class label
3 classes
However , the proportion of the paid standing orders grew in 2009 .
[ -3.109375, -3.34375, 6.3359375 ]
Sponda is a property investment company , specialising in commercial properties in the largest cities in Finland and Russia .
[ -3.1015625, 6.24609375, -3.384765625 ]
The company slipped to an operating loss of EUR 2.6 million from a profit of EUR 1.3 million .
[ 5.5625, -2.884765625, -2.267578125 ]
The Board of Directors was authorized to decide on other terms of the share issue .
[ -3.087890625, 6.0078125, -3.27734375 ]
Based on the first quarter result , existing order backlog and new order prospects , the company expects that full-year sales will contract by 25 % from 2008 , the gross margin will stay at a healthy level , and the operating profit margin will be lower than in 2008 due to lower sales volume .
[ 4.84375, -1.7783203125, -3.1484375 ]
Besides , as there is no depositor preference in Finland , senior debt and deposits rank on a par , which is also taken into consideration , the agency added .
[ -2.9453125, 6.10546875, -3.27734375 ]
Her present position is the director of Stockmann 's international department stores .
[ -2.875, 6.375, -3.642578125 ]
The report goes on to provide detailed profiles of ten leading European specialty chemicals companies , and brief profiles of other major players .
[ -3.3203125, 5.94140625, -3.00390625 ]
Net sales in 2007 are expected to be 10 % up on 2006 .
[ -3.330078125, -3.212890625, 6.32421875 ]
In Finland , the five largest brands control 90 % of the beer market .
[ -3.078125, 5.9921875, -3.197265625 ]
According to Seikku , the retail sector in Finland is controlled by 3-4 large actors , while food manufacturers are still relatively small .
[ -2.48046875, 6.24609375, -3.765625 ]
Biohit already services many current Genesis customers and the customer base is expected to expand as a result of this agreement .
[ -2.9296875, -3.48046875, 6.375 ]
Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively , from EUR13 .8 m and EUR143 .6 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2007 .
[ -2.658203125, -3.8125, 6.35546875 ]
Sales came in at 241 mln eur , compared with 211.4 mln , and also beating consensus forecasts of 235 mln eur .
[ -2.87890625, -3.646484375, 6.27734375 ]
The original patent was filed in Finland under application No. .
[ -3.37890625, 5.60546875, -2.58203125 ]
Aker Yards Finland will begin using Chinese subcontractors at its Finnish shipyards .
[ -3.1015625, 6.29296875, -3.28125 ]
The total donation amount is EUR 1,115,000 .
[ -2.787109375, 6.15234375, -3.59765625 ]
The change in holdings in accordance with Chapter 2 , Section 9 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act is described below .
[ -1.3671875, 4.2265625, -3.48046875 ]
The net sales of the Power Plants business were EUR 710.3 million in 2005 .
[ -3.12109375, 6.10546875, -3.076171875 ]
Fortum needs a clear signal of commitment from the Government that the permit is available before the company will start the next round , Kuula says .
[ -4.9375, 3.216796875, 1.0791015625 ]
4 February 2011 - Finnish broadband data communication systems provider Teleste Oyj HEL : TLT1V saw its net profit jump to EUR2 .1 m for the last quarter of 2010 from EUR995 ,000 for the same period of 2009 .
[ -2.64453125, -3.927734375, 6.3203125 ]
The net sales decreased to EUR 49.8 million from EUR 59.9 million .
[ 6.01171875, -2.625, -3.005859375 ]
Tekla 's defense business employs over 20 persons and is located in Espoo , Finland .
[ -2.1640625, 5.94140625, -3.96484375 ]
Finlan 's listed food industry company HKScan Group controlled companies in the Baltics improved revenues by EUR 3.5 mn to EUR 160.4 mn in 2010 from EUR 156.9 mn in the year before .
[ -2.65234375, -3.84375, 6.32421875 ]
Revenue grew 12 percent to ( x20ac ) 3.6 billion ( US$ 4.5 billion ) .
[ -2.76953125, -3.75390625, 6.265625 ]
The equipment Ixonos acquires with this deal includes mechanical engineering hardware ; an RF and antenna measurement laboratory ; facilities for the measurement of audio , cameras and displays ; as well as devices and robot units for the testing of mobile devices .
[ -3.45703125, 6.203125, -2.974609375 ]
Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively from EUR18 .1 m and EUR127 .6 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2006 .
[ -2.689453125, -3.787109375, 6.359375 ]
Trading in the new shares , which have right to dividends and other distributions of funds , will start on the exchange in Helsinki tomorrow .
[ -3.140625, 5.9921875, -3.0703125 ]
The contract also includes cutting and edging wagon parts at Ruukki 's steel service centres in Seinajoki and Raahe , both in southwestern Finland , from where they will be delivered to VR for welding and assembly .
[ -3.296875, 6.265625, -3.158203125 ]
Digia said its consolidated net sales for January-June 2010 were EUR67 .8 m , up 9.7 % on the same period in 2009 ( EUR61 .9 m ) .
[ -2.796875, -3.744140625, 6.3515625 ]
The purchase price was not disclosed .
[ -2.9765625, 6.0546875, -3.44140625 ]
The Filter Tips cover the volume range from 0.1-1200 -Ál including new sizes for 10 , 20 , 100-120 , 200 , 300 , 1000 and 1200 -Ál volume capacities .
[ -2.71875, 5.9609375, -3.546875 ]
Operating profit increased to EUR 14.0 mn from EUR 4.9 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .
[ -2.44921875, -4.03125, 6.2734375 ]
External net sales from the printing business fell by 43.7 % , partly due to the termination of the printing contract between Ilkka-Yhtyma 's printing house I-print Oy and sector player HSS Media AB in December 2009 and the fall in printing prices .
[ 5.984375, -2.783203125, -2.70703125 ]
The group 's net sales in 2007 were EUR683 .6 m.
[ -2.521484375, 6.1171875, -3.765625 ]
Storengy is the GDF SUEZ company that is dedicated to the underground storage of natural gas .
[ -2.9453125, 6.19140625, -3.43359375 ]
Our standardised services have met with a positive reception among our customers as well as at Itella .
[ -3.087890625, -3.26953125, 6.359375 ]
Profitability ( EBIT % ) was 13.6 % , compared to 14.3 % in Q2 2009 .
[ 3.1484375, -1.388671875, -1.2939453125 ]
As such , the space has blond wood floors ( unlike the rest of the store ) and a notably Scandinavian vibe .
[ -2.775390625, 6.1171875, -3.41796875 ]
Finnish airline Finnair has won a deal with the UK public sector to be the official airline for flights from London Heathrow to Osaka in Japan , as well as flights between Manchester in the UK and Helsinki in Finland .
[ -2.943359375, -3.5390625, 6.34375 ]
The Company operates through four principal divisions : Consumer Packaging ; Office Papers ; Speciality Papers , as well as Market Pulp and Energy .
[ -2.455078125, 6.21484375, -3.93359375 ]
The group intends to relocate warehouse and office space in Loudeac and Saint Marcel to Morvillars , in the east of the country , where it already operates a hook manufacturing and distribution unit .
[ -3.205078125, 5.66796875, -2.91796875 ]
Both operating profit and net sales for the 12-month period increased , respectively from EUR10 .5 m and EUR28 .8 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .
[ -2.68359375, -3.8046875, 6.37109375 ]
The company has an annual turnover of EUR32 .8 m.
[ -2.44140625, 5.984375, -3.623046875 ]
3 February 2011 - Finnish broadband data communication systems provider Teleste Oyj HEL : TLT1V said yesterday its net profit rocketed to EUR4 .8 m in 2010 from EUR416 ,000 in 2009 and it lifted its dividend proposal .
[ -2.263671875, -4.0546875, 6.171875 ]
The fixed acquisition price amounts to NOK 70 ( approximately EUR 8.7 ) million and additional price NOK 15 ( EUR 1.8 ) million at maximum .
[ -2.865234375, 5.8515625, -2.99609375 ]
The Oulu plant employs approximately 120 people .
[ -2.44140625, 5.859375, -3.69921875 ]
The energy sector accounted for approximately 33 % and the steel industry for about 57 % of the transportation volume .
[ -2.578125, 6.21484375, -3.841796875 ]
Purchase it for the 12MP snapper , if nothing else .
[ -2.2265625, 5.80859375, -3.763671875 ]
Key shareholders of Finnish IT services provider TietoEnator Oyj on Friday rejected a hostile EUR1 .08 billion $ 1.67 billion offer from buyout shop Nordic Capital , giving new life to a possible counter offer from Blackstone Group LP and Norwegian telecom Telenor ASA .
[ -3.1640625, -2.583984375, 5.796875 ]
Mercator will use the software for its logistic , retail and wholesale operations in Slovenia and its other markets in southeastern Europe .
[ -2.919921875, 6.21484375, -3.4765625 ]
Neste Oil will publish its third quarter 2008 results on Friday , 24 October 2008 at approximately 9 am ( EET ) .
[ -3.103515625, 6.0546875, -3.07421875 ]
( ADP News ) - Feb 12 , 2009 - Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj ( HEL : AFE1V ) said today its net profit rose to EUR 8.5 million ( USD 11m ) in 2008 from EUR 7 million in 2007 .
[ -2.576171875, -3.95703125, 6.3046875 ]
( ADP News ) - Feb 12 , 2009 - Finnish construction company Lemminkainen Oyj ( HEL : LEM1S ) said today its net profit decreased to EUR 63.5 million ( USD 81.1 m ) for 2008 from EUR 80.6 million for 2007 .
[ 5.984375, -2.919921875, -2.7109375 ]
In Finland , the city of Forssa has said it will not pay compensation to food industry companies HK Ruokatalo and Atria for the lye leak into tap water that occurred in March 2008 .
[ 5.58203125, -2.80859375, -2.384765625 ]
BioTie North-American licensing partner Somaxon Pharmaceuticals started a phase II-III clinical study in patients suffering from pathological gambling and a pilot phase II study in nicotine addiction smoking cessation .
[ -4.3046875, 4.38671875, -0.693359375 ]
Talvivaara is listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and is included in the FTSE 250 Index .
[ -3.029296875, 6.25390625, -3.2578125 ]
The solution will be installed in the USA to support the North American operations of the customer .
[ -4.69140625, 5, -0.732421875 ]
Alma Media Corporation PRESS RELEASE March 25 , 2010 TYRV+ä+äN SANOMAT PURCHASE CONFIRMED The business operations of Tyrv+ñ+ñn Sanomat Oy will be transferred to Suomen Paikallissanomat Oy .
[ -2.685546875, 6.140625, -3.466796875 ]
The orders also include a few high-power drives for the control of seismic compressors .
[ -2.978515625, 6.1171875, -3.4921875 ]
According to an posted by the World Intellectual Property Organization : `` The present invention relates to hydrocarbons and particularly to the manufacture of hydrocarbon components suitable as aviation fuels or jet fuels and as blending stocks for aviation fuels .
[ -2.689453125, 6.25, -3.61328125 ]
Net interest income increased by 4.5 % to EUR 31.4 mn from EUR 30.0 mn in 2004 .
[ -2.56640625, -3.86328125, 6.2421875 ]
10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanoma Oyj HEL : SAA1V said yesterday its 2010 net profit almost tripled to EUR297 .3 m from EUR107 .1 m for 2009 and announced a proposal for a raised payout .
[ -2.59375, -3.943359375, 6.30859375 ]
Operating profit , excluding non-recurring items , totaled EUR 0.2 mn , down from EUR 0.8 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .
[ 5.9765625, -3.146484375, -2.455078125 ]
However , sales volumes in the food industry are expected to remain at relatively good levels in Finland and in Scandinavia , Atria said .
[ -3.09765625, -3.111328125, 6.1953125 ]
Nordstjernan has used its option to buy another 22.4 % stake of Salcomp 's shares and votes .
[ -3.546875, 5.80859375, -2.798828125 ]
Operating loss totaled EUR 25mn compared to a profit of EUR 63mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .
[ 4.78125, -3.35546875, -0.763671875 ]
The company generates net sales of about 600 mln euro $ 775.5 mln annually and employs 6,000 .
[ -2.990234375, 6.234375, -3.466796875 ]
Financial Statements include the consolidated financial statements of the Group , the Board of Directors ' Report , the Auditors ' Report and the Corporate Governance Statement .
[ -2.61328125, 6.21875, -3.7421875 ]
Operating profit totalled EUR 9.6 mn , down from EUR 42.0 mn the year before .
[ 6.046875, -3.21875, -2.51171875 ]
Cash flow from operations rose to EUR 52.7 mn from EUR 15.6 mn in 2007 .
[ -2.541015625, -3.939453125, 6.265625 ]
Decisions are to be made as quickly as possible .
[ -2.291015625, 5.703125, -3.8125 ]
In a recent interview with the Financial Times ( FT ) , Sampo 's board chairman Bjorn Wahlroos said If P&C was certainly for sale and the price had been set at SEK 85 billion , confirming earlier statements .
[ -3.8671875, 4.88671875, -1.267578125 ]
Proline Plus is available in both adjustable single and multichannel models and fixed volume single-channel models , in volume ranges from 0.1 micro litres to 10 ml .
[ -2.888671875, 6.0546875, -3.494140625 ]
When dialing in , the participants should quote 877417 as conference ID .
[ -2.8203125, 5.515625, -3.19140625 ]
Stora Enso will receive a 19.9 pct equity interest in the combined company .
[ -4.18359375, 5.09375, -1.3486328125 ]
Operating profit totalled EUR 7.0 mn , up from a loss of EUR 4.0 mn in the second quarter of 2009 .
[ -2.52734375, -3.94921875, 6.26171875 ]
Previously , Grimaldi held a 46.43 pct stake in the Finnish company following the takeover bid launched in November 2006 .
[ -3.189453125, 6.078125, -3.107421875 ]
The Australian company Mirabela Nickel has awarded Outokumpu Technology a contract for grinding technology for its nickel sulfide project in Bahia State , Brazil .
[ -2.83984375, -3.685546875, 6.3671875 ]
Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) declined to EUR 0.78 from EUR 1.76 .
[ 5.9921875, -3.11328125, -2.59765625 ]
The annual net sales of the unit is some EUR 5 million and it currently employs some 55 people .
[ -2.974609375, 6.3203125, -3.5625 ]
Competition authorities will have to approve the deal before it can be finalized .
[ -2.935546875, 5.78125, -2.86328125 ]
At the end of March 2007 , the group 's order book was at EUR 39.6 mn , up 42 % from the corresponding period in 2006 .
[ -2.93359375, -3.5078125, 6.2890625 ]
There will be return flights from Stuttgart every morning , as well as evening departures on Thursdays , Fridays and Sundays .
[ -3.810546875, 5.37109375, -1.943359375 ]
New Chairman of the Board of Directors , Mr Chaim Katzman , will give a presentation and answer questions .
[ -1.91796875, 5.1015625, -3.294921875 ]
Finnish dental care group Oral Hammaslaakarit Oyj posted a total net profit of 849,000 euro $ 1.1 mln in the first nine months of 2006 versus a net loss of 331,000 euro $ 421,000 in the same period of 2005 .
[ -1.5087890625, -4.046875, 5.671875 ]
The value of the deal was not disclosed .
[ -3.0703125, 6.12890625, -3.404296875 ]
SAMPO PLC Jarmo Salonen Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications tel. +358 10 516 0030 Distribution : NASDAQ OMX Helsinki The principal media Financial Supervisory Authority www.sampo.com This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients .
[ -3.423828125, 5.890625, -2.748046875 ]
At the same time profit of the company increased by 10 % in H1 and reached Ls 79,000 .
[ -2.8203125, -3.693359375, 6.375 ]
In the meantime the CEO 's duties will be assumed by Outotec 's Deputy CEO Seppo Rantakari .
[ -3.732421875, 5.3828125, -1.791015625 ]
Orders received grew by 55 % year-on-year to EUR732m .
[ -2.931640625, -3.392578125, 6.14453125 ]
Pre-tax loss totaled EUR 0.3 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 2.2 mn in the first quarter of 2005 .
[ -1.1474609375, -3.763671875, 4.92578125 ]
`` Our customer has been satisfied with Basware Invoice Automation solution and extends the implementation to new geographies .
[ -3.01953125, -3.38671875, 6.40625 ]
In 2008 , Kemira recorded revenue of approximately EUR 2.8 billion and had a staff of 9,400 .
[ -2.59375, 6.26953125, -3.81640625 ]
It also includes the installation of new equipment , training and start-up services , as well as service work of the shoe press delivered by Vaahto in 2001 .
[ -3.0234375, 6.27734375, -3.46875 ]
The acquisition was financed with $ 2.56 billion of debt arranged by Goldman , Sachs & Co. .
[ -4.296875, 5.4765625, -1.646484375 ]
For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaara 's net loss narrowed to EUR 8.3 million from EUR 21.9 million for the same period of 2009 .
[ -2.744140625, -3.70703125, 6.359375 ]
The manufacture of CPPs will be undertaken at the existing Export Oriented Unit EOU at Wartsila 's factory at Khopoli , near Mumbai .
[ -3.16015625, 6.05078125, -3.15234375 ]
UPM stock fell 3 percent to EURO 12.49 $ 17.24 in early afternoon trading in Helsinki .
[ 4.9140625, -2.0703125, -2.7421875 ]
The contract includes software licences , application maintenance and training .
[ -2.90234375, 6.21484375, -3.603515625 ]