I am trying to put together a database for recruiting employees. Is there a way to have multiple pieces of information contained in one field? For example one table contains a list of open positions. Another table contains a list of job applicants. Can I have, for example, the form show that 51 applicants have applied for the position? How can I do this
The key to good database design is to keep a field definition discrete. One field, or column in a table, should mean only one thing. A table should be something which can be identified and described by its columns. You have a table for applicants, which must show what position is applied for, and a table for positions, which must have the position-name as a column -- probably its unique identifier for each row. Position_applied_for and Open_Position_Name should match, so your data entry form for applicants should have a drop-down list of open positions for the column position-applied-for. (If you allow free-form data entry on that column, the value won't likely match the open-position-name in your table of open positions.) With the assurance that you can match on the name of the open position, you can create a view such as "select count (applicant_name) from applicant_table where position_applied_for = 'Secretary';" Or you can populate a list of open-positions and the number of applicants for each by leaving out the "where" clause.
Does anyone know of a clear screen function built into pascal?
There are no functions built into the language to clear the screen... but all compilers will include units for handling the screen.\n\nIt's clrscr in Turbo Pascal but you may need to use the correct unit at the top--- add "uses crt" to get access to that and other screen manipulation routines.
If two planes left the equator on round trips, one heading east, one west, would one arrive back at their point of departure before the other because of the rotation of the earth? Assume that there is no wind or other variables. Thanks Much!
I agree with Flive. - The earth's rotational speed only comes into play if you are launching a spacecraft out of the atmosphere and into orbit. That's why all manned space flights have been launched from west to east, gives them an extra 1,000 mph head start. But within the atmosphere it makes no difference which direction you fly (assuming no wind).
If you were fooling around with someone and some clothes ended up being removed and you found out that they self harmed, how would you react? Would you just ignore it or would you ask them about it?\n\nI have a lot of scars on my legs and I ended up in a situation where a male friend saw them and I got really upset about it and he kept asking me about them and why I did it and I'm scared that I will have to keep explaining it for the rest of my life now because the scars will never go away.
Firstly well done for taking the steps that you have in dealing with this - I know that must have taken enormous courage. Don't give up because you have relapsed recently - just resolve to carry on trying. A lapse is not the end of the world and is the reality for most of us when we are changing behaviour (just ask a dieter or someone giving up smoking!). You don't owe anyone an explanation you don't want to give. Bio-Oil is really good at reducing the apperance of scars - Dr's and surgeons recommend it and you can buy it in pharmacies. Remember, most of us carry scars from our past, it's just that yours are more visible than some............
What about your attraction toward men and women is different??
If I am attracted to, or in love with a person, whether it be for looks, or personality or both. I am only attracted to that individual person and it makes absolutely no difference to me whether they are male or female. Call it greedy if ya like, I call it evolution!!
Who will u choose Frank Lampard or Christiano Ronaldo as a the sexiest man in World Cup 2006 or u have a others nominate?
Are they the only choice? Not my choice though. Why not try Raul or Luca Toni?
How long , would you consider waiting to have sex---> with someone that you really like? And , would you think badly of a girl that you felt gave it up too soon ? What amount of time do you feel , is respectable to have sexual relations after hooking up?
If it is someone I really like I would wait as long as they wanted. It would totally be her decision and I wouldn't want to pressure her into doing something she doesn't want to do. If a girl wanted to give it up too soon I would ask her to wait, and think about what she was doing, to make sure it is what she really wanted. I wouldn't want her to regret it later. I think that at least a month should go by without sexual relations as a minimum if it is someone you really like. Anything less and either her or I would regret it.
If I'm permanent resident from United States, can I get married and bring my future husband to live here and get a valid work authorization for him??\n\nThanks,
You may not do this as a permanent resident -- only as a U.S. citizen. The only thing you can do now (should you get married) is apply for an immigrant visa for him and then wait several years. In the meantime, he would not be able to come here, nor obtain work authorization.\n\nThe fastest way for him to get here is either (1) you naturalize and petition for a spouse's visa for him which would allow him to come here, get a work authorization, and apply for his green card, or (2) he immigrates on his own accord.\n\nGood luck!
in their heart of hearts secretly support killings by terrorists in the name of their ALLAH BULLAH?
Yes they do. Those muslims (and christians for that matter) are quite sick in the head.
when i am in love, 'I' want to be with the person bcos 'I' love him.bcos 'I' like everything about him,'I' like what he does to me,how he behaves with me.'I' cannot love some one who treats me badly.living vwith this person makes 'ME' happy.when it is 'I' and 'me' every where isn't love selfish.isn't it how we all feel.
The very fundamental thing we find in love is being liked and be very comfortable in a relation. And this act of mutually impressing each other may not be perpetual. This is where the discretion about true love comes. Its not really necessary that the person who gets irked or infuriated makes you feel not loved. Its the amount of our own patience and understanding we offer in return to his or her mood swings. Sounds tough... But believe me... Its the only way to retain and preserve love. Though love is generated from heart and definitely must not be a product of brain... one must not ignore the subtle hints given by brain too. Not to interpret the cautions in a negative way but to protect our loved one from possible errors and fallacies. Love is a strenuous journey if it needs to be navigated though impatience and misunderstanding. But at the end of the day if one believes that we truly love someone.... any sacrifice offered to make them happy is worthy of all those cherished moments we experienced and enjoyed with that person.
who is a real and true mets fan and not a fair weather fan??? i kno 4 a fact im a true mets fan
I am. Those people who only support the Mets only when they're winning really piss me off. They dare to call themselves Mets fans. I know some people who made fun of the Mets last year but they're bragging to everyone that they're Mets fans, now.
1. How do you make sure you are the best at what you do?\n\n2. Why do you think you could you be the Face of this company?
1. Are you talking to me?\n\n2. Well I don't see anyone else here so I guess you must be talking to me ?\n\n(with apologies if I haven't got the quote exactly right)
i've got a nice personality,and money, would you date me??\nyou do recognize me of course, also i'm quite famous..
if you had a nice personality yes but i dont care about money or being famous or anything like that.
Okay I havemuscular legs, but I want thin model legs. How can I get this?
You should be happy with what you've got. Muscular legs on girls are sexy. Much more attractive than skinny model legs!
im sad that i like there new song \n\n\n\n\nhis hair looks liek shit tho haha
yeah, I think they all look like idiots, but I like their new song.
how do you know when a girl loves(in my case teen&me too}
You have to know what love means first.If you are both teens then set out to know and understand what love is.Then you will know if the girl loves you or if you love her or not.Good luck as you search!!!!!
I have been on birth control since my son was born, 4 years ago, and for 3 of those years I was on the ortho evra patch. I took it off 2 months ago because i want to have another baby. How long will it take until my cycle is normal again and does it take awhile to get pregnant after coming off BC?
mine became normal within a month......and since you've been on for 3 years...probably take a few more months to get pregnant..\nit's pretty low dose.
Body: Sagittarius - i have great lips to kiss! \nBody: Gemini - i'm a lover not a hater\nCancer - Im the wifey/hubby type\nLeo - I f*** like no other!\nVirgo-I'm the best at sex!!!\nLibra -I'm great in bed!\nScorpio - I'm sexy as hell\nSagittarius - i have great lips to kiss!\nTaurus - I f**** better than you\nCapricorn -I can have sex all night LONG!\nAquarius - I can make u love me\nPisces - I'm a turtle!!\nAries -i love sex
Capricorn - I can have sex all night LONG, but can make love for lifetime :D with the one I love (of course).
my taskmanager is so weird...i have xp and every time i try and open it, nothing happens, i went to system32 and tried to open it...it said another program is using this file....i think i got hacked...i have had this problem almost one week after i reformated my windows every time i reformat.....i dont even care...i just need it to change the thread priority of a proccess...sigh....n e ideas?
some kind of virus blocking access\n\nWhen you open System Configuration Utility [MSCONFIG], Registry Editor or Task Manager, they flash for a second and quit. This symptom is caused by Viruses. These three are important system utilities which the viruses target.\n\nhttp://windowsxp.mvps.org/ToolsQuit.htm\n\nResolution Method \nClick Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better - Copy and paste)\n\n\nREG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\\nWindows\\nCurrentVersion\Policies\\nSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
is the best flavor of jolly rancher watermelon?
Watermelon is very good... but I like sour apple... don't tell Dane I don't want him to stab me! p.s. he's also totally right about how there's one person in every group of friends that nobody really likes.
Im receiving lots of spam mails in my inbox.These mails are supposed to be in the bulk folder what can I do about it???I have received well over 100 emails today.I really need help.\nMy spam filter is turned on.I have checked everything to know whats gone wrong but everything seemms normal.
check ur spam filter and make sure it deletes all spam the go to ur inbox and select all spam and spam it then those emails won't repeat unless u suscribed to then u have to unsuscribe
Tim Burton had previously announced a new movie called Believe it or Not based on the life of Robert Ripely. I was anxious to see it, even if it was to premire in 2008. Then, production was put on hold. Does anyone know why or if the movie will ever be made??
premire is in 2009. Tim Burton set it aside temporarily to work on the musical Sweeny Todd
Why is "football" (soccer) so popular in the UK? All the time not just right now w/ FIFA? In the US no one cares about it and I don't know anyone who watched FIFA. We have soccer teams here at schools but football, basketball, and volleyball are way more popular. Does anyone know why it's so huge there? Do a lot of people there play it or watch it?
Football was developed in England. In fact, the UK has invented more sports than any other country in the world.\n\nAs to why its so popular, that is something of a social phenomenon, but a lot of the teams were developed from low income area - Arsenal was developed from the military depot in London, Blackburn Rovers was developed by old members of Blackburn Grammar school. In its early days, because of the low cost involved in watching the matches, and the limited time (all matches pretty much finish in under 2 hours, including stopages), it became very popular with the working class - mill workers, factory workers, general labourers, who did not have a great deal of disposable income or a lot of leisure time, so would go to watch a match to "escape" from the reality of their lives.\n\nOh, and its not just the UK. It is very popular in all European countries (Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland and France all have great domestic leagues), is very popular in Africa (with the emergence of more and more world class African footballers), and is amazingly popular in South America (Brazil is pretty much always the best team in the world, and Argentina is always up there amongst the best). America is pretty unique in not having a massive following in football. It is about the only country to show any major interest in "Grid Iron" (American football) or Baseball (both developed from UK sports - rugby and rounders). Basketball is pretty popular in countries like Greece, and volleyball is quite popular in a lot of warm countries - but the UK is just too cold for it.\n\nBasically, football is the number one sport in the world - more people watch it than any other sport, and it has a lot more money involved in it in total than any other sport. The football world cup is a true world cup, with countries from around the world participating, as opposed to the world series, which involves a team from America versus, erm, a team from America...
I'm sorry i don't understand why people are so stupid, particularly the far left. When i watch fox news and see people like Cindy Shehen (sry if spelled wrong) urgeing people to desert, and read some of these blogs on here it's amazing (in a bad way). If her son was here I prommis you he wouldn't like what she is doing. I don't understand what is so hard to understand why we are in Iraq. They posed a huge threat. Iraq had WMDs or the at least meens of making them, and if Saddam had them there is no question that he would use them on us or our alies. Iraq is 437,072sq. km, a little more then twice the size of Idaho. They could be hidden in schools, underground, hospitals, peoples houses, or even have been shipped to other counrties. Could you find them? 3 of the best intellagence agencys in the world said Iraq had them...the Brittish, Russians, and us. Empty chemical warheads were found, as well as an artilery shell filled with sarin gas, and another with traces of mustard gass.
It's because people believe the liberal media's antiwar message that they have been putting out since 911 to sway public oppinion against the war. Add in a dose of several well put together, but poorly researched conspiracy theories and you get a reciepe that makes bleeding hearts and peaceniks think that the US Government is conspiring against them. \n\nThanks for doing your part in helping to spread the truth. You are a true American. \n\nAnd if you have not seen this yet check it out\nhttp://www.iraqitruthproject.com/
I am thinking of a way to help promote and sell a product I own I think I can accomplish big sales by offering access to a secured website I own to download and watch movies for free for 30 days.\n\nSo how would I go about getting the rights to let customers watch movies for free on my website. Oh yea it will all be adult content.
Obviously someone's sadly mistaken thinking there's nothing illegal about it. In order to get the license you will have to contact the studio that produces the video. They'll discuss the pricing (if they're even willing) with you. You can then agree or disagree. One point to make though is they will require you use sometime of software to ensure the video is not seen after the time period allowed.
Q: What did the blonde customer say after reading the buxom waitress' nametag? \nA: "'Debbie'...that's cute. What did you name the other one?''
To answer your question, no more jokes, please
how do we ever get over losing a baby cause i just lost one and dont quite know how to cope with it at all
That is so sad, I feel for you. It is a traumatic experience. You will get through it but grieving is different for everyone. Stay strong and try your best to stay busy and let this run it's course.Bless you.
Are the Brazillians looking crap, or my imagination, they are Playing a inferior side, (Sorry in advance to the aussies for that statement, but it's true isn't it)this rate even England could beat them, (well maybe not)
i dont think brazil are playing at their best, but i think all the lower ranked teams are having a real go in this world cup. aus played quite well but we all now that brazils defence isn't the best in the world. i think offensively brazil havn't been at their best but this maybe just because they havn't played any big teams. i think when they play some of the bigger teams such as england, italy germany etc uboth teams will go out there to score goals. the 2 teams brazil have played so far have been quite defensive so its been quite difficult for brazil. i think wither argentina or spain will win it tho
Free online NO DOWNLOAD baseball games\nbest answer to best game
mini-clips has a baseball game.\n\nit's free and no download.\n\nIt's not very good though.
hell damned drama teachers i tell ya you cant please any of them i dont get why she doesnt like me \ndo you have to be an in your face pantomime character to be noticed in the acting world?
She does like you, she just might critisize you because the other person in your group left...lol!\nYou don't look at all the other actors e.g. Magnus Sheving, etc all the famous people....
...the meaning of theory/hypothesis...\n...and also the mening of impact extinction hypothesis...
A hypothesis is a suggested explanation of a phenomenon or reasoned proposal suggesting a possible correlation between multiple phenomena. The term is derived from the ancient Greek, hypotithenai meaning "to put under" or "to suppose." A scientific hypothesis must be testable and generally will be based upon previous observations or extensions of scientific theories.
We are planing to have our wedding out at the lake and, we are planning to go with a Hawaiian theme! I was wondering do I get a formal dress and what does the groom wear to match? I don't want a big dress.
That type of wedding is perfect for a "destination" gown. If you desire something simple, sleek, and elegant without being cumbersome, then check that genre of gowns out. If you don't want to spend an arm and a leg, check out the line of destination gowns from Dessy, Kathryn LaCroix, and Mori Lee Voyage. If you require and elegant and luxurious silk fabric, Winnie Couture and www.lvirginia.com have some wonderful silk gowns. the brides I have put in an L. Virginia all comment about the simple elegance and the fact they feel like they would love to curl up and go to sleep in them! (note: Virginia's gowns can be found in her "a-line" and "sheaths" section.) As far as the groom, a nice linen pair of slacks topped with a light, flowing linen shirt (untucked) would be a great touch.
The View that Star Jones is quitting in July, have an opinion on that, with the exception of I don't care, what is your opinion?
I don't care either. I like Meridith, but the rest can all quit!
Is it wrong or right or shall i say okay, for a women to ask a man for his hand in marriage, and how long do you think she hould wait until she proposes marriage to him???? I mean we are in the 2006's these days!!1
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking a guy to marry you...just make sure, like a man does, that there is a 99% chance you will get a "yes" to the question. And, be prepared to say C ya in the small chance that he says "no, not at this time." I assume you have been going together for a long period of time, that all is well, and it is time to get married. Go for it. It has been done for 100's of years, not just today.
Mine was a doll I called Wiggle Worm
Well when I was growing up I had eight siblings...six older than myself. I didn't have anything long enough to hold as my favorite toy. I started collecting little things..tiny figures from a cracker jack box...the toys in a Frito bag...little stuff. Those were my toys..one day I found a little flat rock...I drew a face on it..with my collection of "toys" I invented a family of sorts..The rock was gramps. I eventually lost all my collection except for gramps..to this day I still have him. It's been about 40 years...gramps is still with me.
does anybody know any ways to loose weight quick and healthy
Healthy weight loss is never quick. If you lose weight too fast, you will regain all of it and then some. You should never lose more than 2 pounds per week. You haven't said...how much weight do you want to lose?\n\nAvoid fried, fatty foods. Stick with lots of vegies and fresh fruit. Avoid regular sodas and fast foods. Drink lots of water and be sure to exercise at least 3 times a week. Eat smaller meals (smaller portions) but eat something every 3 hours to prevent hunger pangs..for example: breakfast, snack (piece of fruit), lunch, snack (piece of fruit or fresh vegies), dinner, snack.
does any body know the first ever website published on the internet
the first ever web site was http://www.cern.ch
Why do liberals seem to hate him so much. I watch his show and he constantly criticizes anyone,including Republicans when he feels they do something wrong. He goes after judges in order to protect children, speaks up on issues that the left , or any sane person should agree with most of the time. is it just that the Libs do not watch the show and simply follow mindlessly what their leaders say?
Well, for one thing, he claims to love this country, but what he really means is that he loves those in this country who kow-tow to his thinking, and he relegates anyone who disagrees with him to be no different than UBL.\n\nThis is a guy who said on national radio that because San Francisco residents had the sheer temerity to vote for something he didn't like, that Al Queda would be welcome to blow up the city. Last time I looked, San Francisco was part of the US, just as much as Kansas or Wisconsin. He says that people who want peace are traitors, but he is the one calling in strikes on US citizens.\n\nHe's arrogant, he lies incessently, and he has no tolerance for anyone who dares to disagree or, worse, tell him he is wrong.\n\nIf ever was a case for limits on the First Amemdment, it's him and his personal lap dog, Ann Coulter.
Hey why do most guys act like they care about you sooo much then dump you and act like they couldn't care less about how it made you feel and they want call and appligize when they know they're wrong?
even if you feel the guy is wrong it doesn't mean he does. guys do not like to admit it even if we are wrong so face it if we mess up getting us to admit is almost impossible to do.
where 2 go 4 chattin wid unknown people
hey miss you have to go \n\nICQ, or Jabber or Yahoo!! or AOL\n\nBUT BUT BUT\nask this question to else....... not in this section.... ask in family and friends......\n\nreally sorry my friend ........... but plz keep this thing in your mind coz you will get better answer tehre for this type of questions...... what ever my frined....... \nenjoy\nand once more sorry if i hurt you.
I want need to increas sales for my home based business I currently own 1,000 dvds I bought threw retail outlets in my area and I was thinking if I started a website that I could host all my dvds on and any customer that buys my product I will give them access to watch my movies for free for 30 days or for a year whatever. this is like a free gift if you buy my product at reqular price. \n\nNow if I do this for my customers only is their any copyright laws involved and if their is no way around them does anyone know were I can buy movie title that I legally can show for free.
You cannot broadcast videos you purchased for home use by any means, including online. It is illegal without paying the licensing fee, which you would have to negotiate with the distributor of each title.
My fiance and I want to have a small wedding in the Keys and when we told our family they all went crazy. her mom says that she cannot afford the hotel and gas, my father wants his wife to come but it is for immediate family only and she is not part of my family. This is how we want our wedding but this is not how we want our family to react. what do we do???
I actually experienced this myself. When my hubby & I wanted to go away to get married (inviting close family of course), everyone was cool with it but my mother and his father said he wouldn't pay to go. After a few months of stress, I GAVE IN and had a bigger wedding here that everyone convienced me I would never forgive myself for not having....IT ENDED UP BEING THE MOST STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE! Everyone had some sort of problem with something we were doing/not doing & we were paying for it! I about snapped. The first thing my hubby told me on the plane to our honeymoon was "You were RIGHT, we should have gone away!" We ended up not talking to anyone for about a month after we got back. I mean we would say hi and all, but we weren't going out of our way to call...sort of a cooling off period! Do yourself a favor....follow what YOUR heart says. Its amazing how such a wonderful event brings out the worst in everyone. People can be so selfish! GL to you and Best Wishes! My vote is for an elopement! ;-)
"Sir, you are drunk"!\nThe reply was " Madame you are ugly, when I wake up in the morning I will be sober, but you will still be ugly"
Churchill, to Bessie Braddock.\n\n\nBessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.” \n\nChurchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.” \n\n\n\nChurchill did have words with Lady Astor. Here's one exchange: \n\n\nNancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.”\n\nChurchill: “If I were your husband I would take it.” \n\n\n\nSource, and for more Churchill quips: "The Greatest Winston Churchill Quotes," \n\nat:\n\nhttp://www.arches.uga.edu/~jpetrie/bulldog.html
what he has said in his interviews about his family background. it is very interesting to me because i am also a pathan
yes my friend he is real Pathan with his full name Irfan Khan Pathan.So enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!
Chamillionaire - Ridin\nLil Jon - Snap ya Fingers\nYoung Dro - Shoulder Lean\nT.I. - Why You Wanna\nKhaled - Holla At Me Baby\nCherish - Do It To It\nKanye West - Drive Slow\nNe-Yo - Sexy Love\nChris Brown - Poppin\nChris Brown - Gimme That\nClipse- Mr. Me Too
Chamillionaire - Ridin definitely!
It was a competition, a guy led by one stroke. His competitor hit a good ball in the middle of the fairway very far. The leader then hit his drive pushing way right into the woods. They all walked towards the lead player's ball, and found it burried deep inside a dead crow's body laying on the ground. \nThe question is, can the leader lift, clean and place the ball without penalty, or does he play as it lies.
The first thing which has to be determined is whether the ball was in motion when it entered the crow or if it had come to rest and was moved by the crow.\n\nIf it was at rest, the bird is considered an "outside agency" by the rules. The player shall incur no penalty and the ball shall be replaced before the players plays another stroke\n\nIf the ball, while in motion, entered the crow, it is considered stopped by any outside agency, no penalty is incurred and the ball shall be played as it lies." \n\nSmash the crow!...or take one stroke penalty as unplayable lie and take a drop per the drop rule for an unplayable lie.\n\nHe cannot clean the ball if he is required to play it as it lies. If he takes an unplayable lie penalty, he may clean his ball.
what are the 4 types of coal? plz plz plz plz!!!!!! i need this for my homework
Types of Coal\nWe use the term "coal" to describe a variety of fossilized plant materials, but no two coals are exactly alike. Heating value, ash melting temperature, sulfur and other impurities, mechanical strength, and many other chemical and physical properties must be considered when matching specific coals to a particular application. \n\nCoal is classified into four general categories, or "ranks." They range from lignite through subbituminous and bituminous to anthracite, reflecting the progressive response of individual deposits of coal to increasing heat and pressure. The carbon content of coal supplies most of its heating value, but other factors also influence the amount of energy it contains per unit of weight. (The amount of energy in coal is expressed in British thermal units per pound. A BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.) \n\nAbout 90 percent of the coal in this country falls in the bituminous and subbituminous categories, which rank below anthracite and, for the most part, contain less energy per unit of weight. Bituminous coal predominates in the Eastern and Mid-continent coal fields, while subbituminous coal is generally found in the Western states and Alaska. \n\nLignite ranks the lowest and is the youngest of the coals. Most lignite is mined in Texas, but large deposits also are found in Montana, North Dakota, and some Gulf Coast states. \n\nAnthracite\nAnthracite is coal with the highest carbon content, between 86 and 98 percent, and a heat value of nearly 15,000 BTUs-per-pound. Most frequently associated with home heating, anthracite is a very small segment of the U.S. coal market. There are 7.3 billion tons of anthracite reserves in the United States, found mostly in 11 northeastern counties in Pennsylvania. \n\nBituminous\nThe most plentiful form of coal in the United States, bituminous coal is used primarily to generate electricity and make coke for the steel industry. The fastest growing market for coal, though still a small one, is supplying heat for industrial processes. Bituminous coal has a carbon content ranging from 45 to 86 percent carbon and a heat value of 10,500 to 15,500 BTUs-per-pound. \n\nSubbituminous\nRanking below bituminous is subbituminous coal with 35-45 percent carbon content and a heat value between 8,300 and 13,000 BTUs-per-pound. Reserves are located mainly in a half-dozen Western states and Alaska. Although its heat value is lower, this coal generally has a lower sulfur content than other types, which makes it attractive for use because it is cleaner burning. \n\nLignite\nLignite is a geologically young coal which has the lowest carbon content, 25-35 percent, and a heat value ranging between 4,000 and 8,300 BTUs-per-pound. Sometimes called brown coal, it is mainly used for electric power generation
is it ok 4 guys 2 be virgins?? i think its cool...how 'bout u?
Ghana vs USA\nCzech Republic vs Italy\nJapan vs Brazil\nCroatia vs Australia \n\nW D L ?
USA 2 Ghana 1\nCzech 2 Italy 2\nBrazil 2 Japan 1\nCroatia 3 Australia 1
im dying to know my boyfriend is a marine reservist he recently recieved papers to show up he doesnt know where they are sending him or how long tell me how long on the average are they away?? we guess it will be iraq but arnt sure .
Well, I am not exactly sure. My boyfriend is a Marine, and he's in Iraq for eight months. I think it all depends on what part of the Marines they are in.
Me and my partner were getting on really well but before i met him he got into a bit of trouble is now in prison he is due out in november but about 4 weeks ago he said that it is not fair on me haning about for him, and for me to get on with my lifebecause he wont know how he feels when he gets out but before he went away he said we would get through this and he always promised he would want to come straight back to me when getting out. we got on so well an dloved each other so much and i still do what should i do
November is NOT that far off... he's probably just trying to be "noble" or else he's afraid you want to give up and wants to beat you to it under the theory that it will hurt less if it was "his doing".\nIf you love him, stick it out, keep writing, keep visiting but don't press him about plans for the future.
Whats your top three for the SEC this year?
East: Florida, South Carolina, Georgia\n\nWest: LSU, Auburn, Arkansas\n\nLSU will win the conference this year, put something on it !!!\nAnd Arkansas is the most improved team in the country !!! BELIEVE ME... YOU'LL SEE !!!
what is the difference between a radiologist and a radiology technician?How long does a radiologist have to go to school?I am interested in becoming a radiologist but i don't know how many years i have to go to school for.Thank you for your help!
I believe the tech prepares everything and actually does the procedure. The radiologist reads the x-rays and determines the diagnosis.
Can you give me a runover of how to play football with friends, not exactly the professional way
Here's some ideas:\n1. You should have at least 4 people on a side to have a decent game going. \n2. If you have uneven teams, it's usually best to nominate the best passer as the "all-time quarterback", and this person will be the quarterback for both teams.\n3. Designate an area large enough that there is room for people to run, but not so large that players are too spread out. (The size of the field is often determined by the number of players - more players, bigger field). The area should be roughly rectangular, with markers for the end zones and sidelines.\n4. If there are only a few people (8-10), you should use a smaller field and each team should start from just outside their own goal line (so they have to go the whole length of the field to score).\n5. At the beginning of an offensive series, a team should have 4-5 plays(downs) to get the ball into the end zone. For larger numbers of players & larger fields, you can also designate the midfield line as a first-down marker, so the offense can reset their number of downs after passing this point.\n6. If you don't have flags, two-hand touch is usually the best way to go. With two-hand touch, a play ends when the ballcarrier is touched by any defender with both hands (not just one).\n7. The quarterback usually starts each play by holding the ball at the line of scrimmage, while the rest of the team is spread out at the line, waiting for the quarterback to move or say "hike", a term often used to start a play.\n8. Since blocking isn't used, there should be a delay before any defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage & chase the quarterback. After the play has begun, any defensive player who intends to chase the quarterback should call out a count loudly (usually to 5 seconds). After reaching the end of the 5 second count, the defensive player is free to chase the quarterback. \n9. Only one forward pass may be made on each play.\n10. After a player has been two-hand touched by a defender, the play stops and the next play begins from that point on the field. \n11. After one team scores, the other team is given the possession of the ball and gets the opportunity to go on offense.\n12. A point total should be determined ahead of time and the game should continue until one team has reached the total (I usually play to 7 touchdowns). However, to be fair, each team should have an equal number of offensive opportunities. If both teams continually score on each other and both teams reach 7 points after 7 offensive chances, you should continue play until one team scores without the other team matching that point in the next possession.\n\nThese are all suggestions, but feel free to modify the game however best suits the people who are playing it. That's the beauty of backyard football - it can be however you want it!
Dear fellow sweet charioteers. Heres a repeat question but i think its one we should be asking. Wilkinson when fit, should he be our no 10, or should we let hodgson carry on? I personally dont rate hodgson at all. I think we are putting faith into him cause wilkinson is still in recovery mode. What do you lot think?
Hodgson is not fit to wear the shirt, he is crap with the boot and so inconsistant it hurts, at international level, you need to know what your going to get.
will you be my friend, I only have three?\n\nhttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=80181035
i added you!!! i only had 4
Me an my boy friend were arguing ova something so stupid!!! he must of got really mad an he hit me across my face!!!! i was shocked an he did it perposelly i dont no wat to do should i get mad at him or should i be calm about it all?? is it ok??
tell him that waht he did was wrong and it hurt you both physically and emotionally. make sure you do this in a place where there are people around you just in case he gets mad again. if he dosent apologise...get rid of him. you dont want to be in a hurtful relationship do you?
when you love someone but they are not on the same progress page as you
You stay and work on it until it happens,which it doesn't sound like it will.OR you move on to better yourself with someone who wants the same things in life that you do.
Can anyone tell me a little about The Masons or The Eastern Stars, or where to find more information?
Masons have traditionally held a moratorium on any information about what they do. In the past few decades, however, they've been much more open about their lodge practices. The specific rituals and teachings of higher-level Freemasonry are still secret.\n\nThe Freemasons are a fraternal secret society with no organized central leadership. Each lodge is its own governing body, but different lodges tend to recognize one another. The teachings of Freemasonry are moral and philosophical in nature, relying heavily on architecture and construction techniques as symbols for intellectual enlightenment. There are only three requirements to become a Mason. The applicant must be male, must believe in God (not necessarily the Judeo-Christian god; any god will do), and must openly and freely request membership from an existing member. Freemasons stress the importance of free will in the application process and will not accept applicants that they believe are joining out of a desire for material gain.\n\nThe origins of Freemasonry are shrouded in mystery, but many historians believe that the organization was formed by surviving members of the Knights Templar. The Templars were a group of crusading knights formed in 1118 and devoted to protecting Christians on pilgrimages to Jerusalem. They developed some of the first modern banking systems and became a very wealthy organization. In 1307, King Philip the IV of France accused the Templars of all sorts of heretical crimes, arrested as many of them as possible, tortured them until they "confessed", and had them burned at the stake. At the time, France was engaged in a costly war with England and had taken large loans out from the Templar banks. With the death and dissolution of the Templars, Philip eliminated a lot of debt and was able to seize large amounts of land that had been owned by the order. According to some historians, the few members of the Order that survived began meeting in secrecy and formed a brotherhood that later evolved into modern Freemasonry.\n\nThe Order of the Eastern Star is the world's largest fraternal organization open to both men and women. They are closely allied with the Masons. Men must be master Masons in order to join. Women must be either the daughter, widow, wife, sister, niece, sister-in-law or mother of a master Mason, or be an adult member of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. The IORG is a youth service organization for girls, allied with the Masons.\n\nI think wittylildevil is right. If you want to know more about the Masons, contact a local Masonic lodge. Most of them will be happy to give you some information on who they are and what they do.
1) tunisia or saudi arabia (2)Germany or Poland?
Germany! And Tunisia I guess...
A giraffe or a penguin?
Penguin, the giraffe's head is to high to even see the little bugger, the penguin could be fighting him without the giraffe ever even seeing him, it would be like the giraffe was in a fight with a ghost. Go little guy!
are you happy that iTALLY won?! i am!!!
YES!!! GO ITALY!!! I Am So GlAd ItAlY WoN!!YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!I Am VeRy HaPpY!!!!!!!!
Whenever I go on a diet I just suddenly stop because I get bored with it and I wanna eat junk food theres just comfort in junk food I guess.What can I do to stick to my diet?
People are funny animals. Tell us we can't have something and immediately, that's what we want more than anything else in the world. \nThe trouble with too many diets is they mostly deny us things. You can't eat this, you can't have that, you can't enjoy the other. But really, unless you are allergic to something, there is no reason why you have to completely exclude things from your diet. Including junk food. \nThe secret is to give yourself little treats from time to time. Then you won't want to chuck the whole diet. Just don't eat the amounts of junk food you used to. \nDo you have any idea how long it can take to nibble your way through ten potato chips? Especially when you really savour the crunch and take the time to let the salty taste linger on your tongue, instead of just gorfing them down. \nChocolate bars are great. You can cut your favorite in quarters, then slice one quarter into thin little wafers and freeze the other three quarters to have on three other occasions. Again, really taste that little wafer of chocolate. Let it melt in your mouth and dribble down your throat, carrying its little load of sweetness all the way. \nThat's the way you're going to think about junk food from now on. Not as 'junk' to be consumed mindlessly, by the boxful, but as 'treat' food, something very special, that you have on special occasions and enjoy fully. After all, you wouldn't have champagne every night, would you?\nAnyway, that's my secret for sticking to a diet, and I hope it works for you.
does anyone know wonderful sites for yaoi???
try aarinfantasy.com you can go sign up free in the forms and are able to acess fanfiction, games, anime of even the closest slashable kind, manga and doujinshi, novels, music...anything and everything you can ever dream of from a yaoi site. plus they have regular contests you can enter.
So today at 3:30 in the morning I had to get up to take my boyfriend to the airport, after finally falling asleep at midnight. I woke up this morning with my stomach feeling like it was in a knot. I took him to the airport, when I got there I felt like I had the runs coming home. I dont like to go number 2 in a public bathroom so I was able to hold it until I got home. I came home and i let it out! hehe. My stomach still feels a little uneasy. I drank some water and had a pop tart to try and calm it. It kinda feels like Im so upset that my stomach is just blah.\n\nCould this just be my reaction to missing him already? *We normally spend every single day together and now Im going a week without seeing him....after he was in Kuwait for 4 months a year ago.*
Lack of sleep and your nerves. Try some pepto then have a cracker and sprite. GO TO BED......it'll be alright
They say I must be gay to look so good ,I care about my looks and I keep up on myself. I am 36 from socal
ummm well I dont know what you look like, let me see\nA pic, What do you think ??? And all that matter's is\nwhat you want and think anyway. That's great that you\nkeep up with you're self !!!!!
Could you post some Universities?
MBA is not Country specific but it is specific to Institution. Visit admissionglobal.com for top 10 institutions for MBA.
I want to save my file into some common format like pdf or a jpeg so that i can send it to people who dont have Autocad 2006 so that they also can veiw it without installing Autocad 2006. Most of my customers dont have Autocad 2006 and i end up taking a print and then faxing it to them. If there is a way plesae let me... thanks
file-save as and select other format
have you ever been doing something and thought... this would make a great movie! or something you were doing reminded you of something in a movie?
Practically every day.\n\nI quote movies, tv shows, and commercials in my every day conversations ... sometimes people get annoyed, but I can't help it.\n\nIf I could find the time (and the patience) to sit down and write, I could TOTALLY write a screenplay for a movie or a TV show.\n\nI can't remember things from my childhood, or what I had for dinner three nights ago, but I can quote a number of movies line for line.
Sandman is very extreme but ECW is making him look like a joke and putting him in matches with stupid characters........I'd like to see a fued between Kurt Angle and the Sandman.......\nWhat do u think???????????
I'm thinking that the Sandman wasn't in shape when first called back for ECW so they are giving him short matches to promote him where he doesn't have to exert himself too much until he can get back into shape. That is my theory anyhow, I remember when he went to WCW he was Big the most muscular I had ever seen him but now he is back to his thin self again. He has a marketable character either way though. The big matches will be better if he builds up some endurance again though.
who thinks it is bull shit john cena lost the title?i do
So do I it is all a bunch of crap as far as I am conserned it should be cena who one or he should get a another chance at it at vengance they should make it a thriple threat mtach Cena, edge, RVD
what was the importance of hammurabi's code, the twelve tables, and the justinian code.
The Code of Hammurabi was the first written law in the history of the world.\n\nThe 12 Tables were the first Roman Laws, which promoted the organization of public prosecution of crimes and instituted a system whereby injured parties could seek just compensation in civil disputes. These laws formed an important part of the foundation of all subsequent Western civil and criminal law.\n\nCode of Justinian was a compilation of all extant imperial constitutions from the time of Hadrian. It was the most comprehensive of the Laws, and from then on the sometimes contradictory case law of the past was subsumed into an ordered legal system.
I have switched to firefox recently as I had problems acessing sites with the other browsers. Using Safari for banking and IE for email. Just wanted to know what everyone is using now as I thought IE had fallen out of favour.
I still use IE but I'm thinking really seriously of switching to firefox too.\nNice picture ;)
Ok, I'm moving to Italy in a year and I was wondering if you can do background checks on people there? I live in Kentucky and aren't for sure if you can do that with people who live so far away, because I don't want to end up living with some one who is a convicted drug seller or something.
There are companies online that provide this service for employers so I'm sure there are places for regular consumers. \n\nI did a search and came up with a place I've listed below. I have done background checks on men I've gone to meet in other states.