# frozen_string_literal: true # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GEOS toplevel interface # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module RGeo module Geos class << self # Returns true if the CAPI GEOS implementation is supported. def capi_supported? CAPI_SUPPORTED end # Returns true if the FFI GEOS implementation is supported. def ffi_supported? FFI_SUPPORTED end # Returns true if any GEOS implementation is supported. # If this returns false, GEOS features are not available at all. def supported? FFI_SUPPORTED || CAPI_SUPPORTED end # Returns true if the given feature is a CAPI GEOS feature, or if # the given factory is a CAPI GEOS factory. def is_capi_geos?(object) CAPI_SUPPORTED && (CAPIFactory === object || CAPIGeometryMethods === object || ZMFactory === object && CAPIFactory === object.z_factory || ZMGeometryMethods === object && CAPIGeometryMethods === object.z_geometry) end # Returns true if the given feature is an FFI GEOS feature, or if # the given factory is an FFI GEOS factory. def is_ffi_geos?(object) FFI_SUPPORTED && (FFIFactory === object || FFIGeometryMethods === object || ZMFactory === object && FFIFactory === object.z_factory || ZMGeometryMethods === object && FFIGeometryMethods === object.z_geometry) end # Returns true if the given feature is a GEOS feature, or if the given # factory is a GEOS factory. Does not distinguish between CAPI and FFI. def is_geos?(object) CAPI_SUPPORTED && (CAPIFactory === object || CAPIGeometryMethods === object) || FFI_SUPPORTED && (FFIFactory === object || FFIGeometryMethods === object) || ZMFactory === object || ZMGeometryMethods === object end # Returns the GEOS library version as a string of the format "x.y.z". # Returns nil if GEOS is not available. def version unless defined?(@version) if RGeo::Geos::CAPI_SUPPORTED @version = RGeo::Geos::CAPIFactory._geos_version.freeze elsif RGeo::Geos::FFI_SUPPORTED @version = ::Geos::FFIGeos.GEOSversion.sub(/-CAPI-.*$/, "").freeze else @version = nil end end @version end # The preferred native interface. This is the native interface # used by default when a factory is created. # Supported values are <tt>:capi</tt> and <tt>:ffi</tt>. # # This is set automatically when RGeo loads, to <tt>:capi</tt> # if the CAPI interface is available, otheriwse to <tt>:ffi</tt> # if FFI is available, otherwise to nil if no GEOS interface is # available. You can override this setting if you want to prefer # FFI over CAPI. attr_accessor :preferred_native_interface # Returns a factory for the GEOS implementation. # Returns nil if the GEOS implementation is not supported. # # Note that GEOS does not natively support 4-dimensional data # (i.e. both z and m values). However, RGeo's GEOS wrapper does # provide a 4-dimensional factory that utilizes an extra native # GEOS object to handle the extra coordinate. Hence, a factory # configured with both Z and M support will work, but will be # slower than a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional factory. # # Options include: # # [<tt>:native_interface</tt>] # Specifies which native interface to use. Possible values are # <tt>:capi</tt> and <tt>:ffi</tt>. The default is the value # of the preferred_native_interface. # [<tt>:uses_lenient_multi_polygon_assertions</tt>] # If set to true, assertion checking on MultiPolygon is disabled. # This may speed up creation of MultiPolygon objects, at the # expense of not doing the proper checking for OGC MultiPolygon # compliance. See RGeo::Feature::MultiPolygon for details on # the MultiPolygon assertions. Default is false. Also called # <tt>:lenient_multi_polygon_assertions</tt>. # [<tt>:buffer_resolution</tt>] # The resolution of buffers around geometries created by this # factory. This controls the number of line segments used to # approximate curves. The default is 1, which causes, for # example, the buffer around a point to be approximated by a # 4-sided polygon. A resolution of 2 would cause that buffer # to be approximated by an 8-sided polygon. The exact behavior # for different kinds of buffers is defined by GEOS. # [<tt>:srid</tt>] # Set the SRID returned by geometries created by this factory. # Default is 0. # [<tt>:proj4</tt>] # The coordinate system in Proj4 format, either as a # CoordSys::Proj4 object or as a string or hash representing the # proj4 format. Optional. # [<tt>:coord_sys</tt>] # The coordinate system in OGC form, either as a subclass of # CoordSys::CS::CoordinateSystem, or as a string in WKT format. # Optional. # [<tt>:srs_database</tt>] # Optional. If provided, the object should respond to #get and # #clear_cache. If both this and an SRID are # provided, they are used to look up the proj4 and coord_sys # objects from a spatial reference system database. # [<tt>:has_z_coordinate</tt>] # Support <tt>z_coordinate</tt>. Default is false. # [<tt>:has_m_coordinate</tt>] # Support <tt>m_coordinate</tt>. Default is false. # [<tt>:wkt_parser</tt>] # Configure the parser for WKT. You may either pass a hash of # configuration parameters for WKRep::WKTParser.new, or the # special value <tt>:geos</tt>, indicating to use the native # GEOS parser. Default is the empty hash, indicating the default # configuration for WKRep::WKTParser. # Note that the special <tt>:geos</tt> value is not supported for # ZM factories, since GEOS currently can't handle ZM natively. # [<tt>:wkb_parser</tt>] # Configure the parser for WKB. You may either pass a hash of # configuration parameters for WKRep::WKBParser.new, or the # special value <tt>:geos</tt>, indicating to use the native # GEOS parser. Default is the empty hash, indicating the default # configuration for WKRep::WKBParser. # Note that the special <tt>:geos</tt> value is not supported for # ZM factories, since GEOS currently can't handle ZM natively. # [<tt>:wkt_generator</tt>] # Configure the generator for WKT. You may either pass a hash of # configuration parameters for WKRep::WKTGenerator.new, or the # special value <tt>:geos</tt>, indicating to use the native # GEOS generator. Default is <tt>{:convert_case => :upper}</tt>. # Note that the special <tt>:geos</tt> value is not supported for # ZM factories, since GEOS currently can't handle ZM natively. # [<tt>:wkb_generator</tt>] # Configure the generator for WKB. You may either pass a hash of # configuration parameters for WKRep::WKBGenerator.new, or the # special value <tt>:geos</tt>, indicating to use the native # GEOS generator. Default is the empty hash, indicating the # default configuration for WKRep::WKBGenerator. # Note that the special <tt>:geos</tt> value is not supported for # ZM factories, since GEOS currently can't handle ZM natively. # [<tt>:auto_prepare</tt>] # Request an auto-prepare strategy. Supported values are # <tt>:simple</tt> and <tt>:disabled</tt>. The former (which is # the default) generates a prepared geometry the second time an # operation that would benefit from it is called. The latter # never automatically generates a prepared geometry (unless you # generate one explicitly using the <tt>prepare!</tt> method). def factory(opts = {}) if supported? native_interface = opts[:native_interface] || Geos.preferred_native_interface if opts[:has_z_coordinate] && opts[:has_m_coordinate] ZMFactory.new(opts) elsif native_interface == :ffi FFIFactory.new(opts) else CAPIFactory.create(opts) end end end # Returns a Feature::FactoryGenerator that creates Geos-backed # factories. The given options are used as the default options. # # A common case for this is to provide the <tt>:srs_database</tt> # as a default. Then, the factory generator need only be passed # an SRID and it will automatically fetch the appropriate Proj4 # and CoordSys objects. def factory_generator(defaults = {}) proc { |c| factory(defaults.merge(c)) } end end end end
# Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the application. # Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper :all # include all helpers, all the time # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details # Uncomment the :secret if you're not using the cookie session store protect_from_forgery # :secret => '65740677282e9a28e5b09740b73ec574' # See ActionController::Base for details # Uncomment this to filter the contents of submitted sensitive data parameters # from your application log (in this case, all fields with names like "password"). # filter_parameter_logging :password end
require 'spec_helper' describe "schedule resource" do let(:client) { Mbta::Client.new( api_key: ENV["API_KEY"] ) } describe "schedulebystop" do let(:stop) { "West Roxbury" } it "retrieves the schedule" do VCR.use_cassette("mbta_schedule_schedule_by_stop") do client.schedule_by_stop(stop).tap do |data| expect(data["mode"][0]["route_type"]).to eq("2") expect(data["mode"][0].keys).to eq(["route_type", "mode_name", "route"]) end end end end describe "schedulebyroute" do let(:route) { "CR-Needham" } it "retrieves the schedule" do VCR.use_cassette("mbta_schedule_schedule_by_route") do client.schedule_by_route(route).tap do |data| expect(data["direction"][0]["direction_name"]).to eq("Outbound") expect(data["direction"][1]["direction_name"]).to eq("Inbound") end end end end describe "schedulebytrip" do let(:trip) { "CR-Needham-CR-Saturday-Needham-Dec14-1611" } it "retrieves the schedule" do VCR.use_cassette("mbta_schedule_schedule_by_trip") do client.schedule_by_trip(trip).tap do |data| expect(data["stop"].length).to eq(12) end end end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "PinCodeTextField" s.version = "0.3.0" s.summary = "Simple pin code text input based on UIKeyInput" s.description = <<-DESC Simple pin code text input with underlines for each character placeholder DESC s.homepage = "https://github.com/tkach/PinCodeTextField" s.license = { :type => "MIT" } s.author = { "Alex Tkachenko" => "tkach2004@gmail.com" } s.platform = :ios, "14.0" s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/tkach/PinCodeTextField.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" } s.source_files = ["Pod/*.{swift}", "Pod/**/*.{swift}" ] end
require 'minitest/autorun' require 'mockdata/names' class MockdataTest < Minitest::Test def test_names assert Mockdata::Names::CAR_BRANDS.include? Mockdata::Names.car_brand assert Mockdata::Names::COMPANY_NAMES.include? Mockdata::Names.company assert Mockdata::Names::FILE_EXTENSIONS.include? Mockdata::Names.file_extension assert Mockdata::Names::BUSINESS_TYPES.include? Mockdata::Names.business_type assert Mockdata::Names::PROJECT_NAMES.include? Mockdata::Names.project assert Mockdata::Names::HOTEL_NAMES.include? Mockdata::Names.hotel assert Mockdata::Names::OCCUPATIONS.include? Mockdata::Names.occupation end end
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # EDITING INSTRUCTIONS # This file was generated from the file # https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/ads/google_ads/v1/services/campaign_draft_service.proto, # and updates to that file get reflected here through a refresh process. # For the short term, the refresh process will only be runnable by Google # engineers. require "json" require "pathname" require "google/gax" require "google/gax/operation" require "google/longrunning/operations_client" require "google/ads/google_ads/v1/services/campaign_draft_service_pb" require "google/ads/google_ads/v1/services/credentials" module Google module Ads module GoogleAds module V1 module Services # Service to manage campaign drafts. # # @!attribute [r] campaign_draft_service_stub # @return [Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftService::Stub] class CampaignDraftServiceClient attr_reader :campaign_draft_service_stub # The default address of the service. SERVICE_ADDRESS = "googleads.googleapis.com".freeze # The default port of the service. DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT = 443 # The default set of gRPC interceptors. GRPC_INTERCEPTORS = [] DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 PAGE_DESCRIPTORS = { "list_campaign_draft_async_errors" => Google::Gax::PageDescriptor.new( "page_token", "next_page_token", "errors") }.freeze private_constant :PAGE_DESCRIPTORS # The scopes needed to make gRPC calls to all of the methods defined in # this service. ALL_SCOPES = [ ].freeze class OperationsClient < Google::Longrunning::OperationsClient self::SERVICE_ADDRESS = CampaignDraftServiceClient::SERVICE_ADDRESS self::GRPC_INTERCEPTORS = CampaignDraftServiceClient::GRPC_INTERCEPTORS end CAMPAIGN_DRAFT_PATH_TEMPLATE = Google::Gax::PathTemplate.new( "customers/{customer}/campaignDrafts/{campaign_draft}" ) private_constant :CAMPAIGN_DRAFT_PATH_TEMPLATE # Returns a fully-qualified campaign_draft resource name string. # @param customer [String] # @param campaign_draft [String] # @return [String] def self.campaign_draft_path customer, campaign_draft CAMPAIGN_DRAFT_PATH_TEMPLATE.render( :"customer" => customer, :"campaign_draft" => campaign_draft ) end # @param credentials [Google::Auth::Credentials, String, Hash, GRPC::Core::Channel, GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials, Proc] # Provides the means for authenticating requests made by the client. This parameter can # be many types. # A `Google::Auth::Credentials` uses a the properties of its represented keyfile for # authenticating requests made by this client. # A `String` will be treated as the path to the keyfile to be used for the construction of # credentials for this client. # A `Hash` will be treated as the contents of a keyfile to be used for the construction of # credentials for this client. # A `GRPC::Core::Channel` will be used to make calls through. # A `GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials` for the setting up the RPC client. The channel credentials # should already be composed with a `GRPC::Core::CallCredentials` object. # A `Proc` will be used as an updater_proc for the Grpc channel. The proc transforms the # metadata for requests, generally, to give OAuth credentials. # @param scopes [Array<String>] # The OAuth scopes for this service. This parameter is ignored if # an updater_proc is supplied. # @param client_config [Hash] # A Hash for call options for each method. See # Google::Gax#construct_settings for the structure of # this data. Falls back to the default config if not specified # or the specified config is missing data points. # @param timeout [Numeric] # The default timeout, in seconds, for calls made through this client. # @param metadata [Hash] # Default metadata to be sent with each request. This can be overridden on a per call basis. # @param exception_transformer [Proc] # An optional proc that intercepts any exceptions raised during an API call to inject # custom error handling. def initialize \ credentials: nil, scopes: ALL_SCOPES, client_config: {}, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, metadata: nil, exception_transformer: nil, lib_name: nil, lib_version: "" # These require statements are intentionally placed here to initialize # the gRPC module only when it's required. # See https://github.com/googleapis/toolkit/issues/446 require "google/gax/grpc" require "google/ads/google_ads/v1/services/campaign_draft_service_services_pb" credentials ||= Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::Credentials.default @operations_client = OperationsClient.new( credentials: credentials, scopes: scopes, client_config: client_config, timeout: timeout, lib_name: lib_name, lib_version: lib_version, metadata: metadata, ) if credentials.is_a?(String) || credentials.is_a?(Hash) updater_proc = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::Credentials.new(credentials).updater_proc end if credentials.is_a?(GRPC::Core::Channel) channel = credentials end if credentials.is_a?(GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials) chan_creds = credentials end if credentials.is_a?(Proc) updater_proc = credentials end if credentials.is_a?(Google::Auth::Credentials) updater_proc = credentials.updater_proc end package_version = Gem.loaded_specs['google-ads-googleads'].version.version google_api_client = "gl-ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}" google_api_client << " #{lib_name}/#{lib_version}" if lib_name google_api_client << " gapic/#{package_version} gax/#{Google::Gax::VERSION}" google_api_client << " grpc/#{GRPC::VERSION}" google_api_client.freeze headers = { :"x-goog-api-client" => google_api_client } headers.merge!(metadata) unless metadata.nil? client_config_file = Pathname.new(__dir__).join( "campaign_draft_service_client_config.json" ) defaults = client_config_file.open do |f| Google::Gax.construct_settings( "google.ads.googleads.v1.services.CampaignDraftService", JSON.parse(f.read), client_config, Google::Gax::Grpc::STATUS_CODE_NAMES, timeout, page_descriptors: PAGE_DESCRIPTORS, errors: Google::Gax::Grpc::API_ERRORS, metadata: headers ) end # Allow overriding the service path/port in subclasses. service_path = self.class::SERVICE_ADDRESS port = self.class::DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT interceptors = self.class::GRPC_INTERCEPTORS @campaign_draft_service_stub = Google::Gax::Grpc.create_stub( service_path, port, chan_creds: chan_creds, channel: channel, updater_proc: updater_proc, scopes: scopes, interceptors: interceptors, &Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftService::Stub.method(:new) ) @get_campaign_draft = Google::Gax.create_api_call( @campaign_draft_service_stub.method(:get_campaign_draft), defaults["get_campaign_draft"], exception_transformer: exception_transformer, params_extractor: proc do |request| {'resource_name' => request.resource_name} end ) @mutate_campaign_drafts = Google::Gax.create_api_call( @campaign_draft_service_stub.method(:mutate_campaign_drafts), defaults["mutate_campaign_drafts"], exception_transformer: exception_transformer, params_extractor: proc do |request| {'customer_id' => request.customer_id} end ) @promote_campaign_draft = Google::Gax.create_api_call( @campaign_draft_service_stub.method(:promote_campaign_draft), defaults["promote_campaign_draft"], exception_transformer: exception_transformer, params_extractor: proc do |request| {'campaign_draft' => request.campaign_draft} end ) @list_campaign_draft_async_errors = Google::Gax.create_api_call( @campaign_draft_service_stub.method(:list_campaign_draft_async_errors), defaults["list_campaign_draft_async_errors"], exception_transformer: exception_transformer, params_extractor: proc do |request| {'resource_name' => request.resource_name} end ) end # Service calls # Returns the requested campaign draft in full detail. # # @param resource_name [String] # The resource name of the campaign draft to fetch. # @param options [Google::Gax::CallOptions] # Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, # retries, etc. # @yield [result, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation # @yieldparam result [Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Resources::CampaignDraft] # @yieldparam operation [GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation] # @return [Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Resources::CampaignDraft] # @raise [Google::Gax::GaxError] if the RPC is aborted. # @example # require "google/ads/google_ads" # # campaign_draft_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::CampaignDraft.new(version: :v1) # formatted_resource_name = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftServiceClient.campaign_draft_path("[CUSTOMER]", "[CAMPAIGN_DRAFT]") # response = campaign_draft_client.get_campaign_draft(formatted_resource_name) def get_campaign_draft \ resource_name, options: nil, &block req = { resource_name: resource_name }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } req = Google::Gax::to_proto(req, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::GetCampaignDraftRequest) @get_campaign_draft.call(req, options, &block) end # Creates, updates, or removes campaign drafts. Operation statuses are # returned. # # @param customer_id [String] # The ID of the customer whose campaign drafts are being modified. # @param operations [Array<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftOperation | Hash>] # The list of operations to perform on individual campaign drafts. # A hash of the same form as `Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftOperation` # can also be provided. # @param partial_failure [true, false] # If true, successful operations will be carried out and invalid # operations will return errors. If false, all operations will be carried # out in one transaction if and only if they are all valid. # Default is false. # @param validate_only [true, false] # If true, the request is validated but not executed. Only errors are # returned, not results. # @param options [Google::Gax::CallOptions] # Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, # retries, etc. # @yield [result, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation # @yieldparam result [Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::MutateCampaignDraftsResponse] # @yieldparam operation [GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation] # @return [Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::MutateCampaignDraftsResponse] # @raise [Google::Gax::GaxError] if the RPC is aborted. # @example # require "google/ads/google_ads" # # campaign_draft_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::CampaignDraft.new(version: :v1) # # # TODO: Initialize `customer_id`: # customer_id = '' # # # TODO: Initialize `operations`: # operations = [] # response = campaign_draft_client.mutate_campaign_drafts(customer_id, operations) def mutate_campaign_drafts \ customer_id, operations, partial_failure: nil, validate_only: nil, options: nil, &block req = { customer_id: customer_id, operations: operations, partial_failure: partial_failure, validate_only: validate_only }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } req = Google::Gax::to_proto(req, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::MutateCampaignDraftsRequest) @mutate_campaign_drafts.call(req, options, &block) end # Promotes the changes in a draft back to the base campaign. # # This method returns a Long Running Operation (LRO) indicating if the # Promote is done. Use [Operations.GetOperation] to poll the LRO until it # is done. Only a done status is returned in the response. See the status # in the Campaign Draft resource to determine if the promotion was # successful. If the LRO failed, use # {Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftService::ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrors CampaignDraftService::ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrors} to view the list of # error reasons. # # @param campaign_draft [String] # The resource name of the campaign draft to promote. # @param options [Google::Gax::CallOptions] # Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, # retries, etc. # @return [Google::Gax::Operation] # @raise [Google::Gax::GaxError] if the RPC is aborted. # @example # require "google/ads/google_ads" # # campaign_draft_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::CampaignDraft.new(version: :v1) # formatted_campaign_draft = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftServiceClient.campaign_draft_path("[CUSTOMER]", "[CAMPAIGN_DRAFT]") # # # Register a callback during the method call. # operation = campaign_draft_client.promote_campaign_draft(formatted_campaign_draft) do |op| # raise op.results.message if op.error? # op_results = op.results # # Process the results. # # metadata = op.metadata # # Process the metadata. # end # # # Or use the return value to register a callback. # operation.on_done do |op| # raise op.results.message if op.error? # op_results = op.results # # Process the results. # # metadata = op.metadata # # Process the metadata. # end # # # Manually reload the operation. # operation.reload! # # # Or block until the operation completes, triggering callbacks on # # completion. # operation.wait_until_done! def promote_campaign_draft \ campaign_draft, options: nil req = { campaign_draft: campaign_draft }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } req = Google::Gax::to_proto(req, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::PromoteCampaignDraftRequest) operation = Google::Gax::Operation.new( @promote_campaign_draft.call(req, options), @operations_client, Google::Protobuf::Empty, Google::Protobuf::Empty, call_options: options ) operation.on_done { |operation| yield(operation) } if block_given? operation end # Returns all errors that occurred during CampaignDraft promote. Throws an # error if called before campaign draft is promoted. # Supports standard list paging. # # @param resource_name [String] # The name of the campaign draft from which to retrieve the async errors. # @param page_size [Integer] # The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API # response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this # parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is # performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of # resources in a page. # @param options [Google::Gax::CallOptions] # Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, # retries, etc. # @yield [result, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation # @yieldparam result [Google::Gax::PagedEnumerable<Google::Rpc::Status>] # @yieldparam operation [GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation] # @return [Google::Gax::PagedEnumerable<Google::Rpc::Status>] # An enumerable of Google::Rpc::Status instances. # See Google::Gax::PagedEnumerable documentation for other # operations such as per-page iteration or access to the response # object. # @raise [Google::Gax::GaxError] if the RPC is aborted. # @example # require "google/ads/google_ads" # # campaign_draft_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::CampaignDraft.new(version: :v1) # formatted_resource_name = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::CampaignDraftServiceClient.campaign_draft_path("[CUSTOMER]", "[CAMPAIGN_DRAFT]") # # # Iterate over all results. # campaign_draft_client.list_campaign_draft_async_errors(formatted_resource_name).each do |element| # # Process element. # end # # # Or iterate over results one page at a time. # campaign_draft_client.list_campaign_draft_async_errors(formatted_resource_name).each_page do |page| # # Process each page at a time. # page.each do |element| # # Process element. # end # end def list_campaign_draft_async_errors \ resource_name, page_size: nil, options: nil, &block req = { resource_name: resource_name, page_size: page_size }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } req = Google::Gax::to_proto(req, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Services::ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrorsRequest) @list_campaign_draft_async_errors.call(req, options, &block) end end end end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true class WorkQueue::AppealSerializer include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer extend Helpers::AppealHearingHelper attribute :assigned_attorney attribute :assigned_judge attribute :issues do |object| object.request_issues.active_or_decided_or_withdrawn.includes(:remand_reasons).map do |issue| { id: issue.id, program: issue.benefit_type, description: issue.description, notes: issue.notes, diagnostic_code: issue.contested_rating_issue_diagnostic_code, remand_reasons: issue.remand_reasons, closed_status: issue.closed_status, decision_date: issue.decision_date } end end attribute :status attribute :decision_issues do |object, params| if params[:user].nil? fail Caseflow::Error::MissingRequiredProperty, message: "Params[:user] is required" end decision_issues = AppealDecisionIssuesPolicy.new(appeal: object, user: params[:user]).visible_decision_issues decision_issues.uniq.map do |issue| { id: issue.id, disposition: issue.disposition, description: issue.description, benefit_type: issue.benefit_type, remand_reasons: issue.remand_reasons, diagnostic_code: issue.diagnostic_code, request_issue_ids: issue.request_decision_issues.pluck(:request_issue_id) } end end attribute :nod_date_updates do |object| object.nod_date_updates.map do |nod_date_update| WorkQueue::NodDateUpdateSerializer.new(nod_date_update).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes] end end attribute :can_edit_request_issues do |object, params| AppealRequestIssuesPolicy.new(user: params[:user], appeal: object).editable? end attribute(:hearings) do |object, params| # For substitution appeals after death dismissal, we need to show hearings from the source appeal # in addition to those on the new/target appeal; this avoids copying them to new appeal stream associated_hearings = [] if object.substitution_appeal? associated_hearings = hearings(object.appellant_substitution.source_appeal, params) end associated_hearings + hearings(object, params) end attribute :withdrawn, &:withdrawn? attribute :removed, &:removed? attribute :overtime, &:overtime? attribute :veteran_appellant_deceased, &:veteran_appellant_deceased? attribute :assigned_to_location attribute :distributed_to_a_judge, &:distributed_to_a_judge? attribute :completed_hearing_on_previous_appeal? do false end attribute :appellant_is_not_veteran attribute :appellant_full_name do |object| object.claimant&.name end attribute :appellant_first_name do |object| object.claimant&.first_name end attribute :appellant_middle_name do |object| object.claimant&.middle_name end attribute :appellant_last_name do |object| object.claimant&.last_name end attribute :appellant_suffix do |object| object.claimant&.suffix end attribute :appellant_date_of_birth do |object| object.claimant&.date_of_birth end attribute :appellant_address do |object| object.claimant&.address end attribute :appellant_phone_number do |object| object.claimant.is_a?(OtherClaimant) ? object.claimant&.phone_number : nil end attribute :appellant_email_address do |object| object.claimant&.email_address end attribute :appellant_tz, &:appellant_tz attribute :appellant_relationship, &:appellant_relationship attribute :appellant_type do |appeal| appeal.claimant&.type end attribute :appellant_party_type do |appeal| appeal.claimant.is_a?(OtherClaimant) ? appeal.claimant&.party_type : nil end attribute :unrecognized_appellant_id do |appeal| appeal.claimant.is_a?(OtherClaimant) ? appeal.claimant&.unrecognized_appellant&.id : nil end attribute :has_poa do |appeal| appeal.claimant&.power_of_attorney end attribute :cavc_remand do |object| if object.cavc_remand WorkQueue::CavcRemandSerializer.new(object.cavc_remand).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes] end end attribute :remand_source_appeal_id do |appeal| appeal.cavc_remand&.source_appeal&.uuid end attribute :remand_judge_name do |appeal| appeal.cavc_remand&.source_appeal&.reviewing_judge_name end attribute :appellant_substitution do |object| if object.appellant_substitution WorkQueue::AppellantSubstitutionSerializer.new(object.appellant_substitution) .serializable_hash[:data][:attributes] end end attribute :substitutions do |object| object.substitutions.map do |substitution| WorkQueue::AppellantSubstitutionSerializer.new(substitution).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes] end end attribute :veteran_death_date attribute :veteran_file_number attribute :veteran_full_name do |object| object.veteran ? object.veteran.name.formatted(:readable_full) : "Cannot locate" end attribute :closest_regional_office attribute :closest_regional_office_label attribute(:available_hearing_locations) { |object| available_hearing_locations(object) } attribute :external_id, &:uuid attribute :type attribute :vacate_type attribute :aod, &:advanced_on_docket? attribute :docket_name attribute :docket_number attribute :docket_range_date attribute :decision_date attribute :nod_date, &:receipt_date attribute :withdrawal_date attribute :certification_date do nil end attribute :paper_case do false end attribute :regional_office do end attribute :caseflow_veteran_id do |object| object.veteran ? object.veteran.id : nil end attribute :document_id do |object| object.latest_attorney_case_review&.document_id end attribute :attorney_case_review_id do |object| object.latest_attorney_case_review&.id end attribute :attorney_case_rewrite_details do |object| if FeatureToggle.enabled?(:overtime_revamp, user: RequestStore.store[:current_user]) { note_from_attorney: object.latest_attorney_case_review&.note, untimely_evidence: object.latest_attorney_case_review&.untimely_evidence } else { overtime: object.latest_attorney_case_review&.overtime, note_from_attorney: object.latest_attorney_case_review&.note, untimely_evidence: object.latest_attorney_case_review&.untimely_evidence } end end attribute :can_edit_document_id do |object, params| AmaDocumentIdPolicy.new( user: params[:user], case_review: object.latest_attorney_case_review ).editable? end attribute :readable_hearing_request_type, &:readable_current_hearing_request_type attribute :readable_original_hearing_request_type, &:readable_original_hearing_request_type attribute :docket_switch do |object| if object.docket_switch WorkQueue::DocketSwitchSerializer.new(object.docket_switch).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes] end end attribute :switched_dockets do |object| object.switched_dockets.map do |docket_switch| WorkQueue::DocketSwitchSerializer.new(docket_switch).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes] end end end
# # Cookbook Name:: newrelic # Attributes:: dotnet-agent # # Copyright 2012-2014, Escape Studios # default['newrelic']['dotnet-agent']['https_download'] = 'https://download.newrelic.com/dot_net_agent/release/x64' default['newrelic']['dotnet-agent']['install_level'] = '1' default['newrelic']['dotnet-agent']['dotnet_recipe'] = 'ms_dotnet4' default['newrelic']['dotnet-agent']['agent_action'] = :install
# frozen_string_literal: true class AddDefaultTargetProject < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers def up with_lock_retries do add_column :project_settings, :mr_default_target_self, :boolean, default: false, null: false end end def down with_lock_retries do remove_column :project_settings, :mr_default_target_self end end end
class CreateRepositories < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change create_table :repositories do |t| t.string :name t.string :owner t.index [:name, :owner], unique: true end add_reference :pull_requests, :repository, foreign_key: true add_reference :review_rules, :repository, foreign_key: true add_reference :settings, :repository, foreign_key: true end end
require "test_helper" class Edition::RoleAppointmentsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "re-drafting an edition with role appointments copies the appointments" do appointments = [ create(:role_appointment), create(:role_appointment), ] published = create(:published_news_article, role_appointments: appointments) assert_equal appointments, published.create_draft(create(:user)).role_appointments end test "editions with ministerial role appointments include them in their search info" do minister = create(:ministerial_role) appointment = create(:role_appointment, role: minister) news_article = create(:news_article, role_appointments: [appointment]) assert_equal [appointment.person.slug], news_article.search_index["people"] assert_equal [appointment.role.slug], news_article.search_index["roles"] end test "editions with non-ministerial role appointments don't include the role in the search info" do appointment = create(:role_appointment, role: create(:judge_role)) news_article = create(:news_article, role_appointments: [appointment]) assert_equal [], news_article.search_index["roles"] end end
module Mutant class Mutator class Node # Abstract mutator for literal AST nodes class Literal < self include AbstractType private # Emit values # # @return [undefined] def emit_values values.each(&method(:emit_type)) end end # Literal end # Node end # Mutator end # Mutant
class AddInviteDataToMember < ActiveRecord::Migration def up add_column :members, :created_by_id, :integer add_column :members, :invite_email, :string add_column :members, :invite_token, :string add_column :members, :invite_accepted_at, :datetime change_column :members, :user_id, :integer, null: true add_index :members, :invite_token, unique: true end def down remove_index :members, :invite_token change_column :members, :user_id, :integer, null: false remove_column :members, :invite_accepted_at remove_column :members, :invite_token remove_column :members, :invite_email remove_column :members, :created_by_id end end
=begin #ESP Documentation #The Evident Security Platform API (version 2.0) is designed to allow users granular control over their Amazon Web Service security experience by allowing them to review alerts, monitor signatures, and create custom signatures. OpenAPI spec version: v2_sdk Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git =end require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require 'date' # Unit tests for ESP::CustomSignatureDefinition # Automatically generated by swagger-codegen (github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) # Please update as you see appropriate describe 'CustomSignatureDefinition' do before do # run before each test @instance = ESP::CustomSignatureDefinition.new end after do # run after each test end describe 'test an instance of CustomSignatureDefinition' do it 'should create an instance of CustomSignatureDefinition' do expect(@instance).to be_instance_of(ESP::CustomSignatureDefinition) end end describe 'test attribute "id"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "code"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "updated_at"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "created_at"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "version_number"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "language"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "status"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "custom_signature"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "custom_signature_id"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "results"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "result_ids"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end end
class Redis class Store < self include Ttl, Interface def initialize(options = { }) super _extend_marshalling options _extend_namespace options end def self.rails3? #:nodoc: defined?(::Rails) && ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 end def self.rails31? #:nodoc: defined?(::Rails) && ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ::Rails::VERSION::MINOR == 1 end def reconnect @client.reconnect end def to_s "Redis Client connected to #{@client.host}:#{@client.port} against DB #{@client.db}" end private def _extend_marshalling(options) @marshalling = !(options[:marshalling] === false) # HACK - TODO delegate to Factory extend Marshalling if @marshalling end def _extend_namespace(options) @namespace = options[:namespace] extend Namespace if @namespace end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe User, type: :model do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:post) { FactoryBot.create(:post) } let(:other_post) { FactoryBot.create(:post) } let(:friend_1) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:friend_2) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } it 'is valid with a name, email, and password' do expect(FactoryBot.build(:user)).to be_valid end it 'is invalid without a name' do user = FactoryBot.build(:user, name: nil) user.valid? expect(user.errors[:name]).to include("can't be blank") end it 'is invalid without an email address' do user = FactoryBot.build(:user, email: nil) user.valid? expect(user.errors[:email]).to include("can't be blank") end it 'is invalid with a duplicate email address' do FactoryBot.create(:user, email: 'test@example.com') user = FactoryBot.build(:user, email: 'test@example.com') user.valid? expect(user.errors[:email]).to include('has already been taken') end describe '#posts' do it 'brings all posts' do expect(user.posts).to be_empty FactoryBot.create_list(:post, 3, user_id: user.id) expect(user.posts.count).to eq 3 end end context '@comments' do it 'brings all comments' do expect(user.comments).to be_empty FactoryBot.create_list(:comment, 5, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(user.comments.count).to eq 5 end end describe '#likes_given' do it 'brings all likes given' do expect(user.likes_given).to be_empty FactoryBot.create_list(:like, 75, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(user.likes_given.count).to eq 75 end end describe '#friends' do it 'brings all friends' do expect(user.friends).to be_empty user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_1.id).confirm_friend expect(user.friends).not_to be_empty user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_2.id).confirm_friend expect(user.friends.count).to eq 2 end end describe '#pending_requests' do it 'brings all pending_requests as Friendship model' do expect(user.pending_requests).to be_empty friend_1.friendships.create(friend_id: user.id) friend_2.friendships.create(friend_id: user.id) expect(user.pending_requests.count).to eq 2 expect(user.pending_requests.first).to be_a Friendship expect(user.pending_requests.second).to be_a Friendship end end describe '#pending_friends' do it 'brings all pending requests as User model' do expect(user.pending_friends).to be_empty friend_1.friendships.create(friend_id: user.id) friend_2.friendships.create(friend_id: user.id) expect(user.pending_friends.count).to eq 2 expect(user.pending_friends.first).to be_a described_class expect(user.pending_friends.second).to be_a described_class end end describe '#sent_requests' do it 'brings all sent request as Friendship model' do expect(user.sent_requests).to be_empty user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_1.id) user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_2.id) expect(user.sent_requests.count).to eq 2 expect(user.sent_requests.first).to be_a Friendship expect(user.sent_requests.second).to be_a Friendship end end describe '#sent_friends' do it 'brings all sent requests as User model' do expect(user.sent_friends).to be_empty user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_1.id) expect(user.sent_friends.count).to eq 1 expect(user.sent_friends.first).to be_a described_class end end describe '#liked?' do it 'returns true if a user liked a specific post' do user.likes_given.create(post_id: post.id) expect(user.liked?(post)).to eq true expect(user.liked?(other_post)).to eq false end end describe '#sent_request?' do it 'returns true if a user sent request given a specific user' do user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_1.id) expect(user.sent_request?(friend_1)).to eq true expect(user.sent_request?(friend_2)).to eq false end end describe '#pending_request?' do it 'returns true if a user receive request given a specific user' do friend_1.friendships.create(friend_id: user.id) expect(user.pending_request?(friend_1)).to eq true expect(user.pending_request?(friend_2)).to eq false end end describe '#friend?' do it 'returns true if a user has friendship confirmed with another user' do user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_1.id).confirm_friend user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_2.id) expect(user.friend?(friend_1)).to eq true expect(user.friend?(friend_2)).to eq false end end describe '#feed' do it 'return all posts from the user and his friends' do FactoryBot.create_list(:post, 7, user_id: user.id) FactoryBot.create_list(:post, 9, user_id: friend_1.id) FactoryBot.create_list(:post, 20, user_id: friend_2.id) user.friendships.create(friend_id: friend_1.id).confirm_friend expect(user.feed.count).to eq 16 end end end
# Copyright 2011-2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'spec_helper' module AWS class SimpleWorkflow describe ActivityType do config_attributes = [ :default_task_heartbeat_timeout, :default_task_schedule_to_close_timeout, :default_task_schedule_to_start_timeout, :default_task_start_to_close_timeout, ] it_should_behave_like("a simple workflow type", config_attributes) do let(:config) { stub_config } let(:client) { config.simple_workflow_client } let(:domain) { Domain.new('domain-name', :config => config) } let(:type) { ActivityType.new(domain, 'name', 'version') } let(:type_class) { ActivityType } let(:describe_method) { :describe_activity_type } let(:deprecate_method) { :deprecate_activity_type } end end end end
module SessionsHelper #logs in the given user #:user_id is arbitary key def log_in(user) session[:user_id] = user.id end #returns true if the given user is the current user def current_user?(user) user == current_user end #returns the current logged-in user (if any) #Returns the user corresponding to the remember token cookie def current_user if (user_id = session[:user_id]) @current_user ||= User.find_by(id: session[:user_id]) elsif (user_id = cookies.signed[:user_id]) #raise #The tests still pass, so this branch is currently untested. user = User.find_by(id: user_id) if user && user.authenticated?(:remember,cookies[:remember_token]) log_in user @current_user = user end end end #returns true if the user is logged in, false otherwise def logged_in? !current_user.nil? end #forgets a persistent session def forget(user) user.forget cookies.delete(:user_id) cookies.delete(:remember_token) end #logs out the current user def log_out forget(current_user) session.delete(:user_id) @current_user =nil end #Remembers a user in a persistent session def remember(user) user.remember cookies.permanent.signed[:user_id] = user.id cookies.permanent[:remember_token] = user.remember_token end #Redirects to stored location (or to the default) def redirect_back_or(default) redirect_to(session[:forwarding_url] || default) session.delete(:forwarding_url) end #stores the url trying to be accessed def store_location session[:forwarding_url] = request.original_url if request.get? end end
require 'simplecov' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/its' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'vcr' require 'jortt' SimpleCov.start if ENV['CI'] == 'true' require 'codecov' SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::Codecov end VCR.configure do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = "spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes" c.hook_into :webmock c.configure_rspec_metadata! c.default_cassette_options = { record: :once } c.before_record do |i| i.response.headers.delete('Set-Cookie') i.request.headers.delete('Authorization') end end ENV['JORTT_CLIENT_ID'] ||= 'client-id' ENV['JORTT_CLIENT_SECRET'] ||= 'client-secret'
require 'test_helper' class Protorails::Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "truth" do assert_kind_of Module, Protorails end end
require 'rails_helper' feature 'Visitor signs up with email address' do scenario 'visitor can sign up with valid email address' do email = 'test@example.com' sign_up_with(email) expect(page).to have_content t('notices.signed_up_but_unconfirmed.first_paragraph_start') expect(page).to have_content t('notices.signed_up_but_unconfirmed.first_paragraph_end') expect(page).to have_content email expect(Funnel::Registration::TotalSubmittedCount.call).to eq(1) expect(Funnel::Registration::TotalRegisteredCount.call).to eq(0) end scenario 'visitor cannot sign up with invalid email address' do sign_up_with('bogus') expect_email_invalid(page) end scenario 'visitor cannot sign up with email with invalid domain name' do invalid_addresses = [ 'foo@bar.com', 'foo@example.com', ] allow(ValidateEmail).to receive(:mx_valid?).and_return(false) invalid_addresses.each do |email| sign_up_with(email) expect_email_invalid(page) end end scenario 'visitor cannot sign up with empty email address' do sign_up_with('') expect_email_invalid(page) end context 'user signs up and sets password, tries to sign up again' do scenario 'sends email saying someone tried to sign up with their email address' do user = create(:user) expect { sign_up_with(user.email) }. to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1) expect(last_email.html_part.body).to have_content( t('user_mailer.signup_with_your_email.intro', app: APP_NAME), ) end end scenario 'taken to profile page after sign up flow complete' do visit sign_up_email_path sign_up_and_2fa_ial1_user expect(Funnel::Registration::TotalSubmittedCount.call).to eq(1) expect(Funnel::Registration::TotalRegisteredCount.call).to eq(1) expect(current_path).to eq account_path end it 'returns a bad request if the email contains invalid bytes' do suppress_output do sign_up_with("test@\xFFbar\xF8.com") expect(page).to have_content 'Bad request' end end it 'throttles sending confirmations after user submitted and then resumes after wait period' do email = 'test@test.com' sign_up_with(email) starting_count = unread_emails_for(email).size max_attempts = Figaro.env.reg_unconfirmed_email_max_attempts.to_i max_attempts.times do |i| sign_up_with(email) expect(unread_emails_for(email).size).to eq(starting_count + i + 1) end expect(unread_emails_for(email).size).to eq(starting_count + max_attempts) sign_up_with(email) expect(unread_emails_for(email).size).to eq(starting_count + max_attempts) window_in_minutes = Figaro.env.reg_unconfirmed_email_window_in_minutes.to_i + 1 Timecop.travel(Time.zone.now + window_in_minutes.minutes) do sign_up_with(email) expect(unread_emails_for(email).size).to eq(starting_count + max_attempts + 1) end end end
module Blogger VERSION = "0.0.1" end
package "gmetad" service "gmetad" do enabled true end provide_service ("#{node[:cluster_name]}-gmetad") cluster_nodes = { node['cluster_name'] => [ node['ip-address'] ] } template "/etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf" do source "gmetad.conf.erb" backup false owner "ganglia" group "ganglia" mode 0644 variables(:cluster_nodes => cluster_nodes, :clusters => [ node['cluster_name'] ]) notifies :restart, resources(:service => "gmetad") end directory "/var/lib/ganglia/rrds" do owner "ganglia" group "ganglia" end
class Dropdown < UnscoredQuestion include ActionView::Helpers validates :alternatives, presence: true def edit(_count) html = '<td align="center"><a rel="nofollow" data-method="delete" href="/questions/' + id.to_s + '">Remove</a></td>' html += '<td><input size="6" value="' + seq.to_s html += '" name="question[' + id.to_s + '][seq]" id="question_' + id.to_s + '_seq" type="text"></td>' html += '<td><textarea cols="50" rows="1" name="question[' + id.to_s + '][txt]"' html += ' id="question_' + id.to_s + '_txt" placeholder="Edit question content here">' + txt + '</textarea></td>' html += '<td><input size="10" disabled="disabled" value="' + type html += '" name="question[' + id.to_s + '][type]" id="question_' + id.to_s + '_type" type="text"></td>' html += '<td><!--placeholder (UnscoredQuestion does not need weight)--></td>' html += '<td> alternatives <input size="8" value="' + alternatives html += '" name="question[' + id.to_s + '][alternatives]" id="question_' + id.to_s + '_alternatives" type="text"></td>' safe_join(['<tr>'.html_safe, '</tr>'.html_safe], html.html_safe) end def view_question_text html = '<TD align="left"> ' + txt + ' </TD>' html += '<TD align="left">' + type + '</TD>' html += '<td align="center">' + weight.to_s + '</TD><TD align="center">&mdash;</TD>' safe_join(['<TR>'.html_safe, '</TR>'.html_safe], html.html_safe) end def complete(count, answer = nil) html = '<p style="width: 80%;"><label for="responses_' + count.to_s + '"">' + txt + '&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>' html += '<input id="responses_' + count.to_s + '_score" name="responses[' + count.to_s + '][score]" type="hidden" value="" style="min-width: 100px;">' html += '<select id="responses_' + count.to_s + '_comments" label=' + txt + ' name="responses[' + count.to_s + '][comment]">' alternatives = self.alternatives.split('|') html += complete_for_alternatives(alternatives, answer) html += '</select></p>' html.html_safe end def complete_for_alternatives(alternatives, answer) html = '' alternatives.each do |alternative| html += '<option value="' + alternative.to_s + '"' html += ' selected' if !answer.nil? && (answer.comments == alternative) html += '>' + alternative.to_s + '</option>' end html end def view_completed_question(count, answer) html = '<b>' + count.to_s + '. ' + txt + '</b>' html += '<BR>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp' + answer.comments.to_s safe_join([''.html_safe, ''.html_safe], html.html_safe) end end
module EneBuildings module Zip # ZipFile is modeled after java.util.zip.ZipFile from the Java SDK. # The most important methods are those inherited from # ZipCentralDirectory for accessing information about the entries in # the archive and methods such as get_input_stream and # get_output_stream for reading from and writing entries to the # archive. The class includes a few convenience methods such as # #extract for extracting entries to the filesystem, and #remove, # #replace, #rename and #mkdir for making simple modifications to # the archive. # # Modifications to a zip archive are not committed until #commit or # #close is called. The method #open accepts a block following # the pattern from File.open offering a simple way to # automatically close the archive when the block returns. # # The following example opens zip archive <code>my.zip</code> # (creating it if it doesn't exist) and adds an entry # <code>first.txt</code> and a directory entry <code>a_dir</code> # to it. # # require 'zip' # # Zip::File.open("my.zip", Zip::File::CREATE) { # |zipfile| # zipfile.get_output_stream("first.txt") { |f| f.puts "Hello from ZipFile" } # zipfile.mkdir("a_dir") # } # # The next example reopens <code>my.zip</code> writes the contents of # <code>first.txt</code> to standard out and deletes the entry from # the archive. # # require 'zip' # # Zip::File.open("my.zip", Zip::File::CREATE) { # |zipfile| # puts zipfile.read("first.txt") # zipfile.remove("first.txt") # } # # ZipFileSystem offers an alternative API that emulates ruby's # interface for accessing the filesystem, ie. the File and Dir classes. class File < CentralDirectory CREATE = 1 SPLIT_SIGNATURE = 0x08074b50 ZIP64_EOCD_SIGNATURE = 0x06064b50 MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE = 3_221_225_472 MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE = 65_536 DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 IO_METHODS = [:tell, :seek, :read, :close] attr_reader :name # default -> false attr_accessor :restore_ownership # default -> false attr_accessor :restore_permissions # default -> true attr_accessor :restore_times # Returns the zip files comment, if it has one attr_accessor :comment # Opens a zip archive. Pass true as the second parameter to create # a new archive if it doesn't exist already. def initialize(file_name, create = nil, buffer = false, options = {}) super() @name = file_name @comment = '' @create = create case when !buffer && ::File.size?(file_name) @create = nil @file_permissions = ::File.stat(file_name).mode ::File.open(name, 'rb') do |f| read_from_stream(f) end when create @file_permissions = create_file_permissions @entry_set = EntrySet.new when ::File.zero?(file_name) raise Error, "File #{file_name} has zero size. Did you mean to pass the create flag?" else raise Error, "File #{file_name} not found" end @stored_entries = @entry_set.dup @stored_comment = @comment @restore_ownership = options[:restore_ownership] || false @restore_permissions = options[:restore_permissions] || true @restore_times = options[:restore_times] || true end class << self # Same as #new. If a block is passed the ZipFile object is passed # to the block and is automatically closed afterwards just as with # ruby's builtin File.open method. def open(file_name, create = nil) zf = Zip::File.new(file_name, create) return zf unless block_given? begin yield zf ensure zf.close end end # Same as #open. But outputs data to a buffer instead of a file def add_buffer io = ::StringIO.new('') zf = Zip::File.new(io, true, true) yield zf zf.write_buffer(io) end # Like #open, but reads zip archive contents from a String or open IO # stream, and outputs data to a buffer. # (This can be used to extract data from a # downloaded zip archive without first saving it to disk.) def open_buffer(io, options = {}) unless IO_METHODS.map { |method| io.respond_to?(method) }.all? || io.is_a?(String) raise "Zip::File.open_buffer expects a String or IO-like argument (responds to #{IO_METHODS.join(', ')}). Found: #{io.class}" end if io.is_a?(::String) require 'stringio' io = ::StringIO.new(io) elsif io.respond_to?(:binmode) # https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip/issues/119 io.binmode end zf = Zip::File.new(io, true, true, options) zf.read_from_stream(io) yield zf begin zf.write_buffer(io) rescue IOError => e raise unless e.message == 'not opened for writing' end end # Iterates over the contents of the ZipFile. This is more efficient # than using a ZipInputStream since this methods simply iterates # through the entries in the central directory structure in the archive # whereas ZipInputStream jumps through the entire archive accessing the # local entry headers (which contain the same information as the # central directory). def foreach(aZipFileName, &block) open(aZipFileName) do |zipFile| zipFile.each(&block) end end def get_segment_size_for_split(segment_size) case when MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE > segment_size MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE when MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE < segment_size MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE else segment_size end end def get_partial_zip_file_name(zip_file_name, partial_zip_file_name) partial_zip_file_name = zip_file_name.sub(/#{::File.basename(zip_file_name)}\z/, partial_zip_file_name + ::File.extname(zip_file_name)) unless partial_zip_file_name.nil? partial_zip_file_name ||= zip_file_name partial_zip_file_name end def get_segment_count_for_split(zip_file_size, segment_size) (zip_file_size / segment_size).to_i + (zip_file_size % segment_size == 0 ? 0 : 1) end def put_split_signature(szip_file, segment_size) signature_packed = [SPLIT_SIGNATURE].pack('V') szip_file << signature_packed segment_size - signature_packed.size end # # TODO: Make the code more understandable # def save_splited_part(zip_file, partial_zip_file_name, zip_file_size, szip_file_index, segment_size, segment_count) ssegment_size = zip_file_size - zip_file.pos ssegment_size = segment_size if ssegment_size > segment_size szip_file_name = "#{partial_zip_file_name}.#{format('%03d', szip_file_index)}" ::File.open(szip_file_name, 'wb') do |szip_file| if szip_file_index == 1 ssegment_size = put_split_signature(szip_file, segment_size) end chunk_bytes = 0 until ssegment_size == chunk_bytes || zip_file.eof? segment_bytes_left = ssegment_size - chunk_bytes buffer_size = segment_bytes_left < DATA_BUFFER_SIZE ? segment_bytes_left : DATA_BUFFER_SIZE chunk = zip_file.read(buffer_size) chunk_bytes += buffer_size szip_file << chunk # Info for track splitting yield segment_count, szip_file_index, chunk_bytes, ssegment_size if block_given? end end end # Splits an archive into parts with segment size def split(zip_file_name, segment_size = MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, delete_zip_file = true, partial_zip_file_name = nil) raise Error, "File #{zip_file_name} not found" unless ::File.exist?(zip_file_name) raise Errno::ENOENT, zip_file_name unless ::File.readable?(zip_file_name) zip_file_size = ::File.size(zip_file_name) segment_size = get_segment_size_for_split(segment_size) return if zip_file_size <= segment_size segment_count = get_segment_count_for_split(zip_file_size, segment_size) # Checking for correct zip structure open(zip_file_name) {} partial_zip_file_name = get_partial_zip_file_name(zip_file_name, partial_zip_file_name) szip_file_index = 0 ::File.open(zip_file_name, 'rb') do |zip_file| until zip_file.eof? szip_file_index += 1 save_splited_part(zip_file, partial_zip_file_name, zip_file_size, szip_file_index, segment_size, segment_count) end end ::File.delete(zip_file_name) if delete_zip_file szip_file_index end end # Returns an input stream to the specified entry. If a block is passed # the stream object is passed to the block and the stream is automatically # closed afterwards just as with ruby's builtin File.open method. def get_input_stream(entry, &aProc) get_entry(entry).get_input_stream(&aProc) end # Returns an output stream to the specified entry. If entry is not an instance # of Zip::Entry, a new Zip::Entry will be initialized using the arguments # specified. If a block is passed the stream object is passed to the block and # the stream is automatically closed afterwards just as with ruby's builtin # File.open method. def get_output_stream(entry, permission_int = nil, comment = nil, extra = nil, compressed_size = nil, crc = nil, compression_method = nil, size = nil, time = nil, &aProc) new_entry = if entry.kind_of?(Entry) entry else Entry.new(@name, entry.to_s, comment, extra, compressed_size, crc, compression_method, size, time) end if new_entry.directory? raise ArgumentError, "cannot open stream to directory entry - '#{new_entry}'" end new_entry.unix_perms = permission_int zip_streamable_entry = StreamableStream.new(new_entry) @entry_set << zip_streamable_entry zip_streamable_entry.get_output_stream(&aProc) end # Returns the name of the zip archive def to_s @name end # Returns a string containing the contents of the specified entry def read(entry) get_input_stream(entry) { |is| is.read } end # Convenience method for adding the contents of a file to the archive def add(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc) continue_on_exists_proc ||= proc { Zip.continue_on_exists_proc } check_entry_exists(entry, continue_on_exists_proc, 'add') new_entry = entry.kind_of?(Zip::Entry) ? entry : Zip::Entry.new(@name, entry.to_s) new_entry.gather_fileinfo_from_srcpath(src_path) new_entry.dirty = true @entry_set << new_entry end # Removes the specified entry. def remove(entry) @entry_set.delete(get_entry(entry)) end # Renames the specified entry. def rename(entry, new_name, &continue_on_exists_proc) foundEntry = get_entry(entry) check_entry_exists(new_name, continue_on_exists_proc, 'rename') @entry_set.delete(foundEntry) foundEntry.name = new_name @entry_set << foundEntry end # Replaces the specified entry with the contents of srcPath (from # the file system). def replace(entry, srcPath) check_file(srcPath) remove(entry) add(entry, srcPath) end # Extracts entry to file dest_path. def extract(entry, dest_path, &block) block ||= proc { Zip.on_exists_proc } found_entry = get_entry(entry) found_entry.extract(dest_path, &block) end # Commits changes that has been made since the previous commit to # the zip archive. def commit return unless commit_required? on_success_replace do |tmp_file| Zip::OutputStream.open(tmp_file) do |zos| @entry_set.each do |e| e.write_to_zip_output_stream(zos) e.dirty = false e.clean_up end zos.comment = comment end true end initialize(name) end # Write buffer write changes to buffer and return def write_buffer(io = ::StringIO.new('')) Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer(io) do |zos| @entry_set.each { |e| e.write_to_zip_output_stream(zos) } zos.comment = comment end end # Closes the zip file committing any changes that has been made. def close commit end # Returns true if any changes has been made to this archive since # the previous commit def commit_required? @entry_set.each do |e| return true if e.dirty end @comment != @stored_comment || @entry_set != @stored_entries || @create == Zip::File::CREATE end # Searches for entry with the specified name. Returns nil if # no entry is found. See also get_entry def find_entry(entry_name) @entry_set.find_entry(entry_name) end # Searches for entries given a glob def glob(*args, &block) @entry_set.glob(*args, &block) end # Searches for an entry just as find_entry, but throws Errno::ENOENT # if no entry is found. def get_entry(entry) selected_entry = find_entry(entry) raise Errno::ENOENT, entry unless selected_entry selected_entry.restore_ownership = @restore_ownership selected_entry.restore_permissions = @restore_permissions selected_entry.restore_times = @restore_times selected_entry end # Creates a directory def mkdir(entryName, permissionInt = 0755) raise Errno::EEXIST, "File exists - #{entryName}" if find_entry(entryName) entryName = entryName.dup.to_s entryName << '/' unless entryName.end_with?('/') @entry_set << Zip::StreamableDirectory.new(@name, entryName, nil, permissionInt) end private def directory?(newEntry, srcPath) srcPathIsDirectory = ::File.directory?(srcPath) if newEntry.directory? && !srcPathIsDirectory raise ArgumentError, "entry name '#{newEntry}' indicates directory entry, but " \ "'#{srcPath}' is not a directory" elsif !newEntry.directory? && srcPathIsDirectory newEntry.name += '/' end newEntry.directory? && srcPathIsDirectory end def check_entry_exists(entryName, continue_on_exists_proc, procedureName) continue_on_exists_proc ||= proc { Zip.continue_on_exists_proc } return unless @entry_set.include?(entryName) if continue_on_exists_proc.call remove get_entry(entryName) else raise Zip::EntryExistsError, procedureName + " failed. Entry #{entryName} already exists" end end def check_file(path) raise Errno::ENOENT, path unless ::File.readable?(path) end def on_success_replace tmp_filename = create_tmpname if yield tmp_filename ::File.rename(tmp_filename, name) ::File.chmod(@file_permissions, name) if defined?(@file_permissions) end ensure ::File.unlink(tmp_filename) if ::File.exist?(tmp_filename) end def create_tmpname dirname, basename = ::File.split(name) ::Dir::Tmpname.create(basename, dirname) do |tmpname| opts = {perm: 0600, mode: ::File::CREAT | ::File::WRONLY | ::File::EXCL} f = File.open(tmpname, opts) f.close end end def create_file_permissions Zip::RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS ? 0644 : 0666 - ::File.umask end end end # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Thomas Sondergaard # rubyzip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the ruby license. end
# # This file is auto-generated, do not edit # module RecombeeApiClient require_relative 'request' require_relative '../errors' ## #Gets the list of all the item properties in your database. # class ListItemProperties < ApiRequest attr_accessor :timeout attr_accessor :ensure_https ## # def initialize() @timeout = 100000 @ensure_https = false end # HTTP method def method :get end # Values of body parameters as a Hash def body_parameters p = Hash.new p end # Values of query parameters as a Hash. # name of parameter => value of the parameter def query_parameters params = {} params end # Relative path to the endpoint def path "/{databaseId}/items/properties/list/" end end end
# # # class PublishedProgrammeItem < ApplicationRecord self.primary_key = :programmme_item_id belongs_to :format belongs_to :programmme_item has_many :published_programme_assignments, dependent: :destroy do # get the people with the given role def role(role) where(['programme_assignment_role_type_id = ?', role.id]) .order('published_programme_assignments.sort_order asc') end # get the people with the given roles def roles(role_ids) where(['programme_assignment_role_type_id in (?)', role_ids]) .order('published_programme_assignments.sort_order asc') end end has_many :people, through: :published_programme_assignments enum visibility: { is_public: 'public', is_private: 'private' } acts_as_taggable def self.only_public where(visibility: 'public') end def self.only_private where(visibility: 'private') end def public? visibility == 'public' end def private? visibility == 'public' end end
require 'abstract_unit' require 'action_dispatch/http/upload' require 'action_controller/metal/strong_parameters' class ParametersPermitTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def assert_filtered_out(params, key) assert !params.has_key?(key), "key #{key.inspect} has not been filtered out" end setup do @params = ActionController::Parameters.new( person: { age: '32', name: { first: 'David', last: 'Heinemeier Hansson' }, addresses: [{city: 'Chicago', state: 'Illinois'}] } ) @struct_fields = [] %w(0 1 12).each do |number| ['', 'i', 'f'].each do |suffix| @struct_fields << "sf(#{number}#{suffix})" end end end def walk_permitted params params.each do |k,v| case v when ActionController::Parameters walk_permitted v when Array v.each { |x| walk_permitted v } end end end test 'iteration should not impact permit' do hash = {"foo"=>{"bar"=>{"0"=>{"baz"=>"hello", "zot"=>"1"}}}} params = ActionController::Parameters.new(hash) walk_permitted params sanitized = params[:foo].permit(bar: [:baz]) assert_equal({"0"=>{"baz"=>"hello"}}, sanitized[:bar].to_unsafe_h) end test 'if nothing is permitted, the hash becomes empty' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: '1234') permitted = params.permit assert permitted.permitted? assert permitted.empty? end test 'key: permitted scalar values' do values = ['a', :a, nil] values += [0, 1.0, 2**128, BigDecimal.new(1)] values += [true, false] values += [Date.today, Time.now, DateTime.now] values += [STDOUT, StringIO.new, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: __FILE__), Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(__FILE__)] values.each do |value| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: value) permitted = params.permit(:id) assert_equal value, permitted[:id] @struct_fields.each do |sf| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(sf => value) permitted = params.permit(:sf) assert_equal value, permitted[sf] end end end test 'key: unknown keys are filtered out' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: '1234', injected: 'injected') permitted = params.permit(:id) assert_equal '1234', permitted[:id] assert_filtered_out permitted, :injected end test 'key: arrays are filtered out' do [[], [1], ['1']].each do |array| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: array) permitted = params.permit(:id) assert_filtered_out permitted, :id @struct_fields.each do |sf| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(sf => array) permitted = params.permit(:sf) assert_filtered_out permitted, sf end end end test 'key: hashes are filtered out' do [{}, {foo: 1}, {foo: 'bar'}].each do |hash| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: hash) permitted = params.permit(:id) assert_filtered_out permitted, :id @struct_fields.each do |sf| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(sf => hash) permitted = params.permit(:sf) assert_filtered_out permitted, sf end end end test 'key: non-permitted scalar values are filtered out' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: Object.new) permitted = params.permit(:id) assert_filtered_out permitted, :id @struct_fields.each do |sf| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(sf => Object.new) permitted = params.permit(:sf) assert_filtered_out permitted, sf end end test 'key: it is not assigned if not present in params' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(name: 'Joe') permitted = params.permit(:id) assert !permitted.has_key?(:id) end test 'key to empty array: empty arrays pass' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: []) permitted = params.permit(id: []) assert_equal [], permitted[:id] end test 'do not break params filtering on nil values' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(a: 1, b: [1, 2, 3], c: nil) permitted = params.permit(:a, c: [], b: []) assert_equal 1, permitted[:a] assert_equal [1, 2, 3], permitted[:b] assert_equal nil, permitted[:c] end test 'key to empty array: arrays of permitted scalars pass' do [['foo'], [1], ['foo', 'bar'], [1, 2, 3]].each do |array| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: array) permitted = params.permit(id: []) assert_equal array, permitted[:id] end end test 'key to empty array: permitted scalar values do not pass' do ['foo', 1].each do |permitted_scalar| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: permitted_scalar) permitted = params.permit(id: []) assert_filtered_out permitted, :id end end test 'key to empty array: arrays of non-permitted scalar do not pass' do [[Object.new], [[]], [[1]], [{}], [{id: '1'}]].each do |non_permitted_scalar| params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: non_permitted_scalar) permitted = params.permit(id: []) assert_filtered_out permitted, :id end end test "fetch raises ParameterMissing exception" do e = assert_raises(ActionController::ParameterMissing) do @params.fetch :foo end assert_equal :foo, e.param end test "fetch with a default value of a hash does not mutate the object" do params = ActionController::Parameters.new({}) params.fetch :foo, {} assert_equal nil, params[:foo] end test 'hashes in array values get wrapped' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(foo: [{}, {}]) params[:foo].each do |hash| assert !hash.permitted? end end # Strong params has an optimization to avoid looping every time you read # a key whose value is an array and building a new object. We check that # optimization here. test 'arrays are converted at most once' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(foo: [{}]) assert_same params[:foo], params[:foo] end # Strong params has an internal cache to avoid duplicated loops in the most # common usage pattern. See the docs of the method `converted_arrays`. # # This test checks that if we push a hash to an array (in-place modification) # the cache does not get fooled, the hash is still wrapped as strong params, # and not permitted. test 'mutated arrays are detected' do params = ActionController::Parameters.new(users: [{id: 1}]) permitted = params.permit(users: [:id]) permitted[:users] << {injected: 1} assert_not permitted[:users].last.permitted? end test "fetch doesnt raise ParameterMissing exception if there is a default" do assert_equal "monkey", @params.fetch(:foo, "monkey") assert_equal "monkey", @params.fetch(:foo) { "monkey" } end test "not permitted is sticky beyond merges" do assert !@params.merge(a: "b").permitted? end test "permitted is sticky beyond merges" do @params.permit! assert @params.merge(a: "b").permitted? end test "modifying the parameters" do @params[:person][:hometown] = "Chicago" @params[:person][:family] = { brother: "Jonas" } assert_equal "Chicago", @params[:person][:hometown] assert_equal "Jonas", @params[:person][:family][:brother] end test "permit state is kept on a dup" do @params.permit! assert_equal @params.permitted?, @params.dup.permitted? end test "permit is recursive" do @params.permit! assert @params.permitted? assert @params[:person].permitted? assert @params[:person][:name].permitted? assert @params[:person][:addresses][0].permitted? end test "permitted takes a default value when Parameters.permit_all_parameters is set" do begin ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true params = ActionController::Parameters.new({ person: { age: "32", name: { first: "David", last: "Heinemeier Hansson" } }}) assert params.slice(:person).permitted? assert params[:person][:name].permitted? ensure ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = false end end test "permitting parameters as an array" do assert_equal "32", @params[:person].permit([ :age ])[:age] end test "to_h returns empty hash on unpermitted params" do assert @params.to_h.is_a? Hash assert_not @params.to_h.is_a? ActionController::Parameters assert @params.to_h.empty? end test "to_h returns converted hash on permitted params" do @params.permit! assert @params.to_h.is_a? Hash assert_not @params.to_h.is_a? ActionController::Parameters assert_equal @params.to_hash, @params.to_h end test "to_h returns converted hash when .permit_all_parameters is set" do begin ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true params = ActionController::Parameters.new(crab: "Senjougahara Hitagi") assert params.to_h.is_a? Hash assert_not @params.to_h.is_a? ActionController::Parameters assert_equal({ "crab" => "Senjougahara Hitagi" }, params.to_h) ensure ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = false end end test "to_h returns always permitted parameter on unpermitted params" do params = ActionController::Parameters.new( controller: "users", action: "create", user: { name: "Sengoku Nadeko" } ) assert_equal({ "controller" => "users", "action" => "create" }, params.to_h) end test "to_unsafe_h returns unfiltered params" do assert @params.to_h.is_a? Hash assert_not @params.to_h.is_a? ActionController::Parameters assert_equal @params.to_hash, @params.to_unsafe_h end end
# coding: utf-8 Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = 'agency-jekyll-theme' spec.version = '1.0.0' spec.authors = ["Klaudia Alvarez"] spec.email = 'klaudia.devel@gmail.com' spec.summary = "Agency Jekyll Theme is a jekyll theme gem, based on Agency theme created by Start Bootstrap." spec.description = "Agency Jekyll Theme is a single-page theme. It features several content sections, a responsive portfolio grid with hover effects, full page portfolio item modals, a responsive timeline, and a contact form." spec.homepage = "http://github.com/laklau/agency-jekyll-theme" spec.license = 'MIT' spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").select { |f| f.match(%r{^(assets|_layouts|_includes|_sass|_data|vendor|LICENSE|README.md|index.md|screenshot.png)}i) } spec.add_development_dependency "jekyll", "~> 3.3" spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 2.1.0" spec.add_development_dependency "rake", ">= 12.3.3" end
# lib/gemwarrior/entities/items/throne.rb # Entity::Item::Throne require_relative '../item' module Gemwarrior class Throne < Item def initialize super self.name = 'throne' self.name_display = 'Throne' self.description = 'Made of what appears to be unfulfilled desires and latent, flawed happiness, the well-crafted seat still looks kinda comfy. The wizard Emerald sits in it, glaring at you.' end def use(world) puts 'Your words fall on deaf chairs. Emerald continues to stare at you.' { type: nil, data: nil } end end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright:: Copyright 2011, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # License:: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This example deactivates all active ad units. To determine which ad units # exist, run get_all_ad_units.rb or get_inventory_tree.rb. require 'dfp_api' API_VERSION = :v201605 def deactivate_ad_units() # Get DfpApi instance and load configuration from ~/dfp_api.yml. dfp = DfpApi::Api.new # To enable logging of SOAP requests, set the log_level value to 'DEBUG' in # the configuration file or provide your own logger: # dfp.logger = Logger.new('dfp_xml.log') # Get the InventoryService. inventory_service = dfp.service(:InventoryService, API_VERSION) # Create statement text to select active ad units. statement = DfpApi::FilterStatement.new( 'WHERE status = :status', [ {:key => 'status', :value => {:value => 'ACTIVE', :xsi_type => 'TextValue'}} ] ) ad_unit_ids = [] begin # Get ad units by statement. page = inventory_service.get_ad_units_by_statement(statement.toStatement()) if page[:results] page[:results].each_with_index do |ad_unit, index| puts ("%d) Ad unit with ID: %d, status: %s and name: %s will be " + "deactivated.") % [index + statement.offset, ad_unit[:id], ad_unit[:status], ad_unit[:name]] ad_unit_ids << ad_unit[:id] end end statement.offset += DfpApi::SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT end while statement.offset < page[:total_result_set_size] puts "Number of ad units to be deactivated: %d" % ad_unit_ids.size if !ad_unit_ids.empty? # Modify statement for action. Note, the values are still present. statement = DfpApi::FilterStatement.new( "WHERE status = :status AND id in (%s)" % ad_unit_ids.join(', '), [ {:key => 'status', :value => {:value => 'ACTIVE', :xsi_type => 'TextValue'}} ] ) # Perform action. result = inventory_service.perform_ad_unit_action( {:xsi_type => 'DeactivateAdUnits'}, statement.toStatement()) # Display results. if result and result[:num_changes] > 0 puts "Number of ad units deactivated: %d" % result[:num_changes] else puts 'No ad units were deactivated.' end else puts 'No ad units found to deactivate.' end end if __FILE__ == $0 begin deactivate_ad_units() # HTTP errors. rescue AdsCommon::Errors::HttpError => e puts "HTTP Error: %s" % e # API errors. rescue DfpApi::Errors::ApiException => e puts "Message: %s" % e.message puts 'Errors:' e.errors.each_with_index do |error, index| puts "\tError [%d]:" % (index + 1) error.each do |field, value| puts "\t\t%s: %s" % [field, value] end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::UrlBuilder do subject { described_class } describe '#build' do it 'delegates to the class method' do expect(subject).to receive(:build).with(:foo, bar: :baz) subject.instance.build(:foo, bar: :baz) end end describe '.build' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:factory, :path_generator) do :project | ->(project) { "/#{project.full_path}" } :commit | ->(commit) { "/#{commit.project.full_path}/-/commit/#{commit.id}" } :issue | ->(issue) { "/#{issue.project.full_path}/-/issues/#{issue.iid}" } :merge_request | ->(merge_request) { "/#{merge_request.project.full_path}/-/merge_requests/#{merge_request.iid}" } :project_milestone | ->(milestone) { "/#{milestone.project.full_path}/-/milestones/#{milestone.iid}" } :project_snippet | ->(snippet) { "/#{snippet.project.full_path}/snippets/#{snippet.id}" } :project_wiki | ->(wiki) { "/#{wiki.container.full_path}/-/wikis/home" } :ci_build | ->(build) { "/#{build.project.full_path}/-/jobs/#{build.id}" } :group | ->(group) { "/groups/#{group.full_path}" } :group_milestone | ->(milestone) { "/groups/#{milestone.group.full_path}/-/milestones/#{milestone.iid}" } :group_wiki | ->(wiki) { "/groups/#{wiki.container.full_path}/-/wikis/home" } :user | ->(user) { "/#{user.full_path}" } :personal_snippet | ->(snippet) { "/snippets/#{snippet.id}" } :wiki_page | ->(wiki_page) { "#{wiki_page.wiki.wiki_base_path}/#{wiki_page.slug}" } :note_on_commit | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/commit/#{note.commit_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :diff_note_on_commit | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/commit/#{note.commit_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :discussion_note_on_commit | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/commit/#{note.commit_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :legacy_diff_note_on_commit | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/commit/#{note.commit_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :note_on_issue | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/issues/#{note.noteable.iid}#note_#{note.id}" } :discussion_note_on_issue | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/issues/#{note.noteable.iid}#note_#{note.id}" } :note_on_merge_request | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/merge_requests/#{note.noteable.iid}#note_#{note.id}" } :diff_note_on_merge_request | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/merge_requests/#{note.noteable.iid}#note_#{note.id}" } :discussion_note_on_merge_request | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/merge_requests/#{note.noteable.iid}#note_#{note.id}" } :legacy_diff_note_on_merge_request | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/-/merge_requests/#{note.noteable.iid}#note_#{note.id}" } :note_on_project_snippet | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/snippets/#{note.noteable_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :discussion_note_on_project_snippet | ->(note) { "/#{note.project.full_path}/snippets/#{note.noteable_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :discussion_note_on_personal_snippet | ->(note) { "/snippets/#{note.noteable_id}#note_#{note.id}" } :note_on_personal_snippet | ->(note) { "/snippets/#{note.noteable_id}#note_#{note.id}" } end with_them do let(:object) { build_stubbed(factory) } let(:path) { path_generator.call(object) } it 'returns the full URL' do expect(subject.build(object)).to eq("#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}#{path}") end it 'returns only the path if only_path is given' do expect(subject.build(object, only_path: true)).to eq(path) end end context 'when passing a commit without a project' do let(:commit) { build_stubbed(:commit) } it 'returns an empty string' do allow(commit).to receive(:project).and_return(nil) expect(subject.build(commit)).to eq('') end end context 'when passing a commit note without a project' do let(:note) { build_stubbed(:note_on_commit) } it 'returns an empty string' do allow(note).to receive(:project).and_return(nil) expect(subject.build(note)).to eq('') end end context 'when passing a Snippet' do let(:snippet) { build_stubbed(:personal_snippet) } it 'returns a raw snippet URL if requested' do url = subject.build(snippet, raw: true) expect(url).to eq "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}/snippets/#{snippet.id}/raw" end end context 'when passing an unsupported class' do let(:object) { Object.new } it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject.build(object) }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context 'when passing a batch loaded model' do let(:project) { build_stubbed(:project) } let(:object) do BatchLoader.for(:project).batch do |batch, loader| batch.each { |_| loader.call(:project, project) } end end it 'returns the URL for the real object' do expect(subject.build(object, only_path: true)).to eq("/#{project.full_path}") end end end end
module Daru VERSION = '0.2.1'.freeze end
class TadpolesController < ApplicationController before_action :set_tadpole, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :metamorphose] def metamorphose @frog = Frog.new(name: @tadpole.name, color: @tadpole.color, pond_id: @tadpole.frog.pond_id) @tadpole.destroy @frog.save redirect_to frog_path(@frog) end def index @tadpoles = Tadpole.all end def show @tadpole = Tadpole.find(params[:id]) end def new @frog = Frog.find(set_frog) @tadpole = Tadpole.new end def edit @frog = @tadpole.frog end def create @tadpole = Tadpole.new(tadpole_params) respond_to do |format| if @tadpole.save format.html { redirect_to @tadpole, notice: 'Tadpole was successfully created.' } else format.html { render :new } end end end def update respond_to do |format| if @tadpole.update(tadpole_params) format.html { redirect_to @tadpole, notice: 'Tadpole was successfully updated.' } else format.html { render :edit } end end end def destroy @tadpole.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to tadpoles_url, notice: 'Tadpole was successfully destroyed.' } end end private def set_tadpole @tadpole = Tadpole.find(params[:id]) end def set_frog @frog = Frog.find(params[:frog_id]) end def tadpole_params params.require(:tadpole).permit(:name, :color, :frog_id) end # this is a push test end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: csl 1.5.1 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "csl".freeze s.version = "1.5.1" s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze] s.authors = ["Sylvester Keil".freeze] s.date = "2020-01-07" s.description = "A Ruby parser and full API for the Citation Style Language (CSL),\nan open XML-based language to describe the formatting of citations\nand bibliographies.\n".freeze s.email = ["http://sylvester.keil.or.at".freeze] s.homepage = "https://github.com/inukshuk/csl-ruby".freeze s.licenses = ["AGPL-3.0".freeze] s.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 2.2".freeze) s.rubygems_version = "3.0.3".freeze s.summary = "A Ruby CSL parser and library".freeze s.installed_by_version = "3.0.3" if s.respond_to? :installed_by_version if s.respond_to? :specification_version then s.specification_version = 4 if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<namae>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"]) else s.add_dependency(%q<namae>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"]) end else s.add_dependency(%q<namae>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"]) end end
class OracleTableCopier < TableCopier def run destination_connection.connect!.synchronize do |jdbc_conn| copy_manager(jdbc_conn).copy_in(copy_sql, java_stream) end ensure destination_connection.disconnect end def self.cancel(import) connection = import.source_dataset.data_source.connect_as(import.user) cancelable_query = CancelableQuery.new(connection, import.handle, import.user) cancelable_query.cancel kill_session(cancelable_query, connection) end def self.kill_session(cancelable_query, connection) #Get the session id of the sql job running on oracle for the import and kill/disconnect that session #Not tested due to difficulty with multiple threads. Be careful if changing this. sid = connection.fetch(sid_sql(cancelable_query)).first sid && connection.execute(cancel_sql(sid[:sid])) end private def self.sid_sql(cancelable_query) <<-SQL SELECT ''''||sid||', '||s.serial#||'''' sid FROM V$SESSION s, V$SQLAREA sa WHERE sa.sql_text like '%#{cancelable_query.check_id}%' AND s.type != 'BACKGROUND' AND s.program = 'JDBC Thin Client' AND sid != sys_context('userenv', 'sid') ORDER BY sid SQL end def self.cancel_sql(sid) <<-SQL ALTER SYSTEM DISCONNECT SESSION #{sid} IMMEDIATE SQL end def copy_manager(jdbc_conn) org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager.new(jdbc_conn) end def copy_sql "COPY #{destination_table_fullname}(#{column_names}) FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER ',' CSV" end def java_stream java.io.InputStreamReader.new(org.jruby.util.IOInputStream.new(EnumeratorIO.new(streamer_enum))) end def streamer_enum cancelable_query.stream(source_dataset.all_rows_sql(sample_count), {:show_headers => false}) end def cancelable_query @cancelable_query ||= CancelableQuery.new(source_connection, pipe_name, user) end def column_names account = source_dataset.data_source.account_for_user!(user) columns = DatasetColumn.columns_for(account, source_dataset) columns.map { |column| "\"#{column.name}\"" }.join(", ") end def distribution_key_columns primary_key_columns end def convert_column_type(oracle_type) OracleDataTypes.greenplum_type_for oracle_type end end
module Hunter VERSION = "0.2.0" end
class Clp < Formula desc "Linear programming solver" homepage "https://github.com/coin-or/Clp" url "https://github.com/coin-or/Clp/archive/releases/1.17.6.tar.gz" sha256 "afff465b1620cfcbb7b7c17b5d331d412039650ff471c4160c7eb24ae01284c9" license "EPL-1.0" revision 1 livecheck do url :stable regex(%r{^(?:releases/)?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$}i) end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "8434f19ed131a1dd8554891c5225c14b642045b286efbe6e99471b1555352404" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "f1e732d364b18f48463953078d4ee367367728be52708473a0920b2f34313364" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "74b2b7ef2713b239a6f7c7d9e68279ee332859a25b223e50ccba63f3c97e6d3e" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "a77023f98b927b7a449142765c542ad774e3c92939cc1a93d29126a08acc81fb" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "b68e1b527f9bd8a10c391f49835f379e973c4ad12fb68993d72e49604e4a21bb" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "db3e0b70a5a5435d2c01b8c25c54615288d15dd0aef1606bc6812099b7feb052" sha256 cellar: :any, high_sierra: "b279c98add833139bbdd65122391805109371eae1c2e99fbd35cbf9993e45ee5" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "cdc337e0f4b870eaae6f86ebf4b2ee986ef57cfd8e285245d788b412860b7ea5" end depends_on "pkg-config" => [:build, :test] depends_on "coinutils" depends_on "openblas" depends_on "osi" resource "coin-or-tools-data-sample-p0033-mps" do url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coin-or-tools/Data-Sample/releases/1.2.11/p0033.mps" sha256 "8ccff819023237c79ef32e238a5da9348725ce9a4425d48888baf3a0b3b42628" end def install # Work around https://github.com/coin-or/Clp/issues/109: # Error 1: "mkdir: #{include}/clp/coin: File exists." mkdir include/"clp/coin" args = [ "--datadir=#{pkgshare}", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--includedir=#{include}/clp", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-blas-incdir=#{Formula["openblas"].opt_include}", "--with-blas-lib=-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas", "--with-lapack-incdir=#{Formula["openblas"].opt_include}", "--with-lapack-lib=-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas", ] system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end test do resource("coin-or-tools-data-sample-p0033-mps").stage testpath system bin/"clp", "-import", testpath/"p0033.mps", "-primals" (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS #include <ClpSimplex.hpp> int main() { ClpSimplex model; int status = model.readMps("#{testpath}/p0033.mps", true); if (status != 0) { return status; } status = model.primal(); return status; } EOS pkg_config_flags = `pkg-config --cflags --libs clp`.chomp.split system ENV.cxx, "test.cpp", *pkg_config_flags system "./a.out" end end
class SnapTelemetry < Formula desc "Snap is an opensource telemetry framework" homepage "https://snap-telemetry.io/" url "https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap/archive/2.0.0.tar.gz" sha256 "35f6ddcffcff27677309abb6eb4065b9fe029a266c3f7ff77103bf822ff315ab" license "Apache-2.0" head "https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap.git" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "094be117be921cca221b7e0021e7e7d48d496e83599ed52fbd81c64b3b389d5b" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "4e8cca8dbc731cb1bf7b92a8f410f287678ab270450cd0f58ce6f10eb7e3e1d5" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "6f52483af1ce2785dc7e9bf0fdc202430c61b804ef3a67e2487d669bf27edcb1" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, mojave: "1cd9b411854596b3afe7afa22ed9041d31e21a860739246a5eeb47e03a6844e8" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, high_sierra: "066cf3014caa27b6c3327f983cbe632cb85476c0731ec3fda40e85205c1a5f71" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, sierra: "1ff53b8b2f1827e2a607d81dd3db246eb1388dfd1aa7110dcf59a8e4ba606d17" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, el_capitan: "50ce1be7d6e83f309d8fd62bf2b36cb03c29b726d575abfbeef895b3f628fb46" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "2ce6d7532d5ca326b0bd497988ff5aab340c49f6e9334898ecdf312df73b1dfa" end # https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap/commit/e3a6c8e39994b3980df0c7b069d5ede810622952 deprecate! date: "2018-12-20", because: :deprecated_upstream depends_on "glide" => :build depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["CGO_ENABLED"] = "0" ENV["GLIDE_HOME"] = HOMEBREW_CACHE/"glide_home/#{name}" ENV["GO111MODULE"] = "auto" snapteld = buildpath/"src/github.com/intelsdi-x/snap" snapteld.install buildpath.children cd snapteld do system "glide", "install" system "go", "build", "-o", "snapteld", "-ldflags", "-w -X main.gitversion=#{version}" sbin.install "snapteld" prefix.install_metafiles end snaptel = buildpath/"src/github.com/intelsdi-x/snap/cmd/snaptel" cd snaptel do system "go", "build", "-o", "snaptel", "-ldflags", "-w -X main.gitversion=#{version}" bin.install "snaptel" end end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{sbin}/snapteld --version") assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/snaptel --version") begin snapteld_pid = fork do exec "#{sbin}/snapteld -t 0 -l 1 -o #{testpath}" end sleep 5 assert_match("No plugins", shell_output("#{bin}/snaptel plugin list")) assert_match("No task", shell_output("#{bin}/snaptel task list")) assert_predicate testpath/"snapteld.log", :exist? ensure Process.kill("TERM", snapteld_pid) end end end
class UsersUpdateLevel < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up execute "update users set level = 3 where level = 2" end def self.down end end
class Opensearch < Formula desc "Open source distributed and RESTful search engine" homepage "https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch" url "https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/archive/refs/tags/1.0.0-beta1.tar.gz" sha256 "d23385aa42f636049ae270bdb496843dc8d2dfd88bd7f4761e305e8193b76399" license "Apache-2.0" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "3e76febc9b36676a9eb2ca55cc31ff4723783d74f47924c76d83701fb299c25d" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "a1fe07b1db26074848cca54545c795156dfd26c49493a52605f3809206f7d988" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, mojave: "9aac76b813d07a95636df64b4c8b96c6aa5de5a464f728a53568a51d457d92a1" end depends_on "gradle@6" => :build depends_on "openjdk" def install system "gradle", ":distribution:archives:no-jdk-darwin-tar:assemble" mkdir "tar" do # Extract the package to the tar directory system "tar", "--strip-components=1", "-xf", Dir["../distribution/archives/no-jdk-darwin-tar/build/distributions/opensearch-*.tar.gz"].first # Install into package directory libexec.install "bin", "lib", "modules" # Set up Opensearch for local development: inreplace "config/opensearch.yml" do |s| # 1. Give the cluster a unique name s.gsub!(/#\s*cluster\.name: .*/, "cluster.name: opensearch_homebrew") # 2. Configure paths s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.data: /path/to.+$}, "path.data: #{var}/lib/opensearch/") s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.logs: /path/to.+$}, "path.logs: #{var}/log/opensearch/") end inreplace "config/jvm.options", %r{logs/gc.log}, "#{var}/log/opensearch/gc.log" # add placeholder to avoid removal of empty directory touch "config/jvm.options.d/.keepme" # Move config files into etc (etc/"opensearch").install Dir["config/*"] end inreplace libexec/"bin/opensearch-env", "if [ -z \"$OPENSEARCH_PATH_CONF\" ]; then OPENSEARCH_PATH_CONF=\"$OPENSEARCH_HOME\"/config; fi", "if [ -z \"$OPENSEARCH_PATH_CONF\" ]; then OPENSEARCH_PATH_CONF=\"#{etc}/opensearch\"; fi" bin.install libexec/"bin/opensearch", libexec/"bin/opensearch-keystore", libexec/"bin/opensearch-plugin", libexec/"bin/opensearch-shard" bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", JAVA_HOME: Formula["openjdk"].opt_prefix) end def post_install # Make sure runtime directories exist (var/"lib/opensearch").mkpath (var/"log/opensearch").mkpath ln_s etc/"opensearch", libexec/"config" unless (libexec/"config").exist? (var/"opensearch/plugins").mkpath ln_s var/"opensearch/plugins", libexec/"plugins" unless (libexec/"plugins").exist? # fix test not being able to create keystore because of sandbox permissions system bin/"opensearch-keystore", "create" unless (etc/"opensearch/opensearch.keystore").exist? end def caveats <<~EOS Data: #{var}/lib/opensearch/ Logs: #{var}/log/opensearch/opensearch_homebrew.log Plugins: #{var}/opensearch/plugins/ Config: #{etc}/opensearch/ EOS end plist_options manual: "opensearch" service do run opt_bin/"opensearch" working_dir var log_path var/"log/opensearch.log" error_log_path var/"log/opensearch.log" end test do port = free_port (testpath/"data").mkdir (testpath/"logs").mkdir fork do exec bin/"opensearch", "-Ehttp.port=#{port}", "-Epath.data=#{testpath}/data", "-Epath.logs=#{testpath}/logs" end sleep 20 output = shell_output("curl -s -XGET localhost:#{port}/") assert_equal "opensearch", JSON.parse(output)["version"]["distribution"] system "#{bin}/opensearch-plugin", "list" end end
module EbayTrading # :nodoc: module Types # :nodoc: # == Attributes # text_node :event_type, 'EventType', :optional => true # text_node :summary_period, 'SummaryPeriod', :optional => true # text_node :frequency, 'Frequency', :optional => true class SummaryEventSchedule include XML::Mapping include Initializer root_element_name 'SummaryEventSchedule' text_node :event_type, 'EventType', :optional => true text_node :summary_period, 'SummaryPeriod', :optional => true text_node :frequency, 'Frequency', :optional => true end end end
# # Cookbook Name:: rvm # Recipe:: user_install # # Copyright 2013, The Open Data Institute # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # prerequisites = [ "curl", "build-essential" ] prerequisites.each do |pkg| package pkg do action :install end end node["rvm"]["user_installs"].each do |r| rvm_user = r["user"] rvm_ruby = r["default_ruby"] bash "install rvm" do user "root" code <<-EOF sudo su - #{rvm_user} -c '~/.rvm/bin/rvm -v || curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable' EOF end bash "set rvm autolibs" do rvm_user = r["user"] user "root" code <<-EOF sudo su - #{rvm_user} -c 'rvm autolibs 3' EOF end bash "install ruby" do user "root" code <<-EOF sudo su - #{rvm_user} -c '[ -e ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-#{rvm_ruby}/bin/ruby ] || rvm install #{rvm_ruby}' EOF end bash "set default ruby" do user "root" code <<-EOF sudo su - #{rvm_user} -c 'rvm use --default #{rvm_ruby}' EOF end # bash "create gemset" do # user "root" # code <<-EOF # sudo su - #{project} -c '~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemset list | grep #{gemset} || rvm gemset create #{gemset}' # EOF # end end
scp_sql_2014 'developer' do action :install end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- class ChatController < ApplicationController include ChatHelper include RoomHelper can_edit_on_the_spot PageSize = 20 def index @rooms = Room.all_live(current_user) end def show @id = params[:id] @message = Message.where(:_id => @id).first if @message.nil? or (not @message.room.accessible?(current_user)) flash[:error] = t(:error_room_deleted) redirect_to :controller => 'chat' return end @prev_size = int(params[:prev], 5) @next_size = int(params[:next], 5) @prev_options = [0,1,5,10,15,20,@prev_size].sort.uniq @next_options = [0,1,5,10,15,20,@next_size].sort.uniq @room = @message.room @prev = @message.prev(@prev_size) @next = @message.next(@next_size) end def room find_room(params[:id], :not_auth=>true) do |room| @room = room @messages = Message.where("room_id" => @room.id).order_by(:_id.desc).limit(PageSize).to_a @title = @room.title call_hook(:in_chatroom_controller, :controller => self) end end def message unless logged? flash[:error] = t(:error_message_user_not_login_yet) redirect_to :controller => 'chat' return end if request.post? then find_room(params[:room_id]) do |room| @room = room has_file = !(params[:file].nil?) case message = Message.make(current_user, room, params[:message], has_file) when Message message.attach(params[:file]) if has_file room.update_attributes!(:updated_at => Time.now) publish_message(:create, message, room) end end end redirect_to :controller => 'chat', :action => 'room', :id => params[:room_id] end private def int(s, default) if s.blank? then default else s.to_i end end end
FactoryBot.define do factory :delete_favorites_request do end end
module Intrigue module Task module Enrich class DnsRecord < Intrigue::Task::BaseTask def self.metadata { :name => "enrich/dns_record", :pretty_name => "Enrich DnsRecord", :authors => ["jcran"], :description => "Fills in details for a DnsRecord", :references => [], :allowed_types => ["DnsRecord"], :type => "enrichment", :passive => true, :example_entities => [ {"type" => "DnsRecord", "details" => {"name" => "intrigue.io"}}], :allowed_options => [], :created_types => [ "DnsRecord", "IpAddress", "FtpService", "MongoService", "NetworkService", "SmtpService", "SnmpService" ] } end def run lookup_name = _get_entity_name # Do a lookup and keep track of all aliases results = resolve(lookup_name) _log "Creating aliases" _create_aliases(results) # Create new entities if we found vhosts / aliases _log "Creating vhost services" _create_vhost_entities(lookup_name) _log "Grabbing resolutions" resolutions = collect_resolutions(results) _set_entity_detail("resolutions", resolutions) _log "Grabbing SOA" soa_details = collect_soa_details(lookup_name) _set_entity_detail("soa_record", soa_details) check_and_create_unscoped_domain(soa_details["primary_name_server"]) if soa_details if soa_details # grab any / all MX records (useful to see who accepts mail) _log "Grabbing MX" mx_records = collect_mx_records(lookup_name) _set_entity_detail("mx_records", mx_records) mx_records.each{|mx| check_and_create_unscoped_domain(mx["host"]) } # collect TXT records (useful for random things) _log "Grabbing TXT" txt_records = collect_txt_records(lookup_name) _set_entity_detail("txt_records", txt_records) # grab any / all SPF records (useful to see who accepts mail) _log "Grabbing SPF" spf_details = collect_spf_details(lookup_name) _set_entity_detail("spf_record", spf_details) end # create a domain for this entity check_and_create_unscoped_domain(lookup_name) end private def _create_aliases(results) #### ### Create aliased entities #### results.each do |result| _log "Creating entity for... #{result}" if "#{result["name"]}".is_ip_address? _create_entity("IpAddress", { "name" => result["name"] }, @entity) else _create_entity("DnsRecord", { "name" => result["name"] }, @entity) end end end def _create_vhost_entities(lookup_name) ### For each associated IpAddress, make sure we create any additional ### uris if we already have scan results ### @entity.aliases.each do |a| next unless a.type_string == "IpAddress" # only ips #next if a.hidden # skip hidden existing_ports = a.get_detail("ports") if existing_ports existing_ports.each do |p| _create_network_service_entity(a,p["number"],p["protocol"],{}) end end end end end end end end
require 'test_helper' class SentMessagesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "should get index" do get sent_messages_index_url assert_response :success end test "should get new" do get sent_messages_new_url assert_response :success end test "should get create" do get sent_messages_create_url assert_response :success end end
require_relative 'log' class ClientThread < Thread def initialize(name) self.name = name super() do execute end end private def execute puts "#{name} BEGIN" 10.times do |i| Log.puts("i = #{i}") sleep 0.1 end Log.close puts "#{name} END" end end
class SessionsController < ApplicationController def new end def create if @user = User.find_by(email: params[:email]) if @user.authenticate(params[:password]) session[:user_id] = @user.id redirect_to root_path, notice: "Welcome back #{@user.email}" else redirect_to new_session_path, notice: "Password is wrong" end else redirect_to new_session_path, notice: "Email is wrong" end end def destroy session[:user_id] = nil redirect_to root_path, notice: "Logged out." end end
require 'rack/session/abstract/id' module ActionDispatch class Request < Rack::Request # Session is responsible for lazily loading the session from store. class Session # :nodoc: ENV_SESSION_KEY = Rack::RACK_SESSION # :nodoc: ENV_SESSION_OPTIONS_KEY = Rack::RACK_SESSION_OPTIONS # :nodoc: # Singleton object used to determine if an optional param wasn't specified Unspecified = Object.new # Creates a session hash, merging the properties of the previous session if any def self.create(store, req, default_options) session_was = find req session = Request::Session.new(store, req) session.merge! session_was if session_was set(req, session) Options.set(req, Request::Session::Options.new(store, default_options)) session end def self.find(req) req.get_header ENV_SESSION_KEY end def self.set(req, session) req.set_header ENV_SESSION_KEY, session end class Options #:nodoc: def self.set(req, options) req.set_header ENV_SESSION_OPTIONS_KEY, options end def self.find(req) req.get_header ENV_SESSION_OPTIONS_KEY end def initialize(by, default_options) @by = by @delegate = default_options.dup end def [](key) @delegate[key] end def id(req) @delegate.fetch(:id) { @by.send(:extract_session_id, req) } end def []=(k,v); @delegate[k] = v; end def to_hash; @delegate.dup; end def values_at(*args); @delegate.values_at(*args); end end def initialize(by, req) @by = by @req = req @delegate = {} @loaded = false @exists = nil # we haven't checked yet end def id options.id(@req) end def options Options.find @req end def destroy clear options = self.options || {} @by.send(:destroy_session, @req, options.id(@req), options) # Load the new sid to be written with the response @loaded = false load_for_write! end # Returns value of the key stored in the session or # nil if the given key is not found in the session. def [](key) load_for_read! @delegate[key.to_s] end # Returns true if the session has the given key or false. def has_key?(key) load_for_read! @delegate.key?(key.to_s) end alias :key? :has_key? alias :include? :has_key? # Returns keys of the session as Array. def keys @delegate.keys end # Returns values of the session as Array. def values @delegate.values end # Writes given value to given key of the session. def []=(key, value) load_for_write! @delegate[key.to_s] = value end # Clears the session. def clear load_for_write! @delegate.clear end # Returns the session as Hash. def to_hash load_for_read! @delegate.dup.delete_if { |_,v| v.nil? } end # Updates the session with given Hash. # # session.to_hash # # => {"session_id"=>"e29b9ea315edf98aad94cc78c34cc9b2"} # # session.update({ "foo" => "bar" }) # # => {"session_id"=>"e29b9ea315edf98aad94cc78c34cc9b2", "foo" => "bar"} # # session.to_hash # # => {"session_id"=>"e29b9ea315edf98aad94cc78c34cc9b2", "foo" => "bar"} def update(hash) load_for_write! @delegate.update stringify_keys(hash) end # Deletes given key from the session. def delete(key) load_for_write! @delegate.delete key.to_s end # Returns value of given key from the session, or raises +KeyError+ # if can't find given key in case of not setted dafault value. # Returns default value if specified. # # session.fetch(:foo) # # => KeyError: key not found: "foo" # # session.fetch(:foo, :bar) # # => :bar # # session.fetch(:foo) do # :bar # end # # => :bar def fetch(key, default=Unspecified, &block) load_for_read! if default == Unspecified @delegate.fetch(key.to_s, &block) else @delegate.fetch(key.to_s, default, &block) end end def inspect if loaded? super else "#<#{self.class}:0x#{(object_id << 1).to_s(16)} not yet loaded>" end end def exists? return @exists unless @exists.nil? @exists = @by.send(:session_exists?, @req) end def loaded? @loaded end def empty? load_for_read! @delegate.empty? end def merge!(other) load_for_write! @delegate.merge!(other) end private def load_for_read! load! if !loaded? && exists? end def load_for_write! load! unless loaded? end def load! id, session = @by.load_session @req options[:id] = id @delegate.replace(stringify_keys(session)) @loaded = true end def stringify_keys(other) other.each_with_object({}) { |(key, value), hash| hash[key.to_s] = value } end end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'FirebaseInstanceID' s.version = '4.3.0' s.summary = 'Firebase InstanceID for iOS' s.description = <<-DESC Instance ID provides a unique ID per instance of your iOS apps. In addition to providing unique IDs for authentication,Instance ID can generate security tokens for use with other services. DESC s.homepage = 'https://firebase.google.com' s.license = { :type => 'Apache', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.authors = 'Google, Inc.' s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk.git', :tag => 'InstanceID-' + s.version.to_s } s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/Firebase' s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0' s.osx.deployment_target = '10.11' s.tvos.deployment_target = '10.0' s.watchos.deployment_target = '6.0' s.cocoapods_version = '>= 1.4.0' s.static_framework = true s.prefix_header_file = false base_dir = "Firebase/InstanceID/" s.source_files = base_dir + '**/*.[mh]' s.requires_arc = base_dir + '*.m' s.public_header_files = base_dir + 'Public/*.h', base_dir + 'Private/*.h' s.private_header_files = base_dir + 'Private/*.h' s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD' => 'c99', 'GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS' => 'FIRInstanceID_LIB_VERSION=' + String(s.version) } s.framework = 'Security' s.dependency 'FirebaseCore', '~> 6.5' s.dependency 'FirebaseInstallations', '~> 1.0' s.dependency 'GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults', '~> 6.4' s.dependency 'GoogleUtilities/Environment', '~> 6.4' s.test_spec 'unit' do |unit_tests| unit_tests.platforms = {:ios => '8.0', :osx => '10.11', :tvos => '10.0'} unit_tests.source_files = 'Example/InstanceID/Tests/*.[mh]' unit_tests.requires_app_host = true unit_tests.dependency 'OCMock' unit_tests.pod_target_xcconfig = { # Unit tests do library imports using repo-root relative paths. 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}"', # Prevent linker warning for test category override of # store:didDeleteFCMScopedTokensForCheckin: 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '-Xlinker -no_objc_category_merging', 'CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_WEAK' => 'YES' } end end
class Xkeyboardconfig < Formula desc "Keyboard configuration database for the X Window System" homepage "https://xorg.freedesktop.org" url "https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/data/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config-2.26.tar.bz2" mirror "ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/individual/data/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config-2.26.tar.bz2" sha256 "393718c7460cd06c4e8cb819d943ca54812ea476f32714c4d8975c77031a038e" bottle do root_url "https://linuxbrew.bintray.com/bottles-xorg" cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "91ec9583b3eadc646868a5bc4213986b51910e38cc6cb43afea2d89c9662d2e7" => :x86_64_linux end depends_on "gettext" => :build depends_on "intltool" => :build depends_on "libxslt" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build def install # Needed by intltool (xml::parser) ENV.prepend_path "PERL5LIB", "#{Formula["intltool"].libexec}/lib/perl5" args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --sysconfdir=#{etc} --localstatedir=#{var} --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --with-xkb-rules-symlink=xorg --disable-runtime-deps ] system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end end
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../helper' RE_<%= file_name.capitalize %> = %r{(?:(?:the )? *(\w+) *)} RE_<%= file_name.capitalize %>_TYPE = %r{(?: *(\w+)? *)} steps_for(:<%= file_name %>) do # # Setting # Given "an anonymous <%= file_name %>" do log_out! end Given "$an $<%= file_name %>_type <%= file_name %> with $attributes" do |_, <%= file_name %>_type, attributes| create_<%= file_name %>! <%= file_name %>_type, attributes.to_hash_from_story end Given "$an $<%= file_name %>_type <%= file_name %> named '$login'" do |_, <%= file_name %>_type, login| create_<%= file_name %>! <%= file_name %>_type, named_<%= file_name %>(login) end Given "$an $<%= file_name %>_type <%= file_name %> logged in as '$login'" do |_, <%= file_name %>_type, login| create_<%= file_name %>! <%= file_name %>_type, named_<%= file_name %>(login) log_in_<%= file_name %>! end Given "$actor is logged in" do |_, login| log_in_<%= file_name %>! @<%= file_name %>_params || named_<%= file_name %>(login) end Given "there is no $<%= file_name %>_type <%= file_name %> named '$login'" do |_, login| @<%= file_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_by_login(login) @<%= file_name %>.destroy! if @<%= file_name %> @<%= file_name %>.should be_nil end # # Actions # When "$actor logs out" do log_out end When "$actor registers an account as the preloaded '$login'" do |_, login| <%= file_name %> = named_<%= file_name %>(login) <%= file_name %>['password_confirmation'] = <%= file_name %>['password'] create_<%= file_name %> <%= file_name %> end When "$actor registers an account with $attributes" do |_, attributes| create_<%= file_name %> attributes.to_hash_from_story end <% if options[:include_activation] %> When "$actor activates with activation code $attributes" do |_, activation_code| activation_code = '' if activation_code == 'that is blank' activate end<% end %> When "$actor logs in with $attributes" do |_, attributes| log_in_<%= file_name %> attributes.to_hash_from_story end # # Result # Then "$actor should be invited to sign in" do |_| response.should render_template('/<%= controller_file_path %>/new') end Then "$actor should not be logged in" do |_| controller.logged_in?.should_not be_true end Then "$login should be logged in" do |login| controller.logged_in?.should be_true controller.current_<%= file_name %>.should === @<%= file_name %> controller.current_<%= file_name %>.login.should == login end end def named_<%= file_name %> login <%= file_name %>_params = { 'admin' => {'id' => 1, 'login' => 'addie', 'password' => '1234addie', 'email' => 'admin@example.com', }, 'oona' => { 'login' => 'oona', 'password' => '1234oona', 'email' => 'unactivated@example.com'}, 'reggie' => { 'login' => 'reggie', 'password' => 'monkey', 'email' => 'registered@example.com' }, } <%= file_name %>_params[login.downcase] end # # <%= class_name %> account actions. # # The ! methods are 'just get the job done'. It's true, they do some testing of # their own -- thus un-DRY'ing tests that do and should live in the <%= file_name %> account # stories -- but the repetition is ultimately important so that a faulty test setup # fails early. # def log_out get '/<%= controller_file_path %>/destroy' end def log_out! log_out response.should redirect_to('/') follow_redirect! end def create_<%= file_name %>(<%= file_name %>_params={}) @<%= file_name %>_params ||= <%= file_name %>_params post "/<%= model_controller_file_path %>", :<%= file_name %> => <%= file_name %>_params @<%= file_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_by_login(<%= file_name %>_params['login']) end def create_<%= file_name %>!(<%= file_name %>_type, <%= file_name %>_params) <%= file_name %>_params['password_confirmation'] ||= <%= file_name %>_params['password'] ||= <%= file_name %>_params['password'] create_<%= file_name %> <%= file_name %>_params response.should redirect_to('/') follow_redirect! <% if options[:include_activation] %> # fix the <%= file_name %>'s activation status activate_<%= file_name %>! if <%= file_name %>_type == 'activated'<% end %> end <% if options[:include_activation] %> def activate_<%= file_name %> activation_code=nil activation_code = @<%= file_name %>.activation_code if activation_code.nil? get "/activate/#{activation_code}" end def activate_<%= file_name %>! *args activate_<%= file_name %> *args response.should redirect_to('/login') follow_redirect! response.should have_flash("notice", /Signup complete!/) end<% end %> def log_in_<%= file_name %> <%= file_name %>_params=nil @<%= file_name %>_params ||= <%= file_name %>_params <%= file_name %>_params ||= @<%= file_name %>_params post "/<%= controller_routing_path %>", <%= file_name %>_params @<%= file_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_by_login(<%= file_name %>_params['login']) controller.current_<%= file_name %> end def log_in_<%= file_name %>! *args log_in_<%= file_name %> *args response.should redirect_to('/') follow_redirect! response.should have_flash("notice", /Logged in successfully/) end
require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative '../fixtures/constants' require_relative 'fixtures/constants_sclass' require_relative 'fixtures/constant_visibility' # Read the documentation in fixtures/constants.rb for the guidelines and # rationale for the structure and organization of these specs. describe "Literal (A::X) constant resolution" do describe "with statically assigned constants" do it "searches the immediate class or module scope first" do ConstantSpecs::ClassA::CS_CONST10.should == :const10_10 ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST10.should == :const10_1 ConstantSpecs::ParentA::CS_CONST10.should == :const10_5 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::CS_CONST10.should == :const10_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA::CS_CONST10.should == :const10_3 end it "searches a module included in the immediate class before the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA::CS_CONST15.should == :const15_1 end it "searches the superclass before a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA::CS_CONST11.should == :const11_1 end it "searches a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA::CS_CONST12.should == :const12_1 end it "searches the superclass chain" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA::CS_CONST13.should == :const13 end it "searches Object if no class or module qualifier is given" do CS_CONST1.should == :const1 CS_CONST10.should == :const10_1 end it "searches Object after searching other scopes" do module ConstantSpecs::SpecAdded1 CS_CONST10.should == :const10_1 end end it "searches Object if a toplevel qualifier (::X) is given" do ::CS_CONST1.should == :const1 ::CS_CONST10.should == :const10_1 end it "does not search the singleton class of the class or module" do -> do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA::CS_CONST14 end.should raise_error(NameError) -> { ConstantSpecs::CS_CONST14 }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "with dynamically assigned constants" do it "searches the immediate class or module scope first" do ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST101 = :const101_1 ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST101.should == :const101_1 ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST101 = :const101_2 ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST101.should == :const101_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::CS_CONST101 = :const101_3 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::CS_CONST101.should == :const101_3 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST101 = :const101_4 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST101.should == :const101_4 ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST101 = :const101_5 ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST101.should == :const101_5 end it "searches a module included in the immediate class before the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST102 = :const102_1 ConstantSpecs::ModuleF::CS_CONST102 = :const102_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST102.should == :const102_2 end it "searches the superclass before a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ModuleE::CS_CONST103 = :const103_1 ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST103 = :const103_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST103.should == :const103_2 end it "searches a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST104 = :const104_1 ConstantSpecs::ModuleE::CS_CONST104 = :const104_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST104.should == :const104_2 end it "searches the superclass chain" do ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST105 = :const105 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST105.should == :const105 end it "searches Object if no class or module qualifier is given" do CS_CONST106 = :const106 CS_CONST106.should == :const106 end it "searches Object if a toplevel qualifier (::X) is given" do ::CS_CONST107 = :const107 ::CS_CONST107.should == :const107 end it "does not search the singleton class of the class or module" do class << ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB CS_CONST108 = :const108_1 end -> do ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST108 end.should raise_error(NameError) module ConstantSpecs class << self CS_CONST108 = :const108_2 end end -> { ConstantSpecs::CS_CONST108 }.should raise_error(NameError) end it "returns the updated value when a constant is reassigned" do ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST109 = :const109_1 ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST109.should == :const109_1 -> { ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST109 = :const109_2 }.should complain(/already initialized constant/) ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST109.should == :const109_2 end it "evaluates the right hand side before evaluating a constant path" do mod = Module.new mod.module_eval <<-EOC ConstantSpecsRHS::B = begin module ConstantSpecsRHS; end "hello" end EOC mod::ConstantSpecsRHS::B.should == 'hello' end end it "raises a NameError if no constant is defined in the search path" do -> { ConstantSpecs::ParentA::CS_CONSTX }.should raise_error(NameError) end ruby_version_is "3.0" do it "uses the module or class #name to craft the error message" do mod = Module.new do def self.name "ModuleName" end def self.inspect "<unusable info>" end end -> { mod::DOES_NOT_EXIST }.should raise_error(NameError, /uninitialized constant ModuleName::DOES_NOT_EXIST/) end it "uses the module or class #inspect to craft the error message if they are anonymous" do mod = Module.new do def self.name nil end def self.inspect "<unusable info>" end end -> { mod::DOES_NOT_EXIST }.should raise_error(NameError, /uninitialized constant <unusable info>::DOES_NOT_EXIST/) end end it "sends #const_missing to the original class or module scope" do ConstantSpecs::ClassA::CS_CONSTX.should == :CS_CONSTX end it "evaluates the qualifier" do ConstantSpecs.get_const::CS_CONST2.should == :const2 end it "raises a TypeError if a non-class or non-module qualifier is given" do -> { CS_CONST1::CS_CONST }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 1::CS_CONST }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { "mod"::CS_CONST }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { false::CS_CONST }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "Constant resolution within methods" do describe "with statically assigned constants" do it "searches the immediate class or module scope first" do ConstantSpecs::ClassA.const10.should == :const10_10 ConstantSpecs::ParentA.const10.should == :const10_5 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA.const10.should == :const10_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const10.should == :const10_3 ConstantSpecs::ClassA.new.const10.should == :const10_10 ConstantSpecs::ParentA.new.const10.should == :const10_5 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.new.const10.should == :const10_3 end it "searches a module included in the immediate class before the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const15.should == :const15_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.new.const15.should == :const15_1 end it "searches the superclass before a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const11.should == :const11_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.new.const11.should == :const11_1 end it "searches a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const12.should == :const12_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.new.const12.should == :const12_1 end it "searches the superclass chain" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const13.should == :const13 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.new.const13.should == :const13 end it "searches the lexical scope of the method not the receiver's immediate class" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const19.should == :const19_1 end it "searches the lexical scope of a singleton method" do ConstantSpecs::CS_CONST18.const17.should == :const17_1 end it "does not search the lexical scope of the caller" do -> { ConstantSpecs::ClassA.const16 }.should raise_error(NameError) end it "searches the lexical scope of a block" do ConstantSpecs::ClassA.const22.should == :const22_1 end it "searches Object as a lexical scope only if Object is explicitly opened" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const20.should == :const20_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const21.should == :const21_1 end it "does not search the lexical scope of qualifying modules" do -> do ConstantSpecs::ContainerA::ChildA.const23 end.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "with dynamically assigned constants" do it "searches the immediate class or module scope first" do ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST201 = :const201_1 class ConstantSpecs::ClassB; CS_CONST201 = :const201_2; end ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST201 = :const201_3 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::CS_CONST201 = :const201_4 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST201 = :const201_5 ConstantSpecs::ClassB.const201.should == :const201_2 ConstantSpecs::ParentB.const201.should == :const201_3 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB.const201.should == :const201_4 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const201.should == :const201_5 ConstantSpecs::ClassB.new.const201.should == :const201_2 ConstantSpecs::ParentB.new.const201.should == :const201_3 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const201.should == :const201_5 end it "searches a module included in the immediate class before the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST202 = :const202_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST202 = :const202_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const202.should == :const202_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const202.should == :const202_1 end it "searches the superclass before a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST203 = :const203_1 ConstantSpecs::ModuleE::CS_CONST203 = :const203_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const203.should == :const203_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const203.should == :const203_1 end it "searches a module included in the superclass" do ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST204 = :const204_2 ConstantSpecs::ModuleE::CS_CONST204 = :const204_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const204.should == :const204_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const204.should == :const204_1 end it "searches the superclass chain" do ConstantSpecs::ModuleA::CS_CONST205 = :const205 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const205.should == :const205 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const205.should == :const205 end it "searches the lexical scope of the method not the receiver's immediate class" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB::CS_CONST206 = :const206_2 class ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB class << self CS_CONST206 = :const206_1 end end ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const206.should == :const206_1 end it "searches the lexical scope of a singleton method" do ConstantSpecs::CS_CONST207 = :const207_1 ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST207 = :const207_2 ConstantSpecs::CS_CONST208.const207.should == :const207_1 end it "does not search the lexical scope of the caller" do ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST209 = :const209 -> { ConstantSpecs::ClassB.const209 }.should raise_error(NameError) end it "searches the lexical scope of a block" do ConstantSpecs::ClassB::CS_CONST210 = :const210_1 ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST210 = :const210_2 ConstantSpecs::ClassB.const210.should == :const210_1 end it "searches Object as a lexical scope only if Object is explicitly opened" do Object::CS_CONST211 = :const211_1 ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST211 = :const211_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const211.should == :const211_1 Object::CS_CONST212 = :const212_2 ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST212 = :const212_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const212.should == :const212_1 end it "returns the updated value when a constant is reassigned" do ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST213 = :const213_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const213.should == :const213_1 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const213.should == :const213_1 -> { ConstantSpecs::ParentB::CS_CONST213 = :const213_2 }.should complain(/already initialized constant/) ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const213.should == :const213_2 ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.new.const213.should == :const213_2 end it "does not search the lexical scope of qualifying modules" do ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::CS_CONST214 = :const214 -> do ConstantSpecs::ContainerB::ChildB.const214 end.should raise_error(NameError) end end it "raises a NameError if no constant is defined in the search path" do -> { ConstantSpecs::ParentA.constx }.should raise_error(NameError) end it "sends #const_missing to the original class or module scope" do ConstantSpecs::ClassA.constx.should == :CS_CONSTX ConstantSpecs::ClassA.new.constx.should == :CS_CONSTX end end describe "Constant resolution within a singleton class (class << obj)" do it "works like normal classes or modules" do ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON1.foo.should == 1 end it "uses its own namespace for each object" do a = ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON2[0].foo b = ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON2[1].foo [a, b].should == [1, 2] end it "uses its own namespace for nested modules" do a = ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON3[0].x b = ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON3[1].x a.should_not equal(b) end it "allows nested modules to have proper resolution" do a = ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON4_CLASSES[0].new b = ConstantSpecs::CS_SINGLETON4_CLASSES[1].new [a.foo, b.foo].should == [1, 2] end end describe "top-level constant lookup" do context "on a class" do it "does not search Object after searching other scopes" do -> { String::Hash }.should raise_error(NameError) end end it "searches Object unsuccessfully when searches on a module" do -> { Enumerable::Hash }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Module#private_constant marked constants" do it "remain private even when updated" do mod = Module.new mod.const_set :Foo, true mod.send :private_constant, :Foo -> { mod.const_set :Foo, false }.should complain(/already initialized constant/) -> {mod::Foo}.should raise_error(NameError) end it "sends #const_missing to the original class or module" do mod = Module.new mod.const_set :Foo, true mod.send :private_constant, :Foo def mod.const_missing(name) name == :Foo ? name : super end mod::Foo.should == :Foo end describe "in a module" do it "cannot be accessed from outside the module" do -> do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "cannot be reopened as a module from scope where constant would be private" do -> do module ConstantVisibility::ModuleContainer::PrivateModule; end end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "cannot be reopened as a class from scope where constant would be private" do -> do class ConstantVisibility::ModuleContainer::PrivateClass; end end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "can be reopened as a module where constant is not private" do module ::ConstantVisibility::ModuleContainer module PrivateModule X = 1 end PrivateModule::X.should == 1 end end it "can be reopened as a class where constant is not private" do module ::ConstantVisibility::ModuleContainer class PrivateClass X = 1 end PrivateClass::X.should == 1 end end it "is not defined? with A::B form" do defined?(ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE).should == nil end it "can be accessed from the module itself" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule.private_constant_from_self.should be_true end it "is defined? from the module itself" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule.defined_from_self.should == "constant" end it "can be accessed from lexical scope" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule::Nested.private_constant_from_scope.should be_true end it "is defined? from lexical scope" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule::Nested.defined_from_scope.should == "constant" end it "can be accessed from classes that include the module" do ConstantVisibility::ClassIncludingPrivConstModule.new.private_constant_from_include.should be_true end it "can be accessed from modules that include the module" do ConstantVisibility::ModuleIncludingPrivConstModule.private_constant_from_include.should be_true end it "raises a NameError when accessed directly from modules that include the module" do -> do ConstantVisibility::ModuleIncludingPrivConstModule.private_constant_self_from_include end.should raise_error(NameError) -> do ConstantVisibility::ModuleIncludingPrivConstModule.private_constant_named_from_include end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "is defined? from classes that include the module" do ConstantVisibility::ClassIncludingPrivConstModule.new.defined_from_include.should == "constant" end end describe "in a class" do it "cannot be accessed from outside the class" do -> do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "cannot be reopened as a module" do -> do module ConstantVisibility::ClassContainer::PrivateModule; end end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "cannot be reopened as a class" do -> do class ConstantVisibility::ClassContainer::PrivateClass; end end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "can be reopened as a module where constant is not private" do class ::ConstantVisibility::ClassContainer module PrivateModule X = 1 end PrivateModule::X.should == 1 end end it "can be reopened as a class where constant is not private" do class ::ConstantVisibility::ClassContainer class PrivateClass X = 1 end PrivateClass::X.should == 1 end end it "is not defined? with A::B form" do defined?(ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS).should == nil end it "can be accessed from the class itself" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass.private_constant_from_self.should be_true end it "is defined? from the class itself" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass.defined_from_self.should == "constant" end it "can be accessed from lexical scope" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass::Nested.private_constant_from_scope.should be_true end it "is defined? from lexical scope" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass::Nested.defined_from_scope.should == "constant" end it "can be accessed from subclasses" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClassChild.new.private_constant_from_subclass.should be_true end it "is defined? from subclasses" do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClassChild.new.defined_from_subclass.should == "constant" end end describe "in Object" do it "cannot be accessed using ::Const form" do -> do ::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT end.should raise_error(NameError) end it "is not defined? using ::Const form" do defined?(::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT).should == nil end it "can be accessed through the normal search" do PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT.should == true end it "is defined? through the normal search" do defined?(PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT).should == "constant" end end describe "NameError by #private_constant" do it "has :receiver and :name attributes" do -> do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS end.should raise_error(NameError) {|e| e.receiver.should == ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass e.name.should == :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS } -> do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE end.should raise_error(NameError) {|e| e.receiver.should == ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule e.name.should == :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE } end it "has the defined class as the :name attribute" do -> do ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClassChild::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS end.should raise_error(NameError) {|e| e.receiver.should == ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass e.name.should == :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS } -> do ConstantVisibility::ClassIncludingPrivConstModule::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE end.should raise_error(NameError) {|e| e.receiver.should == ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule e.name.should == :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE } end end end describe "Module#public_constant marked constants" do before :each do @module = ConstantVisibility::PrivConstModule.dup end describe "in a module" do it "can be accessed from outside the module" do @module.send :public_constant, :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE @module::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE.should == true end it "is defined? with A::B form" do @module.send :public_constant, :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE defined?(@module::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_MODULE).should == "constant" end end describe "in a class" do before :each do @class = ConstantVisibility::PrivConstClass.dup end it "can be accessed from outside the class" do @class.send :public_constant, :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS @class::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS.should == true end it "is defined? with A::B form" do @class.send :public_constant, :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS defined?(@class::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_CLASS).should == "constant" end end describe "in Object" do after :each do ConstantVisibility.reset_private_constants end it "can be accessed using ::Const form" do Object.send :public_constant, :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT ::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT.should == true end it "is defined? using ::Const form" do Object.send :public_constant, :PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT defined?(::PRIVATE_CONSTANT_IN_OBJECT).should == "constant" end end end describe 'Allowed characters' do it 'allows not ASCII characters in the middle of a name' do mod = Module.new mod.const_set("BBἍBB", 1) eval("mod::BBἍBB").should == 1 end it 'does not allow not ASCII characters that cannot be upcased or lowercased at the beginning' do -> do Module.new.const_set("થBB", 1) end.should raise_error(NameError, /wrong constant name/) end it 'allows not ASCII upcased characters at the beginning' do mod = Module.new mod.const_set("ἍBB", 1) eval("mod::ἍBB").should == 1 end end
class AddRatingToCommunityTools < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change add_column :community_tools, :rating, :float add_index :community_tools, :rating end end
module Rester module Service::Middleware ## # Create a Request object for this thread, store the correlation ID, and # perform the necessary logging. Cleanup the request once it's complete. class RequestHandler < Base def call(env) Rester.wrap_request do Rester.request = request = Rester::Service::Request.new(env) Rester.correlation_id = request.correlation_id Rester.request_info[:producer_name] = service.name Rester.request_info[:consumer_name] = request.consumer_name Rester.request_info[:path] = request.path_info Rester.request_info[:verb] = request.request_method service.logger.info('request received') start_time = Time.now.to_f super.tap { |response| elapsed_ms = (Time.now.to_f - start_time) * 1000 response[1]["X-Rester-Producer-Name"] = service.name service.logger.info("responding with #{response[0]} after %0.3fms" % elapsed_ms) } end end end # RequestHandler end # Service::Middleware end # Rester
module Orbf module RulesEngine class Contract KNOWN_FIELDS = %w[contract_start_date contract_end_date id org_unit date].freeze attr_reader :id, :start_period, :end_period, :field_values def initialize(field_values, calendar) @field_values = field_values @id = field_values.fetch("id") @org_unit = field_values.fetch("org_unit") @start_period = field_values.fetch("contract_start_date").gsub("-", "").slice(0, 6) @end_period = field_values.fetch("contract_end_date").gsub("-", "").slice(0, 6) @calendar = calendar end def match_period?(period) @calendar.periods(period, "monthly").any? do |start_month_period| ( start_period <= start_month_period && start_month_period <= end_period ) end end def distance(period) period_start_month = @calendar.periods(period, "monthly")[0] [start_period.to_i - period_start_month.to_i, end_period.to_i - period_start_month.to_i].min end def org_unit Orbf::RulesEngine::OrgUnit.new(ext_id: @org_unit["id"], name: @org_unit["name"], path: @org_unit["path"], group_ext_ids: []) end def org_unit_id @org_unit["id"] end def org_unit_name @org_unit["name"] end def codes @codes ||= begin other_data_element_values = field_values.entries.select do |(k, v)| !KNOWN_FIELDS.include?(k) && v.is_a?(String) end other_data_element_values.map { |_k, v| v.downcase } end end def overlaps?(contract) return false if contract.id == id ( contract.start_period <= end_period && start_period <= contract.end_period ) end def to_h { id: id, org_unit_id: org_unit_id, from_period: start_period, end_period: end_period, org_unit_name: org_unit_name, field_values: field_values } end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x#{object_id.to_s(16)}(ou=#{org_unit_id},from_to=#{start_period}-#{end_period},#{org_unit_name},#{field_values}" end def to_s JSON.pretty_generate(to_h) end def self.overlappings(contracts) results = [] contracts.group_by(&:org_unit_id).each do |_org_unit_id, ou_contracts| overlappings = overlapping_contracts(ou_contracts) results.push(overlappings) if overlappings.present? end results end def self.overlapping_contracts(contracts) overlappings = [] contracts.each do |c1| contracts.each do |c2| overlappings.push([c1, c2]) if c1.overlaps?(c2) end end overlappings end end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'RPHTTPServiceClient' s.version = '2.0.0' s.summary = 'RPHTTPServiceClient is a Type-safe JSON/HTTP client for iOS.' s.description = <<-DESC RPHTTPServiceClient enables anyone to simplify the way to consume webservices/APIs and map automagically the results to ObjectMapper\'s Mappable object instances DESC s.homepage = 'https://github.com/RedP4nda/RPHTTPServiceClient' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.author = { 'MrCloud' => 'florianp37@me.com' } s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/RedP4nda/RPHTTPServiceClient.git', :tag => s.version.to_s } s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/Florian_MrCloud' s.ios.deployment_target = '11.0' s.swift_versions = ['5.1', '5.2'] s.source_files = 'RPHTTPServiceClient/Classes/**/*' s.dependency 'Moya', '14.0.0' s.dependency 'Moya-ObjectMapper', '2.9' s.dependency 'ObjectMapper', '3.5.1' s.dependency 'Alamofire', '5.0.0' end
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: src/proto/grpc/testing/control.proto require 'google/protobuf' require 'src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads_pb' require 'src/proto/grpc/testing/stats_pb' Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do add_file("src/proto/grpc/testing/control.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do add_message "grpc.testing.PoissonParams" do optional :offered_load, :double, 1 end add_message "grpc.testing.ClosedLoopParams" do end add_message "grpc.testing.LoadParams" do oneof :load do optional :closed_loop, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.ClosedLoopParams" optional :poisson, :message, 2, "grpc.testing.PoissonParams" end end add_message "grpc.testing.SecurityParams" do optional :use_test_ca, :bool, 1 optional :server_host_override, :string, 2 optional :cred_type, :string, 3 end add_message "grpc.testing.ChannelArg" do optional :name, :string, 1 oneof :value do optional :str_value, :string, 2 optional :int_value, :int32, 3 end end add_message "grpc.testing.ClientConfig" do repeated :server_targets, :string, 1 optional :client_type, :enum, 2, "grpc.testing.ClientType" optional :security_params, :message, 3, "grpc.testing.SecurityParams" optional :outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, :int32, 4 optional :client_channels, :int32, 5 optional :async_client_threads, :int32, 7 optional :rpc_type, :enum, 8, "grpc.testing.RpcType" optional :load_params, :message, 10, "grpc.testing.LoadParams" optional :payload_config, :message, 11, "grpc.testing.PayloadConfig" optional :histogram_params, :message, 12, "grpc.testing.HistogramParams" repeated :core_list, :int32, 13 optional :core_limit, :int32, 14 optional :other_client_api, :string, 15 repeated :channel_args, :message, 16, "grpc.testing.ChannelArg" optional :threads_per_cq, :int32, 17 optional :messages_per_stream, :int32, 18 optional :use_coalesce_api, :bool, 19 optional :median_latency_collection_interval_millis, :int32, 20 optional :client_processes, :int32, 21 end add_message "grpc.testing.ClientStatus" do optional :stats, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.ClientStats" end add_message "grpc.testing.Mark" do optional :reset, :bool, 1 end add_message "grpc.testing.ClientArgs" do oneof :argtype do optional :setup, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.ClientConfig" optional :mark, :message, 2, "grpc.testing.Mark" end end add_message "grpc.testing.ServerConfig" do optional :server_type, :enum, 1, "grpc.testing.ServerType" optional :security_params, :message, 2, "grpc.testing.SecurityParams" optional :port, :int32, 4 optional :async_server_threads, :int32, 7 optional :core_limit, :int32, 8 optional :payload_config, :message, 9, "grpc.testing.PayloadConfig" repeated :core_list, :int32, 10 optional :other_server_api, :string, 11 optional :threads_per_cq, :int32, 12 optional :resource_quota_size, :int32, 1001 repeated :channel_args, :message, 1002, "grpc.testing.ChannelArg" optional :server_processes, :int32, 21 end add_message "grpc.testing.ServerArgs" do oneof :argtype do optional :setup, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.ServerConfig" optional :mark, :message, 2, "grpc.testing.Mark" end end add_message "grpc.testing.ServerStatus" do optional :stats, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.ServerStats" optional :port, :int32, 2 optional :cores, :int32, 3 end add_message "grpc.testing.CoreRequest" do end add_message "grpc.testing.CoreResponse" do optional :cores, :int32, 1 end add_message "grpc.testing.Void" do end add_message "grpc.testing.Scenario" do optional :name, :string, 1 optional :client_config, :message, 2, "grpc.testing.ClientConfig" optional :num_clients, :int32, 3 optional :server_config, :message, 4, "grpc.testing.ServerConfig" optional :num_servers, :int32, 5 optional :warmup_seconds, :int32, 6 optional :benchmark_seconds, :int32, 7 optional :spawn_local_worker_count, :int32, 8 end add_message "grpc.testing.Scenarios" do repeated :scenarios, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.Scenario" end add_message "grpc.testing.ScenarioResultSummary" do optional :qps, :double, 1 optional :qps_per_server_core, :double, 2 optional :server_system_time, :double, 3 optional :server_user_time, :double, 4 optional :client_system_time, :double, 5 optional :client_user_time, :double, 6 optional :latency_50, :double, 7 optional :latency_90, :double, 8 optional :latency_95, :double, 9 optional :latency_99, :double, 10 optional :latency_999, :double, 11 optional :server_cpu_usage, :double, 12 optional :successful_requests_per_second, :double, 13 optional :failed_requests_per_second, :double, 14 optional :client_polls_per_request, :double, 15 optional :server_polls_per_request, :double, 16 optional :server_queries_per_cpu_sec, :double, 17 optional :client_queries_per_cpu_sec, :double, 18 end add_message "grpc.testing.ScenarioResult" do optional :scenario, :message, 1, "grpc.testing.Scenario" optional :latencies, :message, 2, "grpc.testing.HistogramData" repeated :client_stats, :message, 3, "grpc.testing.ClientStats" repeated :server_stats, :message, 4, "grpc.testing.ServerStats" repeated :server_cores, :int32, 5 optional :summary, :message, 6, "grpc.testing.ScenarioResultSummary" repeated :client_success, :bool, 7 repeated :server_success, :bool, 8 repeated :request_results, :message, 9, "grpc.testing.RequestResultCount" end add_enum "grpc.testing.ClientType" do value :SYNC_CLIENT, 0 value :ASYNC_CLIENT, 1 value :OTHER_CLIENT, 2 value :CALLBACK_CLIENT, 3 end add_enum "grpc.testing.ServerType" do value :SYNC_SERVER, 0 value :ASYNC_SERVER, 1 value :ASYNC_GENERIC_SERVER, 2 value :OTHER_SERVER, 3 value :CALLBACK_SERVER, 4 end add_enum "grpc.testing.RpcType" do value :UNARY, 0 value :STREAMING, 1 value :STREAMING_FROM_CLIENT, 2 value :STREAMING_FROM_SERVER, 3 value :STREAMING_BOTH_WAYS, 4 end end end module Grpc module Testing PoissonParams = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.PoissonParams").msgclass ClosedLoopParams = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ClosedLoopParams").msgclass LoadParams = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.LoadParams").msgclass SecurityParams = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.SecurityParams").msgclass ChannelArg = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ChannelArg").msgclass ClientConfig = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ClientConfig").msgclass ClientStatus = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ClientStatus").msgclass Mark = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.Mark").msgclass ClientArgs = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ClientArgs").msgclass ServerConfig = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ServerConfig").msgclass ServerArgs = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ServerArgs").msgclass ServerStatus = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ServerStatus").msgclass CoreRequest = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.CoreRequest").msgclass CoreResponse = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.CoreResponse").msgclass Void = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.Void").msgclass Scenario = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.Scenario").msgclass Scenarios = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.Scenarios").msgclass ScenarioResultSummary = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ScenarioResultSummary").msgclass ScenarioResult = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ScenarioResult").msgclass ClientType = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ClientType").enummodule ServerType = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.ServerType").enummodule RpcType = ::Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("grpc.testing.RpcType").enummodule end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Binford module Github class ReviewDiscussion include Binford::Utils attr_reader :conversation def initialize(commits, review_comments) @changes = commits.map { |commit| commit_info(commit) } @comments = review_comments.map { |comment| comment_info(comment) } @conversation = (@changes + @comments).sort { |a, b| a[:timestamp] <=> b[:timestamp] } end def author @author ||= changes.first[:author] end def reviewers @reviewers || (comments.map { |comment| comment[:author] }.uniq - [author]) end private attr_reader :changes, :comments def commit_info(commit) date_str = commit.dig(:commit, :author, :date) || commit.dig(:commit, :committer, :date) { type: :change, author: commit.dig(:author, :login), content: commit.dig(:commit, :message), timestamp: safe_parse_time(date_str) } end def comment_info(comment) { type: :comment, author: comment.dig(:user, :login), content: comment[:body], timestamp: safe_parse_time(comment[:created_at]) } end end end end
require_dependency "cor1440_gen/concerns/controllers/indicadorespf_controller" module Cor1440Gen class IndicadorespfController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource class: Cor1440Gen::Proyectofinanciero include Cor1440Gen::Concerns::Controllers::IndicadorespfController end end
class UsersController < ApplicationController before_action :set_user, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] def new if logged_in? redirect_to profile_path(session[:user_id]) else @user = User.new end end def create @user = User.new(user_params) if @user.save session[:user_id] = @user.id redirect_to profile_path(@user) else render :new end end def show authorized @move_tutorials = MoveTutorial.all @session = session[:user_id] end def edit end def update @user.update(user_params) if @user.valid? redirect_to profile_path(@user) else flash.now[:notice] = "Please make sure all filelds are correct." render :edit end end def destroy @user.destroy session[:user_id] = nil redirect_to '/' end private def set_user @user = User.find_by_id(params[:id]) end def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:id, :email, :username, :password, :password_confirmation) end end
require 'abstract_unit' module ActiveSupport class TestCaseTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase class FakeRunner attr_reader :puked def initialize @puked = [] end def puke(klass, name, e) @puked << [klass, name, e] end def options nil end def record(*args) end end if defined?(MiniTest::Assertions) && TestCase < MiniTest::Assertions def test_standard_error_raised_within_setup_callback_is_puked tc = Class.new(TestCase) do setup :bad_callback def bad_callback; raise 'oh noes' end def test_true; assert true end end test_name = 'test_true' fr = FakeRunner.new test = tc.new test_name test.run fr klass, name, exception = *fr.puked.first assert_equal tc, klass assert_equal test_name, name assert_equal 'oh noes', exception.message end def test_standard_error_raised_within_teardown_callback_is_puked tc = Class.new(TestCase) do teardown :bad_callback def bad_callback; raise 'oh noes' end def test_true; assert true end end test_name = 'test_true' fr = FakeRunner.new test = tc.new test_name test.run fr klass, name, exception = *fr.puked.first assert_equal tc, klass assert_equal test_name, name assert_equal 'oh noes', exception.message end def test_passthrough_exception_raised_within_test_method_is_not_rescued tc = Class.new(TestCase) do def test_which_raises_interrupt; raise Interrupt; end end test_name = 'test_which_raises_interrupt' fr = FakeRunner.new test = tc.new test_name assert_raises(Interrupt) { test.run fr } end def test_passthrough_exception_raised_within_setup_callback_is_not_rescued tc = Class.new(TestCase) do setup :callback_which_raises_interrupt def callback_which_raises_interrupt; raise Interrupt; end def test_true; assert true end end test_name = 'test_true' fr = FakeRunner.new test = tc.new test_name assert_raises(Interrupt) { test.run fr } end def test_passthrough_exception_raised_within_teardown_callback_is_not_rescued tc = Class.new(TestCase) do teardown :callback_which_raises_interrupt def callback_which_raises_interrupt; raise Interrupt; end def test_true; assert true end end test_name = 'test_true' fr = FakeRunner.new test = tc.new test_name assert_raises(Interrupt) { test.run fr } end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Resolvers class Comments < Resolvers::Base type '[Types::Comment]', null: true description 'Find all comments or filter by approved' argument :id, String, required: false, default_value: '', as: :uuid argument :approved, Boolean, required: false argument :lang, String, required: false, default_value: '' def resolve(params) @db_query = current_account.comments filter_approved(params[:approved]) # filter_translation(params['lang']) db_query.order(created_at: :desc) end protected def filter_approved(approved) return if approved.nil? @db_query = if approved db_query.approved else db_query.pending end end end end
require 'active_record' config = YAML.load(File.read('config/database.yml')) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config['test']) def need_to_migrate? ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, 'db/migrate').pending_migrations.any? end if need_to_migrate? ActiveRecord::Migrator.up "db/migrate" end RSpec.configure do |config| config.around do |example| ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do example.run raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end
exit if jruby? ENV["DATABASE_URL"] ||= "postgres:///queue_classic_test" require 'toro' require 'test_workers' describe TestWorker do it_behaves_like "a worker" end describe MultiWorker do context "when Toro is loaded" do it "defaults to the :toro adapter" do expect(MultiWorker.default_adapter).to eq(:toro) end end context "when using the :toro adapter" do it "performs the work using Toro" do expect(Toro::Client).to receive(:create_job).exactly(2).times.with({class_name:"TestWorker", name:nil, args:["foo"], queue::default}) TestWorker.perform_async("foo") MultiWorker.enqueue(TestWorker, "foo") end it "exposes the Toro rake task" do expect(MultiWorker.adapter.rake_task.name).to eq("toro") end context "with advanced options" do context "when configuring the :retry option" do context "with a hash" do it "configures retry interval" do retry_worker = Class.new do worker retry: {delay: 2.minutes} end expect(retry_worker.toro_options[:retry_interval]).to eq(2.minutes) end end context "with an ActiveSupport::Duration" do it "configures retry interval" do retry_worker = Class.new do worker retry: 15.seconds end expect(retry_worker.toro_options[:retry_interval]).to eq(15.seconds) end end context "with a number" do it "configures retry interval" do retry_worker = Class.new do worker retry: 20 end expect(retry_worker.toro_options[:retry_interval]).to eq(20) end end end end end end
require 'tc_xml' require 'tc_attributes' require 'tc_attr' require 'tc_attr_decl' require 'tc_document' require 'tc_document_write' require 'tc_dtd' require 'tc_html_parser' require 'tc_namespaces' require 'tc_namespace' require 'tc_node' require 'tc_node_cdata' require 'tc_node_comment' require 'tc_node_copy' require 'tc_node_edit' require 'tc_node_text' require 'tc_node_write' require 'tc_node_xlink' require 'tc_parser' require 'tc_parser_context' require 'tc_reader' require 'tc_relaxng' require 'tc_sax_parser' require 'tc_schema' require 'tc_traversal' require 'tc_xinclude' require 'tc_xpath' require 'tc_xpath_expression' require 'tc_xpointer' # Compatibility require 'tc_properties' require 'tc_deprecated_require'
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'iNotify' s.version = '1.5.2' s.license = 'zlib' s.summary = "Lightweight alternative to Apple's push notifications(only launch time) for cross-promoting apps or pointing out non-obvious features." s.description = "Library for displaying remotely administered notifications within a Mac or iPhone app. Similar to Apple's push notifications, but more lightweight and only displayed at app launch time. Perfect for cross-promoting apps or pointing out non-obvious features." s.homepage = 'http://www.charcoaldesign.co.uk/source/cocoa#inotify' s.author = 'Nick Lockwood' s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/nicklockwood/iNotify.git', :tag => '1.5.2' } s.source_files = 'iNotify/iNotify.{h,m}' s.resources = 'iNotify/iNotify.bundle' s.requires_arc = false end
# rubocop:disable Naming/FileName # frozen_string_literal: true module Elastic module V12p1 RepositoryInstanceProxy = Elastic::Latest::RepositoryInstanceProxy end end # rubocop:enable Naming/FileName
# frozen_string_literal: true # Category model class Category < ApplicationRecord serialize :name, Hash serialize :description, Hash belongs_to :parent, class_name: 'Category', foreign_key: :parent_id, optional: true has_many :children, class_name: 'Category', foreign_key: :parent_id has_many :item_categories has_many :items, through: :item_categories has_one_attached :image validates :image, blob: { content_type: :image, size_range: 1..5.megabytes } # validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true scope :parents, -> { where(parent_id: nil) } def children? children.size.positive? end def parent? parent.present? end def path_ids [] end def translated_name name[I18n.locale] end def translated_description description[I18n.locale] end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'rails_helper' require_relative '../contexts/tag_context' # rubocop: disable Metrics/BlockLength describe Api::TagsController, type: :controller do before(:each) do TagType.delete_cache end include_context 'tags' let!(:user) { create(:user) } let(:recipe_index) { Graph::RecipeIndex.instance } let(:tag_index) { Graph::TagIndex.instance } describe 'GET - index' do before do recipe_index.reset tag_index.reset sign_in user get :index, params: params, format: 'json' end let!(:tag_groups) do { protein.id.to_s => { nut.id.to_s => [almond.id], soy.id.to_s => [tofu.id] } } end let!(:ingredient_tags) do [ { 'Label' => 'Nut', 'Value' => nut.id }, { 'Label' => 'Almond', 'Value' => almond.id }, { 'Label' => 'Protein', 'Value' => protein.id }, { 'Label' => 'Vodka', 'Value' => vodka.id }, { 'Label' => 'Soy', 'Value' => soy.id }, { 'Label' => 'Tofu', 'Value' => tofu.id } ] end let(:non_ingredient_tags) do [ { 'Label' => 'plants', 'Value' => plants.id }, { 'Label' => 'crushed', 'Value' => crushed.id } ] end let(:tags) { ingredient_tags + non_ingredient_tags } describe 'returns all tags and tag_groups' do let(:params) { {} } it 'responds with tag_groups' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['tag_groups']).to eq(tag_groups) end it 'responds with tags user has access to' do # returning tags that have no recipes so they can be added in recipes form body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['tags'].size).to eq 8 expect(body['tags'].map { |t| t['Value'] } - [ almond.id, vodka.id, toasted.id, crushed.id, nut.id, protein.id, soy.id, tofu.id ]). to eq([]) end end describe 'returns all tags and tag_groups' do let(:params) { { type: 'ingredients' } } it 'responds with tag_groups' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['tag_groups']).to be_nil end it 'responds with tags' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['tags'].size).to eq 6 expect(body['tags'] - ingredient_tags).to eq([]) end end describe 'returns all tags and tag_groups' do let(:params) { { type: 'more' } } it 'responds with tag_groups' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['tag_groups']).to be_nil end it 'responds with tags' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['tags'].size).to eq 2 expect(body['tags'] - non_ingredient_tags).to eq([]) end end end describe 'GET - show' do before do recipe_index.reset tag_index.reset sign_in user get :show, params: params, format: 'json' end describe 'returns data for an ingredient tag' do let!(:params) { { id: almond.id } } it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['id']).to eq almond.id expect(body['name']).to eq almond.name expect(body['tag_type_id']).to eq almond.tag_type_id end end describe 'returns data for an ingredient type tag' do let!(:params) { { id: nut.id } } let!(:expected_response) do { 'id' => nut.id, 'name' => 'Nut', 'description' => nil, 'grandchild_tags' => {}, 'grandparent_tags' => {}, 'tag_type_id' => nut.tag_type_id, 'recipe_id' => nil, 'sister_tags' => { soy.id.to_s => 'Soy' }, 'tags' => { nut.id.to_s => 'Nut' }, 'child_tags' => { almond.id.to_s => 'Almond' }, 'parent_tags' => { protein.id.to_s => 'Protein' }, 'modification_tags' => { crushed.id.to_s => 'crushed' }, 'modified_tags' => {} } end it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body).to eq expected_response end end describe 'returns data for an ingredient family tag' do let!(:params) { { id: protein.id } } let!(:expected_response) do { 'id' => protein.id, 'name' => 'Protein', 'description' => nil, 'tag_type_id' => protein.tag_type_id, 'recipe_id' => nil, 'sister_tags' => {}, 'tags' => { protein.id.to_s => 'Protein' }, 'child_tags' => { nut.id.to_s => 'Nut', soy.id.to_s => 'Soy' }, 'grandchild_tags' => { almond.id.to_s => 'Almond', tofu.id.to_s => 'Tofu' }, 'grandparent_tags' => {}, 'parent_tags' => {}, 'modification_tags' => { crushed.id.to_s => crushed.name }, 'modified_tags' => {} } end it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body).to eq expected_response end end end describe 'GET - edit' do before do sign_in user get :edit, params: params, format: 'json' end describe 'returns data for an ingredient tag' do let!(:params) { { id: almond.id } } it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['id']).to eq almond.id expect(body['name']).to eq almond.name expect(body['tag_type_id']).to eq almond.tag_type_id expect(body['description']).to eq almond.description expect(body['recipe_id']).to eq almond.recipe_id expect(body['parent_tags']).to eq [{ 'id' => nut.id, 'name' => nut.name }] end end end describe 'PUT - update' do before do sign_in user put :update, params: params, format: 'json' end describe 'returns data for an ingredient tag' do let!(:params) do { id: almond.id, name: 'almond2', description: 'desc2', recipe_id: 2, tag_type_id: almond.tag_type_id + 1, parent_tags: [{ 'id' => protein.id, 'name' => protein.name }] } end it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['id']).to eq almond.id expect(body['name']).to eq 'almond2' expect(body['tag_type_id']).to eq almond.tag_type_id + 1 expect(body['description']).to eq 'desc2' expect(body['recipe_id']).to eq 2 expect(body['parent_tags']).to eq [{ 'id' => protein.id, 'name' => protein.name }] end end end describe 'PUT - update - missing permissions' do before do sign_in other_user put :update, params: params, format: 'json' end describe 'returns data for an ingredient tag' do let!(:other_user) { create :user } let!(:params) do { id: almond.id, name: 'almond2', description: 'desc2', recipe_id: 2, tag_type_id: almond.tag_type_id + 1, parent_tags: [{ 'id' => protein.id, 'name' => protein.name }] } end it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body).to eq({}) expect(response.status).to eq 403 end end end describe 'POST - create' do before do sign_in user post :create, params: params, format: 'json' end describe 'returns data for an ingredient tag' do let!(:params) do { name: 'hazelnut', description: 'descHazel', recipe_id: 3, tag_type_id: almond.tag_type_id, parent_tags: [{ 'id' => protein.id, 'name' => protein.name }] } end it 'returns the correct name, id, and type' do body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['id']).to be_a_kind_of(Integer) expect(body['name']).to eq 'hazelnut' expect(body['tag_type_id']).to eq almond.tag_type_id expect(body['description']).to eq 'descHazel' expect(body['recipe_id']).to eq 3 expect(body['parent_tags']).to eq [{ 'id' => protein.id, 'name' => protein.name }] end end end end # rubocop: enable Metrics/BlockLength
class Mat2 < Formula desc "Metadata anonymization toolkit" homepage "https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2" url "https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/-/archive/0.12.0/mat2-0.12.0.tar.gz" sha256 "d2a7a4dd674b084fcd2a63d70cd132a36cea46d98626df3c9258f8327085baa0" license "LGPL-3.0-or-later" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "4fad5de836a909094672ce10f2de736f371ba6e075b2d2c89bd91f13a718772c" => :big_sur sha256 "f561dac02a6bf1c540295f9498d59bfa987c4f279d8a23ce546eee45fdc0c605" => :catalina sha256 "2bf3052ed3c51c5e77982c80904ad0599763125ad9dc31ccdd73ec1808a5ab05" => :mojave end depends_on "exiftool" depends_on "ffmpeg" depends_on "gdk-pixbuf" depends_on "librsvg" depends_on "poppler" depends_on "py3cairo" depends_on "pygobject3" depends_on "python@3.9" resource "mutagen" do url "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f3/d9/2232a4cb9a98e2d2501f7e58d193bc49c956ef23756d7423ba1bd87e386d/mutagen-1.45.1.tar.gz" sha256 "6397602efb3c2d7baebd2166ed85731ae1c1d475abca22090b7141ff5034b3e1" end def install version = Language::Python.major_minor_version Formula["python@3.9"].bin/"python3" pygobject3 = Formula["pygobject3"] ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = lib/"python#{version}/site-packages" ENV.append_path "PYTHONPATH", pygobject3.opt_lib+"python#{version}/site-packages" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", libexec/"vendor/lib/python#{version}/site-packages" resources.each do |r| r.stage do system Formula["python@3.9"].bin/"python3", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(libexec/"vendor") end end system Formula["python@3.9"].bin/"python3", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(prefix) bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", PYTHONPATH: ENV["PYTHONPATH"]) end test do system "#{bin}/mat2", "-l" end end
require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe "Authentication", type: :system do context "when guest" do it "renders sign in page with no flash messages" do visit "/" expect(page).to have_text "Log in" expect(page).to_not have_text "sign in before continuing" end %w[volunteer supervisor casa_admin].each do |user_type| # Add back when Travis CI correctly handles large screen size xit "allows #{user_type} to sign in" do user = create(user_type.to_sym) visit "/" expect(page).to have_text "Log in" expect(page).to_not have_text "sign in before continuing" fill_in "Email", with: user.email fill_in "Password", with: "123456" within ".actions" do click_on "Log in" end expect(page).to have_text user.email end end it "does not allow AllCasaAdmin to sign in" do user = create(:all_casa_admin) visit "/" expect(page).to have_text "Log in" expect(page).to_not have_text "sign in before continuing" fill_in "Email", with: user.email fill_in "Password", with: "123456" within ".actions" do click_on "Log in" end expect(page).to have_text "Invalid Email or password" end end context "when authenticated user" do let(:user) { create(:casa_admin) } before { sign_in user } # Add back when Travis CI correctly handles large screen size xit "renders dashboard page and shows correct flash message upon sign out" do visit "/" expect(page).to have_text "Volunteers" # click_link "Log out" # expect(page).to_not have_text "sign in before continuing" # expect(page).to have_text "Signed out successfully" end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Vulnerabilities::Statistics::ScheduleWorker do let(:worker) { described_class.new } describe "#perform" do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:deleted_project) { create(:project, pending_delete: true) } before do project.project_setting.update!(has_vulnerabilities: true) deleted_project.project_setting.update!(has_vulnerabilities: true) allow(Vulnerabilities::Statistics::AdjustmentWorker).to receive(:perform_in) end it 'schedules the AdjustmentWorker with project_ids' do worker.perform expect(Vulnerabilities::Statistics::AdjustmentWorker).to have_received(:perform_in).with(30, [project.id]) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module SolidusGraphqlApi module Mutations class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation argument_class Types::Base::Argument field_class Types::Base::Field input_object_class Types::Base::InputObject object_class Types::Base::Object private def guest_token context[:order_token] end def current_order context[:current_order] end def current_user context[:current_user] end def current_ability context[:current_ability] end def user_errors(*path, errors) return [] if errors.empty? errors.map do |attribute, message| { path: ["input", *path].concat(attribute.to_s.camelize(:lower).split('.')), message: message, } end end end end end
=begin #Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions #The Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions provides programmatic access to attribute and data requirements for product types in the Amazon catalog. Use this API to return the JSON Schema for a product type that you can then use with other Selling Partner APIs, such as the Selling Partner API for Listings Items, the Selling Partner API for Catalog Items, and the Selling Partner API for Feeds (for JSON-based listing feeds). For more information, see the [Product Type Definitions API Use Case Guide](https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-docs/blob/main/guides/en-US/use-case-guides/product-type-definitions-api-use-case-guide/definitions-product-types-api-use-case-guide_2020-09-01.md). OpenAPI spec version: 2020-09-01 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git Swagger Codegen version: 3.0.26 =end require 'date' module AmzSpApi::ProductTypeDefinitionsApiModel # Link to retrieve the schema. class SchemaLinkLink # URI resource for the link. attr_accessor :resource # HTTP method for the link operation. attr_accessor :verb class EnumAttributeValidator attr_reader :datatype attr_reader :allowable_values def initialize(datatype, allowable_values) @allowable_values = allowable_values.map do |value| case datatype.to_s when /Integer/i value.to_i when /Float/i value.to_f else value end end end def valid?(value) !value || allowable_values.include?(value) end end # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'resource' => :'resource', :'verb' => :'verb' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.openapi_types { :'resource' => :'Object', :'verb' => :'Object' } end # List of attributes with nullable: true def self.openapi_nullable Set.new([ ]) end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash)) fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `AmzSpApi::ProductTypeDefinitionsApiModel::SchemaLinkLink` initialize method" end # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym)) fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `AmzSpApi::ProductTypeDefinitionsApiModel::SchemaLinkLink`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect end h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'resource') self.resource = attributes[:'resource'] end if attributes.key?(:'verb') self.verb = attributes[:'verb'] end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new if @resource.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "resource", resource cannot be nil.') end if @verb.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "verb", verb cannot be nil.') end invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? return false if @resource.nil? return false if @verb.nil? verb_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('Object', ['GET']) return false unless verb_validator.valid?(@verb) true end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] verb Object to be assigned def verb=(verb) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('Object', ['GET']) unless validator.valid?(verb) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"verb\", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @verb = verb end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && resource == o.resource && verb == o.verb end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Integer] Hash code def hash [resource, verb].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def self.build_from_hash(attributes) new.build_from_hash(attributes) end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.openapi_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) elsif attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? && self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(key) self.send("#{key}=", nil) end end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :Boolean if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model AmzSpApi::ProductTypeDefinitionsApiModel.const_get(type).build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) if value.nil? is_nullable = self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(attr) next if !is_nullable || (is_nullable && !instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attr}")) end hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "dnsruby" require "public_suffix" module GitHubPages module HealthCheck class CAA attr_reader :host attr_reader :error def initialize(host) raise ArgumentError, "host cannot be nil" if host.nil? @host = host end def errored? records # load the records first !error.nil? end def lets_encrypt_allowed? return false if errored? return true unless records_present? records.any? { |r| r.property_value == "letsencrypt.org" } end def records_present? return false if errored? records && !records.empty? end def records @records ||= (get_caa_records(host) | get_caa_records(PublicSuffix.domain(host))) end private def get_caa_records(domain) return [] if domain.nil? query(domain).select { |r| issue_caa_record?(r) } end def issue_caa_record?(record) record.type == Dnsruby::Types::CAA && record.property_tag == "issue" end def query(domain) GitHubPages::HealthCheck::Resolver.new(domain).query(Dnsruby::Types::CAA) rescue Dnsruby::ResolvError, Dnsruby::ResolvTimeout => e @error = e [] end end end end
require 'spec_helper' require 'ruby_event_store/rom/memory' require 'ruby_event_store/spec/rom/relations/stream_entries_lint' module RubyEventStore module ROM module Memory RSpec.describe Relations::StreamEntries do let(:rom_helper) { SpecHelper.new } it_behaves_like :stream_entries_relation, Relations::StreamEntries specify '#insert raises errors' do relation = rom_helper.env.rom_container.relations[:stream_entries] stream_entries = [ { stream: 'stream', position: 0, event_id: id1 = SecureRandom.uuid }, { stream: 'stream', position: 1, event_id: SecureRandom.uuid }, { stream: 'stream', position: 2, event_id: SecureRandom.uuid } ] relation.command(:create).call(stream_entries) conflicting_event_id = { stream: 'stream', position: 3, event_id: id1, created_at: Time.now } expect(relation.to_a.size).to eq(3) expect do relation.insert(conflicting_event_id) end.to raise_error do |ex| expect(ex).to be_a(RubyEventStore::ROM::TupleUniquenessError) expect(ex.message).to eq("Uniquness violated for stream (\"stream\") and event_id (\"#{id1}\")") end conflicting_position = { stream: 'stream', position: 2, event_id: SecureRandom.uuid, created_at: Time.now } expect do relation.insert(conflicting_position) end.to raise_error do |ex| expect(ex).to be_a(RubyEventStore::ROM::TupleUniquenessError) expect(ex.message).to eq('Uniquness violated for stream ("stream") and position (2)') end end end end end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "AppXperience" s.version = "1.9.5" s.summary = "AppXperience is an advertising fmk of mobile applications. Learn more at http://appxperience.com." s.homepage = "https://github.com/atelierdumobile/AppXperienceFramework.git" s.license = { :type => 'Commercial', :text => <<-LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 AppXperience Permission is hereby granted to use this framework as is, modification are not allowed. All rights reserved. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. LICENSE } s.author = { "Nicolas Lauquin" => "nicolas@atelierdumobile.com" } s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/atelierdumobile/AppXperienceFramework.git" , :tag => "1.9.5"} s.platform = :ios, '5.0' s.source_files = 'AppXperience.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.{h}' s.resources = 'AppXperience.bundle' s.frameworks = 'QuartzCore', 'CoreGraphics', 'MediaPlayer', 'CoreText', 'UIKit', 'AppXperience' s.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(PODS_ROOT)/AppXperience/"' } s.preserve_paths = 'AppXperience.framework', 'AppXperience.bundle' s.dependency 'MKNetworkKit', '~> 0.85' s.dependency 'SDWebImage', '~> 3.1' s.requires_arc = false end
require 'doorkeeper/rails/routes/mapping' require 'doorkeeper/rails/routes/mapper' module Doorkeeper module Rails class Routes # :nodoc: module Helper def use_doorkeeper(options = {}, &block) Doorkeeper::Rails::Routes.new(self, &block).generate_routes!(options) end end def self.install! ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper.send :include, Doorkeeper::Rails::Routes::Helper end attr_reader :routes def initialize(routes, &block) @routes = routes @mapping = Mapper.new.map(&block) if Doorkeeper.configuration.api_only @mapping.skips.push(:applications, :authorized_applications) end end def generate_routes!(options) routes.scope options[:scope] || 'oauth', as: 'oauth' do map_route(:authorizations, :authorization_routes) map_route(:tokens, :token_routes) map_route(:tokens, :revoke_routes) map_route(:tokens, :introspect_routes) map_route(:applications, :application_routes) map_route(:authorized_applications, :authorized_applications_routes) map_route(:token_info, :token_info_routes) end end private def map_route(name, method) send(method, @mapping[name]) unless @mapping.skipped?(name) end def authorization_routes(mapping) routes.resource( :authorization, path: 'authorize', only: %i[create destroy], as: mapping[:as], controller: mapping[:controllers] ) do routes.get '/native', action: :show, on: :member routes.get '/', action: :new, on: :member end end def token_routes(mapping) routes.resource( :token, path: 'token', only: [:create], as: mapping[:as], controller: mapping[:controllers] ) end def revoke_routes(mapping) routes.post 'revoke', controller: mapping[:controllers], action: :revoke end def introspect_routes(mapping) routes.post 'introspect', controller: mapping[:controllers], action: :introspect end def token_info_routes(mapping) routes.resource( :token_info, path: 'token/info', only: [:show], as: mapping[:as], controller: mapping[:controllers] ) end def application_routes(mapping) routes.resources :doorkeeper_applications, controller: mapping[:controllers], as: :applications, path: 'applications' end def authorized_applications_routes(mapping) routes.resources :authorized_applications, only: %i[index destroy], controller: mapping[:controllers] end end end end
class Selected_book attr_accessor :title_and_author, :total_votes, :title, :author, :url, :description, :rating, :number_of_ratings @@all = [] def initialize(title_and_author, url) @title_and_author = title_and_author @url = url @@all << self end def self.all @@all end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module API module Meta class Base def initialize(endpoint_klass, opts = {}, &block) @endpoint_klass = endpoint_klass @opts = opts opts[:block] = block if block.present? decorate end private attr_reader :endpoint_klass, :opts def decorate return unless opts.present? endpoint_klass.send(:desc, desc) endpoint_klass.send( :route_setting, scopes: opts[:scopes] ) if opts.key?(:scopes) define_params define_endpoint end def define_params endpoint_klass.instance_exec(this_resource) do |resource_name| params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: "ID of #{resource_name}" end end end def define_endpoint raise NotImplementedError end def desc raise NotImplementedError end def this_resource @this_resource ||= endpoint_klass.name.demodulize end end end end
# Spec requirements require 'models/persistence/sequel/spec_helper' require 'models/persistence/sequel/page_shared' require 'lims-core/persistence/multi_criteria_filter' require 'lims-laboratory-app/organization/order/all' module Lims::LaboratoryApp module Lims::Core::Persistence shared_context "with saved orders ('models' version)" do include_context "with saved batches ('models' version)" let(:basic_parameters) { { :creator => Organization::User.new(), :study => Organization::Study.new(), :pipeline => "testing" } } let(:orders) { # We give a different pipeline to be able to differentiate each order easily # and sort them [ Organization::Order.new(basic_parameters.merge(:pipeline => "P1")).tap do |o| o.add_source("source1", "11111111-1111-0000-0000-000000000000") o.add_target("source2", "11111111-2222-0000-0000-000000000000") o.add_source("source3", "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000") o.build! o.start! end, Organization::Order.new(basic_parameters.merge(:pipeline => "P2")).tap do |o| o.add_source("source1", "22222222-1111-0000-0000-000000000000") o.add_source("source2", "22222222-2222-0000-0000-000000000000") o.add_target("source3", "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000") o.build! o.start! end, Organization::Order.new(basic_parameters.merge(:pipeline => "P3")).tap do |o| o.add_source("source1", "33333333-1111-0000-0000-000000000000") o.add_source("source2", "33333333-2222-0000-0000-000000000000") o.add_target("target1", "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000") o.build! o.start! o.complete! end ] } let!(:ids) { orders.map do |o| store.with_session do |session| session << o o[:source2].first.batch = session[batch_uuids[0]] if o.pipeline == 'P1' o[:source1].first.batch = session[batch_uuids[1]] if o.pipeline == 'P2' o[:target1].first.batch = session[batch_uuids[0]] if o.pipeline == 'P3' end end } end shared_context "with saved batches ('models' version)" do let!(:batch_uuids) do ['11111111-2222-2222-3333-000000000000', '11111111-2222-2222-3333-111111111111'].tap do |uuids| uuids.each do |uuid| store.with_session do |session| batch = Organization::Batch.new session << batch ur = session.new_uuid_resource_for(batch) ur.send(:uuid=, uuid) end end end end end shared_examples_for "finding orders" do |criteria, indexes| let(:filter) { MultiCriteriaFilter.new(criteria) } let(:persistor) { store.with_session { |s| filter.call(s.order) } } context do it "find the right orders" do loaded = persistor.slice(0, orders.size).to_a.sort { |a,b| a.pipeline <=> b.pipeline } original = indexes.map { |i| orders[i]}.sort { |a,b| a.pipeline <=> b.pipeline } loaded.should == original end it "find the correct number of order" do persistor.count.should == indexes.size end end end shared_examples_for "searchable by item criteria" do context "saved orders" do include_context "with saved orders ('models' version)" context "lookup by one uuid" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => {:uuid => "11111111-2222-0000-0000-000000000000" } }, [0] context "find 2 orders" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => {:uuid => "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000" } }, [0,1,2] end end context "lookup by role" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => {:role => "source3"} }, [0,1] it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => {:role => %w[source3 target1] } }, [0,1,2] end context "lookup by status" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => {:uuid => "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000", :status => "pending" } }, [1,2] end context "lookup by role and uuid and status" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => { :role => "source3", :status => "pending", :uuid => "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000" } }, [1] end context "mix order and items criteria" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :status => "completed", :item => { :uuid => "00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000" } }, [2] end context "lookup by batch assigned to order items" do it_behaves_like "finding orders", { :item => {:batch => {"uuid" => '11111111-2222-2222-3333-111111111111'}}}, [1] end end end shared_examples_for "finding resources" do |uuids| it "finds the resource" do store.with_session do |session| results = search.call(session) all = results.slice(0, uuids.size).to_a all.size.should == uuids.size uuids.each do |uuid| all.should include(session[uuid]) end all.each do |resource| resource.should be_a(model) end end end end shared_examples_for "orders filtrable" do include_context "with saved orders ('models' version)" let(:description) { "lookup by order" } let(:filter) { Lims::Core::Persistence::OrderFilter.new(criteria) } let(:search) { Lims::Core::Persistence::Search.new(:model => model, :filter => filter, :description => description) } context "by order pipeline" do let(:criteria) { {:order => {:pipeline => "P1"}} } it_behaves_like "finding resources", ['11111111-2222-0000-0000-000000000000', '00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000'] end context "by order status" do let(:criteria) { {:order => {:status => "in_progress"}} } it_behaves_like "finding resources", ['22222222-1111-0000-0000-000000000000','11111111-2222-0000-0000-000000000000', '00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000'] end context "by order item" do let(:criteria) { {:order => {:item => {:status => "pending"}}} } it_behaves_like "finding resources", ['11111111-2222-0000-0000-000000000000'] end context "by batch assigned to order items" do let(:criteria) { {:order => {:item => {:batch => {"uuid" => '11111111-2222-2222-3333-000000000000'}}}} } it_behaves_like "finding resources", ['11111111-2222-0000-0000-000000000000', '00000000-3333-0000-0000-000000000000'] end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../test_helper' require 'pagy/extras/materialize' require_relative '../../mock_helpers/pagy_buggy' require_relative '../../mock_helpers/app' describe 'pagy/extras/materialize' do let(:app) { MockApp.new } describe '#pagy_materialize_nav' do it 'renders first page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 1) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra')).must_rematch end it 'renders intermediate page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 20) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra')).must_rematch end it 'renders last page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 50) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra')).must_rematch end it 'should raise for wrong series' do _ { app.pagy_materialize_nav(PagyBuggy.new(count: 100)) }.must_raise Pagy::InternalError end end describe '#pagy_materialize_nav_js' do it 'renders first page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 1) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra', steps: { 0 => [1, 2, 2, 1], 600 => [1, 3, 3, 1] })).must_rematch end it 'renders intermediate page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 20) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra', steps: { 0 => [1, 2, 2, 1], 600 => [1, 3, 3, 1] })).must_rematch end it 'renders last page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 50) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra', steps: { 0 => [1, 2, 2, 1], 600 => [1, 3, 3, 1] })).must_rematch end it 'renders with :steps' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 20, steps: { 0 => [1, 2, 2, 1], 500 => [2, 3, 3, 2] }) _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra', steps: { 0 => [1, 2, 2, 1], 600 => [1, 3, 3, 1] })).must_rematch end it 'raises with missing step 0' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 20, steps: { 0 => [1, 2, 2, 1], 600 => [1, 3, 3, 1] }) _ { app.pagy_materialize_nav_js(pagy, steps: { 600 => [1, 3, 3, 1] }) }.must_raise Pagy::VariableError end end describe '#pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js' do it 'renders first page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 103, page: 1) _(app.pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra')).must_rematch end it 'renders intermediate page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 103, page: 3) _(app.pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra')).must_rematch end it 'renders last page' do pagy = Pagy.new(count: 103, page: 6) _(app.pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js(pagy)).must_rematch _(app.pagy_materialize_combo_nav_js(pagy, pagy_id: 'test-nav-id', link_extra: 'link-extra')).must_rematch end end end
Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/events/feed' => 'events#feed' get '/news/feed' => 'news#feed' get '/people/feed' => 'people#feed' get '/resources/feed' => 'resources#feed' resources :resources resources :news resources :events resources :at_who resources :indications, only: :create resources :votes, only: [:create] do collection do delete :destroy end end resources :people do collection do post :send_message end end resource :newsletters, :controller => :newsletter_signup, only: [:create, :destroy] get '/people/claim/:slug', to: 'people#claim', as: 'people_claim' post '/people/claim/:slug', to: 'people#claim_person', as: 'people_claim_person' post '/people/:id/contact', to: 'people#contact', as: 'people_contact' get '/people/:id/contact', to: 'people#show', as: 'people_contact_get' devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "users/registrations", :omniauth_callbacks => "users/omniauth_callbacks" } match "/people/create_profile" => "people#new", as: :people_create_profile, :via => :get match "/people/skills/:tag" => "people#index", as: :people_with_skills, :via => :get match "/people/interests/:tag" => "people#index", as: :people_with_interests, :via => :get match "/people/roles/:tag" => "people#index", as: :people_with_role, :via => :get match "/profile/:slug" => "people#show", as: :profile, :via => :get controller :pages do get :unsubscribe end root 'pages#index' get '/topics/tags', to: 'topics#tags', :defaults => { :format => :json } match "/slack" => redirect("http://startupwichita-slackin.herokuapp.com"), as: :slack, via: :get end
# frozen_string_literal: true module ActionView module Helpers # :nodoc: # = Action View Rendering # # Implements methods that allow rendering from a view context. # In order to use this module, all you need is to implement # view_renderer that returns an ActionView::Renderer object. module RenderingHelper # Returns the result of a render that's dictated by the options hash. The primary options are: # # * <tt>:partial</tt> - See <tt>ActionView::PartialRenderer</tt>. # * <tt>:file</tt> - Renders an explicit template file (this used to be the old default), add :locals to pass in those. # * <tt>:inline</tt> - Renders an inline template similar to how it's done in the controller. # * <tt>:plain</tt> - Renders the text passed in out. Setting the content # type as <tt>text/plain</tt>. # * <tt>:html</tt> - Renders the HTML safe string passed in out, otherwise # performs HTML escape on the string first. Setting the content type as # <tt>text/html</tt>. # * <tt>:body</tt> - Renders the text passed in, and inherits the content # type of <tt>text/plain</tt> from <tt>ActionDispatch::Response</tt> # object. # # If no <tt>options</tt> hash is passed or if <tt>:update</tt> is specified, then: # # If an object responding to +render_in+ is passed, +render_in+ is called on the object, # passing in the current view context. # # Otherwise, a partial is rendered using the second parameter as the locals hash. def render(options = {}, locals = {}, &block) case options when Hash in_rendering_context(options) do |renderer| if block_given? view_renderer.render_partial(self, options.merge(partial: options[:layout]), &block) else view_renderer.render(self, options) end end else if options.respond_to?(:render_in) options.render_in(self, &block) else view_renderer.render_partial(self, partial: options, locals: locals, &block) end end end # Overwrites _layout_for in the context object so it supports the case a block is # passed to a partial. Returns the contents that are yielded to a layout, given a # name or a block. # # You can think of a layout as a method that is called with a block. If the user calls # <tt>yield :some_name</tt>, the block, by default, returns <tt>content_for(:some_name)</tt>. # If the user calls simply +yield+, the default block returns <tt>content_for(:layout)</tt>. # # The user can override this default by passing a block to the layout: # # # The template # <%= render layout: "my_layout" do %> # Content # <% end %> # # # The layout # <html> # <%= yield %> # </html> # # In this case, instead of the default block, which would return <tt>content_for(:layout)</tt>, # this method returns the block that was passed in to <tt>render :layout</tt>, and the response # would be # # <html> # Content # </html> # # Finally, the block can take block arguments, which can be passed in by +yield+: # # # The template # <%= render layout: "my_layout" do |customer| %> # Hello <%= customer.name %> # <% end %> # # # The layout # <html> # <%= yield Struct.new(:name).new("David") %> # </html> # # In this case, the layout would receive the block passed into <tt>render :layout</tt>, # and the struct specified would be passed into the block as an argument. The result # would be # # <html> # Hello David # </html> # def _layout_for(*args, &block) name = args.first if block && !name.is_a?(Symbol) capture(*args, &block) else super end end end end end
require_relative 'base_information' require 'json' require 'rest-client' class TranslateLanguage < Link::Base #Inherits from Base with Class attr_accessor :text, :code, :url, :information def initialize(text, code) @url = altera_link('translate') #Passa the url/functionality reponsible for Translate @text = text @code = code get_information end private def get_information get_translate save_information('Translating the Language', @information) end def get_translate response = RestClient.get(@url, params: {key: TOKEN, text: "#{@text}", lang: "#{@code}"}) @information = "Text: #{@text} para #{@code} \nResult: " @information += JSON.parse(response)["text"].join #@information returns the information old text, the code and new text translated end end
=begin #Datadog API V2 Collection #Collection of all Datadog Public endpoints. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0 Contact: support@datadoghq.com Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech OpenAPI Generator version: 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT =end require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require 'date' # Unit tests for DatadogAPIClient::V2::RoleCreateAttributes # Automatically generated by openapi-generator (https://openapi-generator.tech) # Please update as you see appropriate describe DatadogAPIClient::V2::RoleCreateAttributes do let(:instance) { DatadogAPIClient::V2::RoleCreateAttributes.new } describe 'test an instance of RoleCreateAttributes' do it 'should create an instance of RoleCreateAttributes' do expect(instance).to be_instance_of(DatadogAPIClient::V2::RoleCreateAttributes) end end describe 'test attribute "created_at"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "modified_at"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end describe 'test attribute "name"' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: notiffany 0.0.8 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "notiffany" s.version = "0.0.8" s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.authors = ["Cezary Baginski", "R\u{e9}my Coutable", "Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil"] s.date = "2015-09-15" s.description = " Wrapper libray for most popular notification\n libraries such as Growl, Libnotify, Notifu\n" s.email = ["cezary@chronomantic.net"] s.homepage = "https://github.com/guard/notiffany" s.licenses = ["MIT"] s.rubygems_version = "" s.summary = "Notifier library (extracted from Guard project)" s.installed_by_version = "" if s.respond_to? :installed_by_version if s.respond_to? :specification_version then s.specification_version = 4 if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<nenv>, ["~> 0.1"]) s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<shellany>, ["~> 0.0"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q<bundler>, ["~> 1.7"]) else s.add_dependency(%q<nenv>, ["~> 0.1"]) s.add_dependency(%q<shellany>, ["~> 0.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<bundler>, ["~> 1.7"]) end else s.add_dependency(%q<nenv>, ["~> 0.1"]) s.add_dependency(%q<shellany>, ["~> 0.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<bundler>, ["~> 1.7"]) end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "FamilySearchCocoa" s.version = "0.8.0" s.summary = "An easy to use library for interacting with the FamilySearch.org API on iOS or OS X" s.description = <<-DESC You need to get a developer key from https://devnet.familysearch.org/ first. Then you can easily get the current user, add parents, children, spouses and modify a persons events like birth, death, marriage date, etc. More is coming soon. DESC s.homepage = "https://github.com/FamilySearch/FamilySearchCocoa" s.license = 'BSD' s.author = { "Adam Kirk" => "akirk@familysearch.org" } s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/FamilySearch/FamilySearchCocoa.git", :tag => "0.8.0" } s.source_files = 'FamilySearchCocoa/*.{h,m}' s.requires_arc = true s.dependency 'MTPocket' s.dependency 'MTDates' s.dependency 'MTJSONUtils' end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'java' require_relative '../../../../java/saxon9he.jar' java_import 'java.io.StringReader' java_import 'java.io.StringWriter' java_import 'javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder' java_import 'javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory' java_import 'javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory' java_import 'javax.xml.transform.Transformer' java_import 'javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource' java_import 'javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource' java_import 'javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult' java_import 'org.w3c.dom.Document' TRANSFORMER_FACTORY_IMPL = 'net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl' module CqmValidators module Schematron module JavaProcessor ISO_SCHEMATRON2 = File.join(DIR, 'lib/schematron/iso-schematron-xslt2/iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl') class HdsUrlResolver include javax.xml.transform.URIResolver def initialize(schematron) @file = schematron end def resolve(href, _base) path = File.join(File.dirname(@file), href) StreamSource.new(java.io.File.new(path)) end end def get_errors(document) document_j = get_document_j(document) output = build_transformer(StringReader.new(processor), StreamSource.new(document_j), true) Nokogiri::XML(output) end def get_document_j(doc) case doc when File java.io.File.new(doc.path) else StringReader.new(doc.to_s) end end def processor @processor ||= build_transformer(java.io.File.new(ISO_SCHEMATRON2), schematron_file) end def schematron_file # this allows us to run the validation utility app in jBoss/TorqueBox # for some reason it breaks the first time you call DocumentBuilderFactory, # so the solution is to catch the error and retry # TODO: pull this out when the above is no longer the case. begin dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.new_instance rescue Exception retry end dbf.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true) db = dbf.new_document_builder document = db.parse(java.io.File.new(@schematron_file)) root = document.document_element root.set_attribute('defaultPhase', 'errors') DOMSource.new(root) end def build_transformer(xslt, input_file, url = false) factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(TRANSFORMER_FACTORY_IMPL, nil) factory.uri_resolver = HdsUrlResolver.new(@schematron_file) if url transformer = factory.new_transformer(StreamSource.new(xslt)) sw = StringWriter.new output = StreamResult.new(sw) transformer.transform(input_file, output) sw.to_s end end end end
require 'spec_helper' describe SearchController, type: :controller do let(:single_events) { double('SingleEvents') } let(:region_name) { 'koeln' } let(:region) { double('Region') } let(:region_slug) { double('RegionSlug', region: region) } let(:search_params) { 'SearchParams' } let(:search_results) { double('SingleEventsByDay') } before do allow(RegionSlug).to receive(:find_by_slug).with(region_name).and_return(region_slug) allow(RegionSlug).to receive(:find_by_slug).with(nil).and_return(nil) allow(SingleEvent).to receive(:search_in_region) .with(search_params, region) .and_return(single_events) end it 'should sort the search results from the database by day' do allow(SingleEventsByDay).to receive(:new) .with(single_events) .and_return(search_results) get :index, search: search_params, region: region_name expect(assigns[:search_result]).to be search_results end end
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe "Float#ceil" do it "returns the smallest Integer greater than or equal to self" do -1.2.ceil.should == -1 -1.0.ceil.should == -1 0.0.ceil.should == 0 1.3.ceil.should == 2 3.0.ceil.should == 3 end end
# spec/sleeping_king_studios/tasks/ci/rspec_runner_spec.rb require 'sleeping_king_studios/tasks/ci/rspec_runner' RSpec.describe SleepingKingStudios::Tasks::Ci::RSpecRunner do let(:default_env) do { :ci => true, :bundle_gemfile => ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] } end # let let(:default_opts) { ['--color'] } let(:instance) do described_class.new :env => default_env, :options => default_opts end # let describe '::new' do it 'should define the constructor' do expect(described_class). to be_constructible. with(0).arguments. and_keywords(:env, :options) end # it end # describe describe '#call' do let(:report) do { 'duration' => 1.0, 'example_count' => 3, 'failure_count' => 2, 'pending_count' => 1, 'error_count' => 0 } # end report end # let let(:summary_line) do '3 examples, 2 failures, 1 pending in 1.0 seconds' end # let let(:report_file) { 'tmp/ci/rspec.json' } let(:expected_files) { [] } let(:expected_env) { {} } let(:expected_options) { ['--format=json', "--out=#{report_file}"] } let(:expected_command) do opts = expected_files + default_opts + expected_options env = default_env.merge expected_env env = instance.send(:build_environment, :env => env) "#{env} bundle exec rspec #{opts.join ' '}".strip end # let let(:expected_report) do JSON.dump 'summary' => report, 'summary_line' => summary_line end # let before(:example) do allow(instance).to receive(:stream_process) allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return('{}') end # before example it 'should define the method' do expect(instance). to respond_to(:call). with(0).arguments. and_keywords(:env, :files, :options, :report) end # it it 'should call an rspec process' do expect(instance).to receive(:stream_process).with(expected_command) instance.call end # it it 'should load and parse the report file' do expect(File). to receive(:read). with(report_file). and_return(expected_report) expect(instance.call).to be == report end # it context 'when the summary line lists errors' do let(:report) do { 'duration' => 1.0, 'example_count' => 3, 'failure_count' => 2, 'pending_count' => 1, 'error_count' => 1 } # end report end # let let(:summary_line) do '3 examples, 2 failures, 1 error occurred outside of examples' end # let it 'should load and parse the report file' do expect(File). to receive(:read). with(report_file). and_return(expected_report) expect(instance.call).to be == report end # it end # context describe 'with :env => environment variables' do let(:env) { { :bundle_gemfile => 'path/to/Gemfile' } } let(:expected_env) do super().merge :bundle_gemfile => 'path/to/Gemfile' end # let it 'should call an rspec process' do expect(instance).to receive(:stream_process).with(expected_command) instance.call :env => env end # it end # describe describe 'with :files => file list' do let(:expected_files) do ['spec/foo', 'spec/bar', 'spec/wibble/wobble_spec.rb'] end # let it 'should call an rspec process' do expect(instance).to receive(:stream_process).with(expected_command) instance.call :files => expected_files end # it end # describe describe 'with :options => custom options' do let(:options) { ['--format=progress'] } let(:expected_options) { options + super() } it 'should call an rspec process' do expect(instance).to receive(:stream_process).with(expected_command) instance.call :options => options end # it end # describe describe 'with :report => false' do let(:expected_options) { [] } it 'should call an rspec process' do expect(instance).to receive(:stream_process).with(expected_command) instance.call :report => false end # it it 'should not load the report file' do expect(File).not_to receive(:read) expect(instance.call :report => false).to be == {} end # it end # describe describe 'with :report => file path' do let(:report_file) { 'tmp/rspec.json' } it 'should load and parse the report file' do expect(File). to receive(:read). with(report_file). and_return(JSON.dump 'summary' => report) expect(instance.call :report => report_file).to be == report end # it end # describe end # describe end # describe
# frozen_string_literal: true # # Author:: Adam Jacob (<adam@chef.io>) # Author:: Chris Read <chris.read@gmail.com> # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Ohai.plugin(:Network) do provides "network", "network/interfaces" provides "counters/network", "counters/network/interfaces" provides "ipaddress", "ip6address", "macaddress" def linux_encaps_lookup(encap) return "Loopback" if encap.eql?("Local Loopback") || encap.eql?("loopback") return "PPP" if encap.eql?("Point-to-Point Protocol") return "SLIP" if encap.eql?("Serial Line IP") return "VJSLIP" if encap.eql?("VJ Serial Line IP") return "IPIP" if encap.eql?("IPIP Tunnel") return "6to4" if encap.eql?("IPv6-in-IPv4") return "Ethernet" if encap.eql?("ether") encap end def ipv6_enabled? file_exist? "/proc/net/if_inet6" end def ethtool_binary_path @ethtool ||= which("ethtool") end def is_openvz? @openvz ||= file_directory?("/proc/vz") end def is_openvz_host? is_openvz? && file_directory?("/proc/bc") end def extract_neighbors(family, iface, neigh_attr) so = shell_out("ip -f #{family[:name]} neigh show") so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ /^([a-f0-9\:\.]+)\s+dev\s+([^\s]+)\s+lladdr\s+([a-fA-F0-9\:]+)/ interface = iface[$2] unless interface logger.warn("neighbor list has entries for unknown interface #{interface}") next end interface[neigh_attr] ||= Mash.new interface[neigh_attr][$1] = $3.downcase end end iface end # checking the routing tables # why ? # 1) to set the default gateway and default interfaces attributes # 2) on some occasions, the best way to select node[:ipaddress] is to look at # the routing table source field. # 3) and since we're at it, let's populate some :routes attributes # (going to do that for both inet and inet6 addresses) def check_routing_table(family, iface, default_route_table) so = shell_out("ip -o -f #{family[:name]} route show table #{default_route_table}") so.stdout.lines do |line| line.strip! logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing #{line}") if /\\/.match?(line) parts = line.split("\\") route_dest = parts.shift.strip route_endings = parts elsif line =~ /^([^\s]+)\s(.*)$/ route_dest = $1 route_endings = [$2] else next end route_endings.each do |route_ending| if route_ending =~ /\bdev\s+([^\s]+)\b/ route_int = $1 else logger.trace("Plugin Network: Skipping route entry without a device: '#{line}'") next end route_int = "venet0:0" if is_openvz? && !is_openvz_host? && route_int == "venet0" && iface["venet0:0"] unless iface[route_int] logger.trace("Plugin Network: Skipping previously unseen interface from 'ip route show': #{route_int}") next end route_entry = Mash.new(destination: route_dest, family: family[:name]) %w{via scope metric proto src}.each do |k| # http://rubular.com/r/pwTNp65VFf route_entry[k] = $1 if route_ending =~ /\b#{k}\s+([^\s]+)/ end # https://rubular.com/r/k1sMrRn5yLjgVi route_entry["via"] = $1 if route_ending =~ /\bvia\s+inet6\s+([^\s]+)/ # a sanity check, especially for Linux-VServer, OpenVZ and LXC: # don't report the route entry if the src address isn't set on the node # unless the interface has no addresses of this type at all if route_entry[:src] addr = iface[route_int][:addresses] unless addr.nil? || addr.key?(route_entry[:src]) || addr.values.all? { |a| a["family"] != family[:name] } logger.trace("Plugin Network: Skipping route entry whose src does not match the interface IP") next end end iface[route_int][:routes] = [] unless iface[route_int][:routes] iface[route_int][:routes] << route_entry end end iface end # now looking at the routes to set the default attributes # for information, default routes can be of this form : # - default via dev br0 # - default dev br0 scope link # - default dev eth0 scope link src # - default via dev eth1 src metric 10 # - default via dev eth2 src metric 20 # using a temporary var to hold routes and their interface name def parse_routes(family, iface) iface.filter_map do |i, iv| next unless iv[:routes] iv[:routes].filter_map do |r| r.merge(dev: i) if r[:family] == family[:name] end end.flatten end # determine layer 1 details for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_layer_one(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path keys = %w{Speed Duplex Port Transceiver Auto-negotiation MDI-X} iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} #{tmp_int}") so.stdout.lines do |line| line.chomp! logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{line}") line.lstrip! k, v = line.split(": ") next unless keys.include? k k.downcase!.tr!("-", "_") if k == "speed" k = "link_speed" # This is not necessarily the maximum speed the NIC supports v = v[/\d+/].to_i end iface[tmp_int][k] = v end end iface end # determine ring parameters for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_ring_parameters(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} -g #{tmp_int}") logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{so.stdout}") type = nil iface[tmp_int]["ring_params"] = {} so.stdout.lines.each do |line| next if line.start_with?("Ring parameters for") next if line.strip.nil? if /Pre-set maximums/.match?(line) type = "max" next end if /Current hardware settings/.match?(line) type = "current" next end key, val = line.split(/:\s+/) if type && val ring_key = "#{type}_#{key.downcase.tr(" ", "_")}" iface[tmp_int]["ring_params"][ring_key] = val.to_i end end end iface end # determine channel parameters for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_channel_parameters(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} -l #{tmp_int}") logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{so.stdout}") type = nil iface[tmp_int]["channel_params"] = {} so.stdout.lines.each do |line| next if line.start_with?("Channel parameters for") next if line.strip.nil? if /Pre-set maximums/.match?(line) type = "max" next end if /Current hardware settings/.match?(line) type = "current" next end key, val = line.split(/:\s+/) if type && val channel_key = "#{type}_#{key.downcase.tr(" ", "_")}" iface[tmp_int]["channel_params"][channel_key] = val.to_i end end end iface end # determine coalesce parameters for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_coalesce_parameters(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} -c #{tmp_int}") logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{so.stdout}") iface[tmp_int]["coalesce_params"] = {} so.stdout.lines.each do |line| next if line.start_with?("Coalesce parameters for") next if line.strip.nil? if line.start_with?("Adaptive") _, adaptive_rx, _, adaptive_tx = line.split(/:\s+|\s+TX|\n/) iface[tmp_int]["coalesce_params"]["adaptive_rx"] = adaptive_rx iface[tmp_int]["coalesce_params"]["adaptive_tx"] = adaptive_tx next end key, val = line.split(/:\s+/) if val coalesce_key = key.downcase.tr(" ", "_").to_s iface[tmp_int]["coalesce_params"][coalesce_key] = val.to_i end end end iface end # determine offload features for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_offload_parameters(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} -k #{tmp_int}") Ohai::Log.debug("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{so.stdout}") iface[tmp_int]["offload_params"] = {} so.stdout.lines.each do |line| next if line.start_with?("Features for") next if line.strip.nil? key, val = line.split(/:\s+/) if val offload_key = key.downcase.strip.tr(" ", "_").to_s iface[tmp_int]["offload_params"][offload_key] = val.downcase.gsub(/\[.*\]/, "").strip.to_s end end end iface end # determine pause parameters for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_pause_parameters(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} -a #{tmp_int}") logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{so.stdout}") iface[tmp_int]["pause_params"] = {} so.stdout.lines.each do |line| next if line.start_with?("Pause parameters for") next if line.strip.nil? key, val = line.split(/:\s+/) if val pause_key = "#{key.downcase.tr(" ", "_")}" iface[tmp_int]["pause_params"][pause_key] = val.strip.eql? "on" end end end iface end # determine driver info for the interface using ethtool def ethernet_driver_info(iface) return iface unless ethtool_binary_path iface.each_key do |tmp_int| next unless iface[tmp_int][:encapsulation] == "Ethernet" so = shell_out("#{ethtool_binary_path} -i #{tmp_int}") logger.trace("Plugin Network: Parsing ethtool output: #{so.stdout}") iface[tmp_int]["driver_info"] = {} so.stdout.lines.each do |line| next if line.strip.nil? key, val = line.split(/:\s+/) if val.nil? val = "" end driver_key = key.downcase.tr(" ", "_").to_s iface[tmp_int]["driver_info"][driver_key] = val.chomp end end iface end # determine link stats, vlans, queue length, and state for an interface using ip def link_statistics(iface, net_counters) so = shell_out("ip -d -s link") tmp_int = nil on_rx = true so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ IPROUTE_INT_REGEX tmp_int = $2 iface[tmp_int] ||= Mash.new net_counters[tmp_int] ||= Mash.new end if /^\s+(ip6tnl|ipip)/.match?(line) iface[tmp_int][:tunnel_info] = {} words = line.split words.each_with_index do |word, index| case word when "external" iface[tmp_int][:tunnel_info][word] = true when "any", "ipip6", "ip6ip6" iface[tmp_int][:tunnel_info][:proto] = word when "remote", "local", "encaplimit", "hoplimit", "tclass", "flowlabel", "addrgenmode", "numtxqueues", "numrxqueues", "gso_max_size", "gso_max_segs" iface[tmp_int][:tunnel_info][word] = words[index + 1] end end end if line =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ int = on_rx ? :rx : :tx net_counters[tmp_int][int] ||= Mash.new net_counters[tmp_int][int][:bytes] = $1 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:packets] = $2 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:errors] = $3 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:drop] = $4 if int == :rx net_counters[tmp_int][int][:overrun] = $5 else net_counters[tmp_int][int][:carrier] = $5 net_counters[tmp_int][int][:collisions] = $6 end on_rx = !on_rx end if line =~ /qlen (\d+)/ net_counters[tmp_int][:tx] ||= Mash.new net_counters[tmp_int][:tx][:queuelen] = $1 end if line =~ /vlan id (\d+)/ || line =~ /vlan protocol ([\w\.]+) id (\d+)/ if $2 tmp_prot = $1 tmp_id = $2 else tmp_id = $1 end iface[tmp_int][:vlan] ||= Mash.new iface[tmp_int][:vlan][:id] = tmp_id iface[tmp_int][:vlan][:protocol] = tmp_prot if tmp_prot vlan_flags = line.scan(/(REORDER_HDR|GVRP|LOOSE_BINDING)/) if vlan_flags.length > 0 iface[tmp_int][:vlan][:flags] = vlan_flags.flatten.uniq end end # https://rubular.com/r/JRp6lNANmpcLV5 if line =~ /\sstate (\w+)/ iface[tmp_int]["state"] = $1.downcase end end iface end def match_iproute(iface, line, cint) if line =~ IPROUTE_INT_REGEX cint = $2 iface[cint] = Mash.new if cint =~ /^(\w+?)(\d+.*)/ iface[cint][:type] = $1 iface[cint][:number] = $2 end if line =~ /mtu (\d+)/ iface[cint][:mtu] = $1 end flags = line.scan(/(UP|BROADCAST|DEBUG|LOOPBACK|POINTTOPOINT|NOTRAILERS|LOWER_UP|NOARP|PROMISC|ALLMULTI|SLAVE|MASTER|MULTICAST|DYNAMIC)/) if flags.length > 1 iface[cint][:flags] = flags.flatten.uniq end end cint end def parse_ip_addr(iface) so = shell_out("ip addr") cint = nil so.stdout.lines do |line| cint = match_iproute(iface, line, cint) parse_ip_addr_link_line(cint, iface, line) cint = parse_ip_addr_inet_line(cint, iface, line) parse_ip_addr_inet6_line(cint, iface, line) end end def parse_ip_addr_link_line(cint, iface, line) if line =~ %r{link/(\w+) ([\da-f\:]+) } iface[cint][:encapsulation] = linux_encaps_lookup($1) unless $2 == "00:00:00:00:00:00" iface[cint][:addresses] ||= Mash.new iface[cint][:addresses][$2.upcase] = { "family" => "lladdr" } end end end def parse_ip_addr_inet_line(cint, iface, line) if line =~ %r{inet (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(/(\d{1,2}))?} tmp_addr, tmp_prefix = $1, $3 tmp_prefix ||= "32" original_int = nil # Are we a formerly aliased interface? if line =~ /#{cint}:(\d+)$/ sub_int = $1 alias_int = "#{cint}:#{sub_int}" original_int = cint cint = alias_int end iface[cint] ||= Mash.new # Create the fake alias interface if needed iface[cint][:addresses] ||= Mash.new iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr] = { "family" => "inet", "prefixlen" => tmp_prefix } iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:netmask] = IPAddr.new("").mask(tmp_prefix.to_i).to_s if line =~ /peer (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:peer] = $1 end if line =~ /brd (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:broadcast] = $1 end if line =~ /scope (\w+)/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr][:scope] = ($1.eql?("host") ? "Node" : $1.capitalize) end # If we found we were an alias interface, restore cint to its original value cint = original_int unless original_int.nil? end cint end def parse_ip_addr_inet6_line(cint, iface, line) if line =~ %r{inet6 ([a-f0-9\:]+)/(\d+) scope (\w+)( .*)?} iface[cint][:addresses] ||= Mash.new tmp_addr = $1 tags = $4 || "" tags = tags.split iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr] = { "family" => "inet6", "prefixlen" => $2, "scope" => ($3.eql?("host") ? "Node" : $3.capitalize), "tags" => tags, } end end # returns the macaddress for interface from a hash of interfaces (iface elsewhere in this file) def get_mac_for_interface(interfaces, interface) interfaces[interface][:addresses].find { |k, v| v["family"] == "lladdr" }.first unless interfaces[interface][:addresses].nil? || interfaces[interface][:flags].include?("NOARP") end # returns the default route with the lowest metric (unspecified metric is 0) def choose_default_route(routes) routes.select do |r| r[:destination] == "default" end.min do |x, y| (x[:metric].nil? ? 0 : x[:metric].to_i) <=> (y[:metric].nil? ? 0 : y[:metric].to_i) end end def interface_has_no_addresses_in_family?(iface, family) return true if iface[:addresses].nil? iface[:addresses].values.all? { |addr| addr["family"] != family } end def interface_have_address?(iface, address) return false if iface[:addresses].nil? iface[:addresses].key?(address) end def interface_address_not_link_level?(iface, address) !(iface[:addresses][address][:scope].casecmp("link") == 0) end def interface_valid_for_route?(iface, address, family) return true if interface_has_no_addresses_in_family?(iface, family) interface_have_address?(iface, address) && interface_address_not_link_level?(iface, address) end def route_is_valid_default_route?(route, default_route) # if the route destination is a default route, it's good return true if route[:destination] == "default" return false if default_route[:via].nil? dest_ipaddr = IPAddr.new(route[:destination]) default_route_via = IPAddr.new(default_route[:via]) # check if nexthop is the same address family return false if dest_ipaddr.ipv4? != default_route_via.ipv4? # the default route has a gateway and the route matches the gateway dest_ipaddr.include?(default_route_via) end # ipv4/ipv6 routes are different enough that having a single algorithm to select the favored route for both creates unnecessary complexity # this method attempts to deduce the route that is most important to the user, which is later used to deduce the favored values for {ip,mac,ip6}address # we only consider routes that are default routes, or those routes that get us to the gateway for a default route def favored_default_route_linux(routes, iface, default_route, family) routes.select do |r| if family[:name] == "inet" # the route must have a source address next if r[:src].nil? || r[:src].empty? # the interface specified in the route must exist route_interface = iface[r[:dev]] next if route_interface.nil? # the interface specified in the route must exist # the interface must have no addresses, or if it has the source address, the address must not # be a link-level address next unless interface_valid_for_route?(route_interface, r[:src], "inet") # the route must either be a default route, or it must have a gateway which is accessible via the route next unless route_is_valid_default_route?(r, default_route) true elsif family[:name] == "inet6" iface[r[:dev]] && iface[r[:dev]][:state] == "up" && route_is_valid_default_route?(r, default_route) end end.min_by do |r| # sorting the selected routes: # - getting default routes first # - then sort by metric # - then by prefixlen [ r[:destination] == "default" ? 0 : 1, r[:metric].nil? ? 0 : r[:metric].to_i, # for some reason IPAddress doesn't accept "::/0", it doesn't like prefix==0 # just a quick workaround: use 0 if IPAddress fails begin IPAddress( r[:destination] == "default" ? family[:default_route] : r[:destination] ).prefix rescue 0 end, ] end end # Both the network plugin and this plugin (linux/network) are run on linux. This plugin runs first. # If the 'ip' binary is available, this plugin may set {ip,mac,ip6}address. The network plugin should not overwrite these. # The older code section below that relies on the deprecated net-tools, e.g. netstat and ifconfig, provides less functionality. collect_data(:linux) do require "ipaddr" unless defined?(IPAddr) iface = Mash.new net_counters = Mash.new network Mash.new unless network network[:interfaces] ||= Mash.new counters Mash.new unless counters counters[:network] ||= Mash.new # ohai.plugin[:network][:default_route_table] = 'default' if configuration(:default_route_table).nil? || configuration(:default_route_table).empty? default_route_table = "main" else default_route_table = configuration(:default_route_table) end logger.trace("Plugin Network: default route table is '#{default_route_table}'") # Match the lead line for an interface from iproute2 # 3: eth0.11@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP # The '@eth0:' portion doesn't exist on primary interfaces and thus is optional in the regex IPROUTE_INT_REGEX ||= /^(\d+): ([0-9a-zA-Z@:\.\-_]*?)(@[0-9a-zA-Z]+|):\s/.freeze if which("ip") # families to get default routes from families = [{ name: "inet", default_route: "", default_prefix: :default, neighbour_attribute: :arp, }] if ipv6_enabled? families << { name: "inet6", default_route: "::/0", default_prefix: :default_inet6, neighbour_attribute: :neighbour_inet6, } end parse_ip_addr(iface) iface = link_statistics(iface, net_counters) families.each do |family| neigh_attr = family[:neighbour_attribute] default_prefix = family[:default_prefix] iface = extract_neighbors(family, iface, neigh_attr) iface = check_routing_table(family, iface, default_route_table) routes = parse_routes(family, iface) default_route = choose_default_route(routes) if default_route.nil? || default_route.empty? attribute_name = if family[:name] == "inet" "default_interface" else "default_#{family[:name]}_interface" end logger.trace("Plugin Network: Unable to determine '#{attribute_name}' as no default routes were found for that interface family") else network["#{default_prefix}_interface"] = default_route[:dev] logger.trace("Plugin Network: #{default_prefix}_interface set to #{default_route[:dev]}") # setting gateway to or :: if the default route is a link level one network["#{default_prefix}_gateway"] = default_route[:via] || family[:default_route].chomp("/0") logger.trace("Plugin Network: #{default_prefix}_gateway set to #{network["#{default_prefix}_gateway"]}") # deduce the default route the user most likely cares about to pick {ip,mac,ip6}address below favored_route = favored_default_route_linux(routes, iface, default_route, family) # FIXME: This entire block should go away, and the network plugin should be the sole source of {ip,ip6,mac}address # since we're at it, let's populate {ip,mac,ip6}address with the best values # if we don't set these, the network plugin may set them afterwards if favored_route && !favored_route.empty? if family[:name] == "inet" ipaddress favored_route[:src] m = get_mac_for_interface(iface, favored_route[:dev]) logger.trace("Plugin Network: Overwriting macaddress #{macaddress} with #{m} from interface #{favored_route[:dev]}") if macaddress macaddress m elsif family[:name] == "inet6" # this rarely does anything since we rarely have src for ipv6, so this usually falls back on the network plugin ip6address favored_route[:src] if macaddress logger.trace("Plugin Network: Not setting macaddress from ipv6 interface #{favored_route[:dev]} because macaddress is already set") else macaddress get_mac_for_interface(iface, favored_route[:dev]) end end else logger.trace("Plugin Network: Unable to deduce the favored default route for family '#{family[:name]}' despite finding a default route, and is not setting ipaddress/ip6address/macaddress. the network plugin may provide fallbacks.") logger.trace("Plugin Network: This potential default route was excluded: #{default_route}") end end end # end families.each else # ip binary not available, falling back to net-tools, e.g. route, ifconfig begin so = shell_out("route -n") route_result = so.stdout.split($/).grep( /^ )[0].split( /[ \t]+/ ) network[:default_gateway], network[:default_interface] = route_result.values_at(1, 7) rescue Ohai::Exceptions::Exec logger.trace("Plugin Network: Unable to determine default interface") end so = shell_out("ifconfig -a") cint = nil so.stdout.lines do |line| tmp_addr = nil # dev_valid_name in the kernel only excludes slashes, nulls, spaces # http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git;a=blob;f=net/core/dev.c#l851 if line =~ /^([0-9a-zA-Z@\.\:\-_]+)\s+/ cint = $1 iface[cint] = Mash.new if cint =~ /^(\w+?)(\d+.*)/ iface[cint][:type] = $1 iface[cint][:number] = $2 end end if line =~ /Link encap:(Local Loopback)/ || line =~ /Link encap:(.+?)\s/ iface[cint][:encapsulation] = linux_encaps_lookup($1) end if line =~ /HWaddr (.+?)\s/ iface[cint][:addresses] ||= Mash.new iface[cint][:addresses][$1] = { "family" => "lladdr" } end if line =~ /inet addr:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses] ||= Mash.new iface[cint][:addresses][$1] = { "family" => "inet" } tmp_addr = $1 end if line =~ %r{inet6 addr: ([a-f0-9\:]+)/(\d+) Scope:(\w+)} iface[cint][:addresses] ||= Mash.new iface[cint][:addresses][$1] = { "family" => "inet6", "prefixlen" => $2, "scope" => ($3.eql?("Host") ? "Node" : $3) } end if line =~ /Bcast:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr]["broadcast"] = $1 end if line =~ /Mask:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:addresses][tmp_addr]["netmask"] = $1 end flags = line.scan(/(UP|BROADCAST|DEBUG|LOOPBACK|POINTTOPOINT|NOTRAILERS|RUNNING|NOARP|PROMISC|ALLMULTI|SLAVE|MASTER|MULTICAST|DYNAMIC)\s/) if flags.length > 1 iface[cint][:flags] = flags.flatten end if line =~ /MTU:(\d+)/ iface[cint][:mtu] = $1 end if line =~ /P-t-P:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ iface[cint][:peer] = $1 end if line =~ /RX packets:(\d+) errors:(\d+) dropped:(\d+) overruns:(\d+) frame:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint] ||= Mash.new net_counters[cint][:rx] = { "packets" => $1, "errors" => $2, "drop" => $3, "overrun" => $4, "frame" => $5 } end if line =~ /TX packets:(\d+) errors:(\d+) dropped:(\d+) overruns:(\d+) carrier:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint][:tx] = { "packets" => $1, "errors" => $2, "drop" => $3, "overrun" => $4, "carrier" => $5 } end if line =~ /collisions:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint][:tx]["collisions"] = $1 end if line =~ /txqueuelen:(\d+)/ net_counters[cint][:tx]["queuelen"] = $1 end if line =~ /RX bytes:(\d+) \((\d+?\.\d+ .+?)\)/ net_counters[cint][:rx]["bytes"] = $1 end if line =~ /TX bytes:(\d+) \((\d+?\.\d+ .+?)\)/ net_counters[cint][:tx]["bytes"] = $1 end end so = shell_out("arp -an") so.stdout.lines do |line| if line =~ /^\S+ \((\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\) at ([a-fA-F0-9\:]+) \[(\w+)\] on ([0-9a-zA-Z\.\:\-]+)/ next unless iface[$4] # this should never happen iface[$4][:arp] ||= Mash.new iface[$4][:arp][$1] = $2.downcase end end end # end "ip else net-tools" block iface = ethernet_layer_one(iface) iface = ethernet_ring_parameters(iface) iface = ethernet_channel_parameters(iface) iface = ethernet_coalesce_parameters(iface) iface = ethernet_offload_parameters(iface) iface = ethernet_driver_info(iface) iface = ethernet_pause_parameters(iface) counters[:network][:interfaces] = net_counters network["interfaces"] = iface end end
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) require "rails" # Pick the frameworks you want: require "active_model/railtie" require "active_job/railtie" require "active_record/railtie" require "action_controller/railtie" require "action_mailer/railtie" require "action_view/railtie" require "action_cable/engine" # require "sprockets/railtie" require "rails/test_unit/railtie" # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module StocksApi class Application < Rails::Application # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. # Only loads a smaller set of middleware suitable for API only apps. # Middleware like session, flash, cookies can be added back manually. # Skip views, helpers and assets when generating a new resource. config.api_only = true end end
class AddFeatureStatusToSolusPlans < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :solus_plans, :feature_status, :integer add_index :solus_plans, :feature_status end end
FactoryGirl.define do factory :import_job_error do end end
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets. Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0' # Add additional assets to the asset load path # Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Emoji.images_path # Precompile additional assets. # application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS in app/assets folder are already added. # Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( search.js ) Rails.application.config.serve_static_assets = false