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602 | 600 | TEXT: Thanks nature; a red bird with a long curved beak; Meme poster is trying to convey that Animal memes use images of real animals. ; a red bird: Nature resembling meme | |
603 | 601 | TEXT: Next question!; a female monster trying to make a broadcast; Meme poster wants to make so many memes because they want to participate on the internet and this is the alternative to the more lucrative only fans.; a female monster: Meme poster, a broadcast: other people, trying: not related to the meme context, make: not related to the meme context | |
604 | 602 | TEXT: I don't think that I'll be invited to brunch again; some ladies sitting in a dinner and one of the ladies touching a dog; Meme poster knows their girlfriend and her friend are cheating on their significant others but is staying quiet.; some ladies: Girlfriends, the ladies: Girlfriends, a dog: Meme poster, sitting: knowing the truth but not speaking it. | |
605 | 603 | TEXT: Should I say this? I'm gonna say this.; Two men and a child are sitting together.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they're excited about making a somber situation awkward through inappropriate humor.; a child: Meme poster, sitting: not related to the meme context | |
606 | 604 | TEXT: It's spooky Wednesday my dudes; A skeleton of a frog with a trumpet in it's mouth.; Meme poster is announcing the start of Halloween season.; A skeleton: Halloween season, a trumpet: announcing | |
607 | 605 | TEXT: action is coming; a picture of a giant warrior walking; Meme poster expresses the irony of the wording Wikipedia uses to ask users to contribute content to this page as it sounds like they are being asked to burn people at the stake rather than add data.; a giant warrior: Meme poster, walking: increasing the list of heretics | |
608 | 606 | TEXT: better luck next time; A woman unimpressed by a like and a young boy tries to figure out what it means.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Dad is stressed and embarrassed by social protest at grocery store. ; a young boy: Distressed Dad | |
609 | 607 | TEXT: stop saying it.; The character looks confused.; Meme poster is appalled someone bought a light car to save money when it's going to break down in a week.; The character: Meme poster | |
610 | 608 | TEXT: Pov: Cats from England; a cat is sitting on the ground; Meme poster is trying to convey that this cat is different from other cats; | |
611 | 609 | TEXT: When your pet is your spirit animal as well.; a white cat is displayed through the mirror; Meme poster is trying to convey that cat lets trap catch mice for him.; | |
612 | 610 | TEXT: I'm ready for the new year!; A woman in different positions with different facial expressions; Meme poster is trying to convey that New years resolution is given up rather early. ; A woman: Resolution maker , different positions: Breaks resolution , different facial expressions: Gives ip | |
613 | 611 | TEXT: good for him; Homelander is smiling smugly.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Man that saves people from suicide dies by suicide. ; Homelander: Irony | |
614 | 612 | TEXT: ding dong ditch at your own risk; It is a unbelievable house in triangle shape.; Meme poster is trying to convey that this building looks too unusual, a horror figure could be living in it; | |
615 | 613 | TEXT: anyone else noticed the change?; the huge man and the boy is measuring up; Meme poster is trying to convey that YouTube keeps making their UI worse.; the huge man: Meme poster, the boy: meme poster's friend | |
616 | 614 | TEXT: Idk if Yes aware of the bedfellows hes making; group of people with their jointed hands and when they're together; Even the worst people in history look an Kayne weirdly when Kayne does antisemitism. ; group: worst people throughout history, people: worst people throughout history | |
617 | 615 | TEXT: Well now...; three men sitting and discussing; Poster admist tea party was unsuccessful. ; three men: Meme poster | |
618 | 616 | TEXT: Best cuisine in the world; A emoji head is slyly pointing at himself.; Meme poster is trying to convey that American food is just European food.; A emoji head: America | |
619 | 617 | TEXT: Yall serious?; A fish in a white shirt is sad while looking off to the side while other fish in the background are in shock.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they thought guys knew how to explore a womans body; A fish: Meme poster | |
620 | 618 | TEXT: i have stumbled upon a gem a true treasure cove; A man with a sword stands across from a meditating troll.; Meme poster is trying to convey that when you're playing an old video game and you get stuck so you google it and find it asked and answered in an old forum from 13 years ago that's still online.; A man: Meme poster, a sword: playing video game, a meditating troll: old forum, stands: not related to the meme context, meditating: having answers | |
621 | 619 | TEXT: i told my husband, this is either super funny- or i die; Mario is standing proudly dressed like a plummer.; Poster admits to cursing while falling in front of mom. ; Mario: Meme poster | |
622 | 620 | TEXT: Theres always the one friend; A woman is crouching down wearing a banana hat.; Meme poster is trying to convey that we all have a friend that if you leave alone for a few minutes will get up to something stupid; A woman: that friend | |
623 | 621 | TEXT: Let it die!; A small person breakdances while a crowd of people watch in shock and confusion.; Meme poster is trying to convey that School will kill any shred of self-confidence you may have; A small person: school | |
624 | 622 | TEXT: It's that easy.; The two men from Breaking Bad shaking each other's hands with a peaceful look on their faces.; Meme poster points out the ridiculousness of the idea that there will be peace between Ukraine and Russia because an influencer asked them to stop fighting.; The two men: Ukraine and Russia, Breaking Bad: powerful men, Breaking: powerful men, shaking: reach a peace settlement | |
625 | 623 | TEXT: Kaboom!; Willem Defoe sits down while wearing a suit looking simultaneously confused and disgusted.; The poster is scared that the clock is like a bomb.; Willem Defoe: poster | |
626 | 624 | TEXT: A new compliment I can remember for years; the different facial expressions of the cartoon; Poster used to get upset when cashier asked for id when younger, but now is pleased. ; the cartoon: Poster | |
627 | 625 | TEXT: Ever done that?; There is a depressed and lonely man sitting on a bench; Meme poster is trying to convey that when someone sits next to you its a little uncomfortable but you have to wait a few minutes to leave so they don't take it personally.; a depressed and lonely man: Meme poster | |
628 | 626 | TEXT: College Dropout was his last good album; a grey rubber sandal; Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West, like his shoes, sucks; | |
629 | 627 | TEXT: I love this game, and my graphics card; an avatar duck in the upper part which the real duck in the lower part; Meme poster turned up his new graphic card settings and sees the difference between animation and real life.; an avatar duck: new graphics card , the real duck: new graphics card | |
630 | 628 | TEXT: please just stop it now; a boy in a blue color hoodie; Meme poster is trying to convey that they don't want people to make loud noises at night and disturb their sleep; a boy: Meme poster, a blue color hoodie: not related to the meme context | |
631 | 629 | TEXT: Facts, I wanted to be alone anywayss; Squidward smiles contently while sitting in a chair, wearing a turtleneck, and drinking tea with lemon. ; Meme poster is trying to convey that they're an introvert who's happy when someone cancels plans.; Squidward: Meme poster, a chair: not being bothered with something, a turtleneck: not related to the meme context, tea: not being bothered with something, lemon: not being bothered with something, sitting: not being bothered with something, wearing: not related to the meme context, drinking: not being bothered with something | |
632 | 630 | TEXT: Seriously, though, I havent seen a single new iPhone that doesnt feature Cupertino. Where the fuck even is Cupertino?; The Hulk looks down while smiling and looking pleased.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Iphones have many time settings. ; The Hulk: Poster iphone user | |
633 | 631 | TEXT: Ok... Sure... Yup... Uh huh... Absolutely...; the upper picture shows a monster while the lower picture shows a sad lady; The poster is trying to imply that the statement " eating carrots improves the eyesight" does not apply to everyone. ; a sad lady: Meme poster | |
634 | 632 | TEXT: WHY DIDNT YOU CLICK THEM?!; Spongebob looks horrified as he stands in his underwear outside of his home which has grown a mouth with flames spurting out.; Meme poster is trying to convey that When someone is cooking they need to click the tongs.; Spongebob: someone cooking | |
635 | 633 | TEXT: wednesday; A small big eyed blue frog is sitting on a twig.; Meme poster is using a cute frog to say hello on a Wednesday; A small big eyed blue frog: Meme poster, a twig: not related to the meme context, sitting: not related to the meme context | |
636 | 634 | TEXT: Which community got hit the worst?; Spongebob is sadly looking at Gary's empty food bowl.; Meme poster sadly reminisces about their favorite community that got screwed over by idiots.; Spongebob: Meme poster, Gary's empty food bowl: online community | |
637 | 635 | TEXT: when you get the teacher off topic; An avatar pointing leftward; Meme poster is trying to convey that teacher is pleasently surprised at her student's clever strategy to derail the lesson. ; An avatar: Teacher, pointing: Singling out clever student | |
638 | 636 | TEXT: Just take a minute; An old man smiling cluelessly at a lantern.; Meme poster is trying to convey that This is really for down a message board and the viewer should take a break; An old man: Meme poster | |
639 | 637 | TEXT: 3 AM got me like; THE PICTURE SHOW A TWO PERSON; Meme poster is trying to sleep at 3am but their brain keeps asking questions.; A TWO PERSON: Meme poster | |
640 | 638 | TEXT: wait what....????; the boy with a hat looking sad; Meme poster is trying to convey the difficulty to answer high of weed questions which will never be answered; the boy: Meme poster | |
641 | 639 | TEXT: I hate that Message; Homer is watching Milhouse put up and tent proudly.; Meme poster is trying to convey that the Reddit app does not look as good as it claims; Homer: Meme poster, Milhouse: Reddit | |
642 | 640 | TEXT: Plot Twist!; three heads of Avatars, flash drive and guns ; Meme poster is trying to convey that Person freaks out at a gun, is fine when they learn the gun has a flash drive magazine, but then starts freaking out again when learning the usb is filled with virtual bullets. ; three heads: Humanity | |
643 | 641 | TEXT: Vegans; The character is looking surprised.; Meme poster is trying to convey that some vegans don't eat meat because they don't want to cause suffering to animals but other people argue that plants can feel pain too. ; The character: vegans, looking: not related to the meme context | |
644 | 642 | TEXT: Grab your popcorn; a boy having a black boot on his head; Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West ruined his own career.; a boy: Kanye's career, a black boot: Kanye's boot, his head: Kanye's head, having: not related to the meme context | |
645 | 643 | TEXT: Symphony No. 9mm; A band is bored in their practice room as someone in the back fires a rifle.; Meme poster could be used to make fun of instances where something unexpected happens and causes havoc or to depict a similar feeling of surprise or disturbance in daily life.; the back fires: Meme poster, a rifle: not related to the meme context | |
646 | 644 | TEXT: Science y'all; A man is happily listening to his device while it charges.; Meme poster is trying to convey that everything is not what it seems.; happily listening: Meme poster, listening: Meme poster | |
647 | 645 | TEXT: Can I ask the audience?; a man looking very confused before answer options; Meme poster is trying to convey that all racial groups a beverage associated with them.; | |
648 | 646 | TEXT: who knew 25 years later this quote would fit Kanye.... it's like they say life imitates art; Dr. Evil looks scared at what he learned.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Kayne West's kids will tell their therapist the wildest stories about his beliefs later on.; Dr. Evil: Kayne West's kids | |
649 | 647 | TEXT: THIS GAME LAGS! Please fix it!; A man is screaming with their hands on their head.; Meme poster is conveying that People shouldn't care Video game speed; A man: Meme poster | |
650 | 648 | TEXT: Winter Summer; Spongebob is angrily yelling scaring everyone around him.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they really like winter; Spongebob: Meme poster | |
651 | 649 | TEXT: hmm...??; A person looks like they are packing the moon into a vehicle.; Meme poster is trying to convey that if the British landed on the moon first, they'd steal it.; A person: the British, a vehicle: Britain, looks: not related to the meme context, packing: stealing | |
652 | 650 | TEXT: Slides looking kinda sus ngl; A playground has two different slides to come out of.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they made lots of friends on the indoor slides when they were a kid.; | |
653 | 651 | TEXT: -0/10 would not recommend; two men on white clothes standing close to each other; Meme poster is trying to convey that No matter what you do you can always here the bad things in your head; two men: Meme poster | |
654 | 652 | TEXT: I love democracy; a meme with eyes glasses crying in front of a man with beards; Meme poster is trying to convey that the average movie watcher doesn't like the same movies as the critics.; a meme: critic, eyes glasses: not related to the meme context, a man: user, beards: not related to the meme context, crying: not related to the meme context | |
655 | 653 | TEXT: Cats Vs Dogs with a time machine; A cat is across from a scarier version and the same with the dogs under it.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Cats are cooler that dogs are.; | |
656 | 654 | TEXT: Is this where my trauma started.; THE PICTURE LEFT SIDE AS A KANGARO RIGHT AS A HORSE; Meme poster is trying to convey that a lot of childhood movies were traumatizing.; | |
657 | 655 | TEXT: Good idea; A man driving a truck in the road; Meme poster is trying to convey that don't confront the aggressor.; | |
658 | 656 | TEXT: The children are fast; Kids are walking through the field before it in plowed.; the poster is saying they hate kids on their lawn; | |
659 | 657 | TEXT: Yeah its big brain time.; A man with glasses and headphones is talking.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they'd prefer the speed limit in Germany.; A man: Meme poster, glasses: not related to the meme context, headphones: not related to the meme context, talking: not related to the meme context | |
660 | 658 | TEXT: This is the reason why people become doctors.; A monk happily holds up a glass of wine then drinks it.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Doctors are weirdly happy when they have their patients pee in a cup.; A monk: doctor, wine: pee | |
661 | 659 | TEXT: its messed up; The character is holding money out in front of them.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Parents will spends more money on their own hedonistic desires than their children.; The character: Parents | |
662 | 660 | TEXT: They are Savages; Two men are angrily yelling while holding rifles.; meme poster is trying to convey that people will represent their school anywhere to anyone ; Two men: Meme poster | |
663 | 661 | TEXT: That's illegal!; An avatar boy in red shirt; Meme poster is trying to convey that corporations apply a double standard when it comes to the weight of male and female models.; An avatar boy: Meme poster, red shirt: not related to the meme context | |
664 | 662 | TEXT: Why America, why?; the face of an avatar; Meme poster is trying to convey that America makes fun of people from other countries occassionally and this is their clapback; the face: other countries, an avatar: other countries | |
665 | 663 | TEXT: so smoll; There are many vehicles and people in the road; Meme poster is making fun of a small police car.; many vehicles: not related to the meme context, people: not related to the meme context, the road: not related to the meme context, are: not related to the meme context | |
666 | 664 | TEXT: The brits should ask for the rest tbh; A man looks at a empty space in the greek columns that somehow wound up in london.; Meme poster gets analyse about teo places.; A man: Meme poster, a empty space: Meme poster, the greek columns: Meme poster, london: Meme poster, looks: not being bothered with something, somehow wound: not being bothered with something, wound: not being bothered with something | |
667 | 665 | TEXT: Hard to swallow pills; a head with mask and a head with beards; Meme poster is trying to convey the irony and that using the format they used for this meme is stupid and sad so you're better off not using it; a head: people | |
668 | 666 | TEXT: Halloween; Two people sitting on a couch, the man on left is wearing a Jason mask, the person on the right pointing is wearing a Texas Chainsaw Massacre mask. ; Meme poster is making a joke about Michael Myers and Jason, where Michael is telling Jason that he goes after too many girls, as he's been going after the same one for 30 years.; wearing: not related to the meme context | |
669 | 667 | TEXT: some questions just dont have answers; A man walks into a room with someone using the computer with a headset on.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they have no faith in their counties leaders; | |
670 | 668 | TEXT: Crocks; Jason realizes he loves a croc like his mask.; Meme poster is saying jason mask is same as crocs; Jason: Meme poster | |
671 | 669 | TEXT: finger accuracy: 5%; Two men are looking mad at each other.; Meme poster is trying to convey how frustrating it is to feel food in their teeth, but not be able to actually locate it and remove it with their finger.; Two men: Meme poster | |
672 | 670 | TEXT: biggest fall off in history imo; Two animals are showing different types of bodies.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Kangaroos were bigger and stronger in the past; Two animals: kangaroos in different time periods | |
673 | 671 | TEXT: just to old fashioned; A man is lying down on the floor covered in wires.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Parents see the meme poster surrounded by wires when they simply move the cable from HDMI1 to HDMI2. ; A man: Meme poster | |
674 | 672 | TEXT: They at it again!; A man is cycling, puts a stick in their bike and falls over.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West blames everything on the Jews; A man: Kanye West | |
675 | 673 | TEXT: We have our problems gas prices etc. but at least they're working on the legalization; A grafitti man has their head in his hands next to a smiling happy graffiti man.; The meme poster is pointing out that life in European countries where marijuana is legal are doing better than European countries where it is not.; A grafitti man: European countries without legalized weed, their head: despair, his hands: despair, a smiling happy graffiti man: European countries with legalized weed, smiling: easy life | |
676 | 674 | TEXT: Had to do it.; Spiderman climbs a tall buliding.; Meme poster is trying to convey that climate change protesters don't always protest in a way that makes sense.; Spiderman: climate change protesters | |
677 | 675 | TEXT: Nothing is impossible; The man shows normal and fishy look.; Meme poster is trying to convey that There is another reason that Kil Jong Un is firing missiles into the ocean. ; The man: Meme poster, normal and fishy look: not related to the meme context, shows: not related to the meme context | |
678 | 676 | TEXT: probably need a tutor; A brown puppy is biting a white puppy's nose.; Meme poster is trying to convey that The first kiss is always weird.; A brown puppy: a person, a white puppy's nose: another person, biting: kissing | |
679 | 677 | TEXT: I have found the true monster of humanity; The two green and one white blocks are on top and the six red blocks are on the bottom.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Lego blocks are very painful to step on.; | |
680 | 678 | TEXT: Submarine-hunting-tank-hunting tank go brrrr; The top picture has a tank is falling off a boat while the bottom shows the tank in the water with a man standing on top.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Russia will send their equipment overboard for glory while the United States will still go after them.; The top picture: not related to the meme context, a tank: Russia, a boat: not related to the meme context, the bottom: not related to the meme context, the tank: American, has: not related to the meme context, falling: not related to the meme context, shows: not related to the meme context, standing: not related to the meme context | |
681 | 679 | TEXT: Dew it!; THE PERSON HOLDING THE GUN ON HIS HAND; Meme poster is making fun of how most people can't pronounce Worcestershire sauce properly.; THE PERSON: Meme poster, THE GUN: meme poster's actions, HIS HAND: not related to the meme context, HOLDING: not related to the meme context | |
682 | 680 | TEXT: it's been ages and you're still in page what you opened; a cat appearing to read over the shoulder of a garden statue reading a book.; Meme poster is trying to convey that it is frustrating to oneself and others when someone reads exceptionally slow.; a cat: someone observing the poster, the shoulder: watching the poster read, a garden statue: Meme poster, a book: whatever the meme poster is reading, appearing: the impatience of the person observing the meme poster reading. | |
683 | 681 | TEXT: Everything has a beauty, but not everyone sees it; cat shows emotions; The poster wants us to see things for what they actually our and not use our stereo-types.; cat: Meme poster, emotions: not being bothered with something, shows: not related to the meme context | |
684 | 682 | TEXT: Literally me everyday:; The dog is thinking about something while chilling.; Poster enjoys his playlist enough to listen to it repeatedly.; The dog: Poster | |
685 | 683 | TEXT: The intro wasn't even over.; A man looking smug eating a pizza.; Meme poster is trying to convey that it takes them a long time to find the perfect YouTube video.; A man: Meme poster | |
686 | 684 | TEXT: YOUR GOING TO OHIO; An animated man holding his hand out with a surprised look on his face.; Meme poster is holding on to anything to avoid moving to Ohio.; An animated man: Meme poster, his hand: Meme poster, a surprised look: not related to the meme context, his face: Meme poster, animated: not related to the meme context, holding: not related to the meme context | |
687 | 685 | TEXT: still can't afford tho; A tall house with a person standing in front.; Meme poster is trying to convey that the house is ugly, but they still can't afford it.; a person: not related to the meme context, standing: not related to the meme context | |
688 | 686 | TEXT: They clearly know what is fashionable; A dog is wearing a fancy black blouse.; Meme poster mocks the attitude of fashion artists.; A dog: Meme poster, a fancy black blouse: Meme poster, wearing: Meme poster | |
689 | 687 | TEXT: it was me spooky Skeleton!; The sketch of skeleton too bad.; The meme poster didn't get the cute girl they wanted they got a skeleton instead; The sketch: not related to the meme context | |
690 | 688 | TEXT: Zuck with the UNO reverse card; Mark Zuckerberg is standing next to a kid using the computer.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Kid accuses Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook privacy violations and Mark Zuckerberg reverses the burn.; the computer: not related to the meme context, standing: not related to the meme context, using: not related to the meme context | |
691 | 689 | TEXT: No so loyal anymore; i thing that's dog running in the grass.; Meme poster is trying to convey that People will say their dog would never run away but if given the chance they might be surprised with what happens. ; thing: not related to the meme context | |
692 | 690 | TEXT: Dog poo; The forest way is very beautiful.; Meme poster is trying to convey that When leaves are covering the forest ground, you can't know where the dog poop is.; | |
693 | 691 | TEXT: Does life have paragon levels?; F1 drivers are standing on a podium.; Meme poster is trying to convey that The tallest guy in the group would rather give everyone else a chance; | |
694 | 692 | TEXT: The original giga chad; The character is wearing armor.; Meme poster is trying to convey that defacing art in a museum should have more serious consequences than graffiti on a subway.; The character: security guards, armor: not related to the meme context, wearing: not related to the meme context | |
695 | 693 | TEXT: Ok, bye; A girl don't know the value of people.; Meme poster is sad when the boy realise loneliness.; A girl: Meme poster, the value: Meme poster, people: Meme poster, know: Meme poster | |
696 | 694 | TEXT: Online sellers be like; On the left side of the screen are numbers, on the right a man at the head of an army orders the army to 'hold'; he is nervous and in the bottom of the image another man looks on sternly.; Meme poster is trying to convey that Online sellers are holding steady on their prices until they lie their product is on sale when it was just the original price.; the left side: online sellers, the screen: not related to the meme context, numbers: prices, the right: not related to the meme context, a man: online sellers, looks: not related to the meme context | |
697 | 695 | TEXT: It's okay to just exist. Just be content while doing it.; A man in green sweater drawing on paper and second is a close-up of what person is drawing; Meme poster is trying to convey that they're content with an average life.; A man: Meme poster | |
698 | 696 | TEXT: "OMG HE'S SO DREAMY"; The image shows love.; Meme poster gets love feelings.; The image: Meme poster, love: Meme poster, shows: Meme poster | |
699 | 697 | TEXT: Truly an Earworm; At the left are two microphones, in the middle a wooden loom and a man with headphones working on it, there is a microphone to the right.; The meme poster is trying to convey that not everyone has seen all videos online ; | |
700 | 698 | TEXT: I can remember certain moments; The left image was mario and rigth was luigi; Meme poster is trying to convey that France is against war crimes while the U.S. is okay with them long as they don't lose; The left image: France war crime views, rigth: U.S. war crime views | |
701 | 699 | TEXT: anyone else do this?; Spiderman is sleeping in a bed.; Meme poster is trying to convey that they take unpredicatable naps.; Spiderman: Meme poster |
Subsets and Splits