We have engaged with a third party service called AddThis to provide us information, reports and analysis about users' engagement with our content. All data collected by AddThis on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how AddThis collects data, please read their privacy policy at
How does a third party collect my info?
{ "answer_start": [ 112 ], "text": [ "users' engagement with our content" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Will you give me choices for my data collection?
{ "answer_start": [ 165, 54, 58 ], "text": [ "If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports,", "may collect", "collect personal information from you" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Do you collect or use my information? If yes, then what type?
{ "answer_start": [ 66 ], "text": [ "personal information" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Do I need to give up privacy control to use your service?
{ "answer_start": [ 253 ], "text": [ "we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion." ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
For what purpose do you use my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 87, 105 ], "text": [ "from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions", "participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Do you explicitly ask for information from users?
{ "answer_start": [ 96, 87 ], "text": [ "when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions.", "from you" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Does the website collect any information when I visit it?
{ "answer_start": [ 37 ], "text": [ "SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions." ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Do we need to consent before data can be collected by the website?
{ "answer_start": [ 96, 87 ], "text": [ "when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions", "from you" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Does this website collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 37 ], "text": [ "SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
What are purposes behind collecting or using my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 120 ], "text": [ "sweepstakes, contests or special promotions" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Is my information shared with others? If yes, then who?
{ "answer_start": [ 214 ], "text": [ "third party" ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
What is the scope of choice for third party data sharing?
{ "answer_start": [ 290, 290 ], "text": [ "If you do not want any personal information shared", "If you do not want any personal information shared," ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
If you need my data for promotions, will you share it with others?
{ "answer_start": [ 120 ], "text": [ "sweepstakes, contests or special promotions." ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Do you provide choices to the users with regards to third party data sharing?
{ "answer_start": [ 290, 342 ], "text": [ "If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.", "you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion." ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Will they disclose my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 165 ], "text": [ "If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time." ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Do you allow others to collect my information on your website?
{ "answer_start": [ 173 ], "text": [ "information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports," ] }
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
What type of personal info is shared by this website with a third party?
{ "answer_start": [ 66 ], "text": [ "personal information" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
How does the website collect information about me?
{ "answer_start": [ 180, 232 ], "text": [ "Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail.", "on the phone or through the mail." ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Do you collect my data via survey?
{ "answer_start": [ 77, 77 ], "text": [ "personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services.", "personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Who receives my information from this website?
{ "answer_start": [ 336, 341 ], "text": [ "with advertisers and partners", "advertisers" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
What is the scope of choice for third party data sharing?
{ "answer_start": [ 301, 301 ], "text": [ "shared,", "shared" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Do we have any choices for third party data collection? If yes, what are they?
{ "answer_start": [ 366 ], "text": [ "unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection." ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Does my shared data anonymous and not leak my identity?
{ "answer_start": [ 309, 325 ], "text": [ "but only in the aggregate,", "aggregate," ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
How can a third party see my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 294, 301, 266 ], "text": [ "may be shared,", "shared", "The information you provide may be shared," ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Do you collect data about users explicitly?
{ "answer_start": [ 77, 98 ], "text": [ "personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services.", "from you" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Will you give me choices for my data collection?
{ "answer_start": [ 65, 69 ], "text": [ "may collect", "collect personal information from you" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Where do you collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 180 ], "text": [ "Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services," ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
What is the opt-in choice (e.g., subscription) for data collection?
{ "answer_start": [ 126, 126 ], "text": [ "voluntary surveys", "voluntary" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Do you use my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 50 ], "text": [ "SIDEARM Sports may collect" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Do you use my information for research?
{ "answer_start": [ 107 ], "text": [ "in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Does the company share user's information with a third party?
{ "answer_start": [ 341, 357 ], "text": [ "advertisers and partners", "partners" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Will they disclose my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 294 ], "text": [ "may be shared" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
For what purpose do you use my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 341 ], "text": [ "advertisers" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Does the company share user's information with a third party for advertisements?
{ "answer_start": [ 341 ], "text": [ "advertisers" ] }
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Will you share the data with others collected via a survey?
{ "answer_start": [ 77 ], "text": [ "personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys" ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
How do you collect my information for use?
{ "answer_start": [ 92, 143 ], "text": [ "We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services.", "track use" ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Will you collect my data? If yes, how?
{ "answer_start": [ 92 ], "text": [ "We use various Internet technologies" ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Do you collect or use my data? If yes, then what type?
{ "answer_start": [ 178 ], "text": [ "Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you." ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Why do you collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 129, 132 ], "text": [ "to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services.", "manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Where do you collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 92 ], "text": [ "We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Does the collected data reveal my identity?
{ "answer_start": [ 178 ], "text": [ "Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you." ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Does this website use information collected from the user's?
{ "answer_start": [ 178, 92 ], "text": [ "Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies", "We use" ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
What type of my information is collected by the website?
{ "answer_start": [ 99 ], "text": [ "various Internet technologies to manage and track" ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Does the collected data reveal my identity?
{ "answer_start": [ 178 ], "text": [ "Non-personal" ] }
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology Information We Collect Using Technology We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
What types of user's information do you keep track of?
{ "answer_start": [ 149 ], "text": [ "use of the SIDEARM Services" ] }
Device Information . We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
Do you track my location data?
{ "answer_start": [ 171 ], "text": [ "geolocation information" ] }
Device Information . We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
Does the collected data reveal my identity?
{ "answer_start": [ 36 ], "text": [ "non-personal information" ] }
Device Information . We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
Is my IP address and device IDs collected when I go to your website?
{ "answer_start": [ 159, 159 ], "text": [ "IP address", "IP address," ] }
Device Information . We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
What types of user's information do you collect?
{ "answer_start": [ 196, 223, 49 ], "text": [ "unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.", "browser type, browser language and other transactional information.", "information about the computer, mobile device or other device" ] }
Device Information . We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
Do you use my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 21 ], "text": [ "We may collect" ] }
Device Information . We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
Does the collected data reveal my identity?
{ "answer_start": [ 36 ], "text": [ "non-personal" ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
What are the ways you are going to collect my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 64 ], "text": [ "We use \"cookies,\" Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies." ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
What type of my information is collected by the website?
{ "answer_start": [ 0, 71 ], "text": [ "Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use \"cookies,\" Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies.", "\"cookies,\" Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies." ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
Does the company use user's information for customized services?
{ "answer_start": [ 147, 228 ], "text": [ "These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services.", "recognize you and provide personalization," ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
Why do you collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 271, 275 ], "text": [ "and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services.", "help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
Do they honor the user's do not track policy?
{ "answer_start": [ 455 ], "text": [ "We do not respond to browser-based \"do not track\" signals." ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
What scope does the user choice apply to?
{ "answer_start": [ 431 ], "text": [ "accept cookies" ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
If you collect my data, do you need my permission?
{ "answer_start": [ 431 ], "text": [ "accept" ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
Does this website collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 64 ], "text": [ "We use" ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
Does the company use users' information for website/app operation?
{ "answer_start": [ 147 ], "text": [ "These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services," ] }
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use "cookies," Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based "do not track" signals.
What are the reasons for you to collect my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 342 ], "text": [ "You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us." ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Who do you share my information with?
{ "answer_start": [ 107, 112 ], "text": [ "to a reputable third party", "reputable third party" ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Do you share my information with advertisers?
{ "answer_start": [ 134, 155 ], "text": [ "in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.", "advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites." ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Do you disclose my online activities with others?
{ "answer_start": [ 62, 62 ], "text": [ "website usage information about our visitors", "website usage information" ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Does the company share any data that is personally identifiable?
{ "answer_start": [ 34 ], "text": [ "non-personally identifiable" ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Does a third party collect the user's data? If yes, what is the type of those users?
{ "answer_start": [ 94 ], "text": [ "our visitors" ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
How can a third party see my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 21, 25, 0 ], "text": [ "may transmit", "transmit", "The SIDEARM Services may transmit" ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Will they disclose my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The SIDEARM Services may transmit" ] }
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Do you share my non-personally identifiable data with third parties?
{ "answer_start": [ 34 ], "text": [ "non-personally identifiable" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Do you receive information from third party companies or services?
{ "answer_start": [ 24 ], "text": [ "We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
What types of my online activities is collected by the website?
{ "answer_start": [ 139 ], "text": [ "about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Will you let me modify the privacy setting for your data usage?
{ "answer_start": [ 442 ], "text": [ "For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Why do you collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 91 ], "text": [ "to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Does the company share my information with a third party?
{ "answer_start": [ 74, 208 ], "text": [ "Google Analytics", "Google Analytics" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
What is the scope of choice for third party data sharing?
{ "answer_start": [ 364 ], "text": [ "All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us." ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Why do you share my info with third parties?
{ "answer_start": [ 91, 105, 24 ], "text": [ "to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services.", "information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services.", "We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Can a third party comany see my online activities?
{ "answer_start": [ 245, 273, 273 ], "text": [ "non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites.", "usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites", "usage and volume statistical information" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Do they allow users to set their privacy setting for third party data collection?
{ "answer_start": [ 442 ], "text": [ "For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Do my shared data leak my identity?
{ "answer_start": [ 245 ], "text": [ "non-personally identifiable" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
For what type of users, do you share their information with others?
{ "answer_start": [ 319, 314 ], "text": [ "our visitors and customers", "from our visitors and customers" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
In what way you allow a third party to collect information about me?
{ "answer_start": [ 225, 225 ], "text": [ "tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites.", "tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Do you share my information with others?
{ "answer_start": [ 208, 225 ], "text": [ "Google Analytics tracks and analyzes", "tracks and analyzes" ] }
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Do you share users' aggregated info with others?
{ "answer_start": [ 245 ], "text": [ "non-personally identifiable" ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Does the company collect user's IP address and device IDs?
{ "answer_start": [ 25, 30, 14 ], "text": [ "your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet).", "IP address", "We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet)." ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Do you collect my information to provide service operation and security?
{ "answer_start": [ 100, 124, 100 ], "text": [ "We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions", "system administration and troubleshooting purposes,", "We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes," ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
How do you use my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 267, 267 ], "text": [ "serving certain advertisements)", "serving certain advertisements" ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Why do you collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 299, 303 ], "text": [ "and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.", "to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
How do you collect my information for use?
{ "answer_start": [ 21 ], "text": [ "log your IP address" ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Do you collect my information on your website?
{ "answer_start": [ 100 ], "text": [ "We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services." ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Does this website collect my information?
{ "answer_start": [ 14 ], "text": [ "We may log your IP address (t" ] }
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Why do you collect the my data?
{ "answer_start": [ 179, 176 ], "text": [ "customize content for specific regions", "to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements)" ] }
Log Files and Your Browsing History. We automatically log certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view.
Do you collect any information about me that I am not aware of?
{ "answer_start": [ 37, 37, 40 ], "text": [ "We automatically", "We automatically log", "automatically" ] }
Log Files and Your Browsing History. We automatically log certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view.
Do they keep track of my online activities?
{ "answer_start": [ 58, 58 ], "text": [ "certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view.", "certain usage information" ] }
Log Files and Your Browsing History. We automatically log certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view.
Does the company collect user's information directly on their website?
{ "answer_start": [ 37 ], "text": [ "We automatically log certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view." ] }
Log Files and Your Browsing History. We automatically log certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view.
Will they use the data collected from me?
{ "answer_start": [ 37, 37 ], "text": [ "We automatically log certain usage information", "We automatically log" ] }
Location Information. Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app. If you enable the location-based feature, your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information.
Do I have choice for my data collected or used by the website?
{ "answer_start": [ 218 ], "text": [ "will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information." ] }
Location Information. Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app. If you enable the location-based feature, your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information.
Does the company collects user's information on their mobile app?
{ "answer_start": [ 22, 293, 196 ], "text": [ "Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app.", "If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers.", "your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app" ] }
Location Information. Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app. If you enable the location-based feature, your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information.
Does the company collect user's location information?
{ "answer_start": [ 83, 196, 96 ], "text": [ "your current location", "your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app.", "location" ] }
Location Information. Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app. If you enable the location-based feature, your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information.
What is the opt-in choice (e.g., subscription) for data collection?
{ "answer_start": [ 105, 105 ], "text": [ "if you choose to enable that feature of the app.", "if you choose" ] }
Location Information. Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app. If you enable the location-based feature, your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information.
Do you collect my information to fulfill my additional requests or services?
{ "answer_start": [ 58, 22 ], "text": [ "deliver content based on your current location", "Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location" ] }