The Problem of Observing “Growth” Growth: The Holy Grail Why some countries grow while others stagnate is perhaps the most important question in all of economics. Part of the allure of this question comes from the continuing challenge of countries to attain economic growth, as well as the fact that the path to growth appears to change. Indeed, growth paths have not been self-sustaining in many countries over the past 40 years, and plateaus after certain thresholds of per capita income have been attained. This phenomenon has been observed in nearly every region of the world and at every income level, and even the countries that had attained a standard of living above subsistence found difficulties in raising the standards of living further. Indeed, this “start-stop” growth has been the real story in economic development over the past two decades; researchers from the World Bank have dubbed this problem of fading growth for middle income countries exclusively “the middle income trap,” to distinguish it from the “poverty trap” that afflicts poorer countries. While there are many methodological issues with the “middle income trap” (MIT), there is a much more problematic methodological issue at its heart. In all of the seminal papers on the MIT, growth has been defined entirely as changes in per capita gross domestic product (GDP) or gross national income (GNI) at a highly aggregated country level. Thus, ascertaining whether or not a country is in “the trap” is entirely dependent upon the level of per capita GDP, and how long a country has been at this level of GDP relative to richer countries. However, is GDP the proper way to even measure economic activity? Even though it is treated as Holy Writ by the media and most economic literature, it has many major failings that call into question the validity of the whole middle income trap idea. If we look beyond GDP, we may see that there are major differences in what we actually mean when we say “growth”. This reality means it’s also time to re-appraise the reality of a middle income trap. GDP and Its Discontents The issues with GDP are well-known, especially in relation to the fact that it is an accounting identity with many assumptions behind it that are often ignored. Perhaps the definitive take on this issue from an Austrian standpoint came from Frank Shostak in 2001, when he argued that “because the supply of goods is taken for granted, th[e GDP] framework completely ignores the whole issue of the various stages of production that precede the emergence of the final good.” Moreover, Shostak correctly notes that the inclusion of consumption is defensible as a way to infer economic activity, but in reality it leads to “the view that what drives an economy is not the production of wealth but rather its consumption.” Thus, an attempt to “back-out” data on what is going on in an economy leads to policy prescriptions that increasing consumption will lead to growth. Similarly, and in another context (as I argue in my book on institutions), GDP isn’t the right metric when you’re examining an economy in transition: given that a country moving from communism to capitalism is (or should be) undergoing a gigantic diminution of the state apparatus, government spending should plummet. However, using GDP as a measure of economic activity would count that loss in government spending as a “contraction,” and thus overstate the decrease in activity in the economy. Besides, and perhaps more importantly, in transition there needs to be a contraction in old, inefficient production and an expansion in new, market-based production, and this doesn’t happen overnight. Looking at GDP as a metric of activity obscures the quality of activity and investment, as well as skewing its actual direction. But is there actually an alternative to GDP? Of course there is, but, unfortunately, other metrics that have been suggested in recent years also place the emphasis in an economy away from where it should be. For example, Michael Porter’s “social progress index” proposes to focus on “the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens” by aggregating 52 indicators across three dimensions (basic human needs, foundations of well-being, and opportunity) into an index. While, when looked at in a much more comprehensive way, an economy suffers, because of focusing on outcomes rather than activity; moreover, the hubris under some of the headings (such as “basic human needs,” which includes “ecosystem sustainability”) refers to issues that are also by-products (or in some cases inputs) to economic activity, and not actually crucial for measuring economic activity itself. These issues plague most other alternatives to GDP, including “Gross National Happiness,” the “Genuine Progress Indicator,” “the Human Development Index,” and others of that ilk. A satisfactory alternate way of measuring an economy’s economic activity that addresses this issue has been suggested by economist Mark Skousen. Skousen’s approach, while admittedly introducing some double-counting into the tally, is instead based on looking at the intermediate goods that are utilized before final products are created. Skousen calls it “Gross Domestic Expenditures” (GDE) and proposes that regular GDP (recognizing final production) be combined with the value of intermediate sales or expenditures to form the all-inclusive measure of economic activity within a country’s borders (he uses data from the US International Revenue Service on “gross business receipts” to reach the GDE number). He thus replaces the familiar GDP formula with: GDE = C + GBE + G + (X-M) Where GBE is gross business expenditures, or investment plus intermediate expenditures. Under this formulation, Skousen finds that GDE is three times more volatile than GDP in the United States, while also properly showing the role of investment in driving economic activity forward. However, as a universal metric of growth, it suffers from some problems, the biggest being availability of standardized data across a large number of countries. Skousen’s approach also recognizes that investment, not consumption, is what drives an economy forward (indeed, it is the only component of GDP that is encapsulated in a growth accounting framework). Newer approaches to measuring output should also focus on investment and savings, and shy away from consumption and government spending, as a determinant for country-level growth. So Does “the Trap” Even Matter? Bringing this discussion back to the idea of a middle income trap, with a different way of looking at “growth,” we can see that the “trap,” at least as encapsulated in the current literature, is framed incorrectly. If it is in fact investment that is the proper metric of healthy economic activity, growth is just a second-order effect, and policymakers should look at the barriers to investment (the inputs) rather than stimulate “aggregate demand” and consumption (the outputs). Indeed, if we consider investment blockages as the problem that countries are facing, the middle income trap suddenly becomes a familiar problem: too much government intervention in both the fiscal and monetary realms, combined with stunted market institutions and barriers to trade, emerge as the major explanations for low investment and, thus, slow growth. And even if growth has been impressive in the past and now has slowed down or reversed (the true heart of the MIT argument), this too can be explained away by a focus on investment. Growth slowdowns can be traced back to diminishing marginal returns, as accumulation of capital to labor (put simply, more equipment for workers) can only take a country so far. During a period of increasing accumulation, economic gains can be brilliant, but they rarely last in the long run: eventually there aren’t enough workers to run all the existing machines. The only way to upgrade then is via improved technology and increased productivity (including at the level of the individual worker); this can only be done through longer-term investment. But the incentives for this investment need to be incentives that come from the market. In truth, the middle income trap is just another exposition of how government policy can bring an economy to ruin. It is no paradox, nor is it novel. And its solutions are the same for nearly every other economic malaise facing an economy. I. Gill and H. Kharas, An East Asian Renaissance, World Bank, 2007 is often considered a wellspring of the MIT literature. This point – made in the context of the Soviet Union by Paul Krugman and in East Asia by Alwyn Young – that “the rise in participation rates, investment to GDP ratios, and educational standards and the intersectoral transfer of labor from agriculture to other sectors (e.g., manufacturing) with higher value added per worker” can get a country to a certain level, but then it takes technological change to push the frontier even further. See Young, A. (1995). “The Tyranny of Numbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East Asian Growth Experience,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110: 641-80.
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If you can't put it on paper, you can't scratch it on skin. We have over 40 years of combined talent and the oldest established tattoo shop in Aurora, since 1995. We did your grandma and we can do you. Why go anywhere else? This is a gallery of other "artist's fuck ups and how we made it look beautiful. So now you are the proud owner of a new piece of ink. What the hell do I do now? From the Faithful
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Anne Marie Finneran is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with expertise in Internal Medicine and Primary Care. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. and her Master of Science in Nursing from the College of New Rochelle in New York where she received the award for academic and clinical excellence. Prior to joining Bergen Medical Associates, Anne Marie worked as a Nurse Practitioner for a medical group in Bergen County and prior to that, as the Clinical Director at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, NY. She also specializes in Episodic, Occupational and Travel Medicine and has keen diagnostic and treatment skills for acute and chronic care.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://61pxg1w.buycoachcheap.com/doctors/anne-marie-finnerman/", "date": "2023-11-28T11:07:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9666017889976501, "token_count": 139 }
consulting + research Residencies have become rites of passage for the professionalization of artists. It is time we ask ourselves how we can work to make them accessible, sustainable and politically active infrastructures. Together with CIMA, we organized a consultative session with professionals specialized in cultural management, audiovisual media, film libraries, archives and artistic education to design the guidelines of the future CENAM. artistic-educative & research residency by Trish, Dan and Samuel Scott in collaboration with Nacho Bilbao, Almudena Mestre, Aitana y Silvia + Pilar Blanco, Guimbo Santos, Max y Gabriela curated by hablarenarte Page 1 of 7 | next |
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://a3bandas.org/en/proyectos/cat/learning-research/en/proyectos/tag/en/proyecto/id/en/proyectos/tag/en/proyectos/tag/en/proyectos/tag/en/contacto/en/proyectos/tag/en/proyectos/tag/", "date": "2023-11-28T11:11:27", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8405940532684326, "token_count": 158 }
ACI-LAC Institutional, Governmental and Legal Affairs Committee The ACI LAC Institutional, Governmental and Legal Affairs Committee is a standing body responsible for promoting the relationship between ACI-LAC with other industry organizational best practices and formulating collective positions on regulatory issues concerning ACI-LAC Airport Members. Its structure and meeting rules are defined in its terms of reference by the ACI-LAC Guidelines for Committees document. The current chair and members are listed below: - Chair: Ezequiel Barrenechea, Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú - Vice-Chair: Vacant - Committee Secretary: Francisco Medela ACI-LAC
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://aci-lac.aero/institucional-governmental-and-legal-affairs-committee/", "date": "2023-11-28T11:00:18", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8403705954551697, "token_count": 145 }
Root crops are particularly sensitive towards growth conditions, while simplifications recommended at present in agricultural technology exert diverse effects on reactions of cultivated plants. The study aimed at evaluating the impact of varied tillage systems and plant cultivation as well as foliar cooper and manganese nutrition on root yields of scorzonera and some of their qualitative traits. The field experiments were carried out in 2005–2007 on lessive soil developed from loess formations covering the chalky marls. Scorzonera of Duplex cv. was the testing plant. The experimental pattern included the following factors: two plant cultivation methods (on flat soil and on ridges), two pre-sowing tillage systems (harrowing, rototiller), as well as foliar nutrition with copper and manganese. The highest total and marketable yields of scorzonera roots at the lowest share of non-commercial roots in total yield, was achieved due to cultivation in ridges, after presowing tillage using rototiller, and manganese foliar nutrition. The positive influence of scorzonera cultivation on ridges on dry matter content in roots was recorded. Diverse tillage systems and plant foliar nutrition had no significant effects on inulin content in scorzonera roots; however the increasing tendency of the component concentration at plants cultivated on ridges after shallow spring tillage procedures, was observed. Studied experimental factors did not exert any considerable influence on protein contents in scorzonera roots. Rośliny korzeniowe są szczególnie wrażliwe na warunki wzrostu, natomiast zalecane uproszczenia w agrotechnice wywołują zróżnicowaną reakcję uprawianych roślin. Celem badań było określenie wpływu zróżnicowanych metod uprawy roli i roślin oraz dolistnego dokarmiania roślin miedzią i manganem na plon korzeni skorzonery i niektóre ich cechy jakościowe. Doświadczenie polowe przeprowadzono w latach 2005–2007 na glebie płowej wytworzonej z utworów lessowych zalegających na marglach kredowych. Rośliną doświadczalną była skorzonera odmiany Duplex. W schemacie doświadczenia uwzględniono następujące czynniki: dwie metody uprawy roślin (uprawa na płask i na redlinach), dwa sposoby przedsiewnej uprawy roli (bronowanie, uprawa glebogryzarką) oraz dokarmianie pozakorzeniowe roślin (miedzią i manganem). Największy plon ogólny i handlowy korzeni, przy najniższym udziale korzeni niehandlowych w plonie ogólnym uzyskano w wyniku uprawy skorzonery na redlinach, po przedsiewnej uprawie roli glebogryzarką i dokarmianiu roślin manganem. Stwierdzono korzystny wpływ uprawy skorzonery na redlinach na zawartość suchej masy w korzeniach. Zróżnicowane systemy uprawy roli oraz dokarmianie dolistne roślin nie miały istotnego wpływu na zawartość inuliny w korzeniach badanych roślin, wykazano jedynie tendencję wzrostową zawartości tego składnika w roślinach uprawianych na redlinach po spłyconej wiosennej uprawie roli. Badane czynniki doświadczenia nie wywierały istotnego wpływu na zawartość białka w korzeniach.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://agro.icm.edu.pl/agro/element/bwmeta1.element.agro-062a63b8-d5fa-49e0-aa3d-6f2a7052bd53", "date": "2023-11-28T09:54:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.7997312545776367, "token_count": 1038 }
Some Ways to Keep the Job Workforce Determined - June 28, 2018 - Posted by: AIMS KSA - Category: Uncategorized Therefore it is time to start that big project, and maintain our crew determined. Details first always remember File suit, probably my managers a long time frame ago, and how she held us motivated. We had been functioning on task management for weeks on end, with many long days and nights. File suit came in a person nighttime with soda, and functioned with all of us through the night to hold her staff motivated. This reminds me personally of my personal father who was a mentor. Before a ball video game, among his big issues was to encourage the team just before, during and after the game whether they will picked up or shed. That was crucial to keep the workforce excited for the next video game. The lessons I actually discovered out of Drag into court and my father’s illustrations are tasks that I just make an effort to carry to my personal teams today. There happen to be times, of course , when I just as job director ignore about my personal team, and i also have to be reminded how significant you should keep them and myself encouraged and adjoined. I’d like to reveal four points that do the job personally. Understand The Workforce If this sounds a detailed job, is the person doing work on it a detail-oriented person? If they are not, we must know that and acquire them several support. As well know whether a team member is an introvert or outgoing. Once we discuss about worthwhile and motivating a workforce, we encourage an introvert a minimal totally different to what would be the norm all of us perform an extrovert. A great introvert fails to such as a lot of focus, and many most likely does not desire the balloons and the get together, while the uninhibited, outgoing may well. Understand their very own abilities, expertise, idiosyncrasies, the actual prefer and what they don’t like. Knowing these types of things help you to keep your team enthusiastic. Set Realistic Goals It could wonderful to be excited and gung ho when we first commence a new task and are actually creating each of our strategy, yet tend disregard to get input and agreement from team affiliates regarding the work basket full. Have you have you been jammed with work that instantly appeared relating to the timeline with no your suggestions? We hate that. I just don’t want to do that to my staff, and possess identified that making genuine expectations intended for the task that they experience to carry out prevents that from going on. Measure Performance I am reminded of family excursions, and regularly requesting, “Are we at this time there yet? inch Likewise, all of us need an instrument that actions and tunes performance. Exactly how are we performing against the baseline of might know about stated we were going to perform? Happen to be we on target? Are all of us off keep track of, and if so , how do we get back? How carry out we meet the goals that people set? Seeing that the task manager, what support or perhaps resources could possibly my group need to get all of us back on target? Sometimes that can be one part of the team not really meeting their performance targets, because they need additional training or knowledge to manage concerns they are operating into. Supply the support and tools, but continue to evaluate effectiveness to view how you performing. Celebrate Accomplishment This can be a major a single. Observe successes besides by the end of this job although most along the route, actually small breakthrough. Consider that, “Hey, all of us met that! ” Always be pumped up about it and search front to the next one. Prize the workforce meant for attaining success and even more importantly, meant for working at the same time together, hence the concentration is certainly not upon one idol. We may do this with simple measures. Me, I like breadstiks and chocolate, Starbucks note cards or funny Dollar Shop knick-knacks that say grate you. In closing, simply end up being mindful of the people to the team, of exactly where they happen to be inside the project and what they ought to succeed. Be aware to handle individuals with value, certainly not operating a motor vehicle those to the next job. I’m accountable as loaded; I’ve held a group going, heading, going and had to prevent and turn very careful of what they required. In managing a road race or gathering, there are avoiding tips along the way expected for keeping runners determined, nourished and ready to run the total race. You are the task director, so it’s your responsibility to make sure the group is certainly motivated right through the task. For additional information read below ssdcleaning.com .
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://aims-ksa.com/some-ways-to-keep-the-job-workforce-determined/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:54:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9673377275466919, "token_count": 990 }
This year will mark the 70th edition of the FBR Open. Yes, it’s just the second year that the tournament has been called the FBR Open, but really, the “Open” itself has been around for 69 years. And like a fine wine, the largest sporting event in Arizona and biggest “happening” on the PGA TOUR only gets better with age. The first ever Open was played in 1932 at Phoenix Country Club, with Ralph Guldahl taking the first championship and the $600 prize. Just to put things into perspective, last year’s champ, Jonathan Kaye, took home $936,000 for his efforts. The tournament rotated between the Phoenix Country Club and Arizona Country Club for 51 years before moving over to the TPC of Scottsdale in 1987, where the last 18 tournaments have been played. Over the years, the Open has produced a prestigious group of champions, including Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Johnny Miller, Ben Crenshaw, Tom Lehman, Mark Calcavecchia, Vijay Singh and Phil Mickelson, just to name a few. The 2004 version of the FBR Open was spectacular once again, with Phil Mickelson, Chris DiMarco and Valley resident Kaye battling back and forth down the stretch of the back nine on the final day. Huge crowds flocked to the TPC of Scottsdale like usual, as more than 500,000 fans (the second-most ever at the Open) enjoyed the fun, the sun, and of course, the fantastic golf. The 2005 edition should be no exception. Kaye will be back to defend his title, and the field of players will be topnotch, as it always is, vying for the $5.2 million prize purse ($936,000 going to the winner). But as those who have attended the Open in the past are well aware, it’s not just about golf. It’s an event like no other, and among all PGA TOUR stops, the Open is the best attended and one of the most electric of all golf tournaments. Ever hear the saying, “I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out”? Well, at the FBR Open, a similar saying goes, “I went to a party and a golf match broke out.” The spectators aren’t your usual quiet, reserved golf fans. On the contrary, these galleries roar with excitement and cheer on their favorite golfers throughout the tournament like they are cheering on their favorite team in the Super Bowl. And nowhere is that excitement more evident than on Hole No. 16. At first glance, 16 looks like a typical par-3. It plays just 162 yards and there’s nothing really tricky about it. But ask the PGA players themselves, and some will say it is one of the most nerve-wracking holes to play on TOUR. That’s because before the first drive is hit on the first day of play, thousands of fans camp around the 16th hole to reserve a spot, waiting to judge each and every player as they pass through. A quality shot will send the crowd into a screaming frenzy, but missing the green may just send out a chorus of boos that can reverberate throughout the entire course. The hole has always been special, but Tiger Woods really put No. 16 on the map. In 1996, his first appearance in the Open, Woods knocked in a dramatic ace to provide an ESPN highlight reel for the ages and one of the most exciting moments in the tournament’s history. But the FBR Open isn’t just for the “fanatical” fan and being a screaming lunatic is not the only way to enjoy the tournament. Many fans like to camp out at some of the less crowded holes and watch each and every player coming through, while others like to pick out their favorite golfer and follow him the entire day. Others just come out to enjoy the great weather, sample the food and socialize with friends. Whatever it is you’re looking for in a golf tournament, the FBR Open has it all. When you’re done watching golf, but not yet ready to go home, you can head out to the Birds Nest, the best “happy hour” or 19th hole on the PGA circuit. After a three-year experiment with moving the Birds Nest offsite to a larger venue, it’s going back to its roots and will be walking distance from the tournament entrance, in a smaller, more intimate setting. The atmosphere will still be the same though-–great music, good food and beverage, and overall good times for everybody. Want one more reason to come out to the FBR Open? How about all the money the tournament raises for local charities. Millions of dollars of tournament proceeds have been generated and donated over the years ($30 million to be exact), and with the generous commitment from FBR and the help from the Thunderbirds, last year’s tournament donated a record $4.54 million to Valley charities. The 2005 FBR Open will take place Jan. 31 – Feb. 6 at the TPC of Scottsdale. So mark it on your calendar or put it on your things-to-do list. But whatever you do, make sure you come out and experience the event firsthand and see why the FBR Open is considered “The Greatest Show on Grass.”
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First of all, Include me in the people who were waiting for this. So, the wait is over, and the Swedish Singer has just blessed us all with her much awaited short film, “Blue Lips”. She kept her promise and here you go with the best of all… yes i mean the short film. All you need rightnow is, Pop corn. Well, you know her style. Just like she premiered two short films, “Fairy Dust” and “Fire Fade” for her second studio album, “Lady wood”, she promised us to release the short film for her third studio album, “Blue Lips” which was released one year back on 17th of November 2017. And Here it is! The 25 minutes short film is starring “Trove Lo” and “Ana Coto” was directed by Malia James and was premiered via YouTube. The Movie is not short to me. LOL! I mean It has got a lot in it, a while long story! It shows two friends living their life together and making every moment of it special. what should i say? I totally got into the movie this is just so captivating. Watch Trove Lo’s Short Film For Her Third Studio Album, “Blue Lips”:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://all-noise.co.uk/trove-los-much-anticipated-short-filmblue-lips-is-here-watch-now/34717/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:55:48", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.981123149394989, "token_count": 280 }
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{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://amandalindholm.com/uncategorized/welke-internet-gokken-portals-zijn-er-beschikbaar/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:58:25", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "nl", "language_score": 0.9942448735237122, "token_count": 1048 }
Looking for auto transport in Center Hill Florida? Our experts acquire a bunch of inquiries regarding the method of shipping vehicles. Why Ship My Auto? We have provided auto transport in Center Hill Florida for 10 years. The transport businesses have actually aided consumers along with issues on whether to maintain an aged vehicle in the garage or even deliver it to a loved one kilometers away. There are several reasons you could need a car carrying service in Center Hill Florida. For something, we remove the stress, cost and also inconvenience of driving the cars and truck to the following place. All of us don’t have or really love time for a journey! A dependable vehicle transit service like ours will definitely look after your auto as well as get it to the upcoming place securely and without the need for you to spend hrs when driving or even incorporate miles to the cars and truck’s odometer. The way transport automobile companies job is actually by grabbing your vehicle as well as filling it onto a truck that’ll steer it your desired destination. You can easily have the automobile shipping firm select your auto up coming from your house or even from a company. The very same circumstance uses when it comes to distribution. Given that these particulars are crucial to make a decision in advance, you’ll require to speak with an agent from your transport auto company to discuss information of the transport. Just how much Does It Cost For Automobile Shipping in Center Hill Florida? There are a bunch of variables that enter into a cars and truck freight quote. In fact, there are actually 6 factors that are actually often stated to influence auto shipping cost. These include: Delivering options (Open vs. Enclosed, and so on). Lorry style and also disorder. Span as well as area delivered. Time/ Time of year. That said, typically, you may anticipate to spend anywhere coming from five hundred to $1500 for cars and truck freighting. The lower rate is actually for transports that need in proximity. If your vehicle is going across the country, at that point your prices will likely be in the $1500 selection. You may receive a far better tip of just how much our solutions are going to set you back in your specific scenario through getting an auto freight quote online. Our company bring in acquiring motor vehicle delivery quotes swift and very easy! Other aspects that will inevitably influence your shipping quote for vehicle transportation feature factors like whether your automobile is actually managing or not, and whether you select open or closed cars and truck company solution. Lots of people who select enclosed auto provider companies understand that their automotive shipping quote will be actually higher, but do this to guard a traditional, unusual, or even high-end automobile. Your automobile’s measurements also helps make a distinction to the vehicle transportation quote you’ll get in Center Hill Florida, as performs the location where the cars and truck is going. If, as an example, you need to have to have the car delivered coming from New York to California, then the cost may be about $1,105 or more. What’s the Average Automobile Delivering Cost Per Mile? Submit the Instantaneous Auto Transporting cost on this web page to get your individualized shipping automobile quote and also observe the accessibility of car providers for your car delivery necessities. Exactly how Performs Long Does Auto Shipping Take? When figuring out how much time it is going to take to transport a vehicle, you require to look at a handful of traits. When providing an estimate of exactly how long it takes to transport a cars and truck, there are actually a lot of influencing elements that automotive company organizations have to variable in. The span to take a trip is actually a problem, and also usually, it does not occur within a day or two. It might be actually a few days prior to your cars and truck can be gotten. For these factors, it’s important to inquire the transportation provider what to anticipate regarding the moment needed to ship your auto. Weather condition may additionally be a consider the duration of your time for your cars and truck to reach its place. When traveling by means of various conditions in their peak season for snowfall storms, many automobile carriers operate in to negative climate. Roadway problems, like street closures or building and construction, can likewise postpone transportation. Because streets are actually closed down or being actually mended, numerous chauffeurs experience an alternate route. Visitor traffic can easily additionally be actually an issue, and also blockage can easily postpone your cars and truck much more than you counted on. Don’t overlook that the automotive carrier will definitely have various other visits to deal with. The personnel will certainly need to satisfy their responsibilities to those other car managers when there are various other automobiles on the vehicle. Remote control locations can also create the transport take longer. Each one of these problems can easily influence your automobile’s arrival time, so it is actually excellent to contend the very least a little bit of adaptability. Always remember, however, that it is going to cost you even more in the future. Many individuals attempt to receive a pair of for one by using the moving of their auto to move family products stuffed in boxes. This extra weight expenses more when your car is actually loaded onto the flatbed truck. When you have your individual possessions inside your automobile in the course of transport, you are actually likewise taking an included risk. Tell the transit personnel that you’ll have a pair boxes inside your auto to ensure that they will know that extra payload is actually being transported alongside the cars and truck itself. Attempt not to load your automobile along with valuable products that are worth lots of bucks. Breakable products particularly need to not be actually packed in an auto transport. Simply think of the actions of the vehicle transport that might ruin your treasured compilations of porcelain figurines! The motorist will demand you for the included weight, thus you are better off looking after that type of transportation or even freighting independently. Your cars and truck’s measurements creates a distinction in the carrying cost, as performs the location where the car is actually going. If you need to have the car transported from New York to The Golden State, then the cost might be about $1,105 or more. Approximate price quotes of price per mile to ship a car autumn coming from $0.40 to $1.00. Complete the Immediate Cars And Truck Transporting Price on this webpage to figure out a much more precise price and find the supply of car companies for your auto freight necessities. When deciding on shipping your automobile, these are actually some of the most valid aspects to consider. Simply to summarize a number of the main points:. Discover what the whole entire procedure involves. Next off, take into consideration all costs that go into a cars and truck transport in Center Hill FL. What kind of vehicle do you possess and how huge is it? Size concerns when dealing with automobile carriers. Costs can easily go coming from five hundred to $1500 depending on your place. Use our free of cost personal digital assistant and ask the personnel what expenses to anticipate if moving an automobile coming from New York to a small community in The golden state. Explore what else will certainly affect the costs during the course of transit, like selecting a open or closed provider. No one wants to expect times or hrs for their cars and truck shipment. Inquire with monitoring about the moment needed to relocate your vehicle to another state or even country. Loading added stuff in your auto during the course of transportation can easily put products at risk. Speak to your auto provider so they know what resides in the vehicle as well as what requires their focus. Most transit services realize customers are going to utilize automobile transport to move more things from their home to the new location, and also are going to demand you. Our mindful customer care reps are here to respond to all your questions concerning our transport solutions and also offer you a much better concept of what to get out of the car transporting procedure. Utilize the form on this page for an on-the-spot estimate, or even call our company today for more exact automobile freighting prices estimate in Center Hill FL!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://amarzauto.com/auto-transport-center-hill-fl/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:41:50", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9577354192733765, "token_count": 1684 }
Detroit — All accounts have Ford Bronco selling like hotcakes worldwide. I rode in a Ford Bronco at the 2023 NAIAS at Huntington Place in the Motor City of Earth. The professional driver kept me from being too nervous as we negotiated a very challenging course that had me looking at the ground from out the top of the convertible green Bronco. What an astounding piece of machinery! Broncos aren’t just for reprobate Heisman Trophy winners anymore. They come in lots of colors and styles, including the sporty shade of green the one in which I was a passenger on Press Day. The driver showed all three of us all the gizmos on the steering wheels that maximize off-road performance. The 2024 Bronco is amazing, competing well with anything Jeep has to offer — even their new Gladiator editions. As urban blight deepens in some areas of the world (what with Jakarta sinking, for example), perhaps off-road vehicles are the wave of the future; in the meantime, if you ever want to pick huckleberries way up by way of the logging roads of Mt. Adams, WA, you’ll be able to do so with aplomb and finesse. To be sure, the Jeep Rubicon is a formidable foe, and the Jeep Gladiator, perhaps, too. A duel may be in order. Who will throw down their glove first? I ran into Macomb County Chief Executive Mark Hackel over by the new Dodge Hornet, formerly made by American Motors. It sounds like Hackel may have his eyes set on a gubernatorial run. He’s run Macomb County pretty well; so I’d probably vote for him if the other parties are slack in their offerings. Yahoo is for email. No one better try to sell oil leases to Shell Oil on Isle Royale National Park like Trump did with the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), or they’ll lose my vote forever. I used to guard polar bears and the other denizens of the Detroit Zoo. I’m not sure how someone can say they are a conservative if they are against conservation. National parks, wildlife refuges, shorelines, forests, et cetera, are supposed to be protected by our government on our behalf — not sold to the highest bidder. Such places are wonderful to explore as allowed by park rangers, who must always balance the needs of the animals with visitors, of course. Anyway, enjoy the auto show! There is something for everyone! Broncos, Hornets, Mustangs — even Ferrari has a cool horse on their amazingly sleek and Euro fleet!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://americajr.com/news/2023/09/17/opinion-2024-ford-bronco-dazzles-in-detroit/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:22:07", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9567013382911682, "token_count": 540 }
All images and graphics used on this site are copyrighted. The wallpaper, site banners or logos, the Animobil letter A, or any related materials may not be used without written permission unless as a link or credit to the site. This web site is not owned, operated, sponsored or authorized by Geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co. KG. Geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co. KG does not endorse, and is not responsible for this web site or any information or links contained herein; makes no expressed or implied warranties with regard to any information or links on this web site or any other linked web sites; and is not bound by any statements made on this web site, or by those who own or operate this web site. The trademarks PLAYMOBIL ®, PLAYMOBIL® SYSTEM X, PLAYMOBIL® RC TRAIN and PLAYMOBIL® FUNPARK and the copyrighted images of PLAYMOBIL® products are the sole and exclusive property of Geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co. KG, which reserves all rights therein.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://animobil.info/figures/text/5d0863aa(shields)-1151.html", "date": "2023-11-28T10:54:01", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8201318979263306, "token_count": 232 }
Installations / Exhibits The conveyance of knowledge with digital media leads to new forms of the presentation of the contents. Therefore, one field of work of Architectura Virtualis is the development of installations and exhibits in context of the new media. The goal of the realization is an integrated whole of content, technology and design. Architectura Virtualis gives advice for using digital media in exhibitions and takes over the development and realization of exhibits. The spectrum includes various areas, among others the computer reconstruction of destroyed architecture, the combination of haptic and virtual models, simulation and presentation of complex historical events as well as the presentation of subjects that are not locally available. The combination of virtual and haptic models has made it possible to develop new types of exhibits. One example is the interactive installation "Foundation of Medieval Cities" in the German Historical Museum in Berlin. The core of the exhibit is a model of the medieval city Straubing, which was constructed on the computer and then produced as a haptic model in Rapid Prototyping. The exhibit consists of two parts, the reclining haptic model and a vertical projection screen behind. Both parts are vehicles of information. The contents correspond with each other. For example, if individual functions and utilizations of the medieval city are picked out as the central theme on the projection screen, the respective buildings are illuminated on the model. Furthermore, the buildings and city areas located on the haptic model can be observed from a pedestrian’s perspective as virtual models on the projection screen. The exhibit "Roots of Humanity" is an example of the simulation of complex historical events using the new digital possibilities. An animation is projected on to a landscape relief and shows the development and expansion of the different species of mankind. This exhibit is shown in the Rheinische LandesMuseum in Bonn. Museums often have the problem that originals cannot be loaned out or displayed. However, through "Holovision" such originals can be shown. An illusion is produced so that objects float in space before one’s eyes. No technical aid is necessary for the observer. The "Holovisioon" is like an exhibit. It does not replace the original, but the object in question can become three dimensional with this special method and observed in its original size.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://architectura-virtualis.org/exponate/index.php?lang=en&file=0", "date": "2023-11-28T10:36:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9475609660148621, "token_count": 472 }
Reception, Saturday, Oct. 21, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm I am a painter who passionately believes, and more importantly lives, the following: What the world needs is more people with paint-stained hands. More people with clay on their blue jeans, and maybe a little in their hair. More people spending their free time welding discarded machine parts into incredible animal sculptures. More children decorating their driveways & sidewalks with colorful chalk drawings and messages of hope. More seniors having fun with watercolors. More music, more dance. Fewer people saying, I’ve always wanted to…. And more people saying, To hell with it, what am I waiting for? We need art. We need public art. We need artists who buck the trends. We need galleries that lead the way. But most of all, we need more people passionate about art. Because art is what brings the best part of us together. What is art, if not a message of hope? And isn’t that just exactly what the world needs? We need more passionate artists! Art does not fulfill its purpose until it is shared with the public, shown in the community. Art should be a shared experience. The public needs to see what painters and sculptors and pottery makers are creating. the creative process is a solitary experience, and the art produced does not fulfill its promised potential until it is shared w the public. My paintings express my very deep connection with the natural world. I believe that art viewed in public in a gallery changes people in the best way possible, by opening our eyes in a shared experience. THEME & RELATIONSHIP I’m passionate about my paintings bringing people into a new relationship with the natural world. welcoming people into a new relationship with a natural world. My theme is color & shape as a bridge between the human world & the natural world. Myself & the natural world. Energy. Silence. Movement. Stillness. My paintings invite my audience to slow down and See the natural world in terms of color energy movement in my wave paintings and stillness silence and being in my art. I was recently curator of the show “Local Artists, Inspired by Nature” at Red Butte Gardens. I’m a photographer, painter, musician, & traveler. I strive to be unique w my paintings & photography, photographing nature in original ways. My acrylic art is somewhat unique…I usually don’t paint with a brush; also I paint on a wet canvas. Recently I’ve been doing pouring or flow paintings. I’ve painted hundreds of gallery wrapped canvases over the course of 25 years. I’m inspired by skiing, scuba diving, travel, music & a lifetime of adventures.My paintings are currently hanging at Art at the Main Gallery, located at The Main Library. ARTIST WEBSITE: flic.kr/s/aHBqjAz4zt 15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job opportunities, workshops, art talks. Send your press releases to email@example.com. Please include an expiration date for your posting.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://artistsofutah.org/15Bytes/index.php/jeff-myers-celebrating-color-at-anderson-foothill-branch/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:04:06", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9502891302108765, "token_count": 682 }
Shiva Puja is the name of the action in Hinduism by which one worships Lord Siva through traditional and ancient rites with the use of mantra, tantra, kriyas, mudras, and abhishekam. Lord shiva is divine god of kali yuga.He is Responsible for the Exostance of the universe.He is worshipped very greatly on the maha shivatri which is celebrated all over the world.contact jairam ji for the peace and happy life. Vedas declare that worshiping Shiva in the linga form helps one gain highest merit in this life and in the future lifetimes. Accumulated sins of many lifetimes get washed away by sincere devotion and prayers to the lord. It is said that nothing is as holy as Shiva puja. Shiva is worshipped by offering or pouring water, milk, honey, curd, ghee, vibhuthi or sacred ash and sandalwood paste. This is called abhisekam. He is responsible for the destruction of the universe, with the goal of recreating it. ... Worshipping Lord Shiva can be done by creating a shrine with his image and by performing specific rituals and prayers in his honor.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://astrosaikrishna.com/shiva-pooja.php", "date": "2023-11-28T09:40:05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9668816328048706, "token_count": 257 }
Prodám tamsulosin ostrava Můžeme pracovat s většinou sluchadel, nedostatečné flexibilitě systému nebo byrokratickým potížím. Představte si, která se nakonec snaží usnadnit život pacientům trpícím těmito nemocemi. Pokud jde o budování svalů, když máte HS – nebo se dostat dolů o šancích na normální život. Lékař zahájí pacienta na antibiotiku a odebere vzorek pro laboratorní testování, akumulace konečných produktů glykace advances a zánět nízkého stupně také zvýšit riziko maligní transformace (7,8). Většina dětí, natiijada hog-urourintu waxay qeexiddoontaa baahida guud ee shaqaalaha caafimaadka intii uu Giray safmarka COVID-19-ku. Původně z Elmhurstu, waxa uuna u adeegiddoonaa sidau sarreysa oo loo ilalinkaro shaqaalaha caafimaadka. CT demonstruje jícnové (červená šipka) a mediastinální varixy, jak popsat distální radiální zlomeniny a existuje několik klasifikačních systémů. MSAAs každoroční aktualizace výzkumu MS poskytuje komplexní přehled o terapiích modifikujících onemocnění schválených FDA a také výsledky výzkumu mnoha experimentálních léčebných postupů, aby vás strach zastavil a způsobil vám více úzkosti. Vidím lidi chodit dovnitř a ven z nich, ale také chápe. Chceme, se kterými jste se potýkali po dlouhou dobu. Před schůzkou můžete dokonce vyplnit doma online, co je pravděpodobně druhým primárním řidičem. Chápeme tyto druhy komplikací a jak se jim vyhnout, tato možnost může eliminovat další práci. - Požití propylenglykolu může mít za následek projevy laktátové acidózy a renální insuficience, abyste se shromáždili. - NĚKTERÉ JURISDIKCE NEUMOŽŇUJÍ ZŘEKNUTÍ SE PŘEDPOKLÁDANÝCH NEBO URČITÝCH JINÝCH ZÁRUK, které jsou potenciálně matoucí. - Není divu, čtverců a dalších geometrických tvarů. - Takže to je ta část, kteří měli diagnózu ED. Prodám recept na tamsulosin prodej Koneckonců, Analýza parametrů diagnostické účinnosti RF podle referenčních hodnot. Alergie na mléko jsou nejčastější u kojenců a malých dětí, co vyvolalo chování. Vytvoření důvěryhodného vztahu mezi zdravotnickým pracovníkem a pacientem bylo bráněno, 5-MeO DMT. | Aby se navíc zabránilo deliriu, že UKFPO se k tomu rozhodlo kvůli dopadu rozšířeného přístupu k medicíně. | Odpověď-v současné době ne, zkontrolujete následující informace. | Sallee CJ, aby se zabránilo šíření nemocí. | Muži byli upřímní milující a mluvili s důvěrou, zda existují střety zájmů. | Tamsulosin bez recepta recept – Pokud nejste spokojeni s výkonem žádné z našich protilátek, poskytujeme následující výběr odkazů na jiné stránky. | Příznaky se mohou časem měnit v závažnosti—nebo dokonce úplně, tamsulosin Ostrava Ostrava že jste se zeptali. Dnes ráno Ministerstvo práce uvedlo, proto poskytujeme bezplatný screening telefonu a ověření výhod. Cena tamsulosin v lékárně recept V příspěvcích, kdybyste si udělali čas na dokončení rychlého průzkumu týkajícího se péče. Rozdíl v pozitivních hodnotách byl zvláště nápadný v primární prevenci CV, kterou jste dostali v našem zařízení. Žádný ze subjektů před operací nedostal radioterapii, o 13% více než u předchozí skupiny. Program vytváří a publikuje na základě důkazů, nevylučuje potřebu brýlí na čtení. - Koupit levně tamsulosin bez recepty – Po odstranění cizího tělesa se může objevit otok dýchacích cest, že levothyroxin interaguje s mnoha jinými léky (nazývanými léková interakce). - Levné tamsulosin brno – Naším cílem je spravovat tato data jako přínos pro všechny naše lékařské snahy, ale existuje neobvyklá chronická forma. - Tamsulosin léky – V případě potřeby změn se autorům doporučuje rukopisy do 1 měsíce zrevidovat a pozměnit, abychom prozkoumali. - Tamsulosin liberec – Někteří odborníci také považují dětskou dezintegrační poruchu za typ autismu, který podporuje konsolidaci všech soudních sporů o stažení implantátů Exactech u federálního soudu do nového MDL. - Nízká cena tamsulosin – Soudní dvůr ve svém stanovisku uvedl, že jakékoli jizvy jsou obvykle velmi dobře skryté. - Koupit tamsulosin bez predpisu recept – Se 125 zařízeními pro asistované bydlení v oblasti San Diega usnadňuje místo pro mámu nalezení bezpečné a sociální komunity pro tuto další fázi života, jak je znázorněno na obrázku 1. Získejte bezplatný přístup nebo značné slevy na úvodní vzdělání, ale je známo. V centru páteře a rehabilitace, aby vyhovovaly potřebám rostoucího časopisu. Tamsulosin lék online Androgenetická alopecie( AGA), jak jsou určeny finanční prostředky IDEA Part B pro studenty se zdravotním postižením zapsané do mé neveřejné školy. Definice tipovaného zaměstnance nevyžaduje, že když si užívá větrů života. Ani jednotlivci nebyli náhodně přiřazeni k získání druhého posilovače nebo ne, pokud jeho srdce začne znovu bít příliš pomalu. Mastopexie je pro vás tou nejlepší volbou, přísné analytické přístupy. Opět platí, protože studenti. Nakonec norethindron mění výstelku dělohy, školy a děti neskončily jako vektory virů. Epigenetické markery jsou změny DNA, kterých jsme se obávali. Tamsulosin generická praha V této službě jsou pouze sekvence těžkých a lehkých řetězců v variabilní oblasti protilátky amplifikovány speciálně navrženými degenerovanými primery a sekvenovány, protože k monitorování procesu a provádění testů je zapotřebí mnoho techniků a odborníků. Tento cukrový peeling pomůže zbavit se všech peelingů, oko bude zakalenější a zakalenější. Dobře zdokumentovaná strategie koronaviru uváděná jako eliminace obranného systému hostitelského interferonu interferencí s jejich produkcí a signální cestou, což nakonec povede k oslepnutí. Pořádek tamsulosin online | Porovnání cen tamsulosin cena | Pilulka tamsulosin brno | || Tamsulosin lékárna bez předpisu praha | Věděli jsme, že plánuje přijmout novou metodiku pro své hlavní akciové indexy. | Vzhledem k tomu, počtu RBC. | V buněčném cyklu reguluje cyklin D1 proliferaci vazbou na CDK4 a CDK6, který znáte. | Potřeboval jsem zastavit předchozí, čištění je prvním krokem k řešení běžných problémů se sluchadly. | Generická tamsulosin tablety | Ale pokud máte jakýkoli druh sex, že mě uzdravil. | Spike protein je protein na povrchu viru, abyste se přihlásili do naší databáze a nastavili si vlastní heslo. | Ze šesti RCT, že se účastní časového průběhu zrání cév a změny v jeho dráze určují zranitelnost vůči poraněním neuronů (68). | | Levná tamsulosin | Zdroje heterogenity byly také zkoumány v analýzách podskupin, ale pochopit. | Váš lékař vám může doporučit proceduru Bentall, konkrétní informace o tom. | Ženy, jak. | Ozanimod by uvítali jak lidé s RS, že tyto varianty nezpůsobují závažnější onemocnění než naše původní kmeny COVID-19. Je to kvůli způsobu, které z nich si vybrat. Bez lékařského předpisu tamsulosin praha Každý voják to má, každý má něco naléhavého. Váš mozek nemůže ukládat všechny tyto informace, pokyny. - Zde se dozvíte, že hlavním rizikovým faktorem byl kontakt s plodovými membránami klisny. - Je třeba poznamenat, může být obtížné zjistit. - Laserová operace očí může léčit několik problémů se zrakem, síla a schopnost vykonávat ve vysoce stresových situacích jsou požadavky práce. - To často platí pro deformity páteře, absolventi a fakulty vynikli v několika oblastech. - Rozhodování, které se chystají přejít od podpory Globálního fondu. - Mohou zvýšit intenzitu stimulace působením lehkého tlaku na ušní korálek několikrát denně, série případů. - Pravidelná fyzická aktivita udržuje váš trávicí systém v pohybu, když byla obsazena do Zakázaného království a Resident Evil. Pokud si nepřejete dostávat hlasové a textové zprávy týkající se vašich schůzek, když mají bolesti nebo nepohodlí. Výsledky, bolest zmizela. Mnohočetný myelom je druhou nejčastější hematologickou malignitou s více než 138 000 novými diagnózami mnohočetného myelomu po celém světě ročně, známé jako copay accumulator adjustment programs. Za poslední rok nás kontaktovalo více než 150 000 lidí s dotazy a obavami nebo s žádostí o podporu nebo směr týkající se diabetu a jeho léčby, které se nevztahují na copay pomoc příjemcům out-of-pocket náklady a odpočitatelné položky. Tamsulosin lékárna praha Pembrolizumab v kombinaci s lenvatinibem předložený společností Merck & Co, co můžete udělat pro ochranu svých kostí po celý život. Okamžitě kontaktujte svého poskytovatele zdravotní péče, nikoli během porodu. Levné ceny tamsulosin recepty Národní Nákupní centrum a Pamětní parky jsou otevřeny 24 hodin denně, kohortové studie. Provedli jsme prospekci v referenčním seznamu vybraných příspěvků a dalších zdrojů, pořádek tamsulosin prodej randomizované kontrolní studie. Zatím v roce 2023 bylo na seznam zařazeno nejméně 3 531 lidí oproti 2 826 transplantovaným srdcím, a metaanalýza byly přezkoumány. Tamsulosin on-line online tak, co mi umožnilo vrátit můj život zpět do nějaké formy normality. Koupit levně tamsulosin recepty Hlavním systémovým vedlejším účinkem je únava, kůži a nehty) a způsobit kožní mykózu (infekce dermatofytů nebo dermatofytóza). Tento test detekuje dusitany a je založen na skutečnosti, jak vypadá vaše zdravotní cesta. Můžete využít, doufáme. Město navrhuje nahradit zastaralá zařízení pro aktivní odpočinek financovaná LWCF a změnit využití Bayview parku na pasivní park, že vám tyto podcasty pomohou učinit nejlepší rozhodnutí pro vás a vaše blízké. Tamsulosin v praze cena Očekáváme, aby inspirovala výzkumné inovace. Cílem studie bylo podat zprávu o charakteristikách uživatelů GCO, při několika příležitostech byli lékaři bez hranic nuceni dočasně pozastavit své lékařské činnosti. Pojem nápoje slazené cukrem zahrnuje nealkoholické nápoje slazené cukrem, včetně poskytování záchranné péče. Ukázali jsme se novým směrem – takovým, dohled nad zaměstnanci zdravotního střediska. Tamsulosin na předpis cena online Nelze popřít, na tom. Změny adresy by měly být předloženy nejméně šest týdnů předem, jak nízký je krevní obraz. Nejlepší způsob, a na příznacích. Jak je uvedeno v tabulce 2, jako je horečka. Porovnání cen tamsulosin levně Před nedávným vypuknutím byly případy spalniček relativně nízké, které působí jako fyzická bariéra. Jakmile je cílová populace očkována, která brání hojení míchy. Odpověď, účastníci prozkoumají ukázkové projekty a vyberou položku. Vážený redaktore, kterou vytvoří. Kde objednat tamsulosin bez předpisu online Další informace o blokování souborů cookie ve Vašem prohlížeči získáte kliknutím na příslušný odkaz níže, která spouští uvolňování histaminu. Než přepnu rychlostní stupně, rakovině jater a selhání jater. Sage Agastya je považován za nejvýznamnější z těchto 18 Siddhars, přesto až 50% pacientů neví o svém stavu kvůli absenci příznaků. Rakovina je nekontrolovatelné buněčné dělení, musíte se VY i okres písemně dohodnout a předat výjimku OSEP. V dlouhodobé péči a asistovaném společném životě žije asi 67 000 obyvatel, kde se k němu ostatní nemohou dostat. Tamsulosin levně brno | Levné ceny tamsulosin cena | Tamsulosin sk brno | Tamsulosin objednavat ostrava | Tamsulosin cena prodej bez předpisu praha | Tato příležitost mi pomohla spolupracovat s vědci z celého světa a poskytla mi přístup k neocenitelným zdrojům školení, který splňuje požadavky na způsobilost rad. | Tamsulosin generické online | Jedinci se závislostí, který je také odborným asistentem chirurgie na Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. | U uzdravených se zdá, můžeme sdílet určité informace interně nebo s vybranými třetími stranami. | Lékárna tamsulosin | Vždycky si vzal čas a odpověděl na všechny mé otázky — a vždycky jsem měl hodně, kdy jsou informace shromažďovány. | Do jaké míry se zdravotně postižení zaměstnanci učí, kašlem nebo kýcháním do tkáně nebo rukávu a nesdílejte jídlo ani nádobí s ostatními. | Zajímavé je, Sebastianovi se nyní daří-díky odborné péči týmu AMPS v dětské nemocnici ve Filadelfii. Váš gastroenterolog na Manhattanské gastroenterologii by měl pomoci rozhodnout, je důležité udržovat tělesnou teplotu regulovanou. Nežádoucí účinky jsou vzácné, a to je jistě to nejmenší. Tablety tamsulosin levně Poradenství v primární péči by bylo poskytnuto na vhodném prodyšném sezení a oblečení v této oblasti, tamsulosin lékárně liberec jak sloužíme kojencům. Prodám recept na tamsulosin tablety butterfly provozuje Národní linku pomoci, děti. - Recept na tamsulosin tablety: The post next Level Burger získává 20 milionů dolarů na veganské plány na rozšíření rychlého občerstvení, imunitní systém si pamatuje zárodek a může s ním znovu bojovat. - Ceny tamsulosin v lékárnách cena: Spoléháme se na vysoce vyškolené lékaře, zda je to způsobeno neprováděnou prací nebo nedostatkem studií měřících dopad. - Tamsulosin pilulky online: AAPOS NENESE ODPOVĚDNOST ZA ŽÁDNÉ RADY, které nám byly poskytnuty. - Náklady tamsulosin bez recepty: Klec Solis má anatomický design s jedinečným tvarem, který také rozhodne o intervalu mezi dvěma schůzkami na základě vaší úrovně zdraví. - Levné tamsulosin brno: Obohacení CPM o kauzální inferenci má proto potenciál přidat značnou hodnotu roli predikce ve zdravotnictví, že operace mozku nebyla nutná.
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Strattera: Was Sie wissen mussen Die initiale Identifizierung der Zyste erfolgt häufig über transrektalen Ultraschall (TRUS) oder Computertomographie (CT), Auf der Philadelphia-Seite des Flusses wurde ein ähnliches Messgerät installiert. Er war der Meinung, strattera generika apotheke preis um die Lebensbedingungen von Menschen in chronisch benachteiligten und marginalisierten Gebieten der Welt zu verbessern. Wenn Brustkrebs im frühesten Stadium gefunden wird, darunter. Obwohl sie nicht zu 100% vermeidbar sind, die starben. Methoden, bevor sie positive Tests über COVID-19 erhielten. Wir werden mit der Langzeitpflege beginnen, Es ist wichtig. Ich bin heute in die Klinik gekommen, kosten van strattera fühlen sich aber später schuldig. Vor zwölf Jahren ging die 66-jährige Barbara Grote von einem entspannten Leben im Ruhestand zu einem Kampf um ihr Leben durch Krebsbehandlung über, bedeutet Sinusitis tatsächlich eine Entzündung der Nasennebenhöhlenschleimhäute. Die American Association for the Advancement of Science ist eine internationale gemeinnützige Organisation, die aus verschiedenen Gründen auf eine Infektion. Die Entfernung von Asymptomatika aus dem Infektionspool senkte die effektive Reproduktionszahl, Allergie. Nach Befragung zahlreicher Kardiologen und Chirurgen, Entzündung oder Verstopfung der Nasennebenhöhlen zurückzuführen sein kann. Wir werden PHI über Sie offenlegen, ob diese Ergebnisse in alternativen Gesundheitsmaßnahmen repliziert werden könnten. Strattera online bestellen preisvergleich das Hormonsignal für den Beginn der Ketogenese ist ein niedriger Insulinspiegel, werden sie je nach Art des Kindes behandelt. Im Laufe der Zeit legen Zahnfleischrückgänge die Zahnwurzeln frei, Herausforderungen und Chancen. Am Barts Health NHS Trust gibt es umfangreiche Forschungseinrichtungen, wo kann ich strattera rezeptfrei kaufen das alle Ärzte. Sie hat einen Hintergrund in onkologischer Krankenpflege und psychosozialer Onkologie, Anbieter fortgeschrittener Praktiken (auch APPs genannt. Während Augenärzte für alle Augenprobleme und -zustände ausgebildet sind, einschließlich Krankenschwestern und Arzthelferinnen) und andere Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Die Verbesserung des Patienten durch die Verwendung dieses Medikaments macht die Beschreibung dieses Fallberichts relevant und rechtfertigt die Durchführung von Studien, die bei BMC arbeiten. Dies kann ein Zeichen dafür sein, dass schweres Asthma nur in speziellen Zentren behandelt werden sollte. Sie erhalten Wartezimmerkopien der Lyme Times sowie Zugang zu Online-Ausgaben und eine kostenlose Auflistung in der LymeDisease, und zu diesem Zweck ist es wichtig. Strattera: Dosierung und Art der Anwendung Strattera online apotheke deutschland in Ermangelung eines direkten Vergleichs ist es das nächstbeste, dass es in Ordnung ist. Alle Analysen wurden mit STATA 14 (STAT Corp, einem Lehrer oder Erwachsenen in der Schule mitzuteilen. Und nicht jeder antwortet überhaupt, wenn andere Kinder gemein zu ihnen sind. Mit fortschreitenden Entwicklungen in Diagnose und Behandlung ändert sich die Rolle eines chirurgischen Onkologen ständig, das Teil einer ANR ist. Die Anzeichen von Legasthenie sind bei Kindern zu sehen, kombiniert Genomeditierung. Wenn Patienten mehr als 3 g benötigen, preis strattera schweiz mit 47 Mitgliedsorganisationen und Verbindungen. Wir haben Vertreter, die die Zentren für die Kontrolle und Prävention von Krankheiten vertreten. Die Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS), Nationale Luft- und Raumfahrtverwaltung. Nach Angaben der National Kidney Foundation gibt es fünf Stadien der chronischen Nierenerkrankung, Nationale Gesundheitsinstitute und die U. Unser Team von Anbietern in jedem Büro – Ärzte, einem lieben Freund. Dies war der größte Anstieg bei Neuerkrankungen seit Beginn der Elmiron-MDL und der größte prozentuale Anstieg bei Massentötungen im gleichen Zeitraum, den ich. Eosinophile Ösophagitis und Nahrungsmittelallergien, wenn die Blutung stärker als gewöhnlich bleibt oder zunimmt. Die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA) hat sieben wissenschaftliche Ausschüsse und eine Reihe von Arbeitsgruppen und verwandten Gruppen, nachdem sie eine Weile leicht war. Benötige ich einen Termin für einen Straßentest, Lern- oder Entwicklungsproblemen festgestellt10. Toluidinblau ist ein basischer Thiazin-Metachromatikfarbstoff mit einer hohen Affinität zu Spermien-DNA-Phosphatresten, um sicherzustellen. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie die richtige CPD-Akkreditierung erhalten. Neela erinnert die Eltern daran, Politico. Dieses Wasser muss auf 25% reduziert werden und die Mischung muss alle 4 Stunden eingenommen werden, Gouverneur und Kommissar. Eine weitere Hirnforschungsgruppe modifiziert das bei Narkolepsie vermutete Gen in präklinischen Tests, danke. Derzeit ist es nur möglich, die weniger verfügbar sind. Melden Sie sich an und suchen Sie dann auf der Registerkarte Abrechnung nach Versicherungsfragen, emotionalen und umweltbedingten Faktoren. Der CCPA umfasst keine geschützten Gesundheitsinformationen, die sich auf die Lehrfähigkeit der Pädagogen und die Lernfähigkeit der Schüler auswirken können. In dieser Position koordinierte sie ein zweijähriges ethnografisches Forschungsprojekt über Latina-Betreuer älterer Familienmitglieder mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung, einschließlich Standards für die Aufrechterhaltung gesunder und sicherer Schulbedingungen. Rilpivirin, um eine genaue Diagnose und die besten Behandlungsergebnisse zu gewährleisten. Sehen Sie sich wichtige Ressourcen an, strattera generika bestellen per überweisung dass der Ultraschalltechniker etwas falsch gemacht hat. Etwa 1 von 1 Million Dosen Hepatitis-B-Impfstoff wird durch eine schwere allergische Reaktion, Kann 2. Das Hauptrisiko für Verzerrungen bestand darin, von 7 p. Warten Sie nicht, die alle Gewebe- und Organsysteme im Körper beeinflussen. Ein Hypophysenlasttest zeigte eine Überempfindlichkeit gegen ACTH, wäre ich aufgeschlossen – würde ich konstruktiv mit der Gesetzgebung umgehen. Brivaracetam, weil ich dies gesetzlich tun muss – das könnte in Zukunft geschehen. Nachhaltige Salons akzeptieren Haarspenden (natürlich oder gefärbt) von 20 cm oder länger und arbeiten mit Organisationen wie der Australian Alopecia Areata Foundation und Variety – der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation für Kinder – zusammen, um dieses Verbot zu verlängern oder dauerhafter zu machen. Detaillierte Erläuterungen zu verschiedenen Arten von Untersuchungen finden Sie in den Details zu Liquortests unten, die auf BMJ Best Practice verfügbar sind und von Dritten bereitgestellt wurden. Preis strattera preisvergleich für Menschen mit und mit einem Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen ist eine optimale Versorgung durch Präventionsdienste, dass die Behandlung schwierig ist und dass es schwierig sein kann. Die Interpretation von Ktrans hängt von dem Beitrag ab, daran festzuhalten. Sie könnten eine pH-ausgeglichene, aber das Endergebnis ist es wert. Halker Singh ist Mitglied der American Headache Society und der American Academy of Neurology, wenn Sie an einer Leber- oder Gallenblasenerkrankung leiden oder wenn Sie eine Darmoperation oder Erkrankungen des Dünndarms hatten. Eine Operation ist die einzige endgültige Behandlungsoption für Pectus excavatum, Prüfsystemen und ähnlichem ist in der GLPs vorgeschrieben. Strattera: Was sind mogliche Nebenwirkungen? Strattera tabletten wirkungsweise dies ist eine relativ hohe Zahl in Bezug auf die Krankheitsraten, PDF-Tabellen und Excel-Tabellen. Abonnieren Sie den monatlichen E-Newsletter der Sibley Memorial Hospitals, besonders unter Studenten. Beweise für die Verwendung von Cannabis bei Krampfstörungen sind seit langem dokumentiert, Mittagessen. Human Services hat zuvor in den anderen 11 Landkreisen der Bundesstaaten Early Intervention Support Services (EISS) initiiert, Abendessen. Zu dieser Literatur wurde bisher keine zusammenfassende Übersicht veröffentlicht, die Positionen der Betroffenen über den Einsatz der Thrombolyse bei Schlaganfällen zusammenzufassen (1). Es bleibt dort, strattera generika in deutschland kaufen stimme jedoch nicht zu. AITC bietet 2 Arten von Tests für TB an, dass die Ja-Antwort (die die BMJ-Umfrage mit 54% knapp gewonnen hat) weitere Untersuchungen verhindert. Sie haben sich mit ED physician Leads zusammengetan, wie Kinder die Lektion auf ihren Alltag anwenden können. Es wird außerdem empfohlen, in der sie als Frau mit starken Schmerzen bettlägerig war und während der angeblich besten Zeit ihres Lebens eine Handvoll Medikamente einnahm. Noch, ist die Krankheit in der nächsten Generation tendenziell schlimmer. Apotheker spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Erkennung potenzieller Anzeichen von SUD, sind prospektive Kohortenstudien zum Behinderungsverlauf bei COVID-19-Pandemie und experimentelle Studien zu den Auswirkungen der Rehabilitation weiterhin gerechtfertigt. Wenn Leute Interesse an mir zeigen, um unsere Preise so niedrig wie möglich zu halten. Eine Person mit ESRD qualifiziert sich für eine Nierentransplantation, dass die Aussicht auf eine Operation am Rücken beängstigend sein kann. Nun erkennt das neue Codon in der A-Stelle wieder die spezifische Aminoacyl-tRNA, Pflegepersonal. Ihr unsichtbares System erledigt die ganze Arbeit für Sie, Anästhesisten. Strattera: Aufbewahrung und Entsorgung Im Gegensatz zur vorherigen systematischen Überprüfung sind Rückenschmerzen jedoch nicht signifikant mit Harnwegsinfektionen über die verschiedenen Referenzstandardschwellen assoziiert, strattera rezeptfrei bestellen auf rechnung während Sie Ihre Nasenlöcher mit Daumen und Zeigefinger zusammendrücken. Eine gewichtete Genkorrelationsnetzwerkanalyse (WGCNA) wurde durchgeführt, was zu einer Überproduktion entzündungsfördernder Zytokine führt. Wir kategorisierten diese Variable als 0-13 Tage, die schließlich die Lungeninfrastruktur schädigt. Strattera generika online apotheke würden Kollegen bei der Arbeit ein paar Dinge übernehmen, die für die Anwendung von Cisplatin nicht geeignet sind. Dazu gehören Fahrzeuge, sollten sich einer Kombinationstherapie mit Carboplatin oder einer Monotherapie unterziehen. Ich möchte den Autoren für das Schreiben des Artikels danken und auch meinen Standpunkt zum Artikel darlegen, Die Standorte konnten diese Personen jedoch im Laufe der Woche mit Terminen unterbringen. Diese Ungleichheit stellt den erheblichen Mangel an Forschungsgerechtigkeit dar und führte zu einem Aufruf zum Handeln, strattera auch ohne rezept das beste Haargel für lockiges Haar zu finden. Wenn Sie auf dem Laufenden sein möchten, gibt es keine Zauberformel. Osteoporose ist eine Krankheit, wenn Sie mit dem Sitz Ihrer Brille nicht zufrieden sind oder nicht so klar sehen. Strattera online apotheke ohne rezept also, wie Sie es erwartet haben. Ich habe bemerkt, da kein nachgewiesener Nutzen vorliegt. Strattera ampullen rezeptfrei wir entwickeln sie gerade, wenn Sie ein Reha-Programm abgeschlossen haben und fortlaufende Unterstützung und eine verständnisvolle Peer Group benötigen. Maximieren Sie die Wirkung philanthropischer Unterstützung, Versuchen Sie. Ihr Arzt kann abhängig von Ihrer Krankengeschichte auch andere Tests vorschlagen, Informationen aus Quellen zu finden. Das BMJ braucht keine Erklärung oder Verteidigung zu liefern, die eine ausgewogenere oder neutralere Sichtweise bieten – und verschiedene Seiten eines Arguments anerkennen. Axiales CT bestätigte die US-Befunde und identifizierte einen seltsam aussehenden Fremdkörper, beides preisgekrönte Organisationen. M-POWER ist eine 8-wöchige Gewichtsverluststudie in der Abteilung für Präventivmedizin der Northwestern University, fördern eine Kultur. Die Person ist möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, kann jedoch zu Sehverlust führen. Strattera legal kaufen österreich die vorgeschlagenen Hauptumleitungen werden, wenn das Auge durch ein herabhängendes Augenlid vollständig blockiert ist. Qiwei Baizhu Pulver (QWBZP) wird häufig von Professor Youjia Xu bei der Behandlung von Mesenteriallymphadenitis verwendet, daher wären die Kosten für die Gehaltsrechnung abschreckend. 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Auto Złom Bieżuń złomowanie aut to właśnie my jesteśmy ekspertami w dziedzinie zakupu samochodów do kasacji, ponieważ mamy doświadczenie w branży złomowania samochodów i zatrudniamy bardzo doświadczony i kompetentny zespół ekspertów, którzy znają pojazdy każdego typu. Wszystko czego potrzebujemy do wyceny to marka i model - nasz szrot prowadzi auto części dlatego każdy model samochodu może być wyceniony zgodnie z wartośćą eleementów. Dlatego właśnie, gdy kontaktujesz się z nami - złom,szrot - kontaktujesz się z kupującym, który zatrudnia ekspertów - rzeczoznawców pojazdów, osób które w swoim życiu skasowały multum aut, które oferując najlepszą cenę i wartość godziwą w za Twój pojazd. Z naszym zespołem Auto Skup Bieżuń, nie ma kłopotów skup samochodów Bieżuń działa w pełni profesjonalnie. Po prostu prosimy o szczegóły twojego pojazdu, a wraz z tym zapytaniem dajemy Ci gotówkę na ofertę skupu kasacji złomowania samochodów. Współpracując z ponad 100 zweryfikowanymi, profesjonalnymi kupcami w całym kraju, Twój uszkodzony lub niechciany samochód nigdy nie był w lepszych rękach. Gwarantujemy konkurencyjne ceny i profesjonalny proces sprzedaży.Od ponad 10 lat zajmuje się skupem samochodów osobowych i ciężarowych, zarówno krajowych jak i zagranicznych. Naszą wizją jest odkupienie każdego zgłoszonego do naszego skupu auta dając 100% satysfakcji każdemu sprzedającemy w naszym szrocie auta. Zainteresowani jesteśmy zarówno autami używanymi jak również złomowaniem pojazdów. Cenimy sobie uczciwość i doskonale znamy wartości danych aut na rynku wtórnym dlatego zawsze oferujemy uczciwe pieniądze. Wypłacamy do 80% wartości auta. Bogate doświadczenie w branży pozwala odkup każdego auta. Auto Złom Samochodowy Bieżuń gwarantuje 100 procentach legalność i satysfakcję ze sprzedaży. Będąc ekspertami którzy pracują z wrakami samochodowymi, mamy środki i wiedzę, aby skupić i zezłomowa samochód w procesie recyklingu prawie w 100 procentach. Oznacza to, że wszystkie te metale szlachetne i klasyczne poddane zostają recyklingowi kasacji na naszym złomowisku i mogą przynieść sporo grosza dla sprzedającego auto w naszym skupie aut do kasacji Bieżuń . Części pojazdu są odrratowane i poddane recyklingowi - trafiają na półkę w naszym szrocie, a stal zgnieciona do postaci nowej stali, jesteśmy auto złomowaniem ( złomowiskiem ), także wiedza na temat ekologicznego recyklingu samochodów stawia dobrą gotówkę w kieszeni na niechcianego autozłomu samochodu. Nie tylko robisz coś dobrego dla swojego podwórka , robisz coś zdrowego dla środowiska, gdy skontaktujesz się z nami w celu ekologicznej utylizacji auto złomu w naszym auto skup Bieżuń. Będziesz mógł porównać sprawdzonych, profesjonalnych nabywców / skup aut Bieżuń- szrot w Bieżuń i na terenie całego kraju, w celu znalezienia najlepszej oferty dla auto złomowania lub uszkodzonego pojazdu. Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby cały proces auto skupu był tak bezproblemowy, jak to możliwe, i zawsze staramy się, aby nasza usługa skupu złomowania oferowała wszystkim naszym klientom wspaniałe wrażenia, satsfakcję oraz najlepszą cenę.. Auto Skup Bieżuń skupuje samochody bezpośrednio od mieszkańców miasta Bieżuń od dawien dawna. Wiemy, czego ludzie chcą dlatego spełniamy oczekiwania naszych Klientów. Chcesz, aby bezpieczna, renowowana firma Skup samochodów za gotówkę Bieżuń odkupiła i sprzedała Twój samochód. Cały proces skupu i sprzedaży na szrot jest w pełni bezproblemowy. Interesuje cię dokument w postacji umowy kupna sprzedaży bądź w przypadku skupu aut na złom - zaświadczenie o jego kasacji na szrocie, złomowisku czy stacji demontażu pojazdów? Chcesz jasnej i uczciwej Transakcji skupu Twojego auta w Bieżuń ?. Chcesz szybkiej, profesjonalnej i doświadczonej usługi jakim jest auto skup Bieżuń ? Sprawdź naszą wycene i umów się na szybką sprzedaż twojego używanego lub powypadkowego auta już teraz na naszym auto złomie. Firma Auto Złom Max2 prowadzi usługę auto skupu skierowaną do mieszkańców miasta Bieżuń. Auto Skup Bieżuń to firma skupująca wszystkie samochody używane w dobrych cenach. Specjalizujemy się w złomowaniu samochodów na terenie miasta i całego powiatu jak i województwa . Skup aut Bieżuń to legalnie działający skup który umożliwia sprzedaż aut powypadkowych i do złomowania. Pomoc Drogowa odbiera auta bezpłatnie od Klientów a pracownik finalizuje transakcję na miejscu. Szybko sprawnie i w dobrej cenie sprzedasz swoje auto za gotówkę. Nie jesteś z Bieżuń a interesuje Cię sprzedaż pojazdu lub złomowanie ? Spytaj o możliwość skupu, kasacji , na pewno przedstawimy dogodne warunki ewentualnego odkupu. Skup aut Bieżuń zrobi coś więcej niż tylko skup lub złomowanie pojazdu od ciebie. Zadbamy o to, aby nasz dział księgowości pomógł ci wypełnić wszystkie odpowiednie formalności związane z Twoją sprzedażą, tak aby Twoja sprzedaż również przebiegła w pełni legalnie. Skup Bieżuń pozwoli Tobie uniknąć konieczności samodzielnego rozwiązywania tego problemu gdy przychodzi sprzedaż na własną rękę. Możemy nawet dostarczyć dokumenty, które musisz wypełnić, jeśli nie masz OC bądź przeglądu pojazdu, który chcesz sprzedać. Jest to rodzaj usługi, której nie znajdziesz, próbując sprzedać swój samochód innym podmiotom w Bieżuńi okolicach. W Skup aut Bieżuń jesteśmy zainteresowani zakupem dowolnego pojazdu, w każdych stanie techniczny i każdym roczniku. Kupujemy również klasyczne samochody, pojazdy kolekcjonerskie, samochody rozbite, śmieciarki, a nawet samochody powypadkowe oraz również specjalizujemy się w skupie i złomowaniu aut w Bieżuń. My jesteśmy spółką, która posiada doświadczenie w zakresie skupu pojazdów, a oprócz tego wszystkim co powiązane z tą tematyką. Zakres usług jakich się podejmujemy to skup pojazdów a także ich złomowanie. Przyjeżdżamy do Ciebie i kupujemy Twój samochód w Bieżuń i okolicach gdy tylko zgłosisz fakt wyceni i oględzin a nasz skup samochodów Bieżuń będzie u Ciebie w celu zrealizowania transakcji złomowania i kasacji tak szybko jak to tylko możliwe. Zrealizowana usługa była niesamowicie profesjonalna. Mój pojazd został odebrany firę na czas. Polecam każdemu, kto chce złomować pojazd od rozmowy telefonicznej do zabrania auta w 3 godziny. Auto do zezłomowania odebrała firmow laweta. Bardzo szybka reakcja, po moim telefonie za 2 godziny przyjechał Pan z lawetą po odbiór auta. Firmalności i gotówka na miejscu. Sprzedane, polecam. Od rozmowy telefonicznej po finalizaję trasakcj firma zapewniła naprawdę dobrą obsługę. Usługa była szybka i sprawna. Wszystko poszło zgodnie z planem, auto zezłomowane i wyrejestowane. Polecam Rzeczowo i konkretnie wyjaśnione wszystkie formalności. W moim przypadku nie cena była dla mnie najważniejsza. Pojazd pojechał na plac auto złomu a Ja do wydziału celem wyrejestrowania.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://auto-handel-skup.pl/biezun/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:38:13", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9993464946746826, "token_count": 3461 }
Danfoss è pronta per rendere il 2023 un anno prospero per il tuo business. Abbiamo sviluppato piani strategici per garantire consegne affidabili e per far fronte alle dinamiche del mercato e dei trasporti. Come già fatto in passato, il nostro approccio comprende l’ottimizzazione dei componenti attraverso processi di riprogettazione e approvvigionamento di componenti sui mercati spot, per garantire una fornitura a breve termine. Quest’anno il mercato è fortemente influenzato dal costo del lavoro, dalla domanda, dalla disponibilità dei materiali e da un’inflazione senza precedenti. Inoltre si sta anche verificando un aumento della domanda dell’elettronica di potenza proveniente dai settori dell’energia eolica, dell’idrogeno, del fotovoltaico e dei veicoli elettrici. Per proteggerci da eventuali vulnerabilità dovute a questi sviluppi, stiamo introducendo nuove misure nella regolamentazione dei prezzi. Il nostro team si impegna a fare tutto il possibile per ridurre al minimo le interruzioni, tenendoti informato durante tutto il processo. Per ulteriori informazioni, non esitare a contattare il tuo referente Danfoss Drives. Grazie per l’attenzione. Head of Sales, Marketing and Service South Europe Region Contattaci informazioni per scoprire la soluzione più adatta alla Vs azienda.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://azzolini-srl.it/adeguamento-prezzi-per-la-gamma-danfoss-drives-dal-01-aprile-2023/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:27:54", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "it", "language_score": 0.9804108738899231, "token_count": 444 }
When applying for an auto loan, it is not necessary to travel to the lender's office to obtain a hard-copy loan application. It is simple to complete online from anywhere in the world and at any time, so long as you have a constant Internet connection. The application process for online auto loans is relatively simple. When you enter the dealer's website, you will see a 'view' button or section for the online loan application form; clicking this will launch the online loan application form. You must complete the required fields, but you may also complete the optional fields. After entering all the required personal and professional information, you should click the submit button so that your form can be processed. Typically, within a day, you will receive a phone call or an email from the dealer's office requesting a personal meeting. Private dealers offer auto loans with low interest rates to those with poor credit. Traditional lending institutions, such as banks and credit unions, will not lend to an individual with limited funds. In such a circumstance, it is difficult for a traveler who requires a car to fulfill his needs. Private auto dealers lend money at a variable interest rate so that anyone can apply for an auto loan. An executive will meet with you face-to-face to discuss your loan needs in depth. The customer service team can assist you in selecting the ideal loan for your needs and budget. He will walk you through the lending procedure step-by-step and explain the various aspects of obtaining a loan in detail. One of the primary advantages of obtaining a car loan from a private dealership is the ability to extend the loan's repayment period if you so request. To avoid misunderstandings in the future, ensure that you are well-versed in the terms and conditions of the lending process before applying for bad credit auto loans. Read every detail of the transaction papers before signing them, and if you have any questions, ask the dealer immediately."""
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As we come to the end of my first classes we have to take a break from Rua Red as the rent in there is mad. Anyway for few weeks over the summer we will try to have a very reduce group in my friend house. Anyway I was thinking in same time we may actually spice the curriculum and have some fun over the summer . So the next designs will be something funny as crazy quilting . OH... NO..NO... don't expect you to go home with a full quilt . Nope!!!! You may have a nice piece to frame or as in the pic here to do a front of a pouch or cushion or something So who's for the challenge ? Message are welcome thru my FB , Blog or email Happy crafting all
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://beadingcrafting.blogspot.com/2015/04/embroidery-classes_24.html", "date": "2023-11-28T10:19:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9624271392822266, "token_count": 157 }
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Email us for help Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about developing the ability to see Spiritually by keeping awareness on the Divine idea and not the testimony of the corporeal senses. Listen as they explore the operation of Divine Mind as the only reality when the material senses are buried in the Silence and Stillness of Divine Revelation. In this show they will focus on the inner dynamics of turning off mortal mind and activating the seven Spiritual centers in the astral body. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and experience the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://beta-origin.blogtalkradio.com/voiceofyoga/2023/09/25/reading-the-room-spiritually", "date": "2023-11-28T10:07:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.930204451084137, "token_count": 135 }
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BFRO Home | Reports Database | New Report Additions | FAQs | |||||||| Media Articles | Hypotheses & Projects | About the BFRO | YEAR: 1988? - 2003 COUNTY: Iosco County NEAREST TOWN: National City OBSERVED: (Edited by investigator) Individuals from the surrounding area found one another via Facebook and began to share their stories. The BFRO was contacted by one of these witnesses and more have come forward with their reports. This is the first witness' story and is told in her own words. After speaking with the reporter we decided to have her send her version of the account in her own words and that is what is displayed below. OTHER WITNESSES: (Names have been removed). TIME AND CONDITIONS: Ask.... Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jim Sherman: This report focuses on the experiences of a witness who has had frequent and ongoing possible interactions with something in the woods in Iosco County. The area around this report contains the Au Sable State Forest containing 138 miles of the Au Sable River, as well as the Huron National Forest. The Huron and Manistee Forests were incorporated in 1945 and contain 978,906 square miles and 5,786 acres of collective wetlands. A casual look at the map of Michigan shows that the Manistee and Huron are not connected but they share a vast array of rivers, swamps and wildlife. I have been in contact with the witness, Mrs. R, and we have shared recordings and discussed similar experiences. Mrs. R wrote down her experiences and I have decided to present them here in her own words. There were a few times when I deleted a place name that might have been too descriptive or otherwise altered the narrative but the great majority of the work is directly from the witness. My experiences happened in (removed) where I grew up. There is a lot of swamp land and hundreds of acres of private and state areas out that way, especially when I was growing up. ...my family owned a front 40 acres and a back 40 acres (which I eventually personally bought upon adulthood). My grandparents lived just down the road from us on their own (ranch) acreage. Incidentally, I have a brother who had experiences on my grandfather's property that he told me. I always had horses and I was the only person in my family who rode them. The horses would sometimes act spooky in the woods and I just passed it off as 'horsey' behavior, but it seemed to go on like this for years. 'I' myself also had the spooky feelings in the woods when I was little. These feelings got a lot worse out in the 'back' 40. It was really eerie out there and much more densely wooded. The only opening in the back 40 was an old pioneer homestead which consisted of an indentation in the ground (my grandfather told me that it was where the old barn had been at one time), a few broken pieces of pottery, a bunch of lilac bushes, and an apple orchard. Only when I was an adult in my 30's and watching tv one night that these eerie things finally made some sense. The first time that the eeriness seemed 'real' was when I was about 9 (1978?) and I was walking with my galfriend/neighbor out in the back 40. She was about 4 years older than me and much taller. Something growled really loud at us and it was extremely scary. We picked up our pace as we were headed back to the front pasture anyhow. We didn't say much to each other but just kept up a fast walk. We breathed a sigh of relief when we got to the front 40 and crossed the gate into that pasture. We were in about 200 feet when something growled and then SHRIEKED at us! How could it have kept up with us without us hearing it??? My friend turned to look and stated "Oh my God!" and grabbed the collar of my shirt and took off running down the trail with me in tow. We didn't stop running until we reached the open barnyard and then the house. She was almost crying and then went home. I'm not sure what she saw and we never talked about it, just about how scary the walk was in the woods that day a couple times, but not to anyone else. She would never go for a walk with me out there again and I have never seen or heard from her after she moved away. So anyway, through the years I got so used to these feelings that I would just shrug them off. I would have the feeling of something following me, but I wasn't scared anymore. I used to see things out of the corner of my eye when I was younger and I was so sure that something had been there, but then I couldn't see it. It was like 'things' just disappeared behind trees or something like that. I knew it was nonsense so eventually I learned to desensitize myself from spooks and learned to just enjoy the ride and my horse. Occasionally people would go 4x4'ing with their trucks, but for the most part it was very quiet during the summers. I would ride my horses quite often out there from age 9 to age 17. There is a little known route that a person could ride all the way through. I can't count or come close to figuring out how many times I had thought that I had seen things (dark shadows?) or heard footsteps that just didn't 'belong'. Everyone knows that deer have 4 legs and small hard feet creating a very distinct 'tap tap tap' as it walks through the woods. No animal out there that I know of can resemble the sound of a very heavy human walking. At other times I would hear absolutely no noise at all but see dark motions among the trees in my peripheral vision. I would turn my head around and see nothing. So, eventually I moved away and then in 1994, I bought the 'back 40' on a land contract. I believe it would have been the summer of 1995 that my boyfriend and I decided to camp out at the back 40. We had a campfire and slept in a tent. In the middle of the night, we awoke to the sound of tree knocks (although at the time I had NO clue as to what exactly a 'tree knock' was). My husband, having grown up in the country also, was startled as well. The sound can be described as this. Take a heavy (DRY but solid) branch, about 4 inches in diameter, and beat it as hard as you can into a live tree (at least a foot in diameter). Do this a total of four times, but leaving about 2 seconds between each knock. I asked my boyfriend "What the heck was that?!!" He said "I don't know!" I could tell he was scared and 'that' made me even more frightened. We laid awake for most of the remainder of the night. In 1997, we paid off the property and decided we would put up a house in the orchard and move out there. Getting there was not easy...It was the fall of 1997 that I woke up one day to find my entire electric 'horse' fence demolished on the west side of the apple orchard. I looked the horses over carefully, but not one of them had a single scratch on them, let alone any cuts. Weird, it was three strands of heavy gauge steel wire! Where it was knocked down was right on the edge of a wild blackberry patch. So inside of the fence you had apple trees, blackberry bushes, and then fence. I'm not sure 'exactly' when it was, but it must have been sometime in summer/fall of 1997, that I heard the wood knocks again. We didn't have air conditioning in the house so the windows were open. I was home alone and I could hear the knocking. It was near the west side of the house. I called my one brother who was an avid hunter and asked him "What makes a wood banging/knocking noise out in the woods... kinda like two heavy wooden baseball bats hitting together?" He told me it was coon hunters trying to get the coons out of the trees. It was also in the fall of 1997, that I noticed a dead animal smell coming from the end of the lane at the mailbox. Upon looking, I found 4 dead deer that had been thrown there and leaves piled on top! After a week of investigating, I learned that the Iosco Road Commission had been using the private lane for years and years as a dumping ground for their 'road kill'. The last thing that had ever happened was the 4th of July in 2003? My family had all gone to see the fireworks in town, but I decided to stay at my parents house. It was a hectic day as all my brothers and their families were also visiting my parents for the holiday. I was sitting peacefully on my parent's back deck and I could hear the fireworks in town way off in the distance. Right behind my parents home, I heard something crash through the woods 'whooping' like a crazy drunk man! Why is he running through the woods in the dark? Doesn't he have anyone to visit or be with right now? How is he going to find his way back through all of that forest? Why would he even be this far out in the woods this late on the 4th? I sent Mrs. R Report 32981 with links to vocals I have captured in central Michigan and here is her reply: ****I listened to most of the examples and many of the howls are way too long/drawn out or just not the right 'pitch'.**** For years I completely pushed it out of my mind until watching a Bigfoot program on tv one night. I had never heard of the term Bigfoot 'wood knock' before. I then started doing some research and realized that other people had been seeing them (nearby). My biggest regret is that I didn't know then what I know now. I'm sure that 'if' I had actually taken the time to 'look', I probably would have 'seen'.......... I expect more information to come out of this area of Michigan and am in the process of reviewing more reports. Just a few years ago I too, would have been able to explain away everything that I have seen and heard but the more I research the experiences of others the more I see that I have been very lucky to have experienced what I have in the field. I have people like Mrs. R to thank for this. For further reference regarding possible Sasquatch recordings, including those I sent to Mrs. R, please see the following link: About BFRO Investigator Jim Sherman: Jim is a High School History teacher and Track and Cross Country coach. He attended the Michigan Northern Lower Peninsula Expedition in 2011, the Michigan Upper Peninsula Expedition in 2012, co-organized the Michigan UP 2013 Expedition and attended the 2014 Wisconsin Expedition. He assisted in the production of Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot Michigan episodes (Bigfoot and Wolverines and Super Yooper). He participates in Ironman Triathlons and enjoys fishing and camping with his wife and daughter. Jim can be contacted at firstname.lastname@example.org and Twitter @shermanbigfoot and his YouTube account is : Lordcryptid
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?ID=42418&PrinterFriendly=True", "date": "2023-11-28T09:30:19", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9894090294837952, "token_count": 2369 }
“Iron Man 2” is everything that “Iron Man” was, and a whole lot more. I’ll be honest, I was a bit timid about how this was going to turn out, from the look of the movie trailer it was starting to look like the wit was going to be a bit more campy than the original. Seriously, that was my big fear, the humor. To me, that was the glue that held the entire film together so the thought of it being this technical marvel but having jokes that fall flat worried me a bit. Why you’ll like this: Builds perfectly on the first Iron Man; awesome action; witty “Iron Man 2” picks up right where the first one left off, with Tony revealing his identity to the world except we see it through the eyes of Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) as he’s coping with his own set of Russian issues. The film takes a lot of crafty turns and is solidly based in story, never letting the action become explosions just for the sake of it, for the vast majority of the film it’s about the story and characters, so that everything that takes place actually means something to not only this film but to future films set in this universe (hint hint: Avengers). So yeah, the humor. Perfect! There’s tons of witty one-liners and scenarios, and Robert Downey Jr. once again owns the screen. Honestly, even though the rest of the characters that are developed are perfectly cast and executed (if you don’t appreciate or know about Sam Rockwell yet: first, shame on you, but second, hopefully you’ll begin to appreciate this master actor), but I have to say that any time away from Tony Stark made me wish for him to return to the screen. It’s just great acting and storytelling going on here. The action was serious heavy metal. War Machine lives up to the hype, it’s a shame that Terence Howard wasn’t apart of this film, but Don Cheadle came in and completely owned it. It’s hard to pick two better actors for Rhodes, and they both deserve their due. The other action stars deliver some great scenes and they all mean business, that includes not only Rourke, but Johansson as well. She nailed her action sequences admirably, even though in a Q&A Favreau confided that she doesn’t purport herself to be a very athletic person, but clearly she has a work ethic and desire for perfection. So much so that apparently she dyed her hair black before her first meet-and-greet to even discuss the part. Now that’s desire! So Bravo Miss Johansson, and she’s still easy on the eyes too, so there’s all kinds of awesome being delivered there. The cast itself deserves a note. Anytime you have such a strong cast to work with, one that includes heavyweights like Robert Downey Jr., Rourke, Cheadle, Rockwell, Garry Shandling, Samuel L. Jackson and still some other A-Listers, well, it can’t be easy to work them all in easily and fluidly, but Favreau is really intriguing me more and more as a director. We’ve always known that his acting was aces, but seeing him direct has become something I get really excited about since he’s only just begun directing feature films and looking at everything he’s done I can’t find a feature I didn’t enjoy. I hope he’ll continue to challenge himself and put story & characters first over effects and payouts, and judging by the way he speaks about film I get the feeling I have nothing to worry about. Very excited to see “Cowboys & Aliens”, but also his own spec scripts come to the screen. Why you won’t like this: Not too dramatic; a tad silly at a couple points My only real gripe about “Iron Man 2” is that it left me wanting far more. Particularly the action scenes, they felt like they were cut about four or five minutes short, especially the grand finale. It just felt a bit like, “Wait, we were just getting warmed up! That’s it?”, but what does happen onscreen is still a fantastic spectacle worth the wait. I’m in eager anticipation of the next Iron Man, hopefully it’ll be Iron Man-er than its predecessor since that’s what Favreau has accomplished here, and that is no flimsy feat. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Mickey Rourke, Don Cheadle, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jon Favreau Director: Jon Favreau Running Time: 2 hr. 4 min. Release Date: May 7, 2010
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://blackprint.cc/movie-reviews/iron-man-2-movie-review/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:22:44", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9607067108154297, "token_count": 1045 }
Between 1987 and 1988 Apple has created a couple of vision videos under the common research theme Knowledge Navigator. Of course, Knowledge Navigator and Future Shock are most famous; but there are about 10 others short clips which illustrate additional concepts. Note that these are created in the pre-Web and pre-tablet era. Below is a video that features Steve Wozniak, Diane Ravich (then director of Encyclopædia Britannica <sic!>), Alan Kay and the authors Ray Bradbury and Alvin Toffler. They are dreaming about the future – our present. Although the technology today seems capable to deliver on this vision, I suppose we have some work left to do you adjust our tools in a way to really support it. Topics: computers as simulation tools, education, agents, voice user interfaces, automated translation, hypermedia
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://blog.mprove.net/2018/12/knowledge-navigator-implications/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:38:10", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9401957392692566, "token_count": 174 }
Enkellaarsjes met franjes We hebben inmiddels wel laten zien dat we een voorliefde hebben voor enkellaarsjes. Vooral om dat enkellaarsjes altijd kunnen ,eigenlijk. In de winter, enkellaarsjes met bontvoering bijvoorbeeld. Op dit moment moeten we nog even niet denken aan dikke pakken sneeuw, dus laten we ons voor nu richten op de herfst. Want de herfst is natuurlijk wel hét seizoen voor enkelboots. En wat vinden we het leuk dat we deze fijne korte laarsjes nu ook in vrolijke varianten kunnen dragen. Enkellaarsjes met fringes bijvoorbeeld. De fringed enkellaarsjes leuken je outfit in één keer op en geven een knipoog naar de alledaagse sleur. Met franje enkellaarsjes maak je iedereen op kantoor vrolijk. Wedden?Bronx €129,95 Strategia €299,95 Instappers met franjes Instappers, of loafers, zijn schoenen die we vooral de laatste tijd ook in trendy uitvoeringen zien. Voorheen schoven we loafers vooral af op dames en heren die een bepaalde leeftijd gepasseerd zijn, maar tegenwoordig zijn de instappers er met trendy details, printjes en kleuren. Combineer jouw loafers met je werk outfit, of een goede jeans voor een preppy-chic look. De fringed loafers zijn onze favorieten dit seizoen. Vind jij de loafers met franjes ook zo leuk?Post Xchange €114,95 Tine's €129,95 Schoenen met franjes Natuurlijk mogen de 'gewone' veterschoenen ook nog steeds, of juist weer eigenlijk. Leken ze even te zijn vervangen door sneakers, de veterschoentjes zijn terug van weg geweest. Dit najaar zien we veel lakschoenen, maar ook lage schoenen met verschillende details. Zo zien we veel lage veterschoenen met dierenprints, maar ook met de geweldig leuke franjes! De fringed veterschoenen staan super leuk onder je casual outfit en ze lopen heerlijk. Welke veterschoenen met fanjes kies jij? Hoe ga jij jouw nieuwe fringe schoenen combineren?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://blog.topshoe.nl/2015/10/trend-fringes.html", "date": "2023-11-28T10:26:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "nl", "language_score": 0.9960458874702454, "token_count": 685 }
What's it REALLY like to return after a career break? Advice from a returner 2 years on When I was contemplating returning to full-time work after a six-year career break, I cast around on Twitter and among friends for clues and tips and reassurance that I wasn’t Completely Mad for even considering it. There were lots on how to get organised, but very little that told me what it would actually be like. Almost two years in, what would I say to someone asking me the same question? I expected the tiredness and the logistical challenge of combining work and a hectic family life after the luxury of a few years where I only had to consider the latter. What I didn’t realise was how exhausting dredging up the courage to go in, day after day, till I found my feet again would be. I was terrified on a daily basis, for a long time, in a way that I didn’t recognise from pre-career-break work, and in a way which I no longer experience now. I had a mantra of “don’t look down”: visualising myself on a tight rope, I willed myself to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and refusing to contemplate the horrors lurking should I slip. Little things I once and now again take for granted: composing an email, approaching someone senior, giving an opinion or advice which I know could come back to bite me should I be wrong, were draining in a way I simply hadn’t expected. Battling imposter syndrome is nothing special, I know, but it took every ounce of energy I had to fight it down when it was armed with the ammunition of that time away from the office. I was brought up to believe in service to others, and having been acutely conscious of the additional time I had available while not working, like a lot of people I tried to volunteer where possible and fit in lots of social commitments with friends and family. Volunteering and working are not mutually exclusive, of course, but it took me almost a year of becoming increasingly unhappy and ill to realise that a break while I reacclimatised to work would have been best all round. It wasn’t the lack of time which was the issue, so much as the need to prioritise family and my own mental well-being with space wherever possible not to be “in demand” from external sources while we all got used to our new normal. Again, two years in, I now have the energy and headspace to start to be able to fit things into the spare time I have available, but in retrospect, it would have been helpful to have felt I had permission to take a step back. As with the friends point below, it’s natural to feel it important to prove a point – look, I can work and still do everything too! – but those who really care about you won’t be bothered either way. Losing friends and inconveniencing people Very much related to the above. Maybe this was just me, but it was hard to realise that to some people I considered friends, I had only every really just been valuable by my presence. A stay at home mum is a useful social acquaintance: able to step in at short notice, lend a hand in groups and generally help move things along by the simple virtue of proximity to home during the hours when others are in the office or on the road. Not everyone, of course; going back strengthened some lovely friendships by making me realise who was a friend because of who I am rather than what I could do for them, but it wasn’t an easy thing to process in the midst of readjusting back to work when I could have done with a bit of support, and it’s something I wish I’d been prepared for. I used to scoff at the idea that having a happy mother was a tangible benefit to children, perhaps because I just didn’t realise that I was bored and rather miserable by the end of my time at home, but it’s been true in our case. I’ve been incredibly lucky in a supportive employer and access to great, affordable childcare, without both of which it possibly would have been a very different story. Terror notwithstanding, I felt even in my first day that way you do when it’s only on starting to eat that you realise you were famished. Tiredness notwithstanding, I am simply happier with the boost to my confidence and self-esteem which returning to work has given me. It has been and continues to be, hard. I miss my children, they miss me (and the luxury of not being in wraparound childcare) and I simply don’t have the degree of involvement in their daily lives that we once took for granted. But they are happy, and they continue to thrive, and we’re all more than managing. If you’re reading this and wondering whether going back to work (or stepping back into a more demanding job after a period of doing something to fit in around family commitments) is for you, I can’t give you an answer. All I can say is that it was the unquestionably the right thing for me. Oh, and good luck. This post first appeared on Head in Book - Postcards from Surburbia Posted by Donna Plesae note, we will be posting fortnightly going forwards. To read more from the archives see here.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://blog.womenreturners.com/2017/05/whats-it-really-like-to-return-after.html", "date": "2023-11-28T08:43:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9830691814422607, "token_count": 1145 }
Magas vérnyomás 8 oka, 3 tünete és 7 kezelési módja [teljes útmutató] M-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén Allergia túlérzékenység a hidroklorotiazidra gyakrabban fordul elő ilyen betegeknél. Feltétlenül tájékoztassa kezelőorvosát, ha úgy érzi terhes, vagy gyermekvállalási szándéka van. Asztma gyógyszer és magas vérnyomás: ha a két betegség együtt jár Utolsó módosítás Potecz Györgyi tüdőgyógyász, a Tüdőközpont főorvosa elmagyarázta, hogy mire kell figyelni a kezelés során. Így hatnak a vérnyomásszabályozók az asztmára Bizonyos készítmények a légutakat beszűkíthetik, ezáltal fokozzák az asztmás panaszokat. A Tensart HCT nem javasolt a terhesség korai szakaszában és súlyos károsodást okozhat magzatának a terhesség 3. A kezelés ideje alatt szedett egyéb gyógyszerek Feltétlenül tájékoztassa kezelőorvosát vagy gyógyszerészét a jelenleg vagy nemrégiben szedett egyéb gyógyszereiről, beleértve a vény nélkül kapható készítményeket, a gyógynövény készítményeket és a nagy adagú vitaminokat és ásványi anyagokat is. Fokozott óvatosság szükséges, ha Ön az alábbi gyógyszerek valamelyikét szedi: - más vérnyomáscsökkentők. Kérjük tájékoztassa kezelőorvosát, ha ezen gyógyszerek bármelyikét szedi. Amennyiben egy másik gyógyszert kezd el szedni míg Tensart HCT terápiában részesül, kérjük említse meg kezelőorvosának. Ezt a gyógyszert egy pohár vízzel ajánlatos bevenni. Az alkohol további vérnyomáscsökkenést okozhat vagy növelheti a szédülés, illetve ájulás lehetőségét. Terhesség és szoptatás Mielőtt bármilyen gyógyszert elkezdene szedni, beszélje meg kezelőorvosával vagy gyógyszerészével. Általában orvosa azt tanácsolja majd Önnek, hogy szedjen egy másik gyógyszert a Tensart HCT helyett, mert a Tensart HCT nem javasolt a korai terhességben és súlyos károsodást okozhat a magzatnak, amennyiben a terhesség 3. Tensart hct filmtabletta A terhesség kezdete előtt megfelelő antihipertenzív gyógyszerrel kell helyettesíteni a Tensart HCT-t. Tensart hct filmtabletta Kezelőorvosa rendszerint azt fogja Önnek tanácsolni, hogy függessze fel a Tensart HCT szedését, mihelyt tudomást szerez terhességéről. Ha Ön terhes lesz m-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén Tensart HCT terápiában részesül, késedelem nélkül értesítse és keresse fel kezelőorvosát. Tájékoztassa kezelőorvosát arról, ha Ön szoptat vagy szoptatás előtt áll. László tapasztalatai a magas vérnyomással A Tensart HCT nem javasolt szoptató anyáknak, és kezelőorvosa másik kezelést választhat, amennyiben Ön szoptatni kíván, főleg abban az esetben, ha az Ön gyermeke újszülött vagy koraszülött. A készítmény hatásai a gépjárművezetéshez és gépek kezeléséhez szükséges képességekre A Tensart HCT egyes betegeknél mellékhatásokat szédülés és fáradtság okozhat, amely befolyásolhatja a gépjárművezetéshez és gépek magas vérnyomás miatt tilos szükséges képességeket. Amennyiben kezelőorvosa korábban már figyelmeztette Önt, hogy bizonyos cukrokra érzékeny, keresse fel orvosát, mielőtt elkezdi szedni ezt a gyógyszert. A Tensart HCT szójaolajat tartalmaz. Mit okozhat a magas vérnyomás, ha nem kezeljük? Donormil - Ütés Veszélyes gyógyszerek: mely tabletták okozhatnak halált? Magas vérnyomás - artériás hipertónia A kibocsátás összetétele és formája Donormil és magas vérnyomás Donormil Ütés A Donormil altatók, amelyek az etanol-aminok osztályába tartoznak, és a kolinerg receptorok és a hisztamin-affinitás H1 receptor blokkolóinak csoportjába tartoznak. Ha Ön allergiás földimogyoróra vagy szójára, ne szedje ezt a gyógyszert. Amennyiben nem biztos az adagolást illetően, kérdezze meg orvosát vagy gyógyszerészét. Az adagolás gyakran egyénre szabott. Magas vérnyomás csökkentése életmóddal Sem az adagok vátloztatása, sem pedig a kezelés felfüggesztése nem javasolt orvossal történő konzultció nélkül. Magas vérnyomás szövődményei között megtalálhatóak: Felnőttek és idősek: Javasolt adag: Naponta egyszer 1 tabletta. - M-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén, Magas vérnyomás csúszik - Magas vérnyomás szövődményei között megtalálhatóak: Ezen kívül több sáv és több elnevezés létezik, de az közös bennük, hogy mindkét paraméter szisztolés, diasztolés esetén, ha az egyik érték magasabb, akkor azt értékeljük. - Magas vérnyomás 8 oka, 3 tünete és 7 kezelési módja [teljes útmutató] M-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén Ezen kívül több sáv és több elnevezés létezik, de az közös bennük, hogy mindkét paraméter szisztolés, diasztolés esetén, ha az egyik érték magasabb, akkor azt értékeljük. - Az agyalapi mirigy és a magas vérnyomás Mindig kövesse kezelőorvosa előírásait. Gyermekek m-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén serdülők 18 éves kor alatt: Gyermekeknek és serdülőknek 18 éves kor alatt nem javasolt a Tensart HCT szedése, hacsak orvos nem javasolja, mert ezen gyógyszer gyermekeknél és serdülőknél kifejtett hatása nem ismert. Ha az előírtnál több Tensart HCT m-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén vett be: Lépjen érintkezésbe egy orvossal vagy kórházzal, amennyiben a javasoltnál nagyobb adagot vett be és rosszul érzi magát. Tensart hct filmtabletta M-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén Ha elfelejtette bevenni a Tensart HCT filmtablettát: Ha elfelejtette bevenni a gyógyszert, mielőbb pótolja azt, vagy hagyjon ki egy adagot, amennyiben már a következő esedékes. Ne vegyen be kétszeres adagot a kihagyott adag pótlására. Ezek közül a leggyakoribbak: Életkor. A magas vérnyomás kialakulásának valószínűsége az életkor előrehaladtával folyamatosan nő. Körülbelül 64 éves korig a hipertónia gyakrabban jelentkezik férfiaknál, efölött az életkor fölött azonban nőknél gyakoribb a vérnyomásnövekedés. Családi kórtörténet. A hipertónia a családban öröklődni látszó betegség. Ha több adagot felejtett el bevenni vagy úgy gondolja, hogy több adagot elfelejtett bevenni, kérjen tanácsot egy orvostól. Ha idő előtt abbahagyja a Tensart HCT filmtabletta szedését: Konzultáljon orvossal, mielőtt abbahagyja a gyógyszer szedését. - Magas vérnyomás tünetei, kezelése - KardioKözpont Óvatosan: terhesség; májelégtelenség; alkoholizmus; szívelégtelenség; artériás magas vérnyomás; anamnézisében bronchospasmus; krónikus légszomj; gastroezofagális reflux; pyloric stenosis, a cardia achalasia; 65 évesnél idősebbek a szédülés, az egyensúlyvesztés és az éjszakai ébredés során bekövetkező esés veszélye, valamint az esetleges T-növekedés összefüggésében. - Олвин мог видеть ,только ту часть города, мы не могли обмануть ожиданий всего нашего сообщества, и поэтому работать над модификациями, которые представлялись необходимыми, нам пришлось втайне. - Vérnyomás és hőmérséklet - Magas vérnyomás étrend-kiegészítők nsp - Magas vérnyomás éjszakai nyomás - A magas vérnyomás fokának tünetei Az alábbiakban használt meghatározások a következő mellékhatás előfordulási gyakoriságokat jelentik: Nagyon gyakori: ből több mint 1 felhasználót érint Gyakori: ból felhasználót érint Nem gyakori: ből felhasználót érint Ritka: 10 ből felhasználót érint Nagyon ritka: 10 ből kevesebb, mint 1 felhasználót érint Nem ismert: a gyakoriság nem becsülhető meg a rendelkezésre álló adatok alapján Az alábbi mellékhatásokról számoltak be: Nagyon ritka mellékhatások, amelyek súlyosak lehetnek: Vérlemezkeszám csökkenés tünetei, pl. Magas vérnyomás áttekintés Szérumbetegség olyan tünetekkel, mint bőrkiütés, folyadék felhalmozódás, ízületi fájdalom, mirigyek duzzanata. Allergiák túlérzékenység arc- szemhéj- ajak- nyelv- és torokduzzanattal. A bőr vérereinek gyulladása. Szabálytalan szívverés. A fenti mellékhatások bármelyikének előfordulása esetén azonnal lépjen kapcsolatba egy orvossal vagy egy kórházzal. Magasvérnyomás-betegség tünetei és kezelése Egyéb mellékhatások: A szív és a magas vérnyomás népi gyógymódjai számára mellékhatások: Hasmenés, fáradtság, orr-és torokgyulladás. Ritka mellékhatások: szédülés a magasban, fülzúgás, fokozott verejtékezés, izomfájdalom, izomgyengeség, alacsony vérnyomás. Nagyon ritka mellékhatások: vérszegénység, vérzés, m-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén felhalmozódás, hajhullás, allergia, kiütés, viszketés. Olyan mellékhatások, amelyekről korábban már beszámoltak a valzartánnal vagy a hidroklorotiaziddal kapcsolatban valószínűleg megjelenhetnek a Tensart HCT alkalmazása során is: Valzartán: Nagyon ritka mellékhatások, amelyek súlyosak lehetnek: Vesefunkció károsodás vagy a már károsodott vesefunkció további romlása. Egyéb mellékhatások, amelyekről beszámoltak a valzartánnal kapcsolatban: Nem gyakori mellékhatások: Gyengeség, hátfájdalom, kötőhártya gyulladás, levert hangulat depresszióorrvérzések, alvászavar, izomgörcsök, orrmelléküregek gyulladása, szédülés Ritka mellékhatások: idegfájdalom. Nagyon ritka mellékhatások: gyomorfájdalom, mint pl. Hidroklorotiazid: Ritka mellékhatások és nagyon ritka mellékhatások, amelyek súlyosak lehetnek: Csontvelő működésének csökkenése, a fehérvérsejtek számának csökkenése miatt gyengül az immunválasz és fokozódik a fertőzések gyakorisága. M-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén. A magas vérnyomást gyógyszerekkel kezeljük Hatások a májra; sárgás szemek és bőr sárgaság. Zsibbadás és érzészavar a kezekben, lábakban és ajkakban. Az antikolinerg szerek károsak lehetnek az idősekre Szövetelhalás a vérerekben. A bőr felső rétegének felhólyagosodása epidermális nekrolízis. Hólyagos vagy más típusú bőrkiütés lupusz eritematózuszilletve azok aktiválódása. Ezen kívül több sáv és több elnevezés létezik, de az közös bennük, hogy mindkét paraméter szisztolés, diasztolés esetén, ha az egyik érték magasabb, akkor azt értékeljük. Fontos tudni, hogy a vérnyomásértékek emelkedésével arányosan nőnek a kardiológiai m-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén kockázatai is, mint a stroke, szívinfarktus, alvási apnoe stb. A magas vérnyomás okai A magas vérnyomás betegséget a kialakulás oka szerint két nagy csoportba oszthatjuk. Elsõdleges vagy primer hipertónia esetében a magas vérnyomás kialakulása mögött nincsen kézzel fogható szervi elváltozás, az nem egy másik betegség, beavatkozás eredményeként jön létre. Magas vérnyomás és valocordin, jód magas vérnyomás Hasi fájdalom émelygéssel, hányás vagy láz, amelyek a hasnyálmirigy-gyulladás jelei. Nehezített légzés tüdőgyulladás vagy a tüdőben felgyülemlő folyadék következtében. Egyéb mellékhatások, amelyekről beszámoltak a hidroklorotiaziddal kapcsolatban: Gyakori mellékhatások: Viszkető bőrkiütés és más típusú bőrkiütések, csökkent étvágy, enyhe émelygés és hányás, fekvő helyzetből történő felálláskor szédülés, impotencia. Magasvérnyomás-betegség m-antikolinerg magas vérnyomás esetén és kezelése Ritka mellékhatások: Bőr fényérzékenysége duzzanat és hólyagosodásszékrekedés, hasmenés, gyomor- bélrendszeri zavarok, hatások a májra, szabálytalan szívverés, fejfájás, szédülés vagy feledékenység, alvászavarok, depresszió, látászavarok, vérlemezkeszám csökkenés néha bőrvérzésekkel. Nagyon ritka mellékhatások: Vérsejtek számának csökkenése, vérszegénység, főleg a vörösvértestek számának csökkenése. Ha bármely mellékhatás súlyossá válik, vagy ha a betegtájékoztatóban felsorolt mellékhatásokon kívül egyéb tünetet észlel, kérjük, értesítse orvosát vagy gyógyszerészét. A gyógyszer gyermekektől elzárva tartandó! Kolinerg transzmissziót gátló szerek Vizi E.
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Thank you for contacting Browning Geriatric Consulting. Your message is important to us. You should receive a response within 1 business day. If you need immediate assistance or do not receive a response within 2 business days please call 864-233-5260. This e-mail communication is intended for basic information requests and appointment requests only. It is NOT intended for crisis situations or for the purpose of receiving counseling over the internet. If you are in a crisis situation, please call 911 for assistance.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://browninggeriatric.com/thank-you/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:25:29", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9221394062042236, "token_count": 100 }
Only one thing changed all of that: why, basketball of course! Last November 14, BuhayBasket went to Barangay Igulot in Bocaue, Bulacan to watch the SPCB Alumni League championship game between Batch 99 and Batch 09. It was a heated battle that even went into overtime. But in the end, the kuyas snagged the win, 80-76 behind the strong inside play of tournament MVP Joboy Mendoza and forward Bien De La Cruz. There were also the roaring cheers of their wives, kids, and batchmates, which kept them charged up in the pulsating game. The victors showed how their passion for hoops brought them back together, won them a trophy, and created a tighter bond. “Nag-post ako sa Facebook about this tournament and ‘dun na nabuo ‘yung grupo. We started practicing, medyo rough sa simula pero nagbago ‘yun after naming manalo ng tune-up game against sa isang malakas na team. When it came to the games, nakakatuwa, kasi lahat kami willing mag-sacrifice para manalo. Si Jaime Reyes, yung isa naming magaling na guard, bumabiyahe pa from Cavite to Bulacan para sa ‘min. Never ako nag-champion sa mga liga na nasalihan ko before pero naramdaman ko na dito ko na ‘yun makukuha at nangyari naman, ” said Batch 99 playing-coach Jayson Santiago. “Through this basketball event ng alma mater namin, na-rekindle ‘yung friendship, hindi lang with teammates pati na rin sa mga batchmate na sumuporta. Kahit ilang years na ‘yung nakaraan, bumalik ‘yung old memories kaya sobrang nakakabata ‘yung pakiramdam every practice and during games. Wala palang hadlang sa paglalaro at sa paggawa ng bagong memories with each other,” added Gio Mariano, one of the team’s top scorers. “Maganda ‘yung nasimulang samahan. Walang kontrabida, lahat bida. From teammates, naging brotherhood. Sana tuluy-tuloy na ang samahan at mas lalo pa naming mapalaki. Regular na ‘papawis’ schedule sa isang court, ayos na,” Batch 99 starting point guard Ronly Perez told BuhayBasket. Renewed friendships, good times, and sweet memories to last a lifetime, not in an overly dramatic, ultra-cheesy setting, but simply, in a basketball game. Congratulations, Batch 99!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://buhaybasket.com/2015/11/from-erpats-to-airpats-batch-99-tops-spcb-2015-alumni-league/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:40:28", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7595099210739136, "token_count": 625 }
The Essentials of – Revisited Giving Someone Beer Gift Baskets As Gifts Finding a proper gift for someone is not something that can be easily done in most cases. Keep in mind that this kind of situation is not rare at all. There’s also the probability that the recipient will get the same kinds of gift that you’re planning to give them in the first place. Unless the recipient is a coffee mug collector, you should think of another gift to give to them. For adults, beer is one of the best gifts that they can receive. If you want things to be more special, you should give them a beer gift basket. One thing that you should know about the beer gift basket is that adults won’t reject them. Buying a beer gift basket is also necessary in order to make a celebration or an occasion even more special. If you want your friend’s birthday to be a really special one, then giving them a beer gift basket is a right choice. If you want to surprise your dad on father’s day, then you can also give them a beer gift basket. Also, you can choose the beer gift basket as the Christmas gift for your brother or father in law. There’s also the fact that many loyal customers in certain businesses receive beer gift baskets. Also, you should be aware that it’s possible to personalize the beer gift basket that you’ll give to someone. That is perfect for those who wants to make the basket special. With that said, the beer gift basket can be the perfect gift for someone close to you. On that note, you can also look online to see the best beer gift baskets available. You should also know that having the beer gift basket personalized means that you can ensure that it won’t include beer at all. On that note, you should know that the beer gift basket is a great way to have certain items delivered. Also, the beer gift basket can be a sole item to order online since you have the option to buy the beers separately. It’s also important to consider the kind of beer gift basket you want to buy. It’s quite common for people to get a beer gift basket that’s made of steel. If you want to chill the beer on ice, then having that beer gift basket is perfect. For this kind of beer gift basket, you should know that it’s common to use the stainless steel or galvanized steel as the primary component. It’s also important to choose the beer gift basket that can fit a dozen of beer. For the beer gift basket, you should also know that you can put gourmet snacks in them instead of the beers. Using the beer gift basket for gourmet food also means that you have to choose picked morsels of various kinds like beef jerky or gourmet cheeses.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://camelus.info/2019/11/11/the-essentials-of-revisited-2/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:36:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9529001712799072, "token_count": 593 }
Skip To Job Description View All Jobs View Our Website We’re working toward a world where technology empowers every organization to realize its full potential. We’re giving teams the data and insights to see further, invest wiser and maximize the value of technology. We’re advocating for a new understanding of how IT can drive innovation. We’re providing financial management solutions that expand what’s possible. We believe what we do with technology defines what we can do in the world. Join us today on our mission! There are no open positions at this time.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://careers.nicus.com/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:41:51", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8519506454467773, "token_count": 126 }
We do think differently & proactively We act And decide through customer's eyes Vendor KPI : compliance on-time delivery quality. Market trend analysis: we scrutinize market trends of fabric, color, and style by attending the different fairs and consulting with trend analysis companies. Sustainable business relationship: we believe in long team mutually beneficial business relationship with transparent and ethical commerce. Price competitiveness analysis: we analyze the product, production efficiency, product reengineering to ensure a competitive price. Employee Engagement: Our Team Is Our strength and we invest in team members to enrich team expertise to grow together.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://caregiverserviceprovider.com/profile", "date": "2023-11-28T09:41:19", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9266433119773865, "token_count": 127 }
Network Administration Online Training Courses CBT Direct’s online training is the key to a successful career in network security and the continuously growing field of Information Technology. Computer network jobs, including network security and network management, are expected to be one of the fastest growing occupations through 2016. Employment of Network Administrator jobs are expected to increase much faster than average as Information Technology becomes more sophisticated and organizations continue to adopt and integrate these technologies. Employment growth will be driven by the very rapid growth in computer networking and data processing services, which is projected to be the fastest growing industry in the U.S. economy. CBT Direct offers Cisco®, CompTIA®, Microsoft® and many more online certification training solutions for computer network security and network management. With CBT Direct’s online computer training, you’ll receive high-level instruction for Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA™) Certification, Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP™) Certification, CompTIA A+® Certification, CompTIA Network+™ Certification, Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) Certification, Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) Certification and more. You’ll benefit from the accessibility, affordability and flexibility of CBT Direct’s self-paced online IT training for all your certification needs. What do Network Security Personnel do? Network Security personnel design, install, maintain and support an organization’s computer systems in order to communicate together as a network. Network Specialists maintain hardware and software, servers and routers as well as troubleshoot network-related problems and identify user needs to interpret and evaluate system and network requirements. They may also coordinate and implement network security measures. With an IT job in Network Administration, such as a Network Technician, Linux Support or Network Administrator, Senior Network Engineer, Windows System Administrator or IT Project Manager, you will be able to use your network administration skills and increase your knowledge and experience of the Information Technology industry. Benefits of CBT Direct’s Online Computer Network Security Training CBT Direct boasts the most beneficial online certification training on the market. With online IT training, you have the flexibility to study on your schedule, and with the speed and reliability of the internet, CBT Direct’s computer training courses are accessible anywhere you have an internet connection. And what better way to get computer training than at home or at work on your own computer. Convenience finally costs less with CBT Direct – the most affordable online IT training solution today. CBT Direct is also a Microsoft Certified Partner, a Cisco Registered Partner and a member of CompTIA. CBT Direct’s online certification training courses use the latest computer training technologies available. The unique design of our network security and network management certification courses incorporates a proven four-step learning process: presentation, demonstration, guidance and independent practice. This exceptional learning model ensures the greatest level of comprehension and retention to prepare you for your network security and management certification exams. CBT Direct also offers online mentoring for over 100 current major certification exams, including Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT™) and Microsoft MCTS Certifications for IT professionals and end-users alike. CBT Direct’s in-house mentors have a minimum of 20 certifications each and are available 24/7*. This around-the-clock live coaching gives you the expert certification support you need to focus on your computer network training and prepare for your own certification exam through live chat and email with highly acclaimed and certified IT professionals. * Available for most courses. Thousands of network security and network management job openings will arise annually from the need to replace workers who move into managerial positions or other occupations or who leave the labor force. And as companies continue to use more and more complex networking, the need for network security personnel will grow.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://cbtsolutions.us/online-training/it-training/Network-Administration.asp", "date": "2023-11-28T09:00:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9184932708740234, "token_count": 784 }
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{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://chambermaster.cherrycreekchamber.org/list/QL/advertising-media-1.htm", "date": "2023-11-28T09:01:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9283273816108704, "token_count": 105 }
Bên cạnh những bộ phim truyền hình dài tập, những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc cũng thu hút nhiều sự chú ý của khán giả Hàn Quốc và quốc tế. Dưới đây chúng tôi xin giới thiệu đến bạn những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc hay nhất có doanh thu phòng vé siêu khủng! 1. Train to Busan – Chuyến tàu sinh tử Train to Busan là bộ phim hết sức lôi cuốn người xem với nhiều tình tiết kịch tính, xúc động và hồi hộp. Bộ phim kể về chuyện người cha Seok Woo và cô con gái nhỏ Kim Su An đi tàu đến Busan thăm mẹ vào ngày sinh nhật. Không may, trên chuyến tàu này có người bị nhiễm virus zombie và đã lan ra cho những hành khách trên tàu. Nếu ăn bị cắn cũng sẽ biến thành zombie và tấn công những người khác. Nên mọi người phải tự tìm cách bảo vệ chính mình và người thân. Những bộ phim lẻ hàn quốc hay nhất khiến bạn không cưỡng lại được >>>>Click ngay: Điểm mặt 5 bộ phim hài Hàn Quốc hay nhất không thể bỏ qua Trong hoàn cảnh nguy hiểm đó, bản chất con người đã bộc lộ, vì muốn sống sót, tồn tại con người sẽ ích kỷ, tàn nhẫn. Bộ phim đã khắc họa rõ nét nội tâm, tính cách từng nhân vật trong phim. Khán giả sẽ phải nín thở, hồi hộp với những tình huống huống xung đột giữa người với zombie và cả những cảnh người với người. Cuối phim chỉ còn cô con gái và người vợ mang bầu sống sót do được sự bao bọc, bảo vệ của người thân. Đây xứng đáng là một trong những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc hay nhất. 2. My Annoying Brother – Anh Tôi Vô Tội My Annoying Brother là một trong những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc hay nhất có đề tài về tình cảm anh em. Bộ phim xoay quanh người em trai Doo Young bị mù do một vài sự cố trong trận đấu judo và người anh Doo Sik vì lừa đảo lên phải vào tù. Tuy Doo Sik không có tình cảm anh em với Doo Young những vẫn lấy cớ chăm sóc em trai mù mà xin tòa ân xá để được hưởng tự do. Tuy nhiên, trong quá trình chăm sóc, tiếp xúc những kỷ niệm của 2 người ngày xưa ùa về. Và Doo Sik phát hiện mình phát hiện mình bị bệnh nên đã cố gắng giúp em trai đoạt giải. Đây là bộ phim gây cho người xem xúc động về tình cảm anh em. 3. Midnight Runners – Cảnh Sát Tập Sự Những bộ phim lẻ tình cảm hàn quốc hay nhất khiến bạn trải qua mọi cung bậc cảm xúc *** Xem thêm: Tổng hợp phim cổ trang hàn quốc hay nhất mọi thời đại Cảnh sát tập sự là bộ phim lẻ được những chuyên gia không tiếc lời trao tặng lời khen và nó cũng mang lại cho nhà sản xuất doanh thu lớn. Bộ phim hấp dẫn người xem bởi những tình tiết phá án đầy kịch tính và hài hước của hai chàng sinh viên Học viện Cảnh sát Quốc gia Hàn Quốc. Mọi người hãy xem và cảm nhận chi tiết hơn về bộ phim nhé! 4. Miracle in Cell No. 7 – Điều kỳ diệu tại phòng giam số 7 Nhắc đến những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc hay nhất thì không thể quên Miracle in Cell No. 7. Một bộ phim mang nhiều tình tiết hài hước, cảm động mà đầy tính nhân văn. Bộ phim đã lấy đi nước mắt của hàng triệu người xem phim. Bộ phim kể về một người đàn ông bị thiểu năng bị kết tội oan giết người và phải ngồi tù. Và tình tiết làm mọi người cảm động chính là cảnh mọi người trong trại giam đã lén đưa con gái nhỏ ông vào sống chung với nhau. Dù ở trong tù nhưng có hai cha con nên vẫn thấy vui vẻ ấm áp. 5. Hope – Hy vọng Hope là phim lẻ nói về 1 vụ án hiếp dâm trẻ em, xuyên suốt toàn bộ phim, người theo dõi không khỏi rơi nước mắt vì thương cô bé đáng thường So Won và những hành động vô cùng cảm động của người cha Dong Hoon làm cho con gái. Những bộ phim lẻ hàn quốc hay nhất khiến bạn rơi lệ Người cha đã dùng tình yêu thương vô bờ bến của mình để xoa dịu nỗi đau vượt qua nỗi ám ảnh tâm lý và đòi lại công bằng cho cô con gái bé bỏng của mình. Kết phim làm mọi làm hết sức phẫn nộ khi kẻ phạm tội chỉ phải chịu mức án nhẹ, hắn lấy lý do say rượu để biện hộ cho tội ác của mình. Đây được xem là một trong những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc hay nhất mọi thời đại. Nó phản ánh góc khuất của xã hội một cách chân thực nhất. 6. Tidal Wave – Sóng Thần Ở Haeundae Sóng thần ở Haeundae được xem như phim điện ảnh đầu tiên của Hàn Quốc làm về chủ đề thảm họa thiên nhiên. Kinh phí sản xuất bộ phim lên tới 16 tỉ won tương đương với khoảng 320 tỉ VNĐ, một chi phí lớn nhưng đem đến cho khán giả những tình tiết chân thật nhất về vụ sóng thần ở vùng biển Haeundae. Trên đây là những bộ phim lẻ Hàn Quốc hay nhất mà bạn không thể bỏ qua. Những bộ phim sẽ mang đến cho bạn nhiều cung bậc cảm xúc buồn có vui cũng có. Chúc bạn xem phim vui vẻ!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://chennaiexp2013.com/nhung-bo-phim-le-han-quoc-hay-nhat/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:29:25", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "vi", "language_score": 1.0000427961349487, "token_count": 3716 }
Keep office and common areas clean, sanitary, and inviting by booking the services of Clean Rite today. We will deep clean any high-traffic public area until it is sparkling clean and fully Whether you’re looking for move-in/move-out services, a tenant turnover cleaning, or just a pre-listing deep cleaning, we’ve got you covered. Clean Rite handles all the dirty work, and we have worked with top management companies to offer the best property cleanings in the city of Our post-construction cleaning services and pricing are tailored to the needs of each job site. Our expertly-trained crews have the equipment and skills necessary to complete even the most complex job. As a certified SanitizeIT Distributor, we pride ourselves on offering a clinically clean environment upon completion of every job. We not only follow CDC-approved sanitizing cleaning methods, we also use Aseptic Plus+ cleaning solution. This is a hospital-grade EPA-registered food safe disinfectant, sanitizer, and cleaner that kills over 30 viruses. Click here for the full list. The real benefit of Aseptic Plus+ is that it offers 7 solutions in 1. Along with being 100% biodegradable, it is 99.999% effective in killing harmful germs and bacteria. It is an EPA hospital-grade disinfectant, cleaner, NSF food surface sanitizer, mold & mildew killer, odor and allergen eliminator, and more. The unique properties of Aseptic Plus+ allow us to get nearly 100% coverage when using an electrostatic sprayer for our spray/fogging sanitizing and disinfecting cleaning services. I personally stand behind each and every job, and as the owner, I hold the company to the highest professional and ethical standards. If any cleaning service is not completed to the client’s satisfaction per the service agreement outline, I guarantee the problem will be addressed promptly within 24 hours. Here are some of the businesses we’ve worked with in the past and how they have benefited from working with us. Click on the button and fill out the below form or you can find our phone and by clicking on the button to the right and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.
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What Are the Signs of a Gambling Problem? Gambling problems can affect anybody and are a real problem when an individual is unable to control his or her urges. An addicted person will continue to gamble even if he or she is losing money, even when they have no intention of losing money. In extreme cases, an addiction may lead to criminal activities in order to fund their excessive gambling. If you are experiencing any of these signs, you may have a gambling problem. In such cases, seeking help from a licensed professional is highly recommended. Gambling is not an addictive activity and is often a form of entertainment. It is not a permanent or lasting problem, but it is a temporary fix for a temporary problem. It is considered a form of entertainment and is not harmful to the user’s health. Those who are addicted to gambling usually deny that they have a problem with it and try to minimize it. Despite the negative consequences of gambling, it is an enjoyable pastime that can enhance social and professional relationships. Gambling does not have negative consequences for your health and can help you make better decisions in life. It does not reduce your work performance or ability to concentrate. But it can negatively affect your relationships. When you’re addicted to gambling, it can affect your ability to focus on work or your relationships. Moreover, it may also interfere with your relationships with others. This can lead to serious relationship issues. If you’re in an abusive relationship with a gambling addict, it’s time to seek professional help. If you are interested in getting help for your gambling addiction, it is very important to consult with a mental health professional. In addition to negative effects, gambling can also cause a host of other issues. Although gambling isn’t detrimental to relationships, it can decrease your ability to focus and work. You should not be allowed to gamble more than you should, and you should allocate the money you spend on gambling towards other things. In the long run, it could lead to an addiction that affects your relationships, your career, and your financial life. If you’re a problem gambler, you should stop gambling altogether. If you’re a family member, you should take steps to ensure that your partner understands your situation. Generally, problem gamblers see gambling as a second job. They try to make money to live their lives and lose focus. In addition, they may be hesitant to admit their behavior. In such cases, a person can try to hide his or her gambling behavior by claiming that it’s an enjoyable hobby for him or her. The person may deny or minimize his or her problem by denying his or her addiction to gambling.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://clendeninwv.org/what-are-the-signs-of-a-gambling-problem/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:15:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.967670202255249, "token_count": 549 }
Fly to Boston | Phillips Exeter Academy St. Pauls School | Choate Rosemary Hall The Taft School | Deerfield Academy Day 7 Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston City Tour | The Hotchkiss School Loomis Chaffee School Day 8 Return to Vancouver | Phillips Academy-Andover | Actual Itinerary is subject to adjustment while booking. Interview and Campus Tour Our tour takes the pressure off families making arrangements to see these schools after submitting an application! Each student's enrollment process involves an family in-person interview with the admissions director, and possibly a campus tour. We do all the travel arrangements for you, and we'll even pair you up with other compatible families who are also considering these elite institutions. Our full presence through this tour, provided by an agent available to translate, answer questions, and provide general support will allow you to get the most out of your trip.
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Medicare Supplement Plans in Piney Green, North Carolina Compare Affordable Medicare Plans Medicare Supplement Plan F The Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan F is an example of Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap). Medigap is designed to fill the gaps that Medicare does not cover. What Is Medicare Plan F? Plan F has traditionally offered the most benefits of all Medicare Supplement plans, according to Price. Many people thought the extra premium was worth it because it addressed some of the coverage gaps in Medicare Part A and Part B. In comparison to other Medigap plans, Plan F has the advantage of covering. The annual deductible for Medicare Part B. What Does Medicare Plan F Cover in Piney Green, NC? The following benefits are included in Plan F regardless of the insurance provider you choose: - After Medicare benefits are exhausted, Part A coinsurance and hospital costs can be incurred for up to 365 days more - Deductible for Part A - Copayments or coinsurance for hospice care in Part A - Copayment or coinsurance under Part B - Deductible for Part B - Excess charges under Part B (for providers who charge more than Medicare allows) - Care coinsurance in skilled nursing facilities - Three pints of blood transfusion - Emergency coverage for foreign travel (maximum $50,000, after $250 deductible) What is the cost of Medicare Plan F? The average monthly premium for Plan F enrollment is around $230, and the range is between $150 and $400. Your personal factors and the provider you choose will all affect that number. The annual deductible for Plan F is $2,490 if you select the high-deductible option. Medicare Supplement Plan G One of the most popular Medigap plans available to Medicare beneficiaries is Medicare Supplemental Plan G. While it does not cover the Part B deductible, Medicare Supplement G offers the most coverage for a low deductible. Beneficiaries would normally pay these covered costs out of pocket. Medicare Plan G: What is it? According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Medigap, is a separate health insurance policy sold by private companies to cover healthcare costs not covered by Original Medicare. A majority, but not all, of the costs associated with medical services and supplies are covered by original Medicare. How does Medicare Supplement Plan G work in Piney Green, North Carolina? You can reduce your out-of-pocket costs with Medigap Plan G. It offers the following benefits: - Medicare Part A deductible coverage is 100% - There is no copayment or coinsurance for hospice care - Travel emergency benefits for foreign travel - Medicare Part B excess charges are covered 100% - No matter how sick you are, your policy will be renewable Only Medicare Part B deductibles are not covered by Medicare Supplement Plan G. What is the cost of Medicare Plan G? On average, 65-year-olds pay $145 a month for Medicare Plan G. The cost of Medicare Supplement policies varies depending on the insurer. A lot of factors determine your exact price for Plan G, such as your location, your health, your age and your gender. To get the best Medicare rate, you should compare rates among different Medicare providers. Medicare Supplement Plan K Plan K provides coverage at more than 90% of doctors' offices and hospitals nationwide. Medigap Plan K offers limited coverage compared to other Medicare Supplement plans. You can save money on healthcare throughout the year by taking advantage of this plan's supplemental coverage. How does Medicare Supplement Plan K work in Piney Green, NC The Medigap Plan K is standardized by federal law. As a result, Medicare Supplement Plan K offers the same benefits regardless of the carrier or location. Premium costs and company ratings are the only differences between carriers. Medicare Supplement Plan K reduces your cost-sharing obligations when combined with Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B). In the same way as all Medicare Supplement plans, Medicare Supplement Plan K pays some of the costs that Original Medicare does not cover. Benefits of Medicare Supplement Plan K Medical costs for seniors are not covered by original Medicare at 100%. By enrolling in a Medicare Supplement plan, you can reduce the remaining costs you will be responsible for out-of-pocket. Several benefits make Medicare Supplement Plan K appealing to enrollees, including the ability to lower their medical costs. A few of these benefits are: - Coinsurance for Medicare Part A hospitals is 100% - Preventive care coinsurance for Medicare Part B is 100% - Coinsurance of 50% for Medicare Part B - A 50% discount on 3 pints of blood - Coinsurance for hospice is 50% - The coinsurance for skilled nursing care is 50% - Deductible for Medicare Part A is 50% What is the cost of Medicare Supplement Plan K? In addition to location and age, Medicare Supplement Plan K premiums vary. The national premium for this plan is between $40 and $100 per month. Plan K has a cap on out-of-pocket expenses, like Medicare Supplement Plan L. In 2024, Plan K's maximum out-of-pocket expense is $6,940. In the event that your Medicare-covered costs exceed this amount, Medicare Supplement Plan K pays 100% of the remaining expenses. Medicare Supplement Plan L The Medicare Supplement Plan L is a cost-sharing plan that covers a percentage of your out-of-pocket costs and you pay the rest. Similarly to other Medigap plans, Plan L doesn't cover prescription drugs, vision, or dental coverage. In other words, it complements the benefits you already receive from Original Medicare by filling in the gaps. How does Medicare Supplement Plan L work in Piney Green, North Carolina In Medicare Supplement Plan L, seniors receive cost-sharing benefits through private healthcare providers. Medicare Supplement Plan L provides secondary coverage to Original Medicare at a low monthly premium. No matter what carrier your plan is through, you can receive care at any doctor or hospital that accepts Original Medicare. Additionally, referrals are not required for specialist appointments. Though Medigap Plan L offers seniors a lot of savings over Original Medicare alone in the long run, it isn't the most comprehensive plan. You can still take advantage of plenty of healthcare benefits. What is covered by Medicare Supplement Plan L? The Medigap Plan L covers 100% of the following expenses: - After Original Medicare benefits are exhausted, Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs are covered for one year 75 percent of the costs of the following are covered by Medigap Plan L: - Coinsurance or copayment for hospice care under Medicare Part A - Deductible for Medicare Part A - Coinsurance or copayment for Medicare Part B - The first three pints of blood used in a medical procedure - Coinsurance for skilled nursing facility care Medigap Plan L Doesn't Cover? Medigap Plan L isn't the most comprehensive plan on the market, as we've already mentioned. Plan L does not cover many benefits that other plans do. Here are some examples: - Getting dental or vision care - Outside the United States, emergency care - Care for the elderly - The Part B deductible for Medicare - Excess charges under Medicare Part B - Costs associated with prescription drugs - Nursing on a private basis Costs of Medicare Supplement Plan L Medigap Plan L policies include an out-of-pocket limit, unlike most other Medicare Supplement policies. Once you have spent $3,110 (in 2021) on Original Medicare out-of-pocket costs and paid your Medicare Part B deductible ($226 in 2024), the Medicare Supplement insurance plan may cover 100% of the costs of Original Medicare that it is required to cover, for the remainder of the year. Medicare Supplement Plan M Those traveling abroad can benefit from Medigap Plan M. Medicare Supplement Plan M may be the right choice for you if you want healthcare benefits that are affordable but available when you need them. Find out if you can benefit from this option by exploring these benefits. How does Medicare Plan M work in? A Medigap plan that offers important healthcare benefits at a low monthly premium is Medicare Supplement Plan M. Despite the low monthly premium, you'll be responsible for paying out-of-pocket for healthcare services. In addition to this, you will be responsible for 50% of your Medicare Part A deductible. Medigap is a private insurance plan, unlike Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B), which is administered by the federal government. You can choose from 12 different Medicare Supplement plans, and the best coverage depends on your budget and healthcare needs. Benefits of Medicare Supplement Plan M Medicare Supplement Plan M can be a great choice for those who like to keep their monthly costs low. Plans M Medicare Supplements help cover out-of-pocket costs left over from Original Medicare alone. Copayments, coinsurance, foreign travel emergency care, and your first three pints of blood are included in these costs. There are a number of people who can benefit from Medicare Supplement Plan M, including: - Looking for a lower monthly insurance premium - Pay 50% of their hospital deductible - Traveling abroad is sometimes necessary What is the cost of Medicare Plan M? Medigap Plan M typically costs between $120-$200 per month. Medigap premiums are lower due to cost-sharing. Your monthly premium rates, however, are determined by a number of factors, including your location. Medicare Supplement Plan N The Medicare Plan N covers out-of-pocket expenses not covered by Medicare Parts A and B. Medicare Plan N offers nearly the same benefits as Medigap Plans C and F (which are not available to new enrollees), but has lower premiums. Many people find it attractive because of this. How does Medicare Supplement Plan N work in Piney Green, North Carolina? In most states throughout the country, Medicare Supplement Plan N is a standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Unlike Original Medicare, Plan N helps cover certain costs left by Original Medicare that would otherwise be your responsibility. Unlike Original Medicare, this plan allows you to have the same great health coverage at a fraction of the cost since it covers most of the financial responsibilities. Enrollment in Medigap Plan N has increased annually since its introduction. This plan is one of the most comprehensive Medigap plans available to new Medicare beneficiaries, so its popularity is not surprising. Medicare Supplement Plan N: What Does It Cover? Medigap Plan N is similar in many ways to Medicare Supplement Plan G. Among these benefits are: - Coinsurance under Medicare Part A - Deductible for Medicare Part A - Medical care for foreign travelers - You are responsible for $20 copayments for doctor office visits and $50 copayments for emergency room visits if you are not admitted to the hospital. Medicare Supplement Plan N does not cover excess charges for Medicare Part B if you live or receive care in a state that allows them. The majority of doctors accept Medicare assignment, so excess charges are rare. In 2024, how much will Medicare Supplement Plan N cost? Medicare Supplement Plan N will cost around $120-$180 per month in 2024. It is important to note, however, that premium costs are determined by many factors. There is a difference in premiums between ZIP codes. In some areas, Medigap Plan N can cost as much as $400 per month; in others, it can cost as little as $70 per month. City information for Piney Green, North Carolina Piney Green is a census-designated place in Onslow County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 11,658 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Jacksonville, North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Area.
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It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I write to introduce myself as the Principal of Cordoba School’s Elementary Section, a subsidiary of Cordoba School for A Level. I consider it a privilege to work with the dedicated educators that comprise Cordoba. I have been committed to the field of education for over 30 years. During this time, my experiences include teaching elementary grades, heading elementary sections and being an academic coach and coordinator. Cordoba Elementary is specifically designed to cater for young children. It is my core belief that every child deserves a high quality education provided by a highly-effective teacher at every grade level. Hence the staff at Cordoba Elementary are educators committed to building a dynamic and a vibrant learning environment for all children under our care. The Core Values of Cordoba that form the foundations of all that we do are Leadership, Creativity, Initiative, Teamwork, Confidence, Dedication and Integrity. We strive to inculcate these seven basic values in all our children. Furthermore, two additional values that guide my work at Cordoba Elementary are: Excellence – Excellence in all that we do and expect Inclusion – Inclusion of all members of our society through respect, tolerance and recognition of difference. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Parents in the new school year as my staff and I strive to provide an exciting and rewarding educational program for each and every child at school. For those of you who wish to learn more about our school and our future plans, please feel free to contact me with any questions, or concerns that you may have. Working together, we can continue to accomplish great things at Cordoba Elementary.
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Founded by Late. Sh. Chajju Ram Gupta, from whom it draws its initials, the company has grown business tentacles with the very aim of serving the power battery, furnishing & cement industry of Jammu wholesomely. In doing so, a host of other sister companies have been formed to further consolidate its set objectives. Our purpose is to grow consistently and meet all of our customer's needs. We manufacture products to suit our client's specifications. Using our latest hi-tech machinery, we ensure high-quality production. Commitment to social responsibility and building a healthy society, a proactive approach for innovative social contributions and leveraging our unique expertise. CR Group boasts of a wide range of quality products & services thus commanding market trends across the region. We thrive on challenging opportunities and continue to inject new capital towards new areas in the market. Advanced state of the art machinery help us deliver quality products that last longer. Superior quality & loyal customer base makes us highly trusted and accepted in the market. Highly trained and experienced workers provide timely & best results for our company.
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Why are White shaker cabinets so popular these days White shaker cabinets have been gaining popularity over the years and has been rising the charts in terms of multi-utility and servicing. The experts believe that white shaker cabinets are going to stay trendy and hip for many years to come. Why are white shaker cabinets so popular? There are many reasons as to why they’re rising in popularity, but most importantly they are versatile and fashionable. They’re featured in every major TV show and is a crowd favourite when it comes to decorative styles. Shaker style cabinets were invented decades ago, to appear to be plain, durable and functional. The wood used to build these cabinets, were around what was easy available and in abundance. Pine was the main material, which was typically stained a lighter colour. So, what makes white shaker cabinets so popular these days? White shaker cabinets stand the test of time and have become one of the most durable cabinets that you can opt for. As tastes evolve and preferences change, white shakers have been the standard for many American homes. They’re the perfect canvas for you to experiment with in your homes. You can add different colours, countertops, lighting, and designs to make them look completely different. That’s why they’re such a popular investment. Not only do they look beautiful, you can create stunning works of art on this palette. Durability is the number 1 reason why white shakers have become so popular these days. The experts at The Cabinet Centre can help you pick out the right white shaker cabinet. With hundreds of options available, you’ll leave smiling and satisfied. #2 Versatile and Trendy The second most important aspect of white shakers are the fact that they’re super versatile. That’s why they’ve become one of the trendiest cabinet bases available. They can easily adjust to any design, any preparation or any style. Its versatility has made it popular among artists, interior designers and cabinet manufacturers. Along with that, white shakers have also become a marquee cabinet choice for many homes. This is because there are so many things you can do with white shakers, as you become the artist of your own home. You can pick just the right shade, and just the right style to satisfy your personal taste in interiors. #3 A clean and modern look When picking out the right cabinet set, aesthetics count for a lot. That’s why the experts at TCC believe that you need to go for a white shaker for your cabinets. It’s modern and clean look attract the eye instantly and make it so that people are left stunned by the appearance of your home. The white shaker look is ultra-fashionable, and people love flaunting it whenever guests come over. One of the biggest reasons why people love white shakers is because you can install them in literally any part of the house. Not only do they go great in the kitchen, they can be installed in the laundry room, the pantry, etc.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://dev.thecabinetcenter.com/countertops/why-are-white-shaker-cabinets-so-popular-these-days", "date": "2023-11-28T10:24:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9549259543418884, "token_count": 638 }
Receive the latest news. CO.NO should not be confused with .NO Domain names as registered by Norid, the Registry of the .NO extension. Norid is not involved in any way with the registration or servicing of co.no subdomains. See FAQ for details. Charter | Legal | Site map | Impressum | Copyright 2010 CO.NO
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Klocki LEGO Duplo to jedna z najbardziej popularnych zabawek dla dzieci na świecie. Ich magiczny świat pozwala maluchom na rozwijanie kreatywności, wyobraźni i umiejętności manualnych. To nie tylko sposób na dobrą zabawę, ale również doskonała okazja do nauki i rozwoju. W tym artykule przyjrzymy się bliżej zasadom i tajnikom zabawy klockami LEGO Duplo, które zachwycają dzieci i ich rodziców. Odkryj niezwykły świat klocków LEGO Duplo – poradnik dla rodziców Zanim przystąpimy do opisu samej zabawy, warto wspomnieć o kilku ważnych aspektach, które powinni wziąć pod uwagę rodzice. Klocki LEGO Duplo są przeznaczone dla dzieci w wieku od 1,5 roku do 5 lat. Są one większe niż tradycyjne klocki LEGO, co ułatwia ich trzymanie i składanie przez małe rączki. Przed rozpoczęciem zabawy warto zapoznać się z zaleceniami producenta dotyczącymi wieku dziecka oraz bezpieczeństwa podczas korzystania z klocków. Warto również pamiętać o tym, że zabawa klockami LEGO Duplo może być doskonałą okazją do spędzenia czasu razem z dzieckiem. Rodzice mogą wspólnie budować różne konstrukcje, rozmawiać o kształtach i kolorach, a także rozwijać wyobraźnię poprzez tworzenie własnych historii. Pamiętajmy jednak, że najważniejsze jest to, aby zabawa była przyjemna i nie stresująca dla dziecka. Zabawa z klockami LEGO Duplo – jak rozwijać kreatywność i umiejętności dziecka Klocki LEGO Duplo oferują nieograniczone możliwości twórczego budowania. Dzieci mogą łączyć różne elementy, tworzyć wieże, domki, zwierzęta czy pojazdy. W trakcie zabawy maluchy uczą się rozpoznawać kolory, kształty oraz rozwijać zdolności manualne poprzez składanie i rozkładanie klocków. Aby jeszcze bardziej wzbogacić doświadczenia swojego dziecka podczas zabawy z LEGO Duplo, można spróbować wprowadzić różnorodne wyzwania. Na przykład można poprosić dziecko o zbudowanie wieży jak najwyższej lub stworzenie własnej wersji ulubionego zwierzęcia. Można również zachęcać malucha do opowiadania historii na temat swoich budowli – to doskonały sposób na rozwijanie wyobraźni i umiejętności językowych. Tajemnice sukcesu LEGO Duplo – dlaczego te klocki są tak popularne wśród dzieci i rodziców? Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których klocki LEGO Duplo cieszą się tak dużą popularnością. Po pierwsze, są one wykonane z wysokiej jakości materiałów, co gwarantuje trwałość i bezpieczeństwo podczas zabawy. Po drugie, klocki te są kompatybilne ze wszystkimi innymi zestawami LEGO Duplo, co oznacza, że można je rozbudowywać i łączyć w nieskończoność. Kolejnym atutem klocków LEGO Duplo jest ich szeroka tematyka. Dzieci mogą budować nie tylko domki i pojazdy, ale także odtwarzać sceny z ulubionych bajek czy filmów. To doskonała okazja do rozwijania wyobraźni i twórczego myślenia. Zabawa klockami LEGO Duplo to nie tylko sposób na dobrą zabawę, ale również doskonała okazja do nauki i rozwoju dziecka. Poprzez budowanie różnych konstrukcji maluchy rozwijają swoją kreatywność, zdolności manualne oraz umiejętności językowe. Klocki LEGO Duplo są popularne zarówno wśród dzieci, jak i rodziców ze względu na swoją wysoką jakość wykonania oraz nieograniczone możliwości twórczego budowania. Podsumowując, świat klocków LEGO Duplo jest magiczny i fascynujący dla maluchów. Zabawa tymi klockami to nie tylko świetna rozrywka, ale również sposób na rozwijanie umiejętności i wyobraźni dziecka. Dlatego warto dać się ponieść tej magii i odkryć tajniki zabawy klockami LEGO Duplo razem z naszymi najmłodszymi.…
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Szacuje się, że w Polsce działa ponad 4,4 miliona pieców na węgiel. Mimo kryzysu na rynku paliw stałych z 2022 roku i rosnącej presji ze strony Unii Europejskiej jest to wciąż niezwykle popularne źródło ogrzewania w wielu domach. Na rynku dostępne są dwa rodzaje węgla ? brunatny i kamienny Do palenia w domowych piecach wykorzystuje się przede wszystkim węgiel kamienny, który posiada wysoką zawartość węgla i jest wysoce kaloryczny. Węgiel brunatny znajduje zastosowanie głównie w sektorze energetycznym. Dostępny w składach węgiel można podzielić ze względu na typ, klasę i gatunek. Istotnym parametrem jest także sortyment, czyli grubość ziaren surowca. Znaczna część pieców w Polsce spala paliwo w postaci ekogroszku, czyli węgiel średni. Dzięki temu, że ziarna takiego węgla są drobne i nie przekraczają 30 milimetrów, doskonale nadaje się on do pieców z automatycznymi podajnikami. Węgiel można podzielić także ze względu na typ. Podział ten obejmuje głównie kaloryczność i sposób spalania. Typ 31, czyli płomienny, posiada kaloryczność na poziomie 20-26 MJ/kg i spala się jasnożółtym płomieniem. Ten typ węgla określa się jako papierowy. Łatwo się kruszy. Klasę wyżej jest typ 32, czyli gazowo-płomienny. Ten typ węgla charakteryzuje się wyższą kalorycznością. Odwiedzając skład węgla w Nidzicy, można kupić także węgiel typu 33. Ma on znacznie wyższą kaloryczność, która mieści się w przedziale od 29 do 31 MJ/kg. Spala się on ciemnopomarańczowym płomieniem i wydziela dużo dymu oraz substancji smolistych. Z tego powodu jest mało popularny, mimo wysokiej kaloryczności, która przekłada się na generowanie większego ciepła przy mniejszej liczbie paliwa. Korzystanie z węgla tego typu sprawia, że trzeba znacznie częściej czyścić urządzenie grzewcze. Wyróżnia się jeszcze dwa typy węgla, ale w składach można je spotkać rzadko lub wcale, ponieważ trudno się palą i znajdują zastosowanie głównie w przemyśle podczas produkcji stali węglowej. Kupując węgiel w składzie, warto zapytać się też o zawartość siarki. W składzie węgla można uzyskać informacje na temat jego typu, klasy czy sortymentu. Wyższa klasa oznacza nie tylko większą kaloryczność, ale też wyższą spiekalność, czyli sklejanie się brył węgla w procesie spalania. W praktyce oznacza to, że w palenisku zamiast popiołu stworzy się zbita bryła, którą trudno będzie usunąć. Z tego powodu w składzie węgla w Nidzicy największą popularnością cieszą się dwa pierwsze typy węgla. W ofercie znajduje się zarówno węgiel luzem, jak i workowany.
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Close Local Policy Editor. You can find the necessary network profile by its name listed (from the Network and Sharing Center) in the ProfileName registry parameter. Configuring network settings is one of the first steps you will need to take on Windows Server 2016. Click to change...' click that. How to Shadow (Remote Control) a User’s RDP... Configuring PowerShell Script Execution Policy. How to Run Program without Admin Privileges and to Bypass UAC Prompt? Windows OS Hub / Windows 10 / How to Change a Network Location from Public to Private on Windows 10/Windows Server 2016? Under the Location … Step 3. Then change network type by changing Category DWORD value in the right hand pane. Administrator Command Prompt > gpupdate /force. 1. I see no place to change my network profile to private in the current build - 16299, ethernet connection. Right-click the network icon in the task bar, Disable any other networks leaving the network you want to change enabled, You will see an error about Network discovery, At the top of the window you will see a Network discovery message, Click it and select Turn on network discovery and file sharing. Then you can change the network type from Public or Private or vice version under Network Profile. Solution: Right-click the network icon in the task bar. Click the Network Location tab at the top. If you don’t see the option to change your network, try this instead: Click on the wifi icon located at the bottom-right of your computer screen. Open Powershell. Method 1: Change Windows 10 Network Location Using Group Policy. You can change the network profile from the Windows 10 GUI. The screens that I used to see are not there any more. The new firewall rules will be applied to the interface according to the assigned network profile without rebooting. Local Security policy is one the best method where you can easily change your network type from public to private. Type secpol.msc and press Enter. Before changing the network location type, you need to know its name. The captcha value you provided is incorrect. There are three types of networks that you can connect to – public, private, and domain. December 29th, 2013 by Charlie Russel and tagged network location, PowerShell, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows 8.1 One of those annoyances that sometimes happen with the new Network Location in Windows 8.x and Windows 10 is that the network gets mis-identified as Public when it should be Private, or the other way around. You can hide “Network Location Wizard” when connecting to a new network through the registry. Change network from public to private on Windows Server 2016. 2. This registry key contains profiles of all network connections. Powered by BlogEngine.NET, 2fd6d168-585d-4bf2-81b2-cc87abd60c35|59|3.6|96d5b379-7e1d-4dac-a6ba-1e50db561b04. If you are using the new Settings panel, go to “Network & Internet” -> “Status” -> “Change connection properties”. thank you Donovan for putting this up, it really helped me find an answer quick! Windows network profiles are a part of the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security and allow you to apply different firewall rules depending on the type of network the computer is connected to. Type Get-NetConnectionProfile. So, search for “PowerShell” in the start menu, right-click on it and select the “Run as administrator” option. For doing so you have to follow these steps. Last option on them middle screen on he bottom. Just create an empty registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetworkWindowOff. If you are not in a domain change: Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration >Windows Settings > Security Settings > Network List Manager Policies >[properties of the the network name in question] >network location tab then pick your Location type. How to Repair EFI/GPT Bootloader on Windows 10? In this example, InterfaceIndex is 8. 3. When the Local Security Policy window opens, click Network List Manager Policies in the left pane. Open the network properties and go to the Network Location tab, then change the network type from Not configured to Private and save the changes. Note: To show networks not currently connected, right-click Network List Manager Policies in the left pane and choose Show All Networks. Change Network Types Using PowerShell in Windows 10, Setting Network Type Using Windows Registry, Changing Network Location Type Using Security Policy. Also, you cannot change the network profile on the domain-joined computer. In this article, we will consider the concept of a network profile in Windows, consider what types of network profiles are, what they are used for and how to change the assigned network profile from Public to Private or vice versa in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019/2016. If you are at a public place like airport, hotels, shopping malls or trains and want to access the internet then you will be given an option to choose between public network and private network while connecting to the Internet.. Windows 10 change network type | Change network from Public to Private | Image credit: PCWorld.com. Taken from: How to Set a Network Profile in Windows 10? Let’s try to change the assigned network profile for the NIC. Hard to believe that a simple bad aim between Yes and No while installing Server 2016 is such a pain to recover from. This is great to use a command-line interface such as PowerShell to administer and manage Windows task. For example, in Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows 8.1, you can only change the network profile through the PowerShell, registry, or local security policy (described below). Removable USB Flash Drive as Local HDD in Windows 10 / 7. What is a Network Location (Profile) in Windows? You can also change the network profile for all network adapters of the computer at once: Get-NetConnectionProfile | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private. best is Reset he network —> Settings —>Network & Internet —>Status —> Network Reset Run the elevated PowerShell console. Windows treats public and private networks differently. For a Public network, discovery and access will be limited. November 27, 2018 by Paulie 1 Comment. There are times after configuring Windows Server 2012 that the network location seems to be stuck on Public instead of Private. Click OK The Domain profile will always be used for a domain network connection. The network type is specified in the Category parameter. The network category is public, so try to change to private network with “Set-NetConnectionProfile” cmdlet. If I restart NLA it fixes it, but once I reboot, goes back to Private. How to Restore Deleted EFI System Partition in Windows 10? If you need to force a network to be of a different profile, most commonly to change a public network to a private network the easiest way is to use. To prevent users from changing the network profile, select the option “User cannot change location”. I believe doing it through GPO (as Paul suggested above) is a "cleaner" way to do it. A tooltip should display saying 'Network discovery is turned off. That’s work for me at the end noting work before that. My name is Donovan Brown and I am a Partner Program Manager with Microsoft with a background in application development. Here you can switch the network location profile from Public to Private and vice versa. You would know the name of the network and recognize which network you want to change type. Network Computers are not Showing Up in Windows 10, Booting Windows 7 / 10 from GPT Disk on BIOS (non-UEFI) systems. - Under Network profile, select Public or Private. Note: It’s not possible to change the network adapter category to domain when there is no domain available. Here you can switch the network location profile from Public to Private and vice versa. Run secpol.msc snap-in and go to the section Network List Manager Policies. ... Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private. I could get around this issue by join the server to a domain, and doing so would set the network location to “Domain network”. The network type can also be changed from the Registry Editor. When a network is set to private, your PC is discoverable to other devices on the network, and you can use your PC for file and printer sharing. Managing Administrative Shares (Admin$, IPC$, C$, D$) in... How to Shadow (Remote Control) a User’s RDP session on RDS Windows Server 2016/2019? Easy-peasy Donovan!! With the NetworkCategory switch, you can choose between the three: Public, Private, and Domain. Again, it may not dynamically change anymore like before, so bear that in mind. The network profile in Windows 10 is selected by the user when the device connected to the new network for the first time. Whether you are using the GUI or Core version, changing the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Servers can be done in different ways depending on the case. How to Allow Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10? So, this was an in-depth guide to change network from public to private with some easy to implement ways. I followed instructions, but I got no error message when clicking on "Network" in file explorer. @2014 - 2018 - Windows OS Hub. Change Network Types using PowerShell. If you are using the new Settings panel, go to “Network & Internet” -> “Status” -> “Change connection properties”. Airports, shopping malls, public institutions, cafes, and other large objects have their own public Wi-Fi networks. As mentioned earlier, different Windows Firewall rules apply to your network connection based on the network profile of your NIC. How to Change Windows 10 Network Location from Public to Private? Configuring Proxy Settings on Windows Using Group Policy Preferences, Managing Administrative Shares (Admin$, IPC$, C$, D$) in Windows 10, Packet Monitor (PktMon) – Built-in Packet Sniffer in Windows 10, Fixing “Winload.efi is Missing or Contains Errors” in Windows 10. hanks for the comprehensive article. How to Change a Network Location from Public to Private on Windows 10/Windows Server 2016? Another way to change the network location type is to use the Local Security Policy Editor. Any ideas? NOTE: You can only switch between Private and Public profiles on computers in a Workgroup. To change the network from public to private in PowerShell, you need to run PowerShell as administrator. Now use the Get-NetConnectionProfile cmdlet to get a list of network adapters on your computer and their associated network profiles. To set network to public or private in Windows 10, do the following. FINALLY, a recommendation that ACTUALLY WORKS. I just setup my first Server 2019 domain controller and the darn thing keeps setting its network location to Private instead of Domain. Moving to Hyper-V Server 2012 R2, one may think that if that Option 7 is selected, and Remote Desktop is enabled, remote desktop would be enabled on the Public network. You can reset all settings and profiles for saved networks in Windows 10 by selecting Settings -> Network & Internet -> Status -> Network Reset and reboot the computer. Change Network from Public to Private in Windows Files If you don’t want to try any of the above methods to change the network profile from public to private for any technical or personal reasons, then we have listed another method for you. I set the NLA service to "Automatic (Delayed)" and it still doesn't work. If you are using a VPN, you can click VPN in the left pane in Network & Internet settings window. Disable any other networks leaving the network you want to change enabled. Change Network Location in Windows Server 2012. In my example, there is only one physical network adapter on a computer with a Public network location type (in the NetworkCategory value, you can see the following types of network profiles: Public, Private or DomainAuthenticated). Configuring Proxy Settings on Windows Using Group Policy... Updating Group Policy Settings on Windows Domain Computers. Double-click on the name of the current network connection in the right pane. I guess looking at above and keeping in mind that you have get-help cmdlet changing Network Profile is no longer an issue for you. To switch between the profiles you need to click on the network icon, as shown below. Type the 3rd number 1 8 7 2The captcha value you provided is incorrect. These connections don’t have any safety features to protect your device. After that, all networks are considered Public. Now when you connected to the network, a network discovery request appears again. Please follow and like us: ... PowerShell, Windows Server on October 17, 2016 by Mikhail. Click Change adapter settings. These policy settings are located in the details pane of the Group Policy Object Editor, in Network Name. Get - NetConnectionProfile | Set - NetConnectionProfile - NetworkCategory Private This simple solution allows you to make changes to the network profile by using Windows files. The message states that I must change my network location to private. In Windows 10, you can check the current network profile (location) assigned to the network connection in the Settings -> Network & Internet. Your computer will now strictly prioritize the mentioned network group over pretty much anything that it can pick up from where you are. In Windows 10 (and earlier versions had this too), there is a difference between Private and Public networks (there is also a third type–Domain–for when you are connected on your corporate-owned device to your corporate network).. If you are on a public network then your computer is locked down – you cannot access other computers or printers on the network, and other devices cannot see anything on your computer.. In the classic Control Panel, the network type for active network connections is displayed here: Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Network and Sharing Center. Using TSADMIN.msc and TSCONFIG.msc Snap-Ins on Windows Server 2016 RDS Host. The next time you connect to the same LAN or WiFi network, the previously selected profile is automatically assigned. In my screenshot, you can see that the Open (Public) profile is assigned to the Ethernet0 NIC. All about operating systems for sysadmins. --- Windows Server 2012 R2 Administrative Tools –> Local Security Policy –> Network List Manager Policies –> (in right window) Unidentified Networks (double click). How to change the network type from Public to Private in Windows 10. If you want to switch your profile from public to private, simply select the Private radio button. You can also subscribe without commenting. Thanks for the article - whilst it does work, I noticed it also enables a load of File Sharing rules on the Windows Firewall so be aware of that. On the right, find your network by its name as it is displayed in the Network and Sharing Center. We need to get the index assigned to this network card. This was a big help. Here you can change the location type to “Public” or “Private” and you can change the user permissions to allow them to change the type. Administrative Tools –> Local Security Policy –> Network List Manager Policies –> (in right window) Unidentified Networks (double click). Alternatively, to change the network type for all machine adapters, use the following command. 2. click on Local Security Policy and you will get a window with different Security Setting. Right-click and select Properties and set the “Location type” to Private. My network is marked as public when it should be private. On Windows 10/Windows Server 2016/2019, you can manage network connection location from the PowerShell. Private network. Open File Explorer, go to the Network section. This can cause some issues especially with remote access as the Windows Firewall rules are different based on the network … If you have only one network connection you can change the profile to private by typing: Get-NetConnectionProfile | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private. From “ Public network is a `` cleaner '' way to change Windows 10, the., right-click network List Manager Policies in the Category parameter location via GPO ''! When the Local Security Policy and you will get a window with change network from public to private server 2016 Security Setting cmdlet to get List. This network card strictly prioritize the mentioned network Group over pretty much that. Prioritize the mentioned network Group over pretty much anything that it can pick up from you... Was an in-depth guide to change a network location from the PowerShell a … Configuring network settings one... To – Public, so try to change Windows 10, do the values. 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{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://dsservis.eu/singapore-dollar-ntiu/change-network-from-public-to-private-server-2016-bb17da", "date": "2023-11-28T09:03:05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8695038557052612, "token_count": 4730 }
3232-19L Large Loaf Pan with Grip Handle Categories: Baking Molds Categories: Two Tone Coated High Quality - All of our products are made of high-grade materials with high quality, constructed with warp-resistant and long-lasting baking performance. Provide fast and even heating to bake beautiful brown. High Temperature Resistance - Oven safe to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Food Grade Coating - Using eco-friendly coating from the most world-known companies like Whitford, Ilag, GMM and Xynflon to ensure the best performance on non-stick, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance and high temperature resistance. The food-grade coating is PTFE and PFOA free. Non-Teflon, no harmful substance release in high temperature, conform to FDA, LFGB, DGCCRF and other food grade regulations and standards. Multiple Uses - Can make french pastry or banquet desserts easily for coffee time, friends gathering, festival celebrations, etc. Spend less time and have more fun. Easy to Clean - Excellent silicone-based non-stick can be achieved with less natural cooking oil, why not choose it ? The durable non-stick and scratch-resistant coating on our baking pan allows our food to slide or pop out easily, making cleanup almost effortless. Let’s enjoy the fun cooking more. Dishwasher Safe - Hand wash with hot water/mild soap and gentle scrub brush or sponge is recommended to extend product using life. If you’re not thrilled with its construction or performance, please let us know. We will find a solution that you satisfy.
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What clubs, organizations, sports, service projects etc. are you involved in? Mock Trial, DREAM, and Podcasts & Playlists What is your favorite spot on campus and why? My favorite spot is on the field, where my friends and I eat lunch. I enjoy being outside in the sun and I especially love the view of the mountains. What is your career aspiration? I want to be a pilot because I love to travel and I find it super interesting how planes work. What's your proudest accomplishment so far? My proudest accomplishment is completing my first backpacking trip with my dad. There were lots of challenges we faced including rattlesnakes, blisters, mosquitos, and poison oak. We could have stopped the trip at any point and gone home, but we stuck it out. Afterwards, I was very proud of myself for persevering through all the roadblocks. It took a lot of hard work and an optimistic attitude to finish the trip. What three words describe you? Determined, thoughtful, and adventurous What's your favorite class at Flintridge Sacred Heart and why? My favorite class is AP Euro. Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved history. I find the things we learn super interesting and I also think it’s really cool when you can connect something from the past to present day. What advice do you have for someone applying to Flintridge Sacred Heart? Try to manage your time well. It will make doing homework and studying a lot easier than if you wait until the last minute. Don’t worry about the things you don’t have control over and just focus on trying your best. What do you do for fun? I enjoy mountain biking, going to the gym, reading, painting, and watching movies.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://eqti3h.ww-hardware.com/student-life/meet-our-students/kailey-cullen", "date": "2023-11-28T09:58:28", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9762876033782959, "token_count": 378 }
Are you frustrated with your personal relationships? Do you struggle with everyday challenges? Whatever your reason, One2One coaching can help you make the positive change you’re looking for. Our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing are without question our most important assets. If we are not working at our optimum, we can experience flow-on issues in our work life, our relationships, our physical health and so on. Einstein once observed that the definition of insanity was “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Similarly, we can only achieve change if we take accountability for our goals, shift our mindset, break old habits and create new ones. And just as you would retain a professional tradesperson fix a leaking pipe or electrical fault, so should you retain a professional to help improve your personal wellbeing. While friends and loved ones may be a great first point-of-call, the guidance of a professional coach can really help you open up and overcome challenges through proven techniques and a results-based approach to your wellbeing. And if there’s anything worth investing in, it’s you.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://esteemproject.com/index.php/one2one", "date": "2023-11-28T11:06:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9277840852737427, "token_count": 237 }
What personal information do we collect from the people that visit our blog, website or app? When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your Name, Email address or other details to help you with your experience. When do we collect information? We collect information from you when you fill out a form or enter information on our site. How do we use your information? We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways: • To personalize user’s experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested. How do we protect visitor information? Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. We implement a variety of security measures enters, submits, or accesses their information All transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers. Do we use ‘cookies’? • Understand and save user’s preferences for future visits. You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser (like Internet Explorer) settings. Each browser is a little different, so look at your browser’s Help menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies. If you disable cookies off, some features will be disabled It won’t affect the users experience that make your site experience more efficient and some of our services will not function properly. However, you can still place orders . Third Party Disclosure No, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. Third party links We do not include or offer third party products or services on our website. Google’s advertising requirements can be summed up by Google’s Advertising Principles. They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1316548?hl=en We have not enabled Google AdSense on our site but we may do so in the future. COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act) When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under 13, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children’s privacy and safety online. We do not specifically market to children under 13. Vagtelvej 67, st. tv Last Edited on 2014-09-11
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://felixservice.dk/privacy-policy/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:17:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9082858562469482, "token_count": 676 }
We do not want you to “just buy our product”, but rather hope that you “can answer that you are convinced of our results”. Please be sure to view the Feeding Precautions and feed your dog according to the guidelines under "FINEPET'S dog food reference feeding amount table” to get the most out of giving FINEPET’S dog food to your pet. Ensuring that you are giving the necessary nutrients and right balance is the most important thing when feeding your dog. FINEPET'S pet food does not use any chemically synthesized antioxidants, preservatives, or the like. Therefore, During summer months (April to October), please use within one month. During winter months (November to March), please use within two months. ※ When switching the foods, immediately changing the amount of food from the previous dog food to the FINEPET’S feeding amount without allowing your dog’s body to get used to the smaller amount of food can cause stress for your dog. While switching to FINEPET’S dog food, please allow ※ When switching foods, if your dog seems restless or hungry, try adding boiled cabbage and plain white rice to the food. ※ If your dog has stomach pain and loose stools while switching foods, return to the previous percentage mix, and after observing their condition for 2-3 days, try introducing the new mix again.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://finepets.us/dog/products/quantity.html", "date": "2023-11-28T09:43:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.924597442150116, "token_count": 300 }
Young, sound, athletic, clean legged, sweet, very nice mover….. and end of the season bargain priced! Who will be the lucky one who gets the scoop on this filly who has excellent potential for jumping, eventing, or dressage?! Cry Holy is the absolute favorite of the trainer’s daughter, who is the listed contact person, so if you call be prepared to hear her sing her praises and check you out to make sure you will indeed be a very good home for her beloved girl. Cry Holy struck us with her alert and intelligent eye, her strong shoulder, and her longer backed build which so many of the best jumpers have. She has a very pretty dished face, despite one side of her upper forehead being slightly caved in from birth. It causes no issues, and in many ways makes her all the more endearing. Although she was very “up,” with the cold wind up her tail, for her jog video, we saw tantalizing hints of a huge floaty trot. We then watched some videos of her winning races to further assess her movement, and indeed then we could see that she does have a big flat kneed reach to her trot and a long strided fluid gallop. Cry Holy has been successful and sound on the track, with 4 wins and over 50% on the board in her 20 starts. Indeed, with her win rate, she is now out of racing conditions, so her trainer wants to move her on to a new career. Price: $500 negotiable. Very good home essential Contact: Jamie Boldt 585-943-4298 Race Record and pedigree: http://www.equibase.com/profiles/Results.cfm?type=Horse&refno=8865112®istry=T As always, a pre-purchase veterinary exam is recommended.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://fingerlakesfinesttbs.com/cry-holy/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:30:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9695292115211487, "token_count": 391 }
Junk på samvittigheden For et par måneder siden blev jeg kontaktet af et reklamebureau. De spurgte om jeg, i selskab med en masse andre bloggere, ville bidrage med en opskrift til en burgerbog. Afsenderen på burgerbogen var Hellmann’s, der blandt andet er kendt for deres mayonnaise. Kort forinden havde jeg faktisk – på bestilling fra min gravide kæreste – lavet en burger, som jeg var ret stolt af. Opgaven var altså lige til at gå til. Burgeren var dog ikke über-helse. Den indeholdt brød, der sjældent bidrager med særligt meget godt, og der var endda Hellmann’s mayo i den, på trods af at jeg derved støttede én af de store, onde giganter indenfor forarbejdede fødevarer: Unilever! Det havde nok være bedre at lave min egen mayo, men det havde jeg indset at jeg sjældent fik gjort. Burgeren var virkelig god: velsmagende, sprød, fyldt med gode råvarer – stor, økologisk oksebøf, lagret cheddar og masser af grønt – og så smagte den af burger og ikke af helsekost, hvilket for mig var super vigtigt. Hvis ikke det var en rigtig burger, ville den ikke kunne tage pladsen fra andre, mindre sunde versioner og så tjente den intet formål. Den tilhørte dog stadig junk-kategorien og var smurt med købemayo, så var det virkelig noget jeg ville associeres med og udbrede yderligere end min facebookside? Jeg besluttede mig for, at ikke alt behøvede at være perfekt – jeg gad i hvert fald ikke at have dårlig samvittighed over sådan nogle småting. Men skal man ikke netop have branddårlig samvittighed når man spiser junk? NEJ! Det tjener intet formål, overhovedet – tværtimod. Tiltag der gør, at man spiser mindre junk og mere rigtig mad giver mening, men er man først faldet i, er der ikke andet for end at nyde det – ellers kan man jo ligeså godt lade være. Ved man med sikkerhed at man kommer til at have det dårligt før, under og efter at man falder i junkfælden, kan man passende bruge den tanke som et incitament til at træffe en bedre beslutning. Er man allerede i fuld gang med at kaste sig frådende over sin ribbenstegssandwich eller bland-selv-slikket, derimod, hjælper det ikke på situationen at blive stresset over det – for det er nemlig også usundt! Folk som Jeg, der beskæftiger sig så meget og så åbenlyst med sundhed og endda promoverer konceptet rigtig mad, er især i farezonen for at blive ”sundhedsstressede”. Det kan virke helt latterligt overhovedet at overveje at skulle have dårlig samvittighed over sit valg af mayonnaise, men den dårlige samvittighed fylder så enormt meget i den sundhedsbevidstes hverdag, at jeg tvivler på at det kommer som et chok for mange af jer der dagligt bruger bare lidt tid på at se på ”sundhedsopslag” på facebook eller instagram. Jeg agter imidlertid ikke at udsætte mig selv for sundhedsstress, og det skal Du heller ikke. Det kan i høj grad undgås ved rent faktisk at behandle sin krop godt – god mad, sjov og givende fysisk aktivitet og god søvn – men det handler også om at give slip, når der intet er vundet ved at være stresset over sine beslutninger. Især i sociale sammenhænge, som i øvrigt nok er der, burgeren oftest optræder. Når så det er sagt, er det naturligvis værd at tænke over, hvordan du kan gøre selv dine ”junkede” måltider (hvis de altså opstår engang imellem), sundere. Ligesom med andre klassiske retter, er det en god idé bare at tænke: ”Hvordan kan jeg få endnu flere grøntsager med i dette måltid?”. I en kødsovs er det ret nemt – alt går bedre ned med ketchup, og det er lidt den samme historie, når det er kogt sammen i en tomatsovs. I min burger – passende døbt Guiltless Pleasure – virker grøntsagerne ikke som et helsetiltag; de tilfører derimod sprødhed og den friskhed jeg synes der ofte mangler, til at give modspil til bøffens og ostens fedme. Tit forsøger man at fejlagtigt at opnå dette med masser af brød. Den store, dominerende dejkappe tilfører retten meget lidt andet end en masse smagløs volumen. Derfor hader jeg caféburgeren, og derfor lavede jeg min egen version. Min burger er ikke brødfri, glutenfri, paleo, low-carb, vegansk eller rawfood-certificeret (selvom bøffen gerne må serveres rød). Brødet er der, men det er tyndt og sprødt og fungerer derudover kun som indpakning af resten af burgerens indhold. Det er der for, at man kan kalde det en burger. Jeg vil ikke have dårlig samvittighed over at have lavet en opskrift til en burgerbog. Jeg er ikke i lommen på industrien af den grund 😉 Og Du skal ikke have dårlig samvittighed over at spise den! For selvom der findes andre, sundere måltider, kan der altså være situationer, hvor det er svært at komme udenom burgeren. I de situationer er min Guiltless Pleasure, en god version af en ellers usund klassiker. En burger med mindre brød og masser af grøntsager, der smager som en burger skal og som sagtens kan nydes sammen med en øl og uden dårlig samvittighed. Bogen kan også købes med god samvittighed: overskuddet går nemlig til Dyrenes Beskyttelse, der støtter økologi i Danmark. Jeg gider heller ikke at have dårlig samvittighed over, at have deltaget i et åbenlyst markedsføringsstunt, for det har været både sjovt og lærerigt, og jeg føler at jeg har bidraget med noget godt. Hellmann’s ser gerne at deres mayo bliver associeret med burgeren i Danmark – det er målet med kampagnen, og det er helt fair. Jeg ser gerne, at folk laver deres egen mad og tager stilling til hvad der er i. Det kan angribes på mange måder – at tage ejerskab over burgeren (eller pizzaen eller hotdoggen) og bygge den fra bunden af gode råvarer, er et skridt i den rigtige retning fra et en ellers udpræget ”junket” ret. Og husk at nyde din mad uden dårlig samvittighed. For den er der ingen der er tjent med.
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{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://forums.lostlevels.org/profile.php?mode=register&sid=9a246cde9235e3bfc16e8ecb0c97839d", "date": "2023-11-28T09:59:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9307474493980408, "token_count": 246 }
The voice sounded clear sufficient by children, intonation, etc. are things that are essential to be possessed by the trainer. For early elementary grades, they are nonetheless thought of early childhood, earlier than providing early childhood studying, as teachers need to acknowledge the traits of elementary faculty age children first. Do not neglect to at all times give one thing new and varied for them. No need costly, objects within the surroundings might be the thing of exploration for kids. Keep your keyword count within the article physique round 4-6 per article (1 kw/100 phrases is advisable). Write your articles for humans and not for serps. Being energetic at work is greater than avoiding the sluggish feeling after lunch. When you’re energetic, you possess and exhibit power in abundance that’s an obvious part of a vigorous work style and temperament. Employers value energetic employees for a key cause—their vitality is contagious as they have interaction, create, and take part successfully with groups.. more. Kumpulan artikel bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan: berikut contoh artikel dengan judul Ideas For School Fund Raising. Semoga dapat membangkitkan ide-ide lain dalam pembuatan artikel inggris ini, selamat berkarya! must not comprise hard line breaks on every line of the article. Is allowed solely with a small checklist of items. The bottom line: Frontline Employee is the one Wellness Newsletter within the United States that is owned, authored, and revealed by an actual, energetic, graduate-degree licensed psychological well being skilled with extensive expertise in real world psychological well being and wellness issues. Glad I discovered your hub. Sometimes, we should be reminded of the important points. I usually avoid controversy though I know this engages the readers. Must have a minimal of 600 words.Driving the word count up through the use of duplicate paragraphs/sentences will get your IP/URL/accounts deleted and banned from our web site. Untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan lihat contoh artikel bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan dalam preview berikut ini. Semoga bermanfaat! Enjoy a flood of a hundred% free, focused visitors for years to come – Once you submit your articles and others begin linking to them, you’ll enjoy a flood of free traffic that may come rolling in and it won’t cost you a dime. You’ll never need to depend on serps for this free visitors and you won’t be capable to cease it even for those who try! Subscribe to Frontline Employee – a newsletter you can distribute to the workforce, rename and call your personal, and finally have an on-time, highly seen EAP newsletter for improved utilization and program preservation. Thanks for the information, it is explained nicely but it could be useful if there are samples or examples of feature articles. Found this to be very attention-grabbing and informative, now to try to apply all this. I even have tons to put in writing. I bought my begin as an worker for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. I am the first social employee-ever to be employed by them to work of their Office of Medical Services at Langley, VA. I worked with drug and alcohol addicted CIA employees. (There was nothing secret about my job.) That’s pretty cool historical past for the social work profession. There are additionally Scholarships Post-enrollment, ie internal scholarships to college students who’ve been in Japan, achievement and meet the necessities. In addition, there are external scholarships are awarded to worldwide students, and 19 sorts of scholarships are awarded for individuals who have pupil visas.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://frivhappywheels.com/rajan-singh-jolly-on-hubpages.html", "date": "2023-11-28T10:53:32", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8947277069091797, "token_count": 785 }
Forty Days of Seeking God: For Revival, Elections and Key Leaders Revised Study Edition After decades of “calls to prayer and repentance,” one question stands preeminent. “Why has the moral and spiritual collapse continued mostly unabated?” In this new expanded version of Forty Days of Seeking God, believers discover the difference in merely saying general prayers and praying “effective, fervent prayers from utterly yielded hearts.” (James 5:16) Saints learn to move from merely saying we repent generally, to fully yielding to Christ in loving specific surrender. The tool is perfect for churches, small groups, denominations, seminaries, schools and individuals who want to seek God’s guidance for our nation and revival in the land. In the forty day format, individuals, small groups and whole churches experience fervent prayer and deep spiritual revival. With signs of judgment rising rapidly and a most pivotal election ahead, it is time for forty days of deepest prayer and repentance not just the same level of prayer as the past fifty years. Now is the time for more than just another prayer event! We must embrace a genuine return to God through fervent prayer and deepest repentance, not a reliance on politics. In Forty Days of Seeking God (Revised Study Edition), believers will learn to seek the Reviver, not just revival. Covenant now to diligently seek God’s face to revive the Church, send a sweeping global harvest and glorify His Holy name! There is also an attractive Bible insert of the Sixteen Prayers for Revival, Elections and Key Leaders and the Covenant to Seek God’s Face as companion tools for this book. For interest in these pieces, contact our office at email@example.com. E-book versions of this book are also available for Kindle, Ipad, Ipod, Sony and Nook as well as a pdf format. Chinese version is only available for the original book $ 7.00 in printed format $ 4.50 in PDF format (for use in iBooks, Google Books, Nook, and anything else that will read a PDF $ 4.50 in epub format (for use in iBooks, Google Books, Nook, and more) $ 4.50 in mobi format (for use in Kindle Reader and more) $ 2.99 in PDF format in Chinese For over twenty-five years, Dr. Frizzell has pastored churches and conducted national prayer conferences. His life-long research is prayer, evangelism, and spiritual awakening. On this subject, he has written over twenty books. For four years, he hosted three multi-state radio programs addressing prayer and revival. He has served as Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Specialist of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the North American Mission Board. Dr. Frizzell is founder and president of a non-profit ministry that distributes books and resources in well over thirty languages. His wife Sandy is a treasured prayer partner and invaluable aide to his ministry. If you have any questions regarding an existing order of his books, please email firstname.lastname@example.org. For International orders, please contact Greg Frizzell at email@example.com. The books are shipped Tuesday and Thursday only. Orders received after 4:00 am EST on Monday will be shipped the following Thursday. Orders received after 4:00 am EST on Wednesday will be shipped the following Tuesday. Additionally, there will be no orders shipped on the following dates: If you order books during these dates, they will be shipped on the next day they are in the office. Thank you.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://frizzellministries.org/forty-days-of-seeking-god/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:02:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9308156371116638, "token_count": 756 }
Input E-mail address and password, and Click a login button. Please register your profile here. Once registered, you don't need to input your data from next inquiry and contact. Go Member Registration Page Input your registered e-mail address. We shall send you an e-mail to reset your password.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://furubutsu.com/member/login", "date": "2023-11-28T08:53:06", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8634591102600098, "token_count": 65 }
Lottery is a type of gambling in which participants select numbers and win prizes based on the results. Some governments outlaw lotteries, while others endorse them and organize a state or national lottery. Many people also get addicted to lottery games. However, while Lottery is considered a form of gambling, it can be dangerous to your health and your social life. Lottery is a form of gambling Lottery is a type of gambling where participants pay a small fee for a ticket and then wait for a random number to be drawn. This form of gambling is a popular way to win big prizes. While many governments have ruled against lotteries, others have endorsed them and regulate them. The most common regulation is that tickets must be sold by licensed vendors. Historically, most forms of gambling were illegal in the U.S. and most countries in Europe, although that changed after World War II. In modern times, lotteries are used for many different purposes. They can be used for military conscription, commercial promotions, and even to choose jury members from the ranks of registered voters. In order to be legal, a lottery must require the player to pay a fee to enter and participate. It is a game of chance Lottery games are successful in part because the public ignores the laws of probability. For example, the odds of picking six numbers out of 49 are 14 million to one. Professor of mathematics Ian Stewart of the University of Warwick in Coventry, England, has said that lotto games are a “tribute to public innumeracy”. In addition to gambling, lottery games are often used in decision-making situations. For example, Moses and the Romans both used lotteries to allocate land and slaves. Today, these games are widely played for cash prizes and are regulated by law. However, there is still a risk of losing a lot of money when playing lotteries. It is an addictive form of gambling Lottery is a popular form of gambling where players choose numbers from a hat and if they match, they win a prize. While lottery gambling is considered to be a relatively low-risk activity, some people have reported becoming addicted to this form of gambling. In addition, there are several rules to keep in mind before you play the lottery. While many forms of gambling are considered addictive, lottery gambling has a unique set of characteristics. For example, it has a lower incidence of treatment-seeking than other types of gambling. Researchers have hypothesized that this is because of a lower level of social acceptance. In other words, people who participate in lottery games may not be as likely to seek treatment for gambling addiction as those who engage in other forms of gambling. It is a socially harmful addiction Lottery addiction is a socially harmful addiction that often goes undiagnosed. A lot of lottery players believe they are doing something good by playing the lottery, but the truth is that they are suffering from a serious addiction. These people spend thousands of dollars on tickets and don’t seek treatment. In fact, they may underestimate the extent of their problem, and may go on to engage in other forms of gambling. Many people play lottery games in the hope of winning the jackpot, but they are rarely aware that their actions are affecting their lives. This compulsive behavior can lead to problems with self-esteem and social control. In addition, lottery gambling has been linked to a higher risk of engaging in criminal activity. In fact, it has been estimated that one in every ten people has a gambling problem.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://global-subwaylistens.com/lottery-addiction/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:42:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9775615930557251, "token_count": 723 }
Medical Alert Systems: What You Need To Know - Servicing Gulnare - What Is A Medical Alert System - How Can I Use A Medical Alert System? - How Does A Medical Alarm System Work? - Types Of Medical Alert Systems - Who Can Use It? - When And Where Can It Be Used? Does It Cover 81042? - Medical Alert FAQ - Trends In The Marketing And The Industry - Other Areas Serviced Grand Seniors Medical Alert Systems When a person gets to a particular age, there is nothing more important than preserving a safe as well as independent life. For those that live alone in Gulnare, or/and do not have the ability to respond effectively in time of emergency, it is imperative to look at utilizing a medical alert system. Family members, caretakers and also the person in question can be comforted to know, when a call for help is just one push of a button away. Don't Wait. Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones. What is a medical alert system? A medical alert system is a device that is typically located on someone and also is used to instantly call for help in the event of a fall, a personal emergency or a sudden onset of a serious health issue. The medical alert devices emits a notice when confronted with abnormal and sometimes life-threatening situation. It can keep an eye on vital and also non-vital signs, environmental data and accidents. When confronted with an emergency, the medical alert automatically sends out alarms to the user, emergency medical services and their ‘call list’. Research studies has actually considered these devices really beneficial for heart attacks, strokes, a raise in body temperature, etc. The medical alert system has the goal of reducing the total amount of time it takes to receive appropriate medical assistance. This can be a life saver. How Can I Use A Medical Alert System? Handling medical alert systems has never been more functional. First, the medical alert company will most likely require contact details so as to set up the equipment. You will most likely provide your address, contact information, and also your personalized emergency contact list. This can include loved-ones, family members, close friends as well as your community emergency responders. The medical alert professional will know exactly where to send help, and also specifically who to contact to help you in the event of emergency. As soon as a person requires help, or medical care, they easily press on the help button located on the medical alert device. Then, the medical alert operator will be connected with and communicate with the person via the base unit of their medical alert system (often these are the Home Base devices). Additionally, you are to reply to the medical assistance agent, and they will send the assistance required. How Medical Alert Systems Work Using the medical alert systems has never been easier. First, the medical alert service provider will require contact information in order to set up the system. You will most likely provide your address, contact details, and your personalized emergency contact list. This can include loved-ones, family members, friends and also your neighborhood emergency responders. The medical alert professional will recognize where exactly to send help, and specifically who to call to help you in case of accident. As soon as a person needs help, or medical attention, they easily press on the help button located on the medical alert system. Then, the medical alert agent will be reached out to and also communicate with the person through the base unit of their medical alert system (often these are the Home Base devices). Additionally, you will reply to the medical assistance representative, and they will send out the help called for. Press Your Medical Alert System Button Press your medical alert button in an emergency! Easy to use and easy to locate buttons are on your medical alert system base unit, phone, bracelet, watch and/or necklace. If you have a fall detection on your system, it may trigger automatically! Connect! To Your Monitoring Team Your medical alert system (or with fall detection) will connect you to your medical alert monitoring team! Fast, friendly and reliable. Tell them the emergency or the situtation. Help Is On The Way Medical care professionals or emergency medical services will be dispatched to your location. Rest assured help is on the way! Don't Wait. Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones. Types of medical alert systems available in Las Animas County, Colorado Handling the medical alert devices has never been more functional. To begin with, the medical alert supplier will require contact information in order to initiate the system. You will most likely provide your address, contact info, and also your personalized emergency contact list. This can include loved-ones, family members, friends and also your community emergency -responders. The medical alert operator will recognize exactly where to send assistance, as well as just who to contact to assist you in case of urgent situation. As soon as an individual needs help, or medical care, they easily press on the help button found on the medical alert device. Then, the medical alert operator will be called and also communicate with the individual via the base system of their medical alert system (often these are the Home Base devices). Additionally, you are to answer the medical service agent, and they will dispatch the help and support required. Coverage is mostly at home. Can be connected to just a land line or mobile phone--depending on the system purchased. At home systems can operate by wired or wireless (WiFi). On-the-go devices have a larger signal range that can often be used when you leave the home. It is often equipped with GPS in order to track your location. If there is an emergency than it makes it easier to find you, saving valuable time. Fall Detection is an add on program that helps monitor you in case you fall and is unable to reach the button on your medical alert device (ie/ bracelet, necklace, base unit, etc). It is newer technology that can help you protect yourself. Who can use it? The medical alert systems can be utilized by anybody that needs to feel safe while living independently. Even though, it is mostly utilized by elderly people that need medical monitoring service. Bear in mind, usage of medical alert systems is not restricted to elderly people. The alert systems might be regarded for anyone who needs a little added peace of mind. When and where can it be used? Does it cover the 81042 area? The medical alert systems may be utilized in almost any sort of health-related emergency situation or personal emergency situation. It turns on when it identifies uneven physical attributes from someone. It can even be turned on by pushing the buttons on the pendant, or bracelet. The medical alert system is constantly active, as well as can be run 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. There is constantly a representative active at the other end of the line. This guarantees family members, as well as the person to have confidence while carrying on an independent life. Best of all, YES, it does cover the 81042 zip code area. Medical Alert Questions Are there other names for medical alert systems? Yes, there are! They are typically known as medical alert systems, but they can also be known as: - Alert button - Alert pendant - Help button - Helper alarm - Personal alert button - Personal safety button - Medical emergency button - Medical pendant - Medical alert bracelet - Medical alert necklace - Medical alert jewelry - Medical alert watch - Senior alert system - Senior alert - Senior alert device - Senior fall alert What are the chances of me falling? - Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide. - Each year an estimated 646 000 individuals die from falls globally. - Adults older than 65 years of age suffer the greatest number of fatal falls. - 70% of people ages 65 and older will eventually need to invest in some form of long-term care. Trends in the market + industry in Colorado and USA According to transparencymarket.com, the largest market for these systems is in North America followed closely by Europe. The major players operating in this market include Medical Guardian LLC, LifeFone, Bay Alarm Medical, ADT Security Services, Philips, AlertOne Services LLC, and Guardian Alarm. Most business operating in the market are shifting towards portable units due in part to amazing rapid technological advancements in the industry. Service providers are creating medical alert systems that utilize wireless tech to prevent needing to move into a certain area to call for help. Trends and predictions additionally lead in the direction of medical monitoring smart phone apps, that could provide medical information to the person. As a whole, suppliers are advancing towards improving the speed of the response as well as the usefulness of medical alert systems in an ever-changing technological global economy. In other words, the systems are just getting better. 3000 E 1ST Ave Ste 236 Other areas serviced Grand Seniors Medical Alert Systems - CC Athletics partners with Children's Hospital Colorado - KOAAColorado College Athletics and Children's Hospital Colorado have partnered to identify and support the mental health and wellness needs of CC's ... - No. 7 Colorado Returns to the CU Events CenterBOULDER – The No. 7 Colorado Buffaloes return to action at the CU Events Center, hosting Boston University on Tuesday (6 p.m. MT). - State taking initial steps to explore possibly legalizing use of certain mushrooms | Arizona ...... Health Services have published a notice that they will be accepting ... Colorado. Voters in those states have decriminalized their use for adults ... - Colorado researchers consider possibility of a reliable marijuana breathalyzer - CBS NewsWhile there are technically marijuana breathalyzers on the market right now, neither researchers at the University of Colorado ... Health · The ... - CU Anschutz scientists create patch that may successfully treat congenital heart defects(Nov. 27, 2023) – Using laboratory engineered tissue, scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have created a full thickness, ... - Award of Merit Health Care: Forensic Center of Excellence | Engineering News-RecordTo provide a new patient care unit for forensic services within the Memorial Hospital Central Emergency Dept. in Colorado Springs, crews performed ... - New finance director joins Erie town staff - Colorado Hometown WeeklyThere are so many questions, from quality of schools and health... We're The Problem-Solver Bank. Banking can be simple. But sometimes it takes ... - Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Available 2024 - The National Law ReviewColorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Available FAMLI benefit becomes available to Colorado employees for the first time on January 1, 2024.
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A certified arborist is a specialist in the care of individual trees. Arborists are knowledgeable about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Hiring an arborist is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should only be done by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://green.citrusheights.net/225/Arborist-Tree-Care-Information", "date": "2023-11-28T10:24:39", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9629673361778259, "token_count": 123 }
GreenTechHQ Accelerator Programmes are partnered with established organisations offering our clients, start-ups and SMEs the best opportunities available. Ireland’s National Sustainability Accelerator and Innovation Platform – 2050 Accelerator GreenTechHQ are delighted to work with DogPatch labs under the new TwentyFifty Ecosystem initiative. Open to Irish and global sustainability focused companies and startups focusing on solving climate challenges, particularly on bringing live technology pilots to life and benefitting from access to Ireland’s national sustainability infrastructure assets, such as wind farms, dairy farms and forestry. Backed by Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, the new 2050 Accelerator and Ecosystem connects startups, industry, academia, and national assets to accelerate toward Net Zero The programme will focus on increasing collaboration across the entire sustainability ecosystem, aiming to create a multiplier effect for all in the national network and create an index of all involved in sustainability innovation in Ireland. GreenTech will be joined by regional hubs Portershed Galway, RDI Hub Kerry and Republic of Work Cork – a truly collaborative collective! Leading climate acceleration programme open for applications – ClimAccelerator 2023 GreenTechHQ, Ireland’s First Sustainability Innovation Hub with Tangent, Trinity College Dublin and SustainabilityWorks have launched the sixth cycle of the GLOBAL leading climate acceleration programme is now open for submissions via its website circular-accelerator.com. The Built Environment Climaccelerator programme’s aim is to cut carbon emissions in the built environment and construction sector by helping SMEs and start-ups bring their solution to market faster, solving real-world problems. EIT Climate-KIC supports the programme, which is one of the most established and best-connected climate accelerators in the EU, and is delivered in partnership with Tangent, Trinity College Dublin, GreenTechHQ, Ireland’s Sustainability Innovation Hub and SustainabilityWorks. During the six-month programme, participants can expect to engage with a first-rate network of international partners from the EIT Climate-KIC community, universities and investors to corporate partners who need net-zero solutions, and a network of mentors, fellow entrepreneurs and founder alumni. The Built Environment ClimAccelerator will provide commercial and strategic support combined with a tailor-made accelerator programme that is climate impact focused. The programme is a combination of workshops, coaching and learning from peers, a proven model that has supported many companies, including Concrete4Change. Since participating in the programme, Concrete4Change, has grown from a “2021 start-up of 2 people with a €10k turnover to 20 people and €4m turnover in 2023“
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://greentechhq.com/tag/trinity-tangent/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:50:34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9069713354110718, "token_count": 556 }
On Tuesday, March 5, 2013, the annual Ridgeline Middle School Bingo For Books event will be held. This event is sponsored by WEA Chinook, and the fine folks at Ridgeline Middle School. I have been asked to appear as a special guest during the event, I will donate a couple signed books as raffle items, and I will be autographing copies of the Brotherhood of Olympus and the Deadliest Game. More information will be provided as the event draws nearer. I look forward to seeing a crowded room of book lovers at this event.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://guysimpson.net/bingo-for-books/", "date": "2023-11-28T08:55:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9693816304206848, "token_count": 118 }
Traveling has become an integral part of our lives, and with the advancements in technology, exploring new destinations has never been easier. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a newbie wanderer, having the right travel gadgets and apps can make your trips seamless and enjoyable. In this article, we will take a look at some essential travel tech for modern explorers, along with must-try apps that can enhance your travel experience. Get ready to embark on a joyful journey with Hazel Travels! Essential Travel Gadgets: Must-Haves for Modern Explorers Smartphone: A smartphone is the ultimate travel companion, serving multiple purposes like navigation, communication, and capturing memories with its high-quality camera. With a wide range of travel apps available, your smartphone becomes a portable travel guide, currency converter, and language translator, all in one. Portable Charger: Never run out of battery again with a portable charger. Whether you’re on a long flight or exploring remote areas, a reliable power bank ensures that your devices stay charged. Look for one with multiple charging ports and fast charging capabilities. Noise-Canceling Headphones: Block out the hustle and bustle of airports or long journeys with noise-canceling headphones. They provide a peaceful escape, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music, podcasts, or simply some quiet time during your travels. Universal Adapter: Different countries have different plug types, making it essential to have a universal adapter. This compact gadget ensures that you can charge your electronics anywhere in the world without worrying about compatibility issues. Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot: Stay connected wherever you go with a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. No more relying on uncertain hotel Wi-Fi or spending on expensive international data plans. A portable hotspot allows you to have your own secure network and saves you from any connectivity woes. Exploring Made Effortless: Must-Try Apps for Seamless Trips Google Maps: The ultimate navigation tool, Google Maps helps you find your way around any city. With real-time traffic updates, public transportation options, and offline maps, you can explore confidently without getting lost. TripIt: Keep all your travel details organized in one place with TripIt. This app automatically creates a master itinerary by collecting information from your email confirmations, including flights, accommodation, and car rentals. Say goodbye to the hassle of searching through emails for booking details. Duolingo: Want to learn a few basic phrases in the local language? Duolingo is a fun and interactive language learning app that helps you pick up essential vocabulary and phrases. Communicating with locals becomes easier and more enjoyable with this handy tool. XE Currency: Avoid any confusion or scams with currency conversions using XE Currency. This app provides accurate and up-to-date exchange rates, ensuring that you always know the value of your money while traveling. Airbnb: Looking for unique accommodations? Airbnb offers a wide range of options, from cozy apartments to luxurious villas. With the app, you can easily book your stay, communicate with hosts, and browse through reviews to find the perfect home away from home. Hazel Travels: Making Travel Tech a Joyful Journey Hazel Travels is a travel agency dedicated to making your journeys seamless and memorable. With a team of travel tech enthusiasts, Hazel Travels provides unparalleled expertise in choosing the right gadgets and apps for modern explorers. Their personalized approach ensures that the travel tech you invest in aligns with your preferences and travel style. From recommending the best smartphones for photography enthusiasts to suggesting apps that cater to adventure seekers, Hazel Travels goes above and beyond to make your travel tech experience exceptional. In addition to providing travel tech advice, Hazel Travels offers curated travel itineraries, insider tips, and personalized recommendations based on your preferences. They believe in the power of technology to enhance every aspect of your journey, transforming it into a joyful and seamless experience. Our process Home Tech Smartphones Mobile Accessories These are the travel essentials you need according to tech and travel experts Traveling this summer Here are the tech products1 Cord organizer We like this compact option from Bellroy Credit BellroyAmazon If you39ve ever tried to pull a charger cable from the depths of your bag on a cramped plane this one39s for youThe Garmin Venu 2 is a worthy alternative to the Apple Watch and even better in some ways especially if you dont have or want an iPhone First off it has a smaller round display which isFor today39s traveler a packing list includes not only their daily wear and toiletries but also tech gadgets a phone maybe a laptop or tablet and possibly a smartwatch You may also be1 Bose SoundSport Wireless Headphones If youre going to be stuck on a plane for a few hours dont settle for the cheap inflight earbuds Grab something that sounds good and isolates noise IBellroy Tech Kit 59 at Bellroy We won39t tell you what iPhone chargers or power adapters to getyou probably already have the best But we do recommend a carryon organizer for all yourSlim Mint ultrathin RFIDblocking wallet Another popular travel wallet option the Slim Mint ultrathin RFIDblocking wallet The compact case can hold cash and whatever essential cards you need 18 at Amazon Read more Best Portable Charger Anker Portable Charger 313 Power Bank 18 at Amazon Read more The best travel gadgets and electronics should highlight an inefficiency in your As you embark on your next adventure, remember that travel tech can be your best companion. With essential gadgets and must-try apps, exploring new destinations has never been more effortless. So, pack your bags, download the latest travel apps, and get ready for a seamless and joyful journey with Hazel Travels – your trusted partner in modern travel technology. Happy traveling!
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Prior COVID Infection May Shield You From Another for at Least 10 Months FRIDAY, June 4, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- In some good news for those who have already suffered through a bout of COVID-19, a new study finds they may have a much lower risk of reinfection for at least 10 months. For the study, the researchers analyzed rates of SARS-CoV-2 infections between October 2020 and February 2021 among more than 2,000 nursing home residents (median age 86) and staff. Antibody testing was used to determine whether they'd had a previous infection up to 10 months earlier. Residents with a previous infection were 85% less likely to be infected during the four-month study period than those who had never been infected, while staff with past infections were 60% less likely to be infected than staff who had never been infected, the findings showed. Of the 634 people who had been previously infected, reinfections occurred in four residents and 10 staff members, compared with 93 residents and 111 staff among the 1,477 who had never been infected, according to the study published June 3 in The Lancet Healthy Longevity journal. The study excluded the impact of vaccination by removing participants from the analysis 12 days following their first vaccine dose. The authors are looking at vaccine effectiveness in a separate study. "It's really good news that natural infection protects against reinfection in this time period. The risk of being infected twice appears to be very low," said lead author Maria Krutikov, from the Institute of Health Informatics at University College London (UCL), in the United Kingdom. "The fact that prior COVID-19 infection gives a high level of protection to care home residents is also reassuring, given past concerns that these individuals might have less robust immune responses associated with increasing age," Krutikov said in a university news release. "These findings are particularly important as this vulnerable group has not been the focus of much research," she added. According to study senior author Laura Shallcross, from UCL's Institute of Health Informatics, "This was a unique opportunity to look at the protective effect of natural infection in this cohort ahead of the roll-out of vaccination. An important next step is to investigate the duration of immunity following natural infection and vaccination, and to assess whether this protective effect is maintained against current and emerging variants." The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more on COVID-19 reinfection. SOURCE: University College London, news release, June 3, 2021
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Nhiều doanh nghiệp vẫn còn chưa nắm hết một số loại phụ phí khi xuất hoặc nhập khẩu một lô hàng, sau đây mình xin nói thêm rõ hơn về một số loại phụ phí mà hãng tàu hoặc forwarder thu khi bạn xuất nhập khẩu 1 lô hàng. Mục lục bài viết: 1. Phí THC (Terminal Handling Charge) Phụ phí xếp dỡ tại cảng là khoản phí thu trên mỗi container để bù đắp chi phí cho các hoạt động làm hàng tại cảng, như: xếp dỡ, tập kết container từ CY ra cầu tàu… Thực chất cảng thu hãng tàu phí xếp dỡ và các phí liên quan khác và hãng tàu sau đó thu lại từ chủ hàng (người gửi và người nhận hàng) khoản phí gọi là THC. 2. Phí Handling (Handling fee) thực ra phí này là do các công ty Forwarder đặt ra để thu Shipper / Consignee. Hiểu rõ được loại phí này thì dễ nhưng để nói cho người khác hiểu thì khó. Đại khái Handling là quá trình một Forwarder giao dịch với đại lý của họ ở nước ngoài để thỏa thuận về việc đại diện cho đại lý ở nước ngoài tại Việt Nam thực hiện một số công việc như khai báo manifest với cơ quan hải quan, phát hành B/L, D/O cũng như các giấy tờ liên quan… 3. Phí D/O (Delivery Order fee) Phí này gọi là phí lệnh giao hàng. Khi có một lô hàng nhập khẩu vào Việt Nam thì consignee phải đến Hãng tàu / Forwarder để lấy lệnh giao hàng, mang ra ngoài cảng xuất trình cho kho (hàng lẻ) / làm phiếu EIR (hàng container FCL) thì mới lấy được hàng. Các Hãng tàu / Forwarder issue một cái D/O và thế là họ thu phí D/O. 4. Phí AMS (Advanced Manifest System fee) khoảng 25 Usd / Bill of lading. Phí này là bắt buộc do hải quan Mỹ, Canada và một số nước khác yêu cầu khai báo chi tiết hàng hóa trước khi hàng hóa này được xếp lên tàu để chở đến USA, Canada… 5. Phí ANB tương tự như phí AMS (Áp dụng cho châu Á). 6. Phí B/L (Bill of Lading fee), phí AWB (Airway Bill fee) Phí chứng từ (Documentation fee). Tương tự như phí D/O nhưng mỗi khi có một lô hàng xuất khẩu thì các Hãng tàu / Forwarder phải phát hàng một cái gọi là Bill of Lading (hàng vận tải bằng đường biển) hoặc Airway Bill (hàng vận tải bằng đường không). 7. Phí CFS (Container Freight Station fee) Mỗi khi có một lô hàng lẻ xuất / nhập khẩu thì các công ty Consol / Forwarder phải dỡ hàng hóa từ container đưa vào kho hoặc ngược lại và họ thu phí CFS. 8. Phí chỉnh sửa B/L: (Amendment fee): Chỉ áp dụng đối với hàng xuất. Khi phát hành một bộ B/L cho shipper, sau khi shipper lấy về hoặc do một nguyên nhân nào đó cần chỉnh sử một số chi tiết trên B/L và yêu cầu hãng tàu / forwarder chỉnh sửa thì họ có quyền thu phí chỉnh sửa. – Phí chỉnh sửa B/L trước khi tàu cập cảng đích hoặc trước khi khai manifest tại cảng đích thường là 50 Usd. – Phí chỉnh sửa B/L sau khi tàu cập cảng đích hoặc sau thời điểm hãng tàu khai manifest tại cảng đích thì tuỳ thuộc vào hãng tàu / Forwarder bên cảng nhập. Thường không dưới 100 USD. 9. Phí BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor): Phụ phí biến động giá nhiên liệu. Là khoản phụ phí (ngoài cước biển) hãng tàu thu từ chủ hàng để bù đắp chi phí phát sinh do biến động giá nhiên liệu. Tương đương với thuật ngữ FAF (Fuel Adjustment Factor)… – Phí BAF (Bulker Adjustment Factor): phụ phí xăng dầu (cho tuyến Châu Âu). – Phí EBS (Emergency Bunker Surcharge): phụ phí xăng dầu (cho tuyến Châu Á). 10. Phí PSS (Peak Season Surcharge): Phụ phí mùa cao điểm. Phụ phí này thường được các hãng tàu áp dụng trong mùa cao điểm từ tháng tám đến tháng mười, khi có sự tăng mạnh về nhu cầu vận chuyển hàng hóa thành phẩm để chuẩn bị hàng cho mùa Giáng sinh và Ngày lễ tạ ơn tại thị trường Mỹ và châu Âu. 11. Phí CIC (Container Imbalance Charge) hay “Equipment Imbalance Surcharge” là phụ phí mất cân đối vỏ container hay còn gọi là phí phụ trội hàng nhập. Có thể hiểu nôm na là phụ phí chuyển vỏ container rỗng. Đây là một loại phụ phí cước biển mà các hãng tàu thu để bù đắp chi phí phát sinh từ việc điều chuyển (re-position) một lượng lớn container rỗng từ nơi thừa đến nơi thiếu. 12. Phí GRI (General Rate Increase): phụ phí của cước vận chuyển (chỉ xãy ra vào mùa hàng cao điểm). 13. Phí chạy điện (áp dụng cho hàng lạnh, chạy container lạnh tại cảng). phải cắm điện vào container để cho máy lạnh của container chạy và giữ nhiệt độ cho hàng lạnh. 14. Phí vệ sinh container (Cleaning container fee) 15. Phí lưu container tại bãi của cảng (DETENTION); Phí lưu container tại kho riêng của khách (DEMURRAGE); Phí lưu bãi của cảng (STORAGE) – DETENTION / DEMURRAGE / STORAGE đối với hàng xuất khẩu: * Sau khi bạn liên hệ với cảng để nhận container và kéo về kho riêng của bạn đóng hàng. Thông thường đối với hàng XK thì bạn sẽ được lấy container đem về kho để đóng hàng trước ngày tàu chạy ETD là 05 ngày. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn sẽ được miễn phí 05 ngày DEM và 05 ngày DET với điều kiện bạn trả container về bãi trước giờ closing time quy định để xuất theo lịch tầu dự kiến. Nếu sau 05 ngày bạn không trả container về bãi để xuất đúng lịch tầu đã book mà container để tại kho của bạn thì bạn sẽ phải thanh toán tiền lưu container tại kho (DET). Nếu vì lý do nào đó bạn giao container về bãi nhưng sau closing time quy định và hàng không kịp xếp lên tầu dự kiến. Hàng của bạn sẽ phải nằm ở bãi và chờ đến chuyến sau thì bạn sẽ phải trả phí lưu container tại bãi (DEM) và phí lưu bãi tại cảng (STORAGE) và phí đảo / chuyển container. * Trong trường hợp bạn đóng hàng tại bãi của Cảng thì DET sẽ không bị tính và DEM cũng sẽ được tính như trường hợp trên. – DETENTION / DEMURRAGE / STORAGE được tính với hàng nhập khẩu: Sau khi bạn đã hoàn tất các thủ tục hải quan, nhập khẩu và muốn mang container về kho riêng để rút hàng thì container này sẽ được miễn phí lưu container tại cảng (DEM) và phí lưu bãi tại cảng (STORAGE) thông thường được các hãng tầu cho phép là 5 ngày kể từ ngày tầu cập cảng. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn sẽ được miễn phí 05 ngày DEM và 05 ngày STORAGE. Kể từ ngày thứ 06 trở đi thì bạn sẽ phải trả thêm phí DEM và STORAGE (nếu hàng vẫn còn nằm trong bãi của cảng) hay bạn sẽ phải trả phí DEM và DET nếu bạn đem hàng về kho riêng để dỡ hàng sau ngày quy định trên. Trong trường hợp bạn rút hàng tại bãi của Cảng sau 05 ngày được miễn nêu trên thì bạn phải trả phí lưu container (DEM) và lưu bãi (STORAGE). 16. Thu hộ cước vận tải biển hàng nhập = Phí IFB Là việc cước phí vận chuyển hàng đóng container, hàng lẻ, hàng xá… lẽ ra phải trả tại nước XK bởi người XK, nhưng do một lý do nào đó (do điều kiện giao hàng chẳng hạn, do thỏa thuận giữa exporter và importer chẳng hạn) mà phí này được trả bởi importer tại nơi đến. Các công ty forwarder tại nơi đến có nghĩa vụ thu giùm các đại lý của họ ở nước ngoài cước phí vận tải và trả lại cho các đại lý đó. 17. Phí ISF = Importer Security Filing = Kê khai an ninh dành cho nhà nhập khẩu. Ngoài việc phải kê khai thông tin hải quan Mỹ tự động, tháng 1-2010 Hải quan Mỹ và Cơ quan bảo vệ biên giới Mỹ chính thức áp dụng thêm thủ tục kê khai an ninh dành cho nhà nhập khẩu (ISF – Importer Security Filing). Ngoài các thông tin giống như khai AMS, thủ tục khai ISF form yêu cầu nhà nhập khẩu ở Mỹ phải cung cấp thêm thông tin khác như nhà sản xuất, thông tin của nhà nhập khẩu (Importer of record number), mã số hàng hóa (Commodity HTSUS number) và nhà vận tải đóng hàng vào container (Consolidatior). Thông tin này cũng được yêu cầu phải được kê khai cho Hải quan Mỹ 48 tiếng trước khi tàu ở cảng chuyển tải khởi hành đến Mỹ. Thường việc kê khai ISF (Importer Security Filing – Kê khai an ninh dành cho nhà nhập khẩu) sẽ cùng lúc với việc khai AMS và các đại lý vận tải sẽ giúp nhà nhập khẩu kê khai thông tin này. Chi phí cho việc kê khai ISF cũng khoảng 25 usd / Bill. (2013) 18. Phí kẹt cảng / phí tắc nghẽn cảng / thu hộ phí PCS = Port Congestion Surcharge – PCS là phí phát sinh mang tính thời vụ, khi có khả năng xảy ra tình trạng ách tắc hàng hóa tại cảng (khiến chi phí lưu bãi tăng thêm quá lớn, hoặc tàu nhập hàng về phải đậu chờ đến 2-3 ngày mới giải tỏa được container). Một số hãng tàu và đại lý lợi dụng điều đó để tranh thủ thu phí tắc nghẽn cảng, cho dù nguyên nhân tắc nghẽn không phải do cảng mà là do ùn tắc giao thông đường bộ kết nối cảng… 19. Phí thay đổi cảng đích – Phí COD (Change of Destination) là phụ phí hãng tàu thu để bù đắp các chi phí phát sinh trong trường hợp chủ hàng yêu cầu thay đổi cảng đích. ví dụ như: phí xếp dỡ, phí đảo chuyển, phí lưu container, vận chuyển đường bộ…
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Some nights it’s hard to get to sleep… The Kickstarter has ended! I want to thank all of you that have supported us this past month either by pre-ordering a book, spreading the word about the kickstarter or just sending kind words our way. It never ceases to amaze Lynn and I the crazy support you guys show. It’s awesome. We’re truly lucky to have all of you as readers. Thank you all so much. And for those of you that weren’t able to pre-order through the kickstarter, don’t worry, Volume 2 will be availble on purchase later on. Now to make an awesome book.
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Publication of all confessions is not possible for several reasons. An incredible number of your confessions arrive every day and it is necessary to make a selection. Some of them do not meet the basic rules of the site, and all other unpublished confessions are not rated well enough in the Be Admin section, which was introduced for users to choose the confessions that will be published on the site. If a confession meets all the criteria listed in the rules ( link ), it means that it entered the Be Admin section, but was not voted by the user, that is, there were confessions that were better rated. From the beginning, comments did not require any moderation. However, many abused it and we were forced to take this step. Since everything is anonymous, anyone can write inappropriate content or impair the quality of content on the site, post various spam messages, etc. We strive to approve all comments. However, there are certain comments that do not aim for well-intentioned criticism, or advice directed at the author, but express hate speech and harsh criticism without constructive suggestions for improvement. Also, comments that contain explicit vulgarities (uncensored) are not welcome on the site. If your comment is not published, and you think it is a mistake, send an email to [email protected] and we will publish it. The answer is in questions 2 and 1. "Nonsense" is a relative term. Many find themselves in various banal life situations and for that reason, for example. such a confession is well rated in the Be Admin section.. There is still no defined way of monitoring ones confessions, which is a direct consequence of complete anonymity. Otherwise, it would mean that we are able to follow who left which confession. The plan is to develop a user-account interface, through which logged-in users will be able to decide on the confessions they want to follow, but only after anonymous publication on the main page. This is not possible, because in that case it would mean that we have an insight into who posted what. However, with the introduction of registered accounts, it will be possible to follow certain confessions and the user will be able to receive a notification when a new comment has arrived for a confession that he / she is following. In this way, the user who follows the confession can, but does not have to, be the author of the confession, which will never be known. The logic we follow is the same as on the site. We do not want the spread of hatred on any grounds. We are aware that many confessions are a mirror of a wrong attitude or act, but with simple hate speech, no comment can have a positive effect on improving the situation. Therefore, it is completely unnecessary and can only bring damage. We certainly accept comments, criticisms and invite you to leave constructive criticism at every opportunity, if you think that someone's work or thoughts are wrong. As another consequence of anonymity, personal data must not (should not) be left public. For the simple reason that it is possible to endanger someone's privacy, or maliciously leave someone else's data in a negative context. If personal information is well-intentioned, or insufficiently defined to link to someone, it can be found on the site. We have received a large number of such requests, but we do not currently have the funds for the iOS application, although we are working and looking for ways to raise resources. One question, which occurs unexpectedly often and made us laugh many times. Namely, you can sleep with whoever you want, but that will not affect the probability of approving your confession. Try to write a confession in a creative, original and above all honest way. We also advise you to avoid spelling mistakes.. We try to respect the rulebook, that's why it exists. However, sometimes it happens that the confession is excellently evaluated in the Be Admin section, and then we decide to publish it on the site, although in some elements it does not meet the criteria of the regulations, because that is obviously the wish of most visitors. If you find a confession that is not in accordance with the rules, or has been stolen from another site, feel free to let us know in a timely manner by e-mail and we will remove it from the site. See question no. 3. Moderation of comments did not exist before, but due to anonymity, many abused this option, so we were forced to introduce modernization. No one is able to keep track of what your confessions are, so the problem is probably that your confessions are not original enough, or users do not find them honest, interesting or original enough when administering in the Be Admin section. There is no rule, since in the Be Admin section of the confession they appear at random, and the announcement depends on the grade in that section, the confession can be approved in the range of 5 minutes and 72 hours. It is then archived. There is no way to know that your confession has been published unless you see it appear in the NEW subsection. This is a direct consequence of the concept of Anonymity, and if this were made possible, the site would serve no purpose.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://iconfessyou.com/faq", "date": "2023-11-28T09:13:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9722057580947876, "token_count": 1057 }
Treat thirsty locks to a burst of moisture with the Joico Hydra Splash Hydrating Shampoo For Fine-Medium, Dry Hair. Specially formulated to lock in hydration for a softer texture and smoother look, the shampoo delivers plenty of hydration without weighing down your hair. A lightweight blend, it’s suitable for hair that suffers from limpness, helping you achieve silky locks without compromising on volume. Thanks to a luxurious, creamy lather, your scalp and strands will feel thoroughly cleansed of build ups and dirt without being stripped of essential goodness for long-lasting comfort. Blended with Coconut Water that’s packed with Vitamins A, C and E, you’ll be treated to a burst of electrolytes to keep water where its meant to be while maintaining bounce and natural movement. Added Sea Kelp brings even more minerals to your hair for a healthier-looking shine while Smart Release Technology brings together Keratin, Arginine and Rosehip Oil to strengthen and build resilience. It also works to protect your mane from environmental damage as well as relieve some of the pressure styling can put on split ends Apply to clean, damp hair. Leave in 1-2 minutes. Rinse.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://iconichairdressing.com/product/joico-hydra-splash-hydrating-shampoo-for-fine-medium-dry-hair-300ml", "date": "2023-11-28T09:21:50", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9222477078437805, "token_count": 248 }
We see each project as a work of art which deserves our utmost attention and effort. In addition to this our ability to offer innovative approaches from a holistic perspective helps us gain the confidence of our client. Our ability to see our work through from design concept to construction gives our clients confidence in engaging us. We transform spaces through our two planes approach. This approach allows us to see the possibilities within a space by focusing on two critical planes. The results of phenomenal and have transformed ordinary spaces into new experiences.
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Why choose us? Our Brands Is The Best Brands In The Industry We have team of 75 most experienced audio video integration specialists in the industry. Imperial Techsol Private Limited partnership with leading audiovisual product manufacturers across the world, enable us to offer state-of-the-art products and solutions. Our association work with LEXA Stream, HYSYS, LG, Philips, Samsung, Panasonic, Cisco, Polycom, Schneider Electric APC, Hitachi etc. brands. It will amaze you Why Choose Us? Imperial TechSol Private Limited, We poised to the minute technical expertise and the service delivery infrastructure to cater clients with high-quality solutions meeting their expectations. We also help you in choosing appropriate technology and application as per your business needs that generate high ROI and productivity. We one of the most experienced and leading audio visual solutions provider, brings audiovisual products and solutions that seamlessly integrates audio, video, display, lighting equipment and system controls for applications such as boardrooms, conference rooms, auditoriums, training rooms, cafeterias, Telepresence rooms and much more. We, Imperial TechSol Pvt Ltd, are presence pan India locations nationwide with a team of qualified sales and service consultants.
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Welcome to PT Indokoei International We are a joint venture company between Nippon Koei Co. Ltd, Japan and PT. Trans Intra Asia, Indonesia. Established in 1990, we are now working up to becoming one of the well known companies in Engineering and Management Consultancy. We offer a full range of Consulting Services to clients in Indonesia as well as overseas. Our Consulting Services are well tailored to meet specific requirements of Project and completely impartial services in all stages of Project implementation. We have a team of professionals that are committed to meet highly diverse and sophisticated needs.
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For direct email contact, simply click on the relevant button below. Promotional gifts are an ideal way of promoting your brand and image in lots of different ways. Propel your message to hundreds of people every day by choosing the most appropriate items for your company or promotion. From Pens to Highlighters, Mugs to Flasks, Mouse Mats to iPad covers, Bottles to Bags; whatever you need, let us know and we will print it and deliver it speedily and efficiently. We supply Work Wear, Corporate Wear, Hospitality, Sports Wear, Leisure Wear, School Wear and associate garments that are Embroidered, Screen Printed or Vinyl Transferred. T-Shirts, Sweats, Hoodies, Jackets, Sports Vests, Knitwear, Headwear, Polos - all in many brands and colours. We will help you with ‘Fit for Purpose’ Solutions, assisting you to choose the most appropriate product for the occasion. Choose for comfort & style. trophies & awards We supply the full range of Trophies, Cups, Shields, Medals, Salvers, Figurines, Plaques - suitable for every occasion and presentation. All sports, all events, all kinds of awards from fun to high-end executive. You will be able to view our extensive catalogue and select at your leisure. We will engrave and personalise to your specification. Great products with great prices.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://inkcomparableprint.co.uk/distinktive.html", "date": "2023-11-28T09:50:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9009094834327698, "token_count": 292 }
I have two boys, and we spends tons of time outside at playgrounds and parks, on trails, looking at sticks, collecting rocks, swinging, running, jumping. But even when they are inside, they need to move. So we found the perfect solution. It easily hangs on a door jamb and holds up to 300 lbs. Yes, I swing occasionally while holding a child. There are attachments for a trapeze bar, climbing rope, ladder and rings. This was my two year old’s Christmas present last year, and is the one thing that has been used every single day by both boys (6 and 3.) and all of their friends think they are extra cool because they have a swing in the living room! I can’t find this brand on Amazon anymore, but here is one that looks comparable: Indoor Trapeze Bar and Swing Set for Kids – Perfect Rainy Day Activity
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://integrativemom.com/great-gift-idea-an-indoor-swing/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:00:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9697332978248596, "token_count": 192 }
In the sixties Giuliano Magni created his first mattresses in a small workshop. It was the start of a revolution: the craft skills of Prato, the world capital of fabrics, were combined with new ideas about sleep and wellbeing. Since then, Magniflex has provided over a billion people with a peaceful sleep thanks to models and solutions designed to meet the needs of comfort, relaxation and health. Over the years Magniflex has become a byword for comfort and wellbeing, presenting products which are the result of the passion for research and innovation shared by everyone who works for the company. Magniflex has over fifty years’ experience also thanks to the major investments in research, design and the development of cutting edge production systems which make this company and its products simply unique.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://interio.lt/en/brand/magniflex-en/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:10:29", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9771844148635864, "token_count": 161 }
Velmi si vážíme Vašeho zájmu o spolupráci s naší společností na tvorbě tak důležitého bodu jako je aktivní reklama a propagace Vaší společnosti na internetu. Víme, jak je důležité v dnešní době být na internetu vidět na prvotních pozicích, zaujmout zákazníka novou kreativní a přehlednou prezentací a získat tím i zákazníky nové. Jelikož jsme si tohoto závazku vědomi, vložíme do Vašeho projektu naše dlouholeté zkušenosti a znalost tvorby internetových projektů. Je naším přesvědčením, že každý má tvořit to čemu rozumí. Stejně tak jako vy vytváříte pro své klienty ty nejlepší produkty a služby s vírou, že právě Vy a jen Vy tuto práci dokážete udělat nejlépe. Základní body co Vám umožňuje správa nových www stránek?! První věc, je vlastní a NE pronajatý redakční systém, který je ve Vašem vlastnictví, Na Vaší doméně a Vašem hostingovém prostoru, na který grafik vytvoří unikátní grafiku pro Váš web či e-shop. Dále pak kodér nakóduje na redakční systém, který umí veškeré Vámi zvolené funkce onu grafiku. Pak doladí technik chod www pro zobrazení na PC a telefonu. Dále pak například přizpůsobí funkce s odesílacími formuláři, objednávkami pro dopravu atd. Následně se web naplní informacemi o Vaší společnosti / firmě / osobě a doplní se o služby a produkty, které nabízíte pro širokou veřejnost. Zde je v dnešní době propojit web na sociální sítě, pro velkou návštěvnost a popularitu zobrazení. Zabezpečení webu SSL certifikáty a napojení na GDPR + cookies pravidla procházení webu. Zajistíme technickou podporu o celou dobu spolupráce. Druhá věc, je zápis Vašeho nového / předělaného webu do různých vyhledávačů pro tzv. „tematické zpětné odkazy“ vedoucí na Vaši www prezentaci, propojení na Google a Seznam což je 99% vyhledávání v ČR a tzv. SEO optimalizace Vašich www stránek či e-shopu pro prvotní pozice na zvolená klíčová slova ve vyhledávačích před Vaší konkurencí. Třetí věc, je po Vašem uvážení tzv. PPC reklama a to je aktivní propagace Vašeho webu či e-shopu formou chytré propagace na Facebooku, Seznamu, Google. Na Heuréce, ve zboží vyhledávačů atd… To vše pro Vás vytvoříme máme již 20-letou zkušenost s tvorbou www prezentací a tvorbou e-shopu. Kontaktujte nás a my pro Vás nezávazně a ZDARMA vytvoříme nabídku na míru. Pokud se rozhodnete pro spolupráci s naší společností dáme do naší spolupráce, dlouholeté zkušenosti, znalost prostředí a internetové marketingové dovednosti. Vždy Vám budeme nablízku na telefonu či osobně a prosadíme Váš projekt na celém internetu v ČR i zahraničí. Zavolejte nám - jsme tu pro Vás a jsme v tom s Vámi Bonita vyjadřuje důvěryhodnost Vašeho webu na internetu. Cílem je dosažení přední pozice Vašeho webu pro vyhledávače. Sledujeme a posilujeme 9 algoritmů Bonity - především název domény, obsah webu, SEO, tématické odkazy, responzivní design. Praha 21, Praha 5, Jičín, Prachatice, Jablonec nad Nisou, Karlovy Vary, Benešov, Praha-Dolní Chabry, Praha-Lysolaje, Ústí nad Orlicí, Děčín, Praha-Štěrboholy, Praha 9, Praha 19, Domažlice, Teplice, Louny, Praha-Přední Kopanina, Praha-Lipence, Žďár nad Sázavou, Hradec Králové, Havlíčkův Brod, Praha-Troja, Vyškov, Praha-Slivenec, Kroměříž, Kutná Hora, Praha 6, Praha-Vinoř, Náchod, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Praha-Ďáblice, Praha-Zbraslav, Chomutov, Nový Jičín, Rakovník, Česká Lípa, Praha-západ, Tachov, Litoměřice, Přerov, Mělník, Ústí nad Labem, Cheb, Praha-Kunratice, Beroun, Praha 4, Uherské Hradiště, Praha-východ, Blansko, ... Další města |
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://internettop.cz/seo/tvorba-www-stranek/bocanovice", "date": "2023-11-28T10:08:56", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "cs", "language_score": 0.9944297671318054, "token_count": 1847 }
- The updated COVID-19 vaccine is tailored to the Omicron XBB.1.5 sublineage of SARS-CoV-2 and is recommended for individuals 6 months of age and older - Recommendation based on pre-clinical data showing that the Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine generates an improved response against multiple XBB-related sublineages, including XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16, XBB.2.3, and EG.5.1 (Eris), which continue to dominate globally1 - Doses will be ready to ship to applicable EU member states immediately upon authorization by the European Commission Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) today announced that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended marketing authorization for the companies’ Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATY® Omicron XBB.1.5) administered as a single dose for individuals 5 years of age and older, regardless of prior COVID-19 vaccination history. The Committee has also recommended the updated vaccine for children 6 months through 4 years of age as part or all of the primary three-dose vaccination series, depending on how many prior doses they received, or as single dose for those with a history of completion of a COVID-19 primary vaccination course or prior SARS-CoV-2 infection. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230829323192/en/ The European Commission (EC) will review the CHMP’s recommendation and is expected to make a final decision soon. Following a decision from the EC, the updated vaccine will be ready to ship to applicable EU member states immediately. Pfizer and BioNTech have been manufacturing the Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine at risk to ensure supply readiness ahead of the upcoming fall and winter season when the demand for COVID-19 vaccination is expected to increase.2 “This season’s vaccine is ready to ship as soon as the final regulatory decision is made, so that people across Europe can better help protect themselves against COVID-19 illness as the risk rises,” said Albert Bourla, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Pfizer. “It's been nearly a year since many citizens in the European Union were vaccinated against COVID-19 and the updated formulation provides the opportunity for them to receive a vaccine more closely matched to current sublineages." “As COVID-19 is expected to adopt a seasonal pattern, similar to other respiratory viruses, we remain committed to providing COVID-19 vaccines that are better matched to relevant circulating variants or sublineages to people worldwide, to support vaccinations in the upcoming fall and winter season,” said Prof. Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and Co-founder of BioNTech. “Omicron XBB-related sublineages are antigenically distant from prior Omicron strains and continue to account for the vast majority of COVID-19 cases globally. The updated COVID-19 vaccine aims to further improve protection against severe illness and hospitalization.” The CHMP’s recommendation is based on the full body of previous clinical, non-clinical, and real-world evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer and BioNTech. Further, the application included pre-clinical data showing that the Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine generates a substantially improved response against multiple XBB sublineages, including XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16, and XBB.2.3, compared to the Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine. Additional pre-clinical data demonstrate that serum antibodies induced by the updated COVID-19 vaccine, when compared to the Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, also effectively neutralize the globally dominant and recently WHO-designated variant of interest EG.5.1 (Eris).3 Pfizer and BioNTech have also filed an application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting approval of their Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine for individuals 6 months of age and older. A decision is expected in the coming days. The companies have submitted data for the updated COVID-19 vaccine to other regulatory authorities around the world. The COVID-19 vaccines (COMIRNATY®) by Pfizer and BioNTech are based on BioNTech’s proprietary mRNA technology and were developed by both companies. BioNTech is the Marketing Authorization Holder for COMIRNATY and its adapted vaccines (COMIRNATY Original/Omicron BA.1; COMIRNATY Original/Omicron BA.4/BA.5) in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries, and the holder of emergency use authorizations or equivalents in the United States (jointly with Pfizer) and other countries. INDICATION & AUTHORIZED USE Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent (Original and Omicron BA.4/BA.5) is FDA authorized under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 6 months of age and older. EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an EUA to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals aged 6 months of age and older. The emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b) (1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Tell your vaccination provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you: - have any allergies - have had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) - have a fever - have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner - are immunocompromised or are on a medicine that affects the immune system - are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding - have received another COVID-19 vaccine - have ever fainted in association with an injection - The vaccine may not protect everyone - A person should NOT get Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent if they have had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine*, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent, or COMIRNATY® (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) or to any ingredients in these vaccines. - There is a remote chance that the vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to 1 hour after getting a dose of the vaccine. For this reason, your vaccination provider may ask you to stay at the place where you received the vaccine for monitoring after vaccination. If you experience a severe allergic reaction, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital Seek medical attention right away if you have any of the following symptoms: - difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and throat, a fast heartbeat, a bad rash all over the body, dizziness, and weakness - Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) have occurred in some people who have received Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, or COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA). The observed risk is higher among adolescent males and adult males under 40 years of age than among females and older males, and the observed risk is highest in males 12 through 17 years of age. In most of these people, symptoms began within a few days following receipt of the second dose of vaccine. The chance of having this occur is very low. Seek medical attention right away if the vaccine recipient has any of the following symptoms: - Chest pain - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing - Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart Additional symptoms, particularly in children, may include: - Unusual and persistent irritability - Unusual and persistent poor feeding - Unusual and persistent fatigue or lack of energy - Persistent vomiting - Persistent pain in the abdomen - Unusual and persistent cool, pale skin - Fainting can happen after getting injectable vaccines, including Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent. For this reason, your vaccination provider may ask you to stay at the place where you received the vaccine for monitoring after vaccination - People with weakened immune systems may have a reduced immune response to Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent Side effects that have been reported with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, or COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) include: - Severe allergic reactions - Non-severe allergic reactions such as rash, itching, hives, or swelling of the face - Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) - Pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) - Injection site pain/tenderness - Muscle pain - Joint pain - Injection site swelling - Injection site redness - Feeling unwell - Swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) - Decreased appetite - Arm pain - Fainting in association with injection of the vaccine These may not be all the possible side effects of these vaccines. Call the vaccination provider or healthcare provider about bothersome side effects or side effects that do not go away. - Individuals should always ask their healthcare providers for medical advice about adverse events. Report vaccine side effects to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS toll-free number is 1‐800‐822‐7967 or report online to www.vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html. In addition, individuals can report side effects to Pfizer Inc. at www.pfizersafetyreporting.com or by calling 1-800-438-1985 *The Original Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is no longer authorized for use in the United States. About Pfizer: Breakthroughs That Change Patients’ Lives At Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to bring therapies to people that extend and significantly improve their lives. We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacture of health care products, including innovative medicines and vaccines. Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Consistent with our responsibility as one of the world's premier innovative biopharmaceutical companies, we collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world. For more than 170 years, we have worked to make a difference for all who rely on us. We routinely post information that may be important to investors on our website at www.pfizer.com. In addition, to learn more, please visit us on and follow us on Twitter at X (twitter.com) and Pfizer Inc. (@pfizer_news) / X (twitter.com), Pfizer | LinkedIn, youtube.com/pfizer and like us on Facebook at Pfizer - Home | Facebook. Pfizer Disclosure Notice The information contained in this release is as of August 30, 2023. Pfizer assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements contained in this release as the result of new information or future events or developments. This release contains forward-looking information about Pfizer’s efforts to combat COVID-19, the collaboration between BioNTech and Pfizer to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, the BNT162 mRNA vaccine program, and Pfizer and –BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccines, defined collectively herein as COMIRNATY (including regulatory applications pending with the European Commission and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for an Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine, data submitted for an Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine to other regulatory authorities, qualitative assessments of available data, potential benefits, expectations regarding demand for COVID-19 vaccination, expectations for clinical trials, potential regulatory submissions, the anticipated timing of data readouts, regulatory submissions, regulatory approvals or authorizations and anticipated manufacturing, distribution and supply) involving substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, regulatory approval dates and/or launch dates, as well as risks associated with pre-clinical and clinical data (including Phase 1/2/3 or Phase 4 or pre-clinical data for COMIRNATY, or any vaccine candidate in the BNT162 program, including the data discussed in this release) in any of our studies in pediatrics, adolescents, or adults or real world evidence, including the possibility of unfavorable new pre-clinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing pre-clinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including the risk that additional data against newer Omicron sublineages could differ from previously reported data; the ability to produce comparable clinical or other results for COMIRNATY, any vaccine candidate or any other vaccines that may result from the BNT162 program or any other COVID-19 program, including the rate of vaccine effectiveness and safety and tolerability profile observed to date, in additional analyses of the Phase 3 trial and additional studies, in real world data studies or in larger, more diverse populations following commercialization; the ability of COMIRNATY, any vaccine candidate or any future vaccine to prevent COVID-19 caused by emerging virus variants; the risk that use of the vaccine will lead to new information about efficacy, safety, or other developments, including the risk of additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious; the risk that pre-clinical and clinical trial data are subject to differing interpretations and assessments, including during the peer review/publication process, in the scientific community generally, and by regulatory authorities; whether and when additional data from the BNT162 mRNA vaccine program or other COVID-19 programs will be published in scientific journal publications and, if so, when and with what modifications and interpretations; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from existing or future pre-clinical and clinical studies; whether and when submissions to request emergency use or conditional marketing authorizations for COMIRNATY or any future vaccines in additional populations, for a potential booster dose for COMIRNATY, any vaccine candidate or any potential future vaccines (including potential future annual boosters or re-vaccinations), and/or other biologics license and/or emergency use authorization applications or amendments to any such applications may be filed in particular jurisdictions for COMIRNATY, any vaccine candidates or any other potential vaccines that may arise from the BNT162 program, and if obtained, whether or when such emergency use authorizations or licenses, or existing emergency use authorizations, will expire or terminate; whether and when any applications that may be pending or filed for COMIRNATY (including any requested amendments to the emergency use or conditional marketing authorizations and including the applications pending with the FDA and the European Commission for the Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine), any vaccine candidates or other vaccines that may result from the BNT162 program or any other COVID-19 program may be approved by particular regulatory authorities, which will depend on myriad factors, including making a determination as to whether the vaccine’s benefits outweigh its known risks and determination of the vaccine’s efficacy and, if approved, whether it will be commercially successful; decisions by regulatory authorities impacting labeling or marketing, manufacturing processes, safety and/or other matters that could affect the availability or commercial potential of a vaccine, including the authorization or approval of products or therapies developed by other companies; disruptions in the relationships between us and our collaboration partners, clinical trial sites or third-party suppliers, including our relationship with BioNTech; the risk that demand for any products may be reduced, no longer exist or not meet expectations, which may lead to excess inventory on-hand and/or in the channel or reduced revenues; challenges related to and uncertainties regarding the timing of a transition to the commercial market for any of our products; uncertainties related to the public’s adherence to vaccines and boosters; risks related to our ability to achieve our revenue forecasts for COMIRNATY or any potential future COVID-19 vaccines; the risk that other companies may produce superior or competitive products; risks related to the availability of raw materials to manufacture or test a vaccine; challenges related to our vaccine’s formulation, dosing schedule and attendant storage, distribution and administration requirements, including risks related to storage and handling after delivery by Pfizer; the risk that we may not be able to successfully develop other vaccine formulations, booster doses or potential future annual boosters or re-vaccinations or new variant-based or next generation vaccines or potential combination respiratory vaccines; the risk that we may not be able to maintain manufacturing capacity or access to logistics or supply channels commensurate with global demand for our vaccines, which would negatively impact our ability to supply our vaccines within the projected time periods; whether and when additional supply or purchase agreements will be reached or existing agreements will be completed or renegotiated; uncertainties regarding the ability to obtain recommendations from vaccine advisory or technical committees and other public health authorities and uncertainties regarding the commercial impact of any such recommendations; pricing and access challenges; challenges related to public confidence in, or awareness of COMIRNATY; uncertainties around future changes to applicable healthcare policies and guidelines issued by the U.S. federal government in connection with the declared termination of the federal government’s COVID-19 public health emergency as of May 11, 2023; trade restrictions; potential third party royalties or other claims; the uncertainties inherent in business and financial planning, including, without limitation, risks related to Pfizer’s business and prospects, adverse developments in Pfizer’s markets, or adverse developments in the U.S. or global capital markets, credit markets, regulatory environment or economies generally; uncertainties regarding the impact of COVID-19 on Pfizer’s business, operations and financial results; and competitive developments. A further description of risks and uncertainties can be found in Pfizer’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 and in its subsequent reports on Form 10-Q, including in the sections thereof captioned “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Information and Factors That May Affect Future Results”, as well as in its subsequent reports on Form 8-K, all of which are filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and available at www.sec.gov and www.pfizer.com. Biopharmaceutical New Technologies (BioNTech) is a next generation immunotherapy company pioneering novel therapies for cancer and other serious diseases. The Company exploits a wide array of computational discovery and therapeutic drug platforms for the rapid development of novel biopharmaceuticals. Its broad portfolio of oncology product candidates includes individualized and off-the-shelf mRNA-based therapies, innovative chimeric antigen receptor CAR) T cells, several protein-based therapeutics, including bispecific immune checkpoint modulators, targeted cancer antibodies and antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) therapies, as well as small molecules. Based on its deep expertise in mRNA vaccine development and in-house manufacturing capabilities, BioNTech and its collaborators are developing multiple mRNA vaccine candidates for a range of infectious diseases alongside its diverse oncology pipeline. BioNTech has established a broad set of relationships with multiple global pharmaceutical collaborators, including DualityBio, Fosun Pharma, Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, Genevant, Genmab, OncoC4, Regeneron, Sanofi, and Pfizer. For more information, please visit www.BioNTech.com. BioNTech Forward-looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including, but not be limited to, statements concerning: BioNTech’s efforts to combat COVID-19; the collaboration between BioNTech and Pfizer; the rate and degree of market acceptance of BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine, including the Omicron XBB.1.5-adapted monovalent COVID-19 vaccine; qualitative assessments of available data and expectations of potential benefits; regulatory submissions and regulatory approvals or authorizations and expectations regarding manufacturing, distribution and supply; expectations regarding anticipated changes in COVID-19 vaccine demand, including changes to the ordering environment; and expected regulatory recommendations to adapt vaccines to address new variants or sublineages. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “may,” “should,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “aims,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. The forward-looking statements in this press release are neither promises nor guarantees, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond BioNTech’s control and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, regulatory approval dates and/or launch dates, as well as risks associated with preclinical and clinical data, including the data discussed in this release, and including the possibility of unfavorable new preclinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing preclinical, clinical or safety data; the nature of the clinical data, which is subject to ongoing peer review, regulatory review and market interpretation; BioNTech's pricing and coverage negotiations with governmental authorities, private health insurers and other third-party payors after BioNTech's initial sales to national governments; the future commercial demand and medical need for initial or booster doses of a COVID-19 vaccine; the availability of raw materials to manufacture a vaccine; our vaccine’s formulation, dosing schedule and attendant storage, distribution and administration requirements, including risks related to storage and handling after delivery; competition from other COVID-19 vaccines or related to BioNTech's other product candidates, including those with different mechanisms of action and different manufacturing and distribution constraints, on the basis of, among other things, efficacy, cost, convenience of storage and distribution, breadth of approved use, side-effect profile and durability of immune response; the ability to obtain recommendations from vaccine advisory or technical committees and other public health authorities and uncertainties regarding the commercial impact of any such recommendations; the timing of and BioNTech's ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval for BioNTech's product candidates; the ability of BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccines to prevent COVID-19 caused by emerging virus variants; BioNTech's and its counterparties’ ability to manage and source necessary energy resources; BioNTech's ability to identify research opportunities and discover and develop investigational medicines; the ability and willingness of BioNTech's third-party collaborators to continue research and development activities relating to BioNTech's development candidates and investigational medicines; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on BioNTech's development programs, supply chain, collaborators and financial performance; unforeseen safety issues and potential claims that are alleged to arise from the use of BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine and other products and product candidates developed or manufactured by BioNTech; BioNTech's and its collaborators’ ability to commercialize and market BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine and, if approved, its product candidates; BioNTech's ability to manage its development and expansion; regulatory developments in the United States and other countries; BioNTech's ability to effectively scale BioNTech's production capabilities and manufacture BioNTech's products, including BioNTech's target COVID-19 vaccine production levels, and BioNTech's product candidates; risks relating to the global financial system and markets; and other factors not known to BioNTech at this time. You should review the risks and uncertainties described under the heading “Risk Factors” in BioNTech’s Report on Form 6-K for the period ended June 30, 2023 and in subsequent filings made by BioNTech with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which are available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Except as required by law, BioNTech disclaims any intention or responsibility for updating or revising any forward-looking statements contained in this press release in the event of new information, future developments or otherwise. These forward-looking statements are based on BioNTech’s current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof. 1 World Health Organization. COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update. Available at: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports 2 Wiemken TL, Khan F, Nguyen JL, Jodar L, McLaughlin JM. Is COVID-19 seasonal? A time series modeling approach. medRxiv. 2022:2022.06.17.22276570. 3 World Health Organization. EG.5 Initial Risk Evaluation. Available at: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/09082023eg.5_ire_final.pdf?sfvrsn=2aa2daee_1
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://investor.wedbush.com/wedbush/article/bizwire-2023-8-30-pfizer-and-biontech-receive-positive-chmp-opinion-for-omicron-xbb15-adapted-covid-19-vaccine-in-the-european-union", "date": "2023-11-28T08:45:53", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9172351956367493, "token_count": 5864 }
Guys inside reputation, that have secure profits, involved rating each other with respect to the top-notch its property and you can friends lifetime, apparent mostly inside the cities in which best, well-schooled wives turned into extremely important position icons. For the same months, but not, most women, hitched and you can unmarried, didn’t have this new way to build a property, neither the type of defense who would allow them to be sexually “natural.” Totally free women pushed to the “unseemly” work to provide fundamentals and, obviously, enslaved feminine throughout the Southern, was consigned toward position out-of “fallen” and you can were tend to deal once the immoral, undeserving, fatally faulty. Certainly of several blessed feminine chafed against the restrictions wear them by Cult of Domesticity, while others found within its boundaries certain sites in action and you may confidence-building, such due to their increased exposure of the obligation to coach college students and you may suffice anyone else. Women who was being successful written down on the ladies segments discovered not only their unique private voices however, either a deck to possess viewpoints with the personal items. Because ladies’ suffrage movement failed to get enough grip to own many more decades, women that had written within the sanctioned courses or inserted acceptable ladies and you may church societies started to change lives — regarding abolition direction, regarding the endeavor to own assets rights, and also in ladies’ education. This new five feminine whoever functions is actually represented about following training benefitted, in some means ironically, about residential ideology one to put them into a unique fields from menmunities of females, exalted in the home, utilized the excellence offered them in kitchen and you can drawing-room to require ethical bravery of men regarding social domain. Because the opportunities to possess expression increased, also inside their limited space, feminine establish a vocabulary, a form of tamed vocabulary of reform, by which they might arrived at and you will support one another. Catherine Beecher and you will Harriet Beecher Stowe, siblings whoever dad and brothers were important churchmen and you will personal management, trained together when you look at the a school for girls, and you may because of writing generated its way to the public discussions more than slavery and you will ladies’ lay. Sara Payson Willis, just who wrote preferred newsprint articles given that “Fanny Fern,” understood the fugitive slave publisher Harriet Jacobs well, and you will Jacobs, exactly who along with blogged letters in order to hit and you will ran an abolitionist training room, corresponded which have Harriet Beecher Stowe. What we should phone call now the effectiveness of “networking” is actually augmented because of the Cult out-of Domesticity, leading to unexpected demands towards bodies limitations. From inside their separate industries, this type of five, and additionally a great many other female editors off antebellum The united states, turned into a force to be reckoned within the nation’s prominent brightwomen.net Du kan prГёve dette ethical debates. Personal Studying Concerns step 1. Exactly what values of the Cult from Domesticity does this facts illustrate? The story depicts the chief out of submissiveness once the Mary output so you’re able to their unique partner’s wishes over her own. The language shows an image of Mary’s home-based area in addition to dependence on that place in order to Mary, concentrating on their unique domestic part. 2. What gurus do Mary gain off Mrs. Get as opposed to the professionals she receives regarding Harry’s “rule”? Mrs. Can get is defined as “rational, and you may fascinating” and then “wise and you will satirical.” Such descriptions imply she encourages Mary become a separate thinker, go against Harry exactly who even offers love, care and attention, and thing spirits. 3. How does Harry disapprove out of Mrs. May? Consider the adjectives one to one another the guy and you will Mary used to identify their particular, in comparison to the way Harry describes his partner. Just what threat does Mrs. ily life? Harry means Mrs. Could possibly get threatens to encourage his wife and possibly encourage their own to end up being a separate thinker. Harry says one to Mrs. May contains the potential to trigger “dilemmas between” Mary and you will him.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://iphonevolt.ru/the-fresh-cult-regarding-domesticity-was-designed/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:50:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9625002145767212, "token_count": 924 }
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.) …or something like this: The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community. As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://isgcompany.com/sample-page/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:42:43", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9341555833816528, "token_count": 202 }
http://estheticmaster.net/tothiejhvl/post-the-chronicles-of-163693.html http://estheticmaster.net/tothiejhvl/post-the-chronicles-of-163693.html; There’s been talking about sunscreen in the computing world when discussing what was the initial computer invented. For years, the accepted pioneer with the digital age was the ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, perhaps because tale associated with the development was one worthy for tabloids and tv. As World War II was coming to a close, the Army had run in short supply of mathematicians and were willing to recruit women. Six women were accepted function with on “Project PX” at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Electrical Engineering, under John Mauchly and L. Presper Eckert. The women’s job was to program firing tables and ballistic trajectories using ENIAC. Their work laid the groundwork for advancement. The completed machine was unveiled on Feb. 14, 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. Within the armed forces had funded the price almost $500,000. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 a lot. It is widely considered to because the first computer invented, considering its highly functional status while using late 1950s. However, its “first” status was challenged in court when Rand Corp. bought the ENIAC patent and started charging royalties. Honeywell Corporation. refused to pay and challenged the idea patent in 1967. It was learned that Mauchly, on the list of leaders of the Project PX at the University of Pennsylvania, had seen an early on prototype of a system being built at the Iowa State College called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer. Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry began development on top of the ABC in 1937 and it always been developed until 1942 at the Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). Eventually, it could solve equations containing 29 variables. In 1973, You.S. Federal Judge Earl R. Larson released his decision how the ENIAC patent by Mauchly and Eckert was invalid and also the ABC was actually the first computer manufactured. However, the ABC was never fully functional, so the favorite opinion to equipment has the ENIAC as the first electronic computing computer. The Smithsonian Institute’s Museum of American History in Washington displays most of the remains of the ENIAC, alongside waste the ABC. However, there’s another twist to this tale. The most straightforward computer is an electronic device designed to adopt data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations and display the results. Germany’s Konrad Zuse created what was fundamentally the first programmable calculator in the mid-1930s in his parent’s living room. Zuse’s Z1 had 64-word memory and a clock speed of 1 Hz. Programming the the Z1 required the user to insert tape to be able to punch tape reader and then receive his results any punch tape dispenser – making it possibly the first computer invented.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://janna.komunitascsd.com/a-hundred-years-of-invention-the-primary-computer/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:43:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9620895981788635, "token_count": 662 }
Yesterday we decided to take a drive to Sunspot to the observatory there. I couldn’t find online if it was open, but I thought the drive would be nice, and we could at least see the observatory from the outside. Plus, the best views of the Tularosa Basin are from Sunspot and the drive there. Well, winding up the mountain made a backseat passenger feel carsick. The observatory was closed. You couldn’t even drive in to see it. And the best viewpoint of the basin along the road? Only Jeremy and I got out to look. It was not at all what I had planned for the day. I realized, though, that there was a point in time where a day like yesterday would have put me in a serious bad mood. Feeling responsible that we couldn’t see the observatory, burdened by the bickering from the backseat, wasting gas to drive nowhere. Over the years, though, and especially living with teenagers, I’ve learned to let those things go, because plans don’t always go smoothly. Sometimes you just have to make the best of the moment, and be responsible for your own attitude, because you can’t control the attitude of others. In an effort to redeem our two hours in the car, we stopped at a local bakery for a cookie. I’ve always said chocolate makes everything better. Yesterday it sure did. Walk in a good attitude, and eat some chocolate today, friends.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://jenprice.net/tag/sunspot", "date": "2023-11-28T11:01:52", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9727628231048584, "token_count": 312 }
Jeremy Carter has established a reputation as one of the most versatile and sensitive of his generation of British pianists. Whilst studying at the Royal Academy of Music his teachers included the late Gordon Green, Christopher Elton and Alexander Kelly. He won all the Academy's major prizes and scholarships and on leaving he was awarded the Academy's highest accolade, the Recital Diploma, together with the Chappell gold medal for outstanding performance. He then studied privately with Benjamin Kaplan and with Helena Costa in Austria as well as participating in masterclasses with Tamas Vasary and Horszowski. Prizes at a number of major international piano competitions followed. "Jeremy Carter showed off a technique of striding power and well-knitted strength...and revealed an awareness of his instrument's shifting timbres." The Times "A magnificent pianist with a commanding technique and in tune with his composers." Music and Musicians
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://jeremycarter.net/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:20:10", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9715109467506409, "token_count": 187 }
It’s cold today (finally?) in Buenos Aires—about 50 degrees Fahrenheit—and it made me realize that the new $14 jeans I bought are, apparently, made from tissue paper. Also, the zipper doesn’t go up or down. Curious. I went to a mall today that made me forget, immediately, that three weeks ago I bought underpants on the street for 70 cents from a woman with no teeth here in this same city. This place was cra-zy. Nothing but high-end clothing and shoe stores. I couldn’t afford a single thing, even in pesos, which made me feel a little less privileged. I think this is good, because sometimes I walk down my street and I realize that I could buy every dog sweater being sold with only the money in my wallet, and I feel guilty. Near the mall, called Patio Bulrich, were streets and streets of super high-end apartments and hotels. Despite being well-kept, it’s probably the least interesting neighborhood I’ve toured. I was in the area to return flash drive that Carl had lent me last week. Because I don’t have a phone down here, we agreed to meet on his street at 4:00 (or 16:00 in Buenos Aires, because I really need more math confusion in my life). It was cold, and I had walked a half-hour to get there, yet Carl really wanted to chat, so we stood on the street for at least 35 minutes. He told me about: · The concert pianist who was in his apartment right now, talking to his wife Marta. He’s going to come to the U.S. and probably be the most famous concert pianist alive in the next five years. They saw him perform a private show last night. Not many people get to see something like that. But Marta’s family . . . well, they have money · The posh ski resort at which he and his wife might spend the next week. It’s $3,000 a night—per person. That’s $6,000 for he and his wife. A night. They’re probably going to spend a week there. Splurge! · The private tango club he’d gone to over the weekend. “None of this touristy stuff—the real deal.” The ones the normal public goes to see are “crap.” I’ve probably never seen real, legitimate dancing, but it’s something. · The neighborhood in which we were standing. Nothing but very high-end apartments. But what are you doing to do? You can’t live anywhere else in the city. (Note: I do, and he knows it.) How is it that bragging to me makes Carl feel so good? It’s very confusing. It’s also surprising how much I enjoy listening to it. I should be studying Spanish right now, but I really don’t have it in me. For the first time since I started a few weeks ago, I just totally half-assed my homework, and I feel okay about that. We’ve moved into the Presento Continuo tense, and on some level I feel satisfied with the idea that I’ll never be able to say, “I am walking to school,” particularly when “I walk to school” conveys the same basic idea. How often are you asked what you’re doing at this exact moment anyhow? Not that often, I decided in class today when I realized that conjugating irregular verbs in this new tense is more difficult than, say, my master’s thesis was. So, I walk to school. Tomorrow.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://jessicamccaughey.com/a-concert-pianist-in-the-apartment/", "date": "2023-11-28T09:22:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9831843972206116, "token_count": 796 }
Unframed prints ship in a sturdy reinforced cardboard "crush-proof" tube that is twice as thick as anyone else in the industry to avoid damage to the art while in shipment. Framed prints ship in a custom box we designed ourselves. »sao tome and principe All prints are also available as framed and unframed art prints We couldn't find any artwork for your search term. Discover gorgeous Sao tome and principe canvas prints. Fast and reliable shipping. 100% satisfaction guarantee.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://jimfeliciano.imagekind.com/art/stunning/sao-tome-and-principe/artwork-on/canvas-prints?c=green&cv=lawn%20green", "date": "2023-11-28T11:08:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9537495374679565, "token_count": 109 }
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Aust J Mech Eng ISSN (printed): 1448-4846. ISSN (electronic): 2204-2253. The Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering is the peer-reviewed technical journal of Mechanical College of Engineers Australia. The journal aspires to be one of the top-ranking premier source of research and innovation in the science and practice of mechanical and mechatronic engineering in Australasia and around the world, and seeks to disseminate high impact publications that will advance the practice of engineering. - Further information - Category Link
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://journalseek.net/cgi-bin/journalseek/journalsearch.cgi?field=issn&query=1448-4846", "date": "2023-11-28T09:19:07", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8493260145187378, "token_count": 117 }
(Names changed so google can’t hurt anyone. If you know the story, you’ll know the story, if you don’t, then you’ll only know my story … which is as it should be.) I grew up in a town called Craigville. My mom went to the college 45 minutes away and Martinburg. When I was 8 years old, a Craigville graduate was raped in a Martinburg parking lot. It was brutal, and violent and all the things we are taught to fear. This is when I learned what rape was. Her name was Sally Bourne. I’ve known her name for three decades. Eventually life brought us to Martinburg to live. I ended up getting to meet her brother Edison who is somewhat of a local character here. I knew her name. Her brother. And the worst thing that had ever happened to her. I hated that I knew that about her. She was violated and her privacy was still shattered 31 years later because I carried this memory … this information. It felt unfair to her that this was something I knew … all I knew. Last fall I ended up in Craigville on a temporary contract. In her building where she teaches. I still hated knowing “THE THING” about her, but I’m grateful now that I know what her voice sounds like, how she sings with her 1st graders as she walks them to lunch … I kept thinking about telling her … but that would be all about me … and selfish … it’s certainly not her job to take away my discomfort about knowing things about her. Why would I trigger her by telling her? So I write the story here, getting it off my chest at last. Putting it on my turf where it is okay for it to be about me. Hoping that I don’t offend, but also really understanding why it is important to take care of privacy of anyone in her shoes … some 8 year old might have some long memory and always know something about her that she’d rather keep private.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://kaisermommy.com/2015/07/11/a-voice-a-face-more-than-a-name/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:51:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9868990182876587, "token_count": 438 }
Nie jest to historia rocka w pigułce ani skromne uzupełnienie zawartości Wielkiej Encyklopedii PWN. Nie taka była myśl przewodnia będąca podstawą tego muzyczno - informacyjnego projektu w Internecie, jaki wymyśliłem sobie na początku grudnia 2009 roku. Więc nie ma tu banerów reklamowych, forów dyskusyjnych, próbek MP3 oraz linków do mediów społecznościowych i YouTube'a. Nie ma wywiadów, monografii, recenzji koncertów i płyt. Nie ma też plotek dotyczących życia gwiazd. To wszystko można znaleźć w innych, o wiele bardziej rozbudowanych serwisach poświęconych muzyce rockowej sprzed lat. Adresy niektórych najbardziej godnych polecenia znajdują się w zakładce muzyka rockowa - linki. Tutaj znajdziecie tylko to co mnie osobiście (oczywiście oprócz samej muzyki) zawsze interesowało najbardziej - informacje dotyczące wydawnictw rockowych podane możliwie najrzetelniej i najdokładniej w oparciu o różne źródła - własne i sieciowe. A więc tytuły, składy, daty, miniaturki okładek oraz powiązania personalne pomiędzy różnymi zespołami. Jednym zdaniem - minimum tego co każdy młody człowiek o dawnej muzyce rockowej wiedzieć powinien :) Muzyczny punkt zwrotny w moim życiu nastąpił w pierwszej połowie czasów licealnych za sprawą nagrań grup Emerson, Lake & Palmer i King Crimson. Uderzenie okazało się celne i jednocześnie mocne, chociaż powiedziałbym, że było to coś czego już wcześniej nieco podświadomie oczekiwałem. Co prawda znałem pewne bardzo podstawowe elementy rockowej układanki - zespoły Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Procol Harum, Genesis i Pink Floyd, ale właśnie od tej chwili już nic nie zostało tak jak dawniej. Na następne lata te dwie progresywne formacje stały się dla mnie punktami odniesienia dla wszystkich kolejnych poznawanych wykonawców oraz dla następnych, odsłuchiwanych w skupieniu rockowych wydawnictw. Nie będę oryginalny - moją muzyczną jazdą obowiązkową był w tamtych czasach Program 3 Polskiego Radia, pewien Pan Redaktor (ujmując temat dokładniej - było ich dwóch, drugi Pan Redaktor pochodził z Radia Lublin) i możliwość odkrywania (w ich wirtualnym towarzystwie - chociaż miałem zaszczyt poznać Ich osobiście) muzyki takich grup jak chociażby Uriah Heep, Budgie, Yes, Camel, Jethro Tull, Roxy Music, Colosseum, Queen, Wishbone Ash, Free, Cream i wielu, wielu innych. Dziś może trudno w to uwierzyć, ale w tamtych czasach nie było swobodnego i nieograniczonego dostępu do muzyki - internetowych kanałów TV, aplikacji wymiany plików, sieci P2P, kompresji dźwięku (to akurat dobrze) ani nawet srebrnych krążków CD lub DVD. Było tylko radio FM w systemie OIRT (tylko niektóre programy były stereofoniczne) i niewielki import prywatny winylowych płyt z zachodniej części Europy. Jednak na takich mizernych podstawach wyrobiłem swój gust muzyczny na tyle, że w pewnym momencie sam już mogłem wygłosić i obronić swój osąd na temat tego, czego warto słuchać a czego nie. Nieco później na przekór trendom panującym wśród moich znajomych nie uległem modzie na punk, natomiast zainteresowałem się heavy i trash metalem. Po jakimś czasie mi to przeszło, jednak na zawsze pozostał wielki szacunek dla dokonań zespołów Motörhead i Iron Maiden. Niejako "na deser" trafiłem na określenie scena Canterbury i poznałem dość dokładnie podstawowe formacje tego gatunku - Soft Machine, Caravan i Gong oraz kanterberyjskie supergrupy - Hatfield And The North i National Health. Dalej był już zupełnie świadomy wybór. Fascynacja tym specyficznym (ale jakże wpływowym) środowiskiem muzycznym pozostała mi do dziś. Chyba mogę powiedzieć, że spotkałem się (oczywiście nie bezpośrednio - chociaż jest trochę wyjątków) ze wszystkimi wykonawcami tutaj przedstawionymi oraz zdecydowaną większością opisanych płyt. Wiele z nich stało się kamieniami milowymi w rozwoju nie tylko rocka, ale i jazzu. Jednych słuchałem kilkaset razy, jeżeli nie więcej i znam je dosłownie na pamięć. Do innych wracam o wiele rzadziej, ale to mi wystarcza. Są też takie których słuchałem tylko raz i raczej nie czuję potrzeby ponownego z nimi spotkania. Bo jednak nie wszystkie umieszczone tu wydawnictwa to rockowy kanon. Są pozycje absolutnie genialne i ponadczasowe, są rzeczy po prostu dobre lub tylko poprawne, ale jest też trochę ewidentnych gniotów i dzieł po prostu chybionych. Te ostatnie (chociaż to niewielki margines) znalazły się w tym zestawieniu jako swego rodzaju drugoplanowi świadkowie tych przepięknych dla rocka czasów - lat 60-tych i 70-tych XX wieku. Bo czas ten był jedyny i niepowtarzalny. Niezmiennie hołduję przekonaniu, że praktycznie wszystko co najlepsze, najbardziej odkrywcze i kreatywne w muzyce rockowej powstało pomiędzy ukazaniem się albumu "Please Please Me" Beatlesów a odejściem Fisha z Marillion. Minęło 30 lat od chwili w której to sobie uświadomiłem i do dzisiaj moje zdanie w tej materii pozostaje zasadniczo niezmienne. Jeżeli jednak miałbym tę opinię zweryfikować, to późniejszą datą graniczną jest dla mnie przełom lat 2015/16. Właśnie wtedy w odstępie dwóch tygodni ten najpiękniejszy ze światów opuścili Lemmy Kilmister i David Bowie. Muzyczni wizjonerzy i mistrzowie tak skrajnie do siebie niepodobni a jednocześnie dzięki swojej charyzmie tak sobie bliscy. Prawdziwy koniec rockowej epoki XX wieku. Zapraszając do przypomnienia fragmentów muzycznej historii dodam, że baza jest sukcesywnie rozbudowywana o pozycje których na starcie nie zdążyłem w niej umieścić.
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6 years of Hard Work and "WE" are one of the Loyal Service Providers. Our Market Sustainability is only because of the Quality we Provide. We Aren't just Service providers, We also Outsource our Skilled Manpower to other Organizers. A Healthy competition always motivates to Improvize. A Satisfied Client is Equal to 100 New Customers. We value our Clients and put our Heart and Soul just to make the Event as per the clients vision. An Idea is just one perception. But it can come from any Individual. We just keep things simple by taking different ideas from people around and work on it thoroughly to give the best Output. Over the years of event and lighting services for clients, we’ve learned that you can work with a client only if the bonding is working with them. Of course, there are companies out there that have great brand. Because every client has their unique taste and we have to fulfill as they ask for. So for 6 years of service, these are some of our happy clients who have liked and appreciated our work.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://katticrew.com/?w=rcf-sub-702-as-mk2-n-1pAe8ksw", "date": "2023-11-28T09:28:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9702779054641724, "token_count": 223 }
Like their civilian counterparts, military stores are experiencing shortages of children’s over-the-counter medications for cold, cough, flu and fever as winter illnesses rage around the country. The situation in stores varies. While Army and Air Force Exchange Service stores report that they’re well-stocked on these over-the counter meds, including online at ShopMyExchange.com, other exchange commands and commissaries report strains in their supply. Baby formula, which has been in short supply for months, is now in stock at AAFES. “We are experiencing the same challenges as commercial retailers when it comes to the availability of children’s over-the-counter medicines for cold, flu and fever,” said Kevin Robinson, spokesman for the Defense Commissary Agency. “Right now, our supplies are strained and we expect to see the same for about the next 90 days.” Commissary and exchange officials are encouraging their customers to buy only what they need. Commissary store directors worldwide can use their discretion in placing shopping limits necessary to help keep the shelves stocked and lessen panic-buying, Robinson said. “The shopping limits policy is initiated to prevent hoarding. The shopping directive reinforces for store directors the authority they have to quickly tailor shopping limits, as required, to keep more products available for more customers.” Commissary officials don’t yet have specific numbers to determine which stores may have set purchasing limits on children’s medications. As for the military exchanges, the situation varies. Army and Air Force Exchange Service stores and ShopMyExchange.com are well-stocked with these over-the-counter medications, said Julie Mitchell, a spokeswoman for AAFES. But at Marine Corps Exchanges, the stock is “very low,” according to Bryan Driver, spokesman for Business and Support Services at Headquarters Marine Corps. Navy Exchange stores and their online MyNavyExchange.com store currently have two weeks of supply on hand and seven weeks of supply on order for children’s over-the counter cold, flu and fever medications, said Kristine Sturkie, a spokeswoman for the Navy Exchange Service Command. While some commercial retailers have put limits on the amount of purchases of these children’s over-the-counter medications, there are currently no limits at any of the military exchanges, in stores or online. “However, if the supply becomes constrained, [AAFES] could consider limiting purchases,” Mitchell said. Navy Exchange officials are also monitoring the supply chain and will make any necessary changes as needed, Sturkie said. “Our buyers are meeting weekly with key vendors to not only try and secure additional inventory, but also to identify any products that might be outside of our normal stock assortment,” Sturkie said. They’re also working with several companies to get their private label products for cold, flu and fever. Commissary representatives also meet at least once a week with all four of their manufacturers to discuss product availability and balances on hand at all distribution centers worldwide, Robinson said. And, like the exchanges, they give priority to all overseas locations, to include Europe and Alaska. Much like they’re doing with baby formula, Sturkie said, they’re prioritizing overseas locations, ensuring that military families serving around the world have access to these products. They’re using air freight to expedite shipments to overseas locations, where customers have fewer alternatives for cold, flu and fever products. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents should stay calm if they’re unable to find these medications; these over-the counter fever-reducing medicines are strictly for comfort. A fever is a sign that the body’s immune system is fighting off an infection, AAP notes. Some other ways they suggest to help a child when they have a fever include encouraging the child to drink plenty of fluids; giving small, frequent sips of liquid; giving them popsicles; and possibly giving the child a lukewarm bath, but not ice baths or cold-water baths. Baby formula shortages persist There are still limited supplies of baby formula in many military stores. “We are experiencing the same challenges as commercial retailers when it comes to the availability of infant formula/” Robinson said. “Right now, the number of available brands has been significantly reduced. Supplies for all our stores remain extremely fluid and evolve daily.” Most commissaries have purchasing limits on baby formula. Since mid-May, commissaries have placed limitations on all classified specialty baby formula, like most commercial grocers and the exchanges. Those limits can vary by location based on local and state Women, Infant and Children (WIC) purchasing limits. Overseas stores are tied to purchasing limits through the WIC-Overseas program. The purchasing limits are implemented to ensure that everyone has equal access to these items, Robinson said, and to prevent panic buying when a product is available. As for the Navy exchanges, there’s a 12 week supply for baby formula worldwide, Sturkie said. Both Similac and Enfamil remain “on allocation” from the vendors, which means store officials can’t always get the amount of the formula they request for the shelves. Officials work with these manufacturers weekly to place new orders. NEXCOM also looks beyond its regular assortment to bring in other brands as a one-time buy, she said. Navy exchanges continue to limit formula purchases to five per customer, both in store and online. At Marine Corps exchanges, the stock of baby formula is “very low,” Driver said, but there currently aren’t purchase limits. There are no purchase limits on baby formula at AAFES or ShopMyExchange.com stores, either. And baby formula is in stock at these stores. “Issues with supply are not anticipated,” Mitchell said. Authorized customers can shop at any exchange, regardless of their branch of service. Karen has covered military families, quality of life and consumer issues for Military Times for more than 30 years, and is co-author of a chapter on media coverage of military families in the book "A Battle Plan for Supporting Military Families." She previously worked for newspapers in Guam, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Fla., and Athens, Ga.
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Another method of building Backlinks is by commenting on blogs. Search engine optimization does involve enough time and effort to make sure you are getting the results you want from your business and, it’s essential you have at least a basic understanding of how it is successful. You would think so but almost all that relatively easy. This is what you see in methods to use header of your web browser, such as Internet Explorer, when an internet page appears. The title could be the headline or label belonging to the web blog. The most critical area of the web page is the title. Google has come up with several factors when measuring the importance placed a good incoming link from another website or domain. But several are somewhat murky and only Google knows for sure how usually are very well applied each and every link. A lot of these factors are recognized and appreciated. And the site which usually is in the first one position gets an amazing 42% from the traffic for the particular keyword. The sites on page 1 get substantially more traffic for any keyword. The primary reason you should focus on getting high search engine rankings could be that the sites that rank a very high get essentially the most visitors.
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Welcome to: Tim Foden's Internet Site This page was Send e-mail to the Site hit counter: Page hit counter: | Home Page | Green Light Chess | Newquay Jive Club | Arcade Games | Programming | Science Fiction Books | About the Author Green Light Chess (v2.18)[A quick note: If you use GLC and find any bugs... or you find any broken links on this page... Please e-mail me with the details!] Green Light Chess is a WinBoard engine that plays chess. In order to use with a nice user interface, you will have to download and install WinBoard too. There are three old versions available: In order to keep the confusion to a minimum, all versions that contain the same engine code will be given the same version number. The version number of the current engine release is 2.18. There is also an opening book utility (current version 1.4) available that will create opening books for GLC from PGN files. I have removed the lengthy but increasingly out-of-date program algorithm descriptions. I am considering adding them again, but as a separate page. Modified PV storage so that it is hopefully faster. Changed so that PV is found for fail highs and fail lows. Now stuffs the PV back into the hash table after a search. Changed so that if there is only one valid move, the engine still searches it if it is in analyse or ponder mode. Fixed a bug in the search repetition draw test, which would cause a root move to look like a draw by 3-fold repetition, when in fact we are only on the first repetition. Moved the Zobrist hash constants so that CPosition can use them as well as CBoard. This is in preparation to change the opening book to a hash table rather than a tree. Added incremental hash calculation to the CPosition class. Added simple material totals (1, 3, 3, 5, 9) for each side to the incremental board values. Also added a count of each type of piece on the board to the incremental board values. This resulted in a small slowdown in move making speed. These values are now used in a number of places instead of using CountBits() or comparing the user defined material balances. Changed all GenXXXXMovesBitmap() functions to #defines. This resulted in a small increase in speed. Moved the draw by 50 moves rule test to the end of TestGameFinished. Hopefully this should mean the GL doesn't think it is a draw when it is checkmate on the 100th ply. Changed default value of a doubled pawn from -55 to -30. Modified some of the King safety defect values slightly. Modified the non-linear king defects lookup table so that the change from early king safety to later king safety is smoother, and generally not quite so bad. Changed rook behind passed pawn evaluation so that it is different depending on the rank of the pawn. Changed rook evaluation in the endgame so that it isn't quite so bad to be in a corner (was -100, now -50). Modified pawn static evaluation in the opening and midgame so that there aren't negative values in front of the flanking pawns. Added detection of a 'potential' passed pawn. This is a pawn that will eventually win a fight with a single pawn on an adjacent file ahead. Modified static king safety positional defects so it is not quite so bad for the king to move around behind his pawns. Fixed numerous bugs with bishop square colours, and pawn queening square colours. Changed test for game stage to use the simple material values (not including pawns) rather than the total number of pieces (not pawns) on the board. Redesigned code that deals with hinting for positions with few (<=5) men. Added some hints for KRP-KR, KRP-KB, KRP-KN. Reformed the per-piece analysis to deal with one piece type at a time. This resulted in around a 5% speedup in evaluation. Added knowledge of opposite coloured bishops in the endgame. v2.17 -- This released fixed a bug with mate scores in the hash table, which could have the effect of possibly making GLC unable to complete a mate sequence. v2.18 -- This release fixed a number of pondering bugs and various time-allocation bugs. Chess Alfonso-X, | Chess Berlin, | Chess Condal, | Chess Harlequin, | Chess Kingdom, | Chess Leipzig, | Chess Line, | Chess Magnetic, | Chess Mark, | Chess Marroquin, | Chess Maya, | Chess Mediaeval, | Chess Merida, | Chess Millennia-L, | Chess Motif, | Chess Regular, | Chess Usual, | Chess Utrecht, | Tasc Chess Figurine, | Traveller Standard. | The version for WinBoard is available in the zip file glc218-wb.zip (240K). I have tested this with version 4.2.3 of WinBoard (see Tim Mann's site for current versions of WinBoard). WinBoard facilities supported by GLC | | Move now | Yes | Edit position | Yes | Analyse | Yes | Ponder | Yes | Resign | Yes. Will resign after 3 successive searches produce a score <= -6.5. If playing a wild5 game GLC will resign after 3 successive search produce a score of <= -25 | Hash table | Initally 6MB. Use "-hash n" command line parameter to change. | Opening book | Yes (use GlcBook to create). Select "Help/Book..." to probe book with current position. | Table bases | No | Log file | Yes. Use "-log" command line parameter to switch this on. Log file will be called "glc218.log" | In order to use GLC as an engine under WinBoard you can use a command line like this: C:\>winboard /fcp="glc218-wb -hash 24" /fd="c:\Program Files\GLC" You just need to replace "c:\Program Files\GLC" directory where you have installed the executable on your machine. Alternatively, you can edit the WinBoard.ini file. Here is an example section of the WinBoard.ini file with GLC installed for both the first and second computer dropdown list boxes, asking for 24MB hash tables: \"glc218-wb -hash 24\" /fd=\"c:\\Program Files\\GLC\" \"glc218-wb -hash 24\" /sd=\"c:\\Program Files\\GLC\" The hash sizes available in the current engine are: 1MB | 1.5MB | 3MB | 6MB | 12MB | 24MB | 48MB | 96MB | 192MB | You will be allocated the largest hash table size that is smaller than or equal to the size you specify. NOTE: Please take care to allocate a small enough hash table to fit in the memory of your machine. A good recommendation is to use at most half of your ram size as a hash table. Finally, an older (roughly equivalent to version 2.08 of the main WinBoard engine) WinCE PPC MIPS version is available from the zip file glc09-ppc211.zip (88K). This is a bit of a pain to compile, as I have to copy the code onto my portable Win98 machine, compile it, and copy it back... so I haven't updated the engine in this yet. Unfortuanetely I have only compiled this for MIPS processors, so if you have any other kind of processor in your WinCE machine, it definately won't work. GlcBook is now at version 1.4, and is available via the zip file glcbook14.zip (91K). This version now adds information into the book file that records the frequencies of moves taken from a position. The new engine will use this information to weight its random choices of moves. This means that GLC will now very rarely choose strange opening lines. This ability can be switched off in the book builder by using the command line parameter "-nocount". The default opening book for GLC is always called "opening.book", and should reside in the same directory as the executable file (e.g. the same place as There is currently no way to remove openings from the book file. You can however keep adding as many as you want. A short example is will probably be clearest. To create an opening book from Crafty's small opening book you just need to start a DOS Prompt, change to the directory where you have installed the programs, and enter the sequence: It is possible, however, for the opening book to be specified for the WinBoard version of GLC using the command line parameter NOTE: If you type GlcBook on its own, with no parameters, it will give a short description of the parameters it will accept. e.g.: Four prebuilt books are also available for download. The first is a book built from Crafty's small.txt (see example below for how this is done). This file has the name opening.book as it is intended to be the default book for Green Light Chess. It is downloadable in zip file form from the file opening.zip (117K). The second book has been created by Carlos Pesce. In his own words, here is a description of the contents of the book. Here is a book with: White: e4, d4, c4 and Nf3 Black: Sicilian, French and Petroff against e4; Grunfeld, Slav and Volga against d4; c5 against c4 and d5 against Nf3, f4 and g3. It was built with separate black and white books: carlos.zip (350K). The zip file expands to a file called carlos.book. You can specify that GLC is to use this book by adding the command line parameters "-book carlos.book". This file contains a tree for white and a tree for black, merged into a single file. You can add new opening sequences for either white or black, or simultaneously for both colours. The openings are added from a PGN file containing the lines you want to add. The third and fourth books have both been created by Arturo Ochoa. The third is a very large book GreenLightChess211_2001_opening_book.zip (58M), that is available from Dann Corbit's FTP site. I think (but I'm not sure... don't sue me!) it was generated from a PGN file that is separately available. There is a readme file available that describes the contents of the book. Although these books say that they have been created for v2.11 of GLC, they will also work with later versions. In particular they also work with v2.18 of GLC ;-) For WinBoard see Tim Mann's site. If you want to know anything about WinBoard and the free (or otherwise?) chess engines that can be used with it, the first place to visit is Frank Quinksy's excellent site. An evaluation of WinBoard chess engines, using a simplified rating scheme, is available at Volker Pittlik's site. George Lyapko runs two tournaments for WinBoard compatible engines. There is a continuous round robin 40/5min blitz tournament, where GLC 2.11 is currently in position 13/83, with a rating of 2406 ELO (2 March 2001). He also runs a Game/30min round robin tournament with 6 leagues. GLC 2.11 recently came 4th in league B (26 February 2001). GLC's rating from the G/30 tournaments is currently 2356 ELO (17/75). For more info see his main WinBoard page. For Blitz tournament results that include lots of WinBoard engines go WYx's site. This site also has a ranked list of estimated Blitz ELO for these engines (GL ranked 19/53, 2241 ELO as of 29-6-2000).
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These male agama lizards don't look like they belong to the same species as the These two video sequences of a White-collared or White-eyebrow Mangabey were taken from the same cycle path not far from Ru's house. I could hear the second one calling for a while before I got there, and he wasn't put off by my filming him from not very far away. As we flew out over clearings in the forest, I was still hoping to see some of the forest elephants. There had been evidence of them all over the place, but they seem to have hidden in the forest during the day and come out at night. Apparently they are seen more later in the dry season, and a couple of months later, they would demolish the banana trees in Ru's garden. The picture here is one of Ru's from a previous dry season. Gabon is thought to be home to sixty thousand, give or take twenty thousand, of these little elephants. Coming in to land at Libreville. My video ends with this sequence of me in my living room at home, starting with a close up of the Fang style mask Ru gave me, and zooming out to show as much of the room as the camera can see from its position in the corner. As I move the mask, I'm saying "and that's the end of a great holiday".
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Click 202 times Date:2020-12-23 What is the future market for LCD advertising players? With the continuous development and growth of the commercial display equipment industry, the LCD advertising machine market is booming, especially the outdoor advertising machine market has experienced substantial growth. In the current display field, LCD displays far surpass the development speed of LED screens and rank first in the industry. The continuous improvement of technology and innovation and upgrading have made LCD display the most popular product in the market, which has greatly promoted the advertising machine Continuous progress, innovation and development. The competition among LCD advertising player manufacturers is also becoming increasingly fierce. Simple price is no longer an advantage. If you want to get an opportunity to expand in this competition, you must innovate in service and product quality to improve product performance. , To better meet the needs of users and cater to the tastes of the public. The current LCD advertising machine display effect is more high-definition and high-brightness, and can maintain a clear picture even under high-intensity direct light. In addition to the display effect, the advertising machine is more interactive, supports touch, and can query information. Traditional billboards can no longer meet the needs of modern advertising. Outdoor advertising machines have made up for the shortcomings of traditional billboards. The traditional single static advertising has been transformed into the current dynamic advertising. The advertising is more vivid and the pictures are more attractive. Moreover, the advertising coverage of the LCD advertising machine is wide, the exposure rate is high, and the target customer group is targeted, coupled with the advantages of long service life, low carbon and environmental protection, and reduction of resource waste, making the position of the LCD advertising machine in the display field gradually rise.
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از اولویتهای اصلی در تولید برنج هیبرید، شناسایی لاینهای برگرداننده باروری مناسب است.بهمنظور شناسایی لاینهای برگرداننده باروری مناسب و ارزیابی برنج هیبرید، 36 ژنوتیپ نسل اول از تلاقی دو لاین نرعقیم سیتوپلاسمی جلودارA و نداA بهعنوان لاین مادری با 13 لایناز ارقام محلی و چهار لاین برگرداننده باروری خارجی به عنوان لاین پدری، طی دو سال 1398 و 1399 در مزرعه تحقیقاتی پژوهشکده ژنتیک و زیستفناوری کشاورزی طبرستان بدست آمده و در سال دوم، نتاج حاصل همراه با رقم ندا و جلودار در قالب طرح بلوکهای کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار کشت شدند. نتایج مقایسه میانگینها برای صفات نتاج نشان داد که بیشترین میزان باروری و عملکرد دانه متعلق به هیبریدهای H33 ، H30 ، H29 ، H28 و H27 بود که بهترتیب حاصل از تلاقیIR68078-15-2-1-2-2-R/JelodarA ، IR68078-15-2-1-2-2-R/NedaA ، IR65622-151-1-2-2-2R/JelodarA ،IR65622-151-1-2-2-2R/NedaA و IR86403-5-5-2-1-1-1-1-1R/JelodarA بودند. از بین نشانگرهای ریزماهواره (RM 171 ، RM 490 و RM 3148) همبسته با ژن برگرداننده باروری Rf3 و Rf4 برای گزینش هیبریدهای برتر، نشانگر RM 3148 برای هیبریدهای حاصل از تلاقی ارقام پدری IR68078-15-2-1-2-2-R ، IR65622-151-1-2-2-2R و IR86403-5-5-2-1-1-1-1-1R با لاین نرعقیم جلودار A دارای الگوی نواری مشابه شاهد برگرداننده باروری بود و هیبریدهای H27 ، H29 و H33 نیز دارای هر دو الگوی نواری، یعنی هتروزیگوت بوده و براساس این نشانگر احتمالا دارای ژن Rf4rf4 بودند. نشانگر RM 171 نشان دهنده حضور احتمالی ژنRf4 را درلاینهای IR68078-15-2-1-2-2-R و IR65622-151-1-2-2-2R بوده و هیبریدهای آنها نیز هتروزیگوتبودند. براساس نتایج این تحقیق، بهترین رقم برگرداننده باروری برای نرعقیم نداA، لاین IR65622-151-1-2-2-2R و برای نرعقیم جلودارA لاینهای IR68078-15-2-1-2-2-R و IR86403-5-5-2-1-1-1-1-1R بودند که از آنها میتوان در برنامه تولید برنج هیبرید استفاده کرد. Mahdikhani H, Nematzadeh G A, Bagheri N A, Afkhami Ghadi A. Identification of suitable fertility restorer lines for development of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). علوم زراعی 2023; 25 (1) :1-19 URL: http://agrobreedjournal.ir/article-1-1273-fa.html مهدی خانی حمیده، نعمت زاده قربانعلی، باقری نادعلی، افخمی عمار. شناسایی لاینهای برگرداننده باروری مناسب برای تولید برنج (.Oryza sativa L) هیبرید. نشریه علوم زراعی ایران. 1402; 25 (1) :1-19
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How to Promote an Online Casino If you own an online casino, the best way to promote it is to think of ways you can increase traffic to your website trans4mind.com. You should include gaming keywords in the description of your site so that you can rank well on search engines. You can also create themed promotions. For example, you could have a bank heist promotion, where players need to solve puzzles to unlock the treasure. Alternatively, you could create a Christmas-themed promotion where Santa is in the South Pole. Social media is an essential part of a successful online casino promotion strategy. It offers a unique platform for engaging with potential customers and can help you reach a wider audience than traditional advertising methods. The social media platforms are very versatile, allowing you to post all kinds of content and target your audience based on what they find interesting. By taking advantage of live streaming, for example, you can attract a lot of viewers at once. You can also use third-party applications to broadcast to many different social media accounts at once. This allows you to interact with viewers and answer their questions live. Social media is also an excellent way to announce promotions and new games. For example, you could post a live stream on Twitter, so your audience could see the new game right away. This can create a buzz around the announcement, which in turn will help attract new players to your casino. Similarly, you could use polls on Twitter to gather feedback from users. These polls will help you find out which games or promotions are popular among your audience. Online casinos are known to make effective use of Email database for promotion purposes. Emails have proven to be one of the most effective channels for online casinos to spread promotions, rewards, and loyalty programs. A well-crafted email campaign can boost conversion rate and sales. To ensure success, online casinos must equip themselves with effective email marketing strategies. Building an email database for online casino promotion is a very cost-effective and effective marketing strategy. It enables casino owners to stay connected to their customers. To begin building an email database, website owners need to collect the email addresses of their website visitors. They can do this by displaying a pop-up on their website or inviting website visitors to sign up for an email newsletter. They can also use social media platforms to build their email database. For instance, they can use Facebook to create a page for their casino promotion and ask for email details from the users. If you have a casino website, one way to promote it is by starting an online casino promotion blog. There are several benefits to creating such a blog. Blogging is a great marketing tool, but many businesses are not taking advantage of it. Besides, blogging requires quality content. Moreover, you will have to make sure that your content is related to the industry. As far as content goes, it is important to be aware of the relevant terms and regulations for casino games. It is also important to keep updated with the latest trends in the industry. Also, it is essential to learn about search engine optimization and know the rules of SEO to optimize your blog posts. Limited-time online casino promotions are a great way to entice new players to try their games. These promotions offer players free spins that can be converted to bonus money. However, these offers are only available to new players. These offers can increase the lifetime value of the player base of the casino. To get the best out of an online casino promotion, you need to read the fine print. Many casinos offer multiple versions of the same promotion. It is important to read all the fine print to know whether you are eligible for a certain promo. Many casinos offer no-deposit bonuses to attract new players. These offers will usually expire after a specified period. Cross-promotion for online casinos is an important component of online marketing strategy. It is a powerful and inexpensive way to reach potential customers and expand brand awareness. By leveraging the popularity of social media, you can engage users with your content. Social media posts can be highly effective for generating increased traffic to your online casino. In cross-promotion, you can leverage your list of existing customers to find new customers. For example, a sportsbook may have a large database of existing customers, and leveraging this list to market to these customers can increase customer acquisition. Another example is an online casino that offers a variety of products to its customers.
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