class label
6 classes
i always get that feeling that i got one kids more than another and it is vicious
[ -0.9521484375, -1.7626953125, -1.439453125, 6.5234375, -0.74560546875, -1.4296875 ]
i now im graduating in two days but i feel so sad right now
[ 6.98046875, -1.294921875, -1.1826171875, -1.310546875, -0.97998046875, -1.7626953125 ]
i was feeling more optimistic with blue skies no wind and temperatures hovering at about degrees
[ -1.900390625, 6.6328125, -1.189453125, -1.91796875, -0.82177734375, -1.6064453125 ]
i feel terrific in every one of them
[ -1.908203125, 6.6484375, -1.486328125, -1.8681640625, -1.263671875, -1.0185546875 ]
i feel so dirty but after spending a day at the mk show me and a buddy decided we would get the two player starter between us luckily for us both i liked the everblight and he liked the circle maybe a tad to much so it all worked out well
[ 6.96875, -1.7001953125, -1.29296875, -0.8125, -0.7626953125, -1.6875 ]
i feel like i wouldnt have a longing if only we could have a baby and have that new experience together
[ -1.1953125, -1.3095703125, 5.83203125, -1.134765625, -1.0830078125, -0.250732421875 ]
i feel like a greedy pig catching up to do lt bc afterward yay im gna get my delicious chocolates and in exchange zjs gna get bai tu tang from me
[ -1.90625, -0.66845703125, -1.087890625, 6.0625, -0.91259765625, -1.484375 ]
i don t feel the author s talented
[ -2.06640625, 6.68359375, -1.05078125, -2.078125, -1.1328125, -1.2275390625 ]
i am running at an approximate minute pace which i feel is quite acceptable
[ -1.5751953125, 6.69921875, -0.716796875, -1.8759765625, -1.4716796875, -1.8056640625 ]
i was gifted one of the books but am feeling a bit intimidated to take on the intricate work
[ -1.482421875, -1.462890625, -1.6826171875, -0.0267791748046875, 5.93359375, -1.0244140625 ]
i feel happy about this solution
[ -1.638671875, 6.734375, -1.2685546875, -1.7861328125, -1.2998046875, -1.53125 ]
i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals
[ 6.77734375, -1.177734375, -1.4345703125, -1.0849609375, -1.1767578125, -1.4736328125 ]
i only do unwillingly and always leaves me feeling grouchy and unsettled
[ -1.21875, -1.8408203125, -1.673828125, 6.41015625, -0.159912109375, -1.4560546875 ]
im okay with her getting married whirlwind style at the courthouse and going off to kentucky to live with him but im still feeling hurt by the betrayal and secretive style she had adopted
[ 6.90625, -1.4287109375, -0.92333984375, -1.1015625, -0.98583984375, -1.9580078125 ]
i am really hurt and i feel unimportant and that sucks
[ 7.015625, -1.572265625, -1.4814453125, -1.1328125, -0.666015625, -1.6767578125 ]
i am definitely feeling the effects of the progesterone in two ways my breasts are tender and i m tired
[ -1.341796875, -0.78857421875, 5.95703125, -1.4140625, -1.2958984375, -0.361572265625 ]
im feeling very doubtful about the necessity of that big coat
[ -1.4462890625, -1.34375, -1.55078125, -0.450439453125, 6.015625, -1.033203125 ]
this monday i took a math bs test and flunked for the second time
[ -1.853515625, 0.1851806640625, -2.38671875, 3.046875, 2.947265625, -1.9853515625 ]
i felt apprehensive in regards to the party oftentimes in the past other men have made me feel resentful towards them when i attended with them
[ -1.837890625, -1.6533203125, -2.12109375, 4.359375, 2.80078125, -1.8515625 ]
im feeling just a little proud
[ -1.8935546875, 6.53515625, -1.2978515625, -1.7666015625, -1.3564453125, -1.1875 ]
i am or who i m with i always feel alone
[ 6.78125, -1.57421875, -1.87890625, -1.1181640625, 0.274658203125, -1.9345703125 ]
i remember sitting out on the porch feeling drained and alone even as sunlight bathed my hair in warm radiance and a light breeze cooled my cheeks
[ 7.0546875, -1.5810546875, -1.27734375, -1.1904296875, -0.73291015625, -1.6572265625 ]
i become someone else and i make random awkward jokes honestly this feeling is so strange is this what it feels like to be on top of a cloud
[ -1.556640625, -1.5673828125, -2.154296875, -1.7080078125, 4.6328125, 2.6953125 ]
i think or feel but like this person i am still amazed by them
[ -2.091796875, -0.7705078125, -1.3291015625, -1.30859375, -0.384521484375, 5.3046875 ]
i feel like my efforts are all in vain and continuing to pursue them will only embarrass me down the road
[ 6.8828125, -1.048828125, -1.513671875, -1.4970703125, -0.5419921875, -1.7490234375 ]
i feel alarmed
[ -1.40625, -1.7255859375, -1.4072265625, -0.29443359375, 6.0390625, -0.87353515625 ]
i always feel sympathetic for those that do as well because life can be really hard on you sometimes when you do have alot of pride
[ -1.109375, -0.99072265625, 5.81640625, -1.2138671875, -1.248046875, -0.262451171875 ]
i feel most inspired to create and ive been thinking a lot about inspiration this week
[ -1.73828125, 6.7265625, -1.033203125, -1.974609375, -1.439453125, -1.2314453125 ]
i feel like it add a little bit more shield from the cold and the fabric is great for wicking away sweat
[ -0.58642578125, -0.29833984375, -1.4052734375, 5.5859375, -1.138671875, -2.349609375 ]
i got up saturday morning feeling like crud but determined not to let it get the best of me
[ -1.8837890625, 6.61328125, -1.3642578125, -1.9072265625, -0.7265625, -1.59375 ]
i dont have any photos with me because i was too excited and happy about my prejudging which i did great btw at least i feel tt i did since i felt confident and didnt stutter in front the panel of judges we had and dearest bf was around after doors opened for the public
[ -1.8046875, 6.53125, -1.7666015625, -1.60546875, -0.62158203125, -1.5126953125 ]
i feel myself about how successful my attempts are im starting to connect with the fact that people want to hear music not perfection whatever that is
[ -1.8056640625, 6.7109375, -1.5078125, -1.794921875, -1.1201171875, -1.349609375 ]
i feel so lucky that i get to experience this joy at sssas every day
[ -1.6328125, 6.68359375, -0.82275390625, -2.169921875, -1.6767578125, -1.2451171875 ]
i feel more of numb now
[ 6.8984375, -1.6552734375, -1.27734375, -1.5654296875, -0.461669921875, -1.564453125 ]
i feel crappy i eat crappy
[ 6.99609375, -1.3486328125, -1.515625, -0.79296875, -1.017578125, -1.8935546875 ]
i feel fine now even though ive just burned the dinner oops
[ -1.42578125, 6.609375, -1.36328125, -1.771484375, -0.98193359375, -1.7490234375 ]
i noticed that i was feeling very stressed and anxious and i just couldnt quite put my finger on why
[ 3.6015625, -2.361328125, -2.58984375, 3.52734375, 0.1527099609375, -1.455078125 ]
i always feel rushed during these emails which i dont like but asa este
[ -1.6650390625, -1.8544921875, -2.013671875, 5.72265625, 1.0126953125, -1.1943359375 ]
i just feel that if i end our marriage he deserves a truthful explanation
[ -1.8994140625, 6.4296875, -0.810546875, -2.052734375, -0.8037109375, -1.443359375 ]
i bought this doraemon backpack from a charity store i had every intention of putting it in my etsy store but i feel like its too cute to sell
[ -1.640625, 6.55078125, -0.9306640625, -2.4609375, -1.2001953125, -1.3583984375 ]
i reckon you need to stop feeling bitter and be realistic
[ -0.677734375, -1.7529296875, -1.458984375, 6.5234375, -0.91943359375, -1.6259765625 ]
i feel this weekend is going to be a slutty one
[ -1.19921875, -0.52294921875, 5.078125, -0.6376953125, -1.31640625, -1.05078125 ]
i don t feel the least bit unwelcome in my party and my views are not uncommon
[ 6.4140625, -0.94921875, -1.431640625, -1.326171875, 0.35986328125, -2.333984375 ]
i realized what i am passionate about helping women feel accepted and appreciated
[ -1.9033203125, 3.63671875, 4.17578125, -1.9814453125, -2.013671875, -2.044921875 ]
i get frustrated that unresolved issues from my past have had a severe negative effect on my behavior and feel he must be angry that i have not resolved them by now
[ -1.2666015625, -1.625, -1.654296875, 6.5078125, -0.435546875, -1.396484375 ]
i woke up yesterday monday morning feeling a little depressed
[ 7, -1.5068359375, -1.66796875, -0.77490234375, -0.53564453125, -1.89453125 ]
i also feel the need to say thank you to the boy who helped me realize the above for showing me an absolutely splendid and hot night
[ -1.5908203125, 6.69921875, -0.99072265625, -1.75390625, -1.3681640625, -1.8125 ]
ive missed that feeling and ive missed being there and ive missed having something to work towards that keeps my focus on me and keeps it off of my phone and the potential trouble it can get me in
[ 6.76953125, -1.5107421875, -0.7861328125, -0.36328125, -1.3671875, -2.12109375 ]
i feel so embarrassed
[ 6.7890625, -1.5732421875, -1.6982421875, -0.50390625, -0.7841796875, -1.5849609375 ]
i enjoy about his work is the genuine feel and the pleasant message he is trying to deliver with all this
[ -1.763671875, 6.6484375, -0.93310546875, -1.705078125, -1.416015625, -1.6123046875 ]
i feel like that line is so perfect
[ -1.7392578125, 6.80078125, -0.75537109375, -2.134765625, -1.4541015625, -1.435546875 ]
im even feeling liked by the girls who hate pretty much everyone
[ -1.703125, -0.103271484375, 5.9609375, -1.2744140625, -1.81640625, -0.640625 ]
i just feel its one of those things you dont talk about too much because then too many people come to know and then the plan doesnt taste as sweet nor does it feel like a plan
[ -2.046875, 3.05078125, 4.66015625, -2.119140625, -2.025390625, -1.642578125 ]
i feel it would be foolish and perhaps a little disrespectful to consider doing the long hilly race
[ 6.73046875, -0.469482421875, -1.3408203125, -0.857421875, -1.341796875, -2.1953125 ]
i was feeling playful that day and replied with a lighthearted bit of banter unwittingly replacing her question mark with a solid check mark my voice was just right for the funny yet informational for dummies series
[ -2.01171875, 6.68359375, -1.2724609375, -1.8193359375, -1.1025390625, -1.54296875 ]
i suppose we all feel a little inhibited when it comes to picking up the phone and calling someone we re not very close to anymore
[ 1.6005859375, -0.54296875, -2.48828125, 0.2369384765625, 3.91015625, -2.310546875 ]
i feel like some heroine of some tragic manga
[ 6.82421875, -1.2919921875, -0.79833984375, -1.259765625, -1.12890625, -1.7294921875 ]
i feel like a moronic bastard
[ 6.9453125, -1.3544921875, -1.1875, -1.3037109375, -1.021484375, -1.60546875 ]
i cant think of any emotional state that is worse than feeling generally worthless and unlovable
[ 7.0234375, -1.4296875, -1.3525390625, -1.28125, -0.66796875, -1.76953125 ]
ive been feeling incredibly inadequate more so than usual and its gotten to a point where i almost feel paralyzed by it
[ 6.6171875, -1.869140625, -1.9443359375, -1.314453125, 0.472412109375, -1.4521484375 ]
i know is that she s here and i m so thankful for her warm loving and peaceful presence i feel when my anger or feelings of discontent and frustration flare up
[ 6.125, 0.7421875, -1.2568359375, -0.47607421875, -1.7978515625, -3.05859375 ]
i felt it had a slight bitterness in the finish that detracted from its oily mouthfeel and sweet entry
[ 1.458984375, 3.138671875, 2.099609375, -0.58349609375, -3.10546875, -3.162109375 ]
i soon realized that an initial attraction to an activity that feels playful is often followed by a desire to practice to perfect the talent that led to the original enjoyment
[ -1.9921875, 6.625, -0.97705078125, -1.7412109375, -1.2568359375, -1.705078125 ]
i come home and feel so shitty i cant bring myself to do all the work i need to do
[ 6.97265625, -1.5244140625, -1.396484375, -0.93896484375, -0.8974609375, -1.8251953125 ]
i started questioning god feeling worthless and even jealous of others that come by parenthood so easily
[ 7.00390625, -1.4326171875, -1.5791015625, -0.3876953125, -1.0498046875, -1.9404296875 ]
i feel more thankful being greeted by many friends and families
[ -1.6396484375, 6.625, -0.73486328125, -2.1171875, -1.46875, -1.4736328125 ]
im feeling a little dirty
[ 6.98828125, -1.7939453125, -1.2138671875, -0.61865234375, -1.06640625, -1.66015625 ]
i lie down he feels my belly listens to babys heartbeat gets mad at me for sitting up without rolling onto my side first and then tells me theres some protein in my urine nothing to be worried about though and asks if anything is bothering me
[ -1.01171875, -1.3486328125, -1.8876953125, 6.375, -0.071044921875, -1.837890625 ]
i kinda get real attached and excited when i feel that way and i never handle things as well as others would
[ -1.7509765625, 6.6953125, -0.31689453125, -1.8994140625, -1.583984375, -1.9501953125 ]
i didint feel any love and caring now
[ -1.4765625, -0.9658203125, 5.890625, -1.2080078125, -1.142578125, -0.22119140625 ]
i feel so discontent so guilty so pathetic so lonley and i hate myself for it
[ 7.015625, -1.2490234375, -1.5419921875, -0.69287109375, -0.98291015625, -2.029296875 ]
i knowing that to this day still makes her feel not shy
[ -1.142578125, -1.4638671875, -1.248046875, -0.8974609375, 6.0390625, -0.8935546875 ]
i first started reading city of dark magic i thought it would be a challenge to actually enjoy it since i felt like the content about famous classical music was over my head but luckily after plowing through the first chapter i became more confident and started feeling less dumb
[ 5.6171875, 1.3994140625, -1.45703125, -2.357421875, -0.68603515625, -2.58203125 ]
i try my best to love on them shed some light but i feel deeply compassionate with their problems and hurt even if its someone in the media
[ -1.546875, -0.0816650390625, 5.9765625, -1.1337890625, -1.685546875, -0.720703125 ]
i got off the phone feeling numb
[ 6.73046875, -1.818359375, -1.1396484375, -1.736328125, -0.31591796875, -1.2734375 ]
i feel insulted pete edochie responds to death
[ -1.41796875, -1.7587890625, -1.5400390625, 6.3359375, -0.76416015625, -0.8828125 ]
i am so grateful to have been filled up by general conference and to feel the joyful power of the spirit after such a wonderful weekend
[ -1.7998046875, 6.734375, -1.2705078125, -1.919921875, -1.234375, -1.39453125 ]
i feel agitated and annoyed more than worried or fearful but these feelings can easily lead to being short tempered with my family and feelings of disharmony
[ -1.734375, -1.625, -2.353515625, 3.701171875, 3.482421875, -1.388671875 ]
i feel pissed off and angry
[ -1.3330078125, -1.8681640625, -1.5947265625, 6.43359375, -0.363037109375, -1.1884765625 ]
i feel like it s waiting in the wings just patiently waiting for me to be distracted enough so it can take me down and take everything i love in this world away and destroy me
[ -1.474609375, -0.68212890625, -1.6357421875, 5.97265625, -0.2587890625, -1.7880859375 ]
i stay the more distanced from others i feel it is strange because i sometimes feel like a new friendship is growing or forming
[ -1.5205078125, -1.5693359375, -2.177734375, -1.6044921875, 4.63671875, 2.5859375 ]
i described how i was feeling the feeling of being out of control and completely restless the fear of what could still happen my obsession with trying to do it all and the fact that it was just not working
[ -1.58203125, -1.5068359375, -1.615234375, 0.07666015625, 5.94140625, -0.9248046875 ]
i hear someone say we should just let gardeners be let folks do whatever they want i feel pretty aggravated
[ -1.1728515625, -1.8056640625, -1.7333984375, 6.421875, -0.0899658203125, -1.447265625 ]
i feel completely distracted and emotionally drained
[ -1.4716796875, -1.4130859375, -1.7890625, 5.765625, 0.56298828125, -1.5927734375 ]
ive had a few rough days since then and in the midst of crying and dealing and feeling just so defeated and emotional i put my coat on and curled up and created this safety nest inside my coat
[ 6.890625, -1.52734375, -1.74609375, -1.2998046875, 0.001995086669921875, -1.650390625 ]
im feeling and if ive liked being pregnant
[ -1.4658203125, -0.73779296875, 5.96484375, -1.072265625, -1.478515625, -0.587890625 ]
im feel a little bit shy to talked to her for a second but manage myself because i saw from her eyes that theres something with this girl
[ -1.068359375, -1.52734375, -1.28125, -0.8037109375, 6.07421875, -0.962890625 ]
i feel fond of him though because he feels like an amalgamation of many people i already know
[ -1.349609375, -1.0830078125, 5.9453125, -1.216796875, -1.2578125, -0.192626953125 ]
i cant feel dont turn your back on me i wont be ignored time wont heal dont turn your back on me i wont be ignored
[ 6.9375, -1.6923828125, -1.609375, -0.56591796875, -0.67041015625, -1.88671875 ]
i am very sad you feel distracted but i am not participating in the relationship you think we have
[ -1.544921875, -1.341796875, -1.7998046875, 5.921875, 0.268798828125, -1.40625 ]
im feeling sentimental or in need of reassurance
[ 6.875, -1.5810546875, -0.4912109375, -1.03125, -1.3232421875, -1.8076171875 ]
i feel so glad doing this
[ -1.4501953125, 6.7265625, -0.8408203125, -2.0703125, -1.400390625, -1.7685546875 ]
i feel like im a pathetic little desperation
[ 6.44921875, -1.6943359375, -1.9296875, -1.5458984375, 0.67626953125, -1.4189453125 ]
i feel lonely and sad when i cannot talk to you during the day while i get a moment at my desk
[ 6.97265625, -1.2734375, -1.162109375, -1.1787109375, -0.7041015625, -2.125 ]
im feeling cranky a href http doingaone eighty
[ -1.001953125, -1.74609375, -1.669921875, 6.5234375, -0.499755859375, -1.423828125 ]
i feel impatient with brian s prolonged assertion of his alien encounter but nobody other than the victim could truly relate to repercussion of being molested
[ -1.6474609375, -1.9306640625, -1.7109375, 6.2265625, 0.29345703125, -1.21875 ]
i still do feel left out i do feel like the most hated kid in the asian crew
[ 2.65234375, -1.8623046875, -1.3955078125, 5.13671875, -1.7587890625, -2.21484375 ]
i assumed it would feel casual
[ -2.00390625, 6.67578125, -1.365234375, -1.7041015625, -1.0595703125, -1.4541015625 ]
id feel frantic
[ -1.5068359375, -1.5634765625, -1.8525390625, 0.474609375, 5.86328125, -1.12890625 ]
i am off on wednesday to a postgraduate open day but there will be plenty to write about the rest of the week i feel sure
[ -1.8232421875, 6.5859375, -1.3740234375, -1.75390625, -0.775390625, -1.6474609375 ]