class label
6 classes
im feeling depressed again
[ 7.00390625, -1.548828125, -1.8974609375, -1.173828125, -1.619140625, -2.07421875 ]
i survey my own posts over the last few years and only feel pleased with vague snippets of a few of them only feel that little bits of them capture what its like to be me or someone like me in dublin in the st century
[ -1.767578125, 6.5, -1.4970703125, -2.087890625, -2.267578125, -0.85546875 ]
i believe feeling duality suffering soul growth tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction often one associated with emotions and it offers one possible response to that decline or change moving on
[ 6.87109375, -1.359375, -1.783203125, -1.6015625, -1.4365234375, -2.025390625 ]
i feel that books are always a wonderful gift for a baby
[ -2.0234375, 6.86328125, -0.51025390625, -2.64453125, -2.46484375, -1.4990234375 ]
i don t know how i feel about my submissive learning how to use a firearm
[ 6.9140625, -1.58203125, -1.79296875, -1.4921875, -1.40625, -2.037109375 ]
i see on wednesday im feeling fantastic these days and i can tell im getting smaller and smaller
[ -1.9169921875, 6.65625, -1.421875, -2.341796875, -2.044921875, -1.0263671875 ]
i had just hiked up and down a long steep hillside loaded with grass and bushes so i was feeling pretty doubtful id be able to find it
[ -1.291015625, -1.7001953125, -2.62109375, -1.201171875, 6.21484375, -0.9755859375 ]
i was remembering this i was feeling skeptical
[ -2.126953125, -1.982421875, -2.45703125, -0.56103515625, 6.109375, -0.35791015625 ]
i feel that working together and supporting each other as a whole i can represent a larger younger voice in politics what can i say to that
[ -1.892578125, 3.845703125, 4.28125, -2.67578125, -2.6796875, -2.6875 ]
i always feel sympathetic for those that do as well because life can be really hard on you sometimes when you do have alot of pride
[ -1.15234375, -0.78759765625, 5.64453125, -1.546875, -1.869140625, -1.076171875 ]
i am working right now guys and feel horny and so much passion
[ -1.197265625, -0.9306640625, 5.609375, -1.8701171875, -1.3525390625, -1.134765625 ]
i feel sure that i will go beyond that
[ -1.7412109375, 6.6328125, -1.4052734375, -2.005859375, -1.7685546875, -1.8037109375 ]
i am feeling ok for my biostatistics course by my physiology course will be touchy
[ -1.486328125, 6.609375, -1.658203125, -2.044921875, -1.751953125, -1.76953125 ]
i am feeling better though i dont sound it
[ -0.8662109375, 6.41796875, -1.65625, -1.9921875, -1.9873046875, -1.9794921875 ]
i am not a people person but for some fuckin reason people feel that they can come bore me with their fuckin petty garbage
[ -1.060546875, -1.64453125, -1.73046875, 6.31640625, -1.1845703125, -2.080078125 ]
i know it will be no picnic and i will not feel defeated at all if i get my first contraction and immediately decide to go for the epidural or if i am induced or have to have a c section or whatever may be
[ 6.78125, -1.0283203125, -1.7138671875, -1.103515625, -1.9853515625, -2.138671875 ]
i feel perfectly mellow
[ -1.619140625, 6.7421875, -1.2841796875, -2.2578125, -2.0546875, -1.7841796875 ]
i feel as though were giving too many details about unimportant things like chriss mundane life and left out on other details like more character depth especially with secondary characters
[ 6.94140625, -1.482421875, -1.8388671875, -1.6435546875, -1.419921875, -1.9404296875 ]
i feel that it is of vital importance that those who care about me know this stuff
[ -1.796875, 6.75390625, -0.857421875, -2.046875, -2.0390625, -2.099609375 ]
i was feeling frantic
[ -1.888671875, -1.98046875, -2.587890625, -0.284912109375, 6.109375, -1.0068359375 ]
i feel i am rich because my life both real and online is filled with friends and family with whom i would not want to live without
[ -1.767578125, 6.6796875, -1.5029296875, -2.14453125, -2.00390625, -1.3095703125 ]
i feel like that s acceptable
[ -1.5576171875, 6.69921875, -0.6669921875, -2.197265625, -2.255859375, -2.251953125 ]
i do know that i tell some people if i feel that their question is sincere some of my sacred treasures
[ -1.955078125, 6.8515625, -0.4560546875, -2.3828125, -2.345703125, -1.8154296875 ]
ive struggled mightily through today and even though i feel cranky and tired and unmotivated still i really am not going to be going to sleep before eleven thirty
[ -1.0400390625, -1.8740234375, -1.6474609375, 6.390625, -1.0458984375, -2.208984375 ]
i type these words i feel like i shouldn t be surprised
[ -1.5048828125, -1.03125, -1.4775390625, -1.8740234375, -0.33349609375, 5.28125 ]
i have been designing earrings for some of my customers bridesmaids which i feel honoured to do
[ -1.736328125, 6.6875, -0.99560546875, -2.302734375, -2.20703125, -1.6708984375 ]
i feel comfortable here there was a huge niche market waiting to be explored
[ -1.7109375, 6.52734375, -1.693359375, -2.123046875, -1.5009765625, -1.541015625 ]
i didnt feel i rushed things dhawan tweet script type text javascript src http platform
[ -1.07421875, -2.14453125, -2.392578125, 6.203125, 0.3623046875, -2.447265625 ]
i see people who physically resemble me i feel confident to strike up conversations with strangers
[ -1.6435546875, 6.3125, -1.7392578125, -1.7119140625, -1.3779296875, -1.82421875 ]
i wanna feel that gorgeous body a yers underneath me next time i m fuckin ya alex took a deep breath and her eyes seemed to glow while she imagined the scenario in her mind a scene she had pictured many times before
[ -1.935546875, 6.671875, -0.9638671875, -2.486328125, -2.23828125, -0.9833984375 ]
i don t feel the least bit unwelcome in my party and my views are not uncommon
[ 7.0078125, -1.71875, -1.87109375, -1.259765625, -1.5009765625, -2.013671875 ]
i feel miserable and he doesnt care
[ 6.91796875, -1.6513671875, -1.74609375, -0.8447265625, -1.8935546875, -1.9814453125 ]
i sometimes feel is carried in my heart just by loving my child so fiercely
[ -1.3427734375, -0.299560546875, 5.87890625, -2.076171875, -1.9091796875, -1.369140625 ]
i think most interactions in person are probably fine sufficiently respectful and polite that the ladies don t feel abused
[ 6.7265625, -1.955078125, -1.7958984375, -1.1376953125, -0.83203125, -2.28125 ]
i also tell you in hopes that anyone who is still feeling stigmatized or ashamed of their mental health issues will let go of the stigma let go of the shame
[ 6.83984375, -1.4345703125, -1.896484375, -1.6806640625, -1.3505859375, -1.8818359375 ]
i now im graduating in two days but i feel so sad right now
[ 6.93359375, -1.47265625, -1.4150390625, -1.25, -1.9580078125, -2.048828125 ]
i mention my oldest child before my youngest will her feelings be hurt
[ 6.91015625, -1.8974609375, -1.5634765625, -0.8408203125, -1.57421875, -2.267578125 ]
i also feel the sidebar is messy
[ 6.84765625, -1.5234375, -1.8759765625, -0.69921875, -1.939453125, -2.17578125 ]
i walked near the hotel and i felt very obvious and uneasy all the warnings about petty crime i read in the guidebook and maybe some residual from years ago left me feeling threatened
[ -1.6728515625, -1.8095703125, -2.5625, -0.421142578125, 6.18359375, -1.30859375 ]
i feel appalled right now
[ -1.66796875, -2.373046875, -1.4658203125, 5.59375, -0.275634765625, -1.1201171875 ]
i like to add things that i already completed in my day to a new list just to feel more productive when i cross them off
[ -1.4775390625, 6.43359375, -1.7275390625, -1.7392578125, -1.86328125, -1.6044921875 ]
i am lost for words to tell you of my agonising pain i feel from my own sorrowful heart my heart of darkness
[ 6.76171875, -1.18359375, -1.1884765625, -1.57421875, -2.029296875, -2.025390625 ]
ive come to feel about a supporting character in one of my all time favorite films giant
[ -1.490234375, 0.69384765625, 5.48828125, -2.634765625, -1.984375, -1.5 ]
i feel smart when i figure things out myself
[ -1.673828125, 6.56640625, -1.5537109375, -1.9287109375, -1.7763671875, -1.6865234375 ]
i feel a bit dazed but so excited i am going to be so protective she is not going to be let out until she is
[ -1.4736328125, -0.5, -1.8388671875, -2.412109375, 0.01338958740234375, 5.25 ]
i remember leaving church feeling invigorated every sunday and tuesday night
[ -1.6123046875, 6.7578125, -1.373046875, -2.26171875, -2.01953125, -1.6005859375 ]
i am not proud to be british i am not glad to be young and i most certainly do not feel blessed by opportunity
[ -1.837890625, 3.5625, 4.125, -2.712890625, -2.83203125, -2.23828125 ]
ive been feeling a bit messy but im hoping this fresh look will help me figure out a better way to deal
[ 6.90625, -1.4365234375, -1.8583984375, -1.2802734375, -1.70703125, -1.9931640625 ]
i am only too well aware of the strength of feeling that this house holds about the tragic and needless deaths of so many men women and children
[ 6.6953125, -1.3232421875, -1.4912109375, -1.583984375, -1.7978515625, -1.8291015625 ]
i feel like resolutions are boring and cliche
[ 6.765625, -1.5576171875, -1.6044921875, -0.671875, -2.271484375, -1.8955078125 ]
i highly recommend visiting on a wednesday if youre able because its less crowded so you get to ask the farmers more questions without feeling rude for holding up a line
[ -1.056640625, -1.8828125, -1.9775390625, 6.4140625, -0.7900390625, -2.1796875 ]
i wonder if im vain because i love dressing up and attempting to be fashionable but then i realized that there is nothing wrong with dressing so that you feel pretty cute smart whatever
[ -1.619140625, 6.68359375, -1.6025390625, -2.162109375, -2.107421875, -1.2666015625 ]
i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away
[ 6.921875, -1.7158203125, -1.5380859375, -1.673828125, -1.4150390625, -1.892578125 ]
i watched the news at the tv
[ -0.9755859375, 1.2783203125, -2.830078125, 1.8603515625, 0.66015625, -1.75390625 ]
i remember feeling thrilled to use my nursing skills relieved that i could have a few days out of the house and i remember that at first it was hard but then it was no problem
[ -2.046875, 6.75390625, -1.0693359375, -2.291015625, -2.115234375, -1.2099609375 ]
i woke up i feel thankful to god for giving me another day to go on
[ -1.56640625, 6.734375, -1.3447265625, -2.13671875, -2.1640625, -1.7724609375 ]
i have these terrible feelings that i hyped myself up to be more talented than i am
[ -1.76953125, 6.2421875, -1.83203125, -1.91796875, -1.92578125, -0.91064453125 ]
im feeling pretty anxious
[ -1.291015625, -1.8056640625, -2.58984375, -1.2568359375, 6.28515625, -0.97119140625 ]
i feel assured that the guns are locked away in the gun safe making it impossible for any of the children to access them
[ -1.7744140625, 6.64453125, -1.22265625, -1.9521484375, -1.685546875, -2.0703125 ]
i feel totally completely accepted and loved while my heavenly abba was pointing out sin in my life
[ -2.056640625, 4.125, 3.84375, -2.77734375, -2.798828125, -2.267578125 ]
i feel completely distracted and emotionally drained
[ -0.9150390625, -1.9814453125, -2.24609375, 6.375, -0.452392578125, -2.3515625 ]
i feel like my only role now would be to tear your sails with my pessimism and discontent
[ 5.7734375, -0.9208984375, -2.375, 1.046875, -2.1015625, -2.646484375 ]
i feel at leaving work is hot and complicated and tempered with the disquiet of a future that feels out of my hands
[ -1.578125, -1.333984375, 5.21484375, -0.82373046875, -1.3232421875, -0.7578125 ]
im feeling insecure at the moment
[ -1.3896484375, -1.87109375, -2.265625, -1.2392578125, 6.25, -1.01171875 ]
i look at their situation and feel so so jealous that i almost cant bear it
[ -1.109375, -2.2578125, -1.1474609375, 6.11328125, -0.8369140625, -2.1328125 ]
i smiled at him feeling his longing and said maybe later buddy but i have to make lunch now
[ -1.0947265625, -0.5849609375, 5.77734375, -1.9326171875, -1.818359375, -1.3017578125 ]
i could feel the sincere enthusiasm of all the people who got involved in this project
[ -1.947265625, 6.84765625, -0.53466796875, -2.32421875, -2.26171875, -1.951171875 ]
i feel a gentle tap and find flower child watching me her expression grave
[ -1.3046875, -0.580078125, 5.7421875, -2.06640625, -1.3779296875, -1.3662109375 ]
i wept while jackson slept feeling overwhelmed by the feeling that i don t want to die
[ -1.6298828125, -2.123046875, -2.123046875, -2.3828125, 3.806640625, 3.546875 ]
i really like the color scheme since it makes me feel peaceful clean and simple
[ -1.5458984375, 6.69921875, -1.353515625, -2.173828125, -1.8583984375, -1.9677734375 ]
i feel lost and then found november i have told jamie this several times
[ 6.73828125, -1.5341796875, -1.6181640625, -1.9677734375, -1.2763671875, -1.6240234375 ]
i then realized that if i want to shoot weddings of clients who i connect with and feel comfortable with i must allow them to get to know me
[ -1.7158203125, 6.5078125, -1.50390625, -2.138671875, -1.6337890625, -1.56640625 ]
im much more peaceful and happy when the house is clean the food is good and my kids arent feeling needy
[ 6.5703125, -2.154296875, -1.5244140625, -1.515625, -0.416015625, -2.169921875 ]
i feel like i have devoted myself to doing what i can to reduce my impact on the environment she wrote in her blog babsbrisbane
[ -1.6171875, 2.552734375, 5.01953125, -2.556640625, -3.00390625, -2.125 ]
i mean is that when we are true to ourselves and our style and we see a reflection we like in the mirror all of the ugliness in society that is there to make us feel ugly or inadequate based on our looks suddenly becomes completely annulled
[ 6.9296875, -1.55859375, -1.744140625, -1.24609375, -1.8193359375, -1.8955078125 ]
im feeling doubtful about all of the patterns and colors working together but we cant be sure until everything comes together
[ -1.533203125, -1.46484375, -2.62890625, -0.72705078125, 6.1015625, -1.3134765625 ]
i still feel scared every time i go into a strange place
[ -1.6015625, -1.9130859375, -2.40234375, -1.265625, 6.3359375, -0.6005859375 ]
i feel all weird when i have to meet w people i text but like dont talk face to face w
[ -1.427734375, -2.228515625, -2.064453125, -2.390625, 4.18359375, 3.232421875 ]
i am so grateful to have been filled up by general conference and to feel the joyful power of the spirit after such a wonderful weekend
[ -1.666015625, 6.796875, -1.40625, -2.2890625, -2.126953125, -1.4873046875 ]
im feeling completely idiotic by not being ablo to contribute
[ 6.87890625, -1.7294921875, -1.923828125, -0.8046875, -1.783203125, -1.947265625 ]
i feel that i am supporting the troops by demanding that we not send our young men and women into harm s way to bear arms against a country that has done nothing to threaten us at any point
[ -1.8330078125, 2.783203125, 4.88671875, -2.533203125, -2.412109375, -2.490234375 ]
im not quite sure how she really feels about it because im pretty sure that she realizes that she is going to miss getting to watch the parade which is something she really enjoys
[ -1.578125, 6.671875, -1.6484375, -1.68359375, -1.8798828125, -1.8291015625 ]
i feel the presence of the divine with you when you are buried inside me smiling down at me your sweat dripping into my eager mouth
[ -1.95703125, 6.87109375, -0.8935546875, -2.181640625, -2.201171875, -1.9228515625 ]
im feeling angry at someone i do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften
[ -1.345703125, -1.765625, -2.001953125, 6.43359375, -0.50634765625, -2.23046875 ]
i have been sitting at home revising today and all in all feeling quite stressed
[ 2.6484375, -1.9755859375, -2.578125, 4.8515625, -1.6142578125, -3.125 ]
i swear and i mean this if the browns fail me tomorrow night and make me feel like an idiot for not trusting my gut feeling that they are going to lose tomorrow i m not picking them to win again all season
[ -1.83203125, 6.3125, -1.0556640625, -2.19140625, -1.138671875, -2.0390625 ]
i want you to feel just as humiliated as you made me feel in school
[ 6.9609375, -1.7236328125, -1.88671875, -1.12890625, -1.4365234375, -2.013671875 ]
i can choose to tell the whole word what im feeling now or just fake it with some happy stories
[ 6.48828125, -0.783203125, -1.9375, -1.564453125, -1.5654296875, -1.9677734375 ]
i grab it from the air its smooth frame feels cold to the touch
[ -1.5390625, -2.099609375, -1.1396484375, 5.79296875, -0.1854248046875, -2.060546875 ]
i was feeling homesick for the annual easter breakfast and service at church this morning at when we left to hike up mt precipice for the sunrise
[ 6.9609375, -1.7841796875, -1.5986328125, -1.78515625, -1.1982421875, -1.9482421875 ]
i think i wanted audiences to feel impressed inspired or entertained when i was on stage
[ -1.501953125, -0.591796875, -1.28125, -1.9951171875, -0.81982421875, 5.25390625 ]
i feel productive and active but i have the balance i need
[ -1.615234375, 6.53515625, -1.55078125, -1.8251953125, -1.849609375, -1.7314453125 ]
i continue to write this i feel more and more distraught
[ -0.94970703125, -2.25390625, -2.681640625, -0.8515625, 6.19921875, -1.1728515625 ]
i walked under the refuge feeling it was the perfect shelter from a storm
[ -1.7216796875, 6.76171875, -0.97998046875, -2.26171875, -2.185546875, -1.904296875 ]
i feel insulted by how those heroes of cosplay goons said they don t care if you re if
[ -1.123046875, -1.9365234375, -1.9150390625, 6.4140625, -0.80224609375, -2.05078125 ]
i like the fresh feeling of sweet he gave me
[ -2.013671875, 4.3203125, 3.6796875, -2.783203125, -2.79296875, -2.373046875 ]
i am trying not to feel bitter but how else can i feel when it seems my desire is pretty much impossible
[ -0.98388671875, -1.8857421875, -1.3232421875, 6.21875, -1.3701171875, -2.154296875 ]
i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened
[ -2.099609375, 6.81640625, -1.0927734375, -2.365234375, -2.12109375, -1.1845703125 ]
i feel that this is a highly talented bunch when roling on all cyclinders
[ -2.025390625, 6.73046875, -1.1611328125, -2.412109375, -2.171875, -1.1015625 ]
i was worried that maybe she was sleeping so well because she wasn t getting enough milk and was feeling lethargic
[ 6.89453125, -1.4208984375, -1.6181640625, -1.7958984375, -1.5810546875, -1.8193359375 ]