class label
2 classes
@user @user Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s๐Ÿค”
[ 1.4697265625, -1.345703125 ]
@user @user That isn't at all plausible. Tories and Labour have access to that building. More Tories have a problem with her than Labour and there are more Tories. It could have been a leftist"" but there are more Tory suspects. You are pretty abusive for someone arguing the left are abusive""
[ -0.5732421875, 0.5380859375 ]
@user Destroying me???? Excuse me I beat you all the time why you bullshitting that?? Also I love you more ๐Ÿ˜ค
[ -1.3486328125, 1.375 ]
@user @user Why? He is messed up.
[ -1.1845703125, 1.0927734375 ]
@user @user Sure do miss you sir. I ran HRC Lakeland office and tried to get you your old house back. We were ALL devastated that night. We worked harder than any realtor you ever had for nothing but love. Now fighting gun control w our Parkland kids. Hope lives!
[ 1.16796875, -1.0927734375 ]
#qanda Fahrenheit 451 is coming regarding conservatives and their thought police
[ 2.015625, -1.9248046875 ]
@user @user You are on the wrong side of gun control but then you already knew that.
[ 0.68994140625, -0.6455078125 ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Just be careful because I got a suspension for using a meme that said gaf once! Mirror ....
[ 1.669921875, -1.603515625 ]
@user Will conservatives ever stop catering to fringe groups and address issues the majority of Canadians have to deal with. Every white hunter could vote conservative twice and youโ€™d still loose! We need a real option to the liberals.
[ 1.3310546875, -1.44921875 ]
@user And youโ€™ll spend your final days in hell sinking
[ -1.7294921875, 1.6962890625 ]
@user Who cares what a union leader has to say big kate? Do u fawningly report Lefty concerns because u and the Left promoting CBC r doing the Trudeau Liberals bidding again.U r a CBC Liberal party Shameful.
[ -0.52001953125, 0.458251953125 ]
@user I don't know if I feel sorry for you or should I block you because you keep going over the same thing. You have no read a thing or you are a remainer. Still don't mater I've answered all your questions & you have done nothing
[ 0.54443359375, -0.64892578125 ]
@user @user @user @user as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years.
[ 1.1796875, -1.125 ]
@user He is the best
[ 2.2421875, -2.24609375 ]
@user Why do liberals always say they're moving to Canada if they don't get what they want? They never seem to offer to move to Venezuela or Greece or other failed liberal countries.
[ 1.109375, -1.0224609375 ]
@user One could say that she is the one coward. She could probably end this charade but continues to sabotage our country with her silence. Plus sheโ€™s a sad over facelifted former soft porn model.
[ -1.826171875, 1.6748046875 ]
@user *as fuck. Not ass fuck. Although conservatives are fucking us all up the ass right now.
[ -1.9169921875, 1.904296875 ]
[ -0.9951171875, 0.86474609375 ]
@user @user According to the liberals yes! Guilty unless she proves her innocence! Wait are you a man? If so then No you can not be trusted ever! How dare you make a claim against a woman! Women are above the sins of man! We are perfect!
[ -0.66064453125, 0.7001953125 ]
@user @user Yes it did... And it's on editorial... Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men... No he isn't... He is editor in Chief. He is the boss of all the other editors... Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid...
[ -1.7919921875, 1.7119140625 ]
@user Any amount you shit fuck
[ -1.92578125, 1.828125 ]
@user @user Republicans will never admit there is a #deepstate because they are part of the #deepstate! Who really runs DC? Federal Employees & Appointees most of which are Liberals/Leftists. Politicians come & go...they are there for LIFE! #MAGA #rnc #gop #foxnews
[ 0.69970703125, -0.72314453125 ]
#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives long-term approach has a number of advantages including the ability to work with our supply chain and landowners to build more homes. ๐Ÿ—จ๏ธ Paul Hackett, Chief Executiveโ€ฆ
[ 2.056640625, -2.037109375 ]
@user @user @user What do you think 'gun control' is all about then? It cannot be about saving lives because it has been proven over and over again that the only sure way to protect people from bad guys with guns is having good guys with guns to fend them off!
[ 0.9130859375, -0.900390625 ]
@user @user Actually bad examples. Japan never had weapons of any kind to begin with before their gun control. Uk and Australias gun crime and crime in general didn't see a spike down. New Zealand has much less gun control than you think. Plus there's still guns on the black market
[ 0.5419921875, -0.466552734375 ]
@user So we should believe this from 40 years ago when the man went to an all boys school. This was a way to try and stop the confirmation and blew up in @user face. She is a corrupt pos!!!
[ -1.75, 1.6279296875 ]
@user Yes Comie (communist pun intended) WE do and will emerge stronger when u & all ur cronies are put to death at Gitmo. WE THE PEOPLE WILL INDEED BE STRONGER. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp
[ -1.3291015625, 1.1474609375 ]
@user @user @user You are full of shit Sweetie""""
[ -1.837890625, 1.740234375 ]
29. @user Listened To The Liberals; Democrats And Their Bed-Buddies In the MSM DEMAND Transparency"" From the @user Well, Your About To Get A YUGE Scoop Of ""Transparency"" From him. Like I Said In the Start of This Thread: Be Careful What You Wish For. ~End.
[ 0.64453125, -0.69580078125 ]
@user @user @user and u know what u trash too for being more worried about blaming and shitting on ariana for a death sheโ€™s not responsible instead of mac.
[ -1.7607421875, 1.73828125 ]
@user @user Democrats would love to see mob rule."" That's why they like Antifa.""
[ 1.5966796875, -1.521484375 ]
@user Limousine Liberals and Western Feminists have much in common but their mutual sanctimony stands out for all to see.
[ 2.056640625, -1.8681640625 ]
@user And shit like this is why no real research gets done on us.
[ -1.623046875, 1.7138671875 ]
@user truly sad there are so many other things we shud be talking abt gun control homeless getting those kids back 2 their parents but itโ€™s this ๐ŸฆŠnews still talks abt U know Donald Trump has truly separate this country in many ways not just one way but many ways
[ 0.93017578125, -0.7978515625 ]
@user I am truly sorry that you are having a rough day. I hope it gets better for you. I am doing fantastic.
[ 2.40625, -2.3359375 ]
@user @user ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ is this a joke??? Cause its funny AF ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
[ 1.3134765625, -1.26171875 ]
@user And she knows because the witch was there? Another fake/lie about the President...If you hate America leave ASAP!!!!
[ -1.5244140625, 1.3662109375 ]
@user Yes you are but I was asking what is it about the movie ?๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘€
[ 2.2421875, -2.2421875 ]
@user @user @user @user Kate, gun safety"" is just a code word for gun control. There isn't anything ""safe"" about gun control. It just limits law abiding citizens. Law breakers ignore ALL laws. Wake up! You folks in MN need to get off the liberal wagon. Vote for Patriots Only ... Vote Red! โœ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿš‚โš“๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ""
[ 0.304931640625, -0.37939453125 ]
@user What happened to wokeisis
[ 1.63671875, -1.56640625 ]
@user Democrats are getting everything they deserve.
[ 2.208984375, -2.267578125 ]
@user @user has two votes in our home! West Texas is stoked about him! He is inspiring! He can do this!
[ 2.2734375, -2.20703125 ]
@user @user I hope so; conservatives must go vote.
[ 2.171875, -2.154296875 ]
@user @user @user Its a shame that you are not on TV
[ 1.79296875, -1.57421875 ]
@user @user What a waste of oneโ€™s short life.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
[ -1.177734375, 1.0703125 ]
@user Manafort has been on K street for a long time. He knows things. Deep dark things. I agree. He is gonna burn some folk. Mueller already knows who he wants. Manafort is gonna give them up.
[ -0.402099609375, 0.4794921875 ]
16 year old stabbed in Dagenham this evening and the liberals are worried about data protection. #c4news
[ 1.720703125, -1.5595703125 ]
@user you literally told me that you thought I was being โ€œa fake nice bitchโ€
[ -1.921875, 1.8935546875 ]
@user Right you are!!!
[ 2.3125, -2.232421875 ]
@user @user @user @user @user The Tea Party was the symptom not the cause. It started with Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority that was formed in the 1970s. The GOP aligned with them as social conservatives rather than sticking with their fiscal conservative platform. The Tea Party grew out of that.
[ 1.6005859375, -1.6083984375 ]
@user @user @user Completely agree with this the conservative government has cut taxes for the lowest earners but by making tax fair has increased tax receipts @user
[ 1.86328125, -1.8125 ]
@user The truth about gun control and human nature in one picture.
[ 1.7587890625, -1.619140625 ]
Just imagine the tyranny weโ€™d be living under had these leftwing tryants waging war on us and our duly elected president and the American Republic itself gained tyrannical control of the US Supreme Court the neoconโ€™s #NeverTrump crew was trying to deliver to them? #MAGA
[ -1.2509765625, 1.171875 ]
@user @user best lead @user & @user most underrated
[ 2.22265625, -2.201171875 ]
@user @user @user You are a sick person
[ -1.822265625, 1.7138671875 ]
A Pittsburgh #Antifa cell that is conducting weapons training to fight racists in the streets"" openly embraces mass murder. The ""MLM"" in that graffiti stands for Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. Mao's Communist regime killed 45 million people in the Venetian ballroom, at capacity. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ""
[ -0.806640625, 0.78759765625 ]
According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches."" #seuday""
[ 0.68896484375, -0.58349609375 ]
@user @user well uk had gun control and were over here fighting for it for the past like 4 years so
[ 1.4208984375, -1.4052734375 ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don't shame your entire country.. You are not mad!
[ 0.60888671875, -0.568359375 ]
@user Bless their little entitlement selves. I will never watch another game.
[ 1.4345703125, -1.3740234375 ]
@user Same paint ball range they used for the antifa vs Proudboy"" match last year""
[ 1.927734375, -1.818359375 ]
@user So Glad Your Back ๐Ÿ™ Hygs Love You โค Getting Ready To Do A #ProLife. Presentation #Maga #๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
[ 1.8291015625, -1.7412109375 ]
#MAGA great thing about hurricane Florence: did not have to hear the bionic woman with the amazing memory"" talk about a party 3 million years ago
[ 1.7919921875, -1.724609375 ]
@user So basically you are now preaching what they religious end of world people have been doing. Congrats
[ 2.08984375, -2.00390625 ]
@user @user Ok can I have my two cents here!!! This is not the end of yalls friendship !!! Maybe you should actually say Sorry first because you are the man๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ Iโ€™m not taking either side !!!! I depend on yโ€™all and other people do too!!! Iโ€™m just a peep here!!! Letโ€™s all be happy!!!
[ 1.904296875, -1.8193359375 ]
@user What exactly does he think he is going to do? He should be careful about how he goes around issuing sly theats.
[ 1.822265625, -1.689453125 ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Is that a bar where antifa sharpens their stones and buys their silly string?
[ 1.3837890625, -1.287109375 ]
@user @user @user How convenient a conservative dummy believes people are selectively unemployed.Conservatives always try to use this type of propaganda. No facts!Just their warped conservative beliefs. Itโ€™s very clear.Many conservatives like @user donโ€™t have the ability to learn or think
[ -1.125, 0.92919921875 ]
@user @user Everybody's doin it...#MAGA
[ 1.908203125, -1.83984375 ]
#YESonKavanaugh Yes because it is the right thing to do Yes because conservatives are in power Yes because Democrats are miserable humans Yes because we are sick and tired of the tantrums from the Democrats Yes because they FREAKING LOST THE ELECTION! Please add more reasons!!!!
[ -1.36328125, 1.13671875 ]
@user @user If the LEFT would just stop the politics of distraction he will keep more promises #MAGA
[ 0.95556640625, -0.958984375 ]
@user She never planned to testify. It was all an act - one that fell flat very quickly. Liberals will never learn. We know their tactics. We can accurately predict their actions & responses. We also know how to think & do research. That's why they hate us. They can't control us.
[ -0.787109375, 0.595703125 ]
@user @user So we should cater to Collins and Murkowski and only do what they approve. Abandon what conservatives want and then expect them to vote for you anyways. That is insanity.
[ -0.27099609375, 0.3291015625 ]
@user @user School misconduct allegations? That sounds like he was chewing gum in class. I think he is being accused of much more than โ€œmisconductโ€
[ 0.91357421875, -0.83154296875 ]
@user @user You know the university can withdraw its certificate if they feel like you are disgracing them right? So even if you have graduated you should still not disrespect the school.
[ 0.94140625, -0.8740234375 ]
@user The are batshit crazy.
[ -1.66796875, 1.55078125 ]
@user It isn't news that Conservatives really hate our rights and freedoms.
[ 0.2362060546875, -0.1534423828125 ]
@user @user he/she is lying also. claiming I didn't know they were dating"" but when you look at her old tweets you can see her arguing with Careeeema and saying they're dating. Plus Tom and Z are too careful to hold hands in public. ๐Ÿ˜‚""
[ 1.7822265625, -1.666015625 ]
@user @user @user @user Yeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!! BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO
[ -1.966796875, 1.8740234375 ]
@user @user This is how libs circle the wagons and protect each other.
[ 1.9970703125, -1.841796875 ]
@user @user @user @user And there's #Brexit ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
[ 2.27734375, -2.294921875 ]
@user He is repulsive.
[ -1.5205078125, 1.384765625 ]
@user this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL. He is a bias piece of garbage. He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game. He is a liar and wonโ€™t admit when heโ€™s wrong! NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE
[ -1.53125, 1.3515625 ]
Really # MAGA VOTE TRUMP 2020
[ 1.2744140625, -1.375 ]
@user @user Being paid no doubt
[ 2.1328125, -2.177734375 ]
@user @user @user @user I think the easiest way to label them would be that they are conservatives who are ok with the LBGQT community and pro rights. Somehow that's supposed to make them liberal.
[ 1.81640625, -1.7744140625 ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I'm not sure if he is really on a low carb diet. Most hospitals don't carry low carb muffins LOL.
[ 1.791015625, -1.728515625 ]
@user Why do all liberals look like they're eating sour grapes??
[ 1.7294921875, -1.6611328125 ]
@user Whatโ€™s shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!! Liberals !!! Those kind of yoga vegan freaks ! But when itโ€™s about occupation they shift to something els !
[ 0.77880859375, -0.578125 ]
@user @user Trump addresses gun control representing the NRA. I will not let you down"" he says.
[ 1.6064453125, -1.564453125 ]
* he starred in two movie and drama tv series. while it's impossible not to notice his strinkingly handsome looks, it's what lies beneath what define who he is ... "" in conclusion if english is a common working language in asia for regional cooperation and development ...""
[ 2.0390625, -2.009765625 ]
@user He will end in gitmo
[ 1.7587890625, -1.6064453125 ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Thatโ€™s a blatant lie. ANTIFA is the worse hate group. Look at what they did at Berkeley university in California. They nearly destroyed it over a guy they disagreed with. It wasnโ€™t the KKK OR WHITE SUPREMACY. They are shutting down free speech
[ -0.9951171875, 0.9794921875 ]
New emergency hotline?What's down the road? 2 days ago #POTUS signs second State of Emergency executive order? Social media censorship down the road? #MAGA #Emergency #QAnon #MondayMotivation #ConstitutionDay
[ 1.595703125, -1.4921875 ]
@user @user @user @user He is the type of person who believes what is trending on twitter is collective reality.
[ 2.169921875, -2.1640625 ]
@user You are becoming the court jester of the senate
[ 1.62109375, -1.576171875 ]
@user Maybe you havenโ€™t seen how well #MAGA is working on our economy. The turn around is restitching the fray in our social fabric and rekindling our civic spirit. These reforms are enlightening and educating the next generation in responsible civics. #WalkAway
[ 1.8623046875, -1.91796875 ]
#MAGA. @user @user -- something's fishy with Kavanaugh. He is not Supreme Court material -- morally insufficient.
[ 0.8671875, -0.86767578125 ]
@user @user @user they are bullshit stats. but say isn't london the murder capital of europe now? that gun control working right? germany having some SERIOUS crime problems. maybe u should take care of business at home be4 u start tweeting about the US
[ -1.4228515625, 1.3984375 ]
@user Go back to Alpha. Sara will report more today. Omega is coming. Truth. Trust the Plan. MAGA ... WE are the PLAN = Truth.
[ 1.853515625, -1.7568359375 ]