It is one of the biggest celebrations in the Catholic calendar and the Spanish Royal Family kept up their tradition of spending the Easter holiday on the island of Mallorca. King Felipe, Queen Letizia and their daughters Princess Sofia and Princess Leonor looked immaculate as they arrived at Palma cathedral on the Balearic isle. Queen Letizia, 42, teamed a white jacket with smart black trousers and heels for the service while her daughters wore pretty above-the-knee outfits reflecting the spring sunshine. Smiling in the Mallorcan sunshine: Clockwise from left, Queen Sofia, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Sofia and Princess Leonor pose for photographers at Palma de Mallorca Cathedral . A spring breeze in the air: The family make their way into the cathedral. Hundreds of people gathered to watch the Spanish royals arrive at the service . It is the first time that Princess Leonor, 9, and Princess Sofia, 7, have been spotted at a public engagement for several months; they are on the island for the family's annual holiday at the Marivent Palace royal holiday residence. Well-wishers were in their hundreds, all keen to catch a glimpse of the young princesses who have been on a break from royal duties since appearing at a military parade back in October 2014. King Felipe VI, 47, has not yet completed a full year on the throne but looked happy to be continuing the family tradition of spending Easter away from the royal residence in Madrid. The family were also joined by Queen Sofia, who looked elegant in a grey overcoat. The former Queen is reported to have landed on Mallorca ahead of the rest of her family, taking time to enjoy a break with her sister Irene. Spring in her step: Queen Letizia arrives at the cathedral in Mallorca's capital. Right, her elegant daughters (from left) Princess Sofia and Princess Leonor are the double of their mother . Holy day: The family, led by King Felipe, meet the cathedral's priests ahead of the Easter service . Eyes forward please King Felipe! The Spanish monarch waves to well-wishers in the crowd before adjusting his tie for a formal family photograph . All eyes are on them: The family take their pew in the beautiful cathedral, widely considered one the island's biggest architectural masterpieces . Meet and greet: After a period away from the spotlight, Princess Leonor, 9, appeared to enjoy shaking hands with fellow attendees of the religious service . June will mark one year since King Felipe ascended the throne and the royal couple have been regular visitors to Mallorca since, using it for family holidays inbetween engagements. The couple have been married since 2004 with Letizia enjoying a media career prior to her role as the Spanish Queen. After a stint at Asturian daily paper, La Nueva España, she went on to work for ABC, a popular national newspaper that enjoys the third largest circulation in Spain.
The Spanish Royal Family attended Easter Mass at Palma's cathedral . First appearance of Princesses Sofia and Leonor in several months . The children's grandmother, Queen Sofia was also in attendance . The family are staying at the Marivent Palace royal holiday residence .
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Whoever snatched a seal or sea lion pup from a Los Angeles beach early Sunday should not confuse the animal's cuteness with its potentially vicious bite, according to an animal rescue expert. Witnesses to the abduction said four people wrapped the pup in a blanket and left in a car around 3:20 a.m. from Dockweiler State Beach, just west of the city's international airport, said Los Angeles Police Officer Rosario Herrera. The initial police report said the animal was a small seal. Marine Animal Rescue managed to save another young sea lion shortly after the animal escaped several people said to be harassing it . Witnesses to the abduction said four people wrapped the pup (not pictured) in a blanket and left in a car around from Dockweiler State Beach . But a companion pup that escaped and was later found on the beach is a sea lion, according to Peter Wallerstein, the president of the group Marine Animal Rescue. The rescued pup weighs about 25 pounds and is probably 10 months old, said Wallerstein, who stays in a trailer at the beach and was woken by security guards seeking his help. Sea lions of this size are 'really small, really look cute, but they're dangerous,' he said. 'These are wild animals.' They're also not fit to be kept as pets. Though small pups are cute they can be very dangerous, officials warned . 'The animal needs fluids, needs special treatments,' he said. 'You can't just feed it dog food. It's not going to work.' Los Angeles police said an investigation was being conducted by the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A spokesman for the agency did not return phone messages or an email Sunday.
Authorities say that while sea lion pups can be cute they also have a vicious bite . Witnesses say four people wrapped the sea lion pup in a blanket on Dockweiler State Beach then fled the scene . Mammal is in danger as it needs fluid and specific foods to survive .
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A new diet could more than halve a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to new research. Experts said the diet, known by the acronym MIND, could reduce the risk of the illness even if it not meticulously followed. The 'Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay' (MIND) diet includes at least three daily servings of wholegrains and salad  – along with an extra vegetable and a glass of wine. The new diet could more than halve a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, new research has found, and even has an effect when a person doesn't follow it meticulously . These 'brain-healthy foods' lowered the risk of Alzheimer's by 53 per cent in those who stuck to the diet rigidly. For those that followed it moderately well, it lowered the risk by about 35 per cent. Professor Martha Morris, a nutritional epidemiologist of the Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago, said: 'One of the more exciting things about this is that people who adhered even moderately to the MIND diet had a reduction in their risk for Alzheimer's disease. 'I think that will motivate people.' Professor Morris and her colleagues developed the MIND diet based on years of past research about what foods and nutrients have good and bad effects on the functioning of the brain. This is the first study to relate the MIND diet to Alzheimer's disease. 'I was so very pleased to see the outcome we got from the new diet,' she said. The MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets, both of which have been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions, like high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Wine is a 'healthy brain food', researchers said . 10 HEALTHY BRAIN FOODS: . Green leafy vegetables . Other vegetables . Nuts . Berries . Beans . Wholegrains . Fish . Poultry . Olive oil . Wine . 5 UNHEALTHY BRAIN FOODS: . Red meats . Butter and margarine . Cheese . Pastries and sweets . Fried or fast food . Some researchers have found that the two older diets provide protection against dementia as well. In the latest study, the MIND diet was compared with the two other diets. People with high adherence to the DASH and Mediterranean diets also had reductions in Alzheimer's disease— 39 per cent with the DASH diet and 54 per cent with the Mediterranean diet. However, the diets had negligible benefits when people only adhered to it moderately. Professor Morris added that the MIND diet is also easier to follow than the Mediterranean diet, which calls for daily consumption of fish and three to four daily servings of fruits and vegetables. The MIND diet has 15 components, including 10 'brain-healthy food groups' — green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and wine. It also has five unhealthy groups that comprise red meats, butter and stick margarine, cheese, pastries and sweets, and fried or fast food. The MIND diet includes at least three servings of wholegrains, a salad and one other vegetable every day — along with a glass of wine. It also involves snacking most days on nuts and eating beans every other day or so, poultry and berries at least twice a week and fish at least once a week. Dieters must limit eating the designated unhealthy foods, eating less than one tablespoon of butter a day and eating cheese, fried or fast food to less than once a week. Limiting these foods is essential to have a real shot at avoiding the devastating effects of Alzheimer's, according to the study. Berries are the only fruit specifically to make the MIND diet. Professor Morris said: 'Blueberries are one of the more potent foods in terms of protecting the brain,' adding that strawberries have also performed well in past studies of the effect of food on cognitive function. The diet suggests 10 brain-healthy foods including wholegrains, salad, vegetables, berries, nuts, beans, olive oil, poultry and fish . The MIND diet was not an intervention in this study, however; researchers looked at what people were already eating. Participants earned points if they ate brain-healthy foods frequently and avoided unhealthy foods. The one exception was that participants got one point if they said olive oil was the primary oil used in their homes. The study enlisted volunteers already participating in the ongoing Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP), which began in 1997 among residents of Chicago-area retirement communities and senior public housing complexes. An optional 'food frequency questionnaire' was added from 2004 to February 2013, and the MIND diet study looked at results for 923 volunteers. The diet advises limiting butter to one tablespoon a day and limiting cheese, pastries, sweets and fast or friend food to once a week . A total of 144 cases of Alzheimer's disease developed in this group of people. The disease, which takes a devastating toll on cognitive function, is not unlike heart disease in that there appear to be 'many factors that play into who gets the disease,' including behavioral, environmental and genetic components, Professor Morris said. She continued: 'With late-onset Alzheimer's disease, with that older group of people, genetic risk factors are a small piece of the picture.' Past studies have yielded evidence that suggests what we eat may play a significant role in determining who gets the illness and who doesn't, Professor Morris added. When the researchers in the new study left out of analysis of participants who changed their diets somewhere along the line — say, on a doctor's orders after a stroke — they found there was a stronger link between the MIND diet and more favourable outcomes in terms of Alzheimer's disease. The diet's developer said blueberries are 'one of the more potent foods in terms of protecting the brain' He said: 'That probably means that people who eat this diet consistently over the years get the best protection.' In other words, it looks like the longer a person eats the MIND diet, the less risk that person will have of developing Alzheimer's, Professor Morris said. As is the case with many health-related habits, including physical exercise, she said, 'You'll be healthier if you've been doing the right thing for a long time.' She added that the study did not establish a cause and effect relationship between the MIND diet and a lowered risk of Alzheimer's. Other studies on different populations would need to be carried out to do this, she said. The study was funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Called the 'Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay' Diet even reduces Alzheimer's risk by 35% if not meticulously followed . Includes 10 healthy food groups like fish, poultry, olive oil, beans and nuts . Involves avoiding unhealthy brain foods like cheese, butter and sweets .
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Sean Bowen maintained his three-winner lead (45-42) over Cheltenham Gold Cup winner Nico de Boinville in the fiercely contested Conditional Jockeys title race when both had one success on Monday. Bowen scored on Abidjan at Newton Abbot while De Boinville victorious on One Lucky Lady at Kempton. De Boinville is the only one of the duo riding on Tuesday with two mounts –Rusty Nail and Taylor – at Exeter. Sean Bowen (L) maintained his three-winner lead (45-42) over Cheltenham Gold Cup winner Nico de Boinville . The season ends at Sandown on Saturday. US trainer Wesley Ward is to aim Hootenanny and Sunset Glow at Royal Ascot after scratching them from the 2,000 Guineas and 1,000 Guineas respectively. Hootenanny won the Windsor Castle Stakes at the 2104 royal meeting with Sunset Glow second in the Albany Stakes. Frankie Dettori reacts to his win on Hootenanny during the 2014 Breeder's Cup Turf at Santa Anita Park .
Sean Bowen maintained three-winner lead in Conditional Jockeys title race . Bowen scored aboard Abidja at Newton Abbot on Monday afternoon . While, Nico de Boinville was victorious on One Lucky Lady at Kempton . The latter can close gap with Rusty Nail and Taylor at Exeter on Tuesday .
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Point of view footage captured the terrifying moment a skier became caught up in an avalanche. Skiing with a friend in Revelstoke, Canada, Zach Birnie stands at the top of a mountain and films the surrounding scenery with a camera mounted to his helmet. After exhaling air, he begins to make his descent of the off-piste section of slope in a rather slow and cautious manner. Skiing off to the right, the man makes a controlled turn and begins heading back across the mountain – thick snow can be seen burying his skis. Suddenly he begins panic and while not entirely visible to the camera, a minor avalanche occurs behind him. Panicking, the man attempts to come to a stop, but the heavy snow continues to push him down the mountain. Zach Birnie stands at the top of a mountain with a friend and films the surrounding scenery with a camera mounted to his helmet . He begins shouting, which he later explains alongside the original upload of the video, was his way of making sure his friend knew what was happening. Suddenly the skier can be seen falling to the floor as heavy snow closes in around him and in a matter of moments he is completely submerged. What follows is hazy footage of a terrifying scuffle as the skier attempts to find the surface of the snow. Before too long the skier re-emerges – panting in shock as he catches his breath. The man begins skiing off to the right before making a controlled turn and heading back across the mountain . Suddenly the skier can be seen falling to the floor as heavy snow from the off-piste slope closes in around him . The skier, who was lucky to escape serious injury, later discussed the incident online. He wrote: ‘[I] pulled my shoulder slightly, lost a pole, best, worst case scenario for sure.’ Discussing the incident, Cornelia Accola from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF spoke to MailOnline. She stated that while it is not easy to see why the avalanche occurred from the video, the amount of fresh snow and steep terrain could be to blame. In a matter of moments the skier, who shouts for his friend's assistance, is entirely trapped beneath the snow . Re-emerging not too long after disappearing, the skier pants in shock as he attempts to get his breath back . She also gave advice on what to do should you find yourself in a similar situations. 'If you are caught in such an avalanche then try to escape out of the avalanche area,' said Ms Accola. Let go of your ski poles, try to open your bindings, (rarely possible) pull your knees toward your chest and hold your arms in front of your face.'
Zach Birnie films his descent of mountain with a helmet-mounted camera . Snow begins falling around skier while he negotiates the off-piste slope . After being buried alive Zach manages to fight himself free from the snow . The terrifying incident occurred on the slopes in Revelstoke, Canada .
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(CNN)Tuesday, April 14, is Equal Pay Day. Here's the announcement presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should make: . "Today in America, women earn on average 77 cents for every dollar men earn. And the gap is even greater for women of color. That's unconscionable. As president, my top priority will be fixing inequality and ensuring that 100% of the population is paid 100% of what they're worth. And so, I'm announcing that if elected president, I will take a 23% pay cut, equivalent to the current gender wage gap, to stand in solidarity with working women in America. And I won't take a raise until every woman in America gets a raise, too." April 14 wasn't just chosen at random as Equal Pay Day. It's based on a calculation: For women to make the same amount of money that men made in 2014, they'd have to work until April 14, 2015. A woman on average loses $431,000 in pay over the course of a 40-year career. Merely closing the gender wage gap would pull half of working single moms out of poverty. And at a time where Republicans are still, bizarrely, trumpeting more tax breaks for business and the rich to stimulate the economy, closing the pay gap would put money in the pockets of working people who would actually spend and stimulate real growth. The new women warriors: Reviving the fight for equal rights . So here's the perfect opportunity for Hillary Clinton to put her money where her mouth is, literally. In her campaign launch and personal rebrand, Clinton is clearly trying to portray herself as a woman of the people, a populist fighter for the middle class. "Everyday Americans need a champion," Clinton said in her campaign launch video, "and I want to be that champion." Clinton has deftly put her finger in the wind and sensed the winds of populism blowing through America. Indeed, the fact that many Democratic voters still clamor for a less pro-war, less pro-Wall Street, more Elizabeth Warren-like alternative to Clinton is an ever-present thorn in the otherwise blooming garden of Clinton's inevitability. Opinion: The myth of Equal Pay Day . With her video, Clinton has signaled a clear desire to ground herself and her candidacy in the soil of populism. But can a wealthy white woman who once sat on the board of Walmart, has already lived in the White House, collects six-figure speaking fees and doesn't seem to own a pair of jeans really inhabit the portrait of a populist fighter? This is where a good ol'-fashioned political stunt would come in handy. And make no mistake about it, I'm recommending a political stunt. Let's call a spade a spade. Hillary Clinton is a very rich person. While she's certainly not the first rich person to run for president, her wealth -- and the related perception of being out of touch with ordinary Americans -- is an obstacle in her candidacy. The difference between the current standard presidential salary of $400,000 a year and the 77 cents-on-the-dollar version of that salary, or $308,000, is probably a drop in the bucket in Clinton's bank account at this point. And yet the symbolic power is profound. Because what Clinton would be reminding us is that across America, the aggregate salaries of all working women is 23% less than the aggregate salaries of all men. 78 cents on the dollar: The facts about the gender wage gap . Thanks to the hacked Sony emails, we saw that even top female stars and executives in Hollywood are paid less than their male counterparts. What more powerful message could the potential first female president send than literally signifying that nationwide inequity in her own salary? Clinton wouldn't just be saying she stands with the working women of America, she'd be showing it. Is it offensive to suggest that the first female commander in chief should be paid 23% less than her male predecessors for doing exactly the same work? Yes. And that's the point -- to use her status to highlight the offensive gender wage gap and what Clinton, as president, would do to fix it. Yes, such stunts are trite and theatrical. They're also effective, especially in our increasingly short-attention-span, it-only-happened-if-you-can-tweet it, symbolism-over-substance culture. Politics used to be about clunky people (mostly men) debating complex policies. Now it's about polished memes and even more polished candidates. Policy (I hope) still matters, but we're as likely to debate a candidate's "image" as her or his "substance." The truth is that stunts and theatrics are now part and parcel of politics, as they are in our culture in general. That doesn't mean they can't also serve a noble purpose, in highlighting important problems and inspiring solutions. Map: Where the gender pay gap is the widest . Clinton did an arguably brilliant thing in her campaign launch, framing her video and presidential bid as not about her but the American people. In fact, Clinton didn't even appear in the video until the very end -- it was all about middle-class Americans, working hard, trying to get by and get ahead. And then we see Hillary, who wants to help. Hillary Clinton can't change who she is, the baggage attached to her by both the right and the left, rightly or wrongly. But she can change what she does going forward, how she shows up and signifies herself as a voice not for the status quo and the establishment -- but for ordinary Americans who need change. If Clinton wins, her presidency will indeed be symbolic and historic. And it will be significant if she does something to change the lives of the 158 million women in America.
Sally Kohn: April 14 is Equal Pay Day, and Hillary Clinton should make an announcement about wage gap . Clinton should say that if elected, she will take a 23% pay cut to stand in solidarity with working women .
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Crusaders in Chains . by Robin Esser . (Palatino £9.99) Journalists tend to be a fund of good stories and Robin Esser, who has worked in national newspapers for 60 years, is no exception. What shines through this memoir is that journalism is a serious business, but it is also fun. His best stories are from his days as editor of the William Hickey gossip column in the Daily Express. Robin Esser (pictured) has worked in newspapers for 60 years . Once, he answered the phone and an aristocratic voice said: ‘Marlborough here. That awful chap Bedford has been round Blenheim writing “Woburn is better” on our brochures and giving them to our visitors. That’s the sort of thing you like to print in your newspaper, isn’t it?’ He put the phone down without further conversation. Fearing a hoax, Esser rang Blenheim Palace, home to the Duke of Marlborough, where the butler said, haughtily, that the Duke never spoke to the Press and was in his bath, so couldn’t be disturbed. Esser pointed out that the Duke would be cross — very cross — with the butler if he was not asked to confirm his call. A chastened butler later called back to confirm that the Duke himself had, indeed, called Esser. Esser rang Woburn, where the Duke of Bedford confirmed the story. Next, he sent a motorcyclist to Blenheim to pick up a brochure and then ride over to Woburn to get it signed and brought back to Fleet Street. It was the lead story in William Hickey next day. At that time, the Daily Express was owned by Lord Beaverbrook. He rang Esser to say how much he enjoyed the tale. Often, however, his calls about the subject of a story would be more ominous. ‘Very good story in your column this morning, Mr Esser,’ he would say. ‘I hope it is true.’ ‘I believe so, Lord Beaverbrook.’ ‘Good, I’m lunching with him today,’ he would bark. Esser worked in Fleet Street during the glory days, when reporters kept four pennies in their pockets for the telephone box, a knife to puncture the tyres of rival reporters’ cars, and enjoyed liquid lunches on expenses. Esser describes a lunch with an Express editor, during which they drank champagne, a goblet of dry sherry, a bottle of Chablis, two bottles of claret, a couple of Cognacs and, finally, several glasses of port. The editor went back to work. Esser went to bed. The editor died young. But more good stories were elicited over a boozy lunch than can ever come from a tuna sandwich at the desk. And they were also the days when Esser, as editor of William Hickey, could ring Aristotle Onassis on his yacht at Monte Carlo and be invited over to meet Maria Callas. Or plot with John Paul Getty, then the world’s richest private citizen, to disentangle himself from his girlfriend, Marie, who had moved into his Sutton Place home and was angling for marriage. Esser suggested an interview in which oil billionaire Getty made it plain that he was never going to remarry, with the headline ‘I’m married to an oil rag’, i.e. my oil business comes before women. Shortly afterwards, Getty and Marie were dining with the paper’s proprietor, Lord Beaverbrook. Marie complained about Esser and said the story he’d written wasn’t true. Beaverbrook turned to Getty — who said that, on the contrary, it was the only article ever written about him that was 100 per cent true. Marie packed her bags and left. A grateful Getty gave Esser the freedom of Sutton Place. The peak of Esser’s 60-year career came when he was editor of the Sunday Express, which then sold two million copies a week. Esser is now an elder statesman of the national Press and works for the Daily Mail, where he is a leader of the fight against attempts by the state to extend its control over the media and to put newspapers in chains. He is particularly critical of the recommendations in the Leveson Report that threaten the right to protect journalists’ sources, and which mean information acquired confidentially can be seized by the police. He points out that legislation designed to have a chilling effect on investigative journalism already exists — laws on contempt of court, data protection, bribery, harassment and terrorism, among others. There is also the arrival by the back door of a privacy law. The British Press is now regulated and self-regulated to such an extent, he says, that it is only half-free. The ‘outrageous’ recommendation that whistleblowers should report misgivings only to the organisation that is responsible for the abuses — never to the media — guarantees that fewer scandals will be exposed. At least one politician — the Tory veteran Kenneth Clarke — gets Esser’s blessing, though. The Information Commissioner, Chris Graham, had been campaigning for prison sentences for those who breached the Data Protection Act; newspapers worried almost any inquiry by a journalist risked being classified as a breach. Clarke and Esser were sitting together at a conference when Graham approached them and made his pitch for prison punishment. ‘If you think I am going to stuff my jails full of people who break your Act, you have another think coming,’ Ken Clarke roared. Of course newspapers must continue to entertain, Esser concludes, but they must also be a thorn in the sides of those in power, wrongdoers and those who abuse the young and old.
Journalists are known for being a fund of good stories . Robin Esser has worked in newspapers for 60 years and is no exception . In his new book he reveals the inner workings of Fleet Street as it was .
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A veteran teacher at a prestigious New Jersey magnet school has been charged with carrying on a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student and sending her explicit emails. Bergen County prosecutors say 65-year-old Dr Donald DeWitt was arrested Monday and charged with attempted sexual assault, child endangerment and criminal sexual contact. The prominent human sexuality and biology teacher at the highly competitive Bergen County Academies in Hackensack was being held on $300,000 cash bail Tuesday. He has been ordered to have no contact with the victim. Disgraced: Dr Donald DeWitt, 65, a veteran teacher at Bergen County Academies in New Jersey, has been charged with attempted sexual assault, child endangerment and criminal sexual contact . According to prosecutors, the victim's sister discovered DeWitt’s raunchy emails and told their mother, who then called police, reported NJ.com. When investigators came to interview the 16-year-old girl, she allegedly admitted to her relationship with the married teacher nearly 50 years her senior. On Thursday, DeWitt, one of the founding members of the renowned school, was suspended from his $105,000-a-year job and banned from campus, pending the completion of the investigation. Educator's downfall: The married father of one allegedly tried to have sex with a 16-year-old girl and sent her lewd emails, which were later discovered by her sister . According to his page on Bergen County Academies' website, DeWitt got his bachelor's degree in zoology, master's in biology and a PhD in cardiovascular physiology from the University of Michigan. For a time, he taught human physiology and chemistry at Stevens Institute of Technology. In 1992, DeWitt became one of the first teachers to join the Bergen County Academies' full-time staff. Over the years, he has emerged as one of the leading figures at the top-ranked school, teaching numerous human sexuality, biology, anatomy and physiology classes to juniors and seniors. DeWitt's former students described him as a tough grader but an inspiring and innovative educator who steered teenagers towards careers in medicine and science. Sachin Jain, a 1998 graduate of Bergen County Academies who went on to become a physician in Los Angeles, told NorthJersey.com news of DeWitt’s arrest devastated him because to most students, he was a brilliant and challenging teacher. According to online records, DeWitt lives in Warwick, New York, with his 63-year-old wife. School sex scandal: DeWitt was one of the first teachers to join the faculty at Bergen County Academies in Hackensack in 1992, teaching numerous classes of human sexuality, biology and anatomy .
Dr Donald DeWitt, 65, veteran teacher at Bergen County Academies in New Jersey, charged with attempted sexual assault and criminal sexual contact . DeWitt, who is married, has been at the top-ranked school since 1992, teaching biology, physiology and anatomy to juniors and seniors . Prosecutors say DeWitt's lewd emails to 16-year-old victim were discovered this week by her sister . DeWitt has been suspended from his $105,000-a-year job and banned from campus .
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Mothers across the globe have been left outraged by an alleged religious community that is criticizing moms for having cesarean sections instead of natural childbirths – creating a series of insulting campaign images, or memes, that claim they 'didn't really give birth'. The Facebook page of the so-called Disciples of the New Dawn has sparked an internet firestorm as thousands of mothers share, and comment on, the group's anti-cesarean memes, expressing their disgust at the outrageous messages they express; the community, led by Father Patrick Embry, is using the images to encourage fellow Christians to shame 'lazy' and 'negligent' mothers who have elected to undergo C-sections. 'Face the facts: You didn't really give birth. You caught a lucky break. Please show respect to superior women who actually had what it took to get the job done,' reads one of the group's Facebook memes, which has been shared nearly 80,000 times since it was posted on Sunday. Alarming message: This controversial anti-cesarean meme posted on the Disciples of the New Dawn's Facebook page on Sunday has been shared nearly 80,000 times . Propaganda: The religious community claims women will be 'cast into the lake of fire' if they undergo a C-section . 'Good advice from Matriarch Graber on behalf of The Circle of Matriarchs,' the Disciples of the New Dawn captioned the controversial image featuring a woman's C-section scar. The post continued: 'They have delivered many babies over the years, NATURALLY and not once has needed a C-Section or pharmaceutical toxins. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing as it is the zenith of a woman's role in a moral Christian society. If God has decided to call you home, it is not up to you or a doctor to reject Him. You may find yourself cast into the lake of fire for doing so. God's Peace [sic].' Although some reporters claimed to have spoken with Mr Embry, many question the existence of the extreme religious community and the validity of its messages. And while it remains unclear as to whether or not the page was created with the sole intention of inciting fury, its most recent postings have taken the internet by storm. Not scientific: This meme alleges that women who avoid vaccination are 'more likely' to have a natural vaginal birth . Public shaming: This meme featuring a mom in a bikini states that women shouldn't flaunt their stomachs after having cesarean sections because they didn't take care of themselves while they were pregnant . Scare tactics: The community added this picture caption to the meme to remind women that God is always 'watching' and 'judging' Thousands of women are sharing their stories and reasons for undergoing C-sections in the comment sections of the images, which claim there is 'no medical need' for cesareans. 'I am proud to have had a C-section! I was in labor for 3 days,' Barri Lynne Thomas wrote today. 'We found out my baby was stuck on my pelvis face up! If they would have simply moved her giving birth naturally I could have killed her! [sic]' Sara Jane Schwarz asked: 'How is it a lucky break? Getting a C-section means that the baby's and or the mother's life is in danger.' She continued: 'Birth is a miracle. It should not be played down or slandered like this group has done. It's a disgrace to women everywhere for this group to post such a hurtful and tactless post. It doesn't matter how one gives birth. All that matters is that there is birth of new life and everyone is safe and healthy.' Not true: This controversial meme claims that women who have C-sections 'do so because of decades of drug abuse and alcohol dependence' Unfair claims: The Disciples of the New Dawn also believe that there is 'no medial need' for cesarean sections when giving birth . Outrageous accusation: The group called women who have C-sections 'lazy' parents . 'Ignorance is bliss. May God forgive your stupidity,' Wendy Comfort added. And Cassie Wallace noted: '8,304 ppl LIKED THIS POST? See, to me, that's the scariest part... [sic]' Meanwhile, others are breathing new life into old petitions looking to remove the group's page from Facebook because of its history of 'severe hate speech' and 'sexism'. 2,500 new supporters have joined one online petition on Change.org today. 'I am signing this because of the hatred and condemnation they give to mothers who were not able to have a 'natural vaginal' birth and they are saying anyone who did not have this type of birth was due to drugs or 'being a little w****,' one woman from Texas explained. Nothing new: The Dawn of the New Disciples has a history of being accused of being sexist and hateful towards women . Dangerous thinking: The religious group claims that sticking to gender stereotypes is the key to a healthy and happy household . Impressionable minds: This disturbing image was allegedly drawn by a child and shared on the group's Junior Disciples page, which was created for younger members of the sect . She continued: 'This is very demeaning to women and mothers. It also makes claims that any mother who chose a C-section committed a SIN and should have refused it even if it mean death for both the mother and child.' Dawn of the New Disciples currently runs numerous pro-life, pro-gun Twitter accounts and Facebook pages including The Dawn Guard Militia and Junior Disciples, a community for its younger members, which features disturbing religious images allegedly created by children. One picture, which was posted in February, shows Jesus smiling while surrounded by guns. 'The Lord has given us many wonderful blessings in our life. None more precious than the God given right to bear arms. Every firearm is an extension of his hand. Every round like a heavenly embrace from Jesus himself, upon your adversary,' the group had captioned the controversial drawing. Violent thoughts: This childlike drawing shows Jesus smiling as he is surrounded by guns and a bloody knife . Loaded message: The picture was accompanied by this caption, which alleges that 'every firearm is an extension' of God's hand . Family affair: This photo of three young boys brandishing guns was shared on The Dawn Guard Militia page, which is also run by the religious community .
One of the images posted on the Disciples of the New Dawn Facebook page has been shared nearly 80,000 times since it was posted on Sunday . While it is unclear if the group is genuine - or a satire - its messages have prompted thousands of women to share their own C-section stories . Others are committing their support to past petitions to have the community's page removed from Facebook .
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The mother-in-law of one of one of the Boston bombers has taken to the stand to tell how her daughter was converted to Islam by her husband, as lawyers try to argue the other brother out of being put to death. Judith Russell, whose daughter Katherine married Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the two mass murderers who set of bombs at the 2013 Boston marathon, spoke at a court in the city today. Her words came as jurors decide whether Tamerlan's brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, should be put to death after being convicted of a host of crimes in connection with the massacre. Scroll down for video . On the stand: Judith Russell, pictured right in a 2013 file photo, took to the stand in the trial of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. She told how her daughter Katherine, left, converted to Islam after meeting Dzhokhar's brother Tamerlan . Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, pictured three months after his arrest for the Boston bombing, flipping off a camera in his jail cell. His defense team argued on Monday he is a 'good boy' and should be spared the death penalty for killing three people and injuring several hundred in the 2013 terrorist attacks . Tamerlan himself was killed in a police firefight a few days after the bombing, which he masterminded. Change: Katherine Russell is pictured in a yearbook photo, before she converted to Islam . Defense lawyers for Dzhokhar have made the argument that he should not be killed because he was in some capacity forced into the killings by his more persuasive elder sibling. Russell was brought before the jury as a defense witness - and told how Tamerlan met her daughter and got her pregnant before gradually becoming more radical in her views. Russell told jurors she drifted from her daughter as a result of the relationship - and that at some point was shocked to find her wearing the veil and a new convert to her husband's faith. Though Russell admitted that Katherine seemed to take on the religion of her own volition - and still upholds it - her testimony indicated that he was the cause and she considered the move a sacrifice for him. At one point she revealed that Tamerlan, who was originally unemployed and unmotivated, became so zealous in his faith that he tried to force literature on her, too, and encourage her to convert. She told jurors that she has an Islam For Dummies book on her shelf at home, but couldn't remember who gave it to her. She said she had hardly met Dzhokhar or his family, but that she remembered attending a baby shower which the brothers' very religious mother attended. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, an ethnic Chechen, was . found guilty earlier this month of killing three people and injuring 264 as well as fatally shooting a police officer. David Bruck delivered the defense's opening statement in the penalty phase of Tsarnaev's trial, claiming that no punishment Tsarnaev can be given is equal to the suffering of the victims. Influencer? Defense lawyers for Tsarnaev (left) have said that his brother Tamerlan (right) drove his brother to help him with the 2013 killings . 'There is no evening the scales,' Bruck said. 'There is no point in trying to hurt him as he hurt because it can't be done.' During the initial stage of his trial, prosecutors portrayed him as an extremist who wanted to 'punish America' for military campaigns in Muslim-dominated countries. The teen followed a blueprint from al Qaeda's Inspire magazine to build the homemade pressure-cooker bombs that ripped through crowds of spectators,volunteers and athletes on April 15, 2013. Bruck urged the jury to sentence the defendant to life in prison without the possibility of ever being released for his crimes. A chilling photo was revealed last week at the Boston bombing trial showing the aftermath of the blasts on Boylston Street . 'His legal case will be over for good, and no martyrdom, just years and years of punishment,' the lawyer said. 'All the while, society is protected.' Bruck told the court that Tsarnaev would be sent to a supermax prison in the Colorado mountains, adding that he would have no privacy, be under a video camera 24 hours a day. He would be allowed no interviews, there would be no autobiography and no messages relayed, the attorney added. Bruck focused heavily on Tsarnaev's brother, Tamerlan, who died after a gunfight with police four days after the bombing, saying he led the plot and provided the 'fuel' to drive the plan. He said Tamerlan was 'consumed by jihad' and had 'power' over Dzhokhar, who admired his older brother. Bruck contrasted Tamerlan with Dzhokhar, saying Tamerlan was loud and aggressive, got into fights, failed at everything he did and never held a steady job, while Dzhokhar was a good student in high school, was loved by his teachers there, had many friends and never got in a fight. 'He was a good kid,' the lawyer said. But he said Tsarnaev started going downhill in college. One of the first defense witnesses to testify in the penalty phase described an incident at a mosque when Tamerlan became angry and interrupted prayer services. Imam Loay Assaf testified on Monday that he got very angry during one service in 2013 when Assaf praised Martin Luther King Jr and compared him to the Prophet Mohammad. Assaf says Tamerlan interrupted the service, shouting at him and calling him a 'hypocrite'. Prosecutors have portrayed Tsarnaev as an unrepentant killer who gave the finger to the security camera in his jail cell three months after his arrest. The startling photo and video were shown to the jury last week. Bruck downplayed the gesture, saying Tsarnaev was 'acting like an immature 19-year-old'. Defense attorney, Judith Clarke, had opened the trial . with the blunt admission 'it was him,' Tsarnaev, who committed . all the crimes he was charged with. But she closed the guilt . phase by arguing that, when it came to planning the attack and . building the bombs, 'Tamerlan did that.' Defense attorneys Timothy Watkins, left, and David Bruck arrive at federal court on Monday during the penalty phase of the federal trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was convicted of the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured 260 people in April 2013 . In this courtroom sketch, bombing survivor Marc Fucarile, right,  was depicted on the witness stand on Friday during the penalty phase where he stared down Tsarnaev. Fucarile said he has had more than 60 surgeries, and it is still unclear whether his left leg can be saved . In a sharp contrast to the last phase of the trial, when the . defense took just two days to call four witnesses, the court has . scheduled about two weeks' worth of testimony as Tsarnaev's . lawyers make the case to spare his life. Few details are known about who the defense lawyers will call to . testify as all witness lists in this trial have been filed under . seal. On Thursday, local media reported that some members of . Tsarnaev's family arrived in Boston. It is not clear exactly which members of his family traveled . to Boston or if they will testify or simply observe the . proceedings. Another unanswered question is whether Tsarnaev will speak . in his own defense. He has been a quiet presence during the . trial, offering no signs of emotion as the jury heard sometimes . tearful testimony from survivors and viewed graphic, disturbing . images of the bombs' detonation and aftermath. Eight-year-old Martin Richard, Chinese exchange student Lu Lingzi, 23, . and restaurant manager Krystle Campbell, 29, died in the . bombing. The Tsarnaev brothers shot dead Massachusetts Institute . of Technology police officer Sean Collier three days later.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty of killing three people and injuring 264 as well as fatally shooting a police officer . His lawyers on Monday argued for the jury to spare him the death penalty . Called Judith Russell to the stand, who is mother-in-law of Dzhokhar's older brother Tamerlan - who was killed in police firefight after the bombing . Told how her daughter was enthralled by Tamerlan and became Muslim . Backs up defense claims that Dzhokhar was led by influential sibling . Lawyers have said that Tamerlan drove his brother into the bombings .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 35, 1368, 22, 268, 3, 9, 23, 3, 3260, 3, 15458, 8, 3101, 18, 6, 22 ]
(CNN)The United States is urging China to release five young feminists who face years in prison over their campaign for gender equality. Authorities detained the women in three cities -- Beijing, Guangzhou and Hangzhou -- a few days ahead of events planned for International Women's Day on March 8. "Each and every one of us has the right to speak out against sexual harassment and the many other injustices that millions of women and girls suffer around the world," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement Friday. "We strongly support the efforts of these activists to make progress on these challenging issues, and we believe that Chinese authorities should also support them, not silence them." The detention of Wei Tingting, along with Wu Rongrong, Li Tingting, Wang Man and Zheng Churan has drawn harsh criticism from the international community. Protesters in several cities have called for their release and taken to social media with the phrase "free the five" as a hashtag. Wang Qiushi, the lawyer for Wei, said police recommended Monday that prosecutors press charges of "assembling a crowd to disturb public order." Prosecutors have seven days -- until Monday -- to decide whether to pursue the charges, according to the lawyer. "We can do nothing but wait," Wang said. The five were initially held on suspicion of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble." Wang said he didn't know why the charge against the women changed. "Neither should constitute a crime," he said. Campaign group Amnesty International said the new charge was less serious but still carried a maximum prison term of five years. "The women were doing nothing wrong, nothing illegal. They were simply calling for an end to sexual harassment," said William Nee, China researcher at Amnesty International. Wang said that Wei was subjected to lengthy cross examinations during her detention. Two of the women are said to be in poor health. He added that the charges relate both to the activities the women planned for International Women's Day and earlier campaigns against domestic violence. The five are members of China's Women's Rights Action Group. They had planned to hand out stickers with slogans saying "stop sexual harassment, let us stay safe" and "go police, go arrest those who committed sexual harassment!" on International Women's Day. This week, Kerry's predecessor, Hillary Clinton, tweeted that the activists' detention was "inexcusable." Chinese authorities rebuked her comment, saying public figures should respect the nation's sovereignty and independence. CNN's Katie Hunt and Shen Lu contributed to this report .
The international community is calling for the release of the five women . Chinese authorities detained them last month over their campaign for gender equality .
[ 0, 3, 5636, 3, 6, 19, 3, 5722, 222, 3, 22, 11, 12491, 515, 61, 4, 11033, 3, 80, 4 ]
They live in one of the remotest places on earth which means visitors, let alone royal ones, don't come along very often. Yesterday, though, locals living in the tiny township of Wuggubun in Western Australia got the surprise of their lives when Prince Harry turned up unannounced. The prince, who begun a month-long secondment to the Australian Defence Force on Monday, took an hour-long break at the village during a training exercise with a Norforce unit. Scroll down for video . Striking a pose: Prince Harry poses with members of the local community, including Mr Trust . 'He just rocked up,' said delighted Barry Trust, a resident of the tiny township which sits 600 miles away from the nearest city - Darwin. Mr Trust, who was speaking to ABC News, described the royal visitor as 'a real delightful chap' and revealed that Harry is enjoying the Outback so much, he's contemplating a move there. 'We've invited him back again some time,' said Mr Trust. 'He'd love to - he said he'd love to live out this way, to get away from the media. 'It was pretty exciting - especially for the kids.' Warm welcome: Prince Harry arrived in Australia on Monday for his month-long secondment . Agreed! He struck a pose next to a Redheads Rule sign but refused to pose for a selfie . Prince Harry has been in Australia since Monday and spent his first day paying his respects at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Canberra before reporting for duty. He also found time to meet some of the locals and hit the headlines when he revealed his true feelings about selfie photos. 'Selfies are bad,' he said, when asked to strike a pose by a teenage fan. He added: 'I know you're young but just take a normal photograph.' The prince is scheduled to spend the next month in Australia and, once he comes to the end of his time with Norforce, will spend the rest of the month stationed in Sydney and Perth. Captain Wales, as he is known in the Army, will take part in urban training exercises and joint fire exercises among other activities. Saying hello: Harry's winning ways have endeared him to Australian locals from the start . All smiles: His first act upon arriving in Australia was to visit the tomb of the Unknown Soldier . Clown Prince! He was happy to pull funny faces for the amusement of one little girl while meeting wellwishers . He will also briefly travel back to Europe for a visit to Turkey alongside the Prince of Wales later this month where he will take part in a memorial service for the men who fought and died at Gallipoli. The World War I battle, which pitted British forces against the Ottoman Empire, claimed the lives of 34,000 British soldiers, 8,700 Australians and 2,721 New Zealanders. Harry has served with the Australian Armed Forces in the past, most notably during his two tours of Afghanistan. 'He met [Australian troops] during the Invictus Games and even trekked to the South Pole with a couple of Australian soldiers,' said an aide. 'Those experiences reinforced the huge admiration and respect he already had for Australian servicemen and women and has stoked his enthusiasm even more to build on those relationships in the next four weeks. 'He knows he will learn a huge amount from his Australian colleagues during this attachment and he is grateful to the ADF for producing such a varied and interesting programme for him. 'He is also looking forward to learning how wounded, injured and ill servicemen and women are supported here in Australia and hopes to pass on some of his experience from his current role in the UK. 'Prince Harry has been to Australia twice before, so he knows he is in for a great experience. He particularly appreciates the opportunity to pay his respects to the fallen and fully appreciates the significance of commemoration in this centenary year of the Gallipoli campaign.'
Prince Harry made a surprise visit to a remote Aboriginal village . Wuggubugan is in the Outback and 600 miles from Darwin, the nearest city . Harry just 'rocked up' say thrilled locals and is a 'delightful chap' 30-year-old has been in Australia since Monday and will stay for a month .
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Images revealing the shocking extent of gender stereotyping in toy shops have been posted online under the hashtag #NotAnAprilFools. The pictures show a wide divide between the aspirations set out for girls and boys, with females offered pink beautician's outfits while males are offered doctor's uniforms. Products intended for infants are equally polarised, with babygros for girls emblazoned with a slogan that reads: 'I hate my thighs'. The fancy dress options for girls and boys hint at very different future careers . Babygros reading 'I hate my thighs' and 'I'm super' left customers in one store feeling cross . By contrast, the boy's effort offers up the much more pleasant: 'I'm super'. The #NotAnAprilFools feed, which was launched by campaign group Let Toys Be Toys, is based on the idea that the toys are so ridiculous that they must be a joke. The images sparked a furious response from Twitter users, with several getting in touch to complain about the gender stereotyping. Bethany Usher's angry Tweet was typical, with the journalist writing: 'When I was little @ELCtoys were actually about Learning. Now about learning gender stereotypes?' Other examples included separate cookbooks, with boys getting to make gourmet burgers and giant chocolate sundaes, while girls make small pink cupcakes. Girls' cookbooks include recipes for delicate cupcakes, while boys are encouraged to make burgers . Pink has become the colour of choice for companies marketing products for girls . Many more of the boys' words evoke action and bravery whereas the girls' ones focus on looks and fluff . Let Toys Be Toys, a campaign group set up by a group of British parents two years ago, is petitioning retailers to end the practice of labelling products by gender. One of the campaign's founders, Tricia Lowther, 46, a self-employed copywriter from Durham, told MailOnline: . 'It does bother a lot of parents, we seem to have tapped in to a huge and growing sense of frustration with the way toys are promoted according to outdated, illogical and sexist stereotypes. 'I can't speak for any of the others but what pushed me to make a stand was the realisation, after my daughter was born, that gender stereotyping in children's products had become worse than when I was a child myself back in the Seventies. 'It's something that has become almost impossible to escape and is very limiting for children.' Boys will be learning to draw warriors while women draw faces and flowers . Wizards and werewolves are favourite subjects for boys' books - but not for girls . Many parents responded to the images of the sexist toys by posting pictures of their children playing with 'the other gender's toys'. They included two girls playing with a train set, a little boy pushing a pram and a little girl covered in mud playing in the garden. The campaign has gathered momentum in response to what Let Toys Be Toys describe as the increasing gender stereotyping of toys and the dearth of neutral playthings. Not all, however, are so keen with many parents arguing that pink and blue toys are harmless. But campaigners point to the domestic nature of the majority of girls' products and say that by contrast, boys are encouraged to play with science sets, cars and action heroes. But most items that relate to being domesticated are aimed at girls. In contrast boys are encouraged to play with science sets, cars and action heroes. Not even food is immune as these differently coloured crisp packets reveal . A blue and green slide marketed at boys also roused the ire of campaigners . One mother who is throwing her weight behind the campaign is psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos, 44, who told MailOnline that it is essential to challenge these stereotypes. 'I think any toy or any activity that dispels the idea that a girl's value lies just in the way she looks; that shows she can be more than that, that she can do more, is a positive idea. 'Sadly female scientists or business leaders aren't celebrated in the same way that males are, so [the launch of a range of female scientist Lego figurines] is fantastic. 'The younger you can get girls to see these things as the norm the better. Getting them to see that it's just as normal for a woman to wear a white doctor's or scientist's coat as it is for a man; that's such an important thing. 'The whole idea that there is the whole idea that there is just one section for girls - the pink section - reinforces gender stereotypes. 'Of course, there's always going to be evolutionary differences, but so many more toys aimed at girls have to do with being pretty and looking a certain way, whereas those all about having fun and action heroes are for boys. 'Girls need to be seen as doers rather than passive, to subvert the objectification of women. The object is someone acted upon; "how can I make my hair curlier, my lips pinker, my eyes brighter". 'I think there's a problem here.' #GirlsLoveTrains is also a hashtag. Parents sharing pictures of their 'princesses' playing with 'boys' toys' #caringboys is pics of little boys playing with baby dolls and pushing them around in prams (playing dad) Dr Linda says any activity that dispels the idea that a girl's value lies just in the way she looks is positive .
Let Toys Be Toys highlighted some of today's 'sexist' toys . Started hashtag #NotAnAprilFools on April 1 sharing pictures online . Toys include cookery books with separate foods for boys and girls . Babygro for girls reads 'I hate my thighs' - the boys' one says 'I'm super'
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 2288, 35, 4112, 3, 6, 3132, 4, 3, 11, 23, 155, 3, 63, 4, 2474, 8122 ]
Police are hunting a man aged between 50 and 60 suspected of robbing a bank in broad daylight and running off with £3,000 in cash. The robbery took place at 12.30pm at a Lloyds Bank branch in Fairwater, Cardiff, police said. Detectives have issued CCTV images of the suspect, who is 5ft 9in to 6ft and was wearing black clothing. Detectives have issued CCTV images of the suspect, who is 50 to 60, 5ft 9in to 6ft and was wearing black clothing . The white male suspect, who has greying black hair and wore glasses, was captured on camera inside the bank. Detectives said no one was injured during the robbery and they were 'confident' the public would be able to identify the suspect. Detective Sergeant Andy Miles, from Fairwater CID, said: 'Inquiries are continuing to identify the culprit. The CCTV is clear and I am confident that members of the public will know his identity. 'I can confirm there have been no reports of any injuries as a result of the incident. 'While incidents of this nature are rare in South Wales, when they do occur we will investigate them thoroughly to trace whoever is responsible. The robbery took place at 12.30pm at a Lloyds Bank branch (pictured) in Fairwater, Cardiff, police said . 'An investigation is continuing to establish what took place and we are appealing for the public's help to identify the man and for any other information that may assist our inquiries.' A spokeswoman for South Wales Police said: 'The amount stolen is somewhere in the region of £3,000. 'At this stage we do not know if he was armed, but we do know that he was seen as a clear threat when the incident took place.'
The £3,000 robbery happened at a Lloyds Bank branch in Fairwater, Cardiff . CCTV images released of a suspect with greying hair and wearing glasses . Police say they are 'confident' the public will know the suspect's identity .
[ 0, 3, 9, 1015, 3, 6, 19, 677, 4, 18, 268, 3, 27, 11, 1814, 222, 3, 9, 3, 3657 ]
Top Gear has helped steer the BBC’s iPlayer to record levels after four episodes shown in February notched up nine million views alone. The long-running motoring show took up first, second, third and fifth spots in the catch-up service's top five for the month as fans used it to take one last look at their favourite show. The viewing figures come a week after presenter Jeremy Clarkson was dismissed from the BBC for punching Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon. Scroll down for video . Top Gear star James May was spotted out and about in central London today with an iPad as it emerged the motoring show has helped steer the BBC’s iPlayer to record levels, notching up nine million views alone . Popular: Top Gear has helped steer the BBC’s iPlayer to record levels after four episodes shown in February notched up nine million views . According to the Daily Telegraph the four episodes in February were watched a total of 9,047,000 times while episode two alone was watched 2,645,000 times. The service received 299million requests for streaming or downloading television and radio programmes during the month. Statistics published by the BBC show there were an average of 10.7million daily requests overall and it was the best month ever for requests to television programmes, with an average of 8.6m requests a day. Live episodes of EastEnders and The Comic Relief Bake Off also featured in the top 20 programmes this month along with dramas such as Waterloo Road, Silent Witness, The Casual Vacancy and Wolf Hall. The four episodes in February were watched a total of 9,047,000 times while episode two alone was watched 2,645,000 times . Figures for March are expected to see a sharp decline, the Telegraph reports, since only two episodes of Top Gear were shown before Clarkson’s dramatic suspension. On Tuesday, the BBC confirmed Top Gear's £10million live world tour will go ahead with Jeremy Clarkson at the helm alongside fellow presenters James May and Richard Hammond. A BBC Worldwide spokesman said they will fulfil the series of live shows which have already sold 200,000 tickets worldwide - but added that the events will be stripped of all BBC branding and content and billed as Clarkson, Hammond and May Live. That means the shows, which will take place in venues as far afield as Australia, Norway, and South Africa as well as the UK, will not be able to use clips from the show or feature The Stig. Record: The long-running motoring show took up first, second, third and fifth spots in the catch-up service's top five for the month (file picture) The tour starts in Australia and fans have paid between £35 and £200 for tickets to the live shows. The BBC suspended Clarkson when it emerged he had been involved in what was initially described as 'a fracas' with producer Oisin Tymon. Last Wednesday, BBC director-general Tony Hall announced that Clarkson, a popular but divisive figure during his time at the hugely successful BBC2 motoring show, would not be retained, saying 'a line has been crossed' and 'there cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another'. Mr Tymon had his lip split by Clarkson in a 30-second assault on March 4 and took himself to hospital with his injuries. He was also verbally abused by the former Top Gear presenter. Clarkson reported the incident to the BBC five days later and was suspended on March 10. The BBC suspended Clarkson when it emerged he had been involved in what was initially described as 'a fracas' with producer Oisin Tymon (pictured) The BBC could lose as much as £67million a year now Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been sacked . The BBC could lose as much as £67million a year now Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been sacked. The star helped relaunch the ailing show in 2002, turning it into a worldwide hit. Now the corporation's commercial arm rakes in an estimated £50million a year from selling the rights to Top Gear overseas, with the show watched in 214 countries around the world. On top of that, BBC Worldwide makes millions more from Top Gear Magazine and live shows in the UK and abroad, as well as sales of DVDs. The BBC could lose tens of millions of pounds in annual profit  after giving Clarkson his marching orders, with the sale of the show overseas making £50million alone. Top Gear Magazine has a global circulation of 1.7 million, bringing in another estimated £7.4million - not including profit from advertising, as well as the costs of producing and shipping the magazine. The motoring programme was also set to make around £7.35million in sales of tickets to its 14 live shows in the UK this year. The BBC's loss could be another broadcaster's gain, with rivals Sky, ITV and Netflix all set to compete for Clarkson's signature.
Figures come a week after Jeremy Clarkson was dismissed from the BBC . Top Gear took up first, third and fifth spots in iPlayer top five for February . Episode two of the BB2 show's last series was watched 2,645,000 times .
[ 0, 3, 57, 6415, 14422, 57, 41, 19, 9102, 4, 18, 3, 562, 4, 27, 155, 3, 1814, 35, 28 ]
Kurt Zouma was deployed in a defensive midfield role against Manchester United specifically to stop Marouane Fellaini from continuing his good form at Stamford Bridge, according to Jose Mourinho. The big Belgian has shone under Louis van Gaal in recent weeks but he endured an evening to forget as the 20-year-old man-marked him superbly during the Blues' 1-0 victory. Mourinho gave an insight into his instructions to Zouma after the game, explaining that he'd asked the young Frenchman to turn the match into a '10 against 10' clash. Chelsea's Kurt Zouma tussles with Marouane Fellaini during his side's 1-0 win against Manchester United . Zouma was deployed in a defensive midfield role so that he could deal with the threat of United star Fellaini . Speaking to chelseafc.com after the final whistle, Mourinho said: 'I told Zouma I want the game to be 10 against 10, I didn't want the game to be 11 against 11. 'During the week we were working for that and the game was 10 against 10.' Zouma, who also played in midfield away at West Ham and in the Capital One Cup final against Tottenham, was pleased with the job he did against the 'on fire' ex-Everton man. He said: 'I had to stay with [Marouane] Fellaini because we knew he is on fire at the moment. 'He has scored a lot of goals so I had to keep an eye on him, and I think I did it well. I had to be physical with him and stay close to him. 'The game was very difficult. The most important thing was that we had one chance and we scored. We defended very well. Manchester United didn't have many chances to score. We stayed compact.' Zouma wrestles Fellaini to the ground as Chelsea continued their bid for a fourth Premier League title . Fellaini has been in excellent form but he was unable to impact the game with Zouma watching his every move . Mourinho was similarly impressed with the performance of the former Saint-Etienne starlet, adding: 'See the jobs he is doing for us, as a central defender playing against [Sergio] Aguero, as a central defender playing against [Raheem] Sterling. 'He played as the holding midfield player against Tottenham in a system with only one holding midfield player. 'Against Man United he played to stop Fellaini from playing in the box. He is doing amazing jobs for us. He is mentally very, very strong, too. Not just physically, mentally he is very strong. 'He's learned a lot from a tactical point of view since his arrival. So we can imagine with him being aged 20, Chelsea has 10 years of Zouma.' Jose Mourinho believes that Zouma could play for Chelsea for at least the next 10 years .
Kurt Zouma kept an eye on Marouane Fellaini during Chelsea's 1-0 win . The French defender played as a defensive midfielder against Man United . Jose Mourinho wanted the 20-year-old to keep Fellaini out of the game . Chelsea boss impressed with Zouma's form during first season at the club . READ: Mourinho critics don't have leg to stand on as he is getting job done .
[ 0, 3, 8820, 22, 4796, 50, 40, 9, 1948, 100, 46, 5, 11, 98, 4, 18, 13, 3, 9, 100 ]
A Labour politician who stood against Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor has won a High Court battle over claims that he was a ‘wife beater’. Helal Abbas, 55, lost his bid to become the mayor of Tower Hamlets in East London days after the claim appeared in an ethnic freesheet. The race was won by Lutfur Rahman, 50, a controversial figure who has been accused in a separate High Court case of rigging his re-election victory last year. Mr Rahman denies those charges. Helal Abbas, 55, lost his bid to become the mayor of Tower Hamlets in East London days after the claim appeared in an ethnic freesheet . During the 2010 campaign, the London Bangla ran an advert accusing Mr Abbas of assaulting his ex-wife. An article accompanying the advert was headlined A Right Mayoral Punch-Up. The weekly freesheet – written in Bengali and English – was a fierce supporter of Mr Rahman and was distributed outside mosques in the area. Mr Abbas lost the election by 12,000 votes. The victory by Mr Rahman – a former Labour councillor who stood as an independent after he was thrown out of the party over alleged links to Islamists – was seen as an embarrassment for Ed Miliband. The race was won by Lutfur Rahman, 50, a controversial figure who has been accused in a separate High Court case of rigging his re-election victory last year . Mr Abbas started court proceedings against London Bangla’s editor, Shah Yousuf, 35, soon after the election. After a four-year legal battle, Mr Yousuf has admitted there was ‘no truth to the allegation’ and has agreed to pay damages and legal costs. When The Mail on Sunday contacted Mr Yousuf, he asked for all questions to be emailed to him, which we did. However, he then refused to answer them.
Labour politician Helal Abbas lost bid to become mayor of Tower Hamlets . The London Bangla ran an advert accusing him of assaulting his ex-wife . After long legal battle, editor admits there was ‘no truth to the allegation’
[ 0, 3, 78, 4, 5, 9, 5, 3, 5866, 19, 7, 3, 47, 47, 7, 3, 5, 2863, 7610, 3 ]
Glasgow Warriors have confirmed that experienced duo Al Kellock and Dougie Hall will both start Friday night's Guinness PRO12 match with Cardiff Blues at Scotstoun. Both skipper Kellock and Hall - who have played nearly 300 matches between them for the club - are to retire come the end of May and each have a maximum of six outings left of their distinguished professional careers. And while Warriors head coach Gregor Townsend was naming his full squad for the Blues match on Thursday, he announced that the second-row and hooker would start in the pack against the Welsh outfit. Glasgow Warriors veteran Al Kellock will start at lock against Cardiff Blues at Scotstoun on Friday night . The encounter is being billed as a tribute to them both and, in a nice touch by the club, the match ball will be presented by Kellock's dad and Hall's mum along with Alistair Johnson, who was Kellock's best man, and Bernie Mitchell, who was an inspirational figure for Hall coming through at Hillhead/Jordanhill. Having been a pro player for 13 years and earned 42 Scotland caps, Hall admits it will be a strange feeling hanging up his boots for good at the end of the current campaign. 'You get to a point where you start thinking to yourself 'this could be the last game of rugby I ever play' so you want to make the most of it,' the 34-year-old said. 'I really want to enjoy these last few games, but also stay focused and help the Warriors secure a play-off place and hopefully the trophy. Glasgow hooker Dougie Hall is hanging up his boots after 13 years of professional rugby . As retirement draws closer you do start to think more about the things that you love about the game. You start to think about your last team huddle, the last time you will walk out onto the pitch with your team mates and it is those moments that I will miss incredibly.' Since he first played in the equivalent of the PRO12 for Edinburgh Rugby back in 2002/03 Hall has seen the standard of all of the sides improve incredibly. As a result, despite the fact that the Warriors are first and the Blues are 10th in the table, he does not expect an easy night, far from it. 'They have a number of quality players in their side and a lot of internationals while all of the teams are getting better year on year,' he explained. 'We really have to concentrate on what we are doing ourselves and keep getting results and hopefully that takes care of things and gets us into the play-offs in the coming weeks. 'I hope that gone are the days when the PRO12 is looked on as a lesser league, the teams and the talent involved now really is top class.' Gregor Townsend's Glasgow side are currently top of the Pro12 standings ahead of Cardiff's visit . This season Hall has been restricted to seven appearances in the PRO12 for the Warriors to date, Fraser Brown and Pat MacArthur playing the majority of minutes with Kevin Bryce also pushing hard for game time in the number two jersey. And while Hall himself admits that he may not be in the gym as often as the younger trio, he feels the experience he has gained in over 140 match for the club can still help during the league run-in and in the play-offs. 'The last thing you want to do when you have played for all those years is to pick up an injury in the gym,' Hall explained. 'For me now it is all about managing myself throughout the week so that when it comes to getting out on the field I can give it everything. 'As you get older you perhaps become a bit more of a leader in the group, but I like to think I have acted like that since I came to the Warriors in 2007. Wales prop Gethin Jenkins is a doubt for Cardiff as the loosehead struggles with a calf strain . 'I was the starting hooker for a number of years and as Pat, and more recently, Fraser and Kevin have come in I hope they have learnt from watching what I do and also have learnt from what I say too.' Meanwhile, Cardiff Blues prop Gethin Jenkins is a doubt for the match with a calf strain. The injury forced the Wales and British & Irish Lions' man off last week in his side's European Rugby Challenge Cup quarter-final defeat to the Dragons. 'Gethin has got a calf strain but it is not as bad as we thought. He hasn't trained this week so is a doubt, but he is keen to play a few more games for us yet this season,' Blues attack coach Paul John said. 'We want to play to a game plan, execute well and perform to the best of our ability. To do justice to the league we have to do that. 'Glasgow are a good offloading side, they are a complete side in many ways, and we've got to control the ball better than we did last weekend.'
The Glasgow duo have played nearly 300 games between them . Al Kellock and Dougie Hall will both retire at the end of the season . Glasgow face Cardiff Blues at Scotstoun on Friday night .
[ 0, 3, 18, 11, 50, 63, 6, 4, 41, 5, 5, 248, 3, 18, 11, 50, 63, 6, 4, 41 ]
Blackburn boss Gary Bowyer was in 'shock' as he watched his goalkeeper Simon Eastwood almost snatch a last-gasp draw for his side against Liverpool. Trailing 1-0 following Philippe Coutinho's 70th-minute strike, Eastwood left his post guarding the Blackburn goal and arrived in the Liverpool penalty area in a bid to help his side draw level with seconds of the contest remaining. Bowyer had looked ready to celebrate the latest of equalisers after Eastwood skilfully controlled the ball before testing his Reds counterpart Simon Mignolet with a tricky drive. Blackburn goalkeeper Simon Eastwood had a chance in the dying stages to force extra-time . Eastwood almost scored a dramatic late equaliser beyond Liverpool goalkeeper Simon Mignolet . Eastwood showed great composure to control the ball and shoot towards the Liverpool goal . Eastwood reacts after his last-gasp strike was saved by his Reds counterpart Mignolet . 'I think it was more shock that he managed to do that and turn,' said Bowyer. 'It was an unbelievable turn from him... a last roll of the dice. 'Our group's an honest group and they have had a right good go. 'To have pushed Liverpool like that over two games and still have a chance like that means there's nothing but praise for them. 'It shows the progress we've made at the club and the supporters have hopefully gone away pleased with what they saw, but just a little bit disappointed that we couldn't get the goal.' Coutinho watches his shot find the bottom corner to give Liverpool the lead with 20 minutes to play . Meanwhile, Jordan Henderson believes Liverpool's 1-0 FA Cup quarter-final victory at Blackburn will give his team-mates a much-needed lift heading into the Barclays Premier League run-in. The Reds settled the replay through Coutinho's second-half strike and will now play Aston Villa in a Wembley semi-final on April 19. Liverpool's charge towards the Champions League places has been curtailed by defeats to Manchester United and Arsenal but midfielder Henderson feels the Ewood Park result will help get things back on track. 'It was a really important game for us today,' he told BT Sport. 'I think everybody has been disappointed over the last couple of weeks with performances and results. Liverpool manager Rodgers and Blackburn boss Gary Bowyer talk in the technical area at Ewood Park . 'But I think we showed great character today. We knew when we came here they'd make it difficult for us but from start to finish we controlled the game, I thought we were brilliant. 'Towards the end when we'd gone 1-0 up they were chucking everything at us but we defended fantastically. 'Credit to the lads really and we'll go to Wembley against Villa and I'm sure it will be a tough game because they're a good side. 'But it gives everyone a lift.' Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers celebrates with Jordan Henderson after his side's victory . Jordan Henderson, Kolo Toure and Joe Allen celebrate after Liverpool secured their place in the semi-finals . Brazilian playmaker Coutinho drilled home Liverpool's winner after a swift interchange with Henderson and the latter hailed a 'little bit of brilliance' from the man signed from Inter Milan two years ago. He added: 'Philippe's got a great football brain and the easy bit was just giving him it and he finished it fantastically well. 'That little bit of brilliance from him wins us the game and gives everyone a big lift. 'Hopefully now we can kick on over our last seven games in the Premier League and in the semi-final.'
Philippe Coutinho's strike secured a 1-0 victory for Liverpool . Blackburn goalkeeper Simon Eastwood almost snatched a draw . Eastwood drew a save from opposite number Simon Mignolet in the box .
[ 0, 3, 57, 1291, 3, 4, 6882, 1168, 57, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 3, 2288, 615, 3, 9, 19 ]
A narrow two-bedroom home so small it is only 5ft wide in places has been snapped up for a staggering £750,000. The tiny home is sandwiched between two double fronted properties on a leafy street in Islington, north London. Despite being only a little wider than a rugby player’s shoulders, the estate agency blurb described the property as being 'well proportioned'. Scroll down for video . The tiny home (circled), sandwiched between two other properties, which has sold for £750,000, is located on a leafy street in Islington, north London . Inside, the narrow house is only 5ft wide in some areas, a little over the size of a rugby player's shoulders and its maximum width is 8ft 8in . The home has what boat owners would call a narrow 'galley kitchen', an expert has said, with the estate agency calling it 'well proportioned' The property is a two-bedroom apartment, with a narrow but long and extended back section . It also features tiny study, reception room, shower room, cloakroom, kitchen and a garden and is said to be garnering a lot of interest . It has two-bedrooms, a tiny study, reception room, shower room, cloakroom, kitchen and a garden. At its widest, it stretches across 8ft 8in. The property was put on the market with Foxtons for £750,000 - almost double the price it sold for in 2001. Neither its dimensions nor its size put off buyers - with the estate agency yesterday confirming the home was now under offer. The advert called it a 'stylish two bedroom period house' which 'offers beautifully bright living space throughout with characterful touches and a pretty rear garden'. Foxtons declined to comment. At a price of £750,000, the buyer will have to pay £27,000 in stamp duty - the same as a second-hand narrow boat which is 50ft long. Henry Pryor, a buying agent, said: 'This home must be one of the few in which you genuinely could not swing a cat. 'Strangely the first floor master bedroom is wider than the ground floor room below and it has what boat owners would know as a "galley kitchen". 'A lot of buyers would struggle with the idea of living in a home little bigger than a cricket net.' Late last year a 34-bedroom North Devon mansion which is 40 times the size of the Islington home sold for just £600,000. The property's backyard is a narrow strip of land stuck between the house and a neighbour's fence . The backyard deck runs along the roof of a room in the tiny house giving the occupants a place to sit outside on sunny days . At a price of £750,000, the buyer will have to pay £27,000 in stamp duty. It previously sold for only half the price when it was on the market in 2001 .
Narrow two-bedroom home in Islington, north London has sold for £750,000 despite measuring 5ft wide in places . The estate agency describes the property as 'well proportioned' and includes a reception room, shower and kitchen . It was put on the market for £750,000, almost double what it sold for in 2001 when it was previously put up for sale .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 23, 3172, 174, 9709, 38, 73, 4, 18, 8050, 1522, 3, 19, 23, 627, 4, 18 ]
Hillary Clinton ended her whirlwind New Hampshire campaign swing on Tuesday afternoon in another state entirely, taking taxpayers for an 80 miles-per-hour ride all the way to Boston – to catch a flight with first class seats. Her Secret Service-provided 'Scooby' van motored from Concord to Boston Logan International Airport, escorted by troopers from both New Hampshire and Massachusetts. She arrived in time to take a 7:00 p.m. US Airways shuttle to Washington, D.C. On the way, her motorcade passed exits to the Manchester, N.H. airport, which was 55 miles closer and offered a 5:16 p.m. flight to the same destination. The Boston flight, though, used a larger aircraft with 12 first class seats. The Manchester flight was scheduled to use a smaller plane with nothing but coach. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOS . First class: Hillary (seated at the front, right) traveled in luxury from Boston to Washington, seated next to chief of staff Huma Abedin, after a high-speed dash to Logan International Airport . Clinton and her entourage flew on a commercial US Airways Shuttle flight on Tuesday, and the Secret Service took care of the cars at curbside. 'Scooby' is seen next to the Terminal B sign with its side door open . ARRIVAL: Hillary was flanked by her security after she landed at Washington Reagan National Airport near DC, insisting that she hadn't booked the first class tickets herself – but staring ahead wordlessly when asked about the deadly Benghazi terror attack . NEW HAMPSHIRE? No, it's Massachusetts: Mrs. Clinton's motorcade, including her custom conversion van (center, in the distance), arrived just before 4:15 p.m. at Boston Logan International Airport . SLICK: Just a day earlier, Clinton's motorcade zipped along wet New Hampshire roads at 92 mph so she could make a dinner party on time . Clinton told Daily Mail Online when she reached Washington and was asked why her security detail drove the extra miles at taxpayer expense: 'You know, I don't make the travel arrangements. I don't.' She went silent, however, when asked if she would be ready soon to address public concerns about her performance as secretary of state before and after the 2012 terror attack that claimed four lives in Benghazi, Libya. Asked if she had made mistakes in the legacy-tarnishing episode, Clinton stared straight ahead, continued walking alongside her Secret Service escort, and said nothing. In New Hampshire, she had spent much of her time railing against America's richest '1 per cent,' but ultimately took the priciest seat to Washington that she could buy without chartering a private plane. During her trip she said of the wealthy: 'The deck is stacked in their favor. My job is to reshuffle the cards.' According to The New York Times, she spoke to a group of economists earlier this year about 'toppling' the country's financial elites if she were elected president. KISS THE RING: Hillary Clinton met Tuesday with Mary Louise Hancock, the grand dame of New Hampshire liberal politics and a woman who wields enormous grassroots organizing power in the Granite State . After a carefully stage-managed morning event at a community college near the state capitol, Clinton held two private meetings, and then bolted to Boston at speeds 25 mph over the limit posted along portions of Interstate 93. At least the roads were dry. Less than 24 hours earlier, her Secret Service drivers led reporters on a 92-mph race through New Hampshire on a rain-slicked freeway so Mrs. Clinton could arrive at a dinner event by 7:00 p.m. The Airbus 319 series aircraft took Clinton and her closest aide Huma Abedin back to Washington in comfort. The two women had the very front seats on the flight. A Massachusetts state trooper and a Secret Service agent greeted passengers on the jetway, providing the first hint that there was a VIP on board. Clinton's choice to fly out of Boston instead of Manchester could anger southern New Hampshire voters who tire of being told they are little more than a Boston exurb. There is no meaningful Massachusetts presidential primary election. SCOOBY! Clinton's ubiquitous van left Hancock's home Tuesday afternoon en route to the New Hampshire Democratic Party headquarters . FAREWELL: Hillary Clinton waves at the end of her final campaign stop in New Hampshire, before hitting the road to Boston at speeds of up to 80mph . LAST STOP: Clinton's hopeful New Hampshire trip ended not with a nod to everyday Americans, but with a bow to Democratic Party insiders at the NHDP headquarters . Clinton's first afternoon meeting came at the home of Mary Louise Hancock, the 95-year-old grand dame of New Hampshire Democratic politics. The significance of the get-together is real: Democrats seeking any major office in the Granite State have sought her counsel and kissed her ring for decades. Her second meeting was an hours-long affair at the New Hampshire Democratic Party headquarters, which hosted her while a crowd of reporters and photographers waited in vain for her to answer questions. While still more journalists lay in wait under the shadow of the state Capitol dome, Clinton's entourage went the other way, southward, boxing out motorists who tried to share their chosen slice of the road. It's not clear who drove Scooby and its two companion SUVs away from the Boston airport. All three vehicles were still curbside 45 minutes after Clinton arrived. IN CONCORD: Hillary Clinton smiled after a roundtable conversation with students and faculty of New Hampshire Technical Institute, the community college local to Concord, New Hampshire .
Speedometer-busting race to Boston Logan International Airport hit 80 in a 55 MPH zone . Clinton and her entourage took US Airways Shuttle flight 2120 to Washington Reagan International Airport near DC – and sat in first class . First class seating came after campaign trip where she said of rich: 'The deck is stacked in their favor. My job is to reshuffle the pack.' The Manchester, NH airport would have been 55 miles closer and had a flight two hours earlier – but it was on smaller plane with only coach seats . Clinton insisted she didn't personally book the tickets, but stared ahead and said nothing when asked about the Benghazi terror attacks . NASCAR-like trip down I-93 came less than 24 hours after Clinton's Secret Service detail raced down rain-slicked New Hampshire freeways at 92 mph .
[ 0, 3, 57, 606, 11, 2342, 57, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 3, 57, 606, 11, 2342, 57, 3, 9 ]
An elderly woman is in critical condition after being run over by her husband as he smashed into three cars whilst attempting to parallel park. The woman, 84, is thought to have been helping her husband park when the car accelerated into her, resulting in a serious head injury. She also suffered injuries to her throat and legs, as well as various broken bones, and one onlooker said the woman was 'covered in blood'. The Tesco Express where the elderly couple were going to shop when she was run over by her husband . Emergency services were called to Kirby Drive, Peacehaven, Lewes, East Sussex, just after 10am on Easter Sunday. Before the paramedic car and ambulance arrived she was comforted by a Tesco employee who held her in her arms. She was then taken to hospital in the ambulance accompanied by an air ambulance, which was used to give additional support. The woman was then taken to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, East Sussex and doctors placed her in a medically-induced coma. She remains in a critical but stable condition. Police want to speak to her once she is out of the coma. Out of control: the lampost were the car eventually stopped after causing carnage . The driver, also 84, hit three parked cars - a Lexus, a Mazda S Sport and a Vauxhall Astra - as well as a wall before the automatic Toyota Yaris came to rest by a lamp post. The driver, who was shaken but unhurt, was breathalysed by police as a precaution. No arrests have been made. One witness, Grace Palmer, 29, of Peacehaven, Lewes, East Sussex said: 'She looked quite shaken up, she was covered in blood. 'I saw the car up against the lamp post and five police cars parked outside the front of Tesco.' Another onlooker, who did not wish to be named, said: 'It looked like a bit of a nightmare.'
Elderly woman in induced medical coma after husband crashes into her . Distressed bystander describes woman as 'covered in blood' Couple were there to do their shopping at Tesco Express . Tesco worker held woman in her arms whilst waiting for ambulance . Driver breathalysed by police as precaution but no arrest has been made .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 3, 27, 197, 3564, 1207, 1996, 3, 8379, 8248, 8, 3, 6, 22, 1948, 3 ]
Rafa Nadal got his clay court season off to a perfect, confidence-boosting start with a 6-2, 6-1 win over Frenchman Lucas Pouille in the Monte Carlo Masters. It was a businesslike display from the world No 5. He didn’t unleash the full power of his forehand but played sensible, measured tennis and made only five unforced errors in the match. His talented 21-year-old opponent showed flashes of attacking flair, including one outrageous half-volley forehand winner, but was never able to put enough balls in court to trouble the great Spaniard. Rafael Nadal safely made his way into third round of the Monte Carlo Masters with win against Lucas Pouille . Nadal got his clay court season off to the perfect start with a straight sets victory 6-2, 6-1 . Nadal broke in the sixth game of the match to go 4-2 up, and a shanked backhand from the world No 108 handed him another break and the first set. The nine-time French Open winner began the second set in the same steady form and broke Pouille twice to serve for the match at 5-1. He arrowed a vintage forehand down the line to seal a place in the third round, where he will face either John Isner or Viktor Troicki. The Spaniard is an eight-time champion in Monte Carlo, but has not won here since 2012 and said last week that he is ‘not the favourite for anything’ at the moment. Frenchman Pouille showed glimpses of his talent but was unable to trouble Nadal . Nadal is an eight-time champion at Monte Carlo but hasn't won the tournament since 2012 . This victory was the first step in rebuilding his self-belief after disappointing losses in the quarter-finals of the Indian Wells Masters and the third round in Miami last month. It is too early to say that the king of clay is back to his best, and he will face sterner tests later in the week, but he could not have asked for a better opening display.
Rafa Nadal beat Lucas Pouille 6-2, 6-1 in the second round on Wednesday . Spaniard got his clay court season off to a perfect start with a routine win . World No 5 made just five unforced errors as he booked third round place .
[ 0, 3, 23, 9, 1417, 3, 63, 11, 22, 3, 9, 3, 35, 5, 9, 98, 3, 35, 1368, 22 ]
Queensland toddler Kyhesha-Lee Joughin was forced to use the room she was locked in as a toilet before dying in severe distress of internal injuries, a court has heard.Shocking allegations of the circumstances surrounding the three-year-old's 2013 death were revealed on Wednesday as family friend who was charged with the toddlers manslaughter was granted bail. The bail hearing revealed that Kyhesha-Lee suffered blows to her stomach causing severe bowel damage- ultimately leading to her death. The bail hearing revealed Kyesha-Lee succumbed to massive bowel injuries after being struck days before her death . Kyhesha-Lee was in the care of her father Matthew Lee Williamson and Christopher Arthur Neville Kent who have both been charged with manslaughter and child cruelty. Crown prosecutor Vicki Loury alleged the toddler also suffered a penetrative injury to her vagina three days before her death. She was not seen of or heard of by anyone else in the five days prior to her death, although another man visited the home the night before Kyhesha-Lee died. 'She was by that stage in severe distress, extremely unwell,' Ms Loury told the court. Kyhesha-Lee Joughin  was allegedly locked in a bedroom by her father, forcing her to defecate and urinate in the room . Kyhesha-Lee's body was found days after she suffered the blows - allegedly in squalid surroundings - at the unit she shared with her father in Petrie, north of Brisbane, on March 30, 2013. Kent, 46, was granted bail in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Wednesday after the court heard he'd offered to plead guilty on the basis of criminal negligence. Williamson allegedly locked his daughter in the bedroom while he slept during the day, forcing her to defecate and urinate in the room. Her father Matthew Lee Williamson and his friend Christopher Arthur Neville Kent, who also lived in the house and cared for the child in the days prior to her death, are each charged with manslaughter and child cruelty. They have both been released on bail . Evidence of the child's blood had been found on Kent's shorts. 'It was a small unit, he must have been aware of what was happening with the child,' Ms Loury said. Chief Magistrate Ray Rinaudo agreed with Kent's barrister Soraya Ryan that the accused no longer presented a risk of fleeing or re-offending on bail. Kyhesha-Lee's body was found - allegedly in squalid surroundings - at the unit she shared with her father in Petrie, north of Brisbane, on March 30, 2013 . Magistrate Rinaudo said he was ultimately swayed by Kent's steps towards taking responsibility for the 'tragic' events by his plea offer. Kent was bailed with strict conditions including daily reporting to police and restrictions on entering the homes of children under 16. Both he and Williamson are due to face a committal hearing next month. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Kyhesha-Lee  Joughin died from bowel injuries in her father's home in 2013 . She suffered a penetrative injury to her vagina and blows to her stomach . Her father allegedly locked her in a room for so long she urinated and defecated on herself . Her father and his friend, who lived in the house when she died, have been granted bail . Both men will face a committal hearing next month .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 35, 1368, 22, 41, 19, 3, 78, 4, 9, 27, 18, 8, 3, 9, 3, 35 ]
A father has been left furious after police ran over his daughter’s cat – and then simply told the family that their pet had been ‘disposed of’. Harry the ginger tom was hit by a police car near Tony Hunt’s home. But instead of tracking down the owner and explaining what had happened, the officers involved knocked on a neighbour’s door and asked for a black bin bag. A witness then described seeing them ‘scooping Harry up and placing him in the bag in the boot of the car’. Tony Hunt, from Normanton in Derby, is demanding an apology from police after a neighbour reported his daughter's cat Harry had been hit by a patrol car and 'disposed of' Mr Hunt spent two days putting up ‘lost cat’ posters in his area before finding out what had happened from a local teenager. Incredibly, when he contacted police, officers coldly told him Harry had been ‘disposed of’. Yesterday Mr Hunt, from Normanton, Derby, broke down as he described how a neighbour had witnessed the police car running over his cat. The incident is now being investigated by Derbyshire Police’s Professional Standards Department, he said. Mr Hunt, 42, said he had told five-year-old daughter Lily that her beloved pet had gone to heaven, but could not bring himself to tell her why. He accused police of a ‘lack of humanity’ and demanded a face-to-face apology from the two officers involved – one of whom was a WPC. Mr Hunt is outraged as the three-year-old ginger cat (pictured) was micro-chipped so officers could easily have contacted the family . The restaurant manager, who lives with partner Zoe Price, 30, their daughter Lily and one-year-old son Thomas, said: ‘What has happened is absolutely disgusting. ‘I couldn’t believe what I was hearing when a young lad called to tell me he had seen the police run over Harry. ‘I called 101 straight away and eventually spoke to a desk sergeant, who confirmed Harry had been hit and said he’d been “disposed of”. ‘There was no compassion whatsoever. He didn’t go into details as to how Harry had been “disposed of” and I didn’t want to know, to be honest. For all I know, they could have tossed him straight in the bin.’ Mr Hunt was informed about the three-year-old cat’s demise by Ali Nisar, who lives a street away. The 16-year-old saw the car coming ‘at speed’ down the road with its blue lights flashing last Sunday. Mr Hunt'sfamily have been devastated by what happened, saying a 'huge chunk' of their lives is now missing . He said: ‘The cat was in the middle of the road but the car went straight over it. They didn’t seem to brake, but I don’t know how they could not have seen it.’ Mr Nisar added: ‘Two days later I saw Tony’s poster and recognised the picture of the cat. I rang him to tell him that the police had killed his cat. I was gobsmacked that they hadn’t already informed him.’ Mr Hunt said Harry was microchipped and his body could have been returned to the family for cremation if the police had taken him to a vet or the RSPCA to be scanned. He added: ‘If it hadn’t been for my neighbour witnessing what happened, we’d still be searching for him now.’ A spokesman for Derbyshire Police said it was ‘aware of the allegations’, adding: ‘We’re in the process of trying to identify the officers who are allegedly involved to get their account of what happened.’
Tony Hunt, from Normanton in Derby, is demanding an apology from police . Cat was run down by a patrol car then dumped in the boot, neighbours say . Ginger Tom had micro-chip, so officers could have easily contacted family . Derbyshire Police said they are trying to identify the officers involved .
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A motorist known as Mr X who spent five years trying to dodge a £60 speeding fine has been jailed for perjury and perverting the course of justice. The driver, who is named Ashley X after changing his surname by deed poll, was caught on camera driving his Honda sports car at 67mph on a 50mph section of the M11 in Essex in 2009. Instead of coughing up a fixed penalty fine, he initially ignored Essex Police's attempts to confirm who was driving the car before making up a series of stories to shift the blame, Essex Police said. The driver was caught on camera driving his Honda sports car at 67mph on a 50mph section of the M11 . Pc Roy Keyes, from the force's casualty reduction team, said: 'Ashley X was determined to avoid paying the £60 fine and having three penalty points on his licence. 'But for five years he tried to deny the offence and committed two serious offences which ultimately led to him being sent to prison.' X tried to fight the speeding charge in six different courts, concocting various stories including that his cousin was driving, faking a letter from that cousin purportedly confirming this and claiming this cousin had already paid the fine. After being found guilty of failing to provide a driver's details he challenged the verdict at Chelmsford Crown Court and the Court of Appeal but both claims were rejected. When police looked more closely at the case, they found the 'cousin' who X claimed had been driving, and discovered he was in fact a friend, who never owned the car and denied writing any letter admitting that he had been the driver. The driver tried to convince authorities that his cousin was driving the car at the time of the offence . X, from Ruislip, west London, finally admitted perjury and perverting the course of justice at Ipswich Crown Court on Thursday. Judge Martyn Levett sentenced X to nine months imprisonment. He was also ordered to pay costs of £1,200. Essex Police praised the Crown Prosecution Service for its perseverance in bringing the case against the 35-year-old motorist. Do you know Mr X? If so, please call Darren Boyle on (0203) 615 3247 or email darren.boyle@mailonline.co.uk .
Mr X was caught speeding along the M11 in Essex in 2009 in his Honda . The 35-year-old motorist denied that he was driving his car at the time . During the course of his legal battle, he changed his name to Ashley X . Mr X was jailed for nine months at Ipswich Crown Court for perjury .
[ 0, 3, 9, 6783, 7262, 3, 18, 11, 18, 63, 4, 18, 3, 9, 3, 15811, 65, 20, 1450, 4 ]
Downton Abbey fans left reeling that the hit show is coming to an end can rejoice – for the sharp-tongued Dowager Countess is among a clutch of characters who may return to our screens. Played by Dame Maggie Smith in the ITV drama, Violet, Countess of Grantham may be coming back in the new American show The Gilded Age, from Downton creator Julian Fellowes. Made by the US network NBC, The Gilded Age will be set among the high society families of New York in the late 19th Century – meaning that Violet will be seen as her far younger self, with events taking place decades before the first series of Downton Abbey. Scroll down for video . Played by Dame Maggie Smith in the ITV drama, Violet, Countess of Grantham may be coming back in the new American show The Gilded Age . There may also be a place for Robert, the Earl of Grantham, and his wife Cora, who is American-born. Lord Fellowes told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Robert Grantham would be in his early teens, Cora would be a child. A young Violet could make an appearance.’ He said that plans for the series had yet to be finalised, adding: ‘We’ll have to see.’ Sources at NBC said last week the network ‘is buzzing’ about The Gilded Age, which will focus on the robber barons and get-rich-quick industrialists such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, John Jacob Astor and John D. Rockefeller who accumulated gigantic fortunes in the late 19th Century. The source said scouts were seeking ‘the American Downton’, saying: ‘One of the Vanderbilt mansions is a front-runner. Julian wants a month off after finishing Downton, but then it is full steam ahead.’ NBC President Robert Greenblatt told a meeting of TV critics he hoped The Gilded Age would ‘come to life sometime next season’ – which could mean it is on air as early as September. The sixth and final series of Downton Abbey goes out later this year on ITV. Set in 19th Century New York and focusing on the city's most privileged families, American-born Cora (played by Elizabeth McGovern) may also reappear .
Dame Maggie Smith's character may appear in American period drama . The Guilded Age was by Julian Fellowes and is based in New York . There may also be a plot for American-born Cora in the U.S. show .
[ 0, 3, 11782, 834, 2636, 4, 98, 3, 86, 3, 6, 22, 28, 19, 3, 9, 3, 63, 6, 5 ]
Richard Henyekane, a former South Africa striker, was killed in a car crash early Tuesday, his club and the country's Premier Soccer League have confirmed. Henyekane's club, Free State Stars, said the 31-year-old player was traveling with four other people in the vehicle but was the only person to die in the crash. Henyekane made nine appearances for South Africa in 2009. He was on loan at Free State Stars from Pretoria-based Mamelodi Sundowns. Henyekane went on as a substitute in Stars' 1-0 loss to AmaZulu in the east coast city of Durban in the PSL on Saturday. Richard Henyekane died tragically in a car accident on Tuesday morning while he driving in Bethlehem . South African media reported the crash happened in Bethlehem, the town in central South Africa where Free State Stars are based. Other South African clubs, South African Football Association President Danny Jordaan, and the minister of sport sent messages of condolence for Henyekane. Henyekane's younger brother, Joseph, who was also a footballer, died in December. South Africa has a poor road safety record. Runner and former 800-meter world champion Mbulaeni Mulaudzi died in a road accident late last year. The forward made nine appearances for South Africa in 2009 and played for Free State Stars this season .
Richard Henyekane died in car accident in the early hours of Tuesday . The former South Africa striker was the only person to die in the crash . Henyekane made nine appearances for South Africa back in 2009 .
[ 0, 3, 9, 1164, 27, 9601, 5851, 3, 1897, 2760, 1948, 2160, 5, 5, 4, 18, 13, 3, 9, 725 ]
Ferrari technical director James Allison believes Mercedes are again likely to lead the way in China this weekend. Fears of another season of domination from Mercedes were blown away by a shock, yet deserved victory for Sebastian Vettel last time out in Malaysia. It was the Maranello marque's first success for almost two years and at least offered hope to neutrals that reigning champion Lewis Hamilton and team-mate Nico Rosberg will not have it all their own way. Sebastian Vettel won the second race of the season with victory in Malaysia last month . Vettel saw off the challenge from Mercedes drivers Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg in Malaysia . In searing heat and high track temperatures the Ferraris of Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen were far kinder on their tyres, stopping only twice compared to the three trips to the pits for Hamilton and Rosberg. This weekend's race at the Shanghai International Circuit, however, should favour Mercedes given the cooler climes than that of Sepang. Allison is certainly not expecting back-to-back Ferrari wins and said: 'Our car has a pretty decent cooling package. 'That allowed us to operate in the fierce temperatures like we experienced in Malaysia without having to open up the car. 'The track was also rough and hot, which is hard for tyres, and we're fortunate the car goes well on its tyres. Hamilton celebrates his win in Australia . 'Quite what problems were going on in Merc-land I don't know. 'But I'm fairly sure we will have our work cut out in China to do as impressive a job as we did in Malaysia.' As to whether Ferrari can stay the course with Mercedes and provide a season-long challenge, for now that is too difficult to determine. 'I don't know about that. I'll tell you at the end of the season,' remarked Allison with a smile. 'In Melbourne (the season-opening Australian Grand Prix) Mercedes were very, very dominant, and we were better than we looked. 'Even in free air we wouldn't have held a candle to them there. 'There is a lot of work for us to do before we can head into every race weekend confident we can hunt for the victory from the first session of that weekend. 'But we do have a fairly exciting development plan, and we've a lot of performance to bring. 'It should at least be an interesting season to see if we can close that gap so we are genuine contenders at any weekend.' Crucially, and what may yet be a determining factor, Allison added: 'Normally over the course of a season being kind to your tyres is the best thing you can be.'
Ferrari won the second grand prix of the season in Malaysia . Sebastian Vettel's victory was a shock given Mercedes' strong start . But Ferrari's technical director believes Mercedes will be strong in China . The cooler climate should suit Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg . CLICK HERE for the latest F1 news ahead of the 2015 Chinese Grand Prix .
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Shane Dunn, 25, from Tunbridge Wells, stabbed victim Ian Garrod, 55, in the neck after meeting on the gay dating app Grindr . A drug-fuelled thug calling himself 'Gypsy Lad' slashed a middle-aged man around the throat with a kitchen knife after meeting him on the gay dating app Grindr. Shane Dunn, 25, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, carried out the attack after going back to Ian Garrod's home in Medway for sex in September last year. But when the 55-year-old sat on the bed, Dunn - who was said to be 'cool as a cucumber' during the attack - stabbed him in the throat. Dunn, who was high on Class A Mephedrone, then left Mr Garrod in fear of his life, before fleeing from the property with his victim's wallet, iPhone, iPad and jewellery. The callous attacker even pretended to call an ambulance for his victim, but instead left him for dead with a 6cm-deep wound. He was later caught after police examined two cigarette butts found in Mr Garrod's garden - both of which had DNA linking to the attacker. Luckily, Mr Garrod's housemate returned the the property and called an ambulance. The court heard it was only by the skill of a surgeon at Medway Maritime Hospital that the victim's life was saved. Dunn has now been jailed for 12 years after being found guilty of wounding with intent. He was cleared by a jury of attempted murder. Judge Jeremy Carey told Dunn he had narrowly decided against finding him dangerous, which would have led to an extended sentence. Judge Carey said Dunn was convicted of the wounding charge 'on the clearest evidence'. He said: 'You asserted you effectively were not the person who stabbed Ian Garrod and the jury found on the evidence you were and you intended to cause him really serious harm. 'It was hardly surprising since you cut his throat to a depth of 6cm. Only by the skill of a surgeon at Medway Maritime Hospital the flow of the blood was clipped and stemmed. 'Otherwise, you would have been convicted of murder.' The judge said there were 'inevitable uncertainties' about what happened that night. He continued: 'I am quite sure you did not attend there with the intention of committing acts of violence. I am quite sure something happened that night that caused you to lose it. Maidstone Crown Court heard how Dunn was caught after police examined two cigarette butts found in Mr Garrod's garden - both of which had DNA linking to the attacker . 'You say you don't remember. I don't know if you do or not. You are not a man prone to extreme violence. 'I think by a combination of a Class A drug you used that night and the revelation of something possibly to do with HIV on the part of Mr Garrod you lost it. 'You got a knife from the block and went upstairs and, cool as a cucumber, you slit his throat. Anyone listening to this must realise how serious this offending is. 'You made your position worse. You pretended to call and ambulance and stole items from him. It was a particularly callous thing to do to a man who lying bleeding towards fatality.' Judge Carey added: 'I am not going to make any comment about Grindr - about people who are willing to take in others they hardly know and have relations with them when drugs have been smoked. It doesn't assist anyone but it is a pretty shocking state of affairs.' Dunn, who has now been jailed for 12 years over the attack, called himself Gypsy Boy on the dating app . Dunn, who had previously been to Mr Garrod's home for a sex session, said in evidence he had 'memory blank' after being injected with Mephedrone. During his evidence he told the court he went to see Mr Garrod because he knew he could get drugs and sex. He said: 'At some point I had a glass of water and a couple of cigarettes. He tied my arm with an elastic thing he had and waited for my vein to come up, and he injected. 'I immediately felt really strange, like I wanted to be sick and like I don't know what I was doing. 'The last thing I remember him saying to me was: "Just sit up straight and don't panic". The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed at about 4pm. I don't remember how I got home.' Asked if he caused the wound, he replied: 'I can't answer that.' During his trial at Maidstone Crown Court Deborah Charles, prosecuting said Dunn had pretended to call an ambulance after the attack. She said: 'Mr Garrod felt as if someone had slapped him in the neck. 'He put his hand up to his neck and realised it was covered in blood. He never saw the weapon coming towards him. It happened too quickly. 'He just thought the defendant was leaning towards him, perhaps to kiss him or carry on what they were doing. 'Mr Garrod was begging him to call an ambulance. Mr Dunn pretended to do just that. He pretended to make a call and said an ambulance was coming. 'Mr Garrod was left lying on the bed with a wound that was life threatening.' At the time of the alleged attack Mr Garrod was living with a friend with whom he had previously been in a relationship. Miss Charles said Mr Garrod had spent the previous night with another man before meeting Dunn on the dating app. When Dunn arrived at his home he was said to have brought a drug with him which they both took. The court heard Mr Garrod regularly used a drug called Tina, a type of crystal meth, for sexual encounters.
Shane Dunn, 25, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, attacked Ian Garrod, 55 . He pretended to call ambulance before fleeing with victim's possessions . Dunn caught after police found DNA on cigarette ends in Garrod's garden . He has now been jailed for 12 years after being convicted of wounding .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 18, 6297, 38, 80, 50, 1580, 18, 2155, 50, 63, 4018, 4, 18, 3, 6, 9 ]
It can’t receive phone calls, track your exercise or let you send messages, but an old watch made by Apple is on sale via eBay for more than the brand’s latest offering. An analogue promotional watch from Apple with a blue bezel, rubber strap and colourful hands, is listed on the internet auction site with a ‘buy it now’ price of $2,499.99 (£1,707.47) plus postage. For the same price as the 1997 timepiece, Apple fans could pre-order five of the cheapest Apple Watch Sport, which cost £299 in the UK and still have some change. An analogue promotional watch from Apple (pictured) with a blue bezel, rubber strap and colourful hands, is listed on the internet auction site with a ‘buy it now’ price of $2,499.99 (£1,707.47) plus postage . However, it is still cheaper than the Apple Watch Edition, which costs upwards of £8,000 ($10,000). The seller, called ‘theappleipodbay’ calls the watch, which was made by Quartz and released to promote Apple’s Mac Operating system, a ‘rare collector item’. ‘The watch was part of an Apple promo and has been preserved from the 1990s,' the seller wrote on their eBay page. ‘A new battery has been installed and the watch is new, never used or worn.’ It is still in its original box and the seller claims to have two to offload, with 10 days to go. The seller, called ‘theappleipodbay’ calls the watch, which was released to promote Apple’s Mac Operating system, a ‘rare collector item. This image shows the listing on the auction website . Unlike Apple’s new Watch, the vintage model has a circular screen, which has no digital capabilities and shows the company’s old rainbow hue logo. Three versions of Apple's watch (pictured) are available to pre-order online and almost one million orders are thought to have been taken in the US on the first day alone . 'Will the Apple Watch change your life? Well, possibly more than many realise until they start using it. 'After a day or two with the watch, a strange thing happened - I completely stopped checking my phone. 'While Apple may be the firm that really creates phone addiction, meaning we are constantly checking our handsets, with the Apple Watch it may have cured it. 'Apple undoubtedly has another hit on its hands with the watch. 'As more and more apps appear, and developers actually get to spend time with it, I fully expect it be used in ways we can't even imagine now. 'Much like the iPhone, apps could propel this to become a new computing platform - and even with the features it already has, the Apple watch is the most elegant way to communicate digitally.' Unlike Apple’s new smart watch, the vintage model has a circular screen, which has no digital capabilities and shows the company’s old rainbow hue logo. The International Business Times reported that the watch is almost 50 times more valuable – according to its seller – than it was a year ago, thanks to the launch of the new Apple Watch. It’s not known how many of the vintage watches Apple had made at the time, or how many still exist, but one sold on eBay in Match last year for $54 (£37). At the time of writing, two more of the watch model are listed online for $1,000 (£679) and $750 (£510), but neither have fetched that amount of money, suggesting sellers may just be trying their luck. It's thought that Apple sold almost one million Apple Watches in the US alone on the first day that the device could be pre-ordered. It goes on sale in shops in nine countries on April 24. Apple has not confirmed any sales figures, but Tim Cook, interviewed on cable television channel CNBC, said initial orders were 'great.' Slice Intelligence measured digital commerce by tracking consumer receipts to come up with its number of 957,000 American shoppers ordering Apple Watches on the first day that they could do so. Those ordering an Apple Watch Sport, the cheapest version, spent $382.83 per watch and those ordering the Apple Watch spent $707.04. 'As expected, most consumers – 62 percent – purchased the less-expensive Sport model,' said Jaimee Minney of Slice. The data also showed that most consumers opted for the larger 42 mm case. Apple predicted on Thursday that demand would exceed supply at product launch. Soon after online pre-orders opened on Friday, Apple's website listed shipping times in June for some models of the watch and four to six weeks for others. There was immediately brisk bidding on eBay for confirmed orders for watches, with hundreds of sellers looking to make a few hundred or even thousand dollars by passing on their watches, once received. ‘The watch was part of an Apple promo and has been preserved from the 1990s,' the seller wrote. It comes in its original box (pictured) and has a new battery .
Analogue watch was released in 1997 to promote Apple's Mac OS . Has a circular face and colourful hands, unlike Apple's modern Watch . Vintage timepiece is listed for $2,500 (£1,707) on eBay . Shoppers could buy five of the new Apple Watch Sports for less cash .
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The mother of a three-year-old boy who was killed when a runaway two-tonne trailer mounted the pavement and crushed him to death is being targeted by online trolls who blame her for the incident. Donna Hussey, 32, has also been branded a 'bad mum' by trolls on Facebook over the death of her son Freddie - who was killed when a huge portable cabin came loose from a passing Land Rover. Mrs Hussey, who had just dropped her eight-year-old son Archie to school, was helpless as the runaway trailer mounted the pavement and crushed young Freddie against a wall in Bedminster, Bristol. Donna Hussey, 32 (right), has been targeted on Facebook and branded a 'bad mum' by trolls who blame her for the death of her son Freddie (left) - who was killed when a runaway trailer crushed him against a wall . A passing lorry driver tried to resuscitate Freddie and paramedics arrived within minutes, but he died shortly afterwards at Bristol Children's Hospital. Police investigators found the trailer had not been correctly attached to the Land Rover but driver Tony Davies avoided prison after admitting causing death by careless driving. His sentence infuriated Mrs Hussey and Freddie's father Scott, 37, who blasted his punishment of a six-month driving ban and 200 hours of community service as a 'joke'. Mrs Hussey said her torment has now been worsened further by hateful Facebook trolls who have bombarded her with messages calling her a 'bad mum' since the tragedy in January last year. The insurance worker said: 'Something that has been difficult was the reports that Freddie was behind me (when it happened) and that was not true. 'I've had lots of hurtful comments and people Facebooking me, sending abusive messages that I was a bad mum. 'I see little kids a few steps in front or behind their parents every day. 'I have to live with what happened. 'I loved that little boy and I love Archie so much. Those kids were my world and I just never would have put them in harm's way. 'I just want people, before they start making nasty comments, to really think about how they are with their children and how they feel it is right to judge. 'It has been very hurtful and we have already gone through hell.' Freddie (left) died after being hit by a trailer which cameoff a Land Rover driven by Tony Davies (pictured outside court last week, right). Davies, 38, was spared jail after admitting causing death by careless driving . A trailer used as a workmen's cabin came off Davies' Land Rover and crushed Freddie to death against a wall . This is the trailer coupling which failed, allowing the trailer cabin to detach from the Land Rover in Bristol . Bristol Crown Court heard last week how the tow hitch between the Land Rover and the trailer was not secure because the position of its handbrake prevented it from being locked down. Prosecutor Anna Vigars said Freddie had been walking behind his mother, playing in the puddles and laughing and joking when the accident happened. They had just dropped off his brother at Parson Street Primary School when the portable cabin detached, travelling around 10 or 12 car lengths before mounting the pavement and crushing the toddler against a wall and telegraph pole. The trailer is used on building sites as an area for workers to relax and contained a kitchen area with a table and basic facilities, as well as a toilet. Davies, 38, was spared jail after admitting causing death by careless driving but Freddie's family slammed the 'lenient' sentence and have started a petition to get mandatory safety checks for towing equipment. When Judge Geoffrey Mercer QC handed Davies his sentence, Mr Hussey branded him a 'f****** joke' and called Davies a 'f****** t***'. Mrs Hussey agreed, calling the sentence 'disgusting, no justice at all' before shouting at Davies: 'I hope you rot in hell. You are scum. He was a beautiful little boy.' Mr Hussey revealed how he has suffered panic attacks since the tragedy and lost his HGV driving job because he cannot get behind the wheel. Freddie's parents Scott and Donna Hussey denounced the sentence of a six-month driving ban and 200 hours of community service given to Davies as a 'f****** joke'. They have set up a petition calling for tougher rules . Mrs Hussey (pictured left with her husband Scott) said she has received 'lots of hurtful messages' over the death of Freddie (right) who was killed in by the runaway trailer in Bedminster, Bristol in January last year . He said: 'If the law can change then that would be great it is not all for nothing, but we also want to get the sentence changed. 'We feel we have been wronged by the justice system. 'We thought we would get justice but we are back at day one again. It is hard and it feels the past 14 months have been for nothing.' His wife added: 'Since the sentencing we feel we are back at day one again, we don't want to get out of bed and carry on. 'We feel like we lost our little boy for nothing. 'He was giggling at me and then out of nowhere the trailer came, it all happened so fast. I couldn't get to him in time and these moments will live with me forever. 'I saw things no one should ever see. I know we did nothing wrong but still go over what ifs.' In a moving statement, she earlier described the impact on her family of Freddie's death, and said: 'We have all suffered with nightmares and flashbacks and we have had to put Archie to bed most nights crying as he is missing his little brother, his best friend and playmate and cannot comprehend how or why this has happened. 'Archie doesn't want to watch cartoons on Saturday morning any more, as this is something he used to do with Freddie. 'It is devastating as a parent when you have already lost one child and your other one talks about killing himself so he can be with his brother. He is only eight years old. What can you do or say? 'Archie and I have started therapy. I get flashbacks of the incident and events before and after every day. I have woken up at night screaming as I relive what happened in my dreams and it is terrifying.'
Donna Hussey, 32, targeted by trolls online over three-year-old son's death . Young Freddie died after being crushed against a wall by a runaway trailer . Tony Davies spared jail after admitting causing death by careless driving . Mrs Hussey branded 'bad mum' by trolls who blame her for Freddie's death .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 894, 5, 5, 3, 6, 19, 5575, 4, 18, 3, 11, 23, 1077, 3, 11, 23 ]
Philadelphia might mean the City of Brotherly Love in Greek, but the sentiment of the name apparently doesn't always doesn't apply to Philly's female residents. At least five women got into a large-scale brawl that lasted for multiple minutes at a Zara clothing store on Friday afternoon. The fight broke out at a store location in the city's Rittenhouse Square neighborhood. Scroll down for video . Let's get ready to rumble: Three of the fighters were grappling, while a fourth came in and slapped them (left) Pretty in pink? A women wearing a pink top and underwear spent most of the brawl with her shirt being pulled . Waving the white shirt?  It was tough to tell, but it seemed the woman in white tried breaking things up at times . Witnesses to the fight had different reactions. Some stood around and watched the fracas unfold, while other pulled out their phones and started recording the action. In a YouTube of the fight, someone said: 'I just came in here to get a suit.' During the melee, the women pulled hair, slapped, yanked each other's clothes and knocked over store displays. At one point a woman got on top of a table and jumped off like she was wrestling in a WWE match. A security guard attempted to break up the fight, but was mostly unsuccessful. The police were called, but all of the women who were involved had fled by the time the cops arrived. No arrests were made, according to NBC Philadelphia. An investigation is ongoing and the cause of the fight remains unclear. Clean up: A woman who wasn't involved much physically (left) did come in and grab some clothes at one point . That's it, show's over: After grabbing the clothes, the woman came over and asked a witness to stop recording .
The fight broke out at store in the city's Rittenhouse Square neighborhood . It went on for several minutes while witnesses both watched and filmed . The police were called but all the women had departed by time they arrived . An investigation is ongoing and the cause of the fight remains unclear .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 13, 13369, 3, 22, 11, 3, 19, 5, 627, 4, 18, 3, 9, 22, 3 ]
Covering aircraft in blue lights, and only turning them on when beginning to take off, could help stop birds colliding with aircraft. That’s according to a study, which found that birds responded to lights in different ways than a human might. The researchers said runways could be synced with taxiing aircraft, to help capture birds’ attention before an aircraft takes off. The study was conducted by scientists at Purdue University in Indiana. They were investigating how to reduce bird to aircraft collisions by keeping birds away from planes (stock image shown). Research showed that birds responded most to blue lights on planes . The study, by scientists at Purdue University in Indiana and the National Wildlife Research Centre in Ohio, was published in The Condor: Ornithological Applications. They were seeking to find a solution to the problem of birds colliding with aircraft, which causes £480 million ($700 million) worth of damage in the US alone. The FAA estimates that bird strikes have resulted in 200 worldwide deaths since 1988. They are dangerous to aircraft because birds can be sucked into a jet engine and strike an engine fan blade. That impact knocks out a single blade and can trigger a domino effect, resulting in engine failure. Incidents are most common shortly before landing or take-off when the jet engines are at top speed. A 12lb (five kg) goose striking an aircraft going 150 mph (240 km/h) at lift-off generates the force of a 1,000lb (450kg) weight dropped from a height of 10ft (three metres), according to Bird Strike Committee USA. Despite this, the number of accidents involving civil aircraft is low, estimated at one fatal accident in one billion flying hours. Around 65 per cent of bird strikes cause little damage to aircraft, but the blow is usually fatal to the bird. In experiments, they studied how flocks of cowbirds responded to model aircraft. They found that blue light was the most noticeable by birds, so they outfitted the aircraft in this colour. When the plane was stationary, the birds became alert more quickly when the lights were on. But when it approached them with its lights off, their response slowed - and they only became more alert when the lights were turned on. And the birds were also more likely to get out of the way of the aircraft when the lights were pulsing, rather than being continuous. The authors suggest that runways could be synced with aircraft to alert birds to incoming planes and avoid collisions. The lights could be off during taxiing but on during take-off, to help the birds move out of the way of the fast-moving planes. And they say their method could even help birds avoid collisions with buildings and wind turbines by also covering them in blue lights. The authors suggest that runways could be synced with aircraft to alert birds to incoming planes and avoid collisions (stock image shown). The lights could be off during taxiing but on during take-off, to help the birds move out of the way of the fast-moving planes . In the experiments, the researchers studied how flocks of cowbirds (stock image shown) responded to model aircraft. They were seeking to find a solution to the problem of birds colliding with aircraft, which causes £480 million ($700 million) worth of damage in the US alone . ‘In previous studies, we have demonstrated that avian response to vehicle approach can be enhanced by increasing the conspicuousness of the approaching vehicle with white lights,’ explained Dr. Fernández-Juricic, one of the authors of the study. ‘However, in this study, we followed a sensory ecology approach to establish a-priori a light that would be particularly conspicuous to our study species and tested the responses of individuals to this light tuned to their eyes. ‘In addition, we showed that by pulsing the light, we reduced the effects of high speeds on the ability of the animals to become alert to the approaching aircraft. ‘These findings hold implications for how we might enhance bird response to larger, faster aircraft.’
Study was conducted by scientists at Purdue University in Indiana . They were investigating how to reduce bird to aircraft collisions . Research showed that birds responded most to blue lights on planes . And turning the lights on while taking off - not before - had the best effect .
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A birthday gift for 24-year-old man at a Florida speedway ended in tragedy when he plowed the $220,000 Lamborghini he was driving into a guardrail, killing his 36-year-old passenger. Tavon Watson was taking racing advice from instructor Gary Terry on Sunday when he lost control of the Italian supercar at the Exotic Driving Experience at Walt Disney World in Florida. Father-of-one Terry died at the scene while Watson was rushed to Celebration Hospital near Lake Buene Vista for treatment where he was later declared stable. 'Guess who's driving a Ferrari 458 Italia LSTRF today?': Watson uploaded this picture to Facebook yesterday in celebration of his birthday with this message: 'But really. I thank you Lord for keeping in your presence long enough to endure another day that just so happens to be my birthday' Victims: Tavon Watson (left) was driving the Lamborghini on Sunday and Gary Terry, (right) his passenger, was pronounced dead at the scene . Drive: According to his LinkedIn Terry was the operations manager at the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Walt Disney World . Outdoors: Terry, 36, originally hails from Michigan and brought his love of adventure to his new home in Kissimmee, Florida . Father: Gary Terry is pictured here with his wife, Kathy and their daughter who appears to have celebrated her first birthday in May of last year . Tragic: Gary Terry, 36, died and his driver was hospitalized after their Lamborghini crashed at Disney world . The day out at the track was a present from Watson's wife and he posted a picture of himself next to a red Ferrari on the tarmac just hours before the fatal collision. 'Guess who's driving a Ferrari 458 Italia LSTRF today?' wrote Watson. 'That's right that's right. I ma drive all the cars they have in one day. Because I'm a gangsta like that. Lol.' Later that afternoon, Watson crashed the Lamborghini Gallardo he was driving , killing Terry who was the operations manager at the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Walt Disney World. Driving days at the track start at $99 and can cost as much as $2,500 for a full race experience with in-car video. The track is operated by Petty Holdings which also has Exotic Driving Experience franchises at speedways in Atlanta, Dayton Beach, Charlotte, New Jersey and Texas. Named after the NASCAR legend, Richard Petty, the experience lets fans drive European supercars or NASCAR vehicles at close to their top speeds of 200mph around an oval. 'It's kind of scary to think accidents do happen even though they are rides and there are precautions,' said visitor Autumn Stevenson to WFTV. The Exotic Driving Experience attraction lets racing fans be drivers or passengers in luxurious cars such as Lamborghinis, Porsches or Ferraris . Package: Thrill seekers can pay up to $2,500 to experience a day driving an Italian supercar such as a Lamborghnin Gallardo (pictured above) As part of the package, visitors are accompanied by a professional driver who sits in the passenger seat providing racing advice. It is believed that was what Terry was doing when he was killed in the Lamborghini. The racing track is just south of the iconic Magic Kingdom. 'We offer our deepest sympathies to those involved in today's tragic accident,' said Andrea Finger, spokesperson for Walt Disney World Resort. According tot he Orlando Sentinel, Petty Holdings LLC also offered its best wishes to the victims and their families. 'On behalf of everyone in the organization, it is with a very heavy heart that we extend our deepest sympathies to those involved in today's tragic accident in Orlando.' The Exotic Driving Experience, along with its sibling track, the Richard Petty Driving Experience, was slated to close this summer at Disney World for unrelated reasons.
The Exotic Driving Experience park lets racing fans drive top-end cars . Gary Terry, 36, died in the crash and was on the passengers side . Tavon Watson, 24, was driving and was taken to hospital for treatment . Day at the racetrack was a gift from Watson's wife for his birthday . Disney World spokesman said driver 'lost control' of the Lamborghini .
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When he was just three weeks old, Kibulu the African lion cub met Donna Wilson. Kibulu’s mother had rejected him in favour of his siblings and zoo keepers quickly decided it wasn’t safe for him to stay. So they called Donna from Zambi Wildlife Retreat in Western Sydney. ‘We named him Kibulu, which is Swahili for blue, because he had these unusual electric blue eyes when he arrived,’ Ms Wilson told Daily Mail Australia. Nine months later, and weighing close to 80 kilograms, Kibulu still shares Donna’s bed most nights. He still carries his teddy bear around with him and he loves to suck on people’s thumbs. ‘This morning he just wouldn’t get out of bed, he’s a total sook,’ she said. Scroll down for video . Zambi Wildlife Retreat fostered Kibulu as a three-week-old cub after his mother rejected him at the NSW Zoo where he was born . Kibulu greets one of the Zambi Wildlife Retreat directors, Traci Griffiths, at the centre in Western Sydney . Since he arrived at the retreat as a 3-week-old cub, Kibulu has slept most nights in director Donna's bed with 'Teddy' Zambi Wildlife Retreat's Donna Wilson with Kibulu, the orphaned nine-month-old African lion who has shared her bed since he arrived as a three-week-old cub . Kibulu is one of 23 lions in Donna’s care at Zambi Wildlife retreat, a sanctuary for retired, old, injured and homeless animals set on a 50 acre property south of Penrith in western Sydney. The retreat – which is not yet open to the public – is home to lions, tigers, monkeys, dingoes, parrots, rescued farm and domestic animals from all over Australia. 'Many of the animals already lived on the property and I've cared for them for years’, says Wilson, who has worked in animal rescue and as a zoo keeper in Australia and overseas for more than 20 years, as well as training big cats for film and television. She says zoos will often have surplus animals from their breeding programs or they might have too many males for an enclosure, who then start to fight like they would in the wild. Some of the animals at Zambi also starred in the movie industry in the days before computer imaging and special effects. There are only two circuses in Australia – the Lennon Brothers and Stardust - that still use monkeys and lions in their tents. Donna says the laws around circus animals in Australia are especially tough. 'They're very well loved and cared-for animals and when we talk to them, they just want the best for their animals, for them to be spoilt when they retire,' she says. ‘We’ll be given a lot of older animals, which is good because we can give them a good life here - it's literally like a retirement home for exotic animals. ‘We’re the first and only exotic animal retreat in Australia.' Just one of the pride: Kibulu and director Traci share a moment at the retreat . Australian supermodel Jennifer Hawkins celebrated her 31st birthday this year with one of the pride at Zambi Wildlife Retreat . Australian model Cheyenne Tozzi also took time out from her international modelling career recently to hang out with the cubs at Zambi . Zambi Wildlife Retreat (ZWR) is an entirely volunteer run non-profit organisation, set up by Donna and fellow directors Silke Bader and Traci Giffiths when they took over management of the property in 2012. Though not yet open to the public, over 20 students are currently completing work placements at Zambi as part of their Certificate III in Captive Animal Management at Tafe and universities. The organisation is in the process of applying for an exhibition license so that they can open the retreat for public visits and offer Master classes in large carnivores for students in the future. ‘There are some things I can’t teach,’ says Wilson, who has been hospitalized more than a few times working with the big cats in the early years of her career. ‘It’s a feeling you get from the animals, you have to be able to read their signs –but that’s something you can only learn from experience,' she says. ‘What I can teach is how to look after these kind of animals the way they need to be looked after; I can offer practical placements where students can get the real experience, get close to the animals, observe them and really learn from them.’ One of Kibulu's favourite things to do is suck on people's thumbs. People can now support Zambi Wildlife Retreat by 'adopting' an animal like Kibulu or his best friend Mali, another adopted cub . Zambi Wildlife Retreat's Donna Wilson with Kibulu, the orphaned nine-month-old African lion . Donna Wilson hopes to eventually be able to open the retreat for public visits and to offer master classes in large carnivores for students . At nine-months old, Kibulu is already five times the strength and body weight of a person . Masai, who was born and hand-raised at the Zambi Wildlife Retreat . Donna Wilson has worked in animal rescue and as a zoo keeper in Australia and overseas for more than 20 years, as well as training big cats for the movie industry. Donna is pictured with Zoron, who came to Zambi Wildlife Retreat from a zoo at just three months old . Zambi Wildlife Retreat is the only home for old and retired exotic animals in Australia . Zambi Volunteer and Executive Assistant, Jack Bevin, with some of the dingoes rescued by the Sydney retreat . Special bond: Jack helped raise Zambi, a 'friendly' lioness who was born at the Sydney wildlife retreat . Zambi Wildlife Retreat is also home to exotic birds like peacocks and native Australian wildlife . The retreat also provides a rescue service for abused or neglected farm animals like horses, goats, donkeys and pigs . The retreat is expecting its electricity bills to go through the roof as it provides extra heating for some of its more delicate residents coming into winter . The centre is also looking to expand its facilities to include a native wildlife rehabilitation centre which it hopes will support the work of WIRES (Australia's Wildlife Information and Rescue Service) and attract international students for practical animal care placements in the future. ‘But all of this costs big bucks,’ Wilson says ‘All the money we receive is from donations and it all goes into the care of the animals. Ideally I want to rebuild all the animal enclosures but one new lion enclosure will cost us $70,000.’ For now, the public can support the retreat by adopting one of the animals in the Zambi pride like Kibulu or by becoming a paid member of the retreat. Kibulu and his best friend Mali, another nine-month-old lion, will soon join older sisters Zambi and Sukari in one of the facility's larger enclosures. But for now, while he's still happy to share a bed with his human mum, Donna says he’ll be allowed to continue sleeping in the big house. People can find out more about adopting an animal and supporting the retreat through the organisation's website www.zambiwildliferetreat.com.au. Up close and personal: Kibulu plants a big one on Zambi Wildlife Retreat director Traci Griffiths .
The Zambi Wildlife Retreat is the only facility for retired exotic animals from zoos and the movie industry in Australia . The Sydney retreat is home to lions, tigers, monkeys and dingoes as well as rescued farm and domestic animals . The retreat is hoping to raise money to expand its facilities so it can accept more animals and open a training centre . Although not yet open to the public, you can now 'adopt' one of the Zambi pride to support the non-profit facility .
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Tesla founder Elon Musk has unveiled a 'revolutionary' $3,000 (£1,980) battery which he claims can run an entire home for eight hours. Musk introduced the Powerwall device at a press conference in California last night and said the technology could 'change the world'. The device, which could be in homes by the end of summer, will be able to store electricity at night when it is cheaper. Scroll down for video . Tesla has unveiled a $3,000 (£1,980) home battery that can power an entire house for eight hours. Powerwall is three feet wide and four feet tall, weighs 220lbs, and can be installed on an outside or inside wall. The left images shows the 10kWh version while on the right is the 7kWh device . The technology powers up overnight when electricity rates are cheaper. Users can then switch the battery on during the day to use the home during the day. Powerwall can be used as back up power in the case of an emergency, or be used to hold power from renewable energy sources. The 'daily use' version has a capacity of 7 kilowatt-hours, which is around a quarter of a home's daily usage. The  average U.S. home uses 10,908 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, or just short of 30 per day. Home battery packs could disrupt the utility market. In 2013, the Edison Electric Institute, the trade group for investor-owned electric companies, issued a report warning about disruption. 'One can imagine a day when battery storage technology or micro turbines could allow customers to be electric grid independent,' the report said. It would then discharge this cheap electricity during the day in quantities large enough to be useful to homes and businesses. The  Powerwall is around three feet wide and four feet tall, weighs 220lbs, and can be installed either on an outside or inside wall of a home. The 'daily use' version has a capacity of 7 kilowatt-hours, which is around a quarter of a home's daily usage. Department of Energy figures state that the average U.S. home uses 10,908 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, or just short of 30 per day. According to that figure, a single, fully-charged Powerwall device would be able to meet a quarter of a home's energy needs on any given day. However, it would likely last far less time than eight hours during the mornings and evenings, when homes use the vast majority of their electricity. Musk said that the devices can be stacked together to provide more energy. The system would let homeowners with solar panels or other sources of renewable energy easily store their energy at home, rather than the current model whereby they sell power back to energy suppliers as it is produced, then buy it again during peak times. It could also let savvy consumers take advantage of power companies' lower rates during the night and use the cheaper, stored energy during peak periods. According to tech site Mashable, Musk told attendees at the event: 'Our goal is to fundamentally change the way the world uses energy. Pictured is a utility-scale version of Powerwall that can be used by businesses and scaled up for more power . The 'daily use' version has a capacity of 7 kilowatt-hours, which is around a quarter of a home's daily usage . Tesla also unveiled the 'Powerpack', which is the big brother of the Powerwall. It describes it as an 'infinitely scalable system' that can work for businesses, in industrial applications, and public utility companies. It comes in 100 kWh battery blocks that can scale from 500 kWH all the way up to 10 MWh. 'Our goal here is to change the way the world uses energy at an extreme scale,' it said. 'It sounds crazy, but we want to change the entire energy infrastructure of the world to zero carbon.' As well as the daily-use model, Tesla will also launch a 10 kilowatt-hour backup battery, designed to tide homes over during power blackouts, such as those caused by storms. Marketing material for the device, published late Thursday on Tesla's website, says: 'Powerwall is a home battery that charges using electricity generated from solar panels, or when utility rates are low, and powers your home in the evening. 'It also fortifies your home against power outages by providing a backup electricity supply. 'Automated, compact and simple to install, Powerwall offers independence from the utility grid and the security of an emergency backup.' Musk said that he hopes to sell hundreds of millions of the devices, which he touted as a vast improvement over currently-available models. In the past he has said such early batteries 'suck'. He later added that the entire showcase had been powered by a huge array of Powerwall batteries. Pictured is the 'powerpack'. Elon Musk (right) describes it as an 'infinitely scalable system' that comes in 100 kWh battery blocks that can scale from 500 kWH up to 10 MWh and higher . The technology could let savvy consumers take advantage of power companies' lower rates during the night and use the cheaper, stored energy during peak periods.  Mr Musk is already the chairman of SolarCity - a company that offers solar power systems for homes - and Tesla's home battery is an extension of this . Musk said that he hopes to sell hundreds of millions of the devices, which he touted as a vast improvement over currently-available models. In the past he has said such early batteries 'suck' Tesla also unveiled the 'Powerpack', which is the larger scale version of the Powerwall. It describes it as an 'infinitely scalable system' that can work for businesses, in industrial applications and public utility companies. It comes in 100 kWh battery blocks that can scale from 500 kWH all the way up to 10 MWh.  'Our goal here is to change the way the world uses energy at an extreme scale,' it said. The latest announcement builds on previous Tesla products, principally its range of cars. Last year, Tesla Motors unveiled plans for a 'Gigafactory' designed to help the firm ramp up production of batteries for its electric cars, and now homes. Tesla said the factory will cut current battery production costs by up to 30 per cent, and will be powered predominantly by renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. Elsewhere, Mr Musk is already the chairman of SolarCity - a company that offers solar power systems for homes - and Tesla's home battery could be an extension of this. These batteries 3ft tall (0.9 metres), and can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app. Tesla would not comment on whether the new batteries will work in the same way. Home battery packs could disrupt the utility market. In 2013, the Edison Electric Institute, the trade group for investor-owned electric companies, issued a report warning about disruption. Powerwall charges using electricity generated from solar panels, or when utility rates are low, and powers your home in the evening . 'One can imagine a day when battery storage technology or micro turbines could allow customers to be electric grid independent,' the report said. Deutsche Bank estimates sales of stationary battery storage systems for homes and commercial uses could yield as much as $4.5 billion in revenue for Tesla. Analysts expect Tesla will build stationary storage systems around the same basic batteries it will produce for its vehicles at a large factory the company is building in Nevada. Stationary storage systems could be part of a fossil-fuel free lifestyle in which an individual has solar panels on the roof, generating electricity that can power home appliances and recharge batteries in a Tesla Model S sedan parked in the garage. Government subsidies and a dramatic drop in the price of lithium ion batteries are drawing more companies into the home electricity storage business. Tesla has so far received $1.1 million from California's Self-Generation Incentive Program. Tesla has received or is poised to receive state funding for about 600 storage projects in California, according to data from the state. Though valued at just $200 million in 2012, the energy storage industry is expected to grow to $19 billion by 2017, according to research firm IHS CERA. In Tesla's view, such storage systems could become part of a fossil-fuel-free lifestyle in which people can have solar panels on their roof generating electricity to power their home and recharge their electric car batteries .
Musk unveiled Powerwall device at press conference in California . Daily use version will be able to store 7 kilowatt-hours of electricity . It will let users store renewable energy, or pay lower, off-peak rates . Also revealed a larger model which is a 'infinitely scalable system'
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(CNN)Authorities identified and charged a man Monday in connection with the discovery of human remains in a duffel bag in Cambridge, Massachusetts, over the weekend. Carlos Colina, 32, was arraigned on charges of assault and battery causing serious bodily injury and improper disposal of a body, the Middlesex District Attorney's Office said in a statement. "This was a gruesome discovery," said District Attorney Marian Ryan. "Detectives are continuing to analyze evidence and awaiting information from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner so that we may determine if additional charges are warranted." Police were notified Saturday morning about a suspicious item along a walkway in Cambridge. Officers arrived at the scene, opened a duffel bag and found human remains. After that discovery, police say, a surveillance video led them to an apartment building, where more body parts were discovered in a common area. That location is near the Cambridge Police Department headquarters. The remains at both locations belonged to the same victim, identified Monday as Jonathan Camilien, 26. Camilien and Colina knew each other, according to authorities. The next scheduled hearing in the case is set for April 14. CNN's Andreas Preuss contributed to this report.
Carlos Colina, 32, is arraigned on charges of assault and battery, improper disposal of a body . Body parts were discovered Saturday in a duffel bag and a common area of an apartment building . The victim in the case is identified as Jonathan Camilien, 26; authorities say he knew Colina .
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An unnamed hit band from the 1960s attended the same paedophile brothel as shamed BBC star Jimmy Savile. The group were identified in a secret police intelligence report from 1964 in a four-page document. The document related to a notorious flat in Battersea, South West London which was used by paedophiles. Scroll down for video . Top of the Pops star Jimmy Savile, pictured, was known to frequent a paedophile brothel in Battersea . It is not clear whether the band and Savile attended the brothel at the same time, but they have all been linked to the property. Savile was known to be a regular visitor in the 1970s. The senior officer responsible for Operation Yewtree , Detective Superintendent David Grey began investigating the brothel in 2013 when it was mentioned in another police report. Det Supt Grey said a woman came forward in 2003 and reported that Savile had abused her during the 1970s following an appearance on Top of the Pops. The DJ died in 2011 when his terrible secret life became public knowledge. Details of the alleged assault were never put on the police computer. Det Supt Grey told the Daily Mirror: 'Although Savile and a pop group were known to frequent, that does not in itself show linkage  or grounds to investigate further except with the benefit of hindsight.' The Metropolitan Police had intelligence that a 1960s band attended the same brothel as Savile, pictured .
Police collated the four-page dossier following an investigation in 1964 . The band were linked to the paedophile brothel in Battersea, London . Jimmy Savile was known to attend the same London brothel in the 1970s . Operation Yewtree detectives have been busy examining the old files .
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With a 45,000sq ft spa, 21 treatment rooms, a two Michelin-star restaurant and eight swimming pools, it's no wonder celebrities flock to the award-winning Pennyhill Park. Nestled in the pretty Surrey countryside in Bagshot, the luxury spa and hotel has attracted so many famous names since it opened, it looks like a who’s who of the celebrity world. Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas, Lewis Hamilton and Russell Crowe have all enjoyed some time at the venue. Nestled in the pretty Surrey countryside in Bagshot, the luxury spa and hotel has attracted many celebrities . Pennyhill Park has heated outdoor hot tubs, hydrotherapy pools and a 25-metre heated swimming pool . Celebrities including Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig are regulars at Pennyhill Park . And the England Rugby Team had Pennyhill Park – which has recently unveiled a £500,000 makeover to its spa – as their training base for the Rugby World Cup. The historic property, which according to the Tithe Land Registry of 1609 is on the site of a warning beacon used as part of the defences against the Spanish Armada in 1588, was first built in 1851. It then changed hands to a Frankfurt banker in 1879, and an Orangery – the site of the current spa – was added in 1881. Pennyhill was used as a rest house during the First World War. Exclusive Hotels then bought it and transformed it into a world-class five-star hotel. Today, it's a sight to behold, mixing history with modern luxury. It's a wedding venue, a delightful spot for afternoon tea, and is perfectly placed close to Ascot, Sunningdale and Wentworth for golf and racing lovers. The spa offers the best in treatments delivered in stylish, chic treatment rooms . Pennyhill Park boasts a 45,000sq ft spa, 21 treatment rooms, and eight swimming pools . Inside the high-end hotel (which also boasts a helipad) are 123 guest rooms – all of which are individually designed so no two are the same. I’m staying in the plush Silver Birch suite, which boasts a sumptuous four-poster bed featuring a super-comfortable handmade mattress – as well as a pillow menu. The rustic design blends antique with contemporary, dark mahoganies with pastel hues, giving the interior a grand air. However, the piece de resistance is the bathroom. It’s larger than the actual bedroom, with huge apex ceilings. It features two, free-standing white volcanic limestone baths, separated by a Champagne chiller, and a large flat-screen TV recessed into the wall. Guests can take full advantage of Thermal Heaven at the spa, exploring its various treatment rooms . The spa boasts an extensive outdoor decking area along with seating for up to 200 people . It’s stunning. And for those who don’t fancy a soak in the tub, there’s a huge shower in which you can experience various settings from the rain curtain and the head spray to cold water mist and body spray. Although the number of buttons and settings does become quite confusing. My friend and I wander down to the spa, which boasts an extensive outdoor decking area along with seating for up to 200 people, featuring dining tables and luxurious loungers. The bathroom features two, free-standing white volcanic limestone baths, separated by a Champagne chiller . The rustic design blends antique with contemporary, dark mahoganies with pastel hues . There are heated outdoor hot tubs, with varying powerjets, a Jacuzzi, hydrotherapy pools and a 25-metre heated swimming pool. There’s also a bar with a Pimms pump; perfect for the summer BBQ season. Once inside the spa, which has received ‘5 Bubbles’ from The Good Spa Guide, guests can take full advantage of Thermal Heaven. We spent a few hours going from room to room – enjoying herbal saunas, aromatic laconium, tepidarium, ice cave, schnapps steam room and foot massage thrones. After, we go for a swim in the crystal blue 25-metre indoor pool – which also features underwater music. Surrounding it are cosy loungers where you can while away a few hours reading or having a snooze. It really is a haven of tranquility. We stay for lunch in the spa where guests are encouraged to wear their fluffy white robes while they eat. The various spa therapy rooms mix sweltering saunas with icy plunge pools and everything in between . Pennyhill Park is perfectly placed close to Ascot, Sunningdale and Wentworth for golf and racing lovers . I help myself to the gourmet salad bar, featuring dishes such as swordfish steak, chicken quinoa salad and tiger prawn noodles. There's also a juice bar and a menu featuring sirloin steak, sea bass and tortilla wraps. We spend the afternoon in and out of the various spa therapy rooms, mixing sweltering saunas with icy plunge pools and everything in between. I’m booked in for a vitality massage, and emerge an hour later like I’m walking on air. It’s up there with the best massagers I’ve ever had – incorporating traditional Swedish techniques which aim to boost circulation and restore vitality. I find myself dozing off despite having an already-relaxing day. The Brasserie (2 AA Rosettes)  is Pennyhill’s contemporary, relaxed restaurant, affording views over the stunning grounds . During lunch in the spa, guests are encouraged to wear their fluffy white robes while they eat . Guests are spoiled for choice when it comes to dining options. There’s Michael Wignall at The Latymer (two Michelin stars and fiveAA Rosettes) – a 50 cover restaurant serving stunningly-crafted dishes. The elite Chef’s Table, a private dining option which opens for a minimum of six and a maximum of eight people. And the Ascot Bar – ideal for meeting for pre/post dinner drinks or to enjoy light meals or afternoon tea . So that evening, we enjoy a drink at the bar before being seated in The Brasserie (2 AA Rosettes), Pennyhill’s contemporary, relaxed restaurant affording views over the stunning grounds. Michael Wignall at The Latymer (two Michelin stars and five AA Rosettes) serves stunningly-crafted dishes . The menu is full to the brim with delicious-sounding main courses and desserts . The menu is full to the brim with delicious-sounding dishes. There’s a trio of Gressingham duck, compressed watermelon, English asparagus and aged balsamic for starters; braised shoulder of lamb and loin, haricot bean fricassee, spring cabbage, smoked celeriac puree and lamb caper jus for main; and valrhona 70 per cent hot chocolate fondant, Cocoa streusel, white coffee ice cream for dessert. There's also goat cheese parcel, butternut squash risotto and roast chestnut gnocchi for vegetarians. It’s a perfect ending to a perfect day. We head back to our room for what turns out to be a fantastic night’s sleep. If you end up leaving Pennyhill Park feeling this invigorated, it’s no wonder A-listers keep heading back for more. The total price of a similar stay at Pennyhill Park is £750 to £850, depending on availability. It includes a three course meal at the Brasserie plus a bottle of house wine and mineral water, overnight accommodation in an Exclusive Junior Suite, full English breakfast, and full use of the spa facilities from 3pm on the day of your arrival to 2pm on the day of your departure. As an extra, the 60-minute vitality massage was priced at £105. Pennyhill Park Hotel & The Spa . London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5EU . 01276 486156 .
Pennyhill Park has a 45,000sq ft spa with 21 treatment rooms . Celebrities flock to the award-winning hotel and spa . Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman are among those who have visited .
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A Craig Cathcart goal was enough to put Watford top of the Championship with just two games of the season remaining following a 1-0 win over Birmingham. The Hornets went into the game knowing a win would take them back into the automatic promotion places following Middlesbrough's victory at Norwich on Friday. They looked as though they would have to settle for second after Matt Ritchie put Bournemouth ahead against Sheffield Wednesday and on course for top spot, but Chris Maguire's stoppage-time penalty at the Goldsands Stadium denied the Cherries and left Watford on top of the pile. Craig Cathcart fired Watford into the lead with a stunning strike in the 56th minute . Birmingham goalkeeper Darren Randolph. is powerless to stop Cathcart's sublime effort . The decisive goal at Vicarage Road came in the 56th minute when substitute Ikechi Anya crossed from the left and Cathcart sent a fine volleyed finish into the top corner past goalkeeper Darren Randolph. Despite looking good in possession going forward, it took the Hornets almost 20 minutes to begin to open up the Birmingham defence. They were unfortunate not to take the lead, though, when a fine pass from Adlene Guedioura created the opportunity for Troy Deeney who was denied by a good save with his legs by Randolph. The ball then broke for Matej Vydra, whose follow-up was deflected up and onto the crossbar. Vydra and Guedioura threatened before the home side went close again when the ball was played into Almen Abdi and he spun superbly away from his man to shift the ball onto his left foot before curling a shot narrowly wide of the far post. Cathcart races away to celebrate his decisive goal for the Hornets . Watford continued to press for the breakthrough in the remainder of the first half but they were unable to seriously threaten again before the interval. But it was a double change from manager Slavisa Jokanovic in the 54th minute that was to prove the catalyst for his side taking the lead as he brought on Anya and Odion Ighalo for Miguel Layun and Vydra. Within two minutes, Anya had been released down the left by Deeney and the Scotland international's first-time cross into the near post was met by a superb effort over his right shoulder by Cathcart. Scotland forward Ikechi Anya made a huge contribution when he was introduced in the 54th minute . Having gone in front, Watford missed a great chance to double their lead a couple of minutes later when Almen Abdi's floated free-kick picked out the unmarked Gabriele Angella, but he headed over the top. Angella had another chance and on this occasion he did nothing wrong, meeting an Abdi corner with a downward header only to see it cleared off the goal-line. There was little else in the way of goalmouth action, with the drama instead coming on the south coast as Jokanovic's men were left with their destiny in their own hands.
Craig Cathcart stuck the only goal of the game in the 56th minute . If the Hornets win their final two games, they will be promoted . Bournemouth were held 2-2 at home to Sheffield Wednesday .
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Few people would describe an 11 hour flight as calming, but British Airways' new Mindfulness Programme is attempting to make long-haul air travel as relaxing and refreshing as possible. The Mindfulness for Travel series was developed for launch of the airline's new Airbus A380 service between London and San Francisco, known for its laid-back California vibes. Providing fliers with meditation techniques, as well as additional healthy flying tips, the programme hopes to inspire a relaxed, positive state of mind for all travellers - even if the journey doesn't go exactly according to plan. To celebrate British Airways' new A380 service between London and San Francisco, the airline has launched a mindfulness programme . The airline consulted with mindfulness expert Mark Coleman, also the Founder of the Mindfulness Institute, to develop the recommended practices. Coleman and British Airways created several videos - tailored to pre-flight, mid-flight, and pre-arrival exercises - which will be available on board for all fliers to view. He recommends wearing comfortable clothing, choosing lighter meals on board, moderating alcohol, coffee and tea intake and 'gentle exercising,' such as stretching, during the flight. Coleman also advocates strategic napping to help travellers adjust to a different time zone and feel revitalised upon landing. Along with healthier meal options, the Mindfulness for Travel series is full of tips to ensure a worry-free flight . The brand also tapped mindfulness expert Mark Coleman to develop a series of meditation videos . Coleman recommends 'gently exercising' on board, eating lighter meals and wearing comfortable clothes . 'Embracing the spirit of travel involves living fully in the moment, which can be cultivated through mindful practice,' Coleman said in a statement. 'The video series I created in partnership with British Airways will help travellers develop the clarity, calm and focus necessary to get the most out of their travel experiences.' While undoubtedly it's a bit easier to stretch out and find your inner zen if you're flying in Club World or First class, we'll try just about anything to help us feel refreshed after long-distance travel.
Mindfulness for Travel series includes meditative videos and other tips . For the programme, British Airways teamed up with expert Mark Coleman . The endeavour is in celebration of the new London to San Francisco route .
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The boss of supermarket Sainsbury's has been sentenced in his absence to two years in Egyptian jail over the company's disastrous venture into the Middle East 16 years ago. Chief executive Mike Coupe, 53, was convicted of embezzlement last September after former Sansbury's business partner Amr el-Nasharty accused him of trying to illegally seize cheques. Now a court has sentenced him to two years behind bars for the crime, which relates to Sainbury's joint venture with local supermarket chain Edge, owned by Mr el-Nasharty . Mike Coupe, chief executive of Sainsbury's, has been sentenced to two years in an Egyptian jail after a former business partner of the British supermarket claimed Mr Coupe tried to seize money from him . Mr Coupe is believed to have travelled to the Middle Eastern country last Sunday to appeal the conviction, which dates back to a time when he didn't work at the firm, but this was unsuccessful, reports The Times. In 1999, Sainsbury's, then under the stewardship of David Bremner, opened its first store in Cairo, hoping to capitalise on a growing Arabic middle class which was still largely reliant on corner shops for their groceries. Sainsbury's opened its first store in Egypt in Cario in 1999, hoping to capitalise on a growing middle class that were still largely reliant on corner shops for groceries. The company initially spent £10million on 25 per cent share in local firm Edge, owned by businessman Amr el-Nasharty. Six months later they spent another £40million buying an 80 per cent share, and by 2001 had built 100 stores, employing more than 2,500 staff. But, during a Palestinian uprising in the region, Sainbury's found itself added to a 'boycott list' of largely American companies accused of having ties with Israel. It was believed at the time that this could have been the result of shopkeepers fearing for their business who asked local Imams to preach against the chain. This lead to stores being attacked by rioters armed with bricks and bats. When Sainsbury's eventually withdrew from Egypt in 2001, losing £110million, the company blamed a 'deterioration of the trading environment', widely believed to be a reference to the fatwa. Over the course of three years, the company invested nearly £100million opening more than 100 stores across the country, employing 2,500 staff. Despite raking in sales of almost £80million by 2001, the business made an overall loss of almost £35million, due in part to being placed on a religious boycott list over alleged links with Israel. Sainsbury's quit Egypt later that year, losing almost £110million in the process, and selling the business back to Mr el-Nasharty. However, he then filed a suit against Sainsbury's, claiming they had sold him an insolvent business with large tax debts which he could not repay. Sainsbury's countered this claim, alleging that Mr el-Nasharty had paid for the business with cheques that later bounced. Mr el-Nasharty then went on to claim that Mr Coupe travelled to Egypt shortly after being appointed CEO last July and attempted to seize money from him, breaching Egypt's bankruptcy laws. Mr Coupe was automatically convicted of the charge last September after 'failing to attend court hearings', though a spokesman for Sainsbury's said the business was not told these were taking place. The spokesman added that Mr Coupe denies all the allegations against him, which they say has 'nothing to do with Mr Coupe'. Mr Coupe was born in Watford in 1960, the son of a housewife and inventor father who founded his own medical company, he was brought up in West Sussex. He then went on to study physics at Birmingham University before 'stumbling' into supermarket management via a graduate training scheme. He began his career at super-brand Unilever before moving on to Tesco, and then Asda where he was the boss of Justin King, the former Sainsbury's CEO who he succeeded. He was appointed CEO of Sainsbury's last July on an estimated £900,000 salary. He currently lives in a £1million terraced house in York with Jill, his wife of 22 years, and their two daughters. A statement issued by the company said: 'We strongly refute the legal case in Egypt brought against our chief executive Mike Coupe. 'This relates to a historic commercial dispute in which Mr Coupe had no involvement. 'Mike was not even employed by Sainsbury's at the time of the original business deal in 2001 which gave rise to these legal proceedings and has never met the complainant Mr el-Nasharty. Sainsbury's went into business with Amr el-Nasharty in 1999, eventually purchasing 80 per cent of chain Edge in order to open 100 supermarkets across Egypt, with the first being built in Cario (pictured) In 2001 the British chain withdrew from the loss-making Middle Eastern market, selling its shares back to Mr el-Nasharty, who complained the business was insolvent, beginning a 16-year legal fight . 'Mr el-Nasharty has consistently made false claims against Sainsbury's and individuals within the business over the years, all of which have been unsuccessful. 'When Mr el-Nasharty bought the Egyptian business back from us in 2001, he paid us with cheques that bounced. Mr el-Nasharty is now claiming that Mike Coupe was in Egypt in July 2014 and tried to seize these cheques. This is clearly ridiculous. 'Mike Coupe was in London carrying out his normal duties that day. Mike Coupe was tried in absentia by an Egyptian court, without prior notice that he needed to attend, and we are contesting these groundless allegations.' Sainsbury's added that the case was being handled by its legal team and said: 'We do not anticipate it having any material operational or financial impact on the company.' The Times said Mr el-Nasharty had declined to comment. Sainsbury's, the UK's third biggest supermarket, is due to report full-year results next week.
Sainsbury's CEO Mike Coupe handed two year jail term by Egyptian court . Embezzlement claim was brought by former Sainsbury's business partner . Businessman Amr el-Nasharty helped to launch chain in Egypt in 1999 . However venture fell apart and chain left Middle East with losses of £110m . Mr el-Nasharty claims Mr Coupe tried to seize cheques from him last July . Sainsbury's supermarket strongly refutes all the claims against it .
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Afghanistan's first female pilot to serve in the air force since the fall of the Taliban has been honoured with the U.S Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award. Niloofar Rahmani, 23, has defied death threats from the terror group and even members of her own extended family to become the first female fixed-wing Air Force aviator in Afghanistan's history and the first female pilot in the Afghan military since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. Captain Rahmani and nine other inspirational women from across the world were awarded the U.S Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award 2015 at a ceremony last week. Scroll down for video . Captain Niloofar Rahmani, 23, (pictured) is the first female female pilot in the Afghan military since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 . Last week she and nine other women from across the world were awarded the U.S Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award . Captain Rahmani is the first female fixed-wing Air Force aviator in Afghanistan's history and has received death threats from the Taliban . She was just 18 when she heard a news announcement saying the Afghan Air Force wanted to recruit pilots. Captain Rahmani said that ever since she was a little girl she had dreamed of becoming a pilot and spent nearly a year studying English in order to be able to attend flight school. She enlisted in the Afghan Air Force Officer Training Program in 2010 and in July 2012 graduated as a Second Lieutenant. She flew her first solo flight in a Cessna 182 and decided she wanted to fly even larger aircraft so she attended advanced flight school and was soon flying the C-208 military cargo aircraft. While women are traditionally banned from transporting dead or wounded soldiers Captain Rahmani defied orders when she discovered injured soldiers when she landed during a mission. She flew the injured men to hospital and reported her actions to her superiors who chose not to impose sanctions on her. When her achievements were publicised Captain Rahmani's family received threats from both family members and the Taliban, who disapproved of her ambition and career choices. She was just 18 when she heard a news announcement saying the Afghan Air Force wanted to recruit pilots and immediately applied . She enlisted in the Afghan Air Force Officer Training Program in 2010 and in July 2012 graduated as a Second Lieutenant . The family has been forced to move several times for safety reasons. But Captain Rahmani is resolute and says she eventually aims to become a flight instructor to inspire other women and in spite of the Taliban's threats says she remains determined to continue her career in the Afghan Air Force and work as frequently as her security situation permits. She is also deeply committed to encouraging other young women to join the cadre of female AAF pilots. 'You can't just see yourself as a woman, but as a human and believe in yourself,' Captain Rahmani told WTKR. 'It was not easy finishing flight school, it was very hard, but someone had to accept the risk so that other women can do what they dream.' At the award ceremony last week First Lady Michelle Obama honored Rahmani's bravery, commitment, and empowerment of women and girls in Afghanistan. Established in 2007, the annual Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award honors women around the globe who have exemplified exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for human rights, women’s equality, and social progress, often at great personal risk. While she and her family have received death threats Captain Rahmani says it's her responsibility to be an example to the young girls after her . First Lady Michelle Obama recently honored Rahmani's bravery, commitment, and empowerment of women and girls in Afghanistan . Afghanistan - Captain Niloofar Rahmani, Afghan Air Force . Bangladesh - Nadia Sharmeen, Journalist . Bolivia - Rosa Julieta Montano Salvatierra, Founder and Director, Oficina Juridica para la Mujer . Burma - May Sabe Phyu, Director, Gender Equality Network . Central African Republic - Beatrice Epaye President, Fondation Voix du Coeur . Guinea - Marie Claire Tchecola Emergency Room Nurse, Donka Hospital . Japan - Sayaka Osakabe, Founder and Representative, Matahara Net . Kosovo - Arbana Xharra, Editor-in-Chief, Zeri . Pakistan - Tabassum Adnan Kwendo Jirga (Sister's Council), Swa . Syria - Majd Chourbaji External Relations Director, Women Now for Development Centers .
Niloofar Rahmani, 23, is the first female pilot in the Afghani military since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 . She and her family have been forced to move several times after receiving death threats from the Taliban . Captain Rahmani has now been awarded the U.S Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award .
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Sir Bradley Wiggins and Geraint Thomas avoided being caught up in a major crash in the final kilometre of Scheldeprijs on Wednesday, but their Team Sky team-mate Elia Viviani was not so fortunate. The Italian, who was vying for position ahead of the expected sprint finish in the cobbled classic, hit the barriers in a crash which sent around 50 riders to the ground, and went to hospital for x-rays. Wiggins and Thomas were part of a strong Team Sky line-up in the race; Wiggins' penultimate outing for the team ahead of Sunday's Paris-Roubaix. Team Sky cyclist Elia Viviani lies on the ground following a major crash in the one-day Scheldeprijs race . Sports director Servais Knaven told Team Sky's website: 'Elia had a lot of pain in his arm and ribs, but that's all we know at the moment. It was fortunate that none of our other riders were involved. It was a nasty crash and everything had been going well for us before it. 'Obviously, it's a shame for Elia, but the rest of the guys are in good shape for Paris-Roubaix on Sunday.' After the crash, Katusha's Alexander Kristoff took the win with only 14 riders contesting the sprint. Sir Bradley Wiggins (left) and Geraint Thomas watch on prior to Wednesday's race in Belgium .
Sir Bradley Wiggins and Geraint Thomas avoided the crash . But their Sky team-mate Elia Viviani was not so fortunate . Viviani hit the barriers in the final kilometre of the race .
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Almost two weeks on from Liverpool’s wretched afternoon against Manchester United at Anfield, it would appear that lessons have already been learned. Asked about a setback that may yet cost Brendan Rodgers and his players a place in next season’s Champions League, the club’s midfielder Joe Allen was rueful. ‘They were ready to go and maybe we weren’t,’ Allen told a young supporter at Melwood this week. ‘Yeah, maybe the rivalry can sometimes get in the way.’ Joe Allen battles it out with Ander Herrera during Liverpool's Premier League defeat to Man United at Anfield . Liverpool midfielder Allen spoke to Sportsmail's Ian Ladyman at Liverpool's Melwood training ground . Midfielder Allen believes Liverpool have performed well against the big teams during the last two seasons . For Allen, and indeed for Liverpool, one suspects that their defeat by their greatest rival of all is already being viewed as merely another kink in the road. Certainly there is nobody at Anfield who will accept the opinion offered by Sky Sports’ Gary Neville, the former United defender, that Liverpool froze. ‘No, I don’t think that’s the problem,’ said Allen. ‘I think over the last two seasons we have performed against the big teams. Games can just be like that sometimes. It doesn’t happen very often. Next time that game comes around we will get it right.’ Over the past few months at Liverpool there has certainly been more right than wrong. Going into Saturday’s game at Arsenal, they are five points off fourth place in the Barclays Premier League but that still represents progress from the dark days of autumn and early winter. Allen, one senses, has been integral to recent improvement. With captain Steven Gerrard no longer an automatic starter and the Brazilian Lucas Leiva recently injured, the 25-year-old midfielder has been given an extended opportunity to prove his worth. Allen has been given an opportunity with captain Steven Gerrard no longer an automatic choice for Liverpool . While Gerrard is no longer the first name on the teamsheet, Lucas Leiva (left) has also been sidelined . Having arrived with Rodgers from Swansea in 2012, Allen could not always be relied on. He admitted this week that at times the challenge seemed a little too big for him but he hopes that recent performances in big victories against Manchester City, Southampton and Swansea will one day be seen as evidence of a genuine breakthrough. ‘I think so, I hope so,’ Allen told Sportsmail. ‘Personally I have always been confident that I just needed games. ‘I will be open and honest, though. In my first season there were moments when I look back and am disappointed about how I did cope with that [mental] aspect of things. ‘Maybe I underestimated it a little bit before I came. I tried to anticipate it but you can’t do it until you get here. Now I have come through that and the only issue this season has been injuries. Hopefully I can stay fit now and show people the best of me.’ Allen’s increased standing at Liverpool saw him selected for a meet and greet with supporters this week. Guest of honour was Sean Melia, a volunteer at the Anfield Sports Community Centre who was present at Melwood as a ‘Barclays spirit of the game hero’. During a 20-minute Q&A with a group of supporters, Allen talked openly about the sad feeling at the club when Gerrard announced that he would not be staying and the devastation of last season’s title failure. ‘We understand that we gave it to Manchester City,’ he said. Allen admits, at times, the challenge of playing for Liverpool felt a little too big but has impressed recently . Gerrard consoles Luis Suarez as Liverpool's title hopes were dented against Crystal Palace last season . Allen also spoke of the feeling at the club after captain Gerrard announced he would be leaving the Reds . Later on, however, his conversation with Sportsmail was more personal and touched on his relationship with his older brother Harry, a talented footballer who plays for the Wales deaf side after losing his hearing to meningitis as a toddler. ‘When we were younger, he was a striker and he was a better player than me,’ revealed Allen. ‘At primary school I played with him and his mates and that gave me a little bit of a head start as they were two years older. ‘He is profoundly deaf but he speaks so well. I used to sign a little bit but he communicates so well now that I don’t need to. ‘Sibling rivalry is the perfect description of what we had, though. We loved playing against each other but there was a competitive edge to it. It’s a while back but I guess that is where the path all started for me. ‘It’s hard to say whether he would have made it - it is something that I do wonder about. But going out on to the pitch profoundly deaf is a huge disadvantage. So I don’t know. It’s one of those that we will never know the answer to…’ Home these days for Allen is the house he shares in Chester with his wife Lacey and son Alfie. Inherently private, he was a little embarrassed when Lacey posted a photograph on Twitter of last year’s birthday present. Then again a photograph of a top footballer holding a live chicken is rather unusual. Allen poses with a rooster bought for him by his wife for the Liverpool midfielder's 24th Birthday . Allen's wife, Lacey-Jo, shared the snap of Allen and his Birthday present on Twitter last year . Allen poses with Sean Melia, a volunteer at the Anfield Sports Community Centre who was present at Melwood as a ‘Barclays spirit of the game hero’ ‘It was just a “What do you get the guy who has everything?” kind of present,’ laughed Allen, fidgeting rather uncomfortably in his chair. ‘My wife is a big animal lover and it was, yeah, my surprise present. It has got a name but I’m not telling you! We already had a couple of chickens and this is a cockerel. That was the point of it really. In the dressing room, it’s a bit of a random one. ‘I keep my private life private and I guess that was a rare insight. We didn’t realise what impact it would have but it was harmless enough.’ Allen was rather more comfortable when the conversation returned to football and, in particular, Wales’s weekend win in Israel that left Chris Coleman’s team at the top of their qualifying group for Euro 2016.Allen was in Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium in 2004 when Mark Hughes’s team lost a play-off to Russia. Now he wants to make some history with his country and finish off the work started by one of his early national coaches, the late Gary Speed. Allen is keen to make history with Wales and finish the work started by former manager, the late Gary Speed . ‘His presence is still there for everyone,’ Allen said poignantly. ‘He began this journey for us and his big dream was for us to qualify. In lots of ways we want to make sure we can do this for someone like Gary. ‘He was a real people person. For a young midfielder going into the squad, he certainly had a huge impact on my career. ‘It was a huge win for us in Israel and we have a great chance now. For me it was the perfect thing to happen after the Man United result. ‘That’s the beauty of football. There is always the next game to put things right.’ Allen played in the 3-0 win over Israel which took Wales to their top of their Euro 2016 qualifying group . Domestically, Liverpool’s opportunity to make amends begins at the Emirates tomorrow and continues in Lancashire next Wednesday with an FA Cup quarter-final replay at Blackburn. There is still much to aim for at Anfield this season and, with Gerrard suspended for three games, opportunity continues to knock for one of the next generation. ‘Whatever happened in one game has gone,’ said Allen. ‘We can start another run and do it again. That has to be our belief and confidence now. ‘Last season we had a similar run. We have to use that to inspire us. If the teams above us do slip up then we will be waiting.’ Joe Allen was speaking at a Barclays event to inspire the next generation of fans to fall in love with the game. To win Barclays Premier League tickets and other football experiences search: Barclays Spirit of the Game.
Joe Allen admits, at times, challenge of playing for Liverpool felt too big . However, Reds midfielder has impressed in Liverpool's recent victories . Allen is disappointed at how he coped with things when he first signed . Wales international hopes he can stay fit and show fans the best of him .
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Winning a free trip would put a wide grin on most people’s faces, but one tourist couldn’t hide his ‘misery’ during a dream holiday to Puerto Rico. Kevin Blandford's holiday snaps have gone viral on the internet, with each one showing him pulling the same sad face in an attempt to prove how much he missed his wife. The 33-year-old, from Louisville, Kentucky, won the Caribbean getaway through his workplace, but his wife, Bonnie, wasn't able to join him because she stayed home to care for their six-month-old daughter. Kevin Blandford's photo album has gone viral with more than two million views on the website Imgur . After posting the photos he wrote that he won a free trip to Puerto Rico but his wife was unable to join him . Kevin said 'a dedicated friend' took the photos that show him looking miserable during his holiday . Amusing photos show Kevin looking sad while snorkelling next to a boat called ‘Spread Eagle II’, playing a slot machine at a casino and sipping drinks in the sunshine. Kevin said the idea came to him out of the blue after a friend who joined him on last week's trip snapped a candid photo of him. Kevin told MailOnline Travel: 'It kind of happened organically. I was sitting there with my friend, he took a picture of me and I looked miserable. 'We started talking about it and we thought it would be funny to say that I didn’t have any fun at all because Bonnie couldn’t come with me.' At the end of the trip he posted the photos on Facebook and Reddit, where they quickly became an online sensation. Each photo shows Kevin pulling the same sad face in an attempt to prove how much he missed his wife . Kevin wrote online that his wife could not accompany him because she stayed home to care for their child . In his post on Reddit, Kevin wrote: ‘Won a trip to Puerto Rico and couldn’t take my wife. Didn’t have a single second of fun.’ Thinking the post would amuse family and friends, the photo album has been viewed more than two million times on Imgur and attracted nearly 3,000 comments on Reddit. Many users wanted to know who was snapping photos of Kevin if it wasn't his wife who accompanied him on the trip. On Reddit, he told commenters that the images – including snaps showing him looking glum in bed and under a waterfall in a swimming pool – were taken by ‘a dedicated friend’. In a comment added later, he explained why his wife didn't accompany him: ‘I have a 6 month old, [my wife] didn’t want to be away from her for that long and taking her made things very complicated with the type of trip it was.’ After posting the photos online Kevin Blandford wrote that he 'didn't have a single second of fun' Amusing photos show Kevin looking sad on the plane, in the sea and while sipping drinks in the sunshine . Despite his expression in the photos, Kevin said he had a good time on his getaway, and his wife had a good laugh when he showed her the pictures. He said: ‘It was a fun trip. It was a work trip, though, so there were a lot of presentations and meetings.’ He is shocked by the amount of attention he has received since he shared the photos with Reddit users. Since the photos were posted on Monday he has been contacted by media from around the world, including an Australian news network which asked him to do a live interview. Kevin said: ‘It’s pretty surreal. I didn’t think that it was going to blow up like it did.’ Kevin said he has been shocked by the amount of attention he has received since he posted the photos . The photos have had nearly 3,000 comments on Reddit, with many users wanting to know who took the photos . Bonnie told MailOnline Travel that she didn’t ‘get’ the joke when Kevin sent the first photo, and she assumed he was tired from travelling. She said: ‘Photos began pouring in and I thought, per usual, they were quite ridiculous and wondered what he and his “dedicated friend” were up to this time. ‘After a few, I clearly understood the joke and expected each new photo would be more hilarious.’ And she knows he wasn’t miserable without her. ‘I know he truly wanted me there, but was accompanied by the next best person and I know too well they enjoyed visiting very much. I did appreciate the joke and their efforts.’ This photo, showing Kevin playing Diablo III with his daughter, went viral after it was shared on Reddit . This isn’t the first time one of Kevin’s photos has gone viral. Two months ago he shared a photo on Reddit that shows him playing Diablo III, with his daughter, Gwyneth Paige, on his lap. The baby girl has a look of pure joy on her face as Kevin obliterates characters in the video game.
Kevin Blandford's 'sad face' photo album has gone viral on the internet . Photos have been viewed more than two million times on Imgur . He won the trip through his workplace but his wife wasn't able to join him . Kevin told MailOnline Travel that the getaway wasn't as bad as it looked .
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On Saturday, Rosetta swooped to within just 8.6 miles (14 km) of comet 67P's surface. During this close flyby, the probe was able to capture a stunning four image montage showing the two lobes of the icy comet in incredible detail. The top right frame offers a stunning view onto Hapi, the comet’s ‘neck’ region that is littered with boulders. As part of the recent moves around comet 67P, Rosetta swooped to within about 8.6 miles (14 km) of the comet’s surface on Saturday. Its camera was able to capture a four image montage scale at this distance is 1.7 m/pixel showing the large lobe of the icy comet to the left and the small lobe to the right . The view also gives a detailed look at the numerous, curved markings visible on the smooth surface. In the same frame, details in the cliffs of Hathor can be seen, leading up to the ‘head’ of the comet’s small lobe. The region towards the right of this frame shows the transition between this smooth, presumably dust-covered portion, and the layered, exposed cliffs below. The European Space Agency also recently released a trove ofimages captured by the Rosetta probe during its long journey to Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This stunning scene was created from two Rosetta frames acquired at 12 miles (19.9 km) from the comet centre on 28 March. The scale is about 1.7 m/pixel and the image measures 3.1 x 1.7 km . The top right frame offers a stunning view onto Hapi, the comet’s ‘neck’ region littered with boulders. The scale at this distance is 1.4 m/pixel . They include images of Earth and Mars which were taken when the probe was attempting ‘gravity assist manoeuvres’ in which it used other planets to slingshot its way towards the comet. As Rosetta makes an adventurous passes through the geysers of comet in the coming months, scientists hope to discover more information about the comet’s interior from the jets. The Rosetta probe, which was carrying Philae, launched into space in 2004, using the gravity of Earth and Mars to slingshot its way towards comet 67P. It chased comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through space for more than ten years, and entered orbit in August 2014. After a four billion mile (6.5 billion km) journey, the probe then successfully released the Philae lander from its grip to land on the comet on 12 November 2014, travelling at 3.3ft (one metre) per second relative to the comet. But when it first made contact with the surface it failed to fire harpoons that would have kept it attached to the comet. This resulted in it bouncing to a height of 0.62 miles (1km) above the comet before again landing on the surface. It then bounced again, but to a much lower altitude. Philae managed to perform more than 90 per cent of its goals before running out of power. Rosetta, meanwhile, is continuing to orbit and study the comet. From data collected by the two proves, Esa said that water on the comet was different to that on Earth - suggesting water on our world came from an asteroid, not a comet. And with the comet becoming more active as it approaches the sun, these next few months are providing the best opportunity yet to study the comet - but it is not without risk. ‘The comet is getting super exciting,’ said Esa’s Rosetta project scientist Dr Matt Taylor in The Times. ‘Hundreds of kilos per second of material is flinging off it. We want to a do a fly-by through one of these active regions.’ The probe will be brought within nine miles (15km) of the comet, with its path taking it right through 67P’s geysers. These jets are formed when ice on the surface sublimates - or vapourises - and they become more active as the comet approaches the sun. It is getting closer and closer over the next few months, with its point of closest approach taking place in August. As it becomes more active, Rosetta has a fantastic opportunity to sweep through the increasingly large jets and gather data. In so doing, though, the probe can become disorientated. It relies on seeing stars to know where it is, but the jets can obscure its view. This means that, occasionally, the spacecraft has to take evasive actions when it passes through a jet, to get itself into empty space and re-orientate itself relative to the stars. But studying the jets could reveal vital data on how gas and dust flows out from the surface, and it could also reveal the connection between the comet’s atmosphere - its coma - and the surface. As the comet gets closer to the sun, scientists will also be hoping to hear from the Philae lander on the surface. The washing machine-sized Philae probe gripped the imaginations of the world when it landed on comet 67P on 12 November 2014. But after making two unscheduled bounces on the surface, the probe landed in an unknown location and ran out of power. The European Space Agency also recently released a trove of images captured by the Rosetta probe during its long journey to Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Seen here is Rosetta's view of Earth on March 5th, 2005 . The latest images include ones of Earth and Mars which were taken when the probe was attempting ‘gravity assist manoeuvres’ in which it used other planets to slingshot its way towards the comet. Pictured is Mars as seen by Rosetta in 2007 . Now, as the comet approaches the sun, it is hoped that solar rays will recharge Philae’s batteries and bring it back to life. Earlier in March scientists sent commands to the lander in the hope it would respond, but with no luck. On 14 April they will make another attempt to get in contact - and, if it stirs from its slumber, Philae will have a fantastic opportunity to study the comet as it reaches peak activity. Speaking about the most recent attempt to find the probe, Rosetta mission manager Patrick Martin told MailOnline: ‘We were trying to see if the lander would wake up and, at the same time, we sent some commands for the lander to better divide its weight and power situation. ‘We don’t yet know if the commands have gone through - we might have to wait a bit longer - but basically after one week we did not receive a signal from the lander.’ The main issue at the moment is that, for the lander simply to wake up, it needs enough sunlight to produce 5.5 watts of power - a temperature of around -45°C (-49°F). But to start communicating with Rosetta again the temperature needs to raise a few more degrees so it can generate 19 watts of power. It may have already reached the former level, which might mean it is already operational and able to receive signals - but we won’t hear anything until it boosts its power to the latter. The next few months are certain to be an exciting time, though - not just for Philae, but for the orbiting Rosetta spacecraft as well.
On Saturday, Rosetta was just 8.6 miles (14 km) of the comet’s surface . Images reveal one of most detailed photos of the comet's bump 'neck' Esa recently released a trove of images captured from Rosetta's journey . Rosetta will make passes through comet geysers in the coming months .
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Under legal pressure, the Obama administration will begin telling some suspected terrorists if and why they are on a list of tens of thousands of people banned from flying to, from or within the United States. The new policy allows for an American traveler who has been denied boarding a commercial airliner to petition the U.S. Transportation Security Administration once to find out whether he or she is on the no-fly list and a second time for an unclassified explanation of why he or she is on the list. In some cases, the government will not be able to provide an explanation because of national security concerns. The changes partially lift a veil of secrecy enshrouding a policy that has been a centerpiece of the government's counterterrorism efforts since the September 2001 terror attacks. Grounded or not grounded? Under legal pressure, the Obama administration will begin telling some suspected terrorists if and why they are on a list of tens of thousands of people banned from flying to, from or within the U.S. Above the security line at New York John F Kennedy International Airport in October . But the American Civil Liberties Union, which has been challenging the constitutionality of the no-fly list in an ongoing federal lawsuit, said the changes don't go far enough in giving travelers the legal due process they are entitled to, including seeing the evidence held against them and getting an opportunity to challenge it. The explanations provided to six travelers so far, which were mandated by a federal judge, have been inadequate, the ACLU said. For instance, in a letter to New Jersey resident Amir Meshal, the government's explanation for his inclusion on the list was based on information the FBI obtained from Meshal when he was detained in Africa in 2007, ACLU attorney Hina Shamsi said. The ACLU considers Meshal's detention to be unlawful and said he suffered abuse. 'From the face of the letter, a neutral decision-maker would have no idea whatsoever that any of that occurred,' said Shamsi. The Justice Department declined to comment on the specific constitutionality challenges because of the ongoing lawsuit. Justice Department spokeswoman Nicole Navas said, 'We are committed to a process that protects Americans from terrorist threats while respecting privacy and safeguarding civil liberties.' Last fall, there were about 64,000 people on the no-fly list, according to the government. Typically, less than 5 per cent of those on the list are Americans. The list fluctuates in size. Previously, the government's policy was never to confirm or deny that a person actually is on list, citing national security concerns. In most instances, travelers assume they are on the list because they are instructed to go through additional screening at airports or because they are told they can't board their flights. Travelers have been able to appeal their presumed placement on the list since 2007. Only a small percentage of appeals the government receives each year have been from travelers actually on the list, the government has said. The TSA gets between 15,000 and 20,000 requests a year, and less than 1 per cent of those are actually from people on the no-fly list, said Homeland Security spokeswoman Marsha Catron. In 2014, a federal judge in Portland, Oregon, required that the government notify 13 plaintiffs challenging the constitutionality of the no-fly list of their status on the list, and seven were told they were not on the list. The government provided explanations to the six plaintiffs it confirmed were on the no-fly list, including Meshal. One of the explanations included just a 'single cryptic sentence about alleged travel to a foreign country,' according a court document filed earlier this year. The letters to the six plaintiffs on the no-fly list have been redacted on the public court docket to protect the plaintiffs' reputations, Shamsi said. 'The government had an opportunity to come up with a fair process but failed, so we're challenging it in court again,' Shamsi said. The TSA will continue to handle the petitions under the new policy. The changes are not yet in effect, and have so far only been applied to the 13 plaintiffs in the Portland lawsuit, but the Homeland Security Department said it expects them be in place soon. Catron said individual requests should take months to process, not years. 'These enhancements continue to ensure that individuals who are deemed to be a threat to our aviation security are prohibited from boarding a flight within, or bound for, the United States,' Catron said.
Previously, the U.S. did not disclose whether a stopped traveler was on the list or why . But facing legal pressure from the ACLU, the Obama administration has enacted a new policy to let Americans know if they are on the list . Grounded Americans are also now allowed to inquire about how they got on the list . However, the government has not promised to reveal why in all cases - citing possible national security threats . Last fall there were about 64,000 people on the no-fly list, and Americans made up approximately 5 per cent .
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Two men who became locked inside an airtight bank vault for six hours had to be dramatically rescued by firefighters using heavy drills. Jacob Church, 21, and Joe Tobin, 29, were at an art exhibition at a former bank building when the vault door shut behind them, leaving them trapped in total darkness. The pair - who had only met earlier that night - were fed water through a tube to prevent them becoming dehydrated while police kept in contact with them to check their oxygen levels were not getting dangerously low. After their six-hour ordeal, eventually fire crews with specialist drills were able to cut through the thick concrete walls. Trapped: Joe Tobin (left) and Jacob Church (right) pose for a selfie after getting trapped in the vault . Locked in: The pair - who only met earlier in the night - were shut inside the vault for almost six hours . Exhibition: The duo had attended the launch of the exhibition at the Abacus art space in Cardiff's Wood Street . Mr Church, who is from Taff's Well, has described the incident at the launch night of an exhibition at the Abacus art space in Cardiff's Wood Street as 'pretty nuts'. It was hosting the opening of the Look No Hands exhibition described by its curators as 'an eyeball massacre and a massage of visionary art.' One of the exhibition rooms was the 6m x 6m old bank vault with its thick metal door held ajar. The 21-year-old - who admits he was a 'little drunk' - went into the vault with fellow art enthusiast Mr Tobin at 1am. When he tried to close the door slightly, it shut fully and inadvertently activated the lock. He said: 'We were just in there and realised there was a really nice echo in the room. I went to shut the door a tiny bit and it shut the whole way. 'At first we sort of laughed, but when we phoned out friends to come and let us out they couldn't. 'After about 20 minutes of hearing banging on the door we realised no one could get us out. You would think someone would have the code for the door.' Rescue mission: Fire crews had to save the pair and this meant the exhibition was shut on Saturday . Light: The emergency crews managed to drill through the wall and pass the pair glow sticks and ear plugs . Although the two art enthusiasts could hear noise outside, they were unaware what was going on, but were told the fire service had been called. The first crews arrived at 1.48am and initially tried to unlock the door. But when that didn't work, they had to drill through the wall to create a hole large enough for the two men to escape. 'They tried drilling for two hours but then had to call for back-up and then more back-up,' Mr Church said. Part of Havelock Street, in Cardiff, was closed for the emergency services to access the building. The initial amusement and novelty of the situation quickly wore off, said Mr Church. 'We started off with fairly high hopes. The first few hours we were singing and running around the room and trying to make the best of it. 'After two or three hours, before there was an air hole, we started to think "Are we going to get out of here?"'. At that point, two fire engines and a specialist urban search and rescue team arrived and use drilling equipment to penetrate the thick concrete walls. The emergency crews drilled a small hole through the vault door to speak to the pair and passed them glow sticks for light and ear plugs. They then handed them a plastic tube through a hole to enable them to drink water. Strangers: Jacob Church (left) and Joe Tobin (right) were locked in the vault in total darkness for six hours . Mr Church, a former lab technician at Specsavers, added: 'We got a phone call about every half an hour from a police woman who kept asking us if our oxygen levels were OK. 'It was worrying but I told them if it does run out what can they do for us anyway?' The fire crews drilled around 15 inch-wide holes into the thick wall, which was reinforced with metal bars. They eventually created a big enough hole for the two men to crawl out unharmed at 6.45am. Exhibition curator Ariell Tye, 31, said they always kept the vault door open for 'health and safety reasons'. She said: 'Some people were messing around and have physically closed the door themselves which is pretty difficult in itself. 'They have turned the wheel lock door mechanism and couldn't get back out. We were informed immediately and phoned the emergency services straight away. 'When the two men came out they were in good spirits and were unharmed.' Ms Tye said the artists took over the former bank last June for no rent because the building will be demolished in two years to make way for the new BBC Wales headquarters. She said there was no chance of a repeat incident because the vault door was now permanently locked. A South Wales Fire and Rescue Service spokeswoman said: 'It's an unusual one by any stretch of the imagination. 'We received a call to a premises at 1.48am. Two male persons were rescued from an internal bank vault. 'There was a limited air supply in the nature of it being a bank vault and our urban search and rescue team were called in with specialist equipment. 'There were no injuries. We were assisted by paramedics and police were also in attendance.' The gallery was closed on Saturday, but will reopen as normal on Wednesday.
Jacob Church, 21, and Joe Tobin, 29, were locked inside bank vault . 6mx6m bank vault was one of the rooms on show at a Cardiff art exhibition . Pair only met earlier in night and inadvertently locked door behind them . Had to be rescued by fire crews who drilled through thick concrete walls .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 18, 50, 11, 268, 3, 22, 9, 744, 19, 3, 6983, 4, 18, 13, 3, 9 ]
A 10-year-old Huddersfield Town supporter has been removed from his role as a mascot for Reading in their FA Cup semi-final against Arsenal on Saturday after a video emerged of him saying he hopes The Gunners win. Ryan Dearnley won the chance to walk out at Wembley when The Royals beat Huddersfield in the third round but footage of him backing Arsenal in the Huddersfield Examiner sparked a furious response from Reading supporters. A poll in getreading revealed 85% readers felt he should not lead Steve Clarke's side out at Wembley. A Huddersfield Town fan will no longer be a mascot for Reading in the FA Cup semi-final against Arsenal . The young supporter had said he hoped Arsenal beat Reading, prompting outrage from Royals fans . Championship side Reading eliminated Huddersfield in the third round on their way to meeting Arsenal . The Football Association reacted quickly, moving young Ryan away from the semi-final to avoid a nasty reception from fans, instead offering him the opportunity to be a mascot for England. 'Following Ryan’s interview in the local media, and with agreement from his family, it was decided to move his prize over to an England mascot place later this year,' an FA spokesman is quoted as saying in getreading. The FA reportedly offered Ryan two tickets to watch the semi-final in the Arsenal end but he refused, preferring to watch Huddersfield take on Derby in the Championship.
Ryan Dearnley won the chance to be a mascot in the FA Cup semi-final . He was due to be one for Reading before saying he wanted Arsenal to win . Fan outrage caused The FA to move his prize to an England game instead .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 24, 20, 38, 98, 4, 9, 27, 38, 11, 5, 18, 3, 78, 50, 18, 11082 ]
A mother of four has pledged to remove her children from school to attend an ancient Maypole festival - despite facing fines or even prosecution. Anna James, 32, has vowed to defy the school's ban on taking her children to the 'Obby 'Oss celebrations - claiming the rituals are part of her 'religion, culture and heritage.' The school blocked her request under a government crackdown on unauthorised absences announced in 2013. Mrs James pictured with her son Ethan (far left), Piran (centre) and Sophia (right) at last year's Maypole festival . But Mrs James said she would be willing to take the consequences of any police action to take her children Ethan, 11, Piran, 5, Sophia, 8, and four month old baby Faith to the event. The annual May 1 celebration is a centuries' old tradition, involving music and dancing through the streets, believed by some to be an ancient pagan fertility ritual which heralds the arrival of spring. Held every year in Padstow, Cornwall at midnight on May 1, it consists of parades and celebrations throughout the town and into the following day. Mrs James, who moved from Padstow to St Austell, Cornwall, eight years ago, said: 'I think it's ridiculous that I'm being told I can't take my children to the event. 'Obby 'Oss is something which my family has celebrated for generations. 'It's part of our heritage, our culture and our religion. If I wanted to take children out of school for some other religion I think it would be a different story. 'I don't expect the St Austell schools to close, but I do think that any school in Cornwall should be sensitive to the needs of people from Padstow to return to their home town on May 1. The event itself is educational.' Mrs James, 32, has vowed to defy the school's ban on taking her children to the 'Obby 'Oss celebrations. Pictured from left to right is Sophia, 8, Ethan, 11, Faith, 4 months, and Piran, 5 . In 2013, former Education Secretary Michael Gove ended the right for schools to grant up to 10 days holiday per year for pupils. New guidelines state that children should only be taken out of school during term-time if it is an 'exceptional circumstance'. Government rules state that it is at the discretion of each individual school to authorise or reject absence requests. Under the current system, parents who take their children out of school without permission could face a £60 fine per child, rising to £120 if it is not paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the fine can result in prosecution, with a maximum fine – if convicted – of £2,500 or a jail sentence of up to three months. Padstow Primary School children are included in the 'Obby 'Oss tradition. But leaders at Bishop Bronescombe School in St Austell would not authorise Mrs James' request for her children to join them. Mrs James said: 'For Padstow residents the day is a massively important part of their cultural heritage. 'I'm not an expert on its origins but I do believe it can be described as having religious significance. 'Just because I don't live in Padstow any more doesn't mean I can't celebrate my religion. I would do the same even if I lived in Australia.' The crackdown by the Government on absences was outlined in 2013 and stipulates children should attend lessons rather than take time off to suit parental convenience. The crackdown was announced by the then Education Secretary Michael Gove who intended to stop parents taking children out of school to benefit from cheaper holidays. Mrs James said the festival was part of her family's religion, culture and heritage . But the government insists that local head teachers still have the discretion to approve up to ten absences a year 'in exceptional circumstances'. Bishop Bronescombe School declined to comment. In Padstow, where children are an integral part of the festival, the school closes so pupils can take part in the early-morning dances. Padstow School head teacher Phil Banks said: 'We take May 1 as a community closure day as the majority of our children and staff will be taking part in the festivities. 'It is such an important part of their cultural heritage that we feel it is extremely important for us to support and celebrate it. 'I can understand the position of the St Austell schools, however. 'Guidelines on allowing absence nowadays are incredibly tight. I would imagine a number of schools in the area get requests like this, and not necessarily from people who can claim any legitimate link to Padstow.' Mrs James, who is currently on maternity leave from her job as a PA, said that she has attended the event every year since she was born and for residents of Padstow it was more important than Christmas. She said: 'We see it as more important than Christmas. It is such an important Cornish tradition, but if the children can not go how are we supposed to keep it alive? 'Obviously we celebrate Christmas, but the fact we see this as more important shows the scale of what it means to us. 'I will be taking the kids out as I strongly believe we should be allowed to keep our heritage alive. 'They all have a 100 per cent attendance record. I never take them out for a holiday. 'But everyone in Padstow takes part. People who once lived there come from the other side of the world to take part. It is in their blood.'
Mother of four Anna James has vowed to take her children to the festival . Mrs James, 32, claims it is part of her 'religion, culture and heritage' Her children's school has refused to give permission for their absences . The ancient Maypole festival is held every year in Padstow, Cornwall . It is believed to be an ancient pagan ritual that heralds the arrival of spring .
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The podium girl is the centre of a 'sexism storm' after Lewis Hamilton sprayed champagne in her face said she wasn't offended by his stunt - and was just doing her job. The British Formula 1 racer drew criticism from around the world when he aimed the fizz directly as the face of 23-year-old grid girl Liu Siying, who was pictured looking less than impressed. But the Shanghai Institute of Visual Art graduate, who was a 'podium girl' at the Chinese Grand Prix. said she didn't think much about the incident and wasn't annoyed. Scroll down for video . Liu Siying was pictured grimacing as Lewis Hamilton sprayed champagne at her face after winning the race . Sexism campaigners called Hamilton's behaviour 'selfish' - but Siying said she did not think too much about it . The hostess, who has a degree, said: 'I was told by my employer to stand on the podium, and that's what I did' 'It lasted for only one or two seconds, and I did not think too much about it at all,' Miss Siying told the Shanghai Daily. 'I think some foreign media are more sensitive about the topic compared to local media. 'I was just told by my employer to stand on the podium, and that’s what I did.' Miss Siying had asked to work as a podium model on the stage of the Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai because she was a fan of Finnish driver Kimi Raikkonen. After the incident on Sunday Object, a campaign group against sexism, condemned the behaviour of the driver as 'selfish and inconsiderate' and called on Hamilton to apologise to the graduate. Others have called the driving ace an 'embarrassment to the UK', while another said his actions showed that he was an 'ignorant clown'. Scroll down for video . It's not the first time racing ace Lewis Hamilton has sprayed a grid girl with bubbly - he's also done it after winning the Spanish Grand Prix and even at the Austrian Grand Prix, where he lost out on the top spot . After seeing the pictures the chief executive of campaign group Object asked for Hamilton to apologise . Speaking on Monday, Roz Hardie, chief executive of Object said Miss Siying would have had ittle choice but to 'stand there and take it'. She said: 'The photographs appear to show that the woman is not just being splashed, but that the champagne is being very specifically directed into her face, which does not look like a voluntary piece of horseplay on her part. 'If this if the case we think Lewis Hamilton should apologise for his actions and think carefully about how he behaves in the future. For most people, it would be apparent that she is not enjoying it. 'It is surely a very difficult position to be a grid girl and she would have had little option but to stand there and take it. That is something of which he should be aware. But instead, he appears to have abused her position. 'It's unfortunate that a great victory has been marred by what appears to be selfish and inconsiderate behaviour.' Ms Hardie added that the episode highlighted the more general issue of women being viewed as sexual objects in the motoring world. She said: 'Motor racing appears to unnecessarily portray women as sexualised objects and that probably makes it even harder for the women to stand up for themselves. We would hope people in the industry would be respectful to these women. On Twitter, Hamilton was described as a 'bully' and 'disgusting'. Another user simply said: 'Man please stop spraying Champagne on the Podium Ladies. They don't like it', while one outraged user said he was a 'scumbag - an embarrassment to UK'. Another wrote: 'Have a bit more respect for the ladies please. Spraying Champagne in her face was out of order #child #idiot.' And one tweeted: 'Shame on you F1 and Lewis Hamilton for disgraceful treatment of women during champagne celebration#sexism.' It is not the first time the racing icon has whipped out his victory move. He celebrated in a similar fashion after winning Spanish Grand Prix last year, which was his fourth consecutive win in a row and the one that finally put him on top of the World Championship table. And although he lost the Austrian Grand Prix to teammate Nico Rosberg, he didn't shy away from popping the cork directly at a hostess. The 30-year-old was even asked to demonstrate his champagne skills on Graham Norton's talk show in 2013. Hamilton also sprayed a hostess at Montmelo after winning the Spanish Grand Prix at Circuit de Catalunya . But not everyone was offended by his behaviour. Many found his actions amusing, while another said: 'I can think of worse things to happen at work than getting sprayed in the face with champagne by @LewisHamilton.. Lighten up people!' Hamilton controlled the contest in Shanghai to seal his second victory in three races and extend his lead at the summit of the Formula One world championship yesterday. But it wasn't all smiles at yesterday's race after a serious feud was sparked between Hamilton and his teammate Nico Rosberg, following a press conference. His Mercedes partner accused him of severely compromising his strategy and leaving him under unnecessary pressure from Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel. With the top three drivers covered by only 3.5 seconds ahead of the final round of pit-stops, Rosberg reported on the radio that ‘Lewis is driving very slowly. Tell him to speed up.’ Hamilton, seemingly protecting his tyres, was given the hurry-up by Mercedes and both he and Rosberg eventually emerged from their final pit-stop first and second with Vettel third. The world champion, sitting beside his teammate, told the press conference yesterday: 'I wasn't controlling his race, I was controlling my own race. 'My goal was to look after my car. I had no real threat from Nico throughout the whole race.' It wasn't all smiles after a serious feud was sparked between Hamilton and his teammate Nico Rosberg . The Mercedes driver poses with his trophy and champagne bottle on the podium after winning on Sunday . A visibly angry Rosberg replied: 'It's just now interesting to hear from you Lewis that you were just thinking about yourself with the pace in front when that was compromising my race. 'Driving slower than was maybe necessary in the beginning of the stint meant Sebastian was close to me and it opened up the opportunity for Sebastian to try an early pit stop to try and jump me and then I had to cover him. 'It was unnecessarily close with Sebastian as a result, and also it cost me a lot of race time because I had to cover him. Then my tyres died at the end of the race because my stint was just so much longer, so I'm unhappy about that.' The spat has reopened the wounds from last year when both men tried to out-manoeuvre, and at times out-pysch one another as their battle for the title unfolded. It culminated in the pair colliding with one another in the Belgian Grand Prix, resulting in Rosberg being reprimanded and sanctioned by the team. This proved to be a turning point in the championship as Hamilton went on to dominate the closing races en route to taking his second crown. Nico Rosberg (left) accused Hamilton of severely compromising his strategy and leaving him under pressure .
Lewis Hamilton showered her with champagne after winning Grand Prix . Campaigners against sexism said action was 'selfish and inconsiderate' But Liu Siying says she wasn't offended and just doing her job .
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The Josh Meekings’ saga took a new twist on Friday when it emerged the SFA judicial panel had decided it was not entitled to apply retrospective punishment in his case. On Thursday, the Inverness defender was cleared to play in the Scottish Cup Final against Falkirk on May 30 after a charge of deliberate handball to deny Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths in last Sunday’s semi-final was thrown out. In the aftermath of the 3-2 extra-time win, Meekings admitted he was fortunate not to have conceded a penalty and been red-carded. Inverness defender Josh Meekings will be allowed to appear in Scottish Cup final after his ban was dismissed . His admission – backed by manager John Hughes – preceded the player being cited by the SFA compliance officer Tony McGlennan. That unprecedented move following a game in which a handball incident had gone unpunished, brought a warning from Jim Boyce, head of FIFA’s referees committee, that a successful prosecution would open up a can of worms. Although such a scenario was avoided with the charge being kicked out, the furore surrounding the issue prompted the SFA go public on Friday with the tribunal panel’s reasons. And it seems they accepted the preliminary argument of Inverness’ legal representative that they weren’t entitled to take the matter further. A statement read: ‘Further to the judicial panel hearing on Friday involving Josh Meekings, the panel considered initial submissions from Mr Meekings’ solicitor. ‘In particular it was argued by him that under protocol the judicial panel was not entitled to determine the matter. Meekings was not sent off and no penalty was given as Inverness went on to beat Celtic 3-2 after extra-time . ‘The panel considered that as the incident (but not the actual alleged sending-off offence of handball) had been seen by one or more of the officials it was not entitled to consider the matter further. ‘It accordingly dismissed the complaint without any consideration of the merits of the incident or the decision arrived at by the referee.’ The explanation raises questions as to whether McGlennan ought to have cited Meekings in the first place. Meekings admitted he was fortunate not to have conceded a penalty and been red-carded against Celtic . However, legal sources have told Sportsmail that the SFA’s prosecutor is entitled to cite players even in such instances when officials have seen an ‘incident’ but have failed to spot an ‘offence’. Yet it appears that in Meekings’ case, the panel concurred with his solicitor’s argument that they were not entitled to take the matter further as the match officials had seen the incident. The matter is further confused by the fact that former Hearts striker Ryan Stevenson and ex-Motherwell keeper Darren Randolph were previously banned retrospectively for serious foul play as the referees in question had seen the ‘incidents’ but missed the ‘offences’ in question.
Josh Meekings deliberately handled the ball during Inverness's 3-2 Scottish Cup semi-final victory against Celtic . Meekings escaped punishment for the act during the game . In the aftermath of the 3-2 extra-time win, Meekings admitted he was fortunate not to have conceded a penalty and been red-carded . On Thursday, the Inverness defender was cleared to play in the Scottish Cup Final against Falkirk on May 30 .
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This is the shocking moment a BMW driver rammed a shirtless man in the street after a furious road rage row. Footage shows how one of the men emerged from his black BMW with no shirt on before trying to punch the driver of a white BMW through his car window in east London. Distressed onlookers tried to intervene in the violent clash which culminated in the 25-year-old driver of the white BMW accelerating and hitting the other man in broad daylight. He briefly reversed before ramming into a white Mercedes and white Prius, appearing to trap the other man between the three cars. Scroll down for video . A BMW driver rammed a shirtless man (pictured) in the street after a furious road rage row in east London . The driver of the white BMW briefly reversed before ramming into a white Mercedes and white Prius, appearing to trap the other man (not pictured) between three cars . The 25-year-old driver of the white BMW, from Camden, was taken to hospital as a precaution and then arrested on suspicion of actual bodily harm after the incident on April 9. He was taken to a north London police station and later released on police bail. It is not clear what sparked the argument, but the footage shows the driver of the black BMW aggressively approaching the other car before preventing him from getting out. A bystander is seen trying to placate the driver of the black BMW, but he then started to punch the other motorist through the car window. Distressed onlookers tried to intervene in the violent clash which saw the men swearing and shouting . The shocking footage then shows how the driver of the white BMW tried to get out of his car before ramming into the man he had been arguing with. One onlooker can be heard yelling: 'You killed him.' Once the man was freed after being trapped between the vehicles, he could be seen limping with a leg injury. A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: 'Police were called to the scene of a fight between two men at Curtain Road at 5pm on April 9. 'At some point during the altercation, it is believed that one of the men left the scene in his car and in doing so collided with two pedestrians and two other vehicles. 'The pedestrians struck by the vehicle were not seriously injured. 'The driver of the vehicle, a 25-year-old man from Camden was taken to an east London hospital as a precaution. He was not seriously injured. 'He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of actual bodily harm and was taken to a north London police station. He was later released on police bail to return on a date late in April.' It is not clear what sparked the argument, but the footage shows the driver of the black BMW aggressively approaching and then trying to punch the other man through the window . Once the man was freed after being trapped between the vehicles, he could be seen limping with a leg injury (right, wearing black top) Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Two BMW drivers violently clashed after a road rage row in east London . A 25-year-old motorist rammed fellow driver who had stripped in street . He was arrested on suspicion of actual bodily harm and has been bailed . Video shows shirtless man punching fellow motorist through car window .
[ 0, 3, 9, 7971, 6783, 3021, 40, 4, 18, 3, 9, 3, 9218, 1831, 1015, 13, 155, 4429, 9579, 3 ]
Two Fast and The Furious-style crooks who stole £160,000 worth of luxury cars from homes across four counties have been jailed for more than 10 years. Roy Day, 29, and Gerard Lundie, 26, targeted 13 properties over four months at the end of last year while the owners were asleep in bed. But after the duo left their DNA at the scenes of some of the crimes they were arrested. Roy Day (right), 29, and Gerard Lundie (left), 26, targeted 13 homes over four months at the end of last year . They were each jailed for five years and four months at Birmingham Crown Court after they admitted once charge of conspiracy to commit burglary. The crime spree began on September 18 last year when a Citroen C4 and widescreen TV were stolen from a house in Calshot Road, Great Barr, Birmingham. Lundie was arrested seven days later when the stolen car was seen speeding away from officers at 100mph in Erdington, Birmingham but later let go. He was found hiding in a nearby bush after fleeing the vehicle. He admitted driving the car but denied stealing it or having any knowledge of it being stolen. Lundie was released on bail but continued to target properties in Birmingham, Warwickshire, Staffordshire and Shropshire. The duo stole a Kia car from the drive of a property in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, on October 20 which was later found abandoned. Forensic experts discovered Lundie's DNA inside the vehicle which eventually linked the pair to the crime. The pair drove an Audi A6 (pictured) and a Vauxhall Astra from a driveway in Oswestry, Shropshire . Favouring Audis, Day and Lundie stole an Audi A5  (pictured) from a house in Cannock, Staffordshire . Another Kia was stolen from the driveway in Cooksey Lane, Kingstanding, Birmingham in the early hours of October 26. Police enquires showed Day was in the area at the time. The pair organised raids on four more homes in Great Barr, Birmingham and one in Atherstone, Warwickshire, between November 15 and 20. The court heard the crooks stole a Citroen C3, a Kia and a Nissan Qashqai andforensic evidence recovered from one of the cars stolen was again linked to Lundie. The duo stole a a Nissan Qashqai (pictured) through which he crime was again linked to Lundie . Days later, the criminals stole an Audi A5 and a Vauxhall Corsa from a house in Cannock, Staffordshire. The Corsa was later found crashed into a telegraph pole in Streetly, Staffordshire, and Day's DNA was found on the driver's airbag. Lundie and Day then targeted three homes in Shrewsbury, Shropshire between. Two Audi S3s were stolen in the burglaries with Lundie's DNA linking him to the offences.The court then heard the pair drove an Audi A6 and Vauxhall Astra from a driveway in Oswestry, Shropshire . They were each jailed for five years and four months at Birmingham Crown Court (pictured) after they admitted once charge of conspiracy to commit burglary . Both vehicles were later recovered nearby and Lundie's DNA was found inside the Astra. Lundie, of no fixed address, was arrested the next day after he drove away from officers in Kingstanding, Birmingham. Examination of Lundie's phone led officers to the identification of Day from Erdington, Birmingham, as a suspect and enabled them to match his DNA to the crime scenes.
Roy Day, 29, and Gerald Lundie, 26, stole £160,000 worth of Luxury cars . The pair hit 13 properties in four counties while their owners slept at home . Finally caught, after a high-speed chase, when DNA found in a crashed car . Each jailed for five years and four months at Birmingham Crown Court .
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Most people would run away if they saw a pile of soil and rubble creeping towards them as if it had a life of its own. But one Russian YouTuber captured the terrifying moment a stream of soil flowed down a bank next to a main road, crushing trees in its powerful path and leaving toppled power lines in its wake. The eerie phenomenon is called an 'earthflow' and is a rare type of landslide. A Russian YouTuber has captured the terrifying moment a stream of soil flowed down a bank next to a main road (pictured), crushing trees in its powerful path and leaving toppled power lines in its wake . Alexander Giniyatullin kept a remarkably steady hand filming the scary scene in the Kemerovo Region of Russia, which is thought to have happened at around 1pm on April 1, according to a blog post on the American Geophysical Union’s website. In the video, snow-covered soil can be seen sliding down the bank at the side of a road, which is thought to run between Novokuznetsk and Bolshaya Talda. The earthflow also blocked nearby railroad tracks and caused power outages, but no one was hurt. Commenting on the post, a user called Michal said: ‘The landslide looks like it may have come from a large coal mine area.' Alexander Giniyatullin kept a remarkably steady hand filming the scary scene in the Kemerovo Region of Russia (shown by the red marker), which is thought to have happened at 1pm on April 1 . An earthflow is a type of landslide. It's a viscous flow of fine-grained materials, such as clay, sand and silt that have been saturated with water and moves downhill because of the pull of gravity. As the earthflow moves down a slope, it remains covered with any vegetation and typically leaves a bowl-shaped depression behind. Earthflows usually begin in a large basin on the upper part of a slope where debris and weathered material accumulate. They are usually triggered by heavy rainfall, so that when the debris becomes saturated with enough water, it starts flowing downhill. The speed of an earthflow can vary depending on the amount of water present and the angle of the slope and varies from 0.11 to 12.4 mph (0.17 to 20 km/h). As the earthflow gathers momentum, it can be seen crushing trees in its path, and the sound of crumbling soil and splintering wood can be heard in the video. The cameraman backs away as the material eerily creeps across the width of the road, where he was previously standing and it seems to spread along the bank at a walking pace. An earthflow is a viscous flow of fine-grained materials, such as clay, sand and silt that have been saturated with water and moves downhill because of the pull of gravity. As the earthflow runs down a slope, it remains covered with any vegetation and typically leaves a bowl-shaped depression behind. It is slower than a mud flow, which can cover villages beneath mud in minutes. Earthflows usually begin in a large basin on the upper part of a slope where debris and weathered material accumulate, - although this point cannot be seen in the video. As the earthflow gathers momentum, it can be seen crushing trees in its path (pictured) and the sound of crumbling soil and splintering wood can be heard . The speed of an earthflow can vary depending on the amount of water present and the angle of the slope and varies from being barely noticeable to relatively rapid, as seen in the video when a road becomes completely blocked (pictured) in a matter of minutes . Research suggests that rockfall son Mont Blanc (pictured) are caused by warming temperatures . Climbers have long suspected that hotter summers trigger rockfalls on the slopes of Mont Blanc in the French Alps. Now a study of 533 rockfalls reported by climbers or spotted on satellite images of the mountain since 2003, has bolstered the opinion that climate change is making popular routes up Europe's highest mountain more treacherous. Ludovic Ranavel of the University of Savoie at Le Bourget-du-Lac in the Alps, spotted a strong correlation between the number of rockfalls and air and rock temperatures on the slopes, New Scientist reported. He thinks that melting permafrost may be to blame, because it loosens rocks that were held in place with ice, causing them to fall. The expert revealed that 95 per cent of rockfalls around the mountain occur during between June and September - the hottest months of the year. Most begin in areas 10,170ft (3,100 metres) above sea level, close to the zone containing perma ice, he told the European Geosciences Union's general assembly in Vienna. As the Alps get hotter, the zone is thought to be receding, creating more rockfalls than before. They are usually triggered by heavy rainfall, so that when the debris becomes saturated with enough water, it starts flowing downhill. The video shows a stream of water running down the road as the debris falls down the slope, indicating the mass of soil is waterlogged. The speed of an earthflow can vary depending on the amount of water present and the angle of the slope, varying from being barely noticeable to relatively rapid, as seen in the video when a road becomes completely blocked in a matter of minutes. Experts at San Diego State University said speeds can range from 0.11 to 12.4 mph (0.17 to 20 km/h). In fact, it can take minutes or years for material to move down slops and earthflows can affect anything from a few metres of land, to several hectares. In the video, the flow of debris is quite fast and it’s possible to see industrial equipment toppled at the top of the slope, while trees are crushed beneath the moving earth and what appear to be power lines and pylons pulled down and dragged along by the moving mass of earth. The movement seems to speed up as the cameraman beats a hasty retreat down the road. When he pans back along the way he has come, the road is completely blocked by a debris that looks as if it is between one and two storeys high in places. Towards the end of the footage, the speed of the earthflow seems to decline, but it continues to creep across the road, to completely cross it.
Eerie earthflow was captured in the Kemerovo Region of Russia . It left a wide path of destruction, toppling pylons and crushing trees . Earthflows can vary in speed from barely detectable to 12 mph (20km/h) They are a form of landslide where fine soil or sand becomes waterlogged .
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(CNN)The United States has seemingly erupted this week about what it means to live your religion, especially in Indiana, where its new Religious Freedom Restoration Act faces a firestorm from critics who say it uses faith as a pretext to discriminate against gay people. Such state laws have been growing ever since the U.S. Religious Freedom Restoration Act became law in 1993, designed to prohibit the federal government from "substantially burdening" a person's exercise of religion. So far, 20 states have some version of the religious liberty law, and the legal controversies have grown, too. Nonetheless, claims under those state RFRAs are "exceedingly rare," and victories involved mostly religious minorities, not Christian denominations, experts say. "There is reason to doubt whether these state-level religious liberty provisions truly provide meaningful protections for religious believers," wrote Wayne State University law professor Christopher Lund in a 2010 analysis, when there were only 16 states with such laws. Here are some of the more interesting cases arising from the federal and state laws, touching upon an array of religious matters from a knife carried by an IRS accountant to a tea from the Amazon: . He was a Native American with eagle feathers at a religious gathering of tribes. But not in the eyes of the feds. In 2006, Robert Soto and Michael Russell attended an American Indian powwow while in possession of eagle feathers, in violation of the federal Eagle Protection Act, which outlaws the killing of bald and golden eagles and even picking their feathers off the ground. Soto, a Lipan Apache, asserted he was participating in an Indian religious ceremony. The feathers are sacred to Native Americans. But a federal Fish and Wildlife Service agent found his tribe wasn't federally recognized, and Soto surrendered his feathers. Russell, who is married to Soto's sister, isn't American Indian and agreed to pay a fine, according to court papers and the America Bar Association Journal. Soto, however, petitioned the federal Interior Department to return his feathers. The feds said no, because he wasn't from a recognized tribe. Soto and Russell sued the federal government, but a federal district court ruled in favor of the government, rejecting the two men's First Amendment assertions and their claims under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the same 1993 statute that Indiana legislators used in developing their new state law. But last August, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the trial court's decision and sent the case back to that court after finding the government's action would violate the federal RFRA. On March 10, the federal government returned the eagle feathers to Soto. But the legal war isn't over. The federal government still maintains it can criminally prosecute Soto and his congregants, so Soto is seeking a preliminary injunction, claiming the feds are violating the federal RFRA, said Luke Goodrich, Soto's attorney who's with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. A tea used by a Brazilian faith is to them like wine used by Catholics at communion, but U.S. agents considered the brew an illegal drug. The religious organization O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal uses a sacramental tea called hoasca, made from two plants native to the Amazon that contains dimethyltryptamine, a hallucinogen, in violation of the Controlled Substances Act. The religion is a Christian spiritist faith that originated in Brazil and includes Amazonian and indigenous spiritual traditions. About 140 members of the church live in the United States and use the tea in a sacred communion. In May 1999, U.S. Customs agents entered the church headquarters in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and seized all of its hoasca. The church became alarmed and cited how the federal government allows an exception for American Indians to use another illegal drug, peyote, in their religious ceremonies. In fact, the federal RFRA was designed partly to protect the Native Americans' use of peyote, said CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. "They were a legitimate religion, and this was a legitimate ritual of the religion, and Congress wanted to make sure it was protected," Toobin said of peyote and the 1993 law. The Uniao do Vegetal, which means "the union of the plants," cited that federal law in suing the federal government. "The government has never explained why it has accommodated The Native American Church's use of peyote (which contains mescaline, also a controlled substance) but cannot accommodate the UDV's use of hoasca," the church said in a statement. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the church's favor, saying the federal government failed to show a compelling interest to ban the substance for religious use. "The peyote exception also fatally undermines the government's broader contention that the Controlled Substances Act establishes a closed regulatory system that admits of no exceptions under RFRA," the court ruling said. Bruce Rich, an Orthodox Jewish prisoner in Florida, wanted kosher meals, but the warden said no. So Rich sued the state prison system in 2010, saying its denial of a kosher menu violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, a landmark civil law rights law for inmates whose predecessor was the federal religious freedom law. Rich, 66, is serving a life sentence for murdering his parents, in their 70s, in 1995 allegedly to inherit their home. The prison system argued the meals were costly and would lead to security concerns, namely "retaliation against the kosher inmates" if other inmates believed the higher costs of kosher meals impacted the quality of their food, court papers said. At least 35 other states and the federal government, however, provided kosher diets to inmates. After losing before a magistrate, Rich won an appeal before the 11th Circuit Court, which cited "the defendant's meager efforts to explain why Florida's prisons are so different from the penal institutions that now provide kosher meals such that the plans adopted by those other institutions would not work in Florida." Recently baptized in the Sikh faith, Kawal Tagore went to her job with the IRS in Houston in 2005 carrying a new religious item: a 9-inch kirpan, a small ceremonial sword that resembles a knife but has an edge that is blunted or curved. Tagore needed to carry the kirpan at all times as a mandatory article of faith. But the federal government banned her from the building, citing the kirpan as a "dangerous weapon" with a more than 3-inch blade, and she was later fired from her accounting job because she refused to keep the kirpan out of the workplace. Tagore sued the government under the federal law. Tagore cited how the government allowed the public to enter the federal building with more threatening objects: real 2.5-inch blade knives and metal canes, said her attorneys with the Newar Law Firm and the Becket Fund. Also, federal employees inside the building were allowed to use box cutters and cake knives. In November, the federal government agreed to settle the case shortly after the start of Tagore's trial. The settlement included no admission of wrongdoing, the Christian Science Monitor reported. Tagore's attorneys described the settlement as "a groundbreaking policy allowing Sikhs and other religious minorities to wear religious symbols and attire in federal buildings," they said in a statement. Invoking a religious freedom law and related statutes doesn't always equate to victory. In Chicago, an association of 40 churches called the Civil Liberties for Urban Believers found it too onerous to erect houses of worship in business and commercial zones. The ministers needed a special use permit, but such permits were often thwarted by aldermen or it was too bureaucratic and costly to obtain one, the church leaders claimed. In fact, it was easier to get a club, lodge or community center approved. So the pastors sued the city of Chicago in 2000, alleging that its zoning laws violated the Illinois religious freedom statute, the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act and the U.S. Constitution. But in 2003, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court decision and rejected the church group's claims, finding no substantial burden on the churches, which also failed to establish their RLUIPA claim. Defeated, church leaders were angry. "The forty (40) churches in C.L.U.B. and certainly people of all faiths throughout Chicago are outraged by the majority opinion which neuters the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act passed unanimously by Congress in 2000," Apostle Theodore Wilkinson, the group's chairman, said in a statement. "Also alarming is the court's conclusion that Chicago's religious assemblies have no free speech protection from zoning laws. The majority opinion would apparently extend free speech protection to religious assemblies only if they allowed live nude dancing," he said. At the same time, the city of Chicago revised its zoning ordinance to avoid "the threat of heightened scrutiny under RLUIPA," according to a League of California Cities report in 2002. CNN's Alexandra Meeks contributed to this report.
A Native American from a tribe not recognized by the feds wins the return of his eagle feathers . An IRS accountant is fired for insisting on carrying a symbolic Sikh knife to work . A group of Chicago pastors takes on City Hall over its permits for new churches and loses .
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Police in Hagerstown, Maryland, are promising a thorough investigation into the death of a man in custody after officers shocked him with a stun gun outside a home he allegedly had broken into. Chief Mark Holtzman says the man died either inside an ambulance, accompanied by two officers, or at the hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly early Friday morning. The man was not carrying identification but police were later able to identify him as Darrell Lawrence Brown, 31, of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, they wrote in a statement to Daily Mail Online. Hagerstown police have asked the Washington County Sheriff's Office to investigate the incident. Sheriff Douglas Mullendore says the investigation will be independent and thorough, according to the Herald Mail. Police were called to a reported break in at a house in Hagerstown, Maryland (pictured) before using a Taser on a black man who was staggering around outside . A spokesman for the Washington County Sheriff's Office told the Daily Mail Online that the force was investigating both the actions of the officers as well as any other possible crimes during the incident. Brown was black and all five officers involved are white. Race hasn't been raised as a factor, but it comes amid a national debate about the deaths of black men at the hands of police. Officers used a stun gun to subdue him outside a home he had broken into, prompting the frightened children inside to call 911, according to the Hagerstown Police Department and witnesses. Witnesses said the officers acted professionally in taking Brown down Thursday night as he cursed at police and ignored their commands to get down. An officer fired a stun gun from at least six feet away after the man moved toward him in an aggressive manner, said Robert Holmes, who said he watched the incident. 'They wasn't physical or nothing like that. They were pretty much doing their job,' Holmes said. Police said the man appeared to be under the influence of drugs. They said he remained uncooperative as he was handcuffed and placed in an ambulance. 'At some point, the suspect suffered an unknown medical emergency,' police said in a written statement. They said he was pronounced dead shortly after midnight at the nearby Meritus Medical Center. The Office of the State Medical Examiner will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death, said Officer Heather Aleshire, a police spokeswoman. She said she was not aware of any video of the incident. A spokesman for the Office of the State Medical Examiner said they do not comment on cases still under investigation. The man, who has not yet been identified, was said to be under the influence of drugs before police used a Taser and he was pronounced dead at a local hospital . It is not known how many times the man was hit with a Taser, according to Holtzman. Police said the first call reporting a disturbance, with screaming in the background, came into the 911 center around 10.30pm Thursday. A second caller reported that a man broke into her house before leaving and staggering around outside the house, police said. Nine-year-old Tera Gibbs said the man kicked in the door to her family's row house and came upstairs, where she and her sisters sleep. Tera's mother, Laura Mirfin, said she had gone out, leaving Tera and three sisters, ages 16, 14 and 13, at home. Tera said the girls chased Brown outside and called 911. Police said two responding officers found the man in front of the home 'in an aggressive stance' and he 'appeared to be highly agitated before being Tased. Two more officers and a supervisor arrived a short time later. The five officers have roughly 32 years of combined experience. They have been reassigned to administrative duty until the end of an internal investigation. Andy Smith, the president of Brothers Who Care, an organization for black men roughly 100 yards from where the Taser incident took place, said that 'had this happened with any other police agency, I would possibly be concerned or up in arms since the man was black'. He said 'I do not have any suspicion of misconduct on their part in the death of this man', which he called an 'unfortunate incident'. A man with Brown's name who is the same age had a string of previous incidents with the law, including a conviction for distributing drugs.
Darrell Brown, 31, accused of breaking into house in Hagerstown, Maryland . Black man was Tasered outside of house and pronounced dead at hospital . Police say he was under influence of drugs and 'agitated' when approached .
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Crystal Palace manager Alan Pardew insists Manchester City can come from behind again to snatch the Barclays Premier League title from Chelsea. City overtook Liverpool with one match to go before being crowned champions last season and in 2012, Sergio Aguero's injury-time strike in the final game sank Manchester United on goal difference. Chelsea are currently six points clear at the top of the table with a game in hand but Pardew, whose Palace side host City on Monday, believes the race is far from over. Alan Pardew cups his ears during a clash between Crystal Palace against Stoke and the Eagles boss has refused to rule Manchester City out of the title race . Manchester City won the Premier League title last season after going top with one game to play . Sergio Aguero's dramatic injury time winner against QPR in 2012 sealed City's first Premier League title win . 'Of course they are still in the title race, it's been proven many times the race is never over,' Pardew said. 'Even when City won it, it went to the last seconds. 'It's the great thing about the Premier League, you can't take victories for granted.' Pardew has no fresh injury concerns ahead of the match against City. Marouane Chamakh, Fraizer Campbell (both hamstring) and Jordon Mutch (thigh) are still out while captain Mile Jedinak is suspended.
Crystal Palace host Manchester City on Monday Night Football . Eagles boss Alan Pardew refuses to write off City's title chances . Palace have no new injury concerns ahead of the Selhurst Park clash .
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The final day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia kicked off with an explosion of colour in Sydney on Thursday. The Australiana-themed Romance Was Born presentation - always one of the highlight shows during MBFWA - dazzled attendees with a stand-out collection brimming with design duo Luke Sales and Anna Plunkett's trademark eccentricity, created in collaboration with esteemed artist Linda Jackson. The Art Gallery of New South Wales was transformed into a spectacular set designed by designer Alice Babidge and dressed with extravagant floral displays by Eastern Suburbs florist Sean Cook - aka Mr Cook Flowers. Scroll down for video . Going out with a bang! The final day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week kicked off in very colourful style with the Romance Was Born show . Spectacular: Design duo Luke Sales and Anna Plunkett presented their new collection 'Cooee Couture' at the Art Gallery of NSW . Loud and proud: The collection is filled with Romance Was Born's trademark eccentric creations in bold colours and prints . Australian culture: The collection boasted necklaces made of colourful gumnut and gum leaves (left) and one model sports a headpiece reminiscent of Ned Kelly's iconic helmet (right) Romance Was Born's new collection, called 'Cooee Couture' features bright and colourful designs in loud prints. The models' beauty look featured rainbow dreadlocks and neon make-up designed by Nigel Stanislaus for Maybelline. Accessories included equally colourful creations by Dinosaur Designs and shoes by British designer on the rise Sophia Webster. Samantha Harris modelled a stand-out midi skirt and jacket in rainbow mirrored heart-shaped embellishments, which were teamed with Sophia Webster heels and colourful dreadlocks. Rainbow bright: Samantha Harris modelled a stand-out midi skirt and jacket in rainbow print on a black background . Queen bee: One model stood out in a particularly voluminous dress and crown headpiece .
Romance Was Born show at MBFWA was held on Thursday morning at Art Gallery of NSW . Designers Luke Sales and Anna Plunkett presented a typically eccentric collection of bold prints and colour . Fashion Week wraps up Thursday night with Johanna Johnson show .
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Retired news legend Barbara Walters still has some clout - and a strong opinion about how ABC can turn things around at the ratings-challenged show she created, The View. Barbara's magic bullet: Monica Lewinsky. Walters says that the former White House intern would be a 'run away success' on The View, a network source tells Daily Mail Online. She would attract great guests - even if casting her as a regular co-host would make it unlikely that potential 2016 Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton or President Bill Clinton would ever appear on the show again. Scroll down for video . Ever since their infamous interview in 1999 following the Bill Clinton scandal Barbara Walters has always believed Monica got the short end of the stick in the court of public opinion and has tirelessly defended her on the show over the years . Lewinsky recently participated in a 22-minute long TED Talk that has made international headlines. During the speech, the 41-year-old former White House intern talked about 'The Price of Fame' and redefined her story as the first victim of cyber-bullying. 'Barbara believes that Monica, 41, could make The View competitive and compelling and while a lot of Washington's elite may scratch the show off its must-visit press list, the younger demographic of online users would tune in daily to see what she had to say,' added the source. Last year when discussing Lewinsky with David Letterman, he asked her about Monica joining The View. It looked as though the late night host was reading her mind and she stuttered, 'I think it would be great if she were on The View. I wouldn't expect it tomorrow.' 'Tomorrow is now,' says the insider. The multi-host show was created by Walters in 1997 with an original panel of women including Meredith Vieira, Star Jones, Joy Behar and Debbie Matenopoulos. It defied the odds previous shows faced in the 11am time slot. Exit Rosie: She had enough of The View and vice versa . Despite numerous cast changes – Lisa Ling, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie O'Donnell, Sherri Shepherd, and Jenny McCarthy have had stints as co-hosts on the show – The View became a force to be reckoned with in daytime TV. But after the exit of Behar and Hasselbeck and the addition of McCarthy, The View took a ratings dive. ABC decided to overhaul the show following the end of that season, and replaced Shepherd and McCarthy with Republican analyst Nicolle Wallace and actress Rosie Perez. The network also brought back O'Donnell to join the show's long-running moderator, Whoopi Goldberg. In-fighting between Goldberg and O'Donnell and endless backstage turmoil caused ABC to move the show from its Entertainment division to its News division. Despite numerous set changes and multiple updates to the show opening, the new ensemble never seemed to attract viewers and ratings continued to fall. ABC then had a failed attempt at firing Perez while she was rehearing for her Broadway show Fish in the Dark in January. In February, after the return of Goldberg who had been sidelined with a back injury, ABC let O'Donnell go but allowed her to use her recent divorce as her excuse for departing the show for a second time. (She had a failed one-year stint as moderator in 2007 that abruptly ended after she walked off set following an on-air blow-up with co-host Hasselbeck.) Down to three co-hosts and two chairs vacant, ABC has been closely looking at Destiny's Child member Michelle Williams, fashion host Stacy London, former child star Raven Symone and comedienne Michelle Collins as potential replacements. President Bill Clinton appeared on The View in 2011 talking about his book Back to Work and the current economic troubles occurring in America. It is doubtful he would be a guest if Monica was co-host . The View celebratesd 4000 shows with guest co-hosts Barbara Walters and Joy Behar . The network is also seriously considering convincing former co-host Behar to return as a full-time panelist. She has made a half-dozen co-host appearances since January and was on-hand for the show's 4,000-episode celebration show. Walters, who sold all rights to The View back to ABC a year before her retirement in May 2014, has been contacting James Goldston, President of ABC News, and Ben Sherwood, President, Disney-ABC Television Group, trying to convince them to hire Lewinsky, insiders tell Daily Mail Online. Walters believes that Lewinsky could reignite interest in the show and after a decade-long silence; she has a lot to say. 'Barbara has been like a godmother to Monica ever since their infamous interview in 1999 following the Bill Clinton scandal. She's always believed Monica got the short end of the stick in the court of public opinion and has tirelessly defended her on the show over the years,' a source close to the show says. Barbara told Letterman, 'I like Monica. She never had a chance to move on,' the way Bill and Hillary did. 'She's an intelligent, nice woman.' Lewinsky recently participated in a 22-minute long TED Talk that has made international headlines. During the speech, the 41-year-old former White House intern spoke about 'The Price of Fame' and redefined her story as the first victim of cyber-bullying. Barbara Walters, arrives for the Oscar De La Renta fashion show last February. She remains spry and opinionated too. She's convinced Monica would help save the show . Not only that, but since re-emerging out of the shadows to address her affair with Clinton in a compelling Vanity Fair essay last May, she has taken on an extremely attractive new look to match her new persona. According to a representative of the show, Lewinsky has been asked to come on the show as a guest to discuss her anti-bullying campaign but is not on the list of potential co-hosts at this time. While current co-host Wallace would love to have Lewinsky as a regular on the show, staunch Democratic supporters and Clinton friends Goldberg and Perez aren't feeling the idea at all, the source revealed. A few weeks ago The Talk managed to edge out The View in the Nielsen ratings, but The View has come back to beat out the relative newcomer ever since. 'Whatever ABC News plans to do to salvage the show, they better do it fast,' the source concluded!
The grand dame of broadcasters believes that Monica Lewinsky has the right stuff to bring The View back from the brink . The former White House intern would also draw great guests - although probably not Hillary or Bill Clinton . Her recent TED Talk on 'The Price of Fame 'redefines her story as the first victim of cyber-bullying . In recent weeks Nielsen ratings showed that The Talk beat out The View for the first time but The View made a comeback .
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Ever since Pippa . Middleton and Kim Sears stepped out armed with their trusty Aspinal of London handbags, they have fast became the season's must-have arm candy. But if the Marylebone tote's super slick design and clutch of celebrity fans wasn't enough, it just got better. The British brand has called on international style icon Olivia Palermo to design a limited edition handbag. Olivia Palermo, who found fame on reality TV show The City, has teamed up with luxury British brand Aspinal of London to design a tote . Aspianal of London Olivia Palermo limited edition Marylebone tote . Limited edition- hurry up! Visit site . With Pippa Middleton and Victoria Beckham both being long term devotees, Aspinal of London handbags have been on our sartorial radar for a while now. But the British heritage brand has stepped up its game a notch for its latest venture, a collaboration with one of our favourite fashionistas, Olivia Palermo. Let us introduce you to the 'Tech Tote', a fusion of technology and style, this patent leather mock croc handbag in a rich chocolate brown comes with a built in phone/ tablet charger- how genius is that?! What’s more, all of the profits of the sale of this handbag go to ADCAM, a charity that works to develop cooperation projects and social responsibility initiative- click right to get yours now. But you best be quick as this is a limited edition piece and is sure to be a sell-out! Del Mano Large Faux Crocodile Tote at Amazon . Visit site . Tignanello Houston Street Leather Croco Shopper at Macy's (now $113.40) Visit site . (No reviews) Be the first to WRITE A REVIEW DETAILS SHIPPING INFO NEED HELP? From the Dahlia Melbourne Collection. A roomy silhouette made from sumptuous exotic embossed leather. Adjustable double handles, about 9" to 11" Top zip closure One outer open pocket One tassel accent Protective metal feet Two inner zip pockets Two inner open pockets Two pencil/pen loops One key clip Lined 12” W x 10” H x 5" D Leather Lining: polyester/cotton Imported SHOW MORE WEB ID #: 0170-L15151 ADD TO WISH LIST ONLINE CHAT $255.00 SELECT COLOR: Pecan Black Dahlia Pecan SIZE: One Size One Size QUANTITY ADD TO BAG free 2-day shipping & free returns learn more | sign in . Visit site . Brahmin Melbourne large duxbury satchel at Nordstrom . Visit site . The fashionista, who found fame on The City, has created a Marylebone TechTote, which features luxury amazon brown mock-croc leather and brown hair calf, complete with a dusty pink suede lining and gold hardware. Catering to busy women on the go - like Olivia herself - the tote features an integral juice pack and cable paths so you can charge your phone and tablet on the move. The bag contains a built-in high-capacity battery that claims to recharge your poor energy-sapped phone whilst stylishly concealing any of the wires. But if you want to snap up Olivia's style, you better move quickly because there's only 30 in existence. Olivia's £995 Marylebone TechTote features luxury amazon brown mock-croc leather and brown hair calf, complete with a dusty pink suede lining and gold hardware - and even comes with a built-in phone charger . Proving that she's as charitable as she is chic, 100 per cent of the sales of the £995 tote will go to ADCAM, a charity that works to develop cooperation projects and social responsibility initiatives. Olivia, who is a long-time supporter of ADCAM, said: 'Working with Aspinal and having them lend their support to ADCAM a charity whose initiative I support has been a stylish and meaningful experience.’ She's a globally renowned style icon and recently designed her own footwear collection for Aquazzura so it's hardly surprising that Olivia is considering her own fashion range. Last year, the stylish 28-year-old, pictured, left, at the Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup and, right, at London Fashion Week, admitted that she has accounted for a label in her ten year plan . The stylish star, who shot to fame on MTV's The City, has hinted at plans to make a foray into designing. In an interview last year with The Edit, Net-a-Porter's online magazine, the 28-year-old admitted that she has accounted for a label in her ten year plan. 'I would love to start my own [fashion] house but it’s not the right time. I feel like I can do it in stages and when the timing is right to do it, then I will,' she revealed. And she's had plenty of practice; Palermo has already designed a footwear collection, modelled for some of fashion's biggest names and has been managing her own website since 2011. Kim Sears, left, has been spotted carrying the £1,395 Marylebone tote in Ivory Saffiano and Mouse Python at Wimbledon. Pippa, meanwhile, favours the £795 monochrome version, right . Kim Sears, the queen of courtside fashion, has been spotted carrying the £1,395 Marylebone Tote in Ivory Saffiano and Mouse Python while at Wimbledon. Pippa, meanwhile, favours the £795 monochrome or £750 Deer Saffiano versions. Other famous fans of . the luxury British brand include Millie Mackintosh, who is often spotted . with her Marylebone tote, as well as Amanda Holden, and Mollie King, who has a satchel named after her. Millie Mackintosh and Mollie King are fans of Aspinal - Mollie even has a satchel (pictured right) named after her .
Olivia, 28, has teamed up with luxury British brand to create £995 bag . Comes with built-in phone charger and all proceeds will go to charity . Pippa Middleton, Kim Sears and Mollie King are fans of luxury brand .
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Flying gas stations that can refuel robotic military aircraft have come a step closer. The first ever mid-air refuelling of an unmanned aircraft was today successfully achieved by the Navy's X-47B drone. The Salty Dog 502 vehicle is one of two Unmanned Carrier Air Vehicle demonstrators (UCAS-D) on the X-47B program. Scroll down for video . The first mid-air refuelling of an unmanned aircraft was today successfully achieved by the Navy's X-47B drone. Earlier today, the aircraft plugged its in-flight refuelling (IFR) probe into the hose of an Omega Air KC-707 tanker off the coast of Maryland . Earlier today, it plugged its in-flight refuelling (IFR) probe into the hose of an Omega Air KC-707 tanker off the coast of Maryland. During the test, it trailed the Omega Air Refuelling 707 tanker from a mile off before using optical sensors and a video camera to monitor its approach to within 20 feet (six metres). Depending on the weather, the aerial refuelling demonstrations are due to last throughout the weekend. The drone is about the size of an F/A-18 Super Hornet, weighs in at 44,000 lb (20,000kg) and has a 62ft (20m) wingspan. Salty Dog 502 is one of two Unmanned Carrier Air Vehicle demonstrators (UCAS-D) on the X-47B program . The goal of each of the refuelling demonstrations is to transfer 3,000lbs of fuel in five minutes. But this is the final test of the historic X-47B, which will now be donated to museums despite, according to Foxtrot Alpha, only having 20 per cent of their flight hours used up. Refuelling in flight is the last hurdle for the Northrop Grumman-built jet, claims to Captain Beau Duarte, program manager of the Navy's Unmanned Carrier Aviation. With a wingspan of 130 feet, the Triton is wider than commercial airliners such as the Boeing 737 . An airliner-sized Navy surveillance drone made its first transcontinental flight in September, flying 11 hours across the US. The cross-country test was the first for the MQ-4C Triton, which will play a role in the Navy's planned Broad Area Maritime Surveillance program. The drone can provide blanket surveillance for the Navy as part of the branch's Broad Area Maritime Surveillance program. Triton uses 'radar, infrared sensors and advanced cameras to provide full-motion video and photographs' to Navy personnel. Northrop Grumman says the unmanned aircraft also has a capacity to fly up to 28 hours at a time and surveil 1million square miles in a single mission. With a wingspan of 130 feet, the Triton is wider than commercial airliners such as the Boeing 737. Mid-air refuelling is difficult enough for human pilots, but the ability for drones to do it could eman they only ever have to land for equipment updates. The Navy envisions the X-47B's successors, the UCLASS drones, as making 24-7 patrols around aircraft carriers. 'We will have met all of the program's mission objectives and will [take] those lessons learned, fold them into the UCLASS performance specification,' Duarte said. The X-47B drone is about the size of an F/A-18 Super Hornet, weighs in at 44,000 lb (20,000kg) and has a 62ft (20m) wingspan .
Salty Dog 502 trailed Omega Air Refuelling 707 tanker from a mile off . It used optical sensors and a camera to monitor approach to 20 feet . It then plugged its refuelling probe into hose of the Omega Air KC-707 . Drone is size of an F/A-18 Super Hornet and weighs 44,000lb (20,000kg)
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Bending and rising in spectacular fashion, these stunning pictures capture the paddy fields of south east Asia and the arduous life of the farmers who cultivate them. In a photo album that spans over China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, extraordinary images portray the crop's full cycle from the primitive sowing of seeds to the distribution of millions of tonnes for consumption. The pictures were taken by professional photographer Scott Gable, 39, who spent four months travelling across the region documenting the labour and threadbare equipment used to harvest the carbohydrate-rich food. Scroll down for video . Majestic: A farmer wades through the mud with a stick as late morning rain falls on top of Dragonsbone terraces in Longsheng County, China . Rice is a staple food for more than one-half the world's population, but for many consumers, its origin remains somewhat of a mystery. The crop accounts for one fifth of all calories consumed by humans and 87 per cent of it is produced in Asia. It is also the thirstiest crop there is - according to the UN, farmers need at least 2,000 litres of water to make one kilogram of rice. Mr Gable said he was determined to capture every stage of production with his Rice Project - from the planting to the harvesting all the way down to the shipping of the food. After acquiring some contacts from experts at Cornell University in New York and conducting his own research, he left for China last May and spent the next four months traveling. He said: 'The images were taken over a four month period from April to July last year across Asia. I visited China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia as part of my Rice Project. Video courtesy of www.scottgable.com . Breathtaking: A paddy field worker toils on the beautiful landscape of Dragonsbone terraces in Longsheng County, China . Farmers' procession: A rice planting festival parade takes place near the village of Pingan in Guangxi Province, China . 'The project is one part of a larger three part project on global food staples - rice, corn and wheat. I am currently in the process of shooting the corn segment. 'The industrialisation of our food and mono-culture food staples have interested me for some time so that's probably what inspired me to do this project. 'I shot the whole project using a Canon SLR and GoPros. The actual shooting took four months and then post production took another four more months. 'The reaction to my work has been incredibly positive - I was able to secure a solo gallery show and create quite a bit of interest online which has been great.' Family crop: A Hani woman in traditional clothing sits on top of her family's rice store in Yunnan Province, China . Arduous labour: Employees of Taiwan's state-run rice experimental station are pictured beating rice husks by hand as the sun shines on them . Mr Gable spent months learning Mandarin Chinese in preparation for his trip, but the language barrier was still his greatest challenge. In an interview on photographic blog Slate, he added: 'I had enough Chinese that I could get around in the big cities, but once I got into the highlands or mountains they don't speak Mandarin. 'There are so many different languages in China. That was very difficult. There's no iPhone translation for these dialects.' Mr Gable is already working on a new related project documenting corn production and after that, he plans to do a similar investigation of wheat. The three projects together form part of his mission to inspire people to think about food and its origins in an enlightened way. A world away from modern life: A Hani farmer is pictured using hand tools to ready a terrace for planting rice in China's Yunnan Province . Muddy work: A solitary famer wearing a traditoinal Asian conical hat labours in a paddy field in lowland southern China . Tough life: An elderly Chinese farmer is seen carrying stacks of rice shoots to be planted in a field . Manufacturing process: A rice harvester dumps raw rice into a catch vehicle in Taitung, Taiwan, where more modern equipment is utilised . Primitive: A farmer ploughs a field using a bull in southern China - using a technique introduced thousands of years ago . Way of life: A Guangxi province highlands farmer clears a paddy field as the sun sets in southern China . Prepared for distribution: A worker at a Taiwanese rice-production facility near Fuli, Taiwan stands in front of giant sacks of the crop . The photographer was determined to capture every stage of rice production from the planting and harvesting all the way down to the shipping . Rice Project: Scott Gable said he was determined to capture every stage of production from the planting and harvesting to the shipping .
The spectacular photos were taken at paddy fields in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia . Photographer Scott Gable spent four months travelling region to document the process of harvesting the crop . Rice accounts for one fifth of all calories consumed by humans but crop is often still cultivated in primitive way .
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Former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has decided against hosting BBC's Have I Got News For You later this month. The TV personality was due to record the show, which he has hosted in the past, on April 23 to be broadcast the following day. The recording would have marked his first appearance for the BBC since being dismissed for hitting Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon in a 'fracas' at a hotel over dinner. Scroll down for video . Jeremy Clarkson will not be hosting an episode of Have I Got News For You later this month, according to the show's producers, though they expect him to return to the show later in the year . Jimmy Mulville, managing director of Hat Trick Productions, said: 'On reflection, Jeremy Clarkson has decided not to host Have I Got News For You. 'We fully expect him to resume his hosting duties later in the year.' Clarkson had been a regular feature on BBC television since taking over Top Gear in 1988 from previous producer Noel Edmonds. He is credited with taking the show from being a niche motoring programme to the most watched series on BBC 2. The hosting slot would have marked Clarkson's first appearance on the BBC since he was dismissed from Top Gear for hitting producer Oisin Tymon . His brash presenting style and refusal to bow to PC culture earned him legions of admirers and critics, and controversy dogged his career. He was put on a 'final warning' after allegedly saying a racial slur on air while reciting a nursery rhyme, and drew more unwanted attention after the Top Gear team were kicked out of Argentina last year while filming a Christmas special. Clarkson's car had a numberplate which was thought to be a deliberate reference the Falklands war, though the BBC denied this. He was suspended by the broadcaster on March 10 when reported himself to the corporation following a row in which producer Oisin Tymon was punched, splitting his lip. Following a week-long investigation, director-general Tony Hall decided against renewing his contract saying at the time 'a line has been crossed'. Despite Clarkson's unruly behaviour, he received an outpouring of public support, including from his friend and Prime Minister, David Cameron, while a million people signed a petition asking for him to be reinstated. Despite Top Gear being taken off the air, Clarkson has not been banned from appearing on the BBC altogether, and so speculation fell on his Have I Got News For You appearance. The car enthusiast also has a controversial history on that programme, once throwing a pen at team captain and Private Eye editor Ian Hislop, cutting his cheek. Clarkson has vowed to keep working after being dismissed from the BBC, and will appear on stage for a series of live motoring shows with former colleagues Richard Hammond and James May. It emerged last week that he will appear on stage with his former Top Gear colleagues, Richard Hammond and James May, later this year to fulfil a series of shows planned before he left the BBC. Clarkson turned himself in to BBC bosses following the dust-up, and after an investigation director-general Tony Hall decided against renewing his contract . However, Clarkson is not banned from appearing on the BBC altogether, meaning he could have fulfilled his commitment to host the satirical news show, but has since withdrawn . The gigs will be stripped of all BBC branding and content, and billed as Clarkson, Hammond and May Live. That means the shows, which will take in venues in Australia, Norway, South Africa and the UK, will not be able to use clips from the show or feature The Stig. The move has sparked rumours that the three men intend to team up to continue their careers together after Clarkson's exit from the corporation, but sources close to the tour say it is just a matter of fulfilling commitments to the fans. The future of the show's other two presenters - Hammond and May - is unclear, with both men's Top Gear contracts also having run out. Since Clarkson's future was decided, May has been seen meeting with BBC head of content Alan Yentob, though the details of what were discussed have not been revealed.
Clarkson was due to host satirical news show at the end of this month . Would have been first BBC appearance since dismissal from Top Gear . However producers today confirmed he has withdrawn from show .
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Kenyatta Leal has something millions of people would give anything for: the ability to bring the cream of Silicon Valley’s executives to their feet. However, unlike most app developers, he learnt about technology not at MIT or at Stanford, but at San Quentin Correctional Facility. He is the first graduate of The Last Mile, the world’s only prison-based tech incubator. Unprecedented: This is Kenyatta Leal, the first graduate of San Quentin's tech program that teaches prisoners who have never experienced the internet how to code and build a business for when they are paroled . Leal was one of 15 prisoners who was selected from about 200 to undergo six months of intensive business training with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to develop their own business plan - while inside San Quentin. MC Hammer acted as one of his numerous mentors. Each prisoner that applies to the scheme must complete an application process, as they would for a job, explaining their history and their ambitions, plus one 'essay question' about their life. Leal was handed a life sentence in 1994 for his third strike, unlawfully possessing a firearm after committing a felony. He was locked up in the country’s oldest men’s prison, which has housed Charles Manson and Bobby Kennedy killer Sirhan Sirhan. But in 2011 he was handed a lifeline: programming. The business program teaches inmates about the internet, a phenomenon invented in the mid-90s after most of them were incarcerated. The aim is for each to develop a business idea to embark on after their release as most struggle to find work 'on the outside’. Now, after being paroled in 2013, Leal is lobbying investors to back the unprecedented method of criminal rehabilitation: teaching cons about technology. 'I’ve been very lucky,' he told DailyMail.com. 'I was completely lost when I was incarcerated. I didn’t know what I was doing. 'Then I started hearing about this thing called the internet. My family started visiting me with these things called smart phones, we would talk about 'the internet' inside. 'I was asking, "What is 'tweeting'? What is a 'blog'? What is 'Google'?" I wanted to know more.' The program was started in 2011 by venture capitalists Chris Redlitz and his wife Beverly Parenti, who were asked to perform a half-hour guest speech to prisoners. But, intrigued by the questions they were asked, they stayed for hours and as they left, vowed to come back. California has a 61 per cent rate of re-offending within the first years - the highest of any state. And criminals cost $47,000 a year. Kenyatta Leal became a star of his class by developing a live version of Fantasy Football called Coach Potato - which will launch after he completes his second degree in business management. Chris Schuhmacher, who is serving a life sentence for stabbing to death a friend that stole a suitcase of marijuana from his apartment 12 years ago, is another star student, now developing a fitness app. Horatio Herts, is currently in Pittsburgh advising state legislators on how to tackle obesity. His business plan was called The Healthy Hearts Foundation. It focuses on ways to help overweight Americans get back in shape. James Houston has built a curriculum to teach under-privileged, inner-city children about technology. As Americans struggle to land jobs, and employers place an increased emphasis on computer literacy, prisoners who have never even seen a computer are sidelined from any tech-related occupations. Leal was one of 15 prisoners who was selected from about 200 to undergo six months of intensive business training with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to develop their own business plan - while inside San Quentin. MC Hammer acted as one of his numerous mentors. Each prisoner that applies to the scheme must complete an application process, as they would for a job, explaining their history and their ambitions, plus one 'essay question' about their life. Gruelling: Once accepted, the students have two meetings a week and feedback sessions with leading entrepreneurs and community leaders, referred to as 'The Shark Tank', after the TV show . Chris Schuhmacher, who is serving a life sentence for stabbing to death a friend that stole a suitcase of marijuana from his apartment 12 years ago, is another star student, now developing a fitness app . Some modules offer the so-called 'employees' the chance to learn coding - and fight for the chance to be awarded 'employee of the month' New leaf: Now paroled, Leal (pictured with Last Mile founder Chris Redlitz) is working to expand the program . Once accepted, they have two meetings a week and feedback sessions with leading entrepreneurs and community leaders, referred to as 'The Shark Tank', after the TV show. Some modules offer the so-called 'employees' the chance to learn coding using a special program produced by Hack Reactor, a coding school in San Francisco. Every four weeks, they fight for the chance to be awarded 'employee of the month'. On ’pitch day’, six months later, they present to a room of potential investors - clad in blue uniforms. Leal became a star of his class by developing a live version of Fantasy Football called Coach Potato - which will launch after he completes his second degree in business management. Chris Schuhmacher, who is serving a life sentence for stabbing to death a friend that stole a suitcase of marijuana from his apartment 12 years ago, is another star student, now developing a fitness app. Like Leal, Shuhmacher completed an Associate Arts degree at Patten University during his time inside, and graduated as valedictorian of his class. Another one of the 'graduates’, Horatio Herts, is currently in Pittsburgh advising state legislators on how to tackle obesity. His business plan was called The Healthy Hearts Foundation. It focuses on ways to help overweight Americans get back in shape. James Houston has built a curriculum to teach under-privileged, inner-city children about technology. Leal said: 'Men in prison, they have an entrepreneurial spirit but it’s misdirected. 'If you start inside it carries on to the outside. I felt like I was on the sidelines and needed a way to start over.' Since technology and the internet are banned in prison, The Last Mile has developed dummy programs that mimic websites such as Twitter, Word Press and Google. The guard tower at San Quentin State Prison, where the program is based. The program was started in 2011 by venture capitalists Chris Redlitz, who was asked to give a half-hour guest speech to prisoners. But, intrigued by the questions he was asked, he stayed for hours . Overlooking: An ex-con and relative cast a glance at San Quentin prison as they hike in San Francisco . The program has inevitably been a cause for criticism. But none that the prisoners take seriously, they say. 'You do get a few snarky remarks but that comes with the territory because not everybpdy is going to understand what we’re bringing to the table. 'Those are the people we want to talk to.' It seems investors agree. Eric Greenberg, author of Generation We who attends The Last Mile’s pitch day, even says the so-called graduates have an edge over others pitching. 'Someone who comes through this is a highly inspirational human being who has a lot of things to share,' he explains. As the program grows, and sights are set on Falsom Prison for a Last Mile project, it has drawn attention. Award-winning director Ondi Timoner has just completed a documentary on the program, in connection with Wired, which premiered at SXSW Festival in Austin on March 15. San Quentin is the country’s oldest men’s prison, which has housed Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan . As the program grows, sights are set on Falsom Prison for a Last Mile project . Timoner, who has directed documentaries one women’s prisons and on technology, told DailyMail.com: 'We have a prison system that’s just broken. We have the most people incarcerated in the world. 'We need to do something. And imagine the untapped potential in prisons. Criminal behavior and entrepreneurial behavior have a lot of things in common. Entrepreneurs are looking to get things done and quickly and get to the bottom line. Criminals do as well. 'I realized the power of the internet and the democratization that it allows… They can start businesses that are socially good.' Executive producer Rachel Samuels remarks: ’I think this is a new step. 'Kenyatta, for example, is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met and it makes you think: if he can turn his life around, what excuse is there for the rest of us?' The Last Mile documentary is now available to watch on TheScene.com .
Kenyatta Leal was handed life sentence for firearms in 1994 . Inside San Quentin he was accepted to unprecedented tech scheme . Prisoners who never experienced the internet learn to code .
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Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, a former minister and the late Muammar Gaddafi's cousin . The most senior member of the Gaddafi clan has laid the blame of the migrant shipwreck that killed about 950 people on the western countries which helped overthrow Colonel Gaddafi. Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, a former minister and Muammar Gaddafi's cousin, said the 'overwhelming chaos' in Libya 'has become a shame that will haunt the countries that had participated in the destruction of the Libyan armed forces in 2011'. But senior Conservative minister William Hague has defended the government's role in helping to overthrow the dictator, who was well-known for his barbaric treatment of the would-be migrants. About 800 people are believed to have died when a fishing boat carrying migrants overturned off Libyan waters, south of the Italian island of Lampedusa, shortly after midnight on Sunday. And Gaddafi's cousin, who was one of several high-profile regime figures who fled to Egypt during the 2011 revolution, believes the only solution for stability in the Mediterranean is to bring back those who surrounded the country's despotic former ruler in government. Mr Gaddaf al-Dam, whose supporters claim could be Libya's next president, said western countries have shed 'the tears of crocodiles over democracy and human rights'. 'The missiles of NATO have installed the gangsters instead of the regime,' he said. 'I express my astonishment. How have super power countries, members of the Security Council, been incapable of realising that they are committing such a crime and not foreseeing the consequences? 'What happened in Libya, Syria and Iraq may extend everywhere... and will burn all the fingers that have participated in it.' Scroll down for video . Former dictator: Western countries helped overthrow Muammar Gaddafi (pictured) and his cousin claims they are to blame for the Mediterranean Sea disaster . Family: Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, pictured here with his cousin Muammar Gaddafi's, blames the migrant shipwreck that killed about 950 people on the West . Local residents and rescue workers help a woman after a boat carrying migrants sank off the island of Rhodes, southeastern Greece . He described the situation in Libya since the fall of his cousin as a 'continuing tragedy'. Mr Gaddaf al-Dam claimed a third of the population had been displaced, men and women had been imprisoned and are subjected to torture, and towns are cities are bombed. But Mr Hague said it would be wrong to think that whatever has happened in Libya in the last few years is the cause of this'. He added on BBC Radio 5 live: 'Let me remind you of something as well, which is that when Colonel Gaddafi was still in power, there were periods when he simply allowed people to do exactly this, to get into boats and try to go to Europe – that was one of the ways in which he put pressure on Europe.' Colonel Gaddafi's 42-year-rule, which ended in 2011, was characterised by tyranny. He murdered political opponents and dissidents, and replaced law with his 'Green Book' of rambling political philosophy, taught in all Libyan schools. He saw himself as the leader of the Third World and used Libya's vast oil wealth to sponsor terror, shipping Semtex to the IRA and sending agents to bring down a Pan Am flight over Lockerbie in Scotland. A migrant carries a baby as they disembark from the Italian Navy vessel Chimera in the harbor of Salerno, Italy today . Tragedy: Infrared images released by the coast guard show the rescue operation after the migrant ship capsized . By the 1990s he had become a pariah, but was rehabilitated in 2004 under the British Labour government with the despot signing an £120million gas contract for Shell with Tony Blair. The Lockerbie bomber was allowed to return to Libya from a UK prison and Gaddafi intelligence officers were even allowed to operate in Britain. He held out for eight months during the Libyan revolutions of 2011, but was eventually found hiding in a drain, dragged out by rebels, beaten and executed. Experts have drawn links between the massive rise in would-be migrants and Colonel Gaddafi - whose people were forced to call him the Guide' - but not for the reasons his cousin insists. The so-called 'deal in the desert' struck by Tony Blair in 2004 involved the dictator agreeing to crack down on human traffickers as well as renouncing Libya's possession of weapons of mass destruction and decommissioning the country's chemical and nuclear weapons programs. In 2008 Colonel Gaddafi sought to stiff the European Union for £4.1billion a year in return for halting the flows of migrants in and out of Libya. Migrants stand on board Italian Navy ship Chimera before disembarking in the southern harbour of Salerno today . Tens of thousands of migrants are fleeing Libya as extremists take advantage of the political chaos engulfing the country . In October 2010, the EU paid Libya more than £30million to stop African migrants passing into Europe. The Libyan ruler's barbaric treatment of the would-be migrants was widely condemned. It was claimed his officials would round up the migrants and hold them for months or even years in horrendously overcrowded detention centres, where rape, violence and torture were common. The migrants would then typically be deported to Libya's southern border crossing with Sudan - where they were abandoned in a harsh desert environment - or otherwise flown back to their country of origin without any checks on what they would be facing back home. As Blair's much touted 'deal in the desert' turned sour, Gaddafi gave people smugglers in Zuwara the green light to resume their trade and the migrant routes have flourished ever since. But Mr Gaddaf al-Dam said the only way to bring stability back to the country is to bring back the Gaddafis. 'Libya has become like a sick body stricken by viruses,' he said. 'The human trafficking is but one such virus. Such chaotic environment is what created this phenomenon and others.' He also accused the Libyan government of being in league with the criminal gangs. The so-called 'deal in the desert' struck by Tony Blair in 2004 involved the dictator agreeing to crack down on human traffickers . 'Libya now is ruled by extreme criminal gangsters… in alliance with all the world's devils: from drug dealers, human traffickers, exploiters of religion, arms traders, and international mafias. 'IS (ISIS) collaborate with the traffickers by wreaking chaos in Libya in exchange for financial benefits.' 'There is an exchange of financial, political and military interests that Daesh (ISIS) benefit from so as to disrupt the scene and intimidate their enemies and extort them, in fact even make a mockery out of their weakness.' Continuing to worship his late-cousin's legacy, he added: 'He dedicated billions for investment in building schools and hospitals. 'He allowed millions of Africans to work and reside in Libya without any restrictions. He provided free oil on many occasions in order to support neighbouring countries.' Tens of thousands of migrants are fleeing Libya as extremists take advantage of the political chaos currently engulfing the country. With ISIS having established strongholds in the towns on Sirte and Derna, and with smaller bases elsewhere in the country, fear of capture and execution at the hands of the radical Islamists is driving the desperate migrants to leave Libya as quickly as they can, dangerously overloading vessels. As well as the spread of ISIS in the country, Libya is currently in a state of civil war - with two rival governments controlling and operating in different areas of the country. People smugglers are taking advantage of the subsequent chaos and confusion tearing the country apart to ply their trade with little to no threat of being caught. Refugee route: Tens of thousands of migrants are fleeing Libya as extremists take advantage of the political chaos engulfing the country . New ground: ISIS has conquered regions of Iraq, Syria and recently Libya (pictured) while building a terrifying support structure in Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt's Sinai Province, Afghanistan, Tunisia and Algeria . Mr Gaddaf al-Dam added: 'The coming period requires a strong government that has experience in controlling this chaos: a government supported by the Libyan army and police in order for Libya to reach the shores of safety. 'Libya will not stabilise except with the actual participation of the previous regime supporters.' He claims the Gaddafi supporters number two million and are not a party but said it is made up of several major tribes with the support of the Libyan army and police. 'They are the key for a solution, for peace and stability in Libya,' he said. 'They are the political experts, the military personal, the lawyers, the university professors, and the major tribal-leaders. ' Mr Gaddaf al-Dam called for a conference that includes all parties, including ISIS and the Gaddafis. In his last interview with a Western newspaper Colonel Gaddafi accurately predicted a future without him. He told Il Giornale: 'The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos. The Africans will move en masse towards Europe.' Earlier this year, Mr Gaddaf al-Dam professed that 'not less than half a million' migrants will set sail from Libya to European shores this year. Among them, he claimed, are thousands of terrorists, who will soon be running amok in Europe culminating in a terror strike on the same scale as the September 11 attacks.
Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam says the West is to blame for the 'chaos' in Libya . He's a senior member of Gaddafi clan and late Muammar Gaddafi's cousin . Mr Gaddaf al-Dam blames western countries for the migrant shipwreck . The UK government has defended its role in helping to overthrow dictator .
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A teenager diagnosed with a deadly brain tumour has raised $80,000 needed upfront to pay for urgent surgery. Jackson Byrnes, 18, has flown from Lismore in northern New South Wales to Sydney to be operated on by renowned neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo, the only surgeon in Australia willing to perform the risky operation that will likely see Jackson paralysed. For the past week Jackson's family and friends have been desperately trying to raise $80,000 needed to pay the hospital upfront by Tuesday night, so that he can undergo the operation on Wednesday morning. On Monday morning they reached the target on their GoFundMe page, but Jackson's mother says the family needs an additional $45,000 to cover chemotherapy and other hospital fees. Three weeks ago the 18-year-old was told by doctors that he had a stage four brain tumour that was too deep and aggressive to be safely operated on. Jackson Byrnes, 18, has flown to Sydney for a risky operation to remove the tumour on his brain . For the past week Jackson's family and friends have been desperately trying to raise $80,000 needed to pay the hospital upfront for the risky surgery . Jackson's girlfriend Jahnae Jackson (right) noticed he had developed a lump three weeks ago and prompted him to visit a doctor who requested an MRI . His family refused to accept the dismal diagnosis and took matters into their own hands and found Dr Teo, who said he was willing to perform the operation if the family understood the risks. Jackson's mother Rhonda Byrnes said Dr Teo explained to her that her son would most likely be paralysed down his left side. 'But he's already paralysed because the tumour is pressing down on that side of his brain, that's why we've just said go for it,' Ms Byrnes told Daily Mail Australia. 'I can't afford not to because I won't have my son around if I don't take these risks. 'Dr Teo is the best brain surgeon in the country, I've got my son's life in his hands basically.' Dr Teo, director of Sydney's Centre for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, said other surgeons were technically able to perform the surgery but he was the only one prepared to do it. 'People think that it's futile because he's got a malignant tumour and it's very aggressive,' Dr Teo told Daily Mail Australia. 'There's significant weakness down his left side and they think his quality of life is such that he wouldn't want to live anyway.' But Dr Teo said he makes decisions based on what his patients want. 'If a patient really wants it and knows the risks and understands how risky the operation is I'll usually respect the patient's wishes,' he said . The 18-year-old (pictured left, getting his head shaved) at a recent fundraising event . Jackson Byrnes was diagnosed with a stage four tumour three weeks ago and needed $80,000 for surgery . Jackson's mother Rhonda Byrnes said she was overwhelmed by the support and money raised by the community on his GoFundMe page, but said the family still needed more . 'He is a lovely boy and he's only young. 'I said "You know you're going to be paralysed", I've told him the worst case scenario. 'He understands that and he wants to live.' Dr Teo will try to remove 95 per cent of the tumour, which has extended to very sensitive part of the brain. 'If you can buy him time with surgery then the hope is you're going to get a good response to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy and a significant extension of time,' he said. 'Even if we could buy him six months of life the hope is we're going to come up with new treatment in that time.' Dr Teo said the $80,000 payment required for the surgery was standard. Jackson needs $80,000 by Tuesday night in order to pay for his surgery upfront, and another $45,00 for fees . Renowned neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo is the only surgeon in Australia willing to perform the risky operation that will likely see Jackson paralysed . 'I operate at a private hospital and they insist on upfront payment, you can't blame them they run it like a business,' he said. 'I don't know how much it costs I don't try and talk about the money side of things. 'But that is the cost of everything and it's also an insurance for the hospital should he get complications.' Jackson's mother Rhonda Byrnes said she was overwhelmed by the support and money raised by the community on his GoFundMe page, but said the family still needed more. 'It's amazing that we did it in four days,' Ms Byrnes told Daily Mail Australia . 'But I need more money because $80,000 is just for Dr Teo. 'The hospital fees are another $45,000 and I have to pay for MRIs and CT scans, all the radiation and chemo treatment.' Dr Teo will try to remove 95 per cent of the tumour, which has extended to very sensitive part of the brain . Taking to his Facebook fundraising page - Jackson Byrnes Brain Tumor Surgery Fund - friends of Jackson thanked the thousands of people who have made donations to the page. 'Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude,' the page posted on Monday morning. 'Thank you to everyone that contributed to this and more. Over 12K was also raised in the last week by local community.' According to the Gold Coast Bulletin, Mr Byrnes' girlfriend, Jahnae Jackson, noticed he had developed a lump three weeks ago and prompted him to visit a doctor who requested an MRI. He was rushed to the Gold Coast for a biopsy which found a stage four tumour buried deep in the teenager's brain. Mr Byrnes was told they would not operate due to how deep the cancer was, but instead suggested chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Messages of support and promotion of the cause have flooded social media for the Casino teenager . The donations have been coming in thick and fast since the GoFundMe page was created . Knowing that this was not enough, Mr Byrnes and his family searched for a specialist who would perform the dangerous procedure. They found neurosurgeon Charlie Teo who would operate on Wednesday as long as he received an upfront payment of $80,000 by Tuesday evening. The family then turned to social media and crowd sourcing in a desperate plea for donations. 'Most boys his age begin their journey into adulthood with hopes , dreams and anticipation of what lies ahead and excitement of the endless opportunities of what life will bring them,' Mr Byrne's fundraising page on GoFundMe reads. 'It is not a time to be enduring a fight for your life.' Victorian finance, leasing and risk management company Morris Finance have made the largest donation to the cause by pledging $2000. '#savejackon has reached past the half way mark at $40,255 with two days to go,' a supporter posted on Twitter . In nine days over $76,000 was raised for the teen's surgery . Rooftech Australia, Summerland Credit Union and Alstonville Quality Meats have also donated generous sums for Mr Byrnes. Messages of support have also flooded social media for the Casino teenager. 'Thoughts and prayers going out to you Jackson, stay strong,' wrote one well wisher on the fundraising page. 'Hoping for the best possible outcome for you! Hugs from our family to yours!' wrote another. The Twitter hashtag #savejackson has also been circulating through the Casino and Lismore area.
Teen with deadly brain tumour has raised $80,000 for emergency surgery . 18-year-old Jackson Byrnes has stage four brain tumour . He was told by doctors it was too aggressive to operate on . Instead he found a neurosurgeon who would do the operation . He had to find $80,000 by Tuesday night to pay the surgeon up front . The risky operation will likely see him end up paralysed down his left side .
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The hometown of Stephanie Scott has paid tribute to the much-loved teacher who who was allegedly murdered on Easter Sunday . The hometown of Stephanie Scott has paid tribute to the much-loved teacher by filling the sky with brightly coloured hot-air balloons in a spectacular display. As the balloons hovered above the small community of Canowindra in the central west region of NSW, hundreds gathered on Sunday morning to mark the tragic death of the bride-to-be. More than a dozen hot-air balloons took to the skies as hundreds of yellow helium balloons were released in the town where the 26-year-old grew up and met her fiance Aaron Leeson Woolley. ‘When we heard about Stephanie we decided to have a tribute. We had people here from France, Russia and Canada - they joined in because they could see our pain,’ event organiser Jan Kerr said. ‘It was magic to see.’ Orange resident Mark Andrew, who travelled to Canowindra on Sunday to pay his respects to the murdered teacher said it was a beautiful opportunity to honour Ms Scott. 'It was a surreal start to a sad and poignant day,' Mr Andrew told Daily Mail Australia. 'The only sounds were those of the burners on the balloons as they prepared to take off. The moment of take off was quite profoundly emotional. 'The silent gathering was akin to that at the ANZAC dawn service which is topical.' Scroll down for video . More than a dozen hot-air balloons took to the skies in Stephanie Scott's hometown Canowindra on Sunday morning . The town paid tribute to the much-loved teacher by filling the sky with brightly coloured hot-air balloons and smaller yellow balloons . The latest tribute comes just one week after Ms Scott was murdered and dumped in bushland six days before she was due to walk down the aisle to marry her partner of five years. Family and friends of the pair had flown from around the world to attend their big day, but are now bracing themselves to attend her funeral. Efforts to find out exactly what happened to Stephanie are continuing with forensic specialists expected to carry out a post-mortem on the body on Monday. The burned remains were found by police just five metres from a road in the Cocoparra National Park in the NSW Riverina region at about 5pm on Friday. A source told AAP that police believe Ms Scott was dead before she reached the bushland. Scores of hot-air balloons flooded the sky above the 26-year-old's birthplace . Hometown of Ms Scott paid tribute to the murdered teacher with a stunning hot-air balloon display . Balloons hovering above Ms Scott's hometown, where hundreds gathered to mourn the tragic death of the 26-year-old school teacher . School cleaner Vincent Stanford, who moved to Leeton from The Netherlands over a year ago with his mother and brother, was charged with her murder. The 24-year-old was charged after police allegedly found a camera with images of a burned body and blood in his white Toyota Hilux on Wednesday night. NSW police are reportedly expected to make inquiries with their counterparts in the Netherlands as part of their investigation into Stephanie's death. In the wake of the English and drama teacher's alleged murder, her workplace has become a makeshift shrine with yellow flowers, balloons and messages building by the day. She spent most of her life growing up in Canowindra where she also met her partner of five years Aaron Leeson Woolley . Stephanie Scott pictured with her fiancé Aaron Leeson-Woolley, was last seen on Easter Sunday just days before her wedding . Hundreds gathered on Sunday to honour the much-loved school teacher as dozens of balloons were launched into the sky . Brightly coloured hot-air balloons flew through the sky . Several balloons hovered above the small community on Sunday . Her family returned to the school memorial on Sunday, as they have each day since the tragedy, to read tributes left by mourners. Investigators were reportedly led to the bushland where Stephanie's body was found by triangulating off Stanford's mobile phone and with the help of Stanford's mother and brother. It is understood Stanford went on regular camping trips to the national park where the body was found and had spent many a lot of time there in the past. Over the weekend Ms Scott's body was transported to the Glebe morgue in Sydney and is expected to undergo a post-mortem on Monday morning. Loved ones released yellow balloons into the air at the picnic to commemorate the life of Ms Scott . Hundreds of yellow balloons were released in memory of Ms Scott, a much-loved school teacher who was due to be married on Saturday . 'Stephanie was a bright, intelligent and fun-loving woman,' Mr Scott said at his daughter's memorial service on Saturday . The hot-air balloon event comes just a day after Ms Scott's family, fiance and friends held a heart-wrenching memorial service at a park for the bride-to-be on what was meant to be her happiest day on Saturday. Her fiance sobbed into his hands on the same day he was meant to watch his wife-to-be walk down the aisle towards him at a country wedding but instead, he released yellow balloons for his slain partner. While her father Robert Scott gave a moving tribute in front of those who knew the beloved teacher on behalf of his family and friends at Mountford Park in Leeton. Hundreds donned yellow as they gathered in a park at Leeton as her father asked the supportive community to remember Ms Scott as the 'bright, bubbly, intelligent and fun-loving' woman she was. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Hometown of Stephanie Scott paid tribute to the murdered teacher with a stunning hot-air balloon display . More than a dozen hot air balloons hovered above the small community in Canowindra . Hundreds gathered to mourn the tragic death of the 26-year-old after she was murdered last week . Friends and family gathered for a memorial picnic on Saturday -- the day she would have been married .
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Sao Paulo, Brazil (CNN)Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen sashayed down the catwalk at Sao Paulo Fashion Week on Wednesday night in an emotional farewell to the runway. Bundchen announced over the weekend that she would be retiring from the catwalk, though not the fashion industry. The 34-year-old, who is married to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and has two children, has said she wants to spend more time with her family. On Wednesday night, Brady had a front-row seat at what was hailed as a historic moment in Brazil's fashion world. Bundchen wrote about her fashion career on her Instagram account: "I am grateful that at 14, I was given the opportunity to start this journey. Today after 20 years in the industry, it is a privilege to be doing my last fashion show by choice and yet still be working in other facets of the business."
Gisele Bundchen walked the runway for the last time Wednesday night in Brazil . The supermodel announced her retirement from runway modeling over the weekend . She plans to continue working in other facets of the industry .
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There's no denying that the British interior aesthetic has come a long way over the past several decades. And for those looking to step back in time during a weekend getaway, there are plenty of options available at your fingertips. Whether you prefer the earthy aesthetic of the Atomic Age or the bold hues of the Brit-pop '90s, Airbnb rentals offers places that cater to interior decor of all tastes. Here, MailOnline Travel guides you through the decades to find the best offerings from each era... Scroll down for video . Travel through time with this Airbnb rental, which hark back to the earthy aesthetic of the Atomic Age . 1950s . It was the age of modernism, with an emphasis on open living spaces, and the Landgate Cottage in Rye demonstrates this to a tee. The cottage, which sleeps four, features dark wood beamed ceilings and plenty of mid-century furnishings, situated ideally near the town citadel. There's also a working fireplace in the cosy living space to relax in front of on the property's retro couch. Complete with dark wood beamed ceilings and natural accents, the Landgate Cottage is quintessentially 1950s . True to the period, the rental is decorated in an organic aesthetic of earthy colours and plenty of natural accents. Neutral paint and wall-to-wall carpets complete the Atomic Age look. The quaint cottage starts at £98 per night. In the 1960s, there was an increased emphasis on freedom of expression - and that included interior decor . 1960s . The following decade saw an increased emphasis on peace, love and freedom of expression. As aesthetics move more toward the post-modernist era, the swinging '60s saw a proliferation of bright colours, many of which were associated with India. Carpets, sofas and walls were all covered in vibrant colours and patterns, as evidenced in the interiors of the Colour House in Kendal, Cumbria, and were meant to evoke a 'psychedelic intensity.' The Colour House in Kendal, Cumbria, is a 1960s-era dream with its bold hues and bright wall coverings . Whether or not that's the case here, this rental is undoubtedly unique in its bold design, so it's perhaps unsurprising to learn that the host is a graphic designer herself. Although the suite is part of the house, there is individualised access so guests can come and go as they please. The suite can accommodate four people, features one double bedroom and starts at £55 per night. Nothing says 1970s nostalgia like a classic VW campervan, available now for rental on Airbnb . 1970s . Nothing says nostalgic for the past like a classic VW campervan. The vehicle, nicknamed Delilah, is kitted out to a high standard, complete with fridge, sink, two-ring cooker and grill. Hark back to the days of DIY culture and a 'built to last' aesthetic with the van that also comes with a leisure battery or the option to hook up to a campsite's electric mains. Delilah can sleep two adults and two children and can be rented for £650 per week. A few strong decorating trends dominated the 80s, including gold accents, leather and dark paint . 1980s . This seaside home, located in Brighton, is a stylish 80s-era house spread over three floors. A few strong decorating trends dominated the decade. Among them: over-the-top bedding, lots of excessive frills, mirrors and, of course, animal print. With plenty of metallic accents - think: gold-balustraded stairs, Italian gold bathroom tiles, and a gold sofa bed - See Saw Sea is clearly inspired by the contemporary art and photography of the period. The property accommodates four and is available for £110 per night. In the era of Brit-pop and New Labour, it was all about a clean look with a good dose of bright colour . 1990s . It was the era of Brit-pop and New Labour... and with these social revolutions came a toned-back, clean look, with a good dose of colour. Also situated in Brighton, Wonderland Cottage, and its vibrant hues, took decor inspiration from the children's story, Alice in Wonderland. The bold property sleeps four in two bedrooms and is available from £79 per night. In the 2000s, muted hues reigned supreme in the British home, evidenced in this Shoreditch conversion . 2000s . With the turn of the century also came the re-introduction of muted colour into the British home. As illustrated by this spacious Shoreditch warehouse conversion in London, the look of the space is a bit more individualised in this decade. Hints of technology are beginning to creep their way in, and, of course, IKEA furnishings are prominently featured. This two bedroom rental, just steps from the trendy Old Street area, sleeps five comfortably and starts at £180 per night. With the age of technology comes plenty of open space, lots of personalised touches and built-in storage . 2010s . The technological era has arrived and with it, built-in storage and personalised touches. This unique rental, just minutes from London's trendy Hoxton Square, was originally a Victorian bank depository. Decorated in an eclectic style, mixing contemporary and vintage, there are many original artworks and loads of natural light. The open-plan living space sleeps four and is available from £290 per night. For a glimpse into the future of property rentals, look no further than this geodesic dome in Andalusia, Spain . 2020s . For a glimpse into the future, look no further than this geodesic dome in Andalusia, Spain. The igloo is set on a wooden platform with adjacent deck and dinner table. Also featuring an outdoor shower, huge mirror and Moroccan style toilet, this rental-of-the-future is an experience in and of itself - never mind the stunning landscape at your doorstep. The private, futuristic dome bedroom is outfitted with a double bed, seating area, and mosquito netting . Just one of dozens of unique rentals offered by the hosts, guests will have access to the community kitchen in the main house, as well as a shaded patio. Then, retire to the comfort of your private dome, outfitted with a double bed, mosquito netting and seating area. Experience the almost untouched beauty of the Spanish peninsula with a one-of-a-kind lodging, which starts at £290 per night.
The Landgate Cottage in Rye is outfitted in an earthy Atomic Age aesthetic . Travel to Brighton to experience the era of Brit-pop at Wonderland Cottage . And nothing says 1970s nostalgia like renting your own VW campervan .
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A recent college graduate diagnosed with genital herpes is stepping into the limelight in attempt to destigmatize STIs. Ella Dawson, a recent graduate of Wesleyan University who resides in New York City, was diagnosed with herpes two years ago and says she's been dropping the 'herpes bomb' about six months after she had her first outbreak. In her essay for Women's Health Mag, Dawson recalls meeting a boy at a party who offered her a sip of his beer. I have herpes: Ella Dawson has genital herpes and she is sharing her story so that less people with the virus can feel the guilt and shame that sometimes accompanies the common skin condition . 'Don’t worry,' she remembers him saying. 'I don’t have herpes or anything.' His words hit a sore spot for her and she felt compelled to share her sexual health status. '"That’s funny,’ I said, with as warm a smile as I could manage. ‘Yeah, that’s really funny. Because I have genital herpes.’ His face crumbled. Not because I grossed him out — I could practically see the wheels turning in his brain as he realized he’d made an ignorant joke at someone else’s expense. The guy started apologizing profusely,"' she wrote in her essay. Dawson said that even though herpes is often the bud of the joke in popular culture, it's a real issue affecting at least one in six Americans. Dawson said that she felt empowered after telling someone she had herpes because it humanized the STI in a way that made it less of a stigma. 'I had seen in the flesh what a simple "I have herpes" could do when said fearlessly, without shame,' she wrote. 'Because when a real person — a woman you know and respect — casually mentions having herpes, it stops being a punchline and starts being someone's reality.' Don't strain: Dawson says that people who have herpes should not feel 'dirty or wrong' and should be aware that the virus is manageable and more common than people would expect . According to the CDC about 17 per cent of people ages 14-19 have genital herpes caused by HSV2. That percentage is only of people who choose to get tested and the actual number of people who have the virus is likely much higher. Even having sex with a condom does not protect someone from the highly contagious virus that only needs skin to skin contact to spread, even if there are no sores present. The Washington Post reports that according to an advocacy group called Project Accept Herpes didn't become a stigma until after the 1970s. '[Herpes] was merely a cold sore in an unusual place until the 1970s,' the group says on their web site. Dr. Peter Anthony Leone, medical director of the North Carolina HIV/STD Prevention and Control Branch told The Washington Post that the stigmatization of the virus was fueled by conservatives after the 'free love era.' Courage: Ella Dawson has the courage to tell people about  her virus because it will humanize the problem for sufferers worldwide . 'Herpes was seen as this marker of being promiscuous or bad or evil,' he said. 'But unless you’re in a mutually monogamous relationship with someone who has never had sex, you’re at risk.' Leone said that the sex scare campaign was both emotionally traumatizing and also gave false information about the virus. A study in the Journal of Health Psychology conducted in 2011 found several survey respondents with STIs reported feelings like 'less of a person.' Leone said that safe sex is very important but that herpes is not merely a sexual condition but it primarily a skin condition. 'The way you remove stigma is by bringing something to light,' he said. 'We need a push coming at the federal level to talk about sex in terms of health and move away from the disease model. Sex should be seen as part of being an adult, a healthy thing you can do and just part of your routine healthcare.' Dawson told the Washington Post that she will continue to blog about the virus and her dealings with it. She said that ever since her article on herpes was published she has received several emails from people around the world sharing their own story. Don't sit in the dark: Ellas Dawson says that people should communicate openly about herpes since so many people have it .
Ella Dawson, 22, a recent graduate of Wesleyan is revealing her genital herpes status in an attempt to destigmatize the STI . One in six Americans have genital herpes and that number is just among people who have been tested . 'When a real person, a woman you know and respect, casually mentions having herpes, it stops being a punchline and starts being someone's reality,' Dawson said .
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AP McCoy has urged the nation to follow his Aintree dream as he chases the fairytale end to his extraordinary career. Retirement beckons for McCoy, champion jockey every year since he first won the title in 1997, and he will stop riding immediately if his mount Shutthefrontdoor wins the £1million Crabbie’s Grand National on Saturday. AP McCoy celebrates Grand National victory on Don’t Push It in 2010 . Shutthefrontdoor, trained by Jonjo O’Neill, will be the subject of an avalanche of emotional support and many once-a-year punters will pin their hopes on McCoy delivering a result like he did in 2010 when he won this famous race on Don’t Push It. In a perfect world, the National will finish with McCoy standing high in his irons celebrating but he, more than anyone, knows nothing is guaranteed in a sport as unpredictable as jump racing. It won’t, however, stop the 40-year-old hoping his script has a glorious finale. ‘I’m a dreamer,’ said McCoy, who announced his plans to retire in February. ‘I’m a believer – I always have been. McCoy seeks to end record-breaking career with victory on Shutthefrontdoor in the Grand National . 'If everyone has gone to bed thinking the dream will happen, I can promise you nobody has been dreaming more than me. In some ways, I regret making the announcement to retire when I did. I’ve thought to myself I should have just kept quiet. But in other ways I think it has been good. ‘If it’s created publicity for racing and helped get interest in the sport, so much the better. ‘Racing has been good to me and if this has been me giving something back, great. If people are putting money on Shutthefrontdoor in the hope I win for the fairytale, let me assure them nobody will be wanting me to win more than I do. People talk about me having ridden more winners than anyone else but I’ve also ridden more losers than anyone else. A thank you message board to retiring jockey McCoy on display at Aintree . ‘I’ve had 19 goes at this race and won once, so that gives you an idea of what it is going to be like.’ The last time a horse carried such goodwill was when Frankel, trained by the late Sir Henry Cecil, won the Champions Stakes at Ascot in October 2012. Mention of that brought a wry smile from McCoy. ‘I wish it was as straightforward as running around a couple of bends at Ascot!’ he said. ‘I’ve got 30 fences and 38 other horses in my way! But, listen, I’m a positive person and that is never going to change. Let’s hope the dream can happen.’ McCoy has vowed to end his career immediately should he land the £1million race for a second time .
AP McCoy will retire immediately if he wins the Grand National . He rides favourite Shutthefrontdoor in the £1m race on Saturday . The champion jockey won the famous race on Don't Push It in 2010 .
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Amir Khan has ended speculation over his next opponent by announcing he will fight former light-welterweight world champion Chris Algieri on May 30. The Bolton fighter had earlier this week come under increasing pressure to take on British rival and IBF welterweight champion Kell Brook in June. However, Khan, who was also linked with bouts against Adrien Broner and Keith Thurman, said he was already deep in negotiations to fight somebody else. Amir Khan (left) has announced his next fight will be against Chris Algieri at welterweight on May 30 . Khan's (right) last fight came against Devon Alexander in December, whom he beat to take his record to 30-3 . Algieri (left) lost his last bout against Manny Pacquiao in November - his first defeat in his professional career . Algieri was knocked down six times en route to a heavily lopsided points loss in Macau . And on his wife's YouTube channel Khan announced: 'The next opponent will be Chris Algieri. I will be taking that fight at 147lbs (the welterweight limit).' The fight has yet to be rubber-stamped, but Khan added: 'I'm looking forward to getting this fight announced officially by my manager and advisor Al Haymon. '(His management team) think it's the right fight for me, they want to keep me going.' Algieri's only defeat in his 21-fight professional career came in his last bout against Filipino superstar Manny Pacquiao, who faces Floyd Mayweather in a mega-fight on May 2. Algieri was knocked down six times en route to a heavily lopsided points loss in November last year. Yet Khan believes his American foe is a credible opponent as he wrested the WBO light-welterweight title off the much feared Ruslan Provodnikov in June 2014. Khan said: 'You can class him as an A-class opponent. 'He has fought decent opponents, beaten decent opponents, and just fell short against Manny Pacquiao, which is an A star opponent. 'He's a decent boxer overall. He knows how to box and knows how to move well. He takes a decent amount of shots and he's got a decent amount of power, so I think overall it's going to be a good fight for me.' The 28-year-old hopes to fight in Algieri's home city of New York, with Khan's only previous outing there an 11th-round stoppage of Paulie Malignaggi at Madison Square Garden in May 2010. Adrien Broner (right) had been relentless in calling out of Khan since his comfortable win over John Molina Jr . Khan (pictured in March 2014) hopes to fight Algieri's home city of New York next month . Khan (right) has fought once before in New York - where he defeated Paulie Malignaggi in May 2010 . This time, though, Khan wants the non-title bout at the Barclays Center as he said: 'We're looking at fighting in New York, I think New York's a great venue for me. 'Having that fight in New York will be good for the UK fans in a way because it will give them a chance to travel and it won't be as far as going to (Las) Vegas. 'This time I'd like to fight at the Barclays Center, which I've never fought at.' Khan has made no secret of his desire to chase lucrative showdowns against Mayweather or Pacquiao and is confident a win over Algieri can lead him to that. 'Hopefully this can lead me on to the bigger fights in the future, which is what I'm looking at,' he added. But Khan's announcement has left IBF welterweight champion Brook disappointed. Sheffield's Brook retained his world strap with a four-round destruction of Jo Jo Dan a week ago and immediately called out regular verbal sparring partner Khan. The two have spent the week trading barbs - with Brook offering a June 13 date at Wembley for an all-British bout - but Khan made it clear he was going his own way when announcing his next opponent on Thursday. The Bolton man said he will face Chris Algieri in New York on May 30 and Brook cannot understand the move. After Kell Brook's victory over Jo Jo Dan on March 1, he called out Amir Khan in a post-match interview . Khan has previously refused a fight with Brook, but now promises it will take place within 12 months . 'If someone said to me you can get five million quid, a world title, fight at Wembley with a fight that every fan wants to see, it's a no-brainer for me,' 28-year-old Brook told BBC 5 Live. 'He's fighting Algieri who didn't win a round against (Manny) Pacquiao, a feather puncher, not a big puncher. It doesn't make sense to me. 'I'm world champion, I'm calling him out, we want the fight, there's a word title and a bagful of money and it doesn't make sense that he's fighting this guy who's bringing nothing to the table. 'He's said he'll fight me before but when it comes to it, I don't get why he doesn't want to fight me. Yes (I feel frustrated), wherever I go it's always Amir Khan, when are you going to fight him? 'He's delicate around the whiskers, he knows I'm a big strong welterweight and he knows I'm coming for that chin of his.' Khan hit back on Twitter, though, saying: 'Seems to me Kel Brook is dying to fight me for the big pay day before he faces a half decent opponent and loses that IBF title.'
Amir Khan will fight Chris Algieri in New York next month . Khan has won 30 bouts - including victory over Devon Alexander last year . Algieri has only tasted defeat once in 21-fight professional career . 31-year-old lost via a unanimous decision to Manny Pacquiao in November . But the announcement has left Kell Brook frustrated . The Sheffield fighter called out Khan after his win over Jo Jo Dan .
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Manny Pacquiao will be wearing the world's most expensive shorts when he takes the ring at the MGM Grand Garden Arena with Floyd Mayweather on May 2. The richest fight of all time, said to be worth $300m and then some to those involved, is raking in the big bucks with the money streams certainly not limited to TV rights and ticket sales. The PacMan's shorts alone will carry sponsorship logos worth a total of $2.25m (£1.5m), reports the Manila Bulletin. Manny Pacquiao, working out here with trainer Freddie Roach, will wear multi-million pound shorts . When PacMan takes the ring against Floyd Mayweather his shorts will carry £1.5m in sponsorship . Pacquiao gives a thumbs up in his blood-soaked, sponsor-covered shorts after beating Timothy Bradley . 'The rate for this fight is different from the previous (fights),' Pacquiao's business manager Eric Pineda told the Bulletin, as reported by WorldBoxingNews. 'So far, we have six (companies) that will have their logos on Manny's trunks.' We'll have to wait though to see who Manny will be wearing on the shorts – to say early would be free publicity and surely cost more. Pacquiao, who was visited by Sylvester Stallone in the latest of a string of celebrity meet-ups on Saturday, is assured more than £50m from the fight. Pacquiao enjoys a visit from Sylvester Stallone, the latest in a string of celebrity supporters, on Saturday . Mayweather gets to work on a speed ball in front of the media as his preparations continue . Mayweather's cut is to be in excess of £80m before a range of other means of income from the fight are split by Mayweather Promotions, Top Rank and Pacquiao. Meanwhile, the latest video offering insight into the Mayweather camp concentrates on the five-division champion's gloves, as revealed by his uncle Roger. 'Multiple gloves, multiple choices and it's really up to the champ which ones he chooses,' explains Roger Mayweather as his nephew surveys scores of gloves in an array of colours and weights. Mayweather's latest insight into his camp comes in the form of a video about the gloves he trains with . Money Man has scores of gloves in all colours and chooses them based on their weight . Gloves at 14 ounces and up are to minimise the damage while sparring while 10 and 12 ounce gloves mean 'you're going for a nice hard punch, like you're fighting.' When one of the team says Nascar, it means a glove change is to take place just like a motor sport pit stop, Roger says. 'When they say Nascar, that's a change of gloves. It's like being in a race. So he doesn't get cold, his body doesn't tighten up,' he said. On May 2, both Mayweather and Pacquiao have agreed to wear eight ounce gloves of their choice.
Manny Pacquiao meets Floyd Mayweather on May 2 in Las Vegas . The fight worth $300 million to both camps is boxing's richest ever . PacMan's shorts alone will carry sponsorship worth £1.5m . Mayweather has released a video with uncle Roger about his gloves .
[ 0, 3, 4325, 952, 9, 11, 3406, 3, 9924, 155, 3028, 28, 19, 8034, 654, 46, 3720, 61, 4, 9829 ]
Crime gangs from Eastern Europe are operating here with 'impunity' due to EU free movement rules, a disturbing report warns today. Human traffickers run huge benefit frauds in the UK, including one that was used to fund a housing development in Slovakia. The vile trade also includes the sale of young girls for prostitution and sham marriages. In some cases, 'customers' from outside the EU are requesting women with EU passports so they can make them pregnant. The migrants – desperate for a foothold in Britain – then claim they have a human right to a family life in the UK to raise the child. Vicious: A menacing Eastern European gang leader with his Rottweiler. Crime gangs from Eastern Europe are operating here with 'impunity' due to EU free movement rules, a disturbing report warns today . The Centre for Social Justice report, written by a former senior aide to Home Secretary Theresa May, is based on interviews with senior police and officials in Britain and overseas. It offers a deeply disturbing insight into how, since the EU expanded to include former Eastern Bloc members in 2004, a huge market has opened up in what it calls the 'modern slave trade'. In the past, trafficking gangs had to bring in migrants from outside the EU – which meant they would need to pass through border controls. But they are now able to target people in impoverished communities in Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria with open access to Britain. Migrants are duped into believing they are travelling to the UK for work and enter the country legally under the EU's Free Movement Directive. The traffickers then seize control of their bank accounts and travel documents, and force them to work in often gruesome conditions. The report, written by former Home Office special adviser Fiona Cunningham, says: 'One of the most serious unintended consequences of free movement in the EU is that it has made it much easier for organised criminal gangs to operate their cross-border business models with impunity and without fear of being detected and therefore pursued.' Significantly, the report has the backing of Mrs May, who has written the foreword. She has been one of the Cabinet ministers pushing for curbs on EU free movement – including restrictions on countries whose level of wealth is far below that of Britain. Limits: Home Secretary Theresa May, pictured, has been one of the Cabinet ministers pushing for curbs on EU free movement – including restrictions on countries whose level of wealth is far below that of Britain . The report also warns of Eastern European girls – aged 15 to 25 – being brought to Britain and forced into prostitution, benefit fraud or sham weddings to Asian men seeking a right to remain in the UK. Manchester, Birmingham and Gretna are identified as hotspots – with Scotland targeted so the victims can marry at a younger age. Shockingly, the report found girls were sold to 'customers' for pregnancy so the buyer could claim he had an article 8 right to a family life in the UK. Europol, the EU's crime fighting agency, has identified particular problems with children being brought into the UK from Slovakia. Voters want the Tories to be far tougher on mass immigration, a major survey revealed last night. Barely one in ten Britons say they are satisfied with David Cameron’s border policies. The poll by Ipsos MORI suggests this unhappiness may explain why large numbers of Conservatives are switching to Ukip. The findings will heap pressure on the Prime Minister to end his silence on immigration during the election campaign. He has not mentioned his party’s manifesto pledges to curb EU free movement, deport more illegals and tag foreign criminals. Yet a large proportion of voters believe politicians are talking too little about migration. Blow for Cameron: A new Ipsos MORI survey reveals the huge levels of dissatisfaction with the Government's handing of immigration, especially among former Tory supporters who now plan to vote Ukip . Major issue: Just 12 per cent of all voters are satisfied with the handling of immigration, falling to just 1 per cent of Ukip supporters. Above, charts based on results from the Ipsos MORI survey . They are kept under the influence of drink and drugs, to make them easier to control, then sold for sex. Police in Kent said that, in a single day, 16 such children were taken into care. The report adds: 'Pregnant women are sometimes recruited and forced to sell their babies.' Action: Mr Cameron has also pledged to crack down on abuse of the benefits system by EU nationals . Romania and Hungry were also identified as countries from which criminal gangs are trafficking women for sex. Women who are brought to the UK and forced to work in the sex industry are often moved from city to city, with their services advertised online. One website featured 1,000 women based in London. The report calls on the EU to implement a new system of passenger name records so there is a better chance of tracking people smugglers and their victims who travel by air. But this is being blocked by the EU on privacy grounds. It would also alert the authorities if a suspected people smuggler was headed towards the UK with a child. The report says: 'Exploiting the internet and borders made less defined due to European Union policies like free movement, organised crime groups find the trafficking of victims a highly lucrative and accessible crime.' The Home Office has estimated that, in any given year, there are between 10,000 and 13,000 victims of human trafficking in the UK. In the last Parliament, the Tories passed Europe's first Modern Slavery Act. Traffickers involved in the most serious cases now face possible life sentences. David Cameron has also pledged to crack down on abuse of the benefits system by EU nationals. In November 2013, he announced new rules stipulating that incomers can receive out-of-work benefits only once they have been living in the country for three months. UK benefits scam builds a Slovak village . By Ian Drury, Home Affairs Correspondent for the Daily Mail . A crime gang from Slovakia duped unsuspecting families into travelling to the UK so they could scam hundreds of thousands of pounds in benefits – and send the cash back to a village known as 'Smartie Town'. The profits were funnelled to the 1,000-year-old village of Pavlovce nad Uhom in the Michalove district of Slovakia where they were used to build houses. The homes are partly funded by the UK taxpayer and local residents have nicknamed them 'Smarties' after the chocolate sweets because the houses are painted brightly and in different colours. Vivid: A house in so-called Smartie Town, where a crime gang funnelled profits from a benefits scam. Homes in the 1,000-year-old village, such as the one pictured above, are partly funded by the UK taxpayer . When the gang feared UK officials might become suspicious, they changed tactics – sending the migrants to Canada instead to claim asylum and state support there. The victims, expecting to work legally, had been transported to Britain in coaches. But once they were across the border, the criminals seized their passports and other documents and forced them into domestic servitude, slave labour and welfare fraud – signing up for several state handouts including tax credits. Gang members arranged housing and took their victims to open high street bank accounts using a 'translator' who was also in on the lucrative scam. Benefits were then paid into accounts in the names of the victims but controlled by the traffickers. Scam: Three Slovakian crooks, including Darina Balogova, pictured, raked in £1.2million by bringing 'fake mothers' to Britain to claim benefits falsely . The sums of money made by the Eastern Europeans from trafficking victims using this kind of exploitation were huge. In another case, three Slovakian con artists raked in £1.2million by bringing 'fake mothers' to Britain to claim benefits falsely. They persuaded women from their home country to live in the UK and fraudulently claim child and working tax benefits. The family splashed the vast amounts of cash they pocketed on a life of luxury, gambling in casinos and going on spending sprees to buy gold and diamonds. The crooks – Darina Balogova, her husband Marek Balog, and brother Jaroslav Bado – pulled off one of the largest welfare scams of its kind from a terraced house in Chatham, Kent. Up to 50 women were brought to Britain under freedom of movement rules and groomed to claim falsely that they were working for a temp agency on low wages so they could receive tax credits. After the gang had exploited the identities of the women, they allowed them to return to Slovakia, retaining control of their bank accounts, passports, national insurance cards and birth certificates. Balogova – who never worked a day after arriving in Britain – kept around £30,000 in cash at their headquarters in nearby Rochester. At least £60,000 in stolen benefits were transferred back home. But the scam was finally exposed when the criminals began using a high street stationer's receipt books to write bogus payslips for the women. HM Revenue & Customs inspectors noticed they were using the same employee number on all the slips. In November 2011, at Maidstone Crown Court the gang were jailed for tax credit fraud and money laundering. Balogova was sentenced to four-and-a-half years, while Balog was given three-and-a-half years and Bado three years. Con artists: Balogova, her husband Marek Balog, left, and brother Jaroslav Bado, right, persuaded women from their home country to live in the UK and fraudulently claim child and working tax benefits .
Free movement rules allow Eastern European gangs to run with 'impunity' Human traffickers operate huge benefit frauds in the UK, report warns . Vile trade also includes sale of girls for prostitution and sham marriages .
[ 0, 3, 13514, 3, 63, 982, 19, 2354, 3, 4, 9, 833, 23, 3, 5520, 3, 111, 949, 1850, 1996 ]
Rating: . Poets House is a swish new hotel in Ely, a three-minute walk from the cathedral, offering terrific value. It's quite a venture - and must have been a huge investment. There are 21 rooms, all with copper standalone baths placed near luxurious double beds. I keep thinking about Phil Neville, the former England footballer whose home once appeared in Hello! and which forever more is held as the gold standard for unadulterated bling. Which is to say that Poets House is glossy and lavish, but manages to stay on the right side of kitsch, not least because the finish is so good. There isn't a scuff in sight. State of the art: Poets House is as much a Sex And The City retreat as a hideaway in genteel Ely . No, it might not be to all tastes (there are mirrors everywhere with poetry written on them, such as lines from Kipling: 'Since my house to thy house no greater can send than thy house but my house, friend comforting friend') and the floors are given over to black-and-white squares with embedded stars. But you would be hard pressed not to have a good time here. We arrive on a wet blustery evening. I pop into reception and ask where we can park and am told to leave the car exactly where it is. Valet parking will sort it at no extra charge. Then a man who says he has a Hungarian father and German mother escorts us purposefully to our room, opens the door and says: 'You have every shade of grey in here.' He must have used the line dozens of times, but still gets a kick from it. We unpack our whips (sorry, wash bags) before hurrying down to the shiny, funky bar and order two glasses of bubbly. Black and white: Poets House incorporates smart, clean lines, elegant décor and crisp white tablecloths . We're in the zone, sitting on stools at the flashy bar as if auditioning as extras for a Sex And The City sequel, and have to pinch ourselves that this is Ely. The main dining room is a more formal, carpeted affair with crisp, white tablecloths and huge, bulbous wine glasses. There's an amuse bouche (naturally), followed by impressive, but over-elaborate, scallops and then perfectly cooked steaks. Back in our room, there are gadgets galore: a TV that connects to the internet, a Bose sound system accessible via Bluetooth, a tablet computer playing the role of the hotel directory. The carpet is thick, the shiny bedhead and curtains so over the top they make us chuckle. After breakfast, we tell a member of staff that we want to visit the cathedral. 'Just leave everything packed in your room and we will put it all your car, which will be waiting for you when you return.' It is, too. Poets House used to be an old people's home. For any lingering ghosts from those days, it must seem like a thousand years ago. Poets House . St Mary's Street Ely . Cambridgeshire . CB7 4EY . 01353 887777 . www.thehousecollection.com . Doubles from £159 B&B . Rating: .
Poets House is a swish new hotel in Ely, three minutes from the cathedral . It comes complete with 21 chic rooms - and complimentary valet parking . It used to be an old people's home, but is a world remove from this era .
[ 0, 3, 57, 46, 11, 4, 22, 19, 3265, 57, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 3, 16535, 505, 13, 3 ]
A woman who worked briefly for the president of a Maine college has filed a discrimination lawsuit against the school, alleging she was expected to play tennis, jog and watch 'chick flicks' with her female boss. Sarah Hulbert, of Auburn, wrote in her complaint that she was treated differently from her male co-workers during her time as an executive assistant at Bates College in Lewiston and was fired for having 'no pizzazz.' The Sun Journal reports that the 59-year-old Hulbert worked for Bates President A. Clayton Spencer for a little longer than a month in the summer of 2012. Bates president: The ex-assistant to Bates College president Clayton A. Spencer (pictured) claims that the president fired her because she wouldn't job with her or watch chick flicks . In the suit, Hulbert wrote: 'Plaintiff's supervisor, the president of Bates College, (A. Clayton Spencer) expected plaintiff, as a condition of her employment, to engage in activities with the president, such as running, tennis lessons and watching 'chick flicks,' which the president did not require of similarly situated male employees.' Hulbert claimed she has suffered a financial loss and a human loss due to 'gender discrimination' and seeks compensatory damages at a jury trial. Hulbert alleges that she was mislead when she was for the job at Spencer's home in Winchester, Mass. 'During that interview, Ms. Spencer assured me that she highly valued the personal time that employees should have and wouldn't ... intrude upon that personal time,' Hulbert wrote in her complaint. Hulbert says when she began employment that Spencer expected her to jog with her at 5:30 a.m. but that she could not because she had surgery on her right foot in the past. When Hulbert offered to find Spencer a different running partner, 'she reluctantly suggested that I try, but left me feeling pressured to run with her if I wished to continue working for her,' Hulbert said. Hulbert claims that Spencer asked her to participate in tennis lessons but again she said she would 'reluctantly' try because of the injury to her foot. The university: Ex-assistant Sarah Hulbert, 59, worked for Bates President A. Clayton Spencer for a little longer than a month in the summer of 2012 . 'Although I indicated a willingness to try playing tennis with Ms. Spencer, her reaction at all points was significant disappointment that I was not going to be running and possibly not playing tennis with her,' Hulbert wrote in her complaint to the agency. Spencer allegedly fired Hulbert on July 10 because she 'did not have pizzazz,' Hulbert claims. Hulbert was allegedly informed that that if Spencer had 'discarded' her, then 'no one else will wish to take you' for other positions at the college. Hulbert claims that Bates had 'ratified the gender and disability-based discrimination of its president in refusing to consider me for any other open position with the college.' The Sun Journal reports that before her brief time at Bates, she worked for the law firm Berman and Simmons in Lewiston and before that was employed at Hebron Academy as the director of research and development. A Bates spokesman said in a statement that 'the college strongly disagrees with the allegations' and will defend itself in court. According to the Bates website, from September 2005 until she joined Bates in 2011, Spencer served as Harvard’s Vice President for Policy.
Sarah Hulbert claims she was treated differently from her male co-workers during her time as an executive assistant at Bates College in Lewiston . Hulbert claims that Bates President A. Clayton Spencer expected her to jog, play tennis, and watch chick flicks . A Bates spokesman said in a statement that 'the college strongly disagrees with the allegations' and will defend itself in court .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 4392, 4, 18, 367, 155, 5453, 7360, 268, 3, 9, 245, 23, 4, 10409, 8 ]
The average Briton eats four servings of cheese a week . We Britons certainly do love to keep things local, as over three quarters of us (80 per cent) go crackers for cheddar, crowning it our favourite cheese variety. Least favourite cheeses, according to a new survey, are Greek feta, French Camembert and American cream cheese. And while the French are renowned for their love of the stinky stuff, we are not far behind, with the average Briton eating their way through four servings a week. The research, which was conducted by pickle brand Branston also revealed that a surprising one in four cheese fanatics (26 per cent) admit to eating melted cheese with everything. A third of Brits (30 per cent) say they can't enjoy cheese without a dollop of their favourite pickle while almost three quarters admitted to reaching out for a cheese sandwich when feeling peckish. In fact, three in ten office workers tuck into cheese sandwiches for lunch each work day without fail. If we're not putting slices in our sandwiches, one in ten of us are eating whole blocks of cheese in one sitting. Our second favourite is mozzarella with almost two in five (38 per cent) enjoying the ever versatile soft Italian cheese. Close behind in third place is traditional red Leicester (32 per cent). The French cheese board staple Brie placed fourth (29 per cent) followed by Italian Parmesan in fifth (24 per cent). Cheddar (left) is Britain's most popular cheese with 80% of us choosing it over fancier varieties like French Brie (right) 1. Cheddar (80%) 2. Mozzarella (38%) 3. Red Leicester (31%) 4. Brie (29%) 5. Parmesan (24%) 6. Stilton (23%) 7. Wensleydale (21%) 8. Feta (20%) 9. Camembert (18%) 10. Cream cheese (14%) Another survey, this one by Lurpak, showed 32 per cent of office workers eat an identical lunch each day and have done so for nearly four and a half years on average. This is the equivalent of eating over 1,000 identical cheese sandwiches. Commenting on our attraction to repetition, food psychologist, Greg Tucker, who worked with Lurpak said: 'This research demonstrates that the repetition of eating the same food every day can provide reassurance and stability. 'However we all have an innate desire for exploration and would benefit from shaking things up. 'New tastes and experiences can excite and motivate us, especially when we have a far greater selection of foods to experiment with than we've ever had before.' Try something different: Chicken and mango sandwich with mint raita . Chicken and mango sandwich with mint raita . Ingredients: Walnut or granary bread; butter; mixed leaves; a few slices of fresh mango; half a roast chicken breast, shredded roughly; Greek yoghurt; finely chopped mint; spoonful of mango chutney . Method: Spread walnut bread or granary bread with butter. Top with mixed leaves, thinly sliced fresh mango and ripped-up roast chicken breast. Add a dollop of Greek yogurt flavoured with finely chopped mint and a spoonful of mango chutney with a few extra mint leaves on top for that little bit extra. Experiment with a seeded roll: Smoked ham and egg with capers, gherkins and mustard mayo . Smoked ham and egg with capers, gherkins and mustard mayo . Ingredients: Seeded roll or bagel; butter; small bunch of watercress; smoked ham; one boiled egg, sliced; gherkins; mustard mayonnaise; capers . Method: Top a seeded roll or bagel with butter. Then layer with watercress, slices of smoked ham and the boiled egg. Throw in a couple of sliced gherkins and finish with a dollop of mustard mayo and a sprinkling of tiny capers. There's no need for meat: Feta with avocado and roasted red pepper . Feta with avocado and roasted red pepper . Ingredients: Fresh focaccia; butter; handful of baby spinach leaves, half an avocado, sliced; two roasted red peppers, torn up; chunks of feta, ripped up; some basil leaves, ripped up; ground black pepper; dash of balsamic vinegar . Method: Place a handful of baby spinach leaves on to fresh, buttered focaccia. Add the ripe avocado slices, ripped-up roasted red pepper and broken-up chunks of feta. Top with a few torn basil leaves, ground black pepper and balsamic vinegar. Recipes provided by Lurpak Spreadable .
The average Briton eats four servings of cheese a week, study reveals . Three in ten workers tuck into cheese sandwiches for their lunch everyday . Mozzarella and red Leicester are second and third favourite cheeses in UK .
[ 0, 3, 9, 901, 15949, 3, 6, 19, 2569, 1262, 846, 3, 4, 9, 22, 14, 4, 19, 4, 979 ]
Police are hunting the owner of a 'Staffy-type' dog after a four-year-old girl suffered bite wounds to the face. The child was outside shops with her older sister in Brighton, East Sussex, when the dog attacked her. Sussex police say the girl suffered a single puncture wound to her upper lip following the incident in Findon Road, Whitehawk, at around 6.30pm on Thursday. Attack: Police are hunting the owner of a 'Staffy-type' dog after a four-year-old girl suffered bite wounds to the face (file picture) The youngster was taken to the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital to undergo treatment. Police said the dog was off the lead with two similar dogs - two were black and one was white. They were with a man described as being in his 50s, with purple hair and a brown moustache. Anyone with information is asked to contact police. The girl suffered a single puncture wound to her upper lip following the incident in Findon Road (pictured), Whitehawk .
Girl was outside shops in Brighton, East Sussex when she was attacked . She received a puncture wound to her upper lip and was treated in hospital . Police are hunting a man in his 50s with purple hair and brown moustache .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 3, 2601, 615, 4, 18, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 8, 1930, 35, 4, 3, 111 ]
A Romanian woman being deported from New Zealand after leaving her partner, has been told she must leave her two-year-old son behind. 34-year-old Nicole Mihai was told by the immigration agency that she will now have to return to Romania as she is not a New Zealand resident. However, the Family Court have ruled that her young son, Chris, is not able to reside further than 50 kilometres from his New Zealand father. She now faces a distressing battle with the immigration agency who insist Chris's future living arrangements 'are not their problem.' A Romanian woman being deported from New Zealand after relationship broke down, has been told she must leave her 2-year-old son, Chris behind . Nicole Mihai was told by New Zealand Immigration that once her Visa expires, she must return to Romania . 'I go to sleep at night and and wake up in the morning and think today may be the last day with my son,' Ms. Mihai told Daily Mail Australia. 'I go to sleep at night and and wake up in the morning and think today may be the last day with my son,' Ms Mihai said . Ms. Mihai separated from her New Zealand born partner after a two-year relationship. She was awarded full custody of their son, with her ex partner having little contact with Chris. Once they separated, immigration had Ms Mihai's Visa cancelled. 'I had to apply for a temporary Visa and residency,' she said. 'That was almost a year ago, and I've been fighting with them ever since.' According to Ms Mihai, the Immigration Agency have informed her that her application has nothing to do with Chris and therefore he is none of their concern. 'Immigration doesn't take all of the facts into consideration,' she said. In order for Chris to move to Romania to be with his mother, his father would need to sign a contract allowing him to go, which Ms Mihai strongly doubts. 'Even if he signed and Chris were to come with me, we would have to live in a two bedroom home with my mother, my sister and her child,' she said. 'It would be very hard for me to get a job and my mother cannot support all of us.' Ms Mihai moved to New Zealand seven years ago and worked as a waitress on minimum wage. She admits that she does struggle just like all other single mothers, but she has a new job as a branch manager and her and her son are happy in New Zealand. 'My son was born here... He doesn't know anything else,' Ms Mihai said. A ruling from the Family Court said Ms Mihai's son Chris must remain within 50 kilometres of his Kiwi father . The 34-year-old vows to fight this battle until the end and will not give up her life with her son . 'From Monday to Friday, eight til six, he's in daycare with his friends and for me to take him to a strange place where he doesn't know anybody would be very difficult for him.' Ms Mihai does not know when the end point to this battle will be, but she has had her temporary Visa extended until June 26 which is when she is expecting to receive a final decision. However she said she will fight this battle until the end and will not give up her life with Chris. 'I'd rather die than live one day without my son,' she said. 'I'm just hoping that everything will get sorted and I can just move on with my life and my son's life.'
A Romanian woman being deported from New Zealand after relationship broke down, has been told she must leave her 2-year-old son behind . Immigration told Nicole Mihai to return Romania as she is not a NZ citizen . Family Court ruled she cannot take son more then 50 kms from his father . The 34-year-old has full custody of her son with his father out of the picture . Ms Mihai is now undergoing a long battle with Immigration Agency who insist that her son's living arrangements 'are not their problem'
[ 0, 3, 9, 7982, 23, 3, 15494, 483, 222, 100, 3795, 4, 18, 2354, 901, 3, 108, 4, 9, 1259 ]
How to get the enviable physiques of the stars. This week: Judy Murray's waist. Judy Murray dazzled at her son Andy's wedding, wearing a belted dress-coat that accentuated her toned stomach. Judy, 55, doesn't play tennis to stay in shape, 'Because my life is saturated with it' You might think tennis would be the 55-year-old's preferred means of staying in shape but she says she avoids it: 'Because my life is saturated with it.' Instead, she tries anything from dancing, to Pilates, to walking in the hills or gardening. What to try: . The V-Sit up. Sit upright on the floor, knees bent and feet flat. Engage your abdominal muscles, keep your back straight and lean back a little (put your palms on the floor to support yourself). Instead, she tries anything from dancing, to Pilates, to walking in the hills or gardening . Keep legs together and lift your feet so your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Start by keeping the knees bent (straighten them for this move as you get stronger), keeping a V shape between your thighs and upper body. Then, make the V shape slightly narrower by bringing your legs higher and the upper body towards them. Lower your legs and upper body a few inches to the wider V - and repeat this narrowing and widening V action 12-15 times.
Judy Murray wore a belted dress-coat to her son Andy's wedding . She stays toned by dancing, doing Pilates, walking or gardening . Try the V-Sit up to engage and firm your abdominal muscles .
[ 0, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11, 5386, 155, 3, 4, 23, 61, 6, 3057, 3, 7845, 19, 6, 898, 19 ]
British world dressage champion Charlotte Dujardin won the Grand Prix at the World Cup in Las Vegas. The 29-year-old, and her horse Valegro, who won the world title in Lyon last year, recorded a score of 85.414 percent to finish clear of Dutchman Edward Gal with American Steffen Peters in third. Her score was short of the 87.129 she recorded in breaking her own world record last year, but there was no wiping the smile off Dujardin’s face. British world dressage champion Charlotte Dujardin won the Grand Prix at the World Cup in Las Vegas . ‘Las Vegas is everything I ever thought it would be so I’ve not been disappointed,’ said Dujardin. ‘With a horse like Valegro you could not ask for any more. ‘Valegro has had a 24-hour trip to get here. The last few days, he was actually feeling not quite himself and I was a bit worried. 'But he was feeling much better and I had a really great ride.’
British world dressage champion Charlotte Dujardin wins at World Cup . 29-year-old victorious on horse Valegro at Grand Prix in Las Vegas .
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 3, 174, 11, 23, 155, 3028, 4456, 13, 12, 19, 12567, 8, 17369, 3, 18 ]
Long, multi-stop air journeys needn't be a bore. Instead of attempting to sleep curled up in an uncomfortable chair under strobe lighting, long-haul travellers have never had more choice when it comes to making the most of a layover. From sun salutations in San Francisco to drinking at a swim-up bar in a hot spring in Iceland, airports are offering ever more diverse activities, and can be the gate-way to some of the world's most incredible attractions. Here, Mail Online Travel reveals the best - and most bizarre things you can do with a couple of spare hours at an airport. While firearms are prohibited, hunting fans can practise archery deer hunting at Pittsburgh International airport . TURKEY ARCHERY IN MINNESOTA . If spas, business lounges and oyster bars are not your thing, how about spending your layover wielding a bow and arrow? Turkey hunting season begins in April and ends at the end of May, and is allowed in designated areas around the St. Cloud Regional Airport, in Minnesota. For around £7 ($10) permit holders can hunt wild turkey in 200 stunning acres of land. Turkey hunting is allowed in designated areas around the St. Cloud Regional Airport, in Minnesota . DEER HUNTING IN PITTSBURGH . While firearms are strictly prohibited, hunting fans can practice archery deer hunting at Pittsburgh International airport up until October. Officials at The Allegheny County Airport Authority offer a limited number of hunting permits in designated hunting zones at the airport. Hunting is a rich part of Pennsylvania's history and the airport states on its website that hunting deer helps to meet its wildlife hazard management goals. Drink too much . As well as leading to the kind of misbehaviour most cabin crew fail to appreciate, too much alcohol will mean you spend the next leg of your journey queuing up for the onboard  toilet. And that's not somewhere anyone wants to spend too much time. Eat something dodgy . Dreaming of oysters? If you know they'll do funny things to your guts, see above. Get currency for the layover . It's best to put any between flight purchases you make on your credit card, to avoid paying hefty conversion fees. Go overboard in duty free . Think of the extra weight when you're eyeing up the large bottles of booze in duty free. Not only will you have to check in any liquid you don't consume, but do you really want the extra weight during your trip? If you do treat yourself, make sure whatever you buy can fit in the overhead locker. From Qatar airport you can do half or full day dune bashing tours which can take the edge of a long flight . DUNE BASHING IN DOHA . What better way to relieve the impending boredom of a lengthy flight than hurtling at top spend over the southern desert of Qatar? If you have a half day stopover, Gulf Adventures runs with a four hour off-roading trip into the expansive dunes that fill the southern Qatar and can pick you up from the airport. Or for a longer layover Qatar International Adventures offers seven or eight hour desert safaris taking in the inland sea -  the natural border to Saudi Arabia, and an afternoon in a Bedouin camp,m with the opportunity to try sand boarding, quad biking or snorkeling. The largest outdoor, seated bronze Buddha in the world is close to the Hong Kong International airport . SEE A 112 FOOT BUDDHA IN HONG KONG . Stopping at Hong Kong International airport? Take the S1 bus to Tung Chung and grab a 25 minute cable car ride over the bay to see the enormous Tian Tan Buddha. At 112 foot tall and weighing over 250 tonnes it is the largest outdoor, seated bronze Buddha in the world and one of Hong Kong's top tourist attractions. Singapore airport offers travellers a free two-hour city tour, which includes the famous Fountain of Wealth . VISIT THE WORLD'S LARGEST FOUNTAIN IN SINGAPORE . If you are in Singapore and have at least five hours to spare before your connecting flight, you can register for a free two hour sightseeing tour of the city. The heritage tour has a short stopover at the Merlion Park for panoramic views and takes in the Colonial District, Central Business District and Chinatown or Little India. You will also get to see the world's largest fountain - The Fountain of Wealth and the iconic Esplanade. Fancy some ohms? San Francisco International Airport has two rooms dedicated to practicing yoga . Downward dogs and warrior poses could be just what you need to unwind and stretch between long flights . SUN SALUTATIONS IN SAN FRANCISCO . And relax. San Francisco International airport has not one, but two dedicated yoga rooms for weary travellers to practise some ohms. Airport officials claim that the soothing blue walls and low lights create a calm haven to reflect, stretch and relax between flights. The airport also boasts the Berman reflection room, a space intended for silence and meditation. Iceland's Blue Lagoon is just twenty minutes from the airport, making for a blissfully relaxing layover . VISIT A THERMAL SPA WITH A SWIM UP BAR IN ICELAND . Iceland's spectacular Blue Lagoon is just twenty minutes from Keflavik airport. Reykjavik Excursions can pick you and your carry-on baggage up from the airport and take you straight there, where you can bathe in the geothermal waters, smother your face in naturally healing silica and indulge in a drink from the swim up bar. With your luggage checked in through to your final destination and your hand luggage in the Blue Lagoon's lockers, you can lie back and relax before heading back to the airport.
Travellers stopping at the St. Cloud airport in Minnesota can hunt turkey . Pittsburgh airport offers deer hunting permits on its 800 acres of land . San Francisco offers its guests a choice of two yoga rooms to unwind in .
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(CNN)Have Mercy! Lifetime has its follow-up to its "Unauthorized Saved By the Bell" TV movie: the network is now taking on Full House. The female-skewing cable network has greenlit "The Unauthorized Full House Story" (working title), The Hollywood Reporter has learned. In the same vein as its "Saved By the Bell" pic, Lifetime's Full House Story will look at the rise of the cast — including John Stamos, Bob Saget and the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen — and explore the pressure they faced to balance idyllic family life on the show with the more complicated reality of their own lives outside the series. Additionally, it will look at the warm bond that grew between the cast as the show became one of America's most beloved family sitcoms. Casting will begin immediately. An air date for the "Full House" tell-all has yet to be determined. See more Broadcast TV's Returning Shows 2015-16 . Ron McGee, who penned the "Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story," will write the "Full House" take. The telepic will be produced by the Bell team of Front Street Pictures and Ringaling Productions, with Harvey Kahn and Stephen Bulka also on board to exec produce. For Lifetime, the news comes after its two-hour Bell take fizzled on Labor Day 2014. Despite tons of build-up and excitement from diehard fans of the original comedy series, the Bell take drew only 1.6 million total viewers, with 1.1 million viewers among the 18-49 and 25-54 demographics. That pic was based on former star Dustin Diamond's Behind the Bell 2009 tell-all, with Dylan Everett starring as Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Sam Kindseth as Diamond. Full House aired on ABC from 1987 to 1995. Netflix this month revived the beloved family comedy as "Fuller House," with original stars Candace Cameron-Bure (D.J.), her on-screen sister, Jodie Sweetin (Stephanie), and best friend Andrea Barber (Kimmy), in a 13-episode follow-up series. From its start as an unassuming family comedy in 1987 to its eventual wildly popular 192-episode run, "Full House" was "the little sitcom that could." It made huge stars of its cast — from Bob Saget and Dave Coulier, who were grinding away on the standup circuit, to John Stamos breaking hearts on General Hospital, and the Olsen twins. See the original story at The Hollywood Reporter's website. ©2015 The Hollywood Reporter. All rights reserved.
The network has reportedly greenlit the tell-all . Lifetime previously did an unauthorized movie on "Saved by the Bell"
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A nervous Lindsey Vonn was back at Augusta on Friday to watch her beau Tiger Woods in his quest for a fifth Masters title - and fifth green jacket. And while it was a good day Woods, the golfing great still had some stressful moments and still has a way to go in catching up to leader, 21-year-old Jordan Spieth. Heading into the weekend he is a very, very distant 12 strokes behind a seemingly unstoppable Spieth, with 36 holes left to play. Scroll down for video . Lindsey Vonn was back at Augusta Friday to watch boyfriend Tiger Woods (above) play in the second round of the Masters . Vonn (above) looked stressed at times though Woods played a solid round, carding a three-under-par 69 . Woods is still well behind the leader, hot young American star Jordan Spieth (above) This as Woods, competing after a two-month absence to retool his game, showed flashes of his old magic as he fired his best score at the Masters in four years in Friday's second round. The former world number one has been under intense scrutiny after struggling badly with his chipping when last seen on the PGA Tour but he played solidly at steamy Augusta National to card a three-under-par 69. That left Woods at two-under 142, far behind the pacesetting American Spieth, but still delighted to be in contention after working hard to resurrect his game. If Spieth wins he would tie the record for the youngest winner in Masters history with Woods . This was Vonn's second day in a row cheering on Woods . 'I'm still right there,' 14-time major winner Woods said of his position going into the weekend . 'I was at a pretty low one (point) in my career,' Woods said after mixing four birdies with a bogey to climb into a tie for 14th when he ended his round. 'To basically change an entire (swing) pattern like that and put it together, put it in a position where I can compete in a major championship like this is something I'm very proud of.' Woods, who plunged to 111th in the rankings as he struggled to return to form following back surgery last year and his fifth swing change, again struggled with the pace of Augusta National's heavily contoured greens. 'I had a hard time getting the ball close to the hole,' said Woods. 'You expect certain putts to roll out, but they're not rolling out.' Watched by huge galleries, Woods made a fast start, hitting a superb approach to seven feet at the par-four first and rolling in the birdie putt as shouts of 'Watch out, Tiger's back' and 'Come on Tiger, let's go' rang out. Spieth, 21, broke the 36 hole record on Friday and is 14-under-par for the tournament, 12 strokes ahead of Woods . His only bogey came at the par-three sixth, his tee shot ending up just off the back of the green from where he had 45 feet to the flag but hit a weak chip that advanced just 20 feet. Woods immediately rebounded in birdie-birdie style, draining a 25-footer at the tricky seventh and hitting his third shot at the par-five eighth to two feet. He birdied the 11th after conjuring a moment of magic from the pine straw to the right of the fairway, a soaring approach settling 12 feet from the cup. 'I'm still right there,' the 14-time major winner said of his position going into the weekend. 'I'm 12 back, but there's not a lot of guys ahead of me. And with 36 holes here to go, anything can happen.'
Lindsey Vonn was back at Augusta Friday to watch boyfriend Tiger Woods play in the second round of the Masters . Vonn looked stressed at times though Woods played a solid round, carding a three-under-par 69 . Woods is still well behind the leader, hot young American star Jordan Spieth . The 21-year-old broke the 36 hole record on Friday and is 14-under-par for the tournament, 12 strokes ahead of Woods . Spieth led after three rounds last year and finished second at the tournament . If Spieth wins he would tie the record for the youngest winner in Masters history with Woods .
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The son of The Apprentice host Mark Bouris has appeared in court charged with the alleged assault of his model girlfriend. Dane Bouris, who was a contender for 2013's Cleo Bachelor of the Year, appeared in Waverley Court on Tuesday and pleaded not guilty, 9News reported. He was arrested at his Watsons Bay home - in Sydney's east - on the weekend for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend, Alexandra Dankwa. Scroll down for video . Dane Bouris appeared at Waverley Court on Tuesday charged with the alleged assault of his girlfriend . Bouris, 33, is best known as the son of Wizard Home Loans founder Mark Bouris and has appeared as an advisor on The Apprentice. He is the hotelier of Morgans Boutique Hotel in Darlinghurst - in Sydney's inner-city - after beginning his career at the company his father started. His girlfriend, Alexandra Dankwa, is of European and African background, according to her modelling profile. The 22-year-old started her career as child model for Grace Brothers, Samsung and HASBRO. In Instagram pictures, he and his model girlfriend, Alexandra Dankwa, appear playful and happy . Dankwa says she is part of the fitness industry and has just started modelling again in the past three years . She works as a fitness instructor but has 'become active again' as a model in the past three years. On her profile, Dankwa said her 'niche' was modelling for swimwear, lingerie, sports wear, fitness and high-end beauty products. This latest incident is not Bouris' first brush with the law. Bouris is the son of Australian businessman and The Apprentice host Mark Bouris who is the founder of Wizard Home Loans . Here Bouris (far left) is pictured with his dad and his grandfather in an Instagram post . In 2013, he was fined $7,500 after his staffordshire terrier attacked another canine while walking in Byron Bay, The Daily Telegraph reported. Three years earlier, offensive behaviour and resisting arrest charges were dropped against him. Bouris will return to court again in August. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Dane Bouris was charged with the alleged assault of his model girlfriend . The 33-year-old was arrested at his Watsons Bay home - in Sydney's east . He appeared in Waverley Court on Tuesday and pleaded not guilty . Bouris is the son of businessman and The Apprentice host Mark Bouris .
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Amid the frenetic chaos of a North East derby low on sustained quality came a goal as memorable as any scored in this fixture over the years. Sunderland were the better team here. They were superior in terms of energy and creativity against a Newcastle side rather inexcusably playing — to use the term their manager hates — with their ‘flip-flops on’ once again. Nothing Dick Advocaat’s home team did, however, was anywhere near as exquisite as the goal that won this contest for them. It was a goal seemingly taken from another day and dropped haphazardly right into the middle of a match that didn’t really deserve it. Jermain Defoe (centre) connects beautifully with a left-footed volley to fire Sunderland into a 1-0 lead against Newcastle United . Newcastle goalkeeper Tim Krul was unable to do anything about Defoe's 45th-minute strike as he watches it fly into the net . The 32-year-old watches on as the strike- his third for Sunderland - flies over Krul in the Magpies goal . The former Tottenham striker wheels away in celebration of his brilliant strike just before the half-time whistle was blown by Mike Dean . Defoe seemed overcome with emotion as he fell to the turf shortly after putting Sunderland into a 1-0 lead . Sunderland: Pantiilmon 6; Jones 6.5, Vergini 6, O’Shea 6, Van Aanholt 6.5; Cattermole 6.5; Defoe 7.5 (Johnson 78' 6), Larsson 6, Gomez 7, Wickham 6; Fletcher 6 . Subs not used: Bridcutt, Reveillere, Graham, Coates, Mannone, Buckley . Booked: Vergini, Van Aanholt, Wickham, Larsson, Gomez . Goals: Defoe 45' Manager: Dick Advocaat . Newcastle: Krul 6; R Taylor 5.5, Janmaat 6, Williamson 6, Colback 5.5; Gutierrez 6.5; Cabella 5, Sissoko 5, Gouffran 5 (Riviere 57mins 5.5 ), Ameobi 5 (Armstrong 86' 6) ; Perez 5 . Subs not used: Anita, Elliot, Obertan, Abeid, Kemen . Booked: Taylor, Colback . Manager: John Carver . MOM: Defoe . Referee: Mike Dean 7 . Att: 47,563 . *Player ratings by Ian Ladyman at the Stadium of Light . Jermain Defoe gave Sunderland a 1-0 lead with this brilliant volley - CLICK HERE to see more from our brilliant Match Zone service . Only seconds remained in the first half when Sunderland’s earnest but limited centre forward Steven Fletcher leapt to head a long pass from his own goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon towards Jermain Defoe. Still 25 yards out, the former England striker must have thought about bringing the ball under control. He had players arriving in support on either side. It would have been the sensible thing to do. True goalscorers have a mindset that is always switched to ‘glory’, though, and instead of taking the pragmatic route, Defoe decided to buy a ticket for the raffle. Moments after swinging his left foot at the ball he looked up to see it sail over Tim Krul in the Newcastle goal. All of a sudden, he was holding the winning ticket. On a weekend of sensational goals, this was another born of perfect technique, ambition and courage. It deserved to win a game that Sunderland deserved to win and it is up to the rest of Advocaat’s players to ensure it contributes to a run of results that keeps them in the Barclays Premier League. Scottish striker Steven Fletcher celebrates in front of the home crowd as the Black Cats take a 1-0 lead . The Sunderland players smother goal scorer Defoe as the team celebrate going into a 1-0 lead before the break . Connor Wickham congratulates Defoe as the Sunderland fans celebrate in the sunshine at the Stadium of Light . Certainly the opposition will be sterner than this. Just what is it that eats the modern Newcastle? Dressed in grey, they didn’t even look like a Newcastle team. Did they play like one? Sadly, they did. Newcastle have been churning out rubbish like this for far too long now and it is depressing to report that it is becoming the norm. Sunderland were much improved, unrecognisable from the side who conceded four in the first half here against Aston Villa recently. That day, half of the Sunderland supporters were back in their cars by half-time. Here, under a new manager, Sunderland were comfortably better than local opposition who seem to head into derby games expecting to lose. Sunderland goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon reacts after watching Defoe's stunning opener during the Tyne-Wear derby . Sunderland boss Dick Advocaat (left) celebrates Defoe's opening goal as Newcastle manager John Carver looks on . The 32-year-old frontman looked close to tears as both teams left the Stadium of Light pitch at half-time . Krul (left) seems to share a joke with Defoe shortly after the Black Cats forward beat him with a wonderful volley . It was difficult to understand for long periods what Newcastle were actually trying to do. If they were trying to suffocate the game then for a while it worked. Once they got caught, though, they seemed to possess neither the wit nor the willpower to find a way back. Sunderland were not always convincing early on. They earned possession and territory off the back of hard work but didn’t do much with the ball. A Billy Jones cut-back from a corner to the far post was cut out by Jonas Gutierrez in the 10th minute,, while Jordi Gomez struck a low free-kick at Krul and Connor Wickham’s header was deflected wide by Moussa Sissoko, the Newcastle captain. Prior to the goal, however, Sunderland’s play in the final third had been rather unconvincing. Had Newcastle possessed any forward thrust at all, they might have found a way into the game. But once Defoe’s left foot brought the Stadium of Light to its feet, Sunderland rarely appeared in any danger. Another goal would have settled their nerves and they had opportunities. Indeed, they looked more dangerous in the second half. Former Sunderland midfielder Jack Colback (right) fouls Wickham during a ferocious second half display . Sammy Ameobi (right) is closed down by Sebastian Larsson and Billy Jones during the Premier League clash . Sunderland's Steven Fletcher (centre) is beaten in the air by Newcastle midfielder Jonas Gutierrez . Fletcher, though, has never been a goalscorer who has scored many goals — spot the contradiction? — and twice he failed here. A header on the hour needed more power to beat Krul and then another chance, provided by Defoe’s low cross, was spurned on the back of a decision to pivot away from goal and shoot on the turn rather than drive towards goal on his right side. We should not be too hard on Fletcher. He works as hard as any. The difference between a journeyman and an international of standing was evident, though, and Advocaat will be glad that predecessor Gus Poyet at least left him with a striker of pedigree before he was run out of town last month.Sebastian Larsson also failed in front of goal as the clock ticked on while, belatedly, Newcastle found a little something. Pantilimon was finally asked to work when Remy Cabella shot from 18 yards in the 78th minute before Ayoze Perez volleyed over from a corner at the death. That, in truth, was a real chance. A draw, though, would have been a joke. Newcastle manager John Carver admitted afterwards that his team had embarrassed him and it’s not the first time. When the final whistle blew, Defoe — substituted with 12 minutes left — wore a smile as wide as the river and with good reason. His thunderbolt strike, like the Easter sunshine, has lit a flame in Wearside’s season of gloom. They will remember it for a while. Sunderland defender Patrick Van Aanholt (right) looks to ride the challenge of Daryl Janmaat . Advocaat gestures to his players during the Tyne-Wear derby clash at the Stadium of Light . Magpies goalkeeper Krul punches the ball clear as Mike Williamson challenges Black Cats forward Fletcher . Defoe was replaced by winger Adam Johnson during the closing stages of the second half at the Stadium of Light . Dutch boss Advocaat congratulates Defoe as the 32-year-old striker leaves the pitch with the score at 1-0 . Sunderland captain John O'Shea gestures to the home fans after the final whistle at the Stadium of Light . Newcastle 0-3 Sunderland . Apr 14, 2013: Stephane Sessegnon, Adam Johnson and David Vaughan score the goals as Paolo di Canio oversees Sunderland’s first win at St . James’ Park in 13 years — in his second game in charge. Cue knee-sliding and fist-pumping from the Italian boss. Sunderland 2-1 Newcastle . Oct 27, 2013: Six months on from his euphoric celebrations and Di Canio has gone, replaced by Gus Poyet. And the Uruguayan tastes victory in his . first Tyne-Wear derby thanks to Fabio Borini’s 84th-minute winner. Newcastle 0-3 Sunderland . Feb 1, 2014: Three goals and three consecutive derby wins as Borini, Johnson and Jack Colback find the net. Newcastle 0-1 Sunderland . Dec 21, 2014: Johnson lashes in a 90th minute winner to ensure Sunderland fans keep the bragging rights. Sunderland 1-0 Newcastle . Apr 5, 2015: New Sunderland boss Dick Advocaat picks up his first win in his second game in charge thanks to Jermain Defoe’s thunderbolt.
Sunderland earn 1-0 Tyne-Wear derby victory against Newcastle at the Stadium of Light . Jermain Defoe gives Black Cats the lead with stunning left-footed volley before half-time . Former Tottenham striker scores his third Sunderland goal in hard-fought win for the home side . Sunderland boss Dick Advocaat earns his first Tyne-Wear derby victory . Black Cats are unbeaten in their last seven Barclays Premier League games against Newcastle United .
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Masters champion Jordan Spieth roared back into contention at the RBC Heritage with a second-round 62 on Friday. However, he and his fellow competitors were no match for Troy Merritt, who fired a 10-under 61 to equal the course record at Harbour Town Golf Links and open up a four-shot lead at the top of the standings. The 21-year-old Spieth bounced back from his opening 74 with a nine-under-par round of 62 to sit six under in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Jordan Spieth hits his second shot on the ninth hole during the second round of the RBC Heritage . The 21-year-old bounced back from his opening 74 with a nine-under-par round to sit six under . Troy Merritt fired a 10-under 61 to equal the course record at Harbour Town Golf Links . That looked to have put him firmly in contention, with playing partner and defending champion Matt Kuchar holding the clubhouse lead at the time on eight under. Yet Merritt took everyone by surprise with a storming run which saw him pick up seven shots on the back nine and shoot to the top of the leaderboard on 12 under overall. The 29-year-old American, who finished a flawless round with four successive birdies, admitted everything simply fell into place for him. 'It was a lot of fun,' he told the PGA Tour website. 'I had the college mentality of 'just try to make one more (birdie), just try to make one more and see what happens'. And I was just fortunate to close with four in a row. 'I haven't played poorly all year, it's just the tempo issue with me. If I don't have it right away, it's tough to find it and then I'm scrabbling all day and trying to shoot one or two under. Today I wasn't worrying about that.' Kuchar is tied for second place with John Merrick, having followed his first-round 68 with a 66. Merritt took everyone by surprise with a storming run which shot him to the top of the leaderboard . Spieth and his caddie chat with Matt Kuchar before their second shots during the RBC Heritage . Spieth and Kuchar shake hands during the RBC Heritage tournament in South Carolina . Merrick fired a round of 65 on Friday, mixing seven birdies with a single bogey on the par-four 12th. The pair are one shot ahead of a group of three players which includes Northern Irishman Graeme McDowell, who carded a 69 to go with his 66 from day one. Spieth, meanwhile, sank nine birdies to revive memories of his Masters heroics, when he led after every round to win by four shots. Merritt lines up a putt on the 17th hole during the second round of the RBC Heritage at Harbour Town . Spieth reacts to a putt on the 13th hole during the second round of the RBC Heritage at Harbour Town . And the Texan was relieved to see an improvement in his game from Thursday's disappointment. He said: 'I found something in my ball position on the range this morning, and it made a significant difference in my ball-striking and in my putting. 'I told (caddie) Michael (Greller) when the day started, 'hey, let's try to get three (strokes) a side'. Let's try to shoot six under today. And once we got a couple extra to go, it was off and running and don't worry about your score; just keep on trying to make birdies.' Fans watch on as Spieth hits his tee shot on the ninth hole during the tournament in South Carolina .
Jordan Spieth upped his game to haul himself back into contention . Masters winner bounced back from opening 74 with a nine-under-par round . However, he and his fellow competitors were no match for Troy Merritt . The American cruised to the top of the leaderboard on 12 under overall .
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Olympic gold medallist Jessica Ennis-Hill has confirmed she will return to competition in London this July following her break from athletics to become a mother. Ennis-Hill provided one of London 2012's most captivating storylines by surging to heptathlon gold, and the Sheffield-born star will return to the Olympic Stadium three years on to compete in the Sainsbury's Anniversary Games. The 29-year-old has not competed since the same event in 2013 and gave birth to her son, Reggie, last summer. But her return to action sets up the prospect of a showdown against Katarina Johnson-Thompson, the brilliant young British heptathlete who is the heir to Ennis-Hill's throne. Jessica Ennis-Hill became a national hero when she won heptathlon gold at the London 2012 Olympics . Ennis-Hill has not competed since 2013 as she took time off to become a mother . 'I am really looking forward to it,' said Ennis-Hill, who could compete in the long jump or 110m hurdles. 'My race schedule is starting to starting to take shape and it will be good to compete and get a sense of where I am in my return to competing. 'My main goal this season is to be as competitive as possible with the long-term goal being the Rio Olympics. 'Diamond League meetings always have the best athletes in the world so I’m sure this will be a good test for me; I want to perform well being back on the big stage in London but I will be realistic as 2015 is about the challenge of getting back to competitive shape after having my little boy and ultimately making the necessary progression to be at my best for Rio.' Katarina Johnson-Thompson has emerged as the new rising star of British athletics and Ennis-Hill's heir . Another British hero of London 2012, Mo Farah, will also compete in the Diamond League event, which serves as a warm-up for the World Championships in Beijing in August. Ennis-Hill will take part in the two-day meeting on July 24 and 25, with the Sainsbury's IPC Athletics Grand Prix Final taking place on July 26. Ennis-Hill added: 'The 2012 Olympics were an incredible experience for me and it will be very special to step out on that track again. It will be amazing to compete in front of all our British fans who I am sure will have their own memories of the London Games too.'
Jessica Ennis-Hill will compete at the Anniversary Games in July . Olympic gold medallist has not been in action since 2013 . Her return could set up showdown against Katarina Johnson-Thompson .
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The family of a teenager who should have died after overdosing on a mix of heroin and Xanax has shared images of him in hospital in a bid to deter others from taking drugs. Brayden Travis, 18, was left without medical attention for seven hours after taking drugs at a friend's house in St Charles County, Missouri in early March. His lungs and kidneys failed, and he suffered a stroke and severe brain damage. Doctors warned that he will likely remain in a vegetative state, his mother, Kelly Smith-Miller, wrote on Facebook. She also shared a starling photograph of the teenager unconscious in a hospital bed with breathing apparatus and wires across his body. Overdose: Brayden Travis, 18, suffered a stroke and severe brain damage after overdosing on heroin and Xanax last month. His mother shared this photo of him to Facebook to deter others from taking drugs . 'If my son's story and picture can save one life or contribute to the education and awareness of drug abuse, then he and I are very happy!' she wrote in her post. 'He wouldn't want this for anyone else and he would tell anyone not to use drugs … ever! I can tell you he tried to fight this addiction and I pray this time it hasn't won!' The post has been shared more than 337,000 times. Brayden is now breathing on his own and wakes up and opens and closes his eyes, although his reactions are inconsistent, the St Louis Post-Dispatch reported. 'Medical personnel believe my son should have been dead long before he was able to get the medical attention he needed, but for some unknown reason he has stabilized,' she wrote. Addiction: His mother explained that Brayden, left before the overdose, has struggled with drug addiction since he was 15. He is now conscious in hospital, seen right, and is breathing on his own . 'He is making progress, but we have a long road to travel. Even though the outcome is not expected to be positive, as a mother I will not give up until I have exhausted all options and know that I've done everything I can.' Brayden had long been battling with addiction, she said. He first started smoking marijuana when he was 15 and eventually moved on to heroin. He enrolled in five or six treatment programs and left three of them, she told the Post-Dispatch. He spent eight months in juvenile custody for using drugs and failing drug tests, she added. As he struggled with addiction, he moved between his grandmother's home and his mother's home, and at the time of his overdose, he was living with his father in St Charles County. By his side: Mother Kelly Smith-Miller, pictured with her son left, and his father, Todd Travis, right, said they hope he will pull though so he can 'come home and have a life that will be worth living' 'He was living with me doing well, then I go in his room every morning to check on him and he is gone,' his dad, Todd Travis, wrote on his own Facebook page. 'He is my only child, my mini me, and my life! Please everyone pray for Brayden to someday have his body and and his brain healed so he can come home and have a life that will be worth living.' Speaking to the Post-Dispatch, Travis, who tried to set a good example for his son by working out and eating well, added: 'You go over what you could have done better.' But he is still hopeful that his son will recover, and shared his joy on Facebook that his son has been laughing in hospital. 'I'm looking into his eyes, man - and he's looking at me,' he said.
Brayden Travis, from St Charles County, Missouri, has battled drug addiction since he was 15 and overdosed on heroin in early March . The 18-year-old was left without medical attention for seven hours and suffered a stroke and severe brain damage . Doctors told his parents he might be left in a vegetative state but he is now conscious and has made small improvements . His mother shared a photo of him in hospital in a bid to deter others from taking drugs; the post has been shared more than 337,000 times .
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Marion 'Suge' Knight was chained down to a chair and wheeled into a California courtroom on Wednesday after he fell at a previous hearing while addressing murder charges levied against him. During his appearance in the Los Angeles courtroom, the Death Row Records co-founder complained to Judge Ronald Coen and said he could walk. Knight, a 49-year-old diabetic with a blood clot, fell and hit his head at a previous bail hearing. Scroll down for videos . Marion 'Suge' Knight was chained down to a chair and wheeled into a California courtroom on Wednesday . Death Row Records co-founder fell at a previous hearing while addressing murder charges levied against him . Knight, a 49-year-old diabetic with a blood clot, told the judge walking was not a problem despite the earlier fall . His lawyer, Matt Fletcher, said authorities put Knight in the chair and chained him down as part of a 'ploy' to 'humiliate' his client, according to TMZ. Knight told the judge: 'I'm being chained to some type of chair and their pushing me. 'It's making the situation even worse[er]. 'I walked perfectly fine from the county jail, to the bus, to the bus to here'. The judge told Knight if he could walk, that was fine and the chair will not be used again. Judge Coen is giving the former rap music mogul time to hire an attorney in a robbery case filed against him last year. A celebrity photographer accused Knight and comedian Katt Williams of taking her camera. The judge pressed Knight about whether he wanted a new attorney in the robbery case. His previous attorney, David Kenner, said in a filing he no longer wanted to represent Knight. Knight said he wanted to fire Kenner and has until May 27 to hire a new attorney. In this March 2015 file photo, Knight collapsed in court during a bail hearing about his hit-and-run case . Knight's lawyer Matt Fletcher said the chains and the wheelchair were part of a 'ploy' to 'humiliate' his client . The deadly hit-and-run murder Knight is accused of is a separate case, . Cle 'Bone' Sloan was hurt and Terry Carter died in the alleged hit-and-run in January. Knight has pleaded innocent and his lawyers have denied he intentionally tried to kill Carter and Sloan. Fletcher also says Knight is blind in his left eye and may not have seen clearly during the incident. Knight has previous convictions for assault with a deadly weapon and could face 25 years to life in prison under California's so-called three-strikes law if he is convicted at trial. His bail was set at $25million at the previous hearing.
Hit head on chair when he fell at previous bail hearing in Los Angeles . Knight, a diabetic with blood clot, said he hadn't received any medication . Lawyer said chains and wheelchair were a 'ploy' to 'humiliate' his client . Cle 'Bone' Sloan was hurt and Terry Carter died in the alleged hit-and-run . Knight, 49, charged with murder and attempted murder for January incident .
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The mother of a missing 15-year-old autistic girl has made a desperate plea for help after her daughter disappeared while out walking a week ago. Teenager Kimberly Greenberg became angry and left her Santa Monica home to calm down about 8.30pm on March 24, but never returned. Her mother Janice Greenberg has now made an urgent appeal for help as the teenager, described as having the mental capacity of an eight-year-old, has gone missing without her cellphone or medication. Kimberly Greenberg, 15, disappeared more than a week ago after going for a walk near her Santa Monica home . The autistic teenager left her home without medication or her cellphone and has not been seen for a week . She told NBC Los Angeles that she adopted Kimberly eight years ago, and the area they lived in was what the teenager considered her 'safe place'. 'It is the worst thing you could ever imagine happening,' she said. 'Absolutely horrific. There's no getting through the day - there's no explaining it. 'I have to keep faith that she's going to come back,' she told KTLA. A LAPD spokesman said Kimberly was last seen wearing a red sweater, jeans and ugg boots when she left home to go for a walk and calm down at the nearby Mar Vista Recreation Centre. Despite knowing the area and walking there often, she has not been seen since. The spokesman said: 'Kimberly is currently taking medication and her family is extremely concerned. She is described as a 15-year-old Hispanic female with brown hair and brown eyes. She stands 4feet, 10inches tall and weights approximately 110pounds.' Anyone with information about her whereabouts should contact the LAPD, Pacific Division Watch Commander at (310) 482-6371. During non-business hours or on weekends, calls should be directed to 1-877-LAPD-24-7 (877-527-3247). Those wishing to remain anonymous can also call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (800-222-8477).
Autistic teenager Kimberly Greenberg went missing more than a week ago . The 15-year-old left her LA home to go for a walk and never returned . Her mother Janice has now made a desperate plea for help finding her . She is said to be very trusting and has the mental capacity of an 8-year-old .
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She is known as the bombshell girlfriend of Made In Chelsea's Ollie Proudlock. And here, Emma Louise Connolly shows off her incredible figure as she models Ann Summers' first bridal wear lingerie. Billed by the brand as 'perfect for every blushing bride', the underwear and loungewear collection comes in soft palettes of ivory and nude, and is not without a raunchy streak. Ann Summers, known best for its mainstream erotic lingerie and toys, has unveiled its very first foray into bridal wear (pictured) In these exclusive photos, Emma models the collection - priced between £14 and £85 - which includes a curve-skimming dress, an intricate nightgown and a range of silk and lace sets. One daring cut-out bra leaves most of the breasts exposed, with straps that creep up to the neck. Other stand-outs include a barely-there peek-a-boo thong, teamed with gartered stockings. The collection also includes boned basques and ribbon suspenders. Items are available in sizes 8-12 and 32A-38DD. Emma was first revealed as the face of Ann Summers just in time for its Fifty Shades of Grey-inspired Valentine's Day collection in February. Modelling the collection - priced between £14 and £85 - is Emma Louise Connolly, the current face of Ann Summers and the bombshell girlfriend of Made in Chelsea’s Ollie Proudlock . Billed by the brand as 'perfect for every blushing bride', the lingerie and loungewear collection comes in soft palettes of ivory and nude, and is not without a raunchy streak . Items are available in sizes 8-12 and 32A-38DD . It's thought that Emma started dating Ollie back in October last year, after the pair posted a candid shot of them kissing on Instagram. Ann Summers was launched in 1970, and somewhat mysteriously named after Annice Summers, the female secretary of the male founder Kim Caborn Waterfield. It now boasts more than 140 stores across the UK and sells an eye-watering two million 'Rampant Rabbit' vibrators every year, an exclusive product which won itself widespread fame upon its release. The naughty-but-nice collection includes a curve-skimming dress with a racy streak (pictured) It's thought that Emma and Ollie, pictured together, started dating back in October last year .
This is Emma Louise Connolly's second campaign for Ann Summers . The erotic bridal range is priced between £14 and £85 . It features cut-out bras and a peek-a-boo thong .
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Divock Origi has revealed that the progress of Jordon Ibe at Liverpool this season has left him counting the days until he makes his Anfield bow. The Belgium striker was signed by Liverpool in a £10million deal after impressing at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, before being loaned back to Lille for the 2014-15 season. But Origi has been following Liverpool's progress from across the English Channel and after seeing the rise of Ibe and Raheem Sterling, is eagerly anticipating working under Brendan Rodgers. Divock Origi said the progress of Liverpool's youngsters have heightened his excitement at joining the club . Origi referenced the progress of winger Jordon Ibe (left) as an example of youth players improving at the club . Origi added that he thinks the long-term progress of Raheem Sterling means he is joining the right club . 'When you see how the coach and the staff work with the young players - how Sterling, for example, has learned over the years and how Ibe is now integrating with the team, it is very interesting,' Origi told Liverpool's official website. 'It is very nice to have seen that this season. 'The manager is one of the reasons I came to Liverpool - he's someone who has proven he knows how to work with young players, knows how to develop young players and also lets them play.' Origi, who has scored seven times in Ligue 1 this season, believes that the backing of Liverpool's supporters will help him elevate his game. 'I'm somebody who when I feel loved, when I feel appreciated by the supporters, then I can give even more. It gives you a boost on the field. In Belgium it was this way, and I can see it at Liverpool.' Origi (second eight) earned a transfer to Liverpool after impressing for Belgium at the 2014 World Cup . Origi added that the challenges he has faced at Lille this season will make him a better player for Liverpool . Origi admits it has been a challenging season at Lille attempting balance the demands of the league with the Europa League but believes the experience he has gained means he will arrive at Liverpool a better player than this time last year. 'In a mental aspect, I've learnt a lot and I've learnt a lot about football and people looking at you,' Origi said. 'It's made me stronger and that's essential for me before coming to Liverpool.'
Divock Origi signed for Liverpool last year but went back to Lille on loan . He will join up with Liverpool properly after the end of the season . Origi is impressed with the progress of Jordon Ibe and Raheem Sterling . Sterling insists contract criticism 'goes in one ear and out the other' CLICK HERE for all the latest Liverpool news .
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For Ronny Deila, qualification for the Champions League is not all about the money. But there are now 16million reasons for the Norwegian to take Celtic there by leading the team to a fourth successive title. And all of them involve pound signs. This week UEFA confirmed their ‘cash cycle’ for the next three years of European competition. The last time Celtic reached the Champions League group stage, in 2013-14 when they faced AC Milan, Ajax and Barcelona, they won one match and earned £12.6m. The same performance – or better – next season would see that sum rise by £4m. If they reach the last 16, the figures crash through the £20m barrier. And that’s even before ticket sales. UEFA's increase in Champions League money gives Celtic manager Ronny Deila extra reasons to qualify . To the rest of Scottish football, the prospect of Celtic making more money is damaging to any hopes of increased competition. To Deila, it’s a different kind of bind. ‘It is even more pressure,’ conceded the Norwegian as his side seek to stretch their Premiership lead to eight points against St Mirren in Paisley tonight. ‘But you can’t think about money. You just have to do the job the best way you can. ‘I feel if we can keep consistency in this team and maybe add a player or two, we will be ready for it. ‘It’s not only about the money. It’s about the supporters and the reputation of the club. It’s about the experience of the Champions League.’ The experience and the cash effectively go hand in hand. If Celtic participate in the group stages of the premier competition, sell-out crowds of 60,000 – something of a rarity these days – are guaranteed. The competition stimulates and sustains the club in a variety of ways. Yes, the last 32 of the Europa League secured a tie with Inter Milan this season. But for all the concerns about a small elite from the major leagues dominating the competition every year, the Champions League remains the superior competition in every way. ‘The Champions League is so important,’ added Deila yesterday. ‘We want to win the league and get into the Champions League group stage, that’s the main target. ‘There is even more money now in the Champions League. So to get a good team to compete in that tournament is everything. It is more important than selling players. ‘Our prime target is the Champions League and we have to do what is best for the club.’ Towards that end, Deila - now a more confident and assured figure than the man who took the Parkhead job last summer - will assume personal control of the pre-season programme and argue for the retention of key players. The days of Celtic jetting to the east coast of Australia and back to play friendlies appear to have gone. ‘We have to be more prepared than we were this season,’ stated the Parkhead boss after insisting that last summer’s lucrative series of games in the United States, Austria and Germany had been partly to blame for his team’s subsequent 4-1 qualifying defeat to Legia Warsaw in Poland. ‘I know we are going to be more prepared. They are knockout ties in the qualifiers, so anything can happen. ‘We just need to do everything as good as possible so that the preparation is 100 per cent. ‘We have to do what is best for the team. If we don’t reach it (the group stages) then we will have done everything we can. If we are not good enough then we have to look for a new coach then.’ He was only half joking, you suspect. The most important games of a Celtic season now take place in mid-July, before they have kicked a ball in domestic competition. The Champions League qualifiers set the tone for the rest of the campaign. Amid those circumstances, finding the time to rest international players is proving increasingly difficult. Scotland play the Republic of Ireland in a vital European qualifier in Dublin on June 13, when more than a few Celtic stars are likely to be involved, while the likes of full-back Emilio Izaguirre will also be playing for their countries through the summer. By this time last year, Celtic had won the Scottish title at a canter - allowing former manager Neil Lennon to grant key players early rest prior to the Euro challenge ahead. Deila says that won’t happen this time, even if his side can find a way to shake off challengers Aberdeen in the coming weeks. ‘No. Everybody is going to be here,’ said the Norwegian boss. ‘Hopefully we are going to win the Treble and that is the main target. ‘Our dream and hope is to get to the Scottish Cup Final and win it. If we do that, then we will be playing our last game of this season on May 30. ‘After the cup final, the players will get three weeks’ holiday. If they are playing internationals in June, then they will get one week more. So players like Broony (Scott Brown) and Stefan (Johansen) would come back on July 1. ‘In three weeks, you can’t ruin too much. It is just positive for their bodies to rest. They know what is coming when they come back to training.’ Before then, there are big barriers to cross. Beginning tonight just down the road in Paisley against a demoralised and struggling St Mirren side who find themselves propping up the Premiership table. Deila admits he is eager to secure a fourth consecutive league title for Celtic as soon as possible . ‘We want to win the league as soon as possible,’ declared Deila. ‘The games coming up now are important games but we have a good momentum now. We play good football, we train well, there is good harmony in the squad. I am comfortable that we are going to keep performing well. ‘I expect a good performance at St Mirren. We have a lot of players who have been rested a lot. They should be ready for the game.’
UEFA have confirmed a significant hike in Champions League prize money . Celtic could earn £16million just from competing in the group stages . Manager Ronny Deila is eager to secure a fourth straight title for Celtic .
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The brass lamp is being sold at auction in June by auctioneers Hansons (above with model in period costume) A brass desk lamp used by Florence Nightingale as she wrote about her nursing experiences in the Crimean War is to be sold at auction. It was given as a gift to two sisters who worked as servants for the Nightingale family at Lea Hurst, near Matlock, Derbyshire. Dating back to around 1840, the 10in tall lamp will go under the hammer at Hansons in Etwall, Derbyshire, on June 26. After her experiences in the war Nightingale returned to Derbyshire, where she had spent her childhood, in the 1850s. She wrote of what she had seen in the conflict with her 1859 Notes on Nursing still considered as having shaped the profession today. During the war she became known as The Lady with the Lamp thanks to a report in The Times. She had been sent to Selimiye Barracks in Scutari, now Istanbul, in 1854 to care for soldiers. She pleaded with the British newspaper to appeal to the Government for better working conditions having been horrified by the squalor and disease fighters faced. The result was Renkioi Hospital, a civilian facility built in England and shipped to the area to care for those who had been hurt. It was there Nightingale earned her nickname, carrying a lamp as she completed rounds of the hospital's patients through the night. The lamp from her Derbyshire home was passed down through generations of the Lea Hurst servants' family. Auctineer Charles Hanson said: ‘The lamp is quite remarkable. It has a wonderful provenance, which confirms it helped ignite Florence and her writings late into many a Derbyshire night. 'Such an iconic object and it’s association with such a leading lady will be guided at £1000-2000. With interest and competition it may just ignite, since it is such a wonderful object.' Florence Nightingale penned nursing notes at her Derbyshire home after returning from the Crimean War .
A brass lamp from the nurse's Derbyshire home is to go under the hammer . She is thought to have used it to write nursing notes after Crimean War . Lamp was passed on to servants and handed down through generations . It will be sold by Hansons in Etwall, Derbyshire, on June 26 .
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Jenna Bush Hager is pregnant with her second child and revealed the news live on this morning's Today show. The 33-year-old and her husband Henry Hager already have a daughter, Mila, who turns two later this month, and the youngster was on-hand to help her mother announce the family's exciting news. During a segment in which 'adventure correspondent' Jenna was discussing what her 'next adventure' for the show would be, she cut away to a clip of herself pointing to her tummy, asking Mila who was in there, before the toddler told the world that it was her 'baby sissy'. Congrats! Jenna Bush Hager revealed that she is expecting her second daughter with husband Henry Hager live on this morning's Today show . Happy family: The Today correspondent, pictured with husband Henry and their daughter Mila, described parenthood as 'the biggest roller coaster ride there is' 'This is the biggest roller coaster ride there is, having children,' Jenna said of her pregnancy. She added about her daughter's reaction to the news: 'She's excited, she's so cute. She keeps saying baby sissy, baby sissy!' Wearing a fitted purple dress which showed just the tiniest hint of a bump, the Today show correspondent confessed that she is already 20 weeks into her pregnancy, revealing that her second daughter is due in August. Jenna admitted in an interview with People that she has known about the pregnancy for some time, revealing that she and Henry broke the news to her parents, former President George Bush, and former First Lady Laura, the day after Christmas. Luckily it has been an incredibly smooth pregnancy for Jenna, who admitted to the publication that her husband has, on occasion, forgotten that she is carrying a child. 'My husband even said, "I keep forgetting you’re pregnant!"' she joked. 'Baby sissy': The 33-year-old asked her one-year-old daughter Mila to help make the announcement to the world . Special role: Jenna revealed that her daughter Mila was thrilled about the idea of becoming a big sister . Surprise: Jenna's fellow Today show hosts were thrilled about her news, and were quick to congratulate the soon-to-be mother-of-two . Jenna's Today co-hosts were thrilled for the soon-to-be mother-of-two, with fellow mother Savannah Guthrie leaping up from her desk to give her congratulatory hug, before the team presented her with a bunch of flowers and some baby clothes. Jenna and Henry, who married in May 2008, welcomed their first daughter, whose full name is Margaret Laura Hager, on April 13, 2012 - and the TV presenter revealed to People that the couple had actually been expecting a boy. 'We didn't find out with Mila and we were convinced she was a boy, to the point that we painted the nursery a pale blue,' she explained. 'And it was a girl! We were thrilled, but shocked. So with the second, we decided to find out.' And it seems as though Jenna is already preparing for the challenges of parenting two young children at once; after Today show executive producer Don Nash tweeted his congratulations to the star, she replied joking that she needed some parenting tips. 'Congrats to @JennaBushHager and Henry on another baby girl on the way! Double the trouble, double the fun! #trustmeiknow (sic)' Don tweeted, prompting Jenna to reply: '@Studio1ADon thanks!! I need parenting tips. Ha. (sic)' Proud mother: The Today show's official 'adventure correspondent' was incredibly excited to reveal her happy news . The big reveal: Shortly after making the announcement, Jenna was showered with hugs and gifts from the Today show team . Grandparents: Jenna and Henry told her parents, former US President George Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush (pictured), about the pregnancy during the Christmas vacation . Jenna's second pregnancy may mean that she has to put her role as the Today show's official adventure correspondent, a position which has seen her take on all manner of weird and wonderful challenges during the past few months, on hold however. And unfortunately for Jenna's adventure-focused fans, that means the expectant mother won't be able to complete any of the four potential viewer-chosen challenges which she was due to face in the next few weeks. More than 50,000 people voted for what daring feat Jenna would complete next, with an incredibly speedy roller coaster ride and parachuting off a bridge taking the lead. 'Some people will do anything to get out of a roller coaster ride,' Matt Lauer joked after hearing the news. Shortly after appearing on the Today show, Jenna took to her Instagram account to once again express her joy at the family's happy news. Alongside a picture of herself posing with husband Henry and Mila, the doting mother commented: 'Feel so lucky that we're adding another precious, precocious little girl to our family. My heart is full.'
The 33-year-old made the announcement on Monday morning's show . Jenna and Henry, who married in May 2008, welcomed their first daughter Mila in April 2012 .
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He's a sexy, single surfer who also happens to know his way around the kitchen, and now Sydney's Dan Churchill, 25, has the US eating out of his hands - literally. But there was one Hollywood starlet in particular who was won over by his 'Bro Burgers' and cheeky Aussie charm - blonde bombshell Blake Lively. Appearing as a guest star alongside Lively on Good Morning America (GMA) on Tuesday, Churchill appeared to be living the ultimate Aussie dude's dream - touring the US to promote his cook book 'Dude Food' and flirting over food and Ryan Reynolds with Gossip Girl glamazon Blake Lively. 'I was told it was time to do my teaser with Blake and I was like, "Wow! This doesn't happen every day" At that moment I realised I was representing a lot of fellas throughout the world,' Churchill told Daily Mail Australia. Scroll down for video . Burger for Blake: Dan Churchill whips up a 'Bro Burger' on Good Morning America, meeting Blake Lively too . Bye Blake: Churchill admitted to Hollywood star Blake Lively that he crushes more on hubby Ryan Reynolds . New kid on the block: Sydney's Dan Churchill takes on New York with live cooking segment at Times Square . Ahead of the GMA segment, Churchill had taken to Instagram with a post revealing Blake Lively was on the call sheet that same day, in a post that read: . 'Just on a real quiet note... I will do my best to honour every little boys dream tomorrow...,' a cheeky insinuation of what he hoped was to come. Adding '#IDontKnowWhatToDoWithMyhands #ThisGotReal.' While Lively, married to Ryan Reynolds remained above board friendly, Churchill was able to live out one dream, getting a photo with the star and even mentioning his crush on husband Ryan Reynolds to the star. 'I am not one to go all fan-boy like so I kept my cool but there was one thing I had to be honest about,' Churchill revealed. 'I said "Blake, I am a massive fan of your work (as are the rest of the legends in my country), however my brothers would not look me in the eye if I didn't admit how much of a massive fan we are of your man Ryan."' And just like that the bond was formed, according to Churchill. 'She absolutely loved it and couldn't stop smiling. I think she loved that I was real and could hold an honest conversation.' So long Sydney: Churchill hits the NYC sights, saying a temporary goodbye to Sydney while on US tour . Surfing the USA:Churchill makes waves with appearance on Good Morning America for 'Dude Food' cook book . The starlet also shared with Churchill that her neighbour was a good cook and that her and Ryan often will get into the kitchen. 'Blake is an absolutely amazing woman, very down to earth and obviously doesn't want to be seen as just a "star," he said. 'It was definitely a moment like this that showed me, no matter how different our lives are, food is something we all have in common and can get happiness, smiles and maybe a few cuddles from.' Book club: Churchill signing copies of his 'Dude Food' book in Brooklyn for a sea of screaming female fans . Bromance banter: Churchill was said to hit it off with ESPN reporter Jesse Palmer talking girls and hangriness . A barrel of laughs and burgers: Churchill gets cheeky on set of Good Morning America appearance . Adding cheekily, 'boys I am talking to you.' And it wasn't just Lively that was won over. Tim McGraw, the hit country singer also got a photo with Churchill, who was also on set to promote news song and a GMA producer was heard raving about Churchill saying has 'nailed it' and that women will love his 'Aussieness' and that the 'Bromance' is real. Mateship with McGraw: Churchill took a moment to get a sneaky snap with country star Tim McGraw . And on set Churchill certainly knew how to work the camera. Standing alongside co-hosts Lara Spencer and ESPN Reporter Jesse Palmer, Churchill dished up a 'wicked, bad boy' chutney to go alongside his legendary 'Bro Burger' dazzling the hosts with his Aussie charm and catchy colloquialisms. The young chef also undoubtedly won over Palmer, with Churchill saying 'a clear bromance was formed' with fist pumps, banter and tips on how to get out of trouble with a woman. Sydney style: Churchill throwing a cheeky surfer 'shakas' signal while wandering the streets of NYC . 'There's a whole chapter on impressing girls and a recipe called "Getting out of the dog house," says Churchill. 'So if you're ever in trouble mate...' he laughs, and the 'bromance' connection was made. Churchill told GMA he was inspired to create a healthy cook book for guys, because he was getting more attention from their girlfriends from him. Churchill the charmer: Churchill pictured sweet talking the girls at Cosmopolitan magazine in America . 'So I wrote ended up making a book to look after them and have their back,' he said. Ever the charmer, Churchill also threw in some local words in a bid to butter up with his burger eating companions, citing 'ground beef' instead of mince, 'cilantro' instead of coriander and 'erbs' instead of 'herbs.' It's safe to say the segment was a success and Churchill wowed cast, crew and Hollywood stars alike. Surfer shenanigans: A sneaky visit to YouTube where Churchill keeps mum about 'shenanigans' that went on . 'It went so quickly but it was one of the most exciting moments of my life, I couldn't be more stoked,' he said. 'What was most amazing was the response I was getting from ABC and the rest of the production team, they loved it and said I was real, relatable and authentic.' 'There was even a moment where I gave a signed copy of Dude Food to a young boy from New Jersey named Matt, he seemed so inspired and it seriously warmed my heart' he said. TV to NYC: Churchill soared to fame when he starred on MasterChef at 23, now at 25 he has a US book tour . Later this month, Churchill will appear on 'Bravo's Watch What Happens Live' (as a bartender), CRN's 'What's Cookin' Today' and CRS Radio's show 'off The Menu' to coincide with his book tour and be doing appearances at Barnes & Noble stores. There is also talk of a TV show of his own, with Churchill citing Jamie Oliver as one of his biggest inspirations. And with a natural ability to charm the crowds and a mean cooking talent that impresses the ladies, a new 'Naked Chef' could only go down a treat.
Sydney's 'Healthy Cook' Dan Churchill, 25, stars on Good Morning America . Former MasterChef contestant has released 'Dude Food' cook book in US . Churchill appeared on Good Morning America alongside Blake Lively . The surfer-turned-chef paid homage to Aussie roots with cheeky slang .
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