as recently as 10 years ago , it was generally believed that black holes ( bhs ) occur in two broad mass ranges : stellar ( @xmath0 ) , which are produced by the core collapse of massive stars , and supermassive ( @xmath1 ) , which are believed to have formed in the center of galaxies at high redshift and grown in mass as the result of galaxy mergers ( see e.g. volonteri , haardt & madau 2003 ) . however , the existence of bhs with masses intermediate between those in the center of galaxies and stellar bhs could not be established by observations up until recently , although intermediate mass bhs ( imbhs ) were predicted by theory more than 30 years ago ; see , e.g. , wyller ( 1970 ) . indirect evidence for imbhs has accumulated over time from observations of so - called ultraluminous x - ray sources ( ulxs ) , objects with fluxes that exceed the angle - averaged flux of a stellar mass bh accreting at the eddington limit . an interesting result from observations of ulxs is that many , if not most , of them are associated with star clusters . it has long been speculated ( e.g. , frank & rees 1976 ) that the centers of globular clusters ( gcs ) may harbor bhs with masses @xmath2 . if so , these bhs affect the distribution function of the stars , producing velocity and density cusps . a recent study by noyola & gebhardt ( 2006 ) obtained central surface brightness profiles for 38 galactic gcs from hst wfpc2 images . they showed that half of the gcs in their sample have slopes for the inner 0.5 " surface density brightness profiles that are inconsistent with simple isothermal cores , which may be indicative of an imbh . however , it is challenging to explain the full range of slopes with current models . while analytical models can only explain the steepest slopes in their sample , recent n - body models of gcs containing imbhs ( baumgardt et al . 2005 ) , might explain some of the intermediate surface brightness slopes . in our study we repeat some of the previous n - body simulations of gcs with central imbhs but using the monte - carlo ( mc ) method . this gives us the advantage to model the evolution of gcs with a larger and thus more realistic number of stars . we then compare the obtained surface brightness profiles with previous results in the literature . the dynamical effect of an imbh on the surrounding stellar system was first described by peebles ( 1972 ) , who argued that the bound stars in the cusp around the bh must obey a shallow power - law density distribution to account for stellar consumption near the cluster center . analyzing the fokker - planck equation in energy space for an isotropic stellar distribution , bahcall & wolf ( 1976 ) obtained a density profile with @xmath3 , which is now commonly referred to as the bahcall - wolf cusp . the formation of this cusp has been confirmed subsequently by many different studies using different techniques and also , more recently , by direct @xmath4-body methods ( baumgardt et al . 2004 ) . in fig . [ imprints ] shows the two - dimensional density profiles of bright stars for the two clusters at an age of @xmath5 . the profile in the left panel can directly be compared to the corresponding result of baumgardt et . al ( 2005 ) as @xmath4 is the same . as was expected from the discussion in [ imprintsimbh ] , the profile shows only a very shallow cusp with a power - law slope @xmath6 between @xmath7 and @xmath8 , consistent with the @xmath4-body results . the right panel shows the resulting profile for a cluster that is similar but twice as massive and , consequently , has twice as many stars as in the @xmath4-body simulation . we obtain a very similar profile with @xmath9 which is very close to the average @xmath10 found in baumgardt et al . therefore , based on these very preliminary results , there seems to be no significant difference in cusp slopes for larger-@xmath4 clusters compared to small-@xmath4 ones , which means that no new candidate cluster from the sample of noyola & gebhardt ( 2006 ) can be identified in addition to those found by baumgardt et al . however , the parameter space must be explored much further in order to confirm this finding .
we present the first results of a series of monte - carlo simulations investigating the imprint of a central black hole on the core structure of a globular cluster . we investigate the three - dimensional and the projected density profile of the inner regions of idealized as well as more realistic globular cluster models , taking into account a stellar mass spectrum , stellar evolution and allowing for a larger , more realistic , number of stars than was previously possible with direct n - body methods . we compare our results to other n - body simulations published previously in the literature .
the flow simulated is a turbulent boundary layer from @xmath1 to @xmath2 , where only the last fourth of the computational domain has been represented . the portion shown is @xmath3 wide and @xmath4 long . the visualized width corresponds with the simulated width , hence the contours are periodic in the spanwise direction . all the contours presented are coloured with the distance to the wall . the first scene corresponds to a contour for a value of enstrophy , defined as the magnitude of the vorticity fluctuations , equal to 10% the value at the wall . this value is one order of magnitude higher to what is usually taken as a threshold for the turbulent / nonturbulent interface , and tube - like structures are clearly seen in the region further from the wall . the same temporal evolution is repeated several times . in the second scene the previous threshold is changed from 10% the value of the wall to 1% , a value that generates a connected and relatively smooth surface . this second value for the threshold is in the range of what is used to research the turbulent / nonturbulent interface as a surface .
this video shows three - dimensional contours at two different values of enstrophy for a turbulent boundary layer up to @xmath0 . its intention is to show how , what can be be considered the turbulent / nonturbulent interface for a turbulent boundary layer , evolves in time . + + keyword : fluid dynamics video
more and more star clusters and galaxies with wide variety of chemical abundance mixtures are found from detailed high resolution spectroscopic observations . in order to address and examine those chemically different stellar systems , we have begun developing a stellar population models with flexible chemistry . dotter et al . ( 2007 , apj submitted ) have recently calculated stellar evolution models with varying chemical abundance mixtures besides solar - scaled one . ten chemical elements ( c , n , o , ne , mg , si , s , ca , ti , and fe ) are individually enhanced by 0.3 dex at a constant total metallicity ( z = 0.02 ) . moreover , additional alpha - enhanced stellar models are calculated in order to understand those alpha - element effects collectively ( for example , lee & worthey 2005 ) . especially , these new sets of stellar evolution models have carefully incorporated matching _ ab initio _ low and high temperature opacities . lee et al . ( 2007 , in preparation ) will present in full the effects of those element by element altered isochrones as well as those from synthetic stellar model atmosphere on top of isochrones effects . figure 1 demonstrates the isochrone effects ( dots ) and that of both isochrones and stellar model atmosphere ( lines ) at fe5270 vs. mg b diagram . it seems that stellar model atmosphere effects are hefty for some cases compared to isochrone effects alone . because of our regulation of a fixed total metallicity in this experiment , note that oxygen enhancement implies mg and fe deficiency , and that alpha - enhancement implies mostly depressed fe abundance . support for this work was provided by the nsf through grant ast-0307487 , the new standard stellar population models ( nsspm ) project . lee also thanks the organizers for their wonderful hospitality and financial support .
we are developing a brand new stellar population models with flexible chemistry ( isochrones plus stellar colors and spectra ) in order to set a new standard of completeness and excellence . here we present preliminary results to assess the effects of stellar evolution models and stellar model atmosphere to the well - known lick indices at constant heavy element mass fraction z that self - consistently account for varying heavy element mixtures . we have enhanced chemical elements one by one . our ultimate goal is to demonstrate 10 @xmath0 absolute mean ages for a sample of local galaxies derived from an integrated light spectrum .
in this work we adopt a chemical evolution model ( see chiappini , matteucci , & romano 2000 ) that assumes two main accretion episodes for the formation of the galaxy : the first one forming the halo and bulge in a short timescale followed by a second one that forms the thin - disk , with a timescale which is an increasing function of the galactocentric distance ( being of the order of 7 gyrs at the solar neighborhood ) . the present model takes into account in more detail than previously the halo density distribution and explores the effects of a threshold density in the star formation process , both during the halo and disk phases . the model also includes the most recent nucleosynthesis prescriptions concerning supernovae of all types , novae and single stars dying as white dwarfs . in the comparison between model predictions and available data , we have focused our attention on abundance gradients as well as gas , star and star formation rate distributions along the disk , since this kind of model has already proven to be quite successful in reproducing the solar neighborhood characteristics . we suggest that the mechanism for the formation of the halo leaves heavy imprints on the chemical properties of the outer regions of the disk , whereas the evolution of the halo and the inner disk are almost completely disentangled . this is due to the fact that the halo and disk densities are comparable at large galactocentric distances and therefore the gas lost from the halo can substantially contribute to build up the outer disk . we also show that the existence of a threshold density for the star formation rate , both in the halo and disk phase , is necessary to reproduce the majority of observational data in the solar vicinity and in the whole disk . in particular , a threshold in the star formation implies the occurrence of a gap in the star formation at the halo - disk transition phase , in agreement with recent data . @xmath0 the outer gradients are sensible to the halo evolution , in particular to the amount of halo gas which ends up into the disk . this result is not surprising since the halo density is comparable to that of the outer disk , whereas is negligible when compared to that of the inner disk . therefore , the inner parts of the disk ( @xmath1 @xmath2 @xmath3 ) evolve independently from the halo evolution . @xmath0 we predict that the abundance gradients along the galactic disk must have increased with time . this is a direct consequence of the assumed `` inside - out '' scenario for the formation of the galactic disk . moreover , the gradients of different elements are predicted to be slightly different , owing to their different nucleosynthesis histories . in particular , fe and n , which are produced on longer timescales than the @xmath4-elements , show steeper gradients . unfortunately , the available observations can not yet confirm or disprove this , because the predicted differences are below the limit of detectability . @xmath0 our model guarantees a satisfactory fit not only to the elemental abundance gradients but it is also in good agreement with the observed radial profiles of the sfr , gas density and the number of stars in the disk . @xmath0 our best model suggests that the average @xmath5fe]@xmath6 ratios in stars slightly decrease from 4 to 10 kpcs . this is due to the predominance of disk over halo stars in this distance range and to the fact that the `` inside - out '' scenario for the disk predicts a decrease of such ratios . on the other hand we predict a substantial increase ( @xmath7 dex ) of these ratios in the range 1018 kpcs , due to the predominance , in this region , of the halo over the disk stars . finally , we conclude that a relatively short halo formation timescale ( @xmath8 0.8 gyr ) , in agreement with recent estimates for the age differences among galactic globular clusters , coupled with an `` inside - out '' formation of the galactic disk , where the innermost regions are assumed to have formed much faster than the outermost ones , represents , at the moment , the most likely explanation for the formation of the milky way . this scenario allows us to predict abundance gradients and other radial properties of the galactic disk in very good agreement with observations . more observations at large galactocentric distances are needed to test our predictions .
we present theoretical results on the galactic abundance gradients of several chemical species for the milky way disk , obtained using an improved version of the two - infall model of chiappini , matteucci , & gratton ( 1997 ) that incorporates a more realistic model of the galactic halo and disk . this improved model provides a satisfactory fit to the elemental abundance gradients as inferred from the observations and also to other radial features of our galaxy ( i.e. , gas , star formation rate and star density profiles ) . we discuss the implications these results may have for theories of the formation of the milky way and make some predictions that could in principle be tested by future observations . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the crucial link between the initial density perturbations in the linear stage and the present day high contrast objects is made by the non linear gravitational dynamics . this can be followed in full detail only by very time consuming n body simulations . to achieve this , several parallel n body algorithms have been developed recently . meanwhile , analytical tools has been checked on these numerical results , leading to the wide popularity of the press & schechter ( 1974 , ps ) formula as a fair description of both the shape and evolution of the cluster mass function @xmath1 . a detailed description of the ps statistics with an understanding of its dynamical basis can be found in bond et al . its main advantage compared to other analytical methods lies in its simplicity and applicability to many different cosmologies . the agreement between ps and the n body is , at some level , very surprising because the ps formula is based entirely on the linear theory , neglecting all the non linear effects which are expected to be important . here we just recall its essential ingredients : the dispersion @xmath2 of the linear perturbation field ; the linear growth factor @xmath3 ; the linear collapse threshold @xmath4 . the latter is generally set to the top hat value @xmath5 . thus all the complex dynamical processes of formation and evolution of virialized objects are condensed into two numbers : @xmath6 and @xmath3 . in a critical universe the strong dependence @xmath7 reflects in a strong negative evolution at higher @xmath8 for @xmath1 . to assess the reliability of the ps predictions of cluster temperature distribution at high @xmath8 , we first test both shape and evolution of the mass function in the case of a critical cdm universe . the simulations were run using a by a parallel treecode which allows periodic boundary conditions and individual time steps ( quinn et al . the volume simulated was 500@xmath9mpc with @xmath10 km / sec / mpc , @xmath11 and @xmath12 . we used 360@xmath13 particles , almost 47 million . we adopt the cdm power spectrum given in bardeen et al . ( 1986 ) . in figure [ fig1 ] a ) we show the resulting mass distribution at three output redshifts @xmath14 , @xmath15 and @xmath16 . the rapid evolution is already evident at moderate redshifts . clearly the local mass function is underestimated for @xmath17 with respect to the canonical ( @xmath5 ) ps prediction . the discrepancies grow at higher redshift , and at @xmath18 the number density is underestimated by a factor @xmath19 for @xmath20 . we perform a @xmath21 test on the high mass end to evaluate the best fit parameter @xmath22 at each output in redshift . we show that @xmath23 is clearly always smaller than the top hat value @xmath24 , and it is significantly lower for higher redshift , though the decrement is only @xmath25 at @xmath26 . this dependence can be approximated by a simple power law : @xmath27 . the n - body mass function , plotted against the ps mass function with the best fit value @xmath23 instead of @xmath6 at each @xmath8 , is shown in figure [ fig1 ] b ) . we carefully match our data with previous works , which often claimed a very good agreement with the ps predictions ( see , for a recent work , eke et al . such previous simulations explored a smaller mass range than the one available to us , with poorer statistics and larger uncertainties . on the same range and with the same statistics , we would claim good agreement with both the analytical ps prediction and previous numerical works . under the assumption of dynamical equilibrium , the temperature of the intra cluster plasma is directly linked to the depth of the potential wells . the relation @xmath28 can be easily recovered in the case of a simple spherical collapse model ( see , e.g. , eke et al . this relation has been successfully tested against n body hydrodynamical simulations ( navarro et al . 1995 ) . the evolution of the temperature distribution is very sensitive to the adopted model of structures formation , and its evolution at moderate redshift is considered a crucial test for cdm models ( for recent works in this field see mathiesen & evrard 1997 , kitayama & suto 1997 ) . in figure [ nt ] the local cumulative function @xmath29 is plotted for the canonical ps ( dotted line ) and numerical prediction ( continuous line ) . while discrepancies are less than a factor @xmath30 for @xmath31 kev , they become significant at @xmath32 , where the n - body simulation predicts significant excess above @xmath33 kev . this not only points out a severe failure of the ps approach , but makes it even more difficult for a high normalization ( e.g. based on cobe ) cdm spectrum to satisfy constraints on cluster scales . on the other hand , the reduced negative evolution in the number of hot clusters could alleviate the discrepancy between the expected abundances in critical universes and incoming data , which instead seem to favour low @xmath0 ( henry 1997 ) . we are extending the analysis to other cdm spectra in order to address this point .
we take advantage of the biggest cosmological simulation to date for a critical cdm universe in order to test robustness of the cluster mass function on a range of masses much wider than tested before . on the high mass end our results show an excess of hot clusters and a milder evolution compared to the analytical predictions based on the press & schechter formula . these features must be properly taken into account in deriving the cluster x - ray temperature function at moderate and high redshifts . on a general basis , the reduced negative evolution in the number of hot clusters could alleviate the discrepancies between the predictions for critical universes and incoming data , which instead seem to favour low @xmath0 . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
we present a study of global warming based on the data obtained at @xmath0 weather stations covering the period from 1702 to 1990 . in particular we are interested in finding the effect of human activity on global warming . since the world population doubled from 1952 to 1990 , we search for any changes in the trend of global warming between the first and second halves of the 20th century . the data used in this study is described in section 2 , the analysis is presented in section 3 and the conclusions are collected in section 4 . the temperature data set used in this analysis is `` released in 1997.@xcite this data is a '' in particular we used the `` ( in file ) and the '' ( in file ) . each station is labeled by a @xmath4 digit code . we define a `` for a particular station as a year that has all twelve months with valid mean temperatures . we average these twelve monthly temperatures to obtain the '' for that station . in figures [ 617103840000 ] , [ 633062600000 ] and [ 646067000000 ] we present the mean annual temperatures @xmath5 of the three oldest stations using the " set . in figure [ 306840710000 ] we present the corresponding temperatures of our home city quito . we fit these temperatures to a straight line . the slopes @xmath6 for the period covered by the data are shown in the figure captions . all errors in this article are statistical and one standard deviation or @xmath7 confidence . the high slope of the temperature measured in quito may be due to the fact that the city grew around the weather station . figure [ global_warming_raw ] presents global warming at - a - glance . this figure was obtained as follows . we consider stations that have the first valid year less than or equal to 1900 and the last valid year greater than or equal to 1990 . furthermore we require at least 85 valid years between 1900 and 1990 inclusive . we chose these stations to be able to make meaningfull comparisons of global warming between the first and second halves of the 20th century . we define the `` of a station to be the average temperature of valid years between 1945 and 1955 inclusive ( so at least one valid year in this interval is required ) . in figure [ global_warming_raw ] we present the difference between the average temperature per 5 year bin and the reference temperature , averaged over all stations in the '' set passing the selection criteria . in figure [ global_warming_adjusted ] we present the corresponding information for the " set . from these figures we see that the global temperature has been increasing since the earliest measurements in 1702 . we see no acceleration of global warming in the second half of the 20th century compared to the first half . the data shown in figures [ global_warming_raw ] and [ global_warming_adjusted ] are dominated by stations in the usa as can be seen in figure [ usa ] . however , the general conclusions , _ i.e. _ warming since the earliest measurements and no acceleration of the warming in the second half of the 20th century , can be observed elsewhere as shown in figures [ germany ] to [ sweeden ] . the mean annual temperature of a station fluctuates from year to year by typically @xmath8c ( one standard deviation ) . superimposed on this fluctuation is a linear increase of temperature by typically @xmath9c per century ever since reliable data is available , _ i.e. _ since 1702 , as shown in figure [ global_warming_raw ] . all errors are statistical only , one standard deviation . the world population has * doubled * from 1952 to 1990 as seen in figure [ pobl ] , yet we see no statistically significant acceleration of global warming in that period : see figures [ global_warming_raw ] to [ sweeden ] . we conclude that the effect of humankind on global warming up to 1990 is @xmath3c . therefore , contrary to popular belief , the data support the view that human activity has had no significant effect on global warming up to the year 1990 covered by this study . 7 " released in 1997 . this data , reachable from , is produced jointly by the national climatic data center , arizona state university , and the carbon dioxide information analysis center at oak ridge national laboratory .
we analyze global surface temperature data obtained at @xmath0 weather stations from the year 1702 to 1990 . the mean annual temperature of a station fluctuates from year to year by typically @xmath1c ( one standard deviation ) . superimposed on this fluctuation is a linear increase of the temperature by typically @xmath2c per century ever since reliable data is available , _ i.e. _ since 1702 ( errors are statistical only , one standard deviation ) . the world population has doubled from 1952 to 1990 , yet we see no statistically significant acceleration of global warming in this period . we conclude that the effect of humankind on global warming up to 1990 is @xmath3c . therefore , contrary to popular belief , the data support the view that human activity has had no significant effect on global warming up to the year 1990 covered by this study .
justification of the principles of the equilibrium statistical mechanics is still a controversial problem . for example , the widespread scenario of obtaining the microcanonical ensemble from the ergodicity is not applicable to macroscopic systems , because the `` ergodic time '' is too long @xcite . in this paper we propose an alternative way to justify the use of the microcanonical ensemble for macroscopic quantum systems . the main point is that what we really observe can be written in a rather simple combination of local observables . for example , a macroscopic observable is additive @xcite , and hence written as a sum of local observables on a proper scale . therefore we can ignore correlations among macroscopic number of points . considering this limitation of observables , we show that almost all pure states in a energy shell look very similar . therefore we expect that the system go through only typical states with high probability in the course of the time evolution and thus thermal equilibrium is achieved . note that strong assumptions on the dynamics like ergodicity or mixing are not necessary for a system to reach equilibrium in our picture . it is possible even for an integrable system to reach equilibrium , as has been pointed out in some earlier numerical works @xcite . it is known that a typical pure state is highly ( almost maximally ) entangled in many senses @xcite . on the other hand , a thermal state is thought to have no or little amount of entanglement . however , there is no contradiction between the two viewpoints . from our standpoint , a thermal state is a highly entangled state , whose entanglement is too complicated to recognize . in this sense , we can say that too much entanglement is no entanglement . to explain the idea more clearly , we introduce the bloch vector as a tool to represent quantum states . let @xmath0 be the hilbert space of the system whose dimension is @xmath1 , and @xmath2 the set of traceless hermitian operators ( i.e. , observables ) on it . we choose an orthonormal basis set @xmath3 of @xmath2 . then the bloch vector of a state is defined as @xmath4 in this paper , we normalize the basis as @xmath5 so that the normalization condition for local observables does not depend on the system size . the density matrix @xmath6 and the bloch vector @xmath7 are related as @xmath8 we use the @xmath9 norm for the bloch vector @xmath10 which is related to the hilbert - schmidt norm for the density matrix as @xmath11 the set of the bloch vectors is a subset of a ball with radius @xmath12 in @xmath13 . pure states are on the surface of the ball , and mixed states are in the interior . at the center , there is the completely mixed state which is represented by the zero - vector @xmath14 . we consider a macroscopic system composed of @xmath15 sites , and define a linear subspace of @xmath2 as @xmath16 here , @xmath17 is a positive integer much smaller than @xmath15 but still a macroscopic number , and @xmath18 is the basis of local operators at a site @xmath19 . we normalize the local observables as @xmath20 , where @xmath21 is the dimension of the local hilbert space . @xmath22 contains practically all observables of physical relevance . for example , it contains all macroscopic observables and their low - order moments . we also define a projection operator for the bloch vector @xmath23 : @xmath24 is the set of expectation values of all basis elements of @xmath22 . we pick up a pure state in @xmath25}$ ] , which is a subspace of the hilbert space spanned by eigenvectors @xmath26 with @xmath27 . a state in @xmath25}$ ] is written as @xmath28\}$ ] . if we choose the coefficients @xmath29 randomly , the following inequality holds . @xmath30 here , @xmath31}$ ] and the overline represents the ensemble average over all states in @xmath32}$ ] . with use of chebyshev s inequality , one can also show @xmath33 for any @xmath34 . as the system size @xmath15 increases , the density of states increases exponentially but @xmath35 increases only in polynomial order @xmath36 . therefore the rhs of ( [ variance ] ) is exponentially small for a macroscopic system , which means that the portion of states practically distinguishable from the microcanonical ensemble is exponentially small . to prove ( [ variance ] ) , we first prove the following important lemma @xmath37 where @xmath38 and @xmath39 denotes the spectral norm of @xmath40 . when we take the ensemble average over @xmath32}$ ] , @xmath41 , @xmath42 , and @xmath43 @xcite . up to the 4-th order , all other combinations vanish identically . therefore @xmath44 where @xmath45 . then @xmath46 substituting ( [ result ] ) to ( [ intermediate ] ) , we obtain ( [ lemma ] ) . then , since @xmath47 for any basis element of ( [ basis ] ) , we obtain ( [ variance ] ) . if we consider a small subsystem which consists of less than @xmath17 sites , all observables in the subsystem is contained in @xmath22 . since the microcanonical ensemble average of the density matrix of a subsystem is the canonical ensemble in thermodynamically normal systems , ( [ variance ] ) gives a justification of the canonical ensemble for a small subsystem . our idea can be illustrated clearly with a time - dependent spin model . we consider the following hamiltonian , @xmath48 which is a time dependent version of the hamiltonian used in @xcite . details of this hamiltonian is not important here . the point is that the time evolution is deterministic and there is no constant of motion in this system . if we start with a pure state , the state is always pure and the length of the bloch vector is the maximum value @xmath49 . however , the bloch vector has so many components that we never see all of them . when we see only small number of components , the bloch vector looks like the zero - vector with very high probability because the average absolute value of each component is very small . therefore the system looks like in the completely mixed state , which is the equilibrium state expected from the principle of equal a priori probabilities . note , however , that the equilibrium is obtained not from any kind of averaging , but from the limitation of observables . [ fig ] is the plot of @xmath17-body part of the bloch vector @xmath50 . the initial state is a product state , which has relatively large components for small @xmath17 . in particular , the one - body part takes the maximum value @xmath51 . after some time evolution @xmath52 approaches quickly to the average value @xmath53 , which is very small if @xmath54 . therefore the system looks like in the completely mixed state .
we propose a new approach to justify the use of the microcanonical ensemble for isolated macroscopic quantum systems . since there are huge number of independent observables in a macroscopic system , we can not see all of them . actually what we observe can be written in a rather simple combination of local observables . considering this limitation , we show that almost all states in a energy shell are practically indistinguishable from one another , and hence from the microcanonical ensemble . in particular , the expectation value of a macroscopic observable is very close to its microcanonical ensemble average for almost all states .
traditional continuum surveys using very long baseline interferometry ( vlbi ) have had limited astrophysical impact , because they suffer from a paucity of redshifts and from biases introduced by targeting bright and , often , flat - spectrum radio sources . to overcome these limitations , we are using the nrao very long baseline array ( vlba ) at 5.0 ghz to image about 200 compact first sources stronger than 10 mjy at 1.4 ghz ( white et al . 1997 ) in the noao deep wide - field survey ( ndwfs ) . optical identifications to 26 magnitudes ( mag ) are becoming available from the ndwfs ( jannuzi & dey 1999 ) and spectroscopic follow - up has commenced for many of the first sources . our vlba ( napier et al . 1994 ) survey at 5.0 ghz uses phase referencing to reach about 100 first sources in each of the botes and cetus fields of the ndwfs . each compact first source was selected to have a largest angular size less than 5@xmath0 . the error ellipse for the _ a priori _ first position typically had a fwhm of 850 milliarcseconds ( 4@xmath1 ) . the phase referencing , in the nodding style , involved a switching time of 5 minutes and switching angles of 2@xmath25 or less . each first source was observed with a total bandwidth of 64 mhz during six 80-second snapshots spread over time to enhance coverage in the @xmath3 plane . our vlba survey is complete in the botes field and in progress in the cetus field , with each field covering 9 square degrees . in the botes field , about one source in three was detected with the vlba as stronger than 1.5 - 2.5 mjy ( 6@xmath1 ) at 2-milliarcsecond resolution . most vlba detections were unresolved but four apparent doubles were discovered . these doubles are unlikely to be gravitational millilenses , as the upper limit at 95%-confidence to the expected lensing rate is about 1 lens per 430 sources ( wilkinson et al . rather , these doubles might be compact symmetric objects ( csos ) , young and rare systems offering insights into evolutionary models for radio galaxies and strong tests of unified schemes ( eg , taylor et al . follow - up vlba observations are planned to test whether or not these doubles are indeed csos . optical identifications to 26 mag ( 5@xmath1 ) at 2@xmath0 resolution are becoming available for the botes field of the ndwfs . at these depths we expect that almost all first sources will be identified , mostly with radio galaxies and quasars ( waddington et al . by contrast , less than a third of first sources are identified to 22 mag in the sloan digital sky survey ( ivezi et al . identifications are an essential prerequisite for redshifts . ndwfs identifications from early release data covering 1.4 square degrees are described in the figure for four vlba detections . our vlba images either locate the active nuclei within the optical hosts , or impose upper limits on emission from the active nuclei . we will constrain the spectral energy distributions of the active nuclei by combining the vlba data with the photometric data from the ndwfs , from chandra ( c. jones & s. murray ) , and from sirtf ( p.eisenhardt ) , as those data become available . the ndwfs and sirtf data will also serve to constrain the galaxy cluster environments of the active nuclei . the stronger vlba detections can serve as in - beam phase calibrators for deep , wide - field vlbi imaging of the microjy sky in the botes field ( de vries et al . 2002 ; morganti & garrett 2002 ) . results from a 24-hour pilot study , using the vlba and the nrao green bank telescope at 1.4 ghz , are presented in these proceedings ( garrett , wrobel , & morganti 2004 ) . this work made use of images provided by the ndwfs , which is supported by noao . noao is operated by aura , inc . , under a cooperative agreement with the nsf . nrao is a facility of the nsf operated under cooperative agreement by aui . de vries , w. h. , et al . 2002 , , 123 , 1784 garrett , m. a. , wrobel , j. m. , & morganti , r. 2004 , this volume ivezi , z. et al . 2002 , , 124 , 2364 jannuzi , b. t. , & dey , a. 1999 , in asp conf . 191 , photometric redshifts and high redshift galaxies , ed . r. j. weymann et al . ( san francisco : asp ) , 111 morganti , r. , & garrett , m. a. 2002 , astron newsletter , no . 17 napier , p. j. , et al . 1994 , proc . ieee , 82 , 658 taylor , g. b. , et al . 2000 , , 541 , 112 waddington , i. , et al . 2000 , , 317 , 801 white , r. l. , et al . 1997 , , 475 , 479 wilkinson , p. n. , et al . 2001 , , 86 , 584
we are using the nrao vlba at 5.0 ghz to image about 200 first sources stronger than 10 mjy at 1.4 ghz in the ndwfs . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the phantom model is scalar field dark energy having negative kinetic term and its equation of state @xmath3 . the energy density and the pressure are given by @xmath4 and @xmath5 , respectively . the equation of motion is given by @xmath6 therefore , the phantom field tends to roll up the potential @xmath7 . the phantom equation of motion can be rewritten as @xcite @xmath8 where the plus sign corresponds to @xmath9 and the minus sign to the opposite , @xmath10 and @xmath11 is the fractional energy density of the phantom field . the variable @xmath12 is defined as @xmath13 and @xmath14 is the derivative of @xmath12 with respect to @xmath15 , which is related with @xmath1 as @xmath16 since the left - hand side of eq . ( [ q2 ] ) is positive for the up - rolling phantom field , we have @xmath17 . therefore , using eq . ( [ q4 ] ) , the upper bound on @xmath1 is obtained as @xmath18 note that the upper bound on @xmath1 for phantom is smoothly connected to the lower bound on @xmath1 for quintessence , the latter of which is shown as eq . ( 2.6 ) in @xcite . in @xcite , there is a calculation mistake that the rewritten equation of motion is obtained as @xmath19 as a consequence , an incorrect bound on @xmath1 is obtained as @xmath20 following the approach in @xcite , the bound can be tightened for the tracker field . taking the derivative of eq . ( [ q2 ] ) with respect to @xmath21 , we obtain the tracker equation for the phantom field @xmath22 where @xmath23 , @xmath24 is the equation of state of the background matter , and @xmath25 is the second derivative of @xmath12 with respect to @xmath15 . therefore , for the tracker solution where @xmath0 is nearly constant and @xmath11 is initially negligible , @xmath0 is given by @xmath26 thus @xmath27 is required for tracker phantom , which has @xmath3 . following @xcite , we consider a solution in which initially @xmath0 follows the tracker solution in eq . ( [ q9 ] ) and then evolves toward @xmath28 . therefore , the tracker @xmath0 in eq . ( [ q9 ] ) is a lower bound of @xmath0 . in such solution , @xmath14 eventually stops decreasing and then increases back to a value near zero . the minimum value of @xmath14 , @xmath29 , gives an upper bound on @xmath1 via eq.([q4 ] ) . to find @xmath29 , we put @xmath30 and @xmath31 in eq . ( [ q8 ] ) and find that @xmath32 since @xmath29 is an increasing function of @xmath0 , a lower bound on @xmath29 is given by that of @xmath0 , for which we take the tracker @xmath0 in eq . ( [ q9 ] ) and obtain @xmath33 with eq . ( [ q4 ] ) , we then obtain the upper bound on @xmath1 @xmath34 in @xcite , there is a mistake that the tracker equation for the phantom field is given as @xmath35 as a consequence , the resulting @xmath29 is @xmath36 therefore , an incorrect bound on @xmath1 is given as @xmath37 the bounds for the phantom model from @xcite are shown in fig . [ fig1 ] and the corrected ones we obtain are shown in fig . [ fig2 ] . bounds on @xmath1 as a function of @xmath0 for the phantom model from @xcite . the solid curve is the generic lower bound of the phantom . the dashed curve is the upper bound of the tracker phantom . the allowed region for the tracker phantom is filled with the grey color . , width=313 ] corrected bounds we obtain on @xmath1 as a function of @xmath0 for the phantom model . the solid curve is the generic upper bound of the phantom . the dashed curve is the upper bound of the tracker phantom . the allowed region for the tracker phantom is filled with the grey color.,width=313 ] for tracker quintessence the eqs . ( [ q8 ] ) ( [ q11 ] ) remain valid . however , we have @xmath38 and @xmath39 in this case . in addition , instead of an upper bound on @xmath1 , the minimum value of @xmath14 , @xmath40 , gives a lower bound on @xmath1 via eq . ( [ q4 ] ) . since @xmath29 is a decreasing function of @xmath0 , a lower bound on @xmath29 is given by an upper bound of @xmath0 , for which we take the tracker @xmath0 in eq . ( [ q9 ] ) and obtain eq . ( [ q11 ] ) . as a result , the lower bound on @xmath1 is given as @xmath41 note that our argument which leads to the lower bound on @xmath29 is different from that in @xcite , between eq . ( 2.9 ) and eq . ( 2.10 ) : `` since @xmath42 is an increasing function of @xmath43 , a lower bound is given by @xmath0 of the tracker solution eq . . however , the resulting bound is the same . chen is supported by the taiwan national science council ( nsc ) under project no . nsc 95 - 2119-m-002 - 034 and nsc 96 - 2112-m-002 - 023-my3 , gu under nsc 98 - 2112-m-002 - 007-my3 , and p. chen by nsc under project no . nsc 97 - 2112-m-002 - 026-my3 and by us department of energy under contract no . de - ac03 - 76sf00515 . all the authors thank leung center for cosmology and particle astrophysics for the support . t. chiba , _ phys . d _ * 73 * , 063501 ( 2006 ) [ arxiv : astro - ph/0510598 ] . c. w. chen , p. chen and je - an gu , arxiv:0905.2738 [ astro-ph.co ] . j. kujat , r. j. scherrer and a. a. sen , _ phys . d _ * 74 * , 083501 ( 2006 ) [ arxiv : astro - ph/0606735 ] .
we comment on the calculation mistake in the paper `` @xmath0 and @xmath1 of scalar field models of dark energy '' by takeshi chiba , where @xmath0 is the dark energy equation of state and @xmath1 is the time derivative of @xmath0 in units of the hubble time . the author made a mistake while rewriting the phantom equation of motion , which led to an incorrect generic bound for the phantom model and an incorrect bound for the tracker phantom model on the @xmath2 plane . in the paper `` @xmath0 and @xmath1 of scalar field models of dark energy '' @xcite , takeshi chiba derived bounds on @xmath1 as a function of @xmath0 for scalar field models of dark energy including quintessence , phantom and k - essence . this provides very useful means to discriminate between dark energy models and to confront dark energy models with the observational results ( see @xcite for example ) . in @xcite , we find that there is a mistake in calculation for the phantom case , which leads to the incorrect bounds on @xmath1 . following the framework in @xcite , we derive the corrected bounds for the phantom model . in addition , we also correct an argument leading to the bound for the tracker quintessence .
in the paper @xcite we can find a lemma without complete ( and exact ) proof ( see lemma in @xcite ) was very important in the solving of the problem ; find the optimal ball packing with respect to the crystallographic group @xmath2 . ( we use the standard notation of a crystallographic group , it can be found e.g. in the international tables @xcite . ) in this paper we give a short and elegant proof for this basic statement , namely we shall prove that : if a brick has a unit volume , its side lengths are not less than @xmath0 and the vertices of a triangle lie on the skew edges of this brick , then there is a side of the triangle whose length is not greater than @xmath1 . this geometric problem can be handing by the standard analytic methods badly , we have to investigate certain complete polynomial equations of order six or of order higher than six . so without further geometric simplification there is no chance to solve it exactly . the geometric intuition helps us to reduce the number and order of the variables thus it is very important in the solution of such a problem . similar elementary but hard results can be found in the papers @xcite and @xcite also showing that the intuition can not be change to a mechanical ( theoretical or analytical ) computation in every time and every cases . the following simple lemma plays an important role in the proof of the required result . + let @xmath3 and @xmath4 three fixed point of the plane does not lying on a line and assume that the angle @xmath5 is not obtuse . then from among the rectangles which one vertex is @xmath6 and an edge of it opposite to @xmath6 and has minimal area one of its edges either @xmath7 or @xmath8 . on fig . 1 we can see the possible rectangles with possible minimal areas . from this lemma first we shall prove the following statement : if a brick has a unit volume , its side lengths are not less than @xmath0 and the vertices of a regular triangle lie on the skew edges of this brick , then the length of its sides is not greater than @xmath1 . finally we observe that statement 1 already is a simple consequence of statement 2 . we note that the condition on the lengthes of the edges of the brick may not omit , in a sufficiently thin brick with volume 1 we can put whatever large regular triangle . * proof : * [ lemma 1 ] first we note that booth of the mentioned rectangles are exists because of the initial assumptions . the notation of figure 1 we now have @xmath9 and @xmath10 thus the examined area is @xmath11 @xmath12 is minimal if @xmath13 is minimal on the parameter domain defined by the inequalities @xmath14 and @xmath15 . the computation @xmath16\geq\ ] ] @xmath17 shows that it would be minimal in cases @xmath18 or @xmath19 this proves the lemma . this implies the following equalities : @xmath21 and @xmath22 thus a short computation shows that @xmath23.\ ] ] with respect to the various @xmath24 we can see immediately that of the function @xmath25\ ] ] there is precisely one minima on the half line @xmath26 $ ] in an inner point of the interval @xmath27 $ ] . on the other hand if @xmath28 ( and by assumption @xmath29 ) then @xmath30 implying that @xmath31 which is a contradiction . so we can assume that @xmath32 $ ] and thus we have to take the maximum of @xmath33 on this closed interval . they are attained on the boundary points of @xmath27 $ ] . hence we get that in this case @xmath34 and the optimum given by two configuration which are equivalent to each other . the parameter values : @xmath35 and @xmath36 we now investigate * the second case * , we assume that there is no edge of the triangle which is also an edge of the brick . first we note that an triangle which can pack ( satisfying the conditions of the arrangement ) in a brick with less volume then 1 can not be maximal one . consider that edge of the brick which contains the vertex @xmath6 ( see on fig . project orthogonally the arrangement onto one of the face of the brick orthogonal to this edge . observe that the image of the regular triangle is a triangle with vertices @xmath37 which is drawing in a rectangle on the manner described in lemma 1 . if the edges @xmath38 and @xmath39 are not edges of the rectangle , then ( by lemma 1 ) there is a rectangle with smaller area and the brick building up this base with the original height also contains the original regular triangle on its skew edges . this means that the triangle is not maximal . this can be saying too in the case of the vertices @xmath40 and @xmath4 and thus we get that one of the edges of the triangle is an diagonal of a face of the brick . ( see fig . 3 ) by the notation of fig.2 our problem analytically now simplified the following one : minimalize the function : @xmath41 where @xmath42 and thus @xmath43 and hence @xmath44 from this we get that @xmath45\ ] ] and @xmath23.\ ] ] we can follow now the argument of the first case as we also get that @xmath34 . we now have two new optimal arrangements with the parameters @xmath46 and @xmath47 respectively . all of the optimal cases can be seen on fig . 4 and the statement is proved . * in the first case * we have two possibilities because @xmath6 and @xmath40 are respective vertices of the cube . in fact , if @xmath6 is not a vertex then the strict inequalities @xmath51 implies that the minimal edge of the triangle can be increased and it is not optimal triangle . so we have two cases * the edge @xmath7 is an edge of the brick . the value @xmath52 is maximal if @xmath4 is the midpoint of the opposite edge . but if @xmath53 then @xmath54 showing that @xmath55 or @xmath56 less than @xmath57 . this is a contradiction . * the edge @xmath7 is a diagonal of the brick . at this time @xmath52 has maximal value if @xmath4 is the point of intersection of the bisector of the segment @xmath7 and an edge of the face opposite to the face containing the diagonal @xmath7 . now we have @xmath58 contradicting statement 2 . in fact the affinity orthogonal to the face of @xmath7 with ratio less than 1 gives a regular triangle of edge length @xmath1 in a brick of volume less than 1 . this is a contradiction again . * in the second case * we assume that @xmath59 . if @xmath60 and one of the vertices @xmath6 and @xmath4 is not a vertex of the brick then a little move of it can imply one of the inequalities @xmath61 or @xmath62 and thus the condition of the first case is holding . thus we can assume that @xmath6 and @xmath4 are vertices of the brick and can apply the argument of the first case . so the only possibility to get an optimal arrangement if we assume that @xmath63 and we get back the statement of statement 2 .
in this paper we shall investigate the following problem : which is the largest regular triangle in a brick with volume 1 and having edge lengthes greater than @xmath0 ? we prove that there are three optimal cases in all which the edge lengthes of the triangles are @xmath1 , respectively . * msc(2000 ) : * 52c17 * keywords : * brick with unit volume , regular triangle with maximal edge lenght
.specifications of the warkworth 12-m antenna . [ cols= " < , < " , ] the 30-m cassegrain beam - waveguide nec antenna was used by telecom nz after construction in 1984 . it was handed over to aut in 2010 . renovation of the 30-m started in 2011 . old azimuth and elevation motors have been removed and replaced with new ones ( see figure [ fig:30 m ] ) . a new control system from control techniques , uk , very similar to the system used on the 12 m was installed . a new cable wrap system has been installed and new cables pulled through . in mid february 2013 mark godwin will be on - site to commission the new control system . a bolt replacement program by a local rigging contractor has started . we are in the process of negotiating a maintenance contract with them for both the 30 m and the 12 m . additional dbbc and mark 5c have been ordered for the 30 m . work continues on using the existing satellite receiver in c - band , but we are also talking with other parties about receiver systems . obviously we would like to go l , s , c and x but are unsure of the waveguide optics . we continue to e - transfer data to the correlators . we have installed a new 10gbit switch in the 30 m computer room . this provides fibre point to point connectivity between the dbbc and mark 5c via the fila10 g interface and gives us a 10gbit backbone at the observatory . the network topography was changed so that the 12 m is now a spur from the 30 m karen pop . warkworth now has a direct ip presence on karen , so data transfers should no longer go through the university campus any more ( of mutual benefit to us and campus lan users ) . it is hoped with the upgrades taking place with the karen network that we will have 10gbps international connectivity to / from the observatory in the near future . the 30 m building has been wired cat6 and fibre has been installed from the computer room through to the pedestal room beneath the dish where the wave guide terminates . in addition equipment has been installed for distribution of 1pps and 10mhz from the maser at the 12 m over to the 30 m pedestal room using a symmetricom rf via fibre system . in march 2012 we had a visit by gino tuccari with jim lovell and jamie mccallum from hobart for a mini workshop on the dbbc looking at diagnoses and issue resolution . later in the year during september ed himwich also paid a visit , during which he installed the new field system dbbc support components . now when we drug the generated schedule prc file contains the appropriate commands to program and setup the dbbc . we have successfully installed sdk 9.2 on our mark 5b to support diskpacks larger than 8 tb . we now have a station pool of five 16 tb diskpacks which we will be using for lba and the austral experiments with auscope antennas in australia . in addition to the ivs and lba observations the wark12 m is now also a tracking station for spacex on their supply missions to the international space station . co - operative observation for geodetic purposes with nict ( japan ) and university of tasmania ( australia ) started . the baseline of wark12 m and kashim11 is a long north - south baseline of over 8,000-km . the first observation of the wark12m - kashim11 baseline was carried out in april 2012 and the baseline length has been determined as 8,075,003,545@xmath0150 mm . by repeating the observation , we expect to obtain information about the relative tectonic motion of japan and new zealand . also , we are working to establish the ability to derive eop ultra - rapidly by utilising this baseline , existing ut1 products ( such as from the ivs int2 sessions ) and data transfers by high - speed network . the university of tasmania operates three 12-m radio telescopes located in hobart ( hobart12 ) , yarragadee ( yarra12 m ) , and katherine ( kath12 m ) under the auscope project @xcite . these three telescopes and wark12 m are located on the australian tectonic plate and consequently are ideally placed for measurements of intra - plate deformation . wark12m - auscope observations started in july 2012 . monthly 24-h observations and a series of multi - day observations together with auscope antennas will be scheduled from early 2013 . figure [ fig1 ] shows the baseline length changes of warkworth - hobart baseline derived from both gnss and vlbi data sources for the epoch 2011 - 2013 . we checked all of the baseline of auscope and wark12 m . gnss results indicate a small intra - plate deformation . on some baselines current vlbi results appear to be in disagreement with the gnss data . at this stage it is not possible to comment further on this discrepancy due to the statistically small number of vlbi observations . our proposed co - operative observations will add vital data points , reduce the noise and compensate for this current vlbi weakness . lovell , j. e. j. , mccallum , j. n. , reid , p. b. , mcculloch , p. m. , baynes , b. e. , dickey , j. m. , ... bignall , h. e. , the auscope geodetic vlbi array , _ journal of geodesy _ , 1 - 12 . doi:10.1007/s00190 - 013 - 0626 - 3 , 2013 .
the warkworth 12-m radio telescope is operated by the institute for radio astronomy and space research ( irasr ) at aut university , auckland , new zealand . here we review the characteristics of the 12-m vlbi station and report on a number of activities and technical developments in 2012 .
orbital phase - resolved spectroscopy of the bright emission lines in polars provides a unique possibility to derive information on the intensity and velocity distribution along the accretion stream . in eclipsing polars , the geometric constraints allow a direct transformation of an emission line light curve into a brightness map of the accretion stream . we have developed a computer model of polars which includes 3d grid models of the secondary star , the white dwarf , the accretion stream , and the column . each component is represented by a large number of surface elements , to which brightness values are attributed . we calculate the projected surface area of each element for the desired phase interval and sum up the flux contributions of all surface elements to obtain the total flux emitted in the direction of the observer . this light curve can then be fitted to observations in order to derive intensity maps of the components of the polar . our present work focuses on the accretion stream , which is the source of the broad emission lines . p5.5cmp7 cm & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in fig . [ fig1 ] ( left ) we show a synthetic light curve for the accretion stream in a polar at high inclination , @xmath0 . the intensity of the white dwarf and the secondary star are set to zero ; for simplicity , the accretion stream is assumed to have a uniform surface brightness . our light curve shows various features , present also in observed systems ( e.g. schwope et al . , we follow the features around the orbit ( fig . [ fig1 ] , right ) : ( 1 ) the dipole part of the accretion stream has completely reappeared after the eclipse . ( 2 ) the projected area of the accretion stream is maximal . ( 3 ) the white dwarf causes a partial eclipse of the accretion stream . ( 4 ) a secondary minimum occurs , when the projected area of the ballistic part of the accretion stream is minimal . ( 5 ) as in ( 2 ) , the projected area of the accretion stream is maximal . ( 6 ) a dip comes from the self - eclipse of the dipole part of the stream . ( 7 ) the main eclipse begins . at first , the stream sections near the @xmath1-point disappear , followed by the white dwarf and the dipole stream ; at last , the stream sections near the stagnation region are eclipsed . ( 8) the stream is eclipsed completely . note that the center of the eclipse eclipse of the stream is offset from the center of the eclipse of the white dwarf . schwope et al . ( 1997 ) presented an observed light curve of the broad - line emission in hu aqr which represents the emission of the accretion stream and shows the same double - hump shape as our calculated light curve in fig . 1 . p6.5cmp5 cm & a ) b ) the accretion stream geometry depends strongly on the tilt and azimuth of the dipole axis , characterized by the angles @xmath2 and @xmath3 in fig . a third characteristic angle is the azimuth of the stagnation region , @xmath4 . these three parameters describe the geometry of the accretion stream under the following assumptions : ( 1 ) the width of the stagnation region is given by the dispersion of the free - fall trajectories emerging with a thermal distribution from the @xmath1-point ( flannery , 1975 ) . ( 2 ) magnetically funneled accretion occurs along the same field line for the stream above and below the orbital plane . ( 3 ) the center of the dipole lies in the center of the white dwarf , i.e. there is no dipole offset . uzfor was observed with hst in june 1992 ; a detailed description of the data is given by stockman & schmidt ( 1996 ) . we summarize here only the relevant points . [ cols= " < , < " , ] fast fos / g160l spectroscopy with a time resolution of 1.6914s was obtained , covering two entire eclipses in the phase interval @xmath5 . the spectra cover the range 11802500 with a @xmath6 . we have retrieved these data from the hst archive at stsci , calibrated with the standard reduction pipeline . the mid - exposure times of the individual spectra were converted into binary orbital phases using the ephemeris of warren et al . the two individual observations were then co - added ( fig . [ fig3 ] , left ) . from this trailed spectrum , we extracted the light curve of civ@xmath71550 ( fig . [ fig3 ] , right ) . we use the system parameters from bailey & cropper ( 1991 ) : @xmath8 , @xmath9 , @xmath10 , @xmath11 . the optical light curve in bailey ( 1995 ) shows two eclipse steps which can be explained by two hot spots on the white dwarf which subsequently dissapear behind the limb of the secondary star . from that light curve we can measure the timing of the eclipse events with an accuracy of @xmath12 . the ingress of the spot on the lower hemisphere occurs at @xmath13 , its egress at @xmath14 ; for the spot on the upper hemisphere , ingress is at @xmath15 and egress at @xmath16 in addition to the `` basic parameters '' mentioned above we derive the following _ preliminary _ dipole configuration from the hot spot eclipse timings : @xmath17 , @xmath18 , @xmath19 using these parameters , we fit the civ light curve . fit parameters are the @xmath20 brightness values along the stream . the brightness distribution is optimized by an evolution strategy , which is the favourable choice for large numbers of fit parameters . the fit converges after approximately 300 iterations having calculated roughly 30000 light curves in total . in order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom , we have implemented a smoothing algorithm based on maximum entropy . our best fit is shown in fig . [ fig3 ] ( right ) . this preliminary fit assumes that accretion to both poles occurs along the same field line . this assumption turns out to be consistent with the position of the lower main accretion spot , but not simultaneously with that of the upper secondary spot . dropping the assumption of accretion onto both poles on the same field line introduces an additional degree of freedom . the detailed 3d brightness distribution will neccessarily change with any additional assumption made and is not shown here . independent of the remaining uncertainties , however , our fit implies that the accretion stream is brightest near the stagnation region where it couples onto the magnetic field . our new model allows light curve synthesis of cvs and tomographical reconstruction of brightness maps by the means of evolution fit strategies . as a first result , we have found that the stagnation region in the magnetosphere of the polar uz for is a prominent source of emission lines . bailey , j. 1995 , in _ cape workshop on magnetic cataclysmic variables _ , asp conf . 85 , 10 bailey , j. , cropper , m. 1991 , mnras 253 , 27 flannery , b. p. 1975 , mnras 170 , 325 schwope , a. , mantel , k .- h . & horne , k. 1997 , a&a 319 , 894 stockman , h. , schmidt , g. 1996 , apj 468 , 883 warren , j.k . , vallerga , j.v . & sirk , m.m . 1995 apj 445 , 909
we have developed a 3d computer model of polars which includes the accretion stream , the accretion column , the secondary star , and the white dwarf . each component is represented by a fine grid of surface elements . with brightness values attributed to each surface element , this model generates synthetic light curves of the various components . as a first application , we present our simulated light curves of the accretion stream , fitted to high - speed hst spectroscopy of the eclipsing polar uz fornacis by the means of an evolution strategy . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the main features of the @xmath7-production of @xmath0 in the frame work of pqcd had been discussed in our previous work@xcite . the dominant subprocess @xmath8 is described by 24 feynman diagrams . we suppose that the amplitude of the production process can be expressed through the amplitude @xmath9 of hard production of four heavy quarks @xmath10 followed by the soft fusion of @xmath11 and @xmath12 quarks into @xmath0 meson due to the meson wave function @xmath13 : @xmath14 where @xmath15 are four momenta of @xmath0 , @xmath16 and @xmath17 ; @xmath18 is the three momentum of @xmath11 quark in the @xmath0 meson rest frame . one can neglect the @xmath18 dependence in @xmath19 and get for @xmath20 wave states production the following equation : @xmath21 where @xmath22 is the value of @xmath0 wave function value at origin ( coordinate space ) . in such approach @xmath11 and @xmath12 quarks in @xmath0 have the same velocities . thus : @xmath23 @xmath24 if one need to get the yields of @xmath0 and @xmath25 separately , the product of spinors @xmath26 , corresponding to the @xmath11 and @xmath12 quarks in the @xmath19 amplitude , should be substituted by the projection operator @xmath27 where @xmath28 for @xmath29 , or @xmath30 for @xmath31 , where @xmath32 is the polarization vector for the spin - triplet state . nevertheless , one can easily show that @xmath33 can be expressed through the @xmath34 and @xmath35 : @xmath36 @xmath37 @xmath38 @xmath39 the more detailed description of the calculation technique one can find in the papers @xcite , where the gluonic and photonic @xmath0 production cross sections had been calculated ( see also @xcite ) . to get the cross section of @xmath0 production in @xmath7 collision one should covert the cross section of the subprocess @xmath8 with the distribution function of gluon in the initial proton ( we use cteq6 parametrization of pdf @xcite ) and weizscker - williams photon function . the parameter values have been chosen as follows : @xmath40 @xmath41 @xmath42 @xmath43 the total production cross section of @xmath1 , @xmath2 , @xmath3 and @xmath4 mesons is about 5 pb . higher excitations yield about 30% to the total cross section . thus for integrated hera luminosity 1 @xmath5 about @xmath6 @xmath0 mesons will be produced . it is rather small amount of @xmath0 to find these particles at hera , because of small branching ratios of @xmath0 decay mode , which are interesting for the extraction of @xmath0 signal . nevertheless , one can hope to find these particles at hera collider . .the branching ratios of exclusive @xmath0 decay modes @xcite . [ cols="^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] the most popular model of @xmath44 meson production is the fragmentation one . in accordance to this mechanism at large @xmath45 quark @xmath16 quark is produced in the hard process followed by the soft process of heavy quark fragmentation . for example : @xmath46 followed by @xmath47 . the meson production cross section in the frame work of fragmentational model have a very simple form : @xmath48 where @xmath49 . but can we estimate the numerical value " large " @xmath50 ? for @xmath0 production we can do it in the frame of model discussed in chapter 1 and 2 of this paper : @xmath51 at @xmath52 nonframentational terms ( recombination terms ) give the dominant contribution into @xmath0 production cross section . we would like to thank l. gladilin for the fruitful discussion . the work was supported in part by grants of rf education ministry e00 - 3.3 - 62 , crdf m0 - 011 - 0 , russian scientific school 1303.2003 . 1 a.v . berezhnoy , v.v . kiselev , a.k . likhoded , _ phys.atom.nucl . _ * 61 * , 252 ( 1998 ) ; _ _ yad__**_._**_fiz . _ * 61 * , 302 ( 1998 ) , preprint desy-97 - 193 . berezhnoi , a.k . likhoded , m.v . shevlyagin , _ _ _ phys.atom.nucl . _ * * _ _ 58 _ _ * * _ _ _ , _ _ _ * * _ _ _ _ * * _ _ _ 672 ( 1995 ) _ _ _ * _ _ ; _ _ * _ phys.lett . _ * b342 * , 351 ( 1995 ) * ; * _ _ _ a.v . berezhnoy , v.v . kiselev , a.k . _ _ * * , * * _ _ phys.lett.__**b381 * * , 341 ( 1996 ) , _ z.phys . _ * * a356 * * _ _ , _ _ 79 * * ( 1996 ) , _ z.phys . _ * a356 * , 89 ( 1996 ) . baranov , _ phys.rev . _ * d56 * , 3046 ( 1997 ) ; k. koodziej , a. leike and rckl , phys.lett . * b355 * , 377 ( 1995 ) ; c .- h . chang , y .- q . chen , g .- han and h .- jiang , _ phys.lett . _ * b364 * , 78 ( 1995 ) ; c .- h . chang , y .- q . chen and r.j . oakes , _ phys . _ * d48 * , 4344 ( 1996 ) ; c .- h . chang , y .- q . chen , _ phys . rev . _ * d48 * , 4086 ( 1993 ) . j. pumplin , d.r . stump , j.huston , h.l . lai , p. nadolsky , w.k . tung , _ jhep _ * 0207 , * 012 ( 2002 ) , * * * * d . stump , j. huston , j. pumplin , w.k . tung , h.l . lai , s. kuhlmann , j. owens , _ jhep _ * 0310 * , 046 ( 2003 ) . gershtein , v.v . kiselev , a.k . likhoded , a.v . tkabladze , a.i . onishchenko , a.v . berezhnoy _ _ _ the talk given at iv workshop on progress in heavy quark physics _ , rostock , september 20 - 22 , 1997 .
the @xmath0 photoproduction at hera has been considered in the frame work of the pqcd . the estimated value of the total production cross section of @xmath1 , @xmath2 , @xmath3 and @xmath4 mesons is about 5 pb . higher excitations yield about 30% to the total cross section . thus for integrated hera luminosity 1 @xmath5 about @xmath6 @xmath0 mesons will be produced .
the aim of the present work is to investigate the evolution of stellar x - ray emission during pre - main - sequence ( pms ) stages . to address this issue we have analyzed the high resolution x - ray spectra of two pms stars : the classical t tauri star ( ctts ) , and the weak - lined t tauri star ( wtts ) ( @xcite ) . these two stars allow us to probe different evolutionary phases . mass accretion is still present in as shown by its asymmetric and broad h@xmath1 emission ( @xcite ) . @xcite suggested a possible infrared excess but this finding has been ruled out by subsequent studies ( @xcite ) , indicating that no longer harbors large amount of dust . the accretion process has just ended in which has a filled in h@xmath1 line ( @xcite ) . the analysis of the x - ray emission allows us to infer the characteristics of the emitting plasma including the thermal structure , the electron densities , and the elemental abundances . .characteristics of the star sample . negative values of h@xmath1 equivalent width indicate an emission line . [ cols="<,^,^,^ , > , > " , ] we have used the density sensitivity of the intercombination and forbidden lines of he - like ions ( @xcite ) to investigate the coronal electron densities @xmath2 . in the observed x - ray spectrum of we have analyzed only the o vii triplet , because the ne ix triplet is blended with fe xix lines and the rgs spectral resolution is insufficient to resolve these blends . on the other hand in the observed x - ray spectrum of we have analyzed the ne ix , mg xi and si xiii triplets , while of the o vii triplet only the resonance line has been detected . the o vii he - like triplet for and the ne ix triplet for are shown in figures [ fig5 ] and [ fig6 ] , including observed spectra and best - fit line profiles ; the derived @xmath2 values are shown in table [ tab2 ] . we derive only upper limits for the electron densities from the observed @xmath3 ratio for all triplets except the mg xi for . it is worth noting that these results are different from those of where high densities ( @xmath4 ) have been deduced from the analysis of ne ix and o vii triplets ( @xcite ) . the shape of @xmath5 , the abundance patterns and the electron densities derived from the x - ray spectra of and suggest that the x - ray emission from the pms stars analyzed is very similar to the coronal emission of more evolved active stars . in the following we compare our results with those of , and . in figure [ fig7 ] we compare the ne / fe abundance ratios ( referred to the solar value ) for these five pms stars sorted by h@xmath1 equivalent width . note however that we obtain a similar pattern if our stars are sorted by spectral type . shows the same ratio as , while the ratio is significantly lower for the other stars , characterized by no evidence of accretion . this finding suggests that the ne / fe abundance ratio may reflect the evolutionary stage of the relevant star , although this interpretation is complicated by the fact that more evolved stars , like the zams k0 dwarf , show again very high ne / fe values ( @xmath6 ) . while ne / fe ratios are also thought to be correlated with stellar magnetic activity , another possibility is that the higher ne / fe ratio of , and , which all belong to the tw hydrae association , reflects the initial abundances of the cloud from which these stars originated , although this would require rather large variations in local ism abundances . in figure [ fig8 ] we show the @xmath7 peak temperatures of the same stars . note that the value is only indicative because no detailed emission measure analysis has been performed on its data . this plot suggests that the temperature of the emitting plasma rises with the ending of the accretion process , although there are other parameter differences between the selected stars . in conclusion we have found that ne / fe abundance ratio seems to be correlated with evolutionary stages and with spectral type . in particular has the same ne / fe abundance ratio as . on the other hand , none of the sample stars shows the same densities and plasma temperatures as . we can therefore depict two scenarios : in the first case may represent cttss with ages @xmath8 myr , but still characterized by high accretion levels , while the other sample stars represent different evolutionary phases . in the second case , and/or its environment , may be quite different from the other cttss , and therefore it is not straightforward to reconcile its characteristics with those of the other pms stars .
we report on the analysis of high resolution x - ray spectra of two pre - main - sequence stars : ( observed with _ xmm - newton _ ) and ( observed with chandra / hetgs ) . is a classical t tauri star in the tw hydrae association while is a rapidly rotating weak - lined t tauri star in the @xmath0-pictoris moving group . for both stars we have reconstructed the emission measure distribution and derived the coronal abundances to check for possible patterns of the abundances related to the first ionization potential of the various elements . we have also derived estimates of the plasma density from the analysis of the he - like triplets . we compare the characteristics of our targets with those of other pre - main sequence stars previously analyzed by other authors : , and . our findings suggest that x - ray emission from classical t tauri and weak - lined t tauri stars is produced in all cases by magnetically - heated coronae , except for which has unique plasma temperatures and densities . moreover we derive that has the same peculiar ne / fe abundance ratio as .
one of the most pressing issues at current and future hadron collider experiments is the discovery of one ( or more ) higgs bosons . the standard model ( sm ) predicts a single higgs boson whose couplings to fermions are proportional to the mass of the fermion , hence the production of the higgs boson with light quarks ( e.g. bottom quarks ) is suppressed compared to other production channels involving top quarks or heavy gauge bosons . however , in some extensions of the sm ( such as the minimal supersymmetric standard model , or mssm ) , the yukawa couplings for @xmath1 quarks can become strongly enhanced . in this scenario , the production of a higgs boson with @xmath0 can dominate over other production channels and could provide a unique opportunity to directly probe the @xmath1 quark yukawa coupling . the theoretical prediction of @xmath2 production at hadron colliders involves several subtle issues and depends on the number of @xmath1 quarks identified , or @xmath3 , in the final state . potentially large logarithms arise from the integration over the phase space of the final state @xmath1 quarks . these large logarithms appear at all orders in perturbation theory and could spoil the convergence of the perturbative expansion of total and differential cross sections . currently , there are two approaches to calculating the theoretical prediction of @xmath4 production . working under certain kinematic approximations , and adopting the so - called @xmath5 ( 5fns ) , the logarithms can be resummed by using a bottom quark parton distribution function @xcite @xmath6 @xcite . alternatively , working with no kinematic approximations , and adopting the so - called @xmath7 ( 4fns ) , one can compute the cross section for @xmath8 at fixed order in qcd without resumming higher order collinear logaritms @xcite @xmath6 @xcite . in this talk , we present the results of the total cross section calculation for @xmath8 at next - to - leading order ( nlo ) in qcd for two different scenarios : two high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jets and one high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jet corresponding to two or one @xmath1 jet(s ) identified in the final state . results for the case of no high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jets have been reviewed in a previous study @xcite . for the case of one high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jet in the final state , we compare our fixed - order result ( 4fns ) with the prediction obtained by using @xmath10 ( 5fns ) , when nlo qcd corrections have been included in both cases @xcite . in order to select the events with high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jets , we place kinematic cuts on the transverse momentum , @xmath11 20 gev , and pseudorapidity , @xmath12 2 ( 2.5 ) at the tevatron ( lhc ) , of the final state @xmath1 quarks . results from the case of two high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jets are shown in fig . 1 @xcite . the two sets of curves correspond to different renormalization schemes for the bottom quark mass in the bottom quark yukawa coupling . in both cases , the dependence on the renormalization and factorization schemes is greatly reduced by the inclusion of nlo qcd corrections . it is interesting to note that the @xmath13 scheme exhibits better behavior at small scales and also seems to improve the convergence of the perturbative series . , the calculation of the nlo cross section for @xmath2 for the case of ( at least ) one high-@xmath9 @xmath1 jet has been performed in both the 4fns @xcite@xmath14 @xcite and the 5fns @xcite(where the leading order process becomes @xmath15 ) . in a previous study @xcite , the two cross section calculations were found to be in agreement ( within error ) , but the 5fns calculation seemed to predict a slightly larger value for most of the higgs mass range . in a subsequent paper @xcite , we have investigated the inclusion of diagrams containing top quark loops , that were previously neglected in the 5fns , by implementing them into mcfm@xcite . the contribution from the top loop diagram(s ) to the total cross section in the sm calculation can become numerically important . in fact , inclusion of these diagrams was found to reduce the 5fns cross section by 15%(10% ) at the tevatron(lhc ) over most of the higgs mass range @xcite . results are shown in fig.2 for the comparison between the 4fns and 5fns schemes after the inclusion of the top loop diagram in the latter calculation . clearly , within the theoretical uncertainties , the sm calculations in the 4fns and 5fns are in very good agreement . the agreement is preserved in the mssm with large @xmath16 , since the top loop diagrams become negligible . , the work of s.d . , c.b.j . ) and d.w . is supported in part by the u.s . department of energy under grant de - ac02 - 76ch00016 ( de - fg02 - 97er41022 ) and by the national science foundation under grant nsf - phy-0244875 , respectively .
we present results for the production cross section of a higgs boson with a pair of @xmath0 quarks , including next - to - leading order ( nlo ) qcd corrections .
there is now increasing evidence for the presence of oscillations in the angular power spectrum of cosmic microwave background ( cmb ) anisotropies . the matter power spectrum of the large scale structure also contains a signature of baryons in the form of oscillations ; the amplitudes of oscillations , however , are significantly lower with fluctuations at the level of @xmath0 5% for @xmath1cdm with widths of order @xmath2 h mpc@xmath3 . for an unambiguous detection , 3d surveys should have resolution scales greater than @xmath4 300 h@xmath3 mpc in all three dimensions . in 2d , oscillations can also be detected via the projected power spectrum . the 2d power spectrum requires no precise redshifts and can be constructed with halos detected in upcoming wide - field lensing and sz surveys . following our suggestions that the angular power spectrum of halos can be used as a probe of cosmology ( cooray et al . 2001 ) , projected oscillations provide a new cosmological test ; this is similar to the measurement of the angular diameter distance to the last scattering surface using the first acoustic peak in the cmb anisotropy power spectrum . the angular power spectrum of halos in a redshift bin is a projection of the the halo number density power spectrum @xmath5 where @xmath6 is the distribution of halos in a given redshift bin normalized so that @xmath7 , @xmath8 is the hubble parameter , and @xmath9 is the angular diameter distance in comoving coordinates . note that @xmath6 comes directly from the observations of the number counts as a function of redshift . the underlying linear power spectrum of density fluctuations , traced by halos , contains two physical scales : the horizon at matter radiation equality @xmath10 , which controls the overall shape of the power spectrum , and the sound horizon at the end of the compton drag epoch , @xmath11 , which controls the small wiggles in the power spectrum . the angular or multipole locations of these features shift in redshift as @xmath12 . we propose the following test : measure @xmath13 in several redshift bins and , using the fact that @xmath14 scales with @xmath15 , constrain the angular diameter distance as a function of redshift . unlike the case with cmb , we can use tracers over a wide range in redshift and measure the distance as a function of redshift , or redshift bin . the test can be affected by two ways : ( 1 ) non - linearities generally erase the baryon oscillations and at @xmath16 oscillations are generally affected . at low redshifts , one can use the test with the overall shape defined by @xmath17 . ( 2 ) the tracer bias can be scale dependent , but for mass selected catalogs via lensing or sz , bias can be studied with simulations . author thanks wayne hu and collaborators , regrets lack of references , and thanks fairchild foundation and the doe for funding .
we study the possibility for an observational detection of oscillations due to baryons in the matter power spectrum and suggest a new cosmological test using the angular power spectrum of halos . the _ standard rulers _ of the proposed test involve overall shape of the matter power spectrum and baryon oscillation peaks in projection , as a function of redshift . since oscillations are erased at non - linear scales , traces at redshifts greater than 1 are generally preferred . given the decrease in number density of clusters at high redshift , however , one is forced to use tracers corresponding to galaxy groups and galaxies themselves . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
a very weak feature at 1176 was found by laor et al . ( 1995 ) in three high s / n quasar spectra obtained by hst , and was tentatively identified as c iii@xmath0 . the rich uv emission line spectrum of the narrow line quasar i zw 1 obtained by hst ( laor et al . in preparation ) allowed us to clearly identify this feature as c iii@xmath0 . this line was previously detected in agns only in absorption ( bromage et al . 1985 , kriss et al . 1992 ) . the line originates from radiative transition of electrons at the @xmath6 levels ( 17.1 ev above the ground level ) , down to the @xmath1 levels ( 6.5 ev above the ground level ) . given the high energy of the @xmath6 levels , the presence of significant c iii@xmath0 emission appears surprising . in order to calculate the c iii@xmath0 line flux we solved the equilibrium equations for the population of the lowest 10 levels of c iii ( n=2 levels ) . collisional coupling of all levels , and radiative decay to all levels are included . the contributions of recombination ( mostly dielectronic ) and continuum fluorescence to the level population were not included since they are not important for the observed line flux . we find that for typical blr conditions which are able to generate significant c iii]@xmath7 emission ( @xmath8 ) , the @xmath9 ratio is at least 50 times smaller than observed . the observed @xmath9 ratio is obtained for @xmath10 . but this ratio is obtained because @xmath11 is strongly suppressed at such a high density , and not because @xmath12 is enhanced . a high density component can not produce the observed @xmath12 flux even for a covering factor of @xmath13% the observed @xmath9 is obtained for @xmath16 k. such a component was also inferred by kriss et al . ( 1992 ) in ngc 1068 , based on the c iii@xmath17 and n iii@xmath18 lines . however , the overall observed emission line spectrum is fit well by photoionization models , rather than collisional ionization models . the @xmath19 produced by resonance scattering of continuum photons in the blr is : @xmath20 , where @xmath21 is the blr covering factor , @xmath22 is the velocity dispersion within the cloud , and @xmath23 is the line center optical depth ( for @xmath24 , the @xmath19 is increased by @xmath25 ) . the optical depth is @xmath26 , where @xmath27 km s@xmath5 , and the sum is over the 6 permitted transitions contributing to the @xmath12 line . we get @xmath28-@xmath29 for @xmath308 - 10 . thus the observed c iii@xmath0 @xmath19 of 1.4 can be produced if @xmath31 km s@xmath5 , and @xmath32 . a similar process of continuum fluorescence was invoked by ferguson et al . ( 1995 ) to explain the strong c iii@xmath17 and n iii@xmath18 lines in ngc 1068 . bromage , g. e. , et al . 1985 , , 215 , 1 ferguson , j. w. , ferland , g. j. , & pradhan , a. k. 1995 , , 438 , l55 kriss , g. a. , et al . , 1992 , , 394 , l37 laor , a. , 1995 , , 99 , 1 storey , p. j. , 1981 , , 195 , 27p
i zw 1 is a well known narrow line quasar with very strong fe ii emission . high s / n spectra obtained with the hst _ fos _ show a remarkably rich emission line spectrum . the c iii@xmath0 line is clearly detected in emission for the first time in agns . this line arises from radiative decay to the @xmath1 metastable levels of c iii . the observed flux is _ @xmath2 larger _ than expected from collisional excitation , or dielectronic recombination , in photoionized gas . the most plausible mechanism for the large enhancement in the c iii@xmath0 flux is resonance scattering of continuum photons by c iii@xmath3 ions . this mechanism requires _ large velocity gradients _ ( @xmath4 km s@xmath5 ) within each emitting cloud in the blr . such large velocity gradients can be induced by forces external to the gas in the blr clouds , such as tidal disruption , or radiation pressure .
observations of nova outbursts have revealed an elemental composition that differs markedly from solar . theoretical studies indicate that these differences are caused by the combination of convection with explosive hydrogen burning which results in a unique nucleosynthesis that is rich in odd - numbered nuclei such as @xmath1 , @xmath2 and @xmath3 . these nuclei are difficult to form in other astrophysical events . many of the proton - rich nuclei produced in nova outbursts are radioactive , offering the possibility of direct observation with @xmath4-ray instruments . potentially important @xmath4-ray producers include @xmath5 , @xmath6 , @xmath7 and @xmath8 . the observable consequences of a nova outburst depend sensitively on the details of the thermonuclear runaway which initiates the outburst . one of the more important sources of uncertainty is the nuclear reaction data used as input for the evolutionary calculations @xcite . a number of features conspire to magnify the effects of nuclear uncertainties on nova nucleosynthesis . many reactions of relevance to novae involve unstable proton - rich nuclei , making experimental rate determinations difficult . for hydrodynamic conditions typical of novae , many rates depend critically on the properties of a few individual resonances , resulting in wide variation between different rate determinations . statistical model ( hauser - feshbach ) calculations , which are employed with great success for a large number of reactions @xcite , are unreliable for rates dominated by individual resonances . the similarity of the nuclear burning and convective timescales results in nuclear burning in novae which is far from the steady state which typifies quiescent burning . though analysis of the impact of variations in the rates of a few individual reactions has recently been performed using one - dimension hydrodynamic models @xcite , analysis of the impact of the complete set of possible reaction rate variations in such hydrodynamic models remains computationally prohibitive . we therefore begin by examining in detail the nucleosynthesis of individual zones , using hydrodynamic trajectories ( temperature and density as a function of time ) drawn from nova outburst models . such one zone , post - processing nucleosynthesis simulations are a common means of estimating nova nucleosynthesis ( see e.g. , @xcite ) . for this presentation we are using a hydrodynamic trajectory for an inner zone of a @xmath9 onemg wd which is similar to that described in @xcite . these calculations were performed using a nuclear network with 87 species , composed of elements from n and h to s , including all isotopes between the proton drip line and the most massive stable isotope . figure [ fig : mcabund ] shows the abundances of each species at the end of the simulation , @xmath10 after peak temperature . because of the long time which has elapsed , the unstable proton - rich nuclei have decayed , reducing their abundances to less than @xmath11 . to investigate the extent to which nuclear reaction uncertainties translate into abundance differences , we use a monte carlo technique which assigns to each reaction rate in the nuclear network a random enhancement factor . the error bars displayed in fig . [ fig : mcabund ] are the 90% confidence intervals which result from 992 monte carlo iterations . monte carlo methods have been employed with great success in the analysis of big bang nucleosynthesis @xcite , but have not previously been applied to other thermonuclear burning environments . the reaction rate enhancement factors are distributed according to the log - normal distribution , which is the correct uncertainty distribution for quantities like reaction rates which are manifestly positive @xcite , @xmath12 where @xmath13 and @xmath14 are the ( logarithmic ) mean and standard deviation . for small uncertainties @xmath15 , the difference between the log - normal distribution and the normal ( gaussian ) distribution is small . however , for uncertainties of larger sizes such as those encountered in this problem , the difference is important . for this preliminary analysis , we have chosen to assign uncertainties of @xmath16 both to rates calculated by hauser - feshbach methods and also to rates whose measurement require radioactive ion beams . for all other rates we assign @xmath17 . figure [ fig : hist ] plots the resulting abundance distributions for two representative nuclei . [ fig : hist ] also demonstrates the differences between normal and log - normal distributions for widths of these sizes . these are very conservative uncertainties ; relatively few reactions , especially among unstable nuclei , have measurement uncertainties this small . as evidenced by the error bars in fig . [ fig : mcabund ] , the impact of even our conservatively chosen variations in reaction rates on the nucleosynthesis is large . while broader conclusions will require analysis of additional hydrodynamic trajectories , a number of interesting points can be made from the analysis of this single trajectory . the impact on the rate of energy production is small . at the 90% confidence level , variations in the amount of hydrogen consumed represent @xmath18 variation in the thermonuclear energy released . for the most abundant metals ( those which represent more than 1% of the mass ) , 2@xmath19 variations by factors of 1.1 to 1.4 are common , with some of these nuclei showing 2@xmath19 variations as large as a factor of 2 , for example , @xmath20 ( @xmath21 ) and @xmath22 ( @xmath23 ) . for the @xmath4-ray source nuclei @xmath6 and @xmath5 , the 90% confidence interval includes variations of nearly a factor of 2 , representing almost a factor of 4 difference in the distance from which novae may be observed by @xmath4-ray telescopes . for @xmath7 , the 90% confidence interval spans more than 2 orders of magnitude . such large uncertainties in the nucleosynthesis , resulting from poorly known nuclear reaction rates , constrain our ability to make detailed comparisons between theoretical models for the nova outburst and astrophysical observations to a degree which is often ignored . improved knowledge of these uncertain rates , both experimental and theoretical , is necessary to provide tight constraints on the nova outburst from its nucleosynthetic products .
the observable consequences of a nova outburst depend sensitively on the details of the thermonuclear runaway which initiates the outburst . one of the more important sources of uncertainty is the nuclear reaction data used as input for the evolutionary calculations . a recent paper by starrfield , truran , wiescher , & sparks @xcite has demonstrated that changes in the reaction rate library used within a nova simulation have significant effects , not just on the production of individual isotopes ( which can change by an order of magnitude ) , but on global observables such as the peak luminosity and the amount of mass ejected . we will present preliminary results of systematic analyses of the impact of reaction rate uncertainties on nova nucleosynthesis . # 1#1 @xmath0
hera is an @xmath0 collider which has especially high sensitivity to new particles coupling to lepton - quark pairs . in 1994 - 97 hera collided 27.5 gev positrons on 820 gev protons . in 1998 the proton energy was raised to 920 gev increasing the center - of - mass energy @xmath1 from 300 gev to 318 gev . in 1998 and in the first months of 1999 , hera ran with electrons . in may 1999 hera switched back to @xmath2 collisions . the three main colliding periods as well as the corresponding luminosities for each experiment are summarized in table [ tab : lumit ] . * * . _ _ luminosities collected by h1 and zeus for each colliding period . _ _ [ cols="^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] hera resulting limits on @xmath3 coupling are the following : * h1 : @xmath4 * zeus : @xmath5 figure [ fig : final ] summarizes the limits on the anomalous coulings @xmath6 ( @xmath7 vectorial coupling ) and @xmath8 ( @xmath3 magnetic coupling ) obtained at hera , lep and tevatron . hera sensitivity to @xmath8 is competitive with other colliders . hera is the unique collider to test direct @xmath10 interactions . about @xmath11 of @xmath2 data and @xmath12 of @xmath13 data have been collected per experiment at hera-1 . no evidence of new physics has been observed in various models in inclusive analyses ( contact interactions , extra - dimensions , leptoquarks ) and exclusive analyses ( lepton - flavour violation , @xmath14-violating susy , excited fermions ) , therefore new constraints have been set . hera limits are seen to be competitive with and complementary to the lep and tevatron searches . the status of isolated lepton events with missing @xmath15 is still intriguing and will become clearer with the new hera-2 data . hera has been shutdown since fall 2000 for a general upgrade : new focussing magnets have been installed in order to increase the luminosity and many improvements have been performed in the detectors in order to increase their sensitivity . moreover , the lepton beam will be longitudinally polarised in the h1 and zeus interaction regions . the first luminosity runs are predicted for beginning 2002 and hera-2 is expected to accumulate 1 @xmath16 in the next 5 years . the anticipated factor of ten increase in the integrated luminosity will give an outstanding discovery potential for hera . i which to thank my h1 and zeus colleagues who contributed to the results presented here as well as people who helped me in preparing this talk .
recent results on searches for physics beyond the standard model obtained by the h1 and zeus experiments are reported here . after a brief introduction to the hera collider , indirect searches for contact interactions and extra - dimensions are presented as well as direct searches for new physics including leptoquarks , lepton - flavour violation , squarks produced by r - parity violation and excited fermions . new results from isolated lepton events and single top searches are also presented . finally the future prospects of hera-2 are shown . * search for new particles at hera * + mireille schneider + cppm , 163 , avenue de luminy , case 907 , + 13288 marseille cedex 9 , france
across the nuclear landscape there is evidence that the magic numbers that exist along the line of stability may be eroded with the addition of protons or neutrons . approaching the driplines , nucleon single - particle states are reordered , and new shell closures may also develop . the region surrounding @xmath4ca is one where such a reordering has been observed . the systematic variation of the 2@xmath5 energies in the neutron - rich isotopes of @xmath6ca , @xmath7ti and @xmath8cr [ 1 - 3 ] shows the anticipated peak at neutron magic number _ _ n__=28 , and an additional rise at neutron number _ _ n__=32 , suggesting a sub - shell closure . in this region , the energy splitting between the _ _ @xmath9p__@xmath10 and _ _ @xmath9p__@xmath11 spin - orbit partners and the large energy separation of the next available _ _ @xmath9f__@xmath12 state stabilizes the low - energy structure of nuclei . the stabilization of the _ _ n__=32 sub - shell is most pronounced in the ca isotopes , and is reduced in nuclei above _ _ z__=20 , due to the strong attractive @xmath13-@xmath9 monopole interaction between the @xmath13__f__@xmath14 and @xmath9__f__@xmath12 single - particle states [ 4 ] . @xmath0 decay and isomeric studies of nuclei surrounding @xmath4ca were performed using fast radioactive beams produced by fragmentation at the national superconducting cyclotron laboratory ( nscl ) . a primary beam of @xmath15ge at an energy of 130 mev per nucleon was impinged on a thick ( 352 mg/@xmath16 ) be target . the resulting fragments were transported through the a1900 separator [ 5 ] , which was operated at its maximum momentum acceptance of 5% . fragments were studied using the nscl beta counting system [ 6 ] , surrounded by 16 high - purity germanium detectors from the nscl segmented germanium array ( sega ) [ 7 ] . with this arrangement , the simultaneous study of both short - lived isomers , and @xmath0-decay of @xmath1720 nuclei near @xmath4ca was possible . we report here on the low - energy structures of @xmath18sc@xmath19 , @xmath20k@xmath21 and @xmath22sc@xmath23 . a 110 kev isomeric transition in @xmath1sc was previously observed by grzywacz _ et al . _ [ 8 ] . the transition was assigned e2 multipolarity based on a comparison of the deduced 7(5 ) @xmath24s half - life with weisskopf estimates . in the present work , over @xmath17650,000 implantations of @xmath1sc were observed , and the prompt 110 kev isomeric @xmath25-ray was confirmed , as depicted in fig.[fig : sc54]a . with the high level of statistics available , a decay curve ( see fig.[fig : sc54]a inset ) was produced . the new half - life value of 2.77(0.02 ) @xmath24s confirms the e2 assignment of this transition . based on observed @xmath0 feeding from mantica _ et al . _ [ 9 ] and a ( 3,4)@xmath5 ground state , the spin and parity of this isomeric state is limited to ( 5,6)@xmath5 . the proposed low - energy level scheme for @xmath1sc is presented in fig.[fig : sc54]b . the low - energy structure can provide important information on the @xmath9__p__@xmath11 - @xmath9__f__@xmath12 spacing and the possible development of a shell gap at _ _ n__=34 . -ray spectrum following implantation of @xmath1sc fragments . gamma rays were observed for 20 @xmath24s following an implantation event . the fitted isomer half - life curve yields a half - life value of 2.77(0.02 ) @xmath24s . ( b ) proposed low - energy level scheme for @xmath1sc , including 247 kev state identified in @xmath0 decay [ 9].,width=453 ] isomerism in @xmath2k was first reported by lewitowicz _ [ 10 ] . in the present results , three @xmath25-ray transitions were observed in the fragment-@xmath25 spectrum ( see fig.[fig : k50]a ) for @xmath2k based on @xmath1720,000 implantation events . the 128 kev and 43 kev transitions were found to be in coincidence . additionally , the cross - over transition at 172 kev was observed . the half - life of this isomer is @xmath26 500 ns based on the time spectrum gated on the three isomeric @xmath25-rays . comparison to weisskopf estimates suggests that such a short - lived 172 kev transition is necessarily e2 in nature . considering this , and the observation that the cascade competes strongly with the direct 172 kev transition , serious doubt is cast upon the 0@xmath27 spin parity assignment for the ground state of this nucleus , as previously suggested from @xmath0 decay [ 11 ] . this isomer may be better explained by considering a 1@xmath27 ground state , arising from a ( @xmath13s@xmath11)@xmath28(@xmath9p@xmath10)@xmath28 configuration ( see fig.[fig : k50]b ) . -ray spectrum following implantation of @xmath2k . @xmath25-rays were observed for 20 @xmath24s following an implantation event . ( b ) possible low - energy level scheme for @xmath2k . the ordering of the 43 - 128 kev cascade is not uniquely determined from the present data . , width=453 ] over @xmath1723,000 @xmath0 decay events for @xmath3ca permitted identification of a single @xmath25-ray at 2109 kev that was assigned as a transition in @xmath3sc , which has a single proton outside of @xmath4ca . assuming a robust _ n _ = 32 subshell closure , the first excited state in @xmath3sc should arise from the coupling of the odd _ _ f__@xmath14 proton to the 2@xmath5 first excited state in @xmath4ca . such coupling produces a quintet of states , the lowest of which is the 3/2@xmath27 state . the 3/2@xmath27 level should have an energy comparable to the 2@xmath5 level in @xmath4ca ( see fig.[fig : sc53 ] ) , and would be the only member of the quintet to be populated directly by @xmath0 decay from the 1/2@xmath27 @xmath3ca ground state . comparison to levels in @xmath4ca suggest that @xmath3sc can be described by weak coupling of the odd proton to a @xmath4ca core.,width=302 ] this work was supported in part by the nsf under grant no . phy06 - 06007 and by the u.s . doe , office of nuclear physics , under contracts no . de - ac02 - 06ch11357 ( anl ) and defg02 - 94er40834 ( u. maryland ) and by the polish scientific committee grant 1po3b 059 29 . hlc and gfg would like to acknowledge financial support from nserc of canada .
the @xmath0-decay and isomeric properties of @xmath1sc , @xmath2k and @xmath3ca are presented , and their implications with respect to the goodness of the _ _ n__=32 sub - shell closure discussed .
the virial theorem shows that a star deprived of any energy sources will shrink and its kinetic energy will grow which normally implies it will get hotter . in the 1920 s eddington ( 1926 ) was puzzled as to how a star could ever cool down and end its life . this problem , together with the mystery of white dwarfs such as sirius b , was beautifully solved by r. h. fowler ( 1926 ) who realised that the electrons would become degenerate , as in a metal , so the star could then be supported by the degeneracy pressure which is an inevitable consequence of the zero - point energy combined with the pauli exclusion principle . even bodies of zero temperature have such a pressure which supports the white dwarfs against gravity . stoner ( 1929 ) made early models of white dwarfs to compare their densities with the theory but anderson ( 1929 ) rightly criticised him for not allowing for the relativistic motions of electrons forced to very high densities . he showed that when this was allowed for , there would be a limiting mass beyond which no cold white dwarf models could exist . his estimate of the limiting mass was not very good , but stoner ( 1930 ) then modified his own calculations and calculated the limit for homogeneous models which gave an answer good to 10% . meanwhile , chandrasekhar ( 1931 ) had developed the theory independently starting from fowler s work . he realised that the limiting configuration would be an @xmath12 polytrope and gave the first accurate determination of the chandrasekhar limit . more detailed models of white dwarfs were given by salpeter ( 1967 ) who derived conditions for their solidification and determined properties of the lattice . shapiro and teukolsky in their book give a definitive account of how all this extends to neutron stars . here our aim is much more modest . to give a rough approximate formula for the radius of any cold body as a function of its mass . we illustrate how the balance between degeneracy pressure , the electrical attraction of electrons to atomic nuclei , and gravitation lead to a mathematical formula that describes the mass - radius relationship for cold bodies . this holds from asteroids , through planets and brown dwarfs to white dwarfs and neutron stars . understanding rather than accuracy is our aim so we shall use interpolation formulae where they are simpler , nevertheless we shall ensure accuracy in important limiting cases . thus we aspire to follow the fine tradition set in salpeter s 1967 lectures . at masses below that of saturn , the degeneracy pressure of the electrons within the atoms ( vide the thomas fermi atom ) is balanced by the electrical binding . while the gravity serves to hold the whole body in a nearly spherical shpae , it is not strong enough to crush the atoms into significantly smaller volumes . thus the material is nearly incompressible and apart from any chemical fractionation the lighter bodies have the same density . however , above the mass of saturn the gravitational potential energy increases to become comparable with the electrical one . above the mass of jupiter , the gravitation dominates , the atoms are crushed together with the outer electrons eventually bcoming pressure ionised to make a continuous sea . in fact , somewhat above jupiter s mass , the weight of each layer added so compresses the material within that the whole body shrinks in radius . the electron sea is not so dense that the zero point energy drives the electrons to speeds close to that of light , so they give fowler s @xmath13 as an equation of state as in @xmath14 polytropes . the @xmath15 energy behaves as @xmath16 . although the @xmath17 gravitational energy rises with a higher power of the mass , the total energy achieves its minimum at the ( equilibrium ) radius with @xmath18 . this is the brown dwarf white dwarf sequence . however , as @xmath3 is further increased the increasing density of the bodies @xmath19 leads to zero point agitation with relativistic speeds . this results in the pressure density relationship @xmath20 with @xmath21 . as this is approached the equilibrium radius rapidly becomes very small and very sensitive to mass because both gravitational and internal energies scale with the same power of the radius . no force balance is possible beyond chandrasekhar s limiting mass . in neutron stars the electrical energy is unimportant ; most of the electrons have combined with protons and been transformed into neutrons so that neutron degeneracy supplies the pressure . neutron star radii are smaller than white dwarf radii by the factor @xmath22 so the densities are @xmath23 times greater . a secondary aim of this article is to express the important masses that arise in astronomy in terms of the fundamental physical constants . thus the ratio of the chandrasekhar mass to the mass of the planet of maximum radiu is essentially the fine structure constant raised to the power @xmath24 . such matters are of particular importance to the misguided few who seriously entertain theories in which such fundamental constants change . the kinetic energy of an electron is given by @xmath25\ \ . \eqno ( 1)\ ] ] the number of energy levels in a box of side @xmath26 with momentum between @xmath27 and @xmath28 is @xmath29 where the initial 2 comes from the 2 spin states of an electron . if all levels up to momentum @xmath30 are filled , the kinetic energy of the electrons per unit volume is @xmath31 while the integral may be evaluated using @xmath32 that begins to obscure the physics so we shall evaluate the limiting cases and interpolate . if @xmath33 then @xmath34 so @xmath35 if @xmath36 then @xmath37 for most electrons , so @xmath38 looking at ( 1 ) , an interpolation in terms of the function @xmath39 where @xmath40 suggests itself , where @xmath41 is to be determined . for large @xmath42 this function gives @xmath43 while for small @xmath42 it gives @xmath44 . so the ratio of the non - relativistic case to the very - relativistic case is @xmath45 . now the ratio of the expressions ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) is @xmath46 so we choose @xmath47 . the resulting interpolation formula exact at both limits is @xmath48 where @xmath49 if the total mass per electron is @xmath50 then the density is @xmath51 where @xmath52 ^ 3 \ \ , \eqno ( 8)\ ] ] thus @xmath53 is the density at which the electrons start to become relativistic due to the uncertainty principle . @xmath54 is the mass per electron and @xmath55 is its compton wavelength . rewriting ( 5 ) in terms of @xmath56 @xmath57 now imagine expanding unit mass of this material @xmath58 since @xmath59 we find the pressure density relationship @xmath60 where @xmath61 in particular the non - relativistic and extreme relativistic limits give @xmath62 ,
we produce the simple formula for the radius , @xmath0 , of a cold body : @xmath1 where @xmath2 , @xmath3 is the total mass , @xmath4 and @xmath5 $ ] . @xmath6 where @xmath7 is chandrasekhar s limiting mass . the density of our liquid / solid matter at low pressure defines the constant @xmath8 . for bodies with non relativistic electrons @xmath9 . @xmath10 is constant and gives the mass of the planet of maximum radius . @xmath7 , @xmath10 and @xmath8 are all defined in terms of fundamental constants , in particular the ratio @xmath11 is basically given by the three halves power of the fine structure constant . the aim of the discussion is to emphasise physical principles and to connect the masses derived to the fundamental constants , so mathematical niceties are sacrificed and replaced by interpolations between simple exact limits .
for fixed integers @xmath0 and @xmath1 , we consider the admissible sequences of @xmath2 lattice paths in a colored @xmath3 square given in @xcite . each admissible sequence of paths can be associated with a partition @xmath10 of @xmath4 . in section [ paths ] , we show that the number of self - conjugate admissible sequences of paths associated with @xmath10 is equal to the number of standard young tableaux of shape @xmath10 , and thus can be calculated using the hook length formula . we extend this result to include the non - self - conjugate admissible sequences of paths and show that the number of all such admissible sequences of paths is equal to the sum of squares of the number of standard young tableaux of partitions of @xmath4 with height less than or equal to @xmath11 . using the rsk correspondence in @xcite , it is shown in ( @xcite , corollary 7.23.12 ) that the sum of squares of the number of standard young tableaux of partitions of @xmath4 with height less than or equal to @xmath11 is equal to the number of @xmath6-avoiding permutations of @xmath7 . in section [ multiplicities ] , we apply our results to the representation theory of the affine kac - moody algebra @xmath8 . let @xmath12 , @xmath13 and @xmath14 denote the simple roots , simple coroots , and fundamental weights respectively . note that @xmath15 . for @xmath16 , set @xmath17 and @xmath18 . as shown in @xcite , @xmath19 are maximal dominant weights of the irreducible @xmath8-module @xmath9 . we show that the multiplicity of the weight @xmath19 in @xmath9 is the number of @xmath6-avoiding permutations of @xmath7 , which proves conjecture 4.13 in @xcite . for fixed integers @xmath0 and @xmath1 , consider the @xmath3 square containing @xmath20 unit boxes in the fourth quadrant so that the top left corner of the square is at the origin . we assign color @xmath21 to a box if its upper left corner has coordinates @xmath22 . this gives the following @xmath3 colored square @xmath23 : a lattice path @xmath25 on @xmath23 is a path joining the lower left corner @xmath26 to the upper right corner @xmath27 moving unit lengths up or right . for two lattice paths @xmath28 on @xmath23 we say that @xmath29 if the boxes above @xmath30 are also above @xmath25 . now , we draw @xmath2 lattice paths , @xmath31 on @xmath23 such that @xmath32 . for integers @xmath33 , where @xmath34 , @xmath35 , we define @xmath36 to be the number of @xmath37-colored boxes between @xmath38 and @xmath39 . we define @xmath40 to be the number of @xmath37-colored boxes below @xmath41 and @xmath42 to be the number of @xmath37-colored boxes above @xmath43 . denote by @xmath49 the set of all admissible sequences of @xmath2 paths . notice that there are @xmath4 0-colored boxes in @xmath23 and hence for any admissible sequence of paths , @xmath50 . in addition , it follows from definition [ pathsdef](2 ) that @xmath51 for any admissible sequence of paths . thus , we can and do associate an admissible sequence of paths @xmath44 on @xmath23 with a partition @xmath52 of @xmath4 . in this case , we say that this admissible sequence of paths is of type @xmath10 and often draw @xmath10 as a young diagram . figure [ adseq](a ) is an element of @xmath53 , where @xmath54 and @xmath55 are shown in figures [ adseq](b ) , [ adseq](c ) , and [ adseq](d ) , respectively . notice that this admissible sequence of paths is of type @xmath56 .
for @xmath0 and @xmath1 , we consider certain admissible sequences of @xmath2 lattice paths in a colored @xmath3 square . we show that the number of such admissible sequences of lattice paths is given by the sum of squares of the number of standard young tableaux of partitions of @xmath4 with height @xmath5 , which is also the number of @xmath6-avoiding permutations of @xmath7 . finally , we apply this result to the representation theory of the affine lie algebra @xmath8 and show that this quantity gives the multiplicity of certain maximal dominant weights in the irreducible module @xmath9 .
spectroscopy is a powerful tool for distilling the key degrees of freedom in a given system . at the present time , the best way of extracting the spectrum of states from the qcd lagrangian is monte carlo computer calculations using a space - time lattice . a spectrum determination requires the extraction of many excited - state energies , so a brief discussion on how excited - state energies can be determined from monte carlo estimates of correlation functions in euclidean field theory is warranted . in this talk , several past explorations of the qcd spectrum are outlined , in particular , glueball masses in the pure - gauge theory and the energies of gluonic excitations of the so - called static quark - antiquark potential . also , ongoing efforts by the lattice hadron physis collaboration ( lhpc ) to determine the baryon spectrum using extended three - quark operators are described . the monte carlo method can be applied to obtain estimates of the path integrals which yield a hermitian matrix of correlation functions @xmath0 , where @xmath1 creates the states of interest at time @xmath2 and @xmath3 annihilates such states at a later time @xmath4 . the procedure for extracting the lowest energies @xmath5 from this matrix is well known@xcite . let @xmath6 denote the eigenvalues of the hermitian matrix @xmath7 , where @xmath8 is some fixed reference time ( typically small ) and the eigenvalues , also known as the _ principal _ correlation functions , are ordered such that @xmath9 as @xmath4 becomes large . then one can show that @xmath10 determinations of the principal correlators @xmath6 for large temporal separations @xmath4 yield the desired energies @xmath11 . since statistical fluctuations grow with increasing @xmath4 , it is crucial that contributions from higher - lying states be diminished so that the desired lowest - lying energies dominate the principal correlators well before the signal - to - noise ratio falls . judiciously chosen quark - field and gluon - field smearings is one important ingredient for reducing couplings to the short wavelength modes of the theory . the use of large sets of extended operators is another key ingredient . our monte carlo calculations are carried out in a finite - sized box with periodic boundary conditions . given the finite volume and the discrete nature of the allowed momenta in the box , the masses and widths of resonances ( unstable hadrons ) can not be calculated directly , but must be deduced from the discrete spectrum of finite - volume stationary states for a range of box sizes@xcite . such applications require prohibitive computational resources , but our goal in the baryon project is to obtain a first exploratory scan of the spectrum , so simply obtaining the finite - volume spectrum for a few judiciously - chosen volumes should suffice for ferreting out the hadron resonances from the less interesting scattering states . glueball masses in the pure - gauge theory , shown in fig . [ fig : one ] , were the first exploration of the qcd spectrum@xcite in which i was involved . the spectrum can be fairly well described by a bag model description of the gluons , whereas string models seem to fare less well . inclusion of light - quark effects is an ongoing challenge . the issue of string formation of the gauge - field in the presence of a static quark - antiquark pair was my next exploration@xcite . for quark - antiquark separations @xmath13 greater than 2 fm , the spectrum of gluonic excitations agreed without exception with that expected from an effective string theory description of the gauge field ( see fig . [ fig : one ] ) , and a fine structure provided tantalizing clues to the nature of such an effective string theory . a dramatic level reordering was observed as @xmath13 became smaller , suggesting a bag model picture or multipole expansion may be more relevant at such scales . these energies were used@xcite as a starting point in a born - oppenheimer treatment of heavy - quark mesons , both conventional and hybrid ( bound by an excited gluon field ) . agreement of level splittings from direct monte carlo calculations with those in the leading born - oppenheimer approximation validated such a treatment and provided a compelling physical picture of both conventional and hybrid heavy - quark mesons . i am currently a member of the lattice hadron physics collaboration ( lhpc ) . one of our goals is to compute the spectrum of baryon resonances , with an eye towards later determining the meson spectrum . we have designed large sets of extended , gauge - invariant three - quark operators to facilitate this task@xcite . the usual operator construction which mimics the approach one would take in continuous space - time is very cumbersome , especially when tackling an entire spectrum . our approach combines the physical characteristics of baryons with the symmetries of the lattice regularization of qcd used in simulations . for baryons at rest , our operators are formed using group - theoretical projections onto the irreducible representations ( irreps ) of the @xmath14 symmetry group of a three - dimensional cubic lattice . there are four two - dimensional irreps @xmath15 , @xmath16 and two four - dimensional representations @xmath17 and @xmath18 . the continuum - limit spins @xmath19 of our states can be deduced by examining degeneracy patterns across the different @xmath14 irreps . baryons are expected to be rather large objects , and hence , local operators will not suffice . our approach to constructing extended operators is to use covariant displacements of the quark fields . displacements in different directions are used to build up the appropriate orbital structure , and displacements of different lengths can build up the needed radial structure . there are six different spatial orientations that we use , shown in fig [ fig : two ] . the singly - displaced operators are meant to mock up a diquark - quark coupling , and the doubly - displaced and triply - displaced operators are chosen since they favor the @xmath20-flux and @xmath21-flux configurations , respectively . we have now finished optimizing the quark - field and gauge - field smearing parameters , and have begun low - statistics runs to prune out the ineffectual and overly - noisy operators . some sample effective mass plots are shown in fig . [ fig : three ] . our goal is to find the smallest set of operators out of the several hundred we have constructed which are useful for extracting some number of lowest - lying states , and to push the technology to maximize the number of excited - state energies which can be reliably determined . we shall report our findings in the near future . this work was supported by the u.s . national science foundation through grant phy-0354982 .
some past and ongoing explorations of the spectrum of qcd using monte carlo simulations on a space - time lattice are described . glueball masses in the pure - gauge theory are reviewed , and the energies of gluonic excitations in the presence of a static quark - antiquark pair are discussed . current efforts to compute the baryon spectrum using extended three - quark operators are also presented , emphasizing the need to use irreducible representations of the cubic point group to identify spin quantum numbers in the continuum limit .
the understanding of the prominence formation is strongly connected with the knowledge of the magnetic fields which are responsible for their support . polarimetric observations of the emission lines in prominences allow to study the structure and intensity of their magnetic fields through the hanle and the zeeman effect . after the extensive measurements of and , in the last two decades the observational activity in this domain was rather poor . on the other hand the progress in the instrumentation improved remarkably the polarimetric sensitivities that can now be achieved . recently , new polarimetric observations of few prominences were reported ( e.g. @xcite , @xcite ; @xcite , @xcite ) . in the present work we proceed to a more extended observational program . the evacuated gregory - coud telescope which is used at irsol ( istituto ricerche solari locarno ) , has the advantage to introduce small instrumental polarization and cross - talks @xcite . both are generated mainly from two off - axis flat mirrors , whose effects theoretically cancel out around the equinox . otherwise they increase almost linearly with declination and stay almost constant over one day of solar observations . at solstice the total instrumental linear polarization reaches almost 3% and the circular polarization is smaller than 1% . 19 prominences were observed from 24th march to 24th april 2003 using the beam exchange technique proposed by . this technique allows a measurement free from effects introduced by the detector gain table . the data reduction technique and the instrumental set - up are described by . for each prominence we took various sets of measurements at different locations and times . each set included typically about 20 exposures of 5 seconds each on a fixed position on the prominences , from which all four stokes components were extracted . a second observation series was performed using the zurich imaging polarimeter zimpolii @xcite , which allows to get polarization measurements free from seeing effects . 16 prominences were observed from 22nd may to 26th september 2003 . the image was rotated with a dove prism set after the analyzer in order to keep the limb parallel to the spectrograph slit . various sets of measurements were taken at different locations . each set included typically 100 images of 10 seconds exposure each . in both observing techniques additional measurements were regularly performed for calibration purposes . the light originating at center of the solar disc was assumed to be unpolarized and therefore used as reference to establish the correction for the instrumental polarization . the background intensity profile was determined observing a quiet region of the halo near the prominence . we sometimes measured a nonzero polarization in the background light in a particular region ( ne ) above the solar limb ( values up to 7% ) . this is believed to come from spurious reflections within the telescope . the full stokes vector of the background light was therefore subtracted from the total measured stokes vector . in order to account for the cross - talk from the linear polarization to the circular polarization ( values up to about 20% at solstice ) measurements were performed applying a linear polarization filter in different positions before the entrance window of the telescope . the cross - talk from the circular to the linear polarization was not taken into account since it was expected to be negligible . an example of the four stokes spectral images resulting from the measurement of one prominence with the zimpolii system is reported to the left in fig . [ stokes ] . in this preliminary analysis we look at the spectro - polarimetric profiles obtained integrating over the spatial region where the signal intensity is at least 50% of the maximum intensity . the profiles of stokes @xmath1 , @xmath2 and @xmath3 divided by @xmath4 ( the maximum of the intensity profile ) are shown in the right panel of fig . [ stokes ] . two resolved multiplet components can be observed : a strong blue component at 5875.6 and a faint red component at 5875.97 . to analyze the behavior of the two components we average the value of the relative polarization in the intervals 5875.5 - 5875.7 respectively 5875.9 - 5876.0 . it is found that usually @xmath5 is about a factor of two larger in the faint component than in the strong component , as can be observed in the left plot of fig . [ sumgraph ] . in the right panel we show indeed for the strong component the hanle diagram , where the total linear polarization versus the rotation angle @xmath6 is plotted . the results obtained with the two techniques for different prominences are similar . the instrumentation at irsol and the two techniques used allowed precise measurements of the profiles of all four stokes components in the hei - d@xmath0 emission line of 35 prominences . @xmath5 was found to be always positive with values up to 7% in the faint red multiplet component and up to 3% in the blue component . the absolute values of @xmath7 and @xmath8 were generally below 2% and 0.5% respectively . we thank prof . jan stenflo and his group who allow us to use the zimpolii system . we are grateful for the financial support that has been provided by the canton of ticino , the city of locarno , and eth zurich . we appreciated the helpful and interesting discussions that we had with prof . jan stenflo , prof . javier trujillo bueno and laura merenda .
spectro - polarimetric measurements of the d@xmath0-he i 5876 line profile in 35 prominences have been performed in 2003 with the gregory - coud telescope in locarno . two different experimental techniques ( zimpol and beam - exchange method ) have been successfully employed to determine all four stokes components . both give compatible results . the preliminary results as well as the measurement techniques are reported .
the mere existence of low surface brightness disk galaxies ( lsbs ) has profound implications for the evolution of the universe , both at high and low redshifts . the number of lsbs found as a function of magnitude is consistent with no turnover in the counts down to the limit of current data ( oneil & bothun 2000 , ferguson & mcgaugh 1995 ) , and thus their contributions to the galaxy luminosity and mass functions on both the low and high luminosity and mass ends are not well constrained . little is known about their epoch of formation . gas - rich , large lsbs also provide a window into the extreme environment of very inefficient star formation . enormous efforts have been made to study blue compact dwarf galaxies ( bcds ) and starburst galaxies as examples of extreme environments for vigorous star formation , while efforts to study the other extreme have centered largely on dwarf galaxies . only recently have the larger , gas - rich systems come under scrutiny . yet despite this recent research activity , the underlying stellar populations of disk lsbs and their detailed star formation histories remain poorly understood . star formation in large lsbs has presumably proceeded in a much different way than in dwarf galaxies or hsb disk galaxies . while broadband optical and near - infrared observations have begun with the intention of studying the stellar populations in the galaxies and comparing them to current models of varying metallicities , disentangling age versus metallicity effects using broadband filters remains problematical , even for well - studied hsb galaxies ( worthey 1994 ; bruzual & charlot 1993 ; charlot et al . 1996 ) . by resolving the brightest stars and the tip of the red giant branch ( trgb ) , both in the relatively red central region and out in the blue disk of a large lsb , ugc 2302 ( @xmath0 mpc ) , we obtain direct information on the age and metallicity of the underlying stellar population as a function of radius . we have obtained deep images in f555w and f814w of ugc 2302 using the wfpc2 on hst . the images were reduced , calibrated , and aligned . photometry was performed on the stars common to both filters . we find : ( 1 ) ugc 2302 clearly shows underlying spiral structure ( see figure 1 , left ) ; ( 2 ) ugc 2302 has a small nucleus or central star cluster ( see figure 1 , left ) ; ( 3 ) the disk of ugc 2302 appears to be nearly transparent except in the very central regions ( see figure 1 , left ) ; and ( 4 ) we have detected the tip of the red giant branch ( tgrb ) at m@xmath1 and m@xmath2m@xmath3 ( see figure 1 , right ) . also seen is the blue main sequence at m@xmath1 and m@xmath2m@xmath4 . bruzual , a. g. , & charlot , s. 1993 , apj , 405 , 538 charlot , s. , worthey , g. , & bressan , a. 1996 , apj , 457 , 625 ferguson , h. c. , & mcgaugh , s. s. 1995 , apj , 440 , 470 oneil , k. & bothun , g. 2000 , apj , 529 , 811 worthey , g. 1994 , apjs , 95 , 107
we have observed the closest known large , low surface brightness ( lsb ) galaxy , ugc 2302 , with hst using wfpc2 and the f555w and f814w filters . ugc 2302 is a typical large lsb galaxy , and thus represents a good choice for detailed stellar population studies . large lsbs represent an extreme star formation environment , both locally within their disks , and on a larger scale , often residing in underdense regions of the universe . resolving the underlying stellar component of such a galaxy can provide critical information on how stars form and evolve in low metallicity , yet gas - rich environments . we resolve for the first time the massive stars and tip of the red giant branch in such a system . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the boost - rotation ( br ) symmetric solutions describe spatially bounded charged rotating objects undergoing a `` uniform acceleration '' ; they are asymptotically flat in the sense that they admit smooth though not complete null infinity . moreover , they are radiative ( it has been proven that boost killing vector is the only one additional killing vector to axial killing vector which does not exclude gravitational radiation ) . they were used both in analytical and numerical relativity ( for their brief review see refs . ) . the electrovacuum br symmetric metric@xcite , generally of algebraic type i , in global coordinates reads @xmath0 ^ 2-e^{\nu } \left(z\,\d z - t\,\d t\right)^2}{z^2-t^2}\ - e^{\nu}\,\d \rho^2-e^{-\mu}\rho^2\,\d \phi^2 \ , , \label{eq : brmetric}\ ] ] where @xmath1 and @xmath2 are functions of @xmath3 only . substituting ( [ eq : brmetric ] ) for non - rotating case ( @xmath4 ) into vacuum einstein s field equations we get the flat space wave equation @xmath5 . with non - vanishing rotation or electromagnetic field present system of coupled non - linear pdes arises . therefore , in general , only non - rotating vacuum solutions are explicitly known . the charged rotating c - metric also a member of br symmetric spacetimes , but algebraically special ( of type d ) reads@xcite @xmath6 ^ 2\ ] ] @xmath7 ^ 2\biggr\}\ , , \label{eq : rcmr}\end{gathered}\ ] ] where the structure function @xmath8 following from the einstein - maxwell equations is @xmath9 here @xmath10 , @xmath11 , @xmath12 and @xmath13 are respectively the mass , rotation , charge and acceleration parameters , @xmath14 is a constant scaling angular coordinate . the explicit ( but complicated ) transformation of the c - metric ( [ eq : rcmr ] ) with @xmath15 to the weyl form and subsequently to the form of ( [ eq : brmetric ] ) can be found in ref . the 4-potential of the electromagnetic field corresponding to ( [ eq : rcmr ] ) is @xmath16\ , . \label{eq : ra}\ ] ] in our work @xcite , based upon the ehlers frame theory @xcite , we found physically plausible newtonian limits of the br symmetric solutions . what has to be done is to introduce the causality constant @xmath17 in the metric and choose suitable coordinate system . then in the limit @xmath18 the ehlers frame theory goes over to the newton - cartan theory where two distinct spatial and temporal metrics together with affine connection occur . the connection is then given by the newtonian potential @xmath19 as follows : @xmath20 . the next key point is to observe that even in special relativity the worldline of a uniformly accelerated particle is hyperbola @xmath21 . the whole hyperbola disappears to infinity in the limit @xmath18 and the acceleration horizon ( the `` roof '' see ref . ) becomes the hyperplane @xmath22 . hence , in order to obtain a nontrivial limit , we have to `` go '' to infinity with the particle . we do this by introducing a new coordinate @xmath23 by @xmath24 and so we make a @xmath25-dependent shift of @xmath26 . then in the limit the hyperbola turns into the parabola . before performing the limit @xmath18 it is crucial to make the substitution ( [ eq : subs ] ) . we can calculate the nontrivial components of affine connection and find @xmath27\ , , \qquad a=\{\rho,\,z\}\ , . \label{eq : cf}\ ] ] notice that the other metric function @xmath28 does not enter the newtonian results . after long but straightforward calculations of the limit ( [ eq : cf ] ) , we obtain the resulting newtonian potential . remarkably , complicated form ( for functions @xmath1 entering ( [ eq : brmetric ] ) see ref . ) of the c - metric leads to the simple classical potential of uniformly accelerated point particle with mass @xmath10 ( for similar results for other br symmetric spacetimes see ref . ) : @xmath29 for charged c - metric ( [ eq : rcmr ] ) global coordinates appropriate for a newtonian limit are not known . therefore we have to introduce suitable class of observers ( `` static observers at infinity '' ) using purely geometric formulation of the ehlers frame theory and calculate the limit with respect to these observers . the newtonian limit then leads to charged massive point particle with standard newtonian potential and the electromagnetic field according to the newtonian limit of maxwell equations as introduced by kunzle@xcite . in ref . we give a detailed account of the special relativistic limit of charged rotating c - metric . taking the limit @xmath30 in the metric ( [ eq : rcmr ] ) while keeping @xmath11 , @xmath13 , @xmath12 constant and choosing constant @xmath31 we arrive at flat spacetime in non - trivial coordinates ( in ref . we give the explicit transformation formulae from these `` uniformly accelerated '' coordinates to rindler coordinates . ) . the form of the electromagnetic potential , the field and its invariants remain the same as in eq.([eq : ra ] ) . the sources of this field are two rotating uniformly accelerating charged discs which become bent in the global inertial frame . this is a generalization of the born solution for a point particle and of the `` electromagnetic magic field '' studied by lynden - bell@xcite . j. bik , selected solutions of einstein s field equations : their role in general relativity and astrophysics , in _ einstein s field equations and their physical implications , selected essays in honour of jrgen ehlers , lect . notes phys . b. g. schmidt ( springer , berlin , 2000 ) .
boost - rotation symmetric spacetimes are exceptional as they are the only exact asymptotically flat solutions to the einstein equations describing spatially bounded sources ( `` point - like '' particles , black holes ) undergoing non - trivial motion ( `` uniform acceleration '' ) with radiation . we construct the newtonian limit of these spacetimes : it yields fields of uniformly accelerated sources in classical mechanics . we also study the special - relativistic limit of the charged rotating c - metric and so find accelerating electromagnetic magic field .
scalar leptons are among the lightest supersymmetric particles in many susy - breaking scenarios @xcite . they mainly decay into their standard model ( sm ) leptonic partners and the lightest supersymmetric particle . searches for sleptons at hadron colliders will thus mainly be focused on highly - energetic lepton pairs plus missing energy . a precise prediction of the transverse - momentum spectrum of the slepton pair @xcite allows to use the cambridge ( s)transverse mass to measure the slepton masses @xcite and spin @xcite and to extract the signal from @xmath1 and @xmath2 production events @xcite , which are the main backgrounds to drell - yan slepton pair production at the lhc . the ( lo ) cross section for the production of a non - mixing slepton pair was computed in , while recently the mixing between the interaction eigenstates has been included @xcite . the next - to - leading order ( nlo ) qcd corrections have been calculated in @xcite , and the full susy - qcd corrections have been added in @xcite . the genuine susy corrections turned out to be quite small compared to the standard qcd ones due to the presence of massive non - mixing squarks and gluino propagators in the loop diagrams . the aim of our work @xcite was to extend the previous calculations by including mixing effects relevant for the squarks appearing in the loops , and also considering the threshold - enhanced contributions due to soft - gluon emission from the initial state . these enhancements arise when the available partonic energy is just enough to produce the final state particles and thus there is a mismatch between virtual corrections and phase - space suppressed real - gluon emission . this causes the appearance of large logarithmic terms @xmath3_+$ ] at the @xmath4 order of perturbation theory , where @xmath5 , @xmath6 is the slepton - pair invariant mass , and @xmath7 is the partonic center - of - mass energy . clearly , when @xmath7 is close to @xmath8 , the convergence of the perturbative result is spoiled and the large logarithms have to be resummed , i.e. taken into account to all orders in @xmath9 . most importantly , the convolution of the partonic cross section with the steeply falling parton distributions enhances the threshold contributions even _ far _ from hadronic threshold , i.e. when @xmath10 , where @xmath11 is the hadronic center - of - mass energy . large corrections are thus expected for the drell - yan production of a slepton pair with invariant mass @xmath6 of a few hundreds gev at the lhc . the resummation of the large logarithmic contributions proceeds through the exponentiation of the soft - gluon radiation , which does not take place in @xmath12-space directly , but in mellin @xmath0-space , where @xmath0 is the mellin - variable conjugate to @xmath12 : the threshold region @xmath13 corresponds to the limit @xmath14 . a final inverse mellin - transform is thus required to go back to the usual @xmath12-space . threshold resummation for the drell - yan process was first performed in @xcite at the leading - logarithmic ( ll ) and next - to - leading - logarithmic ( nll ) levels , corresponding to terms of the form @xmath15 and @xmath16 in the exponent . the extension to the nnll level ( @xmath17 terms ) has been carried out both for the drell - yan process @xcite and for higgs - boson production @xcite . very recently , even the nnnll contributions ( @xmath18 terms ) became available @xcite . a suitable matching procedure has eventually to be performed in order to keep the full information contained in the fixed - order calculation and to apply the resummation technique only where it is fully justified . a correct matching is achieved by adding the resummed and fixed - order contributions and then subtracting the expansion of the resummed result at the same perturbative order of the fixed - order calculation : in this way , a possible double - counting of the logarithmically - enhanced contributions is avoided and a uniform theoretical accuracy over the entire invariant mass range is obtained . since the total cross section for slepton pair production is currently available at nlo , we could only perform soft - gluon resummation at the nll+nlo level @xcite . we used the computer program suspect @xcite to calculate the physical masses of the susy particles and the mixing angles , and we chose the msugra point sps 1a and gmsb point sps 7 @xcite , as benchmarks for our numerical studies . in the case of the lightest stau mass eigenstate @xmath19 , which we will examine in the following , the returned value for the mass is @xmath20=136.2 gev for sps 1a and @xmath20=114.8 gev for sps 7 . feasibility studies of tau - slepton identification at the lhc with the atlas detector @xcite and tau tagging with the cms detector @xcite have recently shown that stau masses should be observable up to the tev range . the cross sections have been calculated both for the tevatron , currently operating at @xmath21=1.96 tev and for the lhc , bound to operate at @xmath21=14 tev . for lo ( nlo and nll ) predictions , we used the lo 2001 @xcite ( nlo 2004 @xcite ) mrst - sets of parton distribution functions . in fig.[fig1 ] we show the @xmath22-factor , with respect to the lo result , of the invariant - mass @xmath23 distribution for stau pair production at the lhc : the total nll+nlo matched , the nll resummed , the fixed order nlo ( susy-)qcd and the expanded nll resummed curves are plotted . the resummed contribution mildly grows with @xmath6 , reaching a 7% increase over the fixed - order result for @xmath6=3 tev . in this large-@xmath6 region , the resummed result approaches the total prediction , since the nlo qcd calculation is dominated by large logarithms and thus approaches the expanded resummed result . however , we are still far from the hadronic threshold region , so that both resummed and fixed - order contributions and a consistent matching of the two are needed . at lower values of @xmath6 , where finite terms dominate , the resummed contribution is close to its fixed - order expansion and disappears with @xmath6 . the dependence on the factorization and renormalization scales has also been investigated both for the total cross section and for the invariant mass differential distribution . within the conventional scale variations @xmath24 , the uncertainty reduces from 20% at nlo to roughly 10% after the inclusion of threshold effects . + -factors for third - generation slepton - pair production at the lhc . we show the total nll+nlo matched , the nll resummed , the fixed order nlo ( susy-)qcd and the expanded nll resummed curves . ] * acknowledgements . * this work was partially supported by the deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft under sfb tr-9 `` computergesttzte theoretische teilchenphysik '' .
we present a study of threshold resummation effects for slepton pair production at the large hadron collider ( lhc ) . after confirming the known nlo qcd corrections and generalizing the nlo susy - qcd corrections to the case of mixing squarks in the virtual loop contributions , we employ the mellin @xmath0-space resummation formalism to compute logarithmically enhanced soft - gluon terms to all perturbative orders .
we present the latest results from the _ chandra _ observations of supernova remnant ( snr ) 1987a . as of 2004 january , we have performed a total of nine observations of snr 1987a with the advanced ccd imaging spectrometer ( acis ) on board _ chandra _ ( table 1 ) . we have presented the results from the first seven observations in the literature @xcite . chandra_/acis observations of snr 1987a have revealed a ring - like x - ray morphology with an asymmetric x - ray intensity distribution between the eastern and the western sides of the snr . x - ray - bright spots have developed around the ring , and soft x - ray flux has been nonlinearly increasing . the x - ray spectrum was found to be thermal in origin , arising from the interaction of the blast wave shock with the circumstellar material . previous works @xcite successfully demonstrated that these x - ray features , when compared with the optical and radio emission features , were consistent with the standard physical model : i.e. , the sn blast wave shock is approaching the dense inner ring which was produced by non - spherically symmetric stellar winds from the massive progenitor @xcite . in this model , the optically bright spots and the soft x - ray spots are produced by the decelerated shock entering the dense protrusions on the surface of the inner ring , while the radio and the hard x - ray emission features originate from the fast shock propagating into the tenuous hii region between the dense protrusions @xcite . considering its core - collapse , type ii sn origin from a massive progenitor @xcite , as _ confirmed _ by the detection of the accompanying neutrino burst @xcite , the presence of a compact stellar remnant is predicted for snr 1987a . there has , however , been no evidence for a pointlike source at the center of the remnant , which has been attributed to optically thick stellar ejecta material surrounding the putative central point source @xcite . table 1 . _ chandra _ observations of snr 1987a + [ tbl : tab1 ] [ cols="^,^,^,^,^ " , ] @xmath8@xmath9@xmath10/@xmath11 = 699.7/569 . + @xmath12 the best - fit n@xmath13 = 1.8@xmath14 @xmath1 10@xmath15 @xmath3 . + although the overall x - ray spectrum of snr 1987a can be described by a single temperature plane - shock in non - equilibrium ionization ( nei ) , the physical model of the shock - inner ring interaction indicates that x - ray emission most likely originates from multiple velocity components of the shock in various ionization states . considering such a multi - component shock , a two - temperature shock model was implemented in order to fit the observed x - ray spectrum @xcite . the two - temperature shock model may grossly oversimplify reality , but should be a physically more realistic model than a single shock . in this model , the observed x - ray spectrum originates from two characteristic components . the soft component arises from a slow , decelerated shock entering the dense protrusions of the inner ring . the hard component is produced by a fast shock propagating into the low density hii region . the slow shock was then found to be in collisional ionization equilibrium ( cie ) , which was reasonable for the shocked dense circumstellar material @xcite . based on these previous results , we apply a two - component model to the latest data ( note : as discussed above , the overall shock phase for the latest x - ray spectrum might be different from that of previous observations . nonetheless , a two - temperature model should still be a useful approximation for the multi - phase shock ) . as of 2004 january , an electron temperature of @xmath16 @xmath0 0.23 kev is implied for the slow shock in cie condition , while it is @xmath16 @xmath0 2.2 kev for the fast shock in nei state . the best - fit ems imply electron densities @xmath17 @xmath0 6300 @xmath18 for the slow shock and @xmath17 @xmath0 280 @xmath18 for the fast shock . the hard to soft component em ratio shows a noticeable increase since 2002 december ( fig 4 ) , which suggests that a significant increase of the density in the fast shock might have begun . we note that the volume increase of the hard x - ray emitting plasma might also contribute to the observed em ratio increase . we , however , found that the effect from the volume increase is negligible . this density increase is consistent with the blast wave , for the most parts , now entering the main body of the dense inner ring . fig 5 is the x - ray lightcurve of snr 1987a . the steep , non - linear increase of the 0.5@xmath72 kev band x - ray flux continues . as of 2004 january , the observed 0.5@xmath72 kev x - ray flux is @xmath19 @xmath0 8.2 @xmath1 10@xmath2 ergs @xmath3 s@xmath4 which is @xmath05 times higher than 1999 october . following the same method described by park et al . ( 2004 ) , we fit the lightcurve assuming an exponential density distribution along the radius of the inner ring . the best - fit model indicates that a density ratio between the high - density inner ring and the low - density hii region ( _ interior _ to the inner ring ) is @xmath018 , and that a scale height of the exponential density distribution between inner ring and the hii region is @xmath00.015 pc at a distance of 50 kpc . the estimated density ratio is consistent with the soft to hard component density ratio derived from the two - component spectral fit . after @xmath017 years of the sn explosion , we still find no direct evidence of a pointlike source at the center of snr 1987a . utilizing a monte carlo simulation @xcite , we estimate a 90% upper limit on the 3@xmath78 kev band point source counts based on the latest acis image of snr 1987a . we assume a power law spectrum of a photon index @xmath20 = 1.7 for the putative neutron star in order to estimate the x - ray flux corresponding to the derived upper limit on the point source counts . we note that the absorbing column toward the center of the snr is highly uncertain depending on the density structure of the actual stellar ejecta prevailing there . here we assume , as a first - order - estimation , a similar absorbing column @xmath21 as measured from the spectral fitting of the entire snr . we then obtain an upper limit of @xmath5 = 1.3 @xmath1 10@xmath6 ergs s@xmath4 on the 3@xmath710 kev band x - ray luminosity of the central point source . considering higher columns , for instance , if the absorbing column for the point source was an order of magnitude higher than that for the entire snr , this upper limit could be a few times higher than the above estimate .
we continue monitoring supernova remnant ( snr ) 1987a with the _ chandra x - ray observatory_. as of 2004 january , bright x - ray spots in the northwest and the southwest are now evident in addition to the bright eastern ring . the overall x - ray spectrum , since 2002 december , can be described by a planar shock with an electron temperature of @xmath02.1 kev . the soft x - ray flux is now 8 @xmath1 10@xmath2 ergs @xmath3 s@xmath4 , which is about five times higher than four years ago . this flux increase rate is consistent with our prediction based on an exponential density distribution along the radius of the snr between the hii region and the inner ring . we still have no direct evidence of a central point source , and place an upper limit of @xmath5 = 1.3 @xmath1 10@xmath6 ergs s@xmath4 on the 3@xmath710 kev band x - ray luminosity . supernovae ; general , supernovae ; individual ( sn 1987a ) , supernova remnants , x - rays ; general
the current scenario for structure formation in the universe is based on the inflationary cold dark matter ( cdm ) theory . high - resolution n - body simulations predict , for the virialized haloes , density profiles with central cusps with @xmath1 when r @xmath2 0 ( moore et al . 1999 ) , even more cuspy than previous simulation results ( navarro , frenk , and white 1997 , hereafter nfw ) . these profiles are in conflict with the observations : rotation curves of late - type dwarf and lsb galaxies ( dm dominated galaxies ) seem to rule out singular halo profiles and are in good agreement with density profiles characterized by soft cores , central regions with constant density ( de blok & mcgaugh 1997 ) . on the other hand , van den bosch & swaters ( 2001 ) claim that these hi rotation curves are affected by beam smearing , concluding that the observed rotation curves are consistent with nfw model . a good spatial resolution ( easily achievable with h@xmath0 observations ) is necessary to explore the galaxy inner regions and rule out beam smearing . we show some preliminary results of our h@xmath0 observations for some dwarf and lsb galaxies . this work assumes @xmath3=75 km s@xmath4 mpc@xmath4 . observations of late - type dwarf and lsb galaxies were carried out at the 3.6 m telescopio nazionale galileo ( tng ) both in photometric and spectroscopic mode using the instrument dolores ( scale = 0.275 pxl@xmath4 , dispersion = 0.8 pxl@xmath4 , @xmath5 ) . in table 1 we list the properties of some of the observed galaxies . -0.3truecm -0.4truecm -0.7truecm our h@xmath0 data ( stars in the figures ) are plotted together with hi data ( from literature , empty squares ) . as one can see , the hi data suffer of very little beam smearing . the solid lines are the best fits obtained by using the burkert profile ; the dashed lines are nfw profiles and the dotted - dashed lines are moore profiles ( cdm model ) . the numbers in parenthesis represent the normalized @xmath6 for each fit . for each galaxy is stated the spatial resolution for both the h@xmath0 and the hi data . for all the four galaxies , the burkert profile is the best fit , while the moore profile does not match data . new observations with high resolution new technology grating ( vphg , conconi et al . 2001 ) are being planned . our preliminary analysis of h@xmath0 observations seems to rule out the cdm model in the inner regions of lsb and dwarf galaxies , showing evidence of soft cores . -0.3truecm de blok , w.j.g . , mcgaugh , s.s . 1997 , , 290 , 533 + moore , b . , guinn , t . , governato , f . , stadel , j . , lake , g . 1999 , , 310 , 1147 + navarro , j.f . , frenk , c.s . , white , s.d.m 1997 , , 490 , 493 + van den bosch , f.c . , swaters , r.a . 2001 , , 325 , 1017 + conconi , p. et al . 2001 ( spie meeting , san diego , u.s.a . ) +
we present high spatial resolution h@xmath0 rotation curves of late - type dwarf and lsb galaxies . from our analysis we find good agreement between our h@xmath0 data and the hi observations taken from the literature , concluding that the hi rotation curves for these galaxies suffer very little from beam smearing . a preliminary analysis of our data rules out the cdm model in the inner regions of these galaxies . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
sub - wavelength plasmonic crystals are a class of _ meta - material _ that possesses a microstructure consisting of a periodic array of plasmonic inclusions embedded within a dielectric host . the term `` sub - wavelength '' refers to the regime in which the period of the crystal is smaller than the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation traveling inside the crystal . many recent investigations into the behavior of meta - materials focus on phenomena associated with the _ quasi - static limit _ in which the ratio of the period cell size to wavelength tends to zero . sub - wavelength micro - structured composites are known to exhibit effective electromagnetic properties that are not available in naturally - occurring materials . investigations over the past decade have explored a variety of meta - materials , including arrays of micro - resonators , wires , high - contrast dielectrics , and plasmonic components . the first two , especially in combination , have been shown to give rise to unconventional bulk electromagnetic response at microwave frequencies ( smith _ et al . _ 2000 ; pendry _ et al . _ 1999 ; pendry _ et al . _ 1998 ) and , more recently , at optical frequencies povinelli ( 2009 ) , including negative effective dielectric permittivity and/or negative effective magnetic permittivity . an essential ingredient in creating this response are local resonances contained within each period due to extreme properties , such as high conductivity and capacitance in split - ring resonators pendry _ ( 1999 ) . in the case of plasmonic crystals , the dielectric permittivity @xmath6 of the inclusions is frequency dependent and negative for frequencies below the plasma frequency @xmath7 , @xmath8 shvets & urzhumov ( 2004 , 2005 ) have investigated plasmonic crystals in which @xmath7 is inversely proportional to the period of the crystal and for which both inclusion and host materials have unit magnetic permeability . they have proposed that simultaneous negative values for both an effective @xmath9 and @xmath10 arise at sub - wavelength frequencies that are quite far from the quasi - static limit , that is , @xmath11 is not very small , where @xmath2 is the period of the crystal , @xmath1 is the norm of the bloch wavevector and @xmath3 is the wavelength . in this work , we present rigorous analysis of this type of plasmonic crystal by establishing the existence of convergent power series in @xmath4 for the electromagnetic fields and the first branch of the associated dispersion relation . the effective permittivity and permeability defined according to pendry _ ( 1999 ) are shown to be positive for all @xmath4 within the radius of convergence @xmath12 , and , in this regime , _ the extreme property of the plasma produces no resonance in the effective permittivity or permeability . _ this regime is well distanced from the resonant regime investigated in shvets & urzhumov ( 2004 , 2005 ) . the analysis shows that the radii of convergence of the power series is at least @xmath13 , which is not too small , as shown in table [ radiustable ] , which contains values of @xmath13 for circular inclusions of various radii @xmath14 . mcphedran , r.c . , poulton , c.g . , nicorovici , n.a . & movchan , a. _ low frequency corrections to the static effective dielectric constant of a two dimensional composite material , _ proc . a , 452 , 22312245 ( 1996 ) . * unit cell with plasmonic inclusion . * solid curve is @xmath15 and dotdash curve is @xmath16 . * graph of @xmath17 . this function is symmetric about the origin . * graph of @xmath18 when @xmath19 . this function is antisymmetric about the origin .
meta - material , plasmonic crystal , dispersion relation , effective property , series solution , catalan number we obtain a convergent power series expansion for the first branch of the dispersion relation for subwavelength plasmonic crystals consisting of plasmonic rods with frequency - dependent dielectric permittivity embedded in a host medium with unit permittivity . the expansion parameter is @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is the norm of a fixed wavevector , @xmath2 is the period of the crystal and @xmath3 is the wavelength , and the plasma frequency scales inversely to @xmath2 , making the dielectric permittivity in the rods large and negative . the expressions for the series coefficients ( a.k.a . , dynamic correctors ) and the radius of convergence in @xmath4 are explicitly related to the solutions of higher - order cell problems and the geometry of the rods . within the radius of convergence , we are able to compute the dispersion relation and the fields and define dynamic effective properties in a mathematically rigorous manner . explicit error estimates show that a good approximation to the true dispersion relation is obtained using only a few terms of the expansion . the convergence proof requires the use of properties of the catalan numbers to show that the series coefficients are exponentially bounded in the @xmath5 sobolev norm . [ firstpage ]
radio - optical variability correlation in qso 0957 + 561 ( first gravitationally lensed system ) , was first reported by oknyanskij and beskin ( 1993 ) , on the basis of vla ( 6 cm ) radio observations made in the years 1979 to 1990 . then we have found that the time delay value was a linear function of time with the rate of increase being about 110 days / year while the portion of reradiate flux in the radioresponse was some decreasing function of time ( oknyanskij , 1997,1998 ) . our results allowed predictions to be made for radio variations for the years 1995 and latter . at the present time , new vla radio observations ( at 4 cm and 6 cm ) of qso 0957 + 561 during 1995 - 1997 have been published ( haarsma et al . 1999 ) by which we may check the predictions . we have found that 6 cm variations followed 4 cm ones with delay about 230 days ( see fig.1 ) . we take this fact into account as well as gravitational lensing time delay between variations in a and b to have got combined radio light curve . as we have found the radio light curve during these 3 years have been following our predictions in limits of the estimated standard errors ( see fig.2 ) . obtained results indicate that the optical and radio emitting regions are physically related , but have distinct size scales , locations and possibly radiation mechanisms . we conclude that the variable radio source is ejected from the central part of the qso compact component ( oknyanskij , 1999 ) . obtained results imply existence of the variable beamed hard radiation in the nucleus of the qso . haarsma , d.b . , et al . 1999 , , 510 , 64 oknyanskij , v.l . , beskin , g.m . 1993 , in _ proceedings of the 31th liege international astriphys . call . _ , p.65 oknyanskij , v.l . 1997 , , 246 , 299 oknyanskij , v.l . 1998 , , 259 , 295 oknyanskij , v.l . 1999 , astron . nachr . , 320 , 314
in our previous publications have been reported about possible time delay between optical and radio ( 6 cm ) variations in qso 0957 + 561 and noted that the result can be tested with new radio observations . here we have made this test using new published ( haarasma et al . , 1999 ) radio observations of the object in 6 cm and 4 cm . we have found that the new observations confirm optical - to - radio time delay . additionally we have found that radio 6 cm variations followed 4 cm ones with time delay about 230 days . obtained results imply existence of the variable beamed hard radiation in the nucleus of the qso .
recent star and phenix experimental results @xcite have shown that light partons with high transverse momentum lose a significant amount of energy when traversing the dense nuclear medium created in central au+au collisions . this leads to suppression of high - p@xmath0 hadron yields and the disappearance of the away - side peak in the azimuthal hadron - hadron correlation function . the investigation of the azimuthal correlation function of high - p@xmath0 hadrons with medium- or low - p@xmath0 associated particle have shown a broad double - peak structure on the away side ( @xmath2)@xcite . there is an intensive discussion of the possible explanation of this observation including mach cone scenario @xcite , gluon cherenkov radiation @xcite , or jet deflection @xcite . an interesting question is whether similar effect is present in a case of heavy quarks passing the medium . heavy quarks are primarily produced during early stages of a nuclear collision , then they interact with the medium , and they can be used as a probe of the space - time evolution of the medium arising from a heavy ion collision . because of their large masses , their energy loss is expected to be influenced by dead - cone effect @xcite and elastic collision energy loss @xcite . the direct identification of heavy quark hadrons is difficult with current detectors and rhic luminosities . therefore most previous studies used non - photonic electrons consisting of electrons from semileptonic decays of charm and bottom hadrons . a strong suppression of non - photonic electrons , similar to inclusive hadrons , was observed in central au+au collisions @xcite . the identification uses semileptonic decays of open heavy flavour hadrons ( e.g. @xmath3 ) over broad p@xmath0-range . these non - photonic electrons keep well direction of the mother heavy hadron when electron has p@xmath4 3 gev / c @xcite . the purity of electron sample , for electrons with p@xmath0 in range 3 gev / c - 6 gev / c , is above 99% @xcite . for results presented here , the 0 - 20% central@xcite cu+cu collisions at @xmath1 = 200 gev data measured in 2005 by star are used . the analysis steps of the electron identification has been reported in details in @xcite . in general , charged particle tracks are reconstructed in the tpc @xcite ( time projection chamber ) and electrons can be identified by their tpc ionization energy loss ( 3.31 kev / cm @xmath5 4.64 kev / cm ) . to enlarge the yield of high - p@xmath0 electrons , the high - tower trigger requires , at least , one track s projection into the bemc @xcite ( barrel electromagnetic calorimeter ) with the deposition of its energy above a threshold in a single bemc tower . for cu+cu , the high - tower threshold is 3.75 gev . for electron identification , the @xmath6 cut was used , where @xmath7 is the tpc momentum of the track and @xmath8 is energy deposited in the bemc tower . this ratio for electrons should be 1 . to identify electons , the 0.3 @xmath9 1.5 cut was used . electron yield can be also enlarged by the use of the smd @xcite ( shower maximum detector ) , where electrons are identified by their electromagnetic shower profile that is more broader than for hadrons ( cluster size for electrons @xmath10 2 ) . to avoid the large amount of photon conversion electron background , the pseudorapidity range is 0 @xmath11 0.7 . the major difficulty in the electron analysis is the fact that there are many sources of the electrons other than semileptonic decays of heavy mesons , for instance from photon conversions in the detector material between the interaction point and the tpc and @xmath12 and/or @xmath13 dalitz decays . these photonic electrons are identified by the invariant mass distribution of electron - positron pairs . the photonic electron yield is given by the difference between the opposite- and same - sign distribution below the invariant mass cut ( typically @xmath12 mass ) . the same - sign distribution is due to combinations of random pairs . the study of the azimuthal non - photonic electron - hadron correlations ( trigger electron with @xmath14 gev / c and associated charged hadron with 0.15@xmath15 gev / c ) uses the semi - inclusive electron sample @xcite , when electrons with the opposite - sign partner with an invariant mass cut are excluded from the inclusive electron sample . the non - photonic electron - hadron correlations ( @xmath16 ) are obtained by the formula @xmath17 where each term represents correlation functions of the individual electron samples ( si - semi - inclusive , ss - same - sign , and os - opposite - sign ) with charged hadrons and @xmath18 is the efficiency of the photonic electron reconstruction estimated by embedding simulated data into real events ( @xmath18 = 0.665 ) . eventualy the elliptic flow contribution to the correlation function must be subtracted . this contribution is given by @xmath19 where a is determined by the zyam @xcite method , @xmath20 is electron and @xmath21 hadron elliptic flows . we assume that for the most central cu+cu collisions @xmath20 = @xmath21 = 0.05 . despite large statistical errors , one can see clear correlation structure of non - photonic electrons with hadrons in central ( centrality 0 - 20% ) cu+cu collisions ( fig . [ pict ] ) . on the nearside ( @xmath22 = 0 ) , the single peak represents the heavy quark fragmentation and possible interaction with medium . on the awayside ( @xmath22 = @xmath23 ) , the correlation function shows a broad modification or possible double - hump structure . similar pattern can been seen in central au+au collisions ( centrality 0 - 20% ) @xcite ( fig . [ pict ] ) . the non - photonic azimuthal electron - hadron correlations at @xmath1 = 200 gev were measured in the 20% most central cu+cu collisions by star . within large statistical errors , the comparision of the awayside peak with pythia prediction indicates the broad modification of the awayside peak in both cu+cu and au+au central collisions . this modification is similar to that was observed in the di - hadron correlations in au+au . this result may indicate similar response of the nuclear matter produced in central collisions to passage of heavy quarks as well of the light ones . this work was supported in part by the irp av0z10480505 , by gacr grant 202/07/0079 and by grants lc07048 and la09013 of the ministry of education , youth and sports of the czech republic .
in this paper we present the study of the azimuthal correlation function of non - photonic electrons with low - p@xmath0 hadrons produced in cu+cu collision at @xmath1 = 200 gev measured by star experiment at rhic . possible modification of the awayside peak is observed .
dwarf elliptical galaxies are * not * just a rescaled version of their giant counterparts . optical observations have shown that , as opposed to es , des have exponential rather than de vaucouleurs sb profiles , and do not follow the same scaling relations linking luminosity , the effective radius @xmath1 and the mean effective surface brightness @xmath2 . + in this work we re - assess the structural properties of des using nir surface photometry , which is a good tracer of the bulk of the stellar mass , while being much less affected than optical bands by dust attenuation and metallicity effects . this project is part of a large nir survey of galaxies in nearby clusters . this has allowed to compare the derived properties with those of e galaxies in the full range of luminosities . the 50 des of this work have been selected from the vcc ( * ? ? ? * ( binggeli , sandage & tammann , 1985 ) ) , limited to photographic magnitude @xmath5 , and observed at the 3.6 m telescopes eso / ntt and tng ( * ? ? ? * ( gavazzi et al . 2001 ) ) . our sample is representative of @xmath630% of the des more luminous than @xmath7l@xmath8 ( h ) . 48 out of these 50 have b - band photometry available , and 6 have also velocity dispersion measurements . 273 es ( including 35 in virgo and the complete sample of 217 es in coma and abell 1367 ) have been used to investigate the relations between dwarves and giants . the sb profile of each galaxy is extracted by fitting elliptical isophotes with standard iraf procedures . the decomposition of the 1-d profile with simple analytical functions ( exponential , de vaucouleurs and their combinations ) is used to extrapolate an asymptotic magnitude ( extrapolations are of the order of 0.10.2 mag ) . _ from the measured sb profile _ we extract the effective radius @xmath1 enclosing half of the asymptotic flux , and the average sb @xmath2 within @xmath1 . the distribution of des and es in this plane ( fig . 1a ) does not display any significant gap between the two populations . the `` kormendy '' relation for es ( thick dashed line ) represents the upper limit for the sb at given @xmath1 , with des having lower sb than es . the multi - dimensional photometric parameter space @xmath9 is the ratio of the radii enclosing 75% and 25% of the asymptotic flux . ] * ( fig 1b , see also scodeggio et al . 2002 ) ) shows very clearly the smooth transition from blue , low - concentration ( nearly exponential ) des to red , concentrated ( roughly de vaucouleurs ) es . -band @xmath10 plane . the thick dashed line is the `` kormendy '' relation for the es . dotted lines are isoluminosity lines assuming a fixed ellipticity=0.35 . * b ) * the `` photometric cube '' , alias @xmath9 space . trends are indicated by the thick lines , representing the median of @xmath3 and @xmath4 in 4 bins of @xmath11 . the right - side scale of the @xmath12 panel reports the value of the srsic index @xmath13 that reproduces the same @xmath3.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=49.0% ] -band @xmath10 plane . the thick dashed line is the `` kormendy '' relation for the es . dotted lines are isoluminosity lines assuming a fixed ellipticity=0.35 . * b ) * the `` photometric cube '' , alias @xmath9 space . trends are indicated by the thick lines , representing the median of @xmath3 and @xmath4 in 4 bins of @xmath11 . the right - side scale of the @xmath12 panel reports the value of the srsic index @xmath13 that reproduces the same @xmath3.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=49.0% ] we have analysed the fundamental plane relations for the galaxies with a velocity dispersion measure @xcite . using nir structural parameters , des lie on the same relations as es . systematic variations of @xmath14 in the nir have been investigated by means of the @xmath15-space formalism ( * ? ? ? * ( bender , burstein & faber , 1992 ) ) : although a trend with mass is clearly seen at high masses , des span the same range in @xmath14 as low - mass es . adopting a more sophisticated formalism , in which profile deprojection is used to take non - homology and spectroscopic aperture effects into account ( * ( zibetti et al . 2002 ) ) , we show that the data are consistent with constant @xmath14 throughout the sequence of es and des . , r. , burstein , d. , & faber , s. m. 1992 , _ apj _ , 399 , 462 binggeli b. , sandage a. , tammann g. a. 1985 , _ aj _ , 90 , 1681 gavazzi , g. , franzetti , p. , scodeggio , m. , boselli , a. , pierini , d. 2000 , _ a&a _ , 361 , 863 gavazzi , g. , zibetti , s. , boselli , a. , franzetti , p. , scodeggio , m. , martocchi , s. 2001 , _ a&a _ , 372 , 29 , g. , boselli , a. , donati , a. , franzetti , p. , scodeggio , m. 2003 , _ a&a _ , 400 , 451 scodeggio , m. , gavazzi , g . , franzetti , p . , boselli , a . , zibetti , s . , pierini , d . 2002 , _ a&a _ , 384 , 812 zibetti , s. , gavazzi , g. , scodeggio , m. , franzetti , p. , boselli , a. 2002 , _ apj _ , 579 , 261
the structural properties of a sample of 50 des in the virgo cluster are here derived from near infrared ( nir , h - band 1.65 @xmath0 m ) surface photometry and analysed . one - dimensional surface brightness ( sb ) profiles are extracted using elliptical isophote fitting . they are characterised by means of structural parameters , namely the half light radius @xmath1 , the average surface brightness within @xmath1 ( @xmath2 ) , and a concentration index ( @xmath3 ) . we show that typical des have close - to - exponential nir sb distributions . + the relations between des and giant ellipticals ( es ) are investigated by comparing the nir structural parameters of 273 es in nearby clusters . further analysis is conducted using the optical - nir colour @xmath4 and by studying the relationships between structural and dynamical parameters ( fundamental plane ) for the two classes of galaxies . the transition between the two regimes is smooth and no dichotomy is seen .
load modelling and identification are of great importance to the security and stability of power systems . while the accurate models are available for generators , transmission lines and control devices , load modeling is still a challenging and open subject due to the fact that electric load at each substation is an aggregation of numerous individual loads with different behaviors @xcite-@xcite . in addition , the poor measurements , modeling , exchange information , as well as the uncertainties in customers behaviors / devices further result in load uncertainties @xcite . indeed , load uncertainty is one of the main factors that affect the accuracy of the power dynamic models implemented by system operators over the world@xcite . generally speaking , the load uncertainty comes from both model structure and parameter values . it has been shown in previous literature @xcite-@xcite that the use of different load models leads to different and even contradictory results for dynamic stability studies . even though the applied model structure is verified , different parameter values may also yield different damping performances in small signal stability @xcite@xcite@xcite . for instance , different time constants of loads may lead to either asymptotically stable system or systems experiencing oscillations ( i.e. , hopf bifurcation occurs)@xcite . both load modelling and parameter identifications are essential in studying the dynamic behaviors of power systems . this paper mainly focuses on parameter identification for a generic dynamic load model that is suitable for small signal stability analysis . different methods for dynamic load parameter identification have been proposed , which can be classified into two categories : component - based approach @xcite and measurement - based approach @xcite-@xcite . the latter approach is more commonly applied because real - time load variations and dynamic characteristics can be taken into account@xcite . measurement - based model identification is typically solved through optimization methods that minimize the error between the measured output variables and the simulated ones . in particular , the nonlinear least - square curve fitting method has been implemented in @xcite@xcite-@xcite . genetic algorithms , neural network - based methods and other heuristic techniques have been applied in @xcite-@xcite . however , the optimization - based methods are time consuming and thus can not be implemented online@xcite . more importantly , all those methods require measurement data from dynamic behaviors of system under big disturbances ( e.g. , during faults ) , which is not always available @xcite . indeed , the variation of load parameters may be much faster than the occurrence rate of natural disturbances @xcite . in this paper , we propose a novel measurement - based method for dynamic load identification in ambient conditions , which does not require the existence of large disturbance . particularly , the method combines the statistical properties extracted from pmu measurements and the inherent model knowledge , and is able to provide fairly accurate estimations for parameter values in near real - time . note that a generic dynamic load model is implemented in this paper which is suitable for the purposes of small signal stability analysis and damping performance @xcite@xcite@xcite@xcite . the proposed method can be implemented in online security analysis to provide up - to - date dynamic load parameters accurately . the rest of the paper is organized as follows . section [ sectionmodel ] introduces the power system stochastic dynamic model . particularly , the generic dynamic load model used in small signal stability is presented . section [ sectionmethod ] elaborates the proposed method for estimating parameters of dynamic loads . section [ sectioncasestudy ] presents the validation of the proposed method through numerical simulations . the impact of measurement noise is also investigated . conclusions and perspectives are given in section [ sectionconclusion ] . although we focus on load models , generator models are also incorporated to provide more realistic simulations . specifically , the classical generator model which can reasonably represent the dynamics of generator in ambient conditions is implemented . the power system buses are numbered as follows : load buses : @xmath0 , and generators : @xmath1 . particularly , to include the effects of the loads , the structure preserving model @xcite@xcite is used : where [ cols= " < , < " , ] in this paper , we have proposed a novel method to estimate parameter values of dynamic load from ambient pmu measurements . the accuracy and robustness of the method have been demonstrated through numerical studies . unlike conventional methods , the proposed technique does not require the existence of large disturbance to systems , and thus can be implemented continuously in daily operation to provide up - to - date dynamic load parameter values . in the future , we plan to further validate the method by using real pmu data and extend the method to estimate dynamic load parameters without knowing their static characteristics . a. m. najafabadi , and a. t. alouani , _ real time estimation of sensitive parameters of composite power system load model . _ in transmission and distribution conference and exposition ( t&d ) , 2012 ieee pes ( pp . 1 - 8 ) . a. gebreselassie , and j. h. chow , _ investigation of the effects of load models and generator voltage regulators on voltage stability . _ international journal of electrical power & energy systems , vol . 83 - 89 , 1994 . w. s. kao , c. j. lin , c. t. huang , y. t. chen , and c. y. chiou,_comparison of simulated power system dynamics applying various load models with actual recorded data . _ ieee transactions on power systems , vol . 248 - 254 . w. w. price , k. a. wirgau , a. murdoch , j. v. mitsche , e. vaahedi , and m. el - kady , _ load modeling for power flow and transient stability computer studies . _ ieee transactions on power systems , vol . 180 - 187 , 1988 . b. k. choi , h. d. chiang , y. li , h. li , y. t. chen , d. h. huang , and m. g. lauby , _ measurement - based dynamic load models : derivation , comparison , and validation . _ ieee transactions on power systems , vol . 1276 - 1283 , 2006 . y. li , h. d. chiang , b. k. choi , y. t. chen , d. h. huang , and m. g. lauby,_load models for modeling dynamic behaviors of reactive loads : evaluation and comparison . _ international journal of electrical power & energy systems , vol . 497 - 503 , 2008 . h. bai , p. zhang , and v. ajjarapu , v , _ a novel parameter identification approach via hybrid learning for aggregate load modeling . _ ieee transactions on power systems , vo . 1145 - 1154 , 2009 . d. han , j. ma , r. m. he , and z. y. dong , _ a real application of measurement - based load modeling in large - scale power grids and its validation . _ ieee transactions on power systems , vol . 1756 - 1764 . g. ghanavati , p. d. h. hines , and t. i. lakoba , _ identifying useful statistical indicators of proximity to instability in stochastic power systems . _ ieee transactions on power systems , in press , 2015 . arxiv preprint arxiv:1410.1208 ( 2014 ) .
in this paper , a novel method to estimate dynamic load parameters via ambient pmu measurements is proposed . unlike conventional parameter identification methods , the proposed algorithm does not require the existence of large disturbance to power systems , and is able to provide up - to - date dynamic load parameters consistently and continuously . the accuracy and robustness of the method are demonstrated through numerical simulations . dynamic load identification , phasor measurement units , parameter estimation .
the charm quark production is dominated by initial gluon fusion at initial hard partonic collisions during heavy ion collisions . this production can be described by perturbative qcd ( pqcd ) due to the large mass ( @xmath4 1.5 gev / c@xmath5 ) of the charm quark @xcite . its mass is given by electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking and the qcd chiral symmetry breaking does not affect charm quark mass @xcite . unlike light quarks ( u , d , s ) , charm quarks can not be easily produced during the mixed and hadronic phases of the dense matter since the charm mass is much larger than the corresponding temperature scale @xcite at rhic collision energies . in gluon radiative energy loss mechanism , charm quarks suffer less energy loss while traversing through the dense partonic matter due to dead cone effect @xcite . all these phenomena make charm quark an excellent probe of the quark gluon plasma . open charm analysis in p+p collisions is a crucial baseline to further explore the qcd medium via open charm and charmonium in heavy ion collisions . identification of charmed hadrons is difficult due to their short lifetime ( @xmath6 = 123 @xmath7 m ) , low production rates , and large combinatorial background . the open charm yield @xmath8 is calculated from @xmath3 meson invariant mass reconstruction directly through the hadronic decay channel @xmath9 and from @xmath10 through the invariant mass difference between @xmath10 and @xmath3 taken from @xmath11 decay . in what follows , we imply @xmath12 when using the term @xmath3 unless otherwise specified . the data used in this analysis were taken during the 2009 rhic run in p+p collisions at @xmath2 = 200 gev with the solenoidal tracker at rhic ( star ) ( fig . [ star ] . ) . these data are 107.7 million minimum bias data collected with the coincidence requirement on the east and west vertex position detectors vpd , the vpdmb data . , tof ( time of flight ) is used for pid improvement ( time resolution 110 ps , start time is provided by vpd ) and pileup tracks removal , bemc ( barrel electromagnetic calorimeter ) used for pile - up tracks removal and high @xmath13 triggering.,scaledwidth=70.0% ] the primary tracking device of the star detector is the time projection chamber ( tpc ) @xcite . candidate tracks were selected having momenta @xmath14 gev / c and pseudorapidity @xmath15 . tpc was used to reconstruct the @xmath3 decay with the help of newly installed time of flight detector ( tof ) @xcite . tof was used as a main pid tool to distinguish kaons from pions ( up to @xmath16 gev/@xmath17 ) . pions were identified via @xmath18 provided by tpc as kaon contamination is small and requiring tof pid for pions given limited tof acceptance reduces the expected signal significance . from selected candidates , pairs were created and their invariant mass was reconstructed . the invariant mass spectrum of @xmath19 pairs are presented in fig . [ invmass ] . the combinatorial background is reconstructed with three different methods : 1 . * mixed event * : events are categorized according to the z - position of event vertices . pions from one event are paired with kaons from other random events from an event pool with similar global features . 2 . * track rotation * : each @xmath1 is paired with @xmath20 with reversed 3-momenta ( within same event ) . * same sign * : pions are paired with same charged kaons ( within same event ) . the geometric mean for positive @xmath21 and negative @xmath22 pair is calculated as @xmath23 . -@xmath1 pairs from p+p collisions with combinatorial background reconstructed with 3 different methods . ( b ) invariant mass after combinatorial background subtraction , scaledwidth=70.0% ] there are resonances @xmath24 and @xmath25 clearly visible in fig . [ invmass ] . to see a @xmath3 peak , the zoom to mass window from 1.72 to 2.1 gev / c@xmath5 is necessary , as seen in fig . [ zoom ] . -@xmath1 pairs from p+p collisions after combinatorial background subtraction reconstructed through mixed event , track rotation ( b ) and same sign method.,scaledwidth=70.0% ] as we see further from fig . [ zoom ] , mixed event method is nt able to fully reconstruct the whole background ( only the combinatorial one ) . same sign and track rotation reconstruct even non - combinatorial background sources additionally . from track rotation and same sign methods we obtain 4@xmath26 signal . the final results of open charm raw yield look quite consistent ( within stat . errors ) among these three methods , as seen in table 1 . table 1 : parameters of @xmath3 raw yield ( after comb . bg . substraction ) gausian fit . the residual background is parametrized by second degree polynomial . the @xmath10 decay has a small @xmath27-value . the @xmath3 thus carries most of the @xmath10 momentum and the @xmath1 from the @xmath10 decay , denoted by @xmath28 , is soft . the enhancement in the distribution of the invariant mass difference @xmath29 is used to determine the @xmath10 raw yield @xcite . a mass interval @xmath30 was used to select @xmath3 candidates and two methods were used for combinatorial background reconstruction , ( see @xcite for details ) . combinatorial background was suppressed by requiring the @xmath31 and the decay angle of the @xmath20 in the @xmath32 rest frame , @xmath33 , to be restricted by requiring @xmath34 to remove near - collinear combinatorial background from jet fragmentation . the data sample used in the @xmath10 reconstruction includes the minimum bias and the jet - patch triggered data . the triggered data requires the sum of transverse energies deposited in one patch of bemc towers to be above a certain threshold . result with all triggers is depicted in fig . [ dstar ] . differences from p+p collisions with combinatorial background reconstructed through side band and wrong side techniques for high @xmath13 @xmath10 candidates ( b ) and scatter plot @xmath13 vs inv . mass for for all triggers.,scaledwidth=80.0% ] newly installed tof detector impoves particle identification in star significantly . the 4@xmath26 signal of @xmath3 meson in hadronic decays has been observed in p+p @xmath35 gev collisions as well as strong @xmath10 signal . further efficiency and acceptance corrections are being carried out to extract the charm hadron spectra as well as the total charm cross section .
the charm production is sensitive to early dynamics of the created system in rhic heavy ion collisions . dominant process of charm quarks production at rhic is believed to be initial gluon fusion which can be calculated in the perturbative qcd . understanding both the charm production total cross section and the fragmentation in p+p collisions is a baseline to further exploring the qcd medium via open charm and charmonium in heavy ion collisions . in this paper we present the first reconstruction of open charm meson @xmath0 via the weak decay to k and @xmath1 mesons in the p+p collisions at @xmath2 = 200 gev . the analysis is based on the large p+p minimum bias sample collected in rhic year 2009 by the star detector . the @xmath3 decay daughter identification was improved by using the data of the newly installed time - of - flight detector with 72% of its designed coverage . charm hadrons , proton - proton collisions
this birds of a feather ( bof ) session was held to gather ideas on how to better make astronomical software discoverable and preserve it to improve the transparency of research , ensure reproducibility , and advance numerical methods in the field . how to handle software is often discussed at adass , and this bof builds directly on teuben et al . the authors feel that recent changes in the field create an opportunity to put the community on a path for permanent change regarding software discoverability , sharing , and advancement of these methods . the astronomy community has begun to recognize the need to and benefits of publishing and sharing software . a number of efforts are building greater cooperation and actively working to improve the way astrophysics is done , and have started to have an impact on the development , visibility , and preservation of codes . these efforts include : * blogs such as astronomy computing today and astrobetter , devoted in part or wholly to software topics and doing things better . * projects such as software carpentry and scicoder to improve coding skills . * increasing efforts to recognize the role of the astronomical software professional in advancing the field through the development of astroinformatics conferences , coursework , and code citation . * expansion of the ascl , indexing of its entries by ads , and ads s exploration of linking papers to code entries and code entries to papers . * collaborative coding efforts such as astropy . * social software bringing astronomers together in previously unprecedented ways ( _ i.e. _ , astronomers facebook group , astroshare google group ) . * launch of a journal , _ astronomy & computing _ , devoted to the development and use of software methods in astronomy . despite progress , significant barriers still exist which inhibit code release ; many of these have been discussed in the literature and at adass . reasons developers do not release codes include : * code messiness " ( barnes , 2010 ) . * university policies that prohibit distribution of intellectual property . * lack of documentation and examples . * perceived lack of suitability for sharing , as the code may have a narrow focus and/or seem too trivial to share . * protection of proprietary processes useful for future funding of author . * code release not firmly established as a standard practice . * lack of incentive / little or no perceived upside to releasing code . the focus of the bof was to discuss and solicit answers to the following questions : * how do we ensure code release is recognized as an essential part of assuring reproducibility of research ? * how can the community change the culture so coders will release their programs ? * what can we do to ensure developers receive credit for writing and releasing their software , and encourage them to release it even if it s `` messy '' code ? * how do we reduce expectations of support when a developer does not wish to ( or can not ) take on that role after program release ? * what role might journal publishers and funding agencies have in furthering code release , and how can the community influence them to take on that role ? * how can universities be convinced to change policies that prohibit software publication ? * can funding agencies and publishers encourage documentation of programs , and if so , how ? discussion was spirited and wide - ranging , with several themes emerging from it : * there is no one size fits all " solution . there are many different classes of code being written , from one - off tests to the codes used to produce published results . * it is important to distinguish between code and algorithms ; often people care more about the algorithms , and while code may embody an algorithm it can also obscure it . * insisting that every last piece of code be made available sounds unrealistic , but code used to produce published results really matters . some journals and funding bodies are starting to see such code as an integral part of the work , so as something that needs to be available . * versions of code become important for understanding its evolution and in order to know just which version produced a published result . * it is important to distinguish between accessibility and discoverability , although both matter . sites such as ascl address the discoverability problem . * some people , particularly with a computer science background , are comfortable with putting code into github from the very start which solves both the accessibility and the versioning problem . releasing software increases transparency , though some are reluctant to release code in part because of a perceived need to be available to support the code . this could be mitigated with the implementation of the community research and academic programming license , or crapl . looking at messy codes can be instructive ; software authors could partner with computer science students to clean code up . science can be advanced by improving the skills of code authors in areas of testing ( creating and publishing test cases ) , clean coding , version control , and documentation . though these did not come up in the bof , suggestions for improvement can be found in aruliah ( 2012 ) . in the longer term , astronomy will advance faster with greater transparency of software and adoption of open source licenses , as others can improve and extend work that has already been done ; methods already exist for publishing codes and managing code changes / versions and releases . the science can be improved by improving software distribution , which can be aided by the use of social coding sites . cultural change will come about fastest when agencies demand code release and as publications encourage or insist on it . cost is a factor ideally , a grant would cover the cost of a professional software engineer to write any necessary code , but we all know that is nt always possible . therefore , science is better served by scientists releasing their codes and ideally learning better coding and code release practices .
progress is being made in code discoverability and preservation , but as discussed at adass xxi , many codes still remain hidden from public view . with the astrophysics source code library ( ascl ) now indexed by the sao / nasa astrophysics data system ( ads ) , the introduction of a new journal , _ astronomy & computing _ , focused on astrophysics software , and the increasing success of education efforts such as software carpentry and scicoder , the community has the opportunity to set a higher standard for its science by encouraging the release of software for examination and possible reuse . we assembled representatives of the community to present issues inhibiting code release and sought suggestions for tackling these factors . the session began with brief statements by panelists ; the floor was then opened for discussion and ideas . comments covered a diverse range of related topics and points of view , with apparent support for the propositions that algorithms should be readily available , code used to produce published scientific results should be made available , and there should be discovery mechanisms to allow these to be found easily . with increased use of resources such as github ( for code availability ) , ascl ( for code discovery ) , and a stated strong preference from the new journal _ astronomy & computing _ for code release , we expect to see additional progress over the next few years .
in disks , number of structures are governed by and govern the dynamics of galaxies . together with bars , spiral arms host most of the star formation in a disk ( see * ? ? ? * and many references since then ) . spiral waves are often seen as shocks increasing the local density of gas and triggering its collapse into clouds , cores and stars @xcite . the details of the formation and the nature of these clouds are therefore of prime importance for star formation in disks . in this contribution , we summarize the properties of two major families of clouds , the beads on a string and the spurs , and propose an explanation for their different origin . simulations dedicated to the study of the interstellar medium ( ism ) of galaxies often set a background potential , usually made of a spiral pattern and/or a bar , and follow the evolution of a `` live '' gaseous component ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? such well - defined configurations ease the physical interpretation , but miss the diversity of structures that disks host . @xcite recently presented a self - consistent hydrodynamical simulation of a milky way - like galaxy , and studied the large - scale structure of the ism . the complexity of the stellar component and the gas respond to its potential create a diversity of structures along the spiral arms , as shown in figure [ fig : map ] . in this model of the milky way , we note the presence of beads on a string , similar to those observed in several nearby galaxies ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? these regularly spaced clouds are formed by the gravitational collapse of their host arm , within @xmath0 myr . the clouds further grow by accreting surrounding gas , which progressively increases the cloud / inter - cloud density contrast and thus empties the gas content of the `` string '' connecting the `` beads '' . elsewhere in the disk , other spirals host spurs instead of beads . kelvin - helmholtz ( kh ) instabilities were the first explanation given for the formation of spurs @xcite , but other works questioned this conclusion , invoking an over - idealization of these models ( e.g. the lack of magneto - hydrodynamics or the 2d aspect , see @xcite and @xcite for a short review ) . their presence in our simulation demonstrates that spurs can be formed in a non - idealized setup , without magnetic fields , and with parameters in reasonable agreement with observations . the main morphological difference between beads and spurs is their position with respect to the spiral wave . beads on a string form _ in situ _ via gravitational instability around dense seeds along the spiral arm . on the contrary , spurs are made of material somewhat ejected from the bulk of the spiral by kh instabilities . we found in our simulation that spurs remain off the spiral for at least several @xmath1 myr instead of e.g. falling back onto the arm , which is supported by the observations of @xcite who suggested that the spurs are as long - lived as the spirals . once gas is sent on the leading side of the spiral , it condenses at the tip of the spurs , becomes self - gravitating , and forms star clusters . since the spurs are offset with respect to the spiral , star formation occurs before the passage of the arm , i.e. without the `` trigger '' of a density wave or a shock . such offset star formation is visible in the recent observations of m 51 by ( * ? ? ? * see e.g. their figure 8) . figure [ fig : pitch ] shows that in the case of a small pitch angle , the velocity gradient across the arm is higher than for larger pitch angles . such difference could lead to a different response of the gaseous material of the spiral to kh instabilities and thus , as we stated above , to the formation of spurs . rigorously speaking , the important quantity would be the angle between the spiral and the _ local _ velocity vector , but to the first order , one can reasonably assume that the velocity vector is tangential to the galactic radius , and thus that this quantity is directly related to the pitch angle . therefore , for a given radial gradient of the velocity field , the organization of the ism into spurs or beads on a string would depend on the pitch angle . we note however that the pitch angle of a given portion of the spiral changes along the evolution of the galaxy . only the angle at the formation epoch of the seeds of gas clumps would matter in determining the formation of spurs or beads , since self - gravity of the clumps should take over in a few myr and dominate the further evolution of gas packets . @xcite introduced a mathematical formalism providing a condition for the kh instability in term of richardson number ( @xmath2 ) , following @xcite , and reached the same conclusions than the qualitative argument given here ( see also * ? ? ? @xcite studied the separation and angle of spurs with respect to the spiral and found relatively universal values ( @xmath3 pc and @xmath4 ) . our simulation also shows regular separation and angle along a given arm , but these values seems to vary from one arm to the next , because of an evolutionary process . we measure that the spurs in the structure labelled `` old spurs '' in figure [ fig : map ] separate from each other at @xmath5 km / s , because of differential rotation . since large pitch angles means high differential rotation along an arm , the separation between the spurs would increase in arms with large pitch angles . we note that , on gyr - long time - scales , the changes of the spiral pattern are likely to drive a more complex evolution of the separation of the spurs than the one we picture here , if these structures are indeed long - lived . in conclusion , the pitch angle angle of a spiral arm is connected to the nature of the star forming clouds ( beads or spurs ) , at the time of their formation . later , the separation between the clouds can also be connected to the pitch angle , via differential rotation . , k. , natale , g. , wilson , c. d. , popescu , c. c. , baes , m. , bendo , g. j. , boquien , m. , boselli , a. , cooray , a. , cormier , d. , de looze , i. , fischera , j. , karczewski , o. . , lebouteiller , v. , madden , s. , pereira - santaella , m. , smith , m. w. l. , spinoglio , l. , & tuffs , r. j. 2013 , , 432 , 2182 .
the organization of the interstellar medium in disk galaxies obeys the large scale dynamics set by kpc - size structures . improving our knowledge of how the dense , molecular gas is distributed in a disk is an important step in our understanding of star formation at galactic scale . using a recently published simulation of a milky way - like galaxy , we explore the formation and dynamical organization of the star forming gas in a proto - typical disk . along spiral arms , we report the formation of regularly spaced clouds , called beads on a string and spurs . the former form through gravitational instabilities while the later originate from kelvin - helmholtz instabilities . we propose that the co - existence of both structures in the same galaxy can be explained by a different role of the disk dynamics , depending on the location within the disk . in particular , we highlight the impact of the pitch angle of the spiral arm in the development of either type of structure .
there is a range of values of the strength of the confinement potential for which spontaneous interlayer phase coherence is stable in double quantum dots@xcite . outside this stability range the shape of the groundstate is expected to undergo a reconstruction@xcite . it is the competition between the confinement potential and the coulomb interaction which drives such a reconstruction . when the confinement potential weakens the repulsive coulomb interaction pushes electrons from each other , and can create density depletions inside the droplet . the interplay between the reconstruction and the formation of merons in the presence of an external potential is unclear . we investigated within a hartree - fock ( hf ) theory how merons nucleate in the groundstate when a lateral distortion with a reflection symmetry is present in the confinement potential@xcite . we found that when a sufficiently large distortion is present merons can be nucleated . both density depletions and merons can coexist in the reconstructed states . in the present work we demonstrate by integrating the electron density that these merons have total charge @xmath0 . in addition we present numerical evidence for the presence of edge merons , which appear to have a half - integer winding number . an electron in each dot is in a parabolic potential @xmath1 . in the strong magnetic field limit the energy of an electron with the angular momentum @xmath2 in a quantum dot is @xmath3 , where @xmath4 is the cyclotron frequency , @xmath5 , and @xmath6 is the magnetic length . hereafter we will measure @xmath7 in units of @xmath8 , using @xmath9 which is a dimensionless quantity proportional to the confinement potential strength ( for gaas @xmath10)^2/(b[t])^{3/2}$ ] ) . the real spins of all electrons are assumed to be frozen aligning with the magnetic field . we consider a distortion in the confinement potential of the dot that may be generated by attaching a metallic stripe vertically on the cylindrical metallic gate surrounding the vertical quantum dots . the vertical distance between two dots is @xmath11 . let us make a simple model for this type of distortions . we take a separable form for the distortion potential @xmath12 , where @xmath13 is the strength of the distortion . the matrix elements of this potential are @xmath14 where @xmath15 denotes an electron with the angular momentum @xmath16 in the dot labeled by @xmath17 . the parameters @xmath18 and @xmath19 are defined as @xmath20 the parameter @xmath18 ( @xmath19 ) denotes the strength of the matrix elements of the disorder potential between intra ( inter ) layer electrons . the wavefunctions @xmath21 and @xmath22 are , respectively , the left and right dot wavefunctions along the vertical direction . the total hamiltonian is @xmath23 , where @xmath24 and @xmath25 the first term of @xmath26 represents the confining energy due to the parabolic potential . in the second term , @xmath27 is the distortion potential . in the interaction hamiltonian @xmath28 , the term @xmath29 ( @xmath30 ) represents the coulomb interaction potential between the electrons in the same ( different ) dots . in the spatial coordinates , those interactions are given by @xmath31 and @xmath32 , respectively , where @xmath33 is the dielectric constant . the spontaneous interlayer phase coherent state ( maximum density droplet state@xcite ) , and meron excitations are well approximated by a hf theory@xcite . the pseudospin density is computed with the calculated density matrix . [ fig : density3d.g_0.085.vi_0.50 ] displays total electron densities for two different strengths of the lateral distortion with the center at the coordinate @xmath34 by a gaussian lateral potential with the range @xmath35 . results for @xmath36 are shown for two different strengths of the distortion @xmath37 . the maximum density is bigger than @xmath38 , which implies that the total local filling factor is bigger than one where the merons are located . this is consistent with the presence of merons with negative charges on the background of the total electron density @xmath38 . at @xmath39 a meron is formed with the charge @xmath40 and vorticity @xmath41 . for the bigger value @xmath42 two merons appear and the vorticities for the lower and upper merons are @xmath41 and @xmath43 , respectively . integrating the electron density over the range that satisfy @xmath44 , we find the excess charges to be @xmath45 and @xmath46 , which indicates that one meron exists in the upper figure of fig . [ fig : density3d.g_0.085.vi_0.50 ] and a meron pair exists in the lower figure of fig . [ fig : density3d.g_0.085.vi_0.50 ] . we have attempted to evaluate the total excess charge carried by the merons using the expression@xcite @xmath47,\end{aligned}\ ] ] where the polarization vector @xmath48 is @xmath49 ( @xmath50 and @xmath51 is the pseudospin ) . however , this method gave inaccurate results . we believe this is because the expression is valid only for slowly varying pseudospin fields . [ fig : meronpair_one_imp.g_0.066.vi_0.08 ] displays how the pseudospin texture for @xmath52 and @xmath53 . we observe merons inside the dots . the values of the polarization @xmath54 at the meron cores are , within numerical accuracy , @xmath55 and @xmath56 . this implies that the charges should be @xmath40 since the vorticities of these two objects are opposite . the total charge of the merons is thus @xmath57 . note that there are also five density depletions inside the dots ( the open circles in the figure ) . these modulations of electron densities are not simply related to the shape of @xmath58 . since the densities are inhomogeneous the hf single particle potential must be included into consideration . it is non - trivial to anticipate the shape of the hf single particle potential since it reflects the delicate interplay between the hartree self energy , exchange self energy , and confinement potential@xcite . we also observe an edge meron near the edge in fig . [ fig : meronpair_one_imp.g_0.066.vi_0.08 ] . a magnified view of the pseudospin texture is shown in fig . [ fig : lfmeron.one.imp.g_0.066.vi_0.08 ] . we draw a circle around the center of this object and see how the in - plane pseudospins rotate along the circle . the in - plane pseudospins nearly flips as the half circle is followed inside the dot . the magnitude of in - plane pseudospin values decreases to zero as the edge region is passed . we believe thus that the edge meron has approximately a half integer winding number . it is complicated to calculate accurately the excess charge of the edge meron since the electron density varies strongly near the edge even in the absence of an edge meron . it would be worthwhile to develop an analytical theory for edge merons . 0 k. moon , h. mori , kun yang , s.m . girvin , a.h . macdonald , l. zheng , d. yoshioka , and shou - cheng zhang , phys . b * 51 * 5138 ( 1995 ) . s eric yang and a.h . macdonald , phys . b * 67 * 155202 ( 2003 ) .
we have investigated nucleation of merons in double quantum dots when a lateral distortion with a reflection symmetry is present in the confinement potential . we find that merons can nucleate both inside and at the edge of the dots . in addition to these merons , our results show that electron density modulations can be also present inside the dots . an edge meron appears to have approximately a half integer winding number .
interest rate is a rate charged for the use of the money . as an example we show the evolution of several interest rates on the market in figure [ fig : intro ] above . figure [ fig : intro ] below displays the interest rates with different maturities ( so called term structures ) at a given day . short rate models are based on specifying the evolution of the instantaneous interest rates ( also called short rate ) in terms of a stochastic differential equation . the remaining interest rates are then determined by the bond prices . after specifying the so called market price of risk , the price of a bond is a solution to the partial differential equation ( pde ) . alternatively , the short rate evolution can be given in so called risk neutral measure . in particular , if the short rate evolves in the risk neutral measure according to the stochastic differential equation @xmath2 where @xmath3 is a wiener process , then the price @xmath4 of the zero - coupon bond at time @xmath5 when the current level of the short rate is @xmath6 , is a solution to the pde @xmath7 the pde ( [ eq : pde1 ] ) holds for all @xmath8 and @xmath9 , where @xmath10 is the maturity of the bond . morover , since the bond pays its principal value at maturity , which can be normalized to be 1 , the function @xmath11 moreover satisfies the terminal condition @xmath12 for all @xmath8 . the interest rates @xmath13 is then given by the formula @xmath14 see , e.g. , @xcite or @xcite for more details on interest rates modelling . solution to the bond pricing pde ( [ eq : pde1 ] ) is known only i special cases , such as vasicek model @xcite or cox - ingersoll - ross ( cir ) model @xcite . sometimes , there is a closed form solution known but it is complicated , for example the bond price in dothan model @xcite involves special functions and two - dimensional integration . in general , however , there no closed form solution avalible . therefore , the bond prices are computed using monte carlo simulations , numerically solving the pde ( [ eq : pde1 ] ) or by looking for analytical approximative formulae . we follow the last approach in this paper . in papers @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , the chan - karolyi - longstaff - sanders ( ckls ) model @xcite @xmath15 and analytical approximate formulae for bond prices were considered . the time independence of the coefficients of the model enables us to write the bond price in terms of the time to maturity @xmath16 . the common feature of these approximations is that their order of accuracy can be expressed in the form @xmath17 as @xmath18 , where @xmath11 is the exact bond price and @xmath19 is the proposed approximation . the relation ( [ eq - order ] ) asserts that the taylor series of @xmath20 and @xmath21 coincide up to the certain order . in particular , in @xcite it has been shown that for the formula from @xcite the relation ( [ eq - order ] ) holds with @xmath22 and an improvement leading to @xmath23 has been derived . in @xcite a simple formula with @xmath24 has been proposed . these results suggest that the taylor expansion ( either of the price itself and its logarithm ) could be a good approximation too . a numerical illustration is presented in table [ tab : motivation - bond ] and table [ tab : motivation - rates ] . .zero coupon bond prices in the cir model with parameters @xmath25 , @xmath26 and @xmath27 ( taken from @xcite ) , @xmath28 : exact solution , approximation from @xcite and taylor expansions of the exact solution around @xmath0 . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] we considered the taylor expansion for bond prices and their logarithms in a general one factor model with time independent parameters . the expansion is considered with respect to time to maturity @xmath1 around @xmath0 . the coefficients of the taylor expansions can be computed recursively and expressed in a closed form . since the prices are expanded into series around @xmath0 , the most precise resuts are expected to be obtained ofr small @xmath1 . however , numerical examples dealing with cox - ingersoll - ross and dothan models show that we are able to obtain very precise approximations also for higher values of @xmath1 . this research was supported by vega 1/0747/12 grant . stehlkov , b.,_a simple analytic approximation formula for the bond price in the chan - karolyi - longstaff - sanders model _ , international journal of numerical analysis and modeling - series b 4 , ( 2013 ) 224 - 234 .
we consider a general one - factor short rate model , in which the instantaneous interest rate is driven by a univariate diffusion with time independent drift and volatility . we construct recursive formula for the coefficients of the taylor expansion of the bond price and its logarithm around @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is time to maturity . we provide numerical examples of convergence of the partial sums of the series and compare them with the known exact values in the case of cox - ingersoll - ross and dothan model .
we observed 4 ppns of sole type ( ueta et al . 2000 ) by means of imaging polarimetry using _ hst_/nicmos ( nic1 with pol0s , pol120s , and pol240s filters ) during cycle 11 ( go 9377 ) . our main objective was to study the dust distribution in these _ optically thin _ ppn shells around the bright central star . imaging polarimetry ( e.g. , gledhill et al . 2001 ) is a very effective technique for this purpose because ( 1 ) bright stellar emission ( unpolarized component ) is automatically removed when the linearly polarized component ( i.e. , dust - scattered star light of the reflection nebula ) is computed from the stokes @xmath0 and @xmath1 parameters , ( 2 ) the dust distribution in the reflection nebula can be probed at high resolution as opposed to the mid - ir diffraction - limit resolution , and ( 3 ) dust properties ( e.g. , the size distribution ) can also be investigated . figure [ fig1 ] shows imaging polarimetry data for iras 07134 + 1005 ( left ) and iras 06530 - 0213 ( right ) . the iras 07134 + 1005 data illustrate the distribution and strength of polarization . the four frames display , from top left to bottom right , the total intensity ( the stokes @xmath2 ) , the polarized intensity ( @xmath3 ) , the degree of polarization ( @xmath4 ) , and the 10.3 @xmath5 m gemini image ( kwok et al . 2002 ) for comparison . the total and polarized intensity images look similar , suggesting that the nebula emission consists mostly of scattered star light as expected in this reflection nebula . the total intensity image confirms the equatorially enhanced ( toroidal ) structure of the shell as seen in the 10.3 @xmath5 m image and also shows the structure _ within _ the reflection nebula in an unprecedented detail . such detailed structure of the shell was not seen well in _ hst_/wfpc2 data due to the invasively bright central star and its enormous psf spikes ( ueta et al . 2001 ) . in the iras 06530 - 0213 data , the distribution and angles of polarization vectors are displayed . the four frames shows the the polarized intensity , the distribution of polarization vectors of less than 30% ( @xmath6 ) strengths , of 30 to 40% strengths , and of more than 40% strengths , from top left to bottom right . the vectors are distributed in a clear centro - symmetric pattern with respect to the central star . this confirms the optically thin nature of this ppn shell . it is also apparent that the stronger polarization is found near the edge of the shell . this is because dust - scattered light near the nebula edge tends to have near 90@xmath7 scattering angle , and hence , tends to yield the highest degree of polarization . our data yielded rather high degrees of polarization in our target ppns . this may be due to a population of small dust grains residing in these shells . we are currently finalizing our data analysis , and the results would shed light on the ppn shell structure as well as the properties of dust grains present in ppns . support for go-9377 was provided by nasa through a grant from the stsci , which is operated by the aura , inc . , under nasa contract nas 5 - 26555 . ueta was also supported by iuap p5/36 financed by the ostc of the belgian federal state .
we present the preliminary results from our _ hst_/nicmos imaging polarimetry on optically thin ppns . the data show the dust distribution in an unprecedented detail . the structure of these faint ppns is revealed via polarization properties of the dust - scattered light without much interference from the bright central star , proving the unique advantages of the technique over simple imaging .
the @xmath8 chorus apparatus combines a 770 kg nuclear emulsion target with various electronic detectors : a scintillating fibre tracker system , trigger hodoscopes , an air - core magnet , a lead / scintillator calorimeter and a muon spectrometer . details about the experimental setup and the performances of the sub - detectors can be found in @xcite . in the 1994 - 1997 period , chorus has collected 2,271,000 triggers corresponding to @xmath9 protons on target . of these , 458,601 have a muon identified in the final state ( the so - called @xmath10 events ) and 116,049 do not ( the so - called @xmath11 events ) and a vertex position compatible with one of the four emulsion target stacks . all tracks , associated to the interaction vertex , with an angle smaller than 0.4 rad from the beam axis and bigger than 0.05 rad from the direction of a secondary beam nearby are selected for further analysis . the second requirement avoids possible confusion arising from the large emulsion background of muons originating from this beam . the selected tracks are searched for in the emulsion if their charge is negative and their momentum is in the range @xmath12 gev / c and @xmath13 gev / c for hadrons and muons , respectively . it should be noted that the energy deposition in the calorimeter has not been used to select electrons or unidentified muons . however the small contribution of the @xmath14 leptonic decay modes to the @xmath11 data sample is taken into account in the evaluation of the sensitivity . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] the sps neutrino beam contains a @xmath15 component which amounts to 0.9% of the integrated @xmath16 flux . the negative result of the search for @xmath1 interactions can therefore be used to set limits on the @xmath4 oscillation . the evaluation of the limit has been performed with the technique described in section 5.2 , with the replacement of the energy dependent @xmath17 flux by the @xmath18 flux . the difference between the @xmath16 and @xmath15 energy spectra - the average energy of @xmath15 component is 20 gev higher - leads to differences in the acceptance for @xmath19 interactions . in the case of the @xmath15 beam , the increase of the cross - section with energy improves the sensitivity to @xmath20 interactions , while the kinematic cuts and reconstruction inefficiencies affecting high energy events contribute to lower the acceptance . using the present sample the following 90% c.l . limit is obtained @xmath21 the 90% c.l . excluded region in the ( @xmath22 , @xmath23 ) parameter space is shown in figure [ fig : excle ] . maximum mixing between @xmath15 and @xmath19 is excluded at 90% c.l . for @xmath24 ; the large @xmath25 are excluded at 90% c.l . for @xmath26 . the emulsion scanning methods , previously described in @xcite , have been applied to a fraction of the 1994 - 1997 data . no @xmath14 decay candidate has been found , leading to a more stringent 90% c.l . upper limit on the @xmath0 oscillation probability ( @xmath27 ) . based on the same statistics , the 90% c.l . upper limit on the @xmath4 oscillation probability is @xmath28 . the dominant background to the @xmath2 search is due to `` white kink '' secondary interactions in the @xmath11 channel . a direct measurement of this background process is in progress and kinematic cuts are planned for its reduction . furthermore , a second phase of the analysis ( with better efficiencies , larger statistics and faster automatic emulsion scanning ) has started with the aim of reaching the design sensitivity @xmath29 @xcite . 99 e. eskut _ _ , chorus collaboration , phys . b 424 ( 1998 ) 202 . _ , chorus collaboration , cern - ep/98 - 73 . accepted for publication on phys . b. o. sato ( chorus collaboration ) , in neutrino 98 , proceedings of the 18th international conference on neutrino physics and astrophysics , takayama , japan , edited by y. suzuki and y. totsuka , to appear on nucl . b ( proc . suppl . ) . et al . _ , chorus collaboration , nucl . instr . and meth . * a401 * 7 ( 1997 ) . geant 3.21 , cern program library long writeup w5013 . n. ushida _ et al . _ , e531 collaboration , phys . * b206 * 375 ( 1988 ) . k. kodama _ et al . _ , fermilab p803 proposal ( 1993 ) , appendix d. f. baldassarre _ et al . _ , nuovo cimento xxi , 3 ( 1961 ) 459 . a. fass , a. ferrari , j. ranft and p.r . sala , new developments in fluka modelling of hadronic and em interactions " , in proceedings of the 3rd workshop on simulating accelerator radiation environment " , sare-3 , kek - tsukuba , may 79 1997 , h. hirayama ed . , kek report proceedings 97 - 5 , p. 32 ( 1997 ) . a. ferrari , t. rancati and p.r . sala , fluka applications in high energy problems : from lhc to icarus and atmospheric showers " , in proceedings of the 3rd workshop on simulating accelerator radiation environment " , sare-3 , kek - tsukuba , may 79 1997 , h. hirayama ed . , kek report proceedings 97 - 5 , p. 165
the present results on the @xmath0 oscillation search by the chorus experiment at cern are summarized . a fraction of the neutrino interactions collected in 1994 - 1997 has been analysed , searching for @xmath1 charged current interactions followed by the @xmath2 lepton decay into a negative hadron , electron , or into a muon . a sample of 126,229 events with an identified muon in the final state and 19,436 events without an identified muon in the final state have been located in the emulsion target . within the applied cuts , no @xmath1 candidate has been found . this result leads to a 90% c.l . limit @xmath3 on the mixing probability . a @xmath4 exclusion plot is also presented corresponding to 90% c.l . limit on the mixing probability of @xmath5 . * the chorus collaboration * the chorus experiment has recently reported @xcite a limit on @xmath0 oscillation obtained by the analysis of a subsample of neutrino interactions , taken in 1994 - 1996 , both with and without an identified @xmath6 in the final state . this paper contains an update of the statistics of the subsample of events with an identified @xmath7 in the final state . the experimental setup and the characteristics of the cern wide band neutrino beam are summarized in @xcite and described in more detail in @xcite .
the whole set of models presented here has been produced using the stellar structure and evolution code cles ( code ligeois devolution stellaire ) : opal01 eos ; opal96 opacity tables plus alexander & ferguson ( 1994 ) at @xmath0 k ; nuclear reaction rates from @xcite ; mlt convection treatment ; microscopic diffusion of all the elements using the subroutine by @xcite ; atmospheric boundary conditions given by kurucz ( 1998 ) at @xmath1 . we have used the revised o ( asplund et al . 2004a ) c , n and ne abundances ( asplund et al . 2004b ) ( mix2 ) . eos and opacity tables have been constructed with this mixture . the calibrated model ( model s2 , see table 1 ) is very different from the one ( model s1 ) obtained with the @xcite mixture ( mix1 ) with regards to the distribution of the sound speed as can be seen in fig . we have tried different numerical experiments in order to reduce this discrepancy : * the opal opacity near the base of the convective zone has been increased in three different ways . in models labeled seaton ( model o1 ) , the differences between the revised op and opal opacities @xcite near 2.10@xmath2 k are taken into account ( fig . 2 , solid line ) . models labeled bahcall 1 and bahcall 2 are constructed according to the suggestion from @xcite ( fig . 2 , long dashed - dashed and dashed lines ) . figure 1b shows that the best agreement is obtained with bahcall 1 ( model o2 ) which means an increase of 14% in the opacity at the base of the convective envelope . this model is still far from the s1 model ( dotted line in fig . * the diffusion velocities have been increased by factors 1.5 and 2 . figure 1c shows that a better sound speed distribution can be reached either by multiplying by a factor 2 the diffusion velocities ( model d1 ) or by multiplying them by 1.5 and increasing the z / x ratio by 10% ( model d4 ) which is the precision range for this ratio for the sun . * figures 1b and 1c suggest that the best agreement is reached by increasing both the opacity at the base of the convective envelope and the diffusion velocities . figure 1d shows the effect of an increase of @xmath3% in the opacity ( solid line and dashed line in fig.2 ) and an increase in the diffusion velocities by 50% ( models d2 and d3 ) . both results are much better than those obtained by only increasing the opacity by 14% . we have checked that the new @xmath4 astrophysical s - factor @xcite has no effect on the solar calibration . the numerical experiments presented here suggest that , in order to reduce the discrepancy between the squared sound speed in the sun @xcite and that of a theoretical model with the revised c , n , o and ne abundances , a moderate increase of the opacity ( 7% ) at the base of the convective envelope should be accompanied by an increase in the diffusion velocities ( 50% ) ( models d2 and d3 ) . moreover , in these models , the depth of the convective zone is in agreement with the heliosismic value ( 0.713 , christensen - dalsgaard et al . 1991 ) while the surface he abundance is only very slightly smaller ( 0.248 , richard et al . these results are equivalent to those obtained by basu & antia ( 2004 ) who multiplied the diffusion coefficient by a factor 1.65 , and increased the o abundance with respect to that one given by @xcite ( that is , [ o / h]=8.80 instead of 8.66 ) . j.m . , a.m. and a.n . acknowledge the support of the esa prodex contract 15448/01/nl / sfe(ic)-c90135 . alexander , d.e . & ferguson , j.w . , 1994 , apj 437 , 879 asplund , m. , grevesse , n. , sauval a.j . , allende prieto , c. kiselman , d. , 2004a , a&a 417 , 751 asplund , m. et al . 2004b ( in preparation ) bahcall , j. n. , serenelli , a.m. , pinsonneault , m.h . , 2004 , astro - ph/0403604v1 basu , s. , antia , h.m . , 2004 , apj 606 , l85 basu , s. , pinsonneault m.,h . , bahcall , j.n . , 2000 , apj 529 , 1084 caughlan , g.r . & fowler , w.a . , 1988 , a.d.n.d.t . 40 , 283 christensen - dalsgaard , j. , gough , d.o . , thompson , m.j . , 1991 , 413 grevesse , n. , & noels , a. , 1993 , in la formation des lments chimiques , eds . b. hauck , s. paltani , d. raboud , avcp , 205 formicola , a. & luna , 2004 , physical letters b , 591 , 61 kurucz , r.l . 1998 , http://cfaku5.harvard.edu richard , o. , dziembowski , w.a . , sienkiewicz , r. , goode , p.r . , 1998 , a&a 338 , 756 seaton , m.,j . , & badnell , n.r . , 2004 , mnras ( submitted ) thoul , a .a . , bahcall , j.n . , loeb , a. , 1994 , apj 421 , 824
recent three - dimensional , nlte analyses of the solar spectrum have shown a significant reduction in the c , n , o and ne abundances leading to a z / x ratio of the order of 0.0177 . we have computed solar models with this new mixture in the opal opacity tables . the present he abundance we find seems rather consistent with the helioseismic value . however , the convective envelope is too shallow , and diffusion , even if it reduces the discrepancy , is not able to give the current value . we present some numerical experiments consisting in changing the diffusion velocities and/or the value of opacity at the base of the convective envelope . [ 2001/04/25 1.1 ( pwd ) ] [ cols="<,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] [ tab : table ]
the dimension of the multiwire chambers deployed in modern high energy physics experiments is usually large conforming to the scale of experimental setup . the electrostatic instability in such chambers may be crucial when the amplitude of the oscillation caused by the action of electrostatic force alone or combined with the gravity becomes comparable to the electrode spacings . the study of the wire deflection in such a geometry is usually a complex affair since an interplay between several physical forces determines the wire stability . the approximation of constant or linear dependence of the force on the wire deflection is not adequate to solve for the differential equation governing the wire dynamics because all the wires in the chamber move in a collective way influencing each other giving rise to a nonlinear effect . since the exact solutions for the differential equation involving the nonlinear force are no longer known , it has to be solved numerically . of various methods of estimating the electrostatic sag from the differential equation , only the linear and iterative methods have been attempted in several geometries @xcite . in these works , the electrostatic force has been estimated from the 2d field calculation @xcite which differs significantly from 3d solutions . owing to the 2d nature of the problem , the sag is normally overestimated due to the fact that the whole length of the wire is considered to be at maximum sag . in this work , an accurate 3d computation of electrostatic field has been carried out through the use of a nearly exact boundary element method ( nebem ) @xcite which has yielded precise force estimation . in order to reduce complexity , only the normal component of the field has been considered in the calculation . the deflection of each segment has been assumed to be very small in comparison to its length . the calculation has been carried out for a geometry similar to that of rich detector in alice @xcite . the anode plane consists of gold - tungsten wires with @xmath0 m diameter with pitch @xmath1 mm . the upper cathode plane is made of copper - berrylium wires with diameter @xmath2 m and pitch @xmath3 mm while the lower one is a uniform conducting plate . the separation of upper and lower cathodes from the anode are respectively @xmath4 mm and @xmath5 mm and length of the detector in z - direction is @xmath6 cm . the anode plane is supplied with high voltage w.r.t . the cathode planes . the second order differential equation in an equilibrium state of the wire can be written as @xmath7 where @xmath8 , @xmath9 are the electrostatic and gravitational forces per unit length while @xmath10 the stringing tension of the wire . using three point finite difference formula , it can be rewritten as @xmath11.(\delta z)^2\ ] ] where @xmath12 , @xmath13 and @xmath14 represent the deflections of respective segments . the electrostatic force on the @xmath15-th segment has been computed using nebem solver for the given 3d geometry . the required sag due to the action of either of the electrostatic and gravitational forces or combined may be obtained from this equation . thus the set of equations for the segments on a wire can be represented as @xmath16 where @xmath17 is the tridiagonal coefficient matrix whose inverse has been calculated following standard numerical receipe . in the present work , five anode wires have been considered with discretization of @xmath18 linear segments while that of the cathode plate has been @xmath19 . it should be noted that no plates on the sides of the chamber have been taken into account . the calculation procedure has been validated by calculating wire sag due to gravitational force and comparing with the analytic solution for gravitational force only as @xmath20 where @xmath21 and @xmath22 , @xmath23 , @xmath24 are the length , radius and density of the wire respectively . the results has been illustrtaed in fig.[fig : gravsagandcath ] which has demonstrated the validity of the method . gravitational sag of central anode and cathode wires , scaledwidth=45.0% ] the normal electric field components acting on the anode and cathode wire segments for anode voltage of @xmath25v have been plotted in fig.[fig : normalef ] . the field component on each segment has been calculated from the vectorial addition of field components at four radial locations on the segment periphery . the wire sag at the centre due to electrostatic force following the solution of tridiagonal matrix equation [ eqn.[eqn : mateq ] ] has been shown as a function of anode voltage in fig.[fig : wiresag ] for anode and cathode wires separately . it is evident from the result that the sag in the anode wire changes more rapidly than the cathode wires . r0.5 the central wire in the anode plane has been found to undergo more deflection in comparison to the edge wires . the calculation of @xcite for wire sags in this chamber has reported less deflection in comparison to our result . in @xcite , an additional restoring electrostatic force has been considered to be operational when the wire gets deflected which in turn has helped to reduce the wire sag . in our calculation , no such dynamic consideration of the electrostatic force with the wire deflection has been incorporated . to reproduce the actual wire sags , an iterative process can be carried out each time calculating the electrostatic force due to new position of the deflected wire . using the nebem solver , the electrostatic field could be accurately calculated for the three dimensional geometry of multiwire rich chamber . an fdm approach to compute the wire sag has been developed and validated for the case of gravitational sag calculation . in the present calculation , no restoring effect of electrostatic force has been considered unlike the earlier work which has led to larger sag estimates . the restoring force aspect will be implemented in future by iterative technique to estimate a realistic wire sag in this chamber .
a numerical method of determining the wire sag in a multiwire proportional chamber used in rich @xcite by solving the second order differential equation which governs the wire stability has been presented . the three point finite difference method ( fdm ) has generated a tridiagonal matrix equation relating the deflection of wire segments to the force acting on it . the precise estimates of electrostatic force has been obtained from accurate field computation using a nearly exact boundary element method ( nebem ) solver @xcite .
[ [ section ] ] let @xmath2 be a rank @xmath3 lattice , embedded in a real @xmath3-dimensional vector space @xmath4 . let @xmath5 be the set of @xmath3-dimensional convex polytopes in @xmath4 with vertices in @xmath2 . for any @xmath6 , and for any nonnegative integer @xmath7 , let @xmath8 be @xmath0 scaled by the factor @xmath7 . then by a result of ehrhart @xcite , the function @xmath9 is a degree @xmath3 polynomial with rational coefficients , called the _ ehrhart polynomial _ of @xmath0 . hence one can think of the ehrhart polynomial as giving a map @xmath10 from @xmath5 to the polynomial ring @xmath11 $ ] . . formulas for the coefficients @xmath13 , in various settings and with varying degrees of generality , have been given by several authors @xcite . some coefficients are easy to understand , for example @xmath14 here @xmath15 is taken with respect to the measure that gives a fundamental domain of @xmath2 volume 1 ; if a polytope has dimension less than @xmath3 , we compute its volume with respect to the lattice obtained by intersecting its affine hull with @xmath2 . for a general lattice polytope , expressions for the ehrhart coefficients involve not only volumes but also subtle arithmetic information , namely _ higher - dimensional dedekind sums _ as studied by carlitz and zagier @xcite . [ [ section-1 ] ] the ehrhart polynomial depends not just on the combinatorial type of @xmath0 , but rather on the pair @xmath16 . hence it is natural to consider how @xmath1 changes as @xmath2 is varied . the theory of automorphic forms provides a powerful machine to accomplish this , namely the technique of _ hecke operators_. thus let @xmath17 be a prime , and let @xmath18 be a positive integer . given a lattice polytope @xmath0 with ehrhart polynomial @xmath1 , we define a new polynomial @xmath19 as follows . let @xmath20 be the canonical superlattice of @xmath2 of coindex @xmath21 . we have @xmath22 , and any lattice @xmath23 satisfying @xmath24 determines a subspace @xmath25 . let @xmath26 be the set of such lattices with @xmath27 . then we define @xmath28 where @xmath29 denotes the lattice polytope with vertices in @xmath23 canonically determined by @xmath0 . [ [ ss : nu.def ] ] in this paper we consider the relationship between @xmath30 and @xmath1 . to state our results , we require more notation . for any nonnegative integer @xmath31 , choose and fix an @xmath32-dimensional subspace @xmath33 of @xmath34 , and define @xmath35 note that this value is independent of the choice of @xmath33 . finally for any polynomial @xmath36 $ ] let @xmath37 be the coefficient of @xmath38 in @xmath39 . then our first result can be stated as follows : [ thm : main1 ] we have @xmath40 independently of @xmath0 . the ratios @xmath41 satisfy @xmath42 moreover , for each triple @xmath43 , there is a polynomial with positive coefficients @xmath44,\ ] ] independent of @xmath17 , such that @xmath45 . the sum can be viewed as a sum of @xmath17-powers over a certain geometrically - defined stratification of the finite grassmannian @xmath46 , and thus it is not surprising that for any given @xmath17 the quantity @xmath47 can be expressed as a integral polynomial in @xmath17 . however , the existence of @xmath48 , as well as the statement that it has positive coefficients , does not follow immediately from since the number of terms in the sum grows with @xmath17 and since the strata are only locally closed . as an example of theorem [ thm : main1 ] , if @xmath49 , then @xmath50 for any @xmath0 . hence the ratio on the left of is the number of terms in . it is well known that this is the cardinality of @xmath46 ( cf . lemma [ lem : cosets ] ) , which equals @xmath51 . for further examples , table [ tab : ev ] shows the hecke eigenvalues that arise for the ehrhart coefficients of @xmath52-dimensional polytopes . .[tab : ev]eigenvalues for @xmath53 . [ cols="^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] four superlattices giving a nonzero @xmath54 . ] computing @xmath55 on @xmath56 . ] [ [ section-23 ] ] suppose @xmath59 is a finite set superlattices of @xmath2 of finite coindex . we can define the average regularized ehrhart polynomial of @xmath0 with respect to the family @xmath59 by @xmath60 our goal in this section is to show how theorem [ thm : main1 ] can be used to derive limiting formulas for @xmath61 as @xmath59 ranges over families of superlattices satisfying certain arithmetical conditions . as a first example , fix a prime @xmath17 , and suppose @xmath62 consists of all superlattices of @xmath2 of coindex @xmath17 . then by definition @xmath63 by lemma [ lem : count.arg ] , we have @xmath64 this implies the following result : we can use the relations in the hecke algebra to derive similar results for more general sets of superlattices . let @xmath66 be the operator @xmath67 at the prime @xmath17 , and write @xmath68 for the operator that associates to any lattice @xmath2 the set of superlattices of coindex @xmath69 . suppose @xmath69 has prime factorization @xmath70 . then , in the algebra @xmath71 generated by the @xmath66 as @xmath17 ranges over all primes @xmath17 , we have ( * ? ? ? * theorem 3.21 ) @xmath72 and the operators @xmath73 satisfy the ( formal ) identity @xmath74 as an example of this , suppose @xmath75 is the set of all superlattices of @xmath2 of coindex @xmath76 . note that @xmath77 , i.e. @xmath78 . in fact in @xmath71 we have the relation @xmath79 one can easily show @xmath80 and then from lemma [ lem : count.arg ] we find the following : a. barvinok and j. e. pommersheim , _ an algorithmic theory of lattice points in polyhedra _ , new perspectives in algebraic combinatorics ( berkeley , ca , 199697 ) , cambridge univ . press , cambridge , 1999 , pp . 91147 . kantor and a. khovanskii , _ une application du thorme de riemann - roch combinatoire au polynme dehrhart des polytopes entiers de @xmath82 _ , c. r. acad . * 317 * ( 1993 ) , no . 5 , 501507 . g. shimura , _ introduction to the arithmetic theory of automorphic functions _ , publications of the mathematical society of japan , vol . 11 , princeton university press , princeton , nj , 1994 , reprint of the 1971 original , kano memorial lectures , 1 .
let @xmath0 be a simple lattice polytope . we define an action of the hecke operators on @xmath1 , the ehrhart polynomial of @xmath0 , and describe their effect on the coefficients of @xmath1 . we also describe how the brion - vergne formula transforms under the hecke operators for nonsingular lattice polytopes @xmath0 .
a host of dark matter candidates have been proposed over the years , some more natural than others . while the axion is an old contender , the most acclaimed candidate is the neutralino which , together with the so - called kk - photon and the heavy photon in little higgs models , belongs to the category of weakly interacting massive particles ( wimp ) . ( see the review by scopel at this conference @xcite ) . other models of dark matter are often looked at with some disdain for , it is argued , they lack motivation . well , supersymmetry is certainly well motivated , but the fact is that , due to constraints from colliders , considerable fine tuning is required to obtain the right abundance of neutralinos . it is in our opinion fair to consider simpler , albeit phenomenologically interesting , toy models with dark matter . the inert doublet model is such a model @xcite . it is a simple extension of the standard model , with a brout - englert - higgs sector that could impact electroweak symmetry breaking @xcite , it is compatible with colliders constraints @xcite and has a dark matter candidate that could be observable in the near future @xcite . furthermore , with minor generalization @xcite , it could establish a link between neutrino physics and dark matter . the model we consider is a two higgs doublet extension of the sm , @xmath1 and @xmath2 , together with a @xmath0 symmetry such that all fields of the standard model and @xmath3 are even under @xmath0 while @xmath4 we assume that @xmath0 is not spontaneously broken , _ i.e. _ that @xmath5 does not develop a _ vev_. as there is no mixing between the doublets , @xmath6 plays the role of the usual higgs particle . because the extra doublet does not couple to quarks ( and leptons in the simplest case ) there are no fcnc . the most general renormalisable ( cp conserving ) potential of the model is @xmath7 \nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] with real quartic couplings . the @xmath8 symmetry is broken by the vacuum expectation value of @xmath3 , @xmath9 with @xmath10 gev while , assuming @xmath11 , @xmath12 r0.5 we choose ( this is arbitrary ) @xmath13 to be the dark matter candidate . two @xmath13 mass ranges are consistent with dark matter observations @xcite , either @xmath14 gev or @xmath15 gev . the former is the most interesting from the point of view of phenomenology and observations . the relic abundance of @xmath13 is shown on figure 1 below . the mass spectrum of the extra scalars depends on the quartic couplings @xmath16 and @xmath17 and on the mass parameter @xmath18 . two interesting situations may arise . firstly , if @xmath17 is small , there is an approximate @xmath19 symmetry and @xmath20 while , generically , @xmath21 ( large isospin breaking ) . less obvious is the custodial symmetry that arises if @xmath22 ( resp . @xmath23 ) @xcite . both limits are of phenomenological interest . first , large isospin breaking leads to large contributions to @xmath24 or , equivalently , to the @xmath25 parameter @xcite @xmath26 this feature has been exploited in @xcite to screen the @xmath27 and @xmath28 gauge boson masses from an equally large ( but opposite in sign ) contribution from a heavy higgs ( achieving @xmath29 up to @xmath30 ) . second , we have exploited the custodial symmetry ( vanishing contribution to @xmath31 ) in @xcite together with the possibility that @xmath32 ( resp . @xmath33 ) to give large radiative corrections to the effective potential . in particular , the large ( negative ) radiative effect of the top quark can be compensated by a large contribution from the extra scalars . in the extreme , although very suggestive , limit of vanishing @xmath34 parameters ( the coleman - weinberg scenario ) , the electroweak symmetry breaking is literally induced by the extra scalar doublet _ i.e. _ by wimp dark matter , a possibility that has been essentially overlooked in the litterature . some working cases are listed in table 1 . .instances of mass spectrum from radiative symmetry breaking . the quartic couplings are large , but still in the perturbative regime . all these solutions are compatible with the observed abundance of dark matter . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] -60pt being a scalar particle , the cross - section for direct detection is 100 % spin - independent ( si ) , a specific feature ( one could say a limitation ) of the model . in figure 2 we show the prospect for direct detection while figure 3 displays the integrated flux from the gc into gamma rays @xcite . et al _ ( see @xcite and the talk by lars bergstrom at this conference @xcite ) have shown that annihilation into photon pairs , which occurs at one - loop , could give a significant gamma ray line . for @xmath35 gev say , this is in the window of opportunity of the forthcoming glast detector . as emphasized in @xcite this enhancement ( _ i.e. _ compared the neutralino signal ) is a distinctive signal , due to the fact that the inert doublet does not couple to quarks . annihilation with @xmath36 gev.,width=264 ] annihilation with @xmath36 gev.,width=264 ] the author thanks the belgian fnrs and the iap vi/11 for financial support and laura lopez honorez , emmanuel nezri , josep oliver and thomas hambye for collaboration . 9 s. scopel , arxiv:0711.2870 [ hep - ph ] . n. g. deshpande and e. ma , phys . d * 18 * ( 1978 ) 2574 . r. barbieri , l. j. hall and v. s. rychkov , phys . d * 74 * ( 2006 ) 015007 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0603188 ] . t. hambye and m. h. g. tytgat , arxiv:0707.0633 [ hep - ph ] . k. s. babu and e. ma , arxiv:0708.3790 [ hep - ph ] . l. lopez honorez , e. nezri , j. f. oliver and m. h. g. tytgat , jcap * 0702 * ( 2007 ) 028 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0612275 ] . m. gustafsson , e. lundstrom , l. bergstrom and j. edsjo , phys . * 99 * ( 2007 ) 041301 [ arxiv : astro - ph/0703512 ] . e. ma , phys . d * 73 * ( 2006 ) 077301 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0601225 ] . m. cirelli , n. fornengo and a. strumia , nucl . b * 753 * ( 2006 ) 178 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0512090 ] . j. m. gerard and m. herquet , phys . * 98 * ( 2007 ) 251802 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0703051 ] .
the inert doublet model ( idm ) is a two doublet extension of the higgs - brout - englert sector of the standard model with a @xmath0 symmetry in order to prevent fcnc . if the @xmath0 symmetry is not spontaneously broken , the lightest neutral extra scalar is a dark matter candidate . we briefly review the phenomenology of the model , emphasizing its relevance for the issue of electroweak symmetry breaking ( ewsb ) and the prospects for detection of dark matter .
one of the most widely known classes of hysteresis models is the classical preisach model ( cpm ) and a rich variety of its close relatives . the main motivation behind our work was clear separation of reversible and irreversible components of isothermal , quasi static hysteresis loops . in cpm , the reversible part is represented by hysterons located on the edge of the preisach half - plane , i.e. on the line @xmath4 ( up- and down - switching fields equal to each other ) . all other physically valid hysterons , i.e. those with @xmath5 , are related to the irreversible magnetization processes . usually , the preisach distribution is interpreted in probabilistic terms . there is , however , a problem with credible characterization of the ( ferro)magnetic samples with diamagnetic components , like , for example the graphite foam @xcite , and of course superconductors . their preisach maps _ may _ go negative in the reversible part , thus such processes should be treated separately from the rest of the complete preisach distribution . disregarding this distinction leads frequently to puzzling results : the negative amplitudes appear in the preisach plane , even for ferromagnetic samples . findings like that have been signalled since at least ten years . until recently , they were usually attributed to experimental uncertainties or inaccuracies introduced during the data processing . yet , even the forc diagrams introduced by pike @xcite , which are more or less equivalent to cpm , exhibit such a feature quite often . moreover , the very existence of composite materials with negative remanence @xcite constitute the unquestionable experimental evidence , that the probabilistic interpretation of the preisach distribution is untenable . inspecting results , similar to those presented by pike and by other authors @xcite , we decided to try the following idea . we drastically reduce the support of the preisach distribution , @xmath6 , leaving for it only two lines : @xmath4 for reversible part , and @xmath7 , the mirror symmetry axis of the usual preisach distribution , for irreversible part . this way we can separate both kinds of magnetization processes . formally : @xmath8 where @xmath9 and @xmath10 are real , single - valued functions of a single variable , and @xmath11 is dirac s delta . in this respect our idea is similar to the one presented earlier in @xcite . the separate treatment for the reversible processes , using different arguments than ours , was pointed out in many papers , maybe most convincingly in @xcite . our calculations strictly follow the usual path of all the preisach - like models . for @xmath14 , the function @xmath15 is immediately identified as @xmath16 , with the derivative being taken along the ascending branch of the major hysteresis loop , while for @xmath17 we have to use the identity @xmath18 . the other function is again given by the derivative : + @xmath19 $ ] . here @xmath20 describes the descending branch of the major hysteresis loop , and @xmath21 its ascending branch . the experience shows , that sometimes @xmath22 happens to be negative on some interval , see fig . [ fig4 ] , near @xmath23 oe . this is , as a rule , accompanied by the presence of the similarly shaped , but positive , part of the function @xmath24 located at higher fields . to get rid of the ` unphysical ' parts of @xmath25 , we can apply the relation : @xmath26 where @xmath27 represents an ordinary preisach hysteron with @xmath28 and @xmath29 . from the above identity we can conclude , that essentially it might be possible to repair the unphysical results , at the cost of restoration of the full preisach model . unfortunately , this can be done in infinitely many ways . accidentally , we have just shown , that * the preisach map obtained from major hysteresis loop alone is not unique*. first of all , our model is unique by construction . secondly , it compares very favorably to others , when it comes to computational complexity , accuracy and experimental effort needed for data acquisition . we only use first derivatives of the original data , what introduces definitely less noise than other techniques relying on higher derivatives . the calculations are straightforward and do not include any iterative schemes . given perfect data , the procedure reproduces them exactly . there is no need to guess , or to assume , any particular shape of the anhysteretic part of the magnetization process first , as it is required in jiles - atherton model @xcite . the clearly visible drawback of our method is that the ( over?)-simplified preisach distribution can not be interpreted in usual terms , namely as a probability distribution . as of today , we can not offer its precise alternative interpretation , in well defined , physical terms . the ability of our model to reproduce minor loops has not been tested yet . the simplified procedure , as being rather simple , fast and unique , may be regarded as a new , valuable tool of analysis of magnetic ( and maybe superconducting as well ) systems , including non - homogeneous ones , like those containing nanocrystals , multilayer structures , patterned media , etc . the results produced with this approach should probably be interpreted in the same spirit , as those obtainable from forc diagrams , that is , in the language of the statistics of the effective internal fields , including their signs , not just amplitudes . especially interesting is the shape of @xmath30 , sometimes exhibiting more than one - peak structure , thus clearly deviating from the usually assumed langevin s formula . we suspect its close relationships with internal field distributions , investigated numerically in @xcite , for systems with long - range , dipolar interactions . list of figure captions : + fig . 1 : + room temperature major hysteresis loops of fezrb@xmath31cu nanocrystalline material annealed at : @xmath32c , @xmath33c , @xmath34c , @xmath35c and @xmath36c . coercivity increases with increasing annealing temperature . fig . 4 : + irreversible parts of hysteresis loops , @xmath37 , shown in fig . the increasing annealing temperature activates the hysterons with higher coercivity . note the regions with negative amplitudes followed by regular ones . amplitudes expressed in the same , arbitrary units , as in fig .
proposed is a substantially simplified , preisach - like model for characterization of hysteretic systems , in particular magnetic systems . the main idea is to replace a two - dimensional preisach density with just two real functions , describing in a _ unique _ way the reversible and irreversible processes . as a byproduct of our model we prove , that the major hysteresis loop alone is insufficient to produce the unique preisach map . version date : may 30th , 2005 title : + * fast , preisach - like characterization of hysteretic systems * authors : + marek w. gutowski@xmath0 , lajos k. varga@xmath1 and attila kkay@xmath1 @xmath2 institute of physics , polish academy of sciences , al . lotnikw 32/46 , 02668 warszawa , poland + @xmath3 research institute for solid state physics and optics , hungarian academy of sciences , p.o.box 49 , h-1525 budapest , hungary email : marek.gutowski@ifpan.edu.pl keywords : + magnetic hysteresis ; magnetization processes ; materials testing ; modeling ;
as actions for lattice calculations become more complicated , short distance calculations for normalizing the operators in the action become more and more difficult . it is useful to have as many tools as possible to attack the challenge . several types of automated calculation of feynman diagrams and nonperturbative methods have been developed . another alternative is the use of direct calculation of short distance quark gluon green functions by monte carlo methods@xcite . last year this method was applied to a determination of the additive mass renormalization for static quarks to third order@xcite . in this paper , we present a preliminary estimate of the mass renormalization for heavy wilson quarks . there are several potential problems in naively performing simulations at large @xmath0 to extract perturbative information . one is the problem associated with infra - red divergences coming from the zero modes . the second is the phenomenon of tunneling between the various vacua of @xmath1 . the third is finite volume effects , since the physical sizes of space - time used in the simulations are quite small . all of these effects may be removed or reduced by using twisted boundary conditions@xcite for the fields . these special boundary conditions remove the zero modes completely and suppresses tunneling for sufficiently large @xmath0@xcite . the remaining finite size effects can be removed by extrapolating to the infinite volume limit . we use a 3-way periodic twist ( spatial directions only ) for the gauge fields defined by , @xmath2 where @xmath3 and @xmath4 . the @xmath5 s are constant @xmath1 matrices . we must fix the gauge in order to extract energies from quark propagators . our gauge fixing procedure is as follows : + ( 1 ) fix to coulomb gauge , then + ( 2 ) fix the temporal links by maximizing , + @xmath6\ ] ] where @xmath7 are elements of the center of @xmath1 . the following values of the coupling were chosen : @xmath8 and @xmath9 . lattice sizes of @xmath10 and @xmath11 were used at each coupling to allow for an extrapolation to the infinite volume limit . in this preliminary study , we have accumulated @xmath12 configurations separated by 100 sweeps . the errors after binning did not show significant residual correlations . we test our gauge - fixed configurations by calculating the first two coefficients of the static quark self - energy and compare to analytic@xcite and previous high @xmath0 monte - carlo calculations@xcite where no gauge fixing was performed . we also compare results from the polyakov loop and the static quark propagator . the tadpole - improved static quark self - energy ( in a finite volume ) was calculated from the measured value of the polyakov loop according to , @xmath13\ ] ] where @xmath14 is the mean link from the average plaquette . our fitting procedure to extract the renormalization constants is as follows : * fit the measured values at fixed @xmath15 to a polynomial in @xmath16 to obtain @xmath17 and @xmath18 , _ i.e. _ @xmath19 . * extrapolate the coefficient @xmath17 using @xmath20 to get the one - loop coefficient , @xmath21 . * extrapolate @xmath18 with @xmath22 where @xmath23 to get the two loop coefficient , @xmath24 . the functional form and the coefficient of the logarithm comes from the anticipation of the ( running ) coulomb interaction with the image charges with some effective distance @xmath25 . we also perform the fit in the reverse order , _ i.e. _ extrapolate to infinite volume at each @xmath0 and then fit to a cubic polynomial in @xmath26 . in the infinite volume extrapolation , we use @xmath27 where @xmath28 is the coefficient from the previous fit . the results were in perfect agreement . the renormalized coupling in the v - scheme@xcite , @xmath26 , was evaluated at @xmath29 . on the same set of lattices , we have measured the static quark propagator averaged over the spatial sites . these were then fit to single exponentials starting from timeslice 2 for which we get a good fit . the perturbative coefficients were extracted in the exact same manner as in the previous section . we compare our results with the analytical calculations of heller and karsch@xcite and with previous measurements@xcite of the first two coefficients in table [ comp ] . our measurements on gauge fixed configurations with both gauge invariant and covariant operators are in good agreement with those in the literature . these results give us confidence in our gauge fixing procedure . .results for the static quark self - energy . [ cols="^,^,^",options="header " , ] it was shown that the one - loop wilson quark mass renormalization constant is reproducable with a combined extrapolation and statistical error of @xmath30 from large @xmath0 monte - carlo simulations of the quark propagator . twisted boundary conditions ensured a perturbative expansion around the trivial vacuum and the absence of zero modes . the gauge fixing procedure was checked to reproduce the static quark self - energy using both the polyakov loop and the static quark propagator . our preliminary result for the two - loop wilson quark mass renormalization ( for @xmath31 ) is @xmath32 . we have a crude result for the three - loop term ( see fig . [ malpha ] ) , but it is poorly determined and sensitive to the details of the fit procedure . for now , we simply take it as an estimate of the systematic error in the determination of the two - loop term . a more detailed study of the systematic errors is now in progress including the infinite volume extrapolation , dependence on @xmath33 and truncation of the series . the heavy quark mass renormalization for improved actions , such as clover and nrqcd , are also currently under investigation . i would like to thank a. kronfeld , p. lepage , p. mackenzie , n. shakespeare , j. simone and h. trottier for many useful discussions . fermilab is operated by university research association , inc . for the u. s. department of energy . 9 w. dimm _ et al . _ , nucl . b ( proc . suppl . ) * 42 * , 403 ( 1995 ) . g.p . lepage _ et al . _ , nucl . . suppl . ) * 83 * , 866 ( 2000 ) . heller and f. karsch , nucl . * b 251 * , 254 ( 1985 ) . m. luscher and p. weisz , nucl . * b 266 * , 309 ( 1986 ) . r. wohlert , desy pre - print 87 - 069 ( 1987 ) . a. x. el - khadra _ et al . _ , phys . * d 55 * , 3933 ( 1997 ) . lepage and p.b . mackenzie , phys . * d 48 * , 2250 ( 1993 ) . b.p.g . mertens _ et al . _ , phys . * d 58 * , 034505 ( 1998 ) .
we present the calculation of heavy wilson quark mass renormalization constants from large beta monte carlo simulations . simulations were performed at various beta larger than 9 , each on several spatial lattice sizes to allow for an infinite volume extrapolation . we use twisted boundary conditions to suppress tunneling and work in coulomb gauge with appropriate adjustments for the temporal links . the one - loop coefficient obtained from this method is in agreement with the analytical result and a preliminary result for the second order coefficient is reported .
we have analyzed 18 xmm - fields located near the south galactic pole ( sgp ; ra = @xmath4 @xmath5 , dec = @xmath6 @xmath7 ; total of 9 fields ) and in the north galactic pole ( ngp ; ra = @xmath8 @xmath9 , dec = @xmath10 @xmath7 ; total of 9 fields ) , covering an area of @xmath11 and with exposure time between 2 and 10 ksec . we have excluded 4 southern fields and 1 northern field because of the high particle background . in order to detect extended emission we use the wavelet - based xmm - sas source detection task ewavelet , with a detection threshold of @xmath12 , in combination with the emldetect task with an extension probability > 0.995 . we detect : i ) 5 candidate southern clusters in the mos1 and mos2 mosaic and 3 extended sources in the pn ( out of which 3 overlap with the mos detections ) and ii ) 6 candidate northern clusters in the mos1 and mos2 mosaic , 1 in mos1 only and 5 extended sources in the pn ( out of which 3 overlap with the mos detections ) . the faintest extended source has a flux of @xmath13 2 @xmath14 10@xmath15 cgs , as estimated by the emldetect task . visual inspection suggests that the small overlap between the pn and the mos detected cluster candidates can be attributed to ( i ) the presence of gaps in the pn and ( ii ) the elevated particle background of this detector . for the ngp cluster candidates we compare the photometric redshift distribution ( from sdss ) within a circular region of @xmath16 - @xmath17 centered on the x - ray position with that of the field . this preliminary analysis suggests an overdensity of optical galaxies at photometric redshifts z @xmath13 0.4 in excess to the expectations from the rosati et al 2002 luminosity function . in the figures we present the xmm epic ( mosaic of mos1 and mos2 ) contours of 2 of the candidate clusters , overlaid on the optical images , using the dss and the sdss for the southern and northern fields respectively . we fitted to each cluster a king profile using fixed values for the @xmath18 parameter ( @xmath19 and @xmath20 ) . we then estimated the flux of each cluster by integrating their king profile to infinity and we found that the lower cluster luminosity is @xmath21 . varying the @xmath18 parameter between 0.7 - 1 translates to a @xmath22 change in @xmath23 . we also found that the range of the cluster temperatures is between 1 - 3 kev . to test the reliability of our procedure we have performed simulations of the expected cluster detection on xmm epic , using the rosati et al ( 2002 ) @xmath3 and the sas simulator ( scisim ) . we find that we should expect roughly @xmath24 clusters per field with f @xmath25 2 @xmath14 10@xmath15cgs , which is in rough agreement with our number of detected clusters .
we present the results from a shallow ( 2 - 10 ksec ) xmm/2df survey . our survey covers 18 xmm fields ( @xmath0 ) previously spectroscopically followed up with the anglo - australian telescope 2-degree field facility . about half of the fields are also covered by the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) . we are searching for extended sources using the xmm sas maximum likelihood algorithm in the 0.3 - 2 kev band and we have detected 14 candidate clusters down to a flux of @xmath1 . our preliminary results show that : i ) the redshift distribution peaks at relatively high redshifts ( @xmath2 ) as expected from the rosati et al . @xmath3 , ii ) some of our x - ray clusters appear to have optical counterparts . surveys : galaxies : clusters ; large scale structure of universe ; surveys
ct cha introduced in the 65th name - list of variable stars by ( * ? ? ? * kholopov et al . ( 1981 ) ) , was originally found by ( * ? ? ? * henize & mendoza ( 1973 ) ) , often called hm9 , an emission - line star in chamaeleon exhibiting variations in its h@xmath3line from plate to plate and partial veiling ( * ? ? ? * ( rydgren 1980 ) ) . while the star was first classified as t tauri star by ( * ? ? ? * whittet et al . ( 1987 ) ) it was later on found to be a classical t tauri star by ( * ? ? ? * weintraub ( 1990 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * gauvin & strom ( 1992 ) ) from iras data , before ( * ? ? ? * natta et al . ( 2000 ) ) could find evidence for a silicate feature disk with @xmath4 and @xmath5 using iso data . the variations of the h@xmath3line could later be interpreted when ( * ? ? ? * hartmann et al . ( 1998 ) ) measured a mass accretion rate of logm@xmath6 . additional variations of infrared ( * ? ? ? * ( glass 1979 ) ) and optical photometry can possibly be explained by surface features on ct cha and a possible rotation period of 9.86 days found by ( * ? ? ? * batalha et al . ( 1998 ) ) . all additional properties of the k7 ( * ? ? ? * ( gregorio hetem et al . 1988 ) ) star ct cha , such as e.g. its age estimated to be 3 myr by ( * ? ? ? * feigelson et al . ( 1993 ) ) or 0.9 myr by ( * ? ? ? * natta et al . ( 2000 ) ) as well as its equivalent width of the lithium absorption line of w@xmath7(li)= 0.40@xmath80.05 ( * ? ? ? * ( guenther et al . 2007 ) ) and its radial velocity of 15.1@xmath80.1 km / s ( * ? ? ? * ( joergens 2006 ) ) and proper motion ( table[tab1 ] ) are consistent with a very young member of the cha i star - forming cloud with an age of 2@xmath82myr and a medium radial velocity of 14.9@xmath81.7 km / s ( * ? ? ? * ( melo et al . we observed ct cha in two epochs in february 2006 and in march 2007 with the european southern observatory ( eso ) very large telescope ( vlt ) at cerro paranal in the programmes with ids 076.c-0292(a ) & 078.c-0535(a ) . all observations were done using the adaptive optics ( ao ) instrument naos - conica ( naco , ( * ? ? ? * lenzen et al . 2003 ) & ( * ? ? ? * rousset et al . 2003 ) ) . in all cases the s13 camera ( @xmath113 mas / pixel ) and the double - correlated read - out mode were used . for the raw data reduction we subtracted a mean dark from all science frames and the flatfield frames , then divided by the normalized dark - subtracted flatfield and subtracted the mean background by using eso _ eclipse / jitter_. in all three images a companion candidate is found 2.67 northwest of ct cha ( fig . [ fig1 ] ) corresponding to @xmath1440 au at a distance of 165@xmath830 pc estimated from the combination of data by ( * ? ? ? * bertout et al . ( 1999 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * whittet et al . ( 1997 ) ) for cha i members . to check for common proper motion of the tentative companion of ct cha we used the proper motion ( here pm ) of the star published in the literature ( table [ tab1 ] ) . we use the weighted mean proper motion for checking , whether the two objects show common proper motion below . we calibrated the naco data using the wide binary star hip 73357 for our two measurements in 2006 and 2007 . the astrometric calibration for our images was done relative , hence the error bars of separation and position angle given in table [ tab2 ] include possible orbital motion of the binary inbetween our observations as well as their measurement uncertainties . to determine the positions of both components we constructed a reference psf from both objects . thus , we obtained an appropriate reference psf for each single image . by using idl / starfinder we scaled and shifted the reference psf simultaneously to both components in each of our individual images by minimizing the residuals . as a result we obtained positions ( see table [ tab2 ] ) and relative photometry ( see table [ tab3 ] ) including realistic error estimates for each object by averaging the results of all single images taken within each epoch . from separation in figure [ fig2 ] , we can exclude by 3.4@xmath2 that ct cha b is a non - moving background object . due to the location of the companion ( northwest of a ) and the proper motion ( towards northwest ) , the position angle information does not give much additional significance ( 1.0@xmath2 deviation from the background hypothesis ) , hence resulting in a combined significance of 3.7@xmath2 . for a k7 star and a sub - stellar companion ( see below ) and the given separation ( at @xmath9 pc ) , the orbital period is @xmath10 yrs , so that the maximum change in separation due to orbital motion ( for circular edge - on orbit ) is @xmath11 mas / yr or @xmath12 pix / yr ( @xmath13/yr in pa for pole - on orbit ) . neither in separation nor in position angle ( measured from north over east to south ) , being @xmath14 , signs of orbital motion could be detected given the short epoch difference ( @xmath11 year ) . we have found a new co - moving companion candidate of ct cha and estimated its spectral type from photometry to be m5 l5 . after this result we have taken integral field spectra of the object with the vlt instrument sinfoni and could determine temperature and surface gravity of the object by comparison with synthetic spectra by ( * ? ? ? * brott & hauschildt ( 2005 ) ) . from comparison with the eclipsing binary brown dwarf 2m0535 ( * ? ? ? * ( stassun et al . 2006 ) ) we conclude that the object has less mass than 36 m@xmath15 , similar to the gq lup companion found by ( * ? ? ? * neuhuser et al . ( 2005 ) ) . our best mass estimate from the spectral modelling gives a few jupiter masses , so that the companion can be a planet imaged directly , hence has to be seen as planetary mass companion candidate , hence called b ( small letter for planets and planet candidates ) . a detailed discussion of the spectra and further informations can be found in ( * ? ? ? * schmidt et al . ( submitted to a&a ) ) .
we have searched for close and faint companions around t tauri stars in the chamaeleon star forming region . two epochs of direct imaging data were taken with the vlt adaptive optics instrument naco in february 2006 and march 2007 in ks band for the classical t tauri star ct cha together with a hipparcos binary for astrometric calibration . moreover a j band image was taken in march 2007 to get color information . we found ct cha to have a very faint companion ( ks@xmath0=14.6 mag ) of @xmath12.67 separation corresponding to @xmath1440au . we show that ct cha a and the faint object form a common proper motion pair and that the companion is not a non - moving background object ( with 4@xmath2 significance ) .
shock acceleration has been studied carefully and a vast literature exists on the topic , including some recent excellent reviews @xcite . hence we do not try to provide here any extensive introduction to the problem , but we rather limit ourselves to summarize some of the open issues related to the backreaction of the accelerated particles onto the shocked fluid . the accelerated particles start to affect the fluid when their energy density becomes comparable to the kinetic energy density of the fluid . in this regime the test particle approximation breaks down , and the standard results of shock acceleration can not be recovered . the only way to have a complete quantitative picture of this problem is to use numerical simulations @xcite , but it is useful to have a practical analytical tool to understand the physics behind the simulations and also to take into account the non linear effects also when these simulations are not available , which is unfortunately the rule rather than the exception . numerical simulations show that even when the fraction of particles injected from the plasma is relatively small , the energy channelled into these few particles can be close to the kinetic energy of the unshocked fluid , making the test particle approach unsuitable . the most visible effect is on the spectrum of the accelerated particles , which shows a peculiar hardening at the highest energies . the need to have a theoretical understanding of the non - linear effects in particle acceleration fueled many efforts in finding some _ effective _ though simplified picture of the problem ( see @xcite for a discussion of these alternative approaches ) . we will compare our findings with those of ref . @xcite . in the present paper we summarize the results widely discussed in @xcite , where an approach was proposed that provides a very nice fit to the results of simulations and is in agreement with previous analyical calculations . the distribution function of the particles accelerated at a planar infinite shock can be written in implicit form as @xcite : @xmath0 @xmath1\right\ } , \label{eq : implicit}\ ] ] where we put @xmath2 , @xmath3 , and @xmath4 is the compression factor at the shock surface [ @xmath5 ( @xmath6 ) is the fluid velocity upstream ( downstream ) ] . @xmath7 is the number density of particles injected at the shock , parametrized here as @xmath8 , where @xmath9 is the gas density at @xmath10 ( upstream ) . particles are assumed to be injected at the shock surface with momentum @xmath11 . ( [ eq : implicit ] ) tells us that the spectrum of accelerated particles has a local slope given by @xmath12 . the problem of determining the spectrum of accelerated particles is then solved if the relation between @xmath13 and @xmath14 is found . the thermodynamic properties of the shocked fluid are embedded in the usual conservation equations , including now the contribution from accelerated particles . the mass and momentum conservation equations read : @xmath15 @xmath16 where @xmath17 and @xmath18 are the gas pressures at the point @xmath19 and @xmath20 respectively , and @xmath21 is the pressure in accelerated particles at the point @xmath22 ( we used the symbol @xmath23 to mean _ cosmic rays _ , to be interpreted here in a very broad sense ) . in writing eqs . ( [ eq : mass ] ) and ( [ eq : pressure ] ) we implicitly assumed that the average velocity @xmath13 coincides with the fluid velocity at the point where the particles with momentum @xmath14 turn around to recross the shock . our basic assumption is that the diffusion is @xmath14-dependent and that therefore particles with larger momenta move farther away from the shock than lower momentum particles . at each fixed @xmath22 only particles with momentum larger than @xmath14 are able to affect the fluid . since only particles with momentum @xmath24 can reach the point @xmath20 , we can write @xmath25 , where @xmath26 is the velocity of particles whose momentum is @xmath14 , and @xmath27 is the maximum momentum achievable in the specific situation under investigation . in realistic cases , @xmath27 is determined from geometry or from the duration of the shocked phase , or from the comparison between the time scales of acceleration and losses . here we consider it as a parameter to be fixed _ a priori_. from eq . ( [ eq : pressure ] ) we can see that there is a maximum distance , corresponding to the propagation of particles with momentum @xmath27 such that at larger distances the fluid is unaffected by the accelerated particles and @xmath28 . assuming an adiabatic compression of the gas in the upstream region , we can write @xmath29 , where we used the conservation of mass , eq . ( [ eq : mass ] ) . the gas pressure far upstream is @xmath30 , where @xmath31 is the ratio of specific heats ( @xmath32 for an ideal gas ) and @xmath33 is the fluid mach number far upstream . note that the adiabaticity condition can not be applied at the shock jump , where the adiabaticity condition is clearly violated . after some algebra ( se @xcite for the details ) , the conservation equations imply the following equation : @xmath34\ ] ] @xmath35 + 4\ln\left(\frac{p}{p_{inj}}\right ) -\ ] ] @xmath36 where @xmath37 , @xmath38 , and we put @xmath39 . solving this differential equation provides @xmath40 and therefore the spectrum of accelerated particles , through eq . ( [ eq : implicit ] ) . the operative procedure for the calculation of the spectrum of accelerated particles is simple : we fix the boundary condition at @xmath41 such that @xmath42 for some value of @xmath5 ( fluid velocity at @xmath10 ) . the evolution of @xmath43 as a function of @xmath14 is determined by eq . ( [ eq : nobel ] ) . the physical solution must have @xmath44 because at @xmath45 there are no accelerated particles to contribute any pressure . there is a unique value of @xmath5 for which the fluid velocity at the prescribed maximum momentum @xmath27 is @xmath46 . finding this value of @xmath5 completely solves the problem , since eq . ( [ eq : nobel ] ) provides @xmath40 and therefore the spectrum of accelerated particles . 1 illustrates the distribution function ( multiplied by @xmath47 ) for mach number at infinity @xmath48 , @xmath49 and @xmath50 and for @xmath51 ( solid line ) , @xmath52 ( dotted line ) and @xmath53 ( dashed line ) , where @xmath54 is the mass of the accelerated particles . the superimposed symbols show the corresponding results for the method in @xcite . ( solid line and crosses ) , @xmath52 ( dotted line and stars ) and @xmath53 ( dashed line and diamonds.,width=302,height=226 ] in fig . 2 we plotted the results of our method for another set of parameters ( indicated in the figure ) and compared these results with the output of numerical simulations reported in @xcite . it can be easily seen that the agreement is impressive . we report on a novel semi - analytical approach to non linear shock acceleration , which improves some previous attempts of other authors . this method is in good agreement with the previous approaches , and is also in impressive agreement with the results of numerical simulations on shock acceleration . an extensive sets of predictions of this approach and a more complete comparison with previous results are presented in @xcite . the most important phenomenological consequence of the inclusion of the non linear effects in shock acceleration is the hardening of particle spectra , which may reflect in a corresponding hardening of the spectra of secondary particles ( photons , electrons and neutrinos ) generated in the interactions of the accelerated particles with the environment .
first order fermi acceleration at astrophysical shocks is often invoked as a mechanism for the generation of non - thermal particles . this mechanism is especially simple in the approximation that the accelerated particles behave like test particles , not affecting the shocked fluid . many complications enter the calculations when the accelerated particles have a backreaction on the fluid , in which case we may enter the non linear regime of shock acceleration . in this paper we summarize the main features of a semi - analytical approach to the study of the non linearity in shock acceleration , and compare some of the results with previous attempts and with the output of numerical simulations .
charmonium spectroscopy on the lattice is not at all straightforward . charm is too heavy for most current simulations typically @xmath3 but too light to blindly rely on the heavy quark approximation for @xmath4 , @xmath5 . a good probe of relativistic effects is the hyperfine splitting between the @xmath6 and the @xmath7 states , which for charmonium is @xmath8 mev . lattice quenched calculations underestimate @xmath9 by about @xmath10 @xcite , the prediction from nrqcd being @xmath11 mev @xcite . the discrepancy could be due to the quenched approximation . however , first estimates including dynamical quarks seem to indicate that they account for only @xmath12 of the difference @xcite . here we compute @xmath9 on fine lattices within the relativistic formalism , aiming for the extraction of a controlled quenched continuum limit . two approximations will be made : @xmath13 quenched , @xmath14 ozi , meaning that zweig - rule forbidden diagrams , although contributing to singlet mesons like charmonium , will not be included . configurations are generated with the standard wilson action on a @xmath15 lattice at @xmath0 and 6.6 . quark propagators are computed using wilson , tree - level clover and tadpole improved clover dirac operators ( at @xmath16 , @xmath17 while the non - perturbative @xmath18 @xcite ) . we have 60 configurations at each @xmath19 value . for a pseudoscalar mass tuned close to the physical @xmath1 mass ( the scale set by @xmath20 from @xcite ) . even on this fine lattice , the sensitivity of @xmath9 to the dirac operator is large , tadpole improvement giving the best estimate . the total set of results for the pseudoscalar mass and the hyperfine splitting is presented in table [ table1 ] . within the naive non - relativistic approximation it is easy to understand the origin of the hyperfine splitting . this approximation amounts to solving the schrdinger equation in a non - relativistic potential and dealing with relativistic corrections in perturbation theory . to zeroth order @xmath6 and @xmath7 states are degenerate . the first order correction to the mass is the average of the spin - spin interaction giving @xmath22 , with @xmath23 the value of the non - relativistic wave function at the origin . perturbative corrections to the wave function also depend on the spin ; to lowest order , @xmath24 increases ( decreases ) for the pseudoscalar ( vector ) . we have extracted gauge invariant wave functions from lattice 4-point functions : @xmath25 . a comparison between pseudoscalar and vector wave functions is presented in fig . [ fig.wavef ] . the observed pattern corroborates qualitatively the predictions of the heavy - quark model . we also exhibit the difference between the wave functions extracted from wilson , clover and tadpole improved clover dirac operators . as already observed for the hyperfine splitting , relativistic effects ( implying degeneracy breaking between @xmath6 and @xmath7 ) increase as we improve the fermionic action . table [ table.all ] compiles data from @xcite . we compare with an interval covering our wilson and clover continuum extrapolations . using in all cases @xmath20 to fix the scale , our relativistic extrapolation gets much closer to the experimental value . note that this is also the case for our @xmath26 tadpole improved clover data , which gives @xmath27 mev . we conclude that a careful and controlled quenched continuum extrapolation is now feasible , and gets closer to the experimental value than previous determinations . dynamical quark effects , which presumably account for the bulk of the remaining disagreement with experiment , appear to be o(10 - 20)@xmath28 , which is consistent with the change in the coupling constant @xmath29 entering in the non - relativistic expression . ozi suppressed contributions are expected to be small for these heavy quark masses , but we can not rule out the possibility that they give a non negligible contribution to @xmath9 , which could be enhanced if there is mixing with glueballs . work is in progress to improve the extrapolations and to extract masses for other channels . 99 cp - pacs collaboration ( a. ali khan ) , ( 2001 ) 325 [ hep - lat/0011005 ] ; these proceedings . p. boyle ( ukqcd collaboration ) , hep - lat/9903017 ; ( 1998 ) 314 [ hep - lat/9710036 ] . h. d. trottier , ( 1997 ) 6844 [ hep - lat/9611026 ] . c. stewart and r. koniuk , ( 2001 ) 054503 [ hep - lat/0005024 ] . s. necco and r. sommer , hep - ph/0108008 . m. lscher , ( 1997 ) 323 [ hep - lat/9609035 ] . s. collins , phd thesis , the university of edinburgh ( 1993 ) .
we study relativistic charmonium on very fine quenched lattices ( @xmath0 and 6.6 ) . we concentrate on the calculation of the hyperfine splitting between @xmath1 and @xmath2 , aiming for a controlled continuum extrapolation of this quantity . results for the @xmath1 and @xmath2 wave functions are also presented .
the ultimate goal of investigating properties of neutron - rich nucleonic matter through terrestrial nuclear laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations is to understand the underlying isospin dependence of strong interaction in nuclear medium @xcite . the equation of state ( eos ) of neutron - rich nucleonic matter can be written within the parabolic approximation in terms of the binding energy per nucleon at density @xmath0 as @xmath7 where @xmath8 is the neutron - proton asymmetry and @xmath9 is the density - dependent nuclear symmetry energy . the latter has important applications in many areas of both nuclear physics , see , e.g. , refs . @xcite and astrophysics , see , e.g. , refs . however , the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy has been among the most uncertain properties of neutron - rich nucleonic matter . predictions using various many - body theories and interactions diverge quite broadly especially at abnormal densities . it is thus exciting to see that significant progress has been made recently in constraining the around @xmath4 , see , e.g. , ref . @xcite based on model analyses of experimental and/or observational data . in particular , as listed in table 1 and also shown in fig . 1 at least 28 studies have extracted the slope @xmath10_{\rho_0}$ ] and @xmath11 at @xmath4 @xcite . it is thus interesting to ask timely what we can learn about the isospin dependence of in - medium nuclear interaction from the extracted constrains on 0 and 0 . here we study this question at the mean - field level by using a formulism developed earlier in refs . @xcite based on the hugenholtz - van hove ( hvh ) theorem @xcite . specifically , we try to infer both the magnitude of the symmetry potential @xmath12 and the neutron - proton effective k - mass splitting @xmath5 corresponding to each of the 28 constraints on 0 and 0 at @xmath4 . the consistency of the extracted values for @xmath12 and @xmath5 from various constraints is then examined . it is found that while the mean values of the @xmath12 and @xmath5 from different studies are consistent with each other and most of them scatter closely around 0=29 mev and @xmath6 , respectively , the individual uncertainties from many analyses are still too large . quantifying , better understanding and reducing the uncertainties in extracting the symmetry energy from model analyses of the experimental data are much needed in order to use reliably the extracted mean values of the @xmath12 and @xmath5 in solving many important problems in both nuclear physics and astrophysics . .constrained values of 0 and 0 from 28 analyses of terrestrial nuclear experiments and astrophysical observations [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] while the mean values from most analyses are rather consistent and point toward a positive , it is currently not possible to scientifically state surely that the is positive within the present knowledge of the uncertainties . we would like to thank lie - wen chen , farrooh fattoyev , william newton and chang xu for helpful discussions . this work is supported in part by the national science foundation under grant no . phy-1068022 , national aeronautics and space administration under grant nnx11ac41 g issued through the science mission directorate and the custipen ( china - u.s . theory institute for physics with exotic nuclei ) under doe grant number de - fg02 - 13er42025 . newton and b.a . li , phys . c * 80 * , 065809 ( 2009 ) . c. xu , b.a . li , l.w . chen and c.m . ko , nucl . phys . a * 865 * , 1 ( 2011 ) . r. chen , b.j . cai , l.w . chen , b. a. li , x.h . li and c. xu , phys . c * 85 * , 024305 ( 2012 ) . j. dabrowski and p. haensel , phys . b * 42 * , 163 ( 1972 ) ; phys . rev . c * 7 * , 916 ( 1973 ) ; can . * 52 * , 1768 ( 1974 ) . x. h. li , b. j. cai , l. w. chen , r. chen , b. a. li , and c. xu , phys . b * 721 * , ( 2013 ) 101 .
according to the hugenholtz - van hove theorem , nuclear symmetry energy and its slope at an arbitrary density @xmath0 are determined by the nucleon isovector ( symmetry ) potential and its momentum dependence @xmath1 . the latter determines uniquely the neutron - proton effective k - mass splitting @xmath2 in neutron - rich nucleonic matter of isospin asymmetry @xmath3 . using currently available constraints on the 0 and 0 at normal density @xmath4 of nuclear matter from 28 recent analyses of various terrestrial nuclear laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations , we try to infer the corresponding neutron - proton effective k - mass splitting @xmath5 . while the mean values of the @xmath5 obtained from most of the studies are remarkably consistent with each other and scatter very closely around an empirical value of @xmath6 , it is currently not possible to scientifically state surely that the is positive within the present knowledge of the uncertainties . quantifying , better understanding and then further reducing the uncertainties using modern statistical and computational techniques in extracting the 0 and 0 from analyzing the experimental data are much needed .
mira and semi - regular variable stars have been observed almost continuously for centuries since the discovery by fabricius in 1596 that the prototype was variable ; although there is some evidence that variability was detected by earlier civilizations ( e.g. , ( * ? ? ? * sahade & wood , 1978 ) ) . these continuous observations have been important for the understanding of stellar pulsation and shedding insight into the theory of stellar evolution ( ( * ? ? ? * uttenthaler et al . furthermore , the continuous observations have detected irregular pulsation in many evolved red giant stars . mira variable stars are also important standard candles , that can be employed to measure distances to other galaxies ( ( * ? ? ? * whitelock et al . 2008 ) ) . another probe to explore the structure and evolution of mira variable stars is using linear polarization observations to probe asymmetric stellar properties ( ( * ? ? ? * serkowski & shawl 2001 ) ) . we present polarization and position angle observations of the prototype mira and the semi - regular variable star v cvn . these quantities are derived from observed stokes @xmath0 and @xmath1 parameters , where the polarization @xmath2,and the position angle @xmath3 . using these parameters we explore asymmetric stellar structures , i.e. , deviations from circular symmetry of the radiation field . , in degrees ; polarization percentage ; and visual brightness for mira ( left ) and v cvn ( right ) from the aavso database . circles represent hpol observations , triangles are those from ( * ? ? ? * magalhes et al . ( 1986a ) ) and the squares from ( * ? ? ? * poliakova ( 1981)).,title="fig:",scaledwidth=49.0% ] , in degrees ; polarization percentage ; and visual brightness for mira ( left ) and v cvn ( right ) from the aavso database . circles represent hpol observations , triangles are those from ( * ? ? ? * magalhes et al . ( 1986a ) ) and the squares from ( * ? ? ? * poliakova ( 1981)).,title="fig:",scaledwidth=49.0% ] we plot in fig . 1 the measured values of @xmath4 , @xmath5 , and v - band brightness variations for mira ( left ) and v cvn ( right ) spanning a time scale of forty years . the latter data , denoted by dots is taken from the hpol database ( ( * ? ? ? * wolff et al . 1996 ) ) while the triangles are from ( * ? ? ? * magalhes et al . ( 1986a ) ) and the squares from ( * ? ? ? * poliakova ( 1981 ) ) . the v - band observations are from the aavso database . for mira , @xmath4 varies from @xmath6 @xmath7 with large variation of @xmath5 , whereas , @xmath8 @xmath9 for v cvn with a nearly constant value of @xmath5 spanning 40 years . we suggest that the polarization and position angle measurements for v cvn is consistent with the structure of a circumstellar disk ( neilson et al . submitted ) , whereas the polarization for mira is due to convective hot spots ( ignace et al . in prep ) . we are also exploring polarization measurements of other mira and semi - regular variable stars , such as r leo . there are about 20 such stars in the hpol database . however , none of the other stars in the hpol database have detect polarization at similar levels as v cvn . only the star l@xmath10 pup appears to have similar polarization ( ( * ? ? ? * magalhes et al . 1986b ) ) , suggesting that circumstellar disks about these stars is rare but is consistent with observations of disks about white dwarf stars ( ( * ? ? ? * farihi et al . 2005 ) ) . we continue to observe v cvn , mira and a sample of variables in the northern hemisphere using the lulin one - meter telescope in taiwan . we are grateful for funding from nsf grant ast-0807664 and to the many observers who contribute data to the aavso .
mira and semi - regular variable stars have been studied for centuries but continue to be enigmatic . one unsolved mystery is the presence of polarization from these stars . in particular , we present 40 years of polarization measurements for the prototype o ceti and v cvn and find very different phenomena for each star . the polarization fraction and position angle for mira is found to be small and highly variable . on the other hand , the polarization fraction for v cvn is large and variable , from 2 - 7 % , and its position angle is approximately constant , suggesting a long - term asymmetric structure . we suggest a number of potential scenarios to explain these observations .
the cosmic web is the largest known structure in the universe . it is seen in both observations @xcite and simulations @xcite . the adhesion model @xcite provides a heuristic model describing both the intricate geometry of the cosmic web , and the non - local nature of its dynamics . before shell crossing occurs , adhesion follows the zeldovich approximation @xcite @xmath0 describing the motion of a particle labeled @xmath1 in comoving coordinates as having a constant comoving velocity @xmath2 . the adhesion model adds a viscosity term to this recipe , emulating the adhesive effects of gravity , preventing shell - crossing from ever taking place . the resulting equation of motion is known as burgers equation @xmath3 in the limit where @xmath4 , it has the exact solution @xcite @xmath5 . \label{eq : burgsol}\ ] ] this solution gives us not only the potential at some growing - mode time @xmath6 , but also the mapping from eulerian coordinates @xmath7 to lagrangian coordinates @xmath8 , as the lagrangian coordinate where the maximum is attained . we found expression ( [ eq : burgsol ] ) to be identical to that of the _ weighted voronoi diagram _ of the set of points @xmath1 , weighted by the value of the velocity potential @xcite . the weighted voronoi cell of a point @xmath8 is given by @xmath9 the physical interpretation of this expression is that the voronoi cell gives us the eulerian region of space a parcel of matter occupies . if we invert this relation , we find that the delaunay triangulation , being the dual of the voronoi diagram tells us where the matter around an eulerian location came from . describing cosmic structures in this way , allows us to trace their formation and change in topology over time . we can find the walls of the web structure as edge - like objects in lagrangian space , whereas filaments have a flattened signature . clusters , being the most massive concentrations of matter are therefore most extended in lagrangian space . looking at figure [ fig : lnstev ] , we see voids growing to compress their weaker neighbours , while their area in lagrangian space shrinks as matter flows into the walls and filaments bounding the voids .
we present a new way to formulate the geometry of the cosmic web in terms of lagrangian space . the adhesion model has an ingenious geometric interpretation out of which the spine of the cosmic web emerges naturally . within this context we demonstrate a deep connection of the relation between eulerian and lagrangian space with that between voronoi and delaunay tessellations .
there is a wide consensus that spiral galaxies must be embedded within dark matter halos , as there have been no other good explanations of the observed flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies , unless one resorts to modifying physics ( e.g. mond , see mcgaugh in these proceedings ) . moreover , dissipationless cosmological @xmath0-body simulations lead to structures , whose halos represent most spiral galaxies ( hayashi et el . 2005 ; stoehr 2005 ) . if elliptical galaxies originate from major mergers of spiral galaxies ( toomre 1977 ; mamon 1992 ; baugh , cole & frenk 1995 ; springel et al . 2001a ) , then they too should possess dark matter halos . using planetary nebulae ( pne ) as tracers of the dark matter at large radii , romanowsky et al . ( 2003 ) found low velocity dispersions for their outermost pne , which after some simple jeans modeling and more sophisticated orbit modeling led them to conclude to a dearth of dark matter in ordinary elliptical galaxies . this result is not expected in the standard model of structure and galaxy formation . this has led us ( dekel et al . 2005 ) to analyze the final outputs of @xmath0-body simulations of spiral galaxies merging into ellipticals . the merger simulations we have analyzed were run by cox ( 2004 , see also cox et al . 2004 ) . in these simulations , the initial spiral galaxies had an exponential spherical bulge and a thin exponential disk , as well as a thin gaseous exponential disk and a spherical nfw ( navarro et al . 1996 ) dark matter halo . the particles were advanced with the gadget tree - sph code ( springel et al . 2001b ) until 23 gyr after the final merger . the galaxies were thrown at one another on a variety of near parabolic orbits ( see fig . [ snapshots ] ) . the left hand plot of figure [ 2dplots ] shows the surface density of the different components of the simulated galaxies , and the surface brightness profiles of galaxies ngc 3379 and ngc 821 . the match is excellent , except perhaps in the very inner regions , where the simulations predict too much mass . the @xmath1 and @xmath2 axes are normalized to the values at the half - projected light ( mass ) radius , i.e. effective radius , @xmath3 . , title="fig:",width=207 ] the @xmath1 and @xmath2 axes are normalized to the values at the half - projected light ( mass ) radius , i.e. effective radius , @xmath3 . , title="fig:",width=253 ] more important , the right - hand plot of figure [ 2dplots ] shows that the simulated and observed velocity dispersion profiles are very similar . in other words , _ our simulations , which include normal amounts of dark matter , reproduce very well the observed velocity dispersion profiles_. hence , we conclude that _ the low outer velocity dispersions do not imply a lack of dark matter in elliptical galaxies_. what causes this discrepancy between the _ kinematic _ modeling of romanowsky et al . , which concludes to no or little dark matter in ellipticals , and the _ dynamical _ modeling , which concludes to a normal content of dark matter in ellipticals ? figure [ beta ] shows that for @xmath4 , while the dark matter particles travel along very slightly radial orbits , as found in cosmological simulations ( see mamon & okas 2005 , and references therein ) , _ the outer stellar particles travel along very elongated orbits_. why do the stars at a few @xmath3 travel on much more elongated orbits than do the dark matter particles at the same distances from the elliptical galaxy center ? since the stars in the initial spiral galaxies lie at small radii ( while the dark matter particles lie in a wide range of radii ) , they will usually end up at small radii in the merging pair , since the most bound particles usually remain the most bound ( barnes 1992 ) . so the outermost stars must have traveled along elongated orbits to reach their large present radial distances : i.e. , not only they have low binding energies , but they must have low angular momentum given their binding energy . a more detailed analysis indicates that these stars are driven outwards on nearly radial orbits in the tidal tails ( see fig . [ snapshots ] ) that are formed after the first passage of the two spirals . in a companion contribution ( mamon , in these proceedings ) , we analyze in further detail what quantity of dark matter can be derived from kinematical modeling and what we can learn from the detailed structure and internal kinematics of the simulated merger remnants . barnes , j. e. 1992 , apj 393 , 484 baugh , c. m. , cole , s. & frenk , c. s. 1996 , mnras 283 , 1361 cox , t. j. 2004 , phd thesis , univ . of california at santa cruz cox , t. j. , primack , j. , jonsson , p. & somerville , r. s. 2004 , apjl 607 , l87 dekel , a. , stoehr , f. , mamon , g. a. , cox , t. j. et al . 2005 , nat 437 , 707 hayashi , e. , navarro , j. f. , jenkins , a. et al . 2005 , arxiv : astro - ph/0408132 mamon , g. a. 1992 , apjl 401 , l3 mamon , g. a. & okas , e. l. 2005 , mnras 363 , 705 navarro , j. f. , frenk , c. s. & white , s. d. m. 1996 , apj 464 , 563 romanowsky , a. , douglas , n. , arnaboldi , m. et al . 2003 , sci 301 , 1696 springel , v. , white , s. d. m. , tormen , g. & kauffmann , g. 2001a , mnras 328 , 726 springel , v. , yoshida , n. & white , s. d. m. 2001b , newa 6 , 79 stoehr , f. 2006 , mnras , 365 , 147 toomre , a. 1977 , in evolution of galaxies and stellar populations , ed . b. m. tinsley & r. b. larson ( new haven : yale univ . press ) , p. 401
the kinematical properties of elliptical galaxies formed during the mergers of equal mass , stars+gas+dark matter spiral galaxies are compared to the observed low velocity dispersions found for planetary nebulae on the outskirts of ellipticals , which have been interpreted as pointing to a lack of dark matter in ellipticals ( which poses a problem for the standard model of galaxy formation ) . we find that the velocity dispersion profiles of the stars in the simulated ellipticals match well the observed ones . the low outer stellar velocity dispersions are mainly caused by the radial orbits of the outermost stars , which , for a given binding energy must have low angular momentum to reach their large radial distances , usually driven out along tidal tails .
_ cgro_-egret established the predominance of flat spectrum radio quasars ( fsrq ) as extragalactic sources of high - energy @xmath0-rays @xcite . these are believed to be powered by supermassive black holes ejecting large amounts of material along relativistic jets perpendicular to accretion disks and producing high energy particles in these jets . observations at the highest photon energies shown a predominance of bl lac objects over fsrq at @xmath1 . although these observations may be biased by the horizon limitation due to pair absorption with extragalactic background light ( ebl ) , the _ fermi _ @xmath0-ray space telescope , more sensitive and more responsive to gev photons than egret , reported a larger fraction of bl lac objects among blazars in its bright source list release ( 0fgl ) @xcite . the wider spectral coverage of _ fermi _ is allowing detailed studies of the intrinsic properties of various types of active galactic nuclei ( agn ) , cosmic evolution and their use as ebl tracers @xcite . the extrapolation of fsrq to high radio frequencies makes the coincidence of foreground _ wmap _ sources with @xmath0-ray blazars expectable . furthermore , it is clear than most of the 390 _ wmap _ sources are agns @xcite . these emitters are dominated in the mm - wave band by the same synchrotron component observed at lower frequencies and can be expected to emit photons of very high energy , related to the hardest part of the synchrotron emission . _ wmap _ sources have fluxes above 0.1 jy at frequencies @xmath2 , making them suitable positional references for large millimeter telescopes . known common _ wmap_/egret sources , found up to @xmath3 , are relatively nearby analogs of more distant blazars detectable in principle by _ fermi _ up to @xmath4 and by the large millimeter telescope ( lmt @xcite ) at @xmath5 , if such an object could have existed at such an early phase of the universe . the combination of _ fermi _ and lmt data promises the availability of a sample of thousands of objects up to the highest redshifts ideally suited to study radio loud agn evolution and the connection of the ebl with the star formation history of the universe .
we established a sample of millimeter - wave and @xmath0-ray bright active galactic nuclei matching the _ wmap _ catalog with the egret catalog , highest energy photons and the _ fermi _ bright source list . we have monitored over 80 of these objects in the near infrared , obtaining over 2000 jhks data points directly comparable with _ fermi _ data . we present examples of correlated near infrared and @xmath0-ray activity of known blazars and recently identified sources .
the gama survey ( http://www.gama-survey.org/ ) is a multi - wavelength spectroscopic survey that covers @xmath2 deg@xmath3 , which includes @xmath4 galaxy redshifts down to a magnitude limit of @xmath5 ( ( * ? ? ? * driver et al . we chose three stripes within gama that cover @xmath6 deg@xmath3 with @xmath7 galaxy spectra . these three equatorial sky stripes are centred at 9h , 12h and 14.5h ( ( * ? ? ? * driver et al . 2011 ) ) . we have implemented a new cluster finding technique to find overdensities and estimate cluster masses , simultaneously . we find number galaxy overdensities by using an adaptive method based on the delaunay tessellation field estimator ( ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * dtfe , schaap & van de weygaert 2000 , platen 2009 ) ) , mass estimation is done using caustic analysis ( ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * e.g. , serra et al . 2011 , alpaslan et al . 2012 ) ) . we use this method to detect clusters of galaxies within the mass range of @xmath0 to @xmath1 , up to @xmath8 . we have found 113 cluster within gama . for this sample we have estimated positions , cluster redshifts , velocity dispersions , cluster sizes , and cluster integrated luminosity . our algorithm has been tested using the gama mock catalogs ( ( * ? ? ? * robotham et al . 2011 ) ) . the calculation the cluster luminosities have been generated by using the individual cluster - galaxy luminosity functions ( lf ) corrected for completeness . we have evaluated the cluster selection function by the application of a simple halo occupation distribution ( hod ) model . we want to stress that the density of clusters found by mass selection methods ( e.g. , the atacama cosmology telescope ( act ) , ( * ? ? ? * menanteau et al . 2013 ) ) is comparable to one found in this work ; however , we have covered a larger mass range by more than three orders of magnitude . in addition , we have generated the two - point correlation for clusters of galaxies for our sample . we find broad agreement previous observations and predictions ( ( * ? ? ? * estrada et al . 2009 ) ) . we have generated the mass - to - light ratio ( m / l ) for the clusters and bcgs in our sample , we find that a single power law @xmath9 can describe . we found @xmath10 for clusters and @xmath11 for bcgs . these relations agree with the results of ( * ? ? ? * lin et al.(2004 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * lin & mohr(2004 ) ) . the sample found in this study can be used for further studies in galaxy evolution and its relation with environment . we have shown that optical surveys such as gama can be used to select cluster by mass . a sample of cluster selected by our method can be used to traced baryon acoustic oscillations using in a survey in which galaxies are selected in the same fashion as gama but covering a larger volume . 2012 , _ mnras _ , 3012 2003 , _ apj _ , 599 , 814 2011 , _ mnras _ , 413 , 971 2009 , _ apj _ , 692 , 265 2011 , _ mnras _ , 416 , 2640 2013 , _ apj _ , 765 , 67 2009 , ph.d . thesis 2000 , _ a & a _ , 363 , l29 2011 , _ mnras _ , 412 , 800 2004 , _ apj _ , 610 , 745 2004 , _ apj _ , 617 , 879 2005 , _ apj _ , 622 , 1
we have developed a galaxy cluster finding technique based on the delaunay tessellation field estimator ( dtfe ) combined with caustic analysis . our method allows us to recover clusters of galaxies within the mass range of @xmath0 to @xmath1 . we have found a total of 113 galaxy clusters in the galaxy and mass assembly survey ( gama ) . in the corresponding mass range , the density of clusters found in this work is comparable to the density traced by clusters selected by the thermal sunyaev zeldovich effect ; however , we are able to cover a wider mass range . we present the analysis of the two - point correlation function for our cluster sample .
qcd thermodynamics has been extensively studied using numerical simulations with staggered or wilson fermions . however , both formulations break the chiral symmetry of the theory . the symmetry is recovered together with the lorentz symmetry as the continuum limit is approached . in the past few years a novel fermion regulator was developed that provides a way of controlling the amount of chiral symmetry breaking at any lattice spacing . domain wall fermions @xcite utilize an extra space time dimension with free boundary conditions to separate the two chiral components of the dirac spinor . the components are localized on the opposite boundaries ( walls ) . if the extent of the fifth `` dimension '' , @xmath2 , is infinite the two chiral components decouple and the theory has the full chiral symmetry , even at finite lattice spacing . for practical numerical simulations , @xmath2 must be finite and as a result there is a small mixing of the chiral components resulting in a residual mass . the important point is that the size of this residual chiral symmetry breaking can be controlled at any lattice spacing by increasing @xmath2 . for the first time the approach to the chiral limit has been separated from the approach to the continuum limit . in free field theory the localization is exponential and the effective quark mass is given by @xcite : @xmath3 .\ ] ] where @xmath4 is the domain wall `` height '' and @xmath5 an explicit fermion mass . in the interacting theory there is numerical non - perturbative evidence that the general features of eq . [ eq : free_m_eff ] still hold with @xmath6 being renormalized @xcite , @xcite , @xcite . another unique property of domain wall fermions is that the @xmath7 limit can be studied using the overlap formalism @xcite . in that limit it can be shown that for topological gauge field backgrounds there are exact fermionic zero modes . it has been demonstrated that for masses in the range of interest the effects of finite @xmath2 on the zero modes can be made arbitrarily small for classical @xcite , @xcite and for quantum @xcite , @xcite gauge field backgrounds . domain wall fermions possess the key ingredient in reproducing anomalous effects . for more details on domain wall fermions see the review @xcite and references within . dynamical domain wall simulations have been done in the past for the schwinger model in the @xmath7 limit ( overlap formalism ) @xcite and for finite @xmath2 @xcite using standard hybrid monte carlo ( hmc ) techniques . in this work we simulated qcd using standard hmc at finite @xmath2 . the gauge fields are defined on the four - dimensional lattice while the fermion fields on the five - dimensional one . the five - dimensional dirac operator is as in @xcite with even - odd preconditioning . the bulk effects of the @xmath2 heavy flavors were subtracted @xcite by introducing five - dimensional bosonic fields as in @xcite . we used the @xmath8 algorithm with trajectory length of @xmath9 and step sizes @xmath10 resulting in acceptance rates @xmath11 . the standard conjugate gradient inversion algorithm ( cg ) was used with a typical number of cg iterations ranging from @xmath12 . we used initial configurations in the opposite phase and @xmath13 thermalization sweeps . the computational cost is linear in @xmath2 . in order to investigate the feasibility of studying qcd thermodynamics with domain wall fermions , to locate the critical coupling , and to investigate the parameter space of this new regulator ( @xmath14 ) we performed a large number of simulations at various couplings on @xmath15 and @xmath16 lattices using the _ qcdsp _ machine . this was possible due to the robustness of the machine and software that allowed us to split a 200 gflops portion of it to 7 independent , 6 gflops machines and 6 independent , 25 gflops machines . a sharp change on the value of the chiral condensate @xmath17 and the magnitude of the wilson line @xmath18 was observed as @xmath19 ( with @xmath20 being the gauge coupling constant ) was varied . this can be seen in figure 1 for an @xmath21 lattice with @xmath22 , @xmath23 and @xmath24 . the fits are to @xmath25)]$ ] . in the broken phase we did a dynamical mass extrapolation of @xmath17 at @xmath26 with @xmath27 and found a non zero intercept , @xmath28 , indicating the expected spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry . in the symmetric phase a dynamical mass extrapolation of @xmath17 at @xmath29 with @xmath30 resulted in an intercept of @xmath31 but when @xmath2 was increased to @xmath27 the intercept dropped to @xmath32 indicating that the full chiral symmetry was restored to a high degree . similar results were obtained on a @xmath33 lattice at @xmath29 , @xmath22 and @xmath27 , resulting in an intercept of @xmath34 . the dynamical mass data and extrapolations are presented in figure 2 . the @xmath2 dependence of our results is presented in figure 3 . the lines are curves of the form @xmath35 that go through the three points . the horizontal lines are the @xmath36 lines . as can be seen in the broken phase ( @xmath26 ) where the coupling is larger , the decay rate @xmath37 is larger than the one in the symmetric phase ( @xmath29 ) as expected from the schwinger model @xcite . at @xmath27 and @xmath26 @xmath17 is within @xmath38 of the extrapolated value while at @xmath29 it agrees within the error bars . the dependence on @xmath6 is more subtle . in free field theory @xmath39 corresponds to no light flavors , @xmath4 to one and @xmath40 to four light flavors . also , for positive but small @xmath6 the number of low momentum states becomes small ( for more details and numerical results see @xcite ) . in order to study these effects we located @xmath41 using @xmath17 and @xmath18 , for various values of @xmath6 on @xmath15 lattices . the results are in figure 4 . the dependence of @xmath41 on @xmath6 can be viewed as an expected renormalization effect . due to the exceptional zero mode properties of domain wall fermions the possibly anomalous breaking of the @xmath43 symmetry just above the transition can be investigated with clarity and without subtleties such as zero mode shift effects ( staggered fermions ) or proximity to the aoki phase ( wilson fermions ) . we measured the difference of the screening masses of the @xmath44 and @xmath45 as a function of @xmath5 on a @xmath46 lattice at @xmath29 with @xmath22 and @xmath27 . the data fits to @xmath47 with @xmath48 and @xmath49 . the small @xmath50 and the near - zero , small - mass limit of @xmath17 indicate that the chiral symmetry breaking effects due to the fermion regulator ( @xmath51 ) are negligible so that this preliminary , non - zero @xmath52 value suggests that @xmath43 remains broken just above the transition . we presented results from numerical simulations of full , two flavor qcd thermodynamics at @xmath0 with domain wall fermions . they indicate the presence of a low temperature phase with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking but intact flavor symmetry and a high temperature phase with the full @xmath1 chiral flavor symmetry . given this , we interpret the difference seen in the @xmath45 and @xmath44 screening lengths just above the transition as preliminary evidence for the anomalous breaking of the @xmath43 symmetry .
we present results from numerical simulations of full , two flavor qcd thermodynamics at @xmath0 with domain wall fermions . for the first time a numerical simulation of the full qcd phase transition displays a low temperature phase with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking but intact flavor symmetry and a high temperature phase with the full @xmath1 chiral flavor symmetry . # 1#2#3 = # 3truein -0.3 truein # 1to 0pt#1
the cronario project is a joint enterprise among caltech and the astonomical observatories of napoli , roma and rio de janeiro , aimed to produce the first general catalogue of all the objects visible on the dposs ( digitised palomar sky survey ; djorgovski et al . , 1999 ) . the final palomar - norris north sky catalogue will include astrometric , photometric ( in the three gunn - thuan bands g , r and i ) and rough morphological information for an estimated number of @xmath0 stars and @xmath1 galaxies . the luminosity function ( lf ) of galaxy clusters is given by the statistical difference between galaxy counts in the cluster direction and those in an empty ( i.e. , not including clusters ) field . therefore , for an accurate computation of the cluster lf we need a good estimate of the background counts and a careful selection of the surveyed cluster area . to this end , we take advantage of our wide sky coverage by merging the cronario g , r and i catalogues into a `` matched catalogue '' ( see puddu et al . , this meeting , for more details ) , containing all those objects which are detected in at least two of the three bands , and by deriving a density map of galaxies in a @xmath2 mpc ( h@xmath3 ) region centered on the estimated cluster center . we then enhance galaxy fluctuations on cluster scales convolving our map with a gaussian function having width corresponding to 250 kpc in the cluster rest frame , _ i d est _ to a tipical cluster core radius ( puddu et al . ) . = 6.5 cm in order to estimate the background contribution we first excluded a 3 mpc wide circular region centered on the cluster to avoid any unwanted contamination from cluster galaxies , and then derived the background galaxy counts and their _ variance _ over an angular scale comparable to that of the cluster . such a local correction is more accurate than the traditional average one for the following reasons : 1 . a local background estimate allows to correct for the underlying large - scale structures . these structures are neglected if the average number counts for the field are used . as shown in fig . 1 , the background near ( but not too near ) to the cluster is usually much higher than the average . since local fluctuations are larger than poissonian errors , our measured variance correctly estimates the uncertainty introduced by a statistical background subtraction . 3 . the use of homogeneous data , reduced in the same way , for both the background and the cluster galaxy counts , allows us to compensate for systematic errors due to selection effects , which cancel out ( at least in large part ) in the statistical subtraction of the counts . to detect clusters independently from the center position listed in the abell catalog , we searched for the central 1.5 @xmath4 density peak in the inner 3 mpc circle and then we derived the cluster lf by subtracting , from the galaxy counts measured in this region , the background counts previously measured , rescaled to the cluster area . this approach makes it possible to apply the statistical background correction to the region having higher signal to noise ratio . moreover , we estimated the completeness limit of our data for each cluster independently , so to take into account the depth variations of our catalogs from plate to plate and as a function of the cluster location in the plate . as a first application of the method , we computed the luminosity function of 24 near ( @xmath5 ) and rich abell clusters . redshift were taken from the literature , paying attention to include in the sample only clusters with well measured redshift . the composite cluster lf were then cumulated following the garilli et al . ( 1999 ) method . figure 2 gives the composite lf and the best fitting schechter ( 1976 ) function . the lf is quite flat : its slope , at m@xmath6 , is @xmath7 in the three filter . this slope matches well those found by garilli et al . ( 1999 ) , based on ccd data , who used a completely different method for the background subtraction . the slope of the lf is flatter than what is traditionally found ( @xmath8 ) from photographic plates by adopting an average background ( e.g. schechter 1976 ) . our shallower slope is due to the use of a local background , which is higher than the average background ( see figure 1 ) . the lf color , obtained from the differences between @xmath9 values computed in the three photometric bands , is similar to the colors of early - type galaxies ( fukugita et al . , 1995 ; garilli et al . , 1999 ) . figure 3 shows how our lf , based on the first 24 clusters of our survey , matches those available in the literature . it is important to notice that cronario data reach 1.5 magnitudes deeper than other works based on photographic material and are comparable to those obtained with ccds . the huge coverage of the dposs - the whole northern hemisphere - will allow us to produce the lf of at least a tenfold higher number of clusters with known redshift and to explore the dependence of the lf on the dinamical evolution , cluster richness and other environmental and morphological parameters .
we present the composite luminosity function of galaxies for 24 abell clusters studied in our survey of the northern hemisphere , using dposs data in the framework of the cronario collaboration . our determination of the luminosity function has been computed with very high accuracy thanks to 1 ) the use of homogeneous data both in the cluster and in the control field , 2 ) a local estimate of the background , which takes into account the presence of large - scale structures ( which tipically make the background contribution larger ) and of foreground clusters and groups ; 3 ) the inclusion in the error calculation of the variance of background counts , which is tipically larger than poissonian fluctuation . we plan at least a tenfold increase of the number of clusters . # 1 # 2 _ mem . soc . astron . it . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ the messenger _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . nach . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . lett . _ * # 1 * , l#2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . rev . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . suppl . ser . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . j. _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ ann . . astron . astrophys . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . j. _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . j. lett . _ * # 1 * , l#2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . j. suppl . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . space sci . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ adv . space res . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ bull . astron . inst . czechosl . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ j. quant . spectrosc . . transfer _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ mon . not . r. astr . soc . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ mem . r. astr . soc . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ phys . lett . rev . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ publ . astron . . japan _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ publ . astr . soc . pacific _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ nature _ * # 1 * , # 2 epsf.sty
exclusive production of heavy @xmath4 vector quarkonium states in hadronic interactions was never measured , but is very attractive from the theoretical side . due to the negative charge - parity of the vector meson , the pomeron - pomeron fusion mechanism of exclusive meson production is not available , and instead the production will proceed via photon pomeron fusion . a possible purely hadronic mechanism would involve the elusive odderon exchange . currently there is no compelling evidence for the odderon , and here we restrict ourselves to the photon - pomeron fusion mechanism . the current experimental analyses at the tevatron ( see , for example , the plenary talk @xcite ) call for an evaluation of differential distributions including the effects of absorptive corrections . predictions for tevatron require the diffractive amplitude for @xmath0 . this process has been measured at hera in the energy range @xmath5 100 - 200 gev @xcite . this energy range is in fact very much relevant to the exclusive production at tevatron energies for not too large rapidities of the meson . the full amplitude for @xmath0 process can be written as ( it is explained in ref . @xcite ) @xmath6 where @xmath7 is a ratio of real and imaginary part of the amplitude . imaginary part of the amplitude depends on the light cone wave function of @xmath2 and the proton s unintegrated gluon distribution ( taken from ivanov - nikolaev ) @xcite . @xmath8 is slope parameter which depend on energy : @xmath9 , with @xmath10 gev@xmath11 , @xmath12 gev ( see ref . our amplitude is normalized to the total cross section : @xmath13 in our calculations we used two types of models for the wave functions : a gaussian and a coulomb type one , with a power law tail in momentum space ( ref . their parameters were fitted to the experimental decay widthes @xmath14 . the relevant formalism can be found in refs . it involves the nlo correction factor @xmath15 . we have calculated for two different choices of factors @xmath15 . in leading order @xmath16 , and next to leading order approximation @xmath17 . 6.4 cm 6.4 cm in fig . [ f1 ] we show the total cross section for the exclusive photoproduction @xmath0 as a function of the @xmath18 center - of - mass energy @xmath19 . in the left panel we show results for the two different wave functions : gaussian ( solid lines ) and coulomb ( dashed lines ) , without ( thin lines ) and with qcd corrections for the decay width ( thick lines ) . for @xmath20 photoproduction @xmath21 is @xmath22 gev@xmath11 ( see ref . it @xmath21 should be somewhat smaller for the @xmath2 meson . we show the sensitivity to the slope parameter @xmath21 in the right panel of fig . our predictions are systematically somewhat below the experimental data . the results shown in the right panel of fig . [ f1 ] were obtained for the gaussian wave function and include qcd corrections for the decay width . the full amplitude for @xmath23 @xmath24 @xmath23 @xmath2 can be written as @xmath25 where @xmath26 with @xmath27 gev@xmath11 , @xmath28 mb ( see ref . @xcite ) . here @xmath29 and @xmath30 are the transverse momenta of outgoing proton and antiproton . in formula ( [ amplitude ] ) @xmath31 is the born - amplitude ( without absorptive corections ) for the process @xmath32 which includes our amplitude for hera photoproduction and @xmath33 is the absorptive correction . notice , that both proton and antiproton can emit the photon , and these two contributions interfere in the differential cross section . in particular , the interference is responsible for a dependence on the azimuthal angle @xmath34 between @xmath29 and @xmath30 . the differential cross section is given in terms of @xmath35 as @xmath36 where @xmath37 is the rapidity of the vector meson , @xmath38 . 6.4 cm 6.4 cm the parameters chosen for this calculation correspond to the gaussian wave function with @xmath15 included the qcd corrections . in fig . [ f2 ] we show the distribution in rapidity of @xmath39 ( left panel ) and @xmath40 ( right panel ) . here the absorption effects cause about 20 - 30% decrease of the cross section . 6.4 cm 6.4 cm in fig . [ f3 ] we show the ratio of the invariant cross section with to without absorptive corrections as a function of the @xmath2transverse momentum @xmath41 . these results are for different values of rapidity : @xmath42 ( solid lines ) , @xmath43 ( dashed lines ) and @xmath44 ( dotted lines ) . we can see that absorption effects is bigger for bigger rapidity and also for bigger @xmath41 . the results for @xmath45 production depend on the model of the wave function . we have compared our results with a recent hera data . our results are somewhat lower than the experimental data . the amplitudes for the @xmath0 process are used next to calculate the amplitude for the @xmath46 reaction assuming the photon - pomeron ( pomeron - photon ) underlying dynamics . absorptive corrections have been included , and they affect the shapes of various distributions . the resulting cross sections are of measurable size . this work was partially supported by mnisw under contract 1916/b / h03/2008/34 . a. rybarska , w. schfer and a. szczurek , hep - ph arxiv:0805.0717v1 . i. p. ivanov , n. n. nikolaev and a. a. savin , phys . nucl . * 37 * , 1 ( 2006 ) . a. aktas _ et al . _ [ h1 collaboration ] , eur . j. c * 46 * , 585 ( 2006 ) . w. schfer and a. szczurek , phys . d * 76 * , 094014 ( 2007 ) .
the amplitude for photoproduction @xmath0 is calculated in a pqcd @xmath1-factorization approach . the total cross section for diffractive @xmath2s is compared to recent hera data . the amplitude is used to predict the cross section for exclusive @xmath3 proces in hadronic reactions at tevatron energies . we also included absorption effects .
the distance and proper motion are fundamental and important pulsar parameters . a model - independent distance and proper motion measurement is especially important for millisecond pulsars ( msps ) . firstly , msps are old enough to leave the galactic disk . model - independent pulsar distance measurements indicate that the tc93 @xcite or ne2001 @xcite galactic electron density distribution model underestimates the distances for high - latitude pulsars @xcite . secondly , the distance and proper motion of a pulsar are also important parameters in the pulsar timing observation . in the shklovskii effect , for example , a transverse component of this pulsar velocity gives rise to an appreciable increase in the apparent period even if the pulsar is not slowing down @xcite . for msps , @xmath8 is @xmath9 s / s , comparable to their observed first order period derivative . furthermore , msps have more parameters to fit in timing observations , as most of them have companions . if the distance and proper motion have been obtained independently , it will be helpful for the other parameters fitting . high precision vlbi astrometry offers a powerful way to directly measure the parallaxes and proper motions of pulsars . with the steady progress of vlbi observation , correlation and data processing techniques , vlbi astrometry of some pulsars has been accomplished successfully @xcite . here , we report the progress of our astrometry project on two msps , psr b1257 + 12 and psr j1022 + 1001 , with the vlba and evn . psr b1257 + 12 is the first extra - solar planetary system discovered . it has been confirmed that psr b1257 + 12 has three planets in approximately co - planar orbits @xcite . psr j1022 + 1001 is an intermediate mass binary pulsar accompanied by a 0.9 @xmath10 white dwarf . it lies near the ecliptic plane , so that only the component of proper motion along the ecliptic longitude can be accurately measured with pulsar timing method @xcite . for these two pulsars , the astrometry results obtained by various methods are by now very different ( see table [ tabpara ] ) . so , it is meaningful to perform vlbi astrometry on these pulsars and further study their related astrophysics . .the distance and proper motion of psr b1257 + 12 and psr j1022 + 1001 [ cols="^,<,<,^,^",options="header " , ] [ tabpara ] the flux density of psr b1257 + 12 and psr j1022 + 1001 is about 2 and 3 mjy at 1400 mhz , respectively . the corresponding observing wavelength of vlba and evn is 21 cm and 18 cm , respectively . including 5 epochs of vlba observation and 4 epochs of evn observation , there are 9 epochs of vlbi observations of psr b1257 + 12 spanning 2 years . in the vlba observations of psr b1257 + 12 , two calibrators , j1300 + 1206 and j1300 + 141a , located on opposite sides of psr b1257 + 12 in ra direction with the separation of @xmath11 and @xmath12 , were selected as phase reference sources . in the evn observations of psr b1257 + 12 , only j1300 + 141a was selected as the phase reference source . one phase reference source at @xmath13 away was chosen in psr j1022 + 1001 observations with the evn . only 3 of 5 epochs evn observations of psr j1022 + 1001 were successful . the vlba and evn data were correlated with nrao - difx and bonn - difx software correlators under the pulsar binning mode , respectively . the data was processed with aips following the normal data reduction steps of phase reference observations . firstly , the astrometric parameters of psr b1257 + 12 are fitted with the standard weighted least squares method with 5 degrees of freedom that astrometry measurements usually use . but , there are some systematic offset in the dec direction between vlba results and evn results . to overcome this , one more parameter @xmath14 is added to the new data fitting . the reduced @xmath15 of the new fitting is 0.67 with a fitted systematic offset @xmath14 of 1.22 mas . the parallax fitted is @xmath16 mas , which corresponds to a distance @xmath0 pc . the corresponding proper motion in ra and dec direction is @xmath17 and @xmath18 mas / yr . the covariance between parallax ( @xmath19 ) and proper motion ( @xmath3 , @xmath20 ) is -0.0239 and -0.0897 , respectively . for comparison our astrometric measurement results are listed in table [ tabpara ] . some debris left over from the planet formation may cause psr b1257 + 12 to be of low apparent x - ray efficiency . it is hard to conclude whether this pulsar is low apparent x - ray efficient or not because of distance uncertainties @xcite . according to the x - ray measurement results from @xcite and our new distance result , for the 90% confidence lower boundary of the distance 649 pc , the x - ray efficiency of this pulsar is @xmath21 . the best fitted distance 710 pc gives an x - ray efficiency of @xmath22 . so , our new vlbi result indicates that the x - ray efficiency of psr b1257 + 12 should still be in the same range ( @xmath23 ) as other msps . as we only have 3 epochs of successful observations of psr j1022 + 1001 with the evn , it is impossible to fit both the distance and proper motion of this pulsar . using the distance ( @xmath4300 pc ) of psr j1022 + 1001 obtained with timing method @xcite , the two dimensional proper motions @xmath24 mas / yr , @xmath25 mas / yr , as estimated with these 3 epochs evn measurements . we are grateful to a. wolszczan , w.f . brisken , r.m . campbell , a.t . deller , b. zhang , s. chatterjee for their kind help and suggestions . this work is partly supported by china ministry of science and technology under state key development program for basic research ( 2012cb821800 ) , the national natural science foundation of china ( grants 10625314 , 11121062 and 11173046 ) , and the cas / safea international partnership program for creative research teams .
we present astrometric results on two millisecond pulsars , psr b1257 + 12 and psr j1022 + 1001 , as carried out through vlbi . for psr b1257 + 12 , a model - independent distance of @xmath0 pc and proper motion of ( @xmath1 mas / yr , @xmath2 mas / yr ) were obtained from 5 epochs of vlba and 4 epochs of evn observations , spanning about 2 years . the two dimensional proper motion of psr j1022 + 1001 ( @xmath3@xmath4@xmath5 mas / yr , @xmath6@xmath4@xmath7 mas / yr ) was also estimated , using 3 epochs of evn observations . based on our results , the x - ray efficiency of psr b1257 + 12 should be in the same range as other millisecond pulsars , and not as low as previously thought .
the shapley concentration stands out as the richest system of abell clusters in the list of zucca et al . ( 1993 ) , at every density excess . in particular , at a density contrast of @xmath2 , it has 25 members ( at mean velocity @xmath3 km / s ) , while at the same density contrast the great attractor , which is the largest mass condensation within @xmath4 h@xmath5 mpc , has only 6 members and the corona borealis and hercules superclusters are formed by 10 and 8 clusters , respectively . while the cluster distribution in the shapley concentration has been well studied , little is known about the distribution of the galaxies . determining the properties of these galaxies is very important in order to assess the physical reality and extension of the structure and to determine if galaxies and clusters trace the matter distribution in the same way . with the use of the optopus and mefos multifibre spectrographs at the 3.6 m eso telescope we performed a redshift survey of galaxies in the two cluster complexes ( dominated by a3528 and a3558 ; bardelli et al . 1994 , 1998a , 1998b ) at the center of the supercluster and of galaxies between clusters ( the inter cluster galaxies ; bardelli et al . the sampled area is contained in the ukstj plates 443 , 444 and 509 , corresponding to a scale of @xmath6 h@xmath5 mpc at the distance of the shapley concentration , and our total sample contains 2057 velocities . in fig.1 we show the observing strategy for the inter cluster galaxies survey in plates 443 and 444 , while in fig.2 we report the wedge diagrams of the galaxy distribution . in the upper panel of fig.2 , it is clear the presence of the two cluster complexes dominated by a3558 ( on the left ) and by a3528 ( on the right ) . these two structures appear to be connected by a bridge of galaxies , resembling the coma - a1367 system in the central part of the great wall . the scale of this system is @xmath7 h@xmath5 mpc and it is similar to that of coma - a1367 ( @xmath8 h@xmath5 mpc ) . note also the presence of two voids at @xmath9 km / s and @xmath1 km / s in the easternmost half of the wedge . other two voids are visible in the westernmost part of the sample , delimiting two filamentary structures at @xmath1 km / s and @xmath10 km / s , which connect each other at right ascension of @xmath11 . knowing the incompleteness of the sample and using the luminosity function of field galaxies ( from the esp survey , zucca et al . 1997 ) , it is possible to reconstruct the density profile . in fig.3 the histogram and the density profile of the 512 inter cluster galaxies are shown . in the lower panel it appears clearly the presence of the large overdensity at @xmath12 km / s . note however that in this plot the shapley concentration is not fully represented , lacking the large contribution of cluster galaxies . the same analysis has been done for the cluster complexes surveys and then the total density excess has been calculated . the total overdensity in galaxies of this supercluster is @xmath13 on a scale of @xmath14 h@xmath5 mpc of radius , corresponding to a mass of @xmath15 h@xmath5 @xmath16 if light traces mass and @xmath17 . if the light is more clustered than the mass and considering reasonable bias factors in the range @xmath18 $ ] ( hudson 1993 ) , we find that the mass could lie in the range @xmath19\times 10^{15}$ ] h@xmath5 @xmath16 . if light traces mass and @xmath17 , the shapley concentration already stopped its expansion due to the hubble flow and started to grow . moreover , the central cluster complexes result to be in the collapse phase . the predicted peculiar velocities inside the shapley concentration are @xmath20 km / s in the light traces mass case or in the range @xmath21 $ ] km / s in the case of biased galaxy formation . for what concerns the structure at @xmath1 km / s , its estimated overdensity is @xmath22 on scales of @xmath6 h@xmath5 mpc , corresponding to a mass of @xmath23 h@xmath5 @xmath16 if the light is an unbiased tracer of the underlying mass .
we present the results of a galaxy redshift survey in the central region of the shapley concentration . our total sample contains @xmath0 radial velocities of galaxies both in the clusters and in the inter - cluster field . we reconstruct the density profile of this supercluster , calculate its overdensity and total mass . moreover we detect a massive structure behind the shapley concentration , at @xmath1 km / s .
dusty starbursts producing stars at a rate of about 50 m@xmath1 yr@xmath2 were very efficiently detected by isocam onboard the infrared space observatory ( iso ) at 15@xmath3 m below @xmath0 1.3 where the broad bump due to aromatic features in the mid - ir ( pahs , polycyclic aromatic features ) remains within the isocam filter . these luminous infrared ( lir ) galaxies with infrared luminosities greater than @xmath4 l@xmath1 were producing more than thirty times their present - day comoving infrared luminosity density at @xmath0 1 than today , when it is only a few percent of the bolometric luminosity radiated by galaxies in the optical to near - infrared ( elbaz _ et al . _ 2002 , chary & elbaz 2001 ) . more distant lir galaxies were detected in the sub - millimeter with scuba ( chapman et al . 2003 and references therein ) , with ir luminosities of several 10@xmath5 l@xmath1 due to sensitivity limits , but their large number density confirms the same trend as observed with iso , i.e. that the bulk of the cosmic history of star formation was dominated by dusty star formation and can only be derived when carefully accounting for this dusty starbursting phase taking place in most if not all galaxies . this is also suggested by the fact that these galaxies contribute to about two thirds of the cosmic infrared background ( cirb , elbaz et al . 2002 ) , which contains about half or more of the total energy radiated by galaxies through the hubble time , and dominate the cosmic history of star formation ( chary & elbaz 2001 ) . are these galaxies dominated by star formation or nuclear activity ? what is triggering their strong activity ? is it triggered by external interactions or did it happen naturally within isolated galaxies ? m versus radio continuum ( 1.4 ghz ) rest - frame luminosities . small filled dots : sample of 109 local galaxies from isocam and nvss . filled dots with error bars : 17 hdfn galaxies ( @xmath00.7 , radio from vla or wsrt ) . open dots with error bars : 7 cfrs-14 galaxies ( @xmath00.7 , flores et al . 1999 , radio from vla ) . open diamonds : 137 elais galaxies ( @xmath0 0 - 0.4 ) . * a ) * histogram of the redshift distribution of field ( white ) and isocam ( dark ) galaxies which belong to redshift peaks as defined by cohen et al . ( 2000).,width=453 ] among the fields surveyed in the mid - ir with isocam , the hubble deep field north ( hdfn ) and its flanking fields ( total area of 27 @xmath6 ) , is the best one to study the contribution of active galactic nuclei ( agn ) to the ir luminosity of these lir galaxies . thanks to the deepest soft to hard x - ray survey ever performed with chandra in the hdfn , it is possible to pinpoint agns including those affected by dust extinction . among a total number of 95 sources detected at 15@xmath3 m in this field ( aussel et al . 1999 , 2003 in prep . ; with 47 above a completeness limit of 0.1 mjy ) , only 5 sources were classified as agn dominated on the basis of their x - ray properties ( fadda et al . 2002 ) . hence , unless a large number of agns are so dust obscured that they were even missed with the 2 megaseconds chandra survey , the vast majority of isocam lir galaxies are powered by star formation . we are then left with the following question : how can one derive a total ir luminosity on the sole basis of a mid - ir measurement ? we showed in elbaz et al . ( 2002 ) that in the local universe , there exists a very strong correlation between the mid - ir and total ir luminosity of galaxies over three decades in luminosity . in order to test whether these correlations remain valid up to @xmath0 1 , it is possible to use another correlation existing between the radio and total ir luminosity in the local universe and check whether both the mid - ir and radio give a consistent prediction for the total ir luminosity . in the fig . [ fig : radio]a , we have reproduced the plot from elbaz et al . ( 2002 ) complemented with galaxies detected within the elais survey ( rowan - robinson et al . 2003 ) . except at low luminosities were the contribution of cirrus to the ir luminosity becomes non negligible , the 1.4 ghz and 15@xmath3 m rest - frame luminosities are correlated up to @xmath0 1 and therefore predict very consistent total ir luminosities from which star formation rates as well as the contribution of these objects to the cirb can be computed , leading to the results mentioned in the introduction . the next question concerns the physical origin of this dusty starburst phase in galaxies ( see elbaz & cesarsky 2003 ) . in order to address it we have plotted in the fig [ fig : radio]b the histogram of the redshift distribution of the isocam galaxies with a spectroscopic redshift and above the completeness limit of 0.1 mjy in the hdfn . for comparison , only the redshifts where cohen et al . ( 2000 ) found a redshift peak is plotted for field galaxies . one can clearly see that except for 3 isocam galaxies , all are located within these redshift peaks . we have performed monte - carlo simulations to compute the probability that a random sample of optical galaxies of the same size than that of isocam galaxies would fall in as many redshift peaks and we found that it is of the order of one percent , and even less if we restrict ourselves to the biggest redshift peaks ( moy et al . , in prep ) . is this result in agreement with expectations ? as showed by franceschini et al . ( 2001 ) , isocam galaxies are relatively massive , hence more subject to belong to denser regions . moreover lir galaxies are mostly triggered by interactions in the local universe and one would naturally expect the same to take place in the more distant universe , hence in connection with cosmic structure formation . thanks to the deepest existing survey with the acs camera onboard the hst ( goods survey , giavalisco et al . 2003 ) , we were able to study the morphology of isocam galaxies in this field centered on the hdfn . a first result follows our expectations : most of these galaxies present a disturbed morphology and this is truer as a function of increasing ir luminosity ( see fig . [ fig : camgal ] ) . a second result was less expected : several lir galaxies appear to be relatively big disk galaxies , which could be affected by a neighboring dwarf galaxy or a passing - by galaxy but they are not major mergers in the main phase of interacting . this is a very important result that should be carefully considered by authors of galaxy formation simulations . a large fraction of present - day stars may originate from a phase of violent star formation triggered by passing - by galaxies even within disk galaxies which could remain as such in the present - day universe . another important consequence of this type of physical origin for the dusty starburst phase is that there are not enough major mergers in simulations to explain the large excess of lir galaxies in the distant universe and the fact that they dominate the cosmic star formation history . indeed each individual galaxy could have experienced several encounters with other galaxies at the time of structure formation which would induce a series of bursts of star formation , each of them responsible for only a few percent of the final stellar mass of the galaxy .
dusty starbursts were more numerous around @xmath0 1 than today and appear to be responsible for the majority of cosmic star formation over the hubble time . we suggest that they represent a common phase within galaxies in general which is triggered by the growth of cosmic structure . deep surveys - infrared - galaxy formation
the two proposed models for the formation of gas giant planets make different , and testable , predictions . for example , core accretion requires several myr to grow a solid core massive enough to accrete a gaseous envelope ( lissauer 1993 ) . in contrast , disk instability leads to jupiter - mass clumps ( e.g. , boss 1997 ) , which can survive and give rise to actual protoplanets ( mayer et al . 2002 ) , within @xmath0 yr . the time - scale for core accretion to proceed depends strongly on the initial surface density of solids ( pollack et al . 1996 ) , so that formation by this mechanism may be enhanced in metal - rich stars . instead , disk instability is remarkably insensitive to the primordial metallicity of the protoplanetary disk ( boss 2002 ) . several observational tests can be performed to probe giant planet formation models ( boss 2003 ) . in order to unambiguously establish whether high primordial metallicity is a requirement , and thus determine which is the dominant formation mechanism for gas giant planets , we are conducting a spectroscopic search for planets orbiting a sample of metal - poor stars in the field , thus eliminating possible sources of interference with planet formation , or with migration to close - in orbits , or with planet survival , such as dynamical interactions in dense stellar environments . in this project we are searching for planetary companions within 1 au orbiting a sample of 200 metal - poor dwarfs , chosen from the carney - latham ( e.g. , carney et al . 1994 ) and ryan ( ryan 1989 ) surveys of metal - poor , chromospherically quiet , non rotating ( @xmath1 km / s ) , high - velocity field stars that happen to be passing by the solar neighborhood . these stars are selected not to have close stellar companions based on long - term radial - velocity ( rv ) monitoring that has been carried out with the cfa digital speedometers . our survey is orthogonal to other spectroscopic planet searches in that it spans a range of metallicities never investigated before ( @xmath2 [ fe / h ] @xmath3 ) . we have further refined our sample of metal - poor dwarfs by imposing magnitude ( @xmath4 ) and temperature ( @xmath5 k ) cut - offs , and utilized the metallicity , temperature , and magnitude constraints to compute the relative exposure times needed to achieve 20 m / s rv precision for planet detection . this precision is sufficient to achieve sensitivity to rv variations due to planetary companions with minimum masses in the average range @xmath6 m@xmath7 , or higher , for orbital periods in the range @xmath8 yr . our sample of 200 metal - poor stars should eventually provide a robust 3-@xmath9 null result in the case of no detections . during the first two keck 1/hires observing nights we have obtained spectra ( 1 template + 2 iodine exposures ) for 40 stars covering a large range of metallicities and effective temperatures , with the primary aim of evaluating the rv precision as a function of effective temperature and metallicity , and thus test the validity of our predictions for the dependence of the rv precision on these two parameters . the resulting rv difference distribution between the two nights exhibits an rms residual velocity @xmath10 m / s , corresponding to an expected single - measurement uncertainty of @xmath11 m / s . no clear trends in the rv differences as a function of [ fe / h ] and t@xmath12 are present , a further confirmation that the model we developed for the dependence of the rv precision on the above parameters is robust . our next goal will be to demonstrate the long - term stability of the velocity zero - point and expected single - measurement precision for planet detection . boss , a. p. 1997 , science , 276 , 1836 boss , a. p. 2002 , , 567 , l149 boss , a. p. 2003 , , in press carney , b. w. , et al . 1994 , , 107 , 2240 lissauer , j. j. 1993 , ara&a , 31 , 129 mayer , l. , et al . 2002 , science , 298 , 1756 pollack , j. b. , et al . 1996 , icarus , 124 , 62 ryan , s. g. 1989 , , 98 , 1693
we present preliminary results from our spectroscopic search for planets within 1 au of metal - poor field dwarfs using nasa time with hires on keck i. the core accretion model of gas giant planet formation is sensitive to the metallicity of the raw material , while the disk instability model is not . by observing metal - poor stars in the field we eliminate the role of dynamical interactions in dense stellar environments , such as a globular cluster . the results of our survey should allow us to distinguish the relative roles of the two competing giant planet formation scenarios . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
sph alone only evolves the density and internal energy of each particle : radiative transfer requires extra variables such as temperature and opacity . therefore , some kind of prescription is required to calculate all required variables using only the density and internal energy . the prescription used in this work is split into two expressions : the _ equation of state _ which calculates temperatures and mean molecular weights , and the _ opacity law _ which calculates opacities . the equation of state is the same as used by @xcite : it accounts for the vibrational and rotational energy states of hydrogen and helium , as well as their various dissociation and ionisation states . this approximation uses an sph particle s density @xmath3 , temperature @xmath4 , and gravitational potential @xmath5 to estimate a mean optical depth for the particle @xcite . this relies on calculating a mass averaged column density , and a mass averaged opacity . this averaging process allows us to account for the particle s surroundings : hot particles may be surrounded by a cooler , denser environment , increasing the effective opacity . the formalism guarantees optimum cooling at the photosphere - however , this formalism can not model detailed energy exchange between particles . this approximation handles the exchange of energy between pairs of neighbouring particles , using the diffusion approximation . this approximation is only valid in the optically thick regime , so a flux limiter is used to allow the approximation to be expanded to less optically thick situations . energy flows along temperature gradients in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics . however , energy exchange terms are _ pairwise _ : hence there is no energy loss from the system . comparing the limitations of the above two methods , it should be clear that a union of these two procedures should be complementary : polytropic cooling handles the important energy loss from the system ( which flux - limited diffusion can not ) , and flux - limited diffusion handles the detailed exchange of heat between neighbouring fluid elements ( which polytropic cooling can not ) . indeed , polytropic cooling s inability to model the detailed exchange of heat between neighbouring fluid elements - and flux - limited diffusion s inability to model energy loss - allow the two methods to work together correctly , modelling all aspects of the system s energy budget without encroaching on each other . the evolution of a @xmath0 protoplanetary disc around a @xmath1 star can be seen in * figure [ fig : mejia_discs]*. the density structure is consistent with the work of meja , boley et al @xcite . the toomre q parameter is at a minimum where the cooling is at a peak , identifying the importance of cooling as a criterion for disc instability . @xmath6{fig5a.eps } & \includegraphics[scale = 0.4]{fig5b.eps } \\ \includegraphics[scale = 0.4]{fig5c.eps } & \includegraphics[scale = 0.4]{fig5d.eps } \\ \end{array}$ ] the collapse of a non - rotating molecular cloud was then simulated . the spherical , uniform density cloud contains @xmath2 of material ( populated by @xmath7 sph particles ) , and has a radius of @xmath8 au ( which gives a density of @xmath9 ) . these conditions were initially investigated by @xcite by solving the full radiative transfer in 3d ( with the hydrodynamics solved in 1d ) , and were revisited by @xcite . as can be seen from * figure [ fig : sp_omega ] * ( left panel ) , the initial isothermal phase ( at low densities ) lasts longer for the hybrid method , as extra cooling can occur due to the temperature gradients in the core . to study the method s time dependence , the relaxation rate of temperature fluctuations in a static sphere was simulated for a series of clouds of different optical depth . the lines in each figure show the analytic solution for the relaxation rate @xmath10 as a function of cloud opacity ( divided by the wavenumber , k , of the fluctuation ) @xcite . as can be seen , the hybrid method approximates the analytic solution well . @xmath11{fig7a.eps } & \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig8b.eps } \\ \end{array}$ ] we have created a new radiative transfer algorithm by merging two currently existing methods . by doing so , the algorithm can model in detail frequency - averaged radiative transfer . several tests of the algorithm against both analytic and numerical benchmarks have shown it to be successful in capturing the necessary physics . the authors would like to acknowledge d. price for the use of splash @xcite . all simulations were performed using the supa64 machine at the university of st . ds and aw gratefully acknowledge the support of an stfc rolling grant ( pp / e000967/1 ) and a marie curie research training network ( mrtn - ct2006 - 035890 ) .
we present a new method of incorporating radiative transfer into smoothed particle hydrodynamics ( sph ) . there have been many recent attempts at radiative transfer in sph @xcite , however these are becoming increasingly complex , with some methods requiring the photosphere to be mapped ( which is often of non - trivial geometric shape ) , and extra conditions to be applied there ( matching atmospheres as in @xcite , or specifying cooling at the photosphere as in @xcite ) . the method of identifying the photosphere is usually a significant addition to the total simulation runtime , and often requires extra free parameters , the changing of which will affect the final results . our method is not affected by such concerns , as the photosphere is constructed implicitly by the algorithm without the need for extra free parameters . the algorithm used is a synergy of two current formalisms for radiative effects : a ) the polytropic cooling formalism proposed by @xcite , and b ) flux - limited diffusion , used by many authors to simulate radiation transport in the optically thick regime ( e.g. @xcite ) . we present several tests of this method : * the evolution of a @xmath0 protoplanetary disc around a @xmath1 star ( @xcite ) * the collapse of a non - rotating @xmath2 molecular cloud ( @xcite ) * the thermal relaxation of temperature fluctuations in an static homogeneous sphere ( @xcite ) address = institute for astronomy , royal observatory edinburgh address = institute for astronomy , royal observatory edinburgh address = school of physics and astronomy , cardiff university address = school of physics and astronomy , cardiff university
the motion of point vortices ( pvs ) in a periodic box has been studied numerically in @xcite . the @xmath2 and @xmath1 functions , which are familiar in the field of spatial ecology , are introduced in order to quantitate clustering of pvs . periodic boundary conditions guarantee spatial homogeneity and we need not to include the edge corrections in the @xmath2 function . in this report , the monte carlo simulation is performed for 100 identical pvs in order to obtain the probability distribution function ( pdf ) for the hamiltonian . @xcite showed the pdf for two types of positive and negative pvs and the clustered state of the negative temperature . figure 1 shows the histogram of the hamiltonian for @xmath0 identical pvs @xmath3 + \omega |z_i - z_j|^2/2\ } , \label{eq1}\ ] ] where @xmath4 is the complex position of the pv , @xmath5 denotes the real part , @xmath6 is the weierstrass sigma function parametrized by two numbers @xmath7 and @xmath8 , @xmath9 , @xmath10 , and the ensemble number is @xmath11 . the @xmath12 term denotes a rigid rotation centered at each pv . similarly to @xcite , the distribution with decaying tails is obtained . the figures 2 - 4 and 5 - 7 show the spatial distribution of pvs and the @xmath1 functions for the minimum , median and maximum of the hamiltonian , respectively . the @xmath1 and @xmath2 functions are defined by @xmath13 @xmath14 where @xmath15 , @xmath16 is the area , and @xmath17 is the step function . for complete spatial randomness ( csr ) , we have @xmath18 and @xmath19 . the positive ( negative ) values of @xmath1 imply clustering ( uniform spacing ) . the right - side tail in figure 1 corresponds to clustering of pvs , the positive value of @xmath1 , and the state of the onsager s negative temperature . the left - side tail in figure 1 shows uniform spacing of pvs , the negative value of @xmath1 , and the positive temperature . figure 6 shows an oscillatory behavior of the @xmath1 function for the median of @xmath20 , where @xmath21 is close to the peak of the histogram ( @xmath22 ) . since there is a minimum in the hamiltonian for each pair of @xmath23 , the total hamiltonian @xmath20 is also lower bounded . however , we have no upper bound for @xmath20 since @xmath24 for @xmath25 . in general , it is difficult to judge whether the point distribution is clustered , completely spatially random , or uniformly spaced . the @xmath1 function is found to be useful for the present purpose . the numerical simulation of 100 pvs with various conditions has been done in @xcite . one of the typical behaviors observed in the case of positive and negative pvs with the same strength is the scattering and recoupling of the linearly moving pair of pvs . a gradient method for detecting stable stationary configurations of pvs , which corresponds to the system of point sources with a uniform sink , has been found by the author and will be reported elsewhere .
the monte carlo simulation of @xmath0 point vortices with square periodic boundary conditions is performed where @xmath0 is order of 100 . the clustering property is examined by computing the @xmath1 function familiar in the field of spatial ecology . the case of a positive value of @xmath1 corresponds to the state of clustering and the onsager s negative temperature .
for heavy quarks , their mass @xmath4@xmath5@xmath6@xmath7@xmath8 mev ( critical temperature ) . hence their kinetic equilibration time is expected to be larger than that for light partons , thus showing better sensitivity to the in - medium interactions . due to a slower thermalization a smaller elliptic flow of @xmath2 mesons , @xmath9 , was expected ; however , it was suggested that a sizable @xmath9 could result from that of the light quarks @xcite through a coalescence hadronization mechanism @xcite . surprisingly , data from the relativistic heavy - ion collider ( rhic ) for single electrons ( @xmath10 ) associated with semileptonic @xmath3 and @xmath2 decays in semi - central au - au collisions exhibited a @xmath11 of up to 10@xmath12 @xcite , indicating substantial collective behavior of charm ( @xmath13 ) quarks consistent with the assumption of a @xmath13-quark @xmath11 similar to the one for light quarks , apart from a @xmath14 shift due to radial - flow effects @xcite . in addition , the nuclear suppression factor was found to be comparable to the pion one , @xmath15@xmath70.3 @xcite . perturbative qcd ( pqcd ) calculations of radiative energy loss can not explain these findings , even after inclusion of elastic scattering . based on lattice qcd ( lqcd ) results which suggest resonance structures in the meson - correlation function at moderate temperatures , an effective model for heavy - light quark scattering via @xmath2 and @xmath3 resonances was suggested @xcite . when implementing such a picture into a langevin simulation the results for semileptonic @xmath10 spectra @xcite are in reasonable agreement with rhic data @xcite . we employ a fokker - planck approach to evaluate drag and diffusion coefficients for @xmath13 and @xmath16 quarks in the qgp based on elastic scattering with light quarks via @xmath2- and @xmath3-meson resonances with a width @xmath17@xmath18@xmath19-@xmath20 mev ( supplemented by perturbative interactions ) @xcite . heavy - quark ( hq ) kinetics in the qgp is treated as a relativistic langevin process @xcite , and the medium is modeled by a spatially homogeneous elliptic thermal fireball which expands isentropically . for rhic the details of the fireball and the parameters used can be found in @xcite ; for lhc we extrapolate to @xmath21@xmath71400 for central @xmath22=5.5 tev pb - pb collisions . the expansion parameters are adjusted to hydrodynamic simulations , resulting in a total lifetime of @xmath23@xmath76 fm / c at the end of a hadron - gas qgp mixed phase and an inclusive light - quark elliptic flow of @xmath24=7.5% . the main change with respect to rhic is the expectation of a new `` phase '' in which hadron - like resonances melt at higher temperature . in order to implement this `` melting '' of @xmath2- and @xmath3-mesons above @xmath25=@xmath26@xmath7360 mev , a `` transition factor '' @xmath27)^{-1}$ ] ( @xmath28=50 mev ) has been introduced into the transport coefficients . initial hq spectra are computed using pythia with parameters as used by the alice collaboration @xcite , and @xmath13 and @xmath16 quarks are hadronized into @xmath2 and @xmath3 mesons at @xmath6 by coalescence with light quarks @xcite ; `` left - over '' heavy quarks are treated by @xmath29-function fragmentation . distributions at rhic ( left ) and lhc ( right ) . circles are the initial distribution , the bands show the ones after interactions in the qgp . dashed lines are the thermal distributions shown for comparison.,title="fig:",width=240 ] distributions at rhic ( left ) and lhc ( right ) . circles are the initial distribution , the bands show the ones after interactions in the qgp . dashed lines are the thermal distributions shown for comparison.,title="fig:",width=240 ] in fig . [ fig1 ] the invariant @xmath14 distributions for @xmath13 ( red ) and @xmath16 ( blue ) quarks at rhic ( left ) and lhc ( right ) are shown . it is evident that the charm - quark distributions after rescattering in the sqgp ( band corresponding to the uncertainty in the resonance width ) are close to the thermal distribution for @xmath14@xmath30@xmath31 where most of the yield resides . on the contrary , @xmath16 quarks are predicted to be off - equilibrium ( even at lhc energies ) . [ fig2 ] summarizes our results for hq diffusion in a qgp in terms of the meson @xmath32 and @xmath33 for @xmath16=7 fm pb - pb collisions at the lhc . our most important findings are : ( a ) resonance interactions substantially increase ( decrease ) @xmath11 ( @xmath15 ) compared to perturbative interactions ; ( b ) @xmath16 quarks are much less affected than @xmath13 quarks , reducing the effects in the @xmath34 spectra ; ( c ) there is a strong correlation between a large @xmath11 and a small @xmath15 at the quark level , which , however , is partially reversed by coalescence contributions which increase _ both _ @xmath11 and @xmath15 at the meson ( and @xmath34 ) level . this feature turned out to be important in the prediction of @xmath34 spectra at rhic ; ( d ) the predictions for lhc are quantitatively rather similar to our rhic results @xcite , due to a combination of harder initial hq-@xmath14 spectra ( see circles in fig . [ fig1 ] ) and a decrease in interaction strength in the early phases where non - perturbative resonance scattering is inoperative . therefore we conclude that if at rhic the dominant contribution to hq interactions are hadron - like resonances , at lhc we should observe an @xmath15 and @xmath11 pattern similar to rhic . = 7 fm , @xmath22=5.5 tev pb - pb collisions : @xmath15 ( left ) and @xmath11 ( right ) for @xmath2 and @xmath3 mesons.,title="fig:",width=240,height=163 ] = 7 fm , @xmath22=5.5 tev pb - pb collisions : @xmath15 ( left ) and @xmath11 ( right ) for @xmath2 and @xmath3 mesons.,title="fig:",width=240,height=163 ]
in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions heavy quarks are produced out of thermal equilibrium in the very early stage of the reaction and their thermalization time was expected to be considerably larger than that of light quarks . on the other hand , a strongly - interacting qgp can be envisaged in the heavy quark sector due to the presence of heavy - light hadron - like resonances in the qgp for temperatures up to @xmath0@xmath1 . we investigate the consequences of such states employing a relativistic langevin simulation . hadronization is modeled by a coalescence - fragmentation scheme . we present the predictions for the nuclear modification factor and elliptic flow of @xmath2 and @xmath3 mesons at lhc energies and compare the results with the successful predictions of this model for rhic conditions . we find similar heavy - quark thermalization effects at lhc and rhic . , , heavy quarks , quark - gluon plasma , collective flow , hadronization . 12.38 mh , 24.85.+p , 25.75 nq , 25.75 ld
with the coming of 10 meter class telescopes equipped with wide field multi - object spectrographs , deep redshift surveys will be extended to thousands of galaxies and will permit to explore in detail the evolution of clustering of galaxies , the history of star formation up to @xmath1 for galaxies with @xmath2 . + the study of galaxies with magnitudes @xmath3 are also important for the models of galaxy formation : we do not know yet whether they are all at large redshift or if there is a significant fraction of faint nearby dwarfs galaxies . the knowledge of their redshift distribution is also necessary for mass reconstruction using lensing inversion , and can be a major source of uncertainty in the mass determination for the most distant lensing clusters ( see luppino & kaiser 1997 ) . bernardeau et al ( 1997 ) and jain & seljak ( 1997 ) have emphasized that even the study the large - scale mass distribution using weak lensing need the redshift distribution of the faintest galaxies , because the variance and the skewness of the magnification strongly depends of the redshift of the lensed background sources . unfortunately , beyond @xmath0 , even 10 meter class telescopes are unable to provide redshifts of a complete sample of galaxies . the possibility of using photometric redshifts which was proposed by the beginning of eighties is now re - investigated in great details . but observations as well as reliability tests are still underway ( connolly et al . 1995 . since they are based on theoretical evolution scenarios of galaxies , their predictions about faintest galaxies are not fully confirmed yet . furthermore , there is no hope to calibrate the photometric redshifts of the faint samples with spectroscopic data . an attractive alternative to spectroscopy consists in using of the magnification and distortion effects induced by gravitational lensing on extended objects . in particular , the magnification bias can eventually produces depletion areas in the projected galaxy number density of background sources observed in rich clusters whose size and shape depend on their redshift distribution . in the following section i present the basic principle of the technique and first results . the projected number density of galaxies through a lensing cluster at radial distance @xmath4 from the cluster center and with magnitude lower than @xmath5 , @xmath6 , results from the competition between the gravitational magnification that increases the detection of individual objects and the deviation of light beam that increases the area and thus decreases the apparent number density . therefore the amplitude of the magnification bias depends on the slope of the galaxy counts , @xmath7 , as a function of magnitude and on the magnification factor of the lens ( broadhurst et al . 1995 ) : @xmath8 where @xmath9 is the magnification factor of the lens , @xmath10 the intrinsic number density in a nearby empty field and @xmath7 is the intrinsic count slope : @xmath11 when the slope is higher than @xmath12 the number density increases , whereas below @xmath12 is decreases and the radial distribution shows a typical depletion curve ( see figure 1 ) . when the slope is lower than @xmath13 , a sharp decrease of the number of galaxies is expected close to the critical radius of the lens corresponding to the redshift of the background sources . for a broad redshift distribution , it can result a shallower depletion between the smallest and the largest critical line which depends on the redshift distribution of the galaxies ( figure 1 ) . therefore , the analysis of the shape of the depletion curves provide a new way to sort out their redshift distribution . as the lensing inversion , this is a statistical method which can also infer redshift of very faint sources ( up to @xmath14 ) but does not need anymore information on the shapes of arclets . however , the need of a good lens modeling is still necessary . this method was first used by fort et al ( 1997 ) in the cluster cl0024 + 1654 to study the faint distant galaxies population in the extreme range of magnitude @xmath15 and @xmath16 . for these selected bins of magnitude they found on their cfht blank fields that the counts slope was near 0.2 , well suited for the study of the effect . after analysis of the shape of the depletion curve ( figure 4 ) , @xmath17 of the @xmath18-selected galaxies were found between @xmath19 and @xmath20 while most of the remaining @xmath21 galaxies appears to be broadly distributed around a redshift of @xmath22 . the @xmath23 selected population present a similar distribution with two maxima , but spread up to a larger redshift range with about 20% above @xmath24 ( figure 1 ) . this first tentative must be pursued on many lensing clusters in order to provide significant results on the redshift distribution of the faintest distant galaxies . though it is a very promising approach , it also need to be applied on clusters with simple geometry . furthermore , the detection procedure demands ultra - deep exposures with subarcsecond seeing . the redshift distribution of galaxies beyond @xmath0 is a crucial scientific question for galaxy evolution and weak lensing studies for mass reconstruction . the depletion curves of galaxy number density produced by magnification bias is an innovative way which can probe the redshift distribution of galaxies as faint as @xmath14 . the first tentative by fort et al ( 1997 ) demonstrates that depletion curves can be observed in cl0024 + 1654 and a370 . however , a good modeling of the lensing clusters is needed in order to infer the redshift distribution of the lensed sources . this method is still at its infancy and the first results are questionable . hence , it must be considered jointly with other techniques like photometric redshifts or lensing inversion ( kneib et al 1994 , 1996 ) . + whatever the method , how can we be sure that these redshifts obtained from non - standard and indirect techniques are correct ? preliminary deep spectroscopic and multicolor photometric surveys of arclets show that the faintest galaxies seem to have a redshift distribution like the ones predicted by fort et al ( pell , private communication ) . but this key issue demands ultra - deep ccd spectroscopic exposures with the vlts . this should be in the future a major challenge for the gravitational telescopes . i thank f. bernardeau , b. fort , r. ellis , r. pell , p. schneider and l. van waerbeke for stimulating discussions . this work was supported by the programme national de cosmologie . f. bernardeau , l. van waerbeke , y. mellier , 1997 , a&a 322 , 1 . t. j. broadhurst , a. n. taylor , j. peacock , 1995 , apj 438 , 49 . a. connolly , i. csabai , a. s. szalay , d. c. koo , r. g. kron , j. a. munn 1995 , aj 110 , 2655 . b. fort , y. mellier , m. dantel - fort 1997 , a&a 321 , 353 . b. jain , u. seljak 1997 , apj 484 , 560 . kneib , g. mathez , b. fort , y. mellier , g. soucail , p .- y . longaretti 1994 , a&a 286 , 701 . kneib , r. s. ellis , i. smail , w. j. couch , r. m. sharples 1996 , apj 471 , 643 . g. luppino , n. kaiser 1997 , apj 475 , 20 .
gravitational lensing can be used to analyze the redshift distribution of faint galaxies . in particular the magnification bias modifies locally the galaxy number density of lensed sources observed in lensing clusters . this _ depletion area _ probes the redshift distribution of galaxies beyond @xmath0 . in this proceedings i present this new tool to infer the redhsift distribution of faint galaxies .
identifying the sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays remains one of the major challenges in astrophysics . if these cosmic rays are not too severely deflected by magnetic fields while in transit , then their arrival directions will provide crucial information about their origins . the high resolution fly s eye ( hires ) experiment , consisting of two air fluorescence detector sites , has been making stereo observations of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays since 1999 . the angular resolution ( @xmath2 ) achieved by this experiment sets the stage for the most precise measurements yet of small - angle correlation among the highest energy cosmic rays . in this paper we analyze hires events with energies above @xmath0ev observed between 1999 december and 2004 january . more details about this data set are given in ref . . we also analyze a combination of events from hires and from the akeno giant air shower array ( agasa ) with energies above @xmath1ev . a standard tool for studying anisotropy is the angular two - point correlation function . we define the estimator for the correlation function as @xmath3 , where @xmath4 is the number of pairs of events in the data sample with angular separation less than @xmath5 , and @xmath6 is the average number of such pairs in simulated isotropic sets with the same number of events and same detector acceptance in right ascension and declination as the data sample . note that this definition of @xmath7 is cumulative over angles up to @xmath5 . it reveals how the correlation signal varies as a function of the angular threshold for defining a pair . 1 shows the angular correlation for the hires stereo events with energies above @xmath0 ev , along with the ( poisson ) errors @xmath8 ( in general , the variance of correlation estimates may be larger than the poisson variance ) . no significant excess of pairs is observed for any angular scale . in 1999 and 2000 ( refs . , ) the agasa collaboration reported significant clustering among events above @xmath1ev . in a set of 57 events , seven pairs were observed with angular separation less than @xmath9 , against an expected @xmath10 pairs , yielding @xmath11 . the probability for seven or more pairs evaluated using monte carlo is @xmath12 . however , as has been noted in ref . , this probability is not indicative of the statistical significance , because of bias introduced by the _ aposteriori _ choice of the energy threshold and angular separation . the angular correlation estimate can be improved by combining the agasa and hires data . by itself , the set of 27 hires events above @xmath1ev has no pairs separated by less than @xmath13 , yielding @xmath14 , but with large uncertainty . however , the combination of the two sets substantially increases the statistical power over either one individually , because of the cross - correlation power of the two sets . to determine the expected number of pairs @xmath15 , we simulate combined sets with 57 events generated using the agasa acceptance and 27 generated using the hires acceptance . although these acceptances are not identical , they have a large overlap ; the resulting value of @xmath15 is in fact roughly comparable whether one uses all agasa events , all hires events , or a combination . the two detectors also have different angular resolutions . while this does not affect simulated isotropic sets , it could affect the correlation estimate for a real clustering signal : a clustering signal of higher significance could appear at smaller angular scales because the hires angular resolution is several times sharper than that of agasa . however , since @xmath7 includes all pairs with separations less than @xmath5 , this effect will not lead to a reduced signal at larger angles . therefore rather than attempt to estimate the optimal scale for a clustering signal , for the sake of comparison we will continue to evaluate @xmath16 for the combined data set . figure 2 shows the results for the 57 agasa events alone , and for the 84 agasa and hires events evaluated jointly . the addition of the hires data brings one new pair with an agasa event within @xmath9 , yielding @xmath17 , @xmath18 , and @xmath19 . the fraction of simulated sets with eight or more pairs is @xmath20 , but it must be emphaiszed that this does not represent a chance probability because it includes the same bias in the agasa data set noted above . , @xmath21 and @xmath22 , for a chance probability of @xmath23 . details will be presented in a separate paper . ] on the other hand , an observation of @xmath11 , as seen originally in the agasa data alone , would have meant the observation of 14 pairs in the combined data set , corresponding to a @xmath24 deviation from isotropy . angular correlation estimates for the hires events above @xmath0ev reveal no significant deviations from isotropy at any small angle . combining hires and agasa events above @xmath1ev improves the statistics above this threshold relative to the agasa data set alone , and results in substantially reduced angular correlation . hires is supported by the national science foundation under contract numbers nsf - phy-9321949 , nsf - phy-9322298 , nsf - phy-9974537 , nsf - phy-0098826 , nsf - phy-0245428 , by the department of energy grant fg03 - 92er40732 , and by the australian research council . the cooperation of colonels e. fisher and g. harter , the us army and dugway proving ground staff is appreciated . r. u. abbasi _ et al . _ , astrophys . j. * 610 * , l73 ( 2004 ) . m. takeda _ et al . _ , astrophys . j. * 522 * , 225 ( 1999 ) . n. hayashida _ et al . _ , arxiv : astro - ph/0008102 . c. b. finley and s. westerhoff , astropart . * 21 * , 359 ( 2004 ) .
anisotropy in arrival directions of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays offers the most direct way to search for the sources of these particles . we present estimates of the angular correlation in the hires sample of stereo events above @xmath0ev , and in the combined sample of hires and agasa events above @xmath1ev .
the existence of planets in binary star systems is no longer a mere idea . approximately 35% of extrasolar planets discovered till 2002 exist in multiple star systems @xcite . these systems are mostly wide binaries with separations between 500 and 750 au , and with planets revolving around one of the stars . at such large distances , the perturbative effect of one star on the formation and dynamical evolution of planets around the other star is entirely negligible . a recently discovered jupiter - like planet around the primary of the @xmath0 cephei binary system is , however , an exception to this rule . gamma cephei is a close spectroscopic binary composed of a 1.59 solar - mass k1 iv subgiant and a 0.4 solar - mass red m dwarf @xcite . the semimajor axis of this system has been reported to have a lower value of 18.5 au @xcite and an upper value of 21 au @xcite . precision radial velocity measurements suggest that a planet with a minimum mass of 1.7 jupiter - mass revolves around the primary of this system on an elliptical orbit with an eccentricity of 0.12 @xmath2 0.05 and a semimajor axis of approximately 2.14 au . being the first discovered s - type binary - planetary system dvorak ( 1988 ) , a binary - planetary system is called s - type when the planet revolves around one of the stars , and p - type when the planet revolves around the entire binary . ] , it is quite valuable to investigate whether this system is dynamically stable , and for what values of its orbital parameters its stability will remain . in this paper i present a summary of the results of an extensive numerical study of the dynamical stability of this system for different values of the orbital parameters of the binary and also the orbital inclination of the planet . a more comprehensive study of the dynamics of this system are to be published elsewhere . an important quantity in determining the stability of a planet s orbit in a binary system is its semimajor axis . @xcite and @xcite have presented an empirical formula for the maximum value of the semimajor axis of a stable planetary orbit in s - type binary - planetary systems . the value of the _ critical semimajor axis _ , @xmath3 is given by @xmath4 where @xmath5 is the semimajor axis of the binary , and @xmath6 and @xmath7 represent the mass - ratio and orbital eccentricity of the binary , respectively . in the definition of the mass - ratio @xmath8 , @xmath9 and @xmath10 are the masses of the primary and secondary stars . to study to what extent equation ( 1 ) can be applied to the orbital stability of @xmath0 cephei , this system was numerically integrated using a conventional bulirsch - stoer integrator . numerical integrations were carried out for values of @xmath7 ranging from 0.25 to 0.65 with steps of 0.05 . when considered coplanar , the system was stable for all the values of @xmath11 at all times . however , for the value of the binary eccentricity larger than 0.5 , the system became unstable in less than 1000 years . figure 1 shows the semimajor axes and eccentricities of the system for two cases of @xmath12 and 0.45 . the stability of the system was also studied for different values of the orbital inclination of the planet . for each above - mentioned value of the binary eccentricity , the initial inclination of the orbit of the planet with respect to the plane of the binary was chosen from the values of 1 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 40 , and 60 degrees . for values of @xmath11 , the system was stable for all inclinations less than 60 degrees . figure 3 shows the results of sample runs for the values of the planet s orbital inclination equal to 5 , 10 , and 20 degrees . also , as expected , in some cases of large inclinations and for eccentric binaries , the planet was locked in a kozai resonance ( fig . 3 ) . hatzes , a. p. , cochran , w. d. , endl , m. , mcarthur , b. , paulson , d. b. , walker , g. a. h. , campbell , b. , and yang , s. , to appear in _ astrophys . j. _ , * 599 * , 13831394 ( 2003 ) . kortenkamp , s. j. , wetherill , g. w. , and inaba , s. , _ science _ , * 293 * , 11271129 ( 2001 ) . fuhrmann , k. , _ astron.nachr._ , in press ( 2004 ) . griffin , r. f. , carquillat , j. m , and ginestet , n. , _ the observatory _ , * 122 * , 90109 ( 2002 ) . rabl , g. , and dvorak , r. , _ astron . _ , * 191 * , 385391 ( 1988 ) . holman , m. j. , and wiegert , p. a. , _ astron . j. _ , * 117 * , 621628 ( 1999 ) .
precision radial velocity measurements of the @xmath0 cephei ( hr8974 ) binary system suggest the existence of a planetary companion with a minimum mass of 1.7 jupiter - mass on an elliptical orbit with a @xmath12.14 au semimajor axis and 0.12 eccentricity @xcite . i present in this paper a summary of the results of an extensive numerical study of the orbital stability of this three - body system for different values of the semimajor axis and orbital eccentricity of the binary , and also the orbital inclination of the planet . numerical integrations indicate that the system is stable for the planet s orbital inclination ranging from 0 to 60 degrees , and for the binary s orbital eccentricity less than 0.5 . the results also indicate that for large values of the inclination , the system may be locked in a kozai resonance . address = department of terrestrial magnetism and nasa astrobiology institute , + carnegie institution of washington , 5241 broad branch road , washington , dc 20015
the goal of the calice experimental program is to establish novel technologies for calorimetry in future collider experiments and to record electromagnetic and hadronic shower data with unprecedented three dimensional spatial resolution for the validation of simulation codes and for the test and development of reconstruction algorithms . such highly granular calorimeters are necessary to achieve an unprecedented jet energy resolution at the international linear collider @xcite using particle flow algorithms @xcite . the calice analog hadron calorimeter ( ahcal ) prototype is a 38 layers sampling calorimeter , which is built out of scintillator tiles with sizes ranging from @xmath0mm@xmath1 in the core of the detector to @xmath2mm@xmath1 . the light in each scintillator cell is collected by a wavelength shifting fiber , which is coupled to a silicon photomultiplier ( sipm ) sipm . the sipms are produced by the mephi / pulsar group @xcite . they have a photo - sensitive area of @xmath3mm@xmath1 containing 1156 pixels with a size of @xmath4m@xmath1 . in total , the calorimeter has 7608 channels . a built - in led calibration system with uv leds , is coupled to each cell by clear fibers , and equipped with pin diodes to monitor the led light intensity . the performance of the ahcal was validated with positrons at various energies . good linearity and satisfactory agreement with simulation up to an energy of 50 gev has been observed . the high granularity of the active layers in the hadronic calorimeter and the cell - by - cell readout gives the calice detectors unprecedented imaging capabilities . this is exploited to study the topology of hadronic events in detail . track segments created by charged particles produced within the hadronic shower can be identified , provided the particles travel an appreciable distance before interacting again and are separated from other activity in the detector . figure [ fig : hcaltracksegments ] demonstrated that three tracks were found within one 25 gev @xmath5 event . the properties of these tracks are sensitive to the substructure of the hadronic shower , and can thus serve as a powerful probe for hadronic shower models . the track segments identified in hadronic showers have a high quality , and are suitable for detector calibrations via the extraction of the most probable value of the energy loss in each cell along the track . in the calice detector prototype , this technique was used to study the temperature dependence of the detector response @xcite . due to the underground location , the orientation of the detector layers , the power pulsing of the front end electronics , and due to the high granularity , calibrating a hadronic calorimeter with approximately 8 million channels at a future ilc detector is a significant challenge . cosmic rays might not be sufficient for monitoring the energy scale in - situ . the track segments can be used for calibration purposes . a simulation study performed with a model of a complete ilc detector showed that a layer by layer calibration to a precision of better than 5% can be achieved with an integrated luminosity of 10 pb@xmath6 at the z@xmath7 resonance . figure [ fig : calibration ] shows the integrated luminosity required for the calibration of individual electronic subunits ( 144 cells ) , and illustrates the distribution of the number of found tracks within the calorimeter volume . at 500 gev , this can be achieved with two weeks worth of data , for a calibration of the first 20 layers , one day is sufficienct . the single photon resolution of the sipms , together with an led light system , can be used to perform a gain calibration of the photon sensor , and to monitor changes due to short term variations of environmental parameters . for a channel - by - channel intercalibration of the complete cell response , particles are necessary . before installation , such a calibration can be performed in a beam , analogous to the muon calibration currently used for the calice detector system.@xcite monitoring of long term variations , such as changes in the light yield of the scintillator have then to be performed in - situ . this can be achieved with track segments which are identified within the hadronic showers . to determine the requirement of calibration accuracy for the calorimeter of an ilc detector , a study has been preformed for the scintillation - tile hadron calorimeter , based on full detector simulations . these studies demonstrate that spreads up to 10% in the layer to layer and cell by cell intercalibrations do not lead to a noticeable degradation of the overall performance in terms of the diijet energy resolution with particle flow algorithms . the calibration strategy was tested on real data by transporting calibration constants from a fermilab beam test to data recorded at cern . two ways of transporting have been used , one based on the known temperature and voltage dependence of the sipm response , and one based on measured changes in gain . figure [ fig : combin2 ] a shows a set of pion runs taken at cern in the energy range 8 to 80 gev were analyzed . the residual from linearity for the reference cern calibration and for the two transported calibration sets were calculated . the hadronic energies calibrated with fnal transported coefficients are approximately 5% higher than the reference cern calibration sample . the two transport methods are in agreement with each other . the nonlinearity of the detector response is due to the requirement of full containment . after applying to all energy points an unique layer - by - layer correction derived from the identified track segments , a clear improvement in the agreement between different calibration methods is observed in figure [ fig : combin2 ] b. this demonstrates that an intercalibration of the detector modules in a beam before installation , and a layer - wise calibration with track segments after installation using regular physics data is sufficient to guarantee stable performance of the calorimeter at a future linear collider .
abstract - the calice collaboration has constructed a highly granular hadronic sampling calorimeter prototype with small scintillator tiles individually read out by silicon photomultipliers ( sipm ) to evaluate technologies for the ilc . the imaging capability of the detector allows detailed studies of the substructure of hadronic events , such as the identification of minimum ionizing track segments within the hadronic shower . these track segments are of high quality , so that they can be used for calibration , as an additional tool to muons and to the built - in led system used to monitor the sipms . these track segments also help to constrain hadronic shower models used in geant4 . detailed mc studies with a realistic model of an ilc detector were performed to study the calibration requirements of a complete calorimeter system . the calibration strategy was tested on real data by transporting calibration constants from a fermilab beam test to data recorded at cern under different conditions .
study of the nature of light scalar resonances is one of the central problems of nonperturbative qcd , it is important for understanding the chiral symmetry realization way in the low energy region and , consequently , the confinement physics . the @xmath2 and @xmath3 tensor mesons are well - known p - wave @xmath13 states . naively one might think that the scalar @xmath0 and @xmath1 mesons are also the @xmath13 p - wave states with the same quark structure , as @xmath2 and @xmath3 , respectively . but now there are many indications that the above scalars are the four quark states . comparative study of the production of scalar and tensor mesons is proposed to investigate the nature of light scalar mesons . for this purpose the intensity of scalar @xmath0 , @xmath1 and tensor @xmath2 , @xmath3 mesons production at the colliders vepp-2000 ( binp , novosibirsk ) and da@xmath4ne ( lnf , frascati ) in the processes @xmath14 ( here and hereafter @xmath15 , @xmath16 ; @xmath17 , @xmath12 ) is calculated . as it is known , the kaon loop model @xcite describe the @xmath20 decays well @xcite . the signal contribution is @xmath21 , where @xmath22 are vector mesons . the signal cross - sections @xmath23 @xmath24 @xmath25 @xmath26 @xmath27 the @xmath28 is the amplitude of the @xmath29 transition . without mixing of the intermediate vector states this amplitude is @xmath30 we took into account mixing of the resonances according to ref . the @xmath31 is the @xmath32 or @xmath33 invariant mass correspondingly , @xmath34 for the pions identity and @xmath35 is the integral on the kaon loop @xcite . the @xmath36 and @xmath37 are the inverse propagators of scalar mesons , they are taken from @xcite and @xcite ( 2012 paper ) correspondingly . all parameters of the @xmath0 and @xmath1 are taken from @xcite ( fit 1 ) and @xcite ( fit 1 of the 2012 paper ) correspondingly . ( [ sigmasignala0 ] ) and ( [ sigmasignalf0 ] ) may be rewritten as @xmath38 @xmath39 @xmath40 @xmath41 [ cols="^,^,^ " , ] because of weakness of the signal cross - sections in the region @xmath42 gev it is needed to treat the background situation accurately . the @xmath43 and @xmath44 are expected to be too small to be observed themselves , but for @xmath45 and @xmath46 it is possible to reduce background to the level much less than the signal one . the background situation in case of @xmath47 and @xmath48 is rather friendly . the main background @xmath49 , obtained with the help of ref . @xcite , is much less than the signal cross - section , see figs . [ figa2f2]b , [ backa2 ] . other backgrounds are even much smaller . the main background in case of @xmath50 and @xmath51 reactions comes from the @xmath52 intermediate state also . [ figspec]a shows that cut @xmath53 mev from the @xmath54 mass in the @xmath55 distribution reduces this background to the small level . our analysis shows that it should be possible to observe the reactions @xmath56 and @xmath57 at the energies near @xmath58 gev in vepp-2000 after reaching the project luminosity and probably in @xmath59 after the planned full upgrade . as to the reactions @xmath60 and @xmath61 at the energies @xmath62 gev , in the kaon loop model their cross sections are very small , while if the mere vdm ( point - like @xmath63 interaction ) was correct they would be observed , see fig . consequently , observation of tenzor contribution and non - observation of the scalar one would support the four quark nature of light scalar mesons @xcite . we thank a.a . kozhevnikov very much for useful discussions concerning @xmath64 cross - section , drawn in ref . @xcite . this work was supported in part by rfbr , grant no . 13 - 02 - 00039 , and interdisciplinary project no . 102 of the siberian division of ras . according to @xcite , we used the following inverse propagators for @xmath65 : @xmath66 where here @xmath70 @xcite , and we take from ref . @xcite @xmath71 mev , @xmath72 mev , @xmath73 gev@xmath74 , @xmath75 mev , @xmath76 mev , @xmath77 , @xmath78 gev@xmath74 . the @xmath79 has the similar form as eq . ( [ f2pp ] ) , we use @xmath80 . the @xmath81 may be approximated by the s - wave @xmath82 decay width as in ref . @xcite , but for simplicity we used the dependence @xmath83 as in ref . @xcite , here @xmath84 . achasov et al . , phys . lett . * b438 * , 441 ( 1998 ) ; m.n . achasov et al . , phys . lett . * b440 * , 442 ( 1998 ) ; m.n . achasov et al . , b479 * , 53 ( 2000 ) ; m.n.achasov et al . , phys . lett . * b485 * , 349 ( 2000 ) .
the intensity of scalar @xmath0 , @xmath1 and tensor @xmath2 , @xmath3 mesons production at vepp-2000 ( binp , novosibirsk ) and the upgraded da@xmath4ne ( frascati , italy ) in the processes @xmath5 , @xmath6 , @xmath7 is calculated . the calculation was made with the help of vdm and the kaon loop model ( for scalar mesons case ) . note that the processes @xmath8 have not been studied in the energy region of vepp-2000 . it turned out that in the vepp-2000 energy region @xmath9 gev @xmath10 pb , and @xmath11 pb . photon angle distribution and the spin density matrices of @xmath6 and @xmath12 were calculated also .
the dominant radiation mechanism for grb afterglows is synchrotron emission . the synchrotron spectrum is determined by the peak flux and three break frequencies , namely the synchrotron self - absorption frequency @xmath0 , the frequency @xmath1 that corresponds to the minimal energy in the electron energy distribution , and the cooling frequency @xmath2 that corresponds to electrons that lose their energy quickly by radiation . the evolution of the spectrum is determined by the hydrodynamical evolution of the blastwave propagating into the circumburst medium . the break frequencies and the peak flux can be described in terms of the energy of the blastwave @xmath3 , the density of the surrounding medium @xmath4 , the fractional energy densities behind the relativistic shock in electrons and in the magnetic field , @xmath5 and @xmath6 respectively , the slope @xmath7 of the electron energy distribution , and the jet opening angle @xmath8 . we developed a code to combine the theoretical spectra and light curves with observational data from grb afterglows by using chi - square fitting @xcite . we can put in a broadband data set and fit it simultaneously in time and frequency , and from that determine the model parameters . we also perform monte carlo simulations with synthetic data sets in order to derive an estimate of the accuracy of the best fit parameters . we modeled grb970508 as a case study . in our model we assume that the density of the surrounding medium as a function of the distance has a power law profile , i.e. @xmath9 , and in our code we treat @xmath10 as an independent parameter . for grb970508 we find that @xmath11 , which means that the blast wave expands into a medium with a uniform density . for the other fit parameters we find @xmath12 , which is the beaming corrected energy , @xmath13 , @xmath14 , @xmath15 , @xmath16 and @xmath17 . observing the afterglow spectrum from x - ray to radio wavelengths enables us to construct the complete spectral energy distribution and follow its time evolution . the radio regime is especially useful as the temporal evolution of the afterglow at radio wavelengths is delayed in comparison with optical and longer wavelengths . this gives radio observations the unique possibility to study events that otherwise would escape attention , for example the passage of a reverse shock or that of the turn - over peak in the afterglow spectrum . particularly , radio observations allow us to determine the self absorption frequency and the frequency that corresponds to the minimal energy in the electron energy distribution . finally , the radio afterglow is visible much longer than optical and x - ray afterglows , so we can study the physics of the fireball in the non - relativistic phase . the westerbork synthesis radio telescope ( wsrt ) is unique in the fact that there are very few telescopes which can detect the afterglow in the centimeter region , as these afterglows are extremely weak at these wavelengths . the closeness of the grb030329 ( with a redshift of @xmath18 ) caused a plethora of follow - up observations at all wavelengths . we observed this afterglow with the wsrt at 1.4 , 2.3 and 4.8 ghz ( 21 , 13 and 6 cm ) , starting one day after the burst , and we are still observing it . the observations show the peak frequency moving to longer wavelengths , eventually falling below the observation frequency and self absorption frequency . at the same time , one can find evidence for the jet nature of the afterglow , as the radio light curves change shape in a way that can not be accounted for by an isotropic outflow . from early as well as late - time radio observations we can distinguish between models in which the circumburst medium has a constant density or a density gradient . the 1.4 , 2.3 and 4.8 ghz wsrt light curves of the grb030329 afterglow @xcite are shown in fig.[fig:1 ] , together with vla / atca / rt 15 ghz observations @xcite . for this dataset we did not apply a @xmath19 fit , but tried to obtain a best fit by eye . this ignores the scatter in the data , which especially at early times is due to scintillation rather than measurement errors , and it will also put some more emphasis on the 1.4 ghz light curve . from observations at higher radio frequencies it was deduced that a jet with a jet - break time of @xmath20 days can explain the light curves @xcite . late time wsrt observations show an additional flux at the lowest frequencies after 50 days compared with the results obtained at higher radio frequencies . there are two possible explanations for this discrepancy : * a transition to non - relativistic expansion of the blastwave at @xmath21 days . the presence of a non - relativistic transition at @xmath22 days was predicted based upon x - ray data @xcite , and observed with vla radio data @xcite . the non - relativistic expansion phase was studied in the cases of grb970508 and grb980703 @xcite , and from that one can deduce the energy of the grb independently of jet collimation . for grb030329 more observations at later times are needed to do this . * an extra wider jet with a lower lorentz factor . the first component is responsible for the light curves until 50 days , while the second component accounts for the later peak in the light curves . note that there is a smaller third component with a jet - break time of @xmath23 days that gives the early - time emission observed at short wavelengths ( from the optical to gamma - ray bands ) @xcite . the two - component jet model is not satisfactory : it gives good fits at wsrt frequencies , but does not give a good fit to the data at radio frequencies above 4.8 ghz at late times . our model in which a transition to a non - relativistic phase occurs after 80 days gives a better broadband fit except for the data at 1.4 ghz . continuation of observations at late times at low radio frequencies can diagnose the cause of these discrepancies more closely . in order to do broadband modeling of the grb030329 afterglow one needs to extract the contribution from the supernova associated with this grb at optical frequencies @xcite@xcite . since the exact contribution from the supernova to the total flux in the optical is not known and because the supernova does not contribute significantly at low radio frequencies , the radio observations play a crucial role in doing proper broadband modeling and thus in determining the physical parameters very accurately . we thank richard strom , lex kaper and chryssa kouveliotou for useful discussions . the westerbork synthesis radio telescope is operated by the astron ( netherlands foundation for research in astronomy ) with support from the netherlands foundation for scientific research ( nwo ) . we greatly appreciate the support from the wsrt staff in their help with scheduling the observations of grb030329 as efficiently as possible .
according to the fireball model gamma - ray burst ( grb ) afterglows are the result of a shock pushed into the surrounding medium by an extremely relativistic outflow from the grb . by modeling the broadband spectrum , ranging from x - ray to radio wavelengths , on time scales of hours to years after the grb , we can determine several burst parameters , e.g. the burst energy , the circumburst medium density ( and its gradient ) and the energy contained in electrons and the magnetic field . we have developed a code to do broadband modeling and determine the model parameters . we also performed monte carlo simulations with synthetic data sets in order to derive an estimate of the accuracy of the best fit parameters . grb970508 was taken as a case study and we present our fitting results . we also present our wsrt radio observations of grb030329 at centimeter wavelengths and the results from modeling this afterglow . the low frequency wsrt radio observations provide a unique possibility to study the late stages of the fireball evolution and examine the jet structure . [ 1999/12/01 v1.4c il nuovo cimento ]
4ward @xcite is the proposed architecture and design for the future internet . the network of information ( netinf ) is one of the components of the 4ward project . the cornerstone of this architecture is that the information takes the prime position superseding the node - centric approach of the current internet . the genesis of netinf was influenced by existing major technologies and beyond . the features which netinf exhibits are the melange of existing and innovative solutions . mobility is one of the scenarios considered in netinf . late locator construction ( llc ) @xcite is a proposal to handle mobility and multihoming issues in netinf . it implements the locator / identifier separation idea . whenever there is a mobility or rehoming event , there is no interruption in the ongoing tcp session between nodes . the notion behind the llc is to use a global locator ( gl ) for routing between the core network ( cn ) and the edge networks ( ens ) . ipv4/ipv6 can be considered as the cn and nodes , mobile or stationary , forming a topology at the edge of cn , can be considered as ens . gl is built inside the locator construction system ( lcs ) which is embedded inside the core network . each edge network ( en ) and the host attached to these ens have attachment registers ( ar ) within the lcs . each ar has ids of itself and of its neighbors . the overall goal of llc is to minimize the update signaling to the locator construction system ( lcs ) to update the gl to deal with the scalability problem within the core network . it has also been proposed that the core network scales well as core and edge networks are responsible for their own routing @xcite . location identifier separation protocol ( lisp ) @xcite is a network based approach for locator / identifier separation . it focuses on limiting the size of routing tables and improving scalability and routing system . lisp mobile node ( mn ) @xcite is an extention to the classic lisp for mobile nodes . it has multiple design goals including a wide range of communication possibilities in different mobility cases along with multihoming in mn , as well as allowing mn to act as a server . the lisp mn architecture has some lisp features together with additional characteristics to support mobility and rehoming events . what has been envisaged here for netinf is to provide seamless connectivity between the mobile nodes even if there is a simultaneous roaming . embedding lisp mn features in netinf mn can then improve mobility management in llc for the netinf architecture . although llc is a good proposal , it has however some discrapencies in terms of properly addressing both scalability and mobility issues . lisp mn inherits classic lisp features but lacks complete compatibility to work with llc . our proposal consists in a new approach to deal with these issues . the prime goal is the mobility management in netinf . a netinf mn should bear charactersitics and features of classic netinf node architecture together with features introduced by the lisp mn architecture . the design goal of such a node is to deal with mobility in a highly dynamic environment . 1 presents a high - level overview of the netinf mn architecture . at the bottom both physical and network layers provide services to the transport layer placed above . within the transport layer is located the transport control engine ( tce ) . in netinf , tce is responsible for the coordination of protocols used for accessing netinf objects . in this design , both inner locator construction tunnel router ( ilctr ) and outer locator construction tunnel router ( olctr ) include their functionalities in tce . the goal of these two routers is to work under the conditions when non - netinf sites are communicating . the working of these routers will be extensively explained in the future work . the virtual node layer within the tce is another feature introduced for the mobility management of information . at the top , the api provides services to users . this api gets services from the transport layer below . it should be noted that netinf and the nodes are interdependent on each other . nodes are dependent on netinf for the network management , while netinf depends on nodes in scenarios where it has to manage and propagate the resources inside the network . in order to understand the basic functionalities of our proposed architecture , consider two mobility scenarios . in fig . 2 , mn1 roams into a new edge network en3 during the on - going session with a stationary node mn2 in edge network en2 . mn1 first contacts local server ls in en3 to register its new i d allocated by the dhcp . it also queries the local cache mechanism to find any trace of mn2 activities in en3 . if it is successful in finding one , it can use that cached locator and resume its session . otherwise , it contacts the core network . 3 presents a simultaneous rehoming event . two mobile nodes mn1 and mn2 are communicating in their respective edge networks en1 and en2 . a mobility event occurs when both mobile nodes move to a new edge network en3 at the same time . in this case , it would be more efficient if mobile nodes mn1 and mn2 could access a local server in en3 and register their ids to continue their session , instead of connecting to the core network . as ids are global and unique , no further name resoluton is then required . however , a lookup request must be sent to the local server when both nodes are registered and each node should set ttl . if nodes relocate each other before their ttl expires , the session is re - established ( in case of interruption ) or continued . otherwise , both should contact the core network . the main problems faced in the network because of mobility are : the unpredictable motion of nodes and unpredictable availability of nodes i.e. nodes are continuously joining and leaving the network . since information takes the centric position within the network , the mobility management of the information becomes a major concern . one solution for the management of information mobility is the use of virtual mobile nodes . these virtual nodes can be thought of as a program running on real nodes . whenever there is a mobility or rehoming event , the node which departs from the local network handovers its connectivity to one of the virtual nodes so that the connectivity of the ongoing session is carried away smoothly . this is made possible in our proposed netinf mn architecture by the introduction of a new layer , the virtual node layer that provides virtual mobile node services in coordination with the real node . all mobile nodes can act as temporary virtual mobile node and can provide services to the local mobile nodes . for example , in fig . 2 en1 hosts two nodes namely mn1 and mn3 . these two nodes have the ability to support virtual mobile node features introduced in their respective layered architecture . lets assume that mn1 is in session with mn2 in en2 . when mn1 moves from en1 to en3 , it initiates the algorithm to make use of the embedded virtual layer . it contacts mn3 in en1 and establishes a local connection by informing about its new destination ( en3 ) . mn3 is now acting as a virtual mn1 and is communicating with mn2 . this continues until mn1 reaches en3 . when this happens , it gets all the updates from mn3 and reconnects to mn2 again . there are still some open issues to be addressed for the proposed architecture for mobile entities in netinf . so far , the work is on the midway . ilctr and olctr services are yet to be finalised . besides providing services for non - netinf sites , they can also work as storage spaces in edge networks in case of disconnection from the core network . different parameters have to be considered to evaluate the proposal . as ilctr encapsulates packets before sending them to non - netinf sites , how could the maximum transmission unit ( mtu ) be maximized . a new efficient protocol shall be proposed to deal with the mobility cases presented above . at present , we are in the process of evaluating our architecture through extensive simulations and real mobility traces . finally , we plan to address the multihoming issue along with the security issue during mobility .
in this paper , we propose an architecture for network of information mobile node ( netinf mn ) . it bears characteristics and features of basic netinf node architecture with features introduced in the lisp mn architecture . we also introduce a virtual node layer for mobility management in the network of information . therefore , by adopting this architecture no major changes in the contemporary network topologies is required . thus , making our approach more practical .
the following effective lagrangian for gluon field and its motivation were discussed in @xcite : @xmath0 here @xmath1 is a scale of qcd related to gluon condensate , @xmath2 , and @xmath3 the minima of the effective potential are achieved for covariantly constant abelian ( anti-)self - dual fields @xmath4 where the matrix @xmath5 belongs to the cartan subalgebra of @xmath6 @xmath7 the minima are connected by discrete parity and weyl transformations , which indicates that the system is prone to existence of solitons in real space - time and kink configurations in euclidean space . group - theoretical analysis of symmetry breaking and domain wall formation was done in @xcite . let us consider the simplest kink configuration kink interpolating between self - dual and anti - self - dual abelian vacua . if the angle @xmath8 between chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields is allowed to deviate from the constant vacuum value and all other parameters are fixed to the vacuum values , then the lagrangian reads @xmath9 the corresponding equation of motion is sine - gordon equation @xmath10 which have the following kink solution : @xmath11 the angle @xmath8 interpolates between @xmath12 and @xmath13 . @xmath14 stays for one of the four euclidean coordinates . the kink describes a planar domain wall between the regions with almost homogeneous abelian self - dual and anti - self - dual gluon fields . chromomagnetic and chromoelectric fields are orthogonal to each other on the wall . far away from the wall the field is self - dual or anti - self - dual , and absolute value of the topological charge density is equal to the value of the gluon condensate . the topological charge density vanishes on the wall . we may now construct kink superposition with the standard methods . let us denote the general kink configuration as @xmath15 where @xmath16 is the inverse width of the kink , @xmath17 is a normal vector to the plane of the wall . the general kink network is then given by @xmath18 now we consider more general kink - like solution : three parameters @xmath19 and @xmath20 deviate from their vacuum values near the center of the kink ( fig . [ 3-kink ] ) . one may see that the value of scalar condensate @xmath21 decreases in the center of the kink which may increase size of stable chromomagnetic flux tube . calculation of one - loop quark contribution to the qcd effective potential demonstrated that strong electromagnetic fields can play the role of a trigger for deconfinement @xcite . the catalyzing role of strong magnetic fields was also observed in lattice qcd simulations @xcite . during heavy ion collisions , the electric @xmath22 and magnetic @xmath23 fields are almost orthogonal to each other @xcite : @xmath24 . for this configuration of the external electromagnetic field , the one - loop quark contribution to the qcd effective potential for the homogeneous abelian gluon fields is minimal for the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields directed along the electric and magnetic fields respectively @xcite . the orthogonal chromo - fields are not confining : color charged quasiparticles can move along the chromomagnetic field . deconfined quarks as well as gluons can move preferably along the direction of the magnetic field even after the electromagnetic field turns off . this means that a defect in domain wall network may be formed during heavy ion collision ( see fig . [ fig : chromo_bag ] ) . let us consider eigenvalue problem for vector field @xmath25q_\nu=\lambda^2 q_\mu\ ] ] with the boundary conditions @xmath26 the corresponding eigenvalues are @xmath27 in the finite trap the lowest eigenvalue is @xmath28 few lowest eigenvalues @xmath29 as functions of @xmath30 are shown in fig . [ fig : eigen_flow ] . one concludes that if the dimensionless size @xmath30 of the trap is sufficiently small @xmath31 then there are no unstable tachyonic modes in the spectrum of color charged vector fields . to estimate the critical size one may use the mean phenomenological value of the gluon condensate ( gauge coupling constant @xmath32 is included into the field strength tensor ) @xmath33 equation leads to the critical radius @xmath34 however , as it follows from fig . [ 3-kink ] , scalar condensate become smaller at the domain wall and may increase the value of critical radius . [ fig : eigen_flow ] in minkowski space - time the eigenvalue problem turns to the wave equation : @xmath35q_\nu=0.\ ] ] solution for this equation can be found as a linear combination of eigenmodes with @xmath36 . @xmath37 equation can be treated as the dispersion relation between energy @xmath38 and momentum @xmath39 for the quasiparticles . unlike the chromomagnetic field , the ( anti-)self - dual fields characteristic for the bulk of domain network configuration lead to purely discrete spectrum of eigenmodes in euclidean space and do not possess any quasiparticle treatment in terms of dispersion relation between energy and momentum for elementary color charged excitations . even though a single chromomagnetic trap has critical size , overall volume of deconfinement transition in hadronic matter is not restricted by @xmath40 . numerous traps may be formed , for instance , due to the influence of strong electromagnetic fields in the whole region of relativistic heavy ion collision @xcite . the traps may merge into a large chromomagnetic lump developing the flux tube structure inside the lump . equivalently , one may also think about formation of the flux tubes inside the traps with overcritical size emerging under conditions of high energy or / and baryon number density , strong electromagnetic fields . in the absence of any external impact one expects that the fraction of the deconfinement phase is statistically negligible as it occupies an essentially three - dimensional sub - manifold in the four - dimensional space @xmath41 . the influence of external conditions like the high energy density , high baryon density and strong electromagnetic fields can trigger the growth of the relative fraction of the deconfined phase . under certain conditions high energy density accumulated by colorless collective excitations can be converted into the thermodynamics of color charged quasiparticles . the growth of the deconfinement phase fraction may be described in terms of creation of either numerous stable chromomagnetic traps or / and the trap with overcritical size , populated by the polarized chromomagnetic tubes @xcite . in the confinement regime ( color charge quasiparticles are completely suppressed ) one may expect @xmath42 while the deconfinement regime ( color charged quasiparticles are fully activated ) occurs if @xmath43 the scalar gluon condensate may stay practically unchanged during the phase transformation . the regime of dilute plasma can not be reached unless the scalar gluon condensate density vanishes , which would require complete rearrangement of the quantum effective action . however , as soon as the color charged quasiparticles are activated the structure of the effective action itself in principle becomes dependent on their temperature and density , and it can not be excluded that the scalar condensate vanishes at certain critical values of the temperature and density . in summary , the domain wall network representation of qcd vacuum is suggestive of a two - stage deconfinement transition . at the first stage topological charge density vanishes , but the scalar condensate stays almost unchanged , color charged quasiparticles are activated at this stage while the colorless collective excitations can decay into the color charged ones . the system is far from being a dilute gas . at the second stage the scalar gluon condensate vanishes , and the system turns into dilute quark - gluon plasma .
domain model of confinement , chiral symmetry breaking and hadronization is based on description of qcd vacuum gluon configurations as an ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous abelian ( anti-)self - dual fields . the ensemble can be explicitly constructed as domain wall network . we shortly overview this approach and within this framework discuss the effects of qcd vacuum polarization by strong electromagnetic fields . it is stressed that such polarization effects can play the role of trigger for deconfinement .
the evolution of a star cluster depends critically on its ability or failure to retain its mass . dynamical processes cause mass segregation and preferential escape of low - mass stars from clusters . besides losing entire stars , clusters also lose mass due to envelope mass loss from its member stars , exacerbating cluster dispersal . we here briefly discuss the importance for the long - term cluster evolution of the mass loss from intermediate - mass stars in the mass range 0.88 m@xmath0 . we searched for circumstellar dust around giants in clusters of a wide range in ages in the smc and lmc @xcite . such dusty ` superwinds ' cause an infrared excess . the spectral energy distributions were modelled to derive mass - loss rates . we compared the integrated mass - loss rate with the total cluster mass . the timescale for a cluster to lose its mass through dusty superwinds is found to be not much longer than the cluster age . this is true for young clusters ( @xmath1 yr ) as well as older clusters ( @xmath2 yr ) . hence , stellar mass loss can be important throughout the evolution of a cluster . stellar mass loss continuously replenishes the intra - cluster medium . detecting this material has proven difficult , suggesting efficient removal during the journey through the galactic plane and halo . nonetheless , we recently detected 0.3 m@xmath0 of neutral hydrogen in the intra - cluster medium of the galactic globular cluster m15 @xcite . despite its low metallicity of [ fe / h]@xmath3 , dust has also been detected in this cluster @xcite . mass loss from a star cluster can be written as @xmath4 if the mass loss is slow compared to the relaxation timescale , the process is quasistatic . applying the virial theorem , the cluster radius would increase as @xmath5 for the case of stellar escape due to cluster dynamics : @xmath6 . relaxation timescales for globular clusters are typically @xmath7 gyr . hence , after 10 gyr the radius would have increased by @xmath8 per cent . for a stellar initial mass function @xmath9 with @xmath10 , stars in the mass range 0.88 m@xmath0 contribute at least as much to the initial cluster mass as lower - mass stars . in galactic globular clusters , with ages @xmath11 gyr , these intermediate - mass stars have all lost significant mass on the asymptotic giant branch . assuming all this mass is removed from the cluster , we estimate that @xmath12 . hence , the radius will have grown by a factor @xmath13 over the last 10 gyr . boyer , m.l . , woodward , c.e . , van loon , j.th . , et al . 2006 , , 132 , 1415 evans , a. , stickel , m. , van loon , j.th . , et al . 2003 , , 408 , l9 van loon , j.th . , marshall , j.r . , zijlstra , a.a . 2005 , , 442 , 597 van loon , j.th . , stanimirovi , s. , evans , a. , muller , e. 2006 , , 365 , 1277
we discuss the importance for the long - term cluster evolution of the mass loss from intermediate - mass stars ( 0.88 m@xmath0 ) . we present constraints on the mass loss from red giants in clusters in the magellanic clouds , a search for the intra - cluster medium in galactic globular clusters , and a simple estimate for the cluster evolution due to red giant mass loss compared to stellar escape .
micro - robots and currently molecular - robotics @xcite become important and extremely challenging branch of modern robotic research . the domain of micro- and molecular - robotic applications , such as biotechnologies , micro - systems construction , molecular engineering , and finally nanotechnologies , represents a huge economic , social and technological potential with a great impact on everyday human life @xcite . due to a large number of micro - objects , usually they are of hundred thousands , there is a need of such robotic systems , which can provide an autonomous and half - autonomous handling of many small objects . the main focus lies on a high - parallelization of handling processes performed by collectively working robots and involves different plan - generating @xcite and planning @xcite approaches . micro - robots and especially molecular systems , due to a small size , are very limited in actuation , sensing and communication @xcite . however working in a collective way requires coordination of robotic behavior . the technological , size - dependent and functional restrictions hinder applications of approaches known in a larger mini- and `` normal - size '' robotics . as demonstrated by a few current micro - robotic projects ( robot size @xmath0 ) @xcite , we need to find a new principles of coordination even in the micro - robotic group consisting of 1000 robots . an approach , which can be successfully applied to limited robotic systems , is based on the low - level properties of optical perception @xcite , in particular ir light @xcite , as well as on involvement of such processes into e.g. collective decision making @xcite or cognitive processes @xcite . more generally , different nonlinear processes and models @xcite can be used for such purposes . further in sec . [ sec : motivation ] we provide an example of typical problems in limited micro - systems such as collective information processing and in sec . [ sec : mechanisms ] briefly discuss a mechanism for solution of this problem . the motivating experiment originated from the swarm research around the `` jasmine '' robot @xcite . we use this platform for testing different bio - inspired approaches , developing algorithms of controllable - emergent @xcite collective behavior based on limited sensing and communication capabilities . this robot measures @xmath1 ( @xmath2 in the latest version ) , with the number of robots between 50 and 130 in different experiments @xcite . this point of this experiment is related to information transfer in robotic groups @xcite . information about state of environment , coordination and decision making processes are transferred via rf communication globally in the field or service type of robotics . such a circulation of information is necessary for keeping all robots aware about environment and about individual robot s intensions . this represents a basis for global coordination mechanisms . mini- and micro- robotics uses primarily only local communication . these are e.g. optical , electromagnetic or even chemical mechanisms . the global information transfer , and thus coordination mechanisms , can be produced in this case only by a mechanism that propagates messages through multiple robot - robot connections . parameters of a global circulation of information ( such as a global propagation speed or global propagation time ) depend on characteristics of local communication . , scaledwidth=50.0% ] example of such an information transfer can be given by experiments with collective actuation that requires coordination between robots equipped with color sensors @xcite , as shown in fig . [ fig : fig1 ] . all these robots use local ir - based communication . in this experiment , the robots - scout , equipped with the color sensor , found the blue object . it sends a request to the swarm and asks about a support it looks for robots with a specific functionality ( in this case also equipped with the color sensor ) . the behavior of robot - scout ( and also the swarm ) depends on the feedback signals of other robots with color sensors : when there are no such robots available , scout will look further ; when at least two other robots give the feedback , the scout will wait them . this experiment is typical for heterogeneous systems and can be extended towards larger or smaller scales and different sensing and actuating capabilities . the mechanism of the feedback signals and corresponding collective decision making process , which is trivial for `` large '' robots with global rf - communication , represents a challenge for micro - robots . the robots should know when to stop sending , know the recipience or routing information for continuously changing situation in the swarm . not only communication , but also limited computational resources make coordination extremely hard in micro - systems . complex symbolic negotiation and coordination strategies known in different communities @xcite can hardly be applied for such micro - agents . the idea is to involve in the coordination and negotiation process low - complex numerical mechanisms @xcite , which do not require global communication channels as well as on - board computational devices . the required local computation can be performed directly by hardware ( an analog way , e.g. fpaa or analog asic ) and can be implemented even on molecular level @xcite . the desired collective behavior of these systems can be achieved by applying the principle of artificial self - organization . , scaledwidth=50.0% ] we implemented such mechanisms for the collective energy foraging in the group of 50 micro - robots `` jasmine '' , shown in fig . [ fig : fig2 ] . each robot has an individual energy homeostasis . when robot is `` hungry '' , it breaks a current activity and starts looking for the docking station . however , when all robots do it in a non - coordinated way , many robots can energetically die due to `` bottle necks '' at the docking station . the implemented mechanism of low - complex collective decision making provides a coordination mechanism based on the collective power consumption in the swarm . it prevents such situations when many robots simultaneously look for the docking station and maintains the collective energy level of all robots in the optimal way . here we do not use global information transfer or complex local computations . the experiments with collective energy foraging and corresponding bio - inspired and collective decision approaches are published in @xcite and @xcite . issues on artificial and adaptive @xcite self - organization are explained in @xcite , on heterogeneity in @xcite and @xcite and morphology in @xcite and @xcite . topics of adaptability in minimalistic swarms are addressed in @xcite , @xcite , @xcite and @xcite .
micro- and molecular - robotic systems act as large - scale swarms . capabilities of sensing , communication and information processing are very limited on these scales . this short position paper describes a swarm - based minimalistic approach , which can be applied for coordinating collective behavior in such systems .
to study disk stability , we use the structural properties of the lsb disk galaxy ugc 128 and the hsb galaxy ngc 2403 , derived by de blok & mcgaugh @xcite from hi rotation curve decompositions . ugc 128 has a disk mass density nearly an order of magnitude below that of ngc 2403 , and is more dark matter dominated : the mass - to - light ratio within 6 scale lengths is @xmath0 for ugc 128 and @xmath1 for ngc 2403 ( see @xcite for details ) . the rotation curves for ugc 128 and ngc 2403 are shown in figure 1a . one measure of the susceptibility of galactic disks to global bar instabilities is the @xmath2 parameter@xcite : @xmath3 where @xmath4 is the epicyclic frequency , @xmath5 is the radius , and @xmath6 is the disk surface density . for flat rotation curves , disks prove stable against growing modes if @xmath7 , while for linearly rising rotation curves @xmath8 is a sufficient condition for stability . figure 1b shows @xmath2 as a function of scale length for our representative galaxies . the hsb galaxy ngc 2403 is only marginally stable over a large range of radius , while the lsb galaxy ugc 128 proves stable throughout the disk , due to its lower mass surface density . we point out that the rotation curve modeling assumed maximum disk models ; if lsbs are less than maximal disks , they will be even _ more _ stable . if lsb disks are stable against the growth of global instabilities in the disks , are they also stable against _ local _ instabilities ? the growth of local axisymmetric instabilities is measured by the toomre @xmath9 parameter @xcite : @xmath10 , where @xmath11 is the radial velocity dispersion of the disk stars . lacking information on @xmath11 in lsb disks , we use two alternatives : 1 ) that @xmath11 is like that in the milky way ( @xmath12 30 km s@xmath13 ) or 2 ) that @xmath14 ( so that @xmath15 11 km s@xmath13 ) . figure 1c shows q in each disk ; if velocity dispersion drops with surface density as might be expected from energy arguments , lsb and hsb disks may have similar _ local _ stability properties , such that local instabilities might grow in lsb disks where global modes can not . to examine how lsb disks will respond to a close interaction , we simulate a grazing encounter between an lsb galaxy and an hsb companion . we choose a prograde , parabolic orbit with a perigalactic separation of @xmath16 disk scale lengths . rather than build galaxy models which differ in a number of structural parameters , we focus on variations in disk surface density to define the difference between hsb and lsb disk galaxies . we construct two model galaxies with disk surface densities which differ by a factor of eight , similar to the difference between ngc 2403 and ugc 128 . the dark halos have identical mass distributions ( as a function of @xmath17 ) in both galaxies , resulting in our lsb being very dark matter dominated . we initialize velocities in _ both _ galaxy disks such that q=1.5 , implying lower velocity dispersion in the lsb disk ; the simulation is thus a conservative test of lsb stability . in models which include gas , the gas comprises 10% of the total disk mass in each galaxy . figure 2 shows the evolution of the hsb and lsb disks in the stellar dynamical interaction model . both galaxies respond strongly during the close passage ( at t=24 ) . in the hsb disk , the self - gravity of the disk amplifies the perturbation such that by t=44 the galaxy has developed a very strong bar . by contrast , the lsb disk displays a persistent oval distortion and long - lived spiral arms in the disk . without adequate disk self - gravity no strong bar develops in the lsb disk . figure 3a shows the strength of the @xmath18 mode in the inner half mass of each disk . the peak strength is more than twice that of the lsb disk , and declines at late time , probably due to disk heating by the bar . we emphasize that the @xmath18 mode is not only different in strength between the disks , but also in character : the hsb sports a strong bar , while the lsb displays a milder oval distortion . the bar in the hsb galaxy drives strong inflow ( figure 3b ) : the gas surface density in the center of the hsb disk has risen significantly by t=36 . by contrast , the relatively weak response of the lsb disk results in very little change in the gas mass distribution in the disk , even much later after the encounter at t=72 ( figure 3c ) . both analytic arguments and numerical simulation indicate that , despite their seemingly fragile nature , lsb disks are quite stable , and resistant against the growth of bars and bar - driven inflows . these results present a problem for the otherwise appealing notion that interacting lsb dwarfs are the progenitors of hii galaxies experiencing central starbursts @xcite . even the relatively close , strong interaction we have presented will not result in a strong central starburst , nor will it drive strong structural evolution in the galaxy ; in order to provoke a violent enough response in the lsb disk , a bona - fide merger may be necessary . bothun , g.d . , et al . 1993 , aj , 106 , 530 taylor , c.l . 1997 , apj , in press van der hulst , j.m . , 1993 , aj , 106 , 548 de blok , w.j.g . , & mcgaugh , s.s . 1996 , apj , 469 , l89 toomre , a. 1981 , in the structure and evolution of normal galaxies , eds . fall & d. lynden - bell ( london : cambridge university press ) , 111 toomre , a. 1964 , apj , 139 , 1217
we demonstrate that , due to their low surface mass density and large dark matter content , lsb disks are quite stable against the growth of global bar modes . however , they may be only marginally stable against local disk instabilities . we simulate a collision between an lsb and hsb galaxy and find that , while the hsb galaxy forms a strong bar , the response of the lsb disk is milder , in the form of spiral features and an oval distortion . unlike its hsb counterpart , the lsb disk does not suffer strong inflow of gas into the central regions . the lack of sufficient disk self - gravity to amplify dynamical instabilities makes it difficult to explain strong interaction - driven starbursts in lsb galaxies without invoking mergers . the lack of companions around low surface brightness ( lsb ) disk galaxies @xcite has led to the suggestion that , without the well - established dynamical trigger provided by interactions , lsb galaxies may simply evolve passively due to their low surface densities @xcite , and never experience any strong star - forming era in their lifetimes . indeed , sufficient tidally induced star formation in lsb disks may drive evolution from lsb to high surface brightness ( hsb ) galaxies . this has been suggested as the cause of the observed isolation of lsb galaxies : interactions in denser environments transform them into hsb or hii galaxies or perhaps even destroy them entirely . however , the ability for interactions to trigger evolution and starburst activity is linked to instabilities in the stellar disk . as lsb disk galaxies have lower disk mass densities and a greater fraction of dark to visible matter than do hsb galaxies@xcite , the stability of lsb disks and their response to tidal interactions may be quite different than that of `` normal '' hsb galaxies . in this study , we use analytic stability criteria and numerical simulation to investigate the stability of lsb disks in the context of galaxy interactions .
due to the presence of the ` wilson term ' in the lattice fermion action for wilson fermions the discretisation errors are @xmath0 . as the gluon part of the action ( sum of plaquettes ) has only @xmath1 errors , it is also desirable to achieve this for the fermion action . the symanzik programme allows a systematic reduction of errors to @xmath1 upon including additional higher dimensional operators . the ( on - shell ) action is improved with a suitably tuned ` clover ' term . however it is also necessary to improve each operator separately . much work has been devoted to this topic in recent years ; here we shall just concentrate on the local vector current : @xmath2 . in this case just two additional operators @xmath3 and @xmath4 are required giving the @xmath0 improved and renormalised vector current as @xmath5 with @xmath6 . the second improvement operator only has an effect in _ non - forward _ matrix elements and will not be considered further here . the renormalisation constant @xmath7 and improvement coefficient @xmath8 are functions of the coupling constant @xmath9 and perturbatively we have , @xcite , to one loop ( independently of the presence of fermions ) , @xmath10 but in presently accessible regions of @xmath11 there may be considerable deviations . there is an exact symmetry of the action @xmath12 , @xmath13 giving via the noether theorem the ward identity ( wi ) @xmath14 where @xmath15 is an arbitrary operator , @xmath16 is the lattice backward derivative , and @xmath17 the exactly conserved vector current improvement for non - forward matrix elements requires , as for the local vector current , an additional operator @xmath18 $ ] . ] ( @xmath19 ) , @xmath20 \nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] roughly speaking the rhs of this equation counts the number of @xmath21 and @xmath22 in operator @xmath15 . for our numerical results we take @xmath23 where @xmath24 is the ( unpolarised ) nucleon operator to give , upon solving the wi equation , @xmath25 ( @xmath26 ) where @xmath27 are constants and with _ jump _ , @xmath28 , ie charge conservation . the numerical advantage of considering @xmath29 is that the hard to compute quark line disconnected terms cancel . ( for the @xmath19 this term vanishes though . ) in fig . [ fig_rratio_bare_b6p00kp1342_standard ] we show this ratio for the conserved vector current . = 7.25 cm [ fig_rratio_bare_b6p00kp1342_standard ] a very good signal is observed ( indeed the result should be true to machine accuracy ) . the local vector current ( @xmath30 ) is not conserved on the lattice and so we do not expect the jump to be equal to one . this is shown in the rh picture in fig . [ fig_rratio_bare_b6p00kp1342_standard ] . we now define the renormalisation constants ( @xmath7 , @xmath8 ) by demanding that the renormalised local current has the same behaviour as the conserved current , so that @xmath31^{-1 } . \nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] thus upon plotting the data , the intercept gives @xmath7 and the gradient @xmath32 . ( @xmath33 and @xmath34 is estimated from @xmath35 . ) in fig . [ fig_v_0_1u-1d.p0_020509_1244_lat02_expt_wrtup ] we show quenched results from which the intercept and gradient can be found . = 7.00 cm [ fig_v_0_1u-1d.p0_020509_1244_lat02_expt_wrtup ] other alternative non - perturbative determinations have been given by the alpha collaboration , @xcite , using the schrdinger functional , the lanl collaboration , @xcite using other ward identities and martinelli et al . , @xcite by ` mimicking ' perturbation theory . as well as quenched data sets ( @xmath36 ) , in collaboration with ukqcd , we have also generated unquenched data sets . in this study we use the configurations with parameters given in table [ table_unquenched_data_sets ] . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] [ table_unquenched_data_sets ] we now present our results . in fig . [ fig_zv+bv_zv_beta_magic_qu+dyn_lat02_wrtup ] = 7.00 cm [ fig_zv+bv_zv_beta_magic_qu+dyn_lat02_wrtup ] we show @xmath7 and in fig . [ fig_zv+bv_bv_beta_magic_qu+dyn_lat02_wrtup ] , = 7.25 cm [ fig_zv+bv_bv_beta_magic_qu+dyn_lat02_wrtup ] @xmath8 . for quenched fermions good agreement with other methods the method described here reproduces the results of other approaches for @xmath0 improved quenched fermions . ( but one needs to remember that @xmath7 definitions can vary by @xmath1 while @xmath8 definitions may vary by @xmath0 . ) for @xmath0 improved unquenched fermions @xmath7 is _ smaller _ and @xmath8 _ larger _ than for quenched fermions at the same lattice spacing ( roughly @xmath37 ) . further details and final results will appear in @xcite . the numerical calculations were performed on the hitachi _ sr8000 _ at lrz ( munich ) , the ape100 , apemille at nic ( zeuthen ) and the cray _ t3e_s at epcc ( edinburgh ) , nic ( jlich ) , zib ( berlin ) . we thank the _ ukqcd _ collaboration for use of their unquenched configurations . tb acknowledges support from intas grant 00 - 00111 . this work is supported by the european community s human potential programme under hprn - ct-2000 - 00145 hadrons / latticeqcd .
by considering the local vector current between nucleon states and imposing charge conservation we determine , for @xmath0 improved wilson fermions , its renormalisation constant and quark mass improvement coefficient . the computation is performed for both quenched and two flavour unquenched fermions .
it is not uncommon for an astronomical image obtained after a lengthy integration to reveal that all is not well . as a consequence , telescope time is sacrificed identifying the problem . in an effort to shorten this investigation period , we have created a catalog of astronomical images bearing signatures of a range of mishaps encountered during observing runs . included with each image is an explanation of the cause of the problem as well as a suggested solution . since a large number of observatories today are connected to the internet , the world wide web ( www ) was chosen as the ideal medium for presenting this collection of images . initially , the purpose of such a collection was to assist new graduate student observers at michigan - dartmouth - mit ( mdm ) observatory who frequently observe without the benefit of a more experienced observer . the aim was to provide these students with a means of quickly pinpointing the underlying problem affecting the image quality . this idea grew into a www accessible database complete with explanations of the `` mishaps '' responsible for the deterioration of the images , as well as suggested solutions . every www page in this catalog contains an inverted colormap gif image of the mishap , a table listing relevant information about the image ( telescope , date , instrument , filter , exposure time ) , a brief description of the problem , and , if available , a suggestion of how to fix it . in a few cases , the cause of the problem could not be determined . these were dubbed `` unsolved mysteries '' , and no explanation of the problem or suggestion for a fix are given . since it is possible for one problem to manifest itself in a variety of ways , multiple images of the same mishap are presented where appropriate , cross referenced with the help of hypertext links . for example , condensation on the dewar window can appear as a filamentary structure or as a bright extended feature with cusps , depending on the locations of light sources in the field of view . for the more common problems of astigmatism , coma , bad guiding / focusing , and poor seeing , we have provided supporting plots / images where applicable via links on the relevant pages . examples include radial profile plots across a stellar image or multiple images of the same field taken in different seeing conditions . in fig . [ fig1.small ] , we show an example of a typical page in the database , along with the explanation of the problem and a suggestion for the solution . much consideration was given to effectively structuring the image catalog . rather than sorting the images by cause , which is probably unknown to the astronomer accessing the database , we have grouped them by symptom . we provide the following two options for searching the database : 1 . the user may browse the complete list of compiled images . this list features links to the various mishap pages as well as a brief description ( 1 - 2 lines ) of the symptoms in the corresponding image . 2 . the other option is to first broadly classify the image based on its symptoms and then choose the appropriate web page from a smaller list . this option will likely be more practical with an increasing number of images in the database . apart from the frequently occuring problems of bad seeing / focusing / guiding , fringing , dust rings , and reflections , the current revision of the database lists the following as the top categories : * unusual appearance of objects in the image : familiar objects in the image , such as galaxies , stars , etc , have an unexpected appearance ( e.g. , guider jumps , deflated airbags , etc ) . * ccd and electronics features : features seem to be correlated with the ccd rows or columns , or they are otherwise suspiciously electronic in appearance ( e.g. , readout errors , shutter failure , etc ) . * unexpected objects in the image and other external interference : unexpected features obviously not due to the ccd or the electronics appear in the image ( e.g. , occulting dropout shutter , condensation on the dewar window , etc ) . * unsolved mysteries : as mentioned above , these are the cases for which we have so far not been able to determine the cause of the problem . + each of the above links leads to a list of mishap pages in that category with a brief description of the corresponding image appearance . the observational mishaps database can be accessed at http:@xmath0www.astro.lsa.umich.edu@xmath1mishaps@xmath1mishaps.html . it is also directly accessible from the university of michigan astronomy department home page , whose url is http:@xmath0www.astro.lsa.umich.edu . we have created a database of images which are deteriorated by the effects of various mishaps encountered during astronomical observing runs . its structure was designed to help users quickly identify the cause of the poor image quality , thus saving telescope time . in addition to being widely accessible via the www , the advantage of such an on - line catalog is its versatility . unlike a printed catalog , the on - line version can very easily be updated , corrected , and expanded , so that everytime the database is accessed the user will find it in its most up - to - date form . due to the practically infinite number of possible problems during observing runs , this collection is clearly far from and impossible to complete . its usefulness , however , is obviously directly related to the number of examples it contains , and therefore we would appreciate any contributions by the astronomical community in the form of examples which might fit into this collection . instructions for the submission of such images are given in the database . furthermore , we realize that some of our interpretations of the mishaps , as well as some of our suggestions on how to improve the images , may be incorrect or incomplete . while it is our intention to regularly update and improve this database , we welcome any input about the database in general , its structure , or even individual examples . we would like to express our gratitude to the following people who contributed to this project by supplying examples and/or providing explanations of some of the mishaps : gary bernstein , mario mateo , eric miller , patricia knezek , kelly holley - bockelmann , lynne allen , michel festou , and doug welch .
we present a world - wide - web - accessible database of astronomical images which suffer from a variety of observational problems , ranging from common occurences , such as dust grains on filters and/or the dewar window , to more exotic phenomena , such as loss of primary mirror support due to the deflation of the support airbags . apart from its educational usefulness , the purpose of this database is to assist astronomers in diagnosing and treating errant images _ at the telescope _ , thus saving valuable telescope time . every observational mishap contained in this on - line catalog is presented in the form of a gif image , a brief explanation of the problem , and , when possible , a suggestion for improving the image quality .
in the popular `` core accretion '' scenario ( ca model hereafter ; e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) , the terrestrial planet cores form first from much smaller solid constituents . a massive gas atmosphere builds up around the rocky core if it reaches a critical mass of about @xmath0 ( e.g. , * ? ? ? the ca model s main theoretical difficulty is in the very beginning of the growth : it is not clear how metre - sized rocks would stick together while colliding at high speeds , subject to high radial drifts into the parent star @xcite , although gas - dust dynamical instabilities are suggested to help ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? nevertheless , believed to be the only viable model for terrestrial planet formation , the model has enjoyed an almost universal support ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ) . this strongest asset of the theory a `` monopoly '' on making terrestrial planets is actually void . recently , it has been proposed by @xcite that a modified version of the gravitational disc instability model for giant planet formation@xcite may account for terrestrial planets as well , if gas clump migration @xcite and clump disruption due to tidal forces @xcite are taken into account . this new scheme addresses @xcite all of the well known objections @xcite to forming jupiter in the solar system via disc fragmentation . the td hypothesis is a new combination of earlier ideas and contains four important stages ( figure 1 ) : * formation of gas clumps ( which we also call giant planet embryos ; ges ) . as the protoplanetary disc can not fragment inside @xmath1 au @xcite , ges are formed at somewhat larger radii . the mass of the clumps is estimated at @xmath2 ( 10 jupiter masses ) @xcite ; they are intially fluffy and cool ( @xmath3 k ) , but contract with time and become much hotter @xcite . * inward radial migration of the clumps due to gravitational interactions with the surrounding gas disc @xcite . * grain growth and sedimentation inside the clumps @xcite . if the clump temperature remains below @xmath4k , massive terrestrial planet cores may form @xcite , with masses up to the total high z element content of the clump ( e.g. , @xmath5 earth masses for a solar metalicity clump of @xmath6 ) . * a disruption of ges in the inner few au due to tidal forces @xcite or due to irradiation from the star @xcite can result in ( a ) a smallish solid core and a complete gas envelope removal a terrestrial planet ; ( b ) a massive solid core , with most of the gas removed a uranus - like planet ; ( c ) a partial envelope removal leaves a gas giant planet like jupiter or saturn . for ( b ) , an internal energy release due to a massive core formation removes the envelope @xcite . it is interesting to note that it is the proper placement of step ( 1 ) into the outer reaches of the system and then the introduction of the radial migration ( step 2 ) that makes this model physically viable . the theory based on elements ( 3,4 ) from an earlier 1960-ies scenario for terrestrial planet formation by @xcite were rejected by @xcite because step ( 1 ) is not possible in the inner solar system . similarly , the giant disc instability @xcite can not operate at @xmath7 au to make jupiter @xcite . it is therefore the proper placement of step ( 1 ) into the outer reaches of the system and then the introduction of the radial migration ( step 2 ) that makes this model physically viable . the new hypothesis resolves @xcite an old mystery of the solar system : the mainly coherent and prograde rotation of planets , which is unexpected if planets are built by randomly oriented impacts . the gross structure of the solar system planets is naturally accounted for by the td model . the innermost terrestrial planets are located within the tidal disruption radius of @xmath8 au @xcite , so these are indeed expected to have no massive atmospheres . the asteroid belt in this scheme are the solids that grew inside the giant planet embryos but not made into the central core , and which were then left around the @xmath9 . the gas giant planets are somewhat outside the tidal disruption radius , and thus have been only partially affected by tidal disruption / solar irradiation . the outer icy giant planets are too far from the sun to have been affected strongly by it , so they are interesting cases of _ self - disruption _ in the td model . in particular , 35 years ago , @xcite suggested that the massive core formation in uranus and neptune evaporated most of their hydrogen envelopes . to appreciate the argument , compare the binding energy of the solid core with that of the ge . we expect the core of high - z elements to have a density @xmath10 a few g @xmath11 . the radial size of the solid core , @xmath12 . the binding energy of the solid core is @xmath13 the clump radius @xmath14 au at the age of @xmath15 years , independently of its mass@xcite , @xmath16 . thus , the ge binding energy at that age is @xmath17 the two are comparable for @xmath18 . radiation hydrodynamics simulations confirm such internal disruption events : the run labelled m@xmath19 in @xcite made a @xmath20 solid core that unbound all but @xmath21 of the gaseous material of the original @xmath22 gas clump . future work on the td hypothesis should address the outer solar system structure ( kuiper belt ; comet compositions , etc . ) . detailed predictions for exo - planet observations are difficult as the model dependencies are non - linear @xcite , but some predictions distinctively different from the ca scenario may be possible as planets loose rather than gain mass as they migrate inwards .
the standard picture of planet formation posits that giant gas planets are over - grown rocky planets massive enough to attract enormous gas atmospheres . it has been shown recently that the opposite point of view is physically plausible : the rocky terrestrial planets are former giant planet embryos dried of their gas `` to the bone '' by the influences of the parent star . here we provide a brief overview of this `` tidal downsizing '' hypothesis in the context of the solar system structure .
recently , the lowest - lying octet baryon masses have been studied on the lattice with @xmath0 configurations @xcite . because the limitation of the computational resources , most lattice quantum chromodynamics ( lqcd ) simulations still have to employ larger than physical light - quark masses , finite lattice volume and finite lattice spacing . chiral perturbation theory ( chpt ) @xcite , as an effective field theory of low - energy qcd , plays an important role in performing the multiple extrapolations needed to extrapolate lqcd results ( chiral extrapolations @xcite , finite - volume corrections ( fvcs ) @xcite , and continuum extrapolations @xcite ) to the physical world . in this work we report on the first systematic study of the ground - state octet baryon masses in the covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory ( bchpt ) with the extended - on - mass - shell ( eoms ) scheme up to next - to - next - to - next - to - leading order ( n@xmath3lo ) . the virtual decuplet contributions to the octet baryon masses and finite lattice volume and lattice spacing effects on the lattice data are studied . finally , the octet baryon sigma terms are predicted using the feynman - hellmann theorem . up to n@xmath3lo , the octet baryon masses with the virtual decuplet contributions can be written as @xmath4 where @xmath5 is the chiral limit octet baryon mass , @xmath6 , @xmath7 , and @xmath8 correspond to the @xmath9 , @xmath10 , and @xmath11 contributions from the octet - only eoms bchpt , respectively . the last term @xmath12 denotes the contributions of the virtual decuplet resonances up to n@xmath3lo . their explicit expressions and the corresponding fvcs can be found in refs . @xcite . in order to perform the continuum extrapolation of the lqcd simulations , one can first write down the symanzik s effective filed theory @xcite . in ref . @xcite , we constructed the corresponding chiral lagrangians up to @xmath13 to study the finite lattice spacing effects on the octet baryon masses , which can be written as @xmath14 here we want to mention that there are @xmath15 unknown lecs ( @xmath5 , @xmath16 , @xmath17 , @xmath18 , @xmath19 , @xmath20 ) needed to be fixed in the eoms bchpt at @xmath11 . furthermore , including the finite lattice spacing effects ( eq . ( [ eq : aeffects ] ) ) , one has to introduce @xmath21 more combinations of the unknown lecs @xcite . the details of the studies can be found in refs . @xcite . here we only briefly summarize the main results . in order to determine all the lecs and test the consistency of the current lqcd simulations , we perform a simultaneous fit to all the publicly available @xmath0 lqcd data from the pacs - cs @xcite , lhpc @xcite , qcdsf - ukqcd @xcite , hsc @xcite , and nplqcd @xcite collaborations . to ensure that the n@xmath3lo bchpt stays in its applicability range , fitted lqcd data are limited to those satisfying @xmath22 gev@xmath23 and @xmath24 . in refs . @xcite , we found that the octet - only eoms bchpt shows a good description of the lqcd and experimental data with order - by - order improvement . up to n@xmath3lo , the @xmath25 is about @xmath26 , which indicates that the lattice simulations from these five collaborations are consistent with each other , although their setups are very different . in addition , we showed that the explicit inclusion of the virtual decuplet baryons does not change the description of the lqcd data in any significant way , at least at @xmath11 . this implies that using only the octet baryon mass data , one can not disentangle the virtual decuplet contributions from those of the virtual octet baryons and tree - level diagrams . on the other hand , we notice that the explicit inclusion of the virtual decuplet baryons does seem to improve slightly the description of the fvcs , especially for the lqcd data with small @xmath27 . therefore , the virtual decuplet contributions to the octet baryon masses are not taken into account in our following studies . to study discretization effects on the ground - state octet baryon masses , we constructed the relevant chiral lagrangians up to @xmath13 in ref . @xcite . by analyzing the latest @xmath0 @xmath28-improved lqcd data of the pacs - cs , qcdsf - ukqcd , hsc and nplqcd collaborations , we found that the finite lattice spacing effects are at the order of @xmath29% for lattice spacings up to @xmath30 fm and the pion mass up to @xmath31 mev , which is in agreement with other lqcd studies . finally , the octet baryon sigma terms are predicted using the feynman - hellmann theorem . in order to obtain an accurate determination of sigma terms , a careful examination of the lqcd data is essential , since not all of them are of the same quality though they are largely consistent with each other . in ref . @xcite , we only employed the pacs - cs , lhpc and qcdsf - ukqcd data . we also took into account the scale setting effects of the lqcd simulations and studied systematic uncertainties from truncating chiral expansions . furthermore , strong - interaction isospin breaking effects to the baryon masses were for the first time employed to better constrain the relevant lecs up to n@xmath3lo . we predict the nucleon sigma terms as @xmath1 mev and @xmath2 mev , which are consistent with recent lqcd and bchpt studies . we have studied the lowest - lying octet baryon masses in the eoms bchpt up to n@xmath3lo . the unknown low - energy constants are determined by a simultaneous fit to the latest @xmath0 lqcd simulations , and it is shown that the lqcd results are consistent with each other , though their setups are quite different . the contributions of virtual decuplet resonances are explicitly included and we find that their effects on the octet baryon masses are small , especially for the chiral extrapolations . we have studied finite - volume corrections and finite lattice spacing effects on the lqcd baryon masses as well . we find that their effects are of similar size but finite volume corrections are more important to better constrain the lecs and to reduce the @xmath32 . using the feynman - hellmann theorem , we have performed an accurate determination of the nucleon sigma terms , focusing on the uncertainties from the lattice scale setting method and chiral expansions . our predictions are @xmath1 mev and @xmath2 mev , which are consistent with most of the recent lqcd and bchpt studies . however , further lqcd simulations are needed to reduce the uncertainty of the nucleon strangeness - sigma term . x .- l.r acknowledges the innovation foundation of beihang university for ph.d . graduates . this work was partly supported by the national natural science foundation of china under grants no . 11005007 , no . 11375024 , and no . 11175002 , and the new century excellent talents in university program of ministry of education of china under grant no . ncet-10 - 0029 , the fundamental research funds for the central universities , and the research fund for the doctoral program of higher education under grant no .
we report an analysis of the octet baryon masses using the covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to next - to - next - to - next - to - leading order with and without the virtual decuplet contributions . particular attention is paid to the finite - volume corrections and the finite lattice spacing effects on the baryon masses . a reasonable description of all the publicly available @xmath0 lattice qcd data is achieved . utilyzing the feynman - hellmann theorem , we determine the nucleon sigma terms as @xmath1 mev and @xmath2 mev .
phase - referencing has become a standard technique in very long baseline interferometry ( vlbi ) to measure accurate relative positions of radio sources . the concept of phase - referencing is based on the assumption that the phase errors of two sources with a small angular separation on the sky are similar . one observes a target source between two scans on a calibrator . then one can interpolate the calibration between the two scans and apply this interpolated phase corrections to the phase of the target source . the phase - referenced difference phase contains information only about the target source structure and its position relative to the calibrator and contains noise from interpolation errors . one major problem of phase - referencing vlbi observations is the unknown tropospheric zenith delay at each antenna . the vlba correlator model uses a seasonally averaged and latitude - dependent atmospheric model ( niell 1996 ) , which can misestimate the zenith delay by a few centimeters . the excess path length caused by the dry troposphere to a radio signal from a source with zenith angle @xmath1 is given by @xmath2 where @xmath3 is the total pressure at the surface ( see equation 13.41 in thompson , moran , & swenson 2001 ) . this excess path length will be different for the calibrator and the target source since both sources usually have different zenith angles . hence , a residual error will remain after phase - referencing . these residual errors degrade the quality of the phase - referenced image and limit the achievable astrometric accuracy ( e.g. , beasley & conway 1995 ) . if the correlator model misestimates the zenith delay @xmath4 by 3 cm ( @xmath5 ns ) , one would expect after phase - referencing delay errors of 0.2 cm for zenith angles of @xmath6 and source separations of @xmath7 . however , these errors can be corrected if the true zenith delay at each antenna is known . the fringe - phase of the target source after phase - referencing is mainly a sum of the position offset and the effects of the zenith delay error if the source structure is negligible . the phase induced by the position offset shows a simple 24 hour cosine behavior , while the phase errors from the zenith delay error follow a more complex dependence on the zenith angle according to equation 1 . because of the different behavior of the two contributions , it is possible to separate both effects and to estimate the position offset as well as the zenith delay error . one can compute a model phase with a position offset ( two parameters ) and a zenith delay error at each antenna ( one parameter for each antenna ) and perform a least - squares fit to the phase data this method has been applied successfully by reid et al . ( 1999 ) to measure the proper motion of sgr a@xmath8 . in brunthaler et al . ( 2002 ) we applied this method to phase - referencing observations of extragalactic h@xmath9o masers in ic10 with respect to the background quasar j0027 + 5958 and achieved an astrometric accuracy of @xmath10as . .positions offsets of ic10 in right ascension ( @xmath11 ) and declination ( @xmath12 ) relative to the phase center from the model fit to the phase data ( a ) , the corrected map using the phase data ( b ) and the corrected map using the geodetic - like observations ( c ) . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] the fit values of the zenith delay and clock offsets can also be used to correct the _ a corrected image is seen in figure 1 ( c ) and the peak - to - noise ratio is 100 . the positions of the maser feature in the corrected maps are given in table 1 ( c ) . they are also consistent with the positions of the fit to the phases . we have presented a technique to correct phase - referencing observations for inaccurate zenith delays in the vlba correlator model . the quality of the atmosphere - corrected phase - referenced images can be improved by this technique . the peak - to - noise ratio in the corrected images increases by @xmath13 . by using this technique , an astrometric accuracy of 10 @xmath0as can be achieved . two independent methods were presented to estimate the zenith delay offsets at each antenna . the images obtained from the correction with the zenith delay offsets from the fit to the phases ( fig.1 ( b ) ) and from the geodetic - like observations ( fig.1 ( c ) ) are very similar and the positions measured from these images are consistent . this is a proof of concept for our technique . the astrometric accuracy of this technique enables us to detect significant proper motions of galaxies in the local group out to a distance of 800 kpc within a few years . one needs at least three epochs of observations to make reliable statements about measured proper motions . further observations are underway and the results will be presented elsewhere . beasley , a. , & conway , j. e. 1995 , vlbi phase - referencing , in asp conf . 82 : very long baseline interferometry and the vlba , eds . j. a. zensus , p. j. diamond & p. j. napier ( san francisco : asp ) , 327 brunthaler , a. , reid , m. j. , falcke , h. , greenhill , l. j. , & henkel , c. 2002 in prodeedings of the 6th european vlbi network symposium , e. ros , r. w. porcas , a. p. lobanov , and j. a. zensus ( eds . ) , mpifr bonn , germany , p. 189
one major problem of phase - referencing vlbi observations are phase errors due to the unknown tropospheric zenith delay at each antenna . these errors degrade the quality of the phase - referenced image and limit the achievable astrometric accuracy . we will present and compare two independent methods to estimate the zenith delay offset at each antenna . the zenith delay offsets can then be used to correct the data . these corrections improve the quality of the phase - referenced image and an astrometric accuracy of 10 @xmath0as can be achieved . with this accuracy , measurements of proper motions in the local group become feasible . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
cppup has been one of the fastest and brightest novae ever recorded . it reached v@xmath0=0.2mag in nov 1942 and declined by several mag in less than 1 week ( @xmath1=6.5 days ) . after outburst it has not returned to the quiescent level it had before outburst , remaining about 5 mag brighter ( schaefer & collazzi 2010 ) . the post outburst quiescent phase has been studied through time resolved broad band imaging and spectroscopy ( barrera & vogt 1989 , bianchini et al . 1985 , 2012 , cropper 1986 , diaz & steiner 1991 , duerbeck et al . 1987 , odonogue et al . 1989 , patterson & warner 1998 , szkody & feinswog 1988 , warner 1985 , white et al . 1993 ) suggesting that cppup is a short orbital period cataclysmic variable ( cv ) . the spectroscopic period is shorter than the photometric period and both periods are unstable / variable . the wd mass derived from radial velocity studies has always been too small ( @xmath20.2 to @xmath20.6m@xmath3 ) to be consistent with classical nova theory and stellar evolution time scales . x - ray observations ( balman et al . 1995 , orio et al . 2009 ) have always suggested a possible magnetic nature of the primary wd , though they could never firmly establish it . time resolved spectra were collected at the ctio 4 m telescope equipped with the rc - spectrograph on feb 6 and 7 2009 . the wavelength coverage was 3500-6000 with a resolution fwhm@xmath46 . the exposure times were 60s each with a duty cycle of less than 2min . the radial velocity measures of the h@xmath5 , h@xmath6 , heii@xmath74686 and ciii(1 ) , show a drift of the data points during the first night and possibly an offset from night to night ( fig.1 ) . from the fourier analysis of the whole data set we find two periods ( fig.2 ) : 1 ) the well known @xmath41.47hr period ( up to now interpreted as the orbital period of the binary ) , and 2 ) a longer period of @xmath410hr . this period is highly uncertain but possibly matches the true orbital period of the system . ( black symbols ) and h@xmath6 ( blue circles ) radial velocities are shown in the top panels ; while the heii ( blue symbols ) and ciii ( red circles ) lines are shown in the bottom panels . , width=377 ] radial velocities . right panel : radial velocity curve of the h@xmath5 emission line phased on the long period of @xmath49.77hr and best fit ( red line).,title="fig : " ] radial velocities . right panel : radial velocity curve of the h@xmath5 emission line phased on the long period of @xmath49.77hr and best fit ( red line).,title="fig : " ] high resolution x - ray spectra were taken with chandra and the hetgs spectrograph . the wavelength coverage was 0.410kev at a resolution of e/@xmath8e@xmath41000 . seven exposures were collected between september 30 and october 31 2009 for a 175780s of total integration time . our new chandra observations though limited by a relatively low signal - to - noise ratio show that the x - ray spectrum of cppup is modified by a complex , intrinsic absorber . while this is commonly seen in magnetic cvs , it has not been seen in non - magnetic cvs except at very high inclination angle ( i.e. , systems showing at least a grazing eclipse ; see mukai et al . this supports the magnetic cv interpretation . within this hypothesis and following mukai et al . ( 2003 ) we fit the spectra using a cooling flow model . our best fit model temperature is kt=36.5kev with a 90% confidence range of 20.2-55.7kev . our best fit temperature corresponds to a wd mass of 0.8 ( 0.57-0.99 ) m@xmath3 . such a wd mass is in much better agreement with the current classical nova theory , though still on the low end of its expected value . our new optical and x - ray data suggest that cp pup is a magnetic cv , most likely of the intermediate polar ( ip ) type . in particular , the longer term modulation of the radial velocity curve suggests that cp pup is not a short orbital period system but a long period cv with orbital period p@xmath910hr . should this be confirmed , the spectroscopic period of @xmath41.47hr should be interpreted as the wd spin and its instability as an effect induced by the varying geometry of the emitting region ( i.e. the accretion curtain magnetic field lines that are continuously stretching , breaking and reconnecting ) . the slightly longer photometric period , instead , should be regarded as the beat between the spin and the orbital period . unfortunately , due to the range of values recorded for both the spectroscopic and photometric period and due to the lack of simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations , we could not constrain the putative long orbital period through simple beat frequency calculations . in addition , should cppup be a long orbital period ip , the observed x - ray modulation ( orio et al . 2009 , balman et al . 1995 ) would arise from the accreting magnetic pole(s ) and match the wd spin period ; the nir light curve ( szkody & feinswog 1988 ) should be interpreted similarly to dqher ( chanan & nelson 1978 ) , and the calculation of the dynamical masses would certainly deliver more reasonable values , possibly consistent with those determined from the x - ray observations . however , as the longer period is poorly sampled and highly uncertain , it remains necessary to observe cppup again , in time resolved spectroscopy and over at least four consecutive nights , thus to securely pin down the long period existence and its exact value .
fast cadence time resolved spectra taken at the ctio-4 m telescope with the rc-spectrograph during 2 consecutive nights revealed a long term modulation of the binary radial velocity . chandra hard x-ray spectra taken with the hetgs instrument showed features typically observed in magnetic white dwarfs ( wd ) . here , we present the new data and suggest that cppup is possibly a long orbital period intermediate polar .
near - contact binaries are very important source in understanding the formation and evolution of the binary systems . the members of these systems have orbital periods less than 1 day . most of the systems contain a component at or near its roche lobe . theoretical studies suggest that the near - contact binaries could be in the intermediate - stage between a detached or semi - detached configuration ( e.g. @xcite ) . therefore , these systems are important observational targets which could play a key role in understanding the evolutionary stages of interacting binaries . krcyg ( hd333645 , @xmath1 ) was recognized as a variable star by @xcite . its properties are relatively poorly known compared to those of other short - period binaries . the observations of @xcite revealed the first photoelectric light curves and a period of @xmath2 for the system . @xcite included krcyg in their list of near - contact eclipsing binaries . its more detailed history until 2004 has been described by @xcite . unfortunately , no spectroscopic study exists . we followed the observations of the system and obtained new light curves in 2005 . we report the new photometric observations , and the solutions of the light curves . in this paper , we investigate possible implications of the orbital period change of the system based on our new minima times , and on historical data collected from the literature . both the period analysis and the light - curve analysis show that krcyg is probably a triple system . the system is important not only because it joins the group of near - contact binary systems @xcite , but also because we show that it is part of a triple system with @xmath076 @xmath3 orbit and a mass function of @xmath4 . the observations were acquired with a high - speed three channel photometer attached to the 48 cm cassegrain telescope at ege university observatory . the observations were continued in ubvr bands . some basic parameters of the program stars are listed in table 1 . the names of the stars are listed in the first and second columns , while j2000 coordinates are listed in the third and fourth columns . the v magnitudes are in the next column , and the spectral types of the stars are listed in the last column . although the variable and comparison stars are very close on the sky , differential atmospheric extinction corrections were applied . the atmospheric extinction coefficients were obtained from observations of the comparison stars on each night . moreover , the comparison stars were observed with the standard stars in their vicinity and the reduced differential magnitudes , in the sense variable minus comparison , were transformed to the standard system using procedures out - lined by @xcite . the standard stars are used from the catalogues of @xcite . furthermore , the dereddened colours of the system were computed . heliocentric corrections were also applied to the times of the observations . to compute the standard deviations of observations , we used the standard deviations of the reduced differential magnitudes in the sense comparisons minus check stars for each night . in figure 1 , the light and colour curves of krcyg are shown . [ cols="<,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] we obtained new ubvr observations for krcyg and analysed the ubvr light curves to reveal a orbital parameters solution including its roche configuration . a detailed analysis of the orbital period changes of krcyg was made using its @xmath5 diagram constructed from all available times of eclipse minima . the findings from this study are summarized as follows : \(i ) new physical and geometrical parameters of components of the system have been derived . orbital parameters indicate that krcyg is a near - contact binary system with a large temperature difference of approximately 5230 k. \(ii ) krcyg is a semi - detached binary system , in which the primary ( massive and hotter ) component is slightly smaller than its roche lobe , while the cool component is slightly greater than it . it exhibits a @xmath6 lyrae type light curve , and fulfils most of the properties of the near - contact systems @xcite . \(iii ) the system can be classified as near - contact binaries of fo vir type . however , it must be noted that the existing observational material does not allow a precise classification for the system . \(iv ) @xmath5 analysis indicates that krcyg is probably an interesting triple eclipsing system showing the slow ltte caused by a third body orbiting with a period of @xmath076 years . furthermore , the significant contribution of the third - body found in the light curve analysis . thus , it confirms that third body may produce the sinusoidal variation in the @xmath5 residuals . \(v ) in future work , spectroscopic observations should be made to obtain radial velocity curves , which will allow a better discussion of the absolute dimensions and the evolutionary status of krcyg . new timings of this eclipsing binary are also necessary to improve the ltte parameters derived in this paper . the author acknowledge generous allotments of observing time at the ege university observatory . 21 cutri , r.m . , skrutskie , m.f . , van dyk , s. et al . , 2003 , the irsa 2mass all - sky point source catalog , nasa / ipac infrared science archive ( http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/gator/ ) hardie , r.h . , 1962 , `` in astronomical techniques '' , ed.w.a.hiltner , chicago : univ . chicago press ) , 178 hilditch , r.w . , king , d.j . , mcfarlane , t.m . , 1988 , mnras , 231 , 341 irwin , j.b . , 1959 , aj , 64 , 149 landolt , a.u . , 1983 , aj , 88 , 439 landolt , a.u . , 1992 , aj , 104 , 340 lucy , l.b . , 1967 , z. astrophys , 65 , 89 paschke , a. , brt , l. , 2006 , oejv , 23 , 13 pols , o.r . , schroder k. p. , hurley , j. r. , tout , c. a. , eggleton , p. , 1998 , mnras , 298 , 525 pra , a. , zwitter , t. , 2005 , apj , 628 , 426 rucinski , s.m . , 1969 , aca , 19 , 245 schneller , h. , 1931a , an , 242 , 180 schneller , h. , 1931b , an , 243 , 337 schneller , h. , 1931c , an , 245 , 43 shaw , j.s . , 1990 , in : c. ibanolu ( ed . ) , active close binaries , kluwer academic publishers , dordrecht , p. 241 sipahi , e. , glmen , . , 2004 , apss , 293 , 307 tokunaga , a.t . , 2000 , `` allen s astrophysical quantities '' , fouth edition , ed a.n.cox ( springer ) , p.143 vetenik , m. , 1965 , bac , 16 , 326 wilson , r.e . , 1990 , apj , 356 , 613 wilson , r.e . , devinney , e.j . , 1971 , apj , 166 , 605
new multi - color ubvr light curves of the eclipsing binary krcyg were obtained in 2005 . photometric solutions were derived using the wilson - devinney method . the result shows that krcyg is a near - contact binary system with a large effective temperature difference between the components , approximately 5230 k. all the times of minimum light were collected and combined with our observations obtained in 2010 and 2011 . analysing all the times of mid - eclipse , the period of quasi - sinusoidal variation is about @xmath076 years . the periodic oscillation could be explained by the light - time effect due to a presumed third component . ( stars : ) binaries : eclipsing ( stars : ) binaries : general stars : early - type stars : individual ( krcyg )
we have used the galaxy evolution models described by bell & bower ( 2000 ) to investigate stellar @xmath0 ratios of galaxies . these models were tuned to fit the observed trends between the colors and the structural parameters of spiral galaxies ( bell & de jong 2000 ) . using a local gas density dependent star formation law , the photometric evolution is calculated , taking chemical evolution into account . as well as a closed box model we have models with gas infall and outflow , mass dependent formation epochs and star bursts . all models show large variations in @xmath0 , amounting from a factor 8 in @xmath1 to 2 in @xmath2 , but in all models we find a strong correlation between @xmath0 and optical color ( e.g. fig.1a ) . the slope of the color-@xmath0 relation is very robust against the particular stellar population synthesis model and against the exact details of the galaxy evolution model . the main uncertainty in the correlation is the zero - point , which is determined by the assumed imf ; most notably by the relative amount of low mass stars , which contribute to the mass but not to the luminosity and color . a constraint on the color-@xmath0 correlation zero - point can be obtained from galaxy rotation curves . the stellar disk in a galaxy can not be more massive than allowed by its rotation curve , resulting in a maximum - disk @xmath0 . in fig.1b we show the maximum - disk @xmath0 values versus the extinction corrected @xmath1@xmath3 color for the verheijen ( 1998 ) galaxy sample . these @xmath0 values are truly upper limits : any mass not accounted for in the rotation curve decompositions will push the stellar @xmath0 even lower . the solid line in fig.1b shows the fit to the color-@xmath0 relation for our best model using a standard salpeter imf . clearly this model over - predicts the maximum allowed mass for many galaxies , as many galaxies lie below the line . using a salpeter imf with a flat slope below 0.6@xmath4 as suggested by recent observations results in the dotted line which is consistent with the observations ( for @xmath5kms@xmath6mpc@xmath6 or @xmath7 mpc ) . observed tf - relations are known to have a passband dependence , both in slope and in zero - point . applying tully et al . ( 1998 ) extinction corrections and our color-@xmath0 correlations , we can calculate stellar mass tf - relations from the observed tf - relations . we find that the stellar mass tf - relations derived from the different passbands are equal to within the uncertainties . by adding in the hi gas mass we can calculate the baryonic tf - relations ( fig.1c ) . we find that the slope of the baryonic tf - relation must be less then @xmath8 , significantly lower than found by mcgaugh et al . ( 2000 ) , mainly due to our use of stellar m / ls consistent with maximum disk constraints and our exclusion of low luminosity dwarfs with poorly determined inclinations and rotation velocities . support for rsdj was provided by nasa through hubble fellowship grant # hf-01106.01-a from the space telescope science institute , which is operated by the aura , inc . , under nasa contract nas5 - 26555 . support for efb was provided by nasa ltsa grant nag5 - 8426 . bell , e. f. , & bower , r. g. 2000 , in press ( astro - ph/0005294 ) bell , e. f. , & de jong , r. s. 2000 , , 312 , 497 mcgaugh , s. s. et al . 2000 , , 533 , l99 tully , r. b. et al . 1998 , , 115 , 2264 verheijen , m. a. w. 1997 , phd thesis , univ . of groningen
we use spiral galaxy evolution models to argue that there are substantial variations in stellar mass - to - light ratio ( @xmath0 ) within and among galaxies . our models show a strong correlation between stellar @xmath0 and galaxy color . we compare the colors and maximum - disk @xmath0 values of a sample of galaxies to the model color-@xmath0 relation , finding that a salpeter imf is too massive but that an imf with fewer low mass stars fits the observations well . applying our color-@xmath0 relation to the tully - fisher ( tf ) relation , we find a stellar mass tf - relation that is independent of originating passband . adding the hi gas mass , we find that the maximum slope of the baryonic tf - relation is 3.5 .
jets are produced by the hard scattering of two partons . two scattered partons propagate nearly back - to - back in azimuth from the collision point and fragment into jet - like spray of final state particles ( the schematic view is in figure 1 ) . these particles have a transverse momentum @xmath2 with respect to the parent partons , with component @xmath3 projected onto the azimuthal plane . the magnitude of @xmath3 measured at lower energies has been found to be @xmath0 and @xmath4 independent . in collinear partonic collisions , the two partons emerge with the same magnitude of transverse momentum in opposite directions . however , the partons carry the `` intrinsic '' transverse momentum @xmath1 before the collision . this momentum affects the outgoing transverse momentum @xmath4 , resulting in a momentum imbalance ( i.e. transverse momentum of one jet does not lie in the plane determined by the transverse momentum of the second jet and the beam axes ) and consequently affects the back - to - back correlations of final high @xmath4 hadrons @xcite . the back - to - back azimuthal correlations of high @xmath4 hadrons is written as @xmath5 where @xmath6 and @xmath7 are , respectively , the azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity between a trigger and their associated particles . the azimuthal correlation function displays a two - peak structure , where the width of the near - side peak is denoted by @xmath8 and the width of the away - side peak is @xmath9 . the value of @xmath8 carries information on the fragmentation process only i.e. @xmath2 . for particles with average transverse momenta @xmath10 and @xmath11 from the same jet , the width of the near - side correlation , @xmath8 , can be related to @xmath12 as @xcite : @xmath13 the width of the away - side peak @xmath9 contain the contribution of the intrinsic transverse momentum @xmath1 . it has been characterized by a gaussian distribution @xcite @xmath14 the azimuthal correlations are used extensively in heavy ions collisions to understand the parton suppression mechanisms . we have concentrated in this work to the simplest case i.e. p - p to understand the size and details of the peaks in azimuthal correlations . correlation function was calculated choosing @xmath15=0 , 1 , 4 @xmath16 at 200 gev in a mid - rapidity region ( @xmath17 0.7 ) . charged hadrons in 4 < @xmath18 < 6 gev / c and in 2 gev @xmath19 p@xmath20 4 gev are defined to be trigger and associated particles respectively . in the actual calculation , we use pythia 6.325 @xcite in aliroot @xcite to simulate each hard scattering where a gaussian distribution is assuming for @xmath1 . the correlations functions were fitted by the sum of two gaussians , one for the near - side component ( around @xmath6 = 0 radians ) and one for the away - side component ( around @xmath6 = @xmath21 radians ) and a constant for the uncorrelated pairs . figure 2 compares experimental data @xcite with different @xmath15 simulations . in the four cases is observed that can not reproduce experimental data . in order to reproduce the experimental data , we characterize the intrinsic momentum by two gaussians distributions = 200 gev , experimental data @xcite and simulations with different @xmath15 ] @xmath22 this distribution was adding in pythia code and calculated the azimuthal correlations . the figure 3 show the experimental data and the simulation . the simulation is in good agreement with the experimental data . the values of @xmath23 and @xmath24 are 0.558 @xmath25 0.042 and @xmath24 = 0.099 @xmath25 0.050 respectively . in addition the magnitude of the partonic transverse momentum @xmath12 was calculated . the values obtained of @xmath12 = 0.397 @xmath25 0.091 gev / c are in agreement with the average value @xmath12 = 0.324 @xmath25 0.06 gev / c obtained experimentally @xcite . we report the analysis of experimental azimuthal correlations measured by star in p - p collisions at @xmath0 = 200 gev . comparisons between experimental data and simulation with different @xmath15 show that the @xmath15 characterized by a gaussian distribution can not reproduce experimental data . assuming two gaussians distributions for @xmath1 the simulation is in agreement with the experimental data , as far as , we understand the use of two gaussians . it has never been used before to explain the peaks observed in azimuthal correlations . in addition the magnitude of the partonic transverse momentum @xmath12 was calculated . the values of @xmath12 = 0.397 @xmath25 0.091 gev / c are in agreement with the average value @xmath12 = 0.324 @xmath25 0.06 gev / c obtained experimentally . r. p. feynman , r. d. field and g. c. fox , nucl . b. * 128:1 * , ( 1977 ) . j. rak [ phenix collaboration ] j. phys g. nucl . phys . * 31 * , s541 ( 2005 ) . x. n. wang , phys . c * 61 * , 064910 ( 2000 ) . t. sstrand _ et al . _ , comp . * 135 * , 238 ( 2001 ) . j. adams _ et al . _ [ star collaboration ] , phys . lett . * 91 * , 072304 ( 2003 ) . j. rak , j. phys . g * 30 * , s1309 ( 2004 ) .
we report the analysis of experimental azimuthal correlations measured by star in p - p collisions at @xmath0 = 200 gev . we conclude that for a fit of data using pythia event generator we need to include two values of @xmath1 . address = instituto de ciencias nucleares , unam , a. p. 70543 , 04510 mexico city , mexico . address = instituto de ciencias nucleares , unam , a. p. 70543 , 04510 mexico city , mexico . address = instituto de ciencias nucleares , unam , a. p. 70543 , 04510 mexico city , mexico .
in the last few years , several wide field imagers ( wfis ) at the focus of large ground - based telescopes have become operative ( mpi - eso 2.2 m , aat 4 m , cfh 4 m ) , and their number is continuously increasing ( lbt 2@xmath18 m , vst 2.5 m , ukirt 3.8 m , vista 4 m , etc . ) , as well as their field of view . these wfis have allowed us to map completely a number of open and globular clusters in our galaxy , and to get accurate photometry for large numbers of stars , with the additional possibility of studying fast - evolving phases of stellar evolution . by definition , the wfis allow large radial coverage in a cluster , so that we can study the radial distribution of stars in different sequences of the color magnitude diagram ( cmd ) and of peculiar objects , which allows us to investigate the effect of the environment on the evolution of the cluster stars . the wide field coverage has made the study of tidal tails in open and globular clusters much more practicable . among the most interesting opportunities offered by the wfis ( still largely unexplored ) are in their astrometric performance . accurate astrometry over wide fields is important for a number of reasons . first of all , an accuracy of 0.2 arcsec or better is required to point the fibers of multi - fiber spectroscopic facilities ( e.g. , flames@xmath2giraffe / vlt at eso ) . however , the most promising applications lie in the proper - motion measurements of a large number of stars . wfis allow astrometric measurements with an accuracy of far better than @xmath3 arcsec . with a baseline of a few years , images collected with modern wfis can provide proper motions more accurate than those obtainable with old plates with a baseline of several decades . ( note , though , that these plates will still remain valuable for long - term non - linear astrometry , such as the determination of the orbit of long - period visual binaries , and of course for long - term variation in the light curves ) . in the last year , we have started to apply to wide field ground - based images what we have learned from hubble space telescope ( @xmath4 ) ( anderson & king 2000 , 2003 , anderson 2004 ) . for accurate astrometry the ability to reproduce the the core of the point spread function ( psf ) is of crucial importance , much more so than for accurate psf - fitting photometry . in fact , the psf core ( where the derivatives of the stellar profile are highest ) contains almost all the astrometric information . the psf core needs to be carefully modeled , as does its dependence on the spatial position within the detector . moreover , the core of the psf needs to be represented with adequate sampling . in figure 2 we show the precision achieved in measuring stellar positions in images collected at the wfi@2.2 m , under 12 seeing conditions . we verified that a seeing of 08 improves the precision by @xmath030% . at the moment our main limitation comes from the geometric distortion of the focal plane , and we are working on an algorithm to correct for it . before we can correct for it , we must of course understand what the nature of the distortion is , in terms of ( 1 ) what order of polynomial best characterizes it , ( 2 ) whether there is any fine - scale component added by the filters or other optical elements and ( 3 ) whether it changes over time . even if we can not perfectly characterize the distortion , it is still possible to minimize its effect on astrometry either by taking a set of exposures at a variety of pointing offsets or by doing transformations in a more local way ( bedin et al . figure 3 shows an example of the proper - motion potential of ground - based wide field imagers ; we present preliminary results on field - star removal in part of the low - galactic - latitude globular cluster m4 . observations collected at the wfi@2.2 m in two epochs separated by a time baseline of just 2.2 years already allow an excellent separation . the first - epoch data consist of 3@xmath175s + 2@xmath155s @xmath5-band images taken on december 6 , 1999 , and the second - epoch data consist of 3@xmath1180s images in the same band , and 3@xmath1120s @xmath6-band images , taken on february 19 , 2002 . in order to avoid first - order color terms , we use only the @xmath5 images to derive the proper motions , and we use only the cluster ms stars as reference stars in the transformation , so that stars moving with the cluster will have zero displacement . the top left panel of figure 3 shows the vector point diagram of the displacements , in units of wfi pixels ( 238 mas / pixel ) . from high - accuracy astrometric measurements on @xmath4 data , bedin et al . ( 2003 ) have shown that the average proper - motion displacement between cluster stars and field objects is @xmath017 mas / yr . since our astrometric errors increase rapidly toward fainter magnitudes , we consider as cluster members all the stars with a proper motion which differs by less than 10 mas / yr from the average proper motion of the cluster ms stars . anderson , j. , & king , i. r. 2000 , pasp , 112 , 1360 anderson , j. , & king , i. r. 2003 , pasp , 115 , 113 anderson , j. acs isr 04 - 15 , 2004 bedin l. r. , piotto , g. , king , i. r. , & anderson , j. 2003 , aj , 126 , 247
we show the astrometric potential of the wide field imager at the focus of the mpi - eso 2.2 m telescope . currently , we are able to measure the position of a well - exposed star with a precision of @xmath04 mas / frame in each coordinate ( under 0.8 arcsec seeing conditions ) . we present some preliminary results here .
black holes ( @xmath0 ) and neutron stars ( @xmath1 ) are certainly two major potential sources of gravitational waves ( @xmath2 ) . unlike @xmath0 , whose gravitational waveforms are specified essentially by their masses and angular momenta , the characteristics of the gravitational emission from @xmath1 depend on the properties of the nuclear matter . when nuclear matter is compressed to a sufficiently high density , it turns into uniform three - flavor ( @xmath3 , @xmath4 , and @xmath5 ) strange quark matter ( sqm ) , since it is expected that sqm may be more stable than nuclear matter . the deconfined quark matter appears when the density is so high that the nucleons are `` touching '' each other . at this point , when the number density of nucleons @xmath6 , the quarks lose their correlation with individual nucleons and appear in a deconfined phase . since the density required for this to happen is not much higher than nuclear matter density ( @xmath7 ) , the dense cores of neutron stars are the most likely places where the phase transition to quark matter may occur astrophysically . it should be noted that strange quarks ( in a confined phase ) could already exist in neutron stars with a hyperon core@xcite . in principle , the existence of a thin crust of normal matter is possible at the surface of a strange star . on the other hand , if sqm is metastable at zero pressure , so that it is relatively more stable than nuclear matter only because of the high pressure in the cores of neutron stars , then the final products of the phase transition would be hybrid stars , which consist of quark matter cores surrounded by normal matter outer parts . the above arguments were made in @xcite and those authors used polytropic equation of state to describe the complex nuclear matter structure . we proceed similar calculations with a realistic equation of state based on a field theoretical model . we also make use of a spherical lagrangian hydrodynamical code instead of the eulerian model used in @xcite . the spherical lagrangian hydrodynamic code divides the star into several concentric shells . this number of shells is the optimal combination for the variable time step and the number of shells that gives the shortest processing time . our results show that 1600 shells are enough to model satisfactorily all the stars here studied . to verify if the number of shells is an optimal choice we ran a couple of models with 6400 shells , and we see that the results are the same as for the models with 1600 shells . the shocks that appear are treated with the inclusion of the artificial viscosity of richmeyer and morton @xcite . the hydrodynamic equations that describe the dynamics of neutron stars are : @xmath8 the mass conservation equation written in spherical coordinates ; where @xmath9 is the density , @xmath10 the radial coordinate and @xmath11 the velocity . in our code the continuity equation is calculated directly from the grid . the specific volumes of the lagrangian shells give the density of the star . the equation of motion is given by : @xmath12 where the velocity is @xmath13 ; the pressure of the nuclear matter is given by the model described in the next section . the gravitational potential is @xmath14 . the energy equation is written as : @xmath15 where @xmath16 is the thermal energy per gram . in our investigation we consider a phenomenological qhd lagrangian density@xcite which contains the fundamental baryon octet , the scalar meson fields @xmath17 and the vector meson fields @xmath18 . additionally , it contains the lightest charged leptons ( @xmath19 and @xmath20 ) to allow for charge neutrality , @xmath21 -\frac{1}{4 } \phi_{\mu\nu}\phi^{\mu\nu } + \frac{1}{2 } m_\phi^2 \phi_\mu \phi^\mu - \frac{1}{4}\omega_{\mu \nu}\omega^{\mu \nu } \nonumber \\ & + & \frac{1}{2 } { m_\omega}^2 \omega_\mu \omega^\mu - \frac{1}{4 } \mbox{\bf$\varrho$}_{\mu \nu } \cdot \mbox{\bf$\varrho$}^{\mu\nu } + \frac{1}{2 } m_\varrho^2 \mbox{\bf$\varrho$}_\mu \cdot \mbox{\bf$\varrho$}^\mu + \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \sigma \partial^\mu \sigma- { m_\sigma}^2 \sigma^2 ) \nonumber \\ & + & \frac{1}{2 } ( \partial_\mu\sigma^{\ast } \partial^\mu\sigma^{\ast } -m_\sigma^{\ast 2 } \sigma^{\ast 2 } ) + \sum_l \bar\psi_l \,[\,i\,\gamma_{\mu}\partial^{\mu } - m_l \,]\ , \psi_l \label{hyp10a}\end{aligned}\ ] ] where the parameterized coupling constants @xcite of the theory are defined as @xmath22 with @xmath23 for the quark matter the mit lagrangian @xcite was adopted . here we have assumed that the phase transition is of first order . this last possibility is not favored energetically when the interface tension between quarks and hadrons is important @xcite . thus , the physical conditions at deconfinement were estimated from gibbs criteria . we have obtained some important results which seems to be in complete agreement with those obtained by @xcite . the equation of state is shown in fig.1 for three different parameter @xmath24 which leads to different hadron - quark phase transition pressure and density . three stages of evolution are shown in fig.2 . the star radius shrinks and the central density is increasing during the collapse . in fig.3 one can find the density evolution of each shell . the oscillation of the inner shells is clear in the final stage of evolution as it is the ejection of the external shells . the fourier transform is shown in fig.4 . this result shows a peak very close to the one shown by @xcite , at 3.1khz , which shall correspond to the fundamental mode as well as other peaks , corresponding to the first pressure modes . it is also easy to find that most of the energy is released in the fundamental mode , as always claimed . in fig.5 the radius and density evolution are plotted against time in this same figure . finally , after a future detection , one can try to fit the nuclear matter parameters to obtain the frequency of the detection , remembering that , if the frequency falls on the 3.0 - 3.4khz bandwidth , the brazilian schenberg antenna will be able to identify the direction of the source , as shown in @xcite .
we present studies of the collapse of neutron stars that undergo a hadron - quark phase transition . a spherical lagrangian hydrodynamic code has been written . as initial condition we take different neutron star configurations taking into account its density , energy density and pressure distribution . the phase transition is imposed at different evolution times . we have found that a significant amount of matter on the surface can be ejected while the remaining star rings in the fundamental and first pressure modes .
supersymmetric extensions of the standard model ( sm ) or more generally extensions that require the existence of at least one additional higgs doublet generate new flavour - changing interactions already at tree - level via the exchange of a charged higgs boson . the coupling of @xmath2 to fermions grows with the fermion mass . it is thus natural to look at ( semi)leptonic @xmath3 decays with a @xmath4 in the final state to try to uncover this type of effects . in a two - higgs - doublet - model ( 2hdm ) of type ii , where up - type quarks get their mass from one of the two higgs doublets and down - type quarks from the other one , @xmath2 effects are entirely parametrized by the @xmath2 mass , @xmath5 , and the ratio of the two higgs vacuum expectation values , @xmath6 . they can compete with the exchange of a @xmath7 boson for large values of @xmath8 @xcite . in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the sm ( mssm ) , the tree - level type - ii structure is spoilt by radiative corrections involving supersymmetry - breaking terms . the effective scalar coupling @xmath9 then exhibits an additional dependence on sparticle mass parameters when @xmath8 is large @xmath10 @xcite : @xmath11 \left [ \overline{\tau}_{r } \nu_{l}\right ] + h.c.,\qquad g_{s}=\frac{m_{b}^{2}\tan^{2}\beta}{m_{h}^{2 } } \frac{1}{(1+\varepsilon_{0}\tan\beta)(1+\varepsilon_{\tau}\tan\beta ) } , \label{eq1}\ ] ] where @xmath12 denote sparticle loop factors . the correction induced can be of order one . however , the access to the higgs sector remains exceptionally clean . in eq.([eq1 ] ) , @xmath9 has been normalized such that it gives the fraction of effects in the @xmath13 amplitude , which is very sensitive to @xmath2 exchange : @xmath14 . the @xmath15 channel is less sensitive ( though better in this respect than other modes such as @xmath16 ) but , as we will see , exhibits a number of features that make it , too , play an important part in the hunt for the charged higgs boson . the current capabilities of @xmath17 and @xmath18 to constrain @xmath2 effects are compared in fig.[fig1 ] for @xmath19 ( as is typically the case in the mssm or the 2hdm - ii ) . the lower sensitivity of the @xmath15 mode comes from the different momentum dependence of the higgs contribution with respect to the longitudinal @xmath7 one contribution for all @xmath20 values . ] : @xmath21 with @xmath22 . on the other hand , the theory prediction for @xmath18 suffers from large parametric uncertainties from the ckm matrix element @xmath23 and the @xmath3 decay constant @xmath24 . in contrast , @xmath25 is known with better than @xmath26 accuracy from inclusive @xmath27 decays , @xmath28 @xcite , and the form factors @xmath29 and @xmath30 describing the @xmath31 transition are very well under control , as we now discuss in more detail . [ cols="^,^ " , ] the form factors @xmath29 and @xmath30 in the @xmath15 transition are under good control . as a result , the ratio @xmath32 can be predicted with @xmath33 accuracy in the sm : @xmath34 , where the @xmath35 uncertainty on the scalar form factor at zero recoil @xmath36 is the main error source . this allows to derive useful constraints on the effective @xmath37 coupling @xmath38 . together with the constraints from @xmath18 , we obtain : @xmath39 , i.e. , the window around @xmath40 left over by @xmath18 is now nearly completely excluded by @xmath41 alone . these bounds should be strengthened soon thanks to the current considerable experimental efforts on both modes . in this respect , one should pay particular attention to the @xmath15 differential distributions as these are especially well - suited to discriminate between effective scalar interactions and other types of effects and , if the former are seen , to extract the coupling @xmath38 with good precision . it s a pleasure to thank my collaborators ulrich nierste and susanne westhoff . discussions with matthias steinhauser about the ratio @xmath42 and with christoph schwanda and laurenz widhalm about experimental issues are also warmly acknowledged . work supported by the dfg grant no . ni 1105/1 - 1 , by the dfg - sfb / tr9 , and by the eu contract no . mrtn - ct-2006 - 035482 ( flavianet ) . m. s. carena , d. garcia , u. nierste and c. e. m. wagner , nucl . b577 * , 88 ( 2000 ) ; a. j. buras , p. h. chankowski , j. rosiek and l. slawianowska , nucl . phys . * b659 * , 3 ( 2003 ) ; a. akeroyd and s. recksiegel , j. phys . g * 29 * , 2311 ( 2003 ) ; h. itoh , s. komine and y. okada , prog . phys . * 114 * , 179 ( 2005 ) . i. caprini , l. lellouch and m. neubert , nucl . phys . * b530 * , 153 ( 1998 ) . see also the earlier related works : c. bourrely , b. machet and e. de rafael , nucl . phys . * b189 * , 157 ( 1981 ) ; c.g . boyd , b. grinstein and r.f . lebed , phys . rev . * d56 * , 6895 ( 1997 ) . j. kalinowski , phys . b245 * , 201 ( 1990 ) ; d. atwood , g. eilam and a. soni , phys . lett . * 71 * , 492 ( 1993 ) ; y. grossman and z. ligeti , phys . * b332 * , 373 ( 1994 ) ; m. tanaka , z. phys . * c67 * , 321 ( 1995 ) ; r. garisto , phys . * d51 * , 1107 ( 1995 ) ; g. h. wu , k. kiers and j. n. ng , phys * d56 * , 5413 ( 1997 ) .
we update and compare the capabilities of the purely leptonic mode @xmath0 and the semileptonic mode @xmath1 in the search for a charged higgs boson .
due to the frequencies of these oscillations depend on density , temperature , gas motion , and other properties of the stellar interior , it can take the window to see " the interior of stars and help us to know the stellar internal structure and understand the stellar evolution . with the advance of observational technique , several stars have been detected the solar - like oscillations . using the latest asteroseismic data , we reconstruct the model of @xmath0 cen b and 70 ophiuchi a ( tang et al . 2008a , 2008b ) . in additional , @xcite have performed preliminary seismological analysis of two most targets . following the asymptotic formula for the frequency @xmath1 of a stellar @xmath2-mode of order @xmath3 and degree @xmath4 was given by tassoul(1980 ) : @xmath5\nu_{0}^{2}\nu_{n , l}^{-1},\ ] ] where , @xmath6 and @xmath7 are related to the run of sound speed . based on some quantities as diagnostic purpose to probe the stellar interior proposed by some authors ( christensen - dalsgaard 1988 ; gough 2003 ; et al . ) , like @xmath8 , we definite another quantity ( tang et al . 2008 ) @xmath9 the @xmath10 comes from the perturbation to the gravitational potential , neglected in equation ( 2.1 ) , which affects modes of the lowest degrees most strongly and which probably increases with evolution due to the increasing central density for modes of the lowest degrees which penetrate most deeply and hence affect @xmath11 more than @xmath12 , leading to the dependence of @xmath10 on age . we compute some models with initial heavy metal abundance @xmath13 , initial helium abundance @xmath14 and mixing - length parameter @xmath15 using the yale stellar evolution code ( yrec ; guenther et al . 1992 ) and analyze the pulsation of low degree @xmath2-modes ( @xmath16 ) for selected models in each given mass is implemented using the guenther s pulsation code under the adiabatic approximation ( guenther 1994).considering the @xmath10 is tightly correlated with age , we construct another asteroseismic diagram shown in fig . 1b , based on the values obtained from the above computation . interestingly , the age of star can be marked in this asteroseismic diagram fig . it is convenient to obtain the stellar important parameters : the mass and the age . the ( @xmath17 , @xmath10 ) diagram as a new asteroseismic diagnostic tool can estimate the mass and the age of solar - like stars . the virtue is that the age of stars can be marked in the diagram , so we can obtain the mass and age directly . 2 . we will discuss the effects of the assumed initial abundance of helium and the mixing length parameter on the asteroseismic diagram in future work . : the ratio of small separations adjacent in @xmath4 vs. age for each of 129 stellar models described in @xcite . [ b ] : ( @xmath17 , @xmath10 ) diagram for stellar models . the vertical lines are evolutionary tracks , labeled by the mass in the top , whereas the transverse lines are isopleths with constant age , labeled by the age from 0.5 gyr to 7.0 gyr increasing with 0.5 ( unit is gyr ) , title="fig:",width=240,height=144 ] : the ratio of small separations adjacent in @xmath4 vs. age for each of 129 stellar models described in @xcite . [ b ] : ( @xmath17 , @xmath10 ) diagram for stellar models . the vertical lines are evolutionary tracks , labeled by the mass in the top , whereas the transverse lines are isopleths with constant age , labeled by the age from 0.5 gyr to 7.0 gyr increasing with 0.5 ( unit is gyr ) , title="fig:",width=240,height=144 ]
asteroseismology , as a tool to use the indirect information contained in stellar oscillations to probe the stellar interiors , is an active field of research presently . stellar age , as a fundamental property of star apart from its mass , is most difficult to estimate . in addition , the estimating of stellar age can provide the chance to study the time evolution of astronomical phenomena . in our poster , we summarize our previous work and further present a method to determine age of low - mass main - sequence star .
in a colliding - beam storage ring device , the evolution of each beam is strongly affected by the electromagnetic force produced by the counter - propagating beam . a basic feature of this coherent interaction is linear mode coupling , also known as the coherent beam - beam resonance . the problem of coherent beam - beam resonances in one dimension ( the vertical direction ) was first studied by chao and ruth @xcite by solving the linearized vlasov - poisson equations . they considered the simplest case of a symmetric collider and obtained explicit expressions for the resonance stopbands . the purpose of the present paper is to extend their results to the case of an asymmetric circular collider . based on the radon transform @xcite , a macroscopic fluid model of the coherent beam - beam interaction is developed . the linearized macroscopic fluid equations are then solved , and a generalized stability criterion for a coherent beam - beam resonance of arbitrary order is derived . we begin with the one - dimensional vlasov - poisson equations describing the nonlinear evolution of the beams in the vertical @xmath0 direction @xmath1 @xmath2 @xmath3 @xmath4 here , @xmath5 labels the beam , @xmath6 is the distribution function , @xmath7 is the azimuthal angle , @xmath8 is the betatron tune in vertical direction , @xmath9 is the mean machine radius , @xmath10 is the classical electron radius , @xmath11 is the total number of particles in either beam , @xmath12 is the normalized beam - beam potential , @xmath13 is the vertical beta - function at the interaction point , and @xmath14 is the horizontal dimension of the beam ribbon @xcite . the one - dimensional poisson equation ( [ eq : poisson ] ) can be readily solved to give @xmath15 transforming to action - angle variables @xmath16 , we rewrite eqs . ( [ eq : vlasov ] ) and ( [ eq : hamilt ] ) in the form @xmath17 } \nonumber \\ - { \frac { \partial } { \partial j } } { \left ( \lambda_k \delta_p(\theta ) { \frac { \partial v_k } { \partial \varphi } } f_k \right ) } = 0 , \end{aligned}\ ] ] @xmath18 where @xmath19 next we perform the radon transform defined as @xcite @xmath20},\ ] ] and obtain the hydrodynamic equations @xmath21 } = 0,\ ] ] @xmath22 } \nonumber \\ + \lambda_k \delta_p(\theta ) { \frac { \partial v_k } { \partial \varphi } } \varrho_k = 0 , \end{aligned}\ ] ] where @xmath23 is the radon image of the distribution function @xmath24 . the integration variable @xmath25 is regarded as a lagrange variable , that keeps track of the detailed information about the action @xmath26 . it us usually determined by the condition that the distribution function @xmath24 be equal to a specified distribution @xcite , from which @xmath27 . taking into account eq . ( [ eq : hydrho ] ) , the beam density can be further eliminated from eq . ( [ eq : hydrov ] ) , which yields the result @xmath28 where @xmath29 it is important to note that eqs . ( [ eq : hydrho ] ) and ( [ eq : hydvel ] ) comprise a closed set , that is ( as can be easily checked ) equations for higher moments can be reduced to these two equations . at this point we make the important conjecture that eqs . ( [ eq : hydrho ] ) and ( [ eq : hydvel ] ) possess a stationary solution that is independent of the angle variable @xmath30 . without loss of generality we choose @xmath31 expressing @xmath32 and @xmath33 , the linearized hydrodynamic equations can be written as @xmath34 @xmath35 here @xmath36 is the incoherently perturbed betatron tune , defined by @xmath37 where the angular bracket implies an average over the angle variable . next we determine the derivatives of the first - order beam - beam potential @xmath38 entering the linearized hydrodynamic equations corresponding to @xmath39 @xmath40 finally , we obtain the linearized equation for the beam density @xmath41 in order to solve eq . ( [ eq : linearize ] ) , we note that the function @xmath42 may be represented as @xmath43 assuming the function @xmath44 in eq . ( [ eq : stat ] ) to be of the form @xmath45 for small vertical beam sizes @xmath46 , we obtain @xmath47 @xmath48 } } \nonumber \end{aligned}\ ] ] @xmath49 if @xmath50 does not depend on the lagrange variable @xmath25 , making use of eq . ( [ eq : approx ] ) , we rewrite eq . ( [ eq : linearize ] ) as @xmath51 where @xmath52 note that this approximation is valid if and only if the perturbed betatron tunes in eq . ( [ eq : tune ] ) do not depend on @xmath25 , which in general is not the case . this leads to an effect similar to landau damping , well - known in plasma physics , which we shall neglect in what follows . fourier transforming eq . ( [ eq : amplit ] ) yields @xmath53 where @xmath54 @xmath55 in order to determine the infinite matrix @xmath56 , we utilize the integral representation of the sign - function @xmath57 as a result , we obtain @xmath58 } { \left [ ( n - m)^2 - 1 \right ] } } } , & \mbox{for $ n+m=$ even } , \\ 0 , & \mbox{for $ n+m=$ odd } , \end{array } \right . \end{aligned}\ ] ] @xmath59 where use has been made of @xmath60 here @xmath61 is the bessel function of the first kind of order @xmath62 . equation ( [ eq : ampfour ] ) can be formally solved to obtain the one - turn transfer map @xmath63}. \end{aligned}\ ] ] consider now a coherent beam - beam resonance of the form @xmath64 where @xmath65 , @xmath66 and @xmath67 are integers , and @xmath68 is the resonance detuning . retaining only the @xmath69 and the @xmath70 elements in @xmath71 , the transformation matrix of the coupled map equations ( [ eq : map ] ) can be expressed as @xmath72 where @xmath73 @xmath74 the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix defined in eq . ( [ eq : transfer ] ) are the roots of the secular equation @xmath75 } \lambda^2 = 0 . \end{aligned}\ ] ] casting eq . ( [ eq : secular ] ) in the form @xmath76 where @xmath77 @xmath78 we obtain the stability criterion @xmath79 to conclude this section we note that in the case of a symmetric collider the stopbands calculated from eq . ( [ eq : stability ] ) coincide with the results obtained by chao and ruth [ see eq . ( 31 ) of ref . 1 ] . based on the radon transform we have developed a macroscopic fluid model of the coherent beam - beam interaction . the linearized hydrodynamic equations are further solved and a stability criterion for coherent beam - beam resonances have been found in closed form . it is a pleasure to thank prof . a. chao and dr . y. cai for helpful discussions concerning the subject of the present paper . this research was supported by the u.s . department of energy .
building on the radon transform of the vlasov - poisson equations , a macroscopic fluid model for the coherent beam - beam interaction has been developed . it is shown that the vlasov equation , expressed in action - angle variables , can be reduced to a closed set of hydrodynamic ( fluid ) equations for the beam density and current velocity . the linearized one - dimensional equations have been analysed , and explicit expressions for the coherent beam - beam tuneshifts are presented .
here we present a primarily self - contained review of the inverse - scattering transform theory necessary for the construction of semiclassical soliton ensembles . starting from the basic framework constructed by zakharov and manakov @xcite and kaup @xcite , we review the general approaches developed by beals and coifman @xcite and zhou @xcite as applied to the twri equations . in appendices [ subapp : direct - scattering1][subapp : time - dependence ] we set up the direct - scattering transformation mapping the initial data to the scattering data . in appendices [ appb5-inverse - scattering ] and [ subapp - zhou - transform ] we formulate the inverse map as a riemann - hilbert problem . finally , as our focus is on pure - soliton solutions , in appendix [ sec : solitons ] we detail the construction of these functions from the riemann - hilbert problem and discuss some of their relevant properties . 9 f. baronio , m. conforti , m. andreana , v. couderc , c. de angelis , s. wabnitz , a. barthlmy , and a. degasperis , `` frequency generation and solitonic decay in three - wave interactions , '' _ opt . express _ * 17 * , 1388913894 , 2009 . m. bertola and a. tovbis , `` universality in the profile of the semiclassical limit solutions to the focusing nonlinear schrdinger equation at the first breaking curve , '' _ int . res . not . _ * 2010 * , 21192167 , 2010 . m. bertola and a. tovbis , `` universality for the focusing nonlinear schrdinger equation at the gradient catastrophe point : rational breathers and poles of the tritronque solution to painlev i , '' _ comm . pure appl . _ * 66 * , 678752 , 2013 . t. claeys and t. grava , `` painlev ii asymptotics near the leading edge of the oscillatory zone for the korteweg - de vries equation in the small - dispersion limit , '' _ comm . pure appl . _ * 63 * , 203232 , 2010 . j. difranco , p. miller , and b. muite , `` on the modified nonlinear schrdinger equation in the semiclassical limit : supersonic , subsonic , and transsonic behavior , '' _ acta math . ed . _ * 31 * , 23432377 , 2011 . j. difranco and p. miller , `` the semiclassical modified nonlinear schrdinger equation ii : asymptotic analysis of the cauchy problem . the elliptic region for transsonic initial data , '' _ contemp . math . _ * 593 * , 2981 , 2013 . s. kamvissis , k. mclaughlin , and p. miller , _ semiclassical soliton ensembles for the focusing nonlinear schrdinger equation _ , annals of mathematics studies * 154 * , princeton university press , princeton , nj , 2003 . v. zakharov and a. shabat , `` exact theory of two - dimensional self - focusing and one - dimensional self - modulation of waves in nonlinear media , '' _ soviet physics jetp _ * 34 * , 6269 , 1972 . translated from _ fiz . _ * 61 * , 118134 , 1971 .
the three - wave resonant interaction equations are a non - dispersive system of partial differential equations with quadratic coupling describing the time evolution of the complex amplitudes of three resonant wave modes . collisions of wave packets induce energy transfer between different modes via pumping and decay . we analyze the collision of two or three packets in the semiclassical limit by applying the inverse - scattering transform . using wkb analysis , we construct an associated semiclassical soliton ensemble , a family of reflectionless solutions defined through their scattering data , intended to accurately approximate the initial data in the semiclassical limit . the map from the initial packets to the soliton ensemble is explicit and amenable to asymptotic and numerical analysis . plots of the soliton ensembles indicate the space - time plane is partitioned into regions containing either quiescent , slowly varying , or rapidly oscillatory waves . this behavior resembles the well - known generation of dispersive shock waves in equations such as the korteweg - de vries and nonlinear schrdinger equations , although the physical mechanism must be different in the absence of dispersion .
worldline methods in quantum field theory have seen a revival in recent years as an efficient technique in perturbative calculations @xcite but also as a non - perturbative method to deal with strongly - interacting systems . we have extended the variational approach used by feynman @xcite for the polaron problem to simple super - renormalizable scalar field theories @xcite and to a renormalizable abelian gauge theory , viz . quantum electrodynamics @xcite . in this approach fields are eliminated and replaced by ( bosonic and fermionic ) worldlines parametrized by the proper time . recent progress includes more general trial actions @xcite , abraham - lorentz - like equations for the electron @xcite and treatment of the relativistic bound - state problem @xcite . in all these applications the `` quenched approximation '' was made , i.e. vacuum polarization graphs have been neglected . this allowed the functional integral over exchange fields ( mesons , photons ) to be performed . here we report on an attempt to include ( part of ) the vacuum polarization effects while keeping the huge reduction in the number of degrees of freedom which is characteristic for the worldline representation and essential for a successful variational approximation . in a simple scalar model where the heavy particles ( nucleons ) with mass @xmath0 are described by an @xmath1-component field @xmath2 coupled to a `` meson '' field @xmath3 with mass @xmath4 via @xmath5 this is achieved by expanding the functional determinant @xmath6 up to second order in the meson field . here @xmath7 is the _ free _ nucleon propagator . after integration over @xmath8 the linear terms give rise to tadpoles which do not contribute to the dynamics whereas the quadratic terms change the interaction part of the @xmath9-particle worldline action to @xmath10}{p^2 - m^2 - \pi_r ( p^2 ) + i0 } \ > . \label{modified wl int}\end{aligned}\ ] ] here @xmath11 is the renormalized one - loop vacuum - polarisation contribution to the meson propagator . it can be easily shown that @xmath12 grows logarithmically at large @xmath13 so that the nucleon mass renormalization remains unchanged while at small @xmath13 we obtain a quadratic behaviour . this implies that the vacuum polarization effects approximately amount to using an effective , reduced coupling constant @xmath14 . hence , in this approach vacuum - polarization insertions into all meson lines are included ( see fig . 1a ) . to see its effects we have re - calculated the meson - nucleon form factor at @xmath15 which experiences an enhancement due to radiative effects ( as does the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron in qed ) for various numbers of flavours @xmath1 . as shown in eq . ( 38 ) of ref . @xcite one of the variational parameters in the one - particle sector directly determines the effective , physical coupling so that a numerical solution of the variational equations with the modified interaction ( [ modified wl int ] ) gives the results shown in fig . 2 . as expected from the analytical approximation we observe a continous reduction with @xmath1 . for different number of flavors @xmath1 when vacuum polarization effects are included.,title="fig : " ] for different number of flavors @xmath1 when vacuum polarization effects are included.,title="fig : " ] the expansion of the determinant up to second order basically is a perturbative method and leaves out interactions of the pair - produced heavy particles with other nucleons , i.e. diagrams as shown in fig.1b . to include these interactions in a non - perturbative way one has to find a ( solvable ! ) trial action which contains meson fields and worldlines for the nucleons at the same time . this is provided by the linear polaron model of bogoliubov @xcite which is motivated by replacing the non - linear coupling between the @xmath3-field and each nucleon worldline @xmath16 by a linear one : @xmath17 in the new trial action @xmath18 and the unquenched meson propagator are taken as variational functions . by construction , interactions as depicted in fig . 1b are now included and the averages needed for the feynman - jensen variational principle can be worked out analytically . a detailed account will be given elsewhere . r. rosenfelder , and a. w. schreiber , _ phys . d _ * 53 * , 3337 3353 , 3354 3365 ( 1996 ) ; + a. w. schreiber , r. rosenfelder , and c. alexandrou , _ int . e _ * 5 * , 681 716 ( 1996 ) ; + a. w. schreiber , and r. rosenfelder , _ nucl . a _ * 601 * , 397 424 ( 1996 ) ; + c. alexandrou , r. rosenfelder , and a. w. schreiber , _ nucl . . a _ * 628 * , 427 457 ( 1998 ) ; + n. fettes , and r. rosenfelder , _ few - body syst . _ * 24 * , 1 25 ( 1998 ) . c. alexandrou , r. rosenfelder , and a. w. schreiber , _ phys . d _ * 62 * , 085009 ( 2000 ) . r. rosenfelder , and a. w. schreiber , _ eur . phys . j. c _ * 25 * , 139 156 ( 2002 ) . r. rosenfelder , and a. w. schreiber , _ eur . phys . j. c _ * 37 * , 161 172 ( 2004 ) . k. barro - bergfldt , r. rosenfelder , and m. stingl , _ mod * 20 * , 2533 2543 ( 2005 ) . n. n. bogoliubov , and n. n. bogoliubov , jr . nucl . _ * 11 * , 93 110 ( 1980 ) .
the worldline variational approach is extended beyond the quenched approximation , i.e. to include virtual pair production of heavy particles . this is achieved either by an expansion of the functional determinant to second order or by an hybrid _ ansatz _ for the quadratic trial action consisting of fields for the light particles and worldlines for the heavy ones as in the linear polaron model . numerical results and analytic approximations show a reduction of radiative effects with increasing number of flavors . address = particle theory group , paul scherrer institute , ch-5232 villigen psi , switzerland
sn1999cw was discovered on june @xmath2,1999 by johnson & li with kait telescope , @xmath3 east and @xmath4 south of the nucleus of mcg-01 - 02 - 001 ( ra= 0h 20 m 1s.46 and dec= -6@xmath5 20 03.6 , j2000 ) , a barred spiral galaxy ( sbab ) , with redshift z= 0.0125 and galactic extinction @xmath6 = 0.154 mag ( schlegel et al , 1998 ) . the preliminary reduction of a dfosc spectrum showed that it was a peculiar type ia supernova ( rizzi et al,1999 ) . immediately after the discovery , we began to observe sn1999cw collecting data both in optical and infrared wavelengths . photometric data have been reduced by using psf technique by mean of the snoopy procedures ( patat , 1995 ) , which are based on iraf tasks . the results have been checked and compared with different photometric reduction methods , namely daophot and template subtraction producing comparable results(bufano , 2004 ) . the resulting ubvri light curves are reported in fig [ figura ] . sn1999cw is well sampled , but it is clear that observations began after the epoch of maximum light , even if they cover a very long period of the supernova evolution . light curves are characterized by a relatively slow luminosity decline rate and a secondary maximum light in r and i bands . in order to define the epoch of maximum , we have applied the method by altavilla et al ( 2004 ) , which minimize the @xmath7 value with respect to a number of templates . the best fit is obtained with slow declining sne ia , similar to sn1991 t . in particular , sn1991 t and sn1999cw have same shape and post - maximum decline rate @xmath8 . by overplotting the light curves , we find that the b light curve maximum occured on @xmath9 @xmath10 at @xmath11 thus our observations began five days after maximum light . by fitting v and r light curves , we obtain @xmath12 and @xmath13 + to derive the reddening of sn1999cw we used @xmath14 color curve and the empirical relation of phillips ( 1999 ) . we found that sn1999cw did not suffer of any significant dust absorption inside to the host galaxy . so the absolute b magnitude is @xmath15 where @xmath16 and @xmath17 . this value is in good agreement with the value , @xmath18 mag , computed by using altavilla s empirical relation @xmath19 vs @xmath20 , based on nearby sne for which distance can be determinate by cepheids . + the spectral evolution of sn1999cw is plotted in fig 1 . because of the lack of information around the maximum , we can not study the appearance of siii lines ( or other intermediate - mass element lines ) typical of the sne 1991t - like around this phase . the siii @xmath21 absorption line is already present in the first spectrum , but it is particularly weak . by using our new procedure `` passpartoo '' ( harutyunyan , this conference ) , we compared sn1999cw spectra with all the data in the padova - asiago supernovae archive and verified that the best fit is with over - luminous type ia sne . by measuring the minimum of the siii absorption line in the first spectrum , we deduce an expansion velocity v@xmath2210.700 km / s . in the following spectra , the velocity remained nearly costant , in analogy to the velocity evolution of sn1991 t and similar objects ( benetti , this conference ) .
the preliminary analysis of the optical data of sn1999cw show that this object has the photometric and spectroscopic behavior of a type ia supernova similar to sn1991 t , reaching an apparent magnitude at maximum @xmath0 and a @xmath1 .
during core - he burning 3@xmath5 and @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o reactions compete to determine the helium burning time scale , together with the convection mechanism , and the relative abundances of oxygen and carbon prior to core - c burning . w. a. fowler , a nobel laureate in physics in 1983 , definitely held a view that the abundance ratio of @xmath0c to @xmath2o and the solar neutrino problem are serious difficulties in the most basic concepts of nuclear astrophysics @xcite . the work of many investigators has resulted in a knowledge of the predicted reaction rate of 3@xmath5 process within about 10% @xcite accuracy at the usual helium - burning temperatures . unfortunately , the same of the @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o reaction is much less well determined , and it is highly desirable to know this rate with comparable accuracy @xcite to that of the 3@xmath5 process in order to provide adequate constraints on stellar evolution and the synthesis of elements , e.g. the yield of the neutrino - process isotopes @xmath6li , @xmath7b , @xmath8f , @xmath9la and @xmath10ta in core - collapse supernovae @xcite , and the production of the important radioactive nuclei @xmath11al , @xmath12ti , and @xmath13fe @xcite . .[tab : table1 ] comparison of the astrophysical s factor ( kev b ) at 0.3 mev obtained in various fits , including this work , for the e10 , e20 , cascade transitions components , as well as the total . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] this study presents a new r - matrix theory for the @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o s factor at helium burning temperature , and a number of applications to demonstrate the applicability and versatility of this theory . the final result of s(0.3 mev ) = 162.7 @xmath4 7.3 represents the most precise extrapolation of the @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o s factor at helium burning temperature based on a set of complementary data including all available information of @xmath2o system so far . this is to our knowledge the first published analysis meeting the precision requirements on @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o . the whole s factor from 0.3 mev to 10 mev provides astrophysical reaction rate of @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o with a sound basis for researches of nucleosynthesis and evolution of stars . the authors would like to thank prof f. strieder and dr . r. j. deboer for many helps in data of cascade captures and @xmath0c(@xmath14@xmath15)@xmath0c , respectively , and are also indebted to prof . carl r. brune and prof . p. descouvemont , for helps about their results . in addition , we appreciate dr . xiaodong tang for reading the manuscript and giving some comments . this work is supported partially by the national science foundation of china under grant no . 11421505 , 91126017 , no.11175233 and by the tsinghua university initiative scientific research program , china . no.20111081104 . i. v. mitchell and t. r. ophel , nucl . a58 * , 529 ( 1964 ) . kettner , h.w . becker , l. buchmann , j. grres , h. krwinkel , c. rolfs , p. schmalbrock , h.p . trautvetter and a. vlieks , z. phys . * a308 * , 73 ( 1982 ) p. tischhauser , r. e. azuma , l. buchmann , r. detwiler , u. giesen , j. grres , m. heil , j. hinnefeld , f. kppeler , j. j. kolata , h. schatz , a. shotter , e. stech , s. vouzoukas , and m. wiescher , phys . lett . * 88 * , 072501 ( 2002 ) .
determination of the accurate astrophysical s factor of @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o reaction has been regarded as a holy grail of nuclear astrophysics for decades . in current stellar models , a knowledge of that value to better than 10% is desirable . due to the practical issues , tremendous experimental and theoretical efforts over nearly 50 years are not able to reach this goal , and the published values contradicted with each other strongly and their uncertainties are 2 times larger than the required precision . to this end we have developed a reduced r - matrix theory , based on the classical r - matrix theory of lane and thomas , which treats primary transitions to ground state and four bound states as the independent reaction channels in the channel spin representation . with the coordination of covariance statistics and error propagation theory , a global fitting for almost all available experimental data of @xmath2o system has been multi - iteratively analyzed by our powerful code . a reliable , accurate and self - consistent astrophysical s factor of @xmath0c(@xmath1)@xmath2o was obtained with a recommended value @xmath3 ( 300 ) = 162.7 @xmath4 7.3 kev b ( 4.5% ) which could meet the required precision .
in finite dimensions , the poincar recurrence theorem can be proved from the basic properties of a finite measure . in infinite dimensions , it is difficult to establish a natural finite measure , especially by extending a finite dimensional finite measure . a natural alternative is the banach norm which can be viewed as a counterpart of the probability density . an interesting problem is to study the poincar recurrence problem for 2d euler equation of fluids @xcite . nadirashvili @xcite gave an example of poincar non - recurrence near a particular solution of the 2d euler equation defined on an annular domain . the proof in @xcite was fixed up in @xcite . we believe that the poincar recurrence will occur more often when the 2d euler equation is defined on a periodic domain . the theorem to be proved in this article is a result along this line . on a periodic domain , the 2d euler equation is a more natural hamiltonian system than e.g. on an annular domain . one final note is that any solution of the 2d euler equation defines a non - autonomous integrable hamiltonian two dimensional vector field @xcite . the trajectories of this vector field are the fluid particle trajectories . this is the so - called lagrangian coordinates . the integrability was proved in the usual extended coordinates of two spatial coordinates , the stream function , and an extra temporal variable . due to the extra temporal variable , most of the invariant subsets are of infinite volume . only in special cases e.g. the solution of the 2d euler equation is periodic or quasi - periodic in time , one can find invariant subsets of finite volume . this indicates that in the lagrangian coordinates , recurrence is a rare event @xcite . in finite dimensions , our theorem is a result of a simple compactness argument . but it states some interesting fact . in infinite dimensions , the compactness argument is more complicated . let @xmath3 be a map and @xmath4 be a compact invariant subset . then for any @xmath5 and any @xmath6 , there is a @xmath7 such that @xmath8 where @xmath9 is an infinite sequence of positive integers and @xmath10 is the open ball of radius @xmath11 centered at @xmath12 . it is clear that @xmath13 is an open cover of @xmath4 , thus there is a finite subcover @xmath14 . for any @xmath15 ; @xmath16 ; thus @xmath17 for some @xmath18 . therefore , there is at least one @xmath18 such that an infinite subsequence of @xmath19 is included in @xmath20 . the theorem is proved . of course the theorem is still true when replacing @xmath21 by a banach space or a topological space . but compactness is a very restricted concept in infinite dimensions . the 2d euler equation @xmath22 is globally well - posed in @xmath0 ( @xmath1 ) where @xmath23 is the 2-tori . we also require that @xmath24 denote by @xmath25 the vorticity , @xmath26 . a well - known fact is the following lemma . by the incompressibility condition , @xmath28 dx = -2 \int_{\mathbb{t}^2 } ( { \partial}_1u_1)({\partial}_2u_2 ) dx.\ ] ] since @xmath29 dx \\ & & = \int_{\mathbb{t}^2}\left [ { \partial}_1(u_1{\partial}_2u_2 ) - { \partial}_2(u_1{\partial}_1u_2)\right ] dx = 0 , \end{aligned}\ ] ] we have @xmath30 dx \\ & = & \int_{\mathbb{t}^2}\left [ ( { \partial}_2u_1)^2+({\partial}_1u_2)^2 - 2({\partial}_1u_1)({\partial}_2u_2)\right ] dx \\ & = & \int_{\mathbb{t}^2}\left [ ( { \partial}_2u_1)^2+({\partial}_1u_2)^2 - 2({\partial}_2u_1)({\partial}_1u_2)\right ] dx \\ & = & \int_{\mathbb{t}^2}{\omega}^2 dx . \end{aligned}\ ] ] using fourier series , one can prove this lemma by direct calculation : @xmath31 \frac{1}{|k|^4}{\omega}(k)^2 \\ & = & \sum_{k \in { \mathbb{z}^2/\{0\}}}{\omega}(k)^2 = \int_{\mathbb{t}^2 } { \omega}^2 dx . \quad \box\end{aligned}\ ] ] in a simpler language , an enstrophy ball is compactly embedded in the kinetic energy space . this lemma is the well - known rellich lemma . in the @xmath23 setting , we will present the proof . there are many versions of the lemma and its proof . we follow that of @xcite . @xmath39 by lemma [ vde ] , @xmath40 let @xmath41 be a sequence in @xmath38 . for any @xmath42 , choose @xmath43 such that @xmath44 for any @xmath45 , @xmath46 , the fourier coefficients @xmath47 is a bounded set ( e.g. bounded by @xmath48 ) . therefore there is a convergent subsequence @xmath49 . for a different @xmath50 , @xmath51 is a bounded set again , thus there is a further convergent subsequence . iterating on all such @xmath18 ( @xmath46 finitely many ) , one can find a subsequence @xmath52 such that @xmath53 is uniformly convergent for @xmath46 . this is a simpler version of the usual diagonal argument . next we show that @xmath52 is a cauchy sequence in @xmath36 . @xmath54 the second term is less than @xmath55 . the first term is less than @xmath56 when @xmath57 and @xmath58 are sufficiently large since @xmath53 is uniformly convergent for @xmath46 . so @xmath52 is a cauchy sequence in @xmath36 , and is convergent inside the closure of @xmath38 in @xmath36 . let @xmath59 be a sequence of the accumulation points of @xmath38 in @xmath36 . then we can find a sequence @xmath41 in @xmath38 such that @xmath60 let @xmath52 be the convergent subsequence , then @xmath61 is also a convergent subsequence . thus the closure of @xmath38 in @xmath36 is a compact subset of @xmath36 . for any @xmath62 ( @xmath1 ) , any @xmath6 , and any @xmath63 ; there is a @xmath64 such that @xmath65 where @xmath9 is an infinite sequence of positive integers , and @xmath66 is the evolution operator of the 2d euler equation . choose the @xmath67 in lemma [ compe ] to be @xmath68 define two sets : @xmath69 notice that @xmath70 is invariant under the 2d euler flow , and @xmath70 is a dense subset of @xmath38 , @xmath71 . by lemma [ compe ] , the closure of @xmath38 in @xmath72 is a compact subset . for any @xmath73 , denote by @xmath74 all these balls @xmath75 is an open cover of the closure of @xmath38 in @xmath2 . thus there are finitely many @xmath76 and @xmath77 is a finite cover . since @xmath70 is dense in @xmath38 , for each such @xmath78 , one can find a @xmath79 such that @xmath80 where @xmath81 is the sobolev space with norm @xmath82 still covers @xmath38 , thus covers @xmath71 . let @xmath83 , @xmath84 then @xmath85 by the invariance of @xmath70 under the 2d euler flow @xmath66 . there is at least one @xmath86 such that an infinite subsequence of @xmath87 is included in @xmath88 . the theorem is proved .
in this article , i will prove a recurrence theorem which says that any @xmath0 ( @xmath1 ) solution to the 2d euler equation returns repeatedly to an arbitrarily small @xmath2 neighborhood . [ multiblock footnote omitted ]
there are not so many geometrical properties satisfied by all non - trivial knots . any knot bounds a minimal ( and hence incompressible ) seifert surface @xcite , @xcite , and for any non - trivial knot there exists a properly embedded separating , orientable , incompressible , boundary incompressible and not boundary parallel surface in the exterior of the knot @xcite . the following conjecture asserts that any non - trivial knot can be embedded in a closed surface , similarly to the way a torus knot can be embedded in an unknotted torus . for any non - trivial knot @xmath0 in the 3-sphere , there exists a closed surface @xmath1 containing @xmath0 non - separatively such that @xmath1 is essential in the exterior of @xmath0 . recent results on the neuwirth conjecture can be seen in @xcite . since the neuwirth conjecture originated in torus knots , we go back to the construction of torus knots in the next subsection . the following is a well - known procedure for constructing a torus knot or link @xcite . let @xmath2 be an unknotted torus in the 3-sphere @xmath3 which decomposes @xmath3 into two solid tori @xmath4 and @xmath5 . take @xmath6 mutually disjoint meridian disks @xmath7 of @xmath4 and @xmath8 mutually disjoint meridian disks @xmath9 of @xmath5 . if we smooth the intersections of @xmath10 and @xmath11 uniformly in @xmath2 , then we can obtain a torus knot or link @xmath0 of type @xmath12 . for each point of @xmath13 , we add two triangle regions along this smoothing to @xmath14 , and then we obtain a seifert surface @xmath15 for @xmath0 . we remark that by the construction , @xmath16 and when @xmath0 is a knot , @xmath17 . we also have cabling annuli @xmath18 , where @xmath19 denotes the exterior of @xmath0 in @xmath3 . moreover when @xmath0 is a knot , we have @xmath20 , where @xmath21 denotes the distance between two boundary slopes . we note that @xmath15 is orientable and when @xmath0 is a knot , @xmath22 is connected . we define three subsets of @xmath23 as below . 1 . @xmath24 2 . @xmath25 3 . @xmath26 a finite 2-polyhedron @xmath27 is called a _ closed fake surface _ @xcite if each of its points has a neighborhood homeomorphic to one of the followings ( figure [ type ] ) . type 1 : : @xmath28 type 2 : : @xmath29 type 3 : : @xmath30 we will refer to points in closed fake surfaces as points of type 1 , 2 and 3 respectively depending on which of the above three neighborhoods they have . by @xmath31 , we shall denote the set of points of type 2 or 3 . by @xmath32 , we denote the set of points of type 3 . a closed fake surface is _ orientable _ if each component of @xmath33 is orientable . [ cols="^,^,^ " , ] by the construction , torus knots and links are uniformly twisted . in the above construction , if we take exactly one copy of a meridian disk in @xmath4 or @xmath5 , then we obtain a prime alternating knot or link as @xmath0 . in this case , @xmath15 is a checkerboard surface for the alternating diagram of @xmath0 and @xmath22 is a boundary of a regular neighborhood of another checkerboard surface . similarly , we note that generalized alternating knots and links @xcite are also uniformly twisted . we close this paper by some questions and problems . in the last section , we construct an essential closed fake surface from a trivial closed surface in the 3-sphere . we want to know all essential closed fake surfaces obtained from a given closed surface as their horizontal surface . let @xmath0 be a knot with a neuwirth surface @xmath22 , and @xmath15 be an algebraically essential spanning surface for @xmath0 . then does there exists an essential closed fake surface @xmath27 with a vertical - horizontal decomposition @xmath35 such that @xmath22 and @xmath15 are obtained from @xmath27 by the @xmath34-smoothing and @xmath0 is obtained from @xmath31 by the @xmath34-smoothing ? for any non - trivial , non - split link @xmath36 , there exists a closed surface @xmath1 containing @xmath36 such that each component of @xmath36 is non - separating in @xmath1 and @xmath1 is essential in @xmath37 . 10 m. culler and p. b. shalen , _ bounded separating , incompressible surfaces in knot manifolds _ , invent . math . * 75 * ( 1984 ) , 537545 . p. frankl and l. pontrjagin , _ ein knotensatz mit anwendung auf die dimensionstheorie _ , math . * 102 * ( 1930 ) , 785789 . h. ikeda , _ acyclic fake surfaces _ , topology * 10 * ( 1971 ) , 936 . h. c. lyon , _ torus knots in the complements of links and surfaces _ , michigan math . j. * 27 * ( 1980 ) , 3946 . l. neuwirth , _ interpolating manifolds for knots in @xmath3 _ , topology * 2 * ( 1964 ) , 359365 . m. ozawa , _ non - triviality of generalized alternating knots _ , j. knot theory and its ramifications * 15 * ( 2006 ) , 351360 . m. ozawa and j. h. rubinstein , _ on the neuwirth conjecture for knots _ , to appear in communications in analysis and geometry . m. ozawa and y. tsutsumi , _ totally knotted seifert surfaces with accidental peripherals _ , proc . * 131 * ( 2003 ) , 39453954 . h. seifert , _ ber das geschlecht von knotten _ * 110 * ( 1934 ) , 571592 .
it is a well - known procedure for constructing a torus knot or link that first we prepare an unknotted torus and meridian disks in the complementary solid tori of it , and second smooth the intersections of the boundary of meridian disks uniformly . then we obtain a torus knot or link on the unknotted torus and its seifert surface made of meridian disks . in the present paper , we generalize this procedure by a closed fake surface and show that the resultant two surfaces obtained by smoothing triple points uniformly are essential . we also show that a knot obtained by this procedure satisfies the neuwirth conjecture , and the distance of two boundary slopes for the knot is equal to the number of triple points of the closed fake surface .
asymptotic giant branch ( agb ) stars dominate the return of processed materials to the interstellar medium ( ism ) and therefore are an important component of galaxy evolution . high mass - loss rate objects are heavily obscured , so they can be missed in optical surveys and need to be observed in the infrared ( ir ) . we have conducted a study using the _ spitzer space telescope _ infrared spectrograph ( irs ; @xcite ) of a sample of luminous 8 @xmath0 m sources in the large magellanic cloud ( lmc ) . our sample was selected from a compilation of _ 2mass / msx _ sources @xcite , using near - infrared color and magnitude criteria to target high mass - loss , evolved objects . irs low - resolution spectra of 62 targets were obtained in cycle 1 . an atlas of the spectra has been presented in @xcite . the spectra reveal continuum and spectral features that allow the dominant chemistry of the dust circumstellar envelope to be determined . figure [ fig : egspec ] shows typical spectra of oxygen - rich ( o - rich ) , carbon - rich ( c - rich ) , and emission - line objects . we find that almost all the o - rich stars are red supergiants ( rsgs ) with infrared luminosities l@xmath1 l@xmath2 ( figure [ fig : lumhist ] ) . the lack of lower luminosity o - rich agb stars suggests that massive supergiants do not have long enough he - burning lifetimes to produce c - rich surfaces ( and hence c - rich ejecta ) , despite the low metallicity of the lmc . the c - rich stars are all agb stars with l@xmath3 l@xmath2 . the large number of c - rich agb stars stands in stark contrast to the lack of o - rich agb stars found . this result is consistent with the hypothesis that c - rich stars form more easily than o - rich ones due to the low metallicity environment of the lmc . we find that the emission - line objects are all hii regions with l@xmath4 l@xmath2 . these objects were all expected to be planetary nebulae ( pne ) based on _ 2mass / msx _ colors @xcite , but optical and ir images reveal diffuse nebulae around the objects , and the irs spectra show a jump in flux density between the short - low ( 5.2 14 @xmath0 m , slit width 3.6@xmath5 ) and long - low ( 14.0 38 @xmath0 m , slit width 10.5@xmath5 ) modules indicating the emission is extended on parsec scales . the spectra also show a lack of high - ionization narrow emission lines common in pne ( e.g. , @xcite ) . photometric tools such as color - color diagrams are invaluable for identifying and classifying stellar objects . however , photometric diagnostics must first be reliably associated with spectral properties using spectroscopy . we used our irs spectra to revise the _ 2mass / msx _ classification criteria of @xcite . in figure [ fig : nircols ] we present _ 2mass / msx _ color - color diagrams showing our improved photometric classification criteria . one of the primary goals of our _ spitzer _ program was to provide a spectroscopic basis for irac and mips photometric classifications of ir sources in external galaxies . to that end , we derived synthetic irac and mips magnitudes using the irs spectra and the imaging filter spectral response functions . figure [ fig : sstcols ] shows the resulting color - color diagrams and diagnostics for identifying spectroscopic classes . we have obtained low - resolution irs spectra of a sample of 60 luminous 8 @xmath0 m sources in the lmc and classified the sources according to their spectral properties . almost all of the agb stars in the sample are c - rich , while the o - rich objects are luminous rsgs . we use our spectroscopic classifications to develop revised infrared photometric diagnostics to classify luminous ir sources , thus correcting inaccuracies in current widely - used criteria . we propose new photometric diagnostics to identify ir sources in other galaxies , based on synthetic _ spitzer _ photometry and existing _ 2mass / msx _ photometry . a full discussion of the data analysis and additional results will appear in @xcite . thanks to the conference organizers for a great meeting . this work is based on observations made with the _ spitzer space telescope _ , which is operated by the jet propulsion laboratory , california institute of technology under a contract with nasa . support for this work was provided by nasa through awards issued by jpl / caltech . the irs was a collaborative venture between cornell university and ball aerospace corporation funded by nasa through the jet propulsion laboratory and ames research center . bernard - salas , j. , houck , j. r. , morris , p. w. , sloan , g. c. , pottasch , s. r. , & barry , d. j. 2004 , , 154 , 271 buchanan , c. l. , kastner , j. k. , forrest , w. j. , hrivnak , b. j. , sahai , r. , egan , m. , frank , a. , & barnbaum , c. 2006 , , submitted egan , m. p. , van dyk , s. d. , & price , s. d. 2001 , , 122 , 1844 houck , j. r. , et al . 2004 , , 154 , 18 kastner , j. h. , buchanan , c. l. , sargent , b. , & forrest , w. j. 2006 , , 638 , l29 kraemer , k. e. , sloan , g. c. , price , s. d. , & walker , h. j. 2002 , , 140 , 389
we have produced an atlas of spitzer infrared spectrograph ( irs ) spectra of mass - losing , evolved stars in the large magellanic cloud . these stars were selected to have high mass - loss rates and so contribute significantly to the return of processed materials to the ism . our high - quality spectra enable the determination of the chemistry of the circumstellar envelope from the mid - ir spectral features and continuum . we have classified the spectral types of the stars and show that the spectral types separate clearly in infrared color - color diagrams constructed from 2mass data and synthetic irac / mips fluxes derived from our irs spectra . we present diagnostics to identify and classify evolved stars in nearby galaxies with high confidence levels using spitzer and 2mass photometry . comparison of the spectral classes determined using irs data with the ir types assigned based on nir colors also revealed a significant number of misclassifications and enabled us to refine the nir color criteria resulting in more accurate nir color classifications of dust - enshrouded objects .
heavy flavor production in nuclear systems has utility as a probe of both cold nuclear matter effects and of more exotic effects associated with the hot partonic state formed in the aftermath of high energy nucleus - nucleus collisions . differences in the relative yield of heavy flavor in @xmath1 and @xmath2 collision probes nuclear modifications of the gluon distribution function and energy loss in a cold nuclear medium . strong suppression of high @xmath3 hadrons of light quark flavor at moderate to high transverse momentum has been observed at rhic @xcite . medium induced gluon radiation , which is considered as the main cause of the high @xmath3 suppression , may be reduced for heavy quarks @xcite @xcite . phenix measures non - photonic electron spectra by first measuring the inclusive electron spectra and then subracting the contribution from photonic sources . the principal contributors to the photonic electrons are dalitz decays of @xmath4 and @xmath5 mesons and photon conversions , and the dominant contributor to the non - photonic electrons is heavy quark decay . other non - photonics contributors that enter at the percent level are light vector meson di - electron decay and @xmath6 . the inclusive electron spectra are measured with a combination of detectors in the phenix central arm spectrometers ( @xmath7 in pseudorapidity ) which is described in detail elsewhere @xcite . the momentum of charged tracks is reconstructed using drift and pad chambers . electron identification is accomplished through a combination of an associated signal in a ring imaging cerenkov detector ( rich ) and an @xmath8 cut that employs an electomagnetic calorimeter ( emcal ) for the energy measurement . collisions at @xmath0 with an empirical liine shape fit ( left ) and the error band for determining the charm cross section ( right).,title="fig:",scaledwidth=50.0% ] collisions at @xmath0 with an empirical liine shape fit ( left ) and the error band for determining the charm cross section ( right).,title="fig:",scaledwidth=50.0% ] the dataset used for the proton - proton analysis consisted of 15 m min - bias triggers and 420 m sampled min - bias triggers associated with a level 1 trigger that required a coincidence between the emcal and rich ( ert ) . the data have been corrected for acceptance and reconstruction efficiency , and the photonic background has been subtracted using a cocktail method that is described in detail elsewhere @xcite . [ fig : pp_with_fit ] shows the spectrum of non - photonic electrons from @xmath1 collisions . a fit to the data is shown as the solid line . the right panel shows the total charm cross section determined by allowing pythia lineshapes for electrons from charm and bottom meson decay to assume normalizations that best fit the data . the systematic error was calculated by offseting the data by the systematic errors and repeating the fit proceedure . the total charm cross section derived using this extrapolation technique is @xmath9_{stat } \pm [ ^{332}_{281}]_{sys}$ ] . the method by which electrons from photonic sources were subtracted in the analysis of the @xmath10 data from run 3 at rhic was the so - called converter subtraction method . during a fraction of the running period a photon converter of known mass was inserted close to the interaction point . by measuring the electron yield with and without the converter it is possible to infer the fraction of measured electrons from photonic sources . the preliminary analysis of the @xmath10 data used a converter run sample that consisted of 5 m min - bias events and the equivalent of 312 m min - bias events sampled by the ert trigger . the non - converter dataset included 5 m min - bias and 600 m trigger sampled min - bias events . [ fig : dau_centrality ] shows the non - photonic single electron spectra from deuteron - gold collisions at @xmath0 in four centrality classes scaled down by the nuclear thickness . the solid line is the best fit to @xmath1 data . the analysis of @xmath11 collision data for single electrons also employed the converter subtraction method . these data consist of 2.2 m min - bias and 2.5 m min - bias events for the converter and non - converter runs respectively . [ fig : auau_centrality ] shows the non - photonic single electron spectra in five centrality bins with the best fit to the @xmath1 data overlayed . the extent to which the single electron yield in @xmath11 collision is consistent with a binary scaling hypothesis is shown in fig . [ fig : auau_dndy ] . [ th ] versus @xmath12 . ( right ) phenix preliminary non - photonic electron @xmath13,title="fig:",scaledwidth=50.0% ] versus @xmath12 . ( right ) phenix preliminary non - photonic electron @xmath13,title="fig:",scaledwidth=50.0% ] within errors , the @xmath10 non - photonic single electron spectra are in good agreement with the @xmath1 spectra in all centrality classes . this is indicative of no strong modification to the initial state gluon distribution function in the @xmath14 range relevant to heavy quark production at central rapidity @xmath15 . the integrated @xmath16 in @xmath11 collisions is consistent with a binary scaling hypothesis , indicating no strong charm enhancement or suppression in heavy ion collisions . no conclusion can be drawn with regards to a modification of the spectra shapes in @xmath11 collision , as to whether it follows pqcd , exhibits significant charm quark energy loss , or follows hydrodynamic flow . measuring @xmath13 of charm was proposed @xcite as a potential way to disambiguate these very different dynamical scenarios . figure [ fig : auau_dndy ] shows the preliminary measurment of non - photonic single electron flow in @xmath11 collision . the current @xmath11 run at rhic will provide the necessary statistics to investigate both heavy quark energy loss and non - photonic electron flow .
the phenix experiment at rhic has measured single electron spectra in proton - proton , deuteron - gold and gold - gold collisions at @xmath0 . the photonic contribution ( photon conversions and dalitz decays ) is subtracted from the inclusive spectra resulting in non - photonic single electron spectra . the principal source of non - photonic electrons is the semi - leptonic decay of charm and bottom mesons . the implications for heavy flavor production in hot and cold nuclear systems are discussed .