next Holiday trip very soon.", "Wow! Hawaii sounds like a great place to vacay. I have never been there, have you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well if you're not up that early you could always catch a sunset when the dun dips below the horizon as a result of the Earth's rotation?", "Well if you're not up that early you could always catch a sunset when the dun dips below the horizon as a result of the Earth's rotation?", "Do you know that there was a song called Sunsets that made number 11 on the Australian charts", "I would too. I'd love to see all of East Asia, but especially Japan.", "Do you know that there was a song called Sunsets that made number 11 on the Australian charts", "I would too. I'd love to see all of East Asia, but especially Japan." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i wear a lot of leather.", "i listen to metal music." ]
[ "I got invited on a last minute fishing trip today.", "That is nice. Do you like fishing?" ]
[ "I love to go fishing.. Ever since my parents divorce it has really helped me.", "Anything calm.. Classical is my faovrite because it helps me when I study. What about youself?", "Wow! I have heard some people say that, although it is very crazy sounding to me!", "Yes, that definitely makes sense to me! Some kids at my school listen to that aound me as I study.", "Wow! That's so great to show the music you like from your clothing style!", "I am currently a student. I do very well in school with great grades." ]
[ "That 's great that it helps you! What type of music do you like?", "I like all genres of music, but my favorite is listening to metal music. It actually calms me down! lol", "I guess it has to do with the way our brains are wired. I have ADHD so it figures it would calm me down.", "I have always been a rocker. It shows in my love of big hair and my closet full of leather clothes.", "Are you a student or a teacher?", "I am a student also. There are all types of people attending my university. What about yours?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "how", "my parents liked jazz . my father took the good albums from mom when they divorced .", "i know what you mean . do you take medication for it ? it helps !", "my parents liked jazz . my father took the good albums from mom when they divorced .", "if you consider , shoes and outfits art work then yes !", "that's great . i am sure you are a wonderful teacher !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That sucks. My parents are divorced. Same reason.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "They love school too so it works for all of us.", "It is. I love it more than getting dressed up and spending money lol", "Awesome! That makes me glad that there are still teachers and professors that truly care!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's cool. I always have a fishing rig ready. I live right by the lake.", "I like classical music, which is generally \"western\" in origin. But I like other forms of music too.", "Yes it is. I think that's why I dislike it so much. One positive of metal is that it has its roots in blues.", "It is kind of funny that what makes me calm sometimes is watching the Batman Beyond series and comic books lol.", "Yes! Natural beauty in clothing and accessories is neat. Whaht specifically do you like?", "That's great. Good scores on homework early on can really set someone up for success." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have a severe anxiety disorder.", "i'm currently pregnant with my second child." ]
[ "My friend so hard in her company. She got promoted to VP", "That's awesome, It's nice to have friends that are role models" ]
[ "Yes. I try to be a good role model myself. ", "I completely agree. I try to present myself as having acheived a lot, but still down to earth. How about you?" ]
[ "there arent a lot of dedicated people like you. keep it up", "You have to work hard and get good at something and I try the best I can" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i think if they have enough positive role models they will do great", "i work hard and got promoted ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "there arent a lot of dedicated people like you. keep it up", "You have to work hard and get good at somehting." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Thank you. I like to stay humble and keep good morals", "Thank you. I like to stay humble and keep good morals" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i hope to someday compete professionally or atleast qualify for an event.", "i spend the weekends travelling up to canada to relax and enjoy the view." ]
Imagine Dragons
[ "I never knew that. What year did the Imagine Dragons form?", "Im not sure about a exact year but the studio album \"Night Visions\" came out in (2012), " ]
[ "Gosh that was such a great album. My son and I really got into that band together.", "Is that the album that the song, Radioactive, was on?", "Are there any other bands that you're a fan of?", "Are they originally a Canadian band?", "What are you trying to compete professionally in?", "Well cool. My son and I love listening to music, maybe we'll see one of your shows one day!" ]
[ "Yea, they first took off with their album Night Visions in 2012", "Yes. I love their music.", "Yes, Breaking Ben is great, I traveled to Canada on the weekends to see the view and some of their concerts", "They're American, but travel everywhere. They inspired me and I hope I'll be able to compete on a professional level soon", "Music. Maybe I'll be able to at least qualify for a huge event.", "I hope so. It's great you and your son have such a great relationship!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "you have got to listen to imagine dragons , i bet my life . its the best !", "yes , imagine dragons is my favorite", "yes , imagine dragons is my favorite", "yes , imagine dragons is my favorite", "i am not sure yet . maybe some type of engineering", "next year some times in may ? what do you say ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I actually just discovered Imagine Dragons. I love them!", "Yes. I love their music.", "Breaking Ben, and 5 finger death punch", "Yes, hopefully they will tour next year.", "Music. Some of the hardest music that professionals play.", "We will." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yea, they first took off with their album Night Visions in 2012", "I think so, that album was released in September 2016.", "I like Imagine dragons take on american rock", "They are American, they formed in California in 2007.", "Radioactive, \"biggest rock hit of the year\" a few years ago. I remember hearing it in downtown Las Vegas. Most of their songs just blend together for me. Generic and they all sound the same.", "That would be sweet. People say I look a lot like Zayn Malik." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "halloween is my favorite holiday.", "i like alternative rock." ]
[ "I voted today and can't wait to hear the results.", "Oh. Who did you vote for?" ]
[ "I voted for Hillary Clinton because I love hiking and so does she. How about you?", "Will you dress up for Halloween?", "That's awesome! I love rock music, once I went with my three brothers as the Beatles for Halloween!", "Maybe a solo costume this year. David Bowie would be cool.", "Would you go bald for it or are you already prepared?", "Yeah, that'd be a big commitment to shave your head just for a costume. Are you going to a party, or just handing out candy at home or something?" ]
[ "I am honestly not a fan. I am a Republican myself. But, I'm looking forward to Fall and Halloween, my favorite Holiday!", "Definitely! Probably of one of my favorite alternative rock singers, since I really love alternative rock.", "nice,the Beatles rock too! How about this year?", "Agreed, that would be badass. I think I'll go with the singer of Disturbed!", "I would cheat and get one of the bald wigs! ", "I have a party at a friend's house. How about you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "did you vote for trump or hillary ?", "yeah ! i'm so excited . what are you going to be for halloween ?", "nice ! are you going to dress like zombies ?", "nice ! are you going to dress like zombies ?", "i am not sure yet ! what do you think ?", "i will be there all week . sewing a different costume for each day ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh that doesn't suprise me. I voted for Hillary, I knew Trump wasn't going to be worth anything. She probably wouldn't have been either though.", "Of course! I am going to make a 25 pound squirrel pot pie and submit it to the country fair. I am also planning on making an exquisite fur coat to sell on etsy. I hope some hillbilly will buy it.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "Agreed, that would be badass.", "Both. I'd like to lose 40 pounds and be more defined.", "No it's just a get together. Maybe a mid summer celebration :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am honestly not a fan. I am a Republican myself. How about you?", "Nope, but i wouldn't mind tagging along with the Winchesters to hunt a vampires and werewolves.", "Alternative rock is definitely good, it's pretty distinct from mainstream rock music. I am a huge hip hop fan, Nas is my favorite artist.", "Yes, that is fun! What costume would you use?", "Yes! I really like Disturbed! Have you heard anything from Combat, Earache or Roadrunner? They were death metal bands that were popular in the late 80s and early 90s.", "Just seeing everyone else having fun and dressing up in costumes and trick or treating, always great to get a bunch of candy" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i love to listen to religious music.", "i don t talk a lot." ]
[ "My apartment was robbed. I was totaly devastated by seeing the damages and what was stolen.", "Wow I am so sorry. That had to be so scary. Were the cops able to find any evidence?" ]
[ "Yes, they found footprints", "It is very frustrating. I wish I had installed an alarm system.", "I think I will get a dog to give me a sense of protection", "I wonder what breeds are good guard dogs.", "Yes, the bark could ward off invaders as well as the \"Beware of Dog\" sign", "Do you have any advice on recovering from a robbery?" ]
[ "Wow I am so sorry to hear that. This has to be frustrating", "I agree and I think you should. That is such a violation", "That is smart, I think that is the best bet", "any i guess . The sound enough would scare someone off in my opinion", "I think you are right", "I think the dog is a good idea and the alarm system but I also think forming an alliance with your neighbors so you look out for each other" ]
{ "convai2": [ "are you self employed ? what do you think the damages amount to ?", "are you self employed ? what do you think the damages amount to ?", "i am looking to adopt a dog but these apartments make it so hard", "any i guess . they do not live regularly", "i will keep that in mind . thanks for the great advice", "i do not know i have never been in that kind of situation" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm glad to hear that no one in your house got hurt. Gang crime needs to be stopped!", "I keep saying we will get some flashlights, the ones only phone are only good if the phone is charged.", "That is smart, I think that is the best bet", "some kind of heeler mix. Not sure.", "That is good that you have something to protect yourself with", "Probablt. Im sorry I couldnt help you." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The NCR specialist came to check how much was taken and to see if the hardware was damaged but the cops didn't come until the thieves had taken off.", "Yea it can really be a horrible situation to deal with", "yea thats probably a smart move", "German shepard. they secure my building well", "good", "i would probably try to call 911 and somehow get to my gun safe" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i dye my hair blonde.", "i like going to foreign countries." ]
[ "My mom got scammed out of hundreds of dollars.", "Dude! That sucks! I am so sorry about that. What happened?" ]
[ "Well, she was scammed through phishing and no way of getting it back. I went to Princeton and still couldn't help her. That happened to you before?", "It's a terrible thing, I'm sorry for you. couch surfing in Europe sounds fun though. Was it great?", "YOU ways to protect yourself should be used. I've been listening to Bach and other classical music to help lessen my stress from my mom's phishing scam she went through.", "It's amazing! That kind of music really takes away the stresses of daily life. Are things better for you now?", "Great. I hope one day I can go to Europe. Any suggestions of places to visit?", "Definitely France! I guess that's quite common, huh?" ]
[ "Yeah, I used to couch surf in Europe for a bit, and I've definitely been scammed by people a bunch of times.", "It was so awesome. When I was in Russia, I started dying my hair blonde, so that people might think I was from there and scam me less.", "Oh, I like Bach, too! Magnificat, his biblical canticle, the first of its kind.", "I am doing a lot better now, thank you!", "Anywhere you want! Where would you go if you could choose ?", "Yes, and it's not very crowded, which I like that. It's actually the least populated country in Europe." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "sure was ! so , what do you like to do in your free time bill ?", "i think it had more to do with the fact that she was stealing from work .", "no , but it could have been worse than it was . we found help quickly .", "anywhere you want . where would you go if you could choose ?", "i am sure ! i've been wanting to go to france ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I wish she was nicer to you, but I'm glad that you got your money back.", "It was - it's a spectacular city", "We need more musicians who are about the music and bringing enlightenment to people. We got way too much commercial garbage on the radio. I really hope your message resonates with people.", "So far so good. I am much happier now.", "I would suggest Fiji it's so nice there I went in august!", "It sure is, what are the odds..." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes! I didn't in my position though. I have often caught fraudulent transactions to prevent losses!", "It was nice, I visited The National Broadcasting Services of Thailand.", "Oh, I like Bach, too! Magnificat, his biblical canticle, the first of its kind.", "I am doing a lot better now, thank you!", "Depending on how long my summer break is, I'll probably go to Greece!", "Yes, and it's not very crowded, which I like that. It's actually the least populated country in Europe." ] }
[ "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]