A baseball player is following through with an action nearby a teammate.
Two baseball players are cooperating.
There is only one player in todays baseball game.
A baseball player is following through with an action nearby a teammate.
Two baseball players are cooperating.
There is only one player in todays baseball game.
A woman in a brown shirt is singing into two microphones.
A woman is using two microphones while singing.
A woman is preaching about Jesus using a CB radio.
A woman in a brown shirt is singing into two microphones.
A woman is using two microphones while singing.
A woman is preaching about Jesus using a CB radio.
A baby sleeping on pale blue bamboo-like mats, wearing a navy blue and green striped shirt and swaddled in a towel.
An infant is asleep.
The infant is a walrus.
A baby sleeping on pale blue bamboo-like mats, wearing a navy blue and green striped shirt and swaddled in a towel.
An infant is asleep.
The infant is a walrus.
Three men in white are painting the railing of the pier blue.
Three men are painting the pier.
Three women are painting the pier.
Three men in white are painting the railing of the pier blue.
Three men are painting the pier.
Three women are painting the pier.
A woman walks near a beach with a young child in her hand while someone sits nearby.
A person is sitting on the beach.
Three people are indoors playing board games.
A woman walks near a beach with a young child in her hand while someone sits nearby.
A person is sitting on the beach.
Three people are indoors playing board games.
A man with a plastic bag walks down the street, passing by apartment buildings.
A man is walking.
A man is driving a car.
A man with a plastic bag walks down the street, passing by apartment buildings.
A man is walking.
A man is driving a car.
A few people on a canoe in the water.
Some people are boating.
The canoe is in the boathouse.
A few people on a canoe in the water.
Some people are boating.
The canoe is in the boathouse.
A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign.
A man and woman are dancing.
They are dancing alone with no musical accompaniment.
A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign.
A man and woman are dancing.
They are dancing alone with no musical accompaniment.
two women next to a stage of people playing instruments
to women are next to people playing instruments on a stage
The people in the auditorium are sleeping in their chairs.
two women next to a stage of people playing instruments
to women are next to people playing instruments on a stage
The people in the auditorium are sleeping in their chairs.
The band is playing music for the dancers.
Some people are in a band playing music.
A child is rolling down the hill.
The band is playing music for the dancers.
Some people are in a band playing music.
A child is rolling down the hill.
A yougn boy in a blue and white baseball uniform throwing a baseball while tucking his glove close to his body.
a boy throws a ball
a boy sleeps in bed
A yougn boy in a blue and white baseball uniform throwing a baseball while tucking his glove close to his body.
a boy throws a ball
a boy sleeps in bed
A bike rider in green jersey races along a road.
Road bike ride in green jersey
Bi-cycle race
A bike rider in green jersey races along a road.
Road bike ride in green jersey
Bi-cycle race
A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with guests.
A tattooed woman talks with her wedding guests.
A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with dogs.
A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with guests.
A tattooed woman talks with her wedding guests.
A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with dogs.
two girls sit beside a river under a tree
The girls sat beside the river.
The boys stood next to the river.
two girls sit beside a river under a tree
The girls sat beside the river.
The boys stood next to the river.
Two men in two canoes are sitting in a lake.
Men are in canoes.
Elton John is conservative.
Two men in two canoes are sitting in a lake.
Men are in canoes.
Elton John is conservative.
Three young girls walk down a sidewalk.
Some people strolling along
A young man walks by himself on an empty sidewalk
Three young girls walk down a sidewalk.
Some people strolling along
A young man walks by himself on an empty sidewalk
A man in an orange hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of ice with a forest in the background.
A man climbs a wall.
A man in an red hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of bricks.
A man in an orange hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of ice with a forest in the background.
A man climbs a wall.
A man in an red hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of bricks.
A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her.
A group of girls
A monkey being launched into space.
A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her.
A group of girls
A monkey being launched into space.
Kids walking on the street, one blond girl wearing a white outfit drinking from a straw, one brown-haired girl in white shorts and dark top, turned around, holding her cellphone.
Some children are walking on the street.
Two boys are playing in the dirt.
Kids walking on the street, one blond girl wearing a white outfit drinking from a straw, one brown-haired girl in white shorts and dark top, turned around, holding her cellphone.
Some children are walking on the street.
Two boys are playing in the dirt.
Four girls are walking down the sidewalk.
Four girls walk down a sidewalk.
Four girls roll under a sidewalk.
Four girls are walking down the sidewalk.
Four girls walk down a sidewalk.
Four girls roll under a sidewalk.
A woman is using a shovel to move grains.
A woman is moving grain with a shovel.
A woman is moving water with a spoon.
A woman is using a shovel to move grains.
A woman is moving grain with a shovel.
A woman is moving water with a spoon.
Two men, one bare-chested while the other wears a hat and blue shirt, in a canoe on water.
men in canoe
leopard in field
Two men, one bare-chested while the other wears a hat and blue shirt, in a canoe on water.
men in canoe
leopard in field
Two guys are rowing a canoe on a lake.
Two men are in a boat on a body of water.
The men are diving into the water.
Two guys are rowing a canoe on a lake.
Two men are in a boat on a body of water.
The men are diving into the water.
A man in shades and a sweatshirt watches a girl stand in a recycling bin.
The girl is standing in a strange place.
The girl is in the trash can looking for rats.
A man in shades and a sweatshirt watches a girl stand in a recycling bin.
The girl is standing in a strange place.
The girl is in the trash can looking for rats.
A man standing while filming.
A man filming.
A man sitting while filming.
A man standing while filming.
A man filming.
A man sitting while filming.
A man wearing a hard hat is on a boat pulling in some sort of device using a rope.
A man is on the ocean.
No one is on a boat.
A man wearing a hard hat is on a boat pulling in some sort of device using a rope.
A man is on the ocean.
No one is on a boat.
Men and women participate in marathon.
People are doing a marathon.
Nobody is participating in the marathon.
Men and women participate in marathon.
People are doing a marathon.
Nobody is participating in the marathon.
People are rowing a boat in the water.
A boat is in motion.
People are flying an airplane.
People are rowing a boat in the water.
A boat is in motion.
People are flying an airplane.
One male lifting an item from the ocean while wearing a life vest and helmet.
The man is lifting something.
The man is indoors.
One male lifting an item from the ocean while wearing a life vest and helmet.
The man is lifting something.
The man is indoors.
A man is shaking hands with a mannequin.
A man touches an object.
The mannequin punches the guy.
A man is shaking hands with a mannequin.
A man touches an object.
The mannequin punches the guy.
A man shakes hands with a mannequin and gives it a "thumbs up" sign.
A man is standing by a mannequin
The man is sleeping in bed
A man shakes hands with a mannequin and gives it a "thumbs up" sign.
A man is standing by a mannequin
The man is sleeping in bed
A guy shakes hands with a plastic dummy and gives the dummy a thumbs up with the other hand.
A man shaking hand with a dummy is rather silly.
The dummy said "Congratulations" to the man.
A guy shakes hands with a plastic dummy and gives the dummy a thumbs up with the other hand.
A man shaking hand with a dummy is rather silly.
The dummy said "Congratulations" to the man.
Boy in yellow shirt getting picture taken surrounded by pigeons
A boy is near pigeons.
A boy is feeding ducks.
Boy in yellow shirt getting picture taken surrounded by pigeons
A boy is near pigeons.
A boy is feeding ducks.
A man in a black coat is setting up his camera to take pictures with.
A man is setting up his camera.
A man is setting up his computer
A man in a black coat is setting up his camera to take pictures with.
A man is setting up his camera.
A man is setting up his computer
Young man posing with a mannequin.
the man is young
the man is not posing
Young man posing with a mannequin.
the man is young
the man is not posing
Woman in a black dress walking on the street.
A woman in a black dress is going from one place to another.
A man in a pink dress is running on the street.
Woman in a black dress walking on the street.
A woman in a black dress is going from one place to another.
A man in a pink dress is running on the street.
A skateboarder is being photographed jumping off a step.
The skateboarder knows how to ride a skateboard.
The skateboarder is eating tacos.
A skateboarder is being photographed jumping off a step.
The skateboarder knows how to ride a skateboard.
The skateboarder is eating tacos.
A man in a white hard hat pulls a sea probe that is hoisted over the side of the boat.
A man in a hard hat pulls something hoisted over the side of the boat.
A hatless man pulls a white thing hoisted over the side of the boat.
A man in a white hard hat pulls a sea probe that is hoisted over the side of the boat.
A man in a hard hat pulls something hoisted over the side of the boat.
A hatless man pulls a white thing hoisted over the side of the boat.
Several people, one being a woman in a black dress, are outside, near a bike rack.
people outside near a bike rack
people walking on the beach
Several people, one being a woman in a black dress, are outside, near a bike rack.
people outside near a bike rack
people walking on the beach
A man chains his bike to a rack while a woman in black and red walks.
A man is securing his bike
A man is entering his car
A man chains his bike to a rack while a woman in black and red walks.
A man is securing his bike
A man is entering his car
A man in blue pants and no shirt is doing a skateboard trick while another man films it.
Man is filming.
Man is sitting on a skateboard.
A man in blue pants and no shirt is doing a skateboard trick while another man films it.
Man is filming.
Man is sitting on a skateboard.
The woman wearing a red bow walks past a bicycle.
A woman with a bow walking near a bike.
A woman riding a fairy across a river.
The woman wearing a red bow walks past a bicycle.
A woman with a bow walking near a bike.
A woman riding a fairy across a river.
Surfers and families are at a beach on an overcast day.
There is an overcast at the beach.
It is sunny at the beach.
Surfers and families are at a beach on an overcast day.
There is an overcast at the beach.
It is sunny at the beach.
A man riding a horse at a rodeo.
A man rides a horse.
A man rides a bull.
A man riding a horse at a rodeo.
A man rides a horse.
A man rides a bull.
A group of people are gathered on the beach, one man is carrying a surfboard out of the water.
A group of people are at the beach.
A group of people are gathered at an amusement park.
A group of people are gathered on the beach, one man is carrying a surfboard out of the water.
A group of people are at the beach.
A group of people are gathered at an amusement park.
A group of people walking on the surf, two of which are men holding their surfboards, one is blue and one is white.
There are people with surfboards in the water.
The people are surfing out in the ocean.
A group of people walking on the surf, two of which are men holding their surfboards, one is blue and one is white.
There are people with surfboards in the water.
The people are surfing out in the ocean.
A man in football gear is running with the football with an opposing team member not far behind him going in for a tackle.
A group of people are playing football.
The football player is holding a ham because they lost the football.
A man in football gear is running with the football with an opposing team member not far behind him going in for a tackle.
A group of people are playing football.
The football player is holding a ham because they lost the football.
A young man in a purple American football uniform is attempting to allude the tackle of another young man in a white uniform.
The people are playing football.
The people are playing tennis.
A young man in a purple American football uniform is attempting to allude the tackle of another young man in a white uniform.
The people are playing football.
The people are playing tennis.
A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform evading a player from an opposing team.
A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform evading a player
A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform not evading a player
A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform evading a player from an opposing team.
A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform evading a player
A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform not evading a player
Surfers and bathers on the beach.
Surfers and bathers are near the water.
There are no surfers on the beach.
Surfers and bathers on the beach.
Surfers and bathers are near the water.
There are no surfers on the beach.
Young guys are having fun.
Young guys are enjoying themselves
Young guys are old and grey
Young guys are having fun.
Young guys are enjoying themselves
Young guys are old and grey
three people hiking up a dirt road in the middle of the woods.
People are walking through the woods.
The men are sitting at the bar.
three people hiking up a dirt road in the middle of the woods.
People are walking through the woods.
The men are sitting at the bar.
One teenager gives a performance, while another, holding a bike, looks on.
A teenager is giving a performance.
The teenager is dead.
One teenager gives a performance, while another, holding a bike, looks on.
A teenager is giving a performance.
The teenager is dead.
A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch.
A man strikes a pose on a bike while a man watches.
The men are all riding horses.
A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch.
A man strikes a pose on a bike while a man watches.
The men are all riding horses.
Two boys in all black standing next to both a bike and a tree.
Next to the tree were a bike and two boys.
The class was sitting in school bored.
Two boys in all black standing next to both a bike and a tree.
Next to the tree were a bike and two boys.
The class was sitting in school bored.
Five black dogs running across the grass.
Dogs running outside in public.
A group of dogs inside a store.
Five black dogs running across the grass.
Dogs running outside in public.
A group of dogs inside a store.
A small crowd gathered at a local seaman monument holding umbrellas.
A crowd holds umbrellas near a monument
A single person at the local seafood restaurant orders crabs
A small crowd gathered at a local seaman monument holding umbrellas.
A crowd holds umbrellas near a monument
A single person at the local seafood restaurant orders crabs
A bunch of Africans are playing soccer on a sandy beach.
People are playing soccer.
There is no soccer ball.
A bunch of Africans are playing soccer on a sandy beach.
People are playing soccer.
There is no soccer ball.
Injured solders covered in bandages sit in wheelchairs that are pushed by their fellow warriors.
Injured solders covered in bandages sit
Injured solders covered in bandages don't sit
Injured solders covered in bandages sit in wheelchairs that are pushed by their fellow warriors.
Injured solders covered in bandages sit
Injured solders covered in bandages don't sit
A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background.
A man is riding a four-wheeler.
The man is riding a horse down the road.
A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background.
A man is riding a four-wheeler.
The man is riding a horse down the road.
The low sun is casting a shadow of the person on the wall behind them.
A human is making a shadow.
A man shops for groceries at Walmart.
The low sun is casting a shadow of the person on the wall behind them.
A human is making a shadow.
A man shops for groceries at Walmart.
A man with a blue jacket and glasses is sitting on a stool.
A man is sitting on a stool.
A man is sitting in a chair at a dinner table.
A man with a blue jacket and glasses is sitting on a stool.
A man is sitting on a stool.
A man is sitting in a chair at a dinner table.
Older Asian man looks on while sitting in his shop.
Asian man sitting in his shop.
Asian man outside, jogging.
Older Asian man looks on while sitting in his shop.
Asian man sitting in his shop.
Asian man outside, jogging.
A man in a blue jackets sits on a stool.
The person sits on a tall seat.
The man wears a bright green jacket.
A man in a blue jackets sits on a stool.
The person sits on a tall seat.
The man wears a bright green jacket.
A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials.
The man has clothing on.
The worker is making the bed
A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials.
The man has clothing on.
The worker is making the bed
A man who appears to be a construction worker smiling at someone.
A man smiling.
A man frowning at the ground.
A man who appears to be a construction worker smiling at someone.
A man smiling.
A man frowning at the ground.
Dark-haired construction worker in a building.
A construction worker is in a building.
A woman is in the woods camping alone.
Dark-haired construction worker in a building.
A construction worker is in a building.
A woman is in the woods camping alone.
A smiling construction worker kneeling down.
A person is kneeling down.
A smiling lawyer is jumping for joy.
A smiling construction worker kneeling down.
A person is kneeling down.
A smiling lawyer is jumping for joy.
A white greyhound wearing a yellow and black jacket is running on a track.
the dog is running
the dog is peeing and stopped
A white greyhound wearing a yellow and black jacket is running on a track.
the dog is running
the dog is peeing and stopped
Sales man, standing at the counter in a blue and white long-sleeve sweater.
A man is wearing a sweater.
The man is sitting in a chair.
Sales man, standing at the counter in a blue and white long-sleeve sweater.
A man is wearing a sweater.
The man is sitting in a chair.
A man with a large feather in his hat rides a horse.
The man is riding a horse
The man is in a kitchen
A man with a large feather in his hat rides a horse.
The man is riding a horse
The man is in a kitchen
a magazine stand with many multicolored magazines
the stand has many magazines
a magazine stand with many people magazines
a magazine stand with many multicolored magazines
the stand has many magazines
a magazine stand with many people magazines
An elderly man sells magazines in a stand.
the man has magazines
the woman sells books at her store
An elderly man sells magazines in a stand.
the man has magazines
the woman sells books at her store
An old man wearing a blue jean jacket is sitting at the counter of a magazine stand
An old man is wearing a jacket and sitting down.
An old man is planning to sleep.
An old man wearing a blue jean jacket is sitting at the counter of a magazine stand
An old man is wearing a jacket and sitting down.
An old man is planning to sleep.
An older man sells magazines at a magazine stand in Asia.
A man sells magazines at a magazine stand in Asia.
An older woman sells magazines at a magazine stand in Asia.
An older man sells magazines at a magazine stand in Asia.
A man sells magazines at a magazine stand in Asia.
An older woman sells magazines at a magazine stand in Asia.
Man in black with a feathered hat sits atop a horse.
A man rides a horse.
A man wearing a feathered hat sits at a table as a horse passes by.
Man in black with a feathered hat sits atop a horse.
A man rides a horse.
A man wearing a feathered hat sits at a table as a horse passes by.
Men and women at reception at a business conference
The business conference has men and women in attendance.
There is men and women at a circus event.
Men and women at reception at a business conference
The business conference has men and women in attendance.
There is men and women at a circus event.
A happy young couple having a glass of whine and talking.
Two people are talking while drinking wine.
A man is sitting alone in a bar.
A happy young couple having a glass of whine and talking.
Two people are talking while drinking wine.
A man is sitting alone in a bar.
A man and a woman are talking to a man in a room filled with people.
Some people are talking
The man and woman are driving home
A man and a woman are talking to a man in a room filled with people.
Some people are talking
The man and woman are driving home
A woman with a tote bag exchanges conversation with people at a trade show.
A woman is at a trade show.
A man with a tote bag exchanges conversation with people at a trade show.
A woman with a tote bag exchanges conversation with people at a trade show.
A woman is at a trade show.
A man with a tote bag exchanges conversation with people at a trade show.
A couple attending an indoor business event are speaking with a representative in a nice suit.
The couple are in a business center.
A couple throw rice at a wedding.
A couple attending an indoor business event are speaking with a representative in a nice suit.
The couple are in a business center.
A couple throw rice at a wedding.
A skier coming over a snowy hill while people look on.
At least some of the people are wearing coats.
The skier is pushing a snowmobile.
A skier coming over a snowy hill while people look on.
At least some of the people are wearing coats.
The skier is pushing a snowmobile.
Three surfers walking on the beach
The surfers are outside.
The surfers are wearing jeans and sitting around a table.
Three surfers walking on the beach
The surfers are outside.
The surfers are wearing jeans and sitting around a table.
Three surfers walking down a beach.
There are three surfers.
There are four skateboarders.
Three surfers walking down a beach.
There are three surfers.
There are four skateboarders.
Three surfers are walking on the beach.
Three surfers are on the beach.
Three surfers are in the car.
Three surfers are walking on the beach.
Three surfers are on the beach.
Three surfers are in the car.
Three surfers walking down a beach with several large rocks in the sand.
There are three surfers.
There are five surfers.
Three surfers walking down a beach with several large rocks in the sand.
There are three surfers.
There are five surfers.
Three shortboarders are walking down the beach toward an outcropping of black boulders.
Three people are walking on the sand towards black rocks.
Three shortboarders are riding bikes on the beach.
Three shortboarders are walking down the beach toward an outcropping of black boulders.
Three people are walking on the sand towards black rocks.
Three shortboarders are riding bikes on the beach.
Young riders on an amusement park ride.
Young Riders riding an amusement park ride
Young Children doing their homework
Young riders on an amusement park ride.
Young Riders riding an amusement park ride
Young Children doing their homework
An older gentleman in a plaid shirt and glasses is smiling at the camera.
The older guy has his eyes fixated on the camera.
THe older gentleman is wearing a solid shirt and contacts.
An older gentleman in a plaid shirt and glasses is smiling at the camera.
The older guy has his eyes fixated on the camera.
THe older gentleman is wearing a solid shirt and contacts.
A bald man is sitting on a rock next to a woman in a black jacket.
A man and a woman are sitting next to each other.
A man and a woman are cooking dinner in the kitchen
A bald man is sitting on a rock next to a woman in a black jacket.
A man and a woman are sitting next to each other.
A man and a woman are cooking dinner in the kitchen
A pole vaulter leaving the pit with his pole.
The pole vaulter left the pit.
The man left the pole.
A pole vaulter leaving the pit with his pole.
The pole vaulter left the pit.
The man left the pole.
Four people looking at some cattle beside a barn.
Cattle are beside a barn.
Four people are stargazing.
Four people looking at some cattle beside a barn.
Cattle are beside a barn.
Four people are stargazing.
Kids having fun in their house after an evening dinner.
Kids playing after finishing their meal.
A man singing to a woman.
Kids having fun in their house after an evening dinner.
Kids playing after finishing their meal.
A man singing to a woman.
A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole.
A young person wearing a uniform.
A young person doing gymnastics.
A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole.
A young person wearing a uniform.
A young person doing gymnastics.
A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair.
A cow is prepared for the fair.
A cow is prepared to be butchered.
A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair.
A cow is prepared for the fair.
A cow is prepared to be butchered.
A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head.
A man and woman tends to a cow.
A man and woman cooking a side of beef.
A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head.
A man and woman tends to a cow.
A man and woman cooking a side of beef.
A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away.
The pole vaulter is looking away while carrying his equipment.
The pole vaulter is in the middle of his jump.
A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away.
The pole vaulter is looking away while carrying his equipment.
The pole vaulter is in the middle of his jump.
The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass.
The dogs play outside.
The great Dane chases the two yellow dogs around the kitchen table.
The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass.
The dogs play outside.
The great Dane chases the two yellow dogs around the kitchen table.
A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game.
Someone is playing badminton.
Nobody is playing a sport.
A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game.
Someone is playing badminton.
Nobody is playing a sport.
Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass.
Three dogs are playing on the grass.
Three dogs are swimming in an aquarium.
Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass.
Three dogs are playing on the grass.
Three dogs are swimming in an aquarium.