The interviewer agrees with the governor's opinion on Bosnia.
I do, I do. The Persian Gulf, obviously. And Bosnia. And you have already talked about Kosovo. But the reverse side of the question, Governor, that Vice President Gore mentioned, 600,000 people died in Rwanda in 1994. There was no U.S. intervention, no intervention from the outside world. Was that a mistake not to intervene?
The author wants to make sure everyone gets along.
I do. I do think this, though. When it comes to timetables it can't be the United States timetable as to how discussions take place. It's got to be a timetable that all parties can agree to, like the Palestinians and Israelis. Secondly, any lasting peace is going to have to be a peace that's good for both sides. And therefore, the term honest broker makes sense. This current administration's worked hard to keep the parties at the table. I will try to do the same thing. But it won't be on my timetable, it will be on the timetable that people are comfortable with in the Middle East.
The senator's plan is in US dollars
In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about -- oh, never mind. Anyway, let me quote the Lewin report. The Lewin report is a group of folks who are not politically affiliated. They analyzed the senator's plan. It cost $1.2 trillion.
Not only Justice Breyer thinks the 1976 act would be unconstitutional.
Justice Breyer, under our theory as we've advanced it, you're right; the 1976 act would be unconstitutional. Whether this Court would apply such a holding in this case to that act is a question that would have to be resolved under the retrospective --
American workers make businesses money
That's not smart. I don't want American workers subsidizing the loss of their own job. And when I'm president, we're going to shut that loophole in a nanosecond and we're going to use that money to lower corporate tax rates in America for all corporations, 5 percent. And we're going to have a manufacturing jobs credit and a job hiring credit so we actually help people be able to hire here.
They call on parliament to amend the Criminal Code to ensure the right of all Canadians to die with dignity by allowing people with terminal, irreversible or debilitating illness the right to the assistance of a physician in ending their lives. This is called euthanasia.
They call on parliament to amend the Criminal Code to ensure the right of all Canadians to die with dignity by allowing people with terminal, irreversible or debilitating illness the right to the assistance of a physician in ending their lives at a time of their choice, subject to six strict safeguards to prevent abuse and to ensure that the decision is free, informed, competent and voluntary.
it is the meaning of constitutional restriction
That's got to mean something, and if it means that we are limited in our ability to agree with the Europeans as they continually expand the term in light of their own vision of what copyright is about, then that's the meaning of a constitutional restriction.
effective checks are necessary according to the speaker
That is speaking about as directly as I can to Motions Nos. 9 and 10. By tabling regulations in parliament and having the House of Commons or a committee subsequently pass them, we want to make sure an effective check is placed on ministers or departmental officials in terms of a bill to arbitrarily implement changes in the legislation.
Less than 30 Justices are mentioned in the text.
I submit, Justice Souter, that there's no per se limitation, that if there is, as Justice Scalia suggested, for -- if it is true that Congress,having specified 14 years or 28 years, decides that doesn't work very well because of the economies of other countries, the parade of constraints on artists in other countries, the reasons that we want things to be preserved or distributed, it should be 2 more years, or 5 more years later --
The president believes that it takes a lot of people to run an administration.
Having a hemisphere that is free for trade and peaceful is in our nation's interests. Strong relations in Europe is in our nation's interest. I've thought a lot about what it means to be the president. I also understand that an administration is not one person, but an administration is dedicated citizens who are called by the president to serve the country, to serve a cause greater than self, and so I've thought about an administration of people who represent all America, but people who understand my compassionate and conservative philosophy.
the Vice President exaggerates the truth.
New question. Last question. For you, Governor. And this flows somewhat out of the Boston debate. You, your running mate, your campaign officials have charged that Vice President Gore exaggerates, embellishes and stretches the facts, etcetera. Are you -- do you believe these are serious issues? This is a serious issue that the voters should use in deciding which one of you two men to vote for on November 7?
Stomping of sumo wrestlers is ceremonial
None of us will forget the images of sumo wrestlers stomping to drive out demons as the games began, of the glorious Ode to Joy and mass choirs and choruses around the world, of starry-night closing ceremonies and flower-laden horses, of floodlights dimming and thousands of paper lanterns becoming a shimmering sea of light.
The narrator is canadian
I am pleased to speak on this motion today, particularly since I drafted it two years ago as a result of some unfortunate circumstances in my home province of Saskatchewan but which could continue to have some importance as efforts to discover the extent of government's involvement in the APEC issue unfold.
The original law was snubbed.
General Olson has been perfectly clear in setting out the structure of the Government's argument. It is that there is no effective limit on Congress's power under the Copyright Clause. Now, were this the first time this Court had considered Congress's copyright authority, that might be a plausible argument, but the very first time this Court ever struck down a law of Congress as exceeding Article I, section 8 power was in the context of the Copyright Clause.
The agent hasn't viewed the books in question
There were a couple instances where friends of mine had tried to check on the status of the books in the library but were not permitted to go in at that time. So I am only assuming that those books are there now because I am being told that they are. But as for myself walking into a library and seeing them there, I did not.
The Deputy Premier of Quebec is concerned.
I too am very pleased to hear about the Bloc Quebecois' respect for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, particularly when, on September 29, 1994, the Deputy Premier of Quebec made a statement concerning a government employee to the effect that ``A diplomat representing Quebec abroad who is unable to present the aspect of Quebec reality that is our path toward sovereignty is not qualified for his job''.
events are related.
They leave all civility, take a cowardly gun and go to the neighbour's farmhouse, whose cousin is married to theirs, then murder the boy who could become a soldier, humiliate and renounce all sense of community, burn the home, steal the livestock, take any money from the victims and send the remaining souls, having lost all, on a foot journey into the unknown.
National attention is not our only goal when making sporting capitals.
It goes without saying that while we are building the infrastructure and building the reputation as one of the premier sporting capitals, not only nationally but internationally, part of the reason we are doing so is that we have high performance young athletes like Eric Daggett.
The Canadian government is responsible for education.
What Canadians have told us is that regardless of the fact that government is really responsible constitutionally for education, parents, grandparents and young people themselves want all governments to work together toward education and ensuring that every person who wants to get an education is not deprived of getting that education through colleges or universities or other institutions by virtue of the fact that they do not have any money.
There is no definitive solution to global warming.
I think it's an issue that we need to take very seriously. But I don't think we know the solution to global warming yet. And I don't think we've got all the facts before we make decisions. I tell you one thing I'm not going to do is I'm not going to let the United States carry the burden for cleaning up the world's air. Like Kyoto Treaty would have done. China and India were exempted from that treaty. I think we need to be more even-handed, as evidently 99 senators -- I think it was 99 senators supported that position.
The VA needs more money.
Now, maybe that explains why he hasn't fully funded the VA and the VA hospital is having trouble and veterans are complaining. Maybe that explains why Medicare patients are complaining about being pushed off of Medicare. He doesn't adequately fund it.
There will be open court this afternoon.
We expect an order that is consistent with our understanding of an agreement that we reached -- I will let it to you to address that. And my intention would not be to address this again in open court this afternoon. We would just move on. You have other witnesses, I assume, to present, and we can move through this. I'm simply saying I don't want wiggle room that we're waiting to see, because I've had that experience now before.
In order for the council of the first nation to be able to submit the land code to first nation members for approval, a verifier must begin by verifying that the proposed code does not violate the framework agreement
If the verifier determines that a proposed land code and a proposed community approval process of a first nation are in accordance with the Framework Agreement and this Act, the council of the first nation may submit the proposed land code and the individual agreement to the first nation members for their approval.
He wants to build up small community organizations
Well, I don't believe in command and control out of Washington, D.C. I believe Washington ought to set standards, but again I think we ought to be collaborative at the local levels and I think we ought to work with people at the local levels. And by the way, I just want to make sure -- I can't let him just say something and not correct it.
John Stewart is a modern person
There is no question that John Stewart has brought a powerful personal commitment to defining a realistic approach to our unending preoccupation with war and peace in the modern context, which, as he said in one of his early speeches in this house, sometimes tends to tire us out and foster a lack of will to persist in advancing that cause.
This is an opinion.
Even though Congress's pattern has been to treat all authors equally? I mean, the reason that it's been prospective and retrospective is that people should be, people who hold copyrights should be subject to the same regime and not have some people who got their copyrights the week before the law passed treated differently than people who got it the week after.
The governments did not support conspiracy theories
Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate the 50th anniversaries of both the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the founding of the State of Israel I would like to thank the government House leader and the House leaders of all parties for taking a principled stand on the issue of the holocaust denial.
they won't vote if only a single house is present.
Your Committee recommends that its quorum be fixed at seven (7) members, provided that both Houses are represented whenever a vote, resolution or other decision is taken, and that the Joint Chairmen be authorized to hold meetings to receive evidence and authorize the printing thereof so long as four (4) members are present, provided that both Houses are represented; and, that the Committee have the power to engage the services of such expert staff, and such stenographic and clerical staff as may be required.
legal matters is the topic of this
We have a copyright term that's consistent with the concept of the creator plus the creator's first generation heirs. We have a copyright term, remember, which supersedes the earlier copyright provisions that were added to the period between creation and publication, so that the limited number of years in the first, the 1790 and the 1831 statute were the number of years plus the relatively unlimited period of time between creation and publication, so we don't have anything remotely like that in this situation.
Asbestos is a hot topic according to this text.
I ask the Prime Minister, who is perhaps better informed, where the terrible threat would be to Canada, to the Canadian federation, in having Quebec representation in the asbestos dispute in the WTO, even if this is, in the eyes of the Quebec Liberal MPs, asking too much, since they are so used to making no demands?
The judges (who was addressed in the text as your honor) order implicates that they were addressed as fact witnesses
I interpret the order and the amended order to mean that Your Honor, in a sense, has addressed them as fact witnesses. I don't think you actually come out and use the word "fact witnesses," but as one reads the order, that's the implication. And you initially had indicated that you did not feel that the reporter's privilege stood in this kind of a case.
The aftermath of the conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina has caused the Bloc Quebecois to believe that a renewal of the SFOR mandate should be accompanied by increased support for the International Crime Tribunal.
The Bloc Quebecois believes that the renewal of the SFOR mandate in Bosnia-Hercegovina should be accompanied by increased support for the International Crime Tribunal, a more significant support for this international court, which is playing a fundamental role with regards to the aftermath of the conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
Take turns to be less argumentative.
I don't find it beyond the scope of direct. It's appropriate cross-examination. It's overruled on that basis. We're getting argumentative only because I think the witness and counsel are talking over each other. Each of you let the other finish before you start talking.
The leadership includes four individuals.
The leadership in advocating these Young Offenders Act reforms has been provided in particular by the hon. member for Crowfoot, the hon. member for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast, the hon. member for Surrey North, the hon. member for Langley-Abbotsford and many others of my colleagues.
Bill S-11 was created in order to prevent something from happening.
That notwithstanding Rule 27(3), the Order of the Day for the second reading motion of Bill S-11, An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable, a public bill, be now restored to the Order Paper , for the purpose of reviving the Bill.
The last speaker, who was a liberal member, was not supportive at all of the proposed bill, regardless of its merits
The Liberal member who just spoke is not going to support this bill and it really puzzles me why a member of the government, not just a member of the House, would stand up in this place, look the Canadian public in the eye by way of the television camera and say ``I will not support your having access to information about how we spend your tax dollars''.
They want to extend the period for charitable donations beyond 1982
Mr. Speaker, yesterday I wrote to the prime minister asking him whether his government would not see it appropriate to extend to the end of the month of January 1998 the period for charitable donations, to allow all charities in Canada a chance to solicit funds for the cause they defend given the postal strike we have just experienced.
The earthquake occurred on the fifth day of the week.
The 1989 Newcastle earthquake occurred in Newcastle, New South Wales on Thursday, 28 December. The shock measured 5.6 on the Richter magnitude scale and was one of Australia's most serious natural disasters, killing 13 people and injuring more than 160. The damage bill has been estimated at A$ 4 billion (including an insured loss of about $1 billion).
Fredrik Herman Gade is younger than Gerhard Gade.
Fredrik Herman Gade was born at Frogner Manor near Christiania (now Oslo), Norway. He was a son of United States consul Gerhard Gade (1834–1909) and his American-born wife Helen Allyne. He was a brother of John Allyne Gade, a nephew of Fredrik Georg Gade, Sr and a first cousin of Herman Gerhard Gade and Fredrik Georg Gade, Jr.
Harold Homer Chase played for the Highlanders as a 25 year old.
Harold Homer Chase (February 13, 1883 – May 18, 1947), nicknamed "Prince Hal", was a first baseman and manager in Major League Baseball, widely viewed as the best fielder at his position. During his career, he played for the New York Highlanders (1905–1913), Chicago White Sox (1913–1914), Buffalo Blues (1914–1915), Cincinnati Reds (1916–1918), and New York Giants (1919).
Xbox 360 applications do not need to be stored on the console's hard disk drive.
Xbox 360 applications are non-game software applications designed to run on the Xbox 360 platform. Xbox 360 applications can either be stored on the console's hard disk drive or on a USB flash drive. Often, an Xbox Live Gold membership is also required to access some applications, as well as subscriptions correspondent to the applications. Some of these applications are country specific.
Nagasa District was created more than 1 million seconds ago.
Nagasa District was one of the four districts created in former Awa Province on April 1, 1889. Much of the area of the district was part of the former Hanabusa Domain. At the time of its foundation, the district consisted of two towns (Kamogawa and Amatsu) and nine villages. On April 1, 1897, Nagasa District was merged into Awa District, Chiba.
The Axis of Perdition could have released more albums after Tenements (of the Anointed Flesh), but they have not.
Tenements (of the Anointed Flesh) is the fourth and final studio album by British industrial black metal band The Axis of Perdition. It was released on May 2, 2011, on Code666 Records. Dan "Storm" Mullins could not play drums on this album due to a broken arm so drums were programmed.
The subs were built for the Italian Navy, but maybe not by the Italian Navy.
The Toti class were submarines built for the Italian Navy in the 1960s. They were the first submarines designed and built in Italy since World War II. These boats were small and designed as "hunter killer" anti-submarine submarines. They are comparable to the German Type 205 submarines and the French Aréthuse class submarines.
Associated Newspapers purchased the sun
The Sun was an afternoon tabloid newspaper, first published under this name in 1910. It was acquired from Associated Newspapers by Fairfax Holdings in Sydney, Australia in 1953, as the afternoon companion to "The Sydney Morning Herald". The former Sunday edition, the "Sunday Sun" was discontinued and merged with the "Sunday Herald" into the tabloid "Sun-Herald" at the same time.
Phillip Douglas Coke was a pirate
Phillip Douglas Coke (born July 19, 1982) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Orix Buffaloes of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB). He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers, Chicago Cubs, Toronto Blue Jays, and Pittsburgh Pirates.
The TWA used to be known as the SMWA.
The Texas Wrestling Academy (formerly known as The Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy) is a professional wrestling training school that was operated by Shawn Michaels and Rudy Boy Gonzalez. The school has produced many well-known wrestlers such as Daniel Bryan, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Lance Cade, Shawn Hernandez, Matt Bentley and Milano Collection A.T.
Germany was known as Deutsches Reich longer than it was known as Weimar Republic.
Weimar Republic (German: "Weimarer Republik" ] ) was an unofficial, historical designation for the German state between 1919 and 1933. The name derives from the city of Weimar, where its constitutional assembly first took place. The official name of the state was "Deutsches Reich"; it had remained unchanged since 1871. In English the country was usually known simply as Germany.
A historic, man made swimming pool located in the Colorado River has the comical nickname of "Deep Eddy".
Deep Eddy Pool is a historic, man-made swimming pool in Austin, Texas. Deep Eddy is the oldest swimming pool in Texas and features a bathhouse built during the Depression era by the Works Progress Administration. The pool began as a swimming hole in the Colorado River, became a resort in the 1920s, and is today a popular swimming pool operated by the City of Austin.
Robin Rimbaud came out of the womb in 1964.
Robin Rimbaud (born 1964) is an electronic musician who works under the name Scanner due to his use of cell phone and police scanners in live performance. He is also a member of the band Githead with Wire's Colin Newman and Malka Spigel and Max Franken from Minimal Compact.
The central hall cannot hold (10,014+1) people for basketball games.
Bilbao Arena is an indoor arena in the neighbourhood of Miribilla in Bilbao, Spain. The central hall can hold up to 10,014 people for basketball games. The central hall is also used for concerts and other kinds of shows. The facilities also include swimming pools and gymnasiums for the use of the local residents.
Joan and Andre Agassi played tennis together in Arizona.
Joan Manel Balcells Fornaguera (born 20 June 1975) is a retired professional tennis player from Spain. He won one ATP Tour singles title in his career and reached the final in Scottsdale in 2002 (losing to Andre Agassi) and the semifinals in 2000 Heineken Open losing to Michael Chang.
it ran for more than 10 years
The British Chess Variants Society (or BCVS) was an association of chess variant players and developers active between 1997 and 2010. The Society took over publication of "Variant Chess", a chess variant magazine which had been published since 1990; the magazine ceased publication with the dissolution of the Society.
Chris Collins used to visit Duke campus.
Christopher Ryan Collins (born April 19, 1974) is an American basketball player and coach from Northbrook, Illinois. He is currently the head coach at Northwestern University. Collins previously served as associate head coach of the Duke University men's basketball team and is the son of National Basketball Association (NBA) player, coach, and commentator Doug Collins.
The structure has celebrated its centennial.
The National Australia Bank is a heritage-listed bank building at 61 Churchill Street, Childers, Bundaberg Region, Queensland, Australia. It was designed by Hubert George Octavius Thomas and built  1900 . It is also known as Bank of Northern Queensland, Bank of Queensland, and National Bank of Australasia. It was added to the Queensland Heritage Register on 21 October 1992.
Palmer Station is not location on Shortcut Island.
Shortcut Island is a crescent-shaped island 0.4 mi long, with three prominent indentations of the north shore, lying 0.7 mi SSE of Gamage Point and Palmer Station along the SW coast of Anvers Island. The suggestive name was given by Palmer Station personnel. The narrow, deep channel separating this island from Anvers Island is a shortcut from the station to the Biscoe Bay area by water.
True Stories (1986) draws on actual true stories from the press for the film's soundtrack.
True Stories is a 1986 American film that spans the genres of musical, art, and comedy, directed by and starring David Byrne of the band Talking Heads. It co-stars John Goodman, Swoosie Kurtz, and Spalding Gray. Byrne has described the film as, "A project with songs based on true stories from tabloid newspapers. It's like "60 Minutes" on acid."
Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy is a telemovie documentary.
Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy is a 2017 documentary film broadcast in the United Kingdom by ITV on 24 July 2017 and the United States by HBO on 24 July 2017. It will also air on Seven Network in Australia, CBC in Canada, Three in New Zealand, NRK in Norway, YLE in Finland and TV2 in Denmark. It aired on Aug 20th, 2017 on CBC News Network.
Karan works in other countries besides his native India
Karan Romesh Sharma (Hindi: करन शर्मा ; born 26 October 1981) is an Indian actor. He made his film debut in 2005 Bollywood film "Dil Jo Bhi Kahey..." starring opposite Amitabh Bachchan and directed and co-produced by his father Romesh Sharma. The film however did not do well, with Sharma receiving negative reviews. In 2003, he did a Mauritian series "C'est la vie", which was telecast in Mauritius.
The bazaar was founded in 17th century.
Naulakha Bazaar (Punjabi, Urdu: ‎ ) is Bazaar (market) located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. This Bazaar was established in 1633 and is located in Lahore Fort near Naulakha Pavilion. The Shaheed Ganj Mosque is located in Naulakha Bazaar. The used clothing and crockery bazaar, landa bazaar, is also located near Naulakha Bazaar.
Anthony Paul Beke grew up in the 70's
Anthony Paul Beke (born 20 July 1966), known professionally as Anton du Beke, is a British ballroom dancer and television presenter, best known as a professional dancer on the BBC One celebrity dancing show "Strictly Come Dancing" since the show began in 2004. In 2009, he presented the UK version of "Hole in the Wall", for the BBC, replacing Dale Winton after being a team captain in 2008.
The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer has talking
Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer is a documentary directed by Alex Gibney about former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and the sex scandal that derailed his political career. It premiered at the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival on April 24, 2010; on iTunes and Magnolia On Demand on October 1, 2010; and in movie theaters in limited release on November 5, 2010.
The film was released more than 2.2 billion seconds ago.
Henry Aldrich Plays Cupid is a 1944 American comedy film directed by Hugh Bennett and written by Muriel Roy Bolton and Val Burton. The film stars Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith, John Litel, Olive Blakeney, Diana Lynn and Vaughan Glaser. The film was released in April 1944, by Paramount Pictures.
the abbreviation for Naamloze vennootschap is the same as a US state
Naamloze vennootschap (] ; correctly abbreviated nv, however, often abbreviated N.V. or NV) is a legal structure of a company (of the sort "public company") conformable law in the Netherlands, Belgium, Indonesia, and Suriname. The company is owned by shareholders, and the company's shares are not registered to certain owners, so that they may be traded on the public stock market.
Gene dahlqust was not the first coash
The 2002 Scottish Claymores season was the eighth season for the franchise in the NFL Europe League (NFLEL). The team was led by head coach Gene Dahlquist in his second year, and played four of its home games at Hampden Park in Glasgow and one at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, Scotland. They finished the regular season in fourth place with a record of five wins and five losses.
Other bands looked to So Solid Crew for inspiration.
So Solid Crew are an English garage, grime and hip hop group originating from Battersea, London which achieved wide success in the early 2000s. The group consisted of a large number of members, the most notable being Lisa Maffia, Romeo and Harvey. They are generally credited with having paved the way for the current generation of crossover UK hip hop stars.
The Church Mission Society Higher Secondary School was formed by a religious person
Church Mission Society Higher Secondary School (CMSHSS) is a higher secondary school located in Thrissur city, of Kerala state, in India. The school was started by CMS missionary in 1883. The school gives instruction in Malayalam and English and follows the Kerala state syllabus. It has classes from first standard to 12th standard.
The name Dum Dum Airport did not come from a prominent leader of the Indian independence movement.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport (IATA: CCU, ICAO: VECC) is an international airport located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, serving the Kolkata metropolitan area. It is located approximately 17 km from the city center. The airport was earlier known as Dum Dum Airport before being renamed after Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a prominent leader of the Indian independence movement.
Omozusi was beneficial in different areas of the field
Elliot Junior Uyi Omozusi (born 15 December 1988) is an English footballer who plays for Chelmsford City. Omozusi had two spells with Leyton Orient, playing over 100 games. He also played for Fulham, Norwich City and Charlton Athletic. Omozusi plays primarily at right back, but can also play in the centre of defence or in midfield.
They are pioneers in hospitality management
The School of Hotel Administration (SHA, more commonly known as the Hotel School) at Cornell University is a specialized business school in the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University, a private Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York. Founded in 1922, it was the world's first four-year intercollegiate school devoted to hospitality management.
Yūki Mizuhara has no q
Yūki Mizuhara (水原ゆう紀 ) is a Japanese actress. She won the award for best actress at the 1st Yokohama Film Festival for the Nikkatsu "Roman Porno" film "". She also appeared in Nikkatsu's 1982 production "Red Scandal: Affair", a "thinly-veiled replica of Luis Buñuel's "Belle de Jour"."
The album is in Swedish
För sent för edelweiss is the fifth studio album by the Swedish singer Håkan Hellström, released on 26 March 2008. It was produced by Håkan Hellström with Joakim Åhlund. Three singles were released from the album; "För en lång lång tid", "Jag vet inte vem jag är men jag vet att jag är din" and "Kär i en ängel".
The railway ran nearly 20 miles
The Bourne and Sleaford Railway was an 18 mi Great Northern Railway built single-track branch railway line that ran between Bourne, on the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway main line between the Midlands and the Norfolk Coast, to Sleaford, on the Peterborough to Lincoln Line via four intermediate stations: , , , and .
Neal founded his own band
Neal Joseph Schon (born February 27, 1954) is an American rock guitarist, songwriter, and vocalist, best known for his work with the bands Journey and Bad English. He is Journey's last original constant member, having participated in every album and tour to date. He was a member of the rock band Santana before forming Journey, and was also an original member of Hardline.
Steel hulled ships were being built towards the end of the 19th century
USS "Yorktown" (Gunboat No. 1/PG-1) was lead ship of her class of steel-hulled, twin-screw gunboats in the United States Navy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was the second U.S. Navy ship named in honor of the American Revolutionary War's Battle of Yorktown.
Splashdown is close to Desert Storm, so Desert storm riders can see Splashdown.
Splashdown is a log flume located at Castles N' Coasters, a theme park in Phoenix, Arizona. It is noted for its two drops, as well as many other special features. The whole ride is themed after a logging expedition through Polynesia. Splashdown is also known for narrowly being dodged by the nearby Desert Storm roller coaster.
Crazy Sues first appeared in AWS: Band of Horses #1.
Crazy Sues, short for Specialized Unit, Enhanced Soldiers, are a fictional superhero team in the Marvel Comics universe. It first appeared in "All Winners Squad: Band of Heroes" #1 (July 2011), written by Paul Jenkins and illustrated by Carmine Di Giandomenico.
The agent mentions six actors of the movie
Interlude in Prague is a 2017 film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart starring Aneurin Barnard, James Purefoy, Samantha Barks, Morfydd Clark, Adrian Edmondson and Anna Rust. It was directed by John Stephenson, written by Brian Ashby, and screenplay by Brian Ashby, Helen Clare Cromarty, and John Stephenson.
Boys Republic have been around for over six years.
Boys Republic () is a South Korean K-pop boy band consisting of five members: Onejunn, Sunwoo, Sungjun, Minsu, and Suwoong. They are Universal Music's first K-pop idol group (also managed by Happy Tribe Entertainment). Boys Republic debuted on June 5, 2013 with the single, "Party Rock". Their official fan club name is "Royal Family".
Christopher Marlowe was not one of the earliest English history plays.
Edward II is a Renaissance or Early Modern period play written by Christopher Marlowe. It is one of the earliest English history plays. The full title of the first publication is The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England, with the Tragical Fall of Proud Mortimer.
This kind of football is played with a round ball.
SC Wacker Leipzig was a German association football club playing in Leipzig, Saxony. The club was formed 24 February 1895 out of the merger of the school clubs "Concordia Leipzig" and "Saxonia Leipzig". "Wacker" was a founding member of the German Football Association (Deutscher Fussball Bund) in 1900.
Kevin Devine's first album is titled after a famous game show line.
Circle Gets the Square is Kevin Devine's first studio album as a solo artist. It was released in 2002 through Immigrant Sun Records. The songs featured on the album dramatically contrast with those of Miracle of 86, a band in which Kevin was the lead singer and guitarist. Kevin believed that the style and themes of his songs did not represent the band's music well.
"Dan" is 72 years old currently.
Lewis Joseph "Dan" D’Antoni II (born July 9, 1947) is an Italian American former basketball player and current head coach for the Marshall Thundering Herd men's basketball team. He was previously an assistant coach under his younger brother, Mike D'Antoni, with the NBA's Phoenix Suns, New York Knicks, and Los Angeles Lakers.
Pauline Elizabeth Latham has a n
Pauline Elizabeth Latham, {'1': ", '2': ", '3': ", '4': "} (born 4 February 1948) is a British Conservative Party politician, who was elected at the 2010 general election as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Mid Derbyshire, a new constituency created as a result of changes made by the Boundary Commission for England.
Aisling McLaughlin was the lead actress in "Picasso's Women."
Aisling McLaughlin is an Irish actor whose theatrical career spans a decade in the industry. She performed in the first of a series of one-woman plays called "Picasso's Women" in 2007. McLaughlin has also appeared in the television dramas "Fair City" and "Killinaskully".
Sir Hugh Pollard sold his property to a relative in the 17th century.
Sir Arthur Northcote, 2nd Baronet (1628–1688) was a baronet from Devon, England. He resided at Hayne in the parish of Newton St Cyres, Devon, which mansion house has since been demolished, and also at King's Nympton, Devon, which manor he purchased from Sir Hugh Pollard, 2nd Baronet, his father's first cousin, and where he was buried.
The man was a popular host.
Robert William Barker (born December 12, 1923) is an American former television game show host. He is known for hosting CBS's "The Price Is Right" from 1972 to 2007, making it the longest-running daytime game show in North American television history, and for hosting "Truth or Consequences" from 1956 to 1974.
Barbara Niven was still acting in her fifties.
Barbara Niven (born February 26, 1953) is an American actress and producer, best known for her performances in Lifetime movies and television roles in "", "One Life to Live", and "Cedar Cove". Niven also had the leading role in the independent film "A Perfect Ending" (2012).
Kelvin Korver played defensive tackle.
Kelvin Mitchell Korver (born February 21, 1949) is a former American football defensive tackle who played three seasons with the Oakland Raiders of the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the Raiders in the second round of the 1972 NFL Draft. He first enrolled at Texas A&M University before transferring to Northwestern College. Korver attended Irving High School in Irving, Texas.
Lawrence Watkins was born the year after Harry Truman was elected President
Lawrence Watkins (born October 5, 1946 in Bessemer, Alabama) is a former American football running back in the National Football League for the Detroit Lions, Philadelphia Eagles, Buffalo Bills, and the New York Giants. He played college football at Alcorn State University.
Transportation was more readily conducted after the construction of the Pawtucket Canal.
Completed in 1796, the Pawtucket Canal was originally built as a transportation canal to circumvent the Pawtucket Falls of the Merrimack River in East Chelmsford, Massachusetts. In the early 1820s it became a major component of the Lowell power canal system. with the founding of the textile industry at what became Lowell.
The alternative rock band Dunaj sis not release any new albums after 1998.
Dunaj were a Czech alternative art rock band from Brno active between 1986 and 1998. The band is notable for its inclusion of Czech rock figureheads Iva Bittová and Pavel Fajt, as well as its own international success and influence on the Czech alternative rock scene. The band's name translates in English to "Danube", referring to the river of this name.
Woodward had important connections that he tapped into while writing the book
Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate is a 1999 book by Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, written with a narrative voice while utilizing firsthand interviews and news reports for its historical basis. For the 608-page book, Woodward used extensive notes and also interviewed President Ford, President Bush's chief of staff, James Baker, and other people of focus.
The show was made at the beginning of a decade.
Mekhong Full Moon Party (Thai: 15 ค่ำ เดือน 11 ; rtgs: Sip Ha Kham Duean Sip Et ; literally, "The 15th Day of the 11th Month") is a 2002 Thai comedy-drama about the Naga fireballs that arise from the Mekong at Nong Khai on the full moon in October. Written by Jira Maligool, the film was also Jira's directorial debut.
Sullivan has a population of 4249.
Sullivan is a city in Hamilton Township, Sullivan County, Indiana, United States. The population was 4,249 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Terre Haute Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city is the county seat of Sullivan County. The town is served by the Southwest School Corporation, and students go to Sullivan High School.
The Gamecocks represented the University of South Carolina during home games in Williams-Brice Stadium in South Carolina, while being led by head coach Lou Holtz in his fourth season, but later was disqualified from the bowl.
The 2002 South Carolina Gamecocks football team represented the University of South Carolina in the Southeastern Conference (SEC) during the 2002 NCAA Division I-A football season. The Gamecocks were led by Lou Holtz in his fourth season as head coach and played their home games in Williams-Brice Stadium in Columbia, South Carolina. The Gamecocks did not finish the season bowl-eligible.
The promotion lasted a year
The 2017 EFL League Two play-off Final was a football match that was contested between Blackpool and Exeter City. The match was played at Wembley Stadium on 28 May 2017. Blackpool won the game 2-1 and were promoted to League One for the 2017-18 season.
Leung was born in the south of the country.
Lawrence Leung (born 25 August 1977) is an Australian comedian, writer and director from Melbourne, Victoria. He is best known for his television series "Lawrence Leung's Choose Your Own Adventure" based his one-man shows on stories about his obsessions, such as breakdancing, ghosts, the Rubik's Cube and his family. The son of Leo and Doris Leung, he grew up in Box Hill, Melbourne.
John G. West does not only work with DI.
John G. West is a Senior Fellow at the Seattle-based Discovery Institute (DI), and Associate Director and Vice President for Public Policy and Legal Affairs of its Center for Science and Culture (CSC), which serves as the main hub of the Intelligent design movement.
Grabina is not a German village.
Grabina (German: Grabine ) is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Biała, within Prudnik County, Opole Voivodeship, in south-western Poland. It lies approximately 5 km north of Biała Prudnicka, 14 km north of Prudnik, and 33 km south-west of the regional capital Opole.