A Lightweight, Rapid and Efficient Deep Convolutional Network for Chest X-Ray Tuberculosis Detection
Tuberculosis (TB) is still recognized as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Recent advances in deep learning (DL) have shown to enhance radiologists' ability to interpret chest X-ray (CXR) images accurately and with fewer errors, leading to a better diagnosis of this disease. However, little work has been done to develop models capable of diagnosing TB that offer good performance while being efficient, fast and computationally inexpensive. In this work, we propose LightTBNet, a novel lightweight, fast and efficient deep convolutional network specially customized to detect TB from CXR images. Using a total of 800 frontal CXR images from two publicly available datasets, our solution yielded an accuracy, F1 and area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.906, 0.907 and 0.961, respectively, on an independent test subset. The proposed model demonstrates outstanding performance while delivering a rapid prediction, with minimal computational and memory requirements, making it highly suitable for deployment in handheld devices that can be used in low-resource areas with high TB prevalence. Code publicly available at https://github.com/dani-capellan/LightTBNet.
[ "Daniel Capellán-Martín", "Juan J. Gómez-Valverde", "David Bermejo-Peláez", "María J. Ledesma-Carbayo" ]
2023-09-05 11:30:38
Generalized Simplicial Attention Neural Networks
The aim of this work is to introduce Generalized Simplicial Attention Neural Networks (GSANs), i.e., novel neural architectures designed to process data defined on simplicial complexes using masked self-attentional layers. Hinging on topological signal processing principles, we devise a series of self-attention schemes capable of processing data components defined at different simplicial orders, such as nodes, edges, triangles, and beyond. These schemes learn how to weight the neighborhoods of the given topological domain in a task-oriented fashion, leveraging the interplay among simplices of different orders through the Dirac operator and its Dirac decomposition. We also theoretically establish that GSANs are permutation equivariant and simplicial-aware. Finally, we illustrate how our approach compares favorably with other methods when applied to several (inductive and transductive) tasks such as trajectory prediction, missing data imputation, graph classification, and simplex prediction.
[ "Claudio Battiloro", "Lucia Testa", "Lorenzo Giusti", "Stefania Sardellitti", "Paolo Di Lorenzo", "Sergio Barbarossa" ]
2023-09-05 11:29:25
Asymmetric Momentum: A Rethinking of Gradient Descent
Through theoretical and experimental validation, unlike all existing adaptive methods like Adam which penalize frequently-changing parameters and are only applicable to sparse gradients, we propose the simplest SGD enhanced method, Loss-Controlled Asymmetric Momentum(LCAM). By averaging the loss, we divide training process into different loss phases and using different momentum. It not only can accelerates slow-changing parameters for sparse gradients, similar to adaptive optimizers, but also can choose to accelerates frequently-changing parameters for non-sparse gradients, thus being adaptable to all types of datasets. We reinterpret the machine learning training process through the concepts of weight coupling and weight traction, and experimentally validate that weights have directional specificity, which are correlated with the specificity of the dataset. Thus interestingly, we observe that in non-sparse gradients, frequently-changing parameters should actually be accelerated, which is completely opposite to traditional adaptive perspectives. Compared to traditional SGD with momentum, this algorithm separates the weights without additional computational costs. It is noteworthy that this method relies on the network's ability to extract complex features. We primarily use Wide Residual Networks for our research, employing the classic datasets Cifar10 and Cifar100 to test the ability for feature separation and conclude phenomena that are much more important than just accuracy rates. Finally, compared to classic SGD tuning methods, while using WRN on these two datasets and with nearly half the training epochs, we achieve equal or better test accuracy.
[ "Gongyue Zhang", "Dinghuang Zhang", "Shuwen Zhao", "Donghan Liu", "Carrie M. Toptan", "Honghai Liu" ]
2023-09-05 11:16:47
Exploiting Spatial-temporal Data for Sleep Stage Classification via Hypergraph Learning
Sleep stage classification is crucial for detecting patients' health conditions. Existing models, which mainly use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for modelling Euclidean data and Graph Convolution Networks (GNN) for modelling non-Euclidean data, are unable to consider the heterogeneity and interactivity of multimodal data as well as the spatial-temporal correlation simultaneously, which hinders a further improvement of classification performance. In this paper, we propose a dynamic learning framework STHL, which introduces hypergraph to encode spatial-temporal data for sleep stage classification. Hypergraphs can construct multi-modal/multi-type data instead of using simple pairwise between two subjects. STHL creates spatial and temporal hyperedges separately to build node correlations, then it conducts type-specific hypergraph learning process to encode the attributes into the embedding space. Extensive experiments show that our proposed STHL outperforms the state-of-the-art models in sleep stage classification tasks.
[ "Yuze Liu", "Ziming Zhao", "Tiehua Zhang", "Kang Wang", "Xin Chen", "Xiaowei Huang", "Jun Yin", "Zhishu Shen" ]
2023-09-05 11:01:30
Leveraging Label Information for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
Multimodal emotion recognition (MER) aims to detect the emotional status of a given expression by combining the speech and text information. Intuitively, label information should be capable of helping the model locate the salient tokens/frames relevant to the specific emotion, which finally facilitates the MER task. Inspired by this, we propose a novel approach for MER by leveraging label information. Specifically, we first obtain the representative label embeddings for both text and speech modalities, then learn the label-enhanced text/speech representations for each utterance via label-token and label-frame interactions. Finally, we devise a novel label-guided attentive fusion module to fuse the label-aware text and speech representations for emotion classification. Extensive experiments were conducted on the public IEMOCAP dataset, and experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms existing baselines and achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
[ "Peiying Wang", "Sunlu Zeng", "Junqing Chen", "Lu Fan", "Meng Chen", "Youzheng Wu", "Xiaodong He" ]
2023-09-05 10:26:32
Iterative Superquadric Recomposition of 3D Objects from Multiple Views
Humans are good at recomposing novel objects, i.e. they can identify commonalities between unknown objects from general structure to finer detail, an ability difficult to replicate by machines. We propose a framework, ISCO, to recompose an object using 3D superquadrics as semantic parts directly from 2D views without training a model that uses 3D supervision. To achieve this, we optimize the superquadric parameters that compose a specific instance of the object, comparing its rendered 3D view and 2D image silhouette. Our ISCO framework iteratively adds new superquadrics wherever the reconstruction error is high, abstracting first coarse regions and then finer details of the target object. With this simple coarse-to-fine inductive bias, ISCO provides consistent superquadrics for related object parts, despite not having any semantic supervision. Since ISCO does not train any neural network, it is also inherently robust to out-of-distribution objects. Experiments show that, compared to recent single instance superquadrics reconstruction approaches, ISCO provides consistently more accurate 3D reconstructions, even from images in the wild. Code available at https://github.com/ExplainableML/ISCO .
[ "Stephan Alaniz", "Massimiliano Mancini", "Zeynep Akata" ]
2023-09-05 10:21:37
TensorBank:Tensor Lakehouse for Foundation Model Training
Storing and streaming high dimensional data for foundation model training became a critical requirement with the rise of foundation models beyond natural language. In this paper we introduce TensorBank, a petabyte scale tensor lakehouse capable of streaming tensors from Cloud Object Store (COS) to GPU memory at wire speed based on complex relational queries. We use Hierarchical Statistical Indices (HSI) for query acceleration. Our architecture allows to directly address tensors on block level using HTTP range reads. Once in GPU memory, data can be transformed using PyTorch transforms. We provide a generic PyTorch dataset type with a corresponding dataset factory translating relational queries and requested transformations as an instance. By making use of the HSI, irrelevant blocks can be skipped without reading them as those indices contain statistics on their content at different hierarchical resolution levels. This is an opinionated architecture powered by open standards and making heavy use of open-source technology. Although, hardened for production use using geospatial-temporal data, this architecture generalizes to other use case like computer vision, computational neuroscience, biological sequence analysis and more.
[ "Romeo Kienzler", "Benedikt Blumenstiel", "Zoltan Arnold Nagy", "S. Karthik Mukkavilli", "Johannes Schmude", "Marcus Freitag", "Michael Behrendt", "Daniel Salles Civitarese", "Naomi Simumba", "Daiki Kimura", "Hendrik Hamann" ]
2023-09-05 10:00:33
Natural Example-Based Explainability: a Survey
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has become increasingly significant for improving the interpretability and trustworthiness of machine learning models. While saliency maps have stolen the show for the last few years in the XAI field, their ability to reflect models' internal processes has been questioned. Although less in the spotlight, example-based XAI methods have continued to improve. It encompasses methods that use examples as explanations for a machine learning model's predictions. This aligns with the psychological mechanisms of human reasoning and makes example-based explanations natural and intuitive for users to understand. Indeed, humans learn and reason by forming mental representations of concepts based on examples. This paper provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in natural example-based XAI, describing the pros and cons of each approach. A "natural" example simply means that it is directly drawn from the training data without involving any generative process. The exclusion of methods that require generating examples is justified by the need for plausibility which is in some regards required to gain a user's trust. Consequently, this paper will explore the following family of methods: similar examples, counterfactual and semi-factual, influential instances, prototypes, and concepts. In particular, it will compare their semantic definition, their cognitive impact, and added values. We hope it will encourage and facilitate future work on natural example-based XAI.
[ "Antonin Poché", "Lucas Hervier", "Mohamed-Chafik Bakkay" ]
2023-09-05 09:46:20
An Efficient Approach to Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection with Variational Autoencoders
This paper is concerned with deep generative models (DGMs) for unsupervised out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. In particular, we focus on vanilla Variational Autoencoders (VAE) that use a standard normal prior distribution for the latent variables. These models have a smaller model size, enabling faster training and inference, making them well-suited for resource-limited applications compared to more complex DGMs. We propose a novel OOD score called Error Reduction (ER) specifically designed for vanilla VAE. ER incorporate the idea of reconstructing image inputs from their lossy counterparts and takes into account the Kolmogorov complexity of the images. Experimental results on diverse datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach over baseline methods. Our code is available at: https://github.com/ZJLAB-AMMI/VAE4OOD.
[ "Zezhen Zeng", "Bin Liu" ]
2023-09-05 09:42:15
BeeTLe: A Framework for Linear B-Cell Epitope Prediction and Classification
The process of identifying and characterizing B-cell epitopes, which are the portions of antigens recognized by antibodies, is important for our understanding of the immune system, and for many applications including vaccine development, therapeutics, and diagnostics. Computational epitope prediction is challenging yet rewarding as it significantly reduces the time and cost of laboratory work. Most of the existing tools do not have satisfactory performance and only discriminate epitopes from non-epitopes. This paper presents a new deep learning-based multi-task framework for linear B-cell epitope prediction as well as antibody type-specific epitope classification. Specifically, a sequenced-based neural network model using recurrent layers and Transformer blocks is developed. We propose an amino acid encoding method based on eigen decomposition to help the model learn the representations of epitopes. We introduce modifications to standard cross-entropy loss functions by extending a logit adjustment technique to cope with the class imbalance. Experimental results on data curated from the largest public epitope database demonstrate the validity of the proposed methods and the superior performance compared to competing ones.
[ "Xiao Yuan" ]
2023-09-05 09:18:29
Efficiency is Not Enough: A Critical Perspective of Environmentally Sustainable AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently spearheaded by machine learning (ML) methods such as deep learning (DL) which have accelerated progress on many tasks thought to be out of reach of AI. These ML methods can often be compute hungry, energy intensive, and result in significant carbon emissions, a known driver of anthropogenic climate change. Additionally, the platforms on which ML systems run are associated with environmental impacts including and beyond carbon emissions. The solution lionized by both industry and the ML community to improve the environmental sustainability of ML is to increase the efficiency with which ML systems operate in terms of both compute and energy consumption. In this perspective, we argue that efficiency alone is not enough to make ML as a technology environmentally sustainable. We do so by presenting three high level discrepancies between the effect of efficiency on the environmental sustainability of ML when considering the many variables which it interacts with. In doing so, we comprehensively demonstrate, at multiple levels of granularity both technical and non-technical reasons, why efficiency is not enough to fully remedy the environmental impacts of ML. Based on this, we present and argue for systems thinking as a viable path towards improving the environmental sustainability of ML holistically.
[ "Dustin Wright", "Christian Igel", "Gabrielle Samuel", "Raghavendra Selvan" ]
2023-09-05 09:07:24
MvFS: Multi-view Feature Selection for Recommender System
Feature selection, which is a technique to select key features in recommender systems, has received increasing research attention. Recently, Adaptive Feature Selection (AdaFS) has shown remarkable performance by adaptively selecting features for each data instance, considering that the importance of a given feature field can vary significantly across data. However, this method still has limitations in that its selection process could be easily biased to major features that frequently occur. To address these problems, we propose Multi-view Feature Selection (MvFS), which selects informative features for each instance more effectively. Most importantly, MvFS employs a multi-view network consisting of multiple sub-networks, each of which learns to measure the feature importance of a part of data with different feature patterns. By doing so, MvFS mitigates the bias problem towards dominant patterns and promotes a more balanced feature selection process. Moreover, MvFS adopts an effective importance score modeling strategy which is applied independently to each field without incurring dependency among features. Experimental results on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of MvFS compared to state-of-the-art baselines.
[ "Youngjune Lee", "Yeongjong Jeong", "Keunchan Park", "SeongKu Kang" ]
2023-09-05 09:06:34
No-Regret Caching with Noisy Request Estimates
Online learning algorithms have been successfully used to design caching policies with regret guarantees. Existing algorithms assume that the cache knows the exact request sequence, but this may not be feasible in high load and/or memory-constrained scenarios, where the cache may have access only to sampled requests or to approximate requests' counters. In this paper, we propose the Noisy-Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader (NFPL) algorithm, a variant of the classic Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader (FPL) when request estimates are noisy, and we show that the proposed solution has sublinear regret under specific conditions on the requests estimator. The experimental evaluation compares the proposed solution against classic caching policies and validates the proposed approach under both synthetic and real request traces.
[ "Younes Ben Mazziane", "Francescomaria Faticanti", "Giovanni Neglia", "Sara Alouf" ]
2023-09-05 08:57:35
Model-agnostic network inference enhancement from noisy measurements via curriculum learning
Noise is a pervasive element within real-world measurement data, significantly undermining the performance of network inference models. However, the quest for a comprehensive enhancement framework capable of bolstering noise resistance across a diverse array of network inference models has remained elusive. Here, we present an elegant and efficient framework tailored to amplify the capabilities of network inference models in the presence of noise. Leveraging curriculum learning, we mitigate the deleterious impact of noisy samples on network inference models. Our proposed framework is model-agnostic, seamlessly integrable into a plethora of model-based and model-free network inference methods. Notably, we utilize one model-based and three model-free network inference methods as the foundation. Extensive experimentation across various synthetic and real-world networks, encapsulating diverse nonlinear dynamic processes, showcases substantial performance augmentation under varied noise types, particularly thriving in scenarios enriched with clean samples. This framework's adeptness in fortifying both model-free and model-based network inference methodologies paves the avenue towards a comprehensive and unified enhancement framework, encompassing the entire spectrum of network inference models. Available Code: https://github.com/xiaoyuans/MANIE.
[ "Kai Wu", "Yuanyuan Li", "Jing Liu" ]
2023-09-05 08:51:40
Probabilistic Self-supervised Learning via Scoring Rules Minimization
In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic self-supervised learning via Scoring Rule Minimization (ProSMIN), which leverages the power of probabilistic models to enhance representation quality and mitigate collapsing representations. Our proposed approach involves two neural networks; the online network and the target network, which collaborate and learn the diverse distribution of representations from each other through knowledge distillation. By presenting the input samples in two augmented formats, the online network is trained to predict the target network representation of the same sample under a different augmented view. The two networks are trained via our new loss function based on proper scoring rules. We provide a theoretical justification for ProSMIN's convergence, demonstrating the strict propriety of its modified scoring rule. This insight validates the method's optimization process and contributes to its robustness and effectiveness in improving representation quality. We evaluate our probabilistic model on various downstream tasks, such as in-distribution generalization, out-of-distribution detection, dataset corruption, low-shot learning, and transfer learning. Our method achieves superior accuracy and calibration, surpassing the self-supervised baseline in a wide range of experiments on large-scale datasets like ImageNet-O and ImageNet-C, ProSMIN demonstrates its scalability and real-world applicability.
[ "Amirhossein Vahidi", "Simon Schoßer", "Lisa Wimmer", "Yawei Li", "Bernd Bischl", "Eyke Hüllermeier", "Mina Rezaei" ]
2023-09-05 08:48:25
Enhance Multi-domain Sentiment Analysis of Review Texts through Prompting Strategies
Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant strides in both scientific research and practical applications. Existing studies have demonstrated the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance of LLMs in various natural language processing tasks. However, the question of how to further enhance LLMs' performance in specific task using prompting strategies remains a pivotal concern. This paper explores the enhancement of LLMs' performance in sentiment analysis through the application of prompting strategies. We formulate the process of prompting for sentiment analysis tasks and introduce two novel strategies tailored for sentiment analysis: RolePlaying (RP) prompting and Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. Specifically, we also propose the RP-CoT prompting strategy which is a combination of RP prompting and CoT prompting. We conduct comparative experiments on three distinct domain datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed sentiment analysis strategies. The results demonstrate that the adoption of the proposed prompting strategies leads to a increasing enhancement in sentiment analysis accuracy. Further, the CoT prompting strategy exhibits a notable impact on implicit sentiment analysis, with the RP-CoT prompting strategy delivering the most superior performance among all strategies.
[ "Yajing Wang", "Zongwei Luo" ]
2023-09-05 08:44:23
Diffusion Generative Inverse Design
Inverse design refers to the problem of optimizing the input of an objective function in order to enact a target outcome. For many real-world engineering problems, the objective function takes the form of a simulator that predicts how the system state will evolve over time, and the design challenge is to optimize the initial conditions that lead to a target outcome. Recent developments in learned simulation have shown that graph neural networks (GNNs) can be used for accurate, efficient, differentiable estimation of simulator dynamics, and support high-quality design optimization with gradient- or sampling-based optimization procedures. However, optimizing designs from scratch requires many expensive model queries, and these procedures exhibit basic failures on either non-convex or high-dimensional problems. In this work, we show how denoising diffusion models (DDMs) can be used to solve inverse design problems efficiently and propose a particle sampling algorithm for further improving their efficiency. We perform experiments on a number of fluid dynamics design challenges, and find that our approach substantially reduces the number of calls to the simulator compared to standard techniques.
[ "Marin Vlastelica", "Tatiana López-Guevara", "Kelsey Allen", "Peter Battaglia", "Arnaud Doucet", "Kimberley Stachenfeld" ]
2023-09-05 08:32:07
Data-Juicer: A One-Stop Data Processing System for Large Language Models
The immense evolution in Large Language Models (LLMs) has underscored the importance of massive, heterogeneous, and high-quality data. A data recipe is a mixture of data from different sources for training LLMs, which plays a vital role in LLMs' performance. Existing open-source tools for LLM data processing are mostly tailored for specific data recipes. To continuously uncover the potential of LLMs, incorporate data from new sources, and improve LLMs' performance, we build a new system named Data-Juicer, with which we can efficiently generate diverse data recipes, explore different possibilities in forming data mixtures, and evaluate their effects on model performance. Different from traditional data-analytics pipelines, Data-Juicer faces some unique challenges. Firstly, the possible data sources for forming data recipes are truly heterogeneous and massive with various qualities. Secondly, it is extremely expensive to precisely evaluate data recipes' impact on LLMs' performance. Thirdly, the end users of Data-Juicer, model developers, need sufficient flexibility to configure and evaluate different data recipes. Data-Juicer features a fine-grained abstraction of pipelines for constructing data recipes, with over 50 built-in operators for easy composition and extension. By incorporating visualization and auto-evaluation capabilities, Data-Juicer enables a timely feedback loop for both LLM pre-training and fine-tuning. Further, Data-Juicer is optimized and integrated with ecosystems for LLM training, evaluation, and distributed computing. The data recipes derived with Data-Juicer gain notable improvements on state-of-the-art LLMs, by up to 7.45% increase in averaged score across 16 LLM benchmarks and 17.5% higher win rate in pair-wise GPT-4 evaluations. Our system, data recipes, and tutorials are released, calling for broader data-centric research on training and understanding LLMs.
[ "Daoyuan Chen", "Yilun Huang", "Zhijian Ma", "Hesen Chen", "Xuchen Pan", "Ce Ge", "Dawei Gao", "Yuexiang Xie", "Zhaoyang Liu", "Jinyang Gao", "Yaliang Li", "Bolin Ding", "Jingren Zhou" ]
2023-09-05 08:22:07
Non-Parametric Representation Learning with Kernels
Unsupervised and self-supervised representation learning has become popular in recent years for learning useful features from unlabelled data. Representation learning has been mostly developed in the neural network literature, and other models for representation learning are surprisingly unexplored. In this work, we introduce and analyze several kernel-based representation learning approaches: Firstly, we define two kernel Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) models using contrastive loss functions and secondly, a Kernel Autoencoder (AE) model based on the idea of embedding and reconstructing data. We argue that the classical representer theorems for supervised kernel machines are not always applicable for (self-supervised) representation learning, and present new representer theorems, which show that the representations learned by our kernel models can be expressed in terms of kernel matrices. We further derive generalisation error bounds for representation learning with kernel SSL and AE, and empirically evaluate the performance of these methods in both small data regimes as well as in comparison with neural network based models.
[ "Pascal Esser", "Maximilian Fleissner", "Debarghya Ghoshdastidar" ]
2023-09-05 08:14:25
Granger Causal Inference in Multivariate Hawkes Processes by Minimum Message Length
Multivariate Hawkes processes (MHPs) are versatile probabilistic tools used to model various real-life phenomena: earthquakes, operations on stock markets, neuronal activity, virus propagation and many others. In this paper, we focus on MHPs with exponential decay kernels and estimate connectivity graphs, which represent the Granger causal relations between their components. We approach this inference problem by proposing an optimization criterion and model selection algorithm based on the minimum message length (MML) principle. MML compares Granger causal models using the Occam's razor principle in the following way: even when models have a comparable goodness-of-fit to the observed data, the one generating the most concise explanation of the data is preferred. While most of the state-of-art methods using lasso-type penalization tend to overfitting in scenarios with short time horizons, the proposed MML-based method achieves high F1 scores in these settings. We conduct a numerical study comparing the proposed algorithm to other related classical and state-of-art methods, where we achieve the highest F1 scores in specific sparse graph settings. We illustrate the proposed method also on G7 sovereign bond data and obtain causal connections, which are in agreement with the expert knowledge available in the literature.
[ "Katerina Hlavackova-Schindler", "Anna Melnykova", "Irene Tubikanec" ]
2023-09-05 08:13:34
RDGSL: Dynamic Graph Representation Learning with Structure Learning
Temporal Graph Networks (TGNs) have shown remarkable performance in learning representation for continuous-time dynamic graphs. However, real-world dynamic graphs typically contain diverse and intricate noise. Noise can significantly degrade the quality of representation generation, impeding the effectiveness of TGNs in downstream tasks. Though structure learning is widely applied to mitigate noise in static graphs, its adaptation to dynamic graph settings poses two significant challenges. i) Noise dynamics. Existing structure learning methods are ill-equipped to address the temporal aspect of noise, hampering their effectiveness in such dynamic and ever-changing noise patterns. ii) More severe noise. Noise may be introduced along with multiple interactions between two nodes, leading to the re-pollution of these nodes and consequently causing more severe noise compared to static graphs. In this paper, we present RDGSL, a representation learning method in continuous-time dynamic graphs. Meanwhile, we propose dynamic graph structure learning, a novel supervisory signal that empowers RDGSL with the ability to effectively combat noise in dynamic graphs. To address the noise dynamics issue, we introduce the Dynamic Graph Filter, where we innovatively propose a dynamic noise function that dynamically captures both current and historical noise, enabling us to assess the temporal aspect of noise and generate a denoised graph. We further propose the Temporal Embedding Learner to tackle the challenge of more severe noise, which utilizes an attention mechanism to selectively turn a blind eye to noisy edges and hence focus on normal edges, enhancing the expressiveness for representation generation that remains resilient to noise. Our method demonstrates robustness towards downstream tasks, resulting in up to 5.1% absolute AUC improvement in evolving classification versus the second-best baseline.
[ "Siwei Zhang", "Yun Xiong", "Yao Zhang", "Yiheng Sun", "Xi Chen", "Yizhu Jiao", "Yangyong Zhu" ]
2023-09-05 08:03:59
Dynamic Early Exiting Predictive Coding Neural Networks
Internet of Things (IoT) sensors are nowadays heavily utilized in various real-world applications ranging from wearables to smart buildings passing by agrotechnology and health monitoring. With the huge amounts of data generated by these tiny devices, Deep Learning (DL) models have been extensively used to enhance them with intelligent processing. However, with the urge for smaller and more accurate devices, DL models became too heavy to deploy. It is thus necessary to incorporate the hardware's limited resources in the design process. Therefore, inspired by the human brain known for its efficiency and low power consumption, we propose a shallow bidirectional network based on predictive coding theory and dynamic early exiting for halting further computations when a performance threshold is surpassed. We achieve comparable accuracy to VGG-16 in image classification on CIFAR-10 with fewer parameters and less computational complexity.
[ "Alaa Zniber", "Ouassim Karrakchou", "Mounir Ghogho" ]
2023-09-05 08:00:01
PROMISE: Preconditioned Stochastic Optimization Methods by Incorporating Scalable Curvature Estimates
This paper introduces PROMISE ($\textbf{Pr}$econditioned Stochastic $\textbf{O}$ptimization $\textbf{M}$ethods by $\textbf{I}$ncorporating $\textbf{S}$calable Curvature $\textbf{E}$stimates), a suite of sketching-based preconditioned stochastic gradient algorithms for solving large-scale convex optimization problems arising in machine learning. PROMISE includes preconditioned versions of SVRG, SAGA, and Katyusha; each algorithm comes with a strong theoretical analysis and effective default hyperparameter values. In contrast, traditional stochastic gradient methods require careful hyperparameter tuning to succeed, and degrade in the presence of ill-conditioning, a ubiquitous phenomenon in machine learning. Empirically, we verify the superiority of the proposed algorithms by showing that, using default hyperparameter values, they outperform or match popular tuned stochastic gradient optimizers on a test bed of $51$ ridge and logistic regression problems assembled from benchmark machine learning repositories. On the theoretical side, this paper introduces the notion of quadratic regularity in order to establish linear convergence of all proposed methods even when the preconditioner is updated infrequently. The speed of linear convergence is determined by the quadratic regularity ratio, which often provides a tighter bound on the convergence rate compared to the condition number, both in theory and in practice, and explains the fast global linear convergence of the proposed methods.
[ "Zachary Frangella", "Pratik Rathore", "Shipu Zhao", "Madeleine Udell" ]
2023-09-05 07:49:10
iLoRE: Dynamic Graph Representation with Instant Long-term Modeling and Re-occurrence Preservation
Continuous-time dynamic graph modeling is a crucial task for many real-world applications, such as financial risk management and fraud detection. Though existing dynamic graph modeling methods have achieved satisfactory results, they still suffer from three key limitations, hindering their scalability and further applicability. i) Indiscriminate updating. For incoming edges, existing methods would indiscriminately deal with them, which may lead to more time consumption and unexpected noisy information. ii) Ineffective node-wise long-term modeling. They heavily rely on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as a backbone, which has been demonstrated to be incapable of fully capturing node-wise long-term dependencies in event sequences. iii) Neglect of re-occurrence patterns. Dynamic graphs involve the repeated occurrence of neighbors that indicates their importance, which is disappointedly neglected by existing methods. In this paper, we present iLoRE, a novel dynamic graph modeling method with instant node-wise Long-term modeling and Re-occurrence preservation. To overcome the indiscriminate updating issue, we introduce the Adaptive Short-term Updater module that will automatically discard the useless or noisy edges, ensuring iLoRE's effectiveness and instant ability. We further propose the Long-term Updater to realize more effective node-wise long-term modeling, where we innovatively propose the Identity Attention mechanism to empower a Transformer-based updater, bypassing the limited effectiveness of typical RNN-dominated designs. Finally, the crucial re-occurrence patterns are also encoded into a graph module for informative representation learning, which will further improve the expressiveness of our method. Our experimental results on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our iLoRE for dynamic graph modeling.
[ "Siwei Zhang", "Yun Xiong", "Yao Zhang", "Xixi Wu", "Yiheng Sun", "Jiawei Zhang" ]
2023-09-05 07:48:52
Representation Learning Dynamics of Self-Supervised Models
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is an important paradigm for learning representations from unlabelled data, and SSL with neural networks has been highly successful in practice. However current theoretical analysis of SSL is mostly restricted to generalisation error bounds. In contrast, learning dynamics often provide a precise characterisation of the behaviour of neural networks based models but, so far, are mainly known in supervised settings. In this paper, we study the learning dynamics of SSL models, specifically representations obtained by minimising contrastive and non-contrastive losses. We show that a naive extension of the dymanics of multivariate regression to SSL leads to learning trivial scalar representations that demonstrates dimension collapse in SSL. Consequently, we formulate SSL objectives with orthogonality constraints on the weights, and derive the exact (network width independent) learning dynamics of the SSL models trained using gradient descent on the Grassmannian manifold. We also argue that the infinite width approximation of SSL models significantly deviate from the neural tangent kernel approximations of supervised models. We numerically illustrate the validity of our theoretical findings, and discuss how the presented results provide a framework for further theoretical analysis of contrastive and non-contrastive SSL.
[ "Pascal Esser", "Satyaki Mukherjee", "Debarghya Ghoshdastidar" ]
2023-09-05 07:48:45
Establishing a real-time traffic alarm in the city of Valencia with Deep Learning
Urban traffic emissions represent a significant concern due to their detrimental impacts on both public health and the environment. Consequently, decision-makers have flagged their reduction as a crucial goal. In this study, we first analyze the correlation between traffic flux and pollution in the city of Valencia, Spain. Our results demonstrate that traffic has a significant impact on the levels of certain pollutants (especially $\text{NO}_\text{x}$). Secondly, we develop an alarm system to predict if a street is likely to experience unusually high traffic in the next 30 minutes, using an independent three-tier level for each street. To make the predictions, we use traffic data updated every 10 minutes and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks. We trained the LSTM using traffic data from 2018, and tested it using traffic data from 2019.
[ "Miguel Folgado", "Veronica Sanz", "Johannes Hirn", "Edgar Lorenzo-Saez", "Javier Urchueguia" ]
2023-09-05 07:47:43
Aggregating Correlated Estimations with (Almost) no Training
Many decision problems cannot be solved exactly and use several estimation algorithms that assign scores to the different available options. The estimation errors can have various correlations, from low (e.g. between two very different approaches) to high (e.g. when using a given algorithm with different hyperparameters). Most aggregation rules would suffer from this diversity of correlations. In this article, we propose different aggregation rules that take correlations into account, and we compare them to naive rules in various experiments based on synthetic data. Our results show that when sufficient information is known about the correlations between errors, a maximum likelihood aggregation should be preferred. Otherwise, typically with limited training data, we recommend a method that we call Embedded Voting (EV).
[ "Theo Delemazure", "François Durand", "Fabien Mathieu" ]
2023-09-05 07:39:19
Analyzing domain shift when using additional data for the MICCAI KiTS23 Challenge
Using additional training data is known to improve the results, especially for medical image 3D segmentation where there is a lack of training material and the model needs to generalize well from few available data. However, the new data could have been acquired using other instruments and preprocessed such its distribution is significantly different from the original training data. Therefore, we study techniques which ameliorate domain shift during training so that the additional data becomes better usable for preprocessing and training together with the original data. Our results show that transforming the additional data using histogram matching has better results than using simple normalization.
[ "George Stoica", "Mihaela Breaban", "Vlad Barbu" ]
2023-09-05 07:31:22
sasdim: self-adaptive noise scaling diffusion model for spatial time series imputation
Spatial time series imputation is critically important to many real applications such as intelligent transportation and air quality monitoring. Although recent transformer and diffusion model based approaches have achieved significant performance gains compared with conventional statistic based methods, spatial time series imputation still remains as a challenging issue due to the complex spatio-temporal dependencies and the noise uncertainty of the spatial time series data. Especially, recent diffusion process based models may introduce random noise to the imputations, and thus cause negative impact on the model performance. To this end, we propose a self-adaptive noise scaling diffusion model named SaSDim to more effectively perform spatial time series imputation. Specially, we propose a new loss function that can scale the noise to the similar intensity, and propose the across spatial-temporal global convolution module to more effectively capture the dynamic spatial-temporal dependencies. Extensive experiments conducted on three real world datasets verify the effectiveness of SaSDim by comparison with current state-of-the-art baselines.
[ "Shunyang Zhang", "Senzhang Wang", "Xianzhen Tan", "Ruochen Liu", "Jian Zhang", "Jianxin Wang" ]
2023-09-05 06:51:39
Retail store customer behavior analysis system: Design and Implementation
Understanding customer behavior in retail stores plays a crucial role in improving customer satisfaction by adding personalized value to services. Behavior analysis reveals both general and detailed patterns in the interaction of customers with a store items and other people, providing store managers with insight into customer preferences. Several solutions aim to utilize this data by recognizing specific behaviors through statistical visualization. However, current approaches are limited to the analysis of small customer behavior sets, utilizing conventional methods to detect behaviors. They do not use deep learning techniques such as deep neural networks, which are powerful methods in the field of computer vision. Furthermore, these methods provide limited figures when visualizing the behavioral data acquired by the system. In this study, we propose a framework that includes three primary parts: mathematical modeling of customer behaviors, behavior analysis using an efficient deep learning based system, and individual and group behavior visualization. Each module and the entire system were validated using data from actual situations in a retail store.
[ "Tuan Dinh Nguyen", "Keisuke Hihara", "Tung Cao Hoang", "Yumeka Utada", "Akihiko Torii", "Naoki Izumi", "Nguyen Thanh Thuy", "Long Quoc Tran" ]
2023-09-05 06:26:57
An LSTM-Based Predictive Monitoring Method for Data with Time-varying Variability
The recurrent neural network and its variants have shown great success in processing sequences in recent years. However, this deep neural network has not aroused much attention in anomaly detection through predictively process monitoring. Furthermore, the traditional statistic models work on assumptions and hypothesis tests, while neural network (NN) models do not need that many assumptions. This flexibility enables NN models to work efficiently on data with time-varying variability, a common inherent aspect of data in practice. This paper explores the ability of the recurrent neural network structure to monitor processes and proposes a control chart based on long short-term memory (LSTM) prediction intervals for data with time-varying variability. The simulation studies provide empirical evidence that the proposed model outperforms other NN-based predictive monitoring methods for mean shift detection. The proposed method is also applied to time series sensor data, which confirms that the proposed method is an effective technique for detecting abnormalities.
[ "Jiaqi Qiu", "Yu Lin", "Inez Zwetsloot" ]
2023-09-05 06:13:09
Linear Regression using Heterogeneous Data Batches
In many learning applications, data are collected from multiple sources, each providing a \emph{batch} of samples that by itself is insufficient to learn its input-output relationship. A common approach assumes that the sources fall in one of several unknown subgroups, each with an unknown input distribution and input-output relationship. We consider one of this setup's most fundamental and important manifestations where the output is a noisy linear combination of the inputs, and there are $k$ subgroups, each with its own regression vector. Prior work~\cite{kong2020meta} showed that with abundant small-batches, the regression vectors can be learned with only few, $\tilde\Omega( k^{3/2})$, batches of medium-size with $\tilde\Omega(\sqrt k)$ samples each. However, the paper requires that the input distribution for all $k$ subgroups be isotropic Gaussian, and states that removing this assumption is an ``interesting and challenging problem". We propose a novel gradient-based algorithm that improves on the existing results in several ways. It extends the applicability of the algorithm by: (1) allowing the subgroups' underlying input distributions to be different, unknown, and heavy-tailed; (2) recovering all subgroups followed by a significant proportion of batches even for infinite $k$; (3) removing the separation requirement between the regression vectors; (4) reducing the number of batches and allowing smaller batch sizes.
[ "Ayush Jain", "Rajat Sen", "Weihao Kong", "Abhimanyu Das", "Alon Orlitsky" ]
2023-09-05 05:58:23
AdaPlus: Integrating Nesterov Momentum and Precise Stepsize Adjustment on AdamW Basis
This paper proposes an efficient optimizer called AdaPlus which integrates Nesterov momentum and precise stepsize adjustment on AdamW basis. AdaPlus combines the advantages of AdamW, Nadam, and AdaBelief and, in particular, does not introduce any extra hyper-parameters. We perform extensive experimental evaluations on three machine learning tasks to validate the effectiveness of AdaPlus. The experiment results validate that AdaPlus (i) is the best adaptive method which performs most comparable with (even slightly better than) SGD with momentum on image classification tasks and (ii) outperforms other state-of-the-art optimizers on language modeling tasks and illustrates the highest stability when training GANs. The experiment code of AdaPlus is available at: https://github.com/guanleics/AdaPlus.
[ "Lei Guan" ]
2023-09-05 05:39:44
RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis
One of the most challenging problems in audio-driven talking head generation is achieving high-fidelity detail while ensuring precise synchronization. Given only a single reference image, extracting meaningful identity attributes becomes even more challenging, often causing the network to mirror the facial and lip structures too closely. To address these issues, we introduce RADIO, a framework engineered to yield high-quality dubbed videos regardless of the pose or expression in reference images. The key is to modulate the decoder layers using latent space composed of audio and reference features. Additionally, we incorporate ViT blocks into the decoder to emphasize high-fidelity details, especially in the lip region. Our experimental results demonstrate that RADIO displays high synchronization without the loss of fidelity. Especially in harsh scenarios where the reference frame deviates significantly from the ground truth, our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its robustness. Pre-trained model and codes will be made public after the review.
[ "Dongyeun Lee", "Chaewon Kim", "Sangjoon Yu", "Jaejun Yoo", "Gyeong-Moon Park" ]
2023-09-05 04:56:18
TODM: Train Once Deploy Many Efficient Supernet-Based RNN-T Compression For On-device ASR Models
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models need to be optimized for specific hardware before they can be deployed on devices. This can be done by tuning the model's hyperparameters or exploring variations in its architecture. Re-training and re-validating models after making these changes can be a resource-intensive task. This paper presents TODM (Train Once Deploy Many), a new approach to efficiently train many sizes of hardware-friendly on-device ASR models with comparable GPU-hours to that of a single training job. TODM leverages insights from prior work on Supernet, where Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T) models share weights within a Supernet. It reduces layer sizes and widths of the Supernet to obtain subnetworks, making them smaller models suitable for all hardware types. We introduce a novel combination of three techniques to improve the outcomes of the TODM Supernet: adaptive dropouts, an in-place Alpha-divergence knowledge distillation, and the use of ScaledAdam optimizer. We validate our approach by comparing Supernet-trained versus individually tuned Multi-Head State Space Model (MH-SSM) RNN-T using LibriSpeech. Results demonstrate that our TODM Supernet either matches or surpasses the performance of manually tuned models by up to a relative of 3% better in word error rate (WER), while efficiently keeping the cost of training many models at a small constant.
[ "Yuan Shangguan", "Haichuan Yang", "Danni Li", "Chunyang Wu", "Yassir Fathullah", "Dilin Wang", "Ayushi Dalmia", "Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi", "Ozlem Kalinli", "Junteng Jia", "Jay Mahadeokar", "Xin Lei", "Mike Seltzer", "Vikas Chandra" ]
2023-09-05 04:47:55
OHQ: On-chip Hardware-aware Quantization
Quantization emerges as one of the most promising approaches for deploying advanced deep models on resource-constrained hardware. Mixed-precision quantization leverages multiple bit-width architectures to unleash the accuracy and efficiency potential of quantized models. However, existing mixed-precision quantization suffers exhaustive search space that causes immense computational overhead. The quantization process thus relies on separate high-performance devices rather than locally, which also leads to a significant gap between the considered hardware metrics and the real deployment.In this paper, we propose an On-chip Hardware-aware Quantization (OHQ) framework that performs hardware-aware mixed-precision quantization without accessing online devices. First, we construct the On-chip Quantization Awareness (OQA) pipeline, enabling perceive the actual efficiency metrics of the quantization operator on the hardware.Second, we propose Mask-guided Quantization Estimation (MQE) technique to efficiently estimate the accuracy metrics of operators under the constraints of on-chip-level computing power.By synthesizing network and hardware insights through linear programming, we obtain optimized bit-width configurations. Notably, the quantization process occurs on-chip entirely without any additional computing devices and data access. We demonstrate accelerated inference after quantization for various architectures and compression ratios, achieving 70% and 73% accuracy for ResNet-18 and MobileNetV3, respectively. OHQ improves latency by 15~30% compared to INT8 on deployment.
[ "Wei Huang", "Haotong Qin", "Yangdong Liu", "Jingzhuo Liang", "Yifu Ding", "Ying Li", "Xianglong Liu" ]
2023-09-05 04:39:34
Quantum-AI empowered Intelligent Surveillance: Advancing Public Safety Through Innovative Contraband Detection
Surveillance systems have emerged as crucial elements in upholding peace and security in the modern world. Their ubiquity aids in monitoring suspicious activities effectively. However, in densely populated environments, continuous active monitoring becomes impractical, necessitating the development of intelligent surveillance systems. AI integration in the surveillance domain was a big revolution, however, speed issues have prevented its widespread implementation in the field. It has been observed that quantum artificial intelligence has led to a great breakthrough. Quantum artificial intelligence-based surveillance systems have shown to be more accurate as well as capable of performing well in real-time scenarios, which had never been seen before. In this research, a RentinaNet model is integrated with Quantum CNN and termed as Quantum-RetinaNet. By harnessing the Quantum capabilities of QCNN, Quantum-RetinaNet strikes a balance between accuracy and speed. This innovative integration positions it as a game-changer, addressing the challenges of active monitoring in densely populated scenarios. As demand for efficient surveillance solutions continues to grow, Quantum-RetinaNet offers a compelling alternative to existing CNN models, upholding accuracy standards without sacrificing real-time performance. The unique attributes of Quantum-RetinaNet have far-reaching implications for the future of intelligent surveillance. With its enhanced processing speed, it is poised to revolutionize the field, catering to the pressing need for rapid yet precise monitoring. As Quantum-RetinaNet becomes the new standard, it ensures public safety and security while pushing the boundaries of AI in surveillance.
[ "Syed Atif Ali Shah", "Nasir Algeelani", "Najeeb Al-Sammarraie" ]
2023-09-05 04:26:26
Dynamic Brain Transformer with Multi-level Attention for Functional Brain Network Analysis
Recent neuroimaging studies have highlighted the importance of network-centric brain analysis, particularly with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The emergence of Deep Neural Networks has fostered a substantial interest in predicting clinical outcomes and categorizing individuals based on brain networks. However, the conventional approach involving static brain network analysis offers limited potential in capturing the dynamism of brain function. Although recent studies have attempted to harness dynamic brain networks, their high dimensionality and complexity present substantial challenges. This paper proposes a novel methodology, Dynamic bRAin Transformer (DART), which combines static and dynamic brain networks for more effective and nuanced brain function analysis. Our model uses the static brain network as a baseline, integrating dynamic brain networks to enhance performance against traditional methods. We innovatively employ attention mechanisms, enhancing model explainability and exploiting the dynamic brain network's temporal variations. The proposed approach offers a robust solution to the low signal-to-noise ratio of blood-oxygen-level-dependent signals, a recurring issue in direct DNN modeling. It also provides valuable insights into which brain circuits or dynamic networks contribute more to final predictions. As such, DRAT shows a promising direction in neuroimaging studies, contributing to the comprehensive understanding of brain organization and the role of neural circuits.
[ "Xuan Kan", "Antonio Aodong Chen Gu", "Hejie Cui", "Ying Guo", "Carl Yang" ]
2023-09-05 04:17:37
Developing A Fair Individualized Polysocial Risk Score (iPsRS) for Identifying Increased Social Risk of Hospitalizations in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)
Background: Racial and ethnic minority groups and individuals facing social disadvantages, which often stem from their social determinants of health (SDoH), bear a disproportionate burden of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its complications. It is therefore crucial to implement effective social risk management strategies at the point of care. Objective: To develop an EHR-based machine learning (ML) analytical pipeline to identify the unmet social needs associated with hospitalization risk in patients with T2D. Methods: We identified 10,192 T2D patients from the EHR data (from 2012 to 2022) from the University of Florida Health Integrated Data Repository, including contextual SDoH (e.g., neighborhood deprivation) and individual-level SDoH (e.g., housing stability). We developed an electronic health records (EHR)-based machine learning (ML) analytic pipeline, namely individualized polysocial risk score (iPsRS), to identify high social risk associated with hospitalizations in T2D patients, along with explainable AI (XAI) techniques and fairness assessment and optimization. Results: Our iPsRS achieved a C statistic of 0.72 in predicting 1-year hospitalization after fairness optimization across racial-ethnic groups. The iPsRS showed excellent utility for capturing individuals at high hospitalization risk; the actual 1-year hospitalization rate in the top 5% of iPsRS was ~13 times as high as the bottom decile. Conclusion: Our ML pipeline iPsRS can fairly and accurately screen for patients who have increased social risk leading to hospitalization in T2D patients.
[ "Yu Huang", "Jingchuan Guo", "William T Donahoo", "Zhengkang Fan", "Ying Lu", "Wei-Han Chen", "Huilin Tang", "Lori Bilello", "Elizabeth A Shenkman", "Jiang Bian" ]
2023-09-05 03:56:21
Provably safe systems: the only path to controllable AGI
We describe a path to humanity safely thriving with powerful Artificial General Intelligences (AGIs) by building them to provably satisfy human-specified requirements. We argue that this will soon be technically feasible using advanced AI for formal verification and mechanistic interpretability. We further argue that it is the only path which guarantees safe controlled AGI. We end with a list of challenge problems whose solution would contribute to this positive outcome and invite readers to join in this work.
[ "Max Tegmark", "Steve Omohundro" ]
2023-09-05 03:42:46
Regret Analysis of Policy Gradient Algorithm for Infinite Horizon Average Reward Markov Decision Processes
In this paper, we consider an infinite horizon average reward Markov Decision Process (MDP). Distinguishing itself from existing works within this context, our approach harnesses the power of the general policy gradient-based algorithm, liberating it from the constraints of assuming a linear MDP structure. We propose a policy gradient-based algorithm and show its global convergence property. We then prove that the proposed algorithm has $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}({T}^{3/4})$ regret. Remarkably, this paper marks a pioneering effort by presenting the first exploration into regret-bound computation for the general parameterized policy gradient algorithm in the context of average reward scenarios.
[ "Qinbo Bai", "Washim Uddin Mondal", "Vaneet Aggarwal" ]
2023-09-05 03:22:46
RoboAgent: Generalization and Efficiency in Robot Manipulation via Semantic Augmentations and Action Chunking
The grand aim of having a single robot that can manipulate arbitrary objects in diverse settings is at odds with the paucity of robotics datasets. Acquiring and growing such datasets is strenuous due to manual efforts, operational costs, and safety challenges. A path toward such an universal agent would require a structured framework capable of wide generalization but trained within a reasonable data budget. In this paper, we develop an efficient system (RoboAgent) for training universal agents capable of multi-task manipulation skills using (a) semantic augmentations that can rapidly multiply existing datasets and (b) action representations that can extract performant policies with small yet diverse multi-modal datasets without overfitting. In addition, reliable task conditioning and an expressive policy architecture enable our agent to exhibit a diverse repertoire of skills in novel situations specified using language commands. Using merely 7500 demonstrations, we are able to train a single agent capable of 12 unique skills, and demonstrate its generalization over 38 tasks spread across common daily activities in diverse kitchen scenes. On average, RoboAgent outperforms prior methods by over 40% in unseen situations while being more sample efficient and being amenable to capability improvements and extensions through fine-tuning. Videos at https://robopen.github.io/
[ "Homanga Bharadhwaj", "Jay Vakil", "Mohit Sharma", "Abhinav Gupta", "Shubham Tulsiani", "Vikash Kumar" ]
2023-09-05 03:14:39
A Survey on Physics Informed Reinforcement Learning: Review and Open Problems
The inclusion of physical information in machine learning frameworks has revolutionized many application areas. This involves enhancing the learning process by incorporating physical constraints and adhering to physical laws. In this work we explore their utility for reinforcement learning applications. We present a thorough review of the literature on incorporating physics information, as known as physics priors, in reinforcement learning approaches, commonly referred to as physics-informed reinforcement learning (PIRL). We introduce a novel taxonomy with the reinforcement learning pipeline as the backbone to classify existing works, compare and contrast them, and derive crucial insights. Existing works are analyzed with regard to the representation/ form of the governing physics modeled for integration, their specific contribution to the typical reinforcement learning architecture, and their connection to the underlying reinforcement learning pipeline stages. We also identify core learning architectures and physics incorporation biases (i.e., observational, inductive and learning) of existing PIRL approaches and use them to further categorize the works for better understanding and adaptation. By providing a comprehensive perspective on the implementation of the physics-informed capability, the taxonomy presents a cohesive approach to PIRL. It identifies the areas where this approach has been applied, as well as the gaps and opportunities that exist. Additionally, the taxonomy sheds light on unresolved issues and challenges, which can guide future research. This nascent field holds great potential for enhancing reinforcement learning algorithms by increasing their physical plausibility, precision, data efficiency, and applicability in real-world scenarios.
[ "Chayan Banerjee", "Kien Nguyen", "Clinton Fookes", "Maziar Raissi" ]
2023-09-05 02:45:18
Inferring Actual Treatment Pathways from Patient Records
Treatment pathways are step-by-step plans outlining the recommended medical care for specific diseases; they get revised when different treatments are found to improve patient outcomes. Examining health records is an important part of this revision process, but inferring patients' actual treatments from health data is challenging due to complex event-coding schemes and the absence of pathway-related annotations. This study aims to infer the actual treatment steps for a particular patient group from administrative health records (AHR) - a common form of tabular healthcare data - and address several technique- and methodology-based gaps in treatment pathway-inference research. We introduce Defrag, a method for examining AHRs to infer the real-world treatment steps for a particular patient group. Defrag learns the semantic and temporal meaning of healthcare event sequences, allowing it to reliably infer treatment steps from complex healthcare data. To our knowledge, Defrag is the first pathway-inference method to utilise a neural network (NN), an approach made possible by a novel, self-supervised learning objective. We also developed a testing and validation framework for pathway inference, which we use to characterise and evaluate Defrag's pathway inference ability and compare against baselines. We demonstrate Defrag's effectiveness by identifying best-practice pathway fragments for breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma in public healthcare records. Additionally, we use synthetic data experiments to demonstrate the characteristics of the Defrag method, and to compare Defrag to several baselines where it significantly outperforms non-NN-based methods. Defrag significantly outperforms several existing pathway-inference methods and offers an innovative and effective approach for inferring treatment pathways from AHRs. Open-source code is provided to encourage further research in this area.
[ "Adrian Wilkins-Caruana", "Madhushi Bandara", "Katarzyna Musial", "Daniel Catchpoole", "Paul J. Kennedy" ]
2023-09-05 02:15:08
Extended Symmetry Preserving Attention Networks for LHC Analysis
Reconstructing unstable heavy particles requires sophisticated techniques to sift through the large number of possible permutations for assignment of detector objects to partons. An approach based on a generalized attention mechanism, symmetry preserving attention networks (SPANet), has been previously applied to top quark pair decays at the Large Hadron Collider, which produce six hadronic jets. Here we extend the SPANet architecture to consider multiple input streams, such as leptons, as well as global event features, such as the missing transverse momentum. In addition, we provide regression and classification outputs to supplement the parton assignment. We explore the performance of the extended capability of SPANet in the context of semi-leptonic decays of top quark pairs as well as top quark pairs produced in association with a Higgs boson. We find significant improvements in the power of three representative studies: search for ttH, measurement of the top quark mass and a search for a heavy Z' decaying to top quark pairs. We present ablation studies to provide insight on what the network has learned in each case.
[ "Michael James Fenton", "Alexander Shmakov", "Hideki Okawa", "Yuji Li", "Ko-Yang Hsiao", "Shih-Chieh Hsu", "Daniel Whiteson", "Pierre Baldi" ]
2023-09-05 01:40:01
QuantEase: Optimization-based Quantization for Language Models -- An Efficient and Intuitive Algorithm
With the rising popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs), there has been an increasing interest in compression techniques that enable their efficient deployment. This study focuses on the Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) of LLMs. Drawing from recent advances, our work introduces QuantEase, a layer-wise quantization framework where individual layers undergo separate quantization. The problem is framed as a discrete-structured non-convex optimization, prompting the development of algorithms rooted in Coordinate Descent (CD) techniques. These CD-based methods provide high-quality solutions to the complex non-convex layer-wise quantization problems. Notably, our CD-based approach features straightforward updates, relying solely on matrix and vector operations, circumventing the need for matrix inversion or decomposition. We also explore an outlier-aware variant of our approach, allowing for retaining significant weights (outliers) with complete precision. Our proposal attains state-of-the-art performance in terms of perplexity and zero-shot accuracy in empirical evaluations across various LLMs and datasets, with relative improvements up to 15% over methods such as GPTQ. Particularly noteworthy is our outlier-aware algorithm's capability to achieve near or sub-3-bit quantization of LLMs with an acceptable drop in accuracy, obviating the need for non-uniform quantization or grouping techniques, improving upon methods such as SpQR by up to two times in terms of perplexity.
[ "Kayhan Behdin", "Ayan Acharya", "Aman Gupta", "Sathiya Keerthi", "Rahul Mazumder" ]
2023-09-05 01:39:09
Task Generalization with Stability Guarantees via Elastic Dynamical System Motion Policies
Dynamical System (DS) based Learning from Demonstration (LfD) allows learning of reactive motion policies with stability and convergence guarantees from a few trajectories. Yet, current DS learning techniques lack the flexibility to generalize to new task instances as they ignore explicit task parameters that inherently change the underlying trajectories. In this work, we propose Elastic-DS, a novel DS learning, and generalization approach that embeds task parameters into the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) DS formulation. Central to our approach is the Elastic-GMM, a GMM constrained to SE(3) task-relevant frames. Given a new task instance/context, the Elastic-GMM is transformed with Laplacian Editing and used to re-estimate the LPV-DS policy. Elastic-DS is compositional in nature and can be used to construct flexible multi-step tasks. We showcase its strength on a myriad of simulated and real-robot experiments while preserving desirable control-theoretic guarantees. Supplementary videos can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/elastic-ds
[ "Tianyu Li", "Nadia Figueroa" ]
2023-09-05 01:22:19
Gradient Domain Diffusion Models for Image Synthesis
Diffusion models are getting popular in generative image and video synthesis. However, due to the diffusion process, they require a large number of steps to converge. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we propose to perform the diffusion process in the gradient domain, where the convergence becomes faster. There are two reasons. First, thanks to the Poisson equation, the gradient domain is mathematically equivalent to the original image domain. Therefore, each diffusion step in the image domain has a unique corresponding gradient domain representation. Second, the gradient domain is much sparser than the image domain. As a result, gradient domain diffusion models converge faster. Several numerical experiments confirm that the gradient domain diffusion models are more efficient than the original diffusion models. The proposed method can be applied in a wide range of applications such as image processing, computer vision and machine learning tasks.
[ "Yuanhao Gong" ]
2023-09-05 00:58:17
Efficient Query-Based Attack against ML-Based Android Malware Detection under Zero Knowledge Setting
The widespread adoption of the Android operating system has made malicious Android applications an appealing target for attackers. Machine learning-based (ML-based) Android malware detection (AMD) methods are crucial in addressing this problem; however, their vulnerability to adversarial examples raises concerns. Current attacks against ML-based AMD methods demonstrate remarkable performance but rely on strong assumptions that may not be realistic in real-world scenarios, e.g., the knowledge requirements about feature space, model parameters, and training dataset. To address this limitation, we introduce AdvDroidZero, an efficient query-based attack framework against ML-based AMD methods that operates under the zero knowledge setting. Our extensive evaluation shows that AdvDroidZero is effective against various mainstream ML-based AMD methods, in particular, state-of-the-art such methods and real-world antivirus solutions.
[ "Ping He", "Yifan Xia", "Xuhong Zhang", "Shouling Ji" ]
2023-09-05 00:14:12
Attention-Driven Multi-Modal Fusion: Enhancing Sign Language Recognition and Translation
In this paper, we devise a mechanism for the addition of multi-modal information with an existing pipeline for continuous sign language recognition and translation. In our procedure, we have incorporated optical flow information with RGB images to enrich the features with movement-related information. This work studies the feasibility of such modality inclusion using a cross-modal encoder. The plugin we have used is very lightweight and doesn't need to include a separate feature extractor for the new modality in an end-to-end manner. We have applied the changes in both sign language recognition and translation, improving the result in each case. We have evaluated the performance on the RWTH-PHOENIX-2014 dataset for sign language recognition and the RWTH-PHOENIX-2014T dataset for translation. On the recognition task, our approach reduced the WER by 0.9, and on the translation task, our approach increased most of the BLEU scores by ~0.6 on the test set.
[ "Zaber Ibn Abdul Hakim", "Rasman Mubtasim Swargo", "Muhammad Abdullah Adnan" ]
2023-09-04 23:31:29
Efficient Defense Against Model Stealing Attacks on Convolutional Neural Networks
Model stealing attacks have become a serious concern for deep learning models, where an attacker can steal a trained model by querying its black-box API. This can lead to intellectual property theft and other security and privacy risks. The current state-of-the-art defenses against model stealing attacks suggest adding perturbations to the prediction probabilities. However, they suffer from heavy computations and make impracticable assumptions about the adversary. They often require the training of auxiliary models. This can be time-consuming and resource-intensive which hinders the deployment of these defenses in real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective and efficient defense alternative. We introduce a heuristic approach to perturb the output probabilities. The proposed defense can be easily integrated into models without additional training. We show that our defense is effective in defending against three state-of-the-art stealing attacks. We evaluate our approach on large and quantized (i.e., compressed) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained on several vision datasets. Our technique outperforms the state-of-the-art defenses with a $\times37$ faster inference latency without requiring any additional model and with a low impact on the model's performance. We validate that our defense is also effective for quantized CNNs targeting edge devices.
[ "Kacem Khaled", "Mouna Dhaouadi", "Felipe Gohring de Magalhães", "Gabriela Nicolescu" ]
2023-09-04 22:25:49
Delegating Data Collection in Decentralized Machine Learning
Motivated by the emergence of decentralized machine learning ecosystems, we study the delegation of data collection. Taking the field of contract theory as our starting point, we design optimal and near-optimal contracts that deal with two fundamental machine learning challenges: lack of certainty in the assessment of model quality and lack of knowledge regarding the optimal performance of any model. We show that lack of certainty can be dealt with via simple linear contracts that achieve 1-1/e fraction of the first-best utility, even if the principal has a small test set. Furthermore, we give sufficient conditions on the size of the principal's test set that achieves a vanishing additive approximation to the optimal utility. To address the lack of a priori knowledge regarding the optimal performance, we give a convex program that can adaptively and efficiently compute the optimal contract.
[ "Nivasini Ananthakrishnan", "Stephen Bates", "Michael I. Jordan", "Nika Haghtalab" ]
2023-09-04 22:16:35
Smoothing ADMM for Sparse-Penalized Quantile Regression with Non-Convex Penalties
This paper investigates quantile regression in the presence of non-convex and non-smooth sparse penalties, such as the minimax concave penalty (MCP) and smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD). The non-smooth and non-convex nature of these problems often leads to convergence difficulties for many algorithms. While iterative techniques like coordinate descent and local linear approximation can facilitate convergence, the process is often slow. This sluggish pace is primarily due to the need to run these approximation techniques until full convergence at each step, a requirement we term as a \emph{secondary convergence iteration}. To accelerate the convergence speed, we employ the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and introduce a novel single-loop smoothing ADMM algorithm with an increasing penalty parameter, named SIAD, specifically tailored for sparse-penalized quantile regression. We first delve into the convergence properties of the proposed SIAD algorithm and establish the necessary conditions for convergence. Theoretically, we confirm a convergence rate of $o\big({k^{-\frac{1}{4}}}\big)$ for the sub-gradient bound of augmented Lagrangian. Subsequently, we provide numerical results to showcase the effectiveness of the SIAD algorithm. Our findings highlight that the SIAD method outperforms existing approaches, providing a faster and more stable solution for sparse-penalized quantile regression.
[ "Reza Mirzaeifard", "Naveen K. D. Venkategowda", "Vinay Chakravarthi Gogineni", "Stefan Werner" ]
2023-09-04 21:48:51
Soft-Dropout: A Practical Approach for Mitigating Overfitting in Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks
Quantum convolutional neural network (QCNN), an early application for quantum computers in the NISQ era, has been consistently proven successful as a machine learning (ML) algorithm for several tasks with significant accuracy. Derived from its classical counterpart, QCNN is prone to overfitting. Overfitting is a typical shortcoming of ML models that are trained too closely to the availed training dataset and perform relatively poorly on unseen datasets for a similar problem. In this work we study the adaptation of one of the most successful overfitting mitigation method, knows as the (post-training) dropout method, to the quantum setting. We find that a straightforward implementation of this method in the quantum setting leads to a significant and undesirable consequence: a substantial decrease in success probability of the QCNN. We argue that this effect exposes the crucial role of entanglement in QCNNs and the vulnerability of QCNNs to entanglement loss. To handle overfitting, we proposed a softer version of the dropout method. We find that the proposed method allows us to handle successfully overfitting in the test cases.
[ "Aakash Ravindra Shinde", "Charu Jain", "Amir Kalev" ]
2023-09-04 21:46:24
Secure and Efficient Federated Learning in LEO Constellations using Decentralized Key Generation and On-Orbit Model Aggregation
Satellite technologies have advanced drastically in recent years, leading to a heated interest in launching small satellites into low Earth orbit (LEOs) to collect massive data such as satellite imagery. Downloading these data to a ground station (GS) to perform centralized learning to build an AI model is not practical due to the limited and expensive bandwidth. Federated learning (FL) offers a potential solution but will incur a very large convergence delay due to the highly sporadic and irregular connectivity between LEO satellites and GS. In addition, there are significant security and privacy risks where eavesdroppers or curious servers/satellites may infer raw data from satellites' model parameters transmitted over insecure communication channels. To address these issues, this paper proposes FedSecure, a secure FL approach designed for LEO constellations, which consists of two novel components: (1) decentralized key generation that protects satellite data privacy using a functional encryption scheme, and (2) on-orbit model forwarding and aggregation that generates a partial global model per orbit to minimize the idle waiting time for invisible satellites to enter the visible zone of the GS. Our analysis and results show that FedSecure preserves the privacy of each satellite's data against eavesdroppers, a curious server, or curious satellites. It is lightweight with significantly lower communication and computation overheads than other privacy-preserving FL aggregation approaches. It also reduces convergence delay drastically from days to only a few hours, yet achieving high accuracy of up to 85.35% using realistic satellite images.
[ "Mohamed Elmahallawy", "Tie Luo", "Mohamed I. Ibrahem" ]
2023-09-04 21:36:46
LoopTune: Optimizing Tensor Computations with Reinforcement Learning
Advanced compiler technology is crucial for enabling machine learning applications to run on novel hardware, but traditional compilers fail to deliver performance, popular auto-tuners have long search times and expert-optimized libraries introduce unsustainable costs. To address this, we developed LoopTune, a deep reinforcement learning compiler that optimizes tensor computations in deep learning models for the CPU. LoopTune optimizes tensor traversal order while using the ultra-fast lightweight code generator LoopNest to perform hardware-specific optimizations. With a novel graph-based representation and action space, LoopTune speeds up LoopNest by 3.2x, generating an order of magnitude faster code than TVM, 2.8x faster than MetaSchedule, and 1.08x faster than AutoTVM, consistently performing at the level of the hand-tuned library Numpy. Moreover, LoopTune tunes code in order of seconds.
[ "Dejan Grubisic", "Bram Wasti", "Chris Cummins", "John Mellor-Crummey", "Aleksandar Zlateski" ]
2023-09-04 21:30:15
On the fly Deep Neural Network Optimization Control for Low-Power Computer Vision
Processing visual data on mobile devices has many applications, e.g., emergency response and tracking. State-of-the-art computer vision techniques rely on large Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that are usually too power-hungry to be deployed on resource-constrained edge devices. Many techniques improve the efficiency of DNNs by using sparsity or quantization. However, the accuracy and efficiency of these techniques cannot be adapted for diverse edge applications with different hardware constraints and accuracy requirements. This paper presents a novel technique to allow DNNs to adapt their accuracy and energy consumption during run-time, without the need for any re-training. Our technique called AdaptiveActivation introduces a hyper-parameter that controls the output range of the DNNs' activation function to dynamically adjust the sparsity and precision in the DNN. AdaptiveActivation can be applied to any existing pre-trained DNN to improve their deployability in diverse edge environments. We conduct experiments on popular edge devices and show that the accuracy is within 1.5% of the baseline. We also show that our approach requires 10%--38% less memory than the baseline techniques leading to more accuracy-efficiency tradeoff options
[ "Ishmeet Kaur", "Adwaita Janardhan Jadhav" ]
2023-09-04 21:26:26
Towards Foundational AI Models for Additive Manufacturing: Language Models for G-Code Debugging, Manipulation, and Comprehension
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a revolutionary technology that enables the creation of physical objects from digital models. However, the quality and accuracy of 3D printing depend on the correctness and efficiency of the G-code, a low-level numerical control programming language that instructs 3D printers how to move and extrude material. Debugging G-code is a challenging task that requires a syntactic and semantic understanding of the G-code format and the geometry of the part to be printed. In this paper, we present the first extensive evaluation of six state-of-the-art foundational large language models (LLMs) for comprehending and debugging G-code files for 3D printing. We design effective prompts to enable pre-trained LLMs to understand and manipulate G-code and test their performance on various aspects of G-code debugging and manipulation, including detection and correction of common errors and the ability to perform geometric transformations. We analyze their strengths and weaknesses for understanding complete G-code files. We also discuss the implications and limitations of using LLMs for G-code comprehension.
[ "Anushrut Jignasu", "Kelly Marshall", "Baskar Ganapathysubramanian", "Aditya Balu", "Chinmay Hegde", "Adarsh Krishnamurthy" ]
2023-09-04 21:22:28
Computation and Communication Efficient Federated Learning over Wireless Networks
Federated learning (FL) enables distributed learning across edge devices while protecting data privacy. However, the learning accuracy decreases due to the heterogeneity of devices' data, and the computation and communication latency increase when updating large-scale learning models on devices with limited computational capability and wireless resources. We consider a novel FL framework with partial model pruning and personalization to overcome these challenges. This framework splits the learning model into a global part with model pruning shared with all devices to learn data representations and a personalized part to be fine-tuned for a specific device, which adapts the model size during FL to reduce both computation and communication latency and increases the learning accuracy for the device with non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) data. Then, the computation and communication latency and the convergence analysis of the proposed FL framework are mathematically analyzed. To maximize the convergence rate and guarantee learning accuracy, Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) conditions are deployed to jointly optimize the pruning ratio and bandwidth allocation. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed FL framework achieves a remarkable reduction of approximately 50 percents computation and communication latency compared with the scheme only with model personalization.
[ "Xiaonan Liu", "Tharmalingam Ratnarajah" ]
2023-09-04 21:10:45
DiscoverPath: A Knowledge Refinement and Retrieval System for Interdisciplinarity on Biomedical Research
The exponential growth in scholarly publications necessitates advanced tools for efficient article retrieval, especially in interdisciplinary fields where diverse terminologies are used to describe similar research. Traditional keyword-based search engines often fall short in assisting users who may not be familiar with specific terminologies. To address this, we present a knowledge graph-based paper search engine for biomedical research to enhance the user experience in discovering relevant queries and articles. The system, dubbed DiscoverPath, employs Named Entity Recognition (NER) and part-of-speech (POS) tagging to extract terminologies and relationships from article abstracts to create a KG. To reduce information overload, DiscoverPath presents users with a focused subgraph containing the queried entity and its neighboring nodes and incorporates a query recommendation system, enabling users to iteratively refine their queries. The system is equipped with an accessible Graphical User Interface that provides an intuitive visualization of the KG, query recommendations, and detailed article information, enabling efficient article retrieval, thus fostering interdisciplinary knowledge exploration. DiscoverPath is open-sourced at https://github.com/ynchuang/DiscoverPath.
[ "Yu-Neng Chuang", "Guanchu Wang", "Chia-Yuan Chang", "Kwei-Herng Lai", "Daochen Zha", "Ruixiang Tang", "Fan Yang", "Alfredo Costilla Reyes", "Kaixiong Zhou", "Xiaoqian Jiang", "Xia Hu" ]
2023-09-04 20:52:33
Marginalized Importance Sampling for Off-Environment Policy Evaluation
Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods are typically sample-inefficient, making it challenging to train and deploy RL-policies in real world robots. Even a robust policy trained in simulation requires a real-world deployment to assess their performance. This paper proposes a new approach to evaluate the real-world performance of agent policies prior to deploying them in the real world. Our approach incorporates a simulator along with real-world offline data to evaluate the performance of any policy using the framework of Marginalized Importance Sampling (MIS). Existing MIS methods face two challenges: (1) large density ratios that deviate from a reasonable range and (2) indirect supervision, where the ratio needs to be inferred indirectly, thus exacerbating estimation error. Our approach addresses these challenges by introducing the target policy's occupancy in the simulator as an intermediate variable and learning the density ratio as the product of two terms that can be learned separately. The first term is learned with direct supervision and the second term has a small magnitude, thus making it computationally efficient. We analyze the sample complexity as well as error propagation of our two step-procedure. Furthermore, we empirically evaluate our approach on Sim2Sim environments such as Cartpole, Reacher, and Half-Cheetah. Our results show that our method generalizes well across a variety of Sim2Sim gap, target policies and offline data collection policies. We also demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on a Sim2Real task of validating the performance of a 7 DoF robotic arm using offline data along with the Gazebo simulator.
[ "Pulkit Katdare", "Nan Jiang", "Katherine Driggs-Campbell" ]
2023-09-04 20:52:04
Asymmetric matrix sensing by gradient descent with small random initialization
We study matrix sensing, which is the problem of reconstructing a low-rank matrix from a few linear measurements. It can be formulated as an overparameterized regression problem, which can be solved by factorized gradient descent when starting from a small random initialization. Linear neural networks, and in particular matrix sensing by factorized gradient descent, serve as prototypical models of non-convex problems in modern machine learning, where complex phenomena can be disentangled and studied in detail. Much research has been devoted to studying special cases of asymmetric matrix sensing, such as asymmetric matrix factorization and symmetric positive semi-definite matrix sensing. Our key contribution is introducing a continuous differential equation that we call the $\textit{perturbed gradient flow}$. We prove that the perturbed gradient flow converges quickly to the true target matrix whenever the perturbation is sufficiently bounded. The dynamics of gradient descent for matrix sensing can be reduced to this formulation, yielding a novel proof of asymmetric matrix sensing with factorized gradient descent. Compared to directly analyzing the dynamics of gradient descent, the continuous formulation allows bounding key quantities by considering their derivatives, often simplifying the proofs. We believe the general proof technique may prove useful in other settings as well.
[ "Johan S. Wind" ]
2023-09-04 20:23:35
Composite federated learning with heterogeneous data
We propose a novel algorithm for solving the composite Federated Learning (FL) problem. This algorithm manages non-smooth regularization by strategically decoupling the proximal operator and communication, and addresses client drift without any assumptions about data similarity. Moreover, each worker uses local updates to reduce the communication frequency with the server and transmits only a $d$-dimensional vector per communication round. We prove that our algorithm converges linearly to a neighborhood of the optimal solution and demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm over state-of-the-art methods in numerical experiments.
[ "Jiaojiao Zhang", "Jiang Hu", "Mikael Johansson" ]
2023-09-04 20:22:57
Hierarchical Grammar-Induced Geometry for Data-Efficient Molecular Property Prediction
The prediction of molecular properties is a crucial task in the field of material and drug discovery. The potential benefits of using deep learning techniques are reflected in the wealth of recent literature. Still, these techniques are faced with a common challenge in practice: Labeled data are limited by the cost of manual extraction from literature and laborious experimentation. In this work, we propose a data-efficient property predictor by utilizing a learnable hierarchical molecular grammar that can generate molecules from grammar production rules. Such a grammar induces an explicit geometry of the space of molecular graphs, which provides an informative prior on molecular structural similarity. The property prediction is performed using graph neural diffusion over the grammar-induced geometry. On both small and large datasets, our evaluation shows that this approach outperforms a wide spectrum of baselines, including supervised and pre-trained graph neural networks. We include a detailed ablation study and further analysis of our solution, showing its effectiveness in cases with extremely limited data. Code is available at https://github.com/gmh14/Geo-DEG.
[ "Minghao Guo", "Veronika Thost", "Samuel W Song", "Adithya Balachandran", "Payel Das", "Jie Chen", "Wojciech Matusik" ]
2023-09-04 19:59:51
ATMS: Algorithmic Trading-Guided Market Simulation
The effective construction of an Algorithmic Trading (AT) strategy often relies on market simulators, which remains challenging due to existing methods' inability to adapt to the sequential and dynamic nature of trading activities. This work fills this gap by proposing a metric to quantify market discrepancy. This metric measures the difference between a causal effect from underlying market unique characteristics and it is evaluated through the interaction between the AT agent and the market. Most importantly, we introduce Algorithmic Trading-guided Market Simulation (ATMS) by optimizing our proposed metric. Inspired by SeqGAN, ATMS formulates the simulator as a stochastic policy in reinforcement learning (RL) to account for the sequential nature of trading. Moreover, ATMS utilizes the policy gradient update to bypass differentiating the proposed metric, which involves non-differentiable operations such as order deletion from the market. Through extensive experiments on semi-real market data, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our metric and show that ATMS generates market data with improved similarity to reality compared to the state-of-the-art conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (cWGAN) approach. Furthermore, ATMS produces market data with more balanced BUY and SELL volumes, mitigating the bias of the cWGAN baseline approach, where a simple strategy can exploit the BUY/SELL imbalance for profit.
[ "Song Wei", "Andrea Coletta", "Svitlana Vyetrenko", "Tucker Balch" ]
2023-09-04 19:56:18
Survival Prediction from Imbalance colorectal cancer dataset using hybrid sampling methods and tree-based classifiers
Background and Objective: Colorectal cancer is a high mortality cancer. Clinical data analysis plays a crucial role in predicting the survival of colorectal cancer patients, enabling clinicians to make informed treatment decisions. However, utilizing clinical data can be challenging, especially when dealing with imbalanced outcomes. This paper focuses on developing algorithms to predict 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival of colorectal cancer patients using clinical datasets, with particular emphasis on the highly imbalanced 1-year survival prediction task. To address this issue, we propose a method that creates a pipeline of some of standard balancing techniques to increase the true positive rate. Evaluation is conducted on a colorectal cancer dataset from the SEER database. Methods: The pre-processing step consists of removing records with missing values and merging categories. The minority class of 1-year and 3-year survival tasks consists of 10% and 20% of the data, respectively. Edited Nearest Neighbor, Repeated edited nearest neighbor (RENN), Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Techniques (SMOTE), and pipelines of SMOTE and RENN approaches were used and compared for balancing the data with tree-based classifiers. Decision Trees, Random Forest, Extra Tree, eXtreme Gradient Boosting, and Light Gradient Boosting (LGBM) are used in this article. Method. Results: The performance evaluation utilizes a 5-fold cross-validation approach. In the case of highly imbalanced datasets (1-year), our proposed method with LGBM outperforms other sampling methods with the sensitivity of 72.30%. For the task of imbalance (3-year survival), the combination of RENN and LGBM achieves a sensitivity of 80.81%, indicating that our proposed method works best for highly imbalanced datasets. Conclusions: Our proposed method significantly improves mortality prediction for the minority class of colorectal cancer patients.
[ "Sadegh Soleimani", "Mahsa Bahrami", "Mansour Vali" ]
2023-09-04 19:48:56
3D View Prediction Models of the Dorsal Visual Stream
Deep neural network representations align well with brain activity in the ventral visual stream. However, the primate visual system has a distinct dorsal processing stream with different functional properties. To test if a model trained to perceive 3D scene geometry aligns better with neural responses in dorsal visual areas, we trained a self-supervised geometry-aware recurrent neural network (GRNN) to predict novel camera views using a 3D feature memory. We compared GRNN to self-supervised baseline models that have been shown to align well with ventral regions using the large-scale fMRI Natural Scenes Dataset (NSD). We found that while the baseline models accounted better for ventral brain regions, GRNN accounted for a greater proportion of variance in dorsal brain regions. Our findings demonstrate the potential for using task-relevant models to probe representational differences across visual streams.
[ "Gabriel Sarch", "Hsiao-Yu Fish Tung", "Aria Wang", "Jacob Prince", "Michael Tarr" ]
2023-09-04 19:48:17
Self-concordant Smoothing for Convex Composite Optimization
We introduce the notion of self-concordant smoothing for minimizing the sum of two convex functions: the first is smooth and the second may be nonsmooth. Our framework results naturally from the smoothing approximation technique referred to as partial smoothing in which only a part of the nonsmooth function is smoothed. The key highlight of our approach is in a natural property of the resulting problem's structure which provides us with a variable-metric selection method and a step-length selection rule particularly suitable for proximal Newton-type algorithms. In addition, we efficiently handle specific structures promoted by the nonsmooth function, such as $\ell_1$-regularization and group-lasso penalties. We prove local quadratic convergence rates for two resulting algorithms: Prox-N-SCORE, a proximal Newton algorithm and Prox-GGN-SCORE, a proximal generalized Gauss-Newton (GGN) algorithm. The Prox-GGN-SCORE algorithm highlights an important approximation procedure which helps to significantly reduce most of the computational overhead associated with the inverse Hessian. This approximation is essentially useful for overparameterized machine learning models and in the mini-batch settings. Numerical examples on both synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the efficiency of our approach and its superiority over existing approaches.
[ "Adeyemi D. Adeoye", "Alberto Bemporad" ]
2023-09-04 19:47:04
Measuring, Interpreting, and Improving Fairness of Algorithms using Causal Inference and Randomized Experiments
Algorithm fairness has become a central problem for the broad adoption of artificial intelligence. Although the past decade has witnessed an explosion of excellent work studying algorithm biases, achieving fairness in real-world AI production systems has remained a challenging task. Most existing works fail to excel in practical applications since either they have conflicting measurement techniques and/ or heavy assumptions, or require code-access of the production models, whereas real systems demand an easy-to-implement measurement framework and a systematic way to correct the detected sources of bias. In this paper, we leverage recent advances in causal inference and interpretable machine learning to present an algorithm-agnostic framework (MIIF) to Measure, Interpret, and Improve the Fairness of an algorithmic decision. We measure the algorithm bias using randomized experiments, which enables the simultaneous measurement of disparate treatment, disparate impact, and economic value. Furthermore, using modern interpretability techniques, we develop an explainable machine learning model which accurately interprets and distills the beliefs of a blackbox algorithm. Altogether, these techniques create a simple and powerful toolset for studying algorithm fairness, especially for understanding the cost of fairness in practical applications like e-commerce and targeted advertising, where industry A/B testing is already abundant.
[ "James Enouen", "Tianshu Sun", "Yan Liu" ]
2023-09-04 19:45:18
DRAG: Divergence-based Adaptive Aggregation in Federated learning on Non-IID Data
Local stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a fundamental approach in achieving communication efficiency in Federated Learning (FL) by allowing individual workers to perform local updates. However, the presence of heterogeneous data distributions across working nodes causes each worker to update its local model towards a local optimum, leading to the phenomenon known as ``client-drift" and resulting in slowed convergence. To address this issue, previous works have explored methods that either introduce communication overhead or suffer from unsteady performance. In this work, we introduce a novel metric called ``degree of divergence," quantifying the angle between the local gradient and the global reference direction. Leveraging this metric, we propose the divergence-based adaptive aggregation (DRAG) algorithm, which dynamically ``drags" the received local updates toward the reference direction in each round without requiring extra communication overhead. Furthermore, we establish a rigorous convergence analysis for DRAG, proving its ability to achieve a sublinear convergence rate. Compelling experimental results are presented to illustrate DRAG's superior performance compared to state-of-the-art algorithms in effectively managing the client-drift phenomenon. Additionally, DRAG exhibits remarkable resilience against certain Byzantine attacks. By securely sharing a small sample of the client's data with the FL server, DRAG effectively counters these attacks, as demonstrated through comprehensive experiments.
[ "Feng Zhu", "Jingjing Zhang", "Shengyun Liu", "Xin Wang" ]
2023-09-04 19:40:58
CONFIDERAI: a novel CONFormal Interpretable-by-Design score function for Explainable and Reliable Artificial Intelligence
Everyday life is increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence, and there is no question that machine learning algorithms must be designed to be reliable and trustworthy for everyone. Specifically, computer scientists consider an artificial intelligence system safe and trustworthy if it fulfills five pillars: explainability, robustness, transparency, fairness, and privacy. In addition to these five, we propose a sixth fundamental aspect: conformity, that is, the probabilistic assurance that the system will behave as the machine learner expects. In this paper, we propose a methodology to link conformal prediction with explainable machine learning by defining CONFIDERAI, a new score function for rule-based models that leverages both rules predictive ability and points geometrical position within rules boundaries. We also address the problem of defining regions in the feature space where conformal guarantees are satisfied by exploiting techniques to control the number of non-conformal samples in conformal regions based on support vector data description (SVDD). The overall methodology is tested with promising results on benchmark and real datasets, such as DNS tunneling detection or cardiovascular disease prediction.
[ "Alberto Carlevaro", "Sara Narteni", "Fabrizio Dabbene", "Marco Muselli", "Maurizio Mongelli" ]
2023-09-04 19:39:21
Gated recurrent neural networks discover attention
Recent architectural developments have enabled recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to reach and even surpass the performance of Transformers on certain sequence modeling tasks. These modern RNNs feature a prominent design pattern: linear recurrent layers interconnected by feedforward paths with multiplicative gating. Here, we show how RNNs equipped with these two design elements can exactly implement (linear) self-attention, the main building block of Transformers. By reverse-engineering a set of trained RNNs, we find that gradient descent in practice discovers our construction. In particular, we examine RNNs trained to solve simple in-context learning tasks on which Transformers are known to excel and find that gradient descent instills in our RNNs the same attention-based in-context learning algorithm used by Transformers. Our findings highlight the importance of multiplicative interactions in neural networks and suggest that certain RNNs might be unexpectedly implementing attention under the hood.
[ "Nicolas Zucchet", "Seijin Kobayashi", "Yassir Akram", "Johannes von Oswald", "Maxime Larcher", "Angelika Steger", "João Sacramento" ]
2023-09-04 19:28:54
ADC/DAC-Free Analog Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks with Frequency Transformation
The edge processing of deep neural networks (DNNs) is becoming increasingly important due to its ability to extract valuable information directly at the data source to minimize latency and energy consumption. Frequency-domain model compression, such as with the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT), has been identified as an efficient alternative. However, the benefits of frequency-domain processing are often offset by the increased multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations required. This paper proposes a novel approach to an energy-efficient acceleration of frequency-domain neural networks by utilizing analog-domain frequency-based tensor transformations. Our approach offers unique opportunities to enhance computational efficiency, resulting in several high-level advantages, including array micro-architecture with parallelism, ADC/DAC-free analog computations, and increased output sparsity. Our approach achieves more compact cells by eliminating the need for trainable parameters in the transformation matrix. Moreover, our novel array micro-architecture enables adaptive stitching of cells column-wise and row-wise, thereby facilitating perfect parallelism in computations. Additionally, our scheme enables ADC/DAC-free computations by training against highly quantized matrix-vector products, leveraging the parameter-free nature of matrix multiplications. Another crucial aspect of our design is its ability to handle signed-bit processing for frequency-based transformations. This leads to increased output sparsity and reduced digitization workload. On a 16$\times$16 crossbars, for 8-bit input processing, the proposed approach achieves the energy efficiency of 1602 tera operations per second per Watt (TOPS/W) without early termination strategy and 5311 TOPS/W with early termination strategy at VDD = 0.8 V.
[ "Nastaran Darabi", "Maeesha Binte Hashem", "Hongyi Pan", "Ahmet Cetin", "Wilfred Gomes", "Amit Ranjan Trivedi" ]
2023-09-04 19:19:39
On Penalty Methods for Nonconvex Bilevel Optimization and First-Order Stochastic Approximation
In this work, we study first-order algorithms for solving Bilevel Optimization (BO) where the objective functions are smooth but possibly nonconvex in both levels and the variables are restricted to closed convex sets. As a first step, we study the landscape of BO through the lens of penalty methods, in which the upper- and lower-level objectives are combined in a weighted sum with penalty parameter $\sigma > 0$. In particular, we establish a strong connection between the penalty function and the hyper-objective by explicitly characterizing the conditions under which the values and derivatives of the two must be $O(\sigma)$-close. A by-product of our analysis is the explicit formula for the gradient of hyper-objective when the lower-level problem has multiple solutions under minimal conditions, which could be of independent interest. Next, viewing the penalty formulation as $O(\sigma)$-approximation of the original BO, we propose first-order algorithms that find an $\epsilon$-stationary solution by optimizing the penalty formulation with $\sigma = O(\epsilon)$. When the perturbed lower-level problem uniformly satisfies the small-error proximal error-bound (EB) condition, we propose a first-order algorithm that converges to an $\epsilon$-stationary point of the penalty function, using in total $O(\epsilon^{-3})$ and $O(\epsilon^{-7})$ accesses to first-order (stochastic) gradient oracles when the oracle is deterministic and oracles are noisy, respectively. Under an additional assumption on stochastic oracles, we show that the algorithm can be implemented in a fully {\it single-loop} manner, i.e., with $O(1)$ samples per iteration, and achieves the improved oracle-complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-3})$ and $O(\epsilon^{-5})$, respectively.
[ "Jeongyeol Kwon", "Dohyun Kwon", "Steve Wright", "Robert Nowak" ]
2023-09-04 18:25:43
Turbulent Flow Simulation using Autoregressive Conditional Diffusion Models
Simulating turbulent flows is crucial for a wide range of applications, and machine learning-based solvers are gaining increasing relevance. However, achieving stability when generalizing to longer rollout horizons remains a persistent challenge for learned PDE solvers. We address this challenge by introducing a fully data-driven fluid solver that utilizes an autoregressive rollout based on conditional diffusion models. We show that this approach offers clear advantages in terms of rollout stability compared to other learned baselines. Remarkably, these improvements in stability are achieved without compromising the quality of generated samples, and our model successfully generalizes to flow parameters beyond the training regime. Additionally, the probabilistic nature of the diffusion approach allows for inferring predictions that align with the statistics of the underlying physics. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the performance of our method on a range of challenging scenarios, including incompressible and transonic flows, as well as isotropic turbulence.
[ "Georg Kohl", "Li-Wei Chen", "Nils Thuerey" ]
2023-09-04 18:01:42
An Empirical Analysis for Zero-Shot Multi-Label Classification on COVID-19 CT Scans and Uncurated Reports
The pandemic resulted in vast repositories of unstructured data, including radiology reports, due to increased medical examinations. Previous research on automated diagnosis of COVID-19 primarily focuses on X-ray images, despite their lower precision compared to computed tomography (CT) scans. In this work, we leverage unstructured data from a hospital and harness the fine-grained details offered by CT scans to perform zero-shot multi-label classification based on contrastive visual language learning. In collaboration with human experts, we investigate the effectiveness of multiple zero-shot models that aid radiologists in detecting pulmonary embolisms and identifying intricate lung details like ground glass opacities and consolidations. Our empirical analysis provides an overview of the possible solutions to target such fine-grained tasks, so far overlooked in the medical multimodal pretraining literature. Our investigation promises future advancements in the medical image analysis community by addressing some challenges associated with unstructured data and fine-grained multi-label classification.
[ "Ethan Dack", "Lorenzo Brigato", "Matthew McMurray", "Matthias Fontanellaz", "Thomas Frauenfelder", "Hanno Hoppe", "Aristomenis Exadaktylos", "Thomas Geiser", "Manuela Funke-Chambour", "Andreas Christe", "Lukas Ebner", "Stavroula Mougiakakou" ]
2023-09-04 17:58:01
Hybrid data driven/thermal simulation model for comfort assessment
Machine learning models improve the speed and quality of physical models. However, they require a large amount of data, which is often difficult and costly to acquire. Predicting thermal comfort, for example, requires a controlled environment, with participants presenting various characteristics (age, gender, ...). This paper proposes a method for hybridizing real data with simulated data for thermal comfort prediction. The simulations are performed using Modelica Language. A benchmarking study is realized to compare different machine learning methods. Obtained results look promising with an F1 score of 0.999 obtained using the random forest model.
[ "Romain Barbedienne", "Sara Yasmine Ouerk", "Mouadh Yagoubi", "Hassan Bouia", "Aurelie Kaemmerlen", "Benoit Charrier" ]
2023-09-04 17:39:07
Adaptive Resource Allocation for Virtualized Base Stations in O-RAN with Online Learning
Open Radio Access Network systems, with their virtualized base stations (vBSs), offer operators the benefits of increased flexibility, reduced costs, vendor diversity, and interoperability. Optimizing the allocation of resources in a vBS is challenging since it requires knowledge of the environment, (i.e., "external'' information), such as traffic demands and channel quality, which is difficult to acquire precisely over short intervals of a few seconds. To tackle this problem, we propose an online learning algorithm that balances the effective throughput and vBS energy consumption, even under unforeseeable and "challenging'' environments; for instance, non-stationary or adversarial traffic demands. We also develop a meta-learning scheme, which leverages the power of other algorithmic approaches, tailored for more "easy'' environments, and dynamically chooses the best performing one, thus enhancing the overall system's versatility and effectiveness. We prove the proposed solutions achieve sub-linear regret, providing zero average optimality gap even in challenging environments. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated with real-world data and various trace-driven evaluations, indicating savings of up to 64.5% in the power consumption of a vBS compared with state-of-the-art benchmarks.
[ "Michail Kalntis", "George Iosifidis", "Fernando A. Kuipers" ]
2023-09-04 17:30:21
Softmax Bias Correction for Quantized Generative Models
Post-training quantization (PTQ) is the go-to compression technique for large generative models, such as stable diffusion or large language models. PTQ methods commonly keep the softmax activation in higher precision as it has been shown to be very sensitive to quantization noise. However, this can lead to a significant runtime and power overhead during inference on resource-constraint edge devices. In this work, we investigate the source of the softmax sensitivity to quantization and show that the quantization operation leads to a large bias in the softmax output, causing accuracy degradation. To overcome this issue, we propose an offline bias correction technique that improves the quantizability of softmax without additional compute during deployment, as it can be readily absorbed into the quantization parameters. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on stable diffusion v1.5 and 125M-size OPT language model, achieving significant accuracy improvement for 8-bit quantized softmax.
[ "Nilesh Prasad Pandey", "Marios Fournarakis", "Chirag Patel", "Markus Nagel" ]
2023-09-04 17:29:31
Prompting or Fine-tuning? A Comparative Study of Large Language Models for Taxonomy Construction
Taxonomies represent hierarchical relations between entities, frequently applied in various software modeling and natural language processing (NLP) activities. They are typically subject to a set of structural constraints restricting their content. However, manual taxonomy construction can be time-consuming, incomplete, and costly to maintain. Recent studies of large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated that appropriate user inputs (called prompting) can effectively guide LLMs, such as GPT-3, in diverse NLP tasks without explicit (re-)training. However, existing approaches for automated taxonomy construction typically involve fine-tuning a language model by adjusting model parameters. In this paper, we present a general framework for taxonomy construction that takes into account structural constraints. We subsequently conduct a systematic comparison between the prompting and fine-tuning approaches performed on a hypernym taxonomy and a novel computer science taxonomy dataset. Our result reveals the following: (1) Even without explicit training on the dataset, the prompting approach outperforms fine-tuning-based approaches. Moreover, the performance gap between prompting and fine-tuning widens when the training dataset is small. However, (2) taxonomies generated by the fine-tuning approach can be easily post-processed to satisfy all the constraints, whereas handling violations of the taxonomies produced by the prompting approach can be challenging. These evaluation findings provide guidance on selecting the appropriate method for taxonomy construction and highlight potential enhancements for both approaches.
[ "Boqi Chen", "Fandi Yi", "Dániel Varró" ]
2023-09-04 16:53:17
On the Robustness of Post-hoc GNN Explainers to Label Noise
Proposed as a solution to the inherent black-box limitations of graph neural networks (GNNs), post-hoc GNN explainers aim to provide precise and insightful explanations of the behaviours exhibited by trained GNNs. Despite their recent notable advancements in academic and industrial contexts, the robustness of post-hoc GNN explainers remains unexplored when confronted with label noise. To bridge this gap, we conduct a systematic empirical investigation to evaluate the efficacy of diverse post-hoc GNN explainers under varying degrees of label noise. Our results reveal several key insights: Firstly, post-hoc GNN explainers are susceptible to label perturbations. Secondly, even minor levels of label noise, inconsequential to GNN performance, harm the quality of generated explanations substantially. Lastly, we engage in a discourse regarding the progressive recovery of explanation effectiveness with escalating noise levels.
[ "Zhiqiang Zhong", "Yangqianzi Jiang", "Davide Mottin" ]
2023-09-04 16:35:04
Robust Online Classification: From Estimation to Denoising
We study online classification in the presence of noisy labels. The noise mechanism is modeled by a general kernel that specifies, for any feature-label pair, a (known) set of distributions over noisy labels. At each time step, an adversary selects an unknown distribution from the distribution set specified by the kernel based on the actual feature-label pair, and generates the noisy label from the selected distribution. The learner then makes a prediction based on the actual features and noisy labels observed thus far, and incurs loss $1$ if the prediction differs from the underlying truth (and $0$ otherwise). The prediction quality is quantified through minimax risk, which computes the cumulative loss over a finite horizon $T$. We show that for a wide range of natural noise kernels, adversarially selected features, and finite class of labeling functions, minimax risk can be upper bounded independent of the time horizon and logarithmic in the size of labeling function class. We then extend these results to inifinite classes and stochastically generated features via the concept of stochastic sequential covering. Our results extend and encompass findings of Ben-David et al. (2009) through substantial generality, and provide intuitive understanding through a novel reduction to online conditional distribution estimation.
[ "Changlong Wu", "Ananth Grama", "Wojciech Szpankowski" ]
2023-09-04 16:17:39
Physics-Informed Polynomial Chaos Expansions
Surrogate modeling of costly mathematical models representing physical systems is challenging since it is typically not possible to create a large experimental design. Thus, it is beneficial to constrain the approximation to adhere to the known physics of the model. This paper presents a novel methodology for the construction of physics-informed polynomial chaos expansions (PCE) that combines the conventional experimental design with additional constraints from the physics of the model. Physical constraints investigated in this paper are represented by a set of differential equations and specified boundary conditions. A computationally efficient means for construction of physically constrained PCE is proposed and compared to standard sparse PCE. It is shown that the proposed algorithms lead to superior accuracy of the approximation and does not add significant computational burden. Although the main purpose of the proposed method lies in combining data and physical constraints, we show that physically constrained PCEs can be constructed from differential equations and boundary conditions alone without requiring evaluations of the original model. We further show that the constrained PCEs can be easily applied for uncertainty quantification through analytical post-processing of a reduced PCE filtering out the influence of all deterministic space-time variables. Several deterministic examples of increasing complexity are provided and the proposed method is applied for uncertainty quantification.
[ "Lukáš Novák", "Himanshu Sharma", "Michael D. Shields" ]
2023-09-04 16:16:34
No Data Augmentation? Alternative Regularizations for Effective Training on Small Datasets
Solving image classification tasks given small training datasets remains an open challenge for modern computer vision. Aggressive data augmentation and generative models are among the most straightforward approaches to overcoming the lack of data. However, the first fails to be agnostic to varying image domains, while the latter requires additional compute and careful design. In this work, we study alternative regularization strategies to push the limits of supervised learning on small image classification datasets. In particular, along with the model size and training schedule scaling, we employ a heuristic to select (semi) optimal learning rate and weight decay couples via the norm of model parameters. By training on only 1% of the original CIFAR-10 training set (i.e., 50 images per class) and testing on ciFAIR-10, a variant of the original CIFAR without duplicated images, we reach a test accuracy of 66.5%, on par with the best state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Lorenzo Brigato", "Stavroula Mougiakakou" ]
2023-09-04 16:13:59
Artificial Empathy Classification: A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques, Datasets, and Evaluation Scales
From the last decade, researchers in the field of machine learning (ML) and assistive developmental robotics (ADR) have taken an interest in artificial empathy (AE) as a possible future paradigm for human-robot interaction (HRI). Humans learn empathy since birth, therefore, it is challenging to instill this sense in robots and intelligent machines. Nevertheless, by training over a vast amount of data and time, imitating empathy, to a certain extent, can be possible for robots. Training techniques for AE, along with findings from the field of empathetic AI research, are ever-evolving. The standard workflow for artificial empathy consists of three stages: 1) Emotion Recognition (ER) using the retrieved features from video or textual data, 2) analyzing the perceived emotion or degree of empathy to choose the best course of action, and 3) carrying out a response action. Recent studies that show AE being used with virtual agents or robots often include Deep Learning (DL) techniques. For instance, models like VGGFace are used to conduct ER. Semi-supervised models like Autoencoders generate the corresponding emotional states and behavioral responses. However, there has not been any study that presents an independent approach for evaluating AE, or the degree to which a reaction was empathetic. This paper aims to investigate and evaluate existing works for measuring and evaluating empathy, as well as the datasets that have been collected and used so far. Our goal is to highlight and facilitate the use of state-of-the-art methods in the area of AE by comparing their performance. This will aid researchers in the area of AE in selecting their approaches with precision.
[ "Sharjeel Tahir", "Syed Afaq Shah", "Jumana Abu-Khalaf" ]
2023-09-04 16:02:59
Blind Biological Sequence Denoising with Self-Supervised Set Learning
Biological sequence analysis relies on the ability to denoise the imprecise output of sequencing platforms. We consider a common setting where a short sequence is read out repeatedly using a high-throughput long-read platform to generate multiple subreads, or noisy observations of the same sequence. Denoising these subreads with alignment-based approaches often fails when too few subreads are available or error rates are too high. In this paper, we propose a novel method for blindly denoising sets of sequences without directly observing clean source sequence labels. Our method, Self-Supervised Set Learning (SSSL), gathers subreads together in an embedding space and estimates a single set embedding as the midpoint of the subreads in both the latent and sequence spaces. This set embedding represents the "average" of the subreads and can be decoded into a prediction of the clean sequence. In experiments on simulated long-read DNA data, SSSL methods denoise small reads of $\leq 6$ subreads with 17% fewer errors and large reads of $>6$ subreads with 8% fewer errors compared to the best baseline. On a real dataset of antibody sequences, SSSL improves over baselines on two self-supervised metrics, with a significant improvement on difficult small reads that comprise over 60% of the test set. By accurately denoising these reads, SSSL promises to better realize the potential of high-throughput DNA sequencing data for downstream scientific applications.
[ "Nathan Ng", "Ji Won Park", "Jae Hyeon Lee", "Ryan Lewis Kelly", "Stephen Ra", "Kyunghyun Cho" ]
2023-09-04 15:35:04
Robust penalized least squares of depth trimmed residuals regression for high-dimensional data
Challenges with data in the big-data era include (i) the dimension $p$ is often larger than the sample size $n$ (ii) outliers or contaminated points are frequently hidden and more difficult to detect. Challenge (i) renders most conventional methods inapplicable. Thus, it attracts tremendous attention from statistics, computer science, and bio-medical communities. Numerous penalized regression methods have been introduced as modern methods for analyzing high-dimensional data. Disproportionate attention has been paid to the challenge (ii) though. Penalized regression methods can do their job very well and are expected to handle the challenge (ii) simultaneously. Most of them, however, can break down by a single outlier (or single adversary contaminated point) as revealed in this article. The latter systematically examines leading penalized regression methods in the literature in terms of their robustness, provides quantitative assessment, and reveals that most of them can break down by a single outlier. Consequently, a novel robust penalized regression method based on the least sum of squares of depth trimmed residuals is proposed and studied carefully. Experiments with simulated and real data reveal that the newly proposed method can outperform some leading competitors in estimation and prediction accuracy in the cases considered.
[ "Yijun Zuo" ]
2023-09-04 15:33:29
Locally Stationary Graph Processes
Stationary graph process models are commonly used in the analysis and inference of data sets collected on irregular network topologies. While most of the existing methods represent graph signals with a single stationary process model that is globally valid on the entire graph, in many practical problems, the characteristics of the process may be subject to local variations in different regions of the graph. In this work, we propose a locally stationary graph process (LSGP) model that aims to extend the classical concept of local stationarity to irregular graph domains. We characterize local stationarity by expressing the overall process as the combination of a set of component processes such that the extent to which the process adheres to each component varies smoothly over the graph. We propose an algorithm for computing LSGP models from realizations of the process, and also study the approximation of LSGPs locally with WSS processes. Experiments on signal interpolation problems show that the proposed process model provides accurate signal representations competitive with the state of the art.
[ "Abdullah Canbolat", "Elif Vural" ]
2023-09-04 15:16:55
Which algorithm to select in sports timetabling?
Any sports competition needs a timetable, specifying when and where teams meet each other. The recent International Timetabling Competition (ITC2021) on sports timetabling showed that, although it is possible to develop general algorithms, the performance of each algorithm varies considerably over the problem instances. This paper provides an instance space analysis for sports timetabling, resulting in powerful insights into the strengths and weaknesses of eight state-of-the-art algorithms. Based on machine learning techniques, we propose an algorithm selection system that predicts which algorithm is likely to perform best when given the characteristics of a sports timetabling problem instance. Furthermore, we identify which characteristics are important in making that prediction, providing insights in the performance of the algorithms, and suggestions to further improve them. Finally, we assess the empirical hardness of the instances. Our results are based on large computational experiments involving about 50 years of CPU time on more than 500 newly generated problem instances.
[ "David Van Bulck", "Dries Goossens", "Jan-Patrick Clarner", "Angelos Dimitsas", "George H. G. Fonseca", "Carlos Lamas-Fernandez", "Martin Mariusz Lester", "Jaap Pedersen", "Antony E. Phillips", "Roberto Maria Rosati" ]
2023-09-04 15:13:56
Relay Diffusion: Unifying diffusion process across resolutions for image synthesis
Diffusion models achieved great success in image synthesis, but still face challenges in high-resolution generation. Through the lens of discrete cosine transformation, we find the main reason is that \emph{the same noise level on a higher resolution results in a higher Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the frequency domain}. In this work, we present Relay Diffusion Model (RDM), which transfers a low-resolution image or noise into an equivalent high-resolution one for diffusion model via blurring diffusion and block noise. Therefore, the diffusion process can continue seamlessly in any new resolution or model without restarting from pure noise or low-resolution conditioning. RDM achieves state-of-the-art FID on CelebA-HQ and sFID on ImageNet 256$\times$256, surpassing previous works such as ADM, LDM and DiT by a large margin. All the codes and checkpoints are open-sourced at \url{https://github.com/THUDM/RelayDiffusion}.
[ "Jiayan Teng", "Wendi Zheng", "Ming Ding", "Wenyi Hong", "Jianqiao Wangni", "Zhuoyi Yang", "Jie Tang" ]
2023-09-04 15:00:33
Design of Recognition and Evaluation System for Table Tennis Players' Motor Skills Based on Artificial Intelligence
With the rapid development of electronic science and technology, the research on wearable devices is constantly updated, but for now, it is not comprehensive for wearable devices to recognize and analyze the movement of specific sports. Based on this, this paper improves wearable devices of table tennis sport, and realizes the pattern recognition and evaluation of table tennis players' motor skills through artificial intelligence. Firstly, a device is designed to collect the movement information of table tennis players and the actual movement data is processed. Secondly, a sliding window is made to divide the collected motion data into a characteristic database of six table tennis benchmark movements. Thirdly, motion features were constructed based on feature engineering, and motor skills were identified for different models after dimensionality reduction. Finally, the hierarchical evaluation system of motor skills is established with the loss functions of different evaluation indexes. The results show that in the recognition of table tennis players' motor skills, the feature-based BP neural network proposed in this paper has higher recognition accuracy and stronger generalization ability than the traditional convolutional neural network.
[ "Zhuo-yong Shi", "Ye-tao Jia", "Ke-xin Zhang", "Ding-han Wang", "Long-meng Ji", "Yong Wu" ]
2023-09-04 14:58:56
Corgi^2: A Hybrid Offline-Online Approach To Storage-Aware Data Shuffling For SGD
When using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) for training machine learning models, it is often crucial to provide the model with examples sampled at random from the dataset. However, for large datasets stored in the cloud, random access to individual examples is often costly and inefficient. A recent work \cite{corgi}, proposed an online shuffling algorithm called CorgiPile, which greatly improves efficiency of data access, at the cost some performance loss, which is particularly apparent for large datasets stored in homogeneous shards (e.g., video datasets). In this paper, we introduce a novel two-step partial data shuffling strategy for SGD which combines an offline iteration of the CorgiPile method with a subsequent online iteration. Our approach enjoys the best of both worlds: it performs similarly to SGD with random access (even for homogenous data) without compromising the data access efficiency of CorgiPile. We provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the convergence properties of our method and demonstrate its practical advantages through experimental results.
[ "Etay Livne", "Gal Kaplun", "Eran Malach", "Shai Shalev-Schwatz" ]
2023-09-04 14:49:27
Representing Edge Flows on Graphs via Sparse Cell Complexes
Obtaining sparse, interpretable representations of observable data is crucial in many machine learning and signal processing tasks. For data representing flows along the edges of a graph, an intuitively interpretable way to obtain such representations is to lift the graph structure to a simplicial complex: The eigenvectors of the associated Hodge-Laplacian, respectively the incidence matrices of the corresponding simplicial complex then induce a Hodge decomposition, which can be used to represent the observed data in terms of gradient, curl, and harmonic flows. In this paper, we generalize this approach to cellular complexes and introduce the cell inference optimization problem, i.e., the problem of augmenting the observed graph by a set of cells, such that the eigenvectors of the associated Hodge Laplacian provide a sparse, interpretable representation of the observed edge flows on the graph. We show that this problem is NP-hard and introduce an efficient approximation algorithm for its solution. Experiments on real-world and synthetic data demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms current state-of-the-art methods while being computationally efficient.
[ "Josef Hoppe", "Michael T. Schaub" ]
2023-09-04 14:30:20
DeViL: Decoding Vision features into Language
Post-hoc explanation methods have often been criticised for abstracting away the decision-making process of deep neural networks. In this work, we would like to provide natural language descriptions for what different layers of a vision backbone have learned. Our DeViL method decodes vision features into language, not only highlighting the attribution locations but also generating textual descriptions of visual features at different layers of the network. We train a transformer network to translate individual image features of any vision layer into a prompt that a separate off-the-shelf language model decodes into natural language. By employing dropout both per-layer and per-spatial-location, our model can generalize training on image-text pairs to generate localized explanations. As it uses a pre-trained language model, our approach is fast to train, can be applied to any vision backbone, and produces textual descriptions at different layers of the vision network. Moreover, DeViL can create open-vocabulary attribution maps corresponding to words or phrases even outside the training scope of the vision model. We demonstrate that DeViL generates textual descriptions relevant to the image content on CC3M surpassing previous lightweight captioning models and attribution maps uncovering the learned concepts of the vision backbone. Finally, we show DeViL also outperforms the current state-of-the-art on the neuron-wise descriptions of the MILANNOTATIONS dataset. Code available at https://github.com/ExplainableML/DeViL
[ "Meghal Dani", "Isabel Rio-Torto", "Stephan Alaniz", "Zeynep Akata" ]
2023-09-04 13:59:55
Dropout Attacks
Dropout is a common operator in deep learning, aiming to prevent overfitting by randomly dropping neurons during training. This paper introduces a new family of poisoning attacks against neural networks named DROPOUTATTACK. DROPOUTATTACK attacks the dropout operator by manipulating the selection of neurons to drop instead of selecting them uniformly at random. We design, implement, and evaluate four DROPOUTATTACK variants that cover a broad range of scenarios. These attacks can slow or stop training, destroy prediction accuracy of target classes, and sabotage either precision or recall of a target class. In our experiments of training a VGG-16 model on CIFAR-100, our attack can reduce the precision of the victim class by 34.6% (from 81.7% to 47.1%) without incurring any degradation in model accuracy
[ "Andrew Yuan", "Alina Oprea", "Cheng Tan" ]
2023-09-04 13:55:03
On the Query Strategies for Efficient Online Active Distillation
Deep Learning (DL) requires lots of time and data, resulting in high computational demands. Recently, researchers employ Active Learning (AL) and online distillation to enhance training efficiency and real-time model adaptation. This paper evaluates a set of query strategies to achieve the best training results. It focuses on Human Pose Estimation (HPE) applications, assessing the impact of selected frames during training using two approaches: a classical offline method and a online evaluation through a continual learning approach employing knowledge distillation, on a popular state-of-the-art HPE dataset. The paper demonstrates the possibility of enabling training at the edge lightweight models, adapting them effectively to new contexts in real-time.
[ "Michele Boldo", "Enrico Martini", "Mirco De Marchi", "Stefano Aldegheri", "Nicola Bombieri" ]
2023-09-04 13:53:20
Fair Ranking under Disparate Uncertainty
Ranking is a ubiquitous method for focusing the attention of human evaluators on a manageable subset of options. Its use ranges from surfacing potentially relevant products on an e-commerce site to prioritizing college applications for human review. While ranking can make human evaluation far more effective by focusing attention on the most promising options, we argue that it can introduce unfairness if the uncertainty of the underlying relevance model differs between groups of options. Unfortunately, such disparity in uncertainty appears widespread, since the relevance estimates for minority groups tend to have higher uncertainty due to a lack of data or appropriate features. To overcome this fairness issue, we propose Equal-Opportunity Ranking (EOR) as a new fairness criterion for ranking that provably corrects for the disparity in uncertainty between groups. Furthermore, we present a practical algorithm for computing EOR rankings in time $O(n \log(n))$ and prove its close approximation guarantee to the globally optimal solution. In a comprehensive empirical evaluation on synthetic data, a US Census dataset, and a real-world case study of Amazon search queries, we find that the algorithm reliably guarantees EOR fairness while providing effective rankings.
[ "Richa Rastogi", "Thorsten Joachims" ]
2023-09-04 13:49:48
Drifter: Efficient Online Feature Monitoring for Improved Data Integrity in Large-Scale Recommendation Systems
Real-world production systems often grapple with maintaining data quality in large-scale, dynamic streams. We introduce Drifter, an efficient and lightweight system for online feature monitoring and verification in recommendation use cases. Drifter addresses limitations of existing methods by delivering agile, responsive, and adaptable data quality monitoring, enabling real-time root cause analysis, drift detection and insights into problematic production events. Integrating state-of-the-art online feature ranking for sparse data and anomaly detection ideas, Drifter is highly scalable and resource-efficient, requiring only two threads and less than a gigabyte of RAM per production deployments that handle millions of instances per minute. Evaluation on real-world data sets demonstrates Drifter's effectiveness in alerting and mitigating data quality issues, substantially improving reliability and performance of real-time live recommender systems.
[ "Blaž Škrlj", "Nir Ki-Tov", "Lee Edelist", "Natalia Silberstein", "Hila Weisman-Zohar", "Blaž Mramor", "Davorin Kopič", "Naama Ziporin" ]
2023-09-04 13:33:36
Efficient Social Choice via NLP and Sampling
Attention-Aware Social Choice tackles the fundamental conflict faced by some agent communities between their desire to include all members in the decision making processes and the limited time and attention that are at the disposal of the community members. Here, we investigate a combination of two techniques for attention-aware social choice, namely Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Sampling. Essentially, we propose a system in which each governance proposal to change the status quo is first sent to a trained NLP model that estimates the probability that the proposal would pass if all community members directly vote on it; then, based on such an estimation, a population sample of a certain size is being selected and the proposal is decided upon by taking the sample majority. We develop several concrete algorithms following the scheme described above and evaluate them using various data, including such from several Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
[ "Lior Ashkenazy", "Nimrod Talmon" ]
2023-09-04 13:30:31
Active flow control for three-dimensional cylinders through deep reinforcement learning
This paper presents for the first time successful results of active flow control with multiple independently controlled zero-net-mass-flux synthetic jets. The jets are placed on a three-dimensional cylinder along its span with the aim of reducing the drag coefficient. The method is based on a deep-reinforcement-learning framework that couples a computational-fluid-dynamics solver with an agent using the proximal-policy-optimization algorithm. We implement a multi-agent reinforcement-learning framework which offers numerous advantages: it exploits local invariants, makes the control adaptable to different geometries, facilitates transfer learning and cross-application of agents and results in significant training speedup. In this contribution we report significant drag reduction after applying the DRL-based control in three different configurations of the problem.
[ "Pol Suárez", "Francisco Alcántara-Ávila", "Arnau Miró", "Jean Rabault", "Bernat Font", "Oriol Lehmkuhl", "R. Vinuesa" ]
2023-09-04 13:30:29