[ "Against talon, The more gold Talon gets, the stronger he will be. Even with one kill, he can easily snowball his lead. Avoid giving him kills when possible.\n\nOnce he has completed his first item and when he’s unlocked his Ultimate R, Talon’s power increases dramatically and his skirmishing strength will be unstoppable. Avoid fighting 1v1 unless you have an advantage.\n\nTalon has the same power spikes in the jungle as he does in the mid lane.", "Against talon, The most gold that Talon gets, the strongest it will be. Even with one blow, he can easily snowball his lead. Avoid giving him kills when possible. Once he has finished his first element and when he has unlocked his Ultimate R, Talon's power increases considerably and his skirmish force will be unstoppable. Avoid fighting 1v1 unless you have an advantage. Talon has the same peaks of power in the jungle as in the middle track." ]
[ "As gwen, Getting to level 3 is going to be pretty important in this matchup so ask for a hard leash and quickly clear the Jungle. Once you're level 3, you can start ganking.\n\nOnce your Passive is stacked, you can look for fights with the enemy. Looking for skirmishes when your Passive is stacked will increase your damage output and increase your chances of killing the enemy.\n\nIn the first few levels, play safe and avoid committing to any duel. Your very early game is rather weak, so you’ll probably lose trades versus an aggressive jungle. ", "As gwen, Getting to level 3 will be quite important in this matchup so ask for a hard leash and quickly erase the Jungle. Once you are level 3, you can start to glove. Once your passive is stacked, you can look for fights with the enemy. Searching for skirmishes when your passive is stacked will increase your damage production and increase your chances of killing the enemy. In the first levels, play safe and avoid engaging in any duel. Your game early is rather weak, so you're probably going to lose jobs against an aggressive jungle." ]
[ "As masteryi, Has to powerfarm early game and hence has no impact unless the enemy overextends or overstays. He will mainly focus on cleaning up during the early game.\n\nHis e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC. This can make tower dives risky and can get him killed almost instantly if he doesn’t use the ability properly.\n\nCan’t do much if the enemy team just disengages when his Ultimate r is active. Very susceptible to CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die.", "As masteryi, He will focus mainly on cleaning during the start of the game. His e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC. This can make the lap divers risky and can get him killed almost instantly if he does not use the ability properly. Can't do a lot if the enemy team has just disengaged when his Ultimate R is active. Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die." ]
[ "Against singed, Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane.\n\nIf Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave.\n\nDo not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his l deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.", "Against singed, Singed will often seek to replace the first wave between the two towers installing a huge early pressure leading to gold and the led experience. Singed can=t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk the way to force him to walk back to the track. If Singed is able to replace you firm, just let the enemy minions hit your turn and focus on the agriculture that you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not hunt Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea that his l inflicts a lot of damage if you are in it too long." ]
[ "As jhin, Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage (like an engage Support).\n\nOnce you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.\n\nAfter destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.", "As jhin, Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn't be in combat unless you have a clear early advantage (like a commitment support). Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. You get extended jobs, so try to go for them frequently. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn to the middle lane and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a golden lead." ]
[ "As ksante, In the late game, you would’ve completed multiple items which makes you extremely tanky and hard to kill.\n\nAt level 16, you would’ve put the third and final point in your Ultimate. The extra cooldown reduction will help you get picks with your team.\n\nAs you have lots of CC in your kit, you are good in team fights. In the late game, you will be grouping with your team and looking for fights as 5, so you’re good at this stage too.\n", "As ksante, At level 16, you would have put the third and final point in your Ultimate. The additional cooldown reduction will help you get choices with your team. As you have a lot of CC in your kit, you are good in team fights. In the end of the game, you will be regrouping with your team and looking for fights like 5, so you are good at this stage too." ]
[ "Against rumble, Do not group or fight inside the jungle as it will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate b off. By fighting in the open, it will be harder for him to get a 5 person Ult b.\n\nNever try to take an objective like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicking. As you will be quite close together inside the pit, you are allowing him to land a devastating b on your whole team.\n\nRumble is prone to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate b, try to disengage or reposition so it’s harder for him to deal follow up damage and win the fight.", "Against rumble, Don't regroup or fight in the jungle because this will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate b off. By fighting out, it will be harder for him to get an Ult 5 people b. Never try to take a goal like Baron or Dragon if Rumble is alive and kick. As you will be close enough together inside the pit, you will allow him to land a devastating b on your entire team. Rumble is inclined to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate b, try to disengage or reposition so it is harder for him to follow the damage and win the fight." ]
[ "As senna, Watch your positioning at all times so she cannot land crucial spells on you.\n\nKeep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force her to over-extend for farm.\n\nSenna is quite weak early, you might be able to abuse that to gain an early health advantage. But if you can’t, don’t worry.\n\nFocus on farming early on if you can’t get kills. Try to poke her down often: whenever she uses her Q, try and use yours.\n", "As senna, Watch your position at all times so it can't put crucial spells on you. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to overtake for the farm. Senna is weak enough early, you might be able to abuse it to gain an early health benefit. But if you can, don't worry. Focus on agriculture early if you can't get killed." ]
[ "As malphite, Weak during the early game, especially against consistent poke damage which can prevent him from regenerating his Passive shield.\n\nPre-six, he is quite susceptible to poke so he will be forced to play defensively. He probably won’t be getting any ganks either due to him not having his Ultimate.\n\nProper vision control from the enemy team will prevent Malphite from catching the enemy team off-guard. This will reduce his effectiveness and will force him to find other ways to engage on the enemy team. ", "As malphite, Low during the early game, especially against the constant damage of poke that can prevent him from regenerating his passive shield. Before six, he is quite susceptible to poke so that he will be forced to play defensively. He probably did not get any ganks either because he does not have his Ultimate. The appropriate vision control of the enemy team will prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team. This will reduce his efficiency and force him to find other ways to engage on the enemy team." ]
[ "Against varus, Varus has good pick potential with his Ultimate R. Avoid overextending or being in range of him when sieging in the mid lane as he could look to start the fight.\n\nPicking off Varus before a team fight is highly effective. Bursting him is one of the best ways to do so as he is rather squishy and immobile due to the lack of a dash or escape ability.\n\nVarus will try to delay a team fight for as long as possible while he harasses with his Q and E.", "Against varus, Varus has a good selection potential with his Ultimate R. Avoiding too extensive or being within reach of him when he was sitting in the middle track as he might be looking to start the fight. Choosing Varus before a team fight is very effective. Bursting is one of the best ways to do it because he is rather squishy and still because of the lack of a dash or ability to escape. Varus will try to delay a team fight as long as possible while harassing with his Qs and Es." ]
[ "Against kayn, Kayn is rather good in the early game and will look to invade/gank as frequently as he can so he can get his transformation.\n\nWhen Kayn gets his transformation, he will be much stronger. If he goes Red Kayn, he will be tankier, if he goes Blue Kayn, he will deal tons of damage. \n\nAt level 6, Kayn can be more aggressive and go for riskier plays as he can use his Ultimate R to protect him from dying. Keep this in mind when fighting him.", "Against kayn, Kayn is pretty good in early play and will seek to invade/gank as often as he can to get his transformation. When Kayn gets his transformation, he will be much stronger. If he goes Red Kayn, he will be more tankier, if he goes Blue Kayn, he will inflict tons of damage. At level 6, Kayn can be more aggressive and go for more risky games because he can use his ultimate R to protect him from death. Keep this in mind during his struggle." ]
[ "As masteryi, If they invade you, just back off, as they can easily kill you, especially if you’re behind.\n\nThey can secure objective so much easier than you can. Keep them warded to spot them before they can secure the objective.\n\nPost 6, avoid fighting them at all costs as they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will easily kill you.\n\nHe will be ganking a lot early on. Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match his early ganks.", "As masteryi, If they invade you, just back, as they can easily kill you, especially if you are behind. They can secure the lens so much easier than you can. Keep them guarded to spot them before they can secure the lens. Post 6, avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will kill you easily. It will be ruined much sooner. Make sure to apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks." ]
[ "As kennen, Quite squishy during the early game and hence can be killed easily. He can either be poked down gradually, which will force him out of the lane, or he can be all-in’d by the enemy laner and the Jungler/Support.\n\nOnce his h is down, he becomes a gank target if he is too pushed up. This will allow his laner to get a free kill on him, especially if his laner manages to use some wave management technique to bait Kennen.\n\nRelies on flanks to get team fight wins so proper vision from the enemy’s side will counter him heavily. This will prevent him from getting into the backline of the enemy team and dealing massive amounts of damage. ", "As kennen, It can be shot down gradually, which will force it to get out of the way, or it can be all-in-one by the enemy lantern and the Jungler/Support. Once its h is lowered, it becomes a gank target if it is too pushed. This will allow its laner to get a free murder on it, especially if its laner manages to use a wave management technique to bait Kennen. Reliefs on the flanks to obtain team battle victories so good vision on the enemy side. This will prevent it from entering the backline of the enemy team and doing huge damage." ]
[ "As irelia, After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane (or stay top) and just split push. You’re a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane.\n\nIf somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them. Irelia is a good duelist and will be able to fight most enemies who try to stop her.\n\nWhile you’re a champion that is usually sent to split push, you might need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something. Be prepared to rotate around the map and help them fight.", "As irelia, After the laning phase has ended, go to another way (or stay up) and just divide the thrust. You are a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your path. If someone tries to challenge your split push, look to fight them. Irelia is a good duelist and will be able to fight most of the enemies who are trying to stop it. While you are a champion who is usually sent to divide the thrust, you may need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something. Be ready to turn around the map and help them fight." ]
[ "As fiora, At level 11, Fiora’s Ultimate R will be much better. Putting a second point in her Ultimate R is vital and her 1v1 kill pressure increases.\n\nFiora is good in the mid-game and will be looking to split push. She should be able to draw a lot of attention for her team so they can get stuff done elsewhere like the Dragon or Baron.\n\nAt level 9, Fiora will max out her Q. This is a very important power spike for her as it will allow her to look for more aggressive plays, help her farm and also help her escape sticky situations thanks to the low cooldown.", "As fiora, At level 11, Fioras Ultimate R will be much better. Putting a second point in its Ultimate R is vital and its 1v1 killing pressure increases. Fiora is good in the middle of the game and will be looking for split thrust. She should be able to attract a lot of attention for her team so they can do things elsewhere like the Dragon or Baron. At level 9, Fiora will maximize her Q. This is a very important peak of power for her because it will allow her to look for more aggressive pieces, help her farm and also help her escape from sticky situations thanks to the cooldown bass." ]
[ "As volibear, Volibear's early game ganks are pretty solid, provided he can play around vision properly. Once he unlocks his basic abilities, he should easily gank any lane where the enemy is overextended.\n\nLevel 6 is a significant power spike for Volibear. This is mainly because of his ability to initiate fights independently and instigate tower dives with ease. Any low-health squishy target will be forced to play safely and recall abruptly.\n\nVolibear's objective control is pretty good too. He can quickly clear his camps and take neutral objectives with ease if an opportunity presents itself. His E will help him a lot when taking these objectives. ", "As volibear, Once it unlocks its basic capabilities, it should easily ruin any track where the enemy is overstretched. Level 6 is an important peak of power for Volibbear. It is mainly due to its ability to initiate independent fighting and to instigate tower dives with ease. Any unhealthy target will be forced to play safely and to suddenly remember. Volibbear's objective control is good too. It can quickly clean its camps and take neutral goals with ease if an opportunity arises. Its E will help him a lot by taking these goals." ]
[ "As jhin, You will want to go for short burst trades in this matchup. Use your Q and W as much as you can and make sure that you chunk the enemy out.\n\nMake sure you use your wards and E traps to save yourself from ganks. Do not push too far up, else you will become a prime gank target.\n\nOnce you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to dish out a lot of damage and get multiple kills around the map. See if you can help the side lanes out.", "As jhin, Use your Q and W as much as you can and make sure you cut the enemy. Make sure to use your pupils and E traps to save you from the ganks. Do not push too far, otherwise you will become a leading gank target. Once you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to flatten a lot of damage and get several dead around the map. See if you can help the sideways." ]
[ "As shaco, Focus on farming early. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP.\n\nHowever, if you do find a ganking or counter-ganking opportunity nearby, don’t be afraid to take it.\n\nIf they invade you early, just back off; you do not win early skirmishes with them.\n\nLook to gank whenever your Ultimate is up, and try to clean up kills whenever possible.", "As shaco, Focus on early farming. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP. However, if you find an opportunity to ganking or counter-ganking nearby, don't be afraid to take it. If they invade you early, just back; you don't win early skirmishes with them." ]
[ "As kindred, If she gets CC’d, she dies. Mobility is Kindred’s main suit, and taking that away from her will make the enemy team’s job of killing her way easier.\n\nHer skirmishing potential depends on her W availability. Without this, she won’t be able to use her Q consistently, which forms the mainstay of her entire skirmishing power.\n\nHer Ultimate R, if improperly used, can quite easily lose her team an entire fight. It can even cost them an objective, especially if Kindred has not been able to get multiple marks and is behind on levels. ", "As kindred, If she gets CC.D., she dies. Mobility is Kindred's main suit, and taking it away from it will make the enemy team's job kill her way. Her potential for escarming depends on her availability in W. Without it, she has not been able to use her Q systematically, which forms the pillar of all her escarming power. Her Ultimate R, so badly used, can easily lose her team a whole fight. It can even cost them a goal, especially if Kindred has not been able to get several points and is late on the levels." ]
[ "As camille, Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far away with them as the enemy may force a fight and win the game if you’re nowhere nearby.\n\nIn late game team fights, try to peel for your carries if they’re fed so you can protect them and keep them alive. If you’re ahead, look to take down the enemy Mid laner or ADC.\n\nFlank in team fights to make it easier for you to get on key targets with your W. Make sure you continue to flank otherwise you’ll get poked down and forced to retreat.", "As camille, Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far with them as the enemy can force a fight and win the game if you are nowhere near. In the late game team fights, try to peel for your carts if they are fed so you can protect them and keep them alive. If you are ahead, look to remove the enemy Mid laner or ADC. Flank in the team fights to make it easier for you to get on key targets with your W. Make sure you keep flancing otherwise you will be high and forced to retire." ]
[ "As veigar, Infinite scaling on his Passive makes him a late-game monster. He can quite easily start one-shotting people once he manages to get his first item.\n\nExtremely powerful when fighting in closed spaces as he can easily land his e and r on multiple targets while crowd controlling them with his n.\n\nVery high gank set-up potential with his n. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his lane and help him get an early lead, which will be quite devastating for the enemy team.", "As veigar, He can easily start pulling people once he manages to get his first element. Extremely powerful when he fights in closed spaces as he can easily land his e and r on several targets while the crowd controlling them with his n. Very high potential to set up gank with his n. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early lead, which will be pretty devastating for the enemy team." ]
[ "Against kaisa, Kai’Sa is vulnerable to CC. Try and lock her down at the start of the fight so she is unable to dish out tons of damage.\n\nKeep in mind that Kai’Sa can use her Ultimate R to reposition in a team fight. She may be able to dodge CC or skill-shots this way and turn the exchange around.\n\nKai’Sa will get buffed up by her Support in a team fight. Try to take down her Support first so she is left rather defenceless. ", "Against kaisa, Kai-Sa is vulnerable to the CC. Try to lock her up at the beginning of the fight so she can't bring down tons of damage. Keep in mind that Kai-Sa can use her Ultimate R to reposition herself in a team fight. She may be able to avoid the CC or strokes of skill in this way and turn the exchange. Kai-Sa will be pushed by her Support in a team fight. Try to take her Support first so that it is left defenceless." ]
[ "Against ezreal, Hard engage is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase. But you’ll need to wait for him to use his E if your CC is a skill shot.\n \nEzreals poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q’s to the face. Ensure you’re always stood behind the minion wave at all times.\n \nIn team fights, you mustn’t let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage. If he’s isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal.", "Against ezreal, Hard engagement is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase. But you will need to wait for him to use his E if your CC is a skill shot. Ezreals poke damage starts to stack if you take too many Qs in the face. Make sure you are still standing behind the minion wave at all times. In team fights, you must not let Ezreal fall before you have the chance to engage. If it is isolated, run on it as fast as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal." ]
[ "Against nocturne, In the mid-game, avoid splitting up by staying as a team. Nocturne has great pick potential and will try to kill squishy champions who are on their own thanks to his Ultimate a. \n\nWhenever Nocturne is split pushing on the other side of the map, he has no way of getting to his team quickly. If you see him somewhere else, look to engage and start a team fight.\n\nNocturne will try to take down the squishiest high priority target at the start of the fight. This is usually the Mid or ADC. Clump together in team fights to reduce his one-shot potential.", "Against nocturne, In the middle of the game, avoid separating yourself by staying in the team. Nocturne has great selection potential and will try to kill squishy champions who are on their own thanks to his Ultimate a. Every time Nocturne is divided by pushing across the map, he has no way to get to his team quickly. If you see it elsewhere, look to engage and start a team fight. Nocturne will try to reduce the most squischi high priority target at the beginning of the fight. It's usually the Mid or ADC. Clump together in team fights to reduce its potential at once." ]
[ "As malphite, His game plan for the early game should involve power farming till he gets his Ultimate h. This is because he has no way to gank other lanes unless they are drastically overextended.\n\nLevel six is a massive power spike as Malphite will now be able to pull off ganks and disrupt flights. This is really helpful when the enemy is immobile and has no Flash.\n\nHis first item component will allow him to take more fights and clear the jungle camps quickly. This is beneficial for Malphite as it gives him more avenues to gank quickly. ", "As malphite, His game plan for early play should involve power farming until he gets his Ultimate h. That's because he has no way of gank other tracks unless they are drastically overstretched. Level six is a massive peak of power that Malphite will now be able to pull ganks and disrupt the flights. This is really useful when the enemy is still and does not have Flash. Its first element will allow him to take more fighting and clean the jungle camps quickly." ]
[ "As ahri, In the late game, you should be near max build. You should be able to easily take down any champion who you might come into contact with. Set up ambushes and look to blow up an unexpecting enemy.\n\nOnce you’re level 16, you will have 3 points in your Ultimate. You can look for more aggressive plays and look for picks on overextended targets. It will be on a low cooldown in the late game, so don’t be afraid to go for risky picks as you can use it to escape if you miss your E.\n\nAhri falls off in the late game as the enemy will be healthier, and most champions will buy defensive items to protect them. It is unlikely you will be able to burst down any frontline champions, but you can quite easily take down the enemy Support or ADC.", "As ahri, In the late game, you should be close to max build. You should be able to go down easily any champion you could contact with. Set up ambushes and look to blow up an unexpected enemy. Once you have level 16, you will have 3 points in your Ultimate. You can look for more aggressive games and look for spikes on extended targets. It will be on a cool lowdown in the late game, so don't be afraid to go for risky peaks as you can use it to escape if you miss your E. Ahri falls into the late game as the enemy will be healthier, and most champions will buy defensive items to protect them. It is unlikely that you will be able to blow up any first line champion, but you can quite easily remove the enemy Support or ADC." ]
[ "As mordekaiser, Mordekaiser has good ganks and good skirmishing power in the early game.\n\nPost-six, he can select any target and convert the fight into a 1 v 1. This can mean hell for any immobile or low health enemy carry as Mordekaiser can easily E>Q them.\n\nOnce he gets enough items, he will be nearly unkillable unless the enemy team focuses him down. In a team fight, his E can be extremely beneficial when fighting against clumped enemy teams.\n", "As mordekaiser, After six, it can select any target and convert the fight into a 1 v 1. This can mean hell for any still enemy or weak health carry that Mordekaiser can easily E>Q them. Once it gets enough items, it will be almost invalid unless the enemy team concentrates it down. In a team fight, its E can be extremely beneficial in the fight against the opposing teams." ]
[ "Against warwick, Warwick will look to pick someone off with his Ultimate R to start the fight. Make sure your flanks are warded so you can spot him before he is able to catch someone out of position. \n\nTry to poke and delay a team fight for as long as possible. Warwick is vulnerable to poke and disengage and if you’re able to poke him down, it will be risky for him to engage.\n\nGetting Ulted R by Warwick in a team fight can be game-changing. Be prepared to Flash his engage if you have it up. If not, invest in a QSS so you can escape the CC or lock him down/ interrupt his channel with CC.", "Against warwick, Warwick will seek to take someone with his Ultimate R to start the fight. Make sure your flanks are monitored so that you can spot him before he is able to catch someone out of position. Try poke and delay a team fight for as long as possible. Warwick is vulnerable to poke and disengagement and if you are able to poke down, it will be risky for him to engage. Getting Ulted R by Warwick in a team fight can change the game. Be ready to Flash his engagement if you have it. Otherwise, invest in a QSS so that you can escape the CC or lock/stop his channel with CC." ]
[ "As xinzhao, Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerspike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use the ability frequently, giving him an overall benefit during fights.\n\nXin will have two of his abilities maxed out by level 14. This is a significant boost to his dueling power, and it will let him dominate 1 v 1's with utmost ease.\n\nDuring this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky while simultaneously dealing a ton of damage to his enemies. This means that he will be tough to take down, and immobile or CC'd enemy carries will mostly die if they can't get Xin away from them.", "As xinzhao, Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use the ability frequently, giving him a global advantage during the fights. Xin will have two of his capabilities maximized by level 14. It is a significant boost to his duel power, and he will let him dominate 1 v 1's with the greatest ease. During this phase of the game, Xin will be truly tanky while simultaneously inflicting a ton of damage to his enemies. This means that it will be difficult to remove, and still or CC'd mainly carries death if they can't get Xin away from them." ]
[ "Against jinx, Jinx doesn't have much help in the mobility department. If you or your team lands any crowd control on her, it should result in a kill. Try and lock her down as quickly as you can so she is unable to “Get Excited!”\n\nIn team fights, avoid grouping too close together as it will allow Jinx’s Rockets Q to deal lots of AOE damage. It will also make her Ultimate R less effective if you’re slightly split up.\n\nWhen taking objectives, make sure you’re not low as Jinx may be able to take you down with a well-timed R. She can also steal objectives like the Dragon or Baron with her Ultimate R, so make sure you finish the objective off with Smite.", "Against jinx, Jinx doesn't have much help in the mobility department. If you or your team land any crowd control on her, it should lead to a murder. Try to lock her up as quickly as you can so that she is unable to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ]
[ "As zilean, At level three, Zilean will have access to all his abilities. This will allow him to play aggressively as well as poke the enemy mercilessly in the lane.\n\nLevel 6 offers quite a lot of protection to Zilean as it can allow him to counter lethal burst damage with ease. It will also make his opponent's job way harder than it is supposed to be.\n\nZilean's Ultimate t is going to be helpful in fights. Zilean's first item component will allow him to spam his abilities frequently, making life miserable for the enemy team. It does help a lot when dealing with champions who have a lot of burst damage in their kit. ", "As zilean, On the third level, Zilean will have access to all his abilities. This will allow him to play aggressively as well as poke the enemy ruthlessly in the way. Level 6 offers a lot of protection to Zilean because it can allow him to counter the mortal damage of the burst with ease. It will also make the work of his opponent much more difficult than what he is supposed to be. Zilean's Ultimate t will be useful in the fights. Zilean's first element will allow him to spam his abilities frequently, making life miserable for the enemy team. This helps a lot when he deals with champions who have a lot of damage from the burst in their kit." ]
[ "As karma, Her poke damage will be a force to reckon with as she can quickly push her laner out of the top lane. She can also set up ganks and provide utility with her d and d.\n\nKarma will be able to max out her Q at level nine. This is terrible news for her enemies as her AoE poke damage will be really obnoxious for the enemy to deal with.\n\nLevel eleven will be a decent power spike due to her ability empowerment potential. This will come in really handy during significant fights in the objective pits.", "As karma, Its poke damage will be a force to count with that it can quickly push its laner out of the upper track. It can also set up ganks and provide utility with its d and d. Karma will be able to maximize its Q at level 9. It is terrible news for its enemies that its AoE poke damage will be truly heinous for the enemy to face. Level eleven will be a decent peak of power due to its ability empowerment potential." ]
[ "As chogath, Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.\n\nUse your e to initiate a fight or try to pick someone off with it and then kill them. Once they’re dead, either move to Baron or the Elder Dragon or siege and try to end the game.\n\nMake the call for objectives like the Baron or Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate t is up. Use your Ultimate t to secure the objective for your team.", "As chogath, Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Use your e to launch a fight or try to take someone with it and then kill them. Once they are dead, either pass to the Baron or the Elder Dragon or seat and try to end the game. Call for goals like the Baron or the Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate t is standing. Use your Ultimate t to secure the goal for your team." ]
[ "As zeri, Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. After you get your first item, you can start to push a bit more.\n\nAbuse your Q range to poke and clear waves. Avoid being in range of her (so play at max range) to reduce all-ins.\n\nPoke when she is outside of the minion wave early, but when you have your first item, aim your abilities so they hit her and the minion wave at the same time.\n\nPlaying around your Ultimate is very important. It will be crucial to help you get kills and win the lane. Get your Jungler to gank you if you cannot kill them yourselves.\n", "As zeri, Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the card early. After getting your first item, you can start pushing a little bit more. Abuse your Q range for poke and clear waves. Avoid being in the range of its (so play at the maximum range) to reduce all-in. Poke when it's out of the minion wave early, but when you have your first item, target your abilities so they hit it and the minion wave at the same time. Playing around your Ultimate is very important. It will be crucial to help you get killed and win the way. Get your Jungler for you gank if you can't kill them yourself." ]
[ "As camille, Camille has good outplay potential with her E and Ultimate R. She can often outplay the enemy and turn around or escape exchanges with ease.\n\nShe is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding. Players who put a lot of effort into learning her will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player.\n\nAs her Ultimate R is a CC tool, using it on a squishy target generally results in a kill. You can snowball a lead through constant ganks this way.\n", "As camille, Camille has a good potential to outplay with her E and Ultimate R. She can often surpass the enemy and turn around or escape the exchanges with ease. She is a difficult champion that is quite fun and rewarding. Players who put a lot of effort to learn it will reap the rewards of a veteran player Camille. As her Ultimate R is a CC tool, using it on a squishy target usually leads to murder." ]
[ "Against lux, Lux is really strong once she unlocks her Ultimate n. At this stage, she will be able to get kills and burst you down.\n\nOnce Lux has max cooldown reduction, her abilities will be on really low cooldowns. This means she’ll be able to poke and trade quite frequently. Do not get caught out by her low cooldowns.\n\nIn the later stages of the game, Lux is really strong and can quite easily take down any target if she lands her g. Try and set her behind in the early game so she is unable to get tons of AP and snowball.", "Against lux, Lux is really strong once she unlocks her Ultimate n. At this point, she will be able to get killed and crush you. Once Lux has a maximum cooldown reduction, her abilities will be on really weak cooldowns. This means she will be able to poke and trade quite frequently. Don't let her cooldowns take you by her cooldowns. In the later stages of the game, Lux is really strong and can very easily remove any target if she lands her g. Try and place her behind in the early game so she can't get tons of AP and snowball." ]
[ "Against talon, When teams are grouping, make sure you ward your flanks to spot Talon before he is able to jump over the wall and assassinate your team.\n\nAs soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to burst him down before he is able to disengage and deal lots of damage. \n\nAs Talon is an assassin, expect him to look for picks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone. Do not walk in unwarded areas of the map if you know Talon is nearby.", "Against talon, When teams come together, make sure to keep your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to break it out before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage. Since Talon is a murderer, expect him to look for peaks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around the Rift of Invocators alone. Do not walk in the non-paid areas of the map if you know that Talon is nearby." ]
[ "Against masteryi, Throughout the laning phase, try and keep the wave closer to your side of the map. If you push, he could zone you away from the farm and kill you when you walk up to CS.\n\nMaster Yi is weak early, but will be stronger once he hits level 6. Take care and avoid staying in lane if you’re low so you don’t get killed by him.\n\nAvoid giving him kills early. Master Yi is a snowball heavy champion and can easily take over the map if you let him get ahead.", "Against masteryi, Throughout the laning phase, try to keep the wave closer to your side of the map. If you push, it could zone you away from the farm and kill you when you walk up to CS. Master Yi is weak early, but will be stronger once it reaches level 6. Take care and avoid staying in the way if you are weak so that you do not get killed by him. Avoid giving him kills early. Master Yi is a heavy snowball champion and can easily take the card if you let him move forward." ]
[ "As yone, Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.\n\nAfter your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. \n\nAs you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.", "As yone, Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly. After your bot track has moved to the medium track, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere on the map so you can continue to close and win XP. As you're good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambushed and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby goal." ]
[ "As taric, His E is very telegraphed and can be dodged without a sweat. This makes it very hard for him to be an initiator of fights without his Flash.\n\nHis Q costs a lot of mana and will make him run out of mana if he is against a poke comp. This will force him to give up lane priority during the early game, which can sometimes mean an instant loss.\n\nHe focuses on enabling people with his Q, W, and Ultimate R. If everyone on his team is doing bad, there is nothing much that he can actually do to save the game.", "As taric, His E is very telegraphed and can be skipped without sweat. This makes it very difficult for him to be an initiator of fights without his Flash. His Q costs a lot of mana and will make him miss mana if he is against a poke comp. This will force him to abandon the priority of the track during the early match, which can sometimes mean an instant loss. He focuses on empowering people with his Q, W and Ultimate R. If everyone on his team does hurt, there is nothing he can really do to save the game." ]
[ "Against neeko, Disengage is your best friend when dealing with Neeko and her Ultimate R in team fights. Disengage as soon as Neeko walks forward and tries to engage to minimize the usefulness of her Ultimate R.\n\nWard your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives as Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate R.\n\nSplitting up and not standing too close together will help reduce how many people Neeko and stun with her Ultimate R. Group when team fighting, but don’t stand too close together.", "Against neeko, Disengagement as soon as Neeko advances and tries to minimize the utility of his Ultimate R. Watch your flanks and bushes nearby when you sit targets like Neeko can use his Passive and W to get a good engagement with his Ultimate R. Splitting and not being too close together will help reduce the number of Neeko people and amaze with his Ultimate R. Group during team fighting, but don't stay too close together." ]
[ "Against riven, Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential.\n\nRiven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her e. If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven.\n\nKeep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.", "Against riven, Riven is a dominant early-playing champion who can take the way through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to overplay with her e. If possible, try to lure her main abilities and then reconnect with her when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet during laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your turn. If you play near your turn, her all-in-pot potential is limited as the tower will protect you and she won't be able to look for frequent trades." ]
[ "As zeri, Her level 11 power spike is pretty strong. 2 points in her Ultimate R offer Zeri a lot of additional kill pressure.\n\nDuring the mid-game, Zeri would’ve picked up several items. She will deal a lot of damage in fights and be able to solo carry them if she is ahead at this stage of the game.\n\nAt level 9, Zeri will max out her Q ability. As she uses this ability the most, her “autos” will deal a lot of damage.\n", "As zeri, Her level 11 power peak is pretty strong. 2 points in her Ultimate R offers Zeri a lot of extra pressure to kill. During the middle of the game, Zeri would have picked up several items. She will do a lot of damage in the fights and be able to carry them solo if she is ahead of her at this stage of the game. At level 9, Zeri will maximize her Q-capacity. As she uses the most this ability, her --cars to do a lot of damage." ]
[ "Against rumble, Do not group or fight inside the jungle as it will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate off. By fighting in the open, it will be harder for him to get a 5 person Ult.\n\nNever try to take an objective like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicking. As you will be quite close together inside the pit, you are allowing him to land a devastating Ultimate on your whole team.\n\nRumble is prone to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate, try to disengage or reposition so it’s harder for him to deal follow up damage and win the fight.", "Against rumble, By fighting in the open, it will be harder for him to get a 5 person Ultimate. Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kick. As you will be close enough together inside the pit, you will allow him to land a devastating Ultimate on your entire team. Rumble is inclined to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate, try to disengage or reposition so it is harder for him to track the damage and win the fight." ]
[ "Against teemo, At level 6, Teemo’s pressure increases thanks to his Ultimate t giving him extra damage and the ability to place Mushrooms t all around the map. \n\nThe more ability haste Teemo buys, the more Shrooms t he can place around on the map. Try to take unorthodox pathing to prevent walking through them.\n\nNashor’s Tooth is a core item for Teemo. It gives him lots of additional stats- which makes him more of a threat.", "Against teemo, At level 6, Teemo's pressure increases thanks to its Ultimate t giving it additional damage and the possibility to place mushrooms t all around the map. The more haste Teemo buys, the more it can place mushrooms t around the map. Try to take an unorthodox path to prevent walking through them. Nashors Dent is a central element for Teemo. It gives it a lot of additional statistics- which makes it more of a threat." ]
[ "Against aphelios, Aphelios isn't very mobile so if he's running in a certain direction, he might be running towards his Jungler and you might be running into danger.\n \nStand outside of the minion wave when Infernum r is active as it provides him with a lot of AOE damage and wave clear. Make him choose between pushing the wave and poking you.\n \nWhen marked by Aphelios r, don’t bother retreating too far back as his long-ranged auto from his second weapon will still hit you. Stay close to him so you can trade back.", "Against aphelios, Aphelios is not very mobile so if he runs in a certain direction, he could run towards his Jungler and you could run in danger. Stay out of the minion wave when Infernum r is active because it provides him with a lot of AOE damage and clear wave. Make him choose between pushing the wave and poaching you. When marked by Aphelios r, don't bother to retreat too far as his long-range auto from his second weapon will hit you again. Stay close to him so you can go back." ]
[ "Against kayn, When Kayn gets his transformation, he will be much stronger. If he goes Red Kayn, he will be tankier, if he goes Blue Kayn, he will deal tons of damage. \n\nAt level 6, Kayn can be more aggressive and go for riskier plays as he can use his Ultimate R to protect him from dying. Keep this in mind when fighting him. \n\nKayn will be looking to skirmish as much as he can in the early game so he can get his form early. ", "Against kayn, When Kayn gets his transformation, he'll be much stronger. If he goes Red Kayn, he'll be more tankier, if he goes Blue Kayn, he'll inflict tons of damage. At level 6, Kayn can be more aggressive and go for more risky pieces than he can use his Ultimate R to protect him from death. Keep this in mind during his struggle. Kayn will seek to sniff as much as he can in early play so that he can get his form early." ]
[ "As pantheon, Pantheon is a very strong early game champion, so you need to play this lane passively and use resources when necessary.\n\nAt level 6, you get a massive power spike over Pantheon, since his R is not a real power spike to Pantheon. Use the pressure it provides to threaten all-ins on him.\n\nWhen Pantheon engages on you, use your abilities and then AA him until his abilities are back, then run back to your tower.\n\nPantheon will likely try to use his Q on every opportunity that gets presented to him. You can tank its damage early on with your Passive if you need to.", "As pantheon, At level 6, you get a massive power peak on Pantheon, since its R is not a real power peak for Pantheon. Use the pressure it provides to threaten all the ins on it. When Pantheon engages on you, use your abilities and then AA him until his abilities are back, then run in your turn. Pantheon will probably try to use his Q on every opportunity presented to him. You can put his damage in reserve early with your Passive if you need." ]
[ "As rumble, You will want to CC Rumble when possible in this matchup. His autos don't do much damage but only go to CC him when he isn't using any ability.\n\nKeep an eye out on your allies in this matchup. If you see someone is low and in a skirmish, ult them immediately.\n\nHe will definitely try to single you out in this matchup with his Ultimate. This is why you will need to pick him off first.\n\nKeep the wave close to your tower. The enemy has no sort of sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks.", "As rumble, You will want CC Rumble when possible in this matchup. Its cars don't do much damage but only go to CC it when it doesn't use any ability. Keep an eye on your allies in this matchup. If you see someone is low and in a skirmish, then they will immediately. It will certainly try to distinguish you in this matchup with its Ultimate. That's why you will have to take it first. Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy doesn't have some kind of nap potential and can easily be exposed to the ganks." ]
[ "Against quinn, Quinn’s early game is incredibly strong. At level 1, do not let her bully you down with her basic attacks.\n\nUnlike other champions, Quinn’s level 6 power spike doesn’t offer her much in lane. But her Ultimate R does offer her a lot of roaming potential. As soon as she hits level 6 and goes missing, communicator with your team so they know shes left lane.\n\nOnce Quinn has completed her first item, her kill pressure intensifies. If you’re behind, avoid fighting her at all costs as she will undoubtedly beat you in a 1v1. ", "Against quinn, At level 1, don't let her intimidate you with her basic attacks. Unlike the other champions, Quinn's level 6 power peak does not offer her much in the way. But her Ultimate R offers her a lot of roaming potential. As soon as she reaches level 6 and disappears, communicator with your team to let them know that she is on the left. Once Quinn has finished her first element, her death pressure increases. If you are behind, avoid fighting her at all costs because she will probably beat you in 1v1." ]
[ "As azir, Stack early magic resitance.\n\nPoke down with q as often as possible.\n\nKeep the wave closer early so you can pick up farm.\n\nPre 6, be prepared to sacrifice some cs for XP so they don’t bully and all-in you.\n", "As azir, Stack the magic resitance early. Poke down with q as often as possible. Keep the wave earlier so you can pick up the farm. Pre 6, be ready to sacrifice some cs for XP so that they are not tyrant and all of you." ]
[ "As sona, As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times.\n\nKeep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key.\n\nLook for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.", "As sona, To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on which major goal is the next spawning. If it quickly spawns, make sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before withdrawing to safety. Having the vision around the major goals is the key. Look for choices during the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and eventually take a turn, goal or get more dead." ]
[ "As corki, At level 13, Corki will max his second ability which is usually his n. This is a very powerful spike for Corki as it will allow him to shred through tanks in late game team fights.\n\nAt level 16, Corki will put the third and final point in his Ultimate e. As teams will be grouping at this stage of the game, he will be able to poke them down a lot before initiating a fight.\n\nCorki is very good in the late game as long as he is not behind. Try and avoid falling behind in the early game to make you an overwhelming force to be reckoned with in the late game.", "As corki, At level 13, Corki maximizes his second ability which is usually his n. It is a very powerful peak for Corki as it will allow him to shred tanks in the end-of-game team fights. At level 16, Corki will put the third and final point in his Ultimate e. As the teams will regroup at this stage of the game, he will be able to bring them down a lot before starting a fight. Corki is very good in the late game as long as he is not late. Try and avoid falling behind in the early game to make you an overwhelming force to count in the late game." ]
[ "As trundle, Peeling for your carries in the late-game team fights is essential to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at the beginning, you will not be able to win the fight alone.\n\nFocus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. If you focus on the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly. By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive. Make sure you h them in time and get enemies off your carries regularly. \n\nUse the fog of war and secure as many picks as you can during this game phase. Don't have tunnel vision on the enemy, though, else you will just get collapsed on.", "As trundle, If you focus on the enemy alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and perhaps die quickly. By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your portages alive. Make sure that you take them in time and regularly remove the enemies. Use the fog of war and secure as many choices as you can during this game phase. Do not have a tunnel vision of the enemy, however, otherwise you will just collapse." ]
[ "Against nasus, Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Q. Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you- which will allow you to gain a health advantage. \n\nDo not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm.\n\nOnce Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his W, he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.", "Against nasus, Nasus doesn't want to fight at the beginning of the game. Instead, he wants to focus on agriculture and stack his Q. Try to fight him when he's focused on stacking as he can focus on the farm rather than fighting you--which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Don't push Nasus under his turret because it allows him to grow safely. Instead of freezing the way to your side of the map, he has to extend for the farm. Once Nasus has a few levels behind him and has several points in his W, he'll have good gank set up. You'll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this period so that you don't die of ganks." ]
[ "As xerath, Stand outsdie of the minion wave as much as possible. It will force the Xerath to choose between pushing and poke you.\n\nAim your Q so it hits him the minion wave at the same time.\n\nFocus on farming and poking. It will be hard for you to kill him.\n\nAt level 6, look to harass him with your Q. Then when he is low enough, use your Ultimate to kill him. He is quite squishy.", "As xerath, Distinguish yourself from the wave of minions as much as possible. This will force the Xerath to choose between pushing and drinking. Aim for your Q so it hits the wave of minions at the same time. Focus on agriculture and interference. It will be difficult for you to kill it. At level 6, look for harassing it with your Q. Then when it is low enough, use your Ultimate to kill it. It is squishy enough." ]
[ "As naafiri, Your first power spike is at level 3 when you unlock all 3 of your basic abilities. You can start ganking at level 3 onwards.\n\nWhen you unlock your Ultimate, ganking will be easier and you’ll be more of a threat.\n\nAfter you’ve completed your first component item, you’ll be quite strong in 1v1s and have a higher chance of getting ganks off.\n", "As naafiri, Your first power peak is at level 3 when you unlock the 3 of your basic capabilities. You can start to glove at level 3 from. When you unlock your Ultimate, the ganking will be easier and you will be more of a threat. After you complete your first component element, you will be strong enough in 1v1s and have a greater chance of getting ganks off." ]
[ "Against rell, At level 1, make sure to harass and poke Rell with basic attacks to get her health low before she reaches level 2. Gain an early health advantage so she is unable to engage. \n\nWhen Rell hits level 6, her Ultimate R can be used in a variety of ways. Do not commit to fights near her tower as she could look to play aggressive and get a kill.\n\nWhen Rell gets Mobi Boots, she may look to roam around the map and impact her allies lanes. Communication is key and you need to communicate with your teammates when she is gone.", "Against rell, At Level 1, make sure to harass and poke Rell with basic attacks to get her weak health before reaching Level 2. Get an early health benefit so she can't engage. When Rell reaches Level 6, her Ultimate R can be used in various ways. Don't commit to fighting near her turn as she may seek to play aggressively and get killed." ]
[ "As graves, Group with your allies. Do not leave their side in the late game otherwise the enemy will have the numbers advantage.\n\nBe prepared to peel for your allies in team fights. You’re a strong skirmisher, but you should focus the nearest enemy to keep your allies alive for longer.\n\nLook for picks in the late game with your team. You have good follow up damage, so look for plays with your allies to gain the numbers advantage.", "As graves, Group with your allies. Do not leave their side in the late game otherwise the enemy will have the advantage of numbers. Be ready to peel for your allies in the team fights. You are a strong skirmisher, but you should concentrate the closest enemy to keep your allies alive for longer. Look for peaks in the late game with your team. You have good tracking damage, so look for games with your allies to win the advantage of numbers." ]
[ "As vladimir, A maxed-out Ultimate e will hurt the enemy team massively. Any fight around chokepoints will allow Vladimir to win the fight immediately due to his sustain and damage.\n\nMultiple items will let him deal more damage to enemies, especially those who clump up together during team fights. He should be relatively safe as well and will heal from a ton of damage.\n\nHis life steal and damage during the late game will make him really good in team fights. He will just need to use his l and Q at the proper times, and he will be unkillable.", "As vladimir, A maximum-out Ultimate e will massively injure the enemy team. Any fight around the bottlenecks will allow Vladimir to win the fight immediately because of its maintenance and damage. Several articles will allow him to inflict more damage to the enemies, especially those who fight together during the team fights. He should be relatively sure as well and heal from a ton of damage. His life flying and damage during the end of the match will make him really good in the team fights. He will just need to use his l and Q at the right time, and he will be unqualified." ]
[ "As gangplank, Gangplank's Ultimate R will be a force to reckon with now as it will have multiple upgrades and will give added benefits to him. This will increase his team fighting strength by a lot.\n\nNow he will have three points in his Ultimate R. With the reduced cooldown and the damage, Gangplank will be able to take over the game effortlessly.\n\nThis is the point of the game where Gangplank becomes really scary. He has a truckload of items, his barrels can legitimately one-shot someone, and he can effortlessly chase people down with his Ultimate R. The enemies will have no other option than to walk the plank at this stage.", "As gangplank, The Ultimate R of Gangplank will be a force to count with now as it will have several updates and give it additional benefits. This will increase its team fighting force of many. Now it will have three points in its Ultimate R. With reduced cooling and damage, Gangplank will be able to take the game effortlessly. This is the point of the game where Gangplank becomes really scary. It has a truck load of items, its barrels can legitimately one-shot someone, and it can effortlessly pursue people with its Ultimate R. The enemies will have no option but to walk on the plane at this stage." ]
[ "As zoe, Can one-shot squishies as soon as she gets her Ultimate R. Getting hit by her E is a death sentence post-six, and her Ultimate’s R mobility allows her to dodge skillshots.\n\nHer W is a powerhouse and can allow her to provide a lot of utility for both her team and herself. This ability can allow her to win the lane quite easily if she gets lucky.\n\nZoe’s E can be used to set-up ganks from a long-range. The proper usage of terrain can help her roam to other lanes and get free kills with her E Q combo.", "As zoe, Can a-shot squishies as soon as she gets her Ultimate R. Being hit by her E is a post-six death penalty, and her mobility Ultimate's R allows her to avoid hot skills. Her W is a power and can allow her to provide a lot of utility both for her team and herself. This ability can allow her to gain the way quite easily if she gets lucky. Zoe's E can be used to set up long-range ganks." ]
[ "Against shaco, At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes x around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to the lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there.\n\nAvoid standing towards the sides of the lane. It’s better to stand in the middle and follow the line the minions take so it’s impossible for any boxes x he has placed to attack you.\n\nIf Shaco is doing some funky stuff, it’s probably because he is baiting you into his boxes x! Don’t fall for it as you’ll always come worse off.", "Against shaco, At level 1, wait for Shaco to have placed several x boxes around the track. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking towards the track. Do not hug the side of the track at level 1 as it is likely that he has placed boxes there. Avoid standing towards the sides of the track. It is better to stand in the middle and follow the line the minions take so it is impossible for any x box he has placed to attack you. If Shaco does something funky, it is probably because he baits you in his x boxes! Do not fall for it as you will always come worse." ]
[ "As cassiopeia, You will want to target Cassiopeia with your r when possible. This will allow you to poke her easily. \n\nIf Cassiopeia manages to Q you, make sure you use your W to block her follow-up Es. This will make her waste mana and will let you get the upper hand.\n\nOnce Cassiopeia gets her Ultimate R, you will want to be very careful when all-in'ing her. Make sure you look away from her the moment your Ultimate R animation ends.\n\nKeep the wave slightly on your side of the lane. This will make Cassiopeia vulnerable to ganks and will let you all in her frequently.", "As cassiopeia, If Cassiopeia gets to Q you, make sure to use your W to block its tracking Es. This will make its mana of waste and will allow you to get the top. Once Cassiopeia gets its Ultimate R, you will want to be very careful when all-in-one. Make sure to look away from it the moment your Ultimate R animation ends. Keep the wave slightly on your side of the way. This will make Cassiopeia vulnerable to the ganks and leave you all in it frequently." ]
[ "As nilah, During the middle game, make sure you are not ADC'ing consistently. Clean up kills when possible but don't get too close to CC heavy champs else, you will definitely get killed.\n\nLook for opportunities with your Ultimate to catch enemies out, but don’t go in unless your team is there to help you.\n\nContinue picking up farm in the side lanes when no team fights are occurring, but spend as little time away from your team. \n", "As nilah, During the middle game, make sure you're not ADC'ing regularly. Clean up kills when possible, but don't get too close to the other heavy CC champions, you'll definitely get killed. Look for opportunities with your Ultimate to catch the enemies, but don't enter unless your team is there to help you. Continue picking up the farm in the side lanes when no team fight occurs, but spend as little time away from your team." ]
[ "Against nautilus, Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates (bundled together). As Nautilus’s e can knock players up who come into contact with it, if you’re close to the focused ally you might get hit too.\n\nNautilus will often be the frontliner for his team. Once he has gone in, try to focus him down if his teammates do not follow him in. Naut struggles getting out again once going in- so if he makes a mistake, abuse it\n\nNautilus will auto attack anybody who comes close to him in attempts to CC them with his Passive. Try and stay away and out of range during team fights if you’re squishy.", "Against nautilus, As Nautilus e can hit the players who come into contact with her, if you are close to the concentrated ally, you could be hit as well. Nautilus will often be the first player on his team. Once he has entered the stage, try to concentrate him if his teammates do not follow him. Nautilus fights again to get out once out, so if he makes a mistake, he will abuse Nautilus will automatically attack anyone approaching him by trying CCs with his passive. Try and stay away and out of reach during team fights if you are squishy." ]
[ "As ekko, His W allows him to engage upon a group or enemy champions, or a single enemy champion with ease. This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun.\n\nHis burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on. This is especially true when he happens to be ahead in the game. He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to W E onto them.\n\nHis Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in. As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up.", "As ekko, His W allows him to engage in an enemy group or champions, or a single enemy champion with ease. It's really beneficial if he can land him out of the sight and then use his E to get high in the W circle to ensure stunning. His brilliant damage must not be ignored as the game continues. This is especially true when he is ahead of the game. He can literally pull the enemy out of the rear line in a spin of spells, if he reaches W E on them. His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit because it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in-one." ]
[ "As nunu, Really good Objective control due to his Q and Smite. It also allows him to heal up both in the lane and in the Jungle, which provides him an innate advantage against other Junglers.\n\nGreat ganking potential due to his W, especially if there is no vision set-up by the enemy team. This can lead to a great CC chain.\n\nHis Ultimate R can allow him to set-up phenomenal death brushes while contesting objectives. This can allow him to end the game or take the objective quite freely.", "As nunu, Very good objective control because of his Q and Smite. It also allows him to heal both in the way and in the Jungle, which gives him an innate advantage against other Junglers. Great potential for glove because of his W, especially if there is no vision set up by the enemy team. This can lead to a large CC chain. Its Ultimate R can allow him to set phenomenal death brushes while contesting objectives. This can allow him to put an end to the game or take the goal quite freely." ]
[ "As fiora, Split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges a nearby objective.\n\nTry to pick someone off at the start of the fight. If you’re able to get a pick and heal your team with your Ultimate R quickly, the chances of winning the fight will be higher.\n\nWhenever your TP is down or if your team isn’t very strong alone, stick with them and fight as 5 rather than playing split.", "As fiora, If you are able to get a choice and heal your team with your Ultimate R quickly, the chances of winning the fight will be higher. Whenever your TP is down or your team is not very strong alone, stay with them and fight like 5 instead of playing divided." ]
[ "Against jhin, Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights. In the mid to late game, this auto can deal a lot of damage.\n\nWait for Jhin’s team to engage or when he is isolated to try and pick him off. He doesn’t have an escape or a dash, and he is very squishy too so he should be pretty easy to kill.\n\nIf Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he is unable to reposition quickly. If you’re on the flank, try to take him down while he’s focusing on his shots. ", "Against jhin, Be careful when Jhin runs on you with his 4th shot during team fights. In the middle of the game at the end, this car can cause a lot of damage. Wait for Jhin's team, or when he's isolated to try to take it. He doesn't have an escape or dash, and he's very squishy too, he should be pretty easy to kill. If Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he's unable to reposition quickly. If you're on the flank, try to get him down while he's focusing on his shots." ]
[ "As irelia, Irelia is extremely strong when her Passive is stacked up. This is when she should be going for a significant fight as it will ensure a massive victory for her as long as she has a target to auto-attack. Bonus points to survivability if she can Q to minions and reset the ability.\n\nThe first item component will help Irelia massively in this lane. It will bolster her dueling potential and increase her survivability. It will be highly beneficial when her Passive is stacked up completely.\n\nLevel 6 is a significant power spike where Irelia can start dictating the pace of this lane. Her opponent will have to be very careful as Irelia can decimate them with her Ultimate R and Q should they get hit by the initial Ultimate R cast.", "As irelia, Irelia is extremely strong when her Passive is stacked. It is then that she should go for a meaningful fight because he will ensure a massive victory for her as long as she has a target to self-attack. Bonus survival points if she can Q to minions and reset the ability. The first element will help Irelia massively in this way. It will strengthen her duel potential and increase her survival. It will be very beneficial when her Passive is stacked completely. Level 6 is a significant peak of power where Irelia can start to dictate the pace of this track. Her opponent will have to be very careful because Irelia can decimate them with his Ultimate R and Q if they are hit by the initial Ultimate R launch." ]
[ "As monkeyking, His y is a great tool that can allow him to escape ganks and skirmishes with the enemy during the laning phase.\n\nWukong’s Ultimate n is a very good tool. It can be used to help his team win team fights, and for him to get kills during the laning phase. \n\nWukong excels at extended trades with his s and k. He is a very strong duelist in the laning phase.\n", "As monkeyking, Its is an excellent tool that can allow it to escape the ganks and skirmishes with the enemy during the laning phase. Wukongs Ultimate n is a very good tool. It can be used to help his team win team battles, and for him to get murders during the laning phase. Wukong excels in the prolonged trades with his s and k. He is a very strong duellist in the laning phase." ]
[ "As gragas, Gragas’s Ultimate R is very good in team fights. It deals a lot of damage and can displace the whole enemy team.\n\nHe has good sustain in lane (compared to many other champions) with his W. This will allow him to look for trades more frequently and heal back after a trade.\n\nHis E can be used in conjunction with Flash to get surprise trades/engages off with the enemy. He can also use it to interrupt abilities and enemy dashes.", "As gragas, Gragas' Ultimate R is very good in team fighting. It deals a lot of damage and can move the entire enemy team. It has good support in the way (compared to many other champions) with its W. This will allow it to look for jobs more frequently and heal after a job. Its E can be used in conjunction with Flash to get surprise jobs/commitments with the enemy. It can also use it to interrupt enemy abilities and dashes." ]
[ "Against shyvana, Shyvana wants to power farm in the early game to get level 6 and unlock her Ultimate t and get her transformation. You can delay this by invading or trying to fight her early.\n\nThanks to her Passive, Shyvana will be trying to secure every Dragon. Make sure you keep them warded so you can spot her before she takes them for free.\n\nBecause Shyvana will not be ganking much, look to gank as much as you can in the early game to get your allies ahead.", "Against shyvana, Shyvana wants to feed the farm into the early game to get level 6 and unlock its Ultimate t and get its transformation. You can delay it by invading or trying to fight it early. Thanks to its Passive, Shyvana will try to secure each Dragon. Make sure you keep them guarded so you can spot it before it takes them for free. Because Shyvana won't be much spoiled, look at gank as much as you can in the early game to get your allies before." ]
[ "As garen, Extended trades are a way to go in this matchup. Keep the brushes warded as Garen may try to drop vision on you.\n\nDon't let him farm in peace and keep poking him whenever he goes to last hit.\n\nShort trades are generally a bad idea for you due to how your kit functions and your lack of mobility. Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem.\n\nKeep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane. It will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down.", "As garen, Prolonged trades are a way to go into this matchup. Keep the brushes guarded as Garen can try to drop the vision on you. Don't let him close in peace and keep hitting him whenever he goes for the last time. Short trades are usually a bad idea for you because of how your kit works and your lack of mobility. Try to reach the enemy rear line when possible to cause chaos. Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the track. This will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down." ]
[ "Against lulu, When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you. \n\nWaiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown.\n\nPost 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate R, her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate R is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.", "Against lulu, When you're not looking to commit yourself, then step back so that it can't attack you automatically. Until Lulu uses his E before fighting or throwing is a good way to get out of the front. Try to lure that ability and then play aggressive as it cools. Post 6 and when Lulu gets his Ultimate R, his survival increases a lot. Keep in mind that it's going to be hard for you to kill her when her Ultimate R is up. Don't commit to the whole unless he comes down or she comes out of mana." ]
[ "Against jarvaniv, Jarvan’s level 2 power spike is quite prominent. He may look for an aggressive all-in play if he gets the level up first.\n\nHis level 6 power spike is very strong. He can use it to get kills alone or set up his Jungler for a kill.\n\nWhen Jarvan has completed his first component item, he will be much scarier in the lane.", "Against jarvaniv, Jarvan Level 2 power point is quite prominent. He can look for an aggressive complete game if he gets the level first. His level 6 power point is very strong. He can use it to get killed alone or set up his Jungler for a murder. When Jarvan finished his first component element, he will be much more frightening in the way." ]
[ "Against samira, In team fights, lock her down with CC at the start of the fight so she is unable to dish out damage. CC will also stop her Ultimate R prematurely, so try to lock her down quickly if she uses her E.\n\nSamira will often be left alone in the mid lane to farm during the mid-game. You could use this as an opportunity to catch her and her Support out of position and force an objective afterwards.\n\nTry to force fights as soon as you spot Samira or when she is on low Style points. Delaying a fight will allow her to get Style points and keep them for the upcoming team fight.", "Against samira, In the team fights, lock it with CC at the beginning of the fight so that it cannot extinguish the damage. CC will also stop its Ultimate R prematurely, so try to lock it fast if she uses her E. Samira will often be left alone in the average track at the farm during the middle of the game. You could use this as an opportunity to catch her and her Support out of position and force a goal after. Try to force the fights as soon as you spot Samira or when she is on low-style points. Delaying a fight will allow her to get Style points and keep them for the next team fight." ]
[ "As talon, His early game ganks are pretty solid as he can quickly E over walls and catch enemies off-guard. His damage is nothing to be scoffed at either.\n\nLevel 6 is a massive spike. It increases his overall burst damage in the game, and he can easily bamboozle enemies by hiding himself. He can also use it defensively to avoid unfavorable situations.\n\nThe first item component should help him a lot with duels and his clears. His damage output will be really high during this phase of the game, and he can catch enemies off-guard easily. ", "As talon, His first games are quite solid because he can quickly E on the walls and catch the out-of-guard enemies. His damage is nothing to saw at either. Level 6 is a massive peak. He increases his overall burst of damage in the game, and he can easily bamboozle enemies by hiding himself. He can also use it defensively to avoid adverse situations. The first element should help him a lot with duels and his compensations. His release of damage will be really high during this phase of the game, and he can catch the out-of-guard enemies easily." ]
[ "Against xerath, Xerath will often go to ward objectives alone. Try to ambush him and catch him out of position. Then use the numbers advantage to take the objective or start a team fight. \n\nDo not let Xerath poke you down before a team fight occurs. Xerath’s goal is to delay a team fight for as long as possible while he pokes with his p and 2. Don’t let him do this by engaging as soon as you can. \n\nXerath will try to stay in the backline- probably behind the ADC. In a team fight, try to flank and take him down at the start. This will make it easier for your team to win the team fight as he would not be able to poke you down.", "Against xerath, Xerath will often go to pupil goals alone. Try to ambush him and catch him out of position. Then, use the number advantage to take the goal or start a team fight. Do not let Xerath shoot you down before a team fight occurs. Xerath's goal is to delay a team fight as long as possible while he launches with his p and 2. Don=t let him do it by engaging as soon as you can. Xerath will try to stay in the backline- probably behind the CDA. In a team fight, try to flank and shoot him in the start. This will make it easier for your team to win the team fight because it would not be able to shoot you down." ]
[ "As tryndamere, This champion is an early game bully. Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly.\n\nWhenever your Ultimate e is up, you can look for aggressive plays to try and kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is a great trading tool which makes you much stronger.\n\nKeep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks. If you keep pushing when you’re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you’ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.", "As tryndamere, If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your lead quite quickly. Every time your Ultimate e is up, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you keep pushing when you are not forward, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you will be an easy target for the enemy Jungler." ]
[ "As singed, His tankiness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his items. That combined with his Ultimate n will make him nearly unchaseable and unkillable at the same time.\n\nA fully maxed out Ultimate n will further bolster his survivability and overall damage dealt in the long run. It will be a massive power spike for him.\n\nHe is excellent during late-game team fights due to his l and Ultimate n. His effectiveness increases if he manages to find a flank on his enemies.", "As singed, His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles. This combined with his Ultimate n will make him almost inchaseable and indestructible at the same time. A completely exhausted maximum Ultimate n will further strengthen his survival and the overall damage inflicted in the long term. It will be a massive peak of power for him. He is excellent during the team fights at the end of the game due to his l and Ultimate n. Its efficiency increases if he manages to find a flank on his enemies." ]
[ "Against skarner, His trading power increases at level 4, as he will have multiple points in his Q and access to all his basic abilities.\n\nOf course, his second major power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate. His trading power and kill pressure intensify at this stage of the game.\n\nAfter he has completed his first item, his trading power intensifies. Be on the lookout for all-ins, and avoid committing to trades unless you can win them.", "Against skarner, Its trading power increases to level 4, as it will have several points in its Q and access to all its basic capabilities. Of course, its second major power peak is at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate. Its trading and killing power increases at this stage of the game. After completing its first element, its trading power increases." ]
[ "Against orianna, Avoid fighting around objectives, near Towers and in the jungle as it can allow Orianna to get a multi-person Ultimate d and win the team fight.\n\nTry and split up as much as possible (stand away from each other) so Orianna isn’t allowed to land a good Ultimate d.\n\nIf Orianna has a strong frontline, keep an eye on their positioning especially if she has her Ball d on them. If the enemy frontline runs towards you, disengage as quickly as you can so they’re not able to set up her Ultimate d.", "Against orianna, Avoid fighting around goals, near Tours and in the jungle as it can allow Orianna to get a multi-person Ultimate d and win the team fight. Try to divide as much as possible (stand away from each other) so Orianna is not allowed to land a good Ultimate d. If Orianna has a strong front line, keep an eye on their positioning especially if she has her Ball D on them. If the enemy front line runs towards you, turn off as quickly as you can so that they are not able to set up its Ultimate d." ]
[ "Against talon, When teams are grouping, make sure you ward your flanks to spot Talon before he is able to jump over the wall and assassinate your team.\n\nAs soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to burst him down before he is able to disengage and deal lots of damage. \n\nAs Talon is an assassin, expect him to look for picks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone. Do not walk in unwarded areas of the map if you know Talon is nearby.", "Against talon, When teams come together, make sure to keep your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to break it out before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage. Since Talon is a murderer, expect him to look for peaks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around the Rift of Invocators alone. Do not walk in the non-paid areas of the map if you know that Talon is nearby." ]
[ "As seraphine, Keep poking Seraphine with your e on a regular basis. Failing to do so can easily keep you understacked in this matchup.\n\nTry to CC the enemy. It is relatively easy and you can chunk them out once that is done.\n\nYour Ultimate can be a real game changer. Your goal is to prevent Karthus from getting within your team.\n\nKeep the wave in the middle of the lane and scale up. Once you're stacked, you should have an easy time fighting,", "As seraphine, Try CC the enemy. It's relatively easy and you can cut them once it's done. Your Ultimate can be a real game changer. Your goal is to prevent Karthus from getting in your team. Keep the wave in the middle of the track and scale up. Once you're stacked, you should have an easy fighting time," ]
[ "As viktor, Very efficient wave clear which also allows him to damage multiple enemies at the same time. This gives him an innate advantage against ranged matchups, as well as lane priority in general.\n\nCan disrupt an entire fight with his d and Ultimate m, so fighting in close spaces is very advantageous for him. He can also chase a single target down with some fancy footwork, by using his r.\n\nHis poke damage is obnoxious and very strong. This can allow him to force his enemy laner out of the lane and then take objectives with a numbers advantage. In the bot lane, he can use the lane brushes for an added effect of obscurity from enemy laners.", "As viktor, Very effective clear wave that also allows it to damage several enemies at the same time. This gives it an innate advantage against various matchups, as well as the priority of the way in general. Can disrupt a whole fight with its d and Ultimate m, so fighting in close spaces is very advantageous for him. It can also pursue a single target with a fantasy foot job, using its r. Its poke damage is heinous and very strong. This can allow him to force his enemy to roll out of the way and then take targets with a numerical advantage." ]
[ "Against swain, Swain is good in team fights thanks to his AOE Ultimate R. Forcing a fight or fighting when Swain isn’t around will make it easier for your team to win team fights.\n\nAvoid grouping too closely around objectives or in team fights as it may allow Swain to land a really good multi-person E and start the team fight.\n\nBurst and poke is the best way of winning a fight against Swain. Try to poke him down before a team fight starts. When he activates his Ultimate R, burst him down so he is unable to dish out lots of damage.", "Against swain, Swain is good in team fights thanks to its AOE Ultimate R. Fortifying a fight or combat when Swain is nearby will make it easier for your team to win team fights. Avoid regrouping too closely around the goals or in team fights as it can allow Swain to land a very good multi-person E and start the team fight. Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain. Try to catch him before a team fight starts." ]
[ "Against gwen, Gwen will be stronger when she has 4 stacks on her Passive. Avoid committing to fights when she has max stacks.\n\nWhen Gwen unlocks her Ultimate R, she will be much stronger and her trading power increases dramatically.\n\nExtended trades will always work in her favour, especially once she completes an item or two. Avoid fighting her alone unless you can burst her down and kill her.", "Against gwen, Gwen will be stronger when she has 4 piles on her Passive. Avoid committing to fight when she has maximum piles. When Gwen unlocks her Ultimate R, she will be much stronger and her trading power increases considerably. Extended trades will always work in her favor, especially once she's finished one or two items." ]
[ "As lillia, Continue playing around with your Ultimate R to get more kills and more picks. Picking off the right target can let you take the Baron or Dragon.\n\nKeep trying your hardest to secure objectives with your team so you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy.\n\nContinue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm! ", "As lillia, Keep playing with your Ultimate R to get more dead and more choices. Choosing the right target can allow you to take the Baron or Dragon. Keep trying your hardest to get goals with your team so you can win a global advantage over the enemy. Keep picking up and securing jungle camps whenever possible. Do not fall behind in the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure to continue growing!" ]
[ "As rumble, Rumble’s effectiveness is drastically decreased when his Passive is not half filled. The enemy can try to trade with him freely during this point.\n\nHe is quite squishy and vulnerable when his r is on cooldown. This also applies when his weapons are overheated, which provides an opening for the enemy to all-in him.\n\nDue to his immobility, a freeze can ruin his laning phase entirely. This will make him prone to ganks and will not allow him to CS at all. ", "As rumble, The effectiveness of Rumble's is greatly diminished when its passive is not half filled. The enemy can try to exchange freely with him during this point. He is rather squishy and vulnerable when his r is on cooling. This also applies when his weapons are overheated, which provides an opening for the enemy to all of him. Due to his immobility, a freeze can completely ruin his laning phase. This will make him inclined to ganks and will not allow him at all to CS." ]
[ "As yasuo, In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon.\n\nIf the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline.\n\nFlank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast, especially allies with knockups.", "As yasuo, At the end of the game, look for choices about the immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Elder Dragon. If the enemy is in a group, watch to group with your team too. In team fights, keep focusing the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline line. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy backline up easily. Make sure to be close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight, especially allies with knockups." ]
[ "As vladimir, Has no form of gank agency so will probably not get a gank during the early game. He is quite weak early on as well and is quite useless if the game doesn’t go on for too long. \n\nMisuse of his l can get him killed immediately, especially if the enemy laner holds on to their main crowd control ability. This can make him a very easy gank target.\n\nGrievous Wounds are a bane to his existence, especially if it is procured early. This weakness can allow his enemy to get a huge advantage on him due to the reduced Q health.", "As vladimir, Does not have any form of gank agency so probably will not get a gank during the early match. It is rather weak early as well and is quite useless if the game does not continue for too long. Misuse of his l can have him killed immediately, especially if the enemy is running on their ability to control the main crowd. This can make him a very easy gank target. Wounds grise you are a jerk to his existence, especially if it is acquired early. This weakness can allow his enemy to get a huge advantage over him due to the reduced Q health." ]
[ "As volibear, During this phase of the game, make sure you keep getting picks all around the map. Making team fights unfair should be your only goal.\n\nIn team fights, try to separate the enemy frontline from the enemy backline. This will let your carries play freely, and you will be able to absorb a lot of damage for your allies.\n\nUse the fog of war and choke points to secure team fight wins. Your chances to win a fight will increase drastically as you have many AoE effects in your abilities.", "As volibear, During this phase of the game, make sure you get choices all around the map. Doing unfair team fighting should be your only goal. In team fighting, try to separate the enemy front line from the enemy rear line. This will allow your aircraft carriers to play freely, and you will be able to absorb a lot of damage for your allies. Use the fog of war and choking points to secure team fighting victories. Your chances of winning a fight will increase considerably as you have a lot of AoE effects in your abilities." ]
[ "As azir, Azir doesn’t spike at level 11 unlike a lot of champions. Keep this in mind during the mid-game as his Ultimate R may be less impactful compared to other champions on the rift.\n\nAt level 9, Azir will max his r. This is a good power spike for him as he can use it to poke the enemy down from afar. In conjunction with his W, he should be able to poke and farm from afar without dying to the enemy.\n\nWhen Azir completes multiple items, he will be very strong and dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Don’t be afraid to make more aggressive plays when you have an item or two.", "As azir, Azir does not have a peak at level 11 unlike many champions. Keep this in mind during the middle of the game that his Ultimate R can be less impacted compared to the other champions on the flaw. At level 9, Azir goes to max his r. It is a good peak of power for him because he can use it to bring down the enemy from afar. In conjunction with his W, he should be able to poke and farm from afar without dying to the enemy. When Azir completes several articles, he will be very strong and deposit a lot of damage in a short time." ]
[ "As trundle, Level 16 is a massive spike for Trundle. He can now make himself really powerful by using the Ultimate n on the right person. It will be the deciding factor during team fights.\n\nMost of his items will be complete by now, making Trundle extremely strong and allowing him to strike his enemies. He can easily use his pillar to block off the escape routes of the enemy.\n\nAt level 14, he will have his 2nd ability maxed out. This will only add to his power and will allow him to disrupt enemy fights and get closer to them very quickly so that he can kill them.", "As trundle, Level 16 is a massive peak for Trundle. It can now make itself really powerful using the Ultimate n on the right person. It will be the decisive factor during team fighting. Most of its articles will be finished now, making Trundle extremely strong and allowing it to hit its enemies. It can easily use its pillar to block the enemy's escape routes. At level 14, it will have its 2nd ability maximized. This will only add to its power and allow it to disrupt enemy fighting and get closer to them very quickly so it can kill them." ]
[ "As viego, If they invade you, just back off, as they can easily kill you, especially if you’re behind.\n\nThey can secure objective so much easier than you can. Keep them warded to spot them before they can secure the objective.\n\nPost 6, avoid fighting them at all costs as they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will easily kill you.\n\nHe will be ganking a lot early on. Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match his early ganks.", "As viego, If they invade you, just back, as they can easily kill you, especially if you are behind. They can secure the lens so much easier than you can. Keep them guarded to spot them before they can secure the lens. Post 6, avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will kill you easily. It will be ruined much sooner. Make sure to apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks." ]
[ "As kogmaw, Stay grouped with your team at all times in the mid-game. If you’re alone, you will be an easy target for the enemy team.\n\nPlay safe and avoid getting too cocky if you’re not ahead. If you get caught out in the mid-game when Baron is up, the enemy will be able to take it for free. Only play aggressive if your allies are nearby and ready to help you.\n\nStay with your Support at all times. Like we suggested, it’s important that you’re always with your Support in the mid-game otherwise you’ll be an easy target.", "As kogmaw, Stay together with your team at all times in the middle of the game. If you are alone, you will be an easy target for the enemy team. Play safely and avoid being too cuckolded if you are not in advance. If you are caught in the middle of the game when Baron is standing, the enemy will be able to take it for free. Play aggressive only if your allies are nearby and ready to help you. Stay with your support at all times. As we suggested, it is important that you always be with your support in the middle of the game or you will be an easy target." ]
[ "As malzahar, He is vulnerable when his shield is down. If the enemy can destroy the shield, they can use the cooldown to play aggressive and get kills.\n\nWhile using his Ultimate R, he will be stood still. This leaves him vulnerable to incoming damage and CC which could in turn get him killed. \n\nRelies heavily on mana in the laning phase to trade with the enemy. His basic abilities cost tons of mana over an extended period of time.", "As malzahar, He is vulnerable when his shield is lowered. If the enemy can destroy the shield, they can use the cooldown to play aggressively and get himself killed. By using his Ultimate R, he will be motionless. This makes him vulnerable to incoming damage and CC that could in turn have him killed." ]
[ "Against kassadin, Kassadin is very weak in the early game. Try to exploit this to gain a lead and prevent him from taking over the map. Giving him a rough start will reduce his scaling. \n\nOnce Kassadin has his Ultimate k, he will be able to trade more frequently and also escape danger. At this stage, his kill pressure also increases.\n\nKassadin is a later game monster and once he’s level 16, he will be very slippery thanks to his Ultimate k and short cooldowns. Try and end before he gets a chance to reach level 16.", "Against kassadin, Kassadin is very weak in early play. Try to exploit this to win an advance and prevent him from taking the card. Giving him a difficult start will reduce his scale. Once Kassadin has his Ultimate k, he will be able to trade more frequently and also escape danger. At this point, his death pressure also increases. Kassadin is a game monster later and once level 16, he will be very slippery thanks to his Ultimate k and short cooldowns. Try and finish before having a chance to reach level 16." ]