Title: react-magic-motion is a npm package for react.js that gives you a component named &lt;MagicMotion&gt;. All children of this MagicMotion tag will have all their layout changes animated.<p>This automatic animation built on top of framer-motion, so that means that you will get all of its features as well (spring animation, shared layout animations, etc...).<p><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;</a><p><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;etesam913&#x2F;react-magic-motion">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;etesam913&#x2F;react-magic-motion</a> Upvote:
Title: Delight your terminal with paclear, a whimsical take on the &#x27;clear&#x27; command accompanied by a PAC-MAN animation. It&#x27;s a fun way to clear your terminal screen and enjoy a bit of nostalgia at the same time. Upvote:
Title: And, do you recommend it?<p>I saw a comment recommending Mullvad&#x27;s. I currently use the default DNS (my ISP&#x27;s default). Upvote:
Title: Hi HN,<p>We&#x27;re Anna, Adrian, Marcin and Matt, developers of dlt. dlt is an open source library to automatically create datasets out of messy, unstructured data sources. You can use the library to move data from about anywhere into most of well known SQL and vector stores, data lakes, storage buckets, or local engines like DuckDB. It automates many cumbersome data engineering tasks and can by handled by anyone who knows Python.<p>Here’s our Github: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;dlt-hub&#x2F;dlt">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;dlt-hub&#x2F;dlt</a><p>Here’s our Colab demo: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;drive&#x2F;1DhaKW0tiSTHDCVmPjM-eoyL47BJ30xmP" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;drive&#x2F;1DhaKW0tiSTHDCVmPjM-...</a><p>— — —<p>In the past we wrote hundreds of Python scripts to fit messy data sources into something that you can work with in Python - a database, Pandas frame or just a Python list. We were solving the same problems and making the similar mistakes again and again.<p>This is why we built an easy to use Python library called dlt that will automate most data engineering tasks. It hides the complexities of data loading and automatically generates a structured and clean datasets for immediate querying and sharing.<p>— — —<p>At its core, dlt removes the need to create the dataset schemas, react to changing data, generate append or merge statements, and to move the data in transactional and idempotent manner. Those things are automated and can be declared right in the Python code, just by decorating functions.<p>Add @dlt.resource decorator, give it a few hints, and convert any data into a simple pipeline that creates and updates datasets.<p>dlt gets the details out of your way:<p>1. You do not need to worry about the structure of a database or parquet files<p>dlt will create a nice, typed schema out of your data and will migrate it when the data changes. You can put some data contracts and Pydantic models on top to keep your data clean.<p>2. You do not need to write any INSERT&#x2F;UPDATE or data copy statements<p>dlt will push the data to DuckDB, Weaviate, storage buckets and many popular SQL stores. It will align the data types, file formats, and identifier names automatically<p>3. You do not need to worry when you need to add new data or update the changes.<p>dlt lets you declare how to load the data, how to increment it and will keep the loading state together so they are always in sync.<p>4. You keep how you develop and test your code<p>Iterate and test quickly on your laptop or in a dev container. Run locally on DuckDB and just swap destination name to go to the cloud - your code, schema and data will stay the same.<p>5. You can work with data on your laptop.<p>Combine dlt with other tools and libraries to process data locally. duckdb, Pandas, Arrow tables and Rust based loading libraries like ConnectorX work nicely with dlt and process data blazingly fast, compared to the cloud.<p>6. You do not need to worry if your pipeline will work when you deploy it.<p>dlt is a minimalistic Python library, requires no backend and works whenever Python works. You can finetune it to work on constrained environments like AWS Lambda or run with Airflow, GitHub Actions or Dagster.<p>dlt has an Apache 2.0 license. We plan to make money by offering organizations a paid control plane, where dlt users can track and policy what every pipeline does, manage schemas and contracts across organization, create data catalogues, and share them with the team members and customers. Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;m not interested in politics or business, yet I somehow end up wasting time reading them here. That&#x27;s why I&#x27;ve decided to create a Hacker News-like forum exclusively for software development-related topics.<p>I find ranking to be unnecessary since i don&#x27;t see more than 50-100 posts a day. I will add a comments feature once there are enough users.<p>I hope FollowDev helps you discover new &amp; unique content Upvote:
Title: Togomak is a command line tool that runs pipelines locally and on the cloud using HashiCorp Configuration Language with a Terraform-like architecture. I am a DevOps engineer and I wanted to build something that is CI&#x2F;CD provider agnostic - something like GNU make, which I could plug into any provider of choice and not have to rewrite anything while retaining its rich features.<p>I love Terraform and its ecosystem, so I guess I borrowed a huge chunk of their design. Togomak makes parts of your pipeline reusable, by making it a Togomak module, just like Terraform modules. It also gives you power over several HCL functions, loop expressions, templating, and customizing a pipeline according to user input.<p>I started this project over a year ago, and over the course, I learned a lot about how Terraform works. Hopefully, some of our other Terraform friends would find this little tool useful!<p>togomak is actually short for &quot;to-go-and-make&quot;, and it sounds similar to &quot;tokamak&quot;, a fusion device using magnetic fields to contain hot plasma for energy; perhaps it&#x27;s containers here! Upvote:
Title: It was reported to me, and I confirmed, and so can you, by making a new account on with an email such as<p>Instead of a verification or welcome email you immediately get an account closure and violation of tos email.<p>Irrespective of the politics, such a crude filter is not a good look for Twillio who owns sendgrid.<p>I did not check if this is the case on Twillio it self.<p>Responding to the ticket has not revived a response automated or otherwise. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN! I go a bit about the project on the about [0] page, but wanted to chime in here as well.<p>It’s been a project long in the making - it started in 2019, before everything shut down&#x2F;changed. The list of closed restaurants I found - for New York only - was already really long. So now (that I have time to work on it at it really felt like I needed to do something about it.<p>When a restaurant (or any business) shows up on Google Maps as “permanently closed”, in that bright red font, there’s always a tiny bit of a pang of sadness. It’s definitely more than a pang when you look for a place you loved and expected to visit again.<p>The project’s “aesthetic” is inspired by early 2000s funeral homes’ websites. The combination of funeral + restaurant is what made it click for me. Maybe what we long for is a place to share our losses? Maybe.<p>Thanks for checking it out! :)<p>[0] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;about" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;about</a> Upvote:
Title: This is my attempt at helping those who are trying to ditch reddit but have not been satisfied with the content from Lemmy or haven&#x27;t been able to find the corresponding communities.<p>There are two sides to this project. The first one is that I have setup a Lemmy instance ( which is mirroring some of the reddit content from subreddits that I wanted to follow <i>with the comments</i>. The difference from most mirroring bots is that, instead of one single bot account mirroring all content, the system creates one account for each reddit user that is being mirrored.<p>The <i>other</i> part of this idea which I believe is more interesting: reddit users can <i>take over</i> their own mirrored bot account on this Lemmy instance. The instance itself does not use the regular registration process, but instead authenticates via Reddit OAuth. If you login through through the &quot;Portal&quot;, we can then grab your subscribed subreddits and (when it can) find the corresponding Lemmy communities and subscribe you to those automatically. At the moment there are not that Lemmy communities that are being mirrored because I&#x27;ve been the sole user, but hopefully if more people sign-up, it will help to create the network effects and more instance admins will be interested in hosting these &quot;fediversed&quot; communities.<p>All of the code is open source (<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mushroomlabs&#x2F;fediverser">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mushroomlabs&#x2F;fediverser</a>) and I&#x27;m more than willing to help people getting their own instances if they don&#x27;t want to use itself.<p>Questions and any type of feedback is always welcome! Upvote:
Title: I quite like software as a job but I think I&#x27;m going to end up working for myself, one way or another. I can work on a team but I prefer working alone; I also like having control over the direction of a project and being able to iterate as fast as I need to. This has led me to software consulting&#x2F;contracting or just creating a &quot;software studio.&quot; I&#x27;d love if someone who has done something similar to share their thoughts on this. Thanks! Upvote:
Title: In PG&#x27;s essay he talks about manually doing what you later plan to automate and gives the example of stripe manually onboarding startups. Does anyone else have other examples? Upvote:
Title: Hey HN!<p>I want to show my new open-source project <i>ArtistAssistApp</i>.<p><i>ArtistAssistApp</i> - the web app to paint better with ease.<p>Tools for realistic color mixing based on real paints, tonal value drawing, simplified sketching, and more.<p>Import your own photos, select any desired color directly from the image, and learn how to mix it with your paints. The web app provides a step-by-step guide on how to precisely mix that color using your own paints using atomic or optical mixing. Atomic mixing is the physical mixing of colors together, while optical mixing is the result of placing a transparent layer of color over another color (glaze technique).<p>Save instructions on how to mix your favorite colors from the paints you have for quick reference.<p>Smooth your photo to reduce detail and focus on the big shapes and proportions of your subject, and learn how to simplify and abstract your paintings.<p>Use tonal value sketches that capture the light and shadow of your subject to learn how to create contrast and depth in your paintings.<p>Works on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.<p>You can try it at &lt;<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;</a>&gt;. No login or registration required.<p>The source code is available on GitHub &lt;<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;eugene-khyst&#x2F;artistassistapp">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;eugene-khyst&#x2F;artistassistapp</a>&gt;. Upvote:
Title: Effortlessly discover API behaviour with a Chrome extension that automatically generates OpenAPI specifications in real time for any app or website. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN, Joe and Ethan from here. We just released a new open-source python package for evaluating the performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems.<p>Earlier this year, we started developing a RAG-powered app to enable companies to talk to their free-text data safely.<p>During our experimentation, however, we realized that using such a new method meant that there weren’t industry-standards for evaluation metrics to measure the accuracy of RAG performance. We built Tonic Validate Metrics (tvalmetrics, for short) to easily calculate the benchmarks we needed to meet in building our RAG system.<p>We’re sharing this python package with the hope that it will be as useful for you as it has been for us and become a key part of the toolset you use to build LLM-powered applications. We also made Tonic Validate Metrics open-source so that it can thrive and evolve with your contributions!<p>Please take it for a spin and let us know what you think in the comments.<p>Docs: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;validate" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;validate</a><p>Repo: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;TonicAI&#x2F;tvalmetrics">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;TonicAI&#x2F;tvalmetrics</a><p>Tonic Validate: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;</a> Upvote:
Title: Hey HN,<p>I&#x27;m excited to share Orbital, a new approach for unifying APIs and Data sources!<p>Rather than relying on glue code to bridge endpoints, Orbital leverages annotations in schemas &amp; API specs to build the integration dynamically.<p>The traditional method of crafting glue code often becomes repetitive and burdensome to maintain in the long run.<p>With Orbital, developers embed tags to their existing API specs (OAP, Protobuf, etc), indicating where data can be sourced, and publish these specs to Orbital (which runs self-hosted).<p>Consumers query these tags with our TaxiQL language, and Orbital generates the integration on the fly. That could be merging multiple APIs, blending API and database queries, or enriching event streams to craft custom message payloads.<p>It feels a lot like writing GraphQL, but there&#x27;s no resolvers to maintain, and producers are free to use a variety of API Spec languages.<p>The beauty of using tags over field names is the adaptability. As API developers update and publish their specs, the integration remains seamless and automatically adjusts.<p>Under the hood, the tags (and associated query language) are actually Taxi - an OSS meta-language and toolchain we build (and have shared previously). Orbital is a query engine that executes TaxiQL queries, generating the integration.<p>We&#x27;ve been working on this for a while, and have a number of production deployments. We recently made the move to make the source available on Github under a mix of Apache 2 (Open Core) and BuSL.<p>In a nutshell, Orbital excels in Data Composition (covering APIs, DBs), crafting Bespoke Event Streams, and streamlining ELT workloads into databases.<p>Excited to hear your thoughts and feedback! Upvote:
Title: There are high quality original sources writing information today, just like there was before Web 2.0, when people would go on the internet to learn things and spend actual quality time reading blogs and personal content as well (which wasn&#x27;t written for virality, but for expression).<p>However, while original sources (NASA, Reuters, bloggers, authors, scholarly journals) still write and publish (including to social media), the viral content makers, a second tier of people who write about what the original author wrote about, specializing themselves for social media, just write the grabbiest headline, and the most engaging (infuriating, polarizing, salacious) version of a piece of the original content, and when we go to our platforms, these are the content examples we see and read.<p>The original source&#x27;s publications (posts) become almost invisible. The source becomes almost unknown as a source.<p>Engagement algorithms can&#x27;t help this, because this is actually their purpose, which is anti-original content and -quality content.<p>We should design platforms and systems that allow people to index their own content again (as was the case before Web 2.0 when people manually put links to other websites, blogs, organizations, and articles on their own websites. This would make original and quality content writers become visible and indexed (even just in people&#x27;s worldviews, not just indexed on the internet) and make viral content makers more invisible.<p>It wouldn&#x27;t be total, because many people prefer the emotionality of viral content, but it would at least create an internet where there was more value available. Upvote:
Title: Hey guys, so I&#x27;ve been working on native desktop macos client for jellyfin server.<p>Feel free to join and try it out <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;join&#x2F;LVj8KwAq" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;join&#x2F;LVj8KwAq</a> Upvote:
Title: Hey everyone, I implemented many of the suggestions you made on our last post and thought I&#x27;d give this another go. As always, criticism is welcome and Happy Halloween! Upvote:
Title: Hey there HN! I just wrapped up an all-day documentation spree for Instant API, a JavaScript framework for easily building web APIs that implements type safety at the HTTP interface. It uses a function-as-a-service approach combined with a slightly modified JSDoc spec to automatically enforce parameter and schema validation before HTTP requests make it through to your code. You just write comments above your endpoint functions and voila, enforced type safety contracts between your API endpoints and your developers. OpenAPI specifications are generated automatically as a byproduct of simply building your endpoints.<p>This eliminates the need for most schema validation libraries, automates user input sanitization, and prevents your team from developing carpal tunnel syndrome trying to keep your OpenAPI &#x2F; Swagger specifications up-to-date. We developed it as a side effect of building our own serverless API platform, where it has scaled to handle over 100M requests from users per day. This is an early release, but Instant API has had about six years of consistent development as proprietary software to get to the point it is at today. We have spent the last couple of months modernizing it.<p>We have command line tools that make building, testing, and deploying Instant API to Vercel or AWS a breeze. Additionally, there is a sister package, Instant ORM, that provides a Ruby on Rails-like model management, migration and querying suite for Postgres. Everything you need to build an API from scratch.<p>Finally -- LLMs and chatbots are the the top of the hype cycle right now. We aren&#x27;t immune, and have developed a number of LLM-integrated tools ourselves. Instant API comes with first-class Server-Sent Event support for building your own assistants and a few other nifty tools that help with AI integrations and chatbot webhook responses, like executing endpoints as background jobs.<p>This has been a huge labor of love -- it has become our &quot;JavaScript on Rails&quot; suite -- and we hope y&#x27;all enjoy it! Upvote:
Title: The bulk of my diet is unflavored plant matter in an effort to reduce acid reflux and complications related to gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). Thanks to a childhood of eating from our garden and local farms I like this food, and to sweeten the deal it is cheap, even if buying certified organic seeds:<p>Soaking 718g (dry weight) of equal parts beans (black, garbanzo, mung, adzuki), brown lentils, and a double portion of hard red wheat seeds in water for about half a day, rinsing 2-3 times a day for the next few days until the radicle is long enough (this isn&#x27;t rocket science), and putting half in the fridge while starting in on the rest, lasts me a whole week as the basis for the day&#x27;s food (augmented with homemade kimchi, nutritional yeast, beets, apples, and zucchini recently- so, not exactly unflavored, but minimal spices and low acidity going in).<p>The cost, based on the five-pound bags of these seeds I bulk-order from our local food cooperative, comes out to $0.61&#x2F;week.<p>I also find that I don&#x27;t need to drink as much water throughout the day, as the seeds soak up a lot, and I add water for cooking (in the microwave, at 30% power for 10-15 minutes). GERD symptoms have subsided over the past couple months eating like this. Symptoms worsen if I eat too much at once and&#x2F;or if I consume chocolate, citrus, tomatoes, maybe dairy, and coffee &amp; alcohol (both of which I&#x27;d already given up for other reasons).<p>Sharing this in case it helps anyone make changes towards better health. Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;ve found a network of scam sites here, how do I report them to google (as they&#x27;re not just one site)?<p>Cloudflare has been useless (as usual).<p><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;search?q=%22Mail+for+transaction%2C+Shipping+notice+Weekly+deal%2C+promotion+Activity.%22" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;search?q=%22Mail+for+transaction%2C+S...</a> Upvote:
Title: Hello! For the past year I’ve been working on a fully-managed data warehouse built on Clickhouse. I built this because I was frustrated with how much work was required to run an OLAP database in prod: re-writing my app to do batch inserts, managing clusters and needing to look up special CREATE TABLE syntax every time I made a change. I found pricing for other warehouses confusing (what is a “credit” exactly?) and worried about getting capacity-planning wrong.<p>I was previously building accounting software for firms with millions of transactions. I desperately needed to move from Postgres to an OLAP database but didn’t know where to start. I eventually built abstractions around Clickhouse: My application code called an insert() function but in the background I had to stand up Kafka for streaming, bulk loading, DB drivers, Clickhouse configs, and manage schema changes.<p>This was all a big distraction when all I wanted was to save data and get it back. So I decided to build a better developer experience around it. The software is open-source: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;scratchdata&#x2F;ScratchDB">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;scratchdata&#x2F;ScratchDB</a> and and the paid offering is a hosted version: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;</a>.<p>It&#x27;s called “ScratchDB” because the idea is to make it easy to get started from scratch. It’s a massively simpler abstraction on top of Clickhouse.<p>ScratchDB provides two endpoints [1]: one to insert data and another to query. When you send any JSON, it automatically creates tables and columns based on the structure [2]. Because table creation is automated, you can just start sending data and the system will just work [3]. It also means you can use Scratch as any webhook destination without prior setup [4,5]. When you query, just pass SQL as a query param and it returns JSON.<p>It handles streaming and bulk loading data. When data is inserted, I append it to a file on disk, which is then bulk loaded into Clickhouse. The overall goal is for the platform to automatically handle managing shards and replicas.<p>The whole thing runs on regular servers. Hetzner has become our cloud of choice, along with Backblaze B2 and SQS. It is written in Go. From an architecture perspective I try to keep things simple - want folks to make economical use of their servers.<p>So far ScratchDB has ingested about 2 TB of data and 4,000 requests&#x2F;second on about $100 worth of monthly server costs.<p>Feel free to download it and play around - if you’re interested in this stuff then I’d love to chat! Really looking for feedback on what is hard about analytical databases and what would make the developer experience easier!<p>[1] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;docs">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;docs</a><p>[2] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;flatten-json&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;flatten-json&#x2F;</a><p>[3] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;scratchdb-email-signups&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;scratchdb-email-signups&#x2F;</a><p>[4] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;stripe-data-ingest&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;stripe-data-ingest&#x2F;</a><p>[5] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;shopify-data-ingest&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;shopify-data-ingest&#x2F;</a> Upvote:
Title: Hi HN, I&#x27;m building ThirdCloud with the goal to replace Google Drive for everyone: more private, cheaper &amp; maybe better UI&#x2F;UX.<p>So far, I&#x27;ve successfully implemented the main feature, which involves uploading and downloading files. Files are encrypted before being sent to IPFS network.<p>Would like to hear your thoughts on this proof of concept. Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;ve been in India for a while now, to support family member as she&#x27;s here for medical reasons. I rely on online services to save on cash especially that it&#x27;s hard to carry cash from my country (for &quot;security&quot; reasons, as most airports limit how much cash you can carry).<p>Yet, many online services are giving me hell with their &quot;smart&quot; anti fraud detection and things like that, at this point I can really understand the position of the people who are dooming about cashless society, because at some point here I felt trapped not being able to get services I needed so much (until I asked shop owner to pay for me and I paid him in cash + small profit...).<p>The thing is, the attitude of these companies is so frustrating; like if my card was already accepted once and I successfully approved the payment via 3D secure with my bank, who are you (as a random online service) to assume you can act as my big brother? Even more, if I&#x27;m using a balance paid by gift card, who give Amazon or other services the right to put my account on hold while it still contains my hard earned money (I had to try literally multiple services just to buy expensive gift card as Amazon payment won&#x27;t allow me to choose the correct currency of my Card). Mind you, I&#x27;m just a random guy and not world class criminal, or an Activist who&#x27;s being actively targeted, this make me wonder what these services can do once we go completely cashless.<p>Simple tasks like downloading region-specific Indian apps become unnecessarily complex, as Google play have this &quot;smart&quot; rule that says I can only change my region once per year, what?? It&#x27;s just an app just give me the apk, and you can just ask for my location! (I had to install the apks from some random websites at risk of getting some malware...).<p>I would said what this experience taught me as a developer, but it won&#x27;t matter, as most products are designed to help the stake holders and upper managers and even Governments, and a dev&#x27;s empathy won&#x27;t matter much...<p>Apologies for this vent, but I really felt I need to post something about this frustrating situation I&#x27;m in. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN! I built a local Python prototyping tool that is finally the Python development environment I&#x27;ve always wanted.<p>It has a Jupyter notebook for data crunching, a database of your choice (Python or MongoDB), and a Streamlit app for building a frontend visualization. You can edit the Streamlit backend via an embedded VSCode editor, or locally on your own IDE.<p>The best part for me is that the database connectors within Jupyter and Streamlit are configured out-of-the-box, so you don&#x27;t need to spend time thinking about how to tie all that together - you can just pick the database you want to use and get going.<p>Disclaimer: I do also work on the tool that deploys all this under the hood, but this project is a personal hackweek project that I threw together so I could develop Python apps on my own Upvote:
Title: Hey HN, I&#x27;ve been working on an intercepting proxy for penetration testing over the last few years in my spare time.<p>Some points of difference from the existing tools:<p>* The UIs are built using the native platform frameworks, meaning they look and behave like other applications on the desktop.<p>* It has a fully embedded and integrated Python scripting engine.<p>* It’s fully native meaning it’s nicer on system resources.<p>* It has a number of built in scripts to automate reconnaissance, content discovery, authorisation checks, etc.<p>* The core of it is open source.<p>I&#x27;m really keen to get any feedback! Upvote:
Title: Introducing Biblos, a simple tool for semantic search and summarization of Bible passages. Leveraging Chroma for vector search with BAAI BGE embeddings, semantically find related verses across the Bible. The tool employs Anthropic&#x27;s Claude LLM model for generating high-quality summaries of retrieved passages, contextualizing your search topic. Built on a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture, the app implements a simple Streamlit Web UI using Python. Deployed using, the app is available at <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;</a><p>Note: Search by just topic&#x2F;keywords, e.g. &quot;Kingdom of Heaven&quot;, for broader results! Upvote:
Title: Hey HN folks! My 15-year old son and I are going to visit Japan over the winter holidays. We&#x27;re planning to start our trip in Fukuoka, then slowly work our way north until we arrive in Tokyo, where we&#x27;ll spend the last 2 days of our trip, then fly back home.<p>We&#x27;d like to visit the Japanese countryside, to do some trails and maybe even some ski, and experience the Japanese life away from the big tourist attractions.<p>Would you have any recommendations on places that are somewhat off the beaten path, but worth visiting? We&#x27;d be really grateful for any pointers.<p>Cheers! Upvote:
Title: WireHole offers a unified docker-compose project that integrates WireGuard, PiHole, and Unbound, complete with a user interface. This solution is designed to empower users to swiftly set up and manage either a full or split-tunnel WireGuard VPN. It features ad-blocking capabilities through PiHole and enhanced DNS caching and privacy options via Unbound. The intuitive UI makes deployment and ongoing management straightforward, providing a comprehensive VPN solution with added privacy features. Upvote:
Title: All information is from the ASPCA&#x27;s list of toxic plants (<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;pet-care&#x2F;animal-poison-control&#x2F;toxic-and-non-toxic-plants" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;pet-care&#x2F;animal-poison-control&#x2F;toxic-a...</a>) Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;ve built an advanced RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) pipeline from scratch to demystify the complex mechanics of modern LLM-powered Question Answering systems. This repository features:<p>-- An implementation of a sub-question query engine from scratch to answer complex user questions.<p>-- Illustrative explanations that unveil the inner workings of the system.<p>-- An analysis of the challenges I faced while working with the system, like prompt engineering and cost estimation.<p>-- Qualitative comparison with similar frameworks like LlamaIndex, offering a broader perspective.<p>Key Takeaway: While Modern QA pipelines with advanced RAG abstractions may seem complex, they are fundamentally powered by a series of LLM calls with meticulous prompt design. Hoping that this repository provides intuitive insights for building more robust and efficient RAG systems. All feedback is warmly welcomed! Upvote:
Title: It&#x27;s been a while since I&#x27;ve last used node to build a backend, and the last time I did Express was the go-to solution. Is that still the case? I don&#x27;t have much time to do too much research and I usually default to the most popular solution in such cases. Upvote:
Title: Not for your current job. But if you were starting a new passion project. Upvote:
Title: Actually, it is yet another tool to learn a language through immersion (classic set of features, watch on youtube&#x2F;netflix, read a website or book). It has a popup dictionary so you can click on a word and it will show the definition. Nothing new in that regard, except that it has been made with only Korean in mind and does not plan to extends to other languages.<p>I was learning and still am learning Korean (now using my own tool to learn!). I initially made the tool for myself because none of the tools out there could correctly figure out what a word was in the text. And that&#x27;s where the biggest challenge was: recognizing the lemma.<p>A lemma is the dictionary form of a word. An example in English would be &quot;break, breaks, broke, broken and breaking&quot; all becoming &quot;break&quot;. In Korean a word cannot always accurately be returned to the lemma; this might lead to several possibilities. Then the reader, with the context can understand which one ends up being the correct one.<p>Zero IA was used, pure rules based bruteforcing. I do perhaps intend later to use AI, but as a layer on top. I wanted to make sure I can parse massive amounts with cheap computation first. This open me doors to more crazy ideas for later.<p>You can see a live example on the landing page. Any feedback is appreciated! Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;m not interested in politics or business, yet I somehow end up wasting time reading them here. That&#x27;s why I&#x27;ve decided to create a Hacker News-like forum exclusively for software development-related topics.<p>I find ranking to be unnecessary since i don&#x27;t see more than 50-100 posts a day. I will add a comments feature once there are enough users.<p>I hope FollowDev helps you discover new &amp; unique content Upvote:
Title: Togomak is a command line tool that runs pipelines locally and on the cloud using HashiCorp Configuration Language with a Terraform-like architecture. I am a DevOps engineer and I wanted to build something that is CI&#x2F;CD provider agnostic - something like GNU make, which I could plug into any provider of choice and not have to rewrite anything while retaining its rich features.<p>I love Terraform and its ecosystem, so I guess I borrowed a huge chunk of their design. Togomak makes parts of your pipeline reusable, by making it a Togomak module, just like Terraform modules. It also gives you power over several HCL functions, loop expressions, templating, and customizing a pipeline according to user input.<p>I started this project over a year ago, and over the course, I learned a lot about how Terraform works. Hopefully, some of our other Terraform friends would find this little tool useful!<p>togomak is actually short for &quot;to-go-and-make&quot;, and it sounds similar to &quot;tokamak&quot;, a fusion device using magnetic fields to contain hot plasma for energy; perhaps it&#x27;s containers here! Upvote:
Title: It was reported to me, and I confirmed, and so can you, by making a new account on with an email such as<p>Instead of a verification or welcome email you immediately get an account closure and violation of tos email.<p>Irrespective of the politics, such a crude filter is not a good look for Twillio who owns sendgrid.<p>I did not check if this is the case on Twillio it self.<p>Responding to the ticket has not revived a response automated or otherwise. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN! I go a bit about the project on the about [0] page, but wanted to chime in here as well.<p>It’s been a project long in the making - it started in 2019, before everything shut down&#x2F;changed. The list of closed restaurants I found - for New York only - was already really long. So now (that I have time to work on it at it really felt like I needed to do something about it.<p>When a restaurant (or any business) shows up on Google Maps as “permanently closed”, in that bright red font, there’s always a tiny bit of a pang of sadness. It’s definitely more than a pang when you look for a place you loved and expected to visit again.<p>The project’s “aesthetic” is inspired by early 2000s funeral homes’ websites. The combination of funeral + restaurant is what made it click for me. Maybe what we long for is a place to share our losses? Maybe.<p>Thanks for checking it out! :)<p>[0] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;about" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;about</a> Upvote:
Title: This is my attempt at helping those who are trying to ditch reddit but have not been satisfied with the content from Lemmy or haven&#x27;t been able to find the corresponding communities.<p>There are two sides to this project. The first one is that I have setup a Lemmy instance ( which is mirroring some of the reddit content from subreddits that I wanted to follow <i>with the comments</i>. The difference from most mirroring bots is that, instead of one single bot account mirroring all content, the system creates one account for each reddit user that is being mirrored.<p>The <i>other</i> part of this idea which I believe is more interesting: reddit users can <i>take over</i> their own mirrored bot account on this Lemmy instance. The instance itself does not use the regular registration process, but instead authenticates via Reddit OAuth. If you login through through the &quot;Portal&quot;, we can then grab your subscribed subreddits and (when it can) find the corresponding Lemmy communities and subscribe you to those automatically. At the moment there are not that Lemmy communities that are being mirrored because I&#x27;ve been the sole user, but hopefully if more people sign-up, it will help to create the network effects and more instance admins will be interested in hosting these &quot;fediversed&quot; communities.<p>All of the code is open source (<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mushroomlabs&#x2F;fediverser">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mushroomlabs&#x2F;fediverser</a>) and I&#x27;m more than willing to help people getting their own instances if they don&#x27;t want to use itself.<p>Questions and any type of feedback is always welcome! Upvote:
Title: I quite like software as a job but I think I&#x27;m going to end up working for myself, one way or another. I can work on a team but I prefer working alone; I also like having control over the direction of a project and being able to iterate as fast as I need to. This has led me to software consulting&#x2F;contracting or just creating a &quot;software studio.&quot; I&#x27;d love if someone who has done something similar to share their thoughts on this. Thanks! Upvote:
Title: In PG&#x27;s essay he talks about manually doing what you later plan to automate and gives the example of stripe manually onboarding startups. Does anyone else have other examples? Upvote:
Title: Hey HN!<p>I want to show my new open-source project <i>ArtistAssistApp</i>.<p><i>ArtistAssistApp</i> - the web app to paint better with ease.<p>Tools for realistic color mixing based on real paints, tonal value drawing, simplified sketching, and more.<p>Import your own photos, select any desired color directly from the image, and learn how to mix it with your paints. The web app provides a step-by-step guide on how to precisely mix that color using your own paints using atomic or optical mixing. Atomic mixing is the physical mixing of colors together, while optical mixing is the result of placing a transparent layer of color over another color (glaze technique).<p>Save instructions on how to mix your favorite colors from the paints you have for quick reference.<p>Smooth your photo to reduce detail and focus on the big shapes and proportions of your subject, and learn how to simplify and abstract your paintings.<p>Use tonal value sketches that capture the light and shadow of your subject to learn how to create contrast and depth in your paintings.<p>Works on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.<p>You can try it at &lt;<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;</a>&gt;. No login or registration required.<p>The source code is available on GitHub &lt;<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;eugene-khyst&#x2F;artistassistapp">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;eugene-khyst&#x2F;artistassistapp</a>&gt;. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN, Joe and Ethan from here. We just released a new open-source python package for evaluating the performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems.<p>Earlier this year, we started developing a RAG-powered app to enable companies to talk to their free-text data safely.<p>During our experimentation, however, we realized that using such a new method meant that there weren’t industry-standards for evaluation metrics to measure the accuracy of RAG performance. We built Tonic Validate Metrics (tvalmetrics, for short) to easily calculate the benchmarks we needed to meet in building our RAG system.<p>We’re sharing this python package with the hope that it will be as useful for you as it has been for us and become a key part of the toolset you use to build LLM-powered applications. We also made Tonic Validate Metrics open-source so that it can thrive and evolve with your contributions!<p>Please take it for a spin and let us know what you think in the comments.<p>Docs: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;validate" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;validate</a><p>Repo: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;TonicAI&#x2F;tvalmetrics">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;TonicAI&#x2F;tvalmetrics</a><p>Tonic Validate: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;</a> Upvote:
Title: Effortlessly discover API behaviour with a Chrome extension that automatically generates OpenAPI specifications in real time for any app or website. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN,<p>I&#x27;m excited to share Orbital, a new approach for unifying APIs and Data sources!<p>Rather than relying on glue code to bridge endpoints, Orbital leverages annotations in schemas &amp; API specs to build the integration dynamically.<p>The traditional method of crafting glue code often becomes repetitive and burdensome to maintain in the long run.<p>With Orbital, developers embed tags to their existing API specs (OAP, Protobuf, etc), indicating where data can be sourced, and publish these specs to Orbital (which runs self-hosted).<p>Consumers query these tags with our TaxiQL language, and Orbital generates the integration on the fly. That could be merging multiple APIs, blending API and database queries, or enriching event streams to craft custom message payloads.<p>It feels a lot like writing GraphQL, but there&#x27;s no resolvers to maintain, and producers are free to use a variety of API Spec languages.<p>The beauty of using tags over field names is the adaptability. As API developers update and publish their specs, the integration remains seamless and automatically adjusts.<p>Under the hood, the tags (and associated query language) are actually Taxi - an OSS meta-language and toolchain we build (and have shared previously). Orbital is a query engine that executes TaxiQL queries, generating the integration.<p>We&#x27;ve been working on this for a while, and have a number of production deployments. We recently made the move to make the source available on Github under a mix of Apache 2 (Open Core) and BuSL.<p>In a nutshell, Orbital excels in Data Composition (covering APIs, DBs), crafting Bespoke Event Streams, and streamlining ELT workloads into databases.<p>Excited to hear your thoughts and feedback! Upvote:
Title: There are high quality original sources writing information today, just like there was before Web 2.0, when people would go on the internet to learn things and spend actual quality time reading blogs and personal content as well (which wasn&#x27;t written for virality, but for expression).<p>However, while original sources (NASA, Reuters, bloggers, authors, scholarly journals) still write and publish (including to social media), the viral content makers, a second tier of people who write about what the original author wrote about, specializing themselves for social media, just write the grabbiest headline, and the most engaging (infuriating, polarizing, salacious) version of a piece of the original content, and when we go to our platforms, these are the content examples we see and read.<p>The original source&#x27;s publications (posts) become almost invisible. The source becomes almost unknown as a source.<p>Engagement algorithms can&#x27;t help this, because this is actually their purpose, which is anti-original content and -quality content.<p>We should design platforms and systems that allow people to index their own content again (as was the case before Web 2.0 when people manually put links to other websites, blogs, organizations, and articles on their own websites. This would make original and quality content writers become visible and indexed (even just in people&#x27;s worldviews, not just indexed on the internet) and make viral content makers more invisible.<p>It wouldn&#x27;t be total, because many people prefer the emotionality of viral content, but it would at least create an internet where there was more value available. Upvote:
Title: Hey guys, so I&#x27;ve been working on native desktop macos client for jellyfin server.<p>Feel free to join and try it out <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;join&#x2F;LVj8KwAq" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;join&#x2F;LVj8KwAq</a> Upvote:
Title: Hey everyone, I implemented many of the suggestions you made on our last post and thought I&#x27;d give this another go. As always, criticism is welcome and Happy Halloween! Upvote:
Title: Hey there HN! I just wrapped up an all-day documentation spree for Instant API, a JavaScript framework for easily building web APIs that implements type safety at the HTTP interface. It uses a function-as-a-service approach combined with a slightly modified JSDoc spec to automatically enforce parameter and schema validation before HTTP requests make it through to your code. You just write comments above your endpoint functions and voila, enforced type safety contracts between your API endpoints and your developers. OpenAPI specifications are generated automatically as a byproduct of simply building your endpoints.<p>This eliminates the need for most schema validation libraries, automates user input sanitization, and prevents your team from developing carpal tunnel syndrome trying to keep your OpenAPI &#x2F; Swagger specifications up-to-date. We developed it as a side effect of building our own serverless API platform, where it has scaled to handle over 100M requests from users per day. This is an early release, but Instant API has had about six years of consistent development as proprietary software to get to the point it is at today. We have spent the last couple of months modernizing it.<p>We have command line tools that make building, testing, and deploying Instant API to Vercel or AWS a breeze. Additionally, there is a sister package, Instant ORM, that provides a Ruby on Rails-like model management, migration and querying suite for Postgres. Everything you need to build an API from scratch.<p>Finally -- LLMs and chatbots are the the top of the hype cycle right now. We aren&#x27;t immune, and have developed a number of LLM-integrated tools ourselves. Instant API comes with first-class Server-Sent Event support for building your own assistants and a few other nifty tools that help with AI integrations and chatbot webhook responses, like executing endpoints as background jobs.<p>This has been a huge labor of love -- it has become our &quot;JavaScript on Rails&quot; suite -- and we hope y&#x27;all enjoy it! Upvote:
Title: The bulk of my diet is unflavored plant matter in an effort to reduce acid reflux and complications related to gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). Thanks to a childhood of eating from our garden and local farms I like this food, and to sweeten the deal it is cheap, even if buying certified organic seeds:<p>Soaking 718g (dry weight) of equal parts beans (black, garbanzo, mung, adzuki), brown lentils, and a double portion of hard red wheat seeds in water for about half a day, rinsing 2-3 times a day for the next few days until the radicle is long enough (this isn&#x27;t rocket science), and putting half in the fridge while starting in on the rest, lasts me a whole week as the basis for the day&#x27;s food (augmented with homemade kimchi, nutritional yeast, beets, apples, and zucchini recently- so, not exactly unflavored, but minimal spices and low acidity going in).<p>The cost, based on the five-pound bags of these seeds I bulk-order from our local food cooperative, comes out to $0.61&#x2F;week.<p>I also find that I don&#x27;t need to drink as much water throughout the day, as the seeds soak up a lot, and I add water for cooking (in the microwave, at 30% power for 10-15 minutes). GERD symptoms have subsided over the past couple months eating like this. Symptoms worsen if I eat too much at once and&#x2F;or if I consume chocolate, citrus, tomatoes, maybe dairy, and coffee &amp; alcohol (both of which I&#x27;d already given up for other reasons).<p>Sharing this in case it helps anyone make changes towards better health. Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;ve found a network of scam sites here, how do I report them to google (as they&#x27;re not just one site)?<p>Cloudflare has been useless (as usual).<p><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;search?q=%22Mail+for+transaction%2C+Shipping+notice+Weekly+deal%2C+promotion+Activity.%22" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;search?q=%22Mail+for+transaction%2C+S...</a> Upvote:
Title: Hello! For the past year I’ve been working on a fully-managed data warehouse built on Clickhouse. I built this because I was frustrated with how much work was required to run an OLAP database in prod: re-writing my app to do batch inserts, managing clusters and needing to look up special CREATE TABLE syntax every time I made a change. I found pricing for other warehouses confusing (what is a “credit” exactly?) and worried about getting capacity-planning wrong.<p>I was previously building accounting software for firms with millions of transactions. I desperately needed to move from Postgres to an OLAP database but didn’t know where to start. I eventually built abstractions around Clickhouse: My application code called an insert() function but in the background I had to stand up Kafka for streaming, bulk loading, DB drivers, Clickhouse configs, and manage schema changes.<p>This was all a big distraction when all I wanted was to save data and get it back. So I decided to build a better developer experience around it. The software is open-source: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;scratchdata&#x2F;ScratchDB">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;scratchdata&#x2F;ScratchDB</a> and and the paid offering is a hosted version: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;</a>.<p>It&#x27;s called “ScratchDB” because the idea is to make it easy to get started from scratch. It’s a massively simpler abstraction on top of Clickhouse.<p>ScratchDB provides two endpoints [1]: one to insert data and another to query. When you send any JSON, it automatically creates tables and columns based on the structure [2]. Because table creation is automated, you can just start sending data and the system will just work [3]. It also means you can use Scratch as any webhook destination without prior setup [4,5]. When you query, just pass SQL as a query param and it returns JSON.<p>It handles streaming and bulk loading data. When data is inserted, I append it to a file on disk, which is then bulk loaded into Clickhouse. The overall goal is for the platform to automatically handle managing shards and replicas.<p>The whole thing runs on regular servers. Hetzner has become our cloud of choice, along with Backblaze B2 and SQS. It is written in Go. From an architecture perspective I try to keep things simple - want folks to make economical use of their servers.<p>So far ScratchDB has ingested about 2 TB of data and 4,000 requests&#x2F;second on about $100 worth of monthly server costs.<p>Feel free to download it and play around - if you’re interested in this stuff then I’d love to chat! Really looking for feedback on what is hard about analytical databases and what would make the developer experience easier!<p>[1] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;docs">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;docs</a><p>[2] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;flatten-json&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;flatten-json&#x2F;</a><p>[3] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;scratchdb-email-signups&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;scratchdb-email-signups&#x2F;</a><p>[4] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;stripe-data-ingest&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;stripe-data-ingest&#x2F;</a><p>[5] <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;shopify-data-ingest&#x2F;">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;shopify-data-ingest&#x2F;</a> Upvote:
Title: Hi HN, I&#x27;m building ThirdCloud with the goal to replace Google Drive for everyone: more private, cheaper &amp; maybe better UI&#x2F;UX.<p>So far, I&#x27;ve successfully implemented the main feature, which involves uploading and downloading files. Files are encrypted before being sent to IPFS network.<p>Would like to hear your thoughts on this proof of concept. Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;ve been in India for a while now, to support family member as she&#x27;s here for medical reasons. I rely on online services to save on cash especially that it&#x27;s hard to carry cash from my country (for &quot;security&quot; reasons, as most airports limit how much cash you can carry).<p>Yet, many online services are giving me hell with their &quot;smart&quot; anti fraud detection and things like that, at this point I can really understand the position of the people who are dooming about cashless society, because at some point here I felt trapped not being able to get services I needed so much (until I asked shop owner to pay for me and I paid him in cash + small profit...).<p>The thing is, the attitude of these companies is so frustrating; like if my card was already accepted once and I successfully approved the payment via 3D secure with my bank, who are you (as a random online service) to assume you can act as my big brother? Even more, if I&#x27;m using a balance paid by gift card, who give Amazon or other services the right to put my account on hold while it still contains my hard earned money (I had to try literally multiple services just to buy expensive gift card as Amazon payment won&#x27;t allow me to choose the correct currency of my Card). Mind you, I&#x27;m just a random guy and not world class criminal, or an Activist who&#x27;s being actively targeted, this make me wonder what these services can do once we go completely cashless.<p>Simple tasks like downloading region-specific Indian apps become unnecessarily complex, as Google play have this &quot;smart&quot; rule that says I can only change my region once per year, what?? It&#x27;s just an app just give me the apk, and you can just ask for my location! (I had to install the apks from some random websites at risk of getting some malware...).<p>I would said what this experience taught me as a developer, but it won&#x27;t matter, as most products are designed to help the stake holders and upper managers and even Governments, and a dev&#x27;s empathy won&#x27;t matter much...<p>Apologies for this vent, but I really felt I need to post something about this frustrating situation I&#x27;m in. Upvote:
Title: Hey HN! I built a local Python prototyping tool that is finally the Python development environment I&#x27;ve always wanted.<p>It has a Jupyter notebook for data crunching, a database of your choice (Python or MongoDB), and a Streamlit app for building a frontend visualization. You can edit the Streamlit backend via an embedded VSCode editor, or locally on your own IDE.<p>The best part for me is that the database connectors within Jupyter and Streamlit are configured out-of-the-box, so you don&#x27;t need to spend time thinking about how to tie all that together - you can just pick the database you want to use and get going.<p>Disclaimer: I do also work on the tool that deploys all this under the hood, but this project is a personal hackweek project that I threw together so I could develop Python apps on my own Upvote:
Title: Hey HN, I&#x27;ve been working on an intercepting proxy for penetration testing over the last few years in my spare time.<p>Some points of difference from the existing tools:<p>* The UIs are built using the native platform frameworks, meaning they look and behave like other applications on the desktop.<p>* It has a fully embedded and integrated Python scripting engine.<p>* It’s fully native meaning it’s nicer on system resources.<p>* It has a number of built in scripts to automate reconnaissance, content discovery, authorisation checks, etc.<p>* The core of it is open source.<p>I&#x27;m really keen to get any feedback! Upvote:
Title: Introducing Biblos, a simple tool for semantic search and summarization of Bible passages. Leveraging Chroma for vector search with BAAI BGE embeddings, semantically find related verses across the Bible. The tool employs Anthropic&#x27;s Claude LLM model for generating high-quality summaries of retrieved passages, contextualizing your search topic. Built on a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture, the app implements a simple Streamlit Web UI using Python. Deployed using, the app is available at <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;</a><p>Note: Search by just topic&#x2F;keywords, e.g. &quot;Kingdom of Heaven&quot;, for broader results! Upvote:
Title: Hey HN folks! My 15-year old son and I are going to visit Japan over the winter holidays. We&#x27;re planning to start our trip in Fukuoka, then slowly work our way north until we arrive in Tokyo, where we&#x27;ll spend the last 2 days of our trip, then fly back home.<p>We&#x27;d like to visit the Japanese countryside, to do some trails and maybe even some ski, and experience the Japanese life away from the big tourist attractions.<p>Would you have any recommendations on places that are somewhat off the beaten path, but worth visiting? We&#x27;d be really grateful for any pointers.<p>Cheers! Upvote:
Title: WireHole offers a unified docker-compose project that integrates WireGuard, PiHole, and Unbound, complete with a user interface. This solution is designed to empower users to swiftly set up and manage either a full or split-tunnel WireGuard VPN. It features ad-blocking capabilities through PiHole and enhanced DNS caching and privacy options via Unbound. The intuitive UI makes deployment and ongoing management straightforward, providing a comprehensive VPN solution with added privacy features. Upvote:
Title: All information is from the ASPCA&#x27;s list of toxic plants (<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;pet-care&#x2F;animal-poison-control&#x2F;toxic-and-non-toxic-plants" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;pet-care&#x2F;animal-poison-control&#x2F;toxic-a...</a>) Upvote:
Title: I&#x27;ve built an advanced RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) pipeline from scratch to demystify the complex mechanics of modern LLM-powered Question Answering systems. This repository features:<p>-- An implementation of a sub-question query engine from scratch to answer complex user questions.<p>-- Illustrative explanations that unveil the inner workings of the system.<p>-- An analysis of the challenges I faced while working with the system, like prompt engineering and cost estimation.<p>-- Qualitative comparison with similar frameworks like LlamaIndex, offering a broader perspective.<p>Key Takeaway: While Modern QA pipelines with advanced RAG abstractions may seem complex, they are fundamentally powered by a series of LLM calls with meticulous prompt design. Hoping that this repository provides intuitive insights for building more robust and efficient RAG systems. All feedback is warmly welcomed! Upvote:
Title: Not for your current job. But if you were starting a new passion project. Upvote:
Title: It&#x27;s been a while since I&#x27;ve last used node to build a backend, and the last time I did Express was the go-to solution. Is that still the case? I don&#x27;t have much time to do too much research and I usually default to the most popular solution in such cases. Upvote:
Title: Actually, it is yet another tool to learn a language through immersion (classic set of features, watch on youtube&#x2F;netflix, read a website or book). It has a popup dictionary so you can click on a word and it will show the definition. Nothing new in that regard, except that it has been made with only Korean in mind and does not plan to extends to other languages.<p>I was learning and still am learning Korean (now using my own tool to learn!). I initially made the tool for myself because none of the tools out there could correctly figure out what a word was in the text. And that&#x27;s where the biggest challenge was: recognizing the lemma.<p>A lemma is the dictionary form of a word. An example in English would be &quot;break, breaks, broke, broken and breaking&quot; all becoming &quot;break&quot;. In Korean a word cannot always accurately be returned to the lemma; this might lead to several possibilities. Then the reader, with the context can understand which one ends up being the correct one.<p>Zero IA was used, pure rules based bruteforcing. I do perhaps intend later to use AI, but as a layer on top. I wanted to make sure I can parse massive amounts with cheap computation first. This open me doors to more crazy ideas for later.<p>You can see a live example on the landing page. Any feedback is appreciated! Upvote: