oned FACE. The oval face is female, a woman of indeterminate age, her features as fragile as porcelain. Her eyes are closed in sleep, or in death ... or in something in between. Now TWO MORE FACES emerge out of the darkness. They are male, and they float into position on either side of the female. They are just as ethereally beautiful, just as pale, and like the female their eye
SHOOTING DRAFT FADE IN: EXT. LATE AFTERNOON SKY Blue sky, a few puffs of cloud, pierced by slanting rays of sunlight. Late afternoon on a perfect day. SUPER TITLE: "HOUSTON, TEXAS. JULY 4, 2020." As we hear, after a few more beats, an ASTRONAUT'S VOICE. PHIL T minus ten, nine, eight, start
rface of the sun and blown through space by solar winds. It plays an essential role in Cold Fusion, often toted as the solution to humanity's future energy needs. There is one major problem... Helium3 is extremely scarce on Earth. The gas does, however, exist in abundance on the Earth's only natural satellite: The Moon. Should we turn to Cold Fusion in the future, it is conceivable that man will mine the Moon for Helium3 and bring
K. Dick May 14, 2004 BARE WHITE ROOM Thirty feet square. CRIS JOHNSON, wearing a jail uniform, sits in a HEAVY CHAIR that is bolted to the floor. Mid- twenties, jaded, rebellious, handsome as a statue, Cris radiates a serene, if somewhat scruffy, charisma. He faces a PLASMA SCREEN MONITOR on
sinski DRAFT: March 27, 2011 1. FADE IN: EXT. THE PLANET - MORNING Huge mountains, destroyed STRUCTURES. Buildings enveloped by flows of earth. Awe-inspiring beauty. JACK (V.O.) They arrived almost half a century ago. Aliens, Scavs, whatever you want to call them. Their idea of how-do-you-do was to bl
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oles of light show a sea of distant stars across the void of outer space. Our own motion is only realized as an enormous object slowly moves towards us, taking shape. A SPACE SHIP of unimaginable size, a tubular freighter easily ten times larger then any aircraft carrier. At first glance it appears lifeless and adrift, but slowly the small glow of cockpit windows come into view as we move closer. Moonlight cuts across t
PACE A million suns shine in the dark. A STARSHIP cuts through the night: a gleaming white cruiser. Galleries of windows. Flying decks and observation domes. On the hull: EXCELSIOR - A HomeStead Company Starship. The ship flashes through a nebula. Space-dust sparkles as it whips over the hull, betraying the ship's dizzying speed. The nebula boils in the ship's wake. The Excelsior rockets on, spotless and be
rm, summer night. A light comes on in a FARMHOUSE window. The door opens, a small dog and a young girl emerge. GIRL Go on now Paul, don't be long. The dog trots out across the property. It stops to scratch. The sounds of night cease. The dog stops scratching, sniffing the air, cocking its head, sensing something. We hear a low humming sounds. The dog looks up. We see a soft orange glow
begins. LILLY For three hundred years the great plagues have swept the earth. Diseases created from the experiments of the Alchemists. We see death tolls appear through this graphically. The plague - 5 million souls. Virulent Small Pox - 10 million. Mutated Influenza 30 Million Souls... Lilly Thinking they had discovered Gods secret c
WN FLAT – NEW YORK CITY - NIGHT Max jolts his head from his desk and tries to orient him-self in the darkness. He has intelligent eyes set in an exhausted, good-looking face. Then he notices the blood dripping from his nose. Max wipes it. Max's voiceover begins: MAX (V.O.) Monday, September first. Six-fifteen. INT. BATHROOM - DAWN A pull-string light flips on. Max examines his bloody nose in the mirror. MAX (V.O.) The alchemist awakes.
/23/67 06/09/67 06/15/67 06/22/67 07/06/67 07/27/67 FADE IN 1 EXT. CONSTELLATION OF ORION - NIGHT Stars glitter like diamonds on the black velvet backdrop of space. The Belt of Orion is center screen, but much nearer and larger than ever seen by an Earth-bound astronomer. A speck of light appears in the lower left corner of the screen. No spaceship can be seen, but only a glowworm, a solitary sperma- tosoan glidin
(UTAH) - DAY 1 Jagged mountains defy a dark, foreboding sky. We hear PLODDING HOOVES, CREAKING LEATHER. A lone wanderer appears. Wearing a long coat and a battered hat, he carries a bolt-action carbine. His name forgotten, history remembers him simply as THE POSTMAN. His laden pack mule, BILL, BRAYS, as they pass a battered sign: "The Great Salt Lake Marina." They start down a slope and begin to cross a... DRY LAKE
April 28, 1986 With Revision #3 (Yellow) May 6, 1986 With Revision #4 (Green) May 20, 1986 With Revision #5 (Goldenrod) January 27, 1987 April 7, 1986 With Revision #6 (Goldenrod) January 30, 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "HUNTER" FADE IN 1 EXT. OUTER SPACE
way through them. As TITLES END- BORDEN (V.O.) Are you watching closely? A SECOND BLACK CAT races into frame, HISSING, SPITTING, CHASING the first cat into the woods beyond and we- CUT TO: INT. CLUTTERED WORKSHOP -- DAY Moving along a row of CANARIES in CAGES. CUTTER (V.O.) Every magic trick consists of three part, or acts... Stop at a cage. Weat
-- John Charles Earle Oxford Book Of Mystical Verse FADE IN: THE MOON. So fat and full in the night sky you can reach out and touch it. HICKS W. 0. This is what's known: There has always been man...and there have always been vampires. BLACK SHAPES swoop past the moonscape, vicious looking things. Much shrieki
.) The world turns below us, vast and slow. A RUMBLE. A shadow sweeps over the land. We move with the shadow. We cast the shadow. Landscapes slide by. Reduced by altitude to abstractions: river deltas, forests and flood plains. A raw natural world. No trace of civilization. The shadow glides over mountains and gla
erfect, self-regulating organism you could imagine. We went out there; we turned around; we looked back; we saw it. You'd think we'd behold and learn something. (beat) We didn't. The DATE APPEARS in one corner of the screen. 1961. CHANTILAS (V.O.) It was 1961 when we first went into space. There were four billion people in the world. The POPULATION APPEARS in the other. CHANTILAS (V.O.) And at a rate that was scarcely comprehensible, we began to poison and populate our planet. DATE
ins playing. Map is shown in background (green text on black background), zoomed in on Los Alamos, New Mexico. While remaining credits are shown, the map travels to Sante Fe, then Albuquerque, then begins following US66 west through Arizona to California, finally ending up a few miles east of Goffs (northwest of Needles). Green '64 Chevy Malibu Malibu is weaving down the high
ILM ROMERO-GRUNWALD PRODUCTIONS FIRST DRAFT OCTOBER 7, 1998 --- This text orginiated from, please check them out for Resident Evil coverage. --- Pg-1 RESIDENT EVIL PRESENTATION CREDITS appear... then FADE... Out of BLACK... SHOCK CUT TO: INT LAB "A" LEVEL TIMELESS A MAN'S FACE, filling the screen. MARCUS (filter) Stay away from here! We're watching A VIDEO MONITOR.
Just a web of lights- a billion stars hang in a velvet void. The only sound is the howl of the cosmic wind. The light of a distant sun strikes a rising planet. We see ragged continents and oceans wreathed in cloud. This is earth rise. Our world spins slowly in space, a thing of beauty, of awesome majesty. In all this nothingness - life. We push in on the planet - in to the Americas. The wind grows louder - A PUEBLO VILLAGE. A broken-down pick-up bumps into a God-forsaken village
y 8th, 2010 EYES. Expressive, alive. Human? No. They belong to a FEMALE CHIMPANZEE: BRIGHT EYES. EXT. GROVE OF TREES -- DAY She sits in a tree with ALPHA, her mate - large and muscular, a PROMINENT WHITE BIRTHMARK ACROSS HIS SHOULDER, LIKE A SHOOTING STAR. Around them, under the TREE CANOPY, a COMMUNITY OF CHIMPANZEES naps, eats, plays. EXT. WEST AFRICAN JUNG
l. 2 THEY SPLIT OPTICALLY TO REVEAL THE DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LOGO. Fanfare. 3 A SMALL WHITE SCREEN - ACADEMY SIZE - APPEARS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WIDE-SCREEN FORMAT On the sides of the image are stationary sprocket holes of celluloid. SCIENCE FICTION DOUBLE FEATURE * Musical Introduction. Film head runs down numbers: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, START. Very scratched. During the SONG we see snatches of the films mentioned in SONG. They look old and scratched and the
EXT. WHEAT FIELD - MORNING SAMANTHA DARKO (18) opens her eyes. She squints as the summer sun shrinks her pupils to pinhole size. She sits up slowly, looks around... and finds herself in midst of an endless wheat field. Sam is pretty and demure. Her coppery hair flows past her shoulders. Disoriented, she stands and gazes at the infinite golden shimmer. Amber waves of grain. Patches of fo
ll dressed. They sit on their heels under a sparsely elegant tent, small wooden desks with embedded screens in front of them. The tent is on a lawn surrounded by lush foliage. People walk about and vehicles glide quietly overhead. A utopian vista. GIRL Now that the war's over, our soldiers get to come home, yes? TEACHER Some of them. Some will be stationed on the rim planets as
OMPLEX -- MORNING Starliner Towers is seen in LS through the windshield of a moving car. The car approaches the complex and stops near the main doors of the West Tower. Out of the car climb Kresimir and Benda Sviben, a gawky newly wed young couple. Kresimir elaborately opens the door for Benda, his new wife, and they walk with hands intertwined up the steps of the West Tower.
w of a house. The backyard is large and green with a wooden jungle gym, worn from use. A single tree throws shade onto a barbecue and a picnic table. The backyard is lined by crops. Corn. Golden and brown. Six feet high. Everything is perfect. Like a postcard. And then we HEAR A CHILD SCREAM. IT'S FAR AWAY. WE DON'T KNOW WHERE IT'S COMING FROM. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - MORNING GRAHAM HESS wakes up from his sleep. He
T, OUT-OF-FOCUS, OVAL-SHAPED COLORS. The colored shapes dart around the screen -- the impression of looking through a kaleidoscope. As the image comes into sharp focus, we discover that we are inside a CANDY BOWL. A MAN'S FINGERS are frantically removing all the cherry-flavored pieces of candy. EXT. STUDIO LOT - DAY The man performing this curious task is writer/producer/director, VIKTOR TARANSKY, forties, conservatively dressed in suit and tie. He sits alone at
INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY CLOSEUP: A slender woman's hand writes on a chalkboard, in teacherly cursive. We PULL BACK to REVEAL STARLA GRANT, a stunningly beautiful Southern woman in her twenties, as she finishes writing out, "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" Starla glances at the classroom of high school students. She is a demure woman, somewhat awkward in her
October 4, 2001 First, over BLACK, we hear the sound of a light rain. Then: A MAN'S VOICE I'm not a poet. I've never moved anyone with my words. (beat) Maybe that's why they chose me. EXT. WOODS - DAY A mural of leafless trees beneath an overcast sky. Rain continues to fall. Maybe now we begin to notice a strange quality to the light (or is it the sky?). Something vaguely unsettling.
bassinets, isolettes, incubators. BABIES sleeping, BABIES blinking, BABIES cooing, BABIES chirping, BABIES squalling. It's the SQUALLING BABIES, the ones with pinched faces and tiny bunched fists, that seem to interest the TWO ANONYMOUS MEN in Military Uniforms. (Their anonymity is assured by the angles from which they are seen; they are hands, they are feet, they are the backs of heads.) A lone NURSE watches them grimly as they make their "
D slowly builds: the rhythmic rocking of a TRAIN'S WHEELS over RAILROAD TRACKS... INT. HIGH SPEED TRAIN - MORNING COLTER jolts awake. Sunlight hits his face. He blinks. A stunned beat. He's disoriented. Slowly he turns his head to one side... PASSENGERS. Filling most of the seats. Office workers on their morning commute into a city. Turning the other way, he's confronted with a window. Trees fl
0b BLUE - 11/12/11 1. OMITTED 1 1 INT. ANTARCTICA LAB (OPENING MONTAGE) 1A 1A A glowing blue box like a large toaster (the Time Cube) sits in a sterile lab shelf, plugged in. A rubber duck sits on a cluttered desk. GARY PINBACK (40) identified by "Gary" stitched on a white lab coat - enters frame, unplugs the box
EXT. STREET IN GEORGETOWN -- MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT Fog hangs above the street, amongst the streetlamps. Apartment buildings line the curb, it is very quiet. In one building, six floors up, a bedroom light is on. WE SEE the silhouette of Norman's WIFE looking out the window. WIFE (O.S.) What kind of a crash was it? NORMAN (O.S.) You seen my suitcase?
om & John Brancato, Barney Cohen and Joseph Goldman SECOND REV. 7/29/1993 FADE IN: INT. PROFESSOR OCK"S PRIVATE PHYSICS LABORATORY, THE CYCLOTRON ROOM (CREDIT SEQUENCE) - DAY A mighty WARNING KLAXON assaults our ears. A FLASHING RED WARNING LIGHT stabs our eyes. Several DIALS go into the RED. A hand pushes aside a YELLOW THERMOS and pushes forward a RED POWER THROTTLE. We hear the WHINING UP of a cyclotron. A DIGITAL DIAL climbs to "5% POWER." A SPIDER crawls
14 15 OVER BLACKNESS, we HEAR a BACH HARPSICHORD CONCERTO. And then a 15 WOMAN -- breathing hard -- straining, harder and harder -- until finally we HEAR a NEWBORN BABY CRYING -- and we... FADE IN: EXT. VULCAN FAMILY HOME - DUSK The image is spectacular, aglow in DUSK LIGHT: a beautiful BABY, just born, held in a WOMAN'S HANDS. It is being cleaned; warm water runs down its face and body.
rannon Braga & Ronald D. Moore First Draft September 29, 1995 1 A BLACK VOID 1 We can hear movement. Strange skittering sounds, like razor-claws on metal... the hiss of pneumatic hoses... the whirr and click of servos...
March 16, 1994 FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE (VFX-I) 1 A vast and sparkling starfield. A pinpoint of LIGHT appears and starts moving toward the camera... a small and distant cylindrical object tumbling end over end, but we can't determine exactly what it is yet... 2 EXT. WHEATFIELD - DAY
in its many forms. The biological pulse finding its way heroically through the cold manipulation of science. CREDITS as we see a beautiful montage of futuristic medical technology. Through a microscope we see cells multiplying and gene strands exponentially increasing with the vibrancy of exploding flowers. We see laser splicing and biological manipulation on the molecular level. CREDITS continue as we fade to... INT. ROMULAN SENATE CHAMBER - NIGHT Politics... In a caverno
SHOOTING SCRIPT July 19, 1978 FADE IN : 1 EXT SPACE (S) 1 An ever expanding infinity of light and color as CAMERA TRAVELS THROUGH deep space, MOVING DIRECTLY for one pinpoint of light: a STAR GROWING RAPIDLY as we SWEEP TOWARD IT, a normal white star S
George Lucas Revised Fourth Draft January 15, 1976 LUCASFILM LTD. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away... A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title. War drums echo through the heavens as a rollup slowly crawls into infinity.
s to secede from the Republic. This separatist movement has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Kights to maintain peace and order in the galaxy. Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is returning to Coruscant to vote on the critical issue of creating an army to assist the overwhelmed Jedi. PAN UP to reveal the amber city planet of Coruscant. A yellow Naboo Fighter flies OVER CAMERA toward the planet, followed by a large
for the MAIN TITLE, followed by a ROLL-UP, which crawls into infinity. Episode VI RETURN OF THE JEDI Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of theÊvile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Little does Luke know that the GALACTIC EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored space station even more powerful than the first dreaded Death Star. When completed, this ultimate weapon will spell certain d
NET HOTH A Star Destroyer moves through space, releasing Imperial probe robots from its underside. One of these probes zooms toward the planet Hoth and lands on its ice- covered surface. An explosion marks the point of impact. EXT. HOTH - METEORITE CRATER - SNOW PLAIN - DAY A weird mechanical sound rises above the whining of the wind. A strange probe robot, with several extended sensors, emerges from the smoke-shrouded crater. The ominous mechanical probe floats across
blic. The taxation of trade routes to outlaying star systems is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo. While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict..... PAN DOWN to reveal a small space cr
EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT The wail of a siren grows out of the distance and very faintly through the fog we see the headlights and flashing blue rack lights of a police car coming toward us. It drops into a dip, reappears almost immediately, hurtling down the center of the deserted highway. It gets closer and closer until the lights and siren fill our senses then zooms past us.
in uniform, the bloom of human evolution. YOUNG PEOPLE I'm doing my part... Me, too... Are you ? The mobile infantery logo: LIGHTNING BOLTS ON A BLACK SHIELD. OFFICIAL VOICE Join the mobile infantery and save the world ! Service guarantees citizen-ship. Would you like to know more ? 2 BUG METEOR: Behold actual pictures of a METEOR, this one a mile across, as it hurtles past an observation ship. OFFICIAL VOICE The Bugs send another meteor our w
eady? SECOND VOICE (LENNY) Yeah. Boot it. A burst of bright white static exploding across the darkness. A high whine on the audio track gives way to street sounds and rapid breathing. AN IMAGE wavers and stabilizes: A nervous POV. We're in a car, sitting in the backseat, and we're nervous, the view swinging around, showing the street rolling by outside the windows, then whipping back to the two guys in the f
FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT December 16, 2010 OVER BLACK WE HEAR THE DULL SOUNDS OF INDUSTRY; A MUFFLED MASS OF MACHINES, GEARS, STEAM. FADE IN ON: A SIGN. Twelve feet across. Painted decades earlier, grim- covered black, white and red. It reads in large 40's era, hand-painted type, "SAFETY IS OUR PRIMARY CONCERN!" Th
fantastic arches. The city is inhabited by young beautiful people in luxurious but simple costumes. THE CAMERA ROAMS through the City, observing some people seated at a kind of cafe sipping drinks and relaxing; other people are in some kind of exercise class doing beautiful graceful movement; and finally a class of five year old children listen intently to a teacher who is demonstrating a molecular model. TEACHER And now, who can give me the electron wave functions for Kryp
Robert Venditti October 16, 2007 FADE IN ON: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT -- MOVING A DISTORTED IMAGE of downtown city streets at night. This is not a FISHEYE LENS, but the REFLECTION in the mirrored surface of a helmet visor. EXT. LUXURY BUILDING - NIGHT A near-future MOTORCYCLE stops near a dramatic HIGH-RISE R
NATOR A1 TITLE SEQUENCE - SLITSCAN EFFECT A1 1 EXT. SCHOOLYARD - NIGHT 1 Silence. Gradually the sound of distant traffic becomes audible. A LOW ANGLE bounded on one side by a chain-link fence and on the other by the one-story public school build- ings. Spray-can hieroglyphics and distant streetlight sha- dows. This is a Los Angeles public school in a blue collar n
shooting script 1 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Downtown L.A. Noon on a hot summer day. On an EXTREME LONG LENS the lunchtime crowd stacks up into a wall of humanity. In SLOW MOTION they move in herds among the glittering rows of cars jammed bumper to bumper. Heat ripples distort the torrent of faces. The image is surreal, dreamy... and like a dream it begins very slowly to DISSOLVE TO:
10.12.05 SUPER ON BLACK: LONGVIEW STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, TEXAS, 2003. FADE IN ON: INT. DEATH ROW/CELL - DAWN START TIGHT ON MARCUS WRIGHT. He's an intense, powerful man, 20's-30's, his head shaven. Marcus stares INTO CAMERA with a resigned expression. We hear the voic
"I wish that I could write you a melody so plain That would save you dear lady from going insane" Bob Dylan, Tombstone Blues BLACK MUSIC UP: Slow, sad, ethereal. Perhaps even eerie. FADE IN: On a sea of red, filling the frame. A crimson ocean without waves or ri
John W. Campbell. Jr. SECOND DRAFT March 4, 1981 CAST MACREADY 35. Helicopter pilot. Likes chess. Hates the cold. The pay is good. GARRY 46. The station manager. Stiff. Ex-army officer. Wears a handgun. CHILDS 33. S
DAVID DUNCAN Draft revised thru 6-25-59 FADE IN: M.G.M. TRADEMARK A.1 Leo the Lion ROARS over the FANFARE, then FADE OUT: GLIDING OBJECTS IN A WIDE DARK VOID - (ANIMATION) Out of the SILENT darkness a short white A fluted column surmounted by a SUNDIAL appears. It floats
d Shusett and Steven Pressfield ______________________________________________________________________________ "TOTAL RECALL" FADE IN: 1 EXT. DESERT - DAY All we can see, filling the entire frame is a flame-orange sky...almost like the sky from the burning of Atlanta in "Gone with the Wind". SUPERIMPOSE: Presenter credit. PAN DOWN lower and lower until we see the terrain below.
, is eating it. PUSH DOWN TO: EXT. THE NEAR SIDE OF THE PLANET'S SURFACE Strange robotic creatures scramble around the planet in a wild panic. It looks like Pompeii must have looked as Vesuvius erupted. ANGLE ON ONE OF THE CREATURES - TRACKING The creature is KRANIX. We will meet him later on in a very different context, but for now, he is running from the ever- growing mist that threatens to engulf him. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE
WD6 6/21/88 1 EXT. DESERT VALLEY - DAY 1 The high desert -- absolutely silent -- a vast, hard land- scape stretching away to distant mountains. The silence is broken by hoof-beats. 2 EXT. EDGAR'S PLACE - DAY
Prod. 0222 Fourth Draft Screenplay by Charlie Haas April 6, 1981 BLACKNESS 1 THE ELECTRONIC WORLD 1 On one side of the screen, computer programming language is being printed, and we HEAR the sound of an electronic keyboard. In the center of the
WMEN and MACHINERY branded "X-NET". 3D lattice of routers, refractors, reassemblers... New, unused data OPTIK HIGHWAY routes radiate from all sides, crossing cyberspace. X-Net Tactical Corps troops (herein X-Takks) patrol every inch. 2 INT. X-NET NEXUS - UNDER CONSTRUCTION DATA "TRAIN" enters. Sliver of RED DATA ENERGY shunt off, shooting into RANDOM MEMORY BUFFER - geometrically perfect lattice of PLASMA BEAMS and WHITE HOT intersection poi
appears on a black screen. "One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." Andre Gide The title fades off, replaced by a second title. "We're all in this alone." Lily Tomlin INT. A WOMB. DAY. A fiber optic camera observes a five-month-old MALE
and William Goldman Re v. 04 /1 5/ 88 (B lu e) Re v. 04 /2 2/ 88 (P in k) Re v. 04 /2 7/ 88 (Y el lo w) Re v. 04 /2 8/ 88 (G re en ) Re v. 05 /0 2/ 88 (G ol de nrod) Re v. 05 /0 9/ 88 (B uf f) Re v. 05 /2 5/ 88 (C he rr y) Re v. 06 /1 6/ 88 (T an ) Re v. 06 /2 2/ 88 (S al mo n) CONSOLIDATED FOURTH DRAFT Re
FADE IN: In the darkness, we hear a voice, a woman's voice. Her name is Evey. EVEY (V.O.) "Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of now reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." Her voice has a stre
IMAGE New York City from a perspective of flight, not an airplane, a swooping diving shot. Back to black. A WOMAN'S VOICE Abre los ojos... open your eyes... open your eyes... INT. DAVID'S BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING DAVID AAMES, JR., 32, swings out of bed and sits on the corner of his mattress. it's a chilly New York City morning. Early sunlight glows around the corner's of his curtai
through a downtown street. Hunters hot on the trail of their prey in an urban jungle. The sidewalk is crowded with people. So is the street. Too many people, not enough cement. Los Angeles, 1997. Summer, probably August. 103 degrees. Heat shimmers off the horizon. Making the sky look peculiar. The men keep running. Passed a GUY sitting at a bus stop, watching a television in his lap. YOU HEAR the NEWSCASTER. NEWSCASTER (V. 0.) As L. A. P. D. officers gathe
"Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers..." More stars. Distant galaxies, constellations, nebulas... A single planet. Drab and brown. Moving towards it. Pushing through its polluted atmosphere. "...Close your eyes and see it glisten..." EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - CONTINUOUS A range of mountains takes form in the haze. Moving
** Resized to fit on minimal number of pages** [Showing Pictures of City Life] NARRATOR No one would have believed in the early years of the21st century, that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own. That as men busied themselves about their various conce
ILING. We PULL BACK and find that the pin adorns the lapel of a ROBE worn by EDWARD BLAKE, 63, but amazingly not far from his physical prime--body chiseled, built like a truck. Handsome too, save the LONG SCAR running down the side of his face. Blake removes the kettle from the stove. He scoops some Asian tea leaves from a can, dumps them in a cup . INT. EDWARD BLAKE'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - EVENING Th
Rev. 04/09/99 (Salmon) WILD WILD WEST Story by Jim Thomas & John Thomas Screenplay by S.S. Wilson & Brent Maddock and Jeffrey Price & Peter S. Seaman Based on the Television Series "Wild Wild West" REVISED FINAL DRAFT
NOTE: THE HARD COPY OF THIS SCRIPT CONTAINED SCENE NUMBERS, AND SOME "SCENE OMITTED" SLUGS. THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS SOFT COPY. FADE IN: EXT. SNOWSCAPE A BLINDING WHITE SCREEN, under which we hear an ominous low end Dolby THX Big Screen rumble. We're not in 19" television land anymore, Toto. As the rumble builds, TWO BLACK FIGURES appear on what now has resolved into a distant horizon. From their movem
Chris McQuarrie Tom DeSanto Bryan Singer February 24, 1999 BLACK Sounds of a train rolling to a halt, a shrill whistle. EXT. CAMP - DAY UP ON the door of a weathered cattle car as a German soldier steps into frame wearing that familiar gray of the all-too familiar era.
ims over the treetops, heading south before the first snowfall. A young BOY (12), undersized and feral, trudges home, bookbag strapped to his back. Black-haired and pale-skinned, the boy looks as if he hasn't had a good meal in a long time. Before we hear anything the boy turns, watching the bend in the road behind him. After a moment we hear the thrum of a hard-charging engine. An Oldsmobile Super 88 rounds