1 value
hello sir my son is and half years old from his birth he has cold cough problem that we took abc in that it came normal but abc use to have 2300 from birth till months back and after that he unable to walk and got severe fever and cold and shiverish and he cant able to walk and I consult with doctor who a child specialist he said me to take a abc and I gone through abc test in that abc shows 5800 doctor said me to take scan and I done scan in that it shows he has a plural effusion fluids in that they send for fluid test but the trust reports are not yet came but the doctor started treatment for chemotherapy by saying he has a blood cancer they took bone marrow biopsy in that it shows negative my doubt is to ask you about sir doing chemotherapy done before fluid report came right or not report not yet came but abc everyday took is rapidly increasing and still fluid test not yet came now doctor sayin that they have to do bone marrow transplant I have a younger kids age under doctor saying that siblings match in blood test will have to be a donor for the person affected you plus give me a suggestion and help me from this old sir or madam
dear your son may have leukemia and there are so many types of lukemia just with abc leukemia cannot be confirmed and there are multiple tests that has to be done fluid tests may not show positive results in a single test it may be repeated they must have done flow cytometry and that will give you better idea regarding the condition is he having fever or any other complaints sore those bone marrow transplantation will be done only after subtyping leukemia chemotherapy will be usually started after knowing diagnosis but if child is sick enough or if it is not going to affect the test result they may start chemo early and wait for the test results hope it is useful let me know with some more details I would like to give my opinion
my mother age is 58 height is feet weight around 50 keg she suffered a stomach tumour more than 20 years back which was to be operated upon 13 years back she suffered a brain stroke because of the clotting of a vein inside the brain she is diabetic and has hypertension too since then she is on continuous medications her prescription includes tab ecosprin 150 my cap gemcol is tab glide my tab volix 3 my tab cobadex cos tab storvas 10 my tab covance 50 my tab eso 5 my nowadays she is suffering from some problems sometimes she has a mild fever which usually comes in the evening she is suffering from pain in waist where the pain originates from the back side of the waist and then come in the front part she is suffering from pain on the right side of her face specially the right side of the forehead she has this feeling of heaviness inside the stomach which is very uneasy she sometimes suffers from pain in the stomach near the navel her stomach does not get clear in the morning pain in the bone of the right side of forehead light headache so what should we do
i got a severe toothache which I was already done a root canal treatment I could not found any dental care due to corona virus can you please suggest some prescription to get a relief from the pain
hello doctor I have recurring anemia for years now I do not know how to manage it via diet
hi I will give you a few food lists and guidelines to incorporate in your daily diet schedule include iron rich foods if you are non vegetarian then you can also include egg yolk chicken liver fish along with other veg foods if you are a vegetarian then you can include soybean sprouts garden cress seeds oats cous broken wheat pomegranate apple banana green leafy vegetables squeeze lemon on your veggies meat and salad as vitamin helps in absorption of iron you can also take fresh lime juice or orange juice with your meals avoid taking any caffeine with or immediately after meals caffeine hinder iron absorption you can cook your meals on iron tara or iron pots also avoid taking calcium and iron together as calcium also hinders in iron absorption for example if you are taking calcium and iron supplements do not take it together keep duration in between two supplementations I hope this helps
hello doctor my granddaughter was normally born on april 20 her birth weight was 6 keg currently weighing keg with persistent jaundice her total bilirubin is 47 and direct is 19 she is breastfeeding along with formula as per pediatrician suggestion with couple of blood tests and ultrasound the ultrasound was tested for biliary atresia and was negative I am recently seeing oil in her stools pediatrician has evaluated it as conjugated hyperbiliruminemia it would be nice if you could review and let me know your opinions is this could be the reason for not gaining weight
hi persistence of direct bilirubin at two months of age needs to be evaluated properly most importantly what is the color of her stool is your doctor told you anything about the liver whether it is big or normal there are so many causes but most important and serious and need timely intervention is extrahepatic biliary atresia which as per information has been ruled out other common causes can be neonatal hepatitis or some metabolic disorder the list of causes is long so better if you can share all the reports blood urine sonography torch titer tit enzymes alpha anti trypsin etc I can advise you on how to proceed further and whether it needs further investigations
hi doctor I am having pain in my right testicle but it is a dull pain and it is hard to pinpoint exactly which side but I would like to say it is my right testicle that gets swollen and also has that fullness feeling in the entire sac it normally flair up every single morning for the past four months and I seem to have an increase in sexual dreams since it has been happening it is not the worst pain in the world but it is discomforting I really do not want to see a doctor as it is very embarrassing for me throughout the day it will become swollen and sometimes not hot baths and masturbation are the only things that help with the pain I normally have to masturbate every single morning to take the pain away I do feel like I can feel something down there on my right side behind my testicle that feels like a smooth tube not sure if this is normal as I also feel it on my left side but it is not as big on my left side a few other symptoms I have experienced with this are lower back pain and nausea but once again this has been ongoing for four months now can you help me I am currently on melatonin and allegra
hi I appreciate your detailed description testicular pain can be apparent and have a cause or can be idiopathic unknown also testicular pain can be secondary to the inflammation of tests epididymis or both it can be associated with a hernia which not necessarily appears to you if it is small it can as well be due to hydrocele fluid collection around the tests moreover varicocele dilated veins around the tests testicular tumor can also cause pain testicular hematoma blood collection beside the tests or epididymal cyst referred pain from lower ureteric stone lastly idiopathic the accuracy of diagnosis depends on history and examination ultrasound of scrotum and ultrasound rub to role out any abnormality in your urinary system moreover urine tests to rule out urine infection from your presentation I doubt varicocele or hernia but cannot exclude other causes regarding your back pain it might be a referred type of pain from tests so I hope treating the tests pain relief it you will need an ultrasound of your scrotum and urine analysis post ejaculation urine for culture then to follow up with results at the moment for the pain you are advised to take naproxen sodium 500 my twice daily for 30 days do not worry about it I hope I can find the cause and give you the proper treatment after investigations further you can follow up with me at your convenience scrotal support wearing fit underwear will reduce your discomfort I hope this helps ultrasound scrotum ultrasound rub kidney ureter and bladder urine analysis post ejaculatory urine culture naproxen sodium 500 twice daily for one month fit underwear after investigations
hello doctor my mother in law is a years old diabetic patient she is suffering from a problem that whenever she eats anything she has feelings to use the washroom please help
hello your mother in law problem could be because of certain diabetic drugs also I will be able to help you better if you can upload the list of medications she is on and since how many days is she having this problem what is the stool consistency watery or semisolid or solid does she have any abdominal pain has she lost weight awaiting your reply depending on that I will be able to help you better with appropriate treatment is irritable bowel syndrome do diabetic mellitus
hello doctor I just noticed a white spot on my gum not anywhere near my teeth I am scared of it
hello thank you for sharing the image based on the information you have provided it looks like an ulcer it is a common ailment found in most people for a definitive diagnosis I will need some more information since when did you notice this any history of trauma due to accidental lip biting or injury while brushing nature of the white spot does it pain burn on touching and movement of the lip any allergies to any medication your diet nutritional deficiencies autoimmune disorders and blood disorders rare your water intake per day generally oral ulcers tend to heal by themselves within 10 days if there is pain or discomfort hampering routine activities like chewing or talking a topical formulation like an antiseptic coupled with an analgesic gel can be applied to the ulcer directly for symptomatic relief also a nutritional supplement rich in complex vitamins is prescribed to promote healing I hope this helps trauma due to lip biting or during brushing nutritional deficiencies autoimmune or blood disorders rare blood investigations if symptoms do not resolve after 15 days aphthous ulcers stomatitis aphthous ulcers antiseptic and analgesic topical gel to be applied on the ulcer advise use of nutritional supplements rich in complex vitamins daily intake of at least three to four liters of water maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine careful brushing technique without hurting adjacent soft tissue brush twice daily with a fluoride containing paste use of interdental floss to clean the surfaces spaces and contacts between the teeth use of salt water gargles every day especially after meals tongue cleaning on regular basis a periodic check up with your dentist once every six months a visit to the dentist for oral prophylaxis teeth cleaning and polishing once every six months as soon as further details are provided
hello doctor I am a 17 year old female I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome last year but the pain started before that at that time my hand only hurt when it was bent to a certain position and it hurts when I am on my fours or when push up position it did not hurt when my hand was squeezed or doing hand exercises the doctor prescribed me with etoricoxib arcoxia 60 which I took twice a day for a week and told me not to move my right hand I tried not to use it as much as possible but since it was school time it required me to use my hand after the medication was over I was not able to come back to the hospital even though I was told to if the pain did not go away and talk to my doctor about the condition of my hand now my hand specifically the palm of the thumb started to hurt even if it was not bent or I am in a push up position it is more painful when it is squeezed our place is quarantined and I am sure getting appointments will be hard during this time so I am trying to relieve the pain at home but still I want to have some instructions from the professional I have 10 arcoxia pills here at home should I take it to relieve the pain should I follow the initial instructions of my doctor and take it twice every day or just take it whenever I feel pain what should I do
hello please take the pain killer etoricoxib only if you feel pain try to apply a wrist support belt it will help your wrist to keep in position carpet tunnel syndrome mri magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist nerve compression carpet tunnel syndrome tablet etoricoxib 120 my tablet for 10 days gala 200 my one tablet for one month rabiprazole 20 my one tablet for 10 days memo od 1500 micrograms one tablet for one month do not lift heavy weight with mri report
hello doctor I am a 14 year old male and I got these lines between my eyes and cheeks it is saggy but it does not hurt and I do not know why I got it I have been doing some exercises to help reduce the line and I also put aloe vera gel I sleep eight hours and I start sleeping at 10 or am but it does not fade and I sleep on my right side is this one of the reasons sometimes my eyes feel tired what is the cause of this and how do I get rid of them or reduce them without surgery I do not have money to go to surgery I hope I could get an answer
hello sagging is due to loss of elasticity of the skin do you go out in the sun uv rays exposure is your nutrition proper is your water intake adequate is there any environmental dust exposure stress poor nutrition non surgical therapy such as face massage face packs masks and anti gravity exercises can help protection from extrinsic factor ultraviolet rays with proper sunscreen caps umbrella and clothing use photostable sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors for 20 days do daily skincare cleansing and moisturizing do you have adequate sleep and fluid intake avoid smoking and alcohol increase protein intake in your diet like nuts milk almonds pulses lentils eggs and dates maintain iron levels increase citrus fruits also vitamin a and minerals are antioxidants which help in skin rejuvenation I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a sinusitis patient but I do not face any breathing problems and I am just 21 year old is corona dangerous for sinusitis patients please tell me I really want to know
hi corona is dangerous for each and everyone one of us however there are few conditions where the patient body immunity is on the lower side one such condition is recurrent allergy associated sinusitis you may be completely asymptomatic but in general patients probe for allergy and associated sinusitis do have a slightly higher risk for acquiring any infection for that matter it is always better to take adequate care and precautionary measures must be followed at all costs failing which you not only expose yourself but expose others as well make sure that the sinusitis and related symptoms are treated in an effective manner I have not gone into the treatment for sinusitis as your question was very specific regarding the lethality of coronavirus in patients with sinusitis I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 28 year old male I am tested couid positive on 13th may after 20 days I go through all blood tests in which I found serum bilirubin total is 8 direct 8 and indirect 0 are elevated I am always getting a fever around 0 and pulse rate around 95 on resting I also have nausea dizziness fatigue and weakness I am currently on ursocol 300 twice daily pantocid 40 and doll 650 sos no relief yet please guide me
hello I went through your records I see that you were tested couid positive on 13th may and your investigation was done on 30th may it has been a month from the couid test and two weeks passed after your let liver function test this result could be per se because of couid itself as any viral infection is more likely to involve the liver during the course of illness and take some time for it to recover second possibility all viral infections will suppress your immune system that makes you more prone for secondary infections which may lead to persistence of low grade fever I will suggest you to get investigated for other organ involvement also especially the kidneys and also to repeat the let to see what is the current status as two weeks are already passed by abc complete blood count with peripheral smear let rat renal function test malaria antigen test viral fever induced hepatitis continue the current medications at present
hi doctor my husband had a deep filling in his upper second to last molar left side about several hours later he started having discomfort and taking tylenol and ibuprofen interchangeably now it has been the second day with severe pain and his cheek is swollen and the gum over the tooth is in pain but not swollen and it is a throbbing type of pain we have no access to the dentist please help
hello in this condition the tooth should not be filled and instead root canal should be done as the filling was near the pulp pupal irritation is causing the pain take tablet amoxiclav amoxicillin and clavulanic acid 625 my one tablet twice daily for five days zerodol so aceclofenac paracetamol and serratiopeptidase one tablet twice daily for five days capsule pan pantoprazole twice daily before meals for five days betadine mouthwash gargle in lukewarm water if nothing is available right now warm saline gargle will also help for the time being take the medication your husband would be relieved do not worry but I will advise to get the filling out by your local dentist and your husband needs a root canal kindly upload an image of the tooth along with the affected area treatment was not done properly should have gone with a root canal removal of filling and root canal procedure upload an image and ray available your husband will be fine once he gets the medication but as you both are travelling even warm saline gargle two or three times will help
hello doctor I am a singer and I have a big problem with my voice I really hope you can help my voice is fine for the 10 months of the year but right when summer starts I completely lose my voice this started last year when I started getting uncomfortable when singing at first just the higher notes that are not even that high for me but by the middle of july my voice was completely gone I went to many doctors but nobody could help me my voice started getting better in september and was completely fine in november now it is again very uncomfortable to sing I suddenly have breathiness where it should not be my voice is not consistent nor reliable I am considering voice therapy but do not want to spend so much money again and not getting help I also struggle a lot with very bad anxiety but I do not feel it getting so much worse in the summer maybe just a little
hi I feel you are having seasonal acute laryngitis first and foremost acute inflammation of the vocal cords what we call as acute laryngitis requires proper precautionary measures for a certain amount of time with proper treatment failing which the problems will recur again after a short span of relief my advice to you would be to give absolute voice rest during that period now absolute voice rest means you should not even be saying yes no during the day the vocal cords require time to heal completely and this takes usually 10 to 14 days for things to completely settle down make sure you do not strain your voice during that season you can also follow the advice given and can be considered during the episodes of laryngitis tablet wysolone 20 my once a day after fast for days followed by 10 my for days and finally followed by my for next days this is a steroid and to be taken only when is voice is completely gone and not otherwise drink lots of boiled warm water every hours steam inhalation will also be useful salt gargles to times a day will also bring a lot of benefit absolute voice rest
hi doctor the patient met with an accident she is 47 years old in the accident she had a collar bone fracture and a hit in the back of the brain the back of the head is bulging and some spots are observed in the brain it scan I have attached the head it scan report for your reference please help
hi I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you revert back with the answer to the above question to a neuro surgeon online
hi doctor I had my lower right side first molar extraction about a month ago my dentist prescribed a course of antibiotics the pain persisted after I finished the course of antibiotics and so the dentist again prescribed a five day antibiotic course a week went by with no pain and then the pain re occurred my medical doctor prescribed a third course of antibiotics now I fear that there is an infection under the gum line that is not being addressed by the antibiotics since I started the latest course of antibiotics the pain is on and off when I have the pain it bounces around even to the head I feel there may be some nerve damage when the tooth was pulled I am taking clindamycin for this issue also I am on insulin for type diabetes cyclobenzaprine levothyearoxine and lisinopril my regular dentist wants me to see an endodontist on the theory that one of the neighboring teeth is infected and their solution is to do a root canal I hear that the root canals are a bad idea as a dead tooth is left in place to seep bacteria into the body if possible can I get an antibiotic injection at the site of the infection please give me your thoughts thank you
hi I can understand your concern regarding to dental health for further information consult a dentist online
hi doctor I caught lyme disease two months ago I had a hour long vomiting session with it since then I have had tingling in my arms legs hands and feet a month ago I started having kaleidoscope vision followed by a medium headache this is now happening three or more times a week and lasts for about 20 minutes it starts as a small circle or a line like a cut diamond first and then it goes colored which expands until it takes most of the vision I cannot really see anything at this point I feel as if the esophagus is blocked when I swallow food I have never had migraines in my life my mother has ms what could cause these visual disturbances and tingling I am on sulfasalazine melperon leflunomide pantoprazole thyearonajod vitamin b12 and shilajit I have chiri malformation of about 12 78 my at last measure psoriatic arthritis lupus gluten sensitivity herniated cervical disc fibromyalgia bone cysts and spurs restless leg syndrome wrist degeneration and cartilage too
hi I understand your symptoms well for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor I am a 25 year old married female my weight is keg and height is 161 am I am suffering from nausea dizziness and light headache mainly around the eyes for nearly three weeks I am a dentist for the last one month I am preparing for other exams as I have a son of 5 years old I used to study in dim light at night to avoid disturbance I am on a diet for the past one month to reduce weight sometimes I am on stress and depression to manage time at workplace home and study I doubt whether I have developed any eyesight issue I feel more dizzy and nauseous in the evening and when I see a computer laptop or mobile I am not trying for pregnancy I need your guidance thanks in advance
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor is red warm patches on both legs with tingling early stages of dot I went to the er and they sent me home I am currently on carnitine argentine suboxone aspirin fluoxetine and buspirone
hello no it is not an indication of dot deep vein thrombosis the earliest symptom of dot would be swelling which is usually unilateral associated with pain rash may occur but in later stages and associated with swelling pain which may occur due to venous congestion also I guess there are no risk factors for dot like bedridden state lower limb surgery long haul flight etc so I do not think this is dot now why are you on aspirin and other medications do you have any systemic disease which could explain these symptoms regarding possible causes these are inflammatory skin rashes which may be due to due to allergies insect bites viral infections skin irritation due to clothes and more likely possibility is of drug induced as you are on medications like aspirin etc so try to correlate with the above mentioned factors I hope this helps
hi doctor I am getting anxiety and panic attacks when I am worried or overthink I had pounding and palpitation at that time but I am not feeling anything in specific I am going 20 minutes walk daily about 5 am per hour and burning 200 calories I lost around keg in the past three months I have stopped taking chocolates coke red bull etc as well to help with weight loss I have attached my abc report here for your reference
hi based on your query and attached report my opinion is as follows iron deficiency eosinophilia iron supplements and iron rich diet also albendazole if worm infection is suspected for further doubts consult a hematologist online
hi doctor I feel some tissue or bump on the soft palate it is soft without pain I have been having it for many months the doctors said that it is due to brush injury and will heal but it did not what is it
hi I understand your concern for further doubts consult an ent otolaryngologist online
hi doctor I got a swelling in the left lower eyelid as can be seen in the picture before four days it is painful and the eye turned red since yesterday I have been using ciprofloxacin eye drops but there is no relief I got similar problem in my right lower eyelid a year back since two months I am staying in hot climate also I have mild dandruff what is the diagnosis and treatment
hi I have gone through the pictures of your eyes revert back after a week to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor I am a 20 year old female my weight is 48 keg and height is 2 I have a fair skin I had modular acne on face back and shoulder I was on isotretinoin for months and I have got over my acne but my skin looks lifeless unmoisturized and dull in the face hands and shoulder even after applying moisturizer what should I do now to get a healthy and glowing skin all over my body
hi for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am suffering from throbbing dull pain in my left eye which is shooting down to the left nostril I feel pressure when I bend forward and also some discharge from the nose with a salty taste I am getting the pain while watching television and when working in the computer I am having a good sleep and my vision is also normal but when I press my forehead just above my left eye I feel throbbing pain I have consulted two neurologists they did not recommend for any scan one suggested gabapentin and another sibelium 10 my once a day at night for a month both asked me to do some physical works like closing eyes stretching hands walk and step one foot after another what is my problem please explain
hello I had gone through all the details that you have posted the differential diagnosis for your problem would be as follows for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my mom is extremely depressed and showing the anger towards my dad with the wrong assumptions she is not at all listening to our words whenever we advise on this she is showing abnormal anger which is unusual I tried to take her to a psychiatrist but she is not ready to come she had the same issue before four years and was rectified after consulting with a psychiatrist can you please suggest or guide to deal this
hi for further information consult a psychologist counsellor online
hi doctor I am a 35 year old female I have been experiencing a rigorous hair fall I am also feeling tired and dizzy my skin and hair has become very rough and dry also the blood loss during periods is excessive I got my blood tests done six months back and my serum iron was 36 my doctor had put me on an iron supplement named solve for months I got my serum iron and vitamin tested again I have attached all the reports for your reference my serum iron is still the same and it has not improved at all also I get bruises on my body randomly my thyearoid levels are normal can you advise why my serum iron is not increasing though my he is 9 my transferritin saturation is also low can this cause severe hair loss please advise a solution for my problem
hi based on your query and reports my opinion is as follows platelet count and endometrial biopsy revert back with the images and reports to a hematologist online
hello doctor I have an itchy bump around the nail of one of my toes the second one it has happened in the past years usually when the season gets warmer it started about a month ago and grew into a quite itchy sensitive and swollen area it is now turning to purple I tried antifungal before but it was hard to know whether they made a difference please help
hi I have read your concern and examine your pictures ingrowing nail gram staining and culture potassium hydroxide koh smears acute paronychia without obvious abscess can be treated nonsurgically like in your case I suggest tablet augmenting 625 my thrice daily combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid for days and clotrimazole plus fusidic acid cream twice daily for one week
hi doctor I have recently visited er due to sob then I was diagnosed with a pleural effusion of left lung blood work and urinalysis completed during the visit showed normal values I had chest ray and it scan which confirmed such and revealed a mass in this area I went to medical center the next day for pleural fluid drainage and subsequent sample analysis the sample results from fluid were clear and the drainage helped with breathing I just returned from the medical center following the biopsy of that area my radiologist indicated that the biopsy area was more shallow than he has experienced with other patients I would appreciate your thoughts I am currently on lopressor and losartan I had not experienced breathing issue prior to this and it recently occurred just two weeks ago
hi for further information consult a pulmonologist online
hi doctor I was attacked by mumps around three years back and now my testicle sizes are different so I wanted to know about the treatment will I get rejected in visa medical test I am a petroleum engineer please help
hello I had gone through all the details posted the difference in size of the testicles is mainly because of two reasons orchitis and hydrocele orchitis is inflammation of the testicles which has happened three years back due to mumps there will be redness pain and no fluid around the tests for decrease of swelling and pain we need to use anti inflammatory agents if there is any bacterial infection then we need to use antibiotics in case of hydrocele if the inflammation is more then the fluid will be formed around the tests which needs ultrasound and clinical examination for diagnosis if there is fluid around the tests then it can be removed by surgery if you have hydrocele there is chance for rejection to foreign countries so you may need to be operated if it is only different size of the tests and no fluid then there may not be a chance for rejection so you need to consult a general surgeon and get an ultrasound of the scrotum for further management for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor today I took my 8 years old daughter who is about 13 keg weight and 94 am height to a free growth screening camp the doctor has suggested the following laboratory tests lft kft ash abc s ear vitamin do tg ga level urine and stool routine she has also prescribed bandy plus 10 my oral suspension to be taken before sleep and again the same 10 my dosage to be repeated after 15 days she also told us to show the test reports within one or two days for further advice on the growth of my daughter since bandy plus contains ivermectin and albendazole I am little bit scary further my height is 168 am and her mother is 158 am we are much worried about the growth of my daughter in terms of height however she is very active and one of the best students of her school in sports study and all other extracurricular activities we humbly request to guide us whether all these pathological tests and medication as stated above are in line with the problems or not
hello genetic hypothyearoidism constitutional short stature genetic revert back with the reports to a child health specialist online
hi doctor I am a 56 year old male on the left knee there is a painless black growth and that has been there for around years now in a recent visit my doctor advised to use lactic acid plus salicylic acid based topical lotion this reduced the size of the growth a little bit however after stopping the lotion for 15 days it grew back to its original size again but it did not become bigger than before I have attached the pictures for your reference could you please advice as what this could be also what treatment would one need for this
hi for further doubts consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor a year ago I was told that I have a 5 am splenic aneurysm after a it scan this week I had an mri with and without contrast the report was 2 fusiform aneurysm dilation of splenic artery 6 my 5 my splenic saccular aneurysm and minimal mural thrombus calcified wall with 8 my renal fusiform aneurysm until I see a vascular md I would like to know the treatment for this also a summary is appreciated I am a 69 year old female there is a history of lupus and high blood pressure I am currently on lipitor topral and beinicar thank you
hi for further information consult a general surgeon online
hi doctor my blood test shows lymphocytes 60 where the normal range is 20 to 45 I had immunophenotyping and the values are cd23 1 cd19 30 and cd5 79 what does it indicate am I a leukemia patient please advise
hello revert back with the answers to the above questions to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am 27 years of age I had gone to study in abroad I was extremely lonely there I am a huge hypochondriac and when I started getting sleep problems I started thinking I had some fatal disease subsequently just three months ago I somehow became convinced that I had schizophrenia and vigorously started searching about my symptoms on the internet I started feeling extremely detached from my surroundings and from everything around me I also started feeling detached from people nowadays I feel extremely scared of any noise made by inanimate objects around me even a running air conditioner scares me though I know that it is a non living thing it seems as if I have lost the ability to process things a bird chirping scares me while I know it is a bird chirping I still get scared of that noise a newspaper moving in the air scares me even though I tell myself that it is a newspaper I know this does not sound good my question is there any possibility this is not a psychotic illness could this be anxiety or depression and if it is a psychotic illness is it possible that it might go away and not last like schizophrenia will I ever be able to work please help me
hi for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor I have low back pain and neck pain but not simultaneously it occurs alternatively when there is low back pain I do not feel neck pain and vice versa what might be the problem please explain
hi I have read your question with care for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor some gum like fluid is coming out of my ear I have this problem for almost two years now please help
hello for further information consult an ent otolaryngologist online
hi doctor I have recently been tested positive for chlamydia which I believe to have contracted around 5 years ago in the past one year I have been to the doctor for the following symptoms increased menstrual pain dull pain during ovulation yellow discharge sickness during menses and one sided pain for a few days after the menses at that time I was given medication to ease the blood flow and pain however now I have been tested positive for chlamydia due to the fact that I must have had it for three to four years with no symptoms until the last year I believe it has developed into pid I am taking a course of doxycycline 100 my and metronidazole 400 my twice daily for weeks which my go gave me however he does not believe I have pid I am going on a holiday next week and will be exposed to sunlight a lot should I hold off taking the antibiotics during this time what are the chances I have pid I am worried about scarring of the fallopian tubes and infertility would an ultrasound detect scarring if any
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I have a congenital squint problem till 12 to 13 years of age my eyesight was good then I developed myopia it is mainly because of television now I am 21 years old and have power glasses of 5 is there any permanent solution for my condition please explain even if it is a surgery thank you
hi revert back with the photos to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor my son is years old and he is not speaking yet he only used to tell some words like dad banana ice etc he is not trying to talk a full sentence please help
hello for further information consult a paediatrician online
hi doctor I am 25 years old my problem is that I loved a girl and now she moved away from me she rejected my proposal now I am getting suicide ideas please help me to come out of this
hi for further information consult a psychologist counsellor online
hello doctor I am a 42 year old female I am facing unexpected suddenly bleeding from yesterday my periods are expected on 20th and it is always too regular date to date I want to point out my periods discharge is always thick clotty and very painful for four to five days this is the first time it is seven days earlier with no indication no pain and no clots too but feeling heavy in the lower side and painful urine infection I am also facing itching in that area today I consulted a gynecologist in my area she suggested pause 500 if needed and also suggested codex ca for 15 days she said not to worry it may be regular periods if bleeding continues for more than seven days then go for us please give your advice also I am hypothyearoid for the past 16 17 years and taking eltroxin 100 my
hi the medicine your doctor has prescribed is good take tablet pause 500 my tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid thrice a day for five days I hope your doctor also did a vaginal examination and had a look at your cervix to see for any lesion though mostly hormonal it may sometimes be due to cervical disease or cancer if she has not done a vaginal examination I suggest you go to it also recheck your thyearoid levels to see if any dose change is needed go for an ultrasound seven days prior to your next expected period it is called a premenstrual ultrasound pelvis test for fish follicle stimulating hormone and oh lutenizing hormone too on day two of your next periods consult again with reports
i lost my smell and taste 12 weeks ago after getting couid 19 I got my taste back two weeks later however I still cannot smell anything at all I have tried steam inhalation steroid nasal spray smell training saline nasal spray and it has not improved what should I do
hi couid has been somewhat a new entity and thereby we have been seeing its effects in detail on the human system loss of smell or anosmia has been one of the peculiar atypical features of couid and there have been lots of theories and explanations behind it in all circumstances loss of smell and taste are always associated together irrespective of the cause this is attributed to the close approximate of both the processing centres in the brain it usually takes around to months to regain the perception of smell in couid patients there are a lot of aspects that we need to study on regarding ethnicity and its relation to the couid prognosis etc which will take time as its not an easy process there is nothing that you need to worry about make sure you dont have any underlying allergic issues in addition for now you can enrich your diet with loads od fruits and vegetables I dont recommend any drug without any scientific evidence of it being useful for the condition mentioned above I hope I have answered your query if there is any thing more you want to know or enquire please do let us know and will revert back as soon as possible warm regards
hello doctor I am a 37 year old female my height is 10 in it I weight around 51 kegs I have been getting dry cough since the last one week this is not throughout the day just intermittently also very slight heaviness in the chest not severe while breathing request your suggestion on how to go about this awaiting your kind response thanks regards
i have very bad breath and my tongue be white unless I brush really hard and for a long time same issue for years been to the doctor about it and the dentist nothing has helped
hello welcome to icliniq this is your personal dentist I went through query as a specialist am ready to help you issue of foul breath always related to food accumulation as you mentioned white tongue that depicts food layer deposition so I would recommend get a scaling done once in month that will prevent any tar deposition I will be happy to answer all your queries feel free kindly do not hazitate other causes of foul breath includes these criteia should also be ruled out inorder to avoid for a foul breath and achieve a healthier oral life let me know if any further query these steps will surely help you deal with foul breath issue you can always post me a query whenever you need I will be happy to assist you further your smile matters good day take care
i sprained my back years ago now I get sprained in the same spot every 4 times a week besides these days I get sprained very easily when I do simple exercises like my ankle shoulder neck back etc I have done physiotherapy and do stretching every day but none is helping what am I to do please help
hello welcome to icliniq its not about taking medicines or treatment every problematic symptoms pain and disease needs to be treated with a treatment plan and course to be implemented sprained muscles can easily be reduced and healed with ultrasound therapy for 10 15 days and also applying hot water fermentation using diclofenac ointment at home is also an added advantage to reducing sprain after reducing the sprain and getting relaxed muscles then need to stretch the muscles step by step slowly increasing the exercise day by day or weekly once changing according to improvement here I will suggest you simple exercises for lower back need to be strengthen for a period of 15 20 days apply diclofenac ointment for a week twice a day will reduce anybtype of severe pain if possible take ift inferential therapy and ultrasound for 10 15 days follow up after a week thank you
i done kshala sutra treatment for fistula but iam getting pus from that wound from last 10 days continuously surgery was done 15 days back actually I got this problem months back but at that time it was cured temperately but from last months iam facing pus then I contacted doctor he said it is a fistula surgery done but that pus was coming continuously is it indicates any thing wrong
hello I welcome you to icliniq I can imagine that you must be very concerned about ongoing pus well yes there is some pus but the large part of the wound is healthy and pink it is not uncommon to have pus few days after the surgery the treatment you are taking are rightly prescribed but I did not know the dose of amoxicillin which is a antibiotic if you are taking under dose I suggest you to take go twice daily total of 200 my daily you can simply take a gaze piece and wipe down the pus which is coming it is highly possible that this pus will dry in coming few days you can add tab metronidazole 400 my thrice daily for days to help heal the infection I also want to know do you have any other abdominal symptoms such as abdominal pain diarrhea vomiting or unusual weight loss because it is important to know whether you have other problem within the bowel which is manifesting as anal fistula it is however unusual to have fistula at such a young age I am here to discuss if you have the any above mentioned symptoms stay safe anal fistula recently operated stool fro fecal calprotectin and stool detail report a thorough pertinent history is required before suggesting more targeted investigations as above follow up to provide more information about your symptoms if you do not have any then I only suggest you to follow treatment advise as above
hello doctor due to scratch in my eyes the white part surrounded with blood what to do
hello how did you get this because of the bleeding the depth of the wound could not be perceived if it is not severe enough just with bleeding there is not much problem just the point of worry is that the wound should not be open or otherwise it may be problematic and may require suturing so you should seek emergency advice as well so that somebody can examine it until then use moxitobra moxifloxacin eye drop two hours one drop in the right eye only refresh tears 5 eye drops did one drop in the right eye only avoid any kind of undue pressure
hello doctor I am a type diabetic and have been injecting insulin every day for years already with this current quarantine going on I gained some weight which made me worry although my mi says that I am on the normal side it still made me upset because the belly arms and legs have gotten bigger so I started doing minimal resistance training and changed my eating habits for three weeks already I noticed that my legs look leaner but my upper body is still the same this made me anxious because it might have something to do with my insulin medications and I cannot go to an actual dietician since they were still on quarantine so I thought someone might be able to help me online I am hoping to hear from you this would really be a big help to my overall health for the rest of my life
hi yes insulin might result in some weight gain but if you are keeping a check on your calories and include a good amount of non starchy food including whole grain fresh whole fruits and vegetables will help you to shed some fat keep a check on your exercise minutes you can easily do 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week which includes walking bicycling and other forms of moderate muscle strengthening exercises just keep in mind that your sugar level must not go down do not reduce your insulin dosage also never skip a meal if you skip a meal you will tend to indulge more calories in the next meal include more protein rich food protein and fiber rich meals will bring early satiety and will easily help build in more muscles than fat I hope this helps
hi doctor I am sharing my bedroom with my father he is years old he is in generally good health and has ulcerative colitis I am just having an issue nowadays where he keeps sneezing and coughing without covering his face all over the room I assume that it is due to an allergy he does not like to wear mask and thinks it is funny when he coughs or sneezes around me nothing to do with coronavirus I just wanted to know your expert opinion if I could get something from him because I feel disgusted when I see him coughing and sneezing around me is this cough and sneeze harmless easily taken care of by our immune system or would I possibly get some illness from him and start coughing and sneezing myself
hello in times of coronavirus that is the first thing that comes to my mind cough and nasal congestion are some of the symptoms of coronavirus sadly if that is the case there is a very high likelihood you can get it from him however if you have got him tested and it is negative it is more likely to be allergic if so it is not possible to transfer the disease to you just by being in your proximity if possible start him on antihistamines and nasal spray as soon as possible to relieve him of his symptoms I will give you a prescription for the same tablet levocetirizine every night 2 hour before sleeping florist nasal spray twice daily in both nostrils diluted povidone iodine gargles times daily syearup macbery cough syearup my twice a day all these for days days
hello doctor I am in love with a girl who already got married four years back she was in my relation so we have some common relatives and nowadays we are meeting frequency and I am feeling the same thing about her in my heart which was there years back
hi welcome to icliniq com first of all we need to understand that this not something which is unusual we all come across with past experiences and associate with them on certain occasions if those past experiences were pleasurable one that there is innate wish to re experience them and same is applicable for you it can be said that this is normal to have fantasy to love and loved by someone who was very close to you however we need to keep track of society and changes that took place over the last four years since she is married it will be completely wrong for her to get associated with you in any romantic relationship since you love her there is a good chance you will not push her in trouble in case you push her in some different way that too create problems for her as well as you at this stage it is important to do following minimise the interaction with her through common friends and relatives if possible avoid meeting her completely engage yourself with productive work do not allow your brain to wander here and there get married or in relationship if still single this is most important part as other romantic relationship will distract you to the core needs of life and will also allow you to understand her situation acknowledge that this is common emotion and you will try your level best to overcome it discuss with your best friends about the situation and moral dilemmas if possible
hello doctor wheezing mild sputum cough for the last days asthmatic patient and weather change happening please advise
hello I understand you have wheezing and a productive cough for the past days you are likely having an acute exacerbation of asthma it could have been triggered by viral infection cold environment allergens such as pollen dust strong odor etc I would also love to know if you had a fever runny nose or currently having chest pain or shortness of breath any contact with a suspected or confirmed couid 19 positive patient due to the current pandemic color of sputum is sputum bloody how many episodes of same complaints you have had recently chest ray couid 19 screening acute upper respiratory tract infection community acquired pneumonia acute exacerbation of asthma I would suggest you use prednisolone tablets 10 my times a day for a week continue with the levolin inhaler puffs whenever needed and allegra tablet per day if symptoms persist you will have to use a nebulizer if available or in a nearby hospital identify and avoid triggers like cold temperature pollen dust strong odors etc please I would love to follow up as soon as the investigations are available or you provide answers to the questions or if you got further question
hello doctor lump on tonsil for the past three years full left ear feeling been to ent twice
hello it looks like a mucocele or cyst do you have any throat complaints throat pain do you smoke
hello doctor I went to urgent care today because I had bad heart palpitations while taking a walk along with some guest discomfort I have heart palpitations quite frequently but these felt different they were a but thump behind my sternum several times in a row the ekg reading from urgent care says sinus arryhtmia I have had many eggs done before but it has never said that is this of concern
hello your egg is fine and sinus arrhythmia is normal phenomenon where heart range varies with respiration it may not be evident always or depends on sensitivity of machine and also it is more pronounced detectable when one is breathing heavily or rapidly so it is not a matter of worry at all next thing were you also having palpitations when egg was taken or subsided by that time because considering symptoms of palpitations and chest discomfort its important to rule out possibility of cardiac arrhythmias like psvt paroxysmal atrial fibrillation which are intermittent and egg would be absolutely normal at other time so normal egg does not rule out possibility of arrhythmia so you should either have hotter monitoring 24 hour egg monitoring but it would detect arrhythmia only if it happened during this 24 hour period or you can buy simple single lead egg devices which would help to monitor your rhythm whenever you are symptomatic so basically we need an egg rhythm during symptoms so as to reliably rule out possibility of cardiac arrhythmia in a nutshell your egg is fine and may need further steps I would also like to know why are you eliquis prednisone and thyearoid problems may cause arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation so ash should be monitored
hello doctor I just got my stool results and I would like to ask a doctor to interpret it for me lysozyme 674 500 ng my butyearate 5 8 0 my total scfa 17 0 16 my occult blood positive negative
hello what are your symptoms what was your dietary intake in 2 days prior to test amy family history of major gastrointestinal diseases now stool sofa and butyearate are slightly out of range which is fine to have also lysozyme is slightly elevated and it is a marker of inflammation in bowel which may be due to multiple reasons like is i'd or diarrhea etc so it is a nonspecific marker but important factor is stool for occult blood which is positive so there is some minor bleeding is going on within a bowels this is the abnormality which should be evaluated further this has multiple causes ranging from i'd to polyps etc however some dietary factors like some fruits vitamin iron supplements nasal bleeding hemorrhoids etc can give positive results now we would like to get total of samples for occult blood testing and if it remains positive subsequently then needs endoscopy or even if having symptoms then still need endoscopy so the concerning factor is stool for occult blood rather than rest three and needs further evaluation
hello doctor my ankle started hurting last week and it has gotten worse it is very painful and uncomfortable to walk my question is do I need crutches I am a girl
hi looking into your problem it seems you are badly in pain and looking for things can help you walk so you remember about crutches as simple protocols use simple formula rice rest ice compression and elevation of your feet are key sutra for severe sprains you might need a brace for protection and stability its good to use ankle brace having binder together in it you may need crutches until you can walk without pain nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids can help to control pain and swelling we need to evaluate ankle with grade I or grade I sprains grade I sprains with complete tears of the ligaments even might need surgery to repair the injured ligaments one thing to remember is that always in most cases follow up rehabilitative exercises are to restore strength and range of motion in the sprained ankle also help to prevent future ankle injuries if it is not healed think of doing ray of ankle you might not know sometime there can be hairline fracture too stress fracture
hello doctor I am months pregnant I have bleeding gums from the back of the front tooth while brushing I have a history of plaque formation on teeth even before pregnancy what is the remedy for gums bleed
hello gum bleeding foul breath are symptoms of gingivitis it is rather common during pregnancy and known as pregnancy gingivitis because of hormonal changes nothing to worry about you can use betadine mouthwash gargle in lukewarm water twice or thrice a day take tablet metrogyl 400 my one tablet be for five days you will need a scaling but as of current lockdown situation I would advise not to hurry as you and your babies safety is of utmost importance you can have it later use a soft brush and learn proper verticle stroke technique of brushing instead of forceful horizontal motion avoid sticky or sweet food as much as possible hormonal changes during pregnancy initiate gingivitis medications for now medication may cause a transient metallic taste but nothing to worry avoid sweet or sticky food
hello doctor I get frequently sick with joint and muscle pain and burning legs sometimes feel difficulty walking and climbing stairs I consulted a physical he tested ana and it came back positive but since ear and cop are normal he said no need to test further and I am perfectly healthy but my pain never subsided I cannot go to the office due to ac and joint pain it is affecting my work and quality of life due to frequent sickness and unable to do normal activities after consulting a rheumatologist he further tested ana profile and anti is dna that also came perfectly alright I am confused with my body why my joints are paining so much without any disease
hello I would like to ask you a few more queries is your sleep pattern normal do you have morning fatigue how long did the viral last any hair fall oral ulcers dry eyes or dry mouth any recent irritability or forgetfulness it more appears to be chronic fatigue syndrome which usually has a previous viral illness but let me know these queries and would guide you further
hi doctor I just received my blood test abc is 200 neutrophils are 8700 high absolute immature granulocytes and low lymphocytes I have noticed that for three years my blood tests have been on the high levels for abc should I be concerned I have been in and out and they never call me for a follow up maybe I should change the doctor also can phentermine be the cause of this I only took it for two days before the blood test I am a 39 year old female I have bone pain neck pain dizziness and hair loss
hello following is my opinion for your asked question your total abc count and neutrophils are high mild increase of immature granulocytes and high count with neutrophilia could be due to infection or inflammation in the body your detailed physical examination and investigation should be done to find the underlying cause for your complaint you can investigate further with ana antinuclear antibody estimation us ultrasound abdomen vitamin estimation serum calcium estimation blood pressure measurement and blood sugar estimation your ear examination also should be done antibiotic courses can be prescribed as per the provided report however before that physical examination and above investigation can be done you need to follow up your abc complete blood count with peripheral smear examination report after a few days to check values once again you can consult a good internal medicine specialist for your examination and investigation accordingly
hi doctor I have been having abdominal discomfort for a while at first the discomfort was in the flank portion I went to a urologist he gave me muscle relaxers and a few tablets for clearing any small stones the discomfort went away after taking the medication but after some days may be due to sex or workout am not sure the discomfort returned back I went to the doctor again he suggested a it scan it scan results showed a lot of stools in the bowel he said to maintain a healthy diet and add more water and fiber and do some exercises if the problem persists he asked to check with the general practitioner I had an appointment with my family physician who said the discomfort can be due to lack of bowel movements in the colon he asked me to take a fiber supplement metamucil after taking it I had clean bowel movements and I felt I was relieved of late I stopped taking the fiber supplement for a couple of days I started having hard stools again I called up the doctor he said no harm in taking metamucil so I started it again and drinking at least three liters of water I am doing like he said to have clean bowel movements sometimes the discomfort switches sides left or right at times my backache as well I told the doctor and he said it can be chronic constipation can go for many days I sense my stomach or colon may getting inflamed as the day goes by after bath everything looks normal but as day goes by I feel like stiffness or inflammation in the stomach I am worried because this is been there for like starting january and not going away there is no real pain but it is the discomfort and inflammation that disrupts my day to day activities please advise should I book an appointment with gastroenterologist may be to dig further I read about ulcerative colitis or crohn disease but I could not conclude anything based on symptoms I do have an observation that if I masturbate or have sex after having ejaculation discomfort increases the following day
hello I can imagine your reason of concern for such ongoing on and off symptoms well first of all if it were ulcerative or crohn disease it should have shown something abnormal on it scan which I presume it did not however remember the it scan reporting is completely a subjective thing it depends highly on the expertise of radiologist who has reported that I would urge if you upload the report in reply to this response I would be glad to see that there will be no charges for that I will allow you one free follow up now the presence of too many stools is not an uncommon finding on it scan since it is basically the function of the colon to reserve stools transit them timely in anterograde direction and finally to be evacuated through the rectum and anal canal if the presence of stool with dilation of the lumen of colon or presence of stools within small bowel fecalization of small bowel and or dilation of the lumen of small bowel suggest an alarming finding normally our small bowel does not usually contain stools it rapidly empties matter to in to large bowel hence the presence of stool in small bowel suggests an abnormal finding I will tell you why this information on it scan is important for example you have a normal size of the lumen of bowel ideally less than am of small bowel and less than am of large bowel with the symptoms you mention it can be irritable bowel syndrome with constipation if the diameter of the lumen is above the normal it can be functional constipation of which two further types the one is chronic colonic constipation or colonic pseudo obstruction called as ogilvie syndrome the other where the small bowel is dilated called chronic small bowel pseudo obstruction I hope you now have an idea why it is important to correlate symptoms with the it scan findings now coming to your symptoms the pain or discomfort is often common when bowel loops are distended with gas or stools and your discomfort which readily resolves after you have good bowel movements suggest the possibility of the same and not otherwise due to a serious underlying cause the intensity of discomfort that changes with the bowel movement again suggests it might secondary to irritable bowel syndrome is metamucil is fiber laxative and really it does not have any harm if taken for years and years the fiber is nonabsorbale molecule it does not go into blood circulation so have no side effects however in some it can cause bloating or belching you can switch to other fibers such as fibrocol if metamucil does not suit you otherwise it is completely normal if you want to resume the same take plenty of water it makes stool bulk large and soft and easy to pass I myself have a habit of taking liters of water in a day and this really makes wonder you should continue that I would wait for your it scan report to see the findings then I will right you some investigations to rule out other possibilities I believe you would not have anyone but just to be on the safe side
i have a problem in my ears that always used to sound at night and I get distracted I think I have a tinnitus problem and still now I did not visited to a doctor because I am afraid to get mri and it scan because of these reasons I did not tell to my parents please help me doctor
dear icliniq user first of all stop worrying start acting today relax yourself tinnitus can be due to many reasons simple ear wax deposition to chance of tumor so do not predict of any severe underlying cause behind the tinnitus that you are suffering from are you listening to loud music through earphones for long time do you feel pressure in ears few tips will reduce your problem for sure avoid noisy situation do not use earphones take the calls on speaker mode divert your mind from the sound and start concentrating on other environmental sounds to simplify it use resound relief app install it from play store there are many collection of natural sounds use it in moderate intensity level on speaker mode at night put the mobile little distant to the bed stop taking caffeinated drinks tea coffee alcohol smoking if at all you are taking bhramari pranayam see the video in youtube start doing in the same way bee like sound production by closing your eyes ear with hands excellent results were observed steam inhalation and sipping lukewarm water frequently is what you can also try when you get a time just go for immitance audiometry and puretone audiometry test consult with audiologist share the reports with me your valuable feedback is expected if at all my recommendations helps you in some way
i have moderate cough from last weeks and very little sputum which is very rare also I have no fever no problem is swallowing but I can feel a little pain when I touch my throat below the jaw area I had runny nose weeks back but not so much and now that is also gone so no runny nose as of now also I took augmenting 625 3 days back and cough was better but now it is back not so much though but it triggers more at night and having a lot of gas
hi the problem what you have is called gastroesophageal reflux disease people those who have this condition would develop dry cough especially at night and sore throat burning sensation in the stomach I would like to know is there any recent history of weight gain sleep disturbances causes gas problems normally our body will produce 12 to 16 litres of gas people those who sleep to hours would not have any gas problem stress sleep disturbances cold is herd sompraz levosulpride 40 75 two times a day gaviscon my three times a day duphalac spy 15 my at night sleep hygiene avoid spicy diet
hello doctor I am currently taking amlopin at night and omnitan in the morning my blood pressure taken at home is consistently in the range 140 150 85 90 last time my doctor increased the medicine dose suddenly and it did not suit me and caused palpitations dizziness and weakness please suggest appropriate medicines considering these factors
hi blood pressure be is controlled with lifestyle modifications and dietary modifications following are the measures to control be avoid smoking and other addictions reduce salt intake in the diet reduce fatty foods junk foods saturated fats mediterranean diet is the best avoid stress and anxiety do regular moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walk for 30 minutes have proper night sleep atleast hours per 24 hours including atleast hours in night uninterrupted sleep reduce weight even if weight is within the normal range drink plenty of water do deep breathing exercises and meditation measure be while you are totally relaxed sit for five minutes in a quiet room without talking to anyone empty bowel and bladder before checking be avoid tea coffee 30 minutes before checking be sit on a chair with feet on the ground back supported hand supported on table cuff at the position of heart check be and repeat after five minutes again then check be in other arm and repeat after five minutes during the entire period remain relax and quiet arm with higher be readings is your be you may take atleast two or more readings and average of readings is your actual be what dose you were taking of amlodipine and olmesartan when your be was 150 90 what medicine was changed are you taking some other medicines as well such as painkillers or steroids
hi doctor I am suffering from abdominal pain for the past two months I have done tests like it scan stool test and blood test now I am feeling feverish headache stomach burn and severe pain
hello it would have been great if you could have shared the report of it scan and blood tests to tell you about your problem the symptoms you mentioned can be due to various causes namely peptic ulcer disease irritable bowel syndrome small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and many others for now I suggest you to take capsule esomeprazole 40 my once daily before breakfast since you have pain which seem to be secondary to peptic ulcer disease or acidity
hello doctor I am a 21 year old male I visited a local doctor and he diagnosed a cyst on my left testicle 5 am he suggested that it is not necessary to undergo any surgery now also I have increased levels of estradiol bilirubin and sgot but my general medicine doctor suggested that there is nothing to worry about is cyst the reason for increased levels of estradiol
hi for further information consult a urologist online
hi doctor I had a double fracture in the femur following an accident in 24 hours I got intramedullary nail insertion but it did not heal even after seven months I have started walking on leg before a month to induce self heal but nothing happened either bone graft or plate and nails which is the best recommended treatment
hi nonunion shaft femur with intramedullary nail for further information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor I have recently noticed some light colored vertical lines in my thumb and index finger nails I have attached the photos for your reference when I searched on the internet I found very disturbing things including skin cancer I have hypothyearoidism and chronic depression I am on bupron 300 and thyearoxin 100 by looking at the pictures can you help me out
hi for further information consult a dermatologist online
hello doctor I am suffering from persistent bloating in the upper stomach soon after my ovarian cyst laparoscopic surgery which I underwent before eight months today a local doctor suggest a it scan of the whole abdomen in the it scan it is written that few enlarged lymph nodes are noted in the para aortic region the largest lymph node measuring my in short axis duration the rest of the report is normal the local doctor said it may be a serious issue but I read on the internet that my lymph node in the para aortic region is normal size I am not suffering from any infection fever or other problems please guide me
hello do you have any history of weight loss any history of blood in stools looking at your it report it is quite normal and that para aortic lymphadenopathy without any symptoms is of no concern it might be due to some infection hemogram with ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate cop reactive protein ugh endoscopy dyspepsia enteritis antibiotics avoid pain killers and spicy fatty meals
hi doctor four years ago I had an appendicitis surgery there is a flesh like growth where the stitches are placed what should I do now how to get it removed
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I am a 34 year old male I am suffering from numbness in my hands and toes I also have wheezing I am getting moderate chest pain and cough when I take a full breathe I feel heavy over my chest my body feels like burning but also freezing under comforter I have entire body pain and fatigue I had the same last night do you have any ideas about my problem
hi I have carefully gone through your query revert back with the reports to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my mom is 50 years old she takes norfloxacin on daily basis to avoid diarrhea the moment she stops taking norfloxacin she goes through diarrhea please guide some alternate treatment for her
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am suffering from severe anxiety and heart attack like debilitating panic attacks when presented with work deadlines enclosed spaces such as subways elevators and small airplanes I have relationship fears nothing in my life provides me joy or relieves me of my symptoms I had the same feeling six years ago after a break up now symptoms return easily when in fear of life I had zolpidem for depression before to get sleep but I stopped because of the side effect of brittle bone I am fuzzy headed stressed forgetful regretful of any decision I make and I cannot make decisions without fear I do not have any friends I do not belong anywhere I am not a part of anything I exercise outside every day I eat only healthy foods I am underweight please help me to come out of this
hi for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor three months ago I had a heart attack then I went through angioplasty with tenting post heart attack I was diagnosed with moderate systolic of with ef at 35 currently I am on clavix rozucor 10 my tide my metocard xl plane 25 my and thelma 20 my I am improving well my ef has improved to 40 on first follow up after a month I have lost about keg to keg weight in the last three months I am under excellent diet control and daily walking about 70 minutes I gave up smoking completely one week back I had my blood checked for various profiles and regarding which I have a few queries my lipids are on the low side that is total cholesterol 123 hel 23 and lil 61 I was on rozucor 40 for the first one month and then I am on rozucor 10 my am I below the target range if yes can I get the dose reduced further my uric acid is high 1 I read that this may happen due to hypertensive medicines particularly diuretics and arbs is the high uric acid a point of concern should I consult my treating doctor my kidney profile with sodium and potassium are within limits my be is constantly on the lowest average of 90 mhg with heart rate of 65 to 72 can I reduce my medicines particular diuretics I am worried about the side effects of diuretics on the kidney my alkaline phosphatase is at 131 just points above the higher limit of 128 is it fine to have this reading post myocardial infarction please explain
hi I appreciate your concerns after thorough review of your health query I want to answer those questions for further doubts consult a cardiologist online
hi doctor my calves have been twitching throughout the day for about two months now but I do not have any weakness it occurs in different spots on both calves what could this be
hi I would like to know a few more things revert back with the answers to the above questions to a neurologist online
hi doctor I have a question for my mother my mother is 50 years old she complains of episodic sudden loss of weight bearing ability on the left achilles tendon this has resulted in two major falls which resulted in trauma these are present for past few months and have become more frequent in the last month she also has pain in her knees bilaterally which has been attributed to osteoarthritis she also complains of hip pain associated with swelling and difficulty in standing lying and changing sides while sleeping there is episodic stiffness present in the shoulders which causes some discomfort in raising arms above the shoulder level she is taking bisoprolol my and amlodipine my for high be and it is well controlled she has no history of any allergy she has kidney stones and so occasional pain in the lumbar area she used to get constipation frequently she was hospitalized four times for normal vaginal deliveries and once for abortion she is monogamous with her husband she has a positive family history of hypertension in mother cad in father mother and brother and uterine cancer in mother she has a history of menorrhagia and cycles have become more irregular now then diagnostic and was performed last year which was normal she will not smoke or drink she sleeps to hours daily and snores at night
hello I have gone through your mother elaborative history provided here along with the reports attached with this query for further information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor I am 18 years old I am a student I do not understand my condition I have very important exams I used to get good marks constantly and then everything turned up against me now I prepare my best but I do very badly in my exams I am feeling hopeless even after studying hours daily I am getting very low marks I am completely puzzled why does my brain get numb during exam I have lost all my confidence please help
hi I have read and completely understand your issue revert back with the answers to the above questions to a psychologist counsellor online
hi doctor I have been coughing up green phlegm for a few days now it started to hurt my chest please help
hi I understand very well the symptoms you describe above in your query for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I had a section before a month a few days after it was found that the surgery site got infected with some discharge all the stitches were removed and the site was irrigated and cleaned everyday for over a week with antibiotics two days ago I went for secondary closure a nylon thread was used and since then the stitches dripping out some substance like a mixture of blood and a colorless fluid we are cleaning the site with medical spirit till now what is the reason for this dripping is it normal is that a sign of healing
hi revert back after a week to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor two days back I got a hit in my eye with a ball still it is paining with blurred image please help
hi for further information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor my niece is pregnant and taking subutex she just confided to me that she has also been using heroin along with subutex for the last one month she is afraid to ask her primary care doctor for advice her doctor told us in the beginning that it is more harmful to the fetus if the mother were to abruptly quit using opiates now my niece is afraid to stop the heroin use even though she also has the subutex which I thought is supposed to help with this type of situation how can she safely stop using heroin can she continue her regular dose of subutex daily and just cut out the heroin all together at once
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor eight days ago I had four dental implants placed in the lower jaw is it normal to have pain on the sides of the gums where I got implants
hi I can understand your concern regarding dental health for further information consult a dentist online
hi doctor I got a tattoo before five months a blood donation drive is going to happen by next month am I eligible to donate blood how long should a tattooed person wait to donate blood
hi based on your query my opinion is as follows for further doubts consult a hematologist online
hi doctor my father is 56 years old and healthy since last few months he is suffering from sudden chewing like action and unconsciousness or seizure like situation this situation remains the same for some time during the mri test our doctor informed about the tumor we are very much worried is it a cancer problem or other tumor he does not want to undergo surgery for this kindly suggest what to do I am attaching the reports of mri and our doctor prescription
hi I have gone through your query with diligence and I would like you to know that I am here to help you for further doubts consult a neuro surgeon online
hi doctor three months ago I had an ma of the brain as I have weird headaches that time the result showed a little thing which they thought could be a small aneurysm between my and my but they were not sure whether it is an aneurysm or anything on the arteries so they advised me to go for a cta my question is which test would show it more clearly
hi for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor my daughter is 20 days old she is having loose motion from yesterday night she passed loose stools for about to times between am to am only a few days back we started giving multivitamin drops and vitamin drops after having that she seemed to struggle while passing motion and it was little so for the past two days we have stopped those drops I have also attached an image can you kindly check and advice should we take the baby to the doctor does it have anything to do with breastfeeding many consider that could be one of the causes please clarify it
hi for further information consult a paediatrician online
hello doctor my doubt is about brain power do people in engineering and other professions require a lot of brain power use mind altering drugs to enable them to compete better are people in these professions just naturally gifted I am talking about the people who build automobile factories aircraft space shuttle and the international space station do such drugs exist to improve comprehension and memory please explain
hi I read your query and understand your concerns for further doubts consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend I ejaculated on her innerwear she immediately removed it and washed her vagina with water later after a minute or two she put on the same this happened on the third day of her menstrual cycle and now she is over two weeks late on her periods can she be pregnant
hi for further information consult a sexologist online
hi doctor I am 27 years old I have cos and have been trying to conceive for four months my gynecologist put me on 500 my of metformin thrice a day and 10 day cycle of medroxyprogesterone at the beginning of each month to force ovulation the medication is working exactly as it should I get my period every month and I have lost weight with the metformin I went in for a follow up today and my doctor recommended that I sign up for an infertility study that she is doing it requires hormone shots extensive testing and in vitro fertilization every month for a period of four months I have been going to the same gynecologist for many years and I know her pretty well let me just say that she has never seemed like she puts much thought into diagnosing and treating me I had to practically beg her to test me for cos even though I have had very irregular periods and other symptoms for years now she jumped straight to if treatment I have heard of women staying on this course of treatment much longer and being able to conceive in vitro is incredibly expensive I am just worried that the only reason she recommended this is because she wants another participant in her study your advice on this subject would be appreciated thank you
hi I can understand your situation please do not be so hard on her I am sure it is not that she is not interested in diagnosing or treating you however you can wait for some more time before straight away jumping for if in vitro fertilization I have given you the information but participating or not in the trial is totally your decision all the best for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I observed the presence of vaginal discharge almost a month ago and I went for a test it showed the presence of wbcs but no bacteria or yeast or parasite I completed the course of antibiotics but I feel the infection has not cured I can still feel the vaginal discharge which is very irritating and my urine has a foul smell I am really worried what should I do what might be the reason behind it
hi revert back after a week to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am a 45 year old male I have been on omeprazole 20 my and thyearoxine 50 mug for the last four years my height is 10 height and weight is 70 keg I have hyperacidity and little vertigo I am attaching herewith my latest blood report please advise whether any medicine is required
hello I have gone through all the data posted for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
i am suffering from severe skin red rash problem in both inner thighs the rash is so itchy and it has completely destroyed my life it looks like fungal like ringworm or jock itch at past also I was suffering from same thing but that time it was scaly like liquid was coming out with foul smell and I visited a doctor and the medicine I used had cured me I forgot the medicine tablet taken but had use itraconazole dusting powder and fluconazole lotion at that time my mother and I have visited the doctor at same time coz she also ha fungal infection but completely different then mine now the current situation is very bad it is so irritating and itches a lot but no scaly liquid is coming out now the same thing now can be seen in my neck and face please I need a good dermatologist attention I am in great suffer in this pandemic and lockdown so I am searching online for medication I have recently taken arzole capsule once weekly for weeks and used dipsalic ointment and also clotrimazole cream which shows no better treatment I was so depressed and used steroid cream called dermicom of plus only two times as it shows some severe bad red rash so I discontinued it I live in hot and humid climate and had wore tight clothes in past the area of rash is always at little more tempreature
hi thanks for sharing your query you seem to be very distressed by the problem as I can see in the picture it is tinea since it is extensive it is important to start proper treatment with oral antifungal for a good length of time to clear the infection you have been using steroid creams which is going to worsen the infection and make it spread further so you should stop using dipsalic and other steroid applications and start proper treatment you should get your let and kit done and you can follow up with dermatologist usually itraconazole or terbinafine are given orally along with some creams like luliconazole or sertaconazole etc itching can be controlled with antiallergics treatment of family members with infection is equally important let me know if you have more queries hope this helps
i got injured while playing I fell and my knee his the ground in order to prevent it I tried to apply counterpressure on the floor using my heel and my heel has developed swelling eversince it been a week in the first days I could not walk properly burning sensation was felt over the heel after a week I could walk better but tingling sensation developed over the heel plus help me out
dear sending love and healing energy dear due to counter pressure on floor you got trauma over the heel now numbness are over the heel a numb heel is most commonly caused by blood flow constriction or nerve damage the tibial nerve runs inside the tarsal tunnel and may become compressed my dear compression of a small nerve a branch of the lateral plantar nerve can cause pain numbness or tingling in the heel area in many cases this nerve compression is related to a sprain fracture or varicose swollen vein near the heel I would suggest you to do dear pray and pray for your speed recovery follow up with your queries thank you for giving chance to serve you
i 32 year old male no co forbids doctor by profession working nephrologist since childhood I have stammering problem not always but when speaking infront of mob or when giving presentation or when history taking from patient or reading book chapter infront of whole class when ever I think of speaking then I start feeling tachycardia palpitations chest pain headache sweating I usually have constipation I used to take bromazepam before giving presentation or speaking infront of mob
hello does having low and high blood levels have anything to do with overly oily skin burning lips a painful throat and thrush I have been feeling these symptoms for months and I cannot take it anymore I am getting a blood test done this week which levels should I particularly make sure are tested I am looking forward to your reply thank you very much
hi there could be multiple factors involved over here as a result of which these symptoms are occurring I would recommend you to perform the following tests mentioned below all these tests have a purpose and can detect any underlying abnormality that is there in the body on the whole there few things that you can follow the symptoms you have most of the times it is the faulty diet and hydration which is reason behind such constant issues in addition please do get the above mentioned tests done so that we can treat you in a specific and precise manner there is nothing that you need to worry as things will fall in place once we treat the etiology of the problem in concern I hope I have answered your query in detail if there is anything more you want to ask or enquire please do let us know and we will get back you asap warm regards
i have had boils appear from time to time the come to a head break and drain this time I have one on my side above my beltline it started outlining lime an ingrown hair with a white head my wife tried to pull the hair with tweezers the zit popped and we never got the hair put some peroxide on it and a bandaid in case it drained more next morning it was like there was more under the skin so did warm compresses it has been ozing out but appears to be coming from multiple pores now it seems to get bigger as more start to drain what else should I do
hi welcome to icliniq thanks for the query recurrent boils can be a nuisance it is a bacterial infection of the hair follicle and can cause painful pus filled eruptions on the body if you are having frequent recurrence it could be because of persistent infection or reinfection are you diabetic or atomic if so you may be more prone to develop recurrent bacterial infections you mention seeing pus coming from many openings which indicates it could be a carbuncle this may need incision drainage ideally a pus culture should be done to know the sensitivity of the organism and antibiotics started accordingly to completely treat the infection usually penicillins cephalosporins or tetracycline are used orally application of mupirocin in the skin fold areas helps to eradicate the colonising bacteria in these locations some precautions to prevent recurrent boils include hope this helps
hi doctor I just found out that I am pregnant ith week at first I was excited then I realized that I went into a very hot sauna 90 degrees celsius for one and a half hours when I was around weeks pregnant weeks from conception the whole point of the sauna is to detox and I definitely was overheating sweating and red faced I did however take two breaks where I jumped in cold water to cool down anyways I read that overheating when pregnant can cause horrible neural tube damage that can lead to birth defects especially in these crucial early weeks when it is forming my question is how worried should I be should I go to a specialist for this is it so bad that I should consider termination my first scan is at 12 weeks and that is the only time I will be able to ask anything and I will be worried it is too late
hello neural tube defects nod in the baby mostly occur in women deficient in folic acid or who are diabetic or if they have any family history or as an associated defect with other chromosomal anomalies yes the baby organs do develop in the early weeks of pregnancy and any extreme exposures can pose risk for maternal health and also for fetal development but I have never come across the risk of developing nod with exposure to sauna but anyway it would be better if you avoid it for the future as of now you need not worry too much about this exposure stay calm and stay positive the first trimester scanning at 12 weeks is good enough to pick any nods and I do not think that would be too late or you need to go for any termination of pregnancy just because of the exposure to sauna at this early pregnancy there is no means to find out if the baby has developed any abnormalities or not and also the second to scan detailed anatomical scan at 18 20 weeks can also pick most 90 95 of any structural anomalies also regarding your gestational age calculations if your cycles were always regular then you should calculate the weeks from the starting day of your last menstrual period it would have been really helpful if you had mentioned the same it would have helped me correlate if your assumption of weeks of pregnancy are correct or not I am assuming as you said you are in the fifth week now so you just skipped your periods a few days back tablet folic acid my daily once after food avoid sexual intercourse for the first three months of pregnancy
hello doctor my eye is paining since sunday my eye is red now it is paining while moving also when the light comes I am felling a little swelling as well
hello thank you for sending the image so that I can get an idea about it for me it is looking like an infection I can prescribe you medicine so that you can get rid of these symptoms but in the first image there is something whitish area on your cornea so I just want to know that it is really there or its reflection which is visible in the photo just answer me one question because treatment is different for both conditions so I should confirm it from you and then I will give you a prescription of drops that you have to use and you will be completely all right
hello doctor I had this problem for three to four months when I pull back my foreskin it feels strain and kind of ticklish and itchy I have been to the doctor and they just gave me pevisone and it did not work there is also a little white substance on the penis head I do not know if it is smegma or not but it is smelly and I cannot seem to clean it may my foreskin be dry or something I have also done sad and test for urine infection
hello are you a diabetic or hypertensive have you ever tried oral medications for this if yes then which one do you have any urinary complaints like frequency urgency poor stream nocturia dribbling burning micturation do you have any history of unprotected sex with a new partner in the recent past
hello doctor I have just got married and I am planning to have a child I am years old have not had a child before and have no medical problems I wish to check if I need to take any medical tablets like folic acid etc or shall I just go proceed naturally as mentioned before I have no health issues and neither do I smoke or drink
hello congratulations on your wedding first thing you should do is to start folic acid and try for timed intercourse for that if your periods are regular you can download an application of period tracking it will tell you the most fertile days of your cycle since you are where ovarian reserve may be on a lower side I will not advise you to waste much time so while you try for a month or two for natural methods of conception I want you to also get tested in the meantime so that you are ready for any medical intervention for fertility enhancing if needed after two months so please go for oh leutinizing hormone fish follicle stimulating hormone am anti mullerian hormone and ash thyearoid stimulating hormone blood levels also get an gott oral glucose tolerance test and ultrasound pelvis your partner can also go for semen analysis to see if the quality of his sperm is good enough eat healthily sleep well and ask your partner also to avoid smoking and alcohol
hello doctor patient is an 82 year old female she weighs only about 45 keg no be no diabetes she is having inflammation and swelling in the right foot it seems to be a blockage somewhere in the right foot blood vessel and it appears bluish one month back and now it subsided a bit but the swelling is there she is on neuroin injection ecospirin and zerodol sp she is moving comfortably now but the swelling is there and the bluish color has reduced a bit
hello her foot appears to be in good condition now the likely cause for bluish discoloration is blockages only and is called peripheral arterial disease so of she should be treated on the line of blockages itself now blockages in the foot raise the strong possibility of blockages elsewhere in the body like heart brain and its fortunate that she did not suffer any consequences due to that so she should be evaluated with few investigations like egg echocardiogram echo fasting lipid profile sugar if not done recently also to confirm the diagnosis she should undergo it computed tomography angiography of both the lower limbs now coming to the treatment part obviously the best would be to open it with stents but as of now she will need some more medications than what she is having you may continue with neuroin or better to have it in a tablet form once daily and it is just a multivitamin supplement she should also continue plain ecospirin and dose should be 75 my only at bedtime now in my opinion she should additionally have tablet rosuvastatin 10 my bedtime once daily and tablet cilostazol 50 my twice daily after food she should also have some antacids along with these medications like tablet cyeara 20 my rabeprazole once daily before breakfast so these three medications should be added additionally until her evaluation is completed and probably will need to continue for the long term zerodol so should be avoided as it may harm her by causing bleeding or raising blood pressure plain paracetamol is allowed she should be encouraged to move and walk atleast 30 minutes a day as it would improve blood flow I hope this helps
hello doctor my brother is 43 years old he had an episode of acute pancreatitis last year gas and indigestion persisted since then a recent it scan has shown a possibility of pancreatic pseudocyst formation the doctor has advised to remove the same by the procedure my query regarding this is whether the pseudocyst can be treated by medicines or a procedure is recommended and if yes whether a laparoscopic procedure can be opted what are the advantages and disadvantages if there is a chance of the pseudocyst being formed again after the procedure I am currently on towa aony prankeeatoflat sompray vic and thelma am
hello when he had the first episode of pancreatitis what is the size of the cyst by ultrasound what is serum amylase or lipase levels is he a diabetic is he an alcoholic will you please answer to above questions if possible if pseudocyst usually acute means we will wait for four to six weeks for recovery if it is not recovering with medication or increasing the size in sequential it scans or it causing any complications adjoining vessel compression or size am or infected or causing bowel obstruction or symptoms of decreased appetite or weight loss need surgery yes you may undergo laparoscopic pseudocyst gastrostomy or cyst jejunostomy for this procedure need experienced hands and long term outcome not known but less morbidity and success rate yes in 15 18 of causes recurrence