Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli may not have had too many reasons to celebrate since his move to the club. But the fiery Italian is certainly showing the world that he is up for the fight if his latest Instagram post is anything to go by. The former AC Milan striker is filmed having a playful bout with Armenian-Italian kickboxer Giorgio Petrosyan as the duo waste time while on a train. Mario Balotelli lands a playful punch against Italian-Armenian kickboxer Giorgio Petrosyan . The duo laugh and joke as they waste time on a train following Liverpool's win in London . Balotelli reluctantly withdraws as kickboxer Giorgio Petrosyan starts to get the better of the former Milan man . Both characters are seen smiling as they go one-on-one with Petrosyan stopping short of kneeing the striker at one point in the video. Balotelli helped book his side a place in the FA Cup quarter final draw as Liverpool beat Crystal Palace 2-1 at Selhurst Park. It was the Palermo-born striker's freekick that fell to Adam Lallana who grabbed the away side the lead as they thought from a goal down in south London. Balotelli played a part in getting his Liverpool side into the FA Cup quarter finals with a win on Saturday .
Liverpool striker is filmed having a bout with kickboxer Giorgio Petrosyan . The duo were playfully going head-to-head while wasting time on a train . Balotelli helped Liverpool fight back from a goal down on Saturday night . Liverpool saw off Crystal Palace to reach FA Cup quarter final draw .
[ 101, 7986, 28352, 12184, 6894, 4915, 1037, 18378, 8595, 2114, 3059, 5926, 8758, 2121, 17697, 9004, 7352, 7054, 1012, 1996, 2280, 9353, 6954, 11854, 2003, 6361, 2383, 1037, 18378, 10094, 2007, 5926, 8758, 2545, 1012, 1996, 3940, 8257, 2004, 2027, 5949, 2051, 2006, 1037, 3345, 2206, 6220, 1005, 1055, 2663, 2058, 6121, 4186, 2006, 5095, 1012, 11562, 2182, 2005, 2035, 1996, 6745, 6220, 2739, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
A teenager with terminal cancer who realized her dream of playing college basketball earlier this month has admitted it is unlikely she'll get to play in another game as her condition worsens. Ohio teenager Lauren Hill says her cancerous brain tumor makes each day unpredictable and she hasn't been able to practice as much as she would like - something she says she has just had to accept. 'I'm just worried about spending time with my family right now and trying to get to Thanksgiving,' she said on Tuesday. 'You know, just living in the moment.' Ohio teenager Lauren Hill realized her dream of playing college basketball earlier this month, but has admitted it is unlikely she'll get to play in another game as her condition worsens . Two weeks ago the 19-year-old Mount St. Joseph freshman made the national spotlight when she took to the basketball court during a Division III basketball game in front of more than 10,000 fans. 'It seems like it was just yesterday,' she said in her school's gymnasium, with the final score — Mount St. Joseph 66, Hiram 55 — displayed on the scoreboard (the game was held at Xavier's arena). Since the game, her school has received calls from people around the world who were touched by her courage and inspiration. A Layup4Lauren challenge has raised money for research into the type of cancer that is set to shorten her life. Hill hopes that research will lead to treatments that give others a better chance of beating the odds. Mount St. Joseph's Lauren Hill catches a pass and prepares to shoot during her first NCAA college basketball game against Hiram University at Xavier University in Cincinnati on November 2 . Xavier University donated $58,776 on Tuesday, money raised from tickets and merchandise as the school offered its arena for the game. The NCAA allowed the schools to move the game up by two weeks because of Hill's condition. So far, more than $324,000 has been donated for cancer research and treatment — far more than Hill had imagined. 'That's a lot,' Hill said. 'I don't even have a reaction. I'm still in shock. It's kind of like walking through a dream. I mean, it's a good dream.' As the inoperable tumor squeezes her strength and energy, Hill squeezes back, holding to life as tightly as she can. The tumor leaves her right side weak at times and makes her dizzy. She sleeps a lot and has to use a wheelchair sometimes. 'Every day or every hour can be different,' said Lisa Hill, her mom. 'Toward the latter part of the day, you'll see her more in her wheelchair because her legs are weaker so she has a hard time moving.' Lisa Hill said her daughter's spirits fluctuate with her physical struggles. Struggle: The teenager was a standout backetball player and former prom queen in high school, right . 'If her right side isn't working, she gets very frustrated just because her body isn't cooperating,' she said. 'But for the most part, she's Lauren.' Hill had to start shooting with her left hand — her non-dominant one — because the tumor affects the right side of her body more significantly. She shows up for practice several times a week to be with her teammates and will make a few shots if she feels up to it. Asked if it's realistic to think she could play in another game, Lisa Hill said, 'I don't know. I would probably say it's maybe not realistic, but you never know on the day. So if she's got really high spirits and her body's doing what it's supposed to be doing, who knows?' Coach Dan Benjamin and Hill's teammates are taking up the cause as her energy wanes. 'Watching her go through her journey has been very tough, knowing she's getting weaker at times, knowing she needs us even more now,' Benjamin said. 'She's not going to be able to get out as much as she has done in the past, so now I will have to become her voice and her teammates will have to become her voice as well.' 'Living in the moment': Cincinnati teenager Lauren Hill says her cancerous brain tumor makes each day unpredictable and she hasn't been able to practice as much as she would like .
Lauren Hill, 19, realized her dream of playing college basketball earlier this month for Mount St. Joseph in Ohio . But her cancerous brain tumor has worsened and she says her focus now is on spending time with her family and making the most of Thanksgiving . The NCAA allowed her school to move their game against Hiram forward by two weeks so that Lauren could take part . More than $324,000 has been donated for cancer research and treatment by fundraising carried out in her name .
[ 101, 4058, 10563, 10294, 2940, 3651, 2014, 3959, 1997, 2652, 2267, 3455, 3041, 2023, 3204, 1010, 2021, 2038, 4914, 2009, 2003, 9832, 2016, 1005, 2222, 2131, 2000, 2377, 2153, 2004, 2014, 4650, 4788, 3619, 1012, 1996, 2539, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 10452, 2081, 1996, 2120, 17763, 2043, 2016, 2165, 2000, 1996, 3455, 2457, 2076, 1037, 2407, 3523, 3455, 2208, 1999, 2392, 1997, 2184, 1010, 2199, 4599, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN)NASA released new images Monday of the dwarf planet Ceres that hint at crater-like structures on the surface. The images of Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, were taken by the Dawn spacecraft from a distance of 238,000 miles on January 13. With a diameter of about 590 miles, NASA describes the dwarf planet as "Texas-sized." "We know so much about the solar system and yet so little about dwarf planet Ceres. Now, Dawn is ready to change that," Marc Rayman, Dawn's chief engineer and mission director, said in a release from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took the best images to date of Ceres in 2003 and 2004. While the latest set of images is only at about 80% of Hubble's resolution, NASA expects the decade-old images to be eclipsed when the spacecraft has another imaging opportunity at the end of this month. Dawn, which was launched in 2007, is expected to enter the dwarf planet's orbit around March 6 for the first time. Scientists have long thought the surface contains vast portions of ice or even an ocean, and have previously detected water vapor. Ceres falls into the same unique category of dwarf planets as Pluto. According to the International Astronomical Union, this classification is for a celestial body that "is in orbit around the sun," "has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape" but is not able to "clear the neighborhood around its orbit," meaning the body is big enough to clear objects like asteroids and debris out of its orbital way.
NASA's Dawn spacecraft delivers new images of the dwarf planet Ceres . Dawn will enter the dwarf planet's orbit in March .
[ 101, 2047, 4871, 1997, 8292, 6072, 9374, 2012, 11351, 1011, 2066, 5090, 2006, 1996, 3302, 1012, 6440, 2003, 3517, 2000, 4607, 1996, 11229, 4774, 1005, 1055, 8753, 2105, 2233, 1020, 2005, 1996, 2034, 2051, 1012, 6440, 1005, 1055, 3260, 2472, 2758, 1996, 5476, 1011, 2214, 4871, 2097, 2022, 13232, 2094, 2043, 1996, 12076, 2038, 2178, 12126, 4495, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The so-called 'tiger mom' has been the subject of massive debate over parenting methods. However, researchers at Stanford say they have finally solved the problem of which is the best parenting method. They claim that in fact both methods are equally as effective. Motivation, the researchers wrote, is understood to come from within an individual in Western families, while Asian children find strength in parental expectations. In 2011, Yale law Professor Amy Chua (pictured) provoked a cultural clash with a Wall Street Journal article, 'Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,' that advocated a strict approach – 'tiger parenting' – common in East Asia. The article suggested Western-style parenting was too permissive. In the backlash to the article, critics accused Chua of over-controlling her children in her quest to make them succeed. Stanford researchers Alyssa Fu and Hazel Markus suggest in a new study, both culture-centric approaches can be effective. Motivation, the researchers wrote, is understood to come from within an individual in Western families, while Asian children find strength in parental expectations. The bottom line is that children can be motivated either way, they say. 'These findings underscore the importance of understanding cultural variation in how people construe themselves and their relationships to others. 'While European American parents give their children wings to fly on their own, Asian American parents provide a constant wind beneath their children's wings,' wrote Fu, a doctoral student in psychology and the lead author of the study, and Markus, a professor of psychology. The debate was sparked in 2011, when Yale law Professor Amy Chua provoked a cultural clash with a Wall Street Journal article, 'Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,' that advocated a strict approach – 'tiger parenting' – common in East Asia. The article suggested Western-style parenting was too permissive. In the backlash to the article, critics accused Chua of over-controlling her children in her quest to make them succeed. In the Asian American family model, the authors suggest, children learn the value of being interdependent with one's close others, especially one's mother. In contrast, European American families tend to emphasize that the person is and should be independent, even from one's mother. The focus is on developing self-esteem and self-efficacy in the child. 'We were interested in finding out how interdependence could be a motivating factor,' said Fu, who is is presenting the research at the annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco. 'The idea was to compare the Asian American cultural context to the European American one.' In four separate studies involving 342 students from a Northern California high school, students were asked for open-ended descriptions of their mothers. They also answered questions about how connected they felt with their mothers, as well as how much pressure they received. In two of the experiments, they examined how Asian American and European American students thought about their moms after they experienced failure in a word puzzle task that required them to think about themselves and others who are close to them. The research findings suggest that Asian Americans and European Americans see mothers differently. European families tend to emphasize that the person is and should be independent, even from one's mother. For example, Asian American high schoolers were more likely to talk about their relationships with their mothers than were European Americans. Asian Americans more often noted that their moms helped them with homework or pushed them to succeed. On the other hand, European American students were more apt to talk about their mothers as separate individuals – describing their appearance or their hobbies, for example. One defining trait of 'Tiger Moms,' Fu said, is that they do not simply give orders to their kids without getting involved. 'Tiger Moms throw themselves into everything that their children are doing,' she said. 'And when Asian American kids see themselves as really connected with their mothers, they can benefit from their mother's pressure.'
Motivation found  to come from within an individual in Western families . Asian children find strength in parental expectations . Children can be motivated either way, Stanford team found .
[ 101, 14354, 2003, 5319, 2000, 2272, 2013, 2306, 2019, 3265, 1999, 2530, 2945, 1010, 2096, 4004, 2336, 2424, 3997, 1999, 18643, 10908, 1012, 1999, 2249, 1010, 7996, 2375, 2934, 6864, 14684, 2050, 19157, 1037, 3451, 13249, 2007, 1037, 2813, 2395, 3485, 3720, 1010, 1005, 2339, 2822, 10756, 2024, 6020, 1029, 1005, 1999, 1996, 25748, 2000, 1996, 3720, 1010, 4401, 5496, 14684, 2050, 1997, 2058, 1011, 9756, 2014, 2336, 1999, 2014, 8795, 2000, 2191, 2068, 9510, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Former Sheffield Wednesday and Sweden midfielder Klas Ingesson, who played a major role in his country's third-place finish at the 1994 World Cup, has died of cancer at the age of 46. As a player Ingesson represented a string of clubs including Gothenburg in Sweden and the Italian trio of Bolgona, Bari and Lecce before going on to manage Elfsborg in his homeland. Former club Wednesday said in an announcement on their website: 'Sheffield Wednesday are saddened to learn of the passing of Klas Ingesson. Our thoughts are with Klas' family and friends at this very sad time. Former Sheffield Wednesday and Sweden midfielder Klas Ingesson (centre) has died of cancer, aged 46 . Ingesson made 17 Premier League appearances for the Owls and scored two goal between 1994 and 1996 . Ingesson finished his playing career with Italian side Leece in 2001 before going on to manage Elfsborg in 2013 . PLAYING CAREER . 86-90 Gotheburg . 90-93 KV Mechelen . 93-94 PSV . 94-96 Sheffield Wednesday . 96-98 Bari . 98-00 Bologna . 00-01 Marseille . 01 Leece . TEAMS MANAGED . 13-14 Elfsborg . Meanhwile, Elfsborg said in a statement posted on the club's website: 'Our thoughts are foremost with his wife and children, who were with him to the end at home in Odeshog.' The Allsvenskan club are holding an immediate memorial for Ingesson. Capped 57 times for Sweden and a driving force in the side that beat Bulgaria 4-0 to claim third place at the World Cup in United States, Ingesson was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2009. Following treatment he was able to take over Elfsborg's Under 21 side in October 2010, eventually being appointed manager of the senior team in September 2013. But Ingesson's managerial career was interrupted by the return of the cancer and he spent a period coaching from the dugout in a wheelchair before announcing his decision to step down from the role at the end of the season. 'If I'm going to be involved, I have to play a full part,' Ingesson said after stepping down. 'This year I have been there on and off and others have had to bear the burden. That won't work in the long run.' VIDEO: Elfsborg fans sing Ingesson's name during match on Sunday . Ingesson spent a period coaching from the Elfsborg dugout in a wheelchair due to his illness . Ingesson, pictured against France in 1992, helped Sweden claim third-place at the USA World Cup in 1994 . In the midst of his illness, amid questions of whether or not he should continue in the role, Ingesson wrote an open letter to the club's fans, saying: 'The talk about my cancer has to end. Elfsborg and I have an agreement that I am manager for the first team. 'Physically and mentally I don't have a problem to do my job. I should be judged as anyone else to determine whether I am good enough for the job but then I should be judged on my competence, not my physical status. 'It is every person's right to be judged by who you are and what you do, not because you have an illness or a handicap.' Known affectionately in Sweden as 'the Lumberjack from Odeshog', Ingesson is survived by his wife Veronica and two sons.
Former Sheffield Wednesday midfielder Klas Ingesson has died of cancer . Ingesson, who helped Sweden finish third at World Cup in 1994, was 46 . Most recently managed Elfsborg in his homeland .
[ 101, 1047, 8523, 13749, 7971, 2239, 2038, 2351, 1997, 4456, 2012, 1996, 2287, 1997, 4805, 1012, 2002, 2209, 1037, 2350, 2535, 1999, 2010, 2406, 1005, 1055, 2353, 1011, 2173, 3926, 2012, 1996, 2807, 2088, 2452, 1012, 1996, 2280, 8533, 9317, 1998, 4701, 8850, 2001, 11441, 2007, 3674, 2026, 18349, 2863, 1999, 2268, 1012, 2002, 2001, 2583, 2000, 2202, 2058, 17163, 19022, 21759, 1005, 1055, 2104, 2538, 2217, 1999, 2255, 2230, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Rachel Quigley and Snejana Farberov . PUBLISHED: . 01:13 EST, 13 September 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 05:51 EST, 13 September 2013 . The body of Emylee Lonczak was found in shrubbery between two homes on Madrillon Estates Drive in Vienna on Friday morning . A 16-year-old Virginia girl who was discovered dead last month had used illegal drugs with a group of people and had experienced a medical emergency before her death, it was revealed today. Emylee Lonczak was reported missing August 21 from her home in an affluent area of McLean, Virginia. Two days later, her body turned up in the bushes between a pair of million-dollar homes in the well-heeled suburb of Vienna. According to a search warrant obtained by The Washington Post, the McLean High School student left home August 21 with two men and then drove out of state to buy drugs from another man. On the morning of August 22, Lonczak's companions realized that the teen was in medical distress, but did not seek help, the document stated. The search warrant was filed in Fairfax Circuit Court to access the Facebook accounts of the deceased girl and the men she was with on the night of her death. Police investigating Lonczak's death had previously interviewed one of the teen's companions, identified by NBC Washington as 19-year-old Kyle Alifom, and searched his parents' Vienna home. Alifom, who attends Marshall High School, reportedly told officials that hours before the girl died, he and Emylee attended a party together where they drank beer and smoked marijuana. Left to die: Search warrants state that Emylee Lonczak used drugs in the company of three adult men, who failed to seek help when she needed medical attention . Probe: Police determined that one of the men Emylee (left) was with before her death was Kyle Alifom (right), 19, who told officers that he and the 16-year-old drank beer and smoked marijuana that night . Alifom later got a ride with the girl to his home in Vienna, where Lonczak remained for several hours before taking her leave on foot. On August 23, police bloodhounds picked up Emylee's scent in the Tysons Corner area of Vienna, and quickly tracked down her body left in the shrubbery between two homes. So far, no arrests have been made, but police are considering charging the men involved in the incident with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. According to online records, Alifom has had at least two run-ins with the law. Most recently, he was arrested in March on a public drunkenness charge. A year before, Alifom was collared on a count of alcohol possession. The state medical examiner's officer has yet to determine Lonczak's cause or manner of death. Grieving family: Emylee, pictured as a young girl with her father Don, is survived by her parents and six brothers and sisters . Emylee Lonczak is survived by her parents and six siblings, including her twin brother. McLean High School principal Ellen Reilly sent a letter to parents about the death of Lonczak on Monday, describing her as a 'cherished student'. 'It is with great sadness that I must inform you that one of our students died unexpectedly Friday. 'Emylee Lonczak was a rising 11th grader at our school. She was a cherished student who will be greatly missed by all who knew her,' the letter said. McLean High School principal Ellen Reilly sent a letter to parents about the death of Emylee on Monday, calling her a 'cherished student' Police found her body in this area of Vienna near a pipe stem, hidden by bushes between two houses, after they were tipped off to her whereabouts . Bud Walker, of Fairfax County police, said: 'I can certainly understand why people . should be concerned. What I can say is that everything that is . involved in this case has been identified by the police. 'There are no . outstanding people, there are no outstanding items, there is no . outstanding information. People in that neighborhood can rest assured . that nothing from this case is a threat to them or their children.'
Emylee Lonczak, 16, of McLean, Virginia, was discovered dead in the town of Vienna August 23 . Police interviewed Kyle Alifom, 19, who said he and Emylee went to a party where they smoked pot and drank beer the night of her death .
[ 101, 7861, 12844, 2063, 8840, 12273, 20685, 1010, 2385, 1010, 2001, 2988, 4394, 2257, 2538, 2013, 2014, 2188, 1999, 17602, 1010, 3448, 1012, 2014, 2303, 2001, 2179, 1999, 1996, 14568, 2090, 2048, 2454, 1011, 7922, 5014, 2006, 5506, 24714, 2239, 8707, 3298, 1999, 1996, 2092, 1011, 12073, 2098, 7575, 1997, 6004, 1012, 2016, 2018, 2109, 6206, 5850, 2007, 1037, 2177, 1997, 2111, 1998, 2018, 5281, 1037, 2966, 5057, 2077, 2014, 2331, 1010, 2009, 2001, 3936, 2651, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
A Dorset family has claimed they were refused a refund on tickets they did not use because of a bereavement. Tony Broom, 39, said he was left almost £400 out of pocket for not using flights he had purchased to see his wife Justinya's father in Poland, after he passed away before their scheduled trip. The family of three had been due to visit the grandfather during the October half-term holidays, but he lost his battle with cancer in August. According to Ryanair policy, flights can be refunded if a bereavement happens within 28 days of the intended travel date. However, because this was not the case, the family were refused the refund for two months, until they made their quarrel public. Uncompassionate: Ryanair have angered a family for refusing to refund tickets following a family death . Engineer Tony, 39, told MailOnline Travel that the family had been due to visit his father-in-law in October and paid £398 for five tickets, which included parking at Stansted airport. Upon learning of his father-in-law's death on August 30, Tony, who did not have travel insurance, attempted to change the flights to travel to Poland for the September 2 funeral. He claims he was advised to apply for a refund separately and buy new tickets for the flights to Poland for the funeral. 'I explained that the [October] tickets were of little use to us now,' Broom said. 'I called and spoke to a Ryanair rep, and he told me the lowest quote for five seats for myself, my wife and our three children would be £1,280,' he said. The family opted to drive instead. Ryanair refute Mr Broom's claims, stating that the airline has no record of such a phone call. The airline tells MailOnline Travel that the cost of changing the flight would amount to £70 per person each way - £700 overall for a family of five. Tony Broom was unhappy with the airline's service following the death of his wife Justinya's father . Within days of returning from the funeral, Tony contacted the airline to apply for a refund, providing his father-in-law's death certificate as evidence of the bereavement, but in their response Ryanair directed him to their terms and conditions, which state that only deaths occurring within 28 days allow passengers a refund on tickets. After three attempts to argue the case with the airline over the past two months, Mr Broom eventually got in touch with Bournemouth Echo, after which Ryanair offered £340 of travel credit - covering their original fares but not the airport parking, which is handled by a different company. 'I don't really want to fly with them again personally, after all the agro I've had to go through to get the credit' Broome said. 'I'm pleased they've offered something, but only after the intervention of the press.' The airline's terms and conditions state that they will provide a full refund if a passenger has lost an immediate family member within 28 days of intended travel. The policy covers spouses, civil partners, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law and children-in-law. Airline website states: . 'Should you be affected by a bereavement of an immediate member of your family within 28 days of your intended date of travel and you do not wish to travel, Ryanair will provide a full refund upon application.' The website states: 'Should you be affected by a bereavement of an immediate member of your family within 28 days of your intended date of travel and you do not wish to travel, Ryanair will provide a full refund upon application.' 'They would have had six weeks to refill those seats but they chose not to,' Mr Broom said. 'It doesn't seem very compassionate - it doesn't seem right to me.' A spokesperson for Ryanair told MailOnline Travel: 'As stated in our terms and conditions of travel, customers who are affected by a bereavement of an immediate family member within 28 days of their intended date of travel will be provided with a full refund upon application. 'We convey our sincere condolences to Mr Broom and his family and as a gesture of goodwill, have resolved this matter directly with the customer.'
Family were to visit grandfather in Poland in October but he died in August . They tried to cancel flights and provided the death certificate as evidence . Airline denied refund as the death occurred more than 28 days before flight . Eventually offered airline credit after refusing refund for two months .
[ 101, 4116, 23528, 1010, 4464, 1010, 2056, 2002, 2001, 2187, 2471, 1069, 29537, 2041, 1997, 4979, 2005, 2025, 2478, 7599, 1012, 2155, 1997, 2093, 2018, 2042, 2349, 2000, 3942, 2269, 1011, 1999, 1011, 2375, 1999, 3735, 1999, 2255, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2439, 2645, 2007, 4456, 1999, 2257, 1998, 2439, 2645, 1999, 2257, 1012, 4575, 11215, 4188, 25416, 8630, 2005, 2048, 2706, 2127, 2027, 2081, 2037, 26260, 2270, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Thousands of images depicting U.S. soldiers abusing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan may be released this week following the Senate's 'torture report'. The images, part of a collection from 203 investigations into detainee abuse by U.S. military, are said to depict horrifying methods of torture. One photo reportedly shows an American soldier raping a female prisoner, while other pictures allegedly depict sexual assaults on prisoners with truncheons, wire and a phosphorescent tube. President Obama, pictured last week, is under pressure to release the photos, some of which he initially blocked in 2009, claiming they could pose a risk to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan . Some of the photographs were initially set to be released in 2009, but were blocked after President Obama backtracked, stating that it could pose a safety risk to troops on the ground. In May 2009, Obama claimed publishing the pictures would inflame anti-American feeling in Iraq and Afghanistan. 'We're not dismissive of the fact that some people could react badly to the publishing of the photographs,' American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Jameel Jaffer told The Daily Beast. 'But this does not mean that there should be a massive heckler's veto that terrorist organizations can wield over the public's right to know.' 'The public has a right to know what happened in these military detention facilities,' Jaffer added, 'in the same way it has a right to know about what happened at the CIA black sites.' The US government have until Friday to submit their evidence to Alvin Hellerstein, senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The images are part of a collection from 203 investigations into detainee abuse in U.S. military prisons such as the notorious Abu Ghraib (pictured) and are said to depict horrifying methods of torture . Under pressure: President Obama pose with his wife Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia and children dressed like elves at the National Building Museum in Washington on Sunday . The evidence must support why each individual image should be kept from the public. The possible release of the photographs is part of a long-running Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought the US government by the American Civil Liberties Union. The release last week of a Senate report cataloging years of such interrogation tactics has revived debate about legal opinions since discredited and withdrawn and about the decision to not prosecute the program's architects or officers who used the methods. Civil rights groups in the United States and abroad are renewing calls to prosecute those who relied on techniques that President Barack Obama has called torture. 'How can we seriously use the phrase 'rule of law' if crimes of this magnitude go uninvestigated and unprosecuted?' Jameel Jaffer said. The Justice Department, which spent years looking into the matter, says it lacks sufficient evidence to convict anyone and found no new information in the report. It also is far from clear that any international case could be brought. Department officials said they will not revisit their 2012 decision to close the investigation, citing among other challenges the passage of time and the difficulty of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that crimes were committed, especially in light of government memos that gave interrogators extraordinary latitude. 'Our inquiry was limited to a determination of whether prosecutable offenses were committed. Importantly, our investigation was not intended to answer the broader questions regarding the propriety of the examined conduct,' the department said in a statement after the report was released.
'Thousands' of photos of torture in U.S. military prisons could be released . Sourced from 203 investigations into detainee abuse by U.S. military . Allegedly depict soldiers raping and sexually abusing prisoners . President Obama initially blocked release of the photographs in 2009 .
[ 101, 1996, 4871, 2024, 2112, 1997, 1037, 3074, 2013, 18540, 9751, 2046, 20010, 18175, 2063, 6905, 2011, 1057, 1012, 1055, 1012, 2510, 1012, 2028, 6302, 7283, 11230, 2019, 2137, 5268, 9680, 2075, 1037, 2931, 7267, 1012, 2060, 4620, 9382, 17120, 4424, 22664, 2006, 5895, 2007, 19817, 4609, 28099, 2015, 1010, 7318, 1998, 1037, 6887, 2891, 8458, 16610, 13013, 7270, 1012, 2343, 8112, 2003, 2104, 3778, 2000, 2713, 1996, 4871, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Steph Cockroft . A McDonald's owner who has 'ketchup in the veins' has proved he's lovin' it more than most - with a collection of 75,000 pieces of the restaurant's memorabilia. Mike Fountaine - whose collection spreads over more than 7,000sq ft at his home in Pennysylvania, America - owns more than 1,000 McDonald's cups, 11,700 lapel pins and nearly every Happy Meal toy the chain has produced. The 60-year-old's collection also includes uniforms, buttons and old displays - as well as a giant figure of the fast food chain's mascot, Ronald McDonald. Scroll down for video . He's lovin' it: Michael Fountaine, 60, from Pennysylvania, has spent almost half a century amassing his 75,000-piece collection of McDonald's memorabilia . 'Ketchup in the veins': Mr Fountaine poses with the McDonald mascot, Ronald McDonald, which is stored in one the nine rooms which the McDonad's owner has filled with memorabilia . The restaurant owner, who began a career with McDonald's as a teenager aged 15 in 1968, has nearly every Happy Meal toy, as well as 1,000 cups and glasses . But despite Mr Fountaine's collection already having 398 categories, the restaurant owner has no intention of slowing down - and says he still . adds more than . 100 items to the horde each month. He said: 'This collection means everything to me, it is my life's work. Thousands and thousands of hours have been spent assembling this collection and taking pride to display it extremely nicely. 'I'm very proud to be a part of the McDonald's family. We have a saying here when you love the business that you have 'ketchup in your veins', which I certainly do.' Mr Fountaine started working on the grill at McDonald's in 1968 - the same month the Big Mac was introduced - when he was 15. He started collecting items from the fast food chain one year later, after he was given a lapel pin to celebrate his first year of service. Now Mr Fountaine has so much stuff, he had to build a 2,400sq ft barn to . house it all - even though he already had nine rooms and two miles of shelving filled with his collection. Mr Fountaine has worked at McDonald's for nearly 50 years, first becoming an assistant manager in 1972 at a restaurant in Rockville, Maryland, pictured . The 60-year-old, pictured right taking the keys to his first McDonald's restaurant, now runs two franchised McDonald's restaurants of his own . Mr Fountaine's storage system also includes a 'secret room', to add an air of mystery to his collection. He said: . 'My secret room contains nearly every happy meal display ever made in . the US and every happy meal toy made between 1979 and 2005. 'I built the barn to help house the happy meal collection from 2005 to the present day as well as other pieces. The McDonald's fanatic has collected more than 11,700 badge pins, pictured left, and says the collection represents his life's work, pictured right . 'I also have a room containing more than 1,000 McDonald's cups and glasses from throughout its history. 'In total my collection takes up around 7,000sq ft on my property.' The McDonald's fanatic has spent hours meticulously arranging his items, ensuring they are put on display in the right order and category. Mr Fountaine says his display will only keep on growing - with around 100 items being added to the collection each month . He is unable to put an price tag on the collection but says thousands of man hours have gone into amassing and cataloging the haul. He said: 'My table of content has 398 . categories including buttons, lapel pins, cups, uniforms, happy meal . displays and equipment.' Fortunately for Mr Fountaine, his girlfriend Susan Wirth enjoys living with the collection too. She . said: 'On our first date Michael and I went out to dinner and then he . showed me his collection. It was 2am before I saw the whole collection . and we were quite tired after that.' Mr Fountaine's restaurant in Allentown, Pennysylvania, has a fireplace and chandeliers. He says customers comment that it's the 'most beautiful McDonald's restaurant they have ever seen . But it's not just the collection in which Mr Fountaine takes pride. His restaurant in Allentown, Pennsylvania, boasts a cherry wood fireplace and chandeliers. He said: 'People say it's the most beautiful McDonald's restaurant they have ever seen. I wanted to make it first class all the way and at lunch time it's always full. 'I installed a musical playground for children, of which there are less than ten in the world. I wanted to make it my trophy restaurant.' In 1986, Mr Fountaine was presented with the Ronald McDonald award for his local community service work. He hopes to turn his collection into a museum to help raise money for Ronald McDonald charities. He said: 'By charging admission to see the collection any money raised could go to Ronald McDonald House charities to help kids around the world who have cancer.' McDonald's archivist, Mike Bullingdon, said: 'In my opinion Mike has the most encompassing collection in the world, it's in pristine shape, they're one of a kind pieces, it's just awesome.'
Mike Fountaine has the world's largest collection of McDonald's memorabilia . The 60-year-old started his collection with a pin badge when he was 15 . He now has 75,000 items spread over more than 7,000sq ft in Pennysylvania .
[ 101, 3505, 9545, 2063, 1010, 3438, 1010, 2013, 10647, 6508, 22144, 6200, 1010, 2637, 1010, 2038, 22151, 2062, 2084, 1015, 1010, 2199, 4109, 1997, 1996, 9383, 1005, 1055, 28663, 1012, 1996, 11338, 5280, 4215, 3954, 2038, 3053, 2296, 3407, 7954, 9121, 9121, 9121, 1010, 2004, 2092, 2004, 1037, 5016, 3275, 1997, 8923, 9383, 1012, 2002, 2318, 2551, 2006, 1996, 18651, 2012, 9383, 2015, 1999, 3380, 1011, 1996, 2168, 3204, 1996, 2502, 6097, 2001, 3107, 1011, 2043, 2002, 2001, 2321, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
South Korean women have become so immersed in western celebrity culture that double eyelid surgery, which creates the Caucasian crease many Asian women don't naturally have, has become as common as going to the dentist. Overtaking Brazil as the plastic surgery capital of the world, South Korea now has the highest number of surgeries performed per capita. Going behind the scenes of Seoul Fashion Week for Vice magazine's online series Fashion Week Internationale, host Charlet Duboc uncovers their quest for a stereotypical vision of a western face. Scroll down for video . New norm: Double eyelid surgery in South Korea has become as common as going to the dentist . Miss Duboc asks a young K-pop singer from the band D-Unit why one in five women have undergone some sort of . cosmetic procedure in South Korea, which have become popular graduation . gifts from students' parents. 'Because of their distinctive looks, our ideal appearance would be that of westerners,' the singer said. 'Big round eyes, straight nose, round face.' Eyelid surgery involves cutting the outer end of the eyes to make them wider and rounder, something plastic surgeons say boosts confidence. Dr Seo, a surgeon from Seo Jae Don . Plastic Clinic, described one of his patients that day, who had flown . from Japan to have facial surgery, has small eyes. Ideal face: Overtaking Brazil as the plastic surgery capital of the world, South Korea now has the highest number of surgeries performed per capita - in the quest for a western face . Creating a crease: Eyelid surgery involves cutting the outer end of the eyes to make them wider and rounder, something plastic surgeons say boosts confidence . Before and after: South Korean plastic surgeon Dr Seo says women are eager to have Caucasian features . He explained: 'We will do eyelid surgery, as well as give her a higher nose. She also has a flat forheard so we'll extract some fat and inject it into her forehead and chin. By doing so her overall profile will look much more appealing.' Talking Miss Duboc, a British-born, one-time model, he added: 'Most of our customers are eager to have facial features like yours. 'A face with more volume is considered to be more popular these days, having an apple shape face means there's more chance to change a person's destiny, they think their fortune will change for the better. 'There are lots of girls who come in . after breaking up with their boyfriends...there are doctors who cure the . illnesses that we can see; we cure the heartbroken people. There is no . need to live with a sense of discontent because of their appearance,' he . said. Beauty differences: This young women (right) was disappointed when Miss Duboc (left) admired her 'natural and unique' look, explaining that her different features, from that of westerners, is what makes her beautiful . Part of society: Eyelid surgery has become so ingrained in South Korea, before and after advertisements are standard practice . However it seems that Seoul Fashion Week is actually trying to distance itself from this K-pop plastic surgery culture. Miss Duboc explained that backstage, there were many people who wanted to reverse the trend, favouring a more natural look. A fashion student born in North Korea and smuggled into the south as a child, who sat next to Miss Duboc at one of the shows, said 'if a person is doing it to boost their confidence by covering up their handicaps I think its fine, but to completely change the way one naturally looks is totally wrong.' She added: 'I see many of my friends . getting it done. I think our desire to look as pretty as celebrities is . far greater than in any other country.' Different views: According to Vice, Seoul Fashion Week is actually trying to distance itself from this K-pop plastic surgery culture . Natural beauty: Miss Duboc explained that backstage, there were many people who wanted to reverse the trend, favouring a more natural look . Role models: Young women walking in the shows also believe that the plastic surgery trend has gone overboard, with many now saying there is more value in natural faces . A make-up artist agreed, commenting: 'I hate people getting double eyelid surgery, personally I like the natural look.' And a model who had just walked int eh show said: 'I think Korean beauty is a look with natural eyelids.' One patient outside of Fashion Week's culture, who recently had the surgery and was disappointed when Miss Duboc admired her 'natural and unique' look, explaining that her different features, from that of westerners, is what makes her beautiful, said: 'My mother would always support me in my quest to look better, my father would be a bit more worried. 'The older generation... think natural is beautiful, being original is better. The importance of beauty is different to each individual.'
South Korea now has the highest number of surgeries performed per capita, overtaking Brazil as the plastic surgery capital of the world .
[ 101, 3313, 3239, 21273, 5970, 1999, 2148, 4420, 2038, 2468, 2004, 2691, 2004, 2183, 2000, 1996, 24385, 1012, 2148, 4420, 2085, 2038, 1996, 3284, 2193, 1997, 12058, 5134, 2864, 2566, 8353, 1012, 2852, 27457, 22770, 2123, 2123, 6081, 5970, 7336, 6276, 1996, 6058, 2203, 1997, 1996, 2159, 2000, 2191, 2068, 7289, 1998, 2461, 2121, 1010, 2242, 6081, 16804, 2360, 12992, 2015, 7023, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 18:04 EST, 4 March 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 02:34 EST, 5 March 2014 . A British man who was caught by an undercover agent posing as the father of an underage girl has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Shuhel Mahboob Ali told the 'father' online that he wanted to have sex with her and raise a 'daughters-only' family so that he could carry out a sick incest fantasy. Ali believed that the agent was arranging for him to be set up with his daughter, and Ali told how he wanted to 'settle down with a girl and raise a couple of daughters for "the lifestyle,"' according to the criminal complaint. Sentenced: Shuhel Mahboob Ali has been sentenced to spend 10 years in a federal prison for his plot to create and sexually abuse an 'incest family' From January to April 2013, Ali communicated with the undercover agent online and described in harrowing detail how he would abuse their fictitious children. He said that 'once the mid-wife left' he would begin to sexually assault their daughter. 'When you start with very, very, very young, you can mold them to believe anything and do anything you see,' he said according to the criminal complaint obtained by the Orlando Sentinel. He planned to travel to Florida, meet the teen and then bring her back to the United Kingdom where he would 'begin to train her sexually and prepare her for a family'. 'Predator': Ali, now 39, was arrested when he arrived in Florida after plotting out his sick fantasy for months . Ali flew from London to Sanford, Florida in April and then met the agent when he was expecting to meet the father of his would-be bride. He was arrested near Titusville by agents from the Department of Homeland Security and local sheriff's deputies. He was then taken into custody in North Brevard County. Police found bondage tape, two hooded face masks, condoms and cameras in his bag as well as a computer which contained child pornography. Ali pleaded guilty to enticing a minor to engage in sexual activity. His 10 year sentence, which will be spent in a federal prison, was handed down on Monday. 'It is truly unimaginable that monsters exist and walk among us with the purpose of victimizing our most precious citizens,' Sheriff Wayne Ivey said at the time of his arrest. 'I want this message to be absolutely crystal clear: We will use every lawful resource we have in our possession to find and remove you from society if you try to harm a child, no matter where you may be on this planet.'
Shuhel Mahboob Ali, now 40, has been sentenced to spend 10 years in a federal prison after being caught in a sting operation . Ali contacted undercover sheriff's agent online in January who he thought was the father of a 13-year-old girl . He told the agent how he planned to have sex with the man's daughter and raise a 'daughters only' family' so he could abuse them . Said the abuse would start 'once the mid-wife left' Ali traveled from London to Florida in April 2013 and was arrested .
[ 101, 18454, 16001, 5003, 2232, 5092, 16429, 4862, 2409, 1996, 1005, 2269, 1005, 3784, 2008, 2002, 2359, 2000, 2031, 3348, 2007, 2010, 2684, 1998, 5333, 1037, 1005, 5727, 1011, 2069, 1005, 2155, 2061, 2008, 2002, 2071, 1005, 5333, 1037, 3232, 1997, 5727, 2005, 1000, 1996, 9580, 1005, 1005, 2043, 2017, 2707, 2007, 2200, 1010, 2200, 2402, 1010, 2017, 2064, 18282, 2068, 2000, 2903, 2505, 1998, 2079, 2505, 2017, 2156, 1010, 1005, 2002, 2056, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The founder of outlawed file-sharing website Megaupload launched his new online hub with a lavish ceremony at his £15.8m mansion, including a re-enactment of the police raid on his home, yesterday. Kim Dotcom spoke from a giant stage at Dotcom Mansion in Coatsville Auckland, as he unveiled new site Mega, which the millionaire said comply with the law, rendering it safe from being taken down. Dotcom then compared last year's raid to the iceberg which caused the Titanic disaster, saying without it 'we wouldn't have a . great Titanic movie which makes me cry every time I see it.' Scroll down for video . Mega man: Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom launches his new file-sharing site 'Mega' surrounded by dancers . 'Mega is going to be huge, and . nothing will stop Mega!,' Dotcom shouted seconds before a helicopter roared . overhead and faux police agents rappelled down the side of his mansion . and female military guards in mini-skirts surrounded him on stage. The controversial millionaire then . ordered to 'stop this madness' before breaking out into a dance . alongside the 'guards'. The interest for Mega.co.nz is already high, and Dotcom said half a million users registered in its first 14 hours. Kim Dotcom said his new ‘cyberlocker’ was not revenge on U.S. authorities, who are trying to extradite him and . three colleagues from New Zealand, and last year closed Megaupload and . charged him with online piracy for which he faces jail if found guilty. ‘This . is not some kind of finger to the U.S. government or to Hollywood,’ Dotcom said at his sprawling New Zealand estate. ‘Legally, there’s just . nothing there that could be used to shut us down,’ he said. Happy raiding: Kim Dotcom poked fun at the police raid on his home last year with a cheeky re-enactment saying that he was glad it happened because 'without it we wouldn't have Mega' Jolly Roger: Mega was launched exactly one year after Megaupload was shut down and Dotcom was arrested in the world's biggest online piracy case . Commander-in-chief: Dotcom, who claims then new site is not a 'revenge' on U.S. authorities who shut down his last venture, joined the fancy dress dancers in a jubilant boogie to celebrate the launch of Mega . Dotcom said Mega was a different beast . to Megaupload, as the new site enables users to control exactly which . users can access uploaded files, in contrast to its predecessor, which . allowed users to search files, some of which contained copyrighted . content allegedly without permission. It offers 50 gigabytes of free storage, much more than similar sites . such as Dropbox and Google Drive, and features a drag-and-drop upload . tool. A sophisticated encryption system will . allow users to encode their files before they upload them on to the . site’s servers, which Dotcom said were located in New Zealand and . overseas. Each file will then be issued a . unique, sophisticated decryption key which only the file holder will . control, allowing them to share the file as they choose. The decryption keys for uploaded . files are held by the users, not the site itself, which means the company can't see . what's in the files being shared. Dotcom argues that Mega therefore . can't be held liable for content it cannot see. Pleased: Kim Dotcom's new site has already had a huge response, with 500,000 users registering in the first 14 hours . Unbreakable: Dotcom insists the new site complies with the law and is therefore impossible to shut down . Turnout: Guests, staff and media attended the launch at Dotcom mansion yesterday to hear Kim Dotcom unveil the new site . ‘What he's trying to do is give . himself a second-string argument: `Even if I was wrong before, this . one's all right because how can I control something if I don't know that . it's there?’' said Sydney attorney Charles Alexander, who specializes . in intellectual property law. ‘I can understand the argument; whether it would be successful or not is another matter.’ He added that the launch is unlikely to have any impact on the Megaupload case. ‘All . it might do is annoy them enough to say, “We're going to redouble our . efforts in prosecuting them”. But I don't think it makes any practical . difference to the outcome.’ The . Motion Picture Association of America, which filed complaints about . alleged copyright infringement by Megaupload, was not impressed. ‘We . are still reviewing how this new project will operate, but we do know . that Kim Dotcom has built his career and his fortune on stealing . creative works,’ the MPAA said in a statement. ‘We'll . reserve final judgment until we have a chance to take a closer look, . but given Kim Dotcom's history of damaging the consumer experience by . pushing stolen, illegitimate content into the marketplace, count us as . sceptical.’ Defiant: Kim Dotcom is launching a new file sharing website called Mega exactly a year after the FBI shut down his old site Megaupload and charged him with online piracy . New venture: Dotcom insists his new offering, Mega.co.nz, which will launch on Sunday, complied with the law and warned that attempts to take it down would be futile . The faux raid at the Mega launch re-enacted the police raid on Dotcom last year. Last January, New Zealand’s elite . special tactics forces landed by helicopter at dawn in the grounds of . Dotcom’s mansion, worth roughly NZ$30 million ($25.05 million) and . featuring a servants’ wing, hedge maze and life-size statues of giraffes . and a rhinoceros, to arrest him and his colleagues at the request of . the FBI. Police armed with semi-automatic . weapons found Dotcom cowering alone in a panic room in the attic, while . outside, a convoy of police cars and vans pulled up in the driveway. Around 70 officers took part in the raid. Tweets: Dotcom announces the launch of new site Mega on Twitter . They left with computers, files and . some of Dotcom’s fleet of Rolls-Royces, Mercedes and a vintage pink . Cadillac tricked with personalised licence plates screaming ‘HACKER’, . ‘EVIL’, and ‘MAFIA’. 'Sometimes good . things come out of terrible events,' Dotcom said at . the press conference which accompanied the launch, comparing the raid . to the iceberg which cused the deaths of 1,502 people in the sinking of . Titanic. 'For example, if it . wasn't for a giant comet hitting earth, we would still be surrounded by angry . dinosaurs - hungry, too. 'If it wasn't for that iceberg, we wouldn't have a . great Titanic movie which makes me cry every time I see it. And if it wasn't . for the raid, we wouldn't have Mega.' Megaupload, started by Dotcom in 2005, . was one of the most popular sites on the internet until U.S. prosecutors shut it down and accused him and several company officials . of facilitating millions of illegal downloads.
Dotcom is currently on bail following a raid on . his New Zealand mansion . He warned that attempts to take down the new site would be futile . Held lavish launch where he reenacted the raid and compared it to the iceberg which hit Titanic .
[ 101, 13164, 6279, 11066, 3910, 5035, 11089, 9006, 3390, 2010, 2047, 5371, 1011, 6631, 2609, 13164, 1012, 2002, 4102, 2197, 2095, 1005, 1055, 8118, 2000, 1996, 20753, 7071, 1012, 11089, 9006, 2056, 2002, 2001, 5580, 2009, 3047, 2138, 1005, 2302, 2009, 2057, 2876, 1005, 1056, 2031, 1037, 2307, 20753, 3185, 2029, 3084, 2033, 5390, 2296, 2051, 1045, 2156, 2009, 1005, 11089, 9006, 2001, 4727, 1999, 1996, 2088, 1005, 1055, 5221, 3784, 24386, 2553, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Yasmin Alibhai - Brown . There were countless occasions when I needed my brother’s help. The time my mother had an operation; the day she had a heart attack; the many evenings she felt lonely and needed company. Like the morning in 2005 when I was called by the lovely woman Ealing Council had hired to care for Mum, who was by then in her 80s. The carer was distraught; Mum had a fever and was delirious, speaking only in Kutchi, our home language. Could I come over? But it was impossible — I was in Manchester, working. Worried sick and filled with guilt, I began ringing round. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown explains how she wished that her only, older brother Amir had been around to step in to help with her mother but he had moved to Cape Town years earlier, so every time there was a problem, it fell upon her to do what she could . A warden in the sheltered accommodation arranged for a doctor to visit. But he couldn’t speak our language either. Eventually, I found a couple of people from the local mosque who went over to translate and hold Mum’s hand. How I wished then that my only, older brother Amir had been around to step in. But he had moved to Cape Town years earlier, so every time there was a problem with our mother, it fell upon me to do what I could. I loved my mum deeply. I still miss her now, eight years after her death. But over the years resentment gnawed away. Yasmin with her mother Jena Damji who she cared for even once the local Council had stepped in to help . And there were times when fury broke through. I’d say to her: ‘Where is he, Mum, your wonderful son? Thousands of miles away. You keep praying for him, but does he even care about you?’ How that must have hurt her. Last week, David Cameron spoke with conviction about the importance of family. He announced that, from now on, all policies would have to meet the ‘family friendly’ test. Though I have never been a Tory I do agree with the PM that family stability is the foundation of a good society. But his vague utterances sounded more pie in the sky than real life. And he was too focused on aspects of family life — child rearing, relationship counselling and marriage — that are already well known about. What he could have addressed, but didn’t, was the unfair distribution of responsibilities within families. He needed to acknowledge that women are still expected to do more than men to sustain families. And that millions of them are not only having to look after children and grandchildren but also ageing parents. Prime Minister David Cameron has recently spoken about the importance of family, which Yasmin strongly agrees with . According to the charity Age UK, 78 per cent of carers are female. Yet it seems that the men in their own families and the wider society hardly notice. These women are unheard, unseen and unsung. For many years, I was in this place, pulled this way and that by various duties, feeling weary and often aggrieved. Like most women I also feel treacherous complaining about it publicly. My beloved mum, Jena, would not have let me speak out against my brother while she was alive. And she would have not approved of speaking ill of the dead. Amir passed away a few years ago, when he was in his early 70s. Until I was a teenager, Amir adored me, told me I was his little doll. He put me to bed, told me scary stories and sent me presents when he was travelling as an insurance rep. He had given up education to support the family because my father was hopelessly unreliable. After I married, there were a few good times. Amir had a large house in the suburbs of London and we went over for barbecues or big lunches. But after 1990 we hardly spoke, and when we did, we argued. Why did relations break down? Partly because after he married, our relationship lost its warmth and camaraderie. But much more it was because, as my widowed mother grew older and needed more care, he left it all to me and never acknowledged what I was doing. And didn’t want to acknowledge what he wasn’t doing. In fact, he went off to live with his family in South Africa in the early Nineties, leaving her in London in her small housing association flat. She said nothing to him as he departed, but missed him every day of her life after that. On his rare visits, her cup runneth over. She cooked his favourite foods, told all her friends and was filled with joy. I never heard her complain about him — he was her firstborn, only son and could do no wrong — though she did say from time to time: ‘You lose a son when he finds a wife. A daughter is yours for ever.’ After she married, there were a few good times with her brother. Amir had a house in the suburbs of London and she went over for barbecues or lunches. But after 1990 they hardly spoke, and when they did, they argued . He didn’t think about what his emigration meant to our mother. He wanted to live in the sun and make money, which he achieved. Oh, he phoned once every few weeks, came over briefly and invited her over for holidays. The rest was left to me. As she got older and less able to do things, it was I who took her to the doctors, got her medicines, shopped for her, went to the bank, took her out, drove her to mosque, took over food and made sure my children saw their lovely gran. Yasmin's daughter Leila being looked after by her grandmother Jena . Why wouldn’t I do all that? She had given me life, brought me up, supported us by cooking and sewing for others, moved in with me in the Seventies to look after my boy till he went to school, moved in again when my first husband left me. When my daughter Leila was born in 1993, my mother helped again. But those years when she got more and more dependent on me were not easy at all. Sometimes I snapped and shouted at her when, in truth, I was furious with the way my brother didn’t seem to give a damn. I am ashamed of that. To her he remained the golden boy till the very end. In fact, when she was dying, she waited till he turned up and she saw his face, then passed on in peace. The funeral did not bring Amir and I together. He hardly spoke to me, did not co-operate with the arrangements, and left after the final prayers without saying goodbye. I was never invited to his house by the sea in Cape Town. I was very moved by a recent article in this paper by Claudia Carroll, the best-selling chick-lit author. When her mum got cancer, Carroll was in the hospital all day, every day, while her brothers came once in a while carrying many lovely flowers. What delighted her mother more? Her sons’ visits. Mum, too, was so very thrilled when Amir did some small nice thing. She did value what I did, too, but it wasn’t special. Now new research published in the U.S. proves what we women know already. Sons spend as little time as they can, and daughters as much time as they can, looking after ageing parents. Not only that, the daughters increase the time they give to compensate for the sons. So yes, women have got to the top of politics, science, arts, business and are getting better maternity rights and childcare arrangements, but when they have to look after their parents, they are alone. We need to start shouting about this. New research published in the U.S. proves what we women know already. Sons spend as little time as they can, and daughters as much time as they can, looking after ageing parents . Since last year, I’ve been on a commission looking into the lives of middle-aged working women. Many struggle looking after grandchildren and their own parents, while employers and the men in the families are indifferent to their needs. If they drop in and out of work, they earn and save less. They can’t ask for flexi-time, because while there is sympathy for young mums and their needs, there is none for older women. Most of my female friends seem to be looking after parents, too. None of my male friends have mentioned this duty. One friend, Mary, took care of her disabled mum for almost six years. ‘My five brothers did sod all,’ she told me. ‘One even suggested we take her to Switzerland and see her off at Dignitas. My marriage broke up under the strain. But I am glad I was there for Mum.’ And another woman called Samira, 54, looks after her baby grandchild — her daughter, a nurse, can’t afford childcare — and her own father who is suffering from dementia. ‘My brothers do nothing,’ she says. ‘I am so tired I cry all the time. They never say thank you. It’s just expected.’ That is what I feel, too. If only my brother had said, just once: ‘I know what you do for Mum.’ But he didn’t. Most don’t. More men now are better dads. They should learn to be better sons, too. If David Cameron really cares about families, he must address the unfair burdens placed on daughters. Amir and I were finally reconciled. Four years ago, my daughter made me phone him in Cape Town. We had heard he was unwell. We spoke, and for the first time in a long time he was warm, contrite and loving. He said he was sorry for not being a good brother, a good son. I too said sorry for being so angry with him for so long. He died, unexpectedly, a week later. Alas, it was all too late. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is a columnist for The Independent.
Yasmin had to care for her ageing mother though loneliness, an operation and a heart attack . According to the charity Age UK, 78 per cent of carers are female . Yasmin agrees with Prime Minister David Cameron that family is of the utmost importance .
[ 101, 8038, 6491, 2378, 4862, 22655, 2072, 1011, 2829, 2758, 2016, 6257, 2014, 2069, 1010, 3080, 2567, 18904, 2018, 2042, 2105, 2000, 3357, 1999, 2000, 2393, 2014, 2388, 2021, 2002, 2333, 2000, 4880, 2237, 2086, 3041, 1010, 2061, 2296, 2051, 2045, 2001, 1037, 3291, 2007, 2037, 2388, 1010, 2009, 3062, 2588, 2014, 2000, 2079, 2054, 2016, 2071, 1012, 1996, 2729, 2099, 2001, 25348, 1010, 4092, 2069, 1999, 13970, 10649, 2072, 1010, 2014, 2388, 2018, 1037, 2540, 2886, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Convicted: Waseem Daker, now 35, spent a decade behind bars for stalking Loretta Blatz; he was found guilty of killing her roommate . A man who became obsessed with a woman on his paintball team and proceeded to stalk her is now on trial for the murder of the woman's roommate. In an unnerving twist, Waseem Daker fired his court-appointed lawyer so now he is the one questioning Loretta Spencer Blatz, the woman who he used to stalk and who was the reason why he spent 10 years behind bars. Ms Blatz's former roommate, Karmen Smith, was killed in October 1996. Smith was found strangled to death and her five-year-old son Nickolas was stabbed multiple times during the attack but survived and will be testifying later in the trial. Daker, who is now 35-years-old, met Ms Blatz when the two were on the same paintball team in Georgia. They became close when Daker, who was then only a teenager enrolled at Georgia Tech University, began confiding in Ms Blatz. 'I felt like his bigger sister. He was reaching out and needing somebody. He told me he didn’t have anyone to talk to. I was trying to help him,' she said in court according to The Marietta Daily Journal. Daker was 12 years her junior and soon after they became friends, their relationship turned more serious. While Daker is arguing in court that they were on-again-off-again lovers, Ms Blatz has always denied that version of events and said that he began calling her at the home where she lived with her then-10-year-old daughter 50 or 100 times a day. 'He would get extremely irate and say I was the only one he had to talk to and would kill himself if I would not talk to him. I told him he needed to seek professional help,' Ms Blatz said. 'The more I told him no, the more he was really persistent in talking to me.' The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Daker is attempting to brand Ms Blatz a liar since a number of threatening instances that she claims against Daker- like when he allegedly threatened to slit her daughter's throat, tried to run her car off the road, or when he hung bras and underwear on her doorknob her for her to find- were never reported to police. 'Many things may not be on this report,' she said in court, unable to contain her tears. 'My intention was to get (the stalking) to stop. At the time I didn't know it would lead to what it... what it led to.' Scene: At the time of her murder, Karmen Smith lived in the basement apartment of the house on Old Hunter's Trace (pictured) where Loretta Blatz lived in Marietta, Georgia, . In an effort to cut him off, she and her daughter moved from Roswell to Cobb County, but that didn't end his unwanted attention. 'I walked into my apartment and heard my clock radio on. In my bedroom was Waseem Daker ... He was naked and he had a garter belt and garter hose on and was looking at himself in my mirror,' she said of one such incident. Shortly after that May 1995 incident, she called the police and he was arrested, though she later dropped the charges after he promised that he would get help. Months later Ms Smith, a Delta flight attendant who lived in the basement of Ms Blatz's home, was found dead. Daker was always listed as a possible suspect but at the time there was not enough evidence to charge him with the crime. The next year, Daker was convicted of stalking Ms Blatz and spent the following 10 years in jail. Though he was released in 2006, it wasn't until 2009 when DNA testing was able to link Daker to the Smith crime scene when they traced several hairs on the victim's body to him. One of the most intense portions of the trial was the cross examination of Ms Blatz by her convicted stalker. At one point, ABC News reports that Daker tried to have the judge label some portion of her testimony as 'inappropriate'. 'Well, you know, it’s really inappropriate that you stalk me and harass me, and you’re sitting here asking me questions, and I have to come back with you and answer your questions, that’s hard for me!' she said.
Waseem Daker met Loretta Spencer Blatz in 1995 when they were on the same paintball team . He began stalking her and she got a restraining order but dropped charges . Months later her roommate was murdered and now DNA evidence suggests his hair was found on the victim's body . Daker has already spent 10 years in jail for stalking Blatz .
[ 101, 2001, 21564, 4830, 5484, 2985, 2184, 2086, 2369, 6963, 2005, 20070, 28493, 7084, 1038, 20051, 2480, 1012, 2002, 2001, 2179, 5905, 1997, 4288, 2014, 18328, 10556, 10867, 2368, 3044, 1010, 1019, 1010, 1999, 2727, 1012, 2016, 2001, 2179, 21384, 2000, 2331, 1998, 2014, 2274, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2365, 4172, 6030, 2015, 2001, 13263, 3674, 2335, 2076, 1996, 2886, 2021, 5175, 1012, 4830, 5484, 2003, 2085, 2006, 3979, 2005, 1996, 4028, 1997, 3044, 1005, 1055, 18328, 1010, 10556, 10867, 2239, 3044, 1010, 2040, 2001, 2179, 2757, 1999, 2014, 2482, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on Thursday convicted the "mastermind" of the Rwandan genocide and sentenced him to life in prison for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Theoneste Bagosora, right, and his co-defendant Anatole Nsengiyumva, left, arrive in court. It is the first time the tribunal has convicted high-level officials for the 100-day genocide in 1994 which left an estimated 800,000 people dead. Theoneste Bagosora, 67, a colonel in the Rwandan army, was found guilty along with two other men -- Major Aloys Ntabakuze and Lieutenant Colonel Anatole Nsengiyumva. All were sentenced to life in prison. The tribunal -- located in Arusha, Tanzania -- acquitted General Gratien Kabiligi, the former head of military operations, and ordered his immediate release. CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour -- who covered the story -- called the verdicts "a real turning point and a milestone in justice." Watch CNN's Christiane Amanpour on the verdict » . "It sends a message that right up the chain of command, you cannot hide," Amanpour said. The court said Bagosora was a key figure in drawing up plans for the genocide. A Hutu, Bagosora was convicted of ordering Hutu militia to slaughter rival Tutsis. The massacres began after a plane crash on April 6, 1994 that killed the presidents of Rwanda and neighboring Burundi. The court said the plane was brought down by a surface-to-air missile fired from the airport in Kigali, the Rwandan capital. Watch what happened in the court » . Bagosora decided the military should take over and he refused to involve the prime minister, Agathe Uwilingiyimana, in any discussions, the court found. April 7, while Bagosora held a crisis meeting with top military officials, the prime minister was arrested, sexually assaulted and killed by top members of the Rwandan Army, the court found. Find out more about the world's killing fields » . That made Bagosora the head of all political and military affairs in Rwanda, and in that capacity, he was at the top of the chain of command. The same day the prime minister was killed, the court said, army personnel confined and killed four important opposition leaders -- including the president of the constitutional court and government ministers -- and murdered 10 Belgian peacekeepers who had been dispatched to the prime minister's residence. The court found Bagosora bore responsibility for those and other killings because he commanded those who carried out the crimes. "Bagosora was the highest authority in the Ministry of Defense and exercised effective control of the Rwandan army and gendarmerie," said Presiding Judge Erik Mose. "He's therefore responsible for the murder of the prime minister, the four opposition politicians, the 10 Belgian peacekeepers, as well as the extensive military involvement in the killing of civilians during this period." ICTR Prosecutor Hassan Bubacar Jallow said the convicted men "prepared, planned, ordered, directed, incited, encouraged and approved the murder of innocent civilian Tutsis." The killings were carried out by military personnel on the orders of Rwandan authorities including Bagosora, the court said. The court found that from April to July 1994, Bagosora exercised authority over members of the Rwandan Army and their militiamen, who committed massacres throughout Rwanda with Bagosora's knowledge. "In all the regions of the country, members of the Tutsi population who were fleeing from the massacres on their hills sought refuge in locations they thought would be safe, often on the recommendation of the local civil and military authorities," the indictment said. "In many of these places, despite the promise that they would be protected by the local civil and military authorities, the refugees were attacked, abducted and massacred, often on the orders or with the complicity of those same authorities." The indictment against Bagosora alleged he had been opposed to concessions made by his government to Tutsi rebels at 1993 peace talks in Tanzania, and had left the negotiations saying he was returning to Rwanda to "prepare the apocalypse." The U.N. established the tribunal in late 1994. The trial began in April 2002 and has been deliberating since June 1, 2007. During the trial, the court heard 242 witnesses -- 82 for the prosecution and 160 for the defense. The three convicted men will be held in the tribunal's custody until a state can be found to house them. The genocide's impact is still be felt today, with recent fighting in neighbouring Congo blamed on lingering tensions from the slaughter. Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda says his forces are fighting to defend Congolese Tutsis from Hutu militants who escaped to Congo.
Bagosora guilty of masterminding genocide which left at least 800,000 dead . Genocide began after plane carrying the leaders of Rwanda, Burundi crashed . Bagosora was charged with genocide and crimes against humanity . The United Nations established the genocide tribunal in late 1994 .
[ 101, 14833, 5267, 2618, 4524, 19137, 2527, 7979, 1997, 14052, 1010, 6997, 2114, 8438, 1010, 2162, 6997, 1012, 2002, 2001, 7979, 1997, 13063, 12570, 2226, 8396, 2000, 14574, 6538, 10722, 3215, 2483, 1012, 1996, 17591, 2078, 2390, 2730, 1996, 11274, 1997, 17591, 1998, 28836, 1999, 2807, 1012, 1996, 14052, 2015, 2211, 2044, 1037, 4946, 5823, 1999, 11382, 9692, 2072, 2006, 2258, 1020, 1010, 2807, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Hugo Gye . PUBLISHED: . 07:05 EST, 25 March 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 07:27 EST, 25 March 2013 . The U.S. Marine who pulled down a giant statue of Saddam Hussein in one of the most iconic moments of the Iraq war has spoken of his doubts about the controversial conflict. Edward Chin's face was seen around the world after he climbed up onto the dictator's image in Baghdad and brought it crashing to the ground. But now he asks what the U.S. was doing in the Middle East in the first place - and blames the West for abandoning the country to 'radicals and insurgents' in the aftermath of the invasion. Iconic: Edward Chin as he fastened a noose around a statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad in 2003 . Destruction: The noose was attached to a tank which dragged the 40ft statue to the ground . Mr Chin, 34, signed up to the Marines in 1999 hoping to earn money for college. The U.S. declared war on Saddam's dictatorial regime in March 2003 - 10 years ago last week - and quickly overwhelmed his under-powered troops. On April 9, 2003, Mr Chin was part of a troop of Marines who arrived in Baghdad's Firdos Square, which was dominated by a 40ft statue of the long-serving leader. He climbed up onto the statue and tied a noose around its neck which was then attached to a powerful M88 tank, which brought the icon down to cheers from the Iraqi bystanders, who then hit the statues with their shoes as a sign of disrespect. Patrol: But Mr Chin, left, now says he does not know the point of the U.S. invasion of Iraq . However, 10 years later Mr Chin is not sure that there was any reason for him to be in Iraq at all, asking: 'What did we go there for?' He told the Daily News: 'As Marines, we just do our jobs. We go where we are told. We hope that our leaders make the right decisions.' The Marine from Brooklyn in New York says it was no surprise when Saddam's much-heralded weapons of mass destruction turned out not to exist. 'We weren't really looking for them,' he claimed - even though WMDs were supposed to be the justification for the war, which claimed the lives of nearly 4,500 U.S. troops and 179 British fighters. Hero: Mr Chin pictured during a New York Mets game at Shea Stadium after his moment in the spotlight . Mr Chin spreads the blame for the apparent failure of the West's mission in Iraq evenly between the U.S. leadership and the Iraqi people themselves. 'I feel they really don't know what they want,' he told the Daily News. 'They didn't want Saddam in power. But they don't seem to want democracy either.' The former Marine criticised the West for presiding over a brutal civil war stoked up by Iran, saying: 'We let it fall back into the hands of the radicals and insurgents.' In the decade since the invasion, the country has been plagued by a conflict between the majority Shi'ites - backed by Iran's theocratic government - and the Sunnis who dominated Iraq during Saddam's time despite being in the minority. Dictator: After the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq descended into civil war stoked up by Iran . Since leaving the military, Mr Chin has worked hard to rebuild his life - despite becoming embroiled in a divorce, he found love again and is now engaged. He is working as an architect - and one commission in particular reminded him of his old life, and of how lucky he was to leave Iraq unhurt. Poignantly, Mr Chin was part of a team which designed a new home for Brendan Marrocco, a soldier from New York who lost his arms and legs while serving in the country.
Edward Chin's face was seen around the world during 2003 invasion . But Marine now asks why U.S. was in Iraq and dismisses WMD pretext . Blames West and Iraqis for letting country fall into chaos .
[ 101, 3487, 5413, 1010, 4090, 1010, 2772, 2039, 2000, 1996, 9622, 1999, 2639, 5327, 2000, 7796, 2769, 2005, 2267, 1012, 2021, 2085, 2002, 2758, 2002, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2113, 1996, 2391, 1997, 1996, 1057, 1012, 1055, 1012, 5274, 1997, 5712, 1012, 2002, 7499, 2015, 1996, 2225, 2005, 19816, 1996, 2406, 2000, 1005, 23618, 1998, 20541, 1005, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The family of an NYPD officer shot dead in broad daylight on Saturday has forgiven his murderer, a relative revealed. Rafael Ramos' cousin, Ronnie Gonzalez, insists their focus is on remembering the 40-year-old officer, father of two boys, rather than gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley. '[Brinsley] in the hands of God now,' Gonzalez told Pix11. 'We don't believe in vengeance, we just forgive.' He added that Ramos was due to graduate as a chaplain this weekend. 'We don't believe in vengeance': A cousin of officer Rafael Ramos (the slain cop who is pictured left with his wife) claims the family has forgiven killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley (right) saying 'he is in the hands of God now' 'My cousin had a couple of priorities in his life,' Ronnie Gonzalez told the Wall Street Journal from outside the Brooklyn home where Officer Ramos grew up. 'One was God, because he was a God-loving man,' said Mr Gonzalez. 'I wish I could be half the man my cousin was. He was sweet. He didn't deserve…to die.' His words come just 24 hours after Ramos and his partner officer Wenjian Liu were gunned to their deaths while they ate lunch in a patrol car on their first day in a new precinct. It has since emerged Brinsley asked passersby to follow him on Instagram and said 'watch what I'm going to do' before killing the two men. NYPD officers: The gunman fired a fatal round of bullets at Wenjian Liu (left) and Rafael Ramos (right) 'We have to move forward': Ramos' aunt Lucy Ramos told reporters the city needs to reach peace . Vigil: Hundreds of mourners gathered on the corner of Tompkins and Myrtle Avenues to remember the cops . The 28-year-old had earlier posted to the social network boasting that he would take the lives of two policemen. He walked up behind the patrol car of officers Ramos and Liu, parked up in Brooklyn, then fired four bullets at their heads, 'execution style'. Brinsley had already been arrested 19 times for offenses including concealing a weapon, disorderly conduct, and trespassing. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce revealed a timeline which began with the shooting of an ex-girlfriend near Baltimore, and ended with Ismaaiyl's suicide on a subway platform. Mourning: The crowds sang 'we shall overcome' and 'this little light of mine' while laying flowers and candles . Tributes: NYPD badges were seen strewn among the mementos, including Christmas wreaths and holly . United: Members of the police force stood with members of the public to sing and mourn together . Gesture: New York Jets center Nick Mangold took to the stadium in an NYPD cap on Sunday . Worldwide statement: His message was broadcast across the world as he was filmed at the coin toss . Describing the final moments, caught on surveillance cameras, he said: 'We have found on one of our videos two males who spoke with the perpetrator just prior to the event. 'He asks them three things: For their gang affiliation, he asks them to follow him on Instagram, then he says 'watch what I'm going to do'. 'He then walks north down on Tompkins, past the two officers in the car, circles back around, goes across the street, then comes up behind the officers.' Grief: Residents and NYPD officers gather around a memorial during a vigil for the two murdered cops . Paying respect: NYPD officers participate in a moment of silence for the two slain cops before an NBA basketball game between the Brooklyn Nets and the Detroit Pistons yesterday . Mourning: NYPD officers around the city paid their respects last night while hundreds of New Yorkers gathered at the scene of the shooting with blue flowers . Boyce added that Brinsley threatened to hang himself a year ago, and had been disowned by his mother and two sisters for being violent and aggressive. He said: 'His mother ... states he had a very troubled childhood and was often violent. His mother expressed fear of him and she hasn't seen him in one month. 'Brinsley attempted suicide in the past and attempted to hang himself a year ago.' Last night, hundreds of New Yorkers gathered at the scene of the shooting with blue flowers, NYPD badges, Christmas wreaths and candles to pay tribute to officers Ramos and Liu. They sang This Little Light Of Mine and We Shall Overcome. Bereaved: Jaden Ramos wrote the moving message in a public post after his father was murdered yesterday . Gift: Jaden posted this picture online some days ago as a birthday present to his father . New York Jets center Nick Mangold offered his condolences by wearing an NYPD cap as he entered the MetLife stadium on Sunday. Ramos' 13-year-old son Jaden expressed his devastation that will never see his father again in a Facebook post on Sunday. He said he was heartbroken after Ramos was murdered along with his partner 'just for being a police officer'. Shared loss: A message of condolence is lit up by candlelight at the memorial to the NYPD officers . A mountain of flowers and other tributes lie on the corner of Tompkins and Myrtle Avenues in Brooklyn . Fallen colleagues: Four NYPD officers pay their respects at the makeshift memorial during last night's vigil . 'Today I had to say bye to my father. He was their for me everyday of my life, he was the best father I could ask for. It's horrible that someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer,' Jaden posted. He continued: 'Everyone says they hate cops but they are the people that they call for help. I will always love you and I will never forget you. RIP Dad.' It was a somber addendum to an earlier December post in which he honored his dad's 40th birthday. 'Happy birthday to the best dad in the world, you are always there for me even when it's almost impossible,' he wrote on December 9. 'We have so many good times it's not even funny, I love you so much.' Two men release a sky lantern as demonstrators gathered in Central Park for a candlelight vigil and march . Mourners attending last night's vigil sang This Little Light Of Mine and We Shall Overcome . Clergymen and a clergywoman stand shoulder to shoulder during last night's outpouring of grief . Standing together: Brooklyn residents held up candles and sang songs during last night's vigil . The New York Yankees' Silver Shield Foundation has announced it will pay for the education of Rafael Ramos' two children. The group will also set aside money for education-related expenses needed by both spouses of the murderered officers. William Walters, chairman of the group which funds academic expenses for slain law enforcement officers, told ABC News: 'We just want to do good for these people that take care of us'. He said they plan to discuss the funds with the families on Monday. Before: This picture and chilling message was posted on the alleged shooter's page two hours beforehand . The first official words from Ramos' family came at a press conference on Sunday night. The officer's aunt, Lucy Ramos, told reporters: 'I would like to thank all those who have shared their sympathy and support for our beloved family member, Rafael Ramos, who will always be loved and missed by many. 'I hope and pray that we can reflect on this tragic loss of lives that has occurred so that we can move forward and find an amicable patch to a peaceful coexistence.' She added that the family extends their condolences to relatives of Officer Liu.
The admission comes from Ronnie Gonzalez, cousin of Rafael Ramos . He said Ramos was due to graduate as a chaplain this weekend . Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, murdered Ramos and Wenjian Liu on Saturday . Brinsley's rampage began when he shot girlfriend in Baltimore . He had bragged about the planned killing in posts on Instagram .
[ 101, 10999, 18882, 1010, 2871, 1010, 2001, 2915, 2757, 1999, 5041, 11695, 2006, 5095, 1012, 2010, 5542, 11688, 10121, 2758, 1996, 2155, 2038, 24280, 2032, 3038, 1005, 2057, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2903, 1999, 14096, 1010, 2057, 2074, 9641, 1005, 18882, 1005, 5542, 2758, 18882, 2001, 2349, 2000, 4619, 2004, 1037, 14011, 2023, 5353, 1012, 18882, 1998, 2010, 4256, 19181, 27685, 8607, 2020, 22079, 2098, 2091, 2096, 2027, 8823, 6265, 1999, 1037, 6477, 2482, 2006, 2037, 2034, 2154, 1999, 1037, 2047, 18761, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Chloe Valentine was just four when she died of massive head injuries . A four-year-old girl who was surrounded by drugs and squalor died from severe injuries after being forced to ride a 50kg motorbike despite repeatedly crashing it, an inquest has heard. Tragic Chloe Valentine, from Adelaide, died in January 2012 from injuries sustained over a three-day period in the backyard of a home at Ingle Farm, in the city's northeast. Chloe's grandmother, Belinda Valentine, has pleaded pleads for changes within Families SA, calling for specialised staff training to prevent such deaths. Despite Families SA receiving 20 notifications of Chloe's dreadful circumstances, she was never removed from her drug-using mother. Chloe's short life was marred by chronic neglect, an inquest was told today. Reports were made of rats in one squalid residence; old nappies, rotting food and bugs in another; drug use and violence in Chloe's presence; and her being left in front of the TV for long periods. Counsel assisting the coroner, Naomi Kereru, on Monday gave an overview of the case at the start of the inquest into the death of Chloe in January 2012. She died after being forced to ride a motorbike that repeatedly crashed over a three-day period in her Adelaide backyard. Ashley Polkinghorne, 22, and her then-partner, Benjamin McPartland, 28, are in jail after pleading guilty to manslaughter through criminal neglect. They waited more than eight hours before calling an ambulance after Chloe eventually became unconscious. 'The pain she must have endured in the last few hours of her short life is difficult to comprehend,' said Ms Kereru. She outlined the extensive involvement of Families SA, dating back to when Polkinghorne became pregnant at 15, and its responses to numerous neglect notifications from family, friends and other agencies. One concerned friend recorded a conversation with Polkinghorne which was passed on to Families SA. Chloe died at the hands of her parents in Adelaide in January 2012 . She was repeatedly forced to crash the motorbike over a three-day period . The four-year-old suffered massive head injuries and her mum and partner were later jailed for neglect . 'Miss Polkinghorne claimed she was a better mother when she took amphetamines, as she would pick up Chloe and feed her and change her nappy ... as opposed to when she was drunk, when she would prop Chloe's bottle up to her mouth and leave it there,' Ms Kereru said. Polkinghorne was reported as having told her crying daughter: 'shut up you bitch', and having her child in her arms when a partner punched Polkinghorne twice. When questioned about this, Polkinghorne said Chloe had not cried 'as she had got used to violent incidents'. Drug user Ashley Polkinghorne was jailed for four years after pleading guilty to manslaughter for the criminal neglect after the death of her daughter . Polkinghorne said Chloe had not cried 'as she had got used to violent incidents' Polkinghorne's partner Benjamin McPartland was also jailed for criminal neglect . She was often visited by Families SA workers, but usually on scheduled dates when they found Chloe's living conditions acceptable. One friend who contacted Families SA about her concerns, said: 'This is one that will slip through the cracks, Ms Polkinghorne can be a very convincing liar'. Police advised they found Chloe in the care of a 15-year-old who was drinking in a park on a cold night and on another occasion at a shopping centre, while Polkinghorne was in a nearby liquor shop. Chloe died of 39 different injuries in 2012 . Belinda Valentine told The Advertiser the inquest which started today should not turn into a 'witch hunt'. She said: 'We can't change what happened to Chloe but, as a society, we have to learn from the tragedy of her death to prevent more children being damaged.' The coroner will hear evidence from numerous witnesses, including those who notified Families SA and the organisation's workers.
Chloe Valentine from Adelaide died at the hands of her neglectful mother Ashley Polkinghorne and her partner Benjamin McPartland . Inquest into death revealed she lived in squalor surrounded by drugs and bugs . She died of 'severe injuries' after being forced to ride a 50kg motorbike and repeatedly crashed it . Families SA received more than 20 notifications between 2007 and 2011 about Polkinghorne and her treatment towards her daughter .
[ 101, 9318, 10113, 2351, 1999, 2254, 2262, 2013, 5294, 2132, 6441, 1012, 2016, 2001, 3140, 2000, 4536, 1037, 2753, 2243, 2290, 5013, 5638, 3489, 2008, 8385, 8007, 2058, 1037, 2093, 1011, 2154, 2558, 1999, 2014, 16125, 1012, 1996, 2176, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2001, 5129, 2011, 5850, 1998, 5490, 8787, 2953, 1010, 2019, 1999, 15500, 2657, 2651, 1012, 2945, 7842, 2363, 2322, 26828, 2015, 1997, 9318, 1005, 1055, 21794, 6214, 1012, 1996, 2388, 1011, 1997, 1011, 2028, 2001, 2196, 3718, 2013, 2014, 4319, 1011, 2478, 2388, 1005, 1055, 4319, 1011, 2109, 2388, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
A reality program detailing the hijinks of the Busbice brothers - who run a hunting supply company in Louisiana and have ties to the Robertsons from A & E's hit series 'Duck Dynasty' - will air on the same network. Brothers Matt and Ryan Busbice work at Wildgame Innovations together and will appear on the new show 'Country Buck$.' Their father Bill Busbice, mother Beth Busbice, uncle Hard Luck, as well as ranch manager T-Carr will also be included as show cast members, according to the network's website. Both Ryan Busbice and his younger brother Matt revealed how both Wildlife Innovations and their new reality show came about in a Tuesday appearance on 'Fox and Friends.' Scroll down for video . Clan: The Busbice family will be seen on 'Country Buck$' on A & E. From left to right are Beth Bustice and her husband Bill Bustice, sons Matt and Ryan Busbice, ranch manger T-Carr, and Bill's brother Hard Luck next to his wife Mona Busbice . Brothers: Matt Bustice, left, and Ryan Bustice, right, work together to run hunting supply company Wildgame Innovations . Matt Busbice said on the program that his older brother 'took something out the oven, looked like a Rice Krispie treat, but it was a protein deer feed block and that's how we got started making hunting products. And now we pretty much make everything for hunting and fishing.' Speaking about the reality show, Ryan Bustice said 'They came, they heard about how we test our products and all our R and D, and they were fascinated with that. And we thought it would be a great way to promote our brands and show everybody how we do this.' Matt Busbice also addressed his family's friendship and supposed rivalry with the Robertson clan of 'Duck Dynasty' fame in an interview with Fox411. 'We feel like it's not us verse them,' he told the news outlet. 'WE feel like we're a companionship. Willie loves to give me advice. We have spent so much time over the few years now that he sees his little stepbrother about to come out with a show he has just prepared me with some of the best advice. 'The Robertson family has been a blessing to be a part of our lives. Willie has really become a great friend of ours and a hairy stepbrother.' Famous friends: The cast of 'Country Buck$' are seen hanging out with friend and 'Duck Dynasty' star Willie Robertson, whom Matt Bustice has called 'a hairy stepbrother' Wildlife Innovations goods go through testing on 55,000 acres belonging to Bill Bustice in Louisiana . Busbice also revealed to the news outlet what he sees as the difference between the two reality shows, saying 'We know everybody's going to say, "Oh, they're just like Duck Dynasty.'" The main difference is that we really are a completely different business. We sell everything for hunting. Our show is more focused on showing what we make. He continued '[We do have] a crazy uncle [like Uncle Si]. He's the living breathing Uncle Eddie from 'Christmas Vacation.' [Also,] I think that faith is important to us as but I don't know if you'll see it as much in the show as they portray [on 'Duck Dynasty'].' Regarding Wildlife Innovations products, Busbice told Fox 411 'We make everything now from archery weapons to range finders to metal detectors to deer feed to deer calls and duck calls. It's funny, our crossbow is on the poster of the new "Hunger Games" movie. That's what handsome [Liam] Hemsworth is holding.' According to A & E's website, Matt Busbice handles Wildlife Innovations' marketing and television advertising, while Ryan Busbice serves as General Manager. Wildlife Innovations goods go through testing on 55,000 acres belonging to their timber company-running father Bill Busbice in Louisiana, the website says. Bill Bustice and his two sons previously appeared in a reality show program on the Outdoor Channel, called 'Wildgame Nation.' The series premiere for 'Country Buck$' will air Wednesday at 10pm. Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a> .
Brothers Matt and Ryan Busbice will appear along with their family on the new show 'Country Buck$' on A & E . The two brothers run Wildgame Innovations, a hunting supply company . Company goods go through testing on 55,000 acres belonging to their timber company-running father, Bill Busbice . The father and two sons previously appeared in a reality show program on the Outdoor Channel, called 'Wildgame Nation'
[ 101, 3428, 4717, 1998, 4575, 3902, 13592, 2063, 2097, 3711, 2006, 1996, 2047, 2265, 1005, 2406, 10131, 1002, 1005, 2006, 1037, 1004, 1041, 1012, 1996, 2265, 2097, 2250, 2006, 1996, 2168, 2897, 2004, 1996, 9923, 2155, 1997, 1005, 9457, 5321, 1005, 4476, 1005, 1055, 2718, 2186, 1005, 9457, 6338, 1005, 1996, 2155, 2097, 2036, 3711, 2006, 1005, 4419, 1998, 2814, 1005, 2006, 1996, 2897, 1005, 1055, 1005, 4419, 1004, 2814, 1005, 2897, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 22:37 EST, 25 May 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 22:37 EST, 25 May 2013 . A hard-working single mom from Illinois won a $1,040,000 lottery jackpot on Wednesday and will now receive $1,000 a week for the next 20 years. Andi Harden from Albany, Illinois, currently has four jobs including working at a gym, a gas station, selling jewellery and being a foot masseuse. ‘Everybody has said the same thing; no one deserves it more than me,’ she said. Illinois lottery winner Andi Harden currently has four jobs including working at a gym, a gas station, selling jewellery and being a foot masseuse . The hard-working single mom won a $1,040,000 lottery jackpot on Wednesday and will now receive $1,000 a week for the next 20 years . ‘To hear so many people say that, it makes me feel really good about myself. Makes me feel like I'm somebody.’ Harden plans to buy her home and pay for her daughter to go to college. She also plans to invest in her own education. ‘I'm going to go to school. I want to better myself. I want to take this opportunity to get where I need to be,’ she told CBS4. Daughter Stephanie Nagel confirmed her mom is extremely hardworking and popular too. 'She is the hardest working person I've . ever met in my whole life. She just makes everybody fall in love with . her. She's all my friend's mom. She's everybody's mom pretty much,' she said. Daughter Stephanie Nagel described her mom as extremely hardworking and very popular with all her friends . Video: Illinois woman wins big in lotto jackpot .
Andi Harden currently works at a gym, a gas station, selling jewellery and as a foot masseuse . She plans to use the money to buy her home and pay for her daughter to go to college .
[ 101, 1998, 2072, 28751, 2180, 1037, 1002, 1015, 1010, 5840, 2692, 1010, 2199, 15213, 2990, 11008, 2006, 9317, 1998, 2097, 2085, 4374, 1002, 1015, 2243, 1037, 2733, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2322, 2086, 1012, 2016, 3488, 2000, 4965, 2014, 2188, 1998, 3477, 2005, 2014, 2684, 2000, 2175, 2000, 2267, 1012, 1005, 7955, 2038, 2056, 1996, 2168, 2518, 1025, 2053, 2028, 17210, 2009, 2062, 2084, 2033, 1010, 1005, 2016, 2056, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Lingerie brand Ultimo is setting up shop for the first time, marking brand new territory for the retailer. The lingerie brand opens a concession section in Glasgow's House of Fraser today, allowing shoppers to be fitted and try different shapes, colours and styles before purchasing in the Ultimo 'store within a store'. Glamorous founder Michelle Mone OBE attended the launch in the department store last night joined by a host of local celebrities and guests to celebrate her company's new move. Scroll down for video . Michelle Mone OBE attended the launch of Ultimo's first concession store in Glasgow on Thursday night . She said: ''We are delighted to launch Ultimo in one of the most prestigious department stores in Glasgow. 'We have carefully selected a collection of Ultimo lingerie that we're confident will appeal to House of Fraser customers and we can't wait to welcome shoppers into store. 'This is the very first store of 12, so it's a real milestone moment for Ultimo - and extra special for me being in my home town of Glasgow.' The stylish new 'shop' offers the brand's full range of fashion, solution and bridal lingerie collections, in premium boutique-style surroundings. While Ultimo designs are already sold in Harrods, Next and Debenhams, this is the first concession store fully staffed by Ultimo assistants. 'It's a fuller brand experience,' says a spokesperson, 'a "shop in shop" rather than a department store with a gondola of our product.' This CGI Ultimo store concept image shows the layout of the new 'shop in shop', the brand's first . The House of Fraser Glasgow outpost is one of 12 scheduled concessions to be opened in the next six months . The launch is the first of 12 concessions scheduled to open in the next six months before the brand considers standalone shops. A spokesperson for House of Fraser, Glasgow, said: 'We are proud to welcome such a globally esteemed Scottish lingerie brand as Ultimo to our Glasgow House of Fraser store where we always seek to deliver premium product.' The new store has been designed by global retail design agency Design4Retail, who have previously designed retail solutions for brands including Cath Kidston, Clarins, Clinique, and Adidas. The latest Ultimo ranges are available in sizes 30-38 A-DD, from £10 for briefs and £20 for bras. Michelle Mone with models (l) and Radio Clyde presenter Knoxy (r) on Thursday night . This concession store will be fully staffed by Ultimo assistants for a 'fuller brand experience' Model Abbey Clancy is the current face and body of the Ultimo brand .
'Shop' inside a shop offers the brand's full range in a boutique setting . Ultimo staff will be on hand to help with style advice and fittings . Glasgow is founder Michelle Mone's home town .
[ 101, 26577, 2666, 4435, 7480, 1037, 16427, 2930, 1999, 6785, 1005, 1055, 2160, 1997, 9443, 1012, 1996, 3573, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2260, 20638, 2000, 2022, 2441, 1999, 1996, 2279, 2416, 2706, 1012, 9393, 12256, 2063, 15578, 3230, 1996, 4888, 1999, 1996, 2533, 3573, 2197, 2305, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1996, 2034, 16427, 3573, 3929, 21121, 2011, 17359, 3775, 5302, 16838, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- Mitchell Guist, a star of the reality TV show "Swamp People," died Monday in Louisiana. He was aboard a boat near Belle River Landing in the southern part of the state when he appeared to have a seizure, said Assumption Parish Sheriff Mike Waguespack, citing an unidentified man who was with Guist. The reality show star then fell on the boat. The man who was with Guist towed both his boat and Guist's boat back to the landing, called 911 and performed CPR, said Waguespack. WAFB: 'Swamp People' star dies . Guist was transferred to the Teche Regional Medical Center in Morgan City, where he was pronounced dead. "We are extremely saddened to report that our friend and beloved member of the 'Swamp People' family, Mitchell Guist, has passed away earlier today. Mitchell passed on the swamp, doing what he loved. We appreciate your respect for the Guist family's privacy and hope you join us in sending our thoughts and prayers to his brother, Glenn, and the rest of the Guist family," the History Channel said in a statement. So what is 'Swamp People?' Glenn Guist is also a cast member on the show. "Swamp People" is the popular History Channel TV series that chronicles the lives of alligator hunters in Louisiana. Fans pay tribute to 'Swamp People' Mitchell Guist . Readers: What's the best way to pay tribute to Mitchell Guist? Please leave your comments below.
"Mitchell passed on the swamp, doing what he loved," the History Channel says . He fell on a boat and may have had a seizure, a sheriff says . "Swamp People" chronicles the lives of alligator hunters in Louisiana .
[ 101, 6395, 26458, 3367, 1010, 1037, 4507, 2694, 2265, 2732, 1010, 2351, 6928, 1999, 5773, 1012, 2002, 2001, 7548, 1037, 4049, 2379, 9852, 2314, 4899, 1999, 1996, 2670, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2110, 1012, 1000, 11963, 2111, 1000, 2003, 1996, 2759, 2381, 3149, 2694, 2265, 1012, 1000, 2057, 9120, 2115, 4847, 2005, 1996, 26458, 3367, 2155, 1005, 1055, 9394, 1010, 1000, 1996, 2381, 3149, 2758, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Yaya and Kolo Toure have been told their brother Toure Oyala Ibrahim has died while the Ivory Coast duo are on World Cup duty in Brazil. The Manchester City and Liverpool stars' brother passed away at the age of 28 on Thursday in Manchester after battling with cancer - just hours after the pair were in the squad for Ivory Coast's 2-1 loss to Colombia. The Ivorian FA have offered support to Yaya and Kolo, as the Group C side 'ask Ivorians for their prayers' during the difficult period. VIDEO Scroll down to see a proud Ibrahim Toure praise his big brothers . Brothers: Yaya (left, centre) and Kolo (right, centre) have lost their brother Ibrahim while on World Cup duty . In action: Yaya plays for Ivory Coast in Brazil against Colombia during their 2-1 loss on Thursday . Training: Kolo (left) with Ivory Coast as they prepare to battle in Group C for qualification . Captain: Manchester City and Belgium skipper Vincent Kompany tweeted his support to the Toure family . 2002-2003: ASEC Mimosas . 2003-2006: Metalurh Donetsk . 2006-2007: OGC Nice . 2009-2010: Al-Ittihad Aleppo . 2010-2013: Misr Lel Makasa . 2012: Telephonat Beni Sweif (loan) 2013-2014: Al-Safa' SC . It is understood Ibrahim was receiving chemotherapy for his illness at The Christie, and Yaya regularly visited his sibling. Manchester . City were among those leading the tributes to Ibrahim. 'The . thoughts of everyone at Manchester City FC are with Yaya and Kolo Toure . following the death of their younger brother Ibrahim,' they said. 'Ibrahim was a regular . visitor to Carrington and was a popular figure among the staff and . players and was extremely close to his two older brothers. 'The . Ivorian Football Federation announced that Ibrahim passed away on . Thursday, 19 June in Manchester and the thoughts of everyone connected . with City are with the Toure family at this most difficult time.' City . captain Vincent Kompany also expressed his sympathy, tweeting: 'My . sincere condolences to the Toure family for the loss of Ibrahim. We are . all saddened by this news. Keep strong.' Yaya played in the Ivory Coast's defeat to Colombia while Kolo was an unused substitute. Competing: Yaya in action for Ivory Coast as they sit runner up in Group C . Bench: Kolo (third from right) was a substitute on Thursday for Ivory Coast's 2-1 loss to Colombia . The news was broke by the Ivorian FA. 'Kolo and Yaya Toure just heard about the death of their young brother, Toure Oyala Ibrahim,' said the Ivorian FA. 'The entire Ivorian delegation want to show their support to the players. 'The . football Ivory Coast federation president (FIF) and the Executive . Committee announced to the entire family of Ivorian football the death . of Toure Oyala Ibrahim, the younger brother of Toure Kolo Abib and Toure . Yaya Gnegneri, which happened on the 19th of June in Manchester . (England). 'In . such a sad situation, the players from the Ivory Coast national team, . and the entire delegation here in Brazil, show their support to the . Toure brothers and their whole family. 'The president of Football Ivory Coast Federation and the Executive Committee ask Ivorians for their prayers.' Ibrahim Toure played as a striker, most recently with Lebanese Premier League outfit Al-Safa' SC. Support: Hull City's Ahmed Elmohamady tweeted that his thoughts were with the Toure family . Time: Ibrahim died hours after Ivory Coast's 2-1 loss which Yaya played in while Kolo was on the bench . Unused: Kolo (third from right) was on the bench alongside Didier Drogba (centre) and Saloman Kalou (right) Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Yaya and Kolo Toure's brother Toure Oyala Ibrahim died aged 28 on Thursday in Manchester . Yaya and Kolo in squad same day in Ivory Coast's 2-1 loss to Colombia . Ibrahim was a striker for Lebanese Premier League side Al-Safa' SC . Ivorian FA say they 'want to show their support for the players'
[ 101, 8038, 3148, 1998, 12849, 4135, 2778, 2063, 2031, 2042, 2409, 2037, 2567, 13477, 2038, 2351, 2096, 2006, 2088, 2452, 4611, 1999, 4380, 1012, 13477, 2979, 2185, 2006, 9432, 1999, 5087, 2044, 17773, 2007, 4456, 1012, 11554, 3023, 2952, 6320, 12849, 8737, 19092, 1056, 28394, 3064, 2010, 25805, 22717, 2015, 2000, 1996, 2778, 2063, 2155, 1012, 28346, 6862, 6904, 2031, 3253, 2037, 2490, 2000, 13477, 1005, 1055, 2155, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Resplendent in a sparkling black top and tailored trousers, Monaco's Princess Charlene looked every inch the yummy mummy as she ramped up the glamour for a cocktail party last week. Joined by husband Prince Albert, 56, the new mother was making the most of a rare night away from her two-month-old twins, Jacques and Gabriella. The event, which was held at the Monte-Carlo Casino, was the work of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and was intended to raise funds for its Learn to Swim programme. Scroll down for video . Chic: Princess Charlene was glamorous in sparkling black at a Monte-Carlo cocktail party last week . Charlene, a former Olympic swimmer, is passionate about water safety and, in 2014 alone, her Foundation taught 40,000 children how to take to the sea in safety. And it seems her concerns are a family affair, with the Princess joined for the event by her brother Gareth as well as her husband. He was at the event with Gavin Varejes, president of South Africa Rugby Legends, which has joined forces with the Princess Charlene Foundation to bring a group of underprivileged South African children to Monaco. The group, who will arrive next month, will take part in the Saint Devote Rugby Tournament next month. In the summer, a group of Monégasque children will travel in the opposite direction and take part in a tournament in the country of Princess Charlene's birth. Beautiful: The new mother looked fresh-faced at the event, which was organised by her charitable Foundation . Family affair: Charlene, second left, was joined by her brother Gareth, left, and husband Albert, centre right . Gift: Charlene was presented with a print of Nelson Mandela's hands by Gavin Varejes (left) Speaking in a statement released after the event, the Princess Charlene Foundation said the exchange was part of an ongoing programme to promote sport in schools. 'The Sport and Education programme supports the belief that physical education is an important tool that contributes to the well-being of children,' read the statement. 'Sport plays a fundamental role in a child’s developmental process. It allows young people to learn about the importance of key values and life skills such as respect, cooperation, honesty, fair play, interaction, communication, competition, determination and adherence to rules.' Last week's cocktail party is the third time Princess Charlene has appeared in public since the birth of her twin babies in December. Her first appearance came on the 7th January, when, with her husband, she appeared on the balcony of the Palais Princier to present the two tiny babies to their adoring public. At the end of January, Charlene joined her husband Prince Albert for the traditional St Devote service, which marks the death of a 4th Century martyr. During that event, she helped husband Albert to set fire to a fishing boat - a tradition that's been going strong since the reign of Prince Louis II in 1942. Important work: Charlene's Foundation is organising a rugby exchange programme for children . Big announcement: The exchange will bring South African children to Monaco and vice-versa . Sporty: Charlene, a former Olympic swimmer, is passionate about promoting sport .
The South Africa-born royal was chic in a sparkling black top . Was at a Princess Charlene Foundation cocktail party in Monte-Carlo . Joined for the event by Prince Albert and her brother Gareth Wittstock .
[ 101, 4615, 25869, 11474, 1010, 1037, 2280, 4386, 13361, 1010, 2001, 2587, 2011, 3129, 3159, 4789, 1010, 5179, 1012, 1996, 2724, 2001, 2218, 2012, 1996, 10125, 1011, 9758, 9270, 2197, 2733, 1012, 25869, 11474, 2003, 13459, 2055, 2300, 3808, 1998, 1010, 1999, 2297, 1010, 1010, 2038, 4036, 2871, 1010, 2199, 2336, 2000, 2202, 2000, 1996, 2712, 1999, 3808, 1012, 2197, 2733, 1010, 1037, 2177, 1997, 2104, 18098, 12848, 9463, 5999, 2336, 2165, 2112, 1999, 1996, 2724, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Stephanie Linning . A father-of-one died after drinking a toxic pesticide which was sold to him as a weight loss aid, a court heard today. Sean Cleathero, 28, was allegedly advised to dissolve a sachet of Dinitrophenol (DNP) in water, and then drink the mixture, at a gym in Buckinghamshire. He died later in hospital after being poisoned by the chemical. Jamie Chivers, 44, Jason King, 41, and Peter Purkins, 47, are on trial at the Old Bailey, accused of manslaughter. All three deny the charge. Victim: Sean Cleathero, 28, died after drinking Dinitrophenol (DNP), an industrial pesticide that is poisonous when consumed by humans, at a gym in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire on October 16 2012, a court heard . The court heard that Purkins and Chivers were co-owners of two businesses in High Wycombe - Precision Laboratories where the drug was produced, and Apollo Fitness, where Mr Cleathero collected and drank the lethal drug on October 16 2012. King was their employee at the gym and it was alleged that he knew about the supply of DNP to Mr Cleathero. He said Mr Cleathero, a member of the gym since March 2012, had previously been supplied with DNP pills. But after complaining to Purkins that they were not working, Chivers dropped off an envelope containing DNP powder at the gym for the customer to collect. Mr Price said the only warning Purkins offered to Mr Cleathero about the powder was: ‘It won’t taste any good’. Chivers then dropped it off at the gym and King handed it over from behind the counter, advising him to dissolve it in a beaker of water before drinking, the prosecution said. The jury was shown CCTV footage from the gym showing the victim drinking the bright yellow liquid and then start to sweat. Prosecutor John Price QC said: 'The minute he drank the contents of that glass he was a dead man because there is no antidote for what he consumed.' Accused: Peter Purkins (left) and Jason Chivers (right) were co-owners of two businesses - Precision Labratories, where the DNP was allegedly produced, and Apollo Fitness, where the drug 'was supplied' Employee: King, an employee at Apollo Fitness allegedly handed Mr Cleathero a packet of the pesticide from behind the counter, advising him to dissolve it in a beaker of water before drinking . 'He could not stop sweating even long after he had finished his workout and he was starting to struggle to breathe.' An ambulance was called and Mr Cleathero was taken to Wycombe Hospital where he died eight hours after consuming the poison. A post mortem examination showed the cause of death was poisoning by DNP. His temperature had soared to 42C - well above the average body temperature of around 37C - the court heard. He said the gym had 'all the appearance of being a professional, well run and legitimate operation' but that was just 'a veneer'. On trial: They appeared at the Old Bailey (pictured) today. The prosecutor said Purkins, King and Chivers were involved in the production and supply of DNP and they would have known 'the truth' of its potential dangers . Mr Price said that DNP was not a controlled drug and had a legitimate use as an insecticide or herbicide. It is alleged that the three men knew about the potentially lethal effects of the pesticide when they sold it. Mr Price added: 'It has a long history of misuse by humans as what is called a fat burner, as the name implies those who take it do so to assist in an attempt to lose weight,' he said. Mr Price said Purkins, King and Chivers were involved in the production and supply of DNP to the public for personal consumption and they would have known 'the truth of it'. In 2003, nine years before Mr Cleathero died, the Food Standards Agency had advised that DNP was 'extremely dangerous to human health' following an incident in Finland, the jury was told. Chivers, Purkins and King, all from Buckinghamshire, along with Laura Hague, 23, of Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, deny charges of producing and supplying anabolic steroids. King and Hague also deny perverting the course of justice by removing incriminating evidence after Mr Cleathero’s death. The court was told Chivers has already admitted perverting the course of justice after he 'forgot' to delete CCTV footage showing him deleting incriminating footage from earlier in the week. Purkins is not accused over the alleged cover up. The trial continues. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Sean Cleathero died after drinking toxic pesticide at a High Wycombe gym . Jamie Chivers, Jason King and Peter Purkins are accused of manslaughter . Chivers, King and Purkins, all from Buckinghamshire, deny the charge . Allegedly produced the Dinitrophenol (DNP) and supplied it to Mr Cleathero . After consuming the DNP, Mr Cleathero's temperature soared to 42C .
[ 101, 5977, 18856, 5243, 12399, 2080, 1010, 2654, 1010, 9382, 9449, 2000, 21969, 11586, 4183, 18981, 10222, 4747, 1006, 1040, 16275, 1007, 1999, 2300, 1012, 2002, 2351, 2101, 1999, 2902, 2044, 2108, 17672, 2011, 1996, 5072, 1012, 6175, 9610, 14028, 1010, 4463, 2332, 1998, 2848, 16405, 26891, 2015, 2024, 2006, 3979, 2012, 1996, 2214, 8925, 1012, 2035, 2093, 9772, 16042, 17298, 13900, 2121, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Larisa Brown . PUBLISHED: . 09:03 EST, 7 November 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 09:04 EST, 7 November 2012 . A wealthy English businessman who inherited a picturesque Scottish island has given it back to the locals as a gift. Fred Taylor, a restaurant owner currently living in London, was given ownership of the Outer Hebridean island of Scalpay off Harris in 1998 following the death of his father John. Residents voted to take over the running of the island yesterday after the offer of the land for free. Picturesque: The island of Scalpay, off the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides has been given to the islanders for free . Mr Taylor - who owns a family home on the island and has been a frequent visitor - offered . the gift to its 322 residents and . encouraged them to take control of their own destiny. Islanders sanctioned a community ballot and voted 197-8 in favour when the ballot closed on Tuesday. It is the largest 'gifted' community land acquisition in Scotland. Ballot papers were sent out to around 250 islanders who were eligible to vote. Fred Taylor's father, John, was a London-based architect and bought the island in 1976 from Sir Hereward Wake. The late Mr Taylor and his wife Sue used to bring their dog Tilly to the island twice every year. When he died in 1998, it was passed on to his son Fred, along with the nearby island of Sgeotasaigh, or Scotsay, which his father bought in 1965, and where his family also spent their holidays. Fred plans to move to the island of Scotsay permanently after building a property there. Now the residents on the small island of Scalpay - spanning 2.5 miles long - have avoided struggling to raise a purchase price as their only expense is legal fees. The inhabitants have decided to join in . partnership with the neighbouring community-run North Harris Trust - . which was subject to a taxpayer-funded £2.2m buyout in 2003 - in . managing Scalpay. Islanders had been told that the island is at risk of eventually being transferred to another organisation as Mr Taylor 'does not wish for the status quo to continue indefinitely.' The 60 residents who attended a recent . public meeting were told of the potential to regenerate Scalpay - which . has a high elderly population. Fred Taylor offered the gift to its 322 residents and encouraged them to take control of their own destiny . The island’s population of 320 has almost halved since the 1970s and 80s. Western Isles MSP, Alasdair Allan, welcomed the result of the ballot. He said: 'I believe that this opens up new opportunities for an island which knows that it needs new economic development.' Paul Finnegan of Scalpay Community Land Transfer Steering Group, said there were regeneration plans for the island including the old school building which closed in June after its roll fell to just four pupils. He said: 'One suggestion that has come forward is to use them for business units for small craft workshops.' 'We’ve already identified three people who live on Scaplay who are keen to take them on.' Sandra Holmes from Highlands and Islands Enterprise outlined what could be achieved. Boosting tourism, developing fisheries and installing wind turbines are ideas being considered. Finlay MacRae, secretary of the Scalpay Community Land Transfer Steering Group, said that Scalpay was unlike any of the other community buyouts who had to fight and raise money to buy their land. He said: 'We are unique in that sense. The recent meeting was very positive.' The island is officially owned by the Taylor family trust, the Sue Taylor Settlement Trust. Fred is the sole trustee and he is also offering give away the glebe park adjacent to Scalpay Lighthouse and the former Ministry of Defence tracking site, both owned by him. Fred Taylor's father, John, was a London-based architect and bought the island in 1976 from Sir Hereward Wake. He used to bring his wife Sue and their dog Tilly to the island twice every year . In the 1970s Scalpay was an important fishing community but the fleet has since declined and there are little job opportunities on the island. The isle boasts a strong network of community organisations and has a recently-opened community run shop and cafe, mini-bus service and a community centre. In 1997 the island - which once had a population of 600 - was joined to neighbouring Harris by a £6.4m bridge. There also used to be a salmon factory which was a major local employer from 2001 until closure in 2005. But Scalpay could become a significant centre for yachts visiting the Western Isles if plans go ahead to take the island into community ownership, says a feasibility study carried out by consultants. The report highlights that the principal attraction of the island is the historic Eilean Glas lighthouse and there is potential to upgrade the footpath to it as well as creating an improved coastal round-island walk. Mr Taylor told a local magazine, Island Life, in January that he had no intention of cutting ties to the Outer Hebrides if Scalpay’s residents were to take him up on the offer of their land. He said is was intending to move to the neighbourhood permanently. He has built a home on his inherited island of Scotsay. The property is a new eco-friendly, off-the-grid home complete with rainwater collectors and a wind turbine, where he intends to live full time. In his interview in Island Life, Taylor said that he was looking forward to being part of the local community, and has many friends on the island of Harris. Island aristocrat: Count Robin left a £1million island, Little Bernera, to the National Trust of Scotland but had his gift rejected . He told the magazine that despite Scotsay being a private island it does not have to feel remote, as it’s just an 8-10 minute boat trip from Scalpay and Harris – more like 'having a wet driveway,' he said. It was reported that Taylor sees great potential for Scalpay. He has considered prospective renewable forestry and energy projects, and one of his ideas for regenerating of Scalpay’s industries is to create an offshore lobster hatchery to replenish its fishing grounds. He told the magazine he had many fond memories of the place. He said: 'I spent a lot of time there when I was a kid. 'It seemed like we were going to the ends of the earth and that was what was so exciting about it.' Meanwhile, earlier this week a flamboyant aristocrat who left a £1million island to the National Trust of Scotland had his gift rejected. Count Robin de la Lanne-Mirrlees, whose bed-hopping, colourful life was said to be the model for James Bond, wanted to leave ownership of Little Bernera off the coast of the Isle of Lewis to the nation, but in a rare decision the NTS rejected the offer. The conservation charity said they rejected the island because Little Bernera is not 'significant' enough to warrant the cost it would take to keep.
London restaurant-owner Fred Taylor inherited the island from his father . Father John Taylor, an architect, bought Scalpay in the early 1980s . Residents voted to take over the running of the island after offer of free gift .
[ 101, 5965, 4202, 2001, 2445, 1996, 5592, 2000, 2010, 23768, 3901, 1998, 6628, 2068, 2000, 2202, 2491, 1997, 1996, 2479, 1012, 16422, 5444, 19975, 1011, 1022, 1999, 7927, 1997, 2635, 2058, 1996, 2770, 1997, 21065, 4710, 1010, 2125, 1996, 8842, 1997, 5671, 1999, 2687, 2206, 1996, 2331, 1997, 2010, 2269, 2198, 1012, 1996, 2479, 1005, 1055, 2313, 1997, 13710, 2038, 2471, 11085, 7178, 2144, 1996, 3955, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
It's a booze-soaked hoedown that, year after year, police attempt to shut down. But the annual 'Unofficial St Patrick's Day' at the University of Illinois - which comes one week earlier than the Irish knees-up - was bigger than ever this year, with thousands of party-loving students descending on the city of Champagne for a day of beer-guzzling. The event first started in 1996 with a day of drinking to replace the real St Patrick's Day, which falls during spring break on March 17. Last year, students traveled from nine states, 15 cities and 47 colleges. This year, 14,150 people registered as attending 'Unofficial' on Facebook. Tobin Peters, center, party's down Green Street with his friends during unofficial St. Patrick's Day festivities on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign, Ill., on Friday March 7, 2014. (AP Photo/The News-Gazette, Rick Danzl) MANDATORY CREDIT . Paramedics prepare to load an intoxicated girl on a stretcher on Daniel Street during unofficial St. Patrick's Day festivities on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign, Ill., on Friday March 7, 2014. (AP Photo/The News-Gazette, Rick Danzl) MANDATORY CREDIT . A young woman rests after leaving a bar on Daniel Street during unofficial St. Patrick's Day festivities on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign, Ill., on Friday March 7, 2014. (AP Photo/The News-Gazette, Rick Danzl) MANDATORY CREDIT . 'We've seen more people on Facebook this year saying they're coming to the event,' said Lt. Jim Clark of the Champaign police department told The News-Gazette. 'We want it to go away. All of our goals are to put an end to Unofficial.' Lt. Clark and his department started a social media campaign to try and educate students against alcohol-related crimes. They began posting warnings on Twitter about fines in an attempt to dissuade them from going overboard. However hundreds are still expected to be arrested, mostly for underage drinking. 'We've cracked down more on bars the last few years,' Clark said. 'I'm not sure underage drinking is ever going away. 'It seems like we see (those) under 21 get more intoxicated, more transports to the hospital. 'Those who are 21 have been there and done that. Binge drinking is more with the young age.' Jack Bryant, left, a University of Illinois freshman, and Kristin Springer, a sophomore, play bag toss in front of an during unofficial St. Patrick's Day house party in Champaign, Ill., on Friday March 7, 2014. (AP Photo/The News-Gazette, Rick Danzl) MANDATORY CREDIT . Last year's police records, according to the Gazette, were as follows. 210 notices to appear in court for city ordinance violation . 165 paid a fine to the city before a court date. Minimum fine was $320. Other arrests - . General battery: 4. Two pleaded guilty, one dismissed, one not charged. Possession of drug paraphernalia: 2. Both pleaded guilty. Minor in possession and resisting a peace officer: 1. Pleaded guilty to minor in possession. Police getting ready for the first shift of 'Unofficial' Local police in Champaign used social media to try and put a stop to alcohol-related crimes . One of many fines police were expecting to dole out on Friday . Domestic battery: 1. Dismissed due to uncooperative victim. Assault: 1. Pleaded guilty. Possession of controlled substance: 1. Pleaded guilty. Outstanding warrant: 1. No new offense attached. Among those were arrested were from Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.
Known as 'Unofficial', event first started in 1996 . It has become a way for college students from all over the country to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, which falls during Spring Break each year in mid-march . Parties thrown all over the town of Champaign, where the University of Illinois is based . Local police expecting hundreds of arrests for underage drinking and alcohol-related crime .
[ 101, 2197, 2095, 1010, 2403, 1010, 5018, 2111, 5068, 2004, 7052, 1005, 11982, 1005, 2006, 9130, 1012, 2197, 2095, 2493, 6158, 2013, 3157, 2163, 1010, 2321, 3655, 1010, 4700, 6667, 1998, 4700, 6667, 1012, 2021, 5606, 2024, 2145, 3517, 2000, 2022, 4727, 1010, 3262, 2005, 2104, 4270, 5948, 1012, 1005, 2057, 2215, 2009, 2000, 2175, 2185, 1012, 2035, 1997, 2256, 3289, 2024, 2000, 2404, 2019, 2203, 2000, 11982, 1010, 1005, 8318, 1012, 3958, 5215, 2056, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Richard Spillett . Dramatic new CCTV footage shows the moment a gang of armed robbers attempted to smash their way into a jewellery store in London's West End. Six raiders arrived outside Watches and Jewellery of Bond Street on mopeds on Monday and launched a violent attempt to get into the store. They tried to smash their way in using an axe and a sledgehammer, before resorting to trying to ram the door with one of their mopeds. Scroll down for video . The gang rolls up the pavement on New Bond Street, with one of the members disembarking and brandishing an axe, ready to hit the store's doors. One of the raiders (centre) appears to be pointing a handgun . Footage recorded by the store's CCTV camera has now been released by police, showing the force used by the gang and the speed of their botched raid. The group arrived shortly after 11am and disappeared after less than one minute when they realised their plans were doomed to fail. In the intervening 50 seconds, they unleashed a shocking attack on the store, riding up and down the pavement on their bikes and taking it in turns to smash the front of the shop. One of the gang sprayed passers-by who got too close with the noxious liquid, eventually injuring a guard. When they realise they cannot get into the store as the staff have shut the stores security gates, they scramble around the opening to the store, warding off passers-by . The attempted criminals begin to make their escape, nearly knocking over several people on the way out of the street . One of the raiders is also believed to have been carrying a handgun throughout the raid, which can be seen in the CCTV images. Eventually the staff managed to operate the security shutters and lock the gang out, causing them to flee. As they fled on their three mopeds, they nearly knocked over members of the public. Nothing was stolen from the store, but a security guard remains in hospital with potentially life-changing injuries, and several thousand pounds worth of damage was done. The incident is being investigated by Flying Squad officers of the London Metropolitan Police based at Putney, in south west London. Anyone with information should call police on 020 8785 8655 or to remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
CCTV footage released by police shows the six robbers' failed robbery bid . They drove mopeds into the entrance of the store in west London . The gang also hit the shop's doors with a sledge hammer and an axe . But staff managed to get the security gates down and the robbers fled . Gang failed to steal anything, but did thousands of pounds of damage .
[ 101, 2416, 10642, 3369, 2648, 12197, 1998, 21545, 1997, 5416, 2395, 2006, 6928, 1012, 2699, 2000, 15132, 2037, 2126, 1999, 2478, 2019, 12946, 1998, 1037, 22889, 24225, 19742, 1010, 2077, 7001, 2075, 2000, 2667, 2000, 8223, 1996, 3573, 1005, 1055, 4303, 2007, 2028, 1997, 2037, 9587, 5669, 2015, 1012, 2028, 1997, 1996, 6080, 25401, 3413, 2545, 1011, 2011, 2040, 2288, 2205, 2485, 2007, 1996, 2053, 25171, 6381, 1010, 2776, 22736, 1037, 3457, 1012, 2610, 2031, 2207, 10507, 9189, 8333, 1997, 1996, 5043, 2006, 2037, 10507, 9189, 4950, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Deborah Arthurs . PUBLISHED: . 08:28 EST, 30 January 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 11:40 EST, 31 January 2013 . What should have been a colourful debate on This Morning turned nasty today when the sex therapist invited onto the show unleashed a personal attack on the show's resident agony aunt. Louise van der Velde, who recently spoke out to slam marriage as 'for mugs' appeared on the breakfast show to defend her claims that marriage is an outdated concept - and that couples would be much happier if they were allowed to seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere. But when the This Morning agony aunt Denise Robertson replied that she believed unless both couples agreed on an open marriage they should remain faithful, Louise van der Velde turned on her, calling her 'out of touch' and an 'old battleaxe'. Head to head: Louise van der Velde takes on Denise Robertson over the matter of adultery within marriage - and ends up calling her an 'out of touch battleaxe' Denise, who is a formidable woman at the best of times, looked reasonably shocked by the outburst - but Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were horrified. 'No one insults our Denise,' said Phillip, as Holly turned away from Louise, saying that actually Denise gave excellent advice. The insult came about after Louise had spoken out to defend her choice to have four lovers. But as a single woman, Phillip argued Louise was welcome to have as many lovers as she liked. Denise agreed, saying, 'If a single person wants to have sex with74 people in a week, it's none of my business. 'If a married couple agree they both want to have sex elsewhere, it's none of my business. But when one person in a marriage wants to sleep with someone else but the other doesn't, it can cause great pain. Open: Louise, who has four lovers, extolls the virtues of an open marriage, saying men and women should be able to seek sex elsewhere . Outburst: Denise looked shocked when Louise unleashed a torrent of abuse . 'I know from the letters I receive the agony that it causes when one member of a couple is unfaithful,' Denise went on. But Louise took umbrage at her words - and let her know in no uncertain terms. 'You are a battleaxe,' she told a stunned Denise. 'You need to get with the modern times. You're an "agony" aunt. You deal with agony. 'Things have changed. Having an open marriage doesn't have to be agony.' Louise went on to say she believes there is too much pressure on people to get married - meaning too many of use end up trapped in unhappy unions - something she has referred to as the 'prison' of marriage. 'If you find the right partner from the off, you won't have that problem,' she says, adding that seeking a lover elsewhere can be the perfect antidote to an unhappy marriage. 'What's wrong with that?' she asks. 'Make yourself feel great. It can help people to lift their vibrations.' But, argues Denise, doesn't that mean you are simply trapped in a prison of a marriage, but you have the added pain of not knowing where your partner is, or with whom? Trouncing: Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were shocked by Louise's personal attack on Denise, and took great pleasure in reading out the poll results that proved the viewers sided with their agony aunt . 'If your marriage is a prison, you should get out,' says Denise. 'I'm all in favour of getting a divorce and having a new beginning, if that's the right thing to do. 'No one should be trapped in a marriage they consider to be a prison.' At the end of the debate, with Phillip and Holly shell-shocked and Denise storing up some choice words she later said she could easily have unleashed on Louise, the presenters turned to the viewers poll to see whether they agreed with Louise and her take on marriage, or with Denise. Unsurprisingly, 93 per cent of the viewers sided with Denise, while just seven per cent were on Louise's side. Phillip and Holly took great pleasure in highlighting the disparity, telling Louise they believed it was the most convincing defeat in the history of the show. As Phillip said, nobody messes with our Denise. After the show, Louise said: 'My argument on the show, and which I make in my book, is that people have to find the relationship model which works for them. 'If you still believe a relationship model which is 300 years old is still relevant today then perhaps you are a battleaxe. 'I don't regret what I said to Denise. Her model is outdated and I don't think she lives in the real world. 'She needs to see how many affairs are going on out there. She is out of touch. She is very stuck in her beliefs about the traditional relationship model and won't accept any new ideas.' VIDEO  Louise van der Velde calls Denise Robertson an old battleaxe on This Morning . Watch the explosive interview in full at www.itv.com/thismorning . Louise Van der Velde's new book, Decent Proposal, is available on Kindle via Amazon. Louise’s website is www.pleasureprofessor.com.
Louise van der Velde spoke out recently to say 'marriage is for mugs' Appeared on C4 show to say couples who have open marriages are happier . Accused This Morning agony aunt Denise of being an 'out of touch battleaxe' Lost debate 7% to 93% - the largest divide in the show's history .
[ 101, 8227, 3158, 4315, 2310, 17920, 1010, 2040, 2038, 2176, 10205, 1010, 2170, 2014, 1005, 2041, 1997, 3543, 1005, 1998, 2019, 1005, 2214, 2645, 8528, 2063, 1005, 1996, 12812, 5916, 2056, 2016, 7164, 6062, 2323, 2022, 2583, 2000, 6148, 4424, 9967, 6974, 1012, 15339, 9923, 5838, 2011, 4214, 2014, 2019, 1005, 12812, 5916, 1005, 1998, 1005, 2019, 2214, 2645, 2595, 2063, 1005, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Kieran Gill . Follow @@kie1410 . Andy Carroll was nowhere . to be seen and new signing Mauro Zarate lasted just 33 minutes on his . debut as West Ham were held to a 0-0 draw by Championship outfit Ipswich Town. Sam Allardyce escaped the axe in the summer with promises to produce 'more entertaining' football, but a goalless draw does little to reassure West Ham owner, David Sullivan, who was in attendance at Portman Road. Afterwards, though, Argentinian striker Zarate tweeted about his pelvis after worrying his new fans: 'Happy to have played my first match with the team. Positive match for me, I'm glad my pubis is well.' VIDEO Scroll down to see new West Ham striker Mauro Zarate score for Velez Sarsfield . Leaving: New West Ham striker Mauro Zarate walks down the tunnel after being taken off in the second half . Battle: West Ham's Mark Noble is contested for the ball by Ipswich Town's Teddy Bishop . Not that friendly: West Ham were gearing up for their Premier League season at Ipswich . Relaxed: Sam Allardyce (fifth left) looks on from the bench during West Ham's pre-season friendly . Crikey: West Ham owner David Sullivan rubs his face during the friendly game against Ipswich . Watching on: Sullivan was in the crowd to see the 0-0 stalemate with Ipswich at Portman Road . Update: Zarate tweeted about how it was a 'positive match' and that his pelvis is doing well . IPSWICH: Gerken, Hewitt, Mings, Bishop, Clarke, Berra, Stewart, Skuse, Marriott, Nouble, Henshall . SUBS: Bialkowski, Parr, Chambers, Smith, Wyatt, Anderson, Hyam, Veseli, Tabb, Murphy, Taylor, McQueen, Lawrence, Crowe . WEST HAM: Jaaskelainen, Demel, Collins, Tomkins, Cresswell, Kouyate, Noble, Downing, Diame, Jarvis, Cole . SUBS: Adrian, O'Brien, Reid, Chambers, Page, Cullen, Poyet, Vaz Te, Nolan, Lletget, Zarate, McCallum, Spiegel, Jarney, Sadlier . REFEREE: Darren Deadman . GOALS: NONE . Sullivan was there, looking animated throughout, but co-chairman David Gold was unable to reach the ground, having turned back after a four-lorry pile up at Dartford tunnel. In his absence, though, West Ham dominated the opening exchanges with a strong starting XI. And Matt Jarvis was at the heart of the lot. The winger first fed Carlton Cole to create a chance on the turn, before Jarvis's inch-perfect cross found Cheikhou Kouyate, whose header sailed over. The 28-year-old, then, had a go himself, stretching to fashion a chance but missing the target. It was encouraging, and new boy Aaron Cresswell almost haunted his former employers on his return. The 24-year-old left goalkeeper Dean Gerken for dead with a deft job, but only saw it crash off the face of the crossbar on his old stomping ground. At half time, the expected changes were made. Among them was new signing Diego Poyet, who said he was 'glad to get another 45 minutes on the pitch'. There was also Zarate, replacing Cole, but the striker's debut was short lived to say the least. The Argentinian forward from Velez Sarsfield lasted a little more than half an hour before going off. West Ham tried to make the breakthrough in the second half but looked deflated, unable to crack Ipswich's code. Nevertheless, there were signs of encouragement from Kouyate and Co overall. The 1,920 traveling fans will return to the capital pondering whether Allardyce can deliver the 'philosophy' the board are asking for, and wondering why Carroll was not included at all. Contest: Ipswich's Frank Nouble protects the ball from James Collins on Wednesday . Pleased: Ipswich manager Mick McCarthy oversaw his team from the touchline against West Ham . West Ham United joint-chairmen David Sullivan and David Gold said: 'We have a very clear vision of how we want West Ham United to operate under our joint ownership. Although not everybody understands the West Ham Way, we do and we respect it as we have been supporters all our lives. We believe this is about a philosophy that is not just about the style of play, but the whole ethos that surrounds the club. 'Sam was asked to give us a detailed presentation on his vision for next season and during this he assured us that he can deliver that ethos to West Ham United and we have agreed to support him with the resources that he needs. We have mapped out a way forward with him that will ensure our much-deserving fans have more to cheer about next season. 'We should also stress, though, that while improvements do need to be made, Sam deserves credit for the job he has done thus far after securing promotion in his first year and two respectable Premier League finishes in the two years thereafter. 'We have also seen the likes of Mark Noble, James Tomkins and Winston Reid all make huge progress under his management, which in turn contributed to our impressive record of 14 clean sheets last season. 'The truly historic opportunity of a move to the Olympic Stadium in 2016 forms a major part of our five-year strategy to take this club forward and, while we have a duty to make sure we stay in the Premier League, we also want to make sure the performances on the pitch will befit a team playing in such a world-renowned stadium. 'We are absolutely committed to taking West Ham United to new heights and we want to see the Club continue on an upward trajectory next season. The 2014-15 campaign is crucial to our future and we are confident that Sam has the passion, experience and determination to make sure it is a success.' West Ham United manager Sam Allardyce said: 'I look forward to taking the club forward and improving the squad for next season to try and achieve the plans we have set out in our very productive meeting last week.'
West Ham draw 0-0 with Championship side Ipswich in pre-season friendly . No Andy Carroll in side and new signing Mauro Zarate lasts just 33 minutes . Zarate: 'Happy to have played my first match with the team. Positive match for me, I'm glad my pubis is well' Diego Poyet: 'Glad to get another 45 minutes on the pitch' League Two club Stevenage held West Ham 2-2 on Saturday . Sam Allardyce wasn't sacked but told to be 'more entertaining next season' Big Sam told to secure top-10 finish and change philosophy at Upton Park . West Ham finished 13th in Premier League last season .
[ 101, 2225, 10654, 2020, 2218, 2000, 1037, 1014, 1011, 1014, 4009, 2011, 15435, 2237, 1999, 2037, 3653, 1011, 2161, 5379, 1012, 5003, 10976, 23564, 11657, 1056, 28394, 3064, 2055, 2129, 2009, 2001, 1037, 1005, 3893, 2674, 1005, 1998, 2008, 2010, 21877, 28530, 2003, 2725, 2092, 1012, 2225, 10654, 3954, 2585, 7624, 2001, 1999, 1996, 4306, 2000, 3422, 1996, 2674, 1012, 1996, 8691, 2015, 2024, 2747, 3587, 1999, 1996, 4239, 2223, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The live tiger mascot for Louisiana State University has missed all seven homes games this season - opting instead to stay in his luxurious enclosure. Mike VI is the latest in LSU's dynasty of tigers that have represented the team since 1936. Between games, he lives in a 15,000-square-foot environment with a waterfall, stream, rocks, trees, and personal carers. But for the past few weeks, his keepers have failed to coax him into the bespoke cage that takes him to the Tiger stadium just across the street, where there is a bronze statue of him standing by the entrance. Not in the mood? Mike VI has refused to leave his enclosure to go to LSU matches across the street . Settled at home: Here the nine-year-old appears more comfortable in his 15,000-square-foot enclosure . Traditionally, nine-year-old Mike is driven around the stadium as cheerleaders perform their routine on top of his trailer. He is then stationed by the opposing team's locker room, roaring menacingly as they emerge onto the pitch. But it seems he may have had enough - and has also chewed up the LSU sign in his habitat. Fans are distraught, with many calling and writing to LSU executives with suggestions. Dr David Baker, the univeristy's director of lab animals and Mike VI's vet, defensively rebuffed the criticism, telling USA Today: 'Cat people know that cats do what cats are going to do. 'Life is on their terms. You can't force them and we have no way of forcing him. OK? I'll say that again. Menacing: Mike is the latest in a dynasty of tigers who instill fear in the opposing team by roaring as they arrive . Ritual: He is normally carted around the Tiger stadium with cheerleaders on his trailer to the delight of fans . Abandoning the team? Mike has also chewed up the LSU sign that used to hang in his habitat over the road . Luxurious: Mike's abode is decked out with a pool, a waterfall, rocks, trees and Italian structures . Living the life: He has a team of vets and carers that routinely check his teeth and pamper his paws . 'We have no way of forcing him. We wouldn't if we did. You can't entice them. 'People call me with brilliant ideas. "Put a steak in the trailer!" Oh wow, 20 years we never thought of that. 'When cats think something is up, they're very wary animals and this is an apex predator. 'He's a fully mature tiger. He's perfectly normal. They're secretive animals. Substitute: Crowds have had to make do with a man in a tiger costume for the last seven games . Help? LSU's coach Les Miles has appealed for four or five slow-moving adults to help get Mike to games . 'Why would he ever come out of his night house and get in the trailer? The fact that he ever does amazes me. 'He's exhibiting perfectly normal behavior and that's to stay put. End of story.' However, LSU coach Les Miles was more reticent, appealing on his weekly radio show for volunteers to help get Mike to matches. He said they need 'four to five slow-moving adults...to encourage him into the cage'.
Mike VI normally parades LSU Tiger stadium in a cage, roars at opposition . He has refused to leave his enclosure across the street all season this year . He also chewed up the LSU sign in the enclosure . Fans suggesting methods to top vets, coach asking for volunteers to help .
[ 101, 3505, 6819, 2003, 1996, 6745, 1999, 1037, 5321, 1997, 7600, 2008, 2031, 3421, 1996, 2136, 2144, 4266, 1012, 2002, 3268, 1999, 1037, 2321, 1010, 2199, 1011, 2675, 1011, 3329, 17539, 2007, 1037, 14297, 1010, 5749, 1010, 3628, 1998, 3167, 2729, 2869, 1012, 2002, 2038, 2036, 18362, 2039, 1996, 21849, 3696, 1999, 2010, 6552, 2058, 1996, 2627, 2261, 3134, 1012, 1996, 3157, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 1005, 1055, 24018, 2031, 3478, 2000, 28155, 2595, 2032, 2046, 17539, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- For Uganda's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community, 2013 strengthens us with fresh resolve. But a new year also torments us with old anxieties. Uganda is my home, but every day I must fight tooth and nail to remain. I inhabit a land and a paradox where my right to have a consensual relationship with an African woman is illegal -- "un-African"-- and where my daily work is a life and death matter. Since 2009, my community has faced the potential passage of an anti-homosexuality bill that threatens Ugandans in same-sex relationships with life imprisonment (there are conflicting reports on whether the original death penalty provision remain). This year, many Anglican Church officials and other leaders have declared the legislation's speedy passage as their New Year's resolutions, with the bill scheduled for discussion when Uganda's parliament reconvenes in February. As a transgender man, I am not safe. But as a Ugandan, I am here and I remain optimistic. Existing out in the open is ordinary for most people, but visibility is magical for those of us who once roamed the land like ghosts. "There are no homosexuals in Uganda," our leaders said not too long ago. They cannot say that now. They say I am evil. They say my love is illegal. But in 2013, they can no longer say I am not here. I am fighting to end discrimination as the Ugandan government cracks down on all human rights activity. To speak out about injustice is deemed rebellion against democracy, and to advocate for LGBTI rights is to be out of your mind. The AIDS and LGBTI empowerment workshops I facilitate get shut down by Minister of Ethics and Integrity Rev. Fr. Simon Lokodo even though HIV infections and inequality have not gone away. The increased fervor to pass the anti-gay bill has re-opened the wounds of past tragedies and threatens to create new ones. The fear is still fresh on the second anniversary of the murder of David Kato, my colleague, whose gruesome death changed me and Uganda's LGBTI community forever. Seated in the same office at the gay rights organization, Sexual Minorities Uganda, known as SMUG, David and I had committed to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We refused to stay invisible, to remain dehumanized as ghosts. As a result, we found ourselves on a Ugandan newspaper's list of 100 homosexuals. The story's banner: "Hang Them." David was subsequently killed. But he was not silenced: I still hear his voice telling us not to hide, or else "they will keep saying we are not here." I am here, still, in 2013, but I dread things as simple as shopping at a kiosk for groceries, because the owner has told me he doesn't sell to "such people." If I insist, he said, he will "teach me how to be normal." A full night's sleep is thwarted by the fear of a stranger who has followed me home or the neighbors who have formed a mob. My personal struggle is a small reflection of the entire LGBTI community's everyday apprehension. With action on Uganda's anti-homosexuality bill looming, the lives of the nation's LGBTI are threatened. These are not nameless faces, but real people like my girlfriend, who trembles at the prospect of coming out. People like one trans woman who in September was brutally beaten in public by friends who discovered her identity, and another who was dragged to the police in full glare of the public. Even heterosexual Ugandans -- including family and friends who fail to disclose LGBTI loved ones to authorities -- would face criminal charges if this bill were to pass. But I can report some good news. Before David Kato's murder, he was alive to see us win a lawsuit against the newspaper that called for our hanging. Indeed, the Ugandan courts' impartiality in our cases helps me stay optimistic. And I hope to win a U.S. lawsuit against American evangelist Scott Lively for the anti-gay terror he exported to my country. The past five years have also brought progress outside the courtroom. Just a decade ago, I couldn't have imagined discussing the rights of LGBTI people with motorbike taxi drivers and members of parliament alike. While I've lived through the homophobia-fueled murders and suicides of friends, I also photographed my country's first Pride march last August, where we proudly waved both the Ugandan and rainbow flags side by side. In drag and plain view, LGBTI Ugandans celebrated life in the face of legislation that calls for our death. "As long as you refuse to be a victim, and you seek to empower yourself and others, whatever's going on will get better," President Bill Clinton has said. I believe him, and beyond that, I believe in myself. Those who wish me harm may control the laws, but they will never steer my destiny. Despite the injustice that follows LGBTI Ugandans into a new year, our desire for freedom has taken deep root. The roots will one day prove deeper than their hatred, deeper than our closets. That's what keeps me optimistic. And that's why they cannot say I am not here. Uganda is my home and I intend to continue living here as I am. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Pepe Julian Onziema.
Pepe Julian Onziema: New year fills LGBTI community in Uganda with resolve--and anxiety . He says threat of anti-homosexuality bill passage endangers LGBTI Ugandans . He says by his vocal presence, he aims to end discrimination . Onziema: LGBTI Ugandans have made advances; oppressors can't steer my destiny .
[ 101, 10031, 1005, 1055, 12010, 2451, 2038, 4320, 1996, 4022, 6019, 1997, 2019, 3424, 1011, 5637, 3021, 1012, 1996, 3021, 2038, 2128, 1011, 2441, 1996, 8710, 1997, 2627, 19817, 18655, 3111, 1998, 17016, 2000, 3443, 2047, 3924, 1012, 2116, 9437, 2277, 4177, 2031, 4161, 1996, 3021, 1005, 1055, 26203, 6019, 2004, 2037, 2047, 2095, 1005, 1055, 18853, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Becky Barrow . More women than men will be working beyond the age of 65 by 2020, experts predict. This is because more women are in jobs than ever, they have a longer life expectancy than men and often, smaller pensions. In . six years, 37 per cent of women in their mid to late sixties will be . working, outstripping men for the first time. More women than men will be working beyond the age of 65 by 2020, experts predict. This is because more women are in jobs than ever, they have a longer life expectancy than men and often, smaller pensions . Only a third of men that . age will be in a job, the Institute for Fiscal Studies says today. In . 2000, just 8 per cent of women aged 65 to 69 had a job. Pensions expert Ros Altmann, a former Downing Street adviser, said it showed Britain was ‘on the cusp of a social revolution’. She . said: ‘Women are living longer than ever before. Many are working . because they have not got a pension. But many are doing it because they . want to.’ In six years, 37 per cent of women in their mid to late sixties will be working, outstripping men for the first time . Older women who . work often do so part-time and say they like the social interaction as . well as the flexibility that many jobs  now allow. The number who are . working is partly fuelled by  the Government’s decision to increase the . state pension age. Pensions Minister Steve Webb said the era when people ‘shuffled off with a gold watch at retirement’, typically at 60, is over. Neil . Duncan-Jordan, of the National Pensioners’ Convention, fears women will . usually be in low-paid jobs. He said: ‘There is one fact of life – if . you are low paid, you will get a poor pension. ‘The only way many women can survive in later life is to work.’
In . 2000, just eight per cent of women aged 65 to 69 had a job . Increase shows Britain was ‘on the cusp of a social revolution, expert says . Only a third of men the same age will be in a job,  the study says .
[ 101, 1999, 1012, 2416, 2086, 1010, 4261, 2566, 9358, 1997, 2308, 1999, 2037, 3054, 2000, 2397, 22651, 2097, 2022, 1012, 2551, 1010, 21100, 24901, 4691, 2273, 2005, 1996, 2034, 2051, 1012, 2069, 1037, 2353, 1997, 2273, 2008, 1012, 2287, 2097, 2022, 1999, 1037, 3105, 1010, 1996, 2820, 2005, 10807, 2913, 2758, 2651, 1012, 11550, 2545, 1521, 4680, 2000, 3623, 1996, 1012, 2110, 11550, 2287, 2003, 6576, 4762, 3709, 2011, 1996, 2231, 1005, 1055, 3247, 2000, 3623, 2110, 11550, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- The underwater search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane will effectively be put on hold this week, and may not resume until August at the very earliest, according to Australia's top transport safety official. The new timeline means that once Bluefin-21, the American underwater drone operated by a team on board the Australian Defense Vessel Ocean Shield, wraps up its work in a couple of days, it will be up to two months, if not longer, until new underwater vehicles are contracted and deployed in the hunt for MH370. According to Martin Dolan, Chief Commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, the Australian government will post its request for tenders for the next phase of the search in the next week or so. "The aim would be to have to negotiate and agree to contract with a successful tender within two months of the release of the tender documentation," Dolan said. The ATSB Chief would not comment on what role his Malaysian and Chinese counterparts have played in the process so far. Australian officials had previously suggested that new underwater assets could be in place in the southern Indian Ocean much earlier. Air Chief Marshall Angus Houston, who heads up the umbrella organization coordinating the search for MH370, told Sky News Australia in early May that he hoped that new equipment be starting its work in the search zone off Western Australia sometime in June. Bluefin finishing up its search . The current phase of the underwater search will officially wrap up on Wednesday, when the Bluefin-21 is expected to finish its last of more than 20 missions, some 1,600 kilometers off Western Australia, in waters than can exceed depths of 4,500 meters. Dolan says the ATSB expects that the Bluefin will have finished searching the areas around the four pings detected by the Ocean Shield on April 5 and April 8. The acoustic signals are believed to have been from at least one of MH370's black boxes, but to date, no trace of the missing Boeing 777 has been found. Officials have publicly said they would prefer the next phase of the underwater search, which could take up to a year, to be led by a single private contractor who will operate several underwater assets in the search zone. Appearing alongside Chinese and Malaysian officials at a news conference in Canberra on May 5, Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said search coordinators were specifically looking at side-scan sonar equipment that would be towed by a ship. Some towed sonar devices, such as the U.S. Navy's Orion, can transmit data to the surface in real-time. They also have the capability of scanning a larger area than the Bluefin, which has been limited to some 40 square kilometers during each mission. Australia has estimated that the next phase of the underwater search will cost some $60 million. The breakdown of who pays for what still hasn't been made public, but Malaysia and China are both expected to make significant contributions. Mapping the ocean floor . Meanwhile, the Chinese survey ship, Zhu Kezhen, arrived in the search area on Saturday and has started its bathymetric survey, or underwater mapping of the ocean floor, according to Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Committee. The ship will work toward mapping some 60,000 square kilometers, roughly the area where authorities believe MH370 may have gone down. The ATSB says it will be joined by a contracted commercial survey vessel in early June. The data will be transferred once a week to Fremantle by another Chinese ship, the Haixun 01, and then flown to Canberra for processing by Geoscience Australia, a government agency. The ATSB estimates it will take about three months to map the area in question. But search authorities are still considering the possibility that the MH370 search area could shift or be further refined in coming weeks, as it has several times since the flight vanished more than 11 weeks ago. Review of satellite data . According to the ATSB's Martin Dolan, the international group of experts continues to review satellite communications data from Inmarsat to determine the most likely area where the Boeing 777-200ER may have entered the water. Dolan said he expects the team, which is now meeting via teleconference, won't finish their review for at least another two to three weeks. "It's important for us to be sure that we have correctly defined the search area for this phase of the search, and it takes time to be sure," he said. Analysis of a series of "handshakes" between MH370 and an Inmarsat satellite combined with analysis of aircraft performance led search teams to their current location in the southern Indian Ocean. Family members of those on board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight have been pushing for the raw Inmarsat satellite data to be made public, so that it can be subject to independent review. Many do not believe authorities are searching in the correct place. Malaysian authorities have indicated they will make that data public on Tuesday, along with an explanation of how the team of experts arrived at its conclusion. Malaysia's acting transport minister said Monday he is still confident in the team's analysis. MH370 departed Kuala Lumpur for Beijing early on the morning of March 8, carrying 239 passengers and crew. On March 24, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that the flight had ended in the southern Indian Ocean. READ MORE: MH370: Raw satellite data to be released . READ MORE: Movie-maker's plan for MH370 thriller . READ MORE: Three ways to prevent planes from vanishing . CNN's Saima Mohsin & Mitra Mobasherat contributed to this report .
Underwater hunt for MH370 will effectively be put on hold once Bluefin searches end . New underwater vehicles not expected to join search for up to two months . Satellite data to be released Tuesday; some families believe search is in wrong spot . MH370, with 239 on board, disappeared on way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 .
[ 101, 2047, 1024, 1996, 2827, 2231, 2097, 2695, 2049, 5227, 2005, 8616, 2015, 2005, 1996, 2279, 4403, 1997, 1996, 3945, 1012, 2630, 16294, 1011, 2538, 2003, 1996, 1057, 1012, 1055, 1012, 11564, 18465, 3498, 2011, 1037, 2136, 2006, 2604, 1996, 2827, 3639, 6258, 4153, 6099, 1012, 1996, 3945, 2005, 1996, 4394, 10321, 6255, 2581, 4946, 2097, 4088, 1999, 2257, 2012, 1996, 2200, 5700, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Two early casts from Auguste Rodin's masterpiece The Gates of Hell have sold for a total of more than $16 million (£10.3m) at a New York City auction. The Thinker sold last night for $15.3 million (£9.8m), a new record for the figure beating a price of $12 million for a casting sold in 2010. There are more than two dozen castings of the statue, although the most famous, in bronze, is at a Paris museum. Big spenders: Two early casts from Auguste Rodin's masterpiece 'The Gates of Hell' have sold for a total of more than $16 million at a New York City auction . Sotheby's has not revealed the identity of the buyer. The full-scale sculpture was commissioned by publishing magnate Ralph Pulitzer in 1906 and made under Rodin's supervision. It had belonged at different times to publisher Ralph Pulitzer and the late CBS Chief Executive William Paley. ' For sale: 'Le Penseur' by Auguste Rodin is on display during a preview of Sotheby's Impressionist and Modern Art sales in New York . On display: 'Ugolin et ses enfants; is looked at the New York exhibition . Artistic flair: French sculptor Auguste Rodin . The pieces were consigned by a private collector. The Gates is based on Dante's 'Inferno - tt was never fully realized. Philadelphia's Rodin Museum owns the first bronze cast of 'The Gates. Paul Cezanne’s Les Pommes sold for $41.6 million - it was the second-highest tally in the category since the recession began in 2008. Ugolino and His Children, from 1883, sold for $965,000. 'The Kiss,' from 1909, did not sell. The $230 million tally for the auction came close was $100 million short of last year's when Edvard Munch’s The Scream sold for $120 million. 'It was a difficult act to follow,' said Simon Shaw, head of Sotheby’s Impressionist and modern art department in New York told Bloomberg. Meanwhile a French painting owned by Madonna has sold at a New York City auction for more than $7 million. Sotheby's auction house hasn't said who bought Fernand Leger's Three Women at the Red Table for $7.2 million on Tuesday. The abstract work had a pre-sale estimate of $5 million to $7 million. Proceeds of the sale will benefit the Ray of Light Foundation, which supports girls' education in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries. Madonna says she wanted to 'trade something valuable for something invaluable' in countries where female education is rare or nonexistent. She bought the work at Sotheby's in 1990 for $3.4 million. Leger created the work in 1921 as part of a series depicting women with still-life compositions.
The Thinker sold yesterday for $15.3 . million in New York . New record for the figure beating a price of $12million in 2010 . Identity of buyer has not been released .
[ 101, 1996, 2228, 2121, 2853, 2197, 2305, 2005, 1002, 2321, 1012, 1017, 2213, 1010, 1037, 2047, 2501, 2005, 1996, 3275, 6012, 1037, 3976, 1997, 1002, 2260, 2454, 2005, 1037, 9179, 2853, 1999, 2230, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2062, 2084, 2048, 6474, 9179, 2015, 1997, 1996, 6231, 1010, 2348, 1996, 2087, 3297, 2003, 2012, 1037, 3000, 2688, 1012, 1996, 6743, 2001, 4837, 2011, 6674, 6798, 17618, 1999, 5518, 1998, 2081, 2104, 8473, 2378, 1005, 1055, 10429, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Roberto Mancini has pledged his support to Galatasaray ahead of the Turkish club's Champions League match against Arsenal. The 49-year-old left Galatasaray as manager in June with rumours of the club's transfer policy and budget behind the departure, but it seems the former Manchester City boss bares no grudge. Mancini, donning a bright orange jacket with the club’s crest on, posted a ‘good luck’ snap on Instagram and wrote: 'Come on Galatasaray.' Roberto Mancini posted an image in a Galatasaray jacket with a message of support for his former club . Mancini had a tumultuous time in Istanbul before leaving in June, but shows no ill feeling to the club . Galatasaray, under new manager Cesare Prandelli, take on Arsene Wenger's Arsenal at the Emirates in Group D on Wednesday night. The Super Lig club were held to a 1-1 draw at the Turk Telekom Arena in their opening match, but come into the tie having beaten Sivasspor less than five days ago. Galatasaray players warm-up during a training session at the Emirates Stadium on Tuesday . Wesley Sneijder (right) and Emre Colak (left) will feature for the Turkish side on Wednesday night . Prandelli will look to take advantage of a weakened Arsenal team, though, as Wenger remains without key midfielders Mikel Arteta and Aaron Ramsey due to injury. However, Jack Wilshere has been deemed fit enough to be named in the squad after picking up a late injury in the north London derby against Tottenham, and is a chance to start. Like our Arsenal Facebook page. Jack Wilshere is fit enough to be named in Arsene Wenger's squad and could start at the Emirates .
Arsenal host Galatasaray in their Champions League Group D match on Wednesday at the Emirates . Roberto Mancini left Galatasaray as the club's manager in June . Former Manchester City boss shows no ill feeling to Turkish side . The Italian posted an image and message of support to the team .
[ 101, 10704, 2158, 27085, 6866, 2019, 3746, 1999, 1037, 16122, 10230, 5400, 2100, 6598, 2007, 1996, 2252, 1005, 1055, 11146, 2006, 16021, 23091, 1012, 1996, 4749, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2018, 1037, 10722, 12274, 7096, 8918, 2051, 1999, 9960, 2077, 2975, 1999, 2238, 1012, 1996, 2280, 5087, 2103, 5795, 6866, 1037, 4471, 1997, 2490, 2005, 2010, 2280, 2252, 1012, 1996, 5037, 2217, 2227, 9433, 1999, 1996, 3966, 2223, 2006, 9317, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Dan Bloom . Moaning with culinary pleasure as they give a running commentary on their meals, these are the 'dinner porn' stars of South Korea - who live-stream themselves gorging on food for money. The bizarre craze is called mok-bang, a mash-up of the words 'dinner' and 'broadcast', and can earn serious money for the biggest eaters. One, 'beautiful glutton' The Diva, makes thousands of pounds from her daily work as an internet star - which she balances with a day job with a consulting firm. Scroll down for video . Dinner porn: South Korean stars like The Diva, pictured, make a fortune letting people watch them eat online . Gluttony: The Diva can eat more than 30 eggs in one sitting, which takes several hours and is streamed live . Paid: The stars' gluttinous antics are rewarded with credits which cost their fans about seven pence each . The craze is called mok-bang, a mashup of the words 'dinner' and 'broadcast' in Korean . Every night when the 'broadcast jockey' gets home from work, thousands of people log onto live-streaming site Afreeca TV for hours to watch her wolfing down enormous meals. Her plates of choice range from two medium pizzas to 30 fried eggs and a box of crab legs, or five packets of instant noodles. She spends almost £2,000 a month on food and has put on one and a half stone since winning her fame - but reportedly makes thousands of pounds a month from her broadcasts. Some professional eaters make 30 times the average salary by getting 'Star Balloons' from their fans for a good show, The Diva told the Korean website Lady. The balloons are then traded into South Korean Wons which can be spent in the real world. The Diva insisted she did not have an eating disorder, was not regurgitating her meals and had no health problems. Dinner: South Korea has a whole network of 'broadcast jockeys' who eat live in front of their fans . Participants are rewarded not just for their quantity of food, but the way they engage with their audience . She added she began broadcasting her dinners because she was 'bored and needed a hobby'. The Diva is just one of a host of people who have started broadcasting themselves eating over-the-top meals. Another, BJ Lebi, devours plates of food the size of her head while answering questions from her fans, including how much she can eat and how often she uses the toilet, all live on air. The videos have now swept onto YouTube, where they have several thousands views - more than 200,000 in one case. People have been mystified as to what has caused the craze for over-eating, which jars with the poverty and hunger of people living just a few hundred miles north in totalitarian North Korea. Their best guess is that it helps make eating alone a little less miserable - even if the only people the live-eaters have for company is thousands of fans on the web. Using their noodle: The livestream eaters have turned their gluttony into a profitable business . Food porn: Some of the participants remain remarkably slender, considering the vast amounts they eat on air . I can't take any more: With daily shows, it's no surprise this live-eater struggled with his mountain of food .
Craze is called mok-bang, a mash-up of 'dinner' and 'broadcast' Heavy eaters make thousands of pounds a night and spend £2,000 a month . One, The Diva, can eat 30 fried eggs and a box of crab legs in one sitting . She balances her bizarre internet stardom with an office job as a consultant .
[ 101, 1996, 13576, 13675, 10936, 2063, 2003, 2170, 9587, 2243, 1011, 9748, 1010, 1037, 16137, 2232, 1011, 2039, 1997, 1996, 2616, 1005, 4596, 1005, 1998, 1005, 3743, 1005, 1996, 1005, 3743, 13989, 1005, 3084, 5190, 1997, 7038, 2013, 2014, 3679, 2147, 2004, 2019, 4274, 2732, 1012, 2016, 15970, 21853, 1010, 2199, 1037, 3204, 2006, 2833, 1998, 2038, 2404, 2006, 2028, 1998, 1037, 2431, 2962, 2144, 3045, 2014, 4476, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The St Rose of Lima church in Connecticut was evacuated today during a noon mass after the church received a bomb threat - in another traumatic day for a community rocked by tragedy. Following . the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on Friday, tensions were raised again at the sight of . nearly a dozen camouflage-clad SWAT team members carrying assault . weapons who rushed into the church and a nearby educational center. The Catholic church that has become a center of grieving since the deaths of 20 children and six adults at the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School. Scroll down for video . Response: A SWAT team prepares to enter St Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church . Lookout: A heavily-armed state trooper prepares to enter a religious center adjacent to the church . Guns blazing: A Newtown police officer stands behind a tree with his gun drawn during the bomb threat investigation . Injuries: A woman is placed into an ambulance outside the church was evacuated in Newtown . With their guns drawn, police shouted to members of the public to stand back and take cover while they secured the building. A woman who had apparently suffered an anxiety attack was taken out on a stretcher and placed into an ambulance. After keeping the public and media at bay for more than an hour, the police seemed to relax their posture and at around 1.30pm they were allowing people to lay flowers an candles at a makeshift memorial. Evelyn Leon, 17, of Waterbury, 20 miles east of Newtown, said she was sitting in the back of the church with her family when word came to leave the church. 'Word filtered back through the pews that there had been a threat made and we had to get into our cars and evacuate,' she said. Gripped by emotion: A man embraces a young boy as they look at a memorial in front of the church . Fleeing: A mother runs with her children as police, seen above, canvass homes in the area near the church . Threat: A police officer keeps a hand on his gun as the unspecified threat at St Rose of Lima Church in Newtown . Possible threat: Heavily-armed state troopers were seen entering the church, as well as an educational center nearby . Paying their respects: Candles and makeshift memorials have been placed on the grounds of the church, pictured in the background, since the school shooting on Friday . By candlelight: The church was the scene of a vigil, where mourners lit candles to honor the children and teachers who had lost their lives in the school shooting . 'Everybody was just rushing out. People just didn't know what do.' President Obama arrived in Newtown at about 4pm to attend a memorial service for the 20 first graders and six adults killed in Friday's gun rampage at the elementary school by Adam Lanza, who also killed himself and his mother. The president planned a private meeting Sunday afternoon with families of the victims and with emergency personnel who responded to the shootings. In the evening, he was to speak at an interfaith vigil at Newtown High School. Stationed: Armed officers stand behind trees with their guns at the ready while their colleagues investigate . Presidential visit: The church is located near the high school where President Obama, pictured on Sunday before he departed from the White House, will meet with the families of victims of the shooting . 'As a nation, we have endured far too many of these tragedies in the last few years,' he said in his weekly radio address Saturday. 'An elementary school in Newtown. A shopping mall in Oregon. A house of worship in Wisconsin. A movie theater in Colorado. Countless street corners in places like Chicago and Philadelphia... 'We have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this. Regardless of the politics,' Obama said in his broadcast remarks.' The church has been a source of solace for many in the small town still coming to grips with Friday's tragedy. It . was the scene of an emotional candlelight vigil on Friday night, and a . place where mourners have continuously stopped to reflect and pray. March: Heavily armed Connecticut State Police officers walk past a memorial moments after the church was evacuated . Remembering: The church has been a source of solace for many in the small town still coming to grips with Friday's tragedy . Place of mourning: Newtown residents flocked to the church on Friday night for a candlelight vigil held hours after the massacre . Police officers have also been seen at the church, praying and paying their respects to the lives that were lost . VIDEO: Haven't they suffered enough? Church evacuation after bomb threat in Newtown...
Noon mass was being held at the St Rose of Lima when hundreds of people inside were evacuated due to a called-in threat . Heavily-armed Connecticut state troopers were seen entering church and doing room-by-room search of religious education facility nearby . 'All clear' was issued at about 1:15pm . President Obama was due to attend memorial service at Newtown High School on Sunday night .
[ 101, 1996, 2277, 2363, 1037, 5968, 5081, 2012, 7525, 8103, 4732, 2082, 1999, 26382, 1010, 6117, 2006, 5958, 1012, 1037, 25414, 2136, 1997, 25414, 2136, 2372, 3344, 6101, 4255, 2046, 1996, 2277, 1998, 1037, 3518, 4547, 2415, 3518, 1012, 1037, 2450, 2001, 2579, 2041, 2006, 1037, 7683, 2121, 1998, 2872, 2046, 2019, 10771, 1012, 1996, 2277, 2038, 2468, 1037, 2415, 1997, 24665, 25587, 2144, 1996, 10576, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett announced plans Wednesday to file an anti-trust lawsuit against the NCAA over its sanctions against Penn State University following the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal. Last July, the NCAA levied unprecedented sanctions against the university, including a fine of $60 million. It also stripped 14 seasons of football victories from late head coach Joe Paterno. "These sanctions did not punish Sandusky," or those who allegedly helped cover up his repeated sexual abuse of disadvantaged children, said Corbett at a news conference in State College. He said they instead affect past and current students who were not part of the scandal. "I cannot and will not let it happen without a fight," said Corbett, adding that the Sandusky case was a criminal matter and not a violation of NCAA rules. Corbett also called a university-funded review of the scandal led by former FBI Director Louis Freeh an incomplete report. Freeh's 267-page review was released in July and blamed former university president Graham Spanier, Paterno, suspended Athletic Director Tim Curley and ex-Vice President Gary Schultz for allegedly taking part in a cover-up to avoid bad publicity. Do sanctions alter history books on Penn State? The scandal led to Spanier's ouster and shocked the nation after Freeh's team concluded that the school's top administrators had "empowered" Sandusky, the former defensive coordinator for the football team, to continue his abuse. The NCAA said in a statement Wednesday it was disappointed by the governor's action. "Not only does this forthcoming lawsuit appear to be without merit, it is an affront to all of the victims in this tragedy -- lives that were destroyed by the criminal actions of Jerry Sandusky," said Donald M. Remy, NCAA executive vice president and general counsel. "While the innocence that was stolen can never be restored, Penn State has accepted the consequences for its role and the role of its employees and is moving forward. Today's announcement by the governor is a setback to the university's efforts." Penn State also issued a statement Wednesday saying it remained "committed to full compliance with the Consent Decree, the Athletics Integrity Agreement and, as appropriate, the implementation of the Freeh report recommendations." School faced 4-year 'death penalty' The fine is expected to be paid over five years and will fund an endowment with a mission of fighting child sex abuse and supporting victims. Pennsylvania's U.S. House delegation objects to the NCAA's plans to spend only 25% of those funds within the state. The delegation wants the association to spend all of the $60 million in Pennsylvania, according to a November letter to the NCAA. "While we fully support the stated purpose of the endowment, we believe its funds should be used solely for programs and organizations within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where a need exists for the creation of prevention programs for sexually abused children," the letter stated. Sandusky, 68, was convicted last June on 45 counts of child sex abuse, ranging from corruption of minors to involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, which were laid out in graphic testimony by his accusers over the course of the less-than-two-week trial. In October, he was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison, meaning he'll likely die behind bars. Penn State alum: We deserved NCAA penalty . Penn State, a college football powerhouse and two-time national champion, avoided the NCAA's "death penalty," a suspension from play of a year or more, in the Sandusky abuse case. But Ed Ray, the chairman of the NCAA's executive committee, said the sanctions on the school "should serve as a stark wake-up call to everyone in college sports." Penn State President Rodney Erickson said the university accepted the decision and would not appeal. "I think, for the whole university, what this calls upon us to do is to look at our whole value culture, our whole value set, our value base," Erickson told CNN last year. Paterno, who coached at Penn State for 46 years, was fired after Sandusky's arrest in November 2011. He had been the all-time leader in major college football victories for a coach, with 409 wins. The NCAA's decision strikes 111 of those from his record, beginning in 1998 -- a move that posthumously bumps him from the top of the list. Last July, the Big Ten Conference declared Penn State ineligible for any conference title football games and ruled that the Nittany Lions' share of bowl revenues for four seasons -- about $13 million -- will be donated to charities that "protect children." David La Torre, a Penn State spokesman, said last year the school will not use tax or tuition dollars to pay the NCAA's $60 million fine. Paterno loyalists call NCAA sanctions excessive .
Gov. Tom Corbett announced plans for a lawsuit against the NCAA . The state's U.S. House delegation objects to how the NCAA will spend $60 million fine . Only 25% of the $60 million fine against Penn State will be spent within state .
[ 101, 18079, 1012, 3419, 24119, 2623, 3488, 9317, 2000, 5371, 2019, 3424, 1011, 3404, 9870, 2114, 1996, 5803, 1012, 1000, 2122, 17147, 2106, 2025, 16385, 5472, 2271, 4801, 1010, 2030, 2216, 2040, 3271, 3104, 2039, 2010, 5567, 4424, 6905, 1010, 1000, 24119, 2056, 1012, 9502, 2110, 2758, 2009, 3464, 5462, 2000, 2440, 12646, 2007, 1996, 9619, 10037, 1012, 1996, 2986, 2003, 3517, 2000, 2022, 3825, 2058, 2274, 2086, 1998, 2097, 4636, 2019, 15108, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- When it comes to negotiating with the Taliban, it's always one step forward, two steps back. Despite several serious rounds of violence this week, including the assassination of a top peace negotiator, the United States will continue to try to negotiate with the Taliban, experts say. Afghanistan has been violent for a long time, they argue. This week just brought more of the same. "[The United States] has been fighting for nearly 11 years, and we've already said we're not leaving until 2014," said C. Christine Fair, a Georgetown University Center for Peace and Security Studies professor who has worked in and studied the region for years. "Talking is not only our best option, it's our only option," she said. "We should expect that it will be accompanied by violence." The peace process has come in fits and bursts over the past year. When former Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced last June that the U.S. was in preliminary talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan, the idea was controversial. Many observers were skeptical that the Taliban would ever deal. Since then, the concept of negotiations has become more and more the norm. President Barack Obama touted it in his recent surprise visit to Afghanistan on the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden. Yet months into the talks, it's murky as to who is involved and what, exactly, each party wants. In March, the Taliban said it would not be setting up a diplomatic office in Qatar to negotiate with Americans, blaming their decision on the United States' "alternating and ever-changing position" on Afghanistan. At the time, preliminary talks with what the Taliban called "the occupying enemy" had already begun over the exchange of prisoners, the group said. Assassinated on the way to work . Observers remind that the peace process is still relatively new considering the protracted war, and all new and difficult enterprises have bumps in the road. In Afghanistan, that cliche is relative. There "weren't great hopes right now for peace talks at the moment in any case," said Michael O'Hanlon, a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution who specializes in defense and foreign policy. On Sunday, Taliban interlocutor Moulavi Arsala Rahmani was killed when a gunman drove up to his car while Rahmani was stuck in traffic on his way to work in Kabul. He was a member of the High Peace Council, which was created by President Hamid Karzai and heartily endorsed by the Pentagon. The HPC is tasked with reaching out to insurgents and ex-Taliban who live in Kabul under government protection. Rahmani was considered a moderate Taliban, someone who could bring other Taliban members to the negotiating table. The Taliban announced recently that peace council members would be targets of its spring offensive, but a Taliban spokesman said Sunday that the group did not kill Rahmani. Regardless, his death marked the second such high-level negotiator to be killed since last fall when HPC Chairman Burhanuddin Rabbani, a former Afghan president, was killed in a suicide bombing. The biggest danger Rahmani's assassination might have, O'Hanlon said, would be to scare future Taliban defectors from talking with the West and allies, he said. Riaz Mohammad Khan, the former foreign secretary of Pakistan, agrees. "These things are unfortunate but can be expected," he said. "On the more positive side, I don't think recent violence suggests a strength in the Taliban forces. I think we'll come understand what is happening in Afghanistan as reflective of their weakness. It gives the Afghan people a chance also to show that they won't be beaten down. It gives them a chance to stick with peace talks." More "green on blue" killings . Violence this week went beyond Rahmani's death. A blast at a crowded market in northern Afghanistan killed nine civilians on Monday. Two more NATO troops were also killed over the weekend, bringing the total NATO death toll to eight in just a few days time. The two troops killed Sunday are believed to be victims of so-called "green on blue" attacks in which Afghan security forces turn on their fellow soldiers. Distrust between allied soldiers and Afghan soldiers appears to be at an all-time high. This year's string of scandals -- the Quran burnings at Bagram Air Base, photos of U.S. soldiers posing with body parts of alleged insurgents and crimes such as the Kandahar massacre -- has seriously frayed relations among the soldiers who must work side-by-side. An experienced Pakistani ambassador to China, the European Union, Belgium and other countries, Khan suspects the recent violence could actually help rally the Afghan army. "If the U.S. chooses to hold back and continue giving control to Afghan soldiers, as it appears to be doing, I see this [positively]. If they pull back and act on suspicion and fear, then it won't turn out well for anyone," he said. At least 23 individuals wearing an Afghan army or police uniform have shot and killed a NATO-affiliated soldier this year, according to the Department of Defense. It's unclear whether some who have attacked NATO soldiers are actually Afghan soldiers or just in disguise. Handing over more territory . Meanwhile, the Taliban has demonstrated that it has plenty of fight. The earlier allied surge in the country, especially southern Afghanistan, appeared to force the Taliban to adopt new tactics such as relying on roadside bombs and suicide attacks. In the past year, insurgent attacks overall have decreased some 22%, and in some parts of southern Afghanistan by much more, according to coalition figures. Civilian casualties rose to their highest level last year since 2001, CNN reported. By the middle of this week, officials announced that another large swathe of Afghanistan territory would be handed over to local authorities, giving them control of about 75% of the country. Among the most striking areas that would fall under Afghan control is the city of Kandahar, a former Taliban stronghold, and several mountainous areas of Afghanistan, which make for excellent hiding places for insurgents. 2014 is an election year for Afghanistan. Results could drastically change the atmosphere for peace talks, Fair said. On Sunday, Obama and other world leaders gather at the NATO summit in Chicago, where the future of Afghanistan will be the No. 1 topic. The meeting will include Karzai, NATO allies and International Security Assistance Force contributors, among others. The Afghan constitution prohibits Karzai from running another term. There haven't been any candidates who've emerged as viable to take his place so far, much less any that have appeared to align their platforms with Western goals.
A man thought to be able to bring Taliban to the negotiating table was killed this week . Observers say his death, and killings of NATO soldiers, won't derail peace process . The U.S. has said it's negotiating with the Taliban to bring peace to Afghanistan .
[ 101, 1996, 1057, 1012, 1055, 1012, 2097, 3613, 2000, 3046, 2000, 13676, 2007, 1996, 16597, 1010, 8519, 2360, 1012, 1996, 3521, 2832, 2038, 2272, 1999, 16142, 1998, 19239, 2058, 1996, 2627, 2095, 1012, 1996, 2801, 1997, 7776, 2038, 2042, 6801, 2005, 2086, 1012, 2070, 14009, 2024, 18386, 2008, 1996, 16597, 2097, 2412, 3066, 2007, 2009, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
West Liberty, Kentucky (CNN) -- Cleanup workers make plodding progress Monday in parts of Kentucky and Indiana where fresh snow complicated efforts to dig out of the destruction wrought by last week's deadly tornadoes. About three inches of snow fell overnight in West Liberty, Kentucky. One resident there, George Weddington, worked to repair the roof of a building next to a more than 100-year-old church that had its top torn off. He recalled what he did during the storm. "I was really praying for us -- and I realized I was being selfish -- and I just started praying for everybody, you know. I don't know if that helped or not, but I did my best," he said. Roads were slick as crews worked to restore power in tornado-ravaged areas. A fresh blanket of snow also covered storm debris in Henryville, Indiana, where residents were just beginning to pick up the pieces after two tornadoes hit the town, including an EF-4 twister, with winds of up to 200 mph. Debris and downed power lines forced authorities to block roadways. Half of the town remained without power and gas, Indiana State Police Sgt. Gary Jessee said early Monday. The tornado outbreak began Friday and extended into the next day, affecting millions of people from Indiana to Georgia. At least 42 tornadoes swept across 10 states on Friday, the National Weather Service said. Alabama town struck twice in one year . By the time the powerful storm system faded, 40 were dead: 22 in Kentucky, 13 in Indiana, three in Ohio, and one each in Alabama and Georgia. The tornadoes paralyzed a large part of eastern Kentucky, one of several states that requested Federal Emergency Management Agency teams to help conduct assessments. "The damage I saw yesterday was the worst I've seen. ... It was a war zone, debris everywhere, buildings destroyed, other buildings just the walls standing, roofs gone. It was a terrible sight," Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear told reporters Sunday, describing his visit to the tornado-ravaged town of West Liberty. As the focus turned to caring for survivors whose lives were turned upside down by the storm, hundreds of National Guard troops were deployed, while good Samaritans donated what they could. "When something like this happens, everybody wants to ... pull together, to help each other out. That's what it's all about," volunteer Victor Jett said. Bloomington, Indiana, resident Ron Stanhouse rushed to Henryville to help his college roommate after the storm. "I had stopped and bought a generator and a chain saw and a bunch of gas and gloves, thinking maybe we were going to cut some trees and repair his house," Stanhouse told CNN's iReport, "but there were no houses there." Indiana State Police Sgt. Jerry Goodin said the destruction left authorities there with "no idea how many people are left homeless." In Henryville, about 20 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky, the EF-4 tornado destroyed schools, homes and businesses, leaving many parts of the town unrecognizable, Kevin Welz told CNN's iReport. "It is something you would expect to see in an end-of-the-world movie," he said. A toddler who had survived the storm in New Pekin, about 20 miles west of Henryville, died Sunday afternoon after family members took her off life support, Jefferson County Coroner Bob Jones said. Tiny symbol of tornado survival dies . The 14-month-old girl had been in critical condition, surrounded by extended family members at Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville, said hospital spokesman Brian Rublein. Her immediate family -- including her parents, 2-year-old brother and 2-month-old sister -- all were killed. In addition to the dead, hospitals continued to treat scores suffering from major trauma to minor injuries related to sudden ferocious spurts of high winds, powerful hail and drenching rains. More than two dozen people were injured in Hamilton County, Tennessee, where tornadoes Friday destroyed 77 homes and damaged hundreds more, Emergency Services Director Tony Reavley said in a statement. Residents and officials across the tornado-damaged areas said they were committed to rebuilding their communities. Beshear said residents in West Liberty and other parts of his state were showing their resilience. "It's going to be a long, long time to get that town back on its feet, but somehow or another I know they'll want to do it, I know they will do it, and we're going to help them do it," he said. CNN's Rob Marciano, Athena Jones, Dana Garrett, Chris Welch, Susan Candiotti, Jacqui Jeras, Daphne Sashin, Nicole Saidi and Rick Martin contributed to this report.
NEW: 40 were killed when tornadoes tore through five states . NEW: "I just started praying for everybody," says one resident . Snow falls on debris in West Liberty, Kentucky . Roads are slick as crews work to restore power in tornado-ravaged areas .
[ 101, 2047, 1024, 1000, 1045, 2001, 2428, 14488, 2005, 7955, 1010, 1000, 2028, 6319, 2758, 1012, 2047, 1024, 1037, 2047, 8768, 1997, 4586, 4472, 4040, 11385, 1999, 2888, 3077, 1010, 5242, 1012, 1996, 11352, 8293, 2211, 5958, 1998, 3668, 2046, 1996, 2279, 2154, 1012, 2012, 2560, 4413, 22668, 7260, 2408, 2184, 2163, 2006, 5958, 1010, 1996, 2120, 4633, 2326, 2758, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Anna Edwards . PUBLISHED: . 23:48 EST, 5 February 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 07:35 EST, 6 February 2013 . Children who watch cartoons on the internet are just a few clicks away from viewing graphic explicit content, a worrying survey has found. A study of 24,000 school children found that graphic footage was available to children who had viewed clips of popular shows like Peppa Pig and Sesame Street. Young YouTube users were three clicks away from footage of a woman giving birth after viewing a Sesame Street video, the 'Have Your Say' research, conducted by online security company Kaspersky, found. Exposure to 'mean comments' is a common trend; 31 per cent of primary school children and 23 per cent of secondary school children said they have been affected . The list of recommended videos, displayed on the right-hand side of the page after a video has shown, provided a path to the explicit material, the  Guardian reported. The survey found that 27 per cent of . seven to 11-year-olds and 41 per cent of 11 to 19-yeard-olds had viewed . 'hurtful or unpleasant' content, including 'scary videos, pictures and . chainmail; rude things and swearing; violent films or games'. The study, commissioned by the UK Safer Internet Centre to mark Safer Internet Day, found 86 per cent of primary school children use some form of online communication tool while 96 per cent secondary age children are prolific online users. Children were just a few clicks away from a graphic clip when they watched Sesame Street on YouTube . Exposure to 'mean comments' is a common trend; 31 per cent of primary school children and 23 per cent of secondary school children said they have been affected by vicious cyber users . The research also revealed that education about privacy settings was still in demand. Over a third (35 per cent) of 7-year-olds and almost half (45 per cent) of 16 to 19 year-olds say they have not been taught about staying safe online. Edward Timpson, Minister for Children and Families said: 'We know how important it is that young people are safe and supported while using the internet, and that parents are confident their children are protected from accessing harmful content. 'We have already taken great strides to make internet access more family friendly and we will continue to work with the industry, parents and young people to build an even safer internet in the future.' Will Gardner, Chief Spokesperson for the UK Safer Internet Centre, said: 'In our research young people clearly stated that they should have the right to feel safe online and they also recognise they have a responsibility in helping themselves and others be safe online, whether that's behaving kindly towards others or helping friends who are experiencing problems. 'We are delighted that so many young people have taken the opportunity of the survey to get their voice heard, and we hope it will act as a catalyst for encouraging individuals, families and companies to think about their role in ensuring the Internet is a great and safe place for children.'
YouTube provides a path to explicit material, research found . Over a third of 7-year-olds have not been taught about staying safe online .
[ 101, 2402, 7858, 5198, 2020, 2093, 29225, 2185, 2013, 1037, 8425, 12528, 1012, 7524, 2000, 1005, 2812, 7928, 1005, 2003, 1037, 2691, 9874, 1012, 2861, 1003, 1997, 3078, 2082, 2336, 1998, 2603, 1003, 1997, 2340, 1011, 2539, 1011, 2095, 1011, 19457, 2056, 2027, 2031, 2042, 5360, 2011, 13925, 16941, 1012, 5198, 2020, 2074, 1037, 2261, 29225, 2185, 2043, 2027, 3427, 1996, 2678, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Darren Fletcher's move away from Manchester United is set to go ahead despite a dispute over a pay-off. Sportsmail understands the club have told the player's agent that they will allow the long-serving Scotland midfielder, whose contract expires at the end of the season, to leave on a free in this transfer window. They are also known to be happy for Fletcher, who turns 31 on Monday, to see out the remainder of his deal at Old Trafford. Darren Fletcher's West Ham United move is being held up over a payment dispute with Manchester United . However, it is unlikely United will both pay-up the remainder of the contract AND waive their right to a transfer fee. Officials believe that not asking for a fee is a sufficient gesture of goodwill towards Fletcher, who is nearing a 20th anniversary with the club he signed for as an 11-year-old. West Ham United are keen on bringing the player to Upton Park but whether they are able to bridge the gap and pay the equivalent of what he would have earned at United is unclear. Despite the above, however, a move away from the club is likely to take place in the near future. Sam Allardyce is keen on bringing Fletcher to West Ham and adding some experience to his midfield . Fletcher was named vice-captain by Louis van Gaal following the Dutchman's arrival at United but has struggled for playing time. The acquisitions of Angel di Maria and Daley Blind have limited his opportunities and he will not be offered a new deal at the club. This season Fletcher has started just four Premier League matches and was replaced as vice-captain by Michael Carrick in December. Aside from West Ham, West Bromwich Albion and Valencia are interested parties. A return to United in a coaching or ambassadorial role is an option, but this would not happen until his playing days are over. United boss Louis van Gaal named Fletcher as vice-captain but the Scotsman has found playing time limited . The arrivals of Angel Di Maria (left) and Daley Blind (right) hasn't helped Fletcher hold down a place . Aside from West Ham, West Bromwich Albion and Valencia are interested parties. A return to United in a coaching or ambassadorial role is an option, but this would not happen until his playing days are over.
Darren Fletcher looked set to join West Ham United during this window . The Scotsman was close to signing for Sam Allardyce's side on a free . Fletcher could return to Old Trafford in a coaching role once he's retired . Follow all the latest transfer news here .
[ 101, 12270, 10589, 1005, 1055, 3206, 4654, 20781, 2015, 2012, 1996, 2203, 1997, 1996, 2161, 1012, 2225, 10654, 2142, 2024, 10326, 2006, 5026, 1996, 2146, 1011, 3529, 3885, 8850, 2000, 26900, 2380, 1012, 2021, 1037, 7593, 2058, 1037, 3477, 1011, 2125, 2007, 5087, 2142, 2003, 3497, 2000, 2202, 2173, 1999, 1996, 2379, 2925, 1012, 10589, 2038, 2318, 2074, 2176, 4239, 2223, 2399, 1998, 2001, 2999, 2011, 2745, 12385, 6799, 1999, 2285, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
For members of Congress, the Obamacare debate is getting personal. This week, lawmakers can begin their sign-up process for health care, and a CNN survey shows that while most senators and representatives plan to participate in the Obamacare exchanges, a sizable group is walking away from the government-coordinated exchanges and instead getting their healthcare in the private marketplace. The Chart: Who has signed up for Obamacare in Congress . Enrollment for the House and Senate opened Monday and ends in early December, forcing lawmakers to make two big decisions: Will they personally get coverage through an exchange -- either in Washington as part of their workplace or in their home state -- and if they sign on to the exchange as part of their job, will they take the thousands of dollars a year the federal government gives employees to help with premiums? Of the 118 members of Congress who responded to CNN, the clear majority plan to get coverage on the exchange as members of Congress, taking the employer contribution that comes with it. But nearly 20% of those responding indicated they would not go onto the exchanges. Some, like Rep. Allyson Schwartz, D-Pennsylvania, are on Medicare; a few others rely on pension plans from previous jobs. Related: White House tech expert says HealthCare.gov getting better . But many are choosing to stay out of the exchanges, making a politically sensitive decision that removes them from the process Congress created. Most are Republicans who see it as a statement about Obamacare and fiscal responsibility. "She came to Congress to fight Obamacare, not to enroll in it," wrote a spokesman for Rep. Diane Black, R-Tennessee, who is going directly to the private market for her health care. "He feels the taxpayers shouldn't have to shoulder those personal costs for him," explained a spokesman for Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-New Jersey, who is also heading into the private markets. But it is not just Republicans. "(He) declined the employer health-coverage (on the exchange) as part of his commitment to fiscal responsibility and saving taxpayer money," reads a statement the office Rep. Scott Peters, D-California, sent CNN. Peters will get health coverage through his wife's plan. Related: White House officials get earful from Democrats on Obamacare . The politics are tricky. If they stay in the exchange, they could be accused of backing Obamacare and taking federal money for their health care. But if they leave, they could be accused of not participating in the system Congress invented and, as part of the Affordable Care Act, decreed that lawmakers should personally experience. Several swing-state and closely watched senators have found a possible political middle ground by joining an exchange as individuals, not as members of Congress. Under the current system, Congress essentially acts as a small business employer on the Washington exchange. Thus, all members of Congress who want coverage and federal contribution dollars through their job have to enroll on that one exchange. But five senators are instead signing up as individuals through their home state, going through the exchange system but forgoing the federal dollars that would be attached if they signed up with their job in the D.C. exchange. "I want to have the exact same experience and go through the same steps as other Alaskans when it comes to signing up for health care," wrote Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska. Colorado Senator Michael Bennet is planning on doing the same in his state, as are fellow Democrats Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Republican John Hoeven of North Dakota. No House members responded that they were moving to their state exchange. One rare category of lawmakers consists of those who are signing up as members of Congress, going through the D.C. exchange, but who are nonetheless rejecting or returning the federal dollars that come with it. Related: 'Obamacare girl' said she felt bullied . The office of Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Florida, told CNN, "The congressman will return the federal contribution money to the U.S. Treasury." Same for Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyoming. Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nevada, is still deciding exactly where he'll get his health care, but if he goes with a plan as a member of Congress, his office told CNN, he will donate to charity the thousands of dollars in premium help from the government. Still unknown is whether Sen. David Vitter, R-Louisiana, who launched a fiery protest against the federal contributions to congressional health care plans, will take the money. His office told CNN that he does plan on entering the exchange as a member of Congress, but his staff did not respond to our repeated questions about whether he would take the contribution. Members have until December 9 to decide if they want to get employer-backed coverage as part of their jobs.
Members of Congress will select their health care coverage starting this week . Most say they will participate in Obamacare exchanges . But many will opt out in favor of private plans or other options .
[ 101, 2375, 12088, 2064, 4088, 6608, 2039, 2005, 8112, 16302, 15800, 2023, 2733, 1012, 1996, 3484, 2933, 2000, 2131, 6325, 2083, 2019, 3863, 1011, 1011, 2593, 1999, 2899, 2004, 2112, 1997, 2037, 3105, 2030, 1999, 2037, 2188, 2110, 1012, 2021, 2116, 2024, 10549, 2000, 2994, 2041, 1997, 1996, 15800, 1010, 2437, 1037, 10317, 7591, 3247, 2008, 20362, 2068, 2013, 1996, 15800, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
England’s 8,000 fans battled bravely to make their voices heard in the Sao Paulo Arena but this is a South American World Cup and Montevideo is ‘only’ 960 miles from Sao Paulo. Uruguayan fans outnumbered England 3:1. Still, at least they had a touch more local support than Manaus, where Roy Hodgson’s comments before the World Cup draw last year about not wanting to play in the Amazon turned the Brazilian crowd against England. Loud and proud: England's contingent of fans in Sao Paulo were heavily outnumbered by the Uruguayans . It's not just the England media which is obsessed with Wayne Rooney. When the team line-ups were announced, it was Rooney who antagonised the Uruguayan fans most, with deafening whistles all round. Presumably it’s better to be hated than ignored – it implies a threat. And some might say that obsession comes with the territory when you have an image rights’ deal in the region of £100,000 a week and the star of a leading sportswear brand’s TV commercials. Lifeline: Wayne Rooney tapped in Glen Johnson's cross to equalise for England . Joe Hart was the most enthusiastic anthem singer again. The rest of the team are still looking a little like kids in school assembly being made to sing hymns. Hart also ran to the corner of England fans at the start to rouse them, eliciting a huge roar, cementing his popularity as one of the most popular England players. He was also vocal in his displeasure that Suarez had been allowed to sneak in between the England centre halves to score. VIDEO Uruguay elated as England sit on the brink . Passion: Joe Hart roars in the direction of England's fans after the national anthem . It felt more like an autumnal day at Anfield than a Brazilian World Cup at the Arena Sao Paulo. The temperature had fallen to a decidedly cool 12 degrees with grey skies overhead there was the constant threat of cold drizzle. For those exposed in the temporary and uncovered stands at each end of the ground, the rain thankfully held off. Despite the cold, there were disappointingly neither gloves nor snoods on show from the players. VIDEO CIty Guide: Sao Paulo . Brazil or England? Temperatures in Sao Paulo were in the low teens, but the rain held off . Uruguay had a clear plan from the off – hassle Gary Cahill and Phil Jagielka high up the pitch when England centre halves were in possession and disrupt England’s passing from there. It was risky but it worked initially. Nicolas Lodeiro and Diego Cavani carried the burden of the workload and Cahill and Jagielka consequently looked nervous and unsettled, a state of mind which carried over into their defensive duties. Fight: England's centre backs Gary Cahill (above) and Phil Jagielka were hassled all night .
Uruguay beat England 2-1 to all but end the Three Lions' chances of progressing into the World Cup 2014 knockout stages . Luis Suarez scored two as the Liverpool striker terrorised England's defence . Meanwhile Uruguayan fans outnumbered English fans significantly .
[ 101, 2563, 1005, 1055, 1022, 1010, 2199, 4599, 21943, 2563, 1017, 1024, 1015, 2012, 1996, 5196, 7509, 9094, 1012, 11724, 3786, 2563, 1017, 1011, 1015, 1999, 7509, 9094, 2000, 3362, 1996, 2088, 2452, 4284, 1011, 4399, 1012, 6159, 24246, 3195, 1996, 2069, 3125, 1997, 1996, 2208, 2005, 2563, 1012, 11724, 1005, 1055, 6446, 22551, 3195, 3807, 2000, 2404, 2563, 1016, 1011, 1015, 2039, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Relatives of the passengers lost on board the missing Malaysian Airlines jet today slammed Malaysian authorities for keeping them in the dary over the search. Family members in Beijing accused the Malaysian delegation in China of 'concealing the truth' and 'making fools' out of the families after they left a meeting without answering questions. 'You can't leave here! We want to know what the reality is!' they shouted in frustration. 'Give us back our loved ones.' 'You can't leave here!' Angry relatives of passengers who were travelling on missing flight MH370 shout at a Malaysian delegation who walked out of a meeting without answering their questions about the search . Family members in Beijing accused the Malaysian delegation in China of 'concealing the truth' and 'making fools' out of them after they left a meeting without answering questions . The relatives subsequently released a statement saying they believe they have been 'strung along, kept in the dark and lied to by the Malaysian government.' 'This kind of conduct neglects the lives of all the passengers, shows contempt for all their families, and even more, tramples on the dignity of Chinese people and the Chinese government,' it said. The statement said the Malaysians had 'disregarded the life of the passengers', adding: 'They have been fooling the families and the people of the whole world.' More than two-thirds of those on board the missing Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 are Chinese. Many of the relatives have been holed up at the massive Lido Hotel in Beijing as they await further information. The protests and statement came earlier today, before the announcement by Chinese authorities of a second satellite sighting of what appeared to be a large chunk of debris floating in the southern Indian Ocean. Searches have been concentrated in that area since Australia announced three days ago that it had made a similar satellite sighting in the remote area 1,200 miles south-west of Perth. Wang Zhen, son of missing artist Wang . Linshi, said there were questions about why Malaysian authorities had . provided so much seemingly contradictory information. He . said he still has hopes his father can be found alive and is praying . that the satellite sightings turn out to be false. He and other . relatives are suspicious about what they are being told by the Malaysian . side, he added, but are at a loss as to what to do next. 'We . feel they're hiding something from us,' said Mr Wang, who is filling . his days attending briefings and watching the news for updates. A man shouts in protest, while a woman cries during the meeting: The relatives have released a statement saying they believe they have been 'strung along, kept in the dark and lied to by the Malaysian government' For a handful of Chinese families who chose to be flown to Kuala Lumpur to be closer to the heart of search operations, the flow of information has been no more fluid. On Wednesday, grief erupted into anger when several family members unfurled a protest banner in front of a throng of journalists, demanding the truth from the Malaysian government. The ruckus prompted police to escort the relatives, including a distraught mother, away from the briefing room. By yesterday, the Chinese families who had been staying at a resort south of Kuala Lumpur had to decamp to another hotel as they were displaced by customers for the upcoming Malaysian Formula One grand prix. 'Tonight all the government could give us was old information. But of course we, the families, want to hear new updates,' Malaysian Hamid Ramlat, the father of a passenger, told reporters after emerging from a briefing on Thursday night. The protest came before it was revealed that a large piece of floating debris has been spotted in the remote Indian Ocean search zone for missing flight MH370. Chinese satellites picked up signs of a 'suspicious' object measuring 72ft by 42ft in an area 75 miles west of where Australia reported an earlier sighting of floating debris.
Family members accuse Malaysian delegation of 'concealing the truth'
[ 101, 2155, 2372, 1999, 7211, 5496, 11843, 10656, 1997, 1005, 19819, 2075, 1996, 3606, 1005, 2027, 6626, 1999, 9135, 1012, 1005, 2017, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2681, 2182, 999, 2057, 2215, 2000, 2113, 2054, 1996, 4507, 2003, 999, 1005, 2027, 2056, 1012, 2062, 2084, 2048, 1011, 12263, 1997, 2216, 2006, 2604, 3462, 1049, 2232, 24434, 2692, 2024, 2822, 1012, 9064, 2031, 2042, 4920, 2094, 2039, 2012, 1996, 11876, 2080, 3309, 1999, 7211, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- A new crispness in the air. The red, orange and yellow of the leaves changing colors. The crunch of the first few leaves on the ground. On that inevitable march toward winter, there are still a few weeks for the casual and determined leaf peeper alike to enjoy the leaves changing color before they fall. Never mind that it happens every year. "It's because it's fleeting is why it's new every year," says Mel Allen, editor of Yankee Magazine. In each of his 33 years at the magazine leaf peeping has been a fall cover story. First day of autumn: Share your photos with iReport . "It's fall and the leaves are becoming beautiful; apple orchards; and the hawks are flying overhead. It's a sensual experience," he says. "If you were to talk to someone in New Orleans who had had 33 Mardi Gras, they'd still be excited about it," says Allen. "This is our party." Different shades of red, orange and yellow . While evergreen trees such as pines and spruces have foliage that has evolved to survive extreme temperature changes, deciduous (broad-leaved) trees have evolved to drop their leaves and go dormant for the winter, says Ed Sharron, a science communication specialist with the National Park Service's Northeast Temperate Network in Vermont. "It's such stark contrast," says Sharron, who's based at Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Historical Park in Woodstock, Vermont. "There are different shades of green, of course, when you start to get that variation of oranges and reds and purples and greens all together. It's pretty spectacular." Ed Sharron: Why leaves change color . Trees that "have been stressed throughout the year by extensive drought or many other factors, they may decide to pack it in early and go dormant for the winter sooner than during a typical year," Sharron says. "This could cause their leaves to fall off sooner or be browner than normal. Every year is different and you never can tell how good the foliage season is going to be until it's here." The Northeast's most popular sites . Who cares if it's cliché to say that first-time leaf peepers should drive New Hampshire's Kancamagus Highway; visit Woodstock or Smuggler's Notch in Vermont, or head north to Acadia National Park in Maine? "There's a reason why they're so popular, and these are places I try to go to every year," says Jim Salge, a New Hampshire-based trained meteorologist and high school physics teacher who blogs about the fall foliage season for Yankee Magazine. If Salge has an extra day this year, he'll head to Dixville Notch in far northern New Hampshire, where the leaves are likely to peak by late September. "The mountains are really jagged and have a feel unlike anywhere else in the Northeast." Photos: Fantastic fall foliage . Between North and South . Northern and Southern trees meet peacefully at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, a National Park Service area that includes the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. "In the Delaware Gap I think we have some of the best fall foliage," says Kathleen Sandt, a park ranger in the national recreation area. "We are on the border of northern species that usually don't come down south and the border for some of the trees that grow in the southern region." The gap is also home to trees living at different elevations. There are sycamores, elms, maples, poplars on a fertile flood plain along the river. At higher elevations, there are various types of oaks and maples to see as hikers head up toward the mountains. Tree spotters may be pleased to spot the American larch, a deciduous conifer that isn't found much farther south. It's a rare combination of a deciduous tree, which means it loses its leaves each fall; and a conifer, which has needles and cones. In the fall the larch's needles turn bright yellow and fall, like leaves. "It grows in wetter areas in the park, and it's spectacular in the fall," Sandt says. Head north to Maine country . Fall is Wanda Moran's favorite season. The Acadia National Park ranger loves the cold and clear weather that is already coming to the Maine island. "It smells like fall, the leaves start turning and it gets really pretty," says Moran, a Mainer by birth. "It's a beautiful time to be here, and it's a nice hiking and biking time." Prime leaf peeping season varies a lot throughout the state, she says. Trees are likely to change colors in Northern Maine during the last week in September, while central and Western Maine leaves will likely peak the first week in October. The coast usually peaks the week of Columbus Day and the week after, and Acadia will peak the second or third week in October. Moran's favorite spot at Acadia: "Beech Mountain is a nice place to climb if you want to get up high. It's a pretty easy climb and you get beautiful views all together, looking way out into the ocean." She also likes Baxter State Park and seeing the leaves on the drive from Ellsworth to Bangor on Route 1A. Leaf peeping out West . Although New England tends to dominate articles about leaf peeping, it's rumored that trees in colder parts of the rest of the United States also have leaves that change colors. As Colorado heads toward ski season, its national parks are starting to burst into fall colors. Rocky Mountain National Park is known for Trail Ridge Road, where aspen trees at lower elevations transform to gold among the evergreens. (Trail Ridge Road is also included in Peak to Peak, a state-designated scenic byway.) Colorado's White River National Forest, home to the heavily photographed Maroon Bells and 10 ski areas, is also packed with beautiful leaf peeping areas. It's also the current home of this year's Capitol Christmas Tree. Check the impressive evergreens out while they're still firmly rooted. Not surprisingly, New Mexico's five national forests also pack a lot of fall foliage at varying elevations. Carson National Forest is home to Wheeler Peak, which at 13,161 feet is the highest spot in New Mexico. Santa Fe National Forest's 1.6 million acres includes 13,103-foot-high Truchas Peak, within the Pecos Wilderness. Don't stress about "peak foliage" Many veteran peepers go searching for the perfect "peak foliage" moment in Vermont (or Maine or Massachusetts) when the leaves are the perfect combination of red, brown, orange and yellow, where the red farm house in the distance is perfectly in contrast and the apple cider tastes just crisp enough. "It's a mythical term," Yankee Magazine's Allen says. "There is no such thing." Fifteen miles down the road, the leaves may have already fallen and another 15 miles down the road, the leaves may not be ready to fall. "Think it of it as a continuum and make it a journey." Five fabulous fall foliage train rides . Where are your favorite places to find fall foliage? Does your family have any other fall traditions to mark the end of summer, the harvest and the start of winter?
Fall's fleeting foliage season keeps people coming back to see more . Head to New Hampshire, Vermont or Maine for the most famous fall foliage sites . Don't forget the mountain ranges of the Western United States have spectacular fall seasons .
[ 101, 7053, 21392, 4691, 2038, 2042, 1037, 2991, 3104, 2466, 2005, 2116, 2086, 1012, 1996, 2120, 2380, 2326, 1005, 1055, 4794, 16868, 2897, 2003, 1999, 8839, 1012, 1996, 4794, 1005, 1055, 2087, 2759, 4573, 2024, 1999, 7081, 1010, 8839, 1010, 8839, 1998, 7081, 1012, 1000, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1037, 18753, 3325, 1010, 1000, 2758, 1037, 2671, 4807, 6739, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- A fast-growing wildfire had 500 firefighters battling high winds and steep terrain Wednesday as the blaze moved toward homes and resort cabins just north of Slide Rock State Park in Arizona. The fire, which began Tuesday afternoon and was likely caused by a person, has already grown to 4,500 acres, according to the U.S. Forest Service. About 3,200 residents in Coconino County were given pre-evacuation notices. About 300 structures were threatened by the blaze, none of which has been contained. Frank Garrison owns 20 rental cabins in the area. "It's my home, my property, my livelihood," he told CNN affiliate KTVK. "Everything." He had packed his pickup and was in a line of cars of people leaving the area Wednesday. The Butterfly Garden Inn said it was able to get all staff and guests out. "We are praying for the safety of our beautiful inn and for the brave firefighters working tirelessly to save it," the inn said on its Facebook page. "Please help us pray for a miracle." Connor Packard stood atop his mother-in-law's roof, spraying water from a garden hose. "Just spraying down the roof and the yard just in case any embers float down," he told KTVK. "There's already a bunch of ash floating down." The Slide Fire, as it has been named, is burning an area called Oak Creek Canyon. The hilly terrain and 30 mph wind gusts made it difficult for firefighters. The area is popular in the summer with tourists looking to escape the heat. Fodor's Travel named it one of the top 10 state parks in the United States. "There's pretty much one reason and one reason only to visit Slide Rock State Park, seven miles north of Sedona: to slip down the smooth, red-sandstone water slide and be carried over the surface by a cooling creek into the swimming hole below," Fodor's wrote. The park is a 43-acre historic apple farm, according to the Slide Rock website. No one has been injured because of the fire, the forest service said. Smoke from the fire was drifting to the northeast and had reached Utah, 150 miles away. What to know about wildfires . 17-year-old appears in juvenile court in California wildfires case . CNN Shane Deitert, Dave Alsup and Greg Morrison contributed to that story.
Fire grows to 4,500 acres in one day . Slide Rock State Park is popular with tourists in the summer . No one has been injured by the fire . Several hundred homes, rental cabins, other buildings are threatened .
[ 101, 2047, 1024, 7358, 2600, 2110, 2380, 2003, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2327, 2184, 2110, 6328, 1999, 1996, 2142, 2163, 1012, 1996, 2543, 2003, 5255, 2019, 2181, 2170, 6116, 3636, 8399, 8399, 1012, 2055, 3998, 5090, 2024, 5561, 2011, 1996, 15347, 1010, 1996, 3224, 2326, 2758, 1012, 2053, 2028, 2038, 2042, 5229, 2138, 1997, 1996, 2543, 1010, 1996, 2380, 2758, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Carl Mills, 28, denies murdering three members of the same family . A man accused of murdering a family of three in an arson attack on their home has repeatedly denied starting the lethal blaze. Carl Mills, 28, is accused of starting a fire which ripped through a property in Cwmbran, South Wales, killing his teenage partner and their baby. Grandmother Kim Buckley, 46, her daughter Kayleigh, 17, and six-month-old granddaughter Kimberley all died in the violent blaze in September last year. Mills, who was living in a tent in the house's front garden at the time, sent a series of threatening text messages before the fire. Among them was a warning: 'I will burn your house down.' Mills, on trial at Newport Crown Court, denies all three murders. He entered the witness box today to give evidence in his own defence. The jury has heard that he met Kayleigh through Facebook in August 2010, when she was 15, and later moved from Manchester to Cwmbran to be with her. The prosecution have accused Mills of grooming an immature schoolgirl, who was 'infatuated with him, for sex. He claims that they were engaged, planned to get married and have a family and were in love. Kayleigh Buckley, 17, died alongside her Kim Buckley (right) after their home in South Wales was set on fire . Callous: His own daughter Kimberley Buckley was only six-months-old when she died after a fire swept through the property . Patrick Harrington QC, defending, asked him about 'nasty texts' that he sent to his teenage partner on the night she died. Mills had said he was 'paranoid' and drunk and believed that she was seeing someone else when he sent them. He said that the tone of the text was . 'nasty' and he made threats about the burning the house down, but . denied actually doing it. Gregory Bull QC, prosecuting, asked Mills about his relationship with Kayleigh. Previously the jury heard that Mills, living on £180 benefits a fortnight, initially travelled by bus and train from Manchester to visit her. Mills, who was living in a tent in the house's front garden at the time, sent a series of threatening text messages before the fire . She would later skip school to be with . him and eventually moved into a tent with him when he was living in the . front garden of her home. He told the court he knew she was still a schoolgirl. Mills went on to agree, under questioning, that he kept the relationship from Kayleigh's mother for seven months. Mills said that when was living rough on the streets of Cwmbran, he did not turn Kayleigh away, and she 'kept following him'. He also denied being only interested in havign sex with the teenager. Mills claimed that he was unaware that he was Kayleigh's first boyfriend. The trial continues. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Carl Mills, 28, is accused of starting a fire which ripped through a home . Blaze killed Kim Buckley, her daughter Kayleigh and six-month-old Kimberley . Mills sent a series of threatening text messages before the fire . Denies all three murders at Newport Crown Court .
[ 101, 5529, 6341, 1010, 2654, 1010, 2003, 5496, 1997, 3225, 1037, 2543, 2029, 9157, 2083, 1996, 3200, 1012, 2010, 9454, 4256, 5035, 17898, 1010, 4805, 1010, 2014, 2684, 10905, 13615, 1010, 2459, 1010, 1998, 2416, 1011, 3204, 1011, 2214, 12787, 25004, 2035, 2351, 1999, 1996, 15347, 1012, 6341, 1010, 2040, 2001, 2542, 1999, 1037, 9311, 1999, 1996, 2160, 1005, 1055, 2392, 3871, 1010, 23439, 2035, 2093, 9916, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Jack Doyle . PUBLISHED: . 18:33 EST, 10 June 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 03:30 EST, 11 June 2013 . Peter Chester, who was jailed for the rape and murder of his niece in 1977, has been granted tens of thousands in legal aid for his battle to gain the vote . A killer who raped and strangled his seven-year-old niece has been given tens of thousands of pounds in legal aid to demand the right to vote. Peter Chester’s lawyers argued in the Supreme Court yesterday that the UK’s ban on prisoners voting breached his human rights and EU law. The case in the country’s highest court was given the go-ahead despite the Prime Minister’s insistence that the voting ban will remain in place. The case has already been heard twice in two other courts, costing taxpayers thousands. Seven Supreme Court justices are conducting a two-day hearing that will finish today, with a judgment expected later this year. Chester raped and strangled Donna Marie Gillbanks in Blackpool in 1977. He was given a life sentence the following year and has served 35 years behind bars. A Scottish killer, George McGeoch from Glasgow, is also demanding voting rights in the same case, and has received legal aid amounting to £7,280. He was jailed for life, with a minimum term of 13 years, for the 1998 murder of Eric Innes in Inverness. In an unprecedented move, the Government’s most senior law officer, Attorney General Dominic Grieve QC, will personally argue against the killers’ case. He is expected to tell the court today the decision on prisoners’ voting rights should be left to Parliament, not judges. MPs have voted overwhelmingly to keep the ban in place, making clear their opposition to a European Court of Human Rights ruling that it should be overturned. That dates back to 2005 when John Hirst, a convicted axe killer, won his Strasbourg case on the grounds that the ban on voting breached his human rights. The Government is to respond to that case with a Bill that will be considered by a joint committee of both Houses of Parliament, but David Cameron has said the idea of giving convicts voting rights makes him ‘sick’, and told the Commons last year: ‘No one should be in any doubt: prisoners are not getting the vote under this Government.’ Innocent: Donna Marie Gillbanks, who was raped and murdered at the age of seven at her home by Chester . Chester’s case was dismissed by the Administrative Court in October 2009 and again by the Court of Appeal in November 2010. Then, Lord Justice Laws said the issue was a matter for ministers: ‘It is a political responsibility, and that is where it should remain.’ When details of the case first emerged, Chester’s sister and his victim’s mother, June Gillbanks of Blackpool, said: ‘He gave up the right to vote when he strangled and raped my daughter. Prisoners have enough rights and victims very little.’ Dominic Raab, Tory MP for Esher and Walton, warned the case could be a ‘backdoor’ legal route to prisoners voting. EU law, which both men are citing, is, unlike Strasbourg judgments, enforceable by British courts. He said: ‘This is a dangerous backdoor attempt to use EU law to impose a left-wing doctrine of human rights, and we must resist it at all costs.’ Yesterday, Aiden O’Neill QC, for McGeoch, told the court that although the case was not a ‘class action’, it ‘may have implications’ for others. It is feared that if the case is successful, taxpayers could be hit with compensation claims from inmates denied the vote. The Legal Aid Agency said: ‘Peter Chester was only granted legal aid after the Supreme Court gave permission for his case to be heard. ‘Anyone who applies for legal aid must pass strict financial means and legal merits tests. ‘The funding is being managed by a specialist team to ensure costs are carefully controlled.’ Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said: ‘The Government has made its position absolutely clear – we believe prisoner voting is a matter for national parliaments to decide. ‘The Attorney General will strongly defend that position at the Supreme Court.’
Child killer Peter Chester gets tens of thousands in legal aid . He raped and strangled his seven-year-old niece in 1977 . Now he wants the right for prisoners to vote .
[ 101, 2848, 8812, 15504, 1998, 21384, 2010, 12286, 10972, 5032, 12267, 9299, 2015, 1999, 3355, 1012, 2002, 2001, 21278, 2005, 2166, 2005, 1996, 2687, 4028, 1997, 4388, 7601, 2229, 1999, 22937, 1012, 1996, 2553, 1999, 1996, 2406, 1005, 1055, 3284, 2457, 2001, 2445, 1996, 2175, 1011, 3805, 2750, 1996, 3539, 2704, 1005, 1055, 20616, 2008, 1996, 6830, 7221, 2097, 3961, 1999, 2173, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The majority of circumcisions are performed soon after birth . Men who are circumcised are in for some bad news - it puts them at a disadvantage in the bedroom, according to experts. A study found those who've had their foreskin removed as children or adults experience less intense sexual pleasure and orgasm than their peers. 'We're not saying less sexual activity or satisfaction, but sensitivity,' senior author Dr Piet Hoebeke, from Ghent University Hospital, said. The practice is common in the U.S, with three-quarters of men having the procedure for non-religious reasons. However, it is rare in the UK, with a rate of just six per cent, according to World Health Organisation figures. Some religions, such as Judaism and Islam, consider circumcision part of religious practice. British . doctors say that although it can reduce the risk of some types of . infection the risks associated with routine circumcision outweigh any . potential benefits. The latest study surveyed 1,369 men over the age of 18, who responded to leaflets handed out in train stations across Belgium. The . men were asked whether they were circumcised, and were then asked to . rate how sensitive their penis was, how intense their orgasms were and . whether they experience any pain or numbness when they are aroused. Overall, 310 men who took the survey were circumcised, and 1,059 were not. Each rated how sensitive their penis was on a scale from 0 to five, with higher numbers being the most sensitive. For example, uncircumcised men reported an average sensitivity score of 3.72 when they or their partner stroked the head of their manhood  compared to 3.31 amongst circumcised men. 'It's a significant difference,' Hoebeke said. Uncircumcised men also reported more intense orgasms. Male circumcision prevalence in 2007: Yellow is lower than 20%, orange is 20-80% and red is higher than 80% . One possible explanation for any potential difference in sensitivity is that a man's foreskin may protect his penis's head from rubbing against underwear and clothing. It's possible, the researchers write, that friction makes the head of the penis thicker, drier and ultimately less sensitive. The researchers also found circumcised men were more likely to report more pain and numbness during arousal than uncircumcised men, which Dr Hoebeke said is likely due to scar tissue. 'I'm amazed that people report pain during sexual pleasure… that was unexpected,' he told Reuters Health. However, Dr Aaron Tobin from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, who was not involved in the study, said: 'The medical evidence and the benefits of male circumcision are abundantly clear.' The American Academy of Pediatrics says the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks, but stops short of recommending universal circumcision.
Men who had foreskin removed reporting feeling less intense sexual pleasure . 75% of men in US and 6% in UK have circumcision for non-religious reasons . NHS don't routinely perform them saying risks outweigh benefits .
[ 101, 25022, 11890, 2819, 28472, 2003, 2691, 1999, 1996, 1057, 1012, 1055, 1012, 1010, 2007, 2093, 1011, 7728, 1997, 2273, 2383, 1996, 7709, 2005, 2512, 1011, 3412, 4436, 1012, 8519, 2360, 2009, 13416, 1996, 3891, 1997, 2070, 4127, 1997, 8985, 2041, 27204, 2232, 6666, 1012, 2021, 1010, 8519, 2360, 1010, 2009, 13416, 3891, 1997, 8985, 2011, 2074, 2416, 2566, 9358, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Tv star Lorraine Kelly, 54, said woman 'want to look fantastic' Forget thongs and frills, for when it comes to fashion the woman over 50 would far rather hang on to her jeans than fancy lingerie. Comfort rather than style appears to the mantra of the nation’s mature women, who feel high street chains are ignoring them. In fact, women over 50 are emerging as Britain’s most powerful consumer group and they are a hugely lucrative market for the fashion industry with annual sales worth some £6.7billion. Yet a new study says that too often designers and retailers fail to understand them and what they want from clothes. The research, commissioned by retailer JD Williams, found that just 20per cent of mature women feel well catered for on the high street and 61per cent feel that their age group is forgotten. Around one in three said they felt pressured by the big chains to dress younger than their years. And when they were asked about their favourite piece of clothing, a pair of jeans came out top with 15per cent putting it at number one, while just one per cent named lingerie. This might have something to do with the comfort offered by a well cut pair of jeans, for the study found 71per cent rate comfort over style when it comes to fashion. Researchers asked older women which parts of their body they felt most negative about and wanted help with. Top was the stomach at 64per cent, ahead of the upper arms at 35per cent and thighs at 28per cent. Given these findings, it is not surprising that some 57per cent of the women questioned said they would like to lose weight. The study said: ‘Fifty-three per cent of women aged 50+ feel that it can be hard to find clothing that suits them, with 22per cent saying they would like to buy more fashionable clothes but find clothes shopping intimidating. ‘Sixty-six per cent of mature women feel they would like to see more choice from fashion retailers suited to their age group.’ JD Williams has commissioned daytime TV star Lorraine Kelly to create her own collection next year. Earlier this year, she fronted a fashion campaign for the retailer. Jeans, like this pair by Armani, were named the favourite piece of clothing by women over 50 . The 54-year-old said: ‘These women have the spending power and they want to look fantastic, it doesn’t matter what size or age they are, we have neglected them. I know this from my own experience.’ She said she knows many women her age who have struggled to find clothes that flatter a slightly older figure while remaining stylish. ‘Fashion is all about feeling comfortable in your own skin and all of the clothes that I’ve chosen make me feel great,’ she said. The study also asked older women about the advantages and challenges of growing old. Some 22per cent said they were excited about getting a bus pass, which ranked slightly higher than a pension. They were looking forward to more leisure time, having grandchildren and spending time with friends and family. Just 10per cent were worried about getting wrinkles, while 77per cent have ruled out any form of plastic surgery. Angela Spindler, the 52-year-old chief executive of N Brown Group, which owns JD Williams, said: ‘Shopping for clothes should be easy and enjoyable whether you’re 16 or 60. ‘There are more women in the 50+ bracket than ever before and it’s abundantly clear that they have felt let down by the fashion industry. ‘Recent years have seen this population of women emerge as the most powerful consumer group and the fastest growing fashion sector. No longer does 50 signal the start of the slow decline into old age, it now marks the midpoint of a woman’s life. ‘We hope this report heralds a wake-up call to the fashion, retail and media industries to give these women what they want, in the way we do. It’s our job to empower; after all ignoring them should be done with peril.’
Jeans named as the favourite item of clothing for women over 50 . Only 1 per cent of mature women named lingerie as their top item . Just 20 per cent said they feel catered for on the high street . One in three said they felt pressured to dress younger by big chains . Market worth £6.7 billion in annual sales to the fashion industry . TV star Lorraine Kelly says these women 'want to look fantastic'
[ 101, 2308, 2058, 2753, 2024, 8361, 2004, 3725, 1005, 1055, 2087, 3928, 7325, 2177, 1012, 2817, 2179, 2074, 2322, 4842, 9358, 1997, 9677, 2308, 2514, 2092, 23488, 2098, 2005, 2006, 1996, 2152, 2395, 1998, 6079, 4842, 9358, 2514, 2008, 2037, 2287, 2177, 2003, 6404, 1012, 2470, 4837, 2011, 26219, 3766, 1010, 2029, 2038, 4837, 12217, 2694, 2732, 13895, 5163, 2000, 3443, 2014, 2219, 3074, 2279, 2095, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Martin Robinson . Last updated at 3:54 PM on 8th September 2011 . A rare letter U.S. President Abraham Lincoln sent to one of his top generals at a turning point in the Civil War is expected to sell for $100,000. The handwritten note on presidential stationary was sent to Major General George B. McClellan on October 29, 1862. McClellan was removed from his duties a week afterwards for failing to aggressively pursue Confederate General Robert E. Lee after the Battle of Antietam a month earlier. President Abraham Lincoln (left) wrote to Major General George B. McClellan (right) before sacking him a week later, which was a turning point in the Civil War . The demotion of McClellan on November 5 . is seen as the first of a series of decisions that culminated in the . President naming Ulysses S. Grant as his commanding general, a move that . ultimately ended the war and brought victory to the North in April . 1865. Memorabilia relating to the 16th President of the United States can fetch millions of dollars and even items relating to Lincoln's dog Fido are snapped up by enthusiasts. In a 2002 auction five items alone reached a total of in excess of $5.3million. Letter: The Raab Collection in Philadelphia is selling the document, which for decades has belonged to an anonymous private collector . An autographed manuscript from April 11, 1865 of Lincoln’s last public address raised more than $3million. Lincoln was assassinated just days afterwards in Ford's Theatre, Washington D.C. by John Wilkes Booth. The Raab Collection in Philadelphia is selling the latest letter, which for decades has belonged to an anonymous collector. The letter led to the South losing the Civil War in 1865, but days after victory John Wilkes Booth shot and killed Abraham Lincoln as he watched a play . Letter in July 6, 1859 on Republican strategy for 1860 election $501,000 . Letter from October 17, 1861 in response to widow seeking jobs for two of her children $666,000 . Abraham Lincoln manuscript from February 1, 1865 detailing the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery $721,000 . Autographed quotation from his second inaugural speech from February 1, 1865 $446,000 . Autographed manuscript from April 11, 1865 - Lincoln’s last public address $3,086,000 . In the letter Lincoln asks McClellan for a progress report and stated he was pleased with the movement of his army as it crossed the Potomac River into Loudoun County, Virginia, and he was closely following its advancement. The President's battlefield dispatch to McClellan ends: 'When you get entirely across the river let me know. What do you know of the enemy?' The letter is signed A. Lincoln. Though the apparently hastily scrawled note belies Lincoln's dissatisfaction with McClellan's performance, it is the President's final correspondence to him. 'This was the last straw for Lincoln, who now came into his own,' said Nathan Raab, vice President of The Raab Collection. 'He realised that his strategic sense was better than that of his military experts and that he must exert leadership in military matters rather than defer to his generals.'
Final note to Major General George B. McClellan who was sacked for failing to pursue Confederate general . His removal is credited as sparking victory for the North .
[ 101, 3661, 2001, 2741, 2000, 2350, 2236, 2577, 1038, 1012, 23680, 25839, 2006, 2255, 2756, 1010, 6889, 1012, 2002, 2001, 3718, 2013, 2010, 5704, 1037, 2733, 2101, 2005, 7989, 2000, 24663, 7323, 8055, 2236, 2728, 1041, 1012, 3389, 2044, 1996, 2645, 1997, 3424, 12928, 2213, 1037, 3204, 3041, 1012, 1996, 10958, 7875, 3074, 1999, 4407, 2003, 3517, 2000, 5271, 2005, 1002, 2531, 1010, 2199, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Sami Mokbel . PUBLISHED: . 08:44 EST, 6 March 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 09:54 EST, 7 March 2014 . Queens Park Rangers are facing a record-breaking fine - even if they are promoted this season - after recording a huge £65.4million loss, taking their overall net debt to £177m. The Championship club have posted their financial report for the year ending May 2013, and the document underlines the heavy spending of co-owner Tony Fernandes' reign. But as a result of their failures on the pitch, QPR are now facing major ramifications under Financial Fair Play regulations, even if they are promoted back in to the Barclays Premier League this season. Not a laughing matter: QPR, co-owned by Tony Fernandes, recorded a loss of £65.4m for the last financial year . Only going to get worse? Harry Redknapp is struggling to win promotion back to the Premier League . Not changing: Even with the huge loss for the year 2012-13, Rangers still forked out for Ravel Morrison . Under Football League Financial Fair Play regulations, the west London club could be forced to pay in-excess of £40million for breaching the rules even if they are promoted this summer. The club have recorded a net debt of £177million - a massive increase from £91.4m the previous year. Turnover dropped from £64m to £60.6m, but wage costs sky-rocketed from £58.5m to £78m. The news casts a huge cloud over the club's future and, in the report, Fernandes wrote: 'Clearly in 2012-13 the club did not meet its performance targets and was relegated from the Premier League. 'A critical driver of any club’s value is its presence in the Premier League, and the club is focused on regaining its Premier League status as quickly as possible. 'The financial results reflect the club’s focus on trying to achieve on-pitch success. Money: The club have only just been able to get Julio Cesar, now at Toroto, off the books . Nonchalant: Jose Bosingwa was derided during his time at Loftus Road in the top flight . 'When, alongside my business partners, I purchased a majority shareholding in the club in August 2011, my goal was to turn QPR into an established Premier League club. 'Being relegated was obviously not part of our plans, but our focus and determination to achieve our long-term goals has not diminished. 'During the summer 2013 transfer window we have worked to put together a squad of players we believe will give us a good chance of achieving promotion back to the Premier League. 'At the time of writing, we have made a good start to the 2013-14 season and we remain confident that under the guidance of our manager, Harry Redknapp, we have a squad capable of challenging for promotion. Struggle: They've not won any of their last four Championship games and drew 1-1 against Leeds last week . 'We are confident that the 2013-14 season will also see the club continue to make progress towards achieving its short, medium and long-term off-pitch targets. 'The group’s key short-term objective is to regain its Premier League status. The board believes that some restructuring of the playing squad is required in order to achieve this. However, they are conscious of the need for expenditure to be closely monitored and controlled. 'The directors, based on cash flow projections prepared by management and through confirmation of continuing support from the groups’ main shareholders and creditors, have a reasonable expectation that the company and the group have adequate resources to continue in existence for the foreseeable future.'
QPR made a loss of £65.4m in the last financial year . The club's overall net debt stands at a mammoth £177m . Tony Fernandes could be hit with a transfer embargo and record-breaking fine .
[ 101, 4302, 2417, 2243, 2532, 9397, 2003, 8084, 2000, 2663, 4712, 2067, 2000, 1996, 4239, 2223, 2023, 2161, 1012, 1996, 2528, 2252, 2680, 1037, 5658, 7016, 1997, 14534, 2581, 2581, 2213, 2005, 1996, 2197, 3361, 2095, 1012, 1996, 2252, 2031, 2680, 1037, 4121, 1069, 26187, 1012, 1018, 19912, 3258, 3279, 1999, 1996, 2197, 2095, 1012, 4302, 2417, 5705, 2532, 9397, 1005, 1055, 2217, 2024, 2747, 2959, 1999, 1996, 2528, 1012, 11562, 2182, 2005, 2035, 1996, 6745, 1053, 18098, 2739, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Anthony Bond . PUBLISHED: . 07:55 EST, 18 March 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 11:12 EST, 18 March 2013 . He has spent his life collecting every number one record released over the past 61 years. But, following huge changes in technology,  record fanatic Simon Wratten has had to give up his obsession. The company director had wanted to own every number one in the singles chart. However, that became impossible after Macklemore's recent hit Thrift Shop was only made available as a download. Super fan: Simon Wratten from the Isle of Wight and his dog Woody surrounded by his collection of every UK number one single since the charts came into existence in 1952 . Disappointed Mr Wratten, 47, who had collected more than 1,200 records, said: 'I have been beaten by technology, I am afraid. That is the way records are sold these days and my obsession is over.' While many download singles have previously reached number one, starting with Crazy by Gnarls Barkley in 2006, they have either been released in physical form subsequently or been available as promotional or import CDs. Mr Wratten, from Ryde, Isle of Wight, added: 'It has been getting harder and harder to get hold of physical copies of number one hits. 'Luckily . I had friends who were DJs or who worked in radio stations and gave me . promo copies but I could see this day approaching some way off. Dedicated: Here in my Heart, by Al Martino, the earliest single held by Mr Wratten and right The Wonderful Land by The Shadows - Mr Wratten's favorite single in his collection . Diverse: Mr Wratten's collection includes the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Mr Blobby and the Teletubbies . 'I . started in 1998, the year my son was born and I thought it would be . interesting to collect every number one of that year as a memento. Thwarted: Macklemore's recent hit Thrift Shop was only made available as a download . 'When that was over I thought I would try to get every chart-topper ever made and it was great fun filling the gaps. 'Hunting them all down was an obsession of sorts. 'I have to decide now if I should carry on with that missing record as a gap. I am finding it hard to let my addiction go.' Mr Wratten's collection includes the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Mr Blobby and the Teletubbies. His favourite is The Shadows' 1962 hit 'Wonderful Land' and the one he hates most is Westlife's 'The Rose' produced in 2006. 'I feel sorry for kids today because they will have no physical records, no chance to create a collection like mine. 'I think people like hard copies to remind them of key moments in their life, something to look back on in the years ahead. 'All those vinyl albums and their wonderful sleeves will be a thing of the past. This is all very sad for us record collectors.' David Bowie's comeback single, Where Are We Now?, was released as a download earlier this year and quickly topped the iTunes chart. However, it was not an official number one because it was given away for free, meaning that it does not count for the purposes of Mr Wratten's collection.
Mr Wratten's collection includes the Beatles, Mr Blobby and the Teletubbies . Macklemore's recent hit Thrift Shop only made available as a download .
[ 101, 4079, 23277, 19321, 2368, 1005, 1055, 3074, 2950, 1996, 11555, 1010, 5291, 6386, 1010, 2720, 1038, 4135, 14075, 1998, 1996, 10093, 3388, 12083, 20536, 1012, 1996, 4700, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2018, 2359, 2000, 2219, 2296, 2193, 2028, 1999, 1996, 3895, 3673, 1012, 2002, 2056, 1024, 1005, 2009, 2038, 2042, 2893, 6211, 1998, 6211, 2000, 2131, 2907, 1997, 3558, 4809, 1997, 2193, 2028, 1005, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
While many two-year-olds are still learning the alphabet, the son of a Cincinnati Bengals player has mastered every word of the Star-Spangled Banner. On Tuesday night, two-year-old Trent Harris, son of long snapper Clark Harris, stood in front of a crowd of high school basketball fans and sang the National Anthem word-for-word. Harris brought Trent out on to the court in Manahawkin, New Jersey, before the game, handed him the microphone and stood around for a moment, making sure his son was all set. Trent Harris, son of Cincinnati Bengals player Clark Harris, may not be old enough to attend preschool, but the two-year-old still managed to memorize the entire National Anthem and sing it in front of a crowd of high school basketball fans . Trent confidently walked off the court, microphone in hand, once he finished his performance. The crowd erupted into applause . Trent (left), son of Cincinnati Bengals longsnapper Clark Harris (right), performed the National Anthem at his dad's former high school in Manahawkin, New Jersey . But he soon realized Trent, wearing a button-down shirt and blazer, didn't need any help as he confidently made his way through the song with no problems. Trent's performance took place before a basketball game in his dad's hometown and high school gym. Harris's wife Jessica, a choreographer and dancer, captured the moment at Southern Regional High School on video, and posted it to YouTube with the comment: 'I'm so proud!!!'. Trent finished the anthem with no issues and walked off the court, microphone in hand, and the crowd erupted in applause. Trent's mom Jessica Harris (center), pictured with Clark (right) and Trent (left), filmed the performance and uploaded it to YouTube . Though Trent is only two years old, his lyrical skills surpass many kids his age - an age where many are just learning the alphabet song . Harris, who has been with the Bengals since 2009 and in the NFL since 2007, celebrated his son's accomplishment on Twitter. 'SuperTrentendo doing his first live performance.Just a short clip of the nationalanthem to start the SRHS Bball game,' Harris wrote. Jessica Harris posted the YouTube clip on her Twitter, praising her son's confidence. 'So proud of my son! His first public performance and he's only 2,' she wrote. Jessica and Clark Harris celebrated their son's accomplishments on Twitter, by posting Tweets and re-tweeting others who had mentioned his performance .
Trent Harris, son of Cincinnati Bengals long snapper Clark Harris and wife Jessica, knew every word of the Star-Spangled Banner . The two-year-old sang in New Jersey high school gym in dad's hometown . He looked fearless as he sang in front of more than 100 basketball fans .
[ 101, 7990, 5671, 1010, 2365, 1997, 7797, 23227, 2146, 10245, 4842, 5215, 5671, 1010, 2864, 1996, 2120, 11971, 2012, 2010, 3611, 1005, 1055, 2280, 2152, 2082, 1999, 24951, 17998, 2378, 1010, 2047, 3933, 1012, 1996, 2048, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 1010, 2040, 2038, 2042, 2007, 1996, 23227, 2144, 2268, 1010, 2038, 15682, 2296, 2773, 1997, 1996, 2732, 1011, 8487, 11533, 9484, 1012, 2010, 2388, 8201, 1010, 1037, 17334, 1998, 8033, 1010, 6866, 1996, 2678, 2000, 7858, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Peter Simpson . PUBLISHED: . 08:00 EST, 14 November 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 19:57 EST, 14 November 2013 . Paul McCartney has asked Vladimir Putin to release 28 Greenpeace activists arrested for scaling an oil rig. The former Beatle reminded the Russian president that his 1968 single Back in the USSR was positive about the Soviet Union – and he wanted the favour returned. In a letter, he said the White Album song also had a line about how good it was to come home and the protesters deserved the same thing. Sir Paul McCartney has written a personal letter to the Russian president calling for the release of Greenpeace activists . Sir Paul, 71, said the activists, who . include eight Britons, were not anti-Russian or violent. ‘It would be . great if this misunderstanding could be resolved and the protesters can . be home with their families in time for Christmas,’ he wrote. ‘Vladimir, . millions of people in dozens of countries would be hugely grateful if . you were to intervene to bring about an end to this affair.’ The protesters, who  were arrested in the Arctic Sea on September 18, are being held in St Petersburg. The Russian ambassador to London claims their plight has not been properly represented by the media. Sir Paul, who has met Mr Putin in the Kremlin, wrote: 'Forty-five years ago I wrote a song about Russia for the White Album, back when it wasn't fashionable for English people to say nice things about your country. 'That song had one of my favourite Beatles lines in it: "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home." Could you make that come true for the Greenpeace prisoners?' This morning, after releasing the letter on his website, he tweeted: 'The Russian Ambassador kindly responded saying that their situation "is not properly represented in the world media"'. Ship: The Arctic Sunrise was boarded by Russian authorities during the protest . Footage was found which showed the moment the Greenpeace ship was raided by Russian special services . The private letter, written on October 14, added: 'I understand of course that the Russian courts and the Russian Presidency are separate. Russia's President Vladimir Putin has said the situation is not being properly represented in the world media . 'Nevertheless I wonder if you may be able to use whatever influence you have to reunite the detainees with their families?' 'I am writing to assure you that the Greenpeace I know is most certainly not an anti-Russian organisation...And above all else they are peaceful. In my experience, non-violence is an essential part of who they are.' Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace International, said: 'Sir Paul's letter is an extraordinary and beautiful plea for justice from one of the 20th century's most famous icons, and it went straight into the inbox of President Putin himself. 'We know some of the Arctic 30 are able to listen to the radio in their cells, and some of them are no doubt Beatles fans, so this news would be music to their ears. 'Sir Paul is hugely respected in Russia, and so we hope his letter brings the day closer when those 30 brave men and women are back with their families.' Greenpeace said more than two million people have sent letters and emails calling for the Arctic 30 to be released.
Former-Beatle told Putin campaigners should be reunited with families . Arctic 30 have were transferred this week to a prison in St Petersburg . They face charges of hooliganism after protesting against drilling in Arctic .
[ 101, 1996, 2280, 3786, 2571, 6966, 1996, 2845, 2343, 2008, 2010, 3380, 2299, 2001, 3893, 2055, 1996, 3354, 2586, 1012, 2002, 2056, 1996, 2665, 5051, 10732, 10134, 2020, 2025, 3424, 1011, 2845, 2030, 6355, 1012, 1996, 2845, 6059, 2000, 2414, 4447, 2037, 24525, 2038, 2025, 2042, 7919, 3421, 1999, 1996, 2088, 2865, 1012, 2002, 2626, 1037, 3661, 2000, 1996, 2343, 4214, 2005, 1996, 2713, 1997, 2654, 10134, 4727, 1999, 1996, 10162, 2712, 2006, 2244, 2324, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
David Cameron's bid to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the EU has been ridiculed by Poland's Foreign Secretary in explosive private recordings leaked to the country's media. Radek Sikorski, who was in the infamous Bullingdon Club with Boris Johnson at university in Oxford, accused Mr Cameron of 'incompetence' and 'stupidly' pandering to his eurosceptic backbenchers. He said the Prime Minister had 'f****d up' trying to veto the last European treaty and would fail in his bid to overhaul Britain's relationship with Brussels unless they offer Poland a 'mountain of gold'. Scroll down for video . Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski was a member of the Bullingdon Club at Oxford with Boris Johnson. David Cameron was also a member . Mr Cameron's plan to overhaul Britain's relationship with Europe has been ridiculed by Mr Sikorski in private remarks secretly recorded and leaked to the press . Radek Sikorski should be one of David Cameron's closest allies in Europe. The Polish Foreign Minister is close to a host of top Tories and has spoken of his admiration for Margaret Thatcher. After moving to Britain in 1980, he went to Oxford University and became a member of the Bullingdon Club at the same time as Boris Johnson - and just a few years before Mr Cameron. The 51 year old and his American wife Anne Applebaum, a journalist turned historian, also send their two sons to Eton. Mr Sikorski is widely admired in Westminster and is being talked up as a possible successor to Baroness Ashton as the EU’s foreign policy chief. He was granted political asylum in Britain after Poland's communist leaders launched a crackdown in 1981. The regime imposed martial law and arrested thousands from the opposition. The future Foreign Minister was even awarded British citizenship in 1987 - but was forced to renounce it in 2006 after becoming Minister of Defence in Poland. Mr Sikorski has led the Polish Foreign Ministry since 2007 and has built up a reputation as a fierce critic of Russia and has consistently led calls for stronger Nato deterrent against Vladimir Putin. He lives with his wife on a palatial farm near Bydgoszcz, one of Poland's most important industrial centers. The white mansion has columns at the front entrance and is surrounded by a park. Among the guests who attended Sikorski's 50th birthday one year ago was the actress Olivia Williams, a former girlfriend who starred in 'Ghostwriter', directed by Roman Polanski. The bombshell remarks were published in Poland after a series of covert recordings of government ministers were leaked to the magazine Wprost. The country's former finance minsiter Jacek Rostowski also predicts that Mr Cameron will lose the next election. He added that Poland will tell the UK to 'f**k off' when Mr Cameron demands an end to freedom of movement rules. In a separate conversation Pawel Gras, the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk's media spokesperson reveals that Mr Cameron was given a dressing down over attacks on Polish immigrants claiming benefits. Mr Gras: 'The whole thing was stupid. Donald called him at once to discuss it, he had such a go at him, I mean f*** it’s a shame we didn't record it, he had a such a proper f****** go at him. The conversations allegedly took place at some point this Spring. Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski said: '[Cameron] thinks he’ll go renegotiate and come back, no Polish government could agree to it. Except in return for a mountain of gold.' The Foreign Minister Mr Sikorski replied: 'It's either a very badly thought through move, or, not for the first time a kind of incompetence in European affairs. Remember? He f***** up the fiscal pact. He f***** it up. Simple as that. 'He is not interested, he does not get it, he believes in the stupid propaganda, he stupidly tries to play the system... his whole strategy of feeding [his critics] scraps in order to satisfy them is just as I predicted, turning against him. 'He should have said, f*** off, tried to convince people and isolate [the sceptics]. But he ceded the field to those that are now embarrassing him.' Mr Rostowski then said: 'For the Polish government to agree, someone will have to give us some mountain of gold. 'The Brits won’t give it to us, and the Germans, in order to keep the Brits on board, won’t give it to us either in all likelihood. 'So the answer will be: f*** off... [the impact of a Brexit] will generally be bad for us, because we would like for Great Britain to stay. 'I think it’ll be the case that [Cameron] will lose the elections. Great Britain will leave. Once they do, they’ll keep open borders. Not for [gypsy] beggars…' The revelations came after it emerged Mr . Cameron was facing a double defeat in Brussels over his bid to reform . the EU, according to leaked EU documents. The Prime Minister is expected to lose his . fight to stop the hardline pro EU candidate Jean-Claude Juncker . becoming the next European Commission president. A vote of EU leaders on . Friday is expected to rubber stamp his appointment. Mr Cameron is fighting against the appointment of Mr Juncker (right) because of his backing for 'ever closer union' of European states . But in a second setback, it has emerged today that Mr Cameron's plan for a widespread overhaul of Britain's relationship with Brussels has not been included in a list of the EU's 'priorities' for the next five years. Mr Cameron has promised an in-out referendum in 2017 after renegotiating the UK's place in Europe. Key extracts of a conversation between Polish foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski and former finance minister Jacek Rostowski: . Rostowski: [Cameron] thinks he’ll go renegotiate and come back, no Polish  government could agree to it. Except in return for a mountain of gold. Sikorski: It’s either a very badly thought through move, or, not for the first time a kind of incompetence in European affairs. He f***** up the fiscal pact. He f***** it up. Simple as that. He is not interested, he does not get it, he believes in the stupid propaganda, he stupidly tries to play the system... his whole strategy of feeding [his critics] scraps in order to satisfy them is just as I predicted, turning against him; he should have said, f*** off, tried to convince people and isolate [the sceptics]. Rostowski: For the Polish government to agree, someone will have to give us some mountain of gold. The Brits won’t give it to us, and the Germans, in order to keep the Brits on board, won’t give it to us either. So the answer will be f*** off... [the impact of a  British exit] will generally be bad for us, because we would like for Great Britain to stay. I think it’ll be the case that [Cameron] will lose the elections. Great Britain will leave. Once they do, they’ll keep open borders. Not for [gipsy] beggars… . Sikorski: Just like Norway... Enough of this! They’ve f***** up Eastern Europe and a few other things. [Mimics a Brit] If Europe doesn’t reform, it’ll end badly! Let them worry about their economy. If they don’t reorganise themselves, they’ll have as bad an economy as  Germany. How is that so monstrous? Jacek Krawiec – head of Polish fuel giant Orlen – in  a conversation with spin doctor Pawel Gras, referred to a chat between Polish PM Donald Tusk and Cameron about benefits: . Krawiec: What the f*** are they on about with these benefits? [Cameron] seems a really sensible bloke ... when I met him in London he talked a lot of sense. Gras: Thoughtless, probably suggested by [some spin doctor] probably came from some focus group, he didn’t think through the  consequences, the whole thing was stupid, Donald called him at once to discuss it, he had such a go at him, I mean f*** it’s a shame we didn’t record it, he had a such a proper f****** go at him.” Translation: Open Europe . But the Prime Minister was presented with a confidential blueprint of the EU's plans today with no mention of the planned reforms. Mr Cameron held a 'full and frank' talks over the appointment of Mr Junker with European Council chief Herman Van Rompuy in Downing Street today. The Prime Minister spelt out that he is determined to fight 'until the end' against the appointment of Mr Junker. Mr Cameron made clear that if Mr Juncker's name is tabled on Friday, he will demand a vote on his nomination - an unprecedented move in a process which is normally agreed by consensus. Mr Juncker, the former Luxembourg Prime Minister, has faced hostile briefing by opponents over his drinking habits . Following their meeting, Mr Cameron wrote on his Twitter feed: 'I had a full and frank discussion with Herman van Rompuy. I told him there must be a vote on Commission president.' Following the 40-minute meeting Number 10 said Mr Van Rompuy had agreed to work through the practicalities of holding a vote after Mr Cameron made clear that he was not prepared to back down, despite facing almost certain defeat. With a majority of EU leaders - including Germany's Angela Merkel - throwing their weight behind Mr Juncker's candidacy, the Prime Minister looks certain to be outvoted under the qualified majority system, and is thought unlikely to secure enough support even to form a blocking minority of four or more member states. This morning Mr Cameron said he will go to Thursday's summit in Brussels 'giving a very clear message that this is a point of principal for Britain and I believe an important point of principal for Europe'. He said: 'The head of the European Commission should be appointed by the properly elected heads of government and heads of state that sit around the European Council table. 'That is a point of principle for me, that is why it is very important that we have a vote, we have a clear expression about this.'
Radek Sikorski recorded lashing out at Cameron's renegotiation strategy . The Polish foreign minister was a fellow member of Oxford Bullingdon club . But in leaked tape he slams plan to reform EU and hold referendum in 2017 . Comes as Cameron faces double defeat in Brussels over reform plans . PM was today handed EU's five year manifesto by Herman Van Rompuy . But list of EU 'priorities' makes no mention of Cameron's renegotiation plan . PM also facing defeat in bid to block Jean-Claude Junker becoming president . Cameron has vowed to go down fighting over the Junker's appointment . Arch federalist is set to made European Commission president on Friday .
[ 101, 10958, 24463, 9033, 21815, 5488, 5496, 7232, 1997, 1005, 4297, 25377, 12870, 5897, 1005, 1998, 1005, 5236, 2135, 1005, 6090, 4063, 2075, 2000, 19329, 3401, 20746, 2067, 10609, 21844, 1012, 7232, 1005, 1055, 2933, 2000, 10731, 3995, 10711, 2618, 3725, 1005, 1055, 3276, 2007, 9371, 2038, 2042, 9436, 2594, 18696, 2011, 3735, 1005, 1055, 3097, 2704, 1012, 3907, 3097, 2704, 2003, 2485, 2000, 1037, 2825, 6332, 2000, 21479, 13772, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN)Reality star Farrah Abraham has nothing to hide, and that includes a lip augmentation procedure gone horribly wrong. The TV personality and adult film actress recently shared photos on Twitter of the procedure's results, which left her top lip egregiously swollen. "Girlfriends don't say I didn't warn ya!" the former "Teen Mom" captioned one of the images, throwing in the hashtag "#BOTCHED." According to TMZ, Abraham underwent a new kind of procedure in which a doctor uses an implant in the lip instead of fillers. Abraham reportedly believes she had an allergic reaction to the anesthetic used. It seems the 23-year-old has maintained a sense of humor about her medical mishap. In another tweet, she joked that her lip injections make her look like Leela from the animated series "Futurama."
TV personality Farrah Abraham had a bad lip augmentation procedure . She tweeted photos of the painful-looking outcome . The reality star has kept a sense of humor about it .
[ 101, 4507, 2732, 2521, 10404, 8181, 2038, 1037, 5423, 15476, 3672, 3370, 7709, 2908, 27762, 3308, 1012, 1996, 2603, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2758, 2014, 5423, 13341, 2015, 2191, 2014, 2298, 2066, 3389, 2721, 2013, 1996, 6579, 2186, 1000, 11865, 27431, 2863, 1000, 8181, 7283, 7164, 2016, 2018, 2019, 27395, 4668, 2000, 1996, 2019, 4355, 20086, 2109, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The ‘French Kim Kardashian’ was released from prison under strict bail conditions today as she awaits trial for allegedly trying to murder her boyfriend with a kitchen knife. Reality TV beauty Nabilla Benattia, 22, will not be allowed to contact Thomas Vergara, 28, whom she is said to have attacked at an apartment hotel in Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris, five weeks ago. She has emphatically denied being ‘consumed by jealousy and sexual aggression’ as she allegedly plunged the knife into her lover’s chest. Scroll down for video . Idol: Nabilla Benattia, dubbed the French Kim Kardashian, with her idol in Miami. Her burgeoning career in showbusiness is now in tatters after being arrested for the attempted murder of her boyfriend . Fame: Reality TV beauty Nabilla Benattia, 22, will not be allowed to contact Thomas Vergara, 28, whom she is said to have attacked at an apartment hotel in Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris, five weeks ago . From stardom to solitary: The pair's romance was played out entirely on TV after she was awarded her own show following her appearance on 'The Reality-TV Angels' show in France last year (left, Benattia pictured by police after her arrest) Vergara, who met Benattia on a reality TV show, was found lying in a pool of blood when emergency workers burst into their hotel room at 2.30am on November 7th. Benattia had made a frantic call to the police, saying Thomas had been attacked by three strangers when they got out of a taxi outside the hotel. But CCTV footage soon exposed her story as a farce – film instead showed the couple arriving in reception alone and in good spirits, then making their way up to their apartment. Benattia then claimed Thomas was high on cocaine and alcohol, and had ‘accidently stabbed himself’ during a violent quarrel. Awestruck: Benattia is amazed at meeting Kim Kardashian during a filming of her show . Overcome: Benattia bursts into tears after the surprise visit. She has said that her ambition in life is to become an It girl in the United States . Interviewed by an examining magistrate, Benattia then offered a third version of the drama – saying she was ‘in fear of [her] life’ when Thomas started hitting her. Benattia again told the judge that Thomas ‘stabbed himself’ in the confusion, as she desperately tried to get away. Martin Desrues, her lawyer, said: ‘The only version by Miss Benattia is the one that is listed on the record, the only one she delivered to the police while in custody. Passion: The model-turned-TV star has admitted that her relationship with Thomas was tumultuous with 'fights', 'vases being thrown' and hotel breakages . Defence: Benattia has variously claimed that Thomas was attacked by a group of men and also that he accidentally stabbed himself during the argument at the hotel, above . ‘The first comments reported in the media have no value. They were only vaguely reported by people on the spot.’ Mr Derues said that Benettia hoped to carry on with her work commitments, while not commenting on her attempted murder case. She is forbidden from leaving France or contacting Vergara, even via social media accounts such as Twitter, where she has more than a million followers. Benattia was considered a vulnerable prisoner in Versailles women’s prison, where there were fears of attacks by other inmates because of her fame. Feted: The 22-year-old has become a household name in France. Here she is pictured with Jean Paul Gaultier during Paris Fashion Week last July . Suspicions: Thomas checked himself into hospital with an unexplained knife wound to the back in August, telling doctors he had 'fallen on a kitchen knife' while with Nabilla . Dark past: As a teenager in 2009, Benattia was sentenced to six months in prison in Switzerland for her part in a financial fraud involving stolen passports, and served a month in a youth detention centre . Benattia’s first big break was on ‘Les Anges de la telerealite’ (‘The Reality-TV Angels’) last year. A number of French wannabes were placed in a Florida apartment, all dreaming of finding stardom. Highlights included a meeting with Kim Kardashian, and then Benattia was given her own show, Allo Nabilla, which was broadcast from glamorous locations including Los Angeles and Paris. The central storyline of the show is Benattia and Vergara’s relationship, which started when they both met on The Angels.
Nabilla Benattia, 22, faces 30 years in prison for stabbing Thomas Vergara . She is banned from leaving France or contacting Vergara by any means . She was considered a vulnerable prisoner in Versailles women’s prison . Dubbed 'French Kim Kardashian', she found fame on reality TV show . She has denied being 'consumed by jealousy and sexual aggression' In August, Thomas had a knife wound in his back but claimed he 'fell' on it .
[ 101, 6583, 24457, 2050, 3841, 19321, 2401, 1010, 2570, 1010, 2097, 2025, 2022, 3039, 2000, 3967, 2726, 2310, 28921, 2527, 1010, 2654, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2056, 2000, 2031, 4457, 2032, 2012, 2019, 4545, 3309, 1999, 8945, 18845, 10177, 1011, 3021, 2319, 13421, 1010, 2379, 3000, 1010, 2274, 3134, 3283, 1012, 2016, 2038, 7861, 21890, 25084, 6380, 2108, 1005, 10202, 2011, 14225, 1998, 4424, 14974, 1005, 1996, 3940, 1005, 1055, 7472, 2001, 2209, 2041, 4498, 2006, 2694, 2044, 2016, 2001, 3018, 2014, 2219, 2265, 2206, 2014, 3311, 2006, 1996, 4507, 2694, 2265, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Lucy Osborne and Rosie Taylor . PUBLISHED: . 18:08 EST, 30 December 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 08:40 EST, 31 December 2012 . The former MP accused of saying Liverpool fans caused the Hillsborough tragedy has died aged 83. Sir Irvine Patnick represented Sheffield Hallam – now Nick Clegg’s constituency – from 1987 to 1997. He was criticised in the Hillsborough Independent Panel’s report in September, which named him as The Sun newspaper’s source for its ‘The Truth’ story, smearing Liverpool fans after the disaster in which 96 died. Rest in peace: Sir Irvine Patnick, pictured receiving his knighthood at Buckingham Palace, has died today aged 83 . Sir Irvine apologised for his comments, saying he was ‘deeply and sincerely sorry’ and that he had been given ‘wholly inaccurate’ information by police officers. A statement from his family said: ‘Sir Irvine Patnick OBE, died peacefully on December 30, aged 83, in Sheffield. He was a much loved husband of Lynda and father of Suzanne and Matthew.’ ‘He’ll be sadly missed by his brothers and by all all his family and friends.’ Justice for the 96: Sir Irvine was named as the source for a newspaper story accusing Liverpool fans of causing the Hillsborough tragedy . Sir Irvine, who chose to go by his middle name instead of his first name Cyril, lived in Sheffield with his wife of 52 years Lynda. They had two children Matthew and Suzanne and two grandchildren. He was awarded an OBE in 1980. Sir Irvine was vice-president of Sheffield’s Kingfield Synagogue, life president of Sheffield Jewish Representative Council, and a former national vice-chairman of the Maccabi sports and youth organisation.
Sir Irvine Patnick accused Liverpool fans of causing Hillsborough . The former Tory MP later apologised for his comments .
[ 101, 2909, 16272, 6986, 13542, 3421, 8533, 2534, 3286, 1010, 2085, 4172, 18856, 13910, 2290, 1521, 1055, 5540, 1010, 2013, 3055, 2000, 2722, 1012, 2002, 2001, 10648, 1999, 1996, 29330, 2981, 5997, 1005, 1055, 3189, 1999, 2244, 1010, 2029, 2315, 2032, 2004, 1996, 3120, 2005, 1037, 3780, 2466, 16723, 6220, 4599, 1997, 4786, 1996, 29330, 10576, 1012, 2909, 16272, 1010, 2040, 4900, 2000, 2175, 2011, 2010, 2690, 2171, 2612, 1997, 2010, 2034, 2171, 1010, 2038, 2351, 4793, 6640, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Eleanor Harding . PUBLISHED: . 13:58 EST, 16 June 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 13:59 EST, 16 June 2013 . For years, they were banished to the wardrobes of badly-dressed dads. But believe it or not, nineties-style sports trainers are apparently making a comeback - and fashion experts are saying it won’t be long before we’re all wearing them. Nike Air Max trainers are now being sported by a raft of celebrities, including singers Rita Ora and Lily Allen, Twilight actor Robert Pattison and even President Obama. Retro: Fashion experts say that we will all be wearing Nike Air Max trainers again soon as sales have gone up . The shoe, which was first released in the UK 25 years ago, is enjoying a revival all over the country as part of a return of sportswear, according to retailers. Online shopping website Asos reported a 320 per cent growth in sales of Nike Air Max since last year while high street store Schuh also reported an increase. The shoe, which features a trademark air bubble displayed on the sole, was popularised in the nineties by musicians and sports personalities. Fashion experts say this year’s revival was prompted by a nostalgia for the decade, which many now see as a ‘golden era’. Sporty: Singer and fashionista Rita Ora used Instagram to show her love for Nike Air Max trainers . Star: The star has many pairs of the trainers, which are said to become the next must have footwear . David Spencer, product and marketing director at Schuh said: ‘Nineties sport is the footwear of choice and we have seen a massive uplift in sales for this type of footwear, especially on ladies - where we are seeing girls who aren’t traditionally sports customers buying into the trend too.’ Nichola Carroll, branded footwear buyer for Asos, added: ‘We have seen a 320 per cent growth on Nike Air Max trainers on the same period for the previous year, making them the casual wardrobe staple. ‘There has been an increase across all trainers.’ Unique: Dizzee Rascal has worn Nike Air Max trainers and even has a customised pair . Fans: The trainers, worn by Lily Allen (left) and Jared Leto (right), have seen a 320% increase in sales on Asos . Nike Air Max were first introduced in 1987 after designer Tinker Hatfield hit upon the novel idea of showing the inside of the sole with a ‘bubble’. The design was inspired by the Pompidou Centre in Paris, which has its steel structure, escalators and pipes all exposed on the outside. The craze for Nike Air Max trainers spread far and wide - rapper Dizzee Rascal had a customised pair while basketball star LeBron James had an entire line. At the time, they were also adopted by those on the nineties dance scene, where ravers often stayed up all night partying in fields. Approval: Even US President Barack Obama has been spotted sporting the retro trainers . Experts say the new trend for the retro shoe is down to a new nostalgia for the era, when Britain for the most part enjoyed a flourishing economy. Adam Saville, clubs editor for the publication DJ Mag, told The Observer that youngsters are increasingly turning to the nineties for inspiration. He said: ‘When the future’s bleak, there’s a fetishisation of what came before. People are looking back as if it was some sort of golden age.’ Sarah Raphael, online editor for I-D magazine, added: ‘It’s the rule of the 20-year cycle. ‘The 00s relived the 80s with Dr Martens; the 10s are reliving the 90s and sportswear is back.’
Rita Ora, Lily Allen, Dizzee Rascal and President Obama have worn them . Fashionistas are saying it won’t be long before we’re all sporting the trainers . Website Asos reported a 320% growth in sales of Nike Air Max since last year .
[ 101, 18368, 2250, 4098, 21992, 2024, 2108, 4368, 2098, 2011, 12330, 2164, 11620, 2030, 2050, 1998, 2728, 22732, 3385, 1012, 4827, 8519, 2360, 2023, 2095, 1005, 1055, 6308, 2001, 9469, 2011, 1037, 26968, 2005, 1996, 5476, 1010, 2029, 2116, 2085, 2156, 2004, 1037, 1005, 3585, 3690, 1005, 1996, 21992, 1010, 6247, 2011, 7094, 5297, 1998, 8334, 24543, 1010, 2031, 2464, 1037, 13710, 1003, 3623, 1999, 4341, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
If you serve in the U.S. military and you rape or sexually assault a fellow service member, chances are you won't be punished. In fact, you have an estimated 86.5% chance of keeping your crime a secret and a 92% chance of avoiding a court-martial. These disturbing statistics illustrate an ongoing epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta believes amounted to 19,000 incidents just in 2010. A culture of acceptance combined with few prosecutions against assailants and the conflicted chain of command structure discourages victims from reporting crimes. Service members who report being sexually assaulted by a commanding officer or military colleague do so at their own peril. They face ridicule, demotion, investigation that includes a review of their sexual history and even involuntary discharge. Betrayal of Trust? Allegations of rape at West Point, Annapolis . In 2006, when Marine Lt. Elle Helmer reported to her commander that a superior officer assaulted and raped her the night before, her colonel discouraged her from obtaining a rape kit. In spite of his objections, she sought a thorough medical investigation. Helmer appealed to her rapist's supervisor, who still refused to press charges or significantly punish the assailant. He said, "You're from Colorado -- you're tough. You need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. ... I can't babysit you all of the time." Rape victims say military labels them 'crazy' Instead of Helmer's attacker being prosecuted, she became the subject of investigation and prosecution. She was ultimately forced to leave the Marine Corps. Her rapist remains a Marine in good standing. Elle's story is featured in the documentary "The Invisible War," which will be screened in five major cities for a week, starting Friday. The powerful film includes interviews with former U.S. service men and women who were raped by co-workers or superior officers. The survivors explain that they felt the greatest betrayal was from the military itself and the conflicted chain of command structure that did not protect them from avoidable harm or support their need for justice. Victim testimony from a widespread and ongoing sex scandal at Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, sheds light on another tragic component of the epidemic: Service members are trained to follow the orders of all superior officers, no matter what. Two of the women who have come forward were called over an intercom shortly after they graduated from basic training and asked to leave their dorm to meet their instructors, an unusual order. The victims told a military court that they were lured to a dark supply room where two instructors engaged them in sexual acts. "I didn't know what to think or what to do," one woman, an airman first class, said when a prosecutor asked what she was thinking as her training instructor performed oral sex on her. Female service members sue U.S. military for alleged rape, sexual assault . "I was frozen," she said. Thirty-five instructors have been removed from their jobs during the past year at Lackland, but the military refuses to disclose how many are accused of sexual assault. We know that four military training instructors have already been charged with sexual misconduct with at least 24 trainees. One of the instructors is charged with having sexual contact with 10 women, including sodomy and rape. Another, Staff Sgt. Peter Vega-Maldonado, admitted in a plea bargain to having sex with one woman. His punishment is 90 days in jail, 30 days of hard labor, reduction in rank and forfeiture of $500 a month in pay for four months. He will be forced to leave the Air Force but without a bad-conduct discharge. After striking this deal with prosecutors, Vega testified that he actually had improper contact with 10 trainees. He is not immune to further prosecution, but his admission of guilt cannot be used against him in future procedures. Each victim will have to come forward, and the prosecution will have to start from scratch. I have called for a congressional hearing to investigate the systemic abuse of power at Lackland Air Force Base. It is clear that the inherent conflicts within the chain of command structure are at the core of the epidemic of military rape and sexual assault. Last fall, I introduced bipartisan legislation that would create a path to justice for service men and women who are victims of rape or sexual assault. H.R. 3435, the Sexual Assault Training Oversight and Prevention Act (STOP Act), has 125 co-sponsors. It would take these cases out of the normal chain of command and place the jurisdiction, still within the military, in the hands of an impartial office staffed by experts -- both military and civilian. Right now, it is far too easy for a sexual predator in the military to rape or sexually assault a fellow service member and get away with it. Until these crimes are taken seriously and assailants are punished as the felons they are, the epidemic will continue. Victims of military rape deserve justice . We should not have to hear another story like Elle Helmer's, watch another movie like "The Invisible War," and have to investigate yet another scandal like the one at Lackland Air Force Base. In the words of Defense Secretary Panetta, "One assault is one too many."
Jackie Speier: If you commit sexual assault in the military, you'll probably get away with it . Speier: Service members who report attack face ridicule, demotion, refusal to be heard . Sex assault scandal at Lackland base shows how trainees are preyed upon, she says . Speier wants sex assault cases tried in impartial military office to ensure justice .
[ 101, 1999, 2230, 1010, 3884, 8318, 1012, 15317, 16254, 2121, 2988, 2000, 2014, 7991, 2961, 2008, 1037, 6020, 2961, 17536, 2014, 1012, 2016, 2001, 4821, 3140, 2000, 2681, 1996, 3884, 3650, 1012, 9040, 5694, 2227, 9436, 2594, 9307, 1010, 9703, 3508, 1010, 4812, 2008, 2950, 1037, 3319, 1997, 2037, 4424, 2381, 1998, 2130, 26097, 11889, 1012, 1996, 4516, 1000, 1996, 8841, 2162, 1000, 2097, 2022, 12238, 5958, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Turkish side Besiktas have enquired about a January move for Tottenham captain Younes Kaboul. The former Portsmouth defender has not started Spurs' last nine league games having fallen out of favour at White Hart Lane. Everton also have an interest in Kaboul, who Maruicio Pochettino surprisingly gave the captain's armband in the summer after team-mates backed the Frenchman. Younes Kaboul is a January transfer target for Besiktas after falling down the pecking order at Tottenham . The French defender was handed the captain's armband in the summer but has failed to impress . Tottenham will look to offload their fringe players before making a move for Aston Villa's Fabian Delph. The England international's contract is running down and he is also attracting interest from Liverpool, but Villa want to hold onto him until the summer. That would suit Tottenham who are in no major rush to add to their midfield at this stage - unless a top target becomes available. That is despite Ryan Mason picking up an injury, and Nabil Bentaleb leaving for the African Cup of Nations this month. Benjamin Stambouli and Paulinho have deputised in recent weeks. Tottenham are looking to bring in Fabian Delph but Aston Villa want to keep him until the summer . Mauricio Pochettino has placed his faith in Benjamin Stambouli and Paulinho in recent weeks .
Younes Kaboul has fallen out of favour under Mauricio Pochettino . Skipper hasn't played in Tottenham's last nine league games . Spurs looking to sign Fabian Delph to add depth to midfield . But Aston Villa want to keep hold of England international until the summer .
[ 101, 18127, 2031, 4372, 15549, 5596, 2055, 1037, 2254, 2693, 2005, 2017, 5267, 10556, 5092, 5313, 1012, 1996, 2413, 8291, 2038, 5357, 2091, 1996, 18082, 2075, 2344, 2012, 2317, 7530, 4644, 1012, 18022, 2024, 4699, 1999, 6608, 21174, 3972, 8458, 2021, 6992, 2215, 2000, 2562, 2032, 2127, 1996, 2621, 1012, 11562, 2182, 2005, 2035, 1996, 6745, 18127, 2739, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Cardiff City have started High Court proceedings to reclaim more than £50,000 they paid to football agent Paul Atkin for information he provided about discredited former manager Malky Mackay. It’s claimed Atkin, of Pro Star Management, made an approach to Cardiff under the pseudonym Jack Anonymous offering to help the club defend Mackay’s £7million employment claim with ‘two significant pieces of information’ regarding his alleged ‘serious misconduct’. Mackay later settled with the club before Sportsmail revealed the series of racist, homophobic and sexist texts he had exchanged with director of football Iain Moody. Neither has yet found another job in football. Cardiff have taken agent Paul Atkin to court over information he provided about Malky Mackay (above) Cardiff paid Atkin, via his solicitor, £51,500 for the information he had been touting. But on receiving it, they found it ran to less than one typed page and was either of questionable accuracy or relevance. The first item was that Norwich majority shareholder Delia Smith had allegedly approached Mackay about managing the Canaries and the second was that Atkin’s own agency had a scouting agreement with Mackay through his agent Raymond Sparkes, who also works for Pro Star Management. The Welsh club, whose owner Vincent Tan has spent £750,000 investigating eight transfers during Mackay’s tenure, are seeking the return of their money plus legal costs. A new gambling law involving the licensing of online betting companies that came into effect on Saturday will have Premier League clubs examining any sponsorships involving the gaming sector. It will soon be illegal for any non-registered betting operation with UK interests to advertise on the back of shirts or on perimeter boards. A Premier League spokesman said: ‘Our clubs have been made aware of these new regulations well in advance.’ It doesn’t say much for Michael Owen’s commitment as a BT Sport co-commentator that he missed last Saturday’s Premier League match between two of his old clubs, Liverpool and Newcastle, to travel to the United States to watch his horse Brown Panther run in the Breeders’ Cup meeting. This isn’t the first time Owen has put his horse racing passion ahead of TV football duties. Michael Owen opted to attend the Breeders' Cup rather than commentate for BT Sport at the weekend . Hot on the heels of Mark Clattenburg’s one-match ban for not using the official referees’ transport after West Brom v Crystal Palace, it is alleged that Lucy May, girlfriend of Michael Oliver, bagged a lift in the officials-only people carrier after Burnley played Chelsea. The Professional Game Match Officials said they don’t comment on individual incidents. Military manoeuvred . There is some disquiet among fans that four of the clubs — Portsmouth v Aldershot and Gosport v Colchester — whose FA Cup first-round matches have been moved to November 9, Remembrance Sunday, are from military or naval towns. An FA spokesman said there had been no complaints from the teams involved and that there would be appropriate recognition of the date at both venues . Celtic are considering complaining to Ofcom about Sky Sports News using footage of Stefan Scepovic instead of team-mate Aleksandar Tonev when the latter was banned for seven matches for racist behaviour. The club consider the on-air apology was not made quickly enough. Sky say they apologised as soon as they were made aware of the error. Celtic's Aleksandar Tonev (centre) was banned for seven matches for racist behaviour . FA National Game chief Roger Burden has slammed Sport England for the way they measure participation in team games. This follows the FA being docked £1.6million of their grassroots grant from the funding agency after a drop in football participation. Burden wrote in a letter to FA councillors: ‘Sport England’s way of measuring sports activity leaves a lot to be desired and does not properly recognise team sports or those who don’t play football every week, but still play regularly. Most team sports have similar criticisms.’ Sport England said: ‘We talk to the FA regularly about how we monitor their performance and are confident the Active People Survey is fully understood.
Cardiff are in the High Court to sue agent Paul Atkin . The club claims he offered information about ex-boss Malky Mackay . But the information is alleged to have been of questionable accuracy . Michael Owen again put his horse ahead of his TV football duties .
[ 101, 10149, 3825, 2012, 4939, 1010, 3081, 2010, 15468, 1010, 27813, 2487, 1010, 3156, 2005, 2592, 2002, 3024, 2055, 15451, 4801, 17090, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 3555, 2012, 4939, 2081, 2019, 3921, 2000, 10149, 2104, 1996, 13881, 2990, 10812, 1012, 1996, 4005, 2018, 1037, 14299, 3820, 2007, 17090, 2083, 2010, 4005, 7638, 12125, 2229, 1010, 2040, 2036, 2573, 2005, 4013, 2732, 2968, 1012, 1996, 6124, 2252, 2024, 6224, 1996, 2709, 1997, 2037, 2769, 4606, 3423, 5366, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Catholic priests say they are living in fear after a clergyman was murdered on the final day of a music festival promoting religious tolerance. Father Evaristus Mushi was shot dead by two men on motorcycles on the last day of the Sounds of Wisdom festival in Zanzibar and his death has prompted concern that religious tensions on the holiday island are increasing. The Bishop of Zanzibar said members of the clergy are terrified of further attacks. Children dance at the Sounds of Wisdom festival days before a Catholic priest was shot dead on Zanzibar . The popular music festival promotes religious tolerance between Muslims and Christians on the island . Since the murder on February 17 a church has also been set on fire. Five churches were torched on the island in 2012. Bishop Augustine Shao was quoted as saying in Catholic News: 'We are very afraid'. It is the fourth attack on Christian or Islamic clergy in the past four months. Protestant pastor Mathew Kachira was killed on February 10, Catholic News reported, and Father Ambrose Mkenda was shot and wounded on Christmas Day. In November a Muslim cleric was injured in an acid attack. Bishop Shao said clergy have been sent threatening texts following Father Mushi's murder. He told Catholic News that the type of attack 'is new to the country and we are looking for reasons', adding that the perpetrators could be using religion as a cover. The island is classed as a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania and some believes that terrorists demanding independence from Tanzania are behind the murder. It has been reported that priests and bishops in Tanzania received texts praising the Somalia-trained men who murdered the priest and warned of further attacks at Easter. There are fears religious tensions on the popular tourist island are increasing after Father Mushi was shot . The bishop said warnings had also been . received that the killings would continue until Muslim leaders jailed . after disturbances on the island last year were freed. The murder happened on the final day of the tenth Sounds of Wisdom festival or Sauti za Busara. Yusuf Mahmoud, the festival director, told the crowd that a major purpose of the event was 'breaking down barriers between Muslims and Christians, black and white', according to The Guardian. Three days later the Pool of Siloam Church was set on fire. Police said three men stoned a security guard before setting the church alight. It is the second attack on the church in two years. In 2011, 80 people pulled down the building. The majority of islanders are Muslim, with Christians making up as little as five per cent of the population. Retired Anglican bishop John Ramadhani told The Guardian that religion was being used for political goals. He said: 'There has been harmony and toleration in the past but I think there is perhaps a belief that Christians should not be here.' Father Mushi's murder has been condemned by the president of Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete, who has sent detectives from the mainland to assist in the inquiries.
Father Evaristus Mushi was shot dead by two men on motorcycles . His death came on the final day of the Sounds of Wisdom festival . The Zanzibar festival promotes tolerance between Muslims and Christians . There are fears that religious tensions on the tourist island are on the rise .
[ 101, 2269, 9345, 15061, 2271, 14163, 6182, 2001, 2915, 2757, 2011, 2048, 2273, 2006, 18580, 2006, 1996, 2197, 2154, 1997, 1996, 4165, 1997, 9866, 2782, 1999, 23564, 14191, 26656, 1012, 1996, 2759, 2189, 2782, 14067, 3412, 13986, 2090, 7486, 1998, 8135, 2006, 1996, 2479, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1996, 2959, 2886, 2006, 3017, 2030, 5499, 11646, 1999, 1996, 2627, 2176, 2706, 1012, 5011, 25436, 10556, 5428, 2527, 2001, 2915, 1998, 5303, 2006, 4234, 2154, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Emma Glanfield . A mother has told of the terrifying moment a stranger apparently tried to walk off with her three-year-old son in the middle of a supermarket. Lucy Wooldridge, 30, said the worrying incident occurred while she was momentarily distracted buying sweets for her two young children at a Co-operative store in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. An unknown man allegedly took her young son, Kristian, by the hand and attempted to lead him away saying ‘come here’. Lucy Wooldridge, 30, said the worrying incident occurred while she was momentarily distracted buying sweets for her two young children at a Co-operative store in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex (above) However, the young boy screamed ‘mummy’ and his mother brought him back to her side. She said: ‘It was horrible - I could hear the panic in Kristian’s voice when he shouted to me. ‘I knew something was wrong so I ran around and saw this man. ‘I called at Kristian to come to me and the man let go and walked away. ‘At first I thought maybe the man was trying to find me, but then staff in the shop said the man hadn’t been in the shop and he had seen Kristian, walked in and grabbed his hand. ‘If I was two seconds later getting to him, he would have gone.’ The terrifying experience has left Ms Wooldridge, from Basildon, Essex, scared to let Kristian out of the house. She said: ‘I am still a nervous wreck about what happened. ‘I will never forget it - it will stay with me forever.’ Police are are now reviewing CCTV footage of the incident, which happened shortly before 5pm on June 26. Pictured: Essex Police headquarters in Chelmsford . Police are now reviewing CCTV footage of the incident, which happened shortly before 5pm on June 26. Officers said inquiries are continuing. An Essex Police spokesman said: ‘Police were contacted shortly before 5pm to suspicious circumstances at the Cooperative, in Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff. ‘It was reported a male had offered to take the hand of a three-year-old boy. ‘Police arrived at the scene and reviewed CCTV.’ Kristian’s grandmother, Debbie Spooner, 53, is now warning parents to speak to their children about what to do if approached by a stranger. She said: ‘People need to be aware of what happened. ‘The first thing I thought of was Jamie Bulger. ‘Lucy had told them if they ever can’t see her to shout at her - he remembered to do it. ‘Afterwards, once my daughter knew everything was okay, she just collapsed in tears. ‘It was awful - you can’t put into words the fear that goes through your mind.'
Lucy Wooldridge, 30, said stranger tried to walk off with young son Kristian . Said incident occurred while she was momentarily distracted buying sweets . Unknown man allegedly took three-year-old boy by hand saying 'come here' Kristian shouted 'mummy' and man left Co-op store in Westcliff-on-Sea .
[ 101, 7004, 12121, 21482, 1010, 2382, 1010, 2056, 1996, 15366, 5043, 4158, 2096, 2016, 2001, 11116, 9343, 26844, 2005, 2014, 2048, 2402, 2336, 2012, 1037, 2522, 1011, 12160, 3573, 1999, 2225, 27580, 1011, 2006, 1011, 2712, 1010, 8862, 1012, 2019, 4242, 2158, 9382, 2165, 2014, 2402, 2365, 1010, 19031, 10772, 1010, 2011, 1996, 2192, 1998, 4692, 2000, 2599, 2032, 2185, 3038, 1005, 22788, 1005, 1055, 2908, 1005, 1996, 2402, 2879, 7210, 1005, 22788, 1521, 1998, 2010, 2388, 2716, 2032, 2067, 2000, 2014, 2217, 1012, 2610, 2024, 2085, 15252, 10507, 9189, 8333, 1997, 1996, 5043, 1010, 2029, 3047, 3859, 2077, 1019, 9737, 2006, 2238, 2656, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Barcelona coach Luis Enrique has urged reported Everton target Martin Montoya to stay and fight for his place after the player's agent said he aims to leave in January. Everton have made enquiries about the availability of the Barca right back amid fears that Chelsea will try to prize Seamus Coleman away from Goodison Park with a £20million summer bid. Montoya signed a new contract earlier this year believing that he was in line to replace Dani Alves as the club's regular right back, but his chances have been limited and he now appears to be fourth in the pecking order. Martin Montoya has been heavily linked with a move away from Barcelona in January . Manager Luis Enrique has urged Montoya to stay and fight for his place at Barcelona . Lionel Messi, Neymar and Gerard Pique fight off the cold weather as they train on Saturday morning . Brazilian Douglas played in the King's Cup win on Wednesday over lower league Huesca, while utility man Adriano also seems to be ahead of Montoya in Luis Enrique's plans. But Barca coach Enrique, who oversaw training on Saturday morning ahead of Sunday's La Liga clash with Espanyol, denied that he has given up on the home-grown talent. 'I know Martin very well and it is difficult for me to rule out players and so imagine what it would be like for a player that I had with me in the youth team,' Luis Enrique told a news conference. Jeremy Mathieu and Ivan Rakitic (left) and Messi and Pique (right) make final preparations ahead of Sunday . Messi trains at with Barcelona on Saturday morning in preparation for the La Liga clash with Espanyol . 'I have only words of praise for his effort and willingness. The situation can change in any moment and he is working hard for that to happen so all I can do is try to motivate him to keep doing what he is doing and make it difficult for his team mates. 'I don't want to talk about the possibility of players leaving.' Montoya's agent Juan de Dios Carrasco, however, told Spanish radio on Friday that the player has had enough. 'Montoya will leave, 100 percent, in the winter transfer window,' he told Radio Marca.
Martin Montoya is reportedly a target for Everton in January . Everton fear Chelsea will prize Seamus Coleman away in the summer . Luis Enrique urges Montoya to stay and fight for his place .
[ 101, 3235, 18318, 18232, 2038, 2042, 4600, 5799, 2007, 1037, 2693, 2185, 2013, 7623, 1012, 18022, 2031, 2081, 4372, 15549, 5134, 2055, 1996, 11343, 1997, 1996, 8850, 1012, 18318, 18232, 2772, 1037, 2047, 3206, 3041, 2023, 2095, 8929, 2002, 2001, 1999, 2240, 2000, 5672, 19522, 2632, 6961, 2004, 3347, 3540, 1005, 1055, 3180, 2157, 2067, 1012, 1996, 7623, 2873, 23439, 2002, 2038, 2445, 2039, 2006, 1996, 2188, 1011, 4961, 5848, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- Argentina is a huge, diverse country. Large cities and breathtaking vistas are just some of your travel options there. Every journey has to start somewhere, and many people choose to begin in the capital city, Buenos Aires. Not every adventure is about climbing mountains or rafting rivers. Sometimes, the thrill you seek comes from culture and urban exploration. CNN's Jose Manuel Rodriguez recently visited Buenos Aires while on assignment for Café CNN, and carved out time to share some travel suggestions. Explore history, culture . Buenos Aires is defined by intensity, beauty, glamour, architecture, tango and an unexpected nightlife. Not to mention, good steak. But the flavors of Argentina are not just steak and Malbec wine. International cuisine is everywhere in Buenos Aires. The great French restaurant Petanque, located at 596 Defensa, is a cozy place where you can sample local foie gras and wine from Salta in the foothills of the Andes. Beyond the cuisine, there are many points of interest not to be missed during a visit to Buenos Aires. The neighborhood of San Telmo has witnessed many of the city's transformational events. During the mid-19th century, it was home to the wealthiest of Buenos Aires. By the end of that century, the area was affected by an epidemic of yellow fever and many of its residents migrated to the north. Restoration of part of this architecturally rich neighborhood began in the 1970s, leading to a wave of artists, bohemians and antique shops. Today it is the most significant root of South America's antique markets and features 500 shops that offer all sorts of vintage collections. On Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., a flea market fills the Plaza Dorrego as eager tourists and collectors search varied and eccentric antiques. The 'Soho' of Buenos Aires . The area of "Palermo Soho" arose from a real estate boom in the area that brought fashion designers, artists, galleries and restaurants to the traditional neighborhood of Palermo. These new arrivals refurbished old houses, making the area a fashionable destination filled with art and good food. It's called Soho colloquially, evoking the legendary Soho areas in New York and London. The area is surrounded by boutiques, exclusive salons, gourmet tearooms and restaurants that serve fusion food. The restaurant Casa Cruz is one of the best around. Elegant, understated and modern, it's one of the most expensive and luxurious in Buenos Aires. The ambiance is its best asset, although the art and sophisticated cuisine are not far behind. The top-flight menu makes it a favorite of celebrities. Casa Cruz is located at Uriarte 1658, and in that same area there are excellent places for afternoon tea with an English flair. Pierina Tea House, at Gurruchaga 1875, blends elegance, good taste and tradition. Just past Juan B. Justo street begins "Palermo Hollywood," a nickname inspired by the producers and TV channels that settled in the area. The residential area has gained plenty of nightlife, and there are many "grills" where you can eat delicious Argentine beef. Romanticizing Argentina's history . Perón Perón offers an ample menu and is located at Angel Carranza 2225. The restaurant aims to recreate the aesthetic of the Peronist '40s. Throughout the restaurant there are propaganda posters for the Peronist party, which is one of the oldest political parties in Argentina. It originated with the government of Gen. Juan Domingo Perón, who was married to Evita Duarte. The restaurant has an atmosphere of camaraderie and great fanfare. Diners who meet here embrace and celebrate shared jokes at long tables like an extended family. Among its customers are the young and old, activists and even a few anti-Peronists. Political discourse is everywhere in the air here and discussed with passion. To better understand this passion, visit the Evita Museum. The museum, located at Lafinur 2988, explores the life of the woman whose husband, Juan Domingo Peron, was twice elected president of Argentina. Evita Perón is a mythical figure in Argentina and around the world, praised and criticized by many. Perón's body was laid to rest in the historic Recoleta Cemetery, and the burial site is a popular tourist destination. For further museum exploration, tour the Casa Rosada where the president's offices are housed. The Government Palace and the Museum of the Bicentennial are nearby, bringing together the complex political, social and cultural aspects of Argentina.
Buenos Aires is a starting point for many visits to Argentina . The city is a great place to mingle with locals, experience South American culture . Wander the streets, dance the tango, try museums and eat delicious food . Have you been to Argentina? Share your stories of adventures there .
[ 101, 9204, 9149, 2003, 4225, 2011, 8015, 1010, 5053, 1010, 22439, 1010, 4294, 1010, 17609, 1998, 2019, 9223, 2305, 15509, 1012, 5619, 1005, 1055, 1000, 23771, 1000, 10375, 2013, 1037, 2613, 3776, 8797, 1999, 1996, 2181, 2008, 2716, 4827, 11216, 1010, 11726, 1998, 7884, 2000, 1996, 2181, 1012, 1996, 2181, 2003, 2188, 2000, 1996, 27809, 1997, 9204, 9149, 1010, 2007, 3156, 7340, 2008, 3749, 13528, 13528, 6407, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Jessica Jerreat . and David Mccormack . Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 27, of Wood Valley, Idaho, is alive but 'in diminished health' according to military officials who've seen a recently obtained proof-of-life video . The U.S. military has obtained a new video of captured Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only known American prisoner of war in Afghanistan. The so-called proof-of-life video is the first footage of the Wood Valley, Idaho, native in almost three years. The video hasn’t been released to the media, but Bergdahl was described by one senior defense official as looking in diminished health from the effects of close to five years in captivity. The video came to light several days ago and is believed to be relatively recent as it includes a reference to December 14, 2013. Bergdahl was taken prisoner in Afghanistan on June 30, 2009, and is believed he is being held somewhere in Pakistan. U.S. efforts to free Bergdahl, including negotiating for his release, have so far failed. 'Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has been gone far too long, and we continue to call for and work toward his safe and immediate release,' a Pentagon spokesman told CNN. 'We cannot discuss all the details of our efforts, but there should be no doubt that on a daily basis - using our military, intelligence and diplomatic tools - we work to see Sgt. Bergdahl returned home safely,' the spokesman said. In the past, the Taliban has said they would free him in exchange for several of their most senior operatives who are detained at the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Scroll down for video . U.S. Army Private Bowe Bergdahl watches as one of his captors displays his identity tag to the camera at an unknown location in Afghanistan, July 19, 2009 not long after he was first captured . Jani and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of captured U.S. Army Sergeant, addressed a rally held in their son's honor in Haley, Idaho, last June . Bergdahl's family have issued a statement in response to the latest video: 'As we have done so many times over the past four and a half years, we request his captors to release him safely so that our only son can be reunited with his mother and father. 'BOWE - If see this, continue to remain strong through patience. Your endurance will carry you to the finish line. Breathe!' Last year they received a letter from him via the Red Cross, but no details from the letter were released as he was considered to still be in a . volatile situation. Bergdahl was 23 when he was captured after finishing a guard shift at a combat outpost in southeastern Paktika province. Captive: Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been kept as a prisoner of war by the Taliban after being captured . The U.S. government acknowledged in May 2012 that it was engaged in talks with the Taliban to free Bergdahl. The discussions moved in fits and starts because of U.S. concerns that any Taliban prisoners swapped for Bergdahl might be repatriated and allowed to rejoin the fight. Last June, however, the White House announced it was willing to send five Taliban prisoners to Qatar in exchange for Bergdahl. Among the five prisoners the Taliban has consistently asked for are Khairullah Khairkhwa, a former governor of Herat, and Mullah Mohammed Fazl, a Taliban military commander. The men have been held at Guantanamo for about a decade. The former ballet student was seen as an unlikely recruit for the Army by some, but family and friends say he admired the military for its discipline and for what he saw as its role in protecting the American way of life, according to the New York Times. He was lured into a military life by the promise of travel and the chance to help people across the world. But two months after arriving in Afghanistan he was captured. Since his capture, Sergeant Bergdahl has been forced to appear in several propaganda videos for the Taliban, pleading for an end to the U.S's involvement in the war. It is also believed that he made a daring escape attempt in 2011. He jumped from a first-floor window of a mud-brick house in Pakistan where he was being held, and escaped into underbrush and forested mountains. His captors found him three days later hiding in a trench, covered with leaves and nearly naked, according to a report. Sources described Sgt Bergdahl, as fighting 'like a boxer' when he was found. Prisoner: Since his capture in 2009 Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been forced to appear in propaganda films .
U.S. military announced on Wednesday that they have received a video featuring Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl . He is America's only known prisoner of war in Afghanistan and has been held captive since his capture in 2009 . His family have released a statement asking for his release and urging him directly to remain 'strong through patience' In the past, the Taliban has said they . would free him in exchange for several senior operatives detained at Guantanamo Bay .
[ 101, 2390, 17001, 1012, 6812, 2063, 15214, 18417, 2140, 1010, 2676, 1010, 1997, 3536, 3028, 1010, 9795, 1010, 2003, 3373, 2000, 2031, 2042, 2579, 7267, 1999, 7041, 2006, 2238, 2382, 1010, 2268, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2108, 2218, 1999, 23094, 3016, 1010, 7394, 1010, 2005, 3053, 2093, 2086, 1012, 16597, 2038, 2056, 2027, 2052, 2489, 2032, 1999, 3863, 2005, 2195, 3026, 25631, 14620, 2012, 23094, 3016, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Alex Ward . PUBLISHED: . 06:13 EST, 29 April 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:54 EST, 29 April 2013 . Sales of compilation albums have soared to more than 20 million as music-lovers look to save money on buying individual tracks from iTunes. Purchases increased by an incredible 7.2 per cent last year to 20.6million and the Now! franchise had its best sales figures for 11 years according to the official UK charts. And their latest release, Now That’s What I Call Music! 84, is the fast-selling album so far this year. That's what I call a comeback! Old-fashioned compilation album sales have soared to more than 20 million with Now That's What I Call Music! 83 the number one compilation for 2012 . The comeback has defied the music-buying trends of modern consumers who tend to download one or two tracks rather than buying an entire album. They cost between . £10-12 and contain up to 40 songs which is equivalent to paying just 28.5p . per song - a third of the price of downloading an individual song, which cost around 99p. 1. Now That's What I Call Music! 832. Now That's What I Call Music! 823. Now That's What I Call Music! 814. Now That's What I Call Christmas!5. Pop Party 106. Now That's What I Call Running!7. BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge 20128. Anthems 90s Ministry of Sound9. Keep Calm And Relax10. Until Now - Swedish House Mafia11. Be My Baby12. Now That's What I Call Reggae!13. Now That's What I Call Music! 8014. Now That's What I Call A No.1!15. Now That's What I Call Disney!16. Ultimate Clubland - A Decade In Dance17. Dreamboats and Petticoats 18. XX - Twenty Years of Ministry Of Sound19. Motown Anthems20. Isles Of Wonder - The Opening CeremonySource: Official Charts Company . The Now series had nine compilation albums in the top 20 including reggae, Disney and Christmas albums and 26 compilation albums sold more than 100,000 copies each. One in four were sold as a download and the genre was responsible for a fifth of all albums sold in 2012. Top sellers also included Isles of Wonder, a compilation of songs played during the London Olympic Games opening ceremony, Radio One’s Live Lounge series in which famous bands and solo artists perform each other’s songs and dance collections Ministry of Sound. British Recorded Music Industry (BPI) chief executive Geoff Taylor said the collections were defying British music buying trends. He said: ‘Despite the availability of tracks as individual downloads, compilations - led by the Now series - are confounding expectations and performing better than ever. ‘Not only are music fans getting superb value from double and triple album titles brimming with hits, but a string of newly-themed albums have established themselves over the last year.’ The charts are compiled by the Official Charts Company which operates in London. It is a joint venture between BPI and the Entertainment Retailers Association. The charts are based on a survey across a panel of retailers which accounts for 99 per cent of all singles sold, 98 per cent of all albums and over 90 per cent of video. Original vinyl versions of the Now . series, which started in 1983, have become valuable . collectibles worth up to £200 each it was revealed this week. Compilation cash cow: Top-selling compilations including Isles of Wonder (right) and Ministry of Sound (left) cost £10-12 and contain up to 40 songs - equivalent to paying 28.5p per song - a third of the price of downloading an individual song online . The original Now That's What I call Music compilation album was released in 1983 . The Now That’s What I Call Music! franchise, often shortened to Now!, was launched in the UK in 1983. The first album included 11 number one singles and a collection of 30 tracks from 1983 and was released on double vinyl LP and cassette. It was unlike other compilations at the time which were edited to fit the running time. The series is a collaboration between EMI and Virgin which allows a greater number of major hits to be included. The idea for the series started at Richard Branson’s Virgin Records offices in Vernon Yard, just off Portobello Road. Mr Branson bought a 1920s Danish Bacon poster of a pig singing Now That’s What I Call Music! to a chicken producing an egg, and gave it to his cousin Simon Draper, then the head of A&R at Virgin Records and later Managing Director. Mr Draper hung the poster in his office and during a meeting with Peter Jamieson, then the managing director of EMI Records, the poster caught his eye and the name of the series was born. There have been a number of spin-off compilations including Now Dance and Now Smash Hits which went on to release their own compilations. The series continues today and also exists in several other countries including Argentina, Israel and South Africa. Original vinyl versions of the series have become valuable collectibles worth up to £200 each.
Now That's What I Call Music! series dominated the best-seller compilation list . The franchise's latest album is the fastest-selling album so far this year . Sales of compilation albums increased by 7.2 per cent last year . Tracks on compilation albums cost equivalent of 28.5p each, a third of the price of buying songs individually .
[ 101, 17402, 3445, 2011, 2019, 9788, 1021, 1012, 1016, 2566, 9358, 2197, 2095, 2000, 2322, 1012, 1020, 19912, 3258, 1012, 2085, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2054, 1045, 2655, 2189, 999, 6391, 2003, 1996, 3435, 1011, 4855, 2201, 2061, 2521, 2023, 2095, 1012, 1996, 2085, 999, 6329, 2018, 2049, 2190, 4341, 4481, 2005, 2340, 2086, 2429, 2000, 1996, 2880, 2866, 6093, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Another game, another excellent referee - this time Turkey's Cuneyt Cakır - turning in a weak performance. First there was a huge kick on Wesley Sneijder’s achilles by Martín Demichelis which escaped a caution and moments later Bruno Martins Indi blatantly body checked Lionel Messi but again no yellow card. That Martins Indi was cautioned just on half time did nothing to suggest laws might be applied correctly and sure enough Stefan De Vrij committed another body check in the second minute of the second half and was not shown a card. No action: Martin Demichelis checks on Holland's Wesley Sneijder after the Argentine's Achilles tackle . Blatant: Holland's Bruno Martins Indi got away with a deliberate body check on Lionel Messi . Punished: Martins Indi was substituted soon after he was finally booked by Cuneyt Cakir . Remonstrating: (from left) Ezequiel Lavezzi and Lionel Messi argue with Cakir after the Demichelis booking . Cuneyt is a strict referee who follows instructions; Nani’s dismissal at Old Trafford against Bayern Munich showed that. FIFA deny that they have 'instructed' referees to perform this way but what I have witnessed throughout this competition is very good and experienced referees appearing to do their jobs in 'FIFA handcuffs' – restricting the correct use of the red and yellow cards that law demands. More injuries may follow and the final could again be spoiled by excessive physical challenges being allowed. Off Scott free: Stefan de Vrij (left) went unpunished for a body check in the second half . Eventually: Cakir booked Demichelis after a foul on Arjen Robben .
The Turkish semi-final referee eventually gave three yellow cards . Argentina's Martin Demichelis and Holland's Bruno Martins Indi were booked but should have been punished earlier in the match . FIFA says they haven't advised referees to do so, but the officials appear to be acting too leniently .
[ 101, 3235, 27668, 15721, 2483, 2253, 4895, 14289, 28357, 2005, 1037, 15063, 2303, 4638, 2006, 11482, 1055, 2638, 28418, 4063, 1005, 1055, 23167, 1012, 10391, 19953, 27427, 2072, 2001, 17414, 2005, 1037, 12487, 2006, 12098, 6460, 2078, 26211, 2368, 1999, 1996, 2117, 2431, 1012, 16405, 5420, 2102, 6187, 23630, 2059, 2253, 2125, 2007, 1037, 15063, 2132, 4638, 1999, 1996, 2034, 2431, 1012, 2021, 1996, 5330, 2106, 2498, 2000, 6592, 4277, 2453, 2022, 4162, 11178, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
A rescue dog has stunned her new owner after giving birth to 14 Doberman puppies, setting a new British record in the process. Keela the two-year-old Doberman was only thought to be carrying five or six pups when she was examined by vets, but ended up giving birth to a monster brood. Zara Hayes, 42, who runs the Yappy Ever After dog centre paid £450 for two-year-old Doberman Keela after noticing an online advert saying the animal was 'possibly pregnant'. She was worried that the dog would be exploited by its new owners for profit, as Doberman puppies can sell for £1,000, so she put her up for adoption instead. Scroll down for video . Keela the Doberman set a new British record for the largest litter when she gave birth to 14 puppies on the rather fitting date of December 14 - beating the previous record of 13 . Zara Hayes, 42, paid £450 for Keela after seeing an advert for her online saying she was 'possibly pregnant'. Ms Hayes was concerned the dog would be exploited for profit, so put her up for adoption instead . Assistant pub manager Cat Davis, 33, agreed to take Keela on after vets said she was pregnant with six or seven pups, and was stunned when the monster brood popped out . Cat Davis, 33, from Cardiff, agreed to take care of Keela in October last year after being told she was carrying six pups, slightly less than the average litter of eight, according to the Kennel Club. But on the rather fitting night of December 14, Keela gave birth to 14 puppies which have now taken over her house, eating a 5kg bag of dog food per day. Following the mammoth birth, Ms Davis (left) is panning to permanently adopt Keela (centre) from rescue home owner Ms Hayes (right) They spend most of their time huddled together in a basket in the corner of her kitchen for warmth, and are so close they all sleep together in one big pile. Ms Davis, an assistant manager at a pub, said: 'We couldn’t believe it when 14 came out, and on December 14 as well, it was a weird coincidence. 'They have taken over my house and my life, there isn’t much space left that isn’t taken up by dogs. 'But it is worth it to make sure they are kept safe and sent to loving homes rather than being exploited. 'They all have their own personalities but they are live wires and bundles of energy. The pups are so close they all sleep together in a big puppy heap. They are adorable. 'We are lucky people are donating food because they are going through a bag a day and they certainly let you know when they’re hungry. 'I am glad we have found loving homes for them all but I will definitely miss them when they leave next month.' The puppies, who all weigh 3-4kg, are being rehomed by Yappy Ever After for their standard minimum adoption fee of £250. They have already been snapped up by owners who will be coming to collect them a few days after they have their injections on February 9. One of the puppies is even going to a home as far away in Germany, while the other 13 are off to new families across Britain. The dogs were known by numbers at first but have now been given names by their new owners which are - Odin, Kaiser, Zeus, Boudicca, Oscar, Boo, Kayla, Wilson, Shadow, Stan, Zeus, Patience, Dylan and Blake. Ms Davis said her home has now been overrun by the dogs, who are eating a 5kg bag of dog food per day . All 14 pups have now found news homes after being donated to Ms Hayes' rescue centre for the standard fee of £250 each, and one is even being sent to Germany . Ms Davis says one of the puppies wasn't breathing when it was born, but now they are all fighting fit, and will leave her on February 9 after having their injections . Zara, who runs Yappy Ever After dog rescue from Arnold, Notts., watched the birth live as Cat sent her pictures and videos as it happened. She added: 'I got Keela because my thought was that someone could make a lot of money from the puppies with very little effort. 'I was worried about her not being of use to anyone after giving birth. I am just overwhelmed with the number of puppies to be honest, there were a lot of tears. 'It was a bit of touch and go with the last one because she wasn’t breathing, but they are all fighting strong now. 'We couldn’t believe it when it got to six and then more came out and it kept going up until 14. According to the Kennel Club the usual litter size for a Doberman is between eight and nine puppies. Keela had been expected to deliver six, but ended up giving birth to 14 . 'We have seen that another Doberman had 13 but I am planning to contact Guinness World Records because we think this must be a record.' Yappy Ever After volunteer Vicky Day, 26, from Arnold, added: 'I was getting regular updates throughout the night as and when the puppies were born so none of us could sleep. 'By the time the 12th one was out I thought it was madness. Fourteen is amazing - I wish I could have been there. Most of all I am pleased they are all healthy and are all going to good homes.' New mum Keela - who will be neutured so she can’t be exploited in the future - is now going to be adopted by fosterer Cat after the puppies have been rehomed.
Zara Hayes, 42, saw advert for 'possibly pregnant' Doberman online . Rescue home owner Ms Hayes took dog Keela in over fears for her safety . Cat Davis, 33, adopted her after vets said she was pregnant with six pups . But on December 14, two-year-old Doberman gave birth to 14 youngsters . They have taken over Ms Davis' house eating 5kg of dog food every day .
[ 101, 2048, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2079, 23991, 19602, 2050, 2435, 4182, 2000, 2403, 26781, 13046, 2006, 2285, 2403, 1012, 23564, 2527, 10192, 1010, 4413, 1010, 3825, 1069, 19961, 2692, 2005, 2014, 3784, 4748, 16874, 3038, 2016, 2001, 1005, 4298, 6875, 1005, 2016, 2001, 5191, 1996, 3899, 2052, 2022, 18516, 2005, 5618, 1010, 2061, 2404, 2014, 2039, 2005, 9886, 2612, 1012, 5796, 10192, 1010, 2040, 3216, 1996, 8038, 27659, 2412, 2044, 2412, 2044, 1010, 2003, 2085, 6090, 5582, 2000, 8642, 11092, 19602, 2050, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Suzannah Hills . PUBLISHED: . 18:00 EST, 5 February 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 09:12 EST, 6 February 2013 . An air hostess who posted a picture of herself giving her passengers the finger has been sacked by Aeroflot airline bosses in Russia after it ended up on Twitter. Flight attendant Tatiana Kozlenko put the snap up on her personal page on Vkontakte, one of Russia's most popular Facebook-style social networks. Within hours the snap - which appears to show the arm of an air hostess giving the finger to an airplane cabin full of passengers - had clocked up dozens of 'likes'. Sacked: Air hostess Tatiana Kozlenko, pictured left, has been fired by Russian airline Aeroflot after posting a picture online that appears to show a flight attendant giving the finger to a cabin full of passengers, right . But the image then went viral after it was posted on Twitter and reTweeted by hundreds of users. Aeroflot airline bosses soon found out about the photo and fired Ms Kozlenko. Aeroflot - who announced the sacking on their Twitter account - said: 'Posting this photo shows Tatiana’s attitude towards passengers and her duties. She acknowledged her fault when she spoke to her managers.' But Ms Kozlenko claims it isn't her arm in the snap - or even one of her her airline's planes. She admitted that she tagged herself in the photo, which doesn't show anyone's face - but claims it isn't her. 'I don’t consider myself guilty! The photo was added to my page, I only tagged myself on it!!! The hand isn’t mine, the plane is not my company’s!!! I don’t understand what they spoil my life for!!! I’m asking you for help and support!!' she said on her Vkontakte page. Axed: Aeroflot bosses fired Ms Kozlenko after the image went viral on the internet (stock image) Ms Kozlenko is not the first to get in trouble over making the gesture. Teenager Penelope Soto was jailed for thirty days after sticking her finger up at a judge during sentencing yesterday. Soto - who was in court after being arrested for drug possession - made the gesture after Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat doubled the amount of her bond. As a result she was hauled back in front of the judge and given a jail sentence for contempt of court. Another woman was forced to apologise after an image of her flashing her middle finger at Arlington National Cemetery sparked widespread disgust across the web and prompted an online petition to get the woman fired from her job. Lindsey Stone posted the picture of herself making the obscene gesture at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, next to a sign at the military cemetery that asks for 'Silence and Respect,' in October and the snapshot quickly went viral. Stone issued an apology for the picture calling her gesture a 'visual pun' and saying she now realizes the picture 'was in incredibly poor taste'. Punishment: Penelope Soto was in court after being arrested for drug possession when she made the offensive gesture to Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat as he set her bond . Shocking: Lindsey Stone flashed the obscene gesture at Arlington National Cemetery, next to a sign that asked for respect .
Flight attendant Tatiana Kozlenko worked for Russian airline Aeroflot . She posted the picture on social networking site Vkontakte . Image then went viral after being reTweeted hundreds of times on Twitter . Ms Kozlenko claims it isn't her in the picture, which appears to show the arm of an air hostess giving the finger to a cabin full of passengers .
[ 101, 22725, 12849, 29247, 16107, 2404, 1996, 10245, 2039, 2006, 2014, 3167, 3931, 2006, 1058, 19648, 2696, 25509, 2063, 1010, 2028, 1997, 3607, 1005, 1055, 2087, 2759, 9130, 1011, 2806, 2591, 6125, 1012, 2306, 2847, 1996, 10245, 2596, 2000, 2265, 1996, 2849, 1997, 2019, 2250, 22566, 3228, 1996, 4344, 2000, 1037, 6644, 2440, 1997, 5467, 1012, 1996, 6302, 2059, 2253, 13434, 2044, 2009, 2001, 6866, 2006, 10474, 1998, 2128, 2102, 28394, 3064, 5606, 1997, 2335, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Stuart Pearce claims Jack Wilshere won’t even kick a ball for England at the World Cup. The former England Under-21 coach claims the Arsenal midfielder is short of form and confidence ahead of the opening game against Italy in Manaus on Saturday. Pearce told talkSPORT: ‘I think there are five players that will not kick a ball at the World Cup. Forster and Foster are the obvious ones and I think Shaw, Smalling and Wilshere will be the others. Bench mark? Jack Wilshere will not get any playing time at the World Cup, according to Stuart Pearce . 'I think he [Wilshere] is very, very short of form. Watching the last game [against Honduras] I didn’t see a Wilshere that sprung on the scene many months ago. 'I just think he is very, very short of confidence and I see Lampard, Lallana or Barkley ahead of him now. I just feel his lack of form really [will cost him] and that will be on Roy’s mind. Psycho babble: Stuart Pearce reckons there are at least five players who will not feature for England in Brazil . ‘He had a very disappointing last game and he has not shown me the fully fit Wilshere we saw when he came on the scene.’ The former England Under 21 coach had previously insisted that rising star Ross Barkley should not be in Brazil this summer at all. Pearce claims that Roy Hodgson is harming . England's long-term chances of success by picking young players such as . Barkley and Shaw and leaving them on the bench, rather than handing . them guaranteed game time in international age-group football. Too much too soon? Former Under 21 coach has also questioned the wisdom of taking Ross Barkley to World Cup .
Jack Wilshere won't play for England at World Cup, says Stuart Pearce . Former England Under 21 coach believes there are five players who won't be used - Wilshere, Forster, Foster, Shaw and Smalling . Pearce has previously questioned the wisdom of taking Ross Barkley .
[ 101, 2990, 19863, 19603, 2063, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2131, 2151, 2652, 2051, 2012, 1996, 2088, 2452, 1012, 2280, 2563, 2104, 1011, 2538, 2873, 4447, 2045, 2024, 2274, 2867, 2008, 2097, 2025, 3444, 2005, 2563, 1012, 19560, 4447, 6060, 26107, 2003, 7386, 2075, 2563, 1005, 1055, 9592, 1997, 3112, 2011, 8130, 2402, 2867, 2107, 2004, 11286, 3051, 1998, 8233, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Top Gear, In the Night Garden and Doctor Who could all feature in a new £2billion theme park alongside characters from Star Trek and Mission: Impossible. The BBC has signed a deal to allow some of its programmes to feature in the new multi-billion pound resort in Kent. Plans are still being drafted for how the theme park will work, but BBC shows and characters could feature in specific lands, games and rides at the London Paramount Entertainment Resort. BBC shows such as Doctor Who could feature alongside the Daleks at a new £2bn theme park being built in north Kent after the broadcaster signed a deal with developers for its rights to be used around the park . London Resort Company Holdings (LRCH) - which is creating the £2billion park - has already signed a contract with Paramount Pictures, the oldest major Hollywood studio in existence, which could see elements from films including Mission: Impossible and The Godfather feature throughout the resort. Organisers said the deal with the BBC and Paramount will mean they can combine 'Hollywood glamour with British culture.' It will mean Captain Kirk, captain of the USS Starship Enterprise in Star Trek, could be seen at the park in rides themed around the science fiction classic. The latest deal with the BBC may mean that some of the corporation's biggest characters, such as Doctor Who and the Daleks may also feature. A brochure for the proposed theme park includes pictures of what it may look like which show some elements of Paramount classics - including a 'Mission Impossible control centre' and Star Trek emblems alongside a ride. The resort on the Swanscombe Peninsula in north Kent is scheduled to open in Easter 2020. Stephen Davies, director of live events at BBC Worldwide said: 'We're always looking for opportunities to extend fans' enjoyment of their favourite shows and the idea behind this resort is a really exciting way of celebrating the very special place the BBC has in British culture.' Doctor Who (left) could meet characters from Mission: Impossible and other Paramount films at the theme park . Daleks from Doctor Who (left) and the Star Trek Voyager (right) could feature at the new theme park in Kent . BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the broadcaster, has signed a deal with LRCH which will allow the company to use the rights for its programmes. In return profits from using these rights will be paid to BBC Worldwide and invested back into the broadcaster. It will work in a similar way to the CBeebies land at Alton Towers, which has an agreement with the BBC to use the intellectual rights of the property. David Testa, director of LRCH, said: 'The BBC has played an instrumental role in shaping the British entertainment industry for nearly a century, creating some of the most iconic and cherished characters on TV and radio. The resort which will feature a theme park, water park, cinema and large theatre is expected to open in 2020 . Plans for the resort appear to show a Star Trek themed land, with the emblem visible on one of the rides . Paramount had already designed a deal with developers and hints of its productions have been seen in the plans, with a Mission: Impossible training centre detailed in sketches and Star Trek emblems on rides . 'It seems only right therefore that it's programmes will be present at the new London Paramount Entertainment Resort, which will combine the glamour of Hollywood with the best of British culture.' Both the BBC and LRCH would not be drawn on which specific films or shows would feature, or if they would appear in lands or as specific rides. The theme park will also include a water park and 2,000 seat theatre alongside themed games and rides throughout. It hopes to attract 15 million visitors a year. The BBC has signed a development agreement with LRCH but said there were no firm plans in place as to which programmes would be featured and whether they would appear in lands or rides. Developers plan to build a huge £2billion Hollywood-inspired resort in Kent. Paramount Pictures had already given permission for its name to be used for the proposed development on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Developers hope the project – which would be built on the site of a former cement works near Dartford - will open in 2020. It would be located near Ebbsfleet International station, which is on the Eurostar route between London and Paris. The 872-acre site - nearly twice the size of the Olympic Park in Stratford - will feature Europe’s largest indoor water park, rollercoasters, cinemas, theatres, hotels and live music venues. The site's developer, London Resort Company Holdings, estimates that the project would create up to 27,000 jobs in the area. Announcing the plans in 2012, project leader Tony Sefton said: ‘Our vision is to create a world class entertainment destination, the first of its kind in the UK.' Paramount Pictures films include the Madagascar franchise (pictured). A similar entertainment resort is due to open Spain in 2012, which will feature a Titanic Experience and rides based on Mission Impossible, Star Trek and War of the Worlds. The latest agreement with the BBC means programmes such as Dr Who and Top Gear could feature in lands, rides and games across the new park.
New £2bn theme park featuring rides and a water park planned for Kent . Developers have already signed deal with Paramount to use some of its 2,000 films, which may include Star Trek and Mission: Impossible . BBC has also agreed deal for rights to some of its shows to feature . Characters from Doctor Who and In the Night Garden could appear at park . No firm plans in place but shows could feature in rides or in themed lands . Park is due to open at Swanscombe Peninsula, north Kent, in Easter 2020 . Theme park will include a water park, cinemas and 2,000 seater theatre .
[ 101, 4035, 2038, 2772, 1037, 3066, 2007, 1996, 4035, 2000, 3499, 2070, 1997, 2049, 8497, 2000, 3444, 1999, 1996, 2047, 21853, 24700, 7001, 1999, 5982, 1012, 3488, 2024, 2145, 2108, 7462, 2005, 2129, 1996, 4323, 2380, 2097, 2147, 1010, 2021, 4035, 3065, 1998, 3494, 2071, 3444, 2012, 1996, 2414, 11734, 4024, 7001, 1012, 1996, 7001, 2006, 26699, 14149, 6000, 1999, 2167, 5982, 2003, 5115, 2000, 2330, 1999, 10957, 12609, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor . PUBLISHED: . 07:18 EST, 23 September 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 12:06 EST, 23 September 2013 . Justine Miliband has promised to take to the ‘barricades’ in the general election battle as she vowed not to just stand silently next to husband Ed in a nice dress. Party strategists plan to put Mrs Miliband on the political frontline in the run up to the 2015 election. But she has vowed to break with convention and speak out publicly about why she thinks Mr Miliband should be Prime Minister. Life's a beach: In the latest photo opportunity Ed and Justine Miliband were pictured on Brighton beach apparently reading his leader's speech . Side-by-side: Justine and Ed Miliband walk through Brighton city centre in one of several photo opportunities during the Labour conference . The child actress-turned-barrister has begun making a public appearances and speeches at the Labour party conference to ‘humanise’ her husband. Mr Miliband repeatedly said he would not copy David Cameron’s habit of eye-catching photo opportunities while opposition leader, and would instead focus on policies. But the party conference in Brighton has seen a string of family photo opportunities, walking through the city centre and strolling on the beach with sons Daniel, four and Samuel, two. The decision to use Mrs Miliband into the political fray has drawn comparisons with failed attempts by Gordon Brown and Iain Duncan Smith to use their other halves to rescue their leadership. Stepping out: Mrs Miliband toured the conference exhibition stands at the Brighton Centre . But she signalled that she will do more than wear a stylish dress for the traditional posed snaps at the end of the leader’s speech. Speaking at a Young Labour event in Brighton, she said: ‘I wanted to come along to say a few words because I thought, “If I don't say anything to you guys tonight probably all you'll know about me this year is the make of the dress I wear for Ed's speech on Tuesday”. ‘That's a side of me the media tend to focus on and I thought it was quite important to reassure you that I am in fact more than a dress.’ The couple met in 2005 and got married in 2011. They have two sons. The environmental lawyer revealed the moment she realised she had fallen for Mr Miliband – while rearranging chairs in a hall in Doncaster. She told delegates: ‘In May 2005, Ed was the prospective parliamentary candidate for Doncaster North. I was his friend. ‘So I went to Doncaster to help him campaign and I was moving chairs around in a hall getting ready for a campaign meeting and I became aware there were three long-standing party members watching me. ‘After a while one of them said to me who was I, so I explained that I was a friend of Ed's and I had come from London to help him campaign. ‘There was a pause and then the lady said to me, “That's a very long way to come to move chairs, are you sure you're just friends?”. ‘She was clearly very astute and realised before we did I think.’ The mother-of-two also told Young Labour members she is willing to help them in the run-up to the 2015 general election before joking: ‘After all you now know I can door-knock, I can move chairs although I guess falling in love at the same time probably gave it a bit of a different dimension. Nonetheless I am ready and willing.’ In 2010, Mr Miliband emerged victorious in the election for Labour Party leader ahead of his brother David. Mrs . Miliband said she supported her husband's decision to become leader, . adding of the last three years: ‘I'll be honest, I didn't know the half . of what was to come.’ Flashback: Last year Mrs Miliband impressed the delegates with a bright red dress from WithSleeves and nude heels from LK Bennett . She explained she understood the reasons why he wanted to hold the position after visiting a working men's club in Plymouth for a question-and-answer session. Mrs Miliband said: ‘As I listened to Ed's answers I realised firstly he knew and understood about the lives of the people in that room and secondly that he cared about creating a society that wouldn't feel like it felt to me that day, which was the people there and the bankers and the lawyers around me in London were living in two separate countries. ‘That was it for me. That was the day when I understood why Ed had decided to stand to be leader of the Labour Party, difficult a decision though that was for many reasons, and it was the day when psychologically the day I threw my lot in with Ed and the Labour Party. ‘So, there it is, that's why I'll be on the barricades in 2015 wearing whatever dress the media deem necessary to get us through.’ A Labour party source said this was just the first stage of what will be an increasing effort to raise the profile of the leader’s wife. ‘She is a huge asset to Ed, she is a huge asset to the Labour but she is her own person. She is a career woman with two young children.' ‘She comes across better than him, frankly,’ said another source. Share what you think . The comments below have not been moderated. Englishman, . West Sussex, United Kingdom, . 1 hour ago . The country doesn't need ANYTHING to do with a Milliband, Mr or Mrs. Go away. Englishman, . West Sussex, United Kingdom, . 1 hour ago . Woman, you are nothing. You have not been elected and never will be. Therefore, keep your nose out of British politics. Ann, . Tokyo Japan, Japan, . 1 hour ago . Ed, Ed... Making yourself look better by standing next to someone worse looking than yourself! Poor wife! Poor hair! Kein Barber, . Hereford, . 1 hour ago . More than a dress? She is a nobody ...just like Ted Milliband. Jaz_1964, . Bangor, United Kingdom, . 1 hour ago . I have lived through many prime ministers and seen governments both Labour and.Tory come and go. Over the last twenty years I have witnessed our beloved country fall to its knees by successive Labour regimes who mismanaged every aspect of government and am now living through the cuts and belt tightening we are having to go through to try and recover! My point is, at no time during all that have I ever contemplated leaving this country despite the hardships, despite all the horror of Tony Bliars war mongering. But if Ed Milliband ends up Prime Minister after the next election, I will leave the land of my birth and not return until he s gone! I don't like him and I certainly don't trust him, if he can stab his own brother in the back, how can we trust him to look after our country. He is a liability and if Labour want to win, they need to get of of him and Ed Balls and start being honest about how they all but destroyed this country! paulp, . stourbridge, France, . 2 hours ago . I wish she would take her husband and the idiotic and immature Ed Balls as well. Both a complete waste of space. bob, . leeds, . 2 hours ago . I love this comment so true,well said. StevoK, . Aberdeen, United Kingdom, . 2 hours ago . She really needs to go to a hairdresser . melr, . ports down, . 2 hours ago . Not even a dress, I would suggest. Moggy, . Luton, . 2 hours ago . he is a weirdo! The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. By posting your comment you agree to our house rules.
Leader's wife vows to speak out in run-up to 2015 general election . She has given a series of speeches at Labour party conference in Brighton . Strategists order cheesey photo opportunities in city centre and on beach .
[ 101, 2283, 2358, 11657, 24063, 2015, 2933, 2000, 2404, 3680, 23689, 18410, 4859, 2006, 1996, 2392, 4179, 1999, 1996, 2448, 1011, 2039, 2000, 1996, 2325, 2602, 1012, 2016, 2038, 18152, 2000, 3338, 2007, 4680, 1998, 3713, 2041, 7271, 2055, 2339, 2016, 6732, 2720, 7232, 2323, 2022, 3539, 2704, 1012, 1996, 2775, 3883, 1011, 2357, 1011, 19805, 2038, 2042, 15885, 2006, 10309, 3509, 4593, 3752, 2010, 3003, 1005, 1055, 4613, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova is out of the Australian Open, beaten 6-4, 7-5 by 19-year-old American Madison Keys. At 5-5 in the final set, Keys, coached by three-time Grand Slam singles champion Lindsay Davenport, got the pivotal break of serve. She held in the next game, screaming with delight when Kvitova netted a backhand on match point. Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova has been knocked out of the Australian Open in the third round . Kvitkova was beaten by 19-year-old American Madison Keys 6-4, 7-5 in Melbourne . The Czech Republic star does not have the best of records at the Grand Slam Down Under . 'My hands are still shaking,' Keys said in an on-court interview. 'I'm really happy that I served that (last) game out. Right now I can't even process anything. I am just so excited and excited to play Maddy in the next round.' World number 35 Keys, who will celebrate her 20th birthday next month, is coached by three-time grand slam winner Lindsay Davenport and Davenport's husband Jon Leach. 'Lindsay and Jon have been amazing,' she added. 'It's been a great off-season, I learned a lot and I'm just really happy they are here supporting me.' Keys next opponent Madison Brengle takes time out to feed some kangaroos before her last 16 match . World No 1 Serena Williams is also in the same half of the draw as her US compatriots . Keys will play another American, Madison Brengle, in the round of 16, guaranteeing at least one U.S. player in the quarterfinals. Serena and Venus Williams also remain in the singles draw, also in the same half as Brengle and Keys. Last year, Thailand's Luksika Kumkhum, playing just her second Grand Slam tournament, upset Kvitova in the first round at Melbourne Park.
Petra Kvitkova was beaten 6-4 7-5 by Madison Keys in the Australian Open . Wimbledon champion lost in the first round of Melbourne last tear . US teen Keys will play compatriot Madison Brengle in the last 16 .
[ 101, 13411, 3410, 20953, 24888, 9956, 3567, 7854, 1020, 1011, 1018, 1010, 1021, 1011, 1019, 2011, 7063, 6309, 1012, 1996, 5569, 3072, 2732, 2003, 8868, 2011, 2093, 1011, 2051, 2882, 9555, 3453, 12110, 16273, 1998, 16273, 1005, 1055, 3129, 6285, 24520, 1012, 6309, 2097, 2377, 2178, 2137, 1010, 7063, 7987, 13159, 2571, 1010, 1999, 1996, 2461, 1997, 2385, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 13:31 EST, 29 August 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 17:00 EST, 29 August 2013 . The teenage girl who called police for help to kill a spider in her house has been revealed to be wheelchair-bound and suffering from muscular dystrophy. Makenna Sewell, a student at Forest Grove High School in a suburb of Portland, Oregon, admits she felt silly calling the police department to kill a spider - but she insists it really was a danger to her and her brother. She said that the spider was a brown recluse - a species with venom so toxic that it can prove deadly. Her mother had recently been bitten by one and had to be hospitalized. Scroll down for video . Makenna Sewell said she felt silly calling police to kill the spider, but said she legitimately feared for her safety . Makenna, who has muscular dystrophy, said she was afraid that the spider - which she believed to be a deadly venomous brown recluse - would harm her or little brother . And she insists it was BIG. 'It was no quarter-size house spider. It was massive! It was massive,' she told KPTV. She told an emergency dispatcher on August 16 that the spider was the size of a baseball. Brown recluse spiders don't typically grown larger than three quarters of an inch in diameter. She also says that she didn't call 911 - instead she called the police non-emergency number for advice on what to do. 'Just seeing a spider that big and knowing what it did to my immune system and me having a compromised immune system and a younger brother, I just knew that it wasn't good and I had to call someone,' she said. She said she had called her parents, but couldn't reach either of them. When an officer arrived, she said, he was surprisingly gracious - and quickly swatted the arachnid with a rolled up newspaper. Dangerous: Brown recluse spiders, like the one pictured, are very venomous and can even kill bite victims - though they are seldom aggressive . Makenna said he insisted she keep the dead spider and send it in for testing - because he had never seen one that big, either. She said she feels grateful that she lives in the sort of town where a teenager can summon a police officer to kill a spider. The audio from her police call reveals a comical scene. 'I'm home alone and there is a giant spider on the back of my couch, and I'm talking giant. I've never seen a spider this big and I have no idea what to do,' she told the slightly perplexed operator. The teen estimated the spider was the size of a baseball and said it was appeared similar to a tarantula. She told the dispatcher that she generally wasn't fazed by spiders, but a family member was recently bitten by one and had to go to the hospital. She said she initially tried to get hold of her parents but failed. Spider: A Seattle teen recently called 911 to report an intruder in her home, pictured, but rather than a brazen thief, it turned out to be a 'massive freaking' spider . 'I don't know if you guys have anything I can do, or if I just sit here and stare at it and wait for someone to get home to kill it,' she asked in the genuine plea, according to KPTV. The 911 dispatcher contemplated how to handle the situation, and finally agreed to have an officer contact the panicked teen. 'Is that ridiculous?' she asked. When the officer arrived at the home, he reported the spider was about 2 inches in diameter and disposed of it with an old-fashioned rolled up newspaper, police said. Though it's not standard protocol for them to respond to a call about a spider, Forest Grove police said they decided to help the young lady out in this instance.
In the bizarre August 16 call, the frantic Oregon teen prefaces her predicament by saying 'I just kind of have a ridiculous question' She says the spider is the size of a baseball and her mom was recently bit . The 911 dispatcher contemplated how to handle the situation and agreed to send an officer who killed the spider with a rolled up newspaper .
[ 101, 2191, 9516, 7367, 4381, 1010, 1037, 3076, 2012, 3224, 7676, 2152, 2082, 1999, 6734, 1010, 5392, 1010, 2056, 2016, 2371, 10021, 4214, 2610, 2000, 3102, 1037, 6804, 1012, 2016, 2056, 2008, 1996, 6804, 2001, 1037, 2829, 28667, 7393, 2063, 1011, 1037, 2427, 2007, 15779, 2061, 11704, 2009, 2064, 6011, 9252, 1012, 2014, 2388, 2018, 3728, 2042, 19026, 2011, 2028, 1997, 1996, 14160, 1998, 2018, 2000, 2022, 24735, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- It was a case of rock 'n' roll romance as Journey guitarist Neal Schon proposed to one-time White House party crasher and reality TV star Michaele Salahi on stage Sunday night in Baltimore, her manager said. Salahi accepted the proposal with "Open Arms," according to Gina Rodriguez. Their relationship began under a cloud in September 2011 when the "Real Housewives of D.C." star was reported missing by her then-husband of nearly eight years Tareq Salahi. "It is our belief ... Michaele Salahi may have been kidnapped or abducted and is being held under duress and forced to tell persons, including authorities, she is OK," Rodriguez, who managed Tareq Salahi at the time, said. But instead, the reality show personality had traveled to Memphis, where Journey was performing, to be with Schon, a representative with Scoop Marketing, Schon's management company, told CNN. She told a sheriff's deputy that she was "with a good friend and was where she wanted to be," Warren County, Virginia, Sheriff Danny McEathron said in a statement. A short time later, Tareq Salahi filed for divorce. The Salahis first gained notoriety when they were photographed with President Barack Obama at a White House state dinner, to which they were not invited, in November 2009. The "Real Housewives of D.C." TV series was canceled by Bravo in 2011. Schon is a founding member of Journey, which formed in San Francisco in 1973 after he left Santana. Over its nearly 40-year history, the band has sold 47 million albums, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. CNN's Douglas Hyde contributed to this report.
Then-husband Tareq Salahi reported Michaele missing last year . She ran off with Journey guitarist Neal Schon . The Salahis first gained notoriety as White House party crashers . The "Real Housewives of D.C." TV series was canceled by Bravo in 2011 .
[ 101, 11030, 8040, 8747, 3818, 2000, 2028, 1011, 2051, 2317, 2160, 2283, 5823, 2121, 2745, 2063, 16183, 4430, 2072, 4465, 2305, 1012, 1996, 4507, 2694, 2732, 2001, 2988, 4394, 2011, 2014, 2059, 1011, 3129, 1997, 3053, 2809, 2086, 1012, 1996, 3232, 1005, 1055, 3276, 2211, 2104, 1037, 6112, 1999, 2244, 2249, 1012, 8040, 8747, 2003, 1037, 4889, 2266, 1997, 4990, 1010, 2029, 2719, 1999, 3381, 2044, 2002, 2187, 21158, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Women who suffer from obesity when treated for breast cancer are more likely to relapse . Obese women treated for breast cancer are more likely to suffer a relapse than slimmer patients. A study has shown for the first time that overweight women have worse outcomes from the most common form of the disease. It found women who are obese when diagnosed have a higher chance of dying prematurely. Researchers believe the causes  are hormonal. Their results suggest that extra body fat causes hormonal changes and inflammation that may drive some cases to spread and recur, despite treatment. Previously, it has been suggested that a greater risk of the disease returning in heavier women might be due to under-treatment with chemotherapy drugs. It was feared they may have been receiving doses aimed at slimmer sufferers because their body size had not been taken into account. The latest study of almost 7,000 female patients was led by Dr Joseph Sparano, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine’s Montefiore Medical Center, in New York. ‘We found that obesity at diagnosis is associated with about a 30 per cent higher risk of recurrence and a nearly 50 per cent higher risk of death, despite optimal treatment,’ he said. ‘Treatment aimed at interfering with hormonal changes and inflammation caused by obesity may help reduce the risk of recurrence.’ The study compared the health outcomes of obese and overweight patients with others who took part in three trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. Participants had to have normal heart, kidney, liver, and bone marrow function, excluding patients with other significant health problems. As a result, researchers were able to disentangle the influence of obesity from other factors. Losing weight after diagnosis may reduce insulin which may be effective in cutting the risk of recurrence of breast cancer . The researchers found that increasing body mass index – or BMI, the relationship between weight and height – significantly increased women’s risk of cancer recurrence and early death. This was despite optimal treatment including chemotherapy and  hormonal therapy. There was a stepwise relationship between increasing BMI and poor outcomes only in women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. This is the most common type and affects two-thirds of sufferers. Dr Sparano said it was ‘biologically plausible’ that increasing weight leads to greater risk of recurrence via higher insulin levels. It was uncertain if losing weight after diagnosis could cut the risk of recurrence, but some studies suggest it reduces insulin levels, which ‘might be effective’, he added. Catherine Priestley, clinical nurse specialist at Breast Cancer Care said: ‘We know a healthy weight is beneficial for reducing the risk of a range of health conditions. ‘So, while this study may be useful, it’s important to put this into perspective. There are a number of key features of breast cancer that will influence the risk of it coming back and each person’s predicted outlook will vary. ‘For those who have been diagnosed, there is emerging evidence that maintaining a healthy weight, as well as being physically active may help reduce the risk of the  disease returning. ‘However, this can be really difficult as weight gain can be a common side-effect of treatment.’ Dr Stuart Griffiths, head of commissioned research, Breast Cancer Campaign, said: ‘The findings provide further evidence that obesity can have a detrimental effect. ‘Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of breast cancer, particularly after menopause. ‘Obesity can also affect the chances of survival for those with the most common type of breast cancer, so it is vital patients are given support on how to control their weight.’ The findings are published online in CANCER, a journal of the American Cancer Society.
Study in New York show weight loss after treatment may help decrease risk .
[ 101, 2308, 2040, 2024, 15578, 3366, 2024, 2062, 3497, 2000, 9015, 1037, 2128, 2721, 29251, 2084, 11754, 5017, 5022, 1012, 9556, 6592, 4469, 2303, 6638, 5320, 7570, 10867, 16026, 3431, 1998, 21733, 2008, 2089, 3298, 2070, 3572, 2000, 3659, 1998, 28667, 3126, 24413, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2750, 15502, 3949, 2164, 27144, 5850, 1012, 6950, 2179, 24552, 2012, 11616, 2003, 3378, 2007, 2055, 1037, 2382, 2566, 9358, 3020, 3891, 1997, 4456, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- Brazilian striker Robinho, the most expensive player in English football history after Manchester City paid Real Madrid 42.5 million euros for him two years ago, has joined AC Milan on a four-year contract for an undisclosed fee. The 26-year-old became the first big-name signing in City's recent revolution, but he failed to settle in the north of England -- going back home to join Santos on loan in January before eventually leaving Eastlands on a permanent basis for the San Siro. Robinho will link up with recent Barcelona loan signing Zlatan Ibrahimovic and compatriots Ronaldinho and Alexandre Pato in an exciting-looking forward line for the new Serie A season. "I am really happy to be here," Robinho told Milan's official website. "I am delighted to have been given this opportunity and I want to prove my worth. "My ambition is to play well and to help Milan regain the title," added the Brazilian, who scored 14 goals in 41 appearances for the English side. With Robinho's arrival, Milan have allowed Klass Jan Huntelaar to leave the club with the Dutch striker signing for German Bundesliga side Schalke, as the final day of the summer transfer window saw a host of players move clubs. Schalke have paid Milan 14 million euros for the 27-year-old, who was a member of the Netherlands squad that reached the World Cup final in Soouth Africa. Huntelaar failed to establish himself as a regular in his one season at the San Siro following his move from Real Madrid in 2009. "Negotiations were tougher than expected," Schalke coach Felix Magath told German newspaper Bild on Tuesday, "I am happy to have Klaas Jan. He will help us." Huntelaar was not alone in leaving the San Siro with long-serving defender Kakha Kaladze ending a 10-year association with Milan by joining Genoa. And striker Marco Borriello has also been allowed to move on following the signings of Robinho and Ibrahimovic, joining Roma on a one-year loan deal. Huntelaar will link up again with fomer Real Madrid team-mate Raul, who signed for the Gelsenkirchen-based side earlier in the year. On a busy day for Schalke, they have also signed 24-year-old Spanish midfielder Jose Manuel Jurado from Atletico Madrid and Lille defender Nicolas Plestan on a three-year deal. Elsewhere in Germany, Bundesliga leaders Hoffenheim have announced the signing of Icelandic midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson on a four-year deal from English Championship side Reading for a fee of seven million euros. Meanwhile, Stuttgart have announced the arrival of Italian international Mauro Camoranesi from Juventus on a one-year deal with an option for an additional year. The 34-year-old moves on after eight seasons with the club and joins Frenchman David Trezeguet, who has joined Spanish Primera Liga newcomers Hercules, in leaving the Turin giants as coach Luigi del Neri continues reshaping his squad. Hercules added to the signing of Trezeguet by completing the capture of Real Madrid's Dutch midfielder Royston Drenthe on a one-year loan deal. Another player to leave Juventus is French defender Jonathan Zebina, who has joined Brescia on a two-year contract. Juve have replaced Zebina in their squad with Arsenal left-back Armand Traore, who has joined on a season-long loan deal. In England, Sunderland have smashed their transfer record with the signing of Rennes striker Asamoah Gyan on a four-year contract. Gyan, who starred for Ghana in the World Cup finals, has cost Sunderland 15 million euros, beating the fee paid last year for Tottenham striker Darren Bent. The biggest domestic transfer in England saw Liverpool swoop for Fulham left-back Paul Konchesky for an undisclosed fee on a four-year contract. Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson, who was in charge of Konchesky when he was at Craven Cottage, has allowed Finnish striker Lauri Dalla Valle and Swedish winger Alex Kacaniklic to move to London in the opposite direction. Elsewhere in England, Birmingham City have pulled off a transfer coup by signing former Arsenal winger Alexander Hleb on a one-year loan deal from Barcelona. On a busy day for Birmingham manager Alex McLeish, the club also confirmed the signings of Spartak Moscow's Czech defender Martin Jiranek on a one-year contract and the capture of Chile international midfielder Jean Beausejour from Mexican outfit Club America on a three-year contract. Meanwhile, Argentine midfielder Javier Mascherano was unveiled as a Barcelona player to fans at the Camp Nou on Monday, after passing a five-hour medical at the Catalan club. The 26-year-old had made no secret of his wish to leave Liverpool and expressed his delight at signing a four-year deal with the Spanish champions. "When I landed, I said that I was achieving a dream. At last I will be able to say that I play for Barcelona, the team who I wanted to play for," Mascherano told the official FIFA website. "I'm going to have the chance to play with players who I admire. This is an opportunity of a lifetime."
AC Milan complete the signing of Brazilian striker Robinho from Manchester City . The 26-year-old signs a four-year contract and leaves City after failing to settle at club . Bundesliga club Schalke confirm signing of Dutch striker Klass Jan Huntelaar from Milan . The 27-year-old leaves Milan for a fee of 14 million euros after one season in Italy . Long-serving players Mauro Camoranesi and David Trezeguet both leave Juventus .
[ 101, 5863, 6806, 2038, 2587, 9353, 6954, 2006, 1037, 2176, 1011, 2095, 3066, 2013, 5087, 2103, 1012, 1996, 2656, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2003, 1996, 2087, 6450, 2447, 1999, 2394, 2374, 2381, 2044, 5087, 2103, 3825, 2613, 6921, 4413, 1012, 1019, 2454, 19329, 2005, 2032, 2048, 2086, 3283, 1012, 5863, 6806, 2097, 4957, 2039, 2007, 1062, 20051, 2319, 13477, 9142, 1998, 8923, 29344, 1999, 2019, 10990, 1011, 2559, 2830, 2240, 2039, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- The charge is rather routine -- an Iowa man was arrested over the weekend, accused of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, according to a police report. What makes this case unusual are the passengers that police in Dubuque say were with him: a parrot on his shoulder and a zebra in the back seat. "They love going for rides," John Reiter's girlfriend, Vicky Teters, said to CNN affiliate KCRG. "We treat them like our kids. They come in the house, we take them outside and take them for walks. We take them for car rides," Teters told KCRG. "They go and get the mail with me." Dubuque Police Lt. Samuel Baxter told CNN that quite a few people called in to alert the police about a "zebra and parrot trapped in a vehicle parked at a bar." Officer Chad Leitzen described in his report what he saw as he arrived: "I did observe two white male subjects in the front of the vehicle. I also observed a zebra in the back seat of the vehicle and a parrot on the driver's shoulder." Leitzen then conducted a breathalyzer test that he said Reiter subsequently failed with a blood alcohol content of .148. The legal limit in Iowa is .08, according to Iowa's Department of Transportation website. Reiter was arrested Sunday and held overnight, while the zebra and parrot were taken safely to a friend's house.
Police in Dubuque, Iowa, say they found a zebra and a parrot in vehicle . John Reiter is charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated . His girlfriend, Vicky Teters, says of the animals: "We treat them like our kids"
[ 101, 2198, 24964, 3334, 1010, 1037, 5947, 2158, 1010, 2001, 4727, 4465, 1010, 5496, 1997, 4082, 1037, 4316, 2096, 2046, 9048, 12921, 1012, 1000, 2027, 2293, 2183, 2005, 12271, 1010, 1000, 2010, 6513, 4136, 13229, 8727, 21117, 10623, 1012, 24964, 3334, 2001, 4727, 1998, 2218, 11585, 1010, 2096, 1996, 29145, 1998, 22530, 2020, 2579, 2000, 1037, 2767, 1005, 1055, 2160, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Israel funding dissident People's Mujahedin of Iran, say officials in Tehran . U.S. officials confirmed today that Israel has been funding and training Iranian dissidents to assassinate nuclear scientists involved in Iran's nuclear program. The claim has already been levelled by the Iranian government who believed that Mossad, Israel's secret service, have been arming dissidents with the terrorist organisation the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK). Last month Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, 32, a chemistry expert, was killed in a brazen daylight . assassination when two assailants on a motorcycle attached a magnetic . bomb to his car in Tehran. Scroll down for video . Thousands of mourners chanted 'Death to Israel' and 'Death to America' as the coffin of chemical engineer Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, 32, was carried through the streets of Tehran . Washington insiders confirmed there is a close relationship between Mossad and MEK, according to NBC, but said the U.S. was not involved. Mohammad Javad Larijani, a senior aide to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told NBC: 'Israel does not have direct access to our society. Mujahedin, being Iranian and being part of Iranian society, they have… places to get into the touch with people. 'So I think they are working hand-to-hand very close. And we do have very concrete documents.' At one point, Mr Larijani claimed Mossad had built a replica home of an Iranian scientist so assassins could get to know the layout before they carried out an assassination. MEK denied involvement while the Israel Foreign Ministry declined to comment. A spokesperson for The National Council of Resistance of Iran, of which MEK is the largest member, also denied the claim, saying: 'The claim that the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) had any role in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists and the claim of the PMOI/MEK cooperation with Mossad is a total lie and there is not event a scintilla of truth in it. 'The National Council of Resistance of Iran has repeatedly denied the baseless allegation of playing a role in the assassination of nuclear scientists, whose primary source has been the propaganda organs of the clerical regime and the regime's officials.' In an address yesterday, Israeli president Shimon Peres referred to the Iranian nuclear issue. Assassinated: Ahmadi-Roshan's car is taken away for examination after he was killed . He addressed the Iranian people, . saying: 'We were not born enemies and there is no need for us to live as . enemies. Do not allow the flags of hostility to cast a dark shadow on . your heritage. 'You are a sensitive people that aspire to friendship and . peace, not conflict and wars.' However there have been suggestions that Israel's focus on Iran might really be a cover for destabilising President Obama's administration in Washington. Target: Chemistry expert Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan was allegedly killed by Iranian dissidents sponsored by Israel . Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said publicly last month that he believed that an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities might be welcomed by the people of the country. President Obama reiterated his view in an interview earlier this week that the increasing tension with Iran over the country's nuclear program could be resolved peacefully through talks. However he did also say that a range of options were available. According to salon.com, Netanyahu's statements were to paint Obama as 'weak' on Middle Eastern issues and undermine the President's second run for the White House. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan's death was the latest in a string of attacks on Iranian scientists. Mr Roshan, who was a . chemical engineer and reportedly worked on procurement for the uranium . enrichment plant at Natanz, was killed with his driver by a motorcycle . assassin in rush-hour traffic. The killing of Mr Roshan in January bore a strong . resemblance to earlier killings of scientists working on the Iranian . nuclear programme. His funeral in Tehran several days later saw the ruling clergy stir the crowd of thousands of mourners who had gathered into a frenzy, urging the public to face down Western and Israeli threats against Iran's nuclear programme. They chanted 'Death to . Israel' and 'Death to America' as the coffin was hoisted high and carried through the streets. Several scientists have been killed or injured in the past two years and others have also been attacked or allegedly kidnapped - with Iran blaming the west. In June 2009, Shahram Amiri claimed to have been kidnapped while on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia and transferred to the U.S. where he said he was offered $50million to 'spread lies' about Iran's nuclear work. He returned to Iran in July 2010. War of words: Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) has made veiled threats over Iran's nuclear program while Obama (right) has repeatedly said the issue can be resolved peacefully . In January 2010, nuclear scientist Massoud Ali Mohammadi was killed by remote-controlled bomb in Tehran while in November, two car bomb blasts killed a nuclear scientist and wounded another in the capital. Physicist Darioush Rezai, 35, was shot dead by gunmen in eastern Tehran last July after being linked to the nuclear program. The People's Mujahedin, also known as MEK, MKO and PMI, has been named a terror organisation both by the U.S. and Iran. It was accused of being responsible for the deaths of American servicemen and citizens in the 1970s and 80s. Israel, . thought to hold the Middle East's only atomic weapons, has warned Iran . in the past against pursuing its nuclear research and development. Explosion: A cloth covers a blood stain on the road as onlookers watch police on Iran's state-run Al-Alam TV . Iran has accused Israel’s Mossad, the . CIA and Britain’s spy agencies of engaging in an underground . 'terrorism' campaign against nuclear-related targets, including at least . three killings since early 2010 and the release of a malicious computer . virus that temporarily disrupted controls of some centrifuges - a key . component in nuclear fuel production. All three countries have denied the Iranian accusations. The U.S. and its allies are . pressuring Iran to halt uranium enrichment, a key element of the nuclear . programme that the West suspects is aimed at producing atomic weapons. Uranium . enriched to low levels can be used as nuclear fuel but at higher . levels, it can be used as material for a nuclear warhead. Iran denies it is trying to make nuclear weapons, saying its programme is for peaceful purposes only. Claims: Mohammad Javad Larijani, a senior aide to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, blamed the assassination of an Iranian scientist on a 'dirty plot' by Israel .
Israel funding dissident People's Mujahedin of Iran, say officials in Tehran .
[ 101, 2087, 10354, 2050, 10781, 2072, 1011, 20996, 9688, 1010, 3590, 1010, 1037, 6370, 6739, 1010, 2001, 2730, 1999, 1037, 11655, 10431, 11695, 10102, 2197, 3204, 1012, 10636, 4215, 1010, 3956, 1005, 1055, 3595, 2326, 1010, 2031, 5496, 10636, 4215, 1997, 2849, 2075, 4487, 18719, 28986, 2007, 1996, 9452, 5502, 1996, 2111, 1005, 1055, 14163, 18878, 2098, 2378, 1997, 4238, 1006, 2033, 2243, 1007, 1996, 4366, 2038, 2525, 2042, 2504, 3709, 2011, 1996, 7726, 2231, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Snejana Farberov for Mail online . A New York father was charged with child endangerment after police say he left his toddler daughter alone in a hot car to go shopping. The incident took place in the parking lot of a TJ Maxx store in Selden, Long Island, Wednesday afternoon. Suffolk County police officers responded to the shopping center at Selden Plaza at around 2pm after getting a 911 call about a child locked inside a car. Father doesn't know best: Juan Pablo Aguilar Varela, 32, has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child after police say he left his 4-year-old asleep in the backseat of a hot car to go shopping . The 4-year-old girl was discovered sleeping in the backseat of her father's Mercedes Benz, which was locked and had its windows lowered only about half an inch. Temperatures in Selden were in the mid-80s at the time of the incident. It is believed that the toddler was left alone in the car for about 15 minutes. A Good Samaritan initially flagged down Dave Panebianco, with the Selden Fire Department, in the parking lot and informed him of the little girl in the backseat of a Mercedes. ‘I could see a little girl in the backseat, covered by what looked to be like a sun visor of some sort that you kind of put in the front window,’ Panebianco told CBS New York. ‘And I could see that she was breathing. And I could also see that she was kind of covered in sweat.’ First responders who were summoned to the scene were able to unlock the vehicle and remove the toddler from the backseat. Shopping trip gone awry: The little girl was spotted covered in sweat inside her father's Mercedes Benz parked outside this TJ Maxx store in Selden, NY, with its windows rolled down half an inch . Panebianco carried the child into his air-conditioned car and administered first aid for a heat emergency. She was later taken to Stony Brook University Hospital for a check-up. Police officers then entered the TJ Maxx and tracked down the child's father, identified as 32-year-old Juan Pablo Aguilar Varela. The man was arrested on a charge of endangering the welfare of a child. He is expected to be arraigned Thursday.
Juan Pablo Aguilar Varela, 32, arrested for leaving his daughter alone in a car for 15 minutes . The toddler was spotted covered in sweat in backseat of her father's Mercedes Benz parked outside TJ Maxx in Selden, NY .
[ 101, 5348, 11623, 12943, 19231, 2906, 13075, 10581, 1010, 3590, 1010, 5338, 2007, 2203, 25121, 2075, 1996, 7574, 1997, 1037, 2775, 1012, 2610, 2360, 2002, 2187, 2010, 1018, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 2684, 2894, 1999, 1996, 19978, 1997, 1037, 2980, 2482, 2000, 2175, 6023, 1012, 7715, 1999, 7367, 28476, 2020, 1999, 1996, 3054, 1011, 16002, 2012, 1996, 2051, 1997, 1996, 5043, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
It's that time of year when everyone vows to get fit and fight the flab to become fitter and healthier. But after the initial early January enthusiasm, many people will struggle to keep up with their proposed fitness regime. Some will complain that they just don't have time to fit the exercise in, while others will do too much too soon and get injured or give up because it's too tough. Scroll down for video . Push up: A great move to tone up the stomach and legs, beginners should start on the knees as demonstrated by fitness trainer Julia Buckley . Steam engines: This exercise will raise the heart rate, raise the knee to touch the alternative elbow . So what's the solution? Personal trainer Julia Buckley says short, intense workouts are key if you want to tone up and slim down. And she has an all body workout, which you can view and follow in the video below, which will tone you up and burn fat with the added bonus that it can be completed in less than 15 minutes. She told MailOnline: 'At this time of year a lot of people are looking to shed fat and sculpt, strong lean bodies - for those aims, a healthy diet is key, of course, but on the exercise side, high intensity workouts are the ticket. Jumping jacks: Another move for raising the heart rate and burning calories . Burpees: Push the feet out behind you, left, and then jump up into the air, right . 'Shorter, more intense workouts challenge our body by making it do things it isn't used to. You're not simply doing more of the same activity just for a bit longer, you're really pushing your body to places it hasn't been before.' The workout in the video, taken from Julia's book The Fat Burn Revolution, contains just six moves that are all you need to shape up. Julia demonstrates three ways in which you can do the moves depending on your current fitness - so if it doesn't hurt, you need to move on to the next level. One circuit of the exercises, as described below, should be done with 30 seconds of doing the move repeatedly followed by a 30 second rest. Then repeat the circuit again (or do the more advanced version if you found the beginners' moves too easy). Way to a flat stomach: Hold the plank position for 30 seconds . The six exercises are as follows: . PUSH UPS . 30 seconds push ups . 30 seconds steam engines . 30 seconds jumping jacks . 30 seconds plank . 30 seconds burpees . 30 seconds step ups . Do all the moves continuously with 30 seconds recovery in between then repeat the circuit . Beginners, start on knees, advanced with feet propped up on a bench or chair . Julia explains: 'Press ups are an awesome all-body move, again you're bracing the core and engaging the abdominal muscles to maintain a straight position, which is great for shredding the belly and at the same time you're sculpting the chest and arms.' To do it, start lying flat face down, position your palms face down under your shoulders and then push up so your body is balanced on your hands and toes and your back is straight. Slowly lower and repeat. STEAM ENGINES . Start in a standing position then raise one knee to opposite elbow and repeat on the other side. Move with more speed if you are fitter. This move will raise your heart rate while toning the stomach, bottom and legs. THE PLANK . This move engages your core muscles leading to a tighter, flatter stomach. Julia explains: 'The plank is one of the best exercises for tightening the tummy because it works the whole midsection of your body, including the deep abdominal muscles. It is also great for improving posture and balance and will build core strength to help you perform better many other exercises.' Begin by lying flat face down. Position your arms under your shoulders and then rise up onto your hands or your body is balanced on your hands and toes and your back is straight. JUMPING JACKS . From standing, do a star jump splitting your legs apart and then jumping back to bring them together. At the same time, raise your arms up and apart. Beginners can do the move more slowly. This exercise again raises the heart rate burning calories. BURPEES . Burpees are renowned as one of the toughest exercises around - which means they must do you good. From standing, lower yourself onto your hands and then push your feet out and back in, then leap up into the air. Beginners should do the move more slowly or could put one foot back instead of both. The moves works up a sweat as well as toning the stomach, arms and legs so is one of the best all body exercises you can do. STEP UPS . If you don't have an exercise step, use a stair or just mimic the action by raising your knees up and down. As the name suggests, the move involves stepping up and down leading with each leg alternatively. Step up: Use a stair if you don't have the equipment . Julia said if people follow this workout, which takes less than 15 minutes, twice a week, 'you'd get fitter and possibly notice some subtle changes in your body shape after just a few weeks.' She added: 'Obviously, if you did a workout every day, those results would be more dramatic. But over time, those results would almost certainly plateau and you'd need to up the ante by doing longer and/or more intense sessions. 'One thing is for sure, doing 15 minute workouts is a million times better than not exercising at all.' To stay motivated, Julia recommends setting yourself a goal and then sharing it with other people so you become accountable to follow it through. She also recommends seeking support from like-minded people online. While Julia's workout can be done at home, there are also short exercises you can do while getting some fresh air that will also take little time but will improve your fitness. Iain Reitze, 49, head trainer at Prestige Boot Camp, said it's easy to get fit in just 15 minutes if you are using the time to working the muscles and raise the heart rate. Time to get fit: A running session known fartlek (aka speed play) can take just 15 minutes . He said: 'If you combine these things with good nutrition it will lead to a fitter, healthier, happier life.' Iain recommends the short sessions below to tone up and burn calories. He explains: All of these sessions can be done by any level or standard. It is about individual work rate during each session. Just do what you can and do it as best as you can. 'They can be adapted to any level, made longer or shorter and you can change the exercises to train different parts of the body. 'Depending on your individual work rate you could burn 20-30 calories every minute, so the harder you work, the more you burn.' SESSION ONE: Fartlek Session – 15 mins . This session can be done anywhere and for as long as you wish. First, warm up with a steady jog for three minutes. Then alternate 30 seconds at a fast jog, followed by 30 seconds sprinting then 30 seconds walking. Do this six times. To warm down either steady jog or walk for three minutes. SESSION TWO: Cardio - 15 minutes . This is a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with five exercises that will condition the whole body. Start on the minute and complete every exercise as quickly as you can. Warm up for three minutes with a gentle jog and warm down by stretching for two minutes at the end of this session. The time you have left remaining before the next minute starts again is your rest time. If you feel you are not getting enough rest then just cut back on the reps until you feel your fitness improving. Despite their best intentions, many people may take up running this New Year and give up by mid-January due to lack of motivation and support. But Jantastic, a new running challenge kicking off on January 5, may be the secret to staying on track. It's an online challenge that's open to everyone of all abilities, with a range of goals. Participants set their own personal activity targets for their fitness, health or performance goals and strive to stick them during January, February and March. Runners can take part individually or as part of a team and every workout logged contributes towards a participant's overall Jantastic score. Participants can also raise money for charity with Macmillan Cancer Support and Virgin Money Giving and also track their activity levels and routes with the sports social network, Strava. Visit jantastic.me to find out more and sign up.
After initial enthusiasm, many people struggle to keep up a fitness regime . Complain that they don't have time . But sessions below take 15 minutes or less . Doing them twice a week will help you tone up and lose weight . 10 High knee sprint (raising knees up) - 10 each leg so 20 in total . 10 Squats . 10 High knee sprint - 10 each leg so 20 in total . 5 Burpees . 10 Jumping jacks .
[ 101, 3167, 10365, 6423, 17898, 2038, 2019, 2035, 1011, 2303, 27090, 1012, 2016, 3594, 2382, 3823, 1997, 2725, 1996, 5829, 2000, 4309, 2039, 1996, 4308, 1998, 3456, 1012, 1996, 6912, 2097, 4309, 2039, 1998, 6402, 6638, 2007, 1996, 2794, 6781, 2008, 2009, 2064, 2022, 2949, 1999, 2625, 2084, 2321, 2781, 1012, 2009, 2097, 2022, 2949, 2011, 2382, 3823, 1998, 2097, 2022, 2589, 1999, 2321, 2781, 2030, 2625, 1012, 6423, 1005, 1055, 2047, 2338, 1010, 1996, 6638, 6402, 4329, 1010, 2003, 2041, 2085, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- When Felicity Aston started smelling fish and chips, she knew something was wrong. The unmistakable aroma of the classic British pub food, deep-fried fish and french fries, could only mean one thing: She must be hallucinating. After all, there are no pubs in the middle of Antarctica. The British explorer was skiing solo across the great frozen continent and had not seen another human being for weeks. "It drove me insane," said Aston. "It was like I was skiing along a huge row of fish and chips shops, the whole day." Read more: Global warming hits Antarctica, study finds . But, she says, she kept wiggling her fingers and toes to check for hypothermia, gritted her teeth and kept going, eventually crossing Antarctica in 59 days -- becoming the first woman in the world to make it solo. Despite being a seasoned explorer -- she previously led a team to the South Pole; raced across Arctic Canada and traversed the inland ice of Greenland -- this was her first solo expedition. She says she has never felt so alone. "The first time it really struck me was when the plane dropped me off (at) the beginning of my journey, and I watched it disappearing into a dark blob (in) the sky." As she started putting up her tent and organizing her equipment, she says she realized her heart was jumping, she was out of breath and her hands were shaking. Read more: Ship spends 10th day stuck in frozen waters off Antarctica . "I realized I was absolutely petrified," she said. "And it wasn't because I (was) scared of dying or injury, it was just that level of aloneness that was instantly frightening. Just the weight of the amount of time on my own." Being alone in the Antarctic means being on a high alert all the time. There is a danger at every step: Crevasse fields; whiteouts; sharp-edged grooves and ridges; temperatures below -40 C and hurricane-speed winds. Among the many physical impacts this environment has on the body -- exhaustion, malnutrition, frostbite, cramps, sunburn -- one of the most serious is hypothermia. Among polar explorers, hypothermia is known as "the silent killer" because its first symptom is a progressive inability to think clearly, recognize the problem and do something about it. "The first warning signal of hypothermia is abnormal behavior -- being very quiet, confused, incoherent," Aston explained. These are things that other members of an expedition pick up on, but, in a team of one, there's no one else to raise the red flag. Read more: Patient from Antarctica flown to New Zealand for treatment . "If you're alone, you have to make sure that if something goes wrong, you can get out of it," she said. "I had to always make sure that I would be able to put up a tent and look after myself at the end of each day." That's why she constantly wiggled her fingers, to make sure they weren't becoming numb, as the inability to use her hands would have been fatal. Despite the endless physical dangers, Aston says the real challenge is winning the mental battle with solitude. "It became the biggest struggle of the whole trip," she said. "Every single morning, the first thing that struck me was, 'Oh my goodness, I can't do this, I don't want to be here, I've made a terrible mistake.' "I realized that the real (trick) of this would not be how strong I was or how much experience I had, it would literally be getting out of that tent." But each day, she would get out of the tent and repeat exactly the same routine. After 40 days, she says she started noticing changes. Read more: Scientists: Japanese tsunami produced Antarctic icebergs . "I realized I would go a whole day and really not think about anything at all. My head was completely empty," she said. Hallucinations and strange sensations came next: "The sun became really important to me," she added. During the polar summer, the sun circles in the sky, never going down. It became Aston's constant companion and she began greeting it in the morning. "This developed into me having full-blown conversations with the sun in my mind," she added. Crying also became part of the daily routine and she says it wasn't until day 15 of her journey that she managed to go a whole day without bursting into tears. In pictures: Stunning undersea panoramas now on Google Street View . As an experienced explorer, she knows they are part of the experience. "The men do as much crying as the women do," she said. "And the women smell as bad after six weeks without shower." While bodily functions don't make the difference, it's the attitude that sets man and women apart. She says that even the most experienced women tend to suffer from a lack of self confidence and sense of vulnerability. "When I take a groups of women out into the cold environment, they are a lot more unsure, their default position is 'I can't do this,'" she said. Her job then becomes to convince them about the opposite. With men, it's different. "Usually they'll fling themselves at it and their default position is 'I already know how to do this, I know exactly how to do this,' and it's a matter of bringing them in and telling them that they need to think more and watch out for certain things." After days of skiing alone, in extreme cold, these differences disappear and men and women have to deal with the same issues. Apart from one, which Aston has yet to find a solution to: Going to the toilet. During the coldest days in Antarctica, she was deliberately dehydrating herself to avoid the need to get undressed in the bitter frost. "It's the only time in my life I've ever ... wanted to be a man," Aston said. "You see the guys just turn around and have a quick pee in the snow and you go, 'Arrghh, I have to get undressed in this cold!'"
British explorer Felicity Aston became first woman to ski solo across Antarctica . She says the biggest challenge was coping with the long-term solitude . Aston had to deal with hallucinations and frustration to complete the expedition .
[ 101, 27357, 14327, 2003, 1996, 2034, 2450, 1999, 1996, 2088, 2000, 2191, 2009, 3948, 1012, 2016, 2001, 12701, 3948, 2408, 1996, 2307, 7708, 9983, 1999, 5354, 2420, 1012, 2014, 2034, 5432, 4742, 1997, 1044, 22571, 14573, 2121, 10092, 2001, 1000, 2074, 2008, 2504, 1997, 2894, 2791, 1000, 1996, 2329, 10566, 2758, 2016, 2038, 2196, 2371, 2061, 2894, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Snejana Farberov . PUBLISHED: . 16:56 EST, 7 January 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 19:48 EST, 7 January 2014 . Two college freshmen from Minnesota were found fatally shot inside a Pine Island home Monday in an apparent murder-suicide, according to police. Olmsted County Sheriff's deputies responded to a home in the 6900 block of 100th Street North at around 4pm after getting a call from one of the victims' relatives. When officers entered a heated shed on the property, they came upon the body of 18-year-old Kayla Jill Koranda. Lying nearby they found Nicholas Roecker, 19, who was clinging to life. Tragic friends: Kayla Koranda, 18 (left), and her friend and former classmate Nick Roecker, 19 (right), where found fatally shot inside Roecker's home in an apparent murder-suicide . Crime scene: Olmsted County Minnesota law enforcement and Pine Island fire and rescue respond to the scene of the murder-suicide at 6948 100th Street Monday . Roecker was rushed to Mayo Clinic Hospitals, where he died a short time later, according to officials. Olmsted County Sheriff David Mueller told the Minneapolis Star Tribune a handgun used in the suspected murder-suicide was recovered at the scene. The 19-year-old victim, who lived in the house with his family, attended the University of Minnesota- Duluth, while Koranda was a student at the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis. Sheriff Mueller told MailOnline over the phone Tuesday that it appears the victims were just friends and not a couple. According to a statement from the . sheriff’s office released to MailOnline this afternoon, the two deceased . were classmates at Lourdes High School - a Catholic institution in . Rochester. Koranda and Roecker were also Facebook friends. Last . year, Koranda received the Olmsted Medical Center Auxiliary award of . $1,000 offered to students who wish to pursue careers in health care. Roecker . played varsity football for the Lourdes Eagles and was listed on the . honor roll during his senior year for earning a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Scholar: Roecker studied science and engineering the University of Minnesota-Duluth where he enrolled after graduating from Lourdes High School with a GPA over 3.5 . Too young: Koranda was also a graduate of Lourdes High School and studied liberal arts at the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis . Relationship: Police believe Koranda, pictured here with her family, was just friends with Roecker . The 19-year-old man was a science and engineering major living at Griggs Hall. Koranda studied liberal arts and resided at Middlebrook Hall. 'The depth of their relationship is still not known at this time,' the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement. 'However, it is believed that they were just friends.' Mueller told the Star Tribune it is believed that Roecker was the one who fired the fatal shots. According to sheriff, Koranda went to visit her friend Monday because he was suffering from depression.
Kayla Koranda, 18, was found shot to death inside shed a the home of her high school friend Nick Roecker . Roecker, 19, was discovered clinging to life nearby; he died from his wounds a short time later . Both teens graduated from Lourdes High School in Rochester last year and attended University of Minnesota . Officials believe Roecker was the one who fired the shots .
[ 101, 26491, 10454, 12849, 13033, 2050, 1010, 2324, 1010, 1998, 4172, 20944, 9102, 1010, 2539, 1010, 2020, 2179, 26292, 2915, 2503, 20944, 9102, 1005, 1055, 2188, 6928, 2851, 1012, 20944, 9102, 2001, 1037, 3076, 2012, 10223, 26371, 2152, 2082, 1011, 1037, 3234, 5145, 1999, 10541, 1010, 5135, 1012, 1996, 5694, 2020, 2814, 1998, 2025, 1037, 3232, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Richard Spillett . A thug who brutally attacked six women - including his own sister and a girl who refused to kiss him at a party - has got off with a 14-month sentence. The judge said Sam Brownless, 22, deserved longer behind bars but he was restricted by official sentencing guidelines after the attacks were charged lower-level common assaults. Victims groups have criticised the sentence, saying it shows how rules need to be changed to allow the justice system to impose the punishments criminals deserve. Thug Sam Brownless (left) attacked six women in a spate of assaults - but was only jailed for 14 months today. Judge David Hatton (right) agreed that the sentence was too soft, but said he was bound by sentencing guidelines . The court heard Brownless, of Hartlepool, County Durham, attacked four women in a late night attack in September, before beating up his sister in November, and punching another victim at a party in February this year. He admitted six counts of common assault and breaching a suspended sentence. But Judge David Hatton said Brownless could only be jailed for a maximum of six months for the attacks as they were classed as low level 'summary offences', which he pleaded guilty to before magistrates. Brownless was only jailed for the longer term of 14 months because the judge activated a previously suspended prison sentence from when Brownless crashed a car into a care home. Sentencing rules also mean that, . providing he behaves behind bars, Brownless could be released on licence . after serving just half of his prison term. Domestic violence charity Harbour hit . out at the sentence and called for the system to be changed so the . punishment can fits the crime. Teesside Crown Court heard that the judge was limited in the sentence he could impose because the attacks were charged as 'summary' common assaults . Spokesman Denise Chadwick: 'It is really worrying. The justice system needs to be reviewed in individual cases like this so the courts can actually give out sentences that reflect the catalogue of abuse that he has obviously carried out.' Guidelines state that the 'summary offence' of common assault has a maximum sentence of six months. They encourage judges to impose a community order unless the offence involves a 'greater degree of harm'. Longer sentences of up to five years can only be imposed if the attack is charged as an 'assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH)'. Guidelines tell prosecutors to decide upon a charge based on ' the level of injuries that have resulted'. Last September, Brownless lashed out at four young women at 3am after a run-in with one of the group. He landed punches on each of the women's faces, leaving them with nosebleeds, swelling and pain which lasted for several days. One said she was 'shocked that such a large man would assault girls in such a way'. He had previously attacked his sister when she and his mum refused to hand over his six-month-old baby when he came home drunk from the pub. Sue Jacobs, prosecuting, said: 'He grabbed his sister from behind and dragged her to the floor by her hair. 'He punched and kicked her about the body and stamped on her several times.' Brownless' final attack was committed on a girl he tried to kiss at a house party. When she rejected him, he ran at her and punched her to the mouth, nose and forehead causing her to fall to the floor, the court heard. She suffered a burst lip, black eye and bruising around her mouth. One of his victims said in a statement: 'I think it's disgusting that he would do that to girls. He's a bully and needs to learn he can't do that.' Paul Cleasby, mitigating, said: 'When sober he's straight forward and rational. His family speak well of him when he is not in drink.' Judge David Hatton said: 'I'm limited in the sentence that I can impose unfortunately because the appropriate sentence would be considerably higher and greater than that which I'm allowed to impose.' Brownless's case is just the latest in recent weeks to spark anger among campaigners. Earlier this month, killer Colin Noddings (pictured) walked free from court despite threatening the son of his former wife, Deana, after he was released from prison having served less than four years for her manslaughter. Campaigners Civitas branded the six-month suspended sentence the 63-year-old was given 'a scandalously feeble response.' The group's David Green said: 'The suspended sentence might as well have been an absolute discharge.' It came after a judge apologised to the latest victims of armed robber Derek Rossi after he was released on licence from a second life sentence. Rossi was given his third life term for a robbery of a London bookmakers last month, but Judge Peter Clarke admitted she should never have been freed at all. He said to the victims: 'I wish to apologise to them on behalf of the criminal justice system for placing them in that position.' Peter Cuthbertson, director of the Centre for Crime Prevention, said of the judge's comments: 'This is a rare and brave example of a judge pointing out that soft sentences put the public at huge risk.' It was also revealed last month that four out of five serial burglars now avoid prison or get off with short sentences. Of the 993 serial burglars who were dealt with by the courts in 2011, only 214 were jailed for three years or more, figures show . The soft punishments were handed out despite a statement by then-Lord Chief Justice Igor Judge in 2009 urging judges to recognise the seriousness of burglary. He said: ‘Something precious is violated by burglary of a home and those who perpetrate this crime should be sentenced and punished accordingly.'
Sam Brownless assaulted a group of women in a late-night attack . The 22-year-old also stamped on his sister after she tried to protect his baby . He also punched a woman at a party when she refused to kiss him . Judge said he deserved a longer prison stretch than the 14-month imposed . He was powerless to increase it after attacks charged as 'common assault' Domestic violence charity says the case shows changes to law are needed .
[ 101, 3520, 2829, 3238, 1010, 2570, 1010, 4457, 2416, 2308, 1999, 1037, 14690, 2063, 1997, 4491, 1999, 2244, 1012, 2002, 2001, 2069, 21278, 2005, 2403, 2706, 2044, 1996, 4491, 2020, 5338, 2896, 1011, 2504, 2691, 22664, 1012, 3648, 2585, 6045, 2669, 2056, 1996, 6251, 2001, 2205, 3730, 1010, 2021, 2002, 2001, 5391, 2011, 23280, 11594, 1012, 2002, 2056, 1996, 11746, 2265, 2129, 3513, 2342, 2000, 2022, 2904, 2000, 3499, 1996, 3425, 2291, 2000, 17607, 29115, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Aliens may have sent microorganisms to Earth inside metal balls to create seed life on our planet, an astrobiologist has claimed. Dr Milton Wainwright claims to have found a tiny metal sphere that was oozing a 'gooey' substance in samples gathered by a balloon in the Earth's stratosphere. The University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham scientist says that the ball, which is about the width of a human hair, could be an example of directed panspermia - where life was deliberately sent to Earth by some unknown extraterrestrial civilisation. Scroll down for video . The metal sphere found by Dr Wainwright and his colleagues (above) appears to be oozing goo from its side . He argues that the strange material coming from the titanium ball is biological and could in fact be a colony of tiny microorganisms. Panspermia is a theory that suggests life spreads across the known physical universe, hitchhiking on comets or meteorites. For example, life such as extremophiles, capable of surviving the inhospitable conditions of space, could become trapped in debris that is ejected into space after collisions between asteroids and planets that harbour life. These life-forms may travel dormant for an extended amount of time before colliding randomly with other planets. The idea of directed panspermia, however, suggests that lifeforms are deliberately sent out through the universe by intelligent civilizations . Professor Francis Crick, one of the biologists who discovered the structure of DNA, examined the possibility of this in a paper in 1973. However, Professor Crick and his ccolleagues concluded that the scientific evidence was 'inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability'. However, he has conceded it is virtually impossible to prove that the tiny sphere was sent by aliens from outer space. Dr Wainwright said the sphere made a tiny 'impact crater' on the sampler that was attached to the balloon as it collected dust and particles in the atmosphere. He said: 'The sphere made an impact crater on the sampling stub. This proves beyond doubt that the particle was travelling at speed from space when it was sampled.' Dr Wainwright and his team discovered the sphere when examining samples of dust and particulate matter collected by a balloon sent around 16 miles into the atmosphere. Using X-ray analysis to examine the sphere, he concluded that it was made from titanium and traces of vanadium, while the material appearing to come out of the side was biological. They found that it also had a 'fungus-like knitted mat-like covering'. He claims that it could have been carried to Earth on a comet or even sent by an unknown civilisation. Dr Wainwright and his colleagues have published their findings in the Journal of Cosmology but their conclusions have yet to be corroborated by other scientists. The journal often publishes papers on astrobiology but is highly controversial among scientists as it has been criticised for its peer review process and for publishing papers of a fringe variety. The scientists collected the samples from the stratosphere, seen above from a weather balloon . Two years ago it controversially published a paper that claimed to have identified fossils of microbiotic life in a meteorite, sparking a blaze of publicity, but was also met with a great deal of skepticism. In the past Professor Wainwright and his team claimed to have found fragments of single celled algae called diatoms in samples taken from the stratosphere. The idea that life can survive high the Earth's atmosphere, however, is not new. Scientists working with Nasa recently discovered bacteria living up to five miles above the Earth's surface. However, most scientists believe they are likely to have been carried up from Earth rather than having an extraterrestrial origin. Air currents and winds are known to be capable of carrying dust and bacteria for hundreds of miles and high into the atmosphere. But some research has shown that microorganisms can survive the intense heat and pressures of entering the Earth's atmosphere from space, raising the prospect that life may have originally been carried here. Dr Wainwright used balloons similar to this one above to collect samples from the stratsophere . Some astrobiologists believe life started on Earth after being carried here on a comet or asteroid, while others believe it is more likely that the basic chemical building blocks were carried in this way rather than established life. However, the idea of directed panspermia has been proposed by some heavyweight scientists. Professor Francis Crick, one of the team who one a Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of DNA, examined whether it was possible that organisms could have been deliberately transmitted to the Earth by intelligent beings from another planet. However, he concluded that there was insufficient scientific evidence to support such a claim. Dr Wainwright, however, insists his findings may help to provide some of that evidence. However, he added: 'Unless of course we can find details of the civilisation that is supposed to have sent it in this respect it is probably an unprovable theory.' Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, an astrobiologist at the University of Buckinghamshire and editor of the Journal of Cosmology who also worked with Dr Wainwright on the study, added: 'I think more work needs to be done on this particular structure, for example to study its DNA, if it has any. 'But already there is clear proof from many directions to confirm that we are constantly bombarded by fragments of comets that carry living microorganisms.' However, Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said the idea that such material were being sent out by aliens attempting to seed other planets was a 'leap of the imagination'. He said: 'This would seem to provide proof that outer space and not just the surface of our planet is teaming with life. 'I'm sceptical about this and we would need to collect more samples like this to have a better idea of where it originates from. 'It is a leap of the imagination that it came from an ET race trying to seed our planet with their biological constructs. ‘Perhaps there are luminous or ‘invisible’ jelly-fish like creatures that inhabit our skies, or microorganisms flooding our planet, I’m not convinced, but they are fascinating ideas that make a change from stories of starships loaded with aliens.’
Dr Milton Wainwright from the University of Sheffield used balloons to collect samples of dust and particles 16 miles up in the Earth's atmosphere . In one sample he found a tiny metal ball that left impact crater in the device . He claims the orb may have been travelling fast as came from outer space . The metal ball is the same width as a human hair and is made from titanium . Dr Wainwright says it could have been sent to Earth by intelligent alien life . He claims a gooey substance was oozing out of the ball and is biological .
[ 101, 28625, 26282, 10727, 2852, 9660, 25305, 4447, 2000, 2031, 2179, 1037, 4714, 3384, 10336, 1999, 8168, 5935, 2011, 1037, 13212, 1999, 1996, 3011, 1005, 1055, 2358, 8609, 25444, 1012, 1996, 4874, 2003, 2055, 1996, 9381, 1997, 1037, 2529, 2606, 1998, 2071, 2022, 1037, 5701, 1997, 12702, 21759, 7088, 19230, 1012, 2002, 4447, 1996, 10336, 2081, 1037, 4714, 1005, 4254, 11351, 1005, 2006, 1996, 7099, 2099, 2008, 2001, 4987, 2000, 1996, 13212, 2004, 2009, 5067, 6497, 1998, 9309, 1999, 1996, 7224, 1012, 2002, 2056, 1996, 4874, 2001, 2081, 2013, 23431, 1998, 10279, 1997, 3158, 17190, 2819, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- A pilot's sleep disorder and a string of early mornings helped cause the crew of a commuter jet to fall asleep during a flight over Hawaii in 2008, federal investigators reported Monday. The pilot and co-pilot of a Go! Airlines jet failed to respond to calls from air traffic controllers for 18 minutes during the February 2008 flight from Honolulu to Hilo and awoke to find they had overshot their destination by about 30 miles, the National Transportation Safety Board reported. The plane landed safely once the pilots awoke and resumed contact with controllers. The 53-year-old pilot was later diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, which can cause daytime sleepiness. "This condition likely caused him to experience chronic daytime fatigue and contributed to his falling asleep during the incident flight," according to the NTSB's report on the probable cause of the incident. "In addition, the day of the incident was the third consecutive day that both pilots started duty at 0540 (5:40 a.m.)," the report continued. "This likely caused the pilots to receive less daily sleep than is needed to sustain optimal alertness and resulted in an accumulation of sleep debt and increased levels of daytime fatigue." Go! is a subsidiary of Phoenix, Arizona-based Mesa Air Group. The company had no immediate response to the findings. The Hawaii incident and a 2007 runway landing accident in Michigan that investigators blamed on pilot fatigue prompted a call by federal safety experts to scale back the maximum workday allowed for airline pilots and implement other "fatigue management" programs.
The crew of a commuter jet fell asleep during a flight over Hawaii in 2008 . Federal investigators cite sleep apnea, string of early mornings as causes . Pilot, co-pilot of a Go! Airlines jet awoke to find they overshot destination . Sleep apnea is a disorder that can cause chronic daytime fatigue .
[ 101, 1996, 4405, 1998, 2522, 1011, 4405, 1997, 1037, 2175, 999, 7608, 6892, 19179, 2000, 2424, 2027, 2018, 15849, 12326, 2037, 7688, 2011, 2382, 2661, 1012, 1996, 4405, 2001, 2101, 11441, 2007, 27885, 3367, 6820, 15277, 3637, 9706, 22084, 1010, 2029, 2064, 3426, 12217, 16342, 1012, 1996, 4946, 5565, 9689, 2320, 1996, 8221, 19179, 1998, 7943, 3967, 2007, 21257, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Lizzie Parry . PUBLISHED: . 08:01 EST, 24 October 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 09:23 EST, 24 October 2013 . A woman has been charged with the double murder of two young children killed during an arson strike at their home 16 years ago. Fiaz Begum Munshi is accused of being involved in the firebomb attack which claimed the lives of Majid Khan, aged 15 years, and his eight-year-old sister Anum Khan. Petrol was squirted through the letterbox and then set alight at their family’s home in Cowley, Oxon, shortly after 3am on August 26, 1997. Thames Police confirmed Fiaz Begum Munshi has been charged with murdering Majid Khan, 15, left and his eight-year-old sister Anum, right. The pair died after an arson attack at their home in Oxon in August 1997 . Five men were convicted of their murder and imprisoned a year after the tragedy. Munshi, of Oldham in Lancashire, was arrested by officers on Tuesday. She was today charged in connection with the killings. The family of Majid and Anum said they hope 'justice will be done'. The children's mother said she has not been able to visit their graves since their lives were cut short 16 years ago. 'I hope justice will be done,' she said. 'As a mother of these beautiful innocent children I have been waiting for 16 years for this day and I have not been able to visit my son and daughter, Majid and Anum, since they were innocently taken away from me. 'Once justice has been done I have promised myself I will visit Majid and Anum for the first time after 15 years. This is a very emotional time for everybody.' The statement, released by police, added: . 'Mr and Mrs Khan and family would first of all like to thank Allah for . this day and the police force involved in the arrest of Fiaz Munshi.' In a statement released by police, the children's mother said: 'I hope justice will be done. As a mother of these beautiful innocent children I have been waiting for 16 years for this day' Munshi, 38, will appear at Oxford Magistrates' Court later today. A police spokesman said: 'Thames Valley Police, on advice of Thames and Chiltern Crown Prosecution Service, has charged a 38-year-old woman with two counts of murder in connection with a fatal fire in Oxford. 'Fiaz Begum Munshi, of Oldham, Lancashire, was arrested on Tuesday, in connection with a fire at a house in Cowley, on August, 26 1997. 'Majid Khan, aged 15, and Anum Khan, aged 8, died as a result of the fire.' In November 1998 four men were convicted of killing the children following an eight-week trial at Birmingham Crown Court. Alan Swanton, Haq Nawaz, Mohammed Nawaz, and Thomas Liedl were sentenced to life in prison. Swanton, of Letchworth, Herts, was given a minimum sentence of 15 years, Liedl, of Letchworth, got 15 years, Mohammed Nawaz, of Letchworth, got 17 years, and Haq Nawaz, also of Letchworth, got 22 years. Haroon Sharif, of Oxford, was also found guilty of murder by a jury majority of ten to two. He got 20 years in jail. Sorry we are unable to accept comments for legal reasons.
Majid Khan, 15, and sister Anum, eight, died in the blaze in August 1997 . Five men sentenced to life in 1998 after being convicted of their murders . Fiaz Begum Munshi to appear in court charged with the killings . Mother says she hopes 'justice will be done' for her innocent children .
[ 101, 19807, 2480, 11693, 2819, 14163, 3619, 4048, 1010, 4229, 1010, 5338, 2007, 21054, 16686, 3593, 4967, 1010, 2321, 1010, 1998, 2010, 2905, 2019, 2819, 1010, 1022, 1012, 1996, 3940, 2351, 2044, 2019, 24912, 2886, 2012, 2037, 2188, 1999, 11190, 3051, 1010, 23060, 2239, 1010, 1999, 2722, 1012, 1996, 2336, 1005, 1055, 2388, 2056, 2016, 2038, 2025, 2042, 2583, 2000, 3942, 2037, 9729, 2144, 2027, 2020, 3013, 2460, 2385, 2086, 3283, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
(CNN) -- With his Hyperloop proposal, Elon Musk isn't the only entrepreneur proposing ways to rev up American transportation. The man who brought us sleek, clean electric Tesla cars and SpaceX -- a private space program that successfully sent a payload to the orbiting space station -- is setting his sights on a radically different mass transit proposal called Hyperloop. Giant vacuum tubes would suck travelers across hundreds of miles in a matter of minutes. Related: Elon Musk wants to revolutionize transportation again . Technology in the Digital Age is spurring creative ideas aimed at improving -- and even reinventing -- the way humans travel. The issue is becoming a pressing one with increasing traffic and vehicle emissions. Musk's idea is one of countless transportation concepts being bandied about -- some of which may blow your hair back, others that may amount to pie in the sky. Some may be closer to reality than you think -- like driverless cars and space tourism. For other ideas, the future is murky. You be the judge. The media loves a good gee-whiz story. Remember the Segway? When that was announced in 2001, we read that these two-wheeled transportation machines would change the way we commute and how cities would be designed. How many Segway owners do you know? Or how about the Shweeb, a pedal-powered transportation system that so impressed the folks at Google, the company gave its inventors $1 million for research and development. In the three years since Shweeb won the award, it hasn't made a lot of news. The lesson is, it's a long way between the drawing board and reality. Related: More transportation coverage . Let's take a look at some of the ideas floating out there that may influence the way we travel from Point A to Point B in the future. Planes . By 2019, a small aircraft-maker reportedly plans to start offering a $5 million two-seater jet aimed at business execs who want to fly as fast as 720 mph -- close to the speed of sound. But, mostly, the buzz around the future of flight surrounds something even faster: supersonic combustion ramjets -- aka scramjets. Imagine flying from New York to Tokyo in under two hours. Scramjet technology could make that dream a reality. Experts predict scramjet engines could propel aircraft as fast as 15 times the speed of sound, according to NASA. Unlike conventional jet engines, scramjet engines have virtually no moving parts. And unlike rockets, scramjet engines would burn oxygen from the atmosphere instead of having to carry heavy tanks full of oxygen. The result: a more efficient vehicle for military or commercial purposes. Last year the Pentagon tested a 25-foot long scramjet called an X-51A Waverider. Such technology could be used to develop "cruise missile-like weapons that could reach a target on the other side of the planet in minutes instead of hours," one expert told CNN. Another application for the technology, he said, is an "aircraft which could put a quick-reaction force on a far-off battleground within hours instead of days." A UK-based outfit called Reaction Engines has been working on scramjet technology. It produced a video to show its vision for a passenger aircraft called the A2, which would fly five times the speed of sound. This month Reaction Engines announced a partnership with the European Space Agency to figure out its next system to launch vehicles into orbit. Related: How we'll travel in 2022 . Trains . Early in the Obama administration, federal transportation officials began pushing the idea of high-speed rail, by offering taxpayer dollars to interested states. One of those states is California. On its website, California's high-speed rail project still officially promises service from San Francisco to the Los Angeles area in under three hours at more than 200 mph. But the program's initial projected cost of $34 billion has ballooned to $118 billion. Officials are considering a slower, less ambitious train system, CNN Special Investigations Correspondent Drew Griffin reports. Related: Is California high speed rail for real? Related: Would you board a moving train? In the Northeastern United States, Amtrak operates Acela Express -- a rail service capable of speeds up to 150 mph that shoot riders from New York City to Washington in about 96 minutes. Responding to critics who say Acela is too slow and too infrequently reaches its top speed, Amtrak plans to run test trains at 165 mph in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. High-speed rail critics often oppose it because they say it costs taxpayers too much. Which is why a proposal in Texas is so interesting. The Texas Central Railway has a plan to build a high-speed train without any taxpayer dollars. Spanning the nearly 240 miles separating Dallas and Houston, a Japanese-style "bullet train" reportedly would haul 500 passengers in just 90 minutes. Maximum speed: around 220 mph. If all goes as planned, the train would be running by 2020, according to organizers. Related: Vehicles that changed the world . Automobiles . Drivers? Who needs 'em? We've got computers! Driverless cars have been legal in California for nearly a year. Carmakers Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Volvo are planning to offer automated vehicles by the end of this year, The New York Times reported. As more computers take the driver's seat, it remains to be seen how driverless cars will safely interact with cars piloted by humans. Other car-related transportation ideas are winding their way through the national conversation. How about solar-powered smart-roads? Inventor Scott Brusaw has proposed building a national network of wired highways made of very strong glass. Solar electricity generated by the highways would recharge electric vehicles that use the road. The highway's streetlights and LED warning signs also would be powered by the road. Space . Justin Bieber's on board. Who else wants to fly to the edge of space? Bieber has signed on to be among Virgin Galactic's first passengers. The company -- founded by billionaire Richard Branson -- says it's on track for its passenger spacecraft to reach space in a test flight for the first time by the end of this year. More than 500 would-be space tourists have signed up to take short $200,000 flights that would involve several minutes of weightlessness. New Mexico says it's ready for space travel. The state has built a kind of airport for space ships called Spaceport America. It's open for business and NASA has already used the facility for unmanned rockets. Other ideas aimed at going up include a proposal for an elevator that would take cargo and travelers into space. Opinion: Hyperloop could be a reality . Other ideas . What about the extreme future of transportation? Believe it or not, scientists have been talking about an idea of getting from here to there that sounds like something from "Star Trek." Could Scotty's "transporter" ever become a real thing? In 2007, scientists indicated to CNN that someday it might be possible to scan a person using some advanced form of the technology used to perform MRI scans, and transmit that scanned information somewhere else -- using normal electrical or sound signals -- where it would then be reassembled into an approximation of the original. But there will always be skeptics, like Valerie Jamieson, physics editor of New Scientist Magazine. "I really don't think it is ever going to happen," she said. "Then again, one thing I've learned is never to underestimate the ingenuity of physicists, so never say never." Hyperloop vs. world's fastest trains .
Entrepreneur Elon Musk proposes Hyperloop: shooting travelers through tubes . Musk's idea is aimed at allowing people to travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes . The technology era is spurring countless ideas to improve transportation . Ideas include scramjets, bullet trains and driverless cars .
[ 101, 3449, 2239, 14163, 6711, 4122, 2000, 4329, 4697, 1996, 2126, 4286, 3604, 1012, 2002, 2758, 2974, 1999, 1996, 3617, 2287, 12996, 2015, 5541, 4784, 1012, 14163, 6711, 1005, 1055, 2801, 2003, 2028, 1997, 14518, 5193, 8474, 1010, 2002, 2758, 1012, 1996, 2925, 1997, 3462, 2003, 14163, 15952, 1010, 14163, 6711, 2758, 1010, 1998, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1037, 2146, 2126, 2000, 2175, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Web giant: Online retailer Amazon.com wants to register the .amazon domain name . South America is squaring up to online retailer Amazon in a battle over the coveted web domain name the firm shares with the continent’s tropical rainforest. Brazil and Peru are formally opposing the e-commerce giant’s plans to register the .amazon URL ending with the internet overseer Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The countries, which host 73 per cent of the jungle, say it would stop ‘the use of this domain for purposes of public interest’. These, they added, ‘related to the protection, promotion and awareness raising on issues related to the Amazon biome.’ It would also, they said, ‘hinder the possibility of use of this domain to congregate web pages related to the population inhabiting the geographical region’. ICANN said it will now send Amazon.com an ‘early warning’ where it will ask for the firm’s reasons for applying to use the sought-after name. It will then weigh up both sides of the argument, and make its final decision as to who should be allowed to use it. A time frame has not been given. The U.S. company has already spent . £100,000 in trying to register the name, and this would be returned if . the application was ultimately rejected, reported GlobalPost. Objections: Brazil and Peru say the domain name should be used for public interest purposes related to the Amazon rainforest . ICANN spokesman Andrew Robertson told the website it was entirely possible that the South American nations could win the web domain war. He said: ‘I would have to say, yes, there is a possibility that the domain will not be approved. There is an approval process and we are still in it. ‘It was always anticipated that there would be objections by governments. It’s a completely new take.’ ICANN, which is a non-profit organisation that oversees the assignment of new web addresses, has so far collected a staggering £220million for the registration of new generic Top-Level Domains. These include for .gay, .islam, .bible, .sex and . beauty. Brazil and Peru are both among 40 members of ICANN’s Government Advisory Committee.
The online retailer has already spent £100,000 trying to register the .amazon URL ending . Brazil and Peru are formally opposing the plan, and say the domain name should be used for 'public interest' purposes related to the rainforest . The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has said it is possible the South American countries could win the battle .
[ 101, 9733, 1012, 4012, 4122, 2000, 4236, 1996, 1012, 9733, 24471, 2140, 4566, 2007, 1996, 4274, 17467, 2099, 4274, 3840, 2005, 4137, 3415, 1998, 3616, 1006, 24582, 11639, 1007, 1996, 3032, 1010, 2029, 3677, 6421, 2566, 9358, 1997, 1996, 8894, 1010, 2360, 2009, 2052, 2644, 1520, 1996, 2224, 1997, 2023, 5884, 2005, 2270, 3037, 5682, 3141, 2000, 1996, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2313, 21490, 2075, 1996, 10056, 2555, 1521, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Michele Trobaugh regrets the day she heard a radio advertisement for Dr. Jan Adams. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Jan Adams operated on the mother of rapper Kanye West the day before she died. Eager to fix breasts that weren't the same size and a rash that occurred where her breasts rubbed against her stomach, Trobaugh, then 28, went to see Adams in his office in Huntington Beach, California. She says she trusted him right away. "I fell for his charm. I fell for his confidence," she says. But her surgery turned out to be a "nightmare," she says. Trobaugh says that in March 2006, Adams gave her a breast augmentation, tummy tuck and liposuction -- all at one time. "The next day I woke up fighting for every breath. It was like an elephant was sitting on my chest," she says. "And when I got up to go the restroom I noticed the girdle I was wearing was soaked with fluid and blood. For days I was soaking through blankets and towels." Trobaugh says she had three infections. She had a second surgery a few weeks later to remove fluid from her hips. Questions surrounding the death of another of Adams' patients, Donda West, mother of rapper Kanye West, have reignited Trobaugh's pain, she says. She has not sued Adams but says she may in the future. Asked to respond to Trobaugh's comments, Adams issued a statement through his publicist, Kevin Williams. "I believe very strongly in the fundamental American principle of the right of the individual to defend himself," the statement said. "Recently inaccurate and, frankly, false statements have ciruculated that require clarification. Unfortunately, it has become impossible to separate thsese statements from other professional issues. I will await my turn." Today, Trobaugh has advice on how others can avoid becoming plastic surgery victims, and so do board-certified plastic surgeons. Make sure the surgeon is board-certified . This one, say experts, is a no-brainer. For plastic surgery, you want a doctor who's certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. It's simple: The American Board of Medical Specialties' Web site will tell you if a doctor is board-certified in plastic surgery. Why is it so important to have a board-certified surgeon? Because legally any doctor is permitted to do any procedure -- a psychiatrist could do a breast augmentation. If you use a board-certified plastic surgeon, you know he or she has completed three to five years of training in general surgery and a minimum of two to three years of training in plastic surgery, plus they have to take written and oral tests, according to Dr. Jim Stuzin, chairman-elect of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and assistant clinical professor at the University of Miami. Board-certified plastic surgeons also have to do continuing medical education and take a written test every 10 years. Check the surgeon's record . Trobaugh says she never would have gone to Adams if she'd known he had two malpractice judgments against him. She could have found that out easily by going to the Medical Board of California's Web site. Links to the Web sites of every state's medical board can be found here. Many state licensing boards, like California's, list malpractice judgments, plus any disciplinary actions by the board. (Since Trobaugh's surgery, Adams has had a third malpractice judgment against him, plus an accusation filed with the board). Ask if the surgeon has hospital privileges . Even if you're having a plastic surgery procedure at an outpatient clinic, it's worth asking where the doctor has hospital privileges, because hospitals do background checks, says Dr. Rod Rohrich, past president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. "If they don't have hospital privileges, that's a huge red flag," he says. Come armed with questions for the doctor . One crucial question for your potential surgeon is how often he or she does the procedure you're interested in. "If I'm coming to you for a facelift, you'd better do it almost weekly," says Rohrich, who's also chairman of the department of plastic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. The Arizona Medical Board's Web site has a list of questions you can print out and bring with you to the doctor's office. For example, the medical board suggests asking whether the physician will be performing the procedure in its entirety. Be wary of multiple procedures . Trobaugh says when she went to Adams, he suggested three procedures. "When you bundle procedures, the risk goes up," says Stuzin, the plastic surgeon in Miami. The more procedures you have, the more money the doctor makes. Dr. Grant Carlson, a plastic surgeon at Emory University School of Medicine, says an unethical surgeon might suggest a neck lift when someone has come in looking for just for a nose job. "Unfortunately, money is a motivation in some people." Perhaps the most valuable advice, Trobaugh says, is to be swayed only by objective information about the surgeon, and not by how the doctor makes you feel. "[Adams] truly sounded like he was going to help me. He seemed like he would be truly concerned about me," she says. But Trobaugh says that when things didn't go well after her surgery, she was taken aback by Adams' response. "I told him, 'I can't put my right arm down -- there's a huge lump under my arm.' I was crying," she says. She says he told her to take her medicine and rest and give herself time to heal. More than a year and a half after her surgery, Trobaugh says her stomach is "concave," she has shooting pains in her breasts, and her "nipples are uneven and in the wrong place." Trobaugh says she wishes she had taken a friend or relative with her to her pre-surgical appointments with Adams. "An aunt or my mother or some other strong female in my life might have picked up on things I didn't pick up on, or thought of questions I didn't think of," she says. "And there are no stupid questions when you're about to alter yourself in some major way." E-mail to a friend . Elizabeth Cohen is a correspondent with CNN Medical News. CNN's Miriam Falco, Jennifer Pifer and Sabriya Rice contributed to this report.
Choose a doctor who's certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery . Check with your state's medical licensing board for lawsuits, complaints . Be wary of having multiple procedures performed all at once .
[ 101, 15954, 19817, 16429, 4887, 5603, 1005, 1055, 5970, 2357, 2041, 2000, 2022, 1037, 1000, 10103, 1000, 2852, 1012, 5553, 5922, 3498, 2006, 1996, 2388, 1997, 10687, 29270, 2225, 1996, 2154, 2077, 2016, 2351, 1012, 5922, 3843, 1037, 4861, 2083, 2010, 2270, 2923, 1010, 3038, 2016, 2089, 1999, 1996, 2925, 1012, 5922, 1024, 1000, 1045, 2903, 2200, 6118, 1999, 1996, 8050, 2137, 6958, 1997, 1996, 3265, 2000, 6985, 2370, 1000, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor . PUBLISHED: . 06:32 EST, 20 May 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 06:45 EST, 20 May 2013 . The Treasury analysis warns an independent Scotland's banking sector would be 1254 per cent of the entire economy . An independent Scotland could be plunged into a devastating Cyprus-style crash, the Treasury warned today. If Scotland goes it alone its banking sector would be 1,250% bigger than its national economy, leaving the government powerless to act in the event of a financial crisis. The would also be ‘significant difficulties’ in guaranteeing customers’ deposits in any Scottish banks which got into trouble, ministers claimed. Analysis by the UK Treasury reveals how vulnerable Scotland would be if voters back independence in the referendum in autumn 2014. However the Scottish Government has already dismissed the paper as 'far-fetched' and 'flimsy'. Scotland Secretary Michael Moore and Treasury minister Sajid Javid launched the report today, arguing that after independence the Scottish banking sector ‘would be oversized, with assets totalling around 1250 per cent of Scotland’s GDP’. They added: ‘By way of comparison, before the crisis that hit Cyprus in March 2013, its banks had amassed assets equivalent to around 800 per cent of its GDP – a major contributor to the cause and impact of the financial crisis in Cyprus and the ability of the Cypriot authorities to prevent the systemic effects when it hit.’ When the crisis hit Cyprus in March, long queues formed at cash machines as customers scrambled to access their money. The cash-strapped island needed an £8.5billion package to bailout its lenders, but savers with more than £85,000 in its banks were told they would lose 40 per cent of their money under conditions imposed by the European Union. The new Treasury analysis also warns that the 2008 taxpayer-funded bailout of Edinburgh-based RBS was only possible with the financial backing of the whole of the United Kingdom. The UK Government spent £45 billion recapitalising RBS in order to protect the deposits and savings of thousands of  households and businesses, the report says. The bank also received £275 billion of state support in the form of guarantees and funding. These bailouts alone would have been 211 per cent of Scotland’s GDP, including the geographical share of North Sea Oil. ‘As a range of independent commentators have noted, Scotland would not have been able to afford such interventions alone. ‘Other countries such as Ireland, Iceland and more recently Cyprus were unable to absorb the implications of the financial crisis on their own.’ The new study on the impact of independence on financial services and banking, also states that Scotland could have ‘significant difficulties’ providing protection which would match schemes such as the UK's Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) which protects deposits in UK banks up to £85,000. It also states that members of defined benefit pension schemes would not be covered by the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), with an independent Scotland required to provide such protection through a similar guarantee fund under EU rules. Queues formed at cash machines in Cyprus when uncertainty over a bailout for the island's banks caused panic among savers in March this year . Mr Moore said: 'There are a number of reasons why this country, and this city in particular, offer so much as a location for the financial sector," he told the invited audience at the official launch of the document. 'Some of these factors may not be impacted by Scotland becoming independent, like the excellent universities here or the lifestyle opportunity on offer, especially right here in Edinburgh. 'But Edinburgh and Scotland offer even more as a place to do business as part of the United Kingdom.' The paper is the third in a series of reports assessing the impact of a yes vote in 2014. Scotland Secretary Michael Moore said Scotland offered more as a place to do business as part of the UK . It argues that the UK can afford to compensate savers if banks get into difficulties, as they did during the 2008 collapse, but an independent Scotland would be required to set up its own deposit guarantee scheme rather than share existing UK schemes. The paper says: ‘The UK Government lent around £20 billion to the FSCS during the recent financial crisis. Under European law an independent Scottish state would not be able to 'share' the UK's deposit guarantee scheme, such that it covered firms authorised in both Scotland and the continuing UK. ‘The retail deposit market in a separate Scotland would be dominated by only two large banks (RBS and BoS) and, if one of these were to fail, the costs for compensating the depositors would fall almost entirely on the one remaining bank.’ It continues: ‘If Scotland were to be become independent, it could create particular difficulties for the FSCS. In an independent Scottish state, FSCS-eligible deposits held by Scottish firms (and which would therefore be covered by the Scottish compensation scheme) would be over 100% of Scotland's GDP, representing a significant contingent liability of the state - and a much more significant proportion than in the UK as a whole. ‘As was clear from the 2008 financial crisis, where there are doubts about the ability of the sector to meet claims through the compensation scheme, it can be necessary for governments to step in to guarantee deposits in order to prevent deposit flight.’
Stand-alone nation could not afford to bailout troubled lenders . Banking is 1250% of Scottish economy compared with 700% in Cyprus . Queues formed at cash machines in Cyprus when lenders got into trouble . Scottish National Party dismiss warnings as 'far-fetched'
[ 101, 3885, 1005, 1055, 8169, 4753, 2052, 2022, 1015, 1010, 5539, 1003, 7046, 2084, 2120, 4610, 1012, 9837, 2758, 2009, 2052, 2022, 1005, 3278, 8190, 1005, 1999, 11302, 2075, 6304, 1005, 10042, 1999, 2151, 4104, 5085, 2029, 2288, 2046, 4390, 1012, 4104, 2231, 2038, 7219, 3259, 2004, 1005, 2521, 1011, 18584, 2098, 1005, 1998, 1005, 13109, 5714, 6508, 1005, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
A U.S. warship has been damaged after it collided with a fully-loaded oil tanker in the early hours of Sunday morning close to the politically sensitive Strait of Hormuz. The collision left a gaping hole in the starboard side of USS Porter but no one was injured on either vessel, the U.S. Navy said in a statement. Japanese-owned bulk oil tanker M/V Otowasan and the guided-missile destroyer hit each other at around 1am local time. They both pulled up in in the sea as engineers made frantic efforts to secure the damage. Investigations were continuing this morning into how the two ships came to collide in an area of sea that has been the focus on intense political tensions between Iran and the west. Carnage: The damage on the starboard side of USS Porter after it hit a Japanese-owned oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz . Darkness: The collision happened in the middle of the night but was not combat related, officials say . However, officials said that the crash was not combat related. Radar failure, human error or engine malfunction are all possible explanations for the incident. The sonar equipment used on the U.S. ship is likely to be far more advanced than that used on the oil tanker, raising the possibility that the oil ship struck the naval boat. The cause of the incident is under investigation, the Navy said, adding that there were no reports of spills or leakages from either the USS Porter or the Otowasan. 'Both vessels are okay and the Strait of Hormuz is not closed, and business is as usual there," an Oman coastguard official said. The USS Porter is on a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The oil tanker, owned by Japan's Mitsui OSK, was bound for the United Arab Emirates port of Fujairah from Mesaieed in Qatar, according to ship tracking websites. Shocking: Engineers battle to fix the ill-fated ship after the collision. Investigations are ongoing into how the two vessels came to collide . Steaming ahead: The USS Porter is on a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet, which is based in Bahrain . It can hold two million barrels of oil and was understood to be 95 per cent full at the time of the smash. The Strait of Hormuz, located at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, is where one-fifth of the world's oil is routed. The area was at the centre of tough . negotiations earlier this year as Iran threatened to blockade the . passage in a row over U.S. sanctions imposed on the country, due to its . nuclear programme. Tensions . have risen there over Iran's threats to block tanker traffic in . retaliation for tighter sanctions by the West. Washington says it . maintains naval forces in the Gulf to ensure security in the region. If attacked, Iran could severely disrupt oil supplies and send the shaky global economy stumbling backward again. Three years ago, the USS Hartford, a nuclear-powered submarine based in Groton, Connecticut, collided in the Strait with the USS New Orleans, a San Diego-based amphibious ship. Tensions: An Iranian 200-kilometre (120-mile) range Qader (Ghader) ground-to-sea missile is launched druing war games near the Strait of Hormuz earlier this year . Show of strength: Iranian naval ships take part in a naval parade on the last day of the Velayat-90 war game in the Sea of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz in southern Iran . The New Orleans' fuel tank was ruptured and 15 sailors on the Hartford sustained minor injuries. The collision caused $2.3 million in damage to the New Orleans, and the cost so far of repairs to the Hartford is $102.6 million. The commanding officer was relieved of his duties and the sub's chief of the boat, an adviser to the commanding officer, was reassigned. Several crew members were punished.
Warship and Japanese-owned oil tanker collide in Strait of Hormuz . Investigations ongoing into how the two ships hit in politically tense region .
[ 101, 1996, 12365, 2187, 1037, 21226, 4920, 1999, 1996, 25211, 2217, 1997, 7234, 8716, 2021, 2053, 2028, 2001, 5229, 2006, 2593, 6258, 1010, 1996, 1057, 1012, 1055, 1012, 3212, 2056, 1012, 1996, 12365, 3047, 2485, 2000, 1996, 10317, 7591, 11195, 1997, 7570, 10867, 17040, 1012, 1996, 3426, 1997, 1996, 12365, 2003, 2104, 4812, 1010, 1996, 3212, 2056, 1999, 1037, 4861, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
By . Will Stewart . PUBLISHED: . 05:32 EST, 31 January 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 09:54 EST, 31 January 2013 . A British man has been found dead lying on the ice beneath a bridge in the Russian capital of Moscow yesterday. Eye-witnesses said the 'youngish' man leaned over the rail and fell from Novoarbatskiy Bridge at around 6.40pm on Wednesday. He suffered multiple fractures and died instantly. He is believed to have hit a slab of . concrete encased in ice close to the semi-frozen waters of the Moscow . River. The temperature in Moscow last night was around -4C. Russian news footage of the Novoarbatskiy Bridge, where the man fell to his death. The Foreign office have yet to confirm his identity . Police sources said the man had . earlier reported that he had lost his passport and other documents, and . was taken for assistance to the British Embassy. The bridge is several hundred yards from the British Embassy and also close to the Russian parliament building. An eyewitness named as Yaroslav said: 'The man was standing on the bridge for a long time. Then he leaned over the handrail and fell down, on the ice. He died instantly. 'He received multiple fractures.' Footage on Russia's Life News . website, which suggested the death was suicide, showed the corpse of a . man on a pavement near the bridge after rescue services had removed his body from the ice close to the river. The man fell onto concrete that was covered in ice. It is believed he died instantly . A police source said: 'This man came to the police because he had lost his documents. He was taken to the British Embassy.' 'At 6.40 pm on Wednesday a witness called the police emergency number and said he saw a man walking on the edge of the bridge, then climbing the railings and jumping down.' A spokesman at the embassy said today: 'We are aware of reports of the death of a British national in Moscow. 'We are following up with local police and stand ready to provide consular assistance to relatives.' She declined to give further details. Sources in Moscow say that the man was believed to be a visitor to Russia and that having lost his passport and possibly money, he had nowhere to stay. The body of the unidentified British man. He did a short distance from the British Embassy . It is understood consular staff arranged for him to call his bank in Britain before assisting him in finding a hostel that did not demand a passport. Russian police believed the embassy was preparing to assist him with a replacement travel document and help him solve the problems caused by the loss of all his documents. It is not known why the man later returned from the hostel to the bridge close to the embassy.
'Youngish' man died after fall from bridge in central Moscow . Eyewitness says he leaned over handrail and fell, dying instantly . He died a short distance from the British Embassy . Police say he had lost his travel documents, including his passport .
[ 101, 1005, 2402, 4509, 1005, 2158, 3062, 2013, 24576, 2906, 14479, 5488, 2100, 2958, 2012, 1020, 1012, 2871, 9737, 2006, 9317, 1012, 2002, 4265, 3674, 28929, 1998, 2351, 6880, 1012, 1996, 4860, 1999, 4924, 2197, 2305, 2001, 2105, 1011, 1018, 2278, 1012, 2009, 2003, 3373, 2002, 2018, 2439, 2010, 12293, 1998, 2060, 5491, 1012, 1996, 2158, 2001, 2579, 2005, 5375, 2000, 1996, 2329, 8408, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
CINCINNATI, Ohio (CNN) -- "Would you rather just sit there and cower underneath a desk when someone executes you or would you rather have a chance to defend your life? That's what it really boils down to." Michael Flitcraft says students should be allowed to protect themselves from potential killers. Michael Flitcraft, a 23-year-old sophomore at the University of Cincinnati, has become a leading advocate for college students to carry weapons on campus. He's an organizer for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, a grass-roots organization that was formed after last year's Virginia Tech massacre that left 32 college students and professors dead. The group boasts more than 25,000 members. Standing on the Cincinnati campus, Flitcraft calmly explained he is licensed to carry a weapon in Ohio. He wants to carry his gun on campus to defend himself from potential killers, but by law he can't. "To me it makes no sense that I can defend myself legally over there," he said, pointing to the city streets. "But I am a felon if I step on the grass over here." Watch a growing movement for guns on campus » . The issue of guns on campuses has intensified over the last year in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings and picked up again after the more recent killings at Northern Illinois University. Lawmakers in at least nine states are considering legislation to allow guns on campus. Other states have struck down legislation. Utah is the only state to allow weapons at all public universities. Colorado allows students at universities to carry weapons, except the main university campus in Boulder. In Virginia, Blue Ridge Community College allows students with a proper concealed-weapons permit to be armed. See the status of guns on campus » . For many, allowing college students to carry a gun is a tricky and complex issue. "I don't think the answer to bullets flying is to send more bullets flying," said Gene Ferrara, the police chief at the University of Cincinnati. "My belief is we ought to be focusing on what we do to prevent the shooting from starting." Ferrara was a Cincinnati cop for more than a dozen years before he became chief of police at the university. He also said that there are practical concerns from a law enforcement perspective: If you're responding to the scene of a shooting, how do you sort out who is the bad guy and who is the heroic student with a permit? "The other side of that, I shoot everybody with a gun who doesn't have a uniform on and I then I end up shooting somebody who was a citizen with a carry permit," Ferrara said. He says education and outreach are key and that providing students with safe and anonymous ways to report suspicious behavior can go a long way in preventing violence. "All of the research shows someone knew before the shooting started that the shooting was going to happen." At the University of Cincinnati, most of the students who spoke to CNN said the idea of guns on campus scares them. "I think that it is completely absurd," said senior Jacob Metz. Freshman Lauren Reams added, "It shocks me." Security officials insist that young adults are safer on campus than just about anywhere else. Since the so-called Texas Tower shootings at the University of Texas in 1966 when 17 people were killed, there have been about a dozen shootings at colleges or universities. At Weber State University in Utah where students can carry concealed weapons, professor Ron Holt said a weapon provides added protection from potential gunmen. "I see carrying a concealed firearm as a kind of life insurance policy; 99.99 times you will never need it," he said. Flitcraft and other students across the nation who support gun rights say they won't give up. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus has established a page on the social network site Facebook. They don't want all students to be armed; what they're pushing for is for students 21 and older who are licensed gun owners to have the right to carry guns on campus. The group is busy planning a protest for later this month in which students who support guns on campus will come to school wearing empty holsters. "What is a better situation: Someone coming in and shooting in a classroom [or] someone in that classroom having a chance to defend their life and take out that threat?" Flitcraft said. E-mail to a friend .
Cincinnati student is leading advocate for college kids to be armed . At least nine states are considering legislation to allow students to carry weapons . Police chief: "I don't think the answer to bullets flying is to send more bullets flying" "I see carrying a concealed firearm as a kind of life insurance policy," professor says .
[ 101, 2745, 13109, 4183, 10419, 1024, 1000, 1045, 2572, 1037, 10768, 7811, 2065, 1045, 3357, 2006, 1996, 5568, 2058, 2182, 1000, 2375, 12088, 1999, 2012, 2560, 3157, 2163, 2024, 6195, 6094, 2000, 3499, 4409, 2006, 3721, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2228, 1996, 3437, 2000, 10432, 3909, 2003, 2000, 4604, 2062, 10432, 3909, 1010, 1000, 2610, 2708, 2758, 1012, 2610, 2708, 1024, 1000, 2065, 2017, 1005, 2128, 14120, 2000, 1996, 3496, 1997, 1037, 5008, 1010, 2017, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2079, 2009, 1000, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
India batsman Virat Kohli says Australia’s players called him a spoilt brat and that he has no reason to respect Mitchell Johnson. Kohli scored 169 on the third day of the third Test at the MCG in Melbourne during which he and Johnson exchanged plenty of verbals. ‘It was going on throughout the day,’ said Kohli. ‘They were calling me a spoilt brat. I said, “Maybe that’s the way I am — you guys hate me and I like that”. It worked in my favour I guess.’ Viat Kohli (left) scored 169 runs for India in the third Test against Australia in Melbourne . Kohli exchanges words with Australia batsman Mitchell Johnson during the game . India are 2-0 down in the four-match Test series but Kohli has scored three centuries. At one point during the third day, Johnson hit Kohli with the ball when throwing for the stumps. Kohli put on 262 with Ajinkya Rahane to help India to 462 for eight in reply to Australia’s first-innings 530. Johnson did take Kohli’s wicket with the final ball of the day but ended up with figures of one for 133. Johnson apologises after hitting Kohli with a ball thrown at the stumps . The India batsman insisted that he has no respect for Johnson after the game . ‘I respect quite a few of them. But someone who does not respect me, I’ve got no reason to respect him,’ said Kohli of Johnson. In Brisbane, Andrew Flintoff took two wickets and scored 15 runs from 10 balls as his Brisbane Heat side beat the Melbourne Stars in Australia’s Big Bash League. Across the Tasman Sea, Dimuth Karunaratne’s maiden Test hundred helped Sri Lanka fight back against New Zealand in Christchurch. Johnson eventually took Kohli's wicket but finished the day with figures of one for 133 . Kohli leaves the field after having his wicket taken by Johnson, with India trailing 2-0 in the series . The tourists, bowled out for 138 in their first-innings reply to New Zealand’s 441, were much improved as Karunaratne’s 152 helped them to 293 for five at the close of day three. Meanwhile, off-spinner Saeed Ajmal has withdrawn from Pakistan’s World Cup squad as his bowling action is yet to be cleared by the ICC. However, banned compatriot Mohammad Hafeez is to have checks before potentially applying for a test on his bowling action.
Virat Kohli scored 169 in the third Test between Australia and India . India batsman claims Australians were goading him throughout the game . Kohli says he has 'no respect' for Australia fast bowler Mitchell Johnson .
[ 101, 6819, 8609, 12849, 27766, 3195, 18582, 2006, 1996, 2353, 2154, 1997, 1996, 2353, 3231, 2114, 2660, 1012, 12849, 27766, 2056, 2660, 1005, 1055, 2867, 2170, 2032, 1037, 1005, 27594, 2102, 28557, 1005, 12849, 27766, 2038, 3195, 2093, 4693, 2005, 2634, 1999, 1996, 2176, 1011, 2674, 2186, 1012, 2660, 2024, 1016, 1011, 1014, 2091, 1999, 1996, 2186, 2021, 12849, 27766, 16818, 2002, 2038, 2053, 4847, 2005, 3779, 1012, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]