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Post: I’d like to be married before we are pregnant. I’m not willing to compromise on that. Anyone been in a similar situation? Advice on how to proceed? ---
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Now that he needs financial help he knows exactly where to find me. I know he wants me to just say “okay, here’s the $730 dollars you need to make rent and pay your credit card bill.” But I don’t want to just give him a handout. He’ll just come back the following month and begin to expect it. Aside from that we can’t afford an extra $730 a month. My wife and I are trying to pay off our debt and start a family.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The Power of Now - this teaches you to look behind your mind, to be the observer of your life. Please share your experiences and how you get through anxiety. I am more than pleased to see video, read books, articles etc;. Thank you and I hope that this will help you to pursuit your true nature and live happily. P.S Not a native English, sorry for grammar mistakes.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He causes emotional pain to me every day but I cannot get myself to leave him. He physically abuses me sometimes but it rarely leaves a mark or bruise. I feel like even if he cheats on me (again) I still won’t want to leave him. The only way I think I will leave him forever is if I end up hating him. And the only way I will hate him is if he caused physical harm that I cannot lie my way out of like I have in the past.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: "I understand as a woman why you are doing this. But as a mother, I am begging you not to press charges. It will ruin his life. Please, let us take care of him. We'll set him straight.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'll try to keep this short and succint so it's easier to read. I had a very brief relationship with this girl. We both conected inmediately and tried to be in a relationship. We both had problems that consumed us: she was bulimic and I had erections issues; we both had parent issues and a nihilistic aproach to life. I wasn't a (mentally) strong boy, I was very immature and naive, I suppose she was kind of the same.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Picked music up again and I'm considering the possibility of doing it for the rest of my life rather than science, which is what I've been led by my environment to believe is my "destiny." Even if I am coming to plenty of realizations, I constantly ponder about our relationship, how horribly it ended, and whether I may have done something wrong and how I can fix a bad quality in myself that made things end that way. I just want to forget. Is this horribly written? I think so.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’m coming to find that my family are rapist sympathizers given the “right” circumstance (ie. sports). How would you want the media to change? What would make it easier to watch the news while also covering newsworthy topics? My head is in a fog still so hopefully that all made sense.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It’s like hes expecting my tummy is spilling over my jeans like a muffin(it’s not) I’m still a size small instead of an Xsmall like I used to be when 14 but that’s pretty fucking normal I reckon.its like god help me if I’m a medium right? Today I lashed out at him by saying omg dad it’s cuz I’m wearing these pants today ( the pants which are wide, loos high waisted and make ass look bigger), instead of skinny jeans so I obv gained like 10 pounds or tonnes of kilos or whatever overnight. Later on he said “it’s so easy to make you mad you shouldn’t react that way just cus you don’t think you’re fat” this made me think that he is doing this to get a rise out of me which isn’t cool for 55 yo dad or you know an adult. Or another reason is probably cuz he is getting older and living a sedentary lifestyle, it’s the holiday season and he put on weight he’s not doing anything about it and he’s taking it out on me, he’s a bit chubby but not like overly flabby it’s just most shirts don’t fit anymore. Anyway this part isn’t relevant to my relationship but I’d like to share anyway.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This is marriage #2 for both of us. Husband's (52 M) ex (51 F) cheated, my ex (53 M) had emotional affair, leading to ending marriages in the same year. We dated in high school, and reconnected as friends, started dating about a year later, moved in together after a year, got engaged 2 years after that. Before getting engaged I found out he was having an emotional affair with a woman who lived about a 5 hour drive away from us. I found out when he left an IM open on his computer, found steamy texts when I went to shut off a noisy program.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Clearly what i need to do is just talk to her about it. I have a couple of examples in mind that will drive the point home. Mainly the first night i was introduced to everyone and a house warming we went to. We're having dinner tomorrow night. Thanks a ton for the feedback everyone.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’m just wondering how many of you have A LOT of triggers? I was abused extremely horribly as a teenager and into adulthood and I have horrible ptsd from it. I literally get triggered by everything and anything. Like someone could sneeze and it would sound similar to him and I’d freak. I freak out horribly about everything and the littlest things.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It started again, but worse. I'd bring up the conversation we had and he'd ask how dare I call him names. How dare I, he said. So, on September 7th, I decided that I had enough. I cut him out of my life.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Also deflects my attempts at flirting. How do I communicate with him the way I want him to romance me if it's against his nature? Is it even possible? Should I just try to change myself? It's been five years and I'm still having this problem, what do I do?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My phone is a prepaid phone through Virgin Mobile, but it's the only way I have to communicate with my doctors and lawyer and with my workers comp benefits being cut, I cannot afford the money for the $45 phone card. I've been trying to sell everything of value that we own to pay bills,but I haven't been able to come up with enough foot my cell phone. My phone will be off on March 2nd. And If anyone could help, I'd be forever grateful. Thank you in advance!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: For anxiety/depression. Feb 16 weekend, we hung out and discussed going out. I just wanted to know what would be different or what her expectations would be differently. She just wanted to know she could introduce me as her bf to friends and people, and to be together. No other changes, really, we were already exclusive.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: - kicked me out of the house and was going to make me leave in the middle of the night multiple times while insulting me and hitting me I'm sorry to even post this here but I need a little support right now. He said this to me two nights ago and came into our guest bedroom where I was sleeping the next day and said sorry Kind of. I tried to talk to him about it and he said he was under a lot of stress and that he doesn't need my love or support and he doesn't want to talk about it. Super sorry for the fucked up formatting but y'all get the idea...
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: You’re swimming smoothly with the current, the temperature isn’t too cold, and the water is calm and clear blue. So why can you only ever see it as being murky? Sometimes, you find yourself swimming higher and higher, until your fingers skim the interface between the water and the air above. You can see the rays of sunlight above piercing through the surface, refracting and scattering as it hits the water. You approach the surface slowly but surely, excited because you feel like you can finally exit into this warm, golden place, and leave the water behind.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: So I am okay at making short-term acquaintances, but can't seem to make friends beyond professional relationships, polite greetings, small-talk, etc. I'm sure it's because I have no practice at making friends and the history of relationships I have had feel laced with feelings of betrayal - so maybe I'm self-sabotaging a little bit. But gosh, I would like someone to talk to about day to day life, hopes, worries, goals, etc. Also, I have an eleven year old son for whom I would like to model some more healthy platonic relationships. I work in a field that requires little one-on-one contact, rely on walking/public transportation, and have a busy schedule with kids activities, work, community meetings, so those factors make it extra hard.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: If you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. Surveys not posted in here will result in a ban, the length of which will be decided at mods' pleasure. __Who I am__: _(Student, Researcher)_ __Affiliation__: _(university, company)_
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have the inner-peace I was seeking for decades! I finally feel like I'm a decent person. I go out of my way to make others feel comfortable, and welcomed, and loved. I have learned to stop my first judgmental thoughts about people, and redirect them. I accept people for who they are, to the extent that a human can.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It was a conversation about those things. Over and over. Her name, which normally it isn't a trigger, but since I've been in a fragile state lately, I was just getting dragged down on the inside. I'm so tired. I just wanted to ask them to stop saying it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm in my third year at uni and starting my diss now (its due in January), and I'm really struggling with feelings of dread and anxiety. I dread waking up knowing I have to do work, and I compare myself to how much my friends are working. When i see them working I am just filled with dread and guilt. ​ I keep getting to the point now where when I try and do work, I freeze.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Do I just need to forget about the "dumb girlfriend" incident and stop assuming that he thinks I'm stupid? And how do I do that? Help! tl;dr Because of an unfortunate incident earlier in our relationship I sometimes have a hard time believing that my boyfriend thinks I'm smart. How do we navigate this?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I need to know what to do. A psychopathic family member was promised MY house, for some strange fucking reason, for apparently a very long time now. I have an abusive ex, that won’t leave me alone and his parents say escape and live with them, but he most likely will follow me where I go. He told me he would. Should I get a restraining order before I go?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: And I know it wouldn't completely or even halfway make up for me being an asshole lately, but I want to have some improvement on her life with her being loyal to me despite me not even being able to be there for her as a boyfriend. She's helped me so much. She paid for uber's to job interviews (I only got one callback from a GameStop, they said I'll know if I can go for second interview next week), she paid for laundry one week, she even bought me a pizza once and I have nothing to give back to her. I am near Denver, Colorado. And I am hoping for this to be sent to my GF because she truly deserves something great.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My ex sent me a video of a switchblade, I asked him why he had that and he said “cutting people up” and then he said “it’s an Italian style switch blade”.. I’m Italian... Anyways, he’s put a loaded gun to my head in the past. I’m actually pretty terrified of him now. He also once brought explosives to my brothers house and claimed he “forgot they were there”.. none of my family or our friends growing up believed me when I told them about him. Which is why I can’t talk to anyone.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm curious, does anyone know of any programs that provide temporary housing assistance if you have a job? I'm almost broke right now. I really don't want to live out of my car or the shelter while working. Having a comfortable supportive place until I can get my first couple of paychecks would be amazing. I'm worried that my current living situation will ruin my chances to succeed with this job.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I feel sad for you, I feel sad for me. I pray that you will get the help you so desperately need so that nobody else has to endure the terror and horrible horrible physical, sexual, and emotional abuse you have put me through. I am riding myself of all my shame associated with what has happened. I know now, it was all you. I did not do anything wrong to deserve the horrible treatment I received from you.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He broke contact with the whole family, only sparingly speaking to his little sister after she followed his example and split. I think he is very ashamed of his past. He *never* talked about anything like this with me. I’m honestly really worried he thinks I would think less of him if I knew, and the idea of that breaks my heart. I didn’t tell him what his sister told me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm too unstable. Telling parents is not an option. I'm not going to give the easy redemption for them. All this is still suspicion. I know I'm no professional, but I'm telling you, I'll get help.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have always told her that if there’s anything she wants to know, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, that I’d tell her I the truth and in return that she would do the same. I repeatedly gave warning that I didn’t think it would help and that it was a bad idea. She said she had to know and I told her that I would but she couldn’t turn it into an issue because this all happened before I even knew her. She agreed. I understand people saying that I should’ve given her space when she asked for it, but I am sorry, that is bullshit.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hi everyone, Sorry to ask but today is my Mum’s birthday. This is the first month in ~6 where I haven’t been paid early, so until tomorrow I have no money. The issue is it’s my mum’s birth today, and she always wants a cake, but I am unable to give her one this year. A nice cake from my local supermarket is £10, and I will be paid by work tomorrow so I can repay you soon.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This week, we stayed in the same house and I slept with her. We were watching a movie when she went to go to sleep in the next room (she's very tired a lot). About an hour later, I heard her crying uncontrollably and shaking and screaming. It was really hard to see. I held her until she went back to sleep, and then stayed with her.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: You've all been very kind and incredibly generous, and my mom and I are looking into all of the suggestions and recommendations that were provided below. We're extremely grateful for everything you've done for us. It's wonderful to know there are such caring, considerate, and giving people out there who are willing to help people like us. You've warmed our hearts with your selflessness. Thank you so much!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We couldn’t have Thanksgiving because of money struggles in the family. I am here begging and pleading for help to get some food in our cupboards to help hold us over as long as we can. I’m counting down the days until tax season so we can fill up the pantry! We receive about $700 each year from the Wisconsin Homestead Tax Credit which is what we use to catch up on bills, prescriptions, and to stock up on food. It’s extremely heart wrenching when my own mother or grandchildren cannot have a bowl of cereal because there’s no milk and guess what, no cereal.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Being in there was hell, I cried most of the first few days. I was very disoriented, couldn't sleep, the windows had metal grates over them. The bathrooms were locked and you had to ask for permission to use the toilets. While I was waiting to use the toilet the nurse came in my room and grabbed the door out of my hands forcefully and I didn't let go (I think its my right to use the bathroom when I need to). She then came back with a bunch of men and they held me down to the bed, pulled down my pants and gave me a shot in the butt of some sedative.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have to be a bit vague to post this as the person responsible knows my username and I don't want to give them the pleasure of knowing what they've done to me. ​ Many years ago I was homeless. I've written extensively about that here and on other sites like Quora. In the 18 years since I came off the streets I've turned my life around, owned and ran 2 businesses and spent my free time helping other homeless people either get off the streets or access services they are entitled to.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have a very hard time with trying to find a job, from most places I don't get any feedbacks, but get immediate rejection when I try to apply to other open positions at the same company. Interestingly there's a lot of propaganda around how there's a shortage on manpower, while at the same time people having difficulty finding jobs. There are notable instances of similar experiences, political opponents' family members getting fired for no reason, etc. My father did a big disservice to the local Fidesz by being a key figure against the prison project (which was going to be built by a company very well known for overpriced projects), my grandfather is a well known tankie (who's so racist he's often accidentally agrees with both Fidesz and Jobbik), not to mention I had a lot of bullies in secondary school who thought I was severely mentally disabled (long story short: I had some speech issues I've since overcome for the most part, but thanks to the Hungarian R-word I got some serious shit, such as being accused with my mother taking up huge benefit money which she spends on shoes and jewelry, which leads them having to pay a lot of taxes on their motorcycles, game consoles, phones, etc) and probably wanted to take their revenge this way (which is ironic, because the hard time I had financially radicalized me from an actual centrist to a radical leftist). My father is seriously thinking on kicking me out to the streets if I won't pay, which makes me to go back to my mother, and my abusive stepfather who cannot accept my autistic quirks, implying if I can go back to them and my stepfather will let it all go through.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Grad school isn’t really the easiest place to parent alone. Assistantships don’t pay you enough to live off of by yourself (Mine nets me a little less than $800 a month, rent is $750), let alone with a tiny human that needs a particular type of education. They also require you commit to 20 hours a week of on campus work. Essentially meaning, you can’t really hold a full time job anywhere. On top of this, working another part time becomes difficult because work hours have to coincide with the hours your little one is at school, and with 20 hours a week on campus already, that leaves little time to actually work anywhere else during school hours.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We broke up a month ago because the distance made us miserable. We had only been doing long distance for 3-ish months, which is not long at all, but we had been dating before that for roughly 3 years, with a short break in between. I'm taking a gap year so I've been bouncing from place to place & my parents are so protective that they don't let me visit friends at college often (especially not her since they are suspicious of our relationship anyway [homophobia lol]). I did visit her once, but only for a few days and she visited me in return. Anyway, we both couldn't commit to a strict schedule of meeting up because of school, parents, money...
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: When I take the time to relax and think of something nice like a waterfall or a forest or something like that I then automatically think of how bad people are going to mess it up and pollute and make it worse and just be awful. It makes it hard for me to relax. I try to think of something tranquil and then thoughts like these pop into my head. Meditation isn't that nice for me. My mind just races.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It feels as if no one understands what I’m going through in my life because I took a while to leave and didn’t tell anyone until now. I really didn’t think it was that bad. Now that I’m out of the situation, it still haunts me. I feel guilty and still like it’s all my fault somehow even though it’s irrational and not true. Does anyone else feel like this?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: So I have a buddy who still lives with his step dad, mom, and brother. Long story short, I just found out through him that his step dad hits him and occasionally his mother. It came out when he was drunk along with other behaviors. When my friend gets drunk he likes to aggravate people until they try to beat him up and until recently I just thought he liked fighting. But he told me it is because his step dad hits him so getting in fights gives him a weird sense of worth.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I really like my roommate, and my suitemates are cool besides for them being loud at night. I know I'd sleep better in a different place, but...I don't know. I don't want to put up with the hassle. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I honestly just came here to vent.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I walk up to the door, unlock it and open it. It's K. With my boyfriend standing by in sight I ask him what he's doing here. He says nothing but stares at me with this blank stare. Then I get this weird gut feeling and ask "have you been drinking?" In which he shakes his head.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: To help spread the word, I'm also running a competition on social media — prizes: 💸 3 x £50 Amazon vouchers! My instagram is: @thewellnesssocietyorg My twitter is: @thewellnesssoc It's currently #1 on Amazon's self-help and counselling genre top free books list. I'd love to hear your feedback. Please get in touch!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: ​ I'm in our room watching some relaxing Youtube videos trying to cheer myself up. My boyfriend wants me to come out and do weekend stuff but the energy is so high out there I think it'll set off an attack. He wants to bad to help but he doesn't know how and I don't know how either. ​
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I went on a holiday with my best friend [26M] and husband [26M]. My husband and I have been together for ten years (married for six). My best friend and I have known each other for three years, and spend a huge amount of time chatting with each other on the internet. I love him to death, and he makes me insanely happy. My friend lives decently far away, so we don't see each other often.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: So lets forget all about my biological father. My father once told me : "Money do not fall from tree's", but, boy oh boy, was I ever going to show him wrong. It all started with the fact that one day I got out of bed, and had the weird idea that I was going to die at 21 yrs old. I was listening to The Doors at that point, and Black Sabbath and everything in between those two. And while listening to The Doors, it opened the the doors of perception to me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in Nov 2017. Her partner is 26 yrs old and has had many bouts with the law. When he met my friend, he was on house arrest/probation for a previous charge. They worked together and soon began dating. My friend is a Filipino woman and her partner is a Jamaican man.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Could we all at least help out by chipping in at least a dollar for this van? Could we please give this family a break by helping and donating for this van!? These boys and her need it so much!! It would be worth every penny to be able to go on more play dates with her two boys and make their little live’s more adventurous. It would open up a door to giving them easier and more convenience access to fun spontaneous trips to go play and have fun.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I think this is a good conversation to have in person, but I likely won't see him for months. Would it be tacky/wildly unromantic to do this over text/email? Additionally, I don't want to ruin things between us or make things weird, and I'm not sure how to broach the subject. How do I not screw this up? ---
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Meet with her today and express this is a concern for me. She says she doesn't see what the big deal is, people make mistakes and forget things. I agree and tell her they often forget what they don't care about. She doesn't agree, we talk about it. She feels I am being very black and white in my thinking.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: So I knocked and told her to please let me in. She refused, I told her I was sorry and I didn’t mean any of the things I said and that I love her very much. She said to go away so I did (we were at her house). Now a whole day passed and she still refuses to talk to me :( I’m worried, guilty and just want to hug her and tell her again that I’m sorry. I sent her some messages but she ignored them.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He has even made a comment to my bf about me being overweight. Being overweight has basically taken over my relationship, my mind, and my life. This year, I am making it a priority to lose the weight, especially since I have nothing else occupying my mind like cancer. My confidence level right now is 0 and I feel so fucking ugly and fat. If I just got in shape, I know that I would be close to a 10.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I generally like to finish the stuff I do that I consider to be work related but some things like video games, series or anything like that I don’t want to end. I am scared of finishing them since I know going back to it won’t be the same. After I finish them everything about it just feels so empty, like it has no value anymore. Knowing I can never experience it the same way again makes me not want it to end. I go from loving it and then afterwards never wanting anything to do with it anymore.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’m noticing a pattern where my body is like rejecting my partner and I’m concerned it might be caused by my abuse at an early age. Should I seek counseling? But I’m afraid if I do I’m going to have to talk more about what happened and I’m going to break. I’ve talked to therapist before but whenever the topic of the abuse arises I tense up and can’t remember anything. I’m sorry if I’m rambling on it’s just a hard subject for me to talk about and I don’t know how to put into words the emotions I feel towards these events.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: For example, she once tried to stab her mum's boyfriend because she didn't want her mum to be with anyone - they were in their mid 60s. She has been in a lot of fights over the years, but in general isn't usually physically violent - it's usually manipulation. I'm concerned because she found out last night that he is seeing this ex gf of his. He doesn't know how she found out - he's kept it very, very private. She came back to the house they used to share (he was there with their kids in bed while she had been out) and lost it with him.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This is the first time that i'm opening up about this, so please be kind. I'm from India - stereotypically known as the land of doctors and engineers. And while that's just a stereotype, my studies give me anxiety. I had my first attack two years ago - and I have been talking to people since then - but my recent graduation exams have left me worse then ever. What i want to know is, when was your first attack and how are you doing now?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The place where I was going for therapy decided that they couldn't appropriately treat me. I've had a tough time finding another therapist. The strange thing is I've been feeling better out of therapy then when I was in it. I was doing a type of exposure therapy and it was rough. I went twice a week and it felt like my whole life revolved around trauma.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: First off, I want to apologize for posting here so often. I don't have anywhere else to turn to. I recently contacted my abuser. I don't know why, I think it's part of my self destructive behavior. And I've realized something.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: So I'm feeling a bit lost with this. I've had asthma ever since I was a little kid and it has been flaring up really bad over the last few weeks... I think. Actually I'm not sure if that's what it really is. I recently got a prescription for trazodone (about six weeks ago), and it has helped with having fewer nightmares.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The thought of helping people, curing diseases and caring for someone makes me happy. Imagine a person who’s an asshole but need help on health, I would help him/her. However, I need to finance med but I need to work on my current stature to get the money but this job makes me anxious to the point that I am having refluxes because of stress just the thought of working on it. The problem with me is I know I can do for the meantime this job but it was a mistaken path, I could have done dev since it involves little customer interaction. I felt helpless because I need the money but feels like I am fooling myself to work my ass up for something that is not my passion.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My ex thought that show was terrific inspiration. He used it to discuss “what if”s with his guy friends, who I hope had no idea how real he is about that shit. I called it “The Rape Along/Beat Along Show” for the longest time. I still do when Gramma isn’t listening. Last time I unexpectedly came across the DVD set (Grampy accidentally left it at my place on the kitchen table, and, yes, he’d been told not to leave it where I might see it)...
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don’t post very often and I’m on mobile so apologies for formatting errors etc I’ll try to make this easy to read! Background: I’ve been struggling with alcohol abuse and I’m currently 4 months sober (yay!). The first month without alcohol my withdrawals were intense. I became so angry, my anxiety was off the charts and I couldn’t focus on anything at hand. At the time I was taking 20mg of paroxetine and my GP doubled it to 40mg for 6 months while my body tried to cope without alcohol.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life. The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete.
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Post: No criminal record, he’s not on any list, he changed his name and moved to a new town and no one there knows what he did and he’s been messaging her. I feel so hopeless. How am I supposed to feel safe? Or be able to sleep? He’s out there, consequence free, feeling safe enough to message her.
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Post: Most diagnoses, except those relating to the endangerment of children, are welcome. This is a first person group, so you need to be the person with a disorder to participate. To join visit our site <url> or check out our Instagram: <url> We believe we are stronger together, which is why peer support is so helpful and important. Care when you need it; care for others when you can. If you are under 18, you can find a link to our 13\+ server on the website and instagram.
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Post: Hi, I'm 14F and because of health issues I missed a lot of school and eventually started homeschooling this year I didn't have any friends at public schools and I just sit in the house all day now. I can't join a sports team because of formerly mentioned health issues and I live in a town where a car is a necessity so it's not like I can walk anywhere but I'd like to make friends or just get out of my house for the first time in months and socialize face to face any ideas as to what I can do. TL;DR: I'm homeschooled lonely and can't join a sports team how do I make friends.
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Post: So I have ptsd from an abusive relationship I ended about 3 years ago. When I felt healthy enough I went to therapy and did emdr and it helped and I thought i was doing well. I even moved to a different state so I could quit triggering my flashbacks a year and a half ago and haven't had a single flashback until last night. I have started dating a guy I'm pretty smitten about and last night we went out with friends and had a really good time but we also had been drinking. Something triggered me and i had a flashback and was not able to control my emotions because I had been drinking it was like I went from laughing having a good time to having a panic attack and asked him if we could leave and we did.
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Post: After the 6 months we moved to a really big house the next town over. It was 3 times the size of the one that burned down. My mom got fired though from nursing because she was caught stealing drugs. My dad graduated college and had a good job in IT and a newspaper place. I don't understand how they could afford such a big house.
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Post: And it’s okay to fall down and have a bad day- as long as you pick yourself up and continue working toward moving forward. Moving forward does NOT mean forgiving and forgetting or condoning any behaviors. Moving forward is about YOU and beginning to live the life YOU deserve. You are beautiful. You are smart.
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Post: The gist of the comments received was the K isn't going to change and I should get B to go to counselling to help her with her self-esteem and give her some outside input. Of course, now K is having an online "role playing relationship" with some lady on Grand Theft Auto RP. B is helping him court her. She is presenting it as she is okay with this. Listen, I've known B since high school, I've known her longer then my brother.
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Post: throwaway... sorry if this all sounds very messy. I have a history of child sexual abuse, rape in a past relationship and problems with dissociation. So I was feeling like a robot that day again, due to stress. I then went to my boyfriend. I told him I am dealing with that again, he knows about my problems.
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Post: In prison, I was housed with two other person, we already had planned to take over the leadership of the gang that had control of our wing. We were making weapon, I got into a fight with one of the guy. I knew I was getting out soon, but I couldn't tell people, so I acted as if I was there until my court date. I was the guy who kept watch for the guard while my cellmate created a weapon out of his bed sheet ( strangulation ). I had won protection from them by giving them drugs.
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Post: two months off of work in my favorite city with limitless money and i am more infuriated than ever. all its done is remove my dissociation and now i have inexplicable rage. i just fucking hate everything. i hate this site, even, and made an ultimatum never to come back. but i have no fucking idea what even to do.
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Post: And whose fault is that, then? My question to you; is it the tree’s fault that it never bothered to put in the effort to correct itself, or the hypothetical forest’s? Is it anyone’s fault at all? Could the tree ever be quite corrected, or was it destined to live out its life, becoming more and more crooked with each fucking day? I’m done.
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Post: But now, my cognitive processes feel so scrambled up and sluggish. I get so confused sometimes I have trouble filling out simple forms or answering questions on the phone. I'm in my 3rd year at a major university but my brain feels so messed up I don't know if I'll be able to finish. Does anyone else experience this? Have you found anything that helps?
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Post: Anyway, he bullshited that her insurance wasn't covered by anyone in this state, and that it was illegal for him to refuse her her shift. My SO had already talked to his HR head. They had previously decided that there wasn't much they could do unless she came up to him. Then tonight happened, the head of HR is severely worried for her safety (and my SOs) in a way he wasn't before. The head has called the Domestic Violence Hotline himself, and is looking for resources to help him solve this very delicate/tricky issue.
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Post: Should I just go ahead and get help? Am I worried about nothing? Is there a way to lose the worst bits of anxiety while keeping the bits that are perhaps somewhat helpful? Or have I got this all wrong and it's not anxiety (but perhaps something else) that makes me productive, etc? Or should I just accept all the awesome things in my life as a totally worthwhile price for feeling worried?
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Post: I had suicidal thoughts while working at the island. I had to cut it short and come back home. I was too sad to continue. Eddy and I reunited, and I assumed we were back together since it seemed so. When he got drunk he would literally switch back and forth to being happy and giggly to wanting to die and hating himself.
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Post: Can anyone relate to this feeling? I can’t enjoy myself at things like concerts anymore. I’m not fully present because I have to try so hard to curb feelings of anxiety and hyper-vigilance. When anyone gets too close to me or accidentally touches me I freak out. Tonight I went to a concert and I was so self-conscious and distracted by the fear that I was going to be assaulted that it was difficult to focus on the actual show.
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Post: Haven't felt this excited about someone since my ex from over five months ago. This guy, J, and I met on Bumble. I haven't even met him yet, but we have spent hours chatting on the phone and laughing. It all feels really effortless. I've dated a lot since the break up and no one has clicked with me like he has.
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Post: put the world on my middle finger and tell it to sit and spin????? ? /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ p.s. if you have a family that loves you please treat them right -- because there's people like me out there who would give anything to have what you have -- don't take it for granted
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Post: They actually skyped on New Years (mostly for the sake of his Grandmother (his father’s mother) who he has a positive relationship with but somehow they are friends??) Anyways--- **MY MOTHER:** My mother, is a self-proclaimed "Jewish mother". She subscribes to all the stereotypes and upholds them, and is disgustingly proud of it.
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Post: I am employed full time. I have money, but I am trying to put all my money (minus transit pass, medication, and toiletries) towards an accelerated debt re-payment plan and get debt free by spring so I can get a lease. I need affordable options. What are some healthy things I can eat that are cost effective when you don't have access to a fridge? I have a small locker at work.
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Post: A few years ago I witnessed an accident at this time of year and I am beginning to remember it again. At night I hear the sound and burst into tears and calm down until I hear it again and start crying. I didn’t know the person involved but I was one of the closest to it when it happened but I’m beginning to sort of enjoy the release from crying and fantasize about telling people about it. I feel guilty for this indulgence and feel like maybe I am just looking for attention. I have always had bad anxiety and mild depression so is it just that?
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Post: i realized i was already 20k in student loan debt and i was not going to waste all that debt on a school that is considered "lame". some of the best friends i have ever had were at the school, but i traded them for a lifestyle of drugs, sex and redundancy. This new school was considered a party school, one of the best in the country. Due to my good academic standing at my last university i was able to transfer here. but upon first getting their i had already become homesick and depressed.
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Post: Also, if you know of cheaper/better items I could add, please let me know. It was like a minefield trying to find non-prime pantry items. **I would also happily accept a gift card for a grocery store/restaurant or something, another way to assist where you know for sure it's going towards food. ** *Full disclosure, I have not been active on this account in 3 months purely because I have been using <username> primarily for at least 8 months.
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Post: Over the last 18 months we have become closer than ever and as best friends living separately have grown our life together. 8 years ago we were panhandling for gas money to get to work, and now we are for successful business owners. We have spoiled my daughter rotten. Designer clothes, designer makeup, way too much freedom, gym membership, and anything else a 14 year old girl could ever want. I think a lot of that comes from the fact that we were not able to provide her with anything for so long.
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Post: I basically said the same back, because it's true. The following days and weeks we kept hanging out occasionally and stayed in touch when she wasnt at BF in other city. Than randomly, out of nowhere, no response... Few days , weeks, and now about 2 months. I called texted for about the first 2 weeks to see what was going on. Than just stopped trying.
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Post: iIfelt forced to quit that job because being homeless in oakland sucks alot. Advice: dont be too proud to accept help from people who care. Lots of folks have been through tough shit and can understand. 2. Leave when you get homeless.
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Post: Especially the power of healing brought upon by service animals. I too, have a service dog named Luna. This wonderful man was nice enough to bring the book back in while I was off yesterday with a note with his name and number telling me to call him when I finish the book. This just made my day, it really did. There’s so much negativity in the world today and it seems not many people will stop to do something nice for someone, or help them by doing a random act of kindness.
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Post: My bond about was about 100 less than my whole savings. First place I went after getting out of jail was my work, my boss told me if I had got out 2 days earlier I would still have my job. I'm about to do something stupid out of frustration and anger. I was so close to getting off the streets. Fuckkk
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This is an idea that my father also reinforced in me heavily. I remember vividly when I told him that everything was my fault (in my child mind obviously meaning "you make everything my fault" which was very much the state of things in the house growing up) and he straight up told me to stop fucking up so much if I didn't want things to be my fault (I should emphasize all "fuck ups" were minor- letting a pack of strawberries go to waste, forgetting to call him as soon as I left school, etc- but punished severely). Hell, even if I'm in the *wrong* now I feel like I'm still a victim. I can't gauge conflict to save the life of me- even if I'm being an absolute ass, I'll feel like I'm the one who's being persecuted. My last relationship was a while ago, and lasted about a year.
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Post: I love her too, but I am super paranoid about the whole deal. Current situation: We both confessed that we love each other, but I won’t be going back to my home country for another 6 months. Because of my past toxic relationship I fear things will change between us, we’ll get into fights/have trust issues etc. Problem: Should I get into a LDR with her, or we should continue being best friends( which would be hard because she has already very clearly confessed she loves me) problems are: 1.
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Post: Sorry, this will probably be a little long. So, I broke up with my boyfriend of over a year early last month, and it's been... rough. Half the time, I don't even know why we broke up. When people ask me about it, I get so confused as to what to say, because I feel like even *I* don't know. I thought our breakup was mutual.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It didn't go exactly how it should have done though, and the female had to go to theatre and lost 3 pints of blood. My aim is to get my story published, and once it is selling, the money I need to initially get the book into print would be donated to research into TTTS. Over and above the £2500 donation, a percentage of all further sales would be donated to this important research. If you can please take the time to click the link below, and share what I am trying to do, I would be very appreciative. <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’m 20, and I feel like I missing out on the “real adult life”. I live with my parents I can’t decide what to eat, I can’t have my alone time without being anxious. I got no friends and no real job where I earn enough money to live on my own. I also don’t feel adult’y enough to take 100% care of myself. I getting panic attacks now today that I’m missing out on life, mostly it’s NSFW things that triggering this.
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