[ "I I love logical and rational thinking.", "I'm very good at math and science.", "I am considered a nerd by many.", "I started working at Google last week on self driving car research.", "I love computers." ]
[ "Are you at the beach???", "I've been in beauty pageants.", "Sounds unsettling. I've a healthy respect for death.", "Sad to hear! What kind of accident happens at track?", "Hey there pretty good, yourself.", "Tell me more about yourself.", "Nope but I love driving in the car with my family.", "Could you teach me how to cook?", "I like shopping for shoes. It was good chatting with you!", "Definitely and they need to have their parents around to support them.", "I like chicken. What do you like to eat?", "How tall are you? I am 5 foot 3.", "Nothing much just walking around.", "I love new York, but I live in Pennsylvania.", "Hi my name is sally and I am a woman. I like the color purple.", "Hi there, how are you doing?", "He's 5, I like dogs too but I am more of a cat person.", "Do you like to look at art?", "Where are the other parks you.", "That is cool, you must be good at math." ]
[ "Do you have any dolls?", "I do not I have computers though.", "I collect them so I was just wondering.", "What do you do for work I work at Google.", "I run an antiques shop." ]
[ "I I love logical and rational thinking.", "I'm very good at math and science.", "I am considered a nerd by many.", "I started working at Google last week on self driving car research.", "I love computers." ]
[ "Are you a big gym nut? I like to lift and keep fit.", "I used to play guitar and travel all over.", "I only had one friend in life and is going abroad for further studies.", "That does sound fun, but I will stick with a good day fishing lol.", "Pretty good just doing some research on adopting a dog.", "Good afternoon, how are you today?", "Sure, hope it helps! My kids are wearing me out. Toddler and a six year old.", "I adore art. Although I can barely see it sometimes with my bifocals.", "Sorry. My income is pretty limited after getting on medicare.", "Hi how are you?", "Yeah, I try to run a few times a week.", "Hi! how are you doing today?", "Great! Tell me about yourself.", "How about that? My old man was a car salesman. Think they knew each other?", "Ha! seems like the wrong job if you do not like saliva lol.", "Is that your hobby or your career?", "Well I've four dogs and they like chewing on toes.", "How are you? I just got a new internet job.", "I blog about books I've read but I'm working with major publishers on a book.", "Nice, that is all you need, I consider myself a nerd at heart." ]
[ "Do you have any dolls?", "I do not I have computers though.", "I collect them so I was just wondering.", "What do you do for work I work at Google.", "I run an antiques shop.", "That is cool, you must be good at math.", "1 plus 1 equals us. I can do math." ]
[ "I I love logical and rational thinking.", "I'm very good at math and science.", "I am considered a nerd by many.", "I started working at Google last week on self driving car research.", "I love computers." ]
[ "I'm good. Just listening to music while knitting.", "My yoga practice has brought me deeply in touch with the universe, yes.", "Love nature. Especially dancing in the rain. Snow?!", "Will do! whats your major.", "Oh where are you at? Its nice and cool here.", "Thanks, it is nice as a female to get dressed up every once in a while.", "I love spending time with my dog and cat.", "I like more modern rock.", "That is quite the fantasy! I love fantasizing that I'm a wizard saving a city.", "I'm good do you work.", "Working and of course playing sports.", "Sounds good. Just working out. I eat meat. How about you?", "Hello! How are you today?", "Just have kids books. How about everybody poops?", "Yea, I'm shy so I stay home a lot aside from the concerts.", "That sounds like fun. I'm a stay at home mom.", "I'm hanging in there.", "Why do you want to make sure that I speak german.", "What kind of sports then.", "Maybe it is, I not sure." ]
[ "Do you have any dolls?", "I do not I have computers though.", "I collect them so I was just wondering.", "What do you do for work I work at Google.", "I run an antiques shop.", "That is cool, you must be good at math.", "1 plus 1 equals us. I can do math.", "Nice, that is all you need, I consider myself a nerd at heart.", "Was that romantic? I try to be." ]
[ "I I love logical and rational thinking.", "I'm very good at math and science.", "I am considered a nerd by many.", "I started working at Google last week on self driving car research.", "I love computers." ]
[ "Hey there! How is it going?", "Do you know where Cape Hatteras is? That is where I'm.", "I do not care about your husband.", "Cool, just in time for the Sunday night game.", "I'm up making clothes.", "Only a few blocks from the browns stadium.", "Love you guys. Good people. Do you have a favorite band?", "Wow me too. Favorite song?", "What do you do on the computer?", "Sorry to hear that. A lot of marriages do not last.", "I will leave my kids never liked them lets do this!", "And for fun for you?", "Oh wow you are a bird?", "My favorite is hard boiled eggs.", "Well I do not think so but all my friends say I suck.", "Me too lol! I'm a little weird too especially with vegetables ha!", "Wow. That is tall. Guess I should drink more milk!", "Hi there, how are you?", "In Astoria queens actually. Have you been?", "That is cool since, when did you learn." ]
[ "Do you have any dolls?", "I do not I have computers though.", "I collect them so I was just wondering.", "What do you do for work I work at Google.", "I run an antiques shop.", "That is cool, you must be good at math.", "1 plus 1 equals us. I can do math.", "Nice, that is all you need, I consider myself a nerd at heart.", "Was that romantic? I try to be.", "Maybe it is, I not sure.", "I could play some jazz too." ]
[ "I I love logical and rational thinking.", "I'm very good at math and science.", "I am considered a nerd by many.", "I started working at Google last week on self driving car research.", "I love computers." ]
[ "I think it must be a type of music genre that I haven't heard of.", "I like to boat, it is a total babe magnet.", "I like country music the most but jazz and hip hop are cool too.", "Oh okay. I don't read books often, normally books in French are my go to.", "Well, my girlfriend tells me she is going to leave pretty much every day, call me maybe?", "Lol interesting would sum it up.", "Hi! my name is Tao and I live in Canada!", "I am good just playing some video games.", "Oh I love dogs, what kind do you have.", "I have cancer only have 6 months but I am not giving up.", "Listening to husker doo punk while I scribble poetry here. Whatcha up to?", "When I play games it is usually board games. Risk is my favorite.", "Yes, I love it. Do you?", "I am well.... got a small problem maybe you can help.", "I get your children love that you are a baker.. lots of sweets..", "Hey there good afternoon, like hippos?", "Video games are very cool!", "Yummy! My mom plays tennis as a profession so she isn't home to cook much.", "I am a japanese teacher and I teach drawing on the side as well.", "Cool sounds good, I love jazz." ]
[ "Do you have any dolls?", "I do not I have computers though.", "I collect them so I was just wondering.", "What do you do for work I work at Google.", "I run an antiques shop.", "That is cool, you must be good at math.", "1 plus 1 equals us. I can do math.", "Nice, that is all you need, I consider myself a nerd at heart.", "Was that romantic? I try to be.", "Maybe it is, I not sure.", "I could play some jazz too.", "That is cool since, when did you learn.", "I will play you a cd of it I meant." ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "Me too! Though I love to read the histories of every country.", "I see. Do you like being that tall?", "I'm here. I'm doing well, just waiting for the hurricane to hit.", "I love horror stories, I like to read stories of unsolved murders.", "Ohhhh. I love green eyes. So beautiful.", "Just for fun. Are you married? I have a wife.", "Lol... that is cute I do not have an children do you?", "Hi there! How are you?", "I bet. do you have a husband?", "I haven't read Harry Potter. I love vegetarian lasagna. Yum!", "Thanks I like people to think I'm. I also tell people my name is italian.", "Do they have a lot of trees there?", "I'm fine, and you?", "No! Jean is blind and I'm nervous. You dance?", "Www... we just celebrated our 40th anniversary.", "It is. What do you do?", "I have a difficult inner critic.", "No I'll eat them all.", "It wouldn't taste right without it.", "I'm well thanks and you?" ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today." ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "It does, but it is worth it to help people. What do you design?", "Are you enlisted right now?", "Really? Who goes skydiving with you.", "Just sitting here thinking how most people bother me.", "Why you cant tell me a german word you just said that you can speak german right?", "That's nice. I am ready to go cut down a lot of trees today.", "Do you swim or run?", "Really? It would be great to hook up with someone and not have to pay rent.", "I do. The pay isn't too great though. 30k.", "Math is cool but really not my thing, I like yoga.", "Hello, how are you tonight?", "I run a Youtube channel that proves the existence of leprechauns.", "I do. my neighbor comes and chills a lot, watches rugby so I chill and make kites.", "Is there a drought or anything right now?", "Are you vegan? I am.", "That's pretty cool. What do you do for work?", "Awesome. What kind of medicine do you do? Always looking for bio related careers.", "Hello how are you today?", "A bar on the beach but the kinds that sells fruit juices, esp. Lemonade!", "I do work. Have a bit of a shopping issue so I need to and you?" ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today.", "I'm well thanks and you?", "I am doing really good.... do you work?" ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "No I not but I am not that strict with my meal plans.", "Sheesh, I can barely get 8 hours of sleep.", "Yea then you might get into some hobbies to get your mind off work.", "Whats your favorite holiday, Christmas is mine.", "Oh no! Where did she go?", "You mean a french fry that won't cause heart disease?", "Where are you from? Pa here.", "No, it is just a hobby. What hobbies do you have?", "Sometimes. Its such a relief to not have to worry about my accent.", "I hear you! Although being a national guard officer has its perks.", "I suppose. Do you have tattoos?", "Awesome, I sing in a coffeehouse and that is sometimes a request.", "I really like lions, do you wear glasses? I've had them since I was a kid.", "That sounds fun. I enjoy going for walks outside.", "Good evening. I just came in from a jog.", "How do you have that much money yet not enough for a car? I meant pictures.", "Lucky charms, just like leprechauns. They're real. You?", "Ooh, I love ice cream! But, I am so craving nachos!", "I am more of a roller coaster junkie!!", "You won the lottery is that it?" ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today.", "I'm well thanks and you?", "I am doing really good.... do you work?", "I do work. Have a bit of a shopping issue so I need to and you?", "I am rich I gamble and had won millions I shop a lot also." ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "I cook mostly. I love pasta so always looking for new recipes.", "That would be really fun.", "The Red Sox. I also enjoy playing the piano.", "I love ragtime. All three of my sisters like it, too.", "Sometimes; I've this weird obsession with pens.", "I bet I am fancier than you. I am just being fancy.", "I need to do the same... recent blood pressure issues.", "Really I am scheduled to get one next week.", "Yeah, and I do enjoy using the farm land for duck hunting. Do you travel?", "I am sorry, that sucks.", "I've family there, but I am in new England.", "They have older teams. Hey, you need a job?", "It is very fun. I also like music.", "My dad is remarried after his divorce. His new wife is a chef.", "I pretend to like them it gives my mother piece.", "Oh no I am sorry to hear that.", "Great! I just got back from a nature walk with my kids.", "I would love company. Been lonely since I lost my husband.", "Huh. Sheltered background? Do you play anything besides skittles, maybe computer games?", "Does it have downfalls winning all that?" ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today.", "I'm well thanks and you?", "I am doing really good.... do you work?", "I do work. Have a bit of a shopping issue so I need to and you?", "I am rich I gamble and had won millions I shop a lot also.", "You won the lottery is that it?", "Yes I use to work in phone sales but I will never have to work again." ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "That sounds interesting. I performed at a big wedding last week.", "Ft Carson co. I live just outside co springs.", "Not so far, what about you?", "That is so cool cause I love basketball as well.", "Nice, my kids visit me in my nursing home a lot, kids are the best.", "That si good to hear, I love watching movies and make people laugh.", "Me too, I am excited to try it! Before my trip.", "I did. I married my best friend from high school. Sometimes I wonder why...", "Red stuff can be a significant part of happiness with my red purse.", "Same. But I usually just work out to get a better body.", "Yeah I wish I could help! I am talking to many people at once!", "No time I've to drive to work, it takes me an hour each way.", "Yeah. My parents wanted me to be teachers like them, but I prefer music.", "A lot of things but I get over them. I play tennis.", "Definitely! Ribeye is my favorite.", "No, I've not touched a dolphin before.", "I love to read. What about you?", "A little tired due to my iron deficiency and unrequited love with Adam Levine.", "Hi! what are you doing? I am watching Anime. I like it.", "Do you have a favorite singer?" ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today.", "I'm well thanks and you?", "I am doing really good.... do you work?", "I do work. Have a bit of a shopping issue so I need to and you?", "I am rich I gamble and had won millions I shop a lot also.", "You won the lottery is that it?", "Yes I use to work in phone sales but I will never have to work again.", "Does it have downfalls winning all that?", "Yes I won 40 million people are greedy." ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "I'm a spanish translator for a living. What do you do?", "I should move there maybe I could become a publisher.", "Hey there, I'm good. My iq is 250, not too shabby!", "Yes, I do photography alot, I'm a premature born.", "Why do you find it hard to relax?", "I love to win, sunny days, and coffee. You?", "Yes tell me about it. I spent my whole paycheck playing poker and lost.", "I'll lend you some money. I'm making 5 million a year!", "That's nice. Are you a Christian? I'm.", "They came to Argentina where I'm from and I met them in a drugstore.", "Last time I had a boyfriend I got metal in my knee.", "Thanks I'm kinda awkward socially.", "Wow, you must not have much free time!", "Yes I love nature how about you?", "I'm doing great! Just hanging out here with my pomeranian. You?", "What is it about? I generally like sci fi and animated books.", "They definitely keep me active. Always wanting me to play sports. How about you?", "Good for you. Sunsets though are the best.", "I do not work as an actress anymore but I love what I do!", "Only want to be rich to be able to help as many people I could." ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today.", "I'm well thanks and you?", "I am doing really good.... do you work?", "I do work. Have a bit of a shopping issue so I need to and you?", "I am rich I gamble and had won millions I shop a lot also.", "You won the lottery is that it?", "Yes I use to work in phone sales but I will never have to work again.", "Does it have downfalls winning all that?", "Yes I won 40 million people are greedy.", "Do you have a favorite singer?", "I just really love old country music of any kind... what about you." ]
[ "I drink diet coke.", "I spend too much time shopping.", "I drive a Ford taurus.", "I love Katy Perry." ]
[ "You play any instruments at all? I can teach you the drums.", "Good, maybe you can help me sometime.", "I'm, and my mom is from China, my dad from Puerto Rico.", "Sounds fun. I like drinks too. I wish I was a knight.", "My older brother is always in trouble so he is always gone.", "I work at barnes and noble.", "History is neat. I have swam with manta rays before so that also interest me.", "I went to college. Saw a lot of yo gotti shows while there. You?", "I do too. I like being up at night and sleeping during the day.", "I almost certain they are, combating fake news.", "I'm 49 and I drive a pink car.", "I'm a single mother of a boy age 6.", "Nice. Does she teach english, or writing? I often write in my backyard.", "Hi, how are you this evening?", "Oh okay. I'm a single parent mom I have 5 kids.", "Well if you just graduated that's great! Do you want to go to college?", "I do not everyone dies and gets sexually assaulted.", "Everyone in my class! My moms also the teacher.", "I love cooking home cooked meals like fried fish.", "Katy Perry is my favorite." ]
[ "Hi.... how are you doing today.", "I'm well thanks and you?", "I am doing really good.... do you work?", "I do work. Have a bit of a shopping issue so I need to and you?", "I am rich I gamble and had won millions I shop a lot also.", "You won the lottery is that it?", "Yes I use to work in phone sales but I will never have to work again.", "Does it have downfalls winning all that?", "Yes I won 40 million people are greedy.", "Do you have a favorite singer?", "I just really love old country music of any kind... what about you.", "Only want to be rich to be able to help as many people I could.", "Yes it is nice but hard to tell peoples true intentions." ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "The night life in Seattle is pretty great. What is it you do for fun?", "That's tough! Are you married? I married last year.", "Hey! Have you ever seen the movie django unchained? I love it.", "I am in school for magic.", "Cool. How fast does it go? I wonder if I could keep up.", "Wow that's very noble that was a terrible tragedy.", "Its going good, I just finished watching the eclipse, and yes I used eye protection.", "I am trying to cut out the middle man and cater directly to my clients.", "Hey how are you doing.", "Nothing. I guess I am a couch potato.", "Really. Do you work and are you at work right now?", "That's one of my favorite colors along with red.", "Yeah she definitely is. I'd ask her on a date but I live with my parents.", "What are you talking about?", "Gila is the name of my ex girlfriend... she eloped with my best friend, Dan.", "I am glad that you are able to find things to do with your father.", "Hi what are you up to today.", "Howdy friend. How are you?", "I have never thought of that. Its in the city. Less rednecks?", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!" ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "Wow. do you plan on keeping that farm in your family?", "One day I want to retire to Florida.", "What do you do for a living?", "I have a lot of free time when I am not studying or working out.", "Classical I am into it music.", "I agree. No storms and hurricanes here.", "Hi there, how are you?", "That would be great! Who your fave musician?", "Oh sorry! Do you like music? I love country.", "It is about my experience as an only child from an ontological perspective.", "Hi, how would you like to talk to a mom with 8 children under 10?", "Yes. my favorite is hamburger. You?", "Yes, just recently. Do you have children?", "Do you travel? Most of my pictures come from that.", "I like to meet new people.", "Ah. well hopefully he drives a Ford truck like a real man.", "Perhaps, but my father is a minister and he wouldn't like that.", "Oops lol this is a mess, oh your a girl cool.", "Yes I love how green this ar myself.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities." ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "Hey. How are you doing today?", "There is another one my kids cannot get enough of.", "I bet he's so cute! Do you like music? I love rock!", "My name is John, I like to tell you my hobbies and interest.", "I love the Beatles.", "Haha, got any hobbies you are good at?", "Do you ever play country music.", "No, pets aren't my thing, especially snakes. Bugs are compatible however.", "Oh, where did you get your credentials?", "I want to be a lawyer. First I have to get into a good college though.", "Its great. My husband and kids like the outdoors, but the city is pretty close.", "Nursings great. Our scrubs are blue, which I love and it paid off my house.", "Oh no. do you like ergonomic things?", "That is nice! I am reading some.", "Its good to pray, it works for my son, he gets straight as.", "Hello how are you doing.", "How beautiful. I just want someone to love me.", "I am doing good. Tell me some more about yourself.", "I live in Japan part of the year so I eat a lot of sushi.", "Would you like to marry one of my four attractive daughters? I will sell one." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars.", "Sounds exciting! I am a computer programmer, which pays over 200k a year." ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "You should join a gym.", "I love pearl jam, what do you do for fun?", "I am hurting from a lost love.", "Hi how are you doing.", "Do you have pets kids?", "My mom was the same way, I try to be the same to my kids.", "I am carrying a red purse, it matches my shoes.", "I went to an audition for something I've dreamed about, but freaked out.", "I used to have a real smart cat that looked like morris the cat.", "My father worked in advertising.. so boring! I need adventure.", "Do you like to look at art?", "She prefers I do not say. But I've been interviewed on the news several times too.", "I do not, unfortunately I am too busy with the business and traveling.", "That was movie also wasn't it?", "We live in Oklahoma a small city.", "Do you like to work out?", "That is cool are you a professional baseball player.", "Wow, that is different. Do you have a fav color? Mine is blue.", "I got into the habit in the hospital. Had two toes amputated in an accident.", "Very attractive, but one plays board games with me. I like her the best." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars.", "Sounds exciting! I am a computer programmer, which pays over 200k a year.", "Would you like to marry one of my four attractive daughters? I will sell one.", "Ha ha, how attractive? I am pretty eligible. I helped program facebook!" ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "Ok that is just a little creepy.", "Something weird I do is read to my cats. They seem to enjoy it.", "Where do you go volunteer?", "Mac and cheese is great and quick to make.", "I work from home. Its an it company.", "Do you have any pets?", "Especially when you have a greedy landlord raising the rent omao.", "Thanks a lot! Lets see. It is my first.", "My son plays football for of. Go gators!", "Hello, I am going to be famous tonight.", "No but I m proud shins.", "I am doing okay. I might reread Harry Potter or game of thrones.", "My parents hate it when their students scrawl all over their school books.", "I like the color purple. Do you have any aspirations?", "First game ever I played was half life on the computer...", "Oh really? How many do you have?", "Aren't they great? What do you do for fun?", "Doing ok. Looking for a new job. I lost mine as a banker a couple months ago.", "Cool. I help my son owen with his homework.", "Hmm I've a large swimming pool filled with gold coins I like to bury myself in." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars.", "Sounds exciting! I am a computer programmer, which pays over 200k a year.", "Would you like to marry one of my four attractive daughters? I will sell one.", "Ha ha, how attractive? I am pretty eligible. I helped program facebook!", "Very attractive, but one plays board games with me. I like her the best.", "I guess you like board games? Any other hobbies?" ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "No we both short. I was thinking about cooking up something. Anything in mind?", "Hey! I just got a new tattoo!", "I am still falling. Going to try and finish love for reading before I hit.", "Trying to look for a show that might teach me self defense. I really want to learn.", "Yes, you ever played it on the beach?", "I totally understand, I am the same way.", "Hi what are you doing.", "Hey there how are you doing.", "5 dogs, 4 cats, fish and chickens, and you?", "Cool. What is your favorite book?", "I am daydreaming. Want to quit job and become a bieber roadie.", "That is pretty neat, being the youngest I got stuck with piano.", "That sounds so good right now.", "Hi, I have skeleton fingers.", "I have not gotten to do much this year.", "Cooking mostly. My family used to own a small restaurant.", "Maybe I should try that sometimes. What kind of music do you like?", "That is more than a little strange.", "Not at all, it depends on how well the dialogue is.", "I am very strong I had my arms replaced with robot limbs." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars.", "Sounds exciting! I am a computer programmer, which pays over 200k a year.", "Would you like to marry one of my four attractive daughters? I will sell one.", "Ha ha, how attractive? I am pretty eligible. I helped program facebook!", "Very attractive, but one plays board games with me. I like her the best.", "I guess you like board games? Any other hobbies?", "Hmm I've a large swimming pool filled with gold coins I like to bury myself in.", "Ll. sounds fun, but be careful with that. Gold coins are heavy!" ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "I think I talk way too fast to ever command a dog of anything. Do you?", "Another parent! I am a full on soccer mom and teach cheerleading on the side.", "Hi. I am good, just finishing up some homework. You?", "I am still in school too. I don't have a job yet.", "I like all colors. They remind me of summer.", "10 commands is holy grail, if you don't agree, religious war it will be!", "Criminal justice. Although I doubt it.", "He is my koi. I built his pond by myself.", "I am a lady from France and only moved to the us last year.", "No, I am going on a road trip with family. I love road trips.", "Wow I hate you more, no offense. I only play ultimate sometimes.", "I speak chinese and English. Yourself?", "So what kind of self employed work do you do?", "Do you have any pets? I have a horse, ed. he doesn't talk.", "Oh, how so? Is she really into online shopping.", "Yeah, given how things are in Usa now, I want to be federal judge.", "You should coupon with me. Saves a ton of money!", "Oh wow ok. I am trying to find the next concert that I am going to.", "Yes, nerds are the best!", "Yeah, some like to call Mr Mr. Arms my daughter love my arms too." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars.", "Sounds exciting! I am a computer programmer, which pays over 200k a year.", "Would you like to marry one of my four attractive daughters? I will sell one.", "Ha ha, how attractive? I am pretty eligible. I helped program facebook!", "Very attractive, but one plays board games with me. I like her the best.", "I guess you like board games? Any other hobbies?", "Hmm I've a large swimming pool filled with gold coins I like to bury myself in.", "Ll. sounds fun, but be careful with that. Gold coins are heavy!", "I am very strong I had my arms replaced with robot limbs.", "Ah, a cyborg. I would not want to arm wrestle you, then!" ]
[ "I like to go fishing.", "I have 4 daughters.", "I race cars for a living.", "I like to play board games." ]
[ "I am not even sure lol.", "Hi, nice to meet you?", "Do you enjoying eating ham?", "Depends on my theme that year. The car.", "What are you studying? Where do you go?", "Very. I am in finance, what do you do?", "I'll. I had planned on taking a hike this weekend but wound up getting supplies instead.", "I am good. I am going to the gym after work.", "Catholic all girls school. It sucks. One more year to go.", "Hi! how are you this evening?", "I hope so. What do you look like?", "I start at Uc Santa Cruz soon and I am going to study computer science.", "I bet you are very tired!", "It is great. Here in Alabama, I like to go to a lot of sporting events.", "Yes I do. It is very nice here.", "Back to the books for you. Goodnight.", "This tutorial made it look like your lips were sewn together. Gruesome.", "I work at a call center with city bank. It pays the bills. You?", "Really? I like to in the am over nights.", "We had a robot dog that one of my daughters made. But it exploded killing thousands." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? Tell me something about yourself!", "Well, I love going fishing with my four attractive daughters every day.", "Sounds fun! I enjoying volunteering and donating to charities.", "Cool maybe you'd like to run a charity at my new race track. I race cars.", "Sounds exciting! I am a computer programmer, which pays over 200k a year.", "Would you like to marry one of my four attractive daughters? I will sell one.", "Ha ha, how attractive? I am pretty eligible. I helped program facebook!", "Very attractive, but one plays board games with me. I like her the best.", "I guess you like board games? Any other hobbies?", "Hmm I've a large swimming pool filled with gold coins I like to bury myself in.", "Ll. sounds fun, but be careful with that. Gold coins are heavy!", "I am very strong I had my arms replaced with robot limbs.", "Ah, a cyborg. I would not want to arm wrestle you, then!", "Yeah, some like to call Mr Mr. Arms my daughter love my arms too.", "Sounds like you have a very interesting life! Any pets?" ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "Hi, how are you? What types of things do you like to do?", "Bartending is too. You get to meet lots of people.", "Do you have any pets?", "I'm a band geek sort of. I play trumpet. I'm an allstar.", "Yes, I'll always love my past.", "It is cool, cloudy, windy here.", "What city are you from?", "Hi, how are you doing today?", "I read so I do not know about that. And I've prius in my driveway. You?", "Yeah, me and my two boys always go every month.", "I know. Its for you silly clown.", "I love avenged sevenfold. What do you like?", "I'm sure. I'm an olympic weight lifter. I need time to focus on training.", "Yes I know that, if you have time maybe we can eat dinner?", "I've heard diet can help with epilepsy.", "I listen to Nickelback and go to my local church in my free time.", "My wife doesn't enjoy them as much as I do.", "My main hobby is hunting for food, but I'm a really good baker yes.", "I was a design fashion major, never used my degree.", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day." ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?" ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "Oh cool!! I really like music and singing.", "I watch alot of news.", "I see. I think everyone should love it. Any other hobbies?", "What do you do for a living?", "I am looking for a job, I have to be tight with my money.", "Not so good. I really need somone to talk to.", "Great well, gotta run, take care.", "Awesome! French fries were all I ate this weekend. Did you have any?", "I guess really smart I never met him.", "Wow, well done! I got a roof ready to put on new shingles.", "I dropped out and now I live off my parents.", "Oh, I have not seen any of those.", "I like it. You be exactly who you are.", "Hi! my name is river song. I am named for my grandmother. Who are you?", "I am working as a cashier.", "Gospel. We have healthy pot lucks at our church choir picnics.", "Football and hockey. They're the best! What about you?", "Hi! how are you today?", "Hmm... maybe I should look into that. I need a hobby now that I am not working.", "What do you call a bear with no teeth?" ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day.", "I just love my I phone. I talk on it all the time." ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "Why? That's so crazy.", "Surf in water? No I stay away from the stuff.", "Oh, cool. Do you like cats?", "Yeah. That's very true. It also probably doesn't help that they have it in art museums.", "Awesome! Like what? I like butterflies.", "I don't do you have any?", "Just got done cooking do you cook.", "Yeah I just do it until I can retire.", "They should have more fast italian food places. Drive thru spaghetti huts.", "Maybe I can take you sometime if you like guys with big beards.", "Of course you are. Do you like to surf?", "Hi I'm not doing well truthfully. Where are you?", "Hi! how are you today?", "My mom had a heart attack while I was running hurdles. Saw the whole thing.", "Pretentious hipster, eh? well, I have got a tattoo of thorns on my toes.", "I'm good getting ready to volunteer.", "Are you married do you have any kids.", "That sounds very romantic. Are you a homosexual?", "No problem. How has your day been so far?", "A gummy bear! no, I just have faith in our future." ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day.", "I just love my I phone. I talk on it all the time.", "What do you call a bear with no teeth?", "A toothless bear. Are you a megalomaniac?" ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "Oh you are so confused. Maybe you could do some sports to clear your head.", "I loved my parents but they passed away.", "Usually cars and dogs.", "Waffles with Vermont maple syrup.", "Hmmm.. maybe superhero movies. Maybe no.", "That's still really cool! I fav show is the walking dead.", "They're my favorite. So metal.", "Hi there! Are you a student or do you have a job already?", "I don't sadly and I can't afford to travel to see them either but I have pets.", "Sure am. House full of pets. And you?", "Whats something on your bucket list? For me, its skydiving. I'd be ecstatic to partake.", "Docks are especially fun for sword fights. The water hazard makes it so suspenseful.", "Run or swim. I like to keep my heart healthy.", "I am trying to learn to cook. Anything is doable right?", "Very, but swimming helps me to balance out. What s your fave color?", "What do you do? I am an athlete.", "Ahh I see, I am sewing my cat a sweater its one of my hobbies.", "Well how are you talking to me without any? Weird. Anyway, I am in advertstiment.", "Ayyyy ricky rossy in the dizzy.", "That's ok. Where do cows go for entertainment?" ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day.", "I just love my I phone. I talk on it all the time.", "What do you call a bear with no teeth?", "A toothless bear. Are you a megalomaniac?", "A gummy bear! no, I just have faith in our future.", "Funny! I am not much of an intellectual. I did not go to college." ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "I have a new juice blend for my bar, it s mango oj ice protein and raspberries.", "I'm pretty certain he liked pretty pictures, but not hiking. I have got a thing for history.", "Pretty much that's it free diving makes me feel alive!", "Cool. I'm doing nothing. What is the novel about?", "Hello, I'm Brenda I sell commercial real estate.", "Hi'm a 56 year old married man, who had 5 amazing kids.", "I keep on wondering why we have to die.", "Hello there. How are you.", "Maybe a career change will be good for you... and shorter work hours!", "Nope! its okay I like animals better than people anyways.", "Exactly. Two dogs should be a selling point on dates.", "I really need a vacation soon. What about you?", "So you are like a night owl too.", "Nice! It sounds like we have some similar interests in the arts.", "So long humanoid carbon lifeform.", "My favorite is cookies and cream.", "Some recipes caught me off guard, I can do better.", "One job would be better then my three.", "I like nature, I'm vegan so I feel close to nature.", "The moo vies I tell jokes all the time!" ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day.", "I just love my I phone. I talk on it all the time.", "What do you call a bear with no teeth?", "A toothless bear. Are you a megalomaniac?", "A gummy bear! no, I just have faith in our future.", "Funny! I am not much of an intellectual. I did not go to college.", "That's ok. Where do cows go for entertainment?", "Cowtown? I'm not good at this. I like to hike." ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "Just dairy queen, but I do not like the kids working there. How about you?", "Hi, how are you today?", "Hello. Just got home for lunch. How are you?", "That's cool. I like shoes lol.", "Hi there, do you play video games?", "I think I am average, 5 6...", "She is a good author. Although I wish she wrote about animals.", "You should watch Youtube tutorials with make up.", "Nice, I bet they liked it. How many brothers and sisters do you have?", "No that's too hard, I prefer to knit clothes.", "I am sorry to hear that.", "Oh. I do not have to work today either.", "No. door dash is a food courier service.", "I am about to take a nice long walk to the supermarket.", "I'd swim for a living if I could.", "Good, just in my greenhouse, how bout you?", "My dads a farmer we grow wild oats together.", "I really want to meet them. Where do you live?", "Did you see the future king, that hunk William?", "Banks are fun. How do you tell if an elephant has been in your fridge?" ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day.", "I just love my I phone. I talk on it all the time.", "What do you call a bear with no teeth?", "A toothless bear. Are you a megalomaniac?", "A gummy bear! no, I just have faith in our future.", "Funny! I am not much of an intellectual. I did not go to college.", "That's ok. Where do cows go for entertainment?", "Cowtown? I'm not good at this. I like to hike.", "The moo vies I tell jokes all the time!", "You are really funny. I am just an ordinary person. I work in a bank." ]
[ "I work in a factory.", "I volunteer in my spare time.", "I hope to change the world.", "I love to tell jokes." ]
[ "I wish I could, none of my nice clothes fit me anymore.", "Maybe. ask the crowd, they saw it. I was the biggest crowd yet.", "I've been horseback riding in France before, but I get enough city life at home.", "I like any kind that's smooth I listen to it for at least 5 hours.", "I've never been athletic. I am more into making websites and reading news.", "I sort of figured that, I also think I am too smart for my current job.", "We are in the midwest at the moment.", "That's great. Yard work keeps me thin!", "What is your favorite foreign film?", "What do you do for fun?", "I am in the cannabis business. You?", "That just means you get to keep all the popcorn for yourself.", "Hi how are you today.", "Is that a good or a bad thing? I am going to write a song about you.", "Wow, that's impressive. I teach first grade and I only know one language.", "Are you busy with work as well?", "Oh I think I can dance lol.", "I bet! What do you do on your spare time?", "I play basketball for fun.", "Ha, I do not, but you can tell from the footprints in the butter." ]
[ "Hello there! Are you on the phone?", "Nope I'm gonna be the cause of the worlds change one day.", "I just love my I phone. I talk on it all the time.", "What do you call a bear with no teeth?", "A toothless bear. Are you a megalomaniac?", "A gummy bear! no, I just have faith in our future.", "Funny! I am not much of an intellectual. I did not go to college.", "That's ok. Where do cows go for entertainment?", "Cowtown? I'm not good at this. I like to hike.", "The moo vies I tell jokes all the time!", "You are really funny. I am just an ordinary person. I work in a bank.", "Banks are fun. How do you tell if an elephant has been in your fridge?", "The peanut butter jar is empty. Do you keep peanut butter in the fridge?" ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "Do you have any pets?", "I hope you feel better soon then.", "I'm doing well. I'm graduating soon, so super excited! You?", "I'm a huge game of thrones fan.", "Yeah you have got to do you.", "Your kids have a great mom! I bet they love the cakes.", "Beautiful! I'm my mothers second job ha, dad left when I was 5.", "It is, I actually go for hikes often when it is too heated.", "Just clumsy I guess, pocket protectors not holding up. You got any hobbies?", "Well that works well I suppose.", "Nice! I love making cookies!", "Too that pretty good, did you make alot of money?", "Hi! how are you?", "I have been better, I'm worried about my moms health.", "Hey, what are you doing tonight?", "I do. I love my marriage, and I love living in Colorado.", "I'm sorry. I'm sure they will come around some day. Maybe you need a dog.", "I'm moving to Tennessee in spring.", "I feel fat, because eating is what I love.", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!" ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!" ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "I used to drive my mother crazy, I liked to smoke, I am tee total now though.", "So what are you into favorite music.", "What is your favorite color? Mine is blue.", "Lol you are a fun person to talk to.", "I've never been on one before. I'd like to try.", "I like music what do you like to do when you aren't playing music.", "But they have protein, unless you are allergic to poultry.", "Ahh I miss the gym.", "I love yoga. I was just finishing a vegetable shake.", "Haha.", "Oh, you can imagine, I've got three of them to juggle...", "Hi! how are you doing?", "Hi Arnold, I am a first grade teacher!", "Yes I like them there are active like me always cooking baked goods.", "One like robin hood! My favorite to dress as for halloween.", "Hello, how are you doing?", "I understand. I feel like my dog hears me better than him.", "Being the youngest of 5 will make you the target of bullies.", "No, I play professional football.", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick." ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?" ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "I did not watch the fight. I knew he was going to win.", "That sounds good, as long as it does not mess up my red shoes.", "I am doing well. How about you?", "Oh so many issues. Worried about my I'll mom in the er.", "I also work with my brother it is fun.", "Okay. And what age group is your target advice.", "Awesome. Are you dating then?", "That is cool. Do you need a photographer?", "I have been up all hours of the night just writing.", "Watching tennis on Der, so happy. I would be happier playing, but this is good too.", "Sounds fun! I recently started my sophomore year in high school.", "Thanks kind one. Take care.", "I am there. I can pack light. I am small person so I can fit anywhere.", "Awesome getting to know you good night.", "Hi, want to get to know each other?", "I don't play any instruments but I do like to sew.", "Of course. Red is my favorite color. What is yours?", "Agreed, I do carpentry as a job and as a hobby.", "I am in Alabama, we dd not have anything like that.", "I cannot with my diabetes. I wish I could. Plus it is very expensive." ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick.", "Oh no, you should drink french vanilla coffee. Its my favorite!" ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "I am passionate about animals, I love them.", "I have three dogs four cats.", "Hiking is great. Lots of fun.", "It will go great with the new black skirt my mom mailed to me.", "I love my instagram page, I like people to think I am dope.", "Ah. I just finished high school. Are you hiring?", "I will bet! My youngest sister I have four is a vegetarian.", "Nice I hope you enjoy!", "Hi! names harley and my mom has her own fashion brand.", "What kind of business? Wish I was born a prince, I wouldn't have to work.", "How are you doing today.", "I would love children but need to finish my major in business administration first.", "Cool! What sort of movies do you like to watch?", "My wife loves diamonds, but I love vacations.", "It has its ups and downs sometimes.", "Lol right!! Save gas. Thank God for jobs at home. Saves time and gas.", "No, I don't. I am by myself but I have no complaints.", "2. I have problems paying my utilities all the time. I should charge her.", "Sorry my dad is dead but my mom is still kicking.", "Lucky. Could you pay off my medical bills?" ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick.", "Oh no, you should drink french vanilla coffee. Its my favorite!", "I cannot with my diabetes. I wish I could. Plus it is very expensive.", "My boyfriend I have dated for ten years makes a lot of money." ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "I work as a surgeon. So I try to stay healthy.", "It is smart to exercise. Round isn't good for your heart.", "Hallo, I'm nariko. From Tokyo. Sorry english not very good.", "Noah, did you make it?", "I would love to start my own business, you in?", "When I'm in Mexico, I love hot chilis and spicy food! Do you?", "Why did the bank steal my farm? It isn't fair!", "Reading is a lot of fun. What types of books do you like?", "I'm from new York I use to work with my dad in his butcher shop.", "I don't know what that is but it don't sound good.", "I only have 6 months left to live.", "Do you like the cowboys? Dude, I sure do.", "Lol. Yes it would. I'm a teacher. I take my students there all the time.", "I'm okay, just taking a break from work right now.", "I like to run a lot.", "What is emt I'm currently studying social science at Georgia States.", "Funny, that is what my family said. They watch me race and saw the accident.", "I'm sad, I got a letter today and I didn't make the gifted program.", "Oh wow! I'm a law grad student. Do you not love the local shops?", "Nasty? I don't know about that. But if you say so. Lol." ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick.", "Oh no, you should drink french vanilla coffee. Its my favorite!", "I cannot with my diabetes. I wish I could. Plus it is very expensive.", "My boyfriend I have dated for ten years makes a lot of money.", "Lucky. Could you pay off my medical bills?", "Sure! Oh my, I felt chalk for the first time today and it was nasty." ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "I'm sorry, I'd give you chocolate because that makes everything better.", "Hiking is nice. What kind of dogs do you have?", "Stuff I got from the farmers market, I live in the country.", "I'm alright. Do you work?", "My younger brother enjoys that as well!", "Well live bets and slots, I once met a man who I think was a vampire there.", "Interesting, so they work, just do not include apostrophe. Nice, like cats.", "I like bacon and ham.", "Will you read to me?", "Wow that must be hard.", "Who is the better chef.", "Hi, how are you today?", "Sounds wonderful, my wife and I are looking forward to it.", "Pigs are really cool. I'd love to take it golfing with my friends.", "What does your band play? Yes, kindergarten to be exact.", "Hello, how are you doing?", "I do not, I've short hair.", "That would be great! But only if we can stop to hike, I love it.", "Will do. Have a good time in there!", "I liked to run. I wish I could still run." ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick.", "Oh no, you should drink french vanilla coffee. Its my favorite!", "I cannot with my diabetes. I wish I could. Plus it is very expensive.", "My boyfriend I have dated for ten years makes a lot of money.", "Lucky. Could you pay off my medical bills?", "Sure! Oh my, I felt chalk for the first time today and it was nasty.", "Nasty? I don't know about that. But if you say so. Lol.", "Tell me more about yourself. What do you like?" ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "Hi how are you today.", "Me and my cat pickles is about to go to work.", "I am nolan how are you.", "Hello, how are you this evening?", "I go to the mall to get ice cream as well! I probably should stop.", "I like going to the beach.. whenever my husband could take off from work.", "I've brown eyes.. politics can really take the goodness out of you while you are involved.", "I am good thanks for asking.", "What kind of music do you like?", "No my dad left us when I was five, my mother raised me since then.", "I bet she does! Lucky lady!", "Yes, I work from home. I teach music, but I've a masters degree in italian lit.", "I love them I want to have my own race horse and a stable on day.", "2 boys... why red and blue?", "My cat probably would not like to be walked. What is your dogs name?", "He's a good singer. He's very popular here in the Usa.", "Yes, I always dream. But I do not think its quite appropriate to share such dreams with anyone.", "What kind of puzzles? Jigsaw, crosswords...?", "Yes in Argentina, its very hot here today, how about there?", "I ran a half marathon at Disney world!" ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick.", "Oh no, you should drink french vanilla coffee. Its my favorite!", "I cannot with my diabetes. I wish I could. Plus it is very expensive.", "My boyfriend I have dated for ten years makes a lot of money.", "Lucky. Could you pay off my medical bills?", "Sure! Oh my, I felt chalk for the first time today and it was nasty.", "Nasty? I don't know about that. But if you say so. Lol.", "Tell me more about yourself. What do you like?", "I liked to run. I wish I could still run.", "What was the longest you ever ran?" ]
[ "My mother is in the hospital.", "I've a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I've problems chewing my food." ]
[ "How are you to day.", "As long as you get along that is a good thing.", "I've got to get going. Nice talking to you!", "That is nice. I am ready to go cut down a lot of trees today.", "The bees rules, in my life I've been in car crashes twice.", "So you was really just doing that?", "I've a couple of sisters that think that s the worst part too.", "Good morning how is it going.", "Then congratulations! Can I draw you some time?", "I work for centuries essentials.", "Oh sweet! I love pop punk. I am obsessed with the rolling stones though.", "That is how you can face your fears.", "My apologies. Do you know what helps me when I am stressed?", "I read comics, I love em yourself?", "What is that new job assignment?", "Me too! I love cooking for lots of people.", "Yep it gives me a chance to listen to all the new artists.", "You should try and go on holidays in the country its really relaxing!", "That is chill where you from?", "Yes! I had horrible shin splints! I miss it." ]
[ "Hi, how is your day? My cow is annoying me!", "It is ok. You have a cow? That's really cool!", "Its a cat that is black and white. Do you have a cow?", "Haha. That is so cute! I don't have any pets. Too sick.", "Oh no, you should drink french vanilla coffee. Its my favorite!", "I cannot with my diabetes. I wish I could. Plus it is very expensive.", "My boyfriend I have dated for ten years makes a lot of money.", "Lucky. Could you pay off my medical bills?", "Sure! Oh my, I felt chalk for the first time today and it was nasty.", "Nasty? I don't know about that. But if you say so. Lol.", "Tell me more about yourself. What do you like?", "I liked to run. I wish I could still run.", "What was the longest you ever ran?", "I ran a half marathon at Disney world!", "That is so cool! Was it hard?" ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "I would rather play with my collection of guns, then watch cartoons. Have you been married?", "You must see a lot of places have you ever seen a volcano.", "I have to rely on my moms amazing baking for pleasure. My ex is broke.", "I enjoy business and politics. I would like to start my own business.", "I am only 20 so no kids for me.", "All I do is work, I need a vacation.", "Hello, how are you today?", "I am in Texas, and graduate in May!", "I love the city. I work at a book shop with my older brother. It is fun.", "I like to go by my middle name, but most people just call me Ian.", "Not me. I love to sleep in on the weekends.", "Well I should say stray people, it makes more sense.", "Do you have siblings? I have 2 and a twin brother.", "Good plan. I am just interested in dressing up and how I look though.", "Nice. I hope to start a program to teach horse racing.", "Not really, maybe cook some good food for the weekend.", "Yes, family can be overbearing at times.", "Where are you? Home or out?", "Nice to meet you, I see you building little hut for storm.", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores." ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?" ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "What do you like to eat.", "No. never heard of it.", "Hey hows it going?", "We are doing extremely well thanks for asking how about you?", "About 10 years, which is probably why I have been married so many times.", "You are right it is!", "I would love to see that.", "Seven? wow. I live alone with my 10 cats.", "Do you like it that way?", "I love riding coasters! But I have not had much time lately.", "Ew. I just don't like it. Music is annoying.", "Do you have purple hair? I am a girl with blond hair.", "Yes she has given me wonderful children... two boys and a girl. Shelves on through them.", "Wow. We are both in the medical profession. I am a vet.", "I think she found out I am bisexual.", "Lol me, too I am up late on it tonight lucky I can sleep in.", "Hausa is a dialect in Africa. I do a lot of trading around the world.", "Yeah it is hard he's my favorite.", "Oh, do you want to do some yoga?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave." ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "Ok. I like listening to music on the lake.", "Good, having cod for lunch. You?", "Yup. Farm is in Kansas, I'm here to sell livestock. Where you from?", "Lucky, I'm 5 3 I've a hard time reaching the top cabinet on anything.", "Well the communist party isn't well liked even in Russia.", "I try to but I'm really short.", "How neat! I've two brothers. One younger one older.", "Oh wow. We are only on year ten.", "Wonderful. That would be great.", "I suppose that is true. I'm not that into sports. I just 19...", "Hey, I'm good how about yourself.", "I would rather be a bird.", "Well, I do not eat meat. I think my cats appreciate that.", "Congratulations! I always rap while I work. Lol.", "No, pets aren't my thing, especially snakes. Bugs are compatible however.", "Bonjour, I'm very well, how are you? Have you had your supper yet?", "Dance drink and smoke marijuana, I'm in Colorado.", "I'm not good with technology, but I sure I can fine out.", "I like the voice. How old are you?", "I'm married to a fellow slave and we had two children together." ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave.", "Interesting! I'm myself a senior citizen and from that era. any kids?" ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "Hi how are ou doing.", "I don't know how I ever have the time to do the things I do.", "My Lg phone allows me to read in english and french.", "To what color was your hair?", "I don't know about that movie.", "Hello, how are you?", "I have a lot of homework to do. I'm studying writing in school.", "I normally paint scenes from my hikes in nature.", "What do you do for work?", "No, I drive around my black car, its a lease.", "I love the nightlife and I can have lots of money.", "Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better.", "I'd play superhero all day if mom would let me.", "Well, of course rock is big business, right? I'm dying for some strawberries right now.", "I go for runs with my dog every day.", "I'm in college for childhood.", "Do you play any sports?", "Cool I also sing in a arabic jazz band, I can speak in English, french too.", "Hello! Hows it going? Hope you are doing well this evening!", "Wonderful! I should clarify. My wife and I both escaped after 10 years as slaves." ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave.", "Interesting! I'm myself a senior citizen and from that era. any kids?", "I'm married to a fellow slave and we had two children together.", "My husband was a career solider and we have 4 kids." ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "That's great I just to go to the lake and visit cabins in the woods.", "Though I make over 34 million annually, it s still sad.", "I usually end up going at least 4 times.", "Do you have any favorite game?", "Wow you sound like a cool dude.", "My husband has tons of dvds too lost count.", "Doodling is one my skills, as long as it is green.", "For sure, you can meet my husband of two years too. Would love a visit.", "I like racing, but prefer horse racing instead of cars.", "Want some help? Get a job.. save some money.", "I am great at packing for trips. I visit my brother in England.", "I am sorry you never got to meet him.", "No I haven't, my dads a stifle worker however.", "I have a dog, her name is wonton. Do you have any pets?", "Good idea. One can sing if there's less stress.", "Yeah. I am in college, how about you?", "Yes I am familiar. Well I have 4 siblings, draw, like blue and in an apartment..", "Nice. I play sports professionally.", "I wish I had someone to cook for me, but I live alone.", "Well we escaped and met again 10 years later and were married. We are happy." ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave.", "Interesting! I'm myself a senior citizen and from that era. any kids?", "I'm married to a fellow slave and we had two children together.", "My husband was a career solider and we have 4 kids.", "Wonderful! I should clarify. My wife and I both escaped after 10 years as slaves.", "That's incredibly disheartening to hear." ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "She sold cars like me in the family business.", "Cool. I love reading romantic comedies.", "What do you do for a living?", "She's a good author. Although I wish she wrote about animals.", "Not a big music fan. I spend my time playing quake on Slackware Linux.", "I love traveling myself. Seen any great places lately?", "Aw, that's so sad. What do you like to eat?", "What do you do with your time?", "I broke my arm so I've a hard time opening a wine bottle right now.", "Oh that does not sound like fun!", "Yes, its hard. Hoping for time to go beach walk with the hubby soon.", "Oh sorry about your vision. Whats your favorite food?", "Lol yes! I'm having a hard time finding a job monday Thursday.", "Its very rewarding! My favorite subject to teach is art, I love painting.", "Ireland, my mothers country, been there?", "My major is business. I'm a major business.", "Yeah, it sounds like it would be easy but its really not!", "Wow okay. I like magic Mike so pool boys could be nice.", "You too and be careful out there.", "Both of our children had babies. We have 5 granddaughters and two grandsons." ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave.", "Interesting! I'm myself a senior citizen and from that era. any kids?", "I'm married to a fellow slave and we had two children together.", "My husband was a career solider and we have 4 kids.", "Wonderful! I should clarify. My wife and I both escaped after 10 years as slaves.", "That's incredibly disheartening to hear.", "Well we escaped and met again 10 years later and were married. We are happy.", "That's good! Any grandkids yet?" ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "Tracy here. I just finished working out. How are you?", "I love soccer and basket ball.", "Music is nice rather just snuggle with my cat.", "I am good how are you.", "Do you get free airplane tickets? Lol.", "I am a junior, I do not get very good grades.", "Basket ball is probably the sport I am worst at haha.", "Does it involve the hospital in any way. I am really familiar with them now and the doctors.", "I've to wake up in the morning. I do not want to go to class.", "True it is. Do you like Katy Perry? She's my fav.", "Black hair! Fun fact about me, I was born on Christmas day.", "Where do you do nursing?", "The yellow labs, they give me advice on seafood allergies.", "Haha at first I thought u were a computer, do u think your cute?", "Start wars is my favorite film.", "I understand. I also like blue and yellow.", "What do you do in life.", "To be honest, I've never held a job before but I enjoy video games.", "Oh, yeah. I love these colors right now fuschia, lime green, electric purple.", "Grandchildren are a blessing! I bet you enjoy them!" ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave.", "Interesting! I'm myself a senior citizen and from that era. any kids?", "I'm married to a fellow slave and we had two children together.", "My husband was a career solider and we have 4 kids.", "Wonderful! I should clarify. My wife and I both escaped after 10 years as slaves.", "That's incredibly disheartening to hear.", "Well we escaped and met again 10 years later and were married. We are happy.", "That's good! Any grandkids yet?", "Both of our children had babies. We have 5 granddaughters and two grandsons.", "My husband and I've grandkids that range from 7 to 30. There are 10 total." ]
[ "I was the first born child.", "I escaped and later became a carpenter.", "I got married 10 years later.", "I was a slave for 10 years." ]
[ "Stay in with the air conditioning. That's what I do.", "Yes there are many nice ones.", "Have you ran in any marathons?", "That had to have been hard. I'm so sorry.", "I like to play with my kid.", "I used to. What is your favorite book?", "I look like my dog as well.", "What does he uncover? Dinosaurs?", "Oh. I like jello too. Do you have any hobbies?", "I have four of them.", "Yes I'm currently taking three different science classes.", "No not really, I'm still single.", "I like punk, heavy metal, and rap. Most kinds really.", "That sounds like a tough major. Do you like it?", "I'll make sure and check it out.", "Are you married? Kids? job?", "Are there lots of arcades there?", "Well my teacher make me call him master I'm a student of the social sciences.", "Hello how are you doing today?", "What jobs do you and your family hold?" ]
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Hello, I am fine thank you. I am just finishing my chores.", "I am as well. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "Yes, I am from the year 1860. I was brought here as a slave.", "Interesting! I'm myself a senior citizen and from that era. any kids?", "I'm married to a fellow slave and we had two children together.", "My husband was a career solider and we have 4 kids.", "Wonderful! I should clarify. My wife and I both escaped after 10 years as slaves.", "That's incredibly disheartening to hear.", "Well we escaped and met again 10 years later and were married. We are happy.", "That's good! Any grandkids yet?", "Both of our children had babies. We have 5 granddaughters and two grandsons.", "My husband and I've grandkids that range from 7 to 30. There are 10 total.", "Grandchildren are a blessing! I bet you enjoy them!", "They sure are. We do! There are 8 girls and 2 boys." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "That sounds interesting. I like my studies, just not saliva. Yuck. you?", "I am sorry, your life sounds worse than mine.", "Way to many and thanks hard out here. Reading classifieds.", "Good night! Thanks! Great idea.", "I enjoy it but like most jobs it does have its bad days.", "Is a chili corn dog on a stick?", "Very kind of you! I just read and write and work.", "What do you do if you do not mind me asking?", "Not sure. Maybe work in a florist shop. I love daisies.", "Tell her it is so worth it.", "You are 21? hi! a 53 year old blonde here! How are you?", "I love ballet! I listen to music and imagine myself a dancer much of the day!", "I am a graphic designer ugh.", "I enjoy going to concerts with my friends. Do you like music?", "Whats your job? I am a ballerina. Have been my whole life.", "It could be, that's possible.", "Hi. I only drive toyotas for some reason.", "Well your time will come! I used to program computers.", "Ya after I get my house in order I'll work 60 hour weeks in construction.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?" ]
[ "Hello how are today." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "New truck, a silver silverado.", "Doing well, just got off work and fed my dog. Do you have pets?", "It is living with three people and a toddler I'm baby sitting does not help.", "Awesome. I'd love to see you play. Get away from this gas station.", "Awesome! Do you mind if I bring my dog?", "Congratulations on marriage 10 years is a long time.", "Oh only sleep in my free time!", "He should let you pick sometimes.", "Why do you say that?", "Hi I'm doing great how are you?", "How exciting! What are you in school for?", "Sorry to hear that. Where do you live?", "It is but I keep busy with work.", "That is awful. Boys are jerks. Are you in school?", "What has happened? I've to leave soon to bake a chocolate cake.", "What about raw onions do you like that.", "Hi how are you today?", "Mother has a mindset not like mine.", "My truck is a Ford f150. You can go to the country and drive.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?" ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "Jefferson here, I love being free which is why I fish.", "Oh a gambler huh? I am cooking shrimp now, how funny.", "I am a student in college and captain of the cheer squad.", "Well hi there! How are doing today?", "I do not have much free time. I am about to go to college.", "I like winter but I am more into summer.", "What do you do for fun?", "Yeah I am doing ok I guess, you?", "Wow. I listen to the Beatles in my Ford mustang on my way to work.", "Well that is nice. I am a small business owner.", "My first customer. How cool.", "My dogs are my smiles and rainbows.", "Good afternoon how are you.", "Oh that sucks I am a political science major myself.", "Great. Do you need a piano player? I could liven the mood.", "I prefer slow food. Plants cannot run very far or fast.", "I like to go be fabulous at gymnastics.", "Ll, you have horrible luck then. At least you have hobbies though.", "What you get from a male.", "I understand. I am a waitress at the quaint dinner so we listen to it a lot." ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?", "No favorites here, I only listen to music when trying to relax." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "Thank you, it was great getting to know you David. Anything else going on with you?", "I'm a lawyer. Sometimes I work from home too.", "Drawing sounds like fun. I like to bake. Mom is teaching me best skills!", "I see. does that mean that you want an open relationship?", "He's not big in Iran, so no. I work at a deep fry restaurant.", "What kinds of food do you enjoy?", "Nice, dogs are good pets.", "Yes I do it to make a little cash on the side.", "Do you own a car?", "Lebes fashion shop. Www. cafepress. com lelesfashionshop1.", "Oh yes! I'm going to watch 4 movies this afternoon. You?", "Nice, I'm just at Amazon, fulfilling orders. I work here.", "I also wear silver jewelry. Is that hipster?", "Me too! I was out swimming today and I'm just winding down.", "Hello, do you like to paint?", "Neat my dad is very strict we can event get a cat!", "I'm great. I'm in Disney world right now. I come every year.", "I'm a writer of spiritual books.", "Hi how are you today?", "That sounds like fun. Do you have a job?" ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?", "No favorites here, I only listen to music when trying to relax.", "I understand. I am a waitress at the quaint dinner so we listen to it a lot.", "Although I like to hear myself as in the shower when I sing." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "Well that is awesome, more ppl should be like that.", "No. dance takes up my entire life. Its work and fun! You?", "I live near the beach in Nc.", "Yes I can make any color simple or bold look.", "With the storm I don't blame you. Is it raining now?", "What do you for a living?", "Yes! Those are cool too. Lots of colors really catch my eye.", "I am studying to be a layer.", "If you count my husband! Ll.", "Sounds like fun. Do you have pets? I've a bird.", "I should go run since I get married in 6 months.", "Sadly no. They're a big profit setup.", "I am doing great! I might go for a hike soon.", "I love the sun an the unset cus its yellow.", "What is your favorite movie?", "I had an accident and broke my leg so I am glad to be home.", "Lol whatnot???? I volunteer at red cross.", "That sounds dangerous. I was a wild child but I; m not that wild.", "I am an artist so I like to illustrate my friends as cartoons, especially horse characters.", "That is cool. I dress very casual so the waitress job fits me." ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?", "No favorites here, I only listen to music when trying to relax.", "I understand. I am a waitress at the quaint dinner so we listen to it a lot.", "Although I like to hear myself as in the shower when I sing.", "That sounds like fun. Do you have a job?", "No job just a dream cupcake business." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "Super Mario. Or anything with soccer. That is my favorite sport.", "My it work would give me the skills to do that. Lol.", "Gotta be less than ten words I guess.", "I mean not for nothing I only buy convertibles to.", "Me too, my favorite is fallout.", "No, but I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years. Have you been together long?", "What city are you from?", "Ha! what do you do?", "I'm doing well how about you?", "Well, when I cook for you shrimp is off the menu.", "Hope all goes well in the future.", "That is why I want the nurse, to help people.", "Do you like music? What type?", "I do not, I like to dance though.", "Oh I know. I drive over an hour to work every day to run one.", "I mean lifted. No I'm good. Maybe for our football team though.", "You know the dog.... I wo not say the name...", "The writer? Not really a reader. I'm into playing guitar and video games.", "Do you have a big family? I'm a lawyer.", "I do not think that would make me happy. You only live once." ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?", "No favorites here, I only listen to music when trying to relax.", "I understand. I am a waitress at the quaint dinner so we listen to it a lot.", "Although I like to hear myself as in the shower when I sing.", "That sounds like fun. Do you have a job?", "No job just a dream cupcake business.", "That is cool. I dress very casual so the waitress job fits me.", "Do what you love I use to work a corporate job I hated it." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "Do you want to hear about my new religion?", "Yes! I've been smoking every day since I was about 19 or so.", "How are you doing today.", "That sounds fun what do you watch.", "I don't do you.", "Right. She's awesome. I wish I had super powers.", "Well we have lived in a lot of states so I look to explore local sites. You?", "A city where there was a lot of spaghetti. Now not so much spaghetti.", "Hi how are you doing?", "Great! Just enjoying the nice Texas weather. You?", "That is cool. Do you hike often.", "Good morning. I'm ok. How is your day so far?", "I disagree, I love my small town.", "Cool. Why do you say that? Because I'm a red head?", "Oh really? Why? do you like music instead? I like music.", "I'm sad my friend left the city I'm all alone!", "He's a beagle named droopy.", "Chemistry background will be very useful then, what do you do for fun?", "That sounds tasty. Just finished a shopping trip with my little girls.", "That it is dear friend! What kind of cupcakes do you want to make?" ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?", "No favorites here, I only listen to music when trying to relax.", "I understand. I am a waitress at the quaint dinner so we listen to it a lot.", "Although I like to hear myself as in the shower when I sing.", "That sounds like fun. Do you have a job?", "No job just a dream cupcake business.", "That is cool. I dress very casual so the waitress job fits me.", "Do what you love I use to work a corporate job I hated it.", "I do not think that would make me happy. You only live once.", "I believe success is happiness." ]
[ "I am a casual dresser.", "I'm overall happy with life.", "I am a waitress at a local restaurant.", "My favorite band is nirvana." ]
[ "Well deserts are fun too like cheese cake.", "Well does that pay well? Do you hunt?", "What are your musical tastes?", "My husband plays pub g a lot! I listen to music mostly. Country.", "Yeah, it sounds like it would be easy but its really not!", "Yes it is very expensive though. How was your day?", "I have a piano recital to attend, one of my mothers former students.", "Hi, how is your weekend going?", "Probably, but I guess I'll never know.", "I live with my pigs.", "Oh ok. what do you do for a living?", "The green is the good stuff! Wish I had time to smoke between my 3 jobs.", "I like to cook healthy though.", "I love that decade it had great music.", "Very well. Where do you work?", "Yes, its icecream, its my favorite!", "Oh sushi! I want to go to Tokyo. Do you travel?", "Sorry to hear that. Any kids?", "Maybe I am 6 foot and I wight 280.", "That reminds me of Baskin Robbins ice cream." ]
[ "Hello how are today.", "I am really happy with things occuring in my life, how about you?", "I'm doing good that is great to hear.", "Yes, I love Nirvana, do you have a favorite band?", "No favorites here, I only listen to music when trying to relax.", "I understand. I am a waitress at the quaint dinner so we listen to it a lot.", "Although I like to hear myself as in the shower when I sing.", "That sounds like fun. Do you have a job?", "No job just a dream cupcake business.", "That is cool. I dress very casual so the waitress job fits me.", "Do what you love I use to work a corporate job I hated it.", "I do not think that would make me happy. You only live once.", "I believe success is happiness.", "That it is dear friend! What kind of cupcakes do you want to make?", "We make about 31 different flavors." ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "I was a lawyer before working as a judge.", "I am still in high school.", "Pizza or any kind of take out really haha.", "Great, and you? Just working on some new cheers, I coach tonight.", "So you were the second lowest paid professional, what a I care, I coulda bought your school.", "I am great dog. How bout yourself? What do you like to do?", "Hello there! What are your hobbies?", "I do have a dog named emmy. And a cat named Felix. Living the high life.", "Do you have blue!, that's what I like, it is my favourite!", "Its different for sure but the people are nice.", "Oh I see. I thought you had heart disease. I am sorry about that!", "Is that grand rapids, Michigan?", "Very talented. I dyed my hair purple yesterday.", "That's what cell phones are for! I take animal pictures a lot.", "I don't think so. He always tells me what to do.", "Oh okay. I wrote angel investor. Fave song?", "No not yet I am still learning.", "I do like to learn of other cultures, however.", "Every day. I love it so much!", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?" ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?" ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "I hope so! He's really good at acting.", "Its hard being around someone all the time it gets very annoying.", "Sounds like fun. I'm married. Do you have a favorite writer?", "If I could ride my bike alone at night, that would be great.", "I'm doing ok. What do you do for a living.", "I work in the er it is nasty.", "Do you know what a mortician is?", "What do you like to hunt.", "My favorite meal is ice cream and you can not plant that.", "Getting outside. In the mountains. Hiking, biking skiing etc.", "Yeah its not the best what do you like to do for fun.", "Blue is my favorite, it is so calming like the ocean.", "Let me guess bagger? That's where I started out.", "Oh no, do you have patience enough to work with children?", "I have never heard of Cate Mesa. Whats wrong with your nose?", "Oh hells no, I'm terrible.", "I do, but chinese is better.", "Ll I was a trucker and my dad was. Trucker talk lingo.", "Yes, it, have you seen it?", "Org I love that show! I have to wait till my daughter is sleep." ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?", "Good. Just watching game of thrones." ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "I'm glad you do not know my mother.", "I'm employed ay a grocery store.", "It is if it trimmed.", "What city are you from?", "No I work on the software for their computers.", "I'm in nursing school, I'm scared.", "You should at least try to go up in a plane, it is a blast.", "No, I m not a comedian either. I actually am a courier.", "I love the stones! Sometimes I listen to them when I'm on hikes.", "Mine is blue too, the color of my drums in a band and my Ford mustang.", "I definitely would to. Any hobbies?", "Hi tell me about yourself.", "Cool! My mother is a writer. She also cooks the best food at home!", "I guess you could say that but now he wants an open relationship.", "I live at a ranch. You?", "I love comic books and I also collect autographs, which I've a lot of.", "Yes, I agree. I'm hungry again. I need to make some food.", "Oh, pickled eggs, interesting. I just daydream about visiting the pyramids.", "She uses the guest room for shoes instead of guests. Ll.", "So we have that in common lol. Who is your fav character?" ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?", "Good. Just watching game of thrones.", "Org I love that show! I have to wait till my daughter is sleep.", "Me too. I've two kids and always have to wait till they are asleep to watch." ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "Well I don't think I could juggle all that.", "Hi. I only drive toyotas for some reason.", "That's cool I like shopping online.", "Hm.. I was addicted to that game.", "I could always use more friends!", "I love singing some Martina Mcbride and Keith urban.", "I've skied, I love traveling, I usually drive my car place cause I love driving it.", "Maybe you'll find time to travel soon. What do you do in your free time?", "Yes on our burgers... I needed gas for my blue honda civic.", "That's when my mom passed away.", "I am more od a music lover and reader myself.", "I am doing great and you?", "Hopefully, everything will be civil and you both will be happier after...", "Middle school art classes. We do a lot of work with paint.", "I personally enjoy winter the most. Summer is a bit too hot for me.", "I do, but it isn't my main thing. I do love soccer, though.", "Do you sew or crochet? I do.", "Good afternoon how are you today?", "I think the moon is fake.", "Actually its a good plan considering how many characters they get rid of." ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?", "Good. Just watching game of thrones.", "Org I love that show! I have to wait till my daughter is sleep.", "Me too. I've two kids and always have to wait till they are asleep to watch.", "So we have that in common lol. Who is your fav character?", "Is it weird that I don't have a favorite character, I try not get attached." ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "Good movie mine is cars I love lightning mcqueen and mater.", "Lets get some snake on the zoo I heard that snakes there are really big.", "I really enjoy eating sushi.", "Anyway. What do you do?", "I listen to Nickelback and go to my local church in my free time.", "Well what kind of music do you like?", "Eh. I guess so. it takes the edge off. Do you work?", "I'm taking care of my kids.", "That is fantastic. Do you live in a city?", "Same here, plus the sunshine, fresh air and music are great. I play guitar sometimes.", "Hi! I'm doing well, how about you?", "Yes! next week! I cannot wait.", "Cool how long have you owned it?", "My older brother plays keyboards in a band.", "What is a chrome browser? Can you hear me? I'm trying to speak into this thing.", "I work in a music shop.", "Hello how are you today? My back is hurting terribly today.", "Yes I do an I believe we all have.", "Just for fun. What do you like shopping? I like collecting stamps, so sometimes I buy them.", "I'm a waitress currently. You?" ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?", "Good. Just watching game of thrones.", "Org I love that show! I have to wait till my daughter is sleep.", "Me too. I've two kids and always have to wait till they are asleep to watch.", "So we have that in common lol. Who is your fav character?", "Is it weird that I don't have a favorite character, I try not get attached.", "Actually its a good plan considering how many characters they get rid of.", "What do you do for a living?" ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "Fishing and camping are my hobbies. I am happiest in the mountains.", "They used to be doctors. Retired now.", "I plan weddings for other people.", "Hey, there! Hows it going?", "That it is dear friend! What kind of cupcakes do you want to make?", "Not many and do not care to have many followers.", "I live on 5 acres out in the country.", "What kind of televsion shows do you watch?", "Yea man. I can wear my lucky yellow shirt.", "Kids are supposed to come home this weekend for a family day maybe sometime next week?", "I love nature. I like looking at plants.", "I like cats, I just never run into them. I work from home, so..", "I justlove hte taste of soda and unhealthy food so much hard to break the habit.", "So so so ready to go.", "I love green eyes, it is a good in between color.", "That is nice where did you get the,.", "I am doing good. Working on some drawings for my apartment!", "Well, just took a shower after hitting up the courts. How was work?", "I like cats too the kittens, I like to see explosives.", "Wow that is really interesting! What made you want to do ranger school?" ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?", "Good. Just watching game of thrones.", "Org I love that show! I have to wait till my daughter is sleep.", "Me too. I've two kids and always have to wait till they are asleep to watch.", "So we have that in common lol. Who is your fav character?", "Is it weird that I don't have a favorite character, I try not get attached.", "Actually its a good plan considering how many characters they get rid of.", "What do you do for a living?", "I'm a waitress currently. You?", "I just got back on leave, I was in ranger school." ]
[ "I have a little girl.", "My favorite flower is a rose.", "My hair is long and brown.", "I'm taking online classes.", "I wait tables." ]
[ "I'm so sorry. Painting has been my outlet lately.", "Which state is your favorite? I've lived in many.", "I do, I raise pigs.", "Yes with my sons every 3 day weekend.", "Hockey is boring to me singing is where its at. I really love to sing.", "Tell me about the food you like to eat. I love salads.", "Ok but I m staying up because my next door neighbors are fighting again.", "I like classical. It is very soothing.", "I would still like you, of course I like to read also.", "Do you enjoy watching sports?", "Well humor is about the only thing I've going. That and a hi iq.", "Fair. It is definitely my passion.", "Do you play tennis when you travel? It is my favorite.", "I'm a guy though... sorry, you sound like a guy, so do you hike?", "We went to see one of our old astros get inducted into the hall of fame.", "Good day my friend. Enjoying your day?", "Hi! I'm doing okay. I wish I could sleep past 6am. You?", "I'm ok. I'm ready for my pizza.", "Nice. Interesting people stray into my life. I collect them like crazy cat ladies collect cats.", "Oh really. Do you have family in the military?" ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am doing well just relaxing before work. You?", "Good. Just watching game of thrones.", "Org I love that show! I have to wait till my daughter is sleep.", "Me too. I've two kids and always have to wait till they are asleep to watch.", "So we have that in common lol. Who is your fav character?", "Is it weird that I don't have a favorite character, I try not get attached.", "Actually its a good plan considering how many characters they get rid of.", "What do you do for a living?", "I'm a waitress currently. You?", "I just got back on leave, I was in ranger school.", "Wow that is really interesting! What made you want to do ranger school?", "Ultimate goal become a army ranger. I love this country and would do anything for it." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "Life is never dull with three older brothers.", "I just park the little bugger out somewhere and fish right off er.", "There are a lot of vegan cookbooks at the library.", "Just went for a hike tired. City life is hard to sleep in.", "I speak chinese and English. Yourself?", "Probably. Do you listen to other singers?", "That is cool. I cannot imagine a life other than out in the field.", "Yes, more time for doing things you enjoy. I like reading myself.", "I also like to hike when it is warm.", "Okay that would be nice I hope you find another job.", "Are you a cheerleader or are you just watching?", "Oh, that sounds dirty. I am always getting sick. I am told I am a hypochondriac.", "Yeah, I like to fix up and drive junk cars too.", "Mine is yellow. Any other hobbies or likes?", "You too. Have a good one. Bye!", "That is awesome! Congrats! I am working on my masters.", "Nice! I listen to rock music all day since I work from home.", "It is getting cold here. I don't like it. I love the summer.", "I want a lemur as a pet.", "Good and God bless you,." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?" ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "Only english, how about you?", "Hello, I have a question. Are your friends better than your brothers and sisters?", "Mine are so mean. They do not care.", "Hi! what are you doing?", "Very nice. How many days a week?", "Great, I just ride bikes.", "Hi! tell me about yourself. What do you do?", "I hear you, I'm a train conductor. I'm also rarely home.", "What do you do for a living?", "How are you? Just to let you know I'm single.", "I don t. I do enjoy watching movies late at night. I usually stay up too late.", "Nice! I'm not great with computers... more of a book girl myself.", "Maybe. I'm almost blind.", "I'm currently trying. My birthday is coming up.", "I'm italian, we tend to marry once... unless the guy is a jerk.", "I have to proof read for them.", "I do not know what I want to do yet.", "I really have to go. I have to pick up my kid.", "Good now that I'm in my house way from the dark.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "Do you have a favorite type of food?", "Hello, how are you this evening?", "Whenever they invented the radio. You?", "Oh really? Do you like cats? I own 10!", "Oh did your mom teach yoga as well?", "I would love to see it one day.", "That would be great. My day job is in marketing.", "One day I'll teach karate, I've a black belt.", "So do you eat healthy too? The only food I eat is locally sourced.", "Mine is Ed Sheeran. What else do you do?", "Of course! A dog and two cats. What about you?", "Wow! With the money you make you probably never run out of gummy worms!", "I am good. The question is how are you? Really?", "That sounds exciting. I am illiterate.", "Hello I just came back from trying to get on hells kitchen.", "I prefer staying home. I am quiet.", "I've a yellow lab. What kind is yours?", "7 wow! I've 5 nieces!", "Thanks! Do you have any advice for me?", "I struggle because I can be selfish. What do you do?" ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way.", "Well I am glad to see another believer." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "I do! Sam hunts new song is currently my jam.", "I like to take a swim also.", "Oh wow I guess you'd be afraid of excercise.", "I have no kids yet but want them, how about you?", "I might be too caring because my heart is on my sleeve.", "My mum wanted me to be like my dad but I couldn't make it like you.", "Not bad, but since I have six toes on my left foot, it always hurts.", "What do you do for work?", "I love watching my friends dance while I bust out a tune on my violin.", "Wow. names Nick. Nice to meet you. You have any friends?", "I'm in some ways but music is strict in this house.", "Oh, I see! I wish I had a house on the beach!", "Cool being an army nurse could be hard. The group is an indie band.", "My name is mia, yours?", "I like to start my day with bacon and eggs. How about you?", "Both my moms bought it for me, its a linux game.", "So you are a big movie fan?", "Do you do any cold weather sports?", "Maybe. I guess we are all just too focused on the game.", "I can relate I'm always running from evil." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way.", "Well I am glad to see another believer.", "I struggle because I can be selfish. What do you do?", "I'm a electrician and I like to run." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "Wow! Makes me tired just thinking about it. I used to work in banking.", "I go to the library to read books about distrust. I like it there.", "I'm working. Do you work at all?", "My father loves star wars. When he isn't working as a mechanic, he watches those.", "I'm great. Haven't been in a while, always pick up cheaters.", "I've eight brothers, so it is hard.", "What state?", "Ha ha!! well it helps when you enjoy football.", "Hi! I love to jog and snorkel. My favorite spot is the carribean.", "My mom has problems with blood sugar also.", "Who would not be. We do not have taco where I come from. Not like here.", "Just chilling and making my son cake.", "I usually end up going at least 4 times.", "I work as a infant assistant teacher at a daycare.", "I don T really watch cartoons but I eat apples but I m allergic to it.", "What is crochet? Pizza is my favorite food.", "Is it a really expensive class?", "Love to play football and volunteer at the animal shelter.", "Wow.. I did not even know that was a category. Ll.", "Wow I used to do that when I got broken up with." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way.", "Well I am glad to see another believer.", "I struggle because I can be selfish. What do you do?", "I'm a electrician and I like to run.", "I can relate I'm always running from evil.", "I'm always tired because of it I sleep 8 long hours a day." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "Sometimes I take my friends with me. I can not live without them.", "No they play the chargers.", "I make a decent wage. Sports cars huh? Like fast driving?", "That's nice I work for the government not as fun.", "And they sleep and eat all day! Haha.", "Nice. Me too I run the family farm.", "Nope, I am single, you?", "I cried during gone with the wind, but I laughed when I shot the lion.", "I do not run, unless its for women... canadian... A.", "It will be veggie this bar. Did she like it?", "Yeah that's part of school!!", "Yummy! My mom plays tennis as a profession so she is not home to cook much.", "That will do it. I love to bake.", "I make robots. What about you?", "Will you be my friend? Lots of people want to.", "I am good. Just hanging out with my pet snake skittles.", "I've really been wanting to feel pretty again. Sounds like I met the right person!", "I like to go out to dinner and chat with friends and family. What about you.", "I love photography, black and white is my favorite.", "I do to and burgers are my weakness I never share." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way.", "Well I am glad to see another believer.", "I struggle because I can be selfish. What do you do?", "I'm a electrician and I like to run.", "I can relate I'm always running from evil.", "I'm always tired because of it I sleep 8 long hours a day.", "Wow I used to do that when I got broken up with.", "Yeah brake ups are hard I used to eat so many hamburgers." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "Some times when it is quiet I hear voices.", "Me too! I love cooking for lots of people.", "Hey!, I enjoy writing long poetry. I am currently working on a novel.", "My son and his football team are playing on Nbc. I'll have a commerical after.", "Maybe a friend will go.", "Hello, how are you doing?", "I have a son so maybe and he loves blue lol.", "Yes, I love playing with edged weapons. I know that sounds weird too.", "Currently I am a waitress but I'll be moving soon.", "Pink is nice, I am always wearing purple! I love pasta! no fast food though.", "I am a woman, hear me roar! I also am a mom.", "What do you do for a living?", "It is in Lincoln, Nebraska.", "Hello, I am mia. Whats your name? Where do you live?", "Great, I'll have your red sweater ready for you.", "That is so cool.", "I do not like fishing I am vegan.", "In may I'll turn twenty six and I just had braces off last year!", "That sounds hard! I went on welfare last month. Are things better for you now?", "You sound like you are a bear. God loves bears." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way.", "Well I am glad to see another believer.", "I struggle because I can be selfish. What do you do?", "I'm a electrician and I like to run.", "I can relate I'm always running from evil.", "I'm always tired because of it I sleep 8 long hours a day.", "Wow I used to do that when I got broken up with.", "Yeah brake ups are hard I used to eat so many hamburgers.", "I do to and burgers are my weakness I never share.", "Yeah see I love them so much that I hibernate during winter." ]
[ "I hate evil.", "I'm weak and selfish, but I want to change.", "I trust in God.", "My heart hurts from a broken relationship." ]
[ "My hair is difficult. It is very curly and dark. I need someone with experience.", "I ride horses while on my year off before college.", "That doesn't sound all that bad though.", "I'm feeling groovy. What about you?", "Hello.", "Awesooommeeee I speak 2 languages fluently.", "Hi there how are you?", "Hello! I'm about to fix breakfast! What you having?", "My astros are in the playoffs!", "Hello! How are you doing?", "I love country music. My mother got me into it when she taught me baseball.", "If you love it, if it makes you feel better, than you have got talent.", "I love fall though being in the city I do not get to enjoy it as much.", "That sounds very nice. Do you like to read books?", "Maybe I can find a pizza that you will like online and buy it.", "Circus school, actually. I used to be a clown.", "Ah, I get my 2 dogs faux chocolate cookies. One is a pit the other a bulldog.", "Do you like working on them?", "Hello how are you today?", "I still have a broken heart so I'm not so smart." ]
[ "Hello hoe are you today?", "Good and God bless you,.", "What do you do for a living.", "Nothing I'm lost but I trust that God will help me find the way.", "Well I am glad to see another believer.", "I struggle because I can be selfish. What do you do?", "I'm a electrician and I like to run.", "I can relate I'm always running from evil.", "I'm always tired because of it I sleep 8 long hours a day.", "Wow I used to do that when I got broken up with.", "Yeah brake ups are hard I used to eat so many hamburgers.", "I do to and burgers are my weakness I never share.", "Yeah see I love them so much that I hibernate during winter.", "You sound like you are a bear. God loves bears.", "Yeah I'm a very intelligent one to." ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "That sucks. I love my cat even though she's messing with my allergies.", "You could come over. We will salsa dance and eat pizza.", "Mom. I've a horse. My husband is a businessman.", "Have you heard of mary Jane fashions? My mother created that.", "I'm sorry that is tough. Why?", "Please take as many precautions as you can, if you cannot evacuate.", "That is cool you are pretty cool with me.", "Sisters are a blessing and a curse! Is she older or younger than you?", "Oh what is that exactly.", "Sure dude.. I work inthe manufacturing unit itself.", "Well it will be good for your death.", "Do you? Maybe I'll try that!", "Oh. when will your bf be back?", "Archery. I'm just learning but I love it! Have you ever tried?", "Join the club. I'm not even sure who I like anymore.", "I've been shopping at american eagle for tens years now too! Awesome store.", "Near downtown. My favorite place is Seattle.", "Do you have pets, I'm pretty much a cat lady. I've 23.", "What kind of job do you have? If I need extra money, I clean a few houses.", "Me too! Tell me about yourself." ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!" ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "Hm.. try breaking bad.. its more interesting.", "Sounds fun. I just finished eating fried eggplant and smoking my pipe.", "My hobbies consist of practicing my english Spanish and going for hikes.", "Yes but I don't trust them.", "Blue my fav color and seems it taste better like blueberry.", "Ugh, I hate running. Ca not ever get in the right rhythm.", "For years. It is very relaxing.", "You sound talented. I've a brother who is a musician. I am the youngest of 4.", "My husband rolls his eyes when I get more.", "Interesting! Do you like to swim? I do that pretty much everyday at the y.", "I work at a party store in town.", "They sell even fried twinkies at the fair.", "Of course! I am making close to 6 figures now.", "Hi I just got back from swimming lessons since I don't know how to.", "No I don't really swim. Or yoga. I mostly just go to work and come home.", "I am studying to become a radiologist at my local college.", "I like making lets plays. A lot of people don't know what that's.", "I am a freight truck driver, how about you?", "Better than anything.. except chasing komodo lizards on a private island.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship." ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California." ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "Ahh start off softer like Eric Clapton he is my dude.", "That sounds nice. I'm hoping to move to the beach.", "Yes I always have music when I stretch before my surf.", "Hello how are u tonight.", "Of course! I own a candy shop. I will send you some candy. You like college football?", "Fishing and camping are my hobbies. I'm happiest in the mountains.", "In Tennessee. I grew up around a lot of bikers. No wonder I love tattoos!", "I do not think I can afford to take a holiday. I have my kids to think about.", "Hey there are you working?", "Oh you know the kind when there are candies and cakes all about?", "Cats, your name should be caterer. Bad jokes are what I do best.", "I teach cooks too, using food I grow on my farm. I.", "I like the fantasy world better than this one.", "Awesome! Guns and roses is my favorite.", "Great that you like to eat the same thing. I do not have pets, apartment too small.", "Love it! What are you majoring in?", "That sounds cute. I have tons of pics of smokey, doing cute things on my cell phone.", "I want to visit my friend in Japan.", "Well, I go to the movie, play Mario on N64, stuff like that!", "I'm a man... what about you? I'm always looking for a romantic relationship." ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship.", "Are you a man or a woman?" ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "I love mexican food. I also love to eat popcorn and junk food.", "A card game. Its really fun.", "Good evening.", "It is. I love working wit animals.", "Are they purebreds or mutts?", "Oh gluten allergy?", "Ll he not a Disney movie fan.? There my all time favorites.", "Wow sounds like you are on call, I create cars for a living.", "No thanks, I've to go to work tommorrow, office.", "I got married in Paris yeah.", "Haha. Where are you from? I am from London, England.", "I am charley. I am well, how are you?", "Pizza is the best food.", "I am studying to be a graphic artist, but I've never really done cartoons.", "Heh man whats up.", "That is good!! I've a kid who get straight as and proud of him.", "That sounds like fun. I am doing pretty good. Where are you from.", "If I were late for work, my black and curly head of hair would explode.", "Heck yeah... our italian is the best too!", "That is interesting... I've tons of friends but never met someone like you." ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship.", "Are you a man or a woman?", "I'm a man... what about you? I'm always looking for a romantic relationship.", "I am a man stuck in a females body." ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "Country music is beautiful I bet you have a great voice.", "I like the tigers team. Big fan! I throw my blonde hair in a cap.", "Well, getting to the beach when I can.", "Yes you are! I am also married. My husband, John is 20 years older.", "How lovely. Do you do anything for fun?", "Hi. just got back from a great game of tennis.", "What is one thing you always have to have with you?", "I am great thank you! How many siblings do you have?", "That's so wonderful!! I hope it was a dream come true.", "I am a day person. I like riding horses.", "Me too. I surf with my partners all over the world. Where do you surf?", "Who knows? I like to play it by ear. Do you have any plans of your own?", "Now I am gonna open a grocery store. Do visit.", "Nice talking to you.", "What kind of books do you write?", "His.", "Lol do you like animals? I do more than people I think.", "Its a lot of fun. Do you have any fears?", "I see famous rockers in the louds, I want to be in a band.", "Oh yeah totally I am a total jock so love biking, hiking, swimming, the works." ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship.", "Are you a man or a woman?", "I'm a man... what about you? I'm always looking for a romantic relationship.", "I am a man stuck in a females body.", "That is interesting... I've tons of friends but never met someone like you.", "Do you enjoy the outdoors?" ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "To become the next Bob ross.", "Ii'm sorry to hear that! This pie has your name on it!", "Have you ever seen repo the genetic oprah?", "That is great to hear.", "What do you do outdoors?", "Awesome. I m going to pick up my new puppy.", "I've not picked one yet. But I'm good with people and I like learning new ideas.", "Oh that is amazing! I've never been to France.", "Oh that is very smart. My coach says you should always be prepared.", "I live in Ireland. In Dublin.", "Family is so important. I hope my children will take over the family business.", "It is a great way to spend an afternoon with kids.", "What books do you like? I read a great book on lizards.", "I meant how old are you.", "I do not cook at all, so I will start with the basics.", "My mom is famous.", "I love travelling especially to Mexico.", "That sounds exciting. I'm illiterate.", "Do you and Abigail know how to swim?", "I tried but always forgot to put it on the curb on the right day. You?" ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship.", "Are you a man or a woman?", "I'm a man... what about you? I'm always looking for a romantic relationship.", "I am a man stuck in a females body.", "That is interesting... I've tons of friends but never met someone like you.", "Do you enjoy the outdoors?", "Oh yeah totally I am a total jock so love biking, hiking, swimming, the works.", "What about recycling? Do you recycle?" ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "We are not allowed to have candles in my apartment.", "I've to take my blood sugar every day. Can you guess why?", "Near Rancho Cucamonga? Did you see the ships and fish aquariums?", "I work on cars, but I really just like watching television.", "Hi I'm doing pretty good. Had a good day teaching at work.", "My father. I work for the navy, 17 years at sea. Its still terrifying.", "What were you on the news for?", "Yes, I work at a local diner. How about you?", "I've not, but I will let you know in the future.", "What kind of software do you work on?", "That is your favorite color?", "My hobbies are cars with toyota being a favorite and eventually, I want a truck. And you?", "I go swimming with my son.", "I'm really from east Asia.", "I'm! I drive a pickup, dislike holidays and collect guns.", "Do you do any drugs?", "I love pink! My best friend is Abigail. Who is your best friend?", "He doesn't work anymore he's very sick.", "Yea sometimes, but other times I like peace and quiet.", "Yeah I'm easily distracted so I'm always forgetting things." ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship.", "Are you a man or a woman?", "I'm a man... what about you? I'm always looking for a romantic relationship.", "I am a man stuck in a females body.", "That is interesting... I've tons of friends but never met someone like you.", "Do you enjoy the outdoors?", "Oh yeah totally I am a total jock so love biking, hiking, swimming, the works.", "What about recycling? Do you recycle?", "I tried but always forgot to put it on the curb on the right day. You?", "I always recycle. I would never forget to put it out on the right day." ]
[ "I get distracted easily.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I'm very athletic.", "I've lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I wish I could be more serious about school." ]
[ "That's awesome, I enjoy reading a lot.", "I won 2nd place in a spelling bee when I was 11.", "Oh how cool! The horses are gorgeous. I love animals. I've seen the easter bunny!", "No but am going to look for it and watch it.", "Try too. I would enjoy Ireland.", "It might be unusual but I type using one hands only.", "Cheese gets all over the place.", "I work as a chef.", "Ah, I work the graveyard shift at a hotel. But I am saving up for college.", "Ah! interesting. What do you like to do during your free time?", "Wow! I think tomorrow I am going to make all my students draw unicorns.", "Its been a while not, not sure what kind of job I want.", "I do, especially in the panhandle. The white sand is so beautiful.", "It is going great today; everyday is great in my Ford truck.", "I stretch with yoga and cardio with hiking. I cannot draw.", "I work out and try to eat healthy.", "Well going fishing is one and church.", "Usa here what about you?", "I like to go to olive garden.", "Probably basketball because I can hang with all my friends. You?" ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you!", "Me too! Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I am currently in college, home is in California.", "I am in college too! I am a total jock in on an athletic scholarship.", "Are you a man or a woman?", "I'm a man... what about you? I'm always looking for a romantic relationship.", "I am a man stuck in a females body.", "That is interesting... I've tons of friends but never met someone like you.", "Do you enjoy the outdoors?", "Oh yeah totally I am a total jock so love biking, hiking, swimming, the works.", "What about recycling? Do you recycle?", "I tried but always forgot to put it on the curb on the right day. You?", "I always recycle. I would never forget to put it out on the right day.", "Yeah I'm easily distracted so I'm always forgetting things.", "What is your favorite outdoor activity?" ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "As long as the sandwich has no meat or dairy, I'm good with that.", "What are their names? Do you dress them up for halloween. That's my favorite holiday.", "Sounds relaxing. Any plans this weekend?", "When my husband left it made me want to go to school learn more.", "That's a shame, do you have access to public transportation.", "I'm fine and you, do you like guitar playing? I do.", "Hello, how is your day going?", "A party? Is that what you do on the weekends? I go camping.", "Let us hope there's a good movie on then. You can also stream it.", "That sounds fun. Being inquisitive, I love traveling and learning new things.", "I enjoy traveling in spare time.", "No, I usually am making wedding cakes, so it takes a long time!", "I love driving my pink truck to them.", "I'm getting a degree in health science, food and water are important to me.", "I love the museums and the fisher shop.", "Yes be careful, holidays are coming ugh.", "I'm sorry! Would you like to join us in our sewing group?", "I'd like that very much. We could sleep in and then hear your voice.", "No I'd rather read to my twins." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?" ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Do you like candy a lot?", "Hi! how are you?", "I am in school right now. Hoping to become a dentist.", "I see, its hot there? Do you like hiking and biking that is what I enjoy.", "Any reason they are all p names?", "Cool I own a company.", "Hi how are you today.", "Sounds like we have got that in common. My depression is bad so I don't get out much.", "Now that is a good job. Underwater?", "What are you? A pro fighter?", "My mom is a cheerleading coach so I will probably be a cheerleader.", "Kind of. Life is disappointing for me. Do you agree?", "What are you thinking of?", "That sounds great thank you and can't wait.", "Yup, its a rewarding job. The pay isn't horrible either.", "Europe, I just hope somebody takes car of 3 cats.", "Okay, I have not watched it. I need to smoke.", "I like many types. Mostly classic. Rock or old country.", "What do you translate? I am a viking with a viking beard.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out." ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Yum, that sounds delicious! Did you cook it yourself?", "Yes, there is one by central park. Right next to a bookstore, where I work.", "Oh no. well you wo not see 42 doing anything wrong.", "I like to skydive and jump off buildings.", "Were you and your father close?", "Pretty well are you adopted?", "No, I am an amateur. But I've fun with that at home!", "That is really really cool. I've to go, my show, face off, is about to come on.", "Same, I swam alongside manta rays before.", "Yes its a way to relax.", "Yes. I've all the books!", "Hi, how are you? Please tell me more about yourself.", "That is horrible how do you keep going and not get burnt out.", "Very nice of you to do this. Thank you.", "Those are cute names, my last dog was Sirius.", "I like goobers and popcorn with soda, do you?", "Thank you, I enjoy dance way too much and I just over did it.", "That is neat my mother is a seamstress.", "Sounds like a bizarre dream life? Why not sell the car? Traveler?", "I am hoping to publish an illustrated version of a Stephen king novel. My fav author." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on.", "Great. Does any of your work make it into video games? I love video games." ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Good luck with that man.", "I'm way behind on my movies. I've no time to watch them.", "Do u have a boyfriend or girlfriend.", "I do not like them Sam I'm. But I love making other food.", "Just being aware of the moment is a kind of meditation. Helps calm the spirit.", "Yes indeed!! And for all the commies!!!", "I've a hard time parallel parking but the other parking I can do well.", "Clearly lol. Where are you from?", "I've two dogs and a cat.", "My moms are programmers. I like to play on Slackware Linux. I play quake.", "I lived in Kyoto mostly.", "That does not sound easy. You'd find peace writing in my garden of roses.", "Sorry, no. we are going to vegas in the morning.", "Yeah, I get practise riding everywhere now.", "I'm currently working at a marketing agency.", "Awww... maybe someone took him into a loving home.", "Guess what? I started my new job last week!", "Winter is hard for me too, the snow makes it hard to wheel.", "That's sweet! Any favorite shows? Mine is silicon valley.", "My husband writes books about our twins. I hope they stay forever too." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on.", "Great. Does any of your work make it into video games? I love video games.", "I am hoping to publish an illustrated version of a Stephen king novel. My fav author.", "I do not want to work. I'm fine living with mom dad." ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Really good, I'm just eating some strawberries and relaxing.", "What kind of dog is he?", "Ok! I go every week.", "Sounds fun, I'm disabled and boring for the most part but love new friends.", "That is sweet that she lives right next to you! I like rap music.", "I used to play football but now am too unhealthy.", "Do you have a job, I work at a button factory!", "How are you?", "Wow you must be in shape. I'm not very active.", "Good, listening to some biggie right now. You?", "I'm decently attractive, and you?", "No. I spend more time climbing. It is a good workout.", "Aw that is cute. What do you do for fun?", "I like buying purses! How many stamps do you have?", "I would like to go back to school one day. Maybe my special person will find me then.", "That is sounds kinda gloomy lol.", "I miss fishing. I can not do it anymore because I lost my arm.", "Hi how are you today.", "Yeah I know what you mean.", "I hope they develop a love of reading as that is my favourite hobby." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on.", "Great. Does any of your work make it into video games? I love video games.", "I am hoping to publish an illustrated version of a Stephen king novel. My fav author.", "I do not want to work. I'm fine living with mom dad.", "My husband writes books about our twins. I hope they stay forever too.", "That would be great. I could babysit them and play video games with them." ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "You should. Is it cold there?", "Let me tell you, I had casinos, many many casinos, very huge!!!", "I don't have any child. I am just a lonely scientist.", "Yes lol it is a rule.", "Not if you inherit it and then reinvest. That s what Trump did. Lots do.", "Oh only sleep in my free time!", "I've my own business, but I really want to open a bakery one day. You?", "Although summer is my favorite, I don't like wearing dresses.", "The only thing I like more than walking in the park is chocolate.", "Planning is always fun! I love planning my shopping trips ahead.", "I am studying to become a radiologist at my local college.", "Oh shopping is so fun! Where is your favorite place to shop?", "I am reading fashion magazines.", "I love riding coasters! But I've not had much time lately.", "I love my wife and kids but I miss the single life.", "It is when you don't know how to speak other languages.", "I don't know if I do.", "Hey, how are you this morning?", "I love to paint with my two sons. What are your hobbies?", "No. they still need a babysitter now though. I guess they could play video games." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on.", "Great. Does any of your work make it into video games? I love video games.", "I am hoping to publish an illustrated version of a Stephen king novel. My fav author.", "I do not want to work. I'm fine living with mom dad.", "My husband writes books about our twins. I hope they stay forever too.", "That would be great. I could babysit them and play video games with them.", "I hope they develop a love of reading as that is my favourite hobby.", "I mean not after they are grown up! They won't need a babysitter then! Lol." ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Hello! I just got back from a fishing trip, how are you today?", "No I don't. Have you gone to college? I just started my freshman year.", "I'm in college now I'm a science major.", "What is your favorite band? English and education.", "How true. That is why I watch old sitcoms. Any family?", "That is good. I was not surrounded by good friends so I'm living at home still.", "What?! I don't like bees. I'm allergic to them.", "What do you do for a living?", "Italian. I immigrated when I was 14.", "Yes, it was. Her dream was to start a restaurant. I opened one 3 years ago.", "I just have one sister.", "What do you do for a living.", "That sounds great! My husband loves nachos too but don't like him.", "That is just way crazy.", "No, Chicago. Small world, huh?", "I'm sorry. You should try to garden with your mom. It may help.", "I'm feeling a bit lazy getting sleepy.", "I have cats, but keep them inside due to my grandmother living in my guesthouse.", "Ah, how many siblings do you have?", "Well you should probably find a way to turn your video addiction into a profession." ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on.", "Great. Does any of your work make it into video games? I love video games.", "I am hoping to publish an illustrated version of a Stephen king novel. My fav author.", "I do not want to work. I'm fine living with mom dad.", "My husband writes books about our twins. I hope they stay forever too.", "That would be great. I could babysit them and play video games with them.", "I hope they develop a love of reading as that is my favourite hobby.", "I mean not after they are grown up! They won't need a babysitter then! Lol.", "No. they still need a babysitter now though. I guess they could play video games.", "That is all I do. And eat take out." ]
[ "My husband is an author and we have twins together.", "My favorite author is Stephen king.", "I am a digital artist.", "My favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "Do you go to school? I am a medical student.", "I think I am a purple belt in pasta and a brown belt in pizza.", "What are you studying for? I like to daydream about visiting Paris and the cafes.", "Awesome! Halo is my favorite. What do you do for work?", "I play volley ball in my free time and happy alone.", "I could never have a family. I don't think love is real.", "Much respect! You should vacation here in Texas, your kids will love the waterparks.", "I am still in high school. I wish I had a job.. we have no money.", "Yes the original was completely horrible.", "Yeah I bet it would be beneficial.", "I also enjoy other rap artists too. I like them also.", "I hope to get on one this year! My family really believes in me.", "I just moved to Florida. Drove my Ford taurus here.", "Good. Gearing up to go to work. You have any weekend plans?", "Ever since I was very little.", "Absolutely! But unfortunately I start an engineering internship soon so no moving!", "That is wicked cool. What do you do for work?", "I work with computers as a programmer and get to do it from home.", "No, just listening! Its one of those little things that makes me happy!", "Well that would be fun would it not?" ]
[ "Hello. Wanna go to mcdonalds?", "No I'd rather read to my twins.", "I need to have supper. Need to choose where to get take out.", "I need to finish the digital illustrations I am working on.", "Great. Does any of your work make it into video games? I love video games.", "I am hoping to publish an illustrated version of a Stephen king novel. My fav author.", "I do not want to work. I'm fine living with mom dad.", "My husband writes books about our twins. I hope they stay forever too.", "That would be great. I could babysit them and play video games with them.", "I hope they develop a love of reading as that is my favourite hobby.", "I mean not after they are grown up! They won't need a babysitter then! Lol.", "No. they still need a babysitter now though. I guess they could play video games.", "That is all I do. And eat take out.", "Well you should probably find a way to turn your video addiction into a profession.", "Ugh, that would be a job." ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "That's nice do you have any pets.", "It is just ok. I am only working there to buy my first car.", "Can you really hope to be an aspiring singer?", "Www I love dogs! What kind of dog do you have?", "Why is that? Do they not have to get screened.", "What do you enjoy doing in your free time?", "I live with my extended family but I don't care, I love them.", "That's definitely a risk.", "Do you like beans at all.", "What do you do for a living?", "I am doing well, just playing some computer games.", "Whew, just got off work. My pizza place was slammed!", "Hi there, how are you doing?", "Not bad. Could be better. I stepped on a rock while barefoot.", "Where do you live at then?", "Wow that's so neat! I've read a book series about someone like that.", "I love to watch the Alabama football games.", "Haha! You are a very funny person.", "Like a walking eggplant or a grape, huh?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days." ]
[ "What are you up to?" ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "Wow I'm sorry I love seafood.", "Do you live near the beach?", "No fun! The drums is my thing. I play in a band.", "What a precious name. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when she passes on.", "Congrats, I mainly teach adults english as a second language.", "Any tuna recipe ideas?", "What do you do for a living?", "I bet how long ago was that?", "Oh wow, that's commendable of you! Do you like it?", "I work at Hp, like my dad. What about you, where do you work?", "No she'sn't that good. Do you know anyone famous too?", "My dad wo not leave its annoying. I'm in the midwest too. I made a bet.", "Good idea! So any plans for tonight?", "Are you a boy or girl?", "I do not really have time between the other stuff and my volunteer job.", "My mother ballerina is so good.", "Just staying up late. So I can sleep in tomorrow. You?", "Congrats! I just watched the movie halloween again last night. I love horror movies!", "I'm not sure. I never dreamed any bigger than this.", "Lol. oh no, that's awful! I love cream in my coffee." ]
[ "What are you up to?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days.", "I needed that laugh. I'm recovering from a broken leg." ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "Wow, you are a nice person to be with.", "I have not ever had that. I wonder if it sucks.", "I have four brothers and drive a blue car.", "That is so nice wat kinds of food do you like?", "All that pretending led to mass creativity, I make superhero blends.", "Yes, I am the classic librarian who owns 2 cats.", "I like hanging with friends but I am nervous for the future.", "Optimism can really help, much like the outdoors.", "Anything, really. Except country. cringe...", "I am. Getting ready to settle in for the night, I am an otr trucker.", "Pizza place most of the time.", "Yeah, man! I love football! Who is your favorite team?", "Sorry, should have introduced myself I am nasirah. I love music. What instrument do you play?", "Doing great binge watching netflix, catching up on the walking dead.", "I tend to travel as a hobby, but I really like building small things.", "Pink just like my princess bed from daddy. Your favorite food?", "That is a good thing where do you want to work when its over.", "No, red. I even drive a car that is red. I like to golf.", "What do you do for a living?", "I just love the beastie boys. They're my idols." ]
[ "What are you up to?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days.", "I needed that laugh. I'm recovering from a broken leg.", "Lol. oh no, that's awful! I love cream in my coffee.", "Sweet! So does my older sister, Mary, and my dad. He is a journalist." ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "Easy lemon squeeze! I did not like the buds either.", "Sorry to hear that. Maybe if you left your house you might meet some.", "Mine too but I like a lot of different ones.", "Sounds like fun. I love being outdoors. My wife and I work at the local zoo.", "Holidays coming I get to see my family!", "I am great. I love reading and my fave author is Stephen king.", "How is new York this time of the year?", "They don't have to know; do you like a good steak? We should go.", "Yes, you have told me that. Do you have a favorite food too?", "Beets are my favorite. What do you do for work?", "I love watching movies! Whats your favorite genre?", "I guess some restaurants are stick and waitress is hard too.", "I need cooking lessons. I am terrible at it. I burn my eggs and veggies.", "Really where are you at Sir?", "I work for Apple and I just opened my online shop.", "I did not attend, but there was a big music fest this weekend here.", "Yeah they are delicious. I always stop by a bakery after work.", "Same, its been so long since I've spoken italian. I am always afraid I will somehow forget.", "I love it! What band do you like to listen to?", "Sweet! do you like music?" ]
[ "What are you up to?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days.", "I needed that laugh. I'm recovering from a broken leg.", "Lol. oh no, that's awful! I love cream in my coffee.", "Sweet! So does my older sister, Mary, and my dad. He is a journalist.", "I just love the beastie boys. They're my idols.", "My dad once wrote about them in the new York times!" ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "Not much lately. I haven't had much money since my rent went up.", "I stay up late at night. I'm on you tube a lot.", "Youre making me hungry.", "How do you have time for so many cats?", "My only game playing is fishing.", "I'm too. Plenty of practice on my teens and pets.", "It is! Are you married?", "That is awesome. I whittle as a hobby.", "Lol no worries. So whats you are favorite food?", "Love them too. I'm in Chicago... where are you?", "Yes I read everyday I'm a bookworm.", "I do, mainly books on building computers though.", "Haha true. I love getting drunk and watching alien movies.", "Ah gotcha, what kind of music do you like?", "Yeah. I get to travel to ski competitions and take pictures when I'm not racing.", "God should not have blessed me so much, cause I'm too tall.", "Congratulations! My step dad was a lawyer too. Never liked him though.", "I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Do you have any pets?", "I mostly like romance. Kinda a sucker for cinderella stories.", "I love country! And hip hop." ]
[ "What are you up to?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days.", "I needed that laugh. I'm recovering from a broken leg.", "Lol. oh no, that's awful! I love cream in my coffee.", "Sweet! So does my older sister, Mary, and my dad. He is a journalist.", "I just love the beastie boys. They're my idols.", "My dad once wrote about them in the new York times!", "Sweet! do you like music?", "Of course, but in Texas, we hear mostly country music on the radio." ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "Definitely don't but I enjoy it all!", "I am doing well thank you.", "Of course I eat, I ate Taco bell tonight!", "It was alright do you like braces?", "Hello how are you today?", "Oh okay. So you are not fat?", "That must mean you have to get up early. I like staying up all night.", "I handle alot of money as a teller at the bank,.", "I am vegan so no I don't. What do you do for work?", "Nice! Do you like to fish? I love to fish, during the summer.", "That is interesting, do you like it here in California?", "Hi how are you today.", "Chocolate cake is one. But I done eat shrimps.", "Tomorrow is the big day. The whole family goes camping and horseback riding.", "Hi how are you doing.", "As long as they don't make you hallucinate and believe mermaids are real like me.", "My 3 roommates are annoying me, I always do there dishes.", "I had to start talking to well known publishers because my friends wo not listen.", "Hi how are you doing tonight?", "Uh, okie dokie, I am not sure what that means. Lol." ]
[ "What are you up to?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days.", "I needed that laugh. I'm recovering from a broken leg.", "Lol. oh no, that's awful! I love cream in my coffee.", "Sweet! So does my older sister, Mary, and my dad. He is a journalist.", "I just love the beastie boys. They're my idols.", "My dad once wrote about them in the new York times!", "Sweet! do you like music?", "Of course, but in Texas, we hear mostly country music on the radio.", "I love country! And hip hop.", "I would probably like hip hop more if I had not been born premature." ]
[ "I went to New York city once.", "I want to be a museum curator.", "I love coffee with cream.", "My favorite band is the beastie boys." ]
[ "Nah, I feel like that is life. Stuff in boxes ya know?", "Yes I know. I like to go to the pool and forget my worries.", "It really is.... I try to involve my kids too.", "I would love to try that.", "I go to school and help my grandparents I live with them.", "It will go with your pink hair. It will be unique.", "Yes I've a pet owl.", "They're for sure. Do you like halloween?", "I do, but I work for it.", "Is playing in the band what you do for a living?", "I don't know. The women in my family watch a lot of lifetime.", "Great and congrats on your new job.", "I've been so many places that I really just like being a home body.", "That sounds perfect for a salad.", "Where would you want to go?", "Sorry to hear that. That is sad.", "So you do lift, I was going to ask. Where do you live?", "Hi there! I'm taking a break from studying! How are you?", "I find that I don't have the time to sleep, I've a very busy schedule.", "Oh! I'm really sorry. I love babies." ]
[ "What are you up to?", "Oh I am about five seven now a days.", "I needed that laugh. I'm recovering from a broken leg.", "Lol. oh no, that's awful! I love cream in my coffee.", "Sweet! So does my older sister, Mary, and my dad. He is a journalist.", "I just love the beastie boys. They're my idols.", "My dad once wrote about them in the new York times!", "Sweet! do you like music?", "Of course, but in Texas, we hear mostly country music on the radio.", "I love country! And hip hop.", "I would probably like hip hop more if I had not been born premature.", "Uh, okie dokie, I am not sure what that means. Lol.", "Having been born a preemie, my eardrums are fragile. The bass lines irritate them." ]
[ "Helping people makes me happy.", "My husband is a firefighter.", "We have two kids.", "I graduated with a nursing degree.", "My favorite food is sushi." ]
[ "Awesome, my favorite animal. What is his name.", "Basketball and cross country right now but they're always doing some kind of sport.", "I travel alone usually. So single. I am an introvert.", "I don't grow them. I think they're the worst.", "I babysit, and play bingo when I feel lucky.", "He does, because he's a parrot. He usually says, what is cooking doc.", "Cool maybe you can help me make friends playing soccer in the fall.", "Really? I get a hardcore 8 hours of sleep every day! Haha.", "Do your dogs like sports? I love soccer but my cats wo not play.", "Oh cool where do you work?", "I don't. Are you married?", "I quit driving my truck when I married my girl. I want to take her to Fiji.", "Whats your favorite movie?", "Hello there. I am doing ok here in Pennsylvania, how about you?", "Cool. I love to take my dog fishing.", "I love beachcombing and the peaceful sound.", "That's good. Its good to relax every now and then.", "Yeah I really think they do.", "I hope I can move from where I am living soon. Where do you live?", "I am doing well thanks for asking." ]
[ "Hi how are you today." ]
[ "Helping people makes me happy.", "My husband is a firefighter.", "We have two kids.", "I graduated with a nursing degree.", "My favorite food is sushi." ]
[ "I really love decorating at Christmas time.", "Sure but only if you cook the fist for me. I do not cook.", "I am going to move a a couple months... hope I do not lose anything.", "You never know. I once witnessed my corvette start on its own.", "Lol!!! Yeah I got ya!! I'll be leaving them tommorow though, new job!!!!", "No. The dogs would eat my cats, would they? Not a good idea perhaps.", "My toddler is fascinated by nature too.", "Oh, that's fun. I was raised by my granny.", "Hi how are you doing tonight.", "Great. I've the day off. Engineering is my job. Environmental. You?", "My kids both love Metallica, they are 14 16.", "I am ok. Curious to try ruby chocolate.", "Nothing except doing everything to live my kids.", "How are you this fine evening?", "Its good, I get to travel to other states sometimes which I enjoy.", "Hello, whats going on today?", "Sounds cool, I am reading about traveling to Cancun.", "Very nice. Whats your favorite time of the year?", "If I am off work, I am a mechanic.", "I work for a hospital as a nurse. You?" ]
[ "Hi how are you today.", "I am doing well thanks for asking.", "Where do you work at." ]
[ "Helping people makes me happy.", "My husband is a firefighter.", "We have two kids.", "I graduated with a nursing degree.", "My favorite food is sushi." ]
[ "That is why I started a jazz band.", "Oh you should give me the bacon then.", "Traveled the world and adopted children earlier.", "Aw, that is very sweet. I wish I could listen to music but my parents hate it.", "Hello there, how are you?", "Oh really are you an accountant? I am baby sitting at the moment.", "I should eat more healthy too. I work at my local ymca after all.", "What do you look like may I ask?", "I just finished baking a pudding.", "Well I own a 92 mustang fastback. I've almost died twice in it.", "They are! Do you like traveling?", "Its in the bible he created man in his own image and have faults not perfect.", "Hi, I am a it help desk worker and live with Doug. You?", "Do you get to watch movies?", "Hey there how are you? My little boy does everything I do.", "Yum! I love five guys and I love anything italian! Especially cooking it.", "Hmm. Oh ok, I am not sure how that works.", "I like your outlook on life, thank you!", "I m having to pay for my own education, so cant afford clowning around.", "Toyotas are great. So reliable." ]
[ "Hi how are you today.", "I am doing well thanks for asking.", "Where do you work at.", "I work for a hospital as a nurse. You?", "I just drive my toyota around." ]
[ "Helping people makes me happy.", "My husband is a firefighter.", "We have two kids.", "I graduated with a nursing degree.", "My favorite food is sushi." ]
[ "I am great! Just got done playing some piano.", "Make your garden grow, its dedicated to helping children in impoverished areas!", "I live in the suburbs in new jersey.", "Congratulations. I woo the ladies in different languages, I know six.", "I grow my own food in my garden.", "Do you like watching movies?", "It is nice out where do you live.", "I've a degree in communication, and I am in the navy.", "How are you? I professionally train animals.", "I am jk me nighter never learned haha.", "I've two dogs and they're my best friends.", "I am ok. Kind of sad so I am eating ice cream.", "You don't need kids to let the disney magic run through your heart!", "I am a home maker. Other jobs are difficult since I can not drive.", "Do you own any pets?", "No I only maintain a database with a team.", "That sounds great any particular plans?", "No siblings for me. Just me and my doberman.", "Any and all! But fps are my favorite! My cat watches me play, cats are the best.", "Yes! do you sell that?" ]
[ "Hi how are you today.", "I am doing well thanks for asking.", "Where do you work at.", "I work for a hospital as a nurse. You?", "I just drive my toyota around.", "Toyotas are great. So reliable.", "True did you see the toyota truck on top gear." ]
[ "Helping people makes me happy.", "My husband is a firefighter.", "We have two kids.", "I graduated with a nursing degree.", "My favorite food is sushi." ]
[ "Do you think I could live up to your standards.", "I love to be in the middle of the desert always.", "Very cool. I take care of my grandmother.", "Cool do ever watch the olympics I'm really into the gymnastic events.", "I wouldn't be able to do that. I'm allergic to the gluten in macaroni.", "Thanks for your service! I'm a little tired today was at a rise against concert last night.", "I just fill paper clips and pencils. My real passion is baseball.", "That is true well got to go, take care.", "Eh. I wish I wasn't stuck in bed all day.", "Oh yes, great fun! I recycle cats.", "Yeah I know some vegans are okay with that since it keeps the bee population alive.", "Then better close your mind up.", "I'm excited to see the sunset tonight its so pretty.", "Yeah, tennis is my game. Dad used to coach.", "I want to practice medicine as a doctor.", "I like animals but I love meat.", "Thanks me too. I m June. What do you do?", "Penn teller? They are magicians and comedians.", "Oh. being single I get to work a lot and lots of pizza.", "I do not often eat grapes. Too squishy." ]
[ "Hi how are you today.", "I am doing well thanks for asking.", "Where do you work at.", "I work for a hospital as a nurse. You?", "I just drive my toyota around.", "Toyotas are great. So reliable.", "True did you see the toyota truck on top gear.", "Yes! do you sell that?", "Yeah I think its true haha." ]
[ "Helping people makes me happy.", "My husband is a firefighter.", "We have two kids.", "I graduated with a nursing degree.", "My favorite food is sushi." ]
[ "That would be nice. I'm only doing it because I want to be a writer.", "Do you have any pets?", "Hello. Hows your morning going so far?", "What color are your eyes? Green for me.", "No cats. Do you work? I'm on my computer all day.", "I got some labradors yeah.", "Sort of. Its hard sometimes because of the snow. I love the cold!", "How old fashioned. Lol. so, how did you get into programming?", "I like going fishing in the summer.", "See that's not so bad then.", "I was thinking about chicken salad.", "Do you have any purses?", "Yes but they get the same amount of time.", "You should follow your dream.", "I work full time and have 2 kids.", "Only day off I'm employed at mcdonalds.", "I'm, thank you. I'm in Chicago. Are you safe?", "Sure, I'm a great player for them.", "Oh, do you like to watch tv? I enjoy Spongebob.", "But than the whale hunters might run out of blubber! duh..." ]
[ "Hi how are you today.", "I am doing well thanks for asking.", "Where do you work at.", "I work for a hospital as a nurse. You?", "I just drive my toyota around.", "Toyotas are great. So reliable.", "True did you see the toyota truck on top gear.", "Yes! do you sell that?", "Yeah I think its true haha.", "I do not often eat grapes. Too squishy.", "Just let them dry up and become raisins then." ]
[ "I like to draw.", "My mother is a teacher.", "I'm one of four siblings.", "I live in an apartment." ]
[ "Oh you are a teacher?", "I love pink, is that your favorite color?", "Do you love hiking as much as I do?", "I do! I've a dog and 2 cats. You?", "Yeah. I'm better than burning water. I just have to expand my recipe book.", "I swim, I'm good at it because my bones have never broke!", "I don't get out much. You can tell. I know. Have you ever lost a toe?", "Lots of cheaper groceries for your family then.", "Great! I will bring this up to her tomorrow.", "I'm a member of four different book clubs.", "Well I like cool weather because I can sleep in.", "No thanks, I don't eat any animal products.", "Yes true! I'm planning on moving to San Diego in the next couple months.", "Hello there! Hows it going today?", "Whats the craziest, most exciting thing you have done?", "I'm going to see happy death day.", "At least you are going in style in that case.", "What do you do for a living?", "I've a pickup kind of like Fred!", "Of course. My name is Jim. I've 3 other brothers. What about you?" ]
[ "Lets get to know each other." ]
[ "I like to draw.", "My mother is a teacher.", "I'm one of four siblings.", "I live in an apartment." ]
[ "Yea, are you a free spirit too?", "I've 3. how about you?", "I am in school right now.", "Hi I am Beth how are you.", "I got a secret it is here in my heart.", "What for? What is there for you.", "What kind of art do you like to produce?", "We play classic rock been together for 17 years. But I do know a choir too.", "I do not own a car. I cannot stand to drive.", "How are you doing today?", "Most of the time. Do you enjoy selling cosmetics?", "Hello, I am doing very well thank you. Getting ready for work soon.", "Yeah I make almost as a librarian.", "I am pretty crafty. I'd like to travel. Where have you been recently?", "Its going good! Just finished playing my pss. You?", "Sounds like the typical lifestyle. I prefer something less conventional.", "Thank you! Feel free to hand that Bmw over to me haha.", "I do not, but I want a red parrot.", "There are different forms of the game.", "Congratulations. I also draw animated pictures for cartoons. I." ]
[ "Lets get to know each other.", "Of course. My name is Jim. I've 3 other brothers. What about you?", "I am tammy. I've no brothers or sisters, but I did just get engaged." ]
[ "I like to draw.", "My mother is a teacher.", "I'm one of four siblings.", "I live in an apartment." ]
[ "Mostly everyday objects like food or soda.", "Oh ok where are you from?", "So you are an artist yourself?", "I am about to crack open a cold one and work on my truck. You drive?", "It was nice in the rural areas. Where are you from?", "It was nice and kept me occupied.", "I have a friend that I enjoyed taking long walks on the beach with.", "Wood wood, how you doing today?", "We both sound busy. Having more money for work we do would help.", "I teach tax law. My dad was a tax assessor.", "Oh my you eat iguana.", "I am five foot ten inches tall.", "No, teaching is my job. I garden in my free time. What about you?", "List would be too long and I would realize that I haven't done much.", "Oh, that sounds interesting. My mom is living with me.", "Well, if you invented him, he should do what you want.", "I like walking cemeteries and thinking about the people who used to live.", "I completely understand that is why I want to make more.", "The gym is great for distressing. I have a lot of stress right now.", "I can't dance but I'll learn once I get my new home." ]
[ "Lets get to know each other.", "Of course. My name is Jim. I've 3 other brothers. What about you?", "I am tammy. I've no brothers or sisters, but I did just get engaged.", "Congratulations. I also draw animated pictures for cartoons. I.", "That is very cool. I don't draw but I do dance." ]
[ "I like to draw.", "My mother is a teacher.", "I'm one of four siblings.", "I live in an apartment." ]
[ "Pretty good day, how is yours so far?", "I coupon every week and donate what I get to charity if I've extra.", "Nice I sometimes clean houses.", "What kind of red car is it?", "Whats the definition of well?", "It is hard buy I'll try it soon. I enjoy drinking budweiser.", "Hey, hows it going dude?", "Optimism is the way to be. Music is one way that keeps me optimistic.", "When I can snag a role, I like working as an extra in movies and writing screenplays.", "Ll. I'm so done with children at the end of the day.", "Nice do you have any dogs.", "Do you have any kids?", "Great! I've been doing what I love all day. Shopping.", "Please speak kindly upon dogs I want to work with them.", "Well, I believe I've just committed a crime.", "The hospital isn't very pleasant.", "Have you eaten asparagus lately?", "That's exciting! I love gadgets, so I'm always tinkering.", "I hope that also. Too bad I'll never be able to get rid of my glasses.", "You can dance well by now. My mother taught me how to p lay the piano." ]
[ "Lets get to know each other.", "Of course. My name is Jim. I've 3 other brothers. What about you?", "I am tammy. I've no brothers or sisters, but I did just get engaged.", "Congratulations. I also draw animated pictures for cartoons. I.", "That is very cool. I don't draw but I do dance.", "I can't dance but I'll learn once I get my new home.", "I've been taking dance since I was very little." ]
[ "I like to draw.", "My mother is a teacher.", "I'm one of four siblings.", "I live in an apartment." ]
[ "I will graduate high school this spring. I work for my dad waiting tables.", "Ink really. I just wanna be a vet.", "I'm alright what do you do for work?", "Yeah. My girl just broke up with me. I'm heartbroken.", "I like to hike in the mountains. What about you?", "Hi! that sounds rewarding. I hate heights and am musically talented with my arm pits.", "Sweet. I think he watches over me as I've been driving the back roads forever.", "I'm doing fine. Just hanging out at home with my 4 cats.", "Where do you w o R K?", "That is nice of them to come check up on you.", "Hello! How are you doing today?", "I'm feeling awesome, I just finished shopping.", "Yes I do, it is one of my favorite foods. How about you?", "Awesome, I was planning to go fishing today but decided against it.", "I've 2 brothers in my family.", "We just said, hi. I bet that you can fix my guitar.", "Wow, you are pretty young. Do you live with your parents?", "Great movie. Every town I visit, I've to go to Costco. Weird, huh?", "I'm working at my job at Nike.", "Wow. How much is the pay? Help me get out of my apartment." ]
[ "Lets get to know each other.", "Of course. My name is Jim. I've 3 other brothers. What about you?", "I am tammy. I've no brothers or sisters, but I did just get engaged.", "Congratulations. I also draw animated pictures for cartoons. I.", "That is very cool. I don't draw but I do dance.", "I can't dance but I'll learn once I get my new home.", "I've been taking dance since I was very little.", "You can dance well by now. My mother taught me how to p lay the piano.", "How artistic. I'm looking for a musician to play at my wedding in Paris." ]