Q: Summarize the following: Lucas Sally: Please find attached the formal invitation to participate in a project organized by our company. Lucas Sally: <file> Katherine Dome: Thank you very much for the invitation. Lucas Sally: Could you please provide us with your expected availability? Katherine Dome: Yes, of course. I am available 30 hours per week. Lucas Sally: Perfect. Would you be available for a short interview this week? Katherine Dome: Yes, of course., A: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
The answer of "Summarize the following Cheryl: Are you going with us to Scotland in May? Ross: We want to go by car this time Ross: for about two weeks Kirsty: amazing idea, I'd love to very much Kirsty: but won't it be too cold still? Ross: we won't camp this time Neil: so hotels? Ross: or airbnb, something like this Neil: which will make the whole thing more expensive Ross: May is still before the season Neil: maybe you're right Kirsty: I'll join you for sure Neil: I think me too" is Cheryl and Ross want to go to Scotland in May, Kirsty will join them.
Q: Summarize the following: Robert: when are u guys going for your hols? Carl: We've just touched down! Jenn: where?? Carl: <file_photo> Robert: wow it's hot there Robert: nice Jenn: relax there, A: Don went to the opera in Lvov and saw Salomea.
Passage: Luke: Hey, you coming to the movies with us tonight? Grace: Hey sorry for replying so late it was a busy day for me. Sure why not Luke: we're planning on meeting at my place at 7-ish. Carla told you we're dressing up right? Grace: yup, she told me all about it. I don't think I have anything to wear, though. Luke: I can lend you something, even just a long black cape would be alright, it's just for fun Grace: cool, thx. I don't know, I heard Jason's going as Darth Maul with the make-up and all Luke: Yeah, but he's a hardcore star wars nerd, he's always gonna do stuff like that when it comes to sw Luke: and he's gonna share gazillion fun facts with you so be prepared Grace: haha, yea, much like me and Game of Thrones Luke: exactly, Summary: Luke invites Grace to the movies with them tonight. She's been busy but agrees to join. There will be a fancy dress party at Luke and Carla's about 7-ish. Grace will come but has nothing special to wear. Luke gives her some advice and they discuss their friends who will dress up as e.g. Darth Maul.
Context: Jeff: When's practice? Jason: we're meeting at 6 Jason: at the new court Jeff: ugh why can't we use the old one? Jason: it's under renovation Jeff: ok c ya there at 5:45, Summary: Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
The summary of "Peter: Today's department head meeting has been cancelled due to lack of staff. Sorry for any inconvenience. Tara: Okay, thanks. I kind of thought so. Peter: Yes, with the holiday, just too many folks gone. Tara: I think we may be the only two department heads here. Peter: I think you're right! Tara: Okay, so maybe we should meet just so it's official on the calendar? Peter: Sure. Same time? Tara: Yes, we can go over the Hoover project. Peter: Great idea. I need some feedback on where we are at the moment. Tara: Me too. Let's see if we can get one of the assistants to help us. Peter: Good idea. They can take notes too. Jared? Tara: I was going to suggest him, since he's working closely with Teresa. Peter: Fine. I'll ask him. See you at 3. Tara: See you then." is Don went to the opera in Lvov and saw Salomea.
Q: Summarize the following: Mark: <file_photo> Alex: what am I looking it? Mark: do you recognize anyone in this picture? Look closely xD Alex: hahahahha is that Frank?! LOL Mark: <file_photo> Alex: hahahah that's even better :D what is he doing there :D, A: Mark and Alex found Frank on a photo.
The answer of "Summarize the following Cristina: please remember about antibiotic Terry: ok I will Cristina: 10ml in one hour Terry: ok dont worry Cristina: call me in case you have any doubts Terry: just go and dont worry! :)" is Cristina reminds Terry about the antibiotic.
Q: Summarize the following: Ken: When is the deadline? Joy: Today JP: Seriously?!!! I'm fucked , A: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Passage: Ellen: have you ever been to a ski resort? Kevin: never!!! Ellen: would you like to? Ellen: a couple of friends and i are going this february Kevin: i'd love to!, Summary: Kevin wants to go to a ski resort with Ellen and her friends this February.
Passage: Sam: Can you please come out I bought this warm breakfast please take it? Anna: yes sure just a sec and btw thank you for this lovely surprise… Anna: ok I am outside but you aint here? Sam: oh your already there? I thought you would take time so I msgd you few minutes ahead Sam: I am still here waiting for my order to be prepared :D Anna: goodness!!!!! What are you getting anyway? Sam: Tacitos hash browns coffee and orange juice Anna: WOOOWWW… I cant wait to eat Anna: love you ?(k) Sam: love you too.. Anna: how long? Sam: just got the order leaving now Anna: wait!!!! Get extra picante sause Sam: sureee! Now be ready and come out to help… Anna: I am here on the door only waiting…. Anna: cant wait to eat Sam: left Anna: waitingggg, Summary: Stanley wants to change booking details and book a smaller room because his wife won't bring a dog. Stanley will be provided with the available options very soon.
Passage: Priscilla: <file_photo> Priscilla: ian's post on our wall Peggy: classes on thursday? wtf? Priscilla: he's absent on Tuesday...again Trisha: no way.... Trisha: i'm not fucking going there Trisha: people have jobs, i got no time on thursday...why is he doing this Priscilla: because it's IAN Peggy: i don't like it either :// Trisha: i think someone should make him aware of all of this. Trisha: i can even do it myself Priscilla: i really don't get it Priscilla: how can you be an adult and behave like this Priscilla: it's beyond words, really Peggy: I'm not going, that's for sure...i'm not even worried about this Trisha: I envy you :/ Trisha: this uni is making me sick more and more Peggy: Idgaf, if he will have any problem with my absences i will say when we SHOULD have classes normally Priscilla: good idea, Summary: Terri and Wendy haven't spoken for about 10 years. Terri has been working at the hospital for 20 years. Wendy still works at the vet's. Terri likes her job. Terri kicked Derek out 3 years ago. Derek had an affair. Terri is with Johnnie now. Wendy never remarried after Jeff.
The answer of "Summarize the following Luna: leaving home right now Luna: should be at your place in 30-40 minutes Clara: alright, I'll be ready by then" is Luna is leaving and will be at Clara's in 30 to 40 minutes.
The answer of "Summarize the following William: yo man, what's up? James: sorry busy right now James: I'll get back to you later William: ok" is Evelyn and Camber will attend yoga classes. Norman and Alcott are making fun of them.
Context: Sue: Hi love, you alright! Paul: yeah, been all over the place. Was meaning to ring you, sorry! Sue: No probs. Dad's fine, maybe give him a bell, He's always asking if I've heard from you... Paul: Will do... how is Dad? Sue: Yeah, not bad, his legs giving him gip, though. I've told him to go to Drs, but he doesn't listen! Paul: does he ever? What you been up to, working yet? Sue: yes, did some supply last week in Swansea. Kids were little shits, really don't want to go there again! Paul: think of the money! That's what I Do! Sue: got an interview next week, mind. In that new school in Port Talbot. Nervous, but hopeful. I'm sick of supply teaching! Paul : Good luck! Saw Russell Howard in Birmingham last weekend. The was amazing! Sue: Brilliant! Love him on TV! Tell me next time you go, I'll try and get up there. We saw Bohemian Rhapsody last Sat. Was excellent. Brian May actor was just like him and the guy who played Freddie was stunning! Paul: oh yeah, I read about that. It had terrible reviews, it put me off! Sue: yeah, I thought so too. But everyone in the cinema loved it. You always liked Queen as a kid, much more than me. You should go, the kids would like it too. Paul: maybe! They don't like old stuff, mind. Zack is always saying my taste is crap! Sue: he needs to broaden his tastes. That Korean stuff he likes is not the best! Paul : yep, it's terrible! I should educate him in good music. We'll go this weekend! Karen won't mind. We never go out together anymore, she says! Sue: you won't be sorry! When you visiting next? Paul: Christmas, I think, not sure when exactly. Sue: any ideas for the kids' presents? Money again! Paul: I'll get back to you about that! Anyway, see you later, love. Sue: 👍, Summary: Flores pointed out that Tabitha may feel sleepy, because she has distrubed sleep schedule and low blood pressure.
Q: Summarize the following: Julie: i went to the library to get that book on colonial history and didn't find it Mark: did you go to the bookstore across the store? Julie: i don't want to buy it, i want to borrow it from the library Julie: but they don't have it either Mark: what about neighboring universities? Julie: no luck Mark: i can lend you mine Julie: YOU'VE HAD IT ALL THIS TIME AND I DIDN'T KNOW?!?!?! Mark: i thought you know Julie: yes! i need to borrow it, i have a test on wednesday and need to read it Mark: ok let's meet later today and i'll give it to you Julie: sounds good, A: Helena's studying in Edinburgh, while Wanda's studying near Leeds and working at a petrol station. Wanda wants to visit Helena next Thursday as she has two days off. Wanda wants to stay in Scotland and become a teacher.
Q: Summarize the following: Lily: sorry guys, I won't make it to the movies today :( Clifton: oh ok, what happened? Lily: my uncle is in the hospital so I have to drive to my hometown asap Derrick: i'm so sorry :( let us know later if everything's fine Lily: thanks, I will!, A: Lilly's uncle is in the hospital, so she can't go to the cinema.
Context: Kate: Hi, Amy Amy: Hi! Kate: I woke up this morning completely sick Amy: oh, I am so sorry. Kate: I've no idea what to do with Thomas. He should be at school at 8 but I feel too bad to drive and too bad to take care of him Amy: Don't worry, I can take him to school together with Alice! Kate: Thanks! It's so kind of you Amy: We single mothers have to help each other! Kate: It's so good I have you Amy: I'll pick him up about 7.15 and you take care of yourself, stay in bed etc. Kate: Thanks Amy: And I will take them for breakfast on the way to school. Kate: Perfect! Amy: See you later Kate: See you!, Summary: Amy will pick Thomas up at 7:15 and take him for breakfast then to school.
Context: Danielle: hey where RU? Juan: I told u I'd be late! Danielle: but it's been almost 45 mins! Danielle: <file_gif> Juan: I'll be there in 15 minutes Juan: <file_gif>, Summary: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
Q: Summarize the following: Lauren: Wanna hit the movies tonight? Ellen: Can't tonight, babe Lauren: OK, A: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
The answer of "Summarize the following Harry: so what have you been up to these days? Sasha: a lot of stuff, to start with... i got promoted Harry: woow congratulations!!! :) so happy for you!! Sasha: thanks, it was long awaited haha Harry: definitely, so what is your position now? Sasha: i am a training coordinator and manager Harry: sounds serious... :D congratulations again! So what's new for you? Sasha: salary is a little better and i get to travel a lot Harry: oh so you must be happy about it Sasha: well it depends Harry: depends on what? Sasha: where i travel haha :D Harry: so where did you go recently? Sasha: Warsaw... so this was boring Harry: are you visiting any more 'exotic' places? ;) Sasha: no Bahamas unfortunately hahaha, but i spent two weeks in portugal last month Harry: that's sweet Sasha: yeah, i had a really nice hotel and good allowance so this was great Harry: and it was in... june? Sasha: yes so it was hot and everything, i spent a lot of time working by the pool etc. Harry: i am so jealous of you... Sasha: hahaha and how are you? Harry: well i am actually looking for something new, i am still at my old workplace but i am tired already Sasha: what position are you looking for? Harry: project manager or business analyst... both would be good Sasha: i can let you know if i will hear about something, my friend is a recruiter so she sometimes talk to me about some offers Harry: that's great :) thanks!" is Sasha got promoted so she gets to travel a lot. Sasha went to Warsaw and Portugal. Sasha will let Harry know if she hears about a job offer for him.
Q: Summarize the following: Uncle Billy: Your scissors came in the post today, your funny scissors. Abbie: They're mom's. For the cats' claws. Uncle Billy: That's a relief. Abbie: Why? Uncle Billy: I thought you were planning to trim my nose hairs., A: Jeniffer is still in Boston. She will not be back before the weekend.
Q: Summarize the following: Rachel: merry christmas monica.. \o/ Monica: im jewish Rachel: oh.. happy hanukah then \o/ xD Monica: :D, A: Monica is Jewish. She celebrates Hanukkah rather than Christmas.
The summary of "Mark: Gentlemen! I dare say it's COFFEE TIME! Luke: w00t! Jake: Sry, can't now. Mark: Y? Jake: Boss needs to talk to me. Luke: Had the talk. Don't mention coffee. Jake: Y? Mark: You'll get talked down for coffee time ;) Jake: Rly? Luke: Apparently he doesn't approve of us taking long breaks from work :P Mark: Lol Jake: Gotta go! Looking at me meaningfully! Luke: Well then, kind sir, shall we? Mark: Of course we shall! Jake: W8 for me!" is Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Passage: Frances: R u going to watch Split? Lilly: Sure, but now I don't have much time Lilly: Heard that the acting is amazing! Frances: That's true. James McAvoy impersonates many characters Frances: He's got multiple personality disorder Lilly: Is this film available on Netflix? Frances: Check it out. I think that it should be, Summary: Lilly wants to watch the movie Split on Netflix if it's available. Frances liked it, especially James McAvoy's acting.
Q: Summarize the following: Peter: So what about the blond one? Hank: She's a hot piece of ass! Frank: I knew that! And what happened next? After the drinks? Peter: Haha 2nd and 3rd base! Hank: So proud of you, bro! Peter: HAHA Frank: Guys, a beer tonight? Hank: Always. Peter: I can join you after 7 pm. I'm still at work. Frank: Sure, at Donnegan's at 7:15? Hank: OK Peter: I'll bring Stanley along. Frank: See you then!, A: Peter, Hank and Frank will meet at Donnegan's at 7:15.
The answer of "Summarize the following Amy: How’s your new yoga classes? Ann: It’s great! I wasn’t sure at first 1.5 h you know.. Amy: 1.5 h?! OMG! Ann: You should come with me next time. Amy: No thanks. It's not really my thing I would be bored as hell! Ann: I thought so too depends on your instructor. You gonna feel so much better afterwards you'll see! Amy: I'll think about it and let you know. Ann: Seriously think it though. It could help with your sleep issues. Amy: I’d rather do some cardio to burn some fat off my bum ha ha! Ann: First part of the practice isn’t that easy believe me! Amy: Isn’t it about sitting on your mat meditating? Ann: Definitely not! Yoga is supposed to be good for both your body and your mind. You’ll see the difference after first classes. Amy: Fine you convinced me. I’ll give it a go! Do I need a mat? Ann: They’ll give you one or I can borrow you one of mine I’ve got two. Amy: I’d rather borrow one from you ha ha! So when’s your next classes? Ann: Thursday at 6. Amy: In the evening i hope?! Ann: Yeah don’t worry. They’ve got classes in the morning but i can’t force myself to get up so early. Amy: Neither do i. So evening practice it is. Ann: You won’t regret it. I’ll bring the mats. Just put on some comfy clothes. Amy: a pair of leggings and a t-shirt will do? Ann: definitely! Whatever you feel comfy in. I wear harem pants and a loose fitting long sleeved top. Amy: Ok. See you on Thursday then! Ann: So glad we’re gonna go there together :)" is Ann goes to new yoga classes. Amy agreed to join her. Ann will lend her a mat as she has two. The next class is on Thursday at 6 pm.
Passage: Liam: What time will you be done with work? Zoe: 6ish? Something like that Liam: Okay, then I'll just go home now cause it would be an hour late Zoe: Sure hon Liam: :* Zoe: Could you do some laundry? Liam: Ok Zoe: I almost went to work comando :D Liam: haha, well then maybe I won't do the laundry ;> Zoe: I know you have underwear crisis too :D Liam: that's true. What would you like for dinner? Zoe: You Liam: Sushi it is Zoe: I will eat it from your belly <3, Summary: Zoe finishes at around 6 pm. Liam is going home now. He'll do the laundry. They will have sushi for dinner.
Passage: Quinn: Why didn't u tell me? Ali: about what? Quinn: that Terry is going out with Megan Ali: I just find out too Quinn: u should have told me as soon as u find out Ali: but I told u Quinn: I can't belive in this Ali: what do u mean? Quinn: how could he told me, just like that "hi, this is my new girlfriend" Ali: he probablu thinks tht u r friends Quinn: we are! but he should prepare me! Ali: how? Quinn: don't know but that hurt Ali: calm down, he just didn't think it's a problem Quinn: well, it is. ok talk to u later, Summary: Alina, George, Mary and Tom haven't heard from Jason since he changed his job. Jason left also their group some weeks ago. He hasn't responded to the private message Alina wrote him on Friday.
The summary of "Tim: I feel like I'm gonna be single forever.. Ava: What happened? Tim: Nothing. Tim: I've been thinking. Tim: And in my opinion, I just wasn't born to be in a relatioship. Tim: Or maybe I'm just having a bad day. Ava: Why do you think you're not good at relationships? Tim: I don't know... Ava: Maybe an example? Tim: For example, I'm always placing sb's else interest before mine... Ava: That's not good, you're right. Ava: But it's not the end of the world either. Tim: Maybe..." is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
The summary of "Naomi: I'm getting my new phone today yeey Amelia: Nice, samsung? Naomi: yes, you know how I oppose the apple frenzy Amelia: haha I know, which one? Naomi: galaxy s8 plus Amelia: My brother has it. It's huge! Naomi: I know that's what I wanted Amelia: I would totally drop and break it Naomi: They have these new cases with a ring on the back side you put your finger through the ring when you hold it and it's safe Amelia: can't imagine that Naomi: <file_photo> Amelia: aaaaah, I see. Clever Naomi: It's got better parameters than my laptop :D Amelia: So a lot of new games? :D Naomi: haha no I have to stop playing cause it eats too much of my time Amelia: Same with me Naomi: And I got this deal that when I register in their app I get cash back Amelia: how much? Naomi: like 30% of the price Amelia: sweet!! Naomi: right?" is Naomi is getting a new phone, Samsung galaxy s8 plus. Amelia's brother has it and thinks it is huge. There are new phone cases with a ring on the back to hold the phone. The phone is a better device than her laptop. She got it with 30% discount because she found a deal on the app.
Passage: Tessa: letters! Austen: eeeaaasyyy i'll get to it eventually :D Tessa: ud better cause i'll forget Tessa: and then you'll be sorry in the exam Austen: ok ok Tessa: tomorrow! Austen: ok they'll bethe best letter u've ever read! Tessa: theyd better be xD Austen: :D, Summary: Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
Passage: Barb: hey emma i need your help!! Barb: i was supposed to host my sister's baby shower Barb: but i haven't prepared anything! :‑[ Emma: why? Barb: i've been so busy at work Barb: i haven't had a chance to even get a venue Barb: can you help me, please?!?!?! Barb: i'm desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emma: of course! i love your sister <3 Emma: we can do it at my house Emma: is next wednesday ok? Barb: THAT'S PERFECT!!! Emma: i can tell my friend Diana to cater for us Emma: she makes great finger foods and desserts ʘ‿ʘ Barb: YES! YOU'RE INCREDIBLE!!! Emma: i can also organize some games :-D Emma: put up some decorations :-D Emma: put together some party favors :-D Barb: YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!!!! Barb: i really don't know how to repay you <3 <3 <3 Emma: don't worry about it Emma: that's what friends are for, Summary: Barb has to organize her sister's baby shower, but she hasn't prepared anything. Emma is going to help Barb. Emma will organize catering, games and decorations.
Context: Sandra: Hello, is that Pat Simms, used to work at Lister's Fine Clothing in the 1970s and 80s? Pat: Yes, it is, which Sandra are you? Sandra: Hi, it's Sandra Donovan, now Taylor here! How are you? Pat: I'm very well! I haven't seen you girls in about 35 years! I left in 84, we went to run a pub, me and Jonathan. Sandra: Well, you'll never believe it, but Brenda Riley tracked me down like this and we met up last weekend! We thought we might get the old Lister's gang together for a reunion, you know, before we're all too old! Pat: You're not too old, you were all young girls out of school then! Sandra: Yes, but that was almost 50 years ago, Pat! We're all grannies now! Pat: Not me, we never had kids, our choice! Sandra: You have no regrets, then? Pat: Bit personal, dear! No, we retired from the pub 10 years ago, mid-60s, me and Jon have had a ball, cruises, safaris and I've seen my sister in Oz and my brother in Thailand several times. Sandra: Oh Pat, that sounds lovely! My husband's still working, but we're planning a special trip to the US in a year or two. Can't wait! He's 66, and has had enough! Pat: So, apart from Bren, you found any others? Sandra: There was Betty Davies, but she was about 60 when the factory closed in 94, long time ago, if she's alive, I don't suppose she's on Facebook at 84 or something! Pat: No, I suppose not, but you never know! I heard Marigold had passed away, you know, the supervisor? Sandra: Yes, very sad, not long after Lister's closed, I think. Pat: Ok, what about that young girl who loved David Bowie, joined us in about 73, only about 16 she was, I think. She always tried to match his current look, you remember when she did Ziggy Stardust with ginger hair and no eyebrows! Sandra: Oh yes, Amanda Johnson, she was even younger than me and Brenda! She's still over 60 now though! She may well be on Facebook, did she get married, do you remember? Pat: Not sure, could be tricky tracking all these down, so many common names! Sandra: Oh yes, Magda Zielinski was in our section too! Maybe an easier name to find. Her mum was Polish, I think. Pat: Oh yes, Magda, what a beauty! She was like one of the girls from Charlie's Angels, the blonde one. Sandra: Yes, Farrah Fawcett, with the lovely hairstyle! I think Magda should have been a model, not a machinist! Pat: Well, Sand, lovely to hear from you, please keep in touch about the reunion, or just for a chat! Bye! Sandra: OK, Pat, hope to see you again, bye!, Summary: Pat used to work at Lister's Fine Clothing in the 1970s and 80s. Pat hasn't seen Sandra in about 35 years. Pat left in 1984 to run a pub with Jonathan. Sandra met with Brenda Riley last weekend, they plan a reunion. Pat does not have kids and is retired. She travelled with Jon to Oz and Thailand.
The answer of "Summarize the following Smith: Did you hear a cat last night? Audree: No! I sleep through everything. Was it meowing or what? Smith: Like howling! Audree: Probably in heat!" is Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
The answer of "Summarize the following Danny: So which shall we choose? Woof: Not sure yet. Just gone through the six you sent me last night. They all seem of interest. Danny: Yeah... Pros and cons with each and every. Woof: Any preferences your end? Danny: I described them in the email I sent you this morning. Woof: Oh you did. Haven't seen it yet. Danny: EM? Woof: Too busy checking the previous listing. Sorry. Do it in a sec. Danny: You'd better do! I put a couple of hours' work in it!! Woof: Good work you did. BTW been checking other sites too. Nothing on Danny: I checked them yesterday. I don't like them anymore. They declared my free night invalid "due to inactivity in the last year". Bastards! Woof: Was it worth much? Danny: Around 100. Woof: Gone is gone. We'll start again. But how about now? Danny: My favourite is Starfish Varadero. No doubt. Woof: All-inclusive? Danny : Only breakfast. Woof: Why not full board? Danny: We have to lose weight. Both of us! Woof: I like my tummy. Big and flabby. Danny: And my bum. Woof: And your boobs... Slobber, slobber... Danny: WYWH Woof: Soon. We only have to find a nice hotel. Danny: Starfish in Varadero? On the beach, under the palm trees... Woof: And full-board so that we don't lose time finding eateries? Danny: You are impossible. I L U Woof: XOXOXO" is Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
Context: Bella: pizza? Bella: or pasta? Mick: pizza, Summary: Bella and Mick will have pizza.
Context: Tom: We're in Dublin airport Tom: Ready to get on the plane :) Chris: I wish you a safe flight then! Chris: Can't wait to see you! :D Tom: Thank you! Chris: I want to ask you sth Tom: Go on Chris: Do you mind going tomorrow to school at 7:10? Chris: I know that we are startind our erasmus things at 9 am but Chris: my teacher want me to come at 8 am and that way i would like to go at 7:10 am Chris: becaus there's a voleyball trainging before that Chris: Is it a problem for you to get up that early? If you don't want to come I can ommit the training. Tom: I don't mind going in at 7:10. Tom: We're just about to take off Tom: I will text you when we land Chris: Ok Chris: No problem Tom: Do you like flying? Chris: Well, I've flied only 2 times in my life but yee I kinda like it Chris: What about you? Tom: It's ok for me., Summary: Lillian made gloves for Isaiah's birthday. She was afraid they are going to be too big but they fit perfectly.
Q: Summarize the following: Henry: What was the name of the bottled water you order once for 2 weeks? Simon: Pierrot Henry: Is it ok? Simon: Yeah. It's ok. Simon: I've got far less plastic in my home. It really reduces the problem of PET bottles. Henry: Ecological thinking :D Simon: It's healthier than water in plastic bottles. Henry: Of course it is. Btw. You heard that scientists said that almost everyone absorbs plastic in their organism? Simon: Yeah. Sad story but I try my best to avoid plastic in my house. Henry: Good for you, but I think it's still impossible. Simon: I hope it will change soon. I don't want to leave future generations eating plastic molecules. Henry: Me too man., A: Sarah won't be able to come to her lesson with Paul this Friday. She's going to Rome for a conference. She'll let him know when they can meet instead until Tuesday. It's not the first time their lesson has been cancelled at the last minute.
Passage: Mike: I can't believe that we are all turning 30 this year. Jack: Yeah. Time flies! Robert: I was thinking about it recently Robert: I'm quite happy with my life Jack: Good for you. Robert: Aren't you? Jack: I could improve some things Jack: Maybe if I lost 20 kg girls would be interested in my fascinating personality 😂 Mike: 😂😂😂 Mike: Come on you don't have it that bad. Mike: You're a programmer. Mike: With what you earn you could easily afford a private trainer and a dietician Mike: Whatever it takes to get back it shape Mike: I haven't even finished high school... Mike: I'll be probably doing shitty low-paid jobs for the rest of my life... Mike: When I was younger I always had lots of girls Jack: Because you're handsome and very fit Mike: The older I get the more difficult it becomes Mike: Girls just want to have fun with me Mike: But no one wants to have a relationship Mike: I think they see me as a good looking looser Robert: I think you're interested in the wrong type of girls , Summary: Mike, Jack and Robert are turning 30 this year. Robert is happy with his life. Jack is a programmer. Mike hasn't finished high school.
Context: Samuel: Stop and look back! Marianne: what? Samuel: I'm behind you, wait!, Summary: Samuel is behind Marianne.
The summary of "Bianca: I saw a beaver in the river Pedro: Really?? Paul: Me too. Yesterday at night. " is Bianca and Paul saw beavers in the river.
Passage: Connie: hi Ben, whats the wi-fi password at your place, btw? Matthew just ran out to do some errands. Ben: happydays4555 Connie: thanks! Ben: np Connie: theres a big project deadline coming up at work. need to check my email often in the evenings too. Ben: you just started working for that company, right? Connie: yes. only a few weeks ago. Ben: do you like it? Connie: yes, for the most part. theres one coworker who is a bit odd, but everyone else is cool Ben: i see. Connie: you just started a new job too, right? Ben: yeah, for a startup. interesting work, but stressful Connie: i often hear thats the case with startups Ben: yeah. where is your office located? Connie: right in mid-town Ben: is that much of a commute for you? Connie: 40 minutes Ben: thats not too bad Connie: no, not for New York, Summary: Lillian made gloves for Isaiah's birthday. She was afraid they are going to be too big but they fit perfectly.
The answer of "Summarize the following Hayden: hey i heard ur learning russian? Chandler: haha that's right:D Hayden: :D Chandler: why? Hayden: i'm looking for a place to learn, too Chandler: well i'm good with mine Hayden: where do you go? Chandler: empik Hayden: heard it's expensive Chandler: yeah it is Chandler: but Cam got me a good deal, 30% off Hayden: how? Chandler: she works there;) Hayden: oh, really? didn't know that;) as? Chandler: as a teacher;) Hayden: i see. do you think she could get me one as well? Chandler: i doubt it, it was a family discount :/ Hayden: oh:( thanks anyway!" is Hayden is looking for a place to learn Russian. Chandler goes to Empik but that's too expensive for Hayden. Chandler got a family discount through Cam, who works there.
The answer of "Summarize the following Kenya: My iphone is not being updated Jamie: Is it showing an available update? Kenya: Yeah Jamie: Try with at least 50% battery charging or put it at charging before starting the update Kenya: Thank God its working. Kenya: tysm Jamie: Pleasure is all mine :)" is Kenya's phone is finally updating after Jamie's advice
Q: Summarize the following: Jules: Anyone has my sociology book? Cameron: I had it, I mean I borrowed it, but passed it on Elon: To me:D Jules: either way, I need it back, like asap Elon: hm, I can meet you up somewhere on the subway line, sounds good? Jules: Sure, Centre, in 30 min, A: Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
Q: Summarize the following: Oscar: yo Oscar: whatcha up to Monica: hey Monica: im watching Friends Oscar: can I come? Monica: sure Monica: just bring some popcorn hehe Oscar: OK anything else? Monica: I could use some wine too ;) Oscar: dry white amirite? Monica: yes please Oscar: will do Oscar: be there in 30 Monica: am waiting! :-), A: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Context: Samuel: Hey Jo, did you pick the parcel? Joey: I did Joey: It's heavy, what's inside? 😁 Samuel: Stuff for tinkering etc. Joey: Whatever Joey: I'll leave it at the reception desk Samuel: Thank you Joey: You're welcome, Summary: Joey confirms to Samuel that he has picked the heavy parcel. He will leave it at the reception desk.
Context: John: Hi, Paul. Paul: Hi, John. John: I've got this new project in mind. Paul: You do? What is it? John: I'll be straight Paul. Paul: That's good. Go ahead. John: Let it be, then, Paul. Paul: Let it be what? John: I am thinking about writing a song? Paul: Really? Have you ever done a thing like that? John: As a matter of fact I have. Just never advertised it much. Paul: So what your song is gonna be about. John: That's the problem, Paul. I was hoping you might suggest something. Paul: Well, I don't know John. It could be anything really. John: Like what? Can you be a bit more specific? Paul: How about world peace. That's important. John: You really think so? Paul: Yes, I do. John: Sounds a bit boring and unrealistic. Paul: It is that. But important too., Summary: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Context: Emma: could you grab some painkillers on your way home? Louis: sure, everything's fine? Emma: just another migraine Emma: and of course I'm out of meds Louis: don't worry I'll buy something Louis: just rest for now, Summary: Louis will buy painkillers for Emma's migraine.
The summary of "Noah: can you pick up the boys from training today? Maddison: sure Noah: thanks, I'm having a late meeting at work so I will be late Maddison: do you know when? Noah: around 8PM maybe even 9PM Maddison: ok" is Don went to the opera in Lvov and saw Salomea.
The answer of "Summarize the following Monica: Jessica has a boyfriend?!?! WHAT? Jasmine: yes, she does, finally - I talked to her about it last week Monica: no way... who is he?! Jasmine: yeah, she is sooo in love , well I don't know much really, he is a fireman and that's it Monica: can't believe it Jasmine: hahaha yeah, me neither, i don't really talk to her that much anymore to be honest" is Terri and Wendy haven't spoken for about 10 years. Terri has been working at the hospital for 20 years. Wendy still works at the vet's. Terri likes her job. Terri kicked Derek out 3 years ago. Derek had an affair. Terri is with Johnnie now. Wendy never remarried after Jeff.
Passage: Jen: Hey babe :-* Ben: morning love <3 Jen: did you sleep ok? Jen: I had a weird dream last night :-/ Ben: yeah I passed out after we hung up Ben: oh no! :-O what about? Jen: It was awful Jen: I was in this big white empty room Jen: and I was sitting in a chair in the middle Jen: but I couldn't move :'-( Ben: oh shit Jen: and these creepy people in lab coats kept poking me with sharp metal instruments Ben: :-O Jen: then I screamed and woke up D: Ben: damn babe Ben: I'll stay over tonight ok? Ben: I'll keep you safe ;) Jen: ur the best <3 <3 <3 Ben: anything for you :-*, Summary: In the bad dream Jen had last night, she was sitting in a white room at a chair, she couldn't move and lab people were poking her with sharp metal instruments. Tonight Ben will stay over to keep her safe.
The answer of "Summarize the following Peter: Is there anything else we need? Caroline: cat food Caroline: just get the kind they like Peter: the ham one? Caroline: no! chicken Peter: ok " is Peter will get cat food - chicken kind.
Context: Frank: Ski jumping time!! Rich: I'm on my way! Frank: hurry up Rich: running!!, Summary: Joan is driving to Philadelphia on Saturday morning. Amanda will join her at 9:45 AM after bringing Charlie to his grandmother. The journey will take up to 90 minutes.
Passage: Alison: Hi, how are you? Gill: Hello Gill: Fine. Alison: I'm going to work now. Just wanted to say "hi" :) Gill: Okey :) Gill: Have a nice day! Alison: Thank you. And you too! Gill: Thx! Gill: And how was your day? Alison: Tiring, but good :) Alison: And yours? Gill: Same as yours. Gill: Are you at home already? Alison: Almost. Gill: Have you got plans for the evening? Alison: No, not really. But I think I'd like to stay home. I feel really tired. Gill: Okey. I wanted to ask you out, but if you feel tired, I won't insist. Alison: Let me get back home and take w shower, ok? Alison: I might feel much better afertwards. Gill: Okey! I'll write in an hour? Alison: Great, thx! Gill: And how are you? Better, rested? Alison: Yes, I feel a lot better. We can go somewhere! Gill: Cool :) Gill: Meeting in the centre and then we decide where to go? Alison: Sounds good. Usual meeting spot? Gill: Yes! In an hour? Alison: Perfect! Gill: See you then! Alison: Later!, Summary: Alison and Gill will meet in the centre in an hour and decide where to go.
Q: Summarize the following: Darren: I'm at the taco shop, what d'ya want? Dana: 3 baja tacos, thx! Randy: no thanks, I already ate Dana: and the green salsa, the spicy one Ron: I don't care, pick whatever Dana: and a diet coke Darren: Ron and Randy, tell me what you want. I don't want u 2 to end up eating mine like always Dana: can you also pick up some queso? Darren: Ok, Dana, 3 baja, queso, diet coke. Anything else? Ron: I don't really like tacos, can you pick up a pizza instead? Darren: No. not on my way. We're having tex-mex today. Ron: Geez. Fine. Dana: you know what, can I have 2 baja and 1 brisket? Randy: chicken quesadilla then Darren: Dana, u sure? I'm about to order. RON? Ron: chicken quesadilla too, easy Dana: see if they still have that thing we had last time Darren: No idea what you talking about. Ordering now. Dana: just ask them Darren: too late. last time I'm picking up food for you! Ron: come on Dad. we looooove you! Darren: I don't care, A: Darren is at the taco shop and offers to get something for his children. They have a problem with deciding. Dana takes 2 baja tacos, 1 brisket, queso and diet coke. Ron wants chicken quesadilla.
Passage: Tim: Hi John: How are things? Tim: Cool, man! John: Take it that Sara is looking after you then? Tim: Yes, defo John: Do you fancy going for a drink on Friday? Tim: Sure - might have to make it an early night though John:'s a long time since we pulled an all nighter. Getting old? Tim: No it's not that. I am going for lunch with Sara's mum on Saturday and want to create a good impression. John: Have you met her before? Tim: No, hope she's ok! John: What about Sara's dad? Tim: He died a long time ago/ John: Shame! Tim: Well if she is like Sara I am sure you will get on John: Yes,hope so! Feel really nervous about it! Tim: I am sure you will charm the pants off her....not literally of course! Lol! John: Indeed!!!!!!! What wouldn't be a good move! Tim: Ok, say 7 on Friday? John: Yeah - outside the railway station? Tim: Yes, I'll be waiting! See you then. John: See you!, Summary: John and Tim will meet outside the railway station at 7 pm on Friday and go for a drink. On Saturday Tim is having lunch with Sara's mother. He has not met her before. Sara's father died long ago.
Context: Jeff: Hi, Rich. Did you have a chance to watch the show? Rich: Hi. What show? Jeff: Narcos on Netfix. We spoke about it the other day. Rich: Right. It skipped my mind. Jeff: You should watch it. Jeff: I think it's really good. Interested in your opinion though. Rich: Yeah. Good thing you've reminded me. Will watch it over the weekend. Jeff: Right. We'll talk on Monday at work. Rich: Sure thing, Jeff. Have a good one., Summary: Rich hasn't watched Narcos on Netflix yet. He will watch it over the weekend and then talk about it to Jeff at work on Monday.
Q: Summarize the following: Luca: Hey! I'm sorry, but I have to back home for the weekend - family matters. It's difficult to live in two places at the same time. :( Mia: Hey. it's okay - I totally understand (hope it's nothing too serious). Luca: We will meet on Tuesday, okay? Mia: Sure, that's not a problem - I'll see what I can do :) Luca: Thanks :) I have a huge request - can we talk about travelling during our next several lessons? In February I am flying to Italy and I would like to practise phrases connected with travels and try to talk with the locals during my tirp. ;) What do you think about that? Mia: I think that's a great idea! Where abouts in Italy? :D Luca: I am flying with my two friedns to Florence! Mia: Lucky you! :) Hope you have a great time!! Luca: Thanks :) And how was your driving test? Are you a driver, or not yet? ;) Mia: I appreciate that you're asking, but unfortunately I didn't pass :( Mia: I won't lie - it sucks, but there's always a next time, right? :) Luca: In relation to your driving test- dont give up! Luca: I have passed my exams in small town with two roundabout, and without any congestions. ;) Luca: I keep my fingers crossed and wish you good luck during your next attempt! Mia: Thanks Luca :) Enjoy Florence!! Do you know what you wanna see? Luca: I am hoping to see the state of David because I love art and museums. Maybe I'll get to see Rome too. Luca: Have you ever been to Italy? Mia: I have actually :D I went to Rome for a weekend and went to mass at the Vatican when the Pope was there :) That was pretty cool Luca: Which Pope? Pope Francis? Mia: No, Pope Benedict. It was a while ago :) Guess I'm gonna have to come back to Italy, right?, A: Luca is travelling to Italy in February, so he wants to revise some travelling-related phrases during next Italian lessons with Mia. He has been in Italy, specifically in Vatican, before. This time he wants to see the statue of David in Florence and Rome. Mia failed her driving test.
Context: Molly: I've got to ask you a very, very secret question, just between me and you, ok? Chris: Yeah, sure, shoot. Molly: Is Alison pregnant? Chris: What?! Why? What makes you think so? Molly: Well, Paul posted one photo at his LinkedIn account. They were at some conference together. Look: Molly: <file_photo> Chris: Well, she looks... fat? Molly: To me she looks pregnant! Chris: Molly, come on, it's just a really bad angle. Plus she put on weight maybe, but pregnant? Don't think so. Molly: But if it turns out she is pregnant, you owe me a bottle of red wine! Chris: Fair enough!, Summary: Molly suspected Alison is pregnant but Chris thought she's just put on weight.
The summary of "Ian: Can you check if you took my notebook for English? Ian: I can not find it anywhere. Mark: Give me a moment Mark: ups ... I packed it in my backpack" is Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Q: Summarize the following: Jordan: Hey. Watcha doin? ;) Alonzo: Not much. Watchin telly. Jordan: Wanna come over? Parents not home ;) Alonzo: OMW! Jordan: Bring some wine ;) Alonzo: Gonna have some fun :), A: Alonzo is watching TV. Jordan's parents aren't home. Alonzo is going to visit Jordan and bring wine.
Passage: Donald: Hey man Adam: Yo Donald: Do you have my copy of Delgado's book? Adam: Let me check Donald: Ok Adam: Yeah, it's here, sorry, I forgot about it Donald: No problem, can I drop by later? I really need it Adam: Ok, Summary: Donald will drop by Adam's place later to pick up his copy of Delgado's book.
Context: Carrie: I love you, honey bun! ;* Matt: I love you too, pumpkin! Carrie: I love you more <3 Matt: <file_gif>, Summary: Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
The summary of "Parker: I want to buy a new jacket. Stephanie: What's wrong with the one that you have? Parker: I want diversity LOL Andy: Do you need us? Parker: Actually YES ;-) I could use your opinion. Andy: Go ahead! Parker: So I have those two models... Parker: <file_photo> Parker: <file_photo> Parker: Which do you think is better? Andy: 1, no doubt about it!! Stephanie: I prefer the 2nd Andy: No way, where would you wear that? It's not your style at all..." is Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
The answer of "Summarize the following June: So what about the bonfire? Chris: Oh, right. Sry. The first couple of ppl jumped over and there was a lot of drunken cheer to it. June: I suppose. Chris: Suddenly someone shouts that ppl should jump simultaneously. June: What do u mean? Chris: Like from opposite sides. June: Recipe for destruction. Chris: Yup. Two guys were jumping from opposite directions and collided midair. June: Ur kidding?! Chris: Nah. And they landed in the fire. June: Jeez! Were they okay? Chris: One, yeah. Just a small burn and trousers had a hole in them, but that's it. June: And the other one? Chris: He was so drunk that he caught on fire quickly. Luckily he jumped into the pool and he didn't get skin burns. June: Thankfully! Chris: Needless to say, his nickname now is "fireball"! June: That's kinda cruel. Chris: Nah, fireball doesn't mind that." is At the bonfire two drunk people tried to jump over the fire simultaneously, collided mid air and landed in the fire. Neither one was badly hurt though.
Q: Summarize the following: Tim: How's oreo? Seth: worse :/ Tim: shiiit Seth: mum's thinking about putting him down Tim: srsly? Seth: yeaj but I can't do it Tim: is he in pain? Seth: he can't eat anymore so I'm feeding him with a little spoon Tim: poor oreo Seth: I don't know maybe I should take him to the vet Tim: wel he is over 16 years old Seth: can you imagine? I was only 10 when my parents got him Tim: *well Seth: anyway, how are you? Tim: okay, busy at work Seth: how's Susan? Tim: on a business trip to Vienna Seth: quite a traveler that Susan :) Tim: she's coming back tomorrow Seth: :), A: Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
Q: Summarize the following: Victoria: <file_photo>, check it out Owen: It is for our guests? Victoria: Yea, it has decent prices and local cuisine Owen: I like it, what do you think Dave? Dave: Doesn't seem bad. There is local cuisine, but also normal things to choose from :) Victoria: Great, so I will make a reservation tomorrow. How many people? Owen: 8? 3 of us and 5 of them, right? Dave: I don't know if all of them will show up, but yea :) Victoria: Well better to not risk ;), A: Victoria, Owen and Dave are choosing a place for their guests. Victoria sends a photo of a place with decent prices and local cuisine. She will make a reservation there for 8 people tomorrow.
The summary of "Hans: How are you doing? Hilda: I'm tired. 12 hours at work... Jerry: I'm good. Cleaning the house Hans: I'm also at work... Hans: Not many clients today Hans: It's a bit boring Hans: I'll be going home in 1 hour " is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
Passage: Ken: When is the deadline? Joy: Today JP: Seriously?!!! I'm fucked , Summary: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
The answer of "Summarize the following Aidan: hey I am coming to town this week and organizing a supper with some of our buds. You should come. Ashley: I don't know yet. Ashley: I want to see you off. Ashley: When do I have to know by? Aidan: Basically asap 😂 Ashley: When is the supper? Aidan: This Friday at Earls' at 7pm Ashley: How long you going to be in stoon? Aidan: I will be here for a week! Ashley: I don't think I am going to be able to head into the city then. Ashley: I really want to but I have to work. Aidan: Are you helping your parents' at the farm? Ashley: Yes Aidan: That's okay. You should come see me in Vancouver Ashley: I am pretty sure though that we will see each other. I am hoping to get to van city sometime this summer Aidan: Take care yo " is Aidan invited Ashley for supper on Friday at 7pm. Ashley has to work, so she's not able to attend. Ashley will try to visit Aidan in Vancouver this summer.
Context: Jamie: Hi Pierce, I want to talk to you about last night Pierce: what about it? Jamie: I think you crossed the line with Beth Pierce: ?? Jamie: I know you're friends but smcking her ass in front of everyone is just not cool man Pierce: Oh my God Pierce: I am so sorry Jamie Pierce: I have to tell you I got so hammered Jamie: I know that is another thing that is bothering me but I guess it's not my business Jamie: Beth, however, is Pierce: Sorry Jamie, I will also apologize to Beth Jamie: okay, since you say sorry Pierce: I hope we can still be friends Jamie: Just keep it in your pants next time Pierce: Sorry. Thank you. sorry, I will, Summary: Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
Context: Lee: What is your fave tv show of all time? Amanda: Oh, man... can it be an old one? Lee: Of all time, so yes, old or new! Amanda: I can't remember the name of it. It was a bumbling female spy who was just a housewife in real life. Shoot. Lee: Doesn't sound familiar. Who was in it? Amanda: That really handsome guy who was in a sci-fi show later. I can't remember his name! Lee: This is going nowhere! Amanda: I know! I think I'm going to have to pick another one, because I just can't think of it. Lee: Tell me more. Amanda: Well, she was a single mom who lived with her two sons and mother. She accidentally became a spy. Hilarity ensued. Lee: Nope. No idea. Amanda: Darn! Lee: Any other choices? Amanda: Gilligan's Island is the only one I can think of, but I really wasn't a huge fan. Lee: Okay... Amanda: How about The Brady Bunch! Lee: All these old shows! Amanda: Roseanne? Lee: It's fine, whatever you say!, Summary: Jeniffer is still in Boston. She will not be back before the weekend.
Q: Summarize the following: Molly: My dear Rose, are you feeling better? Is Bill capable of running the house on his own? Are you currently having guests in? Rose: Hello dear Molly, I think I'm slightly better but have to stay in bed. Rose: Bill manages to greet guests and little else unless I specifically ask him to do something. Molly: It doesn't sound too good. Is he still weak after the biopsy? Rose: Half the time he has consumed too much alcohol to be of any use. Molly: Do you have guests regularly? Rose: We are booked every weekend and an odd night during the week. Molly: How do you manage all that? Rose: I've a daily domestic helper on weekdays. I don't know what I would do without her. Molly: Is she black? Molly: I don't like it about Bill. He is slowly killing himself. Rose: Yes she is. Of course he is and he doesn't care. Molly: Truly horrible. I feel very sorry for you Rose. And for Bill. Rose: Well... thank you. Molly: I wish you plenty of strength.And now get well soon! Rose: Thank you!, A: Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
Q: Summarize the following: Samuel: hey, wanna watch a film tonight?:) Evie: heeey Evie: I can't tonight :< Samuel: damn ;/ it's a really nice day for some cool horror film Samuel: rainy, cold, gloomy... you sure? Evie: :< Samuel: okay ;/ i guess it's gonna be like this for the next few days, so... Samuel: tomorrow? sunday? Evie: sorry i can't this weekend :( Samuel: okay... :(, A: Samuel wants to watch a horror film with Evie. She's unavailable tonight and for the whole weekend.
The summary of "Darren: This arrived for you today. Darren: <file_photo> Darren: <file_photo> Tim: Shit! That looks serious. Tim: I've no idea what it's about though. Darren: Did you owe them any money? Tim: Not that I know of. Darren: Are you sure? Tim: Absolutely positive! Darren: You better get in contact with them before the bailiffs come to our door. Tim: I'll get right onto it. Tim: Will call them today. Darren: Let me know how you get on. Tim: I shall" is Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
The summary of "Valerie: Hello everyone, Uma is leaving soon so I was thinking about some kind of farewell gift for her Cam: Very nice of you Dominic: I guess it's a nice gesture but I don't know her very well Samuel: let's just have a cake or sth Cam: I think she likes flowers Valerie: cake's good Dominic: you read my mind Sam Cam: so it's a cake and kokedama classes then Valerie: whoa, how fancy! Dominic: :O cool Samuel: nailed it" is Jane is updating her Tinder profile tonight and together with Shona they don't want to find another guy like John, who forgot Jane's birthday.
Q: Summarize the following: Pam: hi Leo, i miss something? Leo:?? Pam: i didn't get any information about thursday Leo: it's still ok Pam: could you send me all details? Leo: I'll ask Paul to send an email to everyone Pam: Ok. I'll bring some blinis Pam: it's me again... what time are u waiting for us? Leo: 8 or 8:30 if you need more time with kids Pam: Luckily they have a nice daddy who take care Leo: lucky them Pam: do you need salted or sweet blinis? Leo: as you want, right now, i don't have many answers Pam: ok so it's gonna be pizza... lol Leo: thanks , i love pizza... don't forget your bottle Pam: you should know me better!! lol, A: Pam didn't get any information about Thursday. Leo will ask Paul to send an e-mail to everyone. Leo will wait for Pam at 8 or 8.30. Pam will bring pizza and a bottle.
Q: Summarize the following: Jim: So how do you feel before the trip? Nervous? Helen: Of course I'm nervous, I've never been so far away for so long :( Jim: But it 's a really fantastic opportunity to do the research there and have the access to everything you need! I envy you :) Helen: I'm leaving my friends..and family… and Fluffers :(((( Jim: It'll be great, you'll see. People will come to visit you for sure! I've already bought the ticket, don't you remember? Helen: I suppose I know that, but still it feels sad…I feel sad and excited at the same time Jim: Did you pack the research material you gathered? And the results? Helen: Jim! I packed those first, I'm not an idiot XD Jim: Of course you're not, but strange things happen when people are stressed, they tend to forget their stuff :D Helen: This stuff is too important to's why I'm going there! XD, A: Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Q: Summarize the following: Tim: just walked by your house Tim: is that a bus in there? Dave: yup it is Tim: What the hell??? How comes? Dave: 😂 😂 cool innit? Sean's 5th this weekend and we made him a bus Dave: all cardboard around the dining table 👍 Tim: that is seriously awesome Tim: gutted we couldn't make it. Bella is gonna be wrecked is she knew there was a bus! Tim: 😭 Tim: did Sean like it? Dave: he loved it! has been in it ever since. nearly slept in it yesterday 😂 Tim: That's great Dave: we missed Bella at the party though! Tim: I know, we went up north though for my dads 60th... Tim: did a fake Christmas as well with friends over the weekend up there Tim: catch up soon Dave: Cheers Tim, A: Henry has lost his Oyster card. He's stuck in a queue in at Tufnell, getting a new one. He will be late.
Passage: Abigail: Hello, I've seen your post and I'm interested in buying the dress. It's in size 10, am I right? Beatrice: Hello! Yes, 10, but the fabric is quite stretchy. Abigail: That's great. You live in West London, don't you? I'd love to come and try it on. Beatrice: Ealing to be precise. No problem, I have a three-month baby, so I'm usually at home or somewhere nearby. You can come when it suits you. Abigail: Thank you! Will Friday around midday be alright? Beatrice: Oh, sorry, we have a doctor appointment on Friday. But if you could come a bit later, like 2-3 p.m., I should be back by then. Abigail: Sounds perfect! I just need your address. Beatrice: Sure, I'll send you a link to Google maps, it's not that easy to find without it: <file_other> Abigail: Great, thank you very much! Til Friday then. Bye! Beatrice: Bye!, Summary: Beatrice is selling a dress that Abigail is interested in buying. Abigail and Beatrice arrange a meeting on Friday between 2 and 3 PM so that Abigail can try it on. Beatrice sends Abigail a link with her home address.
The answer of "Summarize the following Jimmy: Hey, guess what? My car's completely kaput! Carrie: What happened? Jimmy: Don't know, either the battery, alternator, engine or a combination of all three Carrie: Where is it now? Jimmy: Yesterday I managed to jump-start it and it was fine, but then Amy took the car and stopped to get something at the store, and then she couldn't get it to start again Carrie: Sucks! Wanna borrow my Mercedes? Jimmy: How are you gonna get it to me? You live so far from the city now Carrie: I don't live that far! It's only like 20 km Jimmy: I'll let you know Carrie: I can drive it into the city, and then you can drive me back home, then you'll have the car :) Jimmy: :) Hmm… I still gotta do something about my car Carrie: Actually, you should buy mine and get rid of yours Jimmy: :-/ Yeah, lately there's always something with it. Anyways, I'll let you know. I may need it, Amy's sister is coming to visit. Carrie: Ok, see ya Jimmy: Bye" is Jimmy's car is dead. He's not sure what's wrong with it. Carrie offered to borrow him her Mercedes. She's also willing to sell it to him. Jimmy will let her know. Amy's sister is coming to visit.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sophie: Hi love, you might get a surprise when you get home! Tom: ooh, sounds fun, it must be my lucky day! Sophie: No, nothing like that! We had some very heavy rain earlier and I heard a dripping sound, rushed into the kitchen and saw plaster and paint falling, then half the ceiling collapsed! Tom: you mean, the bit I fixed before! Bugger! Sophie: bugger indeed! Well, I stuck a bucket under it, but obviously it needs fixing ASAP. Do you have a number or should I ring your mum? Tom: yes, ring my parents, they usually have that kind of thing on hand. Sophie: Will do! Bloody typical, isn't it?Just when the washer and drier have broken too! Tom: God, I know, these things always happen in 3s, my nan always said. Sophie: I'll ring now, see you later. It's fish pie for tea. Tom: Oh great(!). See you afterwards." is Half of the ceiling collapsed in Sophie's and Tom's kitchen and it needs fixing ASAP.
Context: Michael: Honey can you send me the picture of the shoes you chose online? Tia: yes sure honey here you go Tia: <file_photo> Tia: baby this is blue i want black color see if you can find it or tell me which colors are available then i will tell you. Michael: ok if they dont have black i will send you pics of other colors so you pick. Tia: ok honey love u, Summary: Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
The answer of "Summarize the following Carolyn: Speaking of the film Carolyn: I still don’t know how I feel about the plot twist Jon: Oh yeah that Carolyn: Feels like he should be mentioned in the actual series if he’s related to Dumbledore but ok Jon: I think he has to be lying right? Jon: Because it doesn't make any sense Carolyn: Maybe not, I guess the book on Dumbledore was based on memories of Bathilda Bagshot and she didn’t have to know? Carolyn: Lol I don’t even Jon: Dumbledore's parents died and got put into jail before creedence was born Carolyn: He’s so much younger than Albus Jon: His mom was already dead Carolyn: “Life finds a way” Jon: And dad was in jail for a few years Jon: Lmao Jon: Maybe he is a nephew or something Carolyn: I just… I guess we need to wait, it feels really weird" is Ema and Richard met at Billy's party. Ema was wearing a black dress. Ema and RIchard will meet for a movie and dinner on Saturday. Richard will pick Ema up from her home at 8.30.
The answer of "Summarize the following Jane: honey can you go to the store on the way home? Mike: yeah sure what do we need? Jane: mike eggs bread some fruit Mike: thats all? Jane: yeah I think so Mike: sure? haha Jane: wait yes juice we need juice get orange its Sams favorite Mike: haha ok :) " is Mike's going to get some eggs, bread, fruit and juice on his way home. Orange juice is Sam's favourite.
The answer of "Summarize the following Josh: Woo! I got a job! Josh: At least until the end of the year! Peter: At the place you were an intern? Josh: Still am. Josh: Interning until 17th of May, working properly afterwards. Peter: Nice! Peter: Do you think it can last longer then "until the end of the year"? Josh: It may. Josh: It depends on many, many things. Peter: Well as long as there is a chance. Josh: I've been unemployed for over a year. Josh: I'll dance through fire even to get a six month job :D Peter: Just don't tell them that. Peter: They might use the idea for the initiation process :P Josh: :D Josh: I'm just happy that I don't have to fill out job applications anymore. Josh: At least until next year :D Peter: It's like Professor Farnsworth used to say Peter: good news everyone - and then chaos happens ;) Josh: I'm slightly mortified. Josh: I'll need to start filling reports and actually doing something during the day... Josh: Also slightly longer days, I think. Peter: And after 2 months of that you'll be like - oh god why do I have to stay here ;) Josh: Dunno. I suppose getting paid helps with that problem ;) Peter: It's the only thing that keeps you there :P Josh: That and free coffee!" is Josh got a job contract, lasting until the end of the year. It's the company which had employed him earlier as an intern.
The summary of "Bryce: <file_gif> Noah: what happened? Bryce: Mark is an idiot Noah: we all know that Bryce: yes, well, can't stand him Noah: <file_gif> Noah: be patient Bryce: easy to say :/" is Mark is an idiot.
The answer of "Summarize the following Linda: how's it going? Ian: Good! Nice crowd! Linda: did you get there on time? Ian: with 15 minutes to spare, which was nice. I took it easy too, the road was pretty rough - lots of bends Linda: good well that's why I wanted you to leave early Linda: so when do you think you'll be done? Ian: no telling yet. They'll probably want me to stay after the party to help with clean up Linda: when's it finish? Officially I mean Ian: At 11. So I'll probably get home midnight, maybe 1 Linda: 😮 Linda: just so long as they're paying you for the extra time Ian: yep we've worked all of that out Linda: 🙂 Ian: 🙂 Linda: see you when you get home x Ian: Don't wait up x" is Ian got there a quarter before the planned time. The party finishes at 12 or 1 o'clock at night but Ian will probably have to stay longer and help with cleaning up for extra money.
Q: Summarize the following: Kayla: Hey look Kayla: <file_other> Kayla: they're playing Love actually in the cinema next week <3 Johnny: Kayla, we've seen it thousands of times Johnny: <file_gif> Kayla: so you don't want to go? Johnny: Sorry honey, but there are many other movies we haven't seen.. Kayla: whatever Kayla: <file_gif>, A: Jose invited Joseph and Donald for dinner after completing a project. Jose, Joseph and Donald will meet in Club Cafe at 8pm. Donald will bring Terry. Jose has a special budget for that kind of events.
The summary of "Alex: <file_video> Alex: watch from 4:55 <--- it's incredible!! Diggle: <file_video> Alex: hahaha!! its gonna be amazing! :) Diggle: how beautifuly blue the sky Alex: the glass is rising very high Diggle: <file_video> Alex: what is it?? Diggle: whatch and find out Alex: *rolls eyes* Alex: iv already watched it!!! Diggle: lol Alex: still... how r u?? Diggle: im gud enjoyin the sun in england while it lasts 4 once Alex: well, right now its cloudy here, so i susspect that all this bad weather came from rainy England :0 Diggle: iv noticed tht since u left the weather is getting better hmmmmm Alex: im sure its a mere coincidence" is Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
Context: Declan: Morning gorgeous Adrianna: Morning I'm sleepong Declan: Wake up Adrianna: I went to sleep at 2 Declan: That's enough sleep. Haha Adrianna: No way! :D Declan: I will be there in 25 mins with hot coffee! see ya, Summary: Adrianna went to sleep at 2 and doesn't want to wake up. Declan will come to her in 25 minutes.
Passage: May: Anyone fancy going to the museum today? Jamie: What’s on? Claire: I’m not feeling so great, I’m out :( May: Do you need anything, dear? Claire: I’m good, thanks. Tom brought me Lemsip and some tablets for a sore throat. I’ll live ;) Thank you though xxx May: Ok, I was thinking about going to Yayoi Kusama’s art exhibition Jamie: Who’s he/she? May: She and she’s a Japanese contemporary artist May: <file_other> Jamie: Wow, that looks cool! Where’s it? May: I think Barbican Claire: That looks amazing! I wish I could go :( When does it end? May: There’s still one week left, but as I’m going on a trip next week it’s my last chance to see it. Usually she exhibits her work in Japan or in the US only. Jamie: I’d happily go today, what time should we meet? May: Is 12 all right? Jamie: Sure! Meet you there, then? May: Ok!, Summary: May and Jamie are meeting at 12 at Barbican to see Yayoi Kusama's art exhibition. She normally exhibits in the US and Japan only. Her exhibition finishes next week. May is on a trip next week. Claire is sick, so she can't go.
Context: Ahmed: hey, have you ever been to the bakery on North Main Street? Petra: of course! that place is amazing! makes some of the best bread I've ever had. Ahmed: was just there earlier this afternoon. picked up an eclair and a raspberry tart. Petra: sounds good! Ahmed: it was! Petra: my dad loves that place too. will make any excuse he can to stop by Ahmed: haha Petra: he'll ask my mom if she wants to go to some shop in town, but he really just wants to go to the bakery Ahmed: I'm getting that way too. i find myself stopping by more and more Petra: have you met the owner? hes from Austria originally. Ahmed: yeah, i have in fact. ive chatted with him a bit. Petra: hes been doing this a long time apparently Ahmed: that probably why hes so good Petra: yeah, i think gramma was the only person i know who could bake as well as him Ahmed: dont think i know anyone who can compare. that place is a town landmark Petra: want to go there this weekend? Ahmed: Sure. Im always up for it. Petra: cool. alright, ill text you later this week. Ahmed: great!, Summary: Petra and Ahmed like a bakery on North Main Street. Also the father of Petra likes it very much. The owner of the bakery is originally from Austria. Ahmed believes the bakery is a town landmark. Petra and Ahmed will go there together this weekend.
The answer of "Summarize the following Peter: Hi guys, should we eat out tonight? Finn: yes, I want to eat something good Finn: the stuff we've eaten so far was disgusting Bob: but it's a part of trekking Finn: I know, but today we're close to a nice city Jackie: true, let's have a proper dinner tonight Peter: so we should go down to the town about 17 I believe Jackie: ok, so let's go back to the hotel about 16 Jackie: so we can rest a bit, relax Finn: yes, and then go to the town and have really nice food Bob: Perfect, can't wait Peter: I'll book a table Jackie: at the restaurant we found on tripadvisor Peter: yes" is Peter, Finn, Bob and Jackie will eat a dinner tonight at the restaurant they found on TripAdvisor. They should be in the town around 5 pm.
Context: John: Dudes, I gathered you all here, cause we have to start thinking about Laura's surprise party. Mike: it's this Saturday, right? John: right. and we should decide on decorations, the present and all. Do we make it a theme party? Rachel: she might like that. John: Any ideas for the theme? Mike: she likes anime Rachel: omg no John: I agree this might be too much Mike: any better ideas then? Rachel: I mean I guess we could handle the anime, but we have to think about other guests - they might not be able to dress up for that and not everyone loves anime. John: how about gothic/horror? Rachel: like a Halloween party? :P Mike: yeah, that's just Halloween, something more original maybe? Rachel: Generic fantasy - like knights and wizards John: tough costumes Rachel: but intentionally lame :P like "adventure! on a budget." we'll just make it all look poor - it's gonna be fun and easy to make as we all kinda suck at crafting Tom: hey Tom: yeah, I'm with the lame fantasy idea John: Laura might like it Rachel: I can be take care of the decorations Mike: you're gonna make a spreadsheet, aren't you? Rachel: you bet Tom: I can cook something. What budget do we have? John: We'll have to wait for everyone to come online to discuss it properly, but I was thinkin like 40-50 bucks per person? John: Including the present. Tom: seems legit Rachel: fine by me Mike: ok, Summary: John, Mike, Rachel and Tom are throwing a surprise party for Laura on Saturday. The party theme is lame fantasy. Everyone will prepare costumes on their own.
Q: Summarize the following: Thomas: How was the night with that blonde girl? Mason: It was nice, but the condom broke Thomas: Fuck, my nightmare. What did you do? Mason: We got the Morning-After Pill. Thomas: That's nice of you. Mason: Of course, I am not a prick!, A: Mason had a nice night with the blond girl. Mason's condom broke so they got the morning-after pill. Thomas reckons it's nice of Mason.
Q: Summarize the following: Linda: I am not convinced we can finish the project by January Joan: I'm sure it's impossible, sorry John: if we continue working at this pace we will never end it Linda: but I really work a lot. I also have some life Linda: children, husband Linda: I don't want to neglect them for Duracell Linda: so they sell a few thousands more batteries Linda: sorry, but I'm having a crises Heather: I think Linda is right Heather: we keep pressing but we're not talking if it's feasible at all Linda: let's meet in the silver room in 15 min, what do you think? Heather: yes, great idea John: ok! Joan: ok!, A: Luke will be on time and will bring some coke to the meeting with Lewis and Matthew.
The summary of "Julia: Are you working today? Sonia: Yes .....sadly I am. Julia: Do you fancy meeting for a coffee after work? Sonia: Yes that would be good Julia: What time do you finish? Sonia: Anytime after 4.30 Julia: OK I'll meet you at Henrys at 5. Try to grab a window seat if you get there before me! Sonia: I will!! See you later xx" is Sonia is unhappy she has to work today until 4.30. She will meet Julia for coffee at Henry's at 5. Julia wants them to have a window seat.