5 values
class label
3 classes
Restored in 1967, the beautiful exterior is complemented by the fine period furniture housed inside.
( ( Restored ( in 1967 ) ) ( , ( ( the ( beautiful exterior ) ) ( ( is ( complemented ( by ( ( the ( fine ( period furniture ) ) ) ( housed inside ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (VBN Restored) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1967))))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (JJ beautiful) (NN exterior)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN complemented) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ fine) (NN period) (NN furniture)) (VP (VBN housed) (ADVP (RB inside))))))) (. .)))
There was no restoration done to the exterior.
( There ( ( was ( ( no restoration ) ( done ( to ( the exterior ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT no) (NN restoration)) (VP (VBN done) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN exterior)))))) (. .)))
[ 5.58203125, -2.37890625, -2.92578125 ]
Kutchins and Kirk cite a particularly amusing example of such Robert Spitzer, the man in charge of DSM-III , was sitting down with a committee that included his wife, in the process of composing a criteria-set for Masochistic Personality Disorder--a disease that was suggested for, but never made it into, the DSM-III-R (a revised edition).
( ( ( Kutchins and ) Kirk ) ( ( cite ( ( ( ( ( ( a ( ( particularly amusing ) example ) ) ( of ( such ( Robert Spitzer ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( the man ) ( in ( charge ( of DSM-III ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( was ( ( sitting down ) ( with ( ( a committee ) ( that ( ( ( included ( his wife ) ) , ) ( in ( ( the process ) ( of ( composing ( ( a criteria-set ) ( for ( ( ( Masochistic ( Personality Disorder ) ) -- ) ( ( a disease ) ( that ( was ( suggested ( ( for ( , ( but ( ( never ( ( made it ) into ) ) , ) ) ) ) ( ( the DSM-III-R ) ( -LRB- ( ( a ( revised edition ) ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Kutchins) (CC and) (NNP Kirk)) (VP (VBP cite) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB particularly) (JJ amusing)) (NN example)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ such) (NNP Robert) (NNP Spitzer)))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN man)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN charge)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP DSM-III)))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG sitting) (PRT (RP down)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN committee)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBD included) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN wife)) (, ,) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN process)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG composing) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN criteria-set)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNP Masochistic) (NNP Personality) (NNP Disorder)) (: --) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN disease)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN suggested) (PP (IN for) (PRN (, ,) (CC but) (VP (ADVP (RB never)) (VBD made) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (IN into))) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN DSM-III-R)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (DT a) (JJ revised) (NN edition)) (-RRB- -RRB-))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (. .)))
Robert Spitzer was the man running DSM-III.
( ( Robert Spitzer ) ( ( was ( ( the man ) ( running DSM-III ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Robert) (NNP Spitzer)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN man)) (VP (VBG running) (NP (NNS DSM-III))))) (. .)))
[ -1.86328125, -1.7490234375, 3.51953125 ]
The Weekly Standard argues that America should back Lee with words now and, if necessary, military force later, but the Washington Post reports that the U.S. envoys will pressure him to back down.
( ( ( ( ( ( The ( Weekly Standard ) ) ( argues ( that ( America ( should ( ( back ( ( ( ( Lee ( with ( words now ) ) ) and ) ( , ( ( if necessary ) , ) ) ) ( military force ) ) ) later ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) but ) ( ( the ( Washington Post ) ) ( reports ( that ( ( the ( U.S. envoys ) ) ( will ( pressure ( him ( to ( back down ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Weekly) (NNP Standard)) (VP (VBZ argues) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP America)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB back) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Lee)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNS words)) (ADVP (RB now))))) (CC and) (PRN (, ,) (SBAR (IN if) (FRAG (JJ necessary))) (, ,)) (NP (JJ military) (NN force))) (ADVP (RB later)))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Washington) (NNP Post)) (VP (VBZ reports) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP U.S.) (NNS envoys)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB pressure) (S (NP (PRP him)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB back) (PRT (RP down))))))))))) (. .)))
The Weekly Standard and Washington Post commonly have opposing views.
( ( The ( Weekly ( Standard ( and ( Washington Post ) ) ) ) ) ( commonly ( ( have ( opposing views ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Weekly) (NNP Standard) (CC and) (NNP Washington) (NNP Post)) (ADVP (RB commonly)) (VP (VBP have) (S (VP (VBG opposing) (NP (NNS views))))) (. .)))
[ -3.734375, 2.88671875, 1.8779296875 ]
Even after we hire good people, we need to take steps to retain them.
( ( Even ( after ( we ( hire ( good people ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( we ( ( need ( to ( take ( steps ( to ( retain them ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (RB Even) (IN after) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP hire) (NP (JJ good) (NNS people))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB take) (S (NP (NNS steps)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB retain) (NP (PRP them))))))))) (. .)))
Once the hire has already been done, there's no need to do anything different to retain employees.
( ( Once ( ( the hire ) ( ( has already ) ( been done ) ) ) ) ( , ( there ( ( 's ( no ( need ( to ( do ( anything ( different ( to ( retain employees ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Once) (S (NP (DT the) (NN hire)) (VP (VBZ has) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN done)))))) (, ,) (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (DT no) (NN need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB do) (S (NP (NN anything)) (ADJP (JJ different) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB retain) (NP (NNS employees)))))))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.27734375, -2.03515625, -2.880859375 ]
yeah but uh do you have small kids
( ( ( yeah but ) uh ) ( do ( you ( have ( small kids ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP yeah) (CC but) (NNP uh)) (VP (VBP do) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (JJ small) (NNS kids))))))))
Do you have young children?
( ( ( Do you ) ( have ( young children ) ) ) ? )
(ROOT (SQ (VBP Do) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB have) (NP (JJ young) (NNS children))) (. ?)))
[ -2.513671875, -1.048828125, 3.658203125 ]
you know and then how long are they supposed to take it
( you ( ( know and ) ( then ( ( how long ) ( are ( they ( supposed ( to ( take it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VP (VBP know)) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB then)) (SBAR (WHNP (WRB how) (RB long)) (S (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBN supposed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB take) (NP (PRP it))))))))))))))
You know how long they're supposed to take it
( You ( know ( ( how long ) ( they ( 're ( supposed ( to ( take it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how) (RB long)) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBN supposed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB take) (NP (PRP it))))))))))))
[ -1.0849609375, -1.421875, 2.255859375 ]
Ricky Martin was filming his triumphant return to the gay porn industry.
( ( Ricky Martin ) ( ( was ( ( filming ( his ( triumphant return ) ) ) ( to ( the ( gay ( porn industry ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Ricky) (NNP Martin)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG filming) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN triumphant) (NN return)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (JJ gay) (NN porn) (NN industry))))) (. .)))
Ricky Martin is heterosexual.
( ( Ricky Martin ) ( ( is heterosexual ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Ricky) (NNP Martin)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ heterosexual))) (. .)))
[ 2.7890625, -0.74755859375, -2.345703125 ]
Julius Caesar's nephew Octavian took the name Augustus; Rome ceased to be a republic, and became an empire.
( ( ( ( ( ( Julius ( Caesar 's ) ) ( nephew Octavian ) ) ( took ( the ( name Augustus ) ) ) ) ; ) ( Rome ( ( ( ( ceased ( to ( be ( a republic ) ) ) ) , ) and ) ( became ( an empire ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (NNP Julius) (NNP Caesar) (POS 's)) (NNP nephew) (NNP Octavian)) (VP (VBD took) (NP (DT the) (NN name) (NNS Augustus)))) (: ;) (S (NP (NNP Rome)) (VP (VP (VBD ceased) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (NP (DT a) (NN republic)))))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBD became) (NP (DT an) (NN empire))))) (. .)))
Octavian, Julius Caesar's nephew, took the name Augustus; Rome ceased to be a republic, and became an empire.
( ( ( ( ( ( ( Octavian , ) ( ( Julius ( Caesar 's ) ) nephew ) ) , ) ( took ( the ( name Augustus ) ) ) ) ; ) ( Rome ( ( ( ( ceased ( to ( be ( a republic ) ) ) ) , ) and ) ( became ( an empire ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (NNP Octavian)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP Julius) (NNP Caesar) (POS 's)) (NN nephew)) (, ,)) (VP (VBD took) (NP (DT the) (NN name) (NNS Augustus)))) (: ;) (S (NP (NNP Rome)) (VP (VP (VBD ceased) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (NP (DT a) (NN republic)))))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBD became) (NP (DT an) (NN empire))))) (. .)))
[ -2.61328125, -1.3857421875, 4.02734375 ]
and i don't think they've repainted since
( and ( i ( ( do n't ) ( think ( they ( 've ( repainted since ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (CC and) (NP (NP (FW i)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP 've) (VP (VBN repainted) (PP (IN since)))))))))))))
I'm not sure if they've repainted it since.
( I ( ( ( ( 'm not ) sure ) ( if ( they ( 've ( repainted ( it since ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP 'm) (RB not) (ADJP (JJ sure)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP 've) (VP (VBN repainted) (S (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB since)))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.181640625, -1.529296875, 3.76171875 ]
Maybe I am too.
( Maybe ( I ( ( am too ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Maybe)) (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP am) (ADVP (RB too))) (. .)))
It's possible that I am also.
( It ( ( ( 's possible ) ( that ( I ( am also ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (JJ possible)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP am) (ADVP (RB also)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.77734375, -1.1767578125, 4.1015625 ]
so Eric what do you think um
( so ( Eric ( what ( do ( you ( think um ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (ADVP (RB so)) (NP (NP (NNP Eric)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (VP (VBP do) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP think) (NP (NN um)))))))))))
How do you feel about it, Eric?
( How ( ( ( do you ) ( feel ( about ( ( it , ) Eric ) ) ) ) ? ) )
(ROOT (SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How)) (SQ (VBP do) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB feel) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (PRP it)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Eric)))))) (. ?)))
[ -3.119140625, 0.73876953125, 2.69921875 ]
and see the thing is you know he go out and he'll spend it when he wants you know and uh uh i'm afraid to i'm afraid to use that credit card
( and ( see ( ( ( ( the thing ) ( is ( you ( know ( he ( go out ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( he ( 'll ( ( spend it ) ( when ( he ( wants ( ( ( you know ) and ) ( ( uh uh ) ( i ( 'm ( afraid ( to ( i ( 'm ( afraid ( to ( use ( that ( credit card ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (CC and) (S (VP (VB see) (S (S (NP (DT the) (NN thing)) (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VB go) (PRT (RP out))))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB spend) (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ wants) (SBAR (S (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know))) (CC and) (S (INTJ (UH uh) (UH uh)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP 'm) (ADJP (JJ afraid) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (FW i)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBP 'm) (ADJP (JJ afraid) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB use) (NP (DT that) (NN credit) (NN card)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I just love using my new credit card.
( I ( just ( ( love ( using ( my ( new ( credit card ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (ADVP (RB just)) (VP (VBP love) (S (VP (VBG using) (NP (PRP$ my) (JJ new) (NN credit) (NN card))))) (. .)))
[ 5.59765625, -2.00390625, -3.294921875 ]
now that's an interesting point yeah i mean once the expectations are
( now ( that ( 's ( ( an ( interesting ( point yeah ) ) ) ( i ( mean ( once ( ( the expectations ) are ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (ADVP (RB now)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ interesting) (NN point) (NN yeah)) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP mean) (SBAR (IN once) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS expectations)) (VP (VBP are)))))))))))))
I did not find anything interesting at all.
( I ( ( ( did not ) ( ( find ( anything interesting ) ) ( at all ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB find) (ADJP (NN anything) (JJ interesting)) (ADVP (IN at) (DT all)))) (. .)))
[ 5.16796875, -1.466796875, -3.294921875 ]
well in a way you can travel light
( ( well ( in ( a way ) ) ) ( you ( can ( travel light ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (RB well) (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN way))) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB travel) (NP (NN light))))))
You can travel light.
( You ( ( can ( travel light ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB travel) (NP (NN light)))) (. .)))
[ -2.8671875, -0.6806640625, 3.6953125 ]
For example, a case study of the effectiveness of a job training program might need to take into account general economic trends, such as unemployment rates in the community.
( ( For example ) ( , ( ( ( a ( case study ) ) ( of ( ( the effectiveness ) ( of ( a ( job ( training program ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( might ( need ( to ( ( take ( into account ) ) ( ( ( general ( economic trends ) ) , ) ( such ( as ( ( unemployment rates ) ( in ( the community ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN For) (NP (NN example))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN case) (NN study)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN effectiveness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN job) (NN training) (NN program)))))) (VP (MD might) (VP (VB need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB take) (PP (IN into) (NP (NN account))) (NP (NP (JJ general) (JJ economic) (NNS trends)) (, ,) (PP (JJ such) (IN as) (NP (NP (NN unemployment) (NNS rates)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN community))))))))))) (. .)))
General economic trends would have to be considered by a case study on job training effectiveness.
( ( General ( economic trends ) ) ( ( would ( have ( to ( be ( considered ( by ( ( a ( case study ) ) ( on ( job ( training effectiveness ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ General) (JJ economic) (NNS trends)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN considered) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN case) (NN study)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NN job) (NN training) (NN effectiveness))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.3671875, -1.509765625, 3.908203125 ]
I admit I have knowledge of a certain name, but perhaps my knowledge ends there."
( ( ( ( ( ( I ( admit ( I ( have ( knowledge ( of ( a ( certain name ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) but ) ( perhaps ( ( my knowledge ) ( ends there ) ) ) ) . ) '' )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP admit) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NN knowledge)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ certain) (NN name))))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (ADVP (RB perhaps)) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN knowledge)) (VP (VBZ ends) (ADVP (RB there)))) (. .) ('' '')))
I won't tell you anything, because I don't know.
( I ( ( ( wo n't ) ( ( tell you ) ( ( anything , ) ( because ( I ( ( do n't ) know ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD wo) (RB n't) (VP (VB tell) (NP (PRP you)) (NP (NP (NN anything)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB know)))))))) (. .)))
[ 3.0546875, -0.51513671875, -2.64453125 ]
Instead, we could recommend that, compared with other settings, the prevalence of alcohol problems among ED patients makes it worthy of careful consideration.
( Instead ( , ( we ( ( could ( recommend ( ( that , ) ( ( compared ( with ( other settings ) ) ) ( , ( ( ( the prevalence ) ( of ( ( alcohol problems ) ( among ( ED patients ) ) ) ) ) ( makes ( it ( worthy ( of ( careful consideration ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Instead)) (, ,) (NP (PRP we)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB recommend) (SBAR (IN that) (, ,) (S (PP (VBN compared) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ other) (NNS settings)))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN prevalence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN alcohol) (NNS problems)) (PP (IN among) (NP (NNP ED) (NNS patients)))))) (VP (VBZ makes) (S (NP (PRP it)) (ADJP (JJ worthy) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ careful) (NN consideration)))))))))) (. .)))
ED and alcohol dependency issues are completely unrelated.
( ( ED ( and ( alcohol ( dependency issues ) ) ) ) ( ( are ( completely unrelated ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP ED) (CC and) (NN alcohol) (NN dependency) (NNS issues)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB completely) (JJ unrelated))) (. .)))
[ 5.640625, -1.91796875, -3.396484375 ]
it would probably be a lot more work and probably not turn out as good
( it ( ( would probably ) ( ( ( be ( ( ( a lot ) more ) work ) ) and ) ( ( probably not ) ( ( turn out ) ( as good ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD would) (ADVP (RB probably)) (VP (VP (VB be) (NP (ADJP (NP (DT a) (RB lot)) (JJR more)) (NN work))) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB probably) (RB not)) (VB turn) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN as) (ADJP (JJ good))))))))
I think it would be a lot more work and it wouldn't turn out as good
( I ( think ( ( ( it ( would ( be ( ( ( a lot ) more ) work ) ) ) ) and ) ( it ( ( would n't ) ( ( turn out ) ( as good ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be) (NP (ADJP (NP (DT a) (RB lot)) (JJR more)) (NN work))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD would) (RB n't) (VP (VB turn) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN as) (ADJP (JJ good)))))))))))
[ -2.29296875, -1.259765625, 3.5703125 ]
The rule prohibits the sale of nicotine-containing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to individuals under the age of 18; requires manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to comply with various conditions regarding the sale and distribution of these products; requires retailers to verify a purchaser's age by photographic identification; prohibits all free samples; limits the distribution of these products through vending machines and self-service displays by permitting such methods of sale only in facilities where access by individuals under 18 is prohibited; limits the advertising and labeling to which children and adolescents are exposed; prohibits promotional, non-tobacco items such as hats and tee shirts; prohibits sponsorship of
( ( The rule ) ( ( ( prohibits ( ( the sale ) ( of ( nicotine-containing cigarettes ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( smokeless tobacco ) ( to ( ( ( individuals ( under ( ( the age ) ( of 18 ) ) ) ) ; ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( requires ( ( ( ( ( manufacturers , ) distributors ) , ) and ) retailers ) ) ( to ( comply ( with ( ( various conditions ) ( regarding ( ( the ( ( sale and ) distribution ) ) ( of ( these products ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; ) ( requires ( retailers ( to ( ( verify ( ( a ( purchaser 's ) ) age ) ) ( by ( photographic identification ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; ) ( prohibits ( all ( free samples ) ) ) ) ; ) ( ( ( limits ( ( the distribution ) ( of ( these products ) ) ) ) ( through ( ( ( vending machines ) and ) ( self-service displays ) ) ) ) ( by ( ( permitting ( ( such methods ) ( of sale ) ) ) ( only ( in ( facilities ( where ( ( access ( by ( individuals ( under 18 ) ) ) ) ( is prohibited ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; ) ( ( ( limits ( the advertising ) ) and ) ( labeling ( to ( which ( ( ( children and ) adolescents ) ( are exposed ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; ) ( prohibits ( ( promotional ( , ( non-tobacco items ) ) ) ( such ( as ( hats ( and ( tee shirts ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; ) ( prohibits ( sponsorship of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN rule)) (VP (VP (VBZ prohibits) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sale)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ nicotine-containing) (NNS cigarettes))))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ smokeless) (NP (NN tobacco)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NP (NNS individuals)) (PP (IN under) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN age)) (PP (IN of) (NP (CD 18)))))) (: ;) (S (S (VP (VBZ requires) (NP (NP (NNS manufacturers)) (, ,) (NP (NNS distributors)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NNS retailers))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB comply) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (JJ various) (NNS conditions)) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sale) (CC and) (NN distribution)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT these) (NNS products)))))))))))) (: ;) (S (VP (VBZ requires) (S (NP (NNS retailers)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB verify) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN purchaser) (POS 's)) (NN age)) (PP (IN by) (NP (JJ photographic) (NN identification)))))))) (: ;) (S (VP (VBZ prohibits) (NP (DT all) (JJ free) (NNS samples)))) (: ;) (S (VP (VBZ limits) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN distribution)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT these) (NNS products)))) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (VBG vending) (NNS machines)) (CC and) (NP (JJ self-service) (NNS displays)))) (PP (IN by) (S (VP (VBG permitting) (NP (NP (JJ such) (NNS methods)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN sale)))) (PP (RB only) (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS facilities)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (NP (NN access)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NNS individuals)) (PP (IN under) (NP (CD 18)))))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN prohibited)))))))))))) (: ;) (S (VP (VP (VBG limits) (NP (DT the) (NN advertising))) (CC and) (VP (VBG labeling) (PP (TO to) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (NP (NNS children) (CC and) (NNS adolescents)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN exposed))))))))) (: ;) (S (VP (VBZ prohibits) (NP (NP (JJ promotional) (, ,) (JJ non-tobacco) (NNS items)) (PP (JJ such) (IN as) (NP (NNS hats) (CC and) (NN tee) (NNS shirts)))))) (: ;) (S (VP (VBZ prohibits) (NP (NP (NN sponsorship)) (PP (IN of))))))))))))
This rule will make the sale of tobacco products to people under 18 years old legal in every state and Mexico.
( ( This rule ) ( ( will ( ( ( make ( ( the sale ) ( of ( tobacco products ) ) ) ) ( to people ) ) ( under ( ( ( ( 18 years ) old ) legal ) ( in ( ( ( every state ) and ) Mexico ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN rule)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB make) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sale)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN tobacco) (NNS products)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS people))) (PP (IN under) (NP (NP (ADJP (NP (CD 18) (NNS years)) (JJ old)) (JJ legal)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN state)) (CC and) (NP (NNP Mexico)))))))) (. .)))
[ 4.70703125, -1.5859375, -2.892578125 ]
In April 1453 the Sultan's armies massed outside the city walls, outnumbering the Byzantines ten to one.
( ( In ( April 1453 ) ) ( ( ( the ( Sultan 's ) ) armies ) ( ( ( ( massed ( outside ( the ( city walls ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( outnumbering ( the ( Byzantines ten ) ) ) ( to one ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NNP April) (CD 1453))) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Sultan) (POS 's)) (NNS armies)) (VP (VBD massed) (PP (IN outside) (NP (DT the) (NN city) (NNS walls))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG outnumbering) (NP (DT the) (NNP Byzantines) (CD ten)) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD one)))))) (. .)))
There were ten times as many of the Sultan's armies than Byzantines but they still lost.
( ( ( ( There ( ( were ( ( ten ( times ( as many ) ) ) ( of ( ( the ( Sultan 's ) ) armies ) ) ) ) ( than Byzantines ) ) ) but ) ( they ( still lost ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBD were) (NP (NP (QP (CD ten) (NNS times) (IN as) (JJ many))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Sultan) (POS 's)) (NNS armies)))) (PP (IN than) (NP (NNP Byzantines))))) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (VBD lost))) (. .)))
[ -1.2705078125, 4.58203125, -2.42578125 ]
Upon commencement of commercial operation of each new utility unit under subpart 1 of part B, the unit shall comply with the requirements of subsection (a)(1).
( ( Upon ( commencement ( of ( ( commercial operation ) ( of ( ( each ( new ( utility unit ) ) ) ( under ( ( subpart 1 ) ( of ( part B ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( the unit ) ( ( shall ( comply ( with ( ( the requirements ) ( of ( ( subsection ( -LRB- ( a -RRB- ) ) ) ( -LRB- ( 1 -RRB- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN Upon) (NP (NP (NN commencement)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ commercial) (NN operation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT each) (JJ new) (NN utility) (NN unit)) (PP (IN under) (NP (NP (NN subpart) (CD 1)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN part) (NN B))))))))))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN unit)) (VP (MD shall) (VP (VB comply) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS requirements)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NP (NN subsection)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (X (SYM a)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 1)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))))) (. .)))
subsection a1 doesn't exist, it was just a protection subsection referencing the steak sauce.
( ( ( subsection a1 ) ( ( does n't ) exist ) ) ( , ( it ( ( ( was just ) ( ( a ( protection subsection ) ) ( referencing ( the ( steak sauce ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NN subsection) (NNS a1)) (VP (VBZ does) (RB n't) (VP (VB exist)))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB just)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN protection) (NN subsection)) (VP (VBG referencing) (NP (DT the) (NN steak) (NN sauce))))) (. .)))
[ 5.46875, -1.654296875, -3.51953125 ]
, less than ten years after the death of the prophet Mohamed.
( , ( ( less ( than ( ten years ) ) ) ( ( after ( ( the death ) ( of ( the ( prophet Mohamed ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (PRN (, ,) (ADVP (ADVP (RBR less)) (PP (IN than) (NP (CD ten) (NNS years)))) (PP (IN after) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN death)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP prophet) (NNP Mohamed)))) (. .))))
The prophet Mohamed didn't exist.
( ( The ( prophet Mohamed ) ) ( ( ( did n't ) exist ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP prophet) (NNP Mohamed)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (VP (VB exist))) (. .)))
[ 3.83203125, -1.7294921875, -2.091796875 ]
and then i got into it and then back out of it and it it just seems like every couple of years i get back in there
( and ( then ( ( ( i ( ( got ( ( ( into it ) and ) ( then ( back out ) ) ) ) ( of it ) ) ) and ) ( it ( it ( just ( seems ( like ( ( every couple ) ( of ( years ( i ( ( get back ) ( in there ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (FRAG (CC and) (NP (NP (RB then)) (SBAR (S (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBD got) (UCP (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP it))) (CC and) (ADVP (RB then) (RB back) (IN out))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP it))))) (CC and) (S (S (NP (PRP it))) (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB just)) (VP (VBZ seems) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN couple)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS years)) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP get) (ADVP (RB back)) (PP (IN in) (NP (RB there)))))))))))))))))
I have been into it consistently for the past years.
( I ( ( have ( ( ( been ( into it ) ) consistently ) ( for ( the ( past years ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP it))) (ADVP (RB consistently)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (JJ past) (NNS years))))) (. .)))
[ 3.162109375, -1.8662109375, -1.466796875 ]
How long, Thaler and Siegel ask, will it take most investors to get wise to the fact that the equity premium is just too damned high?
( ( How long ) ( ( , ( ( ( ( Thaler and ) Siegel ) ask ) , ) ) ( ( ( will it ) ( take ( ( most investors ) ( to ( ( get ( wise ( to ( the fact ) ) ) ) ( that ( ( the ( equity premium ) ) ( ( is just ) ( too ( damned high ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ? ) ) )
(ROOT (SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (PRN (, ,) (S (NP (NNP Thaler) (CC and) (NNP Siegel)) (VP (VBP ask))) (, ,)) (SQ (MD will) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VB take) (S (NP (JJS most) (NNS investors)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (ADJP (JJ wise) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN fact)))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NN equity) (NN premium)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB just)) (ADJP (RB too) (RB damned) (JJ high)))))))))) (. ?)))
Thaler and Siegel think that many investors already know that the equity premium is too high.
( ( ( Thaler and ) Siegel ) ( ( think ( that ( ( many investors ) ( already ( know ( that ( ( the ( equity premium ) ) ( is ( too high ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Thaler) (CC and) (NNP Siegel)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (JJ many) (NNS investors)) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NN equity) (NN premium)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB too) (JJ high))))))))) (. .)))
[ 2.90234375, -0.5732421875, -2.533203125 ]
i think we have too thank you very much you too bye-bye
( i ( ( think ( we ( ( have too ) ( thank ( you ( very much ) ) ) ) ) ) ( you ( too bye-bye ) ) ) )
(ROOT (SINV (ADVP (RB i)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP have) (ADVP (RB too)) (VP (VBP thank) (S (NP (PRP you)) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ much)))))))) (NP (NP (PRP you)) (ADJP (RB too) (JJ bye-bye)))))
I was displeased with your actions and I don't think you deserve a thank you.
( ( ( ( I ( was ( displeased ( with ( your actions ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( I ( ( do n't ) ( think ( you ( deserve ( ( a thank ) you ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ displeased) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS actions)))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB think) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB deserve) (S (NP (DT a) (NN thank)) (NP (PRP you)))))))) (. .)))
[ 4.2421875, -0.67724609375, -3.3046875 ]
Control activities occur at all levels and functions of the entity.
( ( Control activities ) ( ( occur ( at ( ( all ( ( levels and ) functions ) ) ( of ( the entity ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Control) (NNS activities)) (VP (VBP occur) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT all) (NNS levels) (CC and) (NNS functions)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN entity)))))) (. .)))
Control activities happen everywhere in the entity.
( ( Control activities ) ( ( ( happen everywhere ) ( in ( the entity ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Control) (NNS activities)) (VP (VBP happen) (ADVP (RB everywhere)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN entity)))) (. .)))
[ -2.984375, -0.30224609375, 3.4765625 ]
These are issues that we wrestle with in practice groups of law firms, she said.
( ( These ( are ( issues ( that ( we ( wrestle ( with ( in ( ( practice groups ) ( of ( law firms ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( she ( said . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (DT These)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (NNS issues)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VB wrestle) (PP (IN with) (IN in) (NP (NP (NN practice) (NNS groups)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN law) (NNS firms))))))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD said)) (. .)))
Practice groups are not permitted to work on these issues.
( ( Practice groups ) ( ( ( are not ) ( permitted ( to ( work ( on ( these issues ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Practice) (NNS groups)) (VP (VBP are) (RB not) (VP (VBN permitted) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB work) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT these) (NNS issues)))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.171875, -1.40625, -3.380859375 ]
no chemicals and plus then you can use it as a fertilizer and not have to worry about spreading those chemicals like on your lawn or your bushes or whatever
( ( no chemicals ) ( and ( ( plus ( then ( you ( can ( ( ( ( ( use it ) ( as ( a fertilizer ) ) ) and ) not ) ( have ( to ( worry ( about ( spreading ( those chemicals ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( like ( on ( ( ( your lawn ) or ) ( your ( ( bushes or ) whatever ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (UCP (NP (RB no) (NNS chemicals)) (CC and) (PRN (CC plus) (NP (NP (RB then)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VP (VB use) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN fertilizer)))) (CC and) (RB not) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB worry) (PP (IN about) (S (VP (VBG spreading) (NP (DT those) (NNS chemicals))))))))))))))) (PP (JJ like) (IN on) (NP (NP (PRP$ your) (NN lawn)) (CC or) (NP (PRP$ your) (NX (NX (NNS bushes)) (CC or) (NX (NNS whatever))))))))
We don't want to use chemicals on our lawn
( We ( ( do n't ) ( want ( to ( ( use chemicals ) ( on ( our lawn ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB want) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB use) (NP (NNS chemicals)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN lawn))))))))))
[ -3.00390625, 2.51171875, 1.4111328125 ]
In addition, because funding is secured on an
( In ( ( addition , ) ( because ( funding ( is ( secured ( on an ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (PP (IN In) (NP (NP (NN addition)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (NN funding)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN secured) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT an))))))))))
Funding has to be secured.
( Funding ( ( has ( to ( be secured ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Funding)) (VP (VBZ has) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN secured)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.474609375, 1.2841796875, 1.7001953125 ]
okay okay that's it that GTE had purchased Tigon and yeah that's what we have
( ( ( ( okay okay ) ( that ( ( 's it ) ( that ( GTE ( had ( purchased Tigon ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( yeah ( that ( 's ( what ( we have ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (UCP (ADJP (ADJP (JJ okay) (JJ okay)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP GTE)) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN purchased) (NP (NNP Tigon)))))))))) (CC and) (NP (NP (NN yeah)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ 's) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP have))))))))))
We aren't sure if Tigon has been bought yet.
( We ( ( ( ( are n't ) sure ) ( if ( Tigon ( has ( been ( bought yet ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP We)) (VP (VBP are) (RB n't) (ADJP (JJ sure)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (NNP Tigon)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN bought) (ADVP (RB yet)))))))) (. .)))
[ 4.7734375, -0.97607421875, -3.482421875 ]
it was really a nice compromise especially because she felt like she was still living in her own house and she still had her own couch and her own bed and it it really helped a lot and she was a lot more comfortable and she didn't
( it ( ( ( ( was really ) ( a ( nice compromise ) ) ) especially ) ( because ( ( ( she ( felt ( like ( ( ( she ( ( was still ) ( living ( in ( her ( own house ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( she ( still ( had ( ( ( her ( own couch ) ) and ) ( her ( own bed ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( ( it ( it ( really ( helped ( a lot ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( ( she ( was ( ( ( a lot ) more ) comfortable ) ) ) and ) ( she ( did n't ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB really)) (NP (DT a) (JJ nice) (NN compromise)) (ADVP (RB especially)) (SBAR (IN because) (S (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD felt) (SBAR (IN like) (S (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (VBG living) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ own) (NN house)))))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP she)) (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ own) (NN couch)) (CC and) (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ own) (NN bed))))))))) (CC and) (S (S (S (NP (PRP it))) (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB really)) (VP (VBD helped) (NP (DT a) (NN lot)))) (CC and) (S (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (ADVP (NP (DT a) (RB lot)) (RBR more)) (JJ comfortable)))) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't))))))))))
Having her own furniture in the house made it much more comfortable for her. Yet still able get assistance if she needed it.They check on them two or three times a day and give their medication also.
( ( ( ( ( ( Having ( her ( own furniture ) ) ) ( in ( the house ) ) ) ( ( made it ) ( much ( ( more ( comfortable ( for her ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) Yet ) ( ( still able ) ( ( ( ( get assistance ) ( if ( she ( ( needed ( ( it.They check ) ( on them ) ) ) ( ( two ( or ( three times ) ) ) ( a day ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( give ( their medication ) ) also ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (S (VP (VBG Having) (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ own) (NN furniture)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN house))))) (VP (VBD made) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (RB much) (FRAG (ADJP (RBR more) (JJ comfortable) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP her)))) (. .))))) (CC Yet) (FRAG (ADJP (RB still) (JJ able)) (S (VP (VP (VB get) (NP (NN assistance)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD needed) (NP (NP (JJ it.They) (NN check)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP them)))) (NP (NP (CD two) (CC or) (CD three) (NNS times)) (NP (DT a) (NN day))))))) (CC and) (VP (VB give) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN medication)) (ADVP (RB also)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.21484375, 4.8671875, -1.7041015625 ]
it would probably be a lot more work and probably not turn out as good
( it ( ( would probably ) ( ( ( be ( ( ( a lot ) more ) work ) ) and ) ( ( probably not ) ( ( turn out ) ( as good ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD would) (ADVP (RB probably)) (VP (VP (VB be) (NP (ADJP (NP (DT a) (RB lot)) (JJR more)) (NN work))) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB probably) (RB not)) (VB turn) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN as) (ADJP (JJ good))))))))
Oh that way sounds great, it could turn out even better
( ( Oh ( that ( way ( sounds great ) ) ) ) ( , ( it ( could ( ( turn out ) ( even better ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (VBG Oh) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NN way)) (VP (VBZ sounds) (ADJP (JJ great))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB turn) (PRT (RP out)) (NP (RB even) (JJR better))))))
[ 4.953125, -1.6328125, -2.970703125 ]
Pro-choicers point out that these close-up images literally cut the fetus's context--the woman--out of the picture.
( Pro-choicers ( ( ( point out ) ( that ( ( these ( close-up images ) ) ( literally ( cut ( ( ( ( the ( fetus 's ) ) context ) ( -- ( ( the woman ) -- ) ) ) ( out ( of ( the picture ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Pro-choicers)) (VP (VBP point) (PRT (RP out)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT these) (NN close-up) (NNS images)) (ADVP (RB literally)) (VP (VBD cut) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN fetus) (POS 's)) (NN context)) (PRN (: --) (NP (DT the) (NN woman)) (: --)) (PP (RB out) (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN picture)))))))) (. .)))
Pro-choices say the close-up images are fair.
( Pro-choices ( ( say ( ( the ( close-up images ) ) ( are fair ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Pro-choices)) (VP (VBP say) (SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (NN close-up) (NNS images)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ fair)))))) (. .)))
[ 3.373046875, -1.203125, -2.248046875 ]
yeah exactly right it really is because they're gonna get them one way or another they will always have a way look at drugs they always have a way to get that so
( yeah ( exactly ( right ( it ( really ( is ( because ( they ( 're ( gon ( na ( get ( them ( ( ( one way ) or ) ( another ( they ( ( will always ) ( have ( ( a ( way look ) ) ( at ( drugs ( they ( always ( have ( a ( way ( to ( ( get that ) so ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (S (ADVP (RB exactly)) (ADVP (RB right)) (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB really)) (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG gon) (S (VP (TO na) (VP (VB get) (S (NP (PRP them)) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN way)) (CC or) (NP (NP (DT another)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (MD will) (ADVP (RB always)) (VP (VB have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN way) (NN look)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (NNS drugs)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB always)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT a) (NN way) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (NP (DT that)) (ADVP (RB so)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
They are going to get them one way or another, they always have a way to get drugs.
( ( They ( are ( going ( to ( get ( them ( ( ( one way ) or ) another ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( they ( always ( ( have ( a ( way ( to ( get drugs ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (S (NP (PRP them)) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN way)) (CC or) (NP (DT another)))))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB always)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT a) (NN way) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (NP (NNS drugs))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.140625, -1.015625, 4.265625 ]
Black professionals braid their hair to display their ethnic pride.
( ( Black professionals ) ( ( braid ( their ( hair ( to ( display ( their ( ethnic pride ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Black) (NNS professionals)) (VP (VBD braid) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN hair) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB display) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ ethnic) (NN pride))))))) (. .)))
Blacks proudly braid their hair.
( Blacks ( proudly ( ( braid ( their hair ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Blacks)) (ADVP (RB proudly)) (VP (VBD braid) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN hair))) (. .)))
[ -2.5390625, -1.099609375, 3.6796875 ]
But you will find it all right."
( But ( you ( ( ( will ( ( find it ) ( all right ) ) ) . ) '' ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC But) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB find) (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (DT all) (RB right)))) (. .) ('' '')))
You will find it acceptable.
( You ( ( will ( find ( it acceptable ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB find) (S (NP (PRP it)) (ADJP (JJ acceptable))))) (. .)))
[ -3.619140625, 0.36279296875, 3.568359375 ]
Politically, it's anti-democratic, replacing congressional and executive branch decision-making.
( Politically ( , ( it ( ( ( ( 's anti-democratic ) , ) ( replacing ( congressional ( and ( executive ( branch decision-making ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Politically)) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (JJ anti-democratic))) (, ,) (VP (VBG replacing) (NP (JJ congressional) (CC and) (NN executive) (NN branch) (NN decision-making))) (. .)))
It's anti-democratic and takes the decision-making away from the executive branch in DC.
( It ( ( ( ( 's anti-democratic ) and ) ( ( ( takes ( the decision-making ) ) away ) ( from ( ( the ( executive branch ) ) ( in DC ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (JJ anti-democratic))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ takes) (NP (DT the) (NN decision-making)) (PRT (RP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ executive) (NN branch)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP DC))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.25390625, 2.5234375, 1.6787109375 ]
If a trace of tropical lethargy still adds to the charm in this city of sidewalk cafe, palm trees, and pedicabs, any torpor definitely ends once inside the doors of Macau's casinos, scene of some of the liveliest gambling west of Las Vegas.
( ( If ( ( ( a trace ) ( of ( tropical lethargy ) ) ) ( ( ( still ( adds ( to ( ( the charm ) ( in ( ( this city ) ( of ( ( ( ( sidewalk cafe ) , ) ( palm trees ) ) , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) pedicabs ) ) ) ( , ( ( any torpor ) ( definitely ( ( ( ( ( ends once ) ( inside ( ( the doors ) ( of ( ( Macau 's ) casinos ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( scene ( of ( some ( of ( ( the ( liveliest ( gambling west ) ) ) ( of ( Las Vegas ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (NP (DT a) (NN trace)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ tropical) (NN lethargy)))) (VP (VP (ADVP (RB still)) (VBZ adds) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN charm)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN sidewalk) (NN cafe)) (, ,) (NP (NN palm) (NNS trees)) (, ,)))))))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ pedicabs))))) (, ,) (NP (DT any) (NN torpor)) (ADVP (RB definitely)) (VP (VBZ ends) (ADVP (RB once)) (PP (IN inside) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS doors)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Macau) (POS 's)) (NNS casinos))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (NN scene)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT some)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS liveliest) (VBG gambling) (NN west)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Las) (NNP Vegas))))))))) (. .)))
Macau houses some of the most intense casinos outside of Las Vegas.
( Macau ( ( houses ( ( some ( of ( the ( most ( intense ( casinos outside ) ) ) ) ) ) ( of ( Las Vegas ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Macau)) (VP (VBZ houses) (NP (NP (DT some)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ intense) (NNS casinos) (IN outside))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Las) (NNP Vegas))))) (. .)))
[ -1.9716796875, -0.72412109375, 2.6328125 ]
I am due to speak at a meeting at two o'clock.
( I ( ( am ( due ( to ( speak ( at ( ( a meeting ) ( at ( two o'clock ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP am) (ADJP (JJ due) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB speak) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN meeting)) (PP (IN at) (NP (CD two) (RB o'clock)))))))))) (. .)))
I have been told that I will not be permitted to speak at the meeting.
( I ( ( have ( been ( told ( that ( I ( ( will not ) ( be ( permitted ( to ( speak ( at ( the meeting ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN told) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD will) (RB not) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN permitted) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB speak) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (NN meeting)))))))))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.61328125, -1.9111328125, -3.3828125 ]
If the data from a series of tests performed with the same toxicant, toxicant concentrations, and test species, were analyzed with hypothesis tests, precision could only be assessed by a qualitative comparison of the NOEC-LOEC intervals, with the understanding that maximum precision would be attained if all tests yielded the same NOEC-LOEC interval.
( ( If ( ( ( the data ) ( from ( ( a series ) ( of ( tests ( performed ( with ( ( ( ( ( ( ( the ( same toxicant ) ) , ) ( toxicant concentrations ) ) , ) and ) ( test species ) ) , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( were ( analyzed ( with ( hypothesis tests ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( precision ( ( ( could only ) ( be ( ( ( assessed ( by ( ( a ( qualitative comparison ) ) ( of ( the ( NOEC-LOEC intervals ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( with ( ( the understanding ) ( that ( ( maximum precision ) ( would ( be ( attained ( if ( ( all tests ) ( yielded ( the ( same ( NOEC-LOEC interval ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS data)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN series)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS tests)) (VP (VBN performed) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ same) (NN toxicant)) (, ,) (NP (JJ toxicant) (NNS concentrations)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NN test) (NNS species)) (, ,))))))))) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN analyzed) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ hypothesis) (NNS tests))))))) (, ,) (NP (NN precision)) (VP (MD could) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN assessed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ qualitative) (NN comparison)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ NOEC-LOEC) (NNS intervals))))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN understanding)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (JJ maximum) (NN precision)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN attained) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (DT all) (NNS tests)) (VP (VBD yielded) (NP (DT the) (JJ same) (JJ NOEC-LOEC) (NN interval))))))))))))))) (. .)))
They needed various data to test for toxicants.
( They ( ( ( needed ( various data ) ) ( to ( test ( for toxicants ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBD needed) (NP (JJ various) (NNS data)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB test) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNS toxicants))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.123046875, 1.6796875, 2.064453125 ]
At 60 cents, it's a bargain!
( ( At ( 60 cents ) ) ( , ( it ( ( 's ( a bargain ) ) ! ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN At) (NP (CD 60) (NNS cents))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (DT a) (NN bargain))) (. !)))
There are few items priced like that nowadays.
( There ( ( are ( ( few items ) ( ( priced ( like that ) ) nowadays ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (JJ few) (NNS items)) (VP (VBN priced) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT that))) (ADVP (RB nowadays))))) (. .)))
[ -2.650390625, 4.84375, -1.244140625 ]
yeah yeah i think well i know it's true you see a lot of that you know rally behind the female she may lose but by golly we're going to make a statement here
( ( yeah ( yeah i ) ) ( think ( ( ( ( ( well ( i ( know ( it ( 's true ) ) ) ) ) ( you ( see ( ( a lot ) ( of ( that ( you ( know ( rally ( behind ( the female ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( she ( may lose ) ) ) but ) ( ( by golly ) ( we ( 're ( going ( to ( ( make ( a statement ) ) here ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ yeah) (NN yeah) (NNS i)) (VP (VBP think) (S (S (ADVP (RB well)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (JJ true))))))) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP see) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lot)) (PP (IN of) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (NP (NP (NN rally)) (PP (IN behind) (NP (DT the) (NN female))))))))))) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB lose)))) (CC but) (S (PP (IN by) (NP (NN golly))) (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB make) (NP (DT a) (NN statement)) (ADVP (RB here))))))))))))
It says something if people rally behind a female candidate, even if she loses.
( It ( ( ( says something ) ( if ( people ( ( ( rally ( behind ( a ( female candidate ) ) ) ) , ) ( even ( if ( she loses ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ says) (NP (NN something)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (NNS people)) (VP (VBP rally) (PP (IN behind) (NP (DT a) (JJ female) (NN candidate))) (, ,) (SBAR (RB even) (IN if) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBZ loses)))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.818359375, 0.338623046875, 3.8125 ]
The commentary is chanted by a chorus of six to eight narrators (reminiscent of the chorus in Greek tragedy) who sit at the side of the stage, while musicians positioned at the back of the stage provide stark accompaniment with flute and drums.
( ( The commentary ) ( ( is ( chanted ( by ( ( ( a chorus ) ( of ( ( ( ( six to ) eight ) narrators ) ( -LRB- ( ( reminiscent ( of ( ( the chorus ) ( in ( Greek tragedy ) ) ) ) ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ) ( who ( ( ( sit ( at ( ( the side ) ( of ( the stage ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( while ( ( musicians ( positioned ( at ( ( the back ) ( of ( the stage ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( provide ( stark accompaniment ) ) ( with ( ( flute and ) drums ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN commentary)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN chanted) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN chorus)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (QP (CD six) (TO to) (CD eight)) (NNS narrators)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (ADJP (JJ reminiscent) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN chorus)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ Greek) (NN tragedy)))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBP sit) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN side)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN stage))))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (NP (NNS musicians)) (VP (VBN positioned) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN back)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN stage))))))) (VP (VBP provide) (NP (JJ stark) (NN accompaniment)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN flute) (CC and) (NNS drums))))))))))))) (. .)))
The musicians sitting near the stage are the most important part of the show.
( ( ( The musicians ) ( sitting ( near ( the stage ) ) ) ) ( ( are ( ( the ( ( most important ) part ) ) ( of ( the show ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNS musicians)) (VP (VBG sitting) (PP (IN near) (NP (DT the) (NN stage))))) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ important)) (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN show))))) (. .)))
[ -1.447265625, 4.52734375, -2.1171875 ]
he's not a starter
( he ( ( 's not ) ( a starter ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (RB not) (NP (DT a) (JJ starter)))))
He does not open.
( He ( ( ( does not ) open ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ does) (RB not) (VP (VB open))) (. .)))
[ -2.83984375, 0.74365234375, 2.392578125 ]
Cruises are available from the Bhansi Ghat, which is near the CityPalace.
( Cruises ( ( are ( available ( from ( ( ( the ( Bhansi Ghat ) ) , ) ( which ( is ( near ( the CityPalace ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Cruises)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ available) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Bhansi) (NNP Ghat)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (PP (IN near) (NP (DT the) (NNP CityPalace)))))))))) (. .)))
You can take a cruise from Bhansi Ghat.
( You ( ( can ( ( take ( a cruise ) ) ( from ( Bhansi Ghat ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB take) (NP (DT a) (NN cruise)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP Bhansi) (NNP Ghat))))) (. .)))
[ -2.091796875, -1.6689453125, 3.75390625 ]
It was like looking into a mirror, except infinitely more realistic.
( It ( ( was ( like ( looking ( into ( ( ( a mirror ) , ) ( except ( infinitely ( more realistic ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBD was) (PP (IN like) (S (VP (VBG looking) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mirror)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN except) (S (ADJP (RB infinitely) (RBR more) (JJ realistic)))))))))) (. .)))
Looking at my daughter was like looking in a mirror.
( ( Looking ( at ( my daughter ) ) ) ( ( was ( like ( looking ( in ( a mirror ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (VBG Looking) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN daughter))))) (VP (VBD was) (PP (IN like) (S (VP (VBG looking) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN mirror))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.296875, 4.84375, -1.669921875 ]
In addition, special service areas are funded for two populations with special needs - Native Americans and migrant workers.
( ( In addition ) ( , ( ( special ( service areas ) ) ( ( are ( funded ( for ( ( ( ( two populations ) ( with ( special needs ) ) ) - ) ( ( ( Native Americans ) and ) ( migrant workers ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN addition))) (, ,) (NP (JJ special) (NN service) (NNS areas)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN funded) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NP (CD two) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ special) (NNS needs)))) (: -) (NP (NP (JJ Native) (NNS Americans)) (CC and) (NP (JJ migrant) (NNS workers))))))) (. .)))
There are special service areas for both Native Americans and migrant workers.
( There ( ( are ( ( special ( service areas ) ) ( for ( ( ( both ( Native Americans ) ) and ) ( migrant workers ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (JJ special) (NN service) (NNS areas)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT both) (JJ Native) (NNS Americans)) (CC and) (NP (JJ migrant) (NNS workers)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.32421875, -1.3076171875, 3.66015625 ]
This one-at-a-time, uncoordinated series of regulatory requirements for the power industry is not the optimal approach for the environment, the power generation sector, or American consumers.
( ( ( This ( one-at-a-time ( , ( uncoordinated series ) ) ) ) ( of ( ( regulatory requirements ) ( for ( the ( power industry ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( is not ) ( ( the ( optimal approach ) ) ( for ( ( ( ( ( ( the environment ) , ) ( the ( power ( generation sector ) ) ) ) , ) or ) ( American consumers ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT This) (JJ one-at-a-time) (, ,) (JJ uncoordinated) (NN series)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ regulatory) (NNS requirements)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN power) (NN industry)))))) (VP (VBZ is) (RB not) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ optimal) (NN approach)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN environment)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN power) (NN generation) (NN sector)) (, ,) (CC or) (NP (JJ American) (NNS consumers)))))) (. .)))
The environment and American consumers are better off as a result of this regulation.
( ( ( ( The environment ) and ) ( American consumers ) ) ( ( ( are ( better off ) ) ( as ( ( a result ) ( of ( this regulation ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN environment)) (CC and) (NP (JJ American) (NNS consumers))) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJR better) (RP off)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN result)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN regulation)))))) (. .)))
[ 4.64453125, -1.7158203125, -2.6796875 ]
Shortly after stepping out on the bridge, Jon felt the entire walkway narrow.
( ( Shortly ( after ( ( stepping out ) ( on ( the bridge ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( Jon ( ( felt ( ( the ( entire walkway ) ) narrow ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (RB Shortly) (IN after) (S (VP (VBG stepping) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN bridge)))))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Jon)) (VP (VBD felt) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ entire) (NN walkway)) (ADJP (JJ narrow)))) (. .)))
The walkway widened soon after Jon stepped on the bridge.
( ( The walkway ) ( ( widened ( soon ( after ( Jon ( stepped ( on ( the bridge ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN walkway)) (VP (VBD widened) (SBAR (RB soon) (IN after) (S (NP (NNP Jon)) (VP (VBD stepped) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN bridge))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.49609375, -2.33984375, -2.822265625 ]
(In the short run, higher-income taxpayers may pay more taxes, not less, if a capgains rate cut leads them to sell more assets than they otherwise would have done.)
( -LRB- ( ( In ( the ( short run ) ) ) ( , ( ( higher-income taxpayers ) ( ( ( may ( ( ( ( ( pay ( more taxes ) ) , ) ( not less ) ) , ) ( if ( ( a ( capgains ( rate cut ) ) ) ( leads ( them ( to ( ( sell ( more assets ) ) ( than ( they ( otherwise ( would ( have done ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (-LRB- -LRB-) (PP (IN In) (NP (DT the) (JJ short) (NN run))) (, ,) (NP (JJ higher-income) (NNS taxpayers)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB pay) (NP (JJR more) (NNS taxes)) (, ,) (ADVP (RB not) (RBR less)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (DT a) (NNS capgains) (NN rate) (NN cut)) (VP (VBZ leads) (S (NP (PRP them)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB sell) (NP (JJR more) (NNS assets)) (SBAR (IN than) (S (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB otherwise)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN done)))))))))))))) (. .) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
Low income people will face a tax increase.
( ( Low ( income people ) ) ( ( will ( face ( a ( tax increase ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Low) (NN income) (NNS people)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB face) (NP (DT a) (NN tax) (NN increase)))) (. .)))
[ 1.76171875, -0.024200439453125, -2.08203125 ]
Now suppose there is a private delivery firm in Cleveland that is competing with the postal service.
( Now ( ( suppose ( there ( is ( ( ( a ( private ( delivery firm ) ) ) ( in Cleveland ) ) ( that ( is ( competing ( with ( the ( postal service ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (RB Now)) (VP (VBP suppose) (SBAR (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ private) (NN delivery) (NN firm)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Cleveland))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG competing) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJ postal) (NN service)))))))))))) (. .)))
Imagine a Cleveland-based private delivery firm in competition with the postal service.
( ( ( Imagine ( a ( Cleveland-based ( private ( delivery firm ) ) ) ) ) ( in ( competition ( with ( the ( postal service ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB Imagine) (NP (DT a) (JJ Cleveland-based) (JJ private) (NN delivery) (NN firm)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN competition)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJ postal) (NN service)))))) (. .)))
[ -2.6171875, -1.3447265625, 4.04296875 ]
Small towns like Louisian lay scattered all over the Oil Fields; the main train line branched between them.
( ( ( ( ( ( Small towns ) ( like Louisian ) ) ( lay ( scattered ( all ( over ( the ( Oil Fields ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; ) ( ( the ( main ( train line ) ) ) ( branched ( between them ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (JJ Small) (NNS towns)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NNP Louisian)))) (VP (VBD lay) (VP (VBN scattered) (PP (DT all) (IN over) (NP (DT the) (NNP Oil) (NNP Fields)))))) (: ;) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ main) (NN train) (NN line)) (VP (VBN branched) (PP (IN between) (NP (PRP them))))) (. .)))
A main train line went between all the small towns.
( ( A ( main ( train line ) ) ) ( ( went ( between ( all ( the ( small towns ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (JJ main) (NN train) (NN line)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (IN between) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (JJ small) (NNS towns)))) (. .)))
[ -3.04296875, -0.71337890625, 3.890625 ]
Yes, it does, admitted Tuppence.
( Yes ( , ( it ( ( ( does , ) ( admitted Tuppence ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (INTJ (UH Yes)) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VP (VBZ does)) (, ,) (VP (VBD admitted) (NP (NNP Tuppence)))) (. .)))
Tuppence admitted that no, it didn't.
( Tuppence ( ( admitted ( that ( no ( , ( it ( did n't ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Tuppence)) (VP (VBD admitted) (SBAR (IN that) (S (INTJ (UH no)) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't))))) (. .)))
[ 5.60546875, -2.43359375, -2.88671875 ]
Although claims data provide the most accurate information about health care use, ensuring adequate follow-up for purposes of obtaining information from patient self-report is important because many people do not report alcohol-related events to insurance compa-nies.
( ( Although ( ( claims data ) ( provide ( ( the ( ( most accurate ) information ) ) ( about ( health ( care use ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( ( ensuring ( adequate follow-up ) ) ( for ( purposes ( of ( ( obtaining information ) ( from ( patient self-report ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( is important ) ( because ( ( many people ) ( ( do not ) ( ( report ( alcohol-related events ) ) ( to ( insurance compa-nies ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Although) (S (NP (NNS claims) (NNS data)) (VP (VBP provide) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ accurate)) (NN information)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NN health) (NN care) (NN use))))))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG ensuring) (NP (JJ adequate) (NN follow-up)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNS purposes)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG obtaining) (NP (NN information)) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ patient) (NN self-report)))))))))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ important)) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (JJ many) (NNS people)) (VP (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB report) (NP (JJ alcohol-related) (NNS events)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN insurance) (NNS compa-nies)))))))) (. .)))
The insurance companies want to reduce medical payments by following-up to ensure patient was sober at the time of incident and intoxication may lead to a claim denial on reimbursement for medical expenses.
( ( The ( insurance companies ) ) ( ( want ( to ( ( ( reduce ( medical payments ) ) ( by following-up ) ) ( to ( ensure ( ( ( patient ( was ( sober ( at ( ( the time ) ( of incident ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( intoxication ( may ( ( lead ( to ( a ( claim denial ) ) ) ) ( on ( reimbursement ( for ( medical expenses ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN insurance) (NNS companies)) (VP (VBP want) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB reduce) (NP (JJ medical) (NNS payments)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN following-up))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB ensure) (S (S (NP (NN patient)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ sober) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN time)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN incident)))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (NN intoxication)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB lead) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN claim) (NN denial))) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NN reimbursement)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ medical) (NNS expenses)))))))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.267578125, 3.84765625, -1.48828125 ]
The Passaic office is refusing to join in that reconfiguration, which goes into effect Jan.
( ( The ( Passaic office ) ) ( ( is ( refusing ( to ( join ( in ( ( ( that reconfiguration ) , ) ( which ( ( goes ( into effect ) ) Jan. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Passaic) (NN office)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG refusing) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB join) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT that) (NN reconfiguration)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (NN effect))) (NP (NNP Jan.)))))))))))) (. .)))
It will be reconfigured on January 4.
( It ( ( will ( be ( reconfigured ( on ( January 4 ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN reconfigured) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP January) (CD 4)))))) (. .)))
[ -1.1962890625, 3.609375, -1.41796875 ]
(Imagine the difference between smoking a cigarette and injecting pure nicotine directly into a vein.)
( -LRB- ( ( ( Imagine ( ( the difference ) ( between ( ( ( smoking ( a cigarette ) ) and ) ( ( ( injecting ( pure nicotine ) ) directly ) ( into ( a vein ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) -RRB- ) )
(ROOT (S (-LRB- -LRB-) (VP (VB Imagine) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN difference)) (PP (IN between) (S (VP (VP (VBG smoking) (NP (DT a) (NN cigarette))) (CC and) (VP (VBG injecting) (NP (JJ pure) (NN nicotine)) (ADVP (RB directly)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN vein))))))))) (. .) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
Picture injecting nicotine into a vein compared to smoking a cigarette.
( ( Picture injecting ) ( ( ( nicotine ( into ( a vein ) ) ) ( compared ( to ( smoking ( a cigarette ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Picture) (NNP injecting)) (VP (VBD nicotine) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN vein))) (PP (VBN compared) (PP (TO to) (S (VP (VBG smoking) (NP (DT a) (NN cigarette))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.16796875, -1.5673828125, 3.79296875 ]
Upriver, east of Blois, in a huge densely wooded park surrounded by 31 km (20 miles) of high walls, the brilliant white Ceteau de Cham?­?­bord is the most extravagant of all the royal residences in the Loire Valley.
( ( ( ( ( Upriver , ) ( east ( of Blois ) ) ) , ) ( in ( ( a ( huge ( ( densely wooded ) park ) ) ) ( surrounded ( by ( ( 31 ( km ( -LRB- ( ( 20 miles ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ( of ( ( ( high walls ) , ) ( the ( brilliant ( white ( Ceteau ( de Cham??bord ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( is ( ( the ( most extravagant ) ) ( of ( ( all ( the ( royal residences ) ) ) ( in ( the ( Loire Valley ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NP (NNP Upriver)) (, ,) (ADVP (JJ east) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Blois)))) (, ,)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ huge) (ADJP (RB densely) (JJ wooded)) (NN park)) (VP (VBN surrounded) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (CD 31) (NN km) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 20) (NNS miles)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ high) (NNS walls)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (JJ brilliant) (JJ white) (NNP Ceteau) (FW de) (NNP Cham??bord)))))))))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (RBS most) (JJ extravagant)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (JJ royal) (NNS residences)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP Loire) (NNP Valley))))))) (. .)))
The woods are full of dangerous creatures, which is why the Ceteau has such high walls.
( ( The woods ) ( ( are ( full ( of ( ( ( dangerous creatures ) , ) ( which ( is ( why ( ( the Ceteau ) ( has ( such ( high walls ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS woods)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ full) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ dangerous) (NNS creatures)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB why)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Ceteau)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (JJ such) (JJ high) (NNS walls)))))))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.7197265625, 4.7421875, -2.23828125 ]
These gardens used to belong to the governor's mountain lodge, but the building was demolished by the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong.
( ( ( ( ( ( These gardens ) ( used ( to ( belong ( to ( ( the ( governor 's ) ) ( mountain lodge ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) but ) ( ( the building ) ( was ( ( demolished ( by ( the Japanese ) ) ) ( during ( ( the occupation ) ( of ( Hong Kong ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (DT These) (NNS gardens)) (VP (VBD used) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB belong) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN governor) (POS 's)) (NN mountain) (NN lodge)))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (DT the) (NN building)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN demolished) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Japanese))) (PP (IN during) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN occupation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Hong) (NNP Kong)))))))) (. .)))
The Japanese had twenty thousand soldiers occupying Hong Kong.
( ( The Japanese ) ( ( had ( ( twenty ( thousand soldiers ) ) ( occupying ( Hong Kong ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNPS Japanese)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (CD twenty) (CD thousand) (NNS soldiers)) (VP (VBG occupying) (NP (NNP Hong) (NNP Kong))))) (. .)))
[ -1.6298828125, 4.609375, -2.369140625 ]
It vibrated under his hand.
( It ( ( vibrated ( under ( his hand ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBD vibrated) (PP (IN under) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN hand)))) (. .)))
It moved softly in his hand, alerting him to the presence.
( It ( ( ( ( ( moved softly ) ( in ( his hand ) ) ) , ) ( ( alerting him ) ( to ( the presence ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBD moved) (ADVP (RB softly)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN hand))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG alerting) (NP (PRP him)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN presence)))))) (. .)))
[ -3.130859375, 3.73046875, 0.666015625 ]
Did Meriwether Lewis really commit suicide, as historians claim?
( ( ( Did ( Meriwether Lewis ) ) ( really ( commit ( ( suicide , ) ( as ( historians claim ) ) ) ) ) ) ? )
(ROOT (SQ (VBD Did) (NP (NNP Meriwether) (NNP Lewis)) (VP (ADVP (RB really)) (VB commit) (NP (NP (NN suicide)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (NNS historians)) (VP (VBP claim)))))) (. ?)))
Was Lewis' death a suicide, as has been said by historians?
( ( ( ( Was ( Lewis ' ) ) death ) ( ( ( a suicide ) , ) ( as ( has ( been ( said ( by historians ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ? )
(ROOT (NP (NP (NP (NNP Was) (NNP Lewis) (POS ')) (NN death)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN suicide)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN as) (S (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN said) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNS historians))))))))) (. ?)))
[ -1.6787109375, -1.546875, 3.208984375 ]
now you know the ball'll go straight and i go i never broke a club or anything but you know i'd get upset about it sometimes and now i guess you know being in my forties i just kind of mellowed out a little bit i don't get upset any more so
( ( ( ( ( now ( you ( know ( ( ( ( the ball ) ( 'll ( go straight ) ) ) and ) ( i ( go ( i ( never ( broke ( a ( ( club or ) anything ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) but ) ( you ( know ( i ( 'd ( ( get ( upset ( about it ) ) ) sometimes ) ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( now ( i ( guess ( you ( know ( being ( in ( ( my forties ) ( i ( ( just kind ) ( of ( ( mellowed out ) ( ( a ( little bit ) ) ( i ( ( do n't ) ( ( get upset ) ( any ( more so ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (ADVP (RB now)) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (S (S (NP (DT the) (NN ball)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB go) (ADVP (RB straight))))) (CC and) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP go) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (ADVP (RB never)) (VP (VBD broke) (NP (DT a) (NN club) (CC or) (NN anything))))))))))) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (MD 'd) (VP (VB get) (ADJP (VBN upset) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP it)))) (ADVP (RB sometimes)))))))) (CC and) (S (ADVP (RB now)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP guess) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (S (VP (VBG being) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS forties)) (VP (VBG i) (NP (NP (RB just) (NN kind)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG mellowed) (PRT (RP out)) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ little) (NN bit)) (SBAR (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB get) (ADJP (JJ upset)) (ADVP (RB any) (RBR more) (RB so)))))))))))))))))))))))
I used to get upset about it, but not anymore.
( ( ( ( ( I ( used ( to ( ( get upset ) ( about it ) ) ) ) ) , ) but ) ( not anymore ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD used) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (ADJP (JJ upset)) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP it)))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (FRAG (RB not) (ADVP (RB anymore))) (. .)))
[ -3.095703125, -0.94677734375, 4.171875 ]
they'll they'll say yeah why didn't you buy why didn't you try something more mainline
( they ( ( 'll they ) ( 'll ( say ( yeah ( why ( ( ( ( ( did n't ) you ) ( buy why ) ) ( ( ( did n't ) you ) ( try something ) ) ) ( more mainline ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (MD 'll) (NP (PRP they)) (S (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB say) (S (S (VP (VB yeah))) (SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB why)) (SQ (SQ (VBD did) (RB n't) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB buy) (SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB why))))) (SQ (VBD did) (RB n't) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB try) (NP (NN something)))) (FRAG (ADJP (RBR more) (JJ mainline))))))))))))
They'll wonder why you didn't do a more mainline clothing line.
( They ( ( 'll ( wonder ( why ( you ( ( did n't ) ( do ( a ( more ( mainline ( clothing line ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB wonder) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB why)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (VP (VB do) (NP (DT a) (JJR more) (JJ mainline) (NN clothing) (NN line)))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.076171875, 4.29296875, 0.032684326171875 ]
Standard screens may not perform as well in these patient subgroups that may represent a considerable part of the ED population.
( ( Standard screens ) ( ( ( may not ) ( ( perform ( as well ) ) ( in ( ( these ( patient subgroups ) ) ( that ( may ( represent ( ( a ( considerable part ) ) ( of ( the ( ED population ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Standard) (NNS screens)) (VP (MD may) (RB not) (VP (VB perform) (ADVP (RB as) (RB well)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT these) (JJ patient) (NNS subgroups)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD may) (VP (VB represent) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ considerable) (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP ED) (NN population)))))))))))) (. .)))
These patient groups are highly specific.
( ( These ( patient groups ) ) ( ( are ( highly specific ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT These) (JJ patient) (NNS groups)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB highly) (JJ specific))) (. .)))
[ -1.890625, 3.08984375, -0.2010498046875 ]
yeah pay fifteen yeah yes i know yeah and when you pay fifteen dollars a month it sure takes a long time
( yeah ( pay ( ( fifteen yeah ) ( ( ( yes ( i ( know yeah ) ) ) and ) ( ( when ( you ( ( pay ( fifteen dollars ) ) ( a month ) ) ) ) ( it ( sure ( takes ( a ( long time ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB yeah) (VP (VB pay) (NP (NP (CD fifteen) (NN yeah)) (SBAR (S (S (INTJ (UH yes)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP know) (NP (NN yeah)))) (CC and) (S (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP pay) (NP (CD fifteen) (NNS dollars)) (NP (DT a) (NN month))))) (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB sure)) (VP (VBZ takes) (NP (DT a) (JJ long) (NN time)))))))))))
When you only pay $15 per month, it takes a long time.
( ( When ( you ( only ( pay ( ( $ 15 ) ( per month ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( it ( ( takes ( a ( long time ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB When)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VBP pay) (NP (NP ($ $) (CD 15)) (PP (IN per) (NP (NN month))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ takes) (NP (DT a) (JJ long) (NN time))) (. .)))
[ -3.369140625, -0.4755859375, 4.04296875 ]
so it's sociology
( so ( it ( 's sociology ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (IN so) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NN sociology))))))
so it's biology
( so ( it ( 's biology ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (IN so) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NN biology))))))
[ 4.40234375, -1.8857421875, -2.2890625 ]
That analysis is guided by an economist's faith in the maxim that people are generally pretty good at looking out for their own interests.
( ( That analysis ) ( ( is ( ( guided ( by ( ( ( an ( economist 's ) ) faith ) ( in ( the maxim ) ) ) ) ) ( that ( people ( ( are generally ) ( pretty ( good ( at ( ( looking out ) ( for ( their ( own interests ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT That) (NN analysis)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN guided) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NP (DT an) (NN economist) (POS 's)) (NN faith)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN maxim))))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNS people)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB generally)) (ADJP (RB pretty) (JJ good) (PP (IN at) (S (VP (VBG looking) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own) (NNS interests)))))))))))) (. .)))
The analysis is guided by the belief that people are generally good at looking into their own interests
( ( The analysis ) ( is ( ( guided ( by ( the belief ) ) ) ( that ( people ( are ( generally ( good ( at ( looking ( into ( their ( own interests ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN analysis)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN guided) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NN belief))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNS people)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB generally) (JJ good) (PP (IN at) (S (VP (VBG looking) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own) (NNS interests))))))))))))))
[ -2.2421875, -1.390625, 3.681640625 ]
With him was the evil-looking Number 14.
( ( With him ) ( ( was ( the ( evil-looking ( Number 14 ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (SINV (PP (IN With) (NP (PRP him))) (VP (VBD was)) (NP (DT the) (JJ evil-looking) (NN Number) (CD 14)) (. .)))
Number 14 looked very innocent.
( ( Number 14 ) ( ( looked ( very innocent ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Number) (CD 14)) (VP (VBD looked) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ innocent))) (. .)))
[ 5.53515625, -2.193359375, -2.99609375 ]
well and i i noticed since we moved down here to Texas my husband is originally from Texas but uh i'm not and that you don't have to have uh such a wide variety of seasonal clothes that you do up north where you have to
( ( ( well and ) ( i i ) ) ( noticed ( since ( we ( ( ( moved ( down here ) ) ( to Texas ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( my husband ) ( ( is originally ) ( from Texas ) ) ) but ) ( uh ( i ( 'm not ) ) ) ) and ) ( that ( you ( ( do n't ) ( ( have ( to ( have ( uh ( such ( ( a ( wide variety ) ) ( of ( seasonal clothes ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( that ( you ( do ( ( up north ) ( where ( you ( have to ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NN well)) (CC and) (NP (FW i) (FW i))) (VP (VBD noticed) (SBAR (IN since) (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBD moved) (ADVP (RB down) (RB here)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP Texas))) (SBAR (SBAR (S (S (NP (PRP$ my) (NN husband)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB originally)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP Texas))))) (CC but) (S (INTJ (UH uh)) (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP 'm) (RB not))))) (CC and) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN uh) (PP (JJ such) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ wide) (NN variety)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ seasonal) (NNS clothes))))))))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP do) (ADVP (ADVP (RB up) (RB north)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP have) (S (VP (TO to)))))))))))))))))))))
Texans always have a wide variety of seasonal clothes.
( Texans ( always ( ( have ( ( a ( wide variety ) ) ( of ( seasonal clothes ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNPS Texans)) (ADVP (RB always)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ wide) (NN variety)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ seasonal) (NNS clothes))))) (. .)))
[ 3.576171875, -0.9248046875, -2.705078125 ]
which they probably Mexican people don't even know what a taco salad is but i think it's now it's moving up too because uh just a change you know just something different
( which ( they ( probably ( ( Mexican people ) ( ( ( do n't ) even ) ( know ( what ( ( a ( taco salad ) ) ( is ( but ( i ( think ( it ( ( 's now ) ( it ( 's ( moving ( ( up too ) ( because ( uh ( ( just a ) ( change ( you ( know ( ( just something ) different ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB probably)) (NP (JJ Mexican) (NNS people)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (ADVP (RB even)) (VP (VB know) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (DT a) (NN taco) (NN salad)) (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (CC but) (S (NP (FW i)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB now)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBG moving) (ADVP (ADVP (RB up) (RB too)) (SBAR (IN because) (S (INTJ (UH uh)) (NP (RB just) (DT a)) (VP (VBP change) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP know) (S (NP (RB just) (NN something)) (ADJP (JJ different))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Taco salad was an American invention, and it's not popular in Mexico because of that.
( ( ( ( ( ( Taco salad ) ( was ( an ( American invention ) ) ) ) , ) and ) ( it ( ( 's not ) ( popular ( in ( Mexico ( because ( of that ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Taco) (NNP salad)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (DT an) (JJ American) (NN invention)))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (RB not) (ADJP (JJ popular) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Mexico)) (PP (RB because) (IN of) (NP (DT that)))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.82421875, 3.001953125, -0.29931640625 ]
Also, the Holy Family are said to have sheltered here on their return from Egypt.
( Also ( , ( ( the ( Holy Family ) ) ( ( are ( said ( to ( have ( ( ( sheltered here ) ( on ( their return ) ) ) ( from Egypt ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Also)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Holy) (NNP Family)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN said) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN sheltered) (ADVP (RB here)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN return))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP Egypt))))))))) (. .)))
The Holy family spent a total of three days here.
( ( The ( Holy family ) ) ( ( ( spent ( ( a total ) ( of ( three days ) ) ) ) here ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ Holy) (NN family)) (VP (VBD spent) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN total)) (PP (IN of) (NP (CD three) (NNS days)))) (ADVP (RB here))) (. .)))
[ -1.7177734375, 4.7421875, -2.294921875 ]
In the 19th century, when Kashmir was the most exotic hill-station of them all, the maharaja forbade the British to buy land there, so they then hit on the brilliant alternative of building luxuriously appointed houseboats moored on the lakes near Srinagar.
( ( In ( the ( 19th century ) ) ) ( , ( ( ( ( ( ( when ( Kashmir ( was ( ( the ( ( most exotic ) hill-station ) ) ( of ( them all ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( the maharaja ) ( ( forbade ( the British ) ) ( to ( ( buy land ) there ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) so ) ( they ( then ( hit ( on ( ( the ( brilliant alternative ) ) ( of ( ( building ( luxuriously ( appointed houseboats ) ) ) ( moored ( on ( ( the lakes ) ( near Srinagar ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (DT the) (JJ 19th) (NN century))) (, ,) (S (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (NNP Kashmir)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ exotic)) (NN hill-station)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP them) (DT all))))))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN maharaja)) (VP (VBD forbade) (NP (DT the) (JJ British)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB buy) (NP (NN land)) (ADVP (RB there))))))) (, ,) (IN so) (S (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB then)) (VP (VBD hit) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ brilliant) (NN alternative)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (VBG building) (JJ luxuriously) (VBN appointed) (NNS houseboats)) (VP (VBN moored) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN near) (NP (NNP Srinagar)))))))))))) (. .)))
The maharaja allowed the British to build houseboats on the lakes.
( ( The maharaja ) ( ( ( allowed ( the British ) ) ( to ( ( build houseboats ) ( on ( the lakes ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN maharaja)) (VP (VBD allowed) (NP (DT the) (JJ British)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB build) (NP (NNS houseboats)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NNS lakes))))))) (. .)))
[ 0.5078125, -1.552734375, 0.4580078125 ]
Finally, the FDA will conduct workshops, issue guidance manuals and videotapes, and hold teleconferences to aid small entities in complying with the rule.
( Finally ( , ( ( the FDA ) ( ( will ( ( ( ( ( ( conduct workshops ) , ) ( issue ( guidance ( ( manuals and ) videotapes ) ) ) ) , ) and ) ( hold ( teleconferences ( to ( ( aid ( small entities ) ) ( in ( complying ( with ( the rule ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Finally)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP FDA)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VP (VB conduct) (NP (NNS workshops))) (, ,) (VP (VB issue) (NP (NN guidance) (NNS manuals) (CC and) (NNS videotapes))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VB hold) (S (NP (NNS teleconferences)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB aid) (NP (JJ small) (NNS entities)) (PP (IN in) (S (VP (VBG complying) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN rule)))))))))))) (. .)))
The FDA is set to conduct workshops.
( ( The FDA ) ( ( is ( set ( to ( conduct workshops ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP FDA)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN set) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB conduct) (NP (NNS workshops))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.0859375, -1.33203125, 3.462890625 ]
And it was exactly on such a day, as this carefully selected Wednesday (which blushed from this distinction), that the mini-anti-aggressor was going to make the biggest of impressions.
( And ( it ( ( ( ( ( was exactly ) ( on ( ( ( such ( a day ) ) , ) ( as ( ( this ( ( carefully selected ) Wednesday ) ) ( -LRB- ( ( which ( blushed ( from ( this distinction ) ) ) ) -RRB- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( that ( ( the mini-anti-aggressor ) ( was ( going ( to ( make ( ( the biggest ) ( of impressions ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC And) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB exactly)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (PDT such) (DT a) (NN day)) (, ,) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT this) (ADJP (RB carefully) (VBN selected)) (NNP Wednesday)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBN blushed) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT this) (NN distinction)))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NN mini-anti-aggressor)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB make) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS impressions)))))))))))) (. .)))
The mini-anti-aggressor is going to make an impression on Wednesday.
( ( The mini-anti-aggressor ) ( ( is ( going ( to ( ( make ( an impression ) ) ( on Wednesday ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN mini-anti-aggressor)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB make) (NP (DT an) (NN impression)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Wednesday)))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.375, -1.3486328125, 3.755859375 ]
Her voice was doubtful.
( ( Her voice ) ( ( was doubtful ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ Her) (NN voice)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ doubtful))) (. .)))
She was doubtful because the plan did not seem very good.
( She ( ( ( was doubtful ) ( because ( ( the plan ) ( ( did not ) ( seem ( very good ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP She)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ doubtful)) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (DT the) (NN plan)) (VP (VBD did) (RB not) (VP (VB seem) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ good))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.01953125, 4.72265625, -1.98828125 ]
To address these concerns, we supplement our Base Estimate of benefits with a series of sensitivity calculations that make use of other sources of concentration-response and valuation data for key benefits categories.
( ( To ( address ( these concerns ) ) ) ( , ( we ( ( supplement ( ( ( our ( Base Estimate ) ) ( of ( benefits ( with ( ( a series ) ( of ( sensitivity calculations ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( that ( make ( use ( of ( ( other sources ) ( of ( ( concentration-response ( and ( valuation data ) ) ) ( for ( key ( benefits categories ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (S (VP (TO To) (VP (VB address) (NP (DT these) (NNS concerns))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP we)) (VP (VBZ supplement) (NP (NP (PRP$ our) (NNP Base) (NNP Estimate)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS benefits)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN series)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN sensitivity) (NNS calculations))))))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP make) (NP (NP (NN use)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ other) (NNS sources)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN concentration-response) (CC and) (NN valuation) (NNS data)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ key) (NNS benefits) (NNS categories))))))))))))) (. .)))
Some scenarios allow for supplemental data to be used in lieu of primary data.
( ( Some scenarios ) ( ( ( allow ( for ( supplemental data ) ) ) ( to ( be ( used ( in ( lieu ( of ( primary data ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT Some) (NNS scenarios)) (VP (VBP allow) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ supplemental) (NNS data))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN used) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN lieu)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ primary) (NNS data)))))))))) (. .)))
[ -3.798828125, 1.1396484375, 3.134765625 ]
This tax preference allows state and local governments to borrow at lower rates to build highways, schools, mass transit facilities, and water systems.
( ( This ( tax preference ) ) ( ( ( allows ( ( ( state and ) local ) governments ) ) ( to ( ( borrow ( at ( lower rates ) ) ) ( to ( build ( ( ( ( ( ( ( highways , ) schools ) , ) ( mass ( transit facilities ) ) ) , ) and ) ( water systems ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN tax) (NN preference)) (VP (VBZ allows) (NP (UCP (NN state) (CC and) (JJ local)) (NNS governments)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB borrow) (PP (IN at) (NP (JJR lower) (NNS rates))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB build) (NP (NP (NNS highways)) (, ,) (NP (NNS schools)) (, ,) (NP (JJ mass) (NN transit) (NNS facilities)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NN water) (NNS systems)))))))))) (. .)))
This tax preference will make it so governments can't borrow at lower rates anymore.
( ( This ( tax preference ) ) ( ( will ( ( make it ) ( so ( governments ( ( ca n't ) ( ( borrow ( at ( lower rates ) ) ) anymore ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN tax) (NN preference)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB make) (NP (PRP it)) (SBAR (IN so) (S (NP (NNS governments)) (VP (MD ca) (RB n't) (VP (VB borrow) (PP (IN at) (NP (JJR lower) (NNS rates))) (ADVP (RB anymore)))))))) (. .)))
[ 5.421875, -1.6728515625, -3.41015625 ]
Lawyers in their first three years of practice or who are inactive pay $90, and retired lawyers pay nothing.
( ( ( ( ( ( Lawyers ( in ( ( ( ( their ( first ( three years ) ) ) ( of practice ) ) or ) ( who ( are inactive ) ) ) ) ) ( pay ( $ 90 ) ) ) , ) and ) ( ( retired lawyers ) ( pay nothing ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (NNS Lawyers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ first) (CD three) (NNS years)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN practice)))) (CC or) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ inactive)))))))) (VP (VBP pay) (NP ($ $) (CD 90)))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (JJ retired) (NNS lawyers)) (VP (VBP pay) (NP (NN nothing)))) (. .)))
No lawyers are told to pay.
( ( No lawyers ) ( ( are ( told ( to pay ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT No) (NNS lawyers)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN told) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB pay)))))) (. .)))
[ 4.4296875, -1.6875, -2.533203125 ]
but there's no uh inscriptions or or dates or anything else
( but ( there ( ( 's ( no uh ) ) ( inscriptions ( or ( ( or ( ( dates or ) anything ) ) else ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC but) (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB no) (RB uh)) (ADJP (JJ inscriptions) (CC or) (PRN (CC or) (NP (NP (NNS dates)) (CC or) (NP (NN anything)))) (JJ else)))))
The dates on it were rubbed off.
( ( ( The dates ) ( on it ) ) ( ( were ( rubbed off ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNS dates)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP it)))) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN rubbed) (PRT (RP off)))) (. .)))
[ -0.650390625, 4.0078125, -2.48828125 ]
A recorded menu will provide information on how to obtain these lists.
( ( A ( recorded menu ) ) ( ( will ( ( provide information ) ( on ( how ( to ( obtain ( these lists ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (VBN recorded) (NN menu)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB provide) (NP (NN information)) (PP (IN on) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB obtain) (NP (DT these) (NNS lists))))))))) (. .)))
These menus are created by experts.
( ( These menus ) ( ( are ( created ( by experts ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT These) (NNS menus)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN created) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNS experts))))) (. .)))
[ -2.220703125, 4.84375, -1.7392578125 ]
Just as in ancient times, without the River Nile, Egypt could not exist.
( ( ( Just as ) ( in ( ancient times ) ) ) ( , ( ( without ( the ( River Nile ) ) ) ( , ( Egypt ( ( ( could not ) exist ) . ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (RB Just) (RB as)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ ancient) (NNS times)))) (, ,) (PP (IN without) (NP (DT the) (NNP River) (NNP Nile))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Egypt)) (VP (MD could) (RB not) (VP (VB exist))) (. .)))
Without the Nile river, Egypt could not exist.
( ( Without ( the ( Nile river ) ) ) ( , ( Egypt ( ( ( could not ) exist ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN Without) (NP (DT the) (NNP Nile) (NN river))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Egypt)) (VP (MD could) (RB not) (VP (VB exist))) (. .)))
[ -2.009765625, -1.662109375, 3.677734375 ]
The last 12 years of his life are a blank.
( ( ( The ( last ( 12 years ) ) ) ( of ( his life ) ) ) ( ( are ( a blank ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ last) (CD 12) (NNS years)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN life)))) (VP (VBP are) (NP (DT a) (JJ blank))) (. .)))
He can't remember the last 12 years of his life
( He ( ( ca n't ) ( remember ( ( the ( last ( 12 years ) ) ) ( of ( his life ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (MD ca) (RB n't) (VP (VB remember) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ last) (CD 12) (NNS years)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN life))))))))
[ -3.951171875, 0.465087890625, 3.826171875 ]
He wanted silk and encouraged the Dutch and British as good, nonproselytizing Protestants just interested in trade.
( He ( ( ( ( wanted silk ) and ) ( encouraged ( ( ( the ( ( Dutch and ) British ) ) ( as ( good ( , ( nonproselytizing Protestants ) ) ) ) ) ( just ( interested ( in trade ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VP (VBD wanted) (NP (NN silk))) (CC and) (VP (VBD encouraged) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNPS Dutch) (CC and) (NNPS British)) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ good) (, ,) (JJ nonproselytizing) (NNPS Protestants)))) (ADJP (RB just) (JJ interested) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN trade))))))) (. .)))
He had no interest in silk or trading.
( He ( ( had ( ( no interest ) ( in ( ( silk or ) trading ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (DT no) (NN interest)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN silk) (CC or) (NN trading))))) (. .)))
[ 5.5078125, -2.232421875, -2.912109375 ]
Keep young skins safe by covering them with sunblock or a T-shirt, even when in the water.
( ( Keep ( ( young skins ) ( safe ( by ( ( ( ( covering them ) ( with ( ( sunblock or ) ( a T-shirt ) ) ) ) , ) ( even ( when ( in ( the water ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . )
(ROOT (S (VP (VB Keep) (S (NP (JJ young) (NNS skins)) (ADJP (JJ safe) (PP (IN by) (S (VP (VBG covering) (NP (PRP them)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN sunblock)) (CC or) (NP (DT a) (NN T-shirt)))) (, ,) (PP (RB even) (FRAG (WHADVP (WRB when)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN water))))))))))) (. .)))
Sunblock should be used to protect skin from the sun.
( Sunblock ( ( should ( be ( used ( to ( ( protect skin ) ( from ( the sun ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Sunblock)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN used) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB protect) (NP (NN skin)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN sun))))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.814453125, -0.974609375, 3.88671875 ]
But those that are manufactured for sale in in Europe and so forth are quite the other way around
( But ( those ( ( ( that ( are ( ( manufactured ( for sale ) ) ( in ( in Europe ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( so forth ) ( are ( ( quite ( the ( other way ) ) ) around ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC But) (NP (DT those)) (VP (VP (IN that) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN manufactured) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN sale))) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Europe))))))) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB so) (RB forth)) (VBP are) (NP (NP (RB quite) (DT the) (JJ other) (NN way)) (ADVP (RB around)))))))
Products are made with differently designed machines in Europe.
( Products ( ( are ( made ( with ( ( ( differently designed ) machines ) ( in Europe ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNPS Products)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN made) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (ADJP (ADVP (RB differently)) (VBN designed)) (NNS machines)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Europe))))))) (. .)))
[ -2.958984375, 4.7734375, -0.83056640625 ]
In fact, you're going to be rewarded.
( ( In fact ) ( , ( you ( ( 're ( going ( to ( be rewarded ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN fact))) (, ,) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP 're) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN rewarded))))))) (. .)))
Indeed, you will get a prize.
( Indeed ( , ( you ( ( will ( get ( a prize ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Indeed)) (, ,) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB get) (NP (DT a) (NN prize)))) (. .)))
[ -3.09765625, -1.0400390625, 4.2109375 ]
Voluntariness of risks is evaluated.
( ( Voluntariness ( of risks ) ) ( ( is evaluated ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNS Voluntariness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS risks)))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN evaluated))) (. .)))
The voluntary nature of risks is evaluated.
( ( ( The ( voluntary nature ) ) ( of risks ) ) ( ( is evaluated ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ voluntary) (NN nature)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS risks)))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN evaluated))) (. .)))
[ -2.1171875, -1.275390625, 3.392578125 ]
There 214 was some talk of sending me to a specialist in Paris.
( There ( 214 ( ( was ( ( some talk ) ( of ( ( sending me ) ( to ( ( a specialist ) ( in Paris ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (ADVP (RB 214)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN talk)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG sending) (NP (PRP me)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN specialist)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Paris)))))))))) (. .)))
It was suggested that I go to Paris to visit with a specialist
( It ( was ( suggested ( that ( I ( ( go ( to Paris ) ) ( to ( visit ( with ( a specialist ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN suggested) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP go) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP Paris))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB visit) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN specialist)))))))))))))
[ -3.013671875, -0.849609375, 3.998046875 ]
Generally, FGD systems tend to be constructed closer to the ground compared to SCR technology retrofits.
( Generally ( , ( ( FGD systems ) ( ( tend ( to ( be ( ( constructed ( closer ( to ( the ground ) ) ) ) ( compared ( to ( SCR ( technology retrofits ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Generally)) (, ,) (NP (NNP FGD) (NNS systems)) (VP (VBP tend) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN constructed) (ADVP (RBR closer) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN ground)))) (PP (VBN compared) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP SCR) (NN technology) (NNS retrofits))))))))) (. .)))
FGD systems tend to replicate SCR systems.
( ( FGD systems ) ( ( tend ( to ( ( replicate SCR ) systems ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NNP FGD) (NNS systems)) (VP (VBP tend) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB replicate) (NP (NNP SCR)) (NP (NNS systems)))))) (. .)))
[ 2.595703125, -0.7548828125, -2.1796875 ]
The state legislature provides significant bipartisan support for the legal services delivery system.
( ( The ( state legislature ) ) ( ( provides ( ( significant ( bipartisan support ) ) ( for ( the ( legal ( services ( delivery system ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN state) (NN legislature)) (VP (VBZ provides) (NP (NP (JJ significant) (JJ bipartisan) (NN support)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (JJ legal) (NNS services) (NN delivery) (NN system))))) (. .)))
Legal delivery is wonderful in the state
( ( Legal delivery ) ( is ( wonderful ( in ( the state ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Legal) (NN delivery)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ wonderful) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN state)))))))
[ -1.44921875, 3.4921875, -1.0087890625 ]
His heels clicked together.
( ( His heels ) ( ( clicked together ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ His) (NNS heels)) (VP (VBD clicked) (ADVP (RB together))) (. .)))
His heels had hurt after clicking.
( ( His heels ) ( ( had ( hurt ( after clicking ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ His) (NNS heels)) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN hurt) (PP (IN after) (NP (NN clicking))))) (. .)))
[ -2.009765625, 4.81640625, -1.765625 ]
It isn't, of course.
( It ( ( ( ( is n't ) , ) ( of course ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB n't)) (, ,) (X (PP (IN of) (NP (NN course)))) (. .)))
It is, of course.
( It ( ( ( is , ) ( of course ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is)) (, ,) (X (PP (IN of) (NP (NN course)))) (. .)))
[ 5.0078125, -2.25390625, -2.3984375 ]
And if they did come, as remote as that is, you and your men look strong enough to handle anything.
( And ( ( if ( they ( did ( ( ( come , ) ( as remote ) ) ( as ( that is ) ) ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( ( you and ) ( your men ) ) ( ( look ( ( strong enough ) ( to ( handle anything ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (CC And) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD did) (S (VP (VB come) (, ,) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ remote))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (DT that)) (VP (VBZ is))))))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (PRP you)) (CC and) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS men))) (VP (VBP look) (ADJP (JJ strong) (RB enough) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB handle) (NP (NN anything))))))) (. .)))
The men were warriors.
( ( The men ) ( ( were warriors ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS men)) (VP (VBD were) (NP (NNS warriors))) (. .)))
[ -2.08203125, 4.81640625, -1.8212890625 ]
Trump, who said he would decide by March whether to run for president, would likely spend $100 million to $200 million of his own money on a campaign.
( ( ( ( Trump , ) ( who ( said ( he ( would ( ( decide ( by March ) ) ( whether ( to ( run ( for president ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( ( ( would likely ) ( ( spend ( ( ( ( ( ( ( $ 100 ) million ) to ) $ ) 200 ) million ) ( of ( his ( own money ) ) ) ) ) ( on ( a campaign ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Trump)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB decide) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP March))) (SBAR (IN whether) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN president)))))))))))))) (, ,)) (VP (MD would) (ADVP (RB likely)) (VP (VB spend) (NP (NP (QP ($ $) (CD 100) (CD million) (TO to) ($ $) (CD 200) (CD million))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ own) (NN money)))) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (NN campaign))))) (. .)))
In March, Trump decided that he was not suited to run for President.
( ( In March ) ( , ( Trump ( ( decided ( that ( he ( ( was not ) ( suited ( to ( run ( for President ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NNP March))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Trump)) (VP (VBD decided) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (RB not) (VP (VBN suited) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP President))))))))))) (. .)))
[ 1.1005859375, 2.33984375, -3.126953125 ]
well Jerry do you have a favorite team
( ( well Jerry ) ( do ( you ( have ( a ( favorite team ) ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (RB well) (NNP Jerry)) (VP (VBP do) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT a) (JJ favorite) (NN team))))))))
Jerry, do you support any team?
( Jerry ( , ( ( ( do you ) ( support ( any team ) ) ) ? ) ) )
(ROOT (SQ (PP (IN Jerry)) (, ,) (VBP do) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB support) (NP (DT any) (NN team))) (. ?)))
[ -2.19921875, 0.1251220703125, 2.1328125 ]
As black as it is, Heathers has the same theme as the Ringwald/Cusack movies.
( ( As ( black ( as ( it is ) ) ) ) ( , ( Heathers ( ( has ( ( the ( same theme ) ) ( as ( the ( Ringwald/Cusack movies ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )
(ROOT (S (PP (IN As) (NP (NP (JJ black)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is)))))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Heathers)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ same) (NN theme)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT the) (NNP Ringwald/Cusack) (NNS movies))))) (. .)))
Heathers was a wonderful dark comedy
( Heathers ( was ( a ( wonderful ( dark comedy ) ) ) ) )
(ROOT (SINV (ADVP (RB Heathers)) (VBD was) (NP (DT a) (JJ wonderful) (JJ dark) (NN comedy))))
[ -1.185546875, 2.953125, -0.8271484375 ]
This site provides information links, tools, and resources developed for the benefit of the audit profession, including audit programs, best practices, and research services.
( ( This site ) ( ( provides ( ( ( ( ( ( information links ) , ) tools ) , ) and ) ( resources ( developed ( for ( ( ( ( the benefit ) ( of ( the ( audit profession ) ) ) ) , ) ( including ( ( ( ( ( ( audit programs ) , ) ( best practices ) ) , ) and ) ( research services ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN site)) (VP (VBZ provides) (NP (NP (NN information) (NNS links)) (, ,) (NP (NNS tools)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NP (NNS resources)) (VP (VBN developed) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN benefit)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN audit) (NN profession))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NP (NN audit) (NNS programs)) (, ,) (NP (JJS best) (NNS practices)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (NN research) (NNS services)))))))))) (. .)))
Thousands of auditors across the country have visited the site in recent weeks.
( ( Thousands ( of ( auditors ( across ( the country ) ) ) ) ) ( ( have ( visited ( ( the site ) ( in ( recent weeks ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNS Thousands)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS auditors)) (PP (IN across) (NP (DT the) (NN country)))))) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN visited) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN site)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ recent) (NNS weeks)))))) (. .)))
[ -1.8955078125, 4.44140625, -2.0859375 ]
There may be a small savings at the factory showrooms in Manacor, where you'll have the biggest choice.
( There ( ( may ( ( ( be ( ( a ( small savings ) ) ( at ( ( the ( factory showrooms ) ) ( in Manacor ) ) ) ) ) , ) ( where ( you ( 'll ( have ( the ( biggest choice ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ small) (NNS savings)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN factory) (NNS showrooms)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Manacor)))))) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB have) (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN choice)))))))) (. .)))
The factory showrooms are only for vendors.
( ( The ( factory showrooms ) ) ( ( ( are only ) ( for vendors ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN factory) (NNS showrooms)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB only)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNS vendors)))) (. .)))
[ 2.298828125, 0.68505859375, -3.01171875 ]
I was to watch for an advertisement in the Times.
( I ( ( was ( to ( watch ( for ( ( an advertisement ) ( in ( the Times ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD was) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB watch) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT an) (NN advertisement)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP Times))))))))) (. .)))
I was anticipating an ad for cigars in the newspaper.
( I ( ( was ( anticipating ( ( an ad ) ( for ( cigars ( in ( the newspaper ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG anticipating) (NP (NP (DT an) (NN ad)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNS cigars)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN newspaper)))))))) (. .)))
[ -1.4208984375, 4.640625, -2.400390625 ]
The truth?
( The ( truth ? ) )
(ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN truth) (. ?)))
That's a lie.
( That ( ( 's ( a lie ) ) . ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (DT That)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (DT a) (NN lie))) (. .)))
[ 3.572265625, -0.9697265625, -2.705078125 ]
so they don't deal much in cash anymore either
( so ( they ( ( do n't ) ( ( deal ( much ( ( in cash ) anymore ) ) ) either ) ) ) )
(ROOT (SBAR (IN so) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB deal) (ADVP (RB much) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN cash)) (ADVP (RB anymore)))) (ADVP (RB either)))))))
They still heavily use cash for their transactions.
( They ( still ( ( heavily ( use ( cash ( for ( their transactions ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) )
(ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (ADVP (RB heavily)) (VBP use) (NP (NP (NN cash)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS transactions))))) (. .)))
[ 5.58203125, -2.31640625, -2.955078125 ]