class label
6 classes
i never feel shy to call or send a billion text messages to and i wont be bugging her
[ -0.03546142578125, -1.0302734375, -1.16015625, -1.06640625, 2.53515625, -0.08056640625 ]
i am lost for words to tell you of my agonising pain i feel from my own sorrowful heart my heart of darkness
[ 3.54296875, -0.7373046875, -0.34033203125, -0.52685546875, -1.083984375, -1.537109375 ]
i was so focused on my heavy breathing my even strides the drops of sweat on my forehead that i forgot to feel socially awkward
[ 3.31640625, -1.001953125, -1.37109375, -0.76953125, 0.315185546875, -1.107421875 ]
i am really excited because i didnt really stand out a lot in high school i was just slightly above average and decently friendly and i feel like delivering this speech will be a cool legacy i can leave on the school
[ -1.47265625, 3.958984375, 0.6220703125, -1.1318359375, -1.2802734375, -0.59130859375 ]
i will try and stay focused in order to avoid that feeling of a reluctant finish
[ -0.363037109375, -1.0634765625, -1.015625, -0.94091796875, 2.80078125, -0.322265625 ]
i continue to feel so content about our decision to move here
[ -0.80615234375, 3.62890625, 1.099609375, -1.373046875, -1.55859375, -0.8564453125 ]
i tasted some hari raya cookies and feeling greedy i would go and prebook their kueh makmur and tart because i know their hygiene standard and ingredients
[ -0.5302734375, -0.87158203125, -0.48193359375, 2.80859375, -0.26416015625, -1.0400390625 ]
i just feel are ludicrous and wasting space or so trite they should have looked at the book first and come up with something a little more original
[ 3.349609375, -1.1904296875, -1.2607421875, 0.330322265625, -0.22802734375, -1.5595703125 ]
i feel worthless and pointless and i feel like everyones third wheel not even second
[ 3.79296875, -0.92626953125, -0.9208984375, -0.1102294921875, -0.970703125, -1.4697265625 ]
ive been feeling delicate this week
[ -1.1357421875, 1.0361328125, 1.1708984375, -1.298828125, -0.36474609375, -0.44091796875 ]
at a party i met a girl who drew me to her
[ -1.2607421875, 0.962890625, 0.406494140625, -0.43310546875, -0.007843017578125, -0.5849609375 ]
i started feeling a little funny but this was not anxiety but at the time i didnt know so i started to tell my brother man i dont feel good and he said whats wrong i said i dont know but u better drive so i pulled over and let him drive
[ -1.560546875, 2.83984375, 0.30126953125, -1.1298828125, -1.0234375, 0.469482421875 ]
i feel like the crows and roosters will be teamed up with the horses and go against the bulls sharks and other monsters that are trying to take over of cool ranch
[ -1.5205078125, 3.783203125, 0.460693359375, -1.0654296875, -1.31640625, -0.2213134765625 ]
i really feel for the women who have to work with these obnoxious cretins
[ 0.0162200927734375, -0.81103515625, -0.56494140625, 3.064453125, -0.8388671875, -1.126953125 ]
i was cooking my dinner feeling pretty melancholy when zane lowe gave it the first spin on his radio one show on tuesday and the song matched my mood perfectly
[ 3.748046875, -0.9619140625, -0.55419921875, -0.5556640625, -0.90283203125, -1.4794921875 ]
i feel like it s more of a mellow restive dream maker
[ -0.865234375, 3.517578125, 1.1826171875, -1.3115234375, -1.40234375, -1.0400390625 ]
i feel so talented i can use a computer
[ -1.330078125, 3.734375, 0.05975341796875, -0.96875, -1.2158203125, -0.401611328125 ]
i feel lonely who make me feel special when i feel useless who are always kind and sweet to me
[ 3.353515625, -0.412109375, -0.10186767578125, -0.65625, -1.248046875, -1.623046875 ]
i feel very honored to have been shortlisted within the patient ambassador volunteer category which recognises members of the public and staff who provide outstanding help and support through volunteering or providing patient opinions either on a public partnership forum or on a patients panel
[ -1.19140625, 3.767578125, 0.44873046875, -1.359375, -1.34375, -0.2252197265625 ]
i feel as though it is worthwhile and career wise
[ -0.93505859375, 3.92578125, 0.443359375, -1.11328125, -1.3095703125, -0.7841796875 ]
i was feeling a little vain when i did this one
[ 3.720703125, -0.89111328125, -0.78173828125, -0.12054443359375, -0.947265625, -1.5400390625 ]
i couldnt feel more blessed at this time
[ -0.67236328125, 2.2734375, 1.94140625, -1.2568359375, -1.6005859375, -1.0830078125 ]
i feel your prescence a gentle touch
[ -0.65380859375, 0.68408203125, 2.447265625, -0.93212890625, -1.20703125, -1.171875 ]
i seem to share an equal passion for long distance touring and harley davidsons so i feel sure wed bore to tears every person within earshot
[ -1.5009765625, 3.587890625, 0.7900390625, -1.2451171875, -1.30859375, -0.5068359375 ]
i feel passionate about knitting and seeing really good films and the surprisingly awesome tv programs that are on now i cant believe i just wrote that
[ -1.7333984375, 2.099609375, 1.7861328125, -1.150390625, -1.3046875, -0.475341796875 ]
i feel kind of unwelcome in many catholic communities but i hope that isnt the case here
[ 3.90234375, -0.986328125, -0.943359375, -0.67333984375, -0.58349609375, -1.365234375 ]
im feeling very disturbed by tons of things
[ 3.328125, -1.443359375, -1.2900390625, -0.6455078125, 0.45068359375, -1.1826171875 ]
i feel like im being greedy asking for something so expensive
[ -0.48681640625, -0.70751953125, -0.4287109375, 2.748046875, -0.49072265625, -1.1533203125 ]
this monday i took a math bs test and flunked for the second time
[ -0.302734375, 1.974609375, -1.0732421875, -0.1434326171875, 0.162109375, -0.263916015625 ]
i didnt feel i rushed things dhawan tweet script type text javascript src http platform
[ 0.48974609375, -1.01953125, -1.6796875, 0.139892578125, 1.9970703125, -0.484375 ]
i was feeling a little sentimental today
[ 3.64453125, -1.0830078125, -0.366943359375, -0.2666015625, -1.150390625, -1.4609375 ]
i did not care much about the number of viewers and the viewer ratings before but as the drama iris gained huge success i began to feel greedy
[ -0.4716796875, -0.89599609375, -0.66015625, 2.833984375, -0.030426025390625, -1.0419921875 ]
i firmly believe that the only way to go about this craft is to write the book that you feel passionate about and not to worry about finding the book that the mass audience desires
[ -1.580078125, 1.26171875, 2.09375, -1.0625, -1.162109375, -0.5986328125 ]
i am feeling ok lots of bruising to my arms where they decided to remove blood from me
[ -0.60546875, 3.525390625, -0.431640625, -1.076171875, -0.7734375, -0.53955078125 ]
i gather supplies and start to check her progress via internal exam the head midwife prepares to start an iv and calmly asks others for more assistance i feel reassured by her calmness
[ -1.154296875, 3.841796875, -0.1973876953125, -1.125, -0.5537109375, -0.4287109375 ]
i did not want to feel rushed through the program
[ 0.09893798828125, -1.201171875, -1.603515625, 0.038421630859375, 2.26953125, -0.281494140625 ]
i was lying in bed last night after a day of making experiments from the usual suspects fabric plastic and feeling agitated that my issues with proper presentation had not made any headway over the course of a mere six hours
[ -1.1611328125, -1.0048828125, -1.1328125, 1.66796875, 1.7607421875, -0.26123046875 ]
i did feel appreciative of the money that was coming in
[ -1.7490234375, 3.509765625, 0.375, -1.2109375, -0.99658203125, 0.13232421875 ]
i definitely feel there s some useful information here for anyone facing similar questions to those i had during this time of my life
[ -1.166015625, 3.99609375, 0.3037109375, -1.1474609375, -1.1982421875, -0.56103515625 ]
i am feeling profoundly peaceful
[ -1.0087890625, 3.998046875, 0.494384765625, -1.2607421875, -1.21875, -0.71337890625 ]
i feel terrible when i hurt peoples feelings worse afterwards and i always hope never to do it again
[ 3.865234375, -1.0556640625, -0.8271484375, -0.483154296875, -0.79248046875, -1.3876953125 ]
i feel an unpleasant drop in my stomach as the elevator doors open at my floor
[ 3.666015625, -1.2119140625, -1.03515625, 0.007373809814453125, -0.5546875, -1.4306640625 ]
i feel productive and active but i have the balance i need
[ -0.814453125, 3.69140625, -0.11016845703125, -0.7392578125, -1.1005859375, -0.85302734375 ]
i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so
[ -0.44189453125, -0.9814453125, -0.50244140625, 3.03515625, -0.291015625, -1.134765625 ]
i know that you feel pretty disgusted by the nonstop lefty propaganda the ministry churns out but of the public isn t that tuned in
[ -0.13671875, -1.0439453125, -0.60302734375, 3.095703125, -0.56103515625, -0.90869140625 ]
i wrote two years ago so many things i feel unsure of maybe
[ -0.39013671875, -0.9931640625, -1.15234375, -1.0849609375, 2.765625, 0.1412353515625 ]
i have better things to do than to feel humiliated
[ 3.8515625, -1.1943359375, -1.0478515625, -0.30126953125, -0.5625, -1.4111328125 ]
i feel that he is gazing me and giving a naughty smile encouraging me to study more
[ -1.2451171875, 0.8974609375, 2.0625, -0.5478515625, -1.15234375, -0.82177734375 ]
i always appreciate them and please feel free to become a follower and come back and visit again soon
[ -1.0224609375, 3.890625, 0.416015625, -0.966796875, -1.25390625, -0.85595703125 ]
i feel bouncy and i could easily run out there few hours
[ -1.4560546875, 3.701171875, 0.037109375, -1.134765625, -1.044921875, -0.1307373046875 ]
im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing
[ -0.64013671875, -0.90380859375, -1.3056640625, -0.425048828125, 2.94921875, -0.2484130859375 ]
i don t feel well enough to cook
[ -0.72705078125, 3.74609375, -0.038665771484375, -0.94775390625, -1.1328125, -0.71826171875 ]
i realized my mistake and i m really feeling terrible and thinking that i shouldn t do that
[ 3.78515625, -0.99072265625, -0.94873046875, -0.732421875, -0.50634765625, -1.2802734375 ]
i still feel scared every time i go into a strange place
[ -0.78173828125, -1.044921875, -1.2353515625, -0.587890625, 2.884765625, 0.09674072265625 ]
i lie down he feels my belly listens to babys heartbeat gets mad at me for sitting up without rolling onto my side first and then tells me theres some protein in my urine nothing to be worried about though and asks if anything is bothering me
[ -0.40966796875, -0.98388671875, -1.0966796875, 2.646484375, 0.58447265625, -1.1611328125 ]
i feel proud to know several people that have deserved to be advanced for a while now and finally picked it up this time around or last time in a few peoples cases
[ -1.134765625, 3.853515625, 0.336181640625, -1.123046875, -1.380859375, -0.38427734375 ]
i feel very honoured to have been asked
[ -1.107421875, 3.744140625, 0.52392578125, -1.279296875, -1.365234375, -0.388427734375 ]
i don t know about you but it makes me feel generous
[ -0.97705078125, 2.501953125, 1.9638671875, -1.2470703125, -1.6142578125, -1.1328125 ]
i am and always have been a very sincere nice feeling sociable compassionate helpful girl
[ -0.927734375, 2.2578125, 1.953125, -0.9169921875, -1.546875, -1.232421875 ]
i want you to know that if i become prime minister in less than a year s time i will be proud to do so as a friend of israel a jew and most of all someone who feels so proud to be part of the community gathered here today
[ -1.1650390625, 3.568359375, 0.818359375, -1.2041015625, -1.5009765625, -0.5400390625 ]
i am not sure how i feel i think because i felt like i already knew i have already sort of accepted it
[ -1.2900390625, 2.939453125, 1.2841796875, -1.3017578125, -1.3359375, -0.7568359375 ]
i dont really know why but ive also been feeling really rebellious
[ -0.432861328125, -0.7822265625, -0.8447265625, 2.806640625, 0.1046142578125, -1.1220703125 ]
i dont really care and i dont feel proud of myself at all
[ -1.041015625, 3.703125, 0.378173828125, -1.1357421875, -1.4306640625, -0.413330078125 ]
i guess as long as the table in the above is policy discussions and not working and fighting for change within the american theater which i feel im very devoted to i can get behind it though it seems slanted
[ -0.77734375, 1.60546875, 2.34765625, -0.9111328125, -1.646484375, -1.2666015625 ]
i am feeling ok for my biostatistics course by my physiology course will be touchy
[ -1.123046875, 4.01171875, 0.0103607177734375, -1.2060546875, -1.142578125, -0.404052734375 ]
i feel curious because i would like to explore what is at the top of the helterskelter like plant
[ -1.453125, -0.381103515625, -0.689453125, -0.82666015625, 1.3310546875, 1.3193359375 ]
i was feeling cold towards to my partner although i didnt think i presented that way i felt like i had to fake my feelings for him and that i didnt love him anymore
[ -0.002696990966796875, -1.1669921875, -0.7890625, 2.728515625, -0.218994140625, -1.119140625 ]
i feel honoured today olu jacobs i feel honoured today olu jacobs a href http momo
[ -0.8837890625, 3.7265625, 0.51025390625, -1.1796875, -1.4462890625, -0.56982421875 ]
i want each of you to feel my gentle embrace
[ -0.60009765625, 0.4443359375, 2.41015625, -0.8466796875, -1.2080078125, -1.17578125 ]
i feel like i am just starting to understand the blessings that come from being submissive to the will of the father
[ 3.271484375, -1.1728515625, -1.0576171875, 0.07928466796875, -0.31201171875, -1.6962890625 ]
i make myself feel useful by fucking a guy
[ -0.7822265625, 3.6875, -0.04400634765625, -0.7255859375, -1.1748046875, -0.84521484375 ]
i personally feel that it is a very creative present and everything packed inside a brown paper bag
[ -1.255859375, 3.8046875, -0.03753662109375, -0.91357421875, -1.1328125, -0.392578125 ]
i wake up feeling like something terrifyingly bad is bound to happen to me before i even get a chance to stick a limb outside of my covers
[ -0.24951171875, -0.41357421875, -1.5830078125, 0.1871337890625, 1.8037109375, -0.25927734375 ]
i am feeling stronger recharged and excited to get back into my runs
[ -0.72802734375, 3.83984375, -0.377197265625, -0.93017578125, -0.8779296875, -0.55224609375 ]
i still feel like im being punished
[ 3.29296875, -1.080078125, -0.8466796875, 0.7412109375, -1.1796875, -1.6630859375 ]
i am feeling pretty excited about this
[ -1.41015625, 3.53125, -0.4365234375, -0.9228515625, -0.5908203125, 0.200927734375 ]
i carried my phone in my pocket and didn t feel the pull to get lost in it
[ 3.40625, -1.017578125, -0.93505859375, -0.83740234375, 0.0018634796142578125, -1.1962890625 ]
i was feeling heartbroken and lonely i watched my second younger sibling get married leaving me the lone single adult in our family
[ 3.931640625, -1.015625, -0.8076171875, -0.57763671875, -0.73681640625, -1.3935546875 ]
ive been boring for few weeks and feeling a bit gloomy cause of the rainy days
[ 3.828125, -0.88427734375, -0.77685546875, -0.328857421875, -0.92822265625, -1.4521484375 ]
i do feel insecure sometimes but who doesnt
[ -0.440185546875, -0.9775390625, -1.369140625, -0.36474609375, 2.890625, -0.52685546875 ]
i felt so bad for the bad grade and feeling like having to hide it that i didnt know what to say except to declare in all my frustration that i hated school
[ 3.185546875, -1.068359375, -0.7001953125, 0.94921875, -1.3828125, -1.6943359375 ]
i feel a little scared about this because it is new to me and i have a lot to learn but im sure everything is going to be fine and we can do this together
[ -0.70556640625, -1.0869140625, -1.265625, -0.4189453125, 2.93359375, -0.137451171875 ]
i breathe into the feelings in my body resisting my mind s clever attempts to analyse what i m feeling
[ -1.833984375, 2.8046875, -0.021881103515625, -0.80224609375, -0.494873046875, 0.20654296875 ]
i usually like sam but sometimes he gets downright whiny and i ll admit that all the mistakes he made due to sibling rivalry and pride that eventually led to the end of season kind of made me feel less tragic about the whole thing
[ 3.728515625, -0.86083984375, -0.57080078125, -0.66357421875, -0.896484375, -1.3447265625 ]
i feel like the people that i myself love want and need don t talk to me and don t connect with me anymore because they have fucked up mental health and emotional problems that i can t help contribute contain understand or encompass
[ 0.37451171875, -0.70947265625, -0.2183837890625, 2.740234375, -1.1044921875, -1.4716796875 ]
im feeling completely idiotic by not being ablo to contribute
[ 3.80078125, -1.14453125, -1.166015625, -0.00983428955078125, -0.56591796875, -1.291015625 ]
i have moments where i just feel so overwhelmed that my eyes well up with tears
[ -0.3134765625, -0.98095703125, -1.2998046875, -0.90771484375, 2.021484375, 0.86181640625 ]
i had my carrot sticks not on the program they want you to eat super low gi veggies and carrots are relatively high in sugar however they were convenient and later another shake but i was still feeling pretty lousy
[ 3.798828125, -0.54150390625, -0.95263671875, -0.439453125, -0.8125, -1.4716796875 ]
i feel satisfied that ive made the cut off you can only receive overflow money from stsm if you are over and i told myself that im just going to wait for the overflow instead of trying to hit and help my team
[ -1.0009765625, 4.015625, 0.28564453125, -1.1171875, -1.4072265625, -0.58251953125 ]
i still sit back and feel amazed by the whole thing
[ -1.21875, -0.00328826904296875, -0.76171875, -0.95458984375, 0.521484375, 1.7626953125 ]
i feel so humiliated by my own self
[ 3.7890625, -1.349609375, -1.1357421875, -0.1588134765625, -0.415771484375, -1.39453125 ]
im enjoying my solitary confinement at home i rarely feel lonely
[ 3.796875, -0.97607421875, -0.57470703125, -0.405517578125, -0.94140625, -1.5576171875 ]
i feel very honoured to have been part of the bond family and very much hope i have a chance to work with them again sometime in the future
[ -1.1171875, 3.80859375, 0.5927734375, -1.23828125, -1.419921875, -0.48046875 ]
i dare myself to do the following when i m feeling brave enough
[ -1.1708984375, 3.8203125, -0.0037078857421875, -1.0126953125, -0.9853515625, -0.69189453125 ]
i feel myself about how successful my attempts are im starting to connect with the fact that people want to hear music not perfection whatever that is
[ -1.0380859375, 3.90234375, -0.2215576171875, -0.95654296875, -1.060546875, -0.486083984375 ]
i feel like that im hated by most of the girls is it becoz im a good dancer
[ 2.166015625, -1.255859375, -0.57861328125, 1.8427734375, -1.341796875, -1.65234375 ]
i do think gt that for those who desire privacy and the camp out feel they would be gt terrific
[ -1.431640625, 3.8359375, 0.2685546875, -1.2978515625, -1.25390625, -0.03314208984375 ]
i feel is valuable and i want to share
[ -1.1669921875, 3.8203125, 0.62255859375, -1.119140625, -1.3955078125, -0.806640625 ]
i feel so helpless right now
[ 1.80078125, -1.3642578125, -1.4775390625, -0.99609375, 1.904296875, -0.83544921875 ]
i feel like there is no way out being humiliated by asa a guy i was obssessed about who played an embarrassing joke on me getting caught by tabbys wife tabby is a lover i once had who was married and i blindly fell in love with him
[ 3.771484375, -1.302734375, -0.9794921875, -0.0189361572265625, -0.669921875, -1.3857421875 ]