46 values
46 values
520 values
Thank you for taking the time to write this. It must have taken some time and I wanted you to know that at least one person is grateful for the time you took. The current best financial thinking makes the capital gains point very persuasive and, in fact, pretty much a no-brainer...TODAY. I am not naive enough, however, to assume this will be true tomorrow... [https://regia-marinho.medium.com/internet-may-be-just-a-passing-fad-the-newspaper-said-21-years-ago-153aae2e0c2f](https://regia-marinho.medium.com/internet-may-be-just-a-passing-fad-the-newspaper-said-21-years-ago-153aae2e0c2f)
Thank you for taking the time to write this. It must have taken some time and I wanted you to know that at least one person is grateful for the time you took. The current best financial thinking makes the capital gains point very persuasive and, in fact, pretty much a no-brainer...TODAY. I am not naive enough, however, to assume this will be true tomorrow... [https://regia-marinho.medium.com/internet-may-be-just-a-passing-fad-the-newspaper-said-21-years-ago-153aae2e0c2f](https://regia-marinho.medium.com/internet-may-be-just-a-passing-fad-the-newspaper-said-21-years-ago-153aae2e0c2f)
Glad to help ❤️
Glad to help ❤️
What's the difference of owning it vs being in a ETF if your tracking the price via an ETF or buying actual BTC, isn't it in the end converted into dollars?? If your goal is to covert either asset into American dollars, what's the difference in holding it back buying into an ETF??
What's the difference of owning it vs being in a ETF if your tracking the price via an ETF or buying actual BTC, isn't it in the end converted into dollars?? If your goal is to covert either asset into American dollars, what's the difference in holding it back buying into an ETF??
If they seize assets I don't see the benefit in holding Bitcoin itself because if you don't turn it over, your going to be a criminal. If you try to sneak it out, the block chain has record and you'll eventually be found out. I don't see how holding BTC in a cold wallet protects you from seizures. I feel like seizures make your cold storage worthless because how are you going to transfer it after it's law that they seize this asset?
If they seize assets I don't see the benefit in holding Bitcoin itself because if you don't turn it over, your going to be a criminal. If you try to sneak it out, the block chain has record and you'll eventually be found out. I don't see how holding BTC in a cold wallet protects you from seizures. I feel like seizures make your cold storage worthless because how are you going to transfer it after it's law that they seize this asset?
Yes but when the time comes that we actually use BTC like dollars is 15 or 20 or more years from now. Your going to be holding for a long time, into your old age when it doesn't matter anymore?
Yes but when the time comes that we actually use BTC like dollars is 15 or 20 or more years from now. Your going to be holding for a long time, into your old age when it doesn't matter anymore?
Your #4 example is the reason why gold has a ETF...how is it any different? If my goal is to cash in my BTC for money that will still be around, how is it any better to hold BTC or the ETF..it's the same thing if my goal is to turn it into cash
Your #4 example is the reason why gold has a ETF...how is it any different? If my goal is to cash in my BTC for money that will still be around, how is it any better to hold BTC or the ETF..it's the same thing if my goal is to turn it into cash
This has a multifaceted answer. >Your #4 example is the reason why gold has a ETF...how is it any different? Gold has been sound money for thousands of years, and it worked when used in many of those civilizations before us. But gold doesn't scale with a digital world, a digital economy, a digital society. Outside of the obvious greed from the people at the top who took us off the gold standard, we can no longer go back to one because its incongruent with the information age. Bitcoin is superior to gold. Both have the properties of money, but gold is slow to move, hard to store, it can't move across borders effortlessly etc, and mot of all, it isn't finite. >it's the same thing if my goal is to turn it into cash If your goal is to get cash, your goal is not good. Cash is debased, losing value due to dilution from money printing. Bitcoin is constantly appreciating when compared to the dollar, forever. You THINK you want cash, but it is in your best interest not to do this. You can hold bitcoin indefinitely, and when you need to use some of your value from your bitcoin savings, you can use leverage to extract value from it tax-free. This is the ideal scenario. This way you never lose your bitcoin by selling it, you still get to use value from it, and it continues to go up in value over time. >how is it any better to hold BTC Again, with bitcoin being a superior money to gold, including a superior store of value, gold's capital will find its way to bitcoin. Just as all assets seek out the best value it can, much of gold's market cap will find its way to bitcoin.
This has a multifaceted answer. >Your #4 example is the reason why gold has a ETF...how is it any different? Gold has been sound money for thousands of years, and it worked when used in many of those civilizations before us. But gold doesn't scale with a digital world, a digital economy, a digital society. Outside of the obvious greed from the people at the top who took us off the gold standard, we can no longer go back to one because its incongruent with the information age. Bitcoin is superior to gold. Both have the properties of money, but gold is slow to move, hard to store, it can't move across borders effortlessly etc, and mot of all, it isn't finite. >it's the same thing if my goal is to turn it into cash If your goal is to get cash, your goal is not good. Cash is debased, losing value due to dilution from money printing. Bitcoin is constantly appreciating when compared to the dollar, forever. You THINK you want cash, but it is in your best interest not to do this. You can hold bitcoin indefinitely, and when you need to use some of your value from your bitcoin savings, you can use leverage to extract value from it tax-free. This is the ideal scenario. This way you never lose your bitcoin by selling it, you still get to use value from it, and it continues to go up in value over time. >how is it any better to hold BTC Again, with bitcoin being a superior money to gold, including a superior store of value, gold's capital will find its way to bitcoin. Just as all assets seek out the best value it can, much of gold's market cap will find its way to bitcoin.
"you can use leverage to extract value from it tax-free." Explain this. This is interesting. I feel like your saying you can somehow use it and still keep it while it appreciates. Am I correct?
"you can use leverage to extract value from it tax-free." Explain this. This is interesting. I feel like your saying you can somehow use it and still keep it while it appreciates. Am I correct?
I’m going to bed, I’ll link you a video https://youtu.be/QXh_8uZQ-gA?si=nR5olDl1zNdv8s0s&t=373 I can share more information tomorrow if you want
I’m going to bed, I’ll link you a video https://youtu.be/QXh_8uZQ-gA?si=nR5olDl1zNdv8s0s&t=373 I can share more information tomorrow if you want
Yes that’s right
Yes that’s right
The goal is to own BTC. If you own 1 BTC, you own 1 BTC, not a claim to $69,328. That’a the BTC you own in cold storage. Owning it in a retirement account via the ETF allows you to capture the upside in dollar terms and cash it out tax free for USD at some point. Does that help?
The goal is to own BTC. If you own 1 BTC, you own 1 BTC, not a claim to $69,328. That’a the BTC you own in cold storage. Owning it in a retirement account via the ETF allows you to capture the upside in dollar terms and cash it out tax free for USD at some point. Does that help?
Good question. Too much of MY energy wasted regretting decisions made. They're in the past, gotta move on, and not waste energy worrying about it and find a way to make it happen
Good question. Too much of MY energy wasted regretting decisions made. They're in the past, gotta move on, and not waste energy worrying about it and find a way to make it happen
I would hope you dont work for the SEC with conviction that a law or rule will force the elites of the world to play fair.
I would hope you dont work for the SEC with conviction that a law or rule will force the elites of the world to play fair.
Obviously never heard of awareness before.you didn't have to read or comment
Obviously never heard of awareness before.you didn't have to read or comment
How does it not..it's spreading awareness of all the scams within the Bitcoin community
How does it not..it's spreading awareness of all the scams within the Bitcoin community
How many national currencies would you need to see fail in order to convince you?
How many national currencies would you need to see fail in order to convince you?
I wish I had done my research before actually starting to do this. Now I feel dumb for the people I invited into this shitty platform. Sad.
I wish I had done my research before actually starting to do this. Now I feel dumb for the people I invited into this shitty platform. Sad.
One friend traded over $300
One friend traded over $300
Bottom Text
Bottom Text
Is it possible to withdraw USD from [blockchain.com](http://blockchain.com) (exchange) to another better trading platform?
Is it possible to withdraw USD from [blockchain.com](http://blockchain.com) (exchange) to another better trading platform?
I'm giving up on this platform and want to move my funds and remaining crypto. I wasn't even asked about KYC questions. Instead, it says my transfer failed (even if I had previous bank account linked to it and was able to withdraw USD 2 years ago - it's a non-US one) and that I need to add wire transfer details - but no one probably has checked what that screen looks like - uneditable with fake input data on it! Everytime I write support, they respond with gibberish that's not even adjacent to the topic! What's going on???
I'm giving up on this platform and want to move my funds and remaining crypto. I wasn't even asked about KYC questions. Instead, it says my transfer failed (even if I had previous bank account linked to it and was able to withdraw USD 2 years ago - it's a non-US one) and that I need to add wire transfer details - but no one probably has checked what that screen looks like - uneditable with fake input data on it! Everytime I write support, they respond with gibberish that's not even adjacent to the topic! What's going on???
I had the privilege of receiving Bitcoin as a gift from a friend for my assistance in developing an app for his business. Initially unsure of how to maximize the potential of this digital asset, I sought the guidance of a crypto expert by their email contact,... ( certifiedcryptographer | AT | g m a i l. com ) and I am delighted to share my exceptional experience. I was immediately struck by their professionalism and depth of knowledge in the realm of cryptocurrency. Their expertise not only provided clarity on the fundamentals of Bitcoin but also offered valuable insights into the intricate world of crypto trading and investment strategies. I felt confident navigating the crypto space and highly recommend him for anyone seeking expert crypto guidance and to make huge returns on crypto investments.
I had the privilege of receiving Bitcoin as a gift from a friend for my assistance in developing an app for his business. Initially unsure of how to maximize the potential of this digital asset, I sought the guidance of a crypto expert by their email contact,... ( certifiedcryptographer | AT | g m a i l. com ) and I am delighted to share my exceptional experience. I was immediately struck by their professionalism and depth of knowledge in the realm of cryptocurrency. Their expertise not only provided clarity on the fundamentals of Bitcoin but also offered valuable insights into the intricate world of crypto trading and investment strategies. I felt confident navigating the crypto space and highly recommend him for anyone seeking expert crypto guidance and to make huge returns on crypto investments.
On August 2021 I spent exactly 1 BTC on 6 Antminer S19j Pros. These were state-of-the art miners that cost $7,500 each, and were hosted with Compass Mining, which sources warehouses with cheap electricity ($0.06 kw/h which gradually increased to $0.08 kw/h). As of today, these miners are no longer profitable to run. These miners are now worth $500 each (0.05 BTC for 6) which means I lost .95 BTC on the hardware cost. Electricity for the miners was paid each month with the bitcoin mined. Of the .9 BTC mined between 2021 and today, .7 BTC went to electricity costs. This means in 3 years, the miners only made .2 BTC of profit. So my initial investment of 1 BTC has resulted in .2 BTC of revenue and .05 BTC worth of hardware. I only have .25 BTC to show for all of this, a loss of 75%. Please do not make the mistake I did, you are infinitely better off just buying and holding bitcoin than by trying to mine it. **The bottom line is bitcoin mining is subsidized by fiat loans, companies can absolutely make a profit in fiat terms by taking out loans to buy miners, but by spending bitcoin on miners directly the depreciation of the hardware will make it so you never, ever make a return in bitcoin.** Right now an Antminer S21 costs 0.09 BTC and will net you 0.001-0.002 BTC a month after electricity costs. With a break even time of 4-7 years at the current hash rate (and hash rate only gets exponentially higher over time), you will never, ever make your bitcoin back.
On August 2021 I spent exactly 1 BTC on 6 Antminer S19j Pros. These were state-of-the art miners that cost $7,500 each, and were hosted with Compass Mining, which sources warehouses with cheap electricity ($0.06 kw/h which gradually increased to $0.08 kw/h). As of today, these miners are no longer profitable to run. These miners are now worth $500 each (0.05 BTC for 6) which means I lost .95 BTC on the hardware cost. Electricity for the miners was paid each month with the bitcoin mined. Of the .9 BTC mined between 2021 and today, .7 BTC went to electricity costs. This means in 3 years, the miners only made .2 BTC of profit. So my initial investment of 1 BTC has resulted in .2 BTC of revenue and .05 BTC worth of hardware. I only have .25 BTC to show for all of this, a loss of 75%. Please do not make the mistake I did, you are infinitely better off just buying and holding bitcoin than by trying to mine it. **The bottom line is bitcoin mining is subsidized by fiat loans, companies can absolutely make a profit in fiat terms by taking out loans to buy miners, but by spending bitcoin on miners directly the depreciation of the hardware will make it so you never, ever make a return in bitcoin.** Right now an Antminer S21 costs 0.09 BTC and will net you 0.001-0.002 BTC a month after electricity costs. With a break even time of 4-7 years at the current hash rate (and hash rate only gets exponentially higher over time), you will never, ever make your bitcoin back.
This story should be pinned. TY
This story should be pinned. TY
Hi MetroHelp. Just thought of this today. When we look at the value of Bitcoin in relation to Fiat, and see the percieved gains in terms of £££ or $$$. What you are seeing is actually measure of the water line rising and falling, in an ocean of Fiat. Im trying to express that watching the price go up and down, is a messure of "Oh look the cost of living is going up and down" The more i look at this, the more im understanding that Bitcoin is THE stable coin in all this mess.
Hi MetroHelp. Just thought of this today. When we look at the value of Bitcoin in relation to Fiat, and see the percieved gains in terms of £££ or $$$. What you are seeing is actually measure of the water line rising and falling, in an ocean of Fiat. Im trying to express that watching the price go up and down, is a messure of "Oh look the cost of living is going up and down" The more i look at this, the more im understanding that Bitcoin is THE stable coin in all this mess.
I thought people might like this, saw it in Colombia
I thought people might like this, saw it in Colombia
I know I was being facetious.
I know I was being facetious.
So, late last week, I decided to make a conscientious effort to stop impulse shopping. If it’s not on my shopping list that I meticulously planned, then I don’t need it. Then, I had another thought — an epiphany, really — and I amended my plan. Now, the deal I’ve made with myself is — every time I get the urge to impulse buy something, I will suppress that urge and instead buy an amount of bitcoin equal to the price in fiat of the item I was about to impulsively purchase. Great idea, right? Last night, I put it into practice, and it felt really good!! What do y’all think? I’m sure this strategy has been discussed ad nauseum in bitcoin forums, but it’s new to me, and I think it’s going to be the catalyst to a major change in my household assets.
So, late last week, I decided to make a conscientious effort to stop impulse shopping. If it’s not on my shopping list that I meticulously planned, then I don’t need it. Then, I had another thought — an epiphany, really — and I amended my plan. Now, the deal I’ve made with myself is — every time I get the urge to impulse buy something, I will suppress that urge and instead buy an amount of bitcoin equal to the price in fiat of the item I was about to impulsively purchase. Great idea, right? Last night, I put it into practice, and it felt really good!! What do y’all think? I’m sure this strategy has been discussed ad nauseum in bitcoin forums, but it’s new to me, and I think it’s going to be the catalyst to a major change in my household assets.
So I'm currently torn. I have near enough 6k GBP (7.5k USD) saved ready to buy a new car. This is not an essential as I already have a car which runs perfectly well, I just fancied an upgrade. Given the timing of the markets, and the for the most part, positive outlook for the next year of crypto and bull markets, I'm currently in a moral conflict with myself in whether to deposit even part of that money to invest into BTC for a long hold, and push the car back to the end of the year. Ultimately I do believe this is FOMO, I've been aiming on buying my car first and then dedicating the rest of the years income to investing, however given the current position of BTC in its market, i fear that by that time I may have already missed my entry for big money. I currently hold only around 0.05 of a BTC which I bought around 23k USD, and defienteky want to grab a decent amount more over the next couple years. I just feel as though this is my window to do so with decent outlook on the next 6 months+ Opinions?
So I'm currently torn. I have near enough 6k GBP (7.5k USD) saved ready to buy a new car. This is not an essential as I already have a car which runs perfectly well, I just fancied an upgrade. Given the timing of the markets, and the for the most part, positive outlook for the next year of crypto and bull markets, I'm currently in a moral conflict with myself in whether to deposit even part of that money to invest into BTC for a long hold, and push the car back to the end of the year. Ultimately I do believe this is FOMO, I've been aiming on buying my car first and then dedicating the rest of the years income to investing, however given the current position of BTC in its market, i fear that by that time I may have already missed my entry for big money. I currently hold only around 0.05 of a BTC which I bought around 23k USD, and defienteky want to grab a decent amount more over the next couple years. I just feel as though this is my window to do so with decent outlook on the next 6 months+ Opinions?
With the Federal Reserve holding firm on interest rates, there's growing chatter about a potential global recession. Given that Bitcoin was born out of the 2008 financial crisis as a response to traditional banking failures, could this be the cycle where institutions finally acknowledge it as a legitimate store of value? Or do they still view it as a risky asset, likely to be dumped in times of economic stress? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on whether Bitcoin will see institutional holding during a downturn, or if it’s expected to face a sell-off like traditional risk assets.
With the Federal Reserve holding firm on interest rates, there's growing chatter about a potential global recession. Given that Bitcoin was born out of the 2008 financial crisis as a response to traditional banking failures, could this be the cycle where institutions finally acknowledge it as a legitimate store of value? Or do they still view it as a risky asset, likely to be dumped in times of economic stress? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on whether Bitcoin will see institutional holding during a downturn, or if it’s expected to face a sell-off like traditional risk assets.
Curious what everyones ideal situation with bitcoin would be… Obviously the right answer is bitcoin hits 1M. But i’m interested in those who see bitcoin as a way out of fiat as it’s intended, how do you see life happening differently in a world where its the main currency?
Curious what everyones ideal situation with bitcoin would be… Obviously the right answer is bitcoin hits 1M. But i’m interested in those who see bitcoin as a way out of fiat as it’s intended, how do you see life happening differently in a world where its the main currency?
This guy just became Vanguard’s new CEO. So, first BlackRock creates the first Bitcoin ETF. Then, Vanguard bans it. Within weeks, Vanguard’s CEO retires. And now just a few months later, Vanguard hired BlackRock’s former ETF leader who literally oversaw the filing and logistics for IBIT (BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF). Eric Balchunas from Bloomberg shares the view that this opens the door to a possible Vanguard Bitcoin ETF or at the very least lift of their ban: https://x.com/ericbalchunas/status/1790498386203869352?s=46&t=H2JsW2OC6Z2L6gbBvtMl9w “JUST IN: Salim Ramji will be the new Vanguard CEO. He used to head up BlackRock's global ETF business. First time ever Vanguard hired outsider as CEO. Every other one was internal star and former Bogle assistant. INTERESTING. SEMI-SHOCK.”
This guy just became Vanguard’s new CEO. So, first BlackRock creates the first Bitcoin ETF. Then, Vanguard bans it. Within weeks, Vanguard’s CEO retires. And now just a few months later, Vanguard hired BlackRock’s former ETF leader who literally oversaw the filing and logistics for IBIT (BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF). Eric Balchunas from Bloomberg shares the view that this opens the door to a possible Vanguard Bitcoin ETF or at the very least lift of their ban: https://x.com/ericbalchunas/status/1790498386203869352?s=46&t=H2JsW2OC6Z2L6gbBvtMl9w “JUST IN: Salim Ramji will be the new Vanguard CEO. He used to head up BlackRock's global ETF business. First time ever Vanguard hired outsider as CEO. Every other one was internal star and former Bogle assistant. INTERESTING. SEMI-SHOCK.”
...Now my landlord is not happy. What should I do?
...Now my landlord is not happy. What should I do?
Laughing about how stupid a post is, is not the same as laughing about a post being funny.
Laughing about how stupid a post is, is not the same as laughing about a post being funny.
Convenience your landlord??? Proof read much?
Convenience your landlord??? Proof read much?
There was no joke. Just a really idiotic OP.
There was no joke. Just a really idiotic OP.
I mean let’s be honest: right now bitcoin is attached to economy like everything else. Market is happy, bitcoin is happy. I think in a few years bitcoin will react similar to gold.
I mean let’s be honest: right now bitcoin is attached to economy like everything else. Market is happy, bitcoin is happy. I think in a few years bitcoin will react similar to gold.
And even after I burnt an inch it was still 9/16th of an inch. The problem was that 9/16th inch subfloor is not common. Keep on hiring “professionals” who price gouge instead of doing it yourself, Brokie.
And even after I burnt an inch it was still 9/16th of an inch. The problem was that 9/16th inch subfloor is not common. Keep on hiring “professionals” who price gouge instead of doing it yourself, Brokie.
They do not custody for fidelity and neither does one other etf that Gemini custody they use Coinbase goes down regarding and legal issues or political crypto events
They do not custody for fidelity and neither does one other etf that Gemini custody they use Coinbase goes down regarding and legal issues or political crypto events
Due to the BTC increase in value that they still hold and their business explosion from all ETFs and other adoption
Due to the BTC increase in value that they still hold and their business explosion from all ETFs and other adoption
Everything differs in different time frames by when you buy and length of time period
Everything differs in different time frames by when you buy and length of time period
For everyone watching the 13F filings and thinking "well this is a drop in the ocean compared to their AUM" - remember the biggest hurdle is that first allocation to bitcoin. More capital will follow and more institutions will be taking notes, the ones that aren't will be left behind. Q2 & Q3 filings three & six months from now are going to be insane.
For everyone watching the 13F filings and thinking "well this is a drop in the ocean compared to their AUM" - remember the biggest hurdle is that first allocation to bitcoin. More capital will follow and more institutions will be taking notes, the ones that aren't will be left behind. Q2 & Q3 filings three & six months from now are going to be insane.
Coinbase's reserves have declined by roughly 150k BTC since the beginning of this year. At this rate they're losing 30k BTC a month. Expect to see some wild things towards the end of this year. That coupled with the possibility of Vanguard launching a SPOT BTC ETF by the end of the year, I am excited. We have lots to look forward to in the coming months. Stack sats and hodl.
Coinbase's reserves have declined by roughly 150k BTC since the beginning of this year. At this rate they're losing 30k BTC a month. Expect to see some wild things towards the end of this year. That coupled with the possibility of Vanguard launching a SPOT BTC ETF by the end of the year, I am excited. We have lots to look forward to in the coming months. Stack sats and hodl.
AFAIK, Coinbase is about the only option left. There might be some smaller exchanges that I haven’t tried. I’ve been on and kicked out of about 7-8 other exchanges at this point. Oh Gemini still works too but their fees are even worse than Coinbase.
AFAIK, Coinbase is about the only option left. There might be some smaller exchanges that I haven’t tried. I’ve been on and kicked out of about 7-8 other exchanges at this point. Oh Gemini still works too but their fees are even worse than Coinbase.
Ok good to know. I’m going to move to coin base for now. Friend is suggesting I move to a hardware wallet but skeptical.
Ok good to know. I’m going to move to coin base for now. Friend is suggesting I move to a hardware wallet but skeptical.
And I’m back on the exchange :). All legit, don’t worry, ;) they just needed a bank statement. Addresses are quick to change or change bank on a bank account and they have paperless stuff. Not to say that’s what I did, just thinking out loud. FU Maine. Disclaimer: I do not condone fraudulent activities anymore then I condone state policies that violate Constitutional guarantee’s, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. States are obligated to have statutes that coincide with injury restriction, while not causing injury in the process. UCC 1-103.6. Nothing I say should be taken serious.
And I’m back on the exchange :). All legit, don’t worry, ;) they just needed a bank statement. Addresses are quick to change or change bank on a bank account and they have paperless stuff. Not to say that’s what I did, just thinking out loud. FU Maine. Disclaimer: I do not condone fraudulent activities anymore then I condone state policies that violate Constitutional guarantee’s, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. States are obligated to have statutes that coincide with injury restriction, while not causing injury in the process. UCC 1-103.6. Nothing I say should be taken serious.
You worry me. At least your account is good now. GL!
You worry me. At least your account is good now. GL!
You could use strike to buy bitcoin or one of the IRA platforms if you wanted to purchase within a Roth
You could use strike to buy bitcoin or one of the IRA platforms if you wanted to purchase within a Roth
It’s because the state of Maine isn’t crypto friendly .
It’s because the state of Maine isn’t crypto friendly .
Slow af lmao
Slow af lmao
Didnt know where I could go to type this so here it is. I am going to start out small, adding one coin to the balance sheet intially, then adding monthly amounts based on free cash flow. ​ That is all! Pretty pumped about all this.
Didnt know where I could go to type this so here it is. I am going to start out small, adding one coin to the balance sheet intially, then adding monthly amounts based on free cash flow. ​ That is all! Pretty pumped about all this.
World Wars? Natural disasters? Regional conflicts? Bitcoin would still work in all of those cases, so your point is irrelevant. Yes I'm building a bunker right now, it's actually 1000 km underground, it's very warm, I dug it myself.
World Wars? Natural disasters? Regional conflicts? Bitcoin would still work in all of those cases, so your point is irrelevant. Yes I'm building a bunker right now, it's actually 1000 km underground, it's very warm, I dug it myself.
Bitcoin: Even with no electricity and internet still work? If the option is stay :In my experience when war , power grids and communication networks are the first to be hit. Unless we find a way to transfer bitcoin with short-range radio (and hopefully those radios don't reveal your position). If you do choose to evacuate , how do you make sure bitcoin are accepted there and internet are running? If they don't what are the other option?. In Evacuation one may bribe local authorities to have safe passage, do you think you always get electricity and internet connection to transfer your btc to them during travel? Great 1000 km deep dungeon & good burial place too
Bitcoin: Even with no electricity and internet still work? If the option is stay :In my experience when war , power grids and communication networks are the first to be hit. Unless we find a way to transfer bitcoin with short-range radio (and hopefully those radios don't reveal your position). If you do choose to evacuate , how do you make sure bitcoin are accepted there and internet are running? If they don't what are the other option?. In Evacuation one may bribe local authorities to have safe passage, do you think you always get electricity and internet connection to transfer your btc to them during travel? Great 1000 km deep dungeon & good burial place too
Full episode: YouTube: https://youtu.be/o-Bc4MpSyXo Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/6wEn9Ad5LlwuPPxfr9Rc Everywhere else: https://pod.link/1694392423/episode/9a8fc9e990590247b0eee9e49232588c
Full episode: YouTube: https://youtu.be/o-Bc4MpSyXo Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/6wEn9Ad5LlwuPPxfr9Rc Everywhere else: https://pod.link/1694392423/episode/9a8fc9e990590247b0eee9e49232588c
I'm not saying any of us who haven't invested multiple hundreds of thousands in Bitcoin right now will become rich any time soon. But if any of you got rich off crypto, besides trying to make more money and business ventures, what is the dream that you guys are chasing? I'm personally a 33 year old failure who is a returning student who can barely keep a job. I'm living with my mom. I'm'm not good at anything really. Don't have any savings. Not married, no kids. Besides teaching English abroad I don't have many career prospects. I think being rich would change a lot for me. I've spent time teaching abroad in a few countries. I would definitely like to buy one of those akiya, or abandoned homes in Japan that everyone is talking about. And help the hikkikomori and try to do something about their declining birth rate and help with some of their other social issues. I'd also like to get a nice traditional home somewhere in Siberia. I once went there and loved it so much. There were cows that would graze freely. I drank fresh milk, they sold pinenuts on the streets and there was pine everything. It all smelled so great and felt like it breathed life into me. I probably wouldn't travel the world, just the places I'm interested in. I'd upgrade my wardrobe. Work on my diet and get a personal trainer. I'd help my family out. And get a good guitar teacher, foreign language tutors, and hire a bunch of people to teach me all the things I want to learn. I'd be an amazing boss because I've always been at the bottom of the totem pole, so I'd be understanding and fair. I would also have to be responsible and make sound decisions to keep the company afloat.
I'm not saying any of us who haven't invested multiple hundreds of thousands in Bitcoin right now will become rich any time soon. But if any of you got rich off crypto, besides trying to make more money and business ventures, what is the dream that you guys are chasing? I'm personally a 33 year old failure who is a returning student who can barely keep a job. I'm living with my mom. I'm'm not good at anything really. Don't have any savings. Not married, no kids. Besides teaching English abroad I don't have many career prospects. I think being rich would change a lot for me. I've spent time teaching abroad in a few countries. I would definitely like to buy one of those akiya, or abandoned homes in Japan that everyone is talking about. And help the hikkikomori and try to do something about their declining birth rate and help with some of their other social issues. I'd also like to get a nice traditional home somewhere in Siberia. I once went there and loved it so much. There were cows that would graze freely. I drank fresh milk, they sold pinenuts on the streets and there was pine everything. It all smelled so great and felt like it breathed life into me. I probably wouldn't travel the world, just the places I'm interested in. I'd upgrade my wardrobe. Work on my diet and get a personal trainer. I'd help my family out. And get a good guitar teacher, foreign language tutors, and hire a bunch of people to teach me all the things I want to learn. I'd be an amazing boss because I've always been at the bottom of the totem pole, so I'd be understanding and fair. I would also have to be responsible and make sound decisions to keep the company afloat.
One day in the not so distant future 0.001 of a Bitcoin will make you very rich
One day in the not so distant future 0.001 of a Bitcoin will make you very rich
I would buy a house in a nice place for me, my girlfriend and our child. Paid completely without any mortgage. Fuck the banks and fuck “owning” a house that you don’t own because you’re spending the next 30 years of your life paying it down all the while giving more money to the rich. I just want a house that is ours, and I don’t want to borrow money from anyone to buy it.
I would buy a house in a nice place for me, my girlfriend and our child. Paid completely without any mortgage. Fuck the banks and fuck “owning” a house that you don’t own because you’re spending the next 30 years of your life paying it down all the while giving more money to the rich. I just want a house that is ours, and I don’t want to borrow money from anyone to buy it.
Revisiting this video from just 4 days ago You were spot on! Good job Bull flag and especially that inverted head and shoulders call, were at $68.7k now
Revisiting this video from just 4 days ago You were spot on! Good job Bull flag and especially that inverted head and shoulders call, were at $68.7k now
So then who would decide who could work what land? Who moderates disputes? If the answer is no-one then we get default familial tribalism and might-makes-right. Even were some peaceful agreement reached among the people, outside groups would attempt to claim the richest lands (as history shows). Would not then a standing army need to be created to defend that property?
So then who would decide who could work what land? Who moderates disputes? If the answer is no-one then we get default familial tribalism and might-makes-right. Even were some peaceful agreement reached among the people, outside groups would attempt to claim the richest lands (as history shows). Would not then a standing army need to be created to defend that property?
Hey everyone, I just got a BitBox02 BTC-only version, and it arrived with some cosmetic defects (cracks/scratches). I reached out to their support, and they admitted it's a production issue affecting all units right now. They offered a 20 EUR refund but said replacing it isn't an option until the issue is fixed. I know it's just cosmetic, but I’m not comfortable storing my life savings in something that's not pristine. I asked if they could replace it once the production problem is resolved, but no luck so far. Anyone else dealt with this? How did you handle it? Is it reasonable to push for a replacement later? Any advice on getting them to see my point? **UPDATES:** **5/16/24: They emailed me saying they'll send a replacement once the manufacturing issue is resolved.** **No ETA as of yet.** **5/22/24: Still no update** [Damaged bitbox02](https://preview.redd.it/in8emmmx9s0d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=26e75460b2141f7ef2857b958059eee5c77f06b0) https://preview.redd.it/wbvn51f6r61d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e2160f551b2687c3e71ab3fb973e61aebd2ea0c After I made this reddit post: https://preview.redd.it/c1egk4r7r61d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9540f1cea4199771abc06d98ff8db47923dcfed
Hey everyone, I just got a BitBox02 BTC-only version, and it arrived with some cosmetic defects (cracks/scratches). I reached out to their support, and they admitted it's a production issue affecting all units right now. They offered a 20 EUR refund but said replacing it isn't an option until the issue is fixed. I know it's just cosmetic, but I’m not comfortable storing my life savings in something that's not pristine. I asked if they could replace it once the production problem is resolved, but no luck so far. Anyone else dealt with this? How did you handle it? Is it reasonable to push for a replacement later? Any advice on getting them to see my point? **UPDATES:** **5/16/24: They emailed me saying they'll send a replacement once the manufacturing issue is resolved.** **No ETA as of yet.** **5/22/24: Still no update** [Damaged bitbox02](https://preview.redd.it/in8emmmx9s0d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=26e75460b2141f7ef2857b958059eee5c77f06b0) https://preview.redd.it/wbvn51f6r61d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e2160f551b2687c3e71ab3fb973e61aebd2ea0c After I made this reddit post: https://preview.redd.it/c1egk4r7r61d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9540f1cea4199771abc06d98ff8db47923dcfed
I have not received a message :O I just checked my reddit inbox again and I can't find anything. Please try again and let me know here so I can check again.
I have not received a message :O I just checked my reddit inbox again and I can't find anything. Please try again and let me know here so I can check again.
I just got one with almost exactly the same scratches
I just got one with almost exactly the same scratches
I transfered some of my btc to it before I saw its condition so I am already using it. Yours having almost exactly the same marks leads me to believe it is only a cosmetic issue as they said but still I feel a bit uneasy about it. I am thinking how to proceed but I will likely buy another hardware wallet from another provider in the near future and use both to reduce the risk.
I transfered some of my btc to it before I saw its condition so I am already using it. Yours having almost exactly the same marks leads me to believe it is only a cosmetic issue as they said but still I feel a bit uneasy about it. I am thinking how to proceed but I will likely buy another hardware wallet from another provider in the near future and use both to reduce the risk.