class label
6 classes
i hear someone say we should just let gardeners be let folks do whatever they want i feel pretty aggravated
[ -0.347900390625, -0.97412109375, -1.494140625, 4.19921875, -0.39501953125, -1.658203125 ]
i feel appalled right now
[ -1.5380859375, -1.427734375, -1.1591796875, 2.767578125, 0.177001953125, 0.75048828125 ]
im a big guy and ive gotten into some of the rigs that weve worked with to try them out and see what they feel like and let me tell you it was less than pleasant
[ -0.8564453125, 4.85546875, -0.1109619140625, -1.6953125, -1.8193359375, -1.0888671875 ]
i feel my comments or opinion are sincere but some people get the wrong message
[ -0.9921875, 4.84375, 0.062225341796875, -1.697265625, -1.853515625, -1.103515625 ]
i to feel unwelcome at her apartment certainly not
[ 4.58203125, -1.375, -1.435546875, -0.77734375, -0.32373046875, -1.9267578125 ]
i used to be able to hang around talk with the cashier when i was putting away my money now i feel rushed and stressed if i take a second to fumble with the coins and put them in my purse
[ 0.301025390625, -1.5126953125, -1.9384765625, 3.517578125, 0.7919921875, -1.771484375 ]
i sit up and i feel awful about it as miles starts feeling up whoever s pants under his back for a cigarette box
[ 4.54296875, -0.8701171875, -1.1669921875, -1.3466796875, -0.76953125, -1.59765625 ]
im feeling playful a href http
[ -1.5205078125, 4.32421875, -0.088623046875, -1.4521484375, -1.697265625, -0.17138671875 ]
i can t stop the anxiety i feel when i m alone when i ve got no distractions
[ 4.3984375, -0.60302734375, -1.5615234375, -0.3662109375, -0.7294921875, -2.365234375 ]
i feel really shitty and it s seriously like the whole thing is ruined
[ 4.58203125, -0.65234375, -1.255859375, -0.80615234375, -1.2841796875, -1.958984375 ]
i think or feel but like this person i am still amazed by them
[ -1.64453125, -0.71923828125, -0.849609375, -1.0634765625, 0.3603515625, 3.1328125 ]
i think ive just been feeling a little bothered
[ -0.8515625, -1.4609375, -1.3330078125, 4.25390625, -0.2353515625, -1.1376953125 ]
i even dare to try to explain in words how i feel about this gorgeous boy who is here at my house every other day holding my hand through lifes dismays
[ -1.18359375, 4.140625, 0.248779296875, -1.880859375, -1.84375, -0.4365234375 ]
i suppose its only natural that id start to feel a little homesick for new england at this time of year
[ 4.61328125, -1.0966796875, -1.455078125, -1.0009765625, -0.46337890625, -1.8115234375 ]
i came to utah freaking out about not knowing what i was doing with my life feeling less worthwhile because of not going on a mission like every other girl and just being stressed by the daily stresses my life has lovingly given me
[ -0.703125, 4.74609375, 0.12103271484375, -1.7646484375, -1.9990234375, -1.44140625 ]
i was younger i used to feel homesick
[ 4.640625, -1.123046875, -1.3310546875, -0.84716796875, -0.720703125, -1.9208984375 ]
i am asleep i would feel no pain but that violent act would be completely unjustified all the same
[ -0.487548828125, -1.0732421875, -1.166015625, 4.30859375, -0.5908203125, -1.466796875 ]
i feel like i m not pretty smart interesting enough for my boyfriend and that he would feel more stimulated or happy with someone else
[ -1.087890625, 4.80859375, -0.7353515625, -1.4736328125, -1.576171875, -0.70703125 ]
i feel like resolutions are boring and cliche
[ 4.359375, -0.6611328125, -1.0185546875, 0.0003669261932373047, -1.7041015625, -2.15234375 ]
i promise youll feel inspired afterwards
[ -1.2265625, 4.6875, -0.308349609375, -1.6474609375, -1.7705078125, -0.49462890625 ]
i left the theater feeling sad and alone the sudden realization of my own fleeting mortality weighing down each and every step
[ 4.59765625, -0.89599609375, -0.9384765625, -1.06640625, -1.0693359375, -1.7626953125 ]
ive been feeling from my adoring fans that would be teh whole like of you who are my friends here i felt brave and excited and ventrured forth with guitar in hand to a local open mic night
[ -1.048828125, 4.74609375, 0.2371826171875, -1.8173828125, -1.9091796875, -1.087890625 ]
i feel complacent and satisfied
[ -0.8779296875, 4.796875, -0.446533203125, -1.375, -1.6142578125, -1.181640625 ]
i feel like im unwelcome
[ 4.58984375, -1.2861328125, -1.4296875, -0.7373046875, -0.399658203125, -1.99609375 ]
id feel frantic
[ -1.38671875, -1.3251953125, -1.5263671875, 0.08245849609375, 3.806640625, -0.253173828125 ]
im feeling a lot less ugly duckling and a lot more a href http
[ 4.55859375, -0.8994140625, -1.1083984375, -0.51513671875, -1.3623046875, -1.9677734375 ]
i sometimes feel is carried in my heart just by loving my child so fiercely
[ -0.783203125, -0.10772705078125, 3.87109375, -1.296875, -1.4345703125, -1.212890625 ]
i feel like a mom of a compassionate smart stable human being
[ -1.1328125, 2.6484375, 2.56640625, -1.599609375, -1.916015625, -1.599609375 ]
i left feeling satisfied that donna knew what she was doing and i was in capable hands
[ -0.8466796875, 4.76953125, -0.56591796875, -1.37890625, -1.5595703125, -1.134765625 ]
i feel like i would order carryout from if i lived in the area i am still curious to try some of their other tacos
[ -1.9658203125, -1.0263671875, -0.5224609375, -1.11328125, 0.716796875, 2.92578125 ]
i stole a book from one of my all time favorite authors and now i feel like a rotten person
[ 4.609375, -0.8017578125, -1.1337890625, -0.71875, -1.34765625, -1.888671875 ]
i know it will be no picnic and i will not feel defeated at all if i get my first contraction and immediately decide to go for the epidural or if i am induced or have to have a c section or whatever may be
[ 4.56640625, -0.47509765625, -1.27734375, -0.93408203125, -1.1240234375, -1.9951171875 ]
i stay the more distanced from others i feel it is strange because i sometimes feel like a new friendship is growing or forming
[ -1.6171875, -1.4619140625, -1.1162109375, -1.39453125, 2.4453125, 2.28515625 ]
i feel that books are always a wonderful gift for a baby
[ -1.185546875, 4.55859375, 0.474365234375, -1.9833984375, -1.9296875, -0.91748046875 ]
i didnt want to feel any pain an hour later they decided to start that up and shortly after that they broke my water
[ 4.41796875, -0.9912109375, -1.4287109375, -0.478271484375, -0.72705078125, -1.9794921875 ]
i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction
[ -1.6064453125, 2.658203125, 2.4296875, -1.5732421875, -1.9267578125, -1.15234375 ]
i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening
[ 4.57421875, -0.7353515625, -1.5234375, -0.95458984375, -0.74462890625, -1.9013671875 ]
i feel complacent at the moment
[ -0.95263671875, 4.7109375, -0.34423828125, -1.375, -1.6005859375, -1.1904296875 ]
i am thinking is the fact because xanax slows your system down it allows you to feel very relaxed but also it might leave you with a not enough energy and motivation
[ -0.65673828125, 4.640625, -0.57568359375, -1.5947265625, -1.5830078125, -1.0556640625 ]
i feel like charmed gave me the means to spend those few years when my sons were very young at home with them
[ -1.673828125, 3.162109375, 1.5693359375, -2.080078125, -1.765625, -0.2261962890625 ]
i took for granted a few weeks ago is really weird and makes me feel really agitated and frustrated
[ -1.48828125, -1.5234375, -1.697265625, 3.13671875, 1.857421875, -0.9521484375 ]
i will remember to come to you when i feel beaten and depressed because in faith only can we truly be healed
[ 4.63671875, -0.90283203125, -1.3837890625, -0.80859375, -0.9658203125, -1.9384765625 ]
i have tested positive but i have never taken drugs and i feel innocent says martina
[ -1.056640625, 4.92578125, -0.08935546875, -1.6572265625, -1.7783203125, -1.052734375 ]
im not sure but theres nothing that will get a person feeling amorous faster than a stay in a hotel
[ -1.267578125, 0.5927734375, 3.486328125, -1.390625, -1.4453125, -0.9755859375 ]
i need a break or im feeling stressed out
[ 3.3203125, -1.068359375, -2.00390625, 1.6474609375, -0.7392578125, -2.44921875 ]
i also baked enough cookies to take to my local bbw tomorrow night i feel so bad for the employees who have to work
[ 4.60546875, -0.86962890625, -1.2392578125, -0.71142578125, -1.2216796875, -1.98828125 ]
i feel unprotected a class post count link href http reprogramming in process
[ 2.107421875, -1.28515625, -1.90234375, -1.5107421875, 2.3828125, -0.81494140625 ]
ive feeling a little blank and could think of nothing to write about which might be interesting to explore or had my mind captivated
[ 4.375, -0.61474609375, -1.4580078125, -1.314453125, -0.57080078125, -1.5234375 ]
i was wondering if you will focus on the problems because any way you are not care for themselves when complaining or feeling needy
[ 4.51953125, -1.2783203125, -1.0751953125, -0.69189453125, -0.74169921875, -2.029296875 ]
i feel somewhat fake in the group
[ 4.61328125, -0.82763671875, -1.6123046875, -0.94140625, -0.640625, -1.7216796875 ]
i may not have really been feeling superior but i certainly was feeling that i had the answers wasnt i
[ -0.958984375, 4.69921875, -0.54052734375, -1.31640625, -1.6796875, -1.01171875 ]
i feel so amazing musicjuzz
[ -1.3515625, 3.662109375, -0.66943359375, -1.8818359375, -1.51171875, 0.70849609375 ]
i was feeling weird the other day and it went away about minutes after i took my metformin
[ -1.4599609375, -1.439453125, -1.1982421875, -1.4267578125, 2.259765625, 2.404296875 ]
i am feeling the past few days a little distressed about not writing here as much
[ -0.45068359375, -1.6376953125, -1.4375, -0.73388671875, 3.943359375, -0.260986328125 ]
i feel like he moves sleep i am glad i enjoyed that week of good sleep that i mentioned because i have a feeling that is over with now
[ -0.9697265625, 4.53125, 0.431396484375, -2.04296875, -2.05078125, -0.8427734375 ]
i also know that i feel nothing than a friendly affection to them too
[ -1.4130859375, 3.265625, 2.08203125, -1.8916015625, -1.94140625, -1.171875 ]
im not sure how i feel more than anything im keen to see it as a test to see if im over him yet and ready to view him as a friend
[ -1.1103515625, 4.8125, -0.447509765625, -1.609375, -1.4462890625, -0.92041015625 ]
i feel unfortunate that i dont have a lot of time to spend with my family
[ 4.58203125, -1.0517578125, -1.2470703125, -0.95068359375, -0.8720703125, -1.6875 ]
i lost a few people which i hate because i have a really hard time letting go of people to whom i feel loyal
[ -1.083984375, 0.63916015625, 3.4375, -0.8701171875, -1.560546875, -1.4013671875 ]
i was wasting my life away going out with one person after another to find love feeling shitty and anti social about my polytechnic life i met this guy
[ 4.55078125, -0.8935546875, -1.193359375, -0.254638671875, -1.4482421875, -2.126953125 ]
i feel a bit like a naughty kid who went and spent their last pence on a bag full of e numbers guilty
[ -1.037109375, -0.37158203125, 3.556640625, -1.2734375, -1.2158203125, -0.78369140625 ]
i wasn t feeling well but no specific issue
[ -0.56494140625, 4.6484375, -0.7021484375, -1.626953125, -1.51953125, -1.185546875 ]
i dont know if i should let go and feel that vain or should i wait and stay in vain
[ 4.36328125, -0.91162109375, -1.4677734375, 0.225341796875, -1.318359375, -2.216796875 ]
i feel like breathing is as delicate as dried rose petals sometimes
[ -1.0087890625, 0.046173095703125, 3.62890625, -1.65234375, -1.130859375, -0.861328125 ]
i really like this person feel that the question was really asked out of a sincere place of love and concern about how to move forward in light of what the sexuality study recently a href http www
[ -1.1455078125, 4.5625, 0.70361328125, -1.84765625, -1.9365234375, -1.1416015625 ]
i didnt want to be spending my days working in a job that i didnt enjoy or to come home feeling stressed and tired and not be able to give my daughter the attention she deserved
[ 2.373046875, -1.1513671875, -1.9638671875, 2.6484375, -0.623046875, -2.39453125 ]
i started out feeling discouraged this morning
[ 4.60546875, -0.9130859375, -1.6005859375, -0.65185546875, -0.7197265625, -2.046875 ]
i look over and to my utter horror i see a man holding the elevator door open instead of feeling terrified or even telling the guy to get off the elevator i imagine the elevator chewing on him like a metallic pacman not pacquiao the other yellow guy
[ -1.0048828125, -1.5517578125, -1.4853515625, -0.7607421875, 4.01953125, 0.09967041015625 ]
i know is that she s here and i m so thankful for her warm loving and peaceful presence i feel when my anger or feelings of discontent and frustration flare up
[ -0.71923828125, 3.48828125, 1.9052734375, -1.9345703125, -2.263671875, -1.6162109375 ]
i exactly feel whenever i feel lonely or depressed and then i pray to him for help and guidance a href http
[ 4.65625, -0.9345703125, -1.0673828125, -0.80517578125, -1.1396484375, -1.9375 ]
i hope i get the job cause im in desperate need of money and i feel greedy
[ -0.56298828125, -1.00390625, -1.205078125, 4.1171875, -0.5517578125, -1.5302734375 ]
i feel like my fish might be moderately more intelligent than most fish as ive noticed they have a tendency to go to the corner of the tank closest to the container of fish food and just stare at it
[ -1.15625, 4.6171875, -0.796875, -1.2216796875, -1.3857421875, -0.7138671875 ]
im feeling so embarrassed frightened that i wouldve smashed the window and slid in dukes of hazzard style if it would get garage man to stop glaring at me
[ 3.5234375, -1.5478515625, -1.296875, -1.595703125, 0.7587890625, -0.71435546875 ]
i felt a stronger wish to be free from self cherishing through my refuge practice and a return to the feeling of freedom and protection from suffering which i stayed with for the rest of the meditation
[ -0.335205078125, 4.57421875, -0.395751953125, -1.6640625, -1.828125, -1.4931640625 ]
i am feeling particularly optimistic today and have every reason to look forward to amazing things in
[ -0.7138671875, 4.66796875, -0.8916015625, -1.41796875, -1.412109375, -1.0439453125 ]
i feel i might have lost the potty training train
[ 4.5234375, -0.7958984375, -1.4873046875, -1.1826171875, -0.49755859375, -1.765625 ]
i feel just bcoz a fight we get mad to each other n u wanna make a publicity n let the world knows about our fight
[ -1.0546875, -1.021484375, -1.130859375, 4.3203125, -0.62939453125, -1.0234375 ]
i was stupid and said yes which made me feel idiotic because i didnt stick to my guns and do what i had set out to do
[ 4.66796875, -0.87158203125, -1.650390625, -0.8681640625, -0.70166015625, -1.7802734375 ]
i know i haven t met most of you in person but i feel so honored to be able to come together with you as we grow closer to god
[ -1.0888671875, 4.74609375, -0.066650390625, -1.8193359375, -1.984375, -0.74267578125 ]
i had that kinda feeling but ignored it
[ 4.46875, -0.71728515625, -1.28125, -0.12042236328125, -1.33203125, -2.296875 ]
i am feeling triumphant today
[ -0.83837890625, 4.59765625, -0.77734375, -1.3125, -1.544921875, -0.943359375 ]
is hand started fondling his aching cock through the fabric of his boxers and he instinctively arched his back to feel more of the delicious sensation
[ -1.3701171875, 3.76171875, 1.265625, -1.857421875, -1.8681640625, -0.880859375 ]
i came out of the airport that makes me feel irritable uncomfortable and even sadder
[ -0.99658203125, -1.1865234375, -1.208984375, 4.37890625, -0.427001953125, -1.1953125 ]
i feel the need to layer on fake tan for a night out to give me a bit of colour my clothes do it for me
[ 4.5078125, -0.7861328125, -1.736328125, -0.76904296875, -0.521484375, -1.8076171875 ]
i like it though its very over the top but makes me feel clever by association
[ -1.146484375, 4.69921875, -0.72509765625, -1.4501953125, -1.4560546875, -0.6630859375 ]
i did not feel any passionate joy
[ -1.4560546875, 2.38671875, 2.705078125, -1.6181640625, -1.9375, -1.271484375 ]
ive also been for a run which im feeling particularly virtuous about
[ -1.0537109375, 4.8828125, -0.34228515625, -1.7880859375, -1.54296875, -0.880859375 ]
i feel more amazed and more thankful for having e in our lives
[ -1.6259765625, -0.493408203125, -0.87353515625, -1.04296875, 0.150390625, 3.09375 ]
i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea
[ -1.5185546875, 4.20703125, -0.658203125, -1.6142578125, -1.5615234375, 0.323974609375 ]
i couldn t tell if he was sick injured or just feeling generally awful but he climbed into the team car and abandoned the race right there with spectators snapping away on their phones
[ 4.59765625, -0.94091796875, -1.173828125, -1.2109375, -0.845703125, -1.6884765625 ]
i say i feel alone br style color line height
[ 4.57421875, -0.716796875, -1.611328125, -0.74462890625, -0.7265625, -2.068359375 ]
i just feel insulted oh oh oh to my exexbf i am so totally entirely over you
[ -0.8798828125, -1.03125, -0.9541015625, 4.296875, -0.8798828125, -1.0888671875 ]
i found myself feeling nostalgic as i thought about the temporarily abandoned little bishop chronicles
[ -0.71533203125, -0.300537109375, 3.763671875, -1.40234375, -1.3623046875, -0.94580078125 ]
i feel more shy in swedish
[ -0.951171875, -1.71875, -1.2041015625, -0.72900390625, 3.91796875, -0.015167236328125 ]
i plan to do so by obtaining an mba and from that mba program i feel that the most valuable outcomes i would like
[ -0.86767578125, 4.80078125, -0.17822265625, -1.646484375, -1.8291015625, -1.1826171875 ]
i don t feel like i should be punished to carry this burden even though i have been for four years now
[ 4.20703125, -0.84375, -1.2626953125, 0.14013671875, -1.421875, -2.146484375 ]
i feel so heartbroken over paul walker s tragic disappearance the life of someone so generous beautiful and talented should not end this way as other horrible individuals keep on living torturing assaulting and killing people
[ 3.9609375, -0.2060546875, 0.0133819580078125, -1.30859375, -1.7216796875, -2.0546875 ]
i would always have this song stuck in my head after a bombing or incident and then i would feel a bit weird about it because if you dont really pay attention to the lyrics it sounds like such a happy song not the type youre supposed to hum on difficult days
[ -1.4072265625, -1.4462890625, -1.0791015625, -1.4423828125, 2.0546875, 2.49609375 ]
i do feel apprehensive and nervous at times about how i am performing with my modules
[ -0.98876953125, -1.5927734375, -1.5654296875, -0.515625, 4.1171875, -0.06536865234375 ]
i feel so pathetic and useless being unable to do anything
[ 4.66015625, -0.783203125, -1.2431640625, -0.8974609375, -1.115234375, -1.853515625 ]