3 values
update webpack to read version from package
const path = require ('path'); const {BannerPlugin} = require ('webpack'); const UglifyJSPlugin = require ('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'); const lib = require ('./package.json'); const LIBRARY_NAME =; const LIBRARY_VERSION = lib.version; const LIBRARY_DESCRIPTION = lib.description; const LIBRARY_BANNER = `React xStore JavaScript Library v${LIBRARY_VERSION} ${LIBRARY_DESCRIPTION} Copyright ©2017 Tamer Zorba and other contributors Released under the MIT license`; const PATHS = { app: path.join (__dirname, 'src'), build: path.join (__dirname, 'dist'), }; module.exports = { entry:, output: { path:, filename: 'bundle.js', library: LIBRARY_NAME, libraryTarget: 'umd', umdNamedDefine: true, }, plugins: [new BannerPlugin (LIBRARY_BANNER), new UglifyJSPlugin ()], externals: { react: { root: 'React', commonjs2: 'react', commonjs: 'react', amd: 'react', }, }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', query: { presets: ['react', 'es2015'], }, }, ], }, };
const path = require ('path'); const {BannerPlugin} = require ('webpack'); const UglifyJSPlugin = require ('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'); const LIBRARY_NAME = 'react-xstore'; const LIBRARY_VERSION = '2.0.0'; const LIBRARY_BANNER = `React xStore JavaScript Library v${LIBRARY_VERSION} Copyright ©2017 Tamer Zorba and other contributors Released under the MIT license`; const PATHS = { app: path.join (__dirname, 'src'), build: path.join (__dirname, 'dist'), }; module.exports = { entry:, output: { path:, filename: 'bundle.js', library: LIBRARY_NAME, libraryTarget: 'umd', umdNamedDefine: true, }, plugins: [new BannerPlugin (LIBRARY_BANNER), new UglifyJSPlugin ()], externals: { react: { root: 'React', commonjs2: 'react', commonjs: 'react', amd: 'react', }, }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', query: { presets: ['react', 'es2015'], }, }, ], }, };
Revert "Remove hidden attribute to get around the "!important" flag"
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function toggleClass(element, className) { element.classList.toggle(className); } function openState(element) { element.removeAttribute('hidden'); element.setAttribute('data-state', 'open'); } function closeState(element) { element.setAttribute('hidden', true); element.setAttribute('data-state', 'closed'); const selectionElement = element.querySelector('input:checked'); if (selectionElement) { selectionElement.checked = false; } } function closeStateAndCheckChild(alternateQuestion, container) { const selectionElement = alternateQuestion.querySelector('input:checked'); if (!selectionElement) { return closeState(alternateQuestion); } const descendentQuestion = selectionElement.dataset.nextQuestion; if (!descendentQuestion) { return closeState(alternateQuestion); } const descendentElement = container.querySelector(`[data-question=${descendentQuestion}]`); closeStateAndCheckChild(descendentElement, container); return closeState(alternateQuestion); } function reInitWidget() { const container = document.querySelector('.wizard-anchor .wizard-container'); const button = container.querySelector('.wizard-button'); const content = container.querySelector('.wizard-content'); const applyLink = container.querySelector('#apply-now-link'); const applyButton = container.querySelector('#apply-now-button'); const transferWarning = container.querySelector('#transfer-warning'); const nctsWarning = container.querySelector('#ncts-warning'); function resetForm() { const selections = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll('input:checked')); // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign, no-param-reassign selections.forEach(selection => selection.checked = false); } applyLink.addEventListener('click', resetForm); content.addEventListener('change', (e) => { const radio =; const otherChoices = radio.dataset.alternate.split(' '); otherChoices.forEach((otherChoice) => { const otherNextQuestion = container.querySelector(`#${otherChoice}`).dataset.nextQuestion; if (otherNextQuestion) { const otherNextQuestionElement = container.querySelector(`[data-question=${otherNextQuestion}]`); closeStateAndCheckChild(otherNextQuestionElement, container); } }); if ((applyButton.dataset.state === 'open') && !radio.dataset.selectedForm) { closeState(applyButton); } if ((transferWarning.dataset.state === 'open') && ( !== 'create-non-transfer')) { closeState(transferWarning); } if ((nctsWarning.dataset.state === 'open') && ( !== 'is-ncts')) { closeState(nctsWarning); } if (radio.dataset.selectedForm) { if (applyButton.dataset.state === 'closed') { openState(applyButton); } if ((transferWarning.dataset.state === 'closed') && ( === 'create-non-transfer')) { openState(transferWarning); } if ((nctsWarning.dataset.state === 'closed') && ( === 'is-ncts')) { openState(nctsWarning); } applyLink.href = `/education/apply-for-education-benefits/application/${radio.dataset.selectedForm}/introduction`; } if (radio.dataset.nextQuestion) { const nextQuestion = radio.dataset.nextQuestion; const nextQuestionElement = container.querySelector(`[data-question=${nextQuestion}]`); openState(nextQuestionElement); } }); button.addEventListener('click', () => { toggleClass(content, 'wizard-content-closed'); toggleClass(button, 'va-button-primary'); }); // Ensure form is reset on page load to prevent unexpected behavior associated with backtracking resetForm(); } function loadImports() { const importContent = document.getElementById('wizard-template').innerHTML; const anchor = document.querySelector('.wizard-anchor'); anchor.innerHTML = importContent; } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { loadImports(); reInitWidget(); });
add suppress
//noinspection NodeJsCodingAssistanceForCoreModules const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { entry: { home: './src/js/home.js', privacy: './src/js/privacy.js' }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'), filename: 'js/[name].js' }, devServer: { contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public') }, module: { loaders: [ { loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/, test: /\.js[x]?$/, query: { cacheDirectory: true, presets: ['es2015'] } }, {test: /\.pug$/, loader: 'pug-loader'}, {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}, {test: /\.scss$/, loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']}, {test: /\.svg$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=image/svg+xml'}, {test: /\.woff$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'}, {test: /\.woff2$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'}, {test: /\.eot$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'}, {test: /\.ttf$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'} ] }, plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: 'jquery', jQuery: 'jquery' }), new CopyWebpackPlugin( [ {from: "src/img/", to: "img/"}, {from: "src/json/", to: "json/"} ] ), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: 'index.html', template: 'src/index.pug', inject: 'head', chunks: ['home'] }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: 'privacy.html', template: 'src/privacy.pug', inject: 'head', chunks: ['home', 'privacy'] }) ] };
const webpack = require('webpack'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { home: './src/js/home.js', privacy: './src/js/privacy.js' }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'), filename: 'js/[name].js' }, devServer: { contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public') }, module: { loaders: [ { loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/, test: /\.js[x]?$/, query: { cacheDirectory: true, presets: ['es2015'] } }, {test: /\.pug$/, loader: 'pug-loader'}, {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}, {test: /\.scss$/, loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']}, {test: /\.svg$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=image/svg+xml'}, {test: /\.woff$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'}, {test: /\.woff2$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'}, {test: /\.eot$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'}, {test: /\.ttf$/, loader: 'url-loader?mimetype=application/font-woff'} ] }, plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: 'jquery', jQuery: 'jquery' }), new CopyWebpackPlugin( [ {from: "src/img/", to: "img/"}, {from: "src/json/", to: "json/"} ] ), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: 'index.html', template: 'src/index.pug', inject: 'head', chunks: ['home'] }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: 'privacy.html', template: 'src/privacy.pug', inject: 'head', chunks: ['home', 'privacy'] }) ] };
Copy extension assets from VM
var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); // Plugins var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); // PostCss var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'); var postcssVars = require('postcss-simple-vars'); var postcssImport = require('postcss-import'); module.exports = { devServer: { contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'), host: '', port: process.env.PORT || 8601 }, devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map', entry: { lib: ['react', 'react-dom'], gui: './src/index.jsx', blocksonly: './src/examples/blocks-only.jsx', compatibilitytesting: './src/examples/compatibility-testing.jsx', player: './src/examples/player.jsx' }, output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'), filename: '[name].js' }, externals: { React: 'react', ReactDOM: 'react-dom' }, module: { rules: [{ test: /\.jsx?$/, loader: 'babel-loader', include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src') }, { test: /\.css$/, use: [{ loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: true, importLoaders: 1, localIdentName: '[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]', camelCase: true } }, { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { ident: 'postcss', plugins: function () { return [ postcssImport, postcssVars, autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 3 versions', 'Safari >= 8', 'iOS >= 8'] }) ]; } } }] }, { test: /\.(svg|png|wav)$/, loader: 'file-loader' }] }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"' + process.env.NODE_ENV + '"', 'process.env.DEBUG': Boolean(process.env.DEBUG) }), new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'lib', filename: 'lib.min.js' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'gui'], template: 'src/index.ejs', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'blocksonly'], template: 'src/index.ejs', filename: 'blocks-only.html', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI: Blocks Only Example' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'compatibilitytesting'], template: 'src/index.ejs', filename: 'compatibility-testing.html', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI: Compatibility Testing' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'player'], template: 'src/index.ejs', filename: 'player.html', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI: Player Example' }), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'node_modules/scratch-blocks/media', to: 'static/blocks-media' }]), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'node_modules/scratch-vm/dist/node/assets', to: 'static/extension-assets' }]), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'extensions/**', to: 'static', context: 'src/examples' }]), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'extension-worker.{js,}', context: 'node_modules/scratch-vm/dist/web' }]) ].concat(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? [ new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ include: /\.min\.js$/, minimize: true }) ] : []) };
var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); // Plugins var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); // PostCss var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'); var postcssVars = require('postcss-simple-vars'); var postcssImport = require('postcss-import'); module.exports = { devServer: { contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'), host: '', port: process.env.PORT || 8601 }, devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map', entry: { lib: ['react', 'react-dom'], gui: './src/index.jsx', blocksonly: './src/examples/blocks-only.jsx', compatibilitytesting: './src/examples/compatibility-testing.jsx', player: './src/examples/player.jsx' }, output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'), filename: '[name].js' }, externals: { React: 'react', ReactDOM: 'react-dom' }, module: { rules: [{ test: /\.jsx?$/, loader: 'babel-loader', include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src') }, { test: /\.css$/, use: [{ loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: true, importLoaders: 1, localIdentName: '[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]', camelCase: true } }, { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { ident: 'postcss', plugins: function () { return [ postcssImport, postcssVars, autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 3 versions', 'Safari >= 8', 'iOS >= 8'] }) ]; } } }] }, { test: /\.(svg|png|wav)$/, loader: 'file-loader' }] }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"' + process.env.NODE_ENV + '"', 'process.env.DEBUG': Boolean(process.env.DEBUG) }), new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'lib', filename: 'lib.min.js' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'gui'], template: 'src/index.ejs', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'blocksonly'], template: 'src/index.ejs', filename: 'blocks-only.html', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI: Blocks Only Example' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'compatibilitytesting'], template: 'src/index.ejs', filename: 'compatibility-testing.html', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI: Compatibility Testing' }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ chunks: ['lib', 'player'], template: 'src/index.ejs', filename: 'player.html', title: 'Scratch 3.0 GUI: Player Example' }), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'node_modules/scratch-blocks/media', to: 'static/blocks-media' }]), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'extensions/**', to: 'static', context: 'src/examples' }]), new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'extension-worker.{js,}', context: 'node_modules/scratch-vm/dist/web' }]) ].concat(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? [ new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ include: /\.min\.js$/, minimize: true }) ] : []) };
Fix externalRequest
const webpack = require('webpack'); function criWrapper(_, options, callback) { window.criRequest(options, callback); } module.exports = { resolve: { alias: { 'ws': './websocket-wrapper.js' } }, externals: [ { './external-request.js': `var (${criWrapper})` } ], module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' } ] }, plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ mangle: true, compress: { warnings: false }, output: { comments: false } }) ], entry: './index.js', output: { libraryTarget: process.env.TARGET || 'commonjs2', library: 'CDP', filename: 'chrome-remote-interface.js' } };
const webpack = require('webpack'); function criWrapper(_, options, callback) { window.criRequest(options, callback); } module.exports = { resolve: { alias: { 'ws': './websocket-wrapper.js' } }, externals: [ { './external-request.js': `(${criWrapper})` } ], module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' } ] }, plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ mangle: true, compress: { warnings: false }, output: { comments: false } }) ], entry: './index.js', output: { libraryTarget: process.env.TARGET || 'commonjs2', library: 'CDP', filename: 'chrome-remote-interface.js' } };
Add revoke action
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const defaultUri = "http://localhost:3000/api/v1" const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document) // Service URL setting"service_uri", ({service_uri}) => { if (service_uri === undefined) {{service_uri: defaultUri}, () => { $("input[name=uri]").value = defaultUri }) } else { $("input[name=uri]").value = service_uri } }) $("button[name=reset]").addEventListener("click", (eve) => {{service_uri: defaultUri}, () => { $("input[name=uri]").value = defaultUri $("button[name=update]").disabled = true $("button[name=token]").disabled = false }) }, false) $("button[name=update]").addEventListener("click", (eve) => {{service_uri: $("input[name=uri]").value}, () => { $("button[name=update]").disabled = true $("button[name=token]").disabled = false }) }, false) $("input[name=uri]").addEventListener("input", (eve) => { $("button[name=update]").disabled = false $("button[name=token]").disabled = true }, false) // Token setting"token", ({token}) => { if (token === undefined) { if ( { const queries =^\?/, "").split("&") for (const query of queries) { if (^token=/) === 0) { const token = query.split("=")[1] if (!token) { continue }{token: token}, () => { $("input[name=token]").value = token }) return } } } $("button[name=token]").innerText = "Get Token" } else { $("input[name=token]").value = token } }) $("button[name=token]").addEventListener("click", (eve) => { switch ( { case "Revoke Token":["service_uri", "token"], ({service_uri, token}) => { fetch(`${service_uri}/auth/token/${token}`, { method: "DELETE" }) .then(() =>"token", () => { $("input[name=token]").value = "" = "Get Token" })) .catch((e) => { alert(`Failed to send revoke request.`) }) }) break case "Get Token": const callbackUrl = chrome.extension.getURL("options.html")"service_uri", ({service_uri}) => { chrome.tabs.getCurrent(cur => { chrome.tabs.update(, {url: `${service_uri}/auth?callback=${callbackUrl}`}) }) }) break default: throw new Error() } }, false) }, false)
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Fix JSON webpack loader
'use strict'; const webpack = require('webpack'); function criWrapper(_, options, callback) { window.criRequest(options, callback); } const webpackConfig = { resolve: { alias: { 'ws': './websocket-wrapper.js' } }, externals: [ { './external-request.js': `var (${criWrapper})` } ], module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' } ] }, plugins: [ ], entry: './index.js', output: { libraryTarget: process.env.TARGET || 'commonjs2', library: 'CDP', filename: 'chrome-remote-interface.js' } }; if (process.env.DEBUG !== 'true') { webpackConfig.plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ mangle: true, compress: { warnings: false }, output: { comments: false } })); } module.exports = webpackConfig;
'use strict'; const webpack = require('webpack'); function criWrapper(_, options, callback) { window.criRequest(options, callback); } const webpackConfig = { resolve: { alias: { 'ws': './websocket-wrapper.js' } }, externals: [ { './external-request.js': `var (${criWrapper})` } ], module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' } ] }, plugins: [ ], entry: './index.js', output: { libraryTarget: process.env.TARGET || 'commonjs2', library: 'CDP', filename: 'chrome-remote-interface.js' } }; if (process.env.DEBUG !== 'true') { webpackConfig.plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ mangle: true, compress: { warnings: false }, output: { comments: false } })); } module.exports = webpackConfig;
Add an alias for fonts in webpack config
const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { app: path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/Resources/assets/js/app.js') }, output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'web/builds'), filename: 'bundle.js', publicPath: '/builds/' }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /(node_modules)/, use: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.scss$/, use: [ { loader: "style-loader" }, { loader: "css-loader" }, { loader: "sass-loader" } ] } ] }, resolve: { alias: { fonts: path.resolve(__dirname, 'web/fonts') } } };
const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { app: path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/Resources/assets/js/app.js') }, output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'web/builds'), filename: 'bundle.js', publicPath: '/builds/' }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /(node_modules)/, use: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.scss$/, use: [ { loader: "style-loader" }, { loader: "css-loader" }, { loader: "sass-loader" } ] } ] } };
remove obsolete DedupePlugin
const path = require('path'); const DefinePlugin = require('webpack').DefinePlugin; const ProgressPlugin = require('webpack').ProgressPlugin; const HtmlPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const nodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; // Minification options used in production mode. const htmlMinifierOptions = { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, removeTagWhitespace: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, removeOptionalTags: true }; const plugins = [ new DefinePlugin({ 'process.env': { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(nodeEnv) } }), new HtmlPlugin({ chunks: [ 'app' ], inject: false, template: './index.html', minify: nodeEnv === 'production' ? htmlMinifierOptions : false, loadingScreen: () => require('./tasks/utils/renderLoadingScreen')() }), new ProgressPlugin() ]; if (nodeEnv === 'production') { const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require('webpack').LoaderOptionsPlugin; const OccurrenceOrderPlugin = require('webpack').optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin; const UglifyJsPlugin = require('webpack').optimize.UglifyJsPlugin; plugins.push( new OccurrenceOrderPlugin(), new LoaderOptionsPlugin({ minimize: true, debug: false }), new UglifyJsPlugin({ // Yeah… Enables some riskier minification that doesn't work in IE8. // But üWave doesn't work in IE8 _anyway_, so we don't care. compress: { screw_ie8: true, pure_getters: true, unsafe: true }, output: { screw_ie8: true }, // Rename top-level (global scope) variables to shorter names too. // There's no other code that depends on those variables to be // available, so it doesn't really matter what they're called! mangle: { toplevel: true } }) ); } module.exports = { context: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), entry: { app: './app.js' }, output: { publicPath: '/', path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'), filename: '[name].js' }, plugins, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.yaml$/, use: [ 'json-loader', 'yaml-loader' ] }, { test: /\.json$/, use: [ 'json-loader' ] }, { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: [ 'babel-loader' ] } ] } };
const path = require('path'); const DefinePlugin = require('webpack').DefinePlugin; const ProgressPlugin = require('webpack').ProgressPlugin; const HtmlPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const nodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; // Minification options used in production mode. const htmlMinifierOptions = { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, removeTagWhitespace: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, removeOptionalTags: true }; const plugins = [ new DefinePlugin({ 'process.env': { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(nodeEnv) } }), new HtmlPlugin({ chunks: [ 'app' ], inject: false, template: './index.html', minify: nodeEnv === 'production' ? htmlMinifierOptions : false, loadingScreen: () => require('./tasks/utils/renderLoadingScreen')() }), new ProgressPlugin() ]; if (nodeEnv === 'production') { const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require('webpack').LoaderOptionsPlugin; const DedupePlugin = require('webpack').optimize.DedupePlugin; const OccurrenceOrderPlugin = require('webpack').optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin; const UglifyJsPlugin = require('webpack').optimize.UglifyJsPlugin; plugins.push( new OccurrenceOrderPlugin(), new DedupePlugin(), new LoaderOptionsPlugin({ minimize: true, debug: false }), new UglifyJsPlugin({ // Yeah… Enables some riskier minification that doesn't work in IE8. // But üWave doesn't work in IE8 _anyway_, so we don't care. compress: { screw_ie8: true, pure_getters: true, unsafe: true }, output: { screw_ie8: true }, // Rename top-level (global scope) variables to shorter names too. // There's no other code that depends on those variables to be // available, so it doesn't really matter what they're called! mangle: { toplevel: true } }) ); } module.exports = { context: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), entry: { app: './app.js' }, output: { publicPath: '/', path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'), filename: '[name].js' }, plugins, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.yaml$/, use: [ 'json-loader', 'yaml-loader' ] }, { test: /\.json$/, use: [ 'json-loader' ] }, { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: [ 'babel-loader' ] } ] } };
fix staging build
const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const ProgressBarPlugin = require('progress-bar-webpack-plugin'); const HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin = require('html-webpack-harddisk-plugin'); const RobotstxtPlugin = require('robotstxt-webpack-plugin').default; const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000; const HOST = process.env.HOST || 'localhost'; const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'; const isProduction = (NODE_ENV === 'production' || NODE_ENV === 'staging'); const isDevelopment = (NODE_ENV === 'development'); const config = { entry: isDevelopment ? [ 'babel-polyfill', 'react-hot-loader/patch', // activate HMR for React `webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=http://${HOST}:${PORT}/__webpack_hmr`, // bundle the client for webpack-hot-middleware and connect to the provided endpoint './src/client.jsx', ] : [ 'babel-polyfill', './src/client.jsx', ], resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json'], }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/public/'), filename: isDevelopment ? 'main.js' : 'assets/scripts/[name].[chunkhash].js', }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/, use: ['css-hot-loader'].concat( ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ fallback: 'style-loader', use: [{ loader: 'css-loader', options: {minimize: true}, }], }), ), }, { test: /\.jsx?$/, use: ['babel-loader'], include: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), }, ], }, plugins: [ new ProgressBarPlugin(), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(NODE_ENV), }), isDevelopment ? new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() // enable HMR globally : null, isDevelopment ? new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin() // prints more readable module names in the browser console on HMR updates : null, isDevelopment ? new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin() // do not emit compiled assets that include errors : null, new ExtractTextPlugin({ filename: isDevelopment ? 'assets/styles/main.css' : 'assets/styles/[name].[chunkhash].css', }), isDevelopment ? null : new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'vendor', minChunks: module => /node_modules/.test(module.resource), }), isDevelopment ? null : new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({name: 'manifest'}), isDevelopment ? null : new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.html'), minify: isProduction ? {collapseWhitespace: true, collapseInlineTagWhitespace: true} : false, alwaysWriteToDisk: true, }), new HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin(), new CopyWebpackPlugin([ { context: 'src/assets/media', from: '**/*', to: 'assets/media', }, ]), new RobotstxtPlugin({ policy: [ isProduction ? {userAgent: '*', allow: '/'} : {userAgent: '*', disallow: '/'}, ], }), ].filter(Boolean), devtool: isProduction ? 'none' : 'cheap-module-eval-source-map', performance: { maxAssetSize: 500000, }, }; module.exports = config;
const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const ProgressBarPlugin = require('progress-bar-webpack-plugin'); const HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin = require('html-webpack-harddisk-plugin'); const RobotstxtPlugin = require('robotstxt-webpack-plugin').default; const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000; const HOST = process.env.HOST || 'localhost'; const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'; const isProduction = (NODE_ENV === 'production'); const isDevelopment = (NODE_ENV === 'development'); const config = { entry: isDevelopment ? [ 'babel-polyfill', 'react-hot-loader/patch', // activate HMR for React `webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=http://${HOST}:${PORT}/__webpack_hmr`, // bundle the client for webpack-hot-middleware and connect to the provided endpoint './src/client.jsx', ] : [ 'babel-polyfill', './src/client.jsx', ], resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json'], }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/public/'), filename: isDevelopment ? 'main.js' : 'assets/scripts/[name].[chunkhash].js', }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/, use: ['css-hot-loader'].concat( ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ fallback: 'style-loader', use: [{ loader: 'css-loader', options: {minimize: true}, }], }), ), }, { test: /\.jsx?$/, use: ['babel-loader'], include: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), }, ], }, plugins: [ new ProgressBarPlugin(), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(NODE_ENV), }), isDevelopment ? new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() // enable HMR globally : null, isDevelopment ? new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin() // prints more readable module names in the browser console on HMR updates : null, isDevelopment ? new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin() // do not emit compiled assets that include errors : null, new ExtractTextPlugin({ filename: isDevelopment ? 'assets/styles/main.css' : 'assets/styles/[name].[chunkhash].css', }), isDevelopment ? null : new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'vendor', minChunks: module => /node_modules/.test(module.resource), }), isDevelopment ? null : new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({name: 'manifest'}), isDevelopment ? null : new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.html'), minify: isProduction ? {collapseWhitespace: true, collapseInlineTagWhitespace: true} : false, alwaysWriteToDisk: true, }), new HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin(), new CopyWebpackPlugin([ { context: 'src/assets/media', from: '**/*', to: 'assets/media', }, ]), new RobotstxtPlugin({ policy: [ isProduction ? {userAgent: '*', allow: '/'} : {userAgent: '*', disallow: '/'}, ], }), ].filter(Boolean), devtool: isProduction ? 'none' : 'cheap-module-eval-source-map', performance: { maxAssetSize: 500000, }, }; module.exports = config;
fix env reading order
const dotenv = require('dotenv'); const Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore'); const StyleLintPlugin = require('stylelint-webpack-plugin'); dotenv.config({ path : __dirname + '/.env' }); dotenv.config({ path : __dirname + '/.env.local' }); // Manually configure the runtime environment if not already configured yet by the "encore" command. // It's useful when you use tools that rely on webpack.config.js file. if (!Encore.isRuntimeEnvironmentConfigured()) { Encore.configureRuntimeEnvironment(process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.APP_ENV || 'dev'); } Encore // directory where compiled assets will be stored .setOutputPath('public/build/') // public path used by the web server to access the output path .setPublicPath(process.env.ASSETS_ORIGIN + '/build/') // only needed for CDN's or sub-directory deploy .setManifestKeyPrefix('build/') /* * ENTRY CONFIG * * Add 1 entry for each "page" of your app * (including one that's included on every page - e.g. "app") * * Each entry will result in one JavaScript file (e.g. app.js) * and one CSS file (e.g. app.css) if your JavaScript imports CSS. */ .addEntry('athorrent', './assets/js/athorrent.js') .addEntry('files', './assets/js/files.js') .addEntry('media', './assets/js/media.js') .addEntry('search', './assets/js/search.js') .addEntry('sharings', './assets/js/sharings.js') .addEntry('torrents', './assets/js/torrents.js') .addEntry('users', './assets/js/users.js') .addStyleEntry('administration', './assets/css/administration.scss') .addStyleEntry('cache', './assets/css/cache.scss') .addStyleEntry('home', './assets/css/home.scss') .addStyleEntry('main', './assets/css/main.scss') .copyFiles({ from: './assets/images', pattern: /\.(ico|png)$/ }) // When enabled, Webpack "splits" your files into smaller pieces for greater optimization. .splitEntryChunks() // will require an extra script tag for runtime.js // but, you probably want this, unless you're building a single-page app .enableSingleRuntimeChunk() /* * FEATURE CONFIG * * Enable & configure other features below. For a full * list of features, see: * */ .cleanupOutputBeforeBuild() .enableBuildNotifications() .enableSourceMaps(!Encore.isProduction()) // enables hashed filenames (e.g. app.abc123.css) .enableVersioning(Encore.isProduction()) // enables Sass/SCSS support .enableSassLoader() .enablePostCssLoader() .addPlugin(new StyleLintPlugin({ context: './assets/css' })) // uncomment if you're having problems with a jQuery plugin .autoProvidejQuery() ; module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();
const dotenv = require('dotenv'); const Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore'); const StyleLintPlugin = require('stylelint-webpack-plugin'); dotenv.config({ path : __dirname + '/.env.local' }); dotenv.config({ path : __dirname + '/.env' }); // Manually configure the runtime environment if not already configured yet by the "encore" command. // It's useful when you use tools that rely on webpack.config.js file. if (!Encore.isRuntimeEnvironmentConfigured()) { Encore.configureRuntimeEnvironment(process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.APP_ENV || 'dev'); } Encore // directory where compiled assets will be stored .setOutputPath('public/build/') // public path used by the web server to access the output path .setPublicPath(process.env.ASSETS_ORIGIN + '/build/') // only needed for CDN's or sub-directory deploy .setManifestKeyPrefix('build/') /* * ENTRY CONFIG * * Add 1 entry for each "page" of your app * (including one that's included on every page - e.g. "app") * * Each entry will result in one JavaScript file (e.g. app.js) * and one CSS file (e.g. app.css) if your JavaScript imports CSS. */ .addEntry('athorrent', './assets/js/athorrent.js') .addEntry('files', './assets/js/files.js') .addEntry('media', './assets/js/media.js') .addEntry('search', './assets/js/search.js') .addEntry('sharings', './assets/js/sharings.js') .addEntry('torrents', './assets/js/torrents.js') .addEntry('users', './assets/js/users.js') .addStyleEntry('administration', './assets/css/administration.scss') .addStyleEntry('cache', './assets/css/cache.scss') .addStyleEntry('home', './assets/css/home.scss') .addStyleEntry('main', './assets/css/main.scss') .copyFiles({ from: './assets/images', pattern: /\.(ico|png)$/ }) // When enabled, Webpack "splits" your files into smaller pieces for greater optimization. .splitEntryChunks() // will require an extra script tag for runtime.js // but, you probably want this, unless you're building a single-page app .enableSingleRuntimeChunk() /* * FEATURE CONFIG * * Enable & configure other features below. For a full * list of features, see: * */ .cleanupOutputBeforeBuild() .enableBuildNotifications() .enableSourceMaps(!Encore.isProduction()) // enables hashed filenames (e.g. app.abc123.css) .enableVersioning(Encore.isProduction()) // enables Sass/SCSS support .enableSassLoader() .enablePostCssLoader() .addPlugin(new StyleLintPlugin({ context: './assets/css' })) // uncomment if you're having problems with a jQuery plugin .autoProvidejQuery() ; module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();
Change webpack paths
var path = require("path"); var webpack = require("webpack"); var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { cache: true, entry: { webvowl: "./src/webvowl/js/entry.js", "": "./src/app/js/entry.js" }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, "deploy/"), publicPath: "", filename: "js/[name].js", chunkFilename: "js/[chunkhash].js", libraryTarget: "assign", library: "[name]" }, module: { loaders: [ {test: /\.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader")}, {test: /\.json$/, loader: "file?name=data/[name].[ext]?[hash]"} ] }, plugins: [ new ExtractTextPlugin("css/[name].css"), new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ d3: "d3" }) ], externals: { "d3": "d3" } };
var path = require("path"); var webpack = require("webpack"); var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { cache: true, entry: { webvowl: "./src/webvowl/js/entry.js", "": "./src/app/js/entry.js" }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, "deploy/js/"), publicPath: "js/", filename: "[name].js", chunkFilename: "[chunkhash].js", libraryTarget: "assign", library: "[name]" }, module: { loaders: [ {test: /\.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader")}, {test: /\.json$/, loader: "file"} ] }, plugins: [ new ExtractTextPlugin("../css/[name].css"), new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ d3: "d3" }) ], externals: { "d3": "d3" } };
update webpack config
var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); var devFlagPlugin = new webpack.DefinePlugin({ __DEV__: JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(process.env.DEBUG || 'false')) }); module.exports = { devtool: 'eval', entry: [ 'webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:3000', 'webpack/hot/only-dev-server', './src/index' ], output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'bundle.js', publicPath: '/static/' }, plugins: [ new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(), devFlagPlugin, new ExtractTextPlugin('app.css') ], module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.jsx?$/, loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel'], include: path.join(__dirname, 'src') }, { test: /\.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('css-loader?module!cssnext-loader') } ] }, resolve: { extensions: ['', '.js', '.json'] } };
var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var devFlagPlugin = new webpack.DefinePlugin({ __DEV__: JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(process.env.DEBUG || 'false')) }); module.exports = { devtool: 'eval', entry: [ 'webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:3000', 'webpack/hot/only-dev-server', './src/index' ], output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'bundle.js', publicPath: '/static/' }, plugins: [ new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(), devFlagPlugin ], module: { loaders: [{ test: /\.js$/, loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel'], include: path.join(__dirname, 'src') }] } };
remove 's'
$(".reportComment").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }); function closeDiv(){ $(function(){ $("#reportSuccess").css("display", "none"); }) } function fadeInSuccess(){ $(function(){ $("#success").fadeIn(2000); }) } function inputTitleValidation(){ var input = $("#blogbundle_post_name"); var formGroup = $("#titleGroup"); input.on('keyup keypress blur change', function() { var inputLength = input.val().length; if(inputLength < 5){ formGroup.addClass("has-error") formGroup.removeClass("has-success") } else{ formGroup.addClass("has-success") formGroup.removeClass("has-error") } }); } function setReport(id){ var path = Routing.generate('set_report'); var reportData = {"Comment_ID": id}; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: reportData, url: path, success: function(data){ if(data){ $("#reportSuccess").fadeIn(1000); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } function deleteComment(id, postId){ var path = Routing.generate('admin_comment_delete'); var commentData = {"Comment_ID": id}; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: commentData, url: path, success: function(data){ if(data){ $("#deleteSuccess").fadeIn(1000); $("." + id).remove(); getCommentNumber(postId); getReportCommentNumber(postId); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } function getCommentNumber(postId){ var path = Routing.generate('admin_get_comments_post'); var commentData = {"Post_ID": postId}; $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: commentData, url: path, success: function(data){ $(".commentNumber").text(data); if(data > 1){ $(".pluralCommentNumber").text('s'); } else{ $(".pluralCommentNumber").remove(); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } function getReportCommentNumber(postId){ var path = Routing.generate('admin_get_report_comments_post'); var commentData = {"Post_ID": postId}; $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: commentData, url: path, success: function(data){ $(".reportCommentNumber").text(data); if(data > 1){ $(".pluralReportCommentNumber").text('s'); } else{ $(".pluralReportCommentNumber").remove(); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); }
$(".reportComment").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }); function closeDiv(){ $(function(){ $("#reportSuccess").css("display", "none"); }) } function fadeInSuccess(){ $(function(){ $("#success").fadeIn(2000); }) } function inputTitleValidation(){ var input = $("#blogbundle_post_name"); var formGroup = $("#titleGroup"); input.on('keyup keypress blur change', function() { var inputLength = input.val().length; if(inputLength < 5){ formGroup.addClass("has-error") formGroup.removeClass("has-success") } else{ formGroup.addClass("has-success") formGroup.removeClass("has-error") } }); } function setReport(id){ var path = Routing.generate('set_report'); var reportData = {"Comment_ID": id}; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: reportData, url: path, success: function(data){ if(data){ $("#reportSuccess").fadeIn(1000); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } function deleteComment(id, postId){ var path = Routing.generate('admin_comment_delete'); var commentData = {"Comment_ID": id}; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: commentData, url: path, success: function(data){ if(data){ $("#deleteSuccess").fadeIn(1000); $("." + id).remove(); getCommentNumber(postId); getReportCommentNumber(postId); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } function getCommentNumber(postId){ var path = Routing.generate('admin_get_comments_post'); var commentData = {"Post_ID": postId}; $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: commentData, url: path, success: function(data){ $(".commentNumber").text(data); if(data > 1){ $(".pluralCommentNumber").text('s'); } else{ $(".pluralCommentNumber").removeClass('pluralCommentNumber'); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); } function getReportCommentNumber(postId){ var path = Routing.generate('admin_get_report_comments_post'); var commentData = {"Post_ID": postId}; $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: commentData, url: path, success: function(data){ $(".reportCommentNumber").text(data); if(data > 1){ $(".pluralReportCommentNumber").text('s'); } else{ $(".pluralReportCommentNumber").removeClass('pluralReportCommentNumber'); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log(error); } }); }
Clean up webpack config
const webpack = require('webpack'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { index: './src/index' }, output: { path: './dist', libraryTarget: 'commonjs2', filename: 'index.js' }, resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.json'], modules: [ path.resolve('./src'), path.resolve('./node_modules'), ] }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ "global.GENTLY": false }) ], node: { __dirname: true, }, target: 'electron-renderer', module: { rules: [ { test: /\.jsx?$/, use: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/ }, { test: /\.css$/, use: [ { loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader', query: { modules: true } } ] }, { test: /\.png$/, use: 'url-loader' }, { test: /\.json$/, use: 'json-loader' }, { test: /\.s[ac]ss$/, use: ['style-loader','css-loader', 'sass-loader'] } ] } };
const webpack = require('webpack'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { index: './src/index' }, output: { path: './dist', libraryTarget: 'commonjs2', filename: 'index.js' }, resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.json'], modules: [ path.resolve('./src'), path.resolve('./node_modules'), ] }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ "global.GENTLY": false }) ], node: { __dirname: true, }, target: 'electron-renderer', module: { rules: [{ test: /\.jsx?$/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader' }, exclude: /node_modules/ }, { test: /\.css$/, use: [{ loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader', query: { modules: true } }] }, { test: /\.png$/, use: { loader: 'url-loader' } }, { test: /\.json$/, use: 'json-loader' }, { test: /\.s[ac]ss$/, use: [{ loader: "style-loader" }, { loader: "css-loader" }, { loader: "sass-loader" }] }] } };
Update alert
import React from "react"; import { map, sortBy } from "lodash-es"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { ListGroup, FormGroup, InputGroup, FormControl, Alert } from "react-bootstrap"; import { analyze } from "../../actions"; import { Icon, Button, LoadingPlaceholder, NoneFound, Flex, FlexItem } from "../../../base"; import AnalysisItem from "./Item"; import CreateAnalysis from "./Create"; import {getCanModify} from "../../selectors"; const AnalysesToolbar = ({ onClick, isModified }) => ( <div className="toolbar"> <FormGroup> <InputGroup> <InputGroup.Addon> <Icon name="search" /> </InputGroup.Addon> <FormControl type="text" /> </InputGroup> </FormGroup> <Button icon="new-entry" tip="New Analysis" bsStyle="primary" onClick={onClick} disabled={isModified} /> </div> ); class AnalysesList extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { show: false }; } render () { if (this.props.analyses === null) { return <LoadingPlaceholder margin="37px" />; } // The content that will be shown below the "New Analysis" form. let listContent; if (this.props.analyses.length) { // The components that detail individual analyses. listContent = map(sortBy(this.props.analyses, "timestamp").reverse(), (document, index) => <AnalysisItem key={index} {...document} /> ); } else { listContent = <NoneFound noun="analyses" noListGroup />; } let alert; if (this.props.modified_count) { alert = ( <Alert bsStyle="warning"> <Flex alignItems="center"> <Icon name="info" /> <FlexItem pad={5}> <span>The virus database has changed. </span> <Link to="/viruses/indexes">Rebuild the index</Link> <span> to use the changes in further analyses.</span> </FlexItem> </Flex> </Alert> ); } return ( <div> {alert} {this.props.canModify ? <AnalysesToolbar onClick={() => this.setState({show: true})} isModified={!!this.props.modified_count} /> : null} <ListGroup> {listContent} </ListGroup> <CreateAnalysis id={} show={} onHide={() => this.setState({show: false})} onSubmit={this.props.onAnalyze} /> </div> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ detail: state.samples.detail, analyses: state.samples.analyses, canModify: getCanModify(state), modified_count: state.viruses.modified_count }); const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onAnalyze: (sampleId, algorithm) => { dispatch(analyze(sampleId, algorithm)); } }); const Container = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AnalysesList); export default Container;
import React from "react"; import { map, sortBy } from "lodash-es"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { ListGroup, FormGroup, InputGroup, FormControl, Alert } from "react-bootstrap"; import { analyze } from "../../actions"; import { Icon, Button, LoadingPlaceholder, NoneFound, Flex, FlexItem } from "../../../base"; import AnalysisItem from "./Item"; import CreateAnalysis from "./Create"; import {getCanModify} from "../../selectors"; import { findIndexes } from "../../../indexes/actions"; const AnalysesToolbar = ({ onClick, isModified }) => ( <div className="toolbar"> <FormGroup> <InputGroup> <InputGroup.Addon> <Icon name="search" /> </InputGroup.Addon> <FormControl type="text" /> </InputGroup> </FormGroup> <Button icon="new-entry" tip="New Analysis" bsStyle="primary" onClick={onClick} disabled={isModified} /> </div> ); class AnalysesList extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { show: false }; } /* componentWillMount () { this.props.onFind(); } */ render () { if (this.props.analyses === null) { return <LoadingPlaceholder margin="37px" />; } // The content that will be shown below the "New Analysis" form. let listContent; if (this.props.analyses.length) { // The components that detail individual analyses. listContent = map(sortBy(this.props.analyses, "timestamp").reverse(), (document, index) => <AnalysisItem key={index} {...document} /> ); } else { listContent = <NoneFound noun="analyses" noListGroup />; } let alert; if (this.props.modified_count) { alert = ( <Alert bsStyle="warning"> <Flex alignItems="center"> <Icon name="info" /> <FlexItem pad={5}> <span>The virus database has changed. </span> <Link to="/viruses/indexes">Rebuild the index</Link> <span> to use the changes in further analyses.</span> </FlexItem> </Flex> </Alert> ); } return ( <div> {alert} {this.props.canModify ? <AnalysesToolbar onClick={() => this.setState({show: true})} isModified={!!this.props.modified_count} /> : null} <ListGroup> {listContent} </ListGroup> <CreateAnalysis id={} show={} onHide={() => this.setState({show: false})} onSubmit={this.props.onAnalyze} /> </div> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ detail: state.samples.detail, analyses: state.samples.analyses, canModify: getCanModify(state), modified_count: state.viruses.modified_count }); const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onAnalyze: (sampleId, algorithm) => { dispatch(analyze(sampleId, algorithm)); } }); const Container = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AnalysesList); export default Container;
Write optimization test for font-face
var assert = require("assert"); var crass = require('../crass'); var filler = 'src:"";foo:bar'; var parity = function(data) { data = data.replace(/\$\$/g, filler); assert.equal(crass.parse(data).toString(), data); assert.equal(crass.parse(crass.parse(data).pretty()).toString(), data); } describe('@font-face', function() { it('should parse font-face blocks', function() { parity('@font-face{$$}'); }); it('should optimize', function() { assert.equal( crass.parse('@font-face{font-weight:bold}').optimize().toString(), '@font-face{font-weight:700}' ); }); });
var assert = require("assert"); var crass = require('../crass'); var filler = 'src:"";foo:bar'; var parity = function(data) { data = data.replace(/\$\$/g, filler); assert.equal(crass.parse(data).toString(), data); assert.equal(crass.parse(crass.parse(data).pretty()).toString(), data); } describe('@font-face', function() { it('should parse font-face blocks', function() { parity('@font-face{$$}'); }); });
Fix tests
Fix path tests. Add new tests.
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import Path from 'axiom/fs/path'; var failTest = function(error) { expect(error).toBeUndefined(); }; describe('Path', function () { it('should be available as a module', function () { expect(Path).toBeDefined(); }); it('should not allow undefined path', function () { expect(function() { /** @type {string} */ var x; var p = new Path(x); }).toThrow(); }); it('should allow empty path', function () { var p = new Path('fs:'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); }); it('should allow root path', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); expect(p.elements).toEqual([]); }); it('should return null for parent of root path', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/').getParentPath(); expect(p).toBe(null); }); it('should split path with multiple elements', function () { var p = new Path('fs:foo/bar'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); expect(p.elements).toEqual(['foo', 'bar']); }); it('should split path with multiple elements', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/foo/bar'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); expect(p.elements).toEqual(['foo', 'bar']); }); it('should return the base name as a string', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/foo/bar/blah').getBaseName(); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p).toEqual('blah'); }); it('should combine root with simple relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:').combine('foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:/foo'); }); it('should combine simple relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:bar').combine('foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:/bar/foo'); }); it('should combine dotted relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:bar').combine('./foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:/bar/foo'); }); it('should combine dotted relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:bar').combine('../foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:/foo'); }); it('should resolve paths relative to current fs', function () { var p = Path.abs('fs:bar', '/foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:/foo'); }); });
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import Path from 'axiom/fs/path'; var failTest = function(error) { expect(error).toBeUndefined(); }; describe('Path', function () { it('should be available as a module', function () { expect(Path).toBeDefined(); }); it('should not allow undefined path', function () { expect(function() { /** @type {string} */ var x; var p = new Path(x); }).toThrow(); }); it('should allow empty path', function () { var p = new Path('fs:'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); }); it('should allow root path', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); expect(p.elements).toEqual([]); }); it('should return null for parent of root path', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/').getParentPath(); expect(p).toBe(null); }); it('should split path with multiple elements', function () { var p = new Path('fs:foo/bar'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); expect(p.elements).toEqual(['foo', 'bar']); }); it('should split path with multiple elements', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/foo/bar'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.isValid).toBe(true); expect(p.elements).toEqual(['foo', 'bar']); }); it('should return the base name as a string', function () { var p = new Path('fs:/foo/bar/blah').getBaseName(); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p).toEqual('blah'); }); it('should combine root with simple relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:').combine('foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:foo'); }); it('should combine simple relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:bar').combine('foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:bar/foo'); }); it('should combine dotted relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:bar').combine('./foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:bar/foo'); }); it('should combine dotted relative paths', function () { var p = new Path('fs:bar').combine('../foo'); expect(p).toBeDefined(); expect(p.spec).toEqual('fs:foo'); }); });
remove hover effects on mobile
/*global define */ define([ 'marionette', 'templates', 'underscore', 'app' ], function (Marionette, templates, _, app) { 'use strict'; return Marionette.ItemView.extend({ className: 'task-view item', template: templates.task, ui: { 'remove': '.remove', 'edit': '.edit', 'task': '.task', 'editTask': '.edit-task', 'newTitle': '.new-title', 'newAmount': '.new-amount' }, events: { 'click .task': 'onClickTask', 'click .remove': 'onClickRemove', 'click .edit': 'onClickEdit', 'click .save-task': 'onClickSaveTask', 'mouseover': 'onHover', 'mouseout': 'onStopHover' }, onRender: function() { if (!this.model.get('doable')) { $(this.el).addClass('disabled'); } this.ui.remove.hide(); this.ui.edit.hide(); this.ui.editTask.hide(); // event listener }, onClickTask: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.model.get('doable')) { this.model.set('completed', true);; var user =, bank_amt = user.get("bank"); user.set("bank", bank_amt + this.model.get("amount")); this.destroy(); } }, onClickRemove: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.model.destroy(); this.destroy(); }, onClickEdit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.ui.task.hide();; }, onClickSaveTask: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.model.set('title', this.ui.newTitle.val()); this.model.set('amount', this.ui.newAmount.val());; this.render(); }, onHover: function() { if(! {;; } }, onStopHover: function() { if (! { this.ui.remove.hide(); this.ui.edit.hide(); } } }); });
/*global define */ define([ 'marionette', 'templates', 'underscore', 'app' ], function (Marionette, templates, _, app) { 'use strict'; return Marionette.ItemView.extend({ className: 'task-view item', template: templates.task, ui: { 'remove': '.remove', 'edit': '.edit', 'task': '.task', 'editTask': '.edit-task', 'newTitle': '.new-title', 'newAmount': '.new-amount' }, events: { 'click .task': 'onClickTask', 'click .remove': 'onClickRemove', 'click .edit': 'onClickEdit', 'click .save-task': 'onClickSaveTask', 'mouseover': 'onHover', 'mouseout': 'onStopHover' }, onRender: function() { if (!this.model.get('doable')) { $(this.el).addClass('disabled'); } this.ui.remove.hide(); this.ui.edit.hide(); this.ui.editTask.hide(); // event listener }, onClickTask: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.model.get('doable')) { this.model.set('completed', true);; var user =, bank_amt = user.get("bank"); user.set("bank", bank_amt + this.model.get("amount")); this.destroy(); } }, onClickRemove: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.model.destroy(); this.destroy(); }, onClickEdit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.ui.task.hide();; }, onClickSaveTask: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.model.set('title', this.ui.newTitle.val()); this.model.set('amount', this.ui.newAmount.val());; this.render(); }, onHover: function() {;; }, onStopHover: function() { this.ui.remove.hide(); this.ui.edit.hide(); } }); });
change ETH language
const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const process = require('process') const os = require('os') const makeDir = require('make-dir') const inquirer = require('inquirer') const _ = require('lodash/fp') const coinUtils = require('../coin-utils') const common = require('./common') const doVolume = require('./do-volume') const cryptos = coinUtils.cryptoCurrencies() const logger = common.logger const PLUGINS = { BTC: require('./bitcoin.js'), LTC: require('./litecoin.js'), ETH: require('./ethereum.js'), DASH: require('./dash.js'), ZEC: require('./zcash.js'), BCH: require('./bitcoincash.js') } module.exports = {run} function installedVolumeFilePath (crypto) { return path.resolve(coinUtils.cryptoDir(crypto), '.installed') } function isInstalledVolume (crypto) { return fs.existsSync(installedVolumeFilePath(crypto)) } function isInstalledSoftware (crypto) { return common.isInstalledSoftware(crypto) } function processCryptos (codes) { if (_.isEmpty(codes)) {'No cryptos selected. Exiting.') process.exit(0) }'Thanks! Installing: %s. Will take a while...', _.join(', ', codes)) const goodVolume = doVolume.prepareVolume() if (!goodVolume) { logger.error('There was an error preparing the disk volume. Exiting.') process.exit(1) } const selectedCryptos = => _.find(['code', code], cryptos), codes) _.forEach(setupCrypto, selectedCryptos)'sudo service supervisor restart') const blockchainDir = coinUtils.blockchainDir() const backupDir = path.resolve(os.homedir(), 'backups') const rsyncCmd = `( \ (crontab -l 2>/dev/null || echo -n "") | grep -v "@daily rsync ".*"wallet.dat"; \ echo "@daily rsync -r --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' \ --include='wallet.dat' \ --exclude='*' ${blockchainDir} ${backupDir} > /dev/null" \ ) | crontab -`'Installation complete.') } function setupCrypto (crypto) {`Installing ${crypto.display}...`) const cryptoDir = coinUtils.cryptoDir(crypto) makeDir.sync(cryptoDir) const cryptoPlugin = plugin(crypto) const oldDir = process.cwd() const tmpDir = '/tmp/blockchain-install' makeDir.sync(tmpDir) process.chdir(tmpDir)'rm -rf *') common.fetchAndInstall(crypto) cryptoPlugin.setup(cryptoDir) common.writeFile(installedVolumeFilePath(crypto), '') process.chdir(oldDir) } function plugin (crypto) { const plugin = PLUGINS[crypto.cryptoCode] if (!plugin) throw new Error(`No such plugin: ${crypto.cryptoCode}`) return plugin } function run () { const choices = => { const checked = isInstalledSoftware(c) && isInstalledVolume(c) return { name: c.display, value: c.code, checked, disabled: c.cryptoCode === 'ETH' ? 'Use admin\'s Infura plugin' : checked && 'Installed' } }, cryptos) const questions = [] questions.push({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'crypto', message: 'Which cryptocurrencies would you like to install?', choices }) inquirer.prompt(questions) .then(answers => processCryptos(answers.crypto)) }
const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const process = require('process') const os = require('os') const makeDir = require('make-dir') const inquirer = require('inquirer') const _ = require('lodash/fp') const coinUtils = require('../coin-utils') const common = require('./common') const doVolume = require('./do-volume') const cryptos = coinUtils.cryptoCurrencies() const logger = common.logger const PLUGINS = { BTC: require('./bitcoin.js'), LTC: require('./litecoin.js'), ETH: require('./ethereum.js'), DASH: require('./dash.js'), ZEC: require('./zcash.js'), BCH: require('./bitcoincash.js') } module.exports = {run} function installedVolumeFilePath (crypto) { return path.resolve(coinUtils.cryptoDir(crypto), '.installed') } function isInstalledVolume (crypto) { return fs.existsSync(installedVolumeFilePath(crypto)) } function isInstalledSoftware (crypto) { return common.isInstalledSoftware(crypto) } function processCryptos (codes) { if (_.isEmpty(codes)) {'No cryptos selected. Exiting.') process.exit(0) }'Thanks! Installing: %s. Will take a while...', _.join(', ', codes)) const goodVolume = doVolume.prepareVolume() if (!goodVolume) { logger.error('There was an error preparing the disk volume. Exiting.') process.exit(1) } const selectedCryptos = => _.find(['code', code], cryptos), codes) _.forEach(setupCrypto, selectedCryptos)'sudo service supervisor restart') const blockchainDir = coinUtils.blockchainDir() const backupDir = path.resolve(os.homedir(), 'backups') const rsyncCmd = `( \ (crontab -l 2>/dev/null || echo -n "") | grep -v "@daily rsync ".*"wallet.dat"; \ echo "@daily rsync -r --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' \ --include='wallet.dat' \ --exclude='*' ${blockchainDir} ${backupDir} > /dev/null" \ ) | crontab -`'Installation complete.') } function setupCrypto (crypto) {`Installing ${crypto.display}...`) const cryptoDir = coinUtils.cryptoDir(crypto) makeDir.sync(cryptoDir) const cryptoPlugin = plugin(crypto) const oldDir = process.cwd() const tmpDir = '/tmp/blockchain-install' makeDir.sync(tmpDir) process.chdir(tmpDir)'rm -rf *') common.fetchAndInstall(crypto) cryptoPlugin.setup(cryptoDir) common.writeFile(installedVolumeFilePath(crypto), '') process.chdir(oldDir) } function plugin (crypto) { const plugin = PLUGINS[crypto.cryptoCode] if (!plugin) throw new Error(`No such plugin: ${crypto.cryptoCode}`) return plugin } function run () { const choices = => { const checked = isInstalledSoftware(c) && isInstalledVolume(c) return { name: c.display, value: c.code, checked, disabled: c.cryptoCode === 'ETH' ? 'Installed, use Infura option' : checked && 'Installed' } }, cryptos) const questions = [] questions.push({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'crypto', message: 'Which cryptocurrencies would you like to install?', choices }) inquirer.prompt(questions) .then(answers => processCryptos(answers.crypto)) }
fix copyTemplate editor path
'use strict'; const File = require( 'vinyl' ); const fs = require( 'fs' ); const copyTemplateAssets = function ( stream ) { let cssSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/template/build/_template/_template.css', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let css = new File( { path: '_template/_template.css', contents: new Buffer( cssSrc ) } ); stream.push( css ); let jsSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/template/build/_template/_template.js', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let js = new File( { path: '_template/_template.js', contents: new Buffer( jsSrc ) } ); stream.push( js ); var fontSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/template/build/_template/_template.woff' ); let fontFile = new File( { path: '_template/_template.woff', contents: new Buffer( fontSrc ) } ); stream.push( fontFile ); // editor let editorHtmlSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/editor/build/_editor.html', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let editorHtml = new File( { path: '_editor.html', contents: new Buffer( editorHtmlSrc ) } ); stream.push( editorHtml ); let editorCssSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/editor/build/_editor/_editor.css', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let editorCss = new File( { path: '_editor/_editor.css', contents: new Buffer( editorCssSrc ) } ); stream.push( editorCss ); let editorJsSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/editor/build/_editor/_editor.js', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let editorJs = new File( { path: '_editor/_editor.js', contents: new Buffer( editorJsSrc ) } ); stream.push( editorJs ); } module.exports = copyTemplateAssets;
'use strict'; const File = require( 'vinyl' ); const fs = require( 'fs' ); const copyTemplateAssets = function ( stream ) { let cssSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/template/build/_template/_template.css', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let css = new File( { path: '_template/_template.css', contents: new Buffer( cssSrc ) } ); stream.push( css ); let jsSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/template/build/_template/_template.js', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let js = new File( { path: '_template/_template.js', contents: new Buffer( jsSrc ) } ); stream.push( js ); var fontSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/template/build/_template/_template.woff' ); let fontFile = new File( { path: '_template/_template.woff', contents: new Buffer( fontSrc ) } ); stream.push( fontFile ); // editor let editorHtmlSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/editor/build/_editor.html', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let editorHtml = new File( { path: '_editor.html', contents: new Buffer( editorHtmlSrc ) } ); stream.push( editorHtml ); let editorCssSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/editor/build/_editor/_editor.css', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let editorCss = new File( { path: '_editor/_editor.css', contents: new Buffer( editorCssSrc ) } ); stream.push( editorCss ); let editorJsSrc = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/editor/build/_editor/_editor.Js', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ); let editorJs = new File( { path: '_editor/_editor.js', contents: new Buffer( editorJsSrc ) } ); stream.push( editorJs ); } module.exports = copyTemplateAssets;
fix #11 always waiting for WDS
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import { default as ReactDatePicker } from 'react-datepicker'; import moment from 'moment'; /** * DatePicker2控件 */ export default class DatePicker2 extends Component { static defaultProps = { dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD' } static propTypes = { /** * 日期格式<br> * 遵循moment.js格式<br> * <a href="">Moment.js文档</a> */ dateFormat: PropTypes.string, /** * value 请使用ISO 8061格式 */ value: PropTypes.string, showMonthDropdown: PropTypes.bool, showYearDropdown: PropTypes.bool, /** * 参数: * - value: ISO 8061格式时间字符串 * - formattedValue: 按照用户指定格式进行了格式化后的字符串 * - momentDate: moment.js对象 */ onChange: PropTypes.func }; state = { }; constructor(props) { super(props); } // date参数是moment.js生成的时间格式 handleChange(date) { if (this.props.onChange) { this.props.onChange( date.toDate().toISOString(), // ISO 8601 date.format(this.props.dateFormat), // 使用moment.js按照用户指定的格式进行格式化 date ); } } render() { // 之前使用otherProps获取react-datepicker的属性,然后往下传 // 但是出现了bug#11 const { value, showMonthDropdown, showYearDropdown } = this.props; return (<ReactDatePicker showMonthDropdown={showMonthDropdown} showYearDropdown={showYearDropdown} selected={moment(value)} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} />); } }
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import { default as ReactDatePicker } from 'react-datepicker'; import moment from 'moment'; /** * DatePicker2控件 */ export default class DatePicker2 extends Component { static defaultProps = { dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD' } static propTypes = { /** * 日期格式<br> * 遵循moment.js格式<br> * <a href="">Moment.js文档</a> */ dateFormat: PropTypes.string, /** * value 请使用ISO 8061格式 */ value: PropTypes.string, showMonthDropdown: PropTypes.bool, showYearDropdown: PropTypes.bool, /** * 参数: * - value: ISO 8061格式时间字符串 * - formattedValue: 按照用户指定格式进行了格式化后的字符串 * - momentDate: moment.js对象 */ onChange: PropTypes.func }; state = { }; constructor(props) { super(props); } // date参数是moment.js生成的时间格式 handleChange(date) { if (this.props.onChange) { this.props.onChange( date.toDate().toISOString(), // ISO 8601 date.format(this.props.dateFormat), // 使用moment.js按照用户指定的格式进行格式化 date ); } } render() { // 使用otherProps获取react-datepicker的属性,然后往下传 const { value, ...otherProps } = this.props; return (<ReactDatePicker {...otherProps} selected={moment(value)} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} />); } }
Fix lint errors in client parser
'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var utilities = require('./utilities'); var formatDOM = utilities.formatDOM; /** * Parse HTML string to DOM nodes. * This uses the browser DOM API. * * @param {String} html - The HTML. * @return {Object} - The DOM nodes. */ function parseDOM(html) { if (typeof html !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string.'); } // try to match the tags var match = html.match(/<[^\/](.+?)>/g); var nodes; if (match && match.length) { var tagMatch = match[0]; // directive matched if (/<![^-]/.test(tagMatch)) { var directive = ( // remove angle brackets tagMatch .substring(1, tagMatch.length - 1) .trim() ); // tag name can no longer be first match item tagMatch = match[1]; // remove directive from html html = html.substring(html.indexOf('>') + 1); } // first tag name matched if (tagMatch) { var tagName = ( // keep only tag name tagMatch .substring(1, tagMatch.indexOf(' ')) .trim() .toLowerCase() ) } } // create html document to parse top-level nodes if (['html', 'head', 'body'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) { var doc; // `new DOMParser().parseFromString()` // if (window.DOMParser) { doc = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); // `DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument()` // } else if (document.implementation.createHTMLDocument) { doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html; doc.removeChild(doc.childNodes[0]); // remove doctype } // html if (tagName === 'html') { nodes = doc.childNodes; // head and body } else { nodes = ( // do this so attributes are kept // but there may be an extra head/body node doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0] .parentNode .childNodes ); } // `innerHTML` approach } else { var container = document.createElement('body'); container.innerHTML = html; nodes = container.childNodes; } return formatDOM(nodes, null, directive); } /** * Export HTML to DOM parser (client). */ module.exports = parseDOM;
'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var utilities = require('./utilities'); var formatDOM = utilities.formatDOM; /** * Parse HTML string to DOM nodes. * This uses the browser DOM API. * * @param {String} html - The HTML. * @return {Object} - The DOM nodes. */ function parseDOM(html) { if (typeof html !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string.'); } // try to match the tags var match = html.match(/<[^\/](.+?)>/g); var container; var parentNode; var nodes; if (match && match.length) { var tagMatch = match[0]; // directive matched if (/<![^-]/.test(tagMatch)) { var directive = ( // remove angle brackets tagMatch .substring(1, tagMatch.length - 1) .trim() ); // tag name can no longer be first match item tagMatch = match[1]; // remove directive from html html = html.substring(html.indexOf('>') + 1); } // first tag name matched if (tagMatch) { var tagName = ( // keep only tag name tagMatch .substring(1, tagMatch.indexOf(' ')) .trim() .toLowerCase() ) } } // create html document to parse top-level nodes if (['html', 'head', 'body'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) { var doc; // `new DOMParser().parseFromString()` // if (window.DOMParser) { doc = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); // `DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument()` // } else if (document.implementation.createHTMLDocument) { doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html; doc.removeChild(doc.childNodes[0]); // remove doctype } // html if (tagName === 'html') { nodes = doc.childNodes; // head and body } else { nodes = ( // do this so attributes are kept // but there may be an extra head/body node doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0] .parentNode .childNodes ); } // `innerHTML` approach } else { var container = document.createElement('body'); container.innerHTML = html; nodes = container.childNodes; } return formatDOM(nodes, null, directive); } /** * Export HTML to DOM parser (client). */ module.exports = parseDOM;
Fix typo
/* Tipue Search 5.0 Copyright (c) 2015 Tipue Tipue Search is released under the MIT License */ /* Stop words list from */ var tipuesearch_stop_words = ["aber", "als", "am", "an", "auch", "auf", "aus", "bei", "bin", "bis", "bist", "da", "dadurch", "daher", "darum", "das", "daß", "dass", "dein", "deine", "dem", "den", "der", "des", "dessen", "deshalb", "die", "dies", "dieser", "dieses", "doch", "dort", "du", "durch", "ein", "eine", "einem", "einen", "einer", "eines", "er", "es", "euer", "eure", "für", "hatte", "hatten", "hattest", "hattet", "hier", "hinter", "ich", "ihr", "ihre", "im", "in", "ist", "ja", "jede", "jedem", "jeden", "jeder", "jedes", "jener", "jenes", "jetzt", "kann", "kannst", "können", "könnt", "machen", "mein", "meine", "mit", "muß", "mußt", "musst", "müssen", "müßt", "nach", "nachdem", "nein", "nicht", "nun", "oder", "seid", "sein", "seine", "sich", "sie", "sind", "soll", "sollen", "sollst", "sollt", "sonst", "soweit", "sowie", "und", "unser", "unsere", "unter", "vom", "von", "vor", "wann", "warum", "was", "weiter", "weitere", "wenn", "wer", "werde", "werden", "werdet", "weshalb", "wie", "wieder", "wieso", "wir", "wird", "wirst", "wo", "woher", "wohin", "zu", "zum", "zur", "über"]; var tipuesearch_replace = {'words': []}; var tipuesearch_weight = {'weight': []}; var tipuesearch_stem = {'words': []}; var tipuesearch_string_1 = 'Kein Title'; var tipuesearch_string_2 = 'Resultate für'; var tipuesearch_string_3 = 'Suche stattdessen nach'; var tipuesearch_string_4 = '1 Resultat'; var tipuesearch_string_5 = 'Resultate'; var tipuesearch_string_6 = 'Vorherige'; var tipuesearch_string_7 = 'Nächste'; var tipuesearch_string_8 = 'Nichts gefunden.'; var tipuesearch_string_9 = 'Häufig verwendete Begriffe werden weitgehend ignoriert'; var tipuesearch_string_10 = 'Suchbegriff zu kurz'; var tipuesearch_string_11 = 'Sollte mindestens ein Zeichen sein'; var tipuesearch_string_12 = 'Sollte'; var tipuesearch_string_13 = 'Zeichen oder mehr';
/* Tipue Search 5.0 Copyright (c) 2015 Tipue Tipue Search is released under the MIT License */ /* Stop words list from */ var tipuesearch_stop_words = ["aber", "als", "am", "an", "auch", "auf", "aus", "bei", "bin", "bis", "bist", "da", "dadurch", "daher", "darum", "das", "daß", "dass", "dein", "deine", "dem", "den", "der", "des", "dessen", "deshalb", "die", "dies", "dieser", "dieses", "doch", "dort", "du", "durch", "ein", "eine", "einem", "einen", "einer", "eines", "er", "es", "euer", "eure", "für", "hatte", "hatten", "hattest", "hattet", "hier", "hinter", "ich", "ihr", "ihre", "im", "in", "ist", "ja", "jede", "jedem", "jeden", "jeder", "jedes", "jener", "jenes", "jetzt", "kann", "kannst", "können", "könnt", "machen", "mein", "meine", "mit", "muß", "mußt", "musst", "müssen", "müßt", "nach", "nachdem", "nein", "nicht", "nun", "oder", "seid", "sein", "seine", "sich", "sie", "sind", "soll", "sollen", "sollst", "sollt", "sonst", "soweit", "sowie", "und", "unser", "unsere", "unter", "vom", "von", "vor", "wann", "warum", "was", "weiter", "weitere", "wenn", "wer", "werde", "werden", "werdet", "weshalb", "wie", "wieder", "wieso", "wir", "wird", "wirst", "wo", "woher", "wohin", "zu", "zum", "zur", "über"]; var tipuesearch_replace = {'words': []}; var tipuesearch_weight = {'weight': []}; var tipuesearch_stem = {'words': []}; var tipuesearch_string_1 = 'Kein Title'; var tipuesearch_string_2 = 'Resultate für'; var tipuesearch_string_3 = 'Suche stattdessen nach'; var tipuesearch_string_4 = '1 Resultat'; var tipuesearch_string_5 = 'Resultate'; var tipuesearch_string_6 = 'Vorherige'; var tipuesearch_string_7 = 'Nächste'; var tipuesearch_string_8 = 'Nichts gefunden.'; var tipuesearch_string_9 = 'Häufig verwendete Begriffe werden weitgehend ignoriert'; var tipuesearch_string_10 = 'Suchbegriff zu kuzr'; var tipuesearch_string_11 = 'Sollte mindestens ein Zeichen sein'; var tipuesearch_string_12 = 'Sollte'; var tipuesearch_string_13 = 'Zeichen oder mehr';
Fix session being sought on res
var r = require('rethinkdb'); var redditBot = require('../reddit/contexts/bot.js'); module.exports = function authBotCtor(cfg, env) { var botAuthReddit = redditBot(cfg); return function authBot(req, res, next) { botAuthReddit.auth(req.query.code).then(function (refreshToken) { return botAuthReddit.deauth() .then(function(){ return r.table('users').get(cfg.botName) .update({refreshToken: refreshToken}).run(env.conn); }) .then(function () { // "log out" and redirect to the index // so we can log in as ourselves delete req.session.username; delete; res.redirect('/'); },next); }); }; };
var r = require('rethinkdb'); var redditBot = require('../reddit/contexts/bot.js'); module.exports = function authBotCtor(cfg, env) { var botAuthReddit = redditBot(cfg); return function authBot(req, res, next) { botAuthReddit.auth(req.query.code).then(function (refreshToken) { return botAuthReddit.deauth() .then(function(){ return r.table('users').get(cfg.botName) .update({refreshToken: refreshToken}).run(env.conn); }) .then(function () { // "log out" and redirect to the index // so we can log in as ourselves delete res.session.username; delete; res.redirect('/'); },next); }); }; };
Fix the bug of css()
var extend = require('../../extend'), root = hexo.config.root; extend.helper.register('css', function(path){ if (!Array.isArray(path)) path = [path]; var result = []; path.forEach(function(item){ if (item.substr(item.length - 4, 4) !== '.css') item += '.css'; if (item.substr(0, 1) !== '/') item = root + item; result.push('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + item + '" type="text/css">'); }); return result.join('\n'); });
var extend = require('../../extend'), root = hexo.config.root; extend.helper.register('css', function(path){ if (!Array.isArray) path = [path]; var result = []; path.forEach(function(item){ if (item.substr(item.length - 4, 4) !== '.css') item += '.css'; if (item.substr(0, 1) !== '/') item += root; result.push('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + item + '" type="text/css">'); }); return result.join('\n'); });
Reverted the hardcoded UUID
var UserManager = require('../UserManager') , orm = require('../orm') , magnetId = require('node-uuid'); var SetupAdmin = function(){ orm.model('User').find({ where : { email : "" } }).success(function(user){ if(!user){ // create a test user if it does not already exist UserManager.create({ email : "", firstName : "Manager", lastName : "One", companyName : "Magnet Systems, Inc.", password : "test", userType : 'admin', magnetId : magnetId.v1() }, function(e){ if(e){ console.error('User: error creating test user: '+e); }else{'User: test user created:'); } }); } }); }; new SetupAdmin();
var UserManager = require('../UserManager') , orm = require('../orm') , magnetId = require('node-uuid'); var SetupAdmin = function(){ orm.model('User').find({ where : { email : "" } }).success(function(user){ if(!user){ // create a test user if it does not already exist UserManager.create({ email : "", firstName : "Manager", lastName : "One", companyName : "Magnet Systems, Inc.", password : "test", userType : 'admin', magnetId : '72150120-2746-11e3-acbe-71879d0cf3c3' }, function(e){ if(e){ console.error('User: error creating test user: '+e); }else{'User: test user created:'); } }); } }); }; new SetupAdmin();
make z-index work with overworld
"use strict"; function drawEntity(data, entity, context) { var image = data.images.get(; if (!image) { console.error("No such image",; return; } try { context.drawImage( image, entity.image.sourceX, entity.image.sourceY, entity.image.sourceWidth, entity.image.sourceHeight, entity.image.destinationX + entity.position.x, entity.image.destinationY + entity.position.y, entity.image.destinationWidth, entity.image.destinationHeight ); } catch (e) { console.error("Error drawing image",, e); } } module.exports = function(ecs, data) { ecs.add(function(entities, context) { var keys = Object.keys(entities); keys.sort(function(a, b) { var za = (entities[a].zindex || {zindex:0}).zindex; var zb = (entities[b].zindex || {zindex:0}).zindex; return za - zb; }); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var entity = entities[keys[i]]; if (entity.image === undefined || entity.position === undefined) { continue; } drawEntity(data, entity, context); } }); };
"use strict"; function drawEntity(data, entity, context) { var image = data.images.get(; if (!image) { console.error("No such image",; return; } try { context.drawImage( image, entity.image.sourceX, entity.image.sourceY, entity.image.sourceWidth, entity.image.sourceHeight, entity.image.destinationX + entity.position.x, entity.image.destinationY + entity.position.y, entity.image.destinationWidth, entity.image.destinationHeight ); } catch (e) { console.error("Error drawing image",, e); } } module.exports = function(ecs, data) { ecs.add(function(entities, context) { var keys = Object.keys(entities); keys.sort(function(a, b) { var za = entities[a].zindex || 0; var zb = entities[b].zindex || 0; return za - zb; }); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var entity = entities[keys[i]]; if (entity.image === undefined || entity.position === undefined) { continue; } drawEntity(data, entity, context); } }); };
fix lib/topic-filter/sorts.js for es5
module.exports = { 'closing-soon': { name: 'closing-soon', label: 'sorts.closing-soon', sort: function (a, b) { if (!a.closingAt && !b.closingAt) { // If closingAt isn't defined in both, they're equal return 0; } // undefined closingAt always goes last // b goes first in this case if (!a.closingAt) { return 1; } // undefined closingAt always goes last // a goes first in this case if (!b.closingAt) { return -1; } // Closest date first return new Date(a.closingAt) - new Date(b.closingAt); } }, 'newest-first': { name: 'newest-first', label: 'sorts.newest-first', sort: function (a, b) { // Newest dates first return new Date(b.publishedAt) - new Date(a.publishedAt); } }, 'oldest-first': { name: 'oldest-first', label: 'sorts.oldest-first', sort: function (a, b) { // Oldest dates first return new Date(a.publishedAt) - new Date(b.publishedAt); } }, 'recently-updated': { name: 'recently-updated', label: 'sorts.recently-updated', sort: function (a, b) { // Newest dates first return new Date(b.updatedAt) - new Date(a.updatedAt); } } };
export default { 'closing-soon': { name: 'closing-soon', label: 'sorts.closing-soon', sort: function (a, b) { if (!a.closingAt && !b.closingAt) { // If closingAt isn't defined in both, they're equal return 0; } // undefined closingAt always goes last // b goes first in this case if (!a.closingAt) { return 1; } // undefined closingAt always goes last // a goes first in this case if (!b.closingAt) { return -1; } // Closest date first return new Date(a.closingAt) - new Date(b.closingAt); } }, 'newest-first': { name: 'newest-first', label: 'sorts.newest-first', sort: function (a, b) { // Newest dates first return new Date(b.publishedAt) - new Date(a.publishedAt); } }, 'oldest-first': { name: 'oldest-first', label: 'sorts.oldest-first', sort: function (a, b) { // Oldest dates first return new Date(a.publishedAt) - new Date(b.publishedAt); } }, 'recently-updated': { name: 'recently-updated', label: 'sorts.recently-updated', sort: function (a, b) { // Newest dates first return new Date(b.updatedAt) - new Date(a.updatedAt); } } };
Update tr_TR.js
// Turkish jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.pickadate.defaults, { monthsFull: [ 'Ocak', 'Şubat', 'Mart', 'Nisan', 'Mayıs', 'Haziran', 'Temmuz', 'Ağustos', 'Eylül', 'Ekim', 'Kasım', 'Aralık' ], monthsShort: [ 'Oca', 'Şub', 'Mar', 'Nis', 'May', 'Haz', 'Tem', 'Ağu', 'Eyl', 'Eki', 'Kas', 'Ara' ], weekdaysFull: [ 'Pazar', 'Pazartesi', 'Salı', 'Çarşamba', 'Perşembe', 'Cuma', 'Cumartesi' ], weekdaysShort: [ 'Pzr', 'Pzt', 'Sal', 'Çrş', 'Prş', 'Cum', 'Cmt' ], today: 'Bugün', clear: 'Sil', firstDay: 1, format: 'dd mmmm yyyy dddd', formatSubmit: 'yyyy/mm/dd' });
// Turkish jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.pickadate.defaults, { monthsFull: [ 'Ocak', 'Şubat', 'Mart', 'Nisan', 'Mayıs', 'Haziran', 'Temmuz', 'Ağustos', 'Eylül', 'Ekim', 'Kasım', 'Aralık' ], monthsShort: [ 'Oca', 'Şub', 'Mar', 'Nis', 'May', 'Haz', 'Tem', 'Ağu', 'Eyl', 'Eki', 'Kas', 'Ara' ], weekdaysFull: [ 'Pazar', 'Pazartesi', 'Salı', 'Çarşamba', 'Perşembe', 'Cuma', 'Cumartesi' ], weekdaysShort: [ 'Pzr', 'Pzt', 'Sal', 'Çrş', 'Prş', 'Cum', 'Cmt' ], today: 'bugün', clear: 'sil', firstDay: 1, format: 'dd mmmm yyyy dddd', formatSubmit: 'yyyy/mm/dd' });
increase port polling timeout (#638)
'use strict'; const net = require('net'); const errors = require('../errors'); module.exports = function portPolling(options) { options = Object.assign({ timeoutInMS: 2000, maxTries: 20, delayOnConnectInMS: 3 * 2000, logSuggestion: 'ghost log', socketTimeoutInMS: 1000 * 60 }, options || {}); if (!options.port) { return Promise.reject(new errors.CliError({ message: 'Port is required.' })); } const connectToGhostSocket = (() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ghostSocket = net.connect(options.port); let delayOnConnectTimeout; // inactivity timeout ghostSocket.setTimeout(options.socketTimeoutInMS); ghostSocket.on('timeout', (() => { if (delayOnConnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(delayOnConnectTimeout); } ghostSocket.destroy(); // force retry const err = new Error(); err.retry = true; reject(err); })); ghostSocket.on('connect', (() => { if (options.delayOnConnectInMS) { let ghostDied = false; // CASE: client closes socket ghostSocket.on('close', (() => { ghostDied = true; })); delayOnConnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { ghostSocket.destroy(); if (ghostDied) { reject(new Error('Ghost died.')); } else { resolve(); } }, options.delayOnConnectInMS); return; } ghostSocket.destroy(); resolve(); })); ghostSocket.on('error', ((err) => { ghostSocket.destroy(); err.retry = true; reject(err); })); }); }); const startPolling = (() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let tries = 0; (function retry() { connectToGhostSocket() .then(() => { resolve(); }) .catch((err) => { if (err.retry && tries < options.maxTries) { tries = tries + 1; setTimeout(retry, options.timeoutInMS); return; } reject(new errors.GhostError({ message: 'Ghost did not start.', suggestion: options.logSuggestion, err: err })); }); }()); }); }); return startPolling(); };
'use strict'; const net = require('net'); const errors = require('../errors'); module.exports = function portPolling(options) { options = Object.assign({ timeoutInMS: 1000, maxTries: 20, delayOnConnectInMS: 3 * 1000, logSuggestion: 'ghost log', socketTimeoutInMS: 1000 * 30 }, options || {}); if (!options.port) { return Promise.reject(new errors.CliError({ message: 'Port is required.' })); } const connectToGhostSocket = (() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ghostSocket = net.connect(options.port); let delayOnConnectTimeout; // inactivity timeout ghostSocket.setTimeout(options.socketTimeoutInMS); ghostSocket.on('timeout', (() => { if (delayOnConnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(delayOnConnectTimeout); } ghostSocket.destroy(); // force retry const err = new Error(); err.retry = true; reject(err); })); ghostSocket.on('connect', (() => { if (options.delayOnConnectInMS) { let ghostDied = false; // CASE: client closes socket ghostSocket.on('close', (() => { ghostDied = true; })); delayOnConnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { ghostSocket.destroy(); if (ghostDied) { reject(new Error('Ghost died.')); } else { resolve(); } }, options.delayOnConnectInMS); return; } ghostSocket.destroy(); resolve(); })); ghostSocket.on('error', ((err) => { ghostSocket.destroy(); err.retry = true; reject(err); })); }); }); const startPolling = (() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let tries = 0; (function retry() { connectToGhostSocket() .then(() => { resolve(); }) .catch((err) => { if (err.retry && tries < options.maxTries) { tries = tries + 1; setTimeout(retry, options.timeoutInMS); return; } reject(new errors.GhostError({ message: 'Ghost did not start.', suggestion: options.logSuggestion, err: err })); }); }()); }); }); return startPolling(); };
update config file
var path = require('path'), rootPath = path.normalize(__dirname + '/..'); module.exports = function (app) { = { name : "{{name}}", // the name of you app } app.config = { port : 3000, // port to run the server on prettify : { html : true, // whether to pretify html }, engines : { html: "{{html}}", // options: [jade|ejs|haml|hjs|jshtml] css: "{{css}}", // options: [stylus|sass|less] }, root : rootPath, db : { url : "mongodb://localhost/db-name" // url to database }, jsonp : true, // allow jsonp requests secret : 'MYAPPSECRET', protocol : 'http://', autoLoad : false, // whether to autoload controllers & models } // some default meta setting for head = { description : '', keywords : '', viewport : 'width=device-width, user-scalable=yes, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0', encoding : "utf-8" } }
var path = require('path'), rootPath = path.normalize(__dirname + '/..'); module.exports = function (app) { = { name : "{{name}}", // the name of you app } app.config = { port : 3000, // port to run the server on prettify : { html : true, // whether to pretify html }, engines : { html: "{{html}}", // jade, ejs, haml, hjs (hogan) css: "{{css}}", // styles, sass, less }, root : rootPath, db : { url : "mongodb://localhost/db-name" // url to database }, jsonp : true, // allow jsonp requests secret : 'MYAPPSECRET', protocol : 'http://', autoLoad : false, // whether to autoload controllers & models } // some default meta setting for head = { description : '', keywords : '', viewport : 'width=device-width, user-scalable=yes, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0', encoding : "utf-8" } }
clean up
module.exports = { development: { db: 'mongodb://localhost/wo', app: { name: 'WO Portal' }, smtp: '', //smtp server used for pass reset/newsletter recap_pbk: '', //recaptcha public key recap_prk: '', //recaptcha private key oauth: { tokenLife: 3600 } } };
module.exports = { development: { db: 'mongodb://localhost/wo', app: { name: 'WO Portal' }, smtp: '', //smtp server used for pass reset/newsletter recap_pbk: '6LfwcOoSAAAAACeZnHuWzlnOCbLW7AONYM2X9K-H', //recaptcha public key recap_prk: '6LfwcOoSAAAAAGFI7h_SJoCBwUkvpDRf7_r8ZA_D', //recaptcha private key facebook: { clientID: "", //clientID clientSecret: "", //clientSecret callbackURL: "" //http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback }, oauth: { tokenLife: 3600 } } };
Fix vote import
// Import forum votes // 'use strict'; const Promise = require('bluebird'); const co = require('co'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const progress = require('./utils').progress; const POST = 1; // content type for posts module.exports = co.wrap(function* (N) { // // Establish MySQL connection // let conn = yield N.vbconvert.getConnection(); // // Fetch all users // let users = {}; (yield N.models.users.User.find().lean(true)).forEach(user => { users[user.hid] = user; }); let rows = yield conn.query('SELECT count(*) AS count FROM votes'); let bar = progress(' votes :current/:total [:bar] :percent', rows[0].count); let userids = yield conn.query(` SELECT fromuserid FROM votes GROUP BY fromuserid ORDER BY fromuserid ASC `); yield, co.wrap(function* (userid_row) { let fromuserid = userid_row.fromuserid; // ignore votes casted by deleted users if (!users[fromuserid]) return; let rows = yield conn.query(` SELECT targetid,vote,fromuserid,touserid,date FROM votes WHERE fromuserid = ? AND contenttypeid = ? `, [ fromuserid, POST ]); let bulk = N.models.users.Vote.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = rows[i]; bar.tick(); // ignore votes casted for deleted users if (!users[row.touserid]) continue; let post_mapping = yield N.models.vbconvert.PostMapping.findOne({ mysql_id: row.targetid }).lean(true); // voted for non-existent or not imported post if (!post_mapping) continue; count++; bulk.find({ from: users[row.fromuserid]._id, to: users[row.touserid]._id, 'for': post_mapping.post_id, type: N.models.users.Vote.types.FORUM_POST }).upsert().update({ $setOnInsert: { _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(, from: users[row.fromuserid]._id, to: users[row.touserid]._id, 'for': post_mapping.post_id, type: N.models.users.Vote.types.FORUM_POST, hb: users[row.fromuserid].hb, value: Number( } }); } if (!count) return; yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { bulk.execute(err => err ? reject(err) : resolve()); }); }), { concurrency: 100 }); bar.terminate(); conn.release();'Vote import finished'); });
// Import forum votes // 'use strict'; const Promise = require('bluebird'); const co = require('co'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const progress = require('./utils').progress; const POST = 1; // content type for posts module.exports = co.wrap(function* (N) { // // Establish MySQL connection // let conn = yield N.vbconvert.getConnection(); // // Fetch all users // let users = {}; (yield N.models.users.User.find().lean(true)).forEach(user => { users[user.hid] = user; }); let rows = yield conn.query('SELECT count(*) AS count FROM votes'); let bar = progress(' votes :current/:total [:bar] :percent', rows[0].count); let userids = yield conn.query(` SELECT fromuserid FROM votes GROUP BY fromuserid ORDER BY fromuserid ASC `); yield, co.wrap(function* (row) { // ignore votes casted by deleted users if (!users[row.fromuserid]) return; let rows = yield conn.query(` SELECT targetid,vote,fromuserid,touserid,date FROM votes WHERE fromuserid = ? AND contenttypeid = ? `, [ row.fromuserid, POST ]); let bulk = N.models.users.Vote.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); let count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { bar.tick(); // ignore votes casted for deleted users if (!users[row.touserid]) continue; let post_mapping = yield N.models.vbconvert.PostMapping.findOne({ mysql_id: row.targetid }).lean(true); count++; bulk.find({ from: users[row.fromuserid]._id, to: users[row.touserid]._id, 'for': post_mapping.post_id, type: N.models.users.Vote.types.FORUM_POST }).upsert().update({ $setOnInsert: { _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(, from: users[row.fromuserid]._id, to: users[row.touserid]._id, 'for': post_mapping.post_id, type: N.models.users.Vote.types.FORUM_POST, hb: users[row.fromuserid].hb, value: Number( } }); } if (!count) return; yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { bulk.execute(err => err ? reject(err) : resolve()); }); }), { concurrency: 100 }); bar.terminate(); conn.release();'Vote import finished'); });
Add some comments to index.
var runCallback = require('./common.js').runCallback; var crypto = require('crypto'); /** * XXX THIS CLASS IS NOT READY. DO NOT USE. * Todo: figure out how to clean up when an indexed field changes value. (I.e. delete the old entry.) * Todo: implement purge * Note: this adds a private property for original index value in _indexValues * Note: Index value removal is done asynchronously because its result doesn't matter (much). */ function Index(obj, field) { /* Back up functions we're wrapping */ var save =; var fromObject = obj.prototype.fromObject; var del = obj.prototype.delete; /* A local value to store the existing value of the indexed field. */ var indexValue; /* The name of the getter we're adding */ var getter = "getBy" + field.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + field.substr(1); /** * Key the key at which the index for the field and value will be stored. */ function getKey(value) { var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); hash.update(value || indexValue); var bucket = hash.digest('hex').substr(0, 8); return obj.getKey("ix:" + field + ":" + bucket); } /** * Wrap the save function with a function that adds to the index. */ = function(callback) { var self = this;, function(err, result) { if (err) return runCallback(callback, err, result); /* Try to remove the old index. Failure is non-fatal. */ if (indexValue && indexValue != self[field]) { obj.client.srem(getKey(),; } indexValue = self[field]; /* Track the new value */ obj.client.sadd(getKey(),, function(err, result) { if (err) return runCallback(callback, err, result); runCallback(callback, err, true); }); }); }; obj.prototype.fromObject = function(src) { indexValue = (typeof(src[field]) !== undefined) ? src[field] : undefined;, src); }; obj.prototype.delete = function(callback) { /* Remove the index key. Failure is non-fatal. */ obj.client.srem(getKey(),;, callback); }; /**/ obj[getter] = function(value, callback) { obj.client.smembers(getKey(value), function(err, result) { if (err) return runCallback(callback, err, result); if (!result.length) return runCallback(callback, err, result); obj.get(result, function(err, result) { var instances = []; for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (!result[i]) continue; /* No longer exists. */ if (result[i][field] == value) { instances.push(result[i]); } } runCallback(callback, err, instances); }); }); } } module.exports = Index;
var runCallback = require('./common.js').runCallback; var crypto = require('crypto'); /** * XXX THIS CLASS IS NOT READY. DO NOT USE. * Todo: figure out how to clean up when an indexed field changes value. (I.e. delete the old entry.) * Todo: implement purge * Note: this adds a private property for original index value in _indexValues * Note: Index value removal is done asynchronously because its result doesn't matter (much). */ function Index(obj, field) { var save =; var fromObject = obj.prototype.fromObject; var del = obj.prototype.delete; var indexValue; var getter = "getBy" + field.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + field.substr(1); /** * Key the key at which the index for the field and value will be stored. */ function getKey(value) { var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); hash.update(value || indexValue); var bucket = hash.digest('hex').substr(0, 8); return obj.getKey("ix:" + field + ":" + bucket); } /** * Wrap the save function with a function that adds to the index. */ = function(callback) { var self = this;, function(err, result) { if (err) return runCallback(callback, err, result); /* Try to remove the old index. Failure is non-fatal. */ if (indexValue && indexValue != self[field]) { obj.client.srem(getKey(),; } indexValue = self[field]; /* Track the new value */ obj.client.sadd(getKey(),, function(err, result) { if (err) return runCallback(callback, err, result); runCallback(callback, err, true); }); }); }; obj.prototype.fromObject = function(src) { indexValue = (typeof(src[field]) !== undefined) ? src[field] : undefined;, src); }; obj.prototype.delete = function(callback) { /* Remove the index key. Failure is non-fatal. */ obj.client.srem(getKey(),;, callback); }; /**/ obj[getter] = function(value, callback) { obj.client.smembers(getKey(value), function(err, result) { if (err) return runCallback(callback, err, result); if (!result.length) return runCallback(callback, err, result); obj.get(result, function(err, result) { var instances = []; for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (!result[i]) continue; /* No longer exists. */ if (result[i][field] == value) { instances.push(result[i]); } } runCallback(callback, err, instances); }); }); } } module.exports = Index;
make check show originalGameId
/* * Copyright 2014, Gregg Tavares. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Gregg Tavares. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ "use strict"; var gameInfo = require('../../lib/gameinfo'); var path = require('path'); var Promise = require('promise'); var check = function(args) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { try { var runtimeInfo = gameInfo.readGameInfo(process.cwd()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); reject(); return; } console.log("name : " +; console.log("gameId : " + runtimeInfo.originalGameId); console.log("runtimeId : " +; console.log("type : " +; console.log("version : " +; console.log("api version: " +; console.log(""); console.log("looks ok"); resolve(); }); }; exports.usage = { prepend: "check's the game in the current folder some requirements", options: [ ] }; exports.cmd = check;
/* * Copyright 2014, Gregg Tavares. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Gregg Tavares. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ "use strict"; var gameInfo = require('../../lib/gameinfo'); var path = require('path'); var Promise = require('promise'); var check = function(args) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { try { var runtimeInfo = gameInfo.readGameInfo(process.cwd()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); reject(); return; } console.log("name : " +; console.log("gameId : " +; console.log("type : " +; console.log("version : " +; console.log("api version: " +; console.log(""); console.log("looks ok"); resolve(); }); }; exports.usage = { prepend: "check's the game in the current folder some requirements", options: [ ] }; exports.cmd = check;
Improve comment
// // Space. The root item. // var Path = require('./geom/Path') var Vector = require('./geom/Vector') var IPath = require('./geom/IPath') var AbstractPlane = require('./AbstractPlane') var extend = require('extend') var Space = function () { // Space has constant identity transformation _T } var p = extend({}, AbstractPlane.prototype) Space.prototype = p p.atMid = function () { // Get a Vector to the centroid of the bounding convex hull. // Rather computationally intensive. return this.getHull().atMid() } p.setParent = function () { // Remove possibility to add to parent. throw new Error('Space cannot have a parent.') } p.remove = function () { // Silent, already removed. Otherwise would throw the error in setParent } p.getHull = function () { // Get bounding box as an IPath. Equals the convex hull // of the children. Iterates over all children AbstractNodes so keep // an eye on efficiency. // // Return // IPath // If no children, returns a path with single point at origin. // var children = this.getChildren() if (children.length < 1) { return new IPath(new Path([new Vector(0, 0)]), this) } var ip = children.reduce(function (acc, child) { return acc.add(child.getHull()) }, new IPath()) return ip.getHull() } module.exports = Space
// // Space. The root item. // var Path = require('./geom/Path') var Vector = require('./geom/Vector') var IPath = require('./geom/IPath') var AbstractPlane = require('./AbstractPlane') var extend = require('extend') var Space = function () { // Space has constant identity transformation _T } var p = extend({}, AbstractPlane.prototype) Space.prototype = p p.atMid = function () { // Get a Vector to the centroid of the bounding convex hull. // Rather computationally intensive. return this.getHull().atMid() } p.setParent = function () { // Remove possibility to add to parent. throw new Error('Space cannot have a parent.') } p.remove = function () { // Silent, already removed. Otherwise would throw the error in setParent } p.getHull = function () { // Get bounding box as an IPath. Equals the convex hull // of the children. Iterates over all children AbstractNodes so keep an eye on // efficiency. // // Return // IPath // If no children, returns a path with single point at origin. // var children = this.getChildren() if (children.length < 1) { return new IPath(new Path([new Vector(0, 0)]), this) } var ip = children.reduce(function (acc, child) { return acc.add(child.getHull()) }, new IPath()) return ip.getHull() } module.exports = Space
var combine = require('./jsCombine'), fs = require('fs'), templateUtil = require('./templateUtil'); function loadConfig(path) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')); } function explodeViews(module, config) { var views = config.views, loadedTemplates = {}, ret = []; for (var i = 0, len = module.length; i < len; i++) { var resource = module[i]; ret.push(resource); if (views[resource]) { views[resource].forEach(function(template) { var generator = function(callback) { templateUtil.loadTemplate(template, config.templateCache, callback); }; generator.sourceFile = template; ret.push(generator); }); } } return ret; } exports.init = function(configFile, outdir) { var config = loadConfig(configFile), moduleList = []; for (var name in config.modules) { moduleList.push(name); } return { build: function(moduleName, callback) { var modules = moduleName ? [moduleName] : moduleList; modules.forEach(function(name) { var resources = explodeViews(config.modules[name], config), moduleName = outdir + '/' + name + '.js'; combine.combine(resources, moduleName, callback); }); }, watch: function(moduleName, callback) { } }; };
var fs = require('fs'); function loadConfig(path) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')); } exports.init = function(configFile, outdir) { var config = loadConfig(configFile), moduleList = []; for (var name in config.modules) { moduleList.push(name); } return { build: function(moduleName, callback) { }, watch: function(moduleName, callback) { } }; };
Clean up delta labels
const getStackFamily = require('./stack-family'); const getChangeSetFamily = require('./change-set-family'); const deltaArrow = require('./delta-arrow'); const deltaValue = require('./delta-value'); /** * Returns a multi-line string describing the parameters that have changed * @param {ParameterDeltas} deltas * @returns {String} */ function parameterDeltasList(deltas) { if (!deltas.length) { return 'This change set contained no meaningful parameter deltas.'; } // Text blocks within attachments have a 3000 character limit. If the text is // too large, try creating the list without links to reduce the size. const withLinks = deltas .map((d) => { const oldValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.stackValue); const arrow = deltaArrow(d); const newValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.changeSetValue); const label = d.stackName.includes('-root-') ? d.parameter : `${d.stackName}::${d.parameter}`; return `*${label}*: ${oldValue} ${arrow} ${newValue}`; }) .join('\n'); if (withLinks.length < 2900) { return withLinks; } else { return deltas .map((d) => { const oldValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.stackValue, true); const arrow = deltaArrow(d, true); const newValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.changeSetValue, true); return `*${d.stackName}::${d.parameter}*: ${oldValue} ${arrow} ${newValue}`; }) .join('\n'); } } module.exports = { async nestedParameterDeltaText(stackName, changeSetName) { const stackFamily = await getStackFamily(stackName); const changeSetFamily = await getChangeSetFamily(stackName, changeSetName); /** @type {ParameterDeltas} */ const deltas = []; // Iterate through all existing stack parameters and create a delta for // each one, which includes the current value. for (const stack of stackFamily) { for (const param of stack.Parameters || []) { deltas.push({ stackName: stack.StackName, stackId: stack.StackId, parameter: param.ParameterKey, stackValue: param.ResolvedValue || param.ParameterValue, changeSetValue: null, }); } } // Iterate through all the change set parameters. If a delta already exists // for a given stack+parameter key, add the value from the change set to // that delta. If not, make a new delta. for (const changeSet of changeSetFamily) { for (const param of changeSet.Parameters || []) { const delta = deltas.find( (d) => param.ParameterKey === d.parameter && changeSet.StackName === d.stackName, ); if (delta) { delta.changeSetValue = param.ResolvedValue || param.ParameterValue; } else { deltas.push({ stackName: changeSet.StackName, stackId: changeSet.StackId, parameter: param.ParameterKey, stackValue: null, changeSetValue: param.ResolvedValue || param.ParameterValue, }); } } } // Filter down to only deltas where the values are different const changeDeltas = deltas.filter( (d) => d.stackValue !== d.changeSetValue, ); // When using nested change sets, not all parameters in nested stacks are // correctly resolved. Any parameter values that depend on a stack or // resource output will be included in the change set parameters with an // unresolved value that looks like "{{IntrinsicFunction:…". Unless or until // AWS makes nested change sets smarter, we have to just ignore these, // because there's no way to compare the actual existing value from the stack // to the hypothetical future value that will be resolved when the change set // executes. // // Any parameters effected by this limitation are filtered out. const cleanedDeltas = changeDeltas.filter( (d) => !(d.changeSetValue || '').match(/\{\{IntrinsicFunction\:/), ); const allowedDeltas = cleanedDeltas.filter( (d) => !['PipelineExecutionNonce', 'TemplateUrlBase'].includes(d.parameter), ); return parameterDeltasList(allowedDeltas); }, };
const getStackFamily = require('./stack-family'); const getChangeSetFamily = require('./change-set-family'); const deltaArrow = require('./delta-arrow'); const deltaValue = require('./delta-value'); /** * Returns a multi-line string describing the parameters that have changed * @param {ParameterDeltas} deltas * @returns {String} */ function parameterDeltasList(deltas) { if (!deltas.length) { return 'This change set contained no meaningful parameter deltas.'; } // Text blocks within attachments have a 3000 character limit. If the text is // too large, try creating the list without links to reduce the size. const withLinks = deltas .map((d) => { const oldValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.stackValue); const arrow = deltaArrow(d); const newValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.changeSetValue); return `*${d.stackName}::${d.parameter}*: ${oldValue} ${arrow} ${newValue}`; }) .join('\n'); if (withLinks.length < 2900) { return withLinks; } else { return deltas .map((d) => { const oldValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.stackValue, true); const arrow = deltaArrow(d, true); const newValue = deltaValue(d.parameter, d.changeSetValue, true); return `*${d.stackName}::${d.parameter}*: ${oldValue} ${arrow} ${newValue}`; }) .join('\n'); } } module.exports = { async nestedParameterDeltaText(stackName, changeSetName) { const stackFamily = await getStackFamily(stackName); const changeSetFamily = await getChangeSetFamily(stackName, changeSetName); /** @type {ParameterDeltas} */ const deltas = []; // Iterate through all existing stack parameters and create a delta for // each one, which includes the current value. for (const stack of stackFamily) { for (const param of stack.Parameters || []) { deltas.push({ stackName: stack.StackName, stackId: stack.StackId, parameter: param.ParameterKey, stackValue: param.ResolvedValue || param.ParameterValue, changeSetValue: null, }); } } // Iterate through all the change set parameters. If a delta already exists // for a given stack+parameter key, add the value from the change set to // that delta. If not, make a new delta. for (const changeSet of changeSetFamily) { for (const param of changeSet.Parameters || []) { const delta = deltas.find( (d) => param.ParameterKey === d.parameter && changeSet.StackName === d.stackName, ); if (delta) { delta.changeSetValue = param.ResolvedValue || param.ParameterValue; } else { deltas.push({ stackName: changeSet.StackName, stackId: changeSet.StackId, parameter: param.ParameterKey, stackValue: null, changeSetValue: param.ResolvedValue || param.ParameterValue, }); } } } // Filter down to only deltas where the values are different const changeDeltas = deltas.filter( (d) => d.stackValue !== d.changeSetValue, ); // When using nested change sets, not all parameters in nested stacks are // correctly resolved. Any parameter values that depend on a stack or // resource output will be included in the change set parameters with an // unresolved value that looks like "{{IntrinsicFunction:…". Unless or until // AWS makes nested change sets smarter, we have to just ignore these, // because there's no way to compare the actual existing value from the stack // to the hypothetical future value that will be resolved when the change set // executes. // // Any parameters effected by this limitation are filtered out. const cleanedDeltas = changeDeltas.filter( (d) => !(d.changeSetValue || '').match(/\{\{IntrinsicFunction\:/), ); const allowedDeltas = cleanedDeltas.filter( (d) => !['PipelineExecutionNonce', 'TemplateUrlBase'].includes(d.parameter), ); return parameterDeltasList(allowedDeltas); }, };
Fix typo
var assert = require('assert'); var debug = require('debug')('alloc:buddy'); var util = require('util'); function log2(x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.LN2; } function power2(x) { return 1 << (log2(x - 1) + 1); } var BuddyAllocator = function(buffer, options) { if (typeof buffer == 'number') { buffer = new Buffer(power2(buffer)); } assert(buffer.length > 1 && !(buffer.length & (buffer.length - 1)), 'Buffer length must be a positive power of 2'); options = util._extend({minSize: 1}, options); this.buffer = buffer; this.minRank = log2(options.minSize) | 0; this.minSize = 1 << this.minRank; // Maintain fragmentation statistics. this.bytesTotal = this.buffer.length; this.bytesAllocated = 0; this.bytesWasted = 0; // Maintain a free list for each block size. this.freelist = []; for (var i = 0; i < log2(this.buffer.length) - this.minRank; i++) { this.freelist.push([]); } this.freelist.push([0]); }; BuddyAllocator.prototype.rank = function(x) { return Math.max(0, ((log2(x - 1) + 1) | 0) - this.minRank); }; BuddyAllocator.prototype.alloc = function(size) { // Find the first unallocated block of sufficient size. for (var i = this.rank(size); i < this.freelist.length; i++) { if (this.freelist[i].length) { var offset = this.freelist[i].pop(); var half; // Split the block recursively until it is just big enough. for (half = 1 << (i + this.minRank - 1); half >= size && i > 0; half >>= 1) { var buddy = offset + half; this.freelist[--i].push(buddy); debug('split @%d, buddy @%d', offset, buddy); } var wasted = (half << 1) - size; this.bytesAllocated += size; this.bytesWasted += wasted; debug('alloc @%d, used %d bytes, wasted %d bytes', offset, size, wasted); return this.buffer.slice(offset, offset + size); } } return null; }; = function(block) { // Find the offset within parent buffer. var offset = block.offset - this.buffer.offset; var rank = this.rank(block.length); var reclaimed = 1 << (rank + this.minRank); this.bytesAllocated -= block.length; this.bytesWasted -= reclaimed - block.length; debug('free @%d, reclaiming %d bytes', offset, reclaimed); // Merge recursively until we exhaust all unallocated buddies. for (var i = rank; i < this.freelist.length - 1; i++) { var buddy = offset ^ (1 << (i + this.minRank)); var merged = false; for (var j = 0; j < this.freelist[i].length; j++) { if (this.freelist[i][j] == buddy) { debug('merge @%d, buddy @%d', offset, buddy); merged = this.freelist[i].splice(j, 1); if (offset > buddy) { offset = buddy; } break; } } if (!merged) { break; } } this.freelist[i].push(offset); }; module.exports = BuddyAllocator;
var assert = require('assert'); var debug = require('debug')('alloc:buddy'); var util = require('util'); function log2(x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.LN2; } function power2(x) { return 1 << (log2(x - 1) + 1); } var BuddyAllocator = function(buffer, options) { if (typeof buffer == 'number') { buffer = new Buffer(power2(buffer)); } assert(buffer.length > 1 && !(buffer.length & (buffer.length - 1)), 'Buffer length must be a positive power of 2'); options = util._extend({minBuddySize: 1}, options); this.buffer = buffer; this.minRank = log2(options.minSize) | 0; this.minSize = 1 << this.minRank; // Maintain fragmentation statistics. this.bytesTotal = this.buffer.length; this.bytesAllocated = 0; this.bytesWasted = 0; // Maintain a free list for each block size. this.freelist = []; for (var i = 0; i < log2(this.buffer.length) - this.minRank; i++) { this.freelist.push([]); } this.freelist.push([0]); }; BuddyAllocator.prototype.rank = function(x) { return Math.max(0, ((log2(x - 1) + 1) | 0) - this.minRank); }; BuddyAllocator.prototype.alloc = function(size) { // Find the first unallocated block of sufficient size. for (var i = this.rank(size); i < this.freelist.length; i++) { if (this.freelist[i].length) { var offset = this.freelist[i].pop(); var half; // Split the block recursively until it is just big enough. for (half = 1 << (i + this.minRank - 1); half >= size && i > 0; half >>= 1) { var buddy = offset + half; this.freelist[--i].push(buddy); debug('split @%d, buddy @%d', offset, buddy); } var wasted = (half << 1) - size; this.bytesAllocated += size; this.bytesWasted += wasted; debug('alloc @%d, used %d bytes, wasted %d bytes', offset, size, wasted); return this.buffer.slice(offset, offset + size); } } return null; }; = function(block) { // Find the offset within parent buffer. var offset = block.offset - this.buffer.offset; var rank = this.rank(block.length); var reclaimed = 1 << (rank + this.minRank); this.bytesAllocated -= block.length; this.bytesWasted -= reclaimed - block.length; debug('free @%d, reclaiming %d bytes', offset, reclaimed); // Merge recursively until we exhaust all unallocated buddies. for (var i = rank; i < this.freelist.length - 1; i++) { var buddy = offset ^ (1 << (i + this.minRank)); var merged = false; for (var j = 0; j < this.freelist[i].length; j++) { if (this.freelist[i][j] == buddy) { debug('merge @%d, buddy @%d', offset, buddy); merged = this.freelist[i].splice(j, 1); if (offset > buddy) { offset = buddy; } break; } } if (!merged) { break; } } this.freelist[i].push(offset); }; module.exports = BuddyAllocator;
return promise rejection in build.js
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') function writeFile (page) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var dir = path.dirname(page.dest) mkdirp(dir, function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err) } fs.writeFile(page.dest, page.contents, function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err) } return resolve(page.dest) }) }) }) } function build (pages) { var builtPages = return Promise.all(builtPages) } module.exports = build
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') function writeFile (page) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var dir = path.dirname(page.dest) mkdirp(dir, function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err) } fs.writeFile(page.dest, page.contents, function (err) { if (err) { reject(err) } return resolve(page.dest) }) }) }) } function build (pages) { var builtPages = return Promise.all(builtPages) } module.exports = build
converted to entities
'use strict'; function draw_logic(){ for(var entity in core_entities){ canvas_buffer.fillStyle = core_entities[entity]['color']; canvas_buffer.fillRect( core_entities[entity]['x'], core_entities[entity]['y'], core_entities[entity]['width'], core_entities[entity]['height'] ); } } function launch(firework){ var firework = firework || {}; firework['children'] = firework['children'] !== void 0 ? firework['children'] : 10; firework['color'] = firework['color'] || '#' + core_random_hex(); firework['dx'] = firework['dx'] || Math.random() * 4 - 2; firework['dy'] = firework['dy'] || -Math.random() * 2 - canvas_height / 200; firework['height'] = firework['height'] || 4; firework['timer'] = firework['timer'] || core_random_integer({ 'max': 200, }) + 100; firework['width'] = firework['width'] || 4; firework['x'] = firework['x'] || core_mouse['x']; firework['y'] = firework['y'] || canvas_height; core_entity_create({ 'properties': firework, }); } function logic(){ if(core_mouse['down']){ launch(); } for(var entity in core_entities){ core_entities[entity]['x'] += core_entities[entity]['dx']; core_entities[entity]['y'] += core_entities[entity]['dy']; core_entities[entity]['dy'] += .02; core_entities[entity]['dx'] *= .99; core_entities[entity]['timer'] -= 1; if(core_entities[entity]['timer'] <= 0){ if(core_entities[entity]['children'] > 0){ var loop_counter = core_entities[entity]['children'] - 1; do{ launch({ 'children': 0, 'dx': Math.random() * 3 - 1.5, 'dy': Math.random() * 3 - 1.5, 'x': core_entities[entity]['x'], 'timer': core_random_integer({ 'max': 90, }) + 40, 'y': core_entities[entity]['y'], }); }while(loop_counter--); } core_entity_remove({ 'entities': [ entity, ], }); } } } function repo_init(){ core_repo_init({ 'keybinds': { 'all': { 'todo': function(){ launch(); }, }, }, 'title': 'Fireworks-2D.htm', }); canvas_init(); }
'use strict'; function draw_logic(){ for(var firework in fireworks){ canvas_buffer.fillStyle = fireworks[firework]['color']; canvas_buffer.fillRect( fireworks[firework]['x'], fireworks[firework]['y'], fireworks[firework]['width'], fireworks[firework]['height'] ); } } function launch(firework){ var firework = firework || {}; firework['children'] = firework['children'] !== void 0 ? firework['children'] : 10; firework['color'] = firework['color'] || '#' + core_random_hex(); firework['dx'] = firework['dx'] || Math.random() * 4 - 2; firework['dy'] = firework['dy'] || -Math.random() * 2 - canvas_height / 200; firework['height'] = firework['height'] || 4; firework['timer'] = firework['timer'] || core_random_integer({ 'max': 200, }) + 100; firework['width'] = firework['width'] || 4; firework['x'] = firework['x'] || core_mouse['x']; firework['y'] = firework['y'] || canvas_height; fireworks.push(firework); } function logic(){ if(core_mouse['down']){ launch(); } for(var firework in fireworks){ fireworks[firework]['x'] += fireworks[firework]['dx']; fireworks[firework]['y'] += fireworks[firework]['dy']; fireworks[firework]['dy'] += .02; fireworks[firework]['dx'] *= .99; fireworks[firework]['timer'] -= 1; if(fireworks[firework]['timer'] <= 0){ if(fireworks[firework]['children'] > 0){ var loop_counter = fireworks[firework]['children'] - 1; do{ launch({ 'children': 0, 'dx': Math.random() * 3 - 1.5, 'dy': Math.random() * 3 - 1.5, 'x': fireworks[firework]['x'], 'timer': core_random_integer({ 'max': 90, }) + 40, 'y': fireworks[firework]['y'], }); }while(loop_counter--); } fireworks.splice( firework, 1 ); } } } function repo_init(){ core_repo_init({ 'keybinds': { 'all': { 'todo': launch, }, }, 'title': 'Fireworks-2D.htm', }); canvas_init(); } var fireworks = [];
fix email links
var url = require('url'); var path = require('path'); var _ = require('underscore'); var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); var swig = require('swig'); module.exports = function(app) { var config = app.loadConfig('email'); return { sendWelcome: function(user) { sendMessage(config.templates.signup, user); }, resendVerification: function(user) { sendMessage(config.templates.resend, user); }, sendForgot: function(user) { sendMessage(config.templates.forgot, user); } } function createTransport() { var cfg = config.mailer; // console.log("Creating mailer with transport:" + cfg.transport); // console.log(cfg); return nodemailer.createTransport(cfg.transport, cfg.config); } function sendMessage(template, user) { var appurl = app.getExternalUrl(); var emailVars = _.defaults(config.templateVars || {}, { 'appurl': appurl }); // XXX should use route resolution fns if (user.local.signupToken) { emailVars.signupLink = appurl + "/verification/" + user.local.signupToken; } if (user.local.resetToken) { emailVars.resetLink = appurl + "/forgot/" + user.local.resetToken; } var msgSubject = swig.render(template.subject, {locals:emailVars}); var msgBody = swig.renderFile(template.templatePath, emailVars); var transport = createTransport(); var message = { generateTextFromHTML: true, from: config.from, to:, subject: msgSubject, html: msgBody } // console.log(message); // XXX what to do with error callbacks here? // these are operational issues that should be logged so alerts can be triggered transport.sendMail(message, function(error, response) { if (error) { console.log("Error sending mail!") console.log(error); } else { console.log("Message sent: " + response.message); console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); } transport.close(); // shut down the connection pool, no more messages }); } };
var url = require('url'); var path = require('path'); var _ = require('underscore'); var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); var swig = require('swig'); module.exports = function(app) { var config = app.loadConfig('email'); return { sendWelcome: function(user) { sendMessage(config.templates.signup, user); }, resendVerification: function(user) { sendMessage(config.templates.resend, user); }, sendForgot: function(user) { sendMessage(config.templates.forgot, user); } } function createTransport() { var cfg = config.mailer; // console.log("Creating mailer with transport:" + cfg.transport); // console.log(cfg); return nodemailer.createTransport(cfg.transport, cfg.config); } function sendMessage(template, user) { var appurl = app.getExternalUrl(); var emailVars = _.defaults(config.templateVars || {}, { 'appurl': appurl }); // XXX should use route resolution fns if (user.local.signupToken) { emailVars.signupLink = path.join(appurl, "verification", user.local.signupToken); } if (user.local.resetToken) { emailVars.resetLink = path.join(appurl, "forgot", user.local.resetToken); } var msgSubject = swig.render(template.subject, {locals:emailVars}); var msgBody = swig.renderFile(template.templatePath, emailVars); var transport = createTransport(); var message = { generateTextFromHTML: true, from: config.from, to:, subject: msgSubject, html: msgBody } // console.log(message); // XXX what to do with error callbacks here? // these are operational issues that should be logged so alerts can be triggered transport.sendMail(message, function(error, response) { if (error) { console.log("Error sending mail!") console.log(error); } else { console.log("Message sent: " + response.message); console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); } transport.close(); // shut down the connection pool, no more messages }); } };
rename callback to iteratee (consistent with underscorejs)
(function(root, factory) { // Set up BaseView appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'exports'], function(_, $, Backbone, exports) { // Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with // others that may still expect a global Backbone. root.BaseView = factory(root, exports, _, $, Backbone); }); // Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module. } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var _ = require('underscore'), $ = require('jquery'), Backbone = require('backbone'); factory(root, exports, _, $, Backbone); // Finally, as a browser global. } else { root.BaseView = factory(root, {}, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$), root.Backbone); } }(this, function(root, BaseView, _, $, Backbone) { var BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({ constructor: function(options) { options || (options = {}); _.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions)); this.children = options.children || {}; this.collections = options.collections || {}; this.models = options.models || {}; this.setTemplate(this.template || ''); Backbone.View.apply(this, arguments); }, _ensureElement: function() { var el = this.el, mid = _.result(this, 'mid'), attributes = {}; Backbone.View.prototype._ensureElement.apply(this, arguments); if (el) { return; } attributes['data-cid'] = this.cid; if (mid) { attributes['data-mid'] = mid; this.$el.addClass(this.toClassName(mid)); } this.$el.attr(attributes); }, toClassName: function(className) { return className.match(/-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*/g, '').join('-').replace(/[\/\_]/g, '-').toLowerCase(); }, remove: function() { Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); this.invoke('remove'); }, compileTemplate: function(str) { return _.template(str) }, renderTemplate: function() { var interpolated = this.ctemplate.apply(null, arguments); this.trigger('render:template', this, interpolated, arguments); return interpolated; }, renderTemplateDefer: function() { _.defer.apply(null, [this.renderTemplate.bind(this)].concat(; }, renderTemplateDebounce: function() { if (!this._renderTemplateDebounce) { this._renderTemplateDebounce = _.debounce(this.renderTemplate.bind(this)); } this._renderTemplateDebounce.apply(this, arguments); }, setTemplate: function(template) { this.ctemplate = this.compileTemplate(template); this.template = template; }, traverse: function(iteratee, options) { options || (options = {}); var view = options.view || this; view.each(function(child) {, view, child); this.traverse(iteratee, {view: child}); }, this); } }); var array = []; var slice = array.slice; //List of view options to be merged as properties. var viewOptions = ['template', 'mid']; var childMethods = ['each', 'where', 'findWhere', 'invoke', 'pluck', 'size', 'keys', 'values', 'pairs', 'pick', 'omit', 'defaults', 'clone', 'tap', 'has', 'propertyOf', 'isEmpty']; _.each(childMethods, function(method) { if (!_[method]) { return; } BaseView.prototype[method] = function() { var args =; args.unshift(this.children); return _[method].apply(_, args); }; }); return BaseView; }));
(function(root, factory) { // Set up BaseView appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'exports'], function(_, $, Backbone, exports) { // Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with // others that may still expect a global Backbone. root.BaseView = factory(root, exports, _, $, Backbone); }); // Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module. } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var _ = require('underscore'), $ = require('jquery'), Backbone = require('backbone'); factory(root, exports, _, $, Backbone); // Finally, as a browser global. } else { root.BaseView = factory(root, {}, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$), root.Backbone); } }(this, function(root, BaseView, _, $, Backbone) { var BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({ constructor: function(options) { options || (options = {}); _.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions)); this.children = options.children || {}; this.collections = options.collections || {}; this.models = options.models || {}; this.setTemplate(this.template || ''); Backbone.View.apply(this, arguments); }, _ensureElement: function() { var el = this.el, mid = _.result(this, 'mid'), attributes = {}; Backbone.View.prototype._ensureElement.apply(this, arguments); if (el) { return; } attributes['data-cid'] = this.cid; if (mid) { attributes['data-mid'] = mid; this.$el.addClass(this.toClassName(mid)); } this.$el.attr(attributes); }, toClassName: function(className) { return className.match(/-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*/g, '').join('-').replace(/[\/\_]/g, '-').toLowerCase(); }, remove: function() { Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); this.invoke('remove'); }, compileTemplate: function(str) { return _.template(str) }, renderTemplate: function() { var interpolated = this.ctemplate.apply(null, arguments); this.trigger('render:template', this, interpolated, arguments); return interpolated; }, renderTemplateDefer: function() { _.defer.apply(null, [this.renderTemplate.bind(this)].concat(; }, renderTemplateDebounce: function() { if (!this._renderTemplateDebounce) { this._renderTemplateDebounce = _.debounce(this.renderTemplate.bind(this)); } this._renderTemplateDebounce.apply(this, arguments); }, setTemplate: function(template) { this.ctemplate = this.compileTemplate(template); this.template = template; }, traverse: function(callback, options) { options || (options = {}); var view = options.view || this; view.each(function(child) {, view, child); this.traverse(callback, {view: child}); }, this); } }); var array = []; var slice = array.slice; //List of view options to be merged as properties. var viewOptions = ['template', 'mid']; var childMethods = ['each', 'where', 'findWhere', 'invoke', 'pluck', 'size', 'keys', 'values', 'pairs', 'pick', 'omit', 'defaults', 'clone', 'tap', 'has', 'propertyOf', 'isEmpty']; _.each(childMethods, function(method) { if (!_[method]) { return; } BaseView.prototype[method] = function() { var args =; args.unshift(this.children); return _[method].apply(_, args); }; }); return BaseView; }));
Revert "Probably solves this issue #26"
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2014 Timo Behrmann, Guillaume Chauvet. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ var assert = require('assert'); module.exports.handle = function (errors, req, res, options, next) { if(options.errorHandler) { if(typeof(options.errorHandler) === 'function') { return options.errorHandler(res, errors); } else { return res.send(new options.errorHandler(errors)); } } else { return res.send (400, { status: 'validation failed', errors: errors }); } };
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2014 Timo Behrmann, Guillaume Chauvet. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ var assert = require('assert'); module.exports.handle = function (errors, req, res, options, next) { if(options.errorHandler && typeof(options.errorHandler) === 'function') { return res.send(new options.errorHandler(errors)); } else { return res.send (400, { status: 'validation failed', errors: errors }); } };
Update emailTransports when seeding
'use strict'; var _ = require("lodash"); var async = require("async"); /** * Default model configuration * (sails.config.models) * * Unless you override them, the following properties will be included * in each of your models. * * For more info on Sails models, see: * */ module.exports.models = { /*************************************************************************** * * * Your app's default connection. i.e. the name of one of your app's * * connections (see `config/connections.js`) * * * ***************************************************************************/ connection: process.env.DB_ADAPTER || 'localDiskDb', migrate: 'alter', updateOrCreate: function(criteria, values, cb){ var self = this; // reference for use by callbacks // If no values were specified, use criteria if (!values) values = criteria.where ? criteria.where : criteria; this.findOne(criteria, function (err, result){ if(err) return cb(err, false); if(result){ self.update(criteria, values, cb); }else{ self.create(values, cb); } }); }, /** * This method adds records to the database * * To use add a variable 'seedData' in your model and call the * method in the bootstrap.js file */ seed: function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); if (!self.seedData) { sails.log.debug('No data avaliable to seed ' + modelName); callback(); return; } self.count().exec(function (err, count) { if(err) { sails.log.error("Failed to seed " + modelName, error); return callback(); } if(count === 0) { sails.log.debug('Seeding ' + modelName + '...'); if (self.seedData instanceof Array) { self.seedArray(callback); } else { self.seedObject(callback); } }else{ if(modelName === 'Emailtransport') { // Update records self.updateRecords(callback); }else{ sails.log.debug(modelName + ' had models, so no seed needed'); return callback(); } } }); }, updateRecords : function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); self.find({}).exec(function (err, results) { if (err) { sails.log.debug(err); callback(); } else { var data = []; self.seedData.forEach(function (seed) { data.push(_.merge(_.filter(results,function (item) { return === })[0] || {},seed)) }) var fns = []; sails.log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", data) data.forEach(function (item) { fns.push(function(cb){ self.update({ id },_.omit(item, ["id"])).exec(cb) }) }) async.series(fns,function (err,data) { if (err) { sails.log.debug(err); callback(); }else{ sails.log.debug(modelName + ' seeds updated', data); callback(); } }) } }); }, seedArray: function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); self.createEach(self.seedData).exec(function (err, results) { if (err) { sails.log.debug(err); callback(); } else { sails.log.debug(modelName + ' seed planted'); callback(); } }); }, seedObject: function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); self.create(self.seedData).exec(function (err, results) { if (err) { sails.log.debug(err); callback(); } else { sails.log.debug(modelName + ' seed planted'); callback(); } }); } };
'use strict'; /** * Default model configuration * (sails.config.models) * * Unless you override them, the following properties will be included * in each of your models. * * For more info on Sails models, see: * */ module.exports.models = { /*************************************************************************** * * * Your app's default connection. i.e. the name of one of your app's * * connections (see `config/connections.js`) * * * ***************************************************************************/ connection: process.env.DB_ADAPTER || 'localDiskDb', migrate: 'alter', updateOrCreate: function(criteria, values, cb){ var self = this; // reference for use by callbacks // If no values were specified, use criteria if (!values) values = criteria.where ? criteria.where : criteria; this.findOne(criteria, function (err, result){ if(err) return cb(err, false); if(result){ self.update(criteria, values, cb); }else{ self.create(values, cb); } }); }, /** * This method adds records to the database * * To use add a variable 'seedData' in your model and call the * method in the bootstrap.js file */ seed: function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); if (!self.seedData) { sails.log.debug('No data avaliable to seed ' + modelName); callback(); return; } self.count().exec(function (err, count) { if (!err && count === 0) { sails.log.debug('Seeding ' + modelName + '...'); if (self.seedData instanceof Array) { self.seedArray(callback); } else { self.seedObject(callback); } } else { sails.log.debug(modelName + ' had models, so no seed needed'); callback(); } }); }, seedArray: function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); self.createEach(self.seedData).exec(function (err, results) { if (err) { sails.log.debug(err); callback(); } else { sails.log.debug(modelName + ' seed planted'); callback(); } }); }, seedObject: function (callback) { var self = this; var modelName = self.adapter.identity.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.adapter.identity.slice(1); self.create(self.seedData).exec(function (err, results) { if (err) { sails.log.debug(err); callback(); } else { sails.log.debug(modelName + ' seed planted'); callback(); } }); } };
Fix calendar popup
import React from 'react' import { Modal, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react' import DayPicker, { DateUtils } from 'react-day-picker' import 'react-day-picker/lib/style.css' const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear() const fromMonth = new Date(currentYear - 8, 0) const toMonth = new Date(currentYear + 2, 11) function YearMonthForm({ date, localeUtils, onChange }) { const months = localeUtils.getMonths() const years = [] for (let i = fromMonth.getFullYear(); i <= toMonth.getFullYear(); i += 1) { years.push(i) } const handleChange = function handleChange(e) { const { year, month } = onChange(new Date(year.value, month.value)) } return ( <form className="DayPicker-Caption"> <select name="month" onChange={handleChange} value={date.getMonth()}> {, i) => ( <option key={i} value={i}> {month} </option> ))} </select> <select name="year" onChange={handleChange} value={date.getFullYear()}> {, i) => ( <option key={i} value={year}> {year} </option> ))} </select> </form> ) } class Calendar extends React.Component { state = { month: null, from: null, to: null } handleDayClick = day => { const range = DateUtils.addDayToRange(day, this.state) this.setState(range) } handleYearMonthChange = month => { this.setState({ month }) } handleResetClick = () => { this.setState({ month: null, from: null, to: null }) } handleApplyClick = () => { const { from, to } = this.state this.props.changeFilterDate({ dateStart: from.setHours(0, 0, 0), dateEnd: (to && to.setHours(23, 59, 59)) || from.setHours(23, 59, 59) }) this.props.toggleFilterCalendar() } render() { const { month, from, to } = this.state return ( <Modal open={this.props.isCalendarOpen} onClose={this.props.toggleFilterCalendar} className="transactions-filter-modal" closeIcon size="small" > <Modal.Header>Show transactions in range</Modal.Header> <Modal.Content> <DayPicker className="Range" fixedWeeks enableOutsideDays numberOfMonths={this.props.isMobile ? 1 : 2} selectedDays={[from, { from, to }]} month={month} captionElement={ <YearMonthForm onChange={this.handleYearMonthChange} /> } onDayClick={this.handleDayClick} /> </Modal.Content> <Modal.Actions> <Button content="Reset" onClick={this.handleResetClick} /> <Button content="Apply" onClick={this.handleApplyClick} positive disabled={this.state.from === null && === null} /> </Modal.Actions> </Modal> ) } } export default Calendar
import React from 'react' import { Modal, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react' import DayPicker, { DateUtils } from 'react-day-picker' import 'react-day-picker/lib/style.css' const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear() const fromMonth = new Date(currentYear - 8, 0) const toMonth = new Date(currentYear + 2, 11) function YearMonthForm({ date, localeUtils, onChange }) { const months = localeUtils.getMonths() const years = [] for (let i = fromMonth.getFullYear(); i <= toMonth.getFullYear(); i += 1) { years.push(i) } const handleChange = function handleChange(e) { const { year, month } = onChange(new Date(year.value, month.value)) } return ( <form className="DayPicker-Caption"> <select name="month" onChange={handleChange} value={date.getMonth()}> {, i) => ( <option key={i} value={i}> {month} </option> ))} </select> <select name="year" onChange={handleChange} value={date.getFullYear()}> {, i) => ( <option key={i} value={year}> {year} </option> ))} </select> </form> ) } class Calendar extends React.Component { state = { month: null, from: null, to: null } handleDayClick = day => { const range = DateUtils.addDayToRange(day, this.state) this.setState(range) } handleYearMonthChange = month => { this.setState({ month }) } handleResetClick = () => { this.setState({ month: null, from: null, to: null }) } handleApplyClick = () => { const { from, to } = this.state this.props.changeFilterDate({ dateStart: from.setHours(0, 0, 0), dateEnd: (to && to.setHours(23, 59, 59)) || from.setHours(23, 59, 59) }) this.props.toggleFilterCalendar() } render() { const { month, from, to } = this.state return ( <Modal open={this.props.isCalendarOpen} onClose={this.props.toggleFilterCalendar} className="transactions-filter-modal" closeIcon size="tiny" > <Modal.Header>Show transactions in range</Modal.Header> <Modal.Content> <DayPicker className="Range" enableOutsideDays numberOfMonths={this.props.isMobile ? 1 : 2} selectedDays={[from, { from, to }]} month={month} captionElement={ <YearMonthForm onChange={this.handleYearMonthChange} /> } onDayClick={this.handleDayClick} /> </Modal.Content> <Modal.Actions> <Button content="Reset" onClick={this.handleResetClick} /> <Button content="Apply" onClick={this.handleApplyClick} positive disabled={this.state.from === null && === null} /> </Modal.Actions> </Modal> ) } } export default Calendar
add twitter search ui
import React, { Component } from 'react'; class TwitterSearch extends Component { render () { return ( <div> <form> <input type="text"/> <button type="submit">Search</button> </form> </div> ); } }; export default TwitterSearch;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; class TwitterSearch extends Component { render () { return ( <p>Twitter Search Component</p> ); } }; export default TwitterSearch;
Fix callback
var fbUser; function setUser(response) { FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { if (response.status === 'connected') { // Logged into CRUDbrain and Facebook. fbUser = { id: response.authResponse.userID, access_token: response.authResponse.accessToken }; } }); } function facebookSdk(callback, redirect) { window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '1642565209312684', // Inkling (PRODUCTION) //appId : '1643906175845254', // CRUDbrain (test) cookie : true, xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page version : 'v2.2' }); FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { setUser(response); if (!fbUser) { if (redirect) { window.location.replace('/'); } } else { callback(); } }); }; // Load the SDK asynchronously (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; // PRODUCTION //js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); }
var fbUser; function setUser(response) { FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { if (response.status === 'connected') { // Logged into CRUDbrain and Facebook. fbUser = { id: response.authResponse.userID, access_token: response.authResponse.accessToken }; } }); } function facebookSdk(callback, redirect) { window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '1642565209312684', // Inkling (PRODUCTION) //appId : '1643906175845254', // CRUDbrain (test) cookie : true, xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page version : 'v2.2' }); FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { setUser(response); if (redirect) { if (!fbUser) { window.location.replace('/'); } else { callback(); } } }); }; // Load the SDK asynchronously (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; // PRODUCTION //js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); }
Fix typo
'use strict'; class TeamcityReporter { constructor(emitter, reporterOptions, options) { this.reporterOptions = reporterOptions; this.options = options; const events = 'start beforeIteration iteration beforeItem item beforePrerequest prerequest beforeScript script beforeRequest request beforeTest test beforeAssertion assertion console exception beforeDone done'.split(' '); events.forEach((e) => { if (typeof this[e] == 'function') emitter.on(e, (err, args) => this[e](err, args)) }); } start(err, args) { console.log(`##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='${}']`); } beforeItem(err, args) { this.currItem = {name:, passed: true, failedAssertions: []}; console.log(`##teamcity[testStarted name='${}' captureStandardOutput='true']`); } beforeRequest(err, args) { console.log(args.request.method, args.request.url.toString()); } request(err, args) { if (err) { console.log('request error'); } else { const sizeObj = args.response.size(); const size = sizeObj && (sizeObj.header || 0) + (sizeObj.body || 0) || 0; console.log(`Response code: ${args.response.code}, duration: ${args.response.responseTime}ms, size: ${size} bytes`); this.currItem.response = args.response; } } assertion(err, args) { if (err) { this.currItem.passed = false; this.currItem.failedAssertions.push(args.assertion); } } item(err, args) { if (!this.currItem.passed) { const msg = this.currItem.failedAssertions.join(", "); const details = `Response code: ${this.currItem.response.code}, reason: ${this.currItem.response.reason()}`; console.log(`##teamcity[testFailed name='${}' message='${msg}' details='${msg} - ${details}']`); let body; try { body = JSON.parse(this.currItem.response.body) } catch (e) { body = '' }; console.log('Response body:', body); } console.log(`##teamcity[testFinished name='${}' duration='${this.currItem.response.responseTime}']`); } done(err, args) { console.log(`##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='${}']`); } } module.exports = TeamcityReporter;
'use strict'; class TeamcityReporter { constructor(emitter, reporterOptions, options) { this.reporterOptions = reporterOptions; this.options = options; const events = 'start beforeIteration iteration beforeItem item beforePrerequest prerequest beforeScript script beforeRequest request beforeTest test beforeAssertion assertion console exception beforeDone done'.split(' '); events.forEach((e) => { if (typeof this[e] == 'function') emitter.on(e, (err, args) => this[e](err, args)) }); } start(err, args) { console.log(`##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='${}']`); } beforeItem(err, args) { this.currItem = {name:, passed: true, failedAssertions: []}; console.log(`##teamcity[testStarted name='${}' captureStandardOutput='true']`); } beforeRequest(err, args) { console.log(args.request.method, args.request.url.toString()); } request(err, args) { if (err) { console.log('request error'); } else { const sizeObj = args.response.size(); const size = sizeObj && (sizeObj.header || 0) + (sizeObj.body || 0) || 0; console.log(`Response code: ${args.response.code}, duration: ${args.response.responseTime}ms, size: ${size} bytes`); this.currItem.response = args.response; } } assertion(err, args) { if (err) { this.currItem.passed = false; this.currItem.failedAssertions.push(args.assertion); } } item(err, args) { if (!this.currItem.passed) { const msg = this.currItem.failedAssertions.join(", "); const details = `Response code: ${this.currItem.response.code}, reason: ${this.currItem.response.reason()}`; console.log(`##teamcity[testFailed name='${}' message='${msg}' details='${msg} - ${details}']`); let body; try { body = JSON.parse(this.currItem.response) } catch (e) { body = '' }; console.log('Response body:', body); } console.log(`##teamcity[testFinished name='${}' duration='${this.currItem.response.responseTime}']`); } done(err, args) { console.log(`##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='${}']`); } } module.exports = TeamcityReporter;
add UTC per @bamos' issue
// function getTemplateAjax(path, callback) { var source; var template; $.ajax({ url: path, success: function(data) { source = data; template = Handlebars.compile(source); //execute the callback if passed if (callback) callback(template); } }); } function loadYAML(name, f) { var client = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'data/' + name + '.yaml'); client.onreadystatechange = function() { if (client.readyState == 3) { var yaml = jsyaml.load(client.responseText); if (yaml) { f(yaml); } } } client.send(); } function loadLists() { getTemplateAjax('templates/currently-reading.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("currently-reading", function(yaml) { $("#currently-reading").html(tmpl(yaml)); }); }); getTemplateAjax('templates/up-next.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("up-next", function(yaml) { $("#up-next").html(tmpl(yaml)); }); }); getTemplateAjax('templates/to-read.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("to-read", function(yaml) { $("#to-read").html(tmpl(yaml)); }); }); getTemplateAjax('templates/finished.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("finished", function(yaml) { yaml.sort(function(a,b) { if (a.finished > b.finished) return -1; if (a.finished < b.finished) return 1; return 0; }); function dateString(d) { return d.getUTCFullYear().toString() + "/" + (d.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString() + "/" + (d.getUTCDate() + 1).toString(); } var len = yaml.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { yaml[i].finished = dateString(yaml[i].finished); } $("#finished").html(tmpl(yaml)); finished_yaml = yaml; loadTimeline(yaml); }); }); } function showModal(title,yaml,idx) { if (quotes_body_tmpl) { bootbox.dialog({ message: quotes_body_tmpl(yaml[idx]), title: title, onEscape: function() {} }); } } // Close the modal dialog if the background of the document is clicked. // Reference: $(document).on('click', '.bootbox', function(){ var classname =; if(classname && !$('.' + classname).parents('.modal-dialog').length) bootbox.hideAll(); }); function loadTimeline(finished_yaml) { var books = [] $.each(finished_yaml, function(idx, book) { books.push({ "startDate": book.finished.replace(/\//g,","), "headline": + ": " + book.title }); }); var timelineData = { "timeline": { "type": "default", "date": books }}; createStoryJS({ width: "100%", height: "400", source: timelineData, embed_id: 'finished-timeline', start_at_end: true, start_zoom_adjust: 3 }); } $(document).ready(function() { quotes_body_tmpl = null; getTemplateAjax('templates/quotes-body.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { quotes_body_tmpl = tmpl; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('for', function(from, to, block) { var accum = ''; for(var i = from; i < to; ++i) { accum += block.fn(i); } return accum; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('escape', function(variable) { return variable.replace(/(['"])/g, '\\$1'); }); loadLists(); })
// function getTemplateAjax(path, callback) { var source; var template; $.ajax({ url: path, success: function(data) { source = data; template = Handlebars.compile(source); //execute the callback if passed if (callback) callback(template); } }); } function loadYAML(name, f) { var client = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'data/' + name + '.yaml'); client.onreadystatechange = function() { if (client.readyState == 3) { var yaml = jsyaml.load(client.responseText); if (yaml) { f(yaml); } } } client.send(); } function loadLists() { getTemplateAjax('templates/currently-reading.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("currently-reading", function(yaml) { $("#currently-reading").html(tmpl(yaml)); }); }); getTemplateAjax('templates/up-next.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("up-next", function(yaml) { $("#up-next").html(tmpl(yaml)); }); }); getTemplateAjax('templates/to-read.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("to-read", function(yaml) { $("#to-read").html(tmpl(yaml)); }); }); getTemplateAjax('templates/finished.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { loadYAML("finished", function(yaml) { yaml.sort(function(a,b) { if (a.finished > b.finished) return -1; if (a.finished < b.finished) return 1; return 0; }); function dateString(d) { return d.getFullYear().toString() + "/" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "/" + (d.getDate() + 1).toString(); } var len = yaml.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { yaml[i].finished = dateString(yaml[i].finished); } $("#finished").html(tmpl(yaml)); finished_yaml = yaml; loadTimeline(yaml); }); }); } function showModal(title,yaml,idx) { if (quotes_body_tmpl) { bootbox.dialog({ message: quotes_body_tmpl(yaml[idx]), title: title, onEscape: function() {} }); } } // Close the modal dialog if the background of the document is clicked. // Reference: $(document).on('click', '.bootbox', function(){ var classname =; if(classname && !$('.' + classname).parents('.modal-dialog').length) bootbox.hideAll(); }); function loadTimeline(finished_yaml) { var books = [] $.each(finished_yaml, function(idx, book) { books.push({ "startDate": book.finished.replace(/\//g,","), "headline": + ": " + book.title }); }); var timelineData = { "timeline": { "type": "default", "date": books }}; createStoryJS({ width: "100%", height: "400", source: timelineData, embed_id: 'finished-timeline', start_at_end: true, start_zoom_adjust: 3 }); } $(document).ready(function() { quotes_body_tmpl = null; getTemplateAjax('templates/quotes-body.hbars.html', function(tmpl) { quotes_body_tmpl = tmpl; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('for', function(from, to, block) { var accum = ''; for(var i = from; i < to; ++i) { accum += block.fn(i); } return accum; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('escape', function(variable) { return variable.replace(/(['"])/g, '\\$1'); }); loadLists(); })
Fix some mixups between the parsed data and contained videos
var fs = require('fs'); var YoutubeTrack = require('./youtube-track.js'); var exports = { saved: { videos: {}, }, }; var FILENAME = 'lethe-data.json'; = function() { try { fs.readFile(FILENAME, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { if (err.message.indexOf('ENOENT') > -1) { // File doesn't exist console.log(`The lethe-data.json file doesn't exist! This is not an error.`); } else { console.log(err); } } else { var savedVideos = JSON.parse(data).videos; exports.saved.videos = {}; for (var key in savedVideos) { if (savedVideos.hasOwnProperty(key)) { exports.saved.videos[key] = new YoutubeTrack(savedVideos[key].vid, savedVideos[key]); } } } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; exports.write = function() { fs.writeFile(FILENAME, JSON.stringify(exports.saved), (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); }; exports.possiblyRetrieveVideo = function(argument) { if (exports.saved.videos.hasOwnProperty(argument)) return exports.saved.videos[argument].vid; else return argument; }; exports.isVideoSaved = function(vid) { for (var key in exports.saved.videos) { if (exports.saved.videos.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var dupe = exports.saved.videos[key]; if (dupe.vid === vid) { return key; } } } return false; }; module.exports = exports;
var fs = require('fs'); var YoutubeTrack = require('./youtube-track.js'); var exports = { saved: { videos: {}, }, }; var FILENAME = 'lethe-data.json'; = function() { try { fs.readFile(FILENAME, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { if (err.message.indexOf('ENOENT') > -1) { // File doesn't exist console.log(`The lethe-data.json file doesn't exist! This is not an error.`); } else { console.log(err); } } else { var parsed = JSON.parse(data); exports.saved.videos = {}; for (var key in parsed) { if (parsed.hasOwnProperty(key)) { exports.saved.videos[key] = new YoutubeTrack(parsed[key].vid, parsed[key]); } } } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; exports.write = function() { fs.writeFile(FILENAME, JSON.stringify(exports.saved), (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); }; exports.possiblyRetrieveVideo = function(argument) { if (exports.saved.videos.hasOwnProperty(argument)) return exports.saved.videos[argument].vid; else return argument; }; exports.isVideoSaved = function(vid) { for (var key in exports.saved.videos) { if (exports.saved.videos.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var dupe = exports.saved.videos[key]; if (dupe.vid === vid) { return key; } } } return false; }; module.exports = exports;
add compare_fn, banner to utils
/* * yfm * * Copyright (c) 2013 Jon Schlinkert, contributors. * Licensed under the MIT license. */ var assemble = require('assemble'); var grunt = require('grunt'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var _ = grunt.util._; // The module to be exported. var Utils = module.exports = exports = {}; /** * Accepts two objects (a, b), * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Number} returns 1 if (a >= b), otherwise -1 */ Utils.compareFn = function(a, b) { return a.index >= b.index ? 1 : -1; } /** * This helper is meant to be instructive. You can add additional * properties to the content object to return whatever data you need. * @param {[type]} src [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ Utils.globBasenames = function(src) { var content = void 0; return content = grunt.file.expand(src).map(function(path) { return { path: path }; }).map(function(obj) { return path.basename(obj.path); }).join(grunt.util.normalizelf(grunt.util.linefeed)); }; /* * Returns front matter from files expanded from globbing patterns. * can be used with a single file or many. */ Utils.globFrontMatter = function(src, options) { options = options || {fromFile: true}; var content = void 0; return content = grunt.file.expand(src).map(function(path) { return { content:, options).context }; }).map(function(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj.content, null, 2); }).join(grunt.util.normalizelf(grunt.util.linefeed)); }; Utils.getCurrentYFM = function(src) { var content =, {fromFile: true}).context; return JSON.stringify(content, null, 2); }; Utils.parseYFM = function(options) { var data =, {fromFile: true}).context; return options.fn(JSON.parse(data)); };
var assemble = require('assemble'); var grunt = require('grunt'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var _ = grunt.util._; // The module to be exported. var Utils = module.exports = exports = {}; /** * This helper is meant to be instructive. You can add additional * properties to the content object to return whatever data you need. * @param {[type]} src [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ Utils.globBasenames = function(src) { var content = void 0; return content = grunt.file.expand(src).map(function(path) { return { path: path }; }).map(function(obj) { return path.basename(obj.path); }).join(grunt.util.normalizelf(grunt.util.linefeed)); }; /* * Returns front matter from files expanded from globbing patterns. * can be used with a single file or many. */ Utils.globFrontMatter = function(src) { var content = void 0; return content = grunt.file.expand(src).map(function(path) { return { content:, {fromFile: true}).context }; }).map(function(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj.content, null, 2); }).join(grunt.util.normalizelf(grunt.util.linefeed)); }; Utils.getCurrentYFM = function(src) { var content =, {fromFile: true}).context; return JSON.stringify(content, null, 2); }; Utils.parseYFM = function(options) { var data =, {fromFile: true}).context; return options.fn(JSON.parse(data)); };
add Crm-fetch scenario
import 'bootstrap'; /*import 'bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css!';*/ import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework'; import {Router} from 'aurelia-router'; import AppRouterConfig from 'app.router.config'; import HttpClientConfig from 'aurelia-auth/app.httpClient.config'; //import FetchConfig from 'aurelia-auth/app.fetch-httpClient.config'; import {FetchConfig} from 'aurelia-auth'; @inject(Router,HttpClientConfig,FetchConfig, AppRouterConfig ) export class App { constructor(router, httpClientConfig, fetchConfig, appRouterConfig){ this.router = router; this.httpClientConfig = httpClientConfig; this.appRouterConfig = appRouterConfig; this.fetchConfig = fetchConfig; } activate(){ this.httpClientConfig.configure(); this.appRouterConfig.configure(); this.fetchConfig.configure(); } }
import 'bootstrap'; /*import 'bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css!';*/ import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework'; import {Router} from 'aurelia-router'; import AppRouterConfig from 'app.router.config'; import HttpClientConfig from 'aurelia-auth/app.httpClient.config'; import FetchConfig from 'aurelia-auth/app.fetch-httpClient.config'; @inject(Router,HttpClientConfig,FetchConfig, AppRouterConfig ) export class App { constructor(router, httpClientConfig, fetchConfig, appRouterConfig){ this.router = router; this.httpClientConfig = httpClientConfig; this.appRouterConfig = appRouterConfig; this.fetchConfig = fetchConfig; } activate(){ this.httpClientConfig.configure(); this.appRouterConfig.configure(); this.fetchConfig.configure(); } }
enable compression on bf hashset
/* Copyright 2016 Firewalla LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ 'use strict'; const log = require('../net2/logger.js')(__filename); const Sensor = require('./Sensor.js').Sensor; const sem = require('../sensor/SensorEventManager.js').getInstance(); const extensionManager = require('./ExtensionManager.js') const f = require('../net2/Firewalla.js'); const updateInterval = 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 // once per two days const hashKey = "gsb:bloomfilter:compressed"; const BloomFilter = require('../vendor_lib/bloomfilter.js').BloomFilter; const urlhash = require("../util/UrlHash.js"); const _ = require('lodash'); const bone = require("../lib/Bone.js"); const jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const inflateAsync = Promise.promisify(zlib.inflate); class IntelLocalCachePlugin extends Sensor { async loadCacheFromBone() {`Loading intel cache from cloud...`); const data = await bone.hashsetAsync(hashKey) try { const buffer = Buffer.from(data, 'base64'); const decompressedData = await inflateAsync(buffer); const decompressedString = decompressedData.toString(); const payload = JSON.parse(decompressedString); // jsonfile.writeFileSync("/tmp/x.json", payload); = new BloomFilter(payload, 16);`Intel cache is loaded successfully! cache size ${decompressedString.length}`); } catch (err) { log.error(`Failed to load intel cache from cloud, err: ${err}`); = null; } } async run() { await this.loadCacheFromBone(); setInterval(() => { this.loadCacheFromBone(); }, updateInterval); } checkUrl(url) { // for testing only if(this.config && this.config.testURLs && this.config.testURLs.includes(url)) { return true; } if(! { return false; } const hashes = urlhash.canonicalizeAndHashExpressions(url); const matchedHashes = hashes.filter((hash) => { if(!hash) { return false; } const prefix = hash[1]; if(!prefix) { return false; } const prefixHex = this.toHex(prefix); const testResult =; return testResult; }); return !_.isEmpty(matchedHashes); } toHex(base64) { return Buffer.from(base64, 'base64').toString('hex'); } } module.exports = IntelLocalCachePlugin;
/* Copyright 2016 Firewalla LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ 'use strict'; const log = require('../net2/logger.js')(__filename); const Sensor = require('./Sensor.js').Sensor; const sem = require('../sensor/SensorEventManager.js').getInstance(); const extensionManager = require('./ExtensionManager.js') const f = require('../net2/Firewalla.js'); const updateInterval = 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 // once per two days const hashKey = "gsb:bloomfilter"; const BloomFilter = require('../vendor_lib/bloomfilter.js').BloomFilter; const urlhash = require("../util/UrlHash.js"); const _ = require('lodash'); const bone = require("../lib/Bone.js"); const jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); class IntelLocalCachePlugin extends Sensor { async loadCacheFromBone() {`Loading intel cache from cloud...`); const data = await bone.hashsetAsync(hashKey) try { const payload = JSON.parse(data); // jsonfile.writeFileSync("/tmp/x.json", payload); = new BloomFilter(payload, 16);"Intel cache is loaded successfully!"); } catch (err) { log.error(`Failed to load intel cache from cloud, err: ${err}`); = null; } } async run() { await this.loadCacheFromBone(); setInterval(() => { this.loadCacheFromBone(); }, updateInterval); } checkUrl(url) { // for testing only if(this.config && this.config.testURLs && this.config.testURLs.includes(url)) { return true; } if(! { return false; } const hashes = urlhash.canonicalizeAndHashExpressions(url); const matchedHashes = hashes.filter((hash) => { if(!hash) { return false; } const prefix = hash[1]; if(!prefix) { return false; } const prefixHex = this.toHex(prefix); const testResult =; return testResult; }); return !_.isEmpty(matchedHashes); } toHex(base64) { return Buffer.from(base64, 'base64').toString('hex'); } } module.exports = IntelLocalCachePlugin;
the new constructor functions: class
"use strict" // CLASSES /* classes function just like prototypes in our earlier topic, If you have taken. It's not necessary but if you have a knowdge of prototypes, classes should be a piece of cake. Both of them are just ways to create inheritances on objects. with class enabling th create an adhoc object. Class combines the power of constructor functions and prototypes. */ // the new fancy imports . import obj from "./object" class Polygon{ // this lets you call the class like a constructor function. constructor (height=10, width=10){ this._height = height; this._width = width; } // get in front of a function lets you define a function but call it as a property. get area () { return this.height * this.width } get perimeter(){ return (2 * this.height) + (2 * this.width) } get width(){ return this._width; } get height(){ return this._height; } // the set keyword functions just like the opposite of the get keyword. // lets you set values to Class properties as though you are defining a variable. set height(value){ this._height = value; } set width(value) { this._width = value; } // this means that you can get this method on the Polygon class without instantiating the class using the // 'new' keyword. static get get_height() { return "this is static method on the Rect Object"; } } //NB: the name of the getter and the setter should not be a property on the object itself. // to use getters and setters make the property you are getting or setting inaccessible. class Maths{ constructor (number) { this.number = number; } } // using a prototype for this class object inheritance. Maths.prototype = Math; var math = new Maths(5); console.log(math.number); console.log(math.random()); var r = new Polygon(5, 10) console.log(r.area) console.log(r.width) console.log(Polygon.get_height) console.log(r.perimeter) console.log(; // INHERTANCE IN CLASSES. class Rectangle extends Polygon { constructor(length=1, width=1) { super();, length, width); } } var rect = new Rectangle(5, 5); console.log(rect); console.log(rect.area); //NB: this code does not work. debug it if you can. // It raises typeError. this is not a date object. /* class MyDate extends Date { constructor() { super(); } getFormattedDate() { var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; return this.getDate() + '-' + months[this.getMonth()] + '-' + this.getFullYear(); } } var aDate = new MyDate(); console.log(aDate.getTime()); console.log(aDate.getFormattedDate()); */
// CLASSES /* classes function just like prototypes in our earlier topic, If you have taken. It's not necessary but if you have a knowdge of prototypes, classes should be a piece of cake. Both of them are just ways to create inheritances on objects. with class enabling th create an adhoc object. Class combines the power of constructor functions and prototypes. */ // the new fancy imports . import obj from "./object" class Polygon{ // this lets you call the class like a constructor function. constructor (height=10, width=10){ this._height = height; this._width = width; } // get in front of a function lets you define a function but call it as a property. get area () { return this.height * this.width } get perimeter(){ return (2 * this.height) + (2 * this.width) } get width(){ return this._width; } get height(){ return this._height; } // the set keyword functions just like the opposite of the get keyword. // lets you set values to Class properties as though you are defining a variable. set height(value){ this._height = value; } set width(value) { this._width = value; } // this means that you can get this method on the Polygon class without instantiating the class using the // 'new' keyword. static get get_height() { return "this is static method on the Rect Object"; } } //NB: the name of the getter and the setter should not be a property on the object itself. // to use getters and setters make the property you are getting or setting inaccessible. class Maths{ constructor (number) { this.number = number; } } // using a prototype for this class object inheritance. Maths.prototype = Math; var math = new Maths(5); console.log(math.number); console.log(math.random()); var r = new Polygon(5, 10) console.log(r.area) console.log(r.width) console.log(Polygon.get_height) console.log(r.perimeter) console.log(; // INHERTANCE IN CLASSES. class Rectangle extends Polygon { constructor(length=1, width=1) { super();, length, width); } } var rect = new Rectangle(5, 5); console.log(rect); console.log(rect.area);
fix baseurl
var base = document.baseURI; Jenie.setup({ module: { modules: [ { name: 'one', method: function () { return 1; } }, { name: 'two', method: function () { return 2; } }, { name: 'sum', dependencies: ['one', 'two'], method: function (one, two) { return one + two; } } ] }, router: { routes: [ { title: 'Root', path: '/', component: 'v-root', componentUrl: base + 'views/v-root.js' }, { title: 'Test', path: '/test', component: 'v-test', componentUrl: base + 'views/v-test.html' }, { title: '404', path: '/{*}', component: 'v-404', componentUrl: base + 'views/v-404.html' } ] } }); Jenie.module.export('say', ['sum'], function (sum) { return function (string) { console.log(string); console.log(sum); }; });
Jenie.setup({ module: { modules: [ { name: 'one', method: function () { return 1; } }, { name: 'two', method: function () { return 2; } }, { name: 'sum', dependencies: ['one', 'two'], method: function (one, two) { return one + two; } } ] }, router: { base: '/jenie', routes: [ { title: 'Root', path: '/', component: 'v-root', componentUrl: '/views/v-root.js' }, { title: 'Test', path: '/test', component: 'v-test', componentUrl: '/views/v-test.html' }, { title: '404', path: '/{*}', component: 'v-404', componentUrl: '/views/v-404.html' } ] } }); Jenie.module.export('say', ['sum'], function (sum) { return function (string) { console.log(string); console.log(sum); }; });
remove cruft from wallaby config
'use strict'; module.exports = () => { return { files: [ 'index.js', 'lib/**/*.{js,json}', 'test/setup.js', 'test/assertions.js', { pattern: 'test/node-unit/**/*.fixture.js', instrument: false }, { pattern: 'test/unit/**/*.fixture.js', instrument: false }, 'package.json', 'test/opts/mocha.opts', 'mocharc.yml' ], filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [ 'test/**/*.fixture.js', 'test/setup.js', 'test/assertions.js', 'lib/browser/**/*.js' ], tests: ['test/unit/**/*.spec.js', 'test/node-unit/**/*.spec.js'], env: { type: 'node', runner: 'node' }, workers: {recycle: true}, testFramework: {type: 'mocha', path: __dirname}, setup(wallaby) { // running mocha instance is not the same as mocha under test, // running mocha is the project's source code mocha, mocha under test is instrumented version of the source code const runningMocha = wallaby.testFramework; runningMocha.timeout(1000); // to expose it/describe etc. on the mocha under test const MochaUnderTest = require('./'); const mochaUnderTest = new MochaUnderTest(); mochaUnderTest.suite.emit( MochaUnderTest.Suite.constants.EVENT_FILE_PRE_REQUIRE, global, '', mochaUnderTest ); require('./test/setup'); }, debug: true }; };
'use strict'; module.exports = () => { return { files: [ 'index.js', 'lib/**/*.{js,json}', 'test/setup.js', 'test/assertions.js', { pattern: 'test/node-unit/**/*.fixture.js', instrument: false }, { pattern: 'test/unit/**/*.fixture.js', instrument: false }, 'package.json', 'test/opts/mocha.opts', 'mocharc.yml' ], filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [ 'test/**/*.fixture.js', 'test/setup.js', 'test/assertions.js', 'lib/browser/**/*.js' ], tests: ['test/unit/**/*.spec.js', 'test/node-unit/**/*.spec.js'], env: { type: 'node', runner: 'node' }, workers: {recycle: true}, testFramework: {type: 'mocha', path: __dirname}, setup(wallaby) { // running mocha instance is not the same as mocha under test, // running mocha is the project's source code mocha, mocha under test is instrumented version of the source code const runningMocha = wallaby.testFramework; runningMocha.timeout(200); // to expose it/describe etc. on the mocha under test const MochaUnderTest = require('./'); const mochaUnderTest = new MochaUnderTest(); mochaUnderTest.suite.emit( MochaUnderTest.Suite.constants.EVENT_FILE_PRE_REQUIRE, global, '', mochaUnderTest ); // to make test/node-unit/color.spec.js pass, we need to run mocha in the project's folder context const childProcess = require('child_process'); const execFile = childProcess.execFile; childProcess.execFile = function() { let opts = arguments[2]; if (typeof opts === 'function') { opts = {};, 2, 0, opts); } opts.cwd = wallaby.localProjectDir; return execFile.apply(this, arguments); }; require('./test/setup'); }, debug: true }; };
use different value for rest input
// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2 -*- var assert = require('chai').assert; var BooleanQueryTranslator = require('../lib/bq-translator').BooleanQueryTranslator; function testQuery(label, expected, query) { test('query: ' + label + ': ' + '<' + query + '> -> <' + expected + '>', function() { var translator = new BooleanQueryTranslator(); assert.equal(expected, translator.translate(query)); }); } function testExpression(label, expectedScriptGrnExpr, expectedOffset, expression) { test('expression: ' + label + ': ' + '<' + expression + '> -> <' + expectedScriptGrnExpr + '>', function() { var translator = new BooleanQueryTranslator(); var context = { defaultField: "field", offset: 0 }; var actualScriptGrnExpr = translator.translateExpression(expression, context); assert.deepEqual({ scriptGrnExpr: expectedScriptGrnExpr, offset: expectedOffset }, { scriptGrnExpr: actualScriptGrnExpr, offset: context.offset }); }); } suite('BoolanQueryTranslator', function() { testQuery("expression", 'type:"ModelName"', "type:'ModelName'"); testQuery("group: raw expressions", 'query query type:"ModelName"', "(and query query type:'ModelName')"); testQuery("group: quoted expression", '"query query" type:"ModelName"', "(and 'query query' type:'ModelName')"); testExpression("value only: stirng", "field @ \"keyword1 keyword2\"", "'keyword1 keyword2'".length, "'keyword1 keyword2' 'other keyword'"); testExpression("value only: unsigned integer", "field == 29", "29".length, "29 75"); })
// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2 -*- var assert = require('chai').assert; var BooleanQueryTranslator = require('../lib/bq-translator').BooleanQueryTranslator; function testQuery(label, expected, query) { test('query: ' + label + ': ' + '<' + query + '> -> <' + expected + '>', function() { var translator = new BooleanQueryTranslator(); assert.equal(expected, translator.translate(query)); }); } function testExpression(label, expectedScriptGrnExpr, expectedOffset, expression) { test('expression: ' + label + ': ' + '<' + expression + '> -> <' + expectedScriptGrnExpr + '>', function() { var translator = new BooleanQueryTranslator(); var context = { defaultField: "field", offset: 0 }; var actualScriptGrnExpr = translator.translateExpression(expression, context); assert.deepEqual({ scriptGrnExpr: expectedScriptGrnExpr, offset: expectedOffset }, { scriptGrnExpr: actualScriptGrnExpr, offset: context.offset }); }); } suite('BoolanQueryTranslator', function() { testQuery("expression", 'type:"ModelName"', "type:'ModelName'"); testQuery("group: raw expressions", 'query query type:"ModelName"', "(and query query type:'ModelName')"); testQuery("group: quoted expression", '"query query" type:"ModelName"', "(and 'query query' type:'ModelName')"); testExpression("value only: stirng", "field @ \"keyword1 keyword2\"", "'keyword1 keyword2'".length, "'keyword1 keyword2' 'other keyword'"); testExpression("value only: unsigned integer", "field == 29", "29".length, "29 29"); })
Fix bad test for tabbed nav presence
const assert = require('assert') const React = require('react') const ReactDOM = require('react-dom') const ReactRedux = require('react-redux') const Redux = require('redux') const TestUtils = require('react-addons-test-utils') const fetchMock = require('fetch-mock') const App = require('../../src/components/App') const reducer = require('../../src/reducers/reducer') const GitHubAuth = require('../../src/models/GitHubAuth') const Filter = require('../../src/models/Filter') const LastFilter = require('../../src/models/LastFilter') const Config = require('../../src/config.json') function renderPage(store) { return TestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <ReactRedux.Provider store={store}> <App /> </ReactRedux.Provider> ) } describe('App', () => { let store describe('when valid auth token is not set', () => { before(() => { store = Redux.createStore(reducer) fetchMock.mock('*', {}) }) after(() => { fetchMock.restore() }) it('renders', () => { const appComponent = renderPage(store) assert(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(appComponent)) }) it('has a tabbed nav', () => { const appComponent = renderPage(store) const app = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(appComponent) assert(app.querySelector('#tabbed-nav')) }) it('does not make request without a token', () => { renderPage(store) const fetchedCalls = fetchMock.calls().matched assert.equal(0, fetchedCalls.length, 'No fetch calls should be made.') }) it('fetches user when auth token is set', () => { GitHubAuth.setToken('test-whee') renderPage(store) const fetchedCalls = fetchMock.calls().matched assert.equal(1, fetchedCalls.length, 'Only one fetch call should be made') assert(fetchedCalls[0][0].match(/\/user/), 'Fetch call should be to the user API') }) }) describe('when valid auth token is set', () => { before(() => { store = Redux.createStore(reducer) GitHubAuth.setToken('test-whee') fetchMock.get(`${Config.githubApiUrl}/user`, { login: 'testuser123' }) fetchMock.get(`${Config.githubApiUrl}/search/issues?q=cats`, []) }) after(() => { fetchMock.restore() }) it('fetches user and issues when filter exists', () => { const filter = new Filter('Cool name')'cats')'Cool name') renderPage(store) const fetchedCalls = fetchMock.calls().matched assert.equal(2, fetchedCalls.length, 'Two fetch calls should be made') assert(fetchedCalls[1][0].match(/\/search\/issues/), 'Fetch call should be to the search issues API') assert(fetchedCalls[0][0].match(/\/user/), 'Fetch call should be to the user API') }) }) })
const assert = require('assert') const React = require('react') const ReactDOM = require('react-dom') const ReactRedux = require('react-redux') const Redux = require('redux') const TestUtils = require('react-addons-test-utils') const fetchMock = require('fetch-mock') const App = require('../../src/components/App') const reducer = require('../../src/reducers/reducer') const GitHubAuth = require('../../src/models/GitHubAuth') const Filter = require('../../src/models/Filter') const LastFilter = require('../../src/models/LastFilter') const Config = require('../../src/config.json') function renderPage(store) { return TestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <ReactRedux.Provider store={store}> <App /> </ReactRedux.Provider> ) } describe('App', () => { let store describe('when valid auth token is not set', () => { before(() => { store = Redux.createStore(reducer) fetchMock.mock('*', {}) }) after(() => { fetchMock.restore() }) it('renders', () => { const appComponent = renderPage(store) assert(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(appComponent)) }) it('has a tabbed nav', () => { const appComponent = renderPage(store) const app = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(appComponent) assert(app.querySelectorAll('tabbed-nav')) }) it('does not make request without a token', () => { renderPage(store) const fetchedCalls = fetchMock.calls().matched assert.equal(0, fetchedCalls.length, 'No fetch calls should be made.') }) it('fetches user when auth token is set', () => { GitHubAuth.setToken('test-whee') renderPage(store) const fetchedCalls = fetchMock.calls().matched assert.equal(1, fetchedCalls.length, 'Only one fetch call should be made') assert(fetchedCalls[0][0].match(/\/user/), 'Fetch call should be to the user API') }) }) describe('when valid auth token is set', () => { before(() => { store = Redux.createStore(reducer) GitHubAuth.setToken('test-whee') fetchMock.get(`${Config.githubApiUrl}/user`, { login: 'testuser123' }) fetchMock.get(`${Config.githubApiUrl}/search/issues?q=cats`, []) }) after(() => { fetchMock.restore() }) it('fetches user and issues when filter exists', () => { const filter = new Filter('Cool name')'cats')'Cool name') renderPage(store) const fetchedCalls = fetchMock.calls().matched assert.equal(2, fetchedCalls.length, 'Two fetch calls should be made') assert(fetchedCalls[1][0].match(/\/search\/issues/), 'Fetch call should be to the search issues API') assert(fetchedCalls[0][0].match(/\/user/), 'Fetch call should be to the user API') }) }) })
Update loader.js
/*global requirejs*/ requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/dev/src', paths: { 'mout': '../bower_components/mout/src', 'events-emitter': '../bower_components/events-emitter/src', 'address': '../bower_components/address/src', 'text': '../bower_components/requirejs-text/text', 'has': '../bower_components/has/has', {{paths}} }, shim: { {{shim}} }, map: { '*': { // App config (defaults to dev but changes during build) 'app-config': '../app/config/config_dev', // Spoon 'spoon': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/index', // Spoon aliases 'spoon/Controller': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Controller', 'spoon/View': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/View', 'spoon/Joint': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Joint', // Spoon services 'services/broadcaster': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Broadcaster/BroadcasterFactory', 'services/address': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Address/AddressFactory', 'services/state': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/StateRegistry/StateRegistryFactory' } }, packages: [ // CSS plugin { name: 'css', location: '../bower_components/require-css', main: 'css' } ] });
/*global requirejs*/ requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/dev/src', paths: { 'mout': '../bower_components/mout/src', 'events-emitter': '../bower_components/events-emitter/src', 'address': '../bower_components/address/src', 'text': '../bower_components/requirejs-text/text', 'has': '../bower_components/has/has', {{paths}} }, shim: { {{shim}} }, map: { '*': { // App config (defaults to dev but changes during build) 'app-config': '../app/config/config_dev', // Spoon 'spoon': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/index', // Spoon aliases 'spoon/Controller': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Controller', 'spoon/View': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/View', // Spoon services 'services/broadcaster': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Broadcaster/BroadcasterFactory', 'services/address': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/Address/AddressFactory', 'services/state': '../bower_components/spoonjs/src/core/StateRegistry/StateRegistryFactory' } }, packages: [ // CSS plugin { name: 'css', location: '../bower_components/require-css', main: 'css' } ] });
add real controller tests
/*global beforeEach,afterEach,describe,it*/ import debounce from '../../src/factories/debounce' import { reset, check, expect, expectCount } from '../helpers/chaiCounter' import controller from '../helpers/controller' function increaseCount ({ state }) { state.set('count', state.get('count') + 1) } controller.addSignals({ increaseImmediate: {chain: [debounce(1, [increaseCount])], sync: true}, increaseNotImmediate: {chain: [debounce(1, [increaseCount], { immediate: false })], sync: true} }) const signals = controller.getSignals() let tree beforeEach(reset) afterEach(check) describe('debounce()', function () { beforeEach(function () { tree = controller.model.tree tree.set({ count: 0 }) tree.commit() }) it('should not call increase more than twice when immediate', function (done) { signals.increaseImmediate() signals.increaseImmediate() signals.increaseImmediate() signals.increaseImmediate() signals.increaseImmediate() setTimeout(function () { expect(tree.get('count')).to.equal(2) done() }, 10) }) it('should not call increase more than once when not immediate', function (done) { signals.increaseNotImmediate() signals.increaseNotImmediate() signals.increaseNotImmediate() signals.increaseNotImmediate() signals.increaseNotImmediate() setTimeout(function () { expect(tree.get('count')).to.equal(1) done() }, 10) }) it('should not call output more than twice when immediate', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: true }) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 2) { expect(terminated).to.equal(3) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }) it('should not call output again after timeout when immediate', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: true }) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 3) { expect(terminated).to.equal(3) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) setTimeout(() => { chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }, 15) }) it('should not call output more than once', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: false }) const args = { output: { continue () { expect(terminated).to.equal(4) done() }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }) it('should call output again after timeout', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: false }) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 2) { expect(terminated).to.equal(4) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) setTimeout(() => { chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }, 15) }) it('should respect defaults', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, []) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 2) { expect(terminated).to.equal(3) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }) })
/*global beforeEach,afterEach,describe,it*/ import debounce from '../../src/factories/debounce' import { reset, check, expect, expectCount } from '../helpers/chaiCounter' beforeEach(reset) afterEach(check) describe('debounce()', function () { it('should not call output more than twice when immediate', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: true }) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 2) { expect(terminated).to.equal(3) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }) it('should not call output again after timeout when immediate', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: true }) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 3) { expect(terminated).to.equal(3) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) setTimeout(() => { chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }, 15) }) it('should not call output more than once', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: false }) const args = { output: { continue () { expect(terminated).to.equal(4) done() }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }) it('should call output again after timeout', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, [], { immediate: false }) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 2) { expect(terminated).to.equal(4) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) setTimeout(() => { chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }, 15) }) it('should respect defaults', function (done) { expectCount(1) let terminated = 0 let continued = 0 const chain = debounce(10, []) const args = { output: { continue () { continued++ if (continued === 2) { expect(terminated).to.equal(3) done() } }, terminate () { terminated++ } } } chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) chain[0](args) }) })
revert debugging
var through = require('through2'), features = require('../features'); function isAddress( item ){ return( item.tags.hasOwnProperty('addr:housenumber') && item.tags.hasOwnProperty('addr:street') ); } function isPOIFromFeatureList( item ){ return( 'string' === typeof && !!features.getFeature( item ) ); } module.exports = function(){ var stream = through.obj( function( item, enc, done ) { // filter items missing requires properties if( !!item && item.hasOwnProperty('id') && (( item.type === 'node' && item.hasOwnProperty('lat') && item.hasOwnProperty('lon') ) || ( item.type === 'way' && Array.isArray( item.refs ) && item.refs.length > 0 )) && 'object' == typeof item.tags && ( isAddress( item ) || isPOIFromFeatureList( item ) )){ this.push( item ); } return done(); }); // catch stream errors stream.on( 'error', console.error.bind( console, __filename ) ); return stream; };
var through = require('through2'), features = require('../features'); function isAddress( item ){ return( item.tags.hasOwnProperty('addr:housenumber') && item.tags.hasOwnProperty('addr:street') ); } function isPOIFromFeatureList( item ){ return( 'string' === typeof && !!features.getFeature( item ) ); } var lastCommit = new Date().getTime(); var c = 0; function inc( type, record ){ c++; var now = new Date().getTime(); if( now >= lastCommit +1000 ){ lastCommit = now; console.log( c ); c = 0; } } module.exports = function(){ var stream = through.obj( function( item, enc, done ) { inc( 'a', item ); // filter items missing requires properties if( !!item && item.hasOwnProperty('id') && (( item.type === 'node' && item.hasOwnProperty('lat') && item.hasOwnProperty('lon') ) || ( item.type === 'way' && Array.isArray( item.refs ) && item.refs.length > 0 )) && 'object' == typeof item.tags && ( isAddress( item ) || isPOIFromFeatureList( item ) )){ this.push( item ); } return done(); }); // catch stream errors stream.on( 'error', console.error.bind( console, __filename ) ); return stream; };
import test from 'ava'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import mainReducer, {setInterfaceFontSizeScalingFactor, SET_INTERFACE_FONT_SIZE_SCALING_FACTOR, setAppFont, SET_APP_FONT, setAppLocale, SET_APP_LOCALE, setWriteDelay, SET_WRITE_DELAY, setIntl} from './../../../src/redux/modules/main'; import zhTwMessages from './../../../src/langs/zh-TW'; const middlewares = [thunk]; const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares); test('should create an action to set interface font size scaling factor', (t) => { const interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor = 1; const expectedAction = { type: SET_INTERFACE_FONT_SIZE_SCALING_FACTOR, interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor }; t.deepEqual(setInterfaceFontSizeScalingFactor(interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set app font', (t) => { const appFont = 'Tibetan Machine Uni'; const expectedAction = { type: SET_APP_FONT, appFont }; t.deepEqual(setAppFont(appFont), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set app locale', (t) => { const appLocale = 'bo'; const expectedAction = { type: SET_APP_LOCALE, appLocale }; t.deepEqual(setAppLocale(appLocale), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set write delay', (t) => { const writeDelay = 25; const expectedAction = { type: SET_WRITE_DELAY, writeDelay }; t.deepEqual(setWriteDelay(writeDelay), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set react intl', (t) => { const store = mockStore({}); const locale = 'zh-TW'; const expectedAction = { type: '@@intl/UPDATE', payload: { locale, messages: zhTwMessages } }; const resultAction = store.dispatch(setIntl(locale)); t.deepEqual(resultAction, expectedAction); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_APP_LOCALE', (t) => { const appLocale = 'en'; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_APP_LOCALE, appLocale}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {appLocale}); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_WRITE_DELAY', (t) => { const writeDelay = 50; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_WRITE_DELAY, writeDelay}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {writeDelay}); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_APP_FONT', (t) => { const appFont = 'Tibetan Machine Uni'; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_APP_FONT, appFont}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {appFont}); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_INTERFACE_FONT_SIZE_SCALING_FACTOR', (t) => { const interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor = 1.5; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_INTERFACE_FONT_SIZE_SCALING_FACTOR, interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor}); });
import test from 'ava'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import mainReducer, {setInterfaceFontSizeScalingFactor, SET_INTERFACE_FONT_SIZE_SCALING_FACTOR, setAppFont, SET_APP_FONT, setAppLocale, SET_APP_LOCALE, setWriteDelay, SET_WRITE_DELAY, setIntl} from './../../../src/redux/modules/main'; import zhTwMessages from './../../../src/langs/zh-TW'; const middlewares = [thunk]; const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares); test('should create an action to set interface font size scaling factor', (t) => { const interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor = 1; const expectedAction = { type: SET_INTERFACE_FONT_SIZE_SCALING_FACTOR, interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor }; t.deepEqual(setInterfaceFontSizeScalingFactor(interfaceFontSizeScalingFactor), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set app font', (t) => { const appFont = 'Tibetan Machine Uni'; const expectedAction = { type: SET_APP_FONT, appFont }; t.deepEqual(setAppFont(appFont), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set app locale', (t) => { const appLocale = 'bo'; const expectedAction = { type: SET_APP_LOCALE, appLocale }; t.deepEqual(setAppLocale(appLocale), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set write delay', (t) => { const writeDelay = 25; const expectedAction = { type: SET_WRITE_DELAY, writeDelay }; t.deepEqual(setWriteDelay(writeDelay), expectedAction); }); test('should create an action to set react intl', (t) => { const store = mockStore({}); const locale = 'zh-TW'; const expectedAction = { type: '@@intl/UPDATE', payload: { locale, messages: zhTwMessages } }; const resultAction = store.dispatch(setIntl(locale)); t.deepEqual(resultAction, expectedAction); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_APP_LOCALE', (t) => { const appLocale = 'en'; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_APP_LOCALE, appLocale}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {appLocale}); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_WRITE_DELAY', (t) => { const writeDelay = 50; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_WRITE_DELAY, writeDelay}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {writeDelay}); }); test('main reducer should handle action SET_APP_FONT', (t) => { const appFont = 'Tibetan Machine Uni'; const store = mockStore({}); const result = mainReducer(store.getState(), {type: SET_APP_FONT, appFont}); t.deepEqual(result.toJS(), {appFont}); });
Fix unit tests
/* * Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. */ /*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, browser: true, nomen: true, indent: 4, maxerr: 50 */ /*global define: false, describe: false, it: false, expect: false, beforeEach: false, afterEach: false, waitsFor: false, runs: false, $: false, brackets: false */ define(function (require, exports, module) { 'use strict'; var CSSUtils = require("CSSUtils"), SpecRunnerUtils = require("./SpecRunnerUtils.js"); describe("CSS Utils", function () { var content = ""; beforeEach(function () { var doneReading = false; // Read the contents of bootstrap.css. This will be used for all tests below runs(function () { var testFilePath = SpecRunnerUtils.getTestPath("/spec/CSSUtils-test-files/"); brackets.fs.readFile(testFilePath + "bootstrap.css", "utf8", function (err, fileContents) { content = fileContents; doneReading = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return doneReading; }, 1000); }); it("should find the first instance of the h2 selector", function () { var selector = CSSUtils._findAllMatchingSelectorsInText(content, "h2")[0]; expect(selector).not.toBe(null); expect(selector.line).toBe(292); expect(selector.ruleEndLine).toBe(301); }); it("should find all instances of the h2 selector", function () { var selectors = CSSUtils._findAllMatchingSelectorsInText(content, "h2"); expect(selectors).not.toBe(null); expect(selectors.length).toBe(2); expect(selectors[0].line).toBe(292); expect(selectors[0].ruleEndLine).toBe(301); expect(selectors[1].line).toBe(318); expect(selectors[1].ruleEndLine).toBe(321); }); it("should return an empty array when findAllMatchingSelectors() can't find any matches", function () { var selectors = CSSUtils._findAllMatchingSelectorsInText(content, "NO-SUCH-SELECTOR"); expect(selectors.length).toBe(0); }); }); });
/* * Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. */ /*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, browser: true, nomen: true, indent: 4, maxerr: 50 */ /*global define: false, describe: false, it: false, expect: false, beforeEach: false, afterEach: false, waitsFor: false, runs: false, $: false, brackets: false */ define(function (require, exports, module) { 'use strict'; var CSSUtils = require("CSSUtils"), SpecRunnerUtils = require("./SpecRunnerUtils.js"); describe("CSS Utils", function () { var content = ""; beforeEach(function () { var doneReading = false; // Read the contents of bootstrap.css. This will be used for all tests below runs(function () { var testFilePath = SpecRunnerUtils.getTestPath("/spec/CSSUtils-test-files/"); brackets.fs.readFile(testFilePath + "bootstrap.css", "utf8", function (err, fileContents) { content = fileContents; doneReading = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return doneReading; }, 1000); }); it("should find the first instance of the h2 selector", function () { var selector = CSSUtils._findAllMatchingSelectorsInText(content, "h2")[0]; expect(selector).not.toBe(null); expect(selector.line).toBe(292); expect(selector.ruleEndLine).toBe(301); }); it("should find all instances of the h2 selector", function () { var selectors = CSSUtils._findAllMatchingSelectorsInText(content, "h2"); expect(selectors).not.toBe(null); expect(selectors.length).toBe(2); expect(selectors[0].start).toBe(292); expect(selectors[0].end).toBe(301); expect(selectors[1].start).toBe(318); expect(selectors[1].end).toBe(321); }); it("should return an empty array when findAllMatchingSelectors() can't find any matches", function () { var selectors = CSSUtils._findAllMatchingSelectorsInText(content, "NO-SUCH-SELECTOR"); expect(selectors.length).toBe(0); }); }); });
Document ui/ContainerAnnotator.
'use strict'; var oo = require('../util/oo'); var _ = require('../util/helpers'); var Component = require('./Component'); var ContainerEditor = require('./ContainerEditor'); var $$ = Component.$$; /** Represents a flow annotator that manages a sequence of nodes in a container. Needs to be instantiated within a ui/Controller context. Works like a {@link ui/ContainerEditor} but you can only annotate, not edit. @class ContainerAnnotator @component @extends ui/ContainerEditor @prop {String} name unique editor name @prop {String} containerId container id @prop {ui/SurfaceCommand[]} commands array of command classes to be available @example ```js $$(ContainerAnnotator, { name: 'bodySurface', containerId: 'main', doc: doc, commands: [ToggleStrong] }) ``` */ function ContainerAnnotator() { ContainerEditor.apply(this, arguments); } ContainerAnnotator.Prototype = function() { this.render = function() { var doc = this.getDocument(); var containerNode = doc.get(this.props.containerId); var el = $$("div") .addClass('surface container-node ' + .attr({ spellCheck: false, "data-id":, "contenteditable": false }); // node components _.each(containerNode.nodes, function(nodeId) { el.append(this._renderNode(nodeId)); }, this); return el; }; }; oo.inherit(ContainerAnnotator, ContainerEditor); module.exports = ContainerAnnotator;
'use strict'; var oo = require('../util/oo'); var _ = require('../util/helpers'); var Component = require('./Component'); var ContainerEditor = require('./ContainerEditor'); var $$ = Component.$$; /** Represents a flow annotator that manages a sequence of nodes in a container. Instantiate this class using {@link ui/Component.$$} within the render method of a component. Needs to be instantiated within a {@link ui/Controller} context. @class ContainerAnnotator @component @extends ui/ContainerEditor @example ```js var ContainerAnnotator = require('substance/ui/ContainerAnnotator'); var Component = require('substance/ui/Component'); var ToggleStrong = require('substance/packages/strong/ToggleStrong'); var MyAnnotator = Component.extend({ render: function() { var annotator = $$(ContainerAnnotator, { name: 'main', containerId: 'main', doc: doc, commands: [ToggleStrong] }).ref('annotator'); return $$('div').addClass('my-annotator').append(annotator); } }); ``` */ function ContainerAnnotator() { ContainerEditor.apply(this, arguments); } ContainerAnnotator.Prototype = function() { this.render = function() { var doc = this.getDocument(); var containerNode = doc.get(this.props.containerId); var el = $$("div") .addClass('surface container-node ' + .attr({ spellCheck: false, "data-id":, "contenteditable": false }); // node components _.each(containerNode.nodes, function(nodeId) { el.append(this._renderNode(nodeId)); }, this); return el; }; }; oo.inherit(ContainerAnnotator, ContainerEditor); module.exports = ContainerAnnotator;
work with connection logigc
module.exports = { incoming: function (message, args) { console.log(args); console.log('agents') console.log(global.agents); console.log('users'); console.log(global.users); console.log('************'); // WHERE do we create a user? on first run? // WHEN do we update the user's address? Conv id will change. // Store by convo id? // add message to transcript // update last active to help keep track of 'current' convos // TODO: this will BREAK with changing convoIds. fix it if (message.text) { // only execute on message event var userConvo =; if (!message.address.user.isStaff && !global.users[userConvo]) { console.log('I am adding a new user') global.users[userConvo] = new global.User(message); } else if (!message.address.user.isStaff) { global.users[userConvo].transcript += message.text; } else { // TODO make real logic around agent global.agents[userConvo] = new global.User(message); } } else if (message.text === 'bot') { handoffToBot(; } return message; }, outgoing: function (message, args) { // routing info goes here. // or default to user address, just change if they want to talk to a user? // like update addy value. Then we just look for our own entry and route accordingly console.log(message.address); console.log(args); if (!message.address.user.isStaff) { // route user messages to agent if appropriate. Otherwise send to the bot message.address = global.users[].routeMessagesTo ? global.users[].routeMessagesTo : message.address; } console.log('address'); console.log(message.address); console.log('==========='); return message }, handoffToAgent: function (user) { var agent = Object.keys(global.agents); // TODO choose how to filter for an agent, or factor out to another method // make agnostic enough that this can pass to agent from bot or another agent // keep in mind only letting 1 user talk to 1 agent. 1 agent can talk to many users console.log('handoff to agent'); console.log(agent); global.users[user].routeMessagesTo = global.agents[agent[0]].address; }, handoffToBot: function (user) { // look up user global.users[user].routeMessagesTo = false; }, getCurrentConversations: function () { // return all current conversations }, transcribeConversation: function () { // store all messages between user/bot user/agent // do this in a way that speaker is obvious }, getTranscriptForAgent: function () { // end goal is to populate a webchat window so agent seamlessly joins existing conversation }, }
module.exports = { incoming: function (message, args) { console.log(args); console.log('users') console.log(global.users); console.log('************'); // WHERE do we create a user? on first run? // WHEN do we update the user's address? Conv id will change. // Store by convo id? // add message to transcript // update last active to help keep track of 'current' convos // TODO: this will BREAK with changing convoIds. fix it if (message.text) { // only execute on message event var userConvo =; if (!message.address.user.isStaff && !global.users[userConvo]) { console.log('I am adding a new user') global.users[userConvo] = new global.User(message); } else if (!message.address.user.isStaff) { global.users[userConvo].transcript += message.text; } else { // TODO make real logic around agent global.agents[userConvo] = new global.User(message); } } else if (message.text === 'bot') { handoffToBot(; } return message; }, outgoing: function (message, args) { // routing info goes here. // or default to user address, just change if they want to talk to a user? // like update addy value. Then we just look for our own entry and route accordingly console.log(message.address); console.log(args); if (!message.address.user.isStaff) { // route user messages to agent if appropriate. Otherwise send to the bot message.address = global.users[].routeMessagesTo ? global.users[].routeMessagesTo : message.address; } console.log('address'); console.log(message.address); console.log('==========='); return message }, handoffToAgent: function (user) { var agent = Object.keys(global.agents); // TODO choose how to filter for an agent, or factor out to another method // make agnostic enough that this can pass to agent from bot or another agent // keep in mind only letting 1 user talk to 1 agent. 1 agent can talk to many users global.users[user].routeMessagesTo = agent[0].address; }, handoffToBot: function (user) { // look up user global.users[user].routeMessagesTo = false; }, getCurrentConversations: function () { // return all current conversations }, transcribeConversation: function () { // store all messages between user/bot user/agent // do this in a way that speaker is obvious }, getTranscriptForAgent: function () { // end goal is to populate a webchat window so agent seamlessly joins existing conversation }, }
Clarify the copy in the add liquids to deck hint (#2107)
// @flow type Hint = {title: string, body: string} const hintManifest: {[string]: Hint} = { add_liquids_and_labware: { title: 'Add Liquids to Deck', body: 'Go to Starting Deck State and hover over labware to specify where liquids start before the robot starts moving.' } } export type HintKey = $Keys<typeof hintManifest> export default hintManifest
// @flow type Hint = {title: string, body: string} const hintManifest: {[string]: Hint} = { add_liquids_and_labware: { title: 'Add Liquids to Deck', body: "Go to 'Labware & Liquids' and specify where liquids start on the deck before the robot starts moving." } } export type HintKey = $Keys<typeof hintManifest> export default hintManifest
fix the auto registering of app services
namespace('Sy.Kernel'); /** * Framework heart * * @package Sy * @subpackage Kernel * @class */ Sy.Kernel.Core = function () { this.config = new Sy.Configurator(); this.container = new Sy.ServiceContainer('sy::core'); }; Sy.Kernel.Core.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype, { /** * Return the framework config object * * @return {Sy.Configurator} */ getConfig: { value: function () { return this.config; } }, /** * Return the service container object * * @return {Sy.ServiceContainer} */ getServiceContainer: { value: function () { return this.container; } }, /** * Initiate the kernel that will inspect the app and build necessary data * * @return {Sy.Kernel.Core} */ init: { value: function () { var parser = new Sy.Kernel.AppParser(); this.config.set('', { bundles: parser.getBundles(), controllers: parser.getControllers(), entities: parser.getEntities(), viewscreens: parser.getViewScreens() }); this.registerServices(parser.getServices()); } }, /** * Register the app services in the global container * * @param {Array} services * * @return {Sy.Kernel.Core} */ registerServices: { value: function (services) { for (var i = 0, l = services.length; i < l; i++) { if (services[i].creator) { this.container.set( services[i].name, services[i].creator ); } else if (typeof services[i].constructor === 'string') { var def = {}, name = services[i].name; delete services[i].name; def[name] = services[i]; this.container.set(def); } } return this; } } });
namespace('Sy.Kernel'); /** * Framework heart * * @package Sy * @subpackage Kernel * @class */ Sy.Kernel.Core = function () { this.config = new Sy.Configurator(); this.container = new Sy.ServiceContainer('sy::core'); }; Sy.Kernel.Core.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype, { /** * Return the framework config object * * @return {Sy.Configurator} */ getConfig: { value: function () { return this.config; } }, /** * Return the service container object * * @return {Sy.ServiceContainer} */ getServiceContainer: { value: function () { return this.container; } }, /** * Initiate the kernel that will inspect the app and build necessary data * * @return {Sy.Kernel.Core} */ init: { value: function () { var parser = new Sy.Kernel.AppParser(); this.config.set('', { bundles: parser.getBundles(), controllers: parser.getControllers(), entities: parser.getEntities(), viewscreens: parser.getViewScreens() }); this.registerServices(parser.getServices()); } }, /** * Register the app services in the global container * * @param {Array} services * * @return {Sy.Kernel.Core} */ registerServices: { value: function (services) { for (var i = 0, l = services.length; i < l; i++) { if (services[i].creator) { this.container.set( services[i].name, services[i].creator ); } else if (typeof services[i].constructor === 'string') { var name = services[i].name; delete services[i].name; this.container.set( name, services[i] ); } } return this; } } });
Set element to play area on task detail on element exist
define([ 'Backbone', //Model 'app/models/project', //Collection 'app/collections/projects', //View 'app/views/taskController', 'app/views/projectsController', 'app/views/filterController', 'app/views/playersController', //Templates 'text!templates/project-page/gamePageTemplate.html', 'text!templates/project-page/errorTemplate.html' ], function( Backbone, //Model Project, //Collection Projects, //Views taskController, projectsController, filterController, playersController, //Templates gamePageTemplate, errorTemplate ){ var ProjectManager = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template(gamePageTemplate), errorTemplate: _.template(errorTemplate), model: new Project(), initialize: function(){ this.model.clear({silent: true}).off(); this.model.bind('change:error', this.error, this); this.model.bind('change:name', this.render, this); this.model.fetch({data: {id: this.options.projectId}}); this.players = new playersController({ collection: this.options.players, message: this.options.playerMessage, project: this.model }); this.projectsList = new projectsController({ collection: new Projects(), router: this.options.router }); this.taskList = new taskController({ projectId: this.options.projectId }); this.filter = new filterController({ collection: this.taskList.collection }); }, error: function(){ var message = this.model.get('error'); this.$el.html(this.errorTemplate({message: message})); }, render: function(){ var project = this.model.get('name'); var player = this.options.router.account.get('user'); socket.emit('add player', player, project); this.$el.html(this.template({project: {name: project}})); this.taskList.setElement('.js-taskList'); this.filter.setElement('.fn-filter-task'); this.players.setElement('.js-player-list'); this.players.options.message.trigger('change'); this.taskList.collection.fetch(); this.taskList.taskDetail.setElement('#play-area'); if(!$('.projects-list li')[0]){ this.projectsList.setElement('.projects-list').start(); } } }); return ProjectManager; });
define([ 'Backbone', //Model 'app/models/project', //Collection 'app/collections/projects', //View 'app/views/taskController', 'app/views/projectsController', 'app/views/filterController', 'app/views/playersController', //Templates 'text!templates/project-page/gamePageTemplate.html', 'text!templates/project-page/errorTemplate.html' ], function( Backbone, //Model Project, //Collection Projects, //Views taskController, projectsController, filterController, playersController, //Templates gamePageTemplate, errorTemplate ){ var ProjectManager = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template(gamePageTemplate), errorTemplate: _.template(errorTemplate), model: new Project(), initialize: function(){ this.model.clear({silent: true}).off(); this.model.bind('change:error', this.error, this); this.model.bind('change:name', this.render, this); this.model.fetch({data: {id: this.options.projectId}}); this.players = new playersController({ collection: this.options.players, message: this.options.playerMessage, project: this.model }); this.projectsList = new projectsController({ collection: new Projects(), router: this.options.router }); this.taskList = new taskController({ projectId: this.options.projectId }); this.filter = new filterController({ collection: this.taskList.collection }); }, error: function(){ var message = this.model.get('error'); this.$el.html(this.errorTemplate({message: message})); }, render: function(){ var project = this.model.get('name'); var player = this.options.router.account.get('user'); socket.emit('add player', player, project); this.$el.html(this.template({project: {name: project}})); this.taskList.setElement('.js-taskList'); this.filter.setElement('.fn-filter-task'); this.players.setElement('.js-player-list'); this.players.options.message.trigger('change'); this.taskList.collection.fetch(); if(!$('.projects-list li')[0]){ this.projectsList.setElement('.projects-list').start(); } } }); return ProjectManager; });
Remove double 'data' event on write
'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; const async = require('asyncawait/async'); const await = require('asyncawait/await'); const ipfsDaemon = require('orbit-common/lib/ipfs-daemon'); const PubSub = require('./PubSub'); const OrbitDB = require('./OrbitDB'); class OrbitClient { constructor(ipfs, daemon) { this._ipfs = ipfs; this._pubsub = null; this.user = null; = null; = new EventEmitter(); this.db = new OrbitDB(this._ipfs); } channel(channel, password, subscribe) { if(password === undefined) password = ''; if(subscribe === undefined) subscribe = true; this.db.use(channel, this.user, password);'write', this._onWrite.bind(this));'sync', this._onSync.bind(this)); if(subscribe) this._pubsub.subscribe(channel, password, async((channel, message) => this.db.sync(channel, message))); return { iterator: (options) => this._iterator(channel, password, options), delete: () => this.db.deleteChannel(channel, password), del: (key) => this.db.del(channel, password, key), add: (data) => this.db.add(channel, password, data), put: (key, data) => this.db.put(channel, password, key, data), get: (key, options) => { const items = this._iterator(channel, password, { key: key }).collect(); return items[0] ? items[0].value : null; }, leave: () => this._pubsub.unsubscribe(channel) } } disconnect() { this._pubsub.disconnect(); this._store = {}; this.user = null; = null; } _onWrite(channel, hash) { this._pubsub.publish(channel, hash) //'data', channel, hash); } _onSync(channel, hash) {'data', channel, hash); } _iterator(channel, password, options) { const messages = this.db.query(channel, password, options); let currentIndex = 0; let iterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; }, next() { let item = { value: null, done: true }; if(currentIndex < messages.length) { item = { value: messages[currentIndex], done: false }; currentIndex ++; } return item; }, collect: () => messages } return iterator; } _connect(host, port, username, password, allowOffline) { if(allowOffline === undefined) allowOffline = false; try { this._pubsub = new PubSub(this._ipfs); await(this._pubsub.connect(host, port, username, password)); } catch(e) { if(!allowOffline) throw e; } this.user = { username: username, id: 'TODO: user id' } = { host: host, port: port, name: 'TODO: network name' } } } class OrbitClientFactory { static connect(host, port, username, password, allowOffline, ipfs) { if(!ipfs) { let ipfsd = await(ipfsDaemon()); ipfs = ipfsd.ipfs; } const client = new OrbitClient(ipfs); await(client._connect(host, port, username, password, allowOffline)) return client; } } module.exports = OrbitClientFactory;
'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; const async = require('asyncawait/async'); const await = require('asyncawait/await'); const ipfsDaemon = require('orbit-common/lib/ipfs-daemon'); const PubSub = require('./PubSub'); const OrbitDB = require('./OrbitDB'); class OrbitClient { constructor(ipfs, daemon) { this._ipfs = ipfs; this._pubsub = null; this.user = null; = null; = new EventEmitter(); this.db = new OrbitDB(this._ipfs); } channel(channel, password, subscribe) { if(password === undefined) password = ''; if(subscribe === undefined) subscribe = true; this.db.use(channel, this.user, password);'write', this._onWrite.bind(this));'sync', this._onSync.bind(this)); if(subscribe) this._pubsub.subscribe(channel, password, async((channel, message) => this.db.sync(channel, message))); return { iterator: (options) => this._iterator(channel, password, options), delete: () => this.db.deleteChannel(channel, password), del: (key) => this.db.del(channel, password, key), add: (data) => this.db.add(channel, password, data), put: (key, data) => this.db.put(channel, password, key, data), get: (key, options) => { const items = this._iterator(channel, password, { key: key }).collect(); return items[0] ? items[0].value : null; }, leave: () => this._pubsub.unsubscribe(channel) } } disconnect() { this._pubsub.disconnect(); this._store = {}; this.user = null; = null; } _onWrite(channel, hash) { this._pubsub.publish(channel, hash)'data', channel, hash); } _onSync(channel, hash) {'data', channel, hash); } _iterator(channel, password, options) { const messages = this.db.query(channel, password, options); let currentIndex = 0; let iterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; }, next() { let item = { value: null, done: true }; if(currentIndex < messages.length) { item = { value: messages[currentIndex], done: false }; currentIndex ++; } return item; }, collect: () => messages } return iterator; } _connect(host, port, username, password, allowOffline) { if(allowOffline === undefined) allowOffline = false; try { this._pubsub = new PubSub(this._ipfs); await(this._pubsub.connect(host, port, username, password)); } catch(e) { if(!allowOffline) throw e; } this.user = { username: username, id: 'TODO: user id' } = { host: host, port: port, name: 'TODO: network name' } } } class OrbitClientFactory { static connect(host, port, username, password, allowOffline, ipfs) { if(!ipfs) { let ipfsd = await(ipfsDaemon()); ipfs = ipfsd.ipfs; } const client = new OrbitClient(ipfs); await(client._connect(host, port, username, password, allowOffline)) return client; } } module.exports = OrbitClientFactory;
Update ember-qunit to 0.4.2.
module.exports = { normalizeEntityName: function() { // this prevents an error when the entityName is // not specified (since that doesn't actually matter // to us }, afterInstall: function() { return this.addBowerPackagesToProject([ { name: 'qunit', target: '~1.17.1' }, { name: 'ember-cli/ember-cli-test-loader', target: '0.1.3' }, { name: 'ember-qunit-notifications', target: '0.0.7' }, { name: 'ember-qunit', target: '0.4.2' } ]); } };
module.exports = { normalizeEntityName: function() { // this prevents an error when the entityName is // not specified (since that doesn't actually matter // to us }, afterInstall: function() { return this.addBowerPackagesToProject([ { name: 'qunit', target: '~1.17.1' }, { name: 'ember-cli/ember-cli-test-loader', target: '0.1.3' }, { name: 'ember-qunit-notifications', target: '0.0.7' }, { name: 'ember-qunit', target: '0.4.1' } ]); } };
add the ability to bootstrap an app with no account
var Promise = require('ember-cli/lib/ext/promise'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var appendFileSync = require('fs').appendFileSync; var API = require('ember-cli-deploy-pagefront/lib/api'); var green =; var white = chalk.white; var DEPLOY = 'ember deploy production'; var NEW_LINE = '\n'; var SUCCESS = NEW_LINE + green('Success! Now deploy your app: ') + white(DEPLOY) + NEW_LINE; var COMMAND= '`ember g ember-pagefront --app=YOUR_APP_NAME`'; var MISSING_APP = 'No app was specified. Please run ' + COMMAND + ' to finish setting up.'; var APP_TAKEN = 'Darn. That app name has already been taken. Try again with a new name: ' + COMMAND; var BOOTSTRAP_FAILED = 'Whoops. Something went wrong. Try again: ' + COMMAND; var GITIGNORE = '.gitignore'; var DOT_ENV_FILE = '.env.deploy.*'; var ECD = 'ember-cli-deploy'; var ECD_VERSION = '0.5.1'; var UNPROCESSABLE = 422; function bootstrap(app) { var api = new API(); return api.bootstrapApp({ app: app }); } module.exports = { availableOptions: [ { name: 'app', type: String }, { name: 'key', type: String } ], normalizeEntityName: function() {}, locals: function(options) { return { app:, key: options.key }; }, beforeInstall: function(options, locals) { if (! { return Promise.reject(MISSING_APP); } if (!options.key) { return bootstrap( { locals.key = response.key; }, function(response) { if (response.statusCode === UNPROCESSABLE) { throw APP_TAKEN; } else { throw BOOTSTRAP_FAILED } }); } }, afterInstall: function() { var success = this.didSucceed.bind(this); appendFileSync(GITIGNORE, NEW_LINE + DOT_ENV_FILE + NEW_LINE); return this.addPackageToProject(ECD, ECD_VERSION).then(success); }, didSucceed: function() { this.ui.writeLine(SUCCESS); } }
var chalk = require('chalk'); var appendFileSync = require('fs').appendFileSync; var green =; var white = chalk.white; var DEPLOY = 'ember deploy production'; var NEW_LINE = '\n'; var MESSAGE = NEW_LINE + green('Success! Now deploy your app: ') + white(DEPLOY) + NEW_LINE; var GITIGNORE = '.gitignore'; var DOT_ENV_FILE = '.env.deploy.*'; module.exports = { normalizeEntityName: function() {}, beforeInstall: function() { return this.addPackageToProject('ember-cli-deploy', '0.5.1'); }, afterInstall: function() { appendFileSync(GITIGNORE, NEW_LINE + DOT_ENV_FILE + NEW_LINE); this.ui.writeLine(MESSAGE); }, locals: function(options) { return { app:, key: options.key }; } }
update passport local strategy to fetch actual user via sql query
const passport = require('passport'); const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy; const db = require('./database'); const { query } = require('../utils'); passport.use(new LocalStrategy({ usernameField: 'identifier' }, async (idenfier, password, done) => { const getUserWithCredentialsQuery = await query('05-get-user-with-credentials.sql', { identifier, password }); const users = await db.query(getUserWithCredentialsQuery); if (users.rows.length > 0) { const user = users.row[0]; user.avatar = 'static/images/default-avatar.png'; done(null, user); } else { done(null, new Error('User not found.')); } })); passport.serializeUser((user, done) => { done(null,; }); passport.deserializeUser(async (email, done) => { const getUsersWithEmailQuery = await query('03-get-users-with-email.sql', { email }); const users = await db.query(getUsersWithEmailQuery); if (users.rows.length > 0) { const user = users.rows[0]; user.avatar = 'static/images/default-avatar.png'; done(null, users.rows[0]); } else { done(null, new Error('User not found.')); } }); module.exports = passport;
const passport = require('passport'); const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy; const db = require('./database'); const { query } = require('../utils'); passport.use(new LocalStrategy({ usernameField: 'identifier' }, (username, password, done) => { const user = { fullname: 'Arnelle Balane', username: 'arnellebalane', email: '', avatar: 'static/images/default-avatar.png' }; done(null, user); })); passport.serializeUser((user, done) => { done(null,; }); passport.deserializeUser(async (email, done) => { const getUsersWithEmailQuery = await query('03-get-users-with-email.sql', { email }); const users = await db.query(getUsersWithEmailQuery); if (users.rows.length > 0) { const user = users.rows[0]; user.avatar = 'static/images/default-avatar.png'; done(null, users.rows[0]); } else { done(null, new Error('User not found.')); } }); module.exports = passport;
add style changing support
var h = require('hyperscript'); // XXX require('global/mumble') var window = global.window; var document = global.document; document.title = 'Flash Phrases'; document.head.appendChild( h('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style.css' })); // XXX use a module for this function loadHash() { var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash && hash[0] === '#') hash = hash.slice(1); var parts = hash.split(';'); var out = {}; parts.forEach(function(part) { var i = part.indexOf('='); if (i === -1) { out[part] = true; } else { var key = part.slice(0, i); var val = part.slice(i + 1); out[key] = val; } }); return out; } var Hash = loadHash(); var style = || 'light'; document.head.appendChild( h('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style-' + style + '.css' })); //// var PhraseData = require('./data'); var Engine = require('./engine'); var PhrasePrompt = require('./phrase_prompt'); var eng = new Engine({ complexity: { initial: [2, 10], step: [1, 5], lo: [2, 10], hi: [10, 50] } }); var prompt = new PhrasePrompt({ generatePhrase: PhraseData.generatePhrase, displayTime: 1500, inputTime: 10000, maxErrorPerWord: 1, repromptDelay: 200, complexity: eng.complexity }); var StartStop = require('./start_stop'); var ss = new StartStop(); ss.contentElement.appendChild(prompt.element); document.body.appendChild(ss.element); prompt.on('stopkey', function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 0x1b) ss.stop(); }); ss.on('start', prompt.start.bind(prompt)); ss.on('stop', prompt.stop.bind(prompt)); ss.on('keypress', function(event) { if (prompt.inputing) return; var char = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode); if (char !== prompt.expected[0]) return; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); prompt.showInput(); prompt.inputElement.value = char; prompt.updateInput(); }); ss.addListeners(window); prompt.on('result', eng.onResult.bind(eng)); eng.on('idle', ss.stop.bind(ss));
var h = require('hyperscript'); // XXX require('global/mumble') var window = global.window; var document = global.document; document.title = 'Flash Phrases'; document.head.appendChild( h('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style.css' })); //// var PhraseData = require('./data'); var Engine = require('./engine'); var PhrasePrompt = require('./phrase_prompt'); var eng = new Engine({ complexity: { initial: [2, 10], step: [1, 5], lo: [2, 10], hi: [10, 50] } }); var prompt = new PhrasePrompt({ generatePhrase: PhraseData.generatePhrase, displayTime: 1500, inputTime: 10000, maxErrorPerWord: 1, repromptDelay: 200, complexity: eng.complexity }); var StartStop = require('./start_stop'); var ss = new StartStop(); ss.contentElement.appendChild(prompt.element); document.body.appendChild(ss.element); prompt.on('stopkey', function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 0x1b) ss.stop(); }); ss.on('start', prompt.start.bind(prompt)); ss.on('stop', prompt.stop.bind(prompt)); ss.on('keypress', function(event) { if (prompt.inputing) return; var char = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode); if (char !== prompt.expected[0]) return; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); prompt.showInput(); prompt.inputElement.value = char; prompt.updateInput(); }); ss.addListeners(window); prompt.on('result', eng.onResult.bind(eng)); eng.on('idle', ss.stop.bind(ss));
make maxErrorPerWord and repromptDelay defaults explicit
var h = require('hyperscript'); // XXX require('global/mumble') var window = global.window; var document = global.document; document.title = 'Flash Phrases'; document.head.appendChild( h('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style.css' })); //// var fs = require('fs'); var Markov = require('../lib/markov'); var markov = Markov.load(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('markov_source.json'))); function generatePhrase(numPhrases, minLength) { var phrase = ''; while (phrase.length < minLength) { phrase = markov.chain(numPhrases).join(' '); } return phrase.toLowerCase(); } var PhrasePrompt = require('./phrase_prompt'); var prompt = new PhrasePrompt({ generatePhrase: generatePhrase, displayTime: 1500, inputTime: 10000, maxErrorPerWord: 2, repromptDelay: 200, complexity: { initial: [2, 10], step: [1, 5], lo: [2, 10], hi: [10, 50] } }); var PromptLoop = require('./prompt_loop'); var loop = new PromptLoop(prompt); var StartStop = require('./start_stop'); var ss = new StartStop(); ss.contentElement.appendChild(prompt.element); document.body.appendChild(ss.element); var history = []; function onResult(result) { // TODO: prune and/or archive history? history.push(result); var k = 3; // TODO setting var lastK = history.slice(-k); var lastKExpired = lastK .reduce(function(allExpired, result) { return allExpired && Boolean(result.expired); }, lastK.length >= k); if (lastKExpired) return ss.stop(); console.log(result); } ss.on('start', loop.start.bind(loop)); ss.on('stop', loop.stop.bind(loop)); ss.addListeners(window); prompt.on('result', onResult);
var h = require('hyperscript'); // XXX require('global/mumble') var window = global.window; var document = global.document; document.title = 'Flash Phrases'; document.head.appendChild( h('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style.css' })); //// var fs = require('fs'); var Markov = require('../lib/markov'); var markov = Markov.load(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('markov_source.json'))); function generatePhrase(numPhrases, minLength) { var phrase = ''; while (phrase.length < minLength) { phrase = markov.chain(numPhrases).join(' '); } return phrase.toLowerCase(); } var PhrasePrompt = require('./phrase_prompt'); var prompt = new PhrasePrompt({ generatePhrase: generatePhrase, displayTime: 1500, inputTime: 10000, complexity: { initial: [2, 10], step: [1, 5], lo: [2, 10], hi: [10, 50] } }); var PromptLoop = require('./prompt_loop'); var loop = new PromptLoop(prompt); var StartStop = require('./start_stop'); var ss = new StartStop(); ss.contentElement.appendChild(prompt.element); document.body.appendChild(ss.element); var history = []; function onResult(result) { // TODO: prune and/or archive history? history.push(result); var k = 3; // TODO setting var lastK = history.slice(-k); var lastKExpired = lastK .reduce(function(allExpired, result) { return allExpired && Boolean(result.expired); }, lastK.length >= k); if (lastKExpired) return ss.stop(); console.log(result); } ss.on('start', loop.start.bind(loop)); ss.on('stop', loop.stop.bind(loop)); ss.addListeners(window); prompt.on('result', onResult);
fix csp modification
/** * The default content security policy for only allows AJAX posts to white-listed domains. * In order to allow us to post to our server, we intercept the content-security-policy header and whitelist our domain. */ chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(function(details) { for(var i = 0; i < details.responseHeaders.length; ++i) { if (details.responseHeaders[i].name.toLowerCase() == 'content-security-policy') { console.log("Amending content-security-policy for " + details.url) var csp = details.responseHeaders[i].value; csp = csp.replace('connect-src', 'connect-src'); details.responseHeaders[i].value = csp; } } return {responseHeaders:details.responseHeaders}; }, { urls: [ '*://*/pull/*' ] }, [ 'blocking', 'responseHeaders' ]); /** * Randomly generates a 24 character string. */ function getRandomToken() { var array = new Uint32Array(10); window.crypto.getRandomValues(array); var text = ""; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { text += intToChar(array[i] & 255) text += intToChar((array[i] >> 8 ) & 255) text += intToChar((array[i] >> 16) & 255) text += intToChar((array[i] >> 24) & 255) } return text; } function intToChar(input) { var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; return possible.charAt(input % possible.length) } /** * Responds to messages posted by the content script. */ chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if (request.message != "get_session_token") return false; chrome.cookies.get({"url": "", "name": "whaler_session"}, function(cookie) { if (cookie == null) { session_id = getRandomToken(); expirationDate = new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // Expire in 1 week chrome.cookies.set({"url": "", "name": "whaler_session", "value": session_id, "expirationDate": expirationDate, "secure": true}) } else { session_id = cookie.value } sendResponse({session_token: session_id}); }); return true; // We will respond asynchronously. });
/** * The default content security policy for only allows AJAX posts to white-listed domains. * In order to allow us to post to our server, we intercept the content-security-policy header and whitelist our domain. */ chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(function(details) { for(var i = 0; i < details.responseHeaders.length; ++i) { if (details.responseHeaders[i].name.toLowerCase() == 'content-security-policy') { console.log("Amending content-security-policy for " + details.url) details.responseHeaders[i].value += "" } } return {responseHeaders:details.responseHeaders}; }, { urls: [ '*://*/pull/*' ] }, [ 'blocking', 'responseHeaders' ]); /** * Randomly generates a 24 character string. */ function getRandomToken() { var array = new Uint32Array(10); window.crypto.getRandomValues(array); var text = ""; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { text += intToChar(array[i] & 255) text += intToChar((array[i] >> 8 ) & 255) text += intToChar((array[i] >> 16) & 255) text += intToChar((array[i] >> 24) & 255) } return text; } function intToChar(input) { var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; return possible.charAt(input % possible.length) } /** * Responds to messages posted by the content script. */ chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if (request.message != "get_session_token") return false; chrome.cookies.get({"url": "", "name": "whaler_session"}, function(cookie) { if (cookie == null) { session_id = getRandomToken(); expirationDate = new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // Expire in 1 week chrome.cookies.set({"url": "", "name": "whaler_session", "value": session_id, "expirationDate": expirationDate, "secure": true}) } else { session_id = cookie.value } sendResponse({session_token: session_id}); }); return true; // We will respond asynchronously. });
Fix stdin processing
var Evaluator = require('./evaluator'); var unescape = function unescape(value){ return String(value) .replace(/&quot;/g, '"') .replace(/&#39;/g, "'") .replace(/&lt;/g, '<') .replace(/&gt;/g, '>') .replace(/&amp;/g, '&'); } module.exports = function(argv, channel, response, logger) { var input = unescape(argv.slice(1).join('')), inputSplit = input.split(/\"/g); code = inputSplit[0], stdin = (inputSplit[1] || '').split('').map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); }); logger.log('evaluating', code); try { result = ''; Evaluator.bfEval(code, { input: function() { return stdin.shift() || 0; }, output: function(value) { result += String.fromCharCode(value); } }); response.end(result || 'Program produced no output'); } catch(e) { logger.error(e); response.end('Invalid BF program'); } };
var Evaluator = require('./evaluator'); var unescape = function unescape(value){ return String(value) .replace(/&quot;/g, '"') .replace(/&#39;/g, "'") .replace(/&lt;/g, '<') .replace(/&gt;/g, '>') .replace(/&amp;/g, '&'); } module.exports = function(argv, channel, response, logger) { var input = unescape(argv.slice(1).join('')), inputSplit = input.split(/\"/g); code = inputSplit[0], stdin = inputSplit[1].split('').map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); }); logger.log('evaluating', code); try { result = ''; Evaluator.bfEval(code, { input: function() { return stdin.shift() || 0; }, output: function(value) { result += String.fromCharCode(value); } }); response.end(result || 'Program produced no output'); } catch(e) { logger.error(e); response.end('Invalid BF program'); } };
Fix unnamed function ESLint warning
if (!global.requestAnimationFrame) { global.requestAnimationFrame = function requestAnimationFrame(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }; }
if (!global.requestAnimationFrame) { global.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }; }
Update player when width or height changes
import 'es6-promise' import React, { Component } from 'react' import { propTypes, defaultProps } from './props' import players from './players' export default class ReactPlayer extends Component { static displayName = 'ReactPlayer' static propTypes = propTypes static defaultProps = defaultProps static canPlay (url) { return players.some(player => player.canPlay(url)) } componentDidMount () { this.progress() } componentWillUnmount () { clearTimeout(this.progressTimeout) } shouldComponentUpdate (nextProps) { return ( this.props.url !== nextProps.url || this.props.playing !== nextProps.playing || this.props.volume !== nextProps.volume || this.props.height !== nextProps.height || this.props.width !== nextProps.width ) } seekTo = fraction => { const player = this.refs.player if (player) { player.seekTo(fraction) } } progress = () => { if (this.props.url && this.refs.player) { const loaded = this.refs.player.getFractionLoaded() const played = this.refs.player.getFractionPlayed() if (loaded || played) { this.props.onProgress({ loaded, played }) } } this.progressTimeout = setTimeout(this.progress, this.props.progressFrequency) } renderPlayer = Player => { const active = Player.canPlay(this.props.url) const { youtubeConfig, soundcloudConfig, vimeoConfig, fileConfig, ...activeProps } = this.props const props = active ? { ...activeProps, ref: 'player' } : {} return ( <Player key={Player.displayName} youtubeConfig={youtubeConfig} soundcloudConfig={soundcloudConfig} vimeoConfig={vimeoConfig} fileConfig={fileConfig} {...props} /> ) } render () { const style = { width: this.props.width, height: this.props.height } return ( <div style={style} className={this.props.className}> {} </div> ) } }
import 'es6-promise' import React, { Component } from 'react' import { propTypes, defaultProps } from './props' import players from './players' export default class ReactPlayer extends Component { static displayName = 'ReactPlayer' static propTypes = propTypes static defaultProps = defaultProps static canPlay (url) { return players.some(player => player.canPlay(url)) } componentDidMount () { this.progress() } componentWillUnmount () { clearTimeout(this.progressTimeout) } shouldComponentUpdate (nextProps) { return ( this.props.url !== nextProps.url || this.props.playing !== nextProps.playing || this.props.volume !== nextProps.volume ) } seekTo = fraction => { const player = this.refs.player if (player) { player.seekTo(fraction) } } progress = () => { if (this.props.url && this.refs.player) { let progress = {} const loaded = this.refs.player.getFractionLoaded() const played = this.refs.player.getFractionPlayed() if (loaded !== null && loaded !== this.prevLoaded) { progress.loaded = this.prevLoaded = loaded } if (played !== null && played !== this.prevPlayed && this.props.playing) { progress.played = this.prevPlayed = played } if (progress.loaded || progress.played) { this.props.onProgress(progress) } } this.progressTimeout = setTimeout(this.progress, this.props.progressFrequency) } renderPlayer = Player => { const active = Player.canPlay(this.props.url) const { youtubeConfig, soundcloudConfig, vimeoConfig, fileConfig, ...activeProps } = this.props const props = active ? { ...activeProps, ref: 'player' } : {} return ( <Player key={Player.displayName} youtubeConfig={youtubeConfig} soundcloudConfig={soundcloudConfig} vimeoConfig={vimeoConfig} fileConfig={fileConfig} {...props} /> ) } render () { const style = { width: this.props.width, height: this.props.height } return ( <div style={style} className={this.props.className}> {} </div> ) } }
update tests
import { shallow, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils' import Vuex from 'vuex' import OrganizationAdd from '@/registry/components/people/OrganizationAdd.vue' const localVue = createLocalVue() localVue.use(Vuex) describe('OrganizationAdd.vue', () => { let store let getters let mutations let actions beforeEach(() => { getters = { error: () => null } store = new Vuex.Store({ getters, actions, mutations }) }) it('has a title', () => { const wrapper = shallow(OrganizationAdd, { localVue, store, stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view', 'v-select'] }) expect(wrapper.find('h5.modal-title').text()).toEqual('Add a Company') }) it('form has a reset button that clears fields', () => { const wrapper = shallow(OrganizationAdd, { localVue, store, stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view', 'v-select'] }) = 'Big Drilling Co' expect('Big Drilling Co') wrapper.find('#orgFormResetButton').trigger('reset') expect('') }) })
import { shallow, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils' import Vuex from 'vuex' import OrganizationAdd from '@/registry/components/people/OrganizationAdd.vue' const localVue = createLocalVue() localVue.use(Vuex) describe('OrganizationAdd.vue', () => { let store let getters let mutations let actions beforeEach(() => { getters = { error: () => null } store = new Vuex.Store({ getters, actions, mutations }) }) it('has a title', () => { const wrapper = shallow(OrganizationAdd, { localVue, store, stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view', 'v-select'] }) expect(wrapper.find('h5.modal-title').text()).toEqual('Add an Organization') }) it('form has a reset button that clears fields', () => { const wrapper = shallow(OrganizationAdd, { localVue, store, stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view', 'v-select'] }) = 'Big Drilling Co' expect('Big Drilling Co') wrapper.find('#orgFormResetButton').trigger('reset') expect('') }) })
Update SetState.js
/** * Created by Kun on 6/28/2015. */ // var express = require("express"); var Q = require('q'); var router = express.Router(); impredis = require("../../imp_services/impredis.js"); //TODO Make sure navigation object stringifies and parses stateObject request and response router.route('/:stateObject').get(function(req, res) { impredis.set(req.cookies.IMPId, "stateObject",req.params.stateObject,function(result, error){ if(error){ res.send("error: " + error); } else{ res.send("Success"); } }) }); module.exports = router;
/** * Created by Kun on 6/28/2015. */ // var express = require("express"); var Q = require('q'); var router = express.Router(); impredis = require("../../imp_services/impredis.js"); router.route('/:stateObject').get(function(req, res) { impredis.set(req.cookies.IMPId, "stateObject",req.params.stateObject,function(result, error){ if(error){ res.send("error: " + error); } else{ res.send("Success"); } }) }); module.exports = router;
Use consistent method
/** * @license Apache-2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; // MODULES // var tape = require( 'tape' ); var isnan = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-nan' ); var uimuldw = require( './../lib' ); // FIXTURES // var data = require( './fixtures/c/data.json' ); // TESTS // tape( 'main export is a function', function test( t ) { t.ok( true, __filename ); t.strictEqual( typeof uimuldw, 'function', 'main export is a function' ); t.end(); }); tape( 'the function returns `NaN` if provided `NaN`', function test( t ) { var v; v = uimuldw( NaN, 1 ); t.strictEqual( isnan( v ), true, 'returns expected value' ); v = uimuldw( 1, NaN ); t.strictEqual( isnan( v ), true, 'returns expected value' ); v = uimuldw( NaN, NaN ); t.strictEqual( isnan( v ), true, 'returns expected value' ); t.end(); }); tape( 'the function computes the double word product of two (unsigned) words', function test( t ) { var expected; var actual; var a; var b; var i; a = data.a; b = data.b; expected = data.expected; for ( i = 0; i < expected.length; i++ ) { actual = uimuldw( a[ i ], b[ i ] ); t.deepEqual( actual, expected[ i ], 'returns expected value. a: '+a[i]+'. b: '+b[i]+'. expected: ['+expected[i].join(',')+']'); } t.end(); });
/** * @license Apache-2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; // MODULES // var tape = require( 'tape' ); var isnan = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-nan' ); var uimuldw = require( './../lib' ); // FIXTURES // var data = require( './fixtures/c/data.json' ); // TESTS // tape( 'main export is a function', function test( t ) { t.ok( true, __filename ); t.strictEqual( typeof uimuldw, 'function', 'main export is a function' ); t.end(); }); tape( 'the function returns `NaN` if provided `NaN`', function test( t ) { var v; v = uimuldw( NaN, 1 ); t.equal( isnan( v ), true, 'returns expected value' ); v = uimuldw( 1, NaN ); t.equal( isnan( v ), true, 'returns expected value' ); v = uimuldw( NaN, NaN ); t.equal( isnan( v ), true, 'returns expected value' ); t.end(); }); tape( 'the function computes the doubleword product of two words, unsigned', function test( t ) { var expected; var actual; var a; var b; var i; a = data.a; b = data.b; expected = data.expected; for ( i = 0; i < expected.length; i++ ) { actual = uimuldw( a[ i ], b[ i ] ); t.deepEqual( actual, expected[ i ], 'returns expected value. a: '+a[i]+'. b: '+b[i]+'. expected: ['+expected[i].join(',')+']'); } t.end(); });
add item spec
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import TestUtils from 'react/lib/ReactTestUtils'; import Item from './item'; fdescribe('item', function() { var question = { title:"Test Question Title" }; var checkedResponse = {}; var currentItemIndex = 0; var assessment = {}; var questionCount = 10; var result; var subject; var renderItem = () => { result = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Item question={question} checkedResponse={checkedResponse} currentItemIndex={currentItemIndex} questionCount={questionCount} assessment={assessment} />); subject = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(result); }; // Reset variables to default and render an item beforeEach(() => { question = { title:"Test Question Title" }; currentItemIndex = 0; assessment = {}; questionCount = 10; renderItem(); }); it('renders an item', () => { expect(subject.textContent).toContain("Test Question Title"); }); describe('feedback', () => { it('renders correct when item is correct', () => { checkedResponse = {correct:true, feedback:'Correct answer'}; renderItem(); expect(subject.textContent).toContain("Correct"); expect(subject.textContent).toContain("Correct answer"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Incorrect"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Incorrect answer"); }); it('renders incorrect when item is incorrect', () => { checkedResponse = {correct:false, feedback:'Incorrect answer'}; renderItem(); expect(subject.textContent).toContain("Incorrect"); expect(subject.textContent).toContain("Incorrect answer"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Correct"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Correct answer"); }); it('renders without feedback when item is unchecked', () => { checkedResponse = {}; renderItem(); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Incorrect"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("incorrect answer"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Correct"); expect(subject.textContent).not.toContain("Correct answer"); }); }); });
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import TestUtils from 'react/lib/ReactTestUtils'; import Item from './item'; describe('item', function() { var question = { title:"Test Question Title" }; var currentItemIndex = 0; var assessmentKind = "SUMMATIVE"; var assessment = {}; var questionCount = 10; var nextQuestion = () => {}; var previousQuestion = () => {}; var submitAssessment = () => {}; var result; var subject; var renderItem = () => { result = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Item question={question} currentItemIndex={currentItemIndex} questionCount={questionCount} assessment={assessment} nextQuestion = {nextQuestion} prevQuestion = {previousQuestion} submitAssessment = {submitAssessment} assessment_kind={assessmentKind} />); subject = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(result); }; // Reset variables to default and render an item beforeEach(() => { question = { title:"Test Question Title" }; currentItemIndex = 0; assessmentKind = "SUMMATIVE"; assessment = {}; questionCount = 10; nextQuestion = () => {}; previousQuestion = () => {}; submitAssessment = () => {}; renderItem(); }); it('renders an item', () => { expect(subject.textContent).toContain("Test Question Title"); }); });
tag v0.5.0-beta3
mainModule.controller('versionController', function($scope, $routeParams, $location, defaultFactory) { // nText app by Dan McKeown | $scope.nVersion = "0.5.0-beta3"; // This is the app version number });
mainModule.controller('versionController', function($scope, $routeParams, $location, defaultFactory) { // nText app by Dan McKeown | $scope.nVersion = "0.5.0-beta3-dev"; // This is the app version number });
fix example
"use strict"; var _ = require("lodash"); var ChangeLog = require(".."); var properChange = "openstack (0.99.18-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~bleed1) trusty; urgency=medium\n\n" + " * Fix nclxd\n\n" + " -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 25 Jun 2015 10:25:15 -0400\n\n" + "openstack (0.99.17-0ubuntu1~15.10.1~bleed1) wily; urgency=medium\n\n" + " * Fix typo in deploy command\n" + " * Upgrade juju compat\n\n" + " -- Adam Stokes <> Fri, 19 Jun 2015 17:01:14 -0400"; // var nonSemVerChange = "macumba (0.6-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium\n\n * Fix threaded execution\n * More fixes\n * Tartar sauce\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 14 May 2015 08:43:11 -0400\n\nmacumba (0.5-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium\n\n * Fix annotations\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:52:49 -0400\n\nmacumba (0.3-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium\n\n * Add macumba-shell for interactively working with API\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:41:16 -0400\n\nmacumba (0.2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium\n\n * better exception handling\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:25:49 +0200\n\nmacumba (0.1-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=low\n\n * Initial Release\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:26:37 -0500\n"; // var logMultipleBody = "macumba (0.6-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium\n\n * Fix threaded execution\n * More fixes\n Spans additional line\n * Tartar sauce\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 14 May 2015 08:43:11 -0400"; var svl = new ChangeLog(properChange); var logs = svl.splitLogs(); var log = _.first(logs); console.log("\n\nInput:"); console.log(log); console.log("Result:"); var model = svl.parse(log); console.log(model);
"use strict"; var _ = require("lodash"); var ChangeLog = require("."); var properChange = "openstack (0.99.18-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~bleed1) trusty; urgency=medium\n\n" + " * Fix nclxd\n\n" + " -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 25 Jun 2015 10:25:15 -0400\n\n" + "openstack (0.99.17-0ubuntu1~15.10.1~bleed1) wily; urgency=medium\n\n" + " * Fix typo in deploy command\n" + " * Upgrade juju compat\n\n" + " -- Adam Stokes <> Fri, 19 Jun 2015 17:01:14 -0400"; // var nonSemVerChange = "macumba (0.6-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium\n\n * Fix threaded execution\n * More fixes\n * Tartar sauce\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 14 May 2015 08:43:11 -0400\n\nmacumba (0.5-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium\n\n * Fix annotations\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:52:49 -0400\n\nmacumba (0.3-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium\n\n * Add macumba-shell for interactively working with API\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:41:16 -0400\n\nmacumba (0.2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium\n\n * better exception handling\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:25:49 +0200\n\nmacumba (0.1-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=low\n\n * Initial Release\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:26:37 -0500\n"; // var logMultipleBody = "macumba (0.6-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium\n\n * Fix threaded execution\n * More fixes\n Spans additional line\n * Tartar sauce\n\n -- Adam Stokes <> Thu, 14 May 2015 08:43:11 -0400"; var svl = new ChangeLog(properChange); var logs = svl.splitLogs(); var log = _.first(logs); console.log("\n\nInput:"); console.log(log); console.log("Result:"); var model = svl.parse(log); console.log(model);
Fix change type typos
const {describe, it} = require('mocha') const remoteChange = require('../../../core/remote/change') describe('remote change sort', () => { it('sort correctly move inside move', () => { const parent = { 'doc': {'path': 'parent/dst/dir'}, 'type': 'FolderMove', 'was': {'path': 'parent/src/dir'} } const child = { 'doc': {'path': 'parent/dst/dir/subdir/filerenamed'}, 'type': 'FileMove', 'was': {'path': 'parent/dst/dir/subdir/file'} } const a = [child, parent] remoteChange.sort(a) a.should.deepEqual([parent, child]) }) })
const {describe, it} = require('mocha') const remoteChange = require('../../../core/remote/change') describe('remote change sort', () => { it('sort correctly move inside move', () => { const parent = { 'doc': {'path': 'parent/dst/dir'}, 'type': 'FolderMoved', 'was': {'path': 'parent/src/dir'} } const child = { 'doc': {'path': 'parent/dst/dir/subdir/filerenamed'}, 'type': 'FileMoved', 'was': {'path': 'parent/dst/dir/subdir/file'} } const a = [child, parent] remoteChange.sort(a) a.should.deepEqual([parent, child]) }) })
add new middlewares distinct on content range
var passport = require('passport'); require('./oauth.js')(passport); module.exports = { delete: { auth: function(req, res, context) { passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false })(req, res, function() { // this is the function called after auth if(req.user){ context.continue(); } else { context.stop(); } }); } }, list: { fetch: { before: function (req, res, context) { context.options = context.options || {}; context.options.distinct = true; return context.continue; } } }, create: { auth: function(req, res, context) { passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false })(req, res, function() { // this is the function called after auth if(req.user){ context.continue(); } else { context.stop(); } }); } } }; // SCOPE VS context.criteria();
var passport = require('passport'); require('./oauth.js')(passport); module.exports = { delete: { auth: function(req, res, context) { passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false })(req, res, function() { // this is the function called after auth if(req.user){ context.continue(); } else { context.stop(); } }); } }, create: { auth: function(req, res, context) { passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false })(req, res, function() { // this is the function called after auth if(req.user){ context.continue(); } else { context.stop(); } }); } } }; // SCOPE VS context.criteria();
Add view-header element for settings view
/** * * * @copyright 2017 Government of Canada * @license MIT * @author igboyes * */ import React from "react"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { withRouter, Switch, Redirect, Route } from "react-router-dom"; import { Nav, NavItem } from "react-bootstrap"; import { LinkContainer } from "react-router-bootstrap"; import SourceTypes from "./General/SourceTypes"; import InternalControl from "./General/InternalControl"; import UniqueNames from "./General/UniqueNames"; import SamplePermissions from "./General/SamplePermissions"; import HTTP from "./Server/HTTP"; import SSL from "./Server/SSL"; import Data from "./Data"; import Resources from "./Jobs/Resources"; import Tasks from "./Jobs/Tasks"; import Users from "../users/components/Users"; const General = () => ( <div> <SourceTypes /> <InternalControl /> <UniqueNames /> <SamplePermissions /> </div> ); const Server = () => ( <div> <HTTP /> <SSL /> </div> ); const Jobs = () => ( <div> <Resources /> <Tasks /> </div> ); const Settings = () => { return ( <div className="container"> <h3 className="view-header"> <strong> Settings </strong> </h3> <Nav bsStyle="tabs"> <LinkContainer to="/settings/general"> <NavItem>General</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/server"> <NavItem>Server</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/data"> <NavItem>Data</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/jobs"> <NavItem>Jobs</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/users"> <NavItem>Users</NavItem> </LinkContainer> </Nav> <Switch> <Redirect from="/settings" to="/settings/general" exact /> <Route path="/settings/general" component={General} /> <Route path="/settings/server" component={Server} /> <Route path="/settings/data" component={Data} /> <Route path="/settings/jobs" component={Jobs} /> <Route path="/settings/users" component={Users} /> </Switch> </div> ); }; Settings.propTypes = { source_types: React.PropTypes.object, get: React.PropTypes.func }; const mapStateToProps = (state) => { return { restrictSourceTypes:, allowedSourceTypes: }; }; const SettingsContainer = withRouter(connect( mapStateToProps )(Settings)); export default SettingsContainer;
/** * * * @copyright 2017 Government of Canada * @license MIT * @author igboyes * */ import React from "react"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { withRouter, Switch, Redirect, Route } from "react-router-dom"; import { Nav, NavItem } from "react-bootstrap"; import { LinkContainer } from "react-router-bootstrap"; import SourceTypes from "./General/SourceTypes"; import InternalControl from "./General/InternalControl"; import UniqueNames from "./General/UniqueNames"; import SamplePermissions from "./General/SamplePermissions"; import HTTP from "./Server/HTTP"; import SSL from "./Server/SSL"; import Data from "./Data"; import Resources from "./Jobs/Resources"; import Tasks from "./Jobs/Tasks"; import Users from "../users/components/Users"; const General = () => ( <div> <SourceTypes /> <InternalControl /> <UniqueNames /> <SamplePermissions /> </div> ); const Server = () => ( <div> <HTTP /> <SSL /> </div> ); const Jobs = () => ( <div> <Resources /> <Tasks /> </div> ); const Settings = () => { return ( <div className="container"> <Nav bsStyle="tabs"> <LinkContainer to="/settings/general"> <NavItem>General</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/server"> <NavItem>Server</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/data"> <NavItem>Data</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/jobs"> <NavItem>Jobs</NavItem> </LinkContainer> <LinkContainer to="/settings/users"> <NavItem>Users</NavItem> </LinkContainer> </Nav> <Switch> <Redirect from="/settings" to="/settings/general" exact /> <Route path="/settings/general" component={General} /> <Route path="/settings/server" component={Server} /> <Route path="/settings/data" component={Data} /> <Route path="/settings/jobs" component={Jobs} /> <Route path="/settings/users" component={Users} /> </Switch> </div> ); }; Settings.propTypes = { source_types: React.PropTypes.object, get: React.PropTypes.func }; const mapStateToProps = (state) => { return { restrictSourceTypes:, allowedSourceTypes: }; }; const SettingsContainer = withRouter(connect( mapStateToProps )(Settings)); export default SettingsContainer;
clear precache thread on destroy
define(['marionette', 'utils/xhrimage', 'tpl!templates/imaging/imagehistory.html', 'tpl!templates/imaging/imagehistorymin.html' ], function(Marionette, XHRImage, template, templatemin) { var ThumbView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'figure', template: _.template('<a href="/containers/cid/<%=CONTAINERID%>/iid/<%=CONTAINERINSPECTIONID%>/sid/<%=BLSAMPLEID%>"><img /></a><figcaption>+<%=DELTA%>d</figcaption>'), events: { 'mouseover': 'hover', }, hover: function(e) { console.log('hover') this.model.set({isSelected: true}); this.model.collection.trigger('selected:change', this.model) }, initialize: function(options) { this.model.on('change:isSelected', this.onSelectedChanged.bind(this)) var self = this this.img = new XHRImage() this.img.onload = function() { self.$el.find('img').attr('src', self.img.src) } this.img.load(this.model.urlFor()) }, onSelectedChanged: function() { this.model.get('isSelected') ? this.$el.addClass('selected') : this.$el.removeClass('selected') }, onRender: function() { if (this.model.get('isSelected')) this.$el.addClass('selected') }, }) var ThumbsView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ childView: ThumbView, }) return Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ // template: template, getTemplate: function() { return this.getOption('embed') ? templatemin : template }, className: function() { return 'img_history' + (this.getOption('embed') ? ' embed' : '') }, regions: { thm: '.columns', }, // setSampleId: function(id) { // this.blsampleid = id // if (id) this.images.fetch() // }, // getSampleId: function() { // return this.blsampleid // }, initialize: function(options) { this.caching = true this.images = options.historyimages this.listenTo(this.images, 'sync', this.preCache.bind(this,1)) //this.images.fetch() }, onRender: function() { ThumbsView({ collection: this.images })) }, preCache: function(n) { clearTimeout(this.cachethread) var self = this var i = if (this.caching && i) { var xhr = new XHRImage() console.log('caching history', i.urlFor('hd')) xhr.load(i.urlFor('full'), function() { self.cachethread = setTimeout(function() { self.preCache(++n) }, 500) }) } }, onDestroy: function() { clearTimeout(this.cachethread) this.caching = false }, }) })
define(['marionette', 'utils/xhrimage', 'tpl!templates/imaging/imagehistory.html', 'tpl!templates/imaging/imagehistorymin.html' ], function(Marionette, XHRImage, template, templatemin) { var ThumbView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'figure', template: _.template('<a href="/containers/cid/<%=CONTAINERID%>/iid/<%=CONTAINERINSPECTIONID%>/sid/<%=BLSAMPLEID%>"><img /></a><figcaption>+<%=DELTA%>d</figcaption>'), events: { 'mouseover': 'hover', }, hover: function(e) { console.log('hover') this.model.set({isSelected: true}); this.model.collection.trigger('selected:change', this.model) }, initialize: function(options) { this.model.on('change:isSelected', this.onSelectedChanged.bind(this)) var self = this this.img = new XHRImage() this.img.onload = function() { self.$el.find('img').attr('src', self.img.src) } this.img.load(this.model.urlFor()) }, onSelectedChanged: function() { this.model.get('isSelected') ? this.$el.addClass('selected') : this.$el.removeClass('selected') }, onRender: function() { if (this.model.get('isSelected')) this.$el.addClass('selected') }, }) var ThumbsView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ childView: ThumbView, }) return Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ // template: template, getTemplate: function() { return this.getOption('embed') ? templatemin : template }, className: function() { return 'img_history' + (this.getOption('embed') ? ' embed' : '') }, regions: { thm: '.columns', }, // setSampleId: function(id) { // this.blsampleid = id // if (id) this.images.fetch() // }, // getSampleId: function() { // return this.blsampleid // }, initialize: function(options) { this.caching = true this.images = options.historyimages this.listenTo(this.images, 'sync', this.preCache.bind(this,1)) //this.images.fetch() }, onRender: function() { ThumbsView({ collection: this.images })) }, preCache: function(n) { clearTimeout(this.cachethread) var self = this var i = if (this.caching && i) { var xhr = new XHRImage() console.log('caching history', i.urlFor('hd')) xhr.load(i.urlFor('full'), function() { self.cachethread = setTimeout(function() { self.preCache(++n) }, 500) }) } }, onDestroy: function() { this.caching = false }, }) })
remove todo that was completed in a previous refactor
angular.module('app.home', []) .controller('HomeController', function($scope, $rootScope, $window, $location, $state, $http, $timeout, Utilities, Posts) { 'use strict'; // get recent posts to display on home page Posts.getRecent() .success(function(data) { $scope.posts = data; }) .error(function(err) { console.error(err); }); $scope.scrollDown = function() { Utilities.scrollTo(document.body, document.getElementById('main').offsetTop, 800); }; // some static data for home page $ = { "email": "", "phone": "+1 519-902-6533", "location": { "name": "London, ON", "latLng": [42.9837, -81.2497] } }; $scope.projects = [ { name: 'GoodLife Fitness Sales', url: '', repo: '', image: 'glf-sales-opt.png', desc: 'Sales engine for selling GoodLife team training contracts online' }, { name: 'Store Finder', url: '', repo: '', image: 'store-finder-opt.png', desc: 'Component for selecting stores from a large network' }, { name: 'Tempus Notes', url: '', repo: '', image: 'tempus-notes-opt.png', desc: 'A very simple note-taker, great for remembering what you did for daily scrum' }, { name: 'Dark Souls Challenge Runs', url: '', repo: '', image: 'dscrgen-opt.png', desc: 'A fun little randomizer for Dark Souls challenge runs' }, { name: 'Z-Code', url: '', repo: '', image: 'zcode-opt.png', desc: 'HTML5 game that my buddy and I made in college' }, { name: 'Creekside Landscaping', url: '', repo: '', image: 'creekside-landscaping-opt.png', desc: 'WordPress redesign for my neighbour\'s landscaping business' } ]; });
angular.module('app.home', []) .controller('HomeController', function($scope, $rootScope, $window, $location, $state, $http, $timeout, Utilities, Posts) { 'use strict'; // get recent posts to display on home page // TODO: change when this fires so it only happens on home page (controller reorg?) Posts.getRecent() .success(function(data) { $scope.posts = data; }) .error(function(err) { console.error(err); }); $scope.scrollDown = function() { Utilities.scrollTo(document.body, document.getElementById('main').offsetTop, 800); }; // some static data for home page $ = { "email": "", "phone": "+1 519-902-6533", "location": { "name": "London, ON", "latLng": [42.9837, -81.2497] } }; $scope.projects = [ { name: 'GoodLife Fitness Sales', url: '', repo: '', image: 'glf-sales-opt.png', desc: 'Sales engine for selling GoodLife team training contracts online' }, { name: 'Store Finder', url: '', repo: '', image: 'store-finder-opt.png', desc: 'Component for selecting stores from a large network' }, { name: 'Tempus Notes', url: '', repo: '', image: 'tempus-notes-opt.png', desc: 'A very simple note-taker, great for remembering what you did for daily scrum' }, { name: 'Dark Souls Challenge Runs', url: '', repo: '', image: 'dscrgen-opt.png', desc: 'A fun little randomizer for Dark Souls challenge runs' }, { name: 'Z-Code', url: '', repo: '', image: 'zcode-opt.png', desc: 'HTML5 game that my buddy and I made in college' }, { name: 'Creekside Landscaping', url: '', repo: '', image: 'creekside-landscaping-opt.png', desc: 'WordPress redesign for my neighbour\'s landscaping business' } ]; });
fix summary not clickable on dashboards
import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'; import upperFirst from 'lodash/upperFirst'; import { encodeQueryParams } from 'utils/url'; import { filterWidgetsByLocation, getWidgetCategories, getActiveCategory, } from 'components/widgets/selectors'; import { getActiveArea } from 'providers/areas-provider/selectors'; import CATEGORIES from 'data/categories.json'; // get list data const selectShowMap = (state) => state.widgets?.showMap; const selectLocation = (state) => state.location; const selectLocationType = (state) => state.location && state.location.payload && state.location.payload.type; const selectCategory = (state) => (state.location && state.location.query && state.location.query.category) || 'summary'; export const selectQuery = (state) => state.location && state.location.query; export const getEmbed = createSelector( [selectLocation], (location) => location && location.pathname.includes('/embed') ); export const getWidgetAnchor = createSelector( [selectQuery, filterWidgetsByLocation], (query, widgets) => { const { scrollTo } = query || {}; const hasWidget = widgets && widgets.length && widgets.find((w) => w.widget === scrollTo); return hasWidget ? document.getElementById(scrollTo) : null; } ); export const getNoWidgetsMessage = createSelector( [selectCategory], (category) => `${upperFirst(category)} data for {location} coming soon` ); export const getLinks = createSelector( [getWidgetCategories, getActiveCategory, selectLocation], (widgetCats, activeCategory, location) => { const serializePayload = Object.values(location.payload).filter( (p) => p && p.length ); function formatQuery(category) { const encodedQueryString = encodeQueryParams({ ...location.query, ...(category.value !== 'summary' && { category: category.value, }), ...(category.value === 'summary' && { category: undefined, }), }); return encodedQueryString.length > 0 ? `?${encodedQueryString}` : ''; } if (!widgetCats || widgetCats?.length === 0) { return => ({ label: category.label, category: category.value, href: location.pathname, shallow: true, as: `${location.pathname.replace( '[[...location]]', serializePayload.join('/') )}${formatQuery(category)}`, })); } return CATEGORIES.filter((c) => widgetCats.includes(c.value)).map( (category) => { return { label: category.label, category: category.value, href: location.pathname, shallow: true, as: `${location.pathname.replace( '[[...location]]', serializePayload.join('/') )}${formatQuery(category)}`, active: activeCategory === category.value, }; } ); } ); export const getDashboardsProps = createStructuredSelector({ showMapMobile: selectShowMap, category: getActiveCategory, links: getLinks, widgetAnchor: getWidgetAnchor, noWidgetsMessage: getNoWidgetsMessage, locationType: selectLocationType, activeArea: getActiveArea, widgets: filterWidgetsByLocation, });
import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'; import upperFirst from 'lodash/upperFirst'; import { encodeQueryParams } from 'utils/url'; import { filterWidgetsByLocation, getWidgetCategories, getActiveCategory, } from 'components/widgets/selectors'; import { getActiveArea } from 'providers/areas-provider/selectors'; import CATEGORIES from 'data/categories.json'; // get list data const selectShowMap = (state) => state.widgets?.showMap; const selectLocation = (state) => state.location; const selectLocationType = (state) => state.location && state.location.payload && state.location.payload.type; const selectCategory = (state) => (state.location && state.location.query && state.location.query.category) || 'summary'; export const selectQuery = (state) => state.location && state.location.query; export const getEmbed = createSelector( [selectLocation], (location) => location && location.pathname.includes('/embed') ); export const getWidgetAnchor = createSelector( [selectQuery, filterWidgetsByLocation], (query, widgets) => { const { scrollTo } = query || {}; const hasWidget = widgets && widgets.length && widgets.find((w) => w.widget === scrollTo); return hasWidget ? document.getElementById(scrollTo) : null; } ); export const getNoWidgetsMessage = createSelector( [selectCategory], (category) => `${upperFirst(category)} data for {location} coming soon` ); export const getLinks = createSelector( [getWidgetCategories, getActiveCategory, selectLocation], (widgetCats, activeCategory, location) => { const serializePayload = Object.values(location.payload).filter( (p) => p && p.length ); function formatQuery(category) { const encodedQueryString = encodeQueryParams({ ...location.query, ...(category.value !== 'summary' && { category: category.value, }), }); return encodedQueryString.length > 0 ? `?${encodedQueryString}` : ''; } if (!widgetCats || widgetCats?.length === 0) { return => ({ label: category.label, category: category.value, href: location.pathname, shallow: true, as: `${location.pathname.replace( '[[...location]]', serializePayload.join('/') )}${formatQuery(category)}`, })); } return CATEGORIES.filter((c) => widgetCats.includes(c.value)).map( (category) => { return { label: category.label, category: category.value, href: location.pathname, shallow: true, as: `${location.pathname.replace( '[[...location]]', serializePayload.join('/') )}${formatQuery(category)}`, active: activeCategory === category.value, }; } ); } ); export const getDashboardsProps = createStructuredSelector({ showMapMobile: selectShowMap, category: getActiveCategory, links: getLinks, widgetAnchor: getWidgetAnchor, noWidgetsMessage: getNoWidgetsMessage, locationType: selectLocationType, activeArea: getActiveArea, widgets: filterWidgetsByLocation, });
Fix deployedUrl.
import archiver from 'archiver' import fs from 'mz/fs' import path from 'path' import {run} from 'yacol' import http from 'http' import https from 'https' import e from './env.js' import parseArgs from 'minimist' import fetch from 'node-fetch' const {bool, env, getErrors} = e() const request = (bool('HTTPS') ? https : http).request function* ignore(folder) { const ignoreFile = path.join(folder, '.docsignore') const parse = (f) => f.split('\n') .map((s) => s.trim()) .filter((s) => !s.match(/^#/) && s !== '') return yield run(function*() { return parse(yield fs.readFile(ignoreFile, 'utf-8')) }).catch((e) => { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') return [] else throw e }) } function response() { let resolve, reject return { promise: new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res reject = rej }), callback: (res) => { const data = [] res.on('data', (d) => data.push(d)) res.on('error', (e) => reject(e)) res.on('end', () => resolve({...res, body: data.join('')})) } } } function baseUrl() { const protocol = bool('HTTPS') ? 'https:' : 'http:' const defaultPorts = {'http:': '80', 'https:': '443'} const portPart = env('PORT') !== defaultPorts[protocol] ? `:${env('PORT')}` : '' return `${protocol}//${env('HOST')}${portPart}` } const deployedUrl = (docId, isDraft) => `${baseUrl()}${isDraft ? '/$drafts' : ''}/${docId}/` function* upload(folder) { const archive = archiver('zip') const {promise, callback} = response() const uploadReq = request({ host: env('HOST'), port: env('PORT'), path: '/$upload', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': env('API_KEY'), }, }, callback) getErrors() uploadReq.on('close', () => uploadReq.end()) archive.pipe(uploadReq) archive.glob('**/*', { dot: false, cwd: folder, ignore: yield run(ignore, folder) }) archive.finalize() const result = yield promise if (result.statusCode !== 200) { throw new Error(`Server returned: HTTP ${result.statusCode} -- ${result.body}`) } else{ console.log(`Deploy successful on ${deployedUrl(result.body, true)}`) return result.body } } function* link(folder, docId) { const configFile = path.join(folder, 'docs.json') const config = JSON.parse(yield fs.readFile(configFile, 'utf-8')) if (!config.alias) throw new Error(`Alias not defined in ${configFile}`) const url = `${baseUrl()}/$alias/${docId}/${config.alias}` const result = yield fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', headers: {'Authorization': env('API_KEY')} }) if (result.status !== 200) { const body = yield result.text() throw new Error(`Server returned: HTTP ${result.status} -- ${body}`) } else{ console.log(`Deploy successful on ${deployedUrl(config.alias, false)}`) return result.body } } const args = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), { alias: {'alias': 'a'}, 'boolean': ['alias'], }) const folder = args['_'][0] if (!folder) { console.log(`usage: yarn run upload -- [-a] folder`) process.exit(0) } run(function* () { const docId = yield run(upload, folder) if (args.alias) { yield run(link, folder, docId) } })
import archiver from 'archiver' import fs from 'mz/fs' import path from 'path' import {run} from 'yacol' import http from 'http' import https from 'https' import e from './env.js' import parseArgs from 'minimist' import fetch from 'node-fetch' const {bool, env, getErrors} = e() const request = (bool('HTTPS') ? https : http).request function* ignore(folder) { const ignoreFile = path.join(folder, '.docsignore') const parse = (f) => f.split('\n') .map((s) => s.trim()) .filter((s) => !s.match(/^#/) && s !== '') return yield run(function*() { return parse(yield fs.readFile(ignoreFile, 'utf-8')) }).catch((e) => { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') return [] else throw e }) } function response() { let resolve, reject return { promise: new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res reject = rej }), callback: (res) => { const data = [] res.on('data', (d) => data.push(d)) res.on('error', (e) => reject(e)) res.on('end', () => resolve({...res, body: data.join('')})) } } } function baseUrl() { const protocol = bool('HTTPS') ? 'https:' : 'http:' const defaultPorts = {'http:': '80', 'https:': '443'} const portPart = env('PORT') !== defaultPorts[protocol] ? `:${env('PORT')}` : '' return `${protocol}//${env('HOST')}${portPart}` } const deployedUrl = (docId, isDraft) => `${baseUrl()}/${isDraft ? 'drafts' : 'docs'}/${docId}/` function* upload(folder) { const archive = archiver('zip') const {promise, callback} = response() const uploadReq = request({ host: env('HOST'), port: env('PORT'), path: '/$upload', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': env('API_KEY'), }, }, callback) getErrors() uploadReq.on('close', () => uploadReq.end()) archive.pipe(uploadReq) archive.glob('**/*', { dot: false, cwd: folder, ignore: yield run(ignore, folder) }) archive.finalize() const result = yield promise if (result.statusCode !== 200) { throw new Error(`Server returned: HTTP ${result.statusCode} -- ${result.body}`) } else{ console.log(`Deploy successful on ${deployedUrl(result.body, true)}`) return result.body } } function* link(folder, docId) { const configFile = path.join(folder, 'docs.json') const config = JSON.parse(yield fs.readFile(configFile, 'utf-8')) if (!config.alias) throw new Error(`Alias not defined in ${configFile}`) const url = `${baseUrl()}/$alias/${docId}/${config.alias}` const result = yield fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', headers: {'Authorization': env('API_KEY')} }) if (result.status !== 200) { const body = yield result.text() throw new Error(`Server returned: HTTP ${result.status} -- ${body}`) } else{ console.log(`Deploy successful on ${deployedUrl(config.alias, false)}`) return result.body } } const args = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), { alias: {'alias': 'a'}, 'boolean': ['alias'], }) const folder = args['_'][0] if (!folder) { console.log(`usage: yarn run upload -- [-a] folder`) process.exit(0) } run(function* () { const docId = yield run(upload, folder) if (args.alias) { yield run(link, folder, docId) } })
Update list_metadata_parser.js
require('../initialize-globals').load(); var listMetadataParser = require('../../lib/core/list_metadata_parser'); describe('# list_metadata_parser', function() { describe("##createListMetadatasOptions", function() { it.skip('GET', function() { var meta = { top: 10, skip: 23, sortFieldName: "colA", sortDesc: true }; var ajaxOptions = listMetadataParser.load({ criteria: { name: "pierre", age: 27 }, metadata: meta }, { url: "" }); console.log("ajaxOptions", ajaxOptions);; for (var m in meta) { ajaxOptions.url.indexOf(m); } }); }); });
require('../initialize-globals').load(); var listMetadataParser = require('../../lib/core/list_metadata_parser'); describe('# list_metadata_parser', function() { describe("##createListMetadatasOptions", function() { it('GET', function() { var meta = { top: 10, skip: 23, sortFieldName: "colA", sortDesc: true }; var ajaxOptions = listMetadataParser.load({ criteria: { name: "pierre", age: 27 }, metadata: meta }, { url: "" }); console.log("ajaxOptions", ajaxOptions);; for (var m in meta) { ajaxOptions.url.indexOf(m); } }); }); });
fix typo
/* Single Ember.js Route that will work for all media types */ import Ember from 'ember'; import DataRouteErrorMixin from 'client/mixins/data-route-error'; const { Route, get } = Ember; // TODO: Figure out if different media types should just use different // templates, or if they should not share any code at all. export default Route.extend(DataRouteErrorMixin, { model(params) { return'user', params.mediaSlug); }, serialize(model) { return { mediaType: model.constructor.modelName, mediaSlug: get(model, 'slug') }; } });
/* Single Ember.js Route that will work for all media types */ import Ember from 'ember'; import DataRotueErrorMixin from 'client/mixins/data-route-error'; const { Route, get } = Ember; // TODO: Figure out if different media types should just use different // templates, or if they should not share any code at all. export default Route.extend(DataRotueErrorMixin, { model(params) { return'user', params.mediaSlug); }, serialize(model) { return { mediaType: model.constructor.modelName, mediaSlug: get(model, 'slug') }; } });
Fix podcast publisher not showing in podcast detail view
if (!cbus.hasOwnProperty("server")) { cbus.server = {} } (function() { cbus.server.getPodcastInfo = function(podcastUrl, callback) { var podcastData = {}; xhr({ url: podcastUrl, // headers: cbus.const.REQUEST_HEADERS }, function(err, result, body) { if (err) { callback(null) } else { let parser = new DOMParser(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(body, "application/xml"); if (doc.documentElement.nodeName === "parsererror") { console.log("error parsing xml", err); callback(null) } else { let channel = doc.querySelector("rss channel"); // title let titleElem = channel.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; if (titleElem) { podcastData.title = titleElem.textContent.trim(); } // publisher let authorElem = channel.getElementsByTagName("itunes:author")[0]; if (authorElem) { podcastData.publisher = authorElem.textContent; } // description let descriptionElem = channel.getElementsByTagName("description")[0]; if (descriptionElem) { podcastData.description = descriptionElem.textContent; } // image let imageElems = doc.querySelectorAll("rss channel > image"); for (let i = 0, l = imageElems.length; i < l; i++) { let imageElem = imageElems[i]; if (imageElem.tagName === "image" && imageElem.getElementsByTagName("url")[0]) { podcastData.image = imageElem.getElementsByTagName("url")[0].textContent; } else if (imageElem.tagName === "itunes:image") { podcastData.image = imageElem.getAttribute("href"); } } callback(podcastData); } } }); } }());
if (!cbus.hasOwnProperty("server")) { cbus.server = {} } (function() { cbus.server.getPodcastInfo = function(podcastUrl, callback) { var podcastData = {}; xhr({ url: podcastUrl, // headers: cbus.const.REQUEST_HEADERS }, function(err, result, body) { if (err) { callback(null) } else { let parser = new DOMParser(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(body, "application/xml"); if (doc.documentElement.nodeName === "parsererror") { console.log("error parsing xml", err); callback(null) } else { let channel = doc.querySelector("rss channel"); // title let titleElem = channel.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; if (titleElem) { podcastData.title = titleElem.textContent.trim(); } // publisher let authorElem = channel.getElementsByTagName("author")[0]; if (authorElem && authorElem.tagName === "itunes:author") { podcastData.publisher = authorElem.textContent; } // description let descriptionElem = channel.getElementsByTagName("description")[0]; if (descriptionElem) { podcastData.description = descriptionElem.textContent; } // image let imageElems = doc.querySelectorAll("rss channel > image"); for (let i = 0, l = imageElems.length; i < l; i++) { let imageElem = imageElems[i]; if (imageElem.tagName === "image" && imageElem.getElementsByTagName("url")[0]) { podcastData.image = imageElem.getElementsByTagName("url")[0].textContent; } else if (imageElem.tagName === "itunes:image") { podcastData.image = imageElem.getAttribute("href"); } } callback(podcastData); } } }); } }());
remove rate persent
import React from "react" import { roundingNumber } from "../../utils/converter" const ExchangeForm = (props) => { var errorToken = props.errors.selectSameToken + props.errors.selectTokenToken var tokenRate = props.isSelectToken ? <img src="/assets/img/waiting.svg" /> : props.exchangeRate.rate var render = ( <div> <div class="frame"> <div class="row"> <div class="column small-11 medium-10 large-8 small-centered"> <h1 class="title">Exchange</h1> <form action="#" method="get"> <div class="row"> <div class="column medium-6"> <label style={{marginBottom: 0}}>Exchange From <div className={errorToken === "" && props.errors.sourceAmount === "" ? "token-input" : "token-input error"}> <input type={props.input.sourceAmount.type} className="source-input" value={props.input.sourceAmount.value} onFocus={() => props.input.sourceAmount.onFocus()} onChange={(e) => props.input.sourceAmount.onChange(e)} min="0" step="0.000001" placeholder="0" /> {props.tokenSource} </div> {errorToken !== "" && <span class="error-text">{errorToken}</span> } {props.errors.sourceAmount !== "" && <span class="error-text">{props.errors.sourceAmount}</span> } </label> <div class="address-balance" style={{marginBottom: 40}}> <span class="note">Address Balance</span> <a className="value" onClick={props.setAmount} title={props.balance.value}> {props.balance.roundingValue} {props.sourceTokenSymbol} </a> </div> </div> <div class="column medium-6"> <label>Exchange To <div class="token-input"> <input type={props.input.destAmount.type} value={props.input.destAmount.value} onFocus={() => props.input.destAmount.onFocus()} onChange={(e) => props.input.destAmount.onChange(e)} min="0" step="0.000001" placeholder="0" /> {/* <div class="info" data-open="exchange-to-token-modal"><img src="/assets/img/omg.svg"/><span class="name">OMG</span></div> */} {props.tokenDest} </div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <p class="token-compare" title={tokenRate}> 1 {props.exchangeRate.sourceToken} = {roundingNumber(tokenRate)} {props.exchangeRate.destToken} {/* <span class="up">{props.exchangeRate.percent}%</span> */} </p> </div> </div> {props.step === 2 && <div class="row hide-on-choose-token-pair"> <div class="column"> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="advanced-switch base-line float-right"> <div class="switch accent"> <input class="switch-input" id="advanced" type="checkbox" /> <label class="switch-paddle" for="advanced"><span class="show-for-sr">Advanced Mode</span></label> </div> <label class="switch-caption" for="advanced">Advanced</label> </div> </div> <div class="advanced-content" disabled> {props.gasConfig} </div> </div> </div> } </form> </div> </div> </div> {props.exchangeButton} {props.selectTokenModal} </div> ) return ( <div className={props.step === 1 ? "choose-token-pair" : ""} id="exchange"> {props.step !== 3 ? render : ''} <div class="page-3"> {props.step == 3 ? props.trasactionLoadingScreen : ''} </div> </div> ) } export default ExchangeForm
import React from "react" import { roundingNumber } from "../../utils/converter" const ExchangeForm = (props) => { var errorToken = props.errors.selectSameToken + props.errors.selectTokenToken var tokenRate = props.isSelectToken ? <img src="/assets/img/waiting.svg" /> : props.exchangeRate.rate var render = ( <div> <div class="frame"> <div class="row"> <div class="column small-11 medium-10 large-8 small-centered"> <h1 class="title">Exchange</h1> <form action="#" method="get"> <div class="row"> <div class="column medium-6"> <label style={{marginBottom: 0}}>Exchange From <div className={errorToken === "" && props.errors.sourceAmount === "" ? "token-input" : "token-input error"}> <input type={props.input.sourceAmount.type} className="source-input" value={props.input.sourceAmount.value} onFocus={() => props.input.sourceAmount.onFocus()} onChange={(e) => props.input.sourceAmount.onChange(e)} min="0" step="0.000001" placeholder="0" /> {props.tokenSource} </div> {errorToken !== "" && <span class="error-text">{errorToken}</span> } {props.errors.sourceAmount !== "" && <span class="error-text">{props.errors.sourceAmount}</span> } </label> <div class="address-balance" style={{marginBottom: 40}}> <span class="note">Address Balance</span> <a className="value" onClick={props.setAmount} title={props.balance.value}> {props.balance.roundingValue} {props.sourceTokenSymbol} </a> </div> </div> <div class="column medium-6"> <label>Exchange To <div class="token-input"> <input type={props.input.destAmount.type} value={props.input.destAmount.value} onFocus={() => props.input.destAmount.onFocus()} onChange={(e) => props.input.destAmount.onChange(e)} min="0" step="0.000001" placeholder="0" /> {/* <div class="info" data-open="exchange-to-token-modal"><img src="/assets/img/omg.svg"/><span class="name">OMG</span></div> */} {props.tokenDest} </div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <p class="token-compare" title={tokenRate}> 1 {props.exchangeRate.sourceToken} = {roundingNumber(tokenRate)} {props.exchangeRate.destToken} <span class="up">{props.exchangeRate.percent}%</span> </p> </div> </div> {props.step === 2 && <div class="row hide-on-choose-token-pair"> <div class="column"> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="advanced-switch base-line float-right"> <div class="switch accent"> <input class="switch-input" id="advanced" type="checkbox" /> <label class="switch-paddle" for="advanced"><span class="show-for-sr">Advanced Mode</span></label> </div> <label class="switch-caption" for="advanced">Advanced</label> </div> </div> <div class="advanced-content" disabled> {props.gasConfig} </div> </div> </div> } </form> </div> </div> </div> {props.exchangeButton} {props.selectTokenModal} </div> ) return ( <div className={props.step === 1 ? "choose-token-pair" : ""} id="exchange"> {props.step !== 3 ? render : ''} <div class="page-3"> {props.step == 3 ? props.trasactionLoadingScreen : ''} </div> </div> ) } export default ExchangeForm
support company tag; bugfix: hide locked problem after sort
/** * Created by binarylu on 3/21/16. */ $(function(){ var path = window.location.pathname;{ ac_difficulty: 'show', hide_locked: 0 }, function(items) { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); } if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/tag')) || path.match(new RegExp('^\/company'))) { tag_add_check(); $("#hide_locked").prop("checked", items.hide_locked === 0 ? false : true); tag_hide_locked(); } if (items.ac_difficulty == "hide") { if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/problemset'))) { page_problemset(); } else if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/tag')) || path.match(new RegExp('^\/company'))) { $("#question_list thead a.btn-link").click(function() { setTimeout(page_tag, 1000); setTimeout(tag_hide_locked, 1000); }); page_tag(); } else if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/problems'))) { page_problem(); $("#result-state").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() { var state = $("#result-state").html().replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "").toLocaleLowerCase(); if (state == "accepted") { $("#total-submit-ac").show(); } else { $("#total-submit-ac").hide(); } }); } } }); }); function page_problemset() { var oncl = '$(this).parent().html($(this).parent().attr("ori_data"));return false;'; $("#problemList tbody tr").each(function() { var $ac = $(this).children("td:eq(3)"); $ac.attr("ori_data", $ac.html()); $ac.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); var $difficulty = $(this).children("td:last"); $difficulty.attr("ori_data", $difficulty.html()); $difficulty.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); }); } function page_tag() { var oncl = '$(this).parent().html($(this).parent().attr("ori_data"));return false;'; $("#question_list tbody tr").each(function() { var $ac = $(this).children("td:eq(3)"); $ac.attr("ori_data", $ac.html()); $ac.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); var $difficulty = $(this).children("td:eq(4)"); $difficulty.attr("ori_data", $difficulty.html()); $difficulty.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); }); } function page_problem() { $("#result h4:first").after($("<h4 id='total-submit-ac'></h4>").html($(".total-submit,.total-ac")).hide()); } function tag_add_check() { var $check = '<div style="display:inline;margin-left:10px">' + '<input type="checkbox" id="hide_locked">&nbsp;' + '<label for="hide_locked">Hide locked problems</label>' + '</div>'; $("label[for='tagCheck']").after($check); $("#hide_locked").click(tag_hide_locked); } function tag_hide_locked() { var hide_locked = $("#hide_locked").prop("checked") === true ? 1 : 0;{ hide_locked: hide_locked }, function() { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); return; } $("#question_list tbody tr").each(function() { var locked = $(this).children("td:eq(2)").children("i").length === 0 ? 0 : 1; if (hide_locked === 1 && locked === 1) { $(this).hide(); return true; } $(this).show(); }); }); }
/** * Created by binarylu on 3/21/16. */ $(function(){ var path = window.location.pathname;{ ac_difficulty: 'show', hide_locked: 0 }, function(items) { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); } if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/tag'))) { tag_add_check(); $("#hide_locked").prop("checked", items.hide_locked === 0 ? false : true); tag_hide_locked(); } if (items.ac_difficulty == "hide") { if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/problemset'))) { page_problemset(); } else if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/tag'))) { $("#question_list thead a.btn-link").click(function() { setTimeout(page_tag, 1000); }); page_tag(); } else if (path.match(new RegExp('^\/problems'))) { page_problem(); $("#result-state").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() { var state = $("#result-state").html().replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "").toLocaleLowerCase(); if (state == "accepted") { $("#total-submit-ac").show(); } else { $("#total-submit-ac").hide(); } }); } } }); }); function page_problemset() { var oncl = '$(this).parent().html($(this).parent().attr("ori_data"));return false;'; $("#problemList tbody tr").each(function() { var $ac = $(this).children("td:eq(3)"); $ac.attr("ori_data", $ac.html()); $ac.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); var $difficulty = $(this).children("td:last"); $difficulty.attr("ori_data", $difficulty.html()); $difficulty.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); }); } function page_tag() { var oncl = '$(this).parent().html($(this).parent().attr("ori_data"));return false;'; $("#question_list tbody tr").each(function() { var $ac = $(this).children("td:eq(3)"); $ac.attr("ori_data", $ac.html()); $ac.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); var $difficulty = $(this).children("td:eq(4)"); $difficulty.attr("ori_data", $difficulty.html()); $difficulty.html("<a href='#' onclick='" + oncl + "'>Show</a>"); }); } function page_problem() { $("#result h4:first").after($("<h4 id='total-submit-ac'></h4>").html($(".total-submit,.total-ac")).hide()); } function tag_add_check() { var $check = '<div style="display:inline;margin-left:10px">' + '<input type="checkbox" id="hide_locked">&nbsp;' + '<label for="hide_locked">Hide locked problems</label>' + '</div>'; $("label[for='tagCheck']").after($check); $("#hide_locked").click(tag_hide_locked); } function tag_hide_locked() { var hide_locked = $("#hide_locked").prop("checked") === true ? 1 : 0;{ hide_locked: hide_locked }, function() { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); return; } $("#question_list tbody tr").each(function() { var locked = $(this).children("td:eq(2)").children("i").length === 0 ? 0 : 1; if (hide_locked === 1 && locked === 1) { $(this).hide(); return true; } $(this).show(); }); }); }
Update console2winston.js
var util = require("util"); var winston = require("winston"); var stackTrace = require("stack-trace"); var _ = require("underscore"); var g_logger = winston; exports.logger = g_logger; exports.init= function(log) { g_logger = log; exports.logger = exports.winston = g_logger; return g_logger; } exports.enable_console = false; exports.enable_extra_info = true; var my_console = {}; for (var i in console) { my_console[i] = console[i]; } exports.console= my_console; function log(sl, level, args) { var out = ""; if (exports.enable_extra_info) { var trace = stackTrace.parse(new Error()); var filename = trace[sl].fileName; var funcname = trace[sl].functionName; if (funcname == null) funcname = trace[sl].methodName; var line = trace[sl].lineNumber; header = util.format("[%d][%s:%d][%s]\t",,filename, line, funcname); g_logger.log(level, header + args); } else { g_logger.log(level, out); } if (!!exports.enable_console) { switch(level) { case "info":; break; /*case "debug": my_console.debug(out); break; */ // no console.debug function case "error": my_console.error(out); break; case "warn": my_console.warn(out); break; default: my_console.log(out); } } } var g_time_labels={}; (function() { console.log = function(){ log(2, "info", util.format.apply(util.format, arguments)); }; _.each(["info", "debug", "error", "warn", "verbose", "silly"], function(m) { console[m] = function(){log(2, m, util.format.apply(util.format, arguments));}; }); console.trace = function(lable) { var st = new Error().stack; st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); st = "Trace: "+lable +"\n" + st; log(2, "error", st); }; console.dir = function(a) { var out = util.inspect(a); log(2, "info", out); }; console.assert = function(a) { if (!a) { var st = new Error().stack; var msg =, 1, arguments.length); st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, "AssertionError: " + util.format.apply(util.format, msg)+"\n"); log(2, "error", st); } } console.time = function(label) { g_time_labels[label] = new Date().getTime(); } console.timeEnd = function(label) { var begin= g_time_labels[label]; g_time_labels[label]=undefined; var now = new Date().getTime(); if (typeof(begin) != 'undefined') { log(2, "info", label+": "+ (now - begin)); } else { var st = new Error().stack; st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); st = "Error: No such label: "+label +"\n"+ st; log(2, "error", st); } } })();
var util = require("util"); var winston = require("winston"); var stackTrace = require("stack-trace"); var _ = require("underscore"); var g_logger = winston; exports.logger = g_logger; exports.init= function(log) { g_logger = log; exports.logger = exports.winston = g_logger; return g_logger; } exports.enable_console = false; exports.enable_extra_info = true; var my_console = {}; for (var i in console) { my_console[i] = console[i]; } exports.console= my_console; function log(sl, level, args) { var out = ""; if (exports.enable_extra_info) { var trace = stackTrace.parse(new Error()); var filename = trace[sl].fileName; var funcname = trace[sl].functionName; if (funcname == null) funcname = trace[sl].methodName; var line = trace[sl].lineNumber; header = util.format("[%d][%s:%d][%s]\t",,filename, line, funcname); g_logger.log(level, header + args); } else { g_logger.log(level, out); } if (!!exports.enable_console) { switch(level) { case "info":; break; case "debug": my_console.debug(out); break; case "error": my_console.error(out); break; case "warn": my_console.warn(out); break; default: my_console.log(out); } } } var g_time_labels={}; (function() { console.log = function(){ log(2, "info", util.format.apply(util.format, arguments)); }; _.each(["info", "debug", "error", "warn", "verbose", "silly"], function(m) { console[m] = function(){log(2, m, util.format.apply(util.format, arguments));}; }); console.trace = function(lable) { var st = new Error().stack; st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); st = "Trace: "+lable +"\n" + st; log(2, "error", st); }; console.dir = function(a) { var out = util.inspect(a); log(2, "info", out); }; console.assert = function(a) { if (!a) { var st = new Error().stack; var msg =, 1, arguments.length); st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, "AssertionError: " + util.format.apply(util.format, msg)+"\n"); log(2, "error", st); } } console.time = function(label) { g_time_labels[label] = new Date().getTime(); } console.timeEnd = function(label) { var begin= g_time_labels[label]; g_time_labels[label]=undefined; var now = new Date().getTime(); if (typeof(begin) != 'undefined') { log(2, "info", label+": "+ (now - begin)); } else { var st = new Error().stack; st = st.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); st = "Error: No such label: "+label +"\n"+ st; log(2, "error", st); } } })();