Do you think I should take a vacation?
tayban lik khess nchedd 3oTla?
May I suggest you speak to you colleagues
momkin n9tar7 3lik t8Der m3a nnas lli khddamin m3ak
What do I do?
ach ghandir?
This is very common and nothing to worry about.
hadchi 3adi w tta haja makat9elle9
the pressure has indeed affected your general emotional state
DDaghT blfi3l 2etter 3la l7ala l3aTifia l3amma dyalk
ok, I get it.
Safi, fhmtek.
Yeah, probably.
ah, ghaaliban
Yes but the translation was wrong
ah walakin tterjama kant ghalTa
Do you feel she herself is under pressure from her director?
wach kayballik anna8a hia t7t DDaghT mn lmoudir dyalha?
I admire him very much.
kay3jbni bzzaf.
Maybe she is constantly worried about not meeting her targets.
imkn hia dima khayfa mat7e99e9ch l a8daf dyalha.
Do you have colleagues who feel stressed like you?
wach nnas lli khddamin m3ak tay7sso bttawttor b7alek?
Is your boss a lady or a man?
chef dyalk mra olla rajl?
I think we're all stressed and at the same time all admire her.
tayballia 7na kollna mstressyin w fnfs lw9t kollna tat3jebna.
A lady, I think.
mra, tayballia
I told you, it's a woman.
gltha lik, rah mra.
Very beautiful
zwina bzzaf
But his reviews are always justified.
walakin lmola7aDat dyalo dima mberrerin.
when I'm running a little late or I don't do whatever she wants
fach tankon m3TTel chwia olla matandirch chi haja bghat8a
I hit my targets.
799e9t l a8daf dyali.
I work a lot, which allows me to do my job properly.
tankhdm bzzaf, dakchi lli taykhllini ndir khdmti mzyan.
Tell me, are you able to do your work with confidence?
gollia, wach nta 9add tdir khdmtk bkoll ti9a?
do you feel unable to reach the expected targets?
wach kat7ess brask ma9addch tossel l a8daf lli 3wwlti 3liha?
I'm talking about the manager of my department
tan8Der 3la lmoudir dyal lmSla7a dyali
Yes, it is.
ah, kayna.
She doesn't tolerate mediocrity.
makattsame7ch m3a lbsala
Yes, sir.
ayeh amoulay
Are there any women around you that you find difficult to deal with?
wach kaynin chi 3yalat dayrin bik lli S3ib 3lik tt3aml m3ahom?
in your work or elsewhere
flkhdma dyalk olla 3la brra
Yes, I understand.
ah, fhemtek.
No, nothing special, I think.
lla, tta haja maghriba, fnaDari.
Have you had any unusual or unpleasant experiences recently?
wach dwwzti chi tajarib ma3adyyach olla fchkel mo2kharan?
things that you feel may have been caused by something you did
chi 7wayj lli kat7ess i9dr ikono bsbab chi haja drtiha
Of course not.
Tab3an lla.
You think I'm going crazy?
kayballik ana kan7ma9?
No, no one I recognize.
lla, tta wahd makan3arfo.
Your sister, your mother, a friend?
khtek, lwalida dyalk, chi Sadi9?
Can you recognize anybody you know?
t9der tjbed chi wahd kat3arfo?
Is it always the same voice?
dima nefs SSout?
Often, it's to criticize me.
ghaliban, bach inta9doni
A female voice who sometimes comment on what I'm doing.
Sout dyal l3yalat hoa li mrra mrra kay3elle9 3la dakchi lli kandir.
For a few months, sometimes I feel like I hear a voice talking in my head.
chi ch8oura hado, b3d lmrrat kan7ess b7al ala kansme3 chi Sout kayhder fost rasi
I'm here to see you because I don't understand what's happening to me
ana 8na bach nchoufk 7it makanf8emch ach kayo93 lia
How may I assist you?
kifach n9der n3awnek?
I believe this is the first time we have met.
kanDenn hadi awwal mrra kantla9aw.
Feel free to come back if you still have questions.
3awd douz ala ba9i 3ndk chi as2ila.
You're welcome.
I'll send it over to you as soon as it's finished.
daba nSiftha lik o9tmma kmlat.
Good luck.
I promise.
But you must respect that new deadline
walakin khssk t7tarm had lw9t jjdid
Would it be possible for you to give me an extension to the deadline, say another two weeks?
wach momkin lik tzidni chwia tlwe9t, goul chi joj simanat hakkak?
2000 words
2000 klma
How many words is a short paragraph?
ch7al mn klma fchi f9ra Sghira?
This is really helping me think through what I need to write, thank you.
hadchi SSara7a kay3awnni nfkker f ach khssni nkteb, lay7fdek
What happened back then?
ach w9e3 fdak lwe9t?
Do I present the essay as factual or do I take a political view point?
wach n9ddem lma9al 3la annaho waa9i3i olla nakhod wij8at naDar siyasia?
That could be interesting.
hadchi tayban mo8imm.
I've just checked that date on Google
yallah cheft ttarikh f Google
Ah, ok.
ah, wakha.
So the first thing you do is choose.
idan awwal haja ddirha hia tkhtar
This one may be historic
hadi t9dr tkon taarikhia
we're hearing a lot about it right now
tansm3o 3lih bzzaf daba
But there are so many options to choose from.
walakin rah kaynin 3rram tlkhtyarat lli tkhtar mnnhom.
you have to start by asking about it
khssk tbda b3da tsowwel 3lih
explain and define the field
fsser o 3erref lmaydan
it's up to you to define it.
nta li khssek t3errfo.
Are we talking about British or French politics?
wach tan8Dro 3la ssyasa lbriTania ola lfransawia?
I've been asked to write an essay on politics but I don't know where to start
ttgal lia nkteb wahd lma9al 3la ssyasa walakin ma3rftch mnin nbda
Can you explain what you don't understand?
momkin tchre7 chno lli mafhemtich?
I've been told that I can't drive
ttgal lia annaho maymknch nSoug
We're going back to work together
ghankhdmo mjmou3in
Well, that's okay
Safi, chi bas makayn
I've really struggled to understand what it is I have to do
wa tkerfeSt blm39oul bach nfhem ach khssni ndir
Hi, I'm sorry my homework is late
salam, sme7 lia 3TTelt tamarin dyali
Carry on -I have to go now.
kmmel -khessni nmchi daba.
It's early!
ba9i l7al!
Oh, I think the first guests are coming
Oh, tayballia DDyaf llowlin jayyin
Yes, sir.
ayeh amoulay.
Don't worry, but make sure you know what's what tomorrow
kon hani, walakin ti99en annak 3arf chno kayn ghedda
Yes, sorry.
ah, ssmou7at.
You will have to get to know the kitchen better or you will slow us all down
ghaykhssek t3ref lkouzina mzyan olla ghat3TTlna kamlin
I believe this is the first time we've used this thing
kayballia hadi hia lmerra llowla li khddmna fiha had ll3iba
I don't know the location of all the ingredients yet
ana ma3arefch lblasa dyal ga3 lma9adir 7ttal daba
Oh, sorry
a7, smou7at
I can't find it!
ma9dertch nl9ah!
Yes, sir, no problem.
wakha amoulay, makaynch lmouchkil.
you thought it was over
S7ablik salina
I can peel the potatoes.
n9der n9echcher bTaTa.
It makes me hungry!
kayjib lia jjou3!
I'll go to Tangier
ghanmchi l Tanja
What about the other one?
ach ballik flakhor?
That should be good.
hadchi kayban mzyan.
Please remember to clear away after you have finished
3afak matnsach tn99i lblaSa mora matsali
That's fine
makayn bas
I'll start with the fennel, it takes longer
ghanbda bl bsbas, kayakhod lwe9t
may God have mercy on your parents
allah ir7m lik lwalidin