class label
6 classes
im tired of feeling unhappy about things and unmotivated
[ 4.62890625, -0.72314453125, -1.1982421875, -0.6279296875, -1.2724609375, -2.046875 ]
i feel really honoured to be a part of this inaugural race and you can sense how proud the local runners are to be able to show off their trails and to host this event
[ -1.0087890625, 4.75390625, -0.35791015625, -1.6904296875, -1.7880859375, -0.80126953125 ]
i feel for vets the animals whose lives they save are always going to be hostile
[ -0.93798828125, -1.275390625, -1.2109375, 4.19921875, -0.0292816162109375, -1.3232421875 ]
i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail
[ 4.6171875, -0.931640625, -1.037109375, -0.8203125, -1.2353515625, -1.8671875 ]
i feel if i am nagged i stop caring
[ -0.58837890625, 0.1142578125, 3.748046875, -1.3046875, -1.57421875, -1.3583984375 ]
i also got some very nice condiment type pressies whilst at our local garden centre today so i am feeling that i have achieved something towards the festive season
[ -0.90625, 4.90234375, -0.353759765625, -1.681640625, -1.630859375, -1.1328125 ]
i feel that he is so determined to steal private industries away from citizens of this nation that he has given no time to fighting the real enemies of theu
[ -1.0546875, 4.53515625, -0.061065673828125, -1.1689453125, -1.486328125, -1.44921875 ]
i feel like an emotional cutter
[ 4.26171875, -1.29296875, -1.3857421875, 0.104248046875, -0.79443359375, -2.275390625 ]
i still feel like there is a lot left to keep me entertained
[ -1.1435546875, 4.80859375, -0.1351318359375, -1.56640625, -1.791015625, -0.85693359375 ]
i remember feeling so frightened that i could feel emotions at that high a level
[ -0.96044921875, -1.5830078125, -1.490234375, -0.69384765625, 4.10546875, -0.041778564453125 ]
i feel like i have nailed the marriage and the house parts of my life and i am happy and content as i can possibly be in those aspects
[ -0.85888671875, 4.87890625, -0.4794921875, -1.4921875, -1.7578125, -1.068359375 ]
i read about him and learn about him in his interviews the more i feel like i could never deserve someone so kind and compassionate
[ -1.0048828125, 0.78857421875, 3.64453125, -1.259765625, -1.6328125, -1.37890625 ]
i feel it is worthwhile to give you all a more in depth city sized if you will look at one of our cycle days
[ -0.84521484375, 4.8671875, -0.38623046875, -1.5908203125, -1.7060546875, -1.203125 ]
i woke up feeling fine
[ -0.57080078125, 4.62109375, -0.740234375, -1.5693359375, -1.578125, -1.1416015625 ]
im lucky enough in life to meet someone who makes me feel safe happy secure and loved i feel theres no reason to wait
[ -0.876953125, 4.90625, -0.334716796875, -1.6923828125, -1.732421875, -1.146484375 ]
i tried adding in any other type of cheese and we re talking small quantities i was right back to feeling shitty
[ 4.5859375, -0.72314453125, -1.1630859375, -0.74267578125, -1.3623046875, -1.9619140625 ]
i realized i was feeling really irritated while i was saying that
[ -0.81103515625, -0.9677734375, -1.1044921875, 4.33203125, -0.86376953125, -1.287109375 ]
i just couldn t decide what to feel she didn t tell me and then she blamed me because i never told her it would be like that
[ 4.41796875, -0.9482421875, -1.369140625, 0.1361083984375, -1.1806640625, -2.33984375 ]
i feel that third situation pretty much sums up my feelings toward this title
[ -0.7783203125, 4.05078125, 0.470947265625, -1.4462890625, -1.861328125, -1.40234375 ]
i feel utterly disgusted with myself right now and am contemplating death every waking moment ever since she uttered those few words
[ -0.68310546875, -1.115234375, -1.09375, 4.3671875, -0.8583984375, -1.17578125 ]
i was still feeling hesitant last night but when i woke up i found that i had made my decision and that the slatebook somewhat to my own surprise was what i wanted
[ -1.240234375, -1.560546875, -1.35546875, -0.75146484375, 3.970703125, 0.1534423828125 ]
i have power feeling to justify their laziness and being bitchy against skinny girls
[ -0.47802734375, -0.9296875, -0.64453125, 4.19140625, -1.1650390625, -1.4111328125 ]
i feel check the wonder in all that you see you ve got to get loving unconditionally
[ -0.79052734375, -0.2352294921875, 3.84765625, -1.2109375, -1.3720703125, -1.169921875 ]
i really feel and i know the devil hates that its always been something he could use against me and im determined not to let him
[ 0.333740234375, 1.69921875, 0.2142333984375, 1.20703125, -1.611328125, -2.49609375 ]
i have been designing earrings for some of my customers bridesmaids which i feel honoured to do
[ -0.88720703125, 4.640625, -0.2010498046875, -1.6904296875, -1.8408203125, -0.91650390625 ]
i hate these feelings in my heart i hate that work stressed me out i hate that cornelius wont let me get my way im frustrated lord
[ 0.74609375, -0.85791015625, -1.375, 3.916015625, -1.126953125, -2.005859375 ]
i feel like ive come a long way and im proud of what ive achieved not only this week but this year as well
[ -1.0263671875, 4.7421875, -0.1351318359375, -1.7080078125, -1.884765625, -0.751953125 ]
i might feel offended at times from hearing statements where that i strongly disagree
[ -0.78125, -1.1025390625, -1.0712890625, 4.33203125, -0.8544921875, -1.11328125 ]
i can t quite figure out how i feel i m not devastated like i was with lucy and i m not sure if that s because it s easier to do after the first time or what
[ 4.609375, -0.73583984375, -1.1953125, -1.0498046875, -1.0068359375, -1.85546875 ]
i chant the invocation and feel his force supporting me as i teach
[ -0.873046875, 2.859375, 2.34765625, -1.87890625, -1.9560546875, -1.69921875 ]
i have come from the summer time and feeling like coach hated me
[ 2.490234375, -1.1767578125, -0.84521484375, 2.498046875, -1.7529296875, -2.25 ]
i feel like i cant have dirty dishes piled up laundry strewn about or toys scattered everywhere
[ 4.57421875, -0.94384765625, -1.4873046875, -0.39306640625, -0.99267578125, -2.115234375 ]
i feel very mislead by someone that i really really thought i knew and liked very much so
[ 2.873046875, -1.66796875, -1.984375, 1.84375, -0.1558837890625, -2.0078125 ]
i wish him and i could go out and i could do my hair and makeup and feel cute and flirt and talk and stuff but that never occurs
[ -1.2919921875, 4.30859375, -0.130859375, -1.75390625, -1.7021484375, -0.10247802734375 ]
i feel like the writer wants me to think so and proclaiming he no longer liked pulsars is a petty and hilarious bit of character
[ -1.0263671875, -0.334228515625, 3.400390625, -0.6591796875, -1.5302734375, -0.64599609375 ]
always when i am well succeded
[ 0.84228515625, 0.99365234375, -1.818359375, -0.460693359375, 1.439453125, -1.6826171875 ]
i sure would love to stop feeling so horny all the time
[ -0.46337890625, -0.87939453125, 3.458984375, -0.94921875, -1.1171875, -0.97021484375 ]
i just feel extremely comfortable with the group of people that i dont even need to hide myself
[ -1.0283203125, 4.61328125, -0.78466796875, -1.552734375, -1.298828125, -0.70068359375 ]
i feel like i have to shy away from triggering some stereotype of a person who will scream and break things because they didnt get to eat their favorite kind of sandwich
[ -0.58837890625, -1.57421875, -1.1884765625, -1.283203125, 3.6328125, 0.1763916015625 ]
i have a feeling there are a lot of pissed off people in sea org in hollywood where scientology has become the monster that devoured wa wonderfully sleazy bohemian area
[ -1, -0.98291015625, -1.1591796875, 4.27734375, -0.57763671875, -1.220703125 ]
i really am not feeling child friendly
[ -1.3330078125, 4.5390625, 0.6728515625, -1.6083984375, -1.86328125, -1.1025390625 ]
i remember being appalled feeling personally insulted that they could have thought that i would listen to something as vulgar as the bee gees
[ -0.7177734375, -0.96484375, -0.8603515625, 4.25390625, -1.041015625, -1.130859375 ]
i was feeling content and oh so happy with my life
[ -0.68896484375, 4.7890625, -0.30615234375, -1.701171875, -1.7890625, -1.2265625 ]
i feel that working together and supporting each other as a whole i can represent a larger younger voice in politics what can i say to that
[ -0.90380859375, 3.912109375, 1.3916015625, -1.94140625, -2.046875, -1.619140625 ]
i imagined being in form fitting clothing that was beautiful looking in the mirror and feeling proud being lighter and more energetic
[ -0.8330078125, 4.76953125, -0.6015625, -1.40625, -1.6796875, -0.990234375 ]
i feel blessed beyond blessed to share my life with you each week
[ -0.81640625, 2.640625, 2.423828125, -2.009765625, -2.08203125, -1.287109375 ]
i received the blanket i was absolutely amazed on how fluffy it is and extremely soft i really didnt think it was going to feel that amazing
[ -1.4951171875, 2.568359375, -0.73876953125, -1.861328125, -1.1533203125, 1.67578125 ]
im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now
[ 4.4609375, -0.42578125, -1.25390625, -0.467529296875, -1.4921875, -2.0703125 ]
i feel like im so distracted most days
[ 0.084716796875, -1.1953125, -1.5361328125, 4.1796875, -0.669921875, -1.701171875 ]
i could feel how much slower i was on the treadmill but the pace was pleasant and after six days of relative inactivity i was just happy to be running again
[ -0.82080078125, 4.91015625, -0.263916015625, -1.7001953125, -1.80078125, -1.1552734375 ]
i left with my bouquet of red and yellow tulips under my arm feeling slightly more optimistic than when i arrived
[ -0.6689453125, 4.65625, -0.76953125, -1.427734375, -1.416015625, -1.15234375 ]
getting sent on a company expense trip to another state to work for a week at that plan
[ 0.373779296875, -0.17919921875, -1.6416015625, 1.427734375, 0.8701171875, -1.5615234375 ]
i get frustrated that unresolved issues from my past have had a severe negative effect on my behavior and feel he must be angry that i have not resolved them by now
[ -0.427001953125, -0.89208984375, -1.17578125, 4.3359375, -0.89404296875, -1.4814453125 ]
i bought it at urban outfitters so it could fit mm film and have been feeling remorseful ever since
[ 4.6953125, -0.83154296875, -1.2216796875, -0.912109375, -0.95068359375, -1.876953125 ]
im feeling a little dissatisfied
[ -0.467041015625, -1.0732421875, -1.197265625, 4.3359375, -0.82763671875, -1.4794921875 ]
i understand that they are reacting to what we re doing i think they re observing us closely and i become happier i can actual feel that they re supporting us
[ -0.68212890625, 3.5078125, 1.7236328125, -1.935546875, -2.11328125, -1.80859375 ]
i dont remember how january was like last year thats why i need a real diary but this one is feeling bitter dark and boring
[ 0.7646484375, -1.0068359375, -0.685546875, 3.744140625, -1.5849609375, -1.90234375 ]
i feel it is perfectly acceptable to consume homemade chex party mix for breakfast during the holidays given the fact that it is mostly cereal
[ -0.8759765625, 4.76953125, -0.1383056640625, -1.61328125, -1.7314453125, -1.3564453125 ]
i feel vulnerable not knowing what is to come and i feel like the rest of my life depends on today
[ -0.9443359375, -1.4658203125, -1.4267578125, -0.59765625, 4.0546875, -0.37060546875 ]
i feel like ive lost my mind
[ 4.53515625, -0.78955078125, -1.353515625, -1.21875, -0.6552734375, -1.72265625 ]
i was left feeling empty
[ 4.54296875, -0.5166015625, -1.1826171875, -0.931640625, -1.146484375, -1.9150390625 ]
i feel reassured by their behavior on this matter and will definitely continue to do business with them
[ -0.95751953125, 4.5078125, -0.77001953125, -1.455078125, -1.1474609375, -0.9208984375 ]
i feel like i could go into any situation and become successful because i ve been competing all my life explained schaub in an interview with the a href http bleacherreport
[ -0.6669921875, 4.5234375, -0.87451171875, -1.3115234375, -1.4453125, -1.080078125 ]
i had a feeling that he would be the one eliminated but wasn t completely convinced his cooking skillz were da bomb yes i m whipping out the early s lingo
[ -0.95458984375, 3.77734375, -1.244140625, -1.1220703125, -0.4853515625, -0.61376953125 ]
im feeling weepy already
[ 4.45703125, -1.26171875, -0.8681640625, -1.0078125, -0.6767578125, -1.849609375 ]
i feel so glad doing this
[ -0.87158203125, 4.7421875, -0.18798828125, -1.8896484375, -1.9228515625, -0.7783203125 ]
i feel almost embarrassed to mention the single redshank and common sandpiper but there again who would not want to mention the lone wood sandpiper present at the waters edge
[ 4.38671875, -1.2978515625, -1.1484375, -1.236328125, -0.306640625, -1.2138671875 ]
im feeling brave ill snatch him to on my lap and after a few seconds of struggling he completely relaxes and submits to mommy scratches
[ -0.86865234375, 4.8125, -0.49658203125, -1.7490234375, -1.5322265625, -1.0205078125 ]
i feel blessed to know this family
[ -0.796875, 2.314453125, 2.55078125, -1.884765625, -1.9453125, -1.2939453125 ]
i feel like im still quite bad at describing my feelings with good words and beautiful phrases
[ 3.541015625, 0.92626953125, -0.74072265625, -1.17578125, -1.900390625, -2.177734375 ]
i justified in feeling slighted or am i just being ungrateful
[ 4.37890625, -1.2958984375, -1.42578125, -1.10546875, -0.1278076171875, -1.6533203125 ]
i feel the most unloved and unlovable
[ 4.45703125, -1.306640625, -1.666015625, -0.72412109375, -0.1842041015625, -1.9873046875 ]
i think it s to do with the fact that i know i don t have a lot of time to play catch up and also because my free time for the first time in what feels like forever is really my free time
[ -0.48583984375, 4.515625, -0.301025390625, -1.486328125, -1.810546875, -1.3759765625 ]
i dont like christmas because i feel like it has lost its meaning
[ 4.5234375, -0.7783203125, -1.4296875, -1.0703125, -0.70361328125, -1.76953125 ]
i am loosing out but i feel like i have have so much to share with many and if anything that is not unfortunate if anything it makes me grateful
[ 4.59375, -0.6845703125, -1.2275390625, -1.021484375, -1.029296875, -1.7470703125 ]
i feel is he generous
[ -1.2529296875, 2.5078125, 2.73828125, -1.7744140625, -1.9619140625, -1.345703125 ]
i feel all innocent now
[ -1.0283203125, 4.87109375, -0.0919189453125, -1.677734375, -1.8310546875, -1 ]
im also still feeling whiney as hell so its possible i could rant a bit today
[ 3.892578125, -1.3955078125, -1.650390625, -1.158203125, 0.7646484375, -1.5361328125 ]
i came away from that expereince feeling like i had had an encounter with the divine
[ -0.88134765625, 4.42578125, -0.38525390625, -1.64453125, -1.662109375, -0.78369140625 ]
i feel bad knocking show down this far but i didnt see smackdown this week and i cant just assume he carried the show like he does every week daniel bryan doesnt appear on it
[ 4.63671875, -0.86181640625, -1.2451171875, -0.8154296875, -1.0830078125, -1.955078125 ]
i was worried that maybe she was sleeping so well because she wasn t getting enough milk and was feeling lethargic
[ 4.578125, -0.974609375, -1.4892578125, -1.1015625, -0.50146484375, -1.7705078125 ]
when i heard the last regulation of the socialist govrenment concerning pensions
[ 0.339599609375, 0.66259765625, -1.072265625, 1.646484375, -0.081787109375, -1.9677734375 ]
i love neglecting this blog but sometimes i feel for my faithful readers
[ -0.8056640625, 1.22265625, 3.310546875, -1.2568359375, -1.7509765625, -1.5625 ]
i wasnt very interested in it but it evoked the feeling of an earth grittily doomed by aliens quite well
[ 4.375, -0.1424560546875, -1.26171875, -0.9912109375, -0.99560546875, -2.076171875 ]
i woke up i feel thankful to god for giving me another day to go on
[ -0.85791015625, 4.76171875, -0.110595703125, -1.8603515625, -1.9013671875, -0.93896484375 ]
i am feeling eager to start doing some work the man who works there literally says so uhm you guys want to go in back and see if we can find anything to do
[ -1.2177734375, 4.640625, -0.77783203125, -1.41796875, -1.2734375, -0.5478515625 ]
i apologise if the pictures are not very good quality but if youre stuck for ideas feel free to check out the websites in the captions
[ -0.68701171875, 4.625, -0.328857421875, -1.416015625, -1.7294921875, -1.30078125 ]
i feel lucky that theyve chosen to share their lives with me
[ -0.94287109375, 4.80078125, -0.64404296875, -1.6689453125, -1.7568359375, -0.7158203125 ]
i left feeling absoloutely devastated
[ 3.7265625, 0.64599609375, -0.5830078125, -1.076171875, -1.7529296875, -2.25 ]
i feel the need to pimp this since raini my beloved rocky casting director loves it so much
[ -0.74755859375, 1.390625, 3.30078125, -1.583984375, -1.86328125, -1.548828125 ]
ive struggled mightily through today and even though i feel cranky and tired and unmotivated still i really am not going to be going to sleep before eleven thirty
[ -0.72998046875, -1.1083984375, -0.9775390625, 4.3125, -0.8271484375, -1.3779296875 ]
i feel as the sleep drained from my head i sat up my dog nudging me for affection my wife too has been wanting affection
[ 4.546875, -0.568359375, -1.1376953125, -0.87890625, -1.259765625, -2.01171875 ]
i feel afraid agn lol whats new
[ -0.7919921875, -1.5810546875, -1.5, -0.63525390625, 4.11328125, -0.288818359375 ]
i have made about sex i feel that women enjoy sex when their body and emotions are admired and respected
[ -1.255859375, 3.611328125, 1.7705078125, -1.8779296875, -2.11328125, -1.1376953125 ]
i feel crappy i eat crappy
[ 4.63671875, -0.7431640625, -1.6796875, -0.69287109375, -0.91357421875, -1.8515625 ]
i hope it is because he understands the way i feel i hope he sees what he could miss and is putting the petty negative thoughts aside
[ -0.1187744140625, -0.89208984375, -1.208984375, 4.22265625, -0.94970703125, -1.6640625 ]
i feel much more relaxed going into this race
[ -0.87744140625, 4.703125, -0.61669921875, -1.5859375, -1.546875, -0.841796875 ]
im begging fate not to mess with the next cycle to let it look as pretty as this one so i can at least go in feeling reassured
[ -0.90673828125, 4.5703125, -0.84521484375, -1.498046875, -1.162109375, -0.90283203125 ]
i was remembering this i was feeling skeptical
[ -1.650390625, -1.4794921875, -1.5625, -0.61279296875, 3.703125, 0.6875 ]
i cant remember exactly what made me stop using it but i have a feeling i got distracted by other hair products and just sort of forgot about this one
[ -0.2587890625, -1.208984375, -1.572265625, 4.109375, -0.309814453125, -1.52734375 ]