The FBI are hunting a bank robber they have dubbed the ` Chit Chat Bandit ' as he continues to chat up the tellers while stealing from them . The man has now targeted two banks in the San Diego area in two days and on both ocassions has fled the scene on the crime on a BMX-style bike . Investigators say even as the cash is being handed over , he continues to chat to the female tellers to lull them into a false sense of security and to make it look as though he is a regular customer . The man dubbed the Chit Chat Bandit , who is being hunted by the FBI after robbing two banks in the space of two days in the San Diego area . The man was first captured on CCTV on Wednesday , November 26 , when he entered the Wells Fargo bank on Girard Avenue in La Jolla , California . He then walked over to the counter and handed the female teller a note demanding all of the money in her cash drawer . The robber also made a verbal demand for cash before engaging in small talk with her so he appeared like a normal customer . Then two days later after Thanksgiving , he targeted another Wells Fargo branch inside the Vons store on Camino Canada in El Cajon . Again he walked over to the counter and demanded money from the teller , and while she was collecting it , he also asked another employee for money . In the first robbery , the man targeted the Wells Fargo bank on Girard Avenue in La Jolla , California , pictured , where he demanded money from the teller but continued to chat her up while robbing the branch . He carried on talking to them while he was given the cash and then exited the store before making his getaway on a small green BMX bicycle . No injuries have been reported at either of the robberies and no weapon has been displayed . The FBI are now chasing down the man and are offering a $ 1,000 cash reward . He is described as white , in his mid-thirties of around 170 pounds and approximately five foot ten inches tall with a slender build and blonde with facial hair . In the first robbery he was wearing dark sunglasses , an orange reflector vest with a long-sleeved , dark tan shirt underneath . In the second raid he wore a dark baseball cap , dark shirt and light coloured pants . Anyone with information is asked to contact the FBI .
The man targeted two banks in the San Diego area in the space of two days . Has been dubbed the ` Chit Chat Bandit ' as he chats up the female tellers . On both occasions he takes cash from the banks and flees on a BMX bike . The FBI have now released CCTV images in a bid to hunt down the robber .
[[142, 157], [167, 210], [142, 149], [154, 210], [504, 526], [531, 630], [1020, 1058], [1061, 1152], [20, 73], [76, 141], [345, 454], [489, 524], [895, 905], [911, 979], [1425, 1427], [1463, 1514], [142, 149], [154, 210], [215, 286], [504, 526], [531, 630], [1551, 1553], [1577, 1655], [1749, 1756], [1761, 1785]]
A prostitute and her unemployed partner , arrested over the murder of a Gold Coast man after luring him with an online advertisement for sex , have faced court . 33-year-old mother of three , Peta Lorang-Goubran , and her 28-year-old partner Mark Dayney were arrested on Wednesday over the murder of Gold Coast man Mark Emanuel Spencer , found bludgeoned to death on October 1 . Mr Spencer , 37 , sustained severe head injuries at his Coomera home in what police have described as a targeted attack . The couple have been remanded in custody after appearing at the Southport Magistrates Court on Thursday . Mark Emanuel Spencer was found bludgeoned to death at his Gold Coast home on October 1 . Mr Dayney reportedly blew a kiss to supporters as he was led from the dock at the Southport court on Thursday ; one person in the room telling him to keep his ` chin up ' . The court heard Dayney was on bail when accused of participating in the murder , though his lawyer said the breach of bail charge against his client would be contested . Ms Lorang-Goubran wept in the dock during her brief appearance . Detective Superintendent Dave Hutchinson said Mr Spencer had replied to an advertisement for sex on the classified website Craigslist , falling victim to the couple 's ploy . ` They had a plan together to go to the client 's residence and actually rob that person , ' he told reporters on the Gold Coast . Detectives found a bloodied tennis racquet and broken baseball bat at the scene . Police claim he had replied to an advertisement for sex on the classified website Craigslist , which was part of his killers ' ploy to rob him and a number of other victims . Detectives found a bloodied tennis racquet and broken baseball bat at the alleged murder scene . Police were unable to speculate how often similar sex-related robberies occur through classified sites like Craigslist - but note the likely embarrassment of victims means perpetrators of such crimes are less-likely to be caught out . ` It is quite apparent that victims would be reluctant to report the matters to police and the offenders probably count on this being the case , particularly if drugs are also stolen , ' Det Supt Hutchison told Daily Mail Australia . He said one other victim has been positively identified , as well as a number of other people who had communicated with Ms Lorang-Goubran via email and text messages but who never actually met up with her for various reasons . Det Supt Hutchison is urging other victims to come forward to police . ` We would still like to speak to anyone who responded to any Craigslist advertisement for sexual services who were subsequently victims of robbery , ' said Det Supt Hutchison . ` The manner in which these transactions occur creates significant risks for the ` client ' as is the case with any online interactions where the identity , history and background of the other party is not known and can not be validated , ' Det Supt Hutchison said . There have been a number of similar Craigslist related crimes in the United States in recent years , including one case in which a newly-wed couple created an escort ad on the site to lure a married engineer so they could kill him ` for the excitement ' of it . They were sentenced to life in prison . Police are pictured outside the 37-year-old 's home in Coomera , following his murder . Mr Spencer 's body was found on the back porch of his home . A 33-year-old mother of three and her 28-year-old partner were arrested on Wednesday over his murder . Mr Spencer reportedly knew Ms Lorang-Goubran but was n't aware she was the prostitute responsible for the advertisement . The pair have been charged with murder and robbery with violence over Mr Spencer 's death , as well as charges relating to a robbery in Holmview , south of Brisbane , the night before the murder . A friend of Mr Spencer , Tim Stewart , said it was tough to face the father-of-two 's alleged killers in the courtroom on Thursday . ' -LRB- I 'm -RRB- very angry , ' Mr Stewart told reporters when asked to describe his emotions . ` He -LRB- Mr Spencer -RRB- was a great person , beautiful kids , and he 'll be truly missed . ' The matter will return to court on February 20 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Mark Emanuel Spencer was found bludgeoned to death at his Gold Coast home . Police claimed he had replied to an advertisement for sex on the classified website Craigslist , which was part of his killers ' ploy to rob him . A 33-year-old mother of three and her 28-year-old partner were arrested on Wednesday over his murder and have been remanded in custody . The couple used the likely embarrassment of their robbery victims as a way to ensure their ploy could continue , police claim .
[[607, 680], [607, 627], [638, 695], [70, 82], [87, 140], [1104, 1237], [1492, 1584], [1551, 1584], [1593, 1623], [0, 39], [42, 86], [162, 314], [162, 241], [338, 378], [501, 606], [3427, 3529], [1764, 1929]]
A scuba diver who found a wedding ring on the sea bed while on holiday in Mexico has launched a Facebook campaign to reunite it with its owner . Daniel Roark from Gloucester , Massachusetts had been diving off the coast of Playa del Carmen , earlier this year when he came across the gold ring . He believes it must be a wedding band and it is engraved with the name Jessica on the inside , with the date of 16 02 13 and the letters TYYJCEM . Scroll down for video . Daniel Roark , who was scuba diving off the coast of Playa del Carmen in Mexico earlier this year when he found a wedding ring on the sea bed . The gold wedding band has the name Jessica engraved inside it along with the date of 16/02/13 and the letters TYYJCEM . Thinking it could be a meaningful piece of jewellery , he has started a campaign on social media to track the owner . And now the appeal has gone viral with his post on Facebook being shared almost 120,000 times , creating the hashtag #thelostweddingband . Writing on Facebook with a picture of the ring , he explained : ` Ok , so while scuba diving around Playa Reef , Playa Del Carmen last week , I happened to find this ring . ` Unfortunately there is no way for me to know whether it was lost or intentionally thrown into the ocean . ` Assuming it was not the latter , I 'd like to find the owner so I can send it to them . Mr Roark is desperate to reunite the ring with its owner but despite his high-profile campaign , nobody has yet come forward . Mr Roark had been scuba diving while staying at Playa Reef in the Mexican resort , pictured , when he came across the ring . ` If you know a couple who was married on February 16th , 2013 , who lost a wedding band -LRB- likely while diving -RRB- near Playa Del Carmen Mexico , please have them contact me at . ` If not , please take a second to share this . Let 's make some social media magic happen ! ' But despite the high-profile campaign , the owner has yet to come forward and Mr Roark is keen to find the owners soon . In another post he added : ` I 'm shocked at how much support the search for the wedding band owner has received ! ` Sadly the owner has not been found yet , but my hope for humanity was certainly restored ! ` Always remember , even in this crazy world , there are a lot of kind people . '
Daniel Roark from Massachusetts had been scuba diving in Mexico . While underwater he came across a gold wedding band on the sea bed . Ring is engraved with the name Jessica inside and the date of 16/02/13 . Brought it to the surface to try to reunite it with its rightful owner . Has started a Facebook campaign so he can track down who it belongs to . Appeal has gone viral with his Facebook post being shared more than 120,000 times .
[[174, 239], [467, 479], [486, 564], [1486, 1566], [0, 13], [18, 53], [0, 144], [265, 295], [296, 432], [570, 610], [296, 432], [611, 730], [637, 672], [0, 144], [94, 144], [0, 144], [94, 144], [784, 848], [849, 908], [849, 908], [888, 942]]
One tasteless person had already starting trying to cash in on the funeral of Phillip Hughes , before proceedings had even finished . An order of service booklet , from Hughes ' funeral service at his home town of Macksville on Wednesday appeared on eBay , midway through the service . On eBay as ` Phillip Hughes Australian cricket funeral service program ' it was put up for auction with the starting bid of 99 cents with the location as Macksville . The listing also included a number of photos of inside the booklet and had a selling time of seven days . Scroll down for video . This is the listing that went up on eBay of the Phillip Hughes funeral service booklet . It has now been taken down by the trading site . A large procession of mourners is seen on Wallace street at the completion of the funeral for Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes , in Macksville . The program has now been taken down by eBay which was done a short time after it was listed for sale . eBay says ` they have been doing manual sweeps of the site a few times a day since Friday and removing listings that appear to be profiting from the tragedy . ' ` These listings are completely inappropriate and we will continue to remove them should they appear again , ' said eBay spokesperson Megan English . Last week , when most of the nation was mourning the tragic death of the 25 year old , a number of callous Ebay users also tried to cash in and begun listing various items connected to Hughes on the popular trading site . eBay then decided to remove all Phillip Hughes memorabilia listings and said they were scanning the site in the days and weeks ahead to remove any offending items . The order of service for Phillip Hughes ' funeral which was on Wednesday at his hometown Macksville . Cricket bats are seen at the live broadcast of Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes ' funeral at the Sydney Cricket Ground .
The order of service booklet from Phillip Hughes ' funeral was listed on eBay before the proceedings had even finished . It was put up for a seven day auction , starting bid of 99 cents . The popular trading site took it down saying they remove listings that appear to be profiting from the tragedy . They have been doing manual sweeps of the site a few times a day since Friday .
[[0, 20], [25, 92], [134, 254], [286, 452], [583, 671], [591, 602], [608, 671], [286, 452], [390, 436], [453, 464], [524, 558], [583, 671], [591, 602], [608, 671], [672, 720], [869, 912], [972, 976], [1066, 1130], [972, 1083]]
France has been ordered to pay thousands in compensation Somali pirates who had attacked French ships , because the pirates ' human rights were disregarded when they were arrested . The French army took too long to bring the pirates before a judge when they apprehended the sea-faring criminals in 2008 , the European Court of Human Rights ruled . France now has to pay between 5,000 and 2,000 euros -LRB- # 3,945 , and # 1,578 -RRB- to each pirate for ` moral damages ' . Inlaws or Outlaws ? France has been ordered to pay between # 1,578 - # 3,945 to each Somali pirate for ` moral damages ' as well as from # 2,367 to # 7,100 to cover each pirate 's legal costs . They were also ordered to pay amounts varying from 9,000 euros to 3,000 euros -LRB- # 7,100 to # 2,367 -RRB- to cover the pirates ' legal costs . The ECHR said French authorities should have presented the pirates ` without delay ' to a judge when they arrived on the country 's territory after holding the men at sea . The Somali pirates were apprehended on the high seas by the French army on two separate occasions in 2008 , and taken back to France for trial . In the ruling , the ECHR acknowledged the French were operating under ` completely exceptional circumstances ' - the arrest took place ` more than 4,000 miles from French territory - which explained the long detention without seeing a judge . Poor pirates : The European Court of Human Rights ruled that France needs to compensate the pirates as the French Army ` took too long to bring the pirates before a judge ' , during a 2008 arrest . The ECHR , located in Strasbourg , eastern France , also noted that the Somali authorities were ` incapable of fighting ' against the pirates . Nevertheless , the court ruled that after their arrival on French soil , authorities were wrong to keep the pirates in custody for an additional 48 hours before bringing them before a judge . ` Nothing justifies such an additional delay , ' read the ECHR verdict . This constituted a ` violation of their rights to freedom and security , ' the court ruled . Pirate attacks off Somalia have been slashed in recent years , with international fleets patrolling the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean , as well as armed guards being posted aboard many vessels . At their peak in January 2011 , Somali pirates held 736 hostages and 32 boats , some onshore and others on their vessels .
France to pay compensation to Somali pirates over 2008 arrests . Army ` took too long to bring the pirates before a judge ' , ECHR rules . France to pay # 1,578 - # 3,945 to each Somali pirate for ` moral damages ' Also to pay from # 2,367 to # 7,100 to cover each pirate 's legal costs .
[[0, 71], [182, 247], [305, 347], [813, 908], [1330, 1348], [1357, 1373], [1389, 1544], [1731, 1907], [1933, 1952], [1957, 1980], [0, 71], [348, 433], [493, 628], [0, 71], [493, 628], [623, 666], [667, 775], [764, 812]]
A British expat has died of suspected hypothermia after he slipped and fell into a ditch while out shopping near his hilltop village in Tuscany . Stephen Paul Sorini-Dixon , 71 , perished after getting stuck in the four foot gutter of icy water , investigators believe . It is thought that he slipped in the dark and was unable to climb out , remaining there all night , exposed to the icy stream of water . Stephen Paul Sorini-Dixon , 71 , slipped into a four-foot gutter of icy water near his home in a hilltop village outside Tuscany , pictured , and it is believed he got stuck in the freezing stream after he became trapped -LRB- file -RRB- . The pensioner who moved to Italy some years ago was found on Sunday morning by a hunter who spotted his shopping trolley . The expatriate , who lived alone but has several children living in the UK , was last seen getting off a bus about a mile from his home after doing the shopping on Saturday evening . On the way home in the dark he fell off the road into a substantial ditch , police believe . He was stuck with his arms and legs above him , failed to clamber out of the slippery slope and spent the night in the icy water of the stream , scientific police said . The Briton , nicknamed the Englishman in the mountainous village , has several children who live in England but had lived in the area for years . The man ' s children were informed and are thought have travelled to Italy to help with the funeral arrangements . More than 6,000 Britons die abroad every year , averaging 100 a week , figures show . This is mostly down to the high number of elderly expatriates who live overseas , with the bulk opting to retire to the sunny climes of southern European countries such as Spain and Italy . The pensioner , who moved to the mountainous village in Italy some years ago where he was nicknamed the Englishman , was found the next morning by a hunter who had spotted his shopping trolley -LRB- file picture -RRB- . Most die in natural circumstances , but 10 per cent of all British people murdered were killed overseas , showing that crime also plays a part , official figures reveal . The statistics came as the Foreign Commonwealth Office came under fire for not being sensitive to the needs of grieving families who requested consular help over the death of a loved one abroad . A damning report last month showed families had accused officials of being uncaring and unhelpful -- and even of failing to dress appropriately -- making their heartache even more traumatic . The criticisms came in a report by a cross-party panel of MPs which ordered the Foreign Office to improve its services to bereaved families . MPs also demanded an inquiry into claims some torture victims were failed by consular staff .
Stephen Paul Sorini-Dixon , 71 , got stuck in four-foot gutter of icy water . Believed he was unable to climb out and spent night in freezing stream . Pensioner found in morning by hunter who spotted his shopping trolley . Retiree , known locally as the Englishman , was last seen getting off bus .
[[146, 171], [179, 244], [371, 407], [408, 433], [441, 536], [569, 647], [146, 171], [179, 244], [271, 399], [371, 407], [550, 604], [569, 647], [1047, 1049], [1095, 1138], [1047, 1049], [1143, 1189], [648, 735], [727, 735], [740, 770], [1754, 1767], [1858, 1909], [1898, 1909], [1914, 1973], [771, 785], [848, 856], [862, 906], [771, 785], [857, 953], [1217, 1227], [1230, 1281], [1831, 1868], [1754, 1767], [1858, 1909]]
A North Texas jury convicted a former public official Thursday of capital murder in a revenge plot against a district attorney , his wife and a top assistant who had prosecuted him for theft and ruined his career , prosecutors said . Eric Williams now faces a potential death sentence after he was convicted in the 2013 murder of Cynthia McLelland , the wife of slain Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland . Testimony in the trial involved the deaths of both McLellands , and Williams also is indicted in the death of assistant prosecutor Mark Hasse . Guilty : Eric Williams makes his way into the courtroom before closing arguments in his trial at the Rockwall County Courthouse in Rockwall , Texas on Thursday , December 4 , 2014 . Legal Battle : Prosecutor Toby Shook -LRB- left -RRB- gives closing arguments during the Eric Williams capital murder trial as Matthew Seymour -LRB- right -RRB- , Williams ' defense lawyer talks about a bullet shell as he gives his closing arguments . Grief and anguish : Wyvonne McLelland , mother of Mike McLelland , gets emotional as the guilty verdict is read in the Eric Williams capital murder trial at the Rockwall County Courthouse in Rockwall , Texas on Thursday . Prosecutors took just three days to present their case against Williams , whom they called a ` ruthless killing machine ' in closing arguments . His defense lawyers only made a closing argument and did not call witnesses . ` The case is so air tight , it sucked the oxygen , it sucked the energy out of any potential defense , ' prosecutor Bill Wirskye said in closing arguments . After the verdict , Williams ' brother-in-law , Zach Bellemare , said the defense team ` was terrible . ' Defense attorneys and prosecutors declined to comment outside of court . The McLellands ' bodies were found inside their rural home east of Dallas in March 2013 . The couple had already changed to go to bed when Williams charged into the home and opened fire . Prosecutors say Williams shot Cynthia McLelland in the head , and he then shot Mike McLelland and stood over his body , firing repeatedly . Murdered : Williams shot dead District Attorney Mike McLelland , his wife , Cynthia , -LRB- left -RRB- and Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse -LRB- right -RRB- in 2013 . Forensics : James Jeffress , forensic scientist explains his findings of connecting the shells found at the crime scene of the McLelland 's and the one found at a storage shed connected to Eric Williams . Circumstantial : Mark Wild a latent fingerprint examiner with the Texas Department of Public Safety gives testimony about the tests he performed on fingerprints found on items in a storage unit . Mike McLelland 's mother , Wyvonne McLelland , wept as the verdict was read . Their deaths occurred two months after a masked gunman killed prosecutor Hasse outside a local courthouse building . Williams was a former justice of the peace who lost his job and his law license after McLelland and Hasse successfully prosecuted him for stealing three computer monitors from a county government building . Williams was convicted in March 2012 , about 10 months before Hasse was killed . ` My life has taken a drastic turn , ' Williams told a probation officer at the time . ` He lost his sitting as a justice of the peace , he lost his law license , everything he worked for . The law was his life , ' Bellemare said , adding that he believed Williams was innocent . Incriminating : Photo of evidence collected at a storage unit connected to Eric Williams is shown on the screen during the trial of Eric Williams . Expert : James Jeffress , forensic scientist explains letters on one of the bullets found in a storage shed connected to Williams . The case was built on circumstantial evidence against Williams , and the weapon used to kill the McLellands has never been found . ` It 's a fantasy . It 's a guess . There 's no proof of it , ' defense attorney Matthew Seymour said in closing arguments . But prosecutors showed jurors evidence from a storage locker he had a friend rent in secret . Inside the locker was the suspected getaway vehicle , more than 30 guns and police tactical gear . A dive team that searched a local lake also found a gun believed to have been used to shoot Hasse and a mask Williams allegedly wore . Scene : Interior crime scene photo of the house shown during the Eric Williams trial that show the path of the bullets once he attacked . Multiple wounds : Gunshot wound evidence pertaining to Mike McLelland during the Eric Williams capital murder trial . Williams ' estranged wife , Kim , has been indicted for capital murder , though her attorney has said she is cooperating with prosecutors . She did not testify in the trial . She 's accused of having driven the getaway vehicle after Hasse 's killing . Prosecutors also found a password in Williams ' home to an account on the Crime Stoppers tips website used to send a partial confession . One message presented in court said , ` Do we have your full attention now ? ' Prosecutors decided to pursue the three murder charges individually , because if Williams was acquitted in the death of Cynthia McLelland , they then could try him in the slaying of Mike McLelland . Had prosecutors not won either case , they would bring Williams to trial in Hasse 's death . The trial was held in neighboring Rockwall County due to the attention the case received in Kaufman County . The sentencing phase begins Monday .
Eric Williams , 47 , found guilty of capital murder after a prosecutor called him ' a ruthless killing machine ' who had carefully plotted his crimes . Prosecutors have said they will seek the death penalty for Eric Williams , 47 . Charged with shooting dead District Attorney Mike McLelland , his wife , Cynthia , and Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse in 2013 . Mike McLelland 's mother , Wyvonne McLelland , wept as the verdict was read . The jury , which took less than two hours to reach its verdict , will hear evidence Monday in the sentencing phase .
[[0, 126], [234, 347], [1078, 1183], [1281, 1289], [1302, 1362], [234, 347], [234, 347], [330, 347], [354, 358], [362, 391], [482, 494], [500, 561], [1966, 2025], [2117, 2168], [2192, 2272], [2285, 2294], [2774, 2890], [5188, 5246], [996, 1013], [1063, 1099], [2696, 2720], [2743, 2762], [5449, 5485]]
European politicians will sit down for a special lobster and foie gras lunch today -- subsidised by British taxpayers . The European Parliament restaurant is laying on a three-course Christmas feast despite continuing austerity across the Continent . MEPs , who earn around # 75,000 a year , can enjoy the lavish menu for just 20 euros -- which works out at less than # 16 . The European Parliament restaurant is laying on a three-course Christmas feast despite continuing austerity across the Continent . For that price they can sample smoked duck breast and truffle oil , pheasant with foie gras and truffles , lobster au gratin with lemon sabayon or vegetable broth with quail eggs and smoked garlic . Side dishes range from piped potatoes with chestnuts and chopped dried fruits , samphire flan , bundles of green beans , or an assortment of asparagus , mushrooms and cherry tomatoes , the Evening Standard has revealed . For those not wanting a hot meal , the salad bar offers a range of pâtés , meat , fish and charcuterie terrines . The meal is finished off with Bûche de Noël - Christmas log - or fresh fruit salad . Paul Nuttall MEP , Ukip 's deputy leader , said the subsidised feast was ` a kick in the teeth for hard pressed families across the country ' . The European Parliament authorities defended the price of the meal as `` eminently reasonable '' . They stressed that the menu was a Christmas special , therefore `` exceptional '' , and that it was being served in a canteen-like staff restaurant . There had also been a drive to push down `` substantially '' the costs to public funds of the catering services over the last two years . But animal rights groups have slammed the restaurant for serving foie gras . Members of the European Parliament can today sample smoked duck breast and truffle oil , pheasant with foie gras and truffles , lobster au gratin with lemon sabayon or vegetable broth with quail eggs and smoked garlic . A spokesman for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said : ` The scientific consensus on force-feeding is crystal clear : it 's cruel and should be banned . ` Every animal-protection organisation in the world condemns the production of foie gras . ` The EU Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare has catalogued a long list of ways in which foie gras production is inherently abusive . '
MEPs , who earn around # 75,000 a year , can enjoy lavish menu for just # 16 . European Parliament putting on special feast despite continuing austerity . Subsidised menu slammed as a ` kick in the teeth for hard pressed families '
[[0, 82], [251, 255], [262, 289], [1733, 1777], [1785, 1821], [1733, 1767], [1778, 1878], [0, 82], [168, 250], [423, 505], [1733, 1777], [1785, 1821], [1125, 1141], [1168, 1264]]
Could the George Clooney effect have influenced Britons ' choice of a winter break this Christmas ? Research has revealed that there has been an increase of 66 per cent in bookings for the Italian city , which hit the headlines this autumn when film star and director Clooney married Amal Alamuddin at the seven-star Aman Canal Grande Hotel . However , the rise in bookings could in part be attributed to Venice 's dedicated Christmas food market in the Campo Santo Stefano , with stalls offering creamy-white almond stuffed nougat , fruit-filled panettone from Verona and white truffles from Alba . The Christmas markets of Venice - they offer charm and an exquisite array of gifts . George Clooney married Amal Alamuddin in a lavish ceremony in Venice . Andy Washington , MD said : ` The Christmas period is always an extremely popular time for travel , with Brits getting away to visit traditional and non-traditional Christmas markets in the UK , as well as Europe for festive-filled breaks . ` With its central location Venice is a great starting point to discover the North East of Italy , whether exploring Prosecco country or aristocratic villas near Verona , Padoa and Vicenza , all within one hour distance by car . London remains the most popular for Brits to visit this Christmas , ahead of New York and Paris . The table to the right shows the biggest percentage rises of visits to other cities . ` Of course the Clooney wedding effect may also be playing a part in the popularity of Venice , with tourists looking to experience some of the city 's romantic magic . ' As excitement for Christmas builds and Christmas markets spring up across Europe , has revealed the most booked Christmas destinations , with London experiencing a 39 per cent increase in bookings for the festive season -LRB- 2013-2014 year-on-year -RRB- . Germany and the Netherlands have enjoyed 35 per cent rises respectively . The festivities at London Southbank Christmas Market are the envy of the world and with bookings to London for the upcoming festive period rising by 39 per cent year-on-year , the capital once again promises to be an extremely popular destination . But could the bright lights of Venice be a favourite of Brits as they want to see what all the fuss was about when George Clooney married there this autumn . London 's Christmas markets on the South Bank are a popular stop-off for tourists around the world . This year it celebrates the spirit of Charles Dickens , creating a magical landscape resplendent with a Christmas Tree Maze , showcasing 300 real blue spruce trees . The Netherlands has seen bookings rise 35 per cent year-on-year for the festive season and hosts one of the oldest underground markets in Europe . A visit to Valkenberg 's ` Christmas Market Velvet Cave ' goes beyond decorations alone , as visitors will admire its cosy atmosphere and 18th century sculptures as they meander down a path marlstone . Located beneath the impressive Valkenburg Castle , the Velvet Cave is truly breath-taking . For festive travellers looking for beautiful ambience this Christmas , the Royal Christmas Market at Hohenzollern Castle in Stuttgart , Germany -LRB- 35 per cent rise -RRB- is the perfect fit . The many market stalls will satisfy everybody 's Glühwein and bratwurst fix .
Bookings for Venice have risen by 66 % this year compared to 2013 . London still most popular destination for Brits on a festive break . Christmas markets around Europe are a particular crowd-puller .
[[100, 201], [1240, 1337], [1940, 2078], [2116, 2188], [756, 760], [774, 795], [800, 1010], [1634, 1675]]
This is the moment a brazen thief calmly walked into a pensioner 's home and stole a ` substantial amount of money ' as the victim pottered around in the garden just yards away . CCTV footage shows the burglar sneaking into the house through a side gate while the 89-year-old homeowner tends to the garden outside his property in the Gorton area of Manchester . The video , released by police today in a bid to help catch the intruder , then shows the offender casually walking out of the front door of the property after raiding the home for cash . Scroll down for video . CCTV footage shows the intruder sneaking into the house -LRB- pictured -RRB- through a side gate while the 89-year-old homeowner potters around outside his property in the Gorton area of Manchester at about 1pm on October 16 . The suspect walked through the side gate before entering the property and taking a ` substantial ' sum of cash . The 89-year-old homeowner was completely unaware of the incident , despite being just yards from the thief . Police said he made off with a ` substantial ' sum of money , despite the burglary taking place right under the nose of the homeowner . In the footage , the victim can be seen in his front garden , before the offender walks through a side gate to gain access to the property . The pensioner then moves to the side of the house as the intruder escapes through the front door . Officers have now released CCTV footage of the incident , in a bid to identify the man who they wish to speak to in connection with the burglary . PC Rebecca Rudden , of Greater Manchester Police , said the burglary , which occurred at about 1pm on October 16 , was a ` targeted attack ' . She said : ` We believe a man may have been acting as a look-out at a nearby bus stop while another walked into the home . The homeowner , who was gardening at the time of the incident , can be seen in the far left of the frame tipping out some rubbish , while the thief calmly walks out of the front door -LRB- top -RRB- and down the drive onto the road . The victim tips out his rubbish -LRB- far left -RRB- while the offender makes off -LRB- top centre -RRB- following the burglary . ` The victim was bent down gardening and did not see the man walk in . ` When he left , the 89-year-old was in the back garden and had not realised what happened . ' I would urge people to take a good look at the person in the image and if they recognise them , call police . ` This was a targeted attack against an elderly gentleman who had been saving and a substantial amount of money was taken . ' Anyone with information should contact Greater Manchester Police on 101 .
Thief brazenly walked into house while 89-year-old homeowner was in yard . CCTV footage shows intruder calmly leaving property through front door . He made off with ' a substantial amount of money ' in burglary on October 16 . Manchester police hoping to identify man in footage after ` targeted attack '
[[0, 165], [914, 925], [981, 1022], [1812, 1825], [1832, 1873], [2247, 2261], [2264, 2302], [362, 407], [437, 549], [1350, 1398], [1399, 1416], [1426, 1454], [1950, 2045], [0, 165], [801, 913], [801, 812], [875, 913], [1023, 1105], [2481, 2509], [2514, 2554], [2534, 2575]]
A former IRA intelligence officer has claimed in a new book that members of the Irish police force tipped-off senior republicans about a plan to arrest the entire organisation 's leadership in 1974 . Kieran Conway , who is now a barrister in the Irish Republic joined the IRA in the last 1960s and claims that senior Irish police officers colluded with the IRA . Mr Conway 's book alleges that as well as members of the Irish police force , an Garda Siochana , the provisional IRA were also assisted by a top banker , a stock broker , a journalist as well as several mainstream politicians . Kieran Conway , pictured , claims the IRA received tip-offs from the Irish police force in advance of arrests . Mr Conway , who is now a barrister in Dublin , joined the IRA in the late 1960s served as an intelligence officer . Mr Conway told The Guardian : ' I think that the army council had particular contacts with those in the security area which were n't even shared with me . We had contacts in the law offices of the states and contacts in the upper echelons of the guards . ' Mr Conway said much of the republican leadership was in talks with members of the Protestant clergy in Feakle , County Clare . He said : ` Take something like Feakle , the place was raided and they -LRB- the leadership -RRB- got away . Because a tip-off was received that the special branch were on their way to Feakle and that tip-off came from within the Gardai . ` It was n't just in 1974 and it was n't just concentrated in border areas like Dundalk , it was some individuals but it was more widespread . ' Mr Conway 's allegations come as the Police Ombudsman in Northern Ireland reported that there was no evidence to suggest that the RUC had colluded with the IRA in the murder of Arthur Rafferty in 1974 in Belfast . The Ombudsman said that while there had been failures in the police investigation , there was no evidence to suggest any form of cover-up . A review by the Police Ombudsman of Northern Ireland found no evidence of collusion between the IRA , pictured , and the RUC over the murder of Arthur Rafferty who was shot in Belfast on August 15 , 1975 . Dr Michael Maguire of the Police Ombudsman 's office said : ` We have looked in great detail at all the available information and intelligence , both about the murder itself and about the various people family members thought were linked to it . ` We found no evidence that would indicate police knew about the planned attack beforehand and could have done something about it , or that anyone was protected from arrest or prosecution because they were a police informant . ' Arthur Rafferty was shot at Newington Street close to its junction with the Limestone Road in north Belfast on August 15 1974 and died in hospital several weeks later . The IRA claimed responsibility for the fatal attack . In a complaint to the Ombudsman 's office , a member of the Rafferty family alleged that police colluded with the killers by failing to investigate the murder properly in order to protect police informants within the IRA . They also claimed police had destroyed the murder weapon , lost significant exhibits and failed to pursue the names of five suspects which had been supplied to them . Dr Maguire said : ` Investigative failures are not in themselves automatic evidence of collusion . ` We did not find any evidence that police chose not to pursue relevant lines of inquiry or that information was withheld from the detectives investigating the murder . ' The Ombudsman 's investigation found that 12 spent cartridges and a bullet head were recovered from the scene by the RUC and military personnel , as was a piece of card with writing on it which was attached to a coat hanger which was also found . The report said although detectives were able to speak with Mr Rafferty in hospital several times and to his wife , the interviews did not open up any new leads . Mr Rafferty 's family claimed that RUC officers protected the killers because they were informants in the IRA . Days after the attack , on September 23 1974 , it was revealed police had received a report that a rifle , ammunition and clothing had been found in a flat in Newington Street and that forensics had linked the weapon to Mr Rafferty 's murder and two other shooting incidents . A man was arrested in 1974 , but the Ombudsman said there were no notes available to indicate whether or not this person was interviewed . Three years later , in 1977 , police authorised the destruction of the rifle and ammunition which had been found . But in 1978 , a police search of a social club in Belfast on an unconnected matter uncovered a handwritten document which appeared to be a debrief of Mr Rafferty 's shooting . The document made reference to the involvement of three people , two of whom were subsequently arrested and interviewed . In 2005 , a member of Mr Rafferty 's family provided police with names of people they believed were involved in the murder but police later recorded that there was nothing to link them to the killing . In 2007 , the same family member provided the Police Ombudsman 's Office with the names of two people believed to be involved in the attack . The Ombudsman said records indicated that one of the suspects was in prison at the time of the murder , while the other one was in police custody . Dr Maguire concluded that police did not manage the crime scene properly and that critical evidence had not been preserved or examined . Similarly , he found no meaningful investigation into how police responded to the discovery of guns , ammunition and clothing . The Ombudsman said there was no evidence that the person who reported this material to police was ever interviewed ; no rationale why police submitted the rifle and ammunition for examination but not the clothing , and no audit trail of what happened to any of these items .
Irish police tipped-off the IRA about planned arrests , a new book claims . Former IRA intelligence officer Kieran Conway makes the claims in a book . Mr Conway alleges top Irish politicians and bankers also supported the IRA . A separate probe found no evidence of collusion between IRA and RUC . Members of Arthur Rafferty 's family claimed the RUC covered-up his death . Mr Rafferty was murdered by the IRA in Belfast in 1974 in a gun attack . His family claims the killers worked as informants for the RUC in Belfast . The Police Ombudsman of Northern Ireland found no evidence of collusion .
[[0, 59], [65, 106], [200, 213], [298, 362], [592, 605], [619, 703], [1321, 1442], [0, 59], [704, 713], [784, 819], [461, 517], [1621, 1697], [1676, 1801], [1942, 2101], [2902, 3022], [1676, 1801], [2623, 2748], [3916, 4027], [1588, 1661], [1621, 1697], [1676, 1801], [1802, 1937], [1826, 1883], [1886, 1941], [1942, 2101]]
Eight primary school children were rushed to hospital and more than 20 were treated by paramedics after a lorry slammed into the side of their school bus as they travelled home from a carol concert . The 40-seater bus was pulling out of a side street across a busy road on Tuesday afternoon when it was hit by a HGV , leaving the side of the coach crumpled and windows smashed . The incident took place as the pupils from St Nicholas Church of England Middle School in Pinyin , Worcestershire , were travelling through Pershore after attending a carol concert at Pershore Abbey . Eight primary school children were rushed to hospital after a lorry slammed into the side of their school bus as they travelled home from a carol concert in Pershore , Worcestershire . The bus was pulling out of a side street across a busy road just after 3pm on Tuesday when it was hit by a HGV , leaving the side of the coach crumpled and windows smashed . Eight of the children and the driver were taken to hospital . One was taken on a spinal board after complaining of neck pain . The driver of the bus was also taken to Worcester Royal Hospital . The other 19 children were checked over by medics at a private house nearby and were reunited with their parents at the school . Three ambulances , as well as two rapid response paramedics , had been called to the scene . There was also a paramedic area support officer , a doctor and the Air Ambulance . The children , all between nine and 11 years-old , were travelling back to their school when the crash happened on the B4084 . The road was closed for the rest of the day and police were asking motorists to avoid the area where possible . Parents were alerted to the incident by text messages sent from the school and the remaining uninjured students were taken back to St Nicholas on a mini bus where they were reunited with their parents . An ambulance team were at the school briefing parents on a one-to-one basis on the aftercare of their children . In a statement on its website , the school said that all the children from the school were ` doing well ' and were back in school today . The executive headteacher Andrew Best said there had been a special school assembly held this morning and that it was a ` blessing ' that no one was seriously injured . It said : ` The children , from our school , who were taken to hospital yesterday , with minor cuts and bruises after their bus was involved in a collision with a lorry in Pershore , are all doing well and have been back in school today . ` Nineteen other pupils were taken to a private house nearby , where they were assessed by local doctors before being transported back to school . An ambulance team were at the school briefing parents on a one-to-one basis on the aftercare of their children . ' Mr Best added that he wanted to thank the emergency services for their ` swift and very professional work ' . He said . ` Everyone 's priority was to ensure that the children and staff involved received the best care possible . Nine people - eight children and the driver - were taken to hospital , one on a spinal board after complaining of neck pain . ` We contacted all parents of injured children by telephone and maintained contact with other parents about the incident by text . ` The remaining uninjured pupils were taken back to school in our mini bus where they were reunited with their parents . ` And this morning we have held a special assembly in school for all children and staff about the incident . ` It was a blessing that no one was seriously injured yesterday , but it has been a big shock to us all . ` Two counsellors are in school all day today , to talk to pupils affected and any parents are invited to come into school and discuss any issues as well . ' A spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service said : ` We were called to reports of a large number of patients following a collision between a coach and a lorry . ` Over 40 children and adults were on the coach at the time of the crash with the children believed to be between nine and 11 years old . ' A total of 27 school children were assessed away from the road side . ` One boy , complaining of neck pain , was treated at the scene and immobilised with a neck collar and spinal board . He was transferred to Worcester Royal Hospital . ` Three further children and the man who was driving the coach all received treatment at the scene for minor injuries and were conveyed to the same hospital . ` The remaining children were all checked over by the doctor and ambulance crews and were discharged on scene . ` The children were transported back to school on two separate minibuses , where a number of ambulance staff joined them to give advice to their parents who had come to collect them . ` The lorry driver was uninjured in the incident . ' The crash follows another school bus which overturned in Hereford last month , while it was taking 53 pupils to school . The coach overturned and slid 10ft -LRB- 3.1 m -RRB- down an embankment on November 10 and students had to scramble out of windows to get free of the wreckage . West Mercia police said no arrests had been made .
Bus was pulling out of side street onto busy road when it was hit by a HGV . Vehicle was travelling through Pershore , Worcestershire , at 3pm yesterday . One child taken to hospital on spinal board after complaining of neck pain . Children , aged between nine and 11 , attend St Nicholas CofE Middle School in Pinyin , Worcestershire .
[[58, 199], [200, 290], [291, 315], [580, 745], [765, 850], [851, 875], [2412, 2480], [3780, 3832], [3837, 3944], [765, 850], [1001, 1065], [1001, 1004], [1033, 1065], [3107, 3154], [4157, 4164], [4167, 4191], [4157, 4164], [4187, 4272], [379, 475], [1438, 1486], [1489, 1564], [4023, 4082]]
Five of the BBC 's most senior bosses were handed jobs with pay totalling # 1.8million-a-year without the roles ever being advertised , it was revealed today . Lord Hall , who earns # 450,000-a-year as Director General , did not have to apply for his job and then brought in several other executives in the same way . The majority of his senior management team are also graduates of Oxford and Cambridge , with critics saying it shows the BBC is run by ` an old boys ' network ' . Lord Hall was parachuted in after the Jimmy Savile scandal shook the corporation in 2012 but the Director General job was not advertised . Senior posts : Director General Lord Hall was parachuted in in 2012 and then appointed former colleague Anne Bulford without advertising her post . Controversy : A senior backbench MP has accused the BBC , based at Broadcasting House in London , pictured , of being a self-serving old boys ' network . As a result of the Savile scandal , Helen Boaden was forced out of her previous job , head of BBC news because she dumped the Newsnight investigation into his abuse . She was appointed BBC radio chief instead on # 352,900 . Lord Hall 's former Royal Opera House colleague Anne Bulford was given the managing director for finance and operations on # 395,000 without the job being advertised . British employment law does not insist that businesses advertise jobs when they become available . But critics believe this can end up discriminating against those who may be suitable . Or meaning that jobs can be handed out to friends or people from a particular group or background . The Equality and Human Rights Commission says : ` If an employer does n't advertise at all or advertises in a way that wo n't reach people with a particular protected characteristic , this might in some situations lead to indirect discrimination , unless the employer can objectively justify their approach . ` This is because not advertising or only advertising in a very limited way may stop people with a particular protected characteristic finding out about a job , which could count as worse treatment ' . And former cabinet minister James Purnell was offered the # 295,000 job of director of strategy and digital have previously worked at the BBC as head of corporate planning from 1995 to 1997 under former director general Lord Birt , a friend of Lord Hall . Tim Davie was acting director general during the Savile crisis and was then became CEO of BBC Worldwide and Director Global , on # 400,000 , earning # 670,000 in total last year . It came after it emerged the BBC pays 11 of its most senior bosses twice as much as the Prime Minister and a further 80 executives take home more than David Cameron 's # 142,500-a-year salary . Conservative MP Philip Davies , who sits on the Commons culture , media and sport select committee , said : ` The BBC is a self-serving old boys ' network . ` The BBC has recently said they have cut their senior management to the bone and there are no more savings to be made there but it 's only at the BBC where you could cut senior management to the bone and end up with more people paid more than the Prime Minister than before you started . ` It 's just extraordinary and goes to show how much fat there is . ` What the BBC should do is be cutting out all of these managers , most of who if they disappeared no one would notice , and start delivering some value for money to the licence fee payer . ' Bosses : Helen Boaden was moved to Director of radio in the fallout of the Savile scandal while former Labour MP James Purnell was offered an unadvertised role . The BBC said today that it does sometimes not advertise posts to avoid expensive recruitment processes . The spokesman added that one in three of all executives are Oxford or Cambridge graduates , which is lower than some other sectors . She added : ` These appointments were widely reported on at the time . We appoint the best people wherever they come from . Sometimes where people are uniquely suited to the role there is no need for a lengthy and costly recruitment processes . ' Tony Hall , Director General - # 450,000 . Took the top job at the BBC after being chief executive of the Royal Opera House . Previously he ran BBC News and launched Radio 5 , News 24 , BBC News Online and BBC Parliament . Anne Bulford , Managing director for finance and operations - # 395,000 . Lord Hall appointed his former colleague to a top post at the corporation without the job being advertised . Peter Salmon , below right , Director , England - # 387,900 . Joined as a trainee in 1981 and rose to run BBC1 before taking his current role . Helen Boaden , below left , Director , BBC Radio - # 352,900 . As a result of the Savile scandal , Ms Boaden was forced out of her previous job , head of BBC news , where she was in charge for seven years , after being criticised for her poor management skills . She was appointed BBC radio chief instead . James Harding , below centre , Director of News and Current Affairs - # 340,000 . Former editor of The Times Newspaper , Mr Harding took over the post which was vacated by Helen Boaden . Danny Cohen , below right , Director TV - # 327,800 . Former BBC 1 controller was also in charge of BBC3 , where he commissioned Snog , Marry Avoid and Hotter Than My Daughter . Defending his salary recently he said : ` The executives continue to be well-paid , but if we went to commercial organisations we 'd be paid roughly double ' . Bal Samra , Commercial Director - # 322,800 . Also has the title of Managing Director TV . Once claimed # 1,100 expenses on a ` thank you meal ' for 22 colleagues to mark the end of a project . Ralph Rivera , Director , future Media - # 309,000 . American-born executive is in charge of BBC interactive and BBC online . James Purnell , below left , Director , Strategy and Digital - # 295,000 . Former Labour MP and Cabinet minister.He served as both Culture and Work and Pensions Secretary under Gordon Brown . Mr Purnell previously worked at the BBC as head of corporate planning from 1995 to 1997 under former director general Lord Birt . Valerie Hughes D'aeth , below left , Director HR - # 295,000 . HR boss joined in August . Alan Yentob , below right , Creative Director - # 183,000 - plus # 150,000 for presenting role . Last year Yentob justified his own pay by saying he was ` valuable ' to the BBC because of his ` relationship with talent ' and ` understanding of the networks and the schedules ' .
Lord Hall brought in as Director General and appointed four other staff . Critics said today that corporation ` is a self-serving old boys ' network ' BBC says not advertising jobs can help avoid ` lengthy and costly ' process .
[[160, 169], [259, 311], [635, 661], [692, 767], [411, 476], [866, 874], [886, 921], [877, 921], [2741, 2770], [2842, 2846], [2851, 2897], [2849, 2897], [3609, 3713], [3633, 3713]]
The city of Cleveland 's police department is set to be overhauled after federal investigators concluded that officers use excessive and unnecessary force far too often and have endangered the public and their fellow officers with their recklessness . A two-year investigation by the Justice Department , released on Thursday , found that Cleveland police use guns , Tasers , ` impact weapons , ' pepper spray and their fists in excess , unnecessarily or in retaliation . In some cases unnecessary force was ` in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution , ' claimed the report . U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder , right , appeared at a news conference Thursday to announce the findings along with Cleveland police chief Calvin Williams , left , and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson , center . Officers also use excessive force on those ` who are mentally ill or in crisis , ' the Justice Department said . Accountability , or the lack thereof , was a reoccurring theme of the report . Of the period reviewed , 2010-2013 , the investigation found that officers were suspended on only six occasions for improper use of force . ` Discipline is so rare that no more than 51 officers out of a sworn force of 1,500 were disciplined in any fashion in connection with a use of force incident over a three-and-a half-year period , ' the report said . More disturbing was an admission by investigators carrying out reports into the use of deadly force that they always sought to show the officer involved in the best possible light . ` Deeply troubling to us was that some of the specially trained investigators who are charged with conducting unbiased reviews of officers ' use of deadly force admitted to us that they conduct their investigations with the goal of casting the accused officer in the most positive light possible , ' said the report . Last week , hundreds of people blocked a Cleveland freeway at rush hour to protest those killings and the fatal shooting of Tamir Rice , a black 12-year-old boy , by a white officer outside a Cleveland recreation center . Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and the U.S. Justice Department signed an agreement on Thursday that said both sides will work toward the appointment of a court-appointed monitor to oversee reform . ` We understand the progress we seek will not come over night , ' Attorney General Eric Holder said at a press conference to announce the findings . The Justice Department found a systemic pattern of reckless and inappropriate use of force by officers and cited concerns about search-and-seizure practices . Jackson was among those who asked the department to conduct the inquiry . It also said officers frequently violated people 's civil rights because of faulty tactics , inadequate training and a lack of supervision and accountability . Officers ' excessive use of force has created deep mistrust in Cleveland , especially in the black community , the report concluded . ` We saw too many incidents in which officers accidentally shot someone either because they fired their guns accidentally or because they shot the wrong person , ' the report said . In November 2012 police officers fired 137 shots into a car killing 43-year-old driver Timothy Russell , left , and 30-year-old passenger Malissa Williams in the parking lot of a suburban middle school . The federal investigation was prompted by several highly publicized police encounters , chiefly the deaths of two unarmed people who were fatally wounded when police officers fired 137 shots into their car at the end of a high-speed pursuit in November 2012 . In that incident , the Justice Department said , police began chasing Timothy Russell and passenger Malissa Williams after officers and witnesses thought they heard a gunshot coming from their car as they drove by a court building . The report said it now appears that what they heard was the car backfiring . More than 100 officers engaged in a chase of the two unarmed suspects in violation of division policy . After a 25-minute chase that reached speeds of more than 100 mph and ended in an East Cleveland school parking lot , 13 officers fired 137 rounds hitting Russell and Williams more than 20 times each , the report said . ` The officers , who were firing on the car from all sides , reported believing that they were being fired at by the suspects . It now appears that those shots were being fired by fellow officers , ' the Justice Department wrote . A two-year investigation by the Justice Department , released on Thursday , found that Cleveland police use guns , Tasers , ` impact weapons , ' pepper spray and their fists in excess , unnecessarily or in retaliation . The report comes amid inflamed tensions between police and residents in several cities where white officers have killed young blacks , including in New York City and Ferguson , Missouri . All those events have raised urgent national questions about the sense of trust between police and communities , Holder said . Last week , hundreds of people blocked a Cleveland freeway at rush hour to protest those killings and the fatal shooting of Tamir Rice , a black 12-year-old boy , by a white officer outside a Cleveland recreation center . Cleveland police Chief Calvin Williams has defended Rice 's shooting , saying he reached for an air pistol that was ` indistinguishable from a real firearm . ' The Justice Department has opened civil rights investigations into the practices of some 20 police departments in the past five years , and it is reviewing both the Ferguson police department and the chokehold death of Eric Garner , an unarmed black man in New York City . It 's also currently enforcing more than a dozen agreements to overhaul police department practices nationwide . The report comes amid inflamed tensions between police and residents in several cities where white officers have killed young blacks , including in New York City and Ferguson , Missouri , -LRB- pictured above -RRB- . ` We have seen in city after city where we have engaged that meaningful change is possible , ' Holder said . Cleveland and the Justice Department will begin negotiating an agreement that will be submitted to a federal judge outlining the scope of reforms , to include the appointment of an independent monitor . A joint statement signed by city and federal officials said Cleveland 's mayor , safety director and police chief ` will always retain full authority ' to run the police department . Jackson said on Thursday that the city disagreed with some of the facts and conclusion in the report , but he did not dispute the overall findings . The report notes that the Justice Department first looked at Cleveland officers ' use of deadly force in 2002 and that an agreement was reached two years later on how such policies would be changed . There was no court order or independent monitor assigned then . The Justice Department began its investigation in March 2013 and reviewed nearly 600 use-of-force incidents - both lethal and not - that occurred between 2010 and 2013 . The report notes that Cleveland police officials did not provide many of the documents sought by federal investigators . Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said the details of the 58-page report were difficult to hear . ` People of this city need to know we will work to make the police department better , ' he said .
Two-year investigation , released on Thursday , found that Cleveland police use guns , Tasers , ` impact weapons , ' pepper spray and their fists in excess . In some cases unnecessary force was ` in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution , ' claimed the Justice Department . Of the period reviewed , 2010-2013 , the investigation found that officers were suspended on only six occasions for improper use of force . More disturbing was an admission that reports into the use of deadly force always sought to show the officer involved in the best possible light .
[[73, 251], [252, 302], [305, 325], [252, 302], [328, 471], [2421, 2523], [4458, 4508], [4511, 4531], [4458, 4508], [4534, 4677], [472, 566], [887, 916], [4427, 4457], [1033, 1135], [1138, 1330], [7012, 7017], [7023, 7055], [1353, 1402], [1458, 1534], [1535, 1612], [1683, 1830]]
There were nearly 6,000 victims of sexual assault in the U.S. military this year , up eight per cent from last year , according to a new study . The Pentagon report , based on an anonymous survey and shared with the Associated Press , also found that retaliation remains an ongoing problem in stern military culture that emphasizes rank , loyalty and strength . Indeed , 60per cent of the women who reported some type of unwanted sexual contact complained about social backlash from co-workers or other service members . Scroll down for video . Ongoing problem : There were nearly 6,000 victims of sexual assault in the U.S. military this year , up eight per cent from last year , according to a new study . Senator Kirsten Gillibrand , D-N.Y. , a leading advocate for improvements in protecting victims of sexual assault , pointed to the retaliation figures as troubling . ` For a year now we have heard how the reforms in the previous defense bill were going to protect victims , and make retaliation a crime , ' she said . ` It should be a screaming red flag to everyone when 62per cent of those who say they reported a crime were retaliated against - nearly two-thirds - the exact same number as last year . ' Under fire from Congress , Pentagon leaders and the White House , the military services have launched programs to encourage reporting , provide better care for victims , step up prosecutions and urge troops to intervene when they see others in threatening situations . ` Pending the report 's public release Thursday , assuming news accounts are correct - reporting of assaults being up and incidents of assault being down are exactly the combination we 're looking for . ` I 'm sure there 's more work to do , and I 'm anxious to hear how victims feel about the services and support offered to them when they report an assault , ' said Senator Claire McCaskill , D-Mo . In May , Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel declared sexual assaults as a ` clear threat ' to service members and he ordered a number of new initiatives , including the review of alcohol sales and policies . He said the review must address the risks of alcohol being used as a tool by predators to ply a victim with drinks before attacking . Speaking out : In May , Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel declared sexual assaults as a ` clear threat ' to service members and he ordered a number of new initiatives , including the review of alcohol sales and policies . According to the new Pentagon survey , some of that may be taking hold . Officials said an overwhelming majority of those who filled out the survey said they took action to prevent an assault when they saw a risky situation . The services also created hotlines , plastering phone numbers and contact information for sexual assault prevention officers across military bases , including inside the doors of bathroom stalls . And they expanded sexual assault prevention training , hired victims ' advocates and response coordinators , and have tried to curtail drinking , which is often a factor in assaults . The new report comes as Congress continues to press for an overhaul of the military justice system to change the way that sexual assault cases are handled . Defense officials discussed the results with the White House on Tuesday and were expected to release the reports publicly on Thursday . The Pentagon cites the spike in sexual assault cases as increased trust in the military justice system . According to the latest report , one in four victims of sexual assault reported the crime in 2014 compared to one in ten two years ago .
The new Pentagon report was based on an anonymous survey . It found that retaliation remains an ongoing problem in stern military culture which emphasizes rank , loyalty and strength . In May , Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel declared sexual assaults as a ` clear threat ' to service members and he ordered a number of new initiatives , including the review of alcohol sales and policies .
[[145, 164], [167, 195], [2440, 2476], [145, 164], [240, 315], [293, 315], [321, 361], [545, 560], [681, 707], [1885, 1891], [1894, 1989], [1994, 2087], [2237, 2243], [2246, 2341], [2346, 2439]]
It was a battle of claw versus jaw , but the king of the jungle reigned supreme in his battle against a crocodile . The two killing-machines fought over feeding rights at a Kenyan river in Samburu , Africa after the crocodile tried to take the lion 's lunch - a dead elephant . The lion was among a pride that was about to eat the elephant when the crocodile crawled up and tried to take a bite . The lions then began to drive the beast away by clawing and biting at the armoured reptile 's legs . Jaws versus claws : The lion and the crocodile square-off at a Kenyan river in Samburu , Africa , after the reptile tries to take the big cat 's lunch . Paws for thought : The lion lifts one of its paws and prepares to strike the crocodile which lunges forward baring its teeth . Eventually the crocodile retreated to the safety of the deeper waters . Photographer Hung Ta , 50 , captured the battle unfolding . He said : ` For a while there was a Mexican standoff with neither making the first move but I believe the lion was fearing for the safety of its cubs and made the first move . ` It was n't long before other lions moved in and began to claw and bite at the legs of the crocodile all the while making sure to stay clear of its huge jaws . Dine in , but not takeaway : The lions guard the dead elephant and appear to be looking towards the water cautious of the crocodiles intentions . Lowest of the low : The crocodile slides along on its belly as a young lion hovers on the waters edge , keen to deter it from lunging futher . Fancy a pedicure ? The lion nips at the reptiles claws as it thrashes about in pain , trying to edge back into the safety of the water . Two on one : An adult lion and a young cub leap at the crocodile whose open mouth looks big enough to swallow them whole . Back you go : A lion bites the soft underside of the reptile , left , as another stands on its back and attempts to push it away . On your tail : The crocodile seems to acknowledge defeat as three lions straddle its rear quarters and force it back into the water . ` The crocodile actually tried to get closer for a second time but was soon overwhelmed so it backed off . ' Mr Hung said it was ` amazing ' to watch the fight . He said : ` It 's not very often these two predators fight and neither animal underestimated its opponent . '
A pride of lions were trying to eat a dead elephant when they noticed a crocodile had taken an interest in their meal . The crocodile then crawled out of the Kenyan river and tried to challenge the pride for a nibble of their kill . Hung Ta who witnessed the fight said the lions clawed and bit at the reptile 's legs while carefully avoiding its jaws .
[[212, 277], [297, 304], [310, 339], [297, 304], [320, 396], [602, 650], [116, 196], [212, 277], [297, 304], [320, 396], [602, 650], [1869, 1908], [2063, 2123], [397, 497], [397, 406], [442, 452], [457, 463], [397, 406], [457, 497], [850, 870], [878, 909], [1111, 1122], [1136, 1191], [1111, 1122], [1154, 1195], [1202, 1246]]
A 1962 Nobel prize for the discovery of the structure of DNA has sold at auction for $ 4.7 million , a world auction record for any Nobel prize . Christie 's says the gold medal won by James Watson was purchased yesterday by a buyer who wished to remain anonymous . The New York City auction house says it 's the first Nobel medal to be offered at auction by a living recipient . Watson made the 1953 discovery with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins . The 1962 Nobel prize won by James Watson for the discovery of the structure of DNA has sold at auction for $ 4.7 million , a world auction record for any Nobel prize . Watson 's 1962 Nobel Prize medal for his role in the discovery of the structure of DNA . Watson made the 1953 discovery with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins ; Crick 's medal sold in 2004 for $ 2.2 million . Crick 's Nobel prize sold last year at Heritage Auctions for $ 2.2 million . He died in 2004 . Watson had a very public fall from grace in 2007 , at the age of 79 , after he began making racist and sexiest remarks in the media . The comments led to him being shunned from the scientific community as well as the general public . He told one Sunday paper he was ` inherently gloomy ' about the prospect of Africa because ` all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours -- whereas all the testing says not really . ' Watson went on to say the divide in intelligence had also been witnessed by people who had black employees . Later defending the comments , he said he was not ' a racist in a conventional way ' . Watson meeting former Prime Minister Tony Blair at a reception in Downing Street in April 2003 . A short time later Watson was fired from his position as chancellor at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory . He was also said to have been relieved of his position on a number of boards , and to have not given any public lectures since . But his downfall ca n't only be contributed to his comments on Africa . He has talked-down Rosalind Franklin 's contribution to the work on DNA and even said women are n't ` as effective ' at science as men . Part of the proceeds from the sale will go to the University of Chicago , Clare College Cambridge , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , Long Island Land Trust and other charities .
James Watson made the discovery with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins . Crick 's award sold at auction last year for $ 2.2 million . Watson fell from grace in 2007 after making racist and sexist remarks .
[[380, 451], [709, 778], [781, 828], [829, 905], [924, 972], [1000, 1057]]
The average British man has grown over the past 60 years and is now taller and heavier than his Fifties counterpart . In 1954 , a typical British male was just over 5ft 7in tall , weighed 11st 6lbs and had a chest of 37 inches and a waist of 34 inches . He wore size seven shoes , had a collar size of 14 . Then and now : In 1954 , a typical British male was just over 5ft 7in tall and weighed 11st 6lbs , like Marlon Brando , left . Today , Brad Pitt typifies the body shape of Mr Average , at 5ft 9in , weighing just over 12st . But over the past 60 years the shape has changed significantly and 1950s men would sit in the shadow of modern men . Today , the average man is 5ft 9in , weighs 12st 6lbs and has a chest of 42in and a waist of 37in . He wears size nine shoes , has a collar size of 16 . As well as being larger , modern man is also stronger and healthier with a life expectancy of 79 - 11 years more than the average life expectancy for a man in the Fifties . The changing shape is perfectly demonstrated by Fifties movie star star Marlon Brando and current Hollywood A-lister Brad Pitt . Healthier : Brad Pitt represents the average modern man and can expect to live 11 years longer than his Fifties counterpart . At 5ft 9in , Pitt typifies the body shape of the modern Mr Average - weighing just over 12st with a 43 inch chest . His 1954 equivalent was Marlon Brando , who starred in On The Waterfront in the same year . Brando was 5ft 7in and weighed just over 11st in his heyday . He had a much less muscular physique than modern movie stars . Oliver Tezcan , chief executive of online menswear brand , The Idle Man , which researched data on changing body shapes from government statistics said the fashion industry has had to adapt fast to the changing shape of Mr Average . Not so macho : Men in the Fifties , as portrayed in TV show Mad Men , were shorter and less muscular than men in 2014 . Measuring up : Men today have a 37in waist on average compared to 34 in in 1954 . He said : ` It is extraordinary how much Mr Average has changed in the last 60 years . He has gone from being what we might consider a bit of wimp these days into a taller , more rugged muscleman . ` That has presented real challenges for designers and fashion brands . ` It means that suits are being cut in a completely different way to reflect this changing body shape , with much bigger sizes in the upper body . ` Collar sizes have gone up markedly to reflect modern man 's much more muscular neck . ' Tezcan said that 2014 's Mr Average was far more body conscious than his 1954 equivalent . He added : ` He is likely to exercise at least twice a week and eat and drink about a quarter more than he did in the Fifties - consuming 2,500 calories a day compared to 2,000 calories back then . ' Difference in 60 years : Men have grown taller , heavier and wider but will now live for longer . 33 per cent of homes had a washing machine . 10 per cent of homes had a telephone . Average wage was # 10 a week . Life expectancy was 68 years for men and 71 for women . 96 per cent of homes have a washing machine . 72 per cent of us have smartphones . Average wage is # 509 . Life expectancy for men is 79 years and 83 years for women .
In 1954 , a typical British male was just over 5ft 7in tall , weighing 11st 6lbs . Today , the average man is 5ft 9in and weighs 12st 6lbs . Life expectancy has increased from 68 to 79 . Modern men are stronger and more body conscious .
[[118, 125], [128, 177], [118, 125], [128, 150], [180, 197], [307, 311], [322, 329], [332, 405], [648, 653], [656, 682], [656, 671], [685, 701], [1229, 1239], [1242, 1344], [827, 973], [3171, 3231], [827, 973], [2504, 2594], [2521, 2594]]
A female teacher has been arrested for allegedly having sex with her 17-year-old student after she was dobbed in by her husband . The 44-year-old woman was arrested at her home in St Marys , in Sydney 's west , on Tuesday and was taken to Penrith Police Station . It is understood the woman 's husband found out about her alleged sexual relationship with the male teenager and reported his wife to police , the Daily Telegraph reported . A female teacher has been arrested for allegedly having sex with her 17-year-old student . The woman was granted conditional bail to appear at Penrith Local Court -LRB- pictured -RRB- on Monday 19 January . Police also searched the Year 11 student 's home and took a number of items . The 44-year-old was charged with four counts of sexual intercourse with a child between 16 and 18 under special care . The woman was granted conditional bail to appear at Penrith Local Court on Monday 19 January 2015 . She has been suspended from her role as teacher at a Western Sydney high school . A NSW Education spokesman said the Department has removed the teacher from the school . It is understood the woman 's husband found out about her alleged sexual relationship with the male teenager and reported his wife to police . ` She will be placed on alternative duties away from all students , ' he said . ` Counselling has been offered to the student involved . ` As the matter is before the courts , it is not appropriate to comment further at this time . ' The NSW Department of Education and Communities code of conduct states teachers can not have sexual relationships with students , consensual or otherwise . ` It is irrelevant whether the relationship is homosexual or heterosexual , consensual or non-consensual or condoned by parents or caregivers , ' it states . ` The age of the students or staff member involved is also irrelevant . ' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Female teacher arrested at her home in St Marys , in Sydney 's west . Police attended the Year 11 student 's home and took a number of items . Teacher will appear at Penrith Local Court on Monday 19 January 2015 . She has been suspended from her role as teacher at a high school .
[[0, 88], [130, 188], [438, 528], [645, 651], [657, 693], [645, 651], [698, 722], [581, 644], [842, 941], [864, 875], [881, 941], [942, 1023]]
A Michigan man is celebrating the return of his 2.5 ton footbridge after it was allegedly stolen from his property . Robert Cortis of Farmington Hills told ABC News that he was ` very sad ' and 'em otionally lost ' when he discovered the 40-foot steel and wood structure had disappeared . However , one day after he filed a report , the garden feature was found by police in Belleville , about 20 miles away from its original location . Reunited : Robert Cortis of Farmington Hills told ABC News that he was ` very sad ' and 'em otionally lost ' when he discovered the 40-foot steel and wood structure had disappeared . Back in the day : Cortis ' bridge in action during the Nineties . Cortis says he discovered the bridge was missing when he stopped by his property near 8 Mile Road with plans to move it this week . He wanted to re-install it at his catering business and use it for taking wedding photos . Cortis says the bridge has sentimental value because his father built it and it has spanned the Taribussi Creek for about 25 years . When he saw it had gone , Cortis launched an appeal online . Of value : Cortis feared the It 40-foot-long , six-foot-wide and seven-foot-tall bridge , weighing between 5,000 to 10,000 , had been taken by scrap metal thieves . With an estimated value of $ 50,000 to $ 75,000 it also could have also been cleaned up and sold on . He feared the 40-foot-long , six-foot-wide and seven-foot-tall bridge , weighing between 5,000 to 10,000 , had been taken by scrap metal thieves . With an estimated value of $ 50,000 to $ 75,000 , it also could have also been sold on the black market . Talking about the unusual crime on local television this week , Cortis said : ' I was very , very sad and emotionally lost . ` It had a lot of sentimental value to us so I wanted to use it in a good way that would kind of be a tribute to my dad . ' Talking about the unusual crime , on local television , Cortis said : ' I was very , very sad and emotionally lost ' The Detroit News says police on Thursday found the bridge and it appeared undamaged . There was no word of suspects . Cortis shared the happy news on Facebook and posted pictures of the recovered bridge . ' I still do n't understand how someone steals a bridge , ' one bemused friend said .
Robert Cortis of Farmington Hills said he was ` very sad ' and 'em otionally lost ' when he discovered the 40-foot steel structure had disappeared . However , one day after he filed a report , the garden feature was found by police in Belleville , about 20 miles away from its original location . There 's currently no word of suspects .
[[117, 260], [194, 212], [215, 288], [448, 586], [525, 543], [546, 619], [686, 734], [1687, 1698], [1703, 1747], [1928, 1939], [1944, 1986], [299, 385], [2075, 2106]]
A high-flying wife who ` sacrificed ' her career to be a homemaker has won the chance of a bigger slice of her ex-husband 's multi-million-pound fortune . Career woman , Julia Hammans , 55 , was once finance director of high-end retailer , Dickins & Jones , but gave up the board room for nappy changing . She married top accountant , Nicholas Hammans , in 1983 , and stayed at home with the children whilst his career flourished . Mrs Hammans said he sometimes earned over # 900,000-a-year as a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers and is now worth up to # 11 million . Former high-flying career woman Julia Hammans , 55 , and her ex husband Nicholas , a top PricewaterhouseCoopers accountancy executive , are pictured outisde London 's Appeal Court where judges have ordered a rehearing of her divorce settlement case . And Mrs Hammans fiercely objected after a family judge ruled in March that an # 80,000 income for her was ` generous ' . Although she had # 1 million in savings , she said the judge 's order would force her to ` downsize ' from her # 1.75 million West London home . Now Appeal Court judges have ordered a rehearing of her case , after accepting that she ` arguably ' suffered ` discrimination ' . Lord Justice Ryder said it was right that Mrs Hammans should be ` compensated ' for the glittering career she had lost . The court heard the couple , both in their 50s , split in 2004 and their divorce was finalised in August the following year . Mrs Hammans who appealed a divorce court order that she must sell her # 1.75 m six-bedroom home in Twickenham -LRB- pictured -RRB- to provide herself with an income , arguing that her multi-millionaire former husband should give her ` compensation ' for having ` sacrificed ' her career . She was awarded # 1.37 million of the marital assets and he received about # 1.2 million . Mr Hammans , 54 , also paid his ex maintenance of # 90,000-a-year before that was upped by agreement to # 150,000 in 2007 . But the court heard he now wants to retire for personal reasons and had asked the family judge to capitalise his wife 's entitlement into a one-off lump sum . In March , Mr Justice Coleridge rejected Mrs Hammans ' claim for up to # 2.6 million and awarded her just # 400,000 . He said that , together with her savings and the # 500,000 she could make from downsizing her home , would give her a ` generous ' # 80,000-a-year income . At the Appeal Court , Mrs Hammans ' lawyers argued that was discriminatory and nowhere near enough to compensate her for the loss of her career . Allowing her appeal , Lord Justice Ryder said a fresh hearing was needed to ensure a fair distribution of assets between the former couple . ` To do otherwise is to discriminate against the wife because she is not the income earner ' , he told the court . Mrs Hammans , 55 , was once finance director of high-end retailer Dickins & Jones -LRB- pictured -RRB- but gave up the board room for nappy changing . Forcing her to downsize from her six-bedroom home , in order to boost her income , was ` arguably discriminatory . ' The ex-couple 's assets , income and needs had to be analysed in a more ` sophisticated ' way to avoid any discrimination against Mrs Hammans , he concluded . The dispute was sent back to the High Court family division for reconsideration by a different judge . 1983 : Julia Hammans , a finance director for department store Dickens and Jones marries accountant Nicholas Hammans . 1989 : Mrs Hammans becomes pregnant and the couple ` agree ' she will give up work . 2005 : The couple divorce , Mrs Hammans is awarded the # 1.75 million family home , as part of a larger settlement.March . 2014 : After Mrs Hammans requests a further # 2.6 million from her ex-husband , a the family judge at the High Court rules Mr Hammans should pay just # 400,000 . He says the # 400,000 sum , plus money from the sale of the house and interest on her # 1million savings , would produce around # 2million - giving her the # 80,000-a-year he said she needed to live on . October 2014 : At the Court of Appeal , Mrs Hammans argues she deserves # 2.2 million , in addition to the # 400,000 , and should be free to keep her house . Mrs Hammans ' solicitor , divorce partner Simon Preston of Stewarts Law , said following the decision : ` Our client is happy that the courts continue to recognise that she sacrificed her career so her husband could progress with his . ' She feels it is only right and fair that her compensation should reflect that sacrifice . ` Julia hopes her case will encourage other divorcing spouses in similar circumstances to look closely at their own situation and any offers on the table . ` We welcome the judgement of the court and the emphasis on the need for courts dealing with cases of this kind to properly address the question of compensation for spouses who have sacrificed careers for the benefit of their families . ' Although Mr and Mrs Hammans earned similar salaries , it was she who gave up work to care for the children , now aged in their 20s . She had sacrificed ' a serious professional career ' and , although she made a little by working as a counsellor , had a negligible earning capacity after so many years away from the office . By contrast , Mr Hammans , as the family 's sole bread-winner , went on to carve out a career as a tax specialist and one of the most successful men in his profession . The couple had enjoyed a high standard of living on the husband 's ` very big earnings ' until they split after 21 years of marriage . Following the divorce , Mrs Hammans received the Edwardian family home , in Cole Park Road , Twickenham , Middlesex , now worth # 1.75 million . Desperate to stay there , she particularly objected to the judge 's view that she should sell it , buy a smaller home and add the capital to her savings pot . Mr Hammans also lives in a # 1m-plus house in Twickenham , as well as enjoying a holiday home in Paris , and the court heard he earned # 800,000 last year . Although the ex-couple 's children had ` flown the nest ' , Mrs Hammans ' lawyers insisted she deserves to live a similar ` affluent ' lifestyle to her former husband .
Julia Hammans was finance director of high-end retailer Dickins & Jones . The 55-year-old gave up her career when she married Nicholas Hammans . Top accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers , Nicholas , is worth up to # 11m . Judge ruled in March that an # 80,000 income a year for her was ` generous ' She claimed it would force her to downsize her # 1.75 m Twickenham home . Appeal Court judges have now ordered a rehearing of her case .
[[2802, 2813], [2821, 2829], [2838, 2889], [432, 567], [859, 935], [2244, 2399], [2338, 2399], [3918, 3992], [982, 1084], [1510, 1578], [2953, 3002], [5839, 5849], [5855, 5941], [748, 818], [1085, 1145], [1148, 1211]]
A foreign currency trader accused of masterminding a # 5.5 m fraud to fund his playboy lifestyle was dubbed ` King Popper ' after he sprayed # 32,000 worth of champagne at revellers in a nightclub . Alex Hope , 25 , allegedly concocted the # 5.5 m Ponzi fraud which he used to fund his gambling habit and penchant for spending tens of thousands of pounds on champagne at exclusive nightclubs , Southwark Crown Court heard . The former catering manager racked up a bill of # 2m in just 13 months after visiting the clubs , buying large bottles of champagne and going to an exclusive Mayfair casino . Prosecutors described Hope 's spending - which included splashing out almost # 50,000 on a single bottle of champagne on one occasion - as ` eye-watering ' . Today jurors were shown a video of his alleged activities . Scroll down for video . Alex Hope was dubbed ` King Popper ' after he allegedly sprayed # 32,000 worth of champagne in a club in London . The former catering manager is accused of masterminding a # 5.5 m Ponzi-style fraud . A video of the Champagne Spray event shows dozens of bottles of champagne which revellers spray on each other . Hope features in the six-minute video in a drenched blue t-shirt and black beads as champagne is sprayed . They said the amount of money he was spending must have represented part of investors ' money who had been persuaded to invest in his scheme after he offered huge returns . Hope reinvented himself as a currency markets expert and was promoted by Raj Von Badlo as a talented trader and financial whizzkid , it is claimed . Von Badlo has already admitted enticing people into fraud and making misleading statements . The 25-year-old set himself up as a successful Forex and currency trader , promising investors huge returns on cash funnelled into his scheme . In just 13 months he managed to take # 5.5 m . But many of his investors lost considerable sums of money - including Jamaican international footballer Marvin Elliott who lost # 50,000 . He is accused of running the scheme in a ` Ponzi fashion ' - using new investors ' funds to pay off those who wanted to leave it . The court heard that on one evening alone he spent # 32,000 at the five-star Grange Hotel near St Paul 's Cathedral earning him the title ` King Popper ' . Prosecutor Sarah Clarke said : ` According to the receipts he managed to spend about # 32,000 in one night in February 2012 at something called the Champagne Spray event . ` The was an event that was organised where people could go to this hotel and buy bottles of champagne and , in effect , spray them over each other . ' In a video shown to the jury Hope is seen wearing a drenched blue t-shirt and black beads as dozens of bottles of expensive champagne are sprayed around the room by revellers . And in a further example of excessive spending Hope spent almost # 50,000 on a Midas sized bottle of champagne while partying at the Playground Hilton in Liverpool . Hope has been accused of masterminding the Ponzi style fraud to fund his champagne and playboy lifestyle . ` Mr Hope spent # 45,987 in one night , and the lion 's share of that went on this bottle , this Midas sized bottle , of Ace of Spades champagne that was opened effectively as a publicity stunt by him , ' said Ms Clarke . ` The nightclub PR in fact ran up a bill of something like # 200,000 and then it was put out in the press that this high-roller spent # 200,000 in one night . ` The truth was that he only spent a mere # 45,000 , # 40,000 of that going on this bottle of champagne , ' she said . On another night he spent # 65,113 at the Aura nightclub in Mayfair , close to Buckingham Palace and the Ritz . Hope also funnelled just under # 1m to the Palm Beach Casino , whose website brags it is the ` most exclusive casino in Mayfair ' . Between joining the casino in November 2011 and his arrest in April the following year , he visited the lavish venue 81 times , jurors heard . Dozens of revellers are shown throughout the video spraying champagne and waving bottles with sparklers . He lost # 353,600 after playing games where more than # 5m was passed backwards and forwards over the table , it was said . ` What that figure does seem to suggest is that he was an extensive and prolific gambler during that period , ' said Ms Clarke . ` The amounts of money that were being lost ... when he lost you may think he lost big . ' But # 604,400 simply disappeared from the cash deposited with the casino , probably in cash withdrawals , and has not been traced , the court heard . ` Were any of the investors told that their money was going to be put into a casino and then withdrawn in cash for it to disappear ? ' asked Ms Clarke . Receipts unearthed at Hope 's address showed just a ` snapshot ' of his allegedly wild spending . Hope is shown in the video where he is interviewed and asked if he is enjoying the champagne event . ` The sums of money being spent is , the prosecution say , eye-watering and must have represented in whole or at least in very substantial part investors ' money and again you might want to ask yourselves if any of the investors were told that is what was happening to their money , ' said Ms Clarke . Hope also treated himself to luxury trips around the world , travelling to Miami , New York and Dubai , jurors heard . He spent # 130,327 on a stay at beach front resort the Fontainebleu in Miami and racked up bills of # 38,838 on night at the Cirque du Soir in Dubai . Ms Clarke added : ` The Fontainebleu Miami trip was not the only luxury foreign travel experience that he treated himself to during this period with , we say , the investors ' money . ` Bear in mind of course this was really a relatively short period of time as well . ` We know he was enjoying them because he recorded some short films on his mobile of one particular trip he enjoyed to New York , ' she said . The video shows revellers at Champagne Spray , held at the five star Grange Hotel near St Paul 's Cathedral . Revellers are shown soaking wet after dozens of bottles are sprayed around the room and at eachother . The video shows Hope in his suite at the five-star Trump SoHo hotel in New York . He pans around the luxurious suite and ends pointing the camera at the bed which is strewn with money and designer clothes . ` Here is the bedroom , ' he says , ` just being silly , laying some money out , you can see the 50s and the 100s . ` Did a little bit of shopping today as you can see , bought some Ralph -LSB- Lauren -RSB- , bought some trainers as well , bought some Burberry ... yeah , this is me . ' Other short videos taken from his mobile show him panning stacks of cash , in one he brags ` # 28,000 profit , boys ' and in a second ` # 50,000 profit , boys , ten , 20 , 30 , 40 ' before the video cuts out . Nearly # 64,000 was spent on ` upper class ' travel to destinations including Las Vegas and New York , it is said . And the spending did not stop there , with Hope allegedly using investors ' cash to fund a taste for designer clothes - particularly Christian Louboutin shoes and watches . Hope , of Canary Wharf , is on trial for fraud at Southwark Crown Court and has denied the single charge . Ms Clarke added : ` This gives you a snapshot of the ways in which he was enjoying himself , treating himself with investors ' money during the period of the fraud . ` His trading really was n't keeping pace with what was coming in from investors and what was going out . As the money from investors was increasing and his expenditure was increasing , in fact the amount of money that was being deposited on trading platforms in the first place was drying up to virtually nil . ' Jurors heard Christopher Millard , a retired teacher , ploughed # 25,000 of his own money into Hope 's scheme which saw him lose # 15,000 . Hope promised him : ` I am a man of my word , I have never not paid anyone , let 's get that straight first and foremost . ' Jamaican international footballer Marvin Elliott , 30 , was also drawn into the scheme . Hope is pictured arriving at Southwark Crown Court where he is on trial for fraud , which he denies . The midfielder , who plays for Crawley Town in Football League One , handed # 50,000 to Hope after he promised 50 percent returns in just three months , but lost his investment , jurors previously heard . Ms Clarke said Hope told a ` pack of lies ' and added his trading was ` spectacularly unsuccessful ' . Van Badlo , who does not appear in the dock with Hope , acted as the ` promoter ' for the fund . He used PR companies to present Hope as a ` talented and successful trader ' , drawing # 4,292,000 into the alleged scam.The pair also allegedly blew # 3,000 a month of client 's cash on publicity provided by London PR firm Full Portion Media , jurors heard . Hope set himself up as a successful Forex and currency trader , promising investors huge returns on cash funnelled into his scheme . Through his deception , he took an ` eye-watering ' # 5.5 m in just 13 months , between March 2011 and 3 April 2012 , jurors heard . ` The truth was this was not a successful trading scheme , in fact it was n't a trading scheme really at all - it was a fraud , ' said Ms Clarke . ` Mr Hope was not a successful trader , investors funds were in fact paid into his personal bank account and they were used by him as his personal piggy bank , ' said Ms Clarke . Hope was allegedly using new investors ' funds to pay off those who wanted to leave the scheme , in the classic Ponzi fashion . Hope has admitted violating City rules which state he must have a licence from to work on behalf of others , although he is allowed to trade currency for his own profit . After suspicions around his Forex fund grew , the Financial Services Authority intervened and arrested him . Hope , of Canary Wharf , east London , denies one charge of fraud . He has pleaded guilty to carrying on a regulated activity when not an authorised by the FSA . Von Badlo , of Buckinghamshire , admitted making misleading statements and communicating an invitation or inducement to encourage investment activity following the collapse of the first trial . Jurors were told this is a retrial and that jurors at the first trial were discharged before retiring to consider their verdicts . The trial continues . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Alex Hope , 25 , is accused of masterminding a # 5.5 m Ponzi-style fraud . Former catering manager modelled himself as a talented markets expert . Allegedly promised high returns on investments but investors lost # 1000s . Southwark Crown Court heard he spent tens of thousands on champagne . He allegedly spent # 2m on exclusive nightclubs and his gambling habit . Video shows him at Champagne Spray party , where expensive fizz sprayed .
[[0, 66], [51, 96], [199, 208], [216, 259], [955, 982], [994, 1040], [2005, 2093], [2959, 2963], [2981, 3019], [8960, 9013], [1433, 1485], [8803, 8819], [8823, 8864], [236, 259], [269, 391], [394, 423], [424, 451], [522, 555], [621, 639], [646, 752], [841, 875], [878, 954], [2840, 2903], [3288, 3356], [236, 259], [269, 391], [424, 494], [4183, 4290], [0, 25], [79, 121], [124, 198], [757, 816], [841, 875], [878, 954], [1041, 1114], [1237, 1259], [2419, 2463], [2474, 2482], [2488, 2613], [2709, 2792], [3994, 4058]]
A designer is turning roadkill into high-end fashion in an attempt to prove that it is possible to source cruelty-free fur . Patricia Paquin , the Vermont-based founder of fashion label Petite Mort , picks up discarded animal carcasses from the side of the road and turns the skins into a variety of beautiful fur accessories , from leg warmers to hand muffs which are all made to measure and range in price from $ 380 to $ 1,000 . ` It 's so much a part of everyday life to see these animals , ' Paquin told Modern Farmer of her decision to start working with roadkill . ` Who of us does n't look away ? You do n't want to see it because when you fully soak in the meaning of what happened , it 's emotionally draining . ' ` It 's ethical ' : Designer Pamela Paquin uses roadkill carcasses to create her designs in order to prove that it is possible to source ethical fur . And while some might be shocked at Paquin 's slightly bizarre choice of materials , she points out that more than seven times as many animals die as a result of being hit by a car every year , than are killed for their fur each year . According to Culture Change , 1 million animals a day are killed by cars - or 365 million a year - in comparison to the 50 million which die as a result of fashion 's ever-present need for fur . ` The scale of it is so overwhelming -- you ca n't possibly wrap your head around the suffering that went into those numbers , ' Paquin added . So high are America 's roadkill numbers , that there has been a serious increase in the number of people turning to discarded roadside carcasses as a cheap source of meat . Last year saw a surge in ` roadkill cuisine ' which is being marketed by experts as the ` ethical way to eat meat ' . When it comes to fashion , however , Paquin 's set-up is completely unique , and something which has been years in the making . Cash for carcasses : Pamela 's custom-made designs range in price from $ 380 to $ 1,000 . Having finally decided to take the plunge and set up her business - after returning to the US following a seven-year stint living and working in Denmark - Paquin turned to a local taxidermist in Vermont , who taught her how to skin the discarded animals . ` We both had a shot of whiskey , I put some peppermint oil under my nose , and we found a branch in the woods to hang this thing from , ' she said of her first experience skinning an animal - a raccoon which she had found at the side of the road . ` It was super intense . ' While the process of preparing the furs might seem slightly brutal , Paquin 's love and respect for animals is evident . Drawing on her Native American heritage , the designer blesses each body with a prayer to honor the animal spirit , before returning them to nature , leaving the animals in the woods near her studio . ` It was super intense ' : Pamela asked a local taxidermist to teach her how to skin the animals properly . And it seems that the fashion industry is staring to cotton on to the idea of ethical fur ; Paquin 's business is booming and orders for her bespoke roadkill designs are coming in thick and fast . Thus far , she has fashioned everything from hats to gloves out of her roadkill furs , marking each one with a specially-designed silver disc so that they know it is a one-of-a-kind , ethical product . ` People need to look at the fur and say okay , that 's Petite Mort , it 's an ethical fur , ' she says of the distinctive label .
Pamela Paquin founded fashion label Petite Mort in an attempt to show animal-lovers that it is possible to source cruelty-free furs . The Vermont-based designer blesses each animal using a Native American prayer to honor its spirit .
[[56, 58], [67, 124], [822, 874], [2689, 2724]]
A world leader in aging research has died aged 73 following a two-year battle with pancreatic cancer . Dr Stephen Coles spent his career studying the reasons why supercentenarians - or those who live to 110 or more - survived as long as they did . The longtime University of California Los Angeles professor died Wednesday in Scottsdale , Arizona , and his body is set to be cryopreserved in the hope of future revival . Pioneer : Dr Stephen Coles , a world leader in aging research has died aged 73 , following a two-year battle with pancreatic cancer . He is survived by his wife Natalie , daughter Electra McBurnie , and one granddaughter , Cailyn McBurnie . Coles ' colleagues described him as a pioneer in the field of gerontology . His aim was to learn how to slow ` and ultimately reverse ' human aging within 20 years by studying the genomes and DNA of the world 's oldest living human beings . He conducted much of his work through the Gerontology Research Group , which he founded in 1990 and printed more than 100 scientific journals . Robert Young , who worked with Coles for 15 years , said that the scientist believed the primary driver of longevity was biological and not caused by the environment . ` He had 110-year-olds , and they smoked cigarettes , ' Young said . ` Not that it 's OK to do bad things , but that the people who lived longest are the ones who had biological predisposition for living the longest . ' John Adams , another colleague , said Coles was an outgoing person with various interests . ` Although the effects of the chemotherapy and the treatments were debilitating , he remained mentally sharp . I was amazed at his strength and resilience , ' Adams said . Coles married his second wife , Natalie , in 2007 and the two worked together on scientific research . Coles lived in Los Angeles but was in Arizona toward the end of his life so he could be put in cryopreservation when he died . He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on Christmas Eve , 2012 and underwent surgery to remove the tumor . However , ultimately treatment was unsuccessful .
Dr Stephen Coles spent his career studying the reasons why super-centenarians survived as long as they did . The longtime University of California , Los Angeles , professor died Wednesday in Scottsdale , Arizona . His body is set to be cryopreserved in the hope of revival one day .
[[103, 157], [126, 190], [248, 336], [1802, 1807], [1833, 1874], [349, 420]]
Archbishop Welby -LRB- pictured -RRB- said the abuse stemmed from a time when television did not ` make too much fuss ' about the sexual exploitation of children . The Archbishop of Canterbury said today that the television industry condoned an era of ` nightmare ' child abuse . The Most Reverend Justin Welby said the Church of England is trying to clear up the legacy of an age in which the sexual abuse of children was considered ` relatively acceptable ' In an interview in which he spoke about the Church 's efforts to deal with past abuse by its own clergy , the Archbishop said the crimes stemmed from the time when television and organisations in other areas did not ` make too much fuss ' about the sexual exploitation of children . His charge against the television industry follows a two-year period in which a number of former BBC stars have been accused of serious sexual offences and the Corporation has come under fierce criticism for its failure to curb the criminal excesses of some of its heavily-promoted celebrities . Jimmy Savile , once a children 's TV presenter highly-prized by the BBC , has been exposed since his death in 2011 as one of the country 's most prolific paedophiles . Rolf Harris is serving a five years and nine months prison sentence for sexually assaulting four girls , and former disc jockey Dave Lee Travis was given a three-month suspended sentence in September for a 1995 assault on a 22-year-old television researcher . The Archbishop told CNN : ` The biggest issue for us is the legacy of vast abuse in the days when in , if I may say so , also , television and all kinds of areas , it was considered relatively acceptable . ` We , you know , so-and-so was known to be a bit dodgy , but nobody made too much fuss . ` We 've gone through every file , back file of every living clergy person in the Church of England and looked for any signs that there was a problem and followed them up where there was . ' Archbishop Welby spoke to Christiane Amanpour in the wake of a damaging report on abuse in the Church of England and the humiliation of one of its most senior clergy , former Archbishop of York Lord Hope . Archbishop Welby -LRB- pictured -RRB- said the Church gone through all its files on living clergy to check for any signs of offending against children . Following his death , Jimmy Savile -LRB- pictured left -RRB- was revealed to be one of the country 's worst paedophiles , while children 's entertainer Rolf Harris -LRB- right -RRB- is serving a prison sentence for sexually assaulting four girls . Lord Hope surrendered his position as a bishop in the Diocese of Bradford at the end of October after a judge found he had protected a senior paedophile priest , the Very Reverend Robert Waddington , from exposure , investigation and prosecution . Waddington , who rose to become Dean of Manchester , in charge of the city 's cathedral , was a lifelong paedophile who had attracted complaints in every decade from the 1950s . It suggested the suicide in 1989 of a former Carlisle choirboy may have been connected to abuse by Waddington in the 1970s , and it said a complaint laid against Waddington by Manchester Cathedral 's organist in 1989 was ignored . Former Dean of Manchester Robert Waddington died in 2007 . He had been accused of abusing seven different victims between 1955 and 1996 . But Lord Hope deflected queries about Waddington , wrongly told other bishops that Waddington was too sick to carry out any further abuse , and allowed him to continue taking services and befriending choristers at York Minster . In another case The Bishop of Gloucester , the Right Reverend Michael Perham , was questioned by police in August over indecent assault allegations dating back to the early 1980s involving a woman and a girl . Police said in October that there will be no charges . Bishop Perham ` stepped back ' from clerical duties earlier this year . In 2011 a review by retired senior judge Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss said the Church had failed to take allegations of abuse in Sussex seriously . A bishop apologised for his diocese 's failure to stop the activities of two paedophile priests . Archbishop Welby said in the CNN interview his realisation of the extent to which things had been covered up was the most traumatic part of his job . He said that new allegations of abuse are now instantly reported to police and council children 's services . The Archbishop also repeated his warnings to politicians not to turn immigration into a menace , warning there was a danger of simply using language that appealed to emotion .
Most Reverend Justin Welby said the TV industry ` condoned ' era of abuse . He said the Church of England is still trying to clear up legacy of offending . It follows accusations that BBC stars were engaged in sexual crimes . Jimmy Savile exposed as one of the country 's most prolific paedophiles . Very Reverend Robert Waddington was also a lifelong offender . The Archbishop said : ` The biggest issue for us is the vast legacy of abuse ' The Church has gone through files of clergy to look for signs of offending .
[[0, 72], [78, 163], [164, 279], [209, 279], [374, 380], [390, 457], [743, 962], [280, 380], [460, 475], [485, 521], [500, 513], [522, 563], [1495, 1567], [743, 962], [2335, 2353], [2387, 2432], [2809, 2819], [2899, 2986], [280, 380], [1495, 1567], [1765, 1795], [1765, 1771], [1867, 1887], [2160, 2312], [2203, 2257], [2227, 2312]]
A team of West Coast chefs celebrated Thanksgiving in an over-the-top way by creating a protein monstrosity that makes the decadent turducken seem practically austere by comparison . The epic , artery-clogging Roast Beast , which was served up at Bourbon Steak and Pub in Santa Clara , California , on Thanksgiving Day , combined in itself seven different types of protein all mounted on a massive rotisserie and cooked to greasy perfection . The meaty menace , which has been given the moniker ` lambpigcow ' on Twitter , was made up of 24 quail ; 12 chickens ; 8 ducks ; 6 turkeys ; 2 lambs ; a pig and a blanket-size side of wagyu beef butterflied open to wrap all the other ingredients . Not your grandma 's Thanksgiving dinner : Bourbon Steak and Pub restaurant in Santa Clara , California , cooked up this meaty monstrosity dubbed the Roast Beat for Thanksgiving last week . Meat madness : The culinary madmen combined 24 quails ; 12 chickens ; 8 ducks ; 6 turkeys ; 2 lambs ; a pig and a blanket-size side of wagyu beef for the gargantuan dish . Unusual cooking tools : The colossal meat course was bundled with a 20-foot metal garden fence . Burning at the stake : The cooks required a huge rotisserie to cook the meaty beast to perfection . To keep everything in place during the hours-long roasting process , the mad culinary geniuses at the Santa Clara eatery bundled the colossal meat course with a 20-foot metal garden fence , secured it in place with eight stainless steel clamps , and mounted it on an enormous rotisserie . Besides the various layers of poultry and meat , the beastly creation also included chestnut and turkey sausage stuffing . The mastermind behind the epic dish was Seattle chef David Varley , formerly of Bourbon Steak and Pub , who returned to his old haunt last week to oversee the creation of the gargantuan roast . Varley 's Seattle restaurant , RN17 , and Bourbon Steak and Pub located at the San Francisco 49ers ' Levi 's Stadium , are both owned by chef and restaurateur Michael Mina . Meat blanket : The staff butterflied open a side of beef and rubbed it down with spices before using it as a wrap for all the other ingredients . Fowl play : Pictured here are a pair of stuffed quail on a bed of butterflied chickens and ducks . Handymen : The project required a variety of metal tools , including clamps and gears , to hoist up the roast . Mastermind : The Roast Beast was the brainchild of Seattle chef David Varley , formerly of Bourbon Steak and Pub , who returned to his old restaurant to orchestrate the tailgate . Dinner is served ! The final product was served to hungry football fans along with a pair of turkeys , a half dozen Seattle sea chickens and a gravy fountain . Varley 's edible colossus dubbed the Roast Feast was served up at the Thanksgiving Tailgate party after the Seattle Seahawks beat the 49ers 19-3 in San Francisco . The hulking slab of meaty goodness was presented alongside a pair of plump turkeys , a half dozen Seattle sea chickens in honor of the Seahawks - who ended up defeating their San Francisco opponents 19-3 - and a gravy fountain . ` I 'm taking a few years off from working on thanksgiving after this , ' David Varley joked on Instagram after the holiday dinner . The mad culinary scientists at the Bourbon Steak and Pub in Santa , Clara , California , brought together 24 quails ; 12 chickens ; 8 ducks ; 6 turkeys ; 2 lambs ; a pig and a blanket-size side of wagyu beef for one epic dish dubbed the ` Roast Beast . ' The preparation of the tailgate feast required a 20-foot metal fence , clamps and a massive rotisserie to cook the gargantuan roast to perfection . The birds used in the preparation were stuffed with a mixture of chestnut and turkey sausage . A team of cooks butterflied a side of beef and used it to wrap all the other ingredients , securing the entire creation with the metal fence .
The roast was prepared at Bourbon Steak and Pub in Santa Clara , California , for Thanksgiving tailgate celebrating 49ers-Seahawkes football game . Cooks combined 24 quail ; 12 chickens ; 8 ducks ; 6 turkeys ; 2 lambs ; a pig and a blanket-size side of wagyu beef . Project required 20-foot metal garden fence , clamps and a massive rotisserie .
[[183, 221], [230, 283], [734, 781], [797, 829], [807, 880], [2727, 2752], [2760, 2866], [0, 107], [183, 221], [321, 372], [443, 459], [523, 546], [595, 655], [595, 650], [656, 691], [896, 934], [2891, 2973], [3253, 3318], [3342, 3368], [3417, 3505], [365, 372], [377, 408], [1053, 1074], [1077, 1149], [1173, 1249], [1319, 1370], [1500, 1538], [2286, 2360], [3508, 3610], [3579, 3655]]
Christmas may be a time to give , but at Pindara Hospital it 's also a time to dance . Specialist doctors from Pindara Private hospital in southeast Queensland have made a cringeworthy dance video set to Mariah Carey 's All I Want For Christmas Is You . The choreographed clip comes complete with fighting elves , a boozy Santa Clause and some rather randy patients . Specialist doctors from Pindara Private hospital in southeast Queensland have made a cringeworthy dance video . The choreographed clip comes complete with fighting elves , a boozy Santa Clause and some rather randy patients . It comes after the hospital released a video last year dancing to Maroon 5 's Moves Like Jagger , which garnered over 117,000 views on YouTube . The videos are released annually to present at Christmas party celebrations , in a bid to bolster the festive spirits . Among the dancers are an orthopedic surgeon , an emergency department doctor , an anaesthetist , an ear nose and throat specialist , reports Gold Coast Bulletin . The Hospitals Marketing manager Robbie Falconer said ` You can see from the bloopers , they just had a really great time . They were good sports , they put on the costumes . ' ` You feel good when you see it and feel the spirit of Christmas . ' Among the dancers are an orthopedic surgeon , an emergency department doctor , an anaesthetist , an ear nose and throat specialist . The Hospitals Marketing manager Robbie Falconer said the video was made in a bid to bolster the festive spirits at the yearly Christmas celebration .
The video features specialist doctors from Pindara Private Hospital . It was made to present at the yearly Christmas party celebration . Among the dancers are an orthopedic surgeon and an anaesthetist .
[[87, 196], [368, 479], [739, 814], [1481, 1549], [859, 989], [1267, 1399]]
Lee Rigby 's heartbroken fiancée and estranged wife both sobbed with relief today after one of his Muslim extremist killers had an appeal against his murder conviction thrown out in just 45 seconds . The soldier 's future bride Aimee West said she hoped ` this is the last we will hear from them ' as Michael Adebolajo , 29 , and Michael Adebowale , 23 , also lost appeals against their life sentences for the ` barbaric ' murder . Rebecca Rigby , who was married to the Fusilier and had his son Jack , said the family is ` relieved that this is over and justice has been done ' . Adebolajo ran down the 25-year-old soldier in Woolwich south-east London in May last year before ` butchering him ' with his accomplice . Both had denied murder because they were ` soldiers of Allah ' but were found guilty at the Old Bailey last December . Members of the soldier 's family , including his fiancée Aimee and also his estranged wife Rebecca Rigby , broke down as the High Court as their applications were rejected by judges . Quashed : One of Lee Rigby 's killers , Michael Adebolajo , right , had his appeal against his conviction thrown out in 45 seconds today . Emotional : Rebecca Rigby , left , broke down as she and Miss West watched Michael Adebowale , who appeared in the High Court via video link . Adebolajo 's legal team today claimed he should have his conviction quashed because he was ` at war ' with Britain , before also failing to argue his whole life sentence should be reduced . His application for leave to appeal was rejected by Lord Chief Justice Lord Thomas , sitting at the Court of Appeal in London with Lady Justice Hallett and Mr Justice Openshaw . They spent less than a minute explaining why they would not agree to it , and later called the argument pushed by his QC ` hopelessly misconceived ' . Anyone in Britain who believes they have suffered an injustice when convicted of a crime can make an application to appeal the decision . If accepted a full hearing will be held at the Court of Appeal . The judges then heard argument on behalf of Adebolajo against a whole-life sentence which condemns him to die behind bars . Lawyers for his co-accused Michael Adebowale , who was jailed for life with a minimum term of 45 years , were also arguing for a reduction in sentence . But Lord Thomas said it was ` just ' punishment for the ` horrific and barbaric ' murder . Adebowale , who appeared from Broadmoor jail via video link did not react while Adebolajo , who is at HMP Frankland , had refused to appear for the hearing at all . Members of Fusilier Rigby 's family gasped with relief and there were tears as the decision was announced . Bereft : Rebecca Rigby , the estranged wife of Lee Rigby and mother of his son Jack , was in court for the hearing , as was the soldier 's fiancée Aimee West and both sobbed as the appeals were rejected . After the decision was announced , Fusilier Rigby 's fiancee Aimee West said : ' I am relieved and thankful with the outcome of today 's hearing . ' I hope that this is the last we will hear from them both , so that I can focus on rebuilding my life and keeping Lee 's memory alive . ' Choking back tears , Lee Rigby 's estranged wife Rebecca said : ' I would like to thank everyone who made today 's verdict possible . ` We are relieved that this is over and justice has been done . I would like to thank everyone for their continued support over the last 18 months and hope I can now build a future for my son Jack and ensure his -LRB- Lee 's -RRB- memory lives on . ' The British-born Muslim converts ran 25-year-old Fusilier Rigby down in a car before hacking him to death with a meat cleaver and knives in a frenzied attack in Woolwich , south London . They dumped the body of the father-of-one in the middle of the road near Woolwich Barracks in south east London on May 22 last year . Plot : Adebolajo and Adebowale lay in wait near the barracks and picked Fusilier Rigby to kill after assuming he was a soldier because he was wearing a Help for Heroes hooded top and carrying a camouflage rucksack . They dumped the body of the father-of-one in the middle of the road near Woolwich Barracks and then waited for armed police to arrive hoping they would be ` martyred ' Adebolajo and Adebowale lay in wait near the barracks and picked Fusilier Rigby to kill after assuming he was a soldier because he was wearing a Help for Heroes hooded top and carrying a camouflage rucksack . After driving into him , the killers - who had armed themselves with eight knives , including a meat cleaver and a five-piece set bought by Adebolajo the previous day - butchered him in the street in broad daylight in front of horrified onlookers . Both men were shot by police in dramatic scenes captured by CCTV . They claimed they were ` soldiers of Allah ' and were motivated by the plight of Muslims abroad to carry out the killing . Both were convicted of murder at the Old Bailey and sentenced in February . Explaining his decision to give Adebolajo a whole-life term , trial judge Mr Justice Sweeney said he was the leader of the murderous plot and had ` no real prospect of rehabilitation ' . However , Adebowale 's younger age , mental health problems and ` lesser role ' meant that he escaped spending the rest of his natural life behind bars . Whole-life terms came under the spotlight earlier this year when judges at the Court of Appeal ruled that murderers who commit the most ` heinous ' of crimes can be sent to prison for the rest of their lives . Those currently serving whole-life terms in England and Wales include Moors Murderer Ian Brady , who tortured and murdered children along with accomplice Myra Hindley , and serial killer Rosemary West .
Michael Adebolajo hacked to death Lee Rigby with Michael Adebowale . Judges took 45 seconds to reject Adebolajo 's appeal against conviction . His QC said it should n't stand because he was ` at war ' with Britain . Both murderers also failed in appeals to reduce length of prison sentences . Adebolajo was handed life with no parole , Adebowale given 45 years . Lee Rigby 's family and widow were at the High Court for the hearing .
[[581, 690], [3864, 3868], [3871, 3894], [3929, 3998], [4248, 4271], [4306, 4375], [146, 199], [838, 928], [945, 1021], [1022, 1029], [1032, 1059], [1090, 1127], [1113, 1160], [1494, 1576], [1304, 1379], [1342, 1418], [1357, 1440], [330, 347], [360, 401], [1022, 1029], [1032, 1059], [1090, 1127], [1357, 1440], [2088, 2109], [2116, 2149], [2169, 2196], [2201, 2220], [4972, 5031]]
Israel 's ruling coalition has finally fallen apart , paving the way for an election in March -- two years ahead of schedule . The country 's MPs yesterday overwhelmingly approved a motion to dissolve the parliament , or Knesset , after prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to iron out differences with coalition partners and called for a poll . Further votes are due next week that will officially disband the parliament . The government , which took office in early 2013 , will be one of the shortest in the country 's history . Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to iron out differences with coalition partners and called for a poll . On Tuesday , Mr Netanyahu fired two rebellious ministers . His fractious centre-right cabinet has been bickering for weeks over the budget and a bill that would enshrine into law Israel 's status as a Jewish state . Rising violence between Palestinians and Israelis has also been an issue , as have the Jewish settlements in the West Bank . The country 's MPs yesterday overwhelmingly approved a motion to dissolve the parliament , or Knesset .
Country 's MPs approve motion to dissolve the parliament , or Knesset . PM Benjamin Netanyahu failed to resolve differences with coalition . Paving the way for an election two years ahead of schedule .
[[127, 217], [989, 1092], [1042, 1077], [231, 325], [535, 623], [0, 26], [54, 93]]
A rescue helicopter has captured amazing footage as it pulled a cruise passenger to safety off the coast of Miami . The young man aboard a Norwegian Cruise Lines ship choked on a piece of meat and at one point was reported to have stopped breathing . The daring rescue sees a helicopter hover over the vessel and lower a stretcher before loading the passenger onto it and winching him to safety . A young man aboard a Norwegian cruise ship had to be rescue airlifted out after choking on a piece of meat . The feat was just an average day for Miami-Dade Fire Rescue , which captured the entire scene on a GoPro camera attached to the helicopter . As the rescue helicopter approaches the massive ship -- distinguishable by the large happy face on its front bow -- the fire brigade begins to lower ropes toward their ` reference points ' below . Fast forward and the man is being airlifted out on a stretcher , while the flight medic holds onto the side of the bed to secure . At about 20 seconds in , the manoeuvre seems to be a success . Rescue workers were unable to organise a ship-to-ship transfer , so the helicopter was called in . A flight medic was lowered down onto the gigantic ship to secure the man to a stretcher and lift him out . The man was transferred to a local hospital , though his current condition is unknown . ` We 're looking good , ' a voice says off camera . Once he reaches the interior of the helicopter , it quickly speeds away from the glowing lights of the massive cruise ship . According to rescuers , attempts to transfer the passenger from the ship to a boat were unsuccessful , which is why the helicopter was brought in . ` The fire boat making its way out there felt that the seas were going to be too rough to do a ship-to-ship transfer of any patient , ' Lt. Chris McCory of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue told CBS Miami . The patient was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital . His current condition is unknown .
Young man was air rescued on November 29 after choking on-board ship . A direct ship-to-ship rescue was apparently not feasible due to rough seas . The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue sent in a flight medic to airlift the man out . One of the other rescue workers recorded everything with GoPro camera .
[[397, 466], [397, 439], [444, 505], [1038, 1100], [1657, 1788], [1137, 1243], [1137, 1151], [1229, 1237], [543, 565], [574, 617]]
In the latest video installment from Moda Operandi , a group of adorably precocious kids talk about their high-fashion Christmas wish lists . Twin sisters in the clip , which advertises the luxury online fashion retailer 's holiday collection , say in unison : ' A gold iPad ! ' And when asked what she 's planning to give her mother , one fiery girl responds : ` Probably like some sort of jewelry or maybe a new purse or something . Like a crocodile Birkin . ' What we want : In the latest video installment from Moda Operandi , a group of adorably precocious kids talk about their high-fashion Christmas wish lists . Simple pleasures : When asked what she 's planning to give her mother , one fiery girl responds : ` Probably like some sort of jewelry or maybe a new purse or something . Like a crocodile Birkin ' The video takes place in a grand living room decorated with a huge plush panda bear , a Christmas tree , a tartan sofa and piles of Moda Operandi shopping bags . ` We 're talkin ' bout what we want for Christmas , ' says one of the young children , who are nicknamed ` Fashioneasters ' by the online luxury fashion retailer . The girls are all decked out in sparkling jewelry and fancy apparel , with one wearing a big fur hat with the price tag dangling from it . ` What are you getting your mommy for Christmas ? ' one girl asks another . ' A beautiful necklace with diamonds ! ' she exclaims . Tis the season : ` We 're talkin ' bout what we want for Christmas , ' says one of the young children , who are nicknamed ` Fashioneasters ' by the online luxury fashion retailer . High hopes : Twin sisters in the clip say in unison that they want : ' A gold iPad ! ' Another young girl reveals her plans to get her mother ' a private plane , so she can go all over the world ! ' The wishlists get even more high-end when one girl declares : ` We should get Mommy a Basquiat . ' Her sister agrees : ` Yeah she would love it ! ' Back in September , the Fashioneasters did a video on New York Fashion Week , chalking it up to a minefield of confounding footwear , agonizing outfit decisions , and difficult-to-pronounce designer names . ` It 's very hard to walk in high heels . It 's gon na take a lot of practice , ' asserts one young star earnestly from behind a large pair of statement sunglasses , later pronouncing Salvatore Ferragamo as : ` Salva-ferman-gono . ' Generous : Another young girl reveals her plans to get her mother ' a private plane , so she can go all over the world ! ' Fashion forward : Two girls giggle as they try on some of the pricey presents for sale on Moda Operandi 's website . Art appreciation : The wishlists get even more high-end when one girl declares : ` We should get Mommy a Basquiat ' The comical video , which featured the same seven girls who star in the holiday video , sees its subjects try on a range of opulent clothing , answer questions about high-end designers and dole out their sartorial opinions . ` You just need to be , um like , a really good fasion-easter who thinks you can do anything , ' offers one opinionated young girl , proudly sporting a navy blue bow in her hair . ` If you 'd like to be a fashion-easter , tell me , and I 'll probably tell you all about how to be a fashion-easter . '
The video is the latest ` Fashioneasters ' installment from luxury online fashion retailer Moda Operandi .
[[0, 50], [53, 128], [158, 166], [175, 242], [468, 475], [478, 528]]
Prominent ABC journalist Leigh Sales has copped a barrage of complaints on social media from those claiming she was too soft on Tony Abbott during a televised interview . The Prime Minister was interviewed by Sales on the ABC 's 7.30 program on Thursday night and her name quickly started trending on Twitter . Viewers claimed Mr Abbott got away with the ` lightest and fluffiest ' of interviews , with some even comparing Sales to Today host Karl Stefanovic who was applauded for putting tough questions to the PM on Monday . Scroll down for video . ABC journalist Leigh Sales has copped a barrage of complaints on social media from those claiming she was too soft on Tony Abbott during a TV interview on Thursday . Mr Abbott hinted at a Cabinet reshuffle during the interview and when Sales pressed him about it , he said : ` At some stage between now and the next election , quite probably , but this is a good frontbench ' . He then went on to praise the work of his Cabinet ministers , including Foreign Minister Julie Bishop , Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Treasurer Joe Hockey . Sales also asked Mr Abbott whether he would step aside if it meant giving the Liberals the best chance of holding onto power . But the prime minister would not give her a direct answer , saying that it was ' a fair question ' . The Prime Minister was interviewed by Sales on the ABC 's 7.30 program on Thursday night and her name quickly started trending on Twitter . ` The one fundamental lesson of the last catastrophic government was that you do n't lightly change leaders , ' Mr Abbott said while placing his words carefully . ` Governments that change their leaders have n't done very well lately . ' Twitter lit up following the interview suggesting the interview allowed Mr Abbott to get an easy ride . ` And as predicted @leighsales gives Abbott the lightest and fluffiest of interviews . Allowing him to go on and on , no brakes applied , ' one user wrote . ` Abbott really believes his own lies . That looked like a scripted interview to me too , ' another quipped . ` Might be time for the ABC to hire Karl Stefanovic to ask the serious questions . This Leigh Sales is no good . ' Viewers claimed Mr Abbott got away with the ` lightest and fluffiest ' of interviews . Some even comparing Sales to Today host Karl Stefanovic who was applauded for putting tough questions to the Prime Minister on Monday . Mr Abbott hinted at a Cabinet reshuffle during the interview but did n't give much away when Sales pressed him for a definite answer . Mr Abbott was also questioned over his government 's broken promises . ` People sure may well feel dismayed , disappointed , occasionally even surprised , but I think that they also understand that governments have to respond to the circumstances they find themselves in , ' he said . But he said much had happened in 12-14 months and circumstances did change , with Labor 's promised $ 18 billion deficit actually coming in at $ 48 billion . ' I think that they -LRB- voters -RRB- also understand that governments have to respond to the circumstances that they find themselves , ' he said . Sales also asked Mr Abbott whether he would step aside if it meant giving the Liberals the best chance of holding onto power . But the prime minister would not give her a direct answer , saying that it was ' a fair question ' Mr Abbott said the government had kept faith with the Australian people because it had fundamentally honoured core commitments to stop the boats , repeal the carbon tax , build the roads and start the job of budget repair . He said there had been a lot of unjustified cries he had broken his promises . On ABC funding cuts , he said plainly he did say the night before the election there would be no cuts to the national broadcaster . ` We flagged a very urgent task of budget repair , ' he said . Twitter lit up following the interview suggesting the interview allowed Mr Abbott to get an easy ride . Mr Abbott said there had been a lot of unjustified cries he had broken his promises . ` It 's interesting that in the run-up to the budget , the messages we were getting back from our constituents and , yes , from Liberal Party polling , was people were frightened we would squib it . ' Mr Abbott said he was saying to the Australian people there was a need to adjust to changed circumstances and the government was deadly serious about returning the budget to surplus . ` If you are trying to get from point A to point B and one way is blocked you find another way . You do n't abandon your objective , ' he said . Mr Abbott said he would not flag potential compromises to get stalled budget measures through the Senate . ` That 's going to be a matter for discussion and negotiation with the crossbench , ' he said . ` There will be further things to be announced by this government . We will be governing right up until Christmas Eve . ' According the latest Newspoll released on Tuesday , Labor -LRB- party leader Bill Shorten pictured above -RRB- is leading on 54 per cent , with the Coalition trailing behind on 46 per cent . Mr Abbott was asked about changing leaders , just like the former Labor government who went through two leadership changes going from Kevin Rudd -LRB- right -RRB- to Julia Gillard -LRB- left -RRB- then back to Kevin Rudd .
ABC journalist Leigh Sales faced a barrage of Twitter complaints following her interview with Tony Abbott on Thursday . Twitter users claimed Mr Abbott got a free ride during the 7.30 interview . Sales was compared to Nine 's Karl Stefanovic who was applauded for hitting the PM with ` tough questions ' earlier this week . Mr Abbott hinted at a Cabinet reshuffle and spoke about broken promises .
[[0, 98], [171, 259], [551, 639], [634, 716], [1321, 1409], [1699, 1780], [3859, 3940], [93, 170], [634, 716], [1699, 1780], [1724, 1802], [3859, 3940], [3884, 3962], [403, 458], [432, 458], [463, 526], [2272, 2327], [2307, 2327], [2332, 2407], [717, 777], [2408, 2468], [3629, 3663], [4014, 4048]]
The federal government 's plan to boost its refugee intake by 7,500 has been overshadowed by claims that officials mistreated two pregnant Iranian asylum seekers who refused to get off a bus at a Darwin detention centre . The refugee increase will occur over four years and bring Australia 's overall humanitarian intake to about 18,750 . The move is expected to cost the government an estimated $ 100 million , which will be funded by savings within the immigration portfolio . It is one of a raft of measures that Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has agreed to as part of a deal with Senate crossbenchers to win support for his bill to resurrect temporary protection visas . Mr Morrison was forced to defend accusations that officials mistreated two heavily pregnant Iranian refugees who refused to get off a bus parked at Wickham Point detention centre 40km south of Darwin on Saturday . The federal government 's boost to its refugee intake by 7,500 has been overshadowed by claims that officials mistreated two pregnant Iranian asylum seekers who refused to get off a bus at Wickham Point detention centre in the Northern Territory -LRB- pictured -RRB- . Immigration minister Scott Morrison denies the pregnant women and their families were mistreated describing them as ` malicious claims by asylum activists ' Mr Morrison said the welfare of the two heavily pregnant women , their husbands and one son was monitored and they had access to food , water , amenities , toilets and health professionals as they batted with authorities over the right to live in the community ahead of the births . But Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said the air conditioning was turned off on the bus during the stand-off which started at 10pm on Saturday when the women , Maryam and Tahere , refused to get off the bus . ` On Monday , both pregnant women fainted after the bus was intentionally allowed to heat up , ' Mr Rintoul said on Wednesday . Maryam 's husband collapsed and was taken to the medical centre in the facility , he added . Mr Rintoul also disputes the time frame for the end of the stand-off , saying the two women ` were dragged off the bus ' between 5.30 pm and 6pm on Monday , rather than Tuesday morning as reported . The second man , Adnan , alleges he was physically restrained by four guards as his wife Maryam was taken off . However , Mr Morrison rejected these claims stating that the department and detention service provider , Serco , had acted appropriately towards the women and their families . ` My understanding is they 're fine , '' he said . Adnan and Maryam pictured boarding a plane in Nauru bound for Darwin , according to the Refugee Action Coalition . The 7,500 increase in Australia 's refugee intake will be rolled out over four years . ` The government denies claims of cruelty and mistreatment of the individuals in the strongest possible terms , ' he said in a statement . ` These are yet more malicious claims by asylum activists . ' The two families had been on Nauru for 15 months , and had lived in the community for part of that time after being recognised as refugees . Mr Morrison said the government will ` hard-wire ' its refugee intake commitment into a ` disallowable instrument , ' so the intake ca n't be reduced without Senate agreement . Senator Nick Xenophon 's amendments were also backed by the government and are expected to result in better alignment with the UNHCR when it comes to refugee assessments . The government 's fast-tracking process will be limited to 30,000 cases left over from Labor government . A total of 25,000 asylum seekers now on bridging visas will be allowed work rights . Mr Morrison 's announcement came after reports that his bill was set to be defeated in the Senate . ` The ultimate determination of this bill is in the hands of the Senate , it is not for me to commentate on the position of individual senators , ' Mr Morrison said . The bill would also boost powers to turn back boats and head off a High Court challenge and create a five-year safehaven enterprise visa for genuine refugees . Senator Nick Xenophon 's amendments were also backed by the government that will result in better alignment with the UNHCR when it comes to refugee assessments including greater efficiency which is free of bias .
Increase will occur over four years and will bring intake to about 18,750 . The move will cost the government an estimated $ 100 million . Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has agreed to the plan in order to win crossbench support for his bill to resurrect temporary protection visas . 25,000 asylum seekers now on bridging visas will be allowed work rights . Mr Morrison has been forced to defend accusations that officials mistreated two heavily pregnant Iranian refugees .
[[222, 269], [280, 289], [222, 242], [274, 338], [2701, 2787], [339, 397], [339, 347], [360, 409], [368, 478], [516, 609], [589, 637], [629, 679], [3585, 3669], [0, 30], [62, 161], [680, 788], [894, 1050], [2790, 2897]]
Fixing jet skis , posting bail and storing lost property are some of the things Australian embassies can not help with when travellers run into trouble overseas . These may sound like strange demands but remarkably these are the kind of requests embassies have received from Australians every year , which also include borrowing a laptop and providing legal assistance . And Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop thinks it is time for some tough love . The Australian government is cracking down on people who do the wrong thing and request help from the embassies , which include posting their bail . The department has launched a campaign to alert travellers about what is reasonable - and more importantly , unreasonable - to expect from Australia 's consular services abroad . ` Our consular staff are not there to pay for the repairs to your jet ski . They are not there to pay your hotel bill , ' Ms Bishop said in Canberra . ` Consular assistance is a last resort service . ' Australia 's diplomats have noticed some trends in recent years as the number of trips taken abroad has exploded to nearly ten million a year . Last year diplomats helped nearly 15,000 Australians in trouble , and juggled more than 1,000 active cases a day . Last year they helped nearly 15,000 Australians in trouble , and juggled more than 1,000 active cases a day . Less people are needing medical evacuation or emergency financial assistance these days but more are dying , getting arrested or winding up in hospital . Bangkok remains the busiest consular post in the world , unsurprising as Thailand 's the top destination for Australians dying or getting hospitalised . But hundreds of the cases at that embassy were classed as ` general welfare ' , and the growing number of travellers seeking help for trivial matters is putting strain on the system . But Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop stressed that those in genuine need - like victims of serious crimes or natural disasters - would not be stranded . Ms Bishop stressed that those in genuine need - like victims of serious crimes or natural disasters - would not be stranded . But she said some people rort the system , pointing to activists who willfully break the law overseas and then demand help . ` And yet the Australian consular staff are meant to get on a plane and fly to some remote place to bail them out , ' she said . Last year Ms Bishop suggested the government might ask Greenpeace to repay the tens of thousands of dollars spent helping activist Colin Russell get out of a Russian prison . She 's decided not to introduce a cost recovery system for consular services for now , but says it remains a ` live option ' . 1 -RRB- A traveller who was destitute in Europe refused to return to Australia without their pet bird , which could not be returned for quarantine reasons . 2 -RRB- A mother who wanted the embassy in Bangkok to book accommodation and a return ticket to Australia for her son , then provide an embassy driver to take him to the airport . 3 -RRB- A request from an Australian traveller for DFAT to feed her dogs while she was away . 4 -RRB- ` I 'm attending a conference overseas with a large group of Australians but I have heard it is a dangerous city . Can the High Commission arrange for a risk assessment and some armoured cars . We only need them for a week . ' 5 -RRB- Multiple enquiries to embassies overseas seeking the closest pub televising State of Origin games . 6 -RRB- An Australian who had his laptop stolen overseas requested that embassy staff pick him up from the airport , loan him a laptop and provide him with office space for a few days . 7 -RRB- A traveller who asked whether the sand in Egypt would affect her asthma . 8 -RRB- Panicked callers regularly reporting Australian travellers missing overseas , after not hearing from them within the first few hours of arriving in country . Consular officers usually explain that getting through customs and immigration can take time . 9 -RRB- ` Why wo n't the Australian embassy come and pack my bags for me ? I 'm an 80 year old architect travelling by myself and too old to pack my own bags ' 10 -RRB- ' I left some items on an aircraft when I changed flights . Can the embassy collect it from the airline lost property ? ' 11 -RRB- ` Can the embassy obtain prescription medicine from Australia and send it to me so I can continue my holiday ? ' 12 -RRB- Requests for embassies to store luggage , hold mail , provide banking facilities or arrange tours for Australian travellers . 13 -RRB- ` What is the best way to get a polecat out of your roof ? ' 14 -RRB- ` I 'm going on a cruise . What will the food be like ? Can you drink the water on the ship ? ' 15 -RRB- Some travellers evacuated from civil unrest in Egypt on government funded flights questioned why they were not entitled to frequent flyer points . Similarly , some travellers evacuated from the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami made seat requests , including for first class . 16 -RRB- A caller to DFAT 's Consular Emergency Centre wanted to know the average salary for an expat to expect in Thailand . 17 -RRB- ` Does the embassy know if there are any hotels in Phnom Penh with vacant rooms ? ' 18 -RRB- ` Can the embassy tell the local police that I have an excellent driving record in Australia and should not have to pay those outstanding speeding fines ? ' 19 -RRB- ` What is the best hotel in Phuket ? ' 20 -RRB- ` On my last trip to the Philippines I had some trouble with the law . What is the number of the embassy in Manila so I can call them to get me out of jail when I go back ? '
Australia 's Department of Foreign Affairs is cracking down on outrageous requests it gets from travellers . Minister Julie Bishop said staff were not there to pay for repairs to people 's jet skis . Diplomats helped nearly 15,000 Australians in trouble overseas last year . Less people need medical evacuation or emergency financial assistance . But more people were dying , getting arrested or winding up in hospital .
[[781, 856], [1127, 1190], [1242, 1300], [1444, 1458], [1461, 1477], [1461, 1505]]
Freshwater crocodiles with an appetite for the toxic cane toads have worked out a clever way to get a delicious meal without being poisoned . The crocodile population in Northern Territory has dropped dramatically in the past few years but the ` dwarf ' crocs have been munching away at the hind legs of the pests to survive . Crocodile specialist Dr Adam Britton told Daily Mail Australia that they discovered a significant amount of toxic cane toads with missing legs after observing the areas around Bullo and Liverpool rivers in Arnhem Land , around 500 kilometres from Darwin . Poisonous cane toads found without their hind legs - believed to have been eaten by a freshwater ` dwarf ' croc . ` My wife Erin did some surveys in 2009 after the cane toads reached the areas . She observed the twisted and mangled toads and noticed the crocodile teeth marks , ' he told Daily Mail Australia . ` We know that they often like to flick and tear off whatever they 're holding in their mouth and that 's what we 're seeing a lot around the area . ` We were sceptical at first but now we 've seen patterns and it 's obvious that they 're mangling the back legs to feed themselves . ' ` The freshwater ` dwarf ' crocs have found a clever way to survive - by munching off the hind legs of toads . Dr Adam Britton and his wife Erin discovered a significant amount of missing legs on toxic cane toads . Dwarf crocs can grow to one-and-a-half metre in size and are classified in the same freshwater croc species . While the inevitable arrival of poisonous cane toads could have affected the small population of freshwater crocs , Mr Britton said the toads may have found a safe way to consume the toxic pests . ` The toads have toxins in parts of their body that will usually kill the crocodiles when they consume them , ' Mr Britton said . ` We 're afraid that the toads could wipe them out - it 's a serious effect on the crocs ' population and there were n't many of them to start with . ` The ones who have been tearing of their legs from its limbs are the ones who have survived . ` Or the previous ones who have consumed toads before were put off after eating a whole toad . ` So they simply learn during the trial and error and found that this is the way to eat delicious toads in a natural progression and they know its safe . ' Dr Britton and his wife Erin observed areas around the Bullo and Liverpool rivers in Arnhem Land . Poisonous cane toads found without their hind legs - believed to have been eaten by a freshwater ` dwarf ' croc . Dwarf crocs can grow to one-and-a-half metre in size but Dr Britton added that they are still categorised in the same species as freshwater crocodiles . ` We call them dwarfs or pygmies because they 're half the size smaller than a normal freshwater croc , ' he told Daily Mail Australia . ` The reason why they 're so small is because there is less food for them to eat but they 're incredible survivors -- If they do n't get enough food or they eat really slow -- they just wo n't grow as much . '
` Dwarf ' crocs have worked out how to survive off toxic cane toads . Crocodile specialist Dr Adam Britton and his wife Erin made the discovery . The poisonous cane toads have affected the low freshwater croc species .
[[0, 141], [1181, 1289], [1290, 1318], [1324, 1393], [1510, 1617]]
The intricate designs and amazing detailed fondant work in these cakes are a sight to behold . They are the creations of budding bakers , who cooked up these complicated cakes for a competition . Their creations included characters from the television show The Simpsons , a tiger covered in flowers and a deer drinking from a lake . The Threadcakes competition , a rival to BBC 's Great British Bake Off , asked bakers around the world to create sponge-based treats inspired by Threadless 's printed t-shirts . Canadian baker Kylie Mangles ' Cutout Ralph took first in the 3D category of the Threadcakes competition . The 29-year-old spent five days working around the clock to bake the ribs and bones , and to decorate the cartoon character with fondant . Watering a Life into Itself won fifth place in the 3D category . It shows a deer drinking from a lake with trees made made out of edible wafer paper , leaves dyed with food colouring and branches made out of baker 's gum paste . Good enough to eat : This multicoloured tiger , Tropicalia , was the creation of Elizabeth Marek and took second place in the 3D category . The winning 3D cake , made by 29-year-old Kylie Mangles , was based on a cut-out version of the Simpson 's character Ralph . The cake and cookie designer from Canada won $ 1,000 -LRB- # 640 -RRB- in cash and Threadless gift certificates for her intricate design . Fantasy Space cake won the 2D category in the Threadcakes competition . Designer Megan Matsumoto took three weeks to complete her entry . Fifth place winner in the 2D category went to Natasha Baker who created A Pixel of My Childhood and shows video game consoles . The Red Deer by Melissa Cody won second place in the 2D category . The animal and surrounding scenery was carefully crafted in fondant . 3D Winners . Cutout Ralph Kylie Mangles . Tropicalia by Elizabeth Marek . The Endless Sea by Jacinta Perkins . The Observer by Yenna Susanty . Watering A Life Into Itself by April Koteh . 2D Winners . Fantasy Space by Megan Matsumoto . The Red Deer by Melissa Cody . Halfling and Wizard by Kristi Caccippio . The Flaming Lips by Yasmeen Daultana . A Pixel of My Childhood by Natasha Baker . Ms Mangles spent five days working around the clock to bake the ribs and bones and decorate the cartoon character with fondant . Winner of the 2D category Megan Matsumoto , 22 from California , said of her design ` Fantasy Space ' : ` Sculpting and painting all the gumpaste and fondant pieces took about three weeks or so , but only because I was so busy and could only work on them a little bit here and there . ` When all the pieces were done , I baked and finished the cake in one day . ' Other standouts include a deer with foliage sprouting from its back , which was made in thirty hours over three days , and a cat wearing goggles which took a week to assemble and included buttercream for the fur . Chris Cardinal , from Threadless , said : ' A panel of judges reviews each cake and picks their ten favorites in the 2D and 3D categories and submits them to me . Their ballots are tallied and the winners are selected . ` This year 's best entries had a lot of complexity and really accurate execution of the original design . ' Threadless is an online community of artists , based in Chicago , Illinois . The company was founded in 2000 and products on sale - created and chosen by web users - include original artwork , graphic t-shirts and mobile phone accessories . Fourth place went to The Flaming Lips by Yasmeen Daultana . The monochrome cake has subtle raised designs and a distinct Gothic feel . Jacinta Perkins ' The Endless Sea won third place in the 3D category.The cake is of mythical sea creature made from gum paste . Kristi Caccippio 's handpainted Halfling and Wizard ' took third place in the 2D category , and depicts a boy and a wizard crossing a stream .
The Threadcakes competition asked bakers around the world to create treats inspired by Threadless 's t-shirts . Winning 3D cake based on a cut-out version of the Simpson 's character Ralph creation of Canadian Kylie Mangles . Beautifully detailed sponges include a tiger covered in flowers , deer drinking from lake and mythical sea creatures .
[[412, 418], [426, 510], [511, 617], [1126, 1145], [1148, 1181], [1126, 1145], [1174, 1242], [272, 332], [822, 869], [1007, 1031], [1034, 1044], [1007, 1031], [1047, 1082], [2677, 2744]]
A U.S. couple cleared in the death of their 8-year-old daughter arrived home to Los Angeles on Thursday and reunited with family members following a legal battle that kept them in Qatar for nearly two years , including almost a year spent in jail . Matthew and Grace Huang arrived with smiles on their faces , according to The David House Agency , which represents them . ` Mission accomplished . Matt and Grace are in Los Angeles . They have not stopped smiling , ' the agency tweeted . American couple Grace , center , and Matthew Huang , right , walk to their departure gate with U.S. Ambassador to Qatar , Dana Shell Smith , left , at the Hamad International Airport in Doha , Qatar . Family reunion : The David House Agency tweeted a photo of Matthew and Grace Huang embracing their sons and other relatives , saying it was a ` Glorious family reunion . If the Qatari prosecutors could only see this moment ! ' The agency later tweeted a photo of the couple embracing their sons and other relatives , saying it was a ` Glorious family reunion . If the Qatari prosecutors could only see this moment ! ' The Huangs gained international attention when they were arrested in January 2013 on charges of starving their African-born daughter , Gloria , to death . The couple , who are of Asian descent , had adopted Gloria in Ghana when she was 4 years old , and are the parents of two other adopted , African-born children . Throughout the case , the family 's representatives expressed concern that there were cultural misunderstandings underpinning the charges against the couple in a nation where Western-style adoptions and cross-cultural families are relatively rare . American couple Matthew , left , and Grace Huang , smile . The Los Angeles couple had been detained in the country after their arrest in January 2013 , on murder charges following the death of their 8-year-old daughter . The Huangs spent nearly a year behind bars before their case was heard for the first time in November 2013 . They were eventually convicted of child endangerment and sentenced to three years in prison . An initial police report raised questions about why the couple would adopt children who did not share their ` hereditary traits . ' Prosecutors said the couple denied food to their daughter and locked her in her room at night . The Huangs said Gloria suffered from medical problems complicated by an eating disorder that was the result of her impoverished early years in Africa . The Huangs spent nearly a year behind bars before their case was heard for the first time in November 2013 . They were eventually convicted of child endangerment and sentenced to three years in prison . An appeals court judge overturned their conviction Sunday and said they could leave , but their passports were confiscated at the airport later that day . Their situation remained tense until the moment of their departure Wednesday , with Matthew Huang being detained for several minutes at the airport 's passport control station as his wife watched in tears . The suspense encapsulates the twists and turns of a slow-moving case that became an irritant in otherwise close relations between the U.S. and Qatar , a key ally that hosts an important U.S. military air base . ` We feel relieved . We feel gratitude to the legal system in the state of Qatar , which after some time worked as a good legal system should , ' said U.S. Ambassador to Qatar Dana Shell Smith , who accompanied the couple to the airport . The couple and their children moved to Qatar in 2012 after Matthew Huang was hired to work as an engineer as part of preparations for the 2022 World Cup .
Matthew and Grace Huang were detained in the country after their arrest in January 2013 , on murder charges following the death of their 8-year-old girl . The Huangs were living in Qatar when their daughter died . They were imprisoned but later cleared of charges . A delay in lifting a travel ban imposed on the couple was blamed on legal procedures . Prosecutors alleged the Huangs bought daughter cheaply in Africa and starved her to death .
[[1107, 1261], [1149, 1239], [1732, 1822], [1828, 1893], [0, 63], [2680, 2737], [1107, 1261], [1149, 1239], [1828, 1893]]
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has banned citizens from sharing his name and ordered people using it to get ` trained ' to change it . A leaked internal state document from the secretive state obtained by South Korean television contained ` an administrative order ' to all party , army and police officials to ensure that the directive was carried out . According to the document : ` All party organs and public security authorities should make a list of residents named Kim Jong-Un ... and train them to voluntarily change their names . ' North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has banned any people in his country from sharing his name ordering them to undergo ` voluntary training ' Officials in the secretive state have been ordered to search through identity records to uncover any fellow Kim Jong-Uns and re-educate them . He ordered the Communist Party , the army and the police to conduct checks and told officials to refuse any birth certificates sharing his name . Anyone named Kim Jong-Un would have their official documents , identity cards and even school diplomas changed to the person 's new name . Officials were also told to reject all birth certificates for babies named after the dictator . The document continued : ` Authorities should make sure that there is no one making unnecessary complaints or spreading gossip ... regarding this project . ' The authenticity of the official directive could not be independently verified , and Seoul 's Unification Ministry declined to comment on whether it was genuine . But one government official noted that the Pyongyang regime was known to have banned citizens sharing the names of founding president Kim Il-Sung and his son , Kim Jong-Il . One South Korean Official said : ` Given the North maintained the policy under the two previous leaders , there is a possibility that it would continue to do so now . ' The Kim dynasty has ruled North Korea for more than six decades with an iron fist and pervasive personality cult . Park Jin-Hee , a North Korean defector working for KBS who obtained the document , said she was sure the 2011 directive had been effectively enforced . A similar rule applied to Kim Jong-Un 's father Kim Jong-Il and his grandfather Kim Il-Sung , who are revered in North Korean society . Officials were warned against allowing any gossip of rumours surrounding the new naming policy to spread within the secretive state . The new naming policy was contained in a leaked document which was published by a South Korean TV station earlier this week . Park , who defected in 2008 said : ` There is no one in the North named Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il , and there is no doubt the same rule applies for Jong-Un . Kim Jong Un made his international debut in late 2010 when he was awarded a slew of top political jobs . His father , who reportedly suffered a stroke in 2008 , was seen as moving fast to hand over power so his family could rule for a third generation . Kim Jong Il inherited power in 1994 when his father Kim Il Sung died . North Korea enforces strict , state-organised public reverence of the Kim family , which serves as the backbone of the family 's authoritarian rule of the impoverished country . All North Koreans are required to wear lapel pins bearing the images of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and to put the leaders ' portraits on the walls of their homes . Their birthdays are considered the most important holidays in North Korea .
North Korean citizens have been warned against naming their children after their dictator Kim Jong-Un . A document smuggled out of the secretive state claims to contain details of the bizarre order introduced in 2011 . Citizens who share Kim Jong-Un 's name have been told that they must be ` trained ' to change it . Officials were warned in the so-called ` administrative order ' to prevent any unnecessary complaints or gossip .
[[138, 195], [232, 310], [0, 25], [80, 137], [495, 541], [628, 682], [138, 195], [232, 310], [1209, 1231], [1234, 1364], [2276, 2370]]
A 98-year-old woman lost her bid to persuade a judge to erase her 1950 conviction for conspiracy to obstruct justice in the atomic spying trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg . Miriam Moskowitz , of New Jersey , served two years in jail for lying to a grand jury as it investigated the Rosenbergs , who were convicted of passing nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviet Union . On Thursday , 61 years after the Rosenbergs were executed , U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein rejected Moskowitz 's unusual request to clear her name . Immediately after hearing oral arguments , he said her lawyers could not show that transcripts of grand jury statements by the lone witness against her would have changed her trial 's result . Disappointed : Miriam Moskowitz , 98 , accompanied by her nephew Ira Moskowitz , leaves federal court in New York on Thursday after a judge refused to declare her innocent of obstructing justice in the Rosenberg case . Convicted : Moskowitz is pictured with her business partner Abraham Brothman in a prison van after both were charged with conspiracy . She was fined $ 10,000 and jailed for two years . Brothman was jailed for seven years . As he left the bench , Hellerstein wished Moskowitz well and told her it was a pleasure to have her in his court . ` OK , that 's the end , ' a cheerful Moskowitz , walking with a cane toward spectators , told a film crew that has been following her . ` You can finish your documentary now . ' Outside court , she said she was disappointed and referenced the McCarthy era , when fear of Communism was rampant in the United States and a blacklist made it hard for some to find work . ` Too bad , ' Moskowitz said of Hellerstein 's ruling . ` My 98-year-old life goes on , and it 's not affected me one way or the other except I am disappointed because it reflects ... the prejudice of the McCarthy era . ' She added : ` The decision today does n't help understand that era . ' Executed : Julius -LRB- left -RRB- and Ethel Rosenberg -LRB- right -RRB- were executed in 1953 after being found guilty of passing nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union . Cables have confirmed Julius ' involvement but shed doubt on Ethel 's . National news : The controversial espionage case was one of the most lengthy and complicated in US history . Guilty : She served two years in prison for allegedly lying to a grand jury investigating the Rosenbergs . Rejected : A judge said the suggestion that information was withheld during her trial was not enough proof . The government had opposed Moskowitz 's request , saying her conviction was supported by the evidence and that she conspired with two men to lie to a grand jury investigating allegations of atomic espionage . ` Her claims , even if taken at face value , are insufficient to establish an error under today 's law , let alone the law when she was convicted in 1950 , ' prosecutors said in court papers . Moskowitz 's lawyers said FBI and grand jury statements by the key government witness against her -- Harry Gold -- were withheld from the defense . They said the papers showed that Gold repeatedly told the FBI that Moskowitz was unaware of plans by others to lie before the grand jury until the government threatened him with the death penalty . Moving on : Moskowitz told a documentary team following her that this signaled the end of her journey . Lengthy battle : The New Jersey-based woman blames McCarthy-era prejudice for her conviction . The Rosenbergs , convicted of passing nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviet Union , were executed in 1953 . Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Allen told Hellerstein on Thursday that the jury heard statements at trial that were similar to statements Moskowitz 's lawyers claim are new . Gold served about half of a 30-year prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to violating the espionage act . Since then , decoded Soviet cables have appeared to confirm that Julius Rosenberg was a spy , but doubts have remained about Ethel Rosenberg 's involvement . Ethel , an actress , singer and secretary , was 37 when she died . Electrical engingeer Julius was 35 when he died .
Miriam Moskowitz , 98 , served 2 years in prison for obstruction of justice . She was convicted in 1950 of lying to a grand jury investigating the atomic spying plot by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg , who were executed in 1953 . A judge said claims that her original defense team were deprived of court documents did not prove her innocence . Moskwitz said she is disappointed and blamed McCarthy-era prejudice .
[[176, 208], [211, 261], [1080, 1129], [1080, 1083], [1107, 1129], [2303, 2369], [176, 208], [211, 261], [176, 192], [236, 295], [1983, 2112], [2303, 2369], [2357, 2400], [2621, 2718], [3457, 3471], [3533, 3564], [858, 944], [2412, 2509], [1478, 1539], [1793, 1870], [3379, 3456]]
Curiosity almost killed this cat , as it found its way into a home moving box and got taped in with no food or water for more than a month . Ashley Barth 's kitty Mee Moowe disappeared in September as movers packed her family 's belongings for a 4,800-plus mile move from Suffolk , Virginia , to Hawaii . She and her daughters delayed their move for three nights as they frantically looked for their pet but in the end they had to give up the search and wave their former home goodbye . Scroll down for video . Lucky escape : This cat named Mee Moowe has used up at least one of its nine lives after surviving a month-long trip in a home moving box with no food or water . Temporary home : An image of packing crates , similar to one of the ones Mee Moowe would have traveled in . However , thirty-six days later , when the removal boxes arrived in Hawaii the Barths got an unexpected surprise . Ashley told WAVY-TV she heard a faint ` meow ' as her possessions were unloaded and Mee Moowe was discovered hiding in one of the boxes . ` The -LSB- removal -RSB- guy goes , `` what was that sound ? '' and my heart just kind of sunk for a minute and I thought , `` no , no way . '' And then we heard it again . And the guy said , `` was that a cat ? '' ' Ashley recalled . The feline had reportedly lost half her body weight and could barely walk . Frail : The kitty had reportedly lost half her body weight and could barely walk . Much-loved : Ashley Barth said Mee Moowe disappeared in September as movers packed her family 's belongings for a move from Suffolk , Virginia , to Hawaii - here one of her daughters is seen with the cat . Her eyes were also ` crusted shut ' . ' I was in shock , ' Ashley said . ' I could n't believe it . I think I was grateful that she was alive , but I was furious this happened to her . ' A vet in Hawaii reported Mee Moowe exhibited classic symptoms of starvation . Though the Barths were thrilled to have their pet back the reunion was short-lived . After being fed and watered back to health , Mee Moowe was sent to quarantine as she did not undergo the vaccination process needed to make the move overseas . The Barths are currently waiting for her return , so she finally settle into her new home . ' I could n't believe it . I think I was grateful that she was alive , but I was furious this happened , ' Barth said .
Ashley Barth 's cat Mee Moowe disappeared in September as movers packed her belongings for a 4,800-plus mile move from Virginia to Hawaii . 36 days later she was discovered in one of the removal boxes . Vets said the cat displayed symptoms of starvation .
[[141, 304], [201, 290], [1442, 1504], [1460, 1590], [980, 1033], [1822, 1899], [1847, 1899]]
Target Australia will pull popular R-rated video game Grand Theft Auto V -LRB- GTA5 -RRB- from its shelves after an online petition slammed the game for encouraging players to ` commit sexual violence and kill women ' . The petition , authored by former sex workers , has so far attracted almost 40,000 signatures . It says the ` sickening game ' encourages players to kill prostitutes and calls on Target to stop selling it . Scroll down for video . An online petition slammed R-rated video game Grand Theft Auto V -LRB- GTA5 -RRB- for encouraging players to ` commit sexual violence and kill women ' The petition , authored by former sex workers , has so far attracted almost 40,000 signatures . It says the ` sickening game ' encourages players to kill prostitutes and calls on Target to stop selling it . ` Games like this are grooming yet another generation of boys to tolerate violence against women , ' the petition said . General manager of corporate affairs Jim Cooper said Target would no longer sell Grand Theft Auto V . ` Games like this are grooming yet another generation of boys to tolerate violence against women , ' the petition said . General manager of corporate affairs Jim Cooper said Target would no longer sell the game . ` We 've been speaking to many customers over recent days about the game , and there is a significant level of concern about the game 's content , ' he said in a statement on Wednesday . ` We 've also had customer feedback in support of us selling the game , and we respect their perspective on the issue . ` However , we feel the decision to stop selling GTA5 is in line with the majority view of our customers . ' Mr Cooper said Target would continue to sell other R-rated DVDs and games . ` While these products often contain imagery that some customers find offensive , in the vast majority of cases , we believe they are appropriate products for us to sell to adult customers , ' he said . ` However , in the case of GTA5 , we have listened to the strong feedback from customers that this is not a product they want us to sell . ' GTA5 is an award-winning game which set a sales record for entertainment products , passing the $ 1 billion sales mark after three days .
General manager of corporate affairs Jim Cooper said Target would no longer sell Grand Theft Auto V . The petition , authored by former sex workers , has so far attracted almost 40,000 signatures . It says the ` sickening game ' encourages players to kill prostitutes and calls on Target to stop selling it .
[[0, 131], [930, 1031], [983, 998], [1011, 1031], [983, 989], [999, 1031], [1153, 1244], [1206, 1212], [1222, 1244], [220, 265], [268, 315], [602, 647], [650, 697], [113, 172], [140, 215], [316, 426], [324, 405], [358, 426], [316, 318], [390, 426], [451, 521], [533, 556], [451, 491], [533, 599], [451, 496], [589, 599], [698, 808], [706, 787], [740, 808], [698, 700], [772, 808]]
Terry Waite , 75 , said diet of rice and beans ` is not too hard to bear for a couple of weeks ' and life in jungle was a ` paradise ' compared to the hardship of the homeless sleeping on the streets this Christmas . The contestants in I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here ! who moan about their food should be thankful for their meagre rations , former hostage Terry Waite has said . And Mr Waite , 75 , who spent years in captivity after being kidnapped by Islamic terrorists in the Lebanon , compared life in the jungle as ` paradise ' to the ` real jungle ' suffered by the homeless living on the streets at Christmas . He said : ' I have no doubt they find it uncomfortable at times , but in reality it 's not all that bad . ` Rice and beans is not too hard to bear for a couple of weeks . ` That was my main diet in captivity for almost five years and I survived . ' Gemma Collins was the first celebrity to leave the jungle after complaining of feeling starved . The Only Way Is Essex star , also concerned about contracting malaria , vowed to ` stay strong ' but left after three days when the struggle became too much to bear . But Mr Waite , president of homeless charity Emmaus , said the ` trials ' faced by the celebrities were nothing compared to the hardship faced by those without a home . He added : ` It 's really terrible to be homeless and have to suffer night after night under the arches , or in a hostel where one is surrounded by threats of every kind , most of them far worse than the trials endured by these well-paid participants . ` It was interesting to see in a recent episode how emotional the celebrities became when they received a parcel from home with messages from their families . ` Some of them were in tears and they had only been parted for a matter of weeks , if that ! ` Imagine how people living on the streets feel when Christmas comes round and people across the country are getting together . ` They may well have lost all contact with their family for a variety of reasons and thoughts of the past come flooding back . ` Christmas can be a very hard time indeed for many homeless people . ` It could make that jungle look like a paradise . ' Gemma Collins was the first celebrity to leave the jungle after complaining of feeling starved and fears over getting malaria . Mr Waite said homeless had far worse trials to endure than those of the well-paid participants . Michael Buerk , left , and Melanie Skyes , right , are contestants who were emotional when they received a parcel from home with messages from their families . Mr Waite said life is far lonelier for those sleeping rough . Mr Waite , who was released in 1991 , nearly five years after being kidnapped by Islamic Jihad while working as a hostage negotiator , said he was tempted by a ` large fee ' go to on the show but declined after being approached many years ago . But ` curious ' to see how the celebrities have been getting on , he has watched the tears and tantrums from Down Under . Writing on the Emmaus charity website , he added : ` When all is said and done , ` I 'm a Celebrity ' is designed as entertainment and we ca n't take it too seriously . ` However we look at it though , homelessness is not entertaining . ` It 's a grim reality but Emmaus has enabled hundreds of people to get out of a real jungle and gain stability in their lives . '
Said life in jungle a ` paradise ' to ` real ' suffering of homeless at Christmas . Agreed celebs found it ` uncomfortable at times ... but it 's not all that bad ' Said diet of rice and beans is ` not too hard to bear for a couple of weeks ' Charity head said life tougher for those who slept nights ` under the arches ' Comments came as Gemma Collins left jungle moaning she was starved .
[[41, 115], [101, 216], [388, 400], [498, 539], [545, 562], [565, 589], [2069, 2138], [627, 634], [639, 707], [697, 732], [0, 11], [19, 48], [41, 115], [733, 797], [733, 749], [766, 797], [1309, 1317], [1320, 1429], [2320, 2416], [2577, 2638], [876, 972], [894, 972], [2192, 2319], [2210, 2319]]
Pie Face fans could be buying their favourite Australian pastries from the freezer section of Woolworths early next year , in a move that could potentially save the struggling franchise . The pie company is in talks with the supermarket giant to sell their products frozen and in bulk , with a trial already under way in 15 stores , according to Fairfax . The sale-boosting business move has come only a few weeks after Pie Face announced it was entering into voluntary administration to restructure the business in an effort to cut costs . Pie Face could be selling their pies in the frozen section of Woolworths next year if the current trials are successful . Kevin Waite , the company 's CEO , assured that franchises would prosper from the strategy , which is still under consideration , saying he believed Pie Face had a ` strong future ' . ` The customer normally going into a Pie Face for hot pies does n't swap their purchasing occasion by buying a frozen pie for diner , ' Mr Waite told Fairfax . The founder of Pie Face , former Wall Street banker Wayne Homschek , said sections of the franchise , ` were still profitable ' ` We 'll make sure it 's a different shopping occasion . Our franchisees are first and foremost in everything we do . ' Despite insisting that it was ` business as usual ' following their restructure announcement , 19 Pie Face stores closed last week while Fairfax reports that the company owes $ 20 million to its creditors . The founder of Pie Face , former Wall Street banker Wayne Homschek , gave his global company over to the advisory and consulting firm , Jirsch Sutherland , who are ` conducting a review of operations ' , Fairfax reports . Rod Sutherland from Jirsch Sutherland confirmed that some of the company 's stores were losing money . However , Mr Homschek told Fairfax that sections of the franchise , which is known to sell meat pies , pastries and sandwiches until the early hours of the morning , were ` still profitable ' ` We 're potentially going to refinance Macquarie Capital and are looking at bringing in new senior lenders , ' Mr Homschek said . Pie Face was founded in 2003 with the first 20 stores opening within the first five years of the company 's launch . The company assured that their ` international businesses are not affected ' as two stores prepared to open in the Middle East in November . The founder of Pie Face , former Wall Street banker Wayne Homschek , gave his global company over to the advisory and consulting firm , Jirsch Sutherland , who are ` conducting a review of operations ' as of November .
The Australian franchise could be selling their pies in the frozen section of the supermarket next year if the current trials are successful . It is having its operations reviewed by advisory and consulting firm , Jirsch Sutherland . Despite insisting it was ` business as usual ' following the announcement , 19 Pie Face stores closed last week . Founder and former Wall Street banker , Wayne Homschek , said ` parts ' of the franchise , ` were still profitable ' He assured that Pie Face 's ` international businesses are not affected ' , as two stores prepared to open in the Middle East .
[[4, 120], [541, 623], [627, 662], [1576, 1595], [1598, 1615], [1598, 1615], [1622, 1661], [2482, 2501], [2504, 2521], [2528, 2567], [2504, 2510], [2534, 2567], [1255, 1368], [1350, 1385], [1007, 1030], [1076, 1106], [1109, 1132], [1797, 1852], [2227, 2367], [2252, 2301], [2304, 2367]]
The mother of an autistic boy who was slashed in the neck in an unprovoked attack said her son is lucky to be alive . Eamonn Finn , 16 , was chased by three teenage boys and assaulted in Pimlico , central London , in June , leaving him so traumatised he still has nightmares six months later . His mother Margaret Finn said she just wanted ` closure ' for her son as police renew their appeal to catch the boys responsible for the attack . Eamonn Finn -LRB- left , pictured with his mother Margaret -RRB- , 16 , was chased by three teenage boys and slashed in the neck in Pimlico , central London , in June , leaving him so traumatised he still has nightmares . Ms Finn posted a picture of her son 's neck wound on Facebook which has been shared nearly 200,000 times . Detectives want to speak to these three teenagers about the attack on Eamonn Finn ,16 , in Pimlico , central London . Ms Finn posted a picture of her son 's neck wound on Facebook which has been shared nearly 200,000 times . Speaking at Scotland Yard 's headquarters in central London today , she said : ' I strongly believe someone does know who did this to my child . I would appeal to them to contact the police and do the right thing . ` He 's still having dreams about the event . He says `` I think about those boys a lot and what they did to me . '' ` It 's really hard for me to talk about without getting emotional because there is no one who could invite this less than Eamonn . He 's such an amazing young man and he deserves some closure and we do n't have that at the moment . ' Ms Finn said she had ` real concerns ' that if the culprits were not caught , another victim ` might not be as lucky ' . Scotland Yard has released CCTV footage of Eamonn being chased as he walked alone to a youth centre in Pimlico at around 7.20 pm on June 4 . Eammon is in the foreground . One of the attackers asked the boy what he was looking at before Eamonn ran away along Regency Street , close to the junction with Causton Street . He was then slashed across the neck with an unknown weapon and needed hospital treatment , police said . His mother Margaret Finn said she just wanted ` closure ' for her son as police renew their appeal to catch the boys responsible for the attack . They have released these CCTV images as part of the appeal . ` He 's lucky to be alive as far as I 'm concerned , ' she said . ` It 's really impacted on his independence . Anyone who has a child with autism knows that 's really hard fought for . ` In Eamonn 's case that was two years in the making . That 's gone now . We 're having to start from scratch . ' Scotland Yard has released CCTV of Eamonn being chased as he walked alone to a youth centre in Pimlico at around 7.20 pm on June 4 . One of the attackers asked the boy what he was looking at before Eamonn ran away along Regency Street , close to the junction with Causton Street . He was then slashed across the neck with an unknown weapon and needed hospital treatment , police said . Ms Finn said the gang were ` immediately abusive , confrontational and aggressive ' which frightened her son before he ran away . ` He clearly did n't want trouble , ' she said . ` He was running away and they chased him . That 's what is so difficult . They pursued him . ' I do n't think there 's all bad in everyone . I hope there 's a part of them that realises they did something wrong but they can do something right now . ` The person they did this to did n't deserve it . They have an opportunity now to take responsibility for their actions . ' Acting Detective Chief Inspector Dave Bolton said : ` The victim is a vulnerable young person and this was one of only a few times he has walked anywhere alone . For some unknown reason the three suspects have taken umbrage to him and attacked him with no provocation and no known reason . ` It is sheer luck that the weapon missed his artery and he was not more severely injured . ` Six months into this investigation we have undertaken extensive enquiries to identify the suspects and have followed various leads , but they remain unidentified at this time . I would like to appeal to the public for their help to identify these males . ' The suspects were described by the victim as black or Hispanic males . One was wearing a blue Adidas top and another was described as being around 16 years old . Anyone with information is asked to call police or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 .
Eamonn Finn , 16 , chased by three boys and assaulted in Pimlico , London . The attack left him so traumatised he has nightmares six months later . His mother Margaret Finn said she just wanted ` closure ' for her son as police renew their appeal to catch the boys responsible for the attack .
[[118, 129], [132, 134], [137, 169], [118, 129], [174, 194], [440, 457], [507, 544], [769, 886], [118, 124], [224, 263], [251, 293], [609, 661], [1211, 1254], [294, 304], [319, 392], [367, 439], [2106, 2116], [2131, 2204], [2179, 2251]]
High-end estate agents have turned on the Chancellor today warning that new stamp duty charges will hit at least 500,000 properties worth more than the new more expensive # 937,000 threshold . George Osborne has announced a major overhaul of the system in his Autumn Statement and demanded that the top two per cent of home buyers must pay more in tax from Midnight . Experts have today called the decision ` disastrous ' and a ` kick in the guts ' for those buying and selling expensive homes . Pressure : High end estate agents fear the market in London an other areas where many houses are worth more than the new # 937,000 threshold could be stifled by the Chancellor 's stamp duty changes . Up and down : While the majority will pay far less in tax on house purchases the rich will pay significantly more . Shares in leading London estate agent Foxtons , where the majority of Britain 's most expensive properties are , fell this afternoon after the Chancellor 's stamp duty announcement . The Tory Chancellor announced the changes to raise more money from multi-million pound property transactions and to nullify Labour 's calls for a mansion tax . George Osborne today urges voters to allow him to ` finish the job ' of repairing the nation 's finances . What is the stamp duty change ? Previously buyers paid the percentage above thresholds on the entire purchase price -- creating a situation where tax bills rocketed from # 2,500 to at least # 7,500 when buying a home costing more than # 250,000 . Chancellor George Osborne said the reformed stamp duty will kick in from midnight tonight . Bands are now 0 per cent up to # 125,000 ; 2 per cent to # 250,000 ; 5 per cent to # 925,000 ; 10 per cent to # 1.5 million and 12 per cent above that . Previously they stood at 1 per cent above # 125,000 ; 3 per cent above # 250,000 , 4 per cent above # 500,000 ; 5 per cent above # 1million and 7 per cent above # 2million . Who will pay less ? Under the new system anyone buying a home costing under # 937,000 should pay less . Those buying a # 200,000 home will pay # 1,500 instead of # 2,000 . The big win though is for those previously caught in the 3 per cent tax trap , someone previously hit with an # 8,250 bill on a # 275,000 home will now pay # 3,750 . Meanwhile , those buying a # 600,000 home will now pay # 20,000 , compared to # 24,000 before . Who will pay more ? Buyers at the top end will pay the price for the reform . Someone buying a # 1million home will pay # 43,750 instead of # 40,000 , but someone buying a # 2,000,000 home will pay # 153,750 rather than the current # 100,000 levied just before the 7 per cent threshold kicks in . Critics of the current ` slab ' stamp duty system say it distorts the market because it suddenly jumps up if you pay a penny over the current thresholds . But while the majority will now pay less in stamp duty those buying homes that cost over # 937,000 will pay significantly more a # 5million pound house will see taxes due on completion rise from # 350,000 to # 514,000 . Some experts have warned the changes due to start from midnight tonight will be ` disastrous ' and called the reforms a ` kick in the guts ' for top end of the market . Experts believe the top-end market will be ` choked ' , particularly because those selling a house worth over the # 937,000 tipping point will now find it harder to sell their home . Some buyers are now rushing through the purchases today to avoid paying tens or even hundreds of thousands in extra stamp duty and sellers want the same to avoid sales collapsing overnight . Trevor Abrahamsohn , who specialises in selling multi-million pound homes , says the market he deals in is already struggling and the changes are ` disastrous ' . He said : ` It is a big mistake . This is not something you apply to a shrinking market and if Labour get into power they will still introduce a mansion tax . ` The top-end of the market has been clubbed in recent years and now it is being hit harder . It is like giving medicine to the person that is well while forgetting about the poorly patient . ` It is good that they have got rid of the slabs but they have increased the rate in an area that is struggling . ` Instead of listening to everyone in Whitehall , they need to be speaking to people on the ground . Other agents keep ringing me to discuss the changes . It is mad . ' Simon Tyler , managing director of Tyler Mortgage Management , said : ` The top end of the market is getting absolutely whacked by this new system . ' I do n't suppose many people will have much sympathy but it will be a kick in the guts for people who are stretching to borrow to buy that multi-million pound house , and will doubtless dampen demand at the top end as people reconsider the economics of moving compared to improving or expanding their existing home instead . ' Tremor : Shares in leading London estate agent Foxtons , where the majority of Britain 's most expensive properties are , fell this afternoon after the Chancellor 's stamp duty announcement . Uplift : This mansion in Hampstead , north London is priced at # 2.25 million . Before midnight the stamp duty # 157,500 but from tomorrow it will be # 183,750 . Stamp Duty is Britain 's oldest tax and under the old system the headline rate of stamp duty was imposed on the entire amount . Jess Brammar , journalist , London . ` Friend buying a flat that 's # 250k -LRB- ie just under stamp duty slab threshold -RRB- . Offer accepted , seller just pulled out and gave no reason . Hmmm . Wonder if flat will go back on the market straight away at a slightly higher price . ' Ash Rees , property worker , Cardiff . ` Not keen on the Autumn Statement figures in regards to Stamp Duty . Those higher priced properties just got even harder to sell . These HMRC Stamp Duty Calculators are not great reading for people who have recently completed on # 250k + properties #SorryDad ' Max Woolf , IT developer , Birmingham . ` Dear George Osborne . I just bought my first house . Can I have my stamp duty back please ? ' Melissa Blake , personal assistant , Brighton . ` Not sure if the stamp duty change is going to make things easier or if house prices will continue to rocket in price . ' David Miller , retired diplomat , Bedfordshire . ` Perfect timing for me ! Just exchanged contracts and this welcome change will save me almost # 5,000 stamp duty . Very happy . ' Until tonight a property costing between # 125,000 and # 250,000 was charged one per cent of its value as tax , but a penny over the # 250,000 threshold it suddenly jumped to three per cent . With the new system , only the amount above # 250,000 will be taxed at the higher rate , making the jump less painful . It will end the long-standing problem of people struggling to sell homes at values just above each threshold . It means any home sold for less than # 937,500 will cost less in stamp duty than under the old system . Homes worth less than 125,000 will continue to carry no stamp duty at all . Anyone buying a home worth between # 125,001 and # 250,000 will have to pay two per cent in tax . On houses worth between # 250,001 and # 925,000 , they will pay 2 per cent on the slice from # 125,001 and # 250,000 and then only 5 per cent on the amount between # 250,001 and # 925,000 . The value of a property between # 925,001 and # 1.5 million will be taxed at 10 per cent , and on more than # 1.5 million it will rise to 12 per cent tax . People owning an average priced house will save a four-figure sum in tax . But it is the very high priced houses which are affected the most though . A # 1.5 million house will now see the buyer paying # 93,750 in stamp duty , an increase of 25 per cent on # 75,000 currently paid . A # 2.5 million home will see stamp duty increase from # 175,000 to # 213,750 . Anyone buying a # 4 million home will pay # 393,750 in stamp duty - a 41 per cent increase from # 280,000 . Expensive : This north London home is worth # 1.35 million and stamp duty on it will rise from # 67,500 to # 78,750 . The Chancellor today abolished the ` slab ' system which meant the amount paid in stamp duty increased sharply at each threshold . Under the changes , stamp duty on properties under # 937,500 will fall but the bill will rise for more expensive houses . Revealed : HMRC has produced this table showing whether home buyers will be better or worse off after today 's announcement . Meanwhile , a # 10 million home will incur a 59 per cent increase , rising from # 700,000 to # 1.1 million . Trevor Abrahamsohn , who specialises in selling high-end homes , says the market he deals in is already struggling and the changes are ` disastrous ' Edward Heaton , a property consultant , believes the increase would further stifle the ` subdued market ' but said buyers will end up taking it on the chin . He said : ` Unwelcome as this news might be to those of us in the industry , I do n't think this will make London and the UK any less attractive to international buyers whilst wealthy British buyers will also come to terms with it . ' Peter Rollings , CEO of high-end agent Marsh & Parsons , said : ` Any additional strain on the top tiers of the housing market will be absorbed , and the natural rhythm of the property market wo n't be disrupted ' . And Martin Lewis , founder of Money Saving Expert , told MailOnline : ` Scrapping the UK 's most unfair tax is something few can disagree with . ` The market distortion caused due to the cliff-hanger taxes has always been wrong , and it 's good to see the Chancellor following what has already been announced in Scotland by scrapping it . ` The great difficultly was trying to mimic similarly proportioned charges under the new system and a reasonable job has been done of that with the exception of million pound plus houses . '
Chancellor announced major reforms to unpopular stamp duty system . But some experts have warned it will damage top-end of housing market . UK has estimated 500,000 homes worth more than # 937,000 tipping point . Fears sellers will fail to attract buyers unwilling to pay thousands more . Estate Agents expect rush of completions on expensive homes today . Shares in London agent Foxtons fell after the Chancellor 's announcement .
[[193, 276], [604, 695], [866, 881], [925, 994], [1509, 1600], [4915, 4930], [4974, 5043], [0, 22], [59, 192], [368, 386], [394, 495], [368, 375], [387, 495], [507, 570], [2382, 2439], [3034, 3105], [3203, 3271], [3219, 3237], [3248, 3254], [3272, 3349], [4374, 4385], [4437, 4441], [4446, 4522], [4525, 4526], [4690, 4739], [7532, 7593], [7535, 7565], [7572, 7602], [9073, 9087], [9130, 9134], [9137, 9216], [0, 52], [67, 131], [0, 22], [59, 192], [556, 564], [577, 636], [4525, 4526], [4690, 4739], [8680, 8693], [8720, 8785], [3386, 3397], [3402, 3524], [5849, 5855], [5860, 5906], [812, 857], [866, 881], [925, 994], [4861, 4906], [4915, 4930], [4974, 5043]]
Families flying abroad could save up to # 71 per child after the Chancellor scrapped the controversial air tax for the under-12s from next May . And from March 2016 , all children under the age of 16 travelling in economy will be exempt from the Air Passenger Duty . Airlines will also be required to display on tickets exactly how much of the fare was spent on fuel surcharges -- so passengers can see at a glance where their money is going . Scroll down for video . Lift-off for your holiday : The air tax has been scrapped for children under the age of 12 from next May . Strong words : George Osborne said in 2016 air tax would be scrapped for all children under the age of 16 . In this year 's Budget Mr Osborne had already announced that the two highest bands in the four-band system of Air Passenger Duty would be scrapped from April 1 , 2015 . The new changes mean that from May 1 , a family of five flying to Florida could save # 213 , or # 71 for each child under 12 . Those who fly premium economy , business or first class will not benefit , and it remains unclear if families who have already booked flights on or after the May 1 start date will receive refunds . However , the Treasury has issued advice to airlines that there will be ` an expectation ' that parents with children under 12 who have already booked tickets for May 1 , 2015 , or later ` will be due a refund ' . Air Passenger Duty , an airport departure tax , has been dubbed the ` poll tax of the skies ' . Mr Osborne has previously admitted that the charge , which was introduced as an environmental measure , is now a pure revenue raiser . He told the Commons yesterday that he is also putting pressure on airlines to curb the fuel surcharges imposed on passengers when fuel costs go up -- and which are often slow to be removed as prices fall . The Shah family -LRB- right -RRB- will be able to venture much further afield when the changes take effect . Raj and Fiona , from Sheffield , travel with sons Oliver , three , and Alexander , 19 months . Mr Shah , 39 , said : ` It is a hugely positive change . It 's going to open our children up to many more experiences that they would not have the opportunity to have otherwise . ` Flights for the children will be a lot cheaper . ' Mr Shah , the director of Blue Wealth Capital , a financial planning firm , added : ` We go abroad twice per year and this year we took the kids to Spain and Greece . We have n't booked anything for next year yet , but we 're considering long haul now . ` We have relatives in Kenya and Toronto and it would be lovely to visit them more , or our friends in the Middle East . ` We also have family in Australia , but it 's probably a bit too far for the little ones at the moment . But we would definitely consider visiting them as they get older . ' The Chancellor said : ` We 're going to require airlines to list the charges separately from taxes on tickets . But I also want to reduce the cost of those tickets for families directly . From May 1 next year , Air Passenger Duty for children under 12 will be abolished . ` And I 'll go further . From the following year , we 'll get rid of APD for children under 16 altogether . ' The Treasury said the changes will ` save an average family of four # 26 on a flight to Europe and # 142 on one to the US ' . It follows a recommendation that decisions on APD in Scotland should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament . The SNP has said it wants to scrap the tax , which has been in force since 1994 . Airports in Newcastle and Manchester fear this would lead to an exodus of English passengers seeking cheaper flights from Scottish airports . Airlines and airports welcomed the news , but insisted the entire tax should be scrapped . Airlines are required to pay the unpopular APD to the Treasury once a passenger 's flight has departed . Willie Walsh , the head of British Airways ' parent company , the International Airlines Group , said : ` Scrapping APD for children might be popular with some voters ... but it will do nothing to improve the UK economy . Willie Walsh -LRB- above -RRB- , the head of British Airways ' parent company , said : ` Scrapping APD for children might be popular with some voters ... but it will do nothing to improve the UK economy ' ` APD must be axed in its entirety . The UK still has the highest flying tax in the world and it should be abolished to allow the aviation and tourism industries to flourish . ' EasyJet said it would refund APD to any customers who had booked tickets for children on or after the May 1 deadline . Chief executive Carolyn McCall said : ` This is really good news for families . ' BMI regional also said that it would honour the refunds . Virgin Atlantic boss Craig Kreeger said : ` This is great news for families and is another step on the long road to reform of this economically damaging tax ' . British Air Transport Association chief executive Nathan Stower called it ` an early stocking filler for families ' , but warned the May 1 deadline presented ` significant practical difficulties ' . He said : ` The industry has always said that changes to APD should have at least a 12-month lead-in time due to advance bookings . ' Travel organisation Abta said the news was ` a hugely positive step ' , while Flybe said the move merely ` tinkered with the edges ' of airport policy and should be taken further . Autumn statement : George Osborne and chief Treasury secretary Danny Alexander yesterday . State loans of up to # 10,000 will be offered to postgraduate students for the first time . George Osborne said the funding would ` revolutionise ' access to postgraduate courses , as high costs deter bright students from poor backgrounds . The loans will only be available to those under the age of 30 -- dealing a blow to mature students -- but will cover master 's degrees in any subject . They will be available from 2016-17 , benefiting 40,000 students . The proposals expect to bring an extra 10,000 into postgraduate study . They will be repaid ` concurrently ' with undergraduate loans -- on which repayments only start once earnings reach a certain level -- but may be charged at a higher rate . Children 's television has been given a leg-up , in what has been dubbed the ` Teletubby ' tax break . The Chancellor said he wanted to ensure a new generation of children 's programmes is made in Britain by offering incentives to production companies . Tax relief for children 's animated productions in the UK was introduced in April last year , and it will be extended to live-action shows this coming April . Mr Osborne said : ` We will help one area of television production that has been in decline . ' Pact , a body representing UK production companies , estimates the Treasury could also benefit by up to # 3million a year from the move .
Going abroad will save up to # 71 per child depending on the distance . Family of five flying to Florida saves # 213 ; four to Europe save # 26 . Shah family from Sheffield : ` It 'll open our children to more experiences ' Move announced in George Osborne 's Autumn Statement yesterday .
[[0, 144], [852, 978], [3196, 3317], [852, 978], [878, 888], [891, 942], [3196, 3317], [1828, 1905], [2089, 2149]]
Naomi Hunter was just three-years-old when she was first sexually abused by two men close to her . She suffered in silence until the age of 10 and when the physical abuse stopped , her mental torture continued into her teens as she developed an eating disorder at the age of 13 . ` It happened for so many years it was just normal for me . My whole view of the world was skewed , ' she told Daily Mail Australia . Ms Hunter , is now 31 , a mother and a primary school teacher and as part of her mission to help others from suffering sexual abuse she has written an illustrated book to teach children about the subject and to show parents and teachers how to talk about it . Primary school teacher Naomi Hunter has written an illustrated book to help children speak out about sex abuse . ' I connected strongly with children I think because of my own childhood experience and lack thereof , I really found my own joy being around them , ' she said of being a teacher . ' I always knew I wanted to do something more and when the idea of the book came up I realised that 's what I wanted to do , to provide help ... on a level that 's respectful of what children go through , ' she said . ` There is no sexual abuse education at all in Australia , it 's more just sexual and puberty education which does n't happen until grade five or six which is such a shame , ' Ms Hunter added . She believes parents should begin teaching their children about ` body safety ' as soon as they can talk so that the children have the ` confidence to know what is right or wrong ' . Ms Hunter , seen here as a little girl , was abused as a child until the age of 10 . ` It does n't have to be about abuse but body safety ... for example washing yourself in private areas and who is allowed to touch those areas ... it 's about talking about these things in a real , nurturing and informative way . ' Ms Hunter lives with her husband , her high-school sweetheart Jeremy , and their five-year-old daughter Marli in Mornington Peninsula , south-east of Melbourne , Victoria . She wrote her book , A Secret Safe To Tell , four years ago but it has taken years to get it published because it was seen as a ` risky topic to invest in ' . ' I wrote the first draft relatively efficiently as it came from such a personal place . I felt at ease in writing it , ' she said . Editing it so that it was perfectly reachable and appropriately sensitive took a while but now it is published and already helping children to speak out . The book describes one little girl 's experience alongside illustrations . Naomi hopes her book , A Secret Safe To Tell , will be used by parents , psychologists and in schools . One page says : ` He said that I was a GOOD GIRL and I would be PERFECT ... I liked hearing that . We had SECRETS that no one else could know . ' Another paragraph reads : ` When I closed my eyes all I could see were HIS GAMES and HIS HANDS . It DID NOT feel nice ... . But HE SAID IT DID feel nice . ' As Hey Dad ! star Robert Hughes ' sex crimes were revealed this year , Ms Hunter said her publisher believed it was the right time to release the book . Since then the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and Rolf Harris 's abuse conviction in the UK have also opened the gateway for discussions around the topic in Australia . ` People are feeling safer to talk about it . There is so much shame going through it that you hide it for so many years , ' she said . Ms Hunter said she did n't speak out when she was young because she ` probably was n't strong enough ' . In her teenage years Naomi developed a severe eating disorder . She said it was her way of coping with her childhood abuse . ` I did n't know that behaviour was n't normal . I 've really been trying to speak out my whole life in some ways ... but now I 'm a in a really strong place , ' she said . Ms Hunter hopes her book will be used by parents , support careers , in schools and education programmes and by clinical psychologists . ` The feedback has been amazing . Everyone is so supportive of it as a nurturing tool to break the taboo , ' she said . Ms Hunter believed there was n't much support for her when she did reveal the abuse and so she found comfort in anorexia . ` I was very unwell and very troubled . I did n't really feel I could relate to anyone . But at school I was the head prefect , I got amazing grades , ' she explained . While she was at highschool Naomi met her future husband Jeremy . She credits him for helping her become strong again and said he always believed in her book . Ms Hunter , is now 31 , a mother to five-year-old daughter Marli -LRB- centre -RRB- and a primary school teacher . She lives with her family in Victoria and hopes to continue writing books about her experiences . The mother-of-one said her life turned around when she met her boyfriend , now husband , Jeremy at highschool . ` He was a massive turning point . We met when we were 16 and were high school sweethearts , we are so connected and so amazing together and are stronger together . ` He 's the reason why I 'm here today . He 's provided me with so much strength . ' Ms Hunter said Jeremy believed in her book from ` the first moment ' . Child sex abuse is not the only subject Ms Hunter wants to raise awareness of . She also hopes to write books on mental health , cancer and grief . ` This is just one of many ideas . I 've got heaps of experiences to draw on . A family member suffers from schizophrenia . I lost my brother to leukaemia . I suffered anorexia . ` After what I went through , I just want to provide beautiful nurturing books without frightening anyone . ' For more details on Naomi Hunter 's book visit and or .
Naomi Hunter suffered sexual abuse as a child from the age of three . She has written a book called A Secret Safe To Tell to help other children . The 31-year-old mother is now a school teacher in Victoria . ` My whole view of the world was skewed , ' she said .
[[1563, 1572], [1597, 1647], [674, 786], [414, 423], [426, 435], [4589, 4598], [4601, 4610], [340, 377], [382, 413]]
An Ayn Rand novel written , temporarily shelved and later published as a play is finally being released in its original form . Coming soon : Ayn Rand 's novel ` Ideal ' will be published July 7 , the New American Library said . The New American Library , an imprint of Penguin Random House , announced Thursday that Rand 's ` Ideal ' would be published July 7 . ` The arrival of a never-before-seen Ayn Rand novel will thrill dedicated readers and is a true publishing event , ' New American Library 's vice president Kara Welsh said in release . Rand had worked on the novel , about a Greta Garbo-like actress and the fans she confronts , in the mid-1930s . Protagonist Kay Gonda ` pleads for help from six of her most devoted fans : an upstanding family man , a farmer , an artist , an evangelist , a wealthy playboy , and a lost soul , ' the release said . In the story , Gonda asks her fans for help and says she has been accused of murder , the release said , per Publisher 's Weekly . Unhappy with how ` Ideal ' turned out , Rand turned the novel into a play , which came out in 2005 's ` Three Plays ' . Next summer 's publication will include both the novel and the play . Dr. Leonard Piekoff first read ` Ideal ' after Rand 's death before he put it in the Ayn Rand Archives , Publishers Weekly reported . Then , the Ayn Rand Institute 's Richard Ralston discovered the book as the archives were being saved digitally . He directed Peikoff to the work , according to the trade magazine . The book is set to include an introduction from Peikoff . Rand , who died in 1982 , is still widely read and is known for the million-selling novels ` Atlas Shrugged ' and ` The Fountainhead , ' both of which have been adapted for film . In 2013 , the Ayn Rand Institute claimed that 29.5 million copies of Rand 's books have been sold . ` Atlas Shrugged ' is widely known for a speech delivered by character John Galt . The sentence ` Who is John Galt ? ' regularly appears on bumper stickers and other merchandise . Rand herself came to be known as the founder of the Objectivist movement . Individualism and laissez-faire capitalism are two tenets supported by the philosophy . The New York Observer wrote that during Rand 's lifetime ` To the left , she was a reactionary , a fascist , a capitalist pig who advocated for a complete separation between government and economics , limitless individualism and the virtue of selfishness . ` To the right , she was an atheist ; to moderates , an absolutist . ' Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan , radio host Rush Limbaugh , and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas have counted themselves as fans of Rand 's work . Angelina Jolie , Brad Pitt , and Rob Lowe , Hugh Hefner , Mark Cuban and Billie Jean King are just a few of the many celebrities that have voiced their support for Rand 's philosophy and writings , Mother Jones reported in 2009 . Author : This 1962 file photo Russian-born American novelist Ayn Rand in New York City .
The New American Library , an imprint of Penguin Random House , announced Thursday that Rand 's ` Ideal ' would be published July 7 . Rand had worked on the novel , about a Greta Garbo-like actress and the fans she confronts , in the mid-1930s . Unhappy with the result , she turned it into a play , which came out in 2005 .
[[127, 138], [141, 193], [228, 252], [292, 331], [311, 361], [547, 575], [615, 637], [640, 658], [0, 17], [52, 77], [1031, 1064], [1058, 1064], [1073, 1106]]
A donkey is missing her annual nativity show for the first time after being stabbed 12 times by a manic in a night time attack . Cheeky the donkey , who is 22 years old , was due to star in the Christmas show at Greenmeadow Farm in Cwmbran , South Wales , until she was knifed in the night at her farm by a mystery intruder . Police are today hunting the cruel attacker who attacked the 22-year-old just days before the nativity show where she would be cheered by children . Cheeky the donkey was due to star in the Christmas show until she was knifed in the night by an intruder . Mare Cheeky has been stitched up and will watch the nativity from the wings as she receives treatment for her deep stab wounds . Workers at the community farm in Cwmbran , South Wales , where Cheeky lives are in shock at the senseless violence . Manager Elizabeth Burns said : ` It is abhorrent that someone could do this to an innocent animal - especially before the nativity . ` As well as being upset that Cheeky has suffered we are really disturbed . The nativity is going on in Cheeky 's absence with an unnamed stand in donkey -LRB- pictured -RRB- . Cheeky has been stitched up and is receiving treatment for her deep stab wounds -LRB- pictured -RRB- . ` Now our focus is on monitoring Cheeky and nursing her back to health . ` It is a shame that we are having to hide Cheeky away while she gets better because her appearance could upset the children who visit the farm at this time of year . ` But the show must go on and all the other animals are performing well without their friend Cheeky . ' Despite sharing a paddock with two other donkeys Cheeky was the only animal injured at Greenmeadow Community Farm . The farm are working closely with Gwent Police who believe the wounds were deliberately inflicted . It has now incorporated regular night patrols and the farm has increased their security . A spokesperson for Gwent Police said : ` We are appealing for information after a donkey was injured . ` The 22 year old donkey , called Cheeky , received 12 puncture wounds to both hind legs , the abdomen and it 's neck . ` She has received treatment from the vet , is back at the farm and her condition is being monitored . ' Cheeky has always been the star at the annual nativity show - but this year has been forced to give it a miss .
Donkey stabbed 12 times in cruel night time attack by mystery intruder . Cheeky will now miss starring in the annual nativity show as she recovers . Farm workers say they are ` really disturbed ' by the senseless incident . Police are appealing for information following incident at community farm .
[[64, 114], [262, 301], [326, 332], [343, 428], [537, 581], [1891, 1927], [1930, 1993], [1994, 2018], [2037, 2082], [0, 39], [2285, 2330], [961, 962], [971, 1036], [1891, 1927], [1930, 1993]]
Littlewoods has been accused of overcharging shoppers with its interest free ` buy now , pay later ' option - which can lead to hard-up customers paying double what they would elsewhere . The weekly payment option available online spreads the payments over a number of weeks , making it more manageable for families to cope with the cost of Christmas , the retailer claims . But it can lead to some of the most cash-strapped families paying as much as double what they should over the year once the money is totted up . Littlewoods has been accused of overcharging shoppers with its high profile campaign interest free ` buy now , pay later ' option - fronted by presenter Myleene Klass - which can lead to hard-up customers paying double what they would elsewhere . The high profile campaign - fronted by presenter Myleene Klass - tells customers : ` Whether you 're buying clothes for the kids or updating your dishwasher , you can make it all manageable by spreading the cost . ` Everything you buy is available interest free -- giving you more flexibility when it comes to your budget . ' But a quick internet search reveals that some of most desirable gifts this Christmas are available at a fraction of the price elsewhere . Littlewoods offers Barbie 's Malibu House for # 100 , but the toy was available on Amazon for just # 49.99 . And an IPhone 5 64gb in white , will cost # 519 at Littlewoods , compared to 359.99 . An Xbox one with Alien games costs # 449 at Littlewoods - compared to just # 339 at online retailer Very . And a Radley Bloomsbury Barrel Bag was # 256 , compared to # 209 from the Radley website . Littlewoods offers Barbie 's Malibu House for # 100 , giving customers the option of spreading the payments and paying as little as # 1.92 over a year . But the toy was available on Amazon for just # 49.99 . An Xbox one with Alien games costs # 449 at Littlewoods - compared to just # 339 at online retailer Very . And an IPhone 5 64gb in white , will cost # 519 at Littlewoods , compared to 359.99 . Marc Gander of the Consumer Action Group said that it was a ` disgusting rip-off ' , and compared the deals to that of a ` payday loan company ' . He said : ` It 's not just a marginal increase . How sad . This really does prey on poor people and it is going to hit the most cash strapped families the hardest this Christmas - like payday loans do . The weekly payment option available online spreads the payments over a number of weeks - but it can lead to some of the most cash-strapped families paying as much as double what they should over the year . ` What a shame that Littlewoods used to be a family retailer , and now they are capitalising on this reputation and milking it . They are using the poor as a cash cow at Christmas . ' A Littlewoods spokesman said : ` We totally refute any suggestion that Littlewoods is misleading customers with its interest-free offer . We make it very clear for Littlewoods customers exactly what they 're buying and how much they 're paying , with no hidden extras . ` Littlewoods customers benefit from a range of flexible payment options to help spread the cost of purchases -- a simple offer that they tell us they really value and that we 've been providing for more than 80 years . ` Comparing a handful of prices at one point in time does n't tell the full story . Littlewoods has regular sales , discounts and promotions , so the headline price customers see is n't always the price they end up paying -- it 's often lower . We 're currently offering up to 50 % off a wide selection of toys , gifts , furniture and electricals , for example . We also have regular three for two offers in the run-up to Christmas . ` Online shopping means that customers can and do shop around to compare the prices of items . Our customers tell us they shop with Littlewoods because they see the good value we offer . '
Online retailer accused of overcharging customers in run-up to Christmas . Weekly payment plan available online spreads the payments over a year . Littlewoods say it is more manageable for families to cope with costs . But a consumer group has blasted it as a disgusting rip-off of the poorest . Bargain hunters are predicted to leave most of their online Christmas shopping until next Monday , while crowds on the high street are predicted to peak as late as the last weekend before Christmas .
[[0, 78], [520, 604], [188, 230], [277, 350], [1624, 1635], [1678, 1776], [188, 230], [277, 350], [2025, 2167], [2076, 2105]]
Foreign billionaires , multinational businesses and UK-based banks will be hit with swingeing tax hikes , George Osborne said today . Wealthy ` non doms ' , who have based themselves in Britain for years without paying tax , will see the annual charge for staying in the country double . ` Non-domiciled residents ' live in UK but are registered as foreign nationals to save tax on income made abroad . But from next year non-doms who have lived in the UK for 12 of the last 14 years will have to pay # 60,000 a year to qualify for the status -- rising to # 90,000 if they have been in Britain for 17 of the past 20 years . The current rate is # 30,000 . Scroll down for video . George Osborne said some banks wo n't pay tax for 15 to 20 years . He said this was ` totally unacceptable ' Mr Osborne said the tax changes meant the richest 20 per cent in Britain were contributing more than the remaining 80 per cent put together . He said this proved ` we are all in this together ' . A new levy on multinational businesses - dubbed a ` Google tax ' - will also be introduced to stop giant technology firms avoiding tax . The Chancellor claimed that some of the largest companies in the world ` including those in the tech sector ' use complex tax arrangements to ` avoid paying taxes ' . He announced there would be a new 25 per cent tax on profits generated by multinationals in the UK . At the moment many firms ` artificially shift ' profits out of the country to cut their tax bill , he said . Mr Osborne told MPs : ` That 's not fair to other British firms . It 's not fair to the British people either . Today we 're putting a stop to it . My message is consistent and clear . Low taxes ; but taxes that will be paid . ' Google was last year accused by MPs of ` calculated and unethical ' tax affairs after its HMRC bill came to light . The company generated # 11.5 billion in revenue from the UK between 2006 and 2011 and paid just # 10million in corporatation taxes in the same period . The multinationals targeted include Silicon Valley technology companies such as Google , Amazon and Apple , and also Starbucks . The tax - officially referred to as the ` diverted profits tax ' is intended to raise an extra # 1billion over the next five years . Mr Osborne said the tax changes meant the richest 20 per cent in Britain were contributing more than the remaining 80 per cent put together . He said this proved ` we are all in this together ' . UK-based banks will also be stopped from using losses from overseas to cut their tax bill in Britain . The Chancellor also laid out plans to ` make sure our banks pay their fair share too ' . Mr Osborne told MPs : ` Under the rules we inherited banks can offset all their losses from the financial crisis against tax on profits for years to come . ` Some banks would n't be paying tax for 15 to 20 years . That 's totally unacceptable . The banks got public support in the crisis and they should now support the public in the recovery . ` I am today limiting the amount of profit in established banks that can be offset by losses carried forward to 50 per cent and delaying relief on bad debts . ` Together that means banks will contribute almost # 4billion more in tax over the next five years . '
Wealthy ` non doms ' in UK for years to be charged up to # 90,000 a year . New levy dubbed ` Google tax ' introduced to raise more from multinationals . Comes after MPs said tech firm accused of paying ` unethical ' amount of tax . Banks also stopped from using foreign losses to reduce taxes in UK .
[[142, 152], [155, 203], [134, 152], [219, 287], [532, 542], [546, 564], [998, 1022], [1025, 1055], [984, 1031], [1051, 1120], [1727, 1733], [1748, 1806], [2453, 2520], [2453, 2467], [2489, 2555]]
Two people were struck by lightning as severe thunderstorms swept through Sydney causing flight chaos and traffic delays . Luckily only minor cases , a man in his 20s was hit by lightning in Hazelbrook , in the Blue Mountains while another person was struck in Cabramatta in Sydney 's southwest , said an ambulance spokeswoman . The Bureau of Meteorology issued a severe thunderstorm warning on Wednesday afternoon for areas near Parramatta , Sydney Olympic Park and Richmond . The bureau warned the storm was moving towards the north east and was forecast to hit Hornsby , Sydney city , the Harbour Bridge and the northern beaches . Scroll down for video . Lightning strikes at Sydney Harbour on Wednesday afternoon as a severe thunderstorm warning is issued for a number of areas across New South Wales . Firefighters finally put out the fire about 9pm , almost three hours after it started . The fire broke out just after 6.30 pm on Wednesday after being struck by lightning . Dark smoke is seen billowing over the inner-city of Sydney , covering the Harbour Bridge from view . Firefighters evacuated 40 units near the substations as they waited for the power to be shut off . The New South Wales capital was plunged into darkness by 5.30 pm but by 7pm the worse of the storm seemed to have passed although at least 13,000 homes in the Blue Mountains , Hawkesbury , Southern Highlands and Western Sydney regions were still without power . The commute home for many Sydneysiders was thrown into disarray with ferries stranded as they were unable to dock and traffic was brought to a standstill on the Harbour Bridge . One driver described the scene on the bridge as a ` car park ' . Lightning also wreaked havoc in Pyrmont - in Sydney 's inner-city - with an electrical substation catching alight after it was hit . Large amounts of dark smoke was seen billowing out of the building just after 6.30 pm , but it has since been extinguished . It took 20 firefighters around two hours to put out the fire and while authorities are n't sure what caused it , they think it may have been due to lightning . The fire proved tricky for firefighters who were prevented from using water to extinguish the substation blaze as it had about 11,000 volts of electricity running through it , Superintendent Ian Krimmer said . Storms stopped traffic on the Harbour Bridge as the east coast was pelted by wild weather . Lightning strikes were seen all over Sydney as the skies fell dark across the city . In this picture , a lightning strike looks to just miss a playing flying over the city . NSW SES is currently working at Mittagong , in the Southern Highlands of NSW , where 40 requests for assistance have been received after the area was flooded with 30mm of rain in only 20 minutes . Social media users captured images of storm clouds rolling in and lighting strikes in the distance . Captured footage of a lightning strike hitting Sydney during Wednesday 's storm . This one struck near the inner-city near Sydney Harbour Bridge . Instead , they worked to protect surrounding buildings , which included a five-level residential block , until the energy provider isolated power to the site . Fire and Rescue NSW evacuated 40 units as they waited for the power to be shut off , fortunately there were no reports of injury . Emergency crews have received more than 80 phone calls about fallen trees and power lines by across the Sydney area , sending out more than 80 fire trucks and 300 firefighters to various jobs . NSW SES is currently working at Mittagong , in the Southern Highlands of NSW , where 40 requests for assistance have been received after the area was flooded with 30mm of rain in only 20 minutes . According to Live Traffic NSW , five roads were flooded by 6pm , including the Great Western Highway Springwood , Old Windsor Road and Seven Hills Road . Train services were closed on the T1 Western Line between Richmond and Clarendon , ` due to lightning strikes at Clarendon affecting signalling , ' Transport NSW stated . Fire and Rescue NSW had received more than 50 phone calls about fallen trees and power lines by 5:30 pm . Large amounts of dark smoke was spotted billowing out of a building at Pyrmont in Sydney 's centre during the storm , after lightning struck an electrical sub station and sparked a fire . Social media users instantly took to sharing photographs of the storm 's affect in their area . Buses operated as a replacement service between stations , however heavy traffic in the Richmond area caused delays . There was also heavy traffic delays in Strathfield due to flooding . The storms also caused some delays to flights out of Sydney Airport with Qantas and Virgin confirming that its domestic and international runways had been closed since 5.15 pm . Qantas said about 10 flights had been affected , some by up to two hours . By 7pm , a Virgin spokeswoman said its flights had returned to normal with the runways reopening . Social media users instantly took to sharing photographs of the storm 's affect in their area . Further south in Mildura in Victoria , residents posted photos of hail the size of a 20-cent piece pelting the town . The Bureau of Meteorology predicted large hail stones , damaging winds and heavy rainfall , which could lead to flash flooding , at around 5pm for the areas of Gosford , Sydney , Wollongong , Nowra , Armidale and Orange . By 6:40 pm , the Bureau of Meteorology had cancelled their severe storm warning . NSW Rural Fire Service shared this photo of the number of lightning strikes that have struck across the state . The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted large hail stones , damaging winds and heavy rainfall , which could lead to flash flooding , for the areas of Gosford , Sydney , Wollongong , Nowra , Armidale and Orange .
Two people struck by lightning in Sydney as wild storms swept through Sydney . The Bureau of Meteorology predicted large hail stones , damaging winds and heavy rainfall for a number of areas across NSW . An electrical sub station in Pyrmont was hit by lightning during the storm , with firefighters at the scene currently protecting nearby properties . Fire and Rescue NSW received more than 80 phone calls about fallen trees and power lines , sending out 80 fire trucks and 300 firefighters . NSW SES has calls for help at Mittagong , which was flooded with 30mm of rain in only 20 minutes .
[[0, 80], [39, 122], [226, 294], [925, 929], [936, 979], [2814, 2876], [2877, 2958], [2897, 2958], [329, 477], [717, 806], [5174, 5263], [5174, 5199], [5230, 5300], [5590, 5683], [5590, 5615], [5650, 5769], [895, 979], [925, 929], [936, 979], [1685, 1694], [1700, 1782], [1758, 1817], [2897, 2958], [3034, 3078], [3034, 3038], [3049, 3126], [4261, 4303], [2658, 2724], [3315, 3430], [3315, 3330], [3433, 3508], [3588, 3654], [4031, 4136], [4074, 4136], [2658, 2724], [2716, 2775], [3588, 3654], [3646, 3705]]
A mother-of-two facing her last Christmas after being diagnosed with inoperable cancer will get her dream wedding after well-wishers donated cash , rings and even a venue . Aimee Willett , 26 , of Sittingbourne , Kent , made a bucket list of things she wanted to do when she discovered she had terminal cancer - including marrying her fiancé , Michael Bond , 26 . Ms Willett and Mr Bond thought they would never be able to afford their dream wedding - but following a fundraising appeal generous well-wishers have donated thousands of pounds in money and services to ensure the couple get their dream day . Aimee Willett , who has an inoperable tumour -LRB- pictured with sons Charlie , eight , and Kaleb , three -RRB- has been able to book her dream wedding thanks to the generosity of well-wishers touched by her bravery . Ms Willett 's inoperable tumour was found in June this year and she is now campaigning for a lowering of the age limit for smear tests on the NHS . Ms Willett , who is mother to Charlie , eight , and Kaleb , three , has undergone surgery , chemotherapy and radiotherapy but has been warned she is unlikely to survive until 2016 . The couple , who have been together six years , thought they would never be able to afford their dream wedding in time and have now said they are overwhelmed by the offers pouring in from sympathisers . Wedding planners , florists , car companies , professional photographers , venue owners and cake makers have all reached out to the couple offering to donate to the event . Aimee made a bucket list of things she wanted to do - including marrying her fiancé , Michael Bond -LRB- pictured -RRB- . Ms Willett wants her boys have the best Christmas ever - and is taking them to Lapland UK as a surprise . Ms Willett has now booked to have her big day in February at Westenhanger Castle in Hythe , Kent . The Remi Collection , a company from Walton-on-Thames , is providing the rings . Ms Willett , who previously worked as a waitress , said : ` It 's been overwhelming , mental . I never thought this was going to happen . People offering all this , it 's lovely , it 's beautiful . ` But it 's got the message out there to raise awareness which is the only thing I really wanted . ' Westenhanger Castle director Sarah Poole offered the fortified manor house , which was once owned by Henry VIII , for free . She said : ` It 's every girl 's dream to get married in a castle . ' Ms Willett said the generosity of her well-wishers has left her feeling overwhelmed . Cinderella 's Dreams Wedding and Event based in Sevenoaks , Kent , is supplying chair covers and decorations . In addition , a fundraising appeal with an original target of # 7,000 has raised more than # 31,000 . The target was smashed by an anonymous single donation of # 25,000 . David Fairbank , 27 , from Suffolk , created the JustGiving fundraising page and said : ` I 'm gobsmacked by it and pretty chuffed . ` We do n't know who made the # 25,000 donation . ` It could be a celebrity or a business person . ' Ms Willett says now hopes to give her family the ` best Christmas ever ' as part of her bucket list and is taking her children to Lapland UK . Last week she said she hopes her story will encourage women to go to their cervical cancer screening and hopes the national smear test age will be lowered . She said : ' I am bitter about it and I would like to see the age lowered . ' I think 25 is too old - especially if a girl has had a child at a young age . ` The biggest thing for me now is for people to be more aware . ` If you experience anything that 's not normal , go to your doctor and get it checked out and when you get a letter asking you to go for a smear test make an appointment straight away and keep it . ' I always thought it would never happen to me because I was young , but cancer does n't pick an age group . '
Aimee Willett , 26 , was diagnosed with cervical cancer at her first smear test . Mum-of-two made a bucket list of things to do before she died - which included marrying her fiancé - but thought they would never afford it . Fundraising appeal was smashed by anonymous donation of # 25,000 . She is spending her last few months campaigning to lower smear test age .
[[173, 210], [220, 248], [242, 341], [364, 563], [1155, 1200], [1203, 1291], [1531, 1565], [1559, 1614], [2732, 2800], [889, 899], [912, 972], [889, 892], [896, 972], [3283, 3334]]
Mr Justice Mostyn said the case was ` terrible ' and the most ` chilling ' in his 30-year career . A baby girl was beaten and shaken to the point of death in a series of ` macabre and chilling ' attacks by her father , a High Court judge has ruled . The 20-year-old man subjected his daughter to ` diabolical ' assaults which broke ` the most basic and elemental taboos which govern our society , ' Mr Justice Mostyn found . In a judgement made public today he said the four-month-old child was saved after she collapsed and was taken to hospital . She was found to have a broken neck and severe damage to her spine . Doctors who examined her also discovered that she had five broken ribs , inflicted over a three-month period , and as many as five fractures to both legs , suffered between mid-December last year and early January this year . There were numerous more minor wounds , grazes and bruises . The father -- who has been jailed for 12 years - admitted in a statement to the High Court : ` I am a monster . ' However in a controversial decision by judges he has not been named , even though he is considered ` a serious risk to the public ' . His identity will remain unknown when he is released from prison , when he will be aged in his early thirties . Mr Justice Mostyn said in his High Court ruling , handed down in Swansea in June but only published after the end of a Crown Court trial last month : ` This is a shocking catalogue of injuries . ' He added : ` This is a terrible case . In 30 years as a lawyer , of which the last thirteen were as a part-time judge , and after four years sitting as a full-time judge I have never read and heard evidence so macabre and chilling as I have heard here . This is not overblown or rhetorical language on my part . ` The father admits that almost from the time that his beautiful newly-born daughter returned from hospital at eleven days old until 13th January 2014 when she was only four months old , he systematically subjected her to a series of diabolical attacks -LRB- and I use for once the adjective advisedly -RRB- , attacks of such frequency and severity that it was providential that she did not perish . ` In his statement of 6th March 2013 , the father admits everything . ` At this point , I would only say that I doubt that even if Freud or Jung were alive today and able to advise me , that they would be able to give me an explanation for conduct that is so completely at variance with any understanding of human nature , conduct which has no basis rational or irrational , so it seems to me , but which violates the most basic and elemental taboos which govern our society . ' The judgment was published only after the conclusion of a Crown Court trial in Swansea last week in which the father was found guilty of five counts of causing grievous bodily harm . Pictured , Swansea Crown Court . Mr Justice Mostyn said the baby 's mother was ` controlling ' , ` needy ' and ` dictatorial ' . ` She certainly knew how to wind the father up , ' the judge said . The mother would watch pornography to provoke the father , who took over most of the care of the baby . The judge listed 19 kinds of assault to which the father subjected the baby while they were alone together , including pressing his thumb into her eye until it bled , throttling her , bending her double , holding her upside down and shaking her , bashing her head against a cupboard , forcing a bottle into her mouth until it bled , and submerging her in the bath so the baby had the sensation of drowning . The High Court judge said : ` I can not conceive that the mother would not have been aware that something was amiss while these barbaric attacks were being carried out . ' Mr Justice Mostyn 's family division ruling found that ` exceptionally serious crimes have been committed by the father ' and that the girl 's 19-year-old mother ` is guilty of neglect ' . At the time of the ruling in June the father was free and living with his step-father , and had resumed a sexual relationship with the mother . Mr Justice Mostyn called on the Crown Prosecution Service ` to make their decision about whether to prosecute at the soonest opportunity so that all aspects of this desperately tragic case can be concluded as soon as possible . ' The June judgment was published only after the conclusion of a Crown Court trial in Swansea last week in which the father was found guilty of five counts of causing grievous bodily harm . The jury took just 90 minutes to bring in its verdict . The 20-year-old was sentenced to 17 years , with 12 years to be served in prison before release on licence for five years . The Crown Court judge , Judge Keith Thomas told the father : ` You do present a serious risk to the public . In order to do what I can to protect the public , I am going to maximise that term . ' But Judge Thomas ordered that the name of the man should remain secret . The judge is understood to have been concerned that nothing should allow the public to identify the child , who is now in local council care . The unusual decision means that naming the father has been banned by both Judge Keith Thomas in the Crown Court and Mr Justice Mostyn in the High Court . Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming , a campaigner against secrecy in the courts , said : ` The evidence from the Rotherham scandal is that secrecy does not necessarily protect children . It should not be imagined that failing to name an offender is doing the right thing . ` In this case , the wider public has been left at risk . It is doubtful that failing to name the monster will protect the child , but it certainly puts the rest of society at risk . So often secrecy has not protected the child -- it has protected the abusers . ' During the Crown Court trial in Swansea , Judge Keith Thomas made an order under section 39 of the Children & Young Persons Act , 1933 , prohibiting the publication of material which might identify the victim of the offences . These concerned the potential harm caused by being identified as the victim of a locally notorious crime . But the judge also took account of concerns from the local authority involved that if she was identified it could harm attempts to place her with a new family as well as make it harder for her to fully integrate with any new family . The judge made the point in court that he was not prohibiting the publication of the defendant 's name , but that if the name was reported care had to be taken not to identify the relationship between the the convicted man and the victim .
The infant was found to have a broken neck and severe damage to spine . Father , 20 , was condemned for ` diabolical ' assaults by High Court judge . The man , who has been jailed for 12 years , admitted : ' I am a monster ' However , he will not be identified until he is released from prison .
[[549, 617], [549, 552], [563, 617], [99, 110], [126, 216], [217, 249], [250, 319], [1961, 2032], [3717, 3901], [4524, 4565], [905, 995], [1000, 1016], [4568, 4647], [1153, 1217]]
A 12-year-old Florida girl suffered burns to 71 per cent of her body after a can of gasoline exploded next to her . Heather Tyer and her family were having a pit fire at their Polk County home last week when the explosion happened . The gas was being used to set logs on fire . Polk County Fire Lieutenant Charles Irving told 10 News : ` Burn patients are so difficult from one minute to the next . you know , they can seem fine , and then things can go terribly wrong very quickly . ' Heather Tyer suffered burns to 71 per cent of her body after a can of gasoline exploded next to her at the Florida 's 21-year-old 's family home last week . Mr Irving was first on the scene , and even returned to get Heather 's mother Amy on to the emergency helicopter to accompany her daughter to Tampa General . Heather is said to be recovering well from the ordeal , and her local community are now fundraising to help with her treatment . Heather 's aunt Amanda Tyler told local media that her niece was ` strong ' and ` doing just fine ' . Another one of Heather 's relatives , Janice Anderson , said seeing how many volunteers had turned out to help her , ` gives me goosebumps ' . So far more than $ 26,000 has been raised to help pay for Heather 's hospital treatment and rehabilitation . In less than a week , more than $ 26,000 has been raised to help Heather through fundraising website gofundme . Mr Irving said the accident was a reminder for people to be careful when using gasoline which was ` not one of the better fuels to use ' . He said : ` There has to be water on the site at all times , and someone attending to the fire at all times . And if we do that , tragedies like this can be avoided . '
Heather Tyer 's family was having a pit fire at their Florida home . When a gasoline can exploded right next to the 12-year-old . Heather 's local community have raised more than $ 26k for her treatment .
[[116, 232], [556, 642], [0, 92], [84, 115], [556, 642], [861, 929], [1175, 1283], [1175, 1200], [1217, 1283], [1284, 1303], [1306, 1395]]
Hello Kitty fans with a taste for fine desserts and gourmet cakes can now dine in style . Offering plenty of selfie opportunities with the beloved cat , the first Sanrio licensed Hello Kitty Café in Australia has opened its doors in Adelaide . More than 1000 foodies attended the official opening on Sunday and anyone who celebrated their birthday in November was treated on the day to a free ` mini Hello Kitty mousse cake ' . Scroll down for video . The first Australian Hello Kitty cafe officially opened its doors in Adelaide on Sunday . From macaroons and mousses to birthday cakes and crème brûlées , the menu serves up cat-face treats for casual coffee dates , birthdays as well as high tea gatherings . ` Our main focus will be on desserts and of course , everything from the food to the décor will feature the character , ' staff member Damaris Oaurovics told Daily Mail Australia . ` We 've got our own chefs to freshly make and bake all the desserts from scratch daily and also our own baristas to serve up hot or cold beverages . ` We 're also looking at bringing out a savoury cafe-style menu in the future -- so light meals like burgers , chips , salads , sandwiches and many more . ' From macaroons and mousses to birthday cakes and crème brûlées , the menu serves up treats for everyone . The first Australia Hello Kitty cafe offers plenty of selfie opportunities with the beloved cat . Despite the Sanrio character famous for its ` pink theme ' , the coffee chain store is not decked out in pink but still stay true to its character with giant kitty figurines . ` Our café is not pink -- A lot of people assume that our café would be pink from the ceiling down to the floor but our colour code at the moment is brown , yellow , grey and white , ' Ms Oaurovics said . ` When the owner from Sanrio brought the café here , he decided to keep it simple and change the colours to make it look like a café-style place for everyone to enjoy . ' Ms Oaurovics added : ` The reason why Adelaide was picked to opened its first Hello Kitty-themed café was because the business partners happened to live here . ' It 's a Hello Kitty world ! Foodies can enjoy cat-face treats such as biscuits and delicious creme brulees . Adelaide foodies treating themselves to some cat-face themed treats and coffees . Hello Kitty delight ! Foodies can enjoy cat-face treats such as biscuits , gourmet cakes and waffles ! The café has received a significant amount of positive feedback on the official Facebook page Hello Kitty Café Australia . Maria Josephine posted : ` The cakes here are divine , as are the drinks . The staff are beyond friendly and welcoming . 1st class service all the way ! ' Kitty Kaza wrote : ` Friendly services , cute snacks & gorgeous cakes . Nice place for a girlie catch up . Thnx -LSB- sic -RSB- guys . ' Jack Booth posted : ` Thank you for an amazing morning - your cafe is a dream come true ' . Hello Kitty fans with a taste for fine desserts and gourmet cakes can now dine in style . Desserts and pastries are freshly made and baked from scratch daily by chefs . Hello Kitty delight ! Foodies can enjoy cat-face treats such as biscuits , gourmet cakes and creme brulees . The cafe has its own baristas to serve up Hello Kitty-themed hot and cold beverages - coffees and milkshakes .
The first Australian Hello Kitty cafe officially opened in Adelaide on Sunday . More than 1,000 food lovers showed up for the official opening . The cafe gave out free mousse to people born in November . Savoury treats may be next on the menu .
[[153, 243], [452, 541], [1305, 1402], [244, 317], [311, 317], [351, 423], [1044, 1050], [1056, 1196]]
Boris Johnson has claimed it is part of human nature to have a fear of immigrants and that having such feelings ` does n't make you a bad person ' . The Mayor of London said it was up to politicians to highlight the benefits immigrants bring to the UK and has urged the Government for a ` welcoming policy ' for those who choose to come to the country . His comments come after the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby described immigration in Britain as a ` great tradition ' . Scroll down for video . The Mayor of London Boris Johnson -LRB- pictured -RRB- said it was up to politicians to highlight the benefits immigrants bring to the UK and urged the Government for a ` welcoming policy ' for those who come to Britain . The Mayor has just concluded a week-long tour to the Far East as part of a UK Trade and Industry mission . Speaking after a week-long tour of the Far East as part of a UK Trade and Industry mission , Mr Johnson , 50 , said it was natural to feel xenophobic on occasion . The 50-year-old told the Evening Standard : ` All human beings are prey to that feeling . ` It 's part of human nature . It does n't mean people are bad people , okay ? ` What we 've got to do is point out that there are benefits of immigration and that there are benefits of having talented people , and having a welcoming policy to people that will work hard . ' He also described the benefits of immigrants to the UK housing market and said it is good that international investors can help support the industry because Britain is ` not awash with billionaires of our own ' . His comments came after the Archbishop called immigration a ` great tradition ' but warned it needed to be ` handled carefully ' . Mr Welby , who spoke from Vatican City , said that despite the UK being a ` very , very crowded country ' , the tradition of welcoming immigrant communities stretched back hundreds of years . He said that while immigration is ` deeply embedded in our tradition of hospitality ' , it should be ` handled carefully ' because of the ` strain on communities ' . In a rare interview with CNN 's Christiane Amanpour , Mr Welby said : ` England , is a very , very crowded country . ` Since 2010 , we 've had net immigration of over 600,000 people . ` And immigration is something that has to be handled carefully , because it is a cause of strain in communities where very large numbers arrive . Always has been . The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby today described immigration in Britain as a ` great tradition ' ` There 's an amazing chapel in Canterbury Cathedral in which the dean of the cathedral gave a space for worship to Huguenot refugees from religious persecution in the 16th century . ` He gave it to them temporarily . It 's still there . They still have a Sunday service every week . ` It is the great tradition , secondly , of this country to be a place of asylum and safety and rescue and hope for people from all around the world . It is deeply embedded in our tradition of hospitality . ' Mr Johnson has just concluded a week-long tour of the Far East as part of attempts to boost trade and investment between the UK and Far East . During his trip , the senior Conservative met politicians , including Indonesian president Joko Widodo , and a raft of business leaders in Singapore and Jakarta , Indonesia . He was the first British politician to have a substantial meeting with President Widodo since his inauguration . Earlier this week , he also met Malaysian Prime Minister Dato ' Sri Mohammad Najib Abdul Razak . The south east Asian country now has an economy worth # 153billion -LRB- $ 241bn -RRB- and is predicted to reach developed economy status within the next six years . Following newly introduced legislations which liberate Malaysia 's architecture and engineering sectors , Mr Johnson said British businesses should take advantage of what is on offer . Earlier this week , Mr Johnson , 50 , met Malaysian Prime Minister Dato ' Sri Mohammad Najib Abdul Razak . ` This fast developing nation is awash with new and exciting trade and investment opportunities crying out for London 's great minds and expertise , ' he said . ` From great new feats of transport engineering to cutting edge design and architectural projects , I urge more British companies to get involved . ' Mr Johnson , running for a return to Parliament in May , also defended the levels of affordable housing in the Malaysian-backed Battersea Power Station redevelopment . He said the ` affordable ' element of the project , 15 per cent of the 3,000-plus properties , represented a gain of 600 discounted homes for Londoners . Mr Johnson said : ` It 's with that spearhead of Malaysian money coming in and redeveloping Battersea Power Station that we are able to get on and build 25,000 homes , the majority of which will be for people in the UK and loads of which will be affordable . ` Plus we are able to get the extension of the northern line ... do n't forget that out of this development we have got to fund the first extension of the tube we have seen in 25 years , it 's not a cheap thing to do . ` We have to build two new stations and it will produce as I say overall in the area 25,000 new homes . ' I think 600 affordable homes is better than no affordable homes . ' Mr Johnson was caught up in a mid-air scuffle during the return flight from Kuala Lumpur after a passenger had to be restrained at 35,000 feet . The Mayor joined efforts to restrain the man who was later arrested . Mr Johnson 's defence of the project came after he met Prime Minister Razak in Kualar Lumpur to unveil Bjarke Ingels Group -LRB- BIG -RRB- as the architects designing Malaysia Square , the # 8bn main public space at the power station project . The London Mayor returned from his week-long tour this morning , although his journey back to the capital was not without drama . He was caught up in a dramatic mid-air scuffle during the return flight from Kuala Lumpur after an abusive passenger had to be restrained at 35,000 feet . The Mayor , a passenger on the flight which was destined for London 's Heathrow , joined efforts to restrain the man who was described as ` off his head ' by one of Mr Johnson 's delegation . A spokesman for the Mayor told the MailOnline : ` The Mayor along with a number of other passengers and members of the cabin crew did make several attempts to calm the gentleman concerned but to no avail . ' The incident occurred at about 5.40 am and the man , who is believed to be British , was detained by police officers when the 13 hour Malaysia Air flight landed at Heathrow . Met Police confirmed the man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk aboard an aircraft and common assault involving a member of the cabin crew . He was being held in custody at a west London police station this morning .
London Mayor said ` all human beings are prey to feelings of xenophobia ' Boris Johnson , 50 , called on politicians to highlight benefits of immigrants . Archbishop of Canterbury described immigration in UK as ` great tradition '
[[926, 936], [944, 996], [1043, 1086], [149, 235], [174, 176], [199, 251], [504, 625], [564, 566], [589, 641], [1173, 1337], [378, 475], [1599, 1652], [1706, 1714], [1747, 1886], [2413, 2516]]
The first letter sent by Airmail from Britain to Australia has been unveiled , along with a host of retro travel posters to celebrate 80 years of the Kangaroo Route . British Airways has marked the 80th anniversary of its regular mail service between the UK and Australia - which falls on December 8 - by releasing the posters which encouraged Britons to make the journey Down Under . The first Airmail letter was sent on December 8 , 1934 , when Imperial Airways , a precursor to British Airways , began its regular weekly mail service between England and Australia . Generations of families have kept in touch via the UK-Australia Airmail post service from British Airways . The first letter was successful sent by airmail on December 8 , 1934 - almost 80 years ago . British Airways still has the envelope of one of the first letter sent that day , to the Right Hon Sir Auckland Geddes , which arrived in Brisbane 13 days later . His son , Eric Campbell Geddes , was then the chairman of Imperial Airways . The weekly mail service , which began exactly 80 years ago to the day , on December 8 , 1934 , started off as a partnership between three different airlines ; Imperial Airways , Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways . Imperial Airways and Indian Trans-Continental Airways together flew Airmail from Karachi to Singapore , with stops in Jodhpur , Delhi , Cawnpore , Allahabad , Calcutta , Akyab , Rangoon , Bangkok and Alor Star . Qantas Empire Airways flew the Airmail the final leg from Singapore to Brisbane , via Darwin . The delivery service started off as a partnership between three different airlines ; Imperial Airways , Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways . On April 13 , 1935 , British Airways , then operating as Imperial Airways , and Qantas Empire Airways opened the 12,754 mile route for passengers . The journey took 12 days and a single fare from Croydon to Brisbane cost # 195 one-way . Now British Airways , the only European carrier flying between Heathrow and Sydney , makes the daily flight from London to Sydney in just over 22 hours . John Chisholm , Airmail product manager for IAG Cargo , the cargo arm of British Airways and Iberia , said : ` Over the last 80 years British Airways has played a huge part in keeping families , friends , businesses , diplomats and governments in touch with one another , by providing the vital link for Airmail between the UK and Australia . To this day , the postal service carries 34,000 tonnes of Airmail annually - though now it 's a direct flight . In 1934 , Imperial Airways was responsible for Airmail between London and Karachi , Pakistan . ` We 're very proud to carry the Royal Mail logo on the side of every British Airways aircraft . Australia is still one of our biggest airmail cargo destination and we transport over 500,000 kgs of letters and parcels a year between the Sydney and London . ` We expecting demand to build very quickly as everyone rushes to try and beat the Post Office 's December 4 postal deadline for mailing cards and presents to Australia in time for Christmas ! ' While the number of letters posted has fallen , the number of parcels sent between the UK and Australia has increased , thanks to the growing popularity of ecommerce sites and internet shopping . IAG Cargo carries approximately 34,000 tonnes of Airmail annually , including those letters intended for the is British and US military , deployed overseas . Then , Imperial and Indian Trans-Continental Airways carried it along to Singapore with Quantas finishing the route to Brisbane . Imperial Airways and Indian Trans-Continental Airways together flew Airmail from Karachi to Singapore , with stops in Jodhpur , Delhi , Cawnpore , Allahabad , Calcutta , Akyab , Rangoon , Bangkok and Alor Star . Qantas Empire Airways flew the Airmail the final leg from Singapore to Brisbane , via Darwin . On April 13 , 1935 , British Airways , then operating as Imperial Airways , and Qantas Empire Airways opened the 12,754 mile route for passengers . The journey took 12 days and a single fare from Croydon to Brisbane cost # 195 one-way . To celebrate this 80 year achievement , fares are available between London and Sydney from just # 799 if booked before December 8 .
The Airmail service has helped families stay connected since 1934 . First UK to Australia Airmail letter was sent on December 8 of that year . Then , it took three different carriers for the parcel to reach Australia . Today , British Airways makes daily flights from London to Sydney .
[[167, 271], [569, 676], [1010, 1079], [1105, 1166], [0, 76], [79, 112], [385, 439], [677, 708], [714, 738], [677, 693], [709, 763], [1556, 1638], [1958, 1977], [2043, 2111]]
A Brooklyn hipster and new dad learned that beards and babies do n't get along and so he decided to shave the facial hair he sported for most of his adult life and devise a way to preserve it forever . Luke Hughett did n't realize his beard would be such a target for his baby daughter Willa who tugs on it , spits up on it , and bursts into tears if it gets too close to her face . ` She pulls on it . It 's a magnet . It gets in her face it annoys her . It 's like a target , ' he said . SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO . In her face : Hughett 's beard gets in his daughter 's face and annoys her to the brink of tears . The hairy decision : Luke Hughett had to make the decision between keeping his beard and terrorizing his baby daughter or shaving off the facial hair he 's had for most of his adult life and creating less of a boundary . Frightened : Hughett 's beard frightens his daughter Willa who scowls when she looks up at it . Messy beard : Hughett 's baby Willa spits up on his beard and also likes to tug on it because it makes her cry . Close shave : Hughett has his beard and mustache shaved off in one piece so that he can execute his plan . Team effort : It took a team of barbers to ensure that the beard was snipped off in just one piece . While shaving would make being a father easier , Hughett said that shaving it would be like ` an amputation of -LRB- his -RRB- soul . ' Hughett had an idea that he thought might appease both he and his daughter and while it meant shaving his beard it also meant saving it . ` There 's got ta be a way I can keep both my baby and my beard , ' he said . After having a barber trim both his beard and mustache in just one piece , he had an artist preserve the beard in a 45-block of solid Lucite , reports Gothamist . While his fiancé Erin thought him strange for so desperately holding on to his beard , baby Willa took lovingly to daddy 's baby face . ` Now that I do n't have a beard it 's been great with Willa . I can put my face right up next to hers and she likes it . There 's not this barrier between us anymore . ' Now Hughett kisses his baby goodnight and then goes to kiss his other prized possession , the beard he had permanently preserved in Lucite so he 'll never have to part with it even after his baby becomes an adult and leaves home . Baby faced : Now without his beard on his face , Luke Hughett decided to put his beard in a place where he could hold onto it forever . The plan : Luke Hughett brought his beard to a friend who worked to preserve it in a block of Lucite . The final result : Now Luke Hughett keeps his beard on his bedside table so he can look at it every day . Goodnight baby : Luke Hughett kisses his daughter to sleep with his newly smooth face but he still has one more kiss to give before going to bed . Goodnight beard : Luke Hughett kisses his other pride and joy before drifting off to sleep at night .
Luke Hughett did n't realize his beard would be such a target for his baby daughter Willa who tugs on it and spits up on it . ` There 's got ta be a way I can keep both my baby and my beard , ' Hughet thought so he had it preserved forever in Lucite . ` Now that I do n't have a beard it 's been great with Willa . I can put my face right up next to hers and she likes it , ' said Hughett .
[[202, 285], [268, 285], [296, 306], [309, 323], [385, 402], [847, 886], [930, 941], [966, 987], [930, 941], [997, 1042], [1387, 1498], [1525, 1588], [1603, 1675], [1678, 1743], [2163, 2211], [2485, 2493], [2498, 2542], [1913, 1964], [1965, 1999]]
Dr Nancy Snyderman apologized for violating an Ebola quarantine as she returned to NBC on Wednesday morning and insisted that ` good people make mistakes ' . The NBC News medical correspondent appeared on the Today show for the first time in a month and apologized at length for her mistake before presenting a segment about depression . ` I 'm very sorry for not only scaring my community and the country but adding to the confusion of the terms that came as fast and furious as the news about Ebola did , ' she told Matt Lauer . ` We had already been taking our temperatures ... and we knew our risks in our heads ... but we did not really appreciate and - frankly were not sensitive to - how absolutely scared Americans were . ' Scroll down for video . Apologetic : Dr Nancy Snyderman returned to the Today show on Wednesday after she violated her Ebola quarantine . She apologized for the mistake but said it must n't distract people from the real story . Snyderman had been reporting on the Ebola outbreak in Liberia for NBC in October at the time a cameraman who briefly worked with her , Ashoka Mukpo , came down with the deadly virus . Mukpo was transferred back to the U.S. for treatment at a Nebraska medical facility and has since recovered . Snyderman and the rest of the NBC team were urged to voluntarily quarantine themselves for a 21-day period upon their return to the United States . But during the midst of that quarantine , Snyderman and her crew were spotted getting takeout food from a New Jersey restaurant , prompting New Jersey officials to make her quarantine mandatory . On the job : Dr Snyderman agreed to a voluntary quarantine for Ebola after covering the outbreak in Liberia for NBC , pictured - but she was seen getting takeout in New Jersey just a few days later . Neither she nor anyone else from the network came down with Ebola . Her takeout foray angered her bosses and unleashed a bitter response online , with some viewers saying that they would have a hard time trusting her again after the mistake in judgment . NBC News President Deborah Turness told Dr Snyderman to take some time off . On Wednesday , Snyderman explained : ` It was about breaking a promise and it was also my association with Ashoka Mukpo . ` Good people can make mistakes and I stepped outside the boundaries of what I promised to do and what the public expected of me , and for that I 'm sorry . ' But she also added that concern over her story had taken away from ` the real issue at hand ' - the suffering she had seen of the virus across West Africa . Healthy : Snyderman and her team were quarantined after a crew member , Ashoka Mukpo -LRB- pictured center with his father and his girlfriend -RRB- , was diagnosed with Ebola . He was sent back to the U.S. and has recovered . Snyderman , 62 , will also report on a medical issue for NBC 's Nightly News on Wednesday . There had been some question about whether the veteran medical journalist would ever return to NBC News . Snyderman , a surgeon , has been at NBC News since 2006 after spending 17 years as a medical correspondent for ABC News .
The NBC News medical correspondent had been reporting from Liberia in October when one of her cameramen , Ashoka Mukpo , got Ebola . Snyderman and the rest of the NBC team were urged to quarantine themselves for a 21-day period upon their return to the US . But Snyderman and her crew were spotted getting takeout from a New Jersey restaurant , prompting officials to make her quarantine mandatory . She returned to the Today show on Wednesday and apologized for the mistake - saying she had not appreciated the level of concern in the U.S. ` Good people make mistakes , ' she said .
[[960, 1052], [1110, 1143], [1611, 1623], [1667, 1713], [2640, 2658], [2710, 2744], [1254, 1401], [1254, 1292], [1304, 1401], [2568, 2575], [2578, 2637], [1406, 1441], [1444, 1529], [1444, 1453], [1532, 1597], [1727, 1797], [2568, 2575], [2578, 2637], [0, 107], [158, 192], [254, 337], [870, 900], [67, 70], [112, 153], [2252, 2283]]
With the EU voting on plans that would see all washing-up gloves rigorously tested -- meaning prices will rise by 20 per cent -- should you stock up on before it 's too late ? Alice Smellie rolled up her sleeves to find out ... THE ORIGINAL -- AND BEST ? Extra-life Kitchen Gloves by Marigold . Extra-life Kitchen Gloves by Marigold , # 2.50 , . THE GLOVE : Thick yellow latex , with roll-top cuffs . Cotton-lined for comfort . THE TEST : Rubber gloves were created in 1889 by a surgeon to protect the hands of medical staff , with the first Marigolds made in 1947 for domestic use . I road-test them on a two-day-old lasagne dish that is encrusted with burnt cheese and mince . Although the water is scaldingly hot , I do n't feel the heat and even use my rubber-covered fingers to chip away stubborn bits of food . BACTERIA BASHERS . Anti-Bac Gloves by Lakeland , # 2.99 , . THE GLOVE : Certified to eliminate bacteria such as e-coli , salmonella , listeria and MRSA . Also recommended for skin that 's sensitive to latex or nitrile -LRB- a type of rubber -RRB- . THE TEST : According to Allergy UK , 6 per cent of us have a rubber latex allergy . But adding an anti-bacterial element seems excessive . Surely you are protecting yourself from harmful bacteria by wearing a glove in the first place ? But they fit well and unlike others , these are n't too thick -- my fingers easily pick up the smallest of teaspoons from the sink . A KILLER PAIR . Insulated Hot Food Gloves , # 23.99 , . Insulated Hot Food Gloves , # 23.99 , . THE GLOVE : Protects your hands when handling hot food . THE TEST : As well as being very expensive , these are thick , heavy and an ominous dark , shiny grey . My husband walks into the kitchen and asks : ` Have you killed someone ? ' -- and they do look like something a criminal would wear to clean up a murder ! I cook chicken nuggets to perform a heat test . I try to scoop them from the baking sheet , but have to concentrate jolly hard because the gloves are so padded with insulation that dexterity is limited . But I do n't sustain any heat-related injuries , which is the point -LRB- they only withstand temperatures of up to 120c , though -RRB- . When washing up , you ca n't feel hot water , but it 's tricky picking up small objects -LRB- or even plates for that matter -RRB- . FAILS THE TEASPOON TEST . True Blues , The Ultimate Household Glove , # 9.99 , . THE GLOVE : Thick and latex-free . Extremely resistant to strong household cleaners . THE TEST : A very thick glove , and they feel cumbersome on . They keep my hands safe in very hot water , but the loose fit means that it 's not very easy to pick up a teaspoon . They 're also machine washable . After cleaning the downstairs loo , I pop them in a wash with tea towels . The next morning , they still are n't dry , however , so I 'm not sure I 'd recommend it . Power Force Rubber Gloves with Anti-Slip Grip , 59p , Aldi . REAL STINKERS . Power Force Rubber Gloves with Anti-Slip Grip , 59p , Aldi . THE GLOVE : Non-slip grip moulded in . THE TEST : Look and feel like the cheap option . My six-year-old says the inside ` smells disgusting ' . They 're much thinner than the others , and in hot water my hands are sticky and warm after a few minutes . I 'd recommend more expensive gloves . SUPER SCOURERS . Bizzybee Scouring Gloves , # 2.40 , . THE GLOVE : One glove has a non-scratch scouring palm ; the other is left plain for easy handling . THE TEST : I often make bacon sandwiches and hot chocolate on a Saturday morning . This means somebody -LRB- me -RRB- has to wash up a greasy pan and a milky pan afterwards . The gloves have scouring pads running up the fingers and over the top of the finger on the right hand so you can get to tricky corners . They are absolutely brilliant -- except for left-handers . MOISTURISE WHILE YOU SCRUB ! Bizzybee Multi-Purpose Gloves With Moisturiser , # 3 , . THE GLOVE : Latex free , with luxury lining . THE TEST : The inside is so soft it feels like you 're wearing cashmere -LRB- to clean the house -- how posh ! -RRB- . They look elegant and are comfy , too , while my dexterity with them on is excellent . After washing up , the plates are sparkling and my hands are so soft it 's as if I had a housekeeper do the work for me . Marigold Extra-Tough Outdoor Gloves . CAR-WASH WONDERS . Marigold Extra-Tough Outdoor Gloves , # 2.59 , . THE GLOVE : Heavy-duty rubber with extra-comfy cotton lining . THE TEST : I do n't really ` do ' stuff outside , but I decide to wash my car , which is encrusted in mud . Sure enough , the heavy-duty rubber means my hands do n't get dried out from repeated dipping in the hot water . As an extra test , I tidy up a load of leaves with my hands , which is very easy in these gloves .
EU voting on plans would see all washing-up gloves rigorously tested . Prices will rise by 20 per cent . Should you stock up on before it 's too late ? Alice Smellie puts some gloves to the test .
[[19, 27], [33, 82], [86, 125], [129, 175]]
Boris Johnson has been pictured caught up in a dramatic mid-air scuffle as he tried to help calm an abusive passenger who had to be restrained while on a flight from Kuala Lumpur . The Mayor of London joined efforts to restrain the man while flying at 35,000 feet . The man was described as ` off his head ' by one of Mr Johnson 's delegation . Technology ambassador Eileen Burbidge yesterday tweeted a picture showing five members of the crew tackling the man : ` so impressed w/MH2 cabin crew -LRB- Kuala Lumpur-LHR -RRB- ; amazing professionalism/handling of passenger who was off his head . ' Today , images have emerged of Mr Johnson in the thick of a joint effort to reason with the man . Scroll down for video . Boris Johnson has been pictured caught up in a dramatic mid-air scuffle as he tried to help calm an abusive passenger who had to be restrained while on a flight from Kuala Lumpur . The Mayor of London joined efforts to restrain the man while flying at 35,000 feet . The man was described as ` off his head ' by one of Mr Johnson 's delegation . Boris Johnson has been caught up in a dramatic mid-air scuffle as an abusive passenger had to be restrained . Technology ambassador Eileen Burbidge tweeted this picture . A spokesman for the Mayor told the MailOnline : ` The Mayor along with a number of other passengers and members of the cabin crew did make several attempts to calm the gentleman concerned but to no avail . ` We understand the gentleman was restrained by the crew and detained by police on arrival at Heathrow . ' The drama unfolded as Mr Johnson travelled on the 13 hour Malaysia Air flight home from his Far East tour . Mr Johnson was pictured beside members of crew before the flight took left Kuala Lumpur . The drama unfolded as Mr Johnson travelled on the 13 hour Malaysia Air flight home from his Far East tour . Boris rides a rickshaw after it was presented to him at the Kazanah Global Lectures in the centre of Kuala Lumpur on day 6 of his tour . The man - who was believed to be English - was said to be singing loudly , before becoming abusive . Mr Johnson sat with him and urged him to remain calm . But after a short time he eventually became aggressive again , onlookers said . Cabin crew on board the Malaysia Airlines flight later restrained the man after Mr Johnson 's pleas for him to calm down were ignored . The Mayor of London , who was on the flight , joined efforts to restrain the man who was described as ` off his head ' by one of Mr Johnson 's delegation -LRB- stock picture -RRB- . A Met spokesman said police were called at around 5.40 am to reports of a disruptive passenger on a flight to Heathrow Airport . The 43-year-old passenger was met by officers at 6am once the plane landed at Heathrow , and was arrested on suspicion of being drunk aboard an aircraft and common assault involving a member of the cabin crew . The man was in custody this morning at a west London police station . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Mayor of London was on the flight and joined efforts to restrain the man . He was described as ` off his head ' by one of Mr Johnson 's delegation . She later said man also tried to headbutt those who helped restrain him . Drama unfolded as Mr Johnson travelled on the 13 hour Malaysia Air flight . A man was arrested once flight landed at Heathrow and taken into custody .
[[0, 13], [32, 117], [75, 180], [181, 265], [719, 732], [751, 836], [794, 899], [900, 984], [1285, 1440], [2376, 2382], [2389, 2406], [2363, 2382], [2409, 2443], [2363, 2382], [2424, 2544], [266, 344], [562, 571], [576, 594], [985, 1063], [2363, 2382], [2424, 2544], [0, 71], [719, 790], [1064, 1126], [1548, 1655], [1570, 1655], [1746, 1853], [1768, 1853], [1443, 1545], [2732, 2760]]
A nurse was brutally knifed to death in the street by her stalker ex-lover after she jilted him , a court heard . After the ` remorseless ' attack on 42-year-old mum-of-two Naudel Turner , Dariusz Miakienko calmly made a phone call and rolled a cigarette as he waited for police to arrive . Married Miakienko , 47 , began an affair with Mrs Turner after meeting her at the north London GP 's surgery where she worked , the court heard . As the relationship petered out he became ` obsessive ' and began stalking her when she began a new relationship with practice manager Kevin McDonald , Isleworth Crown Court were told . Dariusz Miakienko , 46 , -LRB- right -RRB- is accused of killing Naudel Turner , 42 , -LRB- left -RRB- in a savage knife attack in a Tottenham street which took place during broad daylight after their relationship ended . The jury heard her new lover even met Miakienko the day before the murder and warned Mrs Turner to call the police as he was ` dangerous . ' When the 42-year-old left work Miakienko followed her before repeatedly stabbing her in the middle of a street in Bruce Grove on March 19 of this year , it was alleged . Peter Finnigan , prosecuting , told the jury of ten women and two men the murder took place just a short walk from where Mrs Turner worked as a practice nurse in Tottenham , north London . He said : ` The stabbing was methodic . It was extremely violent . It was remorseless and it was prolonged . When the 42-year-old victim left work , Miakienko followed her before repeatedly stabbing her in the middle of a street in Bruce Grove on March 19 of this year , it was alleged . ` About 1pm in the afternoon Naudel Turner left the Castle View Surgery , where she worked part-time as a practice nurse and walked a short distance to nearby Bruce Grove . ` As she was walking along the road she was seen to be followed along the road by this defendant . ' At first Mrs Turner did not acknowledge she was being followed , but witnesses said she must of been aware of it as she turned around and confronted him . Mr Finnigan said : ` She was heard to shout to him ` leave me alone . ' She then got her phone out and tried to make a phone call . The defendant grabs her arm and she turns around and slaps him . ' Miakienko then pushed her against a fence and Mr Finnigan added : ` He attacked her with a kitchen knife , he stabbed her and she fell to the ground and he continued to stab her . ' He said a passing motorist tried to intervene , adding : ` He pleaded with him to stop , shouting ` do n't kill her . ' Miakienko , of Lordship Lane , Tottenham , had denied one count of murder at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court . ` It did n't make any difference , he continued to stab her . ' Then , after putting down the knife , he ` took out his own mobile phone and started to make a call , and one witness saw him then rolling a cigarette . ' He was then restrained by passers-by , including an off-duty cop , until police arrived , the court heard . Paramedics rushed to the scene , but Mrs Turner died on the way to the hospital . Mr Finnigan said that Mrs Turner had lived with her husband , William , but they had become estranged in 2009 . However she lived on the top floor of the house while her husband live on the bottom floor , and they would not discuss each other 's personal relationships . Describing Miakienko and Mrs Turner 's relationship , Mr Finnigan said : ` He had been in this country , it seems , for about five years . ` He had been treated as a patient at Castle View Surgery , where Naudel Turner worked and they formed a relationship , an intimate relationship . ' She even helped her lover rent a flat in Lordship Lane , on the same street where she worked by paying his deposit and acting as his guarantor . Dariusz Miakienko had allegedly made a calm phone call and rolled a cigarette as he waited for police to arrive after the attack . Police later recovered texts and data from the man 's phone after the murder which showed the relationship had soured and he had become obsessed with her . He said : ` Members of the jury , what you might think emerges , is that he become obsessed with her . The messages can be tender and loving , and they can also be seen to be increasingly possessive and controlling . ` He believed she would leave William Turner and marry him , in fact he had a wife and children himself in Poland . ' ` As time passed , Naudel 's interest for a continued relationship with the defendant seemed to have lessened . In fact she met another man , Kevin McDonald . ` It 's obvious that the defendant had learned about her attraction to Kevin McDonald , and did n't like it , and was jealous about it . ` He started to pester Naudel with constant calls and texts . She started to discuss him to others as a stalker . ' Mr McDonald had not known about Mrs Turner 's relationship with the Pole at first , but after discovering it he had arranged to meet Miakienko . Afterwards Mr McDonald ` told her to call the police as he believed the defendant was possibly dangerous . ' Silver-haired Miakienko was surrounded by three dock officers and was aided by a Polish interpreter . Miakienko , 47 , of Lordship Lane , Tottenham , denies one count of murder . The trial continues . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Dariusz Miakienko was having an affair with mum-of-two Naudel Turner . When the relationship petered out he became ` obsessive ' and stalked her . Miakienko had followed the 42-year-old when she left work on March 19 . He allegedly stabbed her repeatedly in the middle of a Tottenham street . The 47-year-old then calmly called police and rolled a cigarette .
[[291, 308], [316, 399], [437, 492], [589, 622], [1842, 1845], [1855, 1904], [4042, 4075], [4076, 4083], [4086, 4178], [4709, 4768], [986, 1136], [1139, 1155], [1454, 1491], [1494, 1613], [1454, 1491], [1616, 1632], [1842, 1845], [1855, 1904], [0, 74], [709, 772], [754, 772], [779, 844], [986, 1136], [1139, 1155], [1454, 1491], [1494, 1613], [2368, 2382], [2414, 2440], [2711, 2737], [114, 186], [189, 231], [114, 186], [189, 206], [236, 290], [2846, 2892], [3789, 3843], [3789, 3806], [3848, 3919]]
Temporary tattoos may be all the rage again thanks to Beyoncé - but it seems they 're not just for humans . A new brand creates body art just for horses , helping transform equine friends into My Little Ponies . The Glamourati stencilled designs claim to be ideal for the horse and rider who like to stand out from the crowd . Scroll down for video . Glittery tattoos for horses are brainchild of Sally Rees from Coventry , who took inspiration from the ancient tradition of quarter-marking . Designs are applied using stencils and last up to two weeks . The stencils transform equine friends into My Little Ponies , like this My Little Pony Earth Horse Belle Stars toy from 1982 , by Hasbro . Created by mother of two Sally Rees , 40 , from Coventry , the temporary tattoos can last from a day to two weeks , depending on the glue used to apply them . The glue does n't touch the horse 's skin , so vets say it 's safe to use and the tattoos can be washed off with soap , water and a brush . Sally , a former beauty spa director , came up with the idea for the sparkly marks while looking for a way to generate extra income after becoming a mother-of-two . She explains : ' I used to be the managing director of a beauty spa until 2009 when I gave it up to look after my two young children . ' I had been dabbling with different ideas to bring a bit more money in when I came across someone doing glitter tattoos at a craft fair . The Glamouratti stencilled designs claim to be ideal for the horse and rider who like to stand out from the crowd . A delighted little girl stands proudly by her glittery horse . Sally demonstrates how glitter is sponged onto the horse . ` My daughter fell in love with them straight away and so I started doing them at children 's parties . ` About a year ago my in-laws from Ireland were visiting and knowing they have horses I just said : `` I do n't know why no-one has made these for horses '' . ` It was a light-bulb moment for me - the more I thought about it the more it seemed like a good idea . ' I started to look into it and realised there was a real gap in the market . ' A year after her eureka moment , Sally has turned her idea into a fully-fledged business . She is now turning horses into real life My Little Ponies after inventing temporary tattoos for the animals made from glitter . The savvy ` horse beautician ' has taken inspiration from the ancient tradition of quarter-marking . The art involves the hair on a horse 's rear quarter being brushed into patterns for show . Sally has dubbed her venture ` quarter-marketing ' - as brands can use the tattoos to stick their logos on the horses . Decoration : The temporary tattoos invented by Sally Rees can be applied to the horse 's hair . Vet approved : The glue does n't touch the horse 's skin so it 's safe to use and the tattoos can be washed off with soap , water and a brush . Different colourways suit different horses for dramatic effects . The tattoos are applied using a stencil to ensure a perfect picture , and Sally said the products have been popular with horse owners and have been approved by vets . She said : ` We spent a lot of time developing an adhesive that was long lasting but easily washed off . ` We then tried out our new products on some horses at our local riding school and they were an instant hit . ` Quarter-marketing ' : Brands can use the tattoos to stick their logos on the horses . Temporary : The pictures last a day or two weeks depending on the glue used . ` We then had a stall at a big horse show and we had queues of people waiting to get glitter tattoos on their horses . ` The glitter kits are completely safe to use - they have been given the thumbs up by vets . ` Glitter and sparkle is huge in the world of equestrian accessories and now the horses can have some too . ` When the sun comes out you ca n't describe how amazing the glitter tattoos look . ' Sally 's equestrian glitter tattoo kits cost between # 19.99 and # 59.99 and can be bought from her website . Riders can emblazon the horse 's name on their side using glitter . ` Glitter and sparkle is huge in the world of equestrian accessories and now the horses can have some too , ' inventor Sally said . Popular : Sally has turned her idea into a successful business .
Glittery tattoos for horses are brainchild of Sally Rees , 40 , from Coventry . Mother-of-two took inspiration from ancient tradition of quarter-marking . Designs are applied using stencils and last up to two weeks . Vets say it 's safe to use as the glue does n't touch the horse 's skin .
[[351, 421], [694, 734], [993, 998], [1032, 1075], [2208, 2315], [2660, 2744], [3909, 3948], [3986, 4016], [413, 421], [428, 492], [2336, 2436], [493, 536], [493, 500], [532, 554], [751, 807], [2955, 3022], [853, 894], [900, 942], [2760, 2815], [3668, 3714]]
Pope Francis has ` sacked ' the head of his Swiss Guard protection detail because the pontiff views the solider as being ` too strict ' . Colonel Daniel Rudolf Anrig has been told by the Vatican that his contract will not be renewed on January 31 , when it runs out . Pope Francis has been clearing out senior Vatican officials who do not share his modest outlook on life - including one cleric dubbed ` The Bishop of Bling ' . Pope Francis , centre , has sacked Colonel Daniel Rudolf Anrig , left , who was head of the Swiss Guard . Colonel Anrig , pictured , has been told his contract will not be renewed when it ends on January 31 , 2015 . Vatican watchers said Pope Francis , pictured , thought 42-year-old Colonel Anrig was ` too strict ' Franca Giansoldati , of Il Messaggero newspaper , told the Telegraph that the manner in which Colonel Anrig was informed of his sacking was quite unusual . He said : ` From what we journalists have been able to reconstruct , there is a different vision between the Pope who wants relationships inside the Vatican to be humane , brotherly , even paternally . ` And then , there is the vision of the Colonel who is the Colonel of the smallest army in the world , but it is still an army , with very rigid rules , very severe soldierly . ' Pope Francis is believed to have been angered after he saw a young Swiss guard standing outside his papal suite all night . The pontiff is believed to have told the young man to sit down , and the solider replied that he could not as it was ` against orders ' . Pope Francis responded by saying : ' I give the orders around here , ' and went to buy the guard a cappuccino . Reports of the decision to remove Colonel Anrig were carried in the official Vatican Newspaper Osservatore Romano . Since Pope Francis ' election , he has sacked his number two , Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone , three other members of the Commission of Cardinals , and the entire board of the financial watchdog . It is understood that Pope Francis was not impressed that Colonel Anrig had moved into a grand apartment over the Swiss Guard 's barracks in the Vatican . Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst of Limburg , Germany , known as the Bishop of Bling was sacked earlier this year after spending # 26million on a luxurious new residence and office complex while cutting staff . Pope Francis wants the corps to be run in a less military style , but Swiss guards found that the commander was too rigid , sources told agency ANSA . The 42-year-old father of four was previously head of the criminal branch of a Swiss police force , before he was appointed commander by Benedict XVI in 2006 . He had previously served a Swiss guard in Rome from 1992 to 1994 . The pope enjoys a familiar relationship with his bodyguards . He knows them by name and asks about their families . The corps are said to keep a glass that Francis drank out of when he stopped by their kitchens as a ` relic ' . Swiss Guards are the Swiss soldiers who have served as bodyguards of the Pope since the 16th century and are responsible for the security of the apostolic palace . They must be single Catholic men aged between 19 and 30 , and at least 5ft 8.5 ins tall . They swear allegiance to the Pope and are famous for their Renaissance-style uniform , with a plumed feather in their helmet , leggings and a high ruff collar .
Colonel Daniel Rudolf Anrig 's contract is not being renewed by the Pope . Pope Francis believes that Colonel Anrig is ` too strict ' and not brotherly . The pontiff has recently removed a number of senior Vatican officials . Colonel Anrig will step down from the Swiss Guard on January 31 , 2015 .
[[138, 246], [428, 440], [443, 490], [534, 547], [550, 607], [575, 643], [0, 25], [28, 133], [666, 678], [692, 731], [700, 742], [268, 327]]
Russian president Vladimir Putin is despised so much in one Ukrainian city that his picture is regularly melded with an image of Hitler and printed onto products which allow locals to urinate and wipe their bottoms on his face . Adding the Nazi leader 's distinctive moustache and side parting to a picture of Putin 's face , the image has been posted onto urinals and printed onto toilet paper . Cheeky market stall holders in the pro-European city of Lviv have also printed the image onto T-shirts and bags and all sorts of other paraphernalia . A young girl carries a bag with an image depicting Putin as the new Hitler , complete with the Nazi dictator 's iconic moustache and side parting . A range of similar items are available on market stalls in the Ukrainian city of Lviv , where hatred of the Russian leader is high due to his support for separatist rebels in the east of the country . Posters across the city of Lviv compare Putin 's annexation of the Crimea with Hitlers 1938 annexation of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia . Printed toilet rolls allow the residents of Lviv to wipe their bottoms on the Putin 's face . Peeing on Putin . Stickers posted on urinals use an expletive to describe the Russian leader . Melding their names together some of the products feature the phrase ` Putler Kaput , ' a clear signal of their hatred towards the Russian president who has backed pro-Moscow separatist rebels in the civil war which has claimed at least 4,300 lives . More chillingly , some have printed images of Putin with a single , bloody bullet wound through his forehead , while others have printed swastikas onto the Russian flag . Posters across the city also compare Putins annexation of the overwhelmingly ethnic Russian Crimean peninsula in March , with Hitlers 1938 annexation of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia . Meanwhile , urinals feature a prominently placed picture of Putin with an expletive underneath to describe him . At gun ranges it is also possible to rent an AK47 and shoot specially-made Putin targets , in the city which sits near the Polish border . A couple walk hand in hand in hand next to a picture of Putin as Hitler , with the Nazi leader 's distinctive moustache and side parting , along with swastika 's on his collar . A chilling bullet hole in Putin 's head shows the level of hatred that many in the city of Lviv have towards the Russian leader because of his support for pro-Moscow separatists in the east of the country . A man fires his automatic rifle at a target featuring Putin 's head at a shooting range in Lviv . Residents of the city near the Polish border in western Ukraine routinely mock the Russian leader . Pockmarked with bullet holes , a target of Vladimir Putin after a shooting session at a Lviv gun range . Tension in the east of the country remains high despite a partial ceasefire agreement between Ukrainian forces and separatist rebels which is due to start on December 5 . Despite the deal brokered by the the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe -LRB- OCSE -RRB- Ukraine yesterday said a military convoy of 106 vehicles including Howitzer tanks rolled into its Donetsk region from Russia without permission . The truce comes exactly three months after the much violated September 5 ceasefire to end the separatist rebellion which began in April in Luhansk and Donetsk .
Stall holders add Nazi leader 's distinctive moustache and side parting to image of Putin in the city of Lviv . Russia 's annexation of Crimea is compared with Hitler 's annexation of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia . Hatred for the Russian leader is high due to his support for pro-Moscow rebels in the east .
[[80, 135], [229, 323], [897, 1038], [1650, 1673], [1679, 1768], [790, 896], [1347, 1376], [1381, 1437], [2269, 2396], [2340, 2475]]
A California surgeon has been disciplined for removing the wrong kidney of a federal inmate and leaving him with the diseased one . The Orange County Register reported Tuesday that the state medical board placed Dr. Charles Coonan Streit on probation for three years . The board said Streit , a urologist who has had his license for 41 years , relied on memory to decide which kidney to remove because he did n't have access to the patient 's complete medical records . Diseased : Dr. Charles Coonan Streit has been placed on three years probation for removing the wrong kidney of a federal inmate leaving him with the diseased one . The 2012 operation at Fullerton 's St. Jude Medical Center involved a 59-year-old federal inmate . The hospital was fined $ 100,000 because CT scans were left in an office on the day of the surgery . The inmate , who was serving time at Terminal Island , a low-security federal prison in San Pedro , underwent a second procedure to have the cancerous kidney removed . An attorney representing Streit did n't reply to a message seeking comment . The Register reports that Streit has been barred from supervising physician assistants and is required to enroll in a wrong-site surgery course offered by the University of California , San Diego School of Medicine . Fined : Fullerton 's St. Jude Medical Center was fined $ 100,000 because CT scans were left in an office on the day of the surgery . Patient : Nurses and an anesthesiologist who assisted Streit in the surgery told inspectors that the patient told them the wrong side when they asked him which kidney was diseased -LRB- stock image -RRB- . The board described Streit 's conduct as ` an extreme departure from the standard of care , ' and listed the many aspects of standard operating protocol that would have prevented the error . Streit and his assistants could have postponed the surgery until the proper records were available and could have done a renal ultrasound to determine which kidney was tumorous . Nurses and an anesthesiologist who assisted Streit in the surgery told inspectors that the patient told them the wrong side when they asked him which kidney was diseased . CBS news reports that though wrong-site surgeries are rare , -- occurring once every five to 10 years -- they are not unprecedented . The Register reports that the Department of Public Health have fined two other Orange County hospitals for wrong-site surgeries in the past seven years .
Dr. Charles Coonan Streit has been placed on three years probation for removing the wrong kidney of a federal inmate leaving him with the diseased one . Streit is required to take a wrong-site surgery course and is barred from supervising physician assistants . Those who assisted Streit in the surgery said the patient was the one who told them the wrong side .
[[0, 131], [0, 20], [42, 91], [0, 20], [96, 131], [132, 268], [181, 268], [479, 597], [581, 633], [1079, 1222], [1450, 1469], [1474, 1504], [1526, 1582], [2016, 2035], [2040, 2070], [2092, 2148]]
A company director has been found guilty of manslaughter after a steel worker was crushed to death during a # 500,000 basement conversion at a # 3.9 million London townhouse . Conrad Sidebottom , commercial director of construction company Siday , was found guilty at Southwark Crown Court after employee Anghel Milosavlevici , 37 , was killed by a falling wall during a property renovation . Mr Milosavlevici , a manual labourer , was killed in front of his father Gheorghe as the pair carried out refurbishment works at a # 3.9 million home in Fulham , south west London , in December 2010 . Anghel Milosavlevici , 37 -LRB- left -RRB- , was killed by a falling wall in front of his father Gheorghe -LRB- right -RRB- during a # 500,000 basement renovation at a # 3.9 million townhouse in Fulham , south west London , in December 2010 . The court heard details of how the incident unfolded , including how Gheorghe shouted for his son to ` run ' after noticing an unsupported load-bearing wall beginning to collapse . Mr Milosavlevici , from Walthamstow , was working in a trench at the time the wall fell , and it toppled onto him , leaving him trapped . Workers tried to dig him out as his father helplessly cradled his head while he lay unconscious . However , despite the emergency services arriving within minutes , Mr Milosavlevici tragically died at the scene . During the trial , the jury heard that had the trench walls been properly supported , the wall would not have collapsed and Mr Milosavlevici would not have died . He had been employed by Siday Construction Ltd to work on the basement renovation and the company was contracted to provide building services at the residential property , including the excavation of the basement and the underpinning of the supporting walls . The court heard how company boss Sidebottom visited the site two or three times a week but failed to improve the dangerous conditions for the workers . The 46-year-old , of Hertford , Hertfordshire , denied unlawfully killing Mr Milosavlevici by gross negligence but was found guilty by jurors at yesterday 's hearing . Health and Safety consultant Richard Golding , 43 , was also found guilty of failing to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others . Mr Milosavlevici was killed as he worked in the basement at the property in Fulham , London -LRB- pictured -RRB- . Self-employed Golding was contracted to work on the project by Allday Safety Services Ltd but he failed to properly inspect the dangerous site , directly contributing to Mr Milosavlevici 's death . The pair are due to be sentenced tomorrow . In a statement read outside court yesterday , Mr Milosavlevici 's sister Cristina and fiancée Claudia described his death as a ` tragic loss ' . ` He was the most gentle , kind-hearted and generous man you could ever hope to meet , ' they said . ` He worked for Conrad Sidebottom for more than two years before he was killed , but we were shocked to hear evidence at the trial about how dangerous the site had become , and how little concern Sidebottom showed for the safety of everyone involved in the excavation works . ` We hope the verdict makes other construction company directors take stock of their own working practices , and ensure that they are doing everything possible to keep their workers safe . ' The owners of the two-storey Victorian semi-detached home decided to renovate their property , at a cost of # 576,000 , in 2010 . The first and second floors were to be refurbished , a new conservatory and kitchen added on the ground floor and a basement created . Workers were using the traditional method of underpinning to create the basement , by digging under sections of existing walls and deepening the foundations to make the new walls . Conrad Sidebottom , 46 , commercial director of construction company Siday , was found guilty at Southwark Crown Court of manslaughter after failing to inspect and address the dangerous site conditions for workers . Trenches were excavated adjacent to exterior walls to allow workers to dig horizontally through the earth , underneath the walls of the house and replace with reinforced concrete . However , even though the work was dangerous and the design was changed , the underpinning of the # 168,000 basement was not properly planned . Workers were left to their own devices to figure out how and when they would prop up trenches to stop them collapsing . Siday employee Bobby Risipitu told the trial he was never shown a method statement , plan or design and said workers were left to prop up trenches based on whether they felt safe . He said earth often collapsed on them when they were digging and large sections of the trench he was working in were not supported at all . Workers regularly discussed the dangerous conditions , jurors heard . Mr Milosavlevici 's father said the gravelly earth was like digging with sand , with trenches often crumbling in on themselves . Mr Milosavlevici , a manual labourer from Walthamstow , died after being trapped by a falling wall as he worked in a trench during the renovations . The court also heard how just weeks before his death , Mr Milosavlevici suffered an electric shock after his shovel hit a live electricity cable that had not been cut off . Jurors also heard how , in what appeared to be a money-saving decision , excavated earth was used instead of sand to mix concrete . The post-mortem examination confirmed Mr Milosavlevici died of severe crush injuries to his chest and abdomen , several bilateral rib fractures and severe underlying injuries to the lungs . His heart , aorta and spleen were also damaged , consistent with crushing by masonry . Golding , who had the authority to stop dangerous works , inspected the site on October 26 and November 23 , 2010 , but never commented on the excavations . The safety document he drafted was also inadequate and not followed . In a police interview , he said he was shocked and insisted he had not seen the trenches which were hidden under boards . Sidebottom said he briefed workers and employee Patrick O'Connor who he believed was supervising the build . He told police that to the best of his knowledge nothing was wrong with the site and he took no steps to improve the site despite being aware of the dangerous conditions . Following the incident , a local authority building control officer found the house was potentially at danger of collapse . A dangerous structure notice was served and the property had to be stabilised by independent contractors . After the verdict , Detective Chief Inspector Tim Duffield , of the Met Police 's homicide and major crime command , who worked closely the Health and Safety Executive , said : ` There was overwhelming evidence that Sidebottom and Golding 's failure to carry out their respective roles directly resulted in the death of Anghel Milosavlevici . ` In this case the danger of collapse was not only foreseeable , it had been specifically identified by Golding in his risk assessments . ` Sadly , for Anghel 's family this lapse would have tragic consequences and give rise to his untimely death . '
Conrad Sidebottom , 46 , guilty of manslaughter at Southwark Crown Court . Employee Anghel Milosavlevici killed by falling wall during refurbishment . 37-year-old was killed while working at # 3.9 million townhouse in Fulham . Sidebottom failed to inspect and address dangerous conditions at the site .
[[0, 77], [176, 193], [240, 311], [3775, 3799], [3844, 3990], [594, 614], [631, 690], [4956, 4972], [5012, 5054], [4956, 4972], [5017, 5104], [63, 175], [176, 193], [328, 392], [478, 552], [2259, 2341], [1792, 1943], [1792, 1801], [1883, 1943], [2468, 2516], [3775, 3799], [3844, 3990], [6230, 6316]]
The body of a woman who vanished nine weeks ago without shoes , money or her phone has been found in a Utah river five miles from her home . Kayelyn Louder , 30 , had not been seen since September 27 , when she was captured on surveillance camera leaving her Murray condo barefoot in the heavy rain . On Monday , workers inspecting drainage pipes in the Jordan River in West Valley City found her decomposed body partially submerged . She was identified by dental records on Tuesday . Her cause of death is still undetermined and authorities are not sure how she ended up in the river , the Salt Lake Tribune reported . A creek that leads to the river runs behind Louder 's home but investigators believe the it was too shallow to carry her body five miles away , Fox13 reported . Scroll down for video . Tragic : Kayelyn Louder , 30 , -LRB- pictured left and right -RRB- vanished from her home in Murray , Utah in September and her body has now been found in a river five miles away . Authorities do not yet know how it got there . In the hours before she went missing , Louder had contacted 911 to report a fight at a wedding and then an intruder in her apartment - although police found no evidence of either . She did not have any history of mental health issues although her father said she had experienced ' a little bit of depression ' due to her recent employment status . ` She 's been in and out of jobs for the last year , ' Jesse Louder told KSL after her disappearance . Investigators have said that the surveillance footage shows her talking excitedly . It appears that her black Chinese pug Phyllis is in the video with her , but the dog was later found unharmed . After stepping out of the final frame of the footage , she was not seen again . Scene : Her body was found by workers inspecting pipes in the Jordan River in West Valley City , pictured . Heartbreaking : The discovery on Monday brings some closure to her family after nine weeks of searches . ` We do n't know what happened , ' Allen Robins , a private investigator for the Louder family , told Fox . ` No one else saw her . No one has any other details as to what had happened from when she left that frame until -LSB- Monday -RSB- . ' A roommate alerted authorities after she realized she had not heard from Louder , known as ` Kiki ' to her friends , in a while . Following her disappearance , friends and family launched a massive search for the woman through social media and raised more than $ 8,000 online to help the efforts . Shortly after news that her body had been found , her family released a statement . ` We are broken hearted with the news of Kayelyn 's body being found , but are also grateful to know where she is , ' it said . Last sighting : She was captured on surveillance footage on September 27 but has not been seen since . Loved : She had no history of mental illness but it emerged that she called 911 multiple times about non-existent crimes in the hours before she vanished . Her father said she had been low about her job . ` This has been an extremely difficult 9 + weeks for all involved . We hope that through all of our efforts that she has been able to see how much she is loved and cared for . ` We are forever grateful to the volunteers who have helped us in countless ways over the past 9 weeks . We are amazed at your love and dedication to our family . ` While finding her brings some closure we still have many unanswered questions and will not rest until we are able to fully understand what happened . ' A candlelight vigil will be held in remembrance of Kayelyn in Murray Park at 5.15 pm on Thursday . See below for video .
Kayelyn Louder was last seen on surveillance footage wandering away from her home in the rain on September 27 . On Monday , her body was found five miles away in the Jordan River . It is not yet clear how it got there ; there is a creek that leads to the river behind her home , but investigators believe it is too shallow to carry her . Before she went missing , she called 911 multiple times about non-existent crimes but she had no history of mental illness .
[[141, 155], [163, 199], [227, 300], [2741, 2799], [0, 19], [73, 140], [301, 310], [313, 434], [907, 985], [530, 584], [620, 678], [683, 761], [986, 1008], [1014, 1032], [986, 997], [1005, 1032], [1033, 1069], [1072, 1176], [1214, 1266], [2838, 2874], [2879, 2985]]
Hidden behind locked gates and reserved solely for the enjoyment of a select few , it is an exclusive part of New York rarely seen by the outside world . Gramercy Park , in Manhattan , has been off limits ever since it opened in 1831 with only the wealthy residents who live in surrounding apartments granted keys to its wrought-iron gates . But thanks to a computer programmer and his trusty smartphone , anyone can take a tour of the tranquil two-acre park - after he posted his pictures of it online . Gramercy Park -LRB- pictured -RRB- , in Manhattan , has been off limits ever since it opened in 1831 with only the wealthy residents who live in surrounding apartments granted keys to its wrought-iron gates . Thanks to a computer programmer and his trusty smartphone , the tranquil two-acre site -LRB- pictured -RRB- has suddenly become a lot more accessible . Requests for filming and photography in the park are routinely turned down , while just 383 keys exist for the wrought-iron gates . Requests for filming and photography in the park are routinely turned down , while just 383 specially-made keys exist for the gates -- owned by those living in the 39 buildings bordering the patch of land . But Shawn Christopher , a former Army sergeant from the Pittsburgh area , gained access when he rented an apartment through Airbnb during a honeymoon visit to Manhattan . The room included access to one of the coveted keys -- but he was not aware he was supposed to be accompanied by a key holder when visiting the park , or that commercial photography was banned . Instead , he took a series of 360-degree shots using the Google app Photo Sphere before uploading them to the company 's maps site . Now anyone can enjoy a look around the park from the comfort of their home . Shawn Christopher , from the Pittsburgh area , gained access to the park when he rented an apartment through Airbnb during a honeymoon visit to Manhattan . The room included one of the coveted keys -- but he was not aware he was supposed to be accompanied by a key holder when visiting the park , or that commercial photography was banned . The organisation that runs the park receives three requests a day from people wanting to take pictures inside the gates - but each request is turned down . The New York Times reports him as saying : ` When I found out where I was , I thought , `` This has to be captured '' . ` The Internet is all about sharing knowledge , especially these secret , hidden things . ` I just really wanted to share this with other people . It 's such a beautiful part of New York , and people should n't miss out on that . ' Oscar Wilde , the Steinways and Thomas Edison all once had keys to the park while former presidents Teddy Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy played there as children . Celebrities including Uma Thurman and Rufus Wainwright are among those said to have access to the gardens , which are off-limits to outsiders . The newspaper says Oscar Wilde , the Steinways and Thomas Edison all once had keys to the park while former presidents Teddy Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy played there as children . Celebrities including Uma Thurman and Rufus Wainwright are among those said to have access to the gardens . The report says that Arlene Harrison , president of the Gramercy Park Block Association , receives up to three requests a day from people wanting to take pictures inside the gates -- but that she always answers ` no ' . But she said she had no intention of asking Google to remove Mr Christopher 's images .
Gramercy Park in Manhattan , New York , has been off limits ever since it was set up in 1831 locked behind iron gates . There are only 383 keys to the two-acre park which are in the hands of those living in the surrounding apartments . But computer programmer Shawn Christopher gained access to the site while staying in apartment through Airbnb . He was unaware he was supposed to be accompanied by keyholder and that commercial photography was banned . Used smartphone to take 360-degree panorama shots with Google app Photo Sphere before putting them online .
[[0, 80], [154, 167], [173, 233], [505, 524], [545, 590], [588, 605], [239, 265], [270, 313], [239, 265], [278, 320], [611, 637], [642, 685], [611, 637], [650, 692], [949, 997], [1081, 1129], [1209, 1226], [1279, 1375], [1781, 1798], [1828, 1936], [1435, 1501], [1530, 1570], [1986, 2052], [2081, 2121], [467, 504], [1581, 1617], [1652, 1703], [1601, 1703]]
Deep within our city sewers , a new breed of genetically mutated ` super rats ' , immune to poison , are spreading at alarming speeds . Scientists have now begun charting their rapid invasion into new communities by monitoring their progress in 17 counties in the UK . Genetic testing by Huddersfield University has revealed that the rodents have developed a mutation that allows them to survive conventional poisons . Scroll down for video . A new breed of genetically mutated ` super rats ' , immune to poison , are spreading at alarming speeds . This giant vermin was reportedly found in Gravesend , Kent . In counties such as Berkshire , Suffolk , Surrey , Wiltshire , Hampshire and Kent , all the rats tested were found to have immunity to poison . Places such as Shropshire and South Gloucestershire had slightly less resilient rats with immunity levels at 33 per cent , and 50 per cent respectively . Around 30 per cent of rats in Kingston are immune to poison , in Sheffield it is 40 per cent , while 75 per cent of rats in Southampton are immune . A . giant , 2ft -LRB- 0.6 metres -RRB- long rat caught in Liverpool . A swarm of ` super rats ' spotted across the country is expected to outnumber humans two to one by . next year . While the rats have been changing , humans have been using the same anticoagulant poisons since the 1950s . Research earlier this year found that the swarm of ` super rats ' spotted across the country is expected to outnumber humans two-to-one by next year . For the very first time , the Tonight programme , which airs at 7.30 pm BST on ITV , will show footage and images of these tested ` super rats ' . ` I think people should be concerned about these resistant rats because of public health concerns - because they carry disease and various other bacteria and viruses , ' said researchers Dr Dougie Clarke . ` They also damage buildings ... they cost billions of pounds of damage worldwide . ' ` With the use of rodenticides , that will kill off the normal rats , and then the resistant ones will remain . ` So it 's a sort of time bomb of resistance building up over generations of rats . ' ` The fact we 've tested 17 counties and every single one of them has got resistant rats was an amazing find to us . We did n't expect to have every single county having resistant rats . ' While the rats have been changing , humans have been using the same anticoagulant poisons since the 1950s . This photo shows a huge rat that was caught in Cornwall earlier this year . It measured 50cm from tail to nose . Dr Clarke claims communities across the country are running out of defences as the government contemplates the future of rodenticide use . The most potent rat poisons are currently for professional use only and can not be used outside without special license . The decision about the future regulation of rodent poison -- mainly because of secondary poisoning to birds of prey and other animals - is expected this autumn . Dr Clarke explained how the costs of pest control will escalate as a result of these poison-tolerant rats . ` Unless there 's new legislation for the more toxic poisons and maybe for the more lax use of them , then it will have to be the more physical forms of killing the rats , ' he said . ` The costs are going to escalate because of the monitoring and the picking off of the rats , and the dead bodies . ' Jack Russell Max , owned by Royal Tunbridge Wells resident Mark Willmott , caught one of the large rats whose numbers are increasing around the country . And the problem is not just confined to Britain . Other huge rodents have been caught recently in homes in Stockholm and Dublin . Scientists have now begun charting their rapid invasion into new communities by monitoring their progress in 17 counties in the UK . Pictured are the counties in which all the rats tested were immune to poison . Figures have revealed that , in some regions of the UK , the number of vermin has already surged by 50 per cent since April last year . And experts believe the rat population could soar from 80 million to 160 million by the end of the year . In April , a 2ft -LRB- 0.6 metres -RRB- long rat was captured in Cornwall while other monster rats have been reported in Kent and in Liverpool . Rats thrive in damp and soggy weather - of which the UK has seen plenty during the wettest year on record . Vermin are also swapping rural areas for the big city . They can carry illnesses which can be passed to humans , including Weil 's disease , which has flu-like symptoms initially but can lead to jaundice and kidney failure . Across the country , councils have reported a rise in the number of rats being reported . Birmingham has the highest number of call-outs with 5,100 in the past year . And the problem is not just confined to Britain . Other huge rodents have been caught recently in homes in Stockholm and Dublin , where one rat was trapped by pest control after terrorising an Irish family in south Dublin . The Dublin-based ` monster vermin ' had been terrorising Grace and Ian Walters ' home in Kingswood shortly after they moved into their new flat . Giant rats , the size of cows or even bigger , could one day fill a ` significant chunk ' of Earth 's emptying ecospace . The terrifying scenario could become a reality as super-adaptable rats take advantage of larger mammals becoming extinct , an expert predicts . ` Animals will evolve , over time , into whatever designs will enable them to survive and to produce offspring , ' said geologist Dr Jan Zalasiewicz , from the University of Leicester . For instance , in the Cretaceous Period , when the dinosaurs lived , there were mammals , but these were very small , rat and mouse-sized , because dinosaurs occupied the larger ecological nichesOnly once the dinosaurs were out of the way did these tiny mammals evolve into many different forms . ` Given enough time , rats could probably grow to be at least as large as the capybara , the world 's largest rodent , that lives today , that can reach 80 kilos -LRB- 17lb -RRB- . ` If the ecospace was sufficiently empty , then they could get larger still . '
Humans have been using the same rat poisons since the 1950s . But rats have developed a mutation that allows them to survive poisons . Out of 17 UK counties tested , every single one of them had resistant rats . Reports this year suggest that rats in the UK are also becoming bigger . ` Super rats ' are expected to outnumber humans two to one by next year . Footage of the rats will be shown on the Tonight programme , on ITV at 7.30 pm BST .
[[1274, 1347], [2359, 2432], [30, 98], [101, 135], [325, 418], [443, 511], [514, 548], [136, 146], [216, 268], [2151, 2172], [2177, 2224], [2253, 2322], [2253, 2255], [2271, 2322], [3663, 3673], [3743, 3795], [3796, 3874], [3809, 3821], [3831, 3874], [1348, 1498], [3465, 3482], [3497, 3532], [3875, 4010], [1153, 1227], [1153, 1179], [1192, 1222], [1348, 1498], [1386, 1498], [1525, 1546], [1555, 1581], [1499, 1522], [1525, 1546], [1584, 1621]]
A family has been left devastated following the death of their newborn baby after she contracted a herpes virus from coming in contact with someone with a cold sore . Eloise Lampton , who was born healthily on November 1 via caesarean at Mackay Hospital in far north Queensland , died last week in the arms of her parents Sarah Pugh , 28 , and Douglas Lampton , 35 . The 24-day-old baby had been unknowingly infected with the herpes simplex virus while she was still in hospital in the days following her birth . Eloise Lampton , who was born healthily on November 1 via caesarean at Mackay Hospital in far north Queensland , died last week in the arms of her parents Sarah Pugh , 28 , and Douglas Lampton , 35 . ` Doctors initially thought it was a feeding issue . When we came home she just wanted to sleep ... she was n't a crying baby , ' Ms Pugh told Daily Mail Australia . But Eloise lost almost a kilo in the week after her birth and her health started to deteriorate quickly . She was taken to Brisbane 's Mater Hospital and was placed on a machine to keep her alive as doctors scrambled to find out what was wrong . ` It all happened so quickly , like within hours . She was in the hospital and we thought she was fine , then that night we were told she might not survive the night , ' Ms Pugh said . ` The machine fully took over her whole body . It went into her arteries to pump blood . It took over her organs to let her little body have a rest . Eloise was taken to Brisbane 's Mater Hospital and was placed on a machine to keep her alive as doctors scrambled to find out what was wrong . Eloise lost almost a kilo in the week after her birth and her health started to deteriorate quickly . The 24-day-old baby had been unknowingly infected with the herpes simplex virus while she was still in hospital in the days following her birth . ` Everyday we 'd go in there and it was devastating to see her like that . It was heartbreaking . ` She was fully sedated but we 'd touch her and she 'd try and hold our hand . We 'd have to put lip balm on her lips and she 'd move them . ' Doctors informed Eloise 's parents , who have three other children , that it was the herpes virus causing their daughter 's illness after two days on the machine . ' I was shocked . I was devastated to know she was born healthy and then this happened , ' Ms Pugh said . ` They thought it could have come from me , but I did n't test positive to the disease . It was passed on through a cold sore . You have to be in contact -- kissed or touched . We did n't have any visitors at hospital . It could have been from anyone . ' Doctors informed Eloise 's parents , who have three other children , that it was the herpes virus causing their daughter 's illness after two days on the machine . Eloise caught a staph infection in her blood while she was hooked up to the machine and doctors informed her parents there was nothing more they could do . Eloise 's parents held out hope their baby would recover , but when she caught a staph infection in her blood doctors said their was nothing more they could do . ` Eloise had a very large legion on her brain , her organs had shut down and they could n't be sure how she would recover again , ' Ms Pugh said . ` She fought right until the end . Five times in one week I was told she would n't have made it . Every time she would pull through . She defied the odds . She put up a very good fight . Her parents said despite her illness , the newborn fought right until very end of her short life . Eloise had a very large legion on her brain and her organs had shut down when the life support was turned off . Ms Pugh hopes Eloise 's death will help others to be more aware of the herpes virus and how it can effect newborn babies . ` They took the tubes out of her and we got to nurse her until she passed away . It was lovely to nurse her in that time . ' Ms Pugh hopes Eloise 's death will help others to be more aware of the herpes virus and how it can effect newborn babies . ` Sometimes you do n't even know when you 've got a cold sore . You never know what 's going to happen , ' she said . ` It 's not just cold sores . Any virus could do this to a baby . '
Eloise Lampton was born healthily on November 1 via caesarean at Mackay Hospital in far north Queensland . The 24-day-old baby died last week after she was infected with the herpes simplex virus . She was rushed to a Brisbane hospital a week after her birth when her health started deteriorating following weight loss . Eloise was placed onto a machine that helped pump blood through her arteries and kept her organs functioning .
[[167, 183], [188, 234], [513, 529], [534, 580], [0, 98], [0, 8], [23, 111], [0, 8], [34, 166], [367, 512], [1705, 1850], [883, 936], [941, 984], [1603, 1656], [1661, 1704], [985, 988], [1020, 1107], [1357, 1398], [1460, 1466], [1498, 1585]]
Struggling high streets received a boost after the Government announced a long-awaited review into punishing business rates . The rise in online shopping has been credited with the demise of the high street , with more than 100 shops closing down every week across the UK . Business rates , which are charged on bricks and mortar shops , have placed the high street at a further disadvantage to its online rivals . Around 100 shops close in the UK every week as business moves online , with industry leaders saying unfair rates have been an ` anchor ' on growth in their sector -LRB- file . Now , the Chancellor has announced a review into the rates , which are based on the rental value of a building and which cost small business tens of thousands of pounds a year . Business groups said the way the tax was calculated was ` outmoded , clunky and regressive ' , and that it was an ` anchor ' on growth and investment on the high street . George Osborne said he would also continue to cap the increase in business rates at 2 per cent , which is below RPI inflation . And for businesses whose rateable value -- the annual rental value of the property -- is below # 50,000 , an existing # 1,500 discount on business rates will be extended for another year . Firms will pay no National Insurance for apprentices under the age of 25 , Chancellor George Osborne announced yesterday . This means businesses will not pay the ` jobs tax ' if they take on young workers and offer them employment and training . Ministers hope the move will help tackle youth unemployment , with a target of getting three million young people into apprenticeships by the end of the next Parliament . Nearly two million have taken up such posts since 2010 -- a six-fold increase . The incentive for hiring apprentices will come into force in 2016 , and is expected to cost # 105million in the first year . It will apply to all earnings up to the 40p tax rate of around # 42,000 . This maximum is to discourage firms from calling highly-paid workers ` apprentices ' as a way of avoiding tax . Employers pay NI at a rate of 13.8 per cent on staff earnings . In last year 's Autumn Statement , Mr Osborne announced businesses would no longer have to pay National Insurance for any workers under the age of 21 -- rules which will come into force from April next year . In a boost for small businesses looking for loans , the Chancellor also extended the Funding for Lending scheme until 2016 . Banks will receive up to # 500million at cheap rates in return for lending to small firms . The moves were praised by shops , pubs , cafes and restaurants , although many expressed disappointment that the findings for the review would not be presented until 2016 . Simon Tivey , of PricewaterhouseCoopers , said : ` The extension of the tax relief will be welcome but I think waiting another year for any major changes to business rates will be disappointing for many . ` The business rates system has been unchanged since 1988 and , in its current form , there are lots of elements which are starting to grate . It is well overdue for an upgrade . ' While shops pay high business rates for premises in central areas and high footfall , companies such as Amazon -- which has a huge warehouse in South Wales , where land is cheaper -- pay much lower rates . There are also anomalies in the system which leave some large retailers and department stores paying less than smaller businesses for their high street stores . Last year , the Mail reported that a fashion boutique in Rochdale had been forced out of its shop by sky-high business rates that saw it charged more per square metre than Harrods . Critics also claim that because the current rateable values are based on 2008 rental prices -- at the peak of the property market -- they are no longer applicable to some areas of the UK which are still recovering from the economic crisis . Stuart Adam , of the Institute for Fiscal Studies , said : ` The fact that bricks and mortar businesses are based in high-value , high-tax areas , while online retailers do not need such a physical presence , does penalise the high street . ` The business rates system is badly designed and there is lots of room for improvement . ' John Longworth , of the British Chambers of Commerce , added : ` Businesses will be encouraged by the Government 's continued efforts to curb business rate increases . Shops in busier areas with high footfall generally pay higher rates , but anomalies mean that one fashion boutique in Rochdale was paying more per square foot than Harrods -LRB- file image -RRB- . ` Firms will also be pleased to hear the Chancellor announce a review into the future structure of Britain 's business rates system . ` This iniquitous tax is the highest in Europe and a drag anchor on investment and growth . ' A study of 500 town centres across Britain showed 3,000 outlets closed in the first six months of this year , while 2,600 opened . According to the Valuation Office Agency , business rates raised # 20.5 billion last year . The money is used to help pay for local services , such as police and firefighters . Emily Davies . Julie Deane , who founded the Cambridge Satchel Company , welcomed George Osborne 's decision to review the structure of business rates and his invitation for business groups to contribute to discussions . The 47-year-old sells brightly coloured leather satchels -- popular with stars such as singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor and model Alexa Chung -- from four British stores and says that a big selling point for her brand is that they are manufactured in the UK . But she added that selling from the UK meant she faced pressure from competitors abroad and online who did not have to pay the same business rates and thus were able to keep costs down . Julie Deane , founder of Cambridge Satchel Company , says high business rates penalise UK manufacturers . Mrs Deane said : ` George Osborne said there would be a review of business rates overall and I think that 's a good idea . ` I 'm really hoping to see more investment in UK manufacturing and not penalising people with business rates . ` What it means when our overheads are so very , very out of kilter with other countries is that it stagnates our potential for growth . ' The business has a factory in Leicestershire and each day makes more than 1,000 satchels to be sold in more than 100 countries . The former stay-at-home mother said the freeze in business rates at 2 per cent will help her firm , which has a turnover of # 13million and employs 120 staff , but she would appreciate more measures to help medium-sized businesses as well as smaller ones . ` It 's great that there 's so much support for small businesses , ' she said . ` But there 's also problems associated with being in the middle ground , as we are . ` Scale-up businesses could contribute one million new jobs to the economy by 2034 , so I just hope that we can get the support we need too . '
Business leader have branded rates an ` anchor ' to growth on high street . Around 100 UK shops close every week as customers move online . Tax anomalies saw Rochdale boutique pay more per sqft than Harrods .
[[491, 590], [769, 939], [873, 939], [4736, 4827], [214, 273], [3582, 3605], [3611, 3662], [4479, 4601]]
A Booker prize winning author has scooped his latest literary honour when he received the 2014 Bad Sex in Fiction prize . Ben Okri , beat the challenge of Wilbur Smith and BBC Newsnight 's Kirsty Wark due to a single passage in his novel , The Age of Magic . The judges were impressed by the encounter between his character Lao and his girlfriend Mistletoe . Booker prize winning author Ben Okri , pictured , last night won a slightly less prestigious literary award when he beat off the challenge of the BBC 's Kirsty Wark and Wilbur Smith to win the 2014 Bad Sex in Fiction prize . The passage read : ` When his hand brushed her nipple it tripped a switch and she came alight . ' Later in the scene , Okri describes the characters as being ` adrift on warm currents , no longer of this world , ' before ending the unfortunate passage with ` somewhere in the night a stray rocket went off ' . In 1991 Okri won a more welcome literary prize when he was awarded the Booker prize for his novel The Famished Road . Commenting on his latest award , Okri said : ' A writer writes what they write and that 's all there is to it . ' His editor Maggie McKernan said : ` Winning the award is fun but a bit undignified , just like sex , assuming you do it properly . ' The prize , organised by The Literary Review magazine , was handed over to Laura Palmer , the editorial director of his publishers Head Of Zeus , at a ceremony in central London . It was established in 1993 by critic Auberon Waugh to ` draw attention to poorly written , perfunctory or redundant passages of sexual description in modern fiction , and to discourage them ' . Previous winners include Norman Mailer , Giles Coren and Melvyn Bragg . Ben Okri 's book , The Age of Magic , left , was awarded the 2014 Bad Sex in Fiction award ahead of Kirsty Wark 's The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle , right , which was among the short-listed entries .
Ben Okri won the 1991 Booker prize for his novel The Famished Road . He received his latest award for a passage describing a sexual encounter . One couple is described by Okri as ` adrift on warm currents ' Later a character felt that ` somewhere in the night a stray rocket went off ' Okri claimed ' a writer writes what they write and that 's all there is to it ' His editor said : ` It 's undignified , just like sex , assuming you do it properly '
[[894, 991], [0, 121], [122, 130], [133, 237], [682, 700], [703, 793], [703, 707], [798, 865], [866, 889], [1045, 1054], [1059, 1123], [1126, 1157], [1160, 1256]]
A Crufts trophy winner who was permanently banned from keeping dogs after inspectors found more than 90 animals living in ` despicable conditions ' has moved to Scotland where she will be able to own pets again . Wendy Hutcheson , 62 , who clinched second place in the yearling bitch category at Crufts in 2007 with an American cocker spaniel , kept animals in squalor at Audenshaw Dogs and Cats home near Manchester . She was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering and failing to meet the needs of her animals and was also handed a lifetime ban on keeping animals in England and Wales following a court case in October 2010 . Scroll down for video . Wendy Hutcheson , 62 , was banned from keeping animals after she kept more than 90 pets in squalid conditions - but she has now moved to Scotland where she is able to keep pets due to a legal loophole . But Ms Hutcheson could now dodge the ban because of a legal loophole which means the prohibition order was not extended to Scotland . The woman - who now uses the name Boyle - has already been reported to the Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals -LRB- SSPCA -RRB- by concerned dog lovers who claims she is seen with the dog on a daily basis . A spokesman for the SSPCA confirmed it had investigated the claims but is satisfied that the dog is owned by Ms Hutcheson 's relative . But a spokesman for the RSPCA , which successfully applied for the ban , said Ms Hutcheson would not be flouting the ban by keeping an animal because it does not apply in Scotland . They said : ` Provision was made during the formation of the Animal Welfare Act under section 46 that banning orders would cover Scotland , as well as England and Wales . ` However , this section was never implemented at the time the Act was passed , and so that means the ban does not apply to Scotland . ' This is one of the neglected dogs found at the pets ' home in Manchester which was owned by the former Crufts trophy winner . When inspectors arrived at Ms Hutcheson 's property , the RSPCA seized 63 dogs , 25 cats , two rabbits and two birds . More than a third of the dogs needed to be sedated to be ` de-matted ' . In one case the matting accounted for more than a quarter of the dog 's original weight . Each dog took two veterinary nurses an average of three hours to de-mat . Many had breathing problems caused by the ` overpowering ' stench . One dog 's eye was so badly infected it had to be removed -- another lost 26 teeth . Most of the cats had ear mites and fleas , and two had feline Aids , the RSPCA said . Animals were emaciated and their coats were caked with urine and faeces from being kept in cramped cages and pens which had not been cleaned for ` weeks if not months ' . RSPCA inspector Vicki McDonald said after the case : ` I 've never seen as many animals living in such horrendous conditions in all my time working for the RSPCA . ' I hope the sentence will ensure no further animals suffer because of Ms Hutcheson . ' Hutcheson now lives in a quiet part of Inverness a few hundred yards from her elderly and frail stepmother , Marion Calder . Eye witnesses have seen her with a poodle in her car , going in and out of her house and her relative 's property . There is also a dogbed in the back of her blue Ford Ka and various dog and cat ornaments on her doorstep . She refused to comment on the lifetime ban or even confirm there was one in place . Inspectors found animals emaciated , while their coats were caked with urine and faeces from being kept in cramped cages which the court heard had not been cleaned for ` weeks if not months ' At first , she also denied she had a dog , but then said : ` That is my stepmother 's dog . ' But one eye-witness and dog lover Jodie Foster said : ' I am visiting my mother on a daily basis and see this woman almost every day , going from her house to her stepmum 's house with the dog . ` She stays a little while and then leaves with the dog . ` She ca n't be going to the vet every day . There is no doubt in my mind she is keeping the dog . ` This has been happening for around six months now . ` What is the point of a lifetime ban if she is still allowed to be near animals . ' Scottish SPCA Chief Inspector Iain Allan said : ` We have received complaints relating to a woman residing in Inverness who is allegedly breaching a ban on owning animals which was imposed in England . ` After investigating it is our understanding that the dog does not belong to her . ` The woman advised she has been transporting the dog to and from the vets for her mother as she is unable to , and we have confirmed this with the vet . ` We are satisfied the dog is being well looked after and have no concerns at this stage . We will continue to monitor the situation . '
Wendy Hutcheson was the runner-up in yearling bitch category in 2007 . She kept animals in a ` despicable condition ' at pets ' home in Manchester . 62-year-old found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to her animals . But the ban does not apply in Scotland , where Ms Hutcheson now lives . She has been spotted with a poodle , who she claims is her step-mother 's . SSPCA has investigated claims and says Ms Hutcheson is taking dog to the vets on relative 's behalf .
[[213, 228], [240, 310], [74, 145], [213, 228], [345, 390], [658, 673], [676, 767], [1862, 1919], [1906, 1919], [1926, 1972], [419, 422], [440, 472], [774, 803], [1430, 1538], [1794, 1796], [1802, 1844], [3116, 3168], [3615, 3623], [3626, 3629], [3662, 3671], [3676, 3706], [995, 1028], [1041, 1112], [1221, 1287], [4488, 4575], [4506, 4585]]
Footage shows the moment a police officer pins down and repeatedly punches a disabled man as he resists arrest in a Brisbane shopping centre on the weekend . The amateur video shows two police officers hold down the 20-year-old man -- who has no legs - and his 18-year-old female companion as they apprehend them . The incident took place on Saturday at Sunnybank Plaza in the Queensland capital during the city 's major police operation over the G20 summit weekend . A Queensland Police spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia that police responded to a report of a theft at a liquor store at the shopping centre . Scroll down for video . Police pin down and repeatedly punch a disabled man , 20 , as he resists arrest in a Brisbane shopping centre . The incident took place on Saturday at Sunnybank Plaza during the city 's major police operation for G20 . ` As a result they chased a man and a woman for a short time in the shopping centre before apprehending them , ' she said . The spokeswoman said police were still chasing details about the rest of the incident and will be providing a statement later on Tuesday . The 20-year-old man , from Albion north of the CBD , has been charged with two counts of serious assault on a police officer , one count of common assault , one count of stealing and one count of enter premises , Nine News reported . The 18-year-old woman , also from Albion , was charged with one count of enter premises , one count of stealing , one count of serious assault on a police officer and one count of hindering police . Police say they responded to reports a liquor store had been robbed and a chase ensued . Both will appear in court on December 4 . The five-minute video shows the disabled man swearing and resisting arrest . At one point the police officer holding him down appears to punch him in the ribs , while onlookers can be heard screaming . ` Oh my god , what the hell ? ' one woman said . ` You guys are f *** wits , ' another onlooker said . The 18-year-old woman is also seen resisting arrest , knocking into chairs and tables and crying . The 18-year-old woman is also seen resisting arrest , knocking into chairs and tables and crying . ` I 'm his carer , I care for him he 's disabled , ' she told officers . Later when she is pinned down she tells police : ` You are hurting me ' . At one point more backup arrives and there are six officers arresting the two people . Sunnybank Plaza , south of the CBD , was not included in the G20 ` secure zone ' . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Amateur video shows police pin down 20-year-old disabled man . He was resisting arrest at a Brisbane shopping centre on Saturday . His 18-year-old female companion yells ' I care for him he 's disabled ' The incident took place during the heightened G20 police operation . Police were responding to reports of a liquor store robbery . The man and woman , from Albion , will appear in court on December 4 .
[[0, 51], [158, 231], [182, 289], [0, 7], [56, 157], [315, 467], [638, 648], [658, 694], [697, 749], [2189, 2203], [2206, 2235], [315, 467], [750, 856], [468, 613], [531, 613], [1553, 1641], [1564, 1604], [1582, 1620], [1642, 1683]]
George Osborne energised the housing market yesterday by dramatically overhauling the hated stamp duty system . George Osborne energised the housing market yesterday by dramatically overhauling the hated stamp duty system . Delighting his party and wrongfooting Labour , he made buying a home thousands of pounds cheaper for 98 per cent of families . Analysts predicted the Chancellor 's move -- which takes effect today -- will push property prices up almost a third by 2020 . His announcement in the Autumn Statement put the aspirations of homeowners at the centre of next year 's general election campaign . And it echoed his conference speech in 2007 when he bamboozled Gordon Brown 's Labour government by saying he would raise the inheritance tax threshold to # 1million . The Chancellor also offered relief for professionals paying the 40p higher rate of income tax , went after banks and tax-dodging multinationals and promised # 2billion a year more for the NHS . He laid out plans for further spending cuts that economists say will shrink the state to its smallest size in 80 years . By 2019/20 , public spending will be 35.2 per cent of national income , down from 40.5 per cent now . Mr Osborne hailed the fastest economic growth in the advanced world -- telling MPs that 1,000 jobs are created every day . The UK is expanding two-and-a-half times faster than Germany and seven times the rate of socialist-ruled France . But he was forced to admit that the budget deficit is coming down too slowly and tax receipts are lower than expected , meaning more years of austerity lie ahead . The Office for Budget Responsibility says the stamp duty reforms will lift property values and transactions except at the top end of the market , where the tax will be higher . The independent agency has raised its forecasts for house prices -- predicting they will soar 31.4 per cent between now and the start of 2020 . With the general election only five months away , Mr Osborne 's mini-budget was packed with crowd-pleasing measures and traps for Labour , including : . It was the dramatic and unexpected reform of stamp duty , however , which electrified Westminster . As well as appealing to crucial swing voters in Middle England , it was designed to scupper Labour 's plans to levy a mansion tax on properties worth more than # 2million . The Chancellor said stamp duty had become a ` badly-designed tax on aspiration ' -- and he prompted turmoil in the housing market by announcing that his changes would take effect at midnight . It means stamp duty will no longer jump dramatically at certain thresholds but will rise gradually through five bands . Analysts predicted the Chancellor 's move -- which takes effect today -- will push property prices up almost a third by 2020 . Mr Osborne said : ` It 's a fair , workable , lasting reform to the taxation of housing . Today we back aspiration -- the aspiration to save , to work and to own your own home . ` It is in stark contrast to those who would hit people 's pensions and jobs and homes with higher taxes . That is an approach we entirely reject . ` Instead we support people who want to work hard and get on -- and it is for their sakes that we resolve to stay on course to prosperity . ' Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls said Labour would deal with the country 's challenges more fairly than Mr Osborne had . ` People are worse off and the fact is he has failed to balance the books in this parliament , ' he said . Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable broke Coalition ranks , questioning the Chancellor 's plans to cut the deficit in the next parliament with ` brutal ' spending cuts rather than tax rises .
Analysts predict move will push property prices up almost a third by 2020 . Osborne also plans cuts to shrink the state to its smallest size in 80 years . But he was forced to admit that the deficit is coming down too slowly . A # 600 hike in the personal tax allowance to # 10,600 from next April -- with higher rate taxpayers benefiting most ; . An end to air passenger duty on children 's flights , saving a family with three children flying to the US more than # 200 ; . A ` Google tax ' targeting multinationals that shift profits outside the UK and a # 4billion tax hike on banks ; . A further squeeze on public sector pensions , saving # 1.3 billion a year ; . An increase in the ISA threshold to # 15,240 and a right for spouses to inherit the accounts tax-free ; . An end to unemployment benefits for migrants with ` no prospect of work ' after six weeks .
[[370, 392], [415, 449], [1826, 1838], [1842, 1917], [2676, 2698], [2721, 2755], [1017, 1093], [1437, 1550], [1437, 1439], [1451, 1588]]
For years , all Butch the Boston Terrier knew was a life of roaming the streets , rifling through trash cans in the hope of finding a meal . But for one week , he got to experience unwavering love thanks to Alicia Buzbee and her daughter Kansas , who found him in Pinson , Alabama and threw him a party before he was put to sleep . As a puppy , the terrier had an owner and a home but , after a couple of years , the owner cast the dog out and he was left to live in the streets , reported . He lived off scraps and found shelter from the frost , but a week before Thanksgiving , Buzbee and her daughter discovered him lying in a front yard , struggling to breathe . Scroll down for video . Loved : Alicia Buzbee and her daughter Kansas found Butch , a homeless and dying Boston terrier , the week before Thanksgiving and lavished him with attention for a few days until he had to be put down . Celebration : They threw Butch a ` farewell ' party where he met Santa Paws and opened gifts . Joy : The pup , who had been abandoned by his owner years ago , dons a cute hat for his party . They took him to a veterinarian at the Birmingham Boston Terrier Rescue and learned that he had almost no lung capacity , his trachea was leaking and his heart was swollen . The vet suggested he be scheduled for a ` humane euthanasia ' and the women planned a final hurrah for the dog . For a few blissful days over Thanksgiving , he feasted on burgers and pumpkin pie , enjoyed playing with new toys and relished in the attention from his temporary owners . Then they threw him an early Christmas ` going away ' party , where he sat on Santa 's lap and donned a party hat as he opened more gifts . Care : The dog , who had a swollen heart , experienced more love in his last few days than he did in his life . Treats : Butch , pictured with Kansas and friends left , took trips to PetSmart for new toys and treats . At home : Butch , pictured grinning with Kansas , showed marked improvement during his few days of joy . The Buzbees noticed that Butch perked up after all the attention and was no longer struggling to breathe , so the trip to the vet was put off . But a few days later , his condition worsened again . ` Before he goes , I want him to look into my eyes , and I want to look into his eyes , and I want to whisper , `` I love you '' , ' she told . ' I want him to hear those words and to see those faces of the people who love him . ' Last Saturday , she carried out her wish and put Butch down with her family by their sides . She said that she was overjoyed that she could bring a few days of joy to the abandoned pup and that she saw him become hopeful in that final week . ` The heart can do so many things when it gets what it needs , ' she said . Dog days : Butch took a turn for the worse at the end of last week and was put down on Saturday .
Alicia Buzbee and her daughter found Butch struggling to breathe in a yard in Pinson , Alabama the week before Thanksgiving . They learned he 'd been roaming the streets and living off scraps for years . He has a swollen heart and no lung capacity and vets recommended he be put down - but the Buzbees decided to give him some final days of joy . He feasted on burgers and met Santa at a party thrown in his honor . His condition temporarily improved but he took a turn for the worse again and was put down on Saturday .
[[225, 237], [251, 270], [558, 584], [587, 647], [706, 736], [744, 785], [0, 9], [12, 140], [499, 518], [145, 157], [160, 237], [1093, 1097], [1169, 1252], [1243, 1266], [1267, 1373], [1333, 1379], [1699, 1706], [1713, 1732], [1692, 1696], [1699, 1706], [1735, 1777], [2558, 2635], [933, 953], [960, 977], [1380, 1421], [1424, 1461], [1552, 1611], [878, 901], [2163, 2179], [2182, 2212], [2769, 2777], [2780, 2835], [2769, 2777], [2780, 2785], [2840, 2866]]
A mother was killed on the pavement in front of her husband and two-year-old son after a pensioner ploughed into her in his Mercedes because he mistook the accelerator pedal for the brake . Geoffrey Lederman , 83 , killed Desreen Brooks and almost crashed into the whole family as he ploughed into a wall and mounted a pavement in West Hampstead in north London at 50mph . The pensioner had been driving home from a bridge game when he realised he had lost control of the powerful 3.8 litre V8 engine Mercedes and deliberately steered it into a garden wall in a bid to stop it , Blackfriars Crown Court heard . But Lederman had failed to spot there were pedestrians on the pavement . He clipped the toddler 's pushchair before he crashed into Mrs Brooks , 33 , who was killed . Desreen Brooks , 33 , was walking home with husband Ben Brooks-Dutton -LRB- left -RRB- in West Hampstead when she was hit by a mercedes driven by Geoffrey Lederman , 83 , who had lost control of the car and appeared to have confused the brake and accelerator pedals as he steered it into a garden wall at 50mph in a bid to stop it . The powerful classic car also hit a young woman who suffered brain damage and lost an eye . Lederman has been accused of causing death by dangerous driving and grievous bodily harm , which he denies . The court heard Mrs Brooks had been walking home with her husband , Ben Brooks-Dutton , the boss of Mischief PR , and their son Jackson from a friend 's house at the time of the accident in November 2012 . Witnesses described seeing Lederman 's car ` screaming ' along the lane , amid a cloud of smoke before it hurtled along the footpath in West End Lane at speed . Lederman ploughed into Mrs Brooks , 33 , and also struck 23-year-old American student Amy Werner , who was left with permanent brain damage . Lederman , who had impaired eyesight and had previously suffered a stroke , floored the powerful car and did n't brake once before hitting the women , the court heard . Tom Kark QC , prosecuting , said : ` Over a period of just under 20 seconds it seems he accidentally put his foot on the accelerator instead of the brake . ` The car was very powerful and when he realised his car was out of control , not understanding why , Mr Lederman deliberately steered it onto the pavement and into the front garden wall of a house . ' Widower Ben Brooks-Dutton arrived at Blackfriars Crown Court for the trial of Geoffrey Lederman . Jurors were shown CCTV footage of the blue Mercedes travelling at high speed before crossing onto the wrong side of the road , onto the path and into the women , at around 8.30 pm . Mr Kark added : ` The first was Desreen Brooks who was walking down the road with her husband and two-year-old who was in a pushchair . ` The car scraped the pushchair but struck Mrs Brooks killing her . ` The car continued on its journey and struck a young American student named Amy Werner and she was severely injured . ` She suffered brain injuries and lost sight in one eye . ' Lederman had spent the day at a bridge conference in Barnet , north London , before setting off for his west London home . He suffered minor injuries in the crash and had to be cut from the wreckage of his automatic Mercedes 380SL . Tests showed he had not been drinking and had a clean driver 's licence . Investigators also found no mechanical faults with the car which he had bought second-hand in 1982 . Mr Kark said : ` There is no evidence to suggest that vehicle defects caused or contributed to the accident and neither victim caused or contributed to the collision in any way . ' Moments before the crash he had stopped to check his car after ` nudging ' a pizza delivery man before carrying on his way , the court heard . Mr Kark said : ` He said he lost control soon after that , within seconds he seemed to be on the wrong side of the road going at almost racing car speed . ` He was tugging on the handbrake with no effect . ' In the minutes before the crash Lederman 's Mercedes was seen revving loudly for up to ten seconds as it sat stationary outside West Hampstead Underground Station . Lederman deliberately steered his Mercedes into a garden wall , but failed to see pedestrians on the pavement . The pensioner crashed into the wall at 50mph and may have confused accelerator and brake , the court heard . Investigators found he had mistakenly kept his foot on the car 's accelerator when he thought it was the brake before careering off , the court heard . London Underground staff told police that they had heard a ` loud crunching sound ' seconds before . Unlike modern automatic cars , the classic Mercedes did not require the brake to be pressed before engaging drive . Mr Kark said : ` It may be that when Geoffery Lederman engaged the drive gear when he believed he was pressing the brake or had n't realised the car had slipped into neutral . ' Richard Savours , a bridge partner of Geoffrey Lederman , told the court he found Mr Brooks-Dutton standing over his wife , Desreen , who was lying on the pavement , as she shouted for help . Mr Savours had taken part in a six hour bridge tournament with Lederman in Barnet when he overtook them on the pavement in his classic Mercedes . He told the court : ' I heard a scraping noise . The car overtook us on the right hand side and was on the pavement scraping along walls of gardens , which is what the noise was . ` Coming up to junction with Dynham Road , the car went over the junction , crashed into a wall and came to a stop . ` My wife stopped the car as the car went past us . ' I got out of the car and immediately saw a man standing directly opposite where I was standing shouting ` Please help us , wo n't somebody help me ? ' ' I first thought he was hurt and then I saw a woman lying on the pavement and he was standing over her . She was lying completely still . My first thought was she might be dead . Paramedics in a passing ambulance then got out to help and Mr Savours said it was impossible to get Lederman out of the car by the door as the handle had been sheered off by scraping along the wall . Lederman claimed he felt ` fine ' throughout the day and had undergone an eye test in April 2012 , adding that he did n't think he had to wear glasses as a condition of his licence but wore a contact lens in his left eye . He said he ` saw a gap ' where he could crash the car and had not seen any pedestrians , believing he had ` done the right thing ' . He told police he had n't suffered any ` medical episode ' that day and there is no evidence of a medical cause , the court heard . Mr Kark said lawyers acting for Lederman were expected to claim he had suffered ` some sort of seizure ' before the accident . Lederman , of Maida Vale , who has been excused from attending the trial on health grounds , denies causing death by dangerous driving and grievous bodily harm . The trial continues . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Geoffrey Lederman crashed his powerful Mercedes into two women . He killed Desreen Brooks , 33 , and left another woman with brain damage . Lederman , 83 , lost control of Mercedes as he drove through Hampstead . He deliberately steered into garden wall and pavement to stop car . But he failed to see pedestrians and ploughed into mother Mrs Brooks . Blackfriars Crown Court heard he ` floored ' car before crash and did n't once hit the brake , and may have confused the two pedals in Mercedes . Lederman denies causing death by dangerous driving after 2012 crash .
[[1111, 1135], [1141, 1184], [190, 207], [215, 236], [684, 758], [738, 753], [759, 760], [765, 777], [1111, 1135], [1141, 1184], [1679, 1717], [1729, 1777], [1782, 1820], [2766, 2773], [2800, 2831], [2953, 2980], [190, 207], [241, 372], [921, 941], [944, 948], [953, 980], [190, 207], [241, 372], [433, 556], [373, 376], [433, 435], [514, 565], [560, 576], [994, 1097], [1092, 1093], [1098, 1110], [2224, 2345], [4116, 4177], [5445, 5452], [5478, 5497], [615, 648], [684, 758], [1679, 1717], [2766, 2773], [2800, 2831], [4116, 4124], [4184, 4227], [87, 189], [985, 1020], [994, 1097], [1821, 1829], [1897, 1921], [1821, 1829], [1897, 1904], [1926, 1969], [1990, 2001], [2018, 2022], [2025, 2145], [3608, 3624], [3725, 3742], [3951, 4049], [4228, 4241], [4269, 4316], [4357, 4430], [6719, 6743], [6812, 6880]]
Whisper any mention of Medinah . Forget any notion of Brookline . Only a miracle or a meltdown on the scale of those occasions in 2012 and 1999 can stop Europe now . Captain Paul McGinley 's team repelled everything the visitors threw at them during a magnificent US fightback in the morning to win the afternoon foursomes 3 1/2 - 1/2 and move to the brink of victory . A four-point lead -- the same as the US held at Medinah and Europe had at Brookline -- heading into Sunday 's singles is a scenario McGinley could only have dreamed about on Thursday . Europe had won only two of the previous 11 series in foursomes and fourballs . Sergo Garcia -LRB- left -RRB- and Rory McIlroy -LRB- right -RRB- embrace in celebration as they secure a point for Europe in the afternoon foursomes at the Ryder Cup . Reunited Europe pairing McIlroy -LRB- left -RRB- and Garcia -LRB- right -RRB- defeated US duo Jim Furyk and Hunter Mahan with two holes to spare . Garcia -LRB- left -RRB- and McIlroy -LRB- right -RRB- celebrate during their Ryder Cup foursomes victory over Furyk and Mahan . Tight-knit duo Garcia -LRB- left -RRB- and McIlroy support each other as Europe stars make their way down the fairway of the second at Gleneagles . Europe 's Lee Westwood plays his approach shot towards the eighth green during their foursomes win on Saturday afternoon . Here they won two more -- they never lost a single foursomes match in two sessions -- and , with the greater strength in depth and so many proven competitors , it would be a shock of monumental proportions for them not to finish the job off now . So many fabulous performances , but Justin Rose has undoubtedly been the European man of the tournament so far . He was brilliant by any standard in the morning as he and Henrik Stenson won a match laden with a record number of birdies to become the first European pair to win their first three games since Lee Westwood and Sergio Garcia in 2002 . Stenson had a tight back and so sat out the afternoon . In came Martin Kaymer , with the pair up against the wonderful American rookies , Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth . What a nerve-wracking occasion this proved . Europe 's Justin Rose celebrates with fans at the end of day two after halving his match and ensuring his team 's four-point leading going into the final day . Denmark 's Thomas Bjorn -LRB- right -RRB- hugs England 's Rose after he and Martin Kaymer finished their match against Jordan Spieth and Patrick Reed all square . Rose shows what half a point means with a fist pump and a raise of his club to the gallery after draining his putt on the 18th hole . Kaymer missed three putts inside 10ft during a four-hole stretch from the 13th . Reed missed from barely 3ft at the 16th . In the end , with four tired players on view , it was wholly appropriate that proceedings on this truly fabulous day should all come down to Rose on the final green . A 6ft putt for a half to leave Europe so close . Well , you can guess what happened next , ca n't you ? Lee Westwood and Jamie Donaldson 's foursomes victory over Zach Johnson and Matt Kuchar allowed the Englishman to celebrate a cherished milestone . That point , his 23rd achieved over nine Ryder Cup appearances , meant he went past none other than Seve Ballesteros on the all-time list . One more point today from the singles would see him go past Colin Montgomerie and draw level with Bernhard Langer , leaving him looking up at only Sir Nick Faldo on 25 points . That tells you everything about what a fantastic Ryder Cup player he is and why McGinley gave him a wild card . Lee Westwood -LRB- right -RRB- clenches his fist on the 16th green at Gleneagles after going two-up on US pair Zach Johnson and Matt Kuchar . Team Europe captain Paul McGinley congratulates Welshman Jamie Donaldson after he and Westwood claimed a point in the afternoon foursomes . Westwood won his 23rd Ryder Cup point in nine appearances to move ahead of Europe legend Seve Ballesteros on the all-time list . Westwood gets down low to help Europe team-mate Donaldson line up a putt on the ninth green . There were some eyebrows raised , given the decision left Luke Donald on the outside , but even the doubters would surely have to admit now that they were wrong . In two foursomes matches the Englishman and the Welshman were a combined nine under par and had just two bogeys . That 's tremendous golf by any standards . Equally good were Graeme McDowell and Victor Dubuisson . McGinley deserves great credit for taking Westwood and McDowell to one side and assigning these two rookies to them . Both the senior men gave the debutants an ideal platform to show off their skills and how they seized it . ` Make no mistake , Victor is the next superstar of European golf , ' said G-Mac . ` He is the best partner I have had since Rory McIlroy , and that 's saying something . ' And how about Donaldson , making his debut at the age of 38 and mustering two points from three matches . Graeme McDowell and Victor Dubuisson were big winners for Europe with a 5 & 4 result over US pair Jimmy Walker and Rickie Fowler . Dubuisson watches on as McDowell putts on their way to victory on day two at Gleneagles . McDowell rates his team-mate highly : ` Victor is the next superstar of European golf . He is the best partner I have had since Rory McIlroy , and that 's saying something ' Alongside Americans Spieth , Reed and Jimmy Walker , the rookies in this Ryder Cup have been immense . The other European success came from world No 3 Sergio Garcia and world No 1 McIlroy , registering their first full point and with some fine golf as well . Everything was set up for a morning of good scoring , from the fourballs format to benign weather to faster greens , and trust the top players from the two continents to oblige . A slew of scoring records fell and immense credit has to go to the Americans , who showed lots of heart following their disappointing afternoon on Friday , when they collected just half a point . It says everything that all four American pairs were at least eight under , a formidable standard . Inevitably , Rose and Stenson took the plaudits but there were some gutsy performances from those wearing stars and stripes . Veteran Jim Furyk and Hunter Mahan contributed with the former finally beating Westwood at the Ryder Cup at the eighth time of asking . These two have played in every Ryder Cup since 1997 . Reed and Spieth were brilliant again in demolishing Thomas Bjorn and Kaymer and then came the late heroics from McIlroy and Ian Poulter against Rickie Fowler and Walker . Poulter 's nerveless play came too late to earn him an afternoon match alongside his old mate Rose -- the pairings had to be in at 12.30 pm . Mr Ryder Cup showed up at 12.35 pm but it surely left him full of confidence for today . Not surprisingly , American captain Tom Watson retained faith in three of his four pairings for the fourballs but Europe 's players are so competitively strong it 's hard to take them out twice in the same day . And so the momentum shifted , just as it had on day one . The champagne 's on ice and 50,000 people will descend on Gleneagles today thinking only of heroes to acclaim . But Medinah remains a fresh memory , and the Ryder Cup 's reputation for drama unrivalled . There 's still work to be done . Europe 's Henrik Stenson -LRB- left -RRB- and Justin Rose -LRB- centre -RRB- clinched a 3 & 2 win in the morning over US pair Bubba Watson -LRB- right -RRB- and Matt Kuchar . Ian Poulter shows his passion after chipping in at the 15th in the morning when paired with Rory McIlroy but he was rested in the afternoon . Rory McIlroy retrieves and throws his ball to his caddie after sinking a putt in their halved match against Rickie Fowler and Jimmy Walker . Northern Irishman Rory McIlroy discusses tactics with Ian Poulter as they paired up for the morning 's fourballs on day two . Jamie Donaldson and Lee Westwood vs Zach Johnson and Matt Kuchar - Europe win 2 & 1 . Martin Kaymer and Justin Rose vs Jordan Spieth and Patrick Reed - match halved . Sergio Garcia and Rory McIlroy vs Jim Furyk and Hunter Mahan - Europe win 3 & 2 . Victor Dubuisson and Graeme McDowell vs Jimmy Walker and Rickie Fowler - Europe win 5 & 4 . Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson vs Bubba Watson and Matt Kuchar - Europe win 3 & 2 . Jamie Donaldson and Lee Westwood vs Jim Furyk and Hunter Mahan - USA win 4 & 3 . Thomas Bjorn and Martin Kaymer vs Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth - USA win 5 & 3 . Rory McIlroy and Ian Poulter vs Jimmy Walker and Rickie Fowler - match halved .
Europe take a 10-6 lead over the United States into the final day of the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles . The hosts take a lead that is the same margin held by the US in 2012 when Europe won the ` Miracle at Medinah ' Martin Kaymer and Justin Rose halved their match US young guns Jordan Spieth and Patrick Reed . Sergio Garcia and Rory McIlroy defeated Jim Furyk and Hunter Mahan 3 & 2 . Europe 's Victor Dubuisson and Graeme McDowell dominated Jimmy Walker and Rickie Fowler 5 & 4 . Ian Poulter was given the afternoon off after a sensational performance in his halved morning match .
[[2273, 2318], [2388, 2468], [7997, 8077], [634, 686], [722, 789], [855, 922], [997, 1076], [5471, 5555], [8078, 8159], [4973, 5103], [5043, 5103], [7607, 7643]]
Warnings that the ` Umbrella Movement ' pro-democracy protests could devastate tourism in Hong Kong appear to be unfounded as the country saw a substantial rise in visitors in October . The uprising against the Beijing government 's stalling of open elections for Hong Kong has led thousands of residents holding protests in the region - which have led to violent clashes with police . However , despite the ongoing tensions , the Hong Kong Tourism board has reported a 12.6 per cent rise in tourist numbers for October 2014 compared to the same month last year . A group of Occupy Central demonstrators hold signs outside the Central Police Station in Sheung Wan , Hong Kong - but tourists are not been put off visiting . A cardboard cut-out of Chinese President Xi Jinping -LRB- centre -RRB- carrying a yellow umbrella is seen at the pro-democracy movement 's main protest site in the Admiralty district of Hong Kong . And , according to statistics , the greatest increase in numbers concerns visitors from mainland China - with an 18.3 per cent increase . Beijing banned tour group visas for Chinese visitors to Hong Kong for a week due to protests and coverage of the instability has been censored , however figures for Chinese visitorshave still increased . Chinese tourists have also been keen to view the pro-democracy art and take selfies in the area . The huge increase of Chinese visitors has offset a slight decrease in the numbers travelling over to Hong Kong from the Americas , Australia and Europe . A woman carrying an umbrella is seen at the pro-democracy movement 's main protest site - despite the ongoing troubles , tourism has increased . Added to this , there was also a 7.1 per cent increase in South Korean and Japanese visitors . More tourists means an economy boost , and sales of iPhone 6s , clothing and jewellery are all said to have increased . The UK government has updated its travel advice for tourists who are thinking of heading to Hong Kong . It warns holidaymakers to avoid all demonstrations and to keep a keen eye on the media .
Been a 12.6 % increase on October 2014 compared to October 2013 . Despite warned off travel , Chinese visitors up 18.3 % . Troubles continue as ` Umbrella Movement ' calls for democracy . UK government advises tourists not to get involved in demonstrations .
[[427, 524], [512, 563], [126, 185], [1212, 1262], [1361, 1442], [1515, 1633], [1875, 1935], [1979, 2067], [1988, 2033]]
Chancellor George Osborne -LRB- pictured -RRB- has announced another purge on so called ` death taxes ' Widows will be able to inherit their partner 's Isa without paying a penny in income tax , the Chancellor has announced . In a further purge on so-called ` death taxes ' , widows or widowers will be able to save nearly # 500 a year on a # 60,000 nest-egg that has been inherited . George Osborne also confirmed that spouses of deceased partners who receive payments from an inherited annuity wo n't have to pay any tax from next April . Every year , anyone aged over 16 can save tax-free in a cash Independent Savings Account . The annual allowance is currently # 15,000 , and set to rise to # 15,240 next April . But some 150,000 married savers die each year with an Isa which is passed to a spouse or civil partner , government figures show . When this happens they stop being an Isa -- so interest earned on them is taxed . Someone who has built up more than # 60,000 in a cash Isa earning 2 per cent would normally earn # 1,200 interest tax-free . But outside an Isa , a basic-rate taxpayer would have to pay # 240 tax a year on this interest ; and a higher-rate taxpayer # 480 . ` This restriction was a source of deep frustration and extra cost for grieving spouses , ' said Danny Cox , chartered financial planner at Hargreaves Lansdown wealth manager . ` It 's good news for couples as most manage their money jointly , and the loss of the tax-free status on the cash has often come as a shock to the surviving spouse . ' The Chancellor said this brought Isa savings in line with reforms on pensions . Changes to the rules on Isas will give another boost to their surging popularity . Scroll down for video . In July , in a bid to boost savings in a climate of low-interest rates , the limit for tax-free savings was ` supercharged ' by the Chancellor -- and lifted from # 11,880 to # 15,000 . However , the amount allowed to be saved in cash had previously been limited to # 5,940 . The new flexibility introduced from July 1 allowed savers to put the whole # 15,000 allowance in cash . Savers can now also switch money between cash and shares ; before the summer , you could only switch from cash into shares . Since being launched in 1999 , Isas have helped encourage millions to put money aside for emergency savings -- as well as boost their income in retirement . Roy Hamilton -LRB- pictured right -RRB- will be able to pass on the full worth of his pension to his wife Julie -LRB- left -RRB- if he dies before the age of 75 . Roy Hamilton will be able to pass on the full worth of his pension to his wife if he dies before the age of 75 . The 65-year-old former council worker , from Bristol , has taken out a joint life annuity on his # 75,000 pension pot with the help of advisers Hargreaves Lansdown . His 59-year-old wife Julie , a seamstress , is still in work but will be able to take 100 per cent of his pension without it being taxed after his death . The latest changes level out the playing field after the Budget in March allowed pensioners to take lump sums from their pension pots tax-free , but left those with an annuity worse off . Mr Hamilton , a grandfather of two , said : ` The reason I took out an annuity is I like the idea of a regular payment . I took out a joint annuity to look after my wife , and she 'll get 100 per cent of that after I 'm gone . ' Some 23 million investors and savers have # 443billion in Isas . This is roughly equally split between cash and shares . The retirement shakeup means if a loved one dies before the age of 75 , the surviving spouse wo n't pay any tax on an inherited joint annuity . The Treasury is also to change tax rules to allow a joint annuity to be passed on to any beneficiary . The Chancellor 's announcement on joint annuities marks the latest in a long line of radical pension reforms started in his March Budget . From next April , there will be no need to buy an annuity . Those aged 55 or over will be able to dip into their pension whenever they want . Each time they withdraw cash , 25 per cent will be tax-free . However , they will have to pay income tax at their usual rate on the rest . The reforms also mean they will be able to leave pension cash in their will without the 55 per cent death tax , by paying into a so-called drawdown scheme . The Chancellor embarked on the reforms to stop savers being locked in to annuities that can be poor value or unsuitable for their lifestyle . An extra # 2billion will be poured into the health service every year to relieve the pressure on hospitals . Mr Osborne said he had found the money from budget surpluses in other departments . Health chiefs had warned ministers that they faced an immediate funding gap due an ageing population , expensive new drugs and a rising bill for staff pensions . In addition to the # 2billion for frontline services , Mr Osborne announced another # 1.1 billion for struggling GP practices over the next five years . It will be to funded by bank fines . Simon Stevens , the new head of the NHS in England , welcomed the cash injection . He has warned that the NHS faces a funding black hole of at least # 8billion by the year 2020 . The future of the NHS is expected to be a key battleground for May 's general election . David Cameron has already promised to protect its budget from cuts if he wins . Decaying churches could be restored to their former glory with the help of a new # 15million fund for repairs . George Osborne announced that the Cathedral Renovation Fund will now be extended to cover repairs to all of Britain 's churches . It is hoped that the new money will help rescue the hundreds of church buildings which have fallen prey to thieves -- who have been targeting the valuable lead in their roofs . Church leaders of all denominations will be able to apply for grants of between # 10,000 and # 100,000 in order to fund any repairs which are deemed to be urgent . Last month more than 800 churches were listed on English Heritage 's ` at risk ' list because they had fallen into severe disrepair . The Bishop of Worcester , the Rt Revd Dr John Inge , said that the grant would make a ` real and lasting difference ' to parishes . He added : ` A secure roof can last 100 years and will prevent gradual , and ultimately costly , decay of fabric . ' Exposing the hidden mortgage fees . The Government is to probe baffling mortgage fees which make it hard for homebuyers to get the cheapest deal . Trade body the Council of Mortgage Lenders has been asked to work with consumer campaign group Which ? to put an end to hidden house buying fees , it was revealed in yesterday 's Autumn Statement . Research by Which ? has found that buyers can face more than 40 different layers of hidden fees when they buy a home . These include added extras such as fees for bank transfers , references and insurance . Charges run on through the life of a mortgage and can even be added at the end of a loan term . Because of fee confusion , just 3 per cent of buyers tested by Which ? were able to correctly rank five deals in order of best value . The CML has now been told to make charges more transparent so that consumers can compare the total cost of mortgage deals . Paul Smee , director general at the CML , said : ` Consumers need to be able to understand and compare products confidently . We welcome the opportunity to work with Which ? towards measures that can make this easier for them . ' Which ? executive director Richard Lloyd said : ` With so many people on tight budgets trying to get a foot on the housing ladder or looking to remortgage as rates rise , it 's essential that they can more easily find the best deal . ' Any measures will be introduced in time for April 's Budget . From April , households paying a care worker up to # 22,500 a year will not have to pay NI contributions . Stock picture used . Families who employ a carer will benefit from a National Insurance cut worth up to # 2,000 a year . From April , households paying a care worker up to # 22,500 a year will not have to pay NI contributions . The Chancellor has extended the Employment Allowance -- a perk already available to charities and some small businesses -- to ` help with the employment of carers who do so much ' . Emily Holzhausen , director of policy at the charity Carers UK , welcomed the move , saying it would help those relying on carers to buy more help or cope with pressure on their finances . She said : ` This measure goes some way to reducing the cost of paying for care for families but more needs to be done to bring down the overall costs of care . There are 1.4 million people providing more than 50 hours ' unpaid care for loved ones every week . ` For those who do not qualify for social care services , the costs of care are high ... many continue without much-needed care services until they reach breaking point . '
Widows will be able to inherit their partner 's Isa without paying income tax . George Osborne claims this will bring Isa savings in line with pensions . Extra # 2bn a year will be passed onto NHS to relieve pressure on hospitals . New # 15million fund dedicated to church repairs is to be established . Families employing carers will benefit from a National Insurance tax cut .
[[104, 192], [385, 399], [405, 540], [1534, 1613], [1554, 1613], [4483, 4591], [4483, 4502], [4553, 4591], [5376, 5487], [7905, 7971]]
Eight families who lost loved ones in the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 disaster when it was shot out of the sky in rebel-controlled eastern Ukraine are preparing to sue Russia , Ukraine and Malaysia . The Boeing 777 was travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17 when it was downed , killing all 298 people on board , including 38 Australian citizens and residents . It is not known which of the families are suing , however reports they are from five different states across Australia and will also take action against Malaysia Airlines . Aviation lawyer Jerry Skinner , who is based in Alaska , has taken up their case and is preparing to lodge it at the European Court of Human Rights . Scroll down for video . Flowers laid out on the wreckage of MH17 in eastern Ukraine after the tragic disaster in July . Back in July the lawyer first told the Sydney Morning Herald that he could potentially achieve million dollar payouts for the MH17 victims ' families , like he had obtained from Libya for the families of the 1988 Lockerbie disaster . ` Something creative is going to have to be done here because this is too big and too complicated for the judicial system to handle on its own and it involves people who will not yield to the judicial system , such as the Russians and the Ukrainians , ' he said . ` What happened in Lockerbie was that politics got involved and sanctions got involved and we said to the Libyans , if you want to settle this , it does n't matter what the individuals did -LSB- for a living -RSB- . ` The parties that are the main participants here are probably the Russians and their allies and also Malaysia Airlines . Both of them bear a lot of responsibility for this . ' Mo , 12 -LRB- left -RRB- , Evie , 10 -LRB- right -RRB- and Otis , 8 -LRB- centre -RRB- are believed to be some of the MH17 victims whose bodies were returned to Australia in October . It is not known which families are suing . The Boeing 777 was travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on 17 July when it was downed . Now , Mr Skinner has said he will file a ` very broad ' claim against Russia , Ukraine , Malaysia and Malaysia Airlines as soon as he gets some final information from the Dutch Safety Board . The airline has already promised to pay compensation out to the victims ' families and is liable to pay about $ 180,000 for each person killed . Amongst the Australian victims of MH17 were the three Maslin children , whose bodies finally arrived back on Australian soil in October . The bodies of Mo , 12 , Evie , 10 and Otis , 8 , were returned to their loved ones in Perth after arriving on board an RAAF Globemaster transport plane in Melbourne . They are believed to have arrived alongside a number of other victims of the tragedy . Families of the deceased were seen waiting at Melbourne airport as the plane arrived and watched as the coffins were removed from the plane . NSW resident Sister Philomene Tiernan -LRB- left -RRB- was killed while on board MH17 . A firefighter sprays water to extinguish a fire , on July 17 , 2014 , amongst the wreckages of the Malaysian airliner carrying 295 people . In July , the parents of the three Maslin children released a statement addressed to ` the soldiers in the Ukraine , the politicians , the media , our friends and family ' . Anthony Maslin and Marite Norris wrote : ` Our pain is intense and relentless . We live in a hell beyond hell . ` Our babies are not here with us -- we need to live with this act of horror , every day and every moment for the rest of our lives . ` No one deserves what we are going through . Not even the people who shot our whole family out of the sky . ' Sons , daughters , couples , parents and grandparents were all among the people who never made it home to Australia after the tragic disaster . A much-loved nun from Sydney 's St Mary Magdalene 's Church , Sister Philomene , was on board the flight making her way home to Sydney after a sabbatical in France . Emma Bell -LRB- right -RRB- , originally of Lithgow in NSW , was a passionate teacher who was returning from a trip to Europe to start the new school term in Arnhem Land , Northern Territory . Jack O'Brien -LRB- left -RRB- of Sydney , was 25 . His family said he was ` loved so much ' Mr Horder and his wife Susan , both 63 , of Albany Creek , were among the Queenslanders aboard flight MH17 when it was shot down . Shaliza Dewal -LRB- left -RRB- , 45 , and her Dutch husband Hans Van Den Hende -LRB- centre -RRB- were travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with their three children , Piers , 15 , -LRB- top right -RRB- and Marnix , 12 , -LRB- top back -RRB- and daughter Margaux , 8 , -LRB- top centre -RRB- . Emma Bell , who was in her 20s , worked with Aboriginal children in a remote Northern Territory community and was spending the school holidays in Europe before boarding MH17 in Amsterdam . She was returning to the Northern Territory for the new term . A 25-year-old , Sydney man named Jack O'Brien , was flying back home after enjoying a ` fantastic seven-week holiday in Europe ' . And just one of the couples on board was Queenslanders Howard Horder and his wife Susan , both 63 , of Albany Creek . They were returning from a trip to Europe after retiring . In Germany , a mother of a passenger who died in the MH17 crash is already suing the Ukrainian authorities for ` negligent homicide ' and # 650,000 in the European Court of Human Rights . The German woman , whose daughter - named as ` Olga L' - was killed when the Malaysia Airlines plane , began legal proceedings in the past week . She is seeking compensation from the authorities after Ukraine failed to close its airspace to civil air traffic because of fighting with pro-Russian separatists , it has been reported . Ukraine 's President Petro Poroshenko is visiting Australia next week and is expected to discuss the security situation in eastern Ukraine and its impact on international relations , as well as the links between Australia and his country .
Lawyer Jerry Skinner will lodge their case at the European Court of Human Rights . He previously obtained millions of dollars from Libya for the families of the 1988 Lockerbie disaster . 38 Australian citizens and residents were killed when flight MH17 was downed on July 17 .
[[563, 592], [611, 643], [563, 592], [648, 712], [985, 1066], [202, 216], [295, 377], [737, 832], [1951, 2043], [4269, 4291], [4328, 4399]]
These are the scenes of squalor which were discovered by police when they arrived at the home of two-year-old girl who died after accidentally drinking her drug addict mother 's methadone out of a Tom and Jerry beaker . Barry Jones , 42 , and Michelle King , 30 , were this week convicted of the killing of little Sophie Jones , who died after drinking from the cup she thought contained her favourite fruit shoot drink . When they arrived at the terraced family home in Blackpool , Lancashire , detectives found medication stacked next to children 's toys and filthy rooms littered with dirty washing and pushchairs . Scroll down for video . These are the scenes which greeted police when they arrived at the home of two-year-old Sophie Jones , who died after accidentally drinking her drug addict mother 's methadone out of a Tom and Jerry beaker . Sophie , aged two -LRB- pictured -RRB- drank from the beaker unaware it was her mother 's powerful heroin substitute . The little girl drank from the beaker unaware it was the powerful heroin substitute which her mother Michelle King had been storing to sell on to fund her drug habit - in what police said was akin to ` leaving a loaded firearm in the reach of a child . ' Sophie collapsed in March under the effects of the heroin substitute after an eye witness said she looked ` groggy ' and was falling over . Paramedics rushed to the family home where the couple lived on benefits but despite attempting to revive her , the toddler was pronounced dead in hospital just 35 minutes later . Tests later showed Sophie had traces of four separate drugs in her hair including heroin , cocaine and diazepam and had been exposed to the drugs for several months . Police later found a quarter of a pint of methadone and the Tom and Jerry Beaker in the back garden . These are the scenes of squalor which awaited police when they they arrived at the terraced family home . It has emerged Sophie 's father openly smoked heroin in the same room as his daughter - she had traces four separate drugs in her hair including heroin , cocaine and diazepam and been exposed to the drugs for months . Three of her dummies had traces of cocaine powder on the teat . Methadone was also found on an upstairs bathroom sink . The methadone had been prescribed to King as part of a drug treatment programme but she had been keeping the drug in her daughter 's Tom and Jerry beaker , Tommy Tippy cup and Fruit Shoot bottles with a view to selling it on to fund her own drug habit . After Sophie accidentally drank the substance , the couple tried to cover up their role in her death by hiding the beaker and fruit shoot bottles around the family home . They were also seen filling up a wheelie bin with nappies and drug taking equipment . King sent two text messages to Jones relating to the child 's drinking cup - one reading ` all the meth bottles out back under green thing ' . Another said ` do n't tip the methadone out , hide it . ' Today pictures of the family 's home taken by Lancashire Police emerged as Blackpool Council confirmed a serious case review was underway into the toddler 's death . Neightbours have questioned why Sophie was allowed to live with tbe two drug addicts after it emerged her father openly smoked heroin in the same room as his daughter . It is believed there was no social services file into the family open at the time of Sophie 's death . Sophie , pictured as a baby , drank from the Tom and Jerry patterned beaker unaware it was the powerful heroin substitute which her mother Michelle King had been storing to sell on to fund her drug habit . Barry Jones , 42 , and Michelle King , 30 , were convicted of the killing of Sophie Jones at Preston Crown Court . King admitted manslaughter and child cruelty whilst Jones was convicted of unlawful killing and child cruelty . When they arrived at the family home detectives found medication stacked next to children 's toys . Father of two Adrian Walenciej , 32 , a bar worker who lives in the same street said : ` How can there be two drug addicts with a daughter and no supervision ? ` I 'm blaming myself , thinking I could have done something and called the council . ` I 'll always think if I had done something she could still be here . I thought they were drinking a lot but I did n't know the mum was dealing methadone . ` Accidents happen ; a child can reach for medicine but what they did is unimaginable . ` You hear about kids who are born with a drug addiction . Maybe they had tried giving her a bit of methadone to stop her crying before and it had worked ? ` We do n't know what happened behind those walls , only they know . Nothing will bring that little girl back . ' Another neighbour said : ` That couple should be locked up for good . A child does not ask to be put in that situation . ` You do wonder whether they meant for her to drink it but only they know exactly what happened . ` People put teddies outside the front door of the house after Sophie died . I put one there myself because I have children and ca n't imagine how any mum could do that to her daughter . The court heard a neighbour said in the run up to the tragedy he had often heard arguing between the adults and Sophie would be heard crying for long periods . The trial also heard on March 4 King sent several text messages to a drug user reminding her that she owed her # 25 . She had also gone to buy crack cocaine before returning home . A relative saw Sophie fall on two occasions and noticed that she was unsteady on her feet . King was heard to say that Sophie was acting weird and Barry to say ' I hope you 've not left the top off your tablets ' . Blackpool Council have confirmed they have launched a serious case review which is being led by Blackpool Children 's Safeguarding Board and involves agencies including the council , health service and police . The methadone was prescribed to King but she had been keeping the drug in her daughter 's Tom and Jerry beaker , Tommy Tippy cup and Fruit Shoot bottles with a view to sell them on to fund her drug habit . Neighbours left flowers and toys outside the family home in Blackpool following Sophie 's death in March . Three of Sophie 's dummies had traces of cocaine powder on the teat and methadone was found on a sink . The couple were told to call an ambulance but they lied about taking Sophie to a walk in centre and claimed the child may have drunk some cider . They also hid the beaker and fruit shoot bottles around the family home . The pair were also seen filling up a wheelie bin with nappies and drug taking equipment . Eventually at 11.40 pm , Jones made a 999 calmly saying : ' I have a two-year-old daughter , right , and I do n't think she 's breathing - can I have an ambulance please . ' An ambulance arrived three minutes after the call and found him in the lounge performing CPR on Sophie following directions being given over the phone . Vomit was visible in Sophie 's hair , face , chest and on the floor and appeared to contain blood . While Sophie was in hospital King sent two text messages to Jones relating to the child 's drinking cup - one reading ` all the meth bottles out back under green thing ' . Another said ` do n't tip the methadone out , hide it . ' Hidden under a green cover in the back yard police found 146ml of methadone - approximately 1/4 of a pint . Police found traces of cocaine and heroin in the bins and a number of fruit shoot bottles inside the house . But hidden under a green cover in the back yard police found 146ml of methadone - approximately 1/4 of a pint and the Tom and Jerry beaker . They also found a large number of Fruit Shoot bottles at the house - one of which had traces of methadone inside . There were also traces of cocaine and heroin found in the bins . Tests showed Sophie 's cause of her death was inhalation of stomach contents and poisoning by methadone - less than a teaspoonful can kill a child . At Preston Crown Court King admitted manslaughter and child cruelty whilst Jones was convicted of unlawful killing and child cruelty following a trial . Today Detective Inspector Andy Cribbin , of Lancashire Police , said : ` Sophie 's death was as a direct result of the actions and neglect of her parents , the two people who should have protected her from coming to any harm whatsoever . ` Her death was wholly avoidable and was brought about by their chaotic and reckless use of illegal and prescribed drugs within the family home . ` Storing methadone in a child 's drinking cup is akin to leaving a loaded firearm in the reach of a child - the outcome was almost inevitable . ' Blackpool Council confirmed the serious case review was being led by Blackpool Children 's Safeguarding Board and involves agencies including the council , health service and police .
Pictures show squalid conditions Sophie Jones was living in before death . Mother used children 's beakers to store methadone she planned to sell . Youngster was seen looking ` groggy ' after drinking from cartoon beaker . She later collapsed and died and was found to have been poisoned by drug . Blackpool Council have confirmed a serious case review into her death .
[[0, 31], [21, 31], [38, 114], [1813, 1844], [1837, 1844], [1851, 1918], [2969, 3005], [3033, 3134], [1023, 1053], [1080, 1152], [2337, 2428], [3491, 3612], [5911, 6002], [6032, 6079], [970, 1007], [1300, 1341], [3407, 3413], [3437, 3482], [1476, 1543], [7796, 7801], [7809, 7925], [2969, 3005], [3033, 3134], [5663, 5736], [5696, 5873], [8629, 8812], [8629, 8646], [8657, 8680], [8743, 8812]]
Pantone , the authority responsible for determining what hue will prove most popular in the coming year , has announced its color of 2015 : Marsala . And while the New Jersey-based company has been happily singing the praises of the ` hardy , robust ' red shade , the wine-inspired tone has already come under some serious fire from critics who have described it as ` boring ' , ` horrendous ' and ` just plain awful ' . ` Really , Pantone ? That color looks like the vomit you might have after eating a bad chicken Marsala , ' Twitter user Gina Torrecilla proclaimed , while Matt Nagel said : ` Marsala just is n't exciting . Radiant Orchid was n't bad . ' Scroll down for video . ` It is n't exciting ' : Critics of Pantone 's color of the year for 2015 , named Marsala , were quick to share their opinions on the red-brown hue on Twitter . Fashion favorite : Marsala , Pantone 's color of the year for 2015 , is expected to feature heavily on catwalks and red carpets in the coming months , having already been seen on designer Mikael D 's runway -LRB- R -RRB- and worn by the likes of Blake Lively -LRB- L -RRB- . Despite the somewhat negative criticism , Leatrice Eiseman , executive director of the Pantone Color Institute , insists the hue will be incredibly popular in the New Year . ` Hardy , robust , satisfying , fulfilling , ' she said of the shade . ` At the same time there 's a certain glamour that 's attached to this color . ' Pantone 's yearly color pick often serves as a good indication of what shades to expect in the coming year from fashion , beauty , housewares , home and industrial design and consumer packaging , though some years the influence is stronger than others . The 2014 color of the year from the forecasters and industry consultants was Radiant Orchid , a deep tropical purple . The year before that it was Emerald green , while Tangerine Tango was the pick of 2012 . The idea , Eiseman explained in a recent interview , is not to choose a color that will necessarily ` overtake the world ' , but rather one that will leave a lasting impression on a wide variety of industries . Eiseman and her team travel the world to observe color at play . They see Marsala being used in any number of ways , be it an accent wall in a living room or office , a swipe of eye shadow mixed with bronze for a metallic look , a throw pillow , the exterior of a car , or a bit of jewelry evoking the 1950s . Beauty trends : Sephora announced that it will be releasing a make-up collection inspired by Marsala . From cars to carpets : Pantone 's yearly color picks influence all manner of industry , from fashion and beauty to industrial design and homewares . ` It really does embody a certain amount of confidence and stability , ' Eiseman added . The hue is n't a risky one and the Pantone team believe it will work , whether in a nail polish , a frock on a runway or a pattern of stripes in a men 's tie or florals for table placemats or bedding . Eiseman noted the versatile shade was among colors Pantone flagged as spring/summer trends for 2015 earlier this year , as evidenced on the runways of Herve Leger by Max Azria , Dennis Basso and Creatures of the Wind , among other designers . As they did with Radiant Orchid , cosmetics favorite Sephora has already announced the launch of a limited-edition collection of beauty products based on Pantone and its latest pick . Eiseman added that Marsala has been widely used in lipstick and hair color for years . One of the color 's strengths , she said , is the ease in combining it with gray , black , beige and other neutrals . ` It 's a color that you can mix with what you already own , ' she explained . ` You can add just a touch of it . That 's the intent and purpose . It is not the color that swallows the world . '
The color authority announced the debut of the red-brown hue earlier today . While the company insists the shade is ` hardy , robust ' and even glamorous , many people have taken to Twitter to blast it as ` boring '
[[264, 340], [328, 340], [345, 374], [707, 755], [774, 842], [1294, 1321], [1324, 1334], [1339, 1362]]
Three people were arrested after police attended a student sit-in at Warwick University . West Midlands Police said that they were responding to an alleged assault on a university staff member . A video which was posted on YouTube but has now been made private , shows police dragging a protester to the floor , and the sound of a Taser can be heard . A tweet from the West Midlands Police account said a Taser ` was drawn but not deployed . The sound is a warning sound ' . Scroll down for video . Police drew a Taser when they attended a student sit-in at Warwick University . Three people were arrested after an alleged assault on university staff - but students say the response was ` disproportionate ' . Above , a still from a video of the struggle . A video which was posted on YouTube but has now been made private , shows police dragging a protester to the floor , and the sound of a Taser can be heard . In another video an officer appears to tell protesters to ` back off or you 'll get CSed ' . Protesters can be seen being dragged onto the floor and physically removed from the building . The group , Warwick For Free Education , said that they were staging a peaceful sit in at Warwick University 's Senate House in protest at rising tuition fees and high wages for university management . However , a spokesman for Warwick University , which is based in Coventry , said that university security staff who were supervising the sit-in were subject to a ` shocking and unprovoked act of violence ' which forced them to call in police . A spokesman for Warwick University said that university security staff who were supervising the sit-in were subject to a ` shocking and unprovoked act of violence ' which forced them to call in police . A statement on the Warwick Free Education website alleges that activists were ` punched , pushed onto the floor , dragged , rammed by their throat into the wall and kneed in the face . ` At least 20 students were assaulted by university security and police . ' A student at the protest told the Coventry Telegraph : ' A police officer took out his CS spray and sprayed it in one person 's eyes and then into a crowd of about ten people . ' A Taser was taken out and was being made to crackle by pressing the trigger , but it was n't used . ` It felt particularly disproportionate . When the police came they did n't say why they were there . ' A lot of younger students were visibly shaken and left in tears . It was quite a shock , especially considering that it was a quiet protest - we were n't even shouting . ' A spokesman for West Midlands Police said : ` Police were called to reports of an assault at the University of Warwick Central Campus in Coventry this afternoon . ` Officers arrived at Senate House at 4.50 pm to find a group of around 25 students protesting about fees and a staff member reported that he had been assaulted by one of the group . ` Three people were arrested from the site , one on suspicion of assault and two others on suspicion of obstructing police . ` Police officers and security staff from the university worked together to ensure everyone was safe . ` The protest continues and officers remain at the scene to ensure there is no further breach of the peace . ' Shortly before 9pm West Midlands Police posted two tweets on its official @wmpolice account , saying : ` The protest at the University of Warwick Central Campus remains on-going . Three people have been arrested following reports of an assault . ` During the disorder a Taser was drawn and an audible and visible warning was issued to prevent further incidents . The Taser was not fired . ' But a statement from Warwick Students ' Union said the force used by officers was ` disproportionate ' . It said : ` This afternoon , a group were demonstrating for Free Education and entered the lobby of Senate House . The police arrived and an altercation took place , the full facts of which we are still in the process of establishing . Three people were arrested . ` From the footage we have seen of this incident , we absolutely believe that disproportionate force was used against protesters . We stand in solidarity with the Warwick students who were unnecessarily harmed in this action . ` The Sabbatical Team will be attending the peaceful demonstration happening on Thursday at 3.30 pm . We will also update students further with a full statement tomorrow . '
Students were staging a sit-in at Warwick University in Coventry . Three people were arrested after alleged assault on university staff . But students say the response was ` disproportionate ' They claim 20 students were ` assaulted ' by West Midlands officers . Witness says a Taser was drawn and students threatened with CS gas .
[[33, 89], [499, 578], [524, 578], [1102, 1111], [1143, 1303], [1326, 1350], [1357, 1377], [90, 194], [121, 194], [579, 665], [2840, 2912], [2913, 2955], [3432, 3497], [3432, 3444], [3464, 3497], [3984, 4012], [657, 705], [2293, 2332], [3647, 3743], [4064, 4143], [1936, 2009], [403, 422], [499, 578], [914, 1002], [931, 941], [950, 1002], [2069, 2107], [3498, 3552]]
More than 200 truckers responded to a Facebook message from a sick boy 's mother who was on the hunt for a special present for her child 's birthday . Lisa Welch 's 10-year-old son Jorge , from Jimboomba in Queensland , was born with a rare condition called cortical dysplasia , causing Jorge to have the same brain functions as an 18-month-old baby . The disease occurs when the top layer of the brain does n't form properly , affecting the patients ability to learn new things . Sick with trawling the aisles looking for baby toys , Lisa decided to take to Facebook and ask the trucking community if someone was free to bring a their rig around to Jorge 's house for his big 10th birthday . Scroll down for video . Lisa Welch 's 10-year-old son Jorge , from Jimboomba in Queensland , was born with a rare condition called cortical dysplasia , causing Jorge to have the same brain functions as an 18-month-old baby . Speaking to the Today Show Lisa said she noticed that Jorge responded well to trucks who passed by on the freeway and wanted to do ` something cool ' for his birthday . ' I put an ad on Facebook and I said I 'll see what happens , ' she said . However she did not expect the responses she received on Facebook to her sweet request . Sick with trawling the aisles looking for baby toys , Lisa decided to take to Facebook and ask the trucking community if someone was free to bring a their rig around to Jorge 's house for his big 10th birthday . Jorge was granted the birthday of a lifetime after his mother organised a convoy of trucks to drive into his yard . The 10-year-old has the brain functions of an 18-month-old baby due to his illness . Over 200 truckers were willing and able to bring their lorry 's to Jorge 's home town . exceeding Lisa 's wildest expectations . The truckers came in their droves from Perth , Adelaide , Melbourne and Townsville to brighten up Jorge 's day . Trucking couple Melissa and Tommy said they had ` tears in their eyes ' when they saw Jorge 's broad smile upon their arrival . Truckers Melissa and Tommy had tears in their eyes when they saw Jorge 's happy face . Jorge got to ride in the passenger seat of one of the trucks . Over 200 trucks came together to give Jorge his birthday wish . ` It was absolutely priceless , ' Melissa said . ` There were a few tears in the eyes just watching him , it was just magical . ' They let the happy boy ride in the passenger seat of their truck , while he took in his favourite piece of machinery . Jorge was mesmerised with the trucks , feeling their wheels and taking in the big machinery . The truckers made their way through the town beeping and waving to locals . Jorge got his birthday wish of riding in a rig . Jorge looked ecstatic to be surrounded by the magnificent trucks , touching their wheels , beeping the horn and waving at the truckers . The trucking community pulled out all the stops as the convoy made their way past Jorge 's family home . Many donated gifts and funds to Jorge and his family as they made their way past the small town . Jorge 's parents wanted to give him something special for his 10th birthday . Many truckers donated gifts and funds to Jorge and his family as they made their way past the small town . ' I do n't even know what to say , ' Lisa said . ` Thank you very much , ' The disease cortical dysplasia causes seizures and the treatment is focused on controlling the seizures . A special diet also helps children control their seizures .
A sick boy has been given the birthday of a lifetime . Jorge suffers from cortical dysplasia and has the mental functions of an 18-month old baby . His mother Lisa was sick of trawling the aisles looking at baby toys . She wanted to give him a birthday to remember . Lisa put a post up on Facebook asking for a truck to come to her yard . The response was magnificent . Over 200 trucks made their way to Jimbooma from all over the country .
[[1463, 1524], [287, 351], [853, 917], [1579, 1663], [481, 532], [1251, 1302], [1036, 1086], [1463, 1524], [3056, 3133], [535, 598], [1089, 1112], [1305, 1368], [0, 80], [1664, 1751], [1664, 1681], [1704, 1751], [1793, 1905], [2184, 2247], [2184, 2199], [2214, 2247]]
Online retailing giant Amazon has launched its own brand of diapers , opening a new front in retail battles - and a direct challenge to name-brands already selling on the site . Amazon said the first offerings in its new Amazon Elements line of consumer products would be diapers and baby wipes , and that other competitively priced , ` premium ' everyday consumer products would soon follow . But the Elements line is only available to members of Amazon 's Prime $ 99-a-year subscription club , with the lowest prices available for those who are also members of its Amazon Mom group , as the company seeks to push more shoppers into its membership programs . Time for change : Amazon is launching the line of diapers and baby wipes exclusively for its Prime members to get more shoppers to sign up for the $ 99 annual program . Expanding : The launch comes a year after Amazon reported it was recruiting people to help create its own brand of products in the larger category known as consumables . Amazon highlighted that the Elements line would provide quality-conscious shoppers ` an unprecedented level of information ' on product origins and materials . ` The two things customers told us they want are premium products that meet their high standards , and access to information so they can make informed decisions , ' said Sunny Jain , Consumables Vice President , in a statement . Entering the market : The first offerings in the new Amazon Elements line of consumer products will be diapers and baby wipes . The initial prices , including discounts to Prime members and the Amazon Mom club , put a size 4 diaper 10 percent more expensive than the popular Huggies brand . But it was about 27 percent cheaper than the premium Seventh Generation brand , popular with health and environmentally-conscious consumers , in the Prime and Amazon Mom pricing . Amazon has been seeking to push shoppers into Prime , originally a subscription service for free shipping aimed at frequent buyers on its website . A Prime subscription now gives members unlimited video and music streaming as Amazon takes on powerful media groups like Netflix and Spotify . In some areas , Prime is now offering same day delivery on groceries as well .
Suppliers had long feared Amazon would eventually elbow them aside . Amazon Elements is a new line of Amazon-branded ` everyday essentials ' available exclusively to Prime subscribers . Amazon 's pack of 40 diapers will sell for $ 7.99 - 19 cents a diaper compared to national brands like Huggies and Pampers that go for about 24 to 34 cents . New diapers are up to 40 cents cheaper than name brand competitors .
[[178, 262], [190, 294], [398, 493], [678, 766], [1421, 1526]]
A young elephant got thoroughly punished for his bad behaviour when he was forced to stay out in the rain while the rest of the heard sheltered under a tree . The male calf can be seen starring forlornly into the distance as thunderstorm and rain fall on the savanna . The family quarrel , preceded by what appears to be a ` trunk war ' took place in the Serengeti National Park , Tanzania , . Naughty step : A young bull elephant is made to stay out in the rain - possibly for his bad behaviour - while his family huddle under an acacia tree . The herd of elephants was captured by Kelvin Zhang , a scientist from Los Angeles , California , who was visiting the Serengeti . Mr Zhang , 37 , said he spotted the elephants underneath the acacia tree as he was also seeking shelter from the oncoming storm . He said : ' I was n't sure if these elephants were there to hide from the rain or not because I thought thick skinned animals like elephants do not usually care much about the rain . ` Not until we got very close to the tree did I realise there was this little elephant calf standing alone in the rain , with all others under the tree . ' Teenage tantrum : The young bull elephant appears to have been causing trouble earlier on . ` One , two , three , four , I declare a trunk war ' : The elephant and an older relative have it out . The herd of elephants was captured by Kelvin Zhang , a scientist from LA , who was visiting the Serengeti . ' I was rather intrigued by the fact he was standing away from the tree alone , where all his companions congregate , in my understanding deliberately as he had his face away from the rest of the group . ` It was a very interesting moment because it reflects some peculiar behaviour about these animals . ` They are highly social most of the time but like us they can have a temper or small fights . ` The calves can have their rebellious moments , and like us , they may sometimes prefer some alone time . ' Muddled up : A very young elephant has had a dirty bath on the Serengeti . Playtime : Two elephants from the same herd enjoyed some leisure time in the water 's edge before the storm .
Young bull elephant pictured ` on the naughty step ' on the savanna . While his family stay dry under an acacia tree , he was left in the rain . The scene took place in the Serengeti National Park , in Tanzania .
[[0, 115], [68, 133], [409, 544], [269, 287], [315, 378]]
An investigation has been launched into the leaking of Defence Minister David Johnston 's travel and hospitality receipts . The Defence Department is probing how Senator Johnston and his Chief Of Staff Sean Costello 's expenses were made public , the ABC reports , after it was revealed they indulged in a series of expensive meals with industry officials who are chasing lucrative government contracts . Dining receipts obtained by News Corp journalist Ian McPhedran show Mr Johnston , Mr Costello and defence industry executives spent $ 6384 of taxpayers money in pricey restaurants during November . Scroll down for video . Receipts showing thousands of taxpayers dollars being spent on lavish meals by Defence Minister David Johnson have been revealed , with this $ 662 receipt from Sean 's Kitchen in Adelaide . The revelations of the meals - often washed down with $ 200 bottles of wine - come as ordinary troops in Australia 's armed services face cuts to their entitlements and a 1.5 per cent pay increase which is below the rate of inflation . A spokesman for the Defence Minister told Daily Mail Australia that the spending was all within guidelines . ` All hospitality hosted by the Defence Minister and extended to foreign dignitaries or industry heads , including at the time of the Albany Commemoration , has been within guidelines and is consistent with previous Defence Ministers ' practice , ' the spokesperson said . However , the Opposition 's Nick Champion told the ABC the Prime Minister should take action against Senator Johnston . ` It 's up to Tony Abbott really , to do what we all know needs to be done , ' Mr Champion said . ` We all know it 's going to be done . This minister is either going to be demoted , shifted out of his portfolio or sacked completely and put on the backbench . ' This receipt shows some of the items indulged in at Balthazar restaurant in Perth on November 12 . The first lavish dinner took place on November 2 at Perth 's Matilda Bay Restaurant , where rib eye steaks , lamb and snapper along with three bottles of Henschke Mt Edlestone Shiraz at $ 190 a bottle contributed to the $ 2332 bill , News Corp reported . The prestigious establishment has waterfront views of the Swan River . Just a few days later , on November 5 , Mr Johnston and Mr Costello were in Adelaide dining with Bruce Carter , chairman of submarine builder ASC and one of the companies chasing government work , sources told News Corp. . The trio polished off two bottles of $ 143 shiraz at Sean 's Kitchen , and two martinis at $ 20 each , according to the $ 662 receipt . Defence Minister David Johnston -LRB- left -RRB- and his Chief Of Staff Sean Costello -LRB- right -RRB- dined with industry executives hoping to secure billion dollar government contracts . These accusations come as defence personnel are facing cuts to their allowances and pay . The next stop was Balthazar Restaurant in Perth where the $ 722 bill - again racked up between just three people - included two $ 172 bottles of Omensetter Shiraz , two pork fillets and a cheese platter , News Corp reported . For the November 12 dinner , Mr Johnston and Mr Costello shared a meal and a few drinks with ' a senior executive from Austal . ' Shipbuilder Austal is also seeking defence work from the government according to News Corp. . Matilda Bay in Perth was revisited on November 15 where the bill racked up by seven guests at the waterfront restaurant was $ 2062 . Rib eye steaks were on the menu again , as were two bottles of Picardy Chardonnay at $ 170 a pop . Bruce Carter , Chairman of submarine builder ASC -LRB- left -RRB- and Andrew Bellamy , head of WA shipbuilder Austal -LRB- right -RRB- were among some of the pair 's dinner guests . The final dinner destination for November was the Courgette in Canberra , where Mr Johnston and Mr Costello were joined by two others , totalling $ 599 for dinner and drinks . In stark contrast , ordinary defence personnel who travel on business are afforded allowances of $ 24 for breakfast , $ 28 for lunch and $ 47 for dinner .
Defence Department launches an investigation into leaked receipts . Receipts show $ 6384 of taxpayers money was spent on lavish dining by Defence Minister David Johnston and his Chief Of Staff Sean Costello . The pair entertained industry heavyweights looking to secure lucrative government contracts . The dinners included pricey meals and $ 200 bottles of wine . The receipts emerged as ordinary defence workers are facing below inflation pay rises and entitlement cuts .
[[0, 123], [503, 602], [627, 755], [2601, 2692], [3825, 3852], [3881, 3920], [247, 262], [265, 355], [337, 355], [360, 404], [2399, 2436], [2699, 2790], [3237, 3304], [247, 262], [265, 355], [627, 755], [836, 949], [3825, 3852], [3881, 3920], [922, 1013], [986, 1013], [1020, 1052], [2791, 2874], [2817, 2880]]
Lewis Hamilton is living his American dream , with rap star friends , the celebrity Los Angeles girlfriend and a giant bling necklace . And the championship leader , who is mobbed in Austin , has even spoken about the possibility of raising a family on this side of the Atlantic . ' I enjoy it here , it 's pretty cool , ' he said . ` New York is a cool place to live . I was in Knoxville -LSB- Tennessee -RSB- the other day . It 's beautiful , by the lake . But there is too much fast food . I 'm always thinking about where I would raise a family and I have n't figured out where that would be . Lewis Hamilton with his American pop star girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger at the GQ Men of the Year Awards . Hamilton drives his way to second on the grid for Sunday 's United States Grand Prix . ` It feels a little bit early but at some stage I want to have a family and continue the family name . ' Hamilton , 29 , trains in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and regularly travels from his home in Monaco to LA to see Nicole Scherzinger , his pop star girlfriend . A friend of rappers , he is keen on the music industry - an interest he could now actively look to develop into a business opportunity having just parted company with Simon Fuller 's XIX management stable . Hamilton will wait until the end of the season before deciding who will look after his affairs , but non-racing concerns are sure to be a factor in that process . Hamilton is a crowd favourite at the US race in Austin , Texas , and has talked about a life there . Hamilton poses for a selfie with a fan in Austin , where he is proving hugely popular . -LRB- From left -RRB- Hamilton waves to the adoring crowd with pole winner Nico Rosberg and Valtteri Bottas , who will start Sunday 's race in third , after their qualifying success on Saturday at the Circuit of the Americas . He is sporting a bold new look with his giant gold necklace with a picture frame containing a Warhol painting of Mercedes cars . ' I designed it myself , ' said Hamilton , who stopped off in New York en route to Austin to appear on ABC 's Today show . His latest bling follows his trademark diamond earrings , a host of tattoos and a giant flat-peak cap -- a look that makes him stand out amid the more corporate and conservative world of modern Formula One .
Lewis Hamilton has talked about raising a family in the United States . The Brit starts the US Grand Prix second on the grid behind Nico Rosberg . He trains in Colorado and regularly visits his pop star girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger in Los Angeles , where he 's also friends with rappers . Hamilton recently split from Simon Fuller 's XIX management stable .
[[136, 163], [192, 280], [1431, 1439], [1494, 1531], [705, 791], [897, 905], [913, 954], [959, 1032], [1173, 1267]]
The Navy is revoking former-sailor Bill Cosby 's title of honorary chief petty officer , saying allegations of sexual abuse made against the comedian are serious and conflict with the Navy 's core values . Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and Master Chief Petty Officer Michael Stevens made the announcement Thursday in a statement . ` The Navy is taking this action because allegations against Mr. Cosby are very serious and are in conflict with the Navy 's core values of honor , courage and commitment , ' they said in a statement . Scroll down for video . Losing support : The Navy stripped Bill Cosby of an honorary title on Thursday after several woman have come forward to accuse the comedian of rape . Pictured above receiving the honorary title of chief petty officer in 2011 from Navy Secretary Ray Mabus , the same man who took the honor away from him on Thursday . In a statement , the Navy said the allegations against Cosby are in conflict with the military branch 's ` core values ' . Pictured again at the 2011 ceremony . Cosby enlisted in the Navy in 1956 and served four years as a hospital corpsman before being honorably discharged in 1960 as a 3rd Class Petty Officer . The honorary title was presented to Cosby in 2011 . The 77-year-old Cosby has refused to answer questions about mounting accusations that he sexually abused several women . NBC recently scrapped a Cosby comedy that was under development , some of his appearances have been canceled and he has resigned from Temple University 's board of trustees . Former sailor : Cosby enlisted in the Navy in 1956 , and spend four years as a hospital corpsman before he was honorably discharged in 1960 . Scores of women started coming forward to accuse Cosby of rape in October , after comedian Hannibal Buress went on a rant about the former Cosby Show dad 's dark side during a stand-up set . Since then , at least 20 women , including former super model Janice Dickinson , have publicly accused Cosby of rape , with many saying he drugged them too . The allegations go all the way back to 2004 though , when a former Temple University employee went to authorities after Cosby groped her . The case was eventually thrown out , with investigators saying there was n't enough evidence to charge Cosby , so the woman filed a civil suit instead and four 13 other women to testify about Cosby 's history of sex abuse . The lawsuit was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount . Unignorable : At least 20 women have come out to accuse Cosby of rape since October , but the allegations go all the way back to the mid-2000s when Cosby settled a lawsuit with a woman who claimed she was groped by the comedian .
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and Master Chief Petty Officer Michael Stevens made the announcement on Thursday . In a statement , they wrote that the allegations are in conflict with the Navy 's ` core values of honor , courage and commitment ' Cosby enlisted in the Navy in 1956 , and spent four years as a hospital corpsman before he was honorably discharged .
[[206, 325], [96, 123], [150, 205], [206, 325], [326, 496], [501, 527], [869, 883], [886, 987], [1030, 1064], [1030, 1035], [1069, 1151], [1547, 1581], [1531, 1544], [1588, 1672]]
Thirteen illegal immigrants have been found in a tanker containing plastic granules at Dover 's Eastern Docks , in Kent . The men , eleven from Syria and two from Afghanistan , were fit and well when Border Force and Home Office immigration enforcement officers attended yesterday . No action is being taken against the tanker 's driver . They are the latest group to be detained at Dover amid concerns from the British freight industry about migrants ' increasingly desperate attempts to reach the UK from Calais . Scroll down for video . The illegal immigrant 's attempt to enter the UK is the latest of migrant 's increasingly desperate attempts to reach the UK from Calais -LRB- stock pics -RRB- . All 13 migrants will be interviewed and passed into the care of the county 's social services department if they are found to be minors . The Freight Transport Association -LRB- FTA -RRB- has described the number of migrants attempting to enter the country illegally as a ` worsening situation ' . They are now calling on the European Union to bring in stricter border controls to deal with the problem . More than 3,000 people have signed an e-petition demanding the UK Government helps solve the problems faced by British truckers . On September 4 , scores of illegal migrants in the French port of Calais tried to force their way onto a ferry bound for England . The desperate migrants had tried to run up the MyFerryLink ship . About 85 people had forced their way through a gate and climbed over fences , overpowering security staff . But they were foiled when crew raised the ramp before they could get to the ferry . In the second wave , 150 illegal immigrants gained entrance to the port but were stopped by police . Recently , French police have tried to break up the camps of illegal immigrants around Calais , but the migrants claim they have nowhere to go . They want fines of up to # 2,000 per migrant , imposed on lorry drivers and hauliers if stowaways are caught hiding in their vehicles , to be abolished . Truckers have complained about armed attacks from people trying to board vehicles destined for the UK . A Home Office spokesman said : ` We work closely with the police to tackle illegal immigration and continue to strengthen the security of our border to stop those who have no right to enter the UK . ` If people have a genuine need of protection they should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach . ` If they are just seeking to evade immigration control they need to know that they are risking their lives and that they will get caught . ` The new Immigration Act makes it harder for people to live in the UK illegally . ` It makes it harder for illegal immigrants to abuse our benefits and public services , and makes it easier for us to remove them by reducing the number of appeals . '
All the men were found fit and well and have been detained by immigration . It is latest in increasingly desperate attempts by migrants to reach the UK . The Freight Transport Association are calling for tighter border controls . No action has been taken against the driver of the tanker .
[[122, 174], [177, 185], [339, 485], [540, 572], [589, 648], [606, 688], [606, 639], [649, 701], [1000, 1012], [1021, 1106], [1000, 1004], [1009, 1106], [283, 338]]
Winter finally arrived in parts of Britain yesterday , threatening to put a chill in the tail of the hottest year for more than 350 years . Widespread frosts gave the landscape a Christmas card look while temperatures are forecast to plunge as low as minus 6C -LRB- 21F -RRB- overnight on Saturday , with snow on high ground . But even as the cold spell began , 2014 's topsy-turvy weather had nature in a spin with cherry trees in blossom , frogs already spawning and daffodils in bloom several months early , while many of the summer 's roses are still in bloom . Blanket of white : A heavy frost at dawn on the River Brathay in the Lake District yesterday , but 2014 has seen the warmest average temperatures since records began . Chilly : Temperatures will slump as low as -6 C overnight on Saturday following on from -5 C last night , making it the coldest of the year so far . Frosty fields : Despite this wintery scene this morning forecasters say that 2014 is on track to be the warmest since records began in 1659 . Retired office worker Marilyn Fenn was stunned to spot a daffodil blooming in her garden this week , three months early . T . he 62-year-old widow , of Woodhall Spa , Lincolnshire , said : ` It looks so lonely , I actually feel a bit sorry for it . ' I do n't know how long it will last with the cold weather . ' Records show that the year is set to be the warmest since records began in 1659 . The Met Office said average temperatures from the beginning of January to late November were 1.6 C -LRB- 2.9 F -RRB- above the long-term norm . The figures are based on Central England Temperature data . It has recorded monthly temperatures across an area between Lancaster , Bristol and London since 1659 . For the whole UK , 2014 is the warmest in records dating back to 1910 . The year 's crazy weather saw the wettest winter to strike southern England since records began in 1766 , with severe flooding in Somerset , Kent and the Thames Valley suffering extreme flooding . Temperatures then hit 19C -LRB- 66F -RRB- in the South in March , when the average is 9C -LRB- 48F -RRB- . A July heatwave roared in , with temperatures in the mid-30s -LRB- over 90F -RRB- , but it was swiftly followed by the coolest August for 21 years as the remnants of Hurricane Bertha crossed the Atlantic bringing with it downpours and flash floods -- just in time to catch the school holidays . After this , the driest-ever September preceded the warmest Halloween on record . Experts say that while a bitterly cold December could still knock 2014 off its top spot in the list of warmest years , this is unlikely . While all months except August have seen above average temperatures , no single month has seen a record-breaking high . Instead the year has been consistently warm . Ca n't make its mind up : This year has seen a July heatwave followed by the coolest August for 21 years and then the driest September ever . Do n't jinx it : Meteorologists say that a bitter December cold snap could stop 2014 being the hottest year on record , but this is unlikely . Feeling the cold : While all months except August have seen above average temperatures , no single month has seen a record-breaking high . Across the world , the year is also on track to be one of the hottest , with global temperatures around 0.57 C -LRB- 1.03 F -RRB- above the average 14C -LRB- 57.2 F -RRB- from January to October , just ahead of the previous record of 0.56 C , according to the World Meteorological Organisation . However , the Met Office said that a single year 's extreme weather can not be attributed to man-made global warming . A spokesman said : ` One warm year does not necessarily say anything about long-term climate change -- these trends need to be looked at over longer timescales of several decades . ' But global warming does make it more likely to have years with hotter-than-average weather , he said . Global : Last year is also set to be the warmest across the globe as temperature rises pushed the average 0.57 C above the average of 14C . Heating up : Average temperatures from the beginning of January to late November were 1.6 C -LRB- 2.9 F -RRB- above the long-term norm .
Frosty scenes across UK this morning after temperatures of -5 C overnight , with -6 C predicted for the weekend . But 2014 is set to become the hottest on record after every month except August saw above-average temperatures . Across the globe warm weather saw the mercury pushed 0.57 C above the 14C average , which is also a record .
[[140, 240], [205, 297], [741, 803], [777, 837], [566, 582], [661, 733], [883, 896], [926, 994], [977, 1008], [1338, 1403], [1728, 1744], [1747, 1777], [2619, 2686], [2830, 2889], [3095, 3156], [3979, 4049]]
A cybersecurity expert has raised the possibility that the cyberattack on Sony Pictures was not the work of North Korea , but instead carried out by a disgruntled employee . The hacking attack saw five major new films leaked alongside studio and personnel information which included the salaries of staff and personal emails . North Korea has refused to deny claims that it is behind a release and a spokesperson for the country would only say ` wait and see ' when asked if Pyongyang was involved in the attack on Sony just a month before its planned release of a movie about a plot to kill the reclusive state 's leader , Kim Jong Un . Cars enter Sony Pictures Entertainment headquarters in Culver City , California . A cybersecurity expert has raised the possibility that the cyberattack on Sony Pictures was not the work of North Korea . A North Korean spokesperson said ` wait and see ' on Monday when asked if Pyongyang was involved in the attack on Sony just a month before its planned release of The Interview , staring James Franco and Seth Rogan . North Korea routinely refers to the United States and South Korea as hostile forces . But cybersecurity expert Hemanshu Nigam told the Hollywood Reporter that he finds it hard to believe that North Korea is the perpetrator and instead thinks it is more probable that it was the actions of an employee or ex-employee with administrative access privileges . For the studio -- which has laid off hundreds of employees over the past year in an effort to contain costs -- the possibility of a disgruntled employee wreaking havoc is very real . ` If terabytes of data left the Sony networks , their network detection systems would have noticed easily , ' explains Nigam . ` It would also take months for a hacker to figure out the topography of the Sony networks to know where critical assets are stored and to have access to the decryption keys needed to open up the screeners that have been leaked . ' Culprit ? Sony is currently investigating whether someone acting on behalf of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un , possibly from China , was responsible for hacking their computer system . In addition , he says , ` Hackers do n't use such things as Hushmail , Dropbox and Facebook when they want to engage in what amounts to criminal activity . Real hackers know that these sites collect access logs , IP addresses and work with law enforcement . It is possible that North Korean-sponsored hackers were working with someone on the inside . But it is more likely a ruse to shift blame , knowing the distaste the North Korean regime has for Sony Pictures . ' Sony Pictures ' computer system went down last Monday after the cyber attack . Before . screens went dark , they displayed a red skull and the phrase . ` Hacked By #GOP , ' which reportedly stands for Guardians of . Peace . The hackers also warned they . would release ` secrets ' stolen from Sony . The data released so far from the apparently leaked documents has already been damaging - it revealed all the top executives at Sony Pictures Entertainment are white and male , raising questions about control of Hollywood 's film output . A spreadsheet said to show the salaries of 6,000 Sony Pictures employees , including top executives , reveals that of 17 earning $ 1million or more a year , just two are not white and just one is a woman . The list was leaked to a reporter at news and pop culture site Fusion . Sony workers reportedly saw a message appear on computer screens saying ` Hacked by #GOP ' , understood to be the initials of a group called Guardians of Peace - although some believe North Korea was involved . Kevin Roose , reporting for Fusion , who was sent a link to the data by an anonymous source , said : ` When I sorted the list by ` annual rate , ' I noticed something notable : a stark homogeneity among the people earning the most . ` Based on the spreadsheet ... the employees of Sony Pictures with the highest annual rates appear to be nearly entirely white men . ' Amy B. Pascal , co-chair of Sony Pictures Entertainment and chairman of SPE 's Motion Picture Group , is the only woman among the top 17 most-highly paid executives . Minority of one : Co-Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment Amy Pascal , the only woman earning more than $ 1million a year at the company , and chief executive officer of Sony Entertainment Michael Lynton . She earns # 3million a year , according to the spreadsheet , joint highest on the list , along with Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton . Buzzfeed reviewed almost 40GB of leaked internal data and reported it included 'em ployee criminal background checks , salary negotiations , and doctors ' letters explaining the medical rationale for leaves of absence . ' It reported the files also included a script for an unreleased pilot written by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan as well as 'em ail exchanges with employees regarding specific medical treatments they are undergoing , while one disciplinary letter details a manager 's romantic relationship and business travel history with a subordinate . ' It even details the leaked information includes an email about the breastfeeding diet of a senior executive . Technology news site Re/code reported that Sony and security . consultants were investigating whether someone acting on behalf . of North Korea , possibly from China , was responsible . A source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Saturday . that Sony Pictures was investigating every possibility , adding . that no link to North Korea has been uncovered . North Korea complained to the United Nations in June about . the film starring Seth Rogen and James Franco , accusing the . United States of sponsoring terrorism and committing an act of . war by allowing production of the movie . Leaked : Five of Sony 's movies including the hotly anticipated remake of Annie have been illegally shared online in recent days . The Interview is due to be released on December 25 in the United States and Canada . It is a comedy about a CIA attempt to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un . The Pyongyang government denounced the film as ` undisguised sponsoring of terrorism , as well as an act of war ' in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon . ' I personally do n't care if -LRB- the movie 's -RRB- disrespectful to . Kim because he 's evil . But that 's not the intent , ' Rogen posted . on Twitter on Sunday . ` North Korea has produced tons of . propaganda films that portray America 's destruction . ' In addition to Annie , starring Jamie Foxx , which is due to hit theaters on December 19 , Brad Pitt 's critically acclaimed World War Two movie , Fury , is also being openly traded and downloaded online . By Sunday morning , Fury , which is still playing in theaters , had been downloaded 1.2 million times and Annie had been downloaded 206,000 times from unique IP addresses , according to Variety . Other Sony movies being downloaded include Mr. Turner , Still Alice and To Write Love on Her Arms . Culver City , California-based Sony Pictures said in a statement yesterday that it is continuing ` to work through issues related to what was clearly a cyber attack last week . ` The company has restored a number of important services to ensure ongoing business continuity and is working closely with law enforcement officials to investigate the matter . ' Along with the FBI , Sony has brought in forensic experts from the Mandiant division of FireEye , a Silicon Valley cybersecurity company , according to a source familiar with the case who did not want to be named because the companies have not yet announced the arrangement . Mandiant helps companies determine the extent of breaches and repair damages . The firm has worked on other high-profile computer breaches , including one at retailer Target last year .
The hacking attack saw five major new films leaked alongside studio and personnel secrets which included the salaries of staff and personal emails . The leak has been extremely costly - and embarrassing - for Sony . Studio laid off hundreds of employees over past year to contain costs . Cyber expert : Theorizes an employee or ex-employee with administrative access privileges is a more likely suspect .
[[174, 267], [246, 267], [274, 326], [3149, 3248], [4522, 4530], [4580, 4684], [5791, 5797], [5800, 5822], [5800, 5921], [1414, 1431], [1438, 1491], [1495, 1524], [0, 173], [720, 841], [1148, 1413]]
The controversial ` hands up , do n't shoot ' protest by St Louis Rams players has been praised by an organisation representing the city 's black police officers , it has been revealed . Five players made the gesture at Missouri 's Edward Jones Dome on Sunday following the decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson over the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown . Their actions , in a game against the Oakland Raiders , were branded ` tasteless , offensive and inflammatory ' by the St Louis Police Officers Association , which demanded a ` very public apology ' from the team . But today it has been revealed that their view was not necessarily shared by all of the city 's law-enforcement community . Scroll down for video . St Louis Rams wide receiver Stedman Bailey -LRB- 12 -RRB- , wide receiver Tavon Austin -LRB- 11 -RRB- , tight end Jared Cook -LRB- 89 -RRB- , wide receiver Chris Givens -LRB- 13 -RRB- and wide receiver Kenny Britt -LRB- 81 -RRB- put their hands up to show support for Michael Brown before Sunday 's game against the Oakland Raiders at the Edward Jones Dome . The players made the gesture at Missouri 's Edward Jones Dome on Sunday following the decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson over the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown -LRB- pictured -RRB- . The Ethical Society of Police , which describes itself as the ` primary voice of African-American police officers in St Louis ' , does not have a problem with the gesture . A statement posted on its Facebook page , said it ` completely supports the actions of the St. Louis Rams football players in which they showed support for the family of Michael Brown by entering the stadium with their hands up . ' ` We think that their actions were commendable and that they should not be ridiculed , disciplined or punished for taking a stand on this very important issue which is of great concern around the world and especially in the community where these players work . ' CNN reports that the group has about 220 members from the St. Louis police force and that St Louis Police Offices Association has yet to respond to requests for comment . The NFL players who made the ` hands up , do n't shoot ' gesture in solidarity with Ferguson protesters will not be fined nor disciplined for their actions , it has been reported . Kenny Britt -LRB- pictured -RRB- raises his hands in the air at the game . The meaning of the gesture has been disputed following contradictory witness accounts , some of which claim Michael Brown did not have his hands up . The five St Louis Rams footballers performed the now-famous sign on the field before the team 's game against the Oakland Raiders at Missouri 's Edward Jones Dome on Sunday . Following the gesture , officials from the St Louis County Police Association - the police union for the area including riot-stricken Ferguson - demanded that the players be punished by their superiors . The team later denied claims that it had issued an apology to the organisation . It has since been revealed that the NFL will not take disciplinary action against the players : wide receivers Stedman Bailey , Tavon Austin , Chris Givens and Kenny Britt , and tight end , Jared Cook . The ` hands up , do n't shoot ' gesture was a reference to witness accounts of Ferguson officer Darren Wilson 's fatal shooting of Michael Brown , on August 9 . Some protesters claim the unarmed black 18-year-old was raising his hands in surrender when he was shot 12 times by Wilson . However , the accounts have been disputed . It comes as people have been taking to streets of more than 170 U.S. cities in protest against a grand jury 's recent decision to not indict Mr Wilson in the fatal shooting . Symbolic : The gesture - a reference to witness accounts of Michael Brown 's fatal shooting on August 9 - made another appearance after Mason -LRB- left -RRB- scored a touchdown and was congratulated by Britt -LRB- right -RRB- . Shooting : Officer Darren Wilson -LRB- left -RRB- shot dead 18-year-old Michael Brown -LRB- right -RRB- in Ferguson on August 9 . After making the gesture on Sunday , wide receiver Bailey said he and his teammates decided to raise their hands in the air shortly before the game , and intended it to be something positive . A Rams spokesman said on Sunday that the team was not aware the gesture had been planned before the game against the Oakland Raiders . On Sunday , wide receivers Tavon Austin and Kenny Britt came out together first , with the move obscured by a smoke machine in the upper reaches of the stadium . Stedman Bailey , Jared Cook and Chris Givens - all of whom are black - then came out and stood together with arms raised . After Tre Mason scored on an 8-yard run to make it 45-0 in the fourth quarter , the gesture made another appearance when he and Britt raised their hands together . Rams won the game with a final score of 52-0 .
Five players made on-field gesture before game against Oakland Raiders . Actions branded ` tasteless ' by the St Louis Police Officers Association . But group representing black officers ` completely supports ' the gesture . Ethical Society of Police in St Louis says ` actions were commendable ' ` Hands up ' gesture came after decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson over the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown .
[[187, 259], [373, 386], [389, 426], [429, 528], [914, 1094], [1095, 1166], [2546, 2720], [4266, 4400], [4326, 4400], [373, 386], [389, 426], [429, 528], [2721, 2742], [2745, 2863], [2866, 2924], [0, 28], [57, 114], [99, 161], [0, 28], [57, 114], [1708, 1864], [253, 325], [1160, 1232], [3634, 3713]]
Motorists were spared fuel price rises as the Chancellor confirmed a freeze on petrol and diesel duty would go ahead as planned from April 2015 . George Osborne announced he was scrapping the ` trigger-point ' for automatically putting up duty if oil prices drop below a set level , as they did recently . But yesterday 's parallel report by the Office for Budget Responsibility suggested that duty rises could return in September 2015 and rise in line with inflation from 2016 to 2019 . Relief : George Osborne announced he was scrapping the ` trigger-point ' for automatically putting up duty . AA president Edmund King welcomed the confirmed April 2015 freeze but said the OBR report appeared to confirm the fears of 84 per cent of AA members in a recent poll who said they were concerned that motoring taxes would increase after next May 's general election . Mr Osborne said he was ` freezing fuel duty to help hardworking people be more financially secure ' . He added : ` Action on fuel duty since 2011 will save a typical motorist # 675 by the end of 2015-16 . ' However , the OBR report said : ` The next duty rate rise , planned for September 2015 , means that receipts are expected to increase by 0.3 per cent in 2015-16 . Sceptical : Motorists fear rises in duty in the future . ` From April 2016 onwards duty rate rises are assumed to be in line with RPI inflation , leading to receipts growth of 2.5 per cent on average between 2016-17 and 2019-20 . ' Mr King said : ` Today 's re-confirmation of a # 15billion investment in UK roads and the continuing fuel duty freeze puts drivers on a `` highway to hope '' after some hellish years of high fuel prices , potholed roads and only patchy investment . ` But our members were right to be sceptical about future taxes . ' RAC Foundation director Professor Stephen Glaister said : ` The Chancellor is pushing for more transparency in the pricing of airline tickets , so now he should also back our call for pump receipts to show how much of the price of petrol and diesel is tax . ` Currently well over 60 per cent goes to the Exchequer in the form of fuel duty and VAT . ' RAC chief engineer David Bizley said : ` The negative impact of fuel duty on economic growth is now acknowledged by the Treasury . ` With fuel duty already frozen until May 2015 , we had feared an early return to the fuel duty escalator system -- a deeply unpopular practice which led to a series of fuel duty hikes . ` But , for now , it appears that is not going to be the case . ' Howard Cox , founder of the FairFuelUK Campaign , said the government should investigate why pump price falls are not keeping pace with plummeting oil prices : ` There should be 7p less showing at the pumps . Who is holding onto this profit ? ' Motorway filling stations will soon have to post their prices in advance on roadside signs so motorists can see if there is cheaper fuel ahead . Ministers were inspired by the system used in France where motorists can see the price of fuel at a variety of outlets on signposts -LRB- pictured -RRB- miles before they reach each service station . It is hoped the move will promote competition and lower fuel prices . The signs will be tested at five service stations on the M5 between Bristol and Exeter , with a view to being introduced UK-wide by the end of 2015 . The RAC last month found motorway service stations charge 10p more a litre of petrol than the national average .
Tax will once again be fixed at its current level in April next year . Move hailed by motorist groups including RAC , AA and FairFuelUK . But duty rises could return in September 2015 and continue to 2019 .
[[0, 9], [22, 145], [597, 662], [310, 487], [1081, 1100], [1103, 1233]]
Further grisly details have come out in court at the trial of a Florida mother accused of stabbing and choking her neighbor to death before hacking the victim 's body into pieces and cooking them on her stove in a brutal , premeditated murder . A medical examiner has now revealed that the head and torso of limousine driver James Sheaffer was never found , and that only 56 of his 206 bones were recovered following his slaying in April 2013 . Angela Stoldt , 42 , of Deltona , sat motionless this week at her first-degree murder trial as details of the killing were laid out for the jury . It was also revealed that , after boiling some of the body parts in her kitchen - including a foot , a leg and both arms - Stoldt allegedly had her two teenage children help dump the remains in different spots around Volusia County , telling them she had hit a deer with her car . The prosecution say Stoldt drugged her neighbor Sheaffer before driving him to Osteen Cemetery in Deltona , stabbing him in both eyes with an ice pick , and choking him with a cord . Gruesome : Angela Stoldt , 42 , of Deltona , sat motionless in court this week as the jury was told the details of her alleged murder of neighbor James Sheaffer , following a dispute about money . Gruesome murder : Angela Stoldt , 42 -LRB- left -RRB- , allegedly stabbed neighbor James Sheaffer , 36 -LRB- right -RRB- , with an ice pick , strangled him and then tried to dispose of his body by hacking it to pieces and cooking the remains . Crime scene : Stoldt got into an argument with Sheaffer while sitting in her car at the Osteen Cemetery in Deltona in April 2013 . Prosecutors said they will not be seeking the death penalty in Stoldt 's case . In September , Stold 's attorney filed a motion claiming self defense under Florida 's controversial ` stand your ground ' law , but Judge Randell Rowe III rejected the motion . Court documents obtained by Daytona News-Journal previously showed Sheaffer , a married father of three , had asked Stoldt to act as the payee on his Social Security disability benefits , but the 36-year-old kept overdrawing their joint account . The limo driver also wanted Stoldt to ask her father for a $ 4,000 loan . On the morning of April 3 , 2013 , Stoldt , with her two children in tow , picked up her neighbor from his work at Blue Diamond Limousines and drove to her home on Horseshoe Terrace , where the two drank vodka and peach schnapps cocktails . But according to court filings , the mother of two spiked her neighbor 's beverage with a prescription pain medication , which she had stolen from her father knowing that it causes drowsiness , especially when mixed with alcohol . Stoldt then allegedly loaded the drugged man into her car and drove to the Osteen Cemetery after dropping the kids off at her parents ' . Husband and father : Sheaffer , who was married with three kids , was stabbed in the eye and then strangled ; police were never able to locate all of his remains . While Stoldt had previously claimed Sheaffer ` came at her and said that he was going to kill Ms. Stoldt as well as her children ' , according to her strand-your-ground , Prosecutor Ryan Will told the jury she had planned to kill Sheaffer all along . She reached to the backseat for the ice pick and stabbed Sheaffer in the right eye . She then grabbed a cord with two handles and used it to strangle Sheaffer by wrapping it tightly around his neck , Will said . After the man stopped moving , the mother grabbed the ice pick again and drove it through Sheaffer 's left eye . She then wrapped the man 's head in Saran Wrap to keep him from bleeding all over the car interior . The News-Journal reported that Stoldt had bought the plastic , as well as rubber gloves , from Wal-Mart just hours before the killing . She then drove home , with Sheaffer 's corpse propped up in the passenger seat , the ice pick still protruding from his face . Will said Stoldt then drove to her home and parked in the garage , where she cut up Sheaffer 's body using a knife and a saw . She then moved the body parts one by one into her kitchen . Life and death situation : Stoldt 's attorney filed a motion claiming that the woman was in fear for her life because Sheaffer was threatening to kill her and her two children . ` She took him into the house piece by piece . ... The very same house she shares with her two teenage children and she cooked him in her oven and stove . She started with the oven but when the smoke and smell became unbearable she realized that she might get caught , ' Will told the court . Thats when Stoldt allegedly began boiling some parts on the stove . Sheaffer 's head and torso were not found , testified Dr. Marie Herrmann , the medical examiner for Volusia County . However a soup pot was recovered that contained Sheaffer 's thigh bone , knee cap and some soft tissue , Hermann testified . Stoldt dumped other mutilated body parts in trash bags and disposed of them with the help of her teenage son , who was led to believe that they were getting rid of a deer his mother had killed with her car the night before . To cover up the murder , Miss Stoldt then buried her neighbor 's cellphone and driver 's license in different parks , and got rid of the pots and pans used to boil human flesh . When Stoldt 's daughter , who is now 16 years old , asked her about the foul smell lingering in the house , the 42-year-old woman initially lied that a rat had gotten trapped inside the oven . But she eventually came clean to the girl , telling her that she had drugged and killed James Sheaffer after he threatened to kill her . However , it was not until three weeks later that Angela Stoldt confessed to the rest of her family , prompting her sister to call 911 on April 21 because she was afraid the distraught , sleep-deprived woman might commit suicide . In the course of her questioning , Miss Stoldt spoke without hesitation of her attempts to dispose of her neighbor 's corpse . ` Thursday is when I was cooking him . Friday is when I was dumping him , ' she was quoted as saying . The woman showed little remorse for her actions , telling police she believed at the time Sheaffer was going to ruin her life . ` I 'm sorry , but I put Jimmie where he belonged , in my opinion at the time , ' she told detectives . Ms Stoldt eventually led sheriff 's deputies to various locations around Volusia County to help recover James Sheaffer 's remains , but officials said they were never able to locate all of Sheaffer 's body parts . Confrontation : Sheaffer , a limo driver , allegedly attacked Stoldt while sitting in her car and would not let go of her until she wrapped a cord around his neck . Investigators who canvassed Sheaffer 's Deltona neighborhood looking for the missing man before Stoldt 's confession had talked to the woman on more than one occasion . She acknowledged being friends with Sheaffer and said she handled some of his financial affairs for him . She told investigators that she last saw Sheaffer on April 5 and 15 , even though family members had n't seen him since April 2 . The investigation took a turn April 20 when Stoldt 's sister called 911 saying that the mother of two was acting suicidal and had admitted to killing James Sheaffer . The caller told the Sheriff 's office that Stoldt was hugging her children and saying goodbye . ` Why 's she hugging her kids goodbye ? ' the emergency dispatcher asked . ` Because she came to the house and she told my parents that she committed a crime and that she 's being investigated for it , ' the woman 's sister replied . Ms Stoldt initially declined to talk to investigators and was taken in for a mental health evaluation . But officials were able to obtain a search warrant to enter her house , where they came upon evidence indicating a crime had been committed there . A short time later , Angela Stoldt confessed to stabbing and strangling Sheaffer , and then disposing of his body . Stoldt then led investigators to a location where human remains were recovered . Ms Stoldt is being held without bail .
Angela Stoldt , 42 , confessed to killing limo driver James Sheaffer , 36 , in April 2013 by stabbing him in the face and strangling him with a cord . She then dismembered the slain man with a hacksaw and knife and tried to dispose of remains by cooking some of them in pots . Stoldt 's lawyer claimed in September that she killed Sheaffer in self-defense because he attacked her and threatened to kill her . The prosecution say it was premeditated and followed a money dispute . Only 56 of Sheaffer 's 206 bones were recovered . Police never found his head or torso . Stoldt 's sister turned her into police .
[[62, 98], [124, 132], [362, 444], [873, 888], [1030, 1055], [1395, 1408], [2817, 2835], [2883, 2905], [3232, 3235], [3281, 3316], [3317, 3320], [3362, 3429], [7143, 7265], [7848, 7866], [7869, 7928], [0, 22], [103, 220], [592, 823], [1413, 1496], [1253, 1261], [1447, 1496], [3975, 3978], [3994, 4021], [4005, 4047], [4579, 4646], [4590, 4646], [7869, 7882], [7935, 7963], [1708, 1720], [1723, 1834], [2987, 3039], [4135, 4217], [4160, 4225], [5546, 5549], [5566, 5621], [1056, 1064], [1219, 1252], [245, 271], [281, 396], [245, 437], [362, 444], [245, 271], [281, 396], [245, 437], [2927, 2980], [4647, 4688], [6451, 6528]]
A Sydney man who allegedly claimed he was a member of Islamic State before threatening to behead a police officer says the whole thing has been ` blown out of proportion ' . Lamin Savage , 24 , is accused of calling Granville police station in Sydney 's west in September and threatening to cut off the head of an officer who had arrested him for driving offences two months earlier . Police say Savage claimed to be a member of the Islamic State when he made the call . A man has been accused of threatening to behead a police officer -LRB- generic police photo shown -RRB- . But on Wednesday the 24-year-old interrupted his bail application and told the Supreme Court that ` things have been blown out of proportion ' . ' I just made a phone call to the cop shop to make a complaint , ' Savage said while appearing via audio visual link in prison greens . ` It is just distressing . I do n't want my family drawn in on this . ' The refugee from Sierra Leone made the comments after his mother Bintu Savage gave evidence that she could supervise her son if he was released on bail and could post the $ 400 as surety . The court heard Savage had been diagnosed with a borderline intellectual disability . He allegedly claimed to be part of the Islamic State . In this photo Iraqi military armoured trucks pass next to a building painted in the colors of the Islamic State flag as they take up position in Iraq . Although the crown consented to him being released on bail , Justice Helen Wilson said it was a ` very serious offence ' . She will hand down her decision at a later date . In denying him bail at Parramatta Local a court earlier this year , Magistrate Margaret McGlynn said the facts before the court were ` of great concern ' . ` The latest charges fit info a disturbing pattern of escalating threats , ' Ms McGlynn said in September . Savage , who has been charged with using a carriage service to threaten to kill and three driving offences , is expected to face a local court hearing in March . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article .
Lamin Savage , 24 , is accused of calling a Sydney police station in September . He allegedly threatened to cut off the head of an officer . The officer had arrested him for driving offences two months earlier . He also allegedly claimed to be a member of Islamic State . He has been charged with using a carriage service to threaten to kill and three driving offences .
[[174, 186], [189, 191], [194, 287], [724, 764], [0, 12], [68, 113], [174, 186], [189, 191], [194, 287], [174, 186], [276, 321], [471, 541], [471, 476], [494, 562], [308, 321], [326, 384], [0, 12], [17, 67], [385, 446], [396, 402], [411, 470], [1205, 1259], [1205, 1207], [1226, 1259], [471, 541], [1849, 1855], [1858, 1908], [1849, 1855], [1879, 1955]]
We 've all heard that age-old adage that travel broadens the mind - but does it really ? While today it 's common practice to take that gap-year abroad , exploring new places and putting off university for 12 additional months , a survey found that the majority did n't believe this year off had helped them positively develop as a person . In fact , more than a third of respondents even admitted that they struggled to make the transition from carefree lifestyle to a nine-to-five work mentality . Does a year abroad really broaden your horizons ? New research of 1,000 UK backpackers says no ! Student shipping specialist , 1StopShip , conducted the research , finding that 60 per cent of those surveyed did n't believe that their time away had been particularly beneficial . Twenty eight per cent , however , did believe they 'd changed for the better - but quickly reverted back to their old attitude when they arrived back on British soil . To add more salt to the wound , 29 per cent of people questioned confessed to growing sick of their backpacking buddy 's endless stories and 12 per cent stated that their friends returned with a false sense of superiority . And those who are planning to travel post-university before joining the working world ? Well , you may want to reconsider . Though gap years have become increasingly popular , 60 per cent of those surveyed did n't think it had been all that beneficial to their personal development . Many felt that the travelling and partying made it more difficult to transition into a nine-to-five lifestyle . Thirty four per cent admitted that they struggled with transitioning into a nine-to-five lifestyle . Fourteen per cent admitted their stint overseas left them dreading work and feeling unprepared and 23 per cent still felt unsettled once they had landed their first job upon return . It seems as though those concerns are also reflected by employers . Nineteen per cent said that their current boss viewed their time spent travelling as a negative , while 14 per cent struggled to get a job due to their lack of experience compared to non-travelling counterparts . But 39 per cent did view their experiences abroad as a positive on their CV . Ian Brown , from 1StopShip , commented : ` While the research may seem a little damning when it comes to taking a gap year , we know from our customers -- a good proportion of whom are young people , recent school leavers or graduates -- that there can be huge benefits too . When it came to employers , 19 % felt that their current boss viewed their time abroad as a ` negative ' ` We would advise anyone looking to genuinely enrich themselves , or make a positive impression on prospective employers to consider incorporating both work and travel , such as teaching or temping overseas ; this can ensure you acquire new skills , whilst also experiencing a new culture and seeing new places . ' Emily Moult , a former Leeds Metropolitan University student who spent a year teaching English as a foreign language -LRB- TEFL -RRB- in France , agrees . She said : ' I reflect fondly on my year teaching abroad and think of it as a serious life-changing experience . ` Not only did I get to see new places , but I was also able to improve my language skills and gain a whole host of new skills , all of which helped me enormously when it came to getting a full-time job . '
Majority of respondents felt that the year had n't been particularly beneficial . 60 % believe a gap year did not help them develop positively as a person . More than one third admitted they struggled to transition to 9-to-5 lifestyle . Survey : 1,000 UK backpackers who spent more than 6 months travelling .
[[89, 122], [229, 340], [597, 624], [664, 778], [1347, 1454], [89, 122], [229, 340], [597, 624], [639, 661], [672, 738], [597, 624], [664, 778], [1347, 1454], [351, 499], [1567, 1667], [1602, 1667], [550, 594]]