public boolean isBannedwordslisted(String str) { return isBannedwordslisted(str, null, null); }
public boolean isBannedwordslisted(String str) { return isBannedwordslisted(str, null, null); }
public boolean isBannedwordslisted(String str) { return isBannedwordslisted(str, null, null); }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
public Schema addToSchema(Schema schema) { validate(schema); schema.addProp(LOGICAL_TYPE_PROP, name); schema.setLogicalType(this); return schema; }
protected static boolean isDemarcator( String snippetId, String what, String line ) { // SNIPPET and what are case insensitive // SNIPPET and what can switch order String snippetRegExp = "(^|\\W)(?i:SNIPPET)($|\\W)"; String snippetIdRegExp = "(^|\\W)" + snippetId + "($|\\W)"; String whatRegExp = "(^|\\W)(?i:" + what + ")($|\\W)"; return Pattern.compile( snippetRegExp ).matcher( line ).find() && Pattern.compile( whatRegExp ).matcher( line ).find() && Pattern.compile( snippetIdRegExp ).matcher( line ).find(); }
public void execute( Sink sink, MacroRequest request ) throws MacroExecutionException { String function = (String) request.getParameter( PARAM_FUNCTION ); required( PARAM_FUNCTION, function ); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append( '#' ); buff.append( function ); for ( Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : request.getParameters().entrySet() ) { if ( !isInternalParameter( entry.getKey() ) ) { buff.append( ' ' ); buff.append( entry.getKey() ); buff.append( "=\"" ); buff.append( entry.getValue() ); buff.append( '"' ); } } buff.append( ' ' ); sink.comment( buff.toString() ); }
public void execute( Sink sink, MacroRequest request ) throws MacroExecutionException { String source = request.getSourceContent(); Parser parser = request.getParser(); section = getInt( request, "section", 0 ); fromDepth = getInt( request, "fromDepth", 0 ); toDepth = getInt( request, "toDepth", DEFAULT_DEPTH ); if ( fromDepth > toDepth ) { return; } IndexEntry index = new IndexEntry( "index" ); IndexingSink tocSink = new IndexingSink( index ); try { parser.parse( new StringReader( source ), tocSink ); } catch ( ParseException e ) { throw new MacroExecutionException( "ParseException: " + e.getMessage(), e ); } if ( index.getChildEntries().size() > 0 ) { sink.list( getAttributesFromMap( request.getParameters() ) ); int i = 1; for ( IndexEntry sectionIndex : index.getChildEntries() ) { if ( ( i == section ) || ( section == 0 ) ) { writeSubSectionN( sink, sectionIndex, 1 ); } i++; } sink.list_(); } }
public void execute( Sink sink, MacroRequest request ) throws MacroExecutionException { String source = request.getSourceContent(); Parser parser = request.getParser(); section = getInt( request, "section", 0 ); fromDepth = getInt( request, "fromDepth", 0 ); toDepth = getInt( request, "toDepth", DEFAULT_DEPTH ); if ( fromDepth > toDepth ) { return; } IndexEntry index = new IndexEntry( "index" ); IndexingSink tocSink = new IndexingSink( index ); try { parser.parse( new StringReader( source ), tocSink ); } catch ( ParseException e ) { throw new MacroExecutionException( "ParseException: " + e.getMessage(), e ); } if ( index.getChildEntries().size() > 0 ) { sink.list( getAttributesFromMap( request.getParameters() ) ); int i = 1; for ( IndexEntry sectionIndex : index.getChildEntries() ) { if ( ( i == section ) || ( section == 0 ) ) { writeSubSectionN( sink, sectionIndex, 1 ); } i++; } sink.list_(); } }
public void execute( Sink sink, MacroRequest request ) throws MacroExecutionException { // parameter defaults String src = ""; String id = "swf"; String width = "400"; String height = "400"; String quality = "high"; String menu = "false"; String loop = "0"; String play = "true"; String version = "9,0,45,0"; String allowScript = "sameDomain"; // assign parameters for ( String key : request.getParameters().keySet() ) { Object parameterObject = request.getParameter( key ); if ( !( parameterObject instanceof String ) ) { continue; } String str = (String) parameterObject; switch ( key ) { case "src": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { src = str; } break; case "id": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { id = str; } break; case "width": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { width = str; } break; case "height": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { height = str; } break; case "quality": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { quality = str; } break; case "menu": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { menu = str; } break; case "loop": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { loop = str; } break; case "play": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { play = str; } break; case "version": // enable version shorthand // TODO: put in other shorthand versions if ( str.equals( "6" ) ) { version = "6,0,29,0"; } else { if ( str.equals( "9" ) ) { version = "9,0,45,0"; } else { if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { version = str; } } } break; case "allowScript": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { allowScript = str; } break; default: // ignore all other } } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append( "<center>" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" " ) .append( "codebase=\"" ) .append( version ).append( "\" width=\"" ).append( width ).append( "\" height=\"" ).append( height ) .append( "\" id=\"" ).append( id ).append( "\">" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"" ).append( src ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"" ).append( quality ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"menu\" value=\"" ).append( menu ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"loop\" value=\"" ).append( loop ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"play\" value=\"" ).append( play ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"" ) .append( allowScript ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<embed src=\"" ).append( src ).append( "\" width=\"" ).append( width ).append( "\" height=\"" ) .append( height ).append( "\" loop=\"" ).append( loop ).append( "\" play=\"" ).append( play ) .append( "\" quality=\"" ).append( quality ).append( "\" allowScriptAccess=\"" ).append( allowScript ) .append( "\" " ).append( "pluginspage=\"\" " ) .append( "type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" menu=\"" ).append( menu ).append( "\">" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "</embed>" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "</object>" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "</center>" ).append( EOL ); sink.rawText( content.toString() ); }
public void execute( Sink sink, MacroRequest request ) throws MacroExecutionException { // parameter defaults String src = ""; String id = "swf"; String width = "400"; String height = "400"; String quality = "high"; String menu = "false"; String loop = "0"; String play = "true"; String version = "9,0,45,0"; String allowScript = "sameDomain"; // assign parameters for ( String key : request.getParameters().keySet() ) { Object parameterObject = request.getParameter( key ); if ( !( parameterObject instanceof String ) ) { continue; } String str = (String) parameterObject; switch ( key ) { case "src": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { src = str; } break; case "id": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { id = str; } break; case "width": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { width = str; } break; case "height": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { height = str; } break; case "quality": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { quality = str; } break; case "menu": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { menu = str; } break; case "loop": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { loop = str; } break; case "play": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { play = str; } break; case "version": // enable version shorthand // TODO: put in other shorthand versions if ( str.equals( "6" ) ) { version = "6,0,29,0"; } else { if ( str.equals( "9" ) ) { version = "9,0,45,0"; } else { if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { version = str; } } } break; case "allowScript": if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( str ) ) { allowScript = str; } break; default: // ignore all other } } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append( "<center>" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" " ) .append( "codebase=\"" ) .append( version ).append( "\" width=\"" ).append( width ).append( "\" height=\"" ).append( height ) .append( "\" id=\"" ).append( id ).append( "\">" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"" ).append( src ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"" ).append( quality ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"menu\" value=\"" ).append( menu ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"loop\" value=\"" ).append( loop ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"play\" value=\"" ).append( play ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"" ) .append( allowScript ).append( "\" />" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "<embed src=\"" ).append( src ).append( "\" width=\"" ).append( width ).append( "\" height=\"" ) .append( height ).append( "\" loop=\"" ).append( loop ).append( "\" play=\"" ).append( play ) .append( "\" quality=\"" ).append( quality ).append( "\" allowScriptAccess=\"" ).append( allowScript ) .append( "\" " ).append( "pluginspage=\"\" " ) .append( "type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" menu=\"" ).append( menu ).append( "\">" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "</embed>" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "</object>" ).append( EOL ); content.append( "</center>" ).append( EOL ); sink.rawText( content.toString() ); }
public void execute( Sink sink, MacroRequest request ) { sink.verbatim( SinkEventAttributeSet.BOXED ); sink.text( "echo" + EOL ); for ( String key : request.getParameters().keySet() ) { // TODO: DOXIA-242: separate or define internal params if ( "parser".equals( key ) || "sourceContent".equals( key ) ) { continue; } sink.text( key + " ---> " + request.getParameter( key ) + EOL ); } sink.verbatim_(); }
@Override public void section( int level, SinkEventAttributes attributes ) { onSection( level, attributes ); }
@Override public void section1() { onSection( SECTION_LEVEL_1, null ); }
@Override public void section2() { onSection( SECTION_LEVEL_2, null ); }
public void setProjectPath( Path projectPath ) { this.projectPath = projectPath; }
@Override public void comment( char[] ch, int start, int length ) throws SAXException { if ( "\n".equals( lineSeparator ) ) { lexicalHandler.comment( ch, start, length ); } else { char[] ca = new String( ch, start, length ).replaceAll( "\n", lineSeparator ).toCharArray(); lexicalHandler.comment( ca, 0, ca.length ); } }
@Override public void comment( char[] ch, int start, int length ) throws SAXException { if ( "\n".equals( lineSeparator ) ) { lexicalHandler.comment( ch, start, length ); } else { char[] ca = new String( ch, start, length ).replaceAll( "\n", lineSeparator ).toCharArray(); lexicalHandler.comment( ca, 0, ca.length ); } }
public static String renameQName( String oldQName, String newLocalName ) { return PATTERN.matcher( oldQName ).replaceFirst( newLocalName ); }
public static String renameQName( String oldQName, String newLocalName ) { return PATTERN.matcher( oldQName ).replaceFirst( newLocalName ); }
@Override public Logger getLogger( String name ) { Logger simpleLogger = loggerMap.get( name ); if ( simpleLogger != null ) { return simpleLogger; } else { Logger newInstance = getNewLoggingInstance( name ); Logger oldInstance = loggerMap.putIfAbsent( name, newInstance ); return oldInstance == null ? newInstance : oldInstance; } }
@Override public Logger getLogger( String name ) { Logger simpleLogger = loggerMap.get( name ); if ( simpleLogger != null ) { return simpleLogger; } else { Logger newInstance = getNewLoggingInstance( name ); Logger oldInstance = loggerMap.putIfAbsent( name, newInstance ); return oldInstance == null ? newInstance : oldInstance; } }
@Override public void setLogLevelRecorder( LogLevelRecorder logLevelRecorder ) { if ( this.logLevelRecorder != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "LogLevelRecorder has already been set." ); } this.logLevelRecorder = logLevelRecorder; }
public Path createDist( WrapperConfiguration configuration ) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { URI distributionUrl; String mvnwRepoUrl = System.getenv( MavenWrapperMain.MVNW_REPOURL ); if ( mvnwRepoUrl != null && !mvnwRepoUrl.isEmpty() ) { distributionUrl = new URI( mvnwRepoUrl + "/" + MavenWrapperMain.MVN_PATH ); "Detected MVNW_REPOURL environment variable " + mvnwRepoUrl ); } else { distributionUrl = configuration.getDistribution(); } "Downloading Maven binary from " + distributionUrl ); boolean alwaysDownload = configuration.isAlwaysDownload(); boolean alwaysUnpack = configuration.isAlwaysUnpack(); PathAssembler.LocalDistribution localDistribution = pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ); Path localZipFile = localDistribution.getZipFile(); boolean downloaded = false; if ( alwaysDownload || !Files.exists( localZipFile ) ) { Path tmpZipFile = localZipFile.resolveSibling( localZipFile.getFileName() + ".part" ); Files.deleteIfExists( tmpZipFile ); "Downloading " + distributionUrl ); distributionUrl, tmpZipFile ); Files.move( tmpZipFile, localZipFile ); downloaded = true; } Path distDir = localDistribution.getDistributionDir(); List<Path> dirs = listDirs( distDir ); if ( downloaded || alwaysUnpack || dirs.isEmpty() ) { Files.walkFileTree( distDir.toAbsolutePath(), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory( Path dir, IOException exc ) throws IOException { if ( dir.getParent().equals( distDir ) ) { "Deleting directory " + distDir.toAbsolutePath() ); Files.delete( dir ); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } public FileVisitResult visitFile( Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs ) throws IOException { if ( !file.getParent().equals( distDir ) ) { Files.delete( file ); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; }; } ); "Unzipping " + localZipFile.toAbsolutePath() + " to " + distDir.toAbsolutePath() ); unzip( localZipFile, distDir ); dirs = listDirs( distDir ); if ( dirs.isEmpty() ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Maven distribution '%s' does not contain any directories. Expected to find exactly 1 directory.", distributionUrl ) ); } setExecutablePermissions( dirs.get( 0 ) ); } if ( dirs.size() != 1 ) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Maven distribution '%s' contains too many directories. Expected to find exactly 1 directory.", distributionUrl ) ); } return dirs.get( 0 ); }
public Path createDist( WrapperConfiguration configuration ) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { URI distributionUrl; String mvnwRepoUrl = System.getenv( MavenWrapperMain.MVNW_REPOURL ); if ( mvnwRepoUrl != null && !mvnwRepoUrl.isEmpty() ) { distributionUrl = new URI( mvnwRepoUrl + "/" + MavenWrapperMain.MVN_PATH ); "Detected MVNW_REPOURL environment variable " + mvnwRepoUrl ); } else { distributionUrl = configuration.getDistribution(); } "Downloading Maven binary from " + distributionUrl ); boolean alwaysDownload = configuration.isAlwaysDownload(); boolean alwaysUnpack = configuration.isAlwaysUnpack(); PathAssembler.LocalDistribution localDistribution = pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ); Path localZipFile = localDistribution.getZipFile(); boolean downloaded = false; if ( alwaysDownload || !Files.exists( localZipFile ) ) { Path tmpZipFile = localZipFile.resolveSibling( localZipFile.getFileName() + ".part" ); Files.deleteIfExists( tmpZipFile ); "Downloading " + distributionUrl ); distributionUrl, tmpZipFile ); Files.move( tmpZipFile, localZipFile ); downloaded = true; } Path distDir = localDistribution.getDistributionDir(); List<Path> dirs = listDirs( distDir ); if ( downloaded || alwaysUnpack || dirs.isEmpty() ) { Files.walkFileTree( distDir.toAbsolutePath(), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory( Path dir, IOException exc ) throws IOException { if ( dir.getParent().equals( distDir ) ) { "Deleting directory " + distDir.toAbsolutePath() ); Files.delete( dir ); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } public FileVisitResult visitFile( Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs ) throws IOException { if ( !file.getParent().equals( distDir ) ) { Files.delete( file ); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; }; } ); "Unzipping " + localZipFile.toAbsolutePath() + " to " + distDir.toAbsolutePath() ); unzip( localZipFile, distDir ); dirs = listDirs( distDir ); if ( dirs.isEmpty() ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Maven distribution '%s' does not contain any directories. Expected to find exactly 1 directory.", distributionUrl ) ); } setExecutablePermissions( dirs.get( 0 ) ); } if ( dirs.size() != 1 ) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Maven distribution '%s' contains too many directories. Expected to find exactly 1 directory.", distributionUrl ) ); } return dirs.get( 0 ); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
public MessageBundle getBundle(GadgetSpec spec, Locale locale, boolean ignoreCache, String container, String view) throws GadgetException { MessageBundle exact = getBundleFor(spec, locale, ignoreCache, container, view); // We don't want to fetch the same bundle multiple times, so we verify that the exact match // has not already been fetched. MessageBundle lang, country, all; boolean isAllLanguage = locale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("all"); boolean isAllCountry = locale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"); if (isAllCountry) { lang = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { lang = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "ALL"), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllLanguage) { country = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { country = getBundleFor(spec, new Locale("all", locale.getCountry()), ignoreCache, container, view); } if (isAllCountry || isAllLanguage) { // If either of these is true, we already picked up both anyway. all = MessageBundle.EMPTY; } else { all = getBundleFor(spec, ALL_ALL, ignoreCache, container, view); } return new MessageBundle(all, country, lang, exact); }
protected Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> scanArchive( File archiveFile, Artifact artifact, boolean excludeMojo ) throws IOException, ExtractionException { Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses = new HashMap<>(); String zipEntryName = null; try ( ZipInputStream archiveStream = new ZipInputStream( new FileInputStream( archiveFile ) ) ) { String archiveFilename = archiveFile.getAbsolutePath(); for ( ZipEntry zipEntry = archiveStream.getNextEntry(); zipEntry != null; zipEntry = archiveStream.getNextEntry() ) { zipEntryName = zipEntry.getName(); if ( !SCANNABLE_CLASS.matcher( zipEntryName ).matches() ) { continue; } analyzeClassStream( mojoAnnotatedClasses, archiveStream, artifact, excludeMojo, archiveFilename, zipEntry.getName() ); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { // In case of a class with newer specs an IllegalArgumentException can be thrown getLogger().error( "Failed to analyze " + archiveFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!/" + zipEntryName ); throw e; } return mojoAnnotatedClasses; }
protected Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> scanArchive( File archiveFile, Artifact artifact, boolean excludeMojo ) throws IOException, ExtractionException { Map<String, MojoAnnotatedClass> mojoAnnotatedClasses = new HashMap<>(); String zipEntryName = null; try ( ZipInputStream archiveStream = new ZipInputStream( new FileInputStream( archiveFile ) ) ) { String archiveFilename = archiveFile.getAbsolutePath(); for ( ZipEntry zipEntry = archiveStream.getNextEntry(); zipEntry != null; zipEntry = archiveStream.getNextEntry() ) { zipEntryName = zipEntry.getName(); if ( !SCANNABLE_CLASS.matcher( zipEntryName ).matches() ) { continue; } analyzeClassStream( mojoAnnotatedClasses, archiveStream, artifact, excludeMojo, archiveFilename, zipEntry.getName() ); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { // In case of a class with newer specs an IllegalArgumentException can be thrown getLogger().error( "Failed to analyze " + archiveFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!/" + zipEntryName ); throw e; } return mojoAnnotatedClasses; }
protected List<MojoDescriptor> extractMojoDescriptorsFromMetadata( Map<String, Set<File>> metadataFilesKeyedByBasedir, PluginToolsRequest request ) throws ExtractionException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException { List<MojoDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>(); PluginMetadataParser parser = new PluginMetadataParser(); for ( Map.Entry<String, Set<File>> entry : metadataFilesKeyedByBasedir.entrySet() ) { String basedir = entry.getKey(); Set<File> metadataFiles = entry.getValue(); for ( File metadataFile : metadataFiles ) { String basename = metadataFile.getName(); basename = basename.substring( 0, basename.length() - METADATA_FILE_EXTENSION.length() ); File scriptFile = new File( metadataFile.getParentFile(), basename + SCRIPT_FILE_EXTENSION ); if ( !scriptFile.exists() ) { throw new InvalidPluginDescriptorException( "Found orphaned plugin metadata file: " + metadataFile ); } String relativePath = scriptFile.getPath().substring( basedir.length() ).replace( '\\', '/' ); if ( relativePath.startsWith( "/" ) ) { relativePath = relativePath.substring( 1 ); } try { Set<MojoDescriptor> mojoDescriptors = parser.parseMojoDescriptors( metadataFile ); for ( MojoDescriptor descriptor : mojoDescriptors ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) Map<String, ?> paramMap = descriptor.getParameterMap(); if ( !paramMap.containsKey( "basedir" ) ) { Parameter param = new Parameter(); param.setName( "basedir" ); param.setAlias( "ant.basedir" ); param.setExpression( "${antBasedir}" ); param.setDefaultValue( "${basedir}" ); param.setType( "" ); param.setDescription( "The base directory from which to execute the Ant script." ); param.setEditable( true ); param.setRequired( true ); descriptor.addParameter( param ); } if ( !paramMap.containsKey( "antMessageLevel" ) ) { Parameter param = new Parameter(); param.setName( "messageLevel" ); param.setAlias( "ant.messageLevel" ); param.setExpression( "${antMessageLevel}" ); param.setDefaultValue( "info" ); param.setType( "java.lang.String" ); param.setDescription( "The message-level used to tune the verbosity of Ant logging." ); param.setEditable( true ); param.setRequired( false ); descriptor.addParameter( param ); } if ( !paramMap.containsKey( "project" ) ) { Parameter param = new Parameter(); param.setName( "project" ); param.setDefaultValue( "${project}" ); param.setType( MavenProject.class.getName() ); param.setDescription( "The current MavenProject instance, which contains classpath " + "elements." ); param.setEditable( false ); param.setRequired( true ); descriptor.addParameter( param ); } if ( !paramMap.containsKey( "session" ) ) { Parameter param = new Parameter(); param.setName( "session" ); param.setDefaultValue( "${session}" ); param.setType( "org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession" ); param.setDescription( "The current MavenSession instance, which is used for " + "plugin-style expression resolution." ); param.setEditable( false ); param.setRequired( true ); descriptor.addParameter( param ); } if ( !paramMap.containsKey( "mojoExecution" ) ) { Parameter param = new Parameter(); param.setName( "mojoExecution" ); param.setDefaultValue( "${mojoExecution}" ); param.setType( "org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution" ); param.setDescription( "The current Maven MojoExecution instance, which contains " + "information about the mojo currently executing." ); param.setEditable( false ); param.setRequired( true ); descriptor.addParameter( param ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<ComponentRequirement> requirements = descriptor.getRequirements(); Map<String, ComponentRequirement> reqMap = new HashMap<>(); if ( requirements != null ) { for ( ComponentRequirement req : requirements ) { reqMap.put( req.getRole(), req ); } } if ( !reqMap.containsKey( PathTranslator.class.getName() ) ) { ComponentRequirement req = new ComponentRequirement(); req.setRole( PathTranslator.class.getName() ); descriptor.addRequirement( req ); } String implementation = relativePath; String dImpl = descriptor.getImplementation(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( dImpl ) ) { if ( PluginMetadataParser.IMPL_BASE_PLACEHOLDER.equals( dImpl ) ) { implementation = relativePath; } else { implementation = relativePath + dImpl.substring( PluginMetadataParser.IMPL_BASE_PLACEHOLDER.length() ); } } descriptor.setImplementation( implementation ); descriptor.setLanguage( "ant-mojo" ); descriptor.setComponentComposer( "map-oriented" ); descriptor.setComponentConfigurator( "map-oriented" ); descriptor.setPluginDescriptor( request.getPluginDescriptor() ); descriptors.add( descriptor ); } } catch ( PluginMetadataParseException e ) { throw new ExtractionException( "Error extracting mojo descriptor from script: " + metadataFile, e ); } } } return descriptors; }
public Set<MojoDescriptor> parseMojoDescriptors( File metadataFile ) throws PluginMetadataParseException { Set<MojoDescriptor> descriptors = new HashSet<>(); try ( Reader reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( metadataFile ) ) { PluginMetadataXpp3Reader metadataReader = new PluginMetadataXpp3Reader(); PluginMetadata pluginMetadata = reader ); List<Mojo> mojos = pluginMetadata.getMojos(); if ( mojos != null ) { for ( Mojo mojo : mojos ) { MojoDescriptor descriptor = asDescriptor( metadataFile, mojo ); descriptors.add( descriptor ); } } } catch ( IOException | XmlPullParserException e ) { throw new PluginMetadataParseException( metadataFile, "Cannot parse plugin metadata from file.", e ); } return descriptors; }
public Set<MojoDescriptor> parseMojoDescriptors( File metadataFile ) throws PluginMetadataParseException { Set<MojoDescriptor> descriptors = new HashSet<>(); try ( Reader reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( metadataFile ) ) { PluginMetadataXpp3Reader metadataReader = new PluginMetadataXpp3Reader(); PluginMetadata pluginMetadata = reader ); List<Mojo> mojos = pluginMetadata.getMojos(); if ( mojos != null ) { for ( Mojo mojo : mojos ) { MojoDescriptor descriptor = asDescriptor( metadataFile, mojo ); descriptors.add( descriptor ); } } } catch ( IOException | XmlPullParserException e ) { throw new PluginMetadataParseException( metadataFile, "Cannot parse plugin metadata from file.", e ); } return descriptors; }
public void populatePluginDescriptor( PluginToolsRequest request ) throws ExtractionException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException { Logger logger = getLogger(); Set<String> activeExtractorsInternal = getActiveExtractors(); logger.debug( "Using " + activeExtractorsInternal.size() + " mojo extractors." ); int numMojoDescriptors = 0; for ( String extractorId : activeExtractorsInternal ) { MojoDescriptorExtractor extractor = mojoDescriptorExtractors.get( extractorId ); if ( extractor == null ) { throw new ExtractionException( "No mojo extractor with '" + extractorId + "' id." ); } logger.debug( "Applying " + extractorId + " mojo extractor" ); List<MojoDescriptor> extractorDescriptors = extractor.execute( request ); extractorId + " mojo extractor found " + extractorDescriptors.size() + " mojo descriptor" + ( extractorDescriptors.size() > 1 ? "s" : "" ) + "." ); numMojoDescriptors += extractorDescriptors.size(); for ( MojoDescriptor descriptor : extractorDescriptors ) { logger.debug( "Adding mojo: " + descriptor + " to plugin descriptor." ); descriptor.setPluginDescriptor( request.getPluginDescriptor() ); request.getPluginDescriptor().addMojo( descriptor ); } } if ( numMojoDescriptors == 0 && !request.isSkipErrorNoDescriptorsFound() ) { throw new InvalidPluginDescriptorException( "No mojo definitions were found for plugin: " + request.getPluginDescriptor().getPluginLookupKey() + "." ); } }
public String getValorFormatado() { return new BigDecimalFormatter().bigDecimalToStringInCents(this.price); }
public BigDecimal getPrice() { return price; }
@Override protected Validator createValidator() throws JspException { ELContext elContext = getELContext(); StellaIEValidator validator = getBoundValidator(elContext); if (binding != null) { validator.setBinding(binding); } if (estado != null) { String estadoValue = estado.getValue(elContext).toString(); validator.setEstado(estadoValue); } if (estadoComponentId != null) { String componentId = estadoComponentId.getValue(elContext).toString(); validator.setEstadoComponentId(componentId); } if (formatted != null) { Boolean formattedValue = (Boolean) formatted.getValue(elContext); validator.setFormatted(formattedValue); } return validator; }
@Override protected Validator createValidator() throws JspException { StellaTituloEleitoralValidator validator = new StellaTituloEleitoralValidator(); return validator; }
public ResourceBundle getForCurrentLocale(FacesContext facesContext) { Application application = facesContext.getApplication(); String bundleName = application.getMessageBundle(); if (bundleName == null) { return defaultStellaBundle(); } Locale locale = facesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale); return bundle; }
public ResourceBundle getForCurrentLocale(FacesContext facesContext) { Application application = facesContext.getApplication(); String bundleName = application.getMessageBundle(); if (bundleName == null) { return defaultStellaBundle(); } Locale locale = facesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale); return bundle; }
public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object value) throws ValidatorException { if (value == null || "".equals(value)) return; ResourceBundle bundle = resourceBundleFinder.getForCurrentLocale(facesContext); ResourceBundleMessageProducer producer = new ResourceBundleMessageProducer(bundle); CPFValidator validator = new CPFValidator(producer, formatted); try { validator.assertValid(value.toString()); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { List<ValidationMessage> messages = e.getInvalidMessages(); String firstErrorMessage = messages.remove(0).getMessage(); registerAllMessages(facesContext, uiComponent, messages); throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(firstErrorMessage)); } }
public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object value) throws ValidatorException { if (value == null || "".equals(value)) return; ResourceBundle bundle = resourceBundleFinder.getForCurrentLocale(facesContext); ResourceBundleMessageProducer producer = new ResourceBundleMessageProducer(bundle); CPFValidator validator = new CPFValidator(producer, formatted); try { validator.assertValid(value.toString()); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { List<ValidationMessage> messages = e.getInvalidMessages(); String firstErrorMessage = messages.remove(0).getMessage(); registerAllMessages(facesContext, uiComponent, messages); throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(firstErrorMessage)); } }
public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object value) throws ValidatorException { if (value == null || "".equals(value)) return; ResourceBundle bundle = resourceBundleFinder.getForCurrentLocale(facesContext); ResourceBundleMessageProducer producer = new ResourceBundleMessageProducer(bundle); CPFValidator validator = new CPFValidator(producer, formatted); try { validator.assertValid(value.toString()); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { List<ValidationMessage> messages = e.getInvalidMessages(); String firstErrorMessage = messages.remove(0).getMessage(); registerAllMessages(facesContext, uiComponent, messages); throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(firstErrorMessage)); } }
public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object value) throws ValidatorException { if (value == null || "".equals(value)) return; ResourceBundle bundle = resourceBundleFinder.getForCurrentLocale(facesContext); ResourceBundleMessageProducer producer = new ResourceBundleMessageProducer(bundle); CPFValidator validator = new CPFValidator(producer, formatted); try { validator.assertValid(value.toString()); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { List<ValidationMessage> messages = e.getInvalidMessages(); String firstErrorMessage = messages.remove(0).getMessage(); registerAllMessages(facesContext, uiComponent, messages); throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(firstErrorMessage)); } }
public AbstractValueModel getLabelModel() { return new DefaultLabelModel(getBean()); }
public AbstractValueModel getLabelModel() { return new DefaultLabelModel(getBean()); }
public AbstractValueModel getLabelModel() { return new DefaultLabelModel(getBean()); }
public int getColumnCount() { return d_study.getArms().size() + 2 + (d_hasOverallColumn ? 1 : 0); }
public int getColumnCount() { return d_study.getArms().size() + 2 + (d_hasOverallColumn ? 1 : 0); }
public int getRowCount() { int n = 0; for (StudyOutcomeMeasure<? extends Variable> var : d_study.getStudyOutcomeMeasures(d_type)) { n += var.getWhenTaken().size(); } return n; }
public int getRowCount() { int n = 0; for (StudyOutcomeMeasure<? extends Variable> var : d_study.getStudyOutcomeMeasures(d_type)) { n += var.getWhenTaken().size(); } return n; }
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Key key = getKeyAt(rowIndex, columnIndex); if (isVariableColumn(columnIndex)) { return key.v.getValue().getName(); } if (isMeasurementMomentColumn(columnIndex)) { return key.wt; } return d_mmpMap.get(key.getMeasurementKey()); }
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Key key = getKeyAt(rowIndex, columnIndex); if (isVariableColumn(columnIndex)) { return key.v.getValue().getName(); } if (isMeasurementMomentColumn(columnIndex)) { return key.wt; } return d_mmpMap.get(key.getMeasurementKey()); }
@Override public String getColumnName(int col) { if (isVariableColumn(col)) { return CategoryKnowledgeFactory.getCategoryKnowledge(d_type).getSingularCapitalized(); } else if (isMeasurementMomentColumn(col)) { return "Measurement moment"; } else if (isOverallColumn(col)) { return "Overall"; } return d_pmf.getLabeledModel(d_study.getArms().get(col-2)).getLabelModel().getString(); }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
public static <T> void applyDiff(final List<T> a, final List<T> b, final List<T> l, final Comparator<T> cmp, final DiffEditor<T> ed) { int acur = 0; int bcur = 0; int lcur = 0; int ecur = 0; while (lcur < l.size()) { if (0 !=, a.get(acur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the original ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } else if (0 !=, b.get(bcur))) { // absent in the subsequence but present in the second sequence ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } else { lcur++; acur++; bcur++; ecur++; } } int aleftover = a.size() - acur; int bleftover = b.size() - bcur; for (int i = 0; i < aleftover; i++) { ed.delete(ecur, a.get(acur)); acur++; } for (int i = 0; i < bleftover; i++) { ed.add(ecur, b.get(bcur)); bcur++; ecur++; } }
@Override public boolean isEnabled() { return super.isEnabled() && context.getConfig().isDebug(); }
@Override public boolean accept(final HttpServletRequest request) { return WroUtil.matchesUrl(request, ENDPOINT_URI); }
@Override public boolean accept(final HttpServletRequest request) { return WroUtil.matchesUrl(request, ENDPOINT_URI); }
@Override public void handle(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Set header ResponseHeadersConfigurer.noCache().setHeaders(response); response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); // Build content newGson(request).toJson(modelFactory.create(), response.getWriter()); response.getWriter().flush(); }
@Override public void handle(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Set header ResponseHeadersConfigurer.noCache().setHeaders(response); response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); // Build content newGson(request).toJson(modelFactory.create(), response.getWriter()); response.getWriter().flush(); }
@Override public boolean accept(final HttpServletRequest request) { return WroUtil.matchesUrl(request, ENDPOINT_URI); }
@Override public void handle(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Set header ResponseHeadersConfigurer.noCache().setHeaders(response); response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); // Build content newGson(request).toJson(modelFactory.create(), response.getWriter()); response.getWriter().flush(); }
@Override public Map<String, RequestHandler> provideRequestHandlers() { final Map<String, RequestHandler> map = new HashMap<String, RequestHandler>(); map.put(ModelAsJsonRequestHandler.ALIAS, new LazyRequestHandlerDecorator(new LazyInitializer<RequestHandler>() { @Override protected RequestHandler initialize() { return new ModelAsJsonRequestHandler(); } })); return map; }
@Override public Map<String, RequestHandler> provideRequestHandlers() { final Map<String, RequestHandler> map = new HashMap<String, RequestHandler>(); map.put(ModelAsJsonRequestHandler.ALIAS, new LazyRequestHandlerDecorator(new LazyInitializer<RequestHandler>() { @Override protected RequestHandler initialize() { return new ModelAsJsonRequestHandler(); } })); return map; }
@Override public synchronized WroModel create() { final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("Create Wro Model from Groovy"); try { stopWatch.start("createModel"); final Type type = new TypeToken<WroModel>() {}.getType(); final InputStream is = getModelResourceAsStream(); if (is == null) { throw new WroRuntimeException("Invalid model stream provided!"); } final WroModel model = new Gson().fromJson(new InputStreamReader(getModelResourceAsStream()), type); LOG.debug("json model: {}", model); if (model == null) { throw new WroRuntimeException("Invalid content provided, cannot build model!"); } return model; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new WroRuntimeException("Invalid model found!", e); } finally { stopWatch.stop(); LOG.debug(stopWatch.prettyPrint()); } }
public void doAppend(PaxLoggingEvent paxLoggingEvent) { try { // Send message to the destination TextMessage message = getOrCreateSession().createTextMessage(); message.setText(format.toString(paxLoggingEvent)); getOrCreatePublisher().send(message); } catch (JMSException e) { LOG.warn("Exception caught while sending log event - reinitializing JMS resources to recover", e); closeJMSResources(); } }
public String toString(PaxLoggingEvent event) { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); try { object.put(MESSAGE, event.getMessage()); object.put(SOURCE, event.getLoggerName()); object.put(TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(new Date(event.getTimeStamp()))); JSONObject fields = new JSONObject(); for (Object property : event.getProperties().entrySet()) { Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = (Map.Entry<String, Object>) property; fields.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } object.put(FIELDS, fields); JSONArray tags = new JSONArray(); tags.put(event.getLevel().toString()); object.put(TAGS, tags); } catch (JSONException e) { // let's return a minimal, String-based message representation instead return "{ \"" + MESSAGE + "\" : " + event.getMessage() + "}"; } return object.toString(); }
public void prepare(Message message) throws IOException { getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "JBIConduit send message"); NMRTransportFactory.removeUnusedInterceptprs(message); message.setContent(OutputStream.class, new NMRConduitOutputStream(message, nmr, target, this)); }
public NMRDestination(EndpointInfo info, NMR nmr) { super(getTargetReference(info, null), info); this.nmr = nmr; = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String address = info.getAddress(); if (address != null && address.indexOf(Endpoint.RUN_AS_SUBJECT) >= 0) { String asSubject = address.substring(address.indexOf(Endpoint.RUN_AS_SUBJECT) + Endpoint.RUN_AS_SUBJECT.length() + 1);, asSubject); } if (address != null && address.startsWith("nmr:")) { if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {, address.substring(4, address.indexOf("?"))); } else {, address.substring(4)); } } else {, info.getName().toString()); }, info.getService().getName().toString());, info.getInterface().getName().toString()); if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) { String[] props = address.substring(address.indexOf("?") + 1).split("&"); for (String prop : props) { if (prop.indexOf("=") > 0) { String key = prop.substring(0, prop.indexOf("=")); String val = prop.substring(prop.indexOf("=") + 1); if (key.equals("synchronous")) { key = Endpoint.CHANNEL_SYNC_DELIVERY; }, val); } } } }
public void activate() { nmr.getEndpointRegistry().register(this, properties); }
public Binding createBinding(BindingInfo binding) { NMRBinding jb = new NMRBinding((NMRBindingInfo) binding); jb.getInInterceptors().add(new StaxInInterceptor()); jb.getInInterceptors().add(new NMROperationInInterceptor()); jb.getInInterceptors().add(new NMRWrapperInInterceptor()); jb.getOutInterceptors().add(new StaxOutInterceptor()); jb.getOutInterceptors().add(new NMRWrapperOutInterceptor()); jb.getOutFaultInterceptors().add(new StaxOutInterceptor()); jb.getOutFaultInterceptors().add(new NMRFaultOutInterceptor()); jb.getInFaultInterceptors().add(new NMRFaultInInterceptor()); return jb; }
public void handleMessage(NMRMessage message) throws Fault { Exchange ex = message.getExchange(); Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class); BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class); if (boi == null && message.getNmrExchange()!= null && message.getNmrExchange().getOperation() != null) { BindingInfo service = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding(); boi = getBindingOperationInfo(service, message.getNmrExchange().getOperation()); if (boi == null) { throw new Fault(new Message("UNKNOWN_OPERATION", BUNDLE, message.getNmrExchange().getOperation().toString())); } ex.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi); ex.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo()); ex.setOneWay(boi.getOperationInfo().isOneWay()); message.put(MessageInfo.class, boi.getInput().getMessageInfo()); } }
public void handleMessage(NMRMessage message) throws Fault { message.put(org.apache.cxf.message.Message.RESPONSE_CODE, new Integer(500)); NSStack nsStack = new NSStack(); nsStack.push(); try { XMLStreamWriter writer = getWriter(message); Fault fault = getFault(message); NMRFault jbiFault = NMRFault.createFault(fault); nsStack.add(NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); String prefix = nsStack.getPrefix(NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); StaxUtils.writeStartElement(writer, prefix, NMRFault.NMR_FAULT_ROOT, NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); if (!jbiFault.hasDetails()) { writer.writeEmptyElement("fault"); } else { Element detail = jbiFault.getDetail(); NodeList details = detail.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < details.getLength(); i++) { if (details.item(i) instanceof Element) { StaxUtils.writeNode(details.item(i), writer, true); break; } } } writer.writeEndElement(); writer.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException xe) { throw new Fault(new Message("XML_WRITE_EXC", BUNDLE), xe); } }
public void handleMessage(NMRMessage message) throws Fault { message.put(org.apache.cxf.message.Message.RESPONSE_CODE, new Integer(500)); NSStack nsStack = new NSStack(); nsStack.push(); try { XMLStreamWriter writer = getWriter(message); Fault fault = getFault(message); NMRFault jbiFault = NMRFault.createFault(fault); nsStack.add(NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); String prefix = nsStack.getPrefix(NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); StaxUtils.writeStartElement(writer, prefix, NMRFault.NMR_FAULT_ROOT, NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); if (!jbiFault.hasDetails()) { writer.writeEmptyElement("fault"); } else { Element detail = jbiFault.getDetail(); NodeList details = detail.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < details.getLength(); i++) { if (details.item(i) instanceof Element) { StaxUtils.writeNode(details.item(i), writer, true); break; } } } writer.writeEndElement(); writer.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException xe) { throw new Fault(new Message("XML_WRITE_EXC", BUNDLE), xe); } }
public void handleMessage(NMRMessage message) throws Fault { message.put(org.apache.cxf.message.Message.RESPONSE_CODE, new Integer(500)); NSStack nsStack = new NSStack(); nsStack.push(); try { XMLStreamWriter writer = getWriter(message); Fault fault = getFault(message); NMRFault jbiFault = NMRFault.createFault(fault); nsStack.add(NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); String prefix = nsStack.getPrefix(NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); StaxUtils.writeStartElement(writer, prefix, NMRFault.NMR_FAULT_ROOT, NMRConstants.NS_NMR_BINDING); if (!jbiFault.hasDetails()) { writer.writeEmptyElement("fault"); } else { Element detail = jbiFault.getDetail(); NodeList details = detail.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < details.getLength(); i++) { if (details.item(i) instanceof Element) { StaxUtils.writeNode(details.item(i), writer, true); break; } } } writer.writeEndElement(); writer.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException xe) { throw new Fault(new Message("XML_WRITE_EXC", BUNDLE), xe); } }
public static <T> Class<? extends T> locate(Class<T> factoryId) { return locate(factoryId, factoryId.getName()); }