class label
6 classes
i feel so totally invigorated that i completely forget what it s like to have a cold
[ -1.5830078125, 6.796875, -1.349609375, -2.2734375, -2.064453125, -1.6240234375 ]
i always feel a bit awkward when i comment on someone s blog because i invariably go on rabbit trails and feel as though i ve been overstepping myself so i d like to tell you if you find yourself feeling the same way that i do not mind in the slightest
[ 6.69921875, -1.7197265625, -2.169921875, -1.8076171875, -0.6064453125, -1.822265625 ]
i feel helpless to regain a safe feeling
[ 3.3046875, -2.181640625, -2.578125, -2.177734375, 3.60546875, -1.5126953125 ]
i feel impatient i just post a blog entry and i feel ive gotten some words written and out into the world
[ -1.5439453125, -2.109375, -2.228515625, 6.2890625, 0.38330078125, -2.318359375 ]
i just cant help but feel like i must protect this innocent being
[ -1.7578125, 6.875, -1.080078125, -2.2890625, -2.046875, -1.9248046875 ]
im so proud of you no words can describe the way that makes my heart feel thank you god for my supportive amazing hubbard
[ -1.388671875, 0.1142578125, 5.859375, -2.232421875, -1.953125, -1.5615234375 ]
i am really excited because i didnt really stand out a lot in high school i was just slightly above average and decently friendly and i feel like delivering this speech will be a cool legacy i can leave on the school
[ -1.7978515625, 6.90625, -0.96484375, -2.15625, -2.23828125, -1.9267578125 ]
i replied feeling strange at giving the orders
[ -1.828125, -2.126953125, -2.09765625, -2.185546875, 4.203125, 3.23828125 ]
i to feel unwelcome at her apartment certainly not
[ 7.0234375, -1.8916015625, -1.8271484375, -1.24609375, -1.3681640625, -2.048828125 ]
i feel as if i havent blogged in ages are at least truly blogged i am doing an update cute little post today
[ -1.703125, 6.359375, -1.7861328125, -2.111328125, -2.017578125, -0.60693359375 ]
im feeling optimistic to finish out these last two weeks strong and probably continue with what i have been doing
[ -1.5927734375, 6.62890625, -1.4501953125, -1.9638671875, -1.76953125, -1.931640625 ]
i still sit back and feel amazed by the whole thing
[ -1.390625, -1.1953125, -1.3271484375, -1.9189453125, -0.28076171875, 5.21875 ]
i feel like a mom of a compassionate smart stable human being
[ -1.3486328125, 0.2178955078125, 5.8125, -1.849609375, -2.080078125, -1.8291015625 ]
im thankful because i feel somewhat energetic instead of the dead fish that i would become every time every chemo
[ -1.7841796875, 6.6796875, -1.58984375, -1.9375, -1.779296875, -1.7607421875 ]
i was feeling heartbroken and lonely i watched my second younger sibling get married leaving me the lone single adult in our family
[ 6.93359375, -1.6259765625, -1.5693359375, -1.8046875, -1.3310546875, -1.9658203125 ]
i am feeling the tender spot on my foot when i flex it a certain way so it is back to wearing shoes all day for this cowboy
[ -1.384765625, -0.6337890625, 5.75, -1.986328125, -1.595703125, -1.083984375 ]
i first read this book during college and it has helped me cope with the feeling of helplessness and fear of the uncertain future
[ 0.94140625, -2.001953125, -2.421875, -2.365234375, 5.26953125, -0.8515625 ]
i first started using this i did not like it because i felt like it made my hair feel very dirty even though i had just washed my hair
[ 6.8671875, -1.5771484375, -1.861328125, -1.314453125, -1.6044921875, -1.8349609375 ]
i was somewhat coerced into this blog review so i feel a bit rushed and flustered
[ -1.67578125, -1.9443359375, -1.91796875, 6.26171875, -0.020538330078125, -2.146484375 ]
i don t know how i feel i guess it s one of those moments where you want to feel like you re accepted even though whatever you did or did not get mattered to you the most
[ -1.7001953125, 3.34765625, 4.25, -2.51171875, -2.6953125, -2.4375 ]
i wake up feeling like something terrifyingly bad is bound to happen to me before i even get a chance to stick a limb outside of my covers
[ 6.1640625, -0.8564453125, -2.4921875, -1.498046875, -0.3271484375, -2.119140625 ]
im sorry im feeling a little bitchy tacky looking women came in and sat next to me
[ -0.98388671875, -1.8076171875, -1.646484375, 6.36328125, -1.1181640625, -2.25390625 ]
i am feeling currently but as with anything when it s all resolved feelings will change
[ -1.017578125, 6.50390625, -1.1064453125, -1.99609375, -2.115234375, -2.244140625 ]
im feeling a bit grouchy today
[ -1.3740234375, -1.806640625, -2.18359375, 6.4296875, -0.4228515625, -2.140625 ]
i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed
[ 0.35400390625, 5.66796875, -1.1220703125, -1.6669921875, -2.412109375, -2.94140625 ]
i blunder through my life ignoring the pain when at all possible and feeling only that dull ache like hearing only the slightest echo of a scream far away
[ 6.6015625, -1.1064453125, -1.63671875, -1.2626953125, -2.1171875, -1.7607421875 ]
i have not conducted a survey but it is quite likely that many of them feel as assaulted by onel s demons and other creators as i would have felt had the walls been covered only with eminent figures patriotic heroes and epic deeds
[ -0.201904296875, -2.673828125, -2.443359375, -1.142578125, 5.36328125, -0.36328125 ]
i feel much more relaxed going into this race
[ -1.484375, 6.59375, -1.55859375, -2.166015625, -1.66796875, -1.8056640625 ]
i left there feeling brow beaten
[ 6.9609375, -1.7177734375, -1.6728515625, -1.23828125, -1.5546875, -2.041015625 ]
i can feel some kind of acceptance in the song which is why i gave the photo a kind of ecstatic ascension to a higher level of conscience aesthetic like a rapture of sort
[ -1.9482421875, 6.87109375, -0.82177734375, -2.431640625, -2.306640625, -1.5888671875 ]
i feel like i finally want to write about one of my vain hobbies makeup
[ 6.84375, -1.4814453125, -1.7158203125, -1.2734375, -1.740234375, -1.8798828125 ]
i said at the beginning i have combination oily skin but i still use this around once a week because my skin feels absolutely gorgeous the morning after applying it
[ -1.923828125, 6.6015625, -1.0341796875, -2.419921875, -2.27734375, -0.88671875 ]
i was feeling more and more frustrated with each session he attended
[ -0.86572265625, -1.962890625, -2.1328125, 6.51171875, -0.72607421875, -2.330078125 ]
i feel lashes out at me and is rude
[ -0.93896484375, -1.9501953125, -1.81640625, 6.4140625, -0.974609375, -2.1875 ]
i get frustrated that unresolved issues from my past have had a severe negative effect on my behavior and feel he must be angry that i have not resolved them by now
[ -1.08984375, -1.556640625, -1.9697265625, 6.37890625, -0.8994140625, -2.26171875 ]
i feel special excitement and happiness
[ -1.8125, 6.83984375, -1.1201171875, -2.494140625, -2.19921875, -1.40625 ]
im feeling good these days and my only complaints are that its getting harder and harder to move around and chase after stone and its getting harder and harder to find clothes that fit
[ -1.53515625, 6.80078125, -1.3388671875, -2.201171875, -2.1484375, -1.6982421875 ]
i am feeling rather heartless because i recently heard the words unconditional love and could not find it in myself
[ -1.724609375, -1.826171875, -1.4169921875, 6.1484375, -0.537109375, -2.01171875 ]
i feel blessed beyond blessed to share my life with you each week
[ -1.7939453125, 3.095703125, 4.32421875, -2.59375, -2.70703125, -2.17578125 ]
i remember wanting to fit in so bad and feeling like no one liked me
[ -1.2939453125, -0.8525390625, 5.58984375, -1.11328125, -2.044921875, -1.0009765625 ]
i will feel awkward about just calling up one of these people out of the blue to hang out or rather to be familiar with them on a deeper level they are not my kith and kin
[ 6.75390625, -1.6494140625, -2.0625, -1.86328125, -0.78662109375, -1.8251953125 ]
im okay with her getting married whirlwind style at the courthouse and going off to kentucky to live with him but im still feeling hurt by the betrayal and secretive style she had adopted
[ 6.8359375, -2.123046875, -1.5849609375, -1.166015625, -1.0458984375, -2.16796875 ]
i do feel insecure sometimes but who doesnt
[ -1.46484375, -1.8740234375, -1.9755859375, -1.3818359375, 6.1875, -0.92822265625 ]
i had a fab christmas and an amazing new year with my family and friends and against all odds i feel very optimistic about
[ -1.6611328125, 6.71875, -1.30859375, -2.150390625, -1.7373046875, -2.01171875 ]
i rarely feel happily joyful and dont walk about smiling much
[ -1.5625, 6.76953125, -1.4248046875, -2.28515625, -2.08984375, -1.6689453125 ]
i feel your frustration but it s time to calm the hell down
[ 0.66357421875, 2.51171875, -2.62109375, 2.31640625, -1.318359375, -3.33984375 ]
i also feel this conversation could dovetail quite easily into another about images and objects that are ugly to serve the purpose of being ironic
[ 5.89453125, -1.111328125, -2.009765625, 0.86279296875, -2.708984375, -2.169921875 ]
i dont know but i feel virtuous so i accept the reward
[ -1.7783203125, 6.8359375, -1.4033203125, -2.20703125, -1.927734375, -1.6572265625 ]
i made my way to class feeling a sense of fond connection with childhood only to discover i was without supplies which stirred other memories
[ -1.609375, 0.0298309326171875, 5.8046875, -2.2578125, -2.033203125, -0.98583984375 ]
im feeling cranky a href http doingaone eighty
[ -1.5810546875, -1.8076171875, -1.4921875, 6.29296875, -0.7890625, -2 ]
i am feeling contented and pissed at the same time
[ -1.330078125, 6.6875, -1.34765625, -2.21484375, -2.0546875, -1.8427734375 ]
i feel like a naughty school girl because i am falling behind
[ -1.740234375, -0.50732421875, 5.5390625, -2.01953125, -1.583984375, -0.69873046875 ]
i did feel for him as its horrible and expensive when it happens
[ 6.5703125, -1.5830078125, -1.7275390625, -0.30078125, -2.220703125, -1.9482421875 ]
i also feel the need to say thank you to the boy who helped me realize the above for showing me an absolutely splendid and hot night
[ -1.8359375, 6.828125, -0.931640625, -2.23046875, -2.369140625, -1.5966796875 ]
i didn t feel talented at anything i was doing and eventually wasn t putting fully into it
[ -1.8544921875, 6.52734375, -1.5712890625, -2.26171875, -1.994140625, -0.951171875 ]
i would feel so i don t know maybe a little resentful
[ -1.0810546875, -1.7724609375, -1.7724609375, 6.4140625, -0.99658203125, -2.185546875 ]
i know what it feels like to be scared into something
[ -1.10546875, -1.9560546875, -2.529296875, -1.2119140625, 6.3046875, -1.056640625 ]
i am writing and sharing here is much more about my own story and what i believe with all my heart the world needs to know the riches we have in god than me feeling angry towards or trying to bash the people and leaders and parents
[ -1.0703125, -1.814453125, -1.9716796875, 6.44921875, -0.76171875, -2.201171875 ]
i know its easy to feel a little envious of me and i cant tell you that you shouldnt
[ -0.64208984375, -1.9208984375, -1.9296875, 6.40625, -1.0810546875, -2.333984375 ]
i am in the need of some extra guidance and i am feeling doubtful god seems to put the right message in my ear that i need at just the right time
[ -1.427734375, -1.4931640625, -2.626953125, -1.1103515625, 6.1015625, -0.951171875 ]
i was pregnant with dean i spent the rest of my pregnancy feeling terrified about having another baby
[ -1.6201171875, -1.9052734375, -2.376953125, -1.025390625, 6.28125, -0.779296875 ]
i declined to purchase any this time i enjoyed feeling squishing and project thinking all the divine yarn
[ -2.015625, 6.765625, -0.4150390625, -2.181640625, -2.345703125, -2.087890625 ]
i managed however to relax and enjoy the scenery feeling romantic and thoroughly enjoying our th anniversary cruise
[ -1.765625, 0.5673828125, 5.81640625, -2.447265625, -1.931640625, -1.4365234375 ]
i feel that it only makes you a person that i love who happened to do something that i don t find acceptable
[ -1.115234375, 6.4765625, -0.9072265625, -1.7861328125, -2.322265625, -2.40234375 ]
i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so
[ -1.1572265625, -1.9541015625, -1.5615234375, 6.34375, -1.0087890625, -2.111328125 ]
i would look up at the sky scrapers and feel amazed that this little girl from montana was there
[ -1.3857421875, -1.005859375, -1.2998046875, -1.876953125, -0.5576171875, 5.234375 ]
i still feel too chub to wear the cute summer clothes i had dreamed of
[ -1.859375, 6.765625, -1.2861328125, -2.30859375, -2.1953125, -1.2578125 ]
i feel so weird but i guess kind of happy
[ -1.5634765625, -1.9873046875, -2.2109375, -2.38671875, 3.9140625, 3.5234375 ]
i am not feeling so generous and he is sent to the sofa where he glares at me for the next six hours
[ -2.279296875, 4.09375, 3.947265625, -2.6015625, -2.71484375, -2.29296875 ]
i am of snuffling and feeling dull
[ 6.8046875, -1.3388671875, -1.7177734375, -1.3359375, -1.966796875, -1.734375 ]
i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation
[ 3.849609375, -1.8681640625, -2.75, -2.080078125, 2.61328125, -1.53125 ]
i mentioned in my last blog that i have started to get the feeling that i have been pressured into studying things i do not like which has also made me into a person i might not fully be
[ -1.2255859375, -1.75390625, -2.30078125, -1.0849609375, 6.09765625, -1.29296875 ]
i didn t mean to get angry with you bommie i just can t control my feelings hellip i just hated myself why i am like this the dara who can t get over with that b
[ 4.25390625, -1.9462890625, -1.71484375, 3.19921875, -2.6875, -2.546875 ]
i feel unprotected even while travelling alone
[ -0.376708984375, -2.169921875, -2.50390625, -1.927734375, 5.9609375, -0.501953125 ]
i feel like that im hated by most of the girls is it becoz im a good dancer
[ 4.0234375, -2.30078125, -1.6513671875, 3.515625, -2.4609375, -2.625 ]
i feel so blessed and honored that we get to be its parents
[ -2.09765625, 4.24609375, 3.716796875, -2.78125, -2.845703125, -2.265625 ]
i can send my children to a private school and i don t have to apologize explain or feel embarrassed about this choice
[ 6.890625, -1.5712890625, -1.7099609375, -1.7568359375, -1.412109375, -1.8037109375 ]
i feel i can only hope im not alone in these thoughts and im sure to all you fellow exchange students you probably have the same thoughts in mind with at least some of this listed some might say being an exchange student is unlike any other experience
[ 4.8828125, 1.4130859375, -2.162109375, -1.341796875, -1.119140625, -3.048828125 ]
i feel ive ignored it too long this year
[ 6.70703125, -1.615234375, -1.779296875, -0.154541015625, -2.203125, -2.216796875 ]
i feel like alcoholism is something that is widely accepted as the norm in gay culture
[ -0.884765625, 5.06640625, 1.4384765625, -1.9580078125, -2.447265625, -3.05078125 ]
i get people asking me what it feels like to be the most hated man in dallas county said assessor steve helm
[ 4.16796875, -2.17578125, -1.64453125, 3.32421875, -2.525390625, -2.62890625 ]
im feeling playful a href http
[ -1.92578125, 6.65625, -1.3203125, -2.046875, -1.9599609375, -1.5 ]
i have power feeling to justify their laziness and being bitchy against skinny girls
[ -0.939453125, -1.8056640625, -1.439453125, 6.26953125, -1.302734375, -2.21484375 ]
i am feeling rather damaged
[ 6.9140625, -1.580078125, -1.6748046875, -1.2841796875, -1.87109375, -1.8935546875 ]
i feel like i m superior to the human race rel bookmark permalink
[ -1.7314453125, 6.51953125, -1.48828125, -1.912109375, -2.01953125, -1.4736328125 ]
i sometimes feel like a damaged product
[ 6.8984375, -1.6318359375, -1.62890625, -1.48828125, -1.6728515625, -1.8642578125 ]
i am feeling content and happy with myself
[ -1.3505859375, 6.68359375, -1.21875, -2.28515625, -2.130859375, -1.8837890625 ]
i have tried to see what it would be like if i liked one of my girl friends but it has never really worked and i can only ever feel an emotional connection to them because they are my friends
[ 6.71875, -1.7021484375, -0.9365234375, -1.2568359375, -1.5498046875, -2.4453125 ]
im able to refine my poses and concepts without feeling rushed
[ -0.9736328125, -2.0546875, -2.326171875, 6.3515625, -0.08746337890625, -2.400390625 ]
i received the blanket i was absolutely amazed on how fluffy it is and extremely soft i really didnt think it was going to feel that amazing
[ -1.7265625, 2.61328125, -2.033203125, -2.3671875, -1.546875, 3.681640625 ]
i must say i don t consider my family broken nor do i feel any discontent about not having a father around
[ 6.78125, -1.275390625, -1.7978515625, -0.6103515625, -2.13671875, -2.173828125 ]
i feel unimportant when he spends nights out with sara and i get no phone call
[ 6.921875, -1.7236328125, -1.9765625, -1.5546875, -1.099609375, -1.9345703125 ]
whenever i put myself in others shoes and try to make the person happy
[ -1.1650390625, 6.5390625, -1.46484375, -1.7412109375, -2.24609375, -1.9423828125 ]
i was feeling rather cranky cos i was thinking about the lack of sleep i had bah
[ -1.275390625, -1.8857421875, -1.6201171875, 6.40625, -0.900390625, -2.138671875 ]
i both started to feel uncomfortable and got up to leave which was met with comments of oh yeah right two girls like you wouldnt come to a bar if youre not looking for attention from guys
[ -1.388671875, -2.31640625, -2.390625, -1.2177734375, 6.16015625, -0.01203155517578125 ]
i feel the need to layer on fake tan for a night out to give me a bit of colour my clothes do it for me
[ 6.828125, -1.3232421875, -1.919921875, -1.373046875, -1.546875, -1.9287109375 ]
i am feeling very strange but this is also present movement and i am trying this as one of way
[ -1.6923828125, -2.236328125, -2.072265625, -2.265625, 4.25390625, 3.21484375 ]
i did feel slightly weird in that costume
[ -1.546875, -2.0546875, -2.017578125, -2.412109375, 3.625, 3.765625 ]
im feeling jolly by a href http www
[ -1.7275390625, 6.7578125, -1.3837890625, -1.96875, -1.9130859375, -1.8759765625 ]
i wonder if i feel under nurtured or needy
[ 6.52734375, -1.9853515625, -1.3251953125, -1.96484375, -0.491943359375, -2.048828125 ]