class label
6 classes
im even feeling liked by the girls who hate pretty much everyone
[ -1.193359375, 0.250732421875, 3.41796875, -1.548828125, -1.4814453125, -0.50146484375 ]
i just feel so smug that we got the exploited and she gets bruno marzzz
[ -1.169921875, 4.79296875, -0.451416015625, -1.3642578125, -1.642578125, -0.8125 ]
i got home and told peter how i was feeling he wasnt shocked at all by what i was telling him
[ -1.9716796875, -1.2529296875, -1.087890625, -0.432861328125, 0.8212890625, 2.9921875 ]
i got into the house feeling fairly calm the photographer is weaving his way in and out of bridesmaids doing touch ups my dad is telling a story my mom is running in and out of the house i manage to go through my list before the bridesmaids start clamoring for the dress
[ -0.80078125, 4.51953125, -0.66259765625, -1.25, -1.2353515625, -1.09375 ]
i honestly feel extremely shy to ask my friends to take pictures of me how vain must they think i am
[ -0.66796875, -1.853515625, -1.3046875, -0.82421875, 3.845703125, 0.09783935546875 ]
i feel so relaxed and happy and i have discovered that i love having projects that take a few months to do but in the end i will have an actual product to show for
[ -0.87744140625, 4.79296875, -0.54296875, -1.5908203125, -1.6025390625, -0.91796875 ]
i regularly feel embarrassed about
[ 4.546875, -1.0908203125, -1.24609375, -1.2060546875, -0.51318359375, -1.4052734375 ]
i dont want to always be judgmental of particular men or scenarios that i often see in this area but with so much trafficking forced sex work and what basically amounts to slavery its hard not to feel slightly embittered and disillusioned
[ 3.3046875, -1.8232421875, -1.52734375, 0.26318359375, 0.260009765625, -1.3916015625 ]
i really feel pissed off as i want to spend more time with you
[ -0.763671875, -1.0029296875, -1.1552734375, 4.3671875, -0.75244140625, -1.3408203125 ]
i feel like he has a very pleasant nearly transparent presence on lobelia though that presence was necessary nonetheless
[ -1.0224609375, 4.88671875, 0.00437164306640625, -1.73828125, -1.8271484375, -1.021484375 ]
i wasnt feeling sociable i really wasnt
[ -0.888671875, 4.8515625, -0.39013671875, -1.3779296875, -1.6533203125, -1.1552734375 ]
i went outside to shut in the hens then was tempted by the brilliance of the stars to walk across the frozen fields feeling very cold looking up into the sky
[ -0.2529296875, -1.4052734375, -1.115234375, 4.08203125, -0.418212890625, -1.5068359375 ]
i really feel like we were successful in identifying some pretty scary early warning signs and sticking our foot in the door before it shut
[ -0.701171875, 4.59375, -0.92626953125, -1.2861328125, -1.349609375, -1.0673828125 ]
i feel rejected for trying to find my path to a stronger relationship and bond with god
[ 4.515625, -1.0498046875, -1.029296875, -0.416748046875, -1.287109375, -2.154296875 ]
i had a ton of fun at the thrift store and i feel like i got some really useful pieces and i can get in on current trends for cheap
[ -0.6962890625, 4.72265625, -0.5859375, -1.5048828125, -1.73046875, -1.103515625 ]
i don t have the feeling of divine vibrations
[ -0.9150390625, 4.50390625, -0.0218048095703125, -1.5009765625, -1.80859375, -1.1474609375 ]
i still feel stupid to be in that class this is all cause off pbss fault
[ 4.625, -0.869140625, -1.5068359375, -0.328125, -1.2294921875, -1.984375 ]
i might feel offended at times from hearing statements where that i strongly disagree
[ -0.78076171875, -1.103515625, -1.0712890625, 4.33203125, -0.8544921875, -1.1123046875 ]
i am feeling ok for my biostatistics course by my physiology course will be touchy
[ -0.828125, 4.78125, -0.72265625, -1.541015625, -1.57421875, -0.9453125 ]
i feel that passionate about
[ -1.5849609375, 2.197265625, 2.716796875, -1.55078125, -1.8232421875, -1.1015625 ]
i told him that i was willing to do whatever it took for me to not have to feel this horrible every day
[ 4.57421875, -0.8779296875, -1.1240234375, -0.91162109375, -1.173828125, -1.822265625 ]
i love and captured an atmospheric feeling in their landscapes that really impressed me
[ -1.7548828125, -0.422119140625, -0.6591796875, -0.96630859375, -0.04559326171875, 2.90234375 ]
i often feel discouraged and frustrated and i am not where i want to be in life right now
[ 4.51171875, -0.95068359375, -1.6123046875, -0.061187744140625, -1.0224609375, -2.25390625 ]
i have been feeling really stressed out due to homework and my studies that have increased rapidly over the last week
[ 3.30078125, -1.1025390625, -1.9609375, 1.7607421875, -0.8544921875, -2.447265625 ]
i feel so pretty in them it doesnt matter how un glamorous the task is
[ -0.95068359375, 4.6015625, -0.0693359375, -1.9677734375, -1.7451171875, -0.74267578125 ]
i feel less stress about doing pretty much any unpleasant obligation in life because i know that i will allow myself to mix it with things i enjoy running baking climbing coffee with girlfriends cuddling with my dog reading a book
[ 4.625, -0.775390625, -1.3115234375, -0.484375, -1.197265625, -2.0234375 ]
i feel somewhat fake in the group
[ 4.61328125, -0.82763671875, -1.6142578125, -0.939453125, -0.640625, -1.72265625 ]
i feel like they don t think it s sincere when it really is she told us exclusively
[ -1.0947265625, 4.8203125, 0.041412353515625, -1.701171875, -1.8193359375, -0.9775390625 ]
i didnt start feeling the excitement until the movie was almost over and then it started coming in violent waves
[ -0.74658203125, -1.037109375, -1.193359375, 4.2578125, -0.398193359375, -1.318359375 ]
i blamed the people around me for making me feel less valued for being a stay at home mom
[ -1.0087890625, 4.80078125, -0.0157012939453125, -1.6572265625, -1.8251953125, -1.2041015625 ]
i feel welcomed into the barn like a son coming home
[ -1.2021484375, 4.4296875, 0.12054443359375, -1.8896484375, -1.84375, -0.5615234375 ]
i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed
[ -1.03515625, 4.66796875, -0.051055908203125, -1.7060546875, -1.6318359375, -1.1025390625 ]
i feel so boring all the time
[ 4.24609375, -0.8212890625, -1.0791015625, 0.36669921875, -1.7216796875, -2.162109375 ]
i feel slytherin is my house slytherin is for those who are smart enough to know how to get the job done and at any cost
[ -2.17578125, 2.28515625, -0.0810546875, -0.82958984375, -0.77587890625, 0.7724609375 ]
i feel like in the last year especially i ve gone from a girl to a woman and despite how hesitant i have always been about getting older next year i will be twenty four i am surprised at how pleased i am to have done so
[ -1.5048828125, -1.5498046875, -1.5185546875, -0.83349609375, 3.638671875, 1.0009765625 ]
i try my best to love on them shed some light but i feel deeply compassionate with their problems and hurt even if its someone in the media
[ -0.97705078125, -0.111328125, 3.625, -0.93505859375, -1.265625, -1.14453125 ]
i think one of the most important things is not to allow anything at all to make you feel fearful because fear and any of the other negative emotions pull down your vibration
[ -0.52490234375, -1.5400390625, -1.4638671875, -0.72265625, 4.0625, -0.509765625 ]
i just got up from a nap feeling really rotten so exhausted that i feel like i could just wilt onto the floor just sitting here
[ 4.6875, -0.78369140625, -1.259765625, -0.9716796875, -1.091796875, -1.8349609375 ]
i looked at mabel this morning i named my left breast mabel my right one is hazel and i feel this weird mixture of anger and loss valerie wrote less than a month after her diagnosis
[ -1.515625, -1.4765625, -1.07421875, -1.3232421875, 2.13671875, 2.45703125 ]
i believe that people should choose the causes they feel passionate about and do what they can and i have no right or desire to push my own charities as more worthy than another
[ -1.62890625, 2.99609375, 2.11328125, -1.6875, -1.912109375, -1.07421875 ]
i feel bad then for not accepting who i am
[ 4.625, -0.6845703125, -1.1552734375, -0.83203125, -1.2705078125, -2.0234375 ]
i feel that anna ji is little bit stubborn on jan lokpal bill and the protests related to it
[ -0.60205078125, -1.072265625, -1.1982421875, 4.234375, -0.41357421875, -1.591796875 ]
i am feeling a little more relaxed i am certainly not feeling refreshed thanks to drunk dudes who decided letting off fireworks every half an hour all night would be super fun and the fact that it s impossible to sleep in the freezing cold with a complaining toddler but i have certainly rebooted
[ -0.83447265625, 4.765625, -0.65283203125, -1.5869140625, -1.59765625, -0.880859375 ]
i wish i had the right language to convey the simultaneous feelings of excitement peaceful enjoyment of country cycling but also being out of my element
[ -0.833984375, 4.81640625, -0.413330078125, -1.5810546875, -1.6083984375, -1.12890625 ]
i can t help but feel really nostalgic of the disney levels
[ -0.84130859375, -0.1270751953125, 3.771484375, -1.3798828125, -1.392578125, -1.013671875 ]
i still feel scared every time i go into a strange place
[ -1.220703125, -1.5302734375, -1.5361328125, -0.4541015625, 4.1015625, -0.072265625 ]
i feel pissed off and angry
[ -0.95361328125, -1.025390625, -1.17578125, 4.328125, -0.580078125, -1.2705078125 ]
i had one of my low carb meal bars for breakfast and was feeling smug when i spotted the left over pies muffins and attractive foods
[ -1.2353515625, 4.75, -0.50927734375, -1.2900390625, -1.560546875, -0.83935546875 ]
i dropped martin back off i was the dd i pulled in and because i was feeling exceptionally outgoing waved and talked to some of my neighbors downstairs
[ -1.0283203125, 4.44921875, 0.07855224609375, -1.2421875, -1.7275390625, -1.083984375 ]
i suspect much of the country feels after the tragic events of last week
[ 4.4765625, -0.61572265625, -0.95703125, -1.1005859375, -1.06640625, -1.9609375 ]
i eat a good breakfast i feel more energetic throughout the whole day and don t feel that o clock slump
[ -0.90087890625, 4.8046875, -0.787109375, -1.4150390625, -1.4482421875, -0.92919921875 ]
i would point out that it really could have used a bit more attention on the writing aspect as it feels a bit dull in few places
[ 4.55859375, -0.61572265625, -1.1142578125, -0.86767578125, -1.29296875, -1.8095703125 ]
i loved about ellie is that she didnt feel insulted by all the rude douche baggy things lothaire said to her because according to ellie insults only hurt when they come from somebody you respect damn straight
[ -0.619140625, -1.044921875, -0.9921875, 4.33984375, -0.99560546875, -1.267578125 ]
i exhausted and feeling a little morose but now im livid on top of everything else
[ 4.5546875, -0.84130859375, -1.4970703125, -1.349609375, -0.354248046875, -1.716796875 ]
i feel it is really valuable to contemplate on that phrase thy will be done in all of our lives
[ -1.0439453125, 4.8671875, -0.231201171875, -1.62890625, -1.7666015625, -1.12109375 ]
i also feel the sidebar is messy
[ 4.25390625, -0.9521484375, -1.7041015625, 0.451416015625, -1.0166015625, -2.28515625 ]
i always feel so helpless during times of disaster but i feel a little better knowing that even a few dollars can make a difference for someone in need
[ 3.033203125, -1.6201171875, -1.6669921875, -1.3125, 1.833984375, -1.2861328125 ]
i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail
[ 4.61328125, -0.931640625, -1.037109375, -0.81982421875, -1.236328125, -1.8662109375 ]
i do not want others to feel unhappy just because they have to accommodate to me
[ 4.6015625, -0.8212890625, -1.3203125, -0.267333984375, -1.357421875, -2.099609375 ]
i am only too well aware of the strength of feeling that this house holds about the tragic and needless deaths of so many men women and children
[ 4.49609375, -0.69677734375, -1.0888671875, -1.0595703125, -0.91943359375, -1.93359375 ]
im not feeling jolly in the least
[ -0.8720703125, 4.80078125, -0.6015625, -1.5185546875, -1.5703125, -1.00390625 ]
i feel so peaceful and happy
[ -0.8330078125, 4.78515625, -0.54052734375, -1.5400390625, -1.5986328125, -1.076171875 ]
i just went about my script of would you like mustard or sauce with that and started to feel really startled
[ -1.9306640625, -1.4443359375, -1.302734375, -0.9765625, 2.7265625, 2.02734375 ]
i have some pretty brazen goals and each day i feel stronger and more confident that i m going to reach my desired end result
[ -0.64599609375, 4.41015625, -1.015625, -1.203125, -1.1240234375, -1.08984375 ]
i feel that the packaging is really lovely and the product itself just does everything you ask
[ -1.1728515625, 1.1171875, 3.3515625, -1.8349609375, -1.568359375, -1.0810546875 ]
i wasnt feeling well yesterday morning afternoon so i just laid in bed and ended up in the all too familiar youtube black hole
[ -0.46337890625, 4.5625, -0.68994140625, -1.7861328125, -1.5322265625, -1.1904296875 ]
i grab it from the air its smooth frame feels cold to the touch
[ -0.32666015625, -1.3505859375, -1.1162109375, 4.08203125, -0.462890625, -1.400390625 ]
i feel check the wonder in all that you see you ve got to get loving unconditionally
[ -0.79150390625, -0.234619140625, 3.84765625, -1.2119140625, -1.373046875, -1.1689453125 ]
i feel very indecisive about it
[ -1.2607421875, -1.671875, -1.4921875, -0.87841796875, 3.818359375, 0.734375 ]
i feel inspired so many thing i want to write down
[ -1.24609375, 4.52734375, -0.08331298828125, -1.5712890625, -1.8671875, -0.654296875 ]
i feel like a loser everyone says they lost but i dont i know exactly where i am i just hate being here oh
[ 4.59765625, -0.751953125, -1.2001953125, -1.14453125, -0.89453125, -1.828125 ]
i can begin to see a first step and suddenly life does not feel so despairing
[ 4.5859375, -0.9013671875, -1.2919921875, -1.15625, -0.55517578125, -1.921875 ]
i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals
[ 4.59765625, -0.87744140625, -1.076171875, -0.6953125, -1.2890625, -1.7861328125 ]
i have to be honest and say that the first two chapters sort of overwhelmed me and i wasnt sure that i was going to be able to follow everything and was feeling kind of dumb
[ 4.58984375, -0.8515625, -1.638671875, -0.89306640625, -0.76806640625, -1.5908203125 ]
i lie down he feels my belly listens to babys heartbeat gets mad at me for sitting up without rolling onto my side first and then tells me theres some protein in my urine nothing to be worried about though and asks if anything is bothering me
[ -0.7138671875, -1.072265625, -1.2763671875, 4.375, -0.50341796875, -1.4111328125 ]
im looking at the stress levels im feeling and not loving how concentrated they are because of my mindset of planning a wedding in four months
[ -0.94873046875, -0.00505828857421875, 3.853515625, -1.341796875, -1.40625, -1.12109375 ]
i feel as uncomfortable now as if i were carrying a volvo but my belly is nice and tidy and looks not unsimilar to the beer gut my dad has nice and hard and round and i waddle just like he does
[ -0.98291015625, -1.74609375, -1.6103515625, -0.5947265625, 3.681640625, 0.466552734375 ]
i do think that if a husband feels greatly respected by his wife that will draw him to her and make it much less likely that he would want to flirt with other women
[ -1.2099609375, 4.2109375, 0.92626953125, -1.748046875, -1.8662109375, -1.228515625 ]
i dont know if i should let go and feel that vain or should i wait and stay in vain
[ 4.36328125, -0.91259765625, -1.4677734375, 0.225341796875, -1.318359375, -2.216796875 ]
i also feel the need to say thank you to the boy who helped me realize the above for showing me an absolutely splendid and hot night
[ -0.96630859375, 4.8515625, -0.080810546875, -1.6767578125, -1.8740234375, -1.07421875 ]
i wont lie this week has been abit of a difficult week for me ive been feeling very stressed and anxious this week plus i think im coming down with the flu but it has definately helped me to appreciate the little things
[ 2.3125, -1.2626953125, -2.140625, 2.390625, 0.01031494140625, -2.404296875 ]
im feeling scared and the rage filled im mad at me
[ -1.267578125, -1.560546875, -1.5615234375, -0.21142578125, 4.05859375, -0.1514892578125 ]
i feel like i m the one being punished
[ 4.1328125, -0.8408203125, -1.298828125, 0.3671875, -1.470703125, -2.2421875 ]
i suppose if one was feeling generous one could say i was stressed by the elevator ride
[ -1.2568359375, 2.990234375, 2.34375, -1.888671875, -2.01171875, -1.3115234375 ]
im afraid to call the guy from yesterday because i think hell be angry because i think my boss is angry because i dont communicate with him and i feel like im doing a shitty job and i project my fears onto him
[ 4.54296875, -0.79638671875, -1.296875, -0.354248046875, -1.4169921875, -2.06640625 ]
i think they have always been proponents of the idea and it is just slightly possible that his feelings for a particularly charming new england girl have brought him around to their way of thinking
[ -1.291015625, 4.56640625, 0.379150390625, -1.65234375, -1.8115234375, -0.89599609375 ]
i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome
[ 4.6015625, -1.337890625, -1.380859375, -0.79541015625, -0.439453125, -1.9384765625 ]
i am really excited because i didnt really stand out a lot in high school i was just slightly above average and decently friendly and i feel like delivering this speech will be a cool legacy i can leave on the school
[ -1.197265625, 4.87890625, 0.031402587890625, -1.583984375, -1.8623046875, -0.94775390625 ]
i am and always have been a very sincere nice feeling sociable compassionate helpful girl
[ -1.1728515625, 2.87109375, 2.388671875, -1.5732421875, -1.9443359375, -1.4970703125 ]
i walked to school he felt the bounce in his step the overjoyed feelings of youth and the thrill of excitement of coming to school and meeting his beloved friends
[ -0.61669921875, 4.3046875, 0.51416015625, -1.876953125, -2.091796875, -1.22265625 ]
i have found that some korean men are turning to foreign women because of the freedom they feel it can be easily accounted for that dating between koreans can be a casual thing but more often than not it tends to be a serious matter
[ -1.076171875, 4.765625, -0.270263671875, -1.3642578125, -1.6748046875, -0.9150390625 ]
i feel like i should have some sort of rockstar razzle dazzle lifestyle but i would at least like to spend a third of my life doing something i feel is worthwhile
[ -0.95068359375, 4.921875, -0.056793212890625, -1.6982421875, -1.8759765625, -1.2041015625 ]
im not sure the feeling of loss will ever go away but it may dull to a sweet feeling of nostalgia at what i shared in this life with my dad and the luck i had to have a dad for years
[ 2.763671875, 0.8740234375, 0.87841796875, -1.5751953125, -2.12109375, -2.04296875 ]
i see all my friends posting pics and status updates of where they are going or what they are doing and i feel a bit jealous knowing it s not something i can get out and enjoy
[ -0.5615234375, -1.150390625, -0.43505859375, 4.0234375, -1.16796875, -1.27734375 ]
i have been feeling regretful recently that i did not know back then that the abuse was not my fault and that it did not happen because of who i was but because of who they were
[ 4.6171875, -0.76025390625, -0.97509765625, -0.74072265625, -1.2763671875, -1.9677734375 ]
i wonder if the homeowners would feel weird if i parked to gape at their landscaping
[ -1.4345703125, -1.4267578125, -1.1572265625, -1.4453125, 2.20703125, 2.43359375 ]
i dont know it if is the freshness of both but i feel more energetic during these seasons
[ -0.94189453125, 4.77734375, -0.77099609375, -1.3369140625, -1.4482421875, -0.9189453125 ]
i feel like if people accepted that wed get along a lot better
[ -0.81689453125, 2.26953125, 2.625, -2.041015625, -1.9970703125, -1.35546875 ]
i feel shame in a strange way
[ -0.52490234375, -1.703125, -1.1787109375, -1.654296875, 2.58984375, 1.6796875 ]
i feel like im better amp able to do things it comes back
[ -0.45458984375, 4.6015625, -0.80859375, -1.521484375, -1.560546875, -1.224609375 ]