save_function_name( char_u **name, int *is_global, int skip, int flags, funcdict_T *fudi) { char_u *p = *name; char_u *saved; if (STRNCMP(p, "<lambda>", 8) == 0) { p += 8; (void)getdigits(&p); saved = vim_strnsave(*name, p - *name); if (fudi != NULL) CLEAR_POINTER(fudi); } else saved = trans_function_name(&p, is_global, skip, flags, fudi, NULL, NULL); *name = p; return saved; }
[ "CWE-416" ]
patch 8.2.3902: Vim9: double free with nested :def function Problem: Vim9: double free with nested :def function. Solution: Pass "line_to_free" from compile_def_function() and make sure cmdlinep is valid.
void ComputeAsync(OpKernelContext* context, DoneCallback done) override { // The shape of 'grads' is [num_boxes, crop_height, crop_width, depth]. const Tensor& grads = context->input(0); // The shape of 'boxes' is [num_boxes, 4]. const Tensor& boxes = context->input(1); // The shape of 'box_index' is [num_boxes]. const Tensor& box_index = context->input(2); // The shape of 'image_size' is [4]. const Tensor& image_size = context->input(3); // Validate input shapes. OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC(context, grads.dims() == 4, errors::InvalidArgument("grads image must be 4-D", grads.shape().DebugString()), done); const int crop_height = grads.dim_size(1); const int crop_width = grads.dim_size(2); OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC( context, crop_height > 0 && crop_width > 0, errors::InvalidArgument("grads dimensions must be positive"), done); int num_boxes = 0; OP_REQUIRES_OK_ASYNC( context, ParseAndCheckBoxSizes(boxes, box_index, &num_boxes), done); OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC( context, grads.dim_size(0) == num_boxes, errors::InvalidArgument("boxes and grads have incompatible shape"), done); OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC(context, image_size.dims() == 1, errors::InvalidArgument("image_size must be 1-D", image_size.shape().DebugString()), done); OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC(context, image_size.dim_size(0) == 4, errors::InvalidArgument("image_size must have 4 elements", image_size.shape().DebugString()), done); auto image_size_vec = image_size.vec<int32>(); const int batch_size = internal::SubtleMustCopy(image_size_vec(0)); const int image_height = internal::SubtleMustCopy(image_size_vec(1)); const int image_width = internal::SubtleMustCopy(image_size_vec(2)); const int depth = internal::SubtleMustCopy(image_size_vec(3)); OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC( context, image_height > 0 && image_width > 0, errors::InvalidArgument("image dimensions must be positive"), done); OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC( context, grads.dim_size(3) == depth, errors::InvalidArgument("image_size and grads are incompatible"), done); // Allocate output tensor. Tensor* output = nullptr; OP_REQUIRES_OK_ASYNC( context, context->allocate_output( 0, TensorShape({batch_size, image_height, image_width, depth}), &output), done); auto compute_callback = [this, context, output]() { const Tensor& grads = context->input(0); const Tensor& boxes = context->input(1); const Tensor& box_index = context->input(2); const bool status = functor::CropAndResizeBackpropImage<Device, T>()( context, grads.tensor<float, 4>(), boxes.tensor<float, 2>(), box_index.tensor<int32, 1>(), output->tensor<T, 4>(), method_); if (!status) { context->SetStatus(errors::Internal( "Failed launch CropAndResizeBackpropImage kernel.")); } }; RunIfBoxIndexIsValid<Device>(context, box_index.tensor<int32, 1>(), batch_size, std::move(compute_callback), std::move(done)); }
[ "CWE-119", "CWE-787" ]
Fix segmentation fault in tf.image.crop_and_resize when boxes is inf or nan This fix tries to address the issue raised in 42129 where segmentation fault happened in tf.image.crop_and_resize when boxes is inf or nan. This fix adds the check to make sure boxes is not inf or nan (isfinite) This fix fixes 42129. Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <>
const GlyphFace * GlyphCache::Loader::read_glyph(unsigned short glyphid, GlyphFace & glyph, int *numsubs) const throw() { Rect bbox; Position advance; if (glyphid < _num_glyphs_graphics) { int nLsb; unsigned int nAdvWid; if (_glyf) { int xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax; size_t locidx = TtfUtil::LocaLookup(glyphid, _loca, _loca.size(), _head); void *pGlyph = TtfUtil::GlyfLookup(_glyf, locidx, _glyf.size()); if (pGlyph && TtfUtil::GlyfBox(pGlyph, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax)) { if ((xMin > xMax) || (yMin > yMax)) return 0; bbox = Rect(Position(static_cast<float>(xMin), static_cast<float>(yMin)), Position(static_cast<float>(xMax), static_cast<float>(yMax))); } } if (TtfUtil::HorMetrics(glyphid, _hmtx, _hmtx.size(), _hhea, nLsb, nAdvWid)) advance = Position(static_cast<float>(nAdvWid), 0); } if (glyphid < _num_glyphs_attributes) { const byte * gloc = m_pGloc; size_t glocs = 0, gloce = 0; be::skip<uint32>(gloc); be::skip<uint16>(gloc,2); if (_long_fmt) { if (8 + glyphid * sizeof(uint32) > m_pGloc.size()) return 0; be::skip<uint32>(gloc, glyphid); glocs = be::read<uint32>(gloc); gloce = be::peek<uint32>(gloc); } else { if (8 + glyphid * sizeof(uint16) > m_pGloc.size()) return 0; be::skip<uint16>(gloc, glyphid); glocs = be::read<uint16>(gloc); gloce = be::peek<uint16>(gloc); } if (glocs >= m_pGlat.size() - 1 || gloce > m_pGlat.size()) return 0; const uint32 glat_version = be::peek<uint32>(m_pGlat); if (glat_version >= 0x00030000) { if (glocs >= gloce) return 0; const byte * p = m_pGlat + glocs; uint16 bmap = be::read<uint16>(p); int num = bit_set_count((uint32)bmap); if (numsubs) *numsubs += num; glocs += 6 + 8 * num; if (glocs > gloce) return 0; } if (glat_version < 0x00020000) { if (gloce - glocs < 2*sizeof(byte)+sizeof(uint16) || gloce - glocs > _num_attrs*(2*sizeof(byte)+sizeof(uint16))) return 0; new (&glyph) GlyphFace(bbox, advance, glat_iterator(m_pGlat + glocs), glat_iterator(m_pGlat + gloce)); } else { if (gloce - glocs < 3*sizeof(uint16) // can a glyph have no attributes? why not? || gloce - glocs > _num_attrs*3*sizeof(uint16) || glocs > m_pGlat.size() - 2*sizeof(uint16)) return 0; new (&glyph) GlyphFace(bbox, advance, glat2_iterator(m_pGlat + glocs), glat2_iterator(m_pGlat + gloce)); } if (!glyph.attrs() || glyph.attrs().capacity() > _num_attrs) return 0; } return &glyph; }
[ "CWE-476" ]
Deprecate and make ineffective gr_face_dumbRendering
gdImagePtr gdImageScaleTwoPass(const gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int src_width, const unsigned int src_height, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { gdImagePtr tmp_im; gdImagePtr dst; if (new_width == 0 || new_height == 0) { return NULL; } /* Convert to truecolor if it isn't; this code requires it. */ if (!src->trueColor) { gdImagePaletteToTrueColor(src); } tmp_im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, src_height); if (tmp_im == NULL) { return NULL; } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(tmp_im, src->interpolation_id); _gdScaleHoriz(src, src_width, src_height, tmp_im, new_width, src_height); dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(tmp_im); return NULL; } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(dst, src->interpolation_id); _gdScaleVert(tmp_im, new_width, src_height, dst, new_width, new_height); gdImageDestroy(tmp_im); return dst; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
improve fix #72558, while (u>=0) with unsigned int will always be true
static int qeth_flush_buffers_on_no_pci(struct qeth_qdio_out_q *queue) { struct qeth_qdio_out_buffer *buffer; buffer = queue->bufs[queue->next_buf_to_fill]; if ((atomic_read(&buffer->state) == QETH_QDIO_BUF_EMPTY) && (buffer->next_element_to_fill > 0)) { /* it's a packing buffer */ atomic_set(&buffer->state, QETH_QDIO_BUF_PRIMED); queue->next_buf_to_fill = (queue->next_buf_to_fill + 1) % QDIO_MAX_BUFFERS_PER_Q; return 1; } return 0; }
[ "CWE-200", "CWE-119" ]
qeth: avoid buffer overflow in snmp ioctl Check user-defined length in snmp ioctl request and allow request only if it fits into a qeth command buffer. Signed-off-by: Ursula Braun <> Signed-off-by: Frank Blaschka <> Reviewed-by: Heiko Carstens <> Reported-by: Nico Golde <> Reported-by: Fabian Yamaguchi <> Cc: <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
static int piv_general_io(sc_card_t *card, int ins, int p1, int p2, const u8 * sendbuf, size_t sendbuflen, u8 *recvbuf, size_t recvbuflen) { int r; sc_apdu_t apdu; SC_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE); r = sc_lock(card); if (r != SC_SUCCESS) LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, r); sc_format_apdu(card, &apdu, recvbuf ? SC_APDU_CASE_4_SHORT: SC_APDU_CASE_3_SHORT, ins, p1, p2); apdu.flags |= SC_APDU_FLAGS_CHAINING; = sendbuflen; apdu.datalen = sendbuflen; = sendbuf; if (recvbuf && recvbuflen) { apdu.le = (recvbuflen > 256) ? 256 : recvbuflen; apdu.resplen = recvbuflen; } else { apdu.le = 0; apdu.resplen = 0; } apdu.resp = recvbuf; /* with new adpu.c and chaining, this actually reads the whole object */ r = sc_transmit_apdu(card, &apdu); if (r < 0) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Transmit failed"); goto err; } r = sc_check_sw(card, apdu.sw1, apdu.sw2); if (r < 0) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Card returned error "); goto err; } r = apdu.resplen; err: sc_unlock(card); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, r); }
PIV Improved parsing of data from the card Based on Fuzz testing, many of the calls to sc_asn1_find_tag were replaced with sc_asn1_read_tag. The input is also tested that the expected tag is the first byte. Additional tests are also add. sc_asn1_find_tag will skip 0X00 or 0Xff if found. NIST sp800-73-x specs do not allow these extra bytes. On branch PIV-improved-parsing Changes to be committed: modified: card-piv.c
static void tokenadd(struct jv_parser* p, char c) { assert(p->tokenpos <= p->tokenlen); if (p->tokenpos >= (p->tokenlen - 1)) { p->tokenlen = p->tokenlen*2 + 256; p->tokenbuf = jv_mem_realloc(p->tokenbuf, p->tokenlen); } assert(p->tokenpos < p->tokenlen); p->tokenbuf[p->tokenpos++] = c; }
[ "CWE-119", "CWE-787" ]
Heap buffer overflow in tokenadd() (fix #105) This was an off-by one: the NUL terminator byte was not allocated on resize. This was triggered by JSON-encoded numbers longer than 256 bytes.
MirrorJob::~MirrorJob() { if(script && script_needs_closing) fclose(script); }
[ "CWE-20", "CWE-401" ]
mirror: prepend ./ to rm and chmod arguments to avoid URL recognition (fix #452)
static void con_start(struct tty_struct *tty) { int console_num; if (!tty) return; console_num = tty->index; if (!vc_cons_allocated(console_num)) return; vt_kbd_con_start(console_num); }
[ "CWE-125" ]
vt: Disable KD_FONT_OP_COPY It's buggy: On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 10:30:08PM +0800, Minh Yuan wrote: > We recently discovered a slab-out-of-bounds read in fbcon in the latest > kernel ( v5.10-rc2 for now ). The root cause of this vulnerability is that > "fbcon_do_set_font" did not handle "vc->" and > "vc->vc_font.height" correctly, and the patch > <> for VT_RESIZEX can't handle this > issue. > > Specifically, we use KD_FONT_OP_SET to set a small for tty6, and > use KD_FONT_OP_SET again to set a large font.height for tty1. After that, > we use KD_FONT_OP_COPY to assign tty6's to tty1's > in "fbcon_do_set_font", while tty1 retains the original larger > height. Obviously, this will cause an out-of-bounds read, because we can > access a smaller with a larger vc_font.height. Further there was only one user ever. - Android's loadfont, busybox and console-tools only ever use OP_GET and OP_SET - fbset documentation only mentions the kernel cmdline font: option, not anything else. - systemd used OP_COPY before release 232 published in Nov 2016 Now unfortunately the crucial report seems to have gone down with gmane, and the commit message doesn't say much. But the pull request hints at OP_COPY being broken So in other words, this never worked, and the only project which foolishly every tried to use it, realized that rather quickly too. Instead of trying to fix security issues here on dead code by adding missing checks, fix the entire thing by removing the functionality. Note that systemd code using the OP_COPY function ignored the return value, so it doesn't matter what we're doing here really - just in case a lone server somewhere happens to be extremely unlucky and running an affected old version of systemd. The relevant code from font_copy_to_all_vcs() in systemd was: /* copy font from active VT, where the font was uploaded to */ cfo.op = KD_FONT_OP_COPY; cfo.height = vcs.v_active-1; /* tty1 == index 0 */ (void) ioctl(vcfd, KDFONTOP, &cfo); Note this just disables the ioctl, garbage collecting the now unused callbacks is left for -next. v2: Tetsuo found the old mail, which allowed me to find it on another archive. Add the link too. Acked-by: Peilin Ye <> Reported-by: Minh Yuan <> References: References: Cc: Greg KH <> Cc: Peilin Ye <> Cc: Tetsuo Handa <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Vetter <> Link: Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
static int __cpuinit slab_cpuup_callback(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action, void *hcpu) { long cpu = (long)hcpu; struct kmem_cache *s; unsigned long flags; switch (action) { case CPU_UP_PREPARE: case CPU_UP_PREPARE_FROZEN: init_alloc_cpu_cpu(cpu); down_read(&slub_lock); list_for_each_entry(s, &slab_caches, list) s->cpu_slab[cpu] = alloc_kmem_cache_cpu(s, cpu, GFP_KERNEL); up_read(&slub_lock); break; case CPU_UP_CANCELED: case CPU_UP_CANCELED_FROZEN: case CPU_DEAD: case CPU_DEAD_FROZEN: down_read(&slub_lock); list_for_each_entry(s, &slab_caches, list) { struct kmem_cache_cpu *c = get_cpu_slab(s, cpu); local_irq_save(flags); __flush_cpu_slab(s, cpu); local_irq_restore(flags); free_kmem_cache_cpu(c, cpu); s->cpu_slab[cpu] = NULL; } up_read(&slub_lock); break; default: break; } return NOTIFY_OK; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
remove div_long_long_rem x86 is the only arch right now, which provides an optimized for div_long_long_rem and it has the downside that one has to be very careful that the divide doesn't overflow. The API is a little akward, as the arguments for the unsigned divide are signed. The signed version also doesn't handle a negative divisor and produces worse code on 64bit archs. There is little incentive to keep this API alive, so this converts the few users to the new API. Signed-off-by: Roman Zippel <> Cc: Ralf Baechle <> Cc: Ingo Molnar <> Cc: Thomas Gleixner <> Cc: john stultz <> Cc: Christoph Lameter <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
cupsdStopServer(void) { if (!started) return; /* * Stop color management (as needed)... */ cupsdStopColor(); /* * Close all network clients... */ cupsdCloseAllClients(); cupsdStopListening(); cupsdStopBrowsing(); cupsdStopAllNotifiers(); cupsdDeleteAllCerts(); if (Clients) { cupsArrayDelete(Clients); Clients = NULL; } /* * Close the pipe for CGI processes... */ if (CGIPipes[0] >= 0) { cupsdRemoveSelect(CGIPipes[0]); cupsdStatBufDelete(CGIStatusBuffer); close(CGIPipes[1]); CGIPipes[0] = -1; CGIPipes[1] = -1; } /* * Close all log files... */ if (AccessFile != NULL) { if (AccessFile != LogStderr) cupsFileClose(AccessFile); AccessFile = NULL; } if (ErrorFile != NULL) { if (ErrorFile != LogStderr) cupsFileClose(ErrorFile); ErrorFile = NULL; } if (PageFile != NULL) { if (PageFile != LogStderr) cupsFileClose(PageFile); PageFile = NULL; } /* * Delete the default security profile... */ cupsdDestroyProfile(DefaultProfile); DefaultProfile = NULL; /* * Write out any dirty files... */ if (DirtyFiles) cupsdCleanDirty(); started = 0; }
Fix local privilege escalation to root and sandbox bypasses in scheduler (rdar://37836779, rdar://37836995, rdar://37837252, rdar://37837581)
parse_objectid(FILE * fp, char *name) { register int count; register struct subid_s *op, *nop; int length; struct subid_s loid[32]; struct node *np, *root = NULL, *oldnp = NULL; struct tree *tp; if ((length = getoid(fp, loid, 32)) == 0) { print_error("Bad object identifier", NULL, CONTINUE); return NULL; } /* * Handle numeric-only object identifiers, * by labelling the first sub-identifier */ op = loid; if (!op->label) { if (length == 1) { print_error("Attempt to define a root oid", name, OBJECT); return NULL; } for (tp = tree_head; tp; tp = tp->next_peer) if ((int) tp->subid == op->subid) { op->label = strdup(tp->label); break; } } /* * Handle "label OBJECT-IDENTIFIER ::= { subid }" */ if (length == 1) { op = loid; np = alloc_node(op->modid); if (np == NULL) return (NULL); np->subid = op->subid; np->label = strdup(name); np->parent = op->label; return np; } /* * For each parent-child subid pair in the subid array, * create a node and link it into the node list. */ for (count = 0, op = loid, nop = loid + 1; count < (length - 1); count++, op++, nop++) { /* * every node must have parent's name and child's name or number */ /* * XX the next statement is always true -- does it matter ?? */ if (op->label && (nop->label || (nop->subid != -1))) { np = alloc_node(nop->modid); if (np == NULL) goto err; if (root == NULL) root = np; np->parent = strdup(op->label); if (count == (length - 2)) { /* * The name for this node is the label for this entry */ np->label = strdup(name); if (np->label == NULL) goto err; } else { if (!nop->label) { nop->label = (char *) malloc(20 + ANON_LEN); if (nop->label == NULL) goto err; sprintf(nop->label, "%s%d", ANON, anonymous++); } np->label = strdup(nop->label); } if (nop->subid != -1) np->subid = nop->subid; else print_error("Warning: This entry is pretty silly", np->label, CONTINUE); /* * set up next entry */ if (oldnp) oldnp->next = np; oldnp = np; } /* end if(op->label... */ } out: /* * free the loid array */ for (count = 0, op = loid; count < length; count++, op++) { if (op->label) free(op->label); } return root; err: for (; root; root = np) { np = root->next; free_node(root); } goto out; }
[ "CWE-59", "CWE-61" ]
CHANGES: snmpd: Stop reading and writing the mib_indexes/* files Caching directory contents is something the operating system should do and is not something Net-SNMP should do. Instead of storing a copy of the directory contents in ${tmp_dir}/mib_indexes/${n}, always scan a MIB directory.
static void handle_unused(int i) { handles[i].use = HANDLE_UNUSED; handles[i].next_unused = first_unused_handle; first_unused_handle = i; }
[ "CWE-732", "CWE-703", "CWE-269" ]
disallow creation (of empty files) in read-only mode; reported by Michal Zalewski, feedback & ok deraadt@
int sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(Vdbe *p, int op, int p1){ return sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(p, op, p1, 0, 0); }
[ "CWE-755" ]
When an error occurs while rewriting the parser tree for window functions in the sqlite3WindowRewrite() routine, make sure that pParse->nErr is set, and make sure that this shuts down any subsequent code generation that might depend on the transformations that were implemented. This fixes a problem discovered by the Yongheng and Rui fuzzer. FossilOrigin-Name: e2bddcd4c55ba3cbe0130332679ff4b048630d0ced9a8899982edb5a3569ba7f
std::string ReplaceStringInPlace(std::string subject, const std::string& search, const std::string& replace) { size_t pos = 0; while((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) { subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace); pos += replace.length(); } return subject; }
[ "CWE-125" ]
static bool is_finite(const float val) { #ifdef isfinite return (bool)isfinite(val); #else return !is_nan(val) && !is_inf(val); #endif }
[ "CWE-770" ]
CImg<>::load_bmp() and CImg<>::load_pandore(): Check that dimensions encoded in file does not exceed file size.
HttpConnectionManagerImplTest::HttpConnectionManagerImplTest() : http_context_(fake_stats_.symbolTable()), access_log_path_("dummy_path"), access_logs_{AccessLog::InstanceSharedPtr{new Extensions::AccessLoggers::File::FileAccessLog( Filesystem::FilePathAndType{Filesystem::DestinationType::File, access_log_path_}, {}, Formatter::SubstitutionFormatUtils::defaultSubstitutionFormatter(), log_manager_)}}, codec_(new NiceMock<MockServerConnection>()), stats_({ALL_HTTP_CONN_MAN_STATS(POOL_COUNTER(fake_stats_), POOL_GAUGE(fake_stats_), POOL_HISTOGRAM(fake_stats_))}, "", fake_stats_), listener_stats_({CONN_MAN_LISTENER_STATS(POOL_COUNTER(fake_listener_stats_))}), request_id_extension_( Extensions::RequestId::UUIDRequestIDExtension::defaultInstance(random_)), local_reply_(LocalReply::Factory::createDefault()) { ON_CALL(route_config_provider_, lastUpdated()) .WillByDefault(Return(test_time_.timeSystem().systemTime())); ON_CALL(scoped_route_config_provider_, lastUpdated()) .WillByDefault(Return(test_time_.timeSystem().systemTime())); // response_encoder_ is not a NiceMock on purpose. This prevents complaining about this // method only. EXPECT_CALL(response_encoder_, getStream()).Times(AtLeast(0)); }
[ "CWE-22" ]
Implement handling of escaped slash characters in URL path Fixes: CVE-2021-29492 Signed-off-by: Yan Avlasov <>
static int ssl_decrypt_buf( ssl_context *ssl ) { size_t i, padlen = 0, correct = 1; unsigned char tmp[POLARSSL_SSL_MAX_MAC_SIZE]; SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "=> decrypt buf" ) ); if( ssl->in_msglen < ssl->transform_in->minlen ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "in_msglen (%d) < minlen (%d)", ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->minlen ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC ); } if( ssl->transform_in->ivlen == 0 ) { #if defined(POLARSSL_ARC4_C) if( ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA ) { arc4_crypt( (arc4_context *) ssl->transform_in->ctx_dec, ssl->in_msglen, ssl->in_msg, ssl->in_msg ); } else #endif #if defined(POLARSSL_CIPHER_NULL_CIPHER) if( ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 ) { } else #endif return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } else if( ssl->transform_in->ivlen == 12 ) { unsigned char *dec_msg; unsigned char *dec_msg_result; size_t dec_msglen; unsigned char add_data[13]; int ret = POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE; #if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C) && defined(POLARSSL_GCM_C) if( ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ) { dec_msglen = ssl->in_msglen - ( ssl->transform_in->ivlen - ssl->transform_in->fixed_ivlen ); dec_msglen -= 16; dec_msg = ssl->in_msg + ( ssl->transform_in->ivlen - ssl->transform_in->fixed_ivlen ); dec_msg_result = ssl->in_msg; ssl->in_msglen = dec_msglen; memcpy( add_data, ssl->in_ctr, 8 ); add_data[8] = ssl->in_msgtype; add_data[9] = ssl->major_ver; add_data[10] = ssl->minor_ver; add_data[11] = ( ssl->in_msglen >> 8 ) & 0xFF; add_data[12] = ssl->in_msglen & 0xFF; SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 4, "additional data used for AEAD", add_data, 13 ); memcpy( ssl->transform_in->iv_dec + ssl->transform_in->fixed_ivlen, ssl->in_msg, ssl->transform_in->ivlen - ssl->transform_in->fixed_ivlen ); SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 4, "IV used", ssl->transform_in->iv_dec, ssl->transform_in->ivlen ); SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 4, "TAG used", dec_msg + dec_msglen, 16 ); memcpy( ssl->transform_in->iv_dec + ssl->transform_in->fixed_ivlen, ssl->in_msg, ssl->transform_in->ivlen - ssl->transform_in->fixed_ivlen ); ret = gcm_auth_decrypt( (gcm_context *) ssl->transform_in->ctx_dec, dec_msglen, ssl->transform_in->iv_dec, ssl->transform_in->ivlen, add_data, 13, dec_msg + dec_msglen, 16, dec_msg, dec_msg_result ); if( ret != 0 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "AEAD decrypt failed on validation (ret = -0x%02x)", -ret ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC ); } } else #endif return( ret ); } else { /* * Decrypt and check the padding */ unsigned char *dec_msg; unsigned char *dec_msg_result; size_t dec_msglen; size_t minlen = 0, fake_padlen; /* * Check immediate ciphertext sanity */ if( ssl->in_msglen % ssl->transform_in->ivlen != 0 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "msglen (%d) %% ivlen (%d) != 0", ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->ivlen ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC ); } if( ssl->minor_ver >= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_2 ) minlen += ssl->transform_in->ivlen; if( ssl->in_msglen < minlen + ssl->transform_in->ivlen || ssl->in_msglen < minlen + ssl->transform_in->maclen + 1 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "msglen (%d) < max( ivlen(%d), maclen (%d) + 1 ) ( + expl IV )", ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->ivlen, ssl->transform_in->maclen ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC ); } dec_msglen = ssl->in_msglen; dec_msg = ssl->in_msg; dec_msg_result = ssl->in_msg; /* * Initialize for prepended IV for block cipher in TLS v1.1 and up */ if( ssl->minor_ver >= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_2 ) { dec_msg += ssl->transform_in->ivlen; dec_msglen -= ssl->transform_in->ivlen; ssl->in_msglen -= ssl->transform_in->ivlen; for( i = 0; i < ssl->transform_in->ivlen; i++ ) ssl->transform_in->iv_dec[i] = ssl->in_msg[i]; } switch( ssl->transform_in->ivlen ) { #if defined(POLARSSL_DES_C) case 8: #if defined(POLARSSL_ENABLE_WEAK_CIPHERSUITES) if( ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA ) { des_crypt_cbc( (des_context *) ssl->transform_in->ctx_dec, DES_DECRYPT, dec_msglen, ssl->transform_in->iv_dec, dec_msg, dec_msg_result ); } else #endif des3_crypt_cbc( (des3_context *) ssl->transform_in->ctx_dec, DES_DECRYPT, dec_msglen, ssl->transform_in->iv_dec, dec_msg, dec_msg_result ); break; #endif case 16: #if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C) if ( ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 ) { aes_crypt_cbc( (aes_context *) ssl->transform_in->ctx_dec, AES_DECRYPT, dec_msglen, ssl->transform_in->iv_dec, dec_msg, dec_msg_result ); break; } #endif #if defined(POLARSSL_CAMELLIA_C) if ( ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 || ssl->session_in->ciphersuite == TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 ) { camellia_crypt_cbc( (camellia_context *) ssl->transform_in->ctx_dec, CAMELLIA_DECRYPT, dec_msglen, ssl->transform_in->iv_dec, dec_msg, dec_msg_result ); break; } #endif default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } padlen = 1 + ssl->in_msg[ssl->in_msglen - 1]; fake_padlen = 256 - padlen; if( ssl->in_msglen < ssl->transform_in->maclen + padlen ) { #if defined(POLARSSL_SSL_DEBUG_ALL) SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "msglen (%d) < maclen (%d) + padlen (%d)", ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->maclen, padlen ) ); #endif padlen = 0; fake_padlen = 256; correct = 0; } if( ssl->minor_ver == SSL_MINOR_VERSION_0 ) { if( padlen > ssl->transform_in->ivlen ) { #if defined(POLARSSL_SSL_DEBUG_ALL) SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad padding length: is %d, " "should be no more than %d", padlen, ssl->transform_in->ivlen ) ); #endif correct = 0; } } else { /* * TLSv1+: always check the padding up to the first failure * and fake check up to 256 bytes of padding */ for( i = 1; i <= padlen; i++ ) { if( ssl->in_msg[ssl->in_msglen - i] != padlen - 1 ) { correct = 0; fake_padlen = 256 - i; padlen = 0; } } for( i = 1; i <= fake_padlen; i++ ) { if( ssl->in_msg[i + 1] != fake_padlen - 1 ) minlen = 0; else minlen = 1; } #if defined(POLARSSL_SSL_DEBUG_ALL) if( padlen > 0 && correct == 0) SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad padding byte detected" ) ); #endif } } SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 4, "raw buffer after decryption", ssl->in_msg, ssl->in_msglen ); /* * Always compute the MAC (RFC4346, CBCTIME). */ ssl->in_msglen -= ( ssl->transform_in->maclen + padlen ); ssl->in_hdr[3] = (unsigned char)( ssl->in_msglen >> 8 ); ssl->in_hdr[4] = (unsigned char)( ssl->in_msglen ); memcpy( tmp, ssl->in_msg + ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->maclen ); if( ssl->minor_ver == SSL_MINOR_VERSION_0 ) { if( ssl->transform_in->maclen == 16 ) ssl_mac_md5( ssl->transform_in->mac_dec, ssl->in_msg, ssl->in_msglen, ssl->in_ctr, ssl->in_msgtype ); else if( ssl->transform_in->maclen == 20 ) ssl_mac_sha1( ssl->transform_in->mac_dec, ssl->in_msg, ssl->in_msglen, ssl->in_ctr, ssl->in_msgtype ); else if( ssl->transform_in->maclen == 32 ) ssl_mac_sha2( ssl->transform_in->mac_dec, ssl->in_msg, ssl->in_msglen, ssl->in_ctr, ssl->in_msgtype ); else if( ssl->transform_in->maclen != 0 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "invalid MAC len: %d", ssl->transform_in->maclen ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } } else { /* * Process MAC and always update for padlen afterwards to make * total time independent of padlen */ if( ssl->transform_in->maclen == 16 ) md5_hmac( ssl->transform_in->mac_dec, 16, ssl->in_ctr, ssl->in_msglen + 13, ssl->in_msg + ssl->in_msglen ); else if( ssl->transform_in->maclen == 20 ) sha1_hmac( ssl->transform_in->mac_dec, 20, ssl->in_ctr, ssl->in_msglen + 13, ssl->in_msg + ssl->in_msglen ); else if( ssl->transform_in->maclen == 32 ) sha2_hmac( ssl->transform_in->mac_dec, 32, ssl->in_ctr, ssl->in_msglen + 13, ssl->in_msg + ssl->in_msglen, 0 ); else if( ssl->transform_in->maclen != 0 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "invalid MAC len: %d", ssl->transform_in->maclen ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } } SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 4, "message mac", tmp, ssl->transform_in->maclen ); SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 4, "computed mac", ssl->in_msg + ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->maclen ); if( memcmp( tmp, ssl->in_msg + ssl->in_msglen, ssl->transform_in->maclen ) != 0 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "message mac does not match" ) ); correct = 0; } /* * Finally check the correct flag */ if( correct == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC ); if( ssl->in_msglen == 0 ) { ssl->nb_zero++; /* * Three or more empty messages may be a DoS attack * (excessive CPU consumption). */ if( ssl->nb_zero > 3 ) { SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "received four consecutive empty " "messages, possible DoS attack" ) ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC ); } } else ssl->nb_zero = 0; for( i = 8; i > 0; i-- ) if( ++ssl->in_ctr[i - 1] != 0 ) break; SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "<= decrypt buf" ) ); return( 0 ); }
[ "CWE-310" ]
Disable debug messages that can introduce a timing side channel. Introduced the POLARSSL_SSL_DEBUG_ALL flag to enable all these debug messages in case somebody does want to see the reason checks fail.
bool StringMatching::matchPattern( const char* pattern, const char* str) { if (PathMatchSpec(str, pattern)) { return true; } return false; }
[ "CWE-284" ]
check remote permissions (#1387) * Refs 5346. Blackbox test Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. one-way string compare Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. Do not add partition separator on last partition Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. Uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. Uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Access control unit testing It only covers Partition and Topic permissions Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs #3680. Fix partition check on Permissions plugin. Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Fix tests on mac Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Fix windows tests Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Avoid memory leak on test Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Proxy data mocks should not return temporary objects Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * refs 3680. uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> Co-authored-by: Miguel Company <>
static void to_words52(BN_ULONG *out, int out_len, const BN_ULONG *in, int in_bitsize) { uint8_t *in_str = NULL; assert(out != NULL); assert(in != NULL); /* Check destination buffer capacity */ assert(out_len >= number_of_digits(in_bitsize, DIGIT_SIZE)); in_str = (uint8_t *)in; for (; in_bitsize >= (2 * DIGIT_SIZE); in_bitsize -= (2 * DIGIT_SIZE), out += 2) { out[0] = (*(uint64_t *)in_str) & DIGIT_MASK; in_str += 6; out[1] = ((*(uint64_t *)in_str) >> 4) & DIGIT_MASK; in_str += 7; out_len -= 2; } if (in_bitsize > DIGIT_SIZE) { uint64_t digit = get_digit52(in_str, 7); out[0] = digit & DIGIT_MASK; in_str += 6; in_bitsize -= DIGIT_SIZE; digit = get_digit52(in_str, BITS2WORD8_SIZE(in_bitsize)); out[1] = digit >> 4; out += 2; out_len -= 2; } else if (in_bitsize > 0) { out[0] = get_digit52(in_str, BITS2WORD8_SIZE(in_bitsize)); out++; out_len--; } while (out_len > 0) { *out = 0; out_len--; out++; } }
[ "CWE-787" ]
rsa: fix bn_reduce_once_in_place call for rsaz_mod_exp_avx512_x2 bn_reduce_once_in_place expects the number of BN_ULONG, but factor_size is moduli bit size. Fixes #18625. Signed-off-by: Xi Ruoyao <> Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <> Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <> (Merged from (cherry picked from commit 4d8a88c134df634ba610ff8db1eb8478ac5fd345)
ews_backend_folders_contains (EEwsBackend *backend, const gchar *folder_id) { gboolean contains; g_return_val_if_fail (folder_id != NULL, FALSE); g_mutex_lock (&backend->priv->folders_lock); contains = g_hash_table_contains (backend->priv->folders, folder_id); g_mutex_unlock (&backend->priv->folders_lock); return contains; }
[ "CWE-295" ]
I#27 - SSL Certificates are not validated This depends on too. Closes
void Item_cond::fix_after_pullout(st_select_lex *new_parent, Item **ref, bool merge) { List_iterator<Item> li(list); Item *item; used_tables_and_const_cache_init(); and_tables_cache= ~(table_map) 0; // Here and below we do as fix_fields does not_null_tables_cache= 0; while ((item=li++)) { table_map tmp_table_map; item->fix_after_pullout(new_parent, li.ref(), merge); item= *li.ref(); used_tables_and_const_cache_join(item); if (item->const_item()) and_tables_cache= (table_map) 0; else { tmp_table_map= item->not_null_tables(); not_null_tables_cache|= tmp_table_map; and_tables_cache&= tmp_table_map; const_item_cache= FALSE; } } }
[ "CWE-617" ]
MDEV-26402: A SEGV in Item_field::used_tables/update_depend_map_for_order... When doing condition pushdown from HAVING into WHERE, Item_equal::create_pushable_equalities() calls item->set_extraction_flag(IMMUTABLE_FL) for constant items. Then, Item::cleanup_excluding_immutables_processor() checks for this flag to see if it should call item->cleanup() or leave the item as-is. The failure happens when a constant item has a non-constant one inside it, like: (tbl.col=0 AND impossible_cond) item->walk(cleanup_excluding_immutables_processor) works in a bottom-up way so it 1. will call Item_func_eq(tbl.col=0)->cleanup() 2. will not call Item_cond_and->cleanup (as the AND is constant) This creates an item tree where a fixed Item has an un-fixed Item inside it which eventually causes an assertion failure. Fixed by introducing this rule: instead of just calling item->set_extraction_flag(IMMUTABLE_FL); we call Item::walk() to set the flag for all sub-items of the item.
apdu_get_atr (int slot, size_t *atrlen) { unsigned char *buf; if (DBG_READER) log_debug ("enter: apdu_get_atr: slot=%d\n", slot); if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used ) { if (DBG_READER) log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => NULL (bad slot)\n"); return NULL; } if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen) { if (DBG_READER) log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => NULL (no ATR)\n"); return NULL; } buf = xtrymalloc (reader_table[slot].atrlen); if (!buf) { if (DBG_READER) log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => NULL (out of core)\n"); return NULL; } memcpy (buf, reader_table[slot].atr, reader_table[slot].atrlen); *atrlen = reader_table[slot].atrlen; if (DBG_READER) log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => atrlen=%zu\n", *atrlen); return buf; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Use inline functions to convert buffer data to scalars. * common/host2net.h (buf16_to_ulong, buf16_to_uint): New. (buf16_to_ushort, buf16_to_u16): New. (buf32_to_size_t, buf32_to_ulong, buf32_to_uint, buf32_to_u32): New. -- Commit 91b826a38880fd8a989318585eb502582636ddd8 was not enough to avoid all sign extension on shift problems. Hanno Böck found a case with an invalid read due to this problem. To fix that once and for all almost all uses of "<< 24" and "<< 8" are changed by this patch to use an inline function from host2net.h. Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <>
static OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_check_next_level(OPJ_INT32 pos, opj_cp_t *cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_UINT32 pino, const OPJ_CHAR *prog) { OPJ_INT32 i; opj_tcp_t *tcps = &cp->tcps[tileno]; opj_poc_t *tcp = &tcps->pocs[pino]; if (pos >= 0) { for (i = pos; pos >= 0; i--) { switch (prog[i]) { case 'R': if (tcp->res_t == tcp->resE) { if (opj_pi_check_next_level(pos - 1, cp, tileno, pino, prog)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } else { return OPJ_FALSE; } } else { return OPJ_TRUE; } break; case 'C': if (tcp->comp_t == tcp->compE) { if (opj_pi_check_next_level(pos - 1, cp, tileno, pino, prog)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } else { return OPJ_FALSE; } } else { return OPJ_TRUE; } break; case 'L': if (tcp->lay_t == tcp->layE) { if (opj_pi_check_next_level(pos - 1, cp, tileno, pino, prog)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } else { return OPJ_FALSE; } } else { return OPJ_TRUE; } break; case 'P': switch (tcp->prg) { case OPJ_LRCP: /* fall through */ case OPJ_RLCP: if (tcp->prc_t == tcp->prcE) { if (opj_pi_check_next_level(i - 1, cp, tileno, pino, prog)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } else { return OPJ_FALSE; } } else { return OPJ_TRUE; } break; default: if (tcp->tx0_t == tcp->txE) { /*TY*/ if (tcp->ty0_t == tcp->tyE) { if (opj_pi_check_next_level(i - 1, cp, tileno, pino, prog)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } else { return OPJ_FALSE; } } else { return OPJ_TRUE; }/*TY*/ } else { return OPJ_TRUE; } break; }/*end case P*/ }/*end switch*/ }/*end for*/ }/*end if*/ return OPJ_FALSE; }
[ "CWE-369" ]
Avoid division by zero in opj_pi_next_rpcl, opj_pi_next_pcrl and opj_pi_next_cprl (#938) Fixes issues with id:000026,sig:08,src:002419,op:int32,pos:60,val:+32 and id:000019,sig:08,src:001098,op:flip1,pos:49
static bool will_write_block(struct port *port) { bool ret; if (!port->guest_connected) { /* Port got hot-unplugged. Let's exit. */ return false; } if (!port->host_connected) return true; spin_lock_irq(&port->outvq_lock); /* * Check if the Host has consumed any buffers since we last * sent data (this is only applicable for nonblocking ports). */ reclaim_consumed_buffers(port); ret = port->outvq_full; spin_unlock_irq(&port->outvq_lock); return ret; }
[ "CWE-119", "CWE-787" ]
virtio-console: avoid DMA from stack put_chars() stuffs the buffer it gets into an sg, but that buffer may be on the stack. This breaks with CONFIG_VMAP_STACK=y (for me, it manifested as printks getting turned into NUL bytes). Signed-off-by: Omar Sandoval <> Signed-off-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <> Reviewed-by: Amit Shah <>
htmlNodeDumpOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur, const char *encoding) { htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput(buf, doc, cur, encoding, 1); }
[ "CWE-79" ]
Revert "Do not URI escape in server side includes" This reverts commit 960f0e275616cadc29671a218d7fb9b69eb35588. This commit introduced - an infinite loop, found by OSS-Fuzz, which could be easily fixed. - an algorithm with quadratic runtime - a security issue, see A better approach is to add an option not to escape URLs at all which libxml2 should have possibly done in the first place.
static void ati_cursor_draw_line(VGACommonState *vga, uint8_t *d, int scr_y) { ATIVGAState *s = container_of(vga, ATIVGAState, vga); uint8_t *src; uint32_t *dp = (uint32_t *)d; int i, j, h; if (!(s->regs.crtc_gen_cntl & CRTC2_CUR_EN) || scr_y < vga->hw_cursor_y || scr_y >= vga->hw_cursor_y + 64 || scr_y > s->regs.crtc_v_total_disp >> 16) { return; } /* FIXME handle cur_hv_offs correctly */ src = s->vga.vram_ptr + s->cursor_offset + (scr_y - vga->hw_cursor_y) * 16; dp = &dp[vga->hw_cursor_x]; h = ((s->regs.crtc_h_total_disp >> 16) + 1) * 8; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { uint32_t color; uint8_t abits = src[i]; uint8_t xbits = src[i + 8]; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++, abits <<= 1, xbits <<= 1) { if (abits & BIT(7)) { if (xbits & BIT(7)) { color = dp[i * 8 + j] ^ 0xffffffff; /* complement */ } else { continue; /* transparent, no change */ } } else { color = (xbits & BIT(7) ? s->regs.cur_color1 : s->regs.cur_color0) | 0xff000000; } if (vga->hw_cursor_x + i * 8 + j >= h) { return; /* end of screen, don't span to next line */ } dp[i * 8 + j] = color; } } }
[ "CWE-125" ]
ati: use vga_read_byte in ati_cursor_define This makes sure reads are confined to vga video memory. v3: use uint32_t, fix cut+paste bug. v2: fix ati_cursor_draw_line too. Reported-by: xu hang <> Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <> Reviewed-by: BALATON Zoltan <> Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <> Message-id:
static int ip_vs_genl_dump_daemon(struct sk_buff *skb, __be32 state, const char *mcast_ifn, __be32 syncid, struct netlink_callback *cb) { void *hdr; hdr = genlmsg_put(skb, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, &ip_vs_genl_family, NLM_F_MULTI, IPVS_CMD_NEW_DAEMON); if (!hdr) return -EMSGSIZE; if (ip_vs_genl_fill_daemon(skb, state, mcast_ifn, syncid)) goto nla_put_failure; return genlmsg_end(skb, hdr); nla_put_failure: genlmsg_cancel(skb, hdr); return -EMSGSIZE; }
[ "CWE-119", "CWE-787" ]
ipvs: Add boundary check on ioctl arguments The ipvs code has a nifty system for doing the size of ioctl command copies; it defines an array with values into which it indexes the cmd to find the right length. Unfortunately, the ipvs code forgot to check if the cmd was in the range that the array provides, allowing for an index outside of the array, which then gives a "garbage" result into the length, which then gets used for copying into a stack buffer. Fix this by adding sanity checks on these as well as the copy size. [ adjusted limit to IP_VS_SO_GET_MAX ] Signed-off-by: Arjan van de Ven <> Acked-by: Julian Anastasov <> Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <> Signed-off-by: Patrick McHardy <>
void __cpuinit init_idle_bootup_task(struct task_struct *idle) { idle->sched_class = &idle_sched_class; }
sched: fair: weight calculations In order to level the hierarchy, we need to calculate load based on the root view. That is, each task's load is in the same unit. A / \ B 1 / \ 2 3 To compute 1's load we do: weight(1) -------------- rq_weight(A) To compute 2's load we do: weight(2) weight(B) ------------ * ----------- rq_weight(B) rw_weight(A) This yields load fractions in comparable units. The consequence is that it changes virtual time. We used to have: time_{i} vtime_{i} = ------------ weight_{i} vtime = \Sum vtime_{i} = time / rq_weight. But with the new way of load calculation we get that vtime equals time. Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra <> Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
static void posix_cpu_timer_rearm(struct k_itimer *timer) { struct sighand_struct *sighand; unsigned long flags; struct task_struct *p = timer->it.cpu.task; u64 now; WARN_ON_ONCE(p == NULL); /* * Fetch the current sample and update the timer's expiry time. */ if (CPUCLOCK_PERTHREAD(timer->it_clock)) { cpu_clock_sample(timer->it_clock, p, &now); bump_cpu_timer(timer, now); if (unlikely(p->exit_state)) return; /* Protect timer list r/w in arm_timer() */ sighand = lock_task_sighand(p, &flags); if (!sighand) return; } else { /* * Protect arm_timer() and timer sampling in case of call to * thread_group_cputime(). */ sighand = lock_task_sighand(p, &flags); if (unlikely(sighand == NULL)) { /* * The process has been reaped. * We can't even collect a sample any more. */ timer->it.cpu.expires = 0; return; } else if (unlikely(p->exit_state) && thread_group_empty(p)) { /* If the process is dying, no need to rearm */ goto unlock; } cpu_timer_sample_group(timer->it_clock, p, &now); bump_cpu_timer(timer, now); /* Leave the sighand locked for the call below. */ } /* * Now re-arm for the new expiry time. */ lockdep_assert_irqs_disabled(); arm_timer(timer); unlock: unlock_task_sighand(p, &flags); }
[ "CWE-190" ]
posix-timers: Sanitize overrun handling The posix timer overrun handling is broken because the forwarding functions can return a huge number of overruns which does not fit in an int. As a consequence timer_getoverrun(2) and siginfo::si_overrun can turn into random number generators. The k_clock::timer_forward() callbacks return a 64 bit value now. Make k_itimer::ti_overrun[_last] 64bit as well, so the kernel internal accounting is correct. 3Remove the temporary (int) casts. Add a helper function which clamps the overrun value returned to user space via timer_getoverrun(2) or siginfo::si_overrun limited to a positive value between 0 and INT_MAX. INT_MAX is an indicator for user space that the overrun value has been clamped. Reported-by: Team OWL337 <> Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner <> Acked-by: John Stultz <> Cc: Peter Zijlstra <> Cc: Michael Kerrisk <> Link:
_gnutls_x509_set_time(ASN1_TYPE c2, const char *where, time_t tim, int nochoice) { char str_time[MAX_TIME]; char name[128]; int result, len; if (nochoice != 0) { result = gtime2generalTime(tim, str_time, sizeof(str_time)); if (result < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(result); len = strlen(str_time); result = asn1_write_value(c2, where, str_time, len); if (result != ASN1_SUCCESS) return gnutls_assert_val(_gnutls_asn2err(result)); return 0; } _gnutls_str_cpy(name, sizeof(name), where); if ((result = asn1_write_value(c2, name, "generalTime", 1)) < 0) { gnutls_assert(); return _gnutls_asn2err(result); } result = gtime2generalTime(tim, str_time, sizeof(str_time)); if (result < 0) { gnutls_assert(); return result; } _gnutls_str_cat(name, sizeof(name), ".generalTime"); len = strlen(str_time); result = asn1_write_value(c2, name, str_time, len); if (result != ASN1_SUCCESS) { gnutls_assert(); return _gnutls_asn2err(result); } return 0; }
Reset the output value on error in _gnutls_x509_dn_to_string() Reported by Kurt Roeckx.
static void v9fs_mknod(void *opaque) { int mode; gid_t gid; int32_t fid; V9fsQID qid; int err = 0; int major, minor; size_t offset = 7; V9fsString name; struct stat stbuf; V9fsFidState *fidp; V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; v9fs_string_init(&name); err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "dsdddd", &fid, &name, &mode, &major, &minor, &gid); if (err < 0) { goto out_nofid; } trace_v9fs_mknod(pdu->tag, pdu->id, fid, mode, major, minor); if (name_is_illegal( { err = -ENOENT; goto out_nofid; } if (!strcmp(".", || !strcmp("..", { err = -EEXIST; goto out_nofid; } fidp = get_fid(pdu, fid); if (fidp == NULL) { err = -ENOENT; goto out_nofid; } err = v9fs_co_mknod(pdu, fidp, &name, fidp->uid, gid, makedev(major, minor), mode, &stbuf); if (err < 0) { goto out; } stat_to_qid(&stbuf, &qid); err = pdu_marshal(pdu, offset, "Q", &qid); if (err < 0) { goto out; } err += offset; trace_v9fs_mknod_return(pdu->tag, pdu->id, qid.type, qid.version, qid.path); out: put_fid(pdu, fidp); out_nofid: pdu_complete(pdu, err); v9fs_string_free(&name); }
[ "CWE-399", "CWE-772" ]
9pfs: fix potential host memory leak in v9fs_read In 9pfs read dispatch function, it doesn't free two QEMUIOVector object thus causing potential memory leak. This patch avoid this. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
struct xfrm_state *xfrm_find_acq_byseq(struct net *net, u32 mark, u32 seq) { struct xfrm_state *x; spin_lock_bh(&net->xfrm.xfrm_state_lock); x = __xfrm_find_acq_byseq(net, mark, seq); spin_unlock_bh(&net->xfrm.xfrm_state_lock); return x; }
[ "CWE-416" ]
xfrm: clean up xfrm protocol checks In commit 6a53b7593233 ("xfrm: check id proto in validate_tmpl()") I introduced a check for xfrm protocol, but according to Herbert IPSEC_PROTO_ANY should only be used as a wildcard for lookup, so it should be removed from validate_tmpl(). And, IPSEC_PROTO_ANY is expected to only match 3 IPSec-specific protocols, this is why xfrm_state_flush() could still miss IPPROTO_ROUTING, which leads that those entries are left in net->xfrm.state_all before exit net. Fix this by replacing IPSEC_PROTO_ANY with zero. This patch also extracts the check from validate_tmpl() to xfrm_id_proto_valid() and uses it in parse_ipsecrequest(). With this, no other protocols should be added into xfrm. Fixes: 6a53b7593233 ("xfrm: check id proto in validate_tmpl()") Reported-by: Cc: Steffen Klassert <> Cc: Herbert Xu <> Signed-off-by: Cong Wang <> Acked-by: Herbert Xu <> Signed-off-by: Steffen Klassert <>
dvi_document_save (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { DviDocument *dvi_document = DVI_DOCUMENT (document); return ev_xfer_uri_simple (dvi_document->uri, uri, error); }
[ "CWE-78" ]
dvi: Mitigate command injection attacks by quoting filename With commit 1fcca0b8041de0d6074d7e17fba174da36c65f99 came a DVI backend. It exports to PDF via the dvipdfm tool. It calls that tool with the filename of the currently loaded document. If that filename is cleverly crafted, it can escape the currently used manual quoting of the filename. Instead of manually quoting the filename, we use g_shell_quote.
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, MultikeyDoubleDottedUnhelpfulElemMatch) { // true means multikey addIndex(BSON("a.b.x" << 1 << "a.b.y" << 1), true); runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$elemMatch: {'b.x': 1, 'b.y': 1}}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {'a.b.x':1,'a.b.y':1}, bounds: " "{'a.b.x': [[1,1,true,true]], " " 'a.b.y': [['MinKey','MaxKey',true,true]]}}}}}"); }
[ "CWE-834" ]
SERVER-38164 $or pushdown optimization does not correctly handle $not within an $elemMatch
sec_process_crypt_info(STREAM s) { uint8 *server_random = NULL; uint8 modulus[SEC_MAX_MODULUS_SIZE]; uint8 exponent[SEC_EXPONENT_SIZE]; uint32 rc4_key_size; memset(modulus, 0, sizeof(modulus)); memset(exponent, 0, sizeof(exponent)); if (!sec_parse_crypt_info(s, &rc4_key_size, &server_random, modulus, exponent)) { DEBUG(("Failed to parse crypt info\n")); return; } DEBUG(("Generating client random\n")); generate_random(g_client_random); sec_rsa_encrypt(g_sec_crypted_random, g_client_random, SEC_RANDOM_SIZE, g_server_public_key_len, modulus, exponent); sec_generate_keys(g_client_random, server_random, rc4_key_size); }
[ "CWE-787" ]
Malicious RDP server security fixes This commit includes fixes for a set of 21 vulnerabilities in rdesktop when a malicious RDP server is used. All vulnerabilities was identified and reported by Eyal Itkin. * Add rdp_protocol_error function that is used in several fixes * Refactor of process_bitmap_updates * Fix possible integer overflow in s_check_rem() on 32bit arch * Fix memory corruption in process_bitmap_data - CVE-2018-8794 * Fix remote code execution in process_bitmap_data - CVE-2018-8795 * Fix remote code execution in process_plane - CVE-2018-8797 * Fix Denial of Service in mcs_recv_connect_response - CVE-2018-20175 * Fix Denial of Service in mcs_parse_domain_params - CVE-2018-20175 * Fix Denial of Service in sec_parse_crypt_info - CVE-2018-20176 * Fix Denial of Service in sec_recv - CVE-2018-20176 * Fix minor information leak in rdpdr_process - CVE-2018-8791 * Fix Denial of Service in cssp_read_tsrequest - CVE-2018-8792 * Fix remote code execution in cssp_read_tsrequest - CVE-2018-8793 * Fix Denial of Service in process_bitmap_data - CVE-2018-8796 * Fix minor information leak in rdpsnd_process_ping - CVE-2018-8798 * Fix Denial of Service in process_secondary_order - CVE-2018-8799 * Fix remote code execution in in ui_clip_handle_data - CVE-2018-8800 * Fix major information leak in ui_clip_handle_data - CVE-2018-20174 * Fix memory corruption in rdp_in_unistr - CVE-2018-20177 * Fix Denial of Service in process_demand_active - CVE-2018-20178 * Fix remote code execution in lspci_process - CVE-2018-20179 * Fix remote code execution in rdpsnddbg_process - CVE-2018-20180 * Fix remote code execution in seamless_process - CVE-2018-20181 * Fix remote code execution in seamless_process_line - CVE-2018-20182
static void fib6_del_route(struct fib6_node *fn, struct rt6_info **rtp, struct nl_info *info) { struct fib6_walker_t *w; struct rt6_info *rt = *rtp; struct net *net = info->nl_net; RT6_TRACE("fib6_del_route\n"); /* Unlink it */ *rtp = rt->dst.rt6_next; rt->rt6i_node = NULL; net->ipv6.rt6_stats->fib_rt_entries--; net->ipv6.rt6_stats->fib_discarded_routes++; /* Reset round-robin state, if necessary */ if (fn->rr_ptr == rt) fn->rr_ptr = NULL; /* Remove this entry from other siblings */ if (rt->rt6i_nsiblings) { struct rt6_info *sibling, *next_sibling; list_for_each_entry_safe(sibling, next_sibling, &rt->rt6i_siblings, rt6i_siblings) sibling->rt6i_nsiblings--; rt->rt6i_nsiblings = 0; list_del_init(&rt->rt6i_siblings); } /* Adjust walkers */ read_lock(&fib6_walker_lock); FOR_WALKERS(w) { if (w->state == FWS_C && w->leaf == rt) { RT6_TRACE("walker %p adjusted by delroute\n", w); w->leaf = rt->dst.rt6_next; if (!w->leaf) w->state = FWS_U; } } read_unlock(&fib6_walker_lock); rt->dst.rt6_next = NULL; /* If it was last route, expunge its radix tree node */ if (!fn->leaf) { fn->fn_flags &= ~RTN_RTINFO; net->ipv6.rt6_stats->fib_route_nodes--; fn = fib6_repair_tree(net, fn); } if (atomic_read(&rt->rt6i_ref) != 1) { /* This route is used as dummy address holder in some split * nodes. It is not leaked, but it still holds other resources, * which must be released in time. So, scan ascendant nodes * and replace dummy references to this route with references * to still alive ones. */ while (fn) { if (!(fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO) && fn->leaf == rt) { fn->leaf = fib6_find_prefix(net, fn); atomic_inc(&fn->leaf->rt6i_ref); rt6_release(rt); } fn = fn->parent; } /* No more references are possible at this point. */ BUG_ON(atomic_read(&rt->rt6i_ref) != 1); } inet6_rt_notify(RTM_DELROUTE, rt, info); rt6_release(rt); }
[ "CWE-399" ]
ipv6: only static routes qualify for equal cost multipathing Static routes in this case are non-expiring routes which did not get configured by autoconf or by icmpv6 redirects. To make sure we actually get an ecmp route while searching for the first one in this fib6_node's leafs, also make sure it matches the ecmp route assumptions. v2: a) Removed RTF_EXPIRE check in dst.from chain. The check of RTF_ADDRCONF already ensures that this route, even if added again without RTF_EXPIRES (in case of a RA announcement with infinite timeout), does not cause the rt6i_nsiblings logic to go wrong if a later RA updates the expiration time later. v3: a) Allow RTF_EXPIRES routes to enter the ecmp route set. We have to do so, because an pmtu event could update the RTF_EXPIRES flag and we would not count this route, if another route joins this set. We now filter only for RTF_GATEWAY|RTF_ADDRCONF|RTF_DYNAMIC, which are flags that don't get changed after rt6_info construction. Cc: Nicolas Dichtel <> Signed-off-by: Hannes Frederic Sowa <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
int copyonwrite_prepare(CLIENT* client) { off_t i; if ((client->difffilename = malloc(1024))==NULL) err("Failed to allocate string for diff file name"); snprintf(client->difffilename, 1024, "%s-%s-%d.diff",client->exportname,client->clientname, (int)getpid()) ; client->difffilename[1023]='\0'; msg3(LOG_INFO,"About to create map and diff file %s",client->difffilename) ; client->difffile=open(client->difffilename,O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,0600) ; if (client->difffile<0) err("Could not create diff file (%m)") ; if ((client->difmap=calloc(client->exportsize/DIFFPAGESIZE,sizeof(u32)))==NULL) err("Could not allocate memory") ; for (i=0;i<client->exportsize/DIFFPAGESIZE;i++) client->difmap[i]=(u32)-1 ; return 0; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
r134: CVE-2005-3534
int wc_SetKeyUsage(Cert *cert, const char *value) { int ret = 0; char *token, *str, *ptr; word32 len; if (cert == NULL || value == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; cert->keyUsage = 0; /* duplicate string (including terminator) */ len = (word32)XSTRLEN(value); str = (char*)XMALLOC(len+1, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (str == NULL) return MEMORY_E; XMEMCPY(str, value, len+1); /* parse value, and set corresponding Key Usage value */ if ((token = XSTRTOK(str, ",", &ptr)) == NULL) { XFREE(str, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return KEYUSAGE_E; } while (token != NULL) { len = (word32)XSTRLEN(token); if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "digitalSignature", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_DIGITAL_SIG; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "nonRepudiation", len) || !XSTRNCASECMP(token, "contentCommitment", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_CONTENT_COMMIT; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "keyEncipherment", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_KEY_ENCIPHER; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "dataEncipherment", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_DATA_ENCIPHER; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "keyAgreement", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_KEY_AGREE; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "keyCertSign", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_KEY_CERT_SIGN; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "cRLSign", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_CRL_SIGN; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "encipherOnly", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_ENCIPHER_ONLY; else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "decipherOnly", len)) cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_DECIPHER_ONLY; else { ret = KEYUSAGE_E; break; } token = XSTRTOK(NULL, ",", &ptr); } XFREE(str, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return ret; }
[ "CWE-125", "CWE-345" ]
OCSP: improve handling of OCSP no check extension
HTTP_Copy(struct http *to, const struct http * const fm) { to->conds = fm->conds; to->logtag = fm->logtag; to->status = fm->status; to->protover = fm->protover; to->nhd = fm->nhd; assert(fm->nhd <= to->shd); memcpy(to->hd, fm->hd, fm->nhd * sizeof *to->hd); memcpy(to->hdf, fm->hdf, fm->nhd * sizeof *to->hdf); }
Check for duplicate Content-Length headers in requests If a duplicate CL header is in the request, we fail the request with a 400 (Bad Request) Fix a test case that was sending duplicate CL by misstake and would not fail because of that.
unmount_data_free (UnmountData *data) { if (data->parent_window) { g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (data->parent_window), (gpointer *) &data->parent_window); } g_clear_object (&data->mount_operation); g_object_unref (data->mount); g_free (data); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
mime-actions: use file metadata for trusting desktop files Currently we only trust desktop files that have the executable bit set, and don't replace the displayed icon or the displayed name until it's trusted, which prevents for running random programs by a malicious desktop file. However, the executable permission is preserved if the desktop file comes from a compressed file. To prevent this, add a metadata::trusted metadata to the file once the user acknowledges the file as trusted. This adds metadata to the file, which cannot be added unless it has access to the computer. Also remove the SHEBANG "trusted" content we were putting inside the desktop file, since that doesn't add more security since it can come with the file itself.
process_fontcache(STREAM s) { RD_HGLYPH bitmap; uint8 font, nglyphs; uint16 character, offset, baseline, width, height; int i, datasize; uint8 *data; in_uint8(s, font); in_uint8(s, nglyphs); DEBUG(("FONTCACHE(font=%d,n=%d)\n", font, nglyphs)); for (i = 0; i < nglyphs; i++) { in_uint16_le(s, character); in_uint16_le(s, offset); in_uint16_le(s, baseline); in_uint16_le(s, width); in_uint16_le(s, height); datasize = (height * ((width + 7) / 8) + 3) & ~3; in_uint8p(s, data, datasize); bitmap = ui_create_glyph(width, height, data); cache_put_font(font, character, offset, baseline, width, height, bitmap); } }
[ "CWE-787" ]
Malicious RDP server security fixes This commit includes fixes for a set of 21 vulnerabilities in rdesktop when a malicious RDP server is used. All vulnerabilities was identified and reported by Eyal Itkin. * Add rdp_protocol_error function that is used in several fixes * Refactor of process_bitmap_updates * Fix possible integer overflow in s_check_rem() on 32bit arch * Fix memory corruption in process_bitmap_data - CVE-2018-8794 * Fix remote code execution in process_bitmap_data - CVE-2018-8795 * Fix remote code execution in process_plane - CVE-2018-8797 * Fix Denial of Service in mcs_recv_connect_response - CVE-2018-20175 * Fix Denial of Service in mcs_parse_domain_params - CVE-2018-20175 * Fix Denial of Service in sec_parse_crypt_info - CVE-2018-20176 * Fix Denial of Service in sec_recv - CVE-2018-20176 * Fix minor information leak in rdpdr_process - CVE-2018-8791 * Fix Denial of Service in cssp_read_tsrequest - CVE-2018-8792 * Fix remote code execution in cssp_read_tsrequest - CVE-2018-8793 * Fix Denial of Service in process_bitmap_data - CVE-2018-8796 * Fix minor information leak in rdpsnd_process_ping - CVE-2018-8798 * Fix Denial of Service in process_secondary_order - CVE-2018-8799 * Fix remote code execution in in ui_clip_handle_data - CVE-2018-8800 * Fix major information leak in ui_clip_handle_data - CVE-2018-20174 * Fix memory corruption in rdp_in_unistr - CVE-2018-20177 * Fix Denial of Service in process_demand_active - CVE-2018-20178 * Fix remote code execution in lspci_process - CVE-2018-20179 * Fix remote code execution in rdpsnddbg_process - CVE-2018-20180 * Fix remote code execution in seamless_process - CVE-2018-20181 * Fix remote code execution in seamless_process_line - CVE-2018-20182
static inline void dec_valid_block_count(struct f2fs_sb_info *sbi, struct inode *inode, block_t count) { blkcnt_t sectors = count << F2FS_LOG_SECTORS_PER_BLOCK; spin_lock(&sbi->stat_lock); f2fs_bug_on(sbi, sbi->total_valid_block_count < (block_t) count); sbi->total_valid_block_count -= (block_t)count; if (sbi->reserved_blocks && sbi->current_reserved_blocks < sbi->reserved_blocks) sbi->current_reserved_blocks = min(sbi->reserved_blocks, sbi->current_reserved_blocks + count); spin_unlock(&sbi->stat_lock); if (unlikely(inode->i_blocks < sectors)) { f2fs_warn(sbi, "Inconsistent i_blocks, ino:%lu, iblocks:%llu, sectors:%llu", inode->i_ino, (unsigned long long)inode->i_blocks, (unsigned long long)sectors); set_sbi_flag(sbi, SBI_NEED_FSCK); return; } f2fs_i_blocks_write(inode, count, false, true); }
[ "CWE-476" ]
f2fs: support swap file w/ DIO Signed-off-by: Jaegeuk Kim <>
perf_event_ctx_lock_nested(struct perf_event *event, int nesting) { struct perf_event_context *ctx; again: rcu_read_lock(); ctx = READ_ONCE(event->ctx); if (!refcount_inc_not_zero(&ctx->refcount)) { rcu_read_unlock(); goto again; } rcu_read_unlock(); mutex_lock_nested(&ctx->mutex, nesting); if (event->ctx != ctx) { mutex_unlock(&ctx->mutex); put_ctx(ctx); goto again; } return ctx; }
[ "CWE-401" ]
perf/core: Fix a memory leak in perf_event_parse_addr_filter() As shown through runtime testing, the "filename" allocation is not always freed in perf_event_parse_addr_filter(). There are three possible ways that this could happen: - It could be allocated twice on subsequent iterations through the loop, - or leaked on the success path, - or on the failure path. Clean up the code flow to make it obvious that 'filename' is always freed in the reallocation path and in the two return paths as well. We rely on the fact that kfree(NULL) is NOP and filename is initialized with NULL. This fixes the leak. No other side effects expected. [ Dan Carpenter: cleaned up the code flow & added a changelog. ] [ Ingo Molnar: updated the changelog some more. ] Fixes: 375637bc5249 ("perf/core: Introduce address range filtering") Signed-off-by: "kiyin(尹亮)" <> Signed-off-by: Dan Carpenter <> Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <> Cc: "Srivatsa S. Bhat" <> Cc: Anthony Liguori <> -- kernel/events/core.c | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
static char *get_default_chdir(pool *p, xaset_t *conf) { config_rec *c; char *dir = NULL; int ret; c = find_config(conf, CONF_PARAM, "DefaultChdir", FALSE); while (c) { /* Check the groups acl */ if (c->argc < 2) { dir = c->argv[0]; break; } ret = pr_expr_eval_group_and(((char **) c->argv)+1); if (ret) { dir = c->argv[0]; break; } c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "DefaultChdir", FALSE); } /* If the directory is relative, concatenate w/ session.cwd. */ if (dir && *dir != '/' && *dir != '~') dir = pdircat(p, session.cwd, dir, NULL); /* Check for any expandable variables. */ if (dir) dir = path_subst_uservar(p, &dir); return dir; }
[ "CWE-59", "CWE-61" ]
Backporting recursive handling of DefaultRoot path, when AllowChrootSymlinks is off, to 1.3.5 branch.
static int tcp4_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { struct tcp_iter_state *st; struct sock *sk = v; seq_setwidth(seq, TMPSZ - 1); if (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) { seq_puts(seq, " sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue " "rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout " "inode"); goto out; } st = seq->private; if (sk->sk_state == TCP_TIME_WAIT) get_timewait4_sock(v, seq, st->num); else if (sk->sk_state == TCP_NEW_SYN_RECV) get_openreq4(v, seq, st->num); else get_tcp4_sock(v, seq, st->num); out: seq_pad(seq, '\n'); return 0; }
[ "CWE-284" ]
tcp: take care of truncations done by sk_filter() With syzkaller help, Marco Grassi found a bug in TCP stack, crashing in tcp_collapse() Root cause is that sk_filter() can truncate the incoming skb, but TCP stack was not really expecting this to happen. It probably was expecting a simple DROP or ACCEPT behavior. We first need to make sure no part of TCP header could be removed. Then we need to adjust TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq Many thanks to syzkaller team and Marco for giving us a reproducer. Signed-off-by: Eric Dumazet <> Reported-by: Marco Grassi <> Reported-by: Vladis Dronov <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
static void virtio_net_set_config(VirtIODevice *vdev, const uint8_t *config) { VirtIONet *n = VIRTIO_NET(vdev); struct virtio_net_config netcfg = {}; memcpy(&netcfg, config, n->config_size); if (!(vdev->guest_features >> VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_MAC_ADDR & 1) && memcmp(netcfg.mac, n->mac, ETH_ALEN)) { memcpy(n->mac, netcfg.mac, ETH_ALEN); qemu_format_nic_info_str(qemu_get_queue(n->nic), n->mac); } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
virtio-net: out-of-bounds buffer write on load CVE-2013-4149 QEMU 1.3.0 out-of-bounds buffer write in virtio_net_load()@hw/net/virtio-net.c > } else if (n->mac_table.in_use) { > uint8_t *buf = g_malloc0(n->mac_table.in_use); We are allocating buffer of size n->mac_table.in_use > qemu_get_buffer(f, buf, n->mac_table.in_use * ETH_ALEN); and read to the n->mac_table.in_use size buffer n->mac_table.in_use * ETH_ALEN bytes, corrupting memory. If adversary controls state then memory written there is controlled by adversary. Reviewed-by: Michael Roth <> Signed-off-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <> Signed-off-by: Juan Quintela <>
static int neigh_del_timer(struct neighbour *n) { if ((n->nud_state & NUD_IN_TIMER) && del_timer(&n->timer)) { neigh_release(n); return 1; } return 0; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
[NETLINK]: Missing initializations in dumped data Mostly missing initialization of padding fields of 1 or 2 bytes length, two instances of uninitialized nlmsgerr->msg of 16 bytes length. Signed-off-by: Patrick McHardy <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
bool operator!=(const char *const expression) const { return !((*this)==expression); }
[ "CWE-770" ]
CImg<>::load_bmp() and CImg<>::load_pandore(): Check that dimensions encoded in file does not exceed file size.
static double* _mp_memcopy_double(_cimg_math_parser& mp, const unsigned int ind, const ulongT *const p_ref, const longT siz, const long inc) { const longT off = *p_ref?p_ref[1] + (longT)mp.mem[(longT)p_ref[2]] + 1:ind, eoff = off + (siz - 1)*inc; if (off<0 || eoff>=mp.mem.width()) throw CImgArgumentException("[" cimg_appname "_math_parser] CImg<%s>: Function 'copy()': " "Out-of-bounds variable pointer " "(length: %ld, increment: %ld, offset start: %ld, " "offset end: %ld, offset max: %u).", mp.imgin.pixel_type(),siz,inc,off,eoff,mp.mem._width - 1); return &mp.mem[off]; }
[ "CWE-770" ]
CImg<>::load_bmp() and CImg<>::load_pandore(): Check that dimensions encoded in file does not exceed file size.
static inline struct sock *udp_v4_mcast_next(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, __be16 loc_port, __be32 loc_addr, __be16 rmt_port, __be32 rmt_addr, int dif) { struct hlist_nulls_node *node; struct sock *s = sk; unsigned short hnum = ntohs(loc_port); sk_nulls_for_each_from(s, node) { if (__udp_is_mcast_sock(net, s, loc_port, loc_addr, rmt_port, rmt_addr, dif, hnum)) goto found; } s = NULL; found: return s; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
inet: prevent leakage of uninitialized memory to user in recv syscalls Only update *addr_len when we actually fill in sockaddr, otherwise we can return uninitialized memory from the stack to the caller in the recvfrom, recvmmsg and recvmsg syscalls. Drop the the (addr_len == NULL) checks because we only get called with a valid addr_len pointer either from sock_common_recvmsg or inet_recvmsg. If a blocking read waits on a socket which is concurrently shut down we now return zero and set msg_msgnamelen to 0. Reported-by: mpb <> Suggested-by: Eric Dumazet <> Signed-off-by: Hannes Frederic Sowa <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
snd_seq_oss_synth_unregister(struct snd_seq_device *dev) { int index; struct seq_oss_synth *rec = dev->driver_data; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&register_lock, flags); for (index = 0; index < max_synth_devs; index++) { if (synth_devs[index] == rec) break; } if (index >= max_synth_devs) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&register_lock, flags); snd_printk(KERN_ERR "can't unregister synth\n"); return -EINVAL; } synth_devs[index] = NULL; if (index == max_synth_devs - 1) { for (index--; index >= 0; index--) { if (synth_devs[index]) break; } max_synth_devs = index + 1; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&register_lock, flags); #ifdef SNDRV_OSS_INFO_DEV_SYNTH if (rec->seq_device < SNDRV_CARDS) snd_oss_info_unregister(SNDRV_OSS_INFO_DEV_SYNTH, rec->seq_device); #endif snd_use_lock_sync(&rec->use_lock); kfree(rec); return 0; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
sound: ensure device number is valid in snd_seq_oss_synth_make_info snd_seq_oss_synth_make_info() incorrectly reports information to userspace without first checking for the validity of the device number, leading to possible information leak (CVE-2008-3272). Reported-By: Tobias Klein <> Acked-and-tested-by: Takashi Iwai <> Cc: Signed-off-by: Willy Tarreau <> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
struct sk_buff *__udp_gso_segment(struct sk_buff *gso_skb, netdev_features_t features) { struct sock *sk = gso_skb->sk; unsigned int sum_truesize = 0; struct sk_buff *segs, *seg; struct udphdr *uh; unsigned int mss; bool copy_dtor; __sum16 check; __be16 newlen; mss = skb_shinfo(gso_skb)->gso_size; if (gso_skb->len <= sizeof(*uh) + mss) return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); skb_pull(gso_skb, sizeof(*uh)); /* clear destructor to avoid skb_segment assigning it to tail */ copy_dtor = gso_skb->destructor == sock_wfree; if (copy_dtor) gso_skb->destructor = NULL; segs = skb_segment(gso_skb, features); if (unlikely(IS_ERR_OR_NULL(segs))) { if (copy_dtor) gso_skb->destructor = sock_wfree; return segs; } /* GSO partial and frag_list segmentation only requires splitting * the frame into an MSS multiple and possibly a remainder, both * cases return a GSO skb. So update the mss now. */ if (skb_is_gso(segs)) mss *= skb_shinfo(segs)->gso_segs; seg = segs; uh = udp_hdr(seg); /* compute checksum adjustment based on old length versus new */ newlen = htons(sizeof(*uh) + mss); check = csum16_add(csum16_sub(uh->check, uh->len), newlen); for (;;) { if (copy_dtor) { seg->destructor = sock_wfree; seg->sk = sk; sum_truesize += seg->truesize; } if (!seg->next) break; uh->len = newlen; uh->check = check; if (seg->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) gso_reset_checksum(seg, ~check); else uh->check = gso_make_checksum(seg, ~check) ? : CSUM_MANGLED_0; seg = seg->next; uh = udp_hdr(seg); } /* last packet can be partial gso_size, account for that in checksum */ newlen = htons(skb_tail_pointer(seg) - skb_transport_header(seg) + seg->data_len); check = csum16_add(csum16_sub(uh->check, uh->len), newlen); uh->len = newlen; uh->check = check; if (seg->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) gso_reset_checksum(seg, ~check); else uh->check = gso_make_checksum(seg, ~check) ? : CSUM_MANGLED_0; /* update refcount for the packet */ if (copy_dtor) { int delta = sum_truesize - gso_skb->truesize; /* In some pathological cases, delta can be negative. * We need to either use refcount_add() or refcount_sub_and_test() */ if (likely(delta >= 0)) refcount_add(delta, &sk->sk_wmem_alloc); else WARN_ON_ONCE(refcount_sub_and_test(-delta, &sk->sk_wmem_alloc)); } return segs; }
[ "CWE-787" ]
udp: fix GRO packet of death syzbot was able to crash host by sending UDP packets with a 0 payload. TCP does not have this issue since we do not aggregate packets without payload. Since dev_gro_receive() sets gso_size based on skb_gro_len(skb) it seems not worth trying to cope with padded packets. BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in skb_gro_receive+0xf5f/0x10e0 net/core/skbuff.c:3826 Read of size 16 at addr ffff88808893fff0 by task syz-executor612/7889 CPU: 0 PID: 7889 Comm: syz-executor612 Not tainted 5.1.0-rc7+ #96 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:77 [inline] dump_stack+0x172/0x1f0 lib/dump_stack.c:113 print_address_description.cold+0x7c/0x20d mm/kasan/report.c:187 kasan_report.cold+0x1b/0x40 mm/kasan/report.c:317 __asan_report_load16_noabort+0x14/0x20 mm/kasan/generic_report.c:133 skb_gro_receive+0xf5f/0x10e0 net/core/skbuff.c:3826 udp_gro_receive_segment net/ipv4/udp_offload.c:382 [inline] call_gro_receive include/linux/netdevice.h:2349 [inline] udp_gro_receive+0xb61/0xfd0 net/ipv4/udp_offload.c:414 udp4_gro_receive+0x763/0xeb0 net/ipv4/udp_offload.c:478 inet_gro_receive+0xe72/0x1110 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:1510 dev_gro_receive+0x1cd0/0x23c0 net/core/dev.c:5581 napi_gro_frags+0x36b/0xd10 net/core/dev.c:5843 tun_get_user+0x2f24/0x3fb0 drivers/net/tun.c:1981 tun_chr_write_iter+0xbd/0x156 drivers/net/tun.c:2027 call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:1866 [inline] do_iter_readv_writev+0x5e1/0x8e0 fs/read_write.c:681 do_iter_write fs/read_write.c:957 [inline] do_iter_write+0x184/0x610 fs/read_write.c:938 vfs_writev+0x1b3/0x2f0 fs/read_write.c:1002 do_writev+0x15e/0x370 fs/read_write.c:1037 __do_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1110 [inline] __se_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1107 [inline] __x64_sys_writev+0x75/0xb0 fs/read_write.c:1107 do_syscall_64+0x103/0x610 arch/x86/entry/common.c:290 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x49/0xbe RIP: 0033:0x441cc0 Code: 05 48 3d 01 f0 ff ff 0f 83 9d 09 fc ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 66 90 83 3d 51 93 29 00 00 75 14 b8 14 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 0f 83 74 09 fc ff c3 48 83 ec 08 e8 ba 2b 00 00 RSP: 002b:00007ffe8c716118 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000014 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007ffe8c716150 RCX: 0000000000441cc0 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 00007ffe8c716170 RDI: 00000000000000f0 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 000000000000ffff R09: 0000000000a64668 R10: 0000000020000040 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 000000000000c2d9 R13: 0000000000402b50 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000 Allocated by task 5143: save_stack+0x45/0xd0 mm/kasan/common.c:75 set_track mm/kasan/common.c:87 [inline] __kasan_kmalloc mm/kasan/common.c:497 [inline] __kasan_kmalloc.constprop.0+0xcf/0xe0 mm/kasan/common.c:470 kasan_slab_alloc+0xf/0x20 mm/kasan/common.c:505 slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slab.h:437 [inline] slab_alloc mm/slab.c:3393 [inline] kmem_cache_alloc+0x11a/0x6f0 mm/slab.c:3555 mm_alloc+0x1d/0xd0 kernel/fork.c:1030 bprm_mm_init fs/exec.c:363 [inline] __do_execve_file.isra.0+0xaa3/0x23f0 fs/exec.c:1791 do_execveat_common fs/exec.c:1865 [inline] do_execve fs/exec.c:1882 [inline] __do_sys_execve fs/exec.c:1958 [inline] __se_sys_execve fs/exec.c:1953 [inline] __x64_sys_execve+0x8f/0xc0 fs/exec.c:1953 do_syscall_64+0x103/0x610 arch/x86/entry/common.c:290 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x49/0xbe Freed by task 5351: save_stack+0x45/0xd0 mm/kasan/common.c:75 set_track mm/kasan/common.c:87 [inline] __kasan_slab_free+0x102/0x150 mm/kasan/common.c:459 kasan_slab_free+0xe/0x10 mm/kasan/common.c:467 __cache_free mm/slab.c:3499 [inline] kmem_cache_free+0x86/0x260 mm/slab.c:3765 __mmdrop+0x238/0x320 kernel/fork.c:677 mmdrop include/linux/sched/mm.h:49 [inline] finish_task_switch+0x47b/0x780 kernel/sched/core.c:2746 context_switch kernel/sched/core.c:2880 [inline] __schedule+0x81b/0x1cc0 kernel/sched/core.c:3518 preempt_schedule_irq+0xb5/0x140 kernel/sched/core.c:3745 retint_kernel+0x1b/0x2d arch_local_irq_restore arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt.h:767 [inline] kmem_cache_free+0xab/0x260 mm/slab.c:3766 anon_vma_chain_free mm/rmap.c:134 [inline] unlink_anon_vmas+0x2ba/0x870 mm/rmap.c:401 free_pgtables+0x1af/0x2f0 mm/memory.c:394 exit_mmap+0x2d1/0x530 mm/mmap.c:3144 __mmput kernel/fork.c:1046 [inline] mmput+0x15f/0x4c0 kernel/fork.c:1067 exec_mmap fs/exec.c:1046 [inline] flush_old_exec+0x8d9/0x1c20 fs/exec.c:1279 load_elf_binary+0x9bc/0x53f0 fs/binfmt_elf.c:864 search_binary_handler fs/exec.c:1656 [inline] search_binary_handler+0x17f/0x570 fs/exec.c:1634 exec_binprm fs/exec.c:1698 [inline] __do_execve_file.isra.0+0x1394/0x23f0 fs/exec.c:1818 do_execveat_common fs/exec.c:1865 [inline] do_execve fs/exec.c:1882 [inline] __do_sys_execve fs/exec.c:1958 [inline] __se_sys_execve fs/exec.c:1953 [inline] __x64_sys_execve+0x8f/0xc0 fs/exec.c:1953 do_syscall_64+0x103/0x610 arch/x86/entry/common.c:290 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x49/0xbe The buggy address belongs to the object at ffff88808893f7c0 which belongs to the cache mm_struct of size 1496 The buggy address is located 600 bytes to the right of 1496-byte region [ffff88808893f7c0, ffff88808893fd98) The buggy address belongs to the page: page:ffffea0002224f80 count:1 mapcount:0 mapping:ffff88821bc40ac0 index:0xffff88808893f7c0 compound_mapcount: 0 flags: 0x1fffc0000010200(slab|head) raw: 01fffc0000010200 ffffea00025b4f08 ffffea00027b9d08 ffff88821bc40ac0 raw: ffff88808893f7c0 ffff88808893e440 0000000100000001 0000000000000000 page dumped because: kasan: bad access detected Memory state around the buggy address: ffff88808893fe80: fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc ffff88808893ff00: fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc >ffff88808893ff80: fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc ^ ffff888088940000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ffff888088940080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Fixes: e20cf8d3f1f7 ("udp: implement GRO for plain UDP sockets.") Signed-off-by: Eric Dumazet <> Cc: Paolo Abeni <> Reported-by: syzbot <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
rsvg_filter_primitive_blend_free (RsvgNode * self) { RsvgFilterPrimitiveBlend *upself; upself = (RsvgFilterPrimitiveBlend *) self; g_string_free (upself->super.result, TRUE); g_string_free (upself->, TRUE); g_string_free (upself->in2, TRUE); _rsvg_node_free (self); }
Store node type separately in RsvgNode The node name (formerly RsvgNode:type) cannot be used to infer the sub-type of RsvgNode that we're dealing with, since for unknown elements we put type = node-name. This lead to a (potentially exploitable) crash e.g. when the element name started with "fe" which tricked the old code into considering it as a RsvgFilterPrimitive. CVE-2011-3146
void ProcessMakerNote(unsigned char * ValuePtr, int ByteCount, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength) { if (strstr(ImageInfo.CameraMake, "Canon")){ // So it turns out that some canons cameras use big endian, others use little // endian in the main exif header. But the maker note is always little endian. static int MotorolaOrderSave; MotorolaOrderSave = MotorolaOrder; MotorolaOrder = 0; // Temporarily switch to little endian. ProcessCanonMakerNoteDir(ValuePtr, OffsetBase, ExifLength); MotorolaOrder = MotorolaOrderSave; }else{ if (ShowTags){ ShowMakerNoteGeneric(ValuePtr, ByteCount); } } }
[ "CWE-703" ]
Make pointer range checks more consistent. Also twiddle the unused floating point print code (not used in real exif files), but fuzz testing hits it. New code is equivalent but doesn't cause bus error (don't understand why, but this is all a very bogus thing anyway, just trying to avoid fuzz testing hits.
static int php_openssl_make_REQ(struct php_x509_request * req, X509_REQ * csr, zval * dn, zval * attribs TSRMLS_DC) { STACK_OF(CONF_VALUE) * dn_sk, *attr_sk = NULL; char * str, *dn_sect, *attr_sect; dn_sect = CONF_get_string(req->req_config, req->section_name, "distinguished_name"); if (dn_sect == NULL) { return FAILURE; } dn_sk = CONF_get_section(req->req_config, dn_sect); if (dn_sk == NULL) { return FAILURE; } attr_sect = CONF_get_string(req->req_config, req->section_name, "attributes"); if (attr_sect == NULL) { attr_sk = NULL; } else { attr_sk = CONF_get_section(req->req_config, attr_sect); if (attr_sk == NULL) { return FAILURE; } } /* setup the version number: version 1 */ if (X509_REQ_set_version(csr, 0L)) { int i, nid; char * type; CONF_VALUE * v; X509_NAME * subj; HashPosition hpos; zval ** item; subj = X509_REQ_get_subject_name(csr); /* apply values from the dn hash */ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(HASH_OF(dn), &hpos); while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(HASH_OF(dn), (void**)&item, &hpos) == SUCCESS) { char * strindex = NULL; uint strindexlen = 0; ulong intindex; zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(HASH_OF(dn), &strindex, &strindexlen, &intindex, 0, &hpos); convert_to_string_ex(item); if (strindex) { int nid; nid = OBJ_txt2nid(strindex); if (nid != NID_undef) { if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(subj, nid, MBSTRING_UTF8, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_PP(item), -1, -1, 0)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "dn: add_entry_by_NID %d -> %s (failed; check error" " queue and value of string_mask OpenSSL option " "if illegal characters are reported)", nid, Z_STRVAL_PP(item)); return FAILURE; } } else { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "dn: %s is not a recognized name", strindex); } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(HASH_OF(dn), &hpos); } /* Finally apply defaults from config file */ for(i = 0; i < sk_CONF_VALUE_num(dn_sk); i++) { int len; char buffer[200 + 1]; /*200 + \0 !*/ v = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(dn_sk, i); type = v->name; len = strlen(type); if (len < sizeof("_default")) { continue; } len -= sizeof("_default") - 1; if (strcmp("_default", type + len) != 0) { continue; } if (len > 200) { len = 200; } memcpy(buffer, type, len); buffer[len] = '\0'; type = buffer; /* Skip past any leading X. X: X, etc to allow for multiple * instances */ for (str = type; *str; str++) { if (*str == ':' || *str == ',' || *str == '.') { str++; if (*str) { type = str; } break; } } /* if it is already set, skip this */ nid = OBJ_txt2nid(type); if (X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(subj, nid, -1) >= 0) { continue; } if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(subj, type, MBSTRING_UTF8, (unsigned char*)v->value, -1, -1, 0)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "add_entry_by_txt %s -> %s (failed)", type, v->value); return FAILURE; } if (!X509_NAME_entry_count(subj)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "no objects specified in config file"); return FAILURE; } } if (attribs) { zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(HASH_OF(attribs), &hpos); while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(HASH_OF(attribs), (void**)&item, &hpos) == SUCCESS) { char *strindex = NULL; uint strindexlen; ulong intindex; zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(HASH_OF(attribs), &strindex, &strindexlen, &intindex, 0, &hpos); convert_to_string_ex(item); if (strindex) { int nid; nid = OBJ_txt2nid(strindex); if (nid != NID_undef) { if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(subj, nid, MBSTRING_UTF8, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_PP(item), -1, -1, 0)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "attribs: add_entry_by_NID %d -> %s (failed)", nid, Z_STRVAL_PP(item)); return FAILURE; } } else { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "dn: %s is not a recognized name", strindex); } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(HASH_OF(attribs), &hpos); } for (i = 0; i < sk_CONF_VALUE_num(attr_sk); i++) { v = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(attr_sk, i); /* if it is already set, skip this */ nid = OBJ_txt2nid(v->name); if (X509_REQ_get_attr_by_NID(csr, nid, -1) >= 0) { continue; } if (!X509_REQ_add1_attr_by_txt(csr, v->name, MBSTRING_UTF8, (unsigned char*)v->value, -1)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "add1_attr_by_txt %s -> %s (failed; check error queue " "and value of string_mask OpenSSL option if illegal " "characters are reported)", v->name, v->value); return FAILURE; } } } } X509_REQ_set_pubkey(csr, req->priv_key); return SUCCESS; }
[ "CWE-754" ]
Fix bug #74651 - check EVP_SealInit as it can return -1
void __init hugetlb_add_hstate(unsigned order) { struct hstate *h; unsigned long i; if (size_to_hstate(PAGE_SIZE << order)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "hugepagesz= specified twice, ignoring\n"); return; } BUG_ON(max_hstate >= HUGE_MAX_HSTATE); BUG_ON(order == 0); h = &hstates[max_hstate++]; h->order = order; h->mask = ~((1ULL << (order + PAGE_SHIFT)) - 1); h->nr_huge_pages = 0; h->free_huge_pages = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUMNODES; ++i) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&h->hugepage_freelists[i]); h->next_nid_to_alloc = first_node(node_states[N_HIGH_MEMORY]); h->next_nid_to_free = first_node(node_states[N_HIGH_MEMORY]); snprintf(h->name, HSTATE_NAME_LEN, "hugepages-%lukB", huge_page_size(h)/1024); parsed_hstate = h; }
[ "CWE-399" ]
hugepages: fix use after free bug in "quota" handling hugetlbfs_{get,put}_quota() are badly named. They don't interact with the general quota handling code, and they don't much resemble its behaviour. Rather than being about maintaining limits on on-disk block usage by particular users, they are instead about maintaining limits on in-memory page usage (including anonymous MAP_PRIVATE copied-on-write pages) associated with a particular hugetlbfs filesystem instance. Worse, they work by having callbacks to the hugetlbfs filesystem code from the low-level page handling code, in particular from free_huge_page(). This is a layering violation of itself, but more importantly, if the kernel does a get_user_pages() on hugepages (which can happen from KVM amongst others), then the free_huge_page() can be delayed until after the associated inode has already been freed. If an unmount occurs at the wrong time, even the hugetlbfs superblock where the "quota" limits are stored may have been freed. Andrew Barry proposed a patch to fix this by having hugepages, instead of storing a pointer to their address_space and reaching the superblock from there, had the hugepages store pointers directly to the superblock, bumping the reference count as appropriate to avoid it being freed. Andrew Morton rejected that version, however, on the grounds that it made the existing layering violation worse. This is a reworked version of Andrew's patch, which removes the extra, and some of the existing, layering violation. It works by introducing the concept of a hugepage "subpool" at the lower hugepage mm layer - that is a finite logical pool of hugepages to allocate from. hugetlbfs now creates a subpool for each filesystem instance with a page limit set, and a pointer to the subpool gets added to each allocated hugepage, instead of the address_space pointer used now. The subpool has its own lifetime and is only freed once all pages in it _and_ all other references to it (i.e. superblocks) are gone. subpools are optional - a NULL subpool pointer is taken by the code to mean that no subpool limits are in effect. Previous discussion of this bug found in: "Fix refcounting in hugetlbfs quota handling.". See: or v2: Fixed a bug spotted by Hillf Danton, and removed the extra parameter to alloc_huge_page() - since it already takes the vma, it is not necessary. Signed-off-by: Andrew Barry <> Signed-off-by: David Gibson <> Cc: Hugh Dickins <> Cc: Mel Gorman <> Cc: Minchan Kim <> Cc: Hillf Danton <> Cc: Paul Mackerras <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
bool testToStringCharsRequiredHelper(const wchar_t * text) { // Parse UriParserStateW state; UriUriW uri; state.uri = &uri; int res = uriParseUriW(&state, text); if (res != 0) { uriFreeUriMembersW(&uri); return false; } // Required space? int charsRequired; if (uriToStringCharsRequiredW(&uri, &charsRequired) != 0) { uriFreeUriMembersW(&uri); return false; } EXPECT_EQ(charsRequired, wcslen(text)); // Minimum wchar_t * buffer = new wchar_t[charsRequired + 1]; if (uriToStringW(buffer, &uri, charsRequired + 1, NULL) != 0) { uriFreeUriMembersW(&uri); delete [] buffer; return false; } // One less than minimum if (uriToStringW(buffer, &uri, charsRequired, NULL) == 0) { uriFreeUriMembersW(&uri); delete [] buffer; return false; } uriFreeUriMembersW(&uri); delete [] buffer; return true; }
[ "CWE-125" ]
Fix uriParse*Ex* out-of-bounds read
int del_timer(struct timer_list *timer) { struct timer_base *base; unsigned long flags; int ret = 0; debug_assert_init(timer); if (timer_pending(timer)) { base = lock_timer_base(timer, &flags); ret = detach_if_pending(timer, base, true); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&base->lock, flags); } return ret; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
time: Remove CONFIG_TIMER_STATS Currently CONFIG_TIMER_STATS exposes process information across namespaces: kernel/time/timer_list.c print_timer(): SEQ_printf(m, ", %s/%d", tmp, timer->start_pid); /proc/timer_list: #11: <0000000000000000>, hrtimer_wakeup, S:01, do_nanosleep, cron/2570 Given that the tracer can give the same information, this patch entirely removes CONFIG_TIMER_STATS. Suggested-by: Thomas Gleixner <> Signed-off-by: Kees Cook <> Acked-by: John Stultz <> Cc: Nicolas Pitre <> Cc: Cc: Lai Jiangshan <> Cc: Shuah Khan <> Cc: Xing Gao <> Cc: Jonathan Corbet <> Cc: Jessica Frazelle <> Cc: Cc: Nicolas Iooss <> Cc: "Paul E. McKenney" <> Cc: Petr Mladek <> Cc: Richard Cochran <> Cc: Tejun Heo <> Cc: Michal Marek <> Cc: Josh Poimboeuf <> Cc: Dmitry Vyukov <> Cc: Oleg Nesterov <> Cc: "Eric W. Biederman" <> Cc: Olof Johansson <> Cc: Andrew Morton <> Cc: Cc: Arjan van de Ven <> Link: Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner <>
static int tftp_session_allocate(Slirp *slirp, struct sockaddr_storage *srcsas, struct tftp_t *tp) { struct tftp_session *spt; int k; for (k = 0; k < TFTP_SESSIONS_MAX; k++) { spt = &slirp->tftp_sessions[k]; if (!tftp_session_in_use(spt)) goto found; /* sessions time out after 5 inactive seconds */ if ((int)(curtime - spt->timestamp) > 5000) { tftp_session_terminate(spt); goto found; } } return -1; found: memset(spt, 0, sizeof(*spt)); memcpy(&spt->client_addr, srcsas, sockaddr_size(srcsas)); spt->fd = -1; spt->block_size = 512; spt->client_port = tp->udp.uh_sport; spt->slirp = slirp; tftp_session_update(spt); return k; }
tftp: introduce a header structure Instead of using a composed structure and potentially reading past the incoming buffer, use a different structure for the header. Signed-off-by: Marc-André Lureau <>
wrap_nettle_hkdf_expand (gnutls_mac_algorithm_t mac, const void *key, size_t keysize, const void *info, size_t infosize, void *output, size_t length) { struct nettle_mac_ctx ctx; int ret; ret = _mac_ctx_init(mac, &ctx); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); ctx.set_key(&ctx, keysize, key); hkdf_expand(&ctx.ctx, ctx.update, ctx.digest, ctx.length, infosize, info, length, output); return 0; }
[ "CWE-476" ]
wrap_nettle_hash_fast: avoid calling _update with zero-length input As Nettle's hash update functions internally call memcpy, providing zero-length input may cause undefined behavior. Signed-off-by: Daiki Ueno <>
Perl_warn(pTHX_ const char *pat, ...) { va_list args; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_WARN; va_start(args, pat); vwarn(pat, &args); va_end(args); }
[ "CWE-119", "CWE-703", "CWE-787" ]
Perl_my_setenv(); handle integer wrap RT #133204 Wean this function off int/I32 and onto UV/Size_t. Also, replace all malloc-ish calls with a wrapper that does overflow checks, In particular, it was doing (nlen + vlen + 2) which could wrap when the combined length of the environment variable name and value exceeded around 0x7fffffff. The wrapper check function is probably overkill, but belt and braces... NB this function has several variant parts, #ifdef'ed by platform type; I have blindly changed the parts that aren't compiled under linux.
nautilus_application_get_existing_spatial_window (GFile *location) { GList *l; NautilusWindowSlot *slot; for (l = nautilus_application_get_spatial_window_list (); l != NULL; l = l->next) { GFile *window_location; slot = NAUTILUS_WINDOW (l->data)->details->active_slot; window_location = slot->location; if (window_location != NULL) { if (g_file_equal (location, window_location)) { return NAUTILUS_SPATIAL_WINDOW (l->data); } } } return NULL; }
Add "interactive" argument to nautilus_file_mark_desktop_file_trusted. 2009-02-24 Alexander Larsson <> * libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c: * libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.h: * libnautilus-private/nautilus-mime-actions.c: Add "interactive" argument to nautilus_file_mark_desktop_file_trusted. * src/nautilus-application.c: Mark all desktopfiles on the desktop trusted on first run. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15009
xmlRelaxNGInitTypes(void) { if (xmlRelaxNGTypeInitialized != 0) return (0); xmlRelaxNGRegisteredTypes = xmlHashCreate(10); if (xmlRelaxNGRegisteredTypes == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Failed to allocate sh table for Relax-NG types\n"); return (-1); } xmlRelaxNGRegisterTypeLibrary(BAD_CAST "", NULL, xmlRelaxNGSchemaTypeHave, xmlRelaxNGSchemaTypeCheck, xmlRelaxNGSchemaTypeCompare, xmlRelaxNGSchemaFacetCheck, xmlRelaxNGSchemaFreeValue); xmlRelaxNGRegisterTypeLibrary(xmlRelaxNGNs, NULL, xmlRelaxNGDefaultTypeHave, xmlRelaxNGDefaultTypeCheck, xmlRelaxNGDefaultTypeCompare, NULL, NULL); xmlRelaxNGTypeInitialized = 1; return (0); }
[ "CWE-134" ]
More format string warnings with possible format string vulnerability For adds a new xmlEscapeFormatString() function to escape composed format strings
void ClientDiffieHellmanPublic::build(SSL& ssl) { DiffieHellman& dhServer = ssl.useCrypto().use_dh(); DiffieHellman dhClient(dhServer); uint keyLength = dhClient.get_agreedKeyLength(); // pub and agree same alloc(keyLength, true); dhClient.makeAgreement(dhServer.get_publicKey(), keyLength); c16toa(keyLength, Yc_); memcpy(Yc_ + KEY_OFFSET, dhClient.get_publicKey(), keyLength); // because of encoding first byte might be zero, don't use it for preMaster if (*dhClient.get_agreedKey() == 0) ssl.set_preMaster(dhClient.get_agreedKey() + 1, keyLength - 1); else ssl.set_preMaster(dhClient.get_agreedKey(), keyLength); }
Updated yassl to yassl-2.3.8 (cherry picked from commit 7f9941eab55ed672bfcccd382dafbdbcfdc75aaa)
static int jp2_ftyp_getdata(jp2_box_t *box, jas_stream_t *in) { jp2_ftyp_t *ftyp = &box->data.ftyp; unsigned int i; if (jp2_getuint32(in, &ftyp->majver) || jp2_getuint32(in, &ftyp->minver)) { return -1; } ftyp->numcompatcodes = (box->datalen - 8) / 4; if (ftyp->numcompatcodes > JP2_FTYP_MAXCOMPATCODES) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < ftyp->numcompatcodes; ++i) { if (jp2_getuint32(in, &ftyp->compatcodes[i])) { return -1; } } return 0; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
At many places in the code, jas_malloc or jas_recalloc was being invoked with the size argument being computed in a manner that would not allow integer overflow to be detected. Now, these places in the code have been modified to use special-purpose memory allocation functions (e.g., jas_alloc2, jas_alloc3, jas_realloc2) that check for overflow. This should fix many security problems.
static ZIPARCHIVE_METHOD(setCompressionName) { struct zip *intern; zval *this = getThis(); size_t name_len; char *name; zip_int64_t idx; zend_long comp_method, comp_flags = 0; if (!this) { RETURN_FALSE; } ZIP_FROM_OBJECT(intern, this); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sl|l", &name, &name_len, &comp_method, &comp_flags) == FAILURE) { return; } if (name_len < 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_NOTICE, "Empty string as entry name"); } idx = zip_name_locate(intern, name, 0); if (idx < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (zip_set_file_compression(intern, (zip_uint64_t)idx, (zip_int32_t)comp_method, (zip_uint32_t)comp_flags) != 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; }
[ "CWE-190" ]
Fix bug #71923 - integer overflow in ZipArchive::getFrom*
nvmet_fc_register_targetport(struct nvmet_fc_port_info *pinfo, struct nvmet_fc_target_template *template, struct device *dev, struct nvmet_fc_target_port **portptr) { struct nvmet_fc_tgtport *newrec; unsigned long flags; int ret, idx; if (!template->xmt_ls_rsp || !template->fcp_op || !template->fcp_abort || !template->fcp_req_release || !template->targetport_delete || !template->max_hw_queues || !template->max_sgl_segments || !template->max_dif_sgl_segments || !template->dma_boundary) { ret = -EINVAL; goto out_regtgt_failed; } newrec = kzalloc((sizeof(*newrec) + template->target_priv_sz), GFP_KERNEL); if (!newrec) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out_regtgt_failed; } idx = ida_simple_get(&nvmet_fc_tgtport_cnt, 0, 0, GFP_KERNEL); if (idx < 0) { ret = -ENOSPC; goto out_fail_kfree; } if (!get_device(dev) && dev) { ret = -ENODEV; goto out_ida_put; } newrec->fc_target_port.node_name = pinfo->node_name; newrec->fc_target_port.port_name = pinfo->port_name; newrec->fc_target_port.private = &newrec[1]; newrec->fc_target_port.port_id = pinfo->port_id; newrec->fc_target_port.port_num = idx; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newrec->tgt_list); newrec->dev = dev; newrec->ops = template; spin_lock_init(&newrec->lock); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newrec->ls_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newrec->ls_busylist); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newrec->assoc_list); kref_init(&newrec->ref); ida_init(&newrec->assoc_cnt); newrec->max_sg_cnt = min_t(u32, NVMET_FC_MAX_XFR_SGENTS, template->max_sgl_segments); ret = nvmet_fc_alloc_ls_iodlist(newrec); if (ret) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out_free_newrec; } spin_lock_irqsave(&nvmet_fc_tgtlock, flags); list_add_tail(&newrec->tgt_list, &nvmet_fc_target_list); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nvmet_fc_tgtlock, flags); *portptr = &newrec->fc_target_port; return 0; out_free_newrec: put_device(dev); out_ida_put: ida_simple_remove(&nvmet_fc_tgtport_cnt, idx); out_fail_kfree: kfree(newrec); out_regtgt_failed: *portptr = NULL; return ret; }
[ "CWE-119", "CWE-787" ]
nvmet-fc: ensure target queue id within range. When searching for queue id's ensure they are within the expected range. Signed-off-by: James Smart <> Signed-off-by: Christoph Hellwig <> Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <>
nv_put(cmdarg_T *cap) { nv_put_opt(cap, FALSE); }
[ "CWE-416" ]
patch 8.2.3428: using freed memory when replacing Problem: Using freed memory when replacing. (Dhiraj Mishra) Solution: Get the line pointer after calling ins_copychar().
static int build_report(struct sk_buff *skb, u8 proto, struct xfrm_selector *sel, xfrm_address_t *addr) { struct xfrm_user_report *ur; struct nlmsghdr *nlh; nlh = nlmsg_put(skb, 0, 0, XFRM_MSG_REPORT, sizeof(*ur), 0); if (nlh == NULL) return -EMSGSIZE; ur = nlmsg_data(nlh); ur->proto = proto; memcpy(&ur->sel, sel, sizeof(ur->sel)); if (addr) { int err = nla_put(skb, XFRMA_COADDR, sizeof(*addr), addr); if (err) { nlmsg_cancel(skb, nlh); return err; } } return nlmsg_end(skb, nlh); }
[ "CWE-264" ]
net: Use netlink_ns_capable to verify the permisions of netlink messages It is possible by passing a netlink socket to a more privileged executable and then to fool that executable into writing to the socket data that happens to be valid netlink message to do something that privileged executable did not intend to do. To keep this from happening replace bare capable and ns_capable calls with netlink_capable, netlink_net_calls and netlink_ns_capable calls. Which act the same as the previous calls except they verify that the opener of the socket had the desired permissions as well. Reported-by: Andy Lutomirski <> Signed-off-by: "Eric W. Biederman" <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
void myseek(int handle,off_t a) { if (lseek(handle, a, SEEK_SET) < 0) { err("Can not seek locally!\n"); } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
r134: CVE-2005-3534
static bool hva_to_pfn_fast(unsigned long addr, bool atomic, bool *async, bool write_fault, bool *writable, kvm_pfn_t *pfn) { struct page *page[1]; int npages; if (!(async || atomic)) return false; /* * Fast pin a writable pfn only if it is a write fault request * or the caller allows to map a writable pfn for a read fault * request. */ if (!(write_fault || writable)) return false; npages = __get_user_pages_fast(addr, 1, 1, page); if (npages == 1) { *pfn = page_to_pfn(page[0]); if (writable) *writable = true; return true; } return false; }
[ "CWE-416", "CWE-284" ]
KVM: use after free in kvm_ioctl_create_device() We should move the ops->destroy(dev) after the list_del(&dev->vm_node) so that we don't use "dev" after freeing it. Fixes: a28ebea2adc4 ("KVM: Protect device ops->create and list_add with kvm->lock") Signed-off-by: Dan Carpenter <> Reviewed-by: David Hildenbrand <> Signed-off-by: Radim Krčmář <>
void strbuf_git_path(struct strbuf *sb, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); do_git_path(the_repository, NULL, sb, fmt, args); va_end(args); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
path: safeguard `.git` against NTFS Alternate Streams Accesses Probably inspired by HFS' resource streams, NTFS supports "Alternate Data Streams": by appending `:<stream-name>` to the file name, information in addition to the file contents can be written and read, information that is copied together with the file (unless copied to a non-NTFS location). These Alternate Data Streams are typically used for things like marking an executable as having just been downloaded from the internet (and hence not necessarily being trustworthy). In addition to a stream name, a stream type can be appended, like so: `:<stream-name>:<stream-type>`. Unless specified, the default stream type is `$DATA` for files and `$INDEX_ALLOCATION` for directories. In other words, `.git::$INDEX_ALLOCATION` is a valid way to reference the `.git` directory! In our work in Git v2.2.1 to protect Git on NTFS drives under `core.protectNTFS`, we focused exclusively on NTFS short names, unaware of the fact that NTFS Alternate Data Streams offer a similar attack vector. Let's fix this. Seeing as it is better to be safe than sorry, we simply disallow paths referring to *any* NTFS Alternate Data Stream of `.git`, not just `::$INDEX_ALLOCATION`. This also simplifies the implementation. This closes CVE-2019-1352. Further reading about NTFS Alternate Data Streams: Reported-by: Nicolas Joly <> Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
void oom_killer_enable(void) { oom_killer_disabled = false; pr_info("OOM killer enabled.\n"); }
[ "CWE-416" ]
mm, oom_reaper: gather each vma to prevent leaking TLB entry tlb_gather_mmu(&tlb, mm, 0, -1) means gathering the whole virtual memory space. In this case, tlb->fullmm is true. Some archs like arm64 doesn't flush TLB when tlb->fullmm is true: commit 5a7862e83000 ("arm64: tlbflush: avoid flushing when fullmm == 1"). Which causes leaking of tlb entries. Will clarifies his patch: "Basically, we tag each address space with an ASID (PCID on x86) which is resident in the TLB. This means we can elide TLB invalidation when pulling down a full mm because we won't ever assign that ASID to another mm without doing TLB invalidation elsewhere (which actually just nukes the whole TLB). I think that means that we could potentially not fault on a kernel uaccess, because we could hit in the TLB" There could be a window between complete_signal() sending IPI to other cores and all threads sharing this mm are really kicked off from cores. In this window, the oom reaper may calls tlb_flush_mmu_tlbonly() to flush TLB then frees pages. However, due to the above problem, the TLB entries are not really flushed on arm64. Other threads are possible to access these pages through TLB entries. Moreover, a copy_to_user() can also write to these pages without generating page fault, causes use-after-free bugs. This patch gathers each vma instead of gathering full vm space. In this case tlb->fullmm is not true. The behavior of oom reaper become similar to munmapping before do_exit, which should be safe for all archs. Link: Fixes: aac453635549 ("mm, oom: introduce oom reaper") Signed-off-by: Wang Nan <> Acked-by: Michal Hocko <> Acked-by: David Rientjes <> Cc: Minchan Kim <> Cc: Will Deacon <> Cc: Bob Liu <> Cc: Ingo Molnar <> Cc: Roman Gushchin <> Cc: Konstantin Khlebnikov <> Cc: Andrea Arcangeli <> Cc: <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
static void skcipher_module_exit(void) { }
[ "CWE-310" ]
crypto: user - fix info leaks in report API Three errors resulting in kernel memory disclosure: 1/ The structures used for the netlink based crypto algorithm report API are located on the stack. As snprintf() does not fill the remainder of the buffer with null bytes, those stack bytes will be disclosed to users of the API. Switch to strncpy() to fix this. 2/ crypto_report_one() does not initialize all field of struct crypto_user_alg. Fix this to fix the heap info leak. 3/ For the module name we should copy only as many bytes as module_name() returns -- not as much as the destination buffer could hold. But the current code does not and therefore copies random data from behind the end of the module name, as the module name is always shorter than CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME. Also switch to use strncpy() to copy the algorithm's name and driver_name. They are strings, after all. Signed-off-by: Mathias Krause <> Cc: Steffen Klassert <> Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <>
TEST(HttpStatusChecker, ExpectedAbove599) { const std::string yaml = R"EOF( timeout: 1s interval: 1s unhealthy_threshold: 2 healthy_threshold: 2 http_health_check: service_name_matcher: prefix: locations path: /healthchecka expected_statuses: - start: 600 end: 601 )EOF"; auto conf = parseHealthCheckFromV3Yaml(yaml); EXPECT_THROW_WITH_MESSAGE( HttpHealthCheckerImpl::HttpStatusChecker http_status_checker( conf.http_health_check().expected_statuses(), conf.http_health_check().retriable_statuses(), 200), EnvoyException, "Invalid http expected status range: expecting end <= 600, but found end=601"); }
[ "CWE-476" ]
healthcheck: fix grpc inline removal crashes (#749) Signed-off-by: Matt Klein <> Signed-off-by: Pradeep Rao <>
void revive_home_server(void *ctx) { home_server *home = ctx; char buffer[128]; home->state = HOME_STATE_ALIVE; home->currently_outstanding = 0; home->revive_time = now; /* * Delete any outstanding events. */ if (home->ev) fr_event_delete(el, &home->ev); radlog(L_PROXY, "Marking home server %s port %d alive again... we have no idea if it really is alive or not.", inet_ntop(home->, &home->ipaddr.ipaddr, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), home->port); }
[ "CWE-399" ]
Do not delete "old" requests until they are free. If the request is in the queue for 30+ seconds, do NOT delete it. Instead, mark it as "STOP PROCESSING", and do "wait_for_child_to_die", which waits for a child thread to pick it up, and acknowledge that it's done. Once it's marked done, we can finally clean it up. This may be the underlying issue behind bug #35
static uint64_t pauth_original_ptr(uint64_t ptr, ARMVAParameters param) { uint64_t extfield =; int bot_pac_bit = 64 - param.tsz; int top_pac_bit = 64 - 8 * param.tbi; return deposit64(ptr, bot_pac_bit, top_pac_bit - bot_pac_bit, extfield); }
target/arm: Fix PAuth sbox functions In the PAC computation, sbox was applied over wrong bits. As this is a 4-bit sbox, bit index should be incremented by 4 instead of 16. Test vector from QARMA paper ( was used to verify one computation of the pauth_computepac() function which uses sbox2. Launchpad: Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <> Signed-off-by: Vincent DEHORS <> Signed-off-by: Adrien GRASSEIN <> Message-id: Reviewed-by: Peter Maydell <> Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <>
void ff_add_pixels_clamped_c(const int16_t *block, uint8_t *av_restrict pixels, ptrdiff_t line_size) { int i; /* read the pixels */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pixels[0] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[0] + block[0]); pixels[1] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[1] + block[1]); pixels[2] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[2] + block[2]); pixels[3] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[3] + block[3]); pixels[4] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[4] + block[4]); pixels[5] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[5] + block[5]); pixels[6] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[6] + block[6]); pixels[7] = av_clip_uint8(pixels[7] + block[7]); pixels += line_size; block += 8; } }
[ "CWE-476" ]
avcodec/idctdsp: Transmit studio_profile to init instead of using AVCodecContext profile These 2 fields are not always the same, it is simpler to always use the same field for detecting studio profile Fixes: null pointer dereference Fixes: ffmpeg_crash_3.avi Found-by: Thuan Pham <>, Marcel Böhme, Andrew Santosa and Alexandru RazvanCaciulescu with AFLSmart Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <>
inode_val_hasher (const void *val, size_t n_buckets) { const struct inode_val *ival = val; return ival->inode % n_buckets; }
[ "CWE-190" ]
Rewrite dynamic string support. * src/dstring.c (ds_init): Take a single argument. (ds_free): New function. (ds_resize): Take a single argument. Use x2nrealloc to expand the storage. (ds_reset,ds_append,ds_concat,ds_endswith): New function. (ds_fgetstr): Rewrite. In particular, this fixes integer overflow. * src/dstring.h (dynamic_string): Keep both the allocated length (ds_size) and index of the next free byte in the string (ds_idx). (ds_init,ds_resize): Change signature. (ds_len): New macro. (ds_free,ds_reset,ds_append,ds_concat,ds_endswith): New protos. * src/copyin.c: Use new ds_ functions. * src/copyout.c: Likewise. * src/copypass.c: Likewise. * src/util.c: Likewise.
copy_plats_to_inter (class ipcp_param_lattices *plats, HOST_WIDE_INT offset) { vec<ipa_agg_value> res = vNULL; if (!plats->aggs || plats->aggs_contain_variable || plats->aggs_bottom) return vNULL; for (struct ipcp_agg_lattice *aglat = plats->aggs; aglat; aglat = aglat->next) if (aglat->is_single_const ()) { struct ipa_agg_value ti; ti.offset = aglat->offset - offset; ti.value = aglat->values->value; res.safe_push (ti); } return res; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Avoid segfault when doing IPA-VRP but not IPA-CP (PR 93015) 2019-12-21 Martin Jambor <> PR ipa/93015 * ipa-cp.c (ipcp_store_vr_results): Check that info exists testsuite/ * gcc.dg/lto/pr93015_0.c: New test. From-SVN: r279695
static int bnep_tx_frame(struct bnep_session *s, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ethhdr *eh = (void *) skb->data; struct socket *sock = s->sock; struct kvec iv[3]; int len = 0, il = 0; u8 type = 0; BT_DBG("skb %p dev %p type %d", skb, skb->dev, skb->pkt_type); if (!skb->dev) { /* Control frame sent by us */ goto send; } iv[il++] = (struct kvec) { &type, 1 }; len++; if (compress_src && ether_addr_equal(eh->h_dest, s->eh.h_source)) type |= 0x01; if (compress_dst && ether_addr_equal(eh->h_source, s->eh.h_dest)) type |= 0x02; if (type) skb_pull(skb, ETH_ALEN * 2); type = __bnep_tx_types[type]; switch (type) { case BNEP_COMPRESSED_SRC_ONLY: iv[il++] = (struct kvec) { eh->h_source, ETH_ALEN }; len += ETH_ALEN; break; case BNEP_COMPRESSED_DST_ONLY: iv[il++] = (struct kvec) { eh->h_dest, ETH_ALEN }; len += ETH_ALEN; break; } send: iv[il++] = (struct kvec) { skb->data, skb->len }; len += skb->len; /* FIXME: linearize skb */ { len = kernel_sendmsg(sock, &s->msg, iv, il, len); } kfree_skb(skb); if (len > 0) { s->dev->stats.tx_bytes += len; s->dev->stats.tx_packets++; return 0; } return len; }
[ "CWE-20", "CWE-284" ]
Bluetooth: bnep: bnep_add_connection() should verify that it's dealing with l2cap socket same story as cmtp Signed-off-by: Al Viro <> Signed-off-by: Marcel Holtmann <>
megasas_disable_intr_ppc(struct megasas_instance *instance) { struct megasas_register_set __iomem *regs; u32 mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; regs = instance->reg_set; writel(mask, &regs->outbound_intr_mask); /* Dummy readl to force pci flush */ readl(&regs->outbound_intr_mask); }
[ "CWE-476" ]
scsi: megaraid_sas: return error when create DMA pool failed when create DMA pool for cmd frames failed, we should return -ENOMEM, instead of 0. In some case in: megasas_init_adapter_fusion() -->megasas_alloc_cmds() -->megasas_create_frame_pool create DMA pool failed, --> megasas_free_cmds() [1] -->megasas_alloc_cmds_fusion() failed, then goto fail_alloc_cmds. -->megasas_free_cmds() [2] we will call megasas_free_cmds twice, [1] will kfree cmd_list, [2] will use will cause a problem: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000 pgd = ffffffc000f70000 [00000000] *pgd=0000001fbf893003, *pud=0000001fbf893003, *pmd=0000001fbf894003, *pte=006000006d000707 Internal error: Oops: 96000005 [#1] SMP Modules linked in: CPU: 18 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted task: ffffffdfb9290000 ti: ffffffdfb923c000 task.ti: ffffffdfb923c000 PC is at megasas_free_cmds+0x30/0x70 LR is at megasas_free_cmds+0x24/0x70 ... Call trace: [<ffffffc0005b779c>] megasas_free_cmds+0x30/0x70 [<ffffffc0005bca74>] megasas_init_adapter_fusion+0x2f4/0x4d8 [<ffffffc0005b926c>] megasas_init_fw+0x2dc/0x760 [<ffffffc0005b9ab0>] megasas_probe_one+0x3c0/0xcd8 [<ffffffc0004a5abc>] local_pci_probe+0x4c/0xb4 [<ffffffc0004a5c40>] pci_device_probe+0x11c/0x14c [<ffffffc00053a5e4>] driver_probe_device+0x1ec/0x430 [<ffffffc00053a92c>] __driver_attach+0xa8/0xb0 [<ffffffc000538178>] bus_for_each_dev+0x74/0xc8 [<ffffffc000539e88>] driver_attach+0x28/0x34 [<ffffffc000539a18>] bus_add_driver+0x16c/0x248 [<ffffffc00053b234>] driver_register+0x6c/0x138 [<ffffffc0004a5350>] __pci_register_driver+0x5c/0x6c [<ffffffc000ce3868>] megasas_init+0xc0/0x1a8 [<ffffffc000082a58>] do_one_initcall+0xe8/0x1ec [<ffffffc000ca7be8>] kernel_init_freeable+0x1c8/0x284 [<ffffffc0008d90b8>] kernel_init+0x1c/0xe4 Signed-off-by: Jason Yan <> Acked-by: Sumit Saxena <> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <>
int ssl3_get_client_key_exchange(SSL *s) { int i, al, ok; long n; unsigned long alg_k; unsigned char *p; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA RSA *rsa = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH BIGNUM *pub = NULL; DH *dh_srvr, *dh_clnt = NULL; #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 KSSL_ERR kssl_err; #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDH EC_KEY *srvr_ecdh = NULL; EVP_PKEY *clnt_pub_pkey = NULL; EC_POINT *clnt_ecpoint = NULL; BN_CTX *bn_ctx = NULL; #endif n = s->method->ssl_get_message(s, SSL3_ST_SR_KEY_EXCH_A, SSL3_ST_SR_KEY_EXCH_B, SSL3_MT_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, 2048, &ok); if (!ok) return ((int)n); p = (unsigned char *)s->init_msg; alg_k = s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_mkey; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA if (alg_k & SSL_kRSA) { unsigned char rand_premaster_secret[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH]; int decrypt_len; unsigned char decrypt_good, version_good; size_t j; /* FIX THIS UP EAY EAY EAY EAY */ if (s->s3->tmp.use_rsa_tmp) { if ((s->cert != NULL) && (s->cert->rsa_tmp != NULL)) rsa = s->cert->rsa_tmp; /* * Don't do a callback because rsa_tmp should be sent already */ if (rsa == NULL) { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_MISSING_TMP_RSA_PKEY); goto f_err; } } else { pkey = s->cert->pkeys[SSL_PKEY_RSA_ENC].privatekey; if ((pkey == NULL) || (pkey->type != EVP_PKEY_RSA) || (pkey->pkey.rsa == NULL)) { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_MISSING_RSA_CERTIFICATE); goto f_err; } rsa = pkey->pkey.rsa; } /* TLS and [incidentally] DTLS{0xFEFF} */ if (s->version > SSL3_VERSION && s->version != DTLS1_BAD_VER) { n2s(p, i); if (n != i + 2) { if (!(s->options & SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG)) { al = SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_TLS_RSA_ENCRYPTED_VALUE_LENGTH_IS_WRONG); goto f_err; } else p -= 2; } else n = i; } /* * Reject overly short RSA ciphertext because we want to be sure * that the buffer size makes it safe to iterate over the entire * size of a premaster secret (SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH). The * actual expected size is larger due to RSA padding, but the * bound is sufficient to be safe. */ if (n < SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH) { al = SSL_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_TLS_RSA_ENCRYPTED_VALUE_LENGTH_IS_WRONG); goto f_err; } /* * We must not leak whether a decryption failure occurs because of * Bleichenbacher's attack on PKCS #1 v1.5 RSA padding (see RFC 2246, * section The code follows that advice of the TLS RFC and * generates a random premaster secret for the case that the decrypt * fails. See */ /* * should be RAND_bytes, but we cannot work around a failure. */ if (RAND_pseudo_bytes(rand_premaster_secret, sizeof(rand_premaster_secret)) <= 0) goto err; decrypt_len = RSA_private_decrypt((int)n, p, p, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); ERR_clear_error(); /* * decrypt_len should be SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH. decrypt_good will * be 0xff if so and zero otherwise. */ decrypt_good = constant_time_eq_int_8(decrypt_len, SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH); /* * If the version in the decrypted pre-master secret is correct then * version_good will be 0xff, otherwise it'll be zero. The * Klima-Pokorny-Rosa extension of Bleichenbacher's attack * ( exploits the version number * check as a "bad version oracle". Thus version checks are done in * constant time and are treated like any other decryption error. */ version_good = constant_time_eq_8(p[0], (unsigned)(s->client_version >> 8)); version_good &= constant_time_eq_8(p[1], (unsigned)(s->client_version & 0xff)); /* * The premaster secret must contain the same version number as the * ClientHello to detect version rollback attacks (strangely, the * protocol does not offer such protection for DH ciphersuites). * However, buggy clients exist that send the negotiated protocol * version instead if the server does not support the requested * protocol version. If SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG is set, tolerate such * clients. */ if (s->options & SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG) { unsigned char workaround_good; workaround_good = constant_time_eq_8(p[0], (unsigned)(s->version >> 8)); workaround_good &= constant_time_eq_8(p[1], (unsigned)(s->version & 0xff)); version_good |= workaround_good; } /* * Both decryption and version must be good for decrypt_good to * remain non-zero (0xff). */ decrypt_good &= version_good; /* * Now copy rand_premaster_secret over from p using * decrypt_good_mask. If decryption failed, then p does not * contain valid plaintext, however, a check above guarantees * it is still sufficiently large to read from. */ for (j = 0; j < sizeof(rand_premaster_secret); j++) { p[j] = constant_time_select_8(decrypt_good, p[j], rand_premaster_secret[j]); } s->session->master_key_length = s->method->ssl3_enc->generate_master_secret(s, s-> session->master_key, p, sizeof (rand_premaster_secret)); OPENSSL_cleanse(p, sizeof(rand_premaster_secret)); } else #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH if (alg_k & (SSL_kEDH | SSL_kDHr | SSL_kDHd)) { int idx = -1; EVP_PKEY *skey = NULL; if (n) n2s(p, i); else i = 0; if (n && n != i + 2) { if (!(s->options & SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DH_PUBLIC_VALUE_LENGTH_IS_WRONG); goto err; } else { p -= 2; i = (int)n; } } if (alg_k & SSL_kDHr) idx = SSL_PKEY_DH_RSA; else if (alg_k & SSL_kDHd) idx = SSL_PKEY_DH_DSA; if (idx >= 0) { skey = s->cert->pkeys[idx].privatekey; if ((skey == NULL) || (skey->type != EVP_PKEY_DH) || (skey->pkey.dh == NULL)) { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_MISSING_RSA_CERTIFICATE); goto f_err; } dh_srvr = skey->pkey.dh; } else if (s->s3->tmp.dh == NULL) { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_MISSING_TMP_DH_KEY); goto f_err; } else dh_srvr = s->s3->tmp.dh; if (n == 0L) { /* Get pubkey from cert */ EVP_PKEY *clkey = X509_get_pubkey(s->session->peer); if (clkey) { if (EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters(clkey, skey) == 1) dh_clnt = EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(clkey); } if (dh_clnt == NULL) { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_MISSING_TMP_DH_KEY); goto f_err; } EVP_PKEY_free(clkey); pub = dh_clnt->pub_key; } else pub = BN_bin2bn(p, i, NULL); if (pub == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_BN_LIB); goto err; } i = DH_compute_key(p, pub, dh_srvr); if (i <= 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_DH_LIB); BN_clear_free(pub); goto err; } DH_free(s->s3->tmp.dh); s->s3->tmp.dh = NULL; if (dh_clnt) DH_free(dh_clnt); else BN_clear_free(pub); pub = NULL; s->session->master_key_length = s->method->ssl3_enc->generate_master_secret(s, s-> session->master_key, p, i); OPENSSL_cleanse(p, i); if (dh_clnt) return 2; } else #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 if (alg_k & SSL_kKRB5) { krb5_error_code krb5rc; krb5_data enc_ticket; krb5_data authenticator; krb5_data enc_pms; KSSL_CTX *kssl_ctx = s->kssl_ctx; EVP_CIPHER_CTX ciph_ctx; const EVP_CIPHER *enc = NULL; unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; unsigned char pms[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH + EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH]; int padl, outl; krb5_timestamp authtime = 0; krb5_ticket_times ttimes; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ciph_ctx); if (!kssl_ctx) kssl_ctx = kssl_ctx_new(); n2s(p, i); enc_ticket.length = i; if (n < (long)(enc_ticket.length + 6)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto err; } = (char *)p; p += enc_ticket.length; n2s(p, i); authenticator.length = i; if (n < (long)(enc_ticket.length + authenticator.length + 6)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto err; } = (char *)p; p += authenticator.length; n2s(p, i); enc_pms.length = i; = (char *)p; p += enc_pms.length; /* * Note that the length is checked again below, ** after decryption */ if (enc_pms.length > sizeof pms) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto err; } if (n != (long)(enc_ticket.length + authenticator.length + enc_pms.length + 6)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto err; } if ((krb5rc = kssl_sget_tkt(kssl_ctx, &enc_ticket, &ttimes, &kssl_err)) != 0) { # ifdef KSSL_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "kssl_sget_tkt rtn %d [%d]\n", krb5rc, kssl_err.reason); if (kssl_err.text) fprintf(stderr, "kssl_err text= %s\n", kssl_err.text); # endif /* KSSL_DEBUG */ SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, kssl_err.reason); goto err; } /* * Note: no authenticator is not considered an error, ** but will * return authtime == 0. */ if ((krb5rc = kssl_check_authent(kssl_ctx, &authenticator, &authtime, &kssl_err)) != 0) { # ifdef KSSL_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "kssl_check_authent rtn %d [%d]\n", krb5rc, kssl_err.reason); if (kssl_err.text) fprintf(stderr, "kssl_err text= %s\n", kssl_err.text); # endif /* KSSL_DEBUG */ SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, kssl_err.reason); goto err; } if ((krb5rc = kssl_validate_times(authtime, &ttimes)) != 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, krb5rc); goto err; } # ifdef KSSL_DEBUG kssl_ctx_show(kssl_ctx); # endif /* KSSL_DEBUG */ enc = kssl_map_enc(kssl_ctx->enctype); if (enc == NULL) goto err; memset(iv, 0, sizeof iv); /* per RFC 1510 */ if (!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ciph_ctx, enc, NULL, kssl_ctx->key, iv)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DECRYPTION_FAILED); goto err; } if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ciph_ctx, pms, &outl, (unsigned char *), enc_pms.length)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DECRYPTION_FAILED); goto err; } if (outl > SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto err; } if (!EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ciph_ctx, &(pms[outl]), &padl)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DECRYPTION_FAILED); goto err; } outl += padl; if (outl > SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto err; } if (!((pms[0] == (s->client_version >> 8)) && (pms[1] == (s->client_version & 0xff)))) { /* * The premaster secret must contain the same version number as * the ClientHello to detect version rollback attacks (strangely, * the protocol does not offer such protection for DH * ciphersuites). However, buggy clients exist that send random * bytes instead of the protocol version. If * SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG is set, tolerate such clients. * (Perhaps we should have a separate BUG value for the Kerberos * cipher) */ if (!(s->options & SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR); goto err; } } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ciph_ctx); s->session->master_key_length = s->method->ssl3_enc->generate_master_secret(s, s-> session->master_key, pms, outl); if (kssl_ctx->client_princ) { size_t len = strlen(kssl_ctx->client_princ); if (len < SSL_MAX_KRB5_PRINCIPAL_LENGTH) { s->session->krb5_client_princ_len = len; memcpy(s->session->krb5_client_princ, kssl_ctx->client_princ, len); } } /*- Was doing kssl_ctx_free() here, * but it caused problems for apache. * kssl_ctx = kssl_ctx_free(kssl_ctx); * if (s->kssl_ctx) s->kssl_ctx = NULL; */ } else #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDH if (alg_k & (SSL_kEECDH | SSL_kECDHr | SSL_kECDHe)) { int ret = 1; int field_size = 0; const EC_KEY *tkey; const EC_GROUP *group; const BIGNUM *priv_key; /* initialize structures for server's ECDH key pair */ if ((srvr_ecdh = EC_KEY_new()) == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } /* Let's get server private key and group information */ if (alg_k & (SSL_kECDHr | SSL_kECDHe)) { /* use the certificate */ tkey = s->cert->pkeys[SSL_PKEY_ECC].privatekey->; } else { /* * use the ephermeral values we saved when generating the * ServerKeyExchange msg. */ tkey = s->s3->tmp.ecdh; } group = EC_KEY_get0_group(tkey); priv_key = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(tkey); if (!EC_KEY_set_group(srvr_ecdh, group) || !EC_KEY_set_private_key(srvr_ecdh, priv_key)) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_EC_LIB); goto err; } /* Let's get client's public key */ if ((clnt_ecpoint = EC_POINT_new(group)) == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if (n == 0L) { /* Client Publickey was in Client Certificate */ if (alg_k & SSL_kEECDH) { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_MISSING_TMP_ECDH_KEY); goto f_err; } if (((clnt_pub_pkey = X509_get_pubkey(s->session->peer)) == NULL) || (clnt_pub_pkey->type != EVP_PKEY_EC)) { /* * XXX: For now, we do not support client authentication * using ECDH certificates so this branch (n == 0L) of the * code is never executed. When that support is added, we * ought to ensure the key received in the certificate is * authorized for key agreement. ECDH_compute_key implicitly * checks that the two ECDH shares are for the same group. */ al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ECDH_CERTS); goto f_err; } if (EC_POINT_copy(clnt_ecpoint, EC_KEY_get0_public_key(clnt_pub_pkey-> == 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_EC_LIB); goto err; } ret = 2; /* Skip certificate verify processing */ } else { /* * Get client's public key from encoded point in the * ClientKeyExchange message. */ if ((bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } /* Get encoded point length */ i = *p; p += 1; if (n != 1 + i) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_EC_LIB); goto err; } if (EC_POINT_oct2point(group, clnt_ecpoint, p, i, bn_ctx) == 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_EC_LIB); goto err; } /* * p is pointing to somewhere in the buffer currently, so set it * to the start */ p = (unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data; } /* Compute the shared pre-master secret */ field_size = EC_GROUP_get_degree(group); if (field_size <= 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_ECDH_LIB); goto err; } i = ECDH_compute_key(p, (field_size + 7) / 8, clnt_ecpoint, srvr_ecdh, NULL); if (i <= 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_ECDH_LIB); goto err; } EVP_PKEY_free(clnt_pub_pkey); EC_POINT_free(clnt_ecpoint); EC_KEY_free(srvr_ecdh); BN_CTX_free(bn_ctx); EC_KEY_free(s->s3->tmp.ecdh); s->s3->tmp.ecdh = NULL; /* Compute the master secret */ s->session->master_key_length = s->method->ssl3_enc->generate_master_secret(s, s-> session->master_key, p, i); OPENSSL_cleanse(p, i); return (ret); } else #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_PSK if (alg_k & SSL_kPSK) { unsigned char *t = NULL; unsigned char psk_or_pre_ms[PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN * 2 + 4]; unsigned int pre_ms_len = 0, psk_len = 0; int psk_err = 1; char tmp_id[PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN + 1]; al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; n2s(p, i); if (n != i + 2) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_LENGTH_MISMATCH); goto psk_err; } if (i > PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG); goto psk_err; } if (s->psk_server_callback == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_PSK_NO_SERVER_CB); goto psk_err; } /* * Create guaranteed NULL-terminated identity string for the callback */ memcpy(tmp_id, p, i); memset(tmp_id + i, 0, PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN + 1 - i); psk_len = s->psk_server_callback(s, tmp_id, psk_or_pre_ms, sizeof(psk_or_pre_ms)); OPENSSL_cleanse(tmp_id, PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN + 1); if (psk_len > PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); goto psk_err; } else if (psk_len == 0) { /* * PSK related to the given identity not found */ SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_PSK_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND); al = SSL_AD_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY; goto psk_err; } /* create PSK pre_master_secret */ pre_ms_len = 2 + psk_len + 2 + psk_len; t = psk_or_pre_ms; memmove(psk_or_pre_ms + psk_len + 4, psk_or_pre_ms, psk_len); s2n(psk_len, t); memset(t, 0, psk_len); t += psk_len; s2n(psk_len, t); if (s->session->psk_identity != NULL) OPENSSL_free(s->session->psk_identity); s->session->psk_identity = BUF_strdup((char *)p); if (s->session->psk_identity == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto psk_err; } if (s->session->psk_identity_hint != NULL) OPENSSL_free(s->session->psk_identity_hint); s->session->psk_identity_hint = BUF_strdup(s->ctx->psk_identity_hint); if (s->ctx->psk_identity_hint != NULL && s->session->psk_identity_hint == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto psk_err; } s->session->master_key_length = s->method->ssl3_enc->generate_master_secret(s, s-> session->master_key, psk_or_pre_ms, pre_ms_len); psk_err = 0; psk_err: OPENSSL_cleanse(psk_or_pre_ms, sizeof(psk_or_pre_ms)); if (psk_err != 0) goto f_err; } else #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP if (alg_k & SSL_kSRP) { int param_len; n2s(p, i); param_len = i + 2; if (param_len > n) { al = SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_BAD_SRP_A_LENGTH); goto f_err; } if (!(s->srp_ctx.A = BN_bin2bn(p, i, NULL))) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_BN_LIB); goto err; } if (BN_ucmp(s->srp_ctx.A, s->srp_ctx.N) >= 0 || BN_is_zero(s->srp_ctx.A)) { al = SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_BAD_SRP_PARAMETERS); goto f_err; } if (s->session->srp_username != NULL) OPENSSL_free(s->session->srp_username); s->session->srp_username = BUF_strdup(s->srp_ctx.login); if (s->session->srp_username == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } if ((s->session->master_key_length = SRP_generate_server_master_secret(s, s->session->master_key)) < 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); goto err; } p += i; } else #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_SRP */ if (alg_k & SSL_kGOST) { int ret = 0; EVP_PKEY_CTX *pkey_ctx; EVP_PKEY *client_pub_pkey = NULL, *pk = NULL; unsigned char premaster_secret[32], *start; size_t outlen = 32, inlen; unsigned long alg_a; int Ttag, Tclass; long Tlen; /* Get our certificate private key */ alg_a = s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_auth; if (alg_a & SSL_aGOST94) pk = s->cert->pkeys[SSL_PKEY_GOST94].privatekey; else if (alg_a & SSL_aGOST01) pk = s->cert->pkeys[SSL_PKEY_GOST01].privatekey; pkey_ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(pk, NULL); EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init(pkey_ctx); /* * If client certificate is present and is of the same type, maybe * use it for key exchange. Don't mind errors from * EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer, because it is completely valid to use a * client certificate for authorization only. */ client_pub_pkey = X509_get_pubkey(s->session->peer); if (client_pub_pkey) { if (EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(pkey_ctx, client_pub_pkey) <= 0) ERR_clear_error(); } /* Decrypt session key */ if (ASN1_get_object ((const unsigned char **)&p, &Tlen, &Ttag, &Tclass, n) != V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED || Ttag != V_ASN1_SEQUENCE || Tclass != V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DECRYPTION_FAILED); goto gerr; } start = p; inlen = Tlen; if (EVP_PKEY_decrypt (pkey_ctx, premaster_secret, &outlen, start, inlen) <= 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_DECRYPTION_FAILED); goto gerr; } /* Generate master secret */ s->session->master_key_length = s->method->ssl3_enc->generate_master_secret(s, s-> session->master_key, premaster_secret, 32); /* Check if pubkey from client certificate was used */ if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl (pkey_ctx, -1, -1, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_PEER_KEY, 2, NULL) > 0) ret = 2; else ret = 1; gerr: EVP_PKEY_free(client_pub_pkey); EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pkey_ctx); if (ret) return ret; else goto err; } else { al = SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE; SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, SSL_R_UNKNOWN_CIPHER_TYPE); goto f_err; } return (1); f_err: ssl3_send_alert(s, SSL3_AL_FATAL, al); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DH) || !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA) || !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ECDH) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_SRP) err: #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ECDH EVP_PKEY_free(clnt_pub_pkey); EC_POINT_free(clnt_ecpoint); if (srvr_ecdh != NULL) EC_KEY_free(srvr_ecdh); BN_CTX_free(bn_ctx); #endif return (-1); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Fix DHE Null CKE vulnerability If client auth is used then a server can seg fault in the event of a DHE cipher being used and a zero length ClientKeyExchange message being sent by the client. This could be exploited in a DoS attack. CVE-2015-1787 Reviewed-by: Richard Levitte <>
bool Field::sp_prepare_and_store_item(THD *thd, Item **value) { DBUG_ENTER("Field::sp_prepare_and_store_item"); DBUG_ASSERT(value); Item *expr_item; if (!(expr_item= thd->sp_prepare_func_item(value, 1))) goto error; /* expr_item is now fixed, it's safe to call cmp_type() */ if (expr_item->cmp_type() == ROW_RESULT) { my_error(ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS, MYF(0), 1); goto error; } /* Save the value in the field. Convert the value if needed. */ expr_item->save_in_field(this, 0); if (likely(!thd->is_error())) DBUG_RETURN(false); error: /* In case of error during evaluation, leave the result field set to NULL. Sic: we can't do it in the beginning of the function because the result field might be needed for its own re-evaluation, e.g. case of set x = x + 1; */ set_null(); DBUG_ASSERT(thd->is_error()); DBUG_RETURN(true); }
[ "CWE-416", "CWE-703" ]
MDEV-24176 Server crashes after insert in the table with virtual column generated using date_format() and if() vcol_info->expr is allocated on expr_arena at parsing stage. Since expr item is allocated on expr_arena all its containee items must be allocated on expr_arena too. Otherwise fix_session_expr() will encounter prematurely freed item. When table is reopened from cache vcol_info contains stale expression. We refresh expression via TABLE::vcol_fix_exprs() but first we must prepare a proper context (Vcol_expr_context) which meets some requirements: 1. As noted above expr update must be done on expr_arena as there may be new items created. It was a bug in fix_session_expr_for_read() and was just not reproduced because of no second refix. Now refix is done for more cases so it does reproduce. Tests affected: vcol.binlog 2. Also name resolution context must be narrowed to the single table. Tested by: vcol.update main.default vcol.vcol_syntax gcol.gcol_bugfixes 3. sql_mode must be clean and not fail expr update. sql_mode such as MODE_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, etc must not affect vcol expression update. If the table was created successfully any further evaluation must not fail. Tests affected: main.func_like Reviewed by: Sergei Golubchik <>
static void ext4_free_branches(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode, struct buffer_head *parent_bh, __le32 *first, __le32 *last, int depth) { ext4_fsblk_t nr; __le32 *p; if (ext4_handle_is_aborted(handle)) return; if (depth--) { struct buffer_head *bh; int addr_per_block = EXT4_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(inode->i_sb); p = last; while (--p >= first) { nr = le32_to_cpu(*p); if (!nr) continue; /* A hole */ if (!ext4_inode_block_valid(inode, nr, 1)) { EXT4_ERROR_INODE(inode, "invalid indirect mapped " "block %lu (level %d)", (unsigned long) nr, depth); break; } /* Go read the buffer for the next level down */ bh = sb_bread(inode->i_sb, nr); /* * A read failure? Report error and clear slot * (should be rare). */ if (!bh) { ext4_error_inode_block(inode, nr, EIO, "Read failure"); continue; } /* This zaps the entire block. Bottom up. */ BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "free child branches"); ext4_free_branches(handle, inode, bh, (__le32 *) bh->b_data, (__le32 *) bh->b_data + addr_per_block, depth); brelse(bh); /* * Everything below this this pointer has been * released. Now let this top-of-subtree go. * * We want the freeing of this indirect block to be * atomic in the journal with the updating of the * bitmap block which owns it. So make some room in * the journal. * * We zero the parent pointer *after* freeing its * pointee in the bitmaps, so if extend_transaction() * for some reason fails to put the bitmap changes and * the release into the same transaction, recovery * will merely complain about releasing a free block, * rather than leaking blocks. */ if (ext4_handle_is_aborted(handle)) return; if (ext4_ind_truncate_ensure_credits(handle, inode, NULL, ext4_free_metadata_revoke_credits( inode->i_sb, 1)) < 0) return; /* * The forget flag here is critical because if * we are journaling (and not doing data * journaling), we have to make sure a revoke * record is written to prevent the journal * replay from overwriting the (former) * indirect block if it gets reallocated as a * data block. This must happen in the same * transaction where the data blocks are * actually freed. */ ext4_free_blocks(handle, inode, NULL, nr, 1, EXT4_FREE_BLOCKS_METADATA| EXT4_FREE_BLOCKS_FORGET); if (parent_bh) { /* * The block which we have just freed is * pointed to by an indirect block: journal it */ BUFFER_TRACE(parent_bh, "get_write_access"); if (!ext4_journal_get_write_access(handle, parent_bh)){ *p = 0; BUFFER_TRACE(parent_bh, "call ext4_handle_dirty_metadata"); ext4_handle_dirty_metadata(handle, inode, parent_bh); } } } } else { /* We have reached the bottom of the tree. */ BUFFER_TRACE(parent_bh, "free data blocks"); ext4_free_data(handle, inode, parent_bh, first, last); } }
[ "CWE-703" ]
ext4: check journal inode extents more carefully Currently, system zones just track ranges of block, that are "important" fs metadata (bitmaps, group descriptors, journal blocks, etc.). This however complicates how extent tree (or indirect blocks) can be checked for inodes that actually track such metadata - currently the journal inode but arguably we should be treating quota files or resize inode similarly. We cannot run __ext4_ext_check() on such metadata inodes when loading their extents as that would immediately trigger the validity checks and so we just hack around that and special-case the journal inode. This however leads to a situation that a journal inode which has extent tree of depth at least one can have invalid extent tree that gets unnoticed until ext4_cache_extents() crashes. To overcome this limitation, track inode number each system zone belongs to (0 is used for zones not belonging to any inode). We can then verify inode number matches the expected one when verifying extent tree and thus avoid the false errors. With this there's no need to to special-case journal inode during extent tree checking anymore so remove it. Fixes: 0a944e8a6c66 ("ext4: don't perform block validity checks on the journal inode") Reported-by: Wolfgang Frisch <> Reviewed-by: Lukas Czerner <> Signed-off-by: Jan Kara <> Link: Signed-off-by: Theodore Ts'o <>
void manager_unref_uid(Manager *m, uid_t uid, bool destroy_now) { manager_unref_uid_internal(m, &m->uid_refs, uid, destroy_now, clean_ipc_by_uid); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
If the notification message length is 0, ignore the message (#4237) Fixes #4234. Signed-off-by: Jorge Niedbalski <>
TEST_F(DocumentSourceMatchTest, ShouldAddCorrectDependenciesForClausesWithInternalSchemaType) { auto query = fromjson("{a: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}"); auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(query, getExpCtx()); DepsTracker dependencies; ASSERT_EQUALS(DepsTracker::State::SEE_NEXT, match->getDependencies(&dependencies)); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, dependencies.fields.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, dependencies.fields.count("a")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); }
SERVER-59299: Flatten top-level nested $match stages in doOptimizeAt (cherry picked from commit 4db5eceda2cff697f35c84cd08232bac8c33beec)
VOID ParaNdis_ResetRxClassification(PARANDIS_ADAPTER *pContext) { ULONG i; PPARANDIS_RECEIVE_QUEUE pUnclassified = &pContext->ReceiveQueues[PARANDIS_RECEIVE_QUEUE_UNCLASSIFIED]; NdisAcquireSpinLock(&pUnclassified->Lock); for(i = PARANDIS_RECEIVE_QUEUE_UNCLASSIFIED + 1; i < ARRAYSIZE(pContext->ReceiveQueues); i++) { PPARANDIS_RECEIVE_QUEUE pCurrQueue = &pContext->ReceiveQueues[i]; NdisAcquireSpinLock(&pCurrQueue->Lock); while(!IsListEmpty(&pCurrQueue->BuffersList)) { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pCurrQueue->BuffersList); InsertTailList(&pUnclassified->BuffersList, pListEntry); } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pCurrQueue->Lock); } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pUnclassified->Lock); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
NetKVM: BZ#1169718: Checking the length only on read Signed-off-by: Joseph Hindin <>
static void update_handled_vectors(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic) { DECLARE_BITMAP(handled_vectors, 256); int i; memset(handled_vectors, 0, sizeof(handled_vectors)); for (i = 0; i < IOAPIC_NUM_PINS; ++i) __set_bit(ioapic->redirtbl[i].fields.vector, handled_vectors); memcpy(ioapic->handled_vectors, handled_vectors, sizeof(handled_vectors)); smp_wmb(); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
KVM: Fix bounds checking in ioapic indirect register reads (CVE-2013-1798) If the guest specifies a IOAPIC_REG_SELECT with an invalid value and follows that with a read of the IOAPIC_REG_WINDOW KVM does not properly validate that request. ioapic_read_indirect contains an ASSERT(redir_index < IOAPIC_NUM_PINS), but the ASSERT has no effect in non-debug builds. In recent kernels this allows a guest to cause a kernel oops by reading invalid memory. In older kernels (pre-3.3) this allows a guest to read from large ranges of host memory. Tested: tested against apic unit tests. Signed-off-by: Andrew Honig <> Signed-off-by: Marcelo Tosatti <>
InstanceHandle_t key() const { return m_key; }
[ "CWE-284" ]
check remote permissions (#1387) * Refs 5346. Blackbox test Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. one-way string compare Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. Do not add partition separator on last partition Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. Uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 5346. Uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Access control unit testing It only covers Partition and Topic permissions Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs #3680. Fix partition check on Permissions plugin. Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Fix tests on mac Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Fix windows tests Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Avoid memory leak on test Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * Refs 3680. Proxy data mocks should not return temporary objects Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> * refs 3680. uncrustify Signed-off-by: Iker Luengo <> Co-authored-by: Miguel Company <>
static int packet_mc_drop(struct sock *sk, struct packet_mreq_max *mreq) { struct packet_mclist *ml, **mlp; rtnl_lock(); for (mlp = &pkt_sk(sk)->mclist; (ml = *mlp) != NULL; mlp = &ml->next) { if (ml->ifindex == mreq->mr_ifindex && ml->type == mreq->mr_type && ml->alen == mreq->mr_alen && memcmp(ml->addr, mreq->mr_address, ml->alen) == 0) { if (--ml->count == 0) { struct net_device *dev; *mlp = ml->next; dev = __dev_get_by_index(sock_net(sk), ml->ifindex); if (dev) packet_dev_mc(dev, ml, -1); kfree(ml); } break; } } rtnl_unlock(); return 0; }
[ "CWE-416", "CWE-362" ]
packet: fix race condition in packet_set_ring When packet_set_ring creates a ring buffer it will initialize a struct timer_list if the packet version is TPACKET_V3. This value can then be raced by a different thread calling setsockopt to set the version to TPACKET_V1 before packet_set_ring has finished. This leads to a use-after-free on a function pointer in the struct timer_list when the socket is closed as the previously initialized timer will not be deleted. The bug is fixed by taking lock_sock(sk) in packet_setsockopt when changing the packet version while also taking the lock at the start of packet_set_ring. Fixes: f6fb8f100b80 ("af-packet: TPACKET_V3 flexible buffer implementation.") Signed-off-by: Philip Pettersson <> Signed-off-by: Eric Dumazet <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
get_content (xmlNodePtr node_ptr) { xmlChar *xml_s; gchar *s; xml_s = xmlNodeGetContent (node_ptr); s = g_strdup ((gchar *) xml_s); xmlFree (xml_s); return s; }
[ "CWE-295" ]
I#27 - SSL Certificates are not validated This depends on too. Closes
jas_stream_t *jas_stream_tmpfile() { jas_stream_t *stream; jas_stream_fileobj_t *obj; if (!(stream = jas_stream_create())) { return 0; } /* A temporary file stream is always opened for both reading and writing in binary mode. */ stream->openmode_ = JAS_STREAM_READ | JAS_STREAM_WRITE | JAS_STREAM_BINARY; /* Allocate memory for the underlying temporary file object. */ if (!(obj = jas_malloc(sizeof(jas_stream_fileobj_t)))) { jas_stream_destroy(stream); return 0; } obj->fd = -1; obj->flags = 0; obj->pathname[0] = '\0'; stream->obj_ = obj; /* Choose a file name. */ tmpnam(obj->pathname); /* Open the underlying file. */ if ((obj->fd = open(obj->pathname, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, JAS_STREAM_PERMS)) < 0) { jas_stream_destroy(stream); return 0; } /* Unlink the file so that it will disappear if the program terminates abnormally. */ /* Under UNIX, one can unlink an open file and continue to do I/O on it. Not all operating systems support this functionality, however. For example, under Microsoft Windows the unlink operation will fail, since the file is open. */ if (unlink(obj->pathname)) { /* We will try unlinking the file again after it is closed. */ obj->flags |= JAS_STREAM_FILEOBJ_DELONCLOSE; } /* Use full buffering. */ jas_stream_initbuf(stream, JAS_STREAM_FULLBUF, 0, 0); stream->ops_ = &jas_stream_fileops; return stream; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
At many places in the code, jas_malloc or jas_recalloc was being invoked with the size argument being computed in a manner that would not allow integer overflow to be detected. Now, these places in the code have been modified to use special-purpose memory allocation functions (e.g., jas_alloc2, jas_alloc3, jas_realloc2) that check for overflow. This should fix many security problems.
const char *unit_slice_name(Unit *u) { assert(u); if (!UNIT_ISSET(u->slice)) return NULL; return UNIT_DEREF(u->slice)->id; }
[ "CWE-269" ]
core: imply NNP and SUID/SGID restriction for DynamicUser=yes service Let's be safe, rather than sorry. This way DynamicUser=yes services can neither take benefit of, nor create SUID/SGID binaries. Given that DynamicUser= is a recent addition only we should be able to get away with turning this on, even though this is strictly speaking a binary compatibility breakage.
mode_in(struct cpio *cpio) { struct archive *a; struct archive_entry *entry; struct archive *ext; const char *destpath; int r; ext = archive_write_disk_new(); if (ext == NULL) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Couldn't allocate restore object"); r = archive_write_disk_set_options(ext, cpio->extract_flags); if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) lafe_errc(1, 0, "%s", archive_error_string(ext)); a = archive_read_new(); if (a == NULL) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Couldn't allocate archive object"); archive_read_support_filter_all(a); archive_read_support_format_all(a); if (cpio->passphrase != NULL) r = archive_read_add_passphrase(a, cpio->passphrase); else r = archive_read_set_passphrase_callback(a, cpio, &passphrase_callback); if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) lafe_errc(1, 0, "%s", archive_error_string(a)); if (archive_read_open_filename(a, cpio->filename, cpio->bytes_per_block)) lafe_errc(1, archive_errno(a), "%s", archive_error_string(a)); for (;;) { r = archive_read_next_header(a, &entry); if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF) break; if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) { lafe_errc(1, archive_errno(a), "%s", archive_error_string(a)); } if (archive_match_path_excluded(cpio->matching, entry)) continue; if (cpio->option_rename) { destpath = cpio_rename(archive_entry_pathname(entry)); archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, destpath); } else destpath = archive_entry_pathname(entry); if (destpath == NULL) continue; if (cpio->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", destpath); if (cpio->dot) fprintf(stderr, "."); if (cpio->uid_override >= 0) archive_entry_set_uid(entry, cpio->uid_override); if (cpio->gid_override >= 0) archive_entry_set_gid(entry, cpio->gid_override); r = archive_write_header(ext, entry); if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", archive_entry_pathname(entry), archive_error_string(ext)); } else if (!archive_entry_size_is_set(entry) || archive_entry_size(entry) > 0) { r = extract_data(a, ext); if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) cpio->return_value = 1; } } r = archive_read_close(a); if (cpio->dot) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) lafe_errc(1, 0, "%s", archive_error_string(a)); r = archive_write_close(ext); if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) lafe_errc(1, 0, "%s", archive_error_string(ext)); if (!cpio->quiet) { int64_t blocks = (archive_filter_bytes(a, 0) + 511) / 512; fprintf(stderr, "%lu %s\n", (unsigned long)blocks, blocks == 1 ? "block" : "blocks"); } archive_read_free(a); archive_write_free(ext); exit(cpio->return_value); }
[ "CWE-703", "CWE-22" ]
Add ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_NOABSOLUTEPATHS option This fixes a directory traversal in the cpio tool.
close_pcsc_reader_direct (int slot) { pcsc_release_context (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context); xfree (reader_table[slot].rdrname); reader_table[slot].rdrname = NULL; reader_table[slot].used = 0; return 0; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Use inline functions to convert buffer data to scalars. * common/host2net.h (buf16_to_ulong, buf16_to_uint): New. (buf16_to_ushort, buf16_to_u16): New. (buf32_to_size_t, buf32_to_ulong, buf32_to_uint, buf32_to_u32): New. -- Commit 91b826a38880fd8a989318585eb502582636ddd8 was not enough to avoid all sign extension on shift problems. Hanno Böck found a case with an invalid read due to this problem. To fix that once and for all almost all uses of "<< 24" and "<< 8" are changed by this patch to use an inline function from host2net.h. Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <>
std::unique_ptr<routing_handle_result> handle_initial(request& req, response& res) { return router_.handle_initial(req, res); }
[ "CWE-416" ]
Prevent HTTP pipelining which Crow doesn't support.
bool t_go_generator::omit_initialization(t_field* tfield) { t_const_value* value = tfield->get_value(); if (!value) { return true; } t_type* type = tfield->get_type()->get_true_type(); if (type->is_base_type()) { t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base(); switch (tbase) { case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID: throw ""; case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING: if (((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) { //[]byte are always inline return false; } // strings are pointers if has no default return value->get_string().empty(); case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL: case t_base_type::TYPE_I8: case t_base_type::TYPE_I16: case t_base_type::TYPE_I32: case t_base_type::TYPE_I64: return value->get_integer() == 0; case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: if (value->get_type() == t_const_value::CV_INTEGER) { return value->get_integer() == 0; } else { return value->get_double() == 0.; } } } return false; }
[ "CWE-77" ]
THRIFT-3893 Command injection in format_go_output Client: Go Patch: Jens Geyer
Date_t timestampTime() const { unsigned long long t = ConstDataView(value() + 4).read<LittleEndian<unsigned int>>(); return Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(t * 1000); }
[ "CWE-613" ]
SERVER-38984 Validate unique User ID on UserCache hit