Jaymee: Good evening, Martin. Martin: Hello, How good to see you. Did you have any trouble finding our place? Jaymee: Not at all. Your instructions were very clear. Where is Mrs. Martin? Martin: She is in the kitchen. Kate! Mrs. Gao is here ! Mrs. Gao: Mrs. Gao! I am so glad you could come. My husband has told me so much about you. Jaymee: These are for you. Mrs. Gao: Oh, what lovely flowers! You are very kind. Thank you so much. I will go and put them in some water right away. Jaymee: And here is a bottle of Chinese Mao-tai. Martin: That is thoughtful of you. I have heard that it packs quite punch. Mrs. Gao: Mrs. Gao, would you like to start now?
Mrs Gao pays a visit to the Martins with lovely flowers and a bottle of Mao-tai.
Nicolle: How are you doing, Andrew? Andrew: Not well. I've been feeling pretty lonely lately. Nicolle: But you have so many friends! How could you be lonely? Andrew: You know what they say'a friend to all is a friend to none'. I don't feel like I really know any of my friends. In fact, I should probably call them acquaintances, not friends. Nicolle: What about me? I'm your friend. Andrew: I know you are, you are my girlfriend. I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes. Nicolle: I know what you mean. I find it difficult to make new friends, too. It's not as easy as it was when we were young, is it? Andrew: Not at all. Nicolle: I've made a lot of new friends since I started learning English. Maybe you could join a club or take a class to make some new friends. Andrew: That's a good idea. Nicolle: What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend? Andrew: I'm not sure. I guess I'd like to meet some people who have a positive attitude and want to have a good time. Nicolle: People who play ultimate Frisbee have a positive attitude; maybe you should join the ultimate Frisbee club. Andrew: That's a possibility. Thanks!
Andrew confides to his girlfriend that he feels lonely. He thinks his friends are acquaintances but not friends. Andrew wants a guy friend to hang out. His girlfriend advises him to join an ultimate Frisbee club.
John: Hello, Jenny. What's the matter? Jenny: John, I'm hard up at the moment. Could you lend me five hundred yuan? I'll return it to you early next month. John: No problem, Jenny. Are you sure five hundred is enough? Jenny: Yes. Thank you so much.
Jenny requests John to lend her five hundred yuan.
Mr. Green: Well, tell me something of yourself. Irene: What would you like to know, Mr. Green? Mr. Green: What working experience have you got? Irene: In 2004, I got a job in the sales department of a trading company near Guangzhou. I started a sales rpresentative. A year later, I was promoted to the position of sales manager. I had that job ever since, which is just over a year now. Mr. Green: Oh, good. Irene, can you tell me why you plan to quit being a sales manager to work here as my assistant? Don't you like your present job? Irene: Frankly, some part of it I enjoy very much , but I prefer something more professional. It happens that I have a friend working here in this company. She told me the export department was to recruit an assistant. I felt very excited at this news. That's why I'm here.
Irene tells Mr. Green about her working experience in the sales department and the reason why she wants to work as his assistant.
Rebecka: Ok, Carrie, can you drive? Carrie: Yes, I can. Rebecka: Do you have a drivers license? Carrie: Of course. Rebecka: So, how long have you had your drivers license? Carrie: I think I got it when I was 17, actually. Just before I went to college. Rebecka: Ok, how do you get a drivers license in your country? Carrie: Well, I think it's changed, since I was a teenager. At that time you had to get a learners permit first and then you could start driving with your parents. You also had to go to drivers school, then you had to pass a driving test, and I think a written test as well. Rebecka: Ok, did you get a perfect score on your driving test? Carrie: I can't remember my exact score, but I remember it was pretty good. Rebecka: Do all the members of your family drive? Carrie: Yeah, 4 of us share our 2 different vehicles. I'm buying my own next week though.
Carrie got the driver's license before college and she got a good score on the driving test. Carrie tells Rebecka how to get a driver's license in her country.
Vikky: Hello Madam, what can I do for you? Madam: My feet hurt. I think I need some new shoes. Vikky: What size do you wear? Madam: The last time I bought new shoes was about a year ago and at that time I was a 7. Vikky: Well. Once you get to be in your 20s your feet stop growing, so you're probably still a 7. But let's measure them just in case. Madam: OK. So what does it say? Vikky: Well, it looks like urinate. No wonder your feet have been hurting you. You were been wearing shoes that are one size small.
Madam's feet hurt so she needs new shoes. Vikky measures her feet and finds out her shoes are one size small.
Gabi: Have you ever been to a school reunion? Orelee: Uh yeah, why do you ask? Are you going to one? Gabi: I'm organizing one for this summer. I have to make a reservation for a party room at a hotel. Do you know any good places? Orelee: Why don't you try the Omni hotel, it often caters banquets or birthday parties but more important my brother works there. Gabi: Could I ask you to check with him about the party rooms? Orelee: Sure, I can do that. Maybe he can offer you a discount. Gabi: Thanks. So what did you think about your school reunion? Was it fun? Orelee: I didn't really enjoy mine. I'm not very good at making small talk, but it was nice to see old friends.
Gabi will organize a school reunion. Orelee recommends a hotel where Orelee's brother works, so Gabi requests Orelee to check with Orelee's brother about party rooms.
Hendrick: And what seems to be the trouble Miss Lee? Miss Lee: I have a terrible pain in my stomach. Hendrick: I see, how long is this pain been occuring? Miss Lee: Since late last night. Hendrick: I see, let me have a look, shall I? And what did you eat yesterday? Miss Lee: We went to an American seafood restaurant and then we went to eat Chinese food, after that we had a lot of Italian things. Hendrick: Did you throw up or did you have the runs? Miss Lee: Both. Hendrick: Well, that could be an upset stomach from over eating. Allergic to any drugs? Miss Lee: No. Hendrick: Alright, take the medicine every 6 hours and stay in bed today. Miss Lee: Thank you doctor.
Miss Lee has a stomachache. Hendrick asks about her symptoms and thinks she has an upset stomach from overeating.
Nevile: Hello, Mr. James. I'm calling about your talk next month. It's getting close and there are a couple of things I need to check with you. Mr. James: OK. Nevile: I need to know if you'd prefer to give your talk in the hall, the conference room or the lecture theater. Mr. James: I prefer the later if that's possible. Nevile: That's no problem at all. Most speakers prefer that. And what about equipment? Is there anything special you'll need? Mr. James: Well, apart from the usual things like a white board and microphones, I'll need a CD player. Nevile: I'm afraid we haven't got one. Would a cassette player do instead? Mr. James: Yes, that'll be OK. Nevile: Right. I'll make a note of that. Oh, one more thing. Can I just confirm your fees? Was it 200 pounds? Mr. James: That's right. Nevile: OK, that's fine. I'll pass that information to our accounts department and we look forward to seeing you on the nineteenth.
Nevile phones Mr. James to discuss his talk next month. Mr. James tells Nevile where he prefers to talk and the equipment he needs, then he confirms his fees.
Elysee: Sit down, please. What's wrong with you? Jakob: I feel cold, and I'm shivering. I have a terrible headache and a sore throat. Elysee: How long have you been like that? Jakob: About a day. Elysee: Let me have a look at your throat first. Please open your mouth and say ' ah '. Jakob: Ah... Elysee: And show me your tongue... Thank you. That'll do. You have slight tonsillitis, and your throat is inflamed. How is your appetite? Jakob: Not so good. Elysee: Now, let me take your temperature. Please put this thermometer under your armpit and let me feel your pulse? Jakob: Your pulse is weak. Elysee: Do I have a temperature, doctor? Jakob: Yes, you have a high fever. I'd like to give you a blood test.
Jakob feels cold and has a headache and a sore throat. Elysee finds Jakob has a fever and will give Jakob a blood test.
Dyane: Good afternoon Miss, would you be interested in buying more life insurance? You know, you can never get enough. Eloisa: I think my husband has some. Dyane: Are you sure he ' s purchased enough insurance for both of you? If something terrible happened with your husband, and he doesn ' t have sufficient insurance, my company does have a policy that could cover you and your husband if something happened to either of you. Eloisa: That ' s true. If something happened to my husband, I might lose everything. Both of us have to work to keep our home, car, and our children ' s education. I can ' t afford that by myself. Dyane: Could we sit and look at the policy I mentioned and see if that ' s something suitable for you and your husband? Eloisa: Certainly.
Dyane recommends Eloisa to buy more life insurance. Even though Eloisa's husband has some, those insurances can't cover both of them. Dyane'll show Eloisa the policy.
Consuela: You are an early bird, Tom. What do you do in the morning then? Tom: Exercise. The morning hours are the most precious period within a single day. We should not pass them up easily. Seize the time and do something useful. Consuela: So, you choose to spend it on bodybuilding. Where do you exercise? Tom: Usually, I run to the Black Bamboo Park as a warm-up. Admission is free. Then I start my activities. Consuela: Do you do the same exercises every day? Tom: No, I've deliberately kept a balance between various exercises ; parallel bars, push-ups, sit-ups, bunny-hops, five-kilometer run, and so on. I alternate them over the weekdays. Sometimes, when I find myself in a bad state, I will simply idle about in the park. Consuela: Why don't you just stay in bed when you are feeling unfit for exercising? Tom: It's not easy to keep a good habit, you know. I fear that if I fail to get up early one day, I may find it still more difficult to rise early the next. Besides, a mere walk in the early morning is much fun, too. Here and there in the park, you meet whole gangs of senior citizens who might be singing operas or old songs, playing er'hu, chess, or just chatting and gossiping. It's interesting to join them. Consuela: Oh, yes. Singing is also a good way of keeping fit, at least mentally.
Tom tells Consuela he gets up early to exercise. He keeps a balance between various exercises. If not feeling good, he'll just idle around instead of staying in bed because it's important to keep the routine and it's interesting to join the senior gangs.
Leticia: Listen, Karen, I need your help. I don't know anyone here yet. Karen: I'm glad to help you. What's wrong? Leticia: My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L. A. Hank and I will be flying there tonight. Karen: I'm sorry to hear it. What's wrong with her? Leticia: Doctors aren't sure yet. But the real problem is Suzy. She has a bad cold, and we don't want to take her with us. But we don't know who can stay with her. Karen: You need a babysitter. Leticia: Yes, I'd ask Jill, the girl I've had before, but I need someone overnight. Maybe even for two nights. Karen: I could have Suzy stay at my place. Leticia: I don't want to do that to you, Karen. Karen: Why not? Leticia: Your own kids would get Suzy's cold. I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask. I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days. Karen: I know who we can ask. There is a girl I know, Sara Ralston. She is 17, and she will usually take this kind of job. I know her from my church, and I trust her completely. Leticia: I'd like to talk with her. This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight. Karen: I'll get you her number. I hope she can do it. She is very responsible. Leticia: I'm glad you know someone. I knew you would be the best person to ask about this. I don't want to insult Jill or her mother. I think Jill maybe could do it. But I'd rather have someone a little older. Karen: I'll go home and get Sara's number. I'll call her first myself. Leticia: Great. Then call me and let me know if she's free.
Leticia and Hank will fly to LA to see her sick mother-in-law but they'll leave Suzy at home so they need a babysitter. Leticia considers Jill but Jill's too young. Karen could have Suzy in her place but Leticia's afraid her kids will get Suzy's cold. Karen recommends Sara who babysits a lot and Leticia'll contact her.
Tremayne: I ' m forming a music band. Maddalena: Do you already know how to play an instrument? Tremayne: Uh... Yeah! I ' Ve told you a thousand times that I ' m learning to play the drums. Now that I know how to play well, I would like to form a rock band. Maddalena: Aside from yourself, who are the other members of the band? Tremayne: We have a guy who plays guitar, and another who plays bass. Although we still haven ' t found anyone to be our singer. You told me that you had some musical talent, right? Maddalena: Yes, I ' m a singer. Tremayne: Perfect. So you can audition this weekend here at my house. Maddalena: Great! Wait here? You don ' t have enough room for the amplifiers, microphones or even your drums! By the way where do you keep them or practice?
Tremayne's forming a band. Tremayne can play drums and has got a guitar man and a bass man. Tremayne invites Maddalena to audition as a singer.
Rachael: Hey Rachael, what's up? How is your day? Maurie: Not bad. We have had a big meeting today, remember? Rachael: Oh, yea. I forgot. So how did it go? Maurie: Pretty well. I think the boss liked my ideas. Rachael: Great, so what happens now? Maurie: Well, I have to write the proposal. I'm pretty excited about it.
Rachael tells Rachael the boss liked her ideas.
Ariel: Do you like cooking? Giorgio: I love it. I really enjoy creating a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it. It gives me a real sense of satisfaction. Do you enjoy cooking? Ariel: I don't like it. It takes up too much time and I really hate having to clean up after the meal. I can't stand doing the washing up, drying up, and putting all the dishes and cutlery away. Giorgio: You can ask the guests to help. My guests usually insist on doing the washing up. I just have to remind them where everything goes. Ariel: So, what kind of dishes do you usually make? I know you like Italian food. Giorgio: Italian, Indian, and Chinese. I'Ve only recently started cooking Chinese meals and I need some more practice. Ariel: Do you find it hard to get ingredients for Chinese food? Giorgio: Not at all. You can find most of them at supermarket. The ingredients are usually the same as in western food. The way that the food is prepared is the big difference, not the ingredients. Ariel: How long does it take you to cook a meal for five or six people? Giorgio: Obviously, it depends on what I'm cooking, but I'd say it generally takes about one and a half hours.
Giorgio loves cooking because it makes Giorgio satisfied. Ariel doesn't like it because it's troublesome. Giorgio starts cooking Chinese meals and says the ingredients are similar to those in Western meals but the preparation is different.
Jannel: When you need an apartment, where do you look for one? Germaine: Our school has a link on its website for apartments. Jannel: Can I share an apartment with someone? Germaine: Some of the ads in the paper are from people looking for roommates. Jannel: Are apartments expensive in this city? Germaine: Do you need a single apartment, or is this for two people? Jannel: I want a two-bedroom apartment. Germaine: You can get that type of apartment for around fifteen hundred dollars a month. Jannel: Would you have time to go look at apartments with me? Germaine: I love apartment hunting. I'll be happy to go with you.
Germaine tells Jannel to check the school website for apartment information, and agrees to look at apartments with Jannel.
Jasmin: I'd appreciate it if you could help me pick out a gift for my daughter. Ric: Would she be interested in a laptop? Jasmin: That's exactly what I was thinking of. Ric: A Mac would be an excellent gift. Jasmin: I like Macs. How much for a Mac? Ric: You can take a 15 - inch Pro home right now for only $ 2, 100. Jasmin: A Mac it is. I'll take one home with me. Ric: She'll be very happy with this. And how do you plan to pay for it? Jasmin: I'll use my VISA, if that's okay. Ric: Now, if you'll just sign here, the Mac is all yours. Jasmin: Will she need anything besides what's in this box? Ric: Everything she needs is right here in the box. Jasmin: I appreciate your help. Maybe I'll be back for more computer stuff. Ric: Your daughter should get straight A's from now on. Good-bye.
Jasmin wants to pick a gift for Jasmin's daughter. Ric recommends a 15-inch Mac Pro for $2100 and Jasmin buys it.
Donnamarie: Is it all right for me to come in now. Mr. Sutcliffe? Mr. Sutcliffe: Well. . . I'm pretty busy. but. . . all right. come in. What can I do for you? Donnamarie: Do you mind if I sit down? Mr. Sutcliffe: Not at all. Take a seat. Now, what can I do for you? Donnamarie: I want to leave the department. Do you think I could put in for a transfer? Mr. Sutcliffe: Yes, but why should you want to do that? Donnamarie: Do you mind if I speak frankly? Mr. Sutcliffe: Not at all. Go ahead. Donnamarie: Well, you see. I don't like the office. I don't like the staff. and I'm afraid you and I don't get on. So may I put in for a transfer? Mr. Sutcliffe: Yes. I'd delighted if you did.
Donnamarie tells Mr. Cliffe Donnamarie wants to leave the department because Donnamarie hates the office, the staff and is afraid of Mr. Cliffe.
Evangelina: Did you need help with something? Ileane: I need to cancel an account. Evangelina: Do you have a problem with your account? Ileane: I don't need two different accounts anymore. Evangelina: What are you going to do about the money in your account? Ileane: Can I transfer it to my remaining account? Evangelina: I'll do that for you. Ileane: That's lovely. Evangelina: Would you like to withdraw any money? Ileane: No. That's fine. Evangelina: It'll just take me a moment to cancel your account. Ileane: Thank you very much.
Evangelina helps Ileane cancel an account and transfer the money inside the remaining account.
Toby: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird? Mrs. Bird: Yes, please. Toby: Do you want beef or lamb? Mrs. Bird: Beef, please. Toby: This lamb's very good. Mrs. Bird: I like lamb, but my husband doesn't. Toby: What about some steak? This is a nice piece. Mrs. Bird: Give me that piece please, and a pond of meet, too. Toby: Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird? They're very nice. Mrs. Bird: No, thank you. My husband likes steak, but he doesn't like chicken. Toby: To tell you the truth Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken, either!
Mrs. Bird buys beef and steak from Toby because her husband likes steak.
Jessie: Jessie, I'm afraid I can't come back home for dinner tonight. Olle: Not back home for dinner again? That's the third time this week! Jessie: I'm sorry. Our company has just opened. There are always too many things to handle. You know that. Olle: You don't have to explain. Suit yourself. Jessie: I apologize. You have my word, I'll spend some time with you on the weekend. I promise. Olle: We'll see. Jessie: Thank you for understanding. I promise I'll make it up to you.
Jessie tells Jessie Jessie can't go home for dinner because Jessie's busy. Jessie's angry and Jessie promises to spend the weekend with her.
Jo-Ann: It seems to me that you are on very good terms with him. Oralle: We actually met at a dance party. He fell for me. Jo-Ann: He must be all over you the first time he saw you. Oralle: He said that I put all other girls in the shade. Jo-Ann: That means he was head over heels in love with you. Oralle: Well, he indeed likes me. Jo-Ann: But I think he can't hold a candle to you. I don't think he has ever popped the question. Oralle: No, he is the sort of man who likes to hide his candle under a bushel.
Oralle says a guy fell for her but Jo-Ann thinks he can't hold a candle to Oralle.
Stefano: At their last meeting, the stockholders voted unanimously to block the merger of our company with Blycore. All the executive committee was in favor of the merger. . . I don't understand how the stockholders could have so much power to throw a wrench in the plans. . . Giacomo: If they all unite on a certain issue, it's the stockholders who have the final say. You'd think it might be our CEO or the workers, but in fact, the stockholders control the money so they have the most power. Stefano: Is it really that simple? It doesn't seem very efficient to run things that way. . . Giacomo: It might not be the most efficient, but if you think about it, it makes pretty good sense. The stockholders are our investors. They own the capital in our company, so they should have say about what is done with the company. Stefano: I guess I'd buy that. . .
Stefano says the stockholders voted to block the merger but the executive committee supported the merger. Giacomo explains that stockholders control the money so they have the final say.
Neala: What do you do in your spare time? Hiro: During the weekend I often take the family out on short trips. Neala: That sounds interesting. Hiro: Yes, it helps me to relax. Neala: Do you have any hobbies? Hiro: I like to paint. Neala: What kind of things do you paint? Hiro: Mainly seascapes. Neala: What kinds of sports do you like? Hiro: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching. I especially like tennis and mountain climbing. I was in the climbing club all through school.
Hiro tells Neala Hiro takes the family out in spare time. Hiro likes painting seascapes and likes almost all sports.
Shawn: Jenny, I was wondering if you, um. . . are you busy this Friday? Jenny: Yes, Friday I have a class right after work. Shawn: Oh. What about Saturday? Are you free then? Jenny: Saturday my parents are coming to town. What's up? Shawn: What about tonight? Do you have plans tonight? Jenny: No. Did you want to go do something? Shawn: Yes! Yes! I want to take you to dinner. Jenny: Oh! That sounds great! How about six o'clock?
Jenny's unavailable on Friday and Saturday so Shawn invites her to dinner tonight.
Reginauld: Have you had a chance to look over the contract? Miss Briggs: Yes. I've read it carefully. Reginauld: And do you have any questions? Miss Briggs: No. But the contract stipulates that I will teach 22 hours a week. Will you have thatmany classes for me right away? Reginauld: No, probably not. For the first two weeks you may teach 10 or 15 hours. Miss Briggs: But my salary will be 1100 dollars a month. Will you pay me that much for the first month? Because, I mean, I won't be working so many hours. Reginauld: I understand. That's why I didn't write the date on the contract. For the first two weeks, we will pay you according to the hours you teach. When you have 22 hours of classes, then the contract will take effect. Is that alright with you? Miss Briggs: Oh, so I don't sign the contract today. Is that right? Reginauld: I don't want you to misunderstand, Miss Briggs. We are very serious about hiring you. We want you to teach for us. We usually do contracts this way because it is more convenient. Miss Briggs: I can accept that. Reginauld: Good. And your benefits will begin immediately. Miss Briggs: Even my health insurance? Reginauld: Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow. And your free membership in the club starts today if you like. Miss Briggs: I have a few questions about the free membership. Reginauld: What would you like to know? Miss Briggs: Is my membership the same as paying club members? I mean, can I get discounts at club hotels? Reginauld: Absolutely. The only difference is in the restaurant and bar vouchers. Miss Briggs: What are bar vouchers? Reginauld: Paying club members get around 300 dollars a year in restaurant vouchers. The vouchers can be used in the restaurant or the lounge. But we don't offer vouchers to employees. Miss Briggs: But according to the contract, employees get a discount in the restaurant. Reginauld: That's right. So in a way, it is cheaper for you than for the members. You get more benefits than they do. Miss Briggs: So, for now, you want me to keep a copy of the contract. But we won't sign it yet. That right? Reginauld: Yes. I've prepared the contract just so that you understand everything. So that you understand the terms. Miss Briggs: I understand. And according to the terms on the contract, I am happy to accept this job. I look forward to it. Reginauld: I'm very pleased. We look forward to having you here, Miss Briggs.
Reginauld explains the contract to Miss Briggs. Reginauld'll pay her according to the teaching hours in the first two weeks and then the contract will take effect. Her benefits will begin immediately but she doesn't have the restaurant vouchers as playing club members does. Miss Briggs's happy to accept the job.
Jameson: Mary, it seems that your family and friends have been calling you recently, am I right? Mary: Yes, they have been concerned about me finding a job. Jameson: What do they say? Mary: They want to recommend some jobs to me. Jameson: Really? What jobs are they? Mary: My father wants me to work as a trainee in his company. Jameson: It's great! Mary: My aunt says her company is in need of an assistant now, and she wants me to give it a try. Jameson: This is a good opportunity. Mary: One of my friends tells me that his company is hiring in a large scale and he wants me to go for an interview. Jameson: You can give it a try! May be you will succeed. Mary: I know. Let me think it over. Jameson: If you have any good jobs, keep an eye for me! Mary: I will.
Mary's family and friends want to recommend some jobs to her. Jameson asks Mary to keep an eye on good jobs for Jameson.
Lesley: are you ready to go to the bank? Sherline: sure, what do you need to do there? Lesley: there's problem with my bank statement. There's a mistake on it. I also need to withdraw some money form the ATM. Sherline: I have to exchange some money. Lesley: that's right. You're going away next week. Sherline: I also want to see if my salary has been paid into my bank account. There was a problem last week. Lesley: I have to pay my credit bill too. If I don't pay it soon, the credit card company will charge me interest. Sherline: their interest rates are usually quite high. It's a good idea to pay off your credit card debts before they attract interest.
Lesley'll check the bank statement, withdraw some money and pay the credit bill at the bank. Sherline'll exchange some money and check the salary.
Jasmina: We'll take the route No. 10. Karyn: Fine. How many people are there in your party? Jasmina: Just two. How much does the trip cost? Karyn: $ 200 for double. Jasmina: Is there any chance of a lower price? Karyn: I am afraid not. Right now it's the tour season.
Karyn helps Jasmina book a trip for 2 without discounts.
Janet: Mark? I need that file you took yesterday. Mark: I'm sorry, Janet. I left it at home. I'll bring it back in the morning. Janet: Mark, I told you yesterday afternoon that I would be using that file today. Mark: I know, Janet. I just walked out and forgot it completely. I'll go home and get it at noon, all right?
Janet's angry that Mark forgot the file. He'll go home and get it.
Seana: What's in the box? Sandy: Sandy, I think we made a mistake. . . Seana: What do you mean? Sandy: It's a cute little teddy bear! Seana: How sweet! Maybe he was just a shy guy who had a crush on you! Sandy: And look what we did to him! Hey. . . he left me his business card. Seana: Wow! Call him tonight! You guys will really have an interesting love story to tell everyone!
Seana thinks the guy has a crush on Sandy and advises Sandy to call him tonight.
Joell: Wonderland Travel, may I help you? Eva: Yes. I'm interested in your package tour to Paris. Could you tell me more about it? Joell: Certainly. The package includes air travel to and from Paris, accommodations, meals and transportation around the city. Eva: How long is the tour? Joell: It would be about a week.
Joell tells Eva some information of the package tour to Paris.
Emeline: Looking through your C. V. , I see that you graduated from Oklahoma State University. Can you tell me what training you have had that would specifically relate to the cable television Industry? Georgina: Well, I'Ve attended some conferences in this field. But the most relevant training I'Ve had was in computer design. I believe I could integrate that knowledge with my college degree to design Emeline: I see. Did you have anything specific in mind? Georgina: Well, I notice that you currently provide an on-screen TV Guide. At the moment, it just scrolls the names of the programs in a repeated loop. If you have many channels, you have to wait a long t Emeline: That's impressive. How would you make that pay? Georgina: Tie it in with the pay-per-view services, and perhaps it could be a money-maker. Emeline: I see you have several good ideas. Now, I just have a few questions about your C. V. I notice that there is a five-year gap between your last job and now. Georgina: Yes, I took a break from work during that time. I had a baby, and as she was born with a handicap, I decided to suspend my career. But I have continued to keep up with the Industry through con Emeline: So, you're just starting back. Maybe you'd better tell me a little more about your experience.
Georgina did computer design and recommends the pay-per-view services. Emeline thinks Georgina has mang good ideas but there's a five-year gap in the C.V. Georgina explains Georgina took care of Georgina's handicapped baby during that time.
Sherill: You heard who won the election, didn't you? Obama: Yeah. I am so excited that Obama won. Sherill: I'm so happy that he did. Obama: That man just made history. Sherill: Did you vote for him? Obama: I sure did! What about you? Sherill: Of course I did! Obama: I am still in shock to know that he was elected. Sherill: I am, too! Obama: I pray that he actually makes things better in this country. Sherill: I'm sure that he will. Obama: I know he will, too.
Sherill and Obama both voted for Obama and are happy he won.
Jacquelyn: Excuse me. May I have a bus map, please? Alisa: You mean one for the city? Jacquelyn: Yes, within New York. Alisa: I'm afraid we don't have any. If I were you, I'd try one of the newspaper stands. Jacquelyn: Thank you.
Alisa suggests Jacquelyn buy a bus map from the newspaper stand.
Coralyn: Can you tell me something about financial aid? Thaddeus: What exactly? Coralyn: How to apply for it? Thaddeus: In your first letter, that is, when you apply for admission, you should also tell them you need their financial aid. Coralyn: Then. . . Thaddeus: If the aid is available, they will give you two or more application forms, One is for admission, the others are for the aid. Coralyn: What if not? Thaddeus: They will tell you the aid is impossible.
Thaddeus tells Coralyn when Coralyn applies for admission, Coralyn should also tell them Coralyn needs financial aids.
John: Good afternoon, Ladies. May I help you? Ladies: Can we have two a joining double room, sir? John: Have you made a reservation ladies? Ladies: I'm afraid not. John: One moment, please. I have to check if there are room available. I'm sorry ladies. We have only two double room available, but they are on different floors. Would you mind that? Ladies: We prefer they are on same floor because we have a problem check late that night. John: May I suggest family sweet? You all just have a consolation. Ladies: what's it like? John: It's a big room with a king - size double bed and two single beds. You'Ve get also an roller-wheels. Ladies: That's great. How much is it? John: 2000 Hongkong dollars per night plus ten percent service charge and five percent government tax. Ladies: That's fine. John: But, ladies, the room's not yet ready. It will be delay about half an hour. Perhaps you can fill the registration form first. And rest at the lobby for a while. We'll let you know when the room ' s ready. Ladies: Alright. thanks. John: Ladies, Hotel policy requires one nine of room charge as deposit. Ladies: Do you take traveller's check? John: Yes, we do, Madam. Thank you, madam. Here's our welcome brochure with all of information of our facilities. My name is John. If you need any help do let me know. I'm at your service.
Ladies wants a joining double room but John says it's unavailable and recommends a family suite. Ladies agrees. Ladies'll wait for half an hour to check in and deposit one nine of room charge.
Adena: The job sounds great, but I'm a little worried about how much time it might take. Andonis: It's pretty reasonable. It never took me more than five hours a week to do all the grading and then another thirty to forty minutes to record the grades on the computer. Adena: That sounds manageable. I guess you can do the work when it fits into your own schedule, too, can't you? Andonis: Oh, yah, you can do the grading in your room or in the library. You just need to get each set back for the next class, but that means you always have at least two days and sometimes four. Adena: It sounds great. Andonis: Good luck with your interview.
Andonis spends a manageable amount of time on grading and has at least two days off a week. Adena thinks the job is great.
Xever: You don't look happy. What's up? John: It's the computer assignment. John and I teamed up to do the project together. But so far we've done only half it. Xever: Well, you'd better hurry up. John: I know. But actually, John is not doing anything. I don't know how to say it to him. He's having problems with his parents and has been quite upset these days. Xever: But it's supposed to be his work as much as yours. I suggest you talk to him. And let him know that he should share the work. John: Yes. I think I'll share the work.
John teamed up with John but John doesn't do anything because he's upset. Xever suggests talking to him and sharing the work.
Jae: Excuse me. Can you help me? Osgood: Yes? Jae: I have a ticket to Seattle. How do I get there? Osgood: I can't help you here. You have to go to the ticket counter. Follow this passage to the end, turn left and go three hundred yards. You'll see a sign that says, 'Check In'. Then look for the airline you want. Jae: Can you repeat that, please? Osgood: Sure. Go down this hall till you come to the end. Go left till you see the big sign over- head that says' Check In'. There'll be lots of counters for the different airlines. You go to the one where you have your ticket. Jae: Go down this hall to the end. Then go left? Osgood: That's right. Here, I'll draw you a map. Sometimes it's confusing. Jae: Thank you. Osgood: My pleasure.
Osgood tells Jae to go down the hall and go left to the ticket counter. Jae's confused so Osgood'll draw a map.
Ellen: Jim, thank goodness you've arrived. The class report started half an hour ago. And I was just beginning to worry. Jim: I'm sorry I'm late, Ellen. This morning has been a real mess. I didn't think I was going to make it here at all. Ellen: Why are you late? Our whole report depends on those drawings you're holding. Jim: Yes, I know. I'll tell you about it later. First, let's see how we're doing for time. Two groups are still ahead of us, aren't they? The re- port on the rights of the consumer and the analysis of the stock market. That means I've got about 20 minutes to warm up. Ellen: You do look cold. What happened? Jim: I've been standing outside in cold temperatures for over an hour waiting for a bus. Ellen: Over an hour? But I thought your apartment was only a ten-minute bus ride to campus. Jim: Under normal conditions, but the bus was delayed because of the weather. And when I stepped into a drugstore to call home for a ride, the bus went by. As luck would have it, there was no one home so I had to wait for another 45 minutes for the next bus. Ellen: That's Murphy's law, isn't it? What was it said? 'If anything can go wrong, it will.' Well, we've still got 20 minutes to gather our wits together. Jim: We'd better stop talking. People are turning around and looking at us
Ellen and Jim are going to make a class report but Jim's late because he missed the bus and waited for over an hour. They'll gather their wits for the report.
STM: Excuse me. I am from STM. We are carrying out a survey on the traffic in our city. Do you mind if I ask you some questions? Tedrick: No, not at all. Go ahead. STM: Good, thanks. What do you do, sir? Tedrick: I am a teacher. I teach children French. STM: Great. Do you live far from the school? I mean, how do you usually go to work? Tedrick: Well, mostly by car. But once in a while, I prefer to ride my bike. You know, I live quite far from the school, about 20 miles. And I have to spend about an hour riding to school. But it only takes me less than a quarter of an hour to drive my car, unless the traffic is very bad. STM: I see. Does this happen often? I mean the bad traffic. Tedrick: Yes, sure! I often get stuck on the way, and the problem's getting worse and worse. STM: That's all of my questions. Thank you very much. Tedrick: You are welcome.
Tedrick's a teacher and usually drives to work but Tedrick prefers to ride a bike. Tedrick tells STM Tedrick often gets stuck on the way.
Ann: Hello, Roger? This is Ann. Roger: Hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your new apartment working out? Ann: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, I've decided to look for a new place. Roger: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment. Ann: I do, but it's a little far from the campus. Do you think you could help? Roger: All right. So, what kind of place are you looking for? Ann: Well, I'd like to share an apartment with one or two roommates within walking distance of school. Roger: Okay, how much do you want to spend on rent? Ann: Oh, somewhere under $ 200 a month. Roger: Hmm. And anything else? Ann: Yeah, I need a parking space. Roger: Well, I know there's an apartment nearby. I'll drop by there on my way to class today. Ann: Hey, thanks a lot. Roger: No problem.
Ann's living place is far from campus so she wants to find a new one near the campus under $200 a month. Roger knows an apartment and will drop by there.
Linda: Hi, Mark, how are you? Mark: Actually, I am really fed up, Linda. It's Jane. Linda: Jane? Who's Jane? Mark: Oh, nobody really. Just a most stunningly attractive girl in my year school. Linda: Oh, is that all? So what's the problem? Mark: Well, the thing is I just don't know how to make her notice me. Or .... Linda: Wait a minute. I've got a brilliant idea. Why don't you try talking to her? Mark: But I wouldn't know what to say. I .... Linda: Look. She is in your chemistry class, isn't she? You are good at chemistry. You could offer to help her with her chemistry homework. How about that? Mark: Not bad. Just one problem. Linda: What? Mark: She is better than me at chemistry. Linda: Ok, then. Well, there is that party at John's at Friday night. You could invite her. Mark: Just another small problem. John's her boyfriend.
Mark doesn't know how to make Jane notice him. Linda suggests him help her with chemistry and invites her to the party but Mark says she's better at chemistry and the party owner is Jane's boyfriend.
Vannie: I was almost fooled by a telephone call yesterday. Ameline: What's it about? Vannie: A week's vacation for two. But I realized it was a cheat when they told me to ring a special telephone number to claim the price. Ameline: Well,those calls are charged at unbelievably high rates.
Vannie tells Ameline about a telephone scam.
Otis: Did you go see the doctor about your cough? Sheril: The doctor said if I keep smoking it will increase my chance of having a heart attack or lung disease. And I am thinking about quitting smoking as the problems seem to be quite serious.
Sheril's thinking about quitting smoking because of its harm to health.
Amelia: Hello, Tom. I haven't seen you for some time. How are you doing? Tom: Oh! Not too bad. I have been busy writing an article. Amelia: Really? Have you finished it? Tom: Yes. I finished it yesterday. Amelia: Congratulations! Are you doing something this evening? Tom: No, nothing important. Why? Amelia: Well, do you feel like going to a concert? I have two tickets. Tom: Oh. Good idea. I want to do something relaxing, and I like music very much. Amelia: Great. I'll meet you at your house at seven. Is that OK? Tom: OK! See you at seven. Amelia: All right. See you then.
Tom has finished an article and Amelia invites him to a concert. Tom agrees.
Becki: You're just left school, haven't you, Emily? Emily: Yes, I finished last Friday. Becki: You sound relieved. Emily: Well, yes. I don't mind admitting that I am. I enjoyed school, but I did object to having to go in every day once we've done all our exams. Becki: Well, what are you going to do now? Have you made any plans? Emily: Yes, I intend to go to university. That'll be in September. But it all depends on my A level results. Becki: You mean getting into university actually depends on your passing your A level subjects? Emily: Oh, yes.
Emily's relieved to leave school and plans to go to university but it depends on her A level results.
Angie: I need to go to the bank. Marietta: But they are closed today. Angie: Closed? Are you kidding? What is it , some kind of holiday today? Marietta: Have you already forgotten? What's the date todoay? Angie: Oh, it's the first of April, April fool's day Marietta: You forgot all about it , didn't you? Angie: So I have, but I has reminded me at least one thing I need to remember. Marietta: What's that? Angie: Tomorrow is my wife's birthday. Marietta: Better not forget that, so kill you if you don't get her something.
Angie needs to go the bank but Marietta says the bank is closed. It turns out to be the April Fool's Day.
Eugene: What can I do? Nelia: The system crashed when I was surfing on the internet. Eugene: Did you go to any illegal website? Nelia: No, But does that matter? Eugene: Yes, your computer can be easily infected by virus if you do that. Nelia: I see. I'd better never try. Eugene: That's wise. Nelia: Do you know what's wrong with my PC? Eugene: One minute. Oh, yes, it was infected by a virus, and you had no antivirus software. Nelia: Is anti-virus software necessary for a PC? Eugene: Of course. You'd better learn something about it. Nelia: I'm afraid yes. But what about the data I stored in the computer? Eugene: Don't worry, it should have been protected automatically. And I take an anti-virus software with me. Do you want me to install it now? Nelia: Yes, please. I'll really appreciate that.
Nelia's computer system crashed and Eugene finds it was infected by the virus. Eugene'll install anti-virus software for Nelia.
Dyane: Hey, Sandy, what's new? Interested in a movie tonight? Sandy: I wish I could, but I'm busy. I'm going to work at a soup kitchen tonight. Dyane: Soup kitchen? Is that a new restaurant or something? Sandy: Nah, it's a place where homelesspeople go to eat. Dyane: How did you get involved in something like that? Sandy: Well, the minister at my church told us about it, and it seemed interesting. I thought I'd try it once, and if I didn't like it I'd stop. Dyane: So what do you do there? Sandy: It's simple. All we do is prepare some food, usually sandwiches and some fruit, and give it out to them at the soup kitchen. Dyane: Yeah, it sounds easy. How long does it take? Sandy: Only about two hours, for a couple of days a month. Why don't you give it a try? Dyane: I don't know. I mean, I like helping the community and all that, but I don't know if I have the time... ... Sandy: Come on, it's easy, and it'll make you feel good. Why don't you come with me tonight?
Dyane invites Sandy to a movie but Sandy needs to prepare and deliver food for homeless people at a soup kitchen. Sandy invites Dyane to come together but Dyane hesitates.
Perle: Hello. you have reached the Furniture Warehouse. How can I help you? Dion: Hello. Yes, I need to schedule a delivery of a sofa next week. I ordered it online yesterday, but I won't be home this weekend to receive it. Perle: That's no problem, sir. What day next week would be best for you? Dion: How about Wednesday? Perle: OK, Wednesday. Wednesday is July twenty fifth, right? Dion: Yes, I believe so. Perle: Great. Our team can deliver the sofa sometime between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Dion: Wow! Can you be more specific? I'm not going to be home all day, just in the morning. Perle: Oh, I see. Well, I will make sure they arrive before noon. Dion: OK. Thank you.
Perle helps Dion schedule a delivery of a sofa next Wednesday before noon.
John: Hi, Linda, this is John. What are you doing tonight? Linda: Hi, John. Nothing much. It's Friday and I'm bored. I don't have any plans yet. What do you have in mind? John: How about going to the movies? Linda: Is there a good movie to see? John: Let me surf the Internet. Do you want to see a comedy or a drama? Linda: Nothing sad or depressing. I had a hard work week. I want to see something funny. John: I agree. Work was stressful for me, too. There aren't any new comedies right now. I only see dramas and horror movies. Linda: Hey, let's go to a comedy club. My favorite comedian is performing tonight at the local theater. It starts at 7:00 PM. Let's do dinner, too. John: OK. I'll meet you at your house at 5:00 PM.
John invites Linda to a movie and Linda wants to see something funny but there isn't any. They finally decide to go to a comedian club.
Jack: Hi, Jeannie, why have you come to school an hour early? Jeannie: I wanted to get a front row seat and review one more time before the test, because I failed a course last term. Why you here so early, Jack? Jack: I get out of my car here at this time everyday. You seem to be nervous about your lessons. Have you finished your review? Jeannie: I've only been studying night and day for the last week. If I don't get an A in this class, I won't get the support of my country. Why do you seem so calm? Jack: This class is really just a review for me. I've been learning it for 2 years. Jeannie: That's lucky for you. Jack: Jeannie, can you guess what the test will be like? Will it be difficult? Jeannie: I hope not, but I'm still worried about it. Jack: Well, cheer up. Hope for good luck. Jeannie: Thanks for wishing me luck. I'm going to need it.
Jeannie comes to school early because she wants to review for the test and is worried she wouldn't get the support of her country if she failed. Jack feels relaxed because Jack has learned for two years.
Reese: I am having trouble with my job. Catharina: What is the problem? Reese: I have been asked to work with five other people on a project, but no one is working together on it. Catharina: So, your group is having a problem with teamwork? Reese: Yes, and I don't know what to do with it. Catharina: When is your project due? Reese: We have to finish it until next week. Catharina: Is there anyone who is in charge of the team? Reese: No, everyone is just doing their own separate work on it. Catharina: If your group does not have a leader, you should step up and be the leader. Reese: How do I do that? Catharina: You should call everyone together for a meeting, so they're all in one place. Reese: And then what should I do when I have them altogether? Catharina: Let them know that this project is important, and so is working as a team to get it done. Reese: I will ask them what they have done so far. Catharina: That is a good idea.
Reese's team members don't work together and Catharina advises Reese to be the leader and call everyone together to stress the importance of teamwork. Reese'll try.
Darsie: It's Saturday tomorrow, so what's your plan? Shay: I'm so exhausted this week. I'll stay at home and relax myself. Darsie: You mean you'll get some sleep and watch several NBA games huh? Shay: Yes, especially the game of Cavaliers. Darsie: Why do you love NBA games so much? Shay: NBA games are exciting, the outcome can be changed in only a few seconds. And there are fascinating skills, how about you? What will you do this weekend, go skating as usual? Darsie: I'm worn out, too, and I'll stay in the dormitory and see some videos about skateboarding. Shay: How long have you been skateboarding? 3 years or 4 years? I don't remember it exactly. Darsie: About 4 years, during those 4 years I watch videos about skateboarding and practice the skills once and once again, you may feel it boring and painful, but I take delight in it. Every advancing skills brings me a great sense of fulfillment, every time I jump into the sky, I feel I'm flying. Shay: Wow, amazing.
Shay's exhausted so Shay'll stay at home and watch NBA games because they're exciting. Darsie'll see some videos about skateboarding because skateboarding gives Darsie fulfilment.
Latrina: Are there any special requirements on the project? And shall we talk around it in details? Yves: Yes, there're some samples in our office and you can take some to study it. Besides, you see, in recent years, we've visited a diversity of factory buildings all over the world and we hope that our building is the perfect match of advanced technology and attractiveness. Latrina: That's a good idea. We can improve our technology to meet your special need. Yves: And please let white color dominate. Latrina: OK! I've noted it down. And any others? Yves: Oh! I've almost forgot the location was transferred to the A county in the east of the city. Latrina: I'll tell them. Yves: Well, the most important thing is that our company demand the quality be exactly the same as the sample which you'll take from the office on the third floor. Latrina: Please feel assured that we'll abide by our promise. And we'll do everything we can to ensure delivery. Yves: Thanks a lot. And I believe I'll have a good time working with you. Latrina: I think so. Bye! Yves: Bye!
Yves tells Latrina about some special requirements of a project. Yves wants their building to be white color dominated and be the perfect match of advanced technology and attractiveness. Yves requires the quality be exactly the same as their sample.
Tom: What are we going to do? I can't get the car out of this ditch. I'm stuck! Jean-Lou: I'm worried, Tom. I haven't seen any other cars for almost an hour. Tom: I know. This is terrible. What can we do? This snow doesn't stop falling! Jean-Lou: I told you we should have stayed in town today.The weather report said 100 percent chance of snow.Why did you want to come up here? Tom: I wanted to show you the cabin. We only had another half-hour to go. Jean-Lou: Well, now we're stuck. What can we do? Tom: I don't know. Jean-Lou: I've heard that when this happens, it's important to save energy. Tom: What do you mean? Jean-Lou: We're stranded here, Tom. We may be here a long time.We need to conserve the gas in the car. The car's energy is what will keep us warm. Tom: I have plenty of gas. Jean-Lou: Yes, but the gas and the battery both have to stay working.We can't just let the car run and run.If we do, it will die soon. Then we'll freeze. Tom: So what can we do? Jean-Lou: Turn the lights off.Then, run the car and the heater only about fifteen minutes every hour.That will conserve the heat as long as possible. Tom: Alright. That's a good idea. Jean-Lou: I wish we hadn't come up here. Now we'll probably be here for days. Tom: Days? Jean-Lou: Yes, it happens.That is what happens in big snowstorms. People get stranded for days. Tom: Oh, my God! It's good we have food. Jean-Lou: Probably we'll survive.But turn the car off for about forty-five minutes. Then we'll turn it on again.
Tom wanted to show Jean-Lou a cabin, but their car got stuck in a ditch and they are stranded in the snowstorm. Jean-Lou suggests saving the car's energy to conserve the heat as long as possible so that they can survive.
Richard: How would you describe your ideal job? Emmett: I think the job should make use of the professional experience I have obtained, and offer me opportunity for advancement. Richard: Why do you think you might like to work for our company? Emmett: I feel my background and experience are a good fit for this position and I am very interested.What ' s more, your company is outstanding in this field. Richard: What makes you think you would be a success in this position? Emmett: My graduate school training combined with my experience as an intern should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. Richard: How do you know about this company? Emmett: Your company is very reputed in this city. I heard much praise to your company.
Emmett tells Richard about Emmett's ideal job and explains why Emmett might like to work for Richard's company and how Emmett knows the company. Emmett thinks Emmett qualifies for the position and will be successful.
Craftsman Company: Good morning. Craftsman Company. Can I help you? Mr. Suzuki: Yes, good morning. This is Mr. Suzuki from Video TV. May I speak to Mr. Johnson? Craftsman Company: I'm sorry, but Mr. Johnson is out at the moment. Can I take a message? Mr. Suzuki: Uh, yes, okay. Tell him John Suzuki called. That's S-U-Z-U-K-I. Craftsman Company: Yes. Mr. Suzuki: From Video TV. Craftsman Company: Yes, Video TV. Mr. Suzuki: Tell him I telephoned. I'd like to see him about the videotapes. Can he call me this afternoon? Craftsman Company: Yes, Of course. What's your telephone number? Mr. Suzuki: It's, area code 413, 447-9626. Craftsman Company: That is 413-447-9662? Mr. Suzuki: No, that's 447-9626. Craftsman Company: Oh, I'm sorry, 447-9626. Mr. Suzuki: Yes, that's right. Extension 162. Craftsman Company: Extension 162. Okay, Mr. Suzuki. I'll give him the message. Mr. Suzuki: Thank you. Good-bye. Craftsman Company: Good-bye.
Mr. Suzuki calls to see Mr. Johnson about some videotapes but Mr. Johnson is out. Craftsman Company will tell Mr. Johnson about the call.
Osborn: Can I help you, sir? Professor Felix: Yes, I'd like a book about law. Osborn: Would you tell me the name of the book and the author? Professor Felix: Uh, the Origin of Law. And it's written by Professor Felix of Harvard. Osborn: I'm sorry. It's out of stock now. Could you come by again next week? Professor Felix: Next week? It is too late. I need it urgently. Osborn: Well, then, is it convenient to leave your phone number so that I can inform you as soon as we restock it? Professor Felix: No, thanks any way. Osborn: You're welcome.
The book Professor Felix urgently needs is out of stock. Osborn will inform Professor Felix as soon as it is restocked.
Ann-Marie: Steven, what's the expense of moving house? Steven: About 3 000 dollars. Ann-Marie: It costs a lot of money. Hospital bills had already made deep in-roads into our savings. Do you think the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses? Steven: I am afraid not, darling. Our expenses are mounting. Ann-Marie: We have to cut back on our shopping from now on. Steven: Don't worry. Maybe I can find a part-time job to increase my income. Ann-Marie: I hope so.
Ann-Marie and Steven talk about their mounting expenses. Steve probably will find a part-time job to increase income.
Alyce: I think you should look over these figures again. There are some calculations that are a bit off. Milissent: I apologize. This should not have to be this way. Alyce: Apology is accepted. Try to do better next time. Milissent: Of course, I should have been more careful. I'm sorry.
Milissent apologizes to Alyce for some miscalculations.
Mike: Aren't you interested in watching the Olympics? There have been some excellent performances by athletes from all over the world. Gerianne: I just don't find it very interesting. Mike: I think it's wonderful to see people from all over the world taking part in such a great event. Gerianne: I think that for a lot of people, it's just a way to try and show their country is better than other countries. Mike: I think the Olympics help to promote world peace. Gerianne: I'm not sure about that. We still have many wars in the world. I think that the idea behind the Olympics is a good one, but the reality is that during the Olympics countries compete. There's no real spirit of cooperation and people are usually not very friendly to each other. Mike: You are so pessimistic! The Olympics is a great opportunity for athletes to demonstrate their speed, skill, agility and strength. Most people hope to see someone from their country win, but I think that they are just happy to see good performances by any athlete. Gerianne: Well. I think that the most amazing performances are by athletes who participate in the Paralympics. Mike: Now there we are in agreement!
Mike thinks the Olympics help to promote world peace while Gerianne thinks there's no cooperation but competition behind the Olympics. However, they both agree that the Paralympics is amazing.
Tammy: What do you do in your spare time? Robby: I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like to listen to classical music. Tammy: What kinds of sports do you like? Robby: I like playing basketball. Basketball is a very exciting game because it keeps you alert and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball. Tammy: Who is your favorite author? Robby: I like the novels of Dickens very much. I've read almost all of them in Chinese translation. Tammy: Are you a music lover? Robby: Yes, I like listening to Beethoven's works. Tammy: What kinds of films do you enjoy? Robby: I like all kinds as long as they are exciting.
Tammy asks about Robby's hobbies, including Robby's favorite sports, favorite author, favorite music, and favorite films.
Camille: What's the news on our website? How effective do you think it is from a marketing standpoint? Torey: We've been able to survey and track some of the information of our website users through some cookie technology, and it's surprising to see the results. Camille: What kinds of hits are we getting on our company's website? Torey: From the numbers, it seems nearly half of the visitors who stumble onto our page pick up the link not from network browsers or search engines, but from our circular insert. That means our consumers are purposefully and actively seeking information about our products and services through the web format. Based on these findings, I am completely convinced the internet is the marketing power of the future! Camille: You really think that many people turn to the internet to find product information. What about the old standbys of word mouth and print media? Torey: Well, these mediums are still important. . . they aren't a thing of the past. . . But I think they might be less important now than in the past. The technology age has arrived!
Torey tells Camille their consumers are purposefully and actively seeking information about their products and services online. Torey is convinced that the internet is the marketing power of the future.
Brandice: Hey Bobby. What's going on? Bobby: Just taking a smoke break. Brandice: I forgot my cigarette today. Do you have another one? Bobby: Sure. Here you go. Brandice: Thanks. Bobby: I didn't know you smoked. Brandice: Really? I've been smoking for over a year now. Bobby: Oh. You're new to smoking still. I've been smoking for 7 years. Brandice: You ever tried to quit? Bobby: Many times. I'm really addicted. It's harder to stop than you think. Brandice: Yeah. I tried to quit last month, and I thought it was going to be easy, but it turns out that I'm still smoking. Bobby: I highly recommend you quit soon. The longer you smoke, the harder it becomes to quit. Brandice: I think you're right. Aright. Gotta go to class. Thanks for the cigarette. I'll talk to you later. Bobby: No problem. I'll talk to you later.
Bobby, a 7-year smoker, gives Brandice, a new smoker, a cigarette, and advises Brandice to quit smoking as soon as possible.
Jotham: Would you like to drink some coffee? Addie: No, thanks. I have some trouble with my heart, my doctor recommend I to drink less. Jotham: Would you like to try some watermelon juice? It tastes good. Addie: All right
Addie's doctor told Addie to drink less coffee, so Jotham recommends watermelon juice.
Beverlee: Hi, Celia! How was your trip to the United States? Celia: It was terrific. I really enjoyed it. Beverlee: Great. How long were you away? Celia: I was there for about three weeks. Beverlee: That's a long time! Was the weather OK? Celia: Yes, most of the time. But it snowed a lot in Chicago. Beverlee: So, what was the best thing about your trip? Celia: Oh, that's difficult to say. But I guess I liked Nashville the best.
Celia thinks her trip to the US was terrific. Beverlee asks about the details.
Andri: Have we handed out all the water? Clive: Yes. So what else to do now? Andri: Nothing. The teacher said the only thing left was to get back all the disposable cups later. Clive: I see. How do you like the game? Andri: Terrific. There is one girl said, It is the best game I've ever watched. Clive: Who do you think do better? Andri: Clive was really outstanding. Not only he put on a big show himself, but also he inspired the whole team. Clive: Exactly. He is unbelievable. Andri: On the other hand, I think the other team won everyone's respect. The leader said they could have crumpled at the beginning, but they just carried on and never lost their cool. Clive: They were really tough. Andri: The thing I like most about them is that they did not play with a heavy heart even though at that time the odds seemed to be against them. Clive: I can't agree more. Okay, time is up. Let's do the last thing.
Andri thinks the game was terrific and speaks highly of Clive and the other team. Clive agrees. They have handed out all the water and will get back the disposable cups.
Xenos: We have mild wines and strong liquors. Which kind do you prefer? Lonee: I've no idea. I'd like to listen to your suggestion. Xenos: It's my pleasure. Actually, it's really hard to say as individual tastes are different. As for myself, I'd like to recommend gin and tonic. Lonee: Well, I'll try gin and tonic.
Xenos recommends gin and tonic to Lonee. Lonee'll try them.
Andy: hi, betty! Sonya: hi, Andy, how are you finding your new job? Andy: pretty good. My colleagues seem alright. So far everything is great. Sonya: that's nice. What do they have you doing over there? Andy: well, I work in the marketing department. The corporate culture is totally different from my last employer. Before, when I was assigned a task, I was totally on my own but here most of the work is don Sonya: that's really good. It's very important to feel like you are part of the team at work. Andy: indeed. Team work is highly valued in this new company. I like our boss too. He is easy to get along with treats everybody with respect and appreciation. He's highly respected by all his employees. Sonya: that's great, that's good for a positive work environment and helps motivate employees. I wish my boss was like that. Andy: true, take my former supervisor as an example. He was extremely controlling and overbearing. He always had to micromanage everything. Sonya: well, now you don't have to worry about that. This new place sounds really good. Andy: yeah it is.
Betty asks Andy about his new job in the market department. Andy thinks it's pretty good because he feels he is a part of the team at work and he likes his new boss.
Janella: Welcome to our shop. It seems you are interested in this dress. Amanda: Yes. But I am afraid it is too thick to wear in summer. Janella: That's no problem. It is made of linen, so you won't feel hot in it. I can assure you it is of superior quality. What is more, it is very popular with young women. Amanda: How much is it? Janella: 88 Yuan. Amanda: OK, that is reasonable. I will take it.
Amanda spends 88 yuan buying a linen dress in Janella's shop.
Wenonah: Hi, Sir. What can I do for you? Sir: Hello, there. I'd like to know about Clean Collection. My company in the US is going to send me a cheque. It's for my wages, but I'm not too sure about how to cash it here. Wenonah: Right. If the cheque is coming from the US, into a local currency account it will take 7 working days to clear. Sir: Is there any way we can speed it up? Wenonah: There is, actually. If you can get your company to apply for a cheque from a bank in Shanghai, that'll speed things up no end.
Wenonah tells Sir it will take 7 working days to cash a cheque from the US, and it can be accelerated by applying for a check from a bank in Shanghai.
Mr. Walker: Since China was open to the outside world, its trade forms have become much more flexible. One of these commonly used forms is co-production. Would you please do a bit explanation of it, Mr. Walker? Dyan: Well, under this arrangement two parties cooperate to manufacture a product or a category of products, for example, machine tools for export. Each party produces and supplies a part of the components and parts ; one party is a Chinese enterprise, the other, an overseas firm. Most probably, the foreign counterpart contributes technology and equipment, and sometimes, parts and components, while the Chinese enterprises factory building, labor and other resources to the cooperative production. They join hands and fulfill orders together by an agreement or a contract. Mr. Walker: I suppose that the assembling of these components and parts, particularly the marketing of the finished products should take place in China. Dyan: Not necessarily. It depends on the contract stipulations. They may be marketed in the foreign country where the other party is located, or even in a third country. Mr. Walker: I think the principle of co-production is to expand export trade. It's a reciprocal business, isn't it? Dyan: Yes, you are right. Either party is not well-equipped to produce the final products single-handedly, but they can enter into an agreement. In such case, each side contributes different resources to make the manufacture of a certain product or a category of products possible.
Mr. Walker asks Mr. Walker to explain co-production, a commonly used trade form. Mr. Walker explains how it works and where it happens. Mr. Walker understands it as a reciprocal business.
Mendie: Besides salary what kind of allowance can I expect? Inge: We have a kind of floating bonus on a yearly basis. Mendie: Can you elaborate it more concretely? Inge: Yes. Floating bonus is the kind of bonus that is indeterminate in amount, such as quarterly bonus, bonus at the end of the year.
Mendie asks Inge to elaborate on the floating bonus.
Chicky: Professor, excuse me, but I need to leave early. Professor: What seems to be the problem? Chicky: I am not feeling well. Professor: What is bothering you? Chicky: I think I am beginning to have an asthma attack. Professor: Would you like someone to walk you over to the Student Health Center? Chicky: No, I think that I should just go home because I have some medicine there. Professor: Do you need a ride home? Chicky: I live in the dorms across the street, so I'll be OK. Professor: OK, then, hope you feel better soon. Check your e-mail for missed assignments.
Chicky wants to leave early because Chicky has an asthma attack. Professor agrees and reminds Chicky of checking the email for missed assignments.
Parker: Are you going to watch the Indy Five Hundred on TV this weekend? Taylor: I'm not really into race car driving. Parker: You were when we were in high school. That, and baseball. Taylor: Yeah, well, times change. Look at you! You're a father of three kids now. You can't say that you haven't changed any. Parker: True, but I still have to watch my baseball. The season's in full swing now. Taylor: I mean, I know spring training's over, but I'm just not into all that. Parker: Hello? Is the real Taylor in there?
Parker is surprised at Taylor whose hobbies have changed a lot since high school.
Madelina: I would like to buy one round trip plane ticket to Hong Kong, please. Susana: For what days, madam? Madelina: Leaving on September 5th and returning to New York City on October 9th. Susana: Do you prefer an aisle or a window seat? Madelina: I prefer to sit next to a window. Susana: How would like to pay? Madelina: I have a Master Card. Susana: I have booked you for one window seat on American airline flight No. 409. Have a good trip!
Susana books a round trip plane ticket to Hong Kong for Madelina.
Lonni: May I help you? Miss! Annecorinne: Yes. I'd like to look at lipstick and eye shadow. Lonni: What color set do you prefer? Annecorinne: Well, brown. Lonni: We have a beautiful selection of eye shadows this fall. Look at the colors. Aren't they beautiful? Annecorinne: But they're purple. I prefer a brown set. Lonni: If you insist, I can show you the brown sets. I'll have to warn you that they're very ordinary, though. Annecorinne: Well, I'm not so sure. Most of my make-up is brown. Lonni: Why don't you wear purple eye shadow for a change? We also have lipstick to go with it. Annecorinne: Can I try it? Lonni: Sure. Are you wearing any make-up? Annecorinne: No. Lonni: Have a seat, please. Now, here is the mirror. How do you like it? Annecorinne: Not bad. Actually, it makes me look younger. I like it. Lonni: Try the lipstick as well. See, how fresh and charming you look. Annecorinne: You're right. I'll take them all.
Annecorinne prefers a brown set of eye shadows but Lonni recommends a purple one. Annecorinne buys the purple set and lipstick after trying them.
Greg Wu: It's Mrs. Bardot, isn't it? Mrs. Bardot: Yes, it is. But I'm afraid we haven't met before. Greg Wu: I'm Greg Wu, Head of Consultancy. I see that you'd like a credit check done for your company. Is that right? Mrs. Bardot: Hello Greg. Yes, that's correct. You see, we have just acquired a new partner, the transaction is huge. It's to be signed next month, and we would really like to have some clearer information about them. Greg Wu: I see. So, it's not for your company, it's for the prospective partner? Mrs. Bardot: That's right. I feel it's always better to go in with both eyes open, if you know what I mean. Greg Wu: I couldn't agree more. If you have the company details with you I can get on with that right away. Is there anything else that you need from us today? Mrs. Bardot: The lady at the desk, Shelly I think, told me you offer many other consultancy services. Greg Wu: We do indeed. Such as making trade investments, financial consultancy, and of course the service you requested. Mrs. Bardot: That's good to know. Thanks for your help today, I'll leave you with the details and you can get started.
Mrs. Bardot needs to get a credit check for the prospective partner. Greg Wu, from a consultancy company, asks for the company details. Mrs. Bardot is also interested in other consultancy services.
Zhang Hua: Good evening, sir. Are you Mr. Jim Stewart from the States? Mr. Jim Stewart: Ah, yes, that's right. Zhang Hua: Glad to meet you, Mr. Stewart. I'm the guide from Pacific Tour Agency. My name is Zhang Hua. Mr. Jim Stewart: Hello, I was just looking for the guide. Zhang Hua: I'm always at your service, sir. By the way, did you have a pleasant trip? Mr. Jim Stewart: Not bad. But I've made too many flights these days. I could hardly remember how many take-offs and landings I've been through these three days. I think we all feel a bit tired. Zhang Hua: Well, shall we go to the hotel right now? I've already made a reservation for you. Mr. Jim Stewart: Wonderful. I'm eager to take a sauna as soon as possible. Zhang Hua: So we must get you to the hotel as soon as possible. I hope to see you refreshed and revitalized tomorrow morning, as we are going to visit the Great Wall. Mr. Jim Stewart: I am sure we will. Actually, we are looking forward to seeing the great wonder. Zhang Hua: Come this way, please. The coach is waiting outside. Mr. Jim Stewart: Fine, let's go.
Zhang Hua will get Jim Stewart to the hotel to have a rest after too many flights. They are going to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.
Erin: The portions here are man sized. We usually end up taking half of the meal home with us. Nichole: Everything looks so good. Is there anything in particular that you recommend? Erin: Hey, sis. You know me, if I don't like everything on the menu, I don't go back to the restaurant! Nichole: So you're saying I can't go wrong with anything I order? In that case. . . Erin: Wait, you love salmon, don't you? They have the best salmon pasta. Nichole: That sounds really good! Does it come with a soup? Erin: Soup and bread and salad bar! I'm telling you, these people know how to keep you coming back! Nichole: I see what you mean!
Erin likes everything on the menu of a restaurant and recommends salmon pasta with soup, bread, and salad bar to Nichole.
Zary: Didn't you write a paper about Albert Kahn last semester? Jolene: Yes, for my history of architecture class. Zary: Oh, I am taking it now and I have to do some research on industrial architecture. I need to read up on Kahn's factories. So I would like to see what you wrote about them. Jolene: I don't think my paper will help; I focus on his classical design like Clements library and office buildings, but you are interested in the modern building he is famous for. Zary: Yes he is best known for his factory, especially the auto plants in Detroit. He made a breakthrough in industrial design. You know before his time, factories were so cmp3ped and inefficient but his factory provide enough light and air and open space. So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant. Jolene: I remember reading that previously, factories had wooden frame and the heavy machinery made the buildings vibrate and there were fire hazards too. But when Kahn started to design auto plants around the turn of the century, reinforced concrete had just been invented. Talk about the breakthrough, not only were the buildings sturdy and fireproof but they were cheap to put up too! Zary: You seem to know a lot of about his industrial career. Jolene: Actually even though I wrote about his other works, I did a lot of background reading. Let me see if I can dig up that paper for you. There were some books of articles included in my bibliography that you might want to look up at the library.
Zary wants to see Jolene's paper about Albert Kahn. Jolene doesn't think Jolene's paper will help because it has a different focus from Zary's paper but then changes Jolene's mind because the bibliography may be useful to Zary.
Anders: Good morning, Sir. How can I help you? Sir: I wonder if you could tell me some information about active holidays. Anders: Active holidays, Sir? Can you tell me exactly what you mean, please? Sir: Well, you see, when I go on a holiday, I like to get plenty of exercise. I don't like staying around and doing nothing. I gut enough of that in my office. What I mean to say is I'm the sort of man who enjoys swimming, water skiing, that sort of thing. I like anything to do with water and I don't mind roughing it. I've always been used to looking after myself. When I was in the army, I used to get up at five every morning just to see the sunrise. Anders: Yes, Sir, very interesting. Um... active holidays, let me see. Oh, yes, what about skin diving, Sir? We can offer you a fortnight off the coast of Cornwall, all--including one week skin diving and one week shark-fishing with the local fishermen. It's a very good bargain. Sir: Shark-fishing? I don't think I fancy shark-fishing. Is there any chance of getting a bit of sailing in that part of Cornwall? Anders: We don't do any sailing holidays, Sir. They are mostly organized by the sailing schools. But rowing, canoeing, yes. Are you fond of rowing, Sir? Sir: Well, I did a lot of rowing when I was at university, but I'm a bit out of practice these days. I don't think I've handled a pair of oars since I went boating on the Thames ten years ago. No, I don't think I'd like to spend my holiday rowing. Anders: Try looking through some of these brochures, Sir, and see if there's anything that attracts you.
Sir wants to have an active holiday and explains that he wants to get plenty of exercises. Anders recommends some activities but Sir isn't interested. Anders gives Sir some brochures to see if there's anything attractive.
Batsheva: Operator, connect me with the cashier please. Miss, I want to check out. Will you please have the bill ready for me? I'll come down in a few minutes. Charissa: OK. Sir, I'll bill you right away. Batsheva: Operator, sorry to bother you again. Will you please send me a porter to carry my luggage downstairs?
Batsheva will check out and needs a porter to carry luggage.
Sherie: Hey. What's this on Facebook? It says ... Are you getting married? Carson: Yeah. Didn't you know that? Sherie: No. Why didn't you tell me about it? It says you're getting married next week. Carson: Yeah, and I'm bringing her over to mom's house tomorrow. You'll love Jasmine. Sherie: Jasmine? Carson: Yeah. Here's her picture on Facebook. Sherie: Oh. Wow. Carson: What? What do you mean? Sherie: Dad is not going to be impressed. Carson: Why? Sherie: She's got, like a lot her tattoos and a nose ring, and uh, I'm sorry. The family is going to be really surprised. Carson: Ah, she's so, well, so sensitive and caring. Sherie: Um, well .... Carson: What? Sherie: Have ... have you taken any marriage prep classes? Carson: Ah, who needs that anyway? I know all about women. Sherie: Yeah. Right, like .... What have you had? Like ten girlfriends in the last six months? Carson: Well, that's different! Sherie: Uh, listen. Obviously, you need to improve your communication skills, and the best thing at this point .... if you're really set on marrying Jamie... Carson: Jasmine ... Sherie: Okay, I'm sorry, Jasmine, anyway, um, you really should take a marriage prep class. Carson: What? What you are talking about? I know all about love and romance. Sherie: Uh. Right .... Carson: What? What do you mean? Sherie: Look. Okay. It's more than that. What do you know about, say, personal finance? Carson: Well, you know ... Sherie: I mean, how are you going to manage your money together? Are you going to have a joint bank account? Whose salary is going to pay the bills? Carson: Ah, no problem. No problem. We have that figured out. My paycheck is going to be automatically transfered to her overseas bank account. Sherie: Oh. Carson: What? Sherie: Uh, where exactly is this account? What's the name of the bank? Carson: Ah, I don't know. Jasmine's going to take care of that. Sherie: Oh, boy. Right. Um, well, what about children? Are you guys going to have any kids? Carson: Well, I want a large family, so eight kids would be just about right. Sherie: Wow! What does Jasmine say about that? Carson: Ah, well, she doesn't want any kids, but I'll change her mind once we get married. Sherie: Right. Carson: No problem. Sherie: Okay, what about housework? How are you going to handle that? Carson: Well, Jasmine won't mind doing it. Sherie: Did she said that? Carson: Well, not exactly. We've been just so busy planning out our honeymoon, that we just haven't worked out, you know, these small details. Sherie: Great! You know what? By the time you learn her last name, I think things are going to be over between the two of you. Carson: No, you just want and see.
Carson is going to marry Jasmine but Sherie hasn't heard about that. Sherie suggests Carson take marriage prep classes and finds that Carson hasn't really figured out how to manage the money, how many children to have, and how to handle the housework with Jasmine and thinks their marriage will not succeed, but Carson is confident about himself and the marriage.
Jenine: Hi, Nice to see you again! John Denver: Hi! I haven't seen you for quite a long time. What are you doing these days? Jenine: I'm taking a country music course. John Denver: Oh, really? How interesting! What are you learning from the course? Jenine: A lot of things, you know, such as the history of country music, singing, and how to play a guitar. John Denver: That's great. Well, talking about country music reminds me of a famous singer, John Denver. Have you ever heard of him? Jenine: Sure. His song 'Country reads take me home' is popular both in the USA and in China. John Denver: Yes, that's true. Did you hear the had news about him? Jenine: what was it? John Denver: He had an accident while flying his plane alone, and he was killed. Jenine: That's a big loss for country music.
Jenine tells John Denver that Jenine is taking a country music course. They then talk about a famous singer and his flying accident.
Nils: Well, madam, the first and the most important thing I have to tell you is that there is really nothing seriously wrong with you, physically that is. The analyst's report shows that basically you are very fit. Orsola: So, why is it that I'm always so nervous... tense... ready to jump on anybody-my husband, children, and colleagues? Nils: I think your condition has a lot to do with your habits. Orsola: Habits? Nils: Yes... now tell me, madam, you smoke, don't you? Orsola: Yes, I'm afraid I do, doctor. Nils: And, very heavily, I imagine. Orsola: Yes, quite heavily. Nils: What do you eat normally? Orsola: I'm a good eater. Yes, I'd say I'm a good eater. But usually, I don't eat breakfast. Nils: That's bad for your health. I think you should get up early and have breakfast. And, another question, do you get up early? Orsola: No, I usually get up at 9:00 a. m. I get up late because I go to bed too late. I stay up late watching TV till the midnight. Nils: What sport do you usually do? Orsola: I don't like sports. But sometimes I play cards with some friends, that may be my sport. Nils: I think, madam, for your health, you'd better change your way of life.
Nils tells Orsola that she is physically fit and her conditions have a lot to do with her habits, like smoking heavily, eating no breakfast, staying up late, etc. Nils suggests that she should change her way of life.
Celestyna: Come to my office, Billy. Look at your messy hair. This is the third time you have been late for class within this week. And every time you went in, you disturbed the teacher's class. Billy: Sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to do that, but it was my alarm clock that didn't wake me up. Celestyna: That is not a proper excuse. You could set it ahead of the exact time so that you could have got up earlier and not have been late. Billy: I did that, but it seemed useless when I found the batteries had run out after I woke up this morning. I rushed to school and luckily, my neighbour Mr. Green gave me a hand and took me to school with his car. Celestyna: So you could have made it. But you were still late for class. Billy: The thing is, when I got off, I found I had left my bag in his car. And it was too late to get it back when I realized that. I went straight to the nearest shop and gave him a call. I waited for five minutes before Mr. Green drove back. Celestyna: Finally, he gave you your bag and you came to the classroom and you were already 15 minutes late for class at that time. Is that all? Billy: Miss, you seem to know the entire story. May I go back to class now? Otherwise I will be late for the following class.
Billy explains why he was late for class to Celestyna. His alarm clock didn't work this morning. His neighbor gave him a ride but he left his bag in the car, so he went to the nearest shop to call his neighbor and waited for the bag.
Sylvan: Sometimes I think television is too biased. None of them are completely objective. Jodi: That's unavoidable, but think, How wuuld you keep up to date without television? Sylvan: Newspapers or the radio I guess. I just wish TV was more objective. Jodi: Look, you can still learn a lot from watching television, you just need to be smart when you're watching. Filter the information and decide if you believe what you are hearing or not. Sylvan: The internet's a lot worse. Jodi: Really? Why? Sylvan: There's no one moderating it. Anyone around the world can put information onto the net for anyone else to see. The information on the internet is mostly unsubstantiated and you can never know who has written it, or why. A lot of people get conned online. Jodi: Again, you need to think carefully. If you don't trust others online, have nothing to do with them.
Sylvan thinks television is too biased and the internet is even worse. Jodi thinks Sylvan needs to filter the information.
Joceline: Have you heard the big news? Olivia: What big news? Joceline: Olivia and Nicholas are engaged! He proposed to her last night at a fancy restaurant. Olivia: I didn't even know they were dating! . Joceline: After Nicholas' ex-girlfriend cheated on him, they realized that they had a great friendship and that maybe they were meant to be with each other. Olivia: They really are perfect for each other. I can't think of a better-matched couple than them! Joceline: I heard that they are planning to have an extravagant wedding ceremony in a church with a reception in an expensive restaurant on the lake. Olivia: Have they asked anyone to be in the wedding party yet? Joceline: I think Nicholas asked Jack to be his best man and Olivia asked Kaitlyn to be her maid of honour. They both have big families, so their siblings will be the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Olivia: It sounds like they've done a lot of planning in a very short time. Have they decided where they are going to go for their honeymoon? Joceline: I haven't heard where they will go yet, but I bet you they will go to a beach somewhere; you know how they both love surfing. Olivia: You know, most people find it difficult to find their soul mate, but they've made it seem extremely easy!
Joceline tells Olivia Olivia and Nicholas are engaged. Olivia thinks they are a perfect match. They talk about the couple's plans for the wedding ceremony and the honeymoon.
Aileen: Don't be too sad. If you really think that you have no feeling with him, then, in my opinion, getting divorced maybe is the best way to solve the problem. Jenny: I know clearly at the bottom of my heart. I just can't set my mind at rest because of the child. She's little. She cannot understand us and accept such truth. Aileen: Yeah, child is the matter. Don't tell Jenny the truth, only tell her the white lie. When she grows up, you find the suitable opportunity to tell her. Jenny: I see. OK.
Aileen suggests Jenny get divorced if Jenny has no feeling with a man and tell their daughter the white lie.
Staffard: I will take the coat. Do you receive checks? Phyllis: Yes, of course. Staffard: Here you are. Please give me a receipt. Phyllis: Sorry, sir, you have to pay in the check-out counter. It's there. Staffard: OK, please wrap it for me first.
Phyllis tells Staffard to pay for a coat by check at the check-out counter.
Mirelle: Dalian is a beautiful city. Do you agree? Eadith: I suppose I do. Mirelle: The climate here is pleasant. Eadith: You said it. Mirelle: This city is really comfortable to live in. Eadith: It sure is. Mirelle: No other city can match it. It's heaven. Eadith: Well, if you live in other cities as long as enough, you will love them just as much. Mirelle: Maybe. Eadith: That's for sure.
Eadith thinks Mirelle loves Dalian because Mirelle has lived there long enough.
Riley: Excuse me,I'd like to buy a guitar.Could you recommend one? Purcell: Sure.Do you want an acoustic one or an electric one? Riley: An acoustic one. Purcell: Are you looking to get a steel-string or a classical? Riley: What's the difference? Purcell: Well,a classical guitar has nylon strings and its neck is bigger than a steel-string guitar's.It's best suited for finger picking .A steel-string is best for playing chords. Riley: I'm mainly interested in learning to play rhythm guitar. Purcell: In that case,I'd suggest a steel-string guitar.The best one we have is the Ovation. Riley: This one's a little too expensive for me.I'd prefer something cheaper for now.When I've learned to play ,I might get a better one. Purcell: In that case,how about this one?It's inexpensive but it's still well made and easy to play. Riley: Hmm.All right,I'll take it,and this book on how to play the guitar as well. Purcell: You should also get a couple of guitar picks. Riley: Oh,right.Thanks for your help. Purcell: Don't mention it.
Riley wants to buy an inexpensive acoustic guitar to play rhythm guitar. Purcell recommends a steel-string guitar. Riley will take it, together with a book and guitar picks.
Nance: Hello, Bill. Nice to see you again. I heard you went into hospital for a few days. I hope everything is OK. Bill: Yes, fine. I was really nervous just before I had the operation, but strangely enough, the operation was over when I woke up. Nance: It must have really hurt afterward. Bill: Well, the nurse gave me plenty of pain killers, but it did feel uncomfortable. I wasn't permitted to eat anything for 48 hours. That was the worst thing. Nance: I bet you are ready for a nice big steak when you got out of hospital. Bill: I certainly was. However, the doctor gave me a list of food I couldn't eat for another 72 hours. And steak was on the list. Nance: Did they take good care of you in the hospital? Bill: Oh, yes. The nurses were very kind. Though they were strict about what I could drink, in the end, I just drank water and nothing else. How I wish to drink some beer now!
Nance asks about Bill's operation. Bill did feel uncomfortable after it. He got many restrictions on eating and drinking but the nurses took good care of him.
Bob: Hi, Mary, you are in Boston, too. I remember you are admitted to Washington University. And are you meeting someone at the airport? Mary: Glad to meet you here, Bob. I am meeting my parents. You are paying a visit to your grandparents? Bob: Right, have you graduated from the university? Mary: No, I will graduate next year. My sister Carol will get married this weekend, so I come here to attend her wedding. Bob: How time flies! I haven't seen her for years.
Bob meets Mary in Boston. Bob comes to visit his grandparents, while Mary comes to attend Carol's wedding.
Lon: What's your problem? You seem to have been thinking of something. Lazlo: I was thinking of the test tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't pass this time. Lon: Cheer up. You've been working pretty hard these days, there's no doubt that you'll pass. Lazlo: Actually, I'm just worried about the pressure, I always feel nervous as soon as I enter. Lon: Try to relax, with the help of deep breathing. You can remove the pressure gradually. Take your time when you start to work. You'll feel much better in this way. Lazlo: Thanks for your kind advice. You seem to be fully prepared for the test don't you? Lon: I don't wait until tests come. If you work hard regularly, you are always ready for tests. Lazlo: Nice talking with you. Have a good day. Lon: You too, and good luck tomorrow.
Lazlo is worried about the test tomorrow and the pressure, while Lon seems to be ready for the test and gives Lazlo suggestions on relieving pressure.