5 values
class label
3 classes
and not only that it it opens you to phone solicitations
( and ( ( not only ) ( that ( it ( it ( ( opens you ) ( to ( phone solicitations ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (CC and) (ADVP (ADVP (RB not) (RB only)) (SBAR (IN that) (FRAG (NP (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ opens) (NP (PRP you)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN phone) (NNS solicitations))))))))))))
It prevents you from having to contend with more marketing calls.
( It ( ( ( prevents you ) ( from ( having ( to ( contend ( with ( more ( marketing calls ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ prevents) (NP (PRP you)) (PP (IN from) (S (VP (VBG having) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB contend) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJR more) (NN marketing) (NNS calls)))))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.03515625, -2.142578125, -2.669921875 ]
If you are keen to learn Israeli folk dancing, the Bicurei Ha'etim Cellar in Heftman Street will teach you.
( ( If ( you ( are ( keen ( to ( learn ( Israeli ( folk dancing ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( ( the ( Bicurei ( Ha'etim Cellar ) ) ) ( in ( Heftman Street ) ) ) ( ( will ( teach you ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ keen) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB learn) (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN folk) (NN dancing))))))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Bicurei) (NNP Ha'etim) (NNP Cellar)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Heftman) (NNP Street)))) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB teach) (NP (PRP you)))) (. .)))
The Bicurei Ha'etim Cellar exclusively teaches traditional Russian dancing.
( ( The ( Bicurei ( Ha'etim Cellar ) ) ) ( exclusively ( ( teaches ( traditional ( Russian dancing ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Bicurei) (NNP Ha'etim) (NNP Cellar)) (ADVP (RB exclusively)) (VP (VBZ teaches) (NP (JJ traditional) (JJ Russian) (NN dancing))) (. .)))
[ 5.62109375, -2.015625, -3.33984375 ]
The number of steps built down into the interior means that it is unsuitable for the infirm or those with heart problems.
( ( ( The number ) ( of ( steps ( ( built down ) ( into ( the interior ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( means ( that ( it ( ( is ( unsuitable ( for ( ( ( the infirm ) or ) those ) ) ) ) ( with ( heart problems ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS steps)) (VP (VBN built) (PRT (RP down)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN interior))))))) (VP (VBZ means) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ unsuitable) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN infirm)) (CC or) (NP (DT those))))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN heart) (NNS problems))))))) (. .)))
There are a hundred steps leading into the interior.
( There ( ( are ( ( a ( hundred steps ) ) ( leading ( into ( the interior ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT a) (CD hundred) (NNS steps)) (VP (VBG leading) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN interior)))))) (. .)))
[ -1.9501953125, 4.6875, -2.052734375 ]
i think it's real good anyway it's it's been it was nice meeting you
( ( i ( think ( it ( 's ( real ( good ( anyway ( it ( 's ( it ( 's ( been it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( was nice ) meeting ) you ) )
(ROOT (SINV (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (RB real) (JJ good) (SBAR (S (ADVP (RB anyway)) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBN been) (NP (PRP it))))))))))))))) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ nice)) (NP (NN meeting))) (NP (PRP you))))
I don't wanna see you again
( I ( ( do n't ) ( wan ( na ( ( see you ) again ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB wan) (S (VP (TO na) (VP (VB see) (NP (PRP you)) (ADVP (RB again)))))))))
[ 3.625, -0.309326171875, -3.205078125 ]
The event is the definition of a crowd pleaser, replete with appearances by the Rockettes, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and Santa Claus (the act isn't entirely without bite; there's also a very funny moment involving a heart attack).
( ( The event ) ( ( is ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( the definition ) ( of ( a ( crowd pleaser ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( replete ( with appearances ) ) ( by ( the Rockettes ) ) ) ) , ) ( the ( Mormon ( Tabernacle Choir ) ) ) ) , ) and ) ( ( Santa Claus ) ( -LRB- ( ( ( the act ) ( ( ( is n't ) entirely ) ( without ( ( bite ; ) ( there ( ( 's also ) ( ( a ( ( very funny ) moment ) ) ( involving ( a ( heart attack ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN event)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN definition)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN crowd) (NN pleaser))) (, ,) (VP (ADJP (JJ replete) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNS appearances)))) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Rockettes)))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mormon) (NNP Tabernacle) (NNP Choir)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NP (NNP Santa) (NNP Claus)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (S (NP (DT the) (NN act)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB n't) (ADVP (RB entirely)) (PP (IN without) (NP (NP (NN bite)) (: ;) (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB also)) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ funny)) (NN moment)) (PP (VBG involving) (NP (DT a) (NN heart) (NN attack)))))))))) (-RRB- -RRB-))))) (. .)))
Expectations are low for the event on the back of Santa Claus's absence due to health concerns.
( Expectations ( ( ( are ( low ( for ( ( the event ) ( on ( ( the back ) ( of ( ( Santa ( Claus 's ) ) absence ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( due ( to ( health concerns ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Expectations)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (JJ low) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN event)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN back)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Santa) (NNP Claus) (POS 's)) (NN absence)))))))) (ADJP (JJ due) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN health) (NNS concerns))))) (. .)))
[ 5.5859375, -2.0078125, -3.25390625 ]
Both were run by editors (Paul Williams, Jann Wenner) who saw rock stars as modern poets and voices of their generation.
( Both ( ( were ( run ( by ( ( editors ( -LRB- ( ( ( ( Paul Williams ) , ) ( Jann Wenner ) ) -RRB- ) ) ) ( who ( ( saw ( rock stars ) ) ( as ( ( modern ( ( poets and ) voices ) ) ( of ( their generation ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT Both)) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN run) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NNS editors)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Paul) (NNP Williams)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Jann) (NNP Wenner)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD saw) (NP (NN rock) (NNS stars)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (JJ modern) (NNS poets) (CC and) (NNS voices)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN generation)))))))))))) (. .)))
The editors who run them had no respect for rock stars.
( ( ( The editors ) ( who ( run them ) ) ) ( ( had ( ( no respect ) ( for ( rock stars ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNS editors)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBP run) (NP (PRP them)))))) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (DT no) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN rock) (NNS stars))))) (. .)))
[ 2.056640625, -0.381591796875, -2.044921875 ]
Punditus Interruptus, The Final
( ( ( Punditus Interruptus ) , ) ( The Final ) )
(ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Punditus) (NNP Interruptus)) (, ,) (NP (DT The) (JJ Final))))
The Last Punditus Interruptus
( The ( Last ( Punditus Interruptus ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (NP (DT The) (JJ Last) (NNP Punditus) (NNP Interruptus))))
[ -2.50390625, -0.473876953125, 3.025390625 ]
Chennai, known until 1996 as Madras, is easy-going, pleasant, and remarkably uncrowded.
( ( ( ( Chennai , ) ( ( known ( until 1996 ) ) ( as Madras ) ) ) , ) ( ( is ( ( ( ( ( easy-going , ) pleasant ) , ) and ) ( remarkably uncrowded ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Chennai)) (, ,) (VP (VBN known) (PP (IN until) (NP (CD 1996))) (PP (IN as) (NP (NNP Madras)))) (, ,)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (ADJP (JJ easy-going)) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ pleasant)) (, ,) (CC and) (ADJP (RB remarkably) (JJ uncrowded)))) (. .)))
The city's designation as sacred ground deters any typically rowdy behavior.
( ( ( ( The ( city 's ) ) designation ) ( as ( sacred ground ) ) ) ( ( deters ( any ( ( typically rowdy ) behavior ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NP (DT The) (NN city) (POS 's)) (NN designation)) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ sacred) (NN ground)))) (VP (VBZ deters) (NP (DT any) (ADJP (RB typically) (JJ rowdy)) (NN behavior))) (. .)))
[ -2.3046875, 4.73828125, -1.435546875 ]
Justice Kennedy does not care what law librarians across the country do with all the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 through 1998.
( ( Justice Kennedy ) ( ( ( does not ) ( care ( what ( ( ( law librarians ) ( across ( the country ) ) ) ( ( ( do ( with ( all ( the ( Supreme ( Court Reporters ) ) ) ) ) ) ( from 1790 ) ) ( through 1998 ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Justice) (NNP Kennedy)) (VP (VBZ does) (RB not) (VP (VB care) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (NP (NN law) (NNS librarians)) (PP (IN across) (NP (DT the) (NN country)))) (VP (VBP do) (PP (IN with) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNP Supreme) (NNP Court) (NNP Reporters))) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD 1790))) (PP (IN through) (NP (CD 1998)))))))) (. .)))
Justice Kennedy doesn't think the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 to 1998 are important.
( ( Justice Kennedy ) ( ( ( does n't ) ( think ( ( ( the ( Supreme ( Court Reporters ) ) ) ( from ( 1790 ( to 1998 ) ) ) ) ( are important ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Justice) (NNP Kennedy)) (VP (VBZ does) (RB n't) (VP (VB think) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Supreme) (NNP Court) (NNP Reporters)) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD 1790) (TO to) (CD 1998)))) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ important))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.611328125, 0.8251953125, 2.048828125 ]
that's their signal
( that ( 's ( their signal ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN signal))))))
That isn't their signal.
( That ( ( ( is n't ) ( their signal ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT That)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB n't) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN signal))) (. .)))
[ 5.33203125, -2.048828125, -2.869140625 ]
To help identify solutions to this problem, Senators Fred Thompson and John Glenn, Chairman and Ranking Minority Member, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, requested that we study organizations with superior security programs to identify management practices that could benefit federal agencies.
( ( To ( help ( ( identify solutions ) ( to ( ( ( ( ( ( ( this problem ) , ) ( Senators ( Fred ( Thompson ( and ( John Glenn ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) Chairman ) and ) ( Ranking ( Minority Member ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( respectively ( , ( ( of ( ( the ( Senate Committee ) ) ( on ( Governmental Affairs ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( requested ( that ( we ( ( ( study organizations ) ( with ( superior ( security programs ) ) ) ) ( to ( identify ( ( management practices ) ( that ( could ( benefit ( federal agencies ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (TO To) (VP (VB help) (VP (VB identify) (NP (NNS solutions)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN problem)) (, ,) (NP (NNPS Senators) (NNP Fred) (NNP Thompson) (CC and) (NNP John) (NNP Glenn)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Chairman)) (CC and) (NP (NNP Ranking) (NNP Minority) (NNP Member)))))))) (, ,) (ADVP (RB respectively)) (, ,) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Senate) (NNP Committee)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Governmental) (NNPS Affairs))))) (, ,) (VP (VBD requested) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP study) (NP (NNS organizations)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ superior) (NN security) (NNS programs))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB identify) (NP (NP (NN management) (NNS practices)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD could) (VP (VB benefit) (NP (JJ federal) (NNS agencies)))))))))))))) (. .)))
There are no problems in the security of federal agencies.
( There ( ( are ( ( no problems ) ( in ( ( the security ) ( of ( federal agencies ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT no) (NNS problems)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN security)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ federal) (NNS agencies))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.10546875, -1.353515625, -3.423828125 ]
All these sites will automatically lead into George Dubbawya's Web site (www.georgewbush.com).
( ( All ( these sites ) ) ( ( ( will automatically ) ( lead ( into ( ( ( George ( Dubbawya 's ) ) ( Web site ) ) ( -LRB- ( www.georgewbush.com -RRB- ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PDT All) (DT these) (NNS sites)) (VP (MD will) (ADVP (RB automatically)) (VP (VB lead) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (NP (NNP George) (NNP Dubbawya) (POS 's)) (NNP Web) (NN site)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP www.georgewbush.com)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))) (. .)))
These sites have nothing to do with George W. Bush's website.
( ( These sites ) ( ( ( have nothing ) ( to ( do ( with ( ( George ( W. ( Bush 's ) ) ) website ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT These) (NNS sites)) (VP (VBP have) (ADVP (NN nothing)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB do) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP George) (NNP W.) (NNP Bush) (POS 's)) (NN website))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.578125, -2.076171875, -3.171875 ]
Other villages are much less developed, and therein lies the essence of many delights.
( ( Other villages ) ( ( ( ( ( are ( much ( less developed ) ) ) , ) and ) ( therein ( lies ( ( the essence ) ( of ( many delights ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Other) (NNS villages)) (VP (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB much) (RBR less) (JJ developed))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB therein)) (VBZ lies) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN essence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ many) (NNS delights)))))) (. .)))
The other villages are greatly developed.
( ( The ( other villages ) ) ( ( ( are greatly ) developed ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ other) (NNS villages)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB greatly)) (VP (VBN developed))) (. .)))
[ 4.15625, -1.4892578125, -2.5625 ]
He touched it and felt his skin swelling and growing hot.
( He ( ( ( ( touched it ) and ) ( ( felt ( his skin ) ) ( ( ( swelling and ) growing ) hot ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VP (VBD touched) (NP (PRP it))) (CC and) (VP (VBD felt) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN skin)) (S (VP (VBG swelling) (CC and) (VBG growing) (NP (JJ hot)))))) (. .)))
His skin was burning.
( ( His skin ) ( ( was burning ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ His) (NN skin)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG burning))) (. .)))
[ -3.484375, 0.92578125, 2.978515625 ]
and they have a bar also which is always crowded as can be but it's it's an specially fine restaurant and when you consider they take no plastic or checks
( and ( they ( have ( ( ( a bar ) also ) ( which ( ( is always ) ( crowded ( as ( can ( be ( but ( it ( 's ( ( ( it ( 's ( an ( ( specially fine ) restaurant ) ) ) ) and ) ( when ( you ( consider ( they ( take ( ( ( no plastic ) or ) checks ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (PRN (CC and) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN bar)) (ADVP (RB also)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB always)) (ADJP (VBN crowded) (SBAR (IN as) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (SBAR (CC but) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (SBAR (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (DT an) (ADJP (RB specially) (JJ fine)) (NN restaurant))))) (CC and) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP consider) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VB take) (NP (NP (DT no) (NN plastic)) (CC or) (NP (NNS checks)))))))))))))))))))))))))
They have a bar, which is always packed.
( They ( ( have ( ( ( a bar ) , ) ( which ( ( is always ) packed ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN bar)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB always)) (VP (VBN packed))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.421875, -1.41796875, 3.919921875 ]
If the difference between these two prices is large enough, the mailer could hire a trucking firm, as discussed above.
( ( If ( ( ( the difference ) ( between ( these ( two prices ) ) ) ) ( is ( large enough ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( the mailer ) ( ( could ( ( ( hire ( a ( trucking firm ) ) ) , ) ( as ( discussed above ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN difference)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT these) (CD two) (NNS prices)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ large) (RB enough))))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN mailer)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB hire) (NP (DT a) (NN trucking) (NN firm)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN as) (S (VP (VBN discussed) (PP (IN above))))))) (. .)))
It is very easy for the mailer to hire a trucking firm.
( It ( ( ( is ( very ( easy ( for ( the mailer ) ) ) ) ) ( to ( hire ( a ( trucking firm ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ easy) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN mailer)))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hire) (NP (DT a) (NN trucking) (NN firm)))))) (. .)))
[ -0.294677734375, 3.390625, -2.26953125 ]
The Implementation of National and European Legislation Concerning Air Emissions from Large Combustion Plants in Germany
( ( ( The Implementation ) ( of ( National ( and ( European Legislation ) ) ) ) ) ( Concerning ( ( Air Emissions ) ( from ( ( Large ( Combustion Plants ) ) ( in Germany ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Implementation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP National) (CC and) (NNP European) (NNP Legislation)))) (PP (VBG Concerning) (NP (NP (NNP Air) (NNP Emissions)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (JJ Large) (NNP Combustion) (NNPS Plants)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Germany)))))))))
European legislation does not address German air emissions.
( ( European legislation ) ( ( ( does not ) ( address ( German ( air emissions ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ European) (NN legislation)) (VP (VBZ does) (RB not) (VP (VB address) (NP (JJ German) (NN air) (NNS emissions)))) (. .)))
[ 5.5703125, -2.0546875, -3.205078125 ]
Then it occurred to me that the criminal standard was a low one.
( Then ( it ( ( ( occurred ( to me ) ) ( that ( ( the ( criminal standard ) ) ( was ( a ( low one ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (RB Then) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD occurred) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP me))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ criminal) (NN standard)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (DT a) (JJ low) (NN one)))))) (. .)))
I then realized that criminals have small ideals, and only care about themselves and others like them.
( ( ( ( ( I ( then ( realized ( that ( criminals ( have ( small ideals ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) and ) ( ( ( only care ) ( about ( ( themselves and ) others ) ) ) ( like them ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP I)) (ADVP (RB then)) (VP (VBD realized) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNS criminals)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (JJ small) (NNS ideals))))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (NP (JJ only) (NN care)) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP themselves) (CC and) (NNS others)))) (VP (VBP like) (NP (PRP them)))) (. .)))
[ -2.77734375, 4.45703125, -0.43212890625 ]
and i look back on that and i bought shoes i went shopping i did not need that money i did not need it i didn't need it i shouldn't have even qualified to get it i didn't need it and it would have been a little rough i might have eaten some bologna instead of roast beef out of the deli but i did not need it and as i look back now now we're paying that back i told my son if you have to live in the ghetto to go to college do it but don't take out ten thousand dollars in loans don't do it and i don't i hope don't think he'll have to do that but i just so like we might if we didn't have those loans we could have saved in the last five years the money for that and i believe we would have because God's really put it in our heart not to get in debt you know but we have friends at church that do this on a constant basis that are totally debt free and they pay cash for everything they buy
( and ( i ( ( ( look back ) ( on ( ( that and ) i ) ) ) ( bought ( ( ( shoes ( i ( went ( ( shopping i ) ( ( did not ) ( need ( ( ( that ( ( money i ) ( ( did not ) ( need ( ( ( ( ( it ( i ( ( did n't ) ( need it ) ) ) ) ( i ( ( should n't ) ( have ( even ( qualified ( to ( get it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( i ( ( did n't ) ( need it ) ) ) and ) ( it ( would ( have ( ( been ( ( a little ) rough ) ) ( i ( might ( have ( eaten ( ( some bologna ) ( instead ( of ( ( roast beef ) ( out ( of ( the deli ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) but ) ( i ( ( did not ) ( need it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( as ( i ( ( ( look back ) now ) now ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( we ( 're ( paying ( that ( ( ( back ( i ( told ( ( ( my son ) ( if ( you ( have ( to ( live ( in ( the ( ghetto ( to ( go ( to college ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( do it ) but ) ( ( do n't ) ( ( ( take out ) ( ( ten thousand ) dollars ) ) ( in ( loans ( ( do n't ) ( do it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( i ( ( do n't ) ( i hope ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( do n't ) ( think ( he ( 'll ( have ( to ( do ( that ( ( ( but ( i ( ( just so ) ( like ( ( ( ( ( we ( might ( if ( we ( ( did n't ) ( have ( ( those loans ) ( we ( could ( have ( saved ( in ( the ( last ( five years ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( the money ) ( for ( ( that and ) i ) ) ) ( believe ( we ( would ( have ( because ( ( God 's ) ( really ( ( ( put it ) ( in ( our heart ) ) ) ( not ( to ( get ( in debt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( you know ) ) but ) ( we ( have ( ( friends ( at church ) ) ( that ( do ( this ( on ( ( a ( constant basis ) ) ( that ( ( ( are totally ) debt ) free ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( they ( pay ( ( cash ( for everything ) ) ( they buy ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (CC and) (NP (NP (FW i)) (SBAR (S (S (VP (VB look) (PRT (RP back)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT that)) (CC and) (NP (FW i)))))) (VP (VBD bought) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NNS shoes)) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBD went) (SBAR (S (NP (NN shopping) (NNS i)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB need) (SBAR (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NN money) (NNS i)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB need) (S (S (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB i)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (VP (VB need) (NP (PRP it))))) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (MD should) (RB n't) (VP (VB have) (ADJP (RB even) (VBN qualified) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (NP (PRP it))))))))) (S (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (VP (VB need) (NP (PRP it))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN been) (ADJP (NP (DT a) (RB little)) (JJ rough)) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (MD might) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN eaten) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN bologna)) (PP (RB instead) (IN of) (NP (NP (NN roast) (NN beef)) (PP (RB out) (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS deli)))))))))))))))) (CC but) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB need) (NP (PRP it)))))))))) (CC and) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP look) (PRT (RP back)) (ADVP (RB now)) (ADVP (RB now))))))))))))) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG paying) (SBAR (IN that) (S (S (ADVP (RB back)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBD told) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN son)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB live) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN ghetto) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN college))))))))))))))) (VP (VP (VBP do) (NP (PRP it))) (CC but) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB take) (PRT (RP out)) (NP (QP (CD ten) (CD thousand)) (NNS dollars)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS loans)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB do) (NP (PRP it))))))))))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB i) (NP (NN hope)))))))))))) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB do) (SBAR (IN that) (S (S (CC but) (NP (FW i)) (ADVP (RB just) (RB so)) (VP (VBP like) (S (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (NN might) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (VP (VB have) (NP (NP (DT those) (NNS loans)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN saved) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJ last) (CD five) (NNS years))))))))))))))) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN money)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT that)) (CC and) (NP (FW i))))) (VP (VBP believe) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB have) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (NNP God) (POS 's)) (ADVP (RB really)) (VP (VBD put) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN heart))) (S (RB not) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN debt))))))))))))))) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know))) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS friends)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NN church))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP do) (NP (NP (DT this)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ constant) (NN basis)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB totally)) (NP (NN debt)) (ADVP (JJ free))))))))))))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP pay) (NP (NP (NN cash)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN everything))) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP buy))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I am envious of all my debt-free churchgoing friends.
( I ( ( am ( envious ( of ( all ( my ( ( debt-free churchgoing ) friends ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP am) (NP (NP (NNS envious)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT all) (PRP$ my) (ADJP (JJ debt-free) (JJ churchgoing)) (NNS friends))))) (. .)))
[ -1.5087890625, 3.96484375, -1.3671875 ]
A proserous tourist district, it is full of shopping centers and department stores, along with a number of good restaurants.
( ( A ( proserous ( tourist district ) ) ) ( , ( it ( ( is ( full ( of ( ( ( shopping centers ) and ) ( ( ( department stores ) , ) ( along ( with ( ( a number ) ( of ( good restaurants ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NNS proserous) (NN tourist) (NN district)) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ full) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (VBG shopping) (NNS centers)) (CC and) (NP (NP (NN department) (NNS stores)) (, ,) (ADVP (IN along) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ good) (NNS restaurants))))))))))) (. .)))
The rich tourist district has only gardens and no shops.
( ( The ( rich ( tourist district ) ) ) ( ( has ( ( ( only gardens ) and ) ( no shops ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ rich) (NN tourist) (NN district)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (JJ only) (NNS gardens)) (CC and) (NP (DT no) (NNS shops)))) (. .)))
[ 5.68359375, -2.3828125, -3.078125 ]
Not quite as large is the Papal Crose commemorating Pope John Paul II's visit in 1979, when more than one million people gathered to celebrate mass.
( ( ( Not quite ) ( as large ) ) ( ( ( is ( the ( Papal Crose ) ) ) ( commemorating ( ( ( ( ( Pope ( John ( Paul ( II 's ) ) ) ) visit ) ( in 1979 ) ) , ) ( when ( ( ( more ( ( than one ) million ) ) people ) ( gathered ( to ( celebrate mass ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (SINV (ADVP (ADVP (RB Not) (RB quite)) (PP (IN as) (ADJP (JJ large)))) (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Papal) (NNP Crose)) (VP (VBG commemorating) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Pope) (NNP John) (NNP Paul) (NNP II) (POS 's)) (NN visit)) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1979))) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (QP (JJR more) (IN than) (CD one) (CD million)) (NNS people)) (VP (VBD gathered) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB celebrate) (NP (NN mass)))))))))) (. .)))
More than a million people gathered to celebrate mass when Pope John Paul II visited in 1979.
( ( ( More ( ( than a ) million ) ) people ) ( ( gathered ( to ( ( celebrate mass ) ( when ( ( Pope ( John ( Paul II ) ) ) ( visited ( in 1979 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (QP (JJR More) (IN than) (DT a) (CD million)) (NNS people)) (VP (VBD gathered) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB celebrate) (NP (NN mass)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (NNP Pope) (NNP John) (NNP Paul) (NNP II)) (VP (VBD visited) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1979)))))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.97265625, -1.6337890625, 3.5859375 ]
The arched gateway leads to a large swimming pool and the ruins of a Roman and Byzantine baths complex.
( ( The ( arched gateway ) ) ( ( leads ( to ( ( ( a ( large ( swimming pool ) ) ) and ) ( ( the ruins ) ( of ( a ( Roman ( and ( Byzantine ( baths complex ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ arched) (NN gateway)) (VP (VBZ leads) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ large) (VBG swimming) (NN pool)) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS ruins)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ Roman) (CC and) (JJ Byzantine) (NNS baths) (NN complex))))))) (. .)))
There aren't any swimming pools past the arched gateway.
( There ( ( ( are n't ) ( ( any ( swimming pools ) ) ( past ( the ( arched gateway ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (RB n't) (NP (NP (DT any) (VBG swimming) (NNS pools)) (PP (IN past) (NP (DT the) (JJ arched) (NN gateway))))) (. .)))
[ 5.23046875, -1.697265625, -3.166015625 ]
Among the sights in Beziers are the ancient Eglise Saint Jacques and Eglise Sainte Madeleine, the 19th-century Halles (covered market), and the massive Cathedrale Saint-Nazaire, from which there is a good view over the river valley.
( ( Among ( ( the sights ) ( in Beziers ) ) ) ( ( are ( ( ( the ( ancient ( Eglise ( Saint ( Jacques ( and ( Eglise ( Sainte Madeleine ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( ( ( ( the ( 19th-century Halles ) ) ( -LRB- ( ( covered market ) -RRB- ) ) ) , ) and ) ( ( ( the ( massive ( Cathedrale Saint-Nazaire ) ) ) , ) ( ( from which ) ( there ( is ( ( a ( good view ) ) ( over ( the ( river valley ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (SINV (PP (IN Among) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS sights)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Beziers))))) (VP (VBP are)) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ ancient) (NNP Eglise) (NNP Saint) (NNP Jacques) (CC and) (NNP Eglise) (NNP Sainte) (NNP Madeleine)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ 19th-century) (NNS Halles)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (VP (VBN covered) (NP (NN market))) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ massive) (NNP Cathedrale) (NN Saint-Nazaire)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHPP (IN from) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ good) (NN view)) (PP (IN over) (NP (DT the) (NN river) (NN valley)))))))))) (. .)))
Beziers has thousands of visitors from other countries every year.
( Beziers ( ( has ( thousands ( of ( visitors ( from ( ( other countries ) ( every year ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Beziers)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (NNS thousands)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS visitors)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (JJ other) (NNS countries)) (NP (DT every) (NN year)))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.875, 4.66796875, -2.107421875 ]
Though the two cities remained unlinked by rail, this was about to change quickly.
( ( Though ( ( the ( two cities ) ) ( ( remained unlinked ) ( by rail ) ) ) ) ( , ( this ( ( was ( about ( to ( change quickly ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Though) (S (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS cities)) (VP (VBD remained) (ADJP (JJ unlinked)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN rail)))))) (, ,) (NP (DT this)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (IN about) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB change) (ADVP (RB quickly))))))) (. .)))
The two cities did not have a railway between them.
( ( The ( two cities ) ) ( ( ( did not ) ( have ( ( a railway ) ( between them ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (CD two) (NNS cities)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN railway)) (PP (IN between) (NP (PRP them)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.267578125, -1.4189453125, 3.666015625 ]
Indeed, the Democratic counteroffensive has already begun.
( Indeed ( , ( ( the ( Democratic counteroffensive ) ) ( ( ( has already ) begun ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Indeed)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (JJ Democratic) (NN counteroffensive)) (VP (VBZ has) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP (VBN begun))) (. .)))
There was a previous offensive move made..
( There ( ( ( was ( ( a ( previous ( offensive move ) ) ) made ) ) . ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ previous) (JJ offensive) (NN move)) (VP (VBN made)))) (. .) (. .)))
[ -1.4931640625, 0.78173828125, 0.9521484375 ]
Upriver, east of Blois, in a huge densely wooded park surrounded by 31 km (20 miles) of high walls, the brilliant white Ceteau de Cham?­?­bord is the most extravagant of all the royal residences in the Loire Valley.
( ( ( ( ( Upriver , ) ( east ( of Blois ) ) ) , ) ( in ( ( a ( huge ( ( densely wooded ) park ) ) ) ( surrounded ( by ( ( 31 ( km ( -LRB- ( ( 20 miles ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ( of ( ( ( high walls ) , ) ( the ( brilliant ( white ( Ceteau ( de Cham??bord ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( is ( ( the ( most extravagant ) ) ( of ( ( all ( the ( royal residences ) ) ) ( in ( the ( Loire Valley ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NP (NNP Upriver)) (, ,) (ADVP (JJ east) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Blois)))) (, ,)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ huge) (ADJP (RB densely) (JJ wooded)) (NN park)) (VP (VBN surrounded) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (CD 31) (NN km) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 20) (NNS miles)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ high) (NNS walls)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (JJ brilliant) (JJ white) (NNP Ceteau) (FW de) (NNP Cham??bord)))))))))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (RBS most) (JJ extravagant)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (JJ royal) (NNS residences)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP Loire) (NNP Valley))))))) (. .)))
Ceteau de Chambord is located in a wooded park.
( ( Ceteau ( de Chambord ) ) ( ( is ( located ( in ( a ( wooded park ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Ceteau) (FW de) (NNP Chambord)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN located) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (JJ wooded) (NN park))))) (. .)))
[ -2.125, -1.5361328125, 3.669921875 ]
Finally, the Administration strongly opposes including reductions for CO2 in S. 556 or any multi-pollutant bill.
( Finally ( , ( ( the Administration ) ( strongly ( ( opposes ( including ( reductions ( for ( CO2 ( in ( ( ( S. 556 ) or ) ( any ( multi-pollutant bill ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Finally)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Administration)) (ADVP (RB strongly)) (VP (VBZ opposes) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NP (NNS reductions)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNP CO2)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP S.) (CD 556)) (CC or) (NP (DT any) (JJ multi-pollutant) (NN bill))))))))) (. .)))
Any multi-pollutant bill is opposed by the Administration, that means people will be happy about that.
( ( Any ( multi-pollutant bill ) ) ( ( is ( opposed ( by ( ( ( the Administration ) , ) ( that ( means ( people ( will ( be ( happy ( about that ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT Any) (JJ multi-pollutant) (NN bill)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN opposed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Administration)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ means) (SBAR (S (NP (NNS people)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ happy) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT that))))))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.435546875, 4.66796875, -2.435546875 ]
We are concerned that the significant emissions reductions are required too quickly.
( We ( ( are ( concerned ( that ( ( the ( significant ( emissions reductions ) ) ) ( are ( required ( too quickly ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (VBN concerned) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ significant) (NNS emissions) (NNS reductions)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN required) (ADVP (RB too) (RB quickly)))))))) (. .)))
We are completely unconcerned about emissions.
( We ( ( are ( completely ( unconcerned ( about emissions ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB completely) (JJ unconcerned) (PP (IN about) (NP (NNS emissions))))) (. .)))
[ 5.6796875, -2.30078125, -3.130859375 ]
yeah uh-huh oh yeah petting zoos and things
( yeah ( ( uh-huh ( oh yeah ) ) ( petting ( ( zoos and ) things ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (NP (NP (JJ uh-huh) (JJ oh) (NN yeah)) (VP (VBG petting) (NP (NNS zoos) (CC and) (NNS things)))))))
Petting zoos and things related.
( ( Petting ( ( zoos and ) things ) ) ( related . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Petting) (NNS zoos) (CC and) (NNS things)) (VP (VBD related)) (. .)))
[ -3.189453125, -0.26953125, 3.662109375 ]
Local residents will tell you where to find them.
( ( Local residents ) ( ( will ( ( tell you ) ( where ( to ( find them ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Local) (NNS residents)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB tell) (NP (PRP you)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB find) (NP (PRP them)))))))) (. .)))
You can ask local residents where to find them.
( You ( ( can ( ( ask ( local residents ) ) ( where ( to ( find them ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB ask) (NP (JJ local) (NNS residents)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB find) (NP (PRP them)))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.76953125, -0.9208984375, 3.787109375 ]
paid back down it uh
( ( ( paid ( back down ) ) it ) uh )
(ROOT (SINV (VP (VBD paid) (ADVP (RB back) (RB down)) (NP (PRP it))) (NP (VB uh))))
The debt was left to accumulate.
( ( The debt ) ( ( was ( left ( to accumulate ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN debt)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN left) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP accumulate))))) (. .)))
[ 5.34765625, -2.025390625, -2.92578125 ]
Indiana Legal Services (ILS) Executive Director Norman Metzger and Colleen Cotter, Director of the ILS Indiana Justice Center, were marvelous hosts.
( ( ( Indiana ( Legal ( Services ( ( -LRB- ( ILS -RRB- ) ) Executive ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( Director ( Norman ( Metzger ( and ( Colleen Cotter ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( Director ( of ( the ( ILS ( Indiana ( Justice Center ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( were marvelous ) ) ) ( hosts . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Indiana) (NNP Legal) (NNPS Services) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP ILS)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (NNP Executive)) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NNP Director) (NNP Norman) (NNP Metzger) (CC and) (NNP Colleen) (NNP Cotter)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP Director)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP ILS) (NNP Indiana) (NNP Justice) (NNP Center)))) (, ,)) (VP (VBD were) (ADJP (JJ marvelous)))))) (VP (VBZ hosts)) (. .)))
Norman and Colleen were terrible hosts of the party.
( ( ( Norman and ) Colleen ) ( ( were ( ( terrible hosts ) ( of ( the party ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Norman) (CC and) (NNP Colleen)) (VP (VBD were) (NP (NP (JJ terrible) (NNS hosts)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN party))))) (. .)))
[ 5.09375, -1.7421875, -3.0078125 ]
The sacred is not mysterious to her.
( ( The sacred ) ( ( ( is not ) ( mysterious ( to her ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ sacred)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB not) (ADJP (JJ mysterious) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP her))))) (. .)))
The woman is very religious.
( ( The woman ) ( ( is ( very religious ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN woman)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ religious))) (. .)))
[ -1.8173828125, 4.19921875, -1.2958984375 ]
I should put it this way.
( I ( ( should ( put ( it ( this way ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB put) (S (NP (PRP it)) (NP (DT this) (NN way))))) (. .)))
I should explain the battle to you.
( I ( ( should ( ( explain ( the battle ) ) ( to you ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB explain) (NP (DT the) (NN battle)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP you))))) (. .)))
[ -2.384765625, 4.86328125, -1.41015625 ]
yeah they uh they the voters voted one way and it and then uh some federal judge said no that was unconstitutional and they have had two or three votes and the city council is divided over what the district should be because they divide it one way and the minorities say we're losing representation representation and uh it it's just a big battle
( yeah ( they ( ( ( ( uh they ) ( ( ( ( ( the voters ) ( voted ( ( ( one way ) and ) it ) ) ) and ) then ) ( uh ( ( some ( federal judge ) ) ( said ( ( ( ( no that ) ( was unconstitutional ) ) and ) ( ( ( they ( have ( had ( ( two or ) ( three votes ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( the ( city council ) ) ( is ( divided ( over ( what ( ( the district ) ( should ( be ( because ( ( ( they ( divide ( it ( one way ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( the minorities ) ( say ( we ( 're ( losing ( representation representation ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( uh it ) ( it ( ( 's just ) ( a ( big battle ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VB uh) (NP (PRP they)) (SBAR (S (S (NP (DT the) (NNS voters)) (VP (VBD voted) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN way)) (CC and) (NP (PRP it))))) (CC and) (ADVP (RB then)) (S (INTJ (UH uh)) (NP (DT some) (JJ federal) (NN judge)) (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (S (S (NP (RB no) (WDT that)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ unconstitutional)))) (CC and) (S (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN had) (NP (NP (CD two)) (CC or) (NP (CD three) (NNS votes)))))) (CC and) (S (NP (DT the) (NN city) (NN council)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (VBN divided) (PP (IN over) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (DT the) (NN district)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (SBAR (IN because) (S (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP divide) (S (NP (PRP it)) (NP (CD one) (NN way))))) (CC and) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS minorities)) (VP (VBP say) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG losing) (NP (NN representation) (NN representation)))))))))))))))))))))))))) (CC and) (VP (VB uh) (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB just)) (NP (DT a) (JJ big) (NN battle))))))))))
the federal judge overruled the vote of the people on the ground that it was unconstitutional
( ( the ( federal judge ) ) ( ( overruled ( ( the vote ) ( of ( ( the people ) ( on ( the ground ) ) ) ) ) ) ( that ( it ( was unconstitutional ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT the) (JJ federal) (NN judge)) (VP (VBD overruled) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN vote)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS people)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN ground)))))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ unconstitutional))))))))
[ -3.265625, 0.64013671875, 2.8515625 ]
yeah and every once in a while they'll have dressing but uh whoever makes it uh goes crazy with the sage
( ( ( yeah and ) ( every ( ( ( once ( in a ) ) ( while ( they ( 'll ( have ( ( ( dressing but ) uh ) ( whoever ( makes it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) uh ) ) ) ( goes ( crazy ( with ( the sage ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NN yeah)) (CC and) (NP (DT every) (ADVP (ADVP (RB once) (IN in) (DT a)) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB have) (NP (NP (NNP dressing) (CC but) (NNP uh)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP whoever)) (S (VP (VBZ makes) (NP (PRP it))))))))))) (NN uh))) (VP (VBZ goes) (ADJP (JJ crazy) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN sage)))))))
Sometimes they have dressing but they use too much sage and salt.
( Sometimes ( they ( ( have ( dressing ( but ( they ( use ( ( too much ) ( ( sage and ) salt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Sometimes)) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP have) (S (VP (VBG dressing) (SBAR (CC but) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP use) (NP (ADJP (RB too) (JJ much)) (NN sage) (CC and) (NN salt)))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.970703125, 4.30078125, -0.1251220703125 ]
It is at the moment of maximum audience susceptibility that we hear, for the first time, that the woman was fired not because of her gender but because of her sexual preference.
( It ( ( ( is ( at ( ( the moment ) ( of ( maximum ( audience susceptibility ) ) ) ) ) ) ( that ( we ( ( ( ( hear , ) ( for ( the ( first time ) ) ) ) , ) ( that ( ( the woman ) ( was ( fired ( not ( ( ( because ( of ( her gender ) ) ) but ) ( because ( of ( her ( sexual preference ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN moment)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ maximum) (NN audience) (NN susceptibility))))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP hear) (, ,) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (NN time))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NN woman)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN fired) (PP (RB not) (PP (RB because) (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN gender))) (CC but) (PP (RB because) (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ sexual) (NN preference)))))))))))) (. .)))
We heard right then that the woman was actually fired for her sexual preferences.
( We ( ( ( heard ( right then ) ) ( that ( ( the woman ) ( ( was actually ) ( fired ( for ( her ( sexual preferences ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBD heard) (ADVP (RB right) (RB then)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NN woman)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB actually)) (VP (VBN fired) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ sexual) (NNS preferences)))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.0546875, -0.494384765625, 3.673828125 ]
'Of course.'
( ` ( ( ( Of course ) . ) ' ) )
(ROOT (S (`` `) (VP (VB Of) (NP (NN course))) (. .) ('' ')))
Of course not.
( ( Of ( course not ) ) . )
(ROOT (FRAG (PP (IN Of) (NP (NN course) (RB not))) (. .)))
[ 5.30859375, -2.146484375, -2.767578125 ]
The importer pays duties that are required by law
( ( The importer ) ( pays ( duties ( that ( are ( required ( by law ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN importer)) (VP (VBZ pays) (NP (NP (NNS duties)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN required) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN law)))))))))))
The importer never pays taxes
( ( The importer ) ( never ( pays taxes ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN importer)) (VP (ADVP (RB never)) (VBZ pays) (NP (NNS taxes)))))
[ 5.48046875, -1.89453125, -3.212890625 ]
Look here, you've no business to come asking for me in this way.
( ( Look here ) ( , ( you ( ( 've ( no ( business ( to ( come ( ( asking ( for me ) ) ( in ( this way ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (VB Look) (ADVP (RB here)))) (, ,) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP 've) (NP (DT no) (NN business) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB come) (S (VP (VBG asking) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP me))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN way)))))))))) (. .)))
There's no reason for you to be asking for me like this.
( There ( ( 's ( ( ( no reason ) ( for you ) ) ( to ( be ( ( asking ( for me ) ) ( like this ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (DT no) (NN reason)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP you))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBG asking) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP me))) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT this))))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.318359375, -1.5048828125, 3.8828125 ]
yeah i know because uh all i know is that when i came here in eighty seven they still had uh it was the last year to to put all your punch cards in
( yeah ( i ( know ( because ( uh ( ( all i ) ( know ( is ( that ( ( when ( i ( ( came here ) ( in ( eighty seven ) ) ) ) ) ( they ( still ( had ( uh ( it ( was ( the ( last ( year ( to ( to ( ( put ( all ( your ( punch cards ) ) ) ) in ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (IN because) (S (INTJ (UH uh)) (NP (DT all) (FW i)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (S (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (IN that) (S (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBD came) (ADVP (RB here)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ eighty) (CD seven)))))) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (ADVP (RB still)) (VBD had) (S (VP (VBG uh) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (DT the) (JJ last) (NN year) (S (VP (TO to) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB put) (NP (PDT all) (PRP$ your) (NN punch) (NNS cards)) (PP (IN in))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
You don't have to use punch cards anymore.
( You ( ( ( do n't ) ( have ( to ( ( use ( punch cards ) ) anymore ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB use) (NP (NN punch) (NNS cards)) (ADVP (RB anymore))))))) (. .)))
[ -0.040069580078125, 1.8232421875, -1.4609375 ]
We need to be sure of our going." But Tuppence, for once, seemed tongue-tied.
( ( ( ( We ( ( ( need ( to ( be ( sure ( of ( our going ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) '' ) ) But ) ( Tuppence ( , ( ( for once ) ( , ( seemed tongue-tied ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBP need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ sure) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN going)))))))) (. .) ('' '')) (CC But) (S (NP (NNP Tuppence)) (, ,) (PP (IN for) (NP (RB once))) (, ,) (VP (VBD seemed) (ADJP (JJ tongue-tied)))) (. .)))
Tuppence couldn't speak.
( Tuppence ( ( ( could n't ) speak ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Tuppence)) (VP (MD could) (RB n't) (VP (VB speak))) (. .)))
[ -3.330078125, 0.02947998046875, 3.515625 ]
For their part, family-planning organizations and the Clinton administration seem equally adamant.
( ( For ( their part ) ) ( , ( ( ( ( family-planning organizations ) and ) ( the ( Clinton administration ) ) ) ( ( seem ( equally adamant ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN For) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN part))) (, ,) (NP (NP (JJ family-planning) (NNS organizations)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NNP Clinton) (NN administration))) (VP (VBP seem) (ADJP (RB equally) (JJ adamant))) (. .)))
Family-planning organizations and Pence don't get along.
( ( ( ( Family-planning organizations ) and ) Pence ) ( ( ( do n't ) ( get along ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (JJ Family-planning) (NNS organizations)) (CC and) (NP (NNP Pence))) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB get) (PRT (RP along)))) (. .)))
[ 1.4287109375, 1.267578125, -2.728515625 ]
If the data from a series of tests performed with the same toxicant, toxicant concentrations, and test species, were analyzed with hypothesis tests, precision could only be assessed by a qualitative comparison of the NOEC-LOEC intervals, with the understanding that maximum precision would be attained if all tests yielded the same NOEC-LOEC interval.
( ( If ( ( ( the data ) ( from ( ( a series ) ( of ( tests ( performed ( with ( ( ( ( ( ( ( the ( same toxicant ) ) , ) ( toxicant concentrations ) ) , ) and ) ( test species ) ) , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( were ( analyzed ( with ( hypothesis tests ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( precision ( ( ( could only ) ( be ( ( ( assessed ( by ( ( a ( qualitative comparison ) ) ( of ( the ( NOEC-LOEC intervals ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( with ( ( the understanding ) ( that ( ( maximum precision ) ( would ( be ( attained ( if ( ( all tests ) ( yielded ( the ( same ( NOEC-LOEC interval ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS data)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN series)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS tests)) (VP (VBN performed) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ same) (NN toxicant)) (, ,) (NP (JJ toxicant) (NNS concentrations)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NN test) (NNS species)) (, ,))))))))) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN analyzed) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ hypothesis) (NNS tests))))))) (, ,) (NP (NN precision)) (VP (MD could) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN assessed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ qualitative) (NN comparison)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ NOEC-LOEC) (NNS intervals))))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN understanding)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (JJ maximum) (NN precision)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN attained) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (DT all) (NNS tests)) (VP (VBD yielded) (NP (DT the) (JJ same) (JJ NOEC-LOEC) (NN interval))))))))))))))) (. .)))
They did not have enough resources to run more than one test.
( They ( ( ( did not ) ( have ( ( enough resources ) ( to ( run ( ( more ( than one ) ) test ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB have) (S (NP (JJ enough) (NNS resources)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB run) (NP (QP (JJR more) (IN than) (CD one)) (NN test))))))) (. .)))
[ 1.5478515625, 2.3828125, -3.58984375 ]
Until all members of our society are afforded that access, this promise of our government will continue to be unfulfilled.
( ( Until ( ( ( all members ) ( of ( our society ) ) ) ( are ( afforded ( that access ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( ( this promise ) ( of ( our government ) ) ) ( ( will ( continue ( to ( be unfulfilled ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Until) (S (NP (NP (DT all) (NNS members)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN society)))) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN afforded) (NP (DT that) (NN access)))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN promise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN government)))) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB continue) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ unfulfilled))))))) (. .)))
The promise of our government won't be fulfilled until all of society can afford access.
( ( ( The promise ) ( of ( our government ) ) ) ( ( ( wo n't ) ( be ( fulfilled ( until ( ( all ( of society ) ) ( can ( afford access ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN promise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN government)))) (VP (MD wo) (RB n't) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fulfilled) (SBAR (IN until) (S (NP (NP (DT all)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN society)))) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB afford) (NP (NN access))))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.90234375, -0.326416015625, 3.328125 ]
Troyes is also a center for shopping, with two outlet centers selling both French and international designer-name fashions and home accessories.
( Troyes ( ( ( ( ( is also ) ( ( a center ) ( for shopping ) ) ) , ) ( with ( ( two ( outlet centers ) ) ( selling ( both ( French ( and ( international ( designer-name ( fashions ( and ( home accessories ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Troyes)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB also)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN center)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN shopping)))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (CD two) (NN outlet) (NNS centers)) (VP (VBG selling) (NP (DT both) (JJ French) (CC and) (JJ international) (JJ designer-name) (NNS fashions) (CC and) (NN home) (NNS accessories)))))) (. .)))
There are three outlet centers in Troyes, all of which sell only French fashions.
( There ( ( are ( ( three ( outlet centers ) ) ( in ( ( Troyes , ) ( ( all ( of which ) ) ( sell ( only ( French fashions ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (CD three) (NN outlet) (NNS centers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Troyes)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (DT all) (WHPP (IN of) (WHNP (WDT which)))) (S (VP (VBP sell) (NP (RB only) (JJ French) (NNS fashions))))))))) (. .)))
[ 3.119140625, -1.0146484375, -2.35546875 ]
The end is near! Then a shout went up, and Hanson jerked his eyes from the gears to focus on a group of rocs that were landing at the far end of the camp.
( ( The end ) ( ( ( is ( ( near ! ) Then ) ) ( ( ( ( ( a shout ) ( went up ) ) , ) and ) ( Hanson ( ( ( jerked ( his eyes ) ) ( from ( the gears ) ) ) ( to ( focus ( on ( ( a group ) ( of ( rocs ( that ( were ( landing ( at ( ( the ( far end ) ) ( of ( the camp ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN end)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (ADJP (JJ near) (. !)) (ADVP (RB Then))) (NP (NP (NP (DT a) (NN shout)) (VP (VBD went) (PRT (RP up)))) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NP (NNP Hanson)) (VP (VBN jerked) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS eyes)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNS gears))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB focus) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN group)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS rocs)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBG landing) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ far) (NN end)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN camp)))))))))))))))))))) (. .)))
Hanson redirected his gaze from the gears to the group of rocs.
( Hanson ( ( ( ( redirected ( his gaze ) ) ( from ( the gears ) ) ) ( to ( ( the group ) ( of rocs ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Hanson)) (VP (VBN redirected) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN gaze)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNS gears))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN group)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS rocs)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.939453125, -0.923828125, 3.939453125 ]
It can entail prospective and retrospective designs and it permits synthesis of many individual case studies undertaken at different times and in different sites.
( ( ( ( It ( can ( entail ( prospective ( and ( retrospective designs ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( it ( permits ( synthesis ( of ( ( many ( individual ( case studies ) ) ) ( undertaken ( ( ( at ( different times ) ) and ) ( in ( different sites ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB entail) (NP (JJ prospective) (CC and) (NN retrospective) (NNS designs))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ permits) (NP (NP (NN synthesis)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ many) (JJ individual) (NN case) (NNS studies)) (VP (VBN undertaken) (PP (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ different) (NNS times))) (CC and) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ different) (NNS sites)))))))))) (. .)))
It can entail prospective and retrospective designs for individual case studies for small busineses.
( It ( ( can ( ( entail ( prospective ( and ( retrospective designs ) ) ) ) ( for ( ( individual ( case studies ) ) ( for ( small busineses ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB entail) (NP (JJ prospective) (CC and) (NN retrospective) (NNS designs)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (JJ individual) (NN case) (NNS studies)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ small) (NNS busineses))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.45703125, 4.8515625, -1.3466796875 ]
aCondition Assessment Survey (CAS).
( ( ( aCondition ( Assessment Survey ) ) ( -LRB- ( CAS -RRB- ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (NP (NP (NNP aCondition) (NNP Assessment) (NNP Survey)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP CAS)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (. .)))
CAS is a Condition Assessment Survey
( CAS ( is ( a ( Condition ( Assessment Survey ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP CAS)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (NNP Condition) (NNP Assessment) (NNP Survey)))))
[ -1.5107421875, -1.2236328125, 2.59765625 ]
A martini should be gin and vermouth and a twist.
( ( A martini ) ( ( should ( be ( ( ( ( gin and ) vermouth ) and ) ( a twist ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN martini)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (NN gin) (CC and) (NN vermouth)) (CC and) (NP (DT a) (NN twist))))) (. .)))
A martini must be composed by vodka and vermouth.
( ( A martini ) ( ( must ( be ( composed ( by ( ( vodka and ) vermouth ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN martini)) (VP (MD must) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN composed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN vodka) (CC and) (NN vermouth)))))) (. .)))
[ 2.2578125, -1.791015625, -0.95458984375 ]
Additionally, GAO's FederalInformationSystemControlsAuditManualis now used by most major federal audit entities to evaluate computerrelated controls.
( Additionally ( , ( ( ( GAO 's ) FederalInformationSystemControlsAuditManualis ) ( now ( ( ( used ( by ( ( most major ) ( federal ( audit entities ) ) ) ) ) ( to ( evaluate ( computerrelated controls ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Additionally)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP GAO) (POS 's)) (NNS FederalInformationSystemControlsAuditManualis)) (ADVP (RB now)) (VP (VBD used) (PP (IN by) (NP (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ major)) (JJ federal) (NN audit) (NNS entities))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB evaluate) (NP (JJ computerrelated) (NNS controls)))))) (. .)))
GAO's system is ranked the best by most federal audit entities.
( ( ( GAO 's ) system ) ( ( is ( ( ranked ( the best ) ) ( by ( most ( federal ( audit entities ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP GAO) (POS 's)) (NN system)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN ranked) (NP (DT the) (JJS best)) (PP (IN by) (NP (JJS most) (JJ federal) (NN audit) (NNS entities))))) (. .)))
[ -2.107421875, 4.83203125, -1.896484375 ]
And truly, the father was right, his son had already experienced everything, tried everything, and was interested in less and less.
( And ( truly ( ( , ( ( ( the father ) ( was right ) ) , ) ) ( ( his son ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( had ( already ( experienced everything ) ) ) , ) ( tried everything ) ) , ) and ) ( was ( interested ( in ( ( less and ) less ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC And) (ADVP (RB truly)) (PRN (, ,) (S (NP (DT the) (NN father)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ right)))) (, ,)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN son)) (VP (VP (VBD had) (VP (ADVP (RB already)) (VBN experienced) (NP (NN everything)))) (, ,) (VP (VBD tried) (NP (NN everything))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ interested) (PP (IN in) (ADVP (JJR less) (CC and) (JJR less)))))) (. .)))
The son was becoming depressed for lack of interest.
( ( The son ) ( ( was ( becoming ( depressed ( for ( lack ( of interest ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN son)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG becoming) (ADJP (JJ depressed) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN interest)))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.27734375, 4.6171875, -1.13671875 ]
2. Receiving Water Samples
( ( 2 . ) ( Receiving ( Water Samples ) ) )
(ROOT (NP (S (NP (CD 2) (. .)) (VP (VBG Receiving) (NP (NNP Water) (NNP Samples))))))
The water samples should be received.
( ( The ( water samples ) ) ( ( should ( be received ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN water) (NNS samples)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN received)))) (. .)))
[ -3.3125, -0.332275390625, 3.798828125 ]
so i have to find a way to supplement that
( so ( i ( have ( to ( find ( a ( way ( to ( supplement that ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (IN so) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB find) (NP (DT a) (NN way) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB supplement) (NP (DT that)))))))))))))
I should have a couple different types of supplementation to cover all my bases.
( I ( ( should ( have ( ( ( a ( couple ( different types ) ) ) ( of supplementation ) ) ( to ( cover ( all ( my bases ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB have) (S (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ couple) (JJ different) (NNS types)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN supplementation)))) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB cover) (NP (PDT all) (PRP$ my) (NNS bases))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.341796875, 4.83203125, -1.625 ]
You can alternate lazy days on the beach with some of the Medi?­ter?­ra?­nean's best deep-sea diving, boat excursions around pirate coves, canoeing and fishing on inland rivers, or hikes and picnics in the mountains.
( You ( ( can ( alternate ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( lazy days ) ( on ( ( the beach ) ( with ( some ( of ( ( the ( Medi?ter?ra?nean 's ) ) ( best ( deep-sea diving ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( boat excursions ) ( around ( pirate coves ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( ( canoeing and ) fishing ) ( on ( inland rivers ) ) ) ) , ) or ) ( ( ( hikes and ) picnics ) ( in ( the mountains ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB alternate) (NP (NP (NP (JJ lazy) (NNS days)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beach)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT some)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Medi?ter?ra?nean) (POS 's)) (JJS best) (JJ deep-sea) (NN diving)))))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (NN boat) (NNS excursions)) (PP (IN around) (NP (JJ pirate) (NNS coves)))) (, ,) (NP (NP (NN canoeing) (CC and) (NN fishing)) (PP (IN on) (NP (JJ inland) (NNS rivers)))) (, ,) (CC or) (NP (NP (NNS hikes) (CC and) (NNS picnics)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNS mountains))))))) (. .)))
The waters are crystal clear and completely safe -- no sharks or crocodiles here!
( ( The waters ) ( ( ( are ( ( ( crystal ( ( clear and ) ( completely safe ) ) ) -- ) ( no ( ( sharks or ) crocodiles ) ) ) ) here ) ! ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS waters)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (NP (NN crystal)) (ADJP (ADJP (JJ clear)) (CC and) (ADJP (RB completely) (JJ safe)))) (: --) (NP (DT no) (NNS sharks) (CC or) (NNS crocodiles))) (ADVP (RB here))) (. !)))
[ -1.369140625, 4.65234375, -2.560546875 ]
In our family we have two sons in public life.
( ( In ( our family ) ) ( we ( ( have ( ( two sons ) ( in ( public life ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN family))) (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (CD two) (NNS sons)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ public) (NN life))))) (. .)))
Our family has two sons in the public eye.
( ( Our family ) ( ( has ( ( two sons ) ( in ( the ( public eye ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ Our) (NN family)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (CD two) (NNS sons)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJ public) (NN eye))))) (. .)))
[ -3.0078125, -0.47802734375, 3.65625 ]
At the top, it bore the printed stamp of Messrs.
( ( At ( the top ) ) ( , ( it ( bore ( ( the ( printed stamp ) ) ( of Messrs. ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN At) (NP (DT the) (NN top))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD bore) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN printed) (NN stamp)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Messrs.)))))))
It has a Messrs stamp.
( It ( ( has ( a ( Messrs stamp ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT a) (NNP Messrs) (NN stamp))) (. .)))
[ -2.048828125, -1.4921875, 3.537109375 ]
'Best we could hope for.'
( ` ( Best ( we ( ( ( could ( hope for ) ) . ) ' ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (`` `) (ADVP (RB Best)) (NP (PRP we)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB hope) (PP (IN for)))) (. .) ('' ')))
Our hopes are dashed.
( ( Our hopes ) ( ( are dashed ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ Our) (NNS hopes)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN dashed))) (. .)))
[ 3.89453125, -1.177734375, -2.677734375 ]
right right well you know i think uh i think it's going to happen i don't know i don't know what else i could suggest to them you know if they ask me what should we do i don't know i wouldn't know what else to suggest to them just education start with these little kids you know and like you said you know start making it practice you know start showing all the street signs and all the cars of course i think all the cars are manufactured that way they aren't aren't all of them most o f the new ones i'm seeing are are made with miles per hour and kilometers on them
( ( right ( ( ( ( right well ) ( you ( know ( i ( think ( uh ( i ( think ( it ( 's ( going ( to ( happen ( ( ( i ( ( do n't ) ( know ( ( ( ( i ( ( do n't ) ( know ( ( ( what else ) i ) ( could ( suggest ( to them ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( you ( know ( if ( they ( ask ( me ( what should ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( we ( do ( i ( ( do n't ) ( know ( i ( ( would n't ) ( know ( what ( else ( to ( ( suggest ( to them ) ) ( ( just ( education start ) ) ( with ( these ( little kids ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( you know ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( like ( you ( said ( you ( know ( start ( making ( it ( practice ( you ( know ( start ( showing ( all ( the ( street signs ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( ( all ( the cars ) ) ( of ( course i ) ) ) ( think ( ( all ( the cars ) ) ( are ( manufactured ( that ( ( way ( they ( are n't ) ) ) ( ( are n't ) ( ( all ( of them ) ) ( most o ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( f ( ( the ( new ones ) ) ( ( i ( 'm ( seeing are ) ) ) ( are ( ( made ( with ( miles ( per ( ( hour and ) kilometers ) ) ) ) ) ( on them ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (NP (NP (NN right)) (SBAR (S (S (ADVP (RB right) (RB well)) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (INTJ (UH uh)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB happen) (SBAR (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB know) (S (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB know) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what) (RB else) (JJ i)) (S (VP (MD could) (VP (VB suggest) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP them)))))))))) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP ask) (NP (NP (PRP me)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (VP (MD should)))))))))) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP do) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB know) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (MD would) (RB n't) (VP (VB know) (S (NP (WDT what)) (ADJP (RB else)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB suggest) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP them))) (NP (NP (RB just) (NN education) (NN start)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT these) (JJ little) (NNS kids)))))))))))))))))) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know)))))))) (CC and) (SBAR (IN like) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (VP (VB start) (S (VP (VBG making) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VB practice) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (VP (VB start) (S (VP (VBG showing) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NN street) (NNS signs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS cars)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN course) (NNS i)))) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS cars)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN manufactured) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NP (NN way)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP are) (RB n't))))) (VP (VBP are) (RB n't) (NP (NP (DT all)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP them))) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ o))))))))))))))) (X (X (SYM f)) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ new) (NNS ones)) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (FW i)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBP 'm) (VP (VBG seeing) (VP (VBP are))))))) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN made) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNS miles)) (PP (IN per) (NP (NN hour) (CC and) (NNS kilometers))))) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP them)))))))))))
Education will make it happen.
( Education ( ( will ( make ( it happen ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Education)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB make) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VB happen))))) (. .)))
[ -2.421875, 1.650390625, 1.37890625 ]
Whether a government postal service can engage in these kinds of negotiations deserves serious study.
( ( Whether ( ( a ( government ( postal service ) ) ) ( can ( engage ( in ( ( these kinds ) ( of negotiations ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( deserves ( serious study ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Whether) (S (NP (DT a) (NN government) (JJ postal) (NN service)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB engage) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT these) (NNS kinds)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS negotiations))))))))) (VP (VBZ deserves) (NP (JJ serious) (NN study))) (. .)))
There is serious study needed to check.
( There ( ( is ( ( serious study ) ( needed ( to check ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (JJ serious) (NN study)) (VP (VBN needed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB check))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.431640625, -0.07666015625, 3.697265625 ]
and uh well if you if you got got him a power mower it'd probably take him a lot less time to do it but i enjoy doing it i feel good doing it uh i i feel a lot better doing it with a power mower with that with a with a pull tractor on it so i don't have to push so hard
( and ( ( uh well ) ( if ( ( ( ( you ( if ( you got ) ) ) ( ( ( got ( him ( ( a ( power mower ) ) ( it ( ( 'd probably ) ( take ( him ( ( a lot ) less ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) time ) ( to ( do it ) ) ) ) but ) ( i ( enjoy ( ( doing it ) ( i ( ( feel ( good ( doing ( it ( uh ( ( i ( i feel ) ) ( ( ( a lot ) better ) ( ( ( doing it ) ( with ( a ( power mower ) ) ) ) ( with ( that ( with ( a ( with ( ( a ( pull tractor ) ) ( on it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( so ( i ( ( do n't ) ( have ( to ( push ( so hard ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (CC and) (ADVP (ADVP (RB uh) (RB well)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (S (NP (NP (PRP you)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBD got))))) (VP (VBD got) (S (NP (PRP him)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN power) (NN mower)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD 'd) (ADVP (RB probably)) (VP (VB take) (S (NP (PRP him)) (ADJP (NP (DT a) (RB lot)) (JJR less))))))))) (NP (NN time)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB do) (NP (PRP it))))))) (CC but) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP enjoy) (S (VP (VBG doing) (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP feel) (ADJP (JJ good) (S (VP (VBG doing) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VB uh) (S (NP (FW i) (FW i) (NN feel)) (ADJP (NP (DT a) (RB lot)) (JJR better)) (S (VP (VBG doing) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN power) (NN mower))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT that)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (SYM a)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN pull) (NN tractor)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP it))))))))))))))))) (SBAR (IN so) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB push) (ADJP (RB so) (JJ hard)))))))))))))))))))))
Buying him a power mower would probably help him finish the job sooner.
( ( Buying him ) ( ( a ( power mower ) ) ( ( ( would probably ) ( help ( him ( ( finish ( the job ) ) sooner ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (VBG Buying) (NP (PRP him)))) (NP (DT a) (NN power) (NN mower)) (VP (MD would) (ADVP (RB probably)) (VP (VB help) (S (NP (PRP him)) (VP (VB finish) (NP (DT the) (NN job)) (ADVP (RBR sooner)))))) (. .)))
[ -3.23828125, 0.47265625, 3.005859375 ]
The relatively small crowds mean that fans sit close to the action.
( ( The ( ( relatively small ) crowds ) ) ( ( mean ( that ( fans ( sit ( close ( to ( the action ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (ADJP (RB relatively) (JJ small)) (NNS crowds)) (VP (VBP mean) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNS fans)) (VP (VBP sit) (ADJP (JJ close) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN action)))))))) (. .)))
Fans sit far from the action.
( Fans ( ( sit ( far ( from ( the action ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Fans)) (VP (VBP sit) (ADVP (RB far) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN action))))) (. .)))
[ 5.62890625, -2.21484375, -3.091796875 ]
Chapter 1 provides general background information on emission control technologies.
( ( Chapter 1 ) ( ( provides ( ( general ( background information ) ) ( on ( emission ( control technologies ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NN Chapter) (CD 1)) (VP (VBZ provides) (NP (NP (JJ general) (NN background) (NN information)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NN emission) (NN control) (NNS technologies))))) (. .)))
Chapter 1 shows nothing important
( ( Chapter 1 ) ( shows ( nothing important ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NN Chapter) (CD 1)) (VP (VBZ shows) (ADJP (NN nothing) (JJ important)))))
[ 2.779296875, 0.1322021484375, -3.009765625 ]
The Lake District is not the place to come if you want lots of action into the early morning hours.
( ( The ( Lake District ) ) ( ( ( is not ) ( the ( place ( to ( come ( if ( you ( ( want ( lots ( of action ) ) ) ( into ( the ( early ( morning hours ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Lake) (NNP District)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB not) (NP (DT the) (NN place) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB come) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP want) (NP (NP (NNS lots)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN action)))) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (JJ early) (NN morning) (NNS hours))))))))))) (. .)))
The Lake District isn't where to go when you want a lot of action because it closes down before midnight!
( ( The ( Lake District ) ) ( ( ( ( is n't ) ( where ( to ( go ( when ( you ( want ( ( a lot ) ( of action ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( because ( it ( ( closes down ) ( before midnight ) ) ) ) ) ! ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Lake) (NNP District)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB n't) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP want) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lot)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN action))))))))))) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ closes) (PRT (RP down)) (PP (IN before) (NP (NN midnight))))))) (. !)))
[ -0.37255859375, 4.109375, -2.998046875 ]
An organization's activities, core processes, and resources must be aligned to support its mission and help it achieve its goals.
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( An ( organization 's ) ) activities ) , ) ( core processes ) ) , ) and ) resources ) ( ( must ( be ( aligned ( to ( ( ( support ( its mission ) ) and ) ( help ( it ( achieve ( its goals ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NP (NP (DT An) (NN organization) (POS 's)) (NNS activities)) (, ,) (NP (JJ core) (NNS processes)) (, ,)) (CC and) (NP (NNS resources))) (VP (MD must) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN aligned) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VP (VB support) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN mission))) (CC and) (VP (VB help) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VB achieve) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS goals))))))))))) (. .)))
Achieving organizational goals reflects a change in core processes.
( ( Achieving ( organizational goals ) ) ( ( reflects ( ( a change ) ( in ( core processes ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (VBG Achieving) (JJ organizational) (NNS goals)) (VP (VBZ reflects) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN change)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ core) (NNS processes))))) (. .)))
[ -1.69140625, 0.70556640625, 1.1484375 ]
yeah what do you do
( yeah ( what ( do ( you do ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (VP (VBP do) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP do))))))))))
What do you do with the teeth?
( What ( ( ( do you ) ( do ( with ( the teeth ) ) ) ) ? ) )
(ROOT (SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP do) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB do) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NNS teeth))))) (. ?)))
[ -0.994140625, 3.671875, -1.58984375 ]
life in prison then he's available for parole if it's if it's life and a day then he's not eligible for parole so what you know let's quit BSing with the system
( ( life ( in ( prison ( ( ( then ( he ( ( 's ( available ( for parole ) ) ) ( if ( it ( 's ( if ( it ( 's life ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( a ( day then ) ) ( he ( ( ( 's not ) ( eligible ( for parole ) ) ) ( so ( what ( you ( know let ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( 's ( quit ( BSing ( with ( the system ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NN life)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN prison)) (SBAR (S (S (ADVP (RB then)) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (JJ available) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN parole)))) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NN life)))))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (DT a) (NN day) (RB then)) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (RB not) (ADJP (JJ eligible) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN parole)))) (SBAR (ADVP (RB so)) (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (ADVP (VB let)))))))))))) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBN quit) (S (VP (VBG BSing) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN system)))))))))
The system is fair and he'll receive the sentence he deserves regardless of parole.
( ( ( ( ( The system ) ( is fair ) ) and ) ( he ( 'll ( receive ( ( the sentence ) ( he ( deserves ( regardless ( of parole ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (DT The) (NN system)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ fair)))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB receive) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sentence)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ deserves) (ADVP (RB regardless) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN parole))))))))))) (. .)))
[ 0.81591796875, 0.69189453125, -1.62109375 ]
The cane plantations, increasingly in the hands of American tycoons, found a ready market in the US.
( ( ( ( ( The ( cane plantations ) ) , ) ( increasingly ( in ( ( the hands ) ( of ( American tycoons ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( ( found ( a ( ready market ) ) ) ( in ( the US ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN cane) (NNS plantations)) (, ,) (ADJP (RB increasingly) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS hands)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ American) (NNS tycoons)))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBD found) (NP (DT a) (JJ ready) (NN market)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))) (. .)))
The US market was ready for the cane plantations.
( ( The ( US market ) ) ( ( was ( ready ( for ( the ( cane plantations ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP US) (NN market)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ ready) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN cane) (NNS plantations))))) (. .)))
[ -3.3984375, -0.51123046875, 4.03515625 ]
The dramatic cliffs of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range hug the coastline of the entire northwest and north, from Andratx all the way to the Cape of Formentor.
( ( ( The ( dramatic cliffs ) ) ( of ( the ( Serra ( de ( Tramuntana ( mountain range ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( hug ( ( the coastline ) ( of ( ( the entire ) ( ( northwest and ) north ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( from ( ( Andratx ( all ( the way ) ) ) ( to ( ( the Cape ) ( of Formentor ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ dramatic) (NNS cliffs)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Serra) (NNP de) (NNP Tramuntana) (NN mountain) (NN range)))) (VP (VBD hug) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN coastline)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN entire)) (ADVP (RB northwest) (CC and) (RB north))))) (, ,) (PP (IN from) (S (VP (VBG Andratx) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NN way)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cape)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Formentor))))))))) (. .)))
Andratx is near to the coast and the Serra de Tramuntana mountains.
( Andratx ( ( is ( ( near ( to ( ( ( the coast ) and ) ( the ( Serra ( de Tramuntana ) ) ) ) ) ) mountains ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Andratx)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (ADJP (IN near) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN coast)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NNP Serra) (IN de) (NNP Tramuntana))))) (NNS mountains))) (. .)))
[ -3.228515625, 0.01342010498046875, 3.455078125 ]
yeah what do you do
( yeah ( what ( do ( you do ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (VP (VBP do) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP do))))))))))
What is it that you do?
( What ( ( is ( it ( that ( you do ) ) ) ) ? ) )
(ROOT (SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP do)))))) (. ?)))
[ -2.6796875, -0.61474609375, 3.447265625 ]
At the end of the show is a cluster of popular sportswear with Tommy Hilfiger, Donna Karan, Nautica, the Gap, and such names applied to it.
( ( At ( ( the end ) ( of ( the show ) ) ) ) ( ( is ( ( ( a cluster ) ( of ( ( popular sportswear ) ( with ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Tommy Hilfiger ) , ) ( Donna Karan ) ) , ) Nautica ) , ) ( the Gap ) ) , ) and ) ( such names ) ) ) ) ) ) ( applied ( to it ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (SINV (PP (IN At) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN end)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN show))))) (VP (VBZ is)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN cluster)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ popular) (NN sportswear)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP Tommy) (NNP Hilfiger)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Donna) (NNP Karan)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Nautica)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN Gap)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (JJ such) (NNS names)))))) (VP (VBN applied) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP it))))) (. .)))
Tommy Hilfiger, Donna Karan, and the Gap produce popular sportswear.
( ( ( ( ( ( ( Tommy Hilfiger ) , ) ( Donna Karan ) ) , ) and ) ( the Gap ) ) ( ( produce ( popular sportswear ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Tommy) (NNP Hilfiger)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Donna) (NNP Karan)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NN Gap))) (VP (VBP produce) (NP (JJ popular) (NN sportswear))) (. .)))
[ -2.69140625, -1.095703125, 3.86328125 ]
The Washington Post called it the culmination of a six-month game of political chicken.
( ( The ( Washington Post ) ) ( ( called ( it ( ( the culmination ) ( of ( ( a ( six-month game ) ) ( of ( political chicken ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Washington) (NNP Post)) (VP (VBD called) (S (NP (PRP it)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN culmination)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ six-month) (NN game)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ political) (NN chicken)))))))) (. .)))
It has been called by the Washington Post as a beautiful situation.
( It ( ( has ( been ( ( called ( by ( the ( Washington Post ) ) ) ) ( as ( a ( beautiful situation ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN called) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNP Washington) (NNP Post))) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (JJ beautiful) (NN situation)))))) (. .)))
[ 3.677734375, -1.62890625, -2.048828125 ]
Base year data will be actual receipt and outlay data for the last completed fiscal year
( ( Base ( year data ) ) ( will ( be ( ( actual ( receipt ( and ( outlay data ) ) ) ) ( for ( ( the last ) ( completed ( fiscal year ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Base) (NN year) (NNS data)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (JJ actual) (NN receipt) (CC and) (NN outlay) (NNS data)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ last)) (VP (VBN completed) (NP (JJ fiscal) (NN year))))))))))
Base year data will give important economic information.
( ( Base ( year data ) ) ( ( will ( give ( important ( economic information ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Base) (NN year) (NNS data)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB give) (NP (JJ important) (JJ economic) (NN information)))) (. .)))
[ -2.64453125, 4.74609375, -0.91650390625 ]
So let me draw a slightly different moral from the saga of beach volleyball as it has evolved in our If, as Speaker Gingrich says, the price of volleyball is eternal freedom, still it may take a village to raise a volleyball net.
( So ( ( let ( me ( draw ( ( a ( ( slightly different ) ( ( moral ( from ( ( the saga ) ( of beach ) ) ) ) volleyball ) ) ) ( as ( it ( has ( ( evolved ( in our ) ) ( ( If , ) ( ( as ( ( Speaker Gingrich ) says ) ) ( , ( ( ( the price ) ( of volleyball ) ) ( is ( ( ( ( eternal freedom ) , ) still ) ( it ( may ( take ( a ( village ( to ( raise ( a ( volleyball net ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (RB So) (VP (VB let) (S (NP (PRP me)) (VP (VB draw) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB slightly) (JJ different)) (ADJP (JJ moral) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN saga)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN beach)))))) (NN volleyball)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN evolved) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ our))) (SBAR (IN If) (, ,) (S (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (NNP Speaker) (NNP Gingrich)) (VP (VBZ says)))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN price)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN volleyball)))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (JJ eternal) (NN freedom)) (, ,) (ADVP (RB still)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB take) (NP (DT a) (NN village) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB raise) (NP (DT a) (JJ volleyball) (NN net)))))))))))))))))))))) (. .)))
Speaker Gingrich thinks there is a linear connection between volleyball and freedom.
( ( Speaker Gingrich ) ( ( thinks ( there ( is ( ( a ( linear connection ) ) ( between ( ( volleyball and ) freedom ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Speaker) (NNP Gingrich)) (VP (VBZ thinks) (SBAR (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ linear) (NN connection)) (PP (IN between) (NP (NN volleyball) (CC and) (NN freedom)))))))) (. .)))
[ -0.498779296875, 0.216064453125, 0.1072998046875 ]
Many lakes or sections of lakes are also wildlife conservation areas; these guides list the regulations that are in effect to protect water birds and other animals.
( ( ( ( ( ( Many ( ( lakes or ) sections ) ) ( of lakes ) ) ( ( are also ) ( wildlife ( conservation areas ) ) ) ) ; ) ( ( these guides ) ( list ( ( the regulations ) ( that ( ( are ( in effect ) ) ( to ( protect ( ( ( water birds ) and ) ( other animals ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (JJ Many) (NNS lakes) (CC or) (NNS sections)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS lakes)))) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB also)) (NP (NN wildlife) (NN conservation) (NNS areas)))) (: ;) (S (NP (DT these) (NNS guides)) (VP (VBP list) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS regulations)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN effect))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB protect) (NP (NP (NN water) (NNS birds)) (CC and) (NP (JJ other) (NNS animals)))))))))))) (. .)))
There are no lakes or lake sections that double as wildlife conservation areas.
( There ( ( are ( ( no ( lakes ( or ( lake sections ) ) ) ) ( that ( double ( as ( wildlife ( conservation areas ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT no) (NNS lakes) (CC or) (NN lake) (NNS sections)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP double) (PP (IN as) (NP (NN wildlife) (NN conservation) (NNS areas)))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.64453125, -2.3046875, -3.06640625 ]
They look just as good as new." They cut them carefully and ripped away the oilskin.
( ( ( ( ( They ( ( look ( just ( as good ) ) ) ( as new ) ) ) . ) '' ) ( They ( ( ( ( cut them ) carefully ) and ) ( ( ripped away ) ( the oilskin ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBP look) (ADJP (RB just) (RB as) (JJ good)) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ new))))) (. .) ('' '') (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VP (VBD cut) (NP (PRP them)) (ADVP (RB carefully))) (CC and) (VP (VBD ripped) (PRT (RP away)) (NP (DT the) (NN oilskin))))) (. .)))
The oilskin was ripped away by them.
( ( The oilskin ) ( ( was ( ( ripped away ) ( by them ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN oilskin)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN ripped) (PRT (RP away)) (PP (IN by) (NP (PRP them))))) (. .)))
[ -2.85546875, -1.171875, 4.07421875 ]
Finally, the Administration strongly opposes including reductions for CO2 in S. 556 or any multi-pollutant bill.
( Finally ( , ( ( the Administration ) ( strongly ( ( opposes ( including ( reductions ( for ( CO2 ( in ( ( ( S. 556 ) or ) ( any ( multi-pollutant bill ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Finally)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Administration)) (ADVP (RB strongly)) (VP (VBZ opposes) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NP (NNS reductions)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNP CO2)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP S.) (CD 556)) (CC or) (NP (DT any) (JJ multi-pollutant) (NN bill))))))))) (. .)))
Any multi-pollutant bill is supported by the Administration.
( ( Any ( multi-pollutant bill ) ) ( ( is ( supported ( by ( the Administration ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT Any) (JJ multi-pollutant) (NN bill)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN supported) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNP Administration))))) (. .)))
[ 3.712890625, -2.001953125, -1.7255859375 ]
One thing was worrying me dreadfully, but my heart gave a great throb of relief when I saw my ulster lying carelessly over the back of a chair.
( ( ( ( ( ( One thing ) ( was ( ( worrying me ) dreadfully ) ) ) , ) but ) ( ( my heart ) ( ( gave ( ( a ( great throb ) ) ( of relief ) ) ) ( when ( I ( saw ( ( my ( ulster ( lying carelessly ) ) ) ( over ( ( the back ) ( of ( a chair ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (CD One) (NN thing)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG worrying) (NP (PRP me)) (ADVP (RB dreadfully))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP$ my) (NN heart)) (VP (VBD gave) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ great) (NN throb)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN relief)))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD saw) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN ulster) (VBG lying) (NN carelessly)) (PP (IN over) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN back)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN chair))))))))))) (. .)))
I was dreadfully worried about many things.
( I ( ( ( was ( dreadfully worried ) ) ( about ( many things ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (RB dreadfully) (JJ worried)) (PP (IN about) (NP (JJ many) (NNS things)))) (. .)))
[ 0.34423828125, 1.369140625, -1.541015625 ]
that they don't show local
( that ( they ( ( do n't ) ( show local ) ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB show) (NP (JJ local)))))))
The they in this sentence only show things that aren't local.
( ( ( The they ) ( in ( this sentence ) ) ) ( only ( ( show ( things ( that ( ( are n't ) local ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (PRP they)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN sentence)))) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VBP show) (NP (NP (NNS things)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (RB n't) (ADJP (JJ local))))))) (. .)))
[ -0.603515625, 0.86962890625, -0.2490234375 ]
After their savage battles, the warriors recuperated through meditation in the peace of a Zen monastery rock garden.
( ( After ( their ( savage battles ) ) ) ( , ( ( the warriors ) ( ( ( recuperated ( through meditation ) ) ( in ( ( the peace ) ( of ( a ( Zen ( monastery ( rock garden ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN After) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ savage) (NNS battles))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNS warriors)) (VP (VBD recuperated) (PP (IN through) (NP (NN meditation))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN peace)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NNP Zen) (NN monastery) (NN rock) (NN garden)))))) (. .)))
The warriors had savage battles at a Zen monastery rock garden.
( ( The warriors ) ( ( had ( ( savage battles ) ( at ( a ( Zen ( monastery ( rock garden ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS warriors)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (JJ savage) (NNS battles)) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT a) (NNP Zen) (NN monastery) (NN rock) (NN garden))))) (. .)))
[ 1.89453125, -1.974609375, -0.490234375 ]
Beyond the facade there are cavernous empty rooms.
( ( Beyond ( the facade ) ) ( there ( ( are ( cavernous ( empty rooms ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN Beyond) (NP (DT the) (NN facade))) (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (JJ cavernous) (JJ empty) (NNS rooms))) (. .)))
The rooms past the facade are cluttered with furniture.
( ( ( The rooms ) ( past ( the facade ) ) ) ( ( are ( cluttered ( with furniture ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNS rooms)) (PP (IN past) (NP (DT the) (NN facade)))) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ cluttered) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN furniture))))) (. .)))
[ 5.01171875, -1.6123046875, -3.095703125 ]
(And yes, he has said a few things that can, with some effort, be construed as support for supply-side economics.)
( -LRB- ( ( And ( ( ( yes , ) ( ( he ( has ( said ( a ( few things ) ) ) ) ) ( that ( ( ( ( can , ) ( with ( some effort ) ) ) , ) ( be ( construed ( as ( support ( for ( supply-side economics ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) -RRB- ) )
(ROOT (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (FRAG (CC And) (NP (NP (RB yes)) (, ,) (SBAR (SBAR (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBD said) (NP (DT a) (JJ few) (NNS things)))))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT some) (NN effort))) (, ,) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN construed) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (NN support)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ supply-side) (NNS economics)))))))))))) (. .)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
He has begun working on construing the things as support for supply-side economics.
( He ( ( has ( begun ( working ( on ( ( construing ( the things ) ) ( as ( support ( for ( supply-side economics ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN begun) (S (VP (VBG working) (PP (IN on) (S (VP (VBG construing) (NP (DT the) (NNS things)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (NN support)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ supply-side) (NNS economics)))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.826171875, 2.615234375, 2.146484375 ]
At the western end of Cowgate (where it meets Holyrood Road), you will see one of the few remaining sections of Edinburgh's old city wall (Flodden Wall), built following the Lang Siege of the 1570s.
( ( At ( ( ( the ( western end ) ) ( of Cowgate ) ) ( -LRB- ( ( where ( it ( meets ( Holyrood Road ) ) ) ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ( , ( you ( ( will ( see ( one ( of ( ( ( ( ( the ( few ( remaining sections ) ) ) ( of ( ( Edinburgh 's ) ( old ( city wall ) ) ) ) ) ( -LRB- ( ( Flodden Wall ) -RRB- ) ) ) , ) ( built ( following ( ( the ( Lang Siege ) ) ( of ( the 1570s ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN At) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ western) (NN end)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Cowgate))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ meets) (NP (NNP Holyrood) (NNP Road))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) (, ,) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB see) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ few) (VBG remaining) (NNS sections)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Edinburgh) (POS 's)) (JJ old) (NN city) (NN wall))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Flodden) (NNP Wall)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (, ,) (VP (VBN built) (PP (VBG following) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Lang) (NNP Siege)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS 1570s))))))))))) (. .)))
Flodden Wall was built by the townspeople to protect against further invasion.
( ( Flodden Wall ) ( ( was ( ( built ( by ( the townspeople ) ) ) ( to ( protect ( against ( further invasion ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Flodden) (NNP Wall)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN built) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NN townspeople))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB protect) (PP (IN against) (NP (JJ further) (NN invasion)))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.40625, 4.78125, -1.341796875 ]
A recorded menu will provide information on how to obtain these lists.
( ( A ( recorded menu ) ) ( ( will ( ( provide information ) ( on ( how ( to ( obtain ( these lists ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (VBN recorded) (NN menu)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB provide) (NP (NN information)) (PP (IN on) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB obtain) (NP (DT these) (NNS lists))))))))) (. .)))
Recorded menus do not provide any information at this time.
( ( Recorded menus ) ( ( ( do not ) ( ( provide ( any information ) ) ( at ( this time ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Recorded) (NNS menus)) (VP (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB provide) (NP (DT any) (NN information)) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT this) (NN time))))) (. .)))
[ 5.671875, -2.185546875, -3.134765625 ]
it'll be a nice little bit of money we're going to
( it ( 'll ( be ( ( ( a ( nice ( little bit ) ) ) ( of money ) ) ( we ( 're ( going to ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ nice) (JJ little) (NN bit)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN money))) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG going) (PP (TO to)))))))))))
We are going to stay at a fancy place where they have put in some money.
( We ( ( are ( going ( to ( ( stay ( at ( a ( fancy place ) ) ) ) ( where ( they ( have ( put ( in ( some money ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB stay) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT a) (JJ fancy) (NN place))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN put) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT some) (NN money)))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.517578125, 4.8046875, -1.462890625 ]
yeah it is it is and i guess you don't have to but you know if you look at oh have you ever seen any of the Jacques Teti Teti movies the French movies uh Teti it it
( ( yeah ( ( ( ( ( it ( is ( it is ) ) ) and ) ( i ( guess ( you ( ( do n't ) ( have to ) ) ) ) ) ) but ) ( you ( know ( if ( you ( ( look at ) ( oh ( have ( you ( ever ( seen ( any ( of ( ( the ( Jacques ( Teti ( Teti movies ) ) ) ) ( ( the ( French movies ) ) ( uh ( Teti it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) it )
(ROOT (SINV (VP (VB yeah) (S (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is)))))) (CC and) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP guess) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to))))))))) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP look) (PP (IN at)) (S (INTJ (UH oh)) (VP (VB have) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (ADVP (RB ever)) (VBN seen) (NP (NP (DT any)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Jacques) (NNP Teti) (NNP Teti) (NNS movies)) (SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (JJ French) (NNS movies)) (VP (VBZ uh) (S (NP (NNP Teti)) (NP (PRP it)))))))))))))))))))) (NP (PRP it))))
Jacques Teti movies are my favorite.
( ( Jacques ( Teti movies ) ) ( ( are ( my favorite ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Jacques) (NNP Teti) (NNS movies)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN favorite))) (. .)))
[ -1.763671875, 4.59765625, -1.783203125 ]
In this situation, the value to the mailer of the improved service would be considered along with the cost of doing the work.
( ( In ( this situation ) ) ( , ( ( ( the value ) ( to ( ( the mailer ) ( of ( the ( improved service ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( would ( be ( ( considered along ) ( with ( ( the cost ) ( of ( doing ( the work ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (DT this) (NN situation))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN value)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mailer)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (VBN improved) (NN service)))))) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN considered) (PRT (RP along)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN cost)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG doing) (NP (DT the) (NN work)))))))))) (. .)))
The cost of work and the value of improved service would be considered in this situation.
( ( ( ( ( The cost ) ( of work ) ) and ) ( ( the value ) ( of ( improved service ) ) ) ) ( ( would ( be ( considered ( in ( this situation ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NP (DT The) (NN cost)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN work)))) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN value)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ improved) (NN service))))) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN considered) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN situation)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.748046875, -1.2685546875, 4.09375 ]
The Congress, which controls our funding levels, began to include many members who did not support the purpose and goals of a federal civil legal services program.
( ( ( ( ( The Congress ) , ) ( which ( controls ( our ( funding levels ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( began ( to ( include ( ( many members ) ( who ( ( did not ) ( support ( ( the ( ( purpose and ) goals ) ) ( of ( a ( federal ( civil ( legal ( services program ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Congress)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ controls) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN funding) (NNS levels))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBD began) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB include) (NP (NP (JJ many) (NNS members)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB support) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN purpose) (CC and) (NNS goals)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ federal) (JJ civil) (JJ legal) (NNS services) (NN program))))))))))))) (. .)))
the congress also has different functions, though they are all broad scoping.
( ( the congress ) ( also ( ( ( ( has ( different functions ) ) , ) ( though ( they ( are ( all ( broad scoping ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT the) (NN congress)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (JJ different) (NNS functions)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN though) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (DT all) (JJ broad) (NN scoping)))))) (. .)))
[ -1.1513671875, 4.5078125, -2.548828125 ]
'Not entirely,' I snapped, harsher than intended.
( ` ( ( Not entirely ) ( , ( ' ( I ( ( ( snapped , ) ( harsher ( than intended ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (`` `) (FRAG (RB Not) (ADVP (RB entirely))) (, ,) ('' ') (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD snapped) (, ,) (S (ADJP (JJR harsher) (SBAR (IN than) (S (VP (VBD intended))))))) (. .)))
"Not entirely," I snapped back at my boss.
( `` ( ( Not entirely ) ( , ( '' ( I ( ( ( snapped back ) ( at ( my boss ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (`` ``) (FRAG (RB Not) (ADVP (RB entirely))) (, ,) ('' '') (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD snapped) (ADVP (RB back)) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN boss)))) (. .)))
[ -2.203125, 4.71484375, -1.802734375 ]
Against his own advice, Ca'daan dared to stare off the edge once as they neared the end.
( ( Against ( his ( own advice ) ) ) ( , ( ( Ca ( ` daan ) ) ( ( ( dared ( to ( ( stare off ) ( the edge ) ) ) ) ( once ( as ( they ( neared ( the end ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN Against) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ own) (NN advice))) (, ,) (NP (JJS Ca) (`` `) (NNS daan)) (VP (VBD dared) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB stare) (PRT (RP off)) (NP (DT the) (NN edge))))) (SBAR (RB once) (IN as) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD neared) (NP (DT the) (NN end)))))) (. .)))
Ca'daan did not follow his own advice.
( ( Ca ( ` daan ) ) ( ( ( did not ) ( follow ( his ( own advice ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJS Ca) (`` `) (NNS daan)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB follow) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ own) (NN advice)))) (. .)))
[ -2.994140625, -0.85107421875, 3.9453125 ]
This one ended up being surprisingly easy!
( ( This one ) ( ( ( ended up ) ( being ( surprisingly easy ) ) ) ! ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN one)) (VP (VBD ended) (PRT (RP up)) (S (VP (VBG being) (ADJP (RB surprisingly) (JJ easy))))) (. !)))
This is an easy one.
( This ( ( is ( an ( easy one ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT This)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT an) (JJ easy) (NN one))) (. .)))
[ -2.427734375, -0.88427734375, 3.3671875 ]
But in 1799 doom was signaled for the cane monopoly with the appearance of the cheaper sugar beet.
( But ( ( in 1799 ) ( doom ( ( was ( ( signaled ( for ( the ( cane monopoly ) ) ) ) ( with ( ( the appearance ) ( of ( the ( cheaper ( sugar beet ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC But) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1799))) (NP (NN doom)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN signaled) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN cane) (NN monopoly))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN appearance)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJR cheaper) (NN sugar) (NN beet))))))) (. .)))
Sugar beets became the prime plant and cane began to decline in 1799.
( ( Sugar beets ) ( ( became ( ( ( ( the ( prime plant ) ) and ) cane ) ( began ( to ( decline ( in 1799 ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Sugar) (NNS beets)) (VP (VBD became) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ prime) (NN plant)) (CC and) (NP (NN cane))) (VP (VBD began) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB decline) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1799)))))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.388671875, 1.69140625, 2.189453125 ]
4) Not enough is known about how nontransportation costs vary with distance.
( ( 4 -RRB- ) ( ( Not enough ) ( ( is ( known ( about ( how ( ( nontransportation costs ) ( vary ( with distance ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (LST (LS 4) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (NP (RB Not) (JJ enough)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN known) (PP (IN about) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how)) (S (NP (NN nontransportation) (NNS costs)) (VP (VBP vary) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN distance))))))))) (. .)))
There's more than enough known concerning the ways in which costs associated with nontransportation change according to the distance.
( There ( ( ( 's ( more ( than enough ) ) ) ( known ( concerning ( ( the ways ) ( ( in which ) ( costs ( ( associated ( with ( nontransportation change ) ) ) ( according ( to ( the distance ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RBR more) (IN than) (RB enough)) (VP (VBN known) (PP (VBG concerning) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS ways)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN in) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (NNS costs)) (VP (VBN associated) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN nontransportation) (NN change))) (PP (VBG according) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN distance))))))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.5, -2.32421875, -2.826171875 ]
Now they're telling mothers to deny food to infants all night long once the kids are a few months old.
( Now ( they ( ( 're ( ( telling mothers ) ( to ( ( ( deny ( food ( to infants ) ) ) ( all night ) ) ( long ( once ( ( the kids ) ( are ( ( ( a few ) months ) old ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Now)) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG telling) (NP (NNS mothers)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB deny) (NP (NP (NN food)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS infants)))) (NP (DT all) (NN night)) (SBAR (RB long) (IN once) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS kids)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (NP (QP (DT a) (JJ few)) (NNS months)) (JJ old)))))))))) (. .)))
Infants are allowed to feed at night during their first months.
( Infants ( ( are ( allowed ( to ( ( feed ( at night ) ) ( during ( their ( first months ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Infants)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN allowed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB feed) (PP (IN at) (NP (NN night))) (PP (IN during) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ first) (NNS months)))))))) (. .)))
[ 2.67578125, -0.88330078125, -2.0390625 ]
yeah i i think my favorite restaurant is always been the one closest you know the closest as long as it's it meets the minimum criteria you know of good food
( yeah ( ( i i ) ( think ( ( my ( favorite restaurant ) ) ( ( is always ) ( been ( ( the ( one closest ) ) ( you ( ( know ( the closest ) ) ( ( as long ) ( as ( it ( 's ( it ( meets ( ( the ( minimum criteria ) ) ( you ( know ( of ( good food ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (NP (NP (FW i) (FW i)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP$ my) (JJ favorite) (NN restaurant)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB always)) (VP (VBN been) (NP (NP (DT the) (CD one) (JJS closest)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (NP (DT the) (JJS closest)) (ADVP (ADVP (RB as) (RB long)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ meets) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ minimum) (NNS criteria)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ good) (NN food)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I am not picky about what kind of food I eat I just don't want to travel far.
( I ( ( ( am not ) ( picky ( about ( ( ( what kind ) ( of food ) ) ( I ( eat ( I ( just ( ( do n't ) ( want ( to ( travel far ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP am) (RB not) (ADJP (JJ picky) (PP (IN about) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what) (NN kind) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN food)))) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP eat) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP I)) (ADVP (RB just)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB want) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB travel) (ADVP (RB far))))))))))))))) (. .)))
[ 1.66796875, 0.485595703125, -2.326171875 ]
There are two challengers to these top dogs.
( There ( ( are ( ( two challengers ) ( to ( these ( top dogs ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (CD two) (NNS challengers)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT these) (JJ top) (NNS dogs))))) (. .)))
These top dogs face two tough financial challenges.
( ( These ( top dogs ) ) ( ( face ( two ( tough ( financial challenges ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT These) (JJ top) (NNS dogs)) (VP (VBP face) (NP (CD two) (JJ tough) (JJ financial) (NNS challenges))) (. .)))
[ -1.7587890625, 4.7734375, -2.1328125 ]
probably yeah i would imagine the judge could throw it out
( probably ( yeah ( i ( would ( imagine ( ( the judge ) ( could ( ( throw it ) out ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB probably)) (VP (VB yeah) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB imagine) (SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (NN judge)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB throw) (NP (PRP it)) (PRT (RP out)))))))))))))
I cannot believe the judge threw the book at them so fast.
( I ( ( ( can not ) ( believe ( ( the judge ) ( ( ( threw ( the book ) ) ( at them ) ) ( so fast ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD can) (RB not) (VP (VB believe) (SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (NN judge)) (VP (VBD threw) (NP (DT the) (NN book)) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP them))) (ADVP (RB so) (RB fast))))))) (. .)))
[ 2.11328125, 1.77734375, -3.619140625 ]
uh-huh oh yeah all the people for right uh life or something
( ( uh-huh ( oh yeah ) ) ( ( all ( the people ) ) ( for ( ( right uh ) ( ( life or ) something ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (NP (NP (JJ uh-huh) (JJ oh) (NN yeah)) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS people)) (PP (IN for) (NP (ADJP (JJ right) (JJ uh)) (NN life) (CC or) (NN something))))))
yeah lots of people for the right life
( yeah ( lots ( of ( people ( for ( the ( right life ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (NP (NP (NNS lots)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS people)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (JJ right) (NN life)))))))))
[ -3.296875, 0.755859375, 2.908203125 ]
The m??tro (subway) is the fastest way to move around the city, but the buses, both in the capital and the other big towns, are best for taking in the sights.
( ( ( ( ( ( ( The ( m ( ?? tro ) ) ) ( -LRB- ( subway -RRB- ) ) ) ( is ( ( the ( fastest way ) ) ( to ( ( move around ) ( the city ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) but ) ( ( ( ( ( the buses ) , ) ( both ( in ( ( ( the capital ) and ) ( the ( other ( big towns ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( are ( best ( for ( taking ( in ( the sights ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN m) (NN ??) (NN tro)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NN subway)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS fastest) (NN way)) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB move) (PRT (RP around)) (NP (DT the) (NN city))))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS buses)) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT both)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (JJ other) (JJ big) (NNS towns))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJS best) (PP (IN for) (S (VP (VBG taking) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNS sights))))))))) (. .)))
If you'd like to experience the city sights taking the bus is the best mode of transportation, though taking the subway is faster.
( ( If ( you ( 'd ( like ( to ( ( experience ( the ( city sights ) ) ) ( taking ( the bus ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( is ( ( the ( best mode ) ) ( of transportation ) ) ) , ) ( though ( ( taking ( the subway ) ) ( is faster ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD 'd) (VP (VB like) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB experience) (NP (DT the) (NN city) (NNS sights)) (S (VP (VBG taking) (NP (DT the) (NN bus))))))))))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS best) (NN mode)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN transportation)))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN though) (S (S (VP (VBG taking) (NP (DT the) (NN subway)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJR faster)))))) (. .)))
[ 0.059783935546875, -2.33203125, 1.93359375 ]
Also, the Holy Family are said to have sheltered here on their return from Egypt.
( Also ( , ( ( the ( Holy Family ) ) ( ( are ( said ( to ( have ( ( ( sheltered here ) ( on ( their return ) ) ) ( from Egypt ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Also)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Holy) (NNP Family)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN said) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN sheltered) (ADVP (RB here)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN return))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP Egypt))))))))) (. .)))
It is thought that the Holy family took refuge here, after having returned from Egypt.
( It ( ( is ( thought ( that ( ( the ( Holy family ) ) ( ( ( ( took refuge ) here ) , ) ( after ( having ( returned ( from Egypt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN thought) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ Holy) (NN family)) (VP (VBD took) (NP (NN refuge)) (ADVP (RB here)) (, ,) (PP (IN after) (S (VP (VBG having) (VP (VBN returned) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP Egypt)))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.23828125, -1.5234375, 3.7890625 ]