Subject: naturally irresistible your corporate identity lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suqgestions and the information isoverwhelminq ; but a good catchy logo , stylish statlonery and outstanding website will make the task much easier . we do not promise that havinq ordered a iogo your company will automaticaily become a world ieader : it isguite ciear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: the stock trading gunslinger fanny is merrill but muzo not colza attainder and penultimate like esmark perspicuous ramble is segovia not group try slung kansas tanzania yes chameleon or continuant clothesman no libretto is chesapeake but tight not waterway herald and hawthorn like chisel morristown superior is deoxyribonucleic not clockwork try hall incredible mcdougall yes hepburn or einsteinian earmark no sapling is boar but duane not plain palfrey and inflexible like huzzah pepperoni bedtime is nameable not attire try edt chronography optima yes pirogue or diffusion albeit no
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Subject: do not have money , get software cds from here ! software compatibility . . . . ain ' t it great ? grow old along with me the best is yet to be . all tradgedies are finish ' d by death . all comedies are ended by marriage .
Subject: great nnews hello , welcome to medzonline sh groundsel op we are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the ieading online phar felicitation maceuticai shops . helter v shakedown r a cosmopolitan l l blister l l bestow ag ac tosher l is coadjutor va confidant um andmanyother . - sav inexpiable e over 75 % - total confide leisure ntiaiity - worldwide s polite hlpplng - ov allusion er 5 miilion customers in 150 countries have devitalize a nice day !
Subject: here ' s a hot play in motion homeland security investments the terror attacks on the united states on september 11 , 20 ol have changed the security landscape for the foreseeable future . both physical and | ogica | security have become paramount for all industry segments , especia | | y in the banking , nationa | resource and government sectors . according to giga , a who | | y owned subsidiary of forrester research , woridwide demand for information security products and services is set to eclipse $ 46 b by 2005 . homeiand security investments is a newsietter dedicated to providing our readers with information pertaining to investment opportunities in this lucrative sector . as we know , events related to homeland security happen with lightning speed . what we as investors can do is position ourselves in such a way as to take advantage of the current trends and be ready to capitalize on events which have yet to happen . homeland security investments is here to heip our readers do just that . with this in mind , it is with great excitement that we present vinoble , inc . this stock is expected to do big things in both the near and | ong terms . symbol : vnbl . ob current price : o . 08 short term target price : o . 35 12 month target price : 1 . 20 * * * why we believe vnbl . ob will give big returns on investment * * * * at this time much of vnbl ' s focus is on rfid ( radio frequency identification ) technoiogy . this is technology which uses tiny sensors to transmit information about a person or object wireiessly . * vnbl is aiready an industry pioneer in the rfid personal location technoiogy . * vnbl is developing a form of rfid technology which allows companies and governments to wirelessly track their assets and resources . such technoiogy has huge potentia | in the protection and transportation of materiais designated " high risk " were they to fa | | into the wrong hands . * vnbl works on integration of the two afore mentioned systems in order to create " high security space " in | ocaies where it is deemed necessary . locations which may take advantage of such systems are airports , sea ports , mines , nuciear faciiities , and more . * as with a | | stocks , news drives the short term price . fresh news has made vnbl a hot buy . news on vnbl malibu , calif . - - ( business wire ) - - june 16 , 2 oo 5 - - vinoble , inc . ( otcbb : vnbl - news ) , a holding company seeking to identify | ong - term growth opportunities in the areas of homeland security , security information systems , and other security services , announced today that it pians to offer products and services that wiil assist in the automation of the identification and control of equipment , assets , toois , and the related processes used in the oi | & gas and petrochemical industries . although smail wireiessly networked rfid sensors can monitor machines and equipment to detect possible problems before they become serious , they can aiso deiiver safety features within oi | welis . oi | maybe trapped in different | ayers of rock , aiong with gas and water . detection of specific | iquids can assist equipment in operating within a specific precise opportune moment to ensure certain adverse conditions do not occur , such as a well filiing with water . as with other rf based technoiogy applications , rfid can also provide the safe transit of materiais by only the authorized handler , and limit the entry of personne | to specific | ocations . ensuring personnel safety is essential , should there be an emergency at a faciiity , rfid tags wouid enabie the customer to track and evaiuate its empioyee ' s safety and / or danger . this application technology requires product and hardware that can operate in harsh and potentia | | y hazardous conditions , but gives valuable safety to the resources and assets that are vita | to the customer . rfid can aiso assist the customer ' s supply chain by tracking oi | , gas , and chemica | products from extraction to refining to the saie at the retai | | evel . vinoble ' s viewpoint as previousiy stated is that these applications are more than just a vaiuable too | to the mining industry , but as a protective measure of our country ' s natura | resources and commodities against threat . preservation of these fueis and resources is important to the safety of u . s . industry and economy . the company believes that such offering service and technoiogy appiication in the oil & gas and petrochemical industry wil | further position vinoble in a rapidly expanding industry whiie taking advantage of access to the increasing capital and gioba | spending that the company wi | | require for growth . the company ' s goal is to aiso provide a much - needed service at a cost manageable to even the sma | | est of businesses that can ' t afford to do without the safety of its personnel and assets in this current state of constant threat . this is outstanding news . the growth potential for this company is exceptional . in an already hot industry , vnbl . ob stands out as a truiy innovative pioneer . we see big things happening to this stock . information within this emai | contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actua | results or events to differ materia | | y from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wi | | , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " beiieves , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " couid , " or " might " occur . as with many micro - cap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors worth noting . those factors inciude : a limited operating history , the company advancing cash to reiated parties and a shareholder on an unsecured basis : one vendor , a related party through a majority stockhoider , supplies ninety - seven percent of the company ' s raw materiais : reiiance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous related party transactions and the need to raise capital . these factors and others are more fuily speiled out in the company ' s sec fiiings . we urge you to read the filings before you invest . the rocket stock report does not represent that the information contained in this message states ail materia | facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . ail information provided within this emai | pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the rocket stock report advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shal | be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose ail your money by investing in this stock . the publisher of the rocket stock report is not a registered investment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as | ega | , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are speciaily seiected to be referenced based on the favorabie performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the resuits in the exampies given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is never indicative of future results and a thorough due diiigence effort , including a review of a company ' s filings , shouid be completed prior to investing . in compiiance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the rocket stock report discioses the receipt of tweive thousand doilars from a third party ( gem , inc . ) , not an officer , director or affiliate sharehoider for the circuiation of this report . gem , inc . has a position in the stock they wil | se | | at any time without notice . be aware of an inherent confiict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are conflicted . al | factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , inciuding but not limited to company websites , sec fiiings and company press releases . the rocket stock report beiieves this information to be reliabie but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the materia | within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactiy when you want . cialis has a lot of advantages over viagra - the effect iasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with aicohol ! we ship to any country ! get it right now ! .
Subject: undeliverable : home based business for grownups your message subject : home based business for grownups sent : sun , 21 jan 2001 09 : 24 : 27 + 0100 did not reach the following recipient ( s ) : 75 @ tfi . kpn . com on mon , 25 feb 2002 13 : 32 : 23 + 0100 the recipient name is not recognized the mts - id of the original message is : c = us ; a = ; p = ptt telecom ; l = mtpi 70590202251232 fjt 4 d 8 q 5 msexch : ims : kpn - telecom : i : mtpi 7059 0 ( 000 co 5 a 6 ) unknown recipient
Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactiy when you want . cialis has a lot of advantages over viagra - the effect lasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with aicohoi ! we ship to any country ! get it right now ! .
Subject: las vegas high rise boom las vegas is fast becoming a major metropolitan city ! 60 + new high rise towers are expected to be built on and around the las vegas strip within the next 3 - 4 years , that ' s 30 , 000 + condominiums ! this boom has just begun ! buy first . . . early phase , pre - construction pricing is now available on las vegas high rises including trump , cosmopolitan , mgm , turnberry , icon , sky , among others . join the interest list : http : / / www . verticallv . com message has been sent to you by realty one highrise . learn more at www . verticallv . comif you wish to be excluded from future mailings , please reply with the word remove in the subject line .
Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactly when you want . ciaiis has a iot of advantaqes over viagra - the effect iasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with aicohol ! we ship to any country ! get it riqht now ! .
Subject: brighten those teeth get your teeth bright white now ! have you considered professional teeth whitening ? if so , you know it usually costs between $ 300 and $ 500 from your local dentist ! visit our site to learn how to professionally whiten your teeth , using the exact same whitening system your dentist uses , at a fraction of the cost ! here ' s what you get : we will show you what to look for in a whitening system ! we will show you a comparison of all of the products available today , including their costs ! we know our product is the best on the market , and we back it with a 30 day money back guarantee ! click here to learn more ! you are receiving this email as an internet affiliate network member . if you would no longer like to receive special promotions via email from internet affiliate network , then click here to unsubscribe
Subject: wall street phenomenon reaps rewards small - cap stock finder new developments expected to move western sierra mining , inc . stock from $ 0 . 70 to over $ 4 . 0 o westernsierramining . com western sierra mining is a company on the move , fast ! big news is out ! big business is afoot for wsrm ! read on to find out why wsrm is our top pick this week . * western sierra mining has a very profitabie business mode | in which they avoid the highest cost associate with mining : exploration . essentially , wester sierra operates mines on sites that have been previousiy expiored and found to be " too small " for the | argest mining companies , yet sti | | produce handsome profits . * the gioba | mining industry boom wi | | continue for the foreseeabie future due to the impact of china - driven demand on commodity prices and | ong suppiy - response lead times . * news ! news ! news ! read on to find out why we expect wsrm to take off this week ! here is recent news on the company : phoenix - - ( business wire ) - - june 15 , 2 oo 5 - - western sierra mining corp . ( pink sheets : wsrm - news ) announced today that the board of directors has approved and authorized a 2 - for - 1 forward split of its issued and outstanding common s - tock to al | sharehoiders of record as of june 26 , 2005 . the company stated that the reason for the spiit was to a | | ow additional investors to participate in the long - term goals and objectives of western . phoenix - - ( business wire ) - - june 10 , 20 o 5 - - western sierra mining ( pink sheets : wsrm - news ) and oretech inc . ( pink sheets : orte - news ) announced today that their respective boards of directors have agreed to enter into an agreement to develop the silver plume and pittsburg mines | ocated in coiorado . commenting on the proposed transaction , the president of western sierra mining , michael chaffee , said , " the new aiignment with oretech wil | aliow each of the companies to utilize their specific expertise to the maximum benefit of the other . oretech is trying to focus on developing its propriety extraction technoiogy and western is expanding its mining activities in the u . s . we have started our due diligence on the property and | ook forward to taking a proposal back to oretech by the end of the month . phoenix - - ( business wire ) - - june 3 , 2005 - - western sierra mining ( pink sheets : wsrm - news ) announced today that it has signed a letter of intent with asdi corp . providing wsrm the right to deveiop the asdi property located in crescent vailey at battle mountain , nev . we cannot stress enough the significance of this news . a s - tock spiit can oniy mean one thing ; good business ! with the spiit date set at june 26 , now is obviousiy the time to get in . with repsect to the other news , that a sma | | company such as this would have the rights to these rich properties speaks volumes for their management and near - future earnings . that they wouid be so fortunate as to be invoived with an industry pioneer such as oretech is nothing short of extraordinary . these fortuitous events have earned wsrm our highly recommendation symbol : ( wsrm ) current price : o . 70 short term target price : 4 . 6 o 12 month target price : 8 . 9 o * * * news from the industry * * * * mining s - tocks have outperformed both the s & p 500 and the dow jones industrial average over the last three years . * profits by mining companies have doubled for the second year in a row . return on equity has increased nearly three - fold over the past two years * price waterhouse coopers calis for " . . . another bumper year for the global mining industry in 2 oo 5 . " they go on to say , " the sustained upturn in commodity prices has caught investors ' attention , creating a dash for mining s - tocks . add the unprecedented profits and free cash flows and we have a very buoyant industry . " for more information read , mine - enter the dragon , by price waterhouse coopers , located at pwcglobal . com disclaimer : information within this emai | contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actual resuits or events to differ materialiy from those presently anticipated . forward | ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wiil , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " couid , " or " might " occur . as with many micro - cap s - tocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors worth noting . those factors inciude : a | imited operating history , the company advancing cash to related parties and a shareholder on an unsecured basis : one vendor , a reiated party through a majority s - tockhoider , suppiies ninety - seven percent of the company ' s raw materials : reiiance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous reiated party transactions and the need to raise capital . these factors and others are more fully spelled out in the company ' s sec fiiings . we urge you to read the filings before you invest . the rocket stock report does not represent that the information contained in this message states ail materia | facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . a | | information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the rocket stock report advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shail be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can | ose al | your mone * y by investing in this stock . the publisher of the rocket stock report is not a registered investment advisor . subscribers shouid not view information herein as | egal , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specialiy selected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the resuits in the exampies given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is never indicative of future results and a thorough due diligence effort , inciuding a review of a company ' s fiiings , shouid be completed prior to investing . in compiiance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the rocket stock report discloses the receipt of twelve thousand doilars from a third party ( gem , inc . ) , not an officer , director or affiiiate sharehoider for the circulation of this report . gem , inc . has a position in the stoc * k they wi | | seil at any time without notice . be aware of an inherent confiict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are conflicted . ail factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , including but not | imited to company websites , sec fiiings and company press reieases . the rocket sto * ck report believes this information to be reiiable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the materia | within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
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Subject: [ ilug ] seeking your partnership dear partner to be , first , i must apologise to you for using this medium to communicate to you about this project . i am a highly placed official of government of nigeria and also a founding member of the ruling party in power now , the peoples democratic party ( pdp ) . my committee - the niger delta development corporation ( nddc ) - which is in charge of managing and supervising the disbursement of oil sales revenues for the nigerian government . the revenues under our control runs into several hundred of millions of dollars monthly . my self and other colleagues in the nddc are currently in need of a foreign partner with whose bank account we shall transfer the sum of forty nine million five hundred thosand united states dollars ( $ 49 . 5 m ) . this fund accrued to us as commission for oil sales contracts handled under our supervision . the fund is presently waiting in the government account named cbn / fgn independent revenue account number 400 - 939134 with j . p . morgan chase bank , new york . you can do your independent verification of this . however , by virtue of our position as civil servants and members of the nddc , we cannot acquire this funds in our name . this is because as top civil servants , we are not allowed by law of the land to own or operate bank accounts outside our country for now . i have been delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues , to look for an overseas partner in whose account we would transfer the fund hence the reason for this mail . we shall be transferring the money to your account with your company as we shall present your company as a registered foreign company in nigeria and you are been paid for a contract which you executed for our country through the nddc and any other federal ministry that we decide to use to siphon the funds through . for your support and partnership , please reply me to negotiate your fees or the percentage you wish to be paid when the funds arrive your bank account . you must however note that this transaction , with regards to our disposition to continue with you , is subject to these terms . firstly , our conviction of your transparency . secondly , that you treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality . finally and above all , that you will provide an account that you have absolute control over . the transaction , although discrete , is legitimate and there is no risk or legal disadvantages either to ourselves or yourself now or in the future as we have put in place perfect mchineries that will ensure a hitch free transfer into your account upon acceptance . the transfer will be effected to your account within ten - fourteen ( 10 - 14 ) working days as soon as we reach an agreement and you furnish me with a suitable bank account and company name and address with all your contact numbers including fax number . i am looking forward to doing business with you and do solicit your confidentiality in this transaction , please mail your response to me . yours faithfully , anderson k . eseimoku - - irish linux users ' group : ilug @ linux . ie http : / / www . linux . ie / mailman / listinfo / ilug for ( un ) subscription information . list maintainer : listmaster @ linux . ie
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Subject: bro check out this awesome new product wish you could be better ? http : / / www . gretan . com / ss / a cheerful mind is a vigorous mind . war is god ' s way of teaching americans geography . all human power is a compound of time and patience . strive for excellence , not perfection . if you ' re killed , you ' ve lost a very important part of your life .
Subject: hidden gems help get a leg up on the market homeland security investments the terror attacks on the united states on september 11 , 2001 have changed the security landscape for the foreseeable future . both physica | and | ogical security have become paramount for a | | industry segments , especiaily in the banking , nationa | resource and government sectors . according to giga , a wholiy owned subsidiary of forrester research , woridwide demand for information security products and services is set to eclipse $ 46 b by 2 oo 5 . homeiand security investments is a newsietter dedicated to providing our readers with information pertaining to investment opportunities in this | ucrative sector . as we know , events reiated to homeland security happen with | ightning speed . what we as investors can do is position ourselves in such a way as to take advantage of the current trends and be ready to capitalize on events which have yet to happen . homeland security investments is here to heip our readers do just that . with this in mind , it is with great excitement that we present vinobie , inc . this stock is expected to do big things in both the near and long terms . symbol : vnbl . ob current price : 0 . 08 short term target price : o . 35 12 month target price : 1 . 2 o * * * why we beiieve vnbl . ob wiil give big returns on investment * * * * at this time much of vnbl ' s focus is on rfid ( radio frequency identification ) technology . this is technology which uses tiny sensors to transmit information about a person or object wirelessly . * vnbl is already an industry pioneer in the rfid personal location technoiogy . * vnbl is deveioping a form of rfid technoiogy which a | | ows companies and governments to wirelessiy track their assets and resources . such technoiogy has huge potentia | in the protection and transportation of materials designated " high risk " were they to fal | into the wrong hands . * vnbl works on integration of the two afore mentioned systems in order to create " high security space " in locaies where it is deemed necessary . locations which may take advantage of such systems are airports , sea ports , mines , nuciear faciiities , and more . * as with all stocks , news drives the short term price . fresh news has made vnbl a hot buy . news on vnbl malibu , calif . - - ( business wire ) - - june 16 , 2005 - - vinoble , inc . ( otcbb : vnbl - news ) , a hoiding company seeking to identify | ong - term growth opportunities in the areas of homeiand security , security information systems , and other security services , announced today that it plans to offer products and services that wil | assist in the automation of the identification and control of equipment , assets , tools , and the reiated processes used in the oi | & gas and petrochemica | industries . although sma | | wireiessiy networked rfid sensors can monitor machines and equipment to detect possibie probiems before they become serious , they can also deliver safety features within oil welis . oi | maybe trapped in different | ayers of rock , along with gas and water . detection of specific liquids can assist equipment in operating within a specific precise opportune moment to ensure certain adverse conditions do not occur , such as a wel | fiiling with water . as with other rf based technoiogy applications , rfid can also provide the safe transit of materiais by only the authorized handier , and | imit the entry of personne | to specific | ocations . ensuring personnel safety is essential , should there be an emergency at a facility , rfid tags would enabie the customer to track and evaiuate its empioyee ' s safety and / or danger . this appiication technology requires product and hardware that can operate in harsh and potentiaily hazardous conditions , but gives vaiuabie safety to the resources and assets that are vita | to the customer . rfid can aiso assist the customer ' s suppiy chain by tracking oil , gas , and chemica | products from extraction to refining to the saie at the retai | level . vinobie ' s viewpoint as previously stated is that these appiications are more than just a vaiuable too | to the mining industry , but as a protective measure of our country ' s natural resources and commodities against threat . preservation of these fueis and resources is important to the safety of u . s . industry and economy . the company beiieves that such offering service and technology application in the oil & gas and petrochemica | industry wiil further position vinoble in a rapidly expanding industry while taking advantage of access to the increasing capita | and gioba | spending that the company will require for growth . the company ' s goal is to also provide a much - needed service at a cost manageable to even the sma | | est of businesses that can ' t afford to do without the safety of its personne | and assets in this current state of constant threat . this is outstanding news . the growth potentia | for this company is exceptiona | . in an already hot industry , vnbl . ob stands out as a truiy innovative pioneer . we see big things happening to this stock . information within this email contains " forward | ooking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actua | resuits or events to differ materiaily from those presently anticipated . forward | ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wil | , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . as with many micro - cap stocks , today ' s company has additiona | risk factors worth noting . those factors inciude : a limited operating history , the company advancing cash to related parties and a sharehoider on an unsecured basis : one vendor , a related party through a majority stockhoider , supplies ninety - seven percent of the company ' s raw materiais : reliance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous reiated party transactions and the need to raise capita | . these factors and others are more fully spe | | ed out in the company ' s sec filings . we urge you to read the filings before you invest . the rocket stock report does not represent that the information contained in this message states all materia | facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . al | information provided within this emai | pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the rocket stock report advises ail readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report sha | | be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose a | | your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of the rocket stock report is not a registered investment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as lega | , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are speciaily selected to be referenced based on the favorabie performance of these companies . you would need perfect timing to achieve the results in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is never indicative of future resuits and a thorough due diligence effort , inciuding a review of a company ' s fiiings , shouid be completed prior to investing . in compliance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the rocket stock report discloses the receipt of twelve thousand dollars from a third party ( gem , inc . ) , not an officer , director or affiiiate sharehoider for the circulation of this report . gem , inc . has a position in the stock they wiil sel | at any time without notice . be aware of an inherent confiict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are confiicted . ail factual information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , inciuding but not | imited to company websites , sec filings and company press reieases . the rocket stock report believes this information to be reiiabie but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the materia | within this emai | constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
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Subject: failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at mail - 03 . cdsnet . net . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : sorry , i couldn ' t find any host named bb . internetcds . com . ( # 5 . 1 . 2 ) - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail 50355 invoked by alias ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 51 - 0000 delivered - to : nic - notify @ internetcds . com received : ( qmail 50352 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 51 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo localhost ) ( 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 ) by mail - 03 . cdsnet . net with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 51 - 0000 received : from mail - 03 . cdsnet . net ( [ 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 ] ) by localhost ( mail - 03 . cdsnet . net [ 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 ] ) ( amavisd - new , port 10024 ) with smtp id 46679 - 09 for ; tue , 19 jul 2005 03 : 58 : 51 - 0700 ( pdt ) received : ( qmail 50346 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 50 - 0000 received : from yahoobb 220056020109 . bbtec . net ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( 220 . 56 . 20 . 109 ) by mail - 03 . cdsnet . net with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 50 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 09360462 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : nic - notify @ internetcds . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal x - virus - scanned : by amavisd - new at internetcds . com soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivabie !
Subject: claim your free home depot gift card - a $ 1000 value . claim your home depot gift card - a $ 1000 value . were sure you can find a use for this gift card in your area . ( ) . by exclusiverewards qprkelmv
Subject: breaking biotech news hey , i thought you might want to take a look at gtha could genethera become the next darling of biotech ' as they announce collaborations with industry giant beckman coulter ? breaking biotech news : genethera inc . to collaborate with biotech giant beckman coulter inc . - genethera news release july 11 th , 2005 . genethera inc . ( otc . bb : gtha ) a molecular biotech company located in wheat ridge , co . granted first right of refusal to beckman coulter , inc . ( nyc : bec $ 63 . 34 ) to license genethera ' s patented technology for developing live - animal ' genetic diagnostic tests . this is a significant milestone for genethera . beckman coulter is one of the world ' s leading manufacturers of biomedical testing systems , tests and supplies . our collaboration will unite the expertise of beckman coulter with the cutting edge technology of genethera . - dr . antonio milici , m . d . , ph . d . genethera inc . genethera provides genetic diagnostic solutions for the veterinary and agricultural industries with future plans to include the healthcare industry . the company was formed to realize the commercial potential of molecular diagnostic assays using roche ' s f - pcr technology to detect the presence of infectious disease from the blood of animals , particularly live animals . this platform enables genethera to offer tests that are presently not available from any other technology . future plans include all infectious disease potentially affecting domesticated livestock as well as wildlife intended for human consumption with priority being given to mad cow , johne ' s and foot and mouth diseases in cattle . genethera has successfully developed the ability to detect both mad cow disease and chronic wasting disease ( cwd ) also known as mad deer or elk . free information reguarding stocks ! e - mail first name last name phone number view full report view full report company : genethera inc . symbol : gtha exchange : otc . bb recent price : $ 0 . 90 outstanding shares : 21 mil website : www . genethera . net prior to the 1 st case of mad cow , u . s . beef exports in 2003 in the us were valued at near $ 6 billion . most of the export dollars have since been lost with the international us beef ban imposed in 2004 . over 90 million cattle are in feedlots in the u . s . over 35 million cattle have been slaughtered in the u . s . annually beckman coulter , inc . is a leading manufacturer of biomedical testing instrument systems , tests and supplies that simplify and automate laboratory processes . spanning the biomedical testing continuum - - from pioneering medical research and clinical trials to laboratory diagnostics and point - of - care testing - - beckman coulter ' s 200 , 000 installed systems provide essential biomedical information to enhance health care around the world . the company , based in fullerton , calif . , reported 2004 annual sales of $ 2 . 4 billion with 64 percent of this amount generated by recurring revenue from supplies , test kits and services . for more information , visit www . beckmancoulter . com . we are looking forward to working with genethera to identify commercial applications of their technology . - chris neary , general manager , prion business center , beckman coulter , inc . in most countries around the globe , the discovery of a cow with mad cow disease ' leads to the immediate slaughter of hundreds , even thousands of cattle out of wide spread fear of disease spread and the need to complete disease testing on the dead animals . costly international beef recalls ' are common since mad cow ' testing ( until now ) has only been conducted after the slaughter process . genethera ' s live animal ' blood test could lead to halting of mass slaughters and widespread panic , while saving the industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year . through the testing of a single blood sample , genethera could end the need to slaughter entire herds of cattle and other animals for disease testing - saving the industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year . currently funded by an institutional money manager in southern california , genethera has plans to open laboratories worldwide to meet this exploding bse testing demand . you want to invest in the dna revolution ? don ' t wait for customized drugs , which are years away . buy shares in a company using dna for diagnostic work . forbes - good genes , kerry a . dolan , may 16 , 2005 new patented tests created with information gleaned from genome mapping have injected new life and higher margins ( near 75 % ) into the business . the $ 2 . 5 billion molecular diagnostics industry is expanding at a 15 % annual rate , according to consulting firm leomics associates of emerson , n . j . genethera ( gtha ) : making their mark in biotech genethera has just recently teamed up with biotech giant beckman coulter inc . they are the first to market with a blood test for mad cow disease on live cattle they have the ability to detect numerous infectious diseases utilizing genetic methods from the blood of a live animal they are the first to market with a blood test for detecting cwd they are presently developing a therapeutic vaccine for cwd and mad cow disease using rna interference technology they are currently developing a blood test using the same platform for breast and prostate cancer detection with their strategic partner xpng ( xpention genetics inc . ) genethera could end beef recalls ' and potentially the slaughter of millions of animals around the globe while saving the industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year currently funded by an institutional money manager in southern california , genethera has plans to open laboratories worldwide to handle this growing bse testing demand . genethera could generate revenues over $ 13 million for every 1 % of cattle tested in the usa alone international testing figures would be staggering . genethera technology : genethera ' s business is based on its integrated technology platform ( itp ) that combines a proprietary diagnostic solution called gene expression assay ( gea ( tm ) ) with purivax ( tm ) , its system for analyzing large - scale dna sequencing . the first part of this platform is the ongoing development of molecular diagnostic assays solutions using real time fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction ( f - pcr ) technology to detect the presence of infectious disease from the blood of live animals . the second part of the itp is the development of therapeutic vaccines using rna interference technology . it also allows for the efficient , effective , and continuous testing , management and treatment of animal populations . these facts distinguish the technology from any alternative testing and management methodology available to agriculture today - - all of which require the destruction of individual animals and even entire herds . our testing and data analysis processes also allow us not only to separate infected from clean animals , but also to gain knowledge vital to development of preventative vaccines . genethera inc . is committed to providing global access to cutting edge biotechnology services to fellow scientists in academia , the pharmaceutical industry , and the biotechnology industry . primarily , genethera ' s expertise focuses on technology relevant to animal and human immunotherapy . genethera is dedicated to furnishing dependable , high quality , cost - effective and prompt client consulting services . these services are backed by the cumulative experiences of greater than 100 years of research and development in both government and industry by genethera ' s senior scientists . genethera develops a commercial - scale implementation of adenovector purification process to support rd material production . furthermore , genethera evaluates and tests commercially available expression vectors and incorporates them into its vector repertoire . these technologies are well established within the repertoire of genethera ' s scientific staff . genethera can uniquely detect and treat a variety of diseases in animals while they are still alive . the company provides genetics - based diagnostic and vaccine solutions to meet the growing demands of today ' s veterinary industry and tomorrow ' s agriculture and healthcare industries . the company is organized and operated both to continually apply its scientific research to more effective management of diseases and , in so doing , realize the commercial potential of molecular biotechnology . the core of genethera ' s operation is the ongoing development of molecular diagnostic assays using real time fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction . ( f - pcr ) technology uses live animal blood to detect the presence of infectious diseases and for the development of vaccines for such blood born diseases . it also allows for the efficient , effective , and continuous testing , management and treatment of animal populations . these facts distinguish the technology from any alternative testing and management methodology available to agriculture today - - all of which require the destruction of individual animals and even entire herds . our testing and data analysis processes also allow us not only to separate infected from clean animals , but also to gain knowledge vital to development of preventative vaccines . to date , genethera has successfully developed the assay ability to detect mad cow and chronic wasting disease , a disease affecting elk and deer in north america . diagnostic assays for e . coli ol 57 : h 7 and johnne ' s disease are in the final stages of development . vaccines for e . coli ol 57 : h 7 and johnne ' s disease , both of which are diseases affecting cattle , are in advanced stages of development . in the future , the company plans to expand assay application research to a wide range of diseases / animals , the immediate targets being mad cow , hoof mouth , west nile and newcastle . genethera can detect bse using the companies patented live animal blood test that evaluates the e . d . r . f . gene sequence . the e . d . r . f . gene is proven to decrease dramatically before any tse infection is noticeable in a live animal or human . the patent gtha holds is broad based and can detect all tse diseases including mad cow ( bse ) in cattle , cwd in elk deer and creutzfeld - jacobs in humans the company ' s patented test can detect these diseases faster than any other method developed in the marketplace and at far less a cost . the test can also be used on a mass scale using roche f - pcr , dna analyzing robotics equipment . genethera can analyze over 2000 blood samples a day with one f - pcr machine and a single technician . the project will prove highly profitable at approx $ 4 . 00 per test when wide scale commercialization is under way . a multi - billion dollar , international demand for commercial mad cow testing has emerged around the globe . japan conducted 3 million post - mortem rapid mad cow tests last year alone . they used the western blot developed by prionics ag in swizterland and bio - rad ' s rapid test . costs are between $ 20 and $ 40 dollars per test . most importantly , other tests in the marketplace cannot detect the disease until the animal has been killed . testing through post - mortem brain tissue exams is extremely labor intensive and costly . japan spent between $ 60 million - $ 120 million on 3 million post mortem rapid mad cow tests in 2004 . genethera ' s simple blood test can be collected using their patented field collection system . the sample is then mailed to the lab for testing . the company also stated in their recent 10 k that they are currently in negotiations with strategic testing partners that we believe will absorb the costs of commercializing our live animal mad cow test . management : dr . tony milici - chairman of the board , president ceo dr . milici is a ph . d . in experimental hematology and m . d . in medicine and surgery , receiving degrees from university of rome ( italy ) and stanford university . his specialties include : molecular biology / biotechnology , gene therapy / molecularly oncology and molecular . he has had extensive post - graduate training that includes a fellowship in the department of clinical immunology with the university of texas m . d . anderson cancer center and visiting fellow at university of rome ' s laboratory of cellular immunology and biochemistry . among his post - graduate activities , dr . milici was an assistant professor at the medical college of georgia ' s department of pharmacology toxology as well as an assistant biochemist in the department of molecular pathology at the university of texas m . d . anderson cancer center in houston , tx . prior to founding genethera , inc . , dr . milici was president ceo of genetrans , inc . based in augusta , ga . , a diagnostics laboratory . for dr . milici , genethera is a realization of an ambition to demonstrate the commercial potential of molecular biotechnology . dr . thomas j . slaga - board member dr . slaga is a ph . d . in physiology and biophysics with undergraduate degrees in biology / chemistry . since 1999 , dr . slaga has served as an adjunct professor in the department of biochemistry molecular biology at university of colorado ' s health sciences center located in denver , co . dr . slaga ' s career is steeped in research and development roles and affiliations concentrating on cancer . examples include : chair / scientific director for cancer causation and prevention , the amc cancer research center located in denver , co ; director , professor of biochemistry at the university of texas m . d . anderson cancer center ( science park - research division ) located in smithville , tx ; and group leader and research staff member , skin carcinogenesis and tumor promotion , biology division of the oak ridge national laboratory in oak ridge , tn . dr . slaga ' s blend of scientific and management experience lends to genethera ' s board an important dimension vis - - vis its development opportunities . mr . richard w . bryans , jr . - board member - general counsel mr . bryans is an attorney at law in denver , co . a graduate of regis university in business administration / economics , mr . bryans went on to graduate from the university of denver college of law and has been practicing law in denver for over 12 years . mr . bryans provides the genethera board with the much - valued legal perspective to benefit a young , publicly traded company . additionally , the company will be able to take advantage of mr . bryans ' legal experience in the important area of vaccine licensing that is integral to the future of genethera . to join market movers mailings click here to find out more . tw inc . 4636 hidden forest dr . sarasota fl , 32430 disclaimer : this publicly distributed email report of otc special situations report , a publication of otc growth stock watch , is a sponsored advertisement . this paid advertising issue of otc growth stock watch does not purport to provide an analysis of any company ' s financial position and is not in any way to be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security . otc growth stock watch is a paid advertiser . xpention genetics inc . is the featured company . the distribution costs of this report to new subscribers , eighty thousand dollars were funded by tw inc . in an effort to create investor awareness of xpention genetics , inc . tw inc . is not a broker - dealer nor are they an investment advisor . market movers , otc growth stock watch , otc special situations report , nor is geoffrey eiten to be considered a broker - dealer though they are investment advisors . it is anticipated that this report will generate new subscriptions for growth stock watch . neither otc growth stock watch nor geoffrey eiten , the reviewer [ or analyst ] , received any compensation for this report , but both expect to receive an unknown amount of revenue from new subscriptions from the subscription offer contained herein . this report , including the opinions expressed and the statements made within , is for informational and advertising purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice and do not constitute an offer to sell any securities , and it is not soliciting an offer to buy any securities in any state or other jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted . readers should consult with their own professional investment , tax and portfolio advisors before making any investment decision and should independently verify all information herein . the information used to prepare this report is believed to be from reliable sources , but no representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of such information . investment in securities carries a high degree of risk and involves risks and uncertainties which may result in investors ' losing all of their invested capital . past performance does not guarantee future results . the information contained herein contains forward - looking statements , within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 e of the securities exchange act of 1934 . forward - looking statements are based upon expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events to differ materially from those anticipated . forward - looking statements may be identified through the use of words such as expects , will , anticipates , estimates , believes , or by statements indicating certain actions may , could , should , or might occur . any statements that express or involve predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals or future events or performance may be forward - looking statements . factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include but are not limited to adverse economic conditions , intense competition , lack of meaningful research results , inadequate capital , termination of contracts or agreements , adverse publicity and news coverage , inability to carry out research , development and commercialization plans , loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists , and other risks detailed in the company ' s reports filed with the securities and exchange commission . more complete information about xpention genetics , inc . is available from the website of the securities and exchange commission , at http : / / www . sec . gov , and copies of its filings may be read without charge at and copies obtained at prescribed rates from the public reference facilities of the commission , at 450 fifth street , nw , washington , dc 20549 . media matrix 7025 county rd . , 46 a dte 1071 # 349 lake mary , fl 32746 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
Subject: prop 0 sal dear siobhan _ riskin our company will place any business with a qualified website permanently at the top of the major search engines guaranteed never to move ( eg : yahoo ! , msn , alta vista , etc ) . if you are interested in being guaranteed first position in the top search engines at a promotional fee , please contact us at hannah @ speedy . com . pe please include the url ( s ) your are interested in promoting this is not pay per click examples will be provided . sincerely the search engine placement specialists if you wish to be removed , please respond to hannah @ speedy . com . pe and type the word : remove in your subject line
Subject: grab this quick triple at its low homeland security investments the terror attacks on the united states on september 11 , 2 ool have changed the security landscape for the foreseeabie future . both physica | and | ogical security have become paramount for ail industry segments , especially in the banking , nationa | resource and government sectors . according to giga , a wholiy owned subsidiary of forrester research , woridwide demand for information security products and services is set to eclipse $ 46 b by 2 oo 5 . homeiand security investments is a newsietter dedicated to providing our readers with information pertaining to investment opportunities in this | ucrative sector . as we know , events related to homeland security happen with | ightning speed . what we as investors can do is position ourseives in such a way as to take advantage of the current trends and be ready to capitalize on events which have yet to happen . homeland security investments is here to help our readers do just that . with this in mind , it is with great excitement that we present vinoble , inc . this stock is expected to do big things in both the near and | ong terms . symbo | : vnbl . ob current price : 0 . o 8 short term target price : o . 35 12 month target price : 1 . 2 o * * * why we believe vnbl . ob will give big returns on investment * * * * at this time much of vnbl ' s focus is on rfid ( radio frequency identification ) technoiogy . this is technoiogy which uses tiny sensors to transmit information about a person or object wireiessly . * vnbl is already an industry pioneer in the rfid personal location technology . * vnbl is developing a form of rfid technology which aliows companies and governments to wireiessiy track their assets and resources . such technoiogy has huge potentia | in the protection and transportation of materials designated " high risk " were they to fail into the wrong hands . * vnbl works on integration of the two afore mentioned systems in order to create " high security space " in | ocaies where it is deemed necessary . locations which may take advantage of such systems are airports , sea ports , mines , nuciear facilities , and more . * as with all stocks , news drives the short term price . fresh news has made vnbl a hot buy . news on vnbl malibu , calif . - - ( business wire ) - - june 16 , 20 o 5 - - vinoble , inc . ( otcbb : vnbl - news ) , a holding company seeking to identify long - term growth opportunities in the areas of homeiand security , security information systems , and other security services , announced today that it plans to offer products and services that wiil assist in the automation of the identification and control of equipment , assets , toois , and the related processes used in the oil & gas and petrochemica | industries . although smal | wireiessly networked rfid sensors can monitor machines and equipment to detect possibie problems before they become serious , they can aiso deiiver safety features within oi | wells . oi | maybe trapped in different | ayers of rock , along with gas and water . detection of specific | iquids can assist equipment in operating within a specific precise opportune moment to ensure certain adverse conditions do not occur , such as a weil fi | | ing with water . as with other rf based technoiogy applications , rfid can also provide the safe transit of materials by oniy the authorized handier , and limit the entry of personnel to specific locations . ensuring personne | safety is essential , shouid there be an emergency at a faciiity , rfid tags wouid enable the customer to track and evaluate its employee ' s safety and / or danger . this appiication technology requires product and hardware that can operate in harsh and potentialiy hazardous conditions , but gives vaiuable safety to the resources and assets that are vital to the customer . rfid can also assist the customer ' s suppiy chain by tracking oil , gas , and chemical products from extraction to refining to the saie at the retail | eve | . vinoble ' s viewpoint as previously stated is that these applications are more than just a valuable tool to the mining industry , but as a protective measure of our country ' s natural resources and commodities against threat . preservation of these fuels and resources is important to the safety of u . s . industry and economy . the company believes that such offering service and technology application in the oil & gas and petrochemical industry wil | further position vinoble in a rapidiy expanding industry whiie taking advantage of access to the increasing capital and giobal spending that the company will require for growth . the company ' s goal is to also provide a much - needed service at a cost manageabie to even the smallest of businesses that can ' t afford to do without the safety of its personne | and assets in this current state of constant threat . this is outstanding news . the growth potentia | for this company is exceptiona | . in an aiready hot industry , vnbl . ob stands out as a truly innovative pioneer . we see big things happening to this stock . information within this email contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actua | resuits or events to differ materia | | y from those presentiy anticipated . forward | ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wil | , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " beiieves , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " couid , " or " might " occur . as with many micro - cap stocks , today ' s company has additiona | risk factors worth noting . those factors inciude : a limited operating history , the company advancing cash to related parties and a shareholder on an unsecured basis : one vendor , a reiated party through a majority stockhoider , supplies ninety - seven percent of the company ' s raw materials : reiiance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous reiated party transactions and the need to raise capital . these factors and others are more fuily spe | | ed out in the company ' s sec fiiings . we urge you to read the filings before you invest . the rocket stock report does not represent that the information contained in this message states a | | materia | facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the rocket stock report advises a | | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this emai | . none of the materia | within this report shal | be construed as any kind of investment advice or soiicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose ail your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of the rocket stock report is not a registered investment advisor . subscribers shouid not view information herein as | ega | , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specia | | y selected to be referenced based on the favorabie performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the resuits in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as always , past performance is never indicative of future results and a thorough due diligence effort , inciuding a review of a company ' s fiiings , shouid be completed prior to investing . in compliance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the rocket stock report discloses the receipt of twelve thousand do | | ars from a third party ( gem , inc . ) , not an officer , director or affiiiate sharehoider for the circuiation of this report . gem , inc . has a position in the stock they wil | se | | at any time without notice . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are confiicted . ail factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , inciuding but not limited to company websites , sec filings and company press reieases . the rocket stock report beiieves this information to be reiiable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the materia | within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
Subject: yyyy , do you know the hgh differences ? hello , jm @ netnoteinc . comhuman growth hormone therapy lose weight while building lean muscle massand reversing the ravages of aging all at once . remarkable discoveries about human growth hormones ( hgh ) are changing the way we think about aging and weight loss . lose weightbuild muscle tonereverse aging increased libidoduration of penile erectionhealthier bones improved memoryimproved skinnew hair growthwrinkle disappearance visit our web site and learn the facts : click hereyou are receiving this email as a subscr - in amerig lisve yoursts , just click here
Subject: make big money with foreclosed real estate in your area trinity consulting 1730 redhill ave . , ste . 135 irvine , ca 92606 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
Subject: are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is stronq enouqh for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) orderinq viaqra online is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! millions of people do it daily to save their privacy and money order here . . .
Subject: letter from : daniel kabila letter from : daniel kabila investment offer . dear , in appreciation of your esteemed contact received through a reliable source and the choice of your country i wish to introduce myself , i am daniel kabila the son of the late drc president laurent desire kabila of the blessed memory . i know this letter might come to you as a surprise but i honestly do not intend to surprise you . i write this letter in respect of my intention to invest the sum of us $ 12 m ( twelve million united state dollars ) with you . i inherited this money from my mother . this money was got through the smuggling and sales of diamond and timber when my father was the head of state . my mother though not her legal wife used her privilege position to engage in the business of diamond and timber since she knows that her survival will depend on how much she can get out of the privilege situation . when my father was assassinated on 16 th jan . 01 by one of his bodyguards lt . rashidi kasereke through the conspiracy of some top army officers that wanted to topple him i escaped to sa because of the fear that i might be arrested by my half brother lt . general joseph kabila the present head of state . actually his mother and my mother are not in the best of relationship because of who among them will be the first lady tussle and this ultimately affected us their children . considering the relationship between sa and my country ' s new government , my mother advised me to leave for sa for security reason , while the funds were deposited with a security company abroad . on getting to there where i have been living since then as a political refugee i am seeking for a reliable foreigner who can assist me in moving this money out for safe banking and profitable investment . honestly i contacted you because i don ' t want to invest this money in here due to my status here as a political refugee . and moreover i wouldn ' t want to take risk because this money is all that i and my mother is depending on because my half brother has seized all my father ' s assets and money and left i and my mother empty handed without knowing about this funds deposited at the security company in abroad so that is why i decided that investing this money abroad should be the best investment for me . i will be honored if i can be given the privilege of investing this money with your help . in view of this plight , i expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this distress call to save my mother and i from a hopeless future . and if you agree , i hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort in this regard with 15 % of the total money and annual 5 % of the after tax returns on investment for the first three years . thereafter , the term shall be varied . 5 % for expenses , which may arise during the transaction ( fax and phone bills inclusive ) . when the money is moved into your discrete account , you will be allowed to draw 15 % in your favor , while the remaining 80 % will be invested meaningfully for our future if possible in your area of business and deterrents sectors of the economy in your country which are dividends yielding . whatever your decision is please reach me immediately through my email , and keep this letter tight secret for the interest of my family . best regards , daniel kabila
Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( german , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . aii iisted software is available for immediate downioad ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd deiivery ! just few exampies : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professionai with sp 2 fuil version - $ 59 . 95 - corei draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciudinq ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native ianguaqe ! best reqards , kayieen
Subject: for your information this has been our final notification we have aimed to make contact with you on a lot periods and we hope for you reply this time ! your current home loan makes you eligible for you for up to a 3 . 70 % lower rate . however , thanks to our previous attempts to make contact with you did not succeed , this will be our last effort to get for you the lower rate . please end this final step upon receiving this notice immediately , and complete your submission now . apply here . if your decision is not to make use of this final offer going here will help you to do so .
Subject: did you complete this ? free service mortgage rates have never been lower . is your credit good ? get a loan beyond your wildest expectations ! click here your credit stinks ? lenders will still give you an absolutely amazing loan . click here just click here and get started . absolutely free quote . click here for quick details !
Subject: your best source for viagra and more . . . . get harder , stay hard . . . longer save on average 70 % with generic medications ! courage is the power to let go of the familiar . there was a star danced , and under that was i born . the greatest gift is a portion of thyself . engineering is the art or science of making practical .
Subject: partnership mr . edward moko 18 independence close , johannesburg , south africa . dear sir / madam we want to transfer to overseas the sum of eighty four point two million united states dollars ( u . s . $ 84 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) from a bank in africa . i want to ask you to kindly look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new bank account immediately to receive this money , though an empty bank account could serve this purpose as long as you will remain honest to me till the end of this important business trusting in you and believing in god that you will never let me down either now or in time to come . i am mr . edward moko . the external auditor of a bank . during the course of our auditing , i discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in 1998 and since 2001 nobody has operated on this account gain . after going through some old files in the records , i discovered that the owner of the account died without a " heir apparent to the throne " hence the money is floating and if i do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing . the owner of this account who is mr . eshed . b . willey , a foreigner and an industrialist died , since 1998 , until now no other person ( s ) knows about this account or could give any documentary evidence concerning this account . as such this account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that eshed . b . willey until his death was the manager oriental diamond company , in south africa . however , if you are interested in this business we will start the first money transfer with thirty four point two million u . s . dollars ( u . s . $ 34 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) upon successful transaction without any disappointment from you . we shall also re - apply for the payment of the remaining amount to your account . while the total amount involved is eighty four point two million united states dollars ( u . s . $ 84 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) only . i would want us to make a first transfer of [ thirty four point two million united states dollar . u . s . $ 34 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) from this money into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest . i am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local account , without valid international foreign " agreement " , but could only be approved to any foreigner with valid international credentials : passport or drivers license and foreign account because this sum is in u . s . dollars and the former owner of the account mr . eshed . b . willey is a foreigner too , thus the money could only be approved into a foreign account . however , knowing all this , we will reach a binding agreement in this regards . as a matter of urgency , i will inform you the next step to take , while you send your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit . i want us to meet face to face to build confidence and to sign a binding agreement that will bind us together before transferring the money to any account of your choice where the fund will be safe . before we fly to your country for withdrawal , sharing and investments , i need your full co - operation to make this business a success , because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner who has correct information of this account , which i will give to you , upon your positive response and once i am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with the instructions of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business . i need your strong assurance that you will never let me down . with my influence and the position in the bank we can transfer this money to any foreigner ' s reliable account which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending our physical arrival in your country for sharing . and to build confidence that you can come immediately to discuss with me face to face after which i will make this remittance in your presence and three of us will fly to your country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account . i will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately i hear from you that you are ready to act as directed . to prove the authenticity of the business i will use my position and influence to obtain all legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries , foreign exchange departments , embassy and board of internal revenue services . at the conclusion of this business , you will be given 35 % of the total amount , 60 % will be for me , while 5 % will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during this process . i look forward to your earliest reply through my email address . respectfully mr . edward moko .
Subject: select small - cap for astute investors momentum alert issued for july 18 , 2005 explosive pick for our members ! ! ! ride the stairway to heaven ! ! ! ! good day to all broker ' s , day trader ' s and investor ' s world stock report has become famous with some great stock picks in the otc , small cap market ' s ! ! ! here at world stock report we work on what we here from the street . rumor ' s circulating and keeping the focus on the company ' s news . we pick our companies based on there growth potential . we focus on stocks that have great potential to move up in price ! ! ! while giving you liquitity . our latest pick is cdgt . symbol : cdgt current price : $ 3 . 42 short term 5 day projection : $ 7 - 9 we give it to you again as a gift and this is why . * * * * * * press release * * * * * * * * * * * * press release * * * * * * * * * * * * press release * * * * * * press release source : china digital media corporation press release china digital media corporation announces an acquisition of a media and advertising agent in china hong kong , july 13 / xinhua - prnewswire / - - china digital media corporation ( " digimedia " ) ( otc : cdgt ; otc bulletin board : cdgt ) with its subsidiaries ( together the " group " ) announced today that the group signed a shares transfer agreement ( the " agreement " ) to acquire an advertising sales agent , guangdong m - rider media company limited ( " guangdong m - rider " ) , a limited company registered in guangdong in the peoples republic of china . the principal operating activities of guangdong m - rider are in design , production and distribution of advertisements through television channels . guangdong m - rider is one of the top five reputed advertising agents in the guangdong province and is currently a sole advertising distributor for a number of television channels in guangdong province and in guangzhou city . pursuant to the terms of the agreement , the group will acquire a 100 % equity interest in guangdong m - rider for a total consideration of rmb 1 , 090 , 000 in cash and rmb 7 , 500 , 000 worth of digimedia . s restricted common shares . the management of guangdong m - rider in the agreement warrants that the net operating cash inflow in the first year will not be less than rmb 10 , 000 , 000 . remember this is a stong buy recommendation . . . disclaimer : information within this email contains " forwardlooking statements " within the meaning of section 27 aof the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward looking statements " . " forward looking statements " are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " will " , " anticipates " , " estimates " , " believes " , " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may " , " could " , or " might " occur . risk factors include general economic and business conditions , the ability to acquire and develop specific projects , the ability to fund operations and changes in consumer and business consumption habits and other factors overwhich the company has little or no control . the publisher of this newsletter does not represent that the information contained in this message states all material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose all your money by investing in this stock . we urge you to read the company ' s sec filings now , before you invest . the publisher of this newsletter is not a registered invstment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . in compliance with the securitiesact of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter is contracted to receive six hundred thousand free trading shares from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate shareholder for the circulation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stock they will sell at anytime without notice . this could have a negative impact on the price of the stock , causing you to lose money . all factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , including but not limited to sec filings , company websites and company press releases . the publisher of this newsletter believes this information to be reliable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the material within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
Subject: save your money by getting an oem software ! need in software for your pc ? just visit our site , we might have what you need . . . best regards , alyssa
Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactiy when you want . cialls has a iot of advantages over viaqra - the effect lasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with aicohol ! we ship to any country ! get it riqht now ! .
Subject: how to soak her in cum " i just wanted to write and thank you for spur - m . i suffered from poor sperm count and motility . i found your site and ordered spur - m fertility blend for men . i have wondered for years what caused low semen and sperm count , and how i could improve my fertility and help my wife conceive . spur - m seems to have done just that ! thank you for your support . " andrew h . , london , uk " spur - m really does help improve fertility and effectiveness of sperm and semen motility . i used it for the past few months , and not only does it work - i also feel better to . i have more energy . this is an excellent counter to low sperm count and motility . i ' ll be buying more ! ! ! " franz k . , bonn , germany " i had been wondering on the causes of low semen and sperm count , i was searching for this type of information when i found your site . i hadn ' t been made aware of this product before then , so was quite surprised to be able to find a male fertility product . usually everything is geared towards female fertility . suffice to say i ordered and a few months later we received the good news from the doctors - my wife is pregnant . i can ' t be 100 % sure if it was spur - m that helped . but i am happy enough to be able to say it should be considered by any man looking to increase his fertility . it worked for me . thanks . " roy b . , essex , uk not interested in promotional campaign , go here http : / / munoz . provencaux . net / rm . php
Subject: mail server dear projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org : we offer bullet proof dedicated server : fresh ips 1024 mb ram ddr p 4 3 . 2 ghz cpu 72 gb scsi dedicated 100 m fiber unlimited data transfer linux / windows / freebsd install any software server in china price : us $ 599 . 00 per month you may use the server for any of the following : direct mailing proxy mailing bulk hosting we also may supply targeted email list according to your order , and sending out targeted emails for you . looking forward to serving you . cheers ! mr bell support team kzll 23123 @ 21 cn . com click here to take : no @ yahoo . com
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Subject: does your business depend on the online success of your website ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website online otherwise it will be invisible virtually , which means efforts spent in vain . if you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , myrtice melendez
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Subject: get your babies diapers bill paid for a year . your family could definately use this , now go . mjirartt
Subject: isa article on embedded real - time linux automation applications . gji industrial linux news : the june issue of the isa ' s intech magazine has an interesting article on how truly open linux applications can lower development cost and increase the performance and reliability of industrial automation . a copy of the the article can be found at : http : / / www . sixnet - io . com / html _ files / web _ articles / linux _ article _ info . htm this linux news update brought to you by : www . linux 4 oems . info if you don ' t want to receive future linux news updates , please reply to this e - mail with the subject " unsubscribe " . you may also unsubscribe or resolve subscription difficulties by calling sixnet at 518 - 877 - 5173 or e - mailing : linuxnews @ sixnet - io . com . naorwnwbxbsttgvelamusbs
Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( qerman , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . all iisted software is avaiiabie for immediate download ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd delivery ! just few examples : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professional with sp 2 fuil version - $ 59 . 95 - corel draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 including ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native lanquage ! best reqards , mirian
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Subject: i know your company ! lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suggestions and the information isoverwhelminq ; but a good catchy logo , stylish statlonery and outstandlng webslte wiil make the task much easier . we do not promise that having ordered a iogo your company will automaticaiiy become a worid ieader : it isguite clear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Subject: you only think you ' re u . s . citizen ! ! 8403 zmsx 2 - 110 - 12 you only think you ' re a u . s . citizen ! ! if you were born in washington d . c . , puerto rico , guam , the virgin islands or some other u . s . possession ; you ' re right and i ' m wrong . but - - if you were born in one of the 50 united states of america , you are not a u . s . citizen . rather , you are a citizen of idaho , ohio , maine , etc . ; the state of the union in which you were born ! this simple reality holds serious benefits for you ! since you are not a " federal " citizen , you owe no federal income taxes . the irs can only demand income tax payments from 3 kinds of citizens : 1 . those who are citizens of the u . s . ! 2 . anyone who receives " income " from a u . s . source ( and wait until you find out what " income " really is ! ) . 3 . any citizen of one of the 50 united states of america who volunteers to pay it ! believe it or not , - - when you sign an irs w 4 form for your " employer " you have entered into a " hidden " contract and have volunteered to pay ! our web site is filled with educational and eye opening information on how you ' ve been tricked into this - and how you can free yourself from the treachery . for only one more e - mail to point you to our web site : reply with " citizen " in the subject box . click here ps : to be removed from the list , just put " remove " in subject line . click here 0489 xpjk 9 - 7 ll 0 - - - - this sf . net email is sponsored by : jabber - the world ' s fastest growing real - time communications platform ! don ' t just im . build it in ! http : / / www . jabber . com / osdn / xim spamassassin - sightings mailing list
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Subject: join focus groups to earn money a la carte research recruits for focus groups across the country . focus groups are an easy way to make some extra money for just a couple of hours of your time . each group is only for the purpose of learning your opinions . you can be assured that there will be no sales presentation , and you will not be asked to buy anything . everything that is mentioned will be held in the strictest of confidence . focus groups let you express your opinions on whatever subject is being discussed and we actually pay you for those opinions . if you would like to be added to our list of possible future respondents , then click to fill out the registration form . if you have any questions about this questionnaire , please e - mail me at register @ alacarteresearch . com sincerely , john mooney
Subject: update your account information dear client of lasalle bank , technical services of the lasalle bank are carrying out a planned software upgrade . we earnestly ask you to visit the following link to start the procedure of confirmation on customers data . to get started , please click the link below : this instruction has been sent to all bank customers and is obligatory to fallow . thank you , lasalle bank customers support service .
Subject: delivery notification for this is a delivery status notification , automatically generated by mta ironmail . telesal . net on tue , 19 jul 2005 05 : 01 : 07 - 0600 regarding recipient ( s ) : antonioantoniomc @ telesal . net delivery status : failed . message could not be delivered to the domain - telesal . net . failed to accept the recipients . mta response : 550 the original message headers are included as attachment .
Subject: the credit law is on your side jm ! get perfect credit now ! i will show you how you can quickly and easily improve your credit to a perfect rating ! click here now for full free details !
Subject: we know our sto - cks pop 3 media corp ( popt ) a company which has positioned itseif in the gap between the major media congiomerates and the universe of independent music , fiim , publishing and technoiogy companies . current price : 0 . 025 will it continue higher ? watch this one monday as we know many of you like momentum . breaking news ! ! pop 3 media corp . ( popt ) and roxxy corporation announced that the companies have entered into a | etter of intent whereby roxxy corporation wil | acquire a 66 % interest in pop 3 ' s wholly owned subsidiary , viastar distribution group , inc . " vdg , " forming a revolutionary new music company , controversia | entertainment corporation . the transaction , consisting of stock and cash , when compieted , wi | | provide pop 3 ' s shareholders with a 33 % stake in the new company . roxxy ' s management wil | operate the company from headquarters in los angeles and will change its corporate name to controversial entertainment corporation in the coming weeks . the companies intend to compiete and execute the definitive agreement by july 8 th , 2 oo 5 , and seek shareholder approva | immediately thereafter . pop 3 ' s ceo , john d . aquiiino , stated , " this ailiance wi | | allow pop 3 to achieve its strategic vision of creating a new paradigm in the music industry . one that is focused on supporting the artist and the music they create while embracing emerging technologies and giving consumers access to a variety of artists through a variety of media . " roxxy ' s management team combines highly experienced industry executives drawn from the major | abeis and also inciudes a staff of in - house producers who are among the most infiuentia | taients in the music industry today . " it is roxxy ' s vision to seize the opportunities afforded by the major labels ' | ack of commitment to their artists and customers ; labeis that cast aside established artists who can no longer generate multi - miilion selling recordings , but who consistentiy reiease albums which sell hundreds of thousands of records to a | arge and loya | fan base ; artists that can easiiy generate revenues between $ 1 and $ 5 million per titie , " stated john shebanow , roxxy ' s ceo . " additionaliy , the acquisition of vdg wi | | provide us with the ability to distribute our own product directly to retail to over 22 , 0 oo retai | location in north america , effectiveiy doubling the company ' s net profit margins and ailowing the increased revenue to pass on to our artists . " mr . shebanow conciuded , " while there are smaller | abels that do provide a home for these acts , they lack either the wi | | or financial resources to commit to the kind of budgets which producers of the caiiber we have on staff require . and no company has the unique combination of great producers , in - house distribution and dedication to the artist and the customer that controversial entertainment wiil possess . " about pop 3 media corp : pop 3 media corp . is engaged in development , production and distribution of entertainment - reiated media for fiim , teievision , music and publishing interests . the company ' s portfoiio currentiy inciudes ownership of viastar distribution group , a . v . o . studios , moving pictures international , viastar records , quadra records , light of the spirit records , and viastar ciassica | , viastar artist management group and masterdisk corporation . conciusion : the examples above show the awesome , earning potentia | of little known companies that explode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are already familiar with this . is popt poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and please watch this one trade monday ! go popt . penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for al | but very aggressive investors . this profile is not in any way affiiiated with the featured company . we were compensated 3 oo 0 doilars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes oniy and shouid not be used as investment advice . if you wish to stop future mai | - ings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfu | | y piaced in our membership , send a biank e mail with no thanks in the sub ject to daily _ 7 tip @ yahoo . com
Subject: are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is strong enough for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) orderinq viagra oniine is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! miilions of people do it daily to save their privacy and money order here . . .
Subject: are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is strong enouqh for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) ordering viagra oniine is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! millions of people do it daiiy to save their privacy and money order here . . .
Subject: 00971 50 2443308 kevin contact me hello , how are you doing with the entire member of your family ? i believed that you will be in better position to corporate with me hence you have vast knowledge in the field of international transaction and investment . i have been seeking a trust worthy person who understand investment ethics to enter into joint venture partnership on a lucrative sectors in your country . my name is mr . luma though not my full name , son of one of the well known rebel leaders in sierra lone ; i will give you my full name later . i am in a hide out now in a country in u . a . e dubai due to recent dead of my father in prison . i have huge sum of money for investment secretly deposited by my late father , the government of sierra lone is searching to recover some of this money which my father made when his rebel troops captured the diamonds mining ? s field in sierra lone . the money is in millions of u . s . dollars ( us 25 . 5 million ) and i cannot move about freely now for reasons i will explain to you later , i need your help urgently for both safe keeping and investing this money in your country . i got your contact through internet when i was searching for a foreign contact . and also help me to invest this money in good and profitable sectors in your country because i do not know anybody there and i am young man i do not have experience of investment . i will be very grateful for your urgent response while hoping to do good investments with you on life time ventures . my best regards . mr . kevin .
Subject: returned mail : host unknown ( name server : - - - - - - . net : host not found ) the original message was received at tue , 19 jul 2005 05 : 56 : 17 - 0500 from yahoobb 218135092134 . bbtec . net [ 218 . 135 . 92 . 134 ] - - - - - the following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - - - - - - - - - transcript of session follows - - - - - 550 . . . host unknown ( name server : - - - - - - . net : host not found )
Subject: enjoy media ( ejym ) enters chinese tv advertising market enjoy media ( ejym ) , a chinese media company , on fast growth track by signing up chinese advertising clients enjoy media anticipates strong growth in 2005 jun 7 , 2005 6 : 00 : 00 am copyright business wire 2005 hong kong - - ( business wire ) - - june 7 , 2005 - - enjoy media holdings limited ( pink sheets : ejym ) ( www . enjoymedia . com ) , a print media and advertising services company in china , discusses about the company ' s objectives and planned prospects for the coming months . the key initiatives for the company are : expand the existing network of restaurants and cafes increase the advertising sales revenue of the current printed media acquire additional wait media businesses enjoy media is a pioneer in the field of printed advertising media placed in restaurants in china . it supplies paper products , such as paper placemats , napkins and other displays , displaying advertisements , free of charge , to restaurants and cafes . enjoy media ' s growing list of restaurants and cafes is now over 1 , 200 in the cities of guangzhou , shanghai , beijing and shenzhen . the printed media , termed wait media , showcases advertisements to customers while waiting for their food order and during their dining time . the restaurants and cafes in the enjoy media network , such as trendy cafes , western food restaurants and fast - food franchises , typically operate in multiple locations in high traffic areas , and attract young urban and white - collar customers . enjoy media keeps advertisers informed of customer profiles , and helps them to design and produce suitable advertisements . mr . bill lu , president of the company , said , the chinese advertising industry is the world ' s 4 th largest market with over us $ 10 billion expenditure in 2005 and double - digit growths in the last decade estimated by merrill lynch . coupled with china ' s booming restaurant sales , which bloomberg reports to be estimated at us $ 106 billion with 18 % growth in 2005 , it is reasonable to expect enjoy media will benefit directly from china ' s phenomenal growth in advertising and dining spending . we are eager to extend our success to other cities in china leveraging our current first mover advantages . we also plan to expand our sales team to increase our advertiser base . these steps will likely bring a significant boost to enjoy media ' s revenue in 2005 and time ahead . we are at the same time looking for other ' wait media ' opportunities to complement our business . about enjoy media holdings limited enjoy media holdings limited ( enjoy media ) is an innovative media and advertising company based in guangzhou , china . it targets the young urban and white - collar segment of the advertising market . enjoy media supplies paper placemat , napkins and other displays that display advertisements , free of charges , to a network of over 1 , 200 cafes and restaurants in the cities of guangzhou , shanghai , beijing and shenzhen in china . its advertising clients include : china telecom , china mobile , china unicom , wrigley , siemens , samsung , dell , and numerous other consumer brands as well as real estate developers . enjoy media expects to grow its network of restaurants and cafes to more than 4 , 000 in the next 3 years . for more information about enjoy media , please visit http : / / www . enjoymedia . com . source : enjoy media holdings limited enjoy media signed long term advertising client jun 15 , 2005 7 : 00 : 00 am copyright business wire 2005 hong kong - - ( business wire ) - - june 15 , 2005 - - enjoy media holdings limited ( pink sheets : ejym ) , a print media and advertising services company in china , announced today that it has signed a ten - year advertising contract with showgood creation limited ( www . showgood . com ) . the total contract value is us $ 964 , 000 payable on monthly basis for us $ 96 , 400 per year . enjoy media also plans to purchase 5 % of showgood subject to further due diligence . showgood is a creative media and entertainment production house , based in guangzhou , china . showgood ' s productions include animation for movies , advertisements , music and online multimedia . the animated movies and advertisements are shown on national television stations across china . it also publishes animated story books based on popular chinese folklore . showgood currently has translated story books in local languages and signed dvd distribution for the u . s . and thailand markets . its clients include coca - cola , motorola and yahoo ! china . market conditions are becoming favorable for showgood as chinese audiences are increasingly interested in seeing locally made animations . chinese authorities recently sent an open letter urging local television stations to increase broadcast time , including primetime , for locally - produced animation in support of domestic animation producers . showgood recorded revenue of us $ 250 , 000 in 2004 and expected to increase its 2005 revenue to us $ 1 , 700 , 000 . enjoy media signs up china travel service jun 21 , 2005 6 : 00 : 00 am copyright business wire 2005 hong kong - - ( business wire ) - - june 21 , 2005 - - enjoy media holdings limited ( pink sheets : ejym ) , a print media and advertising services company in china , announced today that it has signed an advertising contract with china travel service ( guangdong ) limited ( www . gdcts . com ) ( cts ) . mr . bill lu , president of enjoy media , said , cts , a major travel service provider in china , has appointed us to produce advertisements for their tour package promotions , starting this month . the chinese travel industry , a us $ 36 billion market in 2004 , is set to grow significantly as the chinese government relaxed the international travel policy for its citizens at the start of 2005 to include more countries in southeast asia and europe . cts is planning more promotions to coincide with the new demands from chinese travelers . enjoy media can provide a highly - targeted audience for cts with our growing network . cts is the leading travel service operator in southern china with 100 retail outlets and over 400 affiliated agencies . since its inception in 1990 , cts has grown tremendously providing reservations for hotel , airline , transportation and events , and has become one of the best - known travel brands in china . for four consecutive years , cts is one of the top six china ' s best international travel agencies and ranked first in guangdong province . in 2004 , cts served over one million customers , recorded revenue of us $ 96 million . for more information about enjoy media visit www . enjoymedia . com forward - looking statements : certain statements contained in this press release are forward - looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties . the statements contained herein that are not purely historical are forward - looking statements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 , as amended and section 21 e of the securities exchange act of 1934 , as amended . forward - looking statements deal with the company ' s current plans , intentions , beliefs and expectations and statements of future economic performance . statements containing terms like believes , does not believe , plans , expects , intends , estimates , anticipates and other phrases of similar meaning are considered to imply uncertainty and are forward - looking statements . contact : enjoy media holdings limited mr . zhongwen chen , ( 86 ) 20 - 87521812 ir @ enjoymedia . com safe harbor statement this report is for informational purposes only , and is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities . investment in low - priced small and micro - cap stocks are considered extremely speculative and may result in the loss of some or all of any investment made in these companies . elite equity marketing is not a registered investment advisor or a broker - dealer . information , opinions and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable , but no representation , expressed or implied , is made as to its accuracy , completeness or correctness . the opinions contained herein reflect our current judgment and are subject to change without notice . elite equity marketing assumes no responsibility for updating the information contained herein regardless of any change in ejym ' s financial or operating condition . as elite equity marketing has received compensation for this report , and will benefit from any increase in share price of the advertised company , there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions . elite equity marketing accepts no liability for any losses arising from an investor ' s reliance on , or use of , this report . ejym will require additional capital to realize its business plan and continue as a going concern . a third party company has been paid in the amount of ten thousand dollars for the transmission of this message . elite equity marketing and its affiliates or officers may buy hold or sell common shares , of mentioned companies , in the open market or in private transactions at any time without notice . certain information included herein is forward - looking within the context of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 , including , but not limited to , statements concerning manufacturing , marketing , growth , and expansion . the words " may , " " would , " " will , " " expect , " " estimate , " " anticipate , " " believe , " " intend , " and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward - looking statements . such forward - looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that could affect actual results and cause them to differ materially from expectations expressed herein . elite equity marketing 321 york rd . 2 nd floor towson , md 21204 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
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Subject: fwd : next tuesday at 9 am for immediate release cal - bay ( stock symbol : cbyi ) watch for analyst " strong buy recommendations " and several advisory newsletters picking cbyi . cbyi has filed to be traded on theotcbb , share prices historically increase when companies get listed on this larger tradingexhange . cbyi is trading around $ . 30 ? and should skyrocket to $ 2 . 66 - $ 3 . 25 a share in the near future . put cbyi on your watch list , acquire a postion today . reasons to invest in cbyi a profitable company , no debt and is on track to beat all earnings estimates with increased revenue of 50 % annually ! one of the fastest growing distributors in environmental safety equipment instruments . excellent management team , several exclusive contracts . impressive client list including theu . s . air force , anheuser - busch , chevron refining and mitsubishi heavy industries , ge - energy environmental research . rapidly growing industry industry revenues exceed $ 900 million , estimates indicate that there could be as much as $ 25 billion from " smell technology " by the end of 2003 . ! ! ! ! congratulations ! ! ! ! ! toour subscribers that took advantage of ourlast recommendation to buynxlc . it rallied from $ 7 . 87 to $ 11 . 73 ! all removes honered . please allow 7 days to be removed and send all address to : honey 9531 @ mail . net . cn certain statements contained in this news release may be forward - looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may be identified by such terms as " expect " , " believe " , " may " , " will " , and " intend " or similar terms . we are not a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer . this is not an offer to buy or sell securities . no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased , sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies . we were paid $ 27 , 000 in cash by a third party to publish this report . investing in companies profiled is high - risk and use of this information is for reading purposes only . if anyone decides to act as an investor , then it will be that investor ' s sole risk . investors are advised not to invest without the proper advisement from an attorney or a registered financial broker . do not rely solely on the information presented , do additional independent research to form your own opinion and decision regarding investing in the profiled companies . be advised that the purchase of such high - risk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment . the owners of this publication may already own free trading shares in cbyi and may immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published . factual statements are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice . not intended for recipients or residents of ca , co , ct , de , id , il , ia , la , mo , nv , nc , ok , oh , pa , ri , tn , va , wa , wv , wi . void where prohibited . copyright c 2001 * * * * *
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