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kyu_kinks_ver01_data_sn85052141_00175045466_1900101901_0342_002_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-10-19T00:00:00 | 342 | 1 | kyu_kinks_ver01 | sn85052141 | [
] | 0.986183 | LEILWE it IRlANDLEt Croceries Fresh Meats Hardware Queensware Hay Oats Bran Lime and Cement I Wo carry everything usually fouiul in a firstolass Grocery and no pains will bo spared ill pleasu our utistomors Our motto Is UOOD GOODS at PAIR IBICES Try its Olinton trust Tel phono 0 Goods Promptly Delivered | Hickman, Ky. | ['Kentucky--Fulton--Hickman'] | The Hickman courier. [volume] | Warren & Martin | |
vi_lilac_ver01_data_sn86071868_00175031753_1895042701_0261_001_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1895-04-27T00:00:00 | 261 | 1 | vi_lilac_ver01 | sn86071868 | [
] | 0.989389 | UNTOLD MISERY from C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the lies! physi? cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark.,three times, s|iendlng stooo there, besides doctors' hills; hill could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I w eighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of Shape, the muscles being twisted up ii dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by tho doctors,that [could nol live. Tlic times, were so awful, thai I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic Injec? tions of morphine l hail my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but ihrs.i gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of (wo months, I was aide to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, snd In the course of a year, I was cured. Sly weight has Increased in \a; pounds, and I am now aide to do my f?ll (lav's work as n railroad blacksmith." AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AVUll'S PILLS cur.- II, ?</<ir/lt. | Roanoke, Va. | ['Virginia--Roanoke'] | The Roanoke times. [volume] | Roanoke Times Pub. Co. | |
iune_juliet_ver01_data_sn88074142_00280761473_1870061701_0256_002_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-06-17T00:00:00 | 256 | 1 | iune_juliet_ver01 | sn88074142 | [
] | 0.973488 | gWAiiTTTii7 DKAl.i'.lt IN t irAXllD mcl SOFT LUMBER or KVKItY DRNchlPTlOW, Lath. Shlneles and Cedar Posts ORDERS SOLICITED STEAMBOAT LUMBER rtiitxisni:i os hioh r nothk. j i (UIIMIlt CTiMilLUOIAI, AVIIM'K a xi) Ti'.xrn stim:i;t, HI.AW.ll IN BLINDS WlMMnV UJaiANN SlUNtiLtiS LATH AND LUMBER ftrncK, on ,. TKXTII STKKKT Dctwuen Commercial and Wash ington Avenues, (JAEltO, IIjI,IOI.S. Au'UIm for Itot-li Itlvcr I'aprr Compiiny Ntit'iittiiiig l'cll ami ln.iriy. (ViiK'iil. II.U'. .IoIiii'h Iuiirl Itoof Inu iiIuiij on liaiiil. rjiin: ui:ai stoki:. Millinery, fancy Goods, Etc. MRS. C M'GEE In t. ,kl atl.niii.n In -t limit lt If. Mk - 4ul ill iiui el MILLINERY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, KID GLOVES, Women .TIImuV iiimI ('lillilrcii' iiisrjfl jjoots Ali-I a IIi.mi. ilu r (li n.- I' .anl.i.t ' Hi . m-thIm! in . . ii ui rln-l n v 1 ll !- II ' ah i In Ii' ' Ii I ' ! i'L" ilm ut II,. !ilu 1 THE CHEAP STORE. Ire rl'ri ' ar, .Me ti I f l-hloiikb Ml.l KJ. If tf 1..L. Ill HI' ' r t I" .i'll' k'U '( II III I ) 'I. I' I nit i u I it I 'I t . vit . Il I '! P !, Inny if.-l i r u .1, ( M lis. l.XStl lid Jot llarrltnl a lIIMnrk of MILLINERY Ami lilt Mr III l.mllr. o mil Hint r. DUQRS, SASH | Cairo, Ill. | ['Illinois--Alexander--Cairo'] | The Cairo daily bulletin. | John H. Oberly & Co. | |
wvu_chekhov_ver01_data_sn84026847_00415665015_1865071001_0034_004_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-07-10T00:00:00 | 34 | 1 | wvu_chekhov_ver01 | sn84026847 | [
] | 0.922025 | FANCY GOODS. OIIANOI^. ? HE TrVl)KRSIO\ED wiu. <r 31 7 ivb r ; im o -* THIS DAY, T:lK 'Mil ISSTANt, 1 H n ?r Oft HIS STOCK OF GOO US AT COST C' a m h O 11 1 3 . HI* S roc K I S mi aio E\m. A FINTi STOCK 0> E or A NT OLOAKS," * , Wooloa Hoods AVT) U B I A S . WIN'S. flfTCH, \ND OTHii: FFRS l\ iiOOI) VAIUETV. *? CALL S*X)N A5TD euro iBar^ains. M RHEDfSTROM. IRON WORKS. WHEELING IRON WORKS. oKFICR A : AND WAREHOUSE 1 j | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | The Wheeling daily register. [volume] | Lewis Baker & O.S. Long | |
curiv_nicasio_ver01_data_sn85042460_00280769307_1890010301_0038_007_6_91.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1890-01-03T00:00:00 | 38 | 1 | curiv_nicasio_ver01 | sn85042460 | [
] | 0.914861 | Los Angeles [Calif.] | ['California--Los Angeles--Los Angeles'] | Los Angeles daily herald. [volume] | Herald Steam Print. House | |
kyu_hendrix_ver01_data_sn85052020_0017504551A_1900022701_0074_000_6_99.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-02-27T00:00:00 | 74 | 1 | kyu_hendrix_ver01 | sn85052020 | [
] | 0.994045 | Vi = o < t = = = = = = = = JOB LOTS ra + i The season is about over and we have 11 I hOTSofSTUff jjYou can afford to try at the prices made Lot of t t Ladies Shoes worth from 160 to 31 small 1 irLadicsShocs f sizes n 1r 1 Lot Misses Shoes t Jsizcs only per pair good ii quality but old styles 50 and 75 etsper pair I J Ladies anti Misses Rubbers lust years stock j broad toes 15 cts i MENS FINE SHOES HI Latest style toes leather lined heavy soles j 150 Heavy Boots solid as a rock 125 125i | Stanford, Ky. | ['Kentucky--Lincoln--Stanford'] | Semi-weekly interior journal. [volume] | W.P. Walton | |
vi_lure_ver01_data_sn84024718_00280762489_1870110101_0584_000_6_94.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1870-11-01T00:00:00 | 584 | 1 | vi_lure_ver01 | sn84024718 | [
] | 0.941961 | The Great Medic.:! Discovery f Dr. W_\___EK_TS ( VIMEGAR BITTERS, _ t i H__tidr_-_i of !_hoasan_l9 pJf ". oi. _-_-•• _-____o_ty to fihci* .randedb-l M *. _'~' Curative ET'octa. Eg what are they? ||_ <• - *-, | - *S|' -1. '""' . If* ■■S- t I t" 1 -' 3 j| -j _■::;: y AKB not a Vile 9 __" : "H"'-.-.GY DRIJSK,ffIj * • lo ■-1 _?r -: Earn, "whi-iey, Proof Gpir. _ ■■ ... ,fusa lGiqtiO-3, ilociored,epicai; .' :,, ic.:o,c.i i'd'-Toiiics ;, ( '■'.' _ . _;./„■ ■ «*-J - rstoruc-S'** &i_to_t k.a.ttho'i | j ',*-/. _ o ..... ____ ::;".-o3 Rati ru:n, Lutture atruo. _J_sJuine, : * i.vro t:.a Kill.- i'oot.; and Twtaof <"- ""■ i, ___9_3rOTa all Alcoholic Btimnter-'* 'I ■ " ' -.<'-•<■""" •■"■ '<-3LOOD PU».li.!'__ ".■ r.-■ l'iii_'J(. IVl_i Q Pi-li*.- CIP'L"B.:v j - 1 -St- - ■ '-'• ■' ' 1- : i-njjwr__x ot theßys"•*•__•-j_-ry : p J e • * ion o_a inatterJ _nll.>B* 1-.;.* condition.; No ]vr*ttf''i- : 't- 1 " *» 3 rs, oo___a_v»i .-in .. .. : re: i ..:_>_ : ."• vIL fclOiiv. i ' 'pVwiJ -.;-i.:i ■ '■:■::- do case, pro-j ;_t-f i:_ L s:.•;.: - A _ro-,e I bynnneralj "■■,'i\_s pr <. *r »--'"_' ■■? n: I i ° ▼Sal o-S 1 -"-"! '■' .: il.-~- . tho r_:it.-! rwir. { -n-lii .-j.-t -:-y b"KlC_T_niol-hen-i ra_ti«ra, n '■ ' Q-Ut, X)/. *--_-.__, cr Indi-] ri ti l 3* - -"_3> .1 *e„iLt.._-_t. fa-.d xnter-i __i%te__l Fevers, l_is _»•_ .3 c T t-i.3 Blood. __iv_.\ J_id_.-ar3i PI v ' ters I '•' '' l raort •■ -ore •- ■•'. P'.ich. Dis e_-*__ an* ea «d by Vitir tod _.*ccd, -rlm-h h i; -v- '.'i -Ineoil by d r-iaj-axca* or tha Plgaativa C-..aiiS. i~ t . riv- ">.. in! t io etym"- r-il r';mr.lato , % x 'y-',\li. ii-a-idlio-T-is -. '■ )"•■>_ rt.;.ni -i-.| ,'.■. le 2-;i(-7- ii <'-"■. r1 .: b_jr>lo( ). i_. A - . i c*. r-il_o____t_rj - . i--;_nd vijor (atha'tr ',' m ,:;--a. Dyspopsia c? ißcßges-iou, Ecadncte, Pitai..t -: . Bl_-Ti»,t--s_'.';'j .:r...-ttt-o C ;; ._ S_-.;r f;,..a_ ■ .- ; 1 Taito ia th.l-10-. !. i 00. Attacks, J j. idon o' _b_ 31 ~ t ■ _> : _-!_tr__- '- I ', Tain in t_»r_fi-:_uii nefiMners«..._■ J. 1 tr_<iot___f pvinlnl ay:n an. v. c » ar.J >. __fßdaj3i of Dj__ct»s ■ ■-'•"I I ."- "•'' j ' r : - _ _ 'Cl-iarn-i'i: ■ '.-::■.:.'. ir/.oolw_ vvrpnM _-Stfl-p_rit*e-1 ir_tin!_tli_ou. t; ■; r- ...ii i l-a-. jsniption., o_ Sores; cl j". oi. w.iuniiia F_ia,an_j >nri -clia_s will ted yonvrhen. Keep the bktod ;'■::• 8_ -M ___t"* ">* "___»»__- P'N, T.WI" aa_otherWO-t-E. 1-irlcm? m thesjvi. ni<•'.■ 'manythottsawla, _z_«_-___a-f d»rtrove move U . Forl'iU (llr 1 *onß,_«a_l cai-Mtyti_s circular gmand each !- .-.tie. printed 11.1'ur iaujuajjes— K''!-'.^'-.,''■■"••! :'■ Vi.nch, amu pinisli. I ,T WVLKi' t,-4 *" St Comncrc. tStroet, __. X.I pVofirirtor. Ii.ILM-DONAI.D--CO- 1 Drna-riats and Oeneial Ar-an'ls. ! gn T'-tnoi-i.-n. Califnrcia, ar.d S3 andCl Com. rr,_f_ttr-_,N.Y. Kyjs'lhD BY ALL B'-CGGISTS AND Lr.ALtUH. : .■_■?.-_> Queen cdthe South! | Staunton, Va. | ['Virginia--Staunton'] | Staunton spectator. [volume] | L. Waddell, J.A. Waddell | |
iune_juliet_ver01_data_sn88074142_00280761473_1870090801_0537_002_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-09-08T00:00:00 | 537 | 1 | iune_juliet_ver01 | sn88074142 | [
] | 0.919537 | J sBHTDERT. j-AUCUN SILVUltllUKCI, tT TUB CAIRO CITY BOOK BINDERY I pri'psrcil to .Hiiiiufuctiirti lllitnk Hooks iistd do ul kinds of Rook llludliig mid Ruling, 73 OHIO LEEYE. | Cairo, Ill. | ['Illinois--Alexander--Cairo'] | The Cairo daily bulletin. | John H. Oberly & Co. | |
wvu_deforest_ver02_data_sn84026847_00415665106_1870012801_0101_009_6_90.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1870-01-28T00:00:00 | 101 | 1 | wvu_deforest_ver02 | sn84026847 | [
] | 0.905375 | W fE DO NOT to inform reader, that Dr. derful, or any man. has discovered remedy that cures sumption, when liinus are half ed, in short will all diseases, whether mind, body or make men live snd leave death to for want of work, is designed to mak* sublunary sphere blisaiul which shall be bnt a ?bow. Vou have enough of that kind hnuibug^erv', and do rot wonder that have by this time come disgusted with But when I tell i that Dr Safe's Catarrh Remedy icili cure the wont catrt of Catarrah, I only that which thousands can testify to. Try and you will be oonvinced. I will pay ?-V>' wakii for a case of Cstarrh that I cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGOISTS WHERE. Prick Onlt SO CK.vrs. Sent by Mail, for Sixty t'er.lj: Four packages for or one dozen for i5.M> Sond a two cent f<ir Dr. Safe's para;>bl?t on Catarrh. the Propri?tor, R. Y. PIERCE, M. D-. | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | The Wheeling daily register. [volume] | Lewis Baker & O.S. Long | |
curiv_oakland_ver01_data_sn82014381_00175036635_1890091301_0218_003_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1890-09-13T00:00:00 | 218 | 1 | curiv_oakland_ver01 | sn82014381 | [
] | 0.975971 | Sacramento [Calif.] | ['California--Sacramento--Sacramento'] | Sacramento daily record-union. [volume] | null | |
mnhi_anoka_ver02_data_sn83025287_0010049386A_1880020201_0158_003_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-02-02T00:00:00 | 158 | 1 | mnhi_anoka_ver02 | sn83025287 | [
] | 0.969965 | WASHINGTON STEAM ENGINE WORKS ! JDEJPMW & BURNS, MANUFAOTunrng OF j STATIONARY, PORTABLE and MARINE Boilers, Flour and Saw Mill Machinery, Wrought Iron Pipes and Fitting!, Iron and Brass Cast ings, Engine Trimmings and Iron Building Work of all descriptions. No. ISO E. Fifth Street, St. Van!, .limn auetial Attention (liven to Bepair Work. 821-13P IKSPIEATOES. | St. Paul, Minn. | ['Minnesota--Ramsey--Saint Paul'] | Daily globe. [volume] | H.P. Hall | |
nn_carson_ver02_data_sn83030272_0020653347A_1875112301_0302_002_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-11-23T00:00:00 | 302 | 1 | nn_carson_ver02 | sn83030272 | [
] | 0.940821 | IXVTItlZrvTSJQ CASH SALE. ( OMMKVl TO.p T ami TOMORROW , V Ki- NK9I1 W NQVi i, IT-. I7MT1L WOTUM K is turn hVKMNO. I'tir White Wooilrn BlauketMiiitritlr 1 1:1 , ' . 11.2.'. 't- wurtii t . -6,Nhi rur wiutf Woofla ' i: n nu rk- i i: tn- ram. wnrlh $.nir. & IU ii(i T.i!l'arhel shfciinif Mu-.lln, tbr T. rr bint In ihr i lly. Ur. a yard, ft.'r-m UtH Couifortali. -a. white rolt n ni, tU am l.O"' Vardl 14 bit' Wool mue 1 Flannel, daniaafwl, UV Tarl. Uoirii La a McriDL Vft. full rrtfiilar uiail-' Caffa. iif , worth 7'ir. ltl le' rrailr mv.c Wr tppi-ra. Hi' rcrv tt. at f I . Ci.ihhi Yarda Ul'i k A 1 parti, at i'K. aud 25c. W rth 4'mj. ai d ilc ptr 7 ir t. 5,0 ui VArd I nhicurtiriJ CtintOO FUdiji'I, 10. IKf Tril. LV.QO0 Yar l PltUD PnM (Iih) I-. in i ft variety uf C0l ora. at 1. cut per yart. wortn a.n rcnia. A targe atork f IM AlVaiil l.All HUKS9 ItOOlM at t itr--mflv I.OW I'lit KS, al tl UK AT U K-r sltiK. KS I V IM lHM!.NT. '.ViH aol 00 Hl.KKt K It i , ! u - tu ) vi CUlUiTOPBBII | New York [N.Y.] | ['New York--New York--New York'] | The sun. [volume] | Benj. H. Day | |
iahi_hypno_ver01_data_sn83045646_00279529182_1865121801_0564_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-12-18T00:00:00 | 564 | 1 | iahi_hypno_ver01 | sn83045646 | [
] | 0.987713 | DESSAINT & SCHRICKER'S STEAM SAW, AND PLANING MILL Caraer Scat! k 24 Streets, Davmpart, Uwa. LUMBER OF ALL OINENSIOH Luth,, Flooring, Sliln^lrfi, Sn»h, Siding, Pickets, Bllnda, Mouldings WlNUFACTUPEf. 8 SOLD AT IGWT fflrPKET PPICES OrderaProaiptlj' Allraded In. Write lor Prices. mb5 ly | Davenport, Iowa | ['Iowa--Scott--Davenport'] | Daily Davenport Democrat. [volume] | [D.N. Richardson] | |
hihouml_brutus_ver02_data_sn85047084_00202195635_1890033101_0300_000_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-03-31T00:00:00 | 300 | 1 | hihouml_brutus_ver02 | sn85047084 | [
] | 0.9692 | j HABAM CIGAES, IIABAiXA CIGARS, UT FOR SALE BY ED.HOFFSCHL A EQ-EE & Co. 12ftf 100-ly HABANA CIGAKS, King and Bethel Streets. | Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands | ['Hawaii--Honolulu--Honolulu'] | The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
me_edgecomb_ver02_data_sn83016025_00279525206_1865082201_0425_000_6_94.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-08-22T00:00:00 | 425 | 1 | me_edgecomb_ver02 | sn83016025 | [
] | 0.94466 | NEW F£IiPUBlE FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Piiifti'S A Most Kxqniwite, Delicate mid Frit ftrnut I'prfumr, Distilled from ilac Rare and Renulifnl Flower from whirl! it take* ih itnme. Manufactured only by PM A I-ON Sc SON. EdP'Beware of Counterfeits. AsJ; for 1*hnloufs—Take wo r.ther* Sold by druggets generally. 4 Julyl—eod6m | Portland, Me. | ['Maine--Cumberland--Portland'] | The Portland daily press. [volume] | N.A. Foster & Co. | |
ohi_lysander_ver01_data_sn84028645_00280774704_1865022201_1048_001_6_94.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-02-22T00:00:00 | 1,048 | 1 | ohi_lysander_ver01 | sn84028645 | [
] | 0.943447 | & iL :VimraST0CKSA(.r' V E R RT1 F U C E. DllnHlRI tWstaks mneh kIuium InuimJ.. r you that there Is no Vermifmw now In nse that we think equals yours as a 'WORM DK8TIIOYER." We bays sold it lar; oly at reUil, and with uniform. , success. We are llrnraiatx nH I1,.ll.n. -4 1 Ti p7"2riJe! H fot ST wMwto, and have' been ) net. .M..ioiiou TT1UI IIS sueois. itbio,.i. i- t Tl ' BISHOP. ' V:.'):. J 'U.l .. ': ffv BE NN O - S PETER'S | Columbus, Ohio | ['Ohio--Franklin--Columbus'] | Daily Ohio statesman. [volume] | S. Medary | |
in_fairmount_ver02_data_sn86058541_00202191472_1860071901_0549_012_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-07-19T00:00:00 | 549 | 1 | in_fairmount_ver02 | sn86058541 | [
] | 0.958458 | REÄB Tills, TOO! M A X X V ' S AND MOWEB, Manufactured at Rockford, Illinois. SOLI) OX Tili: MOST FAVOIiA HLi: TERMS; I'miiiiIiio f lis- Mutiny Jfurhinr for iHtlfl lxrri you luiy. THE undersigned, hwing Agent for the above machine, for Randolph County respectfully invites the farmers of the Co. to examine the same. The most complete combination of Reap er and Mower In the World. OVKR FORTY THOUSAND Of these Machine are in successful use throughout the United States. The Manny Machine received, from a large Jurvoftiic First Farmer of die Nation, THE HIGHEST PRIZES, GOLD MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS, At the two most Thorough Field Trinis EVER HELD IN THE WORLD; Each of which lasted about a week. One nt flenevji, in I-.Vi, and the other by the United Sutra Society, at Syracuse, ih L".7, when OVER FORTY ENTRIES WERE MADE. ALSO Received First Premium, as BEST COMBINED MACHINE. At the Great United Sttes Fair, at Chica go, in IsV). tf7Securcd by Forty Patents. Those wishing Jto purchase, would do well to call and examine them, at my u are house, in Winchester, Ind., and voti will certainly be induced to purchase one of these Mathiucs. r. MARTIN, Azent. WiNcnr-STiR, Mav 17, It-G!). u'Jii .7m | Winchester, Randolph County, Ind. | ['Indiana--Randolph--Winchester'] | Randolph County journal. [volume] | Beverly & Smith | |
iahi_bellsprout_ver01_data_sn84027352_00279528578_1860020201_0444_002_6_93.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-02-02T00:00:00 | 444 | 1 | iahi_bellsprout_ver01 | sn84027352 | [
] | 0.938462 | 'Vimilli 1 i (FALL & WINTER Mammoth Clothing Depot!!! "I I my inv4 thiii^ nt E/.jkiel'si Mamiuoth i (Mothinj I ):-[iot. Tlnit's so! FH^IIKswhacriber egs tear* te lsAm tko sttlaem JL of Wapello and surrounding counties, that they nre nnw In receipt of their Fall and Winter Qoadi, embracing The I„arsest Ntock of Ready Made CloLliittyr, ATA"® BROCiiHT TO TBS INTERIOR OFIO WA Our f-.cilitles for buv'ng go-i is are such. Hieing con nected with some of the largest mauiitactori s in the Last, and having a large h-oise in nor|i i ton from which we receive supplies weekly) that we re en ablvd to sell goods Al very Low Figures. We make no Idle boast in saying that we can tfKLL GOODS F! OM 15 TO 2» I'KU CKNT OllUTi/5 KK THAN ANY IHM SI-: IN THE DKS MOlNKS VAI.LR7. As seeing Is hellevlng, call In and see fl»r youfOelTea, Our Motto Is, Ku Trouble to Slmw fJoodi. Among oui stock will be found COATS, PANTS, AND VESTS, In Styles and quality to ^ult the Mt fasti'lioaSL Alao II *T«i, M, siiiKis, pit oi.i.tHs, i i.ov 91 A I) i: MT'» F. SI m~n w -m-n ^tr Ami in everything that Is usually found in a first class iei:tleinaiis' Furnishing House, besides which will tic found TKCNKS, CARPKT «\C.S, ENAMALLKO BAGS, VAL1SKS, and a sp)eiidiillo» of IXDIA RUBBER CLOTIIIXQ. A large stock of Cloths, Casslmeres, aud Vesting*, custom work constantly on hand. Thankful f'Tpast |iatronage, wepray a ooti'lnunu e of tbe same. l-*r- l., not fo-get the i»laee -RTK'\ IKL'S M-m- moth t'iot'iing Main street, Ottuuia*, Inuuc diat. Iv npiumile the Ottuoiwa Hotel. OS s4|i»t|x 'j.^jvayisq ymjK jnq 'aiojojarwj yiaavti for | Ottumwa, Iowa | ['Iowa--Wapello--Ottumwa'] | The weekly Ottumwa courier. [volume] | J.W. & G.P. Norris | |
mdu_cain_ver02_data_sn82006687_00415623537_1880021901_0439_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-02-19T00:00:00 | 439 | 1 | mdu_cain_ver02 | sn82006687 | [
] | 0.982409 | R. A. GOLDEN, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Cot. 1015 mnd F., JY05.941 end 943 S W. OU Mend, Worehovtt, 931 Louisiana Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. oats,im—tf | Leonard Town, Md. | ["Maryland--Saint Mary's--Leonardtown", "Maryland--Saint Mary's--Lexington Park"] | Saint Mary's beacon. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
ohi_ingstad_ver01_data_sn84028296_00296029130_1885071601_0719_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-07-16T00:00:00 | 719 | 1 | ohi_ingstad_ver01 | sn84028296 | [
] | 0.983924 | Oldest Grocery County. Keeps everything nice and fresh and of . .. market prices, uome in ana Groceries, Queens, Glass and Stoneware, Goods m their season. Remember the place to buy is at CARY'S House in Henry the very best quality, at the lowest examine lioods and rnces. Notions, Lamp Goods, Etc. All | Napoleon, Ohio | ['Ohio--Henry--Napoleon'] | Democratic Northwest. [volume] | Coughlin & Hubbard | |
lu_gonne_ver01_data_sn88064428_00202190145_1885103001_0230_000_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-10-30T00:00:00 | 230 | 1 | lu_gonne_ver01 | sn88064428 | [
] | 0.971341 | T Q ,A e TOe I~ -q THE LEADING GALLERY OF THE SOUTH. Prices to suit the Times | Winnfield, La. | ['Louisiana--Winn--Winnfield'] | The southern sentinel. | Winnfield Pub. Co. | |
curiv_nicasio_ver01_data_sn84038806_00280768959_1875040401_0331_001_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-04-04T00:00:00 | 331 | 1 | curiv_nicasio_ver01 | sn84038806 | [
] | 0.95831 | Los Angeles [Calif.] | ['California--Los Angeles--Los Angeles'] | Los Angeles daily herald. [volume] | Herald Print. Co. | |
vi_fezza_ver01_data_sn85025007_00415663729_1875042301_0399_001_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1875-04-23T00:00:00 | 399 | 1 | vi_fezza_ver01 | sn85025007 | [
] | 0.963022 | VRIG8 JVYD VHEJ111 TAKE Regulator, FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE LIVER, STOMACH AND SPLEEN. It ia enrnently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready lor imroedinto re sort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After over Forty Years' trial it is still receiving the most unqualified testimo nials of its virtiu-s from persons of the highest character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilious attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Pain in the re gion of the Kidneys, despondency, gloom and forebodings of evil, ail of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy Debi'tatod, have frequent Headricho, Mouth Tastes badly, poor Appetite, and Tongue Coat ed, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or "Billiousness," and nothing will cure yuu so speedily and permanontlj'. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in tinm, great suf fering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, aU climate? and changes of water and food may be faced without fear. As a Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, REST LESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the YVorldl "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?H. Hain er, St. L^uis, Mo. Hon. Alex. II. Stephens "1 occasionally use, when my condi tion requires it, Dr Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect."? Hon. Alex. H. Stephens. Governor of Alabama. "Your Regulator has been in uso in my family lor some time, and 1 am per suaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science."?Gov. J. Gill Shorter, Ala. "I have used tho Regulator in my family for the pnsl seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine 1 have ever used for that class of disoases it purports to cure."?H. F. Thigpen. President of City Bank. "Simmons' Liver Regulator has prov ed a good and etlicaciuus medicine."?C. A. Nutting. Druggist. "Wo have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicino for more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the pub lic."?M. R. Lyon and H. L. Lyon, Bellefontaine, Ga. SIMMONS' LIVER | Alexandria, D.C. | ['District of Columbia--Alexandria', 'Virginia--Alexandria', 'Virginia--Alexandria--Alexandria'] | Alexandria gazette. [volume] | Edgar Snowden | |
mohi_edwards_ver01_data_sn86063624_0021110935A_1895091001_0101_001_6_99.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-09-10T00:00:00 | 101 | 1 | mohi_edwards_ver01 | sn86063624 | [
] | 0.991396 | Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, DRr CREAM BANNi POMDffH MOST PERFECT MADE. A puie Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free jjhi Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, JO YEARS THE STANDARD,, | Kansas City, Mo. | ['Missouri--Jackson--Kansas City'] | Kansas City daily journal. [volume] | Journal Co. | |
nvln_ely_ver01_data_sn84022040_00415668314_1870011101_0646_000_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1870-01-11T00:00:00 | 646 | 1 | nvln_ely_ver01 | sn84022040 | [
] | 0.961867 | EX P R E S FOR ASD the: east, I. E A VES At 5:30 o'clock P. M-, Milking close conaection with the Traini at West. HATES. ryN'ri FCrtTnr.K notick our J from Sn Friuicicri to Virginia, Gold wasuoe. and (.argon vill he- Fast Freight 4'-i Cents per Exp: ess 6 Cents per XV DM. HE CHARGED EXTItl. CltKAT KEDl'CTIOX IN PRICE OF FRANKS. Per 1,000 830 100.. 20.. 10 . 5 1 WE'.IiS, PARCO At CO. November 16. 168. R EDUCTION or A E3 On attd :il(oi' litis date I the Tare bclurcn C4HSOX AX TSRuSMA, BY TAGS LINE, STAKES SEDUCID TO TIIKEE DOLLARS! AND WAT PARE IZJ Pr.OFORTIOX. V.1I. C". StAOX. rnopiiZKTon. Tcrcmlxr S, lro. LINE OF STAGED. CAI1SOS C1TV TO K K li O . ON AND AKTLT. OCT. 4tls, SSGO, Suiges will leave tiie OriusLy House, 5:30- I lij., eonnccilng with both TmiDS, from the East and ttest, tlioT meet at llcno. RETli'.MNli: tenvc Reno tor Ccracn at 12: SO A. "2. FEEICHT l.EAVIS CAT" SON DAILY AT 8 O'CLOCK A. M. 1. II. DYER Proprietor.!! Oct. b"r .". 1SC5 S2AD THIS ! CONTRACTORS, and others, who tiebire to purchase and Kartell, or eiflicr. hereby notified to call npn tho nndersijrned. ho will lie prepared, within a few days, to till orders with A A Timber One Article. t?B Orders may he left with tha undersigned at Walker's Motel. | Carson City, Nev. | ['Nevada--Carson City--Carson City', 'Nevada--Ormsby--Carson City'] | The Carson daily appeal. [volume] | Robinson, Barrett & Co. | |
in_abraham_ver02_data_sn84023963_00200295912_1890080101_0662_004_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-08-01T00:00:00 | 662 | 1 | in_abraham_ver02 | sn84023963 | [
] | 0.904447 | Ask Him! WhtP JtiES OF LMSiaUitnM. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. What? Why on Softf M He Pays the Freight." | Jasper, Ind. | ['Indiana--Dubois--Jasper'] | The Jasper weekly courier. [volume] | null | |
sdhi_avenger_ver01_data_sn84022144_00415665416_1875123001_0884_000_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-12-30T00:00:00 | 884 | 1 | sdhi_avenger_ver01 | sn84022144 | [
] | 0.92234 | ELEG 4 orclock, P. LC. j)oublc Murder and Sui cide in New York, -7 Investigation le Fort. Su Coucludcd and a Half Dozeu Department. I Clerks will WM Resign. ssius M. Clay Aspires to the Vice Presidency on the Democratic Ticket. •i3P South American President. Will Take in the Centennial, is? l,V6 angements for an International Centennial Bifle Match. ban-Spanish Affairs Assum ing a Pleasant Aspect. he Vienna Dispatch Supposed to be Correct. '.v- A Masonic Innovation -Y-S-- More of the Cuban Business. CHICAGO, Dec. 27.—The 'ashington special says the cable atch from Vienna to the effect urgovernment has sent a circular | Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.] | ['South Dakota--Yankton--Yankton'] | Daily press and Dakotaian. [volume] | Bowen & Kingsbury | |
oru_jones_ver01_data_sn96061150_00200298408_1890011701_0077_010_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-01-17T00:00:00 | 77 | 1 | oru_jones_ver01 | sn96061150 | [
] | 0.920579 | North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS RKASOXABL.K A PRICK. The NorUi Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Ieave orders With A, W. Utzincer next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivers' in Any Part of the City. | Astoria, Oregon | ['Oregon--Clatsop--Astoria'] | The daily morning Astorian. [volume] | null | |
pst_irvin_ver01_data_sn84026106_00280776567_1875080501_0121_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-08-05T00:00:00 | 121 | 1 | pst_irvin_ver01 | sn84026106 | [
] | 0.960379 | . SPRING ai the N. Y. Fancy HATS bow rwl aiy full ct of fl to oer to aay cuatoaaois NOllOa) AM" AW;T WIKJLiS, UOlbWIT, COf .1TaWPA5i3, rAKABHW, currB, JaTo iiijKrtGd (oa aiy Ir.le ltf) r(. lot of KIV aiLUVIH, UAMBCUO HIR309, SILK IliS, arblt-a sn-tlaa au) is sail lutuj Cayauacr lies aa otkar kogas la tka easily I Lava lalatj iu l natiaaMaacnta lo got ikeat goods dlraol fraa kitirofbaa nuvakaQ -rVll tavr CflitJJy iwvitttil . a lo call vjkaiW ltvy toy ar not. Alw foiiic aiicnilon. itairall. Hallararora, im. la, 'TS, rw;ai ara-waiaiy a' aa .wa a w a aaaarar vooaj TRADE, Stere, Selinsgiwfy Hpria; sud tin u. tier Good aad tA j;reat indueeiaenra in COitSiral, 8H.U7L9, UAjia awircriEa, CULLAP.8, ale. from Eurcj)c -MB R. WHS, A(.D' IISTBOS aaa. | Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa. | ['Pennsylvania--Snyder--Middleburg'] | The post. [volume] | Crouse and Benfer | |
iune_broadsheet_ver01_data_sn84038628_0029587997A_1870110401_0431_002_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-11-04T00:00:00 | 431 | 1 | iune_broadsheet_ver01 | sn84038628 | [
] | 0.919272 | BXSSXOAZa. nOOFLAND'S YOU A.1VL, Bat a nt.aaor hoofland's German Bitters 43 1 HOOFLASD'S SERMAM T0K1C. Prepared by Dr. . V Jarlcen. P.J!deIphla. Their introduction tiU country fruo Germany eocorred in They Cured Your Father and Mother And win cure yon a;d year elilldrvn. They are ea tlraly different from tit- maxv H-eparatioaa now IB the Muuiry called llnrw" or "Tonic. They are not tavern pretinratton.. ur an thli: lilcencem; rairowi, honeel, mniii'-!--:. 'CUvv at- Ao trri'' rww rmfiu for Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous D?hil:ty, Jaundice, Diseases of llv? Kidneys. ERUPTIONS CF THE SKIX. ud all Pimiw urNi'v -r! a Tiio',iereti Liver. 8uiuacb, or IMPURiTY C? THS BLOOD. Oon.Mpatior, Flit u tan. tuwiin iMlea. Fnlnee of Blood to tbe H-?u,. Ac i'f-- ,,i the Stuinach. Nau sea. Heart ham. l)i-,v P.r food Falue. ot Weight lit tl;e Siomrirh. fcour Kricla- lioua, Sinkinpoi h ItiumtiK at tlte Pit of the; ,. s .iin.mii.g of the Head, Hurried or fcifti, Br-ailiinif, Flotter rtnaatuie Heart. bok1.ii: or Su.X-aitug Benaar Lion, when in a Lying Posidre, Dlmnea of Vision, Dote or Web before V.m bltrtit, !ull fata In th Bead, Deficiency of Perepliatlon, YeUowr.ees or the Mkin and Ky'. I'.ln in the Side, Back, Cheet,!). etc., tfiiritieo Plnehee of Heat. Bnreing lu tbe Fleeh. Constant Imaptatuv. of Evil and threat Deprea :uu of .spirit. JJt th MUaU fw or tne Ltrtr or Hfi.ale. Oromr, combined with Impart Wood. Hoofland's German Bitters I entirely vegetito'e. Mtd contain, no liqnor. Tt Is B compound of!r"lnld Kxtracta. The Knot. Herb, and Barkf from which ti.-e Krtrarte are mad, ara gathered from Uerniauy. Al! tl- Medical virtue, are extracted from mem li a wit rliflc chemist. TheM ecu-act are then forwarded to rl!s country to be need eapreetdy for the inainiiatttireof theee bitter. There te no alcoholic eubeiauce of a'jy klna need to com ponndlne the Bitter, hence it If tht ouly Bilter that can be need In cae where alcoholic atimulante are cot advtaablo. | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | The evening Argus. [volume] | Danforth & Jones | |
vtu_jay_ver01_data_sn84023428_00202197425_1865111501_0238_001_6_92.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-11-15T00:00:00 | 238 | 1 | vtu_jay_ver01 | sn84023428 | [
] | 0.926775 | THE PLACE TO BUY PIANOS! CABINET ORGANS, ilelodeons. sheet Music. Music Rooks, mdevcrv description of llusical JIei-cl.ain.lM;, is at H. L STORY'S MUSIC STORE, BURLINGTON. TT. The reason is. we sell a better article for esUblish estai - llsn price than can lie bought at any inner nieiitiu Vermont. Weketp on hand r ... Clillll will III Of IlinllOS r ti .un .t, Humlin's Cabinet Oreans and ' .l melodeons. and tho only heavy stock of music in the sUte, Ac .vc. , r Oive us a call tielore jiurcnasing, urseuu circular. . q- Music sent by mail post paid. supplied at the usual discount. Address STOVES !S1 0VES ! ! I have on hand and am receiving a full assort ment of NK and DESIRABLE COOK " STOVES cast from PIG 3I3FS.OrJ- Ilo not fail to call and exa-nlue my stock prices before purchasing. I will not be undersold by ang one the State. Don't continue to use your old worn out wasteful cook stoves which consumes double the amount of wood required by on the ietv, I'alent, II. P. WOOD. 33 Stowe, Vt. AKRON FLOUR A,TE have just received T T tins a large supply CELEBRATED FLOUR made from White Ohio Winter and warranted superior to anything ever offered for sale in the County. We have secured the Agency lor the sale Akron Flour in Lamoille County, and shall hereattcr be prepared to fur nish it by the load, or single barrel, as low as it can be bought in the State. Those who like G-ood. JEZtcz3l would do well to try a barrel of tills Flour, see if it is what it is rccommendec1 to be. SAXE & ELLIN WOOD. Camnridge, Aug. 10, 1SG5. 40 CHAPLIN'S Celebrated Heave Powders AND BLOOD This medicine has been In constant use for years, and ha given universal satisfaction resulted in very many radical cures. All who it speak of it it in the highest terms. If horse is out of condition resulting from hard ving.poor feed or treatment jtnd almost any cause, get Chaplin's Heave I'owdcrs, lollow directions and it will soon be in good Any amount of references and certificates cerning Its efficacy from all parts of the can be given. Tbe best Fames and use it Prepared and lor sale, wholesale aud retail, the subsriber, and also for sale by druggists merchants generally throughout the country. 35 J. S Chaplin, Morrieville, Vt. A Vermont School Book 1'IIE subscriber has, by the recommendation the Hoard of Education, recently a book, designed for use as a text-book in all schools of tbe (State, on the | Hyde Park, Vt. | ['Vermont--Lamoille--Hyde Park'] | Lamoille newsdealer. [volume] | S. Howard Jr. | |
tu_jimmy_ver02_data_sn85033437_00296021039_1880081701_0174_001_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1880-08-17T00:00:00 | 174 | 1 | tu_jimmy_ver02 | sn85033437 | [
] | 0.969283 | S.NEWMAN, MDEETAKEE. " . kMO complete stock of Also.EOBES, MOUMTHGa and EMBLEM3 r - Ana nara me Flatt and Beat Heatrsa la aal Taai- 1 ; reorders bj Telegrapli r otherwise wttl prompt aaenooQ. My-ierms-are moaenua. uu ana tee purchasing elsewhere. S. NEWMAN, Corner Cumberland aad High Bts. ' Baltimore Female College. ' -ruk nw'trpmale Cellege in | Knoxville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Knox--Knoxville'] | Knoxville daily chronicle. [volume] | Rule & Tarwater | |
njr_juniper_ver01_data_sn83032103_00383340640_1870050601_0281_000_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1870-05-06T00:00:00 | 281 | 1 | njr_juniper_ver01 | sn83032103 | [
] | 0.98653 | Ibi&baliJ^^^GREAT ^^^£middle] —^0/ PREPARATIONS FOR THE Yfsis-misa? o? ©i* 4®7© ia7 Z' $1,000,000 IQRfB OF CLOTHING 'A j READY FOR THE PUBLIC AS THEY CALL.'A \ t#e BAu > Yi IS IZCxT 3VCOTIOPT FOR TZEFEJ SPFINQ-;// Vi IT WILL KEEP ROLLING ALL SPRING, J \\ till the stock is all kolleh off. // Z\ OUR FACILITIES ARE IMMENSE! J/\ S’s'iese 'lows* ™^^ssO605] CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1I6IIIU 1 WIM9S. | Bridgeton, N.J. | ['New Jersey--Cumberland--Bridgeton'] | West-Jersey pioneer. [volume] | [James B. Ferguson] | |
wa_index_ver01_data_sn83045604_00202199719_1900090201_0647_015_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-09-02T00:00:00 | 647 | 1 | wa_index_ver01 | sn83045604 | [
] | 0.974096 | mm PASS & YUKON ROUTE Cf -■ TkrMih Freight ni Piuenier Service t§ Dawson, Atlin, White Horse AA» OTHER YUKON POINTS. * __________ v , B«taate« Atsffuat t, hath pa»*o«**r and froicht train. wtU to wnK •WW to WhMa HorM. a dl.tanc. of U1 jnlloo. It White Hon* tho toa Im riw (tumors of tb. CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Amm (Mroctly with tho railway trains and afford DAILY «onrloo to Daw- Mi aad all Othor Yukon Rlvor point*. tftmwh connection* arc niado at BENNBTT aad CARIBOO with tho Irving Navigation Company'* Lake Steamers Mr ATLIN TAKO and OOLDBN OATS MINING CAMP*. thl. mtw now afford, boot of f.clUtlo* (or handling portahahl. tralffM. A SCENIC AND PLEASURE TRIP TO NONE. Aff Ml Information rolatlvo to rata* route*, ote., apply to - _ • M IRWIN. 8 P BROWN, Manaavt tWttl* Wash., Oonoral A«*at, No U< T*olor War. aad Bk*«\iay. Alaska. *OOlllO. Waab <!>»»« >»><»♦♦♦♦ »»•»♦» | Seattle, Wash. Terr. [Wash.] | ['Washington--King--Seattle'] | The Seattle post-intelligencer. [volume] | Post-Intelligencer Pub. Co. | |
in_kerr_ver01_data_sn82015679_00415665556_1895071801_0182_021_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-07-18T00:00:00 | 182 | 1 | in_kerr_ver01 | sn82015679 | [
] | 0.930067 | PEARSON'S Muoio Houoo PIANO Easy Monthly Payrnenti and 84 n. Penn SL, Indianapolis. "Alaska" Refrigerators, White MountalaFreezera, Water Coolers and Filters, And all Hot Weather Goods. LILLY & STALNAKER. | Indianapolis [Ind.] | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | The Indianapolis journal. [volume] | Douglass & Conner | |
tu_kitty_ver01_data_sn85033711_00212470272_1860011901_0073_002_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-01-19T00:00:00 | 73 | 1 | tu_kitty_ver01 | sn85033711 | [
] | 0.921356 | 8 0 Oi! v r-- SPRING NOVELTIES. w -2. a r.-i. a-Jt i"J . . . .i CUSfflXG, RIXG & DeCIllW. 392 Broadway, If. HATING removed from No. 10 Warren sfeet to oar New store, we t-bali be prepared en and after January 15ib, to offer for sals one of the Bueet stocks of i-ilks and Dress Goods ever displayed lo this market. , , . i-. jau4-3ra | Nashville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Davidson--Nashville'] | Nashville patriot. [volume] | Smith, Camp & Co. | |
ohi_delta_ver01_data_sn85038119_0023728267A_1890052901_0400_002_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1890-05-29T00:00:00 | 400 | 1 | ohi_delta_ver01 | sn85038119 | [
] | 0.966586 | aBMiMaaaBaBaaaiBwaBMVJa 1 ' . v .. K w -.'' READ TfflS ! If rt nnui ml IMt wtat fialiacllr r aTeilckt la ftHlnc. na malur wha4 rrnwr peaarredfrproparlreamatad. ItlaavTMg IrtbcrmaiUttlMTtalo.julhen. Tkanlaw at atnM took ulvaj alia, tat aula ul tlalUat. br tana (tatUkt H a mli(. it a ffltUaaa a M tMkaa, . ul mr at.a oae4 bale. Yaw alikt na h ImairM ul Mgiilamau aMciaelaa aHoaliba tlapaaaadvtlku lamgMpaaalala. U a dasiar M aaatof te wall, a Mac H am prima aa Uatlaat. Poai't Ikllta aU aaa toft jaw ajaa laalM. BY KINO'S NEW SYSTEM, AMD FITTED 'WITH COBmiKATIOI SPSCTACUOK THEY WILL CORRECT AND PRESERVE WE SIBHT. PEDLERS CANNOT GET THESE GOQD&V 2 Doors wes of PmI office. | Logan, Ohio | ['Ohio--Hocking--Logan'] | The Hocking sentinel. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
nbu_julius_ver01_data_sn99021999_00237284951_1900042901_1030_004_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-04-29T00:00:00 | 1,030 | 1 | nbu_julius_ver01 | sn99021999 | [
] | 0.976423 | No Matter Rain or Shine we arc selling more Carpets now than we ever did. Prices are not higher than last year, if we do have to pay the wholesale dealer more. Next week will be our banner week; come and join the procession. We are busy, but not too busy to take care of your trade also. mi nun & ijiiitimi. Odd Fellows' Bldg., Council Bluffs, la. | Omaha [Neb.] | ['Nebraska--Douglas--Omaha'] | Omaha daily bee. | Edward Rosewater | |
in_chacha_ver03_data_sn84038034_00200295894_1860080201_0768_002_6_90.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-08-02T00:00:00 | 768 | 1 | in_chacha_ver03 | sn84038034 | [
] | 0.906239 | I FAIRBANKS' PATFNT IfftM" 99 ALI. KIM'S. Fairbanks & üreenleaf, a l.nko Pt.. rhlrapo. 13" Be careful to buy nnlv the frtpril I1 | Plymouth, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marshall--Plymouth'] | Marshall County Republican. | I. Mattingly | |
wvu_gore_ver01_data_sn86092518_00279550390_1890061301_0580_007_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-06-13T00:00:00 | 580 | 1 | wvu_gore_ver01 | sn86092518 | [
] | 0.918586 | financial. Wheeling Title and Trust Co. Dffler. ItiMim No. I, lb ill} Iluildinv, Market Sir* ' t lu r. l.y inform* the pul.In:: that it i- now readv fur I .. stoek*. Itniut- and Real Kstnle IPiueht ami s-d.| on Rent* Collected, Title* l.valuiu. t und KUaran eeed liiitt:. T»n* .1. ill ii M llrown. Il.nry liilr. It F. lielireu*. li". ti 11'* n Nall. .1 A lie... M P Hubbard. .< I lluelie- ' s Naylor. 4 .1 It.a IIn ■ Ant in Key mm ■ Hear) M R. ■< II iii'.Nuy Si hi ssi:i,i,. it. i. ni, Till IS 11'HRI EN.Secretary. AI.KX I PDU.KAFF \**t Wfe«.,r* ( It I. t.ll.t llltlST. Ev ll. r • : Tub * Oflee, Reilly lluildiiie. It* in N I Mark.i M Telephone .VW I > A N K OF Tin: (MIIO VAfXKV 1 > sr*vr *sn City Iikpobitokv Stuckholuciu. I*«o iu.t I.iaro CAPITA 1. 1174'Ui Government and local l( .nd» le.ushl and * .d Draft* |»*ued on any point In Eur»|ie •» w.-ll a* on the principal rilir. uf the I'nlled Stab. A General lliiil mp* Hu.ln*'-* trip.. I WM A ISI'.TT. President. NYM It SIMPSUN. Vice President jull F P JEPSON. < l*bii r JfXCHAXfiK HANK CAPITAL. .1 S' VANCE P».. H.}>. DKLAPLAIN \ ... IT -IJ> 1,1. i>iuk> t»h* J N. VAM'E. « ELI.I SOUAM, lulls M BROWN, A W K l l.l.I i , L g DELAPLAIN. JOHN tRKtt GEO i "ill EL Draft* l*mi< ,1 cn England, Id land. S<-< tl.nd ami all point* m Eur»,>»-. mvj JOHN .1 JOKER. U*«hl»r N ATIONAL ItANK OK W. VA. AT WHEELING. CAPITA I. tUOjUOU Soulir.vett ei.r Main and Twelfth ht» DOES A GENERAL HANKING 15CSINKSS t»iRr.<-T<>n Al'Gt'KT P.OLP. JOHN WAGNER. MICHAEL REILLY. W K IIA/.I.EIT I. W ooLEHAY. .11! M> COI'UTKKY, »'ll AS W. ItROt'Kl'NIEK EARI. W. OGLERAY. Pr*-»W<nt «*|lAS, W. HRO< Kl NIER, Vic*- Pri-»ldeot JOHN WAGNER. Caohier. LAUREN* E E •> A S | is A»» t r V In inbcv e. \\rM. HAKE A SON, yy PRACTICAL | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | Wheeling register. [volume] | Lewis Baker & Co. | |
scu_irmookrastrut_ver01_data_sn93067757_00295862610_1900061301_0073_001_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-06-13T00:00:00 | 73 | 1 | scu_irmookrastrut_ver01 | sn93067757 | [
] | 0.973242 | Notice of Discharge. NoTK'E -? hereby riven thut on the Sfltli of Juno, 1900. (In- undersigned will make t final return to the I'robato Judge of l.anottnier ? ounty unit apply to Ml<l court for it haul <11 rliartfe as administrator of the astute <f \V J lilucUinoti. deceased. 1< 1. HI.Af KMON. SUSAN III.At KMON M.ty JSth, U*?t Administrators. | Lancaster, S.C. | ['South Carolina--Lancaster--Lancaster'] | Lancaster enterprise. [volume] | null | |
scu_brandonblaze_ver01_data_sn84026994_0029455175A_1870012601_0086_000_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-01-26T00:00:00 | 86 | 1 | scu_brandonblaze_ver01 | sn84026994 | [
] | 0.954736 | K E COTTLE, TUE TIN WA Sn ER ; . By Rev. W. W. HICKS. For sale at B O l NEST it MARTIN'S and Book Depot, King, opposite Ann stree: (Sign of the Gold Pen.) Call early, as thc supply ls limited. jan22 | Charleston, S.C. | ['South Carolina--Charleston--Charleston'] | The Charleston daily news. [volume] | Cathcart, McMillan & Morton | |
nvln_caliente_ver02_data_sn84022048_00415668387_1875073101_0387_000_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1875-07-31T00:00:00 | 387 | 1 | nvln_caliente_ver02 | sn84022048 | [
] | 0.953397 | To the Unfortunate. MEW REMEDIES NEW BXMXDIX8I DR. GIBBON'S DISPENSARY TbTO. JMIXXAJLNY STREET, COB, s. ' "eamarsm. aaa rranclseo.s-s J "fane on Uummnj4let-.y f) stabUsbed In mm, iw the treatment! " Baiual and Bemtnal Diaaaaa, sch J as Oonorrhea. Oleet, StrletirsTsranBlsiaatP lurwe, mum weesneea, Imnoteae eta. ata. kin disease ot TlaV. " C ltS - Leas, etc, suooeeafully treated; """" DB. GIBBON has the pleasure a iraiaa ih that he has retamed Irum etaltlag the artMS Bospltals of Europe, and aaa resumed i um vww umm ayuw miaes tuns nor la BsaklBB ant new remedies, and k.. with increased facilities (ot alleelaung auBwiug. Beanlaa1 Weafcaeea. "'' emission is ooaaaanenea ot abuse. This so 11 tar, Tios. or dsDraTSd tBdnlaaaaa, is prsaticad by the youth of eases to an almost unllnittod aslant, with unerring aartaiaty the following traja Bwrbid sympMBU, unleas com bat ted by tine medical measures, trig: Sallow dark epoU under ths eyes, pain In ths kssd, lag la the ears, aolas like the rustling .of let or rattling of chariots, uneasiness About kdaa, weakness of the limbs, confused Planted Intellect, loss of eonfldanns, a Bparoasning strangers, a dUlUa to I orss acquaintances, a disposition to ahaa toss ot awoory, pimples and variooa o" faca, heetto Biuhes, tarred 'vm, eonsuaipurtii.BUnt mnoomima aad Ireqoently tnaaaityv Ii be not obtained. you thouf4 apply either la peraoa or by ltei. and hsreVcu atketad by his new and BcWaUaoaTof trr. tlSKS' m 01 """" "Bk Cwrwsl a Uamtm. Fanoaa at a dietanee assy be CUBED BOMB, by sddreasiBg a letter to Dr. atatiag ease, eymptoaos, leagth ol tims the uat baa ooatiaoad, and bava mediates forwarded, free from dsmsaa aad curiosity, say part of the country, with (nil sad plain lactsoad (or aaa. Penoas writing to the Doctor will please name ot ths psper they aaa that By sneloetng 110 la coin la registered threagh the PueaoSoe,erthroob Wells, Fargo Oe., peekaee of medMna will ha ta say part of ths Union. all eomatnaicatloas atrMly eonfldantlal. kAdrees, p,. . a, GIBBON, dll-ly Be latT, Sa Franniann, Oa maa la bet aaa Jab OHos I sHaaami i that af th, Raewra. 0 to the Star IXotol, | Pioche, Nev. | ['Nevada--Lincoln--Pioche'] | Pioche daily record. [volume] | Pat Holland | |
txdn_garza_ver01_data_sn83045227_00279559915_1890122201_0585_007_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-12-22T00:00:00 | 585 | 1 | txdn_garza_ver01 | sn83045227 | [
] | 0.965312 | AAAA » Ins- · IOOU Ockoll L WIIIGx die alte und des-M Eisen- und VII-ess , 22s, 228 und 230 LIMI- such st Antouio ......... Texts, oben ihren nebst-Bedarf m D. LIM s Ijsohu Latier-o- slusmv ssd Fels-M ees halten« unter Anderen-: 6000 P und neue Ernte Mik- Sasseu, Pfand sl al a Gasen-er Aan ede- ganqoldå tile, muntevlw m : inne-, per e e e, tI , III nesifther flu- Schafe-Ins Gold-km stat, Saat- -Iosses: psfeeæq Oc. sechtet cl Paso Zsikbels und M Louismga Zigieåeelfaschåk w es en r ees es M Plaset ir. Bot-e Eos svå Gabst-HON h ca, d-S W West soc-It våntokesfåktp B? steckt is TM Butcherillteusilies Cha- M tchtpkeu Wesen-»Musik« Stets Isf Lager den-ists Iris s Tovm sucl country um sehn-s sev miichte satbeuz führen dieselben Inst Jahre, importiren Melodssqsseish Ist len uns berechtigt nach langjähie I Akteu, daß dieselbeus WW XII que m diesem Lande ist-this October ers-atte- LIWI Q- Wsess rothe, weiße nnd selbe spiebel Schand l.- lslllfll I solls | San Antonio, Tex. | ['Texas--Bexar--San Antonio'] | Freie Presse für Texas. [volume] | H. Pollmar | |
wvu_bones_ver01_data_sn84026824_00271767882_1900042601_0073_007_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-04-26T00:00:00 | 73 | 1 | wvu_bones_ver01 | sn84026824 | [
] | 0.929574 | OA0TOHZA. Bmu-i * >?T!a KM Tn Nan Wwari BmcM Wo-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak man ssson#, blood pura IOe,fL Aildruggls** | Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.] | ['West Virginia--Jefferson--Shepherdstown'] | Shepherdstown register. [volume] | Hardy & Henry W. McAnly | |
iune_folio_ver01_data_sn92053934_00212471999_1900090801_0722_005_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-09-08T00:00:00 | 722 | 1 | iune_folio_ver01 | sn92053934 | [
] | 0.989038 | AT Geo. A. McDonald's YOU CAN BUY Soda Crackers, per lb 5c Ginger Snaps, ' ' 5c Corn Meal, per sack 10c 12 bars Laundry Soap 25c Compressed Yeast lc veaat Foam 3c Nt,wCorn. 2 cans 15c New Tomatoes, 2 cans.... 15c Uneeda Biscuit, per pack age Sc Shredded Wheat Biscaitper package 10c the cheap man, ceo. a. Mcdonald. 2304 Fifth Avenue. Phone 1196 | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | Rock Island Argus. | J.W. Potter | |
az_coyote_ver01_data_sn84020558_00211106426_1890120201_0123_001_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-12-02T00:00:00 | 123 | 1 | az_coyote_ver01 | sn84020558 | [
] | 0.981547 | W H Smith Co WASHINGTCJN STREET Two Doors West of CIibsons Livery Stable Embalming a Specialty Personal Attention Given to all Calls PRICES GREATLY REDKEh | Phoenix, Ariz. | ['Arizona--Maricopa--Phoenix'] | Arizona republican. [volume] | Republican Pub. Co. | |
iahi_gastly_ver01_data_sn82015737_00279529108_1860090101_0310_004_6_92.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-09-01T00:00:00 | 310 | 1 | iahi_gastly_ver01 | sn82015737 | [
] | 0.921905 | U 0_0 S1 C. R. KRENZ, MAMPACTTNER. .1 n I Dealer il Caps,Hatsand Furs, keeps a Seleute.i Stock of all kind ol tiloves and Furs, uch us Capes, Vic 'orines.Cufls, Muff-, c. Rviies of a'I kinds. Hur Coat tiloresiii 'd it tens. Altering an Repairing dene nearly and nt the shorte-t notice Prides low. Highest rash price paid for Furs, such as Otter, Mink, A e. No. I Hrady street, near Front street, uavenport, Iowa, july ll-dit | Davenport, Iowa | ['Iowa--Scott--Davenport'] | Daily Democrat and news. [volume] | Maguire, Richardson & Co. | |
tu_charlie_ver01_data_sn83045160_00280779581_1880041801_0353_008_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-04-18T00:00:00 | 353 | 1 | tu_charlie_ver01 | sn83045160 | [
] | 0.928398 | 1 car-load Bananas, si SO to $2 so. 5 car-loads lemons, 1 to 4 SO. 1 car Fancy Lemons, ft5 JO. 2 car-loads Oranges, Sl 50 to $5. Special prices made on lots or 50 and 100 boxes. All guaranteed Sound and In perfect Shipping; order. in I X A XX JLJ.AU Vi "J I WHOLESALE GROCERS. LIB DfeFiMCo | Memphis, Tenn. | ['Alabama--Dallas--Selma', 'Alabama--Montgomery--Montgomery', 'Georgia--Bibb--Macon', 'Georgia--Fulton--Atlanta', 'Georgia--Spalding--Griffin', 'Mississippi--De Soto--Hernando', 'Mississippi--Grenada--Grenada', 'Mississippi--Hinds--Jackson', 'Mississippi--Warren--Vicksburg', 'Tennessee--Shelby--Memphis'] | Memphis daily appeal. [volume] | S.T. Seawell & W.N. Stanton | |
in_gary_ver01_data_sn87056600_00202191575_1875101401_0361_001_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-10-14T00:00:00 | 361 | 1 | in_gary_ver01 | sn87056600 | [
] | 0.980395 | -5T jJIARPJAGE si: I t.iti iujii:ive anou.u knov on CoJ.thip, Mr r t, the Fhviilofciffsvl c4 thf bxu1 -trm, Fhi lwpif tf Rpfodnrfioffi, GUIDE AND B00K0FNATURE.SS5S their mitnrr nd cure. Treion II Pritt iJiaewc. lull Mplliiiiiir thriroauae. ivmptoim mi4 rrwn tocurv; it 1 tlie only ns)! etntifir wurk of the kind ew mb!ih ed. enmauit nearly t pre and it cowpl'-t in erety res pect. Sent bv Algif-currly Ktled nn reirtp! otfiOcU, A4- ure. r. t. a. I1IA!A Ar'omHüMK bLJUoUK, Ii. JbtUih7dlo 1ÖS7. , | Indianapolis | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | The Indiana State sentinel. [volume] | null | |
ohi_jaques_ver01_data_sn84028490_00280775009_1870060101_0404_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-06-01T00:00:00 | 404 | 1 | ohi_jaques_ver01 | sn84028490 | [
] | 0.952651 | PREmiDHI HARNESS J. II. LIND, (Successor te Hane ic Lind,) BASEMENT NEXT TO BOCKIUS & SON, uuderslKned, having become cole prorie- l wr oi fcuiu enop, ana naving removea tne atne next door to Bockius t Son Shoe Store, begn public to remember that ho will at ail time ou hand a coraplete variety of FINE, COMMON & DRAFT HARNESS, Bridles, . Whips, Collars, Halters, &c, everything in his line including a number at I warrant my work, and guarantee natiHlaction every time. J. H. LIND. Canton, April SO, 18T0n3 | Canton, Ohio | ['Ohio--Stark--Canton'] | The Stark County Democrat. [volume] | W. & G. Dunbar, Jr. | |
tu_chet_ver01_data_sn83045160_00200293113_1875041101_0316_010_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-04-11T00:00:00 | 316 | 1 | tu_chet_ver01 | sn83045160 | [
] | 0.923468 | AC. TREADWELL. B. TKEABWELL. C, J). TREADWELL. Wholesale Grocers 5.2ST2-3- OOTTOI 3PACTOK. 8TOW3KWAI.I. BXOQK, | Memphis, Tenn. | ['Alabama--Dallas--Selma', 'Alabama--Montgomery--Montgomery', 'Georgia--Bibb--Macon', 'Georgia--Fulton--Atlanta', 'Georgia--Spalding--Griffin', 'Mississippi--De Soto--Hernando', 'Mississippi--Grenada--Grenada', 'Mississippi--Hinds--Jackson', 'Mississippi--Warren--Vicksburg', 'Tennessee--Shelby--Memphis'] | Memphis daily appeal. [volume] | S.T. Seawell & W.N. Stanton | |
iahi_ivysaur_ver01_data_sn83025182_00279528347_1865091901_0172_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-09-19T00:00:00 | 172 | 1 | iahi_ivysaur_ver01 | sn83025182 | [
] | 0.960811 | THE GATE KOWEIX DEUW^W ptofmnrroM^r-. Terms: DxiLT, to mall subscribers, |cr year' 2? u 1 a »\x a a montlis, o io u three 2 00 u i one T6 delivered in city, two weeks, «6 w „iDH ele subscriber!!, per year, 00 1' nk ... clubs of fWe, SI 00 eaclO 8 00 in clubs of ten. $1 60 each) 15 00 | Keokuk, Iowa | ['Iowa--Lee--Keokuk'] | The daily Gate City. [volume] | J.B. Howell | |
in_england_ver02_data_sn82015683_00202191435_1865102701_0617_009_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-10-27T00:00:00 | 617 | 1 | in_england_ver02 | sn82015683 | [
] | 0.920777 | !is19N MERCHAfiTO. mo. w. ciinoilL, Jas. L. ti ACOfrna, wa.r. wstvb. uv.o. v. ii:iti:v4iir. a co., .ioitA(,i:, foarraiiUiNtJ and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For tLe Purcbaoe acd i-ala at GRAIN, FU)UR, LAUD, BAC0. tUtti mn. SF.KMAUD PKOrrCK OX5KRALLT, 1V -1 IoitiMiantt Htroot, Oprtfi'f Eist End Union Dcptt, Indianapolis, lud. arna, sv rt avu;cs, to hir Natibal Rank, Indiaeapolia. L. )1. Alvord 4tCos Vf boleaalo Grocer, Indianapolis. AlfwrJ, Talbot A Co., Vbolt iale Orecers. ladlasaretlt . Cra-alaiid, Maguir A C.., Uboleala (trorra. Conetiy, Wiles A Co.. " " C. Yf. fcmitb, Ff'i fier freiet Arr.t,C. k !. C. I. ft., Indianapolis. Luc i ii Ui!U, tien. I reigbt Agent, BU, SL Ikdianapoli. M. XI. Lar.l.V li., üfr.. f rUflt Ajett.T . 11. A I. II., IrMllanarli. M. Clay, Ki , JWreiry, JePerontT!a K. B., J9f lODvlllr. irrCorreKrxn.drwe .licitad. arta-dla | Indianapolis, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | Daily State sentinel. [volume] | Bingham & Doughty | |
txdn_foxtrot_ver01_data_sn86064205_00175035187_1885092801_1328_006_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-09-28T00:00:00 | 1,328 | 1 | txdn_foxtrot_ver01 | sn86064205 | [
] | 0.91371 | TCM1S and FUiixirvin ruromuir NEW FURNITURE HOUSE No a3 Uouston Street yori 0Y T NEXT D00E TO CATTLE EXCHAEQE 7V I 33HA3XT03E3 ElC FHJOSiTQli Denier troin Central Tcn I nilnRnnold rutnltiiro nm tlmrouelily acannlnw trade and inn npculnx n llruncli llnusa In tills 111 nlicre I will offer tti the SlJr lcoinpletu tuk of Medium mid Cheap 1 multure lit h winepirotii LOWEST POSSIBLE PEIOES | Fort Worth, Tex. | ['Texas--Tarrant--Fort Worth'] | Fort Worth daily gazette. | Stock Journal Pub. Co. | |
vi_journey_ver01_data_sn84024738_00206531010_1880100301_0335_009_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-10-03T00:00:00 | 335 | 1 | vi_journey_ver01 | sn84024738 | [
] | 0.920638 | IBM BABCE unionTfire-issurance SOCIETY. KM'LAND. ESTABLISH KO 17W7. CASH ASsF.TSlM January, 1880 -83,292,938 24 Vlrrluta. 83,0<M) 00 Amount ptr share staid in. .?_ Lasi sale* ocr ihan-. OOO 00 1.. i .il aa- ut, l: ?clnii.?ni, ^ WILLIAM I). RICE, norl li Ten Hi -tract. | Richmond [Va.] | ['Virginia--Richmond'] | The daily dispatch. [volume] | J.A. Cowardin | |
iune_juliet_ver01_data_sn88074143_00280761461_1870032301_1478_002_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-03-23T00:00:00 | 1,478 | 1 | iune_juliet_ver01 | sn88074143 | [
] | 0.940894 | INSURANCE V. U.Jl.irrU. II, II. Ctii.lrv. QANDKK& MMltniS, Notaries Public anil Insurance Agent s.' Onh'o, Xlll33.ol. OFFICE X. 71 Ohio Lret', (.Vy Xntionnl Hunk HuiUIing. dec'Jltf | Cairo, Ill. | ['Illinois--Alexander County--Cairo'] | The Cairo evening bulletin. | John H. Oberly & Co. | |
whi_imp_ver01_data_sn85040705_00414214848_1900122701_0658_002_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-12-27T00:00:00 | 658 | 1 | whi_imp_ver01 | sn85040705 | [
] | 0.986954 | J. W. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon. (FIUETT. WIS. Special attention paid to cajls along the Klotidyke Division of the C. * N. W. R’y line. | Wabeno, Wis. | ['Wisconsin--Forest--Wabeno'] | Northern Wisconsin advertiser. [volume] | C.G. Himley | |
oru_jaeger_ver01_data_sn93051669_00200298883_1895060101_0094_007_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-06-01T00:00:00 | 94 | 1 | oru_jaeger_ver01 | sn93051669 | [
] | 0.958333 | J. 0. TCHCK . French's 171 Second Street, THE PABST CGL6BRHT6D BEER Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. .DOMESTIC and CIGARS. Block, DALLES, OREGON. KEY WEST | The Dalles, Or. | ['Oregon--Wasco--Dalles'] | The Dalles times-mountaineer. [volume] | Times-Mountaineer Pub. Co. | |
me_graftonnotch_ver01_data_sn83016025_00279525486_1880032601_0158_011_6_90.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1880-03-26T00:00:00 | 158 | 1 | me_graftonnotch_ver01 | sn83016025 | [
] | 0.902123 | PROVERBS. •Tor sinking spells, fits, dizziness, palpita tion and low spirits, rely ou Hop Bitters." •'Read of, procure and use Hop Bitters, and vou will ne strong healfliy and happy." "Ladles, do you want to bo strong, healthy and beautiful? Then use Jiop Bitters. "The greatest ap petizer, stomach, blood and liver regu lator—llop Bitters." "Clergymen, Law yers, Editors, Bank ers and Ladies need Hop Bitters daily." "Πορ Bitters has re stored to sobriety and health, perfect wrecks from intemperance. "Sour stomach, sick headache and dizzi ness, Hop Bitters cures with a few doses." Send for. feie PROVERBS· will be paid for a case that Hop Bitters will not cure or help." "Hop Bitters builds up, strengthens and cures continually from the first dose." "Kidney and Uri nary complaints of all kinds "permanently cured by Hop Bitters." Hop Cottoti Cuke is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. The Hop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is superior to all others. Ask Druggists. D. I.e. Is an absolute and lrresistable cure for drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and and narcotics. All above Bold by druggists. Hop Bitters Manufacturing. Co., Rochester, Ν. Y. .Circular. eod&wl y For the Life of all Flesh is the Blood Lev. xvii. 14 BR. Ε. H. REED, Clairvoyant Physician Especially invites the attention of suiferers of CHRONIC DISEASES, who have endured Pain Weakness for years, and have found the ORDINA RY REMEDIES INEFFECTUAL, to try his sys tem of cure by PURELY VEGETABLE Dr. Reed treats Patients with equal success at distance. Can be consulted personally or by Charge for examination $1. Office Hours from 9 to 11 a. and 1 to 9 p. m. Office 134 Centre St., between and Free St., Portland, Ale. sepl&eoaDm OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK THE OreatTRADE « nglieh Rem edy, an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Sper matorrhea, Impo tency, and all dis eases that follow, as a sequence of . Self-Abuse; | Portland, Me. | ['Maine--Cumberland--Portland'] | The Portland daily press. [volume] | N.A. Foster & Co. | |
in_ashbel_ver01_data_sn82015679_00295870370_1890022401_0534_002_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1890-02-24T00:00:00 | 534 | 1 | in_ashbel_ver01 | sn82015679 | [
] | 0.969619 | NEW YORK STEAM DENTAL CO. From f4.fS.Jrt.ffi. fia. to raoiier sec All kind of mie dental work at reduood . prices. Fine (roll filling at t and ujwiird. Buret amalgam. &V) and 7&o Teeth extracted tor Xo. Teeth extracted without rxun. AU work warranted as represented. Fifteen years pxperionoa. A. l. liEUROX. manager. Rooms 3 and 4 Orand | Indianapolis [Ind.] | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | The Indianapolis journal. [volume] | Douglass & Conner | |
dlc_havanese_ver01_data_sn83045462_00280655028_1895111101_0738_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-11-11T00:00:00 | 738 | 1 | dlc_havanese_ver01 | sn83045462 | [
] | 0.958097 | Before yes decide to bsy a medieise that the large majority of all the diseases which ailliet maskind trig. bia in or art promoted by lapse or impoverished blood. Remnlembelr That the best bleed medicine biefare the public-the ass which acceoi plishes the greatest cur'es, has the . lagest sales-is fact the Oat Tre Bleed Pucifder-la Ilood's Sarsaparilla Therefore, get Hoed's, and Osly Reed's. Prepared by 0. L. Heed & Ce., Apotheca ries, tewell, Mas. $1. HOOD'S PILS the. after-dinner pill and family catharcie. cre biliousness. | Washington, D.C. | ['District of Columbia--Washington'] | Evening star. [volume] | W.D. Wallach & Hope | |
ohi_fu_ver01_data_sn85038184_00296026785_1860040301_0155_000_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-04-03T00:00:00 | 155 | 1 | ohi_fu_ver01 | sn85038184 | [
] | 0.970262 | EEMOVAL. II AS REMOVED HIS JEWELRY Building, immediately at the Head Landing Road, next door below Remington's Store, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the samejtime, open hia new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Of every description, which he will sell at very reason ible prices, and he way rants every article to be of the value represented. His Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commo dious recep tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY Will be' executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All his work warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. . " " To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, wishes for a continuance of the same." " ' W. A. AICHER,Jeweler. 2-3-tf. ; . . 'At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. . STORE TO A. BTJRNAP'S of the Wharf-Boat | Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio | ['Ohio--Meigs--Pomeroy'] | Pomeroy weekly telegraph. [volume] | T.A. Plants & Co. | |
nmu_barberry_ver04_data_sn86090456_00280774492_1895060401_0613_009_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-06-04T00:00:00 | 613 | 1 | nmu_barberry_ver04 | sn86090456 | [
] | 0.952102 | Travelers Insurance Co. IIES. 0. S. WARREN, Agent. NEW COMBINATION POLICY, The Jlost Liberal Ever Issued. SIO.GCD "i caso of accidental death, loss of sight or two limbs. S5,C00 foi permanent disability. , $ 1,300 f o r loss of one eye. ' $50.09 weekly indemnity tip to 52 weeks. DOUBLE THESE AMOUNTS if accident occurs on Railroad. Costs but $50.00 por year; other sums at propcrticnata -rate3j. , " Synopsis of 31st Annual Statement, Jan-1, 1895. Total Ax.ets. ? !7,fi..l,lW7.08. Total liabilities, S15,181,705.G9. Surplus to policy holders, J2.4t,81. | Silver City, N.M. | ['New Mexico--Grant--Silver City'] | Southwest-sentinel. [volume] | Grant Co. Pub. and Print. | |
mthi_jackrabbit_ver02_data_sn84036012_00294550392_1895111901_0230_001_6_99.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-11-19T00:00:00 | 230 | 1 | mthi_jackrabbit_ver02 | sn84036012 | [
] | 0.996864 | --- --- -- --- -- --------da ta e Tisass a sp oaty Doomastory. De shrt DoorMudigCda ha saBifer aoot Do PHolt C * dManusaeturers and Wholesalo Dealers 10 AU ]dads of Mining an d Bridge Timbers a 2p.0talbf. Large Dry Lilas in conneotion with the mill. Sash and Door Faotory. Sark, Doors, Mouldings; Cedar Shiodles mad vine Lath. Interior Finish Hard Wood or Pine. Hand Rails. Balustere and Newel Posts. Scroll SeefiDg, Turning and Fancy Brackets. Ober 2,003,000 feet of No. t Clear Finish in Stook, either Yard Seasoned or KiLn Drted. Estimates and Patoe Lists Furnished an applioa tion. ""Drawer B" H HAMILTON, MONTANA | Anaconda, Mont. | ['Montana--Deer Lodge--Anaconda'] | The Anaconda standard. [volume] | Standard Pub. Co. | |
ohi_borachio_ver02_data_sn85038158_00237283612_1875052701_0091_000_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1875-05-27T00:00:00 | 91 | 1 | ohi_borachio_ver02 | sn85038158 | [
] | 0.985684 | a H. O O rA?!5vVTW RAT TLEBORO, 7 f Q i VT. The Most Extensile Manufactory of Eeed Organs ki the World ! IS"-ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE.'" " ' " | Hillsborough [Hillsboro], Highland County, Ohio | ['Ohio--Highland--Hillsboro', 'Ohio--Highland--Hillsborough'] | The Highland weekly news. [volume] | Joseph L. Boardman | |
msar_braeburn_ver01_data_sn85034374_00295877674_1900101301_0388_004_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1900-10-13T00:00:00 | 388 | 1 | msar_braeburn_ver01 | sn85034374 | [
] | 0.957747 | i. w. harper. . . enqlewood. . . rose valley . . l'ETE COOPER . . OLD FORRESTER MONIPOLE . . . . PAUL JONES . . . 1 " rlRE INtANDH CONSTANTLY IN 8V( b AT JOR. Dan s JAMES JORDAN, Wholes! Dealer In I KEG AND BOHLED cAgentFor ..Chattanor V iwlflg Cc r | Greenville, Miss. | ['Mississippi--Washington--Greenville'] | The Greenville times. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
iune_archives_ver01_data_sn87082573_00211101143_1880021301_0847_005_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-02-13T00:00:00 | 847 | 1 | iune_archives_ver01 | sn87082573 | [
] | 0.93833 | s:ovi'. flTOVKS! STOVES!! ALL SORTS. SIZES AND STYLES. -AT- DAVIDSON'S. M.tiinl.K'liiriT of il'.id Ui'u'it ItiAUo TIN, COITEIUt SIIKHT-IUOX WAItK. X7"". KINPA or ton U'nitK PON1S To tHltiKP. ffj NO, 27, KHillTIt MUtr.F.T. ('AlttO, : ILLINOIS | Cairo, Ill. | ['Illinois--Alexander County--Cairo'] | The daily Cairo bulletin. | Thos. Nally | |
whi_augurey_ver01_data_sn85040749_00271769015_1900061201_0192_003_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1900-06-12T00:00:00 | 192 | 1 | whi_augurey_ver01 | sn85040749 | [
] | 0.984631 | DR. TURBIN OF BERLIN, GERMANY. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST and SURGEON has visited Wausau for the past THREE YEARS, Once a Month, wil again be In Wausau, at Hotel Beilis, Tuesday, June 19 and Every Fourth Tuesday Thereafter. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. OHE MONTH ONLY. 1 HEIN, Uni Specialist OTJBES PROI,,SES ,M EV£ ry ALL RESPECT, AND THE GHBONIO ' DOCTOR HAS AMONQ HIS OASES. ,j patrons some of WHY? THE MOST PROM,,,E,,T BECAUSE BE CVES HIS ENTIRE ATTENTION WH ° ARF TO THESE CASES. N - : BEST '. aIENDS. ALL CASES HE UNDERTAKES GUARANTEED YnUNP, M TTIM If * oa troubled wit h f Live r, Heart, Kidney, Bladder and all con -1 UUIIU JTJJ-tli nervous debility,stupid- stitationMandinternaHroubles; also Rupture, ness, or are otherwise unfitted for business or Piles, Fistula. Dispep6ia, Diarrhea and all dis study.causedfromyoutlifulerrorsoroxcesses, eases of the stomach and bowels treated tar in you 6hould consult this speciaUst at once, advance of any institution in the country. iduj u.ui u>o ut. pi nnn anti cifm™™-!™. MIDDLF-AGED AND OLD Scrofula, Tumors, Tetter, Ecteum sod Bu.od MANKIND 7ou h t”nbtol th wUr i weak f , In^Mroug aching- backs and kidneys and other nnrais- T A TIT DC —If you are suffering from per* takable signs of nervous debility. Many die of J-.xI.JL/11 uO sisteut Headache, Painful Mea thisdifficulty.igncrantofthecause. Themost struation, Uterine Displacements, Pains In obstinate cases of this character treated with Back, and feel as if it were impossible for you unfailing success. to endure your troubles and still be obliged to ALL DISEASES HKS oru.",°.2isr i,ac “ i cur,,d sisals P AT ADD IT which poisons the breath, a call. He can give all the encouragement in Ltci 1 Allllil stomach and lungs and the world and will cure you if you trust your> paves the way for Consumption, also Tta oat, self to his care. JA Bow Point* ! lst ~~ Tllc doctor gives his personal attention to each Individual ** ■ rUIIHSi case. 2nd—All business conducted on a professional basis and strictly confidential. 3rd—Names and pictures never published unless requested to do so. 4th—The doctor’s patrons are his friends. UUTf your troubles if Iving away from city. Thousands cured at home by correspond ence and medicine sent asdlrccted. Absolute secrecy in all professional dealings. Address all letters, giving street and number plainly. Send stamps, for list of questions. DOCTOR TURBIN. 6049 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. The Public Demands a Pure and Wholesome Beer. BREWS IT- | Wausau, Wis. | ['Wisconsin--Marathon--Wausau'] | Wausau pilot. [volume] | E.B. Thayer | |
ct_maple_ver01_data_sn92051487_0027176327A_1900020201_0470_008_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-02-02T00:00:00 | 470 | 1 | ct_maple_ver01 | sn92051487 | [
] | 0.970897 | NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS What could bamore fittirg for the good housewife thin a ROUND OAK STOVE STAMFORD RANGE. Tlry vring wa-mih and comfort to lighten the weary hurdsns of house drudgeiy. They tot 6nl please the housewife, they also glad den the heart cfthe nan who ciries the poeketbook by saviig from one auar er to one tnird the fuel consumed by other stoves- his statament can be verified by asking any one using them We also have several second hand self feeding Garland stoves almost at good as new and quite a number of lecond 110.1' wood cook, and heating stoves taken iu exchange at low figrirei- "Thes we rropoee to e.ose 3ut at cost " ' ' The Rochester Radiator placed on yeur stove pipe win double the heating capacity of your fuel- It retains in the rooms the heat" lost throu gh the ordinary stove pipes into the chimney. We have many bargains which.We wU be glad to show you. 3E3. JTe. IHEair nTT Sandy Hoek, Genu. I | Newtown, Conn. | ['Connecticut--Fairfield--Newtown'] | The Newtown bee. | A.A. Bensel | |
prru_delfin_ver01_data_sn91099747_00271766130_1895082901_0501_002_6_94.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1895-08-29T00:00:00 | 501 | 1 | prru_delfin_ver01 | sn91099747 | [
] | 0.943271 | NOA Y VALLE i CHUZ 7L& g SI i i I ! lili 1 SURTIDO COMPLETO, DO. H. M. E HIJ0.-OIRU- JANOS DENTISTAS. San Justo 21 es | San Juan, P.R. | ['Puerto Rico--San Juan'] | La correspondencia de Puerto Rico. | La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico | |
mimtptc_ionia_ver01_data_sn2001061779_00296024338_1885071701_0330_006_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-07-17T00:00:00 | 330 | 1 | mimtptc_ionia_ver01 | sn2001061779 | [
] | 0.968195 | 16 Monroe St., lie ware of all inferior imitations ol OHARA'S Famous $3.00 Shoes Worn by every one, giving unbounded satisfaction. Superior fitting qualities. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED Manufar4 uf tl and sold exclusively lv H. O'HARA, EroDoniical peciple an urely realizing thai II rla -hm- m all f mmpM btylen and i h -1 rati alwayw lie t t ;t 1 1 1 1 fr tlif Ii-t ,ihic ,t .iiial -tr't Soecial Prices 500 patm Mifties' Button Shoe, iixei soli! leather soles, counter nl Inner rantl ,'a.iiN worUi 1 J: we 11 at 1 uii ' ' n - r' ' ' ' Kiel Ifceee. lejmeaf aee . Ut i, - ...' MM. PI ' "" 1 hihlrm Sfritr II" i htl sl.. aH It . for t r ( hiMrf-m'" t rim Ihijh Ti Sh. M rkl HutUn Htf$1..'t '. 1r "t ' I -- 0 HARA S, 72 72 Canal St. for this Week ! ri H i pair t. riiiifi'' rrnnt l't.,1 CANAL ST. | Grand Rapids, Mich. | ['Michigan--Kent--Grand Rapids'] | Grand Rapids morning telegram. | Telegram Pub. Co. | |
dlc_fortran_ver01_data_sn83030214_00206530947_1870032801_0629_000_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-03-28T00:00:00 | 629 | 1 | dlc_fortran_ver01 | sn83030214 | [
] | 0.96592 | ?o j?lbom il marj ioiurri.. URAL ( i.MKTKKIK** A Sl'l ( I AI.T . - KSK Ht PI SSlSUKfJ, MAI-.s an,! M'h? ll-ll ITIUBS PKk ! Al.!.I? .sin-?ir?eo l.iin..rr?iah M.m ??in fr,? apsIM li i- lis i Ile.? ?1 ?.,?..? - : i | New York [N.Y.] | ['New York--New York--New York'] | New-York tribune. [volume] | New York Tribune | |
wvu_chekhov_ver01_data_sn84026847_00415665003_1865010701_0023_002_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-01-07T00:00:00 | 23 | 1 | wvu_chekhov_ver01 | sn84026847 | [
] | 0.968547 | THE PEOPLE'S BANK. w. M *AH ITKKKT, WHEELING T*. Moner r*c*fr?d Iaterwtjp?id cm i^cuU tepwltt meJSrS Um>e ^ zaurron*. Richard Cartor 1 GMtot. | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | The Wheeling daily register. [volume] | Lewis Baker & O.S. Long | |
iune_juliet_ver01_data_sn85033413_00211101180_1875011301_0828_007_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1875-01-13T00:00:00 | 828 | 1 | iune_juliet_ver01 | sn85033413 | [
] | 0.958309 | The Gamble Wagon 12" -jri MAXITAI II IlKIl 11V JOHN P. GAMBLE. THE BEST and CHEAPEST WAGON MAN UFACTintKD. MANUFACTORY, OHIO LEVEE Near Thirtb-Fourth Street | Cairo, Ill. | ['Illinois--Alexander--Cairo'] | The Cairo bulletin. [volume] | John H. Oberly | |
lu_gonne_ver01_data_sn88064428_00202190145_1885052901_0140_000_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-05-29T00:00:00 | 140 | 1 | lu_gonne_ver01 | sn88064428 | [
] | 0.989107 | "IPPECANOE THE i BEST i. THo HERO Ft o [co.rYuormno ) a3 IO IP .O L . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H. . WARNER & CO. . Rchetw, L!. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY, WITHOUT AN EQUAL, a0.O0 A. BOTTamL= MaI-Assimilation of Food, U. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, T. Mg.m R. C. BATTELLE. Waterlon. . T i for many cran from errere ustomnach djoreL eweps. don osplrt.j prostration and aierpleasneu. bat r rea red to Lsltb barnsmoera Trxrýcaou The ae Mal-Assimilation of Fosi. *1.00 a. $rtTrxi. I. I. WARNER &r CO., Rochester, I. T. Ruv. J. PKE POWF.RS. Owento. KH.. eud hUeB Wd dpep,', a d moal-aimflatlon of in hfýbel tlad dtsr ea. Warau Thzc~~u. The U&a | Winnfield, La. | ['Louisiana--Winn--Winnfield'] | The southern sentinel. | Winnfield Pub. Co. | |
uuml_eaton_ver01_data_sn85058130_00206535106_1885050201_0242_003_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-05-02T00:00:00 | 242 | 1 | uuml_eaton_ver01 | sn85058130 | [
] | 0.926846 | GREAT SACRIFICES AT I i i William Jennings Sons i < r yiH t < f OUR REMAINING STOCK OF Dry Goods and Notions MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE WITHOUT REGARD TO COST > We cannot selljrou V s t J 50 Yards of Prints for U t As this Line is sold out but we will sell you ALL OTHER LINES IN PROPORTION Conic at once and be convinced WM JENNINGS SONS First Door West Emporium Building | Salt Lake City [Utah] | ['Utah--Salt Lake--Salt Lake City'] | The Salt Lake herald. [volume] | [W.C. Dunbar & E.L. Sloan] | |
me_edgecomb_ver02_data_sn83016025_00279525206_1865102301_0639_001_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-10-23T00:00:00 | 639 | 1 | me_edgecomb_ver02 | sn83016025 | [
] | 0.945637 | Iry Them! ana be convinced of their (nperiorf 2 over every thing else ol the klrd ever c (Tired to epubiio t<r Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, Hoarse ness S'»re Throat.Cn.nTTh end influenza Numer ous testimonials irom tne Clergr, and ethers, ac companying each box. For sale by the prino pal Druggists throughout the city. maykTeodtf | Portland, Me. | ['Maine--Cumberland--Portland'] | The Portland daily press. [volume] | N.A. Foster & Co. | |
hihouml_lilac_ver02_data_sn82015408_00212471380_1860031701_0833_005_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-03-17T00:00:00 | 833 | 1 | hihouml_lilac_ver02 | sn82015408 | [
] | 0.905783 | C. H. L.EWEUS. NOTICE. Competition the Life of Trade ! VORTII AVE ST H'MBKIl at $30 per M fteon- XI sisting of IISrCI-I BOAEDS ! : l4 3x4 i x SCANTLING. For sale by 39 tf GEORGE G. HOWE. | Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii | ['Hawaii--Honolulu--Honolulu'] | Polynesian. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
in_gary_ver01_data_sn87056600_00202191575_1875042901_0159_001_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1875-04-29T00:00:00 | 159 | 1 | in_gary_ver01 | sn87056600 | [
] | 0.980074 | i "I; TiaOalr Htlialle Gift Diatrilitit'ca ia the Coastry. $60,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS Z TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN T. SINE'S Tj. 173D REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT K XrTlZIZl?LZI&XZ, To be drawn Monday, June 7, 1S75. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 EACH in cash. TWO PRIZES ji.nrx) | Indianapolis | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | The Indiana State sentinel. [volume] | null | |
tu_brownie_ver01_data_sn85033673_0028077943A_1875030401_0209_004_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-03-04T00:00:00 | 209 | 1 | tu_brownie_ver01 | sn85033673 | [
] | 0.93823 | bTATEMEBT Phenix Insurance Co. OF UHOOKIiYW. January last, 1875. Capital. tiros surplus.-. Total Aasela.. AtWETS. Cash in Bank -. Cash ia court of trantmiaaioa by Agents.. Loans on bonds and mortgagee at T per eent interest Call loans on U. 8. Bonds, aud other securitiea at 7 per eent interest ......,w.. Billa rcivabl for inland preuiiuma.......i...... --- United btatea. State and Wounty Donas, ana nans stocks, market valuea . ...... Uncollected premiums, fir and Inland-.. Accrued interest Real estat owned by Company for qffioM- Wrecking apparatus at Buflalo, N. Y-.. Claims due Company for aalvagea Rents accrued .............,..........-. Liabilitiea K-inauranc reserve.. 8TKPHEN CROWKLL, Prea't: PHILANDER SHAW, Sec'y; WILLIAM R. CROWELL, Asa'tSeo . GREENE & LUCAS, Agents, , 18 Madison street, Memphis, Tenn. 13-1574 O THE ......$l.oofinnn on l.lB.Hf6 12 lt,iiT7ii 112.834 80 4d.0.! 30 334,175 00 130.800 00 2J.665 63 1,199.402 6S 32,94 7S IS, 125 36 22f.UiO (Ml 17.000 HO 38.0) 04 2.1U2 53 $2,183,936 12 ..$ 54.183 94 .. 588,048 98 | Memphis, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Shelby--Memphis'] | Public ledger. [volume] | [Whitmore Bros.] | |
az_fireant_ver01_data_sn84021912_00211104302_1890101801_0416_005_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-10-18T00:00:00 | 416 | 1 | az_fireant_ver01 | sn84021912 | [
] | 0.923631 | IdENTICAL SALOON, Corner of Mam and Second Streets, -.'Yuma, A- T. First-clctss Wliishies, Wines ctlid Bicbndies al ways on hand. CHOICE KEY WEST CIGARS. Cosy Clui-rooms and Bil liard Parlors AttacJied. J.W. SWART, ' Proprietor, | Arizona City [Yuma], Yuma County, A.T. [Ariz.] | ['Arizona--Yuma--Arizona City', 'Arizona--Yuma--Yuma'] | The Arizona sentinel. [volume] | C.I. Minor | |
iahi_hypno_ver01_data_sn83045646_00279529170_1865050401_0570_002_6_92.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-05-04T00:00:00 | 570 | 1 | iahi_hypno_ver01 | sn83045646 | [
] | 0.928952 | So. 7. Losses Paid In 41 -lean OVER 817,000,000. tfOBO JIETT ASSETS, JANIARY, I8«5. $ 3 6 7 7 3 6 2 2 1 FIRE AND INLA3® V\yn ATIO\ mm WF ak« ncies in all the Principal Cities and Towns in tin- United States. Applications for Insurance will be promptly attended to. Win. W. V£KJ£B, Afent. tUML EST*'I* AND INSURANCE AC HlCllAIID B. HILL a\d C. W. VEKUER. So. I East Second Street, s oulti*east corner of Brady Street, (front Office up htuirs.) FARMS FOB RENT. ytton 30 ro i«k» a« bi:h. COUNTRY VILLA FOR SALE. fMiBl l0^t No. &•'. Ou .ler*e bitter, line house, i cellars burn »ortli 15 varieties "f i,'r*p •It kind-.I l'nin». i braces m-r.--. I': i Kidgo, mil.' goi (I repair room*, .io, Bill! poultry hiMii.1-. -bore 'J lbs. Inst year. ,ii mil T!,U property ew I HOUSES FOR RENT. No. 14. A ik-w on llrmlv Mret't, one ol the moi»i dfnirnbU' in t)i* citf. No. 1. A large with all modern improvement*, at able, w» II, iiHt»«rn truit mid »b*4e tre«*i, flue river view,—cfntrilly, located, —one of ihe iinuil resitleucea in the city. OFFICE FOR RENT. Mo. ii. lvht I*\ .ce, fronting on ill i'.i mly) with ante ItMHct'oi omU it 'K1 BAR. BILLIARD & DINING ROOM No. 4. ttnr, Kilimnl un»l Oinintf Koom* for rent, (coiinertinl. with kilclinn and sleeping e »cius attach*'*!.) formerly occupied by r. H. FURNISHED ROOM, !f0. 6. VuruMu' r.M.m .r rent, for nentle H^iHf aIho a rotMn iiu'iit ui^li' iMih ^ooil rooiufl In the l.'i-iii.-sr. pan ul the itv. SPLEiWD STORE PROPERTY. *o 6 ••Merwiiri. III." t." IVrri Street,f.irw (with a present rental of p:.» unfa of the I mm aputate Concep .. .. vrtrtorsHle Tlnsel.-irant eitate c»ni tiou |ro| wlt|,,ntm hniidin^ whieh eo«t f'.' jirnes 1| in Van, rmtre leteland liijrli l.oo) and i|... Bonth.east unl north. Willi.. aloiunK ift'iiliial Hold ii a i/ h.iry not sold if will!"' r. i jor so«n. If l! :i«*ap eliyunt rnnntrr v y purl) pi viteil to ei let by co seen at our office S\ .!!U' 1u Wire*."**0- Hi-ii.I»kkh are te same, ihV work will to the lowest b'io ler The land nn limit*, but lieiiijl j»»t out aide.i. not subject to" city tax-*. Healthful ill n« Boo.l turn now. «n.l ,«. It "Very valuab.. i.rop ertv. To elofM* :i' oneern tins property u utli-recl «t a verv low pi ie« ami on easy terms. Tlio Property formerly knotrn as Acid cm) of tbr lin marulatc CoDtrptioa" for Half*. | Davenport, Iowa | ['Iowa--Scott--Davenport'] | Daily Davenport Democrat. [volume] | [D.N. Richardson] | |
in_fairmount_ver02_data_sn86058541_00202191472_1860052401_0517_005_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-05-24T00:00:00 | 517 | 1 | in_fairmount_ver02 | sn86058541 | [
] | 0.964596 | MERRILL & CO., WHOLESALE AD ATI AIL liEAtEa ! Late, Agricultural, 2JlsceUancou$, The ological, and SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY k BLANK BOOKS, No. 19 Knt Washington Street INDIANAPOLIS, 1ND. t37" Standard German. Works in French and del-Iv. | Winchester, Randolph County, Ind. | ['Indiana--Randolph--Winchester'] | Randolph County journal. [volume] | Beverly & Smith | |
iahi_ivysaur_ver01_data_sn83025182_00279528335_1865021501_0240_004_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-02-15T00:00:00 | 240 | 1 | iahi_ivysaur_ver01 | sn83025182 | [
] | 0.96206 | Wheeler & Wilson's 1 3 o o o o Arc profitable and available a I if* time. t'jiia! to ten seamstresses. Au annual dividend «t 100 to 500 per Cf: t. ir -,V ohtalwd io o»"—b their possessor. The Class Cloth-Presser, (so pop* tar,) can oiti v oe ujd wii,u .U*-bines. feblft-dtf 1 ^AILBT this country Of them in um and Europe. H'e*- arc iSe only machines making the Lock Stitch with tue Rotating Hook. | Keokuk, Iowa | ['Iowa--Lee--Keokuk'] | The daily Gate City. [volume] | J.B. Howell | |
tu_dolly_ver01_data_sn85038518_00200293307_1860100701_0344_001_6_90.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-10-07T00:00:00 | 344 | 1 | tu_dolly_ver01 | sn85038518 | [
] | 0.907169 | FLAGS, BANNERS, Mottoes, Transparencies,' &c, For Military and Political purposes executed on short notice and reasonable terms by FLEMING, Painter, 62 Union, between Cherry and Sum mer Streets, NASHVILLE, - - - - . TEIvniS" from the attsnded to. | Nashville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Davidson--Nashville'] | Nashville union and American. [volume] | John L. Marling & Co. | |
msar_braeburn_ver01_data_sn85034374_00295877674_1900072801_0283_002_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-07-28T00:00:00 | 283 | 1 | msar_braeburn_ver01 | sn85034374 | [
] | 0.949379 | MOONEY FITS BUYS fUK T COLLEGE. I It. pupils enter Van derDllt on Certificate. Every Advantage. Send for Catalogue. T W. D. MOONEY, I Franklin, Tenn. i MONEY FOR SOLDIERS' HEIRS Heir, of Dnlon Boldleri who made homesteads ot less than lt acres before June B. 1S7 up mutter If abandonedl. If the additional homestead rliihl was not sold or used, should address, with full par tin,i.. UEKT It. lOPr". nashlnalon. D. & | Greenville, Miss. | ['Mississippi--Washington--Greenville'] | The Greenville times. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
curiv_nicasio_ver01_data_sn84038806_00280768959_1875043001_0422_005_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-04-30T00:00:00 | 422 | 1 | curiv_nicasio_ver01 | sn84038806 | [
] | 0.928987 | Los Angeles [Calif.] | ['California--Los Angeles--Los Angeles'] | Los Angeles daily herald. [volume] | Herald Print. Co. | |
iune_juliet_ver01_data_sn88074142_00280761473_1870101901_0667_013_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-10-19T00:00:00 | 667 | 1 | iune_juliet_ver01 | sn88074142 | [
] | 0.906372 | or womena children's fine etc mrlllf soat stores, WILSON. rmttiER in BOAT STORES GROCEEIES, r ovislons 110 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, X11txo1w. C0MMI3S10K rO?.VARD2KS. n. PHILLIPS A: CO., J. (SuccoKorj to i:. II. Ilrnilnek' .1 Co. FORWARDING ..anJ. Wliarl - Boat PROPRIETORS, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. LIllKltAL AUVAMCKH MADE OS CO.V NIUXJIKXTN. nr-l to receive, ftorc urnl furunri! jiolnt, ami buy nri'l m-11 ou coin- frrluhti tu (tl tnilii. "ll!nlin-nlli'iiilcl to Ith iromltii'iK j.VO. II. PIIIMJN, friuceoorto l'.irkerA 1'IiIIHk.I ir.M:itAi. COM MISSION ...iXll. ronwAnoiNo Mmimi AikI Dealer In l'loiir, .11 fill, Hnv, Corn, OtilH Itrim. Cor.10tht.& Ohio Lev ee Cl.tlKO, I1J.1XOIS. Z. D. Matliu. u. C. l!M JJATIUISS tV I'HL, FLOUR (IC.VEUAI, I'ltOKUCi: Commission Merchants l.'L'i Ohio Livii-, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. HfH'Oinlntlfiilloii Kin-ji iu tliiihiiretia-uuiiilt tloo FLOUR, HAY and CORN It. W. .Mini u. JILM.It lttT. 1'Atlkl.ll sV PAItKEi:, GENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants DKAI.KIt-i IN 1 I.OI'lt, ;oil.V( OATS, MIX V, CAIKO, M.IM.YOIS. IVlltf MKIMCAL. I". I'arker. ii. r. iiuu | Cairo, Ill. | ['Illinois--Alexander--Cairo'] | The Cairo daily bulletin. | John H. Oberly & Co. | |
whi_belle_ver01_data_sn85033078_00271768564_1895011001_0112_004_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-01-10T00:00:00 | 112 | 1 | whi_belle_ver01 | sn85033078 | [
] | 0.975325 | I AM GETTING Of hearing ‘Old Liners’ talk about Low Prices and will now start the ball a rolling and see who can follow. I OFFER AS FOLLOWS; 25 boxes Ginger Snaps, per lb $ .05 25 boxes Sweet Crackers, per lb 05 50 boxes Oyster Crackers, per lb 50 boxes Soda Crackers, per lb 25 boxes London Layer Raisins, per lb 50 boxes Good Raisins, 24 lbs for 50 boxes Good Rice, 24 lbs for 50 boxes 31b Ruby Brand Tomatoes, 12 cans for 50 boxes 2IL Lily Brand Corn, 13 cans for 25 boxes 2lb Lobsters, 5 cans for 10 boxes Ilb Mackerel, 20 cans for 1 25 boxes lib Corn Starch 20 lb for 23 lb Fine Granulated Sugar for 40 bars Good Brown Soap for French Mustard put up in 1 qt Mason & Hamlin Fruit Jars, per can Good Sauer Kraut, per gallon All Fancy Chinaware Left Over at One-half Owing to the open winter 1 shall put on my entire Winter Stock of Men’s Over shirts, Undershirts and Drawers at Cost. $ 1.00 quality will be sold at 64 cents. //] -75 quality will be sold at 55 cents. m - . vl l .72 quality will be sold at 53 cents. / .50 quality will be sold at 38 cents. Also 500 cans of Star Crystal Powder, warranted to be absolutely pure to give satisfaction or money refunded, at cents per can. Remember that I give a Book worth 50 cents with every can. F. E. KELLNER, Telephone Wo. 5, Centratia, | Grand Rapids [i.e. Wisconsin Rapids], Wis. | ['Wisconsin--Wood--Wisconsin Rapids'] | Wood County reporter. [volume] | [J.N. Brundage] | |
txdn_foxtrot_ver01_data_sn86064205_00175035187_1885091201_1194_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-09-12T00:00:00 | 1,194 | 1 | txdn_foxtrot_ver01 | sn86064205 | [
] | 0.952859 | Undertakers and Practical Open all Nlglt Entrance on Bird Between Main and Hiutu a n Irompt attention to telegraph orders da ornUrht < | Fort Worth, Tex. | ['Texas--Tarrant--Fort Worth'] | Fort Worth daily gazette. | Stock Journal Pub. Co. | |
pst_jordan_ver01_data_sn84026050_00280776798_1870071901_0248_000_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-07-19T00:00:00 | 248 | 1 | pst_jordan_ver01 | sn84026050 | [
] | 0.907889 | EKTEY'S Cottage Oi'g:si,iiw, ("lltKAT INDl'Cl'MFNTH ollered to Churches X and Sunday Schools. Or.uaus and Itlelodeous lor sale on iiiimthly Insiiilmculs. E. 41. HltliCH, No. 18 North Seventh St., lOlltl PHILADELPHIA. ' | New Bloomfield, Pa. | ['Pennsylvania--Perry--New Bloomfield'] | The Bloomfield times. [volume] | Frank Mortimer | |
me_graftonnotch_ver01_data_sn83016025_00279525486_1880062601_0478_007_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-06-26T00:00:00 | 478 | 1 | me_graftonnotch_ver01 | sn83016025 | [
] | 0.904823 | What They Say of Hold Fa»t Tobacco. Boston, April 17, 1880. P. J. Eaton, Esq. Dear Sir,—We have been us ing the Hold Fast Tobacco for three months, and have found it to be as tine a qualitv as any tobacco we have ever sold at the price. It has invariably given the most perfect satisfaction to our customers Yours respect»ully, ESTABROOK & EATON, Nos. 222 and 224 Washington st., Boston. ap2l d ψ | Portland, Me. | ['Maine--Cumberland--Portland'] | The Portland daily press. [volume] | N.A. Foster & Co. | |
oru_jones_ver01_data_sn96061150_00200298391_1885102201_0392_003_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-10-22T00:00:00 | 392 | 1 | oru_jones_ver01 | sn96061150 | [
] | 0.967991 | Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. | Astoria, Oregon | ['Oregon--Clatsop--Astoria'] | The daily morning Astorian. [volume] | null | |
dlc_jaguar_ver01_data_sn83030214_00175038851_1895111101_0188_006_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-11-11T00:00:00 | 188 | 1 | dlc_jaguar_ver01 | sn83030214 | [
] | 0.938511 | & 5ilversmiths. Sterling Silver Exquisitely Wrought In Artistic nnd Practical Forms. Union Square, N. 13 Maiden Lane, IN. V. | New York [N.Y.] | ['New York--New York--New York'] | New-York tribune. [volume] | New York Tribune | |
mthi_ibis_ver01_data_sn84036228_00294550112_1895051601_0082_005_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1895-05-16T00:00:00 | 82 | 1 | mthi_ibis_ver01 | sn84036228 | [
] | 0.954593 | F\ J. TOOHILL, PROPRIETOR REDFRONT MEAT MARKET. KeepsConstantly on Hand Fresh and^Salted Meats of Every Description. sausageof all kinds. hogue'sblock.east side | Lewistown, Mont. | ['Montana--Fergus--Lewistown'] | Fergus County argus. [volume] | Fell & Vrooman | |
ohi_delta_ver01_data_sn87075048_00237289535_1895020201_0693_000_6_94.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1895-02-02T00:00:00 | 693 | 1 | ohi_delta_ver01 | sn87075048 | [
] | 0.947418 | j- ji. !'UVlv.x. Dr. G. W. Dollison nas re moved his office to the Drug Store, where he is fully prepared to exam ine and prescribe for his patients as usual, and at tend to all calls in the city and country. JK-' .-.& - I j ir5 ri .;. M firTS."' ' ' J1L 'V-'g?wfrih'",V",H' v i ' ' ' ( ) And a few of the iteoplc iimighic vain tilings but the City Drug Storo will still wave. We call the attention of the public, and ev erybody else, to call and see us in our well arranged store at the well known Reber Drug Store, James Building, Logan, Ohio. We have purchased the entire store, and are now prepared to meet ill our friends, face to face, and show them that we are pre pared to accommodate them with anything usually found in a First Class Drug Store. Our Drug line is compute, and prescrip tions are carefully filled. We carry a full line of Stationery such as fine note paper of all kinds foolscap, legalcap and envel opes, h ncy and common, also, lead pencils, slate pencils, pens, penholders, inks and crayons in great variety. We carry a great i lino of the finest cigars in the Hocking Yal- ;lcy, and the finest grades of smoking and ; chewing tobaccos! Our goods are new and ifrcsh, and wo promise satisfaction to all with ;whom Ave deal. Our picture and picture frame department is largely on the increase, and hope all who want -the finest framing done will call on ns as we are the only house in the city prepared to do fine framing. Call ;and see us, pick out a fine picture and have it framed with your own choice of line, plain or guilt moulding. Dollison & Arnold. 1 -"- " | Logan, O. [Ohio] | ['Ohio--Hocking--Logan'] | The Ohio Democrat. | Brehm & White | |
tu_kitty_ver01_data_sn85033711_00212470272_1860011701_0059_002_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-01-17T00:00:00 | 59 | 1 | tu_kitty_ver01 | sn85033711 | [
] | 0.915098 | BUTTER, 'r, TIMOTHY SJED Blu . and Herds I Grass I Sed, Ilt'MaAUIA.I CsHAaS 4EE11, v LAKH OHV,V " Star ; Candles; Baoori, OAPTailw Cel,CurMrsa, Brsaasa. Sucketa OTssetCrakrs . Xc.Ac. . 1 save arrarged to be coesIaEiiy Sarljetl wwfc aasasaaeatsei taa above atd eia, artu Us ore hi PriMlsesad Msaiofactars aad Sufattrtrs,raita. tsxoae vs outj vo utrrnMi.tst rastae aatof as Sored by aay boose ia th. eot . . UaMr.gaBOft.uf Tt aaoee prod a? io4 aad re taraa axada prvas py . a.: EOBEET HOOIII aatti-tf d3 fiieil streei, Cariaaau.C"4 , eJasper Urancn Ilallrca. i OmexNoaa. ACaav Sonsoo t-Co. " tAftosr i isjjft. I BTerderoflha SVasr; af lirwctwra vlUtr. o the kol sfoe taonpasy aibcr tnldYag brsotcB roftad fr.a, r-gs-pix v te aayaau to Ike rreas.r.r f this t-B. aav asio.ios; - wa0ioiaeaK4ftareftt, 1st sr Vk ltae, aa twaiUaa s.a asjsre a the da ef IWeewr.lier.lWft'. imsxrf , r.braary, Vir Art),i .y. as. Js'y ,Agat,Set-lsabwr, 9 bvr aud N Ser , 1 d. - rayaseatsvay bf aiaae tav JovcL&.a ..a w,wie tao Treft.ryr at bis edve. ia r'-f ' . evtfcpiftjeas'.s tveevsf lsf ca .s is rN - lt tAtesftirte ( wt ,.s Ike ca4rt-rw ruad dr$4s cia.rti ea l&e aeaa j Spsxt acs '? for thai r te . 4 SosMual ssirtieist jast eseaed at l"-w, JS a a. tw iM r sotcy sows mm isuorca v3ee pari tii | Nashville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Davidson--Nashville'] | Nashville patriot. [volume] | Smith, Camp & Co. | |
msar_goldenharvest_ver01_data_sn85034374_00295878162_1895120701_0952_004_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-12-07T00:00:00 | 952 | 1 | msar_goldenharvest_ver01 | sn85034374 | [
] | 0.932346 | Fliers Coil m Mm Asso n GREENVILLE. MIHS. JA9. E. NEOU8. Frei't. A. BLUM, VIca-PrM'l JA3., Tn, 0. B. ALEX AN DEB Utncral Hansen. HENuY CEITTENUEN, Saorttarj. The Planters Oil bill. NOW READY TO RECEIVE SEED, and always pay the highest market price. Save your com and buy Cottsn Seed Meal to feed your stock. It is cheaper and more nutrilous. Planters are cordially Invited to call and Inspect our Mill building, machlttry and conveniences, and learn our plan of management and operation. | Greenville, Miss. | ['Mississippi--Washington--Greenville'] | The Greenville times. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
ohi_borachio_ver02_data_sn85038158_00237286911_1860100401_0778_003_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-10-04T00:00:00 | 778 | 1 | ohi_borachio_ver02 | sn85038158 | [
] | 0.918889 | Tll( it SAN (,.UF. DAILY SPKAK I NtJ IN I'll A I Y. ) Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cordial, And mIh; II rane it I A 1 LS Tu AMUliD I NT.NTAM-:tl S ItKLII-.K v hen ien in time. It artsasil by tna;:it . ami tit; TKI A I, A Id 1 N K will cou vince on t hat what wkiii is t rue. It cut ai t;s N P A li L t.o It I ( (J K t) P I A T K of any kind, and t lu i I' .t 1! 1 . Ii . h b t etnov iti: t ho snf f riu-'- of your. hiid. iu-t ad of by d- ailemnu its seiini bilitte. I'or tin-reason it l ouimeitdK il-t It u iho oiilr r-ltatdeprepnrnlit.u 11 ow known b.r 1 1 1 1 I I ; V. N 1 K I I 1 1 -1N;. HIAIi;iltK, bVM N'll ItV.idill'IMi INTIIK lii.U KI..-, Ai I I'I I V OF INK "ih.M At II , W I N 1, t (i.i IN Till: III h. and flint I'i nUt, 1, r sotteinu lis 1:11m. rediiiin Ihe in Ham mat ioli , rep 11 hit i v-V- the Imwilh, nnd relievu p tin. il bus no i 'iial bein iui nnii- n nmdie it in u-ed with unfailing siieei m in eases 1 I t t'N YFLSHtNS nl! Ol tiFIt KFI. A you value tho lif ami hen It h of y our eh 1 hire n. and w ish to Nine them from t hone pa 'I nml tdi;rbtinir i"n',-pn,in ev w hi. h nrei ertinn to result from the use ol narcotics, of which other r iiir)ir for 1 n fa nl ile 1'omi phi int are r( imposed, take none 1 01 1 I'll. K A TON'S I N FA Nil LK COH1HAL; this you can rely upon. It is perfeetly harmle-s, ami raiinot injurp tba nmut del ies te intnnt . Price .'t rents. Full directions ac company each bnttlu. Prepari d onlv bv H1 K 11 A rtFPONT. No. 4 i'.t II road way , New Yolk. HEALTHY HFMAN 1U.OOI), FPON ULINtJ A 1 wa v pl'i i 11 ts il" t H h t 10 same el , I 1 a I , ttltMl ts , fl n 1 Hiioh.'ul cuiii-sf, tiiu Tlil'K MANHAUO. Amilji1 Ilia bhtod of a hi son rsulleiini: In ni Consumption, Liti r Ss ndula, Arc, ami wr IhmI. in Peiy , -'1 | Hillsborough [Hillsboro], Highland County, Ohio | ['Ohio--Highland--Hillsboro', 'Ohio--Highland--Hillsborough'] | The Highland weekly news. [volume] | Joseph L. Boardman | |
Subsets and Splits