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Would I wish to send up my name now ? Again I declined , to the polite astonishment of the concierge , who evidently considered me a queer sort of a friend . He was called to his desk by a guest , who wished to ask questions , of course , and I waited where I was . At a quarter to eleven Herbert Bayliss emerged from the elevator . His appearance almost shocked me . Out late the night before ! He looked as if he had been out all night for many nights .
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It might have been by Gad , but it was by Worth . Four shades of grey , and pearls . Mrs. Beaumont distinctly thought that this was not the sort of dress to dash into the faces of a quiet country party . It was like letting off rockets at a five o'clock tea . Only a woman could dissect the enormity of it ; men just stared . `` I know I am not more than one minute late , '' she said . `` Lord Lindfield , Alice has told me to lead you to your doom , which is to take me in .
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I sha 'n' t be surprised at anything anymore . I 'm in England and on my way to London ; that 's surprise enough . NOTHIN ' could be more wonderful than that . '' In Which We Are Received at Bancroft 's Hotel and I Receive a Letter It was late when we reached London , nearly eleven o'clock . The long train journey was a delight . During the few hours of daylight and dusk we peered through the car windows at the scenery flying past ; at the villages , the green fields , the hedges , the neat , trim farms . `` Everything looks as if it has been swept and dusted , '' declared Hephzy .
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`` Bring me tea , '' she said to our table steward on the third morning . `` I 've tried most every kind of coffee and lived through it , but I 'm gettin ' too old to keep on experimentin ' with my health . Bring me tea and I 'll try to forget what time it is . '' We had tea at breakfast , therefore , and tea at four in the afternoon . Hephzibah and I learned to take it with the rest . She watched her fellow-passengers , however , and as usual had something to say concerning their behavior . `` Did you hear that , Hosy ? ''
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A strong force at once landed on the mainland , and threw up a fortified camp . The Mexicans came in , in crowds , with fruit , vegetables , flowers , and other articles , which they bartered with the Spaniards . They brought news that the Mexican governor of the province intended to visit them , the next day . Before noon , he arrived with his numerous suite . A banquet was served to them , and then , in answer to the cazique 's inquiries as to the objects of their visit , he was informed by Cortez that he was the subject of a great monarch beyond the seas , who ruled over a vast empire ; and that , hearing of the greatness of the Mexican Emperor , he had sent him as an envoy , with a present in token of his goodwill , and a message which he must deliver in person . The cazique said that he would send couriers with the royal gift to Montezuma ; and that , as soon as he had learned his will , he would communicate it . He then presented ten slave loads of fine cottons , mantles of rich feather work , and a basket filled with gold ornaments to Cortez ; who then handed over the presents intended for Montezuma .
[ "A", "strong", "force", "at", "once", "landed", "on", "the", "mainland", ",", "and", "threw", "up", "a", "fortified", "camp", ".", "The", "Mexicans", "came", "in", ",", "in", "crowds", ",", "with", "fruit", ",", "vegetables", ",", "flowers", ",", "and", "other", "articles", ",", "which", "they", "bartered", "with", "the", "Spaniards", ".", "They", "brought", "news", "that", "the", "Mexican", "governor", "of", "the", "province", "intended", "to", "visit", "them", ",", "the", "next", "day", ".", "Before", "noon", ",", "he", "arrived", "with", "his", "numerous", "suite", ".", "A", "banquet", "was", "served", "to", "them", ",", "and", "then", ",", "in", "answer", "to", "the", "cazique", "'s", "inquiries", "as", "to", "the", "objects", "of", "their", "visit", ",", "he", "was", "informed", "by", "Cortez", "that", "he", "was", "the", "subject", "of", "a", "great", "monarch", "beyond", "the", "seas", ",", "who", "ruled", "over", "a", "vast", "empire", ";", "and", "that", ",", "hearing", "of", "the", "greatness", "of", "the", "Mexican", "Emperor", ",", "he", "had", "sent", "him", "as", "an", "envoy", ",", "with", "a", "present", "in", "token", "of", "his", "goodwill", ",", "and", "a", "message", "which", "he", "must", "deliver", "in", "person", ".", "The", "cazique", "said", "that", "he", "would", "send", "couriers", "with", "the", "royal", "gift", "to", "Montezuma", ";", "and", "that", ",", "as", "soon", "as", "he", "had", "learned", "his", "will", ",", "he", "would", "communicate", "it", ".", "He", "then", "presented", "ten", "slave", "loads", "of", "fine", "cottons", ",", "mantles", "of", "rich", "feather", "work", ",", "and", "a", "basket", "filled", "with", "gold", "ornaments", "to", "Cortez", ";", "who", "then", "handed", "over", "the", "presents", "intended", "for", "Montezuma", "." ]
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I did not join in `` the cheer Americain , '' but I did burst out laughing , a proceeding which caused the young lady at my left to pat my arm and nod delighted approval . She evidently thought I was becoming gay and lighthearted at last . She was never more mistaken . It was nearly two o'clock and I had had quite enough of L'Abbaye . I had not enjoyed myself -- had not expected to , so far as that went . I hope I am not a prig , and , whatever I am or am not , priggishness had no part in my feelings then . Under ordinary circumstances I should not have enjoyed myself in a place like that .
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`` Yes . But we did have extraordinarily good weather for that . '' `` Why , not particularly good . We slowed down about midnight . There was a real fog then and the glass was low . The second officer told me it dropped very suddenly and there was a heavy sea running . For an hour between twelve and one we were making not much more than half our usual speed . ''
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He would trust the caziques , for men of rank in whatever country are faithful to their word , and do not pretend friendship when they mean hostility . Were Montezuma guided by them , there would be no fear of treachery ; but as he has given himself to the priests , and they can , by means of the oracles , persuade him to almost anything , Cortez feels that the danger is great . '' `` Well now , we had better to rest , '' Cacama said , rising . `` You are to start with the first streak of light , so as to be back before the sun is high , and it is long past midnight now . `` Cuitcatl , it would , I think , be well for you to accompany our friend . A rumor may have got abroad that he is again our guest , and those who longed for his blood , before , may long for it again . I would not that he should cross the lake unattended . ''
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Sorrows and trials she had had in plenty in her life , but these the sweetness of her nature had transformed , so that from being things difficult to bear , she had built up with them her own character . Sorrow had increased her own power of sympathy ; out of trials she had learnt patience ; and failure and the gradual sinking of one she had loved into the bottomless slough of evil habit had but left her with an added dower of pity and tolerance . So the past had no sting left , and if iron had ever entered into her soul it now but served to make it strong . She was still young , too ; it was not near sunset with her yet , nor even midday , and the future that , humanly speaking , she counted to be hers was almost dazzling in its brightness . For love had dawned for her again , and no uncertain love , wrapped in the mists of memory , but one that had ripened through liking and friendship and intimacy into the authentic glory . He was in England , too ; she was going back to him . And before very long she would never go away from him again .
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A strong force at once landed on the mainland , and threw up a fortified camp . The Mexicans came in , in crowds , with fruit , vegetables , flowers , and other articles , which they bartered with the Spaniards . They brought news that the Mexican governor of the province intended to visit them , the next day . Before noon , he arrived with his numerous suite . A banquet was served to them , and then , in answer to the cazique 's inquiries as to the objects of their visit , he was informed by Cortez that he was the subject of a great monarch beyond the seas , who ruled over a vast empire ; and that , hearing of the greatness of the Mexican Emperor , he had sent him as an envoy , with a present in token of his goodwill , and a message which he must deliver in person . The cazique said that he would send couriers with the royal gift to Montezuma ; and that , as soon as he had learned his will , he would communicate it . He then presented ten slave loads of fine cottons , mantles of rich feather work , and a basket filled with gold ornaments to Cortez ; who then handed over the presents intended for Montezuma .
[ "A", "strong", "force", "at", "once", "landed", "on", "the", "mainland", ",", "and", "threw", "up", "a", "fortified", "camp", ".", "The", "Mexicans", "came", "in", ",", "in", "crowds", ",", "with", "fruit", ",", "vegetables", ",", "flowers", ",", "and", "other", "articles", ",", "which", "they", "bartered", "with", "the", "Spaniards", ".", "They", "brought", "news", "that", "the", "Mexican", "governor", "of", "the", "province", "intended", "to", "visit", "them", ",", "the", "next", "day", ".", "Before", "noon", ",", "he", "arrived", "with", "his", "numerous", "suite", ".", "A", "banquet", "was", "served", "to", "them", ",", "and", "then", ",", "in", "answer", "to", "the", "cazique", "'s", "inquiries", "as", "to", "the", "objects", "of", "their", "visit", ",", "he", "was", "informed", "by", "Cortez", "that", "he", "was", "the", "subject", "of", "a", "great", "monarch", "beyond", "the", "seas", ",", "who", "ruled", "over", "a", "vast", "empire", ";", "and", "that", ",", "hearing", "of", "the", "greatness", "of", "the", "Mexican", "Emperor", ",", "he", "had", "sent", "him", "as", "an", "envoy", ",", "with", "a", "present", "in", "token", "of", "his", "goodwill", ",", "and", "a", "message", "which", "he", "must", "deliver", "in", "person", ".", "The", "cazique", "said", "that", "he", "would", "send", "couriers", "with", "the", "royal", "gift", "to", "Montezuma", ";", "and", "that", ",", "as", "soon", "as", "he", "had", "learned", "his", "will", ",", "he", "would", "communicate", "it", ".", "He", "then", "presented", "ten", "slave", "loads", "of", "fine", "cottons", ",", "mantles", "of", "rich", "feather", "work", ",", "and", "a", "basket", "filled", "with", "gold", "ornaments", "to", "Cortez", ";", "who", "then", "handed", "over", "the", "presents", "intended", "for", "Montezuma", "." ]
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A day 's march through the mountains brought them into a lofty plateau , some seven thousand feet above the sea . Here were wide-spreading forests of trees , which Roger recognized as large oaks and cypress . Around the villages were clearings , and whereas in the plains below maize was chiefly cultivated , the largest proportion of the fields , here , were devoted to plantations of the aloe or maguey . Here , even at midday , the temperature was not too hot to be pleasant ; while at night the cold was great , and Roger was glad to pile the thick quilted rugs over him . After traversing this plateau for some distance , they came upon another range of hills , far loftier than those they had before crossed , and vastly higher than anything Roger had ever before beheld in his travels . These mountains were , the merchant told him , the Cordilleras ; they extended from unknown regions in the north through Anahuac to the south . The snow never melted upon the summits , and several of the highest of these were terrible volcanoes , whose eruptions were dreaded by the whole nation .
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We tried to trace her , of course . That is , I tried and Hephzy did not dissuade me , although she realized , I am sure , the hopelessness of the quest . Frances had left the rectory very early in the morning . The hostler at the inn had been much surprised to find her awaiting him when he came down to the yard at five o'clock . She was obliged to go to London , she said , and must take the very first train : Would he drive her to Haddington on Hill at once ? He did so -- probably she had offered him a great deal more than the regular fare -- and she had taken the train . Questioning the hostler , who was a surly , uncommunicative lout , resulted in my learning very little in addition to this .
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It seems to me that we did nothing else . I bought what I needed the very first day , clothes , hat , steamer coat and traveling cap included . It did not take me long ; fortunately I am of the average height and shape and the salesmen found me easy to please . My shopping tour was ended by three o'clock and I spent the remainder of the afternoon at a bookseller 's . There was a set of `` Early English Poets '' there , nineteen little , fat , chunky volumes , not new and shiny and grand , but middle-aged and shabby and comfortable , which appealed to me . The price , however , was high ; I had the uneasy feeling that I ought not to afford it . Then the bookseller himself , who also was fat and comfortably shabby , and who had beguiled from me the information that I was about to travel , suggested that the `` Poets '' would make very pleasant reading en route .
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You have only yielded to my solicitations , and if we go to our death it is our choosing , and none of thine . '' `` Should the Swan come back without you , Reuben -- as may possibly be , for if there be any danger you are sure to expose yourself in the front of it -- Roger shall be as a son to me ; and shall either in time have a ship to command , and a share in her , as thou hast ; and he shall come in our business , when he has had enough of adventure at sea , and is willing to settle down on land . '' Reuben wrung his cousin 's hand silently , and then said : `` Let us take one more glass of strong water , Diggory , and then get a few hours ' sleep before morning . It is past midnight now , and I must be up by four ; for at that hour the boat must go off for the first batch of our new hands . '' Day broke , just as the last batch of men were brought on board . As soon as these had gone below the whistle was sounded , the old crew came up on deck , and the preparations for making sail commenced . The anchor was hove short , the lashings of the sails were loosened , the flags run up to the mast heads , the last casks and bales lowered into the hold , the hatches put on , and the decks washed down .
[ "You", "have", "only", "yielded", "to", "my", "solicitations", ",", "and", "if", "we", "go", "to", "our", "death", "it", "is", "our", "choosing", ",", "and", "none", "of", "thine", ".", "''", "`", "`", "Should", "the", "Swan", "come", "back", "without", "you", ",", "Reuben", "--", "as", "may", "possibly", "be", ",", "for", "if", "there", "be", "any", "danger", "you", "are", "sure", "to", "expose", "yourself", "in", "the", "front", "of", "it", "--", "Roger", "shall", "be", "as", "a", "son", "to", "me", ";", "and", "shall", "either", "in", "time", "have", "a", "ship", "to", "command", ",", "and", "a", "share", "in", "her", ",", "as", "thou", "hast", ";", "and", "he", "shall", "come", "in", "our", "business", ",", "when", "he", "has", "had", "enough", "of", "adventure", "at", "sea", ",", "and", "is", "willing", "to", "settle", "down", "on", "land", ".", "''", "Reuben", "wrung", "his", "cousin", "'s", "hand", "silently", ",", "and", "then", "said", ":", "`", "`", "Let", "us", "take", "one", "more", "glass", "of", "strong", "water", ",", "Diggory", ",", "and", "then", "get", "a", "few", "hours", "'", "sleep", "before", "morning", ".", "It", "is", "past", "midnight", "now", ",", "and", "I", "must", "be", "up", "by", "four", ";", "for", "at", "that", "hour", "the", "boat", "must", "go", "off", "for", "the", "first", "batch", "of", "our", "new", "hands", ".", "''", "Day", "broke", ",", "just", "as", "the", "last", "batch", "of", "men", "were", "brought", "on", "board", ".", "As", "soon", "as", "these", "had", "gone", "below", "the", "whistle", "was", "sounded", ",", "the", "old", "crew", "came", "up", "on", "deck", ",", "and", "the", "preparations", "for", "making", "sail", "commenced", ".", "The", "anchor", "was", "hove", "short", ",", "the", "lashings", "of", "the", "sails", "were", "loosened", ",", "the", "flags", "run", "up", "to", "the", "mast", "heads", ",", "the", "last", "casks", "and", "bales", "lowered", "into", "the", "hold", ",", "the", "hatches", "put", "on", ",", "and", "the", "decks", "washed", "down", "." ]
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A day 's march through the mountains brought them into a lofty plateau , some seven thousand feet above the sea . Here were wide-spreading forests of trees , which Roger recognized as large oaks and cypress . Around the villages were clearings , and whereas in the plains below maize was chiefly cultivated , the largest proportion of the fields , here , were devoted to plantations of the aloe or maguey . Here , even at midday , the temperature was not too hot to be pleasant ; while at night the cold was great , and Roger was glad to pile the thick quilted rugs over him . After traversing this plateau for some distance , they came upon another range of hills , far loftier than those they had before crossed , and vastly higher than anything Roger had ever before beheld in his travels . These mountains were , the merchant told him , the Cordilleras ; they extended from unknown regions in the north through Anahuac to the south . The snow never melted upon the summits , and several of the highest of these were terrible volcanoes , whose eruptions were dreaded by the whole nation .
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Jim smiled . `` I know I did , '' he replied , `` but that is immaterial . You are not concerned with the ` Princess Eulalie . ' Your passages are booked on the ` Plutonia ' and she does n't leave her dock until one o'clock to-morrow morning . We will meet here for lunch at twelve-thirty . Come , Kent . '' I did n't attempt an answer .
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`` Lunch together ! '' gasped Hephzy . `` Why , Mr. Campbell ! the ` Princess Eulalie ' sails at noon . You said so yourself ! '' Jim smiled . `` I know I did , '' he replied , `` but that is immaterial .
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Would I wish to send up my name now ? Again I declined , to the polite astonishment of the concierge , who evidently considered me a queer sort of a friend . He was called to his desk by a guest , who wished to ask questions , of course , and I waited where I was . At a quarter to eleven Herbert Bayliss emerged from the elevator . His appearance almost shocked me . Out late the night before ! He looked as if he had been out all night for many nights .
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The latter rose to his feet and , with the aid of the native , unfastened the cords that bound his ankles together . For half an hour he paced up and down the chamber , to restore the circulation to his feet . Then the guard replaced the cords , but did it in such a way that , though they seemed as tight and secure as before , they would at a slight effort fall off , and leave him free . At eight o'clock in the evening the guard was relieved . He had told Roger that he was to listen for the cry of an owl outside , twice repeated ; and that upon hearing this , he would know that his friends were without . Roger listened anxiously for the password from his new guard ; but as it did not come , he concluded that Cuitcatl had not been able to bribe him , and that he must himself overpower the man . The Aztec placed himself at the loophole , and stood looking out ; turning , from time to time , to see by the light of the torch , which was fixed close to where Roger was lying , that he was making no attempt to release himself from his bonds .
[ "The", "latter", "rose", "to", "his", "feet", "and", ",", "with", "the", "aid", "of", "the", "native", ",", "unfastened", "the", "cords", "that", "bound", "his", "ankles", "together", ".", "For", "half", "an", "hour", "he", "paced", "up", "and", "down", "the", "chamber", ",", "to", "restore", "the", "circulation", "to", "his", "feet", ".", "Then", "the", "guard", "replaced", "the", "cords", ",", "but", "did", "it", "in", "such", "a", "way", "that", ",", "though", "they", "seemed", "as", "tight", "and", "secure", "as", "before", ",", "they", "would", "at", "a", "slight", "effort", "fall", "off", ",", "and", "leave", "him", "free", ".", "At", "eight", "o'clock", "in", "the", "evening", "the", "guard", "was", "relieved", ".", "He", "had", "told", "Roger", "that", "he", "was", "to", "listen", "for", "the", "cry", "of", "an", "owl", "outside", ",", "twice", "repeated", ";", "and", "that", "upon", "hearing", "this", ",", "he", "would", "know", "that", "his", "friends", "were", "without", ".", "Roger", "listened", "anxiously", "for", "the", "password", "from", "his", "new", "guard", ";", "but", "as", "it", "did", "not", "come", ",", "he", "concluded", "that", "Cuitcatl", "had", "not", "been", "able", "to", "bribe", "him", ",", "and", "that", "he", "must", "himself", "overpower", "the", "man", ".", "The", "Aztec", "placed", "himself", "at", "the", "loophole", ",", "and", "stood", "looking", "out", ";", "turning", ",", "from", "time", "to", "time", ",", "to", "see", "by", "the", "light", "of", "the", "torch", ",", "which", "was", "fixed", "close", "to", "where", "Roger", "was", "lying", ",", "that", "he", "was", "making", "no", "attempt", "to", "release", "himself", "from", "his", "bonds", "." ]
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And here is Hendon , and it is time for us to dress . '' Daisy got up and kissed her aunt with a quick , trembling caress . `` I think you are a perfect darling , '' she said . The Dover boat , midday service , was on the point of starting from the quay at Calais , and luggage was being swung on to it in square trucks , the passengers having already embarked . The day before a midsummer storm had vexed the soul of the silver streak , which had turned to a grey pewter streak of a peculiarly streaky nature , with white tops to the waves that slung themselves over the head of the pier . Cabin-boys and stewards were making horrible dispositions of tinware , and the head steward was on the verge of distraction , since the whole world seemed to have chosen this particular day to return to England , and the whole world , with an eye on the Channel , desired private cabins , which were numerically less than the demand . At the moment he was trying to keep calm before the infuriated questions of a Frenchwoman who believed herself to be speaking English .
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`` I am I , and I am yours . Never doubt that . '' All that day there was no possible cause for his doubting it . The conspirator-plan succeeded to admiration , and Lord Lindfield and Daisy , with a somewhat faint-intentioned Gladys , had waited in the hall till a quarter to eleven . Then it was discovered that Jeannie had not been seen in the house since ten , and Gladys , victorious over her faint intentions , had stopped at home , while Daisy and Lord Lindfield walked rapidly to church , arriving there in the middle of the psalms . Jeannie had been gaily apologetic afterwards . She had not heard at breakfast that anybody except herself and Mr. Braithwaite meant to go to church , and , coming home , she paired herself off with Daisy .
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It might have been by Gad , but it was by Worth . Four shades of grey , and pearls . Mrs. Beaumont distinctly thought that this was not the sort of dress to dash into the faces of a quiet country party . It was like letting off rockets at a five o'clock tea . Only a woman could dissect the enormity of it ; men just stared . `` I know I am not more than one minute late , '' she said . `` Lord Lindfield , Alice has told me to lead you to your doom , which is to take me in .
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Jeannie joined her friend in the window-seat . `` Yes , just the same , '' she said . There was silence for a little while . An hour had passed since they began to talk , but it was still short of midnight , and the hansoms and motors still swept about the square like a throng of sonorous fireflies . Just opposite a big house flared with lit windows , and the sound of the band came loudly across the open space , a little mellowed by the distance , but with the rhythm of its music intact . `` Oh , I could get into a ball-dress and go and dance now for lightness of heart , '' said Jeannie . `` But I wo n't ; I will do something much nicer , and that is I will hear from you the news of your year .
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He had told Roger that he was to listen for the cry of an owl outside , twice repeated ; and that upon hearing this , he would know that his friends were without . Roger listened anxiously for the password from his new guard ; but as it did not come , he concluded that Cuitcatl had not been able to bribe him , and that he must himself overpower the man . The Aztec placed himself at the loophole , and stood looking out ; turning , from time to time , to see by the light of the torch , which was fixed close to where Roger was lying , that he was making no attempt to release himself from his bonds . It was not until nearly midnight that Roger heard the expected signal . No sooner was the second call given , than he pulled the knot which kept the cords together , raised himself noiselessly to his feet , and sprang upon the Aztec . Taken by surprise , the man was no more than a child in Roger 's strong grasp . In a moment he was thrown down , his cloth was twisted round his mouth , so as to prevent any cry from escaping him , and his arms were bound behind him with Roger 's rope .
[ "He", "had", "told", "Roger", "that", "he", "was", "to", "listen", "for", "the", "cry", "of", "an", "owl", "outside", ",", "twice", "repeated", ";", "and", "that", "upon", "hearing", "this", ",", "he", "would", "know", "that", "his", "friends", "were", "without", ".", "Roger", "listened", "anxiously", "for", "the", "password", "from", "his", "new", "guard", ";", "but", "as", "it", "did", "not", "come", ",", "he", "concluded", "that", "Cuitcatl", "had", "not", "been", "able", "to", "bribe", "him", ",", "and", "that", "he", "must", "himself", "overpower", "the", "man", ".", "The", "Aztec", "placed", "himself", "at", "the", "loophole", ",", "and", "stood", "looking", "out", ";", "turning", ",", "from", "time", "to", "time", ",", "to", "see", "by", "the", "light", "of", "the", "torch", ",", "which", "was", "fixed", "close", "to", "where", "Roger", "was", "lying", ",", "that", "he", "was", "making", "no", "attempt", "to", "release", "himself", "from", "his", "bonds", ".", "It", "was", "not", "until", "nearly", "midnight", "that", "Roger", "heard", "the", "expected", "signal", ".", "No", "sooner", "was", "the", "second", "call", "given", ",", "than", "he", "pulled", "the", "knot", "which", "kept", "the", "cords", "together", ",", "raised", "himself", "noiselessly", "to", "his", "feet", ",", "and", "sprang", "upon", "the", "Aztec", ".", "Taken", "by", "surprise", ",", "the", "man", "was", "no", "more", "than", "a", "child", "in", "Roger", "'s", "strong", "grasp", ".", "In", "a", "moment", "he", "was", "thrown", "down", ",", "his", "cloth", "was", "twisted", "round", "his", "mouth", ",", "so", "as", "to", "prevent", "any", "cry", "from", "escaping", "him", ",", "and", "his", "arms", "were", "bound", "behind", "him", "with", "Roger", "'s", "rope", "." ]
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At ten-thirty , as my cab buzzed into the square and pulled up at the curb , the electric signs were blazing , the sidewalks were , if not yet crowded , at least well filled , and the sounds of music from the open windows of The Dead Rat and the other cafes with the cheerful names were mingling with noises of the street . Monsieur Louis had given me my sailing orders , so to speak . He had told me that arriving at L'Abbaye before ten-thirty was quite useless . Midnight was the accepted hour , he said ; prior to that I would find it rather dull , triste . But after that -- Ah , Monsieur would , at least , be entertained . `` But of course Monsieur does not expect to find the young lady of whom he is in search there , '' he said . `` A relative is she not ? ''
[ "At", "ten", "-", "thirty", ",", "as", "my", "cab", "buzzed", "into", "the", "square", "and", "pulled", "up", "at", "the", "curb", ",", "the", "electric", "signs", "were", "blazing", ",", "the", "sidewalks", "were", ",", "if", "not", "yet", "crowded", ",", "at", "least", "well", "filled", ",", "and", "the", "sounds", "of", "music", "from", "the", "open", "windows", "of", "The", "Dead", "Rat", "and", "the", "other", "cafes", "with", "the", "cheerful", "names", "were", "mingling", "with", "noises", "of", "the", "street", ".", "Monsieur", "Louis", "had", "given", "me", "my", "sailing", "orders", ",", "so", "to", "speak", ".", "He", "had", "told", "me", "that", "arriving", "at", "L'Abbaye", "before", "ten", "-", "thirty", "was", "quite", "useless", ".", "Midnight", "was", "the", "accepted", "hour", ",", "he", "said", ";", "prior", "to", "that", "I", "would", "find", "it", "rather", "dull", ",", "triste", ".", "But", "after", "that", "--", "Ah", ",", "Monsieur", "would", ",", "at", "least", ",", "be", "entertained", ".", "`", "`", "But", "of", "course", "Monsieur", "does", "not", "expect", "to", "find", "the", "young", "lady", "of", "whom", "he", "is", "in", "search", "there", ",", "''", "he", "said", ".", "`", "`", "A", "relative", "is", "she", "not", "?", "''" ]
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I did not sleep at all that night , nor did I forget . God help me ! I was realizing that I never could forget . At six o'clock I came downstairs , made a pretence at eating some biscuits and cheese which I found on the sideboard , scribbled a brief note to Hephzy stating that I had gone for a walk and should not be back to breakfast , and started out . The walk developed into a long one and I did not return to the rectory until nearly eleven in the forenoon . By that time I was in a better mood , more reconciled to the inevitable -- or I thought I was . I believed I could play the man , could even see her married to Herbert Bayliss and still behave like a man .
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`` Lunch together ! '' gasped Hephzy . `` Why , Mr. Campbell ! the ` Princess Eulalie ' sails at noon . You said so yourself ! '' Jim smiled . `` I know I did , '' he replied , `` but that is immaterial .
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Jeannie joined her friend in the window-seat . `` Yes , just the same , '' she said . There was silence for a little while . An hour had passed since they began to talk , but it was still short of midnight , and the hansoms and motors still swept about the square like a throng of sonorous fireflies . Just opposite a big house flared with lit windows , and the sound of the band came loudly across the open space , a little mellowed by the distance , but with the rhythm of its music intact . `` Oh , I could get into a ball-dress and go and dance now for lightness of heart , '' said Jeannie . `` But I wo n't ; I will do something much nicer , and that is I will hear from you the news of your year .
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The slaves , wearied as they were , quickened in their pace ; and in two hours they emerged from the mountain gorges onto the temperate plateau . Here they halted for some hours near a post house , a courier being sent on to Tepeaca , to inform the king 's envoys that they had arrived thus far ; and to ask whether they should proceed at noon , when the slaves had rested , or make their entry into the town in the morning . In a little over four hours the answer was received . The merchants were directed to wait where they were until three hours after noon , then to move forward until they arrived within eight miles of the town , and then to halt for the night , and to start again at sunrise next morning . Roger was as glad as were the slaves that he had not another fifteen miles ' march before him , for the journey had been a most fatiguing one . He thought that the absolute distance traversed did not exceed thirty miles , but owing to the difficulties of the road , and the care that had to be taken in traversing it at night , even with the assistance of the torches carried by the soldiers of the caravan , it had taken them twenty hours , including occasional halts , to perform the journey . An abundance of food was brought in by the neighboring villagers , and the merchants issued an extra supply of cocoa to the slaves ; and when the march was resumed , late in the afternoon , the latter had completely recovered from their fatigue .
[ "The", "slaves", ",", "wearied", "as", "they", "were", ",", "quickened", "in", "their", "pace", ";", "and", "in", "two", "hours", "they", "emerged", "from", "the", "mountain", "gorges", "onto", "the", "temperate", "plateau", ".", "Here", "they", "halted", "for", "some", "hours", "near", "a", "post", "house", ",", "a", "courier", "being", "sent", "on", "to", "Tepeaca", ",", "to", "inform", "the", "king", "'s", "envoys", "that", "they", "had", "arrived", "thus", "far", ";", "and", "to", "ask", "whether", "they", "should", "proceed", "at", "noon", ",", "when", "the", "slaves", "had", "rested", ",", "or", "make", "their", "entry", "into", "the", "town", "in", "the", "morning", ".", "In", "a", "little", "over", "four", "hours", "the", "answer", "was", "received", ".", "The", "merchants", "were", "directed", "to", "wait", "where", "they", "were", "until", "three", "hours", "after", "noon", ",", "then", "to", "move", "forward", "until", "they", "arrived", "within", "eight", "miles", "of", "the", "town", ",", "and", "then", "to", "halt", "for", "the", "night", ",", "and", "to", "start", "again", "at", "sunrise", "next", "morning", ".", "Roger", "was", "as", "glad", "as", "were", "the", "slaves", "that", "he", "had", "not", "another", "fifteen", "miles", "'", "march", "before", "him", ",", "for", "the", "journey", "had", "been", "a", "most", "fatiguing", "one", ".", "He", "thought", "that", "the", "absolute", "distance", "traversed", "did", "not", "exceed", "thirty", "miles", ",", "but", "owing", "to", "the", "difficulties", "of", "the", "road", ",", "and", "the", "care", "that", "had", "to", "be", "taken", "in", "traversing", "it", "at", "night", ",", "even", "with", "the", "assistance", "of", "the", "torches", "carried", "by", "the", "soldiers", "of", "the", "caravan", ",", "it", "had", "taken", "them", "twenty", "hours", ",", "including", "occasional", "halts", ",", "to", "perform", "the", "journey", ".", "An", "abundance", "of", "food", "was", "brought", "in", "by", "the", "neighboring", "villagers", ",", "and", "the", "merchants", "issued", "an", "extra", "supply", "of", "cocoa", "to", "the", "slaves", ";", "and", "when", "the", "march", "was", "resumed", ",", "late", "in", "the", "afternoon", ",", "the", "latter", "had", "completely", "recovered", "from", "their", "fatigue", "." ]
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The little sleep I had was filled with dreams , dreams from which I awoke to toss restlessly . I rose and walked the floor , calling myself a fool , a silly old fool , over and over again . But when morning came my plan , a ridiculous , wild plan from which , even if it succeeded -- which was most unlikely -- nothing but added trouble and despair could possibly come , my plan was nearer its ultimate formation . At eleven o'clock that forenoon I walked up the marble steps of the Manor House and rang the bell . The butler , an exalted personage in livery , answered my ring . Mr. Heathcroft ? No , sir .
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And you think our run will be better than five hundred and eighty ? '' `` It should be , unless there is a remarkable change . This ship makes over six hundred , day after day , in good weather . She should do at least six hundred by to-morrow noon , unless there is a sudden change , as I said . '' `` But six hundred would be -- it would be the high field , by Jove ! '' `` Anything over five hundred and ninety-four would be that . The numbers are very low to-night .
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I 'll ask Hepton to give me an itinerary of the trip and I will wire when and where I will join you . You must go , Hephzy ; I insist upon it . '' In spite of my insisting Hephzy still declared she should not go . It was nearly midnight before she gave in . `` And if you DO N'T come in three days at the longest , '' she said , `` you 'll find me back here huntin ' you up . I mean that , Hosy , so you 'd better understand it . And now , '' rising from her chair , `` I 'm goin ' to see about the things you 're to wear while we 're separated .
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This was a most faulty arrangement , necessitating frequent and long delays , and entailing almost certain disaster . Had three such portable bridges been constructed , the column could have crossed the causeway with comparatively little risk ; and there was no reason why these bridges should not have been constructed , as they could have been carried , without difficulty , by the Tlascalans . At midnight the troops were in readiness for the march . Mass was performed by Father Olmedo ; and at one o'clock on July 1st , 1520 , the Spaniards sallied out from the fortress that they had so stoutly defended . Silence reigned in the city . As noiselessly as possible , the troops made their way down the broad street , expecting every moment to be attacked ; but even the tramping of the horses , and the rumbling of the baggage wagons and artillery did not awake the sleeping Mexicans , and the head of the column arrived at the head of the causeway before they were discovered . Then , as the advanced guard were preparing to lay the portable bridge across the first opening , some Aztec sentinels gave the alarm .
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she sniffed , `` that 's the first time I ever knew you to give in that there WAS a Little Frank . All right , I sha 'n' t say any more , but I hope the foreign poorhouses are more comfortable than ours , that 's all . If you make me keep on this way , I 'll fetch up in one before the first month 's over . '' We left for New York on the five o'clock train . Packing those `` Early English Poets '' was a confounded nuisance . They had to be stuffed here , there and everywhere amid my wearing apparel and Hephzibah prophesied evil to come . `` Books are the worse things goin ' to make creases , '' she declared .
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I trust that you may live , and be happy , yet . '' `` Let us not stand here talking , '' the young cazique said . `` It is not as it was before . Then you might walk through the city at midnight , without meeting with a single person . We sleep no longer now , but make nightly attacks on the Spaniards ; and at any moment bodies of troops may come along . '' The little party moved forward , and in a minute descended the steps . Bathalda took his place in a small canoe lying there .
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Given a character or two and a situation , the beginning of one of those romances is , or was , pretty likely to be something like this : `` It was a black night . Heavy clouds had obscured the setting sun and now , as the clock in the great stone tower boomed twelve , the darkness was pitchy . '' That is a good safe beginning . Midnight , a stone tower , a booming clock , and darkness make an appeal to the imagination . On a night like that almost anything may happen . A reader of one of my romances -- and readers there must be , for the things did , and still do , sell to some extent -- might be fairly certain that something WOULD happen before the end of the second page . After that the somethings continued to happen as fast as I could invent them .
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Pity and charity and all the rest of it I would not consider . Right was right , and justice was justice . I would end a disagreeable business as quickly as I could . Mrs. Briggs ' lodging-house , viewed from the outside , was no more inviting at ten in the morning than it had been at four in the afternoon . I expected Hephzy to make some comment upon the dirty steps and the still dirtier front door . She did neither . We stood together upon the steps and I rang the bell .
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I did not sleep at all that night , nor did I forget . God help me ! I was realizing that I never could forget . At six o'clock I came downstairs , made a pretence at eating some biscuits and cheese which I found on the sideboard , scribbled a brief note to Hephzy stating that I had gone for a walk and should not be back to breakfast , and started out . The walk developed into a long one and I did not return to the rectory until nearly eleven in the forenoon . By that time I was in a better mood , more reconciled to the inevitable -- or I thought I was . I believed I could play the man , could even see her married to Herbert Bayliss and still behave like a man .
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A portable bridge had been prepared for crossing the canals which intersected the causeway ; the intention being that it should be laid across a canal , that the army should pass over it , and that it should then be carried forward to the next gap in the causeway . This was a most faulty arrangement , necessitating frequent and long delays , and entailing almost certain disaster . Had three such portable bridges been constructed , the column could have crossed the causeway with comparatively little risk ; and there was no reason why these bridges should not have been constructed , as they could have been carried , without difficulty , by the Tlascalans . At midnight the troops were in readiness for the march . Mass was performed by Father Olmedo ; and at one o'clock on July 1st , 1520 , the Spaniards sallied out from the fortress that they had so stoutly defended . Silence reigned in the city . As noiselessly as possible , the troops made their way down the broad street , expecting every moment to be attacked ; but even the tramping of the horses , and the rumbling of the baggage wagons and artillery did not awake the sleeping Mexicans , and the head of the column arrived at the head of the causeway before they were discovered .
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Roger at once fell back into the crowd , and soon took an opportunity to extricate himself from it , and to go down a side street . He and Bathalda then ascended to the top of the wall , where they were likely to be undisturbed , and waited there for an hour . They then went back to the palace . The square in the front of it was almost deserted now ; for the Spaniards had retired , half an hour before , and were not likely to appear again until the evening ; especially as it was known that , at noon , there was to be a great council held in the palace . Ten minutes later Malinche appeared at the entrance . As soon as her eyes fell on Roger she raised her hand and , leaving Bathalda , he at once went up to her . The two sentinels looked with some surprise at this tall native , but as they saw that he was known to Malinche , they offered no opposition to his entering the palace with her .
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Pity and charity and all the rest of it I would not consider . Right was right , and justice was justice . I would end a disagreeable business as quickly as I could . Mrs. Briggs ' lodging-house , viewed from the outside , was no more inviting at ten in the morning than it had been at four in the afternoon . I expected Hephzy to make some comment upon the dirty steps and the still dirtier front door . She did neither . We stood together upon the steps and I rang the bell .
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It seems to me that we did nothing else . I bought what I needed the very first day , clothes , hat , steamer coat and traveling cap included . It did not take me long ; fortunately I am of the average height and shape and the salesmen found me easy to please . My shopping tour was ended by three o'clock and I spent the remainder of the afternoon at a bookseller 's . There was a set of `` Early English Poets '' there , nineteen little , fat , chunky volumes , not new and shiny and grand , but middle-aged and shabby and comfortable , which appealed to me . The price , however , was high ; I had the uneasy feeling that I ought not to afford it . Then the bookseller himself , who also was fat and comfortably shabby , and who had beguiled from me the information that I was about to travel , suggested that the `` Poets '' would make very pleasant reading en route .
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In a cabin underneath this , the three petty officers and twenty of the sailors lived together , the main body of the crew occupying the raised forecastle and the cabin underneath it . The galley was forward , built up against the forecastle , and thus sheltered from heavy seas which might sweep the waist of the vessel . Four small cannon were mounted on the poop , two on the forecastle , the six larger guns were in the waist -- three on either side . The breeze freshened as the Swan drew out from under the shelter of the land , and by midday the shore had faded from the sight . The crew had by this time settled down in their places , and sat in groups on deck , some overhauling the contents of their sea bags , looking over their clothes , and setting to , with needle and thread , to make such repairs as were needed . Some of the new hands were leaning over the side , wishing heartily that they were on shore again . Those who had made voyages were talking to their companions about the various ports at which they might touch , and the sights they would behold .
[ "In", "a", "cabin", "underneath", "this", ",", "the", "three", "petty", "officers", "and", "twenty", "of", "the", "sailors", "lived", "together", ",", "the", "main", "body", "of", "the", "crew", "occupying", "the", "raised", "forecastle", "and", "the", "cabin", "underneath", "it", ".", "The", "galley", "was", "forward", ",", "built", "up", "against", "the", "forecastle", ",", "and", "thus", "sheltered", "from", "heavy", "seas", "which", "might", "sweep", "the", "waist", "of", "the", "vessel", ".", "Four", "small", "cannon", "were", "mounted", "on", "the", "poop", ",", "two", "on", "the", "forecastle", ",", "the", "six", "larger", "guns", "were", "in", "the", "waist", "--", "three", "on", "either", "side", ".", "The", "breeze", "freshened", "as", "the", "Swan", "drew", "out", "from", "under", "the", "shelter", "of", "the", "land", ",", "and", "by", "midday", "the", "shore", "had", "faded", "from", "the", "sight", ".", "The", "crew", "had", "by", "this", "time", "settled", "down", "in", "their", "places", ",", "and", "sat", "in", "groups", "on", "deck", ",", "some", "overhauling", "the", "contents", "of", "their", "sea", "bags", ",", "looking", "over", "their", "clothes", ",", "and", "setting", "to", ",", "with", "needle", "and", "thread", ",", "to", "make", "such", "repairs", "as", "were", "needed", ".", "Some", "of", "the", "new", "hands", "were", "leaning", "over", "the", "side", ",", "wishing", "heartily", "that", "they", "were", "on", "shore", "again", ".", "Those", "who", "had", "made", "voyages", "were", "talking", "to", "their", "companions", "about", "the", "various", "ports", "at", "which", "they", "might", "touch", ",", "and", "the", "sights", "they", "would", "behold", "." ]
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You have only yielded to my solicitations , and if we go to our death it is our choosing , and none of thine . '' `` Should the Swan come back without you , Reuben -- as may possibly be , for if there be any danger you are sure to expose yourself in the front of it -- Roger shall be as a son to me ; and shall either in time have a ship to command , and a share in her , as thou hast ; and he shall come in our business , when he has had enough of adventure at sea , and is willing to settle down on land . '' Reuben wrung his cousin 's hand silently , and then said : `` Let us take one more glass of strong water , Diggory , and then get a few hours ' sleep before morning . It is past midnight now , and I must be up by four ; for at that hour the boat must go off for the first batch of our new hands . '' Day broke , just as the last batch of men were brought on board . As soon as these had gone below the whistle was sounded , the old crew came up on deck , and the preparations for making sail commenced . The anchor was hove short , the lashings of the sails were loosened , the flags run up to the mast heads , the last casks and bales lowered into the hold , the hatches put on , and the decks washed down .
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`` Holland is pretty wet , so they say , but we should be able to find some dry spots . '' She did not laugh . `` You know what I mean , '' she observed . `` To-morrow night at twelve o'clock we shall be far out on the vasty deep . '' `` We shall be on the ` Princess Eulalie , ' '' I answered . `` Go to sleep . '' Neither of us spoke the truth .
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`` The cazique has sent off a messenger for a party of his people to meet you . A boat will be in readiness to take you across the lake , at sunset . You will be carried in litters from the landing place to his palace . '' This programme was carried out and , by nine o'clock that evening , Roger and Amenche were both settled in luxurious apartments in the cazique 's palace . Cortez , now recovered from his wounds , prepared for a fresh advance ; which was this time to be conducted in a different manner . Against so stubborn and active a foe the advance must be irresistible , steady , and continued . In future , no step backward was to be taken .
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`` I will be going . Roger Hawkshaw will help you , '' Cuitcatl said . `` It will take some time for Bathalda to get the litters and the men . `` It is now ten o'clock . In three hours the litters shall be outside the little gate of the garden , and I will bring six porters to the private door at the foot of the stairs . '' `` That will be enough , '' the queen said . `` Two will be ample for our garments , and you and Roger Hawkshaw can take the jewels ; which , when we start , can go in the litters with us . ''
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In a cabin underneath this , the three petty officers and twenty of the sailors lived together , the main body of the crew occupying the raised forecastle and the cabin underneath it . The galley was forward , built up against the forecastle , and thus sheltered from heavy seas which might sweep the waist of the vessel . Four small cannon were mounted on the poop , two on the forecastle , the six larger guns were in the waist -- three on either side . The breeze freshened as the Swan drew out from under the shelter of the land , and by midday the shore had faded from the sight . The crew had by this time settled down in their places , and sat in groups on deck , some overhauling the contents of their sea bags , looking over their clothes , and setting to , with needle and thread , to make such repairs as were needed . Some of the new hands were leaning over the side , wishing heartily that they were on shore again . Those who had made voyages were talking to their companions about the various ports at which they might touch , and the sights they would behold .
[ "In", "a", "cabin", "underneath", "this", ",", "the", "three", "petty", "officers", "and", "twenty", "of", "the", "sailors", "lived", "together", ",", "the", "main", "body", "of", "the", "crew", "occupying", "the", "raised", "forecastle", "and", "the", "cabin", "underneath", "it", ".", "The", "galley", "was", "forward", ",", "built", "up", "against", "the", "forecastle", ",", "and", "thus", "sheltered", "from", "heavy", "seas", "which", "might", "sweep", "the", "waist", "of", "the", "vessel", ".", "Four", "small", "cannon", "were", "mounted", "on", "the", "poop", ",", "two", "on", "the", "forecastle", ",", "the", "six", "larger", "guns", "were", "in", "the", "waist", "--", "three", "on", "either", "side", ".", "The", "breeze", "freshened", "as", "the", "Swan", "drew", "out", "from", "under", "the", "shelter", "of", "the", "land", ",", "and", "by", "midday", "the", "shore", "had", "faded", "from", "the", "sight", ".", "The", "crew", "had", "by", "this", "time", "settled", "down", "in", "their", "places", ",", "and", "sat", "in", "groups", "on", "deck", ",", "some", "overhauling", "the", "contents", "of", "their", "sea", "bags", ",", "looking", "over", "their", "clothes", ",", "and", "setting", "to", ",", "with", "needle", "and", "thread", ",", "to", "make", "such", "repairs", "as", "were", "needed", ".", "Some", "of", "the", "new", "hands", "were", "leaning", "over", "the", "side", ",", "wishing", "heartily", "that", "they", "were", "on", "shore", "again", ".", "Those", "who", "had", "made", "voyages", "were", "talking", "to", "their", "companions", "about", "the", "various", "ports", "at", "which", "they", "might", "touch", ",", "and", "the", "sights", "they", "would", "behold", "." ]
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At ten-thirty , as my cab buzzed into the square and pulled up at the curb , the electric signs were blazing , the sidewalks were , if not yet crowded , at least well filled , and the sounds of music from the open windows of The Dead Rat and the other cafes with the cheerful names were mingling with noises of the street . Monsieur Louis had given me my sailing orders , so to speak . He had told me that arriving at L'Abbaye before ten-thirty was quite useless . Midnight was the accepted hour , he said ; prior to that I would find it rather dull , triste . But after that -- Ah , Monsieur would , at least , be entertained . `` But of course Monsieur does not expect to find the young lady of whom he is in search there , '' he said . `` A relative is she not ? ''
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And here is Hendon , and it is time for us to dress . '' Daisy got up and kissed her aunt with a quick , trembling caress . `` I think you are a perfect darling , '' she said . The Dover boat , midday service , was on the point of starting from the quay at Calais , and luggage was being swung on to it in square trucks , the passengers having already embarked . The day before a midsummer storm had vexed the soul of the silver streak , which had turned to a grey pewter streak of a peculiarly streaky nature , with white tops to the waves that slung themselves over the head of the pier . Cabin-boys and stewards were making horrible dispositions of tinware , and the head steward was on the verge of distraction , since the whole world seemed to have chosen this particular day to return to England , and the whole world , with an eye on the Channel , desired private cabins , which were numerically less than the demand . At the moment he was trying to keep calm before the infuriated questions of a Frenchwoman who believed herself to be speaking English .
[ "And", "here", "is", "Hendon", ",", "and", "it", "is", "time", "for", "us", "to", "dress", ".", "''", "Daisy", "got", "up", "and", "kissed", "her", "aunt", "with", "a", "quick", ",", "trembling", "caress", ".", "`", "`", "I", "think", "you", "are", "a", "perfect", "darling", ",", "''", "she", "said", ".", "The", "Dover", "boat", ",", "midday", "service", ",", "was", "on", "the", "point", "of", "starting", "from", "the", "quay", "at", "Calais", ",", "and", "luggage", "was", "being", "swung", "on", "to", "it", "in", "square", "trucks", ",", "the", "passengers", "having", "already", "embarked", ".", "The", "day", "before", "a", "midsummer", "storm", "had", "vexed", "the", "soul", "of", "the", "silver", "streak", ",", "which", "had", "turned", "to", "a", "grey", "pewter", "streak", "of", "a", "peculiarly", "streaky", "nature", ",", "with", "white", "tops", "to", "the", "waves", "that", "slung", "themselves", "over", "the", "head", "of", "the", "pier", ".", "Cabin", "-", "boys", "and", "stewards", "were", "making", "horrible", "dispositions", "of", "tinware", ",", "and", "the", "head", "steward", "was", "on", "the", "verge", "of", "distraction", ",", "since", "the", "whole", "world", "seemed", "to", "have", "chosen", "this", "particular", "day", "to", "return", "to", "England", ",", "and", "the", "whole", "world", ",", "with", "an", "eye", "on", "the", "Channel", ",", "desired", "private", "cabins", ",", "which", "were", "numerically", "less", "than", "the", "demand", ".", "At", "the", "moment", "he", "was", "trying", "to", "keep", "calm", "before", "the", "infuriated", "questions", "of", "a", "Frenchwoman", "who", "believed", "herself", "to", "be", "speaking", "English", "." ]
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Seen through the clear mountain air it seemed but three or four miles away , and Roger had difficulty in believing the merchants , when they assured him that it was fully twenty . This was Tepeaca . The slaves , wearied as they were , quickened in their pace ; and in two hours they emerged from the mountain gorges onto the temperate plateau . Here they halted for some hours near a post house , a courier being sent on to Tepeaca , to inform the king 's envoys that they had arrived thus far ; and to ask whether they should proceed at noon , when the slaves had rested , or make their entry into the town in the morning . In a little over four hours the answer was received . The merchants were directed to wait where they were until three hours after noon , then to move forward until they arrived within eight miles of the town , and then to halt for the night , and to start again at sunrise next morning . Roger was as glad as were the slaves that he had not another fifteen miles ' march before him , for the journey had been a most fatiguing one .
[ "Seen", "through", "the", "clear", "mountain", "air", "it", "seemed", "but", "three", "or", "four", "miles", "away", ",", "and", "Roger", "had", "difficulty", "in", "believing", "the", "merchants", ",", "when", "they", "assured", "him", "that", "it", "was", "fully", "twenty", ".", "This", "was", "Tepeaca", ".", "The", "slaves", ",", "wearied", "as", "they", "were", ",", "quickened", "in", "their", "pace", ";", "and", "in", "two", "hours", "they", "emerged", "from", "the", "mountain", "gorges", "onto", "the", "temperate", "plateau", ".", "Here", "they", "halted", "for", "some", "hours", "near", "a", "post", "house", ",", "a", "courier", "being", "sent", "on", "to", "Tepeaca", ",", "to", "inform", "the", "king", "'s", "envoys", "that", "they", "had", "arrived", "thus", "far", ";", "and", "to", "ask", "whether", "they", "should", "proceed", "at", "noon", ",", "when", "the", "slaves", "had", "rested", ",", "or", "make", "their", "entry", "into", "the", "town", "in", "the", "morning", ".", "In", "a", "little", "over", "four", "hours", "the", "answer", "was", "received", ".", "The", "merchants", "were", "directed", "to", "wait", "where", "they", "were", "until", "three", "hours", "after", "noon", ",", "then", "to", "move", "forward", "until", "they", "arrived", "within", "eight", "miles", "of", "the", "town", ",", "and", "then", "to", "halt", "for", "the", "night", ",", "and", "to", "start", "again", "at", "sunrise", "next", "morning", ".", "Roger", "was", "as", "glad", "as", "were", "the", "slaves", "that", "he", "had", "not", "another", "fifteen", "miles", "'", "march", "before", "him", ",", "for", "the", "journey", "had", "been", "a", "most", "fatiguing", "one", "." ]
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I 'll ask Hepton to give me an itinerary of the trip and I will wire when and where I will join you . You must go , Hephzy ; I insist upon it . '' In spite of my insisting Hephzy still declared she should not go . It was nearly midnight before she gave in . `` And if you DO N'T come in three days at the longest , '' she said , `` you 'll find me back here huntin ' you up . I mean that , Hosy , so you 'd better understand it . And now , '' rising from her chair , `` I 'm goin ' to see about the things you 're to wear while we 're separated .
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`` Holland is pretty wet , so they say , but we should be able to find some dry spots . '' She did not laugh . `` You know what I mean , '' she observed . `` To-morrow night at twelve o'clock we shall be far out on the vasty deep . '' `` We shall be on the ` Princess Eulalie , ' '' I answered . `` Go to sleep . '' Neither of us spoke the truth .
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Given a character or two and a situation , the beginning of one of those romances is , or was , pretty likely to be something like this : `` It was a black night . Heavy clouds had obscured the setting sun and now , as the clock in the great stone tower boomed twelve , the darkness was pitchy . '' That is a good safe beginning . Midnight , a stone tower , a booming clock , and darkness make an appeal to the imagination . On a night like that almost anything may happen . A reader of one of my romances -- and readers there must be , for the things did , and still do , sell to some extent -- might be fairly certain that something WOULD happen before the end of the second page . After that the somethings continued to happen as fast as I could invent them .
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Yet some little spirit of companionship had escaped her again , when she quoted the line , `` In the darkness thick and hot . '' And then , after that , she had walked back to the house , made him play billiards with Daisy , and had gone upstairs at the earliest possible opportunity . Nobody with the slightest prospect of winning his case could have accused Tom Lindfield of being sensitive in his perceptions , but nobody without the certainty of losing it could have accused him of not being fairly sound in his conclusions . What had happened to Mrs. Halton to make her so different to him -LRB- and , for that matter , to everybody else -RRB- since four o'clock that afternoon he did not try to decide , since he had no means of knowing . But what he did know was that this was a woman of enchanting moods . At one time she was good comrade , then she was friend , then for some reason she was some sort of shadow of these excellent things . They were there , but they were obscured by something else .
[ "Yet", "some", "little", "spirit", "of", "companionship", "had", "escaped", "her", "again", ",", "when", "she", "quoted", "the", "line", ",", "`", "`", "In", "the", "darkness", "thick", "and", "hot", ".", "''", "And", "then", ",", "after", "that", ",", "she", "had", "walked", "back", "to", "the", "house", ",", "made", "him", "play", "billiards", "with", "Daisy", ",", "and", "had", "gone", "upstairs", "at", "the", "earliest", "possible", "opportunity", ".", "Nobody", "with", "the", "slightest", "prospect", "of", "winning", "his", "case", "could", "have", "accused", "Tom", "Lindfield", "of", "being", "sensitive", "in", "his", "perceptions", ",", "but", "nobody", "without", "the", "certainty", "of", "losing", "it", "could", "have", "accused", "him", "of", "not", "being", "fairly", "sound", "in", "his", "conclusions", ".", "What", "had", "happened", "to", "Mrs.", "Halton", "to", "make", "her", "so", "different", "to", "him", "-LRB-", "and", ",", "for", "that", "matter", ",", "to", "everybody", "else", "-RRB-", "since", "four", "o'clock", "that", "afternoon", "he", "did", "not", "try", "to", "decide", ",", "since", "he", "had", "no", "means", "of", "knowing", ".", "But", "what", "he", "did", "know", "was", "that", "this", "was", "a", "woman", "of", "enchanting", "moods", ".", "At", "one", "time", "she", "was", "good", "comrade", ",", "then", "she", "was", "friend", ",", "then", "for", "some", "reason", "she", "was", "some", "sort", "of", "shadow", "of", "these", "excellent", "things", ".", "They", "were", "there", ",", "but", "they", "were", "obscured", "by", "something", "else", "." ]
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`` Yes , '' drily ; `` and we saw Sothern and Marlowe and had dinner at the Holland . The rest of the time we talked shop . That was the first visit . The second was more exciting still ; we talked shop ALL the time and you took the six o'clock train home again . '' `` You 're wrong there . I saw the new loan collections at the Metropolitan and heard Ysaye play at Carnegie Hall . I did n't start for home until the next day . ''
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Roger at once fell back into the crowd , and soon took an opportunity to extricate himself from it , and to go down a side street . He and Bathalda then ascended to the top of the wall , where they were likely to be undisturbed , and waited there for an hour . They then went back to the palace . The square in the front of it was almost deserted now ; for the Spaniards had retired , half an hour before , and were not likely to appear again until the evening ; especially as it was known that , at noon , there was to be a great council held in the palace . Ten minutes later Malinche appeared at the entrance . As soon as her eyes fell on Roger she raised her hand and , leaving Bathalda , he at once went up to her . The two sentinels looked with some surprise at this tall native , but as they saw that he was known to Malinche , they offered no opposition to his entering the palace with her .
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It looks so welcoming . Books , too ; everybody likes a book or two in his room . It 's so easy to do little things like that , and people appreciate it enormously . There 's the whole of the afternoon before us ; nobody will arrive till the five o'clock train . '' `` But I thought you said you expected him -- '' began Gladys . `` Darling , pray do n't criticize my last remark but three . Every remark becomes obsolete as soon as another remark is made . ''
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Lord Lindfield , indeed , alone supported Jeannie . `` I want ten minutes , '' he said ; `` neither more nor less . Jim , it 's time for you to go , else you will keep us waiting for dinner . I see that Mrs. Halton and I will be left alone at ten minutes past eight , and I at a quarter past . '' Jeannie heard this perfectly , but she turned quickly to Lady Nottingham . `` Alice , is it true that you have a post out after dinner ? '' she said .
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`` I will be going . Roger Hawkshaw will help you , '' Cuitcatl said . `` It will take some time for Bathalda to get the litters and the men . `` It is now ten o'clock . In three hours the litters shall be outside the little gate of the garden , and I will bring six porters to the private door at the foot of the stairs . '' `` That will be enough , '' the queen said . `` Two will be ample for our garments , and you and Roger Hawkshaw can take the jewels ; which , when we start , can go in the litters with us . ''
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`` Yes , '' drily ; `` and we saw Sothern and Marlowe and had dinner at the Holland . The rest of the time we talked shop . That was the first visit . The second was more exciting still ; we talked shop ALL the time and you took the six o'clock train home again . '' `` You 're wrong there . I saw the new loan collections at the Metropolitan and heard Ysaye play at Carnegie Hall . I did n't start for home until the next day . ''
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It was not much of a story , and , as I read it , I kept thinking that I could write as good a one . I had had such ideas before , but nothing had come of them . This time , however , I determined to try . In half an hour I had evolved a plot , such as it was , and at a quarter to twelve that night the story was finished . A highwayman was its hero and its scene the great North Road in England . My conceptions of highwaymen and the North Road -- of England , too , for that matter -- were derived from something I had read at some time or other , I suppose ; they must have been . At any rate , I finished that story , addressed the envelope to the editor of the magazine and dropped the envelope and its inclosure in the corner mail-box before I went to bed .
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`` The cazique has sent off a messenger for a party of his people to meet you . A boat will be in readiness to take you across the lake , at sunset . You will be carried in litters from the landing place to his palace . '' This programme was carried out and , by nine o'clock that evening , Roger and Amenche were both settled in luxurious apartments in the cazique 's palace . Cortez , now recovered from his wounds , prepared for a fresh advance ; which was this time to be conducted in a different manner . Against so stubborn and active a foe the advance must be irresistible , steady , and continued . In future , no step backward was to be taken .
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He would trust the caziques , for men of rank in whatever country are faithful to their word , and do not pretend friendship when they mean hostility . Were Montezuma guided by them , there would be no fear of treachery ; but as he has given himself to the priests , and they can , by means of the oracles , persuade him to almost anything , Cortez feels that the danger is great . '' `` Well now , we had better to rest , '' Cacama said , rising . `` You are to start with the first streak of light , so as to be back before the sun is high , and it is long past midnight now . `` Cuitcatl , it would , I think , be well for you to accompany our friend . A rumor may have got abroad that he is again our guest , and those who longed for his blood , before , may long for it again . I would not that he should cross the lake unattended . ''
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The latter rose to his feet and , with the aid of the native , unfastened the cords that bound his ankles together . For half an hour he paced up and down the chamber , to restore the circulation to his feet . Then the guard replaced the cords , but did it in such a way that , though they seemed as tight and secure as before , they would at a slight effort fall off , and leave him free . At eight o'clock in the evening the guard was relieved . He had told Roger that he was to listen for the cry of an owl outside , twice repeated ; and that upon hearing this , he would know that his friends were without . Roger listened anxiously for the password from his new guard ; but as it did not come , he concluded that Cuitcatl had not been able to bribe him , and that he must himself overpower the man . The Aztec placed himself at the loophole , and stood looking out ; turning , from time to time , to see by the light of the torch , which was fixed close to where Roger was lying , that he was making no attempt to release himself from his bonds .
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Yet some little spirit of companionship had escaped her again , when she quoted the line , `` In the darkness thick and hot . '' And then , after that , she had walked back to the house , made him play billiards with Daisy , and had gone upstairs at the earliest possible opportunity . Nobody with the slightest prospect of winning his case could have accused Tom Lindfield of being sensitive in his perceptions , but nobody without the certainty of losing it could have accused him of not being fairly sound in his conclusions . What had happened to Mrs. Halton to make her so different to him -LRB- and , for that matter , to everybody else -RRB- since four o'clock that afternoon he did not try to decide , since he had no means of knowing . But what he did know was that this was a woman of enchanting moods . At one time she was good comrade , then she was friend , then for some reason she was some sort of shadow of these excellent things . They were there , but they were obscured by something else .
[ "Yet", "some", "little", "spirit", "of", "companionship", "had", "escaped", "her", "again", ",", "when", "she", "quoted", "the", "line", ",", "`", "`", "In", "the", "darkness", "thick", "and", "hot", ".", "''", "And", "then", ",", "after", "that", ",", "she", "had", "walked", "back", "to", "the", "house", ",", "made", "him", "play", "billiards", "with", "Daisy", ",", "and", "had", "gone", "upstairs", "at", "the", "earliest", "possible", "opportunity", ".", "Nobody", "with", "the", "slightest", "prospect", "of", "winning", "his", "case", "could", "have", "accused", "Tom", "Lindfield", "of", "being", "sensitive", "in", "his", "perceptions", ",", "but", "nobody", "without", "the", "certainty", "of", "losing", "it", "could", "have", "accused", "him", "of", "not", "being", "fairly", "sound", "in", "his", "conclusions", ".", "What", "had", "happened", "to", "Mrs.", "Halton", "to", "make", "her", "so", "different", "to", "him", "-LRB-", "and", ",", "for", "that", "matter", ",", "to", "everybody", "else", "-RRB-", "since", "four", "o'clock", "that", "afternoon", "he", "did", "not", "try", "to", "decide", ",", "since", "he", "had", "no", "means", "of", "knowing", ".", "But", "what", "he", "did", "know", "was", "that", "this", "was", "a", "woman", "of", "enchanting", "moods", ".", "At", "one", "time", "she", "was", "good", "comrade", ",", "then", "she", "was", "friend", ",", "then", "for", "some", "reason", "she", "was", "some", "sort", "of", "shadow", "of", "these", "excellent", "things", ".", "They", "were", "there", ",", "but", "they", "were", "obscured", "by", "something", "else", "." ]
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she sniffed , `` that 's the first time I ever knew you to give in that there WAS a Little Frank . All right , I sha 'n' t say any more , but I hope the foreign poorhouses are more comfortable than ours , that 's all . If you make me keep on this way , I 'll fetch up in one before the first month 's over . '' We left for New York on the five o'clock train . Packing those `` Early English Poets '' was a confounded nuisance . They had to be stuffed here , there and everywhere amid my wearing apparel and Hephzibah prophesied evil to come . `` Books are the worse things goin ' to make creases , '' she declared .
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He had told Roger that he was to listen for the cry of an owl outside , twice repeated ; and that upon hearing this , he would know that his friends were without . Roger listened anxiously for the password from his new guard ; but as it did not come , he concluded that Cuitcatl had not been able to bribe him , and that he must himself overpower the man . The Aztec placed himself at the loophole , and stood looking out ; turning , from time to time , to see by the light of the torch , which was fixed close to where Roger was lying , that he was making no attempt to release himself from his bonds . It was not until nearly midnight that Roger heard the expected signal . No sooner was the second call given , than he pulled the knot which kept the cords together , raised himself noiselessly to his feet , and sprang upon the Aztec . Taken by surprise , the man was no more than a child in Roger 's strong grasp . In a moment he was thrown down , his cloth was twisted round his mouth , so as to prevent any cry from escaping him , and his arms were bound behind him with Roger 's rope .
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He found the boatmen asleep in their canoe . As soon as he aroused them , they seized their paddles and , on his taking his seat , pushed off . `` There is no occasion for speed , '' he said . `` It is but two o'clock now , and it is of no use our reaching Mexico until daybreak ; for the gates of the palace will be closed , and there will be no getting in , dressed as I am , until sunrise . '' They therefore paddled quietly across the lake , often resting for a considerable time , and so arranging that they approached the city at the same time as a number of market boats , from the villages on the lake . `` Well , '' Malinche asked with a smile , as he met her in one of the courts , as he entered , `` and where is your lady love ? '' `` I have not brought her here , '' he said , rather indignantly .
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This was a most faulty arrangement , necessitating frequent and long delays , and entailing almost certain disaster . Had three such portable bridges been constructed , the column could have crossed the causeway with comparatively little risk ; and there was no reason why these bridges should not have been constructed , as they could have been carried , without difficulty , by the Tlascalans . At midnight the troops were in readiness for the march . Mass was performed by Father Olmedo ; and at one o'clock on July 1st , 1520 , the Spaniards sallied out from the fortress that they had so stoutly defended . Silence reigned in the city . As noiselessly as possible , the troops made their way down the broad street , expecting every moment to be attacked ; but even the tramping of the horses , and the rumbling of the baggage wagons and artillery did not awake the sleeping Mexicans , and the head of the column arrived at the head of the causeway before they were discovered . Then , as the advanced guard were preparing to lay the portable bridge across the first opening , some Aztec sentinels gave the alarm .
[ "This", "was", "a", "most", "faulty", "arrangement", ",", "necessitating", "frequent", "and", "long", "delays", ",", "and", "entailing", "almost", "certain", "disaster", ".", "Had", "three", "such", "portable", "bridges", "been", "constructed", ",", "the", "column", "could", "have", "crossed", "the", "causeway", "with", "comparatively", "little", "risk", ";", "and", "there", "was", "no", "reason", "why", "these", "bridges", "should", "not", "have", "been", "constructed", ",", "as", "they", "could", "have", "been", "carried", ",", "without", "difficulty", ",", "by", "the", "Tlascalans", ".", "At", "midnight", "the", "troops", "were", "in", "readiness", "for", "the", "march", ".", "Mass", "was", "performed", "by", "Father", "Olmedo", ";", "and", "at", "one", "o'clock", "on", "July", "1st", ",", "1520", ",", "the", "Spaniards", "sallied", "out", "from", "the", "fortress", "that", "they", "had", "so", "stoutly", "defended", ".", "Silence", "reigned", "in", "the", "city", ".", "As", "noiselessly", "as", "possible", ",", "the", "troops", "made", "their", "way", "down", "the", "broad", "street", ",", "expecting", "every", "moment", "to", "be", "attacked", ";", "but", "even", "the", "tramping", "of", "the", "horses", ",", "and", "the", "rumbling", "of", "the", "baggage", "wagons", "and", "artillery", "did", "not", "awake", "the", "sleeping", "Mexicans", ",", "and", "the", "head", "of", "the", "column", "arrived", "at", "the", "head", "of", "the", "causeway", "before", "they", "were", "discovered", ".", "Then", ",", "as", "the", "advanced", "guard", "were", "preparing", "to", "lay", "the", "portable", "bridge", "across", "the", "first", "opening", ",", "some", "Aztec", "sentinels", "gave", "the", "alarm", "." ]
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So profoundly penetrated with thoughtfulness was the tone of his voice that I could not take umbrage . The attempt to analyze his signification cost me an aching forehead , perhaps because I knew it too acutely . She was on horseback ; I on foot , Schwartz for sole witness , and a wide space of rolling silent white country around us . We had met in the fall of the winter noon by accident . ` You like my Professor ? ' said Ottilia . ` I do : I respect him for his learning . '
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I could not eat , either , but I made the pretence of doing so . The next morning , at breakfast in the sitting-room , we were a silent pair . I do n't know what George , the waiter , thought of us . At a quarter after nine I turned away from the window through which I had been moodily regarding the donkey cart of a flower huckster in the street below . `` You 'd better get on your things , '' I said . `` It is time for us to go . '' Hephzy donned her hat and wrap .
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It was not much of a story , and , as I read it , I kept thinking that I could write as good a one . I had had such ideas before , but nothing had come of them . This time , however , I determined to try . In half an hour I had evolved a plot , such as it was , and at a quarter to twelve that night the story was finished . A highwayman was its hero and its scene the great North Road in England . My conceptions of highwaymen and the North Road -- of England , too , for that matter -- were derived from something I had read at some time or other , I suppose ; they must have been . At any rate , I finished that story , addressed the envelope to the editor of the magazine and dropped the envelope and its inclosure in the corner mail-box before I went to bed .
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Lord Lindfield , indeed , alone supported Jeannie . `` I want ten minutes , '' he said ; `` neither more nor less . Jim , it 's time for you to go , else you will keep us waiting for dinner . I see that Mrs. Halton and I will be left alone at ten minutes past eight , and I at a quarter past . '' Jeannie heard this perfectly , but she turned quickly to Lady Nottingham . `` Alice , is it true that you have a post out after dinner ? '' she said .
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`` Bring me tea , '' she said to our table steward on the third morning . `` I 've tried most every kind of coffee and lived through it , but I 'm gettin ' too old to keep on experimentin ' with my health . Bring me tea and I 'll try to forget what time it is . '' We had tea at breakfast , therefore , and tea at four in the afternoon . Hephzibah and I learned to take it with the rest . She watched her fellow-passengers , however , and as usual had something to say concerning their behavior . `` Did you hear that , Hosy ? ''
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I trust that you may live , and be happy , yet . '' `` Let us not stand here talking , '' the young cazique said . `` It is not as it was before . Then you might walk through the city at midnight , without meeting with a single person . We sleep no longer now , but make nightly attacks on the Spaniards ; and at any moment bodies of troops may come along . '' The little party moved forward , and in a minute descended the steps . Bathalda took his place in a small canoe lying there .
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At last the day came when everything was complete , the water casks filled , and the last packet and bale stored away in the hold ; and even Reuben Hawkshaw admitted that there was nothing else that he could think of , requisite either for the safety or navigation of the ship , or the provisioning or health of the crew . The order was passed round for all the old hands to be aboard before sunset , that evening , together with those who had been openly engaged to fill up the vacancies . As for the rest , the twelve recruiters each received private orders . Three of them were to bring down the men they had engaged to the wharf , abreast of the Swan , at eight o'clock ; and to go off in the boat which would be awaiting them there , under charge of Master Standing . Three others were to come half an hour later . The other six were to bring down their men at daybreak -- so that all would get on board unnoticed . The last meal at Master Diggory 's was but a dull one .
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So profoundly penetrated with thoughtfulness was the tone of his voice that I could not take umbrage . The attempt to analyze his signification cost me an aching forehead , perhaps because I knew it too acutely . She was on horseback ; I on foot , Schwartz for sole witness , and a wide space of rolling silent white country around us . We had met in the fall of the winter noon by accident . ` You like my Professor ? ' said Ottilia . ` I do : I respect him for his learning . '
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The little sleep I had was filled with dreams , dreams from which I awoke to toss restlessly . I rose and walked the floor , calling myself a fool , a silly old fool , over and over again . But when morning came my plan , a ridiculous , wild plan from which , even if it succeeded -- which was most unlikely -- nothing but added trouble and despair could possibly come , my plan was nearer its ultimate formation . At eleven o'clock that forenoon I walked up the marble steps of the Manor House and rang the bell . The butler , an exalted personage in livery , answered my ring . Mr. Heathcroft ? No , sir .
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I could not eat , either , but I made the pretence of doing so . The next morning , at breakfast in the sitting-room , we were a silent pair . I do n't know what George , the waiter , thought of us . At a quarter after nine I turned away from the window through which I had been moodily regarding the donkey cart of a flower huckster in the street below . `` You 'd better get on your things , '' I said . `` It is time for us to go . '' Hephzy donned her hat and wrap .
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A portable bridge had been prepared for crossing the canals which intersected the causeway ; the intention being that it should be laid across a canal , that the army should pass over it , and that it should then be carried forward to the next gap in the causeway . This was a most faulty arrangement , necessitating frequent and long delays , and entailing almost certain disaster . Had three such portable bridges been constructed , the column could have crossed the causeway with comparatively little risk ; and there was no reason why these bridges should not have been constructed , as they could have been carried , without difficulty , by the Tlascalans . At midnight the troops were in readiness for the march . Mass was performed by Father Olmedo ; and at one o'clock on July 1st , 1520 , the Spaniards sallied out from the fortress that they had so stoutly defended . Silence reigned in the city . As noiselessly as possible , the troops made their way down the broad street , expecting every moment to be attacked ; but even the tramping of the horses , and the rumbling of the baggage wagons and artillery did not awake the sleeping Mexicans , and the head of the column arrived at the head of the causeway before they were discovered .
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Sorrows and trials she had had in plenty in her life , but these the sweetness of her nature had transformed , so that from being things difficult to bear , she had built up with them her own character . Sorrow had increased her own power of sympathy ; out of trials she had learnt patience ; and failure and the gradual sinking of one she had loved into the bottomless slough of evil habit had but left her with an added dower of pity and tolerance . So the past had no sting left , and if iron had ever entered into her soul it now but served to make it strong . She was still young , too ; it was not near sunset with her yet , nor even midday , and the future that , humanly speaking , she counted to be hers was almost dazzling in its brightness . For love had dawned for her again , and no uncertain love , wrapped in the mists of memory , but one that had ripened through liking and friendship and intimacy into the authentic glory . He was in England , too ; she was going back to him . And before very long she would never go away from him again .
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He found the boatmen asleep in their canoe . As soon as he aroused them , they seized their paddles and , on his taking his seat , pushed off . `` There is no occasion for speed , '' he said . `` It is but two o'clock now , and it is of no use our reaching Mexico until daybreak ; for the gates of the palace will be closed , and there will be no getting in , dressed as I am , until sunrise . '' They therefore paddled quietly across the lake , often resting for a considerable time , and so arranging that they approached the city at the same time as a number of market boats , from the villages on the lake . `` Well , '' Malinche asked with a smile , as he met her in one of the courts , as he entered , `` and where is your lady love ? '' `` I have not brought her here , '' he said , rather indignantly .
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Impossible as it seems , the Spaniards may yet extricate themselves from the toils ; in which case I should join them . If not , and I find my escape by the coast cut off , by the rising of the tribes there , the only thing that I can see is to take to the mountains ; and to live there , as I did with Bathalda , on the proceeds of the chase . I might then , perhaps , in time make my way to people in the far north , who have not such reason as they have here for hating a man with a white skin ; or I might wait until the Spaniards send another expedition , to carry out what Cortez has failed to accomplish . '' Leaving their fires burning , the remains of the Spanish army marched , at midnight , from the temple where they had enjoyed rest , and had recruited their strength and spirits . The sick and wounded were placed in the center , and carried on litters , or on the backs of the porters ; while others , who were strong enough to sit upright , rode on the horses behind the mounted soldiers . All night the march continued without disturbance ; but in the morning , large parties of natives were seen moving about . Tlacopan lay on the most westerly point of the lake , and the most direct route of the Spaniards would have been to keep along by its margin ; but had they done so , they would have been liable to attack from the capital ; as the troops could have poured out across the causeway to Tepejacac , and headed them there .
[ "Impossible", "as", "it", "seems", ",", "the", "Spaniards", "may", "yet", "extricate", "themselves", "from", "the", "toils", ";", "in", "which", "case", "I", "should", "join", "them", ".", "If", "not", ",", "and", "I", "find", "my", "escape", "by", "the", "coast", "cut", "off", ",", "by", "the", "rising", "of", "the", "tribes", "there", ",", "the", "only", "thing", "that", "I", "can", "see", "is", "to", "take", "to", "the", "mountains", ";", "and", "to", "live", "there", ",", "as", "I", "did", "with", "Bathalda", ",", "on", "the", "proceeds", "of", "the", "chase", ".", "I", "might", "then", ",", "perhaps", ",", "in", "time", "make", "my", "way", "to", "people", "in", "the", "far", "north", ",", "who", "have", "not", "such", "reason", "as", "they", "have", "here", "for", "hating", "a", "man", "with", "a", "white", "skin", ";", "or", "I", "might", "wait", "until", "the", "Spaniards", "send", "another", "expedition", ",", "to", "carry", "out", "what", "Cortez", "has", "failed", "to", "accomplish", ".", "''", "Leaving", "their", "fires", "burning", ",", "the", "remains", "of", "the", "Spanish", "army", "marched", ",", "at", "midnight", ",", "from", "the", "temple", "where", "they", "had", "enjoyed", "rest", ",", "and", "had", "recruited", "their", "strength", "and", "spirits", ".", "The", "sick", "and", "wounded", "were", "placed", "in", "the", "center", ",", "and", "carried", "on", "litters", ",", "or", "on", "the", "backs", "of", "the", "porters", ";", "while", "others", ",", "who", "were", "strong", "enough", "to", "sit", "upright", ",", "rode", "on", "the", "horses", "behind", "the", "mounted", "soldiers", ".", "All", "night", "the", "march", "continued", "without", "disturbance", ";", "but", "in", "the", "morning", ",", "large", "parties", "of", "natives", "were", "seen", "moving", "about", ".", "Tlacopan", "lay", "on", "the", "most", "westerly", "point", "of", "the", "lake", ",", "and", "the", "most", "direct", "route", "of", "the", "Spaniards", "would", "have", "been", "to", "keep", "along", "by", "its", "margin", ";", "but", "had", "they", "done", "so", ",", "they", "would", "have", "been", "liable", "to", "attack", "from", "the", "capital", ";", "as", "the", "troops", "could", "have", "poured", "out", "across", "the", "causeway", "to", "Tepejacac", ",", "and", "headed", "them", "there", "." ]
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I sha 'n' t be surprised at anything anymore . I 'm in England and on my way to London ; that 's surprise enough . NOTHIN ' could be more wonderful than that . '' In Which We Are Received at Bancroft 's Hotel and I Receive a Letter It was late when we reached London , nearly eleven o'clock . The long train journey was a delight . During the few hours of daylight and dusk we peered through the car windows at the scenery flying past ; at the villages , the green fields , the hedges , the neat , trim farms . `` Everything looks as if it has been swept and dusted , '' declared Hephzy .
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Jim smiled . `` I know I did , '' he replied , `` but that is immaterial . You are not concerned with the ` Princess Eulalie . ' Your passages are booked on the ` Plutonia ' and she does n't leave her dock until one o'clock to-morrow morning . We will meet here for lunch at twelve-thirty . Come , Kent . '' I did n't attempt an answer .
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I did not join in `` the cheer Americain , '' but I did burst out laughing , a proceeding which caused the young lady at my left to pat my arm and nod delighted approval . She evidently thought I was becoming gay and lighthearted at last . She was never more mistaken . It was nearly two o'clock and I had had quite enough of L'Abbaye . I had not enjoyed myself -- had not expected to , so far as that went . I hope I am not a prig , and , whatever I am or am not , priggishness had no part in my feelings then . Under ordinary circumstances I should not have enjoyed myself in a place like that .
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Seen through the clear mountain air it seemed but three or four miles away , and Roger had difficulty in believing the merchants , when they assured him that it was fully twenty . This was Tepeaca . The slaves , wearied as they were , quickened in their pace ; and in two hours they emerged from the mountain gorges onto the temperate plateau . Here they halted for some hours near a post house , a courier being sent on to Tepeaca , to inform the king 's envoys that they had arrived thus far ; and to ask whether they should proceed at noon , when the slaves had rested , or make their entry into the town in the morning . In a little over four hours the answer was received . The merchants were directed to wait where they were until three hours after noon , then to move forward until they arrived within eight miles of the town , and then to halt for the night , and to start again at sunrise next morning . Roger was as glad as were the slaves that he had not another fifteen miles ' march before him , for the journey had been a most fatiguing one .
[ "Seen", "through", "the", "clear", "mountain", "air", "it", "seemed", "but", "three", "or", "four", "miles", "away", ",", "and", "Roger", "had", "difficulty", "in", "believing", "the", "merchants", ",", "when", "they", "assured", "him", "that", "it", "was", "fully", "twenty", ".", "This", "was", "Tepeaca", ".", "The", "slaves", ",", "wearied", "as", "they", "were", ",", "quickened", "in", "their", "pace", ";", "and", "in", "two", "hours", "they", "emerged", "from", "the", "mountain", "gorges", "onto", "the", "temperate", "plateau", ".", "Here", "they", "halted", "for", "some", "hours", "near", "a", "post", "house", ",", "a", "courier", "being", "sent", "on", "to", "Tepeaca", ",", "to", "inform", "the", "king", "'s", "envoys", "that", "they", "had", "arrived", "thus", "far", ";", "and", "to", "ask", "whether", "they", "should", "proceed", "at", "noon", ",", "when", "the", "slaves", "had", "rested", ",", "or", "make", "their", "entry", "into", "the", "town", "in", "the", "morning", ".", "In", "a", "little", "over", "four", "hours", "the", "answer", "was", "received", ".", "The", "merchants", "were", "directed", "to", "wait", "where", "they", "were", "until", "three", "hours", "after", "noon", ",", "then", "to", "move", "forward", "until", "they", "arrived", "within", "eight", "miles", "of", "the", "town", ",", "and", "then", "to", "halt", "for", "the", "night", ",", "and", "to", "start", "again", "at", "sunrise", "next", "morning", ".", "Roger", "was", "as", "glad", "as", "were", "the", "slaves", "that", "he", "had", "not", "another", "fifteen", "miles", "'", "march", "before", "him", ",", "for", "the", "journey", "had", "been", "a", "most", "fatiguing", "one", "." ]
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`` I am I , and I am yours . Never doubt that . '' All that day there was no possible cause for his doubting it . The conspirator-plan succeeded to admiration , and Lord Lindfield and Daisy , with a somewhat faint-intentioned Gladys , had waited in the hall till a quarter to eleven . Then it was discovered that Jeannie had not been seen in the house since ten , and Gladys , victorious over her faint intentions , had stopped at home , while Daisy and Lord Lindfield walked rapidly to church , arriving there in the middle of the psalms . Jeannie had been gaily apologetic afterwards . She had not heard at breakfast that anybody except herself and Mr. Braithwaite meant to go to church , and , coming home , she paired herself off with Daisy .
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Impossible as it seems , the Spaniards may yet extricate themselves from the toils ; in which case I should join them . If not , and I find my escape by the coast cut off , by the rising of the tribes there , the only thing that I can see is to take to the mountains ; and to live there , as I did with Bathalda , on the proceeds of the chase . I might then , perhaps , in time make my way to people in the far north , who have not such reason as they have here for hating a man with a white skin ; or I might wait until the Spaniards send another expedition , to carry out what Cortez has failed to accomplish . '' Leaving their fires burning , the remains of the Spanish army marched , at midnight , from the temple where they had enjoyed rest , and had recruited their strength and spirits . The sick and wounded were placed in the center , and carried on litters , or on the backs of the porters ; while others , who were strong enough to sit upright , rode on the horses behind the mounted soldiers . All night the march continued without disturbance ; but in the morning , large parties of natives were seen moving about . Tlacopan lay on the most westerly point of the lake , and the most direct route of the Spaniards would have been to keep along by its margin ; but had they done so , they would have been liable to attack from the capital ; as the troops could have poured out across the causeway to Tepejacac , and headed them there .
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I crossed the ground she had traversed , noting every feature surrounding it , the curving wheel-track , the thin prickly sand-herbage , the wave - mounds , the sparse wet shells and pebbles , the gleaming flatness of the water , and the vast horizon-boundary of pale flat land level with shore , looking like a dead sister of the sea . By a careful examination of my watch and the sun 's altitude , I was able to calculate what would , in all likelihood , have been his height above yonder waves when her chair was turned toward the city , at a point I reached in the track . But of the matter then simultaneously occupying my mind , to recover which was the second supreme task I proposed to myself-of what . I also was thinking upon the stroke of five o'clock , I could recollect nothing . I could not even recollect whether I happened to be looking on sun and waves when she must have had them full and glorious in her face . With the heartiest consent I could give , and a blank cheque , my father returned to England to hire forthwith a commodious yacht , fitted and manned . Before going he discoursed of prudence in our expenditure ; though not for the sake of the mere money in hand , which was a trifle , barely more than the half of my future income ; but that the squire , should he by and by bethink him of inspecting our affairs , might perceive we were not spendthrifts .
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The slaves , wearied as they were , quickened in their pace ; and in two hours they emerged from the mountain gorges onto the temperate plateau . Here they halted for some hours near a post house , a courier being sent on to Tepeaca , to inform the king 's envoys that they had arrived thus far ; and to ask whether they should proceed at noon , when the slaves had rested , or make their entry into the town in the morning . In a little over four hours the answer was received . The merchants were directed to wait where they were until three hours after noon , then to move forward until they arrived within eight miles of the town , and then to halt for the night , and to start again at sunrise next morning . Roger was as glad as were the slaves that he had not another fifteen miles ' march before him , for the journey had been a most fatiguing one . He thought that the absolute distance traversed did not exceed thirty miles , but owing to the difficulties of the road , and the care that had to be taken in traversing it at night , even with the assistance of the torches carried by the soldiers of the caravan , it had taken them twenty hours , including occasional halts , to perform the journey . An abundance of food was brought in by the neighboring villagers , and the merchants issued an extra supply of cocoa to the slaves ; and when the march was resumed , late in the afternoon , the latter had completely recovered from their fatigue .
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At last the day came when everything was complete , the water casks filled , and the last packet and bale stored away in the hold ; and even Reuben Hawkshaw admitted that there was nothing else that he could think of , requisite either for the safety or navigation of the ship , or the provisioning or health of the crew . The order was passed round for all the old hands to be aboard before sunset , that evening , together with those who had been openly engaged to fill up the vacancies . As for the rest , the twelve recruiters each received private orders . Three of them were to bring down the men they had engaged to the wharf , abreast of the Swan , at eight o'clock ; and to go off in the boat which would be awaiting them there , under charge of Master Standing . Three others were to come half an hour later . The other six were to bring down their men at daybreak -- so that all would get on board unnoticed . The last meal at Master Diggory 's was but a dull one .
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We tried to trace her , of course . That is , I tried and Hephzy did not dissuade me , although she realized , I am sure , the hopelessness of the quest . Frances had left the rectory very early in the morning . The hostler at the inn had been much surprised to find her awaiting him when he came down to the yard at five o'clock . She was obliged to go to London , she said , and must take the very first train : Would he drive her to Haddington on Hill at once ? He did so -- probably she had offered him a great deal more than the regular fare -- and she had taken the train . Questioning the hostler , who was a surly , uncommunicative lout , resulted in my learning very little in addition to this .
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I crossed the ground she had traversed , noting every feature surrounding it , the curving wheel-track , the thin prickly sand-herbage , the wave - mounds , the sparse wet shells and pebbles , the gleaming flatness of the water , and the vast horizon-boundary of pale flat land level with shore , looking like a dead sister of the sea . By a careful examination of my watch and the sun 's altitude , I was able to calculate what would , in all likelihood , have been his height above yonder waves when her chair was turned toward the city , at a point I reached in the track . But of the matter then simultaneously occupying my mind , to recover which was the second supreme task I proposed to myself-of what . I also was thinking upon the stroke of five o'clock , I could recollect nothing . I could not even recollect whether I happened to be looking on sun and waves when she must have had them full and glorious in her face . With the heartiest consent I could give , and a blank cheque , my father returned to England to hire forthwith a commodious yacht , fitted and manned . Before going he discoursed of prudence in our expenditure ; though not for the sake of the mere money in hand , which was a trifle , barely more than the half of my future income ; but that the squire , should he by and by bethink him of inspecting our affairs , might perceive we were not spendthrifts .
[ "I", "crossed", "the", "ground", "she", "had", "traversed", ",", "noting", "every", "feature", "surrounding", "it", ",", "the", "curving", "wheel", "-", "track", ",", "the", "thin", "prickly", "sand", "-", "herbage", ",", "the", "wave", "-", "mounds", ",", "the", "sparse", "wet", "shells", "and", "pebbles", ",", "the", "gleaming", "flatness", "of", "the", "water", ",", "and", "the", "vast", "horizon", "-", "boundary", "of", "pale", "flat", "land", "level", "with", "shore", ",", "looking", "like", "a", "dead", "sister", "of", "the", "sea", ".", "By", "a", "careful", "examination", "of", "my", "watch", "and", "the", "sun", "'s", "altitude", ",", "I", "was", "able", "to", "calculate", "what", "would", ",", "in", "all", "likelihood", ",", "have", "been", "his", "height", "above", "yonder", "waves", "when", "her", "chair", "was", "turned", "toward", "the", "city", ",", "at", "a", "point", "I", "reached", "in", "the", "track", ".", "But", "of", "the", "matter", "then", "simultaneously", "occupying", "my", "mind", ",", "to", "recover", "which", "was", "the", "second", "supreme", "task", "I", "proposed", "to", "myself", "-", "of", "what", ".", "I", "also", "was", "thinking", "upon", "the", "stroke", "of", "five", "o'clock", ",", "I", "could", "recollect", "nothing", ".", "I", "could", "not", "even", "recollect", "whether", "I", "happened", "to", "be", "looking", "on", "sun", "and", "waves", "when", "she", "must", "have", "had", "them", "full", "and", "glorious", "in", "her", "face", ".", "With", "the", "heartiest", "consent", "I", "could", "give", ",", "and", "a", "blank", "cheque", ",", "my", "father", "returned", "to", "England", "to", "hire", "forthwith", "a", "commodious", "yacht", ",", "fitted", "and", "manned", ".", "Before", "going", "he", "discoursed", "of", "prudence", "in", "our", "expenditure", ";", "though", "not", "for", "the", "sake", "of", "the", "mere", "money", "in", "hand", ",", "which", "was", "a", "trifle", ",", "barely", "more", "than", "the", "half", "of", "my", "future", "income", ";", "but", "that", "the", "squire", ",", "should", "he", "by", "and", "by", "bethink", "him", "of", "inspecting", "our", "affairs", ",", "might", "perceive", "we", "were", "not", "spendthrifts", "." ]
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And you think our run will be better than five hundred and eighty ? '' `` It should be , unless there is a remarkable change . This ship makes over six hundred , day after day , in good weather . She should do at least six hundred by to-morrow noon , unless there is a sudden change , as I said . '' `` But six hundred would be -- it would be the high field , by Jove ! '' `` Anything over five hundred and ninety-four would be that . The numbers are very low to-night .
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