2 values
The brain stem is responsible for our bodies involuntary functions such as breathing, sleeping, heart-rate, eating, re-production, etc.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The brain stem is the area of the brain that controls all of our involuntary, &quot;life-support&quot; functions, such as breathing rate, blood pressure and heartbeat.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The brain stem which houses very important nerve centes such as those for breathing, heart rate, and every other nerve cell that originates from the brain.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The brain stem, which controls basic functions critical to life, such as heart rate, breathing, and sleeping.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The mesencephalon or midbrain is a part of the brain stem.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The three parts of the brain stem collectively regulate vital body functions, such as respiration, blood pressure, heart rate, GI functioning, and stages of sleep and wakefulness.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
These are areas of the brain stem that control awakening from sleep, breathing, and heart rate.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
This is part of the brain stem.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Various parts of the brain stem control vital body processes such as breathing, heartbeat, eye movements, hunger, thirst, and body temperature.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
breathing center is in the medulla oblongata or brain stem.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
respiratory center The structure or portion of the brain stem that regulates the depth and rate of breathing.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
the part of the brain that controls breathing
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Nerve cells have long threadlike shapes which are capable of transmitting nerve impulses from one region of the body to the other.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help transmit nerve impulses.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help<>transmit<>nerve impulses
Nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord (neurons) are connected to other parts of the body by nerve fibers-long,thin extensions of cells residing in the brain or spinal cord and carrying electrical impulses that stimulate targeted cells to perform specific functions.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help transmit nerve impulses.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help<>transmit<>nerve impulses
Nerve cells, for example, have long, thin extensions that can reach for meters and serve to transmit signals rapidly.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help transmit nerve impulses.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help<>transmit<>nerve impulses
Short threadlike extensions of a nerve cell;
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help transmit nerve impulses.
The long, threadlike extensions of the nerve cell help<>transmit<>nerve impulses
A Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Le Verrier, however, attributed this to a planet, which he called Vulcan, closer to the Sun than Mercury or to a second asteroid belt so close to the Sun as to be invisible.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury -- Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury -the closest planet to the sun .
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury Closest planet to the sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury Mercury is the 1st planet to the sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, and the eight largest.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury Radar Image Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury The planet closest to the Sun .
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and it is the eighth largest planet.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury is the closet planet to the sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury is the planet that is closest to the Sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury is the planet which is closest to the sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
Mercury, our innermost planet, orbits very close to the Sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
The Planet Mercury Learn all about the planet Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
The Planet Mercury Learn all about the planet Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
The planet Mercury is the closest of the planets to the Sun.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
While Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is relatively close to Earth, it remains one of the most mysterious planets.
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Mercury<>is<>closest to the sun
14 months as a Primate Trainer training orangutans, baboons and various monkey species;
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
A few primates live alone most of the time, such as the orangutan and the potto.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Although most species of primates live in social groups, there are a few primates that lead solitary lives including orangutans, some lemurs and a few galagos.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
And unlike other primates, orangutans build nests.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
As such, orangutans and humans both belong to the scientific order known as the primates, the group of mammals that contains all the monkeys, prosimians (the pre-monkeys) and apes living today.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Balikpapan Orangutan Society Orangutan Foundation UK Orangutan Foundation International Center for Orangutan and Chimpanzee Conservation Orangutan and Primate Information Center Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary BACK TO YOWIEPOWER.COM
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Both Bornean and Sumatran orangutans generally live alone in the wild, but Bornean orangutans tend to be more solitary than do their Sumatran counterparts.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Cambridge Science Productions, Root and Gallardo Primate Documentaries Production, and Orangutan Foundation.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
For this purpose, the Directorate General, in cooperation with the World Wildlife Fund (W.W.F.), established 'orangutan rehabilitation centers' to prepare illegally-captured orangutans for return to life in the wilderness.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Fossil Orangutan Found in Vietnam Research Opportunities at Regional Primate Research Centers......
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Humans are closely related to a group of primates commonly called the apes, which includes chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and gibbons.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
If you're interested in primates , then come visit some orangutans , or some gorillas .
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Malaysia's primates include the endangered orangutans and three species of protected gibbons.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Non-tailed primates such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are included in the Apes Section.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Once through the atrium, visitors take a winding boardwalk past other primates including a second gorilla group, orangutans, mandrills, and white-cheeked gibbons.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Orangutan and Primate Information Center Provides a centralised resource for orangutan and primate related information, facts and news.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Orangutans are generally less vocal than most other primates.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Other common primates include the monkey, baboon, orangutan, chimpanzee and gorilla.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Polytene chromosomes Pongid Group of primates to which the great apes (e.g., chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan) belong.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Providing news, facts, links and information on the Orangutan and Primate struggle for survival.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Sumatran orangutans are one of the great apes and are among the largest of all living primates.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Talk about Orangutans with other Primate supporters.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
The Sepilok Orangutan reserve promises new insight into our primate cousins.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
The orangutan is a tail-less primate with small ears and nose.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
The orangutan is the only non-human great ape found in Asia, but this development is relatively recent, as another group of primates may have evolved from Sivapithecus (Fleagle, 1999), and lived at the same time as orangutans, in what are now China, India and Vietnam (Morris, 2008).
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Tufts are found especially in the enamel of primates such as chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
Wild orangutans generally live alone (see A Passion for Fruit above), a byproduct of their food preferences.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
completion of the primate exhibits (orangutan, gorillas);
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
orangutans life cycle
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
orangutan<>generally lives alone<>
16 Another option is the implementation of a virtual water approach (based upon the processing of grains and foodstuffs to release trapped water for agriculture) which is, by some assessments, actually significantly more efficient than importation or desalinization.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
A.4 Reverse-osmosis desalination The membrane processes will probably be the key technological approach to the desalination of brackish water and seawater over the next ten years.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Another plan was to use Mediterranean water, which required a process of desalination.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Bad drinking water can be cleaned and processed to provide good, clean, potable water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Clean water was needed for processing the cloth.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Davy also invented a miner's safety helmet and a process to desalinate sea water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Desalination The process of salt removal from sea or brackish water, the removal of salts from saline water to provide fresh water , an increasingly popular way of providing fresh water to coastal populations.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Desalination The process whereby the salt content of water is greatly reduced so that saline water can be used for human consumption or irrigation.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Each experiment involved a desalination process of lengthy and repeated immersion in water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Let's start with the process of desalinating water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Moreover, the water produced by the SynCoal filtering process is clean enough for agricultural use.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Neice's project explains how polymeric membranes are useful for many things such as desalinization of sea water, water treatment and pharmaceutical processing.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
New Desalinization Process Could Solve World's Water Shortages.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
The Tri Power Process provides an efficient method of improving the thermal efficiency of a conventional power plant with or without multi-effect desalination of water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
The remainder was used for a variety of industrial processes, desalination, domestic hot water, and agricultural applications.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Then repeat the process with clean fresh water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
This percolation process helps clean the water before it reaches the underground storage basin.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Water desalination is a process used to remove salt and other dissolved solids to create fresh water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
desalination   The process of removing salt from water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
processed bentonite (by weight) and clean water.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
water used to clean process equipment;
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Process of desalinization<>helps<>provide cleaner water for agriculture$$$Process of desalinization<>helps provide<>cleaner water for agriculture
Antibodies Proteins in the immune system that recognize antigens and help kill invading microorganisms.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Antibodies are highly specific proteins that recognize and combine with such foreign substances as viruses, bacteria, and cells from other organisms.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Antibodies are natural defense proteins that organisms use to recognize and disable harmful proteins.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Antibodies are proteins produced by the body's immune system to identify and remove potentially harmful foreign materials like proteins, viruses, and bacteria.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Antibody protection recognizes proteins in both capsids, further supporting the assertion that the immune system recognizes multiple viral epitopes.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Examples of immunopotentiating agents include monoclonal antibodies and proteins derived from microorganisms (e.g., enterotoxins) which activate T cells.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
If this is so then include a bridging antibody (one that will recognize the primary antibody and bind protein A) between the primary antibody incubation and the Protein A-gold step.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
IgA is the antibody that plays an important role in the body's defenses against the invasion of microorganisms through mucous membrane-lined surfaces, including the nose, eyes, lungs, and intestines.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Leucocyte subpopulations from normally healthy individuals were identified by recognized combinations of fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies to CD markers and stained by different monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to normal cellular prion protein (PrPC), including the 3F4 MAb.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Many proteins, including antibodies, are difficult to express in host cells due to problems with insolubility, disulfide bonds or host cell toxicity.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
NP is one of a class of small organic chemicals that, when combined with a protein, will stimulate the generation of an antibody against itself.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting (coagulation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances (e.g., drugs and microorganisms).
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting (coagulation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any extra substances such as drugs and microorganisms).
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
Such tangible material shall include, but not be limited to, antibodies, cell lines, new microorganisms, plant lines, or progeny thereof;
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
The allergen combines with an allergic antibody, a protein that the allergic person produces and releases as a chemical mediator causing an allergic reaction to occur.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms
The fusion protein containing the combined EGF-like modules was recognized by anti- parasite antibodies and was immunogenic, producing high titre anti- parasite and anti-GST antibodies.
Antibodies recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms.
Antibodies<>recognize<>$$$Antibodies<>combine<>with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms