1 value
hello doctor I am 38 years old and my wife is 36 years old we are married for the last two years and trying for a baby for the last one year almost by our gynecologist advise we underwent an I cycle which resulted in missed abortion at seven weeks due to no growth of fetus after five weeks done and karyotype of abortion showed a chromosomal abnormality remarks as below aborted fetus karyotype 69 ex banded metaphase shows triploidy wife condition a age 36 years no issue yet has a subserous uterus fibroid of size 68 62 my and bulky uterus had thyearoid and she takes thyearoxin 50 my every day last ash is 48 sugar is under control and tac is normal in childhood she had one occurrence of epilepsy husband condition a age 38 years nonsmoker and non drinker semen analysis result is normal fertile specimen shaving a bit high uric acid in the last one year under medicine karyotyping results of partners husband 46 xy banded metaphase shows normal karyotype wife 46 ex high frequency of banded metaphase shows telomeric association of chromosomes 3 16 my questions are is it possible that after fibroid removal she can conceive a baby in a normal way can there be any bad effect on baby health physical and mental due to the dna abnormality found in her report
hello welcome to icliniq com as far as the subserous nature of the fibroid is concerned which is around 7cm am it per se is not going to have an effect or cause hindrance in conception but it is likely that it can cause problems during the pregnancy and in the late third trimester due to abdominal pain so it is advisable that it should be removed anyways as the size is a concern here and can cause incoordinate uterine contractions during labor later and also chances are that it would further grow under estrogen effect hence better get it removed as the fetus showed triploidy banded metaphase which as per the mother report she has high chances of replication of similar results in future pregnancies as well which may not be compatible with life and likely missed abortions may occur in future hence it is suggested that both of you should try for an if in vitro fertilization with ovum and sperm harvesting and in vitro fertilization of the egg by your sperm and subjecting the embryos to preimplantation genetic screening with fish fluorescence in situ hybridization technique or per polymerase chain reaction or comparative genomic hybridization cgh before selecting the embryo for transplanting into the uterus though the frequency of banded metaphase telomeric association is high for 3 16 and chromosome the chances of the fetus getting triploidy are very high another best option for you as a couple would be to opt for a donor egg from another woman which can be fertilized in vitro by your sperm and then the embryo after pre implantation genetic screening can be implanted in your wife womb to improve the chances of having a healthy conception I hope this helps
hello doctor I am suffering from a disease called uveitis and I visit a doctor every six to seven months for injecting kenacort 40 my on each eye when needed or when the inflammation starts again I want to know that when this procedure is going to end or will I have to go for injections for my entire life I want to know that if I travel to some countries the vision loss occurs sometimes or the effect of injection comes to an end can this injection be injected anywhere around the world please guide what would be the procedure for that I am currently taking deltacortril and cellcept
hello I understand that you are suffering from uveitis and are on antiglaucoma drops and previously were on immune suppressive tablets I feel that you may be suffering from an underlying disease that is hampering your immune system we call these as autoimmune disorders the ideal solution to these problems in general would be to find out the cause for this immune disorder and treat it this can be done using blood tests for substances called antibodies ab following which specific treatment can be instituted injection kenocort triamcinolone is an emergency measure employed in case of severe cases not responding to treatment these injections cannot be given on a regular basis as they cause complications like cataract and worsening of glaucoma kenocort injection is available in most places around the world but the guidelines for doctors in different countries may vary and some may not choose to perform this procedure in view of the side effects if you would like to know more kindly attach your blood tests and doctor reports
hi doctor I am concerned about the health of my nephew who has got brain injury during his birth in the past he had ha supplements and used to do exercise I need your consult regarding the extent of injury effects solutions and medication please guide
hi revert back with the asked details to a neurologist online
hello doctor I had seven teeth extracted today just the roots anyway over two of the teeth the dentist said there was an infection I did not get any antibiotics but she cleaned the area after there is a lot of swelling in that area and the gums are real red and like an ulcer but not much pain is this normal how do I know if it is infected or dry socket or anything else it could be
hi I have seen the photos nothing to worry about for the swelling give cold pack from the outside of the extraction area do not spit or rinse the mouth for a day drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated do not suck anything such as ice cubes using a straw to have liquid etc because it will lead to dislodgement of the blood clot do not see the extraction site every time it will heal in seven to ten days after 24 hours of extraction rinse your mouth with lukewarm saline water three to four times a day it will help in healing do not smoke or chew tobacco do not drink alcohol or sodas have semi solid food for two to three days dry socket is caused by the dislodgement of the blood clot from the extraction socket in your case white color film is there that clot is covering the socket wait for one more day if the swelling does not reduce consult your dentist if you could provide me your age gender and medical history I will be able to advise on medication as well
hello doctor I am trying to understand my recent prescription I received and no longer can contact the doctor od 75 50 x070 os 75 50 x010 these are computer reading glasses is it normal if things are blurry at a distance even three feet starts to look weird on reading online I read this as slightly farsighted with slight nearsighted astigmatism in both eyes how is that possible
hello welcome to icliniq com in the prescription you have mentioned there are two components the spherical 75 and the cylindrical 5 at axes 70 10 respectively the important thing to note here is that reading glasses per se are given to people above 40 years of age in your case I feel that this power is probably your distance correction the doctor might have felt that they may be a bit cumbersome to wear all the time and would have given a small magnitude of power and probably have told you only to put them on during intense visual activities like watching computers reading books etc an accurate way to say whether these were meant for distance or for reading is to recall how you were tested at the doctor office in the first place suppose they made you sit at a distance and asked you to read out the letters on a screen then these are distance vision glasses if they had tested the power by giving you a book in your hand and asked you to read it then these would be reading glasses so coming back to your question firstly reading glasses are meant only for distances around am from you for the books and around 100 am for the computers and you would not be able to see beyond this second the far sighted power of 75 is determined by the length of your eyeball in case of far sightedness the eyeballs are shorter compared to normal and in near sightedness they are longer the astigmatic power is determined by the curvature of your cornea in your case myopic astigmatism the corneas are steeper at axes of 70 and 10 degrees respectively compared to the rest of the cornea in hypermetropic astigmatism they are flatter in that particular meridian compared to the rest of the cornea I hope this helps
hello doctor I take sompraz d20 on an empty stomach every day I also take libotryp at night for stomach to for the last one year I have pain in my lower teeth while eating anything one year ago a small cavity was also detected for which I underwent airbrushing and filling I suspect that the filling came out from my lower teeth yesterday I have this tooth sensitivity for the last 15 days it pains a lot when I eat otherwise it is fine I also take duonase nasal spray two times also for dry eyes I take I dew is eye drops my recent vitamin is 25 48 no my suggest me any gel or cream to cure this cavity also I am highly sensitive and allergic to smell so please prescribe me gel or cream accordingly
hi welcome to icliniq com see the first thing that I need to know is that is whether the pain is present in a single tooth or multiple teeth as you mentioned in your question that the filling has come out so please make it clear that is the tooth that has lost filling is painful alone or more teeth also please click the picture of your teeth that are painful and upload please revert back with the answer
hello doctor I am 23 years old male I have had thyearoid issues since a young child after a few years they concluded it was thyearoiditis currently I take eutirox 75 my and have for about a year before that I took 50 my ever since 8 months I am not sure about the timeframe I have had issues with extreme sweating under armpits for example I am in a 2c room and start sweating insanely I go outside lay on the hot sun and I stop sweating minutes after putting on a shirt there are considerable sweat marks on my armpits 10 minutes after it is a huge sweat mark it is also irregular some days it is crazy other days not so much I have never had issues with sweat ever on the right side of my head I now have white hair that definitely were not there a year ago even months ago it was just hairs attached are my lab results the doctor said it was normal however during the conversation I said my breakfast was a couple eggs sometimes pancakes and fresh juice he replied it should be milk and bread so I have began looking for another doctor for that reason what can I do to find the best doctor and would it be ok for me to go back to eutirox 50 my while I look for a new doctor or can this cause a serious issue ray resume says the following translated by me thyearoid with normal dimensions right lobe measuring 14 50x13mm and the left lobe 13 53 12mm with lobutlated shape its ecostructure is diffusely heterogeneous with multiple areas hipoecogenic poorly defined aspects to which is associated the increase of vascularisation on the doppler color study changes compatible with thyearoiditis near the inferior pole of the left lobe some reactive ganglionic can be observed the biggest measuring about my
hi you are sweating due to the increased dose of eutirox and that is perfectly normal and expected in a person with thyearoiditis being treated with medication this only means that you are being correctly treated with respect to your thyearoid function the few white hair that you noted could be due to stress that you have in your day to day life or simply without any reason they can occur they have nothing to do with your thyearoid function your breakfast is good but maybe the doctor meant to decrease the calories I do not see anything that should make you search another doctor but ofcourse it is your right to do so if you wish try to live a stress free life and you will find many of your symptoms resolving
hello doctor I am 30 years old I was diagnosed with non ulcer dyspepsia seven years back was treated with probiotics and it helped a little bit now my complaint is frequent flatulence foul smelling and irregular bowel movements sit to times daily with only episode of almost complete defecation and others scant and incomplete history of frequent flatulence for years acute gastritis after heavy alcohol intake 4 times by last year managed with antacids my dietary habits are irregular timings with missed diets 4 times a week I smoke occasionally history of alcohol intake 180 my hard liquor days a week for years 6 days a week for an year 300 my 6 days a week for an year I have no other medical co morbidities or past surgeries ocd for 5years being treated with saris fluvoxamine for years and escitalopram for the past 10 months pips for 10 days times in years family history nothing significant did a fibroscan liver let and us abdomen 10 months back and were normal let every three months since then were normal now may I please know what will be the solution for my current complaints
hi it looks like is symptoms you need medicine along with some lifestyle changes continue escitalopram and isabgol take tablet rifagut 50 my twice daily tablet normaxin twice daily tablet esomac 40 my once daily before breakfast tablet folvite my once daily
hi doctor I am 24 years old having pod and thyearoid from past years as well as my weight has increased to 65 keg from 50 keg within these three years my height is 9 it I am suffering lot to reduce my weight and it is not happening now I am planning to conceive please suggest me medication to reduce my weight as well as to conceive
hi thyearoid and pod both affect fertility so need precautions investigations on regular basis if needed treatment and dose adjustments accordingly thyearoid abnormalities can affect fertility periods flow regularity can cause miscarriages increases risks of congenital anomalies in fetus etc so have regular consultations and check of thyearoid levels so can have dose adjustments polycystic ovaries can disturb periods scanty irregular can give abnormal hair growth sudden weight gain disturb insulin levels that increases risks of having diabetes as well as disturb metabolism main factor that will help is weight reduction or balanced weight and mi by daily exercise yoga and walk can take help of instructor have balanced diet with less sugar oil spice and salt can adjust with dietician to guide for balanced diet have folic acid daily and sex in fertile period of cycle you can have tablet glucophage 500 my twice daily after food and if feels low sugar levels then better start with lesser dose to regulate periods for cycles in addition to weight reduction folic acid and glucophage can be taken with combined oral contraceptive pills to regulate cycles husband general health also needs attention should quit smoking or any other recreational drug after months start sex in fertile period of cycle have complete treatment for any health issue you or partner have send me recent transvaginal scan and blood tests on day of periods testosterone progesterone insulin prolactin fish and oh thyearoid function test if conceived continue glucophage in whole first trimester and then discuss here or with treating doctor
hello doctor I got cervical neuropathy 10 days back got mri days back on bed rest analgesic got depomedrol 80 my shot pregabalin methycobalamine and oral medrol have not got any muscular weakness or um signs mild parasthesia in thumb and index finger of right hand pain has decreased by around 30 40 percent since it started 10 days back and I am not taking any nsaids for last days I have got a few concerns do these changes occur at this age 43 years how bad are the degenerative changes any need of surgical intervention how much time usually it takes for complete resolution of acute episode is it going to be a trouble in future as well I mean repeat episodes or further complications what should be the life style changes after resolution of acute episode you know the nature of a pediatricians job if at all surgery is required in future further canal stenosis causing cord compression how risky is the surgery and how are the results
hi I have gone through your medical history and the attached reports in detail it does not seem to be a serious matter at present yes neuropathies are common at this age usually it takes around to weeks for an acute episode to resolve depending on the symptoms if proper care is taken avoiding use of pillow avoiding lifting heavy weights neck exercises usually symptoms do not recur at present there is no need of surgery you are doing pretty well and recovering fast use cervical soft collar and take analgesic for atleast 10 days get a repeat mri after months well decompression surgery is risky and has side effects and should better be avoided
hi doctor recently been concerned about a carbon monoxide leak in my pick up recently after a hour interstate drive I stopped and did a carboxyhemoglobin blood test the results came back at 3 I felt that was on the high side of normal so I took it to another exhaust place he claimed it had a small leak and repaired it so this past week we took it on another hour drive this time my wife and I both tested again mine came back at and the wifes at 8 is this normal after driving this distance or should I be concerned
hi welcome to icliniq com carboxyhemoglobin level is raised by various reasons and the inhalation of carbon monoxide is one of the reason our body has many mechanism to increase carboxyhemoglobin level for you and your wife the level is normal and nothing to worry lab to lab variation intro instrumental variation human physiological variations are the reason for different values at different time points in case of carbon monoxide poisoning breathing difficulties bluish discoloration of body blood are commonly seen in such case just inhalation of fresh air can be helpful in such cases the carboxyhemoglobin level is higher than your levels so I suggest to leave the worry go for brisk walking in fresh air daily and practice pranayama to balance the carboxyhemoglobin levels if you want to repeat the blood test can be done after some days if the value is not doubled below the doubled level then it is normal if values are doubled or more only then it is the toxic influence
hello doctor since I came off the pill 14 months ago I have had lots of issues black brown smelly spotting irregular periods severe pain severe fatigue been to the emergency department many times with different issues stomach bleeding severe stomach pains lightheadedness back and neck ache etc I developed a headache about months ago mri showed a pituitary microadenoma have been to endocrinologist but he has ruled out hormonal reasons and sent me away saying another mri will be done in months and have referred me to a fertility specialist I cannot live like this severe stomach issues cannot eat properly diarrhea severe headaches weeks leading up to periods have lost keg within months severe fatigue no energy for anything palpitations any exercise makes me very lightheaded someone please help
hi in your description you have mentioned lots of issues that needs to be investigated and sorted out in detail individually microadenoma and hormonal imbalance are two separate issues actually those can cause different symptoms need different investigations precautions and treatments it would be better if you could send me your detailed reports adenoma related issues need to be consulted with endocrinologist on regular basis for rest of the medical issues need to be consult with consultant general physician to sort out for every symptom have some counseling sessions with pshychaitrist to help feel emotionally balanced for irregular periods have transvaginal scan and blood tests on day of periods testosterone progesterone prolactin insulin fish and oh thyearoid function tests high vaginal swab cervical smear collect all laboratory tests and discuss here have combined oral contraceptive pills for cycles to have hormonal support and regulate periods after collection of swab from vagina have injection ceftriaxone 500 my intramuscular once azithromycin go per oral once tablet doxycycline 100 my twice daily and tablet metronidazole 400 my hourly for 14 days have balanced diet weight and mi complete treatment of any health issue you have daily walk exercise and yoga have recreational activities and quit recreational drugs have cold milk at bed time and after waking up before breakfast
hello doctor I recently bought new glasses with a different prescription but I genuinely feel no difference between my glasses I have tested it at in daylight and also during night time numerous times I just see the same I tried to look for the cause myself but it came to a dead end thanks for taking the time I have put the prescription changes down below for some more details right eye left eye spy 50 spy 50 cal 50 axis 175 vis 85 vis 85 after eight months right eye left eye spy 0 spy 25 cal 50 cal 75 axis 175 axis 175 vis 80 vis 78
hello welcome to icilniq com from your attached prescription I can tell you that there is a very definite change in the power of your glasses and also in the amount of how much you can see the best to make that difference stand out that you can do yourself is to cover each eye and look through the other ideally at an object or letter just visible to normal people around six meters or 20 feet away you can also try this in different levels of light just as you have compared before the impression I get from your prescription is that while your myopia has increased in both the eyes there has been some decrease in the amount of vision in both your eyes that is to say that the power has increased and the amount you see has come down as always testing of glasses is a subjective assessment and varies depending on your suggestion and the optometrist performing the test in case you are not happy with your current glasses you can always return to the same place for a re check I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 30 year old male a few days ago I had safe sex with a condom now I have two red dots on my penis it also hurts when I urinate when I pull down the foreskin there is a whitish discharge I am pretty sure I have caught some type of sad I am freaking out and do not know what to do can anyone help me I want to know what this is I have attached the pictures
hello I understand that you are worried this looks like herpes but to be sure I will need a few more details after how many days of the event did you notice these spots do you have any burning sensation are there any spots on the scrotum lips etc are you allergic to any medicine is there any swelling in the groin area have you used any medication till you send these answers apply back mupirocin cream twice a day once you send the details we can prescribe you oral medication
hello doctor I am having spherical and and 5 cylindrical power in my eyes I have a border line eye pressure doctor said I cannot take laser or ice surgery but can have relax smile for that power but it also needs some cornea tissues which is a risk factor for glaucoma I do not know what to do now which treatment is better for me and the doctor just gave normal lubricant drops is there any treatment for me for refractive surgery by controlling eye pressure
hi how much is your eye pressure did the doctor measure it with an instrument that puffs out air at you or was it a blue light instrument that he used to touch your eye with from what you have told me I understand that you are interested in refractive surgery but the doctor refused to operate on you saying your pressures are high and that your power is too high for lasik it is true that your power is on the higher end of the patients we usually consider for surgery so doing lasik and park photorefractive keratectomy is not possible on the eye with 9d but can be done on the eye with and 5d putting an ice implantable contact lens in your eye might increase your eye pressure so I will not recommend that relax smile can be tried in both your eyes if the surgeon is confident I am guessing that he would have asked you to come for a follow up to re check pressures if the pressures were too high he would have asked for visual fields and a few other tests for glaucoma in either case it all depends on the surgeon experience and your eye pressures if you can tell me about your eye pressure and your vision in each eye with 9d and 1 5d I could help you better
hello doctor my question is regarding post surgery care in heart related ailments how is the monitoring done how often does re admission occur how to prevent this
hello regarding the care of non cardiac surgeries in cardiac patients if you are suffering from cardiac problems such as previous heart attack heart failure any cardiac valve problem you have to take cardiac fitness before surgery if fit then go for surgery after the surgery you can take rest as advised by your surgeon if the cardiac issue is stable there is no need to reassess the cardiac problem if cardiac problems such as heart failure worsens then you may need echocardiography and other related investigations regarding medicines ask your surgeon not to prescribe you medicines that have a high amount of sodium which may worsen your cardiac or hypertensive problems you may take a low sodium diet and may start light exercise according to your surgeon regarding cardiac surgery for pain relief you may take a pain killer for wound related pain gradually increase level of activity unto six to eight weeks you may drive then also eat a low sodium diet do not eat up to full stomach eat small amounts multiple times per day readmission depends upon complications that may develop such as wound infection heart failure heart attack due to blockage of the grafted vessels after bypass surgery if a heart valve is implanted it may get stuck and it causes sudden worsening of symptoms some times bleeding may occur due to unmonitored blood thinners to avoid do not stop medicines on your own keep monitoring clotting profile in case blood thinner such as warfarin is prescribed take a low sodium diet avoid excessive exertion just after surgery I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 30 years old I have always been a bit clumsy and a slow learner I easily get lost in details given to me and go completely blank I had a hard time understanding maths but I do alright in languages as time passes I have become increasingly clumsy and have poor eye muscle coordination this is making me frustrated at myself what could be the reason
hi I can only answer in broad terms as there so many things that could lead to the symptoms you are describing then I can put you in the direction medically you should follow going forward the fact that you note you have always been a clumsy person and it worsening now indicates that your problem has been a chronic long term one that seems to be progressively with time you mention you were a slow learner and that you are still having cognitive thinking learning memory up unto this day shows me you that there is definitely something wrong and needs to be medically investigated some unknown uninvestigated cognitive problem since early childhood has been missed and caused serious harm to your life and it is not your fault you were a child and it is the clear responsibility of the adults in your life to note the problems and take them further there is an entire range of things that could be causing your symptoms from undetected poor hearing vision or a specific learning disability or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but also including a huge range of psychiatric neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms then the fact that your neurological motor or sensory functioning poor eye muscle coordination has been affected and your feeling clumsy has also been since childhood that difficulty been chronically clumsy from childhood to adulthood and was never investigated further should be not an acceptable way of schooling or raising children so the bottom line is that now you need to take control and investigate these symptoms kindest rest further to at least know the cause of serious problems the doctor I would send you to first is a neurologist or a neuropsychiatrist they can examine you for the right medical investigations like blood tests of rays and it scans etc they should be able to put a possible diagnosis together and all of these symptoms can be explained and understood consult a neurologist as soon as possible follow up according to neurologist advise
hello doctor I am 26 years old for the last 10 years I am suffering from very weak hand grip strength at the age of 16 it started and grip strength was negligible for like four years then I started working out with hand rippers and the condition has improved a lot there is no pain or numbness but still at times I feel my gripping strength is very weak and when I perform exercise it improves for the time being as I can feel the blood rushing inside the hands my query is that does masturbation has any link with this because I have noticed often that after performing the act the situation starts getting worse as in there is very less blood flow in hands and I feel very low gripping strength I have no issue in lifting weights eg bench press and there is no pain while doing any kind of lifts please guide me on my condition
hello there is no link between masturbation and handgrip weakness the cause of your hand grip weakness needs to evaluate further you need an in person neurologist consultation face to face because we need to examine your strength reflexes sensations of your hands is the weakness is more on the right or left do legs are involved or not after a thorough physical examination only we can advise mri magnetic resonance imaging cervical spine or nerve conduction study but as a neurologist I can definitely guide you that there is no link between masturbation and hand weakness
hello doctor we are a bit concerned about our week daughter the labor was a very traumatic experience with having to be induced and trying natural labor which failed due to her turning on her back at the last minute so we had to go to the theatre to have a forceps delivery which also failed and we ended up having an emergency section we know due to the birth trauma she has suffered damage to her neck muscles and can only look to her right and finds it very difficult and painful to turn her head we are currently visiting the physiotherapist to help her neck which we have been told it can take a long time to repair but the other things we are concerned about are the way she looks at objects I curtains and light fittings and bursts out screaming also she will be sleeping peacefully and all of a sudden jump out of her arms and legs in the air and screams and cries until she is blue in the face also while she is sleeping or napping she grunts and makes very strange noises could there be anything in the hospital doctors or midwives have missed as it is very stressful watching her like this
hello welcome to icliniq com I got your concern well based on your history I can say that due to birth trauma and subsequent consequences she may have airway obstruction due to secretions reflux or abnormal neck position can cause these symptoms I advise you to monitor her pulse oximeter saturation 24 hours and not how many times it goes less than 90 due to abnormal neck position and pain she may find it difficult to see around please continue physiotherapy and follow her and if the pain is more you can give paracetamol for pain relief make symptoms diary and take videos of the event which may help the pediatrician to look for any problem the way she is screaming suddenly it is possible that it is startle reflex but please take video and show it to the pediatrician
hello doctor diffusion weighted images add maps and postcontrast sequences were also performed findings there is mild cerebral volume loss and ex vacuo dilatation of ventricular system there are scattered punctuate foi of increased signal intensity within the periventricular and deep subcortical white matter on the to flair sequences which are nonspecific however they are most likely secondary to chronic small vessel disease there is no evidence of restricted diffusion to suggest an acute infact midline shift or mass effect there are no blood products on the gradient echo images normal intracranial flow voids are seen the visualized paranasal sinuses are clear there is no pathologic enhancement identified degenerative changes are noted within the upper cervical spine impression no acute intracranial process mild cerebral atrophy and mild chronic small vessel disease no pathologic enhancement identified what should I do and how concerned should I be I am 70 years old and my be and cholesterol are controlled how concerned should I be
hello your mri shows mild cerebral atrophy with some small vessel disease changes I would like to know about your memory speech gait and urinary symptoms are there any abnormalities these changes are much common at the age of 70 but still you have to take some precautions life style modifications like regular sleep and healthy foods like low sugar low fat high fiber and protein will do exercise 45 minutes regularly it is good that your be and cholesterol are under control keep a watch on it check your blood sugar at least yearly and if raised then control it do regular meditation and yoga
hello doctor I am a 19 year old medical student this year I lost my right tests to testicular torsion resulting from late diagnosis as a precautionary measure a contralateral orchidopexy was also done this involving a part so intimately connected to me shattered me a lot and I am recovering slowly from that mental trauma besides the fear of a retorsion in the left one and its subsequent loss keeps lingering I am also concerned about orchidectomy impacts on my fertility and hormonal levels can you please allay my fears also my surgeon report says the left scrotum was exposed left tests exposed very mild hydrocele version of sac done using 0 monofilament suture left lateral wall of tests fixed with 0 monofilament suture at two points skin closed is this fine why was the sac everted and what about the hydrocele I have heard the 0 monofilament used was absorbable if so then how can those two sutures on the left tests prevent it from further torsion will there be some tissue formation eventually that will hold the tests in place or is it because by then the tests will get naturally attached to gubernaculum as I presume the sutures were made into tunic albuginea however I read somewhere that this might have impact on sperm production is it true lastly can I by any means ascertain whether my left buddy is fine at home by physical examination does the presence cremasteric reflex always rule out a possibility of necrosed tests
hello welcome to icliniq com first of all relax and do not worry at all we had done orchidectomy due to torsion in many patients they are absolutely fine and doing well physically as well as mentally having one tests remaining is perfectly fine you will have no problem regarding sperm production or testosterone levels your left tests can produce enough sperms for fertilization only one sperm is required for fertilization the surgeon has done a perfectly good job in the right tests version of the sac was done for hydrocele so that in future you do not develop hydrocele also fixation with 0 monocryl is perfect it just requires fixation at two points so that is cannot twist in the future if suture are absorbable also no problem as it will cause fibrosis at the suture site so your tests remains fixed in the correct position so do not worry everything is fine
hi doctor I am a 24 year old female I am married for about months my weight is keg and height is 4 I conceived in the very first month but unfortunately I had a miscarriage after 10 weeks and had and till then I am trying to get pregnant but having a problem in it my gynecologist suggested me hormonal test but I could not understand its result please explain to me the report and help me to find out the actual reason for infertility according to the test report to 7 no my to 2 no do ash 0 miu my oh 8 iu fish 6 iu prolactin 6 no my progesterone 5 no my testosterone 2ng my menstrual cycle is of about 31 32 days and last time I had periods within 28 days I am using clomid and ovafin from the last three months in two to seven days of menstruation but I have not conceived yet along with infertility I am suffering from vaginal farts weight increase facial acne mood swings and headache I am very stressed please guide me and tell me the reason for infertility
hi all of your test reports are normal you are trying for pregnancy just from last seven to eight months kindly give yourself some time and you can get pregnant naturally as your periods are regular in my opinion you do not need ovulation induction medicines like clomid in fact you do not need any medicine right now just continue folic acid tablets and continue trying naturally you should get pregnant naturally if there was any infection after last dilation and curettage you can get your tubes checked by hug hysterosalpingography to be sure that everything is normal you can do that test after trying naturally without medicines for three months I hope this helps
hi doctor I have dysautonomia I wanted to get that out of the way at first I also have bad anxiety and depression which may affect how I feel I also had a heart catheterization years ago for rvot I wore a monitor for two weeks a couple of weeks ago and I just got the results and I have no clue how to read them and waiting for the doctor to get back with me here what it said on the site that he wrote out 15 days of monitoring analyzed 13 symptomatic and 34 asymptomatic strips submitted all symptoms primarily of lightheadedness with one or two chest pain and soa all strips show sinus rhythm with rates between 39 bum and 174 bum one o skipped beat correlates with rse with pvc symptoms of lightheadedness and dizziness generally occur with sinus tachycardia I have always dealt with tachycardia for almost a year I had almost a normal heart rate than some bradycardia it was weird like he totally reversed it now it is back obviously fainting and whatnot again I think I get some of what he is saying but not all please help I am currently on clonazepam gabapentin prilosec adderall and pail
hello I have read through in detail all your explanations and I understand what you are going through dysautonomia is a condition that affects the autonomic nervous system this is the system that transmits information to organs like bladder heart blood vessels etc it can be associated with symptoms such as bradycardia tachycardia etc your test result shows that severe bradycardia was recorded while tachycardia was recorded which was accompanied with dizziness and lightheadedness this test gives the possibility of root right ventricular outflow tract with premature ventricular complex pvc in this kind of situation I prescribe beta blockers for my patients I advise you to avoid anything that contains caffeine if there is no improvement in due time catheter ablation can be considered idiopathic inherited heart disease
hello doctor I am a 62 year old female I was diagnosed with collagenous colitis following colonoscopy biopsies I started on entocort three days later I have severe swelling in feet and ankles I am fatigued the next day on the seventh day I had swelling of lips and a strange feeling in the throat I called the doctor and he stopped the medication my blood report shows hemoglobin 6 do rec 38 million m3 iron saturation fecal stool sample postive I went to the er I was given two units of blood my hemoglobin raised to 5 the next day I was discharged endoscopy was performed and my biopsy report is negative I had minor stomach inflammation my next bloodwork shows hemoglobin 1 do rec 05 million m3 iron 51 saturation 12 vitamin b12 648 immunoglobulin a and are pretty low gastroenterologist says need to do small cap endoscopy to see if there is bleeding in the small intestine my new stool sample results are not back yet but stools have not been dark what other tests need to be done to determine the cause of anemia list the possible that medication caused anemia since I had such a severe reaction current medications no prescription only supplements vitamin do coq 10 methyl b12 and curcumin
hi entocort budesonide is a corticosteroids it is very unlikely to cause anemia especially to the extent that you had what was your hemoglobin prior to the colonoscopy if it was near normal and then dropped to 6 that would be a huge drop if you had gastrointestinal bleeding leading to such a huge drop in hemoglobin in a short span of time I would expect that you would have noticed the blood in your stool minor bleeding over longer periods can lead to anemia and in those cases serum ferritin a storage form of iron would be low acute blood loss anemia usually does not cause serum ferritin to drop did you have a serum ferritin level done along with your other iron studies if the serum ferritin is less than 15 it is almost definitely iron deficiency iron deficiency is either due to dietary reasons or blood loss dietary iron deficiency is rare in developed countries so blood loss has to be ruled out if no obvious reason is identified on upper gi endoscopy or colonoscopy then small bowel pathology has to be ruled out by capsule endoscopy other reasons for a rapid drop in hemoglobin would be hemolysis where the red blood cells are destroyed for various reasons this would be diagnosed by tests like peripheral blood smear serum haptoglobin direct and indirect bilirubin direct coomb test lah lactic acid dehydrogenase please attach any reports you have with you that may help me give you a better answer
hello doctor I tested negative for ana but positive for anti dsdna my go diagnosed me with ankylosing spondylitis when I have many symptoms of lupus just not the rash my sister also has lupus and did not test positive for ana she has seronegative lupus I am under the impression that anti dsdna has nothing to do with ankylosing spondylitis is that correct I am currently taking gabapentin tizanidine naproxen levothyearoxine
hi you are right anti didna antibodies are specific for she systemic lupus erythematosus especially if the titers are high ankylosing spondylitis does not give you any kind of antibodies anti smith antibodies are the most highly specific antibodies for lupus but only a small percentage of people with lupus have them did you get that test but it is strange that your ana antinuclear antibody was negative anti didna is a type of ana I believe it is a false positive a normal sedimentation rate essentially rules out inflammatory pathology lupus is an inflammatory disease to begin with we need to know more about your symptoms she is diagnosed based on the symptoms and signs along with laboratory tests it is not diagnosed just on the basis of an antibody test you can get false positive tests positive test in the absence of disease so please get back to me with details of your symptoms based on the information you gave I do not think you have lupus there are no blood tests that can diagnose ankylosing spondylitis as ha b27 is more common in people with as but it is not diagnostic as diagnosis needs clinical and radiological criteria I hope this helps
hello doctor I have trouble sleeping but when I do get the chance to sleep I often wake up still feeling exhausted my thoughts keep me up at night and as a result I am always thinking about tomorrow or worrying
hi most causes of sleeplessness are due to wrong habits and the good news is that it is easy to cure them you should have a natural circadian rhythm try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day and wake at the same time do not take coffee or tea after am milk can be taken cover the windows and doors with curtains and avoid light avoid watching to lying in bed and avoid mobile phones do exercise walk for 45 minutes after dinner take a bath after that I hope this helps
hi doctor my 19 year old brother was suffering from ocd and it started kicking back in for the past 20 days he basically has a checking problem he is currently a freshman at a university and was doing well for the first two months last month he went back home and was returning back to the university and that is when he started feeling homesick during the journey he felt for a moment that he going back to an unsafe place this feeling was because of a crime movie that was shot in the city his university is in that made him feel uncomfortable and at the same time the results of his mid term were told to him and he misinterpreted them and thought he scored less but the real scores were very good and he did the best among his class but he was affected by all these thoughts throughout the journey and right now he fights homesickness and is scared about the place he lives in and also checks continuously if he is able to understand what he is being taught in the class rather than listening to the class I am scared for him and his future
hi his current symptoms are also probably due to ocd obsessive compulsive disorder he has fear due to a crime scene of a movie and is feeling very homesick this is happening because of severe anxiety due to ocd if he has never consulted a psychiatrist then he should visit for evaluation fluoxetine or fluvoxamine which are sari selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs are the drug of choice for severe ocd the drugs help to control ocd symptoms in about four to six weeks for very severe symptoms low dose antipsychotics can also be used visit a psychiatrist for help
hello doctor I am 24 years old I had my kidney stone removed a year ago for causing mild hydronephrosis at my right kidney during the treatment I was exposed to full of radiation abdominal it scan lithotripsy fluoroscope and another fluoroscope during stent insertion I am not sure how the doctor manages the radiation I did my treatment abroad and it is not really a well developed country he might not even care bout it I studied some about radiation when I was in dental school so I am very scared of the side effects so if I am to have another case of hydronephrosis should I just remove the kidney rather than undergoing such radiation which may cause me high risk of future cancer because as you can see I am still so young and I just started my career what do you suggest do the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa is there another less risky treatment in terms of radiation how about invasive treatment is the risk higher aside from the slow healing and I am serious about the removal if indeed it has lower radiation risk even though I know kidney is very important please suggest
hello there are enough studies and literature which prove that though there is radiation exposure during it computed tomography scan in the removal of kidney stone it is in low dose and chances of cancer do not increase so do not worry about that I do not think removing kidney to escape from radiation exposure is a good option you should not think of that if there is again stone formation then there is a treatment called ultrasound guided lithotripsy eswl which can break your stone from outside without any radiation exposure so you can do eswl extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy if required later but no need to remove the kidney
hello doctor I have been having off and on ear pressure in my right ear and have some cold symptoms the last 5 weeks chillish runny nose body aches etc my kids have battled the cold as I have my office I noticed my right submandinbular lymph node was slightly swollen I went to my go and he prescribed antibiotics which has not helped I have had sinus issues in the past I noticed that my right tonsil is bigger than the other which is the side of the pressure and lymph node can a viral illness cause one sided swelling could this be tonsil cancer I go to the dentist every six months whom I assume checks out my tonsils I am concerned it is one sided my throat has not really been that sore
hello I went through the pictures it seems you have inflamed tonsils one side does appear to be larger and more red than the other it does not mean you got tonsil cancer it is a routine infection that needs strong antibiotics the symptoms with regards ear swollen node etc all signify infection how many days amoxicillin course has been completed what dosage did you take did you take any gargles along with the antibiotics any nasal or oral decongestant any nasal sprays did the go check the insides of the ear using an otoscope usually when one has tonsillitis or pharyngitis the pain gets radiated to the ear and sometimes the infection also passes into the ear through the eustachian tube causing fullness and swelling inside the ear the nearest nodes also get swollen when the infection is severe I would suggest you take a course of clarithromycin appropriate for your weight for days and take betadine or benzydamine gargles take otrivin nasal spray for five days and steam inhalation if the infection is not subsiding and the nodes are increasing in size you may need some blood tests and possibly intravenous antibiotics do you smoke or drink what sort of a diet do you consume is there any fever or weakness alongside
hello doctor would dry eyes cause cloudy vision with little nonmoving black dots this is my normal vision and every once in a while I can see perfectly the eye doctor said everything in the eye looks perfect I have noticed when I sleep one eyelid does not close all the way but this is the vision in both eyes I did have a vitrectomy in one eye and the other is still in need of cataract surgery
hi yes dry eyes can cause blurring of vision as you said you feel your one eye is not closed properly while sleeping so there is a greater chance of getting cornea dry and can lead to exposure keratopathy but you have not mentioned any history of stroke or bell palsy did you have any did your doctor notice that you are unable to close one eye properly your mi body mass index is also high so with obesity there is a condition related to floppy eyelid in which eyelids are more elastic and get averted while sleeping that can also cause dry eyes you said you had vitrectomy in one eye please explain why was that advised are you having diabetic retinopathy or you had a vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment or you had similar black spots in that eye too these black spots in vision may also be due to vitreous liquefaction and condensation which is age related problem jelly in the back of your eye starts becoming liquid after 50 years of age so you can use artificial tear drops or dry eye and the eye you feel does not close properly you can also patch your eye while sleeping with simple tape so that your cornea does not get dry out your eye doctor is doing a great job he has examined your eyes so he knows better and he will do the best you can discuss with him if anything missed like if you have not told him about incomplete closure of the eye during sleep
hi doctor I have an 18 month old daughter my daughter has had trouble with her bowels since she was months old she finds it impossible to do a normal stool she strains and screams to the point she falls asleep from exhaustion and still does not pass stool she does have a regular bowel movement but she is in constant pain while doing it her stool has got to the point of having blood in it I have taken her to numerous doctors and tried just about everything possible to help her current specialist has given her the same medicine which I have stated does not work it does not matter what the dosage is I have contacted him to tell him it does not work and he has just said to change her to another type of laxative laxatives do not work for her I feel it is something more serious so I was just wondering if you could take the time out to give me some advice on what I could do or what might be wrong with my daughter I cannot handle watching her be in pain anymore
hi she has chronic constipation as you have noticed blood she also may have fissure in anus due to which she has extreme pain give her lots of water and a high fiber diet dry fig milkshake dates and prunes in any form help a lot give either one of them every day along with fruits and vegetables you can try lactulose suppository for a few days which may prove more effective than syearup secondly make her sit in a tub of lukewarm water with few drops of salon put on it this is called a sit bath which will help if there is fissure wound due to peeling of skin in the anal area do this three times a day also encourage her to pass stools immediately after every meal as it is the ideal time to try when bowels are in action for the digestion of food if you do not find any improvement in five to seven days please consult a pediatric surgeon to check the fissure and investigate further
hello doctor I am a 30 year old female I do not have any medical issues that could associate with my problem about a month ago I woke up to pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulders I figured I just slept wrong or something little like that but every single night since then I have been woken up by the pain during nights I cannot lay in any position where I put pressure on them and it only happens at night or while resting or laying down for more than an hour it started with just my neck and shoulders but gradually it has turned into pain and stiffness in my neck shoulders elbows hands which includes swelling in my fingers hips and now my knees it only happens when I lay down for long periods and gradually disappears during the day with movement and activities it is also disrupting my sleep every night in which I barely get for three to four hours altogether I have tried taking naproxen before laying down for the night and using a heating pad at night to avoid these issues but it is not helping my question is what is wrong with me and how can I reduce or stop the pain and stiffness
hello the symptoms you have explained points towards arthritis it can be osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis depending on the joints involved and the duration of morning stiffness usually in rheumatoid arthritis morning stiffness remains for more than 45 minutes and joints of the hands involved are middle joint and the joint which connects your finger with hand osteoarthritis morning stiffness relieves in less than 30 minutes in the morning and the joint involved are the distal joints of your fingers the tests which you can go for to confirm are a rheumatoid factor cop reactive protein ray of the joints the medications which can be used to relieve the symptoms are nsaids non asteroidal antiinflammatory drugs steroids to relieve the inflammation and dmards disease modifying antirheumatic drugs like methotrexate sulphasalazine etc surgery is another option here which you can talk to your doctor after confirmation of the diagnosis I hope this helps ray of the joints cop rheumatoid factor osteoarthritis gout
hi doctor I am 34 years old I have had pain in both of my legs when sitting for about 12 years the pain starts 15 minutes after sitting and it is pretty bad there are itchy and burning pain between my calves and ankles and it feels like my legs are squeezed in this area at the same time there is dull and a kind of bursting pain in the feet and dull and itchy pain in the back and the middle of upper legs nothing in the buttocks sometimes there are tingling sensation starting in the middle of upper downwards it feels like I need to raise my feet a little bit from the floor and move them all the time there was minor varicose vein removed on my right leg no more visible veins there since then and you can see the vein on my left leg but they are not varicose when I stand up it feels like 70 90 of the pain is gone there is no pain when I walk also there is a tingling sensation when I lay down and bend my knees so I feel these sensations from knees downwards it feels like there is a problem with circulation but why it starts straight away after sitting I know some people who have pretty bad veins on legs but they do not have that bad pain like me it drives me crazy please suggest
hi leg pain can have so many causes but from your history of aching after sitting suggest a possibility of dot deep vein thrombosis dot is the formation of a blood clot in a deep leg vein blood vessel the pain is typically a burning or cramping sensation immobility is one of the cause of this immobility results in slow blood flow from the leg to the heart slow blood are more likely to clot than normal now you have to consult a surgeon immediately and do a doppler study of both legs to check the blood flow they will provide you with medicines
hello doctor for a while now I have had a terrible odor that comes out my mouth and nose the odor is somewhat subtle whenever I am not around a fan ac etc but whenever I am around one of those the smell seems to spread all around me I am positive the smell is coming from inside my stomach I have realized a lot about leaky gut and candid but neither one mentions a smell my diet before has been poor lots of packaged sugary foods but I have always been a healthy weight I feel terrible riding in a vehicle with others I will sometimes hold my breath to try and stop the smell but it does not work most of the time my symptoms started when I was a working nightshift job stress might have been a factor although I did not feel like I was I have not worked there for almost six months and my condition has worsened could the amount of sugar I consumed destroyed my stomach lining I also heard when candid is starved it digs into the lining and essentially makes holes which can cause food to leak could this be the source of the smell I am currently taking probiotics
hi welcome to icliniq com there is nothing like leaking gut in the medical dictionary the bad breath you are experiencing in medical terms is called halitosis it is majorly because of poorly kept oral hygiene it could be an indicator of gum infection tooth decay smoking alcohol etc sometimes it is because of organized infection of tonsils my suggestion is to consult a dentist first to find out the cause as in the majority of patients it is related to the oral cavity the remedy is simple maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily in your case after every feed do regular flossing avoid smoking and alcohol if you do so you can use flavored mouthwashes regularly which are easily available with chemists
hello doctor I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and was given trintellix 10 my I took it for two weeks it helped with anxiety attacks but made me nervous about every emotion or feeling I felt my mother has bipolar disorder and health anxiety and I think I have health anxiety too I am worried that I might get bipolar disorder so I was constantly checking when on trintellix for any signs of mania even though I have never had any manic episodes I also would shake and have a racing heart so I would get so scared which was causing me nervousness I could not even judge if the drug was working my doctor switched me to cipralex but I am afraid to take it and the same thing happens to me I also have intrusive thoughts sometimes and I feel stuck not sure what to do or what medication would be my best bet I am also on clonazepam 5 at night to help me sleep
hello it looks like you are experiencing significant anxiety I note that you are weaning off trintellix 10 my and are you are in a dilemma about starting cipralex escitalopram due to concerns about side effects like developing mania since your anxiety appears quite significant it is best managed by a combination of medication and psychological therapy like cut cognitive behavioral therapy cipralex is an effective medication in this situation remember that it will take at least two weeks for your body to get used to the medication and in this period some may experience nervousness agitation etc it generally settles down and you will see full therapeutic benefit from around four to six weeks so medication is worth a try and have regular follow up reviews with your psychiatrist as advised you can take cipralex long term till anxiety is better clonazepam 5 my is meant to be taken for the short term only ideally less than four weeks to prevent developing dependence in addition to medication consider cut to develop psychological strategies to manage anxiety regular exercise also helps maintain a good sleep schedule avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks I hope this helps
hello doctor my father is 61 years old known case of cod with hypertension he has been on dialysis for a couple of weeks sum total of ten dialysis have been done out of which one dialysis was done using an online hemodiafiltration technique his creatinine has subsequently reduced from 6 to 5 however he had pneumonia patch in the right lung and took antibiotics and has recovered from that but he has been coughing quite a lot with only secretions coming out and no sputum there is some fluid in his lungs for which he has been advised to go for edf and mild pericardial effusion aft for to is negative can you please suggest what can be the cause of severe coughing shortness of breath and the treatment for the same if needed I can send out the ray to you for evaluation he is currently on flavedon minipress al metolar or torsemide 40 vitamins and calcium tablets his lab report shows tac is raised to 12 which was earlier please help
hi welcome to icliniq com there could be a few causes for the wet cough with phlegm despite taking antibiotics for pneumonia the opacity in the lung takes a few weeks to completely disappear the cough in such a case can last for a month if the patient has no fever I will not worry chef congestive heart failure is also one of the causes in elderly patients in addition to environmental factors I would advise you to continue supporting treatment for cough as advised by your doctor if there is fever in such a case you must report back to the doctor to rule out any other cause if the ray reviled plural effusion then probably other continuation like to tuberculosis etc should be considered you can send me the chest ray to comment better I hope this helps
hello doctor only when I wake up I feel ear ache pain also pressure in my left ear it only happens when I have been sleeping on the left ear the ear ache pain lingers for minutes or so and fades away it started months ago but seemed to go away for month but now I have had it again for the last days I did try and used some cortisone cream in the ear canal before the pain went away last time but not sure if this was just a coincidence my doctor has examined the ear and said it looks normal with no middle ear infection
hi it is a rare case which I saw few times it is caused by warming the auricle while sleeping on it use corticosteroids and antibiotic cream when needed do not apply water for your ear during the time of pain
hello doctor what do these tests results mean esophageal mobility failed 30 weak 40 ineffective 70 egg outflow obstruction median rip 19 I am having acid reflux and taking medications for herd
hi can you send across the endoscopy report looks more like egg outflow obstruction than achalasia cardiac anti reflux surgery alone will not help may need myotomy too will give a definite comment once I see the pending reports
hello doctor I have had very bad dark circles under my eyes since I was around or years old and went to a dermatologist about it once which said they had something to do with a vein but was not sure how to help I was wondering if you could shed some light on this I am 28 years old now and still have the dark circles which makes me look bad and would like to find the best solution to make them go away
hi this is tear through deformity you can try dermal fillers for this visit your nearest dermatologist it will give better result do not worry it will go do you have any addiction reduce your stress take proper hour continuous sleep eat healthy food take care send your photos after taking treatment
hi doctor my years old son is suffering from stomach pain from the last eight to nine days he mostly complain about that in the evening time or after mid night if I massage his stomach he feels relaxed he underwent an ultrasound along with appendix and some other blood tests including to all reports are fine no complaint of loose motion he is feeling down from a couple of days and not eating properly suddenly he starts to complain of pain in the stomach but the pain does not remain all day even in the school he sits with his head down in free time please advise me on what is the problem and remedies for the cure he is currently taking duphalac drotin is zentel and metrogyl
hi I have seen the reports the on and off stomach pain is due to constipation the scan report says few fecaliths are present which means hard stools that are not cleared I feel this is the reason encourage him to take lots of fruits and vegetables along with dry fruits like dates prunes dry figs etc which will help to make the stool soft he has to drink lots of water avoid junk foods wheat and maid products he is already taking duphalac which will take about a weeks time to act also to clear the fecaliths please show him to a pediatric surgeon once those are cleared and constipation is treated he may feel comfortable
hello doctor I have hashimoto thyearoiditis and I felt like a lump in my lower throat the doctor did a physical examination and noticed two nodules and sent me for an ultrasound the result came back that the thyearoid as a whole was hyperemic and heterotrophic in the background appearance the left lobe contained two nodules for which he then sent me to an ent to do an fob right now usual symptoms of hypothyearoidism are present like extreme fatigue dry hair but in the last couple of weeks I have not been able to sleep on my back or side or put my chin down as it feels like the air is restricted my question is what does this sound typical of thyearoid cancer or a goiter I am not an over reactor I just wish I had more information or know the prognosis of cases that were similar to mine does this sound at a higher risk of cancer or more like a goiter and if I am already on thyearoid medication what can they do to treat it
hello welcome to icliniq com I had gone through all the data posted from the details posted it appears as autoimmune hypothyearoidism hashimotos kindly tell us the thyearoid blood reports to know the control do you hear any sound while breathing stridor which indicates pressure on trachea breathlessness on lying back or on the side is unlikely due to thyearoid unless it has retrosternal extension significantly which needs to be decided by clinical examination do you get breathlessness while taking the stairs since how long do you have hashimotos since how long you have noticed the increase in the size of swelling do you have a family history of thyearoid cancer for definitive distinction of benign is malignant fac fine needle aspiration cytology is important if we have any doubt on fac we go ahead and do thyearoidectomy and send thyearoid tissue for histopathology examination which is the most confirmatory test ultrasound is not so sensitive to differentiate benign is malignant so kindly wait for the fac report kindly get a complete physical examination in view of symptoms of shortness of breath before attributing those to thyearoid problems kindly review with further details so that I can help you better
hi doctor I have been experiencing some very unusual problems at the moment and I am getting a bit concerned about them I have not gone to my doctor about it yet it is hard to explain but I will try it is as if the connections between my hands and my brain become muddled and I have trouble telling which part of my fingers or hands is being stimulated it all kind of blurs into one numb sensation my hands feel heavy and become harder to move as if I am trying to move them through a viscous fluid this weird experience has been happening mainly when I am at work and when I am stressed but I am noticing it now slightly as well while typing this it is a really bizarre feeling and it can extend through my arms and my legs when it gets really bad I also have a constant tinnitus but I only notice it at night when trying to sleep or if I am in silence I also feel that my heartbeat has started to become irregular and I always feel tired and dizzy at the moment I went to my doctor about the dizziness about months ago and got a blood test done and that was fine but he said my blood pressure was slightly high for my age two years ago I very stupidly took a legal high bk 2cb and I had a full blown visual and auditory trip that lasted about 18 hours once it wore off I was fine but then about weeks later I started to have visual problems I had really bad after images and reality just looked very strange to me especially when looking at other people these visual symptoms seemed to have faded now but I still have brain fog and after images I am just messaging because I am concerned about the problems I am having with my sense of my hands in particular and I am wondering if it has anything to do with the stupid mistake I made years ago when taking that drug
hello the sensation in your hand can be because of compression of the nerve at elbow while typing but it is unlikely to spread to your legs stress anxiety can cause such symptoms tinnitus at night when it is very quiet outside is common and normal phenomenon but when it is present when you are in a noisy environment that is abnormal dizziness and tiredness may be a part of your stress slightly high blood pressure will require regular blood pressure checks and there is nothing to worry about on that front drug effect does not last for years if you have taken it for a very long time the it can cause psychiatric problems but I do not think your problems are related to that I would suggest you take a psychiatric consultation because I do not feel it is a neurological problem and there is nothing to worry about
hello doctor what will my doctor exactly do while examination when I tell him I am having erection problems
hi it depends on what all positive findings you give while giving history for example the doctor will ask you for diabetes high blood pressure any regular medicine intake psychiatric medicines low hemoglobin symptoms etc these diseases usually cause ed erection dysfunction as a secondary cause then depending on what comes out of the conversation the check up will consist of general body workup for the ed part the doctor will surely look for a local problem the size and consistency of tests the shape and size of the penis he will then try to check for erection as a reflex on touching and will also check for skin retraction the next step can be a stamp test or a penile doppler where the blood supply of the organ will be checked there can also be a nerve conduction test done if the doctor thinks that the nerve supply is deficient I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 19 year old male I am active and never had any serious condition of unhealthiness as a part of the ongoing project I had to work for almost 14 days in burning hot sun when I returned home I identified white spots on my face and quickly searched the internet for a narrow down of the condition thanks to this site I have identified it as tina versicolor and used an ot clotrimazole ointment and it faded away in less than a week just after that my friends pointed out a rash on my neck and I thought it was probably the same as my previous infection it was white in color and looked like a fungal infection with four small patches and so I applied the same cream unfortunately I could observe no change and kept trying home remedies like turmeric and honey paste etc it has now come to look black and dry as in the attached image there is no sensation whatsoever at all I only know it is there when I place my hand over it please can you help me identify what it is I have already looked at a lot of conditions and was unable to match it with mine it is been almost six months and it looks like one has faded and the other three have mated
hi I have seen the pictures the condition in the picture is not tina versicolor at the moment this is skin thickening as a result of allergy to sun exposure this is quiet common in the neck area you must use a good quality sunscreen till the allergy resolves completely as such it is not something you should get scared for as most of the sun allergies resolve on their own sun allergies mild topical steroid cream like desonide cream application at night only over the patch for not more that 14 days spy 50 sunscreen every three to four hours throughout the day time eat lots of carrots and paya as they have beta carotene which will protect you from sun allergies internally follow up after seven days for assessing the improvement of the treatment
hello doctor my friend gets frequent fever and weak bone problems she is not able to gain weight and strong bones she belongs to a poor family though she has been visiting many ayurvedic homeopathic my no one is able to figure out the exact reason there might be chances of bone cancer she had already spent lots of money and now she is losing hope please help
hi it seems from what you have mentioned that your friend is a 30 year old lady with frequent episodes of fever and bone pain assuming that the bone problems you mentioned are bone pains at multiple locations if she is indeed only 70 labs then it is likely that she is cachexic this along with the frequent fevers gives us a major red flag for two serious conditions that she might have tuberculosis to or tumor anywhere in the body let us discuss these two possibilities tuberculosis is endemic and is more common than we think most individuals already have the bacteria in them and the disease occurs when their immunity reduces long standing low grade fevers loss of appetite and weight history of contact with someone who had active to and low socioeconomic living conditions are quite likely to cause to while to most commonly involves the lungs causing a chronic cough to can affect almost any system in the body one may have musculoskeletal to involving the spine joints and any of the bones if your friend bone pains are related to she should have pain at only a few locations in her body unless she is immunocompromised tumors or cancer anywhere in the body can cause loss of appetite and weight low grade fevers may occur in some tumors while the spread of tumor tissue to bones will lead to bone pains and pathological fractures tumors arising from the bones are a definite possibility finally besides to and tumors there are other rarer causes cachexia and bone pains these include nutritional deficiency disorders like osteomalacia hiv infection certain medications that reduce immunity etc it might be a good idea for her to take pictures of all the tests that she has undergone and also any rays or imaging that she may have got done till now you may upload these on this platform and we could discuss her issues further I understand she may be losing hope from any medical intervention and such disease related depression is quite common if she has consulted only ayurvedic doctors till now it may be prudent to take opinions from allopathic doctors it is quite possible that her diagnosis may have been missed lastly I would sincerely suggest that you take at least verbal consent from her before discussing the specifics of her case on this platform I hope this helps tuberculosis malignancy
hello doctor I am a 25 years male before two months back I got into a very fearful situation and I felt panicked at that time I consulted a psychiatrist and he gave me clonezopam propranolol and anti depressants after using it for seven to ten days I stopped them by knowing that they are addictive and after stopping I felt new kind of problems such as heart palpitations whenever I try to sleep in the day time and I get irregular sleep at night feeling anxious for many days I kept tolerating them after many days now the symptoms have diminished but still I get palpitations whenever I try to sleep then I took medhavati for 12 14 days my sleeping time at night somewhat increased but I did not use to get a refreshed sleep I consulted a general doctor he told me it is just a phobia and gave me stalopam clonezepam and escitalopram for 15 days and multivitamin tablets then I consulted an ayurvedic specialist he gave manasamitra vatakam stresswin and saraswatiristam please help me whether I should take these ayurvedic medicines or take antidepressants for 15 days are manasamitra and saraswatiristam safe for me and do not have side effects and what time does it take to show effects and for much duration should I take them now I am almost fine but unable to sleep at daytime due to palpitations and getting some negative fearful thoughts at some times does manasamitra increase serotonin in the brain and give enthusiasm I am thinking of going for allopathy for 15 days or will ayurveda medicines show early results please help
hello I could understand how much confusion you experience and your mental pain so far fewer studies have been done if we combine allopathy drugs with ayurveda or siddha drugs in your case I feel you should continue the allopathy drugs for 15 days or above as per physicians instruction I feel you can also have propranolol to reduce the palpitation you can continue the allopathy drugs for particular days in order to avoid the addiction the gradual stepwise dose reduction of tablets should be followed for example from day 16th onwards half tablet to be continued for next one week then every alternate days half tablet for next one week then every ith day half a tablet for next week then stop it this can be done with the advice of the physician few research in animals has proved that manasamitra tablet could increase serotonin levels but not 100 guarantee given many clinical sharing concludes that these three ayurvedic drugs are useful if the patient starts the therapy in the early stage of the disease and also good for long term treatment hence in your case adding these drugs will surely have some beneficial role you do not stop these ayurvedic drugs continue it for the next six months you join for a regular yoga class or training class daily continuously for the next six months in my experience after six months you can stop all medications including ayurveda and can run the best life only with yoga practice yoga practice at home is free of cost many people got miracle relief from anxiety depression and can focus on the studies or business or particular work with good sleep and good diet you find out your interested hobby be it plants pets color fishes walking playing picnic temples etc focus on these you will come out of the stressful anxiety I hope this helps
hello doctor my grandmother had a big goiter that she did not get it removed later she got a large cyst on the ovary I mean keg when she removed it she found out she had ovarian cancer she removed it and is healthy today now I am terrified that this is hereditary what do you think I am so scared for my mother the doctor told my grandmother to remove the goiter a lot of times it was huge and she had hyperthyearoidism I have read somewhere that there might be a link to hyperthyearoidism and ovarian cancer I think that the body is trying to tell something when she got all this stuff my grandmother was smoking for almost 30 years before she got this and was when she was diagnosed do you think it is hereditary she is the only one in the family with this type of cancer no breast cancer known in the family my mother was on a check before a few days but she is and has irregular bleeding and has an appointment with a specialist next month I am terrified my grandmother had an early menopause and the doctor thinks the same is going on with my mother if she got the menopause from my mother I think she also can get the cancer but it is very normal to get the menopause on the same age as your mother is it my mother is years has kids never tried a smoke do you think she is in danger I also have ocd and terrifying thoughts all the time
hello first it is perfectly normal if your grandmother had and now your mother is started having premenopausal irregular cycles at age of there is no harm in having menopause at this age and studies have concluded that early menopause protects from breast and ovarian cancers second since your grandmother had ovarian cancer then here are a few questions what was the age of your grandmother when it was diagnosed what was the histological type and grade of the tumor has she underwent screening for other cancers that are common in this age group and your complete family history with cancer history in family members the use of hormonal replacement therapy or other erogenous hormones third thing is that being concerned sometimes over concerned about the health of family member should not be considered as ocd or any other disorder until and unless the thoughts makes you sick one suggestion that I can give to you to relieve of your anxiety is that you should take advice of a medic if in doubt rather than ruminating on thoughts of impending doom and last thyearoid swelling can be tackled with a simple surgery so convince your go
hello doctor in the past several months I was diagnosed with anterior uveitis in my right eye several weeks later I was also diagnosed in my left eye in addition I experienced some achilles heel tendinitis and back pain I completed the week treatment program dilating drops for the first week and slow recession of steroid drops and about weeks later symptoms began reappearing in the left eye followed by the right I began another round of steroid drops in both eyes and slowly tapered the consistency I am down to drops per day and I have begun experiencing severe back pain which had previously quieted down also in the past weeks I have had a pityeariasis rose attack the and attack in 4 years I was also treated for bacterial vaginosis a few weeks ago and prescribed antibiotics it seems to me that everything is connected but I tested negative for inflammation in my blood and no doctor has been able to link everything or look at all my symptoms as a whole any help or input is greatly appreciated
hello it seems from the history that you are having recurrent attacks of uveitis is an inflammatory disease of the eye and it can be because of infections allergies systemic diseases skin diseases like pityeariasis can be seen associated with uveitis however there is no definitive relationship between vaginosis and uveitis back pain because of arthritis is a common association with uveitis the treatment for uveitis is by steroids and cycloplegic dilating stops as you are taking now and you can continue same treatment since the episodes of uveitis are recurrent I advice for a systemic evaluation the common tests need to be done are complete blood count ear cop since you are having backpain we need to rule out arthritis and spondylitis as a underlying cause hence you require ray of spine and ra factor there is definitive and proven link between back pain and uveitis hence I advice you to get evaluation done to rule out spondylitis and arthritis
hello doctor I am years old and weighs about 86 keg my whole body hurts I got pain all over the body pain in legs and hands pain is persistent all the time mostly in the lower feet and hand I am having pain for the past three months I just had an appointment with my doctor he ordered some blood work and told me everything is fine and he told me to see the rheumatologist once for my peace of mind I have attached my report do you see anything abnormal in my blood report what is the cause of my body pain is anything wrong with my body do I have any underlying conditions such as leukemia lymphoma or any other cancer do I have any liver disease or thyearoid disease that can lead me to pain before three months I did a blood test and my rheumatoid factor was 1 iu my and now it is iu my why it is going up with a short duration of time what do I need to do I am eating healthy and getting good sleep but I am not losing weight my vitamin level is 40ng my and I am taking vitamin b12 I am taking vitamin for almost one year I taking 400 iu for five days a week please explain in detail the treatment plan
hello well I have gone through your history and the reports attached all the reports are normal I could not find the reports of liver function tests there but I suppose your doctor had already looked into it do not worry you do not have any cancers at the current time if any cancer would cause pain it surely would have affected your blood counts as well as for rheumatoid factor or can be lab variation or instrument variation but as long as you do not have joint swellings or pain it is insignificant my diagnosis for pain would go for fibromyalgia it is more of a diagnosis of exclusion and one only considers it after ruling out the other causes which they have done so far I will give you a link you can go through it and let me know if your symptoms match this as treatment will depend on your being convinced about the diagnosis I hope this helps fibromyalgia
hello doctor I had sex with my partner we used the condom but at the end we found it broken but according to him nothing slipped inside but for safety I took I pill within two hours after this I got bleeding within six days of I pill intake and it lasted for five days and was the same as regular periods so based on this I was expecting my second period on 16 the of this month but till date I have not got my second periods during this period several times I did a home pregnancy test and all found negative till today I did not get my period what is happening inside me what is the expected date that I can get my periods is this a sign of pregnancy should I do the test again please help
hi after having sex five days later you got your periods this indicates that 100 you are not pregnant now the delay in your next periods is due to the effect of I pill but there is no need to worry no need to do any further pregnancy test as there is no chance of pregnancy just wait for one or two weeks and you will have your normal periods
hello doctor I would like to send you my daughter egg for evaluation this was taken at the er I think she had heartburn we are now concerned about the abnormal report
hi I have seen the egg of your daughter she has a condition called right bundle branch block a right bundle branch block rbb is a heart block in the electrical conduction system our heart is divided into four chambers upper two are called aria and the lower two are called ventricle every heartbeat starts from the sino atrial node in the right aria called pacemaker of the heart and is conducted to ventricles through bundle branches arising from bundle of his in the ventricle the right bundle branch supplies the right ventricle while the left bundle branch supplies the left bundle during a right bundle branch block the right ventricle is not directly activated by impulses traveling through the right bundle branch the left ventricle however is still normally activated by the left bundle branch though in 85 of adult population rbb is a normal finding yet as your daughter is in the pediatric age group it can be because of atrial septal defect also a detailed history is required before concluding if its atrial septal defect or not you have not mentioned her symptoms does she had breathlessness especially while playing does she have chest pain any history of recurrent chest infections in her childhood why was she taken to er does she have gastritis or acid peptic disorder or heartburn previously does she ever had heart palpitation is she over fatigued as compared to her friend in doing the same amount of work I need answers to the above questions before giving a further advice right bundle branch block atrial septal defect follow up with a detailed history
hello doctor I had a boil on my lower leg last month it was paining and in five days it was filled with pus doctor advised it hoping and after that I took amoxiclav 625 twice daily for three days and keep on dressing after 15 days another one appeared on the upper side of the knee on the same leg I used black tape atropa and it popped in five days on the fifth day another appeared on the same leg and I took amoxiclav 625 for five days twice daily it popped yesterday and today is the fifth day of medicine now today I am feeling another coming near it what should I do please suggest should I use mupirocin on it three to four times a day should I continue amoxiclav more please guide me if anything else should I do including any home remedy I can not bear more pain and I do not want to take medicine any longer
hi from your history I would say you are suffering from folliculitis I bacterial infection since you have recurrent episodes I would suggest you to get pus culture sensitivity done so that specific antibiotics can be decided secondly complete your seven days course of amoxclav 625 amoxicillin and clavulanic acid do not burst boils there is no need for dressing yes you can use mupirocin ointment two to three times a day or fusidic acid cream fucidin cream can be used if possible please send an image and revert back
hello doctor I am a 31 year old male I am suffering from muscle pain for more than four years it has just become worse and I could not get a diagnosis until now it started as an ankle and calf pain four years ago and slowly progressed upward at present I experience severe bilateral pain in the calf muscles and ankle a bit lesser pain in the posterior thighs fluctuating back pain dull aching pain in posterior shoulder muscles I need a pain killer all the time as I cannot take the pain for an hour with out pain killers currently I am on tramadol for peptic ulcer issues I take nsaids my other symptoms include frequent neck stiffness especially during mornings frequents headaches pulsatile tinnitus and jaw pain usually accompanies headache I sleep for 14 hours and still feel tired I have frequent palpitation like panic attacks fatigue concentration issues lots of floaters tinnitus herd all my blood workups are normal except vitamin do which is low and my to was way high hence my doctor thought I am having diabetes even though my fbi ribs were normal he also thought it as diabetic neuropathy but my hba1c is normal and it does not explain the symptoms other than the leg pain all rays were normal mri of the lower back was normal bone scan is normal egg mav are normal doppler of extremities and heart are normal my life has become devastating it has hugely impacted my daily life I cannot work take care of my family or be a normal person for one day I have seen many doctors but all tests blood workups are normal what could be wrong with me how can I get myself diagnosed
hello I have gone through the complaints with chronic muscular pain fatigue to be your main symptoms do you have any urinary problems like pain during passing urine frequency urgency do you have any history of weakness in the muscles in the form of difficulty in walking climbing stairs and performing daily activity history of recurring fevers presence of lymph nodes memory problems unrefreshing sleep unexplained muscle pain and extreme exhaustion associated with all normal investigations go with a functional syndrome by name chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia
hi doctor I had unprotected intercourse with my fiance in the first week of last month and she had unwanted 72 within hours the month end she had little spotting is that an issue her period was expected on the same day but she did not get bleeding I did not discharge the semen inside her is she pregnant
hi thanks for your query on this platform for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I got skin color bumps all over my body which are getting darker after going away I have attached the photos please help
hello I have examined the pictures attachments removed to protect patient identity and noted your details the description matches closely that of superficial folliculitis which is a low grade bacterial infection of the hair follicles and is recurrent in nature for someone attending with me in my clinic and having a similar profile I would have taken full history and conducted local and general physical examination and would have suggested the following measures it is expected that with above measures there should be improvement within a week or so it would be good to keep me updated so that I can guide you through the recovery process for further information consult a dermatologist online
hello doctor my wife is 31 years and she is in her sixth month of pregnancy for past one week she is feeling mild pain in her left thigh region near to lower abdomen yesterday she experienced sporadically sharp pain especially while she got up from chair in office and difficulty while walking today also similar situation this weekend we plan to travel by train what precautions need to be taken kindly advice
hi for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I have vitamin deficiency my treatment and supplement is going on I feel too much weakness and lethargy I cannot close my hands completely my hands pain while closing there is numbness and tingling in fingers all the time it is more in the night and when I get up light objects get dropped from my hands I am having these problems since two months currently I am having prise do meganeuron od plus d100cal oxetol or 150 lupirtin tablet pregabalin since there was no effect with the treatment I am advised to consult a neurologist please help
hello revert back after the investigations to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I am married for ten months I had a miscarriage of 10 weeks baby now again I expect five weeks of pregnancy at my first miscarriage checkup the doctor said that I have a fibroid of 2 am within the uterus at the intermural side also at that time my torch test was positive and were positive and I took medicines will I have a safe pregnancy this time what can I do please suggest
hello there are two things one is to have a pregnancy and the second is the growth of the pregnancy both are different and require different approaches in the treatment point of view as you said there were and positive if it was egg immunoglobulin positive then you need not worry it suggests the past infection but as you have taken tablets and completed the course no need to worry you said that you have a fibroid around 2 am intramural it is true that fibroid can increase the chance of abortion but it is also true many pregnancies with fibroid goes up to the term without any complications and have delivered the baby normally so continue the treatment prescribed by your doctor take maximum rest avoid heavy weight lifting intercourse jerky work and work while bending and hopefully you will have a normal pregnancy
hi doctor I noticed that the upper lid of my eye is swollen it does not have the signs of inflammation but rather the lid is being like edematous it is itchy in the night can it be normal again what is it and what should I do
hi revert back after days for follow up to a dermatologist online
hi doctor my mother is 83 years old she is suffering from hypertension she is taking tazloc 40 my be since six to seven years of late she cannot walk on her own please advice
hi revert back with the investigation reports to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I have attached the blood reports medical reports and doctor prescription of the patient doctor advised for the operation I would require you to please review the attached document and provide your feedback thank you
hi I have thoroughly gone through your case attached reports and can well understand your genuine health concerns you have normal thyearoid profile means gland is working normal and no issue with it your complete blood count is fine meaning there is no issue with your blood kidneys are working normal mri is not normal it shows a fistula and needs proper management as directed by your doctor your physician is right on a decision for surgery as there is a fistula in the sphincter of anus and is causing issues right now if left untreated then it can damage the sphincter of the anus and that may lead to permanent loss of control on stools it is very miserable condition that needs to be corrected in the first place right now please follow the instructions of your physician for further clarification consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my wife who is 40 years old has hemoglobin level of which iron or other supplement should she take immediately she regularly feels quite tired she had the same issues during her college days too also can iron tablets cause constipation if yes kindly suggest remedial measures please guide
hi revert back after the tests to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor one of my colleagues was diagnosed with measles I had measles in my childhood but my doubt is whether it can spread to my months old granddaughter through me will I transmit the infection
hi for further doubts consult a preventive medicine physician online
hi doctor I am a 32 year old male I have a very small topical cut on my penis where the shaft ends it does not pain normally but pains on stretching it happened last month once and went away now it recurred while having sex I am not on any medication
hi please send the good quality photographs of the lesion for better help revert back with the photographs to a dermatologist online
hello doctor I want a medical opinion for my mother who is diabetic for the last 26 years please guide
hi revert back with the reports and details asked to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor for the past few weeks I have had severe vaginal itching it goes on all night and sometimes during the day I have not slept properly for the past few weeks I have not experienced this level of itching before and for such a long time once this started I used lactacyd to alleviate the itch but that has not worked please help me before I go out of my mind
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I took a drug test and it came out negative I am on oxycodone my gabapentin methocarbamol and lisinopril how could it come out negative while taking these drugs I drink a lot of water is this the cause how does this happen please help
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I would like to ask about medicine called tebonin konzent 240 is it good for memory power can I take it in the age of 20 need some advice from your side thanks
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I have burning sensation while urinating and a frequent urge to urinate can it be due to sexual contact I am a year old male
hi these symptoms are classical of urinary tract infection cystitis prostatitis or urethritis yes they can be acquired by sexual contact please get a urine culture and sensitivity done along with ultrasound abdomen because stones in lower ureter can cause these symptoms you can start on a good antibiotic like levofloxacin 500 my once daily in the morning till you get culture report revert back after the tests to a urologist online
hi doctor I am getting allergy once in three to four days which causes rashes and swelling on the body I take cetirizine to control the allergy the allergy is mostly due to unknown factors although it could be because of cloth material I am wearing or bed sheets is there anything I can do to understand the cause of allergy to avoid its recurrence I have been taking cetirizine for years does that have any notable side effect
hi I have read your query in detail and do understand your concern it is very difficult to narrow down to one or more causative factors there are many tests available like patch testing or immunoassays to point out the allergy causing antigens but practically they are not much useful however if there is any family history of autoimmune disorders like thyearoid you may get a thyearoid profile done chronic idiopathic urticaria you can continue with cetirizine alternatively you may take loratadine 10 my or hydroxyzine 25 my at night the side effects are quite rare especially if the dose is taken after a variable gap of few days you may apply calamine lotion as a soothing agent for further information consult a dermatologist online
hello doctor I am 50 years old I have done my sugar test last week which showed high blood sugar value and high cholesterol my doctor advised me to test because I had irritation while urinating my doctor prescribed me to take cumet so tablets my weight is 85 keg and height 8 feet I have few questions regarding this is this sugar value bad is drinking alcohol responsible for high blood sugar which fruits and meals can I take to control my blood sugar should I reduce my weight my cholesterol level is little bit high can you suggest a diet for that is oats good for controlling blood sugar I have attached my blood reports for your reference please help
hi I have gone through your complaint and seen your reports yes drinking alcohol raises blood sugar you should take 6 portions of fruit or vegetables each day you can eat citrus fruits like orange sweet lemon or other fruits like cup pieces of paya pineapple water melon and apple daily you should avoid mango grape date and sugarcane take adequate amount of salad containing tomatoes cumber and green leafy vegetables daily use green leafy vegetables in soup or salad take adequate intake of beans and nuts you can use artificial sweeteners up to certain extent you must restrict your carbohydrate intake avoid rice processed flour potato and sweet potato avoid alcohol smoking sweets and cold drinks try to incorporate whole wheat in diet oats are good in controlling sugar you must carry out moderate exercise 20 minutes per day for five days a week obesity alcohol hba1c blood sugar diabetes mellitus for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my mother is 2 and she weighs keg she is suffering from severe hair loss she had ferritin test and the level is 29 10 her hemoglobin level is normal please give me suggestion about this doctor
hello for more information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am unmarried and 32 years old I am having pod one of my friends suggested me recently to donate eggs I would like to ask is there any sort of side effects to my ovary will the hormone injections cause some side effects to my body or any damage to my pelvic organs will it affect my menses or in getting pregnant in future please help me
hello for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I took medication for pimples I had some allergy and so stopped them now sometimes I have multiple rashes near neck and hands only in evening it also itches all my blood tests are normal currently I am taking allegra please help
hello revert back with the above information to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am a 34 year old female my issues are weight loss memory loss and body pain I had medication for depression before two years my vitamin do level is 34 currently I am taking ashwagandhadi liv on and amlapitta
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I want to increase my breast size without going for an implantation please recommend a safe and effective medicine for my problem
hi I have read and understood your problem for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I am a 34 year old male I do not have any diseases or ailments I am married for 10 years with two children my wife is 34 years old with no diseases I am suffering from pe for the past 12 months and use ot desensitizing lidocaine spray which has wonderfully worked until now I never had erection issues and the intercourse totally satisfied me and my partner but now I am losing erection when sprayed we are a healthy loving couple with zero habits no smoke alcohol I saw a sexologist who advised so profile duralast 30 lox jelly I want to hold on for a month before getting the complete hormonal and semen tests is this pointing towards andropause do you suggest I get the tests done please advise
hello welcome to icliniq com I do not get what so profile is in most cases it is not hormonal so I would never suggest my patients to go for it for providing you the proper treatment I need to know the answers to the following questions what is your age how long you had been in physical relationship any sexual encounter with commercial sex workers any history of diabetes and hypertension is the condition persistent or deteriorating with time is the condition remain constant with other sexual partners if any smoking alcoholic hyperlipidemia on any medications or hormonal therapy any marked curvature in the penis any history of trauma surgery or neurological disorder do you have any of these following features persistent low mood loss of interest in work low energy lack of concentration disturbed sleep ideas of hopelessness helpless guilt or suicide change in appetite headache forgetfulness excessive sweating or shakiness of hands I look forward to hearing from you soon in order to find out the proper cause and thus to provide a proper treatment
hi doctor I have breathing difficulties I had a spirometry test that showed a restrictive disorder I recently had a it scan and waiting to see my specialist in the end of the month I was wondering what could indicate this type of problem I can attach my it scan I am currently taking plaquenil to help urticaria
hi welcome to icliniq com I have seen your reports the it computed tomography scan which you attached is showing ground glass with mild reticular changes in your basal regions and from the history which you gave it could be an interstitial lung disease restrictive pattern in spirometry and go in it chest and in the next visit I would advise you to go for a dclo diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide and serum ice immunoglobulin levels
hello doctor I am 30 years old I have swollen glands in my neck which have been there for at least two to three years I had a previous ultrasound for it which showed signs of reactive lymph nodes I recently visited my go as I felt swollen glands in my inguinal area for nine to ten months I feel fit and fine otherwise with no other symptoms the go said he was not very concerned but decided to send me to a hematologist who examined me and he said there are multiple lymph nodes in the neck and inguinal area but they are subcentimetric the blood was all normal apart of mild neutropenia he said he does not feel it would be something significant but he booked me for it neck thorax abdomen and pelvis I would appreciate your opinion
hello I read your concern you have swollen lymph nodes for many months so it is advisable to investigate with histopathology examination of enlarged node to rule out the underlying cause for that biopsy has to be taken and send it for a histopathology examination it computed tomography scan is also beneficial and you might not worry about radiation if a it scan mandatory to perform however I recommend to investigate with biopsy for histopathology examination as well for primary work up I hope this helps
hello doctor what is the treatment of mania
hi the treatment option for mania is many including antipsychotic such as arpizole and other antipsychotic and mood stabilizing drug such as sodium valproate or lithium and or carbamazepine the choice of drug depends upon the patients choice and side effects profile of drug so please let me know exactly what you want
hi doctor about months ago I had kidney stones with pain under my rib cage and swelling the kidney stones are gone but the pain and swelling under my ribs came back one month ago with constipation I did a it scan without ivcm everything is normal except a mild left basal pleural thickening noted please advise
hello we are here to help you it seems you are suffering from muscular pain the muscular chest pain aggravates with movement it is dull diffuse and continuous in nature this can result from incorrect posture during the night while you were sleeping however in case you have any pain in the upper part of the abdomen or you had consumed alcohol in case last night you would require to get an ultrasound abdomen to rule out any evidence of gall bladder stones or alcohol induced pancreatitis for muscular pain you should do hot fomentation over the involved area to times a day you should apply diclofenac gel locally over the involved area to take anti inflammatory and analgesic pain killer like ibuprofen etoricoxib if the pain is very severe share my opinion with your doctor before acting upon it
hello doctor I have these big changes in my mood and activity levels I will swing from feelings of euphoria and lots of energy during this time I am extremely aggitated my thoughts race and I feel as if I do not need much sleep but I will then crash to an extremely depressive state where I will binge eat I loose all my motivation I cannot think or make decisions I also am often very anxious and I have bursts of extreme anger
hello in order to make an accurate diagnosis some more detailed information is required about your symptoms such as when did it begin how long do they last what exactly you feel in depression have you taken any medicines for it previously is there any family history of similar symptoms what situations trigger these episodes
hello doctor I am a 25 year old male my bum is 31 during physical and mental exhaustion but my bum is high of about 178 during hyperventilation and has pointless frustration my bum from rest to stand increases by at least 30 points but averages a 50 point increase my resting bum is 40 and upon standing it increases to 90 and peaks up to 10 I had done an echo cardiogram and ekg I feel light headed upon standing along with sudden pulsation headache and muscle spasms I feel blackout syncope and fainting I had spontaneous jolt breathless palpitations flutters fatigue chills and skin rash on the back of hands my mental disturbances include confusion inability to maintain thoughts I also feel pointless random irritability ankle pain random lapse of balance throbbing extremities vibrating vision burning sensation social anxiety depression irritating bowl movements no appetite and chest discomfort I wast told to mention the possibility of autonomic dysfunction as its often times overlooked
hello the symptoms you have been suffering from seem to point to a number of possibilities one would initially suspect a cardiac abnormality given the drastic fluctuations in your pulse rate but that would show up on an egg or echo tests since your egg and echo tests are normal I would advise you to get some blood work done like a serum electrolytes test to see if there is any hyponatremia or hyperkalemia also a urine test for 24 hours urinary collection of catecholamines both of these tests would indicate a disorder of the adrenal gland addison disease with the electrolyte abnormalities or phaeochromocytoma diagnosed by the 24 hours urinary catecholamines please get these tests done as both these probable conditions if present need to be treated sooner rather than later I hope this helps 24 hours urinary catecholamines serum electrolytes addison disease adrenal insufficiency phaeochromocytoma
hello doctor yesterday I woke up with a mildly swollen and bloodshot left eye which just got worse through the day I was fine the previous day today I woke up and my eye has become doubled in size accompanied by temperatures headache chills and mild sore throat I went to the doctor and explained my symptoms including that at work my colleague had recently been off with glandular fever he checked my eyes gave me drops and sent me on my way my eye is not better despite doing the drops every two hours as instructed I still have all the other symptoms and none are calming down my right eye is still absolutely fine so after two days of swollen and watery eyes I cannot believe this is due to conjunctivitis I should also add I had glandular fever when I was 16 years old please advise
hello welcome to icliniq com according to the history and the photo you attached there is mild lid edema conjunctival chemosis and confession seen there is also a history of glandular fever to your friend my top of the differential diagnosis would be pharyngoconjunctival fever it is caused by an adenoviral commonly type and causes sore throat fever conjunctivitis that manifest as watering photophobia and swelling in some cases there may be rash it is a self limited disease it can take one to three weeks only symptomatic treatment is given for prompt relief apply cold compresses two to three times daily topical vasoconstrictor gives rapid improvement artificial tear drops give some relief prophylactic antibiotic drops are given to avoid any bacterial infection sometimes oral anti allergic or antihistamine is helpful if there is itching you will get this with your doctor prescription so do not worry it will be alright what you have to do is to protect everyone else it is a viral disease and a contagious one so your family kids and colleagues can get this from you so take care of the clothing towels etc so that the rest of the people be safe
hello doctor I am a 20 year old female I am pregnant and suffering from depression and my main trigger is lack of sleep and tiredness I am aware that I am having a child I am signing up for sleepless nights so my main concern is antidepressants and the effect they might have while breastfeeding
hi I have read your post thoroughly and I have to tell you that depression during pregnancy must be dealt with carefully pregnancy itself causes mood swings and there are episodes of depression as a consequence of hormonal fluctuation the best ways to deal with this during pregnancy vary from patient to patient depending on their level of depression provided your history with this and the suicidal attempts you may need to be on antidepressants which even though are generally considered unsafe for the fetus a few are of pregnancy safety category meaning category drugs may be given when benefits outweigh the risks in your case needless to say these are prescription medications and I recommend you to see a psychiatrist who can evaluate your present situation and decide on that please note that if you ever feel like you need medication during pregnancy do not hesitate to consider the safer options because harboring something like depression can make it worse and cause more harm to the fetus than the drug itself I hope this is helpful
hello doctor my mother is years old she is suffering from diabetes and high be her be remains 140 90 mhg she is taking the following medicines in the morning telmisat 40 one tablet thyox 25 my one tablet during lunchtime jalra 50 my one tablet before food zoryl my forte one tablet during food during dinner time jalra 50 my one tablet before food zoryl my forte one tablet during food alas 10 one tablet telmisat 40 one tablet metolar50 one tablet the recent lab report shows fasting glucose 137 my do post prandial glucose 189 my do urine report shows albumin 184 my creatinine 2 l albumin to or 836 my go mitral test 184 my urine analysis shows protein albumin present cystatin serum 51 my more details about the presenting complaint she is suffering from high blood pressure and diabetics despite taking medicines diabetics is not lowering also sometimes swelling appears in the legs
hello your mother as you said is hypertensive and diabetic she is on glimepiride vildagliptin antidiabetics and atorvastatin metoprolol as station and antihypertensive her be blood pressure is in under control as per her age and blood sugar is raised moderately I would advise to start her on insulin the dose all depending on her weight and blood sugar level if she is not fine with insulin I would advise to increase the dose of antidiabetic drugs after consulting your family physician her kidneys and eyes are fine please take care of her feet by doing a regular examination of feet increase her daily activity by daily walks and avoid lifts diet should be strict avoid non vegetarian rice and fried foods
hello doctor I have an eye infection for six months initially it started with the left side under eye and now it is with both the eyes currently my right eyelid and both under eyes has swelled whenever I touch or rub my eyes also I get itching sensation I have stopped using all eye cosmetics since then every doctor I have consulted says it is dust allergy and gives different eye drops tablets and ointments and says to use it until one month continuously I have used precisely as each doctor suggested till date but still could not get rid of my eye infection even now my eyelids and under eyes are swollen please explain to me why is this happening for the past six months and please help me to get rid of this suffering
hello unfortunately allergy is not a disease as much as it is a reaction to some factors the purpose of any eye drop that we use as ophthalmologist can recommend is merely to suppress that reaction the main treatment would be to detect the factor that is causing this condition and escape it in order to do so you will have to go in your memory six months back and find out what new factor has been introduced into your life another option would be to undergo an allergy test and find out what are the main factors you have an allergy to it would of course help me more to visualize the changes that you currently have in the eyes you can upload several good quality photos of your eyelids and invert them so that I can see the conjunctive the inner layer of the eyelids it is very important to inform me whether you have any other symptoms such as sneezing dry cough or any other symptoms that started at the same time with the changes in your eyes
hello doctor I have been using amir magic cream for about four years and I just totally stopped this year I got itchy very dry red and flare up skin in my face neck and underarms I noticed that every time I stopped using it my skin became dry and itchy but when I started to apply the cream again my skin became clear and bright again I read bad reviews about this cream online we are all suffering the same outcome sometimes I am tempted to buy the cream again just to have my clear skin back but I know I have to use it for the rest of my life do you think that the cream that I was using for a long time had steroids am I also one of the sufferers with the so called topical steroid withdrawal it has been two months since I have this dry and itchy skin please help me
hello welcome to icliniq com you should not use it further as it is clearly causing damage and problem to your skin the manufacturer does not write steroids in its composition but the whitening creams available in the market do contain harmful ingredients always use the product prescribed by the dermatologist it will take time to better your skin and hope for the best steroids steroid induced contact dermatitis steroid induced rosacea use good sunblock of spy 60 apply metronidazole gel 75 over face once a day mix it with cold cream if it irritates your skin use petroleum jelly four to five times a day maintain good hygiene of the area wash with soap and water avoid using dettol and other irritant please follow up at three weeks with pictures attached
hello doctor my wife is 23 years old she is the mother of one daughter and is a little obese and she wants to reduce the weight she has tried many exercises and diet plans but all failed her height is 1 and her weight is 80 keg please suggest her to reduce the weight
hi compared to your wife height her weight is high she has to maintain her weight below 62 keg first of all we have to find whether there is any underlying cause for this do thyearoid function tests to rule out thyearoid disease do us ultrasound to rule out pod polycystic ovary disease these are the most common disease that causes an increase in weight regular use of steroids can also increase weight do the tests and review them with results if you do not have any of the above we can reduce the weight just by regular diet do follow up to get a complete weight reduction diet chart
hello doctor I recently met a neurologist as I was experiencing jerks for atleast 6 times during sleep and also during day time when I used to feel as if I have received a current shock with family history of epilepsy he wanted me to take eg and an mri in the mri he noticed white patch like matter in the brain and wanted to repeat the mri with contrast the area did not enhance post contrast hence he suspected it to be either demyelination or low grade glioma since the terms scared us we took a second consultation with the family neurologist who was again doubtful of what it is finally suspects it to be either focal vasogenic edema in cerebellar hemisphere the report has also has these statements non enhancing medusa like branching magnetic susceptibility effects within this area and thrombosed developmental venous anomaly they have asked me to wait for three months and repeat the mri to see the growth and then come to a conclusion of what exactly it is I get severe headaches and it reduces only after I vomit I feel week in my hands also my parents are ignoring the symptoms I tell them as they think it is my imagination so they are not letting me to get a consultation again please advice
hi if you are getting frequent headaches and vomiting please consult a neurologist neurosurgeon at the earliest watch for visual symptoms like blurring or double vision we might be dealing with two different problems here like epilepsy and an incidental finding of dva if you could have provided films I could have had a look somebody has to see your eyes to look of you have any raised pressure in the brain right now you can start on tablet amitryptilln 10 my at night one tablet diamox 250 my thrice a day you may experience paresthesias as a sideeffect do not worry they will go off take plenty of conut water if raised intracranial tension is detected
hello doctor my eyesight is decreasing every year and now it is in both eyes how can I cure it and will it be sign of blind soon
hi welcome to icliniq com I have gone through what you have mentioned in your query it is quite a common sight here to see people as young as you with a power of to so there is nothing serious in this you have mentioned that your power is but you have not mentioned how much you are able to see with it is usually mentioned as a fraction of example 9 12 and so on by is considered as normal and for most practical purpose 9 is also fine solutions you have although there are no treatments to cure your power you can get lasik park smile surgery done to get rid of glasses we usually recommend a period of stable of power for atleast months before you can make this move else you can opt for contact lenses though they do not treat your power they offer cosmetic benefit complications that you may get now coming to the problems that people with high powers face retinal detachment amblyopia retinal problems including bleeding the only way to avoid these is to see your ophthalmologist atleast once a year where we will be putting in drops to check your retina the problem that you are facing is a challenging one but with proper follow up you will be able to avoid most of the problems that I have mentioned and be able to lead a productive life
hello doctor I am 18 years old and I am in the computer field and have myopia 10 and cataract in both eyes will it get stable with time or are there any chances that I can go blind I am in depression thinking about I might go blind
hi I will first of all say that myopia is correctable and cataracts are curable so there is no need to worry about blindness as long as you are attending your follow ups regularly you have mentioned that your power is 10 but I want to ask you how much your vision is with the 10d it is usually written as a fraction ex 12 etc if your visual acuity is above 9 your eye sight is as good as normal and there will cause you problems with your work in case it is anywhere less than 12 means your cataracts are in the stage to be operated or your high power has cause a few degenerative changes in your retina unfortunately your eyesight cannot be improved further is you have the latter but in case of the former you have no reason to worry like I have told you cataracts are curable and after the surgery as we would have put in a intraocular lens inside your eye you will not need to wear any glasses either you can enjoy spectacle free good vision for the rest of your life there are no home remedies or special diets that can make the cataracts or a power of 10d come to zero if you can scan and send me your doctor notes I can give you more clarity as to what is exactly going on congenital scan fundoscopy scan oct macula
hello doctor my crown has become loose as there is decay inside the crown and around half the edge but not visible I was told that tooth is stable underneath I saw one endodontist who said to rule out implant and he would do root canal but bone and gum are less than ideal and 50 chances are there that it will work he also did not clear all the decay did not take the crown off but drills straight through a wobbly decayed tooth underneath crown did not do the post or crown there is a long standing chronic access at root for years current root canal was done years ago I do not have any other molars left in lower I am in shocked sad anxious and 60 years old I feel tempted to go to an unknown dentist just to see if he could do a hemisection as the endodontist I talk to no longer do them as implants are available and semis tend not to last long does anyone reading this please see any hope for this tooth I chew on it and have no sensitivity and no pain no symptoms at all there is gum recession I have complained to dentist about for the last couple of years I am concerned I will regret not trying to save this tooth if at all possible also told to see prosthodontist to ensure a crown could be made if I get the retreatment I have two tracks I am pursuing I will see an oral surgeon tomorrow to rule out implant and then see prosthodontist I am attaching rays concerned in this decision making process about any further damage being done to gum and or bone impeccable hygiene history
hello seeing the recent rays it is obvious that the distal root has abscess and should be removed hemisection might be a good idea but it alone cannot withstand the biting force and if you can afford then go for a molar implant behind this tooth so that you will get one extra molar to chew on a hemisection to retain the menial root of this tooth along with another implant behind it will give adequate tooth structure to have a normal biting force if you cannot afford both then go for extraction of this abscessed tooth and an implant as hemisection alone is not strong unless it has more support behind it
hello doctor I am suffering from low platelet count low hemoglobin burning back pain shoulder pain arm pain forearm pain breathing problems abdominal pain morning stiffness foot and hand pain I feel tired eyes pain and burning headache pallor and frequent urination my burning pain in the back gets worse while doing some household activities can you please help me with what is going on with me I am currently taking naproxen 250 vitamin b12 injection and vitamin do capsule
hello the shoulder pain arm pain like symptoms could be because of low vitamin b12 levels so you can complete the course of b12 injection for breathing issue however you need to investigate with spirometry and chest ray additionally I have observed that your hemoglobin level and platelet counts are low persistently for the past two to three months so kindly consult a nearby hematologist for a detailed evaluation of low platelet count some autoimmune thrombocytopenia like cause needs to be searched as per provided history for that primarily ana antinuclear antibody investigation has to be done I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a year old female and a working professional I mostly work in night shifts and graveyard shifts am 12 am I have had thick hair in the past but since the past four years my hair kept thinning and I now see little signs of baldness on the crown of my head I have recently visited one of the doctor and she suggested few tests such as thyearoid hiv hepatitis etc everything seemed normal but she noticed that I had vitamin b12 deficiency and recommended pop treatment for my hair where she would inject my own blood into the pores of my skull crown for about six months so it would be six sessions and she said that would help I am really scared to get that done as I want to know if there would be any complications or side effects in future after going for pop I also have to accept that my hair has thinned out drastically and I want to do anything that would definitely help me
hi in addition to thyearoid test also get a hemoglobin blood test done if the hemoglobin is below normal you will have to take iron supplements in addition to vitamin b12 supplements also take biotin and zinc supplements lifestyle changes are also required which is difficult in your situation due to your job timings eat healthy foods like vegetables and fruits drink plenty of water have at least eight hours of sleep you can use minoxidil lotion my twice a day applied over the scalp for a month then can increase the concentration to 10 minoxidil once a day for two more months check for any allergies though after applying
hi doctor we are trying for a baby for three months I have been facing a couple of issues I feel the symptoms of periods within 18 to 20 days of my previous cycle my regular cycle was between 25 to 28 days before I was taking folvite folic acid tablet but started using iron tablets for two months please let me know what could be the cause or is this normal
hi welcome to icliniq com the feeling of symptoms like periods but not actually having bleeding could be due to ovulation pain what is called in medical terms is mittelschmerz pain if your cycles are ovulatory all the more good try for conception in the middle of your cycle days say in 25 28 day cycle 18 days do not worry if three months are gone give a fair trial for six months before undergoing any investigations folic acid to continue till you conceive it will prevent neural tube defects in the baby
hello doctor I have been recently diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia by my family doctor I have been experiencing lightheadedness fainted a few times after standing my be is really high 186 102 mhg on average with a normal pulse while lying down then as soon as I sit or stand up my be drops quite low 104 75 mhg on average I have also been experiencing severe fatigue my whole body just aches all the time and I constantly feel short of breath and get chest tightness and on and off pains I have reoccurring tremors in my left arm and fingertip numbness I become very foggy minded usually at night and I get words mixed and my speech gets slurred and stuttered the worst most uncomfortable feelings I have is shortness of breath and have difficulty trying to breathe I cannot sleep feeling like this I have a month old baby to take care of but I need some advice on getting at least some temporary relief with my breathing and chest pains until I see the cardiologist please help I am currently taking celexa 40 my at night for depression
hi welcome to icliniq com it is postural orthostatic hypotension I a significant drop of blood pressure which is causing fainting and giddy kind of symptoms to prevent this avoid sudden movements like while getting up from the bed sit with the legs hanging on the side for a while then get up while feeling faint just lie down on the floor do not try to control and stand surely you will fall second thing your resting be blood pressure is high it needs to be controlled as early as possible it looks like gestational hypertension after pregnancy chest tightness and breathing difficulty are due to resting high be take tablet amlodipine my once daily until you see any cardiologist and avoid sudden movements
hi doctor I am the mother of a 15 year old girl who was adopted she has no family history and no medical history she started experiencing back pain in her lower central back the pain felt like sharp jabs at sometimes and dull at others this pain progressed to the hips and shooting pains down both legs she was seen by her regular pediatrician who sent her to get an ray of her lumbar spine the test was clear her doctor recommended physical therapy after starting physical therapy she was sent to a podiatrist to see if her flat feet were the problem they were determined not to be she has now been doing physical therapy for about three weeks and nothing seems to help she recently experienced an episode where she was sitting reading in class when all of a sudden her whole left side jabbed and got spasmed she felt the pain the whole afternoon as it felt like all her muscles were pulled she also experienced sudden vision deterioration and has just gotten glass for that could you please tell us what you think this could be
hello I had gone through all the data that you have posted I can understand your concern being a mother of 15 year old and facing all this I will try to help in my way the first thing is complete detailed neurological examination is very important in this case due to the presence of a back problem with sensory symptoms for some time and sudden vision deterioration goes in favor of multiple sclerosis is if the clinical examination reveals some abnormalities kindly go ahead for mri magnetic resonance imaging spine along with the brain in is it is common to have such episodes and more on extending the neck and weakness if any may worse with bath in hot water other possibilities include dyselectrolytemia sciatica so kindly consult a neurologist for a detailed neurological examination and discuss possibilities with him and let him decide on further evaluation
hello doctor my son is months old his weight is now 3 keg he is premature with birthweight 3 keg I could not breastfeed him he was on silmilac after every feed he used to poop on his second vaccination he started getting loose motions he had almost for weeks he was then shifted to isomil and neogain after that his motion frequency reduced but it was pasty in between he had blood in motions they looked like pepper and episodes of spots of blood from next month he became constipated using neopeptine drops three times a day and colic aid he went motion once a day last week he did not go motion at all for days and had to use enema to remove the doctor suggested to use can lo lac very next day he got high fever white watery stools and dehydrated and was admitted to hospital he was given neusobee in the hospital he started going green watery motions flushed face and rash all over body am was stopped and nestum was given he started going pasty yellow stools can neogain be given how will he have enough calcium since he does not take milk amino acid am is not available in market here the doctor advised him to give rice and bread I am afraid to give him any feed since his gut is damaged what to be given he is also anemic and he came out of hospital with a sore throat he was on antibiotics montox in 20 for days and probiotics and drops to be continued for 10 days
hello I have gone through the elaborate history you have given you did not mention how you were feeding the baby meaning whether it was bottle feeding or spoon feeding generally if a baby is bottle fed there are high chances of infection due to contamination good hygiene should be maintained it is very unfortunate that the baby did not have breastfeeding the reason for frequent gi infection could be contamination and lactose intolerance you have changed formula feeds very frequently which should not have been done either you should go with a lactose formula like can or lactogen or a lactose free formula like nusobee or zero lac continue the one which the baby is compatible with as far as complimentary feeding is concerned that is rice you need to start it once baby is months old do not worry that the baby gut is damaged it repairs itself and adapts to the food or diet we give but takes some time start with liquids or soups later increase the consistency
hi doctor I am in sexual relationship with my wife since marriage for the past 100 days yesterday we both tested and identified that she is hiv positive and I am negative is there a high chance that the unprotected vaginal sex with hiv positive woman will result in hiv will it get cured in hiv window period am I safe if I am negative what I will do for pregnancy and kids in future if I become positive what I will do for the same above
hi for further information consult a hiv aids specialist online