sequencelengths 2
"As garen, Garen’s lack of CC makes it possible for the enemy to kite him till he falls back or overextends and dies. Since he lacks any form of ranged engagement potential, he is really weak against ranged enemy champions.\n\nHe relies on flanking the enemy team from the sidelines. If the enemy team manages to set the proper vision, Garen’s game plan will collapse and he will be useless especially if your team managed to set him behind early on.\n\nDue to him having multiple builds, Garen’s effectiveness can vary from game to game. If he decides to go for the full AD build when his team lacks a frontline, he won’t be able to do anything that game if he is set back. This should be a proper signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp him when possible.",
"As garen, As it lacks any form of varied engagement potential, it is really weak against the various enemy champions. It counts on the side of the enemy team of the side line. If the enemy team manages to put the right vision, the game plan of Garens will collapse and it will be useless especially if your team managed to place it behind early. Due to it having several constructions, the efficiency of Garens can vary from one game to the next. If he decides to go for the complete AD construction when his team lacks a front line, he has not been able to do anything if it is handed over. This should be a good signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp whenever possible."
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"As swain, Excellent CC chain if he or someone else on his team manages to CC a target. This works especially well against immobile carries. You can follow up with your E (press it twice) and pull the enemy closer.\n\nCan regenerate a lot of health with his W and hence outsustain his enemies in the lane. His Ultimate R amplifies this effect and is really effective when fighting in closed spaces.\n\nHe can use his W to set-up ganks for his Jungler as well. This allows him to catch up to his target while also providing vision of the area. The latter part is very useful when it comes to objective control.",
"As swain, Excellent CC channel if he or someone else on his team gets to CC a target. This works especially well against motionless door. You can follow with your E (press it twice) and shoot the enemy closer. Can regenerate a lot of health with his W and thus surpass his enemies in the way. His ultimate R amplifies this effect and is really effective in fighting in closed spaces. He can use his W to set up ganks for his Jungler too. This allows him to catch up with his target while providing a vision of the area. The last part is very useful when it comes to objective control."
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"Against karthus, If you see Karthus channelling his e, try to cancel it with any CC abilities. This will reduce his and his allies chances of getting kills. \n\nKarthus will be looking to farm as much as possible early so he can unlock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}. Try to put him behind by playing aggressive and requesting ganks.\n\nAs soon as Karthus hits level 6, communicate with your team so they know he can impact fights with his Ultimate e. Ping as soon as he is level 6.",
"Against karthus, If you see Karthus channeling his e, try to cancel it with any CC capability. This will reduce his chances and his allies to get killed. Karthus will seek to cultivate as soon as possible so that he can unblock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}. Try to put him back by playing aggressively and asking for ganks. As soon as Karthus touches level 6, communicate with your team so they know that he can impact the fights with his Ultimate e. Ping as soon as he is level 6."
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"As shaco, He isn’t only a threat on a physical level, but the mental warfare he instills upon the enemy squishies allows Shaco to make multiple plays which other Champions can’t make. He can leave the lane and roam quite easily to get a cheese gank off (even if he is laning).\n\nHis x can allow him to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily. This also acts as a counter to carries who have dashes and rely on kiting to win fights.\n\nHis e allows him to get out of sticky situations with ease. When combined with his Ultimate l, his enemy can be baited to attack the clone and CC the enemy team/champion that attacked it.",
"As shaco, It is not only a physical threat, but the mental war it instills on the enemy squishies allows Shaco to make multiple pieces that other Champions cannot make. It can leave the way and wander easily enough to get a cheese gank (even if it is laning). Its x can allow it to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily. It also acts as a counter to wear which have dashes and rely on kitting to win fights. Its e allows it to get out of sticky situations with ease."
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"As neeko, Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when available, as you will miss out on extra damage and CC.\n\nYour Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position.\n\nPeel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. Your E and Q will help you a lot with zoning enemies off. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight.",
"As neeko, Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place. It's crucial that you don't engage or look for fights when available, because you'll miss extra damage and CC. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooling time in the last stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do it, use it to catch someone isolated and alone, too far ahead or out of position. Peel for your ports to keep them alive longer. Your E and Q will help you a lot with zoning enemies out. If your allies quickly die, there's little chance that you'll win the team fight."
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"As xayah, Avoid going for extended trades with Xayah early on. She will usually win them.\n\nKeep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. It will protect you and make the matchup a bit safer.\n\nFocus on poking and harassing her with your Q and W early on. When fighting, take care and be on the lookout for her E.\n\nAt level 6, she has higher kill pressure than you, and she can turn around fights.\n",
"As xayah, Avoid going for prolonged exchanges with Xayah early on. She will usually win them. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the card early on. It will protect you and make the matchup a little safer. Focus on poking and harassing with your Q and W early on. During the fight, take care and be on the lookout for her E. At level 6, she has more pressure to kill than you, and she can turn around the fights."
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"As taliyah, Just look to pick off enemies with your abilities when possible. It will help make team fights really unfair for the enemy team.\n\nTry to poke enemies out before all-in'ing them. You may need to get the Blue Buff to ensure you have enough mana to keep up the ability spamming.\n\nUse your Ultimate R to pick enemies off when possible. This would be a remarkable ability to use when you see an enemy on a side lane.",
"As taliyah, Just look to choose enemies with your abilities when possible. It will help make team fighting really unfair for the enemy team. Try to shoot enemies before all-in'ing. You may need to get the Blue Buff to make sure you have enough mana to maintain spamming ability. Use your ultimate R to choose enemies when possible. It would be a remarkable ability to use when you see an enemy on a side track."
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"As morgana, Really good waveclear with her W. This can allow her to shove the wave really quickly and then help her Jungler on different occasions.\n\nHer Q helps her with gank set-ups, and picks during the mid-game. The root duration can easily allow her to hide in a Jungle brush and wait for her target to wander into her Q range.\n\nThe E can allow her to make one of her carries or herself invincible to CC for a while. This is really beneficial during team fights, or when laning against heavy CC.",
"As morgana, His Q helps him with the gank configurations, and takes in the middle of the game. The length of the root can easily allow him to hide in a Jungle brush and wait for his target to walk in his Q range. The E can allow him to make one of his invincible portages at CC for a while. It's really beneficial during team fighting, or during heavy CC laning."
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"As kled, Kled needs some time to come online. Play safe in the very early game unless you have a favourable matchup. \n\nOnce you have a few levels under your belt, you can look for aggressive plays and extended trades. \n\nAt level 6 your kill pressure increases and so does your all-in. Wait for the enemy to overextend before initiating a trade with your Ultimate R.",
"As kled, Kled needs some time to come online. Play safe in the game very early unless you have a favorable matchup. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can look for aggressive games and extended trades. At level 6 your pressure to kill increases and your all-in."
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"As fiddlesticks, Fiddlesticks Ultimate R is very good in team fights, especially in closed areas as it will allow him to deal damage to tons of champions at once.\n\nFurthermore, in team fights, his W will heal him a lot. The extra sustain/damage will be really beneficial in team fights.\n\nFiddlesticks laning phase is pretty simple. He is also pretty safe in lane. Focus on poking, trading, and not falling behind.",
"As fiddlesticks, Fiddlesticks Ultimate R is very good in team fighting, especially in closed areas as it will allow it to inflict damage to tons of champions at once. Moreover, in team fighting, his W will heal him a lot. Additional support/damage will be really beneficial in team fighting."
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"Against xinzhao, Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will help reduce Xin Zhao’s kill pressure in lane and increase your chances of surviving in bad matchups.\n\nInvesting in healing reduction will help you a ton against Xin Zhao as he tends to have a lot of sustain in lane and throughout the game.\n\nXin Zhao is strong in the early game. Expect him to go for aggressive plays in attempts to get an early lead. \n",
"Against xinzhao, Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will help reduce Xin Zhaos killing pressure in the way and increase your chances of surviving in bad matches. Investing in the reduction of healing will help you a ton against Xin Zhao because it tends to have a lot of hold in the way and throughout the game. Xin Zhao is strong in early play. Expect him to go for aggressive coins in attempts to get an early lead."
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"Against pantheon, Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep.\n\nTry your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily.\n\nThe enemies level 6 isn’t very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate R is a utility tool.. With this in mind, use your level 6 advantage to play aggressive and take them down.",
"Against pantheon, Look for an aggressive level 1 game. They can easily try to get you down if you exceed. Try your toughest poke and harass the enemy, but don't engage in it because they can turn around an exchange easily. Level 6 of enemies is not very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate R is a utility tool."
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"Against talon, Talon is incredibly strong at level 2 and 3. Watch your positioning so you do not die to an early all-in.\n\nOnce Talon is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases dramatically. You need to play more respectful at this time and avoid committing to extended fights.\n\nIf Talon’s got Mobi Boots, his roaming pressure intensifies. As soon as he goes missing, ping that he’s gone and push the wave",
"Against talon, Talon is incredibly strong at level 2 and 3. Look at your positioning so you don't die at an all-in-one early. Once Talon is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his death pressure increases considerably. You have to play more respectful at this time and avoid engaging in prolonged fighting. If Talon Get Mobi Boots, his roaming pressure increases. As soon as he disappears, ping that he's gone and push the wave"
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"As pyke, When playing Yuumi against Pyke, take advantage of your range advantage by poking and harassing him when his Q (Bone Skewer) is on cooldown. This allows you to abuse your superior range and trade favorably with him.\n\nIt's important to reach level 2 at the same time as Pyke to maintain parity in the laning phase. Having access to your full abilities and level advantage increases your chances of responding effectively to any aggression from the enemy duo.\n\nCommunicate with your team when Pyke goes missing from the lane, as he is a champion known for his roaming potential. By pinging and alerting your teammates, you can help them play more cautiously and be prepared for potential ganks or plays from Pyke in other lanes.\n\nTo minimize the risk of being all-inned by Pyke and his ADC, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This denies Pyke the opportunity to engage effectively and reduces their chances of initiating aggressive plays. Be mindful of wave management and aim to control the wave position.",
"As pyke, By playing Yuumi against Pyke, enjoy the advantage of your range by typing it and harassing it when its Q (Bone Skewer) is on cooldown. This allows you to abuse your top range and make a favorable trade with it. It is important to reach level 2 at the same time as Pyke to maintain parity in the laning phase. Having access to all your abilities and the level advantage increases your chances of responding effectively to any aggression of the enemy duo. Communicate with your team when Pyke is going to lack track, as it is a champion known for its roaming potential. By pinging and alerting your teammates, you can help them play more carefully and be prepared for Pyke's potential games or games in other ways."
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"Against akali, Once Akali has completed her first item, her kill pressure increases and so does her damage output. Respect her all-in pressure once she completes it.\n \nAkali is capable of all-inning squishy champions at level 6 as she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate. If she hasn't been playing aggressive before level 6, expect her to do so once she gets the level up.\n \nTry not to give Akali kills in the early game. She is a snowball heavy champion and once she has some gold under her belt, she can easily take over the map.",
"Against akali, Once Akali has finished her first article, her death pressure increases and her damage release too. Respect her total pressure once she has finished it. Akali is capable of champions all hardened at level 6 because she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate. If she hasn't played aggressively before level 6, expect her to do so once she has reached the level. Try not to give Akali kills in the early game. She is a heavy snowball champion and once she has some gold under her belt, she can easily take the card."
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"Against teemo, Teemo may not join team fights as he isn’t very good in them. He may instead be split pushing and trying to take objectives in the side lanes. Make sure someone is able to stop him from splitting.\n\nTeemo will place Mushrooms t around objectives and in high traffic areas. Avoid going anywhere that Teemo has recently been in without a Sweeping Lens. He and his teammates may be ready and waiting and try and pounce on you.\n\nAs Teemo will be split pushing or away from his team during fights, you could use the numbers advantage to force a fight 4v4 or 5v4. Just keep an eye on him and be prepared to rotate if he gets close to your tower.",
"Against teemo, Teemo may not join the team fights because it is not very good in them. Rather, it can be split pushing and trying to take targets in the side lanes. Make sure someone is able to prevent it from dividing. Teemo will place the mushrooms t around the lenses and in the areas of great circulation. Avoid going anywhere that Teemo has recently been in without a scanning lens. He and his teammates can be ready and wait and try to launch you. As Teemo will be cracked pushing or away from his team during the fights, you could use the advantage of numbers to force a 4v4 or 5v4 fight."
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"As darius, Use Darius’ early game aggression to get a lead in the lane. Gaining a significant health or kill lead over the enemy will increase your chances of winning the game.\n\nAlways go for extended trades as often as you can on Darius. Thanks to your Passive, you’ll always come out ahead in most cases.\n\nUse your level 6 power spike to get kills in lane and start to snowball. Your Ultimate e can be used as an execute, so it should help you get a lead.",
"As darius, Use Darius' early aggression to get a lead in the way. Obtaining meaningful health or killing lead on the enemy will increase your chances of winning the game. Always go for extended trades as often as you can on Darius. Thanks to your Passive, you will always go out ahead in most cases. Use your Level 6 power peak to get killed in the track and start at snowball. Your Ultimate e can be used as an execution, so it should help you get an advance."
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"As rakan, Another point in his Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability more frequently. It will be helpful in mid-game fights.\n\nHis pick potential is incredible during this portion of the game. The attempt should be to work with his Jungler and get some picks when possible.\n\nHis team fighting potential is really high due to his W and Ultimate R. All he needs to do is not get caught out, as it will definitely get him killed. ",
"As rakan, Another point in his Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability more frequently. It will be useful in mid-game fights. His selection potential is incredible during this part of the game. The attempt should be to work with his Jungler and get choices when possible. His team fighting potential is really high due to his W and Ultimate R. All he needs to do is not get caught, because he will certainly get him killed."
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"As kaisa, Your goal early is to keep poking them down. Try to avoid going for extended trades as they will often win those.\n\nCare for their level 2 all-in. They can play aggressively at level 2 and gain a significant health lead.\n\nSimilarly, try and keep the minion wave even or closer to your side of the map. This will reduce her all-in potential and keep you safe.\n\nYou’re stronger than them at level 6, as your Ultimate can be used in a fight. But, the utility they provide ina skirmish is also very valuable and their Support could all-in you at level 6.\n",
"As kaisa, Your early goal is to keep them down. Try to avoid going for extended jobs because they will often win those. Treat for their level 2 all-in. They can play aggressively at level 2 and gain an important advance in health. Similarly, try to keep the minion wave even or closer to your side of the map. This will reduce its all-in potential and keep you safe. You are stronger than them at level 6, as your Ultimate can be used in a fight. But, the utility they provide ina skirmish is also very valuable and their Support could be everything in you at level 6."
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"As taliyah, Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.\n\nLook for picks with your abilities. Picking someone off and then collapsing on them to take them down is a great way of winning a team fight and ending the game. Look for picks on isolated targets if possible.\n\nKeep a constant eye on you and your allies positioning. You need to poke the enemy down and delay fights in the late game, but you need to watch your positioning as you move forward to harass. Do not get picked off by trying to harass and poke the enemy down.",
"As taliyah, Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or get away from them otherwise the enemy can try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities. Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to remove them is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for choices on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on you and your allies position. You need to drop the enemy and delay the fights in the late game, but you need to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass."
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"As poppy, Level 16 is dull because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R. It won't be as strong as other ultimates.\n\nHer tankiness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. She can keep soaking damage and act as a reliable frontline for her team in fights.\n\nShe will play a pivotal point during this phase of the game. It will make her tanky and will let her dive face-first into the enemy team. She will play a massive role in disrupting team fights for the enemy team.",
"As poppy, Level 16 is dull because it won't get much, except for a reduced cooling on its Ultimate R. It won't be as strong as other ultimates. Its tankness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. It can continue to absorb the damage and act as a reliable front line for its team in the fights. It will play a pivotal point during this phase of the game. It will make its tanky and leave its first face on the enemy team. It will play a massive role in team fighting for the enemy team."
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"As sivir, Multiple points in her Ultimate R will just enable her to help her team pick off-targets. Other than that, she can also use it defensively.\n\nHer mid-game potential is quite strong as she can secure picks and gain mid-priority when possible. It translates into neutral objectives.\n\nHer first ability will be maxed out at level nine, allowing her to deal out much damage. The wave clearing will let her pressurize the enemy team really hard. ",
"As sivir, Several points in her Ultimate R will simply allow her to help her team choose out-of-target targets. Apart from that, she can also use it defensively. Her mid-game potential is strong enough because she can secure choices and win mid-priority when possible. This translates into neutral goals. Her first capacity will be maximized at level 9, which will allow her to do a lot of damage."
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"As yuumi, During the laning phase, focus on poking the enemy down to gain a health advantage. When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in.\n\nTry your hardest to keep your ADC alive for as long as possible in lane. Provide them with heals E whenever they need them.\n\nAfter destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.",
"As yuumi, During the laning phase, focus on the descent of the enemy to get a healthy benefit. When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in. Try your hardest to keep your ADC alive as long as possible in the way. Provide them with E healings whenever they need it. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a gold lead."
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"As maokai, Try to place your saplings in the lane brushes and take control of them. This will help you a lot when trying to all-in enemies and picking them off in the enemy jungle.\n\nYou should start ganking at level 3. Your W and Q make up for some excellent lockdown and CC, while your E can dish out some damage to the target.\n\nGetting your Ultimate R will be a massive spike in the game. This is important for the rest of the game, and you can easily catch out enemies and initiate team fights. ",
"As maokai, Try to place your young trees in the track brushes and take control of them. This will help you a lot when you try to all-in enemies and pick them up in the enemy jungle. You should start to glove at level 3. Your W and Q compensate for some excellent lock and CC, while your E can distribute some damage to the target. Getting your Ultimate R will be a massive peak in the game. This is important for the rest of the game, and you can easily catch enemies and launch team fights."
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"As nilah, Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so ensure that you use it quite frequently. It will definitely help you with chunking out enemies.\n\nContinue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning. Avoid standing still in fights as you’ll be an easy target.\n\nJust like in the mid-game, you should stick with your Support throughout the later parts of the game. Do not go around the map alone as you will die easily.\n",
"As nilah, Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so make sure you use it quite frequently. It will certainly help you cut the enemies. Continue kiteing in team fighting and systematically adapt your positioning. Avoid standing in the fights as you will be an easy target. Just like in the middle of the game, you should stay with your Support throughout the subsequent parts of the game. Do not browse the card alone that you will die easily."
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"Against soraka, Once Soraka hits level 6, her map pressure increases and she can impact the map with her Ultimate R. Once she is level 6, make sure you ping your team so they know she has her Ultimate R available. \n\nAfter Soraka has completed her first item, her damage output and sustain will increase. Expect her to play slightly more aggressive when she has this item completed.\n\nWhen Soraka has her 3 healing items completed, her healing ability will skyrocket. Make sure your carries have healing reduction items like Executioner’s Calling or Morellonomicon. ",
"Against soraka, Once Soraka reaches level 6, its card pressure increases and it can impact the card with its Ultimate R. Once it is level 6, make sure that you ping your team so they know that it has its Ultimate R available. After Soraka has finished its first element, its release of damage and maintenance will increase. Expect it to play a little more aggressive when it has finished this element."
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"As riven, Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them after they’ve used an ability as they cannot use it to trade back with. Riven is less of a threat when they have an ability down.\n\nRiven is weaker than you at level 2. Use your level 2 advantage to go for an aggressive play with your basic combo.\n\nPost 6, your Ultimate offers you a ton of additional kill pressure and opportunities to get kills. Abuse this by playing around its cooldown and trying to make plays whenever it is up.\n\nAs Riven has a lot of built-in sustain, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly to make it easier for you to kill them.",
"As riven, Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them after they have used a capacity as they can not use it to trade with. Riven is less of a threat when they have a capacity down. Riven is weaker than you at level 2. Use your level 2 advantage to go for an aggressive game with your base combo. Post 6, your Ultimate offers you a ton of extra pressure to kill and opportunities to get killed."
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"As rell, Group and stay with your team. Go to ward when you know where the enemy is so you do not get picked off and killed before an objective spawns.\n\nLook for picks with your Ultimate R. Rell can quickly force objectives or team fights with ease if she can catch someone who walks too far forward.\n\nPeel and protect your allies as much as possible in mid-game team fights. If you let them die, it’s going to be difficult for your team to win the fight. After engaging, retreat and peel for your ADC.",
"As rell, Group and stay with your team. Go to the hall when you know where the enemy is in order not to be chosen and killed before an objective spawning. Look for choices with your Ultimate R. Rell can quickly force goals or team fights with ease if she can catch someone who walks too far forward. Peel and protect your allies as much as possible in mid-game team fights. If you let them die, it will be difficult for your team to win the fight. After engaging, retreat and peeling for your ADC."
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"As corki, When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear and poke damage will increase heavily. He shouldn’t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it.\n\nAt level 6, Corki’s wave clear increases as his e can help him push the enemy into their tower. His e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously. \n\nHe is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4, but he does have his basic attacks, and his Passive which make him abit annoying to deal with if you're playing as a melee champion against him.",
"As corki, When Corki finished his first article, his clear wave and poke damage will increase sharply. He should not find it at all difficult to keep the enemy pushed into their turn once he finished it. At level 6, Corkis clear wave increases as his e can help him push the enemy in their turn. His e are also a good tool to blow up and push the wave simultaneously. He's not necessarily strong at levels 1-4, but he has his basic attacks, and his Passive that makes him annoying to handle if you play like a melee champion against him."
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"As pyke, Make sure you keep the wave closer to your side of the map as it will allow you to deny Pyke all-in opportunities while also reducing Pyke's trading potential. It will let you set up your Jungler too.\n\nTry and harass Pyke as often as possible with your superior range. Bully them as often as possible and then look for an all-in when they’re low.\n\nMake sure you hit level 2 at the same time as Pyke, as they’re way stronger than you at level 2 and by hitting level 2 before or at the same time, you’ll have a better chance at fighting back.\n\nYou’re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you’re at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6.",
"As pyke, Make sure you keep the wave closer to your side of the card as it will allow you to deny Pyke all-in opportunities while also reducing Pyke's trading potential. It will allow you to set up your Jungler too. Try to harass Pyke as often as possible with your higher range. Harass them as often as possible and then look for an all-in when they are low. Make sure you hit Level 2 at the same time as Pyke, as they are much stronger than you at Level 2 and hitting Level 2 before or at the same time you will have a better chance of fighting back. You are weaker than them every time they have their Ultimate Up. If you are at risk of dying, always remember Level 5 so that you are not killed when they hit Level 6."
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"As sett, Sett is great in extended trades thanks to his Q. As long as he can stick to an enemy champion, he should win 1v1 fights.\n\nHis Ultimate R allows him to both get tanks off his carries as well as deal a lot of damage to the enemy team if he manages to ult his target into them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant.\n\nHis Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so he can resort to short burst trades against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W does deceptively high damage as well, while providing damage mitigation to him.",
"As sett, His ultimate R allows him both to get tanks from his carts and to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he manages to ulterate his target on them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant. His passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so that he can resort to short tracks against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W makes such high misleading damage, while providing him with mitigation of damage."
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"As leesin, Lee Sin will have multiple items during this phase of the game. It will allow him to deal robust amounts of damage while ensuring that his survivability is preserved.\n\nHis first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means that he will be dishing out a heavy amount of burst damage and ultimately killing squishy enemies off by himself.\n\nAt level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate k. This will let him use that ability wholly and frequently ruin the ability of enemy divers to get into his backline. ",
"As leesin, Lee Sin will have several objects during this phase of the game. It will allow him to inflict robust amounts of damage while ensuring that his survival is preserved. His first ability will be maximized to level 9. This means that he will be paying a significant amount of burst damage and will eventually kill unhealthy enemies by himself. At level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate k. This will allow him to use this ability totally and frequently ruin the ability of the enemy divers to enter his backline."
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"As syndra, If your allies move to your lane after destroying their tower, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and gaining XP and gold.\n\nUse your abilities to clear the minion waves quickly so your team can siege/ prevent a siege from the enemy team. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favourable trade.\n\nWhile sieging Baron or Dragon, or whenever you’re pushing the enemy under their tower, look for a pick with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you’ll be able to take the objective for free.",
"As syndra, If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue growing and winning XP and gold. Use your capabilities to quickly clear the minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you can look for a favorable trade. By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a peak with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the goal for free."
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"As skarner, His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. It should bolster his survivability and damage in the game, and he should be able to make more picks now.\n\nSkarner’s team fighting is phenomenal during this phase of the game. He can soak up damage while ensuring that he gets crucial picks on the enemy team.\n\nAt level 11, he would put a second point in his Ultimate. The reduced cooldown will help him make picks more frequently.\n",
"As skarner, His first ability will be maximized to level 9. He should strengthen his survival and damage in the game, and he should be able to make more choices now. Skarner's team fight is phenomenal during this phase of the game. He can absorb the damage while making sure that he gets crucial choices in the enemy team. At level 11, he would put a second point in his Ultimate. Cooldown will reduce him to make choices more frequently."
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"Against kindred, In team fights, be prepared to switch targets as soon as Kindred has used her Ultimate R. \n\nKindred can take down targets who are wandering Summoners Rift alone. Do not walk around the map alone unless you know where Kindred is.\n\nTry and kill monsters/camps that are marked so Kindred is unable to get the stacks. Securing these throughout the game is important and will stop her from taking over the game.",
"Against kindred, In team fighting, be ready to change targets as soon as Kindred has used his Ultimate R. Kindred can remove targets that wander Rift Summons alone. Do not walk on the map alone unless you know where Kindred is. Try to kill monsters/camps that are marked if Kindred is unable to get the batteries."
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"As morgana, During this phase of the game, Morgana will have multiple items which will allow her to protect her team. Combined with her E, her allies will be immune from CC.\n\nA fully maxed out Ultimate R will allow her to use the ability quite frequently and dish out a lot of damage at the same time. It will be great during clumped fights.\n\nShe is excellent in late-game fights due to her overall utility and CC on her Q. That CC can easily be chained with her Ultimate R for maximal effectiveness.",
"As morgana, During this phase of the game, Morgana will have several elements that will allow him to protect his team. Combined with his E, his allies will be protected from the CC. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability quite frequently and flatten a lot of damage at the same time. It will be great during the battles piled up. She is excellent in the fights at the end of the game due to her overall utility and CC on her Q. That CC can easily be chained with her Ultimate R for maximum efficiency."
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"As lucian, Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade with the enemy. Gaining an early health advantage will help you out.\n\nFocus on farming and looking for aggressive plays once the enemy uses an ability. Play around their abilities and look to abuse their cooldowns with your early game damage.\n\nRotate around the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP.",
"As lucian, Get Level 2 first and look for a favorable trade with the enemy. Earning an early health benefit will help you. Focus on agriculture and looking for aggressive games once the enemy uses a ability. Play around their abilities and seek to abuse their cooldowns with your early game damage."
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"As akali, Focus on staying healthy and farming up till you gain access to your W, E, and R. In the meantime, try to land your Q on both the minion wave and the enemy champion.\n\nSince you use Energy, and your abilities are energy hungry, you should always take a look at your resource bar before attempting an all-in. Keep a track of the enemy Jungler from the beginning of the game as he will attempt to camp your lane till you hit level six.\n\nUse your E discretely in this lane as it allows you to both all-in and disengage against enemies. Your goal should be to get your first item as quickly as you can so that your all-ins become more potent and deadly.",
"As akali, In the meantime, try to land your Q on the wave of the minion and the enemy champion. Since you use energy, and your abilities are hungry for energy, you should always take a look at your resource bar before trying an all-in. Keep track of the enemy Jungler from the beginning of the game as he will try to camp your way until you reach level 6. Use your E discreetly in this way because it allows you both the all-in and the disengagement against the enemies. Your goal should be to get your first item as quickly as possible so that your all-in becomes more powerful and deadly."
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"Against kled, Kled will always be stronger when he is mounted. He is slightly weaker when he is dismounted.\n\nAt level 6, Kled has increased mobility and the potential to impact multiple lanes with his Ultimate R. He can also use his Ultimate R to engage and chase down the enemy. Do not overextend in lane as he can easily kill you.\n\nKled is one of the strongest champions in the game. He will try to fight you as much as he can to get an early lead.",
"Against kled, Kled will always be stronger when he is mounted. He is slightly weaker when he is disassembled. At level 6, Kled has increased mobility and the potential to impact several tracks with his Ultimate R. He can also use his Ultimate R to engage and pursue the enemy. Do not overextend in the way as he can easily kill you. Kled is one of the strongest champions in the game. He will try to fight you as much as he can to get an early lead."
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"As darius, You always need to be above half health once Darius has his Ultimate, otherwise, Darius can easily kill you even while you are under the effects of your Ultimate.\n\nNever take longer trades against Darius, especially if he didn't use his E to engage the fight. Once his Passive grants him extra damage, he will almost certainly turn the fight around quickly. Should you try to run away, he'll pull you back with his E.\n\nDarius will kill minions extremely quickly with his Q if he uses it in the minion, causing the wave to push to your tower. You want this, as this helps prevent Darius from freezing by his tower and forcing you to use your Q to grab minions. \n\nYour goal early on is to abuse and poke him down with your Q and then look for all-ins with your Jungler or when he very low. Don’t under estimate Mundo’s damage output and poke with his Q.\n",
"As darius, You always need to be above half the health once Darius has his Ultimate, otherwise Darius can easily kill you even while you are under the effects of your Ultimate. Never take longer trades against Darius, especially if he did not use his E to engage the fight. Once his Passive grants him additional damage, he will almost certainly turn the fight around quickly. If you try to run away, he will shoot you again with his E. Darius will kill the minions extremely quickly with his Q if he uses it in the minion, causing the wave to push in your turn. You want that, because it helps to prevent Darius from freezing by his turn and forcing you to use your Q to catch the minions."
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"As hwei, Abuse your range advantage by standing back and poking the enemy down from afar.\n\nAt level 6, play around your Ultimate cooldown to help you get kills with your ADC.\n\nStand away from enemy, but make sure you’re near your ADC so you can have lane pressure while you’re not poking.\n",
"As hwei, At level 6, play around your Ultimate Cooldown to help you get murders with your ADC. Stay away from the enemy, but make sure you're close to your ADC so you can get pressure on the track while you're not poking."
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"As zed, If they invade you, just back off, as they can easily kill you, especially if you’re behind.\n\nThey can secure objective so much easier than you can. Keep them warded to spot them before they can secure the objective.\n\nPost 6, avoid fighting them at all costs as they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will easily kill you.\n\nA good player will be playing around their Ultimate as often as it comes up. You need to counter their ganking pressure by doing the same.",
"As zed, If they invade you, just back, as they can easily kill you, especially if you are behind. They can secure the lens so much easier than you can. Keep them guarded to spot them before they can secure the lens. Post 6, avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will kill you easily. A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he comes. You have to counter their waste pressure by doing the same thing."
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"Against leesin, Lee Sin will be trying to gank as often as he can in the early game. He is a strong duelist and will look to abuse his early game strength.\n\nOnce Lee Sin is level 6, his kill pressure intensifies as his Ultimate k can be used to set up ganks or finish enemies off. He is very strong at level 6.\n\nAs soon as Lee Sin has completed his jungling item, his kill pressure will be very high as he will have lower cooldowns and more damage.",
"Against leesin, Lee Sin will try to gank as often as he can in the early game. He is a strong duelist and will seek to abuse his early play force. Once Lee Sin is level 6, his pressure to kill increases as his Ultimate k can be used to set up ganks or finish enemies. He is very strong at level 6. As soon as Lee Sin has finished his juggling element, his death pressure will be very high because it will have lower cooling and more damage."
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"As vayne, Your goal is to poke her out with your W in this matchup as much as possible. This will make all-in'ing her later on, really easy.\n\nShe may try to E you into a wall so be wary of your positioning near terrain in this matchup. Any mistake can easily cost you the fight.\n\nHer Ultimate makes her really strong, and invisible, so make sure that you tag her with your W. This way you will be able to see he silohuette gradually and know where she is.\n\nKeep the wave somewhere close to your tower in this matchup. It will give you ample opportunities to bring the enemy under the risks of ganks from your Jungler/laners.",
"As vayne, Your goal is to get it out with your W in this matchup as much as possible. This will make you quite easy later. It can try you E in a wall if beware of your position near the field in this matchup. Any error can easily cost you the fight. Its Ultimate makes it really strong, and invisible, so make sure you label it with your W. In this way you will be able to see gradually it silohuette and know where it is. Keep the wave somewhere near your turn in this matchup. This will give you many opportunities to bring the enemy under the risk of ganks of your Jungler/laners."
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"Against riven, Riven can easily 1v1 any champion at level 3 if she is in a favourable matchup. Do not overextend to reduce her chances of killing you.\n\nWhen Riven unlocks her Ultimate e, her all-in potential increases dramatically. Make sure you disengage if she tries to fight you unless you have an advantage.\n\nOnce Riven has completed two or three items, she becomes very strong and will be able to take down any squishy champion that is not a tank. If you see her running towards you- just back away.",
"Against riven, Riven can easily 1v1 any champion at level 3 if she is in a favorable matchup. Do not overextend to reduce her chances of killing you. When Riven unlocks her Ultimate e, her all-out potential increases considerably. Make sure to disengage if she tries to fight you unless you have an advantage. Once Riven has finished two or three items, she becomes very strong and will be able to remove any squishy champion who is not a tank. If you see her running towards you-just back."
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"Against graves, Once Graves gets his first item, his kill pressure will increase. Expect him to play more aggressive once he has some levels and item components behind him.\n \nAt level 6, Graves will gain access to his Ultimate t. Once he has his Ultimate t available, his kill pressure increases dramatically.\n \nThe more gold Graves gets, the stronger he will become. Try to reduce his gold income by constantly matching his pushing power and avoid dying to him during the laning phase.",
"Against graves, Once Graves gets his first element, his death pressure will increase. Expects that he will play more aggressive once he has some levels and element components behind him. At level 6, Graves will have access to his Ultimate t. Once he has his Ultimate t available, his death pressure increases considerably."
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"As viego, Viego is pretty decent during team fights due to his W and Q. His life steal will help him during full-blown fights, and his Ultimate R will act as a decent finishing move.\n\nViego will gain a massive power spike once he gets two points in his Ultimate R. He can run down squishy targets, execute them and use his Passive for much longer than any other champion in his situation.\n\nHe will have his core items by this phase of the game. He should be able to dish out a lot of damage and catch enemies off-guard with his W. His E should help him pull off multiple ganks as well. ",
"As viego, Viego is decent enough during the team fights because of his W and Q. His life flight will help him during the full fights, and his Ultimate R will act as a decent finish movement. Viego will win a massive power peak once he has two points in his Ultimate R. He can run squishy targets, execute them and use his Passive for much longer than any other champion in his situation. He will have his basic elements through this phase of the game. He should be able to flatten a lot of damage and catch the out-of-guard enemies with his W. His E should help him shoot several ganks as well."
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"Against qiyana, The level 6 power spike for Qiyana is pretty strong because it gives her a game-changing Ultimate R that can be used in plenty of ways. Be careful and do not position near a Tower or wall as she may look to R you into it.\n\nOnce Qiyana has her first item completed, she will look to trade more aggressively as she will have extra cooldown reduction and damage. Be careful and do not go for short trades as she favours them.\n\nQiyana truly shines in the mid-game as her Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool. Unlike many assassins, Qiyana actually favours team fighting.",
"Against qiyana, The Level 6 power peak for Qiyana is strong enough because it gives it a Ultimate R that changes the game that can be used in many ways. Be careful and not position near a tower or wall as it can look at R in you. Once Qiyana has its first element finished, she will seek to exchange more aggressively as she will have an additional cooling reduction and damage. Be careful and not go for short jobs as she favors them. Qiyana really shines in the middle of the game that her Ultimate R is an excellent team combat tool. Unlike many assassins, Qiyana actually favors team struggle."
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"As nautilus, Unfortunately, Nautilus doesn’t have the fastest clear in the game, but it is somewhat healthy.\n\nHe also doesn’t have great objective control, so you will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald.\n\nCan be hard to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy.",
"As nautilus, Unfortunately, Nautilus does not have the fastest clear in the game, but it is a little healthy. It does not have as great objective control, so you will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald. Can be difficult to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy."
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"As kled, Split push in the mid-game. Drawing pressure while your team fights somewhere else on the map is a great way of opening up the map and gaining a gold lead.\n\nLook to flank in team fights. If you can attack from the side and get on a key target, the chances of you winning a team fight will be increased.\n\nLook for picks or look to fight the person who you’re laning against when they try to stop you from split pushing. If you’re ahead, don’t be afraid to fight but always check the map before committing to using your Ultimate R. ",
"As kled, If you can attack on the side and get on a key target, the chances of winning a team fight will be increased. Look for choices or look to fight the person you are laning against when they try to prevent you from pushing split. If you are ahead, don't be afraid to fight but always check the card before committing to using your Ultimate R."
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"As zyra, Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade. Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line. Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions.\n\nYour goal during the laning phase is so to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead.\n\nAfter destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.",
"As zyra, Level 2 in the lower lane is the first wave of minions followed by the next 3 minons of melee. So your goal during the laning phase is to look for murders and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive frequently to get an advance. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a gold lead."
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"As ekko, When Ekko hits level 3, he can start to look for aggressive plays as he would’ve unlocked all 3 of his basic abilities. Until that time, he can fight, but he will unlikely gain any significant advantage.\n\nAs Ekko can deal a lot of burst damage, once he has completed his Mythic item, his kill pressure intensifies.\n\nAt level 6, Ekko becomes an incredible threat. He can go for risky plays and use his Ultimate R to escape. His Ultimate R can also be used aggressively, which makes it incredibly versatile. You can look for riskier all-ins post 6 as long as you cast your Ultimate R.",
"As ekko, When Ekko reaches level 3, he can start looking for aggressive parts as he would have unlocked the 3 of his basic abilities. Until then, he can fight, but he will probably not gain any significant advantage. As Ekko can do a lot of burst damage, once he has finished his Mythic article, his death pressure gets intensified. At level 6, Ekko becomes an incredible threat. He can go for risky parts and use his Ultimate R to escape. His Ultimate R can also be used aggressively, making it incredibly versatile."
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"As zeri, Zeri’s first power spike is at level 3 when she unlocks each of her basic abilities. She will be relatively strong at level 3.\n\nHer next power spike will generally be once she unlocks her first component item as it allows her to go for more favourable trades with the enemy laner.\n\nAt level 6, Zeri will unlock her Ultimate R. This is a good spike for Zeri and it will allow her to win all-ins even in the hardest of matchups.",
"As zeri, Zeri's first power peak is at level 3 when it unlocks each of its basic capabilities. It will be relatively strong at level 3. Its next power peak will usually be once it unlocks its first component element because it allows it to go for more favorable trades with the enemy lantern. At level 6, Zeri will unlock its Ultimate R. It is a good peak for Zeri and it will allow it to win all in even in the hardest matchups."
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"As galio, Galio's damage will increase by a lot once he gets his first item. It will allow his Q and E to hit like a truck during all-ins.\n\nOnce Galio hits level 6, he unlocks the ability to make cross-map plays around the map. This is advantageous for his team and will let you impact the game a lot more.\n\nSince Galio has limited range, he will have a hard time early during the game. However, he can use his Q to bypass this. When using his Q, he should try to hit the enemy champion for bonus points.",
"As galio, Galio's damage will increase a lot once he has his first element. This will allow his Q and E to hit like a truck during all in. Once Galio reaches level 6, he unlocks the ability to make cross card games around the card. This is advantageous for his team and will allow you to impact the game much more. Since Galio has a limited range, he will have a difficult time early during the game. However, he can use his Q to bypass this. Using his Q, he should try to hit the enemy champion for bonus points."
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"Against fiddlesticks, Once Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya’s Hourglass, it allows his R to really hit home. If he channels his R and uses his Zhonya’s, you can’t attack him when he goes into stasis.\n\nWhen Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility. If you’re trying to go for an all in, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing.\n\nOf course, Fiddlesticks biggest power spike is his level 6. You can counter it by having constant wards around your lane. If he goes missing post 6, ping your teammates.",
"Against fiddlesticks, Once Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya, it allows his R to really hit at home. If he channels his R and uses his Zhonya, you can't attack him when he goes into the stasis. When Fiddlesticks has access to 3 abilities, it's really hard to manage because they offer him so much utility. If you're trying to go for a whole in, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing. Of course, Fiddlesticks' biggest power peak is his 6. You can counter him by having constant guards around your track. If he's going to miss position 6, ping your teammates."
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"Against darius, Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range to pull e them in.\n \nFor AD champions, investing in an Executioner’s Calling will help reduce his healing and survivability in lane and in team fights. \n \nDo not overstay in a team fight when you’re low as you might set up Darius for a Pentakill with his Ultimate e. ",
"Against darius, Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him ride to you or your allies as he can inflict tons of damage if he is within range to shoot e in. For AD champions, investing in a Calling Executer will help reduce his healing and survival in the way and in team fights. Do not stay in a team fight when you are weak as you could set up Darius for a Pentakill with his Ultimate e."
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"As renekton, Renekton is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. You can use this advantage to gain a lead.\n\nHas tons of sustain in lane thanks to his e. The additional healing will make fights favoured as he can heal back some of the damage taken.\n\nOnce ahead, Renekton can constantly bully the enemy laner and over again and snowball his lead quickly. Make sure you keep playing around your cooldowns to further your lead.",
"As renekton, Renekton is one of the first strongest game champions in the game. You can use this advantage to win an advance. To tons of support in the way thanks to his e. The additional healing will make favored fights as it can cure some of the damage taken. Once in advance, Renekton can constantly intimidate the enemy lantern and again and snowball his advance quickly. Make sure you continue to play around your cooldowns to continue your lead."
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"As sett, His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let him deal massive amounts of damage during ganks and mid-game fights.\n\nHis team fighting is quite potent during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy.\n\nThe second point in his Ultimate R will let him do more damage with the ability. It is necessary to ensure that he tosses the target in the proper direction. ",
"As sett, His first ability will be maximized at level 9. This will allow him to inflict massive damage during the gank and mid-game fights. His team fight is quite powerful during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy. The second point of his ultimate R will allow him to do more damage with the ability. It is necessary to make sure that he throws the target in the right direction."
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"As riven, The first item component will allow her to deal a lot of damage and survive the lane. It will also be conducive when trying to go for all-in combos.\n\nLevel six is a massive spike for her as she can now affect fights easily with her t and r. Her e usage will dictate how good a Riven she is.\n\nShe is a decent champion early on, especially if she manages to use the lane brushes to her advantage in the lane. Her all-in combo will be pretty potent if she catches her enemies off-guard. ",
"As riven, The first element will allow her to do a lot of damage and survive the way. It will also be favorable when trying to go for all-in combos. Level six is a massive peak for her because she can now affect the fights easily with her ts and r. Its use will dictate how good a Riven is. She is a decent champion early, especially if she manages to use the track brushes to her advantage in the way. Her all-in combo will be quite powerful if she catches her out-of-guard enemies."
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"As braum, Just like the mid-game, teams will be grouped during the late game. Braum is going to be very strong in late game team fights.\n\nAt level 13, Braum will max out his E. He will be able to speak up a lot of damage for his carries during the late game.\n\nAt level 16, Braum will put the third and final point in his Ultimate r. It will be on a rather short cooldown which can allow him to start team fights on enemies who are caught out of position.",
"As braum, Just like the middle of the game, the teams will be regrouped during the end of the game. Braum will be very strong in the team fights at the end of the game. At level 13, Braum will maximize his E. He will be able to talk a lot of damage for his litters during the end of the game. At level 16, Braum will put the third and final point in his Ultimate r. He will be on a rather short cooldown that can allow him to start team fights on enemies who are taken out of position."
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"As karma, She has excellent waveclear and splash damage with her Q. This allows her to get lane priority and help her other laners/Jungler when they are contesting objectives.\n\nHer d allows her to shield everyone in her team. It also allows her to increase the movement speed of the allied team, which can help them catch out an over extended enemy.\n\nWhen fighting 1 v 1 she practically doesn’t have a weakness when all of her spells are up. If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away, If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health. Her Ultimate a is the backbone of her strength in the lane and proper usage will let her get ahead.",
"As karma, It has excellent wave damage and splashing with its Q. This allows it to obtain the priority of the track and to help its other langers/Jungler when they contest the objectives. Its d allows it to protect everyone in its team. It also allows it to increase the speed of movement of the allied team, which can help them catch an overcrowded enemy. When it fights 1 v 1, it has virtually no weakness when all its spells are lifted. If someone tries to approach it, it can just Q them and escape, If she engages, she can use her d and Ultimate has both the ability to disengage and regain a great deal of health. Her Ultimate is the backbone of her strength in the way and an appropriate use will allow her to move forward."
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"Against tristana, Her E and Q makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you.\n\nAvoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her E is on you. The more auto-attacks she hits you with- the more damage you will take. \n\nTristana will often use her W aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.",
"Against tristana, Her E and Q bring down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free blows on your turret as the tower trays will give her a golden advantage over you. Avoid prolonged exchanges with Tristana every time her E is on you. The more she hits you with self-attacks with- the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her W aggressively. If you are strong and have good all of it, you could try to trade with her and use her bad position to kill her."
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"As yuumi, As Yuumi has a lot of built-in sustain, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly to make it easier for you to kill them.\n\nYuumi's a squishy champion. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you can force them to over extend and then all-in or fight Yuumi when they overextend.\n\nDon’t let Yuumi harass and poke you down. If you lose a lot of health, you’ll never be in a position to play aggressively. Watch your positioning, dodge Yuumi's damage and don’t let them abuse you for free.\n\nKeep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them (her or the ADC) after they’ve used an ability as they cannot use it to trade back with. Yuumi is less of a threat when they have an ability down.\n",
"As yuumi, As Yuumi has a lot of built-in support, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly to make it easier for you to kill them. Yuumi is a squishy champion. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you can force them to exceed the extension and then all-in or fight Yuumi when they superextend. Do not let Yuumi harass you and bring you down. If you lose a lot of health, you will never be able to play aggressively. Look at your positioning, Dodge Yuumi damage and don't let you abuse for free. Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them (she or the CDA) after they have used a capability as they can't use it to trade with. Yuumi is less of a threat when they have a ability to get down."
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"As naafiri, At level 16, you’ll put the third and final point in your Ultimate. You will be rather strong and your all-in potential will be high.\n\nIn the late game, you’ll start to fall off a bit as teams will be grouped so you need to play with your team. The enemy grouping together will reduce your chances of getting picks.\n\nNaturally, you’ll have many items completed, or are full build at this stage of the game, so you should be able to deal a lot of damage and survive fights.\n",
"As naafiri, At level 16, you will have put the third and final point in your Ultimate. You will be strong enough and your all-in-pot potential will be high. In the late part, you will start to fall a bit because the teams will be grouped together so you have to play with your team. The enemy group together will reduce your chances of getting choices. Of course, you will have a lot of finished items, or are in the middle of construction at this stage of the game, so you should be able to do a lot of damage and survive fighting."
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"As gragas, Don’t let the enemy Jungler get all the Dragons. Try to secure them with your team after ganking the bottom lane.\n\nWard for your allies! Gragas is way stronger than you early, and you can decrease their early power by warding for your allies, so they do not die to ganks.\n\nYou’re way stronger early compared to Gragas. With this in mind, try to invade often to gain an early advantage.\n\nGragas will look to gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up. Ensure you ward the enemy's jungle entrances so your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate.\n",
"As gragas, Don't let the enemy Jungler get all the Dragons. Try to secure them with your team after ruining the lower track. Ward for your allies! Gragas is much stronger than you early, and you can decrease their early power by keeping them for your allies, so they don't die for ganks. You're much sooner than Gragas. With this in mind, try to invade often to gain an early advantage. Gragas look for gank more often when their Ultimate is up. Make sure to keep the enemy's jungle entrances so your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate."
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"As garen, Garen will have three points in his Ultimate R at level 16, which will give him a massive damage boost and the luxury to use the ability frequently. Of course, it helps a lot when he manages to catch an enemy off-guard.\n\nHis tankiness is overpowered during the late game due to all his items. However, he won't be dying a lot and can easily zone out the enemy from his team, especially if the enemy team has an assassin who likes to dive the allied backline.\n\nGaren will have many items now, which will give him both a damage and survivability boost in the lane. He can tank tower shots for days and allow his team to tower, dive enemies as and when required.",
"As garen, Garen will have three points in his Ultimate R at level 16, which will give him a massive increase in damage and the luxury of using capacity frequently. Of course, this helps a lot when he manages to catch an out-of-guard enemy. His tankness is overcharged during the late part due to all his articles. However, he will not die much and can easily delimit the enemy of his team, especially if the enemy team has a murderer who likes to dive the allied backline. Garen will have a lot of articles now, which will give him both a blow of damage and survival in the way."
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"Against sion, The longer the game goes, the stronger Sion will become. Depending on his build path, he will peak at different items.\n\nSion is strong at level 6 as he can quickly gank lanes from out of vision. Deeper vision will be needed to reduce his effectiveness.\n\nAt level 9, Sion would’ve maxed his Q. His all-in potential and strength when ganking will be very high.",
"Against sion, The more the game goes, the stronger Sion will be. Depending on his path of construction, he will culminate in different articles. Sion is strong at level 6 because he can quickly gank the ways out of vision. A deeper vision will be needed to reduce his efficiency. At level 9, Sion would have maximized his Q. His potential and his all-in-hand strength when the ganking will be very high."
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"As diana, Pre-six she is quite weak especially when her Q or t is down. Being melee in nature, she can’t really deal well with ranged carries when her t is down.\n\nDiana’s early game is rather weak and needs time to come online. If she gets bullied from range, it’s going to be difficult for her to farm and reach her power spike. Falling behind will make it difficult for her to get back into the game.\n\nProper warding from the enemy team can diminish Diana’s flanking potential in team fights as she will be detected by the enemy in time. This can really reduce her ability to team fight.",
"As diana, Foresix it is rather weak especially when its Q or t is in decline. Being mixed in nature, it can really not deal well with the varied wearer when its t is in decline. Diana is quite weak and needs time to come online. If she gets harassed by range, it will be difficult for her to close and reach her peak of power."
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"As viego, You should be a monster during this phase of the game if you have your items. Participate in team fights actively and always aim for the enemy backline.\n\nUse your E to flank or zone out enemies from areas like the objective pits. If you see the enemy Jungler walking close to you, deal with them first.\n\nYour Ultimate R will be very important during this phase of the game. It can help you survive near-death situations, especially if you are targeting the enemy backline. Just make sure that you activate your Passive before dying.",
"As viego, You should be a monster during this phase of the game if you have your articles. Participate in team fights actively and always aim at the enemy rear line. Use your E to flank or delimit the enemies of areas like objective pits. If you see the enemy Jungler walking near you, deal with them first. Your Ultimate R will be very important during this phase of the game. It can help you survive situations near death, especially if you target the enemy rear line. Just make sure that you activate your Passive before you die."
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"Against sion, Sion will look to cheese the bot lane bush at level 1. Do not walk near any bushes at level 1 so he doesn’t get an early health advantage.\n\nAlways stand towards the opposite of the lane so it’s very hard for Sion to use his Q on you.\n\nWhen he hits level 6, avoid overextending or using any movement tools like dashes as he can cast his Ultimate R and take you down. Furthermore, he has great roam potential post 6, so ping if he leaves the lane.\n",
"Against sion, Sion will look to cheese the bush of the bot track at level 1. Do not walk near the bushes at level 1 so that it does not get an early health benefit. Always stand towards the opposite of the track so it is very difficult for Zion to use its Q on you. When it reaches level 6, avoid overextendance or use any movement tool as dashes as it can throw its Ultimate R and get you down."
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"Against missfortune, Once Miss Fortune hits level 6, her kill pressure increases thanks to her Ultimate e and its damage. \n\nIn team fights, Miss Fortune truly shines as her Ultimate e can deal tons of damage if she uses it in a safe place. Disengage as soon as she channels her Ultimate e. \n\nAt level 9, Miss Fortune’s t will deal tons of damage if it hits you. Watch your positioning and make sure you’re never directly behind a minion.",
"Against missfortune, Once Miss Fortune reaches level 6, her death pressure increases thanks to her Ultimate e and her damage. In team fighting, Miss Fortune really shines that her Ultimate e can inflict tons of damage if she uses it in a safe place. Disengagement as soon as she channels her Ultimate e. At level 9, Miss Fortunes will do tons of damage if she hits you."
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"Against soraka, Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her Silence E on herself as soon as you engage. Try to bait the Silence E out before looking for the all-in.\n\nTo increase your kill pressure in a Soraka matchup, focus the Soraka rather than the ADC. Focusing the ADC will not be helpful as Soraka can just heal them with her W. \n\nIf you benefit from it, try to get an early Executioner’s Calling. This will reduce her healing ability and increase your kill pressure in lane.",
"Against soraka, Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her E Silence on herself as soon as you commit. Try to lure the E Silence before looking for the all-in. To increase your death pressure in a Soraka match, focus the Soraka rather than the CDA. Focusing on CDA will not be useful because Soraka can simply cure them with his W. If you get it, try to get an early execution call. This will reduce his ability to heal and increase your death pressure in the way."
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"As camille, The mid-game should be focused on picking off the enemy laners and champions who are squandering about the map. Her potential to duel and pick off enemies should be capitalized on by her.\n\nNeutral objective fights will have to be dealt with differently. Camille should always try to get into the enemy backline by using the fog of war to her advantage during such fights. This is mainly because she doesn't have any consistent AoE DPS ability in her kit.\n\nHer core items should allow her to take up any fight without significant hindrance. She should be focusing on ganking her laners frequently to help them accumulate a lead during this phase of the game.",
"As camille, Its potential of duel and decapitation of enemies should be capitalized by it. Neutral objective combats will have to be treated differently. Camille should always try to enter the enemy backline using the fog of war to her advantage during such combats. This is mainly because she does not have a constant AoE DPS capability in her kit. Its basic elements should allow her to take any significant unimpeded combat. She should focus on the glove of her losers frequently to help them accumulate an advance during this phase of the game."
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"As yone, He doesn’t do well early on against ranged matchups as he can be poked quite easily from range. Regular poking will eventually get him killed if he stays in the lane.\n\nHe can outplay himself with his E if he goes in and mistimes the E duration. Crowd control is his mortal enemy, and he can be taken out quite easily due to his squishiness.\n\nHis Ultimate R doesn’t have a lot of width, which makes it really easy for the enemies to dodge it from range. This will require Yone to get close to the enemy team, which can put him in a vulnerable position.",
"As yone, It's not early against the various matches because it can be swiped quite easily. Regular Poking will eventually get him killed if he stays in the way. He can overplay with his E if he goes and bad time the E duration. Control of the crowd is his mortal enemy, and he can be removed quite easily due to his squishiness. His ultimate R doesn't have much width, which makes it really easy for enemies to avoid him from range. This will require Yone to get closer to the enemy team, who can put him in a vulnerable position."
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"Against brand, Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective. This will make his Ultimate R a lot less potent. With that said, when grouping try not to group too close together so he cannot bounce his Ultimate R between multiple champions either. \n\nIn the later stages of the game, Brand will go and ward objectives alone. Use this to your advantage by setting up an ambush and taking him down before an objective spawns.\n\nBrand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking you down. To prevent him from destroying your health bar, you need to fight him as soon as you see him.",
"Against brand, Avoid fighting in tight neighborhoods like inside the jungle or around a goal. This will make its Ultimate R much less powerful. With that said, when the group tries not to get too grouped together so that it can't bounce its Ultimate R between several champions either. In the final stages of the game, Brand will go and watch alone goals. Use this to your advantage by setting up an ambush and shoot it down before a spawning goal. Brand will try to inflict a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while brewing."
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"Against shyvana, Force team fights when Shyvana doesn’t have her Dragon t form so she is unable to effectively trade or fight back with your team.\n\nShyvana will try to delay a team fight so she can harass and poke you down with her l in Dragon t form. Fight as soon as you can so she is unable to burst you down and from afar.\n\nShyvana can flank from the side with her Ultimate t and her l. Make sure you have your flanks warded so you can see her before she gets the chance to poke and burst you down.",
"Against shyvana, Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so that she can harass you and harass you with her l in the shape of Dragon t. Fight as soon as you can so that she can't shoot you down and from a distance. Shyvana can flank on the side with her Ultimate t and her l. Make sure you have your flanks watched so you can see her before she gets the chance to crash and shoot you."
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"As xerath, Very immobile and susceptible to crowd control from the enemy team, especially when he is charging his p up.\n\nCan be easily all-in’d if he uses his r carelessly and he doesn’t have his Flash up. Can be flanked with ease when he is pushed up in the lane due to his in-built waveclear.\n\nHis Ultimate 2 can easily be interrupted and can be used as a traction to target him and get rid of him immediately. Xerath will need to position properly before using his Ultimate 2 , else there is a good chance that he will get killed immediately.",
"As xerath, Very motionless and sensitive to the control of the crowd of the enemy team, especially when it loads its p up. Can easily be all-in-one if it uses its r with caution and it does not have its Flash up. Can be flanked with ease when it is pushed up in the track due to its in-build wavollelar. Its Ultimate 2 can easily be interrupted and can be used as a traction to target it and get rid of it immediately. Xerath will have to position well before using its Ultimate 2 , otherwise there is a good chance that it will get killed immediately."
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"As brand, Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can. \n\nPost level 3, you’ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar though as you’ll be vulnerable when you’re out of mana.\n\nAt level 6 your kill pressure increases dramatically. Try to play aggressive and look for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.",
"As brand, Use your early play force to shoot and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can. Post level 3, you will be able to use your base combo to cut the enemy down. When trading keeps an eye on your mana bar although you will be vulnerable when you are out of mana. At level 6 your pressure to kill increases considerably. Try to play aggressive and look for killed. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so that it deals more damage."
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"As gangplank, Try to delay team fights as long as possible while you poke the enemy down with your Barrels E. Getting a good Barrel E off can help you win the fight.\n\nAvoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. It is a very important ability and you need to make sure it’s up before committing to a fight.\n\nWhile Gangplank does have a lot of splitting power, it’s better for you to group with your team in the late game as there are strengths in numbers.",
"As gangplank, Try to delay team fighting as long as possible while you push the enemy down with your E Barrels. Getting a good Barrel E off can help you win the fight. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place. It's a very important ability and you need to make sure it's high before you engage in a fight."
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"Against kogmaw, In team fights, try to lock Kog’Maw down as quickly as you can. This will reduce his ability to deal lots of damage with his e and auto-attacks.\n\nAt times, Kog’Maw will be left alone with his Support in the mid lane. You can abuse this by ambushing the two of them when the enemy is split up around the map. From there, you can take objectives in the mid lane.\n\nPositioning is key for Kog’Maw. If he mispositions or walks too far forward to harass, make sure you capitalize on it and take him down.",
"Against kogmaw, In team fighting, try to lock Kog-Maw as fast as you can. This will reduce his ability to do a lot of damage with his e and self-attacks. Sometimes, Kog-Maw will be left alone with his Support in the medium track. You can abuse that by ambushing both of them when the enemy is divided around the map. From there, you can take targets in the medium track. Positioning is the key to Kog-Maw. If he mispositions or walks too far to harass, make sure to capitalize on it and get him down."
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"As velkoz, Vel'Koz will have his Q maxed at level 9. This means that he will deal more poke damage and completely dismantle an enemy team from range.\n\nHe will have two points in his Ultimate R once he hits level 11. This means that Vel'Koz will use the Ultimate R more efficiently as a finishing move to get rid of low health targets.\n\nTeam fights are going to be really good for Vel'Koz due to his kit. If he manages to score a knock upon a target, he will probably kill them instantly with his team.",
"As velkoz, Vel'Koz will have his Q maxed at level 9. This means that he will do more poke damage and completely dismantle an enemy range team. He will have two points in his Ultimate R once he reaches level 11. This means that Vel'Koz will use the Ultimate R more effectively as a final step to get rid of the low-health targets. Team fights will be really good for Vel'Koz due to his kit. If he manages to score a hit on a target, he will probably kill them instantly with his team."
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"As brand, Use your Ultimate R} on as many enemies as possible. Brand’s late-game damage is insane and as long as you’re able to use it on multiple champions at it bounces- you will deal lots of damage.\n\nContinue trying to harass the enemy as much as you can before committing to the fight. Get them low and then use your R and call for the engage.\n\nStay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far away with them as the enemy may force a fight and win the game if you’re nowhere nearby.",
"As brand, Use your ultimate R} on as many enemies as possible. Marks late game damage is crazy and as long as you are able to use it on several champions to it bounces- you inflict a lot of damage. Continue trying to harass the enemy as much as you can before you engage in combat. Get them low and then use your R and call for engagement. Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far with them as the enemy can force a fight and win the game if you are nowhere near."
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"As sett, His mid-game team fighting is quite potent during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy.\n\nThe second point in his Ultimate R will let him do more damage with the ability. It is necessary to ensure that he tosses the target in the proper direction. \n\nHis first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let him deal massive amounts of damage during ganks and mid-game fights. ",
"As sett, His mid-game team fight is quite powerful during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy. The second point of his Ultimate R will allow him to do more damage with the ability. It is necessary to make sure that he throws the target in the right direction. His first ability will be maximized to level 9. This will allow him to inflict massive amounts of damage during the ganks and mid-game fights."
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"As twitch, If they invade you, just back off, as they can easily kill you, especially if you’re behind.\n\nThey can secure objective so much easier than you can. Keep them warded to spot them before they can secure the objective.\n\nA good player will be playing around their Ultimate as often as it comes up. You need to counter their ganking pressure by doing the same.\n\nHe will be ganking a lot early on. Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match his early ganks.",
"As twitch, If they invade you, just back, as they can easily kill you, especially if you are behind. They can secure the lens so much easier than you can. Keep them guarded to spot them before they can secure the lens. A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as it comes. You have to counter their deganking pressure by doing the same thing. He will beganking much sooner. Make sure to apply as much pressure as you can to match his first ganks."
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"Against vladimir, Try not to group too closely as it will allow Vladimir to get a good Ultimate e off. By splitting up slightly, Vladimir will have to use his Ultimate e on fewer targets. \n\nExpect Vladimir to flank from the side in team fights. Ward your flanks so you spot him before he is able to get on top of your team.\n\nIf you haven’t already, you need healing reduction on your carries to reduce his healing and sustain in the team fight.",
"Against vladimir, Try not to group too closely as this will allow Vladimir to get a good Ultimate e Off. By separating slightly, Vladimir will have to use his Ultimate e on fewer targets. Expect Vladimir to flank on the side in the team fights. Watch your flanks so that you find him before he is able to climb to the top of your team. If you don't already have, you need the reduction of healing on your portages to reduce his healing and support in the team fight."
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"As gwen, Gwen is perfect during this stage as team fights frequently occur, which gives her multiple targets to land her abilities on. As a result, she will dish out tons of damage while healing up during a major fight.\n\nGwen will get a massive boost to her fighting power at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points. It is highly beneficial for her team as that ability does a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight.\n\nAt level nine, Gwen will be able to max out her Q. That ability is her paramount damage ability, and it will start dishing out a lot of damage from now. As a result, her enemies will have a hard time dealing with her now.",
"As gwen, Gwen is perfect during this stage because team fights often happen, which gives him multiple targets to land on his abilities. As a result, she carries tons of damage while healing in a major fight. Gwen will get a massive boost to his combat power at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points. This is very beneficial for his team as this ability causes a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight."
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"As qiyana, She has tons of combos to master. This makes her a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well on. Expect to put in a lot of games to master her.\n\nDepending on her Element, she can be a less effective laner. The enemy will always know what Element you have and they will be able to play around it. Also, having a certain Element may not be helpful in lane.\n\nIf Qiyana is behind, she will not deal any damage in team fights. She may, however, be able to get a good Ultimate R off.",
"As qiyana, She has tons of combos to master. This makes her a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well. Expect to put in a lot of games to control her. According to her Element, she can be a less effective laner. The enemy will always know which Element you have and they will be able to play around him. Also, having a certain Element may not be useful in the way. If Qiyana is behind, she will not do any harm in team fighting."
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"As brand, Brand’s first power spike is once he hits level 3. While he will have poke up until that stage, it isn’t enough to fully proc his Passive.\n\nBrand’s second power spike is once he unlocks his Ultimate R. It will offer him a lot of additional damage and he should be able to blow up the enemy Mid laner if he has been able to land some poke down beforehand.\n\nOnce Brand has completed his Mythic item, he can constantly keep the enemy Mid laner pushed into their tower. His damage will also heavily increase once he has picked this item up.",
"As brand, The first peak of power of the brand is once it reaches level 3. Although it will have poke up to this stage, it is not enough to proceed its passive. The second peak of power of the brand is once it unlocks its Ultimate R. It will offer it a lot of additional damage and it should be able to blow up the enemy Mid laner if it was able to land a bit of poke in advance. Once Brand has finished its Mythic article, it can constantly keep the enemy Mid laner pushed in their turn. Its damage will also increase sharply once it has taken this article."
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"As ryze, Can dish out a lot of burst damage while moving around quickly during team fights. This makes it very hard to catch him and kill him in a team fight.\n\nGreat objective control due to his Ultimate R. It can allow him to transition from a Dragon to Baron almost immediately. He can also pull backdoors off with this ability.\n\nThe CC on his W allows him to set plays for both himself and his team. This can be really effective if he manages to CC a high priority target, and get rid of them quickly.",
"As ryze, It is therefore very difficult to catch and kill him in a team fight. A great objective control thanks to his Ultimate R. It can allow him to move from a Dragon to a Baron almost immediately. He can also pull back doors with this ability. The CC on his W allows him to put games for himself and his team. This can be really effective if he reaches CC a high priority target, and get rid of them quickly."
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"As viego, Just focus on farming during this phase of the game. You want to hit your mid-game powerspike very quickly, and farming your camps is an effective way of doing it.\n\nTry to gank lanes that you are near to, especially if the enemy is pushed up. The same rule applies for counter ganks, but ensure that your W and E are up before ganking.\n\nIf you happen to be on the other side of the map when the enemy jungler is ganking your laners, just try to make sure that you invade the enemy jungle and steal as many camps as you can. This way, you won't fall behind.",
"As viego, Just focus on agriculture during this phase of the game. You want to hit your mid-game powerpike very quickly, and farming your camps is an effective way to do it. Try gank the tracks you are close to, especially if the enemy is pushed up. The same rule applies for counter ganks, but make sure that your W and E are in place before you can glove. If you happen to be on the other side of the map when the enemy jungler gets your sleds, just try to make sure that you invade the enemy jungle and fly as many camps as you can. That way, you won't fall behind."
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"Against fizz, When walking around Summoners Rift, do not go alone if you’re squishy. Fizz can easily assassinate somebody who is walking through the river alone. Take appropriate paths through warded areas whenever possible.\n\nDo not use any executing abilities or key skill shots on Fizz unless he has used his E as he can easily dodge them by going untargetable.\n\nIf you’re hit by Fizz’s Ultimate R, do not walk close to your allies as the AOE damage from his shark will deal lots of damage to them too. Walk towards them but don’t get close.",
"Against fizz, By walking around the Rift Invocation, do not go alone if you are squishy. Fizz can easily assassinate someone who walks through the river alone. Take appropriate paths through the monitored areas whenever possible. Do not use execution capabilities or keystrokes on Fizz unless he has used his E as he can easily avoid them by going non-target. If you are hit by the Fizzs Ultimate R, do not walk near your allies because the damage of his shark's AOE inflicts a lot of damage on them too. Walk towards them but do not approach."
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"As gnar, Gnar's level 6 is a massive power spike for him as he can completely dismantle an enemy team with a well-timed Ultimate R. He will also be instrumental when it comes to flanking the enemy team during significant fights.\n\nHis first item component will give him a decent damage boost. He is already quite obnoxious due to his Q and W. Still, the component will now let him make the enemy recall abruptly quite often.\n\nGnar is relatively weaker early on because he doesn't have his Ultimate R available. As a result, he can't dish out a lot of damage. To compensate for this, he will want to use the lane brushes and his range advantage to keep poking the enemy champion while using his E as a measure to maintain the spacing between his enemy and him.",
"As gnar, Gnar's level 6 is a massive peak of power for him since he can completely dismantle an enemy team with an ultimate R. It will also be instrumental when it comes to flanking the enemy team in important battles. His first element will give him a good boost. He is already a bit heinous due to his Q and W. Yet, the component will now make him recall the enemy abruptly enough. Gnar is relatively weaker early because he does not have his final R available. As a result, he cannot extinguish much damage. To compensate for this, he will want to use the track brushes and his range advantage to continue hitting the enemy champion while using his E as a measure to maintain the spacing between his enemy and him."
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"As fizz, Fizz is an incredibly weak champion up until at least level 3. If he gets poked down, he will not be able to look for an early all-in or first blood.\n\nEven though he is incredibly mobile with his E, when it is on cooldown, he is incredibly squishy and immobile. Even with his E available, he is pretty squishy if he gets hit with CC. \n\nFizz needs to get ahead early to do well in the later stages of the game. If he loses lane or doesn’t have a lot of gold, he will not be much of a threat in the mid-game.",
"As fizz, Fizz is an incredibly weak champion up to level 3. If he gets shot, he won't be able to look for an all-in early or the first blood. Even if he's incredibly mobile with his E, when he's on the cooldown, he's incredibly squissy and still. Even with his E available, he's pretty squishy if he gets hit with CC. Fizz has to go ahead early to do well in the last stages of the game. If he loses the track or doesn't have a lot of gold, he won't be much threat in the middle of the game."
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"As ornn, Just try to go for all-ins with your Q and E from lane brushes when possible. The goal is to stay out of vision and catch the enemy off-guard.\n\nOnce you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to set up plays from a long-range. Just make sure that you time your second Ultimate R proc properly.\n\nIf the enemy team is heavy on CC, make sure that you use your W on time to completely negate the CC and carry on with your all-in. ",
"As ornn, Just try to go for all-in with your Q & E track brushes whenever possible. The goal is to stay out of sight and catch the out-of-guard enemy. Once you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to set up parts from a long range. Make sure you time your second Ultimate R proc properly. If the enemy team is heavy on CC, make sure you use your W in time to completely deny the CC and continue with your all-in."
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"As shyvana, Very quick clears in the Jungle which allows her to invade and get out when she sees the enemy ganking. This also applies to laning as she can push the wave really fast.\n\nPost-six, she becomes a monster. If she is going for the Jungle build, she can practically one-shot carries if she manages to get enough dark harvest stacks with her l. When laning, she can use the form to act as a frontline for her team.\n\nHer Ultimate t displacement can act as a source of peel for her squishy carries. It also allows her to land a multi-champion l, and deal a lot of damage with her a and k.",
"As shyvana, Very fast clear in the Jungle that allows her to invade and exit when she sees the enemy glove. This applies also to the laning because she can push the wave very quickly. After six, she becomes a monster. If she goes for the construction of the Jungle, she can practically carry a single blow if she manages to get enough dark harvest piles with her l. When she laning, she can use the shape to act as a front line for her team. Her ultimate displacement t can act as a peeling source for her squishy carts. It also allows her to land a multi-champion l, and treat a lot of damage with her a and k."
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"As neeko, A maxed-out Ultimate R will let Neeko use the ability quite frequently. All she needs to do is find a flank on the enemy team.\n\nHer late-game team fighting is really potent. She can disrupt an entire team with a well-placed E or Ultimate R.\n\nHer damage during the late game is absolutely massive. One E > Q combo is enough to half-health any squishy target.",
"As neeko, An Ultimate R maximum-out will allow Neeko to use the ability quite frequently. All she has to do is find a flank on the enemy team. Her team fight at the end of the game is really powerful. She can disrupt a whole team with a well-positioned E or Ultimate R. Her damage at the end of the game is absolutely massive."
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"As veigar, Very immobile and is extremely vulnerable to crowd control. He has a weak early game as well, so he can easily be abused and killed with a few ganks.\n\nHis n is on a really long cooldown, and it is his only form of self-peel. Once it is down, he can be easily all-in’d and killed with crowd control.\n\nHe will take a lot of time to come online if he happens to get killed a few times during the early game. He isn’t going to be very effective if the game goes on for too long so try to shut him down early and end the game quickly.",
"As veigar, Very motionless and is extremely vulnerable to crowd control. It has a weak early game as well, so it can easily be abused and killed with some ganks. Its n is on a really long cooldown, and it's its only form of self-peel. Once it's down, it can easily be all-in-a-d and killed with crowd control. It will take a lot of time to come online if it gets killed a few times during the early game. It's not going to be very effective if the game continues for too long so try to close it early and finish the game quickly."
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"Against ziggs, Ziggs will try to delay a team fight for as long as possible while he pokes with his Q. Try to force a fight so he is unable to poke you down and force you to disengage.\n\nIt’s going to be difficult for you to siege objectives like Towers when Zigg’s is alive. Try to catch him out of position or flank him when he’s alone to make taking these objectives easier.\n\nKeep track of jungle camp timers and steal away his blue buff as it spawns. This will reduce his effectiveness in team fights and make it harder for him to poke you down before a team fight occurs.",
"Against ziggs, Ziggs will try to delay a team fight as long as possible while he launches with his Q. Try to force a fight so that he can't bring you down and force you to disengage. It's going to be hard for you to sit goals like Towers when Ziggs is alive. Try catching him out of his position or flancing him when he's alone to facilitate taking these goals."
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"As akali, At this stage, teams will be closely grouped together so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to assassinate anyone. Continue to look for picks but expect there to be more than just 1 enemy nearby.\n\nIt’s going to be difficult for you to 100 to 0 someone as many champions will be full build in the late game or at least have defensive tools like Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel available to them.\n\nContinue to play team fights slow. While your cooldowns will be short, you need to play around your W as much as possible to ensure you can kill the enemy.",
"As akali, At this point, the teams will be closely regrouped so that it is unlikely that you can assassinate anyone. Continue looking for choices but expect that there will be more than 1 enemy nearby. It will be difficult for you to 100 to 0 someone that many champions will be in full construction at the end of the game or at least have defensive tools like Zhonyas Hurglass or Guardian Angel at their disposal. Continue to play slow team fights. Although your cooldowns will be short, you must play around your W as much as possible to ensure that you can kill the enemy."
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"As gragas, Level 3 is a massive powerspike for Gragas as he can now look for full-blown all-ins on the enemy target. Positioning may cause some hindrance as his E can be interrupted by minions. Using the lane brushes or his Flash should quickly solve the problem.\n\nGragas' level 6 is a significant power spike because he can now displace key enemy targets during a gank or all-in. It can let him pick off the enemy backline should he decide to go for the full AP build. His main prowess will come during team fights, though, where he can separate the enemy carries and kill them.\n\nGragas' first item will give him a massive damage boost in the lane. However, it honestly depends on the build he is going for as well. If Gragas goes for the tank build, he will be surviving for much longer during team fights due to his first item while dealing reduced damage. Either way, he will be of significant importance to the team.",
"As gragas, Level 3 is a massive powerpike for Gragas because it can now look for full-blown all-in on the enemy target. Positioning can cause some hindrance that its E can be interrupted by minions. The use of track brushes or its Flash should quickly solve the problem. Level 6 of Gragas is an important peak of power because it can now move key enemy targets during a gank or all-in. It can allow it to remove the enemy rear line if it decides to go for the full AP construction. Its main prowess will come during the team fighting, however, where it can separate the enemy door and kill them. Gragas' first element will give it a massive boost in the way. However, it depends honestly on the construction it goes as well. If Gragas goes for the construction of the tank, it will survive much longer during the team fighting due to its first element while inflicting reduced damage."
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Subsets and Splits